Posts Tagged Saskatchewan


Since the Reagan years the Republican States have increasingly engaged in illegal election rigging and voter suppression, especially against the Blacks. All the Harper / Poilievre anti democratic assaults on voting here in Canada, were taken directly from the Republican State’s play books. Thinking Canadians were well aware of the Fascist game, except for those who rely on the Nazi media, particularly Paul Godfrey’s rag, the National Post. Try this little game. Pick up a Post paper, don’t pay for it, they are free all over the place. Put the Paper away for 2 weeks. The you can see how many lies Paul Godfrey told you. Fascist gripers claimed that the Liberals were selling out to special interests when raising money. Godfrey thought this non story deserved major headlines? Three years ago, Herr Harper gave his employer, the USA oil monopoly, $ 850 million [ you tax money ] for Carbon Capture and Storage, an unproven technology promoted by BIG OIL and Brad Wall, Preem of Saskatchewan. 850 million would have certainly eased the burden of First Nations and those less well off. But to Godfrey, this raiding of the Canadian till by Harper didn’t rate a single word. I find it strange that in the USA, for an elected government in a democracy to impose laws which DEPRIVE SOME AMERICANS OF THE RIGHT TO VOTE. It just doesn’t square. Creating a huge class of second tier Americans has been the main work of the Republicans, the Tea Party, BIG MONEY, the Supreme Court and US Nazi media including FOX NEWS. And latterly the Democrats. This loose knit group of truly selfish people concluded, maybe 200 years ago, that they were exceptional, self appointed and a cut above the rest. This based on no more than a white skin and self approval. Maybe the USA has been like a ball of string all along. When the end comes the end comes, period. It has over the years, gradually been unwound and to-day, 2016 the end of the string has appeared. The appalling behaviour of such anti democratic people can only occur in a land where the majority of whites HAVE FELT AND STILL FEEL SUPERIOR BECAUSE OF THE COLOUR OF THEIR SKIN. AND NOW FEAR FOR THEIR PLACE IN THE SCHEME OF THINGS. It is a fatal flaw wherein the only outcome is TOTAL RUIN. A Country in shambles anyone??? The US Constitution is a fraud, a mere piece of window dressing to hide the real intent of the MASTER RACE, an idea which has afflict mankind from time to time [ 1933 to 1945 comes to mind ]. So while praising the Constitution, the forked tongued whites have not lived by its’ tenets but spent their time carrying on with their hidden agenda, namely, a small minority of rich OVERMEN and a majority of destitute UNDERMEN. Therefore the USA Constitution should be described as a charade, a front and a fraud, used to provide cover for the most despicable of deeds, almost on a par with the Nazis. Gassing and ovens have not made an appearance YET!!!. The Americans are unworthy of such a Constitution. Some ignore it. The majority refuse to defend it. The rightpublicanazis are unworthy since they hide behind a scrap of paper that is pure fiction in the real world. And the larger population is unworthy of such a democracy because they FAILED TO CULTIVATE AND ATTEND TO SUCH A FRAGILE GARDEN. Deep down at the Country’s core dwells hate, racism, cheating, lying and stealing are watchwords all. The extent of this double sided, cultural malaise has hidden by all participants, never fully explored. All have been afraid to confront this sickness which is now fully upon us. Far too many Yankees are incapable or even scared to look into the mirror. It has gotten so bad that certain Americans have been banned from gathering the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial because Trumpf and his gangster don’t like them. And this before Trumpf even takes office. It is my feeling that the Trumpfster will not serve out his term. Some patriot, devoid of ideology and concern for democracy in the USA will take the Donald out? Life in the USA is now no more than a Hollywood fantasy, divorced from the real world. It is a life which goes way back to slave times, when slavery seldom touched the whitie bubble. The world has increasingly been treated in the same manner by the USA, Washington has an appetite for people which it can bully and enslave. As long as the AMERIGREED wealth stripping corporate system is proceeding as planned the plight of the little local people or the far away little people is of little concern to the ever grasping Yankees. Alberta has vast swathes of toxic tar tailing ponds which the American oil monopoly has abandoned and willed to Canada. It is par for the course, the Yankees always leave their garbage behind, no matter how lethal. About the toxic tar ponds there has been no outcry from official Canada over the past ten years. What kind of royal screwing would it take to get Paul Godfrey to apy attention to such an important matter? The area of unusable landscape in Hiroshima after the A Bomb was 13 sq kms. The tar tailing ponds cover 174 sq kms. And yet the yahoos in Alberta continue to pick on Rachel Notley as the bringer of all grief. As I have said before make the American oil monopoly clean up their tailing ponds or seize their property. The Yankees have in essence said, we dumped our garbage in your fair Province now you Albertans can clean the place up. Alberta allowed the monopoly to get away with stockpiling this filth but the Province has no money. Rather Canadians are on now on the hook. And yet Albertans have the nerve to blame Canada for all their ills. Steve Harper wanted to build a wall around Alberta. That idea sounds better and better with each day. The USA oil monopoly was taking the tar out of Alberta for almost free. Now the monopoly doesn’t want that tar because it is buying ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqi people. Much of that stolen ISIS oil is refined in the USA along the Delaware River and exported to Quebec and Ontario. The price we pay for gas, diesel and jet fuel is based on oil that is $ 100 a barrel. If anyone wants to sucker Canadians just take lessons from the USA. Pierre Trudeau was right about not allowing Washington and the USA oil monopoly dominating Alberta politics 35 years ago. As they also do in Saskatchewan under Brad Wall. US money has a special allure for right wingers in Canada. Frank Miller, Brian Mulroney, Mike Harris, Steve Harper, Dalt McGuinty, Brian Jean, Jason Kenney, Jim Prentice et al were all a special breed of Canadians. Those prepared to sell their Country to the USA in return for a cheque. Nothing new here. The Americans have been buying up politicians around the world for 80 years. Brussels is the latest buy. Goldman Sachs now runs the European Central Bank. Fortunately the Brits, who still have a valid ballot voted out. Goodo for them. Back in the 1980s Pierre Trudeau, with his NEP tried to combat the control of Alberta oil by the Americans. And what did Big Oil do??? Why with the help of the Canadian newspapers, the elites here and a vibrant, local Fifth Column element in this Country conducted a massive smear campaign against Trudeau senior. And lo these many years later the NEP smear continues. When oilies take a dislike to someone they will spend whatever it takes to destroy that person. The Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV and Global just love smears and the oilie cheque that goes with it. The oilie’s current smear campaigns against Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau are just a continuation of what ever BIG OIL WANTS BIG OIL GETS. What these campaign require is a well paid corrupt and traitorous media and treasonous Canadians who collectively are prepared to take petro dollars to sell the rest of us out. All those involved in selling Canada out believe that we the locals who suffer or even die are expendable, it is just the cost of doing business. This Yankee thinking has not changed since Jamestown / 1607. Canada has always been coveted by the Americans. The pre Civil War idea of manifest Destiny was supported by many Americans. It held that because Americans were special, their’s was the right to take what the wanted to remake and redeem North America, in their own image. Some supposedly wise Americans, including Abraham Lincoln, saw the moral mission of the Country was to the furthering of the democratic system, broadly. But recently the democratizing of the globe has morphed into commercial domination by the US. Apparently, since 1945 the Americans have been involved with 82 military excursions, including the Iraq War, to force democracy down the throats of recalcitrant locals who decide to be uncooperative on the road to serfdom. With Britain and Canada the Yankees saw no need to invade, cash would surely bring the Quislings a running. The far right in the USA saw the opportunity for world conquest by stealth. The velvet covered brick. Well Abe lost out and we are all the poorer. Many countries have fallen or been driven into the USA sphere . Usually they are completely disarmed and haven’t the means to escape their confinement. Canada has so far been able to avoid such a takeover throughout its’ history. The War of 1812 and the Harper Regime of 2006 to 2015 saw us come the closest to becoming a USA province. In the most recent case, Paul Godfrey was paid by AMERIGREED to play a huge role in handing the keys to Canada to the rightpublicanazis. The Godfrey / National Post operation is illegal from one end to the other. The newspaper chain is owned by Americans, illegal. Godfrey prints False News, illegal [ Criminal Code Sec. # 181]. Godfrey lies to Canadians, paid by the Americans to do so, treasonous??? Godfrey defames and libels the opponents of the right wing. Illegal. Godfrey censors the news in such a way that Canadians only see what the Americans want them to see. I can’t even begin to think what Godfrey would have been doing if Lyin Steve had won? Play Goebbels maybe??? Now with the huge amount of US dollars flowing to our Nazi media the picture is quite clear. AMERIGREED IS SETTING ITS SIGHTS ON 2019 AS THE TAKEOVER DATE, BOTH IN ALBERTA AND CANADA. On board, besides the National Post are the Canadian Fifth Column which includes Brian Mulroney, Conrad Black, Brad Wall, Brian Pallister, Preston Manning, the Universities of Calgary / Carleton, the Globe and Tar, the Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC. I mean these traitors have placed their bet on the power of American dough winning in the end. They are helped in their assessment by the fact that AMERIGREED PAYS THEM ALL RETAINERS. What AMERIGREED wants, AMERIGREED usually gets, democracy or no democracy. And now at the very end of the string comes Trumpf. A mental patient, who is just the latest and grandest outrage coming out of right wing ideology. Only the odd American journalist or academic is willing to even look down into the sewer. And those who do give the sewer only the briefest of glances. Most in the US Nazi media are quite comfortable being down in the sewer, but they do a little squirming and then grab for the cheques. Greed has become the principle driver in the USA. Anyone who comments or writes about Trumpf without attacking the boy / man is morally and intelligently bankrupt. Those who support Trumpf, do not care what damage The Donald will do to American. They are each convinced they will be unaffected by the Civil War no raging. One exception to the train wreck is Noam Chomsky, who predicted this state of ARMAGEDDON, 25 YEARS AGO. It is truly the last battle between good and evil in these Disunited States of America. As Churchill said when looking at the possibilities of Nazi domination, ” If we fail, we will sink into the abyss of a new dark age, made more sinister and perhaps more protracted by the lights of perverted science “. I will borrow. If Canada and the world fails to stem the Trumpfster and his Fascist band, we will sink with the USA into the abyss of a new dark age, made more sinister and protracted by the art of science being replaced by hate, religious fanaticism and racism. The timid Americans, who are not Tea Bagger types, have been unwilling to look at the HATE that lurks beneath the ground in their sewer. For most Yankees in the public eye, they just deny and deny that this HATE EVEN EXISTS. But now with the elevation of Trumpf TO THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT, we can clearly see that 40% of Americans encapsulate racist white supremacists or chickenshit whitish racists. In the latter category are the whites who wave at their Black neighbour or speak to Hispanics, Asians and Muslims at the super market but don’t want them to get too close or to get too uppity and forget their diminished place in the scheme of things. Lady Barb Black said it best, ” the little people should know their place “. Well, I would like to tell the Blacks that IN MY CANADA THERE ARE NO LITTLE PEOPLE. In the privacy of the whites only voting booths, the chickenshit whites showed their true colours by voting for Trumpf. What is at stake for them is the loss of the unearned, inherited superiority of the whites who see themselves as being exceptional. This, for doing nothing more than being born the right colour. Under the circumstances, you would think that seeing the Repubs are in total control, with no democratic restrains to encumber them, they’d seeking the best educational opportunities for their kind? But no. For the rabid right being an uneducated knob is apparently their goal. Stupidity on the part of the righties is worn like a medal. The dumber the better, it would seem. But mother nature has no time for those out of sync. She doesn’t care if the rightpblicanazis won’t acknowledge, California and the mid west are returning to desert, the seas are rising and will shortly swamp the US east coast and the new path of the Jet Stream guarantees the Dakotas and Montana will have colder winters and drier summers. Trumpf’s anti global warming stance is superfluous and is a waste of breath. Herr Harper was also bent on rendering Canadians ignorant. Lyin Steve took away the census to dumb us down and was working with Paul Godfrey and the staff of the National Post to rewrite the Country’s history. Given enough time and we would have thought the Yankees have owned Canada since the War of 1812. Recent job studies indicate that Blacks and Hispanics captured 78% of all the new jobs created in 2015, although they are only 50% of the population. There is a simple reason. The Blacks and the Hispanics seek ever and ever higher levels of education, even under duress they advance. While the white mob reverts to cave man status. It used to be that the USA led the world in new thinking and innovation. Not anymore. Hitler killed the educational system in Germany and promoted militarism. The rightpublicanazis promoted / promote stupidity among their followers as Harper did here. Like the Nazis, the Repubs support unrestricted machine gun ownership. It is the same as after the Nat Turner led Black uprising in Virginia in 1831. The whites armed themselves to the teeth, the slaves were coming. The white populations in the slave States in many areas were outnumbered. They were gripped with fear. The whitie leadership played on this fear and imposed even tougher rules on the Black. Basing an economic system on the free labour of the oppressed and pursuing it’s expansion with naked greed ensured the party would come to an end. It was a precursor to the Civil War of 1861 / 65. Rather than learn from the missteps from 1609 to 1861 the south only doubled down. Now in 2016, the huge, unrestricted influx of Hispanic cheap labour is once more threatening whitie control. And Trumpf’s supporter are not only angry at this turn of events they are scared shitless. The white population is actually decreasing and the minority number are expanding rapidly, especially the Hispanic community. What to do, what to do??? The self appointed Repub OVERMEN [ the Nietzsche Myth promoted by H. L. Mencken and Ayn Rand is just that, a Myth ], have rested on their oars much too long and the world has passed them by. In the interim the US MINORITIES and people globally, have forged ahead in terms of education, an ever widening world view, an understanding of Global Warming and the level of their skills and talents. The 40 million or so USA right wingees are disturbed by the advancement of minorities in America and are attempting to hold back the hands of time. NO!!! They are trying to turn back the hands of time. Rots of ruck. The Canadian cultural and trading arrangement that I have been suggesting encompasses more than 2 billion people. There are almost 200 million Americans who want no part of Trumpf. 40 million ignorant, white supremacists, who are led by the boy Trumpf, a pretend man, are determined to run the world, populated with many billions at the point of the machine gun. They are dreaming in technicolour. It may be that the only way to restore democracy to the USA after a period of unnecessary strife is to revive concentration camp idea and equip then with giant size ovens. We ain’t seen nothing yet?

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Making things worse still, is the fact that the whities have not a clue as to where they fit into the wider world. Study after study shows the USA at the back of the pack in terms of an understanding of global affairs. When you are used to giving orders and punishing those to do not step lively enough the present impotence is infathomable to the rightpublicanazis. Funny, the whites see themselves being left behind even though they are still in control. The vote for Trumpf was made to arrest that fantasy process. Trunpf and his misguided followers are attempting to solve a problem that doesn’t exist. But sorry, it is much too late. Canada and the other Western nations could tomorrow, form a new global arrangement and do an end run around the US corporations and globalization and the wealth stripping by AMERIGREED . The present Trumpf friendly culture, now emerging, which sees a long line of Republicans bent over with their pants down, offers no hope of the USA catching up. So the fall back position is to do what Yankees have always done best, blame others and seek victims to milk. Simpletons who they can cheat, lie to and steal from. The Nazi media is already laying the groundwork for the next round of world thefts. The basic question now is, will the white minority be successful in turning the clock back to the 1950s, 1900s or 1860s and just how many of the minorities will they deported or exterminate? Trumpf has promised as much. Thanks to the Donald, Hayek, FOX NEWS and the rightpublicanazis, democracy has come to an end in America, although they are not going public with the truth just yet. The righties think they can fool the American fools one more time. The quaint idea of one person, one vote is in immanent danger globally, so says the American Nazi media. IT MAY BE TOO LATE FOR DEMOCRACY IN THE USA WITHOUT LOSS OF LIFE??? The whites think as of 2016, only white votes have meaning. THAT IS WHAT THEY THINK!!! The whites might believe that THEY ALONE HOLD THE WHIP HAND. But this transition to a Fascist dictatorship can only happen IF THE MINORITIES ALLOWS IT TO HAPPEN. But as the majority of Americans pore into the streets and begin trashing, burning and the shootings escalate, it looks like the dream of the white haters to retain control of the agenda by use of the gun, is but a faint hope. For some time, I have been writing about those frightened, confused, low brained whites hiding down in the sewer. These demented people used to emerge ever four year to vote Republican, then go hide in the sewer again. The Repubs counted on the sere dwellers. But since Obama, the white sewers dwellers have gotten extremely tired of the hollow Repub promises for perpetual supremacy and a vibrant economy. The KKK types have always been in the shadows, just muttering to one another behind close doors. One of the jobs of the Repub paid US Nazi media was to give zero coverage to the outbreaks of rabid racism. To make believe it isn’t happening. Then Donald arrived on the scene and pulled back the man hole cover, capping the sewer. Trumpf let the racist thugs up, out, into the sunlight and gave them license. Trumpf himself has promised to fulfill every whitie wish, going the Repubs many better. Trumpf is centre stage, surrounded by the Repub toadies, each one having kissed Donald’s ring finger or his ass. 40 million white racists are NOT NOW reaching for their guns, they don’t have to. They expect Trumpf to deliver on his promises. Can one demented, Sociopathic soul like the Trumpfster deliver such impossible dreams in world of 7.5 billion people ?????? They will all have to bend to his will. Hitler came to power depending on nobody else and dammed near enslaved the whole world. In 2016, forty million white supremacists can’t function on their own, they depend on millions of slaves around the globe. It is said that the farther a country is away from the USA, the better chance they have to survive unimpeded. Not only is Donald guaranteeing his supporters perpetual white control but he is going to make each one of them rich. This fantasy will be built upon many backs world wide. I think that the many backs will have something to say about the matter. Some time back a study was done which showed it takes 28 people around the world in servitude to keep each affluent American comfortable. This serving class includes Canadians. We have a far lower standard of living, when related to our resources. This because of the wealth stripping by AMERIGREED. WHY??? Because we let them!!! We let the Yankees in here to fuck us good and we say nothing. Could there be enough spine in Canada to run through that open door which has just opened??? The evil monster is preoccupied, now is the time to scram. So although the Republican States rigged the 2016 election, as they have been doing for the last 35 years, they lost. That is why the door is now wide open. It has been proven over and over that right wingers has no insight. Their ideology prohibit them from thinking. There is no reason for them to ever worry about the future, when the rightpublicanazis could buy that future they desire? This time it hasn’t work. Surprise, surprise, Donald walked right into the hall and stole the Republican crown jewels and the party’s supporters. The Repub / Tea Bag Party is now the Trumpf party. He owed and he owes the Republicans absolutely nothing. The Donald can sit in the Oral Office and thumb his nose at all the rightpublicanazis. Trumpf’s real boss now, is a lazy, ignorant, racist mob that wants superior status, riches by default and the elimination of anyone they don’t like. Citizens in the USA and around the globe, who have a higher Intelligence Quotient than the Trumpf rabble, will be required to submit to this loser pipe dream. Will the world’s population bow and surrender. Will they walk and say screw you Yankees??? We will now see in each country, who are the agents of the rightpublicanazis, Like Harper, Kenney, Paul Godfrey, Ezzie le Rant and crew. Global right wing Trumpf lovers are now showing their allegiance to a USA dictatorship, screw their home country. The Harper Fascists and Paul Godfrey have given a clear sign as to where their money is coming from. To-day, Canadians, who are getting next to nothing for their soft wood lumber and Alberta tar will have to agree to accept Trumpf’s offer of even lower prices for their resources and a lower standard of living. Trumpf’s grandfather was a German, who came to the USA by boat a hundred years ago. The Blacks, who are constantly being abuse and insulted by Trumpf and his supporters, have been on this continent for FOUR HUNDRED YEARS. Second class citizenship, which was imposed on the Blacks at Jamestown 1609, is still being imposed on Hispanics, Asians and Muslims by white supremacists. They have been drawn to the Fascist, Trumpf, by his use hatespeak as the watchword. The white birthrate is below zero. Not enough white babies are being born to replace the whites who are dying of old age, drugs, booze, stupidity and suicide. The birth rate of minority women is 2.3 babies per. In less than 20 years the minorities will far outnumber the whites. Continued white dominance can only prevail if the minorities surrender the field. To guarantee the continuing domination of America by the white supremacists, the KKK and white militias needed to act NOW OR NEVER! They acted by coming out to vote for Trumpf. In doing so the white racists blew it. It was their last card and it turned out to be the JOKER. The Repubs, from Reagan onward, promised their white supremacist supporters that elections would be rigged, votes would be tampered with, the Democratic opposition would be intimidated and the minorities would be prevented from voting. The US Supreme Court declared many of these measures unconstitutional. The Repub States ignored the USA-SC, and the Repub Court didn’t raise a finger in protest. Steve Harper used Republican State operatives AS ADVISORS. Harper, his Fascist Party, those ADVISORS, US petrol dollars, the Nazi media including Paul Godfrey stole the 2011 Canadian Election. This criminal clan didn’t do so well in 2015. I had hoped so but was concerned that too many Canadians were snoozing while the Americans annexed this Nation. But Harper the VAMPIRE still haunts the Land, mentally ill but as yet uncommitted? To kill him off will require a wooden stake to the heart or a fiery oven. The Repubs, have over the past few years succeeded in preventing millions of minority voters from casting their ballots. Some democracy??? No democracy really! Well then Fred Hayek never did support democracy nor did Ron Reagan, H. L. Mencken, Milton Friedman, Leo Strauss, Alan Greenspan or Ayn Rand. And Trumpf declares he won the election fair and square. The Donald, drawing a leaf for the rightpublicanazi’splay book, should have said we cheated fair and square Loaded dice are loaded dice in any game. Interestingly, Americans have a habit of proudly wearing gold medals they stole without ever a hint of a blush. With the election of Barack Obama in 2008, everyone could see that the Republicans had no clothes. The Party could no longer guarantee white control forever. The Tea Party was born in 2009 as a result and commands a following of about 10% of Americans. These zealots of the right wing lunatic fringe, did not accept Republican fumbling of their white forever guarantee or the death of white supremacy in the US. The Tea Baggers attacked the Repub Party itself for its’ core failure, with the thought in mind to clean house and take over. All moderate Republicans were purged. Things were taken further down and even dirtier. The Repub Party hierarchy was scared out of it’s wits by the Baggers and meekly surrendered the reins of the Party to them. The Tea Party only further emboldened the whitie racists. But the Baggers failed also, all they did was bring the Country to a grinding halt economically. When Obama was elected again in 2012, the shit really hit the fan for the white supremacists. Perpetual control seemed even farther away for them and after 4 years of obstructing the Government in Washington, the Republicans / Tea Party had not only failed to deliver white dominance in perpetuity but destroyed the finances of their racist supporters and the Country as well. In 2015, what the whities prayed for was someone even more extreme than the Tea Party. That was when Trumpf showed up. The Fuhrer TO BE has promise even grander outrages. The white master race, according to Trumpf, will remain masters forever and to sweeten things even further there would be chicken in every Fascist pot. That is exactly what Hitler said. It took 12 years and the deaths of 40 million to prove the Fuhrer was telling lies. In 2016 Republican supporters deserted the Party in favour of this tyrannical Pied Piper, Trumpf. Even some democrats voted for Trumpf, they couldn’t take the Democratic / Clinton twins corruption any longer. So the disillusioned Dems jumped from the frying pan down into the sewer! The Republicans have been smitten by the Nazi movement since 1933 and were taking money from Hitler in the late 1930s. The right had to hide their feeling during the War. It took till the 1960s for the rightpublicanazi establishment to start spending money and expending its’ efforts to building a New Reich. It would seem that things are not working out from Trumpf any better than for Adolph. A small group of demented, rightie, Sociopaths began changing the American governmental system on the QT from Reagan time till now. Backed by the One Percent To put it simply, while the bulk of the USA population slumbered along the right wing changed the locks. The ballot, which free people in the States hold so dear, is to-day worthless. It can’t even be used as bum wipe! Now the only option the Trumpf opponents have, is exactly what they are doing, taking to the streets, damaging property and torching businesses. Being down to just one option can be laid at the doorstep of a comatose American electorate. Comatose thanks to the US Nazi media. The rightpublicanazis stole the Country right from under the noses of the people. And then Trumpf stole the disgruntled Repub base right from under the noses of the Republicans. I would suggest to the, ” NOT TRUMPF “, organizers that they become very surgical. Instead of just marching through city streets, throwing rocks, they should create specific targets. If we go back in time to Nat Turner [ 1831 ] and Virginia. He was a very well educated slave who led a rebellion, with about 75 men. They had had enough abuse to last 3 lifetimes. This mob slaughtered about 50 whites, who had mistreated the blacks in their care. My point is that throughout all of the whitie slave States, the citizens became frightened. In some areas there were as many Blacks as whites or even more. The concern was, what would the outcome be if the Blacks got hold of guns? To-day the whites are being pushed into minority status. That same fear of losing control, that gripped the Nation almost 200 years ago has returned but the outcome will be much different this time. The whites have no recourse. They are trapped. Some of them are saying they would rather cut their own throats than live under minority rule. I would like to see the protesters now in the streets get serious. The best thing for a rabid dog is a bullet in the head. Americans who value the democracy that is now lost to them must realize they are dealing with 40 million rabid dogs, a vicious breed, bred by the Reagan’s Republicans. Simply put, as long as these rabid dogs roam the Land, democracy is but a fading memory. Canadians beware. We also have a rabid dog element in this Country that will not be satisfied until this Nation is a province of the USA. Now is not the time to snooze.

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ANY RIGHT WING FOOL, LIKE PAUL GODFREY, CAN FIND A PROBLEM SOMEWHERE IF HE DIGS HARD ENOUGH AND HAS HIS DRONES KEEP REPEATING THE MISINFORMATION / LIES OVER AND OVER AGAIN, AD NAUSEAM. FINDING A SOLUTION IS A DIFFERENT MATTER ENTIRELY, NOW THAT DOES TAKE SKILL!!! THE RIGHT WING DOESN’T ALLOW PROBLEM SOLVERS IN ITS’ RANKS. THEIR IDEOLOGY HAS AS ITS’ MOST PRECIOUS COMMODITY IS CHAOS. JUST LOOK TO THE SOUTH ACROSS THE 49TH. SO TAKE YOUR PICK? YOU CAN BUY A NATIONAL POST AND READ ABOUT ALL THE PROBLEMS, CALCULATED TO MAKE YOU FEARFUL, ANXIOUS AND SOFTEN CANADIANS UP FOR THE USA TAKEOVER. {{{ PM Trudeau hitches a ride in the Aga Khan’s helicopter. Terrible, terrible, Godfrey froths at the mouth. Preem Brian Pallister of Manitoba, spends much of his time at his place in Costa Rica. Working holidays Brian says. About that Paul says little. Godfrey complains that Trudeau is out meeting people when he should be working. Trudeau is Captain of the good Ship Canada, and he is on the job. Pallister is Manitoba’s Captain, but he is no where to be seen. Brian is on a beach in the Islands. But Pallister being AWOL is not oilie news. Paul, Paul, Paul, balance man balance. Not only does the National Post print lies and False News, the Paper is selective in what they publish for the ever dutiful right wing knobs. Exactly what Houston pays for.

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At this point in time, before Trumpf takes Office, we can at least identify the losers who have brought a great Country to its’ knees, after just more than 200 years. A very noble experiment, based on the English experience but brought low by arrogance and greed. The economy of the USA, from the very beginning was build on the free labour of the Black slaves. That dependency was and is like a core cancer that has NEVER BEEN ADDRESSED. The US Civil War of 1861 / 65 was a violent convulsion which should have prompted a complete reappraisal of the American political system. In life, if we wish to survive we must learn from our mistakes. In the aftermath of the Civil War, 150 years ago, no such reappraisal took place. The losers in the South were sore losers and dug in their heels looking to return to that earlier time. Sp in a sense the pot was left bubbling awaiting the next encounter. Well that very encounter is now upon the USA. Countries of the world best keep their distance, for there is nothing anyone can do to help the Americans avoid a complete meltdown. To-day, two Republican States, just passed Legislation that will allow 19 year olds to carry concealed weapons in public to use as they see fit. Such young gun owners will not be require to register, receive any kind of instruction or obtain a license. Can you imagine thousands of teenagers, armed to the gills. being able to use their machine gun anytime they wish, no questions asked. As stated, our Prime Minister Trudeau, holds the key to keeping the rest of the world on an even keel as US Ship Titanic sinks beneath the wave. While I believe PM Trudeau is a talented politician, it is the Country as presently constituted that has the horses to provide global leadership so badly needed at this juncture. We here are 80% self sufficient and lack for nothing of a strategic nature. Canada could pull up the draw bridge and operate quite nicely all on its’ own thank you very much. In fact I have written before than to so do would improve our economy markedly and our live would be less encumbered by American interference like with the national Post papers. If one is going into battle the first order of business is to secure the home from. This nation is truly blessed and there are no taps which foreigners have access to which can in any way limit our maneuvering room. As a result Canada lives in no fear of being punished for its’ actions, even from the once mighty USA.

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Donald Trumpf is a loser. 70% of Americans do not accept his leadership. He can’t fulfill his promises to those doorknobs who voted for him. His every action will increase the discomfort of the 70% and his every action will not / can not please the knobs. Already there are mutterings from white supremacists, complaining about The Donald going back on his word. Already we see moves to impeach Trumpf and he hasn’t yet set foot in the oral office. My take is that Trumpf will not fill out his term. Some crazy will assassinate him.

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The Republican Party Nationally has been destroyed. Trumpf has neutered the lot. Only the Republicans at the State level have retained their organizations. The 30 or so Repub States have zero influence over Trumpf, nor does he have any power over them. So it is a standoff. The Supreme Court will get new Repub Justices because they are the only flavour the Senate will confirm. The 18 member Senate Committee will contain Democrats but they have zilch power. In future any decision by the Supreme Court will be suspect as the Court has become an arm of the thoroughly discredited Republican Party. The opinions of the SC Justices now count about as much as 19 year olds in Missouri and Ohio. In fact I’d bet the muzzle of a gun carries more weight???

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The Democrats are losers too. The Party maintained the course it set back in the 1990s. This, to support a rich, elite, exclusive culture, ignore the wants and needs of Americans and stay a little to the left of the Republicans. The Dems believed, if they stayed hung out in the liberal middle, with the Repubs trying the patience of most Americans they would automatically win votes because there was nobody else to vote for. Trumpf gave those disaffected people someone to vote for. The Democrats did not campaign to win anything. They rested on their oars expecting manna from Heaven. To ensure that control remained in the hands of powerful Democrats the party could always count on an undemocratic nomination system, namely Super Delegates, about one third of the delegates. The anti democratic Super Delegate system was put in place by the Dems to ensure there would be no surprises. If Democrat supporters favoured candidate that the Party brass didn’t like then the Supers represented a safety valve. Democracy could be set aside and the choice of the insiders would prevail. So both political parties abandoned the democratic system in favour of furthering the interests of insiders and the American people said go screw yourselves. The Trumpfster is their legacy. It would seem that when democracy was disappeared in America by the Dems, the Retards and the Nazi media [ which takes money from both ], there was no guarantee that they will be the only participants in the political game. There is now a new dangerous force at work in the USA, undefined and as yet beyond the control of any group. Even the Nazi media has been neutered, although they won’t admit it. America the ugly was built on commerce and industry. Political turmoil as we see south of the border IS NOT GOOD FOR BUSINESS. Canada and other countries in the world should realize what an opportunity this very fractured Disunited States of America presents. Market share can be easily seized and the lines of communication with customers or trading partners can be strengthened. Quality products at an affordable price, delivered on time with good service as the backup, will look good as the Yankees descend into a good old pie fight. Once a consumer finds a new, dependable supplier, they never go back.

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The question is who now holds power??????? Trumpf if he ever assumes power will have very limited powers. The Donald has no political experience and has few friends in Washington. He is a Cadillac with a VW engine and no gas in the tank. The Senate now has 52 Republicans and 46 Democrats as of Dec. 31/16. On Nov. 8/16 there were 34 seats up for grabs. The Repubs won 22 seats with 40 million votes and the Dems won 12 seats with 51 million votes. This is a clear case of the extent to which the Republican States have rigged the voting system. It is also a clear sign of the extent to which the USA has move away from the democratic system. The Senate vote should have given the Dems 19 seats with 51 million votes and the Repubs 14 seats with 40 million votes. The count should therefore now be a tie 50 to 50. But in America the Republicans have worked to ensure that the will of the people doesn’t count and the majority no longer rules. The people should be screaming at the top of their lungs but we hear not a wimper The present rigged standing in the Senate is Repubs 52 and Dems 46. Thus the Dems can filibuster to delay legislation and the Repubs don’t have the required number of seats to overcome it. So the Senate is in essence deadlocked and devoid of any power. The House has got a 3 way split. Repubs, Dems and the Tea Party. Each can’t be seen to be cooperating with its’ opponents so the House is deadlocked as well. The Supreme Court has a vacancy, thus is lacking a deciding Justice. And so it also is deadlocked with only 8 seats filled rather than the required tie breaker 9th seat. So as America disintegrates before our very eyes, just who is in charge of the shop??? WELL NOBODY ACTUALLY. What is left is the gun, civilians armed with more than 300 million guns, the police and the military. With shootings already underway in America’s 2nd Civil War, there is only one sure thing. The use of guns will increase and where that takes the Country nobody knows??????

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The white supremacists lost everything. If Hillary and Bill, one corrupt couple, had one the whities could have commenced shooting. But with the Trumpf win, they have no target now. The Donald promised the white mob pie in the sky. The pie in the sky is NOT GOING TO ARRIVE. BUT, BUT, BUT! So the whitish lunatic fringe can’t take any action while they wait for the Trumpf pie to be delivered. If in the end there is no pie [ that we already now ], then their only target is the Trumpfsters. During the next 4 years of internal strife the minorities will continue to have children and the white population will continue to die out. The USA grows at about 3.3 million people a years. In 2020 there will be more than 12 million more citizens, two thirds of them drawn from the minority ranks. With the election of Trumpf the white masters hit the brick wall and then can only shoot and deport a certain percentage of the Americans they don’t like. But the neanderright will try.

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The soft white racists lost as well. Their central core belief was that they could play the race card, play with fire, back Trumpf and life would still go on for them as before. And that they would be unaffected by the Civil War. Living in gated communities which are patrolled by private police forces is no longer a solution, it is a trap. I would be inclined to identify large gated communities across the USA. The electricity towers, sewer and water lines could be dynamited. And when the whites tried to escape their imprisonment, the minorities could pick them off with ease.

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The Nazi media in the USA as well as in Canada and the UK lost bigtime. Although AMERIGREED will continue to pay them to print and broadcast, lies, False News, rightie propaganda and to practice censorship, their grip will continue to loosen at an accelerating rate. Smart global citizens are not taken in by the paid Nazi media fare. One needs an accurate road map to navigate. Paul Godfrey / Post papers and Dave Thomson / Globe and Tar print false road maps which only lead readers farther into the swamp. I mean this is terrific from my standpoint. The 20% of Canadians who are dead between the ears will plunge deeper and deeper into fantasy land. For those who now the real story, the competition just got weakened. These knobs don’t want Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, don’t read, don’t use the census, rely on the Steve Harper / Paul Godfrey version of Canadian history, frown on unions, are against public education and believe they ARE NOT THEIR BROTHER’S KEEPER. Why don’t we let them have their way. As the NEW CANADA TAKES SHAPE THEY WILL BE LEFT IN THE DUST. Those who break the laws passed by the MAJORITY will just be put in one of Harper’s jails. The Nazi media in the USA has shot it’s bolt and has become irrelevant. Although the English Nazi media was paid hugely by AMERIGREED to support staying in the EU, they failed miserably. Even now the scare campaign being mounted by the Nazi press, especially in London, against leaving the EU is like a squib going off. The rightie newspapers in the UK are a spent force, no longer credible and without any influence except among the right wing crowd. I forecast that the that the 40% of rightpublicanazis in the USA and their adherents, 20% in the UK and possibly 15% in Canada, their political parties and the paid Nazi propagandists will be left behind by the sharpie majority world around the world. A new common cultural and trade organization awaits OUR PLEASURE. With Canada and England leading the way we could embrace more than 2 billion people world wide in arrangements that benefit all concerned. Out with the pick our pockets Americans. Human capital and the proper deployment of same is all important. Canada / UK can have cultural and trade ties with the British Commonwealth, Iceland, Cuba, Central America, Australia and New Zealand for starters. It is as simple as asking each other, what have you got to trade??? However in the NEW CANADA and the New World the National Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV and Global have no role to play. Their organizations have no understanding of the real world and are very much limited by their severe right wing bent, upbringing and education. The entire foregoing contingent, in real terms, are about as useful in these new endeavours as tits on a bull.

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The Tea Party is a spent force. With funding from the one percent, it attempted to push the Republicans farther to the right. Something that did happen. In doing so the Baggers appealed even moreso to the white supremacist crowd, with the result that it brought out the worst in the lunatic fringe of racists and haters. As these wackos became more mainstream, Trumpf began to say out loud what they had been muttering in private for years. The Don won their hearts. The master race would remain masters under Trumpf. Even if America goes to shit. So the supposed Tea Party control of the Republicans was but a fleeting thing. The Partiers control zilch, it is more like owning what remains of a burned out building. The Baggers in the House do not have a majority and therefore are powerless. Join the club. A spayed Presidency, Senate, House and Supreme Court. Where do we go from here folks??? If you are outside the Disunited States of America, RUN LIKE HELL!!!

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The police forces across the USA can be divided into two camps. Those in predominantly white areas and those in places where minorities are of equal number to the whites and in may cases the minorities are in the majority. As Civil War 11 intensifies a major factor will come into play. Georgie Bush Jr. used 9/11 to militarize the major police forces across the country, although the terrorist threat to the US from inside its’ borders is slight. The world terrorist organizations are funded by the American oil monopoly buying cheap oil especially from ISIS. I am sure you didn’t know that Quebec and Ontario drivers are buying high price gas / diesel, made from low price ISIS stolen oil. Stolen from the Iraqi people. Why??? Because YOU LET THEM! Every time You drive up to the pumps, YOU bent over, YOU drop YOUR pants or up YOUR skirt and you say to the American oil monopoly, stick it too ME GOOD. The solution is RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES of course. Upgrade and refine Alberta / Saskatchewan petroleum resources right in situ. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? And then piping the benign crude oil across Canada to Canadian owned refineries and REPLACE THE EXPENSIVE USA PRICED ISIS GAS AND DIESEL WE ARE BEING FORCED TO BUY WITH CHEAP MADE IN CANADA GAS AND DIESEL I MEAN AND 8 YEAR OLD WOULD UNDERSTAND THIS. Double Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? This is so easily done. If I had a single page in each of the papers, and ten minutes time on TV I could explain how Canada could become self sufficient in gas, diesel and natural gas and pocket billions of dollars now being siphoned off by the Americans. But this Nation’s citizens are kept out of the loop by the likes of Paul Godfrey / Post, David Thomson / Globe John Honderich / Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC . Houston pays the above big bucks to keep you stupid. AND WITHOUT DOUBT YOU REMAIN STUPID. It is like us owning a huge orchard full of apple trees, we sell our apples at a dollar a bushel to the Yankees and then buy apple pies back from them at one hundred bucks per pie. If the planet somehow manages to survive, some university will do a study on mass gullibility of 400 million people in North America [ Can. / USA ]. Our democracies were born greatly depending on a free press. The press / media barons substituted a new meaning, they decided that FREE meant FREE TO SELL OUT TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. Thus the critical flow of information, so necessary to a prosperous, bustling society was replaced with one percent friendly copy. The majority, the Undermen and women are served a constant diet of what the Overmen want us to know and hear. That is what Paul Godfrey is paid to do, tell lies and misinform. This pulling the wool over our greenhorn eyes is funded by AMERIGREED and the American oil monopoly from their proceeds of the wealth stripping in Canada. WE ARE PAYING TO HAVE THE NOOSE MADE WHICH WILL EVENTUALLY HANG US. It is akin to asking the Jews to pay for the Zyklon B which was used in the extermination camp. The dummies in the USA have already been led up the path to the ovens by their Nazi media. Escape is now out of the question. The assault on the Canadian dummies continues via OUR Nazi media. Godfrey and Thomson make big bucks in the doing. What a sweet profitable job, getting paid to lead lambs to the slaughter. It seems Canadians are always up for a lie well told like their American cousins. The fact that Eastern drivers are paying top dollar for stolen ISIS oil or the North Saskatchewan River is now polluted with Husky tar are good examples of the kind of cover up campaigns run by the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC. We dolts on the US Eastern seaboard and in Ont. / Que. are actually buying bombs and bullets for ISIS, via the USA oil monopoly. We collectively pay to maintain the phony terrorist threat so that the authorities can justify their assaults on our human rights. More North Americans die from drinking Coke than die at the hands of terrorists. Even so, it is the implantation of fear in the minds of the citizenry which keep the cash flowing to the Nazi media. You provide Paul Godfrey with eye balls and an empty noggin. Paul gets paid to fill you noggin with lies and nonsense. Thus at election time you won’t know which way is up and be open to rightpublicanazi propaganda. This ultimately leads you and your children to seats on a bench and chains to an oar. But if the dictator wants to go water skiing everyone gets an extra helping of gruel The oilies in Houston make a big profit selling gasoline and diesel to suckers with the approval of the American Congress. Congress thinks it owns Canada already so that approval to gouge extends to us without our approval. As Canadians do not complain, I guess Congtess is right, we are already in the bag so to speak. The little they pay Godfrey and Thomson and the others is actually a good business investment. The fact that Big Oil can hire Canadian flunkies like Paul and David, for a song, to do their dirty work, confirms what AMERIGREED has maintained all along. That Canadians are supreme patsies, open to any and all abuse without a peep. Besides covering up this buying of stolen goods [ ISIS oil ] by the oil monopoly, the US Nazi media’s job is to scare the shit out of Americans and justify the rightpublicanazis turning the police in military forces, mainly to keep the minorities in check, especially the Blacks. The whites are afraid as they were after the Nat Turner rebellion of 1831, in Virginia. All the scare tactics by authorities in the US are a matter of the master race keeping control of the domestic scene. Where whites abide in numbers the police will protect them rather than enforce the laws of the land. So in these areas, as civil unrest rises, the minorities will get the splinty end of the broom stick. They might as well gird themselves and prepare to be badly treated by the police and prepare to defend themselves, what ever that takes. I’d burn all the malls down as well as disabling the gated communities, without electricity, water and food the whites will suffer too. Since there will be no direction from the Presidency, the Senate, the House and the Supreme Court the level of the abuse of minorities will depend on the local culture. Of course such abuse WILL NOT BE REPORTED BY THE NAZI MEDIA. Trumpf’s opponents could be picked up in the middle of the night and their bodies dumped in the East River. WHO WOULD KNOW??? In the areas where there are concentrations of minorities and the police forces staffed by various races will split along white / minority lines. Each will protect their own and the military hardware and jackboots given out by Bush Jr.
will be divided if the weaponry is not seized by the white cops? If trouble breaks out I suggest the minorities grab as many military assets as they can. The Nazi media will have to give some coverage to the violence in major urban areas but that coverage will be whitie / right wing oriented It must be remembered that Blacks played a huge part in the various Wars started by the USA. The American rank and file will be kept in the dark by the Nazi media. But the world will have window on the disintegration of the USA. Georgie Jr., Bill Clinton and Don Trumpf avoided serving their Country by pulling strings. It follows that as the Civil War Spreads the Bushes, the Clintons and the Trumpfs are at a great disadvantage. They have no military training while the Blacks and other minorities do. As the firefight increases in intensity, military savvy and weapons training of the Blacks particularly will come to the fore. The white supremacist knobs are mostly stupid gun junkies, who feel empowered because they go to the shooting range or the bush or out to the farm every couple of weeks, to pop off a few rounds. I’d put my money on a well trained Black veteran. He’d be worth 25 white knobs. The Guardian UK, where you can get the truth, had a video on the USA gun culture. The Brit reporter traveled the USA and did interviews with gun owners. The response from the whitie knobs was quite revealing. They do think they are the master race, they do claim the right to run everything and are prepared to use arms to enforce their self determined right. One knobs had a closet full of 10,000 rounds of ammunition, some of it hollow point which is banned in the USA. But then again the laws do not govern rightpublicanazis! Democratic institutions and culture, along with the US Constitution are all well and good as long as they don’t infringe of the white population’s right to act in their OWN BEST INTERESTS. So there democracy ends! What we are now witnessing is a State which has existed for more than 240 years old approaching the final curtain. Right wing forces have been pushing democracy aside for 100 years. Let’s face it, the Fascists have won. During the War years the Fascist efforts went underground as the conflict raged against Hitler. Fascism was frowned as well during the world recovery during the War aftermath, from 1945 onward. Since the time of Reagan however, the righties have been working overtime to create a phony democratic system whereby the master race prospers, the larger enslaved population works hard and has no say. The fruits of their labour have been stripped away by AMERIGREED. No different than Virginia in the 1600s and 1700s. It is a system the rightpublicanazis have been trying to duplicate since the time of the vacant headed Reagan. But a return to slave time will not work in 2016. It can be said that the paid Nazi media promoted fantasy in the USA HAS HAD a 35 year lifespan. Hitler only lasted 12 years. Bomber Command and the USA 8th Airforce bombed the shit out of Germany. The end for the US of A will come from the internal strife that is already under way. You can only go to the well so many times as the Repubs are discovering. While the whities have grown ignorant under the Republican tutelage [ Harper did damage to our educational system too ], the minorities, both in the USA and worldwide, have pursued education vigorously. With the wealth of America pretty well siphoned off by 2005 [ you can get blood from a stone ], AMERIGREED then turned its’ eyes to the larger world in search of new victims. The fertile ground of the European Union presented a tempting target. It was the first choice for Washington and Wall Street. The weak link in Europe was the unelected EU officialdom in Brussels. The Streeters began providing Brussels with unlimited cash with which to pursue initiatives beyond the control of EU parliaments. When mom and pop are paying junior’s way they have some say. If junior is independently wealth look out. In return for the Street money and power the EU officials in a sense became wards of AMERIGREED. Did you know that Goldman Sachs now runs the European Central Bank and it is the route by which the wealth of the 27 EU countries is now being stripped unopposed. During the last ten years Lyin Steve laid out the red carpet for the takeover of Canada by AMERIGREED. But already Canada’s wealth was being sent south thanks to lyin Brian Mulroney David Cameron’ the Fascist PM of the UK was working closely with Brussels to bring his Country fully under AMERIGREED domination so the London could be used for the two way, secret flow of currency and the laundering of money through the Cayman Islands. Cameron was the conduit through which Washington and Wall St. could easily infiltrate European country and avoid the scrutiny of their democratic governments. Some EU countries bristle at US meddling. But Brussels and the ever compliant Cameron provide a back door for wealth stripping. But as proof that Cameron is as dumb as a 2 by 4, he organized a vote on staying in or leaving the EU. There was trouble in his Fascist Parliamentary ranks over membership in the EU. Putting the question to the people and getting their okay was seen by Cameron as the means to put to rest the Conservatives who were not keen on USA domination and involvement in criminal pursuits. Politically, if the little people backed Cameron and said, ” we want to stay in “, dissident Con. MPs would have to fall silent. Cam didn’t even try hard, it was going to be a slam dunk. All he had to do was stand aside and let the London, US paid, Nazi press mount a stay campaign. With the Brits locked in forever Cameron could continue to snuggle up to AMERIGREED just like Lyin Steve was doing here. On the run up to Brexit, the UK Nazi press, which includes most of the London papers, were wetting their pants predicting doom, gloom and Armageddon if England decide to vacate the EU. The Nazi media was and is on the receiving end of Yankee cheques as are Welsh, Irish and Scottish politicians. The foregoing, are all caught up in the greed is good approach as practiced by the Americans. By taking silent US dollars, foreign right wingers can buy their way into power behind the backs of their electorate. This sell out even extends to Australia and New Zealand, where right wingers are permanently afixed to the USA teat. In Yankeeland, the ballot no longer has any force. Reality about which the majority is unaware, says no ballot no say. Americans have NO SAY. As a result of this situation, the rightpulicanazis, have no respect for democracy period. Thus they have no respect for the Parliaments of Canada and England. While both Countries still retain meaningful ballots, the US Fascists see that it is only a matter of time, a nice dose of dirty work, organizing Fifth Columns and enough money, before We ARE THEIRS! Paul Godfrey is a good example of one of AMERIGREED’S instruments. The money stripped from Canada, the UK and the EU countries by the USA is actually paying for our annexation.

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From the time of Reagan, 31 Repub States have formed a Cabal which controls voting both locally and nationally. This Cabal is beholden to the knobs and the KKK for their electoral success. As a result Trumpf was elected by the whites, using a process rigged at the State level. The whites were outvoted but that is meaningless when the fix is in. The 2016 Nov. Election in the USA was a sham. However the illegitimate Donald is the fool. He is but a pawn in their hands and in my view he will not complete his term. This narcissistic fool CAN’T DELIVER WHAT HE PROMISED AND THE KNOBS DEMAND. QUE SERA, SERA! In Britain the ballot still lives. Cameron and the AMERIGREED backed Nazi press expended a supreme effort to mislead the Brits on Brexit. It didn’t work, the English majority fearing US domination via the EU, voted to get out. Good on them. The UK Nazi papers could not believe their efforts were and are in vain. But they made US dollars in selling out. After a few days AMERIGREED was still hot to trot, no matter that Brits voted to leave the EU. The Yankees continued AND continue to try to scare the bejeebers out of the GET-OUT-OF-THE-EU-FORCES. The sky is falling, the sky is falling said Chicken Licken. Instead of preparing for an orderly exit from the EU, the Nazi papers, in the pay of AMERIGREED are trying to create as much turmoil in the British Isles as possible. The solution to this problem is evoking the FALSE NEWS LAW. Print or broadcast bullshit which damages the state and it will bring, charges, fines and jail. Britain has not spent a thousand years perfecting the idea of democracy to now submit to the role of a mere lackey to the right wing, American dictatorship. As England is assaulted for exercising its’ democratic rights by AMERIGREED, Canada too is under attack from the likes of Paul Godfrey and David Thomson. AMERIGREED and the American oil monopoly have not accepted the October 19/15 election of the Liberals [ with a healthy majority ] any more than they accepted the Brexit referendum. The rightpublicanazis and Lady Babs Black believe that the millions of little people should not have any say in how they are governed. The Under men and women should know their place. H. L. Mencken and Ayn Rand, rightpublicanazi saints, were saying this over and over one hundred years ago in their writings. Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House reads Rand every day for totalitarian inspiration. Repub Sociopaths and narcissists adhere to the Nietzsche Myth [ created by Friedrich’s sister Elisabeth, Mencken and Rand ], that some beings are created more equal than all the rest. There is much shrink literature on Sociopathic and Narcassistic behaviours which are anti social, anti democratic and a danger to Western Society. WE allow them to roam free across the landscape AT OUR PERIL. Look what these nutbars have wrought in the good old USA. The fundamental problem is you can’t have a democracy based on the right wing philosophy, TWO CLASSES OF CITIZENS doesn’t cut it. Nietzsche had no use for democracy although he never lived in one and thus had no experience. Nietzsche was a sickly young man who has syphilis, he never accomplished anything in life and died young. He did however rather enjoy himself, being exalted in his own mind. Nietzsche waxed long about his self appointed exceptionalism. Friedrich stole the idea of the Overman and the Underman from an earlier philosopher, which HE WAS NOT. Hitler took instantly to Nietzsche’s muttering as did the US rightpublicans in the 1920s. Nietzsche’s stolen idea, very much provided and provides comfort to the self appointed Overmen like Trumpf, Herr Harper, Dave Cameron, Paul Ryan, Conrad Black, Preston Manning, Jason Kenney, Brian Jean, Pierre Poilievre and we can’t forget Ezzie Le Rant. I could include Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich but they just go along for the money, no matter how much their newspapers damage the fabric of Canada. For them, cash before Country? So one Nation is down and out due to the rightpublicanazis. Canada is under attack and the fully paid, full press effort by our Nazi media to take away the ballot is still up in the air. If the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC are allowed to print and broadcast False news, lies, misinformation, right wing propaganda and practice censorship without restraint, who can gauge the outcome. There is no reason at this point, to think the Americans, with paid help from Godfrey and Thomson et al will fail in their attempt to blacken Justin Trudueau’s name as they did his Father. The suits in Houston have a Canadian War Room in which they plot the POISON FOR THE DAY which goes directly out to all of our Nazi media outlets at the same time. Every happening that can be turned negative against Rachel Notley and PM Trudeau is framed for max damage and sent to Paul Godfrey and his Fascist pals. This is then rewritten by low paid / no paid interns who don’t know they are being exploited. Quite some business model??? Our media is paid to print / broadcast false copy which they get free. But the reason this arrangement with Houston is so lucrative for Godfrey, Thomson, Honderich and Bell Media is the fact that it does max damage to this Nation. The rightpublicanazis do not want a free and prosperous Canada. So Godfrey makes $ 1.5 million a year to be a Yankee hatchet man. And a whole lot of stupid Canadians buy the national Post papers. The takeover of this Land by the USA with ensure our lives will the shits. But for Godfrey’s stupid Canadians, it will be much worse. No jobs, no Medicare, no pensions, no unions, lousy schools and regular trips to the Food Banks [ if there are any ]. It has intrigued me for some time that down and out Americans continued to vote Republican even if it meant more personal suffering. It is as if 20 stokes of the lash is not enough. These clods say to the Repubs, give us 10 stokes more. As Canadians slumber, our Nazi media get paid by Houston to fuck up the Country. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? If a plum happening occurs, Houston quickly forwards copy to all concerned Nazi media owners with the usual cheque to cover the smear. The latest dose of poison came out of Houston at 5 pm EST on Jan.12/17 and concerned the Prime Minister use of the Aga Khan’s helicopter. Big deal! The Harper Fascists were on the Houston payroll for 10 years. Preston Manning’s Calgary Centre For Regime Change in Canada is fully funded by Houston. The Universities of Calgary and Carleton in Ottawa get big dollops of cash to teach rightpublicanazi ideology to our vulnerable young people. The Petroleum Conservatives in Alberta have been controlled by Houston since Klein was Preem. The oilies bankrolled Danielle Smith and the Wildrose in Alberta because the PCs were not subservient enough. And our Nazi media is having a shit hemmerage over the Aga Kahn giving PM Trudeau a lift in his helicopters. Go figure??? This actually saved Canadians a boat load of money. Mind, if Trudeau had used any kind of Canadian conveyance, the Nazis would have been screaming about him wasting taxpayer’s money on his holiday. The simple solution to the whole matter would have been for Justin to paddle his wife and kids out to the Islands in a canoe. Let’s get serious. I have been writing about our Nazi media being controlled by the American oil monopoly in my posts. I have even copied some of my posts and sent them snail mail to Paul Godfrey, David Thomson, John Honderich. Ken Whyte, the Pres. of the CBC and Bell [ and such others ]. This extra effort was expended when these nazi media outlets printed / broadcast out and out lies. I have never ever got a response and the lying has continued. I have found, over time, that every Nazi media mentioned in my posts is involved with printing / broadcasting the poison calculated to undermine the Governments in Alberta and in Ottawa. These small men, traitors all, don’t realize that when Canada become a province under the Trumpf dictatorship their services will no longer be needed. They will find themselves breaking rocks with the rest of us. But why don’t we do a PREEMPTIVE STRIKE NOW AND JAIL THEM ALL FOR TREASON??? It is clear that Houston pays the Canadian Fifth Column, a tidy sum of money to poison the airways and the papers every day, I mean every day, without let up. Well 1/12/17 is a special day for me and Canada. If ever someone [ a rarity, a curious Canadian ] wanted to know the extent to which our Nazi media is controlled by AMERIGREED and the USA oil monopoly, to-day is that day! Mabs was watching the weather on CP 24, a Bell Media propaganda station. The Aga Khan story was on full blast and he was being pilloried by the wound up reporters. I said to myself, here they go again. Another dose of Yankee poison. We should be concentrating on building the NEW CANADA and what is our media doing??? Marching obediently to the beat of the Houston drum. Although I am an old guy I am pretty net savvy. I saw the Aga Khan’s story and turned my computer on. Guess which Nazi media outlets had the helicopter story, all within 2 hours of each other ??? Houston even included 22 pictures of Aga Khan’s helicopter so Godfrey and the rest would not look lie the were copying a Houston E-mail. All of the following are getting paid to sell out this Nation. Remember these traitors well, when you hear the clang of Harper’s concentration gate close behind you. In the order of listings on the net [ in addition to CP 24 ], Honderich’s Star, the Canadian owned CBC, CTV News [ Bell Propaganda ], the USA Huffington Post, Thomson’s Globe and Tar, Godfrey’s National Post et al, Metro News,, Canadian Press, the Times, I,,, the,, [ US propaganda ],,, [ owned by David Thomson ],,,,,,,,, the,,,,,, Global,,,,,,, David, 24,,,,,, and, Toronto. I reviewed 12 Google pages and said to self enough is enough. I myself never imagined that Houston and the oiles had this kind of money, this kind of arrogance, this kind of reach, and that there were so many Canadians who would commit treason for a few Bob. However I do feel slighted. Ken Spratley, your G Man, DID NOT GET AN E-MAIL AND A CHEQUE FROM HOUSTON??? The American oil monopoly is clearly dedicated to destroying democracy in this Country as they are in the UK and the EU. I wonder how many petro dollars each one of these Nazi scribes, like David Akin and Rosemary Barton got for running this bogus story. It is staggering the number of Canadians involved who are willing to sell us into slavery, namely, taking US dollars to fuck this Country royally. Canadians, now you know who populates the Fifth Column here and who the enemy is. I am incensed that some of the Nazi media uses .ca after their listing on the net. Acting as a traitor to one’s country is bad enough, but using the .ca as a suffix to treason is beyond the pale. It reminds me of the antics of Oswald Mosley and his English Blackshirts in the late 1930s. Mosley and his subversive organization, the BUF, were taking money from Hitler to undermine Britain. Mosely’s wife was a Mitford, from an upper class family. Some of the Mitford were Nazi sympathizers. During the late 1930s the Mitfords traveled back and forth to Europe and Germany. It was during these trips that Hitler’s cash was carried to London for the BUF. Neville Chamberlain, the appeaser was PM at that time. The Government knew Nazi cash was coming in but hesitated to search the Mitfords. I think Churchill was on to the treasonous game being played by the elites but he did not hold power and the appeasers held the floor. Churchill became Prime Minister on May 10 / 1940 and in 13 days Mosley was behind bars. Over the next few days Mosely’s wife and followers were all jailed as enemies of the State under Defense Regulation 18B and they were held until the end of the War. It was a smart move. Something PM Trudeau should consider. All of those now taking money from Houston to undermine Canada should be jailed or deported. This treason can’t be tolerated any longer! Thanks to the net we know who the bulk of them are. William Joyce [ an American Nazi, Mosley’s assistant, known by the name, Lord Haw Haw ], was tipped off by friends that Churchill had order him picked up. Joyce fled to Hitler’s arms and began propaganda broadcasts over Nazi radio from 1940 on. In May 1945, Joyce was caught by the British Army in Flensburg, he was shot and wounded while resisting arrest. Joyce was just 39. He was unrepentant, once a Fascist always a Fascist, something that Canadians must learn. We ignore Harper at our peril. In January 1946, Joyce was put to the noose at Wandsworth Prison, just south of the Thames in London. His final words before the drop, ” May the Swastika be raised from the dust “! My Grandfather George Hobbs, was a Jailer at Wandsworth before the First War. After all of the atrocities of the Nazis, William Joyce continued to be a true believer as are Preston Manning and Brad Wall. Joyce felt no remorse for betraying England. The Brits were the only people who were standing in the way of world domination by the Nazis. In a sense we have a repeat in the current situation. The rightpublicanazis seek world domination. Canada and Britain, strong democracies stand astride the way of the US Fascists. Harper and Cameron were just modern Mosleys selling out their Countries for money, power and a pat on the head by the master race. Those involved in the aforementioned US, Can. and UK Nazi media outlets are no less dangerous and no less committed than Joyce to an overthrow of democratic institutions. If a man, holding violent and hateful beliefs taught to him in childhood or adolescence, suppresses any doubts which arise in his mind, purposely shuns book, denigrates education, claims superiority based solely on self assessment and skin colour and belittles, condems and avoids men and women who are curious about life and who seek a better understanding of same, ARE A DANGER TO US ALL. Paul Godfrey and his stable of Stormtroopers John Ivison, Andrew Coyne, David Akin et al, as well as the Steve Harper tribe have all learned that the regular little people, are far more inclined to question frivolous matters than the huge outright lies? So they and the others on the rightie lunatic fringe serve up big fat lies on a carefully, scheduled daily basis as dictated by the American oil monopoly. The suits in Houston pay Canadian turncoats big money to have us know what the YANKEES WANT US TO KNOW! I will not live to see the Disunited States of America become completely unhinged as a result of Civil War 11. I may or may not see the NEW CANADA traverse Churchill’s sunny upland slopes. Or heaven forbid, succumb and fall afoul of AMERIGREED and the American oil monopoly. My fear is that too many Canadians will be like Brunhilde Pomsel, Joseph Goebbel’s personal secretary. As a young women, she joined the Nazi Party to get a good job. Pomsel was purposely incurious, she asked NO QUESTIONS AND DID WHAT SHE WAS TOLD AT THE MINISTRY OF INFORMATION IN RETURN FOR A FAT PAYCHEQUE AND BONUSES. It should have been called the Ministry of Misinformation. Pomsel did not become aware [ apparently ] of any of the atrocities being committed by the Nazis until 1943, even while being at the centre of it all, close to Goebbels [ well maybe??? ]. Her best friend was Jewish. This friend disappeared and went to the gas chambers. Even then Pomsel asked no questions. She was given the file of Sophie Scholl, of the White Rose Anti Nazi Movement. Sophie was handing out leaflets in 1943 and arrested by the Gestapo. Scholl went to a meat hook, movies of such executions were a Hitler favourite. Pomsel never bothered to look at that file. Even after all that passed before her, to this day she still minimizes Nazi crimes. She did say however that youthful idealism was one way to get your neck broken. Pomsel served 5 years in a Russian prison. Is this a snapshot of Harper’s Fascist followers??? Incurious to a fault. I believe many of the traitors employed by the above Nazi media are knowingly selling out their Country. I am sure they would deny such a thing, but in secret they hold their noses when cashing their Houston cheque. My bent is to look down the road. I can imagine if this Country suffers the worst, Canadians who sat on their hands while our Country was being annexed by the US, will wish they had put Herr Harper and his Fascist insiders to the rope when they had the chance! It would be too little too late! I have written PM Trudeau a couple of time, making suggestions as how to ensure Harper and his Fascists NEVER RETURN. I was a Pickering Councillor 1973 to 76. I had about 6000 people in my Ward 3. In trying to deal with various matter I know it is impossible too satisfy everyone. There dog lovers in my Ward and dog haters. If I did something for the dog lovers, the dog haters hated me. If I did something for the dog haters, the dog lovers hated me. Their numbers were a bout 50 /50. In short order, after a few ventures into this area, 100% of the residents were against me. And it was all downhill from there. I will not knock the Trudeau Government, it must listen to many voices but Justin must not let Harper back into power. I am NOT A LIBERAL, although I voted for Lester Pearson and Pierre Trudeau, two of Canada’s three best Prime Minsters. Sir John A, Macdonald being the third. I am a proud Davis Progressive Conservative with no home. The rightpublicanazis and American money stole both the Federal PC Party as well as the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party. I know what stealth takeovers look like. The Fed. / Ont. PC rank and file were asleep at the switch, including me. By the time we woke up the Yankee right wing Fascists had us by the short ones, game over. After such successes here the rightpublicanazis then set their eyes on Canada. To make us their’s, they hired Preston Manning and Lyin Steve to deliver this Country into their care. They almost won on Oct. 19/15, as Churchill said, ” It was a close run thing “. It should have been a wake up call as to the continuing dangers from below the 49th. Was that call loud enough to alert the majority of Canadians??? It is an historic moment and time will tell???

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The future is much clearer in Britain. The Brits expressed themselves via the ballot and I don’t know how AMERIGREED can change that. Using Teresa May and the London press to push forward with a continuing scare campaign may have the opposite effect. The vote to leave was legal and legitimate. In a democracy how can such a vote be undone??? Even people who voted to stay, would be incensed were AMERIGREED, the Cameron Fascists and the lackey Nazi press to continue to claim the Breixt vote was illegitimate and push for a reversal. So it would seem democracy is still vibrant and strong in England and much beyond the desires and reach of Washington and Wall St. It is interesting to see the parade of Brit turncoats, those on the AMERIGREED payroll. Various writers and commentators in the UK as well as in Canada, have a strange American view of democracy? Namely that the ballot is just an exercise that takes place every 4 years to fool the people that their will prevails. When in real terms the ruling class determines society’s future course. Both the Democrats and the Republicans abandoned democratic principles long ago and are committed to the bogus ballot system. So in dealing with other countries, why would Washington respect democratic rule anywhere else? Of course they don’t. In dealing with Canada, the UK, Australia or New Zealand, the Yankees look for Fascist leaning politicians like Harper, Cameron, Tony Abbott, John Key and the resident Nazi media, ever cash hungry. All willing to take AMERIGREED money in return for having American puppet strings afixed to their limbs. Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich are good examples of such Yankee puppets. This traitorous trap comes of a narcissistic personality. To think one is a somebody but in reality is a nobody. Narcissistic behaviours are listed on the net. But I have singled out the behaviours which apply to the US rightpublicanazi Nazi media Fifth Column here in Canada. XXX A grandiose sense of self importance. XXX A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance and ability. XXX Believes that he is special and unique and can only be understood by those perceived to be of equal status and station. XXX Has a sense of entitlement. XXX Is exploitive. XXX Lacks empathy and is unwilling to recognize the interests or needs of other people. XXX Exhibits arrogance and haughty behaviours and superior attitudes. XXX Narcissists are prepared to surrender decency and human morality in return for cash and a share of power. Even if that power flies in the face of the core element of democracy, the will of the majority. In response the large population has a decision to make. Do they bow to the Sociopaths and Narcissists on the right and accept without protest Underman status??? Or do they revolt. For the 70% of Americans who do not accept Trumpf revolution is their only option. In Canada we are still free, but under daily attack from the US rightie Sociopaths and Narcissists via the likes of Paul Godfrey and David Thomson. There is still time however, for us to enforce the False News Law, Section # 181 under the Criminal Code. Which states, ” Everyone who wilfully publishes a statement, tale or news that he knows is false or that causes or is likely to CAUSE INJURY OR MISCHIEF TO THE PUBLIC INTEREST is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years. Having every major media outlet in Canada printing or broadcasting a paid false story about our Prime Minister [ the Aga Khan caper ], all at the very same moment, falls under Section # 181. Making this treasonous act even worse is the fact that this campaign was funded by a foreign power. That is exactly what Hitler did to the neighbouring countries from 1937 to 1939, before he invaded them. Hitler also sent money to the Republicans and certain US papers to support the anti war movement led by Charles Lindbergh. We allow US interference in Canada’s affairs at our peril. But they can’t interfere if they don’t have access to our media. Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich have chosen money over Canada. And you support USA interference by buying their newspapers. Democracy is like a game of sports. The participants decide on the rules [ Laws ]. They then chose a referee [ the Government ] to enforce those rules. The US rightpublicanazi do not respect such rules. Thus in the game if the rich, powerful and the bullies in society can ignore the rules to their advantage such a game becomes illegitimate and a power struggle ensues. History has shown us when a small clique seizes power, eventually the oppressed rise up and sadly the mob trashes the place, and everybody loses. The rightpublicanazis and the Harper Fascists think they can trip, slash and cross check without retaliation. Our response should be, to put all the Nazi media types who are involved with the Aga Khan heli story, in the slammer for TWO YEARS!!!

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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I find it interesting that both the Megantic Holocaust and the N. Saskatchewan River spill were and are related to the lethal tar / Benzine mix [ a HAZARDOUS LIQUID ] [ 1st World War NAPALAM ]. They are just more examples of the Yankee penchant for slash, snatch and run and the right wing cultish ideology that puts profits ahead of people. To the USA Wall St. sharks, if it can be extracted, and a buck can be made, who cares about damage to the planet or the environmental or risk to locals? If there is some resource to be had, grab it quick, ignore any environmental damage and get out. And never mind cleaning up the mess, leave it to the local taxpayers. The Neitzsche Myth, concocted by the right, tells us that only a precious few souls are exceptional people [ they’re actually Sociopaths ]. It follows that the bounty that surrounds ALL OF US is exclusively owned by said exceptional people. THIS THEY HAVE DECIDED??? AND WE JUST LET THEM??? WHY??? BEATS ME??? WE’RE JUST STUPID MAYBE??? In a true democracy such a system of lying, stealing, murdering and cheating has NO PLACE. As a result, the fantasy, which the rightpublicanazis have constructed south of the border, was being imported into Canada by Lyin Steve, up to Oct. 19 16. THIS IS NOT DEMOCRACY!!! Rather, it is Kleptocracy [ rule by thieves ]. The critical events we face around the globe are all different but their ill affects and gross mishandling can be attributed to the application of the same right wing ideology. A quasi man made religion that is bogus from beginning to end. I am justified in using the word Holocaust and Megantic in the same sentence. Hitler sent millions of Jews to the ovens and Herr Harper [ just as mad ] sent 47 innocent people to their fiery deaths when a trained illegally loaded with tar/Benzine [ 100 year old Napalm ] blew up. This willful slaughter of so many Townsfolk by Lyin Steve, left 22 orphans. Lyin Paul Godfrey has never mentioned that. Lyin Steve paid Paul to stay silent. Just another case where OIL money was/is more important than the lives of Canadians. And many in the Fascist party even elected by the people wholeheartedly agree. The trials and lives of the riff raff don’t count for peanuts. There are many things that the Paul Godfrey papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC never get around to mentioning. Every day you buy a newspaper or watch TV, you fall another day behind the information curve. It could be termed dumber by the day. The Megantic orphans were just collateral damage to Houston, the Harper crowd, Transport Canada and the Transportation Safety Board. In the beginning the Enbridge tar/Benzine spill on Kalamazoo River should have been a clarion call to all governments, Washington / States and Ottawa / Provinces to wake up to the problems caused by pushing diluted Bitumen [ A HAZARDOUS LIQUID ] [ NAPALM ] through pipes built to carry ** OIL **. Rather, Enbridge spread a whole lot of money around to politicians, insiders, talking heads, PR people and the North American Nazi media to ensure the story got fudged then buried. From the State House in Michigan to the Congress it was hands off the Kalamazoo debacle. Right wing politicians do like to run and hide when trouble hits. All the politicians responsible remained tight lipped. In the matter of the Keystone XL pipeline Russ Girling gave every Republican in Congress a million dollar cheque. So in the case of the Kalamazoo spill, I am sure Enbridge did likewise, greased many a palm. When the US Gov. Report on the Kalamazoo Spill, entitled, HAZARDOUS LIQUID spill was released in 2012, it got ZERO COVERAGE in the North American Nazi media, like as in nothing. The only reason I knew there was such a Report was I saw Chairwoman, Deborah Hersman interviewed on the CBC. I had to dig hard on the net to find that Report. The Nat. Transportation Safety Board found Enbridge grossly negligent, bordering on criminal behaviour. If the larger public had been alerted there would have been no Mayflower, no Megantic, no N. Saskatchewan River and many other lesser spills and derailments. But the North American Nazi media was paid off by BIG OIL to keep it’s trap shutter. Congress, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Herr Harper went mute. In his book, 1984 George Orwell wrote about a dictatorship in which people’s minds were controlled. In 2016 the 3000 or so USA shell corporation want the ignorant mob to keep working so they wealth the people create can be harvested. However it is important for said mob to exist in the dark, which is the paid job for Paul Godfrey and his friends. If said mob knew black Napalm was being transported across Canada by pipeline or train, holy hell would break out and Ottawa would have to ban it. So everyone on the Houston payroll, here or in the States, politicians and the Nazi media must keep claiming that which is being shipped is ** OIL ** . Many of the leading figures in this Country who keep referring to the shiny black shit that blows up as ** OIL ** , should know better. I have concluded that if one is paid to be willfully ignorant, one will remain willfully ignorant! When tar mixed with Benzine is finally identified in standard terms as required of commercial products and chemicals, the threat from its’ transportation will stop. The inspectors check the scales used in stores or the liquid used to clean scissors in beauty salons or the dish washing process in restaurants yet Bitumen mixed with Benzine get a free ticket. Because those who we put in charge of the petroleum industry get paid off by BIG OIL. There are two simple ways to stop this threat. Elect politicians who will appoint the people to monitor BIG OIL with the larger public in mind. And charge the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and CBC under the Criminal Code under the FALSE NEWS SECTION every time they call tar / Benzine ** OIL ** . Not only is what they are doing breaking the law and endangering the public but Paul Godfrey and his pals are BEING PAID TO BREAK THE LAW, QUITE A NICE REWARD. A democracy doesn’t work like this. Insiders being paid to abuse the public trust and threaten lives, preposterous! The Kalamazoo River tar spill was fully documented by the NTSB in the USA. Enbridge came across looking like fools, the red flag should have gone up, BUT NO. The company just went back to its’ dangerous practices as if nothing had happened. The NTSB Report was shelved, tar / Benzine continued to be pumped or railed without any precautions whatsoever and innocent people were subsequently killed, injured and many lost their possessions. The afflicted had little or no recourse. Congress, State Governments and Herr Harper signed to the American oil monopoly, steady as she goes.
The Kalamazoo spill was instructive. The early warming spill system, designed for ** OIL ** , doesn’t work with tar and Benzine. I have written about this many times. Yet a couple of weeks ago, Russ Girling assured one of our Generals at Camp Petawawa, that if the Bitumen East pipe blew close to the Base TransNotCanada would know about it instantly. Bullshit. Russ as with Enbridge and Kinder Morgan install early warning systems designed for ** OIL ** , that get destroyed by the quartz sand in the tar. There has never been an early warning system designed for tar / Benzine, that would give away the game and the whole tar sands operation would grind to a halt. BIG OIL doesn’t want to install a proper tar/ Benzine handling system because it would cost them. better for Houston to say their shipping ** OIL ** , pay the politicians off and
send petro cheques to the entire Nazi media. If that wasn’t nervy enough, the owners of the Nazi media are now asking Ottawa to subsidize their operations with taxpayer’s dollars. This so they can kill off democracy in Canada a bit quicker. This is pure cheek. Do we want such irresponsible companies as Enbridge, TransNotCanada and Kinder Morgan in this Country??? I say not, they should be banned. The Kalamazoo Report is on the net, ” enbridge pipeline accident ” This spill was described in the Report, as a HAZARDOUS LIQUID PIPELINE RUPTURE. Did you get that? Way back in 2012 the NTSB deemed tar/ Benzine a HAZARDOUS LIQUID. The Report lays out the astounding level of incompetence of Enbridge and the Company’s disdain for public safety and welfare. The politicians were nowhere to be seen on the Kalamazoo file. Just like Megantic and now the N. Saskatchewan River. Let’s cut to the chase. Pat Daniels, CEO of Enbridge and his management didn’t give a shit if people were maimed, killed or had their lives / property destroyed. Enbridge paid the Nazi media to cloud the minds of the larger population and misinform them. And it worked. The Kalamazoo spill brought no changes in the operations of the American oil monopoly in the USA or Canada. It was business as usual. Send in the next bunch of cattle cars. In July 2013, a 70 car CPR train containing tar/ Benzine [ again, another load of Hazardous Liquid in the form of tar / Benzine ]. The old CPR train was running on worn out tracks, upon which there was a 10 mph speed limit. The train ran away into the Town of Megantic and blew up. This was the same shiny black shit the was dumped into the Kalamazoo River by Enbridge. But to the USA oil monopoly, it was and is critical that the people in North America be kept in the dark about the fact that a Hazardous Liquid was being transported from Fort McMurray down to underutilized heavy oil refineries in Texas. For Big Oil it was a matter of getting the tar to Texas as cheaply as possible which included ignoring safety, risk to life and limb and damage to the environment. In this regard the oilies have the State Governments and Congress on their side. In Canada, the oil monopoly had INSTALLED friendly Governments in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Herr Harper in Ottawa. The only fly in the ointment, was that there were constant spills and derailments of the lethal tar/Benzine. In each case the Nazi media, led by Paul Godfrey and the Nazi media were hired to take the sting out of each event by altering time lines, fudging, lying, make stuff up, leaving stuff out and fabricating FALSE NEWS. The moving of tar/ Benzine through 50 year old pipes down to Texas, was a dangerous experiment from 2006 onward. The people of North America were not told. The question was, how long could the US oil monopoly get away with thumbing its’ nose at this larger society. Every day the population remained in the dark profits rolled in for Houston. The answer came when an old pipe blew out near the Kalamazoo River and hundreds of thousands of gallons of diluted Bitumen got dumped into the River. Much of the tar is still on the river bottom. Enbridge didn’t know about the spill for 18 hours. The oil early warning system doesn’t work with tar / Benzine which is loaded with quartz sand. Pat Daniels, Enbridge CEO continued to claim that it was ** OIL ** , in his pipeline not tar. Pat kept this lie going for TWO WEEKS. But it was not Enbridge that was in control of the spill. The American oil monopoly out of Houston had the biggest interest in seeing no reforms were introduced by any government in North America, as a result of the Kalamazoo tar spill. So the key politicians and their followers in the US and Canada remained silent. And the paid North American Nazi media NEVER ASKED ANY QUESTIONS and proceeded to whitewash the Kalamazoo spill in return for petro dollars. Either by saying nothing or printing / broadcasting FALSE NEWS. It worked, North Americans continued to doze. The tar spill on the N. Saskatchewan River is being covered by the Nazi media in the same way the spill in Michigan was. It consisted of a Nazi media paid campaign to make the rabbit disappear. It worked perfectly, Joe / Jane Public were none the wiser. You’ve got to think, why not run the same program in N. Saskatchewan River tar spill in 2016? Wall figures Canadians are just as stupid as they were in 2012? There is big money to be made by the Nazi media playing to the stupidity of North Americans. People quickly forgot the 700 or so victims in Kalamazoo Michigan, who paid a huge price for oil monopoly GREED. 18 people died. Other things were afoot which the media could use distract people from hundreds of thousands of tar/ Benzine escaping into the environment. Like if flossing is really that good for dental health. I have written about the extremely dangerous tar / Benzine Hazardous Liquid which is criss crossing the US and Canada, many times in my 525 or so posts. If a massive, devastating DilBit spill like at Kalamazoo can be swept under the carpet by the American oil monopoly with the help of the Nazi media, I wrote, anything is possible. I forecast that the spills would keep happening until the citizens awoke, IF EVER? Hundreds of spills and derailment later, even after Megantic and the N. Sask. River, Canadians are still comatose??? The only thing missing during the Kalamazoo incident was an ignition source to light up the Benzine. In March 2013 an EXXON pipeline carrying tar/Benzine ruptured in Mayflower Ark. After following the Kalamazoo spill closely, I though I knew what was coming, I wasn’t surprised. Pat Daniels /Enbridge in their attempt to cover up the Kalamazoo spill were quite amateurish in their approach. Daniels and the Company handled things so badly that the NTSB was forced to investigate. It cost Enbridge tens of millions of dollars with the Nazi media over 2 years to keep covering up and extinguishing stories. When the Mayflower spill happened, some environmentalists were on the spot quickly to take pictures and interview residents. EXXON moved quickly to drop an iron curtain all around Mayflower. This, in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Americans are neither free or brave. I mean these oilies are smooth operators. Did you know, EXXON never paid off its’ bill for the Valdez going aground in Alaska. Congress swept the whole thing under the rug and let EXXON off the hook. Little wonder why the USA has a Civil War raging. Buying politicians off has paid off in the past. The black shiny shit at Mayflower was covered with thousands of rolls of paper towels so that the mess could not be seen from the air. But then the blackout descended. The Ark. and local police were put at EXXON’s disposal. Although paid by the publi the cops looked after the interests of EXXON, a true police state within a State. Local, State and Federal politicians were nowhere to be seen. Local papers / TV were bullied / threatened by EXXON into remaining silent. One blogger was threatened with a lawsuit by EXXON. While all the property affected belonged to the citizens of the Town, EXXON had complete control of the site. Washington said nothing about a US corporation seizing Mayflower to destroy the evidence of the spill. If this is the way BIG OIL and the pipeline Companies operate in their own land, why would they respect the laws of Canada??? Mayflower residents who lungs were seared by the Benzine fumes were abandoned by health authorities of Arkansas. The spill in the State’s mind never happened. How convenient. To really get a gander of how a police state works, Washington allowed the FAA to declare a-no-fly zone over Mayflower so no snoopers could see the mess EXXON had created. As a result, 3 level of Government abdication their responsibilities. This is the treatment Canadians will get if Harper has his way and we become a province of the USA. In Mayflower, EXXON began nickle and diming the local residents who were in a bad way and without any support whatsoever. So the pattern going back to Kalamazoo was established, in which all of the supporters of Big Oil move to battle stations as soon as the black shiny shit that explodes hits the ground. I painted a picture in an earlier post, as to what would happen to a tar spill from Enbridge # NO 9 in Toronto in which a spark was introduced to a cloud of Benzine fumes. This was well before Megantic happened. Benzine was added to 130 Hi Octane gasoline used by the B-29s that dropped the Atom bombs on Japan in 1945. In July 2013 a towering inferno engulfed Megantic. The fire burned for a couple of days before firefighters could even get near it. It burned like Napalm, because tar mixed with Benzine has the same chemical makeup and burns long and hard. Almost immediately the Nazi media made its appearance in Megantic on Harper’s command. And the misinformation and lies began to flow immediately. The crime scene was taken over by Lyin Steve and the PMO. The whole horror show became scripted like the Husky spill on the N. Saskatchewan River. Again, the American oil monopoly and their employee Herr Harper were determined that Canadians shouldn’t have a clue as to what was going on. Paul Godfrey / Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and CBC went about the task of rendering the Country ignorant on the Quebec conflagration. Harper Fascist Party MPs played dumb, which is not that difficult. The opposition parties had no info with which to ask intelligent questions and were much to cautious and way too forgiving. Quebec got bought off and didn’t call an inquest, which is required by law. I don’t know how much Harper gave Pauline Marois, it must have been a sizable sum? Transport Canada went dumb. Our Transportation Safety Board Inspectors began making misleading statements to protect their paycheques. The Nazi media went mute. I will tell you what I mean. Megantic was a mechanical event, old locomotives, rusty tank cars unsuited for the tar/ Benzine, mislabeled contents and tracks in poor condition. Add to these Government regulations concerning railways, operations by the CPR /MM and A and the actual mission was to carry DilBit from Fort McMurray to the Irving Refinery in NB. The Megantic investigation from day one was so narrowly focused, I knew right away the Harper FIX was in. It was a matter of letting Canadians know as LITTLE AS POSSIBLE and not identifying the cargo as Alberta tar / Benzine. Calling a spade a spade would have brought the whole secret, illegal scheme of shipping a substance akin to Napalm across Canada. Steve was threatening Safety Board jobs. The American oil monopoly said the stuff that blew up in Megantic came from North Dakota. Ridiculous! A lie. No pure bullshit! No train tracks come eastward into Canada from North Dakota. Plus the fact that LIGHT CRUDE OIL doesn’t burn like the fire in Megantic. The Fire Chief there said that what they were fighting in Megantic was a gasoline fire. The Nazi media never reported that. Benzine is the equivalent of gasoline. A young female internet journalist interviewed a first responder / a firefighter who said they had to use breathing apparatus because of the high concentration of Benzine fumes. They could only stay in the Benzine cloud for four hours. That news bit was quickly pulled down. I wonder how many of those first responders are now suffering lung problems. They were told by CPR that it was only oil that was burning. Everyone around the world knew it was not an oil fire. If we rely on Paul Godfrey and friends, Canadians will never know the true stories on any matter. Anyone adversely affected by tar / Benzine is left to die a lonely, painful death, sometimes a slow death. Barb Black’s little people are the ones are killed or maimed. The little people are not the ones with money, so are of no interest to Paul Godfrey. When BIG OIL pulls out the wallet and decrees that victims shall be immediately forgotten in Kalamazoo, Mayflower, Megantic and now on the N. Saskatchewan River it is a done deal no matter the laws. In all 4 cases, the USA oil monopoly bought off the politicians and the North American Nazi media. Thus the larger population was rendered clueless and not aware that their number could come up. Democracies do not work like this. We have long since passed the time when the King could drag someone away in the middle of the night. Now, the American oil monopoly can kill people in broad daylight and walk away scot free. And the elected representatives in Ottawa, Alberta and Saskatchewan said nothing and were handsomely rewarded by Big Oil. Paid by the taxpayers to represent them. Paid by the oil monopoly to shill for them. To round out this cozy arrangement, Paul Godfrey sells his newspapers to the public claiming to inform them. But then the Nazi media takes petro dollars from Big Oil to misinform the public. Thus the taxpayers are made fools of by this arrangement. It is amazing to me that there are the suckers who buy the National Post papers, STILL. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fooling me over and over and over again wherein I NEVER CATCH ON means I am some kind of idiot. That describes perfectly the the caliber of Post subscribers. As well, it shows us clearly, the LOW intelligence of Paul Godfrey’s advertisers. I was a businessman for 50 years and I did a lot of advertising. I studied the demographics to determine where my potential customers would be found. I looked for hi calibre advertising outlets to present my story to MY PUBLIC. I also wrote for the little newspapers in the Pickering / Whitby area. If I tried to define a bad newspaper, Paul Godfrey’s Post papers are the best example of of mediocrity. Mediocrity knows nothing better than itself. Little wonder Godfrey publishes a right wing fringe paper. Righties have been proven to be stupid people who don’t know they’re are stupid. But studies have shown such people are not unhappy in their lives, they are not concerned about making it into the ranks of the very sharp. No. In their stupid lives, they gather up information which they think is important, like every word of the Bible is true or life began 6000 years ago or Global Warming isn’t happening. The stupid believe such things are special. Thus knowing them indicates a high degree of intelligence among the stupid. So the stupid people on the right wing are locked into stupidity permanently and no amount of effort will change their minds. These stupid people are a danger to our democratic system. The easiest solution would be to round them all up, there aren’t that many, and put them behind wire fences. But I think we should allow those stupids, who behave themselves, to run free. To combat those who threaten the future of the NEW CANADA, the application of the laws of the land would do the trick. Every time the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global or the CBC, publishes / broadcasts FALSE NEWS THEY SHOULD BE CHARGED UNDER THE CRIMINAL CODE. Immediately this would stop the constant flow of lies and misinformation, which flow from the USA. America is a Country bad injured by gross malfeasance on the part of the White House and the Congress, this is added to serious racial strife. Washington, Wall St., the banks and 3500 hollow USA corporations are not about to change their ways and clean up their act. Rather, they are are involved in the stripping of wealth from any and every country with which the States has connections. Legal or illegal, in every which way AMERIGREED IS TAKING STUFF THAT DOESN’T BELONG TO THEM, WHETHER RESOURCES OR MONEY. Every old trade pact and all of the new ones now being touted, allow the Americans to get inside nation to suck the very blood from them. With Canada the Yankees just want control so they can bleed up white. Harper was or will in the future, if he gets a chance, going to neuter democracy, so Canadians would have to stand silently by the side of the road, as the US Carpetbaggers make off with their belongings, money and the future. I continue to be surprised how many Canadians were and are taken in by the oil monopoly / Harper / Nazi media rhetoric. Hitler said of propaganda, which is still used to this very day in Canada, [ just read the National Post, the Globe and Tar or the Star ], the following Propaganda is the means to an end and must be evaluated as such from the standpoint of a goal. It must speak to the ignorant masses. The task of propaganda lies not in in scientific training but in drawing the attention of the masses to certain facts, events and necessities. It is wrong to give propaganda the multisidedness of scientific instruction which outlines options. Rather effective propaganda must limit its’ points to a very few [ like ** OIL ** KS ] and these points must be repeated incessantly, until the very last member of the ignorant masses understands what is meant by them [ Paul Godfrey anyone KS ]. Every adjustment of the propaganda must never change the content or theme. The ignorant masses must always draw the intended conclusion. This is not something that was dreamed by Hitler. Mind bending was developed by an Ammerican, Edward Bernays, a nephew of Sigmund Freud. Eddie, an Austrian by birth, gave Hitler instruction. In his 1928 book, Propaganda, Bernays held that the manipulation of public opinion was necessary in a democracy. He said an invisible government has to be created, which will be the true governing power in a country. Bernays combined the writings of Le Bon, Trotter and his uncle Sigmund, to develop his approach to mass psychology and mind manipulation. Thus, the Canadians who were and are so wedded to Mad Harper, are not to blame for their fixation. In some people, listening to something, including lies, repeated over and over again overpowers their ability to question what they are hearing, thus curiousity and critical assessment related to self preservation are eliminated. Human beings were never designed to hear information repeated over and over. It is only when Sigmund Freud and others began to investigate how the brain operates that this was discovered. Of course, any such control has to firstly begin with an evil government or an authority that seeks to enslave a people. It is directly opposite to the upward march of citizens that began with the Magna Carta. In which THE PEOPLE sought to strengthen their voice in the affairs of state. One of the threads of this journey was the pursuit of knowledge. The more you know the better you can defend your rights. In the little Yorkshire UK hamlet of Sproatley, where my ancestors originated, 80% of the population would have been illiterate at the time of the Domesday Book. Over the last 1000 years the acquisition of knowledge has gone hand in hand with ever increasing level of education. If the larger public has the ability to think and an understanding of important current events, then a small antidemocratic group within the said democratic setting hasn’t got a chance to implement their ideology. During the Reagan administration the Republicans began to move the operational side of Government underground. So in a sense there became two American Governments. The one the people saw and the one the people did no see. Crucial to mind control for any government is complete control of the media. In such arrangements, some media outlets are permitted to be mildly critical of the government. This is done to fool the population into thinking they have someone on their side. When in fact, in the totality of news coverage the citizenry only gets to hear what the government wants it to hear. Thus when a public is asked to vote on an issue, they don’t have sufficient information to protect their own interests. All of the media outlets in the USA are under the control of the rightpublicanazis. So the fantasy that is being suffered south of the border is a complete construct of a secret right wing Government that has been in power for 40 years. The message for which has been delivered by the USA Nazi media even up to October 2016. Now we see the results of this deceit, a Nation divided, a Nation at War with itself. A Kleptocracy [ rule by thieves ] of possibly ten million, with 40 million armed, white racists on one side and 300 million people on the other side equally armed. I could not have imagined in my lifetime, that I would see the collapse and disintegration of a great democracy, the US of A. I was taught that even when one lives in a democracy, you have to be eternally vigilant. There will always be someone who will try to take your freedom away. Our most recent scrape is a good example, the American oil monopoly and their employee Steve Harper. In Canada the entire media is Nazi in organization and it runs of petro dollars from Houston. Those involved are the National Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, Canadian Press, CTV, Global and the CBC. So for Canadians, the only way to determine what is going on is plug into th net. But such democratically motivated Canadians it does take some digging. But there is an easy way out. The above Nazi media are also present on the net. However to save money, they run articles one year or even as much as two years out of date. But they update the headlines, then the headline don’t relate to what’s written. If you see an article by any of the above look first for the date. In some cases the newsies remove the original date. But what difference does it make??? The Nazi media are dishing up make believe for the ignorant masses any way. Having dumb Canadians, read articles two years out of date on the net, only adds to their ignorance, it cheap selling rotten meat and the Houston payments remain the same. The oilie goal is that Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau are gone in 2019. In England, the Nazi Press [ London ], dominates the scene and is an exact copy of the USA Nazi media as in Canada. The only exception I can find is the Guardian UK, which I have been following in depth for 6 years. If I want the news from the USA or Canada I read the Guardian. In fact the news business is changing so fast we would do well to look to the future. The NEW CANADA has the potential to be the lead nation in creating a true democracy which will act as a beacon to a struggling world. We will thus lead in terms of using our resources for the betterment of the entire population. It follows then, that we will lead the world in dealing with Global Warming. To reach these goals Canada needs to up its’ game vis a vis
our educational system and the means by which the citizens gain information. And there
is no time to lose. Everything in the info domain should be taking us downfield. The present Nazi media in Canada does no such thing. The media attempts, with every newspaper or broadcast to GIVE US THE BUM STEER. In the USA and the UK, the Nazi media is paid to misinform and mislead by AMERIGREED which is made up of Washington, Wall St., the banks and 3500 major hollow corporations. In Canada the Nazi media is paid by the American oil monopoly, whose interest is in controlling our petroleum resources, getting the stuff for nothing. As well the monopoly sees this country as a captive market for retailing gasoline, diesel and jet fuel made from ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqis. With no competition the oilies can charge what they want and do. The return on the oil monopoly investment in this Country is 28%. Bush Jr. invaded Iraq to gain control of its’ oil and he succeeded. In doing, so Georgie destroyed the Country and gave rise to ISIS. The cheap, stolen oil is flowing, ISIS gets its’ bankroll and the terrorist element, fully funded by the West allows the Governments of the US, England and Canada to limit civil liberties. The rightpublicanazis do not view countries under dictatorships, that anti democratic outfit in Brussels and ISIS / terrorists as the enemy. The citizenry of America, the UK and Canada [ more than 450 million people ] are considered the enemy. WE are the only force in the world that can knock the US Kleptocracy off its’ perch. Even China and Russia could not bring the USA down militarily. It is the internal threat, the people in each place, who have the ability to cut the greedy clutching hands off AMERIGREED. The rightpublicanazis have gone to the well one too many times and civil unrest has broken out. And there is nothing to stop the November election going forward in the midst of chaos. Trumpf is encouraging white armed racists to vote early, then attend the polling places in Black / minority areas to make sure no cheating is going on. The Republican States are not uttering a peep. I am guessing that the right will organize buses, to take the armed thugs to the areas where the Democrats present a threat to the Republican candidates. The Black leadership is already on this case and has said publicly they will take action if Trumpf’s supporter try to intimidate minority voters. The Black leadership has put the authorities and police on notice that intimidation WILL NO BE TOLERATED. So we have the irresistible force meeting the immovable object. The minority voters have their right, under the Constitution to cast their ballot without fear. The white supremacists are not about to allow control of the Nation to pass to the minorities because of some silly idea called democracy. My guess would be that Trumpf’s armed thugs WILL show up at key election areas. If the States and the police fail to act, I believe the BLACKS WILL ACT. The States affected will then close the polls down and impose Martial Law. The suspension of civil liberties by Republican Governors will give the rightpublicanazis what they want. Voter suppression of yet another kind. The closing of select, disrupted polls will nullify the vote. If voting in any area is disrupted by Trumpf’s Brown Shirts the whole election would be illegitimate. Then what??? President Obama is a lame duck. The Supreme Court is a lame duck with only 8 justices. The Court can’t decide on any issue now. Congress is gridlocked. The rightpublicanazis are in opposition to the Democrats. The right itself is split in two between the lunatic fringe and the far right, meaning NO MEANINGFUL RESPONSE TO THE HOSTILITIES. The white police will not defend the minorities when the crunch comes, neither will the National Guard nor the Military stationed at home. The Black cops, National Guard and the military will not accept the intimidation of their fellows by the Trumpfish thugs. Added to the toxic mix will be Black veterans, going back to the Vietnam War. They know a hell of a lot more about firearms and tactics than Trumpf’s 40 million white pantywaists. One Trumpf supporter showed of a cupboard full of machine gun ammunition, 10,000 rounds. If I was a part of the Black militia, I’d raid this guy’s place and seize that ammunition. I am white, my family goes back a thousand years to East Yorkshire. But I have absolutely no time for whites who get ahead by standing on the backs of others. This shows a level of ignorance and weakness which pervade the USA. American whites are incapable of honest competition against the world and even the minorities at home, including the blacks. So over the last 40 years, since Reagan, the whites have been turned into cheaters who cheat at EVERY level in and EVERY field. For the Yankees, there is no need to win a race, they either buy the win of rig the results. As time goes by and the American prowess slips ever downward, it has become necessary for them to double down on cheating. The recent globalization of financial services, by the USA, with the help of politicians on the take world wide, and the proliferation of so called Free Trade Pacts, conceal the attempts by Washington’s secret Government to get its’ tentacles firmly around any country that breaths. The American tentacles have hooks and suckers on the underside with which extract the life out of any prey in its grip. There is an old saying related to countries. The farther you are away from the USA, the better off you are. Canadians were awakened to these Yankee cheats on October 1 /16, thanks to Harper. Oh, another American attribute on exhibit here, ARROGANCE 400 years in development. If you win every race, by buying the medals or rigging the results, after a while you don’t even have to leave the dressing room. In the War of 1812, when the USA invaded Canada the Yankees went down to defeat because they were cock sure of their abilities. Towering arrogance doomed the effort to seize Canada. Thomas Jefferson was convinced all of North America belonged to the USA. This feeling has never dimmed in the States. The recent attempted takeover of Canada by Houston, with Steve Harper’s help is just the latest manifestation of this 200 year old US dream. In 1812, Jefferson told a friend, the acquisition of Canada in regards to Quebec will by a matter of marching. The Brits at the time, saw the Americans as blackguards and hypocrites. I say if the description fits wear it. 200 years later and Tommy’s dream has still not come true but it is not for the lack of trying. Each attempt to gain control of this Country has foundered on arrogance. Efforts in this regard have not been well thought out and they’ve always been too little and too late. As of 2016, Canada has positioned itself to do a rebuild job, the NEW CANADA. We must toss the right wing playbook in the fire, write a Canadian playbook for the new century and get to work while the Americans are consumed by a Civil War. Trumpf’s white Brown Shirts against the minority majority. Speaking of freedom and BREXIT, there were enough Brits, who questioned the confiscational arrangements made between Brussels, Washington and criminals at Goldman Sachs. What a fool that little man David Cameron was. To the dismay of the rightpublicanazis, Dave gave the people of the UK a chance to vote IN or Out of the EU. The majority [ the will of the people ], opted for LEAVE. AMERIGREED was appalled. The US view is that any vote by the ignorant masses be rendered meaningless as the Nov. / 16 Election will be. Thus the English chose BREXIT, freedom from the grasping US, as did WE. The small political minds in Scotland and North Ireland pushed to remain fixed to the American teat, as did the financial district of London [ the money laundering centre of the world ]. I am reminded of the people Germany during the rise of Hitler. In their millions they accepted trinkets like jobs, housing, good food, health care, vacations and pensions. In return, the Germans gave up their freedom. When the end came in 1945, 10 million Germans were dead and Bomber Harris and his boys [ aircrew 125,000 : rough number : 70% Brits, 19% Canucks, 7% Australians, 3% New Zealanders and one percent the Commonwealth ] had turned the Country into a pile of rubble. Giving up your freedom, mean you put your future and the future of your family in the hands of someone else. The USA NEVER. Only the evil want to control the lived of others. The world Nazi media lives because of three Governments. The USA. The former Harper Fascist Government. And the Thatcherites, presently hiding behind the Conservative banner. In order. In the forty years since Reagan, his Nazi media has shot its’ bolt. The media has created a fantasy land, which is now so firmly entrenched that the way back to reality is now beyond reach. Some months back I began reviewing the larger picture in the USA. As each unfortunate illegal or quasi illegal chapter unfolded, I simply asked, who will stop this. And who can stop this. The Hatfields / McCoys feud went on for 30 years [ 1863 to 1892 ]. The dispute went on so long and so many people were killed because there was no Government and no law and order. The participants could kill at will. There is a famous picture of the Hatfield family on the internet. Most of the men / boys are brandishing guns. It could be a poster for USA 2016. In Canada, one of those stupid buggers who works for Paul Godfrey / National Post threw a loaded beer can at Hymun Soo Kim of the Baltimore Orioles, who were playing the Toronto Blue Jays in the wild card game. That king size can weighed one pound and would have crushed Hymun’s skull if it had made contact. It is not surprising that this guy worked for Paul Godfrey. Just a glance at any of the National Post papers shows those involved are all idiots like this jerk. But it is interesting that this story reveals three failing, which run deep through the Sociopaths who populate the right. Namely, stupidity, running away from truble and lying. The beer thrower disappeared 45 seconds after the can was thrown. The right is littered with people who run for the hills when trouble ensues. Lyin Brian Mulroney ran away. Mike ” the yellow ” Harris ran away. Dalton McGunty ran away [ a right winger hiding in the Liberal ranks ] and Lyin Steve Harper ran, he found refuge in a closet when the bullets began to fly in Parliament. The can thrower was clearly in the picture, then he took off. When arrested by the police, he denied he threw the beer can. They have this guy’s picture and his ticket information. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaa. He is lying as did Mulroney, Harris, McGuinty and Harper. Rule of thumb. Never believe anything you hear from a right winger or read in a right wing newspaper like the National Post. My point however shows the difference between Canada and the States. Here a guy who throws a can of beer at a baseball game is in the slammer inside a couple of days, even though Godfrey is doing a full whitewash job on the can thrower. The TRUTH is constantly the victim in the National Post. What a difference in the two Countries. In America the buying and selling of illegal hollow tip ammunition goes on right under the noses of the authorities, but they are just too frightened to take action. Hollow point bullets are intended to kill humans and leave a big hole. Those buying machine guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition in the USA are getting ready for big shootout. Intelligent people know full well, that the more education citizens have, the smoother democracy functions. This was the path followed up to WW 11, when the dictatorships of Italy, Germany and Japan began censoring the news and pumping out propaganda. Italians, Germans and the Japanese people knew zero as to what was going on. Small groups of insane men in each Country took the world to the edge of the abyss. Rendering populations [ I – 45,000,000, G – 80,000,000 and J – 75,000,000 ] ignorant, this did not serve the interests of the masses in the 3 Countries. These poor people allowed themselves to be seduced by state controlled radio and the press. Here are only rough numbers [ military / civilian ], which show 600,000 people died in Italy. 10,000,000 died in Germany. 3.500,000 died in Japan. In each case the Fascists led their blind people into hell holes BY WAY OF A SUBSERVIENT MEDIA CONTROLLED BY FORCE. In the case of the Nazi media in 2016, it is controlled by AMERIGREED MONEY. Paul Godfrey is paid by Houston to turn Canadians into the servant class. THE NEW CANADA CAN ONLY BE BUILT BY A PEOPLE WITH A HIGH INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT. Our goals should be to give the best education possible to our young. We must deal with the matter of high unemployment among the young, 15% is unacceptable. This squandering of our young human capital is a stain on this country. You would think the world would have learned a lesson about right wing zealots / Fascists and where their ideology leads. Total destruction. But no!!! Here in Canada, the USA and England the exact same Fascist forces are leading us to ruin, led by the rightpublicanazis. Small groups of evil, Sociopathic, right wingers have seized the means of communication yet again, in all 3 Countries and are bent on imposing self serving measures about which the populations know nothing and seem to want to know nothing. Every day now brings matters which should be tackled by Canada’s Governments working in concert with THE PEOPLE. Yet every day our Nazi media is paid petro dollars to exacerbate problems, Paul Godfrey and the CBC tell endless tales about all the bad things that are happening or NOT HAPPENING in Ottawa and Edmonton. And of course we get our daily doses of rightie propaganda [ Harper / Hayek ]. Canada’s problems can be solved, such solutions are staring us in the face, oil, natural gas, electricity, transportation, health care, climate change and indigenous people, is a good start. Trouble is, apparently you can lead a Canadian to a solution but you can’t make him partake. So many people write about what ails Canada BUT THEY ARE PAID TO NEVER GO THE NEXT STEP, SUGGESTING SOLUTIONS. But I am different and my Spratley Extra is there to see in more than 500 posts. I have taken the time to research the options needed to say, solve the pipeline situation or provide the 1st Nations with clean drinking water. In terms of petroleum we have crude oil, tar, there is a domestic market and a world market. It doesn’t take a whole lot of smarts to see the solution. Turn the crude oil and tar into refinable oil in situ. Pipe the said resultant oil to the Canadian market. If there is a surplus, pipe the oil to ports in Vancouver BC, Churchill Man. and NF / NB on the Atlantic. What is so fuccking difficult to understand here. The reason Canada is not dealing with the tar / Benzine bomb mix is the American oil monopoly spends loads of money with Paul Godfrey and friends to lie and misinform Canadians on the issue. In the matter of clean drinking water for about 180 First nations reserves. Get this! THE WATER PROBLEMS ON RESERVES DO NOT RELATE TO WATER, THEY RELATE TO SEWAGE. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Our reserve system has been around for 200 years. In Canada, Governments tried to accommodate the First Nations by providing them with their own permanent territories. Ottawa’s heart was in the right place but on too many occasions this effort was bungled. But Canada’s initiatives in this regard stood head and shoulders above the American’s treatment of their indigenous people. Congress basically said, kill them all. Those who seek to help our First Nations, must separate the treatment afforded in the USA and what transpired in Canada. Back to the solution of clean drinking water. In 1800, the only way to travel was by water. Thus reserves were located at water’s edge on lakes and rivers. This means that the water table is high on reserves. With small populations, on reserves, the sewage could be dumped on the land and shallow wells could be dug to provide water. As the 1st Nations population has increased the practice of dumping poop where you get your drinking water doesn’t work any more. But the areas dedicated to reserves, are all in the flood plains. And you can’t use lakes because most are contaminated, as are rivers, unless fast moving. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, has done an abysmal job of dealing with this water problem. Going back 20 years shows two things about AAND Can. The people involved are completely devoid of imagination. Einstein said, ” the definition of insanity is when you keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get a different result “. The explanation surely explains AAND and the right wing. AAND is also a channel to the private sector which sees expensive work done on reserves with little to how for taxpayer’s money. I would suggest that PM Trudeau take AAND off the Boil Water Notice case. No progress on or understanding of foul water on reserves, after 20 years by AAND shows a hig degree of incompetence. Solution! The PM should organize a W Team with the express job of providing clean water to the reserves. Churchill during the War organized such special teams to cut through the bureaucratic maze and red tape. The drinking water on reserves has to be drawn from ABOVE THE WATER TABLE AND SAND FILTERED. OR, THE WELLS HAVE TO BE DRILLED TO DEPTH, OUT OF REACH OF THE WATER TABLE. SURFACE WATER GOING DOWN TO 150 FT, HAS BEEN FILTERED THROUGH PLENTY OF SAND TO BE DRINKABLE. I HAVE COME UP WITH A THEORY TO COUNTER HITLER’S CLAIM THAT THE IGNORANT MASSES WILL BELIEVE LIES IF THEY TOLD OVER AND OVER AGAIN. AS PAUL GODFREY DOES. I AM GOING TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER. THE TRUTH WILL BE TRIUMPHANT IN THE END BECAUSE CANADIANS ARE NO IGNORANT AND THE TRUTH HAS FACILITY. AAND estimated, during the end of Herr Harper’s dictatorial reign that it would cost $ 7.5 billion over ten years to solve the drinking water problems. Pure unadulterated self serving bullshit. I am sure all the friends of AAND in the private sector who prepared these estimates were just rubbing their hands will glee. Dreams of huge contracts with ever huger profits danced in their heads. So here is an exercise for Canadians in taking back their Country. James and I estimate, to fix all the 180 boil water notices on reserves will cost less than $ 1.5 billion and could be completed in under 3 years. Now you, Mr. / Mrs. Canuck know something the Prime Minister doesn’t know, the 1st Nations don’t know, AAND doesn’t know and Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich don’t know. The 1st Nations Boil Water Advisories are easily put behind us but there is too much taxpayers money readily available TO NOT FIX THE PROBLEM. You should be concerned, after all this is your money that is being wasted NOT DEALING WITH THE PROBLEM. Knowledge is power. Depriving people of knowledge makes them powerless. Hello Canada, is anybody in there??? The primary rule for communications as laid out by Hitler. Never let the population cool off. Keep the public anxious and off balance. The leadership must never admit fault or wrongdoing. Never concede anything. Don’t find a single sliver of good in your enemies. Never offer any alternatives [ it is the Harper / Hayek way or the highway ]. Never, never accept blame. Find a scapegoat and concentrate on him exclusively. Blame the scapegoat for every problem. Repeat continuously. Eventually the masses will yield. I am sure these Nazi Rule were posted in Harper’s PMO and on the wall behind Paul Godfrey’s desk.

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In Canada there are more good things happening than bad, but you would never know it??? And for the 1000th time, I say, the Fascist / right wing ideology has NEVER WORKED. Since Ronald Reagan the ideology / economic theories HAVE NEVER WORKED. How many times do the American righties have to screw up Canada, before the public cries uncle??? EVER??? This campaign mounted by Houston, to take CONTROL Canada will not end until YOU put Paul Godfrey / PostMedia, David Thomson / Globe and Tar, John Honderich / Star, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and their advertisers out of business or in jail? At the CBC, Harper’s management and Board have to be forced to walk the plank and the right wing zealots paid by Houston and planted at the Corporation, fired. I know, I know, it is a bother for you to get involved protecting these freedoms we enjoy. But it will be a whole lot harder to get them back once the rightpublicanazis / oilies have taken them away. IF EVER??? Right now Ontario and Quebec are suffering from shortages of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Will Paul Godfrey or the CBC ever tell you WHY??? The American oil monopoly ships its’ ISIS oil, stolen from the Iraqi people, fenced through Turkey, to Delaware. This oil is refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel for distribution to the US Eastern Seaboard, Ontario and Quebec. Thus Ottawa is allowing stolen goods to cross the border. Since the demand is high for the Holiday in the Eastern States, the oil monopoly has short shipped the products to Canada. There is always the possibility that Ont. / Que. could be cut off fuel completely and our economy would grind to a halt. This comes about because WE THE PEOPLE HAVE ALLOWED HARPER AND THE NEB TO GIVE CONTROL OF OUR FUEL SITUATION OVER TO THE AMERICANS. The oil monopoly is firstly going to look after the needs of the States. IN A SENSE IT IS FUCK CANADA! This is what we get for putting our balls in the hands of the Yankees. Any time the tyrant squeezer wants to squeeze, he squeezes. It hurts. When does the hurting reach the point where Canadians do something about this situation??? But worst is still to come. Harper / NEB allowed the Americans to close down the natural gas industry in Alberta and Saskatchewan. This has transpired, so that cheap, fracked nat. gas in Pennsylvania could be sold to Ontario and Quebec at Alberta prices. It is the same as rotten meat at full price? But the Pennsylvania situation is very iffy on long term supply [ this is not something the East faced when nat. gas came from Alta. / Sask ] The Pennsylvania nat. gas is sold on the US is controlled spot market. The price goes up when supply gets short. The US nat. gas companies regularly withhold product in order to spike the price, this is the doing of Harper / NEB. If nat. gas supplies run short stateside, Canada will be the first to be cut off. Suffering a fuel shortage means not getting to the cottage or leaving the boat at the dock. Suffering a natural gas shortage, in Eastern Canada, where two thirds of the population live would be catastrophic. Again, this, thanks to Steve Harper and the National Energy Board. Again the Yankee tyrant has our balls in his hands. If such a nat. gas shortage occurred in Ontario and Quebec I would want to string up Harper, Joe Oliver, their staff and the entire NEB compliment. But it would never get that far. I believe that the US nat. gas industry will at some time turn the tap off, cause chaos in Ont. / Que., then have Paul Godfrey and the others mount a campaign to drive Trudeau and his Government out of office. There is a way out though, quite simple. Take Canada’s balls out of American hands. Bring the upgrading / refining of petroleum in house. Refine gasoline diesel and jet fuel in Canada, exclusively! Ban the importation of natural gas from the USA. Source all of the nat. gas used in this Nation, in BC, Alta., Sask and NS. Daaaaaaaaaaa. When a human being comes of age they strike out on their own. As Canada piles up the years, we regress in age, related to America. Once upon a time, all our fuel was refined in this Country, but not any more. This present system, imposed on us by Harper / NEB / the Americans, cost this Country tens of billions each year [ it is called wealth stripping by the Wall St. sharks ]. Once upon a time, all of Canada’s natural gas was sourced in house, but not any more. This present system imposed on us by Harper / NEB / Americans costs this Land tens of billions each year [ on Wall St. it is called wealth stripping ]. And what do we get for our many billion that flow south. Why a hind teat which can be close off in the blink of an eye. Why would a people pay top dollar to put themselves in such a vulnerable position. Stupid? Lazy? Blind? Deaf? Why do lemming packs throw themselves off cliffs? Why would we allow the Yankees to retain the levers of power in Canada when at the same time the Americans are on an unthinking course towards mass destruction. I think our course of action should be seizing the moment, becoming totally self sufficient and henceforth marching to the beat of our own drum. There is the alternative however. Continue clinging tightly to the USS America and go down with their ship??? Trumpf’s supporters have been openly showing off their illegal ammunition hoards as well as collections of hollow tip bullets, which fall under the Firearms Act of 1968. It is illegal to possess or sell hollow tip bullets. So the situation, even at this point is now well beyond the Law. A Law which the Congress, the Supreme Court and the police forces WILL NOT ENFORCE. They are afraid to precipitate the outbreak of mass shooting. As a result, the Nov. vote can only leave a hung jury? The USA is headed towards a minority majority. If Hillary wins, 40 million armed white racists will take to the streets. Their motivation will be to reverse this trend, NOW, a the point of millions of machine guns. Even if democracy ceases to exist in the USA. If Trumpf wins, he will have to deliver to the white mob, all he has promises, which is impossible. Once the armed moves beyond Trumpf, he’ll go crawl in a hole or someone will assassinate him. The resolution of the aftermath of this sad debacle is now well passed recall. The cliff awaits and THE DIE HAS BEEN CAST.

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Now that hostilities have broken out in the USA the Guardian is cutting back on coverage. There will be no money made by the paper covering the USA second Civil War. It would be like trying to sell newspapers in th monkey cage at the zoo. England too has now free of the AMERIGREED clutches via Brussels. Canada is also free of American control. Plus, the USA oil monopoly has so much ISIS oil stolen from Iraqis, which is fenced through Turkey, on its’ hands, they don’t any Alberta / Saskatchewan tar right now. Maybe down the road. Rather than the stolen ISIS oil story coming out, the USA oil monopoly has started another phony campaign to divide Canada. Just like in the 1980s when Pierre Trudeau’s NEP took the rap for low world oil prices which deeply affected Alberta financially. The American oil monopoly hired the Canadian Nazi Press to press the phony case against the NEP. The tale about the bad old senior Trudeau and his NEP plan to steal the West’s wealth was all lies. Our Nazi press told the NEP story over, and over, and over ,and over, like true Nazis. In fact, if you were a young rightie writer just starting out in the Harper era, one of the ways to get permanent was to mention the NEP, no matter what your story was about, a rite of passage. There are are still people here to-day, who remember the NEP fairy tale. That is what this post is all about. The USA Government along with Lyin Steve, assisted
by our Nazi media brain washing the public by the publishing / broadcasting lies, misinformation and rightie propaganda. IT WORKS for the American oil monopoly and this Country’s Nazi media.

If enough money is spent buying our Nazi media and the propaganda is tightly controlled from one location, the oft repeated message DOES RESONATE. It is a given. Think the lies of Big Tobacco, Global Warming and more recently ** OIL ** . So the Canadians who continue to believe the tar / Benzine [ Napalm ], going by their doors by rail or pipeline are not to blame for thinking it is ** OIL ** . They just have flawed brains, which allows evil people like Bernays, Hitler and Harper to control how they think. Having such people here in Canada is a threat to our democracy, in that they can be manipulated by a foreign power, based in Houston, using our Nazi media, of which Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich are an integral part. A fully fledged democracy requires at its’ core, educated voters, which is a two way street. Governments and an HONEST MEDIA must work earnestly to inform the public. A top notch educational system is crucial, from Public School, High School, Community Colleges and Universities. Business and commercial activity has to be banned from the educational system. Look at the damage that has been done to Canada with the Universities of Calgary and Carleton being under the control of Houston petro dollars. These Universities graduate subversive students and are centres for pro oil propaganda. On the other side, the public must accept it’s responsibility and play it’s role in our democracy. This, by keeping abreast of current events and important issues. Being well informed means and informed decision. Houston can have all the oil bucks in the world in the bank, and they can do no us harm. The damage only comes, when WE ALLOW, I REPEAT, WE ALLOW, our media to abandon their stated commitment to us to provide free and fair coverage and begin playing both sides of the street. Taking money to inform the public, while taking from the oilies to misinform the public, as Paul Godfrey does in aiding a foreign cause. So where is the choke point in all of this??? To move onto Churchill’s sunny upland where the NEW CANADA will be built the TRUTH must reign supreme. The TRUTH will empower the population to make the right choices. A population well informed is a population empowered, with the steering wheel in its’ hands. Paul Godfrey and his friends are on the opposite trajectory. Rather than the stairway to paradise, the Nazi media is directing us down a manhole to hell The oil monopoly is paying for lies, misinformation and right wing propaganda. The right dreads an educated public. They much prefer to have their white base stupid, of which there are 40 million in the USA at present, all heavily armed. There are a hundred thousand or so white racist dummies in Canada whose representatives are out of office, a good thing. Plus we only let them have guns under regulation. Paul Godfrey’s job, for $ 1.7 million a year is to ever expand the number of village idiots in the Country. Canadians now number 36 million and have the ability to demand higher educational standards. We should have a basic curriculum for all students, K to University, maths, languages, Canadian history, world history, science, politics, finances and current events. Then it would be a matter of branching out into sprecialties. With our Governments taking a much bigger role

There is a very simple way to eliminate the Nazi press. Do not buy a Post paper, the Globe, the Star, the Sun or Maclean’s. Do not watch CTV, Global and the CBC. And the icing on the cake, a little twist of the dagger while it is in. Refuse to do business with any company that advertises in or on any of the foregoing. Birds of a feather flock together. It follows, since Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich cheat and lie, their advertisers will do likewise. I WOULD NOT TRUST ANY COMPANY THAT ADVERTISES IN OUR NAZI MEDIA. These are short term thinkers looking to make a quick buck at our expense. You WILL get cheated. If you are a young person without a good job, blame Harper. Steve encouraged these cheats. The right thinks that the young should be without meaningful work and stressed out, thus they are easier to manipulate. Student loans are an abomination, charging our young for their education is contemptible. I have had meaningful, rewarding work for 65 years. I could not begin to total my output of products and services. I was mostly self employed. Look at the taxes I generated for Canada. The NEW CANADA need long term thinkers inventors, idea people innovators and entrepreneurs, willing to invest in the future of this Nation. Would you do business with Kevin O’Leary? This cheat is an accepted member of the establishment like Conrad Black, they’re all take and no give. I’d take a thousand Alex Tilley’s before I’d take a Kevin or a Conrad. It is time for Canada to clean house and define a new deal. We gotta find a new way to strut our stuff. Let’s say we start tomorrow??? Dishonest businessmen should be put in jail or deported. The honest companies, dealers and operators, in the business community should be given a guarantee that they will not have to compete with US cheats, liars and thieves, LIKE UBER. Fortunately, Oct. 19 /15 put the American oil monopoly takeover Canada on hold, the deed was accomplished by the majority of thinking Canadians. Actually, we as a people score high on the intelligence scale, compared to Americans. FOX NEWS is hard at work widening the knowledge gap. In fact, one of the Presidential candidates is not familiar with major cities in the world. He probably doesn’t get out of North Dakota much. But the will of the majority in Canada is no longer the safe haven it once was. The rightpublicanazis have, over 40 years, spent an inordinate amount of time and US taxpayer’s money trying to deny the majority the power they are due. White supremacy was and is the rightie’s central goal. The Fascists can’t stand the thought of having a successful democracy north of the 49th parallel for all the stupids to see, on a daily basis. How are you going to keep them poor and on the farm after they’ve seen Canada. So the job of the US Nazi media, which is paid expressly to thwart and nullify the efforts of their majority. And added to the task, their poison spills across the border in order to disrupt this Country. Everything that can go wrong is magnified by Paul Godfrey et al. If nothing goes wrong Paul with have his low paid / no paid, brain washed interns make it up. GOOD NEWS, in the National Post? You have got to be kidding. FALSE NEWS takes the place of GOOD NEWS. If twisted GOOD NEWS can become a negative in the hands of Godfrey’s demented scribes. The modus operandi for those in authority in the USA and their Nazi hirelings is to say one thing and do the exact opposite. Hitler hated Winston Churchill more than any other man alive. Churchill had the Fuhrer taped. Whatever Hitler said, the Prime Minister knew he would do the exact opposite. We escaped by the skin of our teeth from the Yankee traders, as did England in the BREXIT vote. Two exercises in plumbing the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Both votes were huge mistakes by two Fascist PMs. Harper called an Election for October 19 /15, 4 months early. Lyin Steve had hog tied elections Canada and reduced it power to deal with wrong doing. Harper Fascists had in the bank, a stack of illegal US oil money, enough to choke a horse. The plan for that money, was to outspend the other political parties over many weeks. The entire Nazi media was engaged, the Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC. On paper the oil monopoly / Harper / Nazi media were walk off winners. Canadians had other ideas. Steve’s Fascists were defeated soundly but all this country did was buy a little time to strengthen its’ democratic defenses. The oil monopoly is still alive and living in Alberta, doing its’ worst, with the aid of our Nazi media. The second round will come in 2019, by which time Premier Notley and PM Trudeau will have been on the receiving end of the longest and most bitter smear campaign in Canada’s history. It matters little, if Godfrey and his brothers can dig up enough dirt to last for 3 1/2 years, they will just make it up anyhow. So if you are a reader / watcher of the Canadian Nazi media, to your excursions into Harperland each day you will now see or hear forays into pure fiction, concocted in Houston. If you happen to be one of the stupids it be a rewarding time. Not once will you be forced to face reality in the real world! The downside to being stupid is that all the time the stupids are sitting in the dark, their pockets are being picked by the oilies. So Harper threw the dice and lost. I am working to see that loss is permanent. In terms of BREXIT, Dave Cameron, another Fascist puppet leader, decided to allow a free vote on leaving / staying in the EU. It was a huge blunder, allowing democracy to blossom on the basis of a single question, devoid of the regular monkey business associated with regular elections. Cameron called the vote to quell unrest in his own Party, secondly, Dave amateurishly thought he could win going away, like Harper. Cameron had developed no plans for BREXIT. It was expected that the London Nazi press [ not the Guardian ], would carry the ball along with a number of high profile people who were getting a cut from the EU through Brussels. Their efforts were narrowly focused and related to all the bad things that would happen if England bailed. Even Obama threatened the Brits. Wall St. was concerned, lest 60 million people escape the wealth stripping arrangement cooked up by Washington, the Streeters and the elites in Brussels. The Yankee traders had been assured by Brussels that they could come in and financial fuck 500 million EU citizens, who would be without recourse. Then this stupid Cameron comes along and mucks up the whole arrangement. After which, like all Fascist leaders, Dave ran for his life. He’s probably found an empty closet by now, it is in the blood. In terms of Harper’s defeat, it is clearly not the time to be resting on our oars. Houston has changed gears and focus, the pace to destroy the Governments in Alberta and Ottawa by a million lies and smears, delivered by Paul Godfrey and his pals, has quickened. The oilie suits are always hidden in the shadows. There are plenty of Sociopaths like Russ Girling and turncoats like Steve Harper who will take petro dollars, do or say anything that damages Canada. They appear in the Nazi media daily. Houston has organized a Nazi media blitz aimed at driving Premier Notley and PM Trudeau out of office. The Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC are all involved. I would guess that there are 5000 Fascist scribes working on the oilie payroll in Canada, copying Houston E-Mails, some even buried within the CBC. I don’t know of a single journalist in media who is a booster of Canada. If such animals exits, for sure they have been purge. The CBC is a different case. Those at the CBC, who attack the Trudeau Government, without cause, every day, are looking for important jobs in journalism, after the oilies takeover succeeds. Esther Enkin, the new CBC Ombudswomen, must get stars on her chart in Houston. Esther allows her flock to use the word ** OIL ** , in place of tar mixed with Benzine [ Naplam ], probably 200 / 300 times a week. Remember Hitler’s take on this. A lie, to take root, has to be repeated over and over again to the ignorant masses. Enkin certainly knows with side of her oilie cheque is buttered on. Esther’s friend, Paul Godfrey is not raising a tiny finger to boost Canada. Stab, stab, stab. Paul is happily taking money to kill Canada as a free nation. In the old days they used to hang people for treason. I for one would love to see Godfrey swing, even though a small fry. The oil monopoly in Houston has been given the job of taking Canada by AMERIGREED because they already have a huge network of Brown Shirts, subversive think tanks and organizations embedded across the Country, faking charity status and undermining our democracy. They are doing it by stealth. Most of the takeover people in managerial positions are Americans. But the majority of the rank and file of these Fifth Column cells are operated by Canadians who seem quite happy to sell their Country out for a paycheque. And the beauty of it is, you can be brainless like Tony Clemment still work as a USA gopher, go for this and go for that. The traitorous organizations are as follows, the University of Calgary, Carleton University, the Manning Centre for regime change in Canada, Civitas Subversive Secret Society where the white racists meet in private to coup plot, Fraser Inst., C. D. Howe Inst., Canada West Foundation, Macdonald Laurie Inst., Atlantic Institute For Market Studies, Montreal Economic Institute, Canadian Federation of Small Business and the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. All of them are phone booth organizations, funded by petro dollars, and staffed with Fascists, masquerading as economists. All these organizations have tiny footprints but present huge public presences, like a twenty story, blow up King Kong. Why should the opinions of 5 twenty eight somethings, meeting in a phone booth, count for anything??? Other than laughter. Of all the despicable organizations set up by Herr Harper, the Dorchester Review was the bottom of the barrel. They duped the 4th Baron of Tweedsmuir into becoming the front for the rewriting of Canada’s History by the stable of 3rd class writers at the National Post. Toby Buchan was well taken in. Harper’s plan was that after 25 years under the American oil monopoly boot, Canadians being in servitude for that time, would not know their own rich history. As long as the oil cheques kept coming, Paul Godfrey was quite happy to take our history away. How many insults have to be visited on Canadians before they say enough is enough??? But interestingly, some Canadians still vote for representatives who look after the interests of BIG OIL, first and foremost. And many of such Canadians [ directly connected to the millions of stupids in America ] continue to buy the Post / Globe or watch CTV / CBC. They’re happy to hear over and over the fantasies they’ve come to love. Like kids love bedtime stories as they get tucked in. This is weird, a sort of mental flagellation. Studies have labelled this lot, they are so stupid, but they don’t realize just how stupid they are, like Ezzie Le Rant. Many Canadians, especially in Alberta allow themselves to be continually beat up and robbed by the USA oil monopoly, this theft has been going on for 35 years yet some Albertas blame the NDP for their dire straits. HUH! These are Canadian Trumpf supporters. These Albertans then whine to Ottawa about the scrapes and bruises they have suffered at the hand of the American oil monopoly, their jailer. Canadians CAN SOLVE THE FINANCIAL PROBLEMS IN ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN, ONLY PROBLEM, THE TWO PROVINCES HAVE TO ESCAPE THE DEATH GRIP THE USA OIL MONOPOLY HAS ON THEM. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A LEECH SUCKING THE BLOOD FROM A HUMAN BEING. THAT IS THE AMERICAN OIL MONOPOLY IN ACTION. UNLIKE THE NORMAL LEECH THE OIL MONOPOLY HAS SUCKERS ON BOTH ENDS, VERY EFFICIENT. When a mosquito bites it deadens the area with a pain killer. I wonder, in the process of stealing the petroleum resources from Albert and Saskatchewan, does the monopoly anesthetize the owners of the resources. It would seem the monopoly props the Albertans up on a hill looking to Ottawa in the east. When these silly buggers awake with their pockets empty, they assume the robbers were easterners. The present oil glut and low prices have been caused once again by the dynamic duo, Washington and the American oil monopoly working in concert. Washington has always wanted to dominate other countries, a modern extension of slavery. Washington and the oilies precipitated the 1973 OPEC no matter what the Nazi media said. They wanted cheaper oil and more control. Result, world chaos and at huge cost to everyday Americans. In 1979 Washington and the oil monopoly caused the Iranian revolution. They wanted cheaper oil and more control over the Iranian resource. North Americans suffered. Saudi Arabia and Russia moved into the void and met the world oil supply need and strengthened their hand in global affairs. Washington and the American oil monopoly lost traction, something which was never regained. The Nazi media remained silent. In response to the diminished power of the USA, Georgie Jr. decided to use 9/11 as the pretext to seize and control Iraqi oil in 2003. Washington and the American oil monopoly joined forces again. They wanted cheap oil and control of supply, again. The invasion of Iraq sparked an open Civil War between the Sunnis [ Saudi Arabia ] and the Shiites [ Iran ]. An underground Civil War has been going on for years between Saudi Arabia and Iran. It has been waged by terrorist groups funded by Saudi Arabia and Iran who do their fighting in other countries. As long as the homelands of Saudi Arabia and Iran remained above the fray. When Bush Jr. / Washington destabilized Iraq by invading the Country the USA provided a sort of prize fight ring in which the Sunnis and Shiites could have at one another without restrain. Both Saudi Arabia and Iran have resolved not to lose this fight. Oil from both Saudi Arabia and ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqi people, which is fenced through Turkey flows to North America where a clique of major oil companies operate as a cartel have a complete monopoly granted them by the Republicans in the 1920. No company in the world has access to 400 million people who are a captive market, like the oil monopoly. Thus the oilies, with Washington’s backing, can threaten countries to extract oil on their own terms or buy ISIS stolen oil, fenced through Turkey or buy cheap Iranian oil, fenced through Turkey. It matters little from whence the oil comes or the price, drivers on Madison Ave. NY, Yonge St. Toronto Ont., or Avenue Outremont, Montreal Que., are buying gasoline or diesel that comes from either ISIS stolen oil or oil obtained by force. Thus North Americans are funding the religious war in the middle east [ both sides if you please? ]. That War has now spilled into Syria. Thanks to Washington and the oil monopoly, two Countries [ Iraq / Syria ] have been destroyed. The Middle East is in complete turmoil yet the USA oil Monopoly continues to get its’ supply of cheap oil, thanks to Congress, no matter how many millions are killed. And what does Washington and Cameron’s Fascists do? And what did Harper attempt to do? Why make use this conflict. Putting it to work scaring people! While the fighting is fueled with billions of dollars from North America drivers. The Fascists, are using the fighting as an excuse to take away the civil liberties of Americans, the English and the Canadians. While the chances of dying from terrorism fall somewhere between death by a falling building in an earthquake or being chewed to death by a Beaver. The Middle East conflict can only be stopped by one Country, Canada. We have the petroleum resources and the homegrown gas / diesel / jet fuel market to abandon the world oil market, operated by the USA oil monopoly on behalf of Washington. The Texas heavy oil refineries which were thriving on cheap tar / Benzine stolen from Alberta / Saskatchewan are no longer cost effective. ISIS / Iranian oil is in, Alta. / Sask. tar is out. So Canada has been pushed to the sidelines by the oil monopoly. There is now no market for Alberta / Saskatchewan tar, but Paul Godfrey, David Thomson, John Honderich and company are being paid to hide that info. Rather, Houston is paying the Nazi media to wage a fantasy campaign blaming Ottawa and Edmonton for not approving the tar / Benzine pipelines which in fact are no longer needed. This campaign is aimed at driving a fraudulent wedge between Eastern and Western Canada. The American oil monopoly is a past master at using petro dollars to fuel the North American Nazi media to draw attention away from the monopoly and replace Houston with some scapgoat. In the 1980s Pierre Trudeau and his NEP were blamed for the recession in Alberta by the oil monopoly, it was not true. It was a myth. Now Justin Trudeau and Rachel Notley are being blamed by the Paul Godfrey and the Nazi media for the recession in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Same deal, it is all lies again, pure myth. It is really quite ingenious and diabolical at the same time. Houston doesn’t want Canadian tar. The monopoly is making use of stolen ISIS oil and profiting quite nicely thank you very much. By blaming the Alberta / Saskatchewan recession on Ottawa and Edmonton over approval of various of the pipelines, Houston gets a double bang for its’ petro buck. The monopoly escapes blame for disrupting the world oil market by buying ISIS stolen oil, fenced through Turkey. So the North American Nazi media is coveing Houston’s ass for selling stolen goods, which is against the law. The Alta. / Sask. recession is being blamed on Trudeau and Notley by the paid Nazi media here, including Paul Godfrey. Creating a rift between Eastern and Western Canada is and will continue to create phony fireworks. Houston hopes from behind the curtains, to use the-no-longer-needed- pipelines as a bludgeon with the 2019 elections in mind. If Canadians can be made upset enough over this pipeline fairy tale, then the Oilie’s very own Wildrose Party, helmed by Jason Kenney will take back Alberta. And Steve Harper, leading a much revived oil funded Fascist Party will return to Ottawa to finish the job of gutting Parliament. When the American oil monopoly take over the reins of Canada in 2019, it will want to see the end of Canadian democracy as soon as possible. So expect the Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC to be paid a lot of oil money to maintain the BLAME-OTTAWA-AND-EDMONTON-FOR-THE-ALBERTA- SASKATCHEWAN- RECESSION CAMPAIGN. But for this campaign to succeed, the economies of Alta. / Sask. will have to be sabotaged for the next 3 years. No joy will be allowed to raise the spirits of Albertans and Saskatchewanians. There is an easy way to scuttle Houston’s plans. Ottawa has to ban the export of tar / Benzine from either Alberta or Sakatchewan. That will effectively kill off the Northern Gateway, Kinder Morgan Transmountain 11 and Russ Girling’s Energy East Pipelines. There will be no lawsuits possible because it is well known with in the industry that Texas doesn’t need our cheap tar and Benzine anymore. Ottawa and the Provinces need to expropriate all of the tar upgraders / refineries in Alberta and Saskatchewan and begin producing easily refined crude oil. As well, all of the refineries across Canada [ presently in operation, closed or abandoned ] have to be expropriated and made ready to refine Alta. / Sask. crude oil. The Feds and the Provinces / Territories have to build the new Twin Beaver Pipelines [ crude oil / natural gas ] from Vancouver to Edmonton [ expropriating the Transmountain Pipeline if necessary ]. From Edmonton the 2B would go to Fort Mc. A spur would go to the Territories. The main 2B would travel across the 55th parallel to Thompson Man. A spur would go the Churchill Man. The main 2 B would cross Northern Ontario, down to North Bay, on Down to Toronto, east to Montreal and Quebec City. From the Quebec Eastern Townships the 2B would travel through NB to NS. Everywhere there is crude oil in Canada [ not fracked ], it could get to gasoline, diesel and jet fuel markets markets across Canada. Everywhere there are natural gas resources [ not fracked ] in Canada, they would have access to Canadian markets guaranteeing Ontario and Quebec a secure supply of gas at a made in Canada price. No more Yankee cutthroats and nat. gas spot prices. To flesh out this system, expropriation of various other pipelines and facilities may be necessary. I was in business for 50 years and often worked with people I disliked. To build the 2B will require many components. If privately owned infrastructure is need for the 2B, of course it has a fair market value. The company is question is due that fair market values plus a premium for the inconvenience. So to assemble all the parts of the 2B in quick time a plan should be drawn up quickly to shown new construction and already available infrastructure. Since in real terms, the tar / Benzine demand has gone into the shitter, I am sure many oil companies will want to dispose of their infrastructure at a decent price. I would even go as far as contracting with such companies to have them continue to operate such facilities at a guaranteed margin of profit. So there is certainly a big choice to be made here. Either Canada seizes the moment and takes the lead in energy and the combating of Global Warming by starting to function like a sovereign Country, or we allow Houston / Paul Godfrey / the rest of our Nazi media to disrupt Canada under false pretenses, for the next 3 years so that the red carpet can be laid out for the return of Herr Harper in 2019??????

The American oil monopoly just wants oil at the lowest possible price and with the minimum of fuss. That is why Lyin Steve gutted all of Canada’s environmental laws and worked to silence the opposition to this rape of the land by using Revenue Canada to haunt and harass his opponents. I believe Harper set up a special team within
Rev. Can. to financially ruin those who were standing up for a free Canada. I mean it is almost a sure bet that the rightpublicanazis, some here working with Herr Harper coud in fact takeover Canada. The Fascists could outspend the liberals and NDP using unlimited, illegal petrol dollars from Houston.

Buying gasoline and diesel refined from stolen ISIS at sky high prices, buying natural gas from Pennsylvania at a price that borders on usury, a lousy job, high debt, a kid in the basement with no work, visits to the Food Bank isn’t a life Canadians should be living. But the Country decided a dozen years ago to accept the rightpublicanazi play book. Which says that the little people are nobodies. And by gar a lot of little people have just folded and accepted their fate. In the hands of Canadians is the ability to create a NEW CANADA rule book, while we still have a valid ballot. We can ban all the Fascist politicians, like Jason Kenny, Brian Jean and Kellie Leitch et al, to the wilderness. And stop buying newspapers and watching TV. Get you news on the net. My day starts with Montreal Simon, then Dave Climenhaga [ ], the CBC to catch any breaking news [ but I do not read many articles, coverage is too anti Government ], the [ US news from a liberal point of view ], then the Guardian UK /USA and finally Wolf Street [ Wolfe Richter, the money man ]. I have been doing this for years and I haven’t missed any scoops. If there is an interesting story, I dig deeper on the net for an indepth reading. I used to spend more time with the CBC. After the election their policy changed. Now the CBC will feature anything and everything that makes the Government look bad. It is clear that the Americans are setting up to retake Alberta and Ottawa in 2019, to make sure Premier Notley and PM Trudeau are one term wonders. Lyin Steve is waiting in the wings. The Fascist leadership race is just a diversion. The our Nazi media, including TV has been totally bought up by AMERIGREED to run hourly smear campaigns on Notley and Trudeau. Houston thinks Canadians will be so sick of the NDP and the Liberals by 2019 that we will welcome permanent Kleptocratic rule and surrender our tattered democracy. And you who have all the intelligence of a 2 x 4 are the key to their success, or so the oilies think. Do me a favour, suprise them!!! Returning to Megantic, any talk of Benzine quickly disappeared and itinerant comments coming from the Town were soon silenced. Replaced by talking point from the PMO. Canadians by and large remained incurious about Megantic. Many believed just what Harper, Paul Godfrey, Dave Thomson were telling them. Just like trained pets. Our entire Nazi media was all singing from the Harper song book. I saved many of those clippings. CPR conveniently lost all the paper work concerning the Megantic train, which is an offense in itself under Transport Canada rules. The Fire Chief said the tank cars were bearing placards which indicated they were carrying ** OIL ** which was a lie. In the end Harper found a scapegoat in the 2 x 4 Railway outfit, M. M and A., that was towing CPR tank cars to Irving Oil in NB. Eight employees of the little Railroad were charged by Herr Harper with causing the Megantic fire and deaths. This is the first time the Canadian Government has laid such charges. It must the first time in Canadian history that a killer like Mad Harper got to charge others for his crime and got away with it. The American oil monopoly, Steve Harper’s employer [ and still is ], paid all the expenses for the Nazi media lies and for the companies to cook their books. CPR walked away blame free. The USA oil monopoly out of Houston remained in the shadow pulling the strings. When it came time to settle up with the victim’s families and the Town of Megantic. Harper gave them Canadian taxpayers money. There is an old song that goes, Nice work if you can get it??? As with all problems caused by the American oil monopoly the victims always pay with their lives as well as paying the bill. If the oilies wanted to sell cow plops as chocolate pies, I think Paul Godfrey and his friends would oblige.. I mean look at what the Nazi media have done with Bitumen. Too many Canadians actually believe ** TAR ** is ** OIL **. The CBC and Rosie Baron so believe. Hitler did say, tell a big lie often enough and the ignorant masses will think it the truth. It would seem that you can fool all of the people all of the time. And now a hundred thousand people on the N. Sask. River have no clean water to drink. Right now they are still being lied to by everybody, Brad Wall, Husky and the Nazi media. How long before some of them wake up and realize they have been royally screwed The petro buck reigns supreme

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I wrote to the NEB a couple of years ago about this dire situation, lack of an early spill warning system. But as expected, I did not hear back from Harper’s FLACKS. The Steve appointed people to the NEB who are willfully ignorant. The NEB Board clearly follows Lyin Steve’s orders, to the letter, STILL. If the NEB had paid attention to me, the Husky tar spill into the N. Sask. River would never have happened. Husky said only 2 tanker car loads of Oil went into the river which is plain bullshit. The spilled petroleum appeared 500 KMs downstream. Just another LIE in a continuing stream of LIES. Now even the lying has stopped, nothing. What will Brad Wall and Brian Pallister say when the tar balls start showing up in The Pas??? Or will the righties even acknowledge that poisoned water has reached into Manitoba. If you look at cases where real oil is spilled into water, it is light and floats on the surface where it can be contained by booms and retrieved. The Husky spill consisted of tar / Benzine. The tar congealed and sank to the bottom of the Sask. River just like at Kalamazoo. The Benzine evaporated and formed an explosive / toxic cloud. The tar globs are now scattered for 500 kms, down passed North Battleford, Prince Albert and may have already reached The Pas. I think municipalities in Sask. and Man. along the River, have been told by Wall and Pallister to keep their mouths shut about the tar spill. Big Oil wants to keep Canadians in the dark on the Husky spill, it is for certain that Brad and Brian and the Nazi media will accede to their wishes. 100,000 Saskatchewanians mean sweet fuck all! There has been NO INDEPENDENT TESTING. Wall is leaving Li Ka Shing do his own testing. That is like leaving a rapist in charge of the investigation??? The oilies NOW OWN the Saskatchewan hen house. In the Kalamazoo spill, the tar globs affixed themselves to the bottom of the River like sea gull shit. The globs are almost impossible to remove and the globs keep bleeding hydrocarbons. I would suggest that all aquatic life, plants and fish, are doomed. Even so, to save their hides, Wall and Pallister, will probably allow the poisoned water to be used by the residents. The health affects of water so poisoned, might not show up for years. So the children of the River, who are allowed to drink this contaminated water may not die until in their 20s. Wall and Pallister will be long gone from office by then and Husky will contend every law suit. Ottawa must intervene and find alternative sources of water for 100,000 people. If Russ Girling, the liar prince can build a 4500 KM pipeline to carry NAPALM, the Feds can build a water pipeline from Jackfish Lake, down to the N. Sask. River, east to North Battleford. For Prince Albert, I’d run a pipeline down from Candle Lake. Other communities along the River could then be easily accommodated, waterwise. Not a soul should drink the water from the N. Sask. River until the water is tested by the United Nations. It is obvious Wall and Husky can’t be trusted. The American oil monopoly can buy any laboratory in Canada. I for one, would forbid my family from drinking the water from that poisoned River. We build GREEN HOMES in outlying areas around Toronto which includes lakes, rivers and Conservation Areas. We could have engineers working on the North Battleford / Jackfish Lake and the Prince Albert / candle Lake connections in a matter of weeks. This ain’t rocket science! I would put the Minister of Health, Jane Philpott, in charge of the health of the N. Sask. River and the UN testing. I would put the Justice Minister, Judy Wilson-Raybould in charge of the legalities of the contaminated River. Any politician or official who permit citizens to drink the River water before it is tested by the UN should be threatened wil a jail term. We could in short order, come up with an estimate to install the two permanent water pipe to the two Cities, plus 10% for contingencies and legal / Court / other costs. I would get a Court Order to seize Husky assets of equivalent value and put them under lock and key. Thusly, 100,000 people would not have to suffer through any more lies from Brad Wall and Husky. The tar balls at the bottom of the N.Sask. River constitute the very same tar that is used on roads. Road bleed hydrocarbons at different times of the year. Come the cold and wet weather it is particularly noticeable. The road surfaces are as slippery / greasy as if they were covered with ice. This hydrocarbon release from the tar globs now in the N. Sask. River will not stop until this shit is all vacuumed up, actually an impossibility. Wall is between a rock and a hard place. When winter comes does the Preem and Ottawa let people start drinking petroleum contaminated water until enough people get sick as to start a revolt. Ottawa can’t let that happen when there a simple solution at no cost to the taxpayers. Rather I think, Brad Wall, Husky, Paul Godfrey, the Globe, CTV, Global and the CBC and the like will mount a campaign to do nothing about the North Saskatchewan River Bitumen spill. Even though 100,000 people are now at risk. All Canadians will be well advised to deamnd that Ottawa make the polluter, HUSKY OIL, pay. 34 million intelligent citizens, can demand no less. We can’t let the N. Sask. River people stand forgotten as the thousands of folks on the Kalamazoo River were by Enbridge, Michigan and Congress. Some of them lost everything, even their lives. Barb Black’s truism, that the little people should know their place might wash in the USA, the home of Black / Hispanic slave labour camps. Canada however is a different kind of cat. People COME FIRST, oil monopolies are somewhere down the list. After 6 years and $ 1.5 billion, Enbridge still hasn’t totally clean up their Kalamazoo tar / Benzine spill. Barb’s little people in Mayflower have been totally forgotten by EXXON, Arkansas, Congress and the US Nazi media. The truth is out elite Americans treat the Country’s citizens worse than dogs. Same deal in Megantic, Quebecers treated like dogs by Harper and Marois. And the killers walked free. When Girling’s BITUMEN EAST BLOWS UP ON MONTREAL ISLAND, people will say, haven’t we seen this movie before. Li Ka Shing who owns Husky apparently is worth $ 31 billion. It is not too difficult to see how Shing makes his money? Li cuts corners and Brad Wall stands aside and lets it happen. Brad Wall, the champion of pipelines in Canada, has gone into hiding. But at least he is surrounded by those who love him dearly, faults and all. Wall has been replaced by a number of talking heads who are all telling lies for money. They’re taking Husky cash, to try to sanitize the spill. Al Monaco of Enbridge, must have loaned Husky his Kalamazoo spill handbook. Li Ka Shing is following it word for word. Wall’s response to this spill is identical to the USA political responses from the States of Michigan and Arkansas and the US Congress to the Kalamazoo / Mayflower spills, ” we don’t known nutin “. No wonder America is now in the grip of the second Civil War. The Democrats and the Republicans are happy taking their pay cheques and playing hooky. Wall has surrendered his mandate to the US corporate sector, just like his American right wing State and Congressional counterparts. The big pipe that blew and plunked many tons of tar into the N. Sask. River HAS NEVER BEEN INSPECTED SINCE IT WAS BUILT. That pipe was designed TO CARRY ** OIL **. Now Husky is using that pipe to transport tar/Benzine [ Napalm ], a Hazardous Liquid. Or as they say in York Township, Tor. where I was born, THE SHIT HAS HIT THE FAN! Shortly, we will add another 10,000 Manitobans, adding The Pas to the list of people with no drinkable water. Again a different source of water will have to be found, meaning another water pipeline. Clearwater Lake looks like a good bet. This means more Husky assets will have to be confiscated. The Federal Government was so concerned that it started testing the water on the N. Sask. River at the Manitoba border, 700 KMs from the ruptured TAR PIPELINE. I think Ottawa already knows that the water is not safe. When traces of the Tar/ Benzine spill do reach The Pas, it will become an Ottawa problem. Then Brad Wall, Li Ka Shing, Husky and the Feds will have no place to hide. The Headline in Paul Godfrey’s Sun said to Manitobans have nothing to fear from the Sask. oil spill. First off, the people of The Pas DO HAVE TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT THE SASK. TAR / BENZINE SPILL. Earth to Paul, IT AIN’T ** OIL **. PAUL, BEFORE YOU GO OFF HALF COCKED, WHY NOT WAIT UNTIL THE FEDS ISSUE A UN REPORT WHEN THE TAR BALLS AND BENZINE SLICK CROSS THE MANITOBA BORDER??? I know the answer already. When petroleum residues and tar balls do hit the border, Godfrey WILL PAID TO KEEP HIS MOUTH SHUT. Godfrey gets paid by the oilies to fudge STORIES and then bury them. Godfrey’s Montreal Gazette is on the oilie payroll too. Jesse Feith, another of Godfrey’s low pay / no pay , third rate intern wrote a piece about the Sask. tar spill. But most of Feith’s article was about Montreal not having a spill plan. He was obviously coached as to what to say. Again, Godfrey gets petro cheques to fudge, confuse and misdirect stories. What the hell does Montreal have to do with Brad Wall’s tar / Benzine spill? NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING ACTUALLY! It is a paid attempt by the Post papers to fog the brains of Canadians with meaningless trivia. If no tar / Benzine is transported by pipeline or rail near Montreal, the City doesn’t a spill. Since the NEB, Transport Canada and our Transportation Safety Board will not define tar mixed with Benzine, how can a spill plan be formulated for an unknown explosive substance??? Fire Chiefs are obviously supposed to be mind readers.

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If you are a Canadian who everyday longs to see his IQ go down, then keep buying Godfrey’s National Post papers. If you advertise in the Post papers, you are obviously looking to Canadians to continue to get LESS INTELLIGENT, go broke and end up in the poor house, with no money to buy products. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Post advertisers are certainly as stupid as Post readers are. I would NOT buy from a single one of them, they’re obviously of questionable reputation, much like Godfrey. It takes a crook to know a crook. Postmediocre stock was $ 13.50 a share in 2011, it is now 3 pennies? Hold your hat, this week it is down to 2 cents. The reason that Paul Godfrey gets more than $ 1.5 million a year from the Streeters, Paul does their stealing for them and they don’t have to dirty their hands. The Hayek / Harper economic system as taught at the Universities of Calgary / Carleton, does wonders for the rich elites and nothing for the masses. The Neitzsche Myth is taught at both Universities because it is core belief on the part of right wingers. It goes that there are Overmen, the few with exceptional ability. The rest, the mob, are the Undermen who are short of smarts. To tidy up things in the last 50 years, the rightpublicanazis have fast tracked the route to membership. Exceptional persons like Steve Harper, Conrad Black, Jason Kenney, Tony Clement etc. This elevation is done by self anointment. Feel like you are exceptional, you are in. This being special certainly pays off. Calgary, Carleton and the Manning Centre, teach that being exceptional, means a bigger slice of the societal pie. The only other requirement to join the rightie cult is that one parks his brains. So every construct of the right wing movement over the last hundred years, has been the development of playbook which justifies the righties winning every contest, getting a larger share than anyone else, never failing or having to admit making a mistake. Paul Godfrey, is a Fascist and claims to be free market advocate. He is nothing of the sort. Rightpublicanazis work to eliminate competition. AMERIGREED has killed innovation in Canada, this is one of the actions taken by Lyin Steve to please his USA masters. In the process of reverting to a slave state, measures have been taken in Ottawa to ensure no new Canadian ideas make it into the sunlight. The right is determined to maintain the unworkable status quo in place, in this Country, which facilitate all of the Yankee wealth stripping devices. Foreign ownership of our media is illegal, but Harper refused to enforce that Law. Godfrey owes about $ 600 million to Wall St., on which he is paying 8 to 12 % interest. This is how Canadians get shafted by AMERIGREED. We got and are still getting the splinty end of the stick thanks to Harper. Lyin Steve assisted the Yankees in devising many wealth stripping devices. Rona Ambrose, Deputy Chief Fascist, complains daily about the money the Trudeau Government is spending. Rona herself has stolen $ 300,000, so far this years, but it is only a drop in the bucket, when compared how much money is being shipped south of the border each and every day using one questionable Yankee scheme or another. The USA was created on the backs of Black slaves. For the last 40 years the slave labour required by the States has come from Mexico and Central America. Once that pool of cheap labour was exhausted, the secret Government in Washington teamed up with Wall St. and 3500 US major shell corporation to enslave the globe. The Americans succeeded in getting a trade pact with Canada [ NAFTA ] which diluted / dilutes our sovereignty. In many areas your vote is second best to any of 3500 hollow USA corporations. Congress gave only them the special right to fuck any nation in the world while denying others to fuck back. Every deal with the USA is a one way street and follows the well worn path. Find politicians in each land who are prepared to sell out. Then buy up the local media. By democratic means the Yanks insert mechanisms which set aside the rights of the people without their knowledge. However when the population wakes up to the truth it is too late they are locked in. In this Country great damage to sovereignty has already been done. In many cases the USA automatically wins every faceoff. The various secret trade pacts now being considered by Canada, the EU and other countries further weakens our already weak democratic institutions. Calling them Free Trade Agreements is exactly the same as calling tar mixed with Benzine ** OIL ** . Just as bogus. These pacts have everything to do with the Americans now expanding global wealth stripping, using a much bigger net. Herr Harper was part of a move by the USA oil monopoly to take formal control of Canada, much beyond trade agreements like NAFTA and Soft wood Lumber. In terms of this Country, AMERIGREED is not satisfied with stealing our petroleum resources and soft lumber and most of the pie, THEY WANT IT ALL, LESS WHAT IT TAKES TO KEEP US ALIVE, BARELY. Why do free people put up with this bullshit??? Because when we are not looking. The Americans spend a lot of money installing right wing parties and operatives in the various countries. The rightpublicanazis buy up the media in each and attack centrist opponents / parties relentlessly. From the time Premier Alison Redford took office [ elected by the PEOPLE REMEMBER ], till the time she was driven out of office by the USA oil monopoly [ aided by Paul Godfrey and our Nazi media ], hundreds of negative articles were published about the Premiethey’r. In my file I have about 280 damming, Redford clippings paid for by the oilies, using profits from overcharging YOU, Canadians for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Quite something, a supposed free people actually funding the destruction of their own society, with the hatchet job being done by some of our own neigbours. Leading the charge AGAINST REDFORD were Paul Godfrey / Post and Dave Thomson / Globe. I wonder how much in the way of petro dollars, Paul and Dave got for trashing our democratic system??? Other countries such as England, all the EU nations via Brussels, New Zealand and Australia [ especially hard hit by AMERIGREED ] have felt the effects of the Fifth Columns on the USA payroll. In each country, the Americans have found 2nd raters quite willing to sell out their countries for power and a buck. Steve Harper / Canada, John Key / New Zealand, Malcolm Turnbull / Australia, David Cameron / England [ Teresa May is now the batty, temporary housekeeper ] and Goldman Sachs has been elevated to the leadership role by the bureaucrats in Brussels. If you read what all the aforementioned second stringers are saying, it comes right from the Washington, Wall St. and USA corporation song book. What do invaders do when they take over a country. Why they immediately seize the press, radio and TV so people do not know what is going on. The Post, Globe and the others do a sterling job in that respect. That is what the Americans are up to. They’ve done it in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, England and the EU. The carpetbaggers then secretly fun far right parties in each nation. This tilts the political process away from the democratic foundation, towards a US led Kleptocracy. The rightpublicanazi Supreme Court, has given AMERIGREED AND US CORPORATIONS THE GREEN LIGHT TO BUY UP THE SENATE AND THE HOUSE AND CONDUCT POLITICS IN ANY WAY THEY SEE FIT. US money injected into Canada, New Zealand, Australia, England and the EU [ through Brussels ] as well as controlling the media in each, ensure THE PEOPLE COME OUT SECOND BEST. And best of all for the Yanks, the poor, ignorant voters are none the wiser. I am not a believer that the citizenry should be second best like toadstools, kept in the dark and fed horeshit. The US rightpublicanazis are now the new master race, who have always supported Hitler, since his rise to power. Only when the Japanese hit Pearl Harbour did the far right fall silent. But under Ron Reagan the righties crawled back out of the sewer and began the Nazification of the whole Western World. 600 million slept as Washington, Wall St. and the hollow US corporation [ products have no importance, these corps. are fronts for fiscal acquisition, stripping wealth from anyone they come in contact with ]. Blood suckers come to mind. I have been writing about these atrocities for years. There are very few of us centreists writing to-day. The right has closed the door on a global scale. There is no money in it because publishers know which side their right wing cheques are buttered on. All the money in journalism to-day, in the above countries, is mindless copying for the right wing. The written word produced by hundreds of 5th string rightie stooges is fertile ground for mindless job seekers. I mean how brainy does one have to be, to write rightie propaganda day after day like Andrew Coyne and John Ivison??? Ezzie Le Rant and Peter Foster also come to mind. The Ezzie hails from Calgary University, where subversion and lying are part of the underground main menu. Because of Le Rant’s antics, the UN has barred him. Of course Ezzie is screaming freedom of Speech. If you are a truthful, fair minded Canadian who thinks for himself / herself, just try to get into any meeting of the Civitas Subversive Secret Society of which Ezzie is a member Other noted, rightie, indoctrinated U of Calgary graduates, are Steve Harper and Pierre Poilievre. I have read some of Foster’s verbal diarrhea over time, but it was only when I saw him interviewed on TV did I realize what kind of a moron this guy really is. Pete graduated Bedlam, for sure. He is off in a fantasy world all his own, and Godfrey pays Pete to write down his fantasies. I have tried to dig into Foster’s background and have come up empty. But this is not new for right wing writers. They can be nobodies, but get to write copy as long as they slavishly copy that copy. What does, what Pete is writing have to do with Canada in the present, beats me? We are beset with problems created by Harper’s hand. Every day we spend not stepping up to the plate so to speak, means our grandchildren will be penalized ten fold. My take, like other fail Englishmen, Foster came to the colonies to instruct what he considers the lesser lights. I am Canadian born of English parents who were London born. The name Spratley goes back a thousand year to East Yorkshire. In a sense I have one foot in each camp. Over all these years I have on occasion experienced newly arrived, superior Englishmen like Foster who lord it over Canadians. To say I don’t appreciate such treatment is an understatement. When I saw Foster on TV, I resented him greatly. A know nothing jerk, invading Canadian space, spouting rubbish. Pete was and is paid by Godfrey to make trouble for Canadians. Why do these arrogant, confused, Limey minds come here seeking an easy go? I would like to see Conrad Black, Michael Coren, John Ivison and Pete Foster, sent home on a slow cattle boat. One of the problems I have with other centreist writers, they have certainly nailed many of Canada’s difficulties, but on how to fix those problems, they remain silent. Are they just lazy? Or are they too afraid of the right wing gods, who have the money and power to crush anyone who gets in their way??? THE CRUSHING CAN ONLY TAKE PLACE AS LONG AS THE RIGHTIES CONTROL THE NAZI MEDIA. BUT THAT IS THEIR ACHILLES HEEL. If we kneecap Paul Godfrey, then we are part way home. No legitimate businessman can survive in an area overrun with criminals. As long as the Yankees dominate our media and pay people like Godfrey to tell lies, then honest journalists and journalism are SHUT OUT. This lack of truth damages Canada. With Godfrey gone communities across the Country could see local journalism rekindled. And advertisers would get a chance to deal with honest folk, something, I think they would much prefer. However we still face a ticking time bomb. Even though Harper has been cast aside, Canada still is operating according to the rightpublicanazi playbook. I believe the latest figure forecast for our GDP, is a measly increase of .8 %. While we have the new Trudeau Government, our ship of state is barely rippling the water. The engine room was vandalized by Harper. Instead of steady as she goes, hand in hand with the USA to Armageddon. A complete overhaul of the way Ottawa works is called for. Parliament has to study all of those areas where the population suffering from Harper-Hayek-itis. As well the Government has to cast a wide net, identify the most acute problems and take charge of them. This means banning the export of tar / Benzine beyond the borders of Alberta and Saskatchewan. If the tar is going to be upgraded to crude oil it will have to be done in a sanitized way in situ. That crude oil will be piped to all regions of the Country to be refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, which will be sold at a Canadian price. Petroleum and products will no longer be imported from or exported to the USA. We will reopen the natural gas fields in Alta. / Sask. and reconnect them directly to Ontario and Quebec. Immediately this will inject cash into the West, like yesterday. This would be a win-win for East and West. Ont. / Que. would see the price of nat. gas go down and the provinces would regain security of supply. Natural gas would no longer be imported from or exported to the USA. On the 180 Boil Water Notices on 1st Nations reserves, they are as good as fixed if the Feds gather up some spine and tackle the job head on. The dancing at AAND has to end. On soft wood lumber, fuck the Americans, no more give aways. In Fort Mc we need to build 25,000 new homes for the reconstituted petroleum industry and the construction of the big Twin Beaver pipes. 1st Nations reserves need 125,000 new homes. We could contract with BC, Ont., Quebec and Maritime saw mills to supply all the lumber. For housing products now imported I would set up homegrown businesses to supply same. Integral with using our own wood, would be a comprehensive Silvaculture program whereby as the trees drop, young trees are planted. Ottawa and the Provinces would set aside special areas where the young trees could be grown and supplied to the industry free of charge. Young Canadians could spend their summers planting trees. Ths is a win, win, win situation. Ottawa has to lead. We use our own lumber thereby stabilizing the wood / lumber mill industry. We would get 150,000 badly needed new homes. People would be housed, especially the 1st Nations, and thousands of jobs would be created. Our money would stay in Canada instead of it going to AMERIGREED and an army of lawyers.

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After a year, I am beginning to blame Canadians a little bit for the piss poor performance of our economy. I doesn’t have to be like this, no matter what Ian Lee of Carleton University says. Ian is a rightie plant who gets paid along with the University to badly mislead Canadians on economic matters, such dribble. Democracy is not a sit-in-the-back-of-the-boat-system. Citizens have to do more than lounge on the couch reading the National Post, watching Ian Lee on the CBC and nodding like bobbleheads. The Fascists like Godfrey and Lee are hard at work every day to tell lies and undermine Parliament, LIKE EVERY DAY. THEY ARE WELL FINANCED WITH USA PETRO DOLLARS AND HAVE MASTERY OVER OUR NAZI MEDIA. After coming to office with a surplus, Harper ran the debt up by $ 150 billion. It is said that insanity is defined by doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? The right wing ideology and free market are rammed down our throats hourly. But they spectacularly don’t work. The Nazi media is hired to say they do work. Where did that money go? A lot of it was shipped south of the border by Harper. LYin Steve gave his employer, the American oil monopoly a gift of $ 850 million for Carbon Capture and Storage, a failed technology. The only other Canadian politician giving the oilies money for CC and S is Brad Wall. If Canadians continue to slumber, as many are still doing, the Americans will have us one day soon. By remaining comatose, we abandon potential prosperity and the waiting gravy train. By remaining comatose, we guarantee US serfdom. Well, when you read me I’ll outline the problems as I did above. The icing on the cake, I offer solutions and the road map to prosperity, you’ll get the whole enchilada. All you have to do is get off that bloody couch. Just ignore the rightie din / lies and educate yourself in order to make informed decisions. When I was 15 [ Fall 1950 ], I started to fly out of Barker Field in Toronto. In the Spring of 1951, I went solo after 9 hours flight time. Marion Orr [ Order of Canada ] got out of the Fleet Canuck trainer [ CF-DYX ], beside the runway and said you are on your own, go do a circuit. I got around and did a fair landing, it was a small start on the way to being a bush pilot and close to 800 hours flying time. What is my point you ask??? Every journey must start with on small step. To break the USA rightpublicanazi stranglehold on life in Canada WILL REQUIRE OTTAWA / PROVINCES TO TAKE A MUCH BIGGER ROLE IN WHAT HERETOFORE HAS BEEN THE TURF OF PRIVATE ENTERPRISE. There are areas which greatly affect the quality of life for Canadians which should not be, cannot be in the hands of the private sector [ under USA control ]. They include, education, health care, hospitals, roads, airports, energy, pipelines, electricity, transmission lines, sewage, waste and water. Going back to my solo, breaking the Yankee chain has to start somewhere. A crucial issue is the Boil Water Notices on 180 1st Nations Reserves. Interestingly, providing them with clean water is but a brain wave away. So why don’t we start our freedom march on the way to the NEW Canada by cancelling all those Boil Water Advisories, too easy??? Those responsible at AAND have been shooting blanks on this issue for 20 years, wasting taxpayer’s money for zero result. It is time to excuse the AAND bureaucrats for a job badly done. Some work on the boil water question has already been done. Ministers Carolyn Bennett and Jane Philpott could call a meeting, which would include members of their staffs and National Chief Perry Bellegarde and his staff. The clean drinking water issue is a political one. The mechanicals are well in hand. It simply comes down to Ottawa saying, we know how to fix this, this is what we propose and seeking Chief Bellegarde’s approval. But YOU have an important decision to make. You can coast and let the status quo continue ensuring continued abuse of the 1st Nations, unhealthy drinking water conditions at a huge outlay of tax dollars. YOUR TAX DOLLARS. Or YOU can say to the Prime Minister, We want you to fix this, pronto.

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Option ONE leave the matter in AAND’s hands — Spend $ 7 billion over ten years, NOT FIXING THE PROBLEM. Or. Option TWO by Ken / James Spratley — Ignore the deadwood at AAND. Spend $ 1.5 billion over 3 years and solve the problem once and for all? No more Boil Water Notices.

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In Canada, over the last 10 years, Harper and his cronies sounded if they were in daily contact with the Repub Congress, this to receive their Fascist marching orders??? My inclination, obviously, is to get rid of the Canadian rightie sympathizer permanently. Jail them or deport them, before they turn your Nation into a miniature USA, which is now racked by Civil War. Next pass, legislation that requires the truth to be paramount in our media. I would suggest that the countries mentioned above that are now under AMERIGREED stress stand together and synchronize their watches. Common rules can be formulated to outlaw the Nazi media where ever it lives. No more lying, no more misinformation, no more FALSE NEW and no more American right wing propaganda. Our democracies have been too hard won to allow US foreigners to impose their Kleprocracies. I would even audit the likes of Paul Godfrey / Post, Dave Thomson / Globe, FOX NEWS [ USA ] and the Telegraph [ UK ] etc, to see where their money is coming from. If Revenue Canada has the resources to harass widows, orphans and environmentalists, they have what it takes to curtail the importation of illegal petro dollars destined to the Nazi media, which is focused on undermining our democracy. While Rev. Can. is at it, I would like them to raid the Manning Institute, Calgary / Carleton Universities, the Fraser / C. D. Howe / Macdonald – Laurier Institutes, the Civitas Secret Society [ do they really wear white gowns and pointed hats? ] and
the Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation. Then we could get an idea about how much American money is coming across the border in support of the taking over of this Country. Once the scale of the Yankee coup d’etat operation here is determine it will give guidance to New Zealanders, Australians, Brits and the citizens of the EU as to how their countries are being purchased on the QT by Amerigreed. The Fifth Columns made up of locals in each country, expect to become the ruling class after their democracies are done away with by the USA. Hitler did the same thing in England before the War. Appeasers and closet Fascists were put on a Nazi list, identified as the group who would take over management of the UK after a successful invasion. Surprisingly some MPs were on that list. Neville Henderson, Oswald Mosley, some of the Mitford gang, William Joyce and the disgraced Edward VIII, along with oters were named. Of course the Canadian rulers in waiting, like Harper and Jason Kenney would never reveal their intentions in public. This is why the Civitas Secret Subversive Society exists. The public is banned and the Nazi media is mum on the groups activities. However, every time the PM goes to the beach with his kids Paul Godfrey is in full voice. Civitas allows the future rulers to discuss the takeover of Canada with AMERIGREED representatives who also attend indoctrine sessions at the Manning Centre. These meeting mostly discuss dividing up the spoils. The 200 or so Civitas attendees are thoroughly vetted. The young people attending have to have been brain washed and certified as such by the Manning Institute. Attendees are pledged to secrecy and are prohibited from identifying each other or those present or what has been discussed. This is happening here folks and Paul Godfrey says nothing! This is a foretaste of the Nazification of Canada??? The future rulers of this Nation are here for all to see. Many, most of their names have appeared in my 500 plus posts. If Canada does fall, you will have an idea who your bosses will be. Of course they will take orders from the US rightpublicanazis. Not only will Canadians not have a vote, but our Canadian Fascists will be mere minions in the larger world scheme. Something like Adolf Eichmann, just taking orders. If Herr Harper is returned to power by the American oil monopoly in 2019, his position will be puppet like. Much the same as Vidkun Quisling, who was the leader of Norway from 1942 to 1945, installed by Hitler. For 40 year the Reagan and the secret US Government have been playing hard ball in the shadows, with little regard for American democracy. Because of this disregard for the rights of a free people at home, this poison has been spread around the world. In Canada, New Zealand, Australia, England and the EU, 600 million people have been on a diet of shit for no good reason other than to satisfy Americans greed. Now it our turn to PLAY HARD BALL, and elect those who will respect freedom for all people. A novel idea these days. Canada has escaped Harper and the oil monopoly for the present and we as a country can take a leadership role in breaking the Yankee chains. We have the tools to do the job. An educated public with a few right wing stragglers. We have every natural resource imaginable. This nation has a modern / people friendly infrastructure, somewhat in need of some tender loving care after 10 years of neglect, but quite doable. Climate change is modifying Canada’s weather but this warming trend can be turned to our / the world’s advantage. Global Warming is a negative which the global rightpublicanazis community is running away from. My view is that Canada can turn the rising temp into a positive and show the world how to combat it. But the first challenge is to get the oilies out of our hair. Houston is spending HUGELY, to nullify the results of October 19 /15, using the poison tongues of Paul Godfrey, Dave Thomson, John Honderich, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC. Likewise the Brits by virtue of BREXIT, have escaped the clutches of the rightpublicanazis and the EU in Brussels. Like in this Nation, USA money is pouring into London with the express intention of nullifying the referendum. The Americans are determined to teach the people of the world that they have no right to a vote. AGAIN RELENTLESSNESS IS THE WATCHWORD. HITLER SAID, REPEATING LIES OVER AND OVER AND OVER HAS PROVED TO WORK, THE FUHRER HAD IT RIGHT MUCH OF THE TIME. How do we break through this curtain of lies and deliver the truth to Canadians??? The moneyed interest in London UK, financed by the USA, a Fifth Column if there ever was one, are leaving no stones unturned in terms of lying, misinforming frightening and publishing / broadcasting FALSE NEWS, through the British Nazi media [ not the guardian ]. THE YANKEES ARE TRYING TO IMPRESS UPON A SLUMBERING WESTERN WORLD, THAT DEMOCRACY NO LONGER HAS ANY CURRENCY. HITLER HAD THE EXACT SAME PITCH, WHICH THE NAZI PRESS AMPLIFIED IN THE EXTREME. AMERICANS ARE SIGNALLING THAT THEY WILL SPEND WHATEVER IT TAKES TO MAKE SURE VOTING IS RENDERED MEANINGLESS. I ask New Zealanders, Australians, Brittania, the EU nations and Canadians, DO WE BOW TO THE WISHES OF AMERIGREED?????? Of course not. AMERIGREED CAN BE DEFEATED BY MUFFLING THEIR MESSAGE. THE LAW IS OUR WEAPON. Returning to my second least favourite person [ Harper is 1st ], Paul Godfrey, through incompetence, mismanagement, lying, cheating and stealing has knocked his common shareholder’s value down by over $ 500 million, there is clearly theft involved. The righties have no more respect for investors than they do for Canadians, we are lumped together, SUCKERS ALL. When the Post papers go broke, many Canadians connected with this Wall St. / Godfrey / Post Ponzi Scheme, will get shafted like workers, contractors, suppliers, landlords, pensioners and all 3 levels of Government. Before that happens I suggest a preemptive strike. Firstly a Commons Committee should investigate the secret arrangement Herr Harper made with Paul Godfrey and the Wall St. hedge funds. Our Law says that foreigners can’t own our newspapers, magazines, TV and radio. I call on PM Trudeau to enforce the Law. This for good reason. The close call Canada had on Oct. 19 /15 is the best example of how dangerous this situation can be. Our law makers said no to foreigners years ago and even outlined the dangers [ which have all come true ]. As in other cases Steve Harper just ignored the Law. The American oil monopoly gave Lyin Steve a blank cheque to neuter Parliament. Harper almost succeeded. A Canadian media conquered and owned by the Yankees gave their Fascist ideas of CONQUEST a crucial head start. So IN 2016, the Commons Committee should clarify the Laws on foreign ownership and force Paul Godfrey to comply or to put him in jail or tell him to get the hell out and go live on Wall St. Those on the right who do cheat, lie and steal like Conrad Black are not good businessmen. They detest the free market. You don’t have to be smart when you get to cheat all the time. Doug Oberhelman of Caterpillar is a good example. The Company is taking a bath because reality is taking a bite out of CAT. And Oberhelman is not up to the job. When CAT goes, bankrupt Ottawa should buy the company assets which relate to this Country. We could then build our own machines and diesel locomotives needed for Canada’s new railway system. Conrad Black killed every business he ever touched. A leading Canadian businessman, my ass. Black bled each company white and then moved on. Stripping the wealth from those who trusted him, then Conrad forged ahead t new conquests. The whole basis for the PostMediocre organization is illegal, so it would follow that the operations would be illegal too. If there is smoke after the Commons Committee gets finished with Paul Godfrey, I would urge the Ontario Securities Commission to delve into the $ 500 million loss by shareholders, why and how was it done? If there is wrongdoing, then all of the creditors, Ottawa and Queen’s Park should seek a Court Order to seize the assets of PostMediocre before the Streeters can snatch it away. I fully understand that the Securities Commission very seldom punishes their friends on Bay St. and Wall St. The OSC is staffed with people who hear, see or speak no evil, even if there is evil. In 1985, the Commission had assembled 28 Criminal Charges against Conrad Black. The Ontario Government favoured proceeding against Black, but the Commission, made up of insiders decided in favour of another insider, their very own chum, the Conman. Think of the hundreds of millions that Black stole from 1985 onward, until his imprisonment in 2007, in Florida. For all of those thefts, the OSC is responsible The OSC is like the NEB. Appointed to protect the people, rather they cover for the criminals. Conrad had more than 20 years to engage in criminal behaviour, with a OSC free pass. Isn’t it interesting that Paul Godfrey / the Post papers / Conrad Black / Steve Harper have such a close relationship, criminals all, through and through. My wish would see Harper and Godfrey in jail, the Post assets seized and going to the investors who were cheated. The Streeters will GET NO MONEY. And Conrad Black gets deported to the UK because he is in Canada illegally. Jason Kenney can no longer pull the strings, he isn’t the Minister now.

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I was in business for 50 years. I made it my business to know who I was dealing with. Over that period I lost under one hundred dollars. I was all COD. Those who attempted to toy with me got sued. Even that notorious cheat Mel Lastman, didn’t succeed in stiffing me. Paul Godfrey has even had the fucking nerve to ask Ottawa to pony up some taxpayer’s cash. So he could keep on destroying Canada, these Fascists are mad like Harper. In the National Post papers, Steve Harper has created a huge American attack dog which continues to bite us and our children. To make matters worse, we have to pay to feed this sucker. A mad dog and a bullet through the brain make a good combination. Now Godfrey promotes some kind of strange FREE MARKET system, which allows stealing, rigging and the elimination of any competition. How can the Post be in financial trouble when they have the great Terry Corcoran on staff? But Terry is really a complete phony. Corcoran is neither businessman or economist. By the way, Corcoran has never had a REAL JOB in his life, like Steve Harper and his trolls. Terry is the classic parasite, he lives off the fat of the land and contributes zero. Paul himself couldn’t run a successful 2 cup lemonade stand. Godfrey and Corcoran should be doing what they do best, pushing brooms. With socks stuffed into their mouths to stop the flow of lies. Both of them are insufferable. PostMediocre is not a business, it is more like mob activity. Paul is in desperate need of cash to pay his debts and will do or say anything. Even if it destroys his own Country! This is a danger which can’t be overlooked. Godfrey will happily see people on the N. Sask. River poisoned in return for petro bucks. The Post papers, Globe and Tar, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and CBC have yet to quote anyone on the tar spill outside of Brad Wall’s office or one of the Husky stooges. THEY ARE NOT TO BE BELIEVED. These people, have a very low opinion of the intelligence of Canadians. This fact, they are taught at Calgary / Carleton Universities, the Manning Centre and the Civitas Secret, Subversive Society among others, to view Canadians as representing an ignorant mob. The Nazi media is convinced everything it prints or broadcasts will be believed by the dumb old Canuck clucks. I hate to admit it, but many times the Fascists have been proven right. The Pierre Trudeau / the NEP Myth being a good example. Never mind hook, line and sinker. On the NEP, too many Canadians swallowed the boat, motor, rods and all the tackle. The absurd was accepted as truth. To most citizens in this Country tar / Benzine is NOT TAR / BENZINE, IT IS ** OIL ** ! That Myth they do believe. To think so, is to dwell in Harperland. How many Megantics and Husky spills will it take for Canadians to awaken??? 47 innocent people died at Megantic. How many have to die drinking the North Saskatchewan River??? All you’ve seen so far in the Nazi media, regarding the Sask. tar spill, has been the usual carefully coordinated oil monopoly campaign to bury the Husky spill. Directions come through Houston communications, at ” Oilie Central. What Canadians hear or see has been well thought out by evil oil monopoly experts in the USA. There is not a word out of place. The main thrust of the N. Sask. River tar spill coverage is to misinform Canadians and secondly to somehow blame Trudeau and Notley. From comments on the net, it would seem this campaign IS WORKING. The messaging on disappearing the Husky spill is relentless, just like in Hitler’s model. Husky doesn’t have this sort of D-day coordinated operation, meant to control every word and every action, never allowing the truth to interfere with the flow of tar / Benzine. Houston is helping the Chinese, the cat can’t be let out of the bag. Canadians must never be allowed to know, that ** OIL ** is in actual fact tar / mixed with Benzine [ Napalm ]. I would bet the Houston’s non thinking minions have to put their hands up to go pee. The mindless scribes now working on the tar spills in Canada, are certainly journalistic apprentices who wrote for the phone book. Only a moron could write the senseless Houston copy day after day. So the oil monopoly, in a larger sense and in self interest, is spending big on our Nazi media, like the Post, ensuring that the N. Sask. River tar spill is completely sanitized and vanishes. A list should be started by Health Canada of all the residents who get sick from drinking water laced with tar. The oilie coverup worked in Kalamazoo, the Repubs / Michigan said nothing. It worked in Mayflower, the Repubs / Arkansas said nothing. It worked at Megantic, the Harper Fascists said nothing. Why would the American oil monopoly think the situation in Sask. is any different this time??? With the help of Paul Godfrey and friends, the oilies can fool the ignorant masses just ONE MORE TIME. It simply comes down to this. Heavy tar mixed with Benzine is being forced through pipelines built to carry ** OIL ** . The tar can’t move without being thinned with Benzine. But this DilBit content runs at greater pressure and at a much higher heat than ** OIL *. ** Oil ** is clear and self lubricating. Tar is sticky and contains 5 % quartz sand. This quartz abrasive is like 80 grit sand paper. It scours the insides of the steel oil pipes, sensors and shut off valves, WEAKENING or DESTROYING THEM. The sand pays SPECIAL ATTENTION to welds, temperature / pressure sensors and shut of valves. Since the monopoly started using ** OIL ** PIPELINES for DilBit the spill rate has increased by a factor of 4. With a sandblaster I can blow a hole in a car fender in two minutes. It has been calculated that the Kinder Morgan tar pipeline through the Rockies to Burnaby transports 50,000 lbs of quartz sand a DAY. That 50 year old pipe is getting THINNER EVERY YEAR. Again this isn’t rocket science. It is only a matter of time before the Rockies Transmountain Pipeline fills some pristine river valley with tar mixed with Benzine. Then all the water flowing out of said valley will by poisoned. The sand is the reason why Kalamazoo went unnoticed for 18 hours, Mayflower for 24 hours and Husky spill for 14 hours as per the Company quote. Fourteen hours before the alarm went off for Husky. I don’t believe, Li Ka Shing’s people, they are lying. I could look at the area of the break and tell you exactly what happened. When there is a derailment or tar spill in Canada, the police are brought in to keep people, supposedly for safety reasons. The real reason, is so nobody finds out that tar and Benzine on the loose produces poison gas and burns like Napalm. Sand was the cause of the delay in each case. Enbridge, EXXON and Husky did not know there was a spill because sand had destroyed all the early warning ** OIL ** sensors. The NEB keeps on insisting that pipelines use early warning OIL sensors. But they don’t work in pipes filled with tar / Benzine. And the Board knows that TransNotCanada, Enbridge and Kinder Morgan are lying to Canadians but the opinion of the American oil monopoly prevails. Herr Harper, the oilie client King told the NEB hat nothng must stand in the way of the cheap tar / Benzine getting to Port Arthur Texas. The lifestyles and the lives of Canadians are to be discounted, so saith Lyin Steve.

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In regards to Russ Girling’s, Bitumen East, meant to take cheap tar to Texas. Girling told the Canadian Military that a tar / Benzine spill near Petawawa would be detected in minutes and shut off [ just another Girling lie ]. The General who questioned BIT East has the scenario taped. The Base at PET would be toast. Russ came out of Calgary University, just like Harper, these guys are killers and should be in jail. In terms of Kalamazoo and Mayflower, when Enbridge and EXXON found out, they could not shut this tar shit off, the worn shut off valves didn’t close. When mining companies transport aggregate [ rocks, gravel, sand and minerals ] by pipeline, they use specially designed, double wall pipelines. If the inner pipe ruptures, the spill is contained in the outer pipe. The outer pipe is two piece and sectional. In each 10 ft section are two sensors, with one casting a beam of light at the other. If the aggregate gets into the outer pipe, it breaks the beam of light, which reacts in seconds to turn the flow off. The sensor remain unaffected by the sand and grit. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Thus there is no need to have a couple of 17 year olds sitting in Calgary, at minimum wage, wondering which button to push because a Kalamazoo farmer called in to say his cows were knee deep is some kind of shiny black shit. The shut off valves on aggregate pipelines are especially made with replaceable hardened steel seats to resist wear. Russ Girling couldn’t afford to build a proper 4500 km aggregate pipeline. But there is an alternative which Paul Godfrey and friends will never mention. The answer to mining tar in Alberta and Saskatchewan is to connect the mines directly to the closest upgrader / refinery with double walled aggregate pipelines. Voila, NO MORE DILBIT SPILLS OR DERAILMENTS. I mean this is kid stuff.

Such system would produce crude oil that could be used by every refinery in Canada. I would be expropriated all of them, those still operating, those that have been closed would be taken over and / or new refineries built by Canada Inc., a Crown Corporation, in which the public could invest with a good rate of return. The ownership of each of the energy Crown Corporations would be limited to the citizenry The upgraders / refineries be owned by Ottawa, the Provinces and Territories Right now Canadians spend $ 52 billion on gasoline and diesel, most of which goes to the States. WHAT ARE WE FUCKING MENTAL?????? Yearly, Harper gave $ 20 billion in subsidies to his employer, the American oil monopoly. The externals for the oil industry, damage to the environment, water, air and land runs $ 14 billion a years. So here is an idea which will drive the right wing Fascists further nuts [ the Fascists including Harper and Wall are indeed already nuts ]. First, tar / Benzine has to be scrutinized and characterized by Ottawa. What is it? DilBit has never been defined if you can believe??? In fact no pipeline has ever been designed to carry tar / Benzine. There was never a need to do so. No tank car was ever designed to carry tar / Benzine. There was no need to do so. All the USA oil monopoly had to do was rename tar and Benzine ** OIL ** , problem solved for the oilies. But a ginormous problem was created for Canadians. However there was still a small wrinkle. How then can oil be shipped from OUR TARSANDS. ABRACADABRA!!! OUR TAR SANDS WAS RENAMED BY THE YANKEES, ” THE OIL SANDS “, without our permission. WHICH IT IS NOT. WE ARE, WE ARE FUCKING INSANE TO PUT UP WITH THIS KIND OF SHIT! That is why Paul Godfrey, Dave Thomson AND John Honderich get paid big bucks to call tar / Benzine ** OIL ** . This hoax is worth billions of dollars to Houston so the BOYS of FIB get their cut, this, to make complete fools of Canadians. The DilBit bomb mix goes unidentified and therefore the risk to Canadians has never been measured. But Megantic gives us a sort of measuring stick. If a tar / Benzine spill is provided with an ignition spark all hell can break loose. There were 47 deaths in Megantic and no inquest was held. Harper had the ashes of the victims stuffed in the ground as quickly as possible and Paul Godfrey et al closed the book on the tragedy. Paul never reported that there were 22 orphans. The victims of Megantic, killed by Harper, the American oil monopoly and CPR, were given the same respect as the charred debris in the area of the Holocaust. Zero! What would the fatality count be if a tar pipe blew up in Downtown Toronto or Montreal. That would be difficult one for the National Post to sweep under the rug? Al Monaco, Russ Girling, Ian Anderson and the members of Harper’s NEB are free promote lies, fantasy and endanger even more Canadians as long as tar can be described as ** OIL **. So time after time, as in the case of Megantic, now with the N. Saskatchewan River Husky spill and others, Barb Black’s little people can be made to suffer, ruined or killed after which their plight will be waved away by the spreading of petro dollars. A HAZMAT Assessment on tar / Benzine must be done, it is crucial. There are already reports which cover some narrow aspects of DilBit but fail to take the Quartz sand into consideration, its’ abrasive qualities and the dangers of an overheated Benzine vapour cloud and the explosive qualities of same. An ** OIL ** pipeline runs at 75 deg F temp. Put tar / Benzine in that same pipe it will run 150 deg F. Gasoline / Benzine begins to vapourize at 60 deg F Not only does the sand cause friction, which generates heat, it also scours the inside of the pipe, elbows, welded joints, sensors and shut off valves. So it is not a matter of IF a pipe will rupture, but when. The overheating of said pipe also causes the Benzine [ the equivalent of gasoline or Naphtha ] to vapourize. This then is like the gasoline vapour injected into the cylinders of your car engine. A cup of gasoline is worth 16 sticks of dynamite. An ** OIL ** pipeline can [ illegally ] carry 250,000 barrels of tar [ 66% ] and Benzine [ 33% ]. So in a day 80,000 barrels of Benzine will go by your door if you live in Montreal and Girling’s Bitument East actually gets built. So 80,000 barrels [ 45 gals per barrel ] times 14,400 sticks of dynamite [ per barrel ] equals 1,152,000,000 sticks of dynamite going under your feet each day. There is no way for Russ Girling to know if his pipe has been a rupture. And he has no way to turn the tar tap off. For transport of tar / Benzine in 40 year old tank cars the situation is different but the results would be the same. Once Benzine fumes and a spark meet you get another Megantic. Surely this is the minimum you should know if you live by the tracks, near a pipeline or on a river. Another factor still to be established about Benzine, the dangers that toxic cloud of Benzine fumes represents and the increase in flammability when Benzine and tar are combined? Once these ground rules have been established it is a matter of designing a proper system to move the tar from theAlta. / Sask. mines to the closest upgrader / refinery. The tar / Benzine in Fort McMurray should not be transported more than 15 miles through a double walled aggregate pipeline to the upgraders. Then the risk to lives and the environment is at an end. Canadians will be able to breath easier and will not have to spend their time in the streets protesting the criminal actions of the American oil monopoly and the Wall St. owned pipelines. The outcome is similar for tank cars which hold 700 barrels of DilBit or 220 barrels of Benzine. This times 14,400 sticks of dynamite per barrel equals 10 million sticks of dynamite. The Megantic train had 70 tank cars. So the entire train was a 700 million sticks of dynamite show of which not all of them blew up. So the CPR train was carrying an illegal cargo too, mislabeled as * OIL ** . After the fire CPR conveniently lost the paperwork for the train. Lyin Steve and Lyin Paul did not say boo. Mad Harper had the nerve to charge the train crew with the deaths of 47 innocent Megantic residents. A crime for which he was responsible. The crew DID NOT KNOW their train held the equivalent of over 700 million sticks of dynamite. It is a travestry of justice for the crew to even be in Court. Countries have laws which require licenses to manufacture, distribute, store, use and possess explosives. How come CPR could get away with placarding the tank cars as carrying ** oil ** ??? There were a lot of people in the know about this crime by Harper but to a man / woman they just slunk away. Especially the Transportation Safety Board. How can these people look in the mirror? They have blood on their hands as does Harper, Houston and Hunter Harrison, CPR, CEO. Apparently a pay cheque is more important than Canadians lives and orphans. All of Steve’s accomplices should be fired for dereliction of duty! Some should be in jail. The system which I have been writing about for a couple of years includes the two pipe Twin Beaver cross Country Pipeline, one for real crude oil and one for natural gas. The Twin Beaver would be built by Ottawa, the Provinces and Territories, with only Canadians as shareholders so the Yankee carpetbaggers could not gain control. 2B would travel from Vancouver to Fort McMurray which would be the hub for both crude oil and natural gas. Two lines, oil / nat.gas, would travel to the Territories. The 2B would then travel across the 55 th parallel to Thompson Man. Two lines, oil / nat. gas, would go up to Churchill Man. This to allow for the export of crude oil and LNG to the world market. From Thompson the two lines would travel to North Bay, down to Toronto, east to Montreal, into the Eastern Townships to NB and NS. Both PEI and Newfoundland would plug into the 2B. From NL, PEI, NS and NB I can see a second set of double pipes to bring Atlantic oil and natural gas to Ontario and Quebec. No Bitumen [ dynamite ] would be allowed outside the borders of Alberta and Saskatchewan. It would have to be upgraded in situ to crude oil for the rest of Canada and refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel for local use. The 2B would be built by Canadians for Canadians WITH NO OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE OR INVESTMENT NEEDED. ONLY CANADIANS WOULD BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE JOBS WITH SPECIAL ATTENTION TO FIRST NATIONS EMPLOYMENT NEEDS and the 18 to 35 crowd. Canada has a huge waste of human capital in our young people. They could be put to work building the NEW CANADA instead of living in mom’s basement. All of the materials required would be sources in Canada or built /manufactured here under license. I am thinking 250,000 new jobs connected with this project alone with many more spin off jobs. As well various apprenticeship programs would be introduced to teach young people the new skills required for cutting edge technologies. These technologies would be put under the care of the National Research Council. Each technology, once proven, would be licensed to the private sector with the Canadian taxpayers retaining the rights and receiving royalties. Right now the American oil monopoly buys tar for 10 bucks a barrel on which Alberta and Sakatchewan royalties amount to a possible 5 nickel per. This is defined as theft. This arrangement is akin to seeking out rape. We are fucking bonkers to allow the Americans to do this to us. No matter how our tar is transported, it is upgraded and refined in Port Arthur, Texas a Free Trade Zone. Petroleum in this FTZ can’t be imported into the USA without incurring taxes. The Keystone XL, Northern Gateway, Bitumen East, Transmountain etc, these lethal, planet destroying projects would have to cross or go around the USA by sea but would not have been considered as an import to the USA. The tar goes right from Canada, directly to the Texas Free Trade Zone. Thus the tar avoids any taxes and even escape the spill levy. If the keystone spilled into the Ogala Aquifer or ships fouled the NB / BC coastline, the taxpayers would be on the hook. This is a typical Congress / oil monopoly sweetheart deal. The right elites get rich, the people get the finger Russ Girling and Kinder Morgan have left no stone unturned, putting innocent people at risk, cheating every jurisdiction along the way, cutting corners, avoiding paying taxes and ignoring their responsibilities. That is why the Repubs in Congress and our Canadian Fascists are rolling in dough, their cut is big. Fund raising for the Fascists in Canada is just a front to keep their stupid base involved Right now the gasoline and diesel used in Quebec and Ontario comes from the Delaware River refineries. They refine stolen ISIS oil. It is fenced through Turkey. The American oil monopoly pays ISIS possibly $ 15 a barrel at most. Once refined in the USA and shipped to Canada, we are charged for gasoline and diesel as if the oil being refine is made using oil worth $ 100 a barrel. Fucking crazy is what we are, for putting up with such abuse. The American oil monopoly brags about making 28% return on investment. Depositors here get a couple percent from Canadian banks. We pay a 28% premium on imported gasoline and diesel and yet only get 5 cents per barrel exporting tar. This is Steve Harper’s doing!!! So let’s follow the bouncing ball. Here is the scoop and the key to increasing Ottawa’s revenues here by $ 100 billion a year. Upgrade Alta. and Sask. Bitumen in situ. The resulting crude oil would be refined locally in the Provinces and Territories. I am thinking 30 local Canadian refineries will do the job but allowances would be made according to need. I have calculated that we could chop 35% off the cost of gasoline and diesel at the pump, that would be a reduction of $ 15 billion in Canuck pockets. Since Canadians would own the system, Harper’s $ 20 billion subsidy going down to Houston would end. Since Canadians would own the system we would not abuse our own environment so they could be a saving of $ 9 billion there. Tailing ponds would disappear like the buggy. That would mean an injection of $ 44 billion into Ottawa’s coffers without even factoring in all the new jobs. The Provinces and Territories would still collect their fuel taxes, derive profits from their refining of fuels, get a cut of 2B and also create thousands of jobs. NO, as in NO CRUDE OIL would be exported TO THE USA. NO, AS IN NO GASOLINE / DIESEL / JET FUEL would be imported FROM THE USA. NO, AS IN NO NATURAL GAS would be imported from or exported to the USA. Canada’s exports of crude oil and LNG would flow through the Port of Vancouver in BC, through the Port of Churchill, Manitoba, the Come-By-Chance Refiner in NF and the Irving Refinery in New Brunswick. A complete audit of the 174 square kms of Alberta tailing ponds would be done and the criminals responsible identified. An estimate of the cost of cleanup would be made. We know how to clean up the tailing ponds. The bills would be mailed out marked payment in 30 days. If cashier’s cheques were not forthcoming the assets of the companies responsible would be SEIZED. The natural gas industry in Alberta and Saskatchewan would be revived. Canada would expropriate the TransCanada Mainline, upgrade it and return it to serving Ontario and Quebec. Girling would be charged with lying under oath, along with TransNotCanada. I an sure I could come up with a good case. How about lying under oath. All of the above initiatives would provide absolute security of supply and a made in Canada price for gasoline, diesel, jet fuels and natural gas. Canada becoming self sufficient will get much tougher after the November Presidential Election in those Disunited States of America. If Clinton wins the shooting will start. If Trumpf wins the same outcome, serious shooting will start. The present US owned natural gas distribution systems in Quebec and Ontario would be forced to become 51% Canadians owned. Failing that, they will be expropriated by Ottawa. This complete package would remove Canada from world market oil prices and natural gas prices, which are manipulated by the American oil monopoly. Four natural gas storage facilities would be built in Canada, BC, the Prairies, Ontario and Quebec / Maritimes so there would be no area without ample natural gas. Such security of supply and control over price does not now exist. I have never like the idea of some foreigner, with his own agenda, having my balls in the grip of his hand As well two crude oil storage facilities would be built, one in Alberta and one in Quebec. Here too would be a reserve of crude oil to deal with any eventualities including the complete finacial collapse of America. The USA would no longer have us by the nackers. Now that is one beautiful feeling. The Yankees are headed for a train wreck. Trumpf is now talking assassinations and revolution. Years ago, the Foreign Minister of Israel said, ” If some guy says he is going to kill you, believe him “. Everyone is concentrating on Donald, THE TERMINAL NITWIT. What sane Yankees, Canada and the world should be worried about, is the 40 million white racists who are armed to the teeth with machine guns. One gun nut who appeared in the Guardian said he had 10,000 rounds of hollow nose bullets in his closet. This scum bunch are fearfully watching as the minorities in the US, the Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Muslims, ready themselves to become the majority in less than 20 years. If America remains a democracy, then the minorities will surely take over the driver’s seat by 2030. DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT 40 MILLION WHITE SUPREMACISTS WILL GO QUIETLY INTO THE NIGHT??? Instead, there are more than 3000 white supremacist groups in the USA, Trumpf has now glued them together as they never have been before. The Donald has normalizes vile and hateful talk. He has given the white terrorists common cause by saying, ” if you can’t get your way, trash the place, so nobody else gets it “. The Republicans have milked the white racists votes since the time of Nixon, promising white supremacy forever, by legal or illegal means. Something they could not deliver. It can’t be had both ways, sucking and blowing doesn’t work. Stirring up racism every 4 years, then putting it back in the bottle, has shown to have a short self life, 45 years. The US will either become a Nation in which the whites will dominate and the minorities will be killed off when their numbers get too high or will be turned into modern slaves. A fate that awaits Canada, if Canadians continue to tarry. Or the US minorities will use their votes to take control and the whites will have to do as they are told by a multi racial Congress. Neither option is palatable to many millions of Americans, WHO ALL HAVE GUNS. Of course the solution to the present impasse, is to follow the American Constitution CLOSELY. IT IS ALL THERE. The US Constitution is often showcased, but seldom shown respect. The Land of laws, abode of the free and home of the brave, IS REALLY A LAWLESS LAND, HOME OF AN OPPRESSED MAJORITY, IN THE GRIP OF A FEW MILLION GUN TOTING CHICKENSHITS WHO ARE AFRAID OF THEIR OWN SHADOWS. THEIR FAVOURITE CHANT SHOULD BE — RUN RIGHTIE RUN! WILL TRUMPF RUN TOO, FROM THIS MAELSTROM OF HIS VERY OWN MAKING?????? The Repubs catered to white racists on an individualistic basis for years, individuals who the Party thought they could control forever. The Republicans kept making this promise to the whites, offering them perpetual power. And vowed to make sure that the democratic process would not be allowed to interfere with that promise. No matter how much the Repub States tried to suppress voters, rig elections and scare off the coloured voters, the larger birth rate of minorities has swept all before it. Right now there are enough minority children to tip the scale. When they reach voting age the deed is as good as done. And this trend will continue. How then can the USA be a democracy and not be a democracy at the very same time??? After the November Election we will have the answer. Either it will be a one man / one woman vote situation or it will not. The whities, seeing Obama get elected twice, now realize that the Republicans have been fooling them all along and can’t keep their promise of perpetual white supremacy. That promise was used as a cover by the rightpublicanazis to allow the Party to pick the pockets of their own base as well as the larger population. This wealth stripping booty, as always, goes to the one percent. Now to added to the fact that they are dirt poor, the fear of losing control over the USA has got 40 million white, Repub supporters, disoriented, scared and hoping mad. There is now no outlet for their frustrations, other than their machine guns. In a sense Trumpf has been the only one speaking the language of the white racist mob. There are the two tradition Parties, Dems and Repubs. There is now a third movement, armed to the nines. The Democrats are so tied to Wall St. and Goldman Sachs, Hillary has no connection with middle America and can’t bridge that gap. The Republicans have been abandon by their base and are now a spent force. The contest is now between the white supremacists and the rest of America. This ballot has lost its’ meaning and will settle nothing. All that remains is the gun. It has been shown that the Republican Sociopathic mind can entertain two thoughts at the same instant which are diametrically opposed. No observer in America, has ever given voice to this question. What if 40 million white scumbags do not take action as individuals but do it collectively????? What about 100 Oregon standoffs, or a thousand??? Will the white police forces kill such rampaging white terrorists??? Will the whites in the Army, on home soil respond to restore order??? I think not. Then one must conclude that there will be nobody in charge. THAT LEAVES ONLY THE GUNS. Trumpf has molded these 3000 separate racist factions into a single block by his rhetoric. The scumbags don’t even need Trumpf anymore, he merely lit their fuse. As the shootings increase, the Donald will be pushed aside, discarded or even assassinated if he says the wrong thing. Trumpf is now astride the alligator. His fortune [ ? ] and holdings will be worthless as related to the world scale, shoot out at the OK corral. Every State will revert to Tombstone. America will see all vestiges of democracy disappear. all that will remain is a contest to the death. An armed mob of 40 million white racists on one side backed by the police. On the other side, 150 million in the minority camp who have come of age. This is an impossible situation about which the North American Nazi media is saying nothing. Canada must address the self sufficiency goal like yesterday. Never mind Russ Girling and his Energy to Texas pipeline, it is no more than baby babble now. We have to take complete control of our petroleum and natural gas resources. Canada has oil and tar which can be turned into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel in house. We are a huge market for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, in house. Our immediate move? Supply our OWN NEEDS, no foreigners need apply. We have huge natural gas resources in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and the Maritimes. Canadians must access homegrown natural gas with a made in Canada price. As stated, BECOMING MASTERS IN OUR OWN HOUSE WILL PUT $ 44 BILLION A YEAR IN OUR POCKETS, IN THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE. PREMIER NOTLEY NEED NOT WAIT FOR THE PAYOUT TO START. THIS BOLD MOVE WOULD CREATE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF GOOD PAYING UNION JOBS. WHAT’S NOT TO LIKE ABOUT BEING FREE OF THE YANKEE YOKE??? We have had ten years of the Harper / Hayek system which has failed miserably. Our economy is in tatters after a decade of wealth stripping by the Americans. Being totally self sufficient is well within our grasp and our capabilities. Interestingly, the Hayek economic system has been imposed by USA funded right wing Fifth Columns, in England, Australia and New Zealand and their economies are all in the doldrums, much like that of Canada. As in the States, education, health care, welfare and concern for the poor are all under attack. Austerity is the flavour of the day. In all 5 Countries USA money, homegrown traitors and the Nazi press have cooperated to silence the voice of the people. The Trudeau Government is certainly redirecting Canada’s focus but they can’t turn the ship of state 180 deg on their own. Anyone who buys the Post papers, Globe and Tar, the Star, Maclean’s or watches CTV, Global and the CBC is guilty of a treasonable act. There are plenty of lies floating about, on a daily basis, that we better not anger foreign investors by cutting CO2 or demanding clean air and drinking water. This make believe is pure horseshit. In this Country there is a staggering amount of money, over $ 900 billion looking for a safe home. How about the Twin Beaver Pipeline??? Canada doesn’t live by trade, we are 80% self sufficient NOW. NAFTA was supposed to produce prosperity, all the treaty did was formalize the wealth stripping by AMERIGREED. Canada exports less to the USA than it did before NAFTA. And what we do export to the States is determined by the Americans, so as we do not compete with the existing corporate structure. Harper gave Detroit a bridge. The Yankeess will supply all of the materials and labour, it is called the Buy America Law. We put up the money and get sweet fuck all in return. Dalt McGuinty bought Japanese diesel trains for the money losing, poorly designed, Union / Airport Link. They were designed by Nippon Sharyo, assembled in Rochelle, Illinois, USA, under, ” Buy American “. And trucked to Canada. Ontarians paid the bill and again Canada got sweet fuck all in the way of benefits. I mean this is beyond belief. The Americans say bend over and drop your pants, and we obediently accommodate them. In the last few days, Bombardier announced layoffs. I WONDER WHY??? By the way, Lyin Brian Mulroney sold us out on NAFTA and he helped Harper destroy the Canadian Wheat Board. Mulroney took bribes while he was Prime Minister. I wonder how much he got for sticking us with NAFTA??? It is time that Canadians explored some other options, rather than playing slave to the USA. The above remake of the petroleum and natural gas industries will drastically cut CO2 emissions while we are at it. PM Trudeau can actually have his cake and eat it three. It is just one of many ways to combat climate change. And it is but a breath away. We could begin tomorrow. Caesar said, ” Fortes Fortuna Iuvat “. Translated, the future belongs to the bold. The North American oil pipeline system and the railways are being used illegally by the American oil monopoly to transport tar / Benzine to the heavy oil refineries in Texas. The pipeline companies call the black shiny shit that blows up ** OIL **. If the USA oil monopoly wanted black to become white they have the petrol dollars to make it happen. Just send Paul Godfrey an oilie cheque. This Godfrey has a colossal nerve. He takes money from the oil monopoly to make Steve Harper a client King and turn Canada into a slave state. But that apparently isn’t enough. Godfrey only gets $ 1.7 million a years. And now Paul has his hand out to Trudeau looking for a taxpayer’s bailout. The CPR train that blew up in Megantic, used placards identifying the cargo as ** OIL **. After the Megantic smash up, the CPR ditched the placards and shredded the manifest, a punishable offense. Herr Harper, Transportation Safety Board, Paul Godfrey and Dave Thomson said nothing. The Texas refineries, where the tar goes, were built to upgrade and refine heavy oil that was being stolen from Venezuela by the US oil monopoly. Chavez threw the Yankees out. Canadian tar became the substitute but the oil monopoly didn’t want to build an entire new heavy duty aggregate pipeline system. So Harper’s employer, the oil monopoly started putting tar / Benzine into our oil pipelines and rail tank cars behind our backs and calling it ** OIL **. That’s where Paul Godfrey, his friends and the CBC come in, they are paid to print or say, ** OIL, OIL OIL, OIL, OIL **, even though what blew up at Megantic and what is on the bottom of the N. Sask. River was really Bitumen, Bitumen, Bitumen [ tar / Benzine ]. The oil monopoly is counting on you to continue sitting in the dark, playing stupid and confirming the right wing view that you are part of a large ignorant mob. One of Husky’s shills, is Dr. John Giesy from the University of Saskatchewan. I thought the University of Calgary was the only educational establishment that had oil shills. But I was wrong. The U of Sask. plays the same role. Fiction over fact does pay well, just ask Paul Godfrey??? When I see quotes from experts in the papers I investigate their backgrounds. I do the same thing for journalist in the newspapers or on the net. Most of the present crop are interns are such phonies who don’t know their asses from a hole in the ground. They just copy what they’re told and are hired specifically because they are retarded. So it seems that our Dr. John is an American from Michigan State U in East Lansing. He of all people should be well schooled on the Kalamazoo tar spill in his own State. But Dr. John seems to have learned NOTHING. Mind, when you pay a person to be willfully ignorant, in all likelihood THEY WILL ACTUALLY BE WILLFULLY IGNORANT. Dr. John said the tar spill is not that bad [ a lie ]. Dr. John said there is nothing unique about this spill [ another lie ]. Dr. John said it is just a matter of time until everything is right again [ yet another lie ]. Interestingly, Dr. Giesy is a professor at City University in Hong Kong, where Li Ka Shing, the owner of Husky Oil hangs out. I would like to know how much John Giesy got from Shing to make such ridiculous and misleading statements which appeared in the Post papers. If one shill wasn’t enough Husky brought in another. Ed Owens popped by to say the spill wasn’t that important and nature would take its’ course and clean everything up [ more lies ]. And do you know what? Paul Godfrey and the rest of the Nazi media just pump this stuff out mindlessly to insure Canadians remain in oilie Harperland. Just one big happy family where people no longer know where the truth dwells. Well for your information, Dr. Edward Owens runs Owens Coastal Consultants Ltd., out of Seattle USA. Ed’s an oil spill COVER UP expert who has taken part in many campaigns to get the American oil monopoly OFF THE HOOK AND SCREW THE VICTIMS. But Owens has absolutely no experience with tar / Benzine spills. How much did it cost Li Ka Shing to fly Owens into Saskatchewan to talk nonsense to National Post reporters? With the money already spent on shills and buying copy in the Nazi media to lie to the public, shing could have had this whole spill mapped and have a cleanup plan in hand. In my opinion Wall and Husky have already started pulling back from this spill, as Enbridge, EXXON and CPR did in Megantic. Again, Ed’s appearance is meant to continue the myth that Canadian pipelines are carrying ** OIL **. Once the word gets out that all of these spills relate to Bitumen / Benzine, not ** OIL **, it’s game over for Big Oil. The American oil monopoly put Herr Harper into Parliament to make sure that tar / Benzine could be piped / railed anywhere in the Country without concern for the lives and welfare of Canadians and the environment. The USA oil monopoly bought and paid for the Fascist majority in the stolen 2011 Federal Election. To the USA monopoly’s great dismay, Canadians, who still retain a valid ballot [ for how long will the Americans allow us to keep our democracy? ], turfed out both Jim Prentice and Lyin Steve. Interestingly, Jim Prentice suffers from the same disease Mulroney, Harris, Harper and Brad Wall do. When the going gets tough, RUN LIKE HELL! Now the only thing the monopoly can do to keep the illegal tar / Benzine system running to Texas is to use our Nazi media to cover up this July / 2016 Husky spill story with a blanket and silence the critics. The National Energy Board has washed its’ hands of the N. Sask. River spill, just as I would expect Harper’s toadies to do. About three years ago I wrote to the Chairman of the NEB. I urged him to look into the Bitumen, which would be put into the pipelines the Board was considering. I explained the tar angle, as exhibited by the Kalamazoo River DilBit spill. I covered the Benzine angle, a Hazardous Liquid tightly regulated, the equivalent of Hi Octane gasoline. I suggested to the Chairman of the NEB that putting tar and Benzine together was in truth bomb manufacturing. I explained the reason for my expertise in this area. My Dad grew up in Barnes, London UK. He was 12 when the First War started. In 1916 the Germans sent over Zeppelins to bomb the city at night. He watched these giants of the air pass over and heard to explosions going off. Each Zep could carry 120 incendiary bombs or 2.5 tons. During the War about 600 Londoners were kill with 1700 injured. The Germans were using the Goldschmidt Incendiary Bomb of which about 5500 were dropped. The bomb was shaped like an old fashioned butter churn, a metal cylinder of greater diameter at the bottom and smaller at the top and filled with Benzine. The outside of the cylinder was wrapped with rope, soaked in tar. A tube was welded up the middle. Inserted into this tube was a rod which stuck out the bottom and at the top of the bomb it was afixed to a detonator. When the bomb struck a house or shop in London, the rod was driven up and the whole thing went boom. Only there was a wrinkle to this vengence bomb. The theory behind the bomb was that the Benzine would blow up, the tar would stick in place and burn for days. When you watched Megantic go up in flames, you were witnessing what Londoners saw 100 years ago. This early vengeance bomb [ 1916 / 1917 ] gave birth to Hitler’s vengeance rockets, the V-1 and the V-2 which fell on London from June 1944 until March 1945. 10,000 Londoners were killed and 25,000 people injured. It was said that every house in London suffered some damage from V-2s. On February 14 /15 1945, the RAF Bomber Command and the USA Eighth Airforce bombed Dresden among other cities on the hit list. Dresden was a major Nazi marshaling yard and had over 100 war plants, although Goebbels claimed it was just some sleepy little town. A lie which has been perpetuated for the last 60 years by historical fictionalists like David Irving and Kurt Vonnegut. As well as present day Fascists, Neo Nazis and Holocaust deniers. During February 1945, when Dresden was destroyed, 71 V-2s [ 2000 lbs of Amatol each ] fell on London. V-2s were manufactured at Mittelwerk by concentration camp inmates from Mittelbau – Dora. More than 12,000 inmates died building V-2s. Strange, the V-1s and V-2s and the toll in total that they took are NEVER MENTIONED BY THE FICTIONALISTS. It is as if one single piece of the WW 11 puzzle [ Dresden ] can be used for any kind of examination of the conflict. David Irving was a provocateur all his life, seeking attention by being outrageous and fabricating history. Kurt Vonnegut was anti war and cherry picked the Dresden story for his book of fiction, ” Slaughterhouse- Five ” . This small group of Dresden revisionists and their unhinged fans get way too much attention. But we live in an age where the written lie predominates. Lazy people believe Irving and Vonnegut, up to an including, the Canadian War Museum, the National Film Board, the McKenna brothers, Brian and Terry, Desmond Morton, Jack Granatstein and Margaret MacMillian . The story of Bomber Command goes back to the First World War. Dresden is the smallest speck possible in a long journey that ended with total victory in 1945. When telling lies invaded our sphere and took centre stage with the Ronald Reagan crowd, the truth was more and more shut out. We all are the losers, because reality slips away, and the absence of reality explains what we are witnessing in those Disunited States of America. George Orwell wrote, war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength. Also, he who controls the PRESENT, controls the PAST. Harper and Paul Godfrey were in the act of rewriting Canada’s history. He who controls the PAST, controls the FUTURE. The American oil monopoly, their employee and client King Steve Harper and the Post papers, Globe, Star, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC are well on their way to doing just that.

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Did you know that when all the black shit went into the Kalamazoo River, the evaporating Benzine formed a huge cloud. This explosive cloud of Benzine gas traveled 50 miles down the Kalamazoo River valley affecting the breathing of hundreds of people. All that was needed for an inferno was an ignition source, to make things even worse. The State of Michigan and local health authorities washed their hands of the spill. Enbridge and Big Oil paid them off. So individuals were left to their own devices, young and old, labouring to breath. For many, an early death just meant a release from the suffering. Pat Daniels, CEO of Enbridge spent weeks telling the Nazi media the spill was of ** OIL **. Reporters never asked Enbridge any tough questions, they knew which side their oil cheques was buttered on. There was a repeat performance at Mayflower Ark. There was a different wrinkle at Megantic where a spark met up with the Benzine fumes. Now all these years later and we have the N. ask. tar spill. Reporters are still not asking any tough questions of Brad Wall AND NO QUESTIONS OF HUSKY. In Mayflower, the EXXON tar / Benzine spill was smaller than in Michigan. In Arkansas, the State and medical people washed their hands of the spill and abandoned the townspeople. It is obvious the EXXON didn’t want any record or evidence left of the tragedy to avoid lawsuits. So Canadians have to be made aware that to BIG TAR they don’t count. Again the people of Mayflower suffered alone like those in Kalamazoo with breathing problems. In both cases the first responders thought they were dealing with an ** OIL ** spill. SO THEY WERE NOT PROPERLY EQUIPPED WITH BREATHING MASKS. I have written many posts on the subject of the American oil monopoly, the rail lines and the pipeline companies leaving firefighters in the dark because they put profits ahead of everyone. So a few firefighters die of burned out lungs, the oilies say so what??? If I were a fire chief, I would tell Russ Girling to stuff Bitumen East up his ass. If there is a tar spill, firefighters should stay in the station house and refused to attend. Why should they risk their lives, when Big Tar refuses to make the contents of their pipelines and tank cars public! What was so diabolical about the Zeppelin, Goldschmidt Bomb, the thing was wrapped in heavy rope soaked WITH TAR, so it would burn for days [ think Megantic ]. Actually this type of bomb was the forerunner of modern Napalm, which combines a jellied gasoline with Benzine, its’ makeup is designed to explode, stick and burn. The only thing that saved the Kalamazoo River, Mayflower and N. Sask. River spills from turning into raging infernos, was absence of an ignition source. A Husky official talked about the unnamed thinner mixed with their Bitumen, don’t worry, most of it evaporated quickly, he said. If into that cloud of Benzine gas, a pickup truck had been driven, then boom. The spark from the truck’s ignition would have set things off. Mix 16 parts air to one part Benzine and you have got another Megantic. If there was a fire at the rupture point of a tar spill the flames would eat their way back up the pipeline. If Enbridge No # 9 ruptured at Finch and Bathurst in Toronto or Bitumen East failed in downtown Montreal AND THERE WAS AN IGNITION SOURCE, THE BLAZE AT MEGANTIC WOULD BE VIEWED AS A SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC. If there was blowout in Toronto or Montreal, a fire would consume blocks and kill thousands of people. Again the fire would eat back into the pipeline like a blow torch because the tar quartz sand would have rendered the shut off valves useless. As with Megantic such a fire would have to be allowed to burn itself out. A part of a city? Half a city?? A whole city??? Who knows, fighting such a fire would be pointless The quartz sand in the raw tar scours the inside of the steel pipes, especially 50 year old ones. If a fire was eating its’ way back into Monaco’s No # 9 in Toronto or Girling’s folly, Bitumen to Port Arthur Texas, as it passed though Montreal, the areas of the pipes scoured and made thinner by the sand would blow in individual spots. It would be like a fireworks display all along the pipeline route. Since the quartz sand destroys the safety sensors and the seat of the pipeline shut off valves, any spill by TransNotCanada, Enbridge or Kinder Morgan could be very difficult to turn off. Then Canadians would be asking how could such a thing happen here??? Like Double Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I think to a large degree it is the, ” Sleeping Beauty Syndrome “. Most Canadians remain fast asleep as the Yankees clean out the pantry and make off with the furniture. PAUL GODFREY AND OUR NAZI MEDIA ARE WELL PAID TO NOT BLOW THE WHISTLE. The American oil monopoly WANTS NO LIGHT SHED ON ITS’ ACTIVITIES IN CANADA AND IS SPENDING A FORTUNE WITH THE NAZI MEDIA TO ENSURE YOU REMAIN OBLIVIOUS TO THE DANGERS OF TAR MIXED WITH BENZINE. Using crude, cheap mining and extraction methods means high levels of green house gases. Transportation of the petroleum materials in the rawest form possible, gooey tar thinned with Benzine means Alberta and Saskatchewan get a negligible royalty. The huge profits are made at the Port Arthur, Texas end. All the risks to life and limb along the pipelines and railway, are borne by the little people whose faith in their elected Governments was badly misplaced. The Harper Fascists, the Congress, the Petroleum Conservatives in Alberta and Brad Wall have never once considered the affects of this theft of tar upon the rank and file. Max profit to the USA oil monopoly, max risk to millions of Canadians / Americans. FOR THIS OUTRAGE TO HAPPEN IN A SO CALLED DEMOCRACIES INDICATES TO ME A LARGE NUMBER OF DOZING, INCURIOUS PEOPLE. I think the expression, ” Use it or lose it “, is appropriate. Canadians wake up, use your God given brains or lose your freedom, you may even lose your life! Surrendering to more tar / Benzine spills or derailments makes NO SENSE. The taxpayers of the municipalities, Provinces and Ottawa are paying the freight for this TARRY mess. Just look at Megantic and now the N. Sask. River. It may be that Canadians will not act until the vault is completely emptied, passively paying for one tar incident after another? The $ 64 question, will the light even go on then???

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The N. Sask. River people are no doubt asking how and why their waterway has been destroyed by tar globs that lie unseen on the bottom. Brad Wall is a hands off Preem who is going to let Husky get away with this crime. Wall says, come on in American oil monopoly and do what you want to us, take what you want, pay us what you want and no questions asked. In Quebec the same question is being asked. Especially by those whose relatives were intentionally turned into crispy critters, in Megantic. Lyin Steve Harper and Pauline Marois were also hands off. To the oilies and CPR, Steve and Pauline said do what you will. AMERIGREED ALWAYS MAKES THE PROFIT EVEN THOUGH THE RISKS FALL COMPLETELY ON THE GENERAL POPULATION. Why bother to cast a ballot if those we elect are going to close their eyes to this gross Yankee abuse. Much better to reach for your pitchfork or musket. One could take a snap shot to-day, and it would answer every question about the state of Canada’s tar economy. The American oil monopoly and the 3 Wall Street pipeline companies are driven by greed. Politicians like Steve Harper [ by the way, he hasn’t gone away folks ] and Brad Wall personally benefit from that greed [ power and money ]. Add in the Nazi media, including the CBC, which are paid to further the agenda of the oil monopoly and the 3 American pipeline Companies. When I wrote to the Chairman of NEB [ Harper Energy Board actually ], I included some of the above info and directed the Chair to my blog. Two things. SURPRISE, SURPRISE, I DID NO GET A RESPONSE FROM THE NEB. Secondly my assessment of the potential explosive nature of tar and Benzine [ found in the N. Sask. River by the way ] has never made it into resource debate or the Canadian Nazi media. Actually, I wrote about a possible tar/ Benzine towering conflagration before Megantic ever happened. THERE IS NO MONEY TO BE MADE IN PRINTING THE TRUTH IN CANADA. TELLING LIES ATTRACTS HOUSTON’S PETROL DOLLARS. Thus the army of the weak minded have become oilie scribes. Our legitimate journalists have been banned to the wilderness. The US rightpublicanazis prize ignorance in their supporters and the larger population. But now the ignorant mob has had enough, the Repubs have fooled them once too often. I have long experience with fuels, fires and safety rules / regulations. To-day, transporting tar / Benzine by rail or pipeline in Canada is like the old west, anything goes. Houston makes all the money. Canadians assume all the risk. I mean to reverse that. Canadians are going to make all the money, and being sharp we will eliminate those oilie fabricated risks. Who needs a carbon tax if NO CARBON IS PRODUCED??? A good place to start, is the 100,000 people along the North Saskatchewan River where the Husky Bitumen spill occurred, they are all up shit crik without a paddle unless that waterway is cleaned up. We shall do the cleanup even if it mean bankrupting Husky. For Saskatchewanians, there is nobody in their corner right now. Brad Wall has handed the fate of his people over to the American oil monopoly. That will change, we will make it happen. The oil monopoly will be run out of town on a rail. Mayor Gregor Robertson of Vancouver is right to be concerned about the rogue Bitumen Company Kinder Morgan. If the tar / Benzine being transported through their 50 year old ** OIL ** pipeline got loose in the City and happened to meet an ignition source then West Van and Burnaby would be toast. Kinder Morgan had a tar spill about 5 years ago under a road at the Burnaby water front. The video was on the net. This rupture sprayed a black tarry / Benzine cloud, 50 ft in the air. It lasted for hours before the blind Kinder found out. People can be seen actually driving through the black tar / Benzine shower. EACH OF THESE VEHICLES WAS AN IGNITION SOURCE. A WHOLE SUBDIVISION HAD TO BE EVACUATED AND 150 PEOPLE SUFFERED HEALTH PROBLEMS. THE TAR / BENZINE RAN DOWN INTO THE HARBOUR. The Nazi media was paid by Kinder Morgan to snuffed this story out. KINDER MORGAN HAS A TANK FARM UP ON THE HILL ABOVE THE HARBOUR. THE COMPANY WANTS TO INCREASE THE SIZE OF ITS’ BITUMEN FACILITY THERE. IF THAT TAR TANK FARM BLEW UP, PEOPLE WOULD HAVE TO FLEE VANCOUVER BY BOAT. IT WOULD BE QUITE A SIGHT, SEEN FROM THE SEA, AS VANCOUVER BURNED TO THE WATERLINE. IT WOULD BE SORT OF LIKE WATCHING VESUVIUS EXPLODE [ 79 ad ] FROM ACROSS THE BAY OF NAPLES! I WONDER IF VANCOUVER BURNING TO THE GROUND WOULD AWAKEN cANADIANS TO THE DANGERS OF TAR /BENZINE??? For Denis Coderre, Mayor of Montreal the concern about Russ Girling’s Bitumen East [ to Port Arthur Texas ], is as valid as that of the Mayor of Vancouver. Both are faced with greedy Corporations bent on making profits off the backs and lives of their residents a well as Canadian. But on the dishonesty scale, Russ Girling takes the cake. Russ is a consummate liar like Harper and I think he is mad like Harper. Girling’s devious schemes defy logic when the risk factor to people is factored in. Russ has NO CONCERNS about Canadians. Girling wants to transport tar / Benzine [ Napalm ] right across the Country, in order to keep refineries in Texas operating. Girling has closed down the Western natural gas industry. This, so he can sell cheap, fracked Pennsylvania nat. gas to Ontario and Quebec at Alberta prices. The spread, coming directly from Canadian pockets, goes right to Wall St. The National Energy Board and the Ontario Energy Board, supposedly protecting the interests of consumers, know all about this nat. gas rip off. However, the Boards support Russ Girling and the Industry, screw Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec. These Provinces contain 28,000 million people, who think they live in a democracy? HA,HA! In terms of this natural gas scandal, concocted by Dalton McGuinty, Russ Girling, the National Energy Board and the Ontario Energy Board, Canadians have lost their sovereignty. The only right they have left is to keep their mouths shut and pay the nat. gas bills sent them by Girling. In fact Canadians have little sovereignty remaining. Russ Girling will ship Alberta water south to Texas. The deal will be done in secret like CETA. NAFTA, signed by Lyin Brian Mulroney is an agreement which has nothing to do with trade. It raises the rights of 3500 hollow, USA corporation above that of Canadians. If Megantic, was to pass a By-Law restricting train traffic carrying tar / Benzine through the Town, Harper’s employer, the USA oil monopoly, could take the Council to the Tribunal, made up of American lawyers. The oilies could claim losses and loss of future profits. Such an award could well bankrupt a Town like Megantic. So in a sense NAFTA means that Canadians have no say, rather US corporations have all the say. This kind of thing is not supposed to happen in a democracy, but Mulroney did it on the sly anyway. CETA, the phony trade treaty now in the news, negotiated by Harper, is worse than NAFTA but in a different way. Trudeau is getting bad advice, he should not touch CETA with a 12 ft pole. It is not really an agreement between Canada and the EU as advertised. It is an agreement between the US and the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels. To give the Americans the ability to override the sovereignty of EU nations, in that legislation passed by any one of the 28 EU countries to protect their citizens can be pushed aside by USA corporations just like NAFTA. Lyin Steve negotiated CETA as a back door, which AMERIGREED can use to strip the wealth from say Germany, even though the US doesn’t have any kind of agreement with the Germans. It must be remembered that the best ally of the secret Government in Washington is the cabal in Brussels. The bureaucrats in Brussels are now under the control of Goldman Sachs, the criminal bank on Wall St., which can’t wait to get its’ mitts on the 500 million people in the EU, to begin the wealth stripping. To make use of the CETA back door that Harper created, all a US corporation has to do is open a 2 person office on Bay St. in Toronto and 28 sovereign EU countries are ripe for the plucking, or should that be fucking. The Belgian, Walloon democratic Parliament has refused to ratify CETA and therefore Harper’s USA friendly CETA is as dead as a mackerel. Well maybe? Washington is threatening to pull US corporations out of Belgium if the Walloons don’t bow to USA wishes. So much for democracy. The treatment of the Walloon Parliament is but a foretaste of what is to come if CETA is passed. As 28 EU countries are taken to the cleaners one by one by AMERIGREED, they will come to hate Canadians for allowing the predators access to their wallets via Bay St. Of course Canada’s Nazi media and US corporations here are all in favour of CETA. They are already counting their cut. CETA is almost useless to Canada tradewise. CETA was negotiated by America’s client King Harper, to allow the Yankee wolves to get into the EU chicken coop, his reward, another pat on his Trumpf toupee. So democracy doesn’t work for Washington in Belgium any more than it does in Canada. The world Nazi media makes it quite clear that the Walloons will forced to surrender their sovereignty. Since the October 19 / 15 Election in this Country, the Trudeau Government has been under attack by our Nazi media, who have mounted a smear campaign, aimed at driving the Liberals out of office in 2019. As well as the smear campaign, the US is doing everything it can to sabotage this Nation’s economy. The Yankees are going to rain on every parade. AMERIGREED is paying Paul Godfrey and the others to wage this campaign. Canada has been under USA threat since January 2016. The Walloons are just beginning to see what happens when a sovereign Country bucks the Americans. The world’s most dangerous terrorist nation. If this intimidation of two democratic countries by the USA wasn’t enough just look at England. David Cameron, a little man if there even was one, decided to hold a referendum on membership in the EU. The Brits decided to get out of the EU fair and square, an exercise in DEMOCRACY. Washington and their troll allies in Brussels are having none of England breaking free from the EU, even if the British people want freedom. The rightpublicanazis have made it quite clear that the majority of voters in any land constitute nothing more than an ignorant mob, and thus must be tamed or eliminated. Wall St. and Goldman Sachs are hopping mad. The London banking establishment acts as the AMERIGREED money laundering arm. Illegal financial transactions to and from the USA are funneled through the UK / Cayman Islands, to the Square Mile / Canary Wharf on to the the EU Central Bank in Frankfurt Germany. Everyone, Washington, London and Brussels can claim clean hands while the 28 EU countries are bled white by AMERIGREED. It was a nice system, until the English people started to dabble in democracy, as did the Canadians and Walloons. Now the British are under attack by Washington, with all kinds of dire threats. The world money lenders have orchestrated to depreciate the Pound. Various US corporations, which don’t pay UK taxes, are threatening to leave. Many of the London banks that launder USA money are threatening to pull out. So it would seem, democracy in Canada, Belgium and England is clearly upsetting AMERIGREED’S wealth stripping plans. It has been decided by the secret Government in Washington that democracy anywhere on the globe will not be tolerated if it interferes with business as usual by the Yankee traders. I have been interested in finding out what rights people will have once the Americans have swept all democracies aside. It would seem that we will be able to demand an unlimited amount of ointment to put on our wrists where the chains chafe.

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The entire Bitumen East to Texas project has been built on Girling’s lies. Russ is a STAR in this respect, every utterance is a lie. This Bit / East proposal smells as much as the Keystone XL does. Can you imagine the Ogallala Aquifer under the Plain States being filled with tar like the N. Saskatchewan River is now. As stated there is this other wrinkle to the XL, which made the Congress sit up and take notice, especially the reps from the Southern states. As we go dry there is always all that water in Canada! Baldy Steve was in the process of giving away the store behind our backs with the help of Paul Godfey and friends Girling designed the Keystone to carry Alberta water to Texas. Neat O. Now water legislation in Canada, gives Saskatchewan 50% of the water coming down out of the Rockies. Alberta would not allow Girling to run them out of water so Russ would have to take the water than belonged to Saskatchewan. Mind, Saskatchewanians wouldn’t find out till their rivers ran dry. The National Post papers would certainly not alert them to the coming shortage. In fact there isn’t much news of value in Godfrey’s papers or the rest of the Nazi press. I’ve gone almost a year now without buying a paper and 3 years since I gave up Maclean’s, I never watched Global, haven’t looked at CTV in years and gave up on the CBC early this Spring. I have left Harperland behind and am none the worse for wear. I have a better grasp of the passing scene than Canadians who frequent our Nazi media. I know where the potholes are, they don’t. But to some, getting hammered over the head with an axe handle every day is part of the rightie way of life. Transporting the tarry bomb mix, closing the Western natural gas industry and offering to steal Alberta water by Russ Girling would not last 5 minutues if the Nazi media was doing its job. The media holds a special place in Canada, this special consideration brings with it the responsibility to provide fair and balanced news. Rather, the Nazi media has sold out to the Americans. Rather than enhancing Canada’s future the Nazi media is endangering it. Russ only survives his severe bouts of lying because he pays Paul Godfrey and the rest of the Nazi media to cover his tracks. You would never see the info contained in my posts, published by or broadcast in the Nazi media. Girling shipping Alberta water to Texas via the keystone XL, have you heard anything about it??? Of course not! Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard and his Minister are absolutely right to want no part of Russ Girling. Russ is a noted snake oil salesman who does nothing but spread grief around, both here and in the USA. As stated, in pitching the Keystone XL Bitumen pipeline to Republican politicians in Texas, Girling was promoting the fact that he had designed the pipe to carry Alberta water to the State as an alternative use. Russ could not have been making such an offer without the express approval of Lyin Steve. So on the QT Albertans were going to have their water stolen too. The NEB Hearings on Bitumen to Port Arthur Texas are a joke as long as the Board is loaded with Harper’s stooges. What has to happen? Another Hiroshima? Before Canadians wake up to this Bitumen is ** OIL ** charade??? If that wasn’t enough, Girling has shut off the supply of natural gas from Alberta and Saskatchewan to Ontario and Quebec with the okay of the NEB. The two Eastern Provinces [ 2/3rds of the Canadian population ] are now at the mercy of US fracked natural gas. It is sold through the spot market in the Pennsylvania. Girling has stolen the nat. gas market from Alberta and Saskatchewan and given it to Wall St. This so he can use the TransCanada Mainline [ BUILT WITH CANADIAN MONEY TO ENSURE SECURITY OF SUPPLY OF NAT. GAS ], TO TRANSPORT TAR / BENZINE TO THE IRVING OIL DOCK IN NB. AFTER WHICH THIS BOMB MIX WILL GO BY SHIP TO PORT ARTHUR TX. THE REASON BEHIND THE 4000 MILE JOURNEY IS SIMPLY TO KEEP THE REFINERIES IN THE TEXAS FTZ RUNNING. That is it. The USA oil monopoly gets all the benefits and everyone else get fucked, thanks to Harper. Shutting off the Prairies natural gas tap is screw job number two, by Girling. Leaving Ontario and Quebec to the mercy of the Pennsylvania natural gas spot market is screw job number three by Girling. Then using the abandon TC Mainline to transport tar / Benzine to Texas, is screw job number four by Girling. None of these crimes would have happened if the NEB had adhered to its’ mandate of protecting Canadians. Nothing could have happened if Paul Godfrey and his friends had spilled the beans on Russ Girling. The present Bitumen East proposal is to pay next to nothing for our Western tar. Transport it through a 4000 miles of ** OIL ** pipeline [ much cheaper than building a proper DOUBLE WALLED AGGREGATE PIPELINE ] to the Irving Refinery dock on the Atlantic Coast. The tar will be loaded onto ships BOUND FOR THE TEXAS GULF. In Prince Arthur, a Free Trade Zone [ not under American rule ] the Canadian tar will be converted into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel among other petroleum products which will go to the world market at high prices. The American oil monopoly in Fort Arthur pays NO USA TAXES. The net result is Alberta and Saskatchewan get almost nothing in the way of royalties because the American oil monopoly in Canada sells the tar so cheaply to themselves, the American oil monopoly in the USA. Canadians will be at risk all along the 4000 mile Bitumen to Texas ** OIL ** PIPELINE STUFFED WITH TAR / BENZINE. All we will get is the middle finger from Girling and little money. It is not a good business model and is a good example of why the Canadian economy is the shits. The American oil monopoly intends to keep its’ TX refineries humming along using our tar. Which costs them less than they were paying Venezuela before Hugo Chavez became President. I keep saying, this lop side arrangement shows just how stupid most Canadians are. Canada, England and the British Commonwealth are paying the USA oil monopoly high prices for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel as if the raw oil was priced at $ 100 a barrel. The NEB Board is bent on maintaining this questionable arrangement. We are in this continuing position of ignorance because the Nazi media will not come clean about Houston and the American oil monopoly rape of Canada. Paul Godfrey and friends are paid to lie, misinform and print / broadcast oil monopoly propaganda. IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. WHEN WILL CANADIANS FINALLY BESTIR THEMSELVES TO THE FACT THAT THERE ARE MORE PROFITABLE AND ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY WAYS TO HARNESS OUR RESOURCES! THE FIRST MOVE IS TO THROW OFF THE AMERICAN OIL MONOPOLY YOKE WHILE THE CIVIL WAR IN THE USA IS IN ITS’ INFANCY. WE MUST ACT NOW WHILE THE WHITES AND MINORITIES ARE AT EACH OTHER THROATS. WHILE THEY ARE SHOOTING AT ONE ANOTHER AND PLANTING BOMBS, IS A GOOD TIME TO SECURE OUR BORDERS! THE IMMEDIATE GOAL IS TO BECOME SELF SUFFICIENT!

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I think that discussing and debating our problems in a transparent manner is just the opening shot in finding our way out of this rightpublicanazi created maze. Rather, the Nazi media is paid by AMERIGREED to make daily life as opaque as possible For Canadians to make progress we need the whole story. Paul Godfrey’s paid task, is to reduce that story to a fairy tale. Albertans and Saskatchewanians are suffering the shorts because Harper, McGuinty, Russ Girling, NED and OEB shut down their nat. gas industry so that cheat, fracked nat. gas from Pennsylvania could be shipped into Ont. / Que. and sold at Western prices. This is a Girling bait and switch, Russ says one thing, when he means the exact opposite. What the National Post won’t tell Ontarians and Quebecers is that they are buying cheap USA nat. gas and paying top price. The NEB and the OEB looked the other way when Girling made this deal with Harper and McGuinty [ what kind of cut did Steve and Dalt get??? ]. The biggest problem with this deal, is when Ont. / Que. got nat. gas from the West in the past, they were not victims of the gas spot market which is rigged by AMERIGREED. Most importantly, before Russ Girling, Ont. / Que. HAD SECURITY OF SUPPLY. Now that security has been taken away by Amerigreed and our thieving politicians. If the American civil War takes a real bad turn, the Pennsylvania nat. gas fields could suffer disruption. Ontarian and Quebecers could in real terms find themselves freezing in the dark. Ottawa would face a terrible scene, millions of people with NO HEAT. If you read me on a regular basis you know I am a problem solver. When faced with trouble I immediately look for a solution. For 5 years, I was an aeroplane mechanic at Barker / Buttonville Airports in Toronto. I was busy at the wrench trade while I earned my Commercial Pilot’s License. Every day there were problems to solve such as. A Piper CUB crop duster, owned by Hicks and Lawrence, down Tillsonberg way, in tobacco country, had hit a tree with one wing. The leading edge was crushed in a 3 ft section. They cut off the damaged leading edge, bought a section of stovepipe, formed it over and screwed the metal on over the fabric. Hicks had it flown to Leggats at Buttonville for repair. Crop dusting was at its’ height and Hicks need that CUB back pronto. We never got much of the story, but we had the CUB ready to fly the next day. a day later it was back dusting tobacco. After years of looking for solutions first has affected me mentally. It is a matter of fixing things first and talking about same later. But not to-day. Politicians and journalists hash and rehash the terrible events they never venture a solution. If this CUB duster story appeared to-day in the Post papers, we would know what the pilot had for breakfast, but not a word about the repair. In my posts, I offer plenty of solutions, but they are not all my ideas by a long shot. Many Canadians have good ideas on a whole slew of problems but their work is censored. AMERIGREED crushes every new idea in this Country at birth with the help of Paul Godfrey and friends. Take the ongoing misinformation campaign about the pipeline situation. It is one lie after another. Houston concocts the lies. The Can. Nazi media prints or broadcasts the lies. And on a daily basis, the ignorant mob in this Nation is fooled yet again. The righties intend that this daily dishing of lies will see the Canadian IQ slip. It is a self fulfilling prophesy. The USA rightpublicanazis figure on making the Canadian mob truly an ignorant one. They, politicians / journalists, to a man and a few women are deathly afraid of angering the rightpublicanazi Gods. How does one find a job in the rightie, sea if one tells the truth??? The far right seeks and manufactures chaos. It is when things are at their most disruptive state that the righties thrive and indeed blossom. Remember that the right wing only succeeds with YOUR permission. The right can’t clasp you in chains UNLESS YOU WILLING SURRENDER. Albertans have surrendered their petroleum resources to the American oil monopoly, completely. These poor souls have become SERVANTS IN THEIR OWN HOUSE SO TO SPEAK! For 30 years the oilies have screwed the Albertans out of their oil / tar. there has never been the slightest indication that the people of the Province have clued into this ongoing, daily theft by the monopoly. Years ago, the oil monopoly fabricated a story during tough times that Ottawa was to blame for low oil prices. Albertans bought the story. And every time since then, when the American oil monopoly, being a partner of the secret Government in Washington, has buggered things up, Houston has used our Nazi media to lay blame at Ottawa’s doorstep. In October 2016, although the Oil monopoly HAS ABANDON ALBERTA TAR FOR ISIS OIL STOLEN FROM THE IRAQIS, PAUL GODFREY AND THE REST OF THE NAZI MEDIA GET PAID BY HOUSTON TO BLAME PREMIER NOTLEY AND PRIME MISTER TRUDEAU FOR THE ECONOMIC DOWNTURN IN THE WEST. AND AMAZINGLY ALBERTANS STILL BELIEVE IN THIS HOOEY. The rightpublicanazis think they are dealing with an ignorant mob. In Alberta they truly are. They’re just like the guy with a toothache who let’s the doctor cut his big toe off. Going back to the Romans and including Hitler, the Fascist types sought and still seek to manipulate and misinform the ignorant masses as to their real agenda, lying, stealing and cheating. In REAL TERMS, the idea is, all the rewards FOR a small group, NOTHING for the rest. It is a ploy as old as the hills. The right wing ideology keeps being trotted out because it mostly works. Democracy is not a military force, with the built in ability to defend itself. People is a democracy have to remind themselves to be eternally vigilant, watching for those who would take their freedoms away, like Herr Harper. On the other hand the right wing is predatory. Their every waking hour is devoted to gaining control of people and money. The Fascist Party and caucus, the Manning Institute, the Universities of Calgary and Carleton, the Civitas Subversive Secret Society, hand in hand with the Nazi media plot daily to bring about the downfall of democracy in this Country. [[[ It may be of interest that I have been saying this kind of thing for years and naming names. But I have yet to be challenged by anyone, even Russ Girling ]]]. But maybe Canada in the year 2016 can chart a new course and jettison AMERIGEED’S RIGHTIE PLAYBOOK?????? And Canadians can gird themselves for the battle for Canada by becoming educated. The first step should be is tuning you back on Paul Godfrey and the Post paper. NO INFORMATION IS BETTER THAN LIES. What I don’t understand is people who advertise in the PostMediocre papers. As a businessman I want my community to be prosperous and every expanding. Rather, Paul Godfrey is preaching the end of prosperity and a quick trip to the poor house for the mob. Godfrey’s advertisers seem to want fewer and fewer customers with less and less money in their pockets. It just doesn’t compute? FULL EMPHASIS MUST BE PLACED ON COMING UP WITH WORKABLE SOLUTIONS IN THE NEAR TERM. THE NEARER THE BETTER. THERE IS NO TIME TO DALLY. When the going gets tough, the tough get going, so they say. That’s us, if we get our hands on a economic road map that directs financial benefits to the people, rather than to AMERIGREED. Such a road map exists, you’ve just not been told about it. Some Canadians have to trade in their servant mentality, drilled by Harper and the Nazi media. What comes to mind, are a couple of instances where the bureaucratic go-slow mindset was jettisoned for the better. NO STONE WAS LEFT UNTURNED! It is possible. Mental gridlock and the fear of the unknown is not a natural state. These attributes are only found on the right, as exemplified by Lyin Steve. Making big money doing nothing, is a right wing construct which can only happen where an obedient media exists and the general public is docile. Both my stories happened in Burma in WW 11. The British Corps of Engineers built a 700 mile OIL pipeline to supply the Army in their advance against the Japanese. They did it in 6 MONTHS. During that campaign, the same Engineers built a Bailey Bridge across a major river, doing it in 28 hours while under fire. This is the Can-do attitude that will be needed to build the NEW CANADA. It would be easy for me to estimate the net financial gain to this Country by us taking complete control of the petroleum industry. Would you wake up then, if you saw those positive figures??? The cash outflow, now outgoing to the States was orchestrated by Harper. I see a three pronged attack on our problems. We need to build the Twin Beaver Pipeline from coast to coast to coast to utilize our petroleum resources ourselves, attain ABSOLUTE security of supply nationwide and gain access to the world market independently from the USA. FUCK THE AMERICANS. We need to complete the Cross Canada Electric Grid, the only gap that exists now is between Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The generation and distribution of all electricity will be nationalized and the Americans sent packing. The goal will be a matter of serving the needs of Canadians, first and foremost, KWs at cost. The natural gas problem is easily solved. Girling’s TransNotCanada, Mainline natural gas pipeline will be expropriated and taken back into public ownership IMMEDIATLEY. The tap to natural gas in the Prairies will be opened wide, so Alberta and Saskatchewan will get an immediate injection of royalty dollars and a boost in jobs. The American nat. gas distributors in Ontario and Quebec will be prohibited from using Pennsylvania fracked nat. gas. That tap will be shut off. All of our nat. gas supply will henceforth come from the West. Canadians might as well be giving their money to Canadians. In fact, I would go as far as suggesting that PM Trudeau determine the Western royalty rate of the present nat. gas consumption of Ont. / Que. I mean this is kid’s play. I would start those royalty payments to Premiers Notley and Wall, LIKE YESTERDAY! I dislike Brad Wall intensely. He is all oilie mouth and no action. His only accomplishment is to stuff even more money in Houston’s pocket. But over my time in business, I would work with any and every son-of-a-bitch, as long as the goals were being met If the Yankee owners of the Ont. / Que. nat. gas distribution system do not comply we shall expropriate them too. If we start to plan now, this whole enterprise, taking control of the petroleum industry and the natural gas industry as well as building the Cross Can. KW Grid would be fully operational in 5 year, we could possibly shave that to 3 and a half years and some of it would be ready in two years. I’d like to see security of supply, as regards natural gas, secured by December 2016. I don’t need to draw you a diagram do I??? If I can awakened you to the possibilities, your imagination will do the rest.. I am thinking $ 100 billion a year in savings for energy alone. Out of the Yankee pocket into the Canadian pocket. And at least 250,000 good, union jobs. As well, increased taxes which will accrue to governments. Just think, all of the Canadian pension funds will have someplace safe to invest OUR money and get a return of at least 6 percent per year. All of these deliberations will take place in public and will available on the internet and the pages of the Guardian Canada [ where the truth resides ]. I say this for a reason. When I was a Pickering Municipal Councillor all of our meeting took place in front of the public. On the odd occasion we went in camera to discuss things like law suits, dealing with union matters or personal items relating to staff. In terms of nationalizing Canada’s petroleum and natural gas industries as well as construction of the Cross Can. KW Grid the key aim it to BETTER SERVE THE PEOPLE. Then it follows that THE PEOPLE should be involved with the process before we even begin digging holes and the basement. Ottawa has got to realize that secret trade treaties are a thing of the past. Every foreign treaty will have to be negotiated with the public in attendance. This will scotch hobble AMERIGREED. Having the public involved day one would avoid the predicament now engulfing the CETA, the NEB and Ottawa. CETA was negotiated in secret with Goldman Sachs and Brussels cabal. The NEB operated in secret to give Houston every advantage and thus destroyed its’ credibility with the public. The Board member can not trusted by Canadians. But moving on the 3 fronts at once, would means that the NEB has outlived its’ usefulness and so is a goner. Direct citizen participation across the board must be the watchword. I suggest that the NEB members be invited to resign. If they refuse, I would find a dingy hole in a basement in the Capital, one toilet, hot in the summer, cold in the winter, low ceiling, dripping pipes and with a punch clock. If these birds show up each day they get their pay. Let them there rot, until the phony contracts Harper gave them run out. History shows the brute force option only belongs to the people, if they have the guts to seize what is their’s. The Canadian populous far outnumbers the tiny ranks of the USA / Can. traitor Kleptocracy and the Harper Fascists. In the end we shall have our way and we shall have our NEW CANADA, BY FAIR OR FOUL MEANS. We could decide this day, that there will never be another towering inferno like Megantic or another tar / Benzine spill like in the North Saskatchewan River. My biggest question is, when do we start on this journey??? No question, our task will being made a little difficult due to the fact that baldy Harper, is still around. Is still leading the Fascists. Is still making trouble and is still on the Houston payroll. Lyin Steve has to be prosecuted for his crime and jailed. The killing of 47 people in Megantic would be a good place to start. Equally dangerous is Paul Godfrey, he must be gotten rid of too. His publications have printed so much False News [ # 181 of the Criminal Code ] that we could easily get a conviction for the 2 years max. Those Fascist videos, regarding Trudeau’s day on a BC beach were distributed by the American oil monopoly out of Houston, to damage the Prime Minster’s reputation. The bloody nerve, the Yankee oilies pay Paul Godfrey and the rest of the Nazi media to bring disrespect to our Government. It is not a push for me to say, let them all swing, bring back the rope. Interestingly the US oily suits are using the profits made from selling Canadians overpriced gasoline and diesel, made from stolen ISIS oil, to run smear campaigns in our Nazi media against Premier Notley and PM Trudeau. This is like having to take up a collection to pay a guy to sharpen the blade of the guillotine before your heads get cut off. I mean making victims pay for their own executions is not new. It just takes a lot of Fascist nerve and timidity on the part of the victims. After Kristallnacht in November 1938, the Nazis imposed a $ 400 million fine on German Jews to clean up the mess. Apparently the American oil monopoly has worked out a scheme to get Canadians to pay for the destruction of their own Country thus bringing upon ourselves, permanent servitude. What Canadians are putting up with takes the word gullible to an entirely new level. As well, petro dollars are being handed out to the brain washed Harper Youth, now in their hundreds. These junior Fascists on the Houston payroll, many work at the National Post, are dedicated to broadcasting every negative the Americans can dream up about Canada. And the Nazi media gives them plenty of space to do their dirty work. What is life if there is no joy??? Paul Godfrey and his joyless crowd want to make you and your children / grandchildren anxious, frightened, devoid of hope and afraid for the future. They just won’t shut up. Every method of communication is filled with Fascist claptrap, gauged to undermine the NEW CANADA. The last thing the Fascists need is for Canada to become the home of the most educated people on the planet, have an economy on steroids, become prosperous, operate seamlessly and become a guiding light and a ray of hope to the rest of the world. The US rightpublicanazi view is that the governments should stay away from solving problems, let the people suffer. This, so the righties can run their rigged / self serving markets and play with loaded dice, always in their favour. Ensuring that the right / rich one percent in the US gets all the global goodies. The corporate system that has been put in place by AMERIGREED is engineered to quietly strip the wealth from countries all around the world. This evil lives in the souls of far too many Americans in Washington and Wall St. The Yankees have no compunction about stealing what belongs to others, without feeling the slightest tinge of guilt. Not only do the Americans look to enslave us, they want to shatter the pillars that support all Western democratic societies. In the last ten years, at the behest of the American oil monopoly Herr Harper has attacked education, Medicare, welfare, the poor, pensions, unions, immigrants and the arts. I worked for Lyin Steve during 2006 /07. Working on the inside gave me a good view of what the Fascists planned to do. I am a Bill Davis PC and thought I would give young Harper a test drive, having no faith in the canvas Steve, painted by the Nazi media. So early on, I got a good fix on Harper and since that time my opinion has not changed. In fact the scene has become even more sinister with each passing day, even with Harper gone. The Election of 2011 caught many Canadians by surprise. A combination of the Harper Party, Big Oil and Republican operatives saw the Election stolen. Many Canadians were taken in by Repub dirty tricks use by Harper. This combination of evil souls did a repeat performance in the 2015 Election. It was aimed at the takeover of Canada by the Harper / oilies and a dismantling of the democratic machinery to ensure that the voters could never reverse the planned coup d’etat. The Repubs and the oil monopoly destroyed democracy in California in the late 1990s. The 75% rule was put in place. No Repub legislation could be rescinded unless 3/4 of the State House supported the motion. Since the hard core Repub base was more than 30% in California, backed by the American oil monopoly, the will of the people was effectively snuffed out. I have watched the same loading of the dice imposed in State after State. When the oilies / Harper began to impose the same reforms in Parliament it was clear where Canada was headed under the Fascists. The will of the people has never reappeared in the State and now they are in revolt. These same procedures by the hard right has been applied to a number of States wherein the ignorant mobs are now shut out of the governing process. It is interesting, throughout history, when an oppressed people has had enough they rise up. Just go on the net, the Civil War is there raging for all to see if you dig. As one might expect, Nazi media both here and in the USA the problems over oppression and lack governance have yet to register. It is as if the Civil War can be vanished if the media just ignores it. In Canada, just in time, the voters woke up to the takeover threat and turfed Harper and the Fascists. But Houston, now only sees Oct. 19 / 15 as round one. The oil monopoly is not going to let democracy get in their way of their takeover plans. The oilies have already started the 2019 Election Campaign whether we like it or not. Houston, it would seem, thinks that by the time they and Paul Godfrey get through 3 more years of lies , smears and rightie propaganda, the majority of Canadians will detest Notley and Trudeau. It will be a walk for Harper’s second coming. The main thrust of the oilies is to return Steve and the Fascist to permanent power in Alberta and in Ottawa. This hatchet job on the Canadian leadership, pays handsomely [ in petro dollar ]. It is being carried out by the Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC. I’d love to know how much they are getting to sell Canada out? The world as portrayed by the Nazi media and the real world as it exists are totally different. Having a grasp of local happenings and world events allows you to duck the punches. Livin in Harperland, leaves you open to suffer every economic blow. Being an anti Fascist caused me to start this blog in 2009, mainly to sabotage the efforts of Big Oil, the US rightpublicanazis, Steve Harper, the University of Calgary, the Civitas Society and Preston Manning. Since Harper like Manning, was getting an oilie paycheque and taking orders from Houston it was not surprising that Steve attacked education, Medicare, welfare, the poor, pensions, unions, immigrants and the arts. Back in 2007 my Son James and I were invited to try our hand at cooling the London Underground by Mayor Ken Livingstone.

This adventure has been covered by a number of my posts. The result was that we were able to devise a plan to Cool The Tube, which has continued to heat up for more than 100 years. Then James and I ran into a brick wall. Our cool solution was not welcomed by PM David Cameron, Boris Johnson and TfL. Simply put, hundreds of millions of pounds were being made by Government insiders, NOT SOLVING THE PROBLEM. Our cooling plan would upset the gravy trains so TfL endeavoured to give james the heave ho. There was a parallel here. Under Harper, big money was being spent on a myriad of major problems WHICH WERE NEVER SOLVED, LIKE CLEAN DRINKING WATER FOR THE 1ST NATIONS. My close contact with the English political scene began to open my eyes. David Cameron was hell bent to attack education, Medicare, welfare, the poor, pensions, the unions, immigrants and the arts. Had the Conservatives been bought off by the US rightpublicanazis just like Herr Harper. In the 2016 election Cameron had helpers from the right wing fringe, some from the USA. There was one Fascist advisor from Australia, Lynton Crosby. The American economy is the shits, although the US Nazi media will not say the truth out loud so lies fill the space. Under the Harper jack boots, the Canadian economy is bad but not as bad as the States. The extent of the worsening financial conditions in this Country, following the Harper / Hayek playbook are kept secret by the Nazi media. When one looks close, the state of UK economy mirrors that of the USA and Canada. Could it be the the US rightie free market, which is pitched to us hourly in the Nazi media, is not all it is cracked up to be??? Could Paul Godfrey and Terry Corcoran be wrong??? Why of course that is the answer. The Amerigreed system only works in one direction, all take and no give. It is a parasitic system, that eventually destroys any country where it is imposed The local rightie politicians are bought off, as is the local Nazi media, then the US wealth stripping can begin. So the rightie parasites have killed the USA economy and all hell is going to break out after the November, 2016 election. Canada’s economy is on the ropes because of the actions of Lyin Steve, the the US parasite Chief. England’s economy is the shits as well due to the actions of David Cameron, the US Parasite Chief there. Doing the same bad things over and over means getting the same bad results. So the USA is in a death spiral,thanks to Hayek. The election of Oct. 19 /15 gave Canada a reprieve. Because of BREXIT, England won a reprieve also. There has followed a never ending series of dire warnings from the world Nazi media about diminished trade for Canada if it doesn’t sign CETA and the TPP. As one might expect, those on the AMERIGREED payroll, issue endless threats of economic collapse in the UK over BREXIT. So much of this is hot air. After the boy cries fire in a theater a thousand times, with not a whisper of smoke, it does become tiresome. I began looking at what trade possibilities there were available to Canada and England if they combined their efforts and avoided corporate America completely??? The Commonwealth came to mind, total populations 2.2 billion people, who have all suffered abuse at the hands of the USA. I think they would all welcome real free, fair trade. We could lump into the arrangement Cuba and Central America. This is not rocket science. Every country would list what their assets are and what their needs are. Canada of all of them all the basic needs to operate independently, so we start from a position of strength. But we would use our blessing to aid others rather then beating them to a pulp like the Yankees do. The Canadian Prairies, Ontario and Quebec have the potential of becoming the food basket of the world. We need to address climate change by developing clean, cheap energy for hometown use for all of Canada. we need to deal with too much water, by flood proofing inhabited areas instead of the present piecemeal approach. Why do we reinvent the wheel, every time it flood, at great expense??? Combined with the flood proofing, would be series of agricultural reservoirs to be used to irrigate thousands of acres of arable land like the Palliser Triangle. Again land is land, water is water, water can be save to be used later. The Syrians did irrigation 10,000 years ago in the Levant. Daaaaaaaaaaaa. A new rail transportation system would be needed from coast to coast to coast. This to tie
farmers to market both at home an abroad. In going through this process I particularly looked at Australia and New Zealand. At the present time, both have economies which are the shits. On closer inspection of Australia, I discovered a right wing Government which was attacking education, Medicare, welfare, the poor, pensions, unions, immigrants and the arts. It seemed to me I had seen this very movie somewhere else before. Then I turned to New Zealand. Ditto, I found a right wing Government which was attacking education, Medicare, welfare, the poor, pensions, unions, immigrants and the arts. I am reminded, that up to Jim Prentice, the Petroleum Conservative Government followed the same US right wing agenda. That’s 6 Governments, all singing from the same rightpublicanazi songbook and 450 million citizens with little or no say in the affairs of their nation. They all slavishly follow what is called veneer Democracy. The right wing reckons that if the ignorant mobs can be sold on the idea of a democracy in facade form they will be placated and none the wiser. The rich elites, right wing politicans, homegrown traitors and the local Nazi media are all living high off the hog under this AMERIGREED veneer democracy. The general populations in the US, Canada, Alberta, UK, Australia and New Zealand are not doing so well and facing dim prospects, caught up in the AMERIGREED wake. Immediate relief requires that the citizenry in Australia and New Zealand break free from right wing politicians who are in the pay of AMERIGREED. Canada and England could combine forces and figure out a way for Australia and New Zealand to plug into this new proposed Common Market of 2.2 billion people. Thereby escaping the clutch of Wall St. and the USA corporations. In terms of America itself, the Republicans have pushed the Country over the edge of the cliff. What emerges from this mess is anyone’s guess? During the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages in England one feature stood out, hill forts. Small groups of people had to built forts on the height to defend against their neighbours. There was no central Government until the Romans arrived. After which there was almost 400 years of peace. Those small groups could then tend to their fields, because the infighting ceased. This pleasant way of life has lasted for 2000 years. Peace and prosperity are now at an end in the USA, life is going back to a dark time. Small groups will arbitrarily claim their turf and duke it out in a hail of bullets. Washington is powerless to stop the coming carnage. The winners will be those with the biggest number of bodies and the greatest firepower. The hardest hit segment of the American population will be the peace loving whites who are not armed and have no history of absorbing abuse nor defending themselves. The Government in Washington has ceased to exist as protector of the Constitution. The Government is now a mere spectator. It will be every individual or group of individuals for themselves. It is an opportune time for Canada. When the bully who has imprisoned you, falls asleep, and you have succeeded in slipping free from your chains, then the best option is to run like hell to safety.

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Right now, Canada is the only nation with the capability to break free from the Yankee yoke. Even if we build a wall right around Canada and shut out the world, WE WILL SUFFER NO ILL EFFECTS. As stated we are 80% self sufficient and there is no essential material, product, commodity or energy source that we lack to SURVIVE. Rather, I believe our GDP would surge. In fact, declaring our independence from the USA will bring us a legion of friends including England, the British Commonwealth, some European countries, Central America and many third world nations who have all paid a huge price under the American lash. What an opportunity. To build a new prosperous Canada! And at the very same time, we will light the lantern, which can be used as a guide to others on how a true democracy functions. I know my proposal to break free, will bring out a whole slew of lawyers. Seizing American corporate is not something one sees everyday. 50 years in business has shown me that possession is 11 points of the law as the Scots would say. Canada belongs to us and we will do with her as we please. In regard to possible lawsuits I would say to the Yankees, bring it on. No world Court or tribunal is above the will of our people. If Canadians decide to take charge of their own affairs, as they must, the American corporate criminals have just have to swallow defeat as in 1812. The premise held by the US right wing, that some of the downtrodden, who inhabit the ignorant mob, are expendable, nothing more than throw aways. Just the price of doing business Russ Girling would say. Who are these US rightpublicanazis or Canadian clones, that they think they hold life or death in their hands. The risks posed by commercial and industrial activities should be determined by the people, not the profits of the American oil monopoly. That it is otherwise, is unacceptable to me. THE TRUE NATURE OF ALBERTA TAR MIXED WITH BENZINE MUST BE DETERMINED AND MADE KNOWN TO CANADIANS. NOT ANOTHER CHUNK OF TAR SHOULD MOVE UNTIL THIS INFORMATION IS MADE PUBLIC. In Megantic, 47 were way too many to die in the pursuit of tar to Texas system. North America is so rich as a continent, NOBODY SHOULD BE LEFT BEHIND. THE FACT THAT THE DISADVANTAGED ARE INDEED BEING LEFT BEHIND IN INCREASING NUMBERS , CAN BE LEFT AT THE DOORSTEP OF RIGHT WING IDEOLOGY AND SUCCESSIVE GOVERNMENTS SINCE REAGAN. SO WE HAVE TRIED IT FOLKS AND IT DOESN’T WORK. BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD. SUCCESSIVE GOVERNMENTS HAVE DRAWN BACK FROM INVOLVEMENT IN COMMERCIAL / BUSINESS AFFAIRS. MUCH OF THE FOUNDATION UPON WHICH CANADA AND THE US WERE BUILT SAW GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT, THE CPR, ONTARIO HYDRO, INSULIN, HYDRO QUEBEC, THE ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY, THE 400 SERIES OF ONT. HIGHWAYS, ALBERTA OIL FIELDS AND THE TAR SANDS TO NAME A FEW. NONE OF THESE WOULD NOW EXIST WITHOUT TAXPAYERS MONEY AND THE TAXPAYERS DERIVED A BENEFIT AND /\/\ AND SO DID BUSINESS. ALTHOUGH MANY BUSINESSMEN PREFER AN HONEST ENVIRONMENT, THEY ARE TOO CHICKENSHIT TO CONFRONT RIGHT WING IDEOLOGY /\/\ NOWDAYS, GOVERNMENTS SHIRK THEIR REPONSIBILITIES AND HAND THE PRIVATE SECTOR TAXPAYERS MONEY TO DO THOSE GOOD WORKS. IN ALL CASES THE GOOD WORKS ARE OVER PRICED, BEHIND SCHEDULE WITH THE ONLY BENEFIT GOING TO THE POLITICIANS ON THE TAKE AND THE CONTRACTORS. The establishment is now designing driverless cars, yet people go hungry and can’t afford to go to a doctor. What do we see in the Nazi media? Massive coverage of car that drive themselves! In Canada, we are so rich it is obscene to just think of leaving those in need, BEHIND. My take, from those who are truly blessed in our society, more is expected. Do you hear that Conrad Black, you have sponged off Canada long enough. GO HOME. We need a new crop of elites, who will resist giving Canada away in return for more US greenbacks. Wise Canadians, who look longer than the next quarter, will be happy GIVE as well as TAKE. I am a free enterpriser. I have nothing against making a buck but one must play by the rules and pay one’s dues. Every time Black is driven down Bayview from Post Rd. to downtown Toronto, he travels over a road lined with sidewalks, poles, wires, sewer / water lines, street / traffic lights, bridges etc, all bought and paid for by the little people. Who should know their place according to Lady Black. The Conman believes himself self made after inheriting a fortune and is convinced he owes society nothing. I pegged Black as a Sociopath 35 years ago. Canada was and is under threat from people who think like the Conman. This Nation’s infrastructure as above is not being renewed. The money earmarked for such enterprises is still being spent, but it is going into private hands. Did you know that the Hoover Dam, a massive project using new technology, was brought in on time and on budget. Toronto can’t even tidy up Bloor St, on time and on budget! There are far too many lukewarm Canadians who are quite willing to sell this Country out for US cash. I will expose them. I consider selling out one’s Country the ultimate betrayal. We have a word for it, TREASON. I think we should bring back the noose for traitors like Harper the bald and Paul Godfrey the Wall St. tool.

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In terms of what I call housekeeping, our Government of the people, by the people, for the people must make a list of all of those things which impinge on the lives of the citizenry. Each facet has to be looked at through the lens of what activities should be in government hands, what activities should be in private hands, which ones would benefit from a public/ private partnership and what activities would be beneficial if the state takes a leadership / financial role in their development. The US Government spent taxpayer’s money to develop the internet then handed the valuable commercial product over to the private sector. The taxpayer’s got sweet bugger all for their investment. I agree with the first part but not the second. Once developed with taxpayer’s money, let the private sector build stuff under license, whereby the people get to keep some of the gravy. There is a long history of pushing the technical envelope here in Ontario. The Progressive Conservative Governments of Leslie Frost, John Robarts and Bill Davis operated as outlined above for 42 years in Ontario. These were golden years for Ontario. This Province was the economic engine of Canada. The American rightpublicanazis decided that the true Progressive Conservatives like me were a threat to the hard right wing ideology, which rewards a few self anointed exceptional Americans who adhere to the rule of the jungle. The present Progressive Conservatives are the US Fascist right wing, hiding behind the honoured name. We PCs were a threat to North American Fascism. So backed by Yankee money and a leg up from Bay St., the hard right took over my Party and destroyed the Province’s economy in the doing. As well, Progressives like me, were shut out of the Nazi media. Ontarians were not told the palace guard was changing and that and that henceforth the Province’s wealth would be stripped of and shipped Stateside. This takeover in 1985 was successful because the PC membership, including me did not realize an American funded coup was in progress, until it was too late. My experience in 1985, gave me advanced notice to the dangers of the rightpulicananzis which repeated a takeover bid in 2006 with Herr Harper at the helm. The rightpublicanazis never BUILD ANYTHING. They absorb or steal existing structures, organizations and ideas, then mold them to fit right wing ideology. Just like the body snatchers The total contents of the rightie play book is stolen property. The Fascist movement has no original history, from Reagan onward, it has been completely contrived. Since then the free market myth and has had 40 years of failures. Herr Harper, with his empty, bald head was greatly influence by the Nietzsche Myth, as taught by profs at the University of Calgary. With money from the American oil monopoly, Lyin Steve took over our National Progressive Conservative Party as had happened to the Ont. PCs in 1985. Hitler took over DAP [ Deutsche Arbeiter Partei, the German Workers party ], he was also equally affected by the Nietsche Myth. In a sense, the takeovers of DAP by the Nazis in 1920s Germany and the Progressive Conservatives, both in Ontario and Nationally by the American Fascists mirrors as stated, the movie, the Body Snatchers. It is the same move each time. The right gains control of an entity or idea from within. But there is one fatal flaw with being a parasite. A parasite need to feed off the host to remain alive. When the host dies the parasite also dies. Hitler shot himself in an underground bunker, Nazism last but 12 years. Harper’s Fascist Party died after 10 years. The Ont. Fascist PCs have not won an election since Harris, 2003. The Reagan era was the time when Republican parasites seized control of America. For a parasitic movement the Repubs have done well. The one percent now owns most of the universe. But to what advantage??? It has taken 35 years for the USA die under the right wing. Those NOT in the know, keep talking about the States being the most powerful Nation in the world. Half right and half wrong. If another country attacked the USA, they would surely lose that battle. But America is rotten to the core and being eaten away from inside. There is no defense against being devoured by a cancer within. So the parasitic nature of the right has once more proved correct. The Fascists need the host to stay alive. But when the host expires so does the parasite. So as long as Canada doesn’t try to invade the USA we are safe to make a run for it. After the November Election, internal problem will consume the energies of Americans. So our quest to become Masters In Our Own House, should begin January First 2017. Private enterprise will not give us the pipeline Canada needs. The Twin Beaver Pipeline will NEVER be built by the the Girlings of this world. There is no stealing, lying and cheating involved in my proposals. However THESE ARE THE ONLY THINGS Russ knows. The 2B Pipeline would tie many different petroleum / nat. gas sectors together. Within our boundaries we have both sufficient supply and demand. We can manage matching one to the other without outside interference. The harvesting and refining of resources would be coordinated by Ottawa, the Provinces and Territories. Jesus encountered the money lenders in the temple and threw them out. Canada has to put up with the American money lenders as the tar leaves and when the gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and nat. gas enters the Country. Why??? BECAUSE WE LET THEM THAT’S WHY! Global, private companies would love to have the secure market that I am suggesting. They could forget about US corporate lying, cheating, stealing, takeovers and mergers as a part of their business plan. Thus all honest players could prosper. Canada would get its’ supply of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel in house and any surplus ** OIL ** , could be sold to the world market through Vancouver, Churchill and NF / NB. I would issue NEW CANADA Savings Bonds in THREE SERIES, Oil, Natural and Electricity. Bonds would be $ 100, for ten years and bear 6% compound interest. The NWCAN Bonds would only be available to Canadian citizens [ no commerical involvement ], there would be a cap and they would be sold through Canada’s CHARTERED BANKS. The present dog eat dog system, created by Wall st. sharks and imported into Canada from the US, drives honest businessmen and women out of business and gives full advantage to the Americans, who excel at the cheat game. Not surprisingly, there are many Canadian Fifth Columnists like Terry Corocoran, whose only skill seems to be acting as a shill for Wall St and the U right. AMERIGREE has killed all entrepreneurship and innovation in Canada. In 2014, 1700 new patents were taken out on Israel. In Canada just over one hundred. Every new idea born in this Country is either bought up or killed off by the Americans, who have us pegged as patsies and slaves. Innovation they say, would be of no benefit to such an ignorant mob. Paul Godfrey and the Nazi media are paid to treat us as ignorant slobs. WHY??? Because we let them. The righties, have for the last 10 years, ensured that no Canadian invention will ever see the light of day in this Country. Any Canadian innovative work is shipped south of the border to benefit Americans. Why??? BECAUSE WE LET THEM! Rona Ambrose, when she rises in the House would never tell you what the Fascists are saying in caucus. That the Canadian majority, are mere Undermen and Underwomen, who should know their place. Lady Barb Black agrees wholeheartedly with this sentiment. I designed a new wind turbine and a new water turbine. As an insider, I tried to find financial support from different Government Departments under Herr Harper. I chased every and I mean every Gov. department offering support publicaly for innovators / idea people. It was all a mirage, a public relations facade to fool Canadians as to Lyin Steve’s real intentions. There is a huge entrepreneurial spirit in this Country which needs to be rekindled. Clearly the intention of the US rightpublicanazis was to take both Canada and Mexico back to the 1700s and create a new class of slaves as the Americans did in Central America from Reagan on. In Mexico that plan is well along and we were on that slide too, thanks to Harper. To further anchor the NEW CANADA we need additional studies into every part of our economy and the local foundations upon which our society rests. These would include clean electricity, natural gas, gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, weights and measures, drugs, the dumping of products / foods by other countries, clean water, sewage treatment, garbage disposal, roads, bridges, airports, flood control, schools, education, hospitals, medicare, pensions and clean air. This is not the complete list nor are the foregoing listed in the order of their importance. NONE OF THE ABOVE CAN BE LEFT IN THE HANDS OF THE YANKEES OR THE PRIVATE SECTOR. All companies now involved in the energy business will be made to toe the line, bought out or expropriated. All activities listed above must involve educational streaming, apprenticeships, pensions, benefits and unions at the very beginning, at the management level. Wherein union reps are on boards of directors. Did you notice, the Nazi media NEVER OFFERS solutions to any problems. Paul Godfrey seeks to make the lives of Canadians worse by atomizing us. Isolating us, so that we swim or sink all alone with no understanding of our predicament or from whence it came. The rightpublicanazis want Canadians to be ignorant and individualized so they can’t organize to oppose Fascist measures. For democracy friendly groups, Harper’s plan was to set one against the other. That is except the anti democratic, Fascist Catholic Church. Lyin Steve promised the Church he would ban abortions in return for their support on October 19 / 16. That is the reason for the Church mounted a massive smear campaign against PM Trudeau with the financial aid from Canada Post. The Catholic Church as it presently constituted IS AN ENEMY OF OUR STATE. The Nazi media just picks at the scabs every day. There is never any relief from Godfrey. Although relief is resting right round the corner. IF YOU SEEK YOU WILL FIND. The Nazi media tries to make the larger population as anxious, as fearful and as confused as possible. In such a condition the right wing believes that the people are more easily manipulated by the US rightpublicanazi misinformation and propaganda. When I worked for bald Steve way back, misleading the public, manipulation and indoctrination of the young were things discussed at our meetings. Being a student of history, I thought I was being transported in a time machine back to Nazi Germany. The only thing missing FROM THE HARPER FASCIST MEETINGS IN 2006, we were not all wearing Swastikas and doing the goose step.. I suggested earlier how we might go about taking control of our petroleum and natural gas resources and BENDING THEM TO OUR OWN USE AND EXCLUSIVE PROFIT. YOU KNOW IT WOULD NOT BE THAT DIFFICULT. THE MAIN REQUIREMENT, BALLS!

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The American oil monopoly will never build the ** OIL ** or natural gas pipelines we need to serve Canada’s interests. The Twin Beaver would go coast to coast to coast, carrying ** OIL ** and nat. gas for domestic use and for export. Canadians have the right, the financial ability to construct the 2B and the skills to do it in house with NO FOREIGN INVOLVEMENT. As the majority we hold the real power, if we ever chose to use it. Taking control of the activities as listed above will ensure a decent quality of life for ALL CANADIANS, putting such effort well beyond the reach of the American Congress and the US corporate jungle. In the NEW CANADA, wherein there will be lots of pockets full of lots of jingle, IF WE PLAY OUR CARDS RIGHT. And there will be lots of opportunities for honest businesses to prosper. Just think, a new home for innovators of the world. No more Yankee idea stealing. Inventors will see their work reach maturity on home turf rather than watch AMERIGREED steal the ideas and produce them south of the border. USA wealth stripping comes in many forms. Can you imagine the NEW CANADA being, ” A Cheat free Zone “. We will either jail the American thieves or deport them in leg irons. Our laws will be enforced and respected. There will be no more Caterpillar, Target, PostMedia, Uber or Heinz capers, all take and no give.. These and the other 3200 big shell US corporations must be closely monitored by Ottawa and the Provinces. While they all produce or manufacture products, such products are just sidelines. Such activity covers financial manipulation, money laundering and other criminal dodges. They infest a country, after being promised tax breaks and other incentives by politicians on the take like PM May of the UK. These rogue corporations take over smaller competitors to kill competition and eliminate jobs. Congress, Harper, Cameron, Australia and New Zealand just opened the door wide. Then the corporations raise prices. The management, politicians and the world Nazi media gets their cut for every merger. Companies are as a result loaded with debt. This system is then milked as long as times are good. When the economy falters the business debt is insurmountable so the firm goes into bankruptcy. Every other business involved [ especially small ones ], take a hit, as do employees, communities, governments and suppliers. The banks don’t lose a dime. That is why they finance these Ponzi scheme. Then new people move in, buy the bankrupt firm for peanuts and start the whole process over again in a new location. It is called wealth stripping. Canada’s bankruptcy laws have to be changed. It is all illegal American take and never any give. These scams are easy to eliminate. Just change the bankruptcy laws. When a company goes under, immediately all the assets are frozen including those of the principals. Then the bankruptcy is thoroughly investigated fro criminal activity. Break Canadian laws and US corporations will have their assets seized and the management will be jailed. Yankees under such tough conditions will probably not fair very well. When all a person does is steal throughout their entire lives, what other skills do they have. The expression, ” YANKEES GO HOME IN BACK IN VOGUE “. The faster we get rid of these vermin the better. Where to start??? The complete overhaul of the tar sands is first on the list. All things considered the new 2B system would net Canada $ 100 billion a year in hand. The output of CO2 in Canada would be drastically reduced. No need to talk about taxing carbon if the system doesn’t produce it. The Trudeau Government has yet to get this message. Harper’s Fascist plants in the Country’s civil service are keeping these good news options from the Ministers. And the clincher with this new approach is that we could reduce energy costs for electricity, gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and natural gas. What’s not to like about running our own system. Canadians, acting collectively, which the Fascists abhor, could start this new process yesterday. DEMAND THE CHANGES TAKE PLACE NOW, IT IS WITHIN YOUR POWER. The path forward is a relatively easy one, CARPE DIEM.

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The last ten years have seen Canada come close to becoming a submissive American satellite thanks to Herr Harper. The rightpublicanazis have spent a ton of money in this attempted coup and are still spending. The arrogant Yankees were so convinced they could bamboozle Canadians just like they have the majority of Americans, it was just a matter of marching in. I was taught as a pilot, never stop flying the aeroplane until it is in the tie down. Mad Harper and his legion of US Brown Shirts got very careless during the early part of 2015. Just when Lyin Steve thought we were in the bag, we wasn’t. But Canadians can’t rest on their oars just yet. The American oil monopoly is clearly not going to walk away from their massive investment, starting in 2006, aimed at taking control of this Country as they and the Repubs did to California. A huge smear campaign mounted by the Nazi media against Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau, has been initiated. It will last day and night for 3 years till the next election. The attacks on Edmonton and Ottawa appear daily and sometimes in multiples of the same smear. There must be a thousand Canadian turncoats, if not more, on Houston’s payroll now, throwing gasoline on the fire in the newspapers and TV. Most of what is being published and broadcast in return for petro dollars, is made up stuff, lies, childish slurs misinformation and rightie propaganda. But there is a basic flaw in Houston’s approach. Remember these guys are old and not yet net savvy. The oilies are convinced you will keep PAYING GOOD MONEY to buy the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Mclean’s and keep watching CTV, Global and the CBC, even though these media outlets are conspiring WITH FOREIGNERS to take your Country away from you. Stupid the oilies think you are. Time will tell. The mind control process has been taking place in the USA for 40 years when free and fair news coverage took a powder under Reagan. I’m guessing that at least 40 million white Americans have been reduced to the mentality of the Hitler Youth. Canada has it’s own crop of Harper Youth. They are well versed in dirty tricks, violence and obedience and little else. There are also millions of 60 year old morons who have gone backwards under Republican tutelage to a level lower down the scale than the cave men. AND THEY ALL HAVE GUNS. The Preston Manning Institute was set up by the American oil monopoly to train the Harper Youth, using the same rightpublicanazi curriculum AS FOUND AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. Manning’s graduates keep popping up on a daily basis in print, showing off their total display of ignorance and intolerance. Our young are being taught by Manning, as did Hitler before Preston, that people and the races are not equal. The Fuhrer promote the Aryan race as being superior and stronger. Adolph demanded the subordination of those he deemed inferior and weak. To attain this level of ideological religious fervour and racial hatred, the Fuhrer conducted his affairs with unprecedented harshness to those being indoctrinated [ think Michael Sona ], the Nazis were unmerciful and unrelenting in their application of propaganda. Houston likewise. It is what it is. Either Canadians believe what Paul Godfrey and friends say each day r they don’t. The future of this Country hinges on the number. If most of the populous surrenders to the Fascist claptrap campaign, then this Nation is doomed to live in Yankee servitude. The USA is well along in this regard, the Nazi media has succeeded in having their way. In Germany 1928 / 1945, force controlled the press. In North American money fuels the media. Paul Godfey’s job along with the others, is basically churning out rightie propaganda which is aimed at thought control. Paul is trying to scramble your brains so you don’t notice your vote has no meaning. The ability of totalitarian regimes to cow the population by violence is much reduced from years past. So much effort is now made to control what the public knows and thinks. After Reagan’s promise of complete, unopposed power the newspapers and the TV fell in line and supported the right / Republican agenda. As a political Party, the Republicans abandoned democracy 20 years ago. They created a veneer of democracy which had a short lifespan, in 2016 the truth got out. Over the years, there has been a concerted effort by the right to keep the citizenry OUT OF THE KNOW. For the poor, uneducated whites many year in this fantasy land created by FOX NEWS etc has disabled their ability to know where reality is??? In the land of REDOUBT [ Idaho, Oregon, Wyoming, Washington and Montana ], heavily armed forces are gathering there, to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, ONCE THE ELECTION IN NOV. IS OVER. One yahoo has a trailer load of ammunition. He’s got another loaded with gasoline to run his truck and generators. He’s quoted as saying, if the Feds show up he’ll kill them. Congress has let things go this far. How do the Repubs deal with the California drought? They are driving the Hispanics back to Central America by shutting off the water to the smaller outlying towns. What else? The Repulicans blame Washington for keeping the rain away from the State. The Northern Jet Stream is taking a more northerly track once it crosses the Pacific. The California heat pillar goes thousands of feet in the air and is like a big post in the middle of the freeway. Most of the time now the Jet Stream loops north, up over BC and even up to Alaska. The odd time the jet Stream veers south over Mexico and misses California altogether. But this southerly Jet Stream carries Pacific moisture [ needed in California ] into Texas [ where it is not needed. The reason. The jet Stream is herding Pacific moisture towards the east, via Mexico and gathering up moisture from the Gulf as well, so Texans suffer a double whammy. Global Warming, yes, but the Republicans will never utter the words. Once in Canada, the Jet Stream veers south to avoid our cold north. This means moisture is stripped from the clouds by the Rockies and the US midwest in now in a rain shadow. In the winter the Jet Stream brings extremely cold weather to the midwest [ ND and SD ]. The result, a shorter growing season and dry soil. Western agriculture in the US is beginning to falter. Where will world food come from in the future??? Not the southern USA. All of these crucial situations are being ignored by the Republican Congress and the US / Can. Nazi media. So it is quite some spectacle. A US Government in denial about the ravages of climate change and the Civil War that has begun with small skirmishes. And where is the North American Nazi media in all of this? Why somewhere out in cuckoo cloud land. A large part of the American populace which has regressed in intelligence. H. L. Mencken thought the Yankee mob was stupid back in 1930. I’d say to Henry, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Republicans have spent almost 100 years dumbing down their followers. THEY DID IT! The USA is an educational wasteland, a situation which Canada should avoid like the plague, lest we get pulled down into their black hole. The money AMERIGREED is stealing from this Country on a daily basis would give us a first rate educational system with change left over. So escaping the Yankee clutches has had a double benefit. I would review all of the money flowing out of Canada to the USA. I would ignore Statistics Canada. It is little more than a right wing think tank. We still HOLD FAST OUR DEMOCRACY AFTER OCT. 19 /15 AND WE ARE IN A POSITION TO AVOID THE COMING USA IMPLOSION. America is strongest military power in the world with an inoperable cancer in its’ bowels. All the tanks and drones in the world cannot save the USA now, from what the Republicans have wrought. It would seem that the US rightpublicanazi’s Thousand Year Reich is kaput after less than 40 but don’t assume they will learn anything from failure.

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My Mother taught me two important things, she told me not to lie and I was required to clean up after myself. Both must be injected into the present debate on pipelines. Canadians must be made aware that there are TWO KINDS OF PIPELINES. Since the Leduc [ Alta. ] Oil Well blew in in March 1948 Canada has had oil pipelines crisscrossing the Country, Canadians hardly noticed. On occasion, there was an oil spill, it was messy but could be cleaned up quickly quickly and the cost was not that great. That’s the story for 55 years. Then in 2005 the American oil monopoly, Steve Harper, the pipeline companies, covered by the Nazi media started pumping tar mixed with Benzine [ a horse of a different colour ] through our old, oil pipeline system, IN ORDER TO REACTIVATE UNDERUSED REFINERIES IN PORT ARTHUR, A FTZ IN TEXAS. Canadians were not told about this switcheroony to a tar / Benzine mix which approximates Napalm. The risk factor went up by a hundred and the spill factor quadrupled but the Nazi media was paid to stay silent. There is a huge media effort to mix up history, to link the pipeline business of to-day with Leduc. The success of this flim flam is proven by the towering inferno of tar / Benzine in Megantic which killed 47 people and the destruction of the N. Saskatchewan River by the recent Husky tar / Benzine spill. Both of which have been swept under the rug by Paul Godfrey and the rest of the paid Nazi media. Eventually Canadians will find out the truth about the tar ** OIL ** switcheroony. The only question is, how many deaths and how much property damage will it take for the people of this Nation to wake up to the fact that they have been had by the oilies, Harper, the pipeline companies and the National Post et al. Ottawa has to stop Russ Girling from telling LIES to Canadians. From this time forward, all statements relating to pipelines must be taken under oath and the Nazi media put on warning, NO MORE LIES. ANY MORE LIES FROM PAUL GODFREY AND HE GOES TO JAIL. If we have another Megantic, THIS PARLIAMENT WILL BE TO BLAME. There is enough information known now about the risks of tar / Benzine that politicians can no longer hide. TO BE BLUNT. Canada needs two new COMPREHENSIVE pipelines, one for ** OIL ** and one for natural gas. The 2B pipes must go from BC on the Pacific, a spur to the Arctic, across the 55th parallel to Manitoba, a spur to Churchill, down to Toronto / Montreal, right through the Eastern Townships, all the way to the Atlantic. Meaning ** OIL ** and natural gas can be conveyed from the sources to every market in the Country We have petroleum resources coming out of our ears and a customer base of 36 million people. It doesn’t need a rocket scientist to figure this riddle out. We must inventory our assets as to quantity and location, IMMEDIATELY. A job for the new Provincial Energy Directorate. Then we must determine where the markets are concentrated are and join the two together. I was in business for 50 years, this kind of thinking has to go on every day to be successful. LIKE Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Private, foreign companies have no place in this arrangement. Enbridge, TransNotCanada and Kinder Morgan will never built the pipelines WE NEED. We need to maximize the return on OUR resources. Being owned by Wall St., they will never do that. There is a tremendous advantage of have a built in home market. We do not need imported USA gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and natural gas. We can satisfy the demand for energy in Canada and store the surplus. At the opportune time, these petroleum products can be sold to England, the British Commonwealth, Cuba and Central America. Numbering more than 2.2 billion people. People, tired of suffering at the broken end of the USA broom. And who hunger for genuine trade opportunities, secure supplies of energy and relations with HONEST PEOPLE AND NATIONS. I see Jamaica becoming the energy hub in the Gulf, not only for Commonwealth countries but for Central America with its’ population of 50 million people. Most of the world’s ** OIL ** is shipped in very large tankers and it is a one way street. Shipping Canada’s ** OIL ** would require a complete rethink. Since the Commonwealth countries are smaller, smaller scale oil tankers would be needed. At present these can be had, a dime a dozen. Canada could buy a fleet of smaller tankers and have them converted to combis in shipyards in BC and the Maritimes. This would mean oil out and cargo back. Or cargo /food out and cargo back. Using one’s brain can have its’ advantages, instead of relying on the Russ Girlings of the world, whose motivation is max profits at the expense of the people. The fact that Washington / the American oil monopoly have disrupted the world oil market by buying or trading in ISIS oil, stolen from the Iraqis and fenced through Turkey, as well as being engaged in a Civil War make it an UNRELIABLE oil supplier now. When I was in business, I never ventured into a new product line unless I could verify secure supplies of the materials I needed. I manufactured between 50,000 and 60,000 wooden Brougham Apple Baskets, which are scattered all around the world. Early on, as sales increase I set up my own saw mill. I could always find Ash / Elm logs. I also cultivated multiple suppliers so production could not be shut down for lack of say, nails or stain. I NEVER EVER SUFFERED FROM A MATERIAL SHORTAGE. It would be much more productive in terms of supplying the aforementioned countries, for Canada to engage in FAIR TRADE with them, make credit available, provide for security of energy supplies, at affordable prices, than dole out money to them in times of stress. These countries, at one time or another have all felt the sting of the AMERIGREED LASH as wealth stripping goes on round the clock. Even as you read this the US is stealing from Canada. And to think some Canadian shill get their cut. Right now Alberta and Saskatchewan are hurting because the American oil monopoly is buying stolen Iraqi ** OIL ** from ISIS, which is being fenced through Turkey. It is transported to Delaware in giant tankers, refined there and sold on the Eastern Seaboard and in Ontario and Quebec. This stolen goods operation is sanctioned by Washington, which speaks out of both sides of its’ mouth. So American and Canadian dupes are actually paying for the bullets and rockets use by ISIS WHEN NORTH AMERICANS BUY GASOLINE OR DIESEL. But Paul Godfrey is paid to bury this kind of information, which is on the net, just a click away. I suspect that all of those involved in the National Post and the other Nazi media are prohibited from investigating the Houston / Girling lies or even asking questions. Paul Godfrey’s employees are so stupid they even throw beer cans at baseball players. In reality there should be a National Post headline as follows. ” WHEN CANADIANS IN THE EAST BUY GASOLINE, THEY PUT BULLETS IN ISIS MAGAZINES “! I have a collection of articles which feature Russ Girling at his lying best. Like Harper and Ezzie Le Rant, Girling can say anything and get away with it. It cost Russ big time though, but it shows the extent of profits being made on high price gasoline. Mind TransNotCanada does buy a lot of advertising space from our Nazi media both in print and TV. Petro dollars get the attention of Paul Godfrey and Dave Thomson particularly.
Most certainly the Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC won’t tell you that every time you fill your car YOU ARE FUNDING TERRORISM. As said the ISIS stolen ** OIL ** , is fenced through our NATO partner Turkey. The dictatorship there is getting rich on a cut of the loot. Turkey is yet another dictatorship propped up by the Americans, just like Brussels. Harper was and is being paid to turn Canada into a dictatorship [ baldy Steve is waiting in the wings ] with the help of Paul Godfrey et al. while Alberta and Saskatchewan, integral parts of a free and democratic Canada are being fucked around by this oil monopoly bunch and their hires with the able assistance of our Nazi media. Why every quarter wit rightie insider in the world knows that the Yankees are buying ISIS stolen ** OIL ** . Everybody but the clueless in Canada, which seems to work out to a sizeable number. I read the Guardian UK to find out what is going on in this Country, as well as a number of trade journals. I am really baffled why are Canadians allowing this to happen??? When the info outlining this criminal activity by the American is so readily available. Eastern Canadians are not only paying outrageous prices for gasoline and diesel, they ARE BUYING STOLEN GOODS. Double Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Is there some special attraction about being clueless? North Americans are financing both sides of the War. This may be a history first. Everybody in the world knows what is going on with ISIS oil except North Americans. Georgie Bush Jr. invaded Iraq to gain control of the Country’s ** OIL ** . Washington, Congress and the American oil monopoly succeeded quite nicely [ profits ], thank you very much. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people have died. Just chump change for what the Americans have been doing for 400 years. A human life can’t compete with the US buck. And the 40 million village idiots, bred by the Republicans in the USA since Reagan, are oblivious to the crimes being committed by their Government. For many Yankees it doesn’t go much beyond ME-ME-ME-ME-ME-ME-AND-FINALLY-ME. Right now the USA monopoly has all the cheap, easily refinable, ** OIL ** they could ever hope for. And some of those fat profits find their way into the pockets of Congress and the Nazi media. A perfect example of a rogue Kleptocracy [ rule by thieves ]. TRUTH STANDS NOT A CHANCE! Why would the monopoly be concerned about shipping Canadian tar all the way to Texas, even if we gave it to them for ZERO? It is a hoax being perpetrated on Canada by Houston, a large number of Canadian traitors and our Nazi media. The USA oil monopoly doesn’t need Alberta / Saskatchewan tar any longer. The oilies have moved the purchase of our dangerous, thinned tar / Benzine aggregate [ Naplam ], to the back burner, probably forever. But Alberta’s financial woes are being blamed on Ottawa by Godfrey. The Washington / oil monopoly team has once again disrupted the world oil market. Congress / the oilies / Nazi media still are getting rich while the everyman suffers. It takes a lot of nerve to steal from the vulnerable but then to buy space in the National Post et al, to blame the Notley / Trudeau Governments is a bit much. WHY??? Because we let Paul Godfrey do it. In business, if someone stops buying my output, I will find other customers. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. In terms of our own tar sands we have a built in customer base, surprise, surprise Canada. Canadians are LETTING the monkeys run the zoo and are suffering the consequences, poor economic conditions and a bleak future. The present situation in Canada should be in the study book. It is an example of how to turn a silk purse into a sow’s ass, thanks to Harper. And the people just stood idly by with unseeing eyes. It is Hitler’s mind control brought right up to date [ 2016 ] by the rightpublicanazis. The Fuhrer had some pretty smart / evil people working on bending peoples minds without resorting to violence IN THE BEGINNING. Once people were isolated and atomized they were easy meat for the Nazis. Then things got rough when escape was impossible. Harper was on that very same track. Lyin Steve was secretly laying out the red carpet for the USA oil monopoly for whom he was and still is an employee. Steve WAS setting the stage for the oilies to walk in and take over. But those plans went up the flue on Oct. 19 / 16. Initially I didn’t know what to expect from the Fascists. Would they see the light or just dissolve? It is not in the Fascist makeup to apologize, let reality sink in, admit mistakes or to rejig their ideology. Harper’s speech after the Election set the tone, WE DIDN’T MAKE ANY MISTAKES, STEVE SAID. WE’LL NEVER ADMIT DEFEAT. WE WILL NEVER GIVE IN. THIS THE CLASSIC NAZI MINDSET. In a documentary about Berlin in 1945, there was a scene of hundreds of women in bucket lines clearing rubble. One young woman thumbed her nose at the British cameraman. Even amongst the bombed out buildings, this Nazi refused to get the message. She and her fellow citizens, without ever thinking of the consequences, slavishly followed Hitler to this bitter end. 150 flattened cities was her / their reward. But for some the message still did not sink in. Likewise the Harper Fascists. Canadians have to keep winning the battle over democracy. The American oil monopoly only has to win once. Our only option is to crush them with the truth. The media has to be turned into a weapon aimed at the USA. Right now the Nazi media is a weapon trained on Canada, paid for by the Yankees. We will not be safe until the papers / TV are stowed six feet under. Of course Canadians as individuals can accomplish this all on their own. Do not buy the National Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, or watch CTV, Global and the CBC. And as I have been saying for years, do not patronize those businesses which advertise in the Nazi media. When I was in business, I avoided two things, politics and religion. Interestingly businessmen are now complaining that deep divisions between people over same are killing sales. Daaaaaaaaaaaaa. Paul Godfrey backed Lyin Steve, 2/3rds of Canadians did not. Advertisers in the PostMediocre papers lost 66% of potential customers. Double Daaaaaaaa. Hitler’s dream of dominating the earth came close to succeeding until the free people of the world woke up. The Nazi scourge lasted a mere 12 years. Along with battles at sea and the ground force of Russian, America, Britain, Canada and allied countries, the war in the air destroyed 150 of Germany’s largest cities, broke the back of the Nazis, leaving nothing but rubble. And still the fanatic Nazis fought on. It is clear that when most Germans broke free of the propaganda and finally figured out what was going on. they silently prayed for hostilities to cease. To speak out however meant a bullet in the head. Even during the waning days of WW 11 the Nazis zealots would / could not change course. This Nazi mad dog mindset, gave no thought to how many of their fellow Germans were dying due to their obstinance. There are to this day, 3rd rate Nazi thinkers and writers who refuse to accept responsibility for the Second War. Much has been made of the bombing of Dresden, which was just another name on a long list of cities to be bombed. It was not singled out for special treatment and so no thought was attached to the raids, other than militarily. In the City were a number of arms factories hidden among the civilian population. A favourite Nazi dodge. Move ME 109 production into a residential area. The Allies bomb. Then Goebbels, the propaganda Chief could claim that allies were killing civilians and thus spur on the workers. However, the worker were not told that Goebbels was sacrificing innocent Germans in order to fabricate propaganda stories. Paul Godfrey is off the same mind, hide the truth. As well, Dresden had a huge train marshalling yard which funneled war supplies to the Eastern Front. Go Google maps, you can see the train yard. Stalin particularly, want Dresden leveled to stop Hitler sending troops and supplies in behind the Russians as the last offensive move was made Mid January 1945. The Dresden apologists say Dresden was bombed when the War was as good as over, rubbish. This is historical fictionalism. On February 13 to 15 / 1945, a force of 1300 bombers [ 775 Brits, 525 US and 750 NA Mustangs ] did just what Uncle Joe asked for. Dresden was turned to dust and ash. Three and a half weeks later on March 27 /45, Mrs. Ivy Millichamp, then just 34, was looking out her kitchen window when a V – 2 [ a Hitler vengeance weapon ] fell in her front garden. She and her husband lived at 88 Kynston Rd., Orpington in Kent. 25 people were injured but Ivy was the only one to die. She took the full force of the blast, which left a crater 40 ft wide and 20 ft deep. Ivy lay in an unmarked grave until 1989, when the authorities did her proper and erected a grave stone. Link up with to see what the bomb did, there is a picture of Ivy and her grave marker. THAT IS WHY WE BOMBED THE SHIT OUT OF DRESDEN AND THE OTHER 149 MAJOR GERMAN CITIES. Long may their assault on humanity, 1933 /1945 haunt them. There is no possible defense for their behaviour. The very few feeble minded, who take up the Nazi cause should be silenced. I would like every 3rd rate writer and documentary producer on the level of David Irving, Brian and Terrance McKenna and Kurt Vonnegut to go visit Ivy Millichamp’s grave before making any comment about the allied bombing campaign during WW 11. I have yet to see anything about the bombing of German cities which also includes the full story of V – 1 and V – 2 rockets. Hitler named them, Vergeltungswaffens [ revenge weapons ], which were meant to kill civilians indiscriminatly. More than 8000 V – 1s were launched as were more than 2000 V – 2s. All tolled 12,000 people died and 25,000 were injured. 20,000 English homes were being destroyed each day of the V Bomb Blitz, which lasted from June 1944 to March 1945. The fucking nerve of these dimwits. I doubt that Irving, Vonnegut or the McKennas or any of the others ever did any research into the V Bomb Blitz? They never let any facts get in the way while centreing narrowly on Dresden. The story of Bomber Command [ 1936 /1945 ] has nothing to do with the Dresden fairy tale moment. Concentrating on Dresden, as if it were a window on the Allied bombing, particularly during 1943 to 1945, would be like trying to describe a World Series game in one home run or a dropped ball. It is ludicrous. It is all about no talent people doing anything for money. Democracy is endangered by those who play fast and loose with the truth, and we can’t allow it. Free speech is one thing, continual lies freely told is entirely different matter. I consider it Sedition. Namely speech or behaviour which threatens the peace of a Nation. I have included this bomber segment because it is instructive, and gives us a chance to peek into the minds of the eternal Fascists who are mostly Sociopaths. As Hitler hid in his little hole, he decreed all of Germany should be destroyed by his followers because, THE WAR HE STARTED WAS LOST. With the Fascists, EVERY TIME THEY SCREW UP SOMEONE ELSE GETS BLAMED. Watch the Nuremberg trials, the Nazi criminals would not take responsibility for their crimes. Neither will the rightpublicanazis take responsibility for the destruction of democracy in America.
The Fuhrer certainly had it in for the Allies. But he also saw his own people as expendable, the very ones who had followed him faithfully into hell. This is the same mentality which governs the actions of the US rightpublicanazis. They are prepared to destroy America in pursuit of their ideology. As one high ranking Republican said, if we can’t have the USA nobody shall. The Disunited States of America has tolerated Rightie Sedition for 40 years. Germany got what it deserved following Hitler. America is now reaping the whirlwind for having followed the Republican doctrine. Anti social and dangerous chatter can’t be tolerated by a vibrant democracy. Steve Harper, Jason Kenney, Brian Mulroney, Ezra Levant, Tom Flanagan, Preston Manning, Conrad Black and Russ Girling should not be allowed to spout seditious nonsense every time they feel the need. If they tell lies they should be charged with Sedition. If our Nazi media prints or broadcasts those lies they too should be charged with Sedition Whether in Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand or the USA, there is a latent fanaticism bred into some individuals, which when locked into the right wing ideology becomes firmly embedded. There is no hope of reversing the process. Once trained as a Pit Bull, always a pit Bull. Most Fascists, politicians, bankers, CEOs are Sociopaths or mad just like Steve Harper. The Fascists make it a habit of recruit young males before their brains are fully fledged. Much like in the case of the Hitler Youth, 1933 to 1945. In Canada, Preston Manning set up an indoctrination center in Calgary to work closely with the University there, as well as the Civitas Secret Society to graduate young men who were and are permanently warped mentally. They are trained to be anti democratic by US instructors from the rightie fringe. Want Canada to be fucked up as America is now? Then I suggest to the population, just keep on snoozing. This Country will be just like Nicaragua, the same US chains, only a colder climate. There is an old saying, ” Protect it or lose it “. There are many Harper Youth now walking around at loose ends, beyond help. They are a permanent threat to our democracy. They remain dangerous because Herr Harper is still around, our boy with the bald head is still working for BIG USA OIL remember. Houston is spending money and marking time, just waiting for 2019. I am sure many of these disturbed young people are busy working on the oilie smear campaigns against Rachel Notley, Premier of Alberta and PM Trudeau. You can pick these rightie zombies a mile out. The Harper Youth spout right wing nonsense by rote. Houston probably pays them for each comment. The Harper Youth clog the comment sections of the newspapers and on the internet. Repeat an oilie lie or four and get a cheque from Houston while sitting in your mother’s basement. The Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, the Sun, Mclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC are all on the oil monopoly payroll. The Neal Bernard Hancock show is now traveling the countryside and really should be up for the Canadian Screen Awards come next March. Although I don’t know the rules for the Awards. All the money for this production comes from Houston and flows from the huge profits made by BIG OIl as a result of gouging Canadians for gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and natural gas. Is there no limit to the harm we inflict on ourselves in this state of slumber and willful ignorance??? If someone told you to cut up a tomato with a ball point pen you would laugh. But many in this Country don’t blink an eye when the Nazi media calls the tar / Benzine mix [ Napalm ], ** OIL ** a thousand times a day. When Houston was in its’ holding pattern through Xmas 2015, trying to figure out how to punish Canadians for rejecting Harper, I think two ideas gelled. The American oil monopoly has no interest in seeing pipelines constructed in Canada now or probably ever. But the situation offers a terrific opportunity to create a TRUDEAU TRAP with Paul Godfrey’s help. Theoilies have lots of ISIS stolen oil coming out of Turkey and as long as ISIS has petro dollars to spend, the terrorism will continue. A neat arrangement would you not say??? The secret Government in Washington is able to curtail human rights in the USA because of terrorism and the American oil monopoly gives money to the terrorist to keep up the good work. Large profits all round for Big Oil, Congress get its’ cut, Turkey is in on the act, Wall St. fences the money and petro cheques go out to the Nazi media including Paul Godfrey. On the other side of the coin, thousands of people in the Middle get killed or maimed, the area beomes a moonscape and North American drivers get skinned every time they fill up. Houston would never say to Albertans, we don’t want your tar because we are buying all the cheap oil we need from ISIS. The truth, we have abandon you for the time being, but stay close to your telephone. You never know??? Godfrey’s oilie scribes know all this, because almost everyone around the globe is in on the fix. Loyal Albertans have endured a 35 year long screwing at the hand of Houston. But is being tossed onto the tar heap as they presently are, enough to stop believing monopoly lies. Unlike normal human beings, Houston lives in very own fantasy land. The oilies can buy anything or anybody they want including Paul Godfrey and Bernard ” HAIR ” Hancock.. It is just one staged command performance after another for team Washington and the USA oil Monopoly. The OPEC crisis of 1973 was made in America. Washington wanted to counter the growing power of OPEC and the monopoly saw a chance get oil at a cheaper price by muscling OPEC. It did not work. OPEC reacted to the American thuggery by cutting off the supply of oil. The USA took a huge economic hit for a year and a half. Who did the US Nazi media blame??? RIGHT! OPEC! In 1979 Washington and the USA oil monopoly precipitated the Iranian Revolution. A happening, so shot through with incompetence, it mirrors the 2003 invasion of Iraq by Bush Jr. By 1980 the world oil market was in complete disarray and the oil price dropped to peanuts. The Revolution fallout devastated Texas and Alberta particularly. When the oil from Iran dried up, OPEC AND Russia opened the oil taps and flooded the market like now. Washington and the oil monopoly were helpless. They could not finish what they had started. Standard practice for the oilies, they killed the market back then, just like now. Did Washington and the USA oil monopoly accept responsibility for disrupting the world economy in 1980??? If you think that you are out of your fucking mind. There was no way the monopoly or the Washington secret Government would accept the blame for anything. They paid the global Nazi media to printed or broadcast distractions to divert attention. In Canada, the oilies paid our Nazi media to mount a campaign against Pierre Trudeau and his NEP and blame him for the oil price drop. Actually the NEP was legislation aimed at preventing the USA from confiscating Alberta’s oil in times of trouble. But Canadians never got that message. Rather they got the message from our Nazi media, bought and paid for by the American oil monopoly. On Trudeau’s NEP, as with the present tar / Benzine pipeline flim flams, Bitumen East and the Kinder Morgan plan to desecrate the Rockies are hidden by the Nazi media. Paul Godfrey is like a quack doctor, always giving bad advice If Kinder gets its’ way, every river valley from Edmonton to Burnaby will be at risk. There is an old saying, ” How do you get a mule’s attention “? Why you hit him square on the head with a two be four. What do we have to use to bash Canadians in order for them to wake up to the dangers of Tar /Benzine??????

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This post has been a long slog. Life moves along apace. For those who read or watch the global Nazi media, you fall further and further behind ever day. A recent study in the USA showed people who watch TV and buy newspaper know less than people who don’t go near papers / TV. This would make sense. No news is much better than FALSE NEWS. Most of the Canadian centerist writers and commentators have been driven out of our Nazi media. The answer from the right wing to any and all their opposition is to eliminate any competitions, even thoughts. The internet is the only place free speech exists to-day [ except he Guardian UK ]. Now, rightie propaganda does appear on the net.
You can usually tell if the site is rightpublicanazi, because the posters never reveal their true names. The oilie suits in Houston remain nameless. Harper, until he left to go on a short, oilie paid vacation, was directing the Fascists in Parliament from behind the curtain in the House. Of course the closet where Steve hid when the bullets began to fly on the Hill, is now available to any Fascist MP, if they feel frightened. So I guess with all of the progressives silenced on current events in Canada, relating to Provincial affairs, to foreign affairs, monetary policy and globalization, I have the field all to myself? Because of my age [ born in 1935 ], I have lived a lot of history. For 70 years I was there. I don’t have to Google Google for a distorted, sanitized version of history. When Paul Godfrey’s low paid / no paid interns write pieces for the National Post, I can see then a mile away. Going Google most often doesn’t tell the story. For intelligent Canadians, the scribbles of high school students doesn’t amount to much in a complex world. Obviously articles and news that contains errors or omissions satisfies the challenged readers of the PostMediocre papers. Intelligent people are constantly searching for excellence. For Post readers it is the exact opposite. I think they are so stupid they don’t know they are stupid. I’m guessing, buying Godfrey’s paper, probably makes the yobbs feel normal because they can grasp what is written. It is like a bed time story told to a 3 year old. In any event I have so much material to deal with. I am up to my clavicle in lies and misinformation, it is hard to know where to begin. I look at happenings to-day, tie them to the past if there is justification and then look where these events are going to take Canada. I don’t know of anyone else doing that. Thus you get an accurate view of where we are now, how history better explains the present and my best take on where events are taking us. An example.

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PRESENT *** Every day there is a ton of stuff about oil pipelines in the Can. Nazi media, almost all lies and made up things. Interestingly the news is all about oil, when the news should be about tar / Benzine. So at its’ core, the current debate is another flight of fancy by the American oil monopoly calculated to distract Canadians and mislead them. In the centre of all this turmoil is the USA oil monopoly agent provocateur, Russ Girling, CEO of TransNotCanada Pipelines. I became familiar wit Russ back when the Keystone XL pipeline was announced. From the very beginning almost everything that came out of Girling’s mouth was a lie. I had become used to the lies that Steve Harper mouthed. I was never able to come to a conclusion as to who was tops at telling whoppers. Much more important to me was the damage they were doing by telling continuous lies and even more serious was the fact that the Can. Nazi media printed these lies verbatim. Being a techie, I could see right through Russ Girling. It was clear that both Girling and the Nazi media, a true right wingers that they were dealing with the ignorant mob who would not catch on the the fact that they were being fooled. Since 2007 the scenario has never changed in this Country. Under the direction of Steve Harper and his National Energy Board, the American oil monopoly, TransNotCanada, Enbridge, Kinder Morgan, CAPP, CPR, CNR and our Nazi media have
conspired to tell tall tar tales which cover up the theft of this Nation’s petroleum resources and minimize the risks to life and limb and future of the populous. I think I would have to say, that all of the above, in concert, have indeed succeeded in making fools of Canadians. I expect this taking advantage, of a very naive people,
to continue until the General Election of 2019, at which time the USA oil monopoly and the Fascists will probably take power permanently. Just the fact that we are having this present debate confirms my appraisal. It is like watching a class of 5 year old jibber and jabber and attaching some or any importance to the jibberish. Just like with the Bernard ” Hair ” Hancock episode / phony petition and the NEB proceedings on Energy East [ Bitumen to Texas ] / Kinder Morgan [ Bitumen to California ] they are akin to a Hollywood production, completely choreographed. Canada, is in 2016 living on a movie set. Any sense of reality has fled.
[1] The American oil monopoly doesn’t need Alberta tar anymore. With the invasion of Iraq and the purchasing of ISIS stolen oil by the oil monopoly the tar sands operation has come to an end, it is dead meat. But it is a win-win-win for all the criminals involved. The money ISIS gets from the Americans, funds the War and world terrorism. The governing class in Turkey gets a cut for fencing the stolen oil. Congress gets a cut for turning a blind eye as well as giving them an excuse to abuse on human rights at home. And the oilies get cheap, easily refined oil, which they can sell at high prices in North America. It costs about $ 12 a barrel to ship Alberta tar to Texas and it is expensive to refine. This arrangement made sense to BIG OIL when the selling price was $ 100 a barrel a couple of years ago, but not at $ 45 a barrel. Then you add to the equation, ISIS oil at $ 15 a barrel and tar drops right of the screen.
[2] Energy East [ Bitumen to Texas ], will not go to Canadian refineries in the East. We don’t have any refineries here that can upgrade the tar. The NEB knows that there are no tar refineries in Eastern Canada, so that is a lie not addressed. The Board also knows there is no market for tar now but plays along with the oil monopoly’s plan to annex Canada. What have the NEB members been promised??? The proposed Kinder Morgan pipeline through the Rockies is equally fraudulent. The present old Transmountain pipe carries tar from Edmonton to Burnaby. There is no market for that tar in Asia, that is just another lie. The small ships laden with tar / Benzine go from Burnaby to heavy oil refineries in California. US oil monopoly Can. division, just sells tar to the US oil monopoly USA division in such a way at to minimize royalties, avoid paying taxes and spill levies. Even the Kinder Morgan tar shipments make no economic sense anymore, with so much ISIS oil available.
PAST The roots of the present phony Bitumen / pipeline debate in Canada
go back to the 1973 OPEC crisis. Washington / US oil monopoly precipitated that crisis. When it turned badly the Nazi media was brought in to cover things up. Although the crisis resonated around the world, it was the everyday Americans who suffered financially and they were greatly inconvenienced. Washington / oil monopoly escaped blame. In 1979 Washington / Amer. oil monopoly fomented the Iranian Revolution. The price of oil skyrocketed. Saudi Arabia and Russian, concerned about a world recession open up the oil taps and flooded the market. After which the price plummeted. All of a sudden the world had cheap oil but not North America. The monopoly did well however, they maintained a high price for gasoline in North America because it is a captured market. But the monopoly availed itself of cheap Saudi / Russian oil and stopped buying oil from Texas and Alberta. Again the Nazi media was brought in to cover up the blunder by Washington and the USA oil monopoly. Not satisfied with escaping blame one more time, the oil monopoly used the occasion to blame Pierre Trudeau and his NEP for the financial meltdown in Alberta. The NEP had nothing to do with killing world oil prices but was turned into a myth by the Nazi media. The reason is quite clear. The Congress didn’t like Pierre Trudeau. The Prime Minister was making noises about giving Canadians first dibs on Alberta oil. If there was a another crisis, Canada’s petroleum needs would be met first and only then would oil go to the USA. Congress said in so many words, to hell with that, who do these Canadians think they are. We will take all the oil we need. If Canada runs dry of gasoline tough. Though shit. So the american oil monopoly hired the Nazi media to mount a smear campaign against Pierre Trudeau and his NEP. That smear campaign is still ongoing. Every new rightie scribe, to win acceptance, has to mention the NEP at least half a dozen times in his / her first offering. The Iraq War, 2003 was orchestrated by Washington / USA oil monopoly / Britain. It was illegal, all about about securing Iraqi oil and the invasion was quite successful in this regard. The American oil monopoly now controls Iraqi oil by way of ISIS and has a secure supply of cheap oil, amounting to stolen goods. This oil is being stolen from the Iraqi people in a similar way to Alberta tar being stolen from the Canadian people for 30 years. But as always in these affairs the Nazi media was brought in and paid to cover everything up. Washington / Britain escaped being charged with Crimes Against Humanity for which many Nazis were hung at Nuremberg. The oil monopoly escaped being nailed for bullying, buying and selling stole goods on a world scale. In the present pipeline debate the same old forces are at work, Washington / American oil monopoly / Nazi media. The oil monopoly, has a PR Division in Houston which would rival that of the Hollywood studios of old. Not a word about oil or tar for that matter, gets into the world Nazi media unless parsed by Houston. If there is a spill, a derailment or blow out, it is revealed in the gentlest of terms, with the goal of making the story disappear. Politicians like Brad Wall, righties, talking heads and the Nazi media never ask any questions. They all just read from their scripts, sent them by Houston. The oilie inspired choreography at Megantic was a good example. The fairy tale was fully acted out. The exclusive oilie message was heard loud and clear. And Canadians were rendered the greater fools. Like Megantic, we now have another fairy tale being acted out by the usual cast. In Megantic, the message was, the tar / Benzine that blew up was not tar / Benzine, but regular oil from North Dakota. How regular oil from ND made it to a sleepy Town in Quebec was a question never asked or answered. It was probably beamed down from a rocket ship? The current debate over pipelines, which are no longer needed, is a fish of a different colour from Megantic, where something that happened was turned into something that didn’t happen. The only difference with the pipeline debate now ongoing is a dead issue is being talked about as if it were still alive. This fairy tale debate [ 2016 ], is being used by Houston to set a trap for PM Justin Trudeau, just like they did for his Dad. Or I would say Houston THINKS IT HAS SET A TRAP?
FUTURE The American oil monopoly as switched suppliers. The oilies are buying ISIS oil instead of Alberta tar. Pretty straightforward wouldn’t you say??? Alberta is suffering the shorts. The tar, which is the cornerstone of the Province’s health has no buyers. Houston would never leave such a story running around on the loose. So a new play has been written in which Russ Girling is in the leading role, with the Can. NEB supporting. The current plot sees Albertans hard up because tar isn’t getting to tidewater, meaning Texas. Houston, Brad Wall and Paul Godfrey, would have us believe the financial meltdown in Alberta is strictly caused by lack of pipeline capacity, for which the Trudeau Government can be blamed. If the Prime Minster doesn’t approve any of the no longer needed pipelines, he will be blamed for Alberta’s plight. If he approves
any / all of the no longer needed pipelines, the PM will be blamed for putting too many restrictions in front of the no longer needed pipelines and the environmentalist will be up in arms. The no longer needed pipeline issue is rich in divisiveness. Houston is manipulating this script is such a way as to set politician against politician, individual against individual, 1st Nations against 1st Nations and group against group, over a matter that now stand mute. It is amazing that none of the above participants ever questions the play. None of them seem to realize they are participating in a fantasy meant to blacken the name of the Government. Russ Girling keeps pushing for Bitumen East knowing it is not needed and will never be built. Kinder Morgan keeps
pushing for the new Transmountain Bitumen pipe, although it is not needed now and never will be built. The Harper NEB, continues to consider pipelines which are no longer needed and will never be built. Because TransNotCanada and Kinder Morgan made application for construction approval of pipelines which are no longer needed and which will never be built. The NEB is on autopilot playing its’ role as designated by Houston. Years back I wrote to the Chair of the NEB, explaining in detail the many dangers of tar mixed with Benzine. This was long before Megantic. My letter was never answered. I made two points to the NEB. First, define what the characteristics of tar / Benzine are, how it ignites, does it explode, how long does it burn, are the smoke and fumes dangerous, how can such a fire be fought, what special equipment is needed by firefighters, should citizens be evacuated and so on. The NEB has never answered. I also suggested that if an oil pipeline was approved then it can only be use for oil. It is illegal to put gasoline in a glass bottle. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Putting tar / Benzine in an ** OIL ** pipeline is doing the same. In any event such concerns have never made it into NEB deliberations. But the NEB plays a huge role in the current no longer needed pipeline fantasy. If the NEB ever started probing for the truth by asking tough questions this Houston theatrical production would collapse. Prime Minister Trudeau is going to be blamed for Alberta’s financial disintegration, from here till 2019.
Every twist and turn in daily events will be crafted and used to smear Trudeau by the Post paper, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC in the pay of the American oil monopoly. The facts will remain. The market for tar is dead. All of the pipelines in play are no longer needed and WILL NOT BE BUILT. Albertans will continue
to suffer financially. Justin Trudeau will be blamed no matter what course of action he takes within the industry as presently arranged. Trudeau’s reputation will be so damaged by 2019, Houston’s Client Chief, Steve Harper will return in glory to begin again the annexation of Canada. Unlimited petro dollars can do wonders in undermining democracy if there are a large number of turncoats and a majority of docile, sleepy citizens. So read / watch the Nazi media for daily doses of this Houston theatrical production about pipelines that are no longer needed and bringing down the Canadian Government by subterfuge. OR, AND THER IS AN OR???

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SOLUTION If I am being blame for something I DID NOT DO, I TAKE IT AS LICENSE TO DO AS I WISH! I suggest that the Prime Minster order the tar / Benzine mix to be thoroughly studied, as to being a dangerous explosive and highly toxic. I already know the answer so I can go on the the next step. The American oil monopoly is buying ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqi people. Meaning the monopoly doesn’t need Alberta tar. It is a situation which is not likely to change any time soon. So as Alberta withers on the vine, the monopoly is using this Province setback, of their making, to mounted
a political smear campaign against Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau. This shows a callous disregard for the people of Alberta by the oil monopoly. Of course the oilies always hire someone else to do their dirty work. In this case the shills are well known to us, Paul Godfrey and his Nazi media friends like CTV. As stated, the first step, analyze tar mixed with Benzine, so we know what we are dealing with. Then we take the bull by the horns, say FUCK YOU TO THE AMERICANS, THEN NATIONALIZE THE WESTERN PETROLEUM INDUSTRY. Just take it over, fire up the trucks, turn the tar into crude oil in situ and ship the crude to Canadian refineries from coast to coast to coast. A made in Canada solution, gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and natural gas with a Canadian price tag. Then no more of our loonies would go to buy bullets for ISIS. Nor fund global terrorism.

NEXT PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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Since the Election on Oct. 19/15 the Nazi media [ not the CBC ] has mostly been dominated by right wing talking heads and well as rightie scribes. These bullies always hog the limelight. You know how kindly I take to bullies? NOT! Even though mad Harper is a gone commodity, the US rightpublicanazis,the Canadian Fascist Pig Party, big business, the oilies and our Nazi media are still not going to let go. To the man / woman these Sociopaths will never admit they lost the election. If you read the list of the 16 Sociopathic behaviours you can clearly see them in the minds of Lyin Steve’ troops. Harper is truly crazy and it is a given that a person has to be slavishly crazy to follow him. Normally, mentally challenged people would never get a chance to take control of an entire Country. In Canada’s case the scenario was different. The American have always had designs on this Nation. The Yankees failed in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Fenian raids from 1866 to 1890 and the 2 failed Can. / US Metis Rebellions of 1870 / 1885 led by Louis Riel. Even after Canadians made it abundantly clear that we wanted / want to remain an independent Country, the Americans refuse to take no for an answer. In recent time, after Reagan became President, we can see a push by the right in the US to infiltrate Canadian organizations, universities and to set up think tanks to brainwash our population. A constant drumming of right wing ideology carefully crafted to appeal to the people using the frog-in-the-pot approach. You throw a frog in pot of water and set the temp to a slow boil. By the time the frog figures out he is being boiled it is too late to escape. The citizens here, by the skin of their teeth realized it would be best to vacate the pot, like right now. Mad Harper and his mad gang were and are financed by the American oil monopoly and advised by the Republicans. Harper has always had more money that the other parties. But while the Fascists supporters roughly numbered one thirds of the voters, their donations were almost three times larger. The democracy of California was lost in the late 1990s. The American oil monopoly gave each of their employees the max amount that could be donated to a political campaign. Thus the oilies financed the destruction of democracy in the State but there was no way to prove it. However, in the Dean Del Mastro campaign of 2008 [ Dean is now in jail ], his cousin, who is in the manufacturing business gave each one of his 22 employees one thousand dollars to donate to the Fascist campaign plus a $ 50 bribe. This means that 22 people were prepared to take fifty bucks to sell their Country out. Dean was Harper’s right hand man and a bully. When Del Mastro got caught and he cried. Harper? Steve abandon Dean as he has abandon so many other Fascist minions who were no longer of use. The other factor proving Republican interference. Pierre Poilievre’s Unfair Election Act is lifted from the Republican state voting model almost word for word. This Republican cheating is well known and various groups Stateside are now in Court. This Repub cheating model had never been seen in Canada before and the Post, Globe, Star, CTV and Global just looked the other way and neglected to warn the citizenry. Even though the Nazi media knew the Canada house was on fire, they were paid not to tell us where the EXITS were. In fact this Country was saved by the internet. From the CBC and the net, the voters were able to access the truth. Paul Godfrey’s constant output of lies did not find traction except with the very small brain Fascist supporters. You have to get into the minds of the right wing to understand the recent election. People on the hard right are attracted by the simplistic, no fail, lucrative ideology. Their existence is very ordered, it is a job for life situation, where failures never cast a dark shadow. The only requirements are that you never think for yourself and just follow orders. The rightie free market pitch is a mirage. Ian Lee a Fascist mouthpiece from Carleton, which Preston Manning brought into the right wing orbit using petro dollars, appears regularly on TV. Ian is a good example of how refined the rightie double talk has become. What Lee does is bend the truth and leave a lot of stuff out. Their is a little bit of reality embedded in Ian’s claptrap. I enjoy watching Lee. I was in business for 50 years making payroll. I was faced with reality every day. Reality was what Harper feared most of all. I doubt that Lee ever had a real job? The right wing ideology, based entirely on Hayek and Friedman theories is easily manipulated. John Maynard Keynes relied on the facts of the case. Southern California is turning back into desert due to Global Warming. The Republicans deny climate change is happening, they have no theories to tackle drought, so in their minds, it is just not happening. Harper’s humiliation has not been accepted by the Canadian Fascists. Their policies were just no communicated properly they say, even though the Post, Globe, Star, CTV and Global were all in the right wing camp. Harper had roughly the same press coverage as Hitler did, only Hitler did not have to face the internet and the CBC. When you are a group of self anointed exceptionalists, you have an unlimited amount of petro dollars from the oil monopoly, you control most of the media, you ignore laws of the land, tell nothing but lies and cheat people out of their right to vote how could anything go wrong??? And after all of this loading of the dice, you still lose the election, what can be done, WHAT CAN BE DONE??? The righties are just going to ignore that the election ever took place. If we peer into the rightie mind, we find at the very centre is the Nietzsche Myth of the Overmen and Undermen, a two class system. I have never been able to figure out how such an idea fits into a democracy, were each man and woman is entitled to a ballot. It would seem that those on the hard right have a special quality, that of deciding that they are exceptional and thus are entitled to a higher ranking. Canadian Fascists would never say such a thing out loud but actions speak louder than words. It seems craz to me that a small group of demented exceptionalists would take on the majority ignorant mob. How can a free people in a democracy be turned into serfs without their knowledge. I offer no examples of such an initiative other than point to the last 10 years in Canada. Harper and his Fascist thugs were turning this Nation into a faux democracy like California. The people of that State do not yet realize they have no say. As climate change renders California unliveable the people are just along for the ride. Their State Government not longer responds to the needs of the people and at this late date to drought is now beyond the reach of man. I pride myself with being a mister-fix-it but I have no answers for the drought that is now consuming California. Sadly, all we can do is watch mother nature extract the price for bad, no stupid mismanagement! The same fate awaits BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba if we stand idly by. Because of the alterations in the flow of the northern jet stream due to Global Warming, Western Canada will suffer from colder cold, hotter hot, longer periods of drought and heavier snow / rainfall at times. We no longer have the option of depending on whatever weather comes our way and making do. We are fortunate to have jettisoned Lying Steve and we now have the opportunity to tackle the difficulties which block our path forward. The window of opportunity is still open but for how long I do not know. Our buildings and homes must become more energy efficient, easier / cheaper to heat and easier / cheaper to cool. We build Green Homes which use 40% less energy that regular subdivision homes. So we have an understanding of what is required and the fact that going green does not add much to the total cost. OUR biggest hurdle is the Ontario Government which doesn’t want real Green. Kathleen McGuinty, her friend Dalt, his friends and the Liberal Party are making too much money pushing phony green, which accomplishes one thing. It fills the pockets of the insiders with wealth that is being stolen from the people. In terms of drought and too much moisture at times in the West it is a matter of flood proofing the cities and towns like Calgary or North Battleford or Winnipeg. It will mean collecting the water when plentiful and directing it to strategically located reservoirs from which farms can be irrigated and low river flow can be replenished. The new National Energy Strategy is about energy yes, but the fight to combat climate change and girding ourselves to deal with drastic changes in the weather are equally important. The recent flooding in High River and Calgary should serve to focus the attention of people on preventing deadly disasters rather cleaning up after the water level drops. This approach is stock in trade for the righties. Do nothing to prevent disasters. Then afterwards, move big taxpayer’s money in to mop up the mess, with most of the cash going to the elites. Meaning most of Lady Black’s little people are left hanging by their thumbs. Flooding is just another way for the right wing to steal the people’s money. They use disasters as another part of their wealth transfer scheme. As stated, we can’t do anything to save California now from the drought and its’ hopeless, helpless, small right wing government. The Canadian West has a bit of time to respond before the roof falls in. A good first step is already in hand, we have turfed out OUR RIGHTIE / FASCIST GOVERNMENT. In a sense we have been given a reprieve. Part of the problem over the past ten years is the damage done by Canadians who love the USA most. They have to be identified, ostracized, neutralized or deported like Conrad Black. Our media [ not the CBC ], has been bought and paid for. It is this group that now dominates the press and the airwaves. In fact Paul Godfrey and the National Post have already signaled the start of the campaign to win the next election. This means keeping in place all of Harper’s nasty work and attacking everything to do with our NEW CANADA. Canadians were already gathering their pitchforks. Godfrey has refused to take the hint, BUTTON YOUR HORN! I find it difficult to believe that the Post papers would spend any time investigating the ambulations of the ignorant mob. Don’t the exceptionalists have better things to do? Like attending fantasy night sponsored by Civitas secret Society? Those on the hard right just do not have it in them to admit making mistakes. No one in the rightie cult is prepared to speak the unspeakable, saying out loud, that after almost ten years and billions of dollars wasted, Steve Harper fucked things up royally. The lot of them from Diane Findley, Michelle Remple, Paul Calandra, Joe Oiliver, Ezzie Le Rant, Don Plett, Mike Lake, Brian Jean and many other dog brains keep saying in unison, that Harper was Canada’s greatest PM, that his policies were well received and that Canadians really liked what Lyin Steve was doing. Uh? Mind you, in High School, Harpie One’s pet peeve was reality. Even normal people find reality vexing at time. It would follow that Stevie’s followers would also seek to escape reality too. Their imaginary comments about the election, confirm Lyin Steve and his merry band of aforementioned Fascists still live in Harperland. A distant place, remote from OUR democracy. Don Plett, mister everything in the Fascist Party said the policies covered during the Election were spot on, they just were not communicated well enough. Every Fascist I have seen on TV has said the same thing. I would guess that an E-Mail went out to the Party membership giving them the talking points to make sure the Election, a turning point in Canada’s history is well and truly buried by the Nazi media [ not the CBC ]. The long term plan for us must be to ensure those in Harperland don’t inflict any more pain on this nation. It may be that we have to lock some of these retards up. In terms of the Post, Globe, CTV and Global, their efforts fit perfectly the righties who lost, speaking stupidly to the stupid. Those above and many other dog brains, breathlessly gathered round Steve, just waiting for him to throw the stick. Will a new leader be a good stick thrower? We should brook no interference from the above lot, as we start on the journey to reclaim the heart of the Nation, for this people. It is not my nature to dwell in the past. But we must protect our backs. We must remember that this small group of zealots, are a continuing danger. They promise to come back by pushing the same agenda that lost them power. I think the Fascists will spend the next 4 years scheming to cheat their way back into office. Just a few day after the vote, it is clear that the righties are determined to wreck the the NEW CANADA BEFORE IT IS EVEN BORN. The difficulty for the Fascists is that the NEW CANADA HAS SUCH HUGE POSITIVE ECONOMIC POTENTIAL. To achieve even modest success would show the extent of the economic damage that Harper did during his dictatorship. The righties are determined not to let that success happen and prove them so wrong. They have control over the PostMediocre papers, the Globe and Tar, CTV and Global. SO ANYTHING THAT EMANATES FROM THESE MEDIA OUTLETS WILL BE ANTI CANADIAN AND YOU CAN MARK THESE MEDIA PEOPLE DOWN AS ENEMIES OF THE STATE. If YOU buy their wares, or patronize their advertisers, you ARE helping to scuttle Canada. Every advertiser associated with the above Nazi media outlets should be subjected to a boycott. We should put them out of business too. In the late 1200s a law was passed by the English King, making the publishing of False News a crime. That Law is still on Canada’s books [ # 181 ]. It is one of the many laws Harper refused to enforce. This is understandable because the Post, Globe, CTV and Global sang Lyin Steve’s praises everyday no matter how illegal his actions were or how much cheating, lying and stealing he did. We have had our very own Nazi press for more than 10 years, paid with petro dollars and look at the turmoil they helped create. If England had had our Nazi press back in 1200s, the island nation would never have survived. A few years ago a book was written covering the expiration of many great empires. There were common threads running through each one and their demise was explained. The poison ingredients were, a corrupt or incompetent leadership, a dishonest press and a docile public. For a long time after Harper cheated his way into power, Canada scored high on each account. Lyin Steve was and is corrupt. The Post, Globe, CTV and Global are certifiably dishonest, being paid to be grossly so. And for a long time it was clear too many Canadians were asleep at the switch. They were walking to the cattle cars without knowing it. Many of us feared the oilies and the rightpublicanazis would gain control of Canada without even firing a shot. But happily in the last few days of the Election Campaign there was a large number of people who suddenly woke up to the Harper threat. The Election results show that we are not quite finished as was forecast. The Americans failed again to take control of this proud Nation, even lying and cheating did not deliver them a victory. Already there is an attempt by the Post to resurrect the Western alienation war cry in Alberta. Those poor Westerners. As the result of the vote, a dull readership is being told by Godfrey that the mean old East is being mean again. Golly gee wiz. The American oil monopoly is responsible for Alberta’s economic plight, but the Houston oilies are paying Godfrey to divert attention towards Easterners. Same thing happen 30 years ago when the suits in Houston created the NEP Myth and paid our Nazi media to flog the Myth thousands and thousands of times Instead of sulking, their anger should be directed at the American oil monopoly which has caused the oil / tar price crisis. The US monopoly is buying cheap, stolen oil from ISIS and cheap, illegal oil from Russian and Iran. The oilies do not need Alberta and Saskatchewan any more, they have been jilted once again. Also back in the headlines, is Pierre Trudeau’s National Energy Program. The Nazi press has mentioned the NEP myth thousands and thousands times since the 1980s. Hitler was right. If you tell a lie over and over to the ignorant masses, they will believe it the truth. Actually, Trudeau’s NEP was put in place to ensure that Canada had dibs on Alberta oil if there was another crisis like 1973. Congress had passed various laws to make sure the USA did not run out of oil again. These regulations required the American oil monopoly to bring home all the oil it had in its’ possession. So all the oil in the hands of the monopoly in Alberta would have been required to be shipped south of the border. If there was not enough oil for Canada, Congress didn’t give a shit. Trudeau said, oh no you don’t. Canada’s needs were to be met first and we would not pay Alberta the world market price if it made like a skyrocket. You would think that Westerners would have been happy to see Trudeau standing up for this Country. Washington and the oil monopoly [ a monopoly is illegal in North America ], but when do Congress or Harper ever abide by the laws of both countries??? The Government Stateside conspired with the monopoly to seize control of the Iranian oil fields this precipitated the revolution there in 1979. Immediately there was a shortage of oil and the price rose. But Saudi Arabia saw a repeat of 1973 wherein the economy of the USA tanked. This economic downturn in the States adversely affected a number of countries including the Saudis. In response to the Iranian Revolution, OPEC flooded the market with cheap oil and the price fell. Then Russia dumped even more oil onto an already oil saturated market. The American oil monopoly started buying cheap oil in 1981 and turned its’ back on Alberta. Houston was responsible for the economic crash in Alberta in the 1980s not Pierre Trudeau. There is an old saying, if you ignore history you are doomed to repeat it. Alberta is now faced with the fact that the USA oil monopoly is now buying cheap ISIS oil, stolen from Iraq and illegal oil from Russian and Iran in contravention of the sanctions imposed by the nations of the world. The American oil monopoly has turned its’ back on Alberta once again. Once again the Province is suffering an economic melt down. Once again the oil monopoly has bought up the Nazi press to blame the East. Once again Houston spends enough money with Paul Godfrey and David Thomson to shift blame. Actual that money comes from all of Canada paying $ 1.50 more a gallon than American for gasoline and diesel. A sap is defined as someone who is prone to being taken advantage off. Like the guy who buys vanishing ink on the internet. Canadians were turned into saps over the last ten year by Lyin Steve and a dishonest press. ” Run Stevie run ” has now been relegated to an unknown closet somewhere in Calgary. Apparently Harper was promised a cushy CEO’s job at $ 30 million a year upon delivery of Canada into Houston’s arms. Now it ain’t going to happen. Now what, Harpie One applying for Unemployment Insurance? That would be some photo op? In 1980s, the oilies bought cheap oil from the Saudis and Russian. Alberta didn’t count then anymore than the province counts now. Back then, to avoid being blamed for the financial distress caused to the Province the US bought up the Western press and initiated a blame Trudeau’s NEP campaign, like we saw with the Smear Campaigns against Ed Stelmach, Alison Redford, Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau. In addition to the Smear Campaign against Notley and the NDP, the US oil monopoly in Houston has initiated a foul campaign via social media against the NDP, using an anonymous gang of mouthy thugs who hurl insults from the shadows. You know righties are all chickenshits. No doubt, this despicable campaign, especially directed at women NDP MLAs is being done in close cooperation with Brian Jean, leader of the Wild Oil Party. The US oil monopoly set up the Wildrose party with Danielle Smith as leader, first payment $ 250,000. When Smith lost 4 By-Elections in October 2014, the oilies pulled the plug on the Wildrose and cut off their money. Jim Prentice, named leader of the Petroleum Conservatives then started getting Smith’s petro dollars. ” Run Jimmy run “, was scorched by the NDP and his PC Party had their asses whipped. The Wildrose got more seats than the PCs. Houston stopped giving the PCs money, the Party is now broke. Then the monopoly started funding the Wildrose again. So remember when Brian Jean talks about democracy, he is actually a KEPT MAN taking orders from Houston. The nasty Smear Campaign against Rachel Notley, is so typical of the right wing, whether they be oilie suits or hired thugs they have lots to say but ARE AFRAID TO ATTACH THEIR NAMES TO THEIR COMMENTS. I mean, when Harper ran to hide in that 4 ft by 4 ft closet on Parliament Hill when the bullets began to fly, it should have come as no surprise to Canadians. Our Conservative / Fascist politicians all have yellow stripes down their backs that you can see a mile away. Lyin Brian Mulroney ran away from his duty with a pocket full of money. Mike Harris ran away. Jim Prentice ran away. Harper has been defeated so we will get the chance to watch, “run Stevie run “, too. The oilies in Houston have again bought up our Nazi media to whitewash the defeat of Harper and his Fascists. Reading the Post papers and the Globe online you would never even know that there had been an election. There is a move to show that the Fascists were actually victorious, really. When Paul Godfrey get the chance in return for petro dollars, he will print this nonsense over and over leaving some Canadians in doubt as to what actually happened. Imagine someone, believing Harper won wondering what Justin Trudeau is doing in the PM’s office. The Fascists say it is only that Canadians desired a change in Government. Even though the people loved what Harper has done over the last ten years. This is just more of the fantasy stuff that goes on in Harperland. There is a move by an American to rename Calgary Airport after the loser Harper. This would mean in the future, after the reputation of mad man Steve has been completely erased from the record Harper would join the hallowed ranks of Trudeau, Diefenbaker and Pearson. I think not. How would it look for Calgary, if their airport was named after Lying Steve, who will be sitting in jail after he is charged with manslaughter for killing 47 innocent people in Megantic? Did you know that the Alberta tar and Benzine had to be carried in approved tank cars. Benzine is the equivalent of hi octane aviation gasoline. Since Reagan deregulated the railways in the 1980s the industry polices itself. The citizens of Canada and the USA have ended up at the broken end of the broom as regards the frequency accidents. Over time the standards for rail safety have slipped as more attention has been paid to profits [ protected by Congress and the Harper Fascists ], especially since the shipments of tar mixed with Benzine have increased in North America. Tar and Benzine is more lethal than just plain gasoline. Gas just explodes and the ignition event is over quickly. Tar and Benzine is more like Napalm, there is an instant explosion of the Benzine, then the remaining tar can burn for days and is almost impossible to extinguished. If a tank car carrying gasoline was involved in a derailment it would blow quickly and probably not affect undamaged tank cars. However if tar is involved it can burn for days. Undamaged tank cars become pressure cookers as the burning tar heats them up. Eventually the pressure passes critical and an undamaged tank car explodes, starting the whole devastation all over again. This is what happened in Megantic and it will happen again if the new Government doesn’t act. Imagine a trainload of the shiny black shit blowing up, letting go in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal or Halifax??? Thousands would be killed or injured and vast areas of such cities would leveled. The reason people in North America are at such risk is the rail industry calls tar and Benzine ” O I L ” , THUS THE RAILWAYS ARE ABLE TO AVOID GOVERNMENT FLAMMABLE LIQUID REGULATIONS IN CANADA AND THE USA. Neither the Congress nor Harper asked any questions BECAUSE EVERYONE WAS PAID OFF WITH PETRO DOLLARS. Rather, the tanks cars that blew up in Megantic were rusty old DOT – 111s, not approved to carry No. 3 Flammable Liquids. Trains carrying gasoline or other such flammable liquids must carry a Red Placard with number 3 on it. On board there must be an Emergency Response Guide, the operators must have HAZMAT training to the 126F level, required Documents on board are as follows, MSDS sheets, HAZMAT Bill of lading, operators must have a class 3 license with HAZMAT training and a tank car endorsement. The CPR lost all that documentation or maybe there were no document from the very start? Quite something to think about. That is quite something, the Company killer train, transported the explosive tar / Benzine mixture entirely across the Country with no paperwork. Interestingly the CPR was not charged. Could being friends with Lying Steve have anything to do with passing GO without going to jail? The Transportation Safety Board knew exactly what caused conflagration, entirely dropped the ball, no doubt on orders from the little boys in short pants. The only person being made safe was Harper The M. M. and A. Company WOULD NOT HAVE KNOWN that they was taking over a class 3 load of inflammable liquid. How could their employees be held responsible for the accident when the documentation required when Benzine is carried was not on board the train. The engineer was obviously not HAZMAT nor tank car certified. Yet this innocent engineer and his buddies are the little fish that Herr Harper had charged. This is a travesty of justice. The Post papers and the Globe are accessories in this crime. They were aware of the illegal operation of these trains and printed False News to cover the illegality of the transportation of Dangerous Goods by CPR. The body of stories about Megantic, carried by the Godfrey / Thomson papers were not written by dumb lowpaid or no paid interns. Having ill informed scribes write articles about the crash, might have given away the day. No, Godfrey and Thomson were aware of what happened as I was. Knowing what actually happened allowed them to publish their cover stories in return for petro dollars. This without making any errors. If I had any faith in the Royal Canadian Harper Police I would call for an investigation, but I don’t. If PM Trudeau sacks the way too compliant Bob Paulson, we might get honest investigation into who killed the 47 innocent people at Megantic. Anyone who served Harper is unfit for duty in the NEW CANADA. Megantic is just one more example as to how Steve’s bosses in Houston operate. The American oil monopoly, hand in hand with Washington precipitated the Iranian Revolution in 1979. Damage to the Iranian oil fields reduced production. In response to yet another case of US Manifest Destiny and interference in a sovereign Country, Saudi Arabia opened up its’ oil tap even wider to maintain the world oil supply. Russia, whose oil industry was gearing up production had been SHUT OUT of the global oil market by THE AMERICANS. In real terms, the Americans, especially the Republicans do FUCK THINGS UP royally on a regular basis DON’T THEY, ALL IN THE NAME OF GREED. Into the Iranian Revolution oil void Russia pumped even more oil. An oil glut developed just like the one we have to-day. The US oil monopoly bought up the our Nazi press in the 1980s to relay the message that Pierre Trudeau and his NEP had caused the economic stress in Alberta. Albertans in the main swallowed the NEP Myth and this false idea is still in the heads of many of the people in the Province. Likewise the Nazi press has carried, in return for petro dollars, the trumped up story created by Houston that the Megantic disaster was caused by the negligence of employees of a small rail Company who were unaware of the bomb they were handed. Paul Godfrey / Post and David Thomson / Globe missed the really big story. That of the American oil monopoly was shipping / transporting many a lethal cargo of tar and Benzine across Canada behind the backs of the people who were put at risk. M. M. and A. only carried $ 25 million in insurance. That is good for regular cargoes like lumber but not enough for the tar and Benzine Molotov bomb mix. If the management had known about the dangerous cargo it could have refuse to transport it due to insurance concerns. CPR and the American oil monopoly denied responsibility because to do otherwise would have brought the dangers of illegally transporting tar and Benzine into the public sphere. Transport Canada was muzzled by the PMO. The management should be fired. Harper would never get his hands dirty. The Canadian Transportation Board was muzzled and whitewashed the Megantic tragedy. I am sure the inspectors feared for their paycheques. All those involved in the whitewash should be fired. Pauline Marois did not call an inquest, which is required by law. It is my view that Harper paid her off. The end result was that 47 innocent people died and nobody bothered to find out why? In Harper’s Canada the lives of human beings were not worth a plug nickel. Spreading petro dollar bribes around sure clouds the minds of people. Public officials and newspaper owners who take bribes should be charged and shown NO MERCY. Canadians responded to the little dead boy washed up on a beach in Turkey but there has been no such outpouring for the 22 orphans in Megantic because our Nazi press was paid to never breathed a word. But the Canadian / Quebec taxpayers will have to fork over at least $ 350 million for the accident. This while the CPR and the American oil monopoly have walked away scot free. Free to kill more people as long as Steve Harper remained as Canada’s dictator. Again putting on my mister-fix-it hat, this is what I would suggest. Fire the members of the National Energy Board immediately. Their crime is that they constantly refer to tar mixed with Benzine as OIL, paid to be willfully ignorant. The incurious members of the NEB, past and present, bear some responsibility for the deaths at Megantic by not red flagging tar mixed with Benzine for transport in pipeline. A new Board must be struck with an increased mandate TO FIND OUT THE CHARACTERISTICS OF TAR AND BENZINE. How dangerous is this stuff??? THIS WOULD MEAN HIRING TWO SEPARATE LABORATORIES WITH NO CONNECTIONS TO THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY. THE QUESTIONS THEY WOULD BE ASKED ARE, WHAT EXACTLY IS THIS STUFF AND HOW DANGEROUS IS IT. RECENTLY ETHENOL WAS DEFINED FOR REGULATIONS AND ITS’ CHARACTERISTICS IDENTIFIED. TAR AND BENZINE COULD BE SUBJECTED TO THE SAME TESTS, THEN WE WOULD KNOW WHAT WE ARE DEALING WITH? A BAN SHOULD BE PLACE ON ALL SHIPMENTS OF TAR AND BENZINE BY PIPELINE OR RAIL UNTIL THESE REPORTS ARE TABLED BEFORE A PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE. I already know what the reports will show. Canadians will be shocked how lethal the mixture of Benzine and tar is and the potential for further tragedies is ever present. This kind of report could be done in weeks and then THE Parliamentary Committee could deal with the fallout. My opposition to tar and Benzine doesn’t relate to the mining of bitumen but the housekeeping of the American oil monopoly whose level of greed is monumental. Houston is prepared to see this bomb mix go by your front door, school or hospital without a second thought. Remember Harper has worked for the monopoly all his life. If a restaurant owner keeps pitching his garbage in the alley I want it stopped. This doesn’t mean closing the restaurant but it does mean the owner has to deal with his garbage in a civilized manner and according to municipal regulations. Bitumen from the tar sands must be upgraded and refined into raw crude oil RIGHT IN FORT McMURRAY. It can then be sent to new refineries all across Canada via the TWIN BEAVER PIPELINE which will be a dual raw oil and natural gas pipeline / hydro electric grid / railway running along a right-of-way from BC, across Northern Alta., Sask. and Man. down into Ontario, through Quebec into the Maritimes. The raw oil would then be be made into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. These will be made in Canada products at a price established by Canadians. Such an innovative approach would allow us to shed the, ” S A P “, LABEL. As stated, an American has suggested renaming the Calgary Airport after Stephen Harper, this is an insult to Canadians. We just threw the son-of-a-bitch Steve out of office. Why is it that the fucking Americans think they can keep sticking their noses in OUR business. As you might expect Ezzie Le Rant has got involved in this affair. I have looked into Ezzie’s background and discovered that he has never been successful at anything he has tried so far in his life. In real life he is a complete failure. The only thing Le Rant has got going for him is a king size nerve and a big mouth. In truth the poor boy is mentally ill, I kind of feel sorry for him, like a dad might. Rather, for Harper I would like to propose something else. I want PM Justin Trudeau to create a National park out of the 174 sq km area of toxic, tailing ponds in Alberta. They have been abandon by the American oil monopoly which is standard oilie business practice. Once the monopoly has taken everything it wants, the suits in Houston walk away leaving a mess. The four million inhabitants of the Province are now on the hook for cleaning up the tailing ponds. It is quite possible that their great grandchildren will still be forking out money to clean up this Hiroshima II. Their kids will surely question the judgement of the present population, SAPS MAYBE??? Now this will be a perfect new National Park, it could just be called, ” HARPER PONDS “. Thus Lyin Steve will live on in infamy. This is what Ezzie wants doesn’t he???
Oh to be the normal person who gets a ticket to the Fascist MP caucus LOVE IN, WHEN HARPER APPEARS. I’ll bet dollars to donuts nobody will have the nerve to mention the Election they just LOST BIG TIME. This meeting will showcase what it is like to be in Harperland.

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Fascist Senator Don Plett was interviewed by Rosemary Barton on the CBC. Don has held many senior offices in the Party. I was amazed to listen to this guy, he is really thick. Plett is the kind of guy who gravitates to the hard right, dumber than a 4in spike. There is not much to the right wing ideology, you can learn it in about a week. Then a person is set for life and never has to do any thinking again. It doesn’t matter what comes along, like climate change. If it isn’t covered in the rightie handbook, cult members like Plett don’t have to worry their pretty LITTLE BRAINS ABOUT IT. Don did let the cat out of the bag though. The Fascist majority in the Senate is going to be used to frustrate PM Trudeau. The Nazi press just loves all these shenanigans. The position of Paul Godfrey and David Thomson never changes. Screw the democratic process, the rightie message will continued to be shoved down the throats of Canadians. But there is a way to cut Don Plett and his Fascist friends off at the pass. There are 22 vacancies in the Senate. PM Trudeau has already stated that he will strike a super committee to recommend outstanding Canadians to fill those vacant senate seats. Tout suite if possible. This will nullify any Fascist obstructionism and eventually there will be no more Harperites in the upper chamber. Clods like Plett with die out and the Fascists will never again reign in this Country so no more vermin. We should put most of them in one of Harper’s new jail. The right wingers are hyper partisan and they think everyone else is too. Misfits like Plett view opponents as the enemy. So everything is fair even if it is foul. But this everyone-is-an-enemy has no place in our democracy. The University of Calgary teaches people like Harper, that cheating, lying and stealing is NOBLE IN THE CAUSE OF REGIME CHANGE. Plett did not think that the Liberals in the Senate could think outside their party ideology. It would seem that to Don, those involved in politics outside the Fascist camp can’t think for themselves. But that is not true. I’ll bet Don Plett even believes those stories about Dad Trudeau’s NEP. I am a Progressive Conservative and was involved in the Party of Leslie Frost, John Robarts and Bill Davis for 25 of the 42 years of Ontario’s GOLDEN AGE. We were the economic engine of Canada. But a succession of incompetent / corrupt Premiers set out to destroy the mark left by the aforementioned PC Preems. David Peterson, Bob Rae, Mike Harris and Dalton McGuinty did no want the Big Blue Machine to ever rise from the grave again. The US rightpublicanazis saw the Davis PC as being dangerous. American money poured in to kill my PC Party. If I could put the PC policy in a few words it would be this. You make it before you spend it. And the spending was guided by the will of the people. The Machine always stayed close to the people and that is the way I was involved in Pickering. Queen’s Park wanted to know the mood of all the people in the Township. As the Government wanted to know what was happening in all the other Ridings. In the 1990s I worked for Mike Harris and in 2006 /07 I worked for Stephen Harper. Neither one of them HAD ANY INTEREST IN WHAT THE CONSTITUENTS THOUGHT. Both of them ran Fascist Governments and Lady Black’s little people were to be seen and not heard. Mike took off before he was defeated. Jim Prentice took off the moment he was told he had been defeated. Harper WAS DEFEATED but he took off anyway. Under Frost, Robarts and Davis businesses prospered. Under the Ont. Industry and Trade Department ideas and innovation were encouraged and financed. Ontario was a hot house of cutting edge technology. But businesses local or world wide operated in an environment where Queen’s park called the shots. Businesses play be the rules or the were prosecuted or forced to leave. The PC rules favoured individual Ontarians and the economy hummed. Now the rightie manipulated, imaginary free market rules the roost here and all around the world. Governments now knee at the feet of laissez-faire advocates. Federally, after Oct. 19 / 15, the Fascists are now history. PM Trudeau has to put corporations back in their place, in second place behind the citizenry. A Country that is operated respecting the will of the people can’t possibly create as much ruin and grief as Harper and his crew have. The Frost, Robarts and Davis Governmental model was wildly successful and can easily be duplicated. Create a strong business management system. By Law, take away the opportunity for corporations to cheat and punish those that do. Listen to the people by building the kind of communication system whereby the concerns of the voters are constantly monitored and those at the top can plug into the prevailing mood. Recently Target Stores pulled out of Canada because the management was totally incompetent. That should have only been of concern to Target shareholders. However, although the Company was only closing the Canadian stores, it was allowed by the Government to invoke bankruptcy regulations. The result was that all of the Canadian businesses supplying Target did not get paid. Wall Streeters cheered Target for extricating itself for this Country and sticking Canadians with the cost of the Target failure. Under Frost, Robarts and Davis the assets of Target would have been seized and the owners prosecuted if there was any funny business. Under my PCs, local, Provincial and Federal taxes would have been paid. The employees would have been paid in full plus benefits. Suppliers would have been paid. Utilities would have been paid. If there was any money left that is what Target would have gotten. This is what comes of electing right wingers whose only interest is playing footsie with the US corporations. Alberta has rid itself of the Petroleum Conservatives. Canada has rid itself of the Harper Fascists. The next order o business is to rid Ontario of the McGuinty Fascists. If Alberta and Canada show us anything, it is that when the people are so sick of a government and they get to the boiling point they turf the bastards out. Have Ontarians reach the boil yet??? Maybe the latest increase in the price of electricity, now double what it should be is enough to light the fuse? The high price of Kws is directly related to McGuinty and friends having their hands in the cookie jar. This looting of the Ontario treasury has been going on for years and the Toronto Star and TVO said nothing. Or how about the sale of Hydro One to McGuinty’s friends. This sale is taking place, to pay off debts accumulated by under the table payments to McGuinty and friends in the past. When will Ontarian say enough is enough. To take advantage of the new National Energy Strategy, this rats nest at Queen’s Park, run by Kathleen McGuinty has to be cleaned out. Her Government is not Liberal, it is Fascist too, populated by thieves just like the Harper bunch in Ottawa. If we can get rid of Kathleen the first order of business will have to be the replacement of Commissioner Vince Hawkes, of the OPP. Vince is way top soft on the light fingered Liberals. How does Hawkes investigate the woman who appointed him? His timidity only encourages Kathleen McGuinty and Dalt to continue emptying the Treasury and it smells to high heaven. The second order of business is for the Toronto Police to investigate Dalton McGuinty and all of his friends who have been stealing Ontario blind for years. With a view to putting them all in jail and recovering the money they stole from the people.

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The rightpublicanazis have pretty well destroyed the economy of the USA. The only people who have any money are on Wall Street or have connections to the Streeters. Congress is so afraid for their personal precarious financial positions that any wealth accumulation scheme like the American oil monopoly or the drug industry monopoly is just fine as long as it produces cash. As well, to insure the financial underpinnings of their friends remain solid, Congress uses TAX DOLLARS to bail them out while the TAXPAYERS FREQUENT FOOD BANKS. When a gang keeps robbing the same bank over and over and the vault is eventually emptied, the just look for another bank. The 2008 / 2009 meltdown world wide was caused by George Bush Jr, Congress, the banks, Wall Street, the Government licensed rating agencies, mortgage companies and Republican insiders. There was a huge transfer of wealth from the middle class to the one percent. Not satisfied with stripping the wealth from fellow citizens by selling useless investments, the above mob looked beyond the borders of the US to the European Union, Ireland and Iceland etc. The banks from the EU and various countries were offered a share of the sub prime mortgage scam profits in return for delivering the money put up by suckers, anxious to get in on the scheme. In 2001 Greece was looking to get into the EU but was too far in debt. Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs came up with a doozie. Lloyd loaned Greece enough money for a few days to show a balance in their bank book. EU inspectors looked at that bank book and okayed Greece’s entry into the EU. Greece handed Blankfein back his loan money plus $800 milion in interest for a few days. This deal actually increased Greece’s debt. Now inside the EU, Greek politicians were able to spend like drunken sailors, using the cheap money available to them. The outstanding Greek debt was ignored, as the vote buying went on and the debt escalated. When the US sub prime scam exploded the EU, Iceland and Ireland went into financial meltdown because their Wall Street sub prime paper was worthless. The Greek horror story finally came to light along with the weakness of Spain and Italy. Recently LLoyd Blankfein was diagnosed with cancerous lymphoma. Blankfein is receiving radiation and is resting at his $ 35 million estate. I wish Lloyd a long and painful period as his cancer progresses. I would like to see the money grubbing Blankfein, suffer 10 times the pain he has inflicted on others. Mind you, if Lloyd want to avoid the pain of cancer, we could stuff his money down his throat so he would choke to death. Blankfein is a common criminal, walking the streets because the USA has become a lawless Country for the elites. However, for minorities, where there is even a hint of illegality they can be shot down in the streets and their families have no recourse. Now the Congress and Wall Street have stripped the wealth from Americans, the EU, Iceland, Ireland, Spain and Italy the criminal element in the USA has come up with a new wrinkle. The USA is pushing free trade deals at every level. The Yankee trade deals, once signed, allows US corporations to ignore the sovereignty of nation signees. If a US multinational dumps toxic waste into a local river the locals can’t take any action. If a local municipal Council prohibits the corporation from dumping waste into the river which supplies the town with drinking water, tough shit. These trade deals, like the TPP, include dispute settlement systems that take matters out of the hands of Canadian courts and brings the cases before a committee of lawyers employed by the multinationals that make up the trade structure. The town mentioned above would be brought before the trade committee for interfering with the business doing the polluting. The business in question would just continue to dump toxic waste and that far away town would have to pay damages or have property seized. If The Fiji carpet company was operated in the USA and dumped acid in the local water. The US government would step in, prosecute the company, assess damages and seize the company’s assets. So these new trade deals which the US is pushing are just another way to strip the wealth from other nations above and beyond the rule of law. Harper was quite happy to give our sovereignty away to the Americans. Thank heaven that Canadians woke up in time to the dangers of the TPP. Harper was a lame duck PM once the Election was called. He had no right to sign any trade deals or any other binding commitments. What has been going on over the past couple of years, is the move in Congress to create a North American energy superpower which included the colonies of Canada and Mexico. I kid you not, the word colony was used regarding this Country. The Post papers and the Globe would never tell you this. The prime requisite for Canada, laid down by Congress was for Lyin Steve to remove all impediments for the shipment of tar and Benzine, like regulations relating to the environment, clean up Legislation, water quality, the ability of people, municipalities and Provinces to sue the American oil monopoly / pipeline companies / railways for damages or to interfere in any way with the oil monopoly’s ability to make a buck moving Molotov Mix. In terms of Mexico, by law the oil there belongs to the people. Moves were under way to have the Mexican Government nullify that law and put the County’s oil under the control of the American oil monopoly. How would you like that? Canada becoming a Colony of the USA??? It is bad enough that mad Harper would go along with such a scheme, but he had to do it behind the backs of Canadians. The fact that the gangster politicians in the US Congress would even countenance such takeovers of neighbouring countries? It shows the kinds of criminals we are dealing with? The sooner we cut ties with the USA the better. The expiry of the Soft Wood Lumber Treaty is a good time to give notice that Canada is pulling out of NAFTA. Although the EU has been hard hit by the Wall Street shenanigans England is only an affiliated member and has escaped most of the Streeter’s predatory practices. The Brits have retained their own currency as has Canada. The Brits are moving towards a vote on leaving the EU or staying. It is their democratic right but such rights go unrecognized by the rightpublicanazis. Michael Froman of the USA is their trade negotiator and a notable mobster. Mike has $ 500,000 stashed in the Cayman Islands and has worked for the EU in Brussels in trying to create an organization which removes sovereignty from all the countries in the European Union and hands control to USA multinational corporations. Just as Harper was attempting to do with Canada, hand control of this Country to the USA oil monopoly. There is a much bigger revolution going on than people realize. So called globalization is being pushed by the American Congress and US corporations. In the doing they are trying to seize part of the world before China does. Every country that signs a trade deal with the USA will become a colony of the US. The States is a mere shadow of its’ former self, real unemployment is near ten percent not the 5.1% Washington tells us. The middle class has been destroyed and the only buying that is taking place is being done with taxpayer’s money being spread around by Washington. All the meaningful jobs have been offshored, most of the population are living from hand to mouth and the rich one percent are now engaged in an internal struggle to strip the wealth from each other. Every other part of American society has been monetarily stripped to the bare bones. Most big US corporations are now doing financial engineering to constantly boost stock prices. The fact that they produce products is merely secondary. This a big deal but matters little to Lady Blacks little people. 45% of Canadians used to buy at last one stock per year, that number is now down to 33%. The fact that our Nazi media bombards us with the state of the stock market on an hourly basis shows how the US rightpublicanazis try to affect our thinking. Why is so much time and ink spent on this garbage? This information plays no role in the day to day activities of Canada. On May 6 /15, the boys at the TSX organized a 150 point drop in stock prices to send a signal that Rachel Notley and her NDP Party were not welcome. Too fucking bad for the TSX. The Notley win was an democratic expression of the people of Alberta. The business community in Canada is so dominated by the US rightpublicanazis that our timid turncoats put no stock in the right to vote in this Nation. Discount every expression uttered by Big Business here as it slavishly serves the vultures on Wall Street. Kathleen McGuinty sold off 15% of Hydro one to cover Dalton’s debt. Dalt and his liberals and friends have made huge profits skewering Ontarians since 2003. Somebody has to pay that stolen money back to the treasury. Kathleen has decided Ontarians should pay twice. Interestingly, the Toronto Star has made a ton of cash shilling for Dalton. Never, ever explaining the Daltman’s various thieving schemes in return for cheques. And Honderich covered things up when necessary. There was a picture of former Ontario Premiers with a veteran Star reporter. He probably retired rather than cover up the Dalt’s doing. Any way, there was Mike ” the Yellow ” Harris, Bob Rae, Kathleen McGuinty, evil David Peterson who drove Ontario in a deep depression out of spite and last and least, Ernie ” Ernie Who ” Eves.
Every one of them incompetent and corrupt except Bob Rae. Peterson handed a debt crippled, wounded and bleeding Province to Rae. But all we ever hear from our Nazi press is how badly the Rae and the NDP fared. It is the same fantasy approach to Pierre Trudeau’s NEP. False News [ Section 181 ], in the Criminal Code of Canada. And do you know what, that chickenshit Dalt McGuinty, the premier who stole billions of dollars from the Province, WAS NOT IN THE STAR PICTURE OF THE PREMIERS. Did you know Brian Mulroney showed his yellow streak before Mike Harris. Jim Prentice had a really big yellow streak. As did Lyin Steve in spades. To-day Harper arrived at the back door of Parliament in a windowless van. He was ushered into the meeting of Fascist trained seals, gave a very spirited speech to the assembled flipper flappers, took no questions and then fled to his van. The ex Prime Minister, boy does that have a nice ring to it, was flown by a Government jet out to Calgary to hide in a specially constructed closet. On October 19 / 15 Canadians drew back the curtain, there on a stool sat a little boy pulling the levers. May Stevie, NEVER REST IN PEACE. I HOPE HIS DEMONS CONSUME HIM AND HE PAYS FOREVER FOR THE 47 INNOCENT PEOPLE HE TURNED INTO CINDERS, THEN WALKED AWAY DENYING RESPONSIBILITY. MAY HE BURN IN HELL. The Harper give away of Canada to the American carpetbaggers, which we so narrowly avoided
has now engulfed David Cameron. Cameron, so badly wants to be friends with the USA as did Maggie Thatcher. In fact Australia’s Tony Abbott was equally inclined but he also has been given the heave ho, partly due to his close ties with the Catholic Church. I do not know if Harper is a Catholic but he did promise to ban abortions if the Catholic’s voted for him. The SayNo2Trudeau, sponsored by the Canadian Catholic Church was disgusting. World wide people are beginning to see through the much vaunted right wing, free market ideology. The free market is rigged to transfer wealth to the One Percenters. People who believe in the free market hokum are obviously heading for the the poor house. To get elected Cameron offered the people a vote on leaving the EU. That debate was taken off the table during the election. Dave and his Fascists only won by 5 seats in a 650 seat House. Accordingly the Brits will have their say. Now the US Government and their resident trade thug Michael Froman are threatening the English with loses of trade arrangements if they leave the EU. I can’t imagine any Country signing a trade pact with the emaciated Ruined States of America. Washington and corporate America are like two drunks clinging to a lamp post hoping a miracle will save them. But too gone to chance letting go of that post. Froman is just looking for new victims for his blood sucking Government and corporate clients. There is every indication that if the Brits leave the whole EU house will come tumbling down. Germany was the EU financial powerhouse but the VW scandal and the weakness of the German banks due to Greek loans has put the Country’s solidity in doubt. I would make the following recommendation to the Canadian and British people.

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Minimize or sever trade relations with the USA. Neither Can / Brit. will ever win playing the American’s game on their famous unlevel field. The Soft Wood Lumber Treaty, no matter how wrong the Americans were in regards to this Treaty, Congress always changed the rules, sometimes after the fact, to make sure they won. Enough is enough, even if there is short term pain. With trading partners like the rightpublicanazis, who need enemies??? Firsts order of business is to cancel the TPP. We don’t need US corporations replacing Canadian laws with American friendly or American bought tribunals. Tear up the Detroit bridge contract. We pay half, the Yankees pay half, we supply the material and work for our half and the Yanks do likewise for their half. No pay, no deal. We must begin building the NEW CANADA in which CANADIANS ALWAYS COME FIRST! We must deal with petroleum problem, especially in Alberta. This Country possesses petroleum resources and consumes the finished petroleum products, like gasoline, diesel and jet fuel to name a few. The tar and raw oil should move no more than a few feet before it is refined in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Our Western natural gas should supply all of Canada’s need using one half of the Twin Beaver Pipeline which will stretch from BC to Nova Scotia, with a spur to Churchill Man. to catch the export market. All Canadian businesses with over 25 employees involved with building the NEW CANADA WILL BE UNIONIZED. An American company owns the railway to Churchill Man., from Winnipeg. It was given them by Harper for two dollars. I would expropriate it, rejig part of the route which now travels over the melting permafrost and turn it into a major railway giving the West access to world markets via a deep water port. This railway could be expanded to take prairie grain, agricultural products, beef and manufactured item to the BC coast and the Lakehead. I would reestablish the Canadian Wheat Board but give it wider powers to include all Prairie output. The new Board would provide single desks for the various agricultural products, have storage facilities to avoid the panic selling of products and an integral railway transportation system for just-in-time delivery to the ports in BC, Churchill and the Lakehead. For now, there is a sufficient supply of shipping in the world to cover dry cargo, raw oil and LNG. Every natural resource Canada possess should be processed, refined or manufactured as much as is practical to keep the jobs at home. I see plenty of commercial opportunities for Canadians businesses, opportunities for investors and especially the nation’s pension funds. Foreign owned companies will not be allowed to participate in the building of the New Canada or the Canadian Provincial Energy Corporation. When we rebuild 24 Sussex Dr. to Green standards and cut the heating bill from $ 70,000 a year to $ 40,000 or maybe less only Canadian owned firms will be involved. In fact given enough money the NCC could Green all of our heritage buildings using a modular mechanical system and the new old, air friendly approach known in the stone age. When the National Capital Commission is tasked with making Ottawa Nation proud and given a budget which reflects the fact that Canada is first class, only Canadians will see employment. On the critical list is the plight of the Prairies and BC, as regards the severe weather disturbances now being experienced due to Global Warming. Although such an explanation is right over the head of Dave Philips, Canada’s senior Harpertologist. As a Commercial Pilot I had to take Meteorology Class Two, a much more intense course that required when I got my Private License. There were no weather computer games, the weather people like Dave use now. A computer weather program is only as good as the people who develop the program. Global Warming is entirely new and for those like Philips, who never learned to think for themselves, it is a complete mystery. California has had 4 years of drought and there are many more to come. The southern part is returning to desert. The Sierra Mountains and the other ranges will soon, never have any snow. The State has become a heat pillar which is now attached to the northern Hadley Cell that feeds even more heat into California. The westerly Jet Stream now crosses into North America between Vancouver and Alaska, almost never across California, although it used to. That is why the State get so little rain now. In the Spring and Fall, when the north Hadley Cell shrinks in size and the south Cell increases in size, there is a gap between the California heat pillar and the north Hadley Cell. Now on the odd occasion, the Jet Stream, pushing Pacific moisture finds that gap, crosses Mexico, mixes with moisture from the Gulf and dumps the whole shebang on Texas, Oklahoma and surrounding States. Intensive flood in has occurred with heavy loss of life. But to the righpublicanazis and Dave Philips climate change is not happening, so burn California burn. I haven’t listened to Dave Philips for years, he talks nonsense and is just another one of Harper’s stooges. PM Trudeau could make Philips Canadian Ambassador to California so he could fry with the rest of the right wing crowd. Back to the Prairies. The soil there is some of the most productive in the world. The only problem is that some of the land is in the rain shadow of the Rockies, the Palliser Triangle is a good example. Twelve thousand years ago the Syrians tuned the Levant into an agricultural paradise using irrigation on the Tigris / Euphrates Rivers which flooded at times and had diminished flow at others. Irrigation, Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Rocket science? NO! Just brain work? YES! Difficult? NO, NOT REALLY! Canada IS in the grip of American business. Canada WAS in the grip of Harper’s Fascist Government. Canada IS still in the grip of the USA Nazi style media [ not the CBC ]. American business will not allow any natural system, which are owned by the people to interfere with making money. In some third world countries the Americans have bought up their water works. The peasants are not allowed to collect rain water or get water from a stream on penalty of imprisonment. Such laws are administered by the corrupt local government. Harper was implementing the same system here whereby Canadians who refused to bow to the demands of America business would get to see the inside of one of Steve’s jail, built with taxpayer’s money. Yikes! Really this obscene. The people who protest are jailed fro protesting and the protesters are put in cell they themselves paid for. Innovation is non existent in this Country. American business doesn’t want innovation to take place here, So the Post papers, the Globe and Tar, CTV and Global have been and are being paid to kill new ideas at birth. As far as the Yanks are concerned the best Canadian is one who is chained to an oar. For more than a dozen years, starting in Ontario I have been sending out letters and latterly copies of my post making suggestions as regards dealing with mechanical problems such a ruinous, toxic nuclear power and the neglect of 20,000 Mws of unused, readily available, clean, cheap hydro power in this Province. John Honderich and his Star have been well paid by Dalton McGuinty, the Ont. Liberals, the nukies and Kathleen McGuinty to turn our citizenry into toadstools, kept in the dark and served horseshit. Ontarians pay double what they should be paying for Kws because our electrical system is in the hands of Dalt’s friends, Bay Street and the Americans. And the Star is paid by the foregoing to cover what is going on. The money Honderich got and is getting right now come right out of your pockets. The vultures charge us way too much for electricity. The vultures then share that overcharge with Kathleen McGuinty, the Ont. Liberals and the Toronto Star to ensure you keep paying exorbitant Kw prices. If you happy with your hydro bill keep voting for Kathleen and buying Honderich’s Star. In all the time I have been writing such letters and after 2009, this blog I HAVE NEVER BEEN CHALLENGED ONCE. Let’s spool back to the Prairies and have a look at the possibilities of Global Warming proofing the West. If we do not lift a finger, a peek at California gives our Westerners a sneak preview of their future prospects. California is much closer to the Equator as are many other countries that are now suffering from the increase in temp. Canada, being closer to the Pole will not be affected by an increase in temp in the short run, it may even be advantageous for things like agriculture. As the countries, strung out along the Equator, both north and south, including California, dry up and the agricultural output drops where will their food come from??? The production of crops is even diminishing in the southern States. Properly managed by our Federal Government and all of the Provinces Canada could become and not only an energy superpower but the breadbasket of the world. Who gives a shit if Obama likes the Keystone or doesn’t like it. Shipping tar mixed with Benzine across the nation will have no standing in Canada. The tar will be mined, upgraded and refined right in Fort McMurray, using unlimited cheap, clean hydro power from Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland and transported via the Twin Beaver Pipeline, all the way from BC to Nova Scotia. Spurs will got to the NWT and Churchill. Along side the raw oil pipe will another smaller pipe that transports natural gas from BC, Alta., Sask. and Man. to Eastern Canada. Existing privately owned natural gas distribution systems will be purchased or expropriated. No Natural gas will be imported from the USA into this Country. This will end the secret McGuinty / Russ Girling / TransNotCanada deal which allows Girling to import cheap, fracked nat. gas from Pennsylvania and Michigan and sell it to Ontario and Quebec at Alberta prices. I wrote to Herr Harper about this matter and he did nothing? Interesting, Albertans rail away at Eastern Canada yet on a daily basis the American oil monopoly, TransNotCananda, Enbridge and Kinder Morgan give them a royal screwing. It is very important to be able to see who is the enemy and who is a friend. However Paul Godfrey and his Post papers are paid to make that determination all but impossible. Buy a National Post and stay confused, poor and make sure your children will never have jobs, ever. In terms of drought / flood proofing the West here is the plan. Since weather and water travels over the borders of Provinces it should be a Federal responsibility to coordinate the responses to drought and flooding. Here are two examples. Ottawa should form a Canadian Corps of Engineers made up from the ranks of Veterans and injured Vets. Teams of such could be deployed across the Country to work with Provincial officials on any urgent matter. Secondly, all of the machinery, equipment and controls should be modular. Not unlike the IKEA approach. In terms of reservoirs, pipe, valves, pumps, installation equipment, spares and the like would be developed by the Feds and packaged up for shipment anywhere in this Country. I can see all of these components being made in different parts of Canada. The steel pipe could be made in Hamilton, the welding equipment in Alberta, the pumps being made in Montreal, the Maritimes could look after all of the controls, the valves could be made in BC and the assembly centres located in Saskatchewan and Quebec. I would bring in the universities that are not in bed with the American oil monopoly Calgary and Carleton Universities. In building the NEW CANADA there is no room for Fascist sympathizers. I have absolutely no confidence in the construction, architectural and engineering establishment here. It has become too Americanized, making money is more important than the project or its goal. Everything takes much longer than estimated and is always over budget. Creating a small earthen mound costs as much as building a pyramid. As a Pickering Councillor I got real tired of the aforementioned soaking the shit out of the Town. I became very unpopular asking tough questions. The Bay Ridges Subdivision in South Pickering was one of the first of its’ kind in Ontario. You could buy a decent home for $ 999. Across the building site ran a small stream. Water ran from the heights in the north down to Lake Ontario. The subdivision builder turned the stream into a ditch and lined it with asphalt. BAD. Asphalt is made for roads. Eventually what became know as the Krosno Road Watercourse got overgrown. People threw garbage into it. It flooded at times and stunk to high heavens. The people who lived in Bay Ridges wanted it piped for a million bucks and the farmers in my Ward were not interested. When I arrived as new Councillor this pot was already bubbling. I looked at the Krosno, the Greenwood Community Centre and the Pickering Museum in the same way. There was plenty of opposition to all 3 projects. How could we get them done on time, within the budget and satisfy most of the public concerns. Now there were and still are people with a personal axe to grind. These kinds of people think they are accomplishing something by stopping all progress. It takes nothing to say NO. It takes much thinking and courage to say YES. The NOs never build anything but they are all over the landscape. Most of them now work for the American oil monopoly or the US rightpublicanazis or Paul Godfrey or David Thomson or CTV or Global. The million pipe was never built. I submitted a plan to Council, recommending that the Watercourse be lined with concrete and that it be shaped with a Low Slope Invert. In simple terms the bottom was shaped with progressively smaller channels meaning, no matter the flow it always CLEANED ITSELF. Majority of council liked my plan and submitted it to our local engineering firm which I will not name. The firm still exists. The engineers copied my plan almost word for word, thanked Ken Spratley and returned it to Pickering with a bill for $ 25,000. They had a stamp, I didn’t. They screwed the people of Pickering and I have never forgotten it. That was 50 years ago and things have not changed, especially in Toronto where toothpicks cost 100 bucks. The price for fixing the Watercourse was $ 90,000. I had estimated under, one hundred thousand. The fix was approved and upon completion the talk about the Krosno ditch ceased. Except for one person, Don Kitchen. Don was the veteran Councillor for the Bay Ridges Ward. He had been using the million dollar pipe as campaign fodder. He was never going get Council to approve the mill but Don made points fighting the good fight each time out. Much as the anti car Councillors in Toronto get elected each time. Make a big noise then doing nothing. Don had taken me aside at a Council Meeting and warned me off. Mind your own business Kitchen said to me. Being a stubborn Canadian, descending for Yorkshire old stock, I don’t take kindly to threats. The Watercourse job got done and poor old Kitchen got booted and so did I. The Greenwood Community Centre, in an expanded state still stands and is the home to many local groups. The Centre has brought thousands of hours of enjoyment to the Greenwood area folk. Part of the money to build it came from Pierre Trudeau’s Government as a LIP Grant. We built it on time and within the budget. The Centre is two stories, more than 100 ft long and 60 ft wide. The Pickering Museum was relocated to Greenwood from Brougham and was on time and within the budget. The Museum is now called the jewel of Pickering. The Krosno Watercourse, Greenwood Centre and the Museum can all be seen on the Satellite. All three, came into being because small groups of YES PEOPLE got involved in each project and were determined to succeed, no matter the roadblocks placed in our way by the NO people. The lower mainland of BC suffers from water shortages in the summers. Two of their reservoirs don’t supply much water during the summer months. The main reservoir at Coquitlam was completed in 1914 and most of the flowing water was deeded to BC Hydro. During the warm months the mainland is down to part of the water from the Coquitlam Reservoir. For the US rightpublicanazis and the Canadian Fascists / business supporter Global Warming is not happening. Peter Foster of the National Post is paid by the above to write long nonsense columns about the fact that climate change is NOT HAPPENING. If you are a rightie, living on the Lower Mainland of BC and BELIEVE FOSTER THEN GOOD LUCK TO YOU. I think there are enough sensible people in BC who realize that having only half a reservoir of water in times of drought is not a good long term plan. I see a new reservoir being built in the Harrison Lake area. This reservoir would feed into Harrison Lake at the same rate that Vancouver takes water out of the Fraser River to fill its’ 3 reservoirs. This would be a trickle charge, with water being adjusted 24 hours a day to maintain a constant flow in the Fraser River. Looking at such ideas before the roof falls in as it will with climate change looming on the horizon is much better than telling the residents of Van, they can only shower every two weeks. Lets move to the other side of the Rockies. I have created a topographical map for Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Northern Ontario. All 4 Provinces are intertwined
in terms of rivers. It follows that all four must work together and work with Ottawa to counter flooding and drought. In the Foothills around Calgary, the ground is about 2500 ft above sea level [ asl ]. At Winnipeg the ground is 800 ft asl. The ground falls away to the east and the east north east. Under the Canada Water Act, Alta. and Sask., share the water coming from the Rockies 50% /50%. With climate change this arrangement is going to come apart at the seams. Do we wait till the jug is smashed on the floor or do we deal with the matter like adults. Russ Girling sold the Keystone to the American right on the basis that the pipe could also carry Alberta water to Texas. Our Nazi press never told you that. There is almost no snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountain. The rocky surface on the tops is so hot now that the snow melts as it hits. That Mountain range has gone up two feet because the rock is heating up. As this Mountain range in California heats up the mountain ranges to the north are also heating up, in Oregon and Washington State. Right now the California Mountains have five [ that is 5% ] percent of their regular snow. Oregon has 25% of their regular snow. Washington has 40% of their regular snow. And in lower BC, the snow is down too. If you put a welding flame on a steel bar at one end, your better be waering leather gloves if grab the other end. The Pacific mountain ranges are heating up and shortly there will be no more snow on them. The snow melt from these mountains also feeds the Colorado River. When the snow is gone, the Colorado will be but a dribble. Lake Powell will be a frog pond, the Hoover dam will not have enough water to run the turbines and the Grand Canyon will be dry. Way to go Republicans. The righties say, there is no such a thing as Global Warming. The Texas Panhandle and Oklahoma are going back to the Dust Bowl days. Oh I forgot. Paul Godfrey didn’t tell you about the approaching nightmare did he? I believe that the Fraser River cut through the Rockies will slow the northward heat migration. And the cold from the Pole will mitigate the movement of the heat from California. But time is not on our side. Our efforts should be towards saving every drop of rain that falls and flood proofing vulnerable areas at the same moment. They go hand in hand. Of course the righties, if they are ever forced to face facts will say we can’t afford these measures. It is difficult to teach trained seals anything. The fall of the Prairie ground down to Winnipeg, about 1700 ft lends itself to intensive irrigation, as it was all those years ago in Syria. At the end of the ice age there was a huge lake across the middle of Alberta and Saskatchewan, a depression was left in that ground. There are 3 more flies in the ointment, the 1909 Boundary Waters Agreement signed by Ottawa and the USA. The 1969 Master Agreement on Apportionment, signed by Ottawa, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. And the Mackenzie River Basin Transboundary Water Agreement, signed by Ottawa, BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Northwest Territories and the Yukon. The deal with the States relates to the St. Mary’s River and the Milk River, which flow out of Glacier National Park, across Montana and into Alberta. The St. Mary’s River crosses the Alberta Border and flows into the Lethbridge area, a centre of intense irrigation. Montana is running out of water. In Glacier NP the snow level right now is 55% of normal. Only 26 of the named Glaciers in the Park are left out of the 150 in 1850. So the climate has been warming for a long time and that climb is now accelerating due to human activity and population increase. Fifteen of the most westerly counties in Montana were declared Disaster Areas in June 2015, because of the drought in the western part of the USA. This kind of information is on the net and you have to dig. I think highly of the American people. Since Ronald Reagan, their financial pain has just increased. I feel for them but collectively they have allowed themselves to be led around by their noses by the righties. I put the same knock on Canadians who put up with endless right wing shit, they even allowed Herr Harper to steal the 2011 election and he almost pulled another steal on October 19 /15. Somehow my people came to their senses and threw this son-of-a-bitch out on his ass. But because Steve’s mad, he still thinks he won. As do those around him. So the short shots are that I love Americans but I hate their Fascist Government. I can see what is coming down the track. The US Congress will not acknowledge Global Warming. Although President Obama recognizes the seriousness of climate change, he can’t do very much in the way of readying for a terrible outcome. The California drought, along with the same problems in Oregon, Washington State, Montana and the Great Plain States persist because the Republicans refuse to admit there is such a thing as Global Warming. So each State is being left to strange in the dust on its’ own. The US Nazi media is owned by the rightpublicanazis so the bad news is kept from the people, the media says be happy, don’t worry, Harper used that same line. If you don’t know that there is fire in the building and you are not even told when the fire exits are located, you are cooked. Over and out. I am concerned about the fact that the US Congress will not admit climate change. When civil unrest breaks out because the little people are thirsty and are choking on the dust clouds will the USA come and take our water??? Let’s put it out of their reach. In earlier times when it was dry, various Montana State Governors made statements about tearing up the Boundary Waters Treaty, digging a channel from the St. Mary’s River to the Milk River and keeping water from flowing over the border. Lethbridge and the large farming community there which depends on irrigation would be up Shlitz creek without a paddle. There was also a plan for Montana to dig a channel, at the point where the Milk River crosses the Canadian Border, run the channel
along just south of the border and then join the channel back to the Milk River where it crosses back into the USA. This will deprive Canada of water which is guaranteed in our agreement with the USA. Do we argue with the bear with a sore head while the Yankees suffer from thirst. Right now we can look into the future and take steps to solve the problem before it even begins. Access the Bow River west of Calgary and dig a channel down to existing reservoirs at Lethbridge or build new ones. The overflow would be into the Oldman River. The Bow River could also be tapped west of Calgary and channeled to the Red River and local reservoirs. The Bow River water would only be diverted at high water and reduce the flooding in Calgary. The section of the Milk River in Canada, deprived of its’ headwaters in the Glacier NP / USA could be reconfigured, to be a reservoir for the southern Palliser Triangle. The small rivers running south from the Cypress Springs area into the US could be diverted and channeled Cypress lake or to the Milk Reservoir. The Souris River would be diverted by a channel just north of the US border and be reconnected before it runs into the Assiniboine River. Reservoirs could be located in this area to reduce the flooding at Brandon, Portage la Prairie and Winnipeg. Water could also be pumped from the Red River just north of the Border to the Souris reservoirs. Actually having reservoirs in the area of Souris / Assiniboine Rivers fits into the Master Prairies Irrigation Plan. If the water from the Rockies is not sufficient for maintaining river flows going east, water in Manitoba could be pumped back west along the bed of the ice age lake. In a sense you have to imagine a wish bone. Rockies’ water would flow east along the north and south high ground into Saskatchewan. From these two ridges the water would flow down into the bed of the ice age lake. If the Rockies’ water was not sufficient, the reservoirs at the Manitoba end could be fired up and pump water west into the ice age lake bed. My plan is designed to deliver water to every square inch of arable land on the Prairies from north of the US Border to north of the North Saskatchewan River, just-in-time / 24 — 7. This scheme takes no water away from the USA. If the system get waterlogged, there is a relief valve. The excess water would be pumped from the end of the North Saskatchewan River into Hudson Bay. The Prairies would become the most productive land on the planet, with good crops every year. A new railway system with modern equipment and track to handle the volume of stuff going in and out. I can see the new Canadian Agricultural Board [ the new CWB ] owning the railway, grain and produce storage and port facilities. The world will soon be hungering for food. There is no other country, which will be able to side step the worst of Global Warming and fill the world’s granaries. If I was a Wall Streeter and faced with such an opportunity, I’d say, let’s do it and soak the shit out of starving people at a thousand dollar a bushel for wheat. But I am not an American. I am a Canadian businessman, top products, affordably priced and good service served up with a smile. With that kind of philosophy, a business can run on forever. Stock prices hold, dividends flow, employees have good jobs, security and pensions, local / Provincial / Federal taxes get paid, support firms are create and get paid and money is allocated to R and D. My idea of revitalizing the Prairies has been floated in the past but with Harper and the Fascists being illegally in power this kind of thinking was not permitted in officialdom. Canada would have gone the route of California if the mad man had won on October 19 /15. This Prairie Renewal Program will make money, provide support for the western farmers, create jobs for young and old and indigenous people, make proper and productive use of the land using brain power for once, we can provide food to the world, especially our own British Commonwealth. Which constitutes 58 countries and 2.2 billion people, including the UK. If we supply food to those countries in the Commonwealth, near the equator we will immediately develop trading relationships. Canada would not be able to supply the needs of more than 2 billion people, even if we were going flat out. This approach works a lot better for me than 35 million Canadians, space out along the US border, bent over with pants down or skirts up pleading with the Americans to be gentle when they screw us one more time.

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Corporate American is now monopolistic, is seeking to control world commerce and is a giant PONZI SCHEME IN HIDING. Corporate America has no place in the NEW CANADA and we must organize our laws, regulations and affairs, to accomplish this goal. For starters the transportation / shipping of tar and benzine mix must be banned until its’ characteristics are determine. This lethal, shiny black shit blew in Megantic. There should never be another Megantic. In a sense the consummate greed of the American oil monopoly in Houston has been great for Canada. Houston could just not leave the cheap ISIS oil that has been stolen from Iraq, alone. Neither could the monopoly leave the cheap banned oil from Iran and Russia, being fenced through Turkey, alone. Having the world market flooded with cheap oil has disrupted it. Once the supply chain for any product is fractured it is hard to put things back together again. Houston doesn’t give a shit about the globe financial pain it has caused, the oilies have more than $ 450 billion in the bank. Every Sociopath, small brained person and crooked politician in the world can find employment with Houston. For those who run dishonest businesses like the Post papers, the Globe, the Star, CTV, Global, Bennett Jones, Caldwell Partners, Cassels Brock, Enbridge, TransNotCanada, Kinder Morgan, Dentons / Gaidens / Rodyk / Davidson and the list is as long as my arm. I will name more of them in future posts. That might not happen if Google censors me again, as they did with David Cameron and Steve Harper? If Google is going to censor Canadian content then Ottawa has to step in. I note with interest that nothing the Harper Fascists put on the net was tampered with by Google. Even the NO2TRUDEAU sponsored by the Catholic Church. The sound of petro dollars has a sweet right to the ears of the Canadian Fifth Column. The oilies have lots of money readily available to promote self dealing on the right, undermining the Nation and for anti NEW CANADA efforts. For all of the scum above have no place in OUR NEW CANADA for them. Get out! As a Country we have no clout beyond our borders, but we can certainly deal with the above trouble makers as they now fall under our jurisdiction. Arthur Hamilton of Cassels Brock should be flogged in public. Corporations are considered PERSONS after the Corporations friendly US Supreme Court decided in favour of its’ friends, the rich / elites based on the stretching of the 14th Amendment. In the many SC judgements, corporations are described as having the same rights as NATURAL PERSONS. This gives Corporations the okay to turn an inch into a mile, with no ability on the part of the people to force good behaviour by using the Courts. This is pure nonsense. It is like deciding that Unicorns are the same as Giraffes under the Law. By letting a corporation masquerade as a person, it can operate as an individual, when and where it suits and then explore new illegal opportunities without fear of prosecution. I believe that the legal handling of Corporations in the USA has given birth to the criminal globalization that is now taking place. The criminal corporate activity cancer has now spread to this Country. The solution is fines, the seizure of assets, jailings or deportations A good example right now is the TPP, which raise the power of American corporations above the rights of individuals in democratic countries How would you like being told what to do by Wall Street. The TPP will give them that right and you will have no say in the matter. Anyone selling the TPP, is taking money to help foreigners fuck Canada, as James Moore MP, is doing. James should be made to find an honest job like flipping hamburgers instead. Google worked very closely with Harper in the October 19/15 Election. Google seems to prefer ultra right wing governments, the US Congress, David Cameron and Lying Steve. Times have changed here in Canuckland, we have centrist Government now. If Google continues to favour the right wing ideology over a balanced approach Parliament will have to step in and do a little knuckle rapping. Harper was in the process of delivering Canada into the hands of the American oi monopoly. Steve’s arrangement meant that this Country would become an oil colony of the USA. This outcome was narrowly averted. As well as the rapacious reputation of the oil monopoly located in Houston, we now have the cheatings of VW, Valeant, Target and many other malfeasers. Due to being stuffed to the gills with cheap Iranian / Russian illegal or stolen ISIS oil Houston has abandon Alberta. The people losing jobs in the Province are Barb Black’s little people not the oilies suits. I can not influence the decisions made in Houston but I can and will make suggestions about the NEW CANADA can move ahead. Big Oil is sticking is to us and waving goodbye to this Country. You can’t see me, but I am waving back and shouting good riddance. Now we have a clean slate to work on LET US BEGIN. Parliament has to pass new legislation which remove all reference to natural persons. The new rule must define a corporation, what it can lawfully do and WHAT IT CAN’T DO. Right now boards and directors can escape responsibility when a corporation tanks. This should be changed. If they derive money from a corporation, that gets into financial difficulty, THAT MONEY GETS CLAWED BACK. Bad decisions should not be sluffed off onto innocent parties. The management of a corporation should be responsible for losses which result in a bankruptcy. When applying for a bankruptcy all of the asset of the management must be frozen until all of the bills and obligations are satisfied. If wrongdoing is proved, those involved should be jailed. If this type of regulation had been in place the owners of Target would not have been able to bugger off with company cash in their pockets, when Canadians were still owed money. The legal authorities in this country who okay the decamping of Target should be up on the carpet. Now Target is selling on line into Canada. They have a pile of fucking nerve. Well no more. WE can’t begin building our NEW CANADA with American cutthroats and thieves lurking about. We can’t waste our valuable time, constantly looking over our shoulders. The Fascists are already at work setting an apparatus to solicit money from corporations to defeat the Trudeau Government in 4 years. There is an effort to get this apparatus approved as a charity whereby the taxpayers get shafted to pay for clandestine right wing activities just like the Manning Centre, Fraser, C. D. Howe, Montreal Economic, Macdonald-Laurier, Institutes, the Donner / Canada West Foundations and the Secret, subversive Civitas Society. All of the above will now get money from the US rightpublicanazis to undermine the NEW CANADA. Which do you want? Another go round of American domination. Or a Country of Canadians, by Canadians, for Canadians. The best way to deal with this US Fifth Column is boycott all of those involved. The Paul Godfrey / PostMediocre papers are involved in this scheme, don’t give Godfrey one thin dime of your money and refuse to buy from advertiser who appear in the Post pages. The advertisers who still support the right wing causes are going to have to decide? If they want to play a role in the NEW CANADA, they have to end their love affair with the US righties. Businesses should be made to understand, there will be no playing both sides of the street. You are either part of this renewal or WE WILL PUT YOU OUT OF BUSINESS. WE WILL NOT ABIDE TURNCOATS.

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Somebody has finally figured out how much Albertans got for their oil over the past 25 years or so. You have heard a lot about the top one percent, they have all the money. Well there is another one percent group, they be at the bottom. It is Albertans. For every $ 100 barrel of oil / tar shipped out of Canada they got a mere buck, one dollar, one percent??? If you factor in the toxic tailing ponds that Houston has left for the Province to clean up the people got NOTHING for their oil / tar. My guess is that some, many, most, all of the members of the Petroleum Conservatives were on the take. Can you believe that the very people, elected to look after the interests of the population double crossed their constituents? And that some of these very people still dare to show their faces in public. Politics, the right wing, banking and Wall Street, do draw most of the Sociopaths in to-day’s society. So it would seem that the American oil monopoly has abandon Alberta and in actual fact, other than some jobs, the oil / tar brings in NO MONEY. The down and out in Alberta have to go back to the drawing board.

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You probably don’t know that Canadians and Brits pay $ 1.50 more per gallon for gasoline and diesel than Americans do. When us Canucks and Brits have the ability to refine our own gasoline / petrol and diesel why the fuck are we allowing the American oil monopoly to push us around??? If you run an illegal monopoly, as US Big Oil does and the Governments of Canada [ Harper ] and the UK [ Cameron ] are super submissive, why not use it to advantage? Right wing ideology insists that the exceptionalists like Harper and Cameron continually rape the ignorant mob. With Lyin Steve the area of conflict is tar, with Dave Cameron it is housing on the floodplains. We are familiar with the fact that the English Criminal Justice system was developed to keep Lady Black’s little people in check. Sleeping in the park and stealing bread were serious offenses at the same time the rich did anything they desired. Canada adopted the same justice system. The now deposed Herr Harper was surrounded by thieves yet his inspectors visited grocery stores every year to check that the scales were not rigged. The story of gas / diesel at a buck fifty a gallon difference between us and the US is an outrage. Now that Harper is safely tucked away in his cupboard in Calgary, we saps can do something about it. Alberta tar mixed with Benzine is danger to anyone close to it no matter whether it is in a rail car, in a pipeline or in a storage tank on the Burrard Inlet. The tar laced with Benzine is a WW One bomb mix which was dropped by the Zeppelins on London during 1915 / 16. The fires and explosions suffered by Londoners were exactly the same as we saw at Megantic. There were over 50 bombing raid on London, 600 people were killed and 1500 wounded. The loss of life and damage was so horrendous that a Parliamentary Inquiry was launched and the outcome saw the formation of the RAF. In Canada, Harper allowed this bomb mix to be transported across the Country by rail or pipe, without any restrictions whatsoever. This was equal treatment Harper style, a bomb in every pot. A bomb train derailed on one of the bridges in downtown Calgary. Can you imagine the Calgarians suffering the fate of Megantic??? Disaster was just a spark away but the Nazi press said not a word. Rather the story was told as if it was a load of marshmellows. The oilies were even prepared to endanger the people of Calgary in pursuit of profit, backed to the hilt by Harper, Paul Godfrey and David Thomson. The American oil monopoly were the ones who devised the plan to transport tar / Benzine on the cheap, by pipe, rail or boat out of Canada down to a Foreign Trade Zone in Texas. It was all profit for the oilies, Congress, Lyin Steve and the continent’s Nazi press [ dollars ]. While Canadians and the American people bore all the risk [ lives and lifestyle ]. The FTZ is not considered US soil. Special heavy oil refineries were built there by the American oil monopoly to process very thick oil that the monopoly was stealing from Venezuela. Hugo Chavez and his revolution put pay to that scheme. So Houston was stuck with huge refineries that had nothing to process. The monopoly decided to try tar mixed with Benzine from Canada but there was no infrastructure or approved system to move this lethal mixture which has the volatility of Hi Octane gasoline and the long burn characteristics of tar. If this tar mix meets an ignition source it blows sky high and the tar, once alight burns forever. The answer to the question about the danger of moving this stuff around was simple. The US oil monopoly just said, ” we won’t tell anyone what it is and we’ll call it OIL “. And pay big money for thousands of mentions in the North American Nazi media. This over all of the past ten years. And Godfrey and Thomson are still being paid to call tar / Benzine mix OIL. During the Harper era there was large cash to be made in telling lie. There was no money in telling the truth. But the CBC continued to tell the truth on meager Harper rations. Now it is important that Canadians hear the truth as we get on with building the NEW CANADA. The CBC should be given a handsome budget to assist in this effort. Anyone telling lies, as the Post and Globe continue to do, should be boycotted out of business. And the principals charged with damaging the state by printing False News, a criminal offense. Every time you DO NOT BUY A GODFREY / THOMSON PAPER, every time you do not frequent a Post / Globe advertiser, you contribute to the erection of our new Nation. Joe Oiliver had us pegged as a people who were good at only chopping down trees, breaking rock and hauling water. This was to be our fate under Harper and will be if the Fascists get the chance in the future to cheat their way back into power, with the help of the US rightpublicanazis. When I look at Canadians I have a different take, I have had 80 years of being a keen observer. If everyone was given a Stradivarius violin, in unison, we could play Mahler’s Adagietto such that it would make the angels weep. Kids, you got it made in the shade. You could be 60 and still be a kid to me. The sky’s the limit. Pick up your bow and seize this moment. The tar and Benzine threat could not have been started by the monopoly without the permission of mad Harper who was in their employ. Interestingly, Harper’s money raising prowess was a total fraud cooked up by the nazi press. Steve got his money from the American oil monopoly in brown envelopes like Mulroney did. Over ten years the oilies have spent a fortune trying to buy this Nation. They almost wrecked Canada in the doing. But the people finally saw through the Fascist fog which emanated from the Post papers, the Globe and tar, CTV and Global. A much revived CBC, with a decent budget can now hire fair minded journalists to cover town and country on the net and replace the Nazi media entirely. Canadians are entitled to know what is going on across the Country so that the big decision facing us can be steered by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Eat your heart out Brian Mulroney, Preston Manning, Elizabeth Cannon and Stevie Harper whereever you are hiding.

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There is so much fretting in all of the media. It would seem that the epidemic of talking heads who live in a right wing echo chamber don’t know their asses from a hole in the ground. The US rightpublicanazis have defined their free market universe for us. Under Harper we were going to have to toe that line. THE WELL PAID HEADS HAVE ACCEPTED THE FACT THAT THERE WILL NEVER BE A BETTER MOUSE AND HAVE BASED THEIR COMMENTS ON THIS OUTLOOK. Nothing can ever be allowed to change in the rightie world. That is why they kill innovation. I say screw that. We have the ability to develop a new mouse trap every year if we put our minds to it. Here’s a new mouse trap. I am adding to the stuff I already wrote about the National Energy Strategy which was initiated by Premier Alison Redford, elected with a majority by Albertans, then driven from office by the American oil Monopoly located in Houston. This dirty deed was done to her by the Nazi press, the National Post and the Globe and Tar, Godfrey and Thomson with his billions were well paid to do the dirty deed. Although Joe Oiliver tried his level best to kill the energy initative, all the Premiers of the Provinces and the Territories sign on to the NES. That opened the door to many new mouse traps. I suggested that a new entity be created called the Canadian Provincial Energy Corporation. The first step was to do an inventory of all of the energy assets of each Province and Territory. It then follows that a determination can be made as to how the various energy resources could be made to compliment each other. An example would be, in the tar sands natural gas is burned to heat water and coal is burned to generate electricity. In Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland there is a huge surplus of clean, cheap hydro electricity. Every drop of water that goes over the dam spillway and bypasses the turbines is wasted energy. While Ontarians pay 20 cents a Kw, Kathleen McGuinty and the nukies throw 10 cent Kws away. If this surplus electricity was sent to Fort McMurray it could provide heat and light with no CO2 count. That is how Canada meets its’ Paris targets. Did you know that only TWO COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD HAVE THE NATURAL ENERGY ASSETS TO BECOME TOTALLY SELF SUFFICIENT IN ENERGY? We could build a firewall right around Canada and live happily ever after with plenty of heat, light and enough juice to run every machine and gadget we can imagine. Yet because of the US rightpublicanazis we puddle along asleep, attending food banks, like a third world country, as the Americans strip mine our wealth. I want to add something to the CPEC agenda. While the Corps of Veterans and wounded Vets is doing the inventory of Provincial energy assets I would like them to determine how much gasoline, diesel and jet fuel in consumed in each Province and Territory. Maybe you didn’t know the American oil monopoly has closed most of THEIR refineries in OUR Canada. They have made us dependents of the USA, forever in bondage. The Yankees are now buying cheap ISIS stolen oil at less than $ 20 a barrel, refining same into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel which is sent north of the border, where we a pay price based on $ 100 a barrel. This is really astounding. Plus, if there was a world crisis we have no reserves of fuel, something Pierre Trudeau and his NEP tried to prevent. I don’t want the Americans to have their hands around my balls so they can just give a little squeeze every so often to make me say uncle. Only an extreme fool would put himself in such a position. Harper put us in this position and we were extreme fools. My question to you,BE WE FOOLS STILL??? Equipped with the fuel consumption of each Province we can then gauge how many refineries we need in each. So the tar that is needed to fill the requirements of the Provinces and Territories
plus say twenty percent is what gets mined in Fort McMurray. The power used Eastern hydro electricity. I’m guessing that we need to ONLY NEED TO DIG UP about 1/3 of the tar that is being mined at the present. But you have to understand that the American oil monopoly doesn’t get a fucking cent of it. We have our own tar and we have our own market, SO WE ARE SELF SUFFICIENT. We no longer need to sell $ 100 of oil for a buck. And the price paid for fuel by Canadians will be costs, plus a rate of return for investors plus Fed. / Prov. / Terr. taxes. Again I am guessing, 60 cents a liter, with ALL as in ALL of the money staying in Canada. So at the Fort McMurray end there is a lot more money and at the pump end, Canadians drivers have their fuel costs cut by half. I would say, under this scenario both Governments, in Alberta and Ottawa would be in surplus. So in Alberta and Saskatchewan we have to divide the upgraders which turn the tar into real raw oil ready for the refineries. This would be based on the percentage of bitumen in each Province. This would mean that the tar / Benzine mix only travels a short distance through double walled industrial pipes from mine to upgrader. No more spills and no more Megantics. Raw oil is not what Paul Godfrey and David Thomson call oil in their papers. Each Province and Territory would be allotted refinery capacity based on their fuel needs. We would have to produce enough jet fuel for all Canada’s airlines on a regional basis. Many of this Country’s refineries have been abandon by the US oil monopoly and I would wager they have been disabled to ensure that are never used again. Sort of a scorched earth touch. The Republicans, who collectively operate out of state capitals in the takeover of the rUined
State of America have often said, ” If we can’t have America, nobody shall “. Surprisingly, although the Repubs have taken control of their Country, they have destroyed it in the doing. After determining how many Government owned refineries are needed in each Province, it is a matter of finding how many are working and how abandon ones there are. The operating refineries we would buy from the US owners, if they refused we would expropriate them. For the abandon refineries, if they have been trashed that would not be a big problem. Just like developing modular clean water plants for the 600 Indigenous People’s Reserves we would have modular refineries, IKEA style in a box, designed by the National Research Council. The raw oil would be refinery ready out of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Raw oil would be transported via the Twin Beaver Pipeline across a northern corridor, from BC, east and north of Fort McMurray, a spur to the Territories and the Yukon, across to Thompson Man. with a spur up to Churchill, down to Sioux Lookout, across to North Bay, down to Ottawa, a spur to Toronto / Windsor and a Spur to Montreal, through the eastern Township of Quebec to the Maritimes. This would mean Canadians everywhere would have gasoline, diesel and jet fuel from alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba refined locally. I would put the new National Fuel Reserve north of Thompson on the Canadian Prairies Agricultural Railway on its’ line to Churchill. If there was an emergency gasoline, diesel and jet fuel piped on the reversible Twin Beaver at any time. The modular refineries would eventually replace all the old American oil monopoly refineries. The situation we have now for the few remaining US refineries which the monopoly has permitted us to hang on to are one off situations. GM build tens of thousands of cars all the same. Clean water plants and refineries can be built the same way. One style of shut off valve should fit every refinery across this Nation by the time your grandchildren get married. Do you know how much money interchangeability would save? Interchangeability is the key to lowering your gas price. In Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick EVERY NUCLEAR PLANT BUILT BY ATOMIC ENERGY CANADA WAS A ONE OFF. SOME OF THE PARTS FOR THE OLDER NUKES ARE NO LONGER AVAILABLE AND MUST BE CUSTOM MADE. IN SOME CASES THE THE ENGINEERING BLUEPRINTS ARE LONG GONE SO IT IS A MATTER OF GUESS WORK. IS GUESS WORK GOOD ENOUGH FOR A NUCLER PLANT? LITTLE WONDER ONTARIO HAS ONE OF THE HIGHEST PRICED kws IN THE WORLD. THE AMERICAN OIL MONOPOLY HAS ABANDONED ALBERTA AND THE SMALL OIL BUSINESSES IN THE PROVINCE. THE MONOPOLY HAS CLOSED MOST OF THEIR REFINERIES IN CANADA AND IS SELLING US HIGH PRICED GASOLINE, DIESEL AND JET FUEL MADE FROM ISIS OIL STOLEN FROM THE PEOPLE OF IRAQ. DO WE ALL SIT HERE WITH OUR FINGERS UP OUR NOSES OR IS IT PEDAL TO THE METAL??? AS WITH THE HARPER OUSTING, REFINING OUR OWN RAW OIL??? HOW MUCH PAIN ARE YOU WILLING TO EXPERIENCE BEFORE YOU ACT??? YOUR CALL??? Paul Godfrey never let you in on any of this stuff did he? The National Post was and is being paid a ton of cash to leave you out of the loop. Rob Breakenridge certainly does that. Rob, stick your pen and microphone up your ass, what a load of shit. Some storyteller? Do you also sweep the floors?

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This is another tale Paul Godfrey won’t touch. First off, every time Russ Girling opens his mouth he lies. But then Russ graduated from the University of Calgary as did Steve Harper, so that explains it. It was determined that Alberta had natural gas deposits and very conveniently there was a demand in Ontario and Quebec for that same natural gas. A pipeline was proposed way back in the 1930s but money and the technical expertise were not available. As the economy of both Canada and the USA boomed after War II the demand for energy grew. Canada learned a hard lesson that when the USA needed energy it came first and we always ended up second. Thus the mood in this Country favoured railways and pipelines being located in Canada. A US group under the name of TransCanada Pipelines and Canadian investors in Western Pipelines spit the cost of building the 2,400 mile natural gas pipe. Financing was arranged through Canadian Bank of Commerce and the Royal Bank of Canada. The Liberal Government [ the people of Canada ] .guaranteed 90% of the loans. Ottawa and Ontario agreed to pay for the portion of the pipe around the north shore of Lake Superior. The pipe had to take an ALL CANADIAN ROUTE so that the supply of natural gas to Ontartio and Quebec was NOT CONTROLLED BY AMERICANS. The Mainline as it was named was to remain under Canadian control in perpetuity. It was built to bring Alberta natural gas to the Ontario and Quebec markets. It was a pretty clear mission statement. This arrangement between Alberta, Ontario and Quebec has stood us in good stead. But with the advent of the USA oil monopoly seeking to take control of this Nation by virtue of our own Canadian Quisling, Steve Harper the Americans have taken many liberties. One of these liberties is messing with the TransCanada Mainline. Russ Girling changed the game plan behind the backs of Canadians. Girling has gradually introduced American fracked natural gas into Ontario and Quebec and reduced the flow of Alberta natural gas to the East. he had no right to do this without the permission of the Governments of Alberta, Ontario and Quebec as well as the Federal Government which controls interprovincial and international trade. As Girling brought in more US fracked gas into Ont. / Que. the utilization factor of nat. gas being transported by the Mainline dropped. Typical of a Sociopath, Girling went to Harper’s National Energy Board seeking higher tolls on the Mainline to be paid by the shrinking Alberta nat. gas industry. The reduction of nat. gas shipments from the Province to the east saw the Government royalty revenues fall by 75%. Thus Albertans and their nat. gas industry were forced to pay for and fashion their own noose with which they have been hung. This was done by virtue of TransCanada, a supposed Canadian company which is actually owned by Wall Street. This exercise is called strip mining wealth from Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and Ottawa by the Americans. And this heist was APPROVED BY THE NATIONAL ENERGY BOARD WHICH AT THE TIME WAS AN ARM OF THE PMO. All of those involved in this heist are Nietzsche Myth adherents, many of them being former students of the University of Calgary. They have been taught by Elizabeth Cannon that there are two kinds of citizenship. The Overmen and the Undermen. A small group of the chosen, self anointed exceptionalists Overmen and then the rest of us, Babs Black’s little people, the ignorant, mob numbering almost 35 million. Who have been treated like beasts of burden by the much superior Russ Girling, educated at Calgary U and almost as good a liar as Lyin Steve and Joe Oiliver.

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Those directly responsible for the rape of Alberta are the American oil monopoly, Steve Harper, the Alberta Petroleum Conservatives, Russ Girling / TransNotCanada, the National Energy Board, Dalton McGuinty, the Ontario Energy Board, the Albert Utilities Commission, the PostMediocre papers, the Globe and Tar and the Star. The job of Harper, Alta. PCs, NEB, McGuinty, OEB and the Alta. U Com. is to look after the interests of Barb Black’s little people. A job at which they all failed miserably. Transport Canada and the Canadian Trans. Safety Board are supposed to look after the interests of the citizens. NOT! They looked after Harper’s interests. There are many more oilie shills, involved in ending democracy in this Country, who love money more than Canada, like Preston Manning, Andrew Coyne and Rex Murphy. What they have wrought, is they’ve put Alberta’s natural gas industry out of business, WITH NEVER A HOPE OF RECOVERY. The Americans have now put a stranglehold on the natural gas supply to Ontario / Quebec, wherein householders are paying Alberta prices for cheap, undependable fracked US natural gas. This whole US fracked nat. gas industry is based on a wing and a prayer. Fracked nat. gas wells do not last beyond 5 years and very often only produce for 3 years. The fracked nat. gas and the fracked oil industries are typical of the wild west rightpublicanazi free market strategy. This so called free market is not free at all, it is rigged by the rich / right. Over my 500 anti Harper / anti US Government posts, I have explained the many ways the rich / right have strip mined the wealth of the American middle class, this involving various schemes. During 2004 to 2008 Wall Street extended the strip mining of wealth to Europe, Iceland and Ireland. The world Nazi press was paid to keep the rapine secret. In 2006, with the elevation of an employee of the USA oil monopoly, by the name of Steve Harper to the leader of the Oil Party, eyes from south of the border turned towards our beloved Canada. And the strip mining of wealth started in Canada with Harper facilitating this effort. The rightpublicanazi plan was that Harper would remove every impediment to the US cut throat commerce, like environmental protection laws, maintaining our clean water and allowing the oilies to come into our Country and take every resource that wasn’t nailed down. Things that were nailed down were not even safe. If you have seen those 1890s pictures of all the covered wagons in the mid west of the US, lined up in a race to find homesteads on native lands on the Great Plains. That is what a fracking rush looks like, both nat. gas and oil. Rig operator race up and down on back roads tearing them to pieces looking for places to drill. The local people and municipal governments are ignored as they have no say in the matter or right to stop the onslaught. The US Corporations / Washington use this same approach in the TPP, Lady Black’s little people should know their place, at the end of the line. For State Governments and Washington it is hands off the free market, let the raping begin and we will get our cut. This is free enterprise at its’ best. Another plus for the rich / right is a lot of stock can be unloaded on unsuspecting suckers, Energy East is a good example. Fleecing suckers is the specialty of David Thomson’s Globe and Tar. Holes are drilled by the frackers, chemicals are injected into the ground, operators do not have to reveal what they are putting into the ground. Underground rock is fractured, the aquifers drain away. Farm wells go dry or start filling up with noxious liquids and smells. Life in Pleasant Valley get destroyed but nobody in authority cares. The garbage generated by fracker is just thrown into local fields or gets dumped at the roadside. This is what Harper was bringing to Canada. The Yankee Overmen dominating the Canadian Undermen. Fracking is like gold rush fever with no government in charge. In terms of fracked nat. gas, there were too many well drilled and the resulting glut of gas caused prices to drop. OH? That is something new? Over supply causes prices to drop? In the California specialty agricultural industry, like nuts and such, Washington imposed a supply management system to prevent overproduction, keep prices high and store any surplus until it can be dumped in another country. This system is still in place but Washington wants Canada’s supply management ended so crops can be dumped in this Country. The ways the Yankees find to screw Canadians are endless. Harper welcomed them all. When a California crop gets dumped the US taxpayers are on the hook. But the US Nazi media says nothing. About the American supply managements, OUR Nazi press says nothing. Soon the price of a cubic metre of fracked gas dropped below the break even point. Frackers went broke but stole silently into the night, leaving their investors and banks high and dry. Had the States put supply management in place, the areas to be drilled would have been limited and qualified, environmental regulations enforced, local citizens would have been involved in the process, frackers would have been responsible for their garbage and been required to cover road damage. There would have been limits of the number of drill rigs and when the supply of nat. gas had reach a preset limit, the operations would be stopped. Wear and tear would have been much reduced for local communities and the citizenry, taxes would be forthcoming, damage or pollution of water sources would be minimized, fines would be levied and very importantly there would be no nat. gas glut. The price of nat. Gas would have remained at $ 7.50 MMbtus instead of dropping to less than two dollars. As a businessman I can’t understand this insanity. Allowing corporations to operate unrestrained has destroyed the American dream, the system is either full OFF or full ON. Who benefited from the natural gas fracking revolution??? In terms of Pennsylvania or Michigan, the only people who won big were the stock promoters who vamoosed early. Of course the politicians got their cut. Now money people have bought up the rights to the dormant nat. gas wells and are looking for customers and cash. Ontario and Quebec were obvious targets but there was a problem. The Provinces were getting their nat. gas Alberta and had been doing so for 50 years. But Russ Girling had all the answers. With the backing of Harper’s National Energy Board, with the help of Dalton McGuinty and Dalt’s friends at Ontario Energy Board, Russ began feeding US fracked nat. gas into the Ontario scene. Eager to help in the switch, was the paid Nazi press that withheld the real news about the big screwing. Covering up once again were the National Post, the Globe and the Star. Covering up is easy to do, just say nothing and get paid to say nothing. Those involved in this bait and switch scheme are all believers in the Nietzsche Myth, as taught by the Universities of Calgary and Carleton. At its’ heart the Myth says some people are better than others. An individual who thinks he is better than his fellows, can self declare exceptionalism and join the right wing cult. These self anointed Aryans are mostly male but there are some females like Danielle Smith, Jenni Byrne and Rona Ambrose. Just imagine being among all of the power people in Canada, at a secret meeting of the Civitas Society. The be leaders of men like Ezzie Le Rant, Pierre Poilievre, Brian Lee Crowley, Aaron Wudrick and Preston Manning. If I was able to attend a Civitas meeting, I would bow low and kiss the hem of Aaron Wudrick’s garment. In reality Wudrick is a young nobody. In rightie circles he is a big cheese because he can recite the right wing creed. And almost as important, Aaron never thinks of thinking for himself. Ciitas members have no interest in the rights or welfare of the average citizen and this in a so called democracy. Well their day is now passed. On display before our eyes, is a well known rightie failing. They will never admit making a mistake. All the Canadian Fascists are turning themselves into pretzels trying NOT TO SAY, ” We lost the 2015 Election “. It is interesting to watch the righties on the CBC avoid the 2015 election like it never happened. I particularly like to watch the sly, dishonest, chickenshit Tim Powers, who is paid to tell lies. When you listen to Tim speak, what he says and what he means are two different things. Powers has remained in the Fascist lying fold because he so mirrors mad Steve Harper. The Fascists are going to pay Powers for the next 4 years to pour sand in the gear box of the NEW CANADA. Tim will be VERY HAPPY if no Syrian refugees arrive on our shores, if our indigenous people never see clean water, if wounded Veterans never get help and if your children never find work. The Fascist counter attack is now on in the Nazi media [ not the CBC ], the Post papers, the Globe, the Star, CTV and Global. In terms of natural gas, Russ Girling has dismantled, without authority a system economicthat has worked for 50 years and provided Ont. / Que. with a secure source of nat. gas. This secure system has been replaced with an iffy fracked situation that may run dry in ten years. And then what? We start by buying extra sweaters? Just where the Yanks like us best, bent over, pants down, skirts up, pleading for the Americans to be gentle. Already the US companies that supply Ontario and Quebec with nat. gas have become involved in price fixing by withholding supply. Just like TransAlta, a US Company did to Albertans in 2010 / 2011. At peak periods TransAlta shut down coal plants to create shortages and raise prices. This is a business strategy used by American energy firms called,” Economic Withholding and Discretionary Outages “. ENRON USED THE SAME SYSTEMS. TransAlta stole at least $ 160 million from Albertans but it took 5 years for the Petroleum Conservatives to act. Ontario and Quebec ARE RIGHT NOW PAYING THE PRICE FOR PRICE FIXING IN THE US FRACKED NATURAL GAS MARKET. Harper and his National energy Board and the Ontario Energy Board didn’t let out a whimper. Neither did our Nazi press. There is a lot of money to be made by people like Paul Godfrey and David Thomson, just don’t say anything and receive cheques from the oilies. Price fixing is okay in the states. What Girling warrants is a criminal charge. He screwed Alberta, Ontario and Quebec WITH AN OKAY from Harper, Danielle Smith / Wildrose, the Jim Prentice Petroleum Conservatives and the Dalton McGuinty Fascist Liberals. And as usual, ably supported by our Nazi press. In 1957 Parliament, C. D. Howe especially, was concerned about having the nat. gas supply for Ontario and Quebec in Yankee hands. Ottawa had energy experience during the War, of the Americans always putting their own interests ahead of Canada’s. The Federal Government opted for an all Canadian route for the Mainline even though the cost was greater. The extra cost has long since been paid back, like investing in Bombardier. For 50 years Howe was proven correct. Alberta, Ontario and Quebec prospered from such an arrangement. The 1950s Liberals faced American greed. Likewise Pierre Trudeau. In 1973 Washington and the American oil monopoly precipitated the OPEC Oil Embargo. For some months the USA suffered from gasoline shortages. Tricky Dick Nixon and the oilies never admitted their involvement in the OPEC crisis. The US media was paid to let them off the hook. In fact the official history of the USA leaves out the part where Nixon / the monopoly started the 1973 crisis. Harper was himself in the process of rewriting Canada’s history with the help of Paul Godfrey and the Yankee Donner Foundation. In 1974 the Congress reacted to the gasoline shortage by denying responsibility and looking for a scapegoat, which they found. OPEC of course. In 1974 Congress passed a Law which required the oil monopoly to bring all the oil they could get their hands on HOME, if another crisis arose. This meant that all of the oil in Alberta would go Stateside if there was another oil shortage. Canada would have come to a dead stop. Pierre Trudeau said, oh no you don’t. Ottawa passed the National Energy Program, which was based on Canada getting first call on Alberta’s oil. Ottawa had jurisdiction over Alberta oil crossing the border into the USA. It would have been unthinkable for parliament to allow the Americans to take all of our oil in a crisis and leave Canadians high and dry. After the 1st oil well in Leduc No #1 blew in [ 1947 ], Ottawa and Ontario put up the money to set Alberta up in the oil business. Canadian taxpayer’s dollars went into the project but Ontario was restricted to buying Alberta oil at a premium. I had a motorcycle, an aeroplane and a car. I paid extra for my gas. Quebec was not part of this deal and purchased cheap middle east oil and had lower gasoline prices. So it cost me right out of MY POCKET for Albertans to go into the oil business. The Province was a have-not, had no roads, few workers, no infrastructure, no pipelines and no customers for the oil. Each time Jen Gerson writes an article on the oil business in Alberta for the National Post she leave out the bit about the helping hand Ottawa and Ontarians gave to Albertans. Trudeau’s NEP infuriated the oil monopoly and their paid friends in Congress. With the American dedication to Manifest Destiny, they still feel that the Canadian West belongs to the USAand that the NEP was an insult. This upstart Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau sticking his nose into Yankee business, well did you ever. The NEP spoke to a shortage of oil. In 1979 Washington and the US oil monopoly precipitated another oil crisis, the Iranian revolution. Rather than creating another oil shortage, OPEC and Russia flooded the market. In 1981 oil prices fell. The American oil monopoly did not need much Alberta and the price was rock bottom. The Province suffered financially but the oilies were not about to admit they had screwed up once again, were screwing Albertans and say sorry. No never admit a mistake, find someone to blame. The Western papers were paid by the oilies, to blame the Alberta 1980s downturn on Pierre Trudeau and his NEP. That NEP lie has been told hundreds of time,especially in the Post papers. As well in the 1960s, Ottawa and Ontario gave Alberta money to perfect the system to mine the tar sands, which is a perfectly legitimate business. The tar sands has now been totally discredited in the world by the actions of the American oil monopoly, a rouge outfit is there ever was one. . In their greedy quest for profits there has never been any attention paid to the garbage they generated, their pollution of rivers, the tailing ponds and the general destruction of the environment. Which was all okayed by Harper. Hundreds of millions was spent by the oilies on climate denial and whitewashing. There is nothing wrong with mining the tar sands but the involvement of the USA oil monopoly in the operation ruins everything, for Albertans, Canadians and the environment. The US rightpublicanazis and Harper’s Fascists live /lived in a fantasy land. The rich believe the rightie claim, ” it is the survival of the richest “. If your boat is sinking all the money in the world won’t keep you afloat. rather, Darwin proved it was those organisms that adapted were the survivors. Since mother nature continues to throw curves at humankind it is those who have the ability to think who will be the survivors. Harper, before he ran away, said evil forces in the world were causing Canada’s slump and especially in Alberta. Steve told Albertans there was nothing he could do for them. Yet 59% of Albertans voted for Harper and his Fascist Party. How much abuse does it take to see passed Lyin Steve? Living in a hole in the ground and drinking tailingpond water??? The abandonment of Alberta by the oil monopoly is a godsend in disguise. With the US rightpublicanazi agenda being imposed on Alberta by the Petroleum Conservatives and Ontario by the McGuinty Fascists, both Provinces are now in extreme financial distress. Russ Girling by severely reducing the nat. gas industry in Alberta, the old Mainline is down to 29% useage. Girling and Mcguinty / Ont. Liberals are both profiting from the spread between Alberta nat. gas rates [ charged to the customers in Ont. / Que. ] and the cheaper US frack nat. gas rates [ which Girling pays ]. Girling is not only cheating Alberta, Ontario and Quebec, he wants to use the 50 year old Mainline pipe to ILLEGALLY haul tar mixed with Benzine to the Maritimes, for shipment to Texas. You know the same shiny black shit that blew up in Megantic. This means that all Canadians along the TransNotCanada Mainline route will be at risk, just so the US oil monopoly refineries on the Gulf have raw product to process. Customers in need of nat. gas in Northern Ontario will be out of luck if Girling is allowed to convert the mainline to bomb mix, like North Bay. I really don’t think so Russ, try again. Alberta has been abandon by the US oil monopoly. Obviously, there is more money to be made by the monopoly buying oil from ISIS, stolen from Iraqi people and fenced through Turkey, our supposed NATO ally. That stolen ISIS oil is being sneaked into the USA via the Delaware River. Also coming in is banned oil from Iran and Russia. This cheap oil is being refined as gasoline, diesel and jet fuel and sold on the US eastern seaboard by the oil monopoly and is also exported into eastern Canada with our price being $ 1.50 more per gallon [ gasoline and diesel ] than what drivers are paying in the USA. The monopoly is bringing stolen / illegal oil in at about $ 20 a barrel. Canadians are being charged for our imported gasoline, diesel and jet fuel as if the oil was still $ 100 a barrel. As well, Canadians in the East, when they buy gasoline, diesel and jet fuel are financially supporting ISIS, the territorial demands of Russia and the atom bomb building in Iran. Our airmen are over in Syria and we drivers are buying bullets for ISIS to fire at them. North American drivers unknowingly provide the terrorists with money to create havoc. We have put finish to Harper, now we have to get rid of the American oil monopoly, TransNotCanada / Russ Girling /, Al Monaco / Enbridge, Kinder Morgan, CPR, CNR, the Post papers and the Globe. Not one of them will do anything positive to build our NEW CANADA. One analyst in the Chicago futures market exclaimed with obvious glee, that the USA oil monopoly was reaping a 28% return on investment, on the backs of Canadians. John Ivison gets his paycheque for hiding such info from YOU. LET ME BE CLEAR, buying a National Post helps propel this Nation down the road to serfdom. The real description of what the oil monopoly is doing to us is called stealing. The only way Canada can be in this fix is crooked politicians like Harper and his Nazi press, taking petro dollars under the table. US multinationals, that are allowed to call themselves person, have changed the way they do business. They concentrate on making profits no matter the laws and no matter if their customers, employees, suppliers and communities where they are located get screwed. No more, we don’t need them. The right wing US Supreme Court has bent their constitution to give corporations an unfair advantage. We here in Canada still live in a democracy, this was affirmed on Oct. 19 / 15. Because American corporations are classed as persons, we do not have to follow suit. Such businesses look for government hand outs, threaten loss of jobs, threaten to move out and talk about investment fleeing to other countries, pull up stakes in the middle of the night to avoid responsibilities, all which is all pure horseshit. There are at this very moment 11 multinationals facing criminal charges in Canada. Valeant Drugs, is an American company hiding in this Country. The CEO, Michael Pearson has built his business by buying small drug companies with important health products. He pays too much for these aquisitions, thus Valeant is loaded up with debt. Then Pearson double or triples the price of these life saving drugs which means they are beyond the financial reach of people who are ill. In the case of other drug makers pulling this stunt, Ottawa can just expropriate the drug patent and engage a Canadian generic drug make to duplicate it This criminal approach as egards doubling or tripling drug prices, is attractive to some investor who don’t care where their return comes from even if people lie bleeding on the pavement. Much like the American oil monopoly and Russ Girling / TransNotCanada. The name of the game is to juice up stock prices which benefits the management and nobody else including the investors in the long term. Now the insider trading suit against Valeant has caused that stock to drop 50% since last year. I love it. Heinz / Kraft have been laying off Canadians in St. Marys and Leamington after their merger to juice up stock. Caterpillar close it diesel plant in London Ontario and in the last couple of days, it has laid off 500 workers in Alberta. Caterpillar was juicing up their stock. We don’t need any of this! All of these companies are directly connected to Wall Street. We can’t build a NEW CANADA with such rapacious, undependable, dishonest foreign companies run by Sociopaths, in our midst. We must pass new Labour legislation that promotes the union movement and keeps corporations management honest or puts them in jail. People have a right to gather together as a group to further their interests. US Corporations have had that right forever, protected by congress. The Corporations are now furthering their interests by taking over the world, by pushing globalization. Some smart countries are reacting to the coming US takeover by putting up tariff walls, thus anti globalization. If the Civitas Secret Subversive Society and the Alberta Wildrose, led by Preston Manning, have the right to meet behind closed doors to discuss the overthrow of Canada, it is not unreasonable for people of all ranks to join a union of their choice to bargain for a living wage. In my sketching out how we can build the NEW CANADA in practical terms, every business involved with the Canadian Provincial Energy Corp., the Twin Beaver Pipeline, the Prairie Railway and climate proofing the Western provinces will have to be unionized. Now I am going to put on my mister-fix-it-hat. How do we tackle these problems, which long-gone-Steve considered dark world forces beyond his control? Boy was old yeller Harpie, ever wrong!!! Listen up.

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The abandonment of Alberta by the American oil monopoly is winding down to completion. As stated, the monopoly is too busy buying ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil to be interested in Alberta’s tar. Once Humpty Dumpty falls off the wall it is a difficult situation to try and glue him back together again. Once somebody like the suits in Houston disrupt things, it takes a long time for normal to return, if ever. Washington / US oil monopoly caused the 1973 OPEC crisis. Washington / US oil monopoly caused the 1979 Iranian Revolution. In 1992, Washington / US oil monopoly caused the Venezuela Revolution. In 2003, Washington / US oil monopoly invaded Iraq. In 2013, Washington abandoned Iraq. This set loose terrorist gangs, which eventually invaded a Syria, beset by civil war. Georgie Bush Jr. said Iraqui oil would pay for his War. Bush lost that war. But for a time the American oil monopoly was buying oil from whoever was in power in Baghdad. After the Yankees cut and ran, Iraq was taken over by roving gangs. Each needed money and as a result they stole oil where and when they could. The stolen Iraqi oilin the hands of ISIS was cheaper for the US monopoly than the going world price. As ISIS became better organized and their number grew the stolen Iraqi oil became even more important. The Americans helped organize the shipment of ISIS oil through the black market in Turkey to the Mediterranean. A small refinery was set up by the Americans in western Turkey to process ISIS oil for their use as gasoline, diesel, lubricating grease and other products. The Russians built a parallel pipeline across Turkey to the Mediterranean to access the same foreign flag ships picking up ISIS oil for the monopoly mega oil tankers. Since Russian and Iran were / are such good buddies, the Russians were refining oil from Iran and sending it back. This has been going on for a long time. When Iran was hit with sanctions it became difficult to raise cash. If oil was being sent into Russia to be refined, why not send even more oil from Iran into Russia and use the existing pipeline through Turkey to the Mediterranean? The same small ships carrying ISIS oil out to the oil monopoly / Wall Street super tankers parked in some quiet place out of sight. This providing Iran with US oil monopoly cash via the back door in Turkey was the reason the Iranians helped Putin highjack Malaysia MH 370. With two Iranian and 3 Russian pilots aboard, the Boeing flew around India, north to Iran where it overflew that Country and landed in Turkmenistan. The Chinese passengers were all killed and the Boeing was scrapped. Debris was scattered in the Indian Ocean by Putin to confuse all of the timid world powers like England, France and the USA. In fact David Cameron and his Air Accident Investigations Branch have all the satellite data that was never released. But enough information was came out to be able to determine the Long Range 777 overflew Iran and into Turkmenistan. The ability of the American oil monopoly to buy ISIS, Russian and Iranian oil for a song caused the oilies to abandon their regular suppliers like Alberta, Nigeria and other such countries. Needing cash, places like Nigeria dropped their price, other followed and the price spiral went steadily downward. Alberta, deciding long ago to deal with only one patron has no such option. As I said, once Humpty is in pieces how can he be glued back together. In 2014 the American oil monopoly has precipitated yet another world oil crisis. The mess you see around you in this Country is the reason MONOPOLIES ARE ILLEGAL HERE. But since a Republican US Congress allowed the the formation of THEIR oil monopoly in the 1920s no other country has had the balls to take on a monopoly with a $ 450 billion bank account and the backing of Washington. The oilies have the ability to buy GOD if they wished. Uniquely the oilies didn’t succeed in their attempted to takeover Canada, even with Stevie Harper, flush with petro dollars, at the helm. Lyin Steve was able to buy the allegiance of every Sociopath and small brained person in the Country. This crowd of hyenas is out baying every day now, saying the new Government will cause the roof to fall in. The exact opposite is the case, we are already progressing towards those sunny, upland slopes. They hyenas are everywhere, especially in the Post pest papers. And yet the American oil monopoly that they supported, lost bigtime. As the oil facilities are abandoned in Alberta it is clear the oilies will walk away from the tailing ponds. The Province is now on the hook for that cleanup. With the fractured world oil market, caused by the US oil monopoly, the price of oil is going to remain depressed for a LONG TIME. With angry environmentalists in the streets, green energy on the increase, with environmental laws, coastal water restrictions and tighter safety regulations the USA oil monopoly will find it almost impossible to operate in the NEW CANADA now. In an attempt to strip mine the wealth of other countries, after picking the bones of the American middle class clean, Congress is now trying to scare Canada by talking about a fence along the 49th parllel. I think it is a great idea. As the NEW CANADA TAKES SHAPE, IT IS SELF SUFFICIENT IN FOOD, IT IS 80% SELF SUFFICIENT IN MANUFACTURE GOODS AND HAS THE POTENTIAL TO BECOME FULLY SELF SUFFICIENT IN ENERGY, IT WOULD BE GOOD TO HAVE A FENCE along the 49th TO KEEP THE YANKEES OUT. TO THE WORLD IT WILL BE QUITE A SPECTACLE. THE RUINED STATES OF AMERICAN RULED BY RIGHT WING KLEPTOCRACY [ gang of THIEVES ], RIGHT SMACK UP AGAINST A TRADITIONAL MAGNA CARTA TYPE DEMOCRACY COMING TO FULL BLOOM, BASED ON THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. CANADA UPON REACHING ITS’ POTENTIAL, COULD DESTROY THE AMERICAN RIGHT. WHEN PEOPLE OF THE WORLD GET A GLIMPSE OF A RED DELICIOUS APPLE, AND COMPARE IT WITH A ROTTEN APPLE, THE CHOICE WILL BE CLEAR. IT FOLLOWS THAT THE US RIGHTPUBLICANAZIS WILL SPEND EVERY DIME THEY HAVE TO MAKE SURE CANADA’S STAR NEVER BURNS BRIGHT. PAUL GODFREY AND THE POST PAPERS HAVE ALREADY GOT THE CHEQUE TO BEGIN A SMEAR CAMPAIGN AGAINST PM TRUDEAU. IF THE RIGHTIES REFUSED TO YIELD TO THE POPULATION OF MINORITIES, WHICH NOW OUTNUMBER THE WHITES, THEN THERE WILL BE CIVIL UNREST SOUTH OF THE BORDER. THE SQUEEZE IS ON FOR THE RIGHTIE LUNATIC FRINGE, CANADA ON ONE SIDE AND DONALD TRUMP ON THE OTHER. TRUMP PROPOSES TO DEPORT ELEVEN MILLION HISPANICS. TRUMP BETTER MIND HIS MOUTH, HE MAY FIND HIMSELF ON A BANANA BOAT, PULLING AN OAR AND HEADING FOR FIJI?

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Let’s start with the Alberta tar crisis first. Oil prices will not begin to rise until the glut goes away. The glut will not disappear until the players in the global industry cut production. Each player wants someone else to take the hit and cut production. The American oil monopoly will not be returning to Alberta anytime soon. The question is, why should the price of petroleum products be linked to the world price of oil when this market is rigged by the American oil monopoly and the US Government. Canada is rich in petroleum resources and we have a population which consumes gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Why should we allow the Americans to steal our raw petroleum for peanuts and sell the finished products back to us as if they were gold bars. Only a docile / stupid people would put up with such a rank deal. If the docile / stupid people end up in chains then they only have themselves to blame. However, I don’t believe that Canadians are docile or stupid. The Oct. 19 / 15 Election proved that. Canadians, over the past 4 years have gotten up to speed and educated themselves via the internet as to the threatened takeover of this Country by the oilies. The US rightpublicanazis have since 2000 ignored the potential of the net and relied almost exclusively on controlling the aging newspapers and TV industries. Of course the net has seen a flood of individual rightie bloggers who are afraid to publish their names and who keep repeating well known talking points. I was amazed that Harper and the American boys in short pants in the PMO, did not cotton on to the damage being done to the Fascist cause on the Canadian net. I was writing stuff 5 years ago that was very critical of Lyin Steve. I figured at some stage Harpie would shut me down if not sending the Royal Canadian Harper Police to fetch me. About the only ripples on the pond were when Google would not list my posts on David Cameron, mainly about flooding in England, the use of floodplain lands by David’s builder friends to get rich at the expense of homebuyers and the fact that Cameron was in the know about Vladimir Putin high jacking Malaysian Flight 370 and overflying Iran to get it to Turkmenistan. Immarstat had all of the radar tracking results of FL 370 but Cameron chose to give this information to the Malaysian Government which turned the investigation into a fantasy. Enough information was revealed about Immarstat’s tracking results for me to be able to fill in the blanks spots. I am a Commercial pilot. When people, who are not on the know in the media, start printing lies, I disregard everything they say and then begin to determine WHY THEY ARE TELLING LIES? All of the passengers on FL 370 and their Boeing 777 are buried in the desert in Turkmenistan. David Cameron knows this is the case. I look back over my 500 posts, I got away with murder but Lyin Steve and his 28 somethings never caught on. Back to the crisis in Alberta. So there are two choices for the Province. Albertans can just sit and wait, hoping something good turns up. Or take control of the oil business, after all more than 80% of the resources / land belongs to the people of the Province and the rest belongs to the indigenous people and Ottawa. There are only two other things needed to get the oil industry up and running again without the involvement of the oilies in Houston. What are required are the means to convert the tar into raw crude oil [ refinery ready ] and a adequate customer base to buy the crude oil [ not tar mixed with Benzine ]. There are two groups of Canadians now on the American fuck list. Albertans are getting almost nothing right down to zero for their petroleum resources. Those in Eastern Canada are paying for imported US gasoline, diesel and jet fuels as if oil was still $ 100 a barrel. Which works out to $1.50 more per gallon that the Yankees are paying in Yankeeland. The Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Toronto Star, CTV and Global, know the citizens here are being ripped off but have covered the rip off up in return for petro dollars. So now you know the story. Albertans are being ripped of by the Americans. Canadians in the Eastern part of the Nation are being ripped of at the very same instant. Working together within the Provincial National Energy Strategy, we can make this expensive nightmare go away. As the American oil monopoly leaves town, there are a lot of bits of infrastructure being abandoned or mothballed. I am guessing that Rachel Notley and her NDP Government would only have to mine one third of the current rate of tat being processed to satisfy the needs of the East. Here is a suggestion for the new price. The Yankees are charging Easterners $ 1.50 per gallon, more than the going rate in the US. We should split that amount. 75 cents per gallon goes to Alberta and the Eastern price for gasoline drops by $ 75 cents. The Province gets a good buck for their crude oil and we see a reduction. I would sooner see the money go to Alberta than be paid to the Americans in Houston. There is more than enough infrastructure and equipment readily available to process one third of the tar based on the production rate of 2013. The difference however is, Alberta will get every last quarter out of each barrel. After the Venezuelan Revolution, that Country’s oil production dropped by 50%. But, but, but Hugo Chavez got ALL OF THE MONEY.. Venezuela took in far more cash than when the US oil monopoly was stealing their oil. Alberta can do the same. Oh yes, the customer base to support Alberta. Why not Ontario, Quebec and even maybe the Maritimes. We may have to put Irving Oil out of business too. As said, 24 million people in these Provinces are paying $ 1.50 more a gallon for gasoline / diesel than Americans, which is being refined from stolen ISIS oil [ priced at less than $ 20 a barrel ]. This contraband is being purchased by the US oil monopoly and Wall Street. Even the hedge funds are raking in money from ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqis. Even if Alberta upgraded and refined gasoline / diesel based on a per barrel price of $ 75 it would be better than paying the American oil monopoly for imported, ISIS sourced, gasoline / diesel based on a price of $ 100 barrel. Another big bonus, if Alberta started pumping crude oil, would be the fact that when Canadians in the East filled up their cars, they would not be contributing to the ISIS War effort. Buying bullets to fire at Canadian pilots. The countries of the world are scared shitless of taking on the American oil monopoly. And behind the monopoly is Washington, which needs wars to maintain the military establishment, keep Americans in a frightened state and pick their pockets for good measure. Harper used the same scare tactics. Lyin Steve needed Canadians to contribute cash to ISIS so he could ride to our rescue. The Nazi world press is being paid hide this story. Paul Godfrey and Postmediocre signed a deal with the oilies in Houston to print oil monopoly propaganda. I would estimate that Godfrey was getting a about $ 1.5 million to mislead Albertans and Canadians My advice, just cut the ISIS money off. No country should be permitted to buy ISIS blood oil including the USA, the worst offender by far. If necessary jail the monopoly suits in Houston. And impose sanctions on any country doing business buying ISIS, Iran and Russian oil. If necessary warn the Turkish Government, no more stolen ISIS oil and illegal Iranian and Russian oil, crosses Turkey or we blow up the two pipelines, the eastern railways and destroy your ports with oil handling and storage facilities in the Country. Just one raid on Turkey with our CF – 18 fighters and the ISIS conflict would deflate like a punctured balloon. It would be much easier to stop the flow of ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil by bombing Turkey, than put up with these ISIS criminals, month after month. The US Republican Congress must dismantle this monster oil monopoly they created in the 1920s. If not Americans have to remove the Republicans from congress by ballot or revolution. Enough is enough. Canada can take on the US oil monopoly by reviving Alberta’s oil industry, banning the export of raw petroleum. And banning imports of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel from the States. We must slam the door shut no matter the stink. Either the American oil monopoly, in partnership with Wall street is prohibited from buying ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil or we bomb Turkish oil pipelines / railways in a remote area and mine the Mediterranean oil ports, with a warning to American hired shipping. There would be no loss of life. Wiping out the means of getting the ISIS oil into Yankee hands would be far better than having Paris like attacks every two weeks and hiding under our beds shivering with fear. Just what the US rightpublicanazis want. Decisive action is never a smooth road and is not something the faint of heart are capable of doing. But by closing the door on the Yankee oil monopoly, the royal double screwing in the West and the East will come to an end. And the ISIS chapter will close. Alberta will be healthy financially and the east will have cheaper fuel. As well we can bring our young men and women home safe. Canadians held their heads high after the 1812 War, WW One and WW 11. We fought and conquered the totalitarians. Turfing the America oil monopoly out of this Country will allow Canadians to once more hold their heads high. As I suggested, I would have the Wounded Veterans Corps work in each Province and Territory, under the guidance of the Can. Provincial Energy Corporation to determine how much gasoline, diesel and jet fuel is consumed yearly. Collectively all of these numbers would tell Premier Notley how much fuel we all will be needed and what equipment / infrastructure we will need to confiscate, to upgrade and refine the tar. I would raise the total requirement by another 20% in order to create, a National Fuel Reserve. I can see there being two Reserve fuel tank farms. One would be near Calgary and the other in the Ottawa / Montreal area. If there was turmoil in the world nobody could shut Canada down. Right now the Americans can cut off both gasoline, diesel and jet fuel as well as natural gas. Then where the hell would we be? Louis St. Laurent, C. D. Howe and Pierre Trudeau all feared a situation whereby the USA had it’s hand on the oil / nat. gas taps. Please note all were liberals. Wanting to put our oil / nat. gas taps in the hands of the Americans as quickly as possible, were Brian Mulroney, a Progressive Conservative and Steve Harper, a Fascist. Within Canada’s boundaries, Western crude oil and nat. gas has to get to tidewater [ Churchill man. ] and to Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. Now the Twin Beaver Pipeline in simple terms would be two pipes, one for crude oil and one for natural gas, running from Northern BC to Nova Scotia. There would be spurs to the NWTs and up to the deep water port at Churchill Manitoba. Neither the Atlantic or the Pacific coast would be menaced by tar / Benzie and oil tankers. All the crude oil in Canada would remain in Canada except for exports through Churchill, to the UK or the British Commonwealth. But the Twin Beaver Pipes are much more complicated than that. The would be built for reverse flow, both oil or nat. gas and have by-passes. Meaning if a refinery was damaged, oil could make its way from another area where the supply was plentiful. The new Environment Minister is looking for ways to cut the Country’s CO2 emissions. The system I have just described would drastically reduce green house gasses when coupled with clean, cheap hydro electricity from Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland which would be sent West. Not only could Canada meet its’ Global Warming targets, stimulate economic activity, create thousands of good jobs but provide a business madel for the world to follow. I would have the Alberta Wounded Vet. Corps do an in depth study the 174 sq km of tailing ponds. This travesty is a crime against humanity perpetrated by the American oil monopoly. And I am of a mind that these American polluters must pay, one way or another. I don’t trust the US Government or anyone in the petroleum business, Yankee or Canadian. Nor do I trust Paul Godfrey or Davis Thomson. The Vet. Corps in Alberta would be trustworthy and could come up with a tailing pond report quickly. The old Petroleum Conservatives did not even get start investigating tar spills and such for at least 5 years after an event, hoping against hope that people would have forgotten. And paying the Nazi to help people forget. I would want to know the extent of the toxic filth and particularly the volume and makeup of killer goo in the ponds. My idea is to create a series of invoices to be sent to the various oil entities that caused this mess. They are all part of the American oil monopoly but operated using different names to fool the public. The Harper Government knew all about this disguise and knew what the oilies were doing was and is illegal. So each polluter would be given a cleanup bill and the demand, to pay up or else. If payment was not forthcoming then the management of each of the monopoly divisions would be charged, in absentia if necessary. The settlement in the end could be a small fine, a suspended sentence for each suit and deportation to the USA. But on the understanding that there would be forfeiture of all the upgraders, refineries, storage tanks, infrastructure, equipment and leases. These would be given to Alberta. This would allow the Province to begin shipping crude oil again to refineries in the East as well as the West. That distribution system worked in the 1950s / 1960s, it ain’t that difficult. I would suggest that the CPEC could begin buying up service stations across Canada or expropriating them. Municipalities could be given the authority to supervise refueling facilities at national big box stores like Canadian Tire or to even build service stations on their own land. Towns and cities would gain a source of revenue to relieve the over taxed home owners and businesses. Why send all of our money south of the border? All the new service stations across Canada would sell gasoline [ 2 grades ], diesel [ Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel ], propane and hydrogen. The retail price of these fuels would be made in Canada situation and be immune from the ups and downs of world prices. A firewall around this Country would eliminate the American rigged free market from interfering with the building of the NEW CANADA. When this Nation becomes self sufficient fuelwise, our break with the US rightpublicanazis would prove very attractive to the UK and the British Commonwealth. A market with a population of 2.2 billion people. England also pays $ 1.50 more for gasoline and Diesel than Americans do. The UK is running out of oil, natural gas and imports most of its’ food. Flood proofing / drought proofing our Prairies, to increase farm production, at this point in time could be very advantageous to both Canada and the UK. I mean everyone in the world is being screwed by the Americans, I am sure this extends to the Commonwealth too. Becoming self sufficient in petroleum products would allow Canada to meet the fuel needs of many of the countries in the British Commonwealth. The countries of the Commonwealth have much in common with Canada, language, courts, business practices, honesty, currency, trading and banking standards. I am convinced that such countries would love to get fuel from Canada on a fair trade basis instead of being robbed by the Americans. The Yankees will steal your gold teeth fillings as look at you. Supplying some of the UK / Commonwealth with fuel would open up multiple trade possibilities. Why should we take it up the ass with the American sponsored TPP which seeks to confiscate our assets, our rights and form an anti Chinese club with Canada as a muzzled member. There are much better trading arrangements at hand by ditching the USA and going solo, becoming energy self sufficient can begin immediately. I started to learn to fly at age 15 out of Barker Field, Toronto, in 1950. For my Commercial License, 1952, I needed a Night Flying Endorsement. Marion Orr, owned the Aero Activities Flying School, who is in the Aviation Hall of Fame, took 3 or 4 of us out to Malton [ now Pearson International now ] for the evening. Someone flew our Fleet Canuck, probably CF-DYX out to the Airport. The gang hung out in the Tower waiting their turn to fly. In the circuit were DC-3s, DC-4s, North Stars and Constellations. As well as an assortment of smaller aeroplanes. Can you imagine a 2 place lightplane trainer, which crosses the fence at 65 mph flipping around Pearson International to-day??? I know you just swallowed your gum. When it was my turn I did a few touch and goes, the left the circuit to fly down over a fully lit Toronto. I was only 17 and completely on my own. It gave me a feeling that for me anything was possible, the skies the limit. That feeling has followed me all my life. I am sure there are many other Canadian who have the same skies the limit sentiment, but we have all been pushed into the background by the rightie ideologs, naysayers and our Nazi press like the National Post. The right wing doesn’t want idea people, they want slaves. The American oil monopoly didn’t want innovator in Canada and killed or bought up every energy invention developed in this Country. The PostMediocre papers are illegally owned by 3 hedge fund on Wall Street Since the October 19 /15 election these rightie Godfrey shills have come out in full force on TV and in the newspapers [ not the CBC ]. They are trying to rain on Canada’s parade before it’s up and in full operation. If you see someone on TV or read a rightie scribe in a newspaper / magazine who is spreading confusion, doubt or fear, they are pro American, anti Canadian and being paid petro dollars. It is time for all good Canadians to forget trying to get something out of this Country. It is time to look in the mirror and say, ” what can I DO FOR MY COUNTRY TO-DAY “??? The answer is to seek self sufficiency in all our requirements, energy, manufacturing, food, education and health care. Wherein the Canadian dollar, driven to 75 cents by Wall Steet has no affect. The East buys Alberta crude oil and nat. gas in Canadian dollars. And Alberta buys hydro electricity from Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland in Canadian dollars. The Streeters make nothing from these transactions. In tackling these endeavours, it is important to ignore the Yankee stooges who scream at you now on a daily basis. The Post, CTV and all the talking heads who don’t want Syrian refugees are Canadian rightpublicanazis who walk in lock step with the Republican States and Congress. We should deport them all. Understand that the USA right wing owns all of the TV stations, magazines and newspapers here [ not the CBC ]. From you and your children, the Yankees want a lifetime of servitude under the American yoke. And the Post papers, the Globe, the Star, CTV and Global are paid to see you get tucked into chains. The USA is a product of slavery. Cheap labour made that Country rich. The Americans can’t break that mindset and their need for slaves even in 2015. There is a song which is sung at the Last Night at the Proms, a UK musical presentation featured for a number of weeks each Fall. The song is, ” Rule Britannia “. At the end of each verse there are the words, ” Britons never, never, never shall be slaves “. Neither shall Canadians!

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[] An explanation of self sufficiency — We have a Cuisinart Blender. There is a spindle in the centre with two blades. After 3 years the blades were getting dull. I have to tools to sharpen skates, lawn mower blades, garden shears, knives and such. I took me about 5 minutes to sharpen the Cuisinart blades and they are as good as new. If I was not self sufficient I would have called the manufacturer and spent a half an hour on the phone ordering a new blade spindle. It would have been worth about 25 bucks. It would have been shipped via Canada Post for probably another ten $ and would have taken about 10 days. Canada Post provides an expensive service to deliver parcels but they don’t really deliver the parcels. Canada Post cheats like Harper did. They deliver little pieces of paper to say there is a parcel waiting at the depot which you have to go and pick up. Canada Post is another part of that lying Harper Government we just turfed. So I would have gotten my little piece of paper indicating where I, as in ME, could go pick up parcel, for which I had paid to have delivered. Are there any ways to screw Canadians that haven’t been tried yet by the right / rich? I don’t they have missed a single one. WE MUST CHANGE THAT SITUATION. I would have had to drive TO THE DEPOT, there and back, gas costs money and emits CO2 / Carbon monoxide. I’d have probably called Canada Post to complain about being ripped off, another half hour lost. In reality, the repair cost me nothing and took 5 minutes of my time. Attaining self sufficiency in energy is achievable, we have all the systems and equipment, an educated population and an inventory of energy options that other countries would kill for. In the 1950s / 60s, Ontario HAD TO BUY OIL FROM ALBERTA TO HELP THE PROVINCE GET STARTED IN THE OIL BUSINESS. MY BUYING GASOLINE FOR MY MOTORCYCLES, CARS AND AEROPLANES, MADE FROM ALBERTA OIL WAS MANDATED BY OTTAWA. IT WAS THE LAW. BUT ALBERTANS HAVE NEVER ACKNOWLEDGED OUR CONTRIBUTION. IT SEEMS TO BE ALL GIMEE, GIMEE? THAT IS THE WAY CANADA SHOULD WORK, EAST WORKING WITH THE WEST. WHY SHOULD ALBERTANS GIVE AWAY THEIR TAR FOR CHEAP TO THE USA? WHEN ONTARIO AND QUEBEC ARE BUYING GASOLINE, DIESEL AND JET FUEL FROM THE USA AS IF OIL WAS $ 100 A BARREL??? SAPS??? I don’t think so, our usually sharp citizens have been kept in the dark. There are many energy options within our grasp. But the American oil monopoly has paid our Nazi press a load of petro dollars to put a lid on any great idea that poked its’ head above the trench embankment. If we are to escape from the hard and dismal economic conditions Harper imposed, the thinking of Canadians has to change. No more docile or yes master, please be gentle with that whip? The only thing missing at the moment is the WILL of the people to seize the moment and start building the NEW CANADA. WILL that WILL be forthcoming and make a long delayed appearance??? Or will the US rightie song of the Yankee stooges, Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich, which preaches confusion, doubt, anxiety and fear, sap OUR WILL away to nothingness??? Thus rendering the verdict that we are indeed saps! Fools, who deserve every abuse the Americans inflict upon us. []

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Now I will drop the other shoe. In 2008 when fracked nat. gas suddenly made its’ appearance in Pennsylvania, production exploded like all resource plays do in the USA. There were no Government controls and this nat. gas rush followed the path of earlier rushes. It finally stopped when it hit the brick wall. The casualties were the ordinary folk, the environment, the Country as a whole and the suckers who invested in the fracker stock. Who made money? Why Congress, Wall Street, the one percenters, insiders and the USA Nazi media. The oversupply of gas in Pennsylvania and area resulted in a glut of nat. gas. That glut caused the price to fall and then nobody could make any money. The wholesale price of nat. gas dropped steeply from about $ 7 a unit to a dollar something, all because of the actions of irresponsible US drillers, backed to the hilt by Wall Street. It was the wild west all over again. But Canadians should not have to live in that wild west environment because the Streeters decide so. Who runs this Country? The Americans or Canadians??? If there is an illegal racket around, the Streeters will be getting in for their cut. The Alberta nat. gas market had / has little connection to the States. For 50 year Alberta nat. gas came East to Ont. / Que. What government, your representatives, decided to end this successful arrangement. Such a question was never put before the Alberta Legislature, Queen’s Park or the Quebec Assembly. On the nat. gas switcheroony, Babs Black’s little people had no say in whether or not they were going to get screwed and have their pockets picked. Can this be called democracy? Why of course not? What next, ovens? Those who slipped this through under the radar, were Steve Harper and his toadies at the National Energy Board. Ably assisted by the Petroleum Conservative and their shills at the Alberta Utility Commission as well as Dalton McGuinty and his friends at the Ontario Energy Board. Everyone involved in shutting off the Mainline profited handsomely, the only losers were / are Albertans, Ontarians and Quebecers to the tune of billions of dollars. The man who decided to turn the natural gas Mainline OFF was none other that Russ Girling / TransNotCanada, one of Steve Harper’s lying buddies, close associate of Jim Prentice, where ever he is hiding now? And business partner of Dalton McGuinty, where ever he is hiding now? I don’t know about Jimbo, but I am sure Dalt still gets cheques from Girling for selling Ontario out. The Dalt must be a rich man. The nukies gave McGuinty a house worth a million and a half and I am sure they gave him cash too. I have written about McGuinty being on the take a number of times but the Post papers, the Globe and the Star wouldn’t touch the story. Ontarians have got to remember, every time they pay a heating bill or a bill for electricity McGuinty and the Ontario Liberals get their cut. In fact, I am convinced that the Dalt and his friends have their fingers in the Hydro One selloff The use of Alberta nat. gas was as follows, the tar sands mining [ the official name ] used about 10%, the Province itself used about 10%, Ontario and Quebec used to take 48% and the rest was exported to the Western States, which were far from the influence of Pennsylvania fracked natural gas pipelines. But if the Americans can find some way to cheat Canadians they will do it. The Yankees even had Harper, Prentice and McGuinty to do their dirty work for them. This trio is now gone and in hiding. But their dirty work continues to cost Canadians money and that we must bring to an end. The reason that the Americans were able to interfere with the price of nat. gas in Alberta, was that in 1985, Ottawa bowed out of playing a price setter role in the supply of gas to Ont. / Que. The person who delivered Alberta, Ontario and Quebec into the ever eager hands of the Yankee carpetbaggers, was none other than Brian Mulroney. You know, the Canadian prime Minister who took $ 300,000 in crisp bills while still in Office. Lyin Brian burned his records, then lied about the above bribe in Court, this to get a settlement of $ 2 million in crisp new bills thanks to the Canadian taxpayers. I worked for Mulroney in the Whitby Riding. Eventually our Association had had enough of Brian but he quit 2 month early, like a true rightie chickenshit, they all bolt. He left Kim Campbell out in the wind, hanging by her thumbs. During the 1993 Election our entire Association sat on their hands. As did other local PC riding associations. Mulroney knew he was going to be defeated so he ran away. In 2002, Mike Harris did the same thing, he took off and all you could see was that yellow streak running down his back. Poor Jim Prentice is cursed with a yellow streak as is Stevie Harper. Running away is their strong suit. Up to 1985 the price of nat.gas from Alberta was pegged. After that the Petroleum Conservatives in the Province sought to please the American oil monopoly, because the price of nat. gas could be manipulated to the oilie advantage, to the disadvantage of Albertans and Easterners. In 1980, the US Government, under Ronald Reagan was concerned that North America was running out of nat. gas and having Alberta tight in the grip of the Yankees provided some comfort to Washington. The Yankees already controlled Alberta oil and in 1985 they controlled Alberta natural gas. If you read Canadian documents pertaining to our nat. gas in the 1990s it is clear [ as Harper would say ], that everyone, who was anyone had swallowed the cool-aid regarding the free market. You know, when you pay people to believe there is actually a free market, they WILL BELIEVE THAT THERE IS TRULY A FREE MARKET EVEN THOUGH THAT IS NOT TRUE. In the press coverage of almost every section of the energy industry, free market forces were and are trumpeted. There is no free market, such a claim is totally false, the one% control the free market to enrich themselves. All of the rightie writers / commentators knew /know full well that the market was / is rigged, with Lady Black’s little people, who constitute the majority, always on the losing end and I mean always and I mean to change that. IF YOU CONTROL YOUR OWN DESTINY NOBODY CAN LAY A HAND ON YOU. Since 1995, the prices of oil and nat. gas were / are controlled from Houston. The oilies made / make money, their shareholders made / make money, as did the suits in Calgary and as did the Prentice Petroleum Conservatives. But room to cook the books in a regular oil market by the insiders was very limited. Cheating is best done when there is turmoil, which is what Harper always up to. The world oil market was stable in the 1990s and so was the Canadian nat. gas market. Things began looking up for the cheats in Houston when Georgie Bush Jr., invaded Iraq. Junior got tired of riding his mountain bike and playing with his tin soldiers. Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld, Junior’s nursemaids, suggested he start an adventure in Iraq which would pay for itself. The plan was to steal Iraqi oil, sell it and the US would keep the money. The American oil monopoly has been immersed in that Iraq process since 2003 and still is. Those who sided with the Yankees in Iraq got their cut from the monopoly. The American people really didn’t see a single cent. The US oil monopoly, Congress, Wall Street and the US Nazi media divied up the loot from stolen. The North American Nazi press didn’t say boo. They got lots of petro dollars for NOT SAYING BOO. The Iraqi War is the child of Georgie Bush Jr. He fathered the War and then ran from the mess like the chickenshit righties always do. Bush created the environment for ISIS. ISIS is also the child of Georgie Jr. As the Bush War ran into trouble the oil monopoly continued to buy oil, on the cheap, from whoever controlled the Iraqi oil fields. The American people got sweet bugger all, other dead children, a bigger tax bill and a destroyed economy compliments of Wall Street. When Washington decided it could no longer prevail in Iraq, there was a rush for the exits by Rummy and those at the Pentagon. How does one quit the field and not look like a coward. The US Nazi media managed to handle that spin. Cowards were turned into heroes and Americans never caught on to the ISIS crisis in the crafting. Right wingers always run when the bullets start flying, as Harper did. Our Nazi media [ not the CBC ] is now into smearing PM Trudeau and they’ve allowed Lyin Steve to escape all scrutiny. As the American Government fled the scene, the oil monopoly just changed gears and continued buying stolen oil from whatever terrorist group held the Iraqi oil fields. Millions upon millions worth of stolen oil has been spirited out through Turkey, a NATO ally who is on the take. These monopoly dollars belongs to the Iraqi people who do not have electricity and clean water. Little wonder that a group like ISIS has arisen in the void. The Americans are making money out of the ISIS conflict, costing other countries millions and scaring the hell out of the word population. Congress loves the ISIS War, as does David Cameron, as did little Stevie Harper. When people are frightened a police state is much easier to impose as is Cameron doing in the UK now. Prior to the Bush adventure in Iraq the Saudis and Iran supported their own terrorist groups which were paid in petro dollars to wage war in a silent Sunni / Shiite civil war in the Middle East. The fighting was always in some other country so there was no blood on the sand in Saudi Arabia and Iran. Terrorism was always possible because North Americans bought / buys Middle East oil. However, the terrorists were always on a tight leash, they were only given a limited amount of money to carry out Saudi / Iranian missions within the Middle East and against Israel. The odd rogue group wandered farther afield into the world to make trouble but the Saudis and the Iranians soon cut their money off. However Bush’s Iraq adventure changed the terrorist game. Whoever held the Iraqi oil fields in no-man’s-land got money from the greedy American oil monopoly. Rummy wanted a cheap War using 150,000 US troops. The Generals told him they would need 500,000. As a result of Rumsfeld’s incompetence, Don left the Syrian border unprotected, without boots on the ground. That border was to be patrolled using helicopters said Rummy. It did not work. After 65 US Army helicopters were downed by the insurgents, Rumsfeld pulled the helo force. This left the border undefended. Iran started a campaign, ” Come kill a Yankee, all expenses paid “. Religious fanatics from all across the globe, landed in Iran, where they received military training. The insurgents were then flown to Damascus in Syria, put up in the best hotels and treated like royalty. These no-name fighters were armed with Iranian weapons, bused to the Iraqi border and away they went to kill Americans. So Don’s troops were fighting Sunnis, Shiites and now insurgents. Rummy dismissed the importance of insurgents and estimated that there were only a couple of thousand of them in the fight. In real terms there were 10,000 to 12,000 Iranian armed insurgents in north west Iraq, there for one purpose only, to disrupt US efforts to control Iraq and control their oil. Eventually Washington decided that the Iraq War was unwinnable. There were by then 3 adversaries in the ring. The US troops didn’t know who was friend or foe. Georgie Bush Jr. had blundered yet AGAIN, many American soldiers were killed, Iraq was a bombed out wasteland, Fort Knox was badly depleted but there was one constant The Houston run oil monopoly kept on getting oil and Congress kept getting petrol dollars cheques. Maybe for once the US Supreme Court should go after the Republican criminals in Congress instead of spending time punishing the little people. The Court has become a joke, an extension of the Tea Baggers. Whoever held power in Iraq over the past 4 years kept doing business with the American oil monopoly. I mean what do the people in the Middle East do to make money? Nothing really, all their money comes from oil and North America buys most of it. So whatever kind of trouble bubbles up in the Middle East, North Americans make a huge financial contribution to the mayhem. Canadian’s are in a position to-day to become self sufficient in oil, petroleum products and natural gas and stop sending money to the despots in the Middle East. Since the American oil monopoly has a monopoly in North America, Houston charges whatever it wants for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. To the US Congress there is little concern about where and how the monopoly gets its’ oil, as long as the petro cheques to Republican House members and Senators continue. In Alberta the Petroleum Conservatives have been on the oilie payroll since Ralph Klein. Steve Harper journeyed to Ottawa and finally cheated his way into power, with his pockets stuffed with petro dollars. But in the end, the petro dollars that went and still do go to Congress and once went to the Petroleum Conservatives in Alberta and once went to Lyin Steve and his Fascist Party CAME OUT OF THE POCKETS OF THE PEOPLE, CANADIANS AND AMERICANS. Here is a just think? With Prentice and Harper gone, with the Fascist’s asses whipped here, the American oil monopoly booted and the importation of Pennsylvania fracked nat. gas prohibited how much MORE MONEY with YOU have in YOUR pocket??? Once we get the Can. Prov. Energy Corp. up and running, it would be easy to calculate how much richer Canadians are after the Yankees get the same treatment as Harper and his Fascists. Canada will not then be in deficit because we will have put a stop to the American thefts from this Country! After the yellow Americans, turned tail and ran from Iraq, a story that the world Nazi press did not print, there were at least 12,000 unaligned young insurgents left lingering in the NW no-man’s-land of Iraq. They were being financed by various countries and groups but it was hit and miss. They had time on their hands and plenty of captured military equipment. The Bushies had vanished and the insurgents got tired of just killing Iraqis. So this motley ISIS crew turned to empire building. Once they captured the Iraqi oil fields and had ready and willing buyer in the American oil monopoly and Wall Street their position grew much stronger. The rest is history they say. OPEC is blamed for the oil price drop by the world Nazi press. As I have said before, for the newsies there are big petro dollars for telling lies Oil is useless unless you can sell it to somebody and / or refine it for your own use. The American oil monopoly, always hiding behind the curtain in world affairs, is always ready to accommodate any deal whether fair or foul. ISIS, tell-you-what-we-are-going-to-do-said Houston. We will not only buy every drop of oil you can steal in Iraq but we’ll refine some of that oil for your trucks, equipment and operations. Putin hinted at this arrangement between ISIS and the US oil monopoly. Oh right, Paul Godfrey forgot to mention it. The world Nazi media are being paid to keep this story from you [ not the CBC, BBC, PBS and the Guardian ]. Pipelines / railways were already in existence [ shown on Google ] to carry Iraqi oil into Turkey and down to the Mediterranean. A small refinery, at Batman, operated by the Americans was set up to refine petroleum products for ISIS and send them back into the fray. Not only are the US oil monopoly and Wall Street handing ISIS cash for stolen oil but they are refining oil so ISIS can conduct the War and their terrorist activities. The Congress and Cameron ISIS / oil monopoly deal, they can use it to scare people. And to think, Canada sends the RCAF into harms way and we actually pay ISIS, on the other side to kill people and create trouble. Are we stupid or are we stupid. No Canadians a just misinformed, for ten years Harper lied. And for 10 years the Can. Nazi media has lied, the Post paper, the globe, the Star, CTV and Global have been paid to tell us lies. The rest of the ISIS stolen Iraqi oil travels through Turkey, handled by the black market so the Turkish Government can say, ” me-no-know “. Small foreign flag oil tankers pick up the ISIS oil at Turkish ports and transport it out to giant super tankers leased to the American oil monopoly and Wall Street. Some of the ISIS stolen oil ends up at the mouth of the Delaware River. The oil is off loaded from the super tankers into barges at night because the River is too narrow. The US Coast Guard knows the monopoly / Wall Street maxi tankers are there but have taken no action. The barges go upriver to refineries to be turned into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. which are sold to Americans on the eastern Seaboard and in Eastern Canada. So a lot of the killing is being done using funds from Canadians, who don’t have a clue. Why??? Because Paul Godfrey, Davis Thomson and Jon Honderich are paid mega petro dollars to spend time smearing our new Prime Minister. Our Nazi press will not even touch this subject, about ISIS gasoline made from stolen Iraqi oil sloshing around in the tanks of cars in Toronto and Montreal. Way to go Canadians!!! Right now a debate is raging about how best to combat ISIS. Missing from this debate is the option to just refuse to take any more American imported gasoline, diesel and jet fuel unless Prez Obama certifies that it was refined from USA oil. That however is only a short term move. We must begin to create a made-in-Canada-solution. In the future, all the gasoline, diesel and jet fuel USED HERE will have to be made from crude oil from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The bitumen will be upgraded and refined into crude oil in situ, in Fort McMurray. No more Megantics. I see this as a good deal for Canadians. Why SHOULDN’T we here in the East, give our money the the Prairies Provinces to buy our fuel, instead of handing it to the American oilies in Houston for transfer to ISIS fighters??? Meaning more death and destruction??? The natural gas market in Canada has followed the same criminal path of the US oil Monopoly and their buying of ISIS stolen oil and illegal Iranian and Russian oil. The natural gas industry in Alberta was lumped into the world nat. gas spot market by Ralph Klein. Exports of nat. gas into the USA from Alberta and shipments to Ontario and Quebec, had been sold at prices set by the Province and Ottawa in a sort of supply management arrangement. Somewhat along the lines of the Canadian Wheat Board. Interestingly, Mulroney ended the Federal involvement in setting the price for Alberta natural gas and Lyin Brian was instrumental in destroying the Canadian Wheat Board too. He like Harper, couldn’t wait to give control of this Country to the Americans. Mulroney is on the Board of Archer Daniel Midland, a huge food processing and trading Company. ADM did not like the Can. Wheat Board and wanted it out of the way. If Canadians do something the Yankees don’t like, we gotta stop. RIGHT??? ADM by the way has a history of anti trust violations, it has been involved in price fixing, guilty of Federal Corrupt Practices violations and its’ environmental record is abysmal. Just the kind of Company that would suit Brian Mulroney’s talents as an entry level crook. So Brian succeeded in making sure Americans were able to screw Canadians wheat farmers and pick the pockets of citizens in the east who purchase natural gas. Quite some accomplishment? I wonder how much money Mulroney got for deep sixing the Ca. Wheat Board??? If you farm on the Prairies or live in Toronto or Montreal and you have watched your purchasing power shrink. Watching the US oil monopoly steal Alberta’s petroleum resources, the loss of the Wheat Board and being plugged into the RIGGED free American natural gas market without you permission have gone a long way to putting you in the poor house. But now is the time to break out in a smile, the Trudeau Government has the majority in Parliament and has the ability to resurrect a far bigger and better Wheat Board and a new railway system to serve the Prairies. As part of the new National Energy Strategy we can take control of the oil business here. Plus return the natural gas market to one that only operates in Canada. A fair price will be set for natural gas by the governments on the well end and the customer end. The Alberta utilities Commission, the National Energy Board and the Ontario Energy Board should all be scrapped. And if the members have taken money they should be jailed These three right leaning entities have passed their best before date. All they have been doing over the past 10 years is giving Canada’s natural resources away to the Yankees for a song. If you want more security on the farm or in your energy purchases and more jingle in you pocket make you voice heard. The AUC, the NEB and the OEB have to go. Getting screwed by the Americans on a daily basis is getting to be a bit tiring. Of immediate importance is to reclaim or expropriate the TransNotCanada Mainline on behalf of the people of Canada. It was paid for by taxpayers to bring Alberta natural gas to Ontario and Quebec. And the pipeline must be returned to that purpose. In future posts I will explore the process whereby we can become, ” Masters and Mistresses of OUR OWN HOUSE “. The TransCanada Natural Gas Mainline was built using taxpayers money, expressly to bring Alberta nat. gas to Ontario and Quebec. C. D. Howe / the Liberal Government insisted that the pipeline follow an all Canadian route. PM St. Laurent did not trust the Americans. And for good reason, history has proved him right. This Country developed the plan to build the St.Lawrence Seaway, supposedly a joint project with the USA. The Americans dragged their feet. St. Laurent informed President Truman that Canada would go it alone and build the project. The Seaway would be constructed completely within our own boundaries. Eventually Congress got off its’ ass and passed the project. Construction started in 1954. The Seaway cost $ 475 million of which Canada paid $ 340 million. Then those Yankee bastards went around taking credit for the project. That great level playing field that the Americans always brag about, is actually tilted at 45 degrees in their favour with the wind at THEIR BACKS. Even then they are still afraid of competition. The USA is so used to rigging every game that they are no longer capable of competing FAIRLY. The TPP is an attempt by the US to lure small countries into a trade deal wherein their rights will be extinguished, a deal from which they will never be able to escape and whereby they will be used as shield for Americans against the Chinese menace. When natural gas fracking started in Pennsylvania it was just another scheme to separate money from investors. Anyone with half a brain could see this fracking madness was going to end badly. It was being done without scrutiny from Washington and the State, they can’t interfere with the fee market don’t-you-know? It was like hundreds of Hell’s Angels descending on small communities, whereby the laws got thrown out the window. The future supply of nat. gas of natural gas to Ontario and Quebec now depends of this flimsy arrangement set up by Wall Street to maximize profits. Canada will lose again unless WE CHANGE THE RULES! In the end the fracking created a glut of nat. gas and the price tumbled in all of North America. Why should the irresponsible actions of a greedy Wall Street and frackers in Pennsylvania, affect the price the Alberta nat. gas industry gets for its’ product? Financially screwed, the Province’s food banks are running out. There should be no downside to the natural gas industry. But Ontario and Quebec are buying cheap Pennsylvania fracked nat. gas at Alberta prices, up to now there has been nobody in Canada’s corner. Oct. 19 /15 changed all that. We should no longer tolerate this Yankee abuse. Americans should never again be allowed to rig the market, so that they always come out on top. The 2009 price drop for nat. gas in Alberta caused the price the tar sands was paying for gas, to drop substantially. NICE??? This immediately increased the profits of the American oil monopoly at the expense of the people in the Province and local businesses. Low nat. gas prices slowed drillers and reduced the pace of land leasing. Nobody was there for Albertans. On the nat. gas front, Barb Black’s little people, who should know their place according to her, just got screwed once again. The Ottawa Fascists / Petroleum Conservatives / Nazi press had nothing to say. And have had nothing to say about the fucking Alberta has been getting, for the last 6 years. All listed above have been completely mum as Russ Girling and the Wall Street owned TransNotCanada slowly turned the the nat. gas tap off on the Mainline at the Ontario end. Something Girling had / has no right to do. In Ontario and Quebec there are American owned nat. gas distribution companies which deal with home owners and businesses. In Ontario the distributors used to buy the nat. gas off the end of the TransCanada pipe at a fixed rate and mark it up to. They covered the cost of distribution plus a profit in their customer billing. In the old days the Ontario Energy Board, which was supposedly honest, would set the rate the customers would pay. This is until McGuinty came along. The distributors could apply to the Board for an increase in the selling price of nat. gas if costs like labour, electricity, taxes etc went up. NO NATURAL GAS WAS IMPORTED FROM THE USA BACK THEN. Once the glut of fracked natural gas was digested in Pennsylvania, those who ended up controlling the financial remains looked for a way to dump the oversupply of nat. gas. It was realized by the Wall street sharks that Ontario and Quebec would be a good place to dump their oversupply of nat. gas. This, although dumping agricultural products, resources or manufactured goods is illegal in Canada. Part of the unsigned TPP agreement will allow the USA to dump any surplus of anything in Canada and we will have NO SAY. Natural gas is being dumped right now in Ontario and Quebec by the fracked gas operators in Pennsylvania and nobody has lifted a finger. Alberta used to get 60% of its’ resource revenue from natural gas. That has dropped to less than 10% and there has been no outcry from those who are supposed to protect Canadians. Alberta got about as much protection on the nat. gas front, as Megantic did from Harper, Transport Canada and the Can. Transportation Safety Board. Bugger all! Paul Godfrey / Post papers, go on and on about the fact that most Canadians do not want Syrian refugees to come to Canada, which is just another one of his lie. Yet the food banks in Alberta are running out of stock at times because the Americans are stealing the people there blind. To get US fracked gas into this Country the TransCanada Mainline bringing the Province’s nat. gas here has to be turned off. And that is just what Russ Girling has been doing for the last 6 years. To be able to cut Alberta natural gas off in Ontario and Quebec and dump Pennsylvania surplus fracked gas in its’ place cannot be done without the express consent of the Federal Government and the Legislatures of Alberta, Ontario and Quebec. This is a major alteration to the energy delivery system that affects Canadians, especially in the long haul. We here in the East will indeed be freezing in the dark. But this time Albertans will be suffering too. They will have no money and be starving in the dark. The importing of fracked gas from the USA under whatever term Wall Street decides, opens Canadians up to price fixing, which is already taking place. This US gas connection leaves Ontario and Quebec dependent on natural gas wells of a questionable life cycle. To-day there is a glut and 6 months from now there may be a shortage. These ups and downs are well known to insiders and are there for all to see on the net. The only casualties are the customers who are without any protection from various governments. When the future gas shortage occurs, what will the politicians in Ottawa, Toronto and Quebec City have to say for themselves??? That they were asleep at the switch. Or more likely they will say it is just the free market at work. Harper, before he was canned, was blaming dark global forces for causing low oil prices. Rather it was his employer, the American oil monopoly out of Houston, that disrupted the world oil market by buying ISIS oil. If we hear any more free market nonsense from anyone, I will want to wash their mouths out with Grandma’s Lye Soap. If you and your family are cold and your pipes just burst, will you accept lame excuses about the far off USA free market at work??? Girling has been slowly turning the natural gas TransCanada Mainline tap off as more and more US gas is imported into Ontario and Quebec. Now that Girling has cut the Alberta gas flow down to 25% he wants to use the empty pipeline, which he himself has emptied without authorization, this to transport Alberta tar and Benzine [ the shiny black shit the blew up in downtown Megantic ]. Girling has named it Energy East, Harper gave his approval and all the Fascist shills nodded. There is a huge advertising campaign now ongoing about Girling’s Energy East. This whole tar campaign is laced with lies. Which is what one would expect for Girling and Harper, graduates of the University of Calgary, the centre for lying in Canada. As well, Girling’s people have been tracing the route of the Mainline, bribing community leaders to gain their approval for the switcheroony from nat. gas to tar. There should be an OPP Police investigation into Girling paying bribes to elected officials and his connection to McGuinty. But when I think about it, the OPP brass was appointed by the Liberals. Russ Girling is a personal friend of Dalt McGuinty Vince Hawkes will never bite the hand that signs his paycheques. The little people did not stand a chance under Harper and the Can. rightpublicanazis. That is until they used their majority status, ignored Pierre Poilievre, to elect PM Trudeau. Now the wind has shifted Now it is time to use the democratic will of the people over and over again to build the NEW CANADA. One of the first changes must be sacking the Nat. Energy Board and canceling of the Energy East project before shovels go in the ground. The Mainline is needed to bring Alberta gas to Ontario and Quebec for at least another ten years until the Twin Beaver crude oil / nat. gas Pipeline is built It is an insult to our intelligence. The American oil monopoly plans to transport diluted bitumen from Fort McMurray in OUR STOLEN MAINLINE NATURAL GAS PIPE. I MEAN GIRLING DOES HAVE SOME KIND OF FUCKING NERVE. The Megantic bomb mix will go to Irving Oil docks, in St. John NB, on the Atlantic coast and be loaded directly onto ocean tankers destined for the Foreign Free Trade Zone in Texas. The USA will never see a drop of the gasoline / diesel upgraded / refined from Fort McMurray tar in Texas. The fuels will go to the world market. We know that the mined Alberta tar must be mixed up with Hi Octane Benzine to move it. That move should be no more than a couple of miles to a Fort McMurray upgrader. Not 3500 miles across Canada by rail or pipeline. The people of the Province are getting next to nothing for the tar under the present arrangement. Everywhere the tar and Benzine goes, whether by rail or pipe, every inch of the way there is a potential Megantic waiting to happen. This risk zone covers thousands upon thousands of miles and endangers thousands upon thousands of people. All the risk being borne by the little people who actually own the joint, if the truth be known. And all of the profit will accrue to the American oil monopoly, TransNotCanada, Enbridge, Kinder Morgan, the CNR and the CPR. I say send the lot of them packing, back to Houston and Wall Street. Here is what we do as regards Alberta natural gas. Canada takes back possession of the TransCanada Mainline or we expropriate it. Our taxes paid for the building of the pipeline, with the express purpose of having an affordable, safe and stable supply of Alberta nat. gas in Ontario and Quebec. Under these new circumstances Ontarians and Quebecers will have to pay the price of extracting the nat. gas in Alberta like we would have to pay the farmer who grows apples. Plus there will be a cost to piping the gas to the East. Then we would be assured of a stable supply of nat. gas, off into the future. Away from the American sharks. Something that will not happen if we continue being fracked by Pennsylvania nat. gas operators and a very unstable Ruined States of America. A Country which is now bent on creating a new slave class and stripping the wealth for other countries to pay save their skins. A return to the cave man’s laws, eat of be eaten. Right now the USA is living off the avails of crime. About all that is left for the Americans to do is steal money from others, no matter who they are. Using the Mainline for its’ original purpose would mean that the money paid by Ontarians and Quebecers for gas would go to Albertans, all of us using our 75 cent Canadian dollar, driven down by the US Government. Buying Alberta nat. gas would see our money not flow through the money changers on Wall Street. When the natural gas fields in Pennsylvania begin to run out in ten years. We here, will be as snug as a bug in a rug. US nat. gas distributors, own the local networks in Ontario and Quebec. For years they distributed Alberta natural gas and will have to do so again. Or we will expropriate their holdings. The distributors nat. gas connections will have to be cut off at the border so that Canada is self sufficient in nat. gas once again. Alberta will gain revenue for its’ resources directly and the American oil monopoly will be bypassed. The US nat. gas spot market will no longer disrupt Canadian prices. The greedy Wall Streeters will no longer be able to play games picking the pockets of Canadians at will. Self sufficiency in crude oil and self sufficient in natural gas, who can ask for anything more? As work on oil and nat. gas self sufficiency proceeds under the auspices of the Canadian Provincial Energy Corporation we will be able to determine the savings to be had by becoming self sufficient in energy. I would estimate many billions of dollar would remain in Canada and thousands of jobs would be created. There is much negative talk by the recently defeated Fascists, those who know nothing about nothing. These nincompoops rail about the doom and gloom that is going to befall us now Lyin Steve has been turfed. They must be silenced. Don’t buy the Globe, Post, Star or watch CV and Global, they are part of the problem. Commentators and scribes, like Andrew Coyne and Robert Fife, on the right wing, are required to jump over a very low bar. They must first learn the rightie handbook by heart. That isn’t too difficult. The book only has about 15 pages, containing BIG LETTERS, SMALL WORDS and WIDELY SPACED SENTENCES. To qualify they must be possessed of a closed mind. They must never think of thinking for themselves, NEVER. Finally, they must fervently believe that the world will never see a better mouse trap, because the righties have thought of everything and they know everything. Well have I got news for Paul Godfrey and his shill Andrew Coyne. In my coming posts I will put on display a whole host of new mousetraps which have appeared on the scene over the last 25 years. All of which the US rightpublicanazis and their local Canadian branch plant have been able to hide or bury, with the help of our Nazi press.

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How is this for a new mousetrap idea. Let’s replace the electrical Demand Cycle with the Hydrogen Cycle. The Demand Cycle means having enough in situ generating capacity to cover peak demand. The Hydrogen Cycle means that every single kw that is generated by any means, water, wind, sun and conventional fuels [ not nuclear ], can be used when produced or stored in hydrogen batteries for use at a later date. This would mean an abundance of electricity produced and stored locally. The extensive Ontario grid system that is owned by Hydro One would be rendered obsolete. All the marks who gave Kathleen McGuinty money for a stake in Hydro One would lose their investment. With cheap hydrogen kws as a back up and readily available across the Country. Canada could become a world leader in manufacturing hydrogen vehicles. I see spooling up the abandon auto plants in Windsor and Oshawa. This Country could be a global leader in so many areas like this. The western world is so poisoned by right wing rhetoric in the global Nazi media, that this Country would quickly move into a leadership role if we set our entrepreneurs and innovators free. This initiative could be pump primed by Ottawa, the 10 Provinces and 3 Territories. The days of waiting for the Yankees to come in to save our bacon are long over. All the Americans do, every time they show up, is strip wealth from Canada. We just have to put the Post papers, the Globe and Tar and the Toronto Star, CTV and Global out of business. We don’t need people around, paid with petro dollars, putting sticks in the spokes of the NEW CANADA, EVERY DAY. All of the above can be killed off easily, by boycotting the advertisers who buy ads in our Nazi media. I’d give the CBC an increased budget to hire top journalists to WRITE COPY FOR THE NET. This would cover the void left by the departure of Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich and replace what we see on CTV and Global. The NEW CANADA is going to be a complete departure from the Harper / Fascist / US rightpublicanazi mess, we see all around us. we have to break free from the American yoke. New skills and attitudes will be a prime requirement to take advantage of traveling on a high road yet untrod. Doubt, confusion and misinformation bought with petro dollars will not equip us for what will be an entirely the new experience. Canada will need an accurate road map, which won’t be supplied by the Fascists and friends in the dishonest Nazi media. Take for example, changing the way we generate electricity. KW generation has been defined by BIG ENERGY. Canadian governments and the establishment, up till now, listened closely to BIG ENERGY. The interests of the ratepayers was the last thing considered by the politicians / insiders / BIG ENERGY Nazi press. Over thirty years of research has shown that BIG ENERGY will not include any kind energy form which belongs to the people. BIG ENERGY will not include in its’ plans hydro, wind and sun. There is no fuel involved that can be sold at high prices to the citizenry. In Ontario, if you run a nuclear plant you can use all the water you want, FREE. You can even poison that water and there is no cost to Dalt McGuinty’s friends, THE NUKIES. However, if you run a hydro electric plant, Kathleen McGuinty charges a tax on the water that passes through the plant. Even though the water is not contaminated and even though it goes right back into the river, it is taxed. That tax, put in place to make hydro uncompetitive with nuclear goes right on the electric bill of Ontarians. So the ratepayers are paying a phantom tax to the McGuinty Liberals so that the nukies are not pressed by competition on the price they soak us for nuke kws. I have written many letters to John Honderich and Rob Prichard [ before Rob left with a $ 9 million severance, after destroying the future of the Toronto Star ] on the nuclear question. The Star backed Dalt McGuinty and the nukies to the hilt and John and Rob ignored me. The Paper was raking in big nuclear advertising money. As the nukies ruined Ontario’s economy and drove out manufacturers with high priced kws, the Star continued to print nukie lies, propaganda and spin. More than once I have wrote to Honderich saying, if YOU help the Government and the nukies to impoverish Ontarians, who will buy your newspapers? Prichard was the head of the U of T, Rob let his friends on Bay Street get their hands on the University pension fund. They drained it and Rob was out the door. Prichard took over the Star. Rob’s friends showed up again and loaded the paper with a $ 500 million debt. The Star Board then gave Prichard $ 9 million to go away. Dalt put Prichard in charge of Metrolinx where the friends of both of them have been picking the Ontario carcass clean. The McGuinty / nukie cheques were much more attractive to Honderich, than telling the truth. Now Kathleen McGuinty is selling Grandma’s gold teeth to keep Wall street at bey. And what about the Star? Taking Dalt / nukie advertising dollars has helped bankrupt Ontario and the Toronto Star circulation has dropped from 350,000 daily, 5 years ago, to 175,000 last month. HONDERICH, I TOLD YOU SO! IT IS A STRANGE BIRD THAT SHITS IN ITS’ OWN NEST? In this Province, every buck that can be sprung ends up in the pockets of D. McGuinty, K. McGuinty and the Ont. Liberals. When BIG ENERGY makes money, the politicians and our Nazi media get their cut [ not the CBC ]. Much is made in the Nazi media about Going Green, it is just window dressing. Since the printing presses in this Nation are owned outright by the Americans, there is nobody to counter the claim that expensive Green will benefit society. Affordable Green exists but it is hidden from view by petro dollars. Have you heard about the Hydrogen Cycle? Probably not. The Nazi press would never dare run this story. The Hydrogen Cycle connects a number of dots. In Harperland dots were never ever connected. The hydrogen Cycle facilitates hydrogen vehicles, electric / elevated public transit, a revived natural gas industry in the west with increased employment, an Alberta in full control of its’ petroleum industry with increased employment, the building of the Twin Beaver Pipeline, the rebuilding of the railway up to Churchill Man., the expansion of Churchill to handle more Western grain and agricultural products, plus crude oil and LNG, this to serve the UK and the Commonwealth, the construction of the Cross Canada Electric Grid to bring unlimited, cheap, clean kws from Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland to the tar sands. This would immediately reduce western CO2 and go a long way to cleaning up the 174 sq km, Harper Tailing Ponds moonscape. Another big step but doable. In conjunction with all of the above, we could flood proof, drought proof the Prairies and turn the West into the bread basket of the world. Global Warming is reeking havoc on countries close to the Equator, including the USA. Some of them won’t be able to grow enough food to feed their populations, including the USA. If our West is irrigated we could supply tons upon tons of nutritional / affordable food to the coming starving nations, including the USA. We could create good jobs, quickly cut youth employment in half and provide new employment opportunities for indigenous people. All it takes is a little imagination. Paul Godfrey, his Nazi media compatriots and the Fascists, DO NOT DO IMAGINATION. They promote EXTERMINATION. In the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, now under the direct management of the rightpublicanazis, the life of an American adult is THREE AND A HALF YEARS SHORTER THAN FOR AN ADULT IN CANADA. WE HAVE SOMETHING SPECIAL, LET’S KEEP DOING IT. We can help ourselves do that by making sure the plague ridden Yankees are kept south of the border!!!

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I would like to apologize to my many readers on the subject of solving Toronto’s Gridlock. Based on 30 years of research I HAVE CRACKED the Gridlock puzzle. I have been explaining in previous posts the kinds of things that must be done to diminish Toronto traffic tie ups. But as a Pickering Councillor I found that it is one thing to have a good idea and quite another to implement that idea in a municipal setting. Change always puts the noses of some people out of joint, especially staff. It has been my experience that lazy politicians sometimes cede power to staff. This is not the way democracy is supposed to work. In our system a person, who gets the most votes, is selected by the constituents to represent their ward or riding. Staff are not voted in, so should not make any of the decisions. There could be 10 people vying for an office. Our system gives everyone a chance to seek office. We don’t make an allowance for percentages. This is a recent invention by people with an axe to grind. Are they purposely trying to create confusion when Canada has its’ plate full with pressing problems? It is not a good idea for a rider to change horses in the middle of a stream. If the percentage of votes was important, then the choice for the population would amount to question of A or B. 14 million people would cast ballots and the winner would be the one with the most votes, then what? Would the winner then pick the representatives for the people? Rather, in Canada the residents of each ward or riding PICK A PERSON TO REPRESENT THEM IN SAY PARLIAMENT. In a riding with 10 candidates, it is not possible for the winner to get the majority of votes. If 9 candidates got roughly 9% of the votes each and the 10th candidate got 19%, one could say 81% of the votes were cast against the winners. That is pure nonsense. Either our elections relate to giving all the outstanding citizens of a ward or riding the chance to offer their services to the electorate and the person with the most votes takes office OR we find some way of limiting those who run, to two people in each area. Who then chooses those two people? In the Ruined States of America, there are 16 rightpublicanazis running for the Office of President. In this race the people who are running matter, there is no talk about the lack of a majority of votes. The percentage of votes plays no part. In the first-passed-the-post system, the winner who gets the most votes, is actually a PERSON chosen by the local people to represent THEIR interests. And in our system, those elected are supposed to represent ALL OF THE CITIZENS OF A WARD OR RIDING. It is Harper’s Fascists who introduced this idea that a trained seal MP only represented the hard right base. Lyin Steve was in the process of destroying the pillars of our democracy, with the help of the Donner Foundation he was having our history rewritten, Harper has allowed 24 Sussex Dr. to deteriorate so it could be knocked down and he was scheming to eliminate the first-passed-the-post electoral system. Another four years and the Canada that we have known and loved would have disappeared into the mists of time. Fortunately Canadians awakened to the threat and took power out of Steve’s hands before he could do any more damage. We have already begun the building of the NEW CANADA. Already the rightie writers, paid with petro dollars are lined up along the shore taking verbal shots at PM Trudeau paddling up and down in his canoe as if he was tasked to build the NEW CANADA all by himself. Rather, I picture the Toronto Dome filled with 70,000 Canadans pledging to help our new Prime Minister create the NEW CANADA. Scribes like John Ivison, Andrew Coyne, Gary Mason, Terry Corcoran, Claudia Cattaneo, Lawrence Martin, Geoffrey Stevens, Barry McKenna, Jen Gerson and others from the PostMediocre papers and the Globe and Tar are all destined play no role in the building of the NEW CANADA. They are all anti democratic, have no abilities other than being an echo chamber for right wing ideology. They are being paid to lie, misinform, cause confusion, create anxiety, propagandize and do anything to make sure we do not reach those sunny upland slopes. If you persist in buying a Post paper or the Globe, when you read any of the above ask yourself, is what I see before me helping us reach that better Canada??? Conduct yourself accordingly. If you want more mess, what is all around you now, then certainly continue buy a Post or Globe and digest the lies. Then you can answer to your grandchildren. The defeat of the Harper Fascists now allows us to tackle Gridlock in Toronto. The City staff / Parking Department is certainly anti car. That is not surprising as we have had an anti car Council since Jane Jacobs blew into Town in 1969 to escape the New York City Police and the Vietnam draft. Her 2 sons were the right age. Someone who causes civil disturbances and then flees with her boys so they can escape doing their duty, is certainly not my cup of tea. It would seem that there are any number of Americans who show up on our doorstep and then begin telling us what to do. Jane Jacobs and her foreign ideas is the curse that keeps on giving. Jane was anti car but gave no thought to WHAT TO DO WITH THE CARS IN THE CITY. She said that was not her problem which is horseshit. If you start out to solve a small problem, there is no point creating 20 big problems, but Jane was not a deep thinker. Jacobs coined the phrase, ” cities are for people “. This is simplistic babble and is anything you want it to mean. The stats on Toronto, are 70% of people have cars, 24% ride public transit, 5% of people walk to work and JUST ONE PERCENT RIDE BIKES. These numbers have stayed pretty constant for the last few years. This says to me that the City Council has had almost no success in getting Toronto moving after wasting thousands of hours and spending billions of dollars in a vain attempt. Council should move to the sidelines along with City staff and make way for people who can reduce Gridlock. The reason we have gridlock, is the fact that the Council has put every barrier known to man in the way of cars to impede them. The idea was, if car drivers were inconvenienced sufficiently enough, they would be forced to take the TTC. The TTC management, realizing ex driver would be forced to abandon their cars because of the actions taken by Council and forced to take public transit. Thus TTC managers could count on the ex drivers being forced in their direction and there was no need for them to be customer friendly. The bosses could just sit back and count the cash. Council policy has failed miserably. The TTC service continues to scrape the bottom of the barrel. Car drivers dug in their heels and keep on driving, filling the city with Carbon Monoxide. In the early 2000s the City used to test for Carbon Monoxide but the testing was discontinued. The level of Carbon Monoxide in Toronto, north and south of HWY 401 is above the safe limit. In 2000 it was estimated that 5000 Torontonians die each year from Carbon Monoxide. Of course the Star would never tell you that. This dangerous situation would require the City Council and Queen’s Park to actually take steps to reduce Carbon Monoxide by reducing Gridlock. The City and the Province do not want to know about the problem and the best way of doing nothing is to keep the unsafe level of CO information away from the people. And the Star is well paid to hide the truth about CO, Honderich is in the forefront of the move to impose tolls and new taxes to give Kathleen McGuinty even more money to blow. Since the Spadina Expressway was cancelled the Council has been under the spell of car hater, Jane Jacobs. In Toronto elections the voter turnout is about 30% or less. If a Ward holds 50,000 people and there are a half a dozen candidates, the Jacobs , ” cities are for people “, pitch rings true with a small percentage of voters. So a small determined group of tree huggers can ensure that the car is always portrayed as the enemy. Drivers can be subjected to what amounts to extortion, in other words, state sponsored theft to force car owners to give in. This is like being stiffed by the mob. In 1998 Mike Harris imposed Amalgamation. City residents voted against Amalgamation but Harris, like the true Fascist he is, ignored the will of the people. Amalgamation according to Harris was supposed to equip Toronto to shine on the world stage and to save money. Neither of these things happened. It was nothing but right wing balderdash. Something I have never seen in print, is the fact that all parties in the Legislature viewed / view Toronto with fear. Toronto, a great City but run like a Model T, could become very powerful if it was aided and encouraged to fulfill its’ potential. Then the Toronto tail would be in a position to wag the Ontario dog. So on purpose, various measures have been and are being taken to make sure the City never get to the gold medal finals. There are a lot of people who quite like Gridlock. They make money NOT SOLVING THE PROBLEM and right now not fixing Gridlock is seen as a way of raising revenues, paricularly tolls, by Kathleen McGuinty and the car hating Council. When Harris created 44 Councillors voted in in each Ward and the Mayor voted in all across the City he ham strung Toronto. There is no one speaking for the entire City other than the Mayor and he has only one vote. This was a way to bring a Great City to its’ knees and Hasrris accomplished just that. If John Tory had half a brain and understood the impediments that Toronto faces he would have conducted himself in entirely different manner. I have known about Tory for a long time. He and I both worked for Bill Davis. There are people who think they are important and so they think what they do is important. That is John Tory. There are three thing that are important to John regarding Toronto. They are [ 1 ] John Tory, [ 2 ] bread and [ 3 ] circuses. Then there are PEOPLE WHO DO IMPORTANT THINGS AND THEY ARE THE IMPORTANT ONES. The Toronto lacks senior Councillors [ a cabinet ], whose job would be to consider the welfare of the entire City, solve Gridlock and loosening the grip of the tree huggers who look after a single Ward. Mike Harris arrange Council like this on purpose, to cripple Toronto. Which he succeeded in doing. John Tory instead of selecting all his friends to sit on his Executive Committee he should have asked the Councillors to apply for various jobs and had the Council vote on the membership of his Super Committee. Instead of having Tory and his friends battling the Toronto Council, John would have been able to act as Chair of a unified Council. Tory forgets he is not leader of the PCs. I don’t believe Kathleen McGuinty will ever make any moves to allow Toronto to reach its’ full potential. She seems to be content to throw sand in the Toronto gear box every now and then. The next election is just 3 years off. Gridlock is solvable without increasing taxes and tolls. A group of suits has formed the Ecofiscal Commission which included Preston Manning, who operates his Institution for the destruction of democracy in Canada as a charity. Actually a phony charity, approved by Rev. Canada, which should be investigated by Trudeau’s new Government. Don’t give the Liberals, Ecofiscal or Tory’s Civic Action group a fucking cent towards easing Gridlock, you already pay enough. Demand something in return for the taxes you already pay. If that is not forthcoming get out and vote this car hating Council out of Office.
When I figure out how to get around John Tory, the car hating Council, City staff, Kathleen Mcguinty and all of the insiders who can’t wait till tolls / new taxes are imposed, I will post my angle.

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I am of a mind that Nuremberg type trials should apply in the case of Harper One and his close associates. Steve is at least responsible for the deaths of the 47 innocent people at Megantic and the plight of 22 orphans. A story Paul Godfrey will not touch with a 20 ft pole. Godfrey is paid to censor any mention of tar and falsify oil news, a criminal offense in Canada. All of the money paid by the American oil monopoly to Godfrey and his Post papers should have been put into a fund to look after the Megantic orphans Quebec must call an inquest into the conflagration which was not an accident. The CPR bomb train was illegally carrying Grade 3, dangerous inflammable liquids from Fort McMurray in 40 year old, rusty tank cars meant to hold apple juice. The required Documents were not on board. Arthur Hamilton will not be able to get Harper off this time. In jail with Lyin Steve, should be Paul Godfrey, the Houston suits responsible for the tar / Benzine mix illegally aboard that train and the executives at the CPR involved in this bomb shipment. AGAIN I ASK, WHAT ARE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF BITUMEN MIXED WITH BENZINE? At what temperature does the liquid Benzine catch fire? How lethal are Benzine fumes? What happens when the fumes blow? How deadly are the fumes when breathed? Once he ground is soaked with Benzine, can the dirt be rehabilitated or must it be disposed of? Once Benzine runs into the sewers do homes and businesses have to be abandon? How do first responders and firemen know they are dealing with a lethal tar / Benzine spill / fire unless the pipelines or railways notify all of the authorities along every route? This would be a massive undertaking which should be paid for by the American oil monopoly. This cost of lifting the risk of tar /Benzine spills or fires from the backs of Canadians would prove mining tar in Alberta, mixing it with Benzine and piping / railing it to a Foreign Trade Zone in Houston Texas for the world market would be massively unprofitable for the monopoly. Canada along with Alta., Sask. and Man. should determine the cost of cleaning up Harper’s 174 sq km of tailing ponds, send Houston the bill. If Houston doesn’t respond in a timely fashion, then begin seizing the oi monopoly’s assets with a view to upgrading the tar right in Fort McMurray, turning it into raw crude oil ready for refining into finished petroleum products in Canada. I would develop new modular oil refineries so every one of them is the same. The number of modules would correspond to the size of the local population. I would buy existing or abandon refineries all across the nation and expropriate same if necessary. The American will not be allowed to play dog in the manger! It is my conclusion that tar / Benzine cannot be transported safely by pipe or by rail and should be banned. Regaining control over our tar / oil / natural gas is crucial in the the building of the NEW CANADA. THIS PROCESS COULD HAVE BEEN STARTED YESTERDAY???

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My final note is directed to John Ivison, Joe Oiliver, Jen Gerson and Alise Mills. Ivison, F U C K O F F !!! John, you have created enough trouble, done enough damage and written enough nonsense to last Canada a lifetime. G O H O M E !!! Oiliver, F U C K O F F T O O !!! Joe, you ran 2nd best to Lyin Steve in terms of lying. You were born in Montreal but educated in the USA. Go back to the States Joe and end your days in a nursing home with your rightpublicanazis buddies. Good riddance to the both of you. Gerson and Mills, there are ten years of Harper’s sins to answer for before tearing into the Liberal Government that has only been in office for 5 days. I have got a suggestion. Jen and Alise, crawl back into those black holes that you occupy and spend time thinking with such small brains, of positive things you can do to bring the refugees home. We do not need 4 more years of you rightpublicanazi negativity. We do not need Fascists in our midst as we build the New Canada. Maybe CTV would accomplish more for Canada by covering the $ 850 million, given by Harper to his employer, the American oil monopoly that went right into the pockets in Houston. Or maybe, CTV could cover the Harper Tailing Ponds which have now been abandoned by BIG OIL. Albertans are now on the hook for the cleanup. We don’t need CTV whining about PM Trudeau’s nannies who get $ 18 an hour looking after the kids. George A. Cope, BELL USA CEO, has proved yet again what a small man he is. Being of such tiny stature, does not qualify George to play a role in building our NEW CANADA. Want to remain stupid, watch CTV. I am a Progressive Conservative. The American right, Wall Street money, Bay Street money and turncoat Canadians stole both my National PC Party and my Ontario PC Party. I will survive. But the big prize they were after, Canada, they failed to grab on October 19 /15 I have watched the US sponsored Fascist poison spread across Canada over many years by the likes of the National Post, the Globe and Tar and CTV. With the vote we have finally broken free from the American yoke. Rona Ambrose says the Fascists will take back power in 2019. That mean 4 years of attempted Harperite disruption by our Nazi media [ not the CBC ]. Not bloody likely. NEVER AGAIN, SHALL BE OUR WATCHWORD!!!

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IF CANADA LASTS FOR A THOUSAND YEARS, MEN AND WOMEN WILL STILL SAY, THIS WAS ONE OF THEIR FINEST HOURS. Canadians, almost to a person are rallying around bringing 25,000 Syrian refugees to this Country. Most of them are simply saying, HOW CAN WE HELP???. However there are a small number of small brained Harper Fascists lurking about LIKE EZZIE LE RANT, still refusing to admit they lost the 2015 Election and still making trouble. They are still carrying on the never ending Election Campaign. We won already EZZIE. I expect they will still be doing the same 4 years from now. THE ONLY THING I WANT TO HEAR FROM CANADIANS IS, ” HOW CAN I HELP “? If anything else is said, you know you have a Fascist or a Canadian Yankee lover, who gets petrol dollars, on your hands. To the shame of everyone who lives in Texas, the Republicans passed a Motion refusing entry of Syrian refugees. The language contained therein was pure Nazi. It just shows that White Supremacists are now in charge of the Ruined States of America. The Texans don’t want to entertain any of the Syrians fleeing terror, which has been caused by the American oil monopoly, headquartered in Houston, buying stolen ISIS oil. But I will make you a bet, dollars to donuts. When we deport Harper, his Fascist lot and the people at the Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Toronto Star, CTV and Global, the whole kit and caboodle will be accepted by that State without them ever having to show any kind of identification whatsoever. They’d even let Ezzie Le Rant in without a second look. With that rightie mouth Ezzie is an automatic IN. Global Warming is turning Texas into a modern dust bowl and yet the Republicans are wasting everyone’s time banning Syria refugees??????????????? Harper lived in Harperland. Texans live in Texasland where fantasies thrive. Just imagine if all the Canadian rightpublicanazis left our Country and went to live in what is now a drought State. Hallelujah, nothing would please me more. There, they could just screw each other. To Texans, I say, you get the Government you deserve, and boy do you ever deserve the Republicans and the Tea Baggers. I won’t live to see it, but in the future when pictures of Texas appear on the net, they will reveal nothing but clouds of dust and bones bleached white, lying about. Survival of the fittest, my ass. It is the people who adapt to the changing conditions who survive and will survive. This Country is gearing up to adapt to Global Warming and adapt we will. YOU CAN BET MONEY ON IT HAPPENING. It couldn’t happen to a better bunch of knuckledraggers, by the names of Harper, Le Rant and Manning. I don’t want Texans and the other right wing mad dogs near MY COUNTRY! Canada must disengage from the Ruined States of America. Civil unrest has taken over the USA at the point of machine guns. Involvement with the Yankees can only mean this Nation will down with them. Involvement will mean the complete stripping of our wealth n the way down as the US rightpublicans thrash about on the way to collapse. That FIRE WALL SHOULD AND MUST BE BUILT ALONG THE 49TH PARALLEL. Especially unwelcome RIGHT NOW, are the oilie suits from Houston, who have been stealing Canada blind for 30 years! But no more ALREADY.

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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If you read me on a regular basis, you know I get my net news from the CBC, BBC, PBS and the Guardian UK / USA. On the financial side, I get info from Wolf Street, stuff the the Globe and Tar doesn’t dare talk about. They’d lose all of those stock tout / financial adviser advertisements. On the personal level I follow Chantal Hebert. For Western news I catch David Climenhaga and his Dav’s comments are important to me because I get the story of the West right from the horse’s mouth so to speak. The West is dominated by Paul Godfrey’s PostMediocre papers which I get free here in Toronto. I love it! Free lunch on the righties, love it! Every day I compare what info I have collected from my sources and compare it with what’s in Godfrey’s rag. It is amazing how far Westerners are being led astray. For example, did you know that Russ Girling is selling the Keystone idea to Americans on the basis that it is designed to carry Alberta water to Texas as well as carry the shiny black shit that blows up. On the Prairies the snow melts, the water runs downhill into Alberta via rivers that then flow into Saskatchewan. Under the Canada Water Agreement, Albert and Saskatchewan split that water 50 / 50. The plan is, when the rightpublicanazis take over this Country the Keystone will take the Rockies water to Texas and Brad Wall’s Saskatchewan will get SWEET FUCK ALL. Saskatchewan has a population of 1.3 million and Texas has 26 million. Under the Yankee flag the people in Saskatchewan will have no say at all. Imagine no water in Saskatchewan, it will become a desert just like California is turning into. Girling is in pursuit of money and the people of Saskatchewan just don’t count. Off into the future, people will ask why those in Saskatchewan voted for Harper, only to lose their water rights and have their environment turn into a dust bowl. How could they be that stupid??? Well they do have a couple of excuses. Lyin Steve lied to them. Russ Girling lied to them. And Paul Godfrey was aid big money to regurgitated all of those lies and more in print. Of course the business community just loves Paul Godfrey. I recognition of Paul’s contribution to Canadian business, Bennett Jones, one of this Country’s premier law firms [ self anointed ] and Caldwell Partners, a US consulting firm, awarded Godfrey CEO of 2015. All the PostMediocre papers do is publish lies, misinformation, create confusion and anxiety, spin stuff as well as acting as the bulletin board for the right wing in the USA. Oh yes, the boys at Bennett and Caldwell have standards for the CEO Award, Vision, Leadership, Corporate Performance, Global Competitiveness, Innovation and Social Responsibility. Now let’s rank Godfrey. VISION, Paul has none. He manages a newspaper empire that is dying and that is controlled from Wall Street. If Canada survives as a democracy the National Post IS DEAD HAVING SHOT ITS’ BOLT ON A LOSING HARPER. If the rightpublicanazis win, their media will just move in and the Post will no longer be required. LEADERSHIP, well I guess so. Godfrey is leading us into the arms of the Americans. CORPORATE PERFORMANCE, surely this is an inside Bennett / Caldwell joke. When Conrad Black, listed by our Nazi media as a leading Canadian businessman sold the National Post, he had lost $ 210 million of stockholder’s money. Godfrey and Wall Street friends bought the bankrupt Post and it has lost money every quarter since that time. But our media will not tell you that. Of course Black in no longer a Canadian citizen. If Harper wins the Conman will be let back in. If Canada continues as a democracy Black and his Lady will be sent packing. Good riddance. The only talent Conrad has, is stealing other people’s money. GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS, now this is real funny. Godfrey pays his Wall Street masters more than $ 300 million in interest each year. This is highway robbery and just another transfer of Canadian wealth to the Yankees. Every time a homegrown toadstool buys a Post paper, some of their money goes to American writers, PR people and Wall Street. Godfrey’s entire team is being paid to subjugate this Nation and turn us into serfs. Some CEO??? Interestingly, Bennett Jones and Caldwell Partners US picked Pat Daniel as CEO of the year in 2011. Pat had just engineered the biggest spill of Alberta Tar mixed with lethal Benzine ever in 2010 in Kalamazoo Mich. For 2 weeks after the spill Daniel continued to claim it was oil that spilled. Daniel kept telling lies day after day until Pat made himself look ridiculous. The real story finally came out with the North American Nazi media being put into a very difficult space. The Media was being paid big money by Enbridge to make this story go away. More than 500 people were directly affect by the Benzine killer fumes. In 2013 there were still about 175 people under doctor’s care, no doubt some of them were ruined financially. But our boy Pat Daniel got a fat severance. CEO of the year remember. 19 people had died but the reasons for the deaths was never recorded. A cloud of Benzine fumes travel down the river valley for 50 miles, making hundreds more sick, burning eye and heaving chests. Enbridge paid enough money to the Nazi media to bury the news about this poisonous cloud. People so affected complained to officials about breathing problems and vomiting. Pat’s workers told residents that it was nothing to worry about. I wonder how many of those people suffered permanent health problems? The Nazi media never investigated. Enbridge hired private security guards to patrol the Kalamazoo spill site, this to intimidate those whose lives have been ruined. Enbridge has dragged its’ feet on the Kalamazoo cleanup. Some water ways are still closed. For this Pat Daniel was awarded CEO of the Year by Bennett Jones and Caldwell Partners US. But the Bennett / Caldwell boys, women would not be this stupid and uncaring, next year presents a problem for the boys. Will their next CEO champ or chump be, the head of Volkswagen or the head of FIFA? In terms of their standard for CEO of the year, Bennett Jones / Caldwell Partners US are just funning us AREN’T THEY???

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Canada is a mosaic not a melting pot like the USA. Herr Harper’s intent is to make all of us riff raff into 32 million pieces of the Nietzsche Myth’s ignorant mob. This supposed plan of the assemblage of a right wing society was taught to Steve at the University of Calgary, a branch plant of the University of Chicago. Pierre Trudeau held that Canada was a model to the world and it security was based on the ideals of democracy, one man / woman / one vote /, living under a constitution that is based on the rule of law and a high respect for minorities which is incumbent on the majority to honour. This is the Canada that existed before Harper stole and cheated his way to power on a tide of money from the American oil monopoly located in Houston. If Canada is taken from us it would be interesting to do research on how much the oilies paid for this Country??? Since that time Harper, his pal Preston Manning and Calgary U have done everything possible to destroy our democracy. On October 19 / 15 Canadians will get to judge if they want the rightpublicanazis to take over and continue to tear down our society. Thus rendering us a petro state and a satellite of the USA? Presently Canada permits its’ citizens to both live together and to live apart. If the oilies take control we will have little say about our life choices. If Harper orders people to the cattle cars on their way to the ovens, there will be no back talk permitted. Those who can’t move fast enough will feel the sting of Jenni Byrnes’ whip.

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If you care to look up, ” Lame duck politician “, you will see it applies to Herr Harper. After Lyin Steve called the Election he becomes a caretaker PM. His job is reduced to keeping the the place swept out, making sure the windows are closed and the front door locked. Harper has no authority to make any deals with anybody. But if there is one thing the rightpublicanazis are good at is taking what they want, when they want it. The majority on the right are sociopaths like Harper, manning and Conrad Black. Various behaviours confirm that they are Sociopathic. No insight is one. Another is no empathy for others. Perpetual lying is another. Controlling others for personal gain is another, in other words bullying people. Bullies survive because there are far too many folks who cave in. This only encourages bullying. Interestingly we as a society try to stop bullying in our schools but we put up with the bullying of the Harper Fascists. And our Nazi press supports the position of the bullies and is well paid for the doing. My response to bullies throughout my life is to kick him in the nuts or other maneuvers. If Canada is lost to us on October 19 / 15 and the USA oil monopoly does take control, my thoughts will turn to barbarism. I want the RCHP to be clear about where I am coming from. This Nation will not bow to Fascist without a battle.
The Trans Pacific Partnership is an exercise in putting the finishing touches to corporate globalization about which the world Nazi media only has good to say. THE GOOD PART THEY TALK ABOUT REGARDING THE TPP HAS BEEN BOUGHT AND PAID FOR. The promise of increased trade is a pure fantasy. The trade part is fluff. It is a matter of the leaders of various countries giving away the people’s sovereignty to corporations. This world takeover is being pushed by the leadership of the USA. The rich and powerful right wing has just about drained all the wealth from the American people and is looking for more suckers on a world wide basis. The few people who are involved with giving the Canada’s sovereignty under the TPP are in it for the money, like Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and Conrad Black. This is what we face if the TPP is signed and the oilies and Harper steal the coming election. For example, the Town of Stouffville, Ont. is the home of a multinational corporation. The suits running the corp. decide they can increase profits by dumping their untreated toxic waste in the river that runs through Town. Souffville Council passes a By-Law ordering the corporation to cease and desist dumping their waste into the river. Our corporation can just ignore the Council under TPP. If the Mayor and Councilors take any kind of action, the corporation can take the matter to a Board set up by the multinationals themselves. This is sort of like the right wing staging the leadership debates and installing rightie moderators at the behest of Herr Harper. Lyin Steve has no problem with having his friends installed as referees. So Harper has no problems signing the TPP pact wherein the corporation’s Kangaroo Court can say to the Stouffville Council, you have cost Corporation BBB a million dollars in potential profits by stopping the dumping of toxic waste into the local river. The corporation Kangaroo Court can assess the Town a million dollar fine plus costs / interest and the people of Stouffville have no recourse but to pay up. If the people in the Town protest tough shit. The world corporation Kangaroo Court will be able to use the Ontario Court System to extract the million bucks from Stouffville easy peasy. No matter if the people of Stouffville vote against being screwed by the global multinational, that vote will have no standing. If the citizens of Ontario hold a vote in opposition to the folks of Stouffville being screwed, the provincial vote will have no standing. If Canadians take a vote in protest against the screwing of the Town of Stouffville in the Province, that vote will have no standing. Under TPP, what has happen in Alberta, where there are now 175 square km of toxic tailing ponds created by the oilies in Houston, can happen anywhere in the Country and the citizenry WILL HAV NO SAY PERIOD. The US multinationals have a two pronged plan. Corporation will be able to do as they wish in pursuit of profits in this Country and the public will have no say. If a lot of people like me raise a stink the corporation Kangeroo Court can make a finding against us and take everything we have. So the multinationals make money no matter which way the wind blowing. The ideal situation will be when enough countries have been made examples of with this provision in the TPP, the ignorant mob will just fall silent and be happy with the Benzine in their drinking water. The ongoing clean up at Kalamazoo, where Enbridge dumped a million gallons of the shiny black shit that blows up, would never have happened under TPP. If the victims who lived along the Kalamazoo River has protested violently because they could not breath, the armed private security guards hired by Enbridge to replace the local police would have just shot the trouble makers and dumped them into a common pit. When did we see mass murder like that happening, under the Nazis is the answer. Once your vote becomes meaningless, anything is possible. I said to-day, to someone about the coming Election. I fear that too many complacent Canadians are sleep walking into the rightpublicanazi trap. Harper and his Fascist jackboots are everyday dishing out lies and propaganda via the Postmediocre papers, the Globe and Tar, CTV and Global [ not the CBC ]. Coming to one’s senses AFTER the gate of the concentration camp gate clangs shut is a mite too late. But when you think about it, docile people deserve to be led around by the nose. In that way they can’t get into trouble or protest the destruction of their environment???

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If you read me you are aware of my research into the mind of the rabid right wing. The question is how can people living in a so called democracy be dedicated to undermine said democracy yet have everything remain the same. In the USA there are more than 300 million citizens who would never accept what the right is up to if they knew what was really going on. It is obvious that the right has fabricated a fantasy which is on display every day in the Nazi press. The problem is that human nature and mother nature will never bow to the rightie fantasy. The TPP is just one part of this fantasy. When this fantasy and the real world collided all of the millions who are on the losing end of the stick will not be amused. What do 10 million righties do in the face of 330 million irate Americans??? Since the right wing is made up of Sociopaths and small brain drones , it has never occurred to the righties that their flawed fantasy could make 300 million plus very angry. Republicans have said over the years,” If we can’t have America then nobody shall “. These comments seemed to have passed by the Nazi media without notice. It is as if regular Americans do not believe what the Republicans are saying. The Repubs mean, if they can’t run things they will blow the place up. The Yankees who want to remain free, ignore such comments at their peril. Does anyone in a democracy have the right to speak such nonsense? THE ANSWER IS NO! Of course not. The are two paths forward. Either the 300 million Americans destroy [ as in eliminate ] the lunatic right wing and return to democratic governance, meaning the WILL OF THE MAJORITY. Or. The loonies on the right will destroy the Country, they are well along on accomplishing that goal at this very moment. Since Herr Harper stole his way to power on the back of oilie money, ten years ago, I have been trying to get into his skull. I don’t think there is anything up there. Oh yes, Harpie is very intelligent and crafty but in a sterile way. If Lyin Steve was stuck on a desert island he die in 2 weeks. He creates nothing but lives like a parasite of others. The American oil monopoly in its’ constant need to for petroleum reserves is after controlling Canada as it tried to do with OPEC, Iran, Venezuela and Iraq. Compared to the lot, this Country has been a pushover. The Republicans have a history of stealing elections and are only too happy to help the oilies. Many of the elites in Canada have bought into this Nation becoming a petro state. Conrad Black, David Thomson, Paul Godfrey, Preston Manning and the management of the University of Calgary are among those getting to play in the big league and getting rich in the doing. The truth is they are all little leaguers and what they are selling, Canada, is not theirs to sell. But like all whimps they are selling us out on the sly. When the bullets started to fly in Parliament Harper ran to find a cupboard and hid. While his Fascist caucus face the threat of gunfire Harper was in with the mops and brooms. This chickenshit theme runs through the entire right wing. Of course Harper did not invent the rightie ideology which is at the centre of his universe. It came from a small group of American ideologs who are sympathetic to Nazism. Throughout my writings I have compared the moves Herr Harper makes with those of Hitler. In the Fuhrer’s case he just got on with the job of doing evil things. Rather, Lyin Steve is doing evil things behind the scenes. That is why it is so important for the oilies / Harper to control the Nazi media Postmediocre papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, CTV and Global [ not the CBC the remaining source of the truth in Canada ] [ even TVO has succumbed, it is the propaganda bulletin board for the Ontario Liberals ]. If Harper and his Repub friends are successful in stealing Canada’s democracy you will see both the CBC and the CRTC disappear into the mists of history. After that Canadians will have to get by without being privy to the truth. After that Canadians will have to live day by day, never knowing if there will be a knock on the door in the night. I traveled back before Harper and Manning, even before the University of Chicago set up its’ branch plan here, the University of Calgary. The only places in the world where the Nietzsche Myth got traction was in Germany and the USA. Nietzsche’s pitch was that there are two classes of citizens. A small group of self proclaimed exceptionalists and the rest, the Overman and the Underman. All Calgary University’s students are taught to be Overman. Friedrich Nietzsch actually stole this idea of there being 2 classes of people, from Max Stirner, a German who fancied himself a philosopher. Max died when Fred was 10. Elizabeth Forster – Nietzsche, a German nationalist, an Overwoman and an antisemite, bought her brother’s estate from their mother in 1893. At that time Fred, in a vegetable state was propped up in a chair on the second floor awaiting death from Syphilis. Liz saw the opportunity of using her brothers limited notoriety as a meal ticket and a platform for her extreme views. At the time, the 1900s, women were to be seen and not heard. But she saw that she could hide behind her brother’s image to promote her own views. All of the material we now see as being from Friedrich Nietzsche has the hand of Elizabeth all over it. When Nietzsche was introduced to America in translations by H. L. Mencken it was the voice of Liz that H. L. was translating. What the US righties seized upon was the extreme German views and the Overman / Underman idea. Most all of the rightie saints were Germans with a Nietzsche tinge, Austrian School of Economics [ which never existed ], Ludwig von Mises, Leo Strauss, Martin Heidegger, Friedrich Hayek and Walter Kaufmann. Even though the right wing in the USA had examples of self appointed exceptionalists, I was taken by the fact that all of the above anti democratic people were embraced so warmly by some Americans living in a supposed democracy. If one believes that there are Overmen and Undermen then the idea of democracy has to be thrown out the window. The minority exceptionalists, who view the larger population as the ignorant mob are therefore committed to making sure what occurs is a democracy with its’ nuts cut out. So as the ignorant mob attempts to build a better life, the righties work to see that better life never actually comes true. This subversive work has to be done in the shadows, out of sight of the larger population, on the QT, thus the CIVITAS Secret Subversive Society is summoned each year by Preston Manning to do the plotting. Outsiders are not welcome, not even Canadians. The only folk allowed to be in on the plotting are self anointed rightie exceptionalists from this Country as well as rightpublicanazis. Our Nazi media makes not a mention about Civitas activities. Andrew Coyne, a stenographer for the Post papers attends Civitas mrrtng but he keeps the deliberations a secret. Imagine writing for Paul Godfrey’s rag with the full knowledge of what is being plotted but not writing about it. The fact that a secret right wing club actually exists should be scary in and of itself. This reminds me of the Wannsee Conference, held in Nazi Germany in January 1942 at which various operatives in Hitler’s Government met to plot THE FINAL SOLUTION. The world was being told the exact opposite. In a democracy there is no place for secret societies. In terms of the acceptance of the idea of Overmen and Undermen by the general American public was baffling to me. H. L. Mencken as a writer had a large following but he didn’t have than much clout? The same is true of Friedrich Nietzsche. He was known in Germany based on a few scribblings. Fred was only lifted out of obscurity by his sister Liz? I believe I have found the answer.

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From 1815 onward the Germans living in various countries in central Europe began to fear for their future on a divided continent. German writers of the time, pushed the idea that they as a people they were superior to their neighbours. Into this pro German movement Fred Nietzsche was born. It was apparent that the way to secure their future Germans had to join together and take what they wanted by force if necessary. Friedrich’s written output therefore doesn’t seem far out of place in the 1850 environment. Fred seems to be one of many Otto von Bismark pushed for reunification of Germany through war, he made a famous speech called Iron and Blood in 1849. There was a War with Denmark which Bismark won. There was a War with Austria which Bismark won. Then Bismark picked a fight with France in 1870 / 71 and when the Germans were at the gates of Paris the French sued for peace. Apparently this was the ideal time for Nietzsche to be selling the Overman / Underman idea. Syphilis began to take its’ toll on Fred. He never wrote anything after 1976, his secretary Heinrich Koselitz [ Peter Gast ] took dictation and to some degree Heinrich put his own stamp on Nietzsche’s scribblings. In 1893 Elizabeth picked up the ball and with Heinrich’s help formalized her brother’s output with a view to promoting German exceptionalism. By the time that Mencken came across the German books under Friedrich’s name, it was Elizabeth who had published them. In 1907, when Henry L. translated some of Liz’s books, the cry in support of German nationalism had grown much louder. In his translations, Mencken added his own interpretation to what was no more that a Nietzsche Myth 25 years on from the time Friedrich was doing his noodling. It has been said by people who have scanned the Myth material edited by Liz that there are rich pickings. There is enough for everyone to make what they want of the myth. This fits perfectly the practice by the USA right wing to continue to add to their fantasy. What Mencken gave to the righties was the ability to claim that the Overmen and Undermen theory was legitimate because it had been handed down from on high by the famous German philosopher Fred Nietzsche. The obscure Max Stirner wrote about the Overman and the Underman in the 1830s just after the German people began to agitate for a unified Country. By 1907, when Mencken made the scene the Nietzsche Myth of the Overman / Underman was rapped in a much bigger package, a strong feeling of German superiority, the Aryan race nonsense, Antisemitism, lesser races were detailed and an outline of the struture of a civilization to take all these attribute to
even greater heights. Within 7 years of H. L. beginning the translations of Elizabeth Nietzsche’s books the Kaiser joined with the Austro – Hungarian Empire to invade Serbia in July 1914. Kaiser Whilhelm II pushed the very old and reluctant Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria Hungary into the First World War because the Kaiser had bought into this German exceptionalism hooey, as had many of his subject who were spoiling for a fight. Any fight. But the Kaiser was so exceptional, that he wanted someone else to start his War. Like so many others on the right Whilhelm was a chickenshit, Harper comes to mind. Germany was defeated in the 1st War but the Country itself was not devastated. The we are Germans and we are exceptional state of mind continued after 1918. Germans came to view their loss as being someone else’s fault. They should have been victorious. The attempt to turn Germany into a democracy was impossible from the get go. Germans had never lived in a democracy and the Weimar Republic government was modeled after others in western countries. After the drum, drum, drum of German exceptionalism heard for 80 years, surrendering to the French, British and American in 1918 did not cool their fires. Having a foreign governmental system imposed on them plus the demands for reparations by the allies set up the emergence of Adolf Hitler. Who too was schooled in the Nietzsche Myth and German superiority. About 6 million Germans had emigrated to the USA from 1820 to 1900 and totaled about 15% of the Country’s population of 70 million. Mencken’s translations of the the Nietzsche Myth found a receptive audience. During the first War many Germans in the US supported the Kaiser and worked to keep the Country out of the War. In the 1920s /30s Germans kept their heads down and tried to hide their identity. In the late 1930s Hitler cultivated Germans in the USA to again keep the Country out of the looming WW II. Once the War started most Germans went back to hiding their origins. Interestingly, H. L. Mencken, born in America, one of the Nations great writer, sided with the Kaiser in WW One and sided with Hitler in the Second War. Henry L. was an Antisemetic. Mencken’s sympathies with the Nazis ended his writing career. But those of German ancestry in the USA [ 1907 / 1940 were not sufficient enough to explain why so many American were attracted by the Nietzsche Myth that began to spread before the First War. In my opinion there is another reason.

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At the very beginning of the United State the malignant cancer cells were inserted by the Founding Father. First off, in the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, he wrote the following, ” We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness “. However at that same instant, Jefferson and his wife Martha, owned about 150 slaves. In 1782, after Martha died, Thomas began screwing her Black half sister Sally Hemings, this liaison produced about 6 children who increased Jefferson’s holdings. For Thomas, fornication came at no cost, he made money while getting it off. Martha’s father shacked up with a slave after her mother died. Sally came from this union and eventually Martha inherited all of her fathers slaves. So Martha Jefferson had within her household her Black half sister. This seems strange to me, Jefferson was writing such high and mighty stuff about equality during the period that the US broke from England, yet he and his wife were surrounded by 150 unequal slaves. At the very first utterances about the New Nation the lying started. In the Constitution there is not mention of, ” all men are created equal “. Rather the Constitution required the separate States to, ” guarantee equal protection under the law “. As we know, some States paid no attention to that provision even up to the present day. The Blacks in the south were prevented from taking advantage of the laws of the land to gain equality. The western State saw nothing wrong with ignoring the provisions of agreements made with native Americans, if said provisions proved inconvenient. This is the path Herr Harper takes. He only abides by laws which benefit his Fascists aims. The main thrust of the States in the west early on, was the Final Solution. Namely, wiping native Americans from the face of the earth. The Mexicans, Hawaiians and Filipinos were also dished out some unequal treatment by the USA. Americans hold their Constitution high, as an example of their exceptionalism but the majority do not live by its’ provisions. The US Supreme Court is the arbiter of inequality. Their decisions always favour the rich and powerful. The Constitution which is so frequently mentioned by the Justices is selectively mined in order to protect the privileged. Canada’s Supreme Court has no such failing and it drives Lyin Steve bonkers. Thrown into the democratic mix is the fact that the States control the national voting in the USA. Over time, as the Republican base shrinks in the face of the increase in the minorities population count, the Repub State Governments have started to cheat and suppress votes. There is an old Republican saying, ” If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying “. Harper has imported the standard Repub cheating, dirty tricks and voter suppression into this Country. Right under the noses of Paul Godfrey and David Thomson, they never seed nutin. Not seeing things paid the boys very well. Harpie has challenged Elections Canada at every turn as well as cutting the agency’s budget. Elections Canada is the only agency separating our citizenry from tyranny. Back in Jefferson’s time the founding Fathers were concerned about pure democracy, the will of the majority could prove to be a danger? To load the dice a smidge, it was decided by the Fathers to give exceptional people a free ticket to pass GO. Exceptional people, who come along from time to time, should be able to avoid having to mess with the political game and getting elected. My problem with this idea is who decides if a person is qualified to be rated exceptional. Now the USA has always had a cornerstone based on a strong god. It is kind of a toss up between the Catholic Church and the States as to who is closer to god? I’m leaning here to the Yanks. The Americans are so clear on this god subject that I think they probably have HIS or HER street address and phone number. I guessing that the Pope only knows which county HE or SHE lives in? If we accept that sometimes exceptional people are born and are so important to a society that we shouldn’t force them to waste time, seeking supporters, raising money, get a campaign office, assembling an election team and participating in endless debates. I think it is reasonable to whisk them to the head of the line. But when the exceptional person dies that designation should die with him or her. But in America every exceptional person with a family has been able to pass on the exceptional person designation to his sons. So in the case of an exceptional person having a village idiot for a son like Georgie Bush Jr., the whole idea comes apart at the seams. Fortunately during the 1800s, the pursuit of political office was frowned upon by the families of the rich exceptionalists in the USA. Thus the potential damage was very limited. However 1845 is the year that the States begins its’ descent to ruin. John L. O’Sullivan [ 1813 / 1895 ], a writer of note, took issue with the 1845 Boundary Dispute between England and the USA. O’Sullivan wrote that god had given the Yanks THE RIGHT to spread republican democracy over the land, something he felt England could not do. This was only 25 years after the USA had failed in its’ invasion of Canada in 1812. John insisted that England’s claims in North America should ignored. This case is similar to the Germans refusing to accept the outcome of WW One. O’Sullivan claimed Manifest Destiny, was a moral ideal which was of a higher law to replace all other considerations. It just so happened that the States which had lost the War of 1812. Thus John and others, thought they could use alternate means to take over Canada. After all, the exceptional Americans had a direct link to god which no others had and their hearts were purer. O’Sullivan proposed that settlers crowd into the Oregon Territory which included Oregon, Washington, Idaho, BC and most of Alberta, half way up to Alaska. After which the settlers could seek to join the USA as a State. John’s ploy did not work. In 1846, the US and England signed the Oregon Treaty which established the 49th parallel as the Border with all of Vancouver Island remaining in Canada. Both the USA and England did not want to fight another war over an obscure piece of territory which mainly known for fur trading. But this idea of US settlers flooding the west coast of the Pacific was one of the many concerns of Sir John A. Macdonald. He pushed for the building of the CPR to connect Eastern Canada with BC. The initial plan was for the line to cross mid Prairies and then through the Rockies to the sea. Sir John said NO. Put the line as close to the border as possible. His opponents were many. As with to-day, there are people like Harper who never accomplish anything or BUILT ANYTHING. HARPIE THE FIRST will go into the history books as being someone who destroyed everything he touched. We we know if this includes Canada come October. During the final days of building the CPR, the money began to run out. Sir John was getting desperate. On the stretch across Northern Ontario there was a road and little patches of track. In 1874 Macdonald had created the North West Mounted Rifles to police unrest among the Aboriginals and American incursions into Canada across the 49th. He changed the name for fear of raising the ire of the First People and the American. The force became the North West Mounted Police although it was actually a cavalry unit fashioned after the British Army. The initial contingent was over 300 men with 25 Officers. They traveled across the US west by train, then crossed the Border into Alberta. When the Rebellion with Louis Riel started the NWMP was hard pressed to deal with the uprising. Parliament was up in arms over this assault on Canada, a new nation less than 20 years old. William Van Horne was Superintendent of the fledgling CPR. The solution to the Riel Rebellion was to get troops to Saskatchewan to aid the outnumbered NWMP. Van Horne, CEO, told Macdonald that he could have the Canadian Army on site in about two weeks. Van Horne who had been in the railway business all his life had moved soldiers and their gear during the American Civil War. There was about 100 miles of track missing in a few locations north of Superior. Van Horne had wagons there used for railway construction. March 26 / 1885 was the date of the first battle Riel provoked. Four days later, our Army was on the move. In a little more that a week some of the Canadian Army numbering 8000, had already reached the Prairies. Their supplies were carried by wagon north of Superior while the soldiers marched across the gaps. By July 2 / 1885 the shooting was over. During the earlier Red River Rebellion in 1870 it took our troops 3 month to reach the Prairies, traveling by water. The Americans would not allow the Canadian Army under Colonel Wolseley on their soil. I believe the US Government still had designs on Canada and that they felt our prairies offered the back door which could be used for conquest. They were not going to make it any easier for this Country to defend the WEST. I think the Fenian Raids from 1866 to 1871 set Macdonald’s teeth on edge. Many of the Irish American Civil War Veteran’s who fought for the North, had too much time on their hands after the hostilities ceased. The Irish Brotherhood was formed to carry on the conflict between their home Country and England. Why not invade Canada and hold it a bargaining chip in the Ireland / English tussle? Fenian is derived from the Gaelic Fianna, which means roving bands of young warriors looking for a fight. The Fenian raids were sneak attacks made all along the Canadian border, this, just as our new Country of Canada was being stitched together. New Brunswick was attacked in April 1866. Politicians in that Province had been iffy about Canada. 700 Fenians arrived in NB without notice. The Royal Navy and British Regulars numbering about a thousand men descended on the Fenians who took flight. New Brunswickers decided overnight that this Canada idea was not so bad after all. Next on the target for the Fenians was Fort Erie in Ontario and Pidgeon Hill in Quebec. About 1500 Fenians crossed the Niagara River and conducted a suprise attacked at Ridgeway. The toll was 15 Canadians killed, 94 wounded. Eight Fenians were killed and 20 wounded. In response, a large force of British Regulars and Canadian Militia were ordered to move on the area. The Fenians couldn’t run fast enough. A motley crew from the Irish Brotherhood, numbering a thousand men invaded Quebec and occupied Pigeon Hill and various small towns on June 7 / 1866. By June 8th, the British army and Canadian Militia had engaged the Fenians who folded and then surrendered. The Fenian raids, in each case, began on American soil. Washington did as little as possible to interfere with the Fenians. Some in the US Government were quite happy to continue to harass Canada through a third party while claiming clean hands which was a lie. You can see this in the background of the courses offered by the University of Calgary, like its’ parent, the University in Chicago, students ARE TAUGHT TO LIE, LIE AND THEN LIE AGAIN. Many Yankees thought, if life in OUR COUNTRY could be disrupted, Canada might end up being easy pickings for such an exceptional people who’s Manifest Destiny was to own all of the North American continent. The Fenian raids lasted for about 5 years but the threat continued until 1890 until after the CPR was completed right along the 49th parallel from coast to coast, as Sir John A. had insisted upon. During the late 1870s a very large group of Fenians assembled in the Oregon territory. The plan was to take BC by force. The Americans looked the other way although they had just signed a boundary Treaty with England in 1846. Even more than 100 years ago we could not trust the USA to abide by any treaty signed between our Countries. The Fenians were on the march again and occupied a town in Oregon. Macdonald was so concerned that he immediately had a Royal Navy gunboat sent to the area off Vancouver Island. At this point I must interject that although the Fenians were veterans of the Civil War, had battle know how, had fighting skills, had all the military hardware they needed, as well as having many friends in high places and supporters, in the end they were badly led. Arrogance and over confidence on the part of the Americans. The Yankees lost the War of 1812 for the same reason, incompetent leadership. During the raids from 1866 to 1871, the Fenians were actually on Canadian soil shooting at our citizens. Concerning the large forces of Fenians in Oregon, who were poised to take over BC, a small hitch developed. The town that the Irish occupied was actually still in Oregon. Those people the Fenians held prisoner were really Americans. Washington decided to put the Fenians out of business, enough was enough, Congress clamped down on their truly illegal activities. Every battle the Fenians fought was a fiasco, much like the War of 1812. Americans don’t like to lose in battle. I pity their veterans who were engaged in lost battles, such vets were given the cold shoulder. I DON’T KNOW OF ANY CANADIAN OR BRITISH VETERANS WHO WERE EVER HELD IN LOW ESTEEM BECAUSE THEY LOST A WAR? Losing US vets were shunned by their communities while those in the losing leadership role walk away unscathed. This is a flaw in the American character, not willing to admit defeat and thus learning no lessons. Blaming someone else is easier. Especially when the US Nazi media can always be paid to cover up. Those with money get to create their own fantasy and have it published. The War of 1812 came to an end because enough Members of Congress got the message, the USA was not going to prevail, it was costing a lot of money for no result and increasingly the Country was proving it could not fight its’ way out of a wet paper bag. And as in so many cases the American vacated the field in disgrace. Much of a derogatory nature was said at that time and continues to be said about Canada and England being lesser that the exceptionalists south of the border. BUT WE DON’T CUT AND RUN. Canadians and the Brits stood their ground in 1812. During the Fenian raids, Canadians and the Brits stood their ground. Canadians took Vimy Ridge after being mauled in battle for months. Four Divisions of the Canadian Corp, took Vimy all on their own, this due to superior tactics, intense planning, lots of big guns which laid down fire IN FRONT OF THE ADVANCING TROOPS and superb training. In 1940, after the fall of France to the Germans England stood alone. Churchill said it for all, ” W E W I L L N E V E R G I V E I N “. We are a people who do not start wars like Bush Jr. did in Iraq in 2003, then he ran away. Another useless oil War that Herr Harper favoured by the way. Now we are playing a role in fighting ISIS, a War that Harper badly needs to be able to scare the shit out of Canadians. As I have said many times the American oil monopoly is buying stolen Iraqi oil from ISIS. Rather than bombing Syria in hopes of hitting a legitimate targets and in the hopes of NOT KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE, we should stop the USA oil monopoly from buy oil from ISIS. Cut off ISIS money, that is coming from North Americans and the terrorists will be cooked. In fact I would go as far as arresting the executive of the American oil monopoly, headquartered in Houston. It may be that this would be a short cut to ending this conflict by bankrupting ISIS and terrorists. The Canadian Air Force should bomb Houston and hope that we only take out the oilies. The fallout from the Fenian raids was threefold. Macdonald knew the 49th parallel had to be defended. The exceptional Americans had a lot on their plate. At the time they were engaged in killing off the Native Americans who were judged to be inferior. As well the Yankees were all about stealing territory from the Mexicans, who they judged to be inferior, they still do. Washington was counting on their settlers to aid in taking control of Western Canada. If enough US settlers could get situated on our Prairies and the Canadian Government tried to order them about, the settlers could scream bloody murder as they did at the Alamo. And the US Cavalry would come riding to the rescue. US citizens moved into Mexico starting in the 1700s. Since they were exceptional Mericans, they decided that they didn’t have to abide by Mexican laws. The Texans were squatters in a foreign Country, but they thought they could make up their own rules. Sounds a lot like the rightpublicanazis who have been invited into Canada by Harper. When this Mexican dispute boiled over who did Washington support??? Why the Squatters, that’s who. What the Fenian raids did was alert Canadians and their new Government in Ottawa that Americans could not be trusted. At the time of the Red River uprising in Manitoba [ 1870 ], Colonel Wolseley took 3 months to get the Canadian Army to the scene of the troubles. The US would not allow the Canadian soldiers on their territory. Although the Fenians were allowed to set up shop anywhere in the US in preparation for the invasion of this Country. The Fenians were unmolested by Washington as they assembled thousands of Irish Civil War veterans along the border. The politicians also kept an eye on the Catholic Church votes. It cost nothing for the Church to look the other way in the US and Canada. Like in Canada to-day, where the Catholic vote has been sold to Harper because he promised to ban abortions if elected. As of 1875 it would seem that the best thing for the Americans to do was just wait for enough US settlers to occupy our Prairies, wait for them to scream bloody murder then send in the US Cavalry. No US railways ran close to the 49th parallel, so the only way the settlers could make it into Canada was by horse, wagon or by foot. But the Yankees figured that time was on their side, eventually our Nation would belong to them. The Fenian raids also affected the stannding of the Catholic Church in Canada. Many Irish Catholics in this Country sided with the Fenians. As a result he general population viewed the Catholics with suspicion and some cases outright hostility. The Catholic Church true to form, tried to play both sides of the street. The Church took no stand on behalf of our new NATION, while Catholic thugs did the dirty work. People [ US people, Native Americans and the Irish Catholics ] in the USA thought the Fenians were going to win. But Yankees, the Natives, the Church and the Catholics who supported the Fenians, bet on the wrong horse. The Fenians lost big time. Their raids sparked strong anti – Americanism which is still part of our history of Canada. There was also a backlash against Catholics which lasted for years and there are still traces of it to-day. When it really counts the Catholic Church can be counted on to NEVER be at Canada’s side. The Church always looks after its’ own self interest, as it did under Mussolini and Hitler. The Church has a long history of dealing with dictators, that is why it gets along with Harper so well. The recent attack on Justin Trudeau by way of the NO2TRUDEAU POSTCARDS CAMPAIGN was created by Herr Harper and carried out by Catholic thugs, under the name of the Church. Lyin Steve always get others to do his dirty work, even if he has to give away part of our Canada to get the dirty work done. The execution of the NO2 Campaign was carried out by the Church storm troopers as per usual. Again, as through time, the Church hierarchy said nothing and hid in the shadows. But then, if the Oilies and Harper steal the election in October, Steve will carry through with his promise to the Church that he will ban abortions. In terms of the exceptional Americans the taking over Canada’s west, did not go according to plan. The best laid plans of mice, Americans, Fenians and Catholics can often go awry. In 1884 the CPR Railway had not been completed and the Company was running out of money, it was a low point. The entire cost of the Railway was being borne by Canadian taxpayers and British investors. No American cash was involved. You see, we can do big things all on our very own if we have GOOD LEADERSHIP, no matter what Joe Oiliver says. Then the tide turned. Louis Riel was born Metis in 1844 in St. Bonifice [ French father / First People mother, in what would become Manitoba. The offspring of an English father / First People mother were called half breeds. Over time this label became offensive so those of English heritage adopted the name Metis. When Riel talked rebellion he only represented some of the people of mixed Heritage. In the uprisings Riel provoked many people of mixed Heritage did not participate. There were many differences between Metis, half breeds and the First People. The Metis originated from the employees of the French North West Fur Company out of Montreal which started in 1630. The half breeds originated from the employees of the HBC, incorporated in 1670. The First People trapped the animals who’s fur was in demand. Therefore there were three distinct groups who had common interests and varied interests. Riel came from a Metis enclave in St. Bonifice / Winnipeg, part of Lord Selkirk’s Red River Colony which the HBC had resisted. The Company wanted NO SETTLERS, TOO MUCH TROUBLE. ONLY HBC EMPLOYEES, HALF BREEDS AND THE FIRST PEOPLE WERE WELCOME. The Lord was a Scot, who was concerned about his people being forced off the land in Scotland. He came up with an idea to create a colony of 200 Scots in the Canadian West on HBC lands. As you might imagine, HBC was not thrilled. It did not want to divert profits towards looking after settlers. The British Government, which had to renew the HBC Charter every so often leaned on HBC to bend to Selkirk proposal. The Red River Colony went forward because the Lord agreed to cover all costs and pledged to have his farmers raise cattle and grown grain. This would save HBC bringing meat and wheat from England. This project never worked out because of the cold and barren soil. But this private commercial settlement broke the back of the North West Fur Trading Co. which competed with HBC for western furs. North West had to bring supplies all the way from Montreal. In 1820 HBC and North West merged. When this Colony was set up and areas of land granted to Scottish settler land was also deeded to some half breeds. So some of those of mixed race, who lived in the Colony were given clear title to their land. Others, on the edge of the Colony squatted on land they did not have title to. I do not know if Riel’s family actually owned land. Granting land was only done inside the Selkirk Colony. Nobody OWNED LAND INSIDE RUPERT’S LAND OTHER THAN HBC ITSELF. Riel was educated in Quebec and returned to his home at a time when Americans were eyeing Rupert’s Land and the Red River Colony. The USA had purchased Alaska for a song and grabbing western Canada along the same lines seemed like a good idea no matter what treaties had been signed. Behind the annexation were US Senators Alexander Ramsay [ Minn. ] and Zachariah Chandler / Jacob Howard [ Mich. ]. They were allied with Detroit merchants. James Taylor was an American spy in the Colony who’s main job was to stir up trouble. Louis Riel was chosen as the front man for this American group which had links to the Fenians and the Catholic Church. The US thinking was to annex Rupert’s Land and the Colony, hand it over to Washington where it could used as a jumping off point to disrupt the New Canada, eventually taking it over completely, you know this Manifest Dentiny and god stuff. This is the same kind of business Herr Harper is now involved in presently. Giving Canada to the USA for nothing. Well maybe a little pat on the head? The British Government instructed HBC to ignore the Americans and sell their holdings to Prime Minister John A. Macdonald, which is what happened in 1969. William McDougall was appointed Governor but was prevented from entering the new Canadian territory by Riel and his followers. Riel proclaimed that the HBC no longer had jurisdiction much to the delight of Louis’ American backers. If the Yankees had taken over our Prairies, Louis Riel and his pals would not have been talking to Government officials, they would have been 6 ft under. During this turbulent time, the Metis organized a committee, whose main aim was to keep settlers out of the territory they considered their’s. Riel was elected Secretary of this Metis group and his committee restricted the travel of Government operatives. As well the committee seized Upper Fort Garry from the HBC. This committee, with no legal standing issued a, ” Declaration of the People of Rupert’s Land [ formally the HBC territory ] and the North West “. Riel’s next illegal step was to set up the Provisional Government of Assiniboia. This new illegal government was supported by American papers, Riel was praised and the annexationists set up a letter writing campaign to boost Riel and attack Macdonald. Sounds a lot like in Alberta where the American oil monopoly finances Smear Campaigns, which succeeded with Stelmach and Reford and is now directed at Rachel Notley. Those who lived in the Red River Colony were surrounded by US spies, the Catholic Church neighbours who were suspect’ Harper could have handled such a situation, he would have sent his RCHP in the night to take away the trouble makers, the regular law abiding citizens. Riel’s carryings on upset white settlers, half breeds and many of the First People because he did not represent their interests. Riel was just an American stooge who was looking out for himself and those close to him. These regular anguished people thought they lived in a lawful Rupert’s Land under HBC / Colony and were now living in the Country of Canada? These settler began enlisting support to remove this illegal provisional government by force. Riel and his committee had a head start, had US backing and had a network of informers centred in the Church. Louis siezed the HBC post at Upper Fort Gary and imposed martial law. He rounded up this citizen protest group and imprisoned them at Fort Garry. A young Orangeman, Thomas Scott was singled out because of his taunts towards Riel. Louis convened a Metis trial and young Scott was sentenced to death. Scott was subsequently executed by firing squad on March 4 / 1870. That is what happens when you irritate a dictator. If the Metis wanted to establish relations with the owners of the land they occupied [ Canada ] , this was strange way to go about it. Riel was backed by a limited number of followers, by the USA Government, Detroit merchants and the Catholic Church. Louis seemed to be sitting pretty??? From all outward appearances Riel was in the driver’s seat. Canada did not have any kind of fighting force in the West. In a reaction to Riel, Macdonald wanted to send a military expedition but there was no suitable route overland through Canada to get to Winnipeg and the uprising. The Red River Colony was truly in the hands of Riel, his followers, American operators and the Catholic Church. This amalgamation threatened the Prairies all the way to the Rockies. These outrageous actions by Riel resulted in a Colonel Wolseley, a British Officer of long experience, being given command of half a Division of the Canadian Army. The Colonel’s job was to get this force and all its’ equipment to Winnipeg, Manitoba pronto. With its’ interest in seizing the Canadian West, the American Government refused to allow Wolseley and his soldiers to set foot on US soil. The Yanks had no intention of letting Canada upset its’ annexation plans of our West. Wolseley was an engineer, a Quartermaster – General and was experienced in deploying and retrieving troops. Wolseley followed the water route used by the Voyageurs in the late 1600s. It took 3 months to arrive at Mister Riel’s door in Summer of 1870. Louis was surprised to find that a 1000 soldiers were only days away. Riel fled to the comfort of his American backers. In May of 1871 Riel snuck back into Canada on the QT after the soldiers had returned East. Interestingly within months of Riel’s quiet return the Fenians were planning a raid on Winnipeg. I am sure Riel was involved in the Fenians plans. The activities of this band of Irish thugs obviously had the blessings of the Catholic Church. Noise about the murder of young Thomas Scott continued to increased. A price of $ 5000 was offered for Riel’s scalp. Lieutenant Governor Adams Archibald called out the militia in October 1871 to deal with the threatened Fenian raid being organized in North Dakota by Riel’s friend, William O’Donoghue. Since the element of surprise that the Fenians needed, the raid on Winnipeg fizzled. People urged Riel to run for politics, he was still popular with the Metis and the Ca.atholic church which whipped up trouble in Quebec for what reason I do not know. The Church was promoting anarchy within Canada and supporting the Fenians whose goal was to invade our Country. Macdonald wanted Riel gone so offered him money to go into exile. Riel took the money and left for St. Paul in March 1872. By June 1872 Louis was back in Canada, stirring things up again. Riel won a couple of elections but had to stay one jump ahead of those who wanted to assassinate him. Alexander McKenzie beat Sir John A. in the general Election on January 1874 and there was a move to pardon Riel. Louis was in quite the mess, he thought he had been picked by god to lead the Metis to a better life but fate decided that going after everyone with a gun wasn’t the best method. Riel suffered a nervous breakdown and shortly thereafter his friends took Riel to a hospital in Montreal, then to a mental hospital in Beauport Quebec. From there he moved to Keesville New York in Jan. 1878. Next Riel traveled to Montana. He then reconnected with Metis representatives, joined the Republicans, became an American citizen and married. In 1884, a Metis delegation, led by Gabriel Dumont traveled to Montana to urge Riel to return to Canada and speak out on behalf of the Metis people. The underlying problem was that the area in which the Metis / halfbreeds lived was private property, formerly owned by the Hudson Bay Co. [ until it was sold to Canada ]. It was based on a grant of 1669 from the English King Charles. After that, this huge area was only populated by a few thousand First People and a few white HBC employees. The Company wanted nothing to do with settlers, HBC was after furs. Because of the fur trade most of the First People bands prospered. Without the fur trade the population of the First People would have been much reduced if not extinct. Instead of having a few good years then facing starvation on occasion, the First people nvolved wit the fur trade claimed a much better life. All they had to do was bring furs to a HBC Post and they were repaid in money or kind. As time went along some of the HBC employees fraternized / married First People women and their offspring were called Anglo halfbreeds The halfbreeds did a lot of work for the HBC, but they were not involved with trapping. The halfbreeds / Metis were sort of in the middle, neither white nor Aboriginal. Not accepted fully into either community. When the HBC gave up the fur business in Canada in 1870 and sold their territory to Ottawa, the HBC Anglo halfbreeds and the Metis who had worked for the North West Co. were all out of work and MOST HAD NO LAND TO CALL THEIR OWN. The First People, are those who had lived continuously on the land before the whiteman came have legitimate claims to their territory [ Court definition ]. As Canada began to mature this right to prior owned territory became recognized. I agree with that. In the USA there is no such appreciation of the rights of the First people. But I am tired of listening to people mix the experiences of Indigenous people in Canada and the USA to create a stories that are self serving. Riel and his followers didn’t have a leg to stand on with their land demands. They were born long after the establishment of the HBC and were born into a system already in place. It is like the land claims made by the Mohawks in Canada are bogus. Their territory was in the USA and was stolen by the Americans. During the American Revolution some of the Iroquois Nations fought on the side of the Americans. In this alliance they made a mistake, they were repaid by death or the other option was to flee westward in the US. The Mohawks fought on the side of the British and George Washington set out to murder them all. 5000 Mohawks crossed the Canadian border along with the United Empire Loyalist among others in 1786. When the Revolution ended the British Government, in appreciation, rewarded everyone who had been a supporter. Soldiers got land grants, as did the Loyalists as did the Mohawks. The soldiers and the Loyalists got on with their live and in the main became successes. The Mohawks could never get over the loss of their lands in the USA which they did have before the whiteman arrived. In Canada the Mohawks were granted land under the same conditions as the soldiers and the Loyalist. These grants were made on the basis of the Crown having standard rights. Rights to minerals, right of access, right of expropriation, right to tax and so on. The Mohawks have tried to claim prior rights that only apply to the First People and there is no legal basis to include these native Americans to Canada in land claims. The first whitemen in Ontario were the French who arrived in 1635. Up until 1786 the Mohawks live in upstate New York near Albany. For the Mohawks to claim prior rights is only 250 years too late. In my opinion the anti white stance of the Mohawk should be directed at the Americans who were out to kill all of the Native people in the USA. If the Mohawks want to pick a fight, then go after the Americans. The British and Canadians appreciated the efforts of the Mohawks during the Revolution and the War of 1812 and they were rewarded. We the Canadians here to-day do not deserve nor will we tolerate abuse by the Mohawks because they can’t get their story straight. How many young Mohawks are taught the truth? Pining for a life that disappeared more than 200 years ago and abusing the good will of Canadians is a recipe for disaster like at Oka Quebec. Oka never belonged to the Mohawks nor did any of Ontario. The territory here belonged to the Hurons, Iroquois like the Mohawks but distant cousins and mortal enemies. In the 1860s, the Mohawks INVADED southern Ontario with the aim of taking over the fur trade for the Dutch who supplied them with guns. Over a ten year period the Mohawks massacred 40,000 Hurons who were farmers and 20,000 Algonquins who were involved in the fur trade. The Mohawks did not have to kill the Hurons. But there was bad blood between them, the Mohawks were armed with guns and there was nobody to stop them. The French Catholic missionaries among the Hurons and Algonquins were murdered also. The French King sent 2500 soldiers to new France in the 1660s and drove the Mohawks back across the US border. For 50 years there were no First people in Southern Ontario, it was a no-man’s-land. The Ojibway, Chippewa and Cree began to move down south from the shield in Northern Ontario. When the British arrived in Ontario in 1760 they were not dealing with the First People but migrants who had moved in during he time Ontario was occupied by the French. The aboriginals here in Ontario in 1760, were settlers from areas north and west. From the 1830s the Mohawk laid claim to Huron territory on the basis that they were all Iroquois. It bothers me that the Mohawks who were guilty of genocide, killing 60 thousand First People should be rewarded by us handing over lands that rightfully belonged to the Hurons and Algonquins. The sale of the HBC lands had barely taken place when the Metis [ not the anglo halfbreeds ] were on the war path. Without work and owning no land, with the prospect of white settlers pouring in, Riel and the Metis were between a rock and a hard place. But the route Riel took, armed rebellion just added to the Metis’ woes. He and his followers were not smart enough or patient enough to see the obstacles they faced. There were many groups affect by the HBC sale. Historical accounts make much of the Metis distrusting the Government and local officials, so what? The Metis themselves, on many occasions showed that they too could not be trusted. Their heritage did not go back the thousands of years as in the case of the First People. At most the Metis might have been able to claim to have been in one spot for a hundred years. This was probably not the case. Working for the HBC the anglo halfbreeds and the Metis most likely were always on the move. The end of the fur trade was a sea change for everyone in the way Canada operated. HBC could no longer afford to pay for the upkeep of Rupert’s Land. Canada’s purchase of same showed the foresight of Sir John A. and his vision of what this Nation could become. But we would not be an appendage of the USA. That may change after October. The difficulty for Canadians has always been how to remain free, living beside the USA which is ten time our size. A land full of exceptional people who believe in their Manifest Destiny to take anything thy want from others. Our Country is still here after 148 years. But Herr Harper has spent the last ten years trying to give us to the States and make that American dream come true. In terms of Louis Riel in 1884, he was was now a US citizen but he was coaxed back into Canada. I find it interesting, that all the while the US Army was murdering native Americans, Riel had a place of honour in Montana. I think the American saw that Riel and his Fenian friends could be of use, continuing to causing disturbances in Canada. Gabriel Dumont and party invited Riel to return in June 1884 to help protect the Metis which fit US plans precisely. Riel did cross the border and set up headquarters in Batoche Sask. backed by the US and the Catholic Church. Louis began his shit disturbing again. The Metis did not have a big presence in Saskatchewan. Riel had been born in the Winnipeg area, part of the Red River Colony. Many of his followers had move to Saskatchewan after the Red River uprising. They squatted on land they DID NOT OWN in Sask. Riel made demands that these Metis be given this land by the Canadian Government. Manitoba had become a Province of Canada in 1870 and was not conducive to rebellion. Saskatchewan was still an open territory. Riel not only used the unhappy Metis as an excuse to make more trouble, he went around secretly to all of the local First People bands and Anglo halfbreeds, gathering up grievances. Chief were promised relief if they took part in his uprising. Some bands and people joined Riel. Riel though that any uprising that he organized would be home free for at least 3 month, especially one as big as he was organizing. This is the time it took for Canadian soldiers to get to Manitoba for the Red River Rebellion involving Riel in the Summer of 1870. With the Americans, the Fenians and the Catholic church involved as Riel crossed the border once again to stir things up, I would think that everyone south of the 49th and the Metis in this Country thought their shining hour had arrived. After setting up headquarter in Batoche, Riel’s new gang of armed thugs began flexing its’ muscles. The Riel and Metis committee claimed to be tired of dealing with Ottawa and voted to take up arms to force the Feds to deal with their claims and the vague claims of other aboriginals. Holding a gun to the head of the Canadian Government was a very foolish idea but with American backing Riel, failure this time was likely never considered. Word was received by Riel and his committee that Canadian Soldiers were being sent out from Ottawa. The CPR was not in operation yet. This time the US Government was not asked to allow Canadian troops to cross American soil. A much better plan was in the works. Riel formed a provisional government without any authority. His thugs seized the parish Church in Batoche. A demand was made for the surrender of the HBC post at Fort Carlton. Riel was named President [ by who ??? ] and Gabriel Dumont was named Military Commander [ by who??? ]. These actions were taken with no reference to the Anglo halfbreed community, some bands nor the white settlers. This was another sneak attack Canada, sanctioned by the US and the Catholic church. What Riel was dishing out was raw tyranny, based on old wrongs. Just think, this new revolt was staged by Riel and a few Metis because they lost the Red River uprising and their noses were still out of join. This not the way Canada worked then or worked up until Harper came along. Our indigenous people have been fighting between themselves for 12,000 years since the Solutrians pulled up stakes in France and followed the Woolly Mammoths over the landbridge across the Bering Strait into Clovis New Mexico. Up until the HBC sold Rupert’s Land the Metis were happy with their lives living on the territory belonging to their employer. When the Metis’ employer sold out the rules of the game changed. Riel and Dumont decided to alter those rules TO THEIR OWN LIKING at the point of a gun, a very dangerous game indeed. Riel began by seizing property, installations and communities. Historians tell us that Riel entered Saskatchewan because it was a CAULDRON OF DISCONTENT. BULLSHIT. Riel spent weeks secretly visiting communities and bands in the area TO STIR UP DISCONTENT. On March 18 / 1885, Riel formed a provisional government as he had done in Manitoba 15 years earlier. On March 19th Louis grabbed the church in Batoche and demanded the surrender of the HBC post at Fort Carlton. News of these activities reached Ottawa and the NWMP. The Mounted Police began calling up the civilian militia. Riel seized the community of Duck Lake on March 26 /1885 and Sir John A. was made aware. Unknown to anyone, William Van Horne, CEO of the CPR told Macdonald he could have Canadian Army soldiers in Saskatchewan in two weeks. Such a rapid deployment of military forces was unheard of. By April 10 / 1885 the CPR was unloading Canadian troops, under the command of Major General Middleton, at Qu’Appelle just east of Regina. It was two weeks to the day as Van Horne had said. Riel was slow to grasp the situation. One thousand troops were in the field with 4000 more to follow. The total force could have totaled 8000. One by one the battle scenes were tided up. Riel gave up on May 15 / 1885 and was held for trial along with many of his associates. Total casualties numbered 100 Metis / soldiers and 400 wounded. This very serious uprising was snuffed in 2 months by Macdonald, Van Horne and General Middleton. There were a number of outcomes. The raids on Canada by Fenians and the USA stopped. The idea of US annexation evaporated. The CPR line runs within 70 miles of the 49th and 10,000 of our troops could be deployed in two weeks with all their kit. The only railway in the US that came close to Canada, traveled west from Chicago and looped across southern North Dakota more than 200 miles south of the border. The Metis and Anglo halfbreeds lost their voice. After two uprisings the Government in Ottawa had had enough. Anti Americanism continued to increase and is with us to-day. I don’t trust the US Government as far as I could throw it The Catholic Church came under fire for backing the Fenian raids and supporting Riel. There are still strong feeling against the Catholics, me being one critic. Our society is priceless, our democracy is precious, yet every time we are threatened the Catholic hide in the shadows and try to play both sides of the street. The latest example is the foul NO2TRUDEAU SMEAR CAMPAIGN organized by Herr Harper and carried out by the Catholic Church. The Catholics always put the interest of their Church ahead of everything else. Canada, children in the care of the Church at risk of sexual assault, the rights of women to chose to have an abortion, Catholic womwn being second class and the like. As with Americans, dealing with the Catholic Church, you will forever be on the losing end unless you remain vigilant. By 1895 Canada was secure with out spanking new CPR railway, we beat off the various US challenges. And here we are all these years later, FREE, UNTIL OCTOBER 19 /15 AT LEAST.

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Back in 1995 a young American, Rudyard Griffiths was given $ 1.5 million by the US Donner Foundation which supports many Fascist causes like the Fraser Institute. He started the Dominion Institute in order to rewrite Canadian history in the American vein. That organization has become Historica Canada. The whole idea is to wipe out the history of this Country so future generations will only know what the Yankee’s want them to know. part of this Post relates to the two Riel uprisings, 1870 and 1885 both backed by the USA. I wonder if those at Historica USA will reconsider their telling of Riel and substitute my reading of the events. Quite often Paul Godfrey / Post papers prints parts of the rightie rewritten history of Canada. I have a suggestion for both Paul and David Thomson who owns the Globe and Tar. Why not put a picture of the Stars and Stripes on the front pages of your newspapers. There is never much Canadian news in their pages? To Paul and David, why not wear little American flag lapel pins on your jackets to indicate where your hearts lie???

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From 1885 on, until the first War the echo of American exceptionalism reverberated. As well the Manifest Destiny nonsense proliferated. The gist of these back slapping exercises was to say that Americans as a whole are better than everyone else, SAYS WHO. Can an individual proclaim himself exceptional all by himself? Males are the ones who do this? Females are not that stupid. I guess a group of guys can proclaim an individual exceptional but how can they judge? There doesn’t seem to be any test. So up to WW One, the USA was exceptional and this Manifest Destiny crap allowed Americans to take anything they wanted any time. When H. L. Mencken started to translate the books written by Elizabeth Nietzsche about German nationalism, the Aryan race, Overmen and Undermen etc, the light bulb in the heads of the US right wing went on. The righties said we too are exceptional, we too are Aryans, we too are mighty and can take what we wish. The right wing in the States imported a lot of German snake oil salesmen into the Country von Mises, Strauss, Heidegger, Hayek and Kaufman to give the new right legitimacy. The mantel of exceptionalism was transfer from the whole nation to the right wing alone. Manifest Destiny was retained as a founding principle of the right but it was not mentioned again. So the mighty right all became exceptionalists in their own minds and the remainder of the population in the democracy called the United States of America were termed the ignorant mob. Mencken was a very successful writer. I question how much of this popularity came from H. L. telling the righties what they wanted to hear, that democracy is dangerous and things can go wrong because of the tyranny of the majority. That is the essence of democracy, the will of the majority. The right has striven for almost 100 years to impose rule by Kleptarchy. It means rule by thieves and gangsters. After the First War the Aryan race and might is right movement took hold in two places in the world. In the Weimar Republic in Germany and in the USA. When Hitler and the Nazis came to power, the Republican right and many US businesses in the State were the Fuhrer’s biggest supporters. The second World War would never have occurred without American assistance. Democracy lasted in Germany from 1919 to 1933 when Hitler banished the Members of the Reichstag. The Nazi reign ended in 1945 but the American right learned nothing. Dangerous democracy was extinquished in the USA as of 2000, mainly because the rightpublicanazi movement doesn’t produce leaders. Thos who seem to lead the movement are actually followers who are given their marching order by a TRULY IGNORANT MOB. The ruination of American has taken place NOT BECAUSE of the mistakes of the right hierarchy which is powerless. Just look at the parade of fools now vying for the Republican Presidential Nomination. But this ponderous blob of a mob spreading its’ evil all across the landscape without restrain is to blame for the basket case south of the 49th parallel. Not satisfied with screwing up the their homeland the Republicans and the American oil monopoly have been working with Canada’s very own Quisling Steve Harper to expose this Country to the very same pain and suffering we are now witnessing south of the border. This newest hoax, the TPP, replaces your vote with a multinational tribunal in Washington which will exercise power over YOUR LIFE. Want a corporation to stop dumping toxic chemicals in your river, rots of ruck. If you and your townspeople take any actions to clean up your stream, the Supreme Council in Washington will assess damages for lost profits because you interfered with the rights of an international corporation. After you have been driven to the wall by globalization it will be too late, far too late to say I should had done something at the time to stop Harper and the rightpublicanazis. It is my guess that Canadians have one valid ballot left. If they fuck it up this time it will be curtains for our democracy. After that who will stop the installation of meat hooks and gas chambers???

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If indeed this is the end of democracy in Canada after October 19 /15, you might look at securing a good job making statues of Harper the First. Kim Jong Un of North Korea will be able to give Steve advice on creating statues for every square in this Country. Our population will gather each morning in each place to recite the Oath of Allegience and receive our daily instructions. Standing out in the bitter cold will be too much for some. But the attitude of the rightpublicanazis is that if the weak perish there are fewer mouths to feed. Those who can’t pull their weight are surplus baggage anyway.

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Now the 175 square kms of toxic tailing ponds have become the responsibility of Albertans and estimate has been made of what the Province received monetarily for its’ petroleum. For every barrel of oil, valued at one hundred dollars, taken out of the Province by the American oil monopoly Albertans got ONE BUCK. This cheating on the part of the Oilies HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR 30 YEARS. IS IT POSSIBLE FOR A PEOPLE TO BE THAT STUPID FOR SO MANY YEARS????????? But in my role as Kenny fix-it I ask the question. If Canada nationalizes the western oil, tar and natural business, don’t we get to keep the 99 bucks per barrel the oilies now get. I was in business for 50 years. The 99 buck deals sounds a lot better than the ONE BUCK DEAL. We all make mistakes. Our only option is to go forward. Getting the 99 buck deal will take unity, vision and guts. The choice is obvious. We can stay chained to that dog house or we can seek our fortunes at will and at our own speed. Each journey in life starts with one small step. SHALL WE??????

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The Trans Pacific Partnership / TPP is a partnership of US multinationals that is aimed at enslaving the world’s people by taking over the world. If you live in a non democratic country you have nothing to worry about, things will just stay the same. You will continue to be oppressed. If however, you do live in a democracy, everything will change. Your life will go back to the time when black slaves lived in wooden huts in the US south, spent 12 hours a day in the cotton fields and did what they were told, yes sur, yes sur. America the beautiful was built on the backs of defenseless slaves. The rightpublicanazis are just going back to their roots. The TPP has yet to be explained by Godfrey’s PostMediocre papers, Thomson’s Globe and Tar, Honderich’s Star, CTV and Global. For the truth please read, Wolf / Corporations VS Nations / October 3 /15. See what the future of you and your children will look like under Harper / USA? It is time to hit the road, it is time that we Canucks went solo. First order of business, expropriate everything belonging to the Americans and set the stage to become a mini world power, a model of a very modern democracy. Read Wolf Richter’s take on the TPP. If you are a Fascist toadstool, don’t read Wolf’s stuff and continue to stay as stupid as you are presently.

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In my research about the fall of Rome I sometimes come across sayings that can be applied to the world to-day. While humans have made great progress in many areas the brain remains the same. People in the present have the same reactions to circumstances that the occupants of Rome had 2000 years ago. Catilina was a Roman senator who was dedicated to destroying the Republic in 63 BC for his own gain. Cicero was pissed off with Catilina, who through political maneuverings was undermining the State and looking to overthrow the Senate. Catilina was in Court on various occasions to answer for his crimes. He was said to have paid off the judges. Sounds like the US Supreme Court doesn’t it??? Catilina wanted to restore the political power of his enlarged family and to reacquire the wealth they previously held. As a Senator, he seemed to have no interest in the future Rome, it was all gimee, gimee. Tiring of Catilina’s games Cicero tried to hand out some good advice. Lay off the intrigues Cat baby. To no avail. In 63 BC Cicero said the following in a speech, ” Quo usque tandem abutere, CATILINA, petientia nostra “. I will translate replacing the name Catilina with Harper, something that fits. How long, Harper, will you continue to abuse our patience??? In 62 BC Catilina ran out of rope and was killed in battle. LET US HOPE THAT HARPER RUNS OUT OF ROPE ON OCTOBER 19 /15.

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To-day is a monumentous day in the life of Kenny ” the boy pilot ” Spratley, I stopped buying newspapers. When Brian Mulroney became involved with the SUN, I quit. I won’t even pick it up free. It was like reading a recipe that would make me sick or kill me. No thanks Brian, life sends me enough real problems without being sent down dead end streets by you. I don’t trust anything Lyin Brian says or does. The National Post, I have been getting free for a long time. Paul Godfrey’s papers are full of right wing propaganda, lies and American shit and opinion. Most of Godfrey’s copy is put together by low paid, no paid interns who write like they just got out of grade 11. If I want American shit I can just go on line and read all about same in real right wing US newspapers. And their shit is much better written than Paul’s. I have been buying the Globe and Tar but no more. In the main part of the Globe, is the same American shit that appears in the Post only better written. The Business Section of the Globe is dominated by advertisement for stock sellers disguised as articles. The Globe business section is aimed at suckers. I have been reading Wolf long enough to know that David Thomson is anti Canadian, is misleading investors and helping to separate suckers from their money. For a long time I have been getting the truth from the CBC, PBS, BBC, Guardian UK / USA and the aforementioned Wolf Street, which is world wide in financial coverage. And then I read the Sun, Post, Globe and Star to witness their multitudinous lies and just how misleading their copy is. The more egregious articles I clipped. After a dozen years I have enough False News clipping to fill the trunk of a car. Did you know it is a criminal offense to publish False News in Canada. Ronald Reagan did away with such a Law in the USA. Harper has just ignored our Law. I think the deal is that Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich can publish all the phony shit they want as long as they say nice things about Lyin Steve and bad things about Justin Trudeau and Tom Mulcair. The clipping phase of my life is over. I know for certain that the right wingers will cheat, lie and steal their grandmothers gold teeth. So when you know, you know. Unlike Don Rumsfeld, there are no unknown in MY LIFE. Time to call a halt to wasting my time reading lies in the Nazi press. CTV and Global I never watch, the rightie propaganda is just too overpowering. Those who appear on screen were plucked young and indoctrinated like the Hitler Youth. In their news coverage we get an endless regurgitation from the the rightie playbook. If Canadians do end up in a petro state after October, they too will have to memorize the rightie play book and recite same in the square each morning. I think I will throw this entire clipping file out. It is no longer relevant. If, on the morning of October 20th / 15, we still live in freedom my old paper clipping will have no usefulness. If however we find ourselves in an oilie police state, with the sound of the RCHP jackboots in the streets, the authorities will confiscate my files. A truckload of my Nazi press lies would best be burned at the same time as all of our Canadian history books are burned. After which the only place we will have to read our history is via Historica Canada, a charity financially supported by the US Fascist Donner Foundation. Another point is that after the American oil monopoly takes control of Canada, there will be no place for clippings in my wooden hut in Harper’s concentration camp. All the inmates will have to dance to Jenni Byrnes tune as she waves her Hakapik about. But there is a saving grace. Until we are all disposed of, there will happy times with the gang, Margaret Atwood, Neil Young, Alison Redford, Rachel Notley, Danny Williams, David Suzuki, Dave Climenhaga and the contingents from the CBC, CRTC and the Supreme Court. But when Jenni tells me I am going for a shower, I will go but I won’t believe her. Experience says it is better to be gassed, than shot in the back. As you know the truth doesn’t exist anywhere in the Harper camp, true Nazis ALL.

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The rightpublicanazis and the Tea party live in a fantasy land. Here in Canada we live in Harperland, where the made up stuff is substituted for the real. I have written often on the subject of Mad Harper, his hallucinations and his Sociopathic behaviour. Stephen Harper attended Richview Collegiate and his profile was printed in the High School Year Book. Steve was headed to the U of T and the law profession. Harper lasted but 2 months at the U of T before he ran away to be with his family in Alberta, where his dad got him a job licking stamps at Imperial Oil. There is Lyin Steve’s link to oil. In the High School Yearbook Harper listed his pet peeve, ” R E A L I T Y “. I rest my case.

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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The meeting of the Premiers, to talk about a National Energy Strategy bore much fruit. They established a foundation upon which to build a new Canada, a Country that doesn’t bend over and drop its’ pants every time the American say NOW. There is an old saying, ” united we stand, divided we fall. Here’s my new saying, ” Without Harper we CAN STAND UNITED. With Harper, under tyranny WE STAND DIVIDED “. As separate Provinces with only some control over certain jurisdictions, they are vulnerable to being picked off by the Americans on an individual basis with Harper’s help. Brad Wall admitted himself, competing with Alberta for oilie investment. Brad said he’d do a trick cheaper than Alberta. That is like two brothers, both owning hot dog stands, trying to outdo the other by cutting prices. This is the rightie free market system in full flight. Eventually everyone in the business with the exception of but rich will suffer from the low prices. I believe in competition, where the cream rises to the top. But true competition in North America, to those on top, is the last thing they will permit In Canada, faced with a National Government composed of the USA oil Monopoly as funder, Herr Harper, his Fascist Party, Rightpublicanazis as advisers and the Canadian Nazi media paid to blow the trumpet for the aforementioned collection of Fifth Columnists, the Premiers certainly took a bold step in the direction of much more Provincial Government involvement in the management of the people’s, environment, energy and our natural resources. The idea that US businesses should be allowed to come in at Brad Wall’s invitation and do whatever they please without interference from our elected representatives is a foreign concept and ridiculous in the extreme. Why should we allow foreigners in to buy stuff cheap, lug our stuff out of Country and sell our stuff for big prices to the world market. We have the ability to SELL OUR OWN STUFF GLOBALLY. NO MORE OF THIS, we make peanuts and they make fat profits. Why? Why? Why? I was not only an elected representative in the Town of Pickering [ 1973 /76 ] but I was a minor official on the Frost, Robarts and Davis team from 1960 to 1985. After which the rightpublicanazis took over the Ontario Progressive Conservatives in 1985 under that clod, Frank Miller. And I can understand. The Canadian and Ontarian Progressive Conservatives represented the mortal enemy of the US right. Herein, for all Americans to see, was a tolerant system in which the distance between the working class and the privileged was not that great. During my involvement in municipal, Provincial and Federal politics, I seldom met individuals who thought they were better the the next. One life is equal to another life. One ballot is equal to the next ballot. All adult Canadians have the right to that ballot. Pierre Poilievre is not the superior personage he was taught to be at the University of Calgary. Elizabeth Cannon’s outfit had no tight to bestow upon Pierre the ORDER OF GOD. After the Frank Miller debacle of 1985, the Ont. PCs returned to power in 1995 with Mike Harris. I worked for Mike for awhile. I had hoped that my PC Party would have learned its’ lesson. The Tories had been in Office for 42 years and had a winning formula, pretty simple, LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE. Like as in, run a tight ship, serve the voter’s interests, develop policies that improve life in the Province and implement them when the treasury will allow. Supporting this approach, with which I was comfortable, had been my job in Pickering for 25 years. I met Bill Newman, the Agriculture Minister, on a regular basis to discuss my conversations with people in Pickering. This kind of connection with the citizenry, took place in every riding across Ontario since the time of Leslie Frost and our PC Party were elected. As PCs, we too had an ideology which related to our conduct as representatives of the people and the development of a collective expertise to provide a steady hand to manage the Province’s economy. Our ideology never interfered with our course of action on any matter. We never had a 15 page right wing handbook that limited our actions. When Hurricane Hazel struck in 1954, I was an aircraft mechanic of 19, working at Buttonville Airport, north of Toronto. I had to pick my way home through the mess. There was a large death toll. Leslie Frost immediately moved to bring in floodplain legislation, in which every river and watercourse was surveyed and a hundred year flood line described. Thereafter, nobody could reside within those flood lines. Existing houses were expropriated and much vacant land became uninhabitable, much to the owner’s dismay. That land went to conservation. Ontario’s Floodplain Legislation is the strongest in the world and has save untolled lives, much heart ache and yielded
billions, upon billions of savings, in terms of private assets and taxpayer’s money. Private business would never have implemented Floodplain Legislation. Compare this to Reagan’s small government initiatives. Ronny, who had alzheimers, his Republicans, with the help of the US Nazi press was able to separate something called government from something called the people. In a democracy government is of the people, by the people, for the people. Creating the idea that our governments, at all levels represent the enemy, is a US import, brought into Canada by the American oil monopoly, Preston Manning and his Centre for the Destruction of Democracy, Steve Harper and the University of Calgary. Their push for smaller government is being done for one reason and one reason only. To deprive the majority, of the ability to protect their sovereignty from a takeover by a little group of right wingers, their minions and corporate friends. Reagan’s small government initiative was recently put to the test. When a society is faced with a major crisis there has to be enough government to deal with that crisis. That is what Canadians expect and pay taxes for. Just how idiotic Reagan’s idea on the subject of small is better was by way of the flooding in Houston a few weeks ago, a story that quickly vanished from the Nazi media. And the flooding in High River and Calgary a few months ago, another story quickly dropped by the Nazi media here. Rightie blunders are always removed from the public gaze almost instantaneously. The oil monopoly smearing of Alison Redford went on for a couple of years without letup. Now Rachel Notley is being subjected to the same oilie tactic of continuous smearing done for the shadows in Houston by the PostMediocre papers, the Globe and Tar and the Star. There has not been one story about a very yellow fellow, Jim Prentice, who is following in the footsteps of runaway Mulroney, runaway Harris and runaway Harper. Both Texas and Alberta adhere to the ideology that it is every man and woman for themselves, nothing but a cruel fantasy. In rightieland, if you own land beside a river, you can sell it with the knowledge that flooding has taken place in the past and with the knowledge that unsuspecting people could lose their assets and even their lives because they are not in the know. And no government official is allowed to put them in the know. So most people are sitting duck, to be taken advantage of by the rightpublicanazis. Nice system? This is really the so called survival of the people with the most muscle and money which was NEVER DARWIN’S IDEA, JUST ANOTHER RIGHTIE MYTH. Under the Frost Floodplain Legislation much of Houston, High River and Calgary would not have been built without flood mitigation. But in right wingland, so what? Among Barb Black’s little people, if a few die like at Megantic or a get screwed, so what? The righties believe that government should not interfere in the lives of rich and powerful individuals, both buyers or sellers. In such cases, this American approach dictates that a town / city must approve construction of homes or businesses even if they know there is a history of flooding. Global Warming is devastating the USA but government officials, across the Country are afraid spitless to make a comment. The right will have the worker’s asses nailed to the barn door in a blink. The righties say the rights of individuals take precedence over the lives and property of the many, no matter the numbers. THIS IS SMALL GOVERNMENT. THIS IS FASCISM! Houston has been built with little regard for flooding as was High River and Calgary. But after the flooding in Texas and Alberta a strange thing happened. All the big, strong, independent victims of the Houston, High River and Calgary flooding went cap in hand to the Texas / Alberta Governments looking to be bailed out. Yet right wing ideology calls what Leslie Frost did on the flooding issue in Ontario in 1954, socialism. Even though it has saved lives and avoided huge damages in the Province. Such strong governments stand on guard for the people, eliminating problems before they pinch But in Houston, High River and Calgary individual rights were sacrosanct until the roof fell in. Then this rugged individualism nonsense went out the window. Those who made bad decisions all of a sudden want to be bailed out by the taxpayers. If someone is going to act irresponsibly, wherein I am going to end up paying the bill for such foolishness, I want the say about the irresponsible actions of those who are strong on greedy and weak on brainy. Did you know that the IQ of right wingers is 10 points below the average. But then it doesn’t take brains to belong to gang of thugs. No thinking required, think Don Trump whose original family name was Drumpf. Republicans in Congress, at this very moment, are trying to get Federal tax dollars to bail out the rich in Houston. If the negligent actions of individuals in the land of the free, are to cost the larger population money, surely the larger population has the right to impose restrictions on errant individuals. Of course they do. Canadian taxpayers are forking out hundreds of million to the people of Megantic, because the Harper Fascists allowed the American oil monopoly, to illegally ship Alberta paving tar mixed with Hi Octane Benzine in old, rusty CPR tank cars on a defective rail line into Maine. The Manifest, for those 77 decrepit bomb, tank cars was falsified and did not state the true contents. The Canadian Transportation Safety Board was aware of the circumstances but covered the whole sad story up. The Quebec Government never called a public inquest, thus it too covered up. The USA oil monopoly and the CPR caused 47 innocent people to die and left 22 orphans. Harper allowed the oilies and CPR to remain silent and let them escape paying the cost for the deaths and this derailment. Rather, Lyin Steve has stuck the Canadian taxpayers with the cost of this tragedy. As well Lyin Steve has had some of Barb Black’s little people charged with negligence for good measure. This to divert attention which Paul Godfrey does so well. The Post, Globe and Star have been only too happy to write story after story, laying blame on the MM and A workers who had no idea that they were handling a bomb mix containing Benzine. The papers were paid to ignore the real story of corporate greed, indifference to public safety and provide protection for the right wing ideology. The CPR management, knowingly sent that load of roofing tar and Benzine all across this Country. The workers and governments along the way didn’t know what the tank cars contained. There was the potential of a Megantic every mile that that CPR train traveled. Can you imagine a Megantic happening in the middle of Toronto or the middle of Montreal. Under Lyin Steve that possibility occurs every day. Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich are paid to NOT TELL YOU THAT. The American oil monopoly and the CPR lied to everyone and Herr Harper let them get away with it. And since this corporate made tragedy happened Harper has soaked the shit out of Canadian taxpayers to put money in the pockets of the oilies and the CPR. After living under right wing rule for ten years, with all of Harper’s miscues, if you like the present state of affairs, then vote for Steve and the USA oil monopoly ticket. You will be assured of having many more disastrous years like now. My Leslie Frost’s Government was in power for 42 years, catering to the needs of Ontarians. The people of Ontario, blessed with strong leadership and protected from the American sharks, worked together and turned this Province into the economic engine of Canada. Subsequently string of failed right wing leaders, backed by the Nazi media, turned their backs on success, pursued their right wing ideology and as a result Ontario is now bankrupt. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Double Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. The culprits in the running for the title of the worst Premiers of the Province are David Peterson, an incompetent, vindictive, small minded man. Now facing sexual harassment charges. Mike Harris also incompetent, an ideolog, was a captive of the Republicans, American money, Canadian turncoats and Bay Street. Harris wasn’t listening to Ontarians. His inner circle didn’t allow him to do that, too socialistic. The right always knows what’s best for Calgary U’s ignorant mob. The failure of Mike’s right wing policies cause him to run away before his second mandate was even finished. People didn’t realize that Mike was yellow The PCs have been out of office for 12 years and to my dismay they haven’t learned anything. Even John Tory failed to listen to the people, as he is not listening to Torontonians now. Once someone has had a rightie chip inserted in their brain, they are beyond help. Over the last few years interviews, have been done with Germans who were in the Hitler Youth. They still worship the Fuhrer. The right in North America have the same loyalty to their anti democratic cause. Ontario is in the middle of the political spectrum. There are two reasons why Herr Harper got into power. He lied to Canadians and fooled some of them. And Steve used his plentiful supply of oil money to cheat during the 2011 Election Campaign. Fall 2015, will be a rerun of that same movie. You may not get the result you hoped for if you remain indifferent. Keep buying National Post papers. For businesses, keep advertising in the National Post, every time you hand Paul Godfrey a nickel, you drive another nail in Canada’s coffin. As befits failed rightie leaders, Mulroney also ran away when he faced defeat but he grabbed $ 300,000 cash in a brown envelope on his way out. Harper ran away and hid in a hidy hole closet, when the bullets began to fly in Parliament. Jim Prentice ran away and has totally disappeared. Yet Alison Redford continued to be smeared by the Post papers for more than 2 years. Now Rachel Notley is being smeared on a daily basis by Godfrey and Thomson. Yet about Prentice, no a word. Fascists, we have learned are all wimps at heart, they all seem to have this streak of chickenshitness in their makeup. Hitler shot himself while down in a hole in the ground. Little Adolf was afraid of what the Russians might do to him. I would have put Hitler in a wheeled cage and towed him around Stalingrad without giveing him food or water. The next Premier on my hit list is Dalton McGuinty, who is a dishonest excuse for a man and as crooked to the core as they come. Early on, Dalt sold out Ontario to the nukies for personal gain and to fatten the Ont. Liberal Party bank account. Murray Elston was his bag man. The Toronto Star cheered McGuinty’s nuclear policy all the way to their bank. John Honderich got his cut of the proceeds. The nukie sellout was done by Dalt without encountering any difficulties because it was done behind the backs of Ontarians. Honderich helped. For our present bankrupt state, I hold John Honderich / Toronto Star partially responsible. I have a whole collection of Star articles which continuously lied about the nuclear curse. In the beginning I wrote many letters to John and his Paper, trying to correct their misinformation. I was ignored by Honderich. The nuclear takeover of Ontario Hydro started me clipping newspaper articles. And I have been at it ever since. I started this blog almost 6 years ago and much of what I have written relates to political propaganda, False News, censorship and misinformation. The papers and now TV are more petro cheque oriented than ever before. Got money? The Nazi media will write or say whatever your want even if it weakens Canadian democracy. The only news outlet that can be trusted is the CBC. The Corporation won’t last a minute if the American oil monopoly takes over this Country. Then we will be the match of Nazi Germany, the entire media will be in the hands of a dictator. You will never know what is going on except when the knock in the night comes and the Royal Canadian Harper Police hall you away. Selling Ontario’s nuclear assets worked so well for McGuinty, that it prompted him to start selling off other Government responsibilities to the private sector in return for additional personal cheques and donations to the Liberal Party. Look where Dalt’s massive privatization has taken us, lousy service, usury prices and private firms with their own police forces. The Province can’t pay its’ bills because private companies are bleeding us white. If you can believe, McGuinty was far to MY RIGHT. It would be a good idea if Dalt wrote Ontarians a cheque, returning some of the money he stole. I would in favour of seizing the books of the Ontario Liberal Party to see where their money came from and who got paid off. Remember, Ontario was the economic engine of Canada for 42 years and can be once again. We have to stop electing incompetent and corrupt leaders who pay the Nazi media to not look too hard. Godfrey is paid not to turn over any rocks. Now under Kathleen McGuinty, as big a crook as Dalt, we have had our credit rating lowered again. I was a part of the Frost, Robarts, Davis team for enough years to absorb how our system worked. The right wing calls what happened in Ontario for 42 years, socialism. In my view, what we did in Ontario is as close to socialism as the righties are close to a FREE MARKET. The Government here played its’ role in protecting the interest of the citizenry, the job it was elected to do. Honest businesses prospered That is what the Premiers are saying in their statement of intentions on the matter of a National Energy Strategy. The agreement was put together in the absence of Lyin Steve Harper, our will-o-the-wisp Glorious Leader. My guess, Harper the First is presently hiding from the oilie sponsored fictitious terrorists surrounded by his private palace police force. Steve cowers in the closest cupboard, as Canada goes into the tank. Caused by 10 years of his fiscal mismanagement. Harper loves Friedrich Hayek, who was a total fraud. Hayek is taught to impressionable young males at the University of Calgary, as is Leo Strauss and the Nietzsche Myth. Liz Cannon’s University is the centre for regime change in Canada. Strangely, after October, the University may just come out being the winner? With our Nation in the hands of the Fascists??? As stated, right wing ideology hasn’t worked in the past, their ideology is not working now and the rightie ideology will not work in the future, no matter how many times the Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, CTV and Global scream their support [ not the CBC ]. The E-Mail copying newsies are all condemning the new Premier’s National Energy Strategy. That was to be expected, like Daaaaaaaaaaaa. They are all being paid to do the dirty work for the American oil monopoly in Houston where the oilie suits hide from view as does Herr Harper. The Premier’s efforts have huge potential on the upside. There are so many opportunities, it is hard to chose, no matter how many negative things Paul Godfrey says. Actually it is a fork in the road for Canadians. It is an interesting time to be alive. History is being made as I write this overview. Will we continue to be a model democracy for the world. Or will we revert to the rule of tyranny under American Fascism??? This Fall will a majority of Canadians prove their docility and their lack of appreciation for the exciting potential that awaits this democracy of ours? Will the toadstools among us, go tippy toeing to the gas chamber, all the while believing they are just going to have a shower. If so, they will be throwing their lot in with the Houston oil monopoly and the US rightpublicanazis. Thereby gaining the well deserved title of, undermen or underwomen. It is my hope that most Canadians bypass the Nazi media and put some effort into learning about the exciting potential. Being in charge of our own future / finally, controlling our own resources / finally, being self sufficient in energy / finally and lowering our environmental footprint / finally. Doing all of these things will bring us prosperity. IS THAT NOT WHAT WE SEEK? Those in the US brag about being strong individuals, which in the real world Brings nothing but ruin. Rather than follow the Yankee lead, we here can become strong collectivists, the winning approach. In the Second World War our side won because the allies worked together. Canada, the USA, UK and Australia are now struggling financially. Mishandling by the right wing Governments is to blame. In each Nation the righties try their best to separate one person from another. Then people are subjected to max confusion, measures that cause anxiety and the constant threats of terrorist violence. Citizens who are confused, anxious and frightened make it easier for the right to exercise control and steal. A disorganized, weak and dispirited populace makes it easier for the righties to create a system that gives them every advantage. Read Hitler’s history if you want to know what Herr Harper is up to? I think one of the big fears the rightpublicanazis have is that Canada will be seen by the oppressed Americans as a model of a unified force for the GOOD OF THE PEOPLE. And with the Premiers working in common cause to tame our energy problems, their work will provide a showcase for the citizens of the USA, the UK and Australia to see a true democracy at work after we put Harper in jail. We will be free from the scaremongering we get from the rightie fantasyland. Then the Yanks, the Brits and the Aussies will start demanding what this Country has attained after shedding the rightie / oilie yoke. I am called a lefty Liberal by the right. Which is ridiculous. I am a businessman, right winger, a former politician, a husband, father, grandfather, a PC and as straight as an arrow. Those who call me left leaning do so from a their extreme Fascist position, a position they will never admit to, NO FLASH AND NOT EVEN ANY PAN. I keep asking myself, how do these rightie wimps attract girls??? I am actually in the middle of the political spectrum and there I am in my natural element. Those on the far right are like Herr Harper, Preston Manning and Donald Trump, a special kind of Sociopath with no knackers. Fascism and democracy can’t occupy the same space. So Canadians will have to decide whether they believe all the lies told them about the Premier’s National Energy Strategy, by Paul Godfrey, David Thomson, John Honderich, CTV and Global. Or will they open their minds and be super curious about the opportunities that abound. This unlimited Canadian potential, that of becoming prosperous Masters and Mistresses in our own domain??? Taking the right path at this juncture is critical for our young people. Under the American oil monopoly life will only get worse for the 18 to 35 group. The oilies want obedient serf not young people shooting for the star. Fascists see idle youth without means as perfect recruits,because they are desperate. The well educated and gainfully employed among the young would never succumb to the right wing mindless claptrap and endless failures. So the righties prey on unattached young people before they get a taste of life and gain some security. That is what Preston Manning does at his tax funded charity Institute. Manning destroys the lives our most precious resource, our fledglings. Just think of the number of well paying jobs that would be created if were to build the Twin Beaver Pipeline from ocean to ocean to carry real Canadian oil and natural gas to wherever it is needed in the Country. With the surplus going through Churchill Manitoba for export to the UK and British Commonwealth [ more than 2 billion people ]. Along the same right-of-way we would build transmission lines for the cross Canada Electric Grid [ from BC to Labrador ], to supply cheap, clean hydro to where ever it is needed. Since these projects would require an entirely new approach, the Provinces are the only ones capable of guiding and underwriting this kind of infrastructure. After all each Province and Territory owns its’ own goodies, not all the same goodies but goodies just the same. Any garden variety village idiot could see that combining all Canada’s goodies into one package would change the dollar numbers massively to the positive side. Two plus two would no longer add up to four. In this New Canada, two plus two would add up to six or maybe more. Harper’s incompetent and corrupt leadership means that we are only getting two and one half, if that? Canada is a Nation of champions. Those at the top must be people who push us to our personal best. Harper encourages us to do our personal worst, all the better to serve the rightie interests. There are billions upon billion of investment waiting for an opportunity to participate in the New Canada. Russ Girling /TransNotCanada has proposed yet another scam, Energy East, which has and is widely advertised falsely in our Nazi newspapers, on TV and on the net. Lies are a growth industry in this Country. The PostMediocre papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, Mclean’s, CTV, Global, the Fraser, C. D. Howe, Macdonald-Laurier, Frontier and Manning Institutes are all hogging to lime light. These phony, political Institutions masquerading as charities are allowed to operate as charities by Revenue Harper along with Statistics Harper are now arms of the PMO. The above think tanks are fronts for the US Donner Foundation a booster of Fascism and as political you can get. I believe Revenue Harper has laid off most of their staff. The only people they have left specialize in harassing Harper’s opponent, like David Suzuki. Thus, the dissemination of right wing political propaganda, dished up by the Donner Foundation team is being partly paid for by unsuspecting Canadians. There is an old saying which applies to the Donner heirs, ” you can fool some of the foolish some of the time but you can’t fool some of the foolish all of the time “. It is different here in Canada. I don’t think the Canadian foolish are a foolish as the Yankee foolish? Our hundred or so Nazi newspapers here, try to fool all Canadians all of the time and those papers actually do succeed in fooling a lot of Canadians all of the time. It is amazing to realize that Canadians actually pay for all of this stupidity training. If you WANT TO BECOME STUPID, you’ll have to pay for it? Paul Godfrey and the PostMediocre papers are very big in increasing the level of stupidity in this Nation with the constant lying and published misinformation. I never read the funny papers. The contents contained in the main body of the Nazi press is funny enough for my fancy. The pointy headed suits at Bennett Jones / Hugh MacKinnon CEO and Caldwell Partners / John Wallace CEO announced that our very own Paul Godfrey was chosen as CEO OF THE YEAR FOR 2015. Boy, now was that a laugh. I harken back to the Enbridge paving tar / Benzine spill at Kalamazoo Mich. in July 2010. The pipeline split due to poor welding and rust, a problem ignored by Enbridge. The result was a million gallons of the shiny black shit that blew up at Megantic went into the River. It was closed for 2 years as Enbridge dragged its’ feet on the cleanup. The River reopened in Sept. 2012. Pat Daniel headed up Enbridge, before and over the time of this massive ROOFING TAR AND BENZINE SPILL. Daniel appeared in public a number of time to deny that what had spilled was tar / Benzine. Pat swore up and down, it was oil that was in that old pipeline. Eventually Daniel admitted, after being made to look like a complete fool, that what Enbridge was transporting through that pipe was bitumen and Benzine from Fort McMurray. The tar covered the land, sank to the bottom of the Kalamazoo River and the poisonous cloud of Benzine fumes drifted to the south east, down the valley and adversely affected 100s if not thousands of people, even 50 miles away. Imagine such a spill in Toronto on Enbridge No 9? The Nazi media never mentioned the poisonous cloud. Even though The US Safety Board identified what had spilled was roofing tar / Benzine and further Pat Daniel finally admitted that this was the case the North American media continued to call what had spilled at Kalamazoo as OIL. Enbridge simply paid off the Nazi press to keep saying what was lying all over the Michigan countryside was OIL, OIL AND MORE OIL. These lies were told on Daniel’s watch. In spite of this catastrophe, Caldwell Partners named Daniel CEO of the year in 2011. At that time, Pat said he was not considering resigning. In the summer of 2012 the Kalamazoo River reopened although Enbridge had not completed the cleanup as agreed with the Government. Within a couple of months, Pat Daniel was shown the door by Enbridge and Al Monaco came in as CEO and chief liar. So, in view of the fact that Caldwell Partners chose Paul Godfrey as the CEO of 2015 it is clear that being a habitual liar ranks high in the Partner’s eyes. Actually Caldwell is good enough to let us know what guides them in their choice of the best CEO. Vision and leadership is a requirement. Daniel allowed his Company to ignore safety rules and illegally transport bitumen / Benzine through a 50 year old pipeline. This pipe was not monitored properly and it took hour for Enbridge to realize the thing had burst. There was no plan in place to deal with such a spill and Enbridge showed all the organizational qualities of the Keystone Kops. Daniel never got ahead of this spill file and it cost the shareholders of Enbridge hundreds of millions of dollars if not passed a billion. The Nazi press did not go near this story, whereas it should have been tied to the Enbridge application to convert the 50 year old No 9 pipe in Ontario to the transportation of roofing tar and Benzine. Like Pat Daniel, Paul Godfrey is right up there in the lie telling category too. The suits at Caldwell were obviously impressed with the ability of they leaders to tell tall ones. Caldwell’s other criteria for such supermen are corporate performance, global competitiveness, innovation and social responsibility. In terms of corporate performance Daniel, endangered Enbridge by blundering into an accident that should never have happened. Instead, Pat was rewarded by Enbridge and friends like Bennett and Caldwell. For the righties, when disaster strikes ignore it and get on with business. Wishing hard and paying off the Nazi press helps. The Pat Daniel stumble took the wind out of the sails of the Northern Gateway project and this initiative has never regained its’ feet. Paul Godfrey is leading the PostMediocre papers out to that disappearing point in the distance. Corporate skill, Paul doesn’t have any, much like Daniel. Stuffing a 50 year old Michigan pipeline with illegal tar and Benzine was an irresponsible corporate decision but Daniel was rewarded for toying with the lives of people. Paul Godfrey publishes the Post papers which are filled with lies, misinformation, False News, rightie propaganda and spin. The circulation of the PostMediocre papers is dropping and advertisers are bailing out. To Bennett and Caldwell this is satisfactory Corporate performance??? Godfrey’s stock holders are going to be left holding empty bags. Interestingly Michigan and Enbridge have signed an agreement. The Company will no longer be allowed to transport paving tar mixed with Benzine through its’ pipelines in Michigan. How come consideration is still being given to pumping tar / Benzine through Enbridge No 9 in Ontario??? Russ Girling is another liar on the current scene. To the Keystone fiasco Russ has added another boondoggle, Energy East. It is an attempt to try fooling Canadians one more time. Success in fooling people, begets more attempts at fooling the slow witted. Besides the Keystone hoax, Girling is now proposing to used a fifty year old natural gas line which goes from Alberta to Ontario and Quebec. Russ is caught in another lie. Girling studied Fascism and lying at the University of Calgary. He is almost as good as Herr Harper at telling lies. Girling has been given a pass by our Nazi press to tell lies. The same pass that was given to Lyin Steve. Energy East will not carry oil as Girling states. Rather it will carry Alberta Tar mixed with Hi Octane Benzine, the shiny black shit that blew up in the Town of Megantic, killing 47 people and leaving 22 orphans. The Energy East Pipeline will deliver tar / Benzine, exclusively, to tankers on the Atlantic coast for shipment to Texas. Alberta Tar will be upgraded and refined in Texas, for the world market. None of the tar, I repeat none of the tar will make it into gas tanks in North America. Girling says Energy East will be transported to eastern refineries, that is just another lie that the Nazi press repeats. It is pure bullshit. The truth is but a click away. Harper, his Fascists and his minions at the papers, believe Canadians are stupid and he / they treat us that way. Hitler instructed, if you repeat a lie often enough to ignorant people, they will believe it the truth. Reading the Letters to the Editor sections is informative. It shows that the campaign of lies by the Nazi press is having an effect. There are a considerable number of Canadian fools, fooled by our Nazi press. The fact that lies and this kind of misinformation is openly fed to the Canadian public speaks much about the Nazi media in two ways. It shows that Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich have a low opinion of the citizenry here and thus their stuff is printed to reach a Grade 8 mentality. Secondly, Paul, David and John will take money to repeat whatever Girling tells them to say. What Girling says ranks higher than the truth with the press. Because Russ’ comments come with a cheque. Although some of you buy the National Post, Godfrey doesn’t feel he owes you anything in the way of truthful comment. But Paul thinks like all the others in the tiny group of righties. Nietzsche, Hayek and Strauss et al, thought of the vast majority folk in any nation, to be too ignorant to mind their own state affairs. It has been decided by the insiders that like Harper, Poilievre and Alexander etc are needed to guide Energy East will not be constructed with TransNotCanada money. Small stand alone companies will be formed by Girling to attract sucker investors. Each company will own a short chunk of Energy East pipe. If there is a major tar spill on Energy East, like the one at the Nexen plant in Fort McMurray, the little stand alone companies will not have enough insurance. So there will not be enough money to cover damages and Girling can walk free and TransNotCanada can escape scrutiny. Same deal at Megantic. The American oil monopoly and the CPR loaded 77 old rusty tank cars with their tar and Benzine bomb mix but falsified the Manifest. The CPR paperwork said that the contents of the train came for North Dakota. CPR and CNR tracks from the US west go down to Chicago. There is no track to carry American train, eastbound into Canada. This CPR bomb train traveled right across Canada and put everyone close to its’ route at risk of death CPR handed the Megantic bomb train over to a small US rail company that was not advised of its’ lethal contents. MM and A did not have enough insurance to cover 77 rusty tank cars, carrying an illegal cargo of explosive Benzine wherein the tankers were obsolete and poorly maintained. A person or company is not responsible for an accident handling material caused by a supplier not identifying a hazardous cargo. Herr Harper covered this accident up, which was caused by Steve watering down our safety laws. Transport Canada has become a toothless tiger under the thumb of Lyin Steve. The Canadian Transport Safety Board is a disgrace, run out of the PMO. Its’ report has never named the contents of the tankers that blew up in Megantic. There is much fudging as to the tar / Benzine coming from North Dakota. NOT! But the CPR falsified the documentation for the 77 car bomb train and the Company was never charged. Any junior private eye, right out of high school would be able to figure out that the tar / benzine on the bomb train came from Fort McMurray. The Government people who are supposed to protect Canadians from these kinds of risks are too afraid of Herr Harper. They were absent without leave and they should be ashamed of themselves for taking their paycheques. There has never been a Coroner’s Inquest on the matter of Megantic, in Quebec, which is required by law in an accident like this. I believe Harper paid off Pauline Marois, Preem of Quebec, to skip the Inquest. A proper investigation and a thorough Inquiry would all point back to the American oil monopoly and its’ agent, the CPR. Of course the Nazi media was oblivious to all the goings on and this unnecessary loss of life. Harper had some of the little people at MM and A charged as a diversion away from from the real culprits, the oilies and the CPR. You know what? The Nazi media gave full coverage to those falsely charged for the Megantic conflagration being led into Court in handcuffs. Now Harper the First is giving hundreds of millions of taxpayer money to the people of Megantic. Canadian taxpayers were not responsible for the loss of life at Megantic. Harper’s employer the USA oil monopoly is fully responsible for that towering inferno but wee Steve looked after the monopoly’s interests, to the full. Exactly what a PM should do, right??? Screw the people who elected him, then pay Paul Godfrey big dough to cover up for him. Herr Harper would not have been able to steal the 2011 General Election without the support of the Nazi media and a lot of misguided toadstools. In becoming PM by illegal means, Steve has been able to give every advantage to his funder, the USA oil monopoly in Houson. Under normal conditions CPR would have faced charges of falsifying the bomb train’s documents and causing the deaths at Megantic. But going after the CPR, would have taken the investigation far too close to the throne in Houston. It is nice to be in a position to have a load of money as the oilies do, enough to buy dishonest politicians like Harper, Prentice and the Fascists, Canadians who love America the most and our Nazi press as well. No fair minded voter would cast a ballot for Stevie Harper if his madman’s exploits, intrigues and lies were fully revealed in our Nazi media. But the likes of Paul Godfrey of the PostMediocre papers and David Thomson of the Globe and Tar, are paid to keep Harper’s exploits and lies hidden from view. A couple of days ago the Globe had a teaser story on the front page about food banks in Alberta, food banks in Alberta, yikes. It looked like it had been written by one of those low paid / no paid Globe intern, it was pure grade eleven writing. Did you know that David Thomson and family have assets of $ 24 billion yet Dave won’t pay his cub reporters a living wage, if at all? Welcome to the right wing Harperland. It is my guess, that this food bankpiece was lifted because Lyin Stve doesn’t want any mention of Alberta as a place having any trouble. Hitler would be proud. The body of the food bank article was supposed to be on page 8. There was nothing. The piece had been lifted. I am sure, when Phil Crawley, Publisher of the Globe got wind of this piece he had the article pulled. If the Globe wrote honestly about the problems in Alberta, you know this truth stuff the oilie / Harper cheques to Crawley would be cut off. Crawley would never ever allow the truth to interrupt the monopoly / Government stream of bribe money. This is what Hitler did, the same thing as Thomson’s Globe, censor the news. If you are satisfied with Harper’s performance to date, I recommend that you buy a National Post paper or a Globe, get really stupid and hand this Country to the Americans. Under whom conditions will get even worse. and THE FUTURE OF YOUR CHILDREN WILL VANISH. Just imagine President Trump and the Tea Party Republicans running Canada, supported by oilie money??? YOU CAN get us there IF YOU CONTINUE SITTING ON YOUR ASSES. If we can stop the takeover of this Country by the US oil monopoly and elect a democratic Government, then there must be an inquiry held into the Megantic tragedy. If the American oil monopoly can be driven back south of the border, we should meet out the same treatment to Russ Girling of TransNotCanada and Al Monaco of Enbridge, both enemies of this Country Their Corporations are build entirely on lies and theft. In the new Canada there will be no place for these crooked Companies and their lying. I’d give Russ and Al a choice, leave or go to jail. These firms are cash cows for the investors on Wall Street. All new pipeline construction will be funded through debt and the asle of shares. Little chunks of both firms have been individualized. Thus, if there is a spill or explosion concerning tar and Benzine, only the partners who own the section that ruptures or blows up would be liable. And Harper approves of these deals. The owners of the little chunks would just declare bankruptcy and walk away leaving you and you and you holding the bag. The victims, Barb Black’s little people would be left holding the bag. No democratic government would allow a company to create such a huge level of risk to the general population in pursuit of profit and then be able to duck responsibility if the roof falls in. Welcome to the rightie free market. They do the screwing and you get screwed. The reason, Herr Harper sits atop a Fascist Government and he allows the American oil monopoly, TransNotCanada, Enbridge, the CPR and the CNR to put Canadians at risk of ruin and even death, never a question asked. You never hear about such things, Paul Godfrey and David Thomson get paid to keep this kind of stuff from YOU. My Twin Beaver Pipeline will be entirely different from the Energy East pipe proposal. Energy East was designed on the cheap, using the 50 year old TransCanada natural gas pipeline WHICH WAS FUNDED BY THE FEDERAL. The Energy East plan is not approved to carry the shiny black shit that blew up in Megantic. Girling pipe was desined to bring Alberta / Saskatchewan nat. gas to Ontario / Quebec. This system worked well and could be working to-day, except the Americans and Wall St. got into the act, they dreamed up a scheme to allow them to steal even more Canadian money. Sure enough the Post and Globe got right in there repeating Girling’s lies. Since Harper appear on the scene the Yankees have been stripping Canada’s wealth with our Nazi press being paid to keep quiet. Rather, the papers received payment from the Houston monopoly to spend all their time smearing Alison Redford, more than 250 times. Yet the Nazi papers have no time to report on Girling stealing from the people of Alt., Sask., Que. and Ont. Gary Mason of the Globe and Tar was the lead hatchet man in the assault on Redford, scoring over 20 smears. Mason doesn’t even live in Alberta, he operates out of his basement in BC. So Phil Crawley was E-Mailing Gary with the oilie script. Gary is another stenographer playing at being being a journalist. He has never had a real job in his life. The original Transcanada pipe from 1958, was a cooperative venture involving 4 Provinces and the permission of Manitoba. All of this was stitched together by the Federal Government. Look what this cooperation yielded to the citizens of this fair Land, a stable supply of nat. gas for Ontario and Quebec until Harper let Girling and Monaco into the Act. To be able to actually steal from Ontarians and Quebecers Russ and Al needed the cooperation of Dalt McGuinty and the Ontario Liberals who are as corrupt as Mike Harris was and Lyin Steve is. Quebec and Ontario were involved in a fair and reliable market for the gas coming from Alberta and Saskatchewan. The rightpublicanazis call this socialism. Yea socialism. The original east / west pipe worked great until it was taken over by the US private sector. Now the natural gas customers in the East were and are being screwed. As well the Western suppliers of Nat. gas were and are being screwed as well. McGuinty permitted Russ Girling to screw Ontarians, allowing Russ to charge us Alta. / Sask. prices for cheap nat. gas coming from Michigan and Pennsylvania . Quebec saw through this hoax and protested and continues to protest Energy East. The Governments of Alberta and Saskatchewan bowed to the American oil monopoly and stood idly by while US cheap frack nat. gas replaced Alta. / Sask and not a whimper from either Province. Not even Brad Wall spoke up. Right wing governments, like in Saskatchewan don’t serve their people, they bow to their rightie ideology. If you trace the right wing ideology out to the end of the game, disintegration can be the only outcome. We need a new dual pipeline system with one side for OIL [ not tar mixed with Hi Octane Benzine / the bomb mix that blew up in Megantic / that spilled in Kalamazoo ] with the natural gas in the pipe on the other side. The Twin Beaver Pipeline would go from coast to coast with a spur to the deep water port at Churchill Manitoba for the export of refinable oil and nat. gas [ no tar, no tar, no tar ]. It will be controlled by the Provinces and Territories and owned by Canadian investors 51%, under the name Canadian Provincial Energy Corporation. We don’t need to depend on foreign investors as Harper keeps harping. Fuck foreign investors, they are the ones who got us into all our present troubles. Since this Twin Beaver Pipeline is such a new cutting edge concept, young people everywhere would be able to be educated up to speed on this new venture and get in on the ground floor, all across the Country. I would recommend new courses for Canadian colleges and universities as well as reviving the apprenticeship system which could be restarted in high schools. The unions should be involved in these educational crash courses. I can see schools in close proximity the First People communities offering such courses. Only unionized Canadians would be employed in the Pipeline and electric grid construction. Projects which would contribute to the remaking of this Country. THERE WOULD BE NO FOREIGN WORKERS EMPLOYED BY CPEC The unions involved, probably independent for each trade, strikes would be banned and they would have representation on the Board of the Canadian Provincial Energy Corporation. All of the equipment and materials required in this Pipeline / electric grid initiative would be sourced in Canada from Canadian owned companies or built here under license. There is $ 650 billion residing in Canada looking for good investments. Third world countries are always on our doorstep looking for Canadian investors. Now here is a novel thought! How about Canadians investing in a sure thing right here in C A N A D A. The Twin Beaver Pipeline and the cross Canada hydro Electric Grid would mean cheaper gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, natural gas and electricity. We would have absolute energy security of supply. The fucking Americans would be sent home to live under Donald Trump and the Tea Party populated by Hicks. And I do mean small town hicks. Teabees thrive in the rightie land of fantasy and myths as taught by Liz Cannon at the University of Calgary. With the Twin Beaver Pipeline in operation as well as the electric grid, we the people, of the people and for the people WOULD KEEP ALL OF THE PROFITS, WOW. THERE WOULD MEAN NOTHING FOR WALL STREET, LIKE AS IN ZERO. Our surplus oil and nat. gas would be sold to the UK and the British Commonwealth, with whom we already trade agreements. Quite a customer base, 2 billion people. They too like us, are paying dearly for fuel and electricity, while the American oil monopoly and the US energy corporations are paying peanuts for their raw materials. That is very reason why the laws in North America prohibit monopolies. The evils of monopolies cast a dark shadow over Canada because Lyin Steve will not enforce the laws of this land. But the Republicans in Congress get cheques from the oilies, so they welcome the monopoly. The USA is now a cesspool. Over 300 million people have lost their voices. Those on the right now hold the reins. Herr Harper and his Fascists are angling for the same result here. Petrol dollars allow Herr Harper to hold this Country in his tight dictators grip. An example? Harper is negotiating the TTP Trade Agreement. He has no right to do so, he is a lame duck with very limited powers. If Lyin Steve is able to steal October 19 / 15, I believe Parliament will not be called back into session, just like Hitler dismissed the Reichstag Presently, even more petro dollars are flowing to the Post papers, the Globe, the Star, CTV and Global to ensure that after October 19 / 15 Harper’s grip is even tighter. Those on the oilie payroll are not inclined to enforce the laws that prohibit monopolies. Why would Paul Godfrey bite the hand from Houston that holds his fat cheques??? Canadians pay way too much for gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, this allows the oilies to keep the ISIS bank account full. We also pay private firms like TransAlta [ a monopoly ] and Ont. Power Generation [ a monopoly ] way too much for electricity. Not only is their KW price too high, the two utilities cheat their customers, as in stealing. But neither Alberta PCs nor the Kathleen McGuinty Liberals would / will take any action. Their friends are skimming off too much graft to voluntarily end the beanfeast. The price of a KW at Quebec Hydro or BC Hydro is half a cent per KW behind the dam. In Ontario the price for that raw nukie KW is eight cents, 16 time higher than Quebec and BC. Little wonder Ontario’s businesses have up and left and nobody wants to come here. This is McGuinty’s doing, both Dalt and Kath. The power is just too expensive here and is slated to go even higher under Kathleen McGuinty’s Government. This Province was built on cheap hydro, but thanks to the nukies taking over our utility [ supposedly owned by the people ], their nuclear experimentation has put us in the poor house. Way to go Mike, Dalt and Kath! But people keep electing the Liberals, in large part thanks can go to John Honderich misleading the ratepayers here about nuclear. The Star made / makes big money lying to and misinforming the public on this nukie cancer. But in terms of Ontario and Quebec, we are being screwed in our natural gas purchases by Russ Girling. Russ is buying cheap fracked natural gas from Michigan and Pennsylvania as a substitute for Alberta / Saskatchewan nat. gas. But then Girling is charging Ontarians and Quebecers consumers, Alberta and Saskatchewan gas prices. This is being accomplished thanks to the McGuintys, both, conniving with Girling. I would be interested in seeing how big a fortune Dalton has made personally peddling bits of Ontario, here and there. The McGint did get a free house from the nukies. That house cost Ontarians more than a million and a half. Oh, Honderich just forgot to mention that to you. The Dalt’s take is much like Harper’s giveaways to the US righties in return for petro dollars. Let’s look at the score board. Quebec has plenty of cheap, clean hydro but pays way too much for fracked nat. gas and is protesting this situation at the moment. The Nazi press has said nothing about this protest. Ontario has expensive and dangerous nuclear power which creates as much CO2 as nat. gas. And we pay through the nose for Nat. gas because Russ Girling is screwing Ontario royally. As you might expect, the Nazi press is paid to cover up for the nukies and TransNotCanada. The former PC Government in Alberta and the Brad Wall Government, NEVER TOLD THEIR CONSTITUENTS about Russ Girling / Al Monaco pulling this fast one. All involved have destroyed the natural gas industry in the West in the search for greater TransNotCanada / Enbridge profits. The people of each Province own their natural resources. They should not be given away. Governments are supposed to protect the citizens from private avarice and such give aways. But the Governments in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario, for a cut take, have been acting like accomplices to these theft. For many years the Prentice PCs, Brad Wall and Dalt’s Liberals have helped load the bags of money into the American get away car. Now Alberta has a new Government, by installing a bonafide democratic party. The NDP policy is decided at convention and those running to be a MP, MPP, MNA or MLA are chosen by long time riding association members. The NDP truly represents the people of a particular riding within Parliament, Provincial Parliament, National Assembly and Legislative Assembly. Some of the new NDP representatives are refreshing. Harper’s 3500 young communications specialists in Ottawa, who work on the taxpayer’s dime were trained by Preston Manning. These Harper Youth are digging into the background of Liberal and NDP candidates looking for embarrassments from the past. I like people who express an opinion whether I agree with it or not. I much prefer people who have the ability and courage to think for themselves and will speak out. Rather than the mind dead righties who are afraid to make a wave, JUST LIKE THE NAZIS FOLLOWED ORDERS. The Fascists, like Pierre Poilievre, from the University of Calgary, are horrified at the thought of the ignorant mob getting to vote for a Government. Me? I am deathly afraid of the ignorant righties seizing control of Canada in a coup IN ORDER TO DELIVER EVERYTHING WE POSSESS TO THE AMERICANS. As we might expect, Paul Godfrey / PostMediocre papers and David Thomson / Globe are paid to amplify the rightie outrage about democracy breaking out and interfering with the Yankee takeover. Calgary U teaches our vulnerable young, that democracy can be dangerous for their self appointed exceptional students like Harper and Poilievre. Harper, himself picks the Fascist MPs for each and every riding. Thus the Fascist local riding associations are mere Fascist fronts, set up to undermine democracy locally. Lyin Steve’s minions can be put to work but they are made to understand that they must keep their mouths shut. Democracy at work??? I don’t think so. Dictatorship at work? You betcha! Democracy stands on FIVE PILLARS. Pillars which Herr Harper is now destroying. /\ The rule of law /\. /\ Strong institutions /\. /\ Representative Government /\. /\ A strong judiciary /\. /\ A free press [ ha ha ha ] /\. As an example of the potential of the Premier’s National Energy Strategy, in single exchange we would see Quebec getting to the heart of the matter. In return for Alberta nat. gas and oil from a secure market going to Quebec. Albertans would get cheap, clean, hydro electricity from Quebec thereby increasing the KW market for Quebec. No more would Alberta and Quebec have to dealing with those thieving Americans. Years ago we developed the KW demand cycle. This meant having enough generating capacity to cover demand at breakfast and supper time. In the middle of the night half the generators sit idle. In the future we will introduce the hydrogen cycle. As is presently the case, we built enough generating capacity to meet peak demand, well no more. At night that demand falls by 50%. All night long the water goes over Niagara Falls, wasted. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaa. In the future every single KW generated from water, wind or sun will be either used immediately or put into a hydrogen battery systems located locally. At a later date that stored hydrogen can be converted back into electricity or used in a standard gasoline vehicle, fuel cell vehicle or used for a cooking stove or home furnace. Such a system localizes the generation of electricity, provides more than adequate back up and reduces the investment in excess generating capacity. Right now, the energy corporations including the American oil monopoly have joined forces with the politicians and the Nazi press to make sure this system never sees the light of day. They have killed innovation and new ideas in Canada. I say this to Canada’s youth, if you want a job but can’t get one blame Harper. For Canadian parents, if your kid can’t find work blame Harper. Lyin Steve has tried in every which way, on behalf of his employer the USA oil monopoly to disappear innovation. The oilies want to maintain the status quo, this to maintain their profits. New ideas endanger that stance. So no new energy ideas for Canada says Lyin Joe Oiliver. The National Energy Strategy scares the shit out the Americans. So they have purchased our politicians, Harper, Wall, Prentice and Kathleen McGuinty. As well our Nazi media has become the oilie paid private propaganda bulletin board. Want to become stupified? Buy a Canadian newspaper. If a study was made of two groups, people in this Country who get their news broadly, CBC, PBS, BBC, Guardian UK / USA, Economist UK and Wolf Street would constitute one group. The other would be those who narrowly get their news from the PostMediocre papers, the Globe, the Star, CTV and Global. This latter group would surely come in last on an IQ test. The righties in the US score ten points lower on the IQ test than do normal people The question then is. Do Canadians want this minority of selfish Canadian dummies and their stupid american cousins determining the FUTURE OF THEIR KIDS AND THEIR NATION??? The NES would equate to, Trade in Canada, for Canadians by Canadians and the proceeds staying in this country. I say, Yankees go home. Alta, plus Que. is only one possible connection that would reduce the cost of energy, give us security of supply, stop wild fluctuations in price, stop the gouging. reduce international interference and US corporate cheating. Our having economic complete control would put more jingle in our pockets and make us masters / mistresses in our own Land. Why are we allowing the American to steal the wealth of Canadians while people here are forced to go to food banks, accept lower standards for education and reduced access to Medicare??? Rightwingism doesn’t work, except for a small number of Sociopaths like Herr Harper, his Fascist Party, the Civitas Secret Society in company with the Manning Centre [ which plot behind our backs ], the University of Calgary and the shirts in Houston. And as well, in the building of the Twin Beaver pipe and the cross Canada electric grid we will attract world businesses looking for someplace affordable to operate, where corruption has been eliminated, with a stable environment, an educated workforce, Medicare and vibrant communities? Where governments work closely with companies for their mutual benefit, providing for a lawful environment, free from police state rules and free from a government that rewards liars, cheats, insiders, criminals and bribe givers. And a Nazi media which supports such a lack of values, in return for petro dollars. Upon the foundation outlined by the Premiers of 10 Provinces and 3 territories a few days ago, all of the above can materialize. We know what Paul Godfrey / PostMediocre papers and David Thomson / Globe and Tar have had to say about the new Provincial NES??? This huge opportunity is covered in the negative by Paul and David. Canada is held up by Godfrey and Thomson as a place there is no innovation article after article. On the other hand these fucking bastards run piece after piece killing every new idea that pops its’ head out of the trench. The said killing is paid for by the American oil monopoly. And many of you buy a Post or Globe from these bastards. Little wonder your kids are still living in your basement? Better for the Post papers and the Globe and Tar to promote chaos to please the righties, than tell the truth and spread prosperity to the masses. Rather they spread food banks to the ignorant mob. Godfrey and Thomson keep saying nein to the NES, over and over and over and over! No thinking is needed by the Post / Globe newsies, the oilie cheque arrives, then their neins begin. Horizons are for expanding, not dismantling. It has been proven that a right wing mind possesses no insight, even when the future of Canada is at stake. The right doesn’t have the ability to connect what they do to-day with the future. The right is more often than not away wrong. Thus their well developed response to problems. Ignore the problem and hope it will go away. Refuse to ever admit a mistake. Normal people learn from their mistakes. And if all else fails the right finds someone else to blame. Harper says the evil forces in the world are causing Canada’s economy is going into the tank. It is bullshit! Not a soul within the Nazi media, the banks, economist or talking heads dares to whisper the word recession. They are frightened for their jobs. Small men and women all! Just like anyone who depends on Harper for a job will NEVER talk about climate change which is now ravaging BC and on the prairies. The main focus of the righties is to implement their ideology, seize control of this Country, turn Canadians into serfs and fill their pockets. Paul and David take direct orders from the oilies and Lyin Steve. Their every E-Mail leaps immediately to the pages of the Post and the Globe. What follows is my breakdown of this NES opportunity to secure the energy future of Canada, protect the environment in the doing and prepare to face the 64 dollar question that is Global Warming. Charles Darwin, who the righties misquote daily, believed that the species that survived over the ages had the ABILITY TO ADAPT. THE USA OIL MONOPOLY HAS TAKEN AWAY OUR ABILITY TO ADAPT WITH THE HELP OF LYIN STEVE. And adapt we must but adapt we can’t right now. That adaptability must be retrieved. Such efforts hold the promise of a remade and a more successful Canada, in a much changed, more hostile weather environment. OUR CRUCIAL TEST IS COMING, WILL WE BE READY? NO, NOT WITH THE YANKEES IN CHARGE. We can do this, we’ve got the skills, we’ve done this before. We are only lacking the will because we lack knowledge thank to Government propaganda and the Post, Globe, Star, CTV and Global [ not the CBC ] . The Nazi media will do everything possible to deprive us of the information we need, this as long as the oilie cheques keep arriving. Every day that we waste, not taking back our house from the Yankees and putting it in order, means our journey to the sunny, upland slopes, gets iffier and iffier. The Premier’s deliberations and this agreement are monumental but you will hear nothing from the Nazi press. This agreement has opened a ONCE IN A LIFETIME window of opportunity, so now is the time for us to pounce, no matter what Joe Oiliver, the PostMediocre papers, the Globe and Tar, disappearing Star, the fading CTV and the inconsequential Global TV. Canada is a unique and fortunate Country. The formation of this great land started with Quebec and then was split into Upper and Lower Canada with the influx of the United Empire Loyalists. There were 3 founding groups, the First People, French and English. Some were the United empire Loyalist, who were fleeing the American Revolution. Canadian have always had an aversion to the Yankees. The Yanks have always considered us their’s and that it was only matter of time before we succumbed. On October 19 / 15 that Yankee dream may well come true? The US population at the time of the revolution in 1776 was a 3 way split, one third rebels, one third neutral and one third pro English. This latter group was driven out of the USA by the rebels. Their property was confiscated, businesses burned and many Loyalists were put to death. Quebec was always wary of the Yankee inclination to think everything north of the 49th parallel belonged to them. Deep in the Canadian soul is a native dislike for the Americans. Deep in the American soul is the fact that Canada is really theirs and it is only a matter of time until they take charge. Right now is one of those times, with our illegal PM, Harper, who is trying his damnedest to facilitate the handover. Thus, things have never really changed since 1776. The US thinks we belong to them. Up to now the majority in Canada have disagreed with such a picture. The question is, with the influx of hundreds of millions of under the table petro dollars from the American oil monopoly to buy votes and the importation by Harper of the Republican system of cheating at election time, will it work??? Will the Fascist spin be swallowed by enough Canadians to cause them slumber through the election and allow this takeover to succeed??? In terms of the formation of this Country, to Upper and Lower Canada were added one Province after another Province, each with a different geography and population. Our Federation has been a loose one since 1867, in which on occasion, Provinces have had an easier time dealing with other countries than with each other. Early on close cooperation was not critically important. But now globalization has taken hold, this obstructionist attitude will no longer fly. The song must change, ” come fly with us “. With a missing or dormant Mad Harper, Canadians are not being protected from foreign raiding parties especially the American. Wall Street has pretty well drained the wealth of 300 million US citizens and is now looking for other prey. We are sitting so close to those who are looking remove the wealth of others [ steal ] by any means available. Just when we need a Pierre Trudeau, it is unfortunate that we have a boy Quisling in the Prime Minister’s office. He stole the 2011 Federal Election, being assisted in this endeavour by money from the USA oil monopoly, the Republicans and the Nazi press. Individually Canadian Provinces don’t have the clout to play in the global economic game. They are easy meat without a Federal Government protecting the Canadian culture and traditions. This Country’s reputation, which has taken 60 years to build, from WW 11 onwards is in tatters due to Harper. We are the laughing stock of the world. The oilies and Lyin Steve are dismantling this Nation before the very eyes of that world. My readers are getting a first hand look at how a democracy can be dismembered by American oil money. We give everyone the impression that we are powerless to stop the dismantlement. Herr Harper likes our docility. That is why our Nazi media takes such liberties. To them we are just toadstools after all. The right have judged that we will role over and play puppy. I don’t know what to think? Harper, Godfrey and Thomson may have judged the situation right, too many Canadians seem to like playing puppy. Disorganized as they are, the Provinces would all fail in the coming years if the premiers had not acted in concert. United every province will gain enormously. Canada is like a football team, with a coach and a group of specialists. Right now Lyin Steve is no coach. He doesn’t want team Canada to ever win. He’s for folding the team and giving it away. Normally a winning teams enhances the reputation of the coach. Harper has a lousy reputation but he doesn’t care. Lyin Steve sees himself as going down in the US right wing history as using THEIR ideology to hand this Nation over to the Americans. This with the help of the Nazi paid press. Such a handover will be trumpeted as a success in the glittering gated communities south of the border. The righties can then claim that their ideology worked, it brought them a Country for cheap didn’t it? Taken from ignorant people who didn’t know any better. Canada’s demise would prove the Nietzsche Myth as taught at the University of Calgary. Yes, Virginia there are two classes of people. The self anointed right wing and everyone else. Herr Harper doesn’t care about the condition of Canadians, good or bad. But none of that will matter once we are held fast in the American orbit. Neither does the USA care about Canada having a winning team. All they see is what Canadians possess and how much the Yankees can extract from us. And Harper has agreed to give us to them. Faced with an absent or indifferent Prime Minister, the Provincial Premiers have gone out on a limb, gone into a huddle and discussed their next moves. Their focus is energy, the environment and Global Warming. Rather than see these threats as serious, the Nazi media has gone into attack mode on NES. The NES is Canada’s life raft but it is not being portrayed that way. So the Nazi press is stealing your future right from under your noses it would seem? Harper has told enough lies and made enough goofs to keep the Post, Globe, Star, CTV and Global busy writing and broadcasting for years. But what does the Fascist press do? Why they attack, the NES, the blueprint for a bright future. Plus the newspapers are full of Notley Smears and province bashing. I am one who if challenged to a duel, would reply you chose the weapons. If my challenger chose an AK – 47 then I would do the same. Lyin Steve has a different view. He wants the AK – 47 for himself but want his opponents to be reduced to pea shooters. Lyin Steve always has to rig the game so that he wins. The Provinces own all the resource goodies. Ottawa owns nothing. By law the Feds have a say in interprovincial trade and commerce and exporting. Harper however, breaks any and every law that he doesn’t like. Why not the Premiers??? Why not bend the laws to implement the NES? If Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba decided to bring all oil, tar and natural gas home, under one roof, who would stop them. Would Harper go to the Supreme Court and plead with the Chief Justice, Beverly McLachlin about the Provinces breaking the laws of the land? Now wouldn’t that be sight to behold. If Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, NB, NS and PEI agreed to build the Twin Beaver Pipeline from Fort McMurray, east, all the way to the Atlantic coast . What would Harper do? Make another date with the Chief Justice. If Newfoundland, Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba, all rich with hydroelectric power, decided to join Saskatchewan, Alberta and BC in constructing a cross Canada electric grid, who would stop them? Harper??? The economic benefits of creating such an infrastructure would be so popular that any Federal type who opposed these improvements would be boiled in oil. The Premiers are on a roll. Possession is nine points of the law. If they have got it, as they have. Then they should keep it and run with it. If Harper doesn’t like the situation them let him come and take it away with his private police force and the RCHP. Better yet, on Oct. 19 /15, why don’t we can send Herr Harper and his Yankee lovers packing. I’d be so glad of his going that I think we should offer to dismantle Harper’s favourite Parliamentary closet whole and send it with him to his gated community in the States. With civil unrest on the horizon south of the border, the gated communities, in which the filthy rich Americans live will not be worth a pinch of racoon shit. Just like the 8 Iraqi oil fields that ISIS now controls, the rightie gated communities and ISIS oil installations can be rendered unlivable by taking out the roads electricity, water and the sewers. In addition in Iraq oil works we would take out the pipelines and rail lines. ISIS would have no cheap oil to sell to the American oil monopoly. North America would then be forced to source oil within the continent borders. Alberta, Saskatchewan, North Dakota and Texas would see demand for their oil go up and prices rise as ISIS melted away. No money from us, no war!

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The first order of business should be to have every Province and Territory make a list of the goodies they have and the goodies they could sell or trade. A cost, benefit and downside study in each jurisdiction needs to be made, at regular intervals the results should be posted on the internet and the CBC. The Nazi media would have no access to this information other than what Canadians themselves see on the net. Our Nazi media media would be worse than useless in this endeavour and they can’t be trusted besides. Implementing the NES would be an exercise in positive thinking and require innovation and entrepreneurship, things that the Nazi media has been paid to kill. As progress is made in each of these situation, the citizenry would always be kept up to speed. No more False News, lies, misinformation, spin and rightie propaganda There is a reason for this. The remaking of Canada can be accomplished by revising our energy strategy, paying attention to our environment and adapting to Global Warming BUT THE PUSH WILL HAVE TO COME FROM THE PEOPLE UP. In time decisions will have to be made about which options to chose. At that point the public will be fully educated as to what approaches are available and at what cost. Democracy works best when the electorate is well educated, healthy and well fed. Human behaviour through history has shown us that many people are reluctant to change even when things are going badly. But when the economic roof falls in, like it has in Canada there are two ways to proceed. The standard excuse used by the righties, the problems are being caused by outsiders and there is nothing the Government can do about it. Typical right wing thinking, just ignore what is happening, hope the problems will go away or blame someone else. Harper the First is so predictable. The other response could be, turning Canadian entrepreneurs loose on the crisis and as I see it the GDP annual growth might reach 3% yearly, if we play our cards right. Since 2008, Canada’s GDP per capita has actually dropped from US$ 46,500 to US$ 45,000. This while the noted economist Stephen Harper was at the helm. Mind you Statistics Harper continues to publish the cooked economic figures supplied to it by the PMO. In a sense it shows how much of the wealth of Canada is being stolen by the Americans with help from Lyin Steve. Going forward, from 1960, which was five year after I went into business and the year I joined the Frost, Robarts, Davis Progressive Conservative team, Canada was going like a house on fire. GDP per capita, [ 1960 / $ 2300 ] [ 1969 / $3300 ] *** [ 1970 / $ 4000 ] [ 1979 / $ 9800 ] *** there was a recession in 1980 caused by the Republicans *** [ 1980 / $ 11,000 ] [ 1989 / $20,000 ] *** there was a depression 1990 to 1995 caused by the Republicans *** [ 1990 / $ 21,000 ] [ 1999 / $ 22,000 ] *** [ 2000 / $ 24,000 ] [ 2008 / $ 46,500 ] *** there was a recession caused by Wall Street and the Republicans, who destroyed the value of real estate in the USA *** then the Harper factor took over *** [ 2009 / actual – $ 41,000 ] [ 2015 / estimated by the world bank $ 45,000 / this figure is $ 1500 less than 2008, after 7 years of doing nothing, Harper the economist, has so screwed things up that Canada is going backward economically ]. The Nazi media will not tell Canadians the truth on the economic front, hasn’t done so for years and has made a lot of money telling repeating Lyin Steve’s right wing lies. Neither will Statistics Harper tell you the truth, the numbers they release, come right from the PMO. Lady Black’s little people are being kept in the dark and as usual with Wall Street, we the people will be the last to know. The media and Statistics Harper have all been issued with the same talking points as poor Joe Oiliver, Toronto’s local village idiot. So I have had to turn to the Economist in the UK to find out what is really going on in this Country. The Economist [ a right wing publication by the way, doesn’t take orders from little Stevie ] has stated that by all accounts Canada entered into a recession during the January / June 2015 period. For Jan., Feb. and March the GDP rate shrank 0.6 %. For April, May and June the GDP shrank o.5 % As a result, the Economist Intelligence Unit has downgraded this Country’s growth rate to a dismal 1.2% for 2015. But the numbers keep falling, so even that is old news. This poor growth rate is entirely due to Harper’s fumbling of our economy and I fully understand. The whole world knows what is going on economically in Canada except the toadstools here. This shows it pays for a tyrant to control all the Canadian newspapers. Don’t be surprised to learn young Steve took Fred Hayek at the University of Calgary. The University has and is aiding and abetting the Americans in the takeover of Canada. Calgary U is the centre for regime change in Canada and is spreading this subversion across the Country to other universities. This initiative is fueled by money from the American oil monopoly. The right believes in getting their Canadian males young. Friedrich Hayek, didn’t know much about economics, he was trained as a lawyer. Hayek did believed in rule by a few exceptional self appointed people, himself being exceptional. At University in Austria, Hayek studied Nietzsche’s books, they were all actually published by his sister, Elizabeth Forster-Nietzsche, an ardent Nazi. The anti democratic Nietzsche Nazi Myth has been and is taught at Calgary U but that makes sense to me. After all the American right wing and Hitler were on parallel, cooperative paths from 1926 to 1945. Since Harper became PM, we as a Country have been forced to follow Hayek’s flawed theories without the public ever being told the downside by our Nazi media, especially the PostMediocre and Globe papers. Hayek’s mumblings haven’t worked out as you can see for yourself and so what is Harper’s plan B? There seems to be no plan B. Our Lyin Steve has told Canadians via the Nazi media [ not the CBC ], that he isn’t to blame for our fast deteriorating economy. IT IS ALL THOSE OUTSIDERS WHO CAUSED THE PROBLEMS YA SEE??? Thus Harper One’s hands are tied, he is powerless he says. We are truly on that road to serfdom BECAUSE OF HARPER AND HIS FAVOURITE AUSTRIAN LAWYER, FRED HAYEK are without a solution to our lousy economic numbers. Wouldn’t it be better to look for a PM who is capable of solving these problems grown at home??? All those dumb ass Fascists who voted for Stevie the Wonderful, are apparently opting to go down with the good ship HSS Harper. A ship built by foreign workers, made of Chinese steel, designed by Republicans, which took twice as long to built and was 3 times over budget. But I refuse to go down with the HSS Harper, I want the hell off! Friedrich Hayek’s view of economics was based on a theory he dreamed up as a lawyer in autocratic Austria. Fred, mingled with the nobility in Vienna and viewed the peasants through the eyes of Nietzsche. The ignorant masses should never be involved with economic matters, that would be far too dangerous. What Hayek’s nonsensical theories have to do with our democracies in North America beats me. For almost 100 years the rightpublicanazis have been trying to hammer a square peg into a round hole. The Fascists were interrupted due to the 1929 crash. Something orchestrated by the Republicans and Wall street. FDR took the helm and for 50 years the USA climbed out of this financial hole caused by the right and prospered. The gap between rich and poor narrowed markedly. Everyday Americans saw increased benefits from their hard work. However, the rich and the free loaders, did not like sharing and installed Ronald Reagan as President. He knew as much about economics as he did about acting. Our Herr Harper is at the same grade 11 level as was Reagan. Actually Ronnie had an aide for a short time, in the person of Friedrich Hayek. Reagan like Fred’s stuff. The US Government did not have to pay any attention to what was happening in the real world, Hayek’s theories would do fine. Thus since 1980, right wing economics has been based on these faulty never, never, land theories, they’ve had an absolute belief in these theories and a lot of hope. As a result things haven’t worked out very well for America over the last 30 plus years. Much thanks for this dicey situation must go to the US Nazi media, press and TV. The takeover of the US media by the right, happened 20 years before the American oil monopoly, Harper and the rightpublicanazis introduced complete media control to Canadians. Our Post papers, the Globe, the Star, CTV and Global found telling lies for money very attractive about 12 years back. There is no money in it for them to tell the truth. Since 1980 there have been 4 US financial crashes, all caused by the Republicans. There was the Savings and Loan crisis during the period, 1979 to 1990. Wall Street with the backing of the Republicans used this rigging of the banking system to extract $ 150 billion out of the US Treasury. This doesn’t count the loses to individual Americans. John Kenneth Galbraith called the S and L Scandal, ” The largest and costliest venture in public malfeasance and larceny of all time “. The US Nazi media buried this story way down deep. They all got away with it and it only wetted the appetite of the right, Republicans and the Nazi media for more monkey business. And more monkey business was not long in coming. In 1998 a hedge fund called Long Term Capital management began to experience financial distress. LTCM had developed a Hayek like theory, which was supposed to be fool proof. It wasn’t. This scheme blew up and Georgie Bush Jr. paid out of the US Treasury, almost $ 5 billion. Everyone involved walked away with money, free and clear. Another big chunk of middle class dollar assets shifted to the rich and the usual suspects. The Wall Street, Dot-Com Bubble collapsed in 2001. The losses from this Wall Street / Republican orchestrated theft of wealth from American investors amounted to $ 9.3 billion. All the insiders walked away with their pockets full of money and nobody was charged for as much as stealing a toothpick. Well organized monkey business pays well, especially when the Republicans clear the path for private ownership, which they were well paid to do. These transfers of money to the American rich from the poor, were just too good to be true. It was a get-rich-scheme that was fail proof. So the Wall Street sharks came up with another dodge which was backed to the hilt by Georgie Bush Jr., the Charlie McCarthy dummy in the White House. Up to that time a house mortgage in the USA was granted by a bank or lending institution and it had to be held on their books. Simply put if a bank lends money to the purchaser of a house, they are going to make sure the purchaser is a good risk. This same system is used in Canada up to the present. Bush Jr. at the behest of the Republicans changed the laws pertaining to how US banks could deal with mortgages. The banks or lending institution gained the right to package mortgages, like say 100 into one holding. Then the holding was diced up into shares. Investors were misled by Wall Street and the Nazi media into thinking they were buying shares in real mortgages. The one thing that triggered the sub prime meltdown and the following depression of 2008 and 2009 was the fact that Moody’s, Standard And Poor’s and Fitch Rating Agencies, licensed by the US Government to police the investment community took bribes. The 3 Gov. franchised Rating Agencies only gave AAA Ratings to 6 Wall Street companies, all connected to President Bush Jr. The 3 Rating Agencies, only gave these bogus AAA Ratings to inside companies on the understanding that the Bushies would look the other way. Which is exactly what Georgie did. The Republican Party got its’ cut and this ensure that money would be available to buy votes or cheat in up coming elections. Wall Street peddled these bogus AAA Holdings in Europe, Ireland and even Iceland. Who in their right mind would refuse a security certificate, that bore 7% interest, that was mortgage based, iron clad, was AAA and sold by prestigious Wall Street institutions and banks. Almost everyone in the financial arena bought in. But not Canada The paper the suckers bought was not worth the paper the Certificates were written on. Prime Minister Chretien would not allow Canadians banks to become involved in what amounted to a ginormous Ponzi scheme. There was such a demand for this bogus paper that stringers were being sent out to give mortgages to anyone with a heart beat. A bank would grant a mortgage, even if the home owner was a bad credit risk, it didn’t matter. That bogus mortgage would not be held by the bank. It would be grouped with other mortgages and shares would be sold related to that grouping. The shareholder was in a sense just holding a piece of paper which had no relationship to any real mortgages. The stringer who brought the mortgage to the bank would get a commission. The bank would then bundle the mortgages, charging a fat commission for the assembling process. Retail financial shops would sell the bogus mortgage shares to the public and take their commission. Some poor sap would be left with stock certificates, supposedly with an AAA pedigree which was really a fantasy. Everyone down the Wall Street food chain knew that subprime was a scam, but they happily did their bit to promote same, take advantage of the suckers and got their dough out first. Canada was fortunate to have two minority Governments from 2004 to 2008, first Paul Martin and then Steve Harper. There were many Americans in the finance industry and some Canadians who wanted to bring the subprime scam north of the border, which was seen as another happy hunting ground. But our banking laws prohibited this kind of scam transfer of wealth to the rich right from the poor. The lack of a majority in Parliament prevented Harper and his Fascists from changing the banking act to accommodate Wall Street criminals. But this didn’t stop Lyin Steve, from sending out letters to banks in other countries offering Canadian banks for sale. Oh, of course our Nazi media would not have told you the real story about the US subprime debacle and Harper’s attempt to involve Canada in the meltdown. But lady luck was smiling on us, our banks remain our banks and the meltdown was avoided, no thanks to Herr Harper. The subprime certificates devastated Europe and Countries like Ireland and Iceland. Wall Street promised them gold bars for cheap and what all of them got were bags of shit. Again the American Nazi media went into high gear, paid to do so as usual. This to protect President Bush Jr., Wall Street, the banks and the rich right, which made yet another haul, bigtime. There were hundreds of articles pointing out how Europe and the other victim countries had mishandled the 2008 /2009 meltdown. This False News was meant to divert attention from all those above who actually caused the meltdown. Normally, when there is a scandal caused by the Republicans, which happens regularly, everyone involved in the crime, walks away with pockets filled with money and the participants [ robbers ] suffer no consequences. The fix was in! Bush Jr. actually gave taxpayer’s money to those who participated in heist and who didn’t do as well as the others. This was sort of an equal opportunity heist. Thus the meltdown was portrayed by the US Nazi media as affecting only the US Treasury, insiders, dumb investors, Europe, Ireland and Iceland etc. But there is a whole nother chapter about the subprime which the Nazi media was paid to censor from the news. The affect of Bush Jr.’s decision to allow the banks and lending institutions to off load mortgages from their books into stand alone worthless holding. Then dice them up into useless paper certificates. Destroyed the economy of the USA. Meaning millions of honest American home owners lost the investment they had made in their properties over 20 or 30 years. It was a huge story. But it was self censored by the US Nazi media in return for a cut in the Wall Street 2008 / 20009 take. The rightpublicanazis and Wall Streeters, were so busy dreaming up yet another scheme to strip wealth from Americans, Europeans and others, they didn’t realize their scam would have unintended consequences. Like destroying the USA financially, forcing the EU to the edge of the cliff and bankrupting countries like Ireland and Iceland. Those on the right have absolutely no insight. It is a quality they lack completely. So if you throw your lot in with the Republicans or the Harper Fascists, you will be in for a wild ride, a ride that you will probably not survive. The 2008 / 2009 meltdown has set the world up for an even bigger crash. The US stock market, which has been rigged for years has finally shot its’ wad. Only about a third of Canadians buy stocks, this is down from 45% 10 years ago. In the USA the number of people who buy stocks now is about 48%, down from about 65% ten years ago. Germany is at 12% Small investor have either run out of money or they have become aware that the stock market is rigged in favour of Wall Street. Now that the one percenters own 50 % of the wealth in the States, how do they appreciate that wealth. Well they don’t create businesses and employ people. They don’t merge or acquire companies in order to add value to the firms. Such businesses are systematically stripped of their value and left as empty shells, loaded with debt. So what do the rich one percenters do with their money, they bet against other rich one percenters. They are attacking each other, it is war among thieves in the USA and you want to follow Harper into a merger little innocent Canada and a worn out big lout? After destroying the American economy, wealth is no longer being created in the USA and Washington just keeps borrowing to fulfill its’ commitments to American people. We now have a situation where the wealth of rich right is all on paper and scatter to the seven seas. There is little of a substantial nature backing the wealth of the one percenters. Here are examples of the coming crash. The Chinese economy is collapsing and Beijing has moved into their stock market. 50% of stock holders have had their stocks frozen. Government businesses are being forced to buy stocks and citizens who have been wiped out are being jailed to quell unrest. So now the one percenters are in the same boat as the subprime mortgage certificate holders. The rich hold a lot of useless paper. Their off shore banks are under great stress. The real estates of the rich in California is fast becoming worthless because there is no water to drink, fill the pools and fight the fires. California is become hell and even has the flames to boot. The Tom Selicks of the region can only get away with stealing water for so long. With no snow in the mountains, the Colorado River will be dry part of the year. Lake Mead, behind the Hoover Dam will become just another mud hole and in about 3 years the Grand Canyon is going to go dry. By stripping America of its’ wealth, the one percenters have left the Country hard pressed to deal with all of the social problems and Global Warming. But the one percenters live in this very same Nation. Do the rich think that when all hell breaks loose they can be insulated from the sky falling. That is exactly what the rightpublicanazis think. They think they can abuse the USA in any way they see fit and remain untouched by the chaos. That’s the right wing for you. Republican Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma thinks Global Warming in a hoax. During a 3 week period the polar jet stream veered south, it bypassed the severe heat pillar that now sits above California permanently and crossed Mexico, into Texas and then into Oklahoma. The heavy rains fell for days [ Spring 2015 ], flooding both States as well a Houston and Oklahoma City. But Inhofe and his Republican chums in the Senate and the House are not prepared to take any action on climate change. Oklahoma is turning into a dust bowl with the occasional deluge. The State has 2 Republican Senators and 5 Republican Representatives. Oklahomans, I wish you luck on the climate change front, while I have the chance I’ll say goodbye. There is a uniqueness that is limited to the Republicans that has been showcased in psychiatric journals besides lack of intelligence. Many Repub followers will vote the Republican ticket even though the Party’s policies work against their own self interests. The Republican leadership will always cling to their right wing ideology rather than deal with the problems in the real world. Even if a Republican Government, destroys the economy of an area and their member is thrown out of work, he loses his house and his wife and children are forced to go to a food bank, that man will continue to vote Republican. This staunch Republican will in fact vote Republican again and again, even to ruination. This brain flaw has psychiatrists baffled. Like a domesticated dog, that has the shit beaten out of him by the owner, but still come back for more. I have no difficulty answering the question of why Republicans vote against their own self interests. They are more dog brain then human brain. Mature adults enjoy having relationships with others, men, women and children. In addition mature adults take joy in working with other to accomplish some task which advances society. In fact mature adults, will get together to create institutions, that will only come to fruition long after they have gone. Such maturity requires foresight. Something that Republicans don’t have. The right wing doesn’t build anything for the future. On second thought, they do spend a lot of time building their brand. The right wing constitutes a cult that lives within its’ own fantasy world. Their handbook covers all bases. Faced with a problem, the righties look in their book for the ideological theory that comes closest to the difficulty. If the theory doesn’t solve the problem then there are three outs. Ignore the problem, pay money to make the problem go away or blame someone else for the problem. Oklahoma Senator Inhofe is ignoring Global Warming, yet climate change is destroying his State. To Inhofe, clinging to his ideology is more important than facing mother nature, best of luck to the people of Oklahoma. Smile as you go under. After ten years of Hayek’s faulty theories, Canada’s economy is already in the tank. Steve Harper and Joe Oiliver are using every one of the three rightie OUTs. For a period of months, Steve and Joe have ignored this unnecessary recession [ strictly Harper made ] that is now engulfing the Country. Then they decided to invoke, OUT number two. This involves spending borrowed money to buy votes. The baby bribe scheme sees parents being given a cheque. It will be clawed back in taxes. At the time this decision, the baby bribe cheques would have been too small to have any impact. So Lyin Steve back dated the cheques to increase their value. On orders from the PMO Revenue Harper sent out a False News release saying they had had one million phone calls about Harper’s baby bribe to parents. Revenue Harper has screwed up my pension 3 years running because I oppose Herr Harper. I have great difficulty getting through on the phone RH, especially since I complained to Tom Mulcair about my shameful treatment. A million phone calls to Revenue Harper, 2 days after the bribe cheques began arriving. This is pure Harper horseshit. I don’t believe it, no more than I believe the numbers Statistics Harper puts out. 85% of all the Government infrastructure money went to the 160 or so Fascist ridings. The Nazi newsies said nothing. Alberta got a big cheque and so did the U of T in Toronto where votes are needed to keep the Fascists in power. Fascist MPs have spread across the Country, handing out cheques. These new enticements are being paid for using Canada’s credit card. As of to-day the amount of new money totals over one billion dollars I don’t know about you? But for me, I have no use for Canadians who rejoice in taking money out of the pockets of their neighbours as payment for supporting the Fascists. This is a Canada I don’t like. When Hitler came to power there were 7 million unemployed. The Wall Street, crash, engineered by the Republicans affected countries all around the world, especially in Germany. It is just another unintended consequence of the Republicans fucking things up. The loss of WW 1, reparations, an unstable Government and the US stock market crash turned Germans into very desperate, unstable place. Americans too, are this very day, becoming desperate in the face of one financial meltdown after another, orchestrated by the Republicans. The poor Yanks need another FDR. In terms of Hitler, he put people back to work, providing them with employment. He gave them cheap quality food, affordable housing, free health car and old age pensions. They only thing the Fuhrer took away, was their freedom. Harper the First and his dollar handouts are aimed at achieving the same result, it is the doing away with democracy in Canada. For the lucky Canadians who benefit from Harper’s largess, I would suggest this. Take the money, put it to good use and then vote Lyin Steve / the American oil monopoly out of office. I was sure you knew that the money behind the Wildrose, PCs in Alberta and the Harper Fascists came right from the oil monopoly out of Houston. In the last few days we have seen Lyin Steve use rightie BAIL OUT number three. As the recession grips Canada’s throat, Harper made a statement that he is not to blame. Apparently Steve see outside forces working against Canada. The Steve has admitted that he is helpless to combat said black forces at work. You know what that means. We need a Prime Minister who accepts his / her responsibilities to kick this Nation into high gear. And that task will not be difficult. Under the right wing ideology there is no high gear, just seized gears. Under the right wing ideology, it is all about the righties filling their pockets with cash Our real problem lies with Harper’s idol Hayek. And his phony theories. John Maynard Keynes said as much in the 1930s. But Hayek’s theories fit so well with right wing practices, just make things up , ignore the real world and wich upon a star. Lyin Steve he is so convinced he is right economically, Harper is prepared to take everything we’ve got to prove himself right. It is imperative that we replace Harper with a Government that understands the advantages of following John Maynard Keynes. Namely, levying taxes to support government programs and obligations, bank during the good time, thus saving for a rainy day. This approach softens the boom / bust cycles. A country like the USA that goes bust every 6 years has no foundation on which to build. Canada was built on Keynsian theories. We are 148 years old and have prospered. In just 10 years of Harper, and his pal Hayek however, have brought us to the edge of the hell hole. A hell hole that the States is now in, NO THANKS. Did you know that Harper gave his employer, the American oil monopoly in Houston, $ 850 million for carbon capture and storage, an unproven technology. The oilies in Houston got money from Harpie but Canada’s veterans got sweet fuck all. Now it is every man and woman for themselves. Turmoil is something promoted by Herr Harper that is pure rightpublicanazi in tone. In October we will see if the old Canada comes out on top. Or that other option. We become slaves of the American oil monopoly and are reduced to individuals, each trying to scratch out a living in servitude. In such dire staights we will watch as this Country’s wealth is exported to the States. This to keep the one percenters in a life style to which they have become accustom. Now that is truly voting against one’s own interests. But is core right wing! The Nazi press says young Canadians are not interested in politics and won’t bother voting. If that is true then our young people have just kissed their futures goodbye. Working in a petro police state will be very hard, without much reward. At 80, if the USA oil monopoly police state does materialize after October 19 /15 it will have little affect on me. Even if the Royal Canadian Harper Police do take me away in the middle of the night because of my dangerous thoughts Fascismwise. So what? I have had a long, productive and lived during Canada’s golden years. There is yet another chapter of golden years in store for Canadians but not under Herr Harper, a certified tyrant. But the thirty year olds, will have to live under marshall law for the next 40 years and never secure a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out of, now there is a scary thought. I think for the young, voting against the imposition of Harper’s police state is a far, far better choice. Seize this moment. Such a critical moment is here with us to-day, but this 2nd coming golden moment may disappear after October 19 / 15. I go back to 1560 and expression that fits the present state of events. “I haue plied the haruest and strok when the yron was hotte “. Know to-day, as striking the steel with the hammer when it is cherry red.

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GOOGLE CENSORSHIP FLIES IN THE FACE OF FREE SPEECH — During the recent English election I wrote various posts attacking David Cameron and his Thatcherites. Dave’s right wing handbook is the same one used by Herr Harper, Congress and Tony Abbott [ Australian PM recently sacked ]. The bone I had to pick with Cameron, was the flooding that was occurring in the UK. He was ignoring the deluge. The Conservative trained seals and Government employees in Whitehall were making stupid statement about there being no Global Warming and that the solution to combat the flooding was too costly for the treasury to bear. Wrong on both counts. The waves and rain that keep hammering the UK are being CAUSED by climate change. The cost of installing flood proofing is not that great and has long term benefits. I live in Ontario and was part of the Frost Government which tackled the aftermath of Hurricane Hazel in 1954 in which 80 people died. Flood lines relating to a 100 year flood were described over all the waterways in Southern Ontario with an area the size of England up to Hadrian’s Wall. The Province at the time of Hazel was 6 million. Simply put, after our flood maps were drawn and finished by 1968. After that time no housing was allowed on the floodplain. Any house remaining in the newly described floodplain was expropriated and became part of a river conservation area. This Floodplain Legislation saved live, protected property and at the same time added to the public park areas. My Progressive Conservatives governed for 42 golden years. My PC Party was taken over by Bay Street, American money and Canadians who love the US better than this Country. My knock on Cameron was that fact that while denying climate change and making too big a deal about the cost of flood proofing, builder friends of the Conservatives were buying up floodplain lands and constructing subdivisions. They were using a loophole opened up by Cameron that was not available to the regular citizens. In a sense Cameron was impersonating Herr Harper and his rightie ideology. Steal from the common folk and give to the rich. When I proposed flood proofing England in my posts last year the population stood at more than 60 million. Little old Ontario, back during the progressive era with only 6 million residents was able to permanently protect the citizenry. My main concern last year, was the fact that for the last 5 years, the number of UK homeowners at risk of losing everything they have including THEIR LIVES, HAS BEEN GOING UP BECAUSE CAMERON’S FRIENDS ARE BUILDING MORE AND MORE SUBDIVISIONS ON ENGLAND’S FLOOD PLAINS. Dave Cameron apparently didn’t like what I was saying so Google pulled some of my posts. Personal attacks and misinformation should not be on the net and SHOULD BE PULLED. But my posts dealing with flooding in England were very detailed and technical. My posts were directed towards the people who live in the land of my forebearers, the main aim was to arm them with information. Information that flood proofing was not that difficult and not that expensive. And a hell of a lot cheaper that the present do-nothing-Cameron-approach. Apparently Google has no interest in Lady Barb Black’s little people, either here or across the sea. I have put up a post which Google has chosen not to include in its’ search engine. The post is about the Syrian refugees and ISIS. I recommended approaching His Highness, King Abdullah II of Jordan about bringing some of his million refugees to Canada. I have suggested 100,000. Jordan is a Country of only 8 million people. Leaving the King in this box only increases the risk of Jordan becoming another battle ground. This then puts Israel at risk also. Taking a substantial number of refugees into this Country is not an insurmountable task. It is only an insurmountable task for Harper and his Fascists. The real key to dealing with ISIS and the terrorists is to stop the American oil monopoly from buying ISIS oil, stolen from the Iraqi people and fenced through Turkey. My solution is to take out the 8 oilfields now in the hands of ISIS. With our ability to direct bombs I suggested leaving the refineries alone, let the oil stay in the ground until Iraq is rebuilt. I would first warn the westerners working in situ for the USA oil monopoly to get out. After which I would take out the roads, rail lines, pipelines, water lines, electricity supply and the helicopter pads. If ISIS tries to do repairs at night then infrared equipment can be used. For ISIS, NO OIL, NO MONEY. While we are at it the American oil monopoly suits in Houston should be arrested for War Crimes. Civilian lives mean nothing to the oilies. The 47 deaths at Megantic can be blamed on the US oil monopoly, Steve Harper and the CPR. Oh yes, you have to add to that tragedy 22 orphans who lost their parents. Paul Godfrey and David Thomson have never written about the orphans because the oilies / Harper cheques keep coming . Apparently Herr Harper doesn’t like my posts so Google pulled t Syrian / ISIS one down. At Google, those who speak Power speak louder than billions of oppressed people everywhere. As censorship tightens, comes the tramp of the Fascist hob nail boots.

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I would expect this post will NOT make it past the Google censors. I am sure Harper the First will call Mister Google about my NES post. This section has a special title, ” INVETERATE LIARS, LATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY “. I refer here to Steve Harper, Russ Girling and Pierre Poilievre. I’m positive that their portraits hang high in the hallowed halls of Calgary U., having learned their rightie lessons so well. In my world there are a lot of dots. Experience has shown me, the more dots that I can connect the better of my family will be. That has proved to be the case. In 1989 I was manufacturing antique Apple Baskets. The Brougham Basket Co. had 200 dealers across Canada. I kept records of sales and knew from month to month which dealers / areas were up and who was down. In the summer of 1989 my sale were slipping and in conversations with my dealers, it was clear business all across the Country was slowing down. I began to batten down the hatches. It was 9 months before the bulk of Canadians woke up to the sound of the roof falling in. Politicians, government officials, large corporations, insiders, Bay Street and the Nazi media kept the coming recession secret. Lady Black’s little people, most of Canada’s population remained in the dark. Of note, our Nazi press continued to deny that a recession was even on the horizon. My dislike of the newspapers began at that time. The press was being paid to censor the news and keep the toadstools in the dark. It showed that to the establishment, there were two kinds of Canadians. A small group of insiders calling the shots, aided and abetted by a Nazi media that put making money ahead of telling the truth. And everybody else. I you can be held in a vegetable state the elites can make money off your stupidity. It is just like fixing a horse race or loading the dice. And that process of regurgitating the lies of the rich and powerful to give them the advantage remains with us to this day. The truth that people seek is AWOL. Even David Peterson, one of the worst Premiers this Province has ever had, knew a recession was coming. Peterson’s thoughts were not with the people rather it was a matter of securing a new mandate before the troubles arrived. David called an election less than 3 years into his mandate, this to grab a seat at the table for 5 more years during which Ontarians could do nothing more then grumble if things went south. The Liberals / Peterson were defeated on Sept. 6 /90. The Liberals had gutted the Bill Davis pro business Ministry of Trade and Commerce, were running a hidden $ 3 billion deficit, all the while claiming a surplus and had mismanaged Government affairs at Queen’s Park. The 1990 depression arrived just as Election got under way. Bob Rae was the winner and up till that time no Premier had ever been handed such a hot potato. It was a recession, that was true, but Ontario suffered more deeply because of Peterson’s mishandling of Provincial affairs and his general incompetence. So when Harper calls into question the Bob Rae / NDP Government of 1990 / 95, Steve should include the name of David Peterson, who knee capped Rae before he even made into the Preem’s office. In terms of the 2008 / 2009 recession the same rule as 1989 applied. George Bush Jr. in concert with Wall Street decided to have another go round at stripping the wealth from ordinary Americans. In 2004 Real estate constituted 80% of the wealth of the American people. There was just too much juicy fruit hanging there for the sharks to resist. Georgie organized Wall Street, the banks, the investment houses, various Government agencies, the Government Licenced Rating Agencies and others into a gang of thieves whose sole purpose was to transfer wealth from the people where it rightful belonged to themselves. George Jr. changed some Legislation and removed other impediments that prevented his thieving friends from doing their laissez faire best, as in robbing the USA till. But just like in 1929, the World in 2008 /2009 crashed because the Republicans and their friends wanted to rob the bank but still leave it intact. Rather, the bank was reduced to rubble and everyone suffered, even some of the crooks. Now that is rightie insight for you in 1929? And again it was rightie insight in 2008 / 2009. I an PC, but in 2006 I joined the Harper Conservative to do a test drive. Lyin Steve’s outfit was quickly revealed to be Fascist. The right wing never creates anything original, they just steal everything that isn’t nailed down. The Federal Progressive Conservatives were taken over from the inside using American oil monopoly petro dollars. The truth and fair play don’t stand a chance with some people when money is waved in their faces. Since I had a lot of PC experience, I was encouraged to join the Prince Edward / Hastings CPC Riding Association. My experience was welcomed, my mouth not so much. I decided to stick it out for a while and get the feel of Harper’s Party. I was elected to the Board of Directors of the Riding Association which, in a sense was sovereign. We operated under Roberts Rules of Order. Everything was according to the book, except, except. Every month a 28 year old something arrived from the PMO to tell the Board what to do. He and I continually crossed swords. During the year and a half I was a Board member the CPC Constitution came up for review. I was given the task of going over the section on the First People and recommending changes. Each Board member had a section to review. Then we went through the recommendations of each member and voted on the amendments we wished to forward to Ottawa. After a few Association meeting I named our young visitor a Harper Youth. He would come with a list that we were to follow. But motions had to be tabled a meeting in advance according to our By-Laws. Steve’s minion ignored out rule. On the review of the CPC Constitution our minion decided it could not be sent in as framed although it had been passed by the Board. HE, AS IN HE, WANTED CHANGES. HE, AS IN HE, DIDN’T WANT OUR AMENDMENTS TO GET INTO THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. So the Board turned out to be nothing more than a front. Everyone of us was kept busy doing nothing the whole day through. The CPC Constitution was a mere bag of shit to kid people that everything was on the up and up. Harpie’s minion and I fought on a regular basis. I think it was at the meeting where the boy minion started talking about our group of CPC students at Loyalist College. Indoctrination came up into his conversation. So Nazi like. He suggested intimidating other students into joining CPC. I quietly folded my tent and stole away. Free from the Board I began writing to Steve about affairs of the Nation and addressing the letter to HERR Harper. About a years later I started my blog with the express purpose of driving Lyin Steve out of office. I have written more than 500 posts. My moment of truth comes on October 19 /15. Do we get to turf this Fascist or does the American oil monopoly become the Supreme Leader??? Interestingly the Board met in the local Real Estate office. Late in 2006, after the conclusion of meetings we began discussing the economy and the coming economic meltdown. Apparently the real estate industry had a good fix on what George Jr. was up to. The industry was battening down the hatches back then but Joe and Jane Public were again kept in the dark by the politicians and the Nazi press. The thrust of the Bush plan to relieve American of some of their cash related to banks being able to sell diced up shares in mortgage certificates containing many mortgages. Thus the banks had no direct responsibility to keep mortgages intact and on THEIR BOOKS. Such shares bore 7% interest and came with an AAA stamp of approval from the rating agencies who were paid to rate this garbage high. Who could ask for anything more??? The actual mortgages were trick mortgages for a reason. A low teaser interest rate applied for the first two years to suck people in. In the paper work it was clear that the interest rate would go up from 4.5% to 7% after a couple of years. But people were told not to worry and that the 4.5% would just be rolled over. It was an accepted fact by Bush and friends that the price of houses would just keep going up. This mortgage scheme was based on some people not being to handle an interest rate hike after 2 years. The idea was to then foreclose and sell the houses for even more money in 2 years. It was a fantastic idea that meant all of the insiders and friends of the Bush Government had struck gold, pie in the sky, cash for life from the ever increasing value of houses. If a few people were trampled by this scheme Bush and the righties were unconcerned. Megantic anyone? The shares in this Ponzi scheme were sold all around the world, including the EU, Ireland and Iceland. Chretien would no allow the Canadian banks to sell these toxic shares. When Harper came to power he wrote to world banks offering to sell Canadian banks so we could get in on this sure thing. The fatal flaw in the scheme was the fact that the 9000 US banks involved were anxious to generate profits quickly. Other than dicing up mortgages into certificates,then selling the stock. The way to take money even quicker was to foreclose houses, dump new buyers who had been stripped of their cash, out in the street and sell the dwellings for even more money. After many discussions about the subprime business at PE and H Board meetings, I put my thinking cap on and began connecting dots. If the story behind the scenes was correct, what was going to happen down the road? My conclusion, if you take a subdivision with a hundred homes there may be 3 or 4 houses for sale at any one time. When the banks started to foreclose to increase their profits they destabilized the real estate market for homes all over the US. All of a sudden in our imaginary subdivision there are 10 homes for sale due to the foreclosures. The foreclosed houses would not bringing in any more than their original selling price due to the increased number of dwelling on the market. So for the banks there was no percentage in pushing the foreclosures. The banks should have realized it would be better to keep the new buyer paying the mortgage even if they could not bump the interest up. But raw greed is not an easy thing to stop. With 9000 banks, each with a mischief lever, it was a recipe for disaster for the USA and eventually that proved the case. Bush with a little insight [ that’ a joke son ] could have moved in and passed a Law that put a moratorium on foreclosures to stop the bleeding. But President Georgie and his Republicans had no such insight. As the number of unsold houses increased the PRICE OF EVERY HOME DROPPED. Banks had to baby sit vacant homes, cut the grass, keep the heat on and pay the utility bills. As the banks did not own the vacant homes the stockholder of the certificates got charged. When this pool of money dried up the banks just abandoned the homes. With no heat pipes would burst and foundations would crack. Vandals would break in and camp out. Fires were started. Good houses that had been owned for years and were well kept were sitting among derelict homes and lost value. Gangs would come in and steal doors, windows, copper pipe, bathtubs / sinks, furnaces and so on. With utilities and property taxes not being paid municipalities had to cut back. Street lights were turned off, hydrants disconnected, police, fire and municipal services were withdrawn from subdivisions even though many of the occupants were still paying the utility bills and taxes. Of course this social destruction was caused by the greed of Bush Jr., Wall Street, the banks, Rebubs / friends and the Nazi media. Who buy the way never told you about any of this destruction. It was a story that Paul Godfrey and David Thomson decided not to let you in on. The reason, they got paid to keep it a secret. From 2006 onward and my conversations with PE and H Board members I watched the subprime debacle unfold. It was even worse than I have described here. Yet in October of 2008, Herr Harper and Jim Flaherty, Finance Minister stood on the world stage to declare there was no recession in Canada. Harper lied again for the millionth time. I have been watching Steve Harper for 30 years. He has been telling whoppers since back then. Conrad Black, another Sociopath, who owned a number of newspapers back in that time took a shine to Lyin Steve. Black told his journalists to go light on Steve, to bury the boy’s miscues and guild the lily a little bit. Reporters on other papers got the message. With an eye to future employment with Black, everyone began giving Harper a free ride. This early boost to Lyin Steve got the Conman back into Canada. So when Herr Harper becomes dictator these are the kinds of decisions he’ll will make. Harpie will favour his friends and anyone else who gets in the way with get the meat hook treatment. So the Harper is a liar of long standing who was schooled at the University of Calgary. Courses there include the Nietzsche Myth, Leo Strauss [ the king liar ] and Friedrich Hayek [ a German lawyer masquerading ]. These subjects are the same as what is taught at the University of Chicago, the academic centre for the right wing movement in the USA. When you look at the mess that is America to-day, the University of Chicago has got to be given some credit. Our very own Calgary U is the center for regime change in Canada. If the USA oil monopoly and Harper retain power after Oct. 19 /15, I am sure the partying at the University of Calgary will go on into the night. The Yankee lovers at the University can look back to 1966 and say, although it took almost 50 years to subdue Canada all the work and petro dollars was worth. It should also be recorded for history that Canadians buying gasoline, Diesel and jet fuel actually paid to destroy democracy in this Country. Hung with a noose fashioned at home. So it is a well known fact that Herr Harper was taught to lie for the good rightie cause at Calgary U. When the Keystone Pipeline was announced in 2007 by Russ Girling I began taking notice. Being a techie I am not easily fooled by descriptions of mechanical stuff from politicans, CEOs, PR people and the Nazi media [ not the CBC ]. From the very first everything that came out of Girling’s mouth was a lie. As is my practice I clip articles from papers. I have a huge file on Girling, Keystone and TransNotCanada going back to the beginning. The actions of the TransNotCanada Corp. are in many cases criminal in nature. I wondered why the Nazi press let Girling’s lies just fly passed without any comment? Could it be that Godfrey goes easy because Girling buys a lot of advertising. At some stage I did a background check on Girling, surprise, surprise Russ is an alumnus of the University of Calgary, the place where Harper was taught to lie. This sharpened my attention and Girling’s statements got more attention. I even save articles from the PostMediocre papers and the Globe and Tar which were written to blster Girling’s reputation. It is a little much ignoring Girling’s lies but to heap praise on Russ is too much of a muchness. During the recent attempt by Pierre Poilievre to introduce Legislation taken right out of the Republican play book, he told endless lies. His Unfair Elections Act focused in on preventing Canadians who are anti Harper from voting. But is was the lying that got me. I checked, my god, he is another lying graduate of the University of Calgary. Our Nazi press is loaded with articles and reports from people at Calgary U which I clip. They all tell lies with a rightie tinge.
Goebbels could not have done better. If we do succumb to the jack boots we will never hear how many were disposed of in the ovens. If the Nazi press won’t even tell Canadians
about the risks of transporting Alberta roofing tar mixed with Benzine in 40 year old tank cars and through 50 year old pipelines meant for oil, why would the papers give us an oven count??? So it is clear that Calgary U graduates liars by the ton. Business to-day loves liars, the truth is verboten. Volkswagen might not survive as a Company after being caught cheating. Ed Fast, a Harper toady, says supply management will be protected, all the while the USA is demanding access to Canada to able to dump food when the Americans have a surplus. I have not come across one article in the Nazi press which covers supply management in California. 50% of all specialty crops in the State are governed by supply management, a system put in by FDR to protect the farmers from other countries dumping crops. Isn’t a little rich for the Yankees to want our supply management system to be dismantled while they retain their own? Great empires come and go. Common threads are contained in every demise. A corrupt / incompetent leadership. A dishonest press . And last but not least, a docile public. On October 19 / 15 we will learn just how docile Canadians are? So everyone knows Harper is a liar. This drives people like me nuts. No society can thrive where there is no trust. 10,000 years ago each family group had to turn their homes into fortresses. Now the righties and Elizabeth Cannon are quite happy with lies We know that Pierre Poilievre is a liar too, almost as good as Steve. It seems that I am the only one who knows Russ Girling is a liar on the scale of Harper. The matter of Steve, Pierre or Russ lying is of little consequence if the American oil monopoly tops the ballot in October. If Canada is no more after October, I can see lying going out of style. There will be no need to lie. The ruling kleptarchy will decide what the ignorant mob should know and act accordingly. The above scenario would be perfect for Russ Girling.
If an oilie dictatorship existed in Can. / USA and the Keystone blew up in Nebraska or if Energy East blew up in Montreal, Girling would just dig a big pit. He’d dump all of the bodies in and bulldoze the homes and structures into the hole and walk away scot free, just like the American oil monopoly and CPR did at Megantic.

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I think the high point in Girling lying career was when he called President Obama a liar on the issue of the Keystone Pipeline. As I would expect, the North American Nazi media gave full coverage to Girling’s lie and ignored the guy who was telling the truth. As I keep saying there is no money in printing the truth. However there is big money in repeating lies for people like Girling and TransnotCanada, a Wall Street corporation. As the President said, the Keystone pipe does nothing for America except endanger and potentially impoverish its’ citizens. You have got to understand why the Keystone was first proposed. The USA oil monopoly controlled Venezuela through a local kleptarchy and was in sense stealing Venezuela’s petroleum resources, much like what has been happening in Alberta for the last 30 years. Venezuela has heavy oil which is actually a liquid. Canada has tar which will not move unless it is thinned with Benzine, the equivalent of high octane gasoline. There are strict rules governing the use of hi octane gasoline. THERE ARE NO RULES COVERING MIXING BENZINE WITH TAR AND SENDING BY RAIL OR PIPELINE. The dumb asses at the American oil monopoly head office in Houston, decided to build billion dollar upgrader / refinery systems in the Foreign Trade Zone in Texas. The Venezuelan heavy oil would be stolen and shipped to the Texas FTZ. This oil would then by processed and sold into the world market. NO US TAXES WOULD APPLY OR US REGULATIONS. What came out of these expensive facilities like gasoline, by Law could never enter the USA. The fly in the ointment was the fact that billions upon billions were spent on facilities to process somebody else’s oil. Hug Chavez led a revolution in Venezuela in 1992 and kicked the Americans out. What to do? What to do? Somebody in Houston came up with a bright idea. Canadian roofing tar mixed with Benzine could be processed in the FTZ upgraders / refineries in Texas. This new combination of tar and Benzine should have been tested by our Government, especially because Benzine is at least as lethal as gasoline, as highly explosive and the fumes are deadly. Adding tar which contains quartz sand makes the mix even more dangerous. Mining operations which use pipelines to convey aggregate used special piping, sensors and valves to withstand the scouring of rough materials. The oil monopoly was having none of a special, expensive system. It would used existing oil pipelines and avoid trouble by renaming Canada’s tar sands the oil sands paying a huge amount of money to the Nazi media to call what was going through the pipelines OIL. As the existing oil pipeline system began to come under strain carrying tar and Benzine illegally it was decided to built some new pipelines. The Kinder Morgan oil pipeline, a dual pipe from Alberta to BC following an existing right-of-way. Westbound this new oil pipeline would illegally carry tar mixed with a FTZ in California. Eastbound a smaller dia. oil pipeline would illegally carry Benzine from Asia. The Northern Gateway / Enbridge oil pipeline would illegally carry tar mixed with Benzine to the BC and then to a FTZ in California. The Keystone [ Girling ] oil pipeline would illegally carry tar mixed with Benzine to the FTZ in Texas. The Energy East natural gas pipeline would illegally carry tar and Benzine from Alberta to the Atlantic ocean. From there it would go to a FTZ in Texas. The tar and Benzine in these 4 pipelines would generate no taxes and not pay a levy to cover oil spills. Congress rules that tar is no oil. The has got to be the worst case of corporate despotism ever seem in North America. The USA oil monopoly made a huge mistake building upgrader / refinery facilities in FTZs in Texas and California to process stolen Venezuela heavy oil. The monopoly had its’ hands cut off by Hugo Chavez. To cover their asses Houston came up with a plan to use Alberta tar but opted to adapt an old system of pipelines used for OIL to transport this new bomb mix. Health, the environment, safety and the risk to human were all set aside by Congress and the Harper Fascists. Mechanicalwise it is a true Rube Goldberg creation in its’ idiocy. But looked at in its’ whole it bespeaks pure corporate greed, exemplified by Russ Girling.

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I have one more bone to pick with Girling. Russ, your Company owns the TransCanada natural gas pipeline which was built by the Canadian taxpayer. Its’ purpose was to bring natural gas from Alberta and Saskatchewan, across Canada to Ontario and Quebec. Its’ route was laid out to avoid crossing US territory. The fear was that nat. gas destined for Ontario and Quebec could be cut off by the Americans in difficult time. Just like Russia uses cutting the supply of nat. gas to Eastern Europe ad a diplomatic hammer. When fracked nat. gas was found in Michigan and Pennsylvania there was something akin to gold fever. As there are no restriction on business in the USA all of a sudden there were too many rigs drilling for nat. gas. Too much gas was found and the market became flooded. The price of nat. gas dropped from $ 7 to less than $ 2 a unit. Apparently the opportunity was too much for you to refuse. You started pumping fracked two dollar US nat. gas into Ontario and Quebec and charging the Alberta / Saskatchewan price of seven dollar. But then when the volume of nat. gas from the west began dropping
due to your scheme to cheat Canadians, you came up with the idea of using the old natural gas pipeline to illegally transport tar mixed with Benzine to the Atlantic coast. Fracked natural gas wells have a very short life span. Gas to-day, gone tomorrow. Ontario and Quebec are now dependent on natural gas from the USA. We were never supposed to be in this vulnerable position. 7 companies in the lower state are contracting with frackers in Pennsylvania and Michigan to supply cheap natural gas. When the shot lived fields begin the run out of nat. gas who will get supplied Russ? Of course as usual Canadians will be screwed by TransCanada. WHY RUSS WHY??? I WANT CANADA TAKE OFF YOUR MASTHEAD!!!

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The Great Gretzky Goof — Part two.
The Gretz endorsed Steve Harper. A big mistake. Independent wine store at my local supermarket had a sale on Gretzky wines and had a big cutout of the Great One. I walked by with my groceries and asked the gal behind the counter how she was doing after Gretz endorsed Harper? I got a quick blank stare and she turned to he coworker and said, ” That is why people are yelling at the Gretz cutout “. A couple of days later I said to her,” How’s Gretz doing “? She said,” It is getting worse “. Two more days in, ” How’s Gretz “? She said, ” People are swearing at him “. To-day on my shopping trip, the Great One’s cardboard cutout had vanished. I withheld comment.

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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For the last ten years Steve Harper has fucked up everything he has turned his hand to, EXCEPT, handing Canada over to the American and pushing the rightpublicanazi agenda. In this present Syrian crisis the Harper Fascists are at a complete loss. The University of Calgary, centre for regime change in this Country teaches its’ students that there are two classes of people, the self anointed exceptionalists like Harper, Kenny and Poilievre, then rest of us, the unruly, ignorant mob. Rightie doctrine as preached at the University says, GIVE NO QUARTER TO THE MOB. That is why, for the Fascists, providing humanitarian aid to our First People goes against their grain. The Fascists find it impossible to offer compassion and gainful employment to our veterans. The larger population in this Country is considered ill educated and dangerous by the Harper Fascists. Giving the riff raff a leg up would only make us more dangerous. Our Nazi media is well paid to see that the riff raff stays stupid. That’s how Paul Godfrey earns his million plus per year. For the National Post papers there is a ton of money to be made misinforming the citizenry and HIDING THE TRUTH. Possessed of such a compassion deficit Lyin Steve can’t bring himself to aid the 4 million Syrian refugees. Sucking and blowing at the same time is difficult if not impossible. In terms of the ongoing Civil War between the Sunnis and the Shiites in the Middle East it is fueled by the sale of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel to North Americans. So when drivers fuel up here, we are paying the salaries of the ISIS fighters and terrorists as well buying them guns. How can 350 million people be SO STUPID. Herr Harper, the Congress, Tony Abbot and David Cameron are using this citizen paid conflict to impose police state laws on their respective countries. We financially support the scary people, then the governments use our taxes to protect us from the scary people. So we are paying double to end up being scared. Stupidity??? YES!!! Steve IS NOT PROTECTING CANADIANS, RATHER HE IS TIGHTENING THE FASCIST GRIP ON THIS NATION. In terms of solving problems, the Canadian right and the American right have no experience. The righties only create problems and leave those problems for someone else to clean up. History is littered with rightie trainwrecks which they quickly walk away from. Then the Nazi media is paid to cover up. Do you buy a newspaper? If so, you are in favour of these trainwrecks which are destroying democracy? Since 1973, when Washington and the USA oil monopoly teamed up to crash the world in the American sponsored OPEC Crisis, the US Government and the oilies have led the globe on a merry chase of one oil fueled crisis after another. The world Nazi media has been paid a huge pile petro dollars to keep these stories away from the people in all countries. Just think the real stories has been kept off our screens for 40 years and WE HAVE PAID FOR THE DOING. In every case, lies were concocted to cover up, just as Chris Alexander is lying right now. Covering the lies results in the petro dollars flowing and flowing and flowing to the CTV’s and Paul Godfrey’s of the world. In fact lies are being concocted at this very moment, a regards the Middle East Civil War, terrorism and the crisis in Syria. The only news outlets where the truth is available now are the CBC, PBS, BBC and the Guardian UK / US. If you want to confirm Harper’s opinion of you, that you are ignorant, then don’t read any further. Buy a National Post, Globe and Tar or watch CTV to NOT FIND OUT about the Syrian / Middle East crisis. I am sure Andrew Coyne, John Ivison, Gary Mason and Robert Fife will be quite happy to send you on another wild goose chase. Lyin Steve has no humanity because he is mad. Harper has no capacity to solve problems because he was never taught problem solving at the University of Calgary. So where does that leave us old stock Canadians, who believe we are our brother’s / sister’s keeper? And how do we Canucks access almost 150 years of problem solving experience with Harper blocking our path? We have a major difficulty in that the entire media in this Country, is owned or controlled by Americans. The PostMediocre papers is managed by Paul Godfrey, a Canadian. He is paid more than a million dollars a year to deliver Canada into American hands. I keep saying, buy a National Post and help destroy democracy in this Country. So although Harper has created one problem after another in Canada, our Nazi media has been paid to cover those problems up. There is never a solution sought. As a result, this Nation is going to hell in a handbasket but the Nazi media will not tell Canadians that either. My entire life has been spent problem solving. At age 15 I started to fly and WORK on aeroplanes too. Everyday was spent problem solving. Getting it wrong could cost lives. Thus I developed the habit of not wanting to talks about problems. Rather I wanted to spend my time fixing problem. So let’s turn our attention to Syria and the Middle East.

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The most pressing matter is the refugee crisis in Syria and surrounding countries. Harper, Jason Kenny, his head trained seal and Chris Alexander, are trying to run the clock out by the use of verbiage aplenty. If Harper can delay any action until after the election the Fascists will be home free. Of course Lyin Steve is well into his dog-whistle politics. This means he is speaking in code. Canadians hear Harper say something and too many are toadstools. They believe what Steve says and take it at face value. But what Lyin Steve is saying to his Fascist base, we are not going to do anything about the Syrian Refugees nor are we interested in ending or shortening with ISIS. The Fascists do not want a whole bunch of Middle East refugees coming to Canada because it will cost the Government money no matter how much in private contributions are made. He’s not called Lyin Steve for nothing. Harper is so dishonest when he makes constant reference to the security issue. Using the security issue works in two directions. Who ever said that all those devious Americans working in the PMO don’t earn their big bucks. Touting security concerns allows Harper to refuse Syrian refugees
entry and to scare the hell out of Canadians at the same time. DETESTABLE? YES. BENEATH CONTEMPT? YES. If we are fortunate enough to avoid falling under the spell of the rightpublicanazis and the American oil monopoly on Oct. 19 / 15, I would suggest the following. The new Prime Minister could immediately contact, His Highness, King Abdullah II of Jordan who is housing almost a million refugees. Jordan has a population of little more than 8 million people and the burden of refugees could overwhelm the Country. Canada has a population of 35 million. The new Prime Minister could call the King on the phone with a two prong approach. Namely that Canada will take in 100,000 refugees who are now in Jordan. As well we could offer to assist King Abdullah in the care, feeding and health care of the rest of his refugees. Remember, 3 years ago Harper gave his employer, the American oil monopoly, $ 850 million OF OUR MONEY for carbon capture and storage [ a technology that has yet to be proven ]. Such facilities were never built and Godfrey and the Can. Nazi media never followed up. That eight hundred and fifty million dollars went right into Houston’s pocket. Quite often you hear about cities twinning up for their mutual benefit. I am thinking here of Canada twinning with Jordan. We should be saying to King Abdullah, we will take 100,000 of your refugees at no cost to you. And oh by the way, how can WE help YOU provide a decent life for the remaining refugees? The King will certainly need money but I sure there are many other ways to assist in what is a Jordan crisis too. The world Nazi media is showcasing the refugee mobs in Europe who are really country shopping, they’re using the real crisis in Syria as an excuse to move up the economic ladder. The aggressive actions of the refugees streaming into the EU are being shown as a way of turning people in the west against helping out. On the part of the world Nazi media this is beneath dishonest. getting paid to mislead, it is just disgusting. As with Herr Harper, this crisis is being used by Congress, David Cameron and Australia to refuse the refugees entry and to use the security baseball bat to impose police state rules. If Canada survives, once our Government commits to taking 100,000 refugees from King Abdullah, it can then organize churches and charitable institutions here with the view to measuring how they can help in this crisis. And how much money they would need to assist in carrying out this mission. This bullshit from Harper, Kenny and Alexander about matching the funds that are collected privately is just that, bullshit. It is just a smokescreen for doing nothing. Harper, with Republican help cheated in the 2011 Federal Election and got a slim majority. Things have not changed in Canada, the lying and cheating continues.

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I am amazed how little Canadians know about the Middle East. There has been a Civil War going on between the Sunnis [ Saudi Arabia ] and the Shiites [ Iran ] for 1300 years. The money to fund this conflict in recent times came from selling oil to the West, the biggest customer was and is the USA. There was probably some concern expressed 30 years ago, about the fact that some of the money going to the Middle East, from oil purchases by the west was being diverted to the Civil War and Terrorism. But the fact that the US was not yet self sufficient in oil meant the usual selfishness of the Americans prevailed. If some of the petro dollars were being funneled to killers tough bananas. If a few Muslims lost their lives sobeit. We know that such loss of life is referred to by the oilies as just collateral damage. Like the collateral damage in Megantic. The deaths of 47 innocent victims in Megantic and the 22 orphans left can be chalked up to the cost of doing business. With Houston, it is heads they win and tails we lose. The deaths in Megantic can be laid at the doorstep of Herr Harper, his employer the American oil monopoly. The monopoly owned the tar / Benzine bomb mix that blew up in Megantic and took no responsibility. CPR carried this bomb mix from Fort McMurray illegally and forged the Manifest. CP claimed the black shit that blew up came from North Dakota, a lie the Nazi media was paid to carry and continues to carry. The Canadian Transportation Safety Board cooked their Megantic report and the people involved should be ashamed of themselves. To some people a pay cheque is worth way more than the truth. An inquest into the 47 deaths was never held, Harper didn’t want it. The deaths and the orphans are considered by Houston and the CPR as collateral damage. And they got away with it, they never paid a dime. Lyin Steve gave Megantic taxpayer’s money. The rule of thumb with the righties, if they mistake, the ignorant mob always pays the bill. You know, maybe Elizabeth Cannon, head of the University of Calgary is right to teach the Nietzsche Myth. It would almost seem that the Nietzsche Myth is true. In that the ignorant mob is indeed stupid. Harper, the oilies and the CPR killed those 47 people in Megantic and we must not forget the 22 orphans. It cost them nothing. Canadian taxpayers got stuck with bill. Are the taxpayers stupid? I am not sure? Said USA oil monopoly makes a handsome profit and the UNPROTECTED victims, paid with their lives. And the Fascist Government looked the other way. We keep paying for rightie mistakes over and over and over again. Can we be that stupid?? The right wing could actually be right after all? As long as the USA oil monopoly is permitted to operate as a monopoly by Herr Harper and the Congress innocent people will continue to die here in North America and in the Middle East. Operating a monopoly is against the Law. The reason for the continuing existence of this illegal American oil monopoly is that every Republican in Congress has been bought off by the oilies. Also, there are a lots of petro cheques flying around here in Canada. Petro cheques go to Paul Godfrey / Post, David Thomson / Globe, CTV and all the other Nazi news outlets [ not the CBC ]. In return for this dough our Canadian Yankee – lovers bury the truth.

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Now for a goodly slice of the truth. The 1973 Oil Crisis was caused by the American oil monopoly trying to muscle OPEC into lowering their price for petroleum. The oilies in their greed, were backed by Pres. Nixon who had abandon Bretton Woods. An agreement signed in 1944 by 44 nations to facilitate the rebuilding of the world economic system sought to moderate the dog eat dog nature of internation dealings before the War. Bretton brought stability to the globe for almost 30 years by giving smaller countries a break. Bretton was another of FDR legacies. The Republicans never liked Bretton, it restricted the Yankee free wheelers who wanted as much for themselves as they could get and still do. The Vietnam War was costing the US a ton of money, the debt was increasing as was unemployment. Nixon looked for an easy way out. He could not politically cut spending on the War. Rather, he chose to abandon Bretton. This abandonment immediately improved America’s financial standing in the world. Nixon could just begin to print money which was no longer tied to gold. A number of smaller, weaker countries were adversely affected by Nixon’s arbitrary abandonment of Bretton. The President took upon himself the ” KING OF THE CASTLE ” role, which was very popular on Wall Street and in the USA but not elsewhere. Nixon changed America’s place in the world, from benefactor to bully. Just like Mad Harper. The USA was using its’ might to shift its’ financial burden onto the backs of others without their say so. Republican leadership failed yet again as it had done in 1929. There is an old saying,” If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you will always have Paul’s support “. Financial order began to break down globally. OPEC members found themselves on the short end of the stick, the price they got for their oil was immediately lowered due to Nixon’s unilateral move in 1971. It was like Nixon said to OPEC, ” we have just cut your pay cheque and there is nothing you can do about it. The US oil monopoly and OPEC, at that time a loose collection of oil producing nations, started negotiations. Washington wanted to retain the reduced price for oil, a gift which the abandonment of Bretton had brought it. During these negotiations Nixon exerted pressure on the OPEC countries, to show them who was boss. John Connally, Secretary of Treasury, told the French at this time, ” The US currency is our’s, the problems with it are your’s. Foreign Governments are out to screw us. Our job is to screw them first “. Adam Smith [ 1723 / 1790 ], an economist, who the righties love to misquote talked of, ” beggaring all your neighbours “. That is exactly what Nixon had done. The abandonment of Bretton was called the ” Nixon Shock “. In the end, the results could be called America’s shock. The USA paid a huge price the hubris of Nixon and the illegal oil monopoly. With leadership like this who needs enemies??? Nixon hoped to divide the membership of OPEC. The arrogance of the Americans seems always to preclude having a /\ Plan B /\. The OPEC members, rather than pulling apart drew closer together. They reacted to the US threats by TURNING THE OIL SPIGOT OFF. Nixon was caught with his pants down and American’s suffered economically. There were long line ups a gas stations. The biggest hit to the USA was due to the ham fisted approach by the USA oil monopoly. In all my research I have seen a review of the conduct of the USA oil monopoly in 1973 crisis. Although a player in the OPEC oil embargo the oilies bought silence from the nazi media. Control of the world oil market was ceded to the oil producing countries by the Americans. The only area on the globe now controlled by the Yankee oilies is North America where 300 million plus inhabitants are held hostage by the oil monopoly. There is no competition, they charge what they want for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel because Harper and Congress let them. Even though ISIS stolen oil costs the monopoly peanuts. If Canada survives as a democratic Country after October 19 / 15, one of our first moves, the petroleum industry must be nationalized. Too, too easy!

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Shah Reza Pahlavi was a dictator, who ruled Iran from 1941 to 1979. The Shah was a puppet of the USA, his main task was to insure a steady supply of cheap oil to the Americans. There was unrest from time to time in Iran as the people protested the fact that the USA was in a sense stealing the oil resources and depriving the Nation of the money needed for the maintenance of some semblance of a decent lifestyle. Just like the American oil monopoly has been robbing Alberta blind for years. After the 1973 OPEC oil crisis, Shah Pahlavi began to have difficulties keeping his people under control. Anti American sentiment was on the rise. The Shah began to criticize US actions in an attempt to placate his people. Pres. Nixon was not pleased. Shah Pahlavi said to the NYT in 1973, ” Oil prices will rise. The US increases the price of wheat to us by 200%. You buy our our crude oil and sell it back to us refined at 100 times the price you paid us. Sounds like Canada eh??? Unrest got worse in the late 1970s and Jimmy Carter took note. The Iranian Army was under the control of 40,000 American advisers, who were paid out of the people’s share of oil revenues. Just like Canadians. We pay for the US owned Nazi press and all of the think tank charities like the Fraser / Manning Institutes, dedicated to the overthrow of this Country. Washington was sure the Iranian Army could handle any uprising that occurred. Jimmy Carter saw the Shah as a some times friend of the US, at best a weak puppet. Control of the oil fields in Iran was of critical importance to the USA, they needed a committed full time puppet. Carter set out to depose Shah Pahlavi. American officials recommended a religious leader by the name of Ayatollah Khomeini to be the new US puppet. Khomeini had been exiled to France by Pahlavi. The US operatives saw this religious man as being totally malleable, someone who would appreciate being reestablished in his home Country by the Americans. NOT! Boy did Carter blow it. The Khomeini Iranian Revolution ensued, the Army its’ declare neutrality and sat on its’ hands. In 1979 oil production in Iran was restricted and panic set in but it was not justified. Long lines appeared at gas stations in the USA. This was because Washington was disconnected from the crisis, gave no direction and let the USA oil monopoly do what it does best, generate profits. During the entire time of the crisis, 5 years, the monopoly was in control. The interests of Big Oil trumped the interests of the people. Interestingly, during the 73 OPEC crisis and the 79 Iran crisis, America fell apart at the seams economically. Russia, in the same world as the USA suffered no such dislocations. The price of a barrel of oil was at about $ 14.50 at the time the Revolution broke out. It soon reached almost $ 38 a barrel in 1980, although global oil production actually only shrank 4 %. That shortfall was very quickly made up The high price only lasted for a few months after which it began dropping. There was no reason for the US to suffer an economic hit in 1981 other than the oil monopoly was minding the store and it stuffed its’ pockets. Again, the journalists who know about this industry were and are strangely silent. Did they too get petro cheques. In 1985 the price was $ 28 and in 1989 was $ 14. Jimmy Carter had bungled his way into a revolution and then followed it up with a series of incoherent statements and policies. The Washington Government was AWOL, adrift on a stormy sea. The American oil monopoly had lost control of the Iranian oil fields but quickly moved to make money during the turmoil from the only people who they still had / have under their thumb, Americans and Canadians. We were gouged oilies, starting in 1973, then again 1979, we’ve been gouged over the years since then and we are still being gouged, as of Sept. 21 / 15. Saudi Arabia remained cool under fire in 1979. The 1973 OPEC crisis had badly affected the USA economy and it was a good lesson. In 1980, the Saudis were not about to allow their American market disrupted by the Iran Revolution. Saudi Arabia flooded the market with oil. Russia, a Country prevented from playing a role in the world oil market by the Americans saw its’ chance and also pumped oil into the market. There should have been no US oil shock in 1979. The phony oil shortage was fabricated by Jimmy Carter and the American oil monopoly. For what real reason escapes me? Except there was a huge transfer of wealth from the just getting by to the already filthy rich. This massive theft was facilitated as usual by the US Nazi press. There was never a great differential in oil prices for a dozen years, it should have been easy to manage this crisis. In 1977 *** $ 14 a barrel. In 1980 *** $ 37 a barrel. In 1984 *** $ 28 a barrel. And in 1990 *** $ 23 a barrel. The ups and downs were gradual and would have allowed anyone who had half a brain and was paying attention, to adjust. The Iranian Revolution hit Alberta hard. It was the American oil monopoly, supposedly Alberta’s best friend, that began buying cheap Russian oil. They didn’t need Canadian oil but our Nazi press remained mum. There is good money in mum. Just like Secretary Connally said of the USA, we’re going to get to outsiders first and screw them. Well the Province got screwed by oilies, who stopped buying Alberta oil. But instead of the oilies in Houston coming clean about causing the Iranian Revolution and hanging their heads in shame, they did what the do second best, create fantasies. They hired our Nazi media to advertise the oilie’s latest fantasy, to shift the focus of Albertans. The American oil monopoly started doling out cash, stolen from Alberta, to initiate a smear campaign against Pierre Trudeau and his NEP. The National Energy Program was an OIL SECURITY DOCUMENT to protect this Country in case of another OIL SHORTAGE like in 1973. Trudeau’s NEP prevented the American oil monopoly from delivering all of OUR OIL to the YANKEES in case of a shortage. It was a pretty simple policy. Canadians get first dibs on their own oil before any is exported. You would think the majority of people in this Country would have been pleased with Trudeau’s move. We here get to fill our tummies first. If there is any food left over it can then be exported to the USA. But the oilies in Houston and Congress were not happy campers. Being self appointed to the status of being the most important people on the face of the earth, they were not about to let any Elected Prime Minster of Canada decide what the oil rules are. During the period, 1980 to 1988 the was an OIL GLUT. The NEP had no application, it pertained to AN OIL SHORTAGE. As ever, our Nazi media was quite happy to take money from the Houston oilies, to print or broadcast the Trudeau NEP Myth. For anyone who wanted to know what the NEP was all about, a minimal amount of checking would have revealed the whole pro Canadian story. I think Canadians in the 1980s / 90s were naive. They had no experience with a Nazi press. The use of the newspapers to propagandize a people was perfected by Hitler. In his Mein Kampf he said, if you tell lies to an ignorant people often enough they will take it as the truth. During the 1970s, a Nazi media was created in the USA by the right and it was made official under a demented Reagan. US papers and TV could lie or make stuff up all they wanted. Those on the left, whose reputations were destroyed or who suffered economically had no recourse. Canada had and has laws which prohibit yellow journalism. But in 1980, in Alberta, the USA oil monopoly ruled the roost. If Houston said jump everyone in Alberta jumped. The Trudeau / NEP Myth was repeated over and over and over and just like Hitler said, the naive people of Canada did not seek the truth, they just accepted what the Can. media told them. The NEP story had legs. This BIG LIE, still makes it into the pages of the PostMediocre papers to-day. And believe it or not there are Canadians who still believe the NEP LIE. So from the 1990s onward, the owners of newspapers and TV stations in Canada gradually fell in behind the Reagan Doctrine. Namely that said media, was free to cater to the Republicans and the right by printing lies or misinformation or False news or spin or propaganda without fear of prosecution. Canada’s Laws in this regard prevented the wholesale importation of the above abuse of press power. In certain areas of American interest our media ditched the truth in favour of petro dollars from Houston. As the Harper Fascists bought votes with oilie money and introduced Republican dirty tricks to our elections our media mode went the full Nazi. As well our media became their media. Ownership of the means of printing and broadcasting in Canada can’t be owned more than 49%. Harper just ignored that Law and now our media is 90% owned by Americans. The only voice heard by Germans was Hitler’s. The only voice heard by Canadians to-day is the Yankee voice except for the CBC. If Harper cheats his way to power on Oct. 19 /15 the CBC and the CRTC will be vanished by the Fascists. The worst offender in the Nazi media game is Paul Godfrey. I get and read my free National Post. The free bit is scrumptidelicious. Just think, I get all of Paul’s lies, reports from the Donner Foundation sponsored Fraser Institute, George F. Will / a good friend of Conrad Black and Charles Krauthammer. I have been listening to Charlie for a good 30 years repeat the right wing ideology endlessly. All during that time the US ship has settled deeper and deeper into the water. What a legacy? After all that effort, the only thing the Kraut and his friends can say is, we helped destroy America. I think Charles should have Madame Tusaud make a wax likeness of him. The same tape machine that Georgie Bush had under his jacket could be installed in the Charlie dummy. So when the Nazi media wanted a comment from the Kraut, they could just film the wax likeness and record the rightie inspired tape. It would do at least as much for America as listening to the real Charlie. Then Krauthammer could retire to a gated community some place, to await the civil uprisings, soon to engulf the States There has been a major changes in Canada especially in the last 10 years. We used to treasure the truth and treat it like pure gold. Many Canadians still treasure the truth. But now, far too many Canadians have come to tolerate the lies, believing them to represent the truth. A Country thus misled and built on lies will not long stand.

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The American oil monopoly, in one move after another has gone backwards in the last 50 years. At one time the illegal monopoly owned or controlled 85% of the world’s oil supplies and 75% of the globe’s refining capacity. Those numbers to-day are, the oilies own or control about 8% of the world’s oil and about 60% of its’ refining capacity. Houston’s ever present arrogance has snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and too many occasions to count. Oil resources belong to the people in the countries in which the petroleum is found. The US monopoly has never respected that fact. If Houston decides they want something they go after it fair or foul without regard for the human cost. Since the Republicans allowed the oil monopoly to set up shop in the 1920 their raison detre has never changed. They take what they want. If people get in their way they just roll over the trouble makers, killing some along the way. Like Megantic in July 2013. But over time those trouble makers have fought back and in most battles have expelled the oil monopoly. On exception was the docile population of Albert, they put up with the oilie shit until Rachel Notley / NDP were elected in May this year. The oilies blew the OPEC crisis of 1973 which they initiated. The USA surrendered control of the world oil market to the Middle East oil producing countries. A humiliating defeat but the global Nazi media held their tongues. Holding one’s tongue is a very profitable business. Holding one’s tongue means a steady stream of petro dollars from Houston. Not having learned, anything Washington and the Republican oil monopoly became upset with Shah Pahlavi of Iran, a puppet ruler that had installed in 1941 after his Father was removed from office. But over time the Iranians got sick of the USA stealing their oil, like the Albertans finally did. To confront unrest in Iran the Shah began taking anti American stances. Washington was not amused. Jimmy Carter decided his puppet the Shah had to go. Carter was convinced that a religious Iranian, living in exile in Paris would make a good replacement puppet. Rohollah Khomeini, had, for some time been agitating against the Shah. Khomeini and his group, both in Paris and in Iran has been solidifying support for a revolution. Jimmy, the boy who would be President and the Houston oilies were oblivious to the real threat Khomeini represented. The Shah was packed off, Carter brought in his new puppet, Khomeini. Who turned out to be anything other than a puppet. The Iranian Revolution began almost a soon as puppet number two’s feet touch home soil. Carter, the US military and the American oil monopoly were totally taken by surprise, idiots all. The turmoil in the Middle East was quickly contained with little affect. The turmoil in the States went on for years. How could Carter, Reagan and the oil monopoly deal with problems created by themselves. Blame was spread around bu the US Nazi media and the economic pain being felt by the American people was just allowed to fester. By the time of Richard Nixon, the United State had lost the ability to solve problems both domestic and foreign. Henceforth all the Yankees did was generate trouble. They ignored troubles and wished them away. Or they blamed somebody else. This has been the policy of the rightpublicanazis for almost 50 years. Herr Harper was taught same at the Univrsity of Calgary. Never admit to making a mistake and always pass blame to scapegoats. This approach only works if one controls the printing press. Lyin Steve does control our Nazi media [ except the CBC, that is why the Corporation is number one on Harper’s hit list ]. If Mad Harper does actually cheat his way to victory in October /15, I’ll be one of the first inmates in his new concentration camps. I have written so many nasty things about the Harper Fascists, especially Jenni Byrne, the lady with the whip and the chair. It that comes to pass I might just enjoy my time on the parade ground of the camp, meeting up with the other patriots and rabble rousers, David Suzuki, Margaret Attwood, Neil Young, Donald Sutherland [ who Harper will have deported, from the USA ], Alison Redford, Rachel Notley, Tom Mulcair, Justin Trudeau [ his father Pierre will be exhumed and the remains displayed at the camp to show that Herr Harper was the victorious ONE! ] and among others, David Climenhaga. Dave is a writer who has been swimming against the oilie current in Alberta for far too many years. I have listed OPEC / 1973 and the revolt in Iran 1979 and as I commented that Washington and the oilies HAD LEARNED NOTHING. I ain’t kidding. During the 1970s and 80s the USA oil monopoly and the CIA had taken over Venezuela. The Yankees had install a Kleptarchy Government. That term means rule by a group of thieves. Our own Kleparchy Governments reigned in Alberta till May 2015 and one presently rules in Ottawa. Under this den of thieves the Venezuelan people had a poor educational system, no healthcare, did not have access to clean water and often went hungry while the American oil monopoly stole billions of dollars from this impoverished Country shipping out their oil. In 1992 revolution hung in the air. Hugo Chavez, was a soldier who had been organizing against the Oilies and the puppets in the Kleptarchy. Various uprisings sprang to life and with the help of the CIA they were crushed. It has been estimated that 200 or 300 people were killed on all sides. Over time the oppressed Venezuelans saw Chavez as standing against the US oil monopoly’s thieving ways. Never a lessons learned, did they. The coup d’etat gathered steam and the Chavez forces prevailed. Elections were help in Venezuela 1998, among people with little understanding of democracy. Hugo Chavez was elected President. Actually that election in Venezuela was a model of the democratic exercise as WE once knew it. The huge underclass voted and swamped the Yankee lovers. It shows how far the USA has strayed from gauging the will of the people. Only the American elites get to vote, the Republicans see to that by rigging elections. This identical system of tyranny may be entering Canada for the first time in almost 150 years, come October. the Family Compact may be headed back. Chavez booted the American oil monopoly out and nationalized the Country’s oil fields. The CIA was sent packing too. When Georgie Bush became President he was obsessed with having Chavez assassinated. You have probably never heard about this coup. That is because the world Nazi media is so skilled at creating the world according to the oilies anddoing it on demand. Smear Stelmach, right! Smear Alison Redford, of course! Smear Rachel Notley, immediately sirs! No tears should be shed for the above Fascist media. The management of our papers and TV stations [ not the CBC ] are well compensated with petro dollars. The work is really not that hard. Paul Godfrey gets more than a million bucks a year for reprinting oilie E-Mails written in Houston. After the American oil monopoly was banned from Venezuela Bush Jr. tried to use the world financial system to steal Venezuela’s money and break the Country. But China stepped in to provide support. The world Nazi press published report after report about the failures of the Chavez Government. Hugo greatly improved the Country’s educational system, in some ways better than the USA. The quality of health care was bettered. Water plants were upgraded and new ones built. The quantity and quality of the food supplies was much improved. What’s not to like about Chavez??? Every effort by the CIA ended in failure, the Venezuelans were having none of it. Did the world Nazi media cover this story about American interference in a sovereign Country? Nooooooo. Are you kidding me? What the media did cover over and over and over again [ Hitler style ] was the fact that oil shipments from Venezuela dropped by 50% after the Yankees got the boot. The stupid bastards, 2nd rate stenographers at that, didn’t tell the world, under the Yankee boot Venezuela only got a slim sliver of the value of their oil. Rather, the Chavez Government got all the money and thus it didn’t have to ship near as much oil. Just one of the thousands of lies told over time on behalf of the American oil monopoly. Another story that didn’t make it into the papers was that the USA oil monopoly, being cocksure Venezuela would ALWAYS BE UNDER ITS’ THUMB, build heavy oil refineries in Texas and California to handle the VERY HEAVY VENEZUELAN OIL. Now this is real oil that flows, like the oil used in manual transmissions, 90 SAE. These expensive upgraders / refineries were built in Foreign Trade Zones. There are areas on American coasts zoned FTZs. American companies can bring petroleum or other products into a FTZ, process them, then ship the finished items back into the world, WITHOUT PAYING ANY US DUTIES OR TAXES. It is just one more way for corporations to steal from the American people. When the Nazi media talks about the Keystone Pipeline, they are paid NOT to tell you that the pipe would carry Alberta tar and Benzine [ illegally ] and WATER FROM ALBERTA AS A BACKUP PROPOSAL. IF TEXAS STARTS GETTING ALBERTA THEN SASKATCHEWAN CAN FORGET ABOUT GETTING ANY MORE WATER FROM THE ROCKIES. AND TO THINK BRAD WALL SUPPORTS THE KEYSTONE. WHAT DOES BRAD DO FOR BRAINS? The Keystone will travel from Hardisty Alta. to the Foreign Trade Zone in Texas and never touch US soil. The Canadian shiny black shit that blows up was / is a substitute for the Venezuela heavy oil that the American oil monopoly was going to steal. so the oilies just changed gears. Their idle upgraders and refineries would be put to work processing our bitumen mixed with Hi Octane Benzine and sell it to the world market. Every time Russ Girling opens is mouth he tells lies. Every time Russ Girling tells lies, the North American Nazi media prints those lies. Do you know why? TransNotCanada, owned by Wall Street, pays big money to the Nazi press to publish Girling’s lies. Now that the USA oil monopoly has destabilized the world oil market by buying ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil on the cheap, there is no demand for oil made from Albertan bitumen. In terms of the now idle upgraders / refneries sitting in the Texas FTZ, Canada should make an offer of 20 cents on the dollar after we nationalize the petroleum industry in this Country. Those facilities could be dismantled and shipped by sea to Churchill Manitoba for transshipment to Fort McMurray. Then we could process our own bitumen into crude oil and ship same via the Twin Beaver Pipeline all across this Nation. This to be refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, bearing a made in Canada price. The billion of dollars now being paid to the US oil monopoly for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, refined south of the border would remain in the pockets of Canadians. Venezuelans stood up to the Houston oilies, why can’t we. With new leadership in Ottawa we will be able to get this job done. No more American monopoly gouging. The amount of money being syphoned from this Country by American corporations would pay for Medicare, reduce student debt, improve our educational system, tackle unemployment, especially among the young and create hundreds of thousands of good jobs. I think we should be generous and pay at least something for the petroleum infrastructure owned by the oilie, in our west. I’d even go as far as offering money to help the Houston suits who live in Calgary to go back home.

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After striking out a third time in Venezuela, the American oil monopoly teamed up with Georgie Bush to grab the oil fields in Iraq. They used the world Nazi press to turn Saddam Hussein into a fantasy bad guy, someone with weapons of mass destruction. Washington and the oilies were looking for another Country where they could steal oil. A game they had been playing since 1970. The toppling of Hussein and providing a better life to the Iraqis was pure Georgie Jr. bullshit. It was the oil. It was the oil. It was that oil! Again the American clods walked into a trap of their own making
Dick Cheney, the VP, ran the US during the Bush Jr. Presidency and his interest was reestablishing the American oil monopoly as numero uno in the industry. Dominating the Iraqui oil fields would allow Washington and the oilies to throw its’ weight around in the Middle East as well as finding another source of cheap oil, as per usual the people had no say in the matter. Donald Rumsfeld was in charge of the military but never was a soldier. His job was to seize control of Iraq, set up a puppet Government as had been done in Iran and Venezuela without success. Don’s ideas coincided with that old saying, ” If at first you don’t succeed try, try again “. Although Rumsfeld added a new wrinkle, when you try again, keep doing the same stupid thing over and over again. About the proposed coming conflict Rumsfeld didn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. The military said 500,000 troops would be needed, Rummy said he’d need only 125,000. What faced the Americans, like a minefield, just below the surface was the Middle East Civil War between the Shiites / Iran and Sunnis / Saudi Arabia. Fighting between the Shiites and Sunnis bubbled up from time in various Middle East countries but never in Iran or Saudi Arabia themselves. Once the Americans arrived in Iraq the two factions used it as excuse to attack one another being financed and supplied by the Iranians and the Saudis. So the US military was not fighting one enemy but two. Rumsfeld’s idea of occupying the Country and setting up a puppet Government was a solution too far. Much of the time the American soldiers were acting like umpires at times. The border between Iraq and Syria is about 450 km long. Rumsfeld decided that he could police that border with helicopters. Syria which produces nothing and is on an Iranian payroll offered an opportunity to Iran and the Shiites to become involved in the Iraq War. With an even split between Shiites and Sunnis in Iraq, it was seen by Iran that it could enter the conflict, help drive the Americans out and end up taking over Iraq. Iran could not attack Iraq from home turf by a frontal operation. There were too many US troops in the west of Iraq. But entering by the back door from Syria was very inviting. As long as the US concentrated its’ forces in the west of Iraq, Iran could insert fighters across the Syrian / Iraq border as long as they could dodge Rummy’s helicopters. Iran advertised, looking for anyone who wanted to bag a Yankee. Such fighters traveled to Iran, they were airlifted to Damascus in Syria and put up at the Four Seasons. After orientation and a few days of R and R the fighters were kitted out. They were bused to the Iraq border where they crossed on foot, heading to the battle field. They were supplied with tents that blended in with the sand dunes. Early on, during the daytime, the fighters stayed in their tents and move only at night. The Iran started handing the insurgents ground to air heat, seeking missiles. The fighters would sit in their tents, then the woop woop of a US helicopter would be heard in the distance. A fighter would get up, load a missile into the hand launcher and wait. When the copter was overhead, he would step out of the tent, fire the missile and the helicopter would go boom. This happen over and over again and the Black Hawk crews never knew what hit them. One by one Rummy sent his copters in this meat grinder. After the 65th Blackhawk went down Rumsfeld pulled out of defending the Syrian / Iraq border. He would have needed 100,000 more soldiers to police that border and Don wasn’t about to make a fool of himself. He was going to have his cheap war no matter what, no matter how many lives were lost and how much the War cost. Rummy estimated that only a few insurgents were coming into Iraq from Syria. Rather than a few it was many hundreds of fully equipped fighters every week. Iranian supplies were now crossing an undefended border The insurgent’s job was to destabilize the forces of the new provisional, US puppet government. Iraq became a huge boxing ring with many participants, each throwing punches in all directions. Rumsfeld fell out of favour and was dumped. As Rummy left he kept repeating don’t blame me, typical right winger. Screw up, run away and blame someone else. What Bush Jr. and Cheney had created was a no man’s land in which the Shiite / Sunni Civil War could be greatly expanded and in which thousands of fighters were now milling around. The conflict had one source of income, the people in North America who buy gaoline, Diesel and jet fuel. The USA oil monopoly had / has a captive customer base here, faced / faces no competition and was / is backed 100% by a Republican Congress and the Fascist Harper Government. Out of the mix of Muslims in the Iraqi no man’s land are 3 distinct
groups, Shiite, Sunni and a new fundamentalist organization called ISIS. The Iraqi War poisoned the atmosphere in Syria and the opponents of Assad attempted to overthrow him. The Iranians were no prepared to see the Sunnis take over so the conflict in Iraq joined the conflict in Syria which us where we are to-day. The west has been involved for some time and now the Russians are coming in just to stir the pot up. In any type of tussle, what you have to do is look for the choke point. Instead of being fixated on all the stuff whirling around it is a matter of looking for a point where minimum effort can produce maximum results. In the ISIS, Iraq, Syria it is totally based on oil. If North America stopped buying Middle east oil the conflict would grind to a halt. Just who is buying ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil. Why surprise, surprise, the AMERICAN OIL MONOPOLY. They own about two thirds of the refineries in the world and own less that 10% of the oil supplies. The monopoly will buy cheap oil from anywhere and from anyone, even from criminals like ISIS. The resulting conflict and terrorism suits the US Congress, Harper’s Fascists, David Cameron’s Thacherites and Australia’s right wing government to a TEE. Close down the fighting and neuter the terrorists means the righties would have to pay attention to the needs of the citizens rather than imposing their law and order ideology. In simple terms North Americans are paying for both sides of the Middle East Civil War and both side of the Syrian conflict. This is just insane. But when the world Nazi press is withholding information, misleading people and lying at every turn what else could one expect???

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For Canada the choice is clear if we have a country after October 19 /15. Parliament must immediately ban the importation of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel from the USA which is refined from ISIS stolen oil or illegal oil from Iran and Russia. The American oil monopoly will have to certify that Canada’s imports come from domestic oil. The second step is to begin the process of establishing upgrading and refining capacity in this Country be reopening closed refineries, buying excess refineries from other countries or expropriating operating refineries. Now is the time to strike, prices for infrastructure
and equipment are at rock bottom prices. In Canada there is in excess of $ 650 billion looking for investment opportunities. The market for petroleum products is the 35 million people in Canada who are now being gouged by the USA oil monopoly. And a potential market of over 2 billion people in the UK and the British Commonwealth with which we already have close trading ties. Canada is about 80% self sufficient now in all areas. A good effort in becoming Masters / Mistresses in our own house could yield a rate of 95% self sufficiency. The US oil monopoly should be banished from Canada where operating a monopoly is against the Law. If the Yankees want to tolerate the monopoly like they do Wall Street then that is their problem. Enough already.

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I have written before about the American oil monopoly buying ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqi people. I have been monitoring the US response to the sale on the black market of ISIS oil. The measures are laughable. It is evident that Washington will not challenge their very own oil monopoly, their efforts are like the Keystone kops. Ensure no crimes will ever be solved. Congress rakes too much money off the illegal oil business to take any action. So under the circumstances, the new Canadian Government should insist on new targets or pull our forces out of the Middle East. There are maps on the net which show what oil refineries are now under ISIS control. Actually the American have expanded a small refinery in eastern Turkey which produces gasoline and diesel for ISIS. Here again the choke point should be where we focus our attention. Each refinery under ISIS control has a road system, electricity, water, a pipeline or a rail line. Take them all out and leave the refineries intact. The oil will remain in the ground. ISIS WILL GET NO MONEY AND HOPEFULLY IRAQ CAN RETURN TO NORMAL AND THEIR OIL WILL BE THERE WAITING IN THE GROUND. If there is any attempt by ISIS to reactivate the occupied Iraq refineries the fighter jet could take them out. ISIS would run out of money very fast. And maybe the shareholders of the American oil monopoly would get the message. Dealing in stolen goods can bring jail time. It is time the US Government started paying attention to and prosecuting the corruption on Wall Street and in Houston.

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THE GREAT GRETZKY GOOFED — Wayne may be a great sports figure but he is blank about politics. No decent person would involve someone in a scheme that had the potential of damaging a career built over the decades. But Herr Harper IS NOT A DECENT PERSON, HE IS A SNAKE. I am a staunch Progressive Conservative. The rightpublicanazis and American oil money stole both my Ontario PC Party and my Federal PC Party. The right wing in the USA didn’t have the balls to come here, level with the voters and create a new Fascist Party. They took over the Canadian PC Party from within so they could masquerade behind the Conservative name. Now the Fascists are making a bid to take control of this Country. Hitler did the same thing. He never created a political party. The Fuhrer took over an existing party from within. I was in business for 50 years. One of the unwritten rules is if you value your business stay away from politics and religion. Gretzky somehow got talked into endorsing Lyin Steve, there seems to be no gain for Wayne but there is a lot of downside. My supermarket at Bayview and Eglinton has a small wine shop just inside the main entrance and sells Gretzky Wine. At the front of the wine shop is a large cutout of Wayne. As I walked out with my groceries, I paused and said to one of the women, ” Gretz made a big mistake endorsing Harper “. She looked stunned and then replied, ” I wondered why so many people leaving the store were cursing him and calling him names “? Yesterday the same gal was behind the counter. I said, ” How’s Gretz doing “? She said, ” It is getting worse “!!! Harper is not about building a better Canada. Lyin Steve is all about dividing the Nation into little group, all the better to conquer us.

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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I am amazed at the hundreds of millions of gullible people on the face of this planet. If these toadstools hold fast to their comatose state there will be no planet at all. In controlling the Canadian Nazi media [ newspapers and TV ] [ not the CBC ], the American oil monopoly and their employee Lyin Steve are able to marshal huge prepaid stenographic forces at the drop of an E-Mail. I get 3 Toronto papers and the Sun on occasion. It is quite amazing that on any given day, all the press is immediately lined up with the Houston oilies or Harper agenda. Godfrey, Thomson and company are ready to kiss ass at the drop of a cheque. Right now Herr Harper is pushing various trade initiatives which will serve the global multinational corporations. Simply put US multis will be able to exercise complete control over their sphere of influence. If a division of the US oil monopoly wanted to put unrestricted tailing ponds beside their operation in Bancroft Ont. the local people would have no say. If the York River became polluted and grievously affected the health of the residents of Bancroft the Town Council could do nothing about it. If Council enlisted the help of Queen’s Park and the Legislature took some action, the multinational which was inconvenienced could sue in the Global Industrial Tribunal. Damages would be assessed to Queen’s Park and Bancroft Council. The message would be, if Harper succeeds, that control of Canada had been passed to the global business community so that it could maximize profits and minimize interference by Lady Black’s little people. You my friend would have no say. One hundred percent of the papers in this Country are now controlled by the oil monopoly and Harper. Each paper prints virtually the same copy, at the same time and it is almost word for word. Right now the campaign to sign trade agreement is in full swing. The Americans on Wall Street. are behind these trade proposed agreements. The sharks on the Street have stripped the wealth from the American middle class. The Streeters have milked the retail buyers of stock to the point where the average Yankee is not buying stocks anymore. Nietzsche’s little people have been skinned just once too often. In the past more then 60% of Americans held stocks. The number is now 42%. In Canada, 45% used to hold stocks, now that figure is about on third. The one percenters, who have accumulated most of the money don’t know what to do with their cash. They don’t start new businesses or support innovation. Their money is in play in the hands of bankers who are engaged in all sorts of criminal schemes. The movers and takers want to see their dough appreciate but don’t want to get their hands dirty. Thus the game involving big money is getting smaller and smaller as the sucker pool shrinks. It is now a story of a one percenter against another one percenter. This misuse of the money system is of no use in a democracy, we learned that in 1929. FDR in dealing with the great depression introduced a number of laws and regulations to prevent the right from cheating the majority. Those rules ushered in 50 years of prosperity in the USA. The election of Ronald Reagan and those Presidents that came after him [ up to president Obama ] repealed all of FDR good works and the right / Wall St. went back to what it was doing in the 1920, robbing Americans blind. So in 2015, 100 years on, the world is back in the same boat. Great economies come and go. In each case where an economy fails there is a common thread. Corrupt, incompetent, greedy bankers, a dishonest press and a docile public. Every few generations the public has to experience distress before they take action. Wall St., after bankrupting the little people in the USA, turned it attention to the EU and sold insiders there, questionable investments. The insiders made big money but the average citizen paid a huge price for the wholesale theft. Now Europe is in turmoil and economically stressed, that avenue of extorting money has evaporated. The Streeter have run that money well dry. The new idea, being floated by Wall St. bankers, is to take away the real vote from western democracies and replace it with a counterfeit vote which is worthless. This is so a new class of slave class can be created. Countries will end up with quasi governments to replace democratic government. The express purpose is to expropriate resources and misuse the populations in the name of profit and only profit. So the raping and pillaging of the land, water and air can take place without any kickback from we wee folk. Harper has already built new jails to hold the descenters. If Canada is taken over by the American oil monopoly, the door will be open to all multinationals to come and take what they want without regard for the environment or risk to the citizenry. When people lose their say, how close are they then to the gas chambers and meat hooks??? Just asking? Whether an oilie E-Mail from Houston, a notice from the PMO or a press release from Wall Street the Canadian Nazi press is at the ready. This is truly a replay out of the history of Nazi Germany. In respect to the oil monopoly’s effort to drive duly elected Premier Alison Redford out of office, all of the things she didn’t do were listed and each week something she didn’t do was pulled forward and became the oilie / newsie flavour of the week. I have a large file containing most of these press attacks on the Premier Redford. What is of interest, is that not only did Houston write the articles, the same information appeared under the names of rightie stenographers in different papers. Everyone, even those with broom were each given a kick at the same cat to write in the same edition. Hitler did say if you repeat lies often enough the ignorant masses will take it for the truth. Honest writers just can’t repeat the same lies over and over, even for a pay cheque? Jen Gerson, who appears on the CBC from time to time, is a bright young thing who has thoroughly read the right wing hand book. But Jen. seems to think the extent of her limited knowledge of the world from the right will carry her forward for the rest of her life. But all the fittest on the right will not survive. It is the people who adapt who are the survivors. But if Gerson was in any way curious and was able to think for herself, Godfrey would never have hired her. The National Post, which lost almost $ 60 million last quarter is not in the good books of the Wall St. hedge fund which owns Post Media. The Wall Streeters do not understand Canada. Right wing propaganda and a deep concern for the stock market [ a Ponzi scheme ] is not high on our agenda. What is on our agenda is the theft of this Country’s resources by American with able assistance of Lyin Steve. One of the most important enterprises in facilitating this theft is run by a Canadian turncoat, Paul Godfrey. But when the takeover of Canada is complete, Paul will be out of a job. We will get the news each day as we assemble in the city squares to listen to Harper the FIRST. But Paul has lots of business experience, he’d probably be good recording names of people as they get off the cattle cars. It will be easy for Godfrey, write the name and tattoo number down and say left or right. He makes his million and a half bucks a year, giving this Country away bit by bit by telling rightie lies. Paul’s approach speaks to the level of toadstoolism residing in the Post readership. And it make sense. People do not usually read every journalist, in a paper. Someone who likes Rex Murphy, my favourite sell out, will not necessarily read Lorne Gunter, Peter Foster, this Nation’s premier climate denier who sits on one of the seats at the right hand of Herr Harper. Foster is a failed Englishman who will write anything for a buck, anything. Pete gets all of his information directly from his oilie masters and Steve. Canadians really get sweet fuck all info from Post Media. Christie Blatchford, Claudia Cattaneo, Diane Frances, Terry Corcoran, Lawrence Solomon, John Ivison, Andrew Coyne et al, have specialties in the rightie propaganda realm. It is important for right wing adherents, to hear daily about the successes of the movement [ mostly failures but with lots of lipstick applied ]. The weak of mind have to be reassured daily about the free market [ a much restricted fantasy market, created to enhance the financial standing of the rich right only and much in evidence in Alberta to-day ]. And finally the readership, has to constantly be told what to say and what to think. It is sort of like Paul Godfrey taking his readers for a walk around the block like dogs. When Neil Young spoke out against the tar sands he was attacked by every rightie writer, even the ones who are extremely slow thinkers or barely breathing. The attacks on Young [ a Canadian bold enough to speak out about Alberta Tar and Hi Octane Benzine ] went on for weeks. Much of what was written was lies or just made up. Some of this rightie filler was by John Ivison and Peter Foster, both foreigners. Lyin Steve is always talking about free speech being a cornerstone of Canada. Under his Government, free speech only exists among his fascist stormtroopers, the Gloe and Tar, the National Post and Ezra Levant. Anyone who voices opposition to the tar sands or Herr Harper will be instantly attacked by the Nazi press. However the voices of opposition are growing fainter. Freedom of Information privileges have been suspended. Harper no longer has to inform Canadians as regards, what his Government is up to. I’d suggest you pick out your tattoo number early if you have a favourite one and reserve it Election campaigns will soon be a thing of the past. The old style press function will disappear. There will be no need for the lies spewed by John Ivison, Andrew Coyne, Margaret Wente and the like. The masses will be required to watch the American Oil Broadcasting Corp. and pick up the daily State orders of conduct from their cell phones. Controlling people will be much easier and cheaper under the new Police State Law, C-51. This gag order will soon be imposed on Canadian toadstools as they slumber in the dark and dine on horseshit. Again in history, will not see the dissenters dragged away by Lyin Steve’s jackbooted Royal Canadian Harper Police in the middle of the night. I am already imagining my incarceration? I know for a fact that Little Stevie will take away my pad, pen and computer. How will I and others get our protest messages out. Then I looked at who might be in the same cell block. Neil Young definitely. David Suzuki for sure. In Alberta, Dave Climenhaga in a marked man too. Now Neil plays the guitar and sings a pretty good song. I play the violin and trombone. And I have a good voice. I don’t know about Dave and Dave but they can probably carry a tune. We could call ourselves the Jailhouse 4. We could do concerts to entertain the inmates in Concentration Camp Deep River Ont., if Jenni ” Hakapik ” Byrne would let us? Our protest songs could be memorized and only at the concerts would our thoughts be known. Neil, Dave, Ken and Dave might even get the chance to open for rockin Stevie Harper at one of his gigs. With an audience of 35 million compulsory viewers, even getting out a few line would show to Canadians there are still citizens who refuse to heel to Harper and the American oil monopoly. I know we wouldn’t get too far into our first song before the Royal Canadian Harper Police would drag us off the stage and throw us down a flight of stairs. That is already happening. I also know that in protesting in such a manner, we’d be one step closer to the ovens. But what is the alternative? Living under Fascist rule and living in constant fear. There is an old saying, the only thing Canadians have to fear is Steve Harper’s fear mongering. What I have described is not a pipe dream. The indifference of the toadstools in Canada to-day could consign this Country to a Nazi like hell hole all done without even waking up. A self inflicted wound unconsciously administered. And just look at what Albertans have done to themselves being fast asleep these past 30 years. The Provincial economic carcass has been stripped white over the years and the Western Nazi press never whispered a word. There is big money to be made by Nazi press pushing the views of BIG OIL.


It is very surprising that the Godfrey’s Nazi media in Calgary and Edmonton is avoiding talking about the most important thing that faces Westerners. That is the key to the Province’s economic meltdown in 2014. The American oil monopoly has been and is buying ISIS stolen oil and providing the terrorist with up to $ 2 million in cash each and every day. THUS THE MONOPOLY IS NOT BUYING ALBERTA TAR, nor Bakken / Texas tight crude. The oilies are not buying any oil / tar in the USA or Canada. The oilies in Houston have 450 billion in the bank. This is affecting the business health in North America but the monopoly doesn’t care how many people they kill or ruin. The oilies own the Nazi media on this continent and as you and your family gasp your last you will be asking yourself, how could this happen? Incuriosity comes with a high price. Paul Godfrey and David Thomson take petrol dollars not to tell you the truth. It just shows what kind of criminals run the oil monopoly and print the newspapers. Houston doesn’t give a damn, they’ll piss all over their own American fellow citizens if they can make an extra buck. And the press on this continent is in the pocket of the oilies and the media will not say boo. If we wee people get it in the neck. And Albertans bought the papers and watch TV? FOR WHAT? TO BE TOLD LIES OR TOLD NOTHING OR HOODWINKED? Jim Prentice was in a sense right. Albertans, should look in the mirror. What Jimbo is saying, Albertans, you let us get away with stealing you blind. It is not so much that Albertans spent too much. It was that Albertans never asked any question. They believed Black and Godfrey and in their stupor allowed the American oil monopoly to steal petroleum resources for 30 years. What we have had for years, in the Middle East is a civil war between the Sunnis [ Saudi Arabia ] and the Shiites [ Iran ]. Neither Country wants blood on its’ own soil so they fund proxies to do the fighting. Like Osam Bin Laden. Just handing money to terrorists, without being able to control their actions mean trouble can pop up anywhere. The Saudis and the Iranians have been able to lessen the affects of this war, to some degree by cutting off funding. The terrorists know if they go too far the money tap gets turned off. But the American oil monopoly and ISIS have changed world terrorism for the worse. ISIS is stealing oil in Iraq, handing it over to the black marketeers in Turkey, where it goes to two port on the Mediterranean. The stolen oil is loaded onto small foreign flag ships, which rendezvous with the giant tankers belonging to the US oil monopoly. The ISIS oil is sneaked into the States, where it refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. After which these refined products are sold to resident toadstools at very high prices. Thus the resident toadstools are funding ISIS and terrorism in the Middle East. The Nazi media in North America is paid by the oilies to make sure the citizenry doesn’t catch on. It works and they don’t. The Governments of the USA, Canada and the UK badly need YOU toadstools to keep buying high priced gas, diesel and jet fuel. By continuing to fund ISIS at the present rate and scare 400 million people, Congress, Herr Harper and Dave Cameron are able to create police states in each of their Countries. In 1973 Washington / US oil monopoly teamed up to precipitated the OPEC crisis. The oilies were trying to strong arm the loosely affiliated OPEC members into selling their oil cheaper. It constituted mob tactics. This whole affair was about increasing monopoly profits and a highly profitable oil monopoly was in Washington’s interest, because the Republicans got their cut and still do to-day. The US Government and the oilies, don’t lack for hubris. The Yankee traders thought that OPEC would buckle and submit to open extortion. OPEC did not submit, however . Rather, the member Countries of OPEC drew closer together because of this USA, oilie, threat. From 1973 on OPEC was a much more aggressive opponent. All Washington / the oilies did was close down the USA, ruin the economy and people had to park their cars. As might be expected, Washington and the oilies, who were in the process of punish
ing their own people due to stupidity and greed, paid the Nazi media to BLAMED OPEC. The US oil monopoly paid the newsies mightily to mislead Americans and avoid having to face the music. Americans did as they were instructed, blamed OPEC. This wholesale defection, by the Nazi media, to the service of the oilies and the rich and powerful, facilitated the birth of the toadstool movement. Remain in the dark and be prepared to read horseshit. In 1979 Washington / the US oil monopoly duo, were up to their old tricks as usual, anxious as ever to satisfy their need for greed. They tried to get control Iranian oil fields, this by installing a puppet Shah, so as to get a much cheaper oil price. The US Government and the US oilies never bothered to consult the Iranian people. Like Canadians now, who are not in the know about the oilie takeover of this Country. It is being done behind our back and may well work if the majority of our people remain toadstools. Like Daaaaaaaaaaa. Iranians resisted the Yankee takeover, they rose up against the Americans and the Shah was sent packing. But the Iranian oil tap got turned off, the world oil industry was disrupted by the Americans once again, there was no Plan B. Because of the shortage of oil created by the US oilies, the price went through the roof from $ 10 a barrel in 1973 to $ 65 a barrel in 1980 as the Iranian oil fields were shuttered. The Saudis, the leading Member of OPEC could see a repeat of 1973 coming, when the blow to the US economic system was severe. In causing the 1973 OPEC crisis Washington / oil monopoly never saw the mess they were getting their Country into. Righties have no insight. Herr Harper is so afflicted. The University of Calgary doesn’t emphasize insight. Elizabeth Cannon doesn’t think it’s necessary. Rather, Calgary students are indoctrinated in putting faith in Friedrich Hayek, Leo Strauss, Ayn Rand and the right wing way. The young are told, this will always solve every problem. Only when it doesn’t solve problems like Canada’s economy? 1973 and 1980, are being repeated in Alberta to-day. The oilies never admit to making any mistakes and they make big ones. Thus they never learn from those mistakes. Alberta live through 1973, the 1980s and now 2014. When does Alberta stop riding on the oilie bus and strike out in a new direction? We have seen 40 years of one blunder after another by the oilies. It is interesting that the oil debacle of 1973 is called the OPEC crisis. OPEC did nothing more than refuse to submit to bullying and drop their price. That crisis was caused by Washington / US oil monopoly and for large dollops of cash the US Nazi press covered up the mess. In 1980 Saudi Arabia did not want their major customer the US, to go into the tank because of the incompetence OF AMERICAN management So all by itself, the Saudis increased oil production to replace the lost Iranian shipments. Thereby saving the world economy but not a word to the people by the press. In the 1980s, Washington and the US oil monopoly were nothing more than bystanders. Their levers of power had been disconnected. Congress and the oilies had stupidly given away the puck and didn’t get it back for 15 years. Disrupt the world, then runaway and hide in a closet. Those on the right, ACTUALLY DO LIVE IN A FANTASYLAND. The right responds to every problem saying, WHAT WE HAVE BEFORE US JUST ISN’T HAPPENING. Like in the case of Global Warming. The world Nazi media is paid to make all the bad stuff go away. The citizens are left hang by their thumbs. And magically the rightie wishes comes true. The difficulty vanishes Far too many people fall for the rightie rabbit out of the hat trick. It is like duh, people. H. L Mencken believed most Americans were stupid and wrote extensively about their stupidity. Henry Mencken’s assessment seems to have been quite astute. The problem for the majority, who cannot surrender to the fiction of the right, we have to live in the real world. For Godfrey’s Post papers, the real Alberta has pretty much vanished from the map, except the daily doses of Notley Smears. The Western farmers have seen their incomes drop as the CWB was illegally disolved by Harper. The individual wheat growers have had to start dealing with the corrupt US Grain Corporations. It is a repeat of the elephant and the mouse. And the farmers are coming out second best in Lyin Steve’s free market. Those at the National Post are asleep at the switch on the grain issue. The arrival of the oilie cheques made out to Godfrey, ensures the sharp focus of Smears against the NDP. Those who make their living in the oil / nat. gas business in the west are suffering because the American oil monopoly is now buying stole ISIS oil. Likewise Enbridge and TransNotCanada have replaced Albert / Saskatchewan natural gas with cheap fracked gas from Michigan and Pennsylvania . This is very profitable for Monaco and Girling because they are charging Ontarian and Quebecers full Alta. / Sask. price. Enbridge and TransNot Canada are cheating Canadians on both ends of this free market deal. Al and Russ have ruined the nat. gas industry in the West and are stealing from gas users in the East by charging unjustified high prices. This is a huge story waiting to be told. But the stenographers who toil at low pay for the Nazi press are fixated on Smearing Rachel Notley. Smearing on behalf of the oilies, pays big money to the likes of Godfrey, who gets more than a million a year. But for Paul, Westerners and Easterners are nobodies. We are all Lady Black’s little people. The major problem for about 25 million righties [ that’s the approx world total of right wing sociopaths ], this wishful thinking only works in their own special universe. For the rest of us 400 million souls, we are stuck in the real world. While the Republicanazis, the oilies and the Nazi media deny that the California drought is caused by Global Warming, 35 million people are frying on their lonesome, as the State turns back into a desert. The heat goes on and up and gets worse and will continue to get worse. Denial is not a good strategy for a leader, when people trying to survive. But denial is what the righties practice. In the California case, the right are pulling the same old stunts. The rightpublicanazis are saying that the drought is being caused by the Democrats, conservationists, homosexuals, witches, abortions, naturalists, the EPA and now Obama. The California Nazi press never mentions the real cause of California’s woes, one Ronnie Reagan. The temperature is climbing and the right is up in the stands tossing blame bombs. Regan’s smaller government doesn’t work when there is a king size problem. The Repubs, in their usual place in the real world, don’t have any answers. Unknown to everyone, as the oil turmoil in 1980s stewed, the outsiders, the Russians made a move on the market. The USA had blocked Russia from playing a role in the world oil market. The Americans threw that restriction away and lost the leverage. With the shortage of oil in 1980 taking its’ toll, the Russians opened their taps too, and injected their supply into what became a brand new oil market. The USA became a much weaker player in the market due to their continuing fixation on greed, which reamins undiminished to this day. Added to the Saudi oil output, there was a Russian oil contribution to alleviating the oil crisis in 1981. The price of oil was about 10 bucks a barrel from 1968 to 1974. With the glut it averaged $ 50 a barrel from 1975 to 1979. A momentary shortage developed in 1980 and the price reached 80 bucks. Then oil plummeted to $ 18 a barrel in 1985 and remained so until 1998. So Washington / US oil monopoly, in trying to take control of the Iranian oil fields, started the Iranian revolution, for which the Americans have never been forgiven by the Middle East. The Saudis, in an attempt to stabilize the normal oil market had the ability to adjust output to accomplish this goal. But then Russia made its move and opened up its’ oil tap fully. They got into the oil market thanks to the US blundering. Getting something, anything for their oil was better for Russia than leaving it in the ground in 1981. Washington / oil monopoly succeeded in destroying the economy of Alberta and the Gulf coast including Texas from 1986 to 1998. Again the Nazi newspapers were paid to cause confusion. This, to protect the oilies and lay blame on everybody else. And you know what? It worked. If you go on the net and search 1973 OPEC crisis and the Iranian Revolution in 1979 causing an oil shortage and then a glut you will see all the lies promoted by the Nazi media. A year ago, when the oil storm clouds were gathering over Alberta, Godfrey and Thomson, did not print a word. A week ago an oilman in Calgary said he did not see the price drop coming. Can you believe someone being this stupid? This loser was either in a remote cave or a soundproof / bullet proof closet or reading the Post / Globe papers exclusively. In 1981 thousands of Texan oil workers were forced to move to California, money was so tight. Alberta went into the dumpster and the American oil monopoly hired our Western Nazi papers in Calgary and Edmonton to mount a diversionary campaign against Pierre Trudeau and his NEP. Trudeau’s legislation never actually came into force. Hitler did say big lies told often work. In the case of the Trudeau / NEP fairy tale, it worked. The Canadian / Albertan toadstools, as expected, swallowed the bogus story, hook, line and sinker. And their toadstool children are now swallowing the latest monopoly tale about the fact that the Province is still getting close to nothing for its’ tar. But as usual, OPEC IS TO BLAME, OPEC IS TO BLAME, OPEC IS TO BLAME. If you keep saying OPEC IS TO BLAME as often as the Godfrey Papers do in Calgary and Edmonton, you will have to accept it as the truth. Hitler prophesied, 60 years ago that this would be the case. Of course OPEC is not to blame but its’ the lies, spin, confusion, censorship, oil propaganda and made up stuff, that makes the the Godfrey / Thompson newspapers money. Telling the truth in a Police State like Canada brings no profit. In terms of the Albertan toadstools it seemed as if they were swallowing the same old bullshit to-day, as they did 30 years ago. But with the election of Rachel Notley and the NDP in Alberta I sense the times they are achanging. After Leduc blew in in 1948, Ottawa and Ontario put up the money to start up Alberta in the oil business. Alberta was a HAVE-NOT-PROVINCE, with no roads, no infrastructure, no money, no workforce, no customers but lots of oil. Ottawa said to Ontario, you must only buy Alberta oil at an elevated price. Ottawa would not allow us to buy cheap oil from the Middle East like Quebec. I had to pay extra for gas for my motorcycle, car and J-2 Cub aeroplane. I never really resent helping Alberta out with cash from my $ 40 a week pay cheque. The petroleum industry came about in the West because Ottawa and Queen’s Park worked closely together. I am an Ontarian certainly, but a Canadian first. Since the 1950s I HAVE NEVER SEEN A SINGLE ARTICLE COME OUT OF ALBERTA THANKING OTTAWA / ONTARIO FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROSPERITY OF THE PROVINCE. It came down to a selfish take, take, take and whine from Albertans over the years. Now the roof has fallen in, some people in the Province are suggesting Ottawa should come to their rescue. That Canadians taxpayers should pay for Alberta’s mistakes. But such people have not come to understand yet that Herr Harper has abandoned them, just like he did last year to the grain farmers. Paul Godfrey’s papers have been ordered by Lyin Steve to look the other way on the Prairies and say nothing. Right wing countries just disappear people when their RIGHTIES get into trouble. Albertans, and those in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, you’ll just have to get used to it, Harper has written you off. Westerners are now worthless but the press will never say that. Our Stevie has really said goodbye to you. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It depends on Albertans breaking away from the American oil monopoly for keeps. The election of the NDP in Alberta is a good start. Now Andrea Horwath has to take Ontario. The NDP is poised to take BC. The 2013 Election in BC represented a theft of sovereignty on the part of Herr Harper. The Nazi press never covered this story. Harper was so afraid that the NDP would take BC that he destroyed the Provincial Conservative to give Christy Clark and her do anything to win Liberals a victory. Clark was so unpopular, she even lost her seat. Before the Election, the BC Conservatives were running about 25 % in the polls. Lyin Steve ordered the Cons. out there to vote Liberal to stop the NDP. It worked. The BC Cons. got only 7& of the vote and disappeared. So British Columbia has a coalition Goverment, held up by Harper. It is funny. This story never made it into the papers. The press in this Country certainly lives up to Hitler’s ideals, the only news is Fascist news. The Canadian police state is well entrenched. Herr Harper’s anti union bill was rammed through the Senate by his trained seal. This usurping of the rules which govern the Senate means the bill was obtained by illegal means. Thus it has no force in law. If Harper is able to steal the next election, like he did in 2011 this is what Canadians will have to endure. A land where the American oil monopoly / Harper make up the laws to suit their own purposes.

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In the Spring of 2006 I decided to give Steve Harper, Leader of the Conservative Party a test drive. My Ontario Progressives Conservatives had been taken over by the Republicans, Bay St. and Canadian turncoats who thought more about Cash than Canada. Most newspapers in the Country were well rewarded financially to go along for the rightie ride without any thought for their future. Frank Miller was the first in a long line of stooges put before the electorate by the American PCs, Mike ” the Yellow ” Harris, John Tory and lastly Tim Hudak, came and went, all losers. So in terms of Ontario I am a man without a Party. After Brian Mulroney, a common criminal destroyed the National Progressive Conservatives it was ripe for the plucking too. Harper and his Reformers, with backing from the American oil monopoly and the Republicans, seized control of the our National PC Party structure but he did not automatically get the members like me. Lyin Steve put the National Progressive Conservative name on the shelf for security and placed it beyond the reach of any of us who might want to revived the Party. I joined Herr Harper’s Fascist Party in 2006 and was soon a Director on the Board of the Prince Edward / Hastings CPC Riding Association. As a historian and a former Ontario PC minor operative, I was valued by the Fascists for my experience but expected to keep my mouth shut and follow orders. Not bloody likely? The control of the Riding Association was in the hands of a small Reform Executive. The membership of over 1000 was all PC. Much effort was made by Herr Harper to fool the PCs, that it was still their same old Party where they could express their opinions freely. In fact Steve demanded that members work but remain silent and wave little flags on command. I told the Reformers I don’t do flag waving for despots. PCs who wanted to exercise their democratic rights were forced out. In Germany, Hitler would have had them shot. By the summer of 2007 I knew who we were dealing with. All my correspondence to Himself used the term Herr Harper. Interestingly, Harper and his Reformers were seeking to win Government in a democratic Canada while having eliminated democracy within their riding associations. Herr Harper did not win a majority in 2011, he stole the election with the help of the Republicans and the American oil monopoly. Canadians were caught with their pants down, never having experienced the degree of cheating, so commonplace in the Republican States. In the 1990s the US oil monopoly, the Republicans and the Nazi media, under their control had taken democracy away from 35 million Californians without the people even knowing what had befallen them. That story of the residents going back to the dark ages was withheld by California’s newspapers. The same sort of game has been playing out in Alberta for 30 years. The oilies and the Nazi press have removed the real vote from Albertans. It doesn’t matter who Albertans chose to be their Government, the oilies will smear the winners out of office with Paul Godfrey’s paid help. Don Getty, Ed Stelmach and Alison Redford were all smeared out of office. Ralph Klein survived because he was an oilie stooge who zeroed in on squeezing Albertans even more. Ralph never went after the US oil monopoly that has been stealing the Province’s resources for 20 years. Now, even stealing Alberta’s Tar is no longer attractive to the American oil monopoly when they can buy ISIS, Russian, Iranian and Libyan oil for dirt cheap. The oil monopoly has said Hasta La Vista Baby to Albertans, even though the people in the foothills were left in chains. But the light bulb seems to have gone on in Alberta. Rachel Notley and the NDP won a healthy majority in the recent Provincial election. Things are looking up for democracy. Things are not so hot for the anti democratic University of Calgary, the Manning Centre and the Nazi media.

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Back when Herr Harper was making noises about doing away with the Canadian Wheat Board illegally, I started to do research. It seems that Archer Daniel Midland, a big grain Company in the USA decided that the Canadian Wheat Board was socialistic and an irritant, that was getting in the way of their business. ADM was and is in the business of screwing farmers, north and south of the border. ADM just doesn’t WORK WITH FARMERS, ESPECIALLY CANADIAN FARMERS. Two thing you must know. The executives at ADM have been convicted on a whole bunch of criminal charges which are listed on the net. The other thing to know is that our own light fingers Brian Mulroney is a director at ADM. Brian knows there is big money to be made selling out Canada to the Americans. Lyin Steve, Preston Manning and Mulroney are just three of a whole host of Canadian turncoats, who have been named or will be named. Anyway, I got started looking at grain farmers on the prairies. Then came the glut of grain in 2013 which was made worse by the fact that CNR and CPR were too busy transporting Alberta Tar and Hi Octane Benzine to Texas to bother with Canadian grain. In that one season thanks to Stevie Harper, Gery Ritz and the rail lines, Western farmer incomes dropped by 10%. And these farmers voted for Harper. Then the effects of Global Warming have started to impact our Prairies. The Pacific jet stream is now by-passing California which has become a huge, towering pillar of heat, the likes of which are only seen above volcanoes. The jet stream in question always seeks the the media temperature between the arctic ice and the equator. Now a much overheated California [ which is becoming the Great Dust Bowl No Two, this named after the one in the mid west in the 1930s ]. The westerly flow of the jet stream by-passes California entirely. That route is now permanent. It crosses into North America along the coast from Vancouver as far north as Alaska. BC in going to be much wetter or drier than in the past and will be getting more heavy storms. The wet weather is crossing into Alberta with much more moisture, more rain or snow. High River, Regina, Saskatoon and Winnipeg all have more flooding. Some areas in the west are getting drier at times. Since the Governments in the USA, UK and Canada are all hard right wing, their meteorologists refuse to mention Global Warming. If the oil monopoly fails in its’ attempt to to seize control of Canada all the senior management of Environment should be put out in the street for hoodwinking the Canadian public. So that Congress, Harper and Cameron can bullshit more than 400 million people in the 3 Nations about the weather. The price goes up every day that is lost in adapting to climate change. One day we will reach the point where there is no enough wealth in the world to reverse the effects of Global Warming. And we are going to let 25 million sociopaths do this to us, our children and grandchildren. The Nazi press in the US, Can. and the UK, can’t tell the citizenry the truth, neither can the weather guys and gals. The Met people fear for their jobs. But when those 400 million people are in chain gangs dragging block up the sides of pyramids, all of those who mindlessly followed the Fascist script, acting as empty headed journalists or weather forecasters, will find themselves in chains too. I have created a plan to turn the entire Prairies Prairies, from the Rockies to the Ontario border into a king size irrigation / retention pond preserve. In other words catch the rain or snow runoff as it occurs, distribute the water across the west into reservoirs, then using the water by gravity feed when it gets dry. This would guarantee just-in-time-water for farms and ranches. This would mean the Palliser Triangle and its’ world class soil could be used to the max to feed the world. I see the farmers being in total control of growing grain, crops, beef farming etc. and this irrigation system from distribution of water, to machinery sales, repairs and leasing. I envisage a sort of new Canadian Wheat Board but much larger in scope and having more control and controlling the new railway. The oil, nat. gas and tar businesses have gone into the tank. Some of the trouble stems from the fact that the American oil monopoly not only want to steal western resources but dump all its’ garbage in Canada. All this as well as the poisoning of our soil, water and air. Peter Lougheed wanted all of the oil and tar refined right in his Province and then shipped to customers in Canada and the world. More than 60% of Alberta’s revenues used to come from royalties on nat. gas shipped to Ontario and Quebec. Russ Girling of TransNotCanada and Al Monaco of Enbridge, are Companies which are both owned by the crooks on Wall St. Russ and Al have pulled a fast one on Albertans. When all that cheap fracked nat. gas started coming out of Pennsylvania and Michigan. Girling and Monaco used the US gas as a replacement for Alberta gas but continued to charge Alberta prices to Easterners. McGuinty, TransCanada, Enbridge and the Ontario Energy Commission saw the profitability in such a neat deal. This deal allowed the participants to screw Alberta / Saskatchewan / Ontario / Quebec all at the same time. Nobody would find out because the Nazi press is paid to keep its’ trap shut. And best of all, Dalt McGuinty would get his usual Premier’s cut of all such insider trading in Ontario. I came up with the idea of building the Twin Beaver Pipeline and Hydro right-of-way from Fort McMurray across Saskatchewan, Manitoba [ with a twin pipe to Churchill Man, Nat. gas / refined oil ], across Northern Ontario where the two pipelines and the Hydro corridor would split. The Hydro lines would cross Quebec to Churchill Falls. The Twin Beaver would go south from North Bay into Southern Ontario carrying Western refined oil and natural gas to Toronto, Windsor and Ottawa. The twin pipelines would supply Montreal and Quebec , then cross the Eastern Townships into NB, NS to PEI. There would be a second oil pipeline added to handle Newfoundland oil running in reverse that would supply refineries in Quebec and Ontario. If Ontario and Quebec refineries were well stocked with crude oil, the excess oil from Alberta and Saskatchewan could reach the world market through Churchill Manitoba, a deep water port. Pierre Trudeau was always afraid that the Americans would pull a fast one in the early 1980s and take all of the Alberta / Saskatchewan / Manitoba oil, leaving Canadians up shit crick. now the oilies are not taking Western oil and tar and we are up shit crick if we don’t take matter into our own hands. The Twin Pipeline in a sense takes it’s inspiration from Pierre Trudeau. We have oil and natural gas in the west and a market for these resources in the East. Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland have endless, clean, cheap hydro electricity. This can be sent by a cross Canada grid to be used to power the oil / nat. gas industries in Alberta, Saskatchewan Manitoba. No more burning or wasting a fuel to harvest a fuel and creating green house gases. Kws do not generate CO2. What I envisage the structure of the Canadian National Energy Corp as being Canada and all the Provinces as partners. By pooling our resources to our own advantage rather than having the Americans take our stuff for free and leave us with all their garbage. In terms of hydro electricity, in the 4 Provinces, most of that water runs away and is wasted. We would convert to a hydrogen cycle rather than a demand cycle. Every KW coming off the grid, be it from water, coal, solar or wind would either be used for power or be converted into hydrogen. In times of max demand the hydrogen would be turned back into KWs. We must become self sufficient in terms of energy, natural resources and agriculture, that will make this Nation secure and safe, free from the rightie rigged market, while providing programs and services to the total population. Not just to the rich and famous. Every citizen would get the same medical attention. No more special treatment for Conrad Black and Barb. Foreigners will have NO SAY in our new proceedings. My Twin Beaver nat. gas, oil and hydro system would take Canada’s destiny out of American hands and WE would be in charge of OUR future. Thus we would experience no more Alberta betrayals. Former Premier Redford proposed a Provincial Energy arrangement and organized meetings which were very fruitful. But the US oil monopoly was not going to have Canadians deciding anything like their on their own. On behalf of Harper, Joe Oiliver disrupted Premier Redford’s energy meetings. With the help of Paul Godfrey and the Post Media papers and David Thomson and the Globe and Tar, the monopoly smeared Redford out of office, attacking her more than 250 times over the space of 2 years. But Godfrey and Thomson never featured one single story about the more than one hundred tailing ponds that have created a toxic moonscape. Left for Canadians to clean up. I see a quick survey of all the tailing ponds to ascertain which companies created them and the cost of cleanup. Those responsible for the garbage, would have to cough up the cash or have their assets expropriated. In the USA, the EPA would never permit the American oil monopoly to operate in such a filthy manner there, as it does in Canada. With some financial help from Washington, a small experimental tar sands operation was started in Utah that had to abide by all the American environmental regulations. The facility operated from a couple of years and was a success. The plant had an internal system which recycled water. Nothing made it into the outside world. All of the electricity used at the plant came from hydro, wind or solar, there was no CO2 or other pollutants. In terms of the toxic / heavy metal contaminated water that was produced, it was cleaned up using centrifuges powered by clean KWs. A centrifuge is like the tub with holes in it, in an automatic washing machine. The tub is filled with the contaminated water and spun at high speed. The water is thrown off, to be recycled and the solids left in the tube. These solids are disposed of in an environmentally approved way. The tar sands at present are being operated in the dirtiest manner possible, with profit as the guiding principle. Well no more. I find it amazing, that after all the abuse people have taken in this Country some of them still buy newspapers. From the very folks, like Godfrey and Thomson who contribute to these abuses in Canada on their printed pages by lying and publishing False News. To make the hard right wingers scream even louder, I am proposing a new railway system for the West and eventually from sea to sea. One hundred years ago, in Western Canada there was a railway building boom. Grain elevators could not be more than a days journey from the farms. Each elevator had to be serve by rail. In Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba there are hundreds of abandon rail lines. In other words there are routes and rail beds snaking all over the place. I divided the West into 7 circular districts so no farm is more than 125 miles away from a central storage area. These storage areas would handle all kinds of agricultural products as well as grain. With a guarantee of water, all the Prairies could be put to work growing all kinds of products, just look at Lethbridge and Medicine Hat. Each AG Centre would have an industial park where private companies would set up to process the various crops at peak of freshness. The Great Canadian Northern Railway would connect Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg and Churchill, Manitoba where there is a deep water port. The West would have a doorway to the world. Churchill would also have oil / natural gas storage capacity, supplied by a spur line in the Twin Beaver pipeline. Eventually I see a rail line to the Pacific to bring BC into the system. A line would also be build east to Montreal, Thereby realizing, high speed passenger service coast to coast. Al the rolling stock would be wider, tailor made to fill the necessary jobs. Bombardier could manufacture both the rolling stock and locomotives. What the public doesn’t know is that there is clean coal technology that governments will not install. The American oil monopoly has enough money to kill any innovation in the coal industry. Clean coal is as clean in terms of CO2, as natural gas and nuclear and coal is a way cheaper. I see the AG Centres as being self sufficient in electricity and heated using coal. It is a matter of determining what fuel and system works best as regards a whole range of options as well as the cost. I just don’t want the American oil monopoly have ANY INVOLVEMENT. Everything the oilies do relates to HOW MUCH MONEY THEY CAN MAKE, WHILE SCREWING EVERYONE ELSE IN SIGHT. Well no more. I like Norway’s approach to their oil industry. It was / is that the the resource belongs to the Norwegians and the people profit the most. In Alberta, the American oil monopoly bought off the politicians, who said, here, take what you want, give us our cut, pay what you think the stuff is worth and we will tell the people to spend their time looking in their mirrors. But for poor Jimbo Prentice this crap did not fly. I wonder what ever happened to Jim? Probably in a closet somewhere? I am working on a more detailed plan ” The Remaking of Canada “. This constitutes a road map that will ensure prosperity and security and has the advantage of giving Canadians the tools to take this Country back from the Americans. We beat the bloody Americans during the War on 1812. We can do it again 200 years later and make money doing it. Lots of money.

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The secret to Canada’s future success is to divorce the USA. We must become masters and mistresses in our own house. There are thousands of turncoat Canadians who make money handing this Nation over to the Americans. I keep naming these Enemies of Canada who take oilie cheques and up till now have been able to hide in the shadows. I am an old Progressive Conservative and have been dealing with the Fascists since 1960. The whole rightie cult reads from the same handbook. The spoken or written words that appear, are easily traced back to right wing ideology. The vocabulary of the Fascists is extremely limited. No wonder the rightpublicanazis appear attractive to those of very limited brainpower. There is a flaw in our democratic system right now in which special interest groups, like Big Oil and Republicans have short circuited the process of electing OUR MPs to Parliament. For almost all of our 148 years as a Country the voters in each Riding, selected their representative from those offered by the various parties. It was not a matter of the percentage of votes recorded, it was that Jim or Jean was selected to represent the Riding in question. Most of the areas across the Country have Riding Associations that are affiliated with particular political parties. My Mother, Phyllis Spratley, worked for Progressive Conservatives in York Township, Ont. from after WW 11. She was on the Board of St. Hilda’s Anglican Church and served on the Committee that built North Western Hospital. She knew where the best candidate were and earned the right to vote during the Nomination process due to her ongoing commitment to the PCs. Such associations operate between elections, with members, democratically elected executives, they sponsored events and did work for the betterment of communities. Who better to know the outstanding citizens in a Riding and support such people at election time. When an election approached, nomination meetings were held and only long standing members were allowed to vote. Winning a nomination under such circumstances weeded out the liars, criminals and carpetbaggers. If a nominee won in a By-Election or a General Election, he or she had a direct link to their home Riding. Over time this process has been watered down to the point where many MPs do not have a relationship with people in their riding. The required membership rules in some cases have been watered down, so someone, even an outsider, can come in at the last minute and spend money to sign up members. This, two weeks before the Nomination and in some cases the membership fees were even paid by the usurper. To put it bluntly, it pisses off long time party members to see johnny-come-lately types show up and steal this nomination process right from under their noses. In the case of the Harper Fascists, Lyin Steve simply picks the local riding candidates. That is why the Harperites have so many criminal types in their ranks. Community scrutiny is missing. Since the Fascists believe the Nietzsche mob [ that’s us ] who are in the majority, should receive no consideration whatsoever, having their MPs plugged into the riding is of little consequence. The local Fascist Riding Offices are no more than satellite Gestapo bases, paid for by the taxpayers, which gather information on opponents in the area. Screw the democratic process say the oilies / Harper. Under normal conditions, the riding associations do fund raising for the parties. The Fascists couldn’t care less about local fund raising, although Harper make a big deal out of such phony campaigns. The Fascists are bankrolled by the American oil monopoly and this investment seems to be paying off. If Harper steals yet another majority, it will be the last time you will get to vote. Your rights and freedom have already been drastically curtailed. We are just one step away from tyranny. I would suggest a few things we can do before the fated hour. You should stop buying a Canadian newspaper. We have hit the end of the second month that Rachel Notley and the NDP have been in power. In the first month there were 55 Smear articles that I cut out. Two thirds of them from Paul Godfrey’s PostMedian papers. This was not from every paper, every day. So there are more Smear articles that I just missed. At the end of the second month, the number of Smear articles has risen to 75. Godfrey was responsible again for 2/3rds of month two’s smears. The American oil monopoly is determined that the readers of our 100 newspaper, all now considered the Nazi press, will come to hate the NDP both Provincially and Federally as much as Pierre Trudeau and the NEP were hated 30 years ago. The oilies out of Houston, were also responsible for the Trudeau Smear campaign 30 years ago. This is the NEP myth, that a wet behind the ears Stevie Harper swallowed all those years ago. It is hilarious, Godfrey and PostMedia themselves, have now done a poll on Notley and the NDP among their readership. Can you guess what Paul Godfrey found? Think about it? Yes you are exactly right. The Fascists determined that Notley is already losing support in Alberta. After 130 attack articles so far, which are no more than conjecture, it is not hard to see that the Fascists, who did not vote for the NDP in the first place, being in a negative state of mind. A poll taken among Fascists on the popularity of the NDP is a foregone conclusion. This is False News under the Criminal Code. Thus the hate level is on the increase, just what the American oil monopoly is paying for. And just what the Criminal Code seeks to prevent. Notley and the NDP are being well Hitlered. I’ve got an idea for these Fascists who are being worked up by the Nazi press. Harper wants the simpletons to hate the NDP Party, in Canada and Alberta. The Smear Notley campaign is well under way and will continue for 4 more years. To the simpletons on the right, now I know this is going to be hard for you but try real hard. Start seriously thinking hate. I mean the deep down kind of hatred. Well below Hitler, Holocaust and Stalin. Below even Paul Bernardo, Attila the Hun and Genghis Kahn. When you reach that state of hatred you will have reach the point where the American oil monopoly and Paul Godfrey want you to be, vis a vis the NDP. I think the oilies feel that another 2000 NDP Smear articles over Notley’s term in the Nazi press will just about do it. But if you can reach that level of hatred NOW, RIGHT NOW I MEAN, you don’t have to buy any more Post Media / Globe papers. Right? There, I have saved you a ton of money and added hours to your spare time. You will be able to buy a brand new sub machine gun, many more boxes of ammunition and have a lot of time on your hand to go shoot at stuff. For normal people, who are still interested in Canada, I would avoid any candidate who has been parachuted into your Riding by any Party leader. Such a candidate will answer to the leader, not to you. You will never know what kind of crook or misfit the oilies and Herr Harper have picked out to represent you, until it is too late. The last ten years is proof positive, that Lyin Steve only picks out trained seals to be one of his Fascist MPs. Hitler fooled 80 million German. By the time the public found out what was going on, 20 million were in their graves. It is a hell of of a price for being a stupid toadstool. There is an upside to Paul Godfrey being so closely tied to the Fascists. If the American oil monopoly does indeed succeed in taking over Canada I am sure Paul will help in providing the location of all the tattoo clinics where the public will have to go to get their numbers on their arms. There will be no requirement to have a single piece of identification to get your number. Superior Fascists will be given a photo ID in Harper Blue. Interestingly, while standing in line we might just meet one or two of these smearers now engaged in the destroy Notley Campaign. Once the oil monopoly takeover has been completed, all the smearers will be excess baggage, they will get the Sona treatment and be forced to get a tattoo number like the rest of us. The smearers will then awaken to the fact that in the new Fascist world, if the oilies don’t want you anymore, you are toast, no matter how hard you work and no matter how many laws you break in the service of Herr Harper. The Sociopaths on the right are devoid of insight. When Leopold and Loeb killed that 14 year old in Chicago in the 1920s, they considered supermen and said so. These teenagers attended the University of Chicago and were taught the Nietzsche Myth. They fancied themselves a couple of the few Exceptionalists, self appointed to be above the common mob. Lady Black’s little people. They were taught that society’s rules did not apply to them. This is still the course of study at Chicago U, Calgary U and the Manning Institute. Herr Harper must have got high marks at Calgary, he learned well, that Canada’s laws do not apply to him or his Fascist Party. Conrad Black feels likewise , his is a book with blank pages. The Conman can make up his own rules as he goes along. Apparently Leopold, the Upperman, was not as smart as he thought. He dropped his expensive glasses when he and Loeb dumped the body in a ditch. Oops. Thinking you are a superman doesn’t mean you are so super. Just look at how the rightpublicanazis are facing up to Global Warming in the USA. The east coast is waterlogged and the west coast is going back to the times of the Great Dust Bowl. People who take orders and can’t think for themselves like the Republicans are just about useless in such a crisis. Their theme song, ” Wishing will Make It So “. hasn’t worked thus far.

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No matter the country, if you look closely at the right wing, whether in the USA, Canada or the UK. They all march to the same drum beat, the same marching orders like Hitler’s like goose steppers. The intelligence level of the Democratic and Republican parties has been studied and it has been show clearly that the Repubs are 10% lower on the scale. After all, the right needs followers who will slavishly follow orders, work against their own self interest and never think for themselves. Sounds like a pretty dumb group to me. But history bears this out. Hand a Republican a serious problem and he will fuck it up without fail. It is important for the right to grab the very young impressionable males and mold them into Fascists. That is what Hitler did with his Youth. The master race idea came to life from within the Nietzsche Myth. This Fascist Myth came about firstly in the USA. The basis of the Myth, as we understand to-day was created by Fred’s sister Elisabeth when SHE reworked and published his scribblings. Fred’s period of writing lasted less than 10 years, from the time he decided he was a superior being to that of becoming a Syphilistic vegetable. Fred would have been a nobody, except for Liz. His sister took all of his scattered pages, which she had purchased from their mother Franziska. This fanciful conglomeration was assembled into readable form with add ons by Liz, forgeries and omissions. In 1907 H.L. Mencken translated Elizabeth’s meddlings into a work of his very own. Mencken was a classic wimp, a momma’s boy, like so many of Harper’s inner circle. Becoming a self appointed Aryan, within the rigtie community, hands a whimp a gold medal without him ever having to accomplishing anything. Much like Ezra La Rant and Kory Tenneyeke. The Nazi media won’t tell your that. Henry L. decided he liked this Neitzsche, Aryan stuff. Mencken’s padded translations had a touch of fancy about them. This quality found favour with the right wingers, who had always known that they were better than the majority / the little people. H. L. just gave them licence to feel superior and he became a hero of the right. This fact made its’ way into the rightie expression, ” The tyranny of the majority [ but that is what democracy actually is, majority rule ]. The right keeps repeating that democracy equates to tyranny. Which is outrageous but the Nazi media remains silent on this matter, paid hugely to do so. The truth is that democracy limits the actions of the right wing. And they don’t very much like that state of affairs Being only a small minority, the righties have to destroy democracy to gain power and regarding this endeavour, the Nazi media has been expropriated. Following Mencken’s translations in the USA of Liz Nietzsche’s plagiarizations of her brothers work, many rightie writers got in on the act. One good example is Ayn Rand, a third rate copyist who swam with all the other right wing jellyfish. One rightie author of a book, written in the late 1920s, threw all the Mencken he had read into a blender. Then he cherry picked from all things attributed to Fred, whether true or false, which is perfectly in keeping with the right wing ideology. Use anything fair or foul to achieve world domination. During Hitler’s rise to power, he became aware of this book. A copy made it’s way into the Fuhrer’s library. The author of same was invited over to Germany to meet Hitler, wherein Adolf was apprised of the current right wing thinking. From that point on, both the rightpublicanazi and Hitler were on parallels trajectories. Some big US companies did more and more business business with Germany during the 1930s. This was especially true of American banks. Preston Bush, grandfather of Georgie Bush Jr., was part of a financial institute which was accused of trading-with-the-enemy in 1942. FDR’s Government seized the institution. Little wonder the right doesn’t like FDR. The Republicans are corrupt at the core, have always been so and will never change till the little people in America are bled white. While America was suffering through the great depression, US businesses was selling out their Country, playing both sides of the street. Hitler contributed money to the Republicans, with the goal of disrupting the efforts of FDR. The right did not want the little people to become prosperous. An educated voter doesn’t vote Republican. So the American right and the Nazis, for a short period, strolled along hand in hand. The righties like the idea of a police state in which the population did what it was told by a superior leadership. Sociopaths do not possess insight. During the 1930s, the rightpublicanazis could not see where Hitler was leading them, these poor souls were lied to as well. The Fuhrer and the American righties worked in concert during the 1930s. US money, businesses and rightie advisers worked closely with the Nazis. As stated, the righties liked the idea of the police and that option has stayed with them. True to form, the USA, Can. and the UK are now imposing police states. The excuse is ISIS and Middle East terrorism, which is funded by the American oil monopoly. The world Nazi press will not touch this oilie connection to terrorism. Quite convenient, the US oil monopoly is buying ISIS oil which is laundered through Turkey. The cheap ISIS oil is sneaked into the USA, refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel and sold at a very high price to joe North American public. Nice system, everybody but the people benefits. The oilies make big profits, ISIS has lots of jingle in their jeans for bombs and guns and the resulting scare allows the right wingers to install Marshall Law in democratic countries. In terms of the rightpublicanazis / Nazi close relationship, it all came crashing down on Dec. 7 / 41 and Pearl Harbour. Charles Lindberg, darling of the right was disgraced over night. Henry L., who had backed the Germans in the Great War and Hitler in the second saw his reputation destroyed. The Republican Party, so long on the take from Hitler moved into the shadows and moved their operations to the University of Chicago. Hitler’s police state experiment last but 12 years. Apparently, the rightpublicanazis learned nothing at the time. But the righties do not have a reverse, in their own sense they were right not to give up. Now after 50 years, the U of Chicago’s difficult subversive work is paying off. America is well on its’ way to become a police state. Once the civil unrest in the various cities and in California connects we will see how a police state works in a democracy. Herr Harper is imposing a police state here on the US model and has been quite successful because the Canadian people allowed him to steal the 2011 Federal Election. David Cameron is also trying to take advantage of the ISIS / American oil monopoly partnership. But Cam lacks a majority, so his hands are tied. Thus the rightpublicanazis gave succour to Hitler but he went rogue. The US righties have kept their dreams alive and now those dreams seem to be coming true. In Canada we have a chance to ensure a police state is not in our future by defeating Lyin Steve and his Fascists. If Harper cheats again with the help of the US oilies / Republicans. If tyranny is the outcome, the only option will be to take to the streets. The Fascists have already tried to bar that door. Harper has IMPOSED Legislation that make it a crime to think bad thoughts. And Steve has already built the jails to hold us. The Royal Canadian Harper Police are on duty poised to pick up dissenters like you and I. Those concentration camp gates are already beginning to swinging. We can prevent those gates from closing by taking positive action in this Fall’s Election. If too many Canadian toadstool hold fast to sitting in the dark and are satisfied with eating Harper horse shit out of the Nazi media, the resulting clangs will last forever without revoluvion and widespread bloodshed. My information comes mostly from the CBC, the BBC news on PBS, the Guardian UK / USA and Wolf Street for the financials. What I read on Wolf Street is diametrically opposed to what the Globe and Tar and Reuters prints for people interested in the stock market. David Thomson get big money leading the little people down the garden path to a right good financial screwing. Having access to the truth gives me a different view of the world, in contrast to what the Nazi media in the US, Can. and the UK are saying. The False News, lies and misinformation emmenating from world Nazi press is just staggering. Compared to the truth and the real world the Fascist press deals in paid corporate fantasy. This so Nazi like? Destroying our democracy and using money from the US oil monopoly to do so, is what Preston Manning is all about. But he doesn’t have the guts to say so in public. It is called Obscurantism. This type of writing was popular in Germany in the 1800s, Nietzsche’s time. The simple idea was to write in codes for your fans, the true believers. Nietzsche and the other pseudo German philosopher, who are held up as gods by the rightpublicananzis. Germany was ruled at that time by an intertwined royalty and the military. Lady Black’s little people, who made up the majority in Germany and surrounding countries counted for nothing. The idea that an Aryan race existed sold well to the upper crust. This view explained why a small group of people had all the wealth and power. While the ignorant mob tried to survive. Based on the writings of the syphilistic Nietzsche, and other snake oil salesmen, the Nazi movement and the American Republican Party sprang. At the very core of both the Nazis and the Repubs is the idea of the Overman and Underman. In their view, some people [ themselves ] are better than other people which if such a system is success it is the exactly opposite to democracy. So if the American oil monopoly and their employee Herr Harper do win this Fall by lying and cheating, Canada will cease to be a democracy. History shows us that the underpinnings of the Nazi Party and the Republicans, sprang from the same bad anti democratic seed. We destroyed Nazism in 1945 after a dreadful War. We have yet to best the rightpublicanazis partly due to the massive control of the media by the right and the moneyed class. Those in the media to-day, stenographers and commentators, have been schooled in the belief that they too are better than the masses, otherwise they couldn’t write or speak such shit. These misguided drones do not have a grasp of the damage they are collectively doing to Canada, for what, a fucking paycheque and a feeling of superiority? It is a demented bird that shits in its’ own nest. For what? To please the fucking Americans? The Hitler Youth were taken at ten. Parents who resisted allowing their children to be indoctrinated by the Nazis were threatened. The Youth were not given an education, their training was military. At its’ height the Hitler Youth numbered 7.5 million. Young people, deprived of a life one way or another. Death on the battle field or if they survived, useless citizens, with no normal skills, just equipped to fight. That is what the University of Calgary and the Manning Institute are committed to doing. Graduating the Harper Youth, who are one dimensional. They are trained to uphold the right wing ideology above all else. Doing what they are ordered to do, in helping to secure power, then holding onto power. Democracy, they shout in unison, is dangerous. Letting the little people decide for themselves is mighty dangerous. The right likes them young, I am thinking here of Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz, Steve Harper and Pierre Poilievre. Once young minds are warped to the right it is almost impossible to reprogram them for a normal existence. The institutions that do the heavy lifting of creating a cadre of of young, mindless right wingers are the University of Chicago and in Canada, the University of Calgary and the Preston Manning Institute, all publicly funded. Manning has been delegated by the US oil monopoly to infiltrate other Canadian universities, using bribes and create seed beds for increasing the number of Harper Youth. This is an undertaking of massive proportions, to steal the minds of our vulnerable young men from under our very noses at public expense. Lyin Steve doesn’t care about youth unemployment. The more young people out of work, the more Harper Youth candidates there are. Many Canadians are familiar with how our Nazi press gently portrays and downplays the outpourings of Calgary U and Pastor Manning. All these propagandists, tell us, that among their respective flocks there is a great appreciation for Canadian democracy, which is pure bullshit. Behind closed walls, the Harper Youth learn the exact opposite. The young righties, are taught as part of the Nietzsche Myth training to talk with a forked tongue, Obscurantism. It is a matter of saying one thing and doing something entirely different in the service of establishing tyrannical rule . Right wing statements, along these lines are broadcast or published by the Nazi media and the majority of Canadians don’t fully understand what is being said or printed. Nor do they realize the dangers of this deceitfulness to Canada. This is done on purpose. The rightie insiders know exactly what is going on because they are constantly being coached at places like the Manning Centre for the destruction of democracy in Canada and the Civitas Secret Subversive Society. Over the year, this right wing secret group meets, then is called into session by Preston Manning in Ottawa. The reason is to review the ongoing takeover of Canada by the US oil monopoly. At the annual Manning bash, there are many rightpublicanazis in attendence. Herr Harper and his Ministers, make secret appearances at each of these yearly sessions. They can get away with this kind of stuff because David Thomson and Paul Godfrey are paid to remain silent. Godfrey get a paycheque worth more than a million dollars to sell Canada down the river. If you buy a PostMedia newspaper you are assisting in the overthrow of your own nation. Some patriot? Now that the Sun is in Godfrey’s hands, the Sun prints the same information this appears in the Post papers word for word, spelling mistakes and all. Now the Sun is managed by Lyin Brian Mulroney, the PM who took cash while in office and then stole over $ 2 million from Canadians by lying in Court. The Post and Sun newspapers are now owned by Wall St. which is illegal. But Harper will not enforce any laws that do not benefit Himself and the right wing. To add to the pleasure of the very challenged news stenographers, TV commentators, rightie rank and file being involved in the takeover of Canada, they think that they are putting something over on Canadians. For many Canadians the Fascist deception is indeed working. Daily helpings of right wing propaganda in the papers is working just like Hitler and Goebbels said it would. The leading rightie drones have and are taught at Calgary U and the Manning Institute. The fare, the entire Nietzsche Myth, which lays out in part, that Canadians are an ignorant mob of outsiders who can’t be trusted with a vote. In other words, Lady Black’s little people, should be denied a ballot. This is the game that is being played. If Canadians don’t understand what the right is saying when speaking in their code, it just proves the multitude is of simple mind. That is us folks, if you care to know? The problem is that Canadian are not used to a political system that is based on endless oil money, which is lie based and wherein OUR media is controlled by rightpublicanazis. Since Herr Harper was elected, he and those around him have told thousands of lies. Rather than confront all Harper’s lies, Paul Godfrey and David Thomson are paid to Smear Rachel Notley and the NDP. These lies are gussied up by the oilies, the movers and takers, the Post papers, the globe and Tar and the Star, to approximate the truth. Such are duly reported by the Post, Globe and Star verbatim, no questions asked, in return an oilie cheque. Crossing the palms of publishers like Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich with silver, renders them mute. And a trio who are a menace to Canada. They too will learn, that when the police state is imposed on this Country by the American oil monopoly, Paul, David and John, will find that the oilies and righties will no longer need them. Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich, will be right alongside the rest of us, in the camp, breaking rocks for Harper’s palace. Most of the businessmen who gave Hitler money and who were not committed Nazis members, had their companies seized. As a going away present, most of them were shot. This group supported Adolf because they wanted to control the unions. The ideas was to put Hitler in office, then he would be forced to do their bidding, big mistake. How do you control a madman, who has lots of money and lots of guns. The same can be said of Herr Harper, a madman with lost of oil money and his supporters have all the civilian guns. One such businessman, who INSTRUMENTAL in bringing Adolf to power, had his his firm confiscated. He fled with the clothes on his back and hid in a shack in the Black Forest until 1945. Barnum said there is a sucker born every minute. Those who fall for the right wing sales pitch would lead me to believe that the birth rate of fools in North America is much higher than Barnum prophesied. We Christians have the 10 commandments. The righties have their 16 commandments. Ted Cruz and Pierre Poilievre et al, learned these commandments, in their teens, from the right wing handbook. The following is the list of those commandments. I have stripped out the doublespeak. I can do this because I have studied the rightie Nietzsche Myth long enough, to see through its’ Obscurantism. The following list is what is taught at the University of Chicago, the University of Calgary, the Manning Institute and the Civitas Secret Subversive Society. You can down load this list of Commandments and stick it on your fridge. If you still persist in retaining your toadstool status and continue to buy one of our hundred or so Nazi papers, at least your will have some idea why the Canada you thought you lived in, disappeared beneath your very feet. For those who live in the real worth and appreciate the truth, see how these 16 Commandments jive with Herr Harper’s actions and pronouncements? I am not surprised at the actions of Lying Steve. After all, he memorized these Commandments at age 22, at Calgary U. Harper is menatally ill and too young to know he was being taught pure tripe. I know there is no room for opposing opinion at Calgary U, the Manning Institute, the Civitas Society, the PostMedia papers, the Globe and Tar, CTV and Global. But I am still, after all this journalistic abuse, a fair minded Canadian. And I offer the foregoing rightie suspects the following. Any one of these False News outlets or Fifth Columnists are welcome to share space on this blog to comment on any of my over 500 posts. I will print such comments word for word without censorship, I don’t believe in censorship. I believe in a wide spread debate on any subjects, but, but, ALL SIDES HAVE TO BE HEARD! I believe in free speech for everyone but it has to be free from lies and made up stuff, such as that delivered up by Ezzie La Rant. The Nazi media knows just where to reach me. If not, they, in their daily contacts with Herr Harper and the PMO can easily get my address. It is on the list of anti Harper bloggers like me, that list, which has been placed in the hands of Revenue Canada. Lyin Steve’s black list, allows the Agency to harass my family, because I can’t be silenced. YET. What follows is my attempt to decipher the right wing heroglifics. The fact that I have researched Adam Smith, Charles Darwin, Fred Nietzsche, Elizabeth Nietzsche, Herbert Spencer, H. L Mencken, Ayn Rand, Leo Strauss, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Martin Heidegger, Walter Kaufman, Milton Friedman and Allen Greenspan has helped in decoding the Rightie Commandments. The right wing handbook contents represents cherry picked, dollops of text, stolen from each of the above [ others ] and woven together to create an imaginary rightie creed. The result of mixing and matching is used to justify the fantasy land in which the rightpublicanazis Sociopaths now live. Impressionable, young males who are adrift, are enticed to join the right by being introduced to a fantastical tale. After the Presidency of Ronald Reagan, 30 years ago, the righties, Republicans and Wall Street began the journey to this fantasy land fully supported by the Nazi media. Now they have us way out in space. The Reaganites caused the 2008 / 2009 financial crash and more recently, the present collapse of oil prices, which has adversely affected Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. It is the result of pure greed on the part of the rightpublicanazis and Harper’s Fascists. This mess, that has overtaken North America has enveloped us and it is there for all to see. The explanations and excuses in the Nazi media, proffered by the righties to explain the slide in Canada’s economy. But what Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich tell us, gets more bizarre with each passing day. The truth has been banished. And many Canadians apparently do not miss the truth. Such people have an easier time with fairy tales as printed in the Post papers, the Globe and the Star. Having a list of the right wing Commandments will surely help you see through the mist, to places farther out in space, where the right is taking us, places where we should not be going. It is time for the citizenry to wake up to the facts of life. Our lifestyle is in danger of vanishing completely. As said, many times, I am a Progressive Conservative. This means I believe that Government, based on the will of the voters and in concert with business must make the bucks first. If successful in this endeavour, then the surplus dollars can be spent where the majority of educated voter thinks it should go. In good times, put money away for a rainy day. When the financial going gets rough there are the funds to support society. I am in favour of anywhere the majority wants to take us, as long as there are free and fair elections and those voting are WELL INFORMED. That situation does not apply at present. The Nazi press works for its’ big oilie cheques, this to see that the population in this Country is hugely misguided and misinformed. As well, as things stand now, we are using Republican style election rules which are designed to ensure the opponents of the Fascism do not have an opportunity to vote. Hitler did the same thing when he came to power. A democracy operates best when the entire population is healthy, well educated and free from want. The aim of the right wing to allow people to get sick without recourse, allow schools for the little people to fall into disrepair and to leave the majority scratching for an existence. Those who suffer from hunger make for obedient slaves. To strengthen democracy, the benefits required are not all that difficult for people who have a spirit of bettering their community, choose the right leaders and then work together. Any problem Canada faces can be surmounted by smart citizens working in concert. The only naysayers and opponents of this statement are those on the right wing. Their only goal is to attain powers and then extract the wealth of this Nation for their own personal use. The righties, to ply their trade need an unhealthy, hungry, frightened, ill educated, anxious, confused and ill informed mob which they can then control with the help of the paid Nazi media. Why don’t we join forces to deny the rightpublicanazis their long sought after prize, our freedom and our eventual serfdom? Just last week Harper’s Fascists illegally set aside the rules of the Senate by a majority Fascist vote to ram through anti union Legislation, this was done to please the Americans. Now the Harper and Godfrey and Thomson and Honderich among others, are attacking our supply management sectors. This is being done to please the Americans. Did you know that almost 50% of California’s agricultural products are sold under the supply management. The supply management Legislation was passed in the 1930s under FDR, both Federally and under State Law. The express reason was to control supply to minimize surplus crops as a way of supporting prices. In any one of these situations, if a surplus occured, it was exported, thrown away or sold for cattle feed. The USA has supply management to protect their producers. The USA doesn’t like supply management in Canada, it prevents them dumping their surpluses. The Canadian Wheat Board was shuttered illegally and Western grain farmers have been subject to the harsh reality of the American agro business. Our farmers are poorer now and the Yankee grain corporations had increased profits this year. This story hasn’t been covered by Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich. Anything acquired by duress like the illegal union Bill, in a sense a gun to one’s head, has no validity and has no force in law. If the oilies / Harper continue to hold power, we will have even more laws ignored until Canada becomes a lawless Country. A new Government will repeal this union Bill and all of Harper’s ill gotten Legislation, including recreating a more powerful and all encompassing Canadian Wheat Board. The necessary changes in the West will need to be done by Ottawa, the 10 Provinces and the 3 Territories, to deal with climate change. These include the new Twin Beaver pipeline, to carry natural gas and raw crude oil [ ready to refine into gasoline, diesel and Jet fuel ] from the Atlantic to the Pacific. This pipeline will be owned by Canadians and supply all of our petroleum needs. A spur would go to Churchill Manitoba, a deep water port. If American companies won’t sell out their assets, we will work around them or expropriate their assets. In the immediate future, in the West and BC a policy has to be developed to counteract Global Warming. At times we are now getting too much rain and snow in the West. At othger times we are getting none at all and it gets too dry. We have to collect the water when in abundance and put it in reservoirs. When dry spells come the water will be distributed where needed. This will require entirely new thinking and collective action. I would rather see a pipeline going to BC, carrying water than a Kinder Morgan or Enbridge pipeline carrying tar mixed with Benzine, you know the shiny black shit that killed 47 innocent people in Megantic and left 22 orphans. This shiny black shit can be upgraded in situ right at Fort McMurray. And then as crude oil it can be distributed right across the Country to be refined in place where it is needed. If the US Government will not put a stop to the American oil monopoly buying cheap, stolen oil from ISIS and illegal oil from Iran and Russia, Canada has the right to remove itself from any arrangement which cost us money and put our people at risk. Fortunately, this Country has the resources, money and man / woman power to be self sufficient no matter what Joe Oiliver says. Are we as Joe said, good drawers of water and hewers of timber. Or do we show the world that we are a Carpe Diem kind of Nation??? The third major undertaking in the West should be a new agricultural railway built with the latest technology. Did you know that there are machines now that can lay a mile and a half track a day with a small, skilled crew. Feed in all the parts, rails etc and the finish track appears at the back end. If we are going to turn the West into the food basket of the world it will require a comprehensive system, managed by the Provinces and territories and the Feds stitching everything together due to the separation of powers. This changing of gears in the West will change Ontario, Quebec, the Maritimes and Newfoundland for the better. Ontario, my home base, has more hydroelectric power than Manitoba and Quebec put together but this good news has been held back from the citizenry by the Ontario Government, the nuclear industry and the Ontario Nazi press. Making the necessary changes in Canada to combat climate change, will free the people of this Province from the Liberal / nukie yoke. With this new national set up we will have the cheapest electricity prices in the world, the cheapest gasoline prices in the world, the cheapest food prices in the world, the best health care system in the world, the best educational system in the world and we will have money in the Bank of Canada and be working to pay off the Country’s debt. If the American oil monopoly / Harper’s Fascists steal the October Election, none of this will come true. Conditions will just get worse. To make life more difficult. little Canadians will find to their horror that the new rulers will continue to make the laws up as they go along. This to benefit the supporters and friends of white supremacy and the Aryan race. Certainly nothing done by the oilies rulers will favour the vast majority of Lady Black’s little folk. I am sure there are people who read me will say such things could not happen in Canada. There couldn’t be concentration camps in this Country? Citizens could not be jailed for what they think? And the poor walking the streets in rags? Once the land becomes lawless and you no longer have a voice, then what happens? It all depends on the whim of Harper the First who is suffering from madness. Stephen Harper is mentally ill and has only succeeded in attaining tyrant status by virtue of the bulging bank account of the US oil monopoly which sees us Canucks as being stupid and easy pickings. The oilies, their employee Herr Harper, his Fascist storm trooper and Canadian Fifth Columnists, are up to no good. Read the following to see what they are actually planning to do. These Aryan Commandments have been a hundred years or so in the writing and some of them have even been lifted right out of Mein Kampf. Our young men and women fought and many died in WW 11 to rid the world of Fascism and here we go again. From their failing hands we were give the torch of freedom to hold high. They sacrificed or died in vain if we neglect our duty and fumble that torch. As I have said many times before, empires come and go. There is a common thread connecting every demise. An incompetent, corrupt or evil leadership. A dishonest press. And last but not least, a docile population. The oilies, Harper and his Fascist Party are banking on Canadians remaining docile until it is too late to turn the clock back. No second chance will be afforded us this time. The question is, are we? The answer to that question will not be long in coming ?


Over time as historians have unearthed the past we found that during the Nazi era many secret meeting took place at which decisions were taken which affect the very lives of people. One’s fate should be decided in secret by those who appoint themselves as masters. The democratic rule of thumb, no individual in Canada has the right to lord it over another individual. The righties mistaken believe they can do the lording. We must make sure that lording is prohibited. Since the time of the Magna Carta, the English people struggle to find a voice to promote THEIR INTERESTS AS OPPOSED TO STATE INTERESTS. We inherited 800 years of steady progress. It has been a long hard slog. To a large degree the will of the people here in Canada has met with much success. That is, up until the American oil company decided to take over Canada. Their aim is to turn this country into a 3rd world petro state, of which the monopoly has many in its’ stable. Without our knowing what is happening. Interestingly, as another Magna Carta birthday was celebrated Paul Godfrey did a five part series on the Magna Carta, trying to convince readers he respect our democracy. However this series was written by Paul’s rightie revisionists who are bent on erasing Canadian history. This supposed praising of Canada is used by Harper and Manning, while they tear down the Nation behind the scenes. The monopoly already possessed Alberta, from 1980 onward but felt threatened by the Government in Ottawa and its’ focus on Global Warming. Measures to deal with climate change by the Feds had the potential to clip the wings of the oilies, reduce their profits, limit control, force them to stop dumping their garbage [ tailing ponds and CO2 ] into our environment and expose the actual theft of resources by the monopoly. As has happened in so many other cases the oilies set out to buy politicians and they found that there were many in our political realm who were only to happy to be bought, like Preston Manning and a directionless kid from Leaside, Steve Harper. They along with a small group of white supremacists, religious bigot, racists, Nazi sympathizers and hard right wingers, enamored of the US movements like the KKK, evolved into the Reform Party. Now on the surface one would never expect such a motley crew to be able to appeal to Canadians and gain power. But Manning had an ace up his sleeve. The oil monopoly had given Preston a credit card with no limit to go out and buy WHATEVER he needed to gain control of Ottawa. Lyin Steve was Manning’s assistant. First problem arose when Manning tried to keep his mouthy troops in line. One or another of his nutbars would make a public statement which revealed the true nature of the Pastor’s following. What to do? What to do? Manning came up with the idea to form another group outside the Reform Party. He called it the Northern Foundation. Its’ immediate job was to support the apartheid Government in South Africa to make sure the black population did not get a political say in how the Country functioned. Herr Harper too, was involved in this endeavour. Manning, Harper and the others in this all male club, gave these wing dings voice to their bigoted utterances. But the Preston and Steve and bigots were on the wrong side of history. South Africa became free and the Northern Foundation became just
another right wing flame out that adversely affected lives in that Country. Preston, Steve and the Northern weirdos paid no price for the hurt they caused in Africa which is beyond measure. I am not surprised. Because the white, righties believe that they are superior. This is at the very core of their being, no matter if it concerns, blacks, Asian, Muslims, the First People or Lady Black’s wee people in Canada. Right now Herr Harper is hugging Ukranians, to buy votes while pillorying Muslims. In any even the Northern Foundation, with its’ reputation in tatters morphed into the Civitas Society. The same group of misfits just took on the new name but the operations and aims remained the same. To subvert Canadian democracy from the shadows in such a way that the populace doesn’t cotton on to what is up until what actually is up. The Civitas works in secret with the Harper Fascists to convey to their true believers what rightie measures are being implemented behind the backs of Canadians. The Civitas Society meets in formal session, once a year to review progress in terms of imposing their police state and to mingle with Harper, his Ministers and other Fascists to plot the rightie / Yankee initiatives for the coming year. The trained seals who act as Fascist MPs, are really in Parliament to rubber stamp the Civitas Society agenda. I wonder at the mental competency of the Fascist Members of the House of Commons who seek their honoured position, to supposedly serve the voters. Immediately upon arriving on the Hull, they surrender themselves to the will of about 200 ultra right nobodies in the Civitas Society. The MPs are paid out of taxes. Preston Manning, the University of Calgary and those who populate the Civitas Secret Society are being paid by the US oil monopoly to deliver Canada into their grasp. Things have been going so well for the American oil monopoly lately, that Preston Manning has been sponsoring the Civitas meetings in Ottawa in conjunction with Manning’s work with Canadian universities. There is a move to create university departments that train the Harper Youth. The way this works, is that the hard strapped universities [ starved for funds on purpose by Harper ] accept oil money as a bribe to facilitate this right wing recruiting program. Canadians pay high prices for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel under normal conditions. But now that ISIS oil, stolen from the Iraqis is being sneaked into North America by the US oil monopoly, our high fuel prices mean even bigger profits for the oilies. Nor only are Canadians financing the ISIS war and world terrorism, we are funding the University of Calgary [ publicly funded ], the Manning Centre [ publicly funded ] for the destruction of democracy in this Nation as well, we fund the Civitas Society along with most of the think tanks like the Fraser, Macdonald Laurier and C. D. Howe Institutes [ charities all ]. This is unknown to Canadians. The fact is that we are financing the ISIS war, paying for our troops to fight ISIS, supporting world terrorism and all the while contributing to the dismantling of this Country. Quite some deal, paying the cost of being pooped from a great height. While helping to undermine world peace, each of us is paying to fashion our own personal noose with which the Fascists will hang anyone who gets out of line. So just remember, if the American oil monopoly succeeds in its’ takeover, a noose awaits every one of us. It is a matter of ridding Canada of the American now or fighting in a future revolt to take the Nation back, noose or no noose. All of these arrangements has been concluded in secret by the oilies, Harper, Manning and the Canadian Fifth Column. The job of the Post papers, the Globe and Tar and the Star is to hide the truth, tell us nothing of consequences that await us and to keep publishing, ” Be happy. Don’t worry “. This approach worked in Nazi Germany, so why wouldn’t it work in Canadaland. The oilies have spent hundreds of millions of dollars getting us to the gate of the concentration camp. A few more hundreds of oil millions and a big final push by Harper, his Fascist allies and the US rightpublicanazis, already here to help steal the Fall election and Canadians will be safely behind the barbed wire fences. My much asked question, can the ovens be far behind??? Donald Trump, candidate for US President, features marching Nazi soldiers in his latest campaign ad. Don shot up to first place. But why would that be surprise? For 80 years the Republicans have looked up to Hitler. So goes the Republicans, so goes Harper’s Fascists! What will it take, to get Canadians to open their eyes to what is going on south of the border. Do the people in this Country really want to hear the echo of jack boots in their neighbourhood? The right wing Commandments that follow, have to be rigidly adhered to by every rightie. Going against the right wing flow mean excommunication. Where then does a white, rightie wimp, with nothing going for him, flee to? On the outside, where reality reigns, members of this self appointed master race amount to no more than little piles of inconsequential shit. Ezzie La Rant comes to mind. The better plan for such useless, timid people is to shut one’s mouth and follow orders, no matter the damage to Canada and its’ trusting citizens. To the righties, Lady Black’s little people are for just kicking around.

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Canada is a Nation of people who trust, who are decent and who are honest. The American oil monopoly, Herr Harper and his Fascist MPs have no respect for such admirable attributes. They think that decent, honest and trusting Canadians are just plain stupid. Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich, are firm in the belief that their readers are indeed stupid. Thus the fare that they serve up is fare especially cooked up with the stupid in mind. By buying a Post paper, the Globe and Tar or the Star, you are agreeing with their assessment of you IQ. That you are stupid. If Canadians were in a football game against Harper and his Fascists. If Harper kept sending his linebackers downfield to interfere and knock our players down, so Steve could just waltz down the field and score touchdown after touchdown. Canadians would protest and put a stop to the breaking of the rules. If Canada was in the ring, facing the American oil monopoly, Herr Harper and his Fascists and they kept throwing one dirty low blow after another, how would we react? Canada would put a stop to such abuse. The how come we allow the US oil monopoly /Harper to break every law they don’t like and remain speechless. Are the rightpublicanazis right??? Can Canadians be that stupid. The Fall election will clarify that question.

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The FASCIST COMMANDMENTS — /\ One /\ Promote nationalism. NOT Canadian multicultural nationalism. But the nationalism of a single tribe, the white master race. To the righties it is a matter of us or them. Everyone who is not a Fascist is the enemy. /\ Two /\ People do not have the right to protection under Human Rights Legislation. To the master race it is everyman for himself. The rich have the advantage and the poor should know their place as Lady Black has told us. /\ Three /\ The list of enemies and scapegoats who can be blamed for problems and our miscues: ethnic groups, religious communities, liberals, communists, socialists, terrorists and foreign governments. /\ Four /\ Supremacy of the military. If there is unrest the military will be on our side. /\ Five /\ Our movement is based on white male dominance. Women are permitted but only if they submit to our position and demands. /\ Six /\ We must gain control of the mass media so the people only hear our message. /\ Seven /\ Promote national security concerns, fear mongering cause people to look for security which we will offer to provide. As there will be no security concerns, since we can make them up. We will be able to gain support from the people with little efforts other than spreading alarm through the compliant media. /\ Eight /\ Intertwining government rehtoric with those expressed by various, favoured religions. Thus one religion can be turned against another. /\ Nine /\ We are dedicated to protecting corporate power. /\ Ten /\ Unions are to be suppressed by any means available. People should be isolated as individuals. Being isolated take away power they might have. /\ Eleven /\ We must promote the crime and punishment issue. Again, the mass media can be used to magnify the crime rate, especially among minorities. The people will be sufficiently frightened to agree to more stringent punishment measures. By killing the Long Form Census the people will not have the information they need to decide on priorities. We can have Statistics Canada release Government sanctioned figures and the people will not be able to fact-check. /\ Twelve /\ The businesses and friends of the Government are to be favoured in each situation. Cover will be provided for any arrangement that supports the aims of the Government but which is questionable legally. /\ Thirteen /\ Support for the arts is to be discouraged. The arts community is diversified into many groups but they have the ability to come together in common cause. Such groups of people will create difficulties for us in the future by them have the means to communicate quickly with one another. We need to cause the Country to be populated by frightened, powerless individuals who will be easy to control. /\ Fourteen /\ Use corrupt practices to steal elections. It is a matter of stealing or suppressing a few votes here, a few votes there and a few votes in a variety of other places. By the time the people realize that the Election has been stolen, it is too late to rectify the situation. The only option then for the people is to take to the streets, a situation for which we are well prepared. There are laws in place to deal with trouble makers and the police, the military and the jails are ready. /\ Fifteen /\ Never EVER ADMIT TO MAKING A MISTAKE. /\ Sixteen /\ Lie whenever the need arises. Say whatever you must to gain power. And say whatever you must to retain power. *********************** This is the kind of thing that is discussed in secret, at the Preston Manning sponsored Civitas Society yearly meetings with Harper and his Ministers in attendence. The messages we get from the Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star CTV and Global never touch on these Commandments or related material. The American oil monopoly and their employee Steve Harper have many Canadians just where they want them to be, in complete ignorance. The Canadian Nazi media has done an exceptional job so far and has earned their money. If the Letters to the Editor sections of the various newspapers are any indication, a lots of Canadians are being fooled by the Nazi press. Finding such a deep well of stupid people only encourages the media moguls to keep telling Fascist lies, which ensures that the oilie cheques will continue to flow. Who would have guessed that there is big money in telling lies to stupid Canadians???

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we are used to the stories in which the rich man turns his back on his loyal mistress for someone younger. Donald Trump comes to mind. Albertans have been in the service of the American oil monopoly for more than 30 years. The opportunity for the monopoly to buy ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqis and illegal oil from Iran and Russia all through the black market in Turkey has altered the oil market forever. As long as cheap oil is available through the Turkish black market the oil monopoly’s back will remain turned on Alberta. Alternative fuels and energy are gradually taking over, no matter what Peter Foster of the Post keeps saying. In fact Peter is going to eventually learn that the rightie idea, ” that wishing will make it so “, doesn’t work in the end. Saying something over and over does seem to work as Hitler said it would. It works for a while, with some people with a low IQ, until reality intervenes. All of Hitler’s wishing came crashing down, with him down in a hole in the ground and the rubble of Berlin piled all around him. The bulk of the German people believed the Furhrer and he took 20 million lives, from that Country alone, with him. As stated, alternative energy options are being established particularly in Europe which is leading the world in this regard. North America has fallen far behind because the USA oil monopoly spends hundreds of millions killing energy innovation. Of course this adversely affects the lives of almost 400 million. Their air is fouled, their water is polluted, their ground is poisoned and their pocket books are much thinner. Why do Canadians and Americans permit the oil monopoly to despoil our continent. Because this illegal monopoly is and has been allowed to operate, unfettered by the Republicans since the 1920s. Right now, the Republicans who are vocal about denying Global Warming are bribed by the USA oil monopoly. No denial, no dough, some democracy. In real life, anyone who bribes a police officer or a witness goes to jail. In the right wing fantasyland the oilies are about to takeover Canada via bribes. This illegal monopoly was allowed to enter Canada in force during the 1970s and no political party has had the balls to take the oilies on except Trudeau. Trudeau and his NEP were smeared and beaten back by the Nazi press. The papers were paid handsomely to create a West versus East fairy tale. This has caused of rift between the Western Provinces and Eastern Canada, which has lasted all these years. Most Canadians have just meekly accepted this ongoing practice of the American oil monopoly. Turncoat Canadians have been and are being rewarded handsomely for selling us out. Premier Alison Redford initiated a new debate on National Energy. The oilies smeared Redford out of Office. During Alison’s time was Premier, there were more than 250 smears which I clipped. Interesting, during the same period, there were 160 newspaper articles white washing Conrad Black, a convicted thief. So wherever the money is, Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich are always with pens aready. Now the Smear Rachel Notley is in full swing, no important news, just rightie conjecture. Why even Brad Wall is in on the Notley Smear Campaign. Sask. has been a have-not-province almost forever, feeding off Canadians. Now Wall is offering the American oil monopoly the same deal that bankrupted Alberta. What with low oil prices caused by a glut and the on rushing effects of climate change, Brad Wall has proven himself a classic right winger. Imprisoned by the rightie ideology and refusing to open his eyes. Wall’ statements over the past couple of days shows him to be completely out of the loop and clinging to the rightie talking points. It is embarrassing to watch a Provincial Premier make a fool of himself. Righties don’t live in the real world. I think what we should do, if a new Government is elected and we prevent the American oil monopoly from voiding that vote, the Twin Beaver pipeline system should be built along its’ own right-of-way, from coast to coast, to SERVE CANADIANS and up to Churchill, Manitoba, to access world natural gas and oil markets. Across the same right-of-way we should build a National Electric Grid transmission line from coast to coast. Western oil and natural gas would flow east and the hydro electricity would flow from BC east and Newfoundland, Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba west. Canada would be self sufficient in low cost, clean energy with a surplus to sell abroad. This energy would allow this Country to become the food basket for the world as climate change takes its’ toll. Little was or is ever told, that when oil blew in at Leduc in 1948, Alberta was a have-not-province, it had no money, it had a poor road system, it had no oil infrastructure [ pipelines / rail ] and it had no oil customers. The Federal Government moved to support Albertans in developing a commercial oil industry. This was done by forcing Ontario into being an exclusive customer for Alberta oil and paying an inflated price for gasoline. During about a 12 year period I was forced by Federal law to buy gasoline at a price above what Quebecers were paying for gas. Such a measure would have shocked the right wing. Government messing in business. This support program, WHICH COST ME MONEY, made Alberta what it is to-day. At that time I had cars, motorcycles and aeroplanes. Ontarians were well aware of the fact that Albertans were getting our financial help to take advantage of the considerable petroleum resources under the ground there. I have always been a Canadian first and an Ontarian second. I did not detect a lot of resentment in my Province about subsidizing Alberta in this manner. After hundreds of millions of dollars being syphoned out of Ontario over the years, the US oil monopoly moved in and took over. Back at that time, most Canadians didn’t realize the bullying capabilities, the illegal side and greed of the oil monopoly. Over time the oilies moved into bribing US politicians to get their way. Read Republicans. Pierre Trudeau implemented his NEP initiative to prevent Canada from being left with no gasoline if another oil crisis arose like in 1973. The US Congress and the oil monopoly moved into high gear. There was no way mere Canadians were going to tell Congress and the oilies what they could do or not do on Canadian soil. The American oil monopoly organized a massive smear campaign utilizing the Nazi press against Trudeau and the NEP. We are witnessing a similar Smear campaign now being directed at Rachel Notley and the NDP. Pierre Trudeau was the duly elected Prime Minister of Canada. This didn’t matter to the USA oil monopoly, Pierre was messing with their business. Having Canada assert herself to protect the commercial interests of its’ citizenry was considered cheek of the highest order by Congress. This Country has always been looked upon by the Americans as belonging to them. This, since the War of 1812. I don’t know of any Canadian publication that supported Trudeau and the NEP. The press just loves those US dollars. Pierre’s motive for implementing the NEP, was that Congress passed a law that required the oil monopoly to put the USA at the top of their list. If another oil crisis arose, by Law the US was to get first dibs on all the oil the monopoly had in its’ possession. It didn’t matter that the Americans always count first and always. If Canada had NO OIL, AS IN ZILCH OIL, THE COUNTRY’S ECONOMY WOULD HAVE BEEN OR WOULD BE SHATTERED. The US Congress, the American oil monopoly, Canadian friends of the USA, like Lying Steve, Preston Manning, Brad Wall et al and our Nazi media, could care less the about the plight of this Nation. Such would be just unfortunate collateral damage. In North America the petro dollar rules supreme. The Congress continues to believe that all of Alberta’s petroleum belonged to the states. Their attempt to transport petroleum at a low price, at no price [ stealing ] and leave the environmental garbage north of the border will carry on as long as WE LET THEM. Simple as that. By not speaking up for ourselves, we give the oilies permission to rape and pillage. Who did Trudeau pass the NEP legislation? To protect Canadians. Why has Rachel Notley picked up the NEP torch from Alison Redford to protect Alberta and Canada. So back in the 1980s, the oilies and the Nazi press mounted the massive Trudeau Smear Campaign which is still going on in 2015. Alison Redford was smeared out of Office for suggesting to the other Provinces that they should join together to develop an energy policy, seeing the Herr Harper refused to do so Our Nazi press loved the 1980’s campaign and loved the oilie cheques they got. The Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, CTV and Global [ not the CBC ] as in that earlier time smeared Redford out of office and they are now full throttle into the Smear Notley Campaign. And between you and I and the gatepost I’ll bet the oilie cheques are even juicier than in the past. The attack on Trudeau by the oilies was joined by American lover Canadians, by Americans south of the border, Canadians that place money ahead of Country and our money hungry press. As a result of the Trudeau Smear Campaign, a split between the Western Provinces and the rest of Canada was created. Great damage was done to this Nation by the American oil monopoly, the cost of which is beyond calculation. Canadians watched this happen with eyes wide shut. A young Steve Harper, flunked out of the U of T and moved to Alberta to be with his mom and dad. Lying Steve’s job was sorting mail, at Imperial oil where his dad worked. Stevie heard of the terrible thing Pierre Trudeau and his NEP had done, another oilie lie. Without the slightest fucking idea what it was all about Harper threw his life into protecting Alberta from Canada. In return for an oilie cheque like so many other Canadian turncoats, like Manning. Alberta’s interest was never high in Harper’s mind, he saw a route to power. The University of Calgary had taught Lyin Stevie to lie and convinced him that wimps could believe themselves into supermen. Harper has lied to everyone who has ever been connected to him. On U Tube, there is a documentary entitled, ” The Nazi Rise To Power “. Captured Nazi film footage of Hitler in colour. It is 2 hours long and should not be missed. What struck me was the number of times Hitler lied to people but the old Nazi press never said boo. Harper and Hitler are so alike and the Canadian Nazi press, as in the old days, never says boo. Steve is a dishonest Sociopath and when he saw a popular cause on the right based on the NEP Myth, backed up with endless oilie cash our boy jumped. Calgary U had taught Steve to say anything required to seize power. Then say anything needed to stay in power. The profs at the University must be right proud of Steve. The efforts of Preston Manning and Steve Harper over the years, have helped to put Albertans into the box they are in to-day. But the Nazi press hasn’t noticed. Of course the oil monopoly and the righties always shift blame for mistakes onto somebody else. While the USA oil monopoly buys cheap ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil the World Nazi press is paid to blame OPEC for the price drop. As Canada’s economy tanks, Lyin Steve is now blaming outsiders for our slide and Canada’s Nazi press has been paid big money to join the Harper choir. Neither the American oil monopoly, nor Herr Harper will ride to Alberta’s rescue. Getting involved would confirm that they have blood on their hands. Even Brad Wall has gotten into the fight by proclaiming that the rest of Canada is responsible for the Western woes. Brad shows that rightie trait, I know what my group thinks so I don’t need to do any more thinking The right wing has absolutely no experience fixing things. They are too busy covering up mistakes and imposing their ideology. The rightie’s ideology has never worked, isn’t working now and will not work in the future. When things don’t work out, which is always, the only talent those on the right have is to buy or find someone else to blame. Always blaming someone else has left the righties short of one important skill, the ability to fix problems. Harper has been in power for 10 years. The 2011 Election was stolen by Steve using USA oil monopoly money and advice from Carl Rove and Frank Luntz. Our Fascist Government has piled one problem on top of another and the economy is tanking. I blame all those Canadians who voted for or allowed, through shear laziness, the Harper Fascists to gain a small majority. The idea is for the right wing to get out their vote and do everything possible, even illegal, to prevent or suppress opponents from voting. This downturn, which should not be happening is clearly Harper made. It is there for all to see but Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich are paid to deflect blame away from Harper. World oil prices have dropped by almost half because there is a glut on the market. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Two questions that are never discussed IN THE MEDIA. Just why is there an oil glut??? AND WHERE DOES ISIS GET ITS’ MONEY??? The world Nazi media is paid not to ask such questions, in fact they are not allowed to even discuss such questions. The oil available on the market was at stable level until the US oil monopoly started buying cheap stolen ISIS oil and Iranian and Russian illegal oil. All of it sent to Turkey and the Government run black market. As a result the USA monopoly walked away from its’ normal suppliers. Nigeria for instance was entirely cut off by the American monopoly. What was Nigeria to do? Oil revenues make up a big part of of the cash their Government needs to operate. Nigeria went looking for customers, offering to drop their price for oil. Other countries followed suit. China for one, saw the chance to stock up with oil and started building tank storage farms as fast as they could put them up. All this activity pushed the oil prices down. The politicians who are getting oilie bribes, industry insiders and the paid media know exactly what is going on. These people on the oilie payroll, including the world press, must just about die laughing every day at the gullibility of the general population in Can., the usa and the UK. Since starting the purchase of oil from ISIS, Iran and Russia the American oil monopoly has been in a unique position. It picks up stolen / illegal oil from the Turkish black market and sneaks it into the USA. Then this cheap oil is refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel and sold high to a captive market. It is like the bank robbers rifling our safety deposit boxes and we pay for their get away car. Stupider than stupid. The Republican Congress will not raise a finger due to oilie bribes, to stop the monopoly from buying stolen goods from ISIS and trading with enemies Iran and Russia. The present position of the monopoly is that it doesn’t need any oil from Alberta, North Dakota or Texas. So these locations call yell and scream all they want, but the answer from the monopoly and governments is to go screw yourself. And the North American Nazi media says nothing. Not a single work. But amazingly there are people, who still buy newspaper and watch TV [ not the CBC or PBS ]. So Albertans are now hanging by their thumbs, swinging in the wind. Although Alberta is no longer the prize it once was, Canada has now become an even bigger prize. The Yankees want our water. Did you know Russ Girling’s Keystone pipeline was designed to be easily converted do one of two jobs. Carrying Alberta Tar, mixed with Hi Octane Benzine to Houston, to be upgraded and refined into oil FOR THE WORLD MARKET. That is a lie. TransNotCanada advertises the tar going for use in the USA. That is another lie. But I discovered the Russ Girling also went to the University of Calgary to learn to lie like Lyin Steve. In the last 200 years Canadian have had to fight the Americans off but in just ten years, the US has greatly solidified their hold on this Country thanks to Herr Harper his Fascists. The American oil monopoly is but one rigged Election away from making us the fifty first State. A poor, unhealthy, ill educated, frightened and anxious Canada will greatly satisfy the Yankee’s needs for cash and slave labour. They will have access to resources, to remove them on the cheap and sell high to the world. Cash in this Country will be abolished. All the money that those in service will have will be on line. If an illegal group gets out of line, the Canadian Big Oil Government will just seize their money. People who are starving generally don’t make waves. With no environmental laws to worry about, the Yanks will be able to foul our air, poison our streams and rivers and render our lands, in some places unlivable. Even more so than what the Americans do to us to-day with Harper’s help. Some proud Canadians, used to living in a democracy will surely protest being thrown into servitude without a voice. But Harper has passed various unconstitutional laws, he has the co opted the Royal Canadian Harper police and the military has been equipped to crush any civil unrest. The military brass has been handpicked by Harper to follow orders. When and where did we hear that before???

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Global Warming is a game world changer although the American oil monopoly, Harper, his Fascist followers, the US Congress, the rightpublicanazis, David Cameron and his Thatcherites, refuse to accept that climate change is here and here to stay. North America is already being affected by the more northerly track of the polar jet stream. I have been monitoring the jet stream for almost 20 years. Weather records show it’s new northerly track is now permanent. California is not getting enough rain to survive now. The State is suffering from 4 year plus severe drought. Southern California is returning to a desert. But 38 million people seem totally unaware. The American oil monopoly has spent hundreds of million on climate deniers, think tank deniers and the Nazi media to say Global Warming is a hoax. California, Oregon, Washington and the Western US States are in the grip of climate change. The rightpublicanazis can deny Global Warming all they want but stacks of money and wishing it away will not make the heat go away. The State has become a permanent heat pillar which is getting hotter by the month. The jet stream seeking cooler climes has shifted north and is now entering North America from the Pacific, over the coast from Vancouver to Alaska. Week after week California gets no jet stream and no meaningful rain. The Sierra Nevada mountain range as well as the coastal mountain ranges have been affected by the heat, they are expanding. San Diego harbour is now 7 deg F hotter than 6 years ago. The mountains have heated up and have risen 2 feet. This overheated rock situation causes ground temps at 10,000 Ft to be above freezing now. The rain that does fall, doesn’t turn to snow, it just runs away. The hot mountains in California are transfering their heat north to the mountain ranges all the way up and into BC. There is little snow on the mountains in Oregon and Washington State. Most of their water come from snow melt. Both States have declared drought emergencies. East of the Rockies the lack of snow is affecting the western US right to a north / south line from North Dakota down through Oklahoma to Texas. The Colorado River level is way down. In the short future the Hoover Dam / Lake Meade will be dry some of the time and in about 3 years the Grande Canyon will be dry year round. The new jet stream route causes it dive down in the middle States and then turn to the NW as it approaches the Atlantic Coast. Moisture it drawn up from the Gulf of Mexico by the jet Stream and is mixed with the Atlantic Ocean Gulf Stream moisture. This is then dumped on the eastern seaboard as heavy rain or snow. The USA is in big trouble and not a finger is being raised by Rebublican politicians who are stalling action. The US Nazi media is not leveling with the people about what is in store. The newsies are being paid to withold the terrifying truth. In the future the Eastern States will be soaked with salt water. From the mid states west, there won’t be any water at all. Such a situation puts Canada in great danger. Republicans are already talking about Canadian water to cover their do-nothing stance. The Repubs would rather steal our water legally , than surrender their ideology. The US weather people are afraid to even speak the words Global Warming, they value their jobs. Government / university employees will not go near climate change. Our Post papers and the Globe and Tar both had two page specials on the California drought. Not once did Paul Godfrey or David Thomson allow the words Global Warming to appear. There is big money for the newspapers in censoring the news as well as publishing False News and telling lies. And yet some Canadians just keep buying the Post, Globe and Star. This is surprising when the truth is just a click away. There is now quiet talk about people moving from California to be around the Great Lakes. If the American oil monopoly does succeed in taking over Canada we will be sacrificed to ease the burden on Americans. Anything and everything will be stripped from this Country for use by the Americans, whether it be our wealth, our labour, our resources or our water. As stated the USA, multinational corporations and others are now pushing to do away with cash. The only place, people will be able to keep money is on line. If Wall Street or the Washington is short of cash, they will be able to just swipe and wipe little Canadians and Americans out. Then who do we complain to, our ruler, the American oil monopoly. Everyone laugh together. Parliament will be but a tourist destination for older people who remember back to a time when Canada was still a separate Country, a democracy at that and a master in its’ own house.

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The general population in this Country seems indifferent as regard the American oil monopoly takeover Canada which might happen this Fall, after the 2015 Federal Election. If so, I think it will be one of the few times in history free people made a free decision to write of their democracy and actually paying the bill for the conversion to tyrannical rule. At this juncture I would say we are playing with fire because to many Canadian voters are ill informed. This lack of education about happenings in this Nation can be attributed to two possible reasons. It is certain that the Nazi media, the Post, the Globe, the Star, CTV and Global [ not the CBC ] are highly paid by the oilies / Harper to print Fascist propaganda, False News, censor news and tell lies. But if someone tells you lies every day like the press does, when DO YOU become responsible for the state of your ignorance??? There are some children, when told not to put their hand on a red hot stove burner, do that very thing. Most of those kids with badly burned fingers never do that again. Is it that a part of our population of adults are equipped with child brains. They may assume that the efforts of the American oil monopoly to swallow Canada can be reversed if it turns out to be not to their liking? I would suggest that there will be no second chance for reappraisal this time round. I myself live fully in the real world. Climate change is extracting a terrible price on people around the world. Countries close to the equator are most badly affected. Sleeping England, runs the risk of seeing lowlands permanently flooded with salt water. And David Cameron just ignores the problem. The governments of Can., the USA and the UK are in denial over Global Warming. Either the peoples will act on government to deal with climate change before a big event. Or if that big event does happen and the deniers have nowhere to hide from the people. If southern UK is half under sea water or the highways out of southern California are clogged with migrants fleeing the heat of Los Angeles. Maybe, just maybe the will of the little people will rise to the fore and prevail??? Individuals in California and other coastal States as well the States east of the Rocky Mountains are in trouble. Many ski resorts, I think 100 and climbing, are out of business permanently. Many more closed at the end of February this year, no snow. Lake Tahoe was one. Snow in the California mountains is less than 10% of normal, in Oregon 25% and in Washington State, less than 30%. The latter two States get most of their water from snow melt. The Colorado River is drying up, the Hoover Dam / Lake Meade will soon be a mud hole and the Grand Canyon a dry gulch. Many small town in California have just run out of water, period. Republicans have told the Hispanics, who live in these towns, to go back to Mexico. The Republicans in Congress are trying to get the Federal money to ease the pain of the rich only, not the working people. Sounds about right. Right? Tom Selick has been stealing water from the town close to his ranch. His white tank truck drives into town, hooks up to a town fire hydrant, fills up and then it goes back to his ranch. It cost the taxpayer of the town more than $ 20,000 for a private eye to discover the water thefts by Selick. This situation is not sustainable. Some home owners are selling their water to private tanker companies. They then pay their bills and fines but make a mint. Public order is breaking down. One dangerous problem is making itself known but the Republicans have their eyes shut. And the Nazi media in the USA are paid not to touch this story. Each house or building has P traps involved in their plumbing. The P trap holds water in that descending loop under the sink or in the toilet. It forms a water seal and prevents sewers gases from entering the place. If the system runs dry after a couple or 3 weeks, that trap will be dry and the sewer gases will invade the home / building. This gas is lethal. How does one live or sell a dwelling or building [ on a septic tank or city sewers ], filled with sewer gas? The simple solution is to build outdoor privies, I am serious. I don’t think this problem will be addressed until there are deaths. The deaths of poor people won’t count. Only after the deaths of the rich will the Republicans take action. There are hundreds of stories like this, about how individuals are suffering. This suffering must be treated as a whole, showing the wide, adverse effects of Global Warming. Not covered as separate news items of interest, if covered at all But no, the Nazi media prints statement from Republicans like Sarah Palin, blaming the drought on environmentalist, naturalists, homosexuals, same sex marriages, witches, abortions, the EPA or the Democrats, to name a few. It is another example of the rightpublicanazis trying to shift blame away from themselves. The right is busy blaming, while California burns. A hell of a lot of good blaming is going to do? The Nazi media is being paid big dough to cater to the right wing agenda. Let’s face it. The internet is taking a toll on the main stream media. To stay in business, the media moguls concentrate on the next quarter. If someone come through the door with a cheque, a media would offer his grandmother. This situation is bad as the press under Hitler, the truth is never told. To the newsies, there is no money to be told telling the truth [ not the CBC, PBS, BBC asnd the Guardian UK / USA. Although the rightpublicanazis are seriously hoping, Global Warming isn’t going away. When little Americans toadstools wake up to the effects of Global Warming on a huge swath of the people in the USA, like the 60 million now in the drought area in the south west, that’s when Canada will be at extreme risk. If we remain a sovereign Country, the US will bring pressure to bear but I don’t thing the Americans would invade us. If the USA oil monopoly is in charge of Parliament and Himself rules as Harper the First, then our goose is cooked. Under NAFT, negotiated under Mulroney [ the PM who took money while in Office ], if Canada begins supplying the Americans with water we can never turn the tap off. HAVE YOU GOT THAT? WE CAN NEVER TURN THE TAP OFF. Brian Mulroney also helped Harper give the Canadian Wheat Board to the US grain corporations. The is big money to be made handing Canada over to the Americans. Since the displaced people, fleeing the southern California drought have to move somewhere, they will congregate around the Great Lakes. Pipes will be put into the Great lakes to supply these people with water. Screw the Canada / USA water agreement on the Great Lakes. In each are along the border with which I am totally familiar, I have imagined where and how the Yankees will steal our water. They’ll take what the want, thanks to Harper and Mulroney. Who will we complain to, the American oil monopoly??? A drop in the level of the Great lakes will wipe out Canadian ports as well as the canals and locks. This Country depends on ocean going ships coming into the Great lakes more than the US does. Our drinking water systems will be stressed and our Great Lakes hydroelectric generating plants will close. The Yanks will reverse the flow of the Red River to send water to the Missouri River. I can even see the Republicans putting a pipe into lake Winnipeg. I am sure the Canadian Nazi press did not tell you that the reason so many Americans like the idea of the Keystone pipeline which is primarily designed to transport Alberta Tar and Hi Octane Benzine to Texas. This tar will be upgraded and refined for the world market. The USA itself doesn’t need any of our petroleum, plenty of ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil is being sneaked in illegally by the American oil monopoly. The secondary use for the Keystone is to take Alberta water to Texas also. Russ Girling has been going around the States promoting the Keystone as way of satisfying thirsty Texans. He won’t say that in Canada. And the Nazi press never investigates anything other than one of Rachel Notley’s rookie MLAs, who was involved in writing a book back in University. The righties didn’t like the book, so there. Everything in Canada now is judged by right wing standards, so sayeth Harper the First. The Keystone will collect all of the water that runs down into Alberta from the Rockies. The eastern part of Alberta will become dry like the Palliser Triangle. Under the Canada Water Act Saskatchewan gets half the water running out of the Rockies. Well the Keystone will take all of Alberta’s water. Saskatchewan will get sweet fuck all water. Residents of the province, this could be coming soon to a rural corner near you. If those in Saskatchewan want to escape the prospect of a made in Canada Dust Bowl, they should be replacing Brad Wall. The Province needs someone who is up to speed on Global Warming, adaption is the key. It is tragic when drug users can’t shake the curse. Those on the right wing suffer in the same way, they can’t escape their ideology. It renders them invalids when real life enters their fantasy bubble. On the energy front Herr Harper is nowhere to be seen. I’ll bet he is back in that cupboard. In terms of Alberta he has left them hanging. The American oil monopoly, Lyin Steve’s boss, is not buying Alberta Tar any more. It is too easy and cheaper to get ISIS, Iranian and Russian out the back door in Turkey. With Congress paid to look the way, this contraband oil, is sneaked into the US, refined and sold to Americans and Canadians as if oil was selling at $ 100 a barrel on the world market. And we, North American put up with shit. Everyday it is highway robbery and the population rolls over and plays puppy. The only interest that Wall has is kissing the ass of the American oil monopoly in Houston. Brad is so predictable. I played industrial hockey for 25 years. In some cases, opposing players could be scoped, particularly goalies. Always going to the right or flopping and so on. The idea was to let the goalie commit, then take advantage of the weak spot. So too with Brad Wall and the National Energy initiative. The petroleum industry [ natural gas, oil aznd tar ] in Canada, has to be taken over by the Provinces in concert, because of the threat of climate change. There is no point spending $ 50,000 redecorating the dining room, if water is running through the basement and the roof is leaking. What would Saskatchewan do without any water??? Time now to act and make sure it never happens. Turning Canada, this great Country, into a forward thinking leader in the world will take nothing more than providing the citizenry with ALL of the options, costs, benefits and downside. Let the educated populous decide. Why should the Provincial politicians care whether it is Plan, A, B, C or D. Elected representatives are there to serve the will of the people. Things will start apopping when we get back to basic democracy. Reagan preached that Government was in the way of progress, that exceptional free men should be free to pursue their personal dreams, no matter how many lives these pursuits ruined. For starters all governments, ARE THE PEOPLE. Reagan’s supermen, not women, were and are all self appointed. This arrangement takes us back 800 years, to a time when status at birth and a big bank account defined the supermen. Democracy leveled the playing field. The righties are now working to unlevel the playing field in their favour. Paul Godfrey’s PostMediocre papers are in the forefront of supporting the rights of a small group, which constitutes the right wing, over the rights of the majority, Barb Black’s little people. Want a new Canada??? Stop buying a newspaper and watching CTV and Global. Get your news from CBC TV and radio, BBC or PBS, the Guardian UK / USA and Wolf Street for investors. Just imagine, suddenly, your mind will not contain Harper propaganda, False News and rightie lies. And when they write or say oil you will know they mean tar. That shiny black shit that blows up. You will know what to do and when to do it and be freed for Harperland forever. In terms of BC, it too will have its’ water diverted to Washington State, Oregon and Northern California. The Province has created multiple reservoirs to contain snow melt runoff, this to regulate river flow and supply hydroelectric plants. The Americans will take it all. Who will you complain to? The USA oil monopoly in Houston??? Herr Harper??? Brian Mulroney??? Preston Manning??? Use it or lose it, the vote that is! In a sense the stakes are much bigger than that, with the oilies in charge you will lose everything

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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If we lived in a democracy, the Harper Nazi Press could not get away with this kind of outrage, smearing is defamation. Only the mentally deficient could possibly engage in such a practice. The American oil monopoly has been getting away with smear campaigns against Alberta Premier’s and others for years. The oilies smeared Don Getty our of Office. The oilies smeared Ed Stelmach out of Office. The oilies smeared Alison Redford out of Office. Now it is Rachel Notley’s turn, she and her supporters have angered the oilie gods in Huston. Little people must learn to never say NO to the American oil monopoly. The oilies will spend whatever it takes to destroy them. Ralph Klein went scot-free because he was an oilie ass kisser. Klein was in his day, much like Harper is to-day, prepared to give away the people’s property in return for dictatorial power. And now the Harper Nazi Press, 100% of Canada’s newspapers, which are joined at the hip to the US oil monopoly, they have started the official smear campaign against Premier Notley and the NDP which will run for 4 years. The manner of the exchange, is that the papers get petrol dollars which come from overcharging Canadians for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. In return, the oilies can hide in Huston / Harper can hide in a Parliamentary the closet and get their lies told by their hirelings, the PostMedia papers. the Globe and Tar and the Star. But this time the oilie media gang is in a big hurry so I am sure those monopoly cheques are even fatter. With a Federal Election in a matter of months, the NDP win in Alberta puts a big cloud over the almost completed takeover of the Province by the American oil monopoly. Things are not now going swimmingly for the Huston oilies and their bum boy, Stevie Harper. From the time Steve walked on water at the University of Calgary, the centre for regime change in this Country his head has been filled with right wing fantasies, like Nietzsche and his buddies, Kaufman, Mencken, Rand, von Mises, Strauss and Hayek. Right wing ideology is front and centre at the University, balanced thinking and honesty are not. The University of Calgary delivered to the oil monopoly, the perfect Sociopathic stooge, to first seize Alberta, then Canada and hand over control of them. This is true Quisling style. Just like Steve delivered the western farmers into the hands of the US Ag business, when he cancelled their union, the Can. Wheat Board. Harper One, in his quest to obey his oilie masters, has imported the complete rightie cheat program that has been used by Republican States to destroy their own democratic systems and unions. Pierre Poilievre has been mouthing these very same harmful Repub. voter suppression programs for a year now. Pierre is so stupid, that he has to recite these cheat programs, word for word based on the Republican experience as printed. Poilievre doesn’t ever add words of his own to the Repub copy. The Repubs are brought in to coach the Fascists on how to steal elections. Many rightie advisers are stationed at the Preston Manning Institute. It is the centre for election cheating in this Country and interestingly, it operates on the taxpayer’s dime. Revenue Canada calls the Institute a CHARITY. There is an up side to all this for the Yankees. Matching the Canadian governmental tax system to that of the USA ahead of time, will be a big help. This to speed in the transition, once our Nation is fully in the grip of the oilies and the Republicans. Look on the net to see how elections are held in Republican States, that is exactly what we are going to get in the next Election. If Herr Harper and his Fascists, backed by the American oil monopoly are successful in stealing the 2015 Election as they did the 2011 Election, it will probably the last true vote you will see. Just this week, Herr Harper took away the sovereignty of Parliamentary by putting his Royal Canadian Harper Police in charge. It was the RCHP who screwed up the shooting on the Hill. One female Officer was dealing with a women pushing a stroller, who reported a man with a gun. Her reaction time was so slow Bibeau drove right by her and the light did not click on in her head. The other RCHP Officer on charge, was sitting in his cruiser, reading. They should be named the Harper Keystone Kops. In elections, not one single individual cheat scheme is used by the righties. That would be too obvious. These voter suppression programs consist of a lot of little mini cheats around the edges. A few votes stolen here, a few votes stolen there. It all adds up. Before you know it you and your family will be on a cattle car heading for a gas chamber. I keep saying this for the benefit of the toadstools. Once you no longer have any say, you will do what Harper tells you to do and your children will labour for peanuts. Argue and you will be in the care of Jenni ” Hakapik ” Byrne. The righties send voters to the wrong polls. They Robocall opposition voters to cause confusion. Rightie agents call voters credentials into question thereby slowing the voting lines. They close polling stations early because of building malfunctions, like someone purposely leaving a tap on above the voting poll. The companies that supply the voting machines, are paid to tamper with the output. They change riding boundaries to suit their own Fascist side. They send gangs to polls to intimidate voters who have to pass through the hostile crowd. They grab ballot boxes. This whole thing, is operated using little cells of people. Small groups of Manning youngsters are give only one task. They have no idea who else is involved or the target. In Ontario Harper workers stormed into a seniors home and made a fuss. They succeeded in having voting suspended. If any mister big get fingered, Harper sends them out of the Country. The guy responsible for the Robocalls from Guelph quickly took a powder to the Middle East. Nigel Wright, the Harper aide who bribed Mike Duffy with $ 90,000 was whisked over to London UK. Neither the RCHP nor the Nazi press here, has ever bothered Wright. Mainly because his name is not Notley. It is a good thing to have a friends in a high place who have loads of oil dollars. That same Lyin Steve could put you in a gas chamber. Preston Manning’s Institute [ funded by the taxpayers ] – [ Revenue Canada considers the Pastor’s Institute a benign charity like the Macdonald – Laurier and Fraser Institutes, every effort for Rev. Can. is to please Harper ]. Manning is dedicated to the destruction of our democracy and right now he’s hard at work teaching the Harper Youth / Maids how to steal the 2015 election. And ha, ha, ha on you, you are paying for all of it. Most of the Manning lecturers are experienced Republicans, on the oilie payroll. They are skilled in the many ways of cheating. The only job for these rightie operatives is cheating and Canada Border Services lets them in. The Republican motto is,” If you ain’t cheating you ain’t trying “. You must get your mind around that idea. The oilies and the Repubs are going to steal Canada right from under your noses. Already, for the Yanks, WE have almost reached their US promised land under their direction. As a result, Jeb Bush, one of the robots now seeking the US Presidency, is supporting Herr Harper, but why not? Why even Janet Yellen, head of the Fed, is telling Canadians what to do. American have pretty much taken total control of Canada already, thanks to Lyin Steve. The oilies now control Parliament, completely. But they ain’t quite there yet, they need you to vote Fascist, just one more time, in 2015. After that, another 4 years will see our votes vanish. However, with the American oil monopoly buying ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil and devastating Alberta, North Dakota and Texas financially, we have an opportunity to take our Country back. With most of their oilie control stuff already in place, the oilies / Harper had gotten pretty smug about their chances of GRAND THEFT NATION, in the Fall. They have already counted their chickens. They figured they’d be able to steal the 2015 Election just like they did in 2011. This would allow them to tag home plate and claim victory over Canadians. With the takeover of this Nation almost complete and having Herr Harper in office backed by unlimited oilie money for the next four years, such would bring the prize [ you and I ] home to Huston quite nicely. In another 4 years, of Harper rule, the voting privileges that most Canadians hold so dear won’t be worth the paper they’re written on. Pierre Poilievre, another grad from the University of Calgary has already stolen the vote from many unsuspecting Canadians. Dr. Elizabeth Cannon must surely be proud as punch with another step to regime change being accomplished by one of her very own boys. It will be surprise, surprise for the many when they go to the polls to cast their ballots. They will find Herr Harper has had his say, those on the banned list will not now have their say. As the banned list grows who will stop Steve, certainly not the ass kissing press. It is oh so Nazi Germanyish. Once Lyin Steve’s vote ban is widened, voting will be but a faded memory. And permanent oilie rule from Huston will be set in stone. Then revolution, will be the only remedy to set things straight. So it is time, you have to make a choice. Either vote now for freedom or fight later for freedom? Under the oilies, the citizenry are now being and will be deprived of the information needed to navigate in life. Under Huston rule, it will be even far worse that it is to-day with the well paid, obedient Harper Nazi Press owned by Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich telling lies, printing spin, censoring events, publishing US copy, printing false news and oilie / Harper propaganda. In the future, if things proceed as planned, under the oilie boot, anyone who has the gumption to protests will be oven bound. Millions of Germans in the 1930s were misinformed by the Nazi paper called Der Sturmer [ Attacker ]. That would be a perfect name for the Postmedia papers, the Globe and Tar and the Star after being combined. After all they all copy E-Mails from Huston and the PMO, word for word. How about the,” the Neu Der Sturmer “. That would be easy. The Toronto Star, already prints the Post and Sun newspapers. After the roof fell in in 1939, the majority of Germans could not believe the situation they found themselves in. The majority of Germans had been suckered good and proper. They had not a clue as to what Hitler was up to. The Fuhrer was the world’s biggest liar until Harper came along. Most Canadians don’t know what Harper is up to, thanks to the PostMedia chain, the Globe and Tar and the Star But Land-O-Goshen, all of a sudden, some sand has been dumped in the American oil monopoly’s gear box. The NDP has won a resounding majority in Alberta and the oilies, for the first time in Canada are reduced to toothless tigers. $ 450 billion, banked oilie money can’t BUY THEM ANYTHING IN CANADA NOW, except the always willing and CASH HUNGRY Harper Nazi Press. Since Notley and the NDP won the Election, the newspapers have been chock full of false news, flights of fancy and lies. Do you want to live with a steady diet of lies until election night. OR DO YOU WANT THE TRUTH? The truth is impossible to find in this Country right now, except on the CBC. Back a half a dozen year ago or so, the monopoly started shipping Alberta Tar mixed with Hi Octane Benzine as make-work for their idled heavy oil refineries in Texas, built to refine stolen Venezuelan oil. But Hugo Chavez was VOTED in as President and threw Huston / Bush Jr. out. Now, is it right, proper and legal for the Canadian petroleum industry to be designed expressly to facilitate the reopening of shuttered refineries in Texas to export oil to the world??? Apparently Brad Wall thinks so. Even if Canadians lose money on the deal and have their lives endangered. Like in Megantic, where 47 innocent people got barbequed and 22 orphans remain. This is just collateral damage the oilie / Harper / CPR say. Catering to heavy oil refineries on the Gulf coast should be our primary concern, not Canadians, say they. But more importantly, what say you??? Getting screwed financially as well as running the risk of your family dying is not normal in a democracy. So we are left to decide. Do we hold tight our democracy in the Fall or do we turn the Country over to the tar merchants? Handling this illegal, volatile Molotov Cocktail mix [ tar mixed with Hi Octane Benzine ] for the oil monopoly are Enbridge, TransNotCanada, Kinder Morgan, the CPR and the CNR. THERE IS NO SYSTEM IN PLACE IN NORTH AMERICA TO HANDLE THIS BOMB MIX SAFELY. It is like carrying or storing gasoline in glass jars. In the old days, there were so many tragic accidents putting gasoline in glass containers, that the US / Canadian Governments banned the practice. And approved containers were mandated. Moving tar and Benzine all about North America should be banned by Ottawa and Washington but the Governments have been bribes by the oilies. The heavy facilities were built in Texas to refine the Venezuela heavy crude conventional oil that the American oil monopoly was stealing from that Country. Same way as they were and are stealing petroleum resources from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Then Hugo Chavez WAS [ please, please note ] ” ELECTED ” AS PRESIDENT AND HE BOOTED THE AMERICANS OUT [ Washington and oilies ]. Little Georgie Bush Jr. tried to have Chavez assassinated. All of these expensive refineries were just sitting there with nothing to do. Some bright oilie apple came up with the idea mixing 2/3rds tar with 1/3rd Hi Octane Benzine and transporting this Molotov Bomb Mix by train, in 40 year old rusty tank cars meant for apple juice and 50 year old pipelines meant for conventional oil or natural gas, not the high temp / high pressure of Alberta Tar.. It was clear that the monopoly could not really tell the American Government that they were transporting a dangerous fuel [ more explosive than hi test gasoline ] mixed with the tar because there was and is no system now in existence that could handle this dangerous bomb mix legally. So the Americans changed the name of OUR tar sands to oil sands to escape scrutiny and paid the politicians and Nazi press off. After that, all the tar that was / is being shipped out from Fort MacMurray, THROUGH the USA, BC and across Canada to the Atlantic coast to ports in duty free Texas is, wait for it, the politicians and papers call it OIL??? That is like calling a rapist a choir boy. But Paul Godfrey and David Thomson just love their oilie cheques. Harper’s Nazi Press has been paid a large amount of cash for using the OIL WORD instead of Alberta Tar mixed with Hi Octane Benzine [ Benzine was used as an admix in the B-29s that dropped the Atom Bombs on Japan in 1945 ]. Even the Canadian Transportation Safety Board calls the stuff that blew up at Megantic OIL. TSB people are so frightened, if the employees told the truth Harper would put them out on the street in a blink. The TC, TSB, the RCHP, Revenue Canada, Statistics Canada and Parliament all work directly for the oilies / Harper. By virtue of the Harper Nazi Press we are bombarded with petroleum lies every day. The millions of barrels of the shiny black shit that blows up cannot be mentioned by the newspapers other than fleetingly and then never in depth. In the USA there is a tax on oil being shipped. But officially the Republicans, who are on the oil monopoly payroll allow the oilies to get away with calling this black shit, by its’ real name bitumen behind the scenes. This bitumen dodge allows the oilies to avoid paying American oil cleanup taxes too. This is called tax theft from the American peole. It is a loophole created by the Republicans in Congress in order to qualify each of them for their personal million dollar, American oil cheques. I think almost everyone in North America now gets an oilie paycheque except David Suzuki, Neil Young, Desmond Tutu, Ed Stelmach, Alison Redford, Rachel Notley, Dave Climenhaga and me. If you read me regularly you will know I keep repeating my warnings about Canada’s democracy being in grave danger. The American oil monopoly is spending tens of millions with Canadian newspapers to mislead YOU. If my Countrymen and Women do not begin to take this menace seriously, their freedoms will truly vanish. Actually, freedom of speech is presently greatly restricted in Canada now. If someone speaks out about the abuses of Harper One the Nazi press immediately goes on the attack [ Neu Der Sturmer ] from every angle. The higher the rank of the anti – Harper person the more the attack is intensified and repeated and repeated and repeated. This is journalism. Actually it is, YELLOW JOURNALISM! When Neil Young made comments about the toxic oilie tailing ponds he was assaulted by every rightie press stenographer who was still breathing. What Neil said was absolutely true. Now the press treatment it is quite different for Harper’s very own little pal, Aaron Lee Wudrick, the boy tax fighter. Aaron’s every burp is copied word for word and widely printed. His is juvenile rubbish, yet Aaron, the boy with nothing to say is allowed to say it often in the Post papers by Godfrey. What Harper’s Nazi Press does not tell Canadians is that the American oil monopoly will never ever, ever, ever pay to clean up the tailing ponds. Herr Harper has let his employers, the oilies off the hook. You, my friend and your children and grand children will pay to clean up the tailing ponds. If the oil monopoly does succeed in taking over Canada the tailing will be just left to pollute the ground, the air and the water. What is even worse, if you have your franchise taken away by the Fascists, you WILL THEN HAVE NO SAY AT ALL and the number of tailing ponds will just grow. Alberta tar can be mined cleanly and transported, mixed with benzine through special, double walled pipes to an adjacent upgrader in situ at Fort McMurray. The cleaned up liquid tar, now crude oil could then be piped to a local refinery.. This crude oil can then be turned into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel right in Alberta or shipped east or west by pipeline for finishing in local refineries. And all the money stays in Canada. The new Canadian Government could establish tank farms in the west, in the east and centrally. If there was an oil shortage in the world this Country would be self sufficient. Right now we have sweet fuck all back up. Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba would keep all the money from their oil and all Canadians would get much cheaper gas, diesel and jet fuels. Newfoundland would be included in this pipeline / refinery system. There are 3 parts to the roadblock preventing Canada from doing this. { 1 } The American oil monopoly. { 2 } Herr Harper. { 3 } The Canadian media, press and TV [ not the CBC ]. While YOU are pretty close to losing your Country folks, the abandoning of the oil / tar in Alberta by the US oil monopoly presents a chance to capitalize on this golden opportunity. It is a Carpe Diem moment. It is said to the stout of heart go the spoils. But there still seem to be so many diehard toadstool who are quite comfortable sitting in the darkness, trying to read the Post and the Globe and dining on horseshit. In the early 1930s most Jews became aware of the Nazi movement. Many Jews were advised to get out of Germany early on, while the getting was good. Some reacted by just pulling up stakes and heading out with what they could carry. Most could not bring themselves to abandon their lives in situ. I believe that those Jews who remained in Germany and other European countries could not in their wildest dreams believe that so called human beings could inflict such pain and suffering on others. Hitler’s Der Sturmer newspaper never spilled the beans on what was really going on and what was planned. Included in the papers, was a lot of copy, meant to divert the attention of Germans. It was all about bread and circuses, nothing about the concentration camps. In Canada we read about about an anti communist monument to occupy the centre of Ottawa from which Harper One will be able to address his rightie drones. Or how about the ability to voluntarily contribute to your Canada Pension, money that Lyin Steve will never pay back anyway. Remember that millions in Germany, began making payments on the 1938 Volkswagen which cost more than $ 300. That was at a time when the average wage was $12. Hitler lied. Even though the little people faithfully made their payments, nobody ever got a car. And all their money went to the Second World War. Lies, lies and even bigger lies in 1938 and now in 2015. Even though there is high youth unemployment, the vets have been short changed and the Parliamentary security budget was reduced by 15%, a couple of years ago Harper gave the American oil monopoly /\ $ 850 million /\ for carbon capture, an unproven technology. The Nazi press has had nothing to say about this waste of taxpayer’s money. THE PAPERS WERE PAID TO SAY NOTHING. In Germany 1939, eventually the same treatment suffered by the Jews was meted out to the larger population, who did not have Aryan features like the sickly, little Hitler who suffered severe bouts anxiety. Or that squinty eyed Himmler, a failed chicken farmer. OR maybe a blue eyed, blonde like Goebbels, a lame dwarf. 99% of Germans never saw Hitler in the flesh. Adolf had a publicity department and a film unit. Hitler appeared in what were short movies distributed to theaters. Stills were lifted from the movies and appeared in print across the Country, distributed by Goebbels. Hitler never debated anyone, he just gave orders. So the famous Fuhrer was completely unknown in his own Country, yet 80 million blindly supported him. Some held fast to Hitler even when they were starving in 1945 and up to their ears in rubble. They were complete dumb asses. This inattentiveness and blindness cost Germany 20 million dead, military and civilians. This what happens when people put their faith in newspapers. Democracy is a precious governmental system that sprang to life in England 800 years ago. All during those intervening years, democracy has always been under assault. Two powerful forces are at work in the brains of the majority of human beings. The pleasure in relationships, man / woman / children and second, working together for a common cause. There is a small percentage of men whose brains have faulty wiring like Hitler, Harper, Bush and Cameron. They are incapable of expressing empathy, they avoid relationships and are incapable of working with others for the betterment of society. They are Sociopaths, loners who seek personal glory at the expense of the larger population. Harper is surrounded by these people. Such unexceptional men are incapable of working as a member of a team, they want to run the team with or without permission. Our forebearers have had to fight wars, over and over with such misfits to preserve Democracy. Every time people become complacent about their democratic rights someone like Hitler or Harper appears to take advantage of that complacency. As is happening right now. The general rule of thumb for an oppressor invading a country is to seize the TV / radio stations as well as the newspapers and magazines. This is to prevent the citizenry from knowing what is going on. Immediately after this assault on free speech all the leaders, intellectuals, academics, journalists and others are picked up and shot. As well people are forbidden to gather in groups of more than 6. Where does that leave the individual??? Open your mouth and get shot. Or keep your mouth shut and stay alive, just. In terms of the takeover of a country from inside, the fifth column approach is used as is the case of the Republicans in the USA and their junior branch plant colleagues, Stevie Harper and his fascist following here. What the rise of Hitler, the Republicans and Harper have in common is they are all supported by the American oil monopoly. Which is always striving to control the world. Washington and the oil monopoly tried to muscle the oil rich Middle East countries into lowering their price. Thus we had the 1973 OPEC oil crisis. The Nazi press blamed OPEC In 1979 Washington and the oil monopoly tried to take over Iran. Outcome, another oil crisis which ruined both Texas and Alberta financially in the 1980s. In Texas the oilies avoid blame for the low oil prices, which they had caused, with a massive Marlboro Man campaign. Texans don’t whine. The Nazi press was paid big money. In Canada, it was different, the oilies blamed Pierre Trudeau / NEP, with the massive paid help of the press. In 2003 Bush Jr. and the oil monopoly invaded Iraq to gain control of the oilfields. You know how that panned out and is still panning out. Bush paid the media massively to cove his ass. Right now the oilies themselves are in the driver’s seat globally. Obama in Washington is no longer a partner in controlling the world oil supply, the USA is rather more like a eunuch under Tea Party rule. The US monopoly is buying ISIS stolen oil [ the oil really belongs to the Iraqis ] at rock bottom prices through the Black market in Turkey. The monopoly is buying illegal, cheap oil from our desperate enemies, Russia and Iran. The American oil monopoly is in the catbird seat. Fuel is at record high prices and the monopoly has a captive market in North America and the UK, with no competition. Congress and the Governments Of Steve Harper and David Cameron have been bought off by the oilies. If Big Oil encounters even the slightest resistance from any quarter, money talks. Control of the world Nazi Press helps immensely. Lack of information and an absence of the truth, has everyone running around in circles. Millions of inattentive people are both paying for the ISIS side of the war and funding our side of the war. Daaaaaaaaaaaaa. That is just what the Fascist oppressors want. 400 million Western toadstools. The high cost the oil monopoly charges for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel in North America and the UK finances terrorism in the middle east. A MONOPOLY IS ILLEGAL IN THE USA, CANADA AND THE UK. WHY DOES THE AMERICAN OIL MONOPOLY EXIST. BECAUSE THOSE IN POWER TAKE THE OILIE MONEY AND LOOK THE OTHER WAY. THE WORLD NAZI PRESS WON’T TELL THE CITIZENRY THAT OUR POLITICIANS ARE TAKING THAT MONEY. BECAUSE THE PAPERS ARE PAID TO KEEP THEIR MOUTHS SHUT. IF THE CITIZENRY KNEW ABOUT ALL THE ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE WHO ARE TAKING OIL MONEY, SUCH WRONG DOERS WOULD BE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE AND JAILED. THAT IS WHY IN CANADA, HARPER IS TRYING TO TAKE OUR VOTE AWAY. VOTERS WITH NO VOTE ARE TOOTHLESS. PAUL GODFREY / POSTMEDIA PAPERS AND DAVID THOMSON / GLOBE AND TAR ARE WORKING HARD TO INSURE THAT YOU AND YOUR VOTE ARE SOON PARTED . PAUL AND DAVE ARE BEING WELL PAID BY THE OILIES TO ASSIST IN THIS THEFT OF OUR FREEDOM. HERE IS A CLEAR CHOICE. IF YOU BUY A CANADIAN NEWSPAPER, YOU HELP GIVE THE COUNTRY THE OLD HEAVE HO INTO THE ASH CAN. WATCH / LISTEN TO THE CBC AND JOIN IN CREATING A NEW CANADA, NOW THAT THE US OIL MONOPOLY HAS ABANDON ALBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN AND MANITOBA. I SAY, WHILE THE CAT HAS RUN AWAY, THE MICE [ Canadians ] CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT. That open door beckons. If the American oil monopoly takes control of Parliament in the Fall, this Nation will be put on a shelf and used by the oilies at their pleasure JUST LIKE A MISTRESS STASHED IN A GRUBBY BASEMENT APARTMENT AWAITING THE NEXT CALL. IF SUCH A CALL EVER COMES???. That means we are on the road to the rightie version of serfdom. We are now almost ten years into the conversion of Canada over to a right wing clone of the USA. How do you like Herr Harper’s free market system as taught at the University of Calgary??? The economy in 2015 is the shits, no matter what PMO numbers we get from Statistics Canada. The very core of our Country is daily under attack by the Nazi media [ not the CBC ]. Medicare, education, pensions, opponents of the Fascist Government, unions, the Courts, the CRTC and the CBC. The first task of an oppressor is to control the means of communications, especially the press [ not the Guardian UK ]. The Republicans, Harper and Cameron have done just that. The American oil monopoly USES THE MONEY WE [ you and I ] PAY FOR GAS,DIESEL AND JET FUEL TO SUPPORT TERRORISM IN THE MIDDLE EAST. This threat of terrorism, which we fund is being used by the Republicans, Harper and Cameron to impose police state laws on us. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Totalitarian governments always want to reduce the level of freedom that the public enjoys, it is but one step in eventually removing the vote entirely. In Turkey the Government lost its’ majority for the same reason. In Canada especially, Herr Harper is trying to destroy our Court system. The Godfrey PostMedia papers are now running a smear campaign against Chief Justice Audrey McLachlin. Even that convicted thief Conrad Black, is lending Paul a hand in this regard. The Conman has been away too long to remember how Canada works. Black should return to his adopted Country, the UK and stop making trouble for the majority of Canadians who want him out. It would seem however that the movers and takers like Godfrey are protecting the Lord and Lady. Harper in Nazi fashion is silencing scientists, academics, lawyers, Government employees and his opponents with his terrorist laws. We have just learned that Lyin Steve will take over the leaders debates and will stage them before the official Election even begins so the oilies can pay for it. In this way unlimited oil money can be spent to make sure Harper’s Nazi Press provides blanket coverage in his favour. We have learned to our sorrow that repeating lies over and over again without a counter voice causes people to eventually accept the lies as truth. Hitler said so. That is why Paul Godfrey is paid more than a million dollars a year to tell lies. And his stenograpers-in-training get sweet bugger all. Every possible lie is uttered, many times over by PostMedia papers. The other night on the net an article was featured written by John Ivison in 2012. The editors at the post are so stupid, they didn’t remove the actual date of the article. Maybe Godfrey doesn’t employ editors these days? You would think John Ivison, Andrew Coyne, Peter Foster, Terry Corcoran, william Watson, Lawrence Solomon, Lorne Gunter, Claudia Cattaneo and Margaret Wente would tire of saying the same things over and over although the circumstances are actually changing. Hitler said repeating lies over and over would work and it does. In controlling the debates Lyin Steve can control the process by only dealing with his bought friends, Canada’s newspapers. And most of all, using his unlimited access to American oil monopoly money. Post Media papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star and Mclean’s will suck up to any arrangement Steve makes because they’re getting their cut from the oilies. Just think about this. Canada becoming just another weak nation in the stable of the American oil monopoly??? I can’t see for the life of me, how Harper and the oilies are going to pull this off in a Country as steeped in Democracy as Canada, even as docile as we seem to be. Could Canadians actually let slip this Nation with eyes wide shut??? I have tried to imagine what kind of extravaganza Rogers [ the most hated communications network in the Country ]. Rogers could put on a real show to the please the Junior Fuhrer. A whimp, who is deathly afraid of facing critical comment. If the theft of the 2015 Election is successful Harper will kill the CRTC and CBC for sure, that would surely please Rogers no end. Big corporations don’t like to be restrained by rules and regulations imposed by the little people. The rightie free market means the majority HAS NO SAY. And their free market is anything THEY DECIDE IT TO BE. There is a lot more money to be made if the little people are muted. Once the restraints are removed by Lyin Steve, CTV et al will be able to join the newspapers in the lucrative business of printing False News, an offense under the Criminal Code of Canada by the way. But no surprise, they too are already featuring lies. Under the CRTC regs, a TV station is not supposed to do what the Fascist CTV and La Presse just did 10 days ago , release a phoney story. It was reported that CTV’s very own Robert Fife [ who I dislike ] had done an INVESTIGATION [ bullshit ] and UNCOVERED QUESTIONABLE SPENDING HABITS [ more bullshit ], at the Auditor General’s Department. The Department actually posts all of its’ expenditures on the net. Something Harper’s Government never does. That is the real story that CTV and Bob Fife should be following, Harper’s secrecy. But Lyin Steve pays the TV networks way too much to look the other way. Fife had to avoid this real story of what a cheat Lyin Steve is. Fife is just too much of a chickenshit to go near it. He’s much like Craig Oliver [ who I dislike intensely ]. In this special CTV / La Presse exclusive, all Bob had to do was go on line to the Auditor General’s site, cherry pick certain items right there in front of his face, change the facts around to make things look as bad as possible and voila his BIG CTV news story. It doesn’t trouble CTV to present such fabrications to Canadians, we are just that mob, right. All our hometown righties think they are dealing with a population made up of a mob ignorant inferiors. I kid you not. In private they talk about how stupid we all are. That is what righties like Harper and Poilievre are taught at the University of Calgary and the Manning Centre. IS THIS WHAT A CTV / FIFE SMEAR INVESTIGATION REALLY LOOKS LIKE??? IT IS A POOR EXCUSE FOR JOURNALISM??? RATHER, WHAT CTV /FIFE WERE DOING, IS GOVERNMENT PAID PROPAGANDA. KISSING HARPER’S ASS MEANS BIG BUCKS FOR CTV, I DON’T KNOW IF ROBERT GETS ANY OF THOSE BIG BUCKS?. FOR CTV TO TELL THE TRUTH WOULD TAKE AWAY FROM THEIR BOTTOM LINE. IT IS A GIVEN THAT CTV’S BOTTOM LINE IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE TRUTH AND CANADA. It is interesting that this bogus investigation was made public by CTV [ Bell Media ] and La Presse [ Power Corporation ]. Both Corporations have very close ties with Herr Harper. Michael Ferguson, the Auditor General is about to release a report on the spending habits of Canadian Senators. The Auditor General said the about 10 Senators will be reported to the Royal Canadian Harper Police and 20 more will have to make restitution. This is out of 85 sitting Senators and 31 retired Senators. The Report is about to be made public as I write this post, 8% of Senators have to meet with the RCHP and 18% of Senators will have to defend minor expense discrepancies. The total payback of almost a million was arrived at by the A G in a FLAWED AUDIT. Harper can’t control the fallout from this A G report. So Lyin Steve has resorted to his usual defense, that of laying a series of SMEARS on Michael Ferguson, but having some of his flunkies do the dirty work for him. Hitler was the same way. On the Night of the Long Knives in 1934, about 7000 of the Fuhrer’s closest supporter were shot, skewered or hoisted onto meat hooks. The supporters executed were no longer of any use to Adolf. Hitler bragged about going out with his own pistol and executing some of his leading supporters. There is no truth to that story. The little man with the mustache, hid in his room quivering, while the deed was being done for him by common thugs of the SS. Hitler and Harper have very much in common. Running away and hiding is one of them. In terms of Smearing Ferguson, Steve just could not go back to his lunch buddy John Ivison to do another series SMEAR in the Godfrey’s PostMedia papers. Paul Godfrey is already doing a whole series of SMEARS on Chief Justice Audrey McLachlin using completely erroneous and libelous statements and information. Godfrey was guilty of publishing False News. Now on the Ferguson SMEARS. Once CTV and Le Presses originated the Smears. Godfrey was then able to jump right in and pillory the Auditor General in a flood of ” me too ” articles, all across the Postmedia papers. There is good money in misleading you folks. Bob Fife wrote a bogus article based on thin air. The PMO, organized wide coverage of the bogus Fife article all across Canada. The whole Country was misled about Michael Ferguson being a cheat too, which is not true. Getting hold of the Fife bogus piece for cheap, was very helpful to Paul Godfrey, because the PostMedia paper chain is broke. The extreme right wing media is losing readers and viewers, which is very pleasing to me. I am doing my best to put them all out of business. Godfrey claims he is engaged in featuring quality journalism like Rupert Murdoch. Both produce right wing propaganda. Every Post reading toadstool that I can bring out into the sun is a win for Canada. Robert Fife’s statements and information included in the CTV / La Presse SMEAR on Michael Ferguson, are on a par with the lies John Ivison writes consistently. Made up stuff and rightie fantasies. But the sad thing is, many Canadians who watch CTV or buy Post papers will never check the veracity of Bob Fife’s dishonest story. They will believe this Harper concocted fantasy, just what the oilies and their employee, Steve intended. Lyin Steve wants dummy Canadians to believe that the Auditor himself can’t be trusted. I wonder just what kind of a snake this Fife is, taking a pay cheque to help destroy our democracy. Is he conscious of what he is doing or is Bob just stupid CTV is known to be in Harper’s pocket. Mind you, Bob has had a long patchy career himself, he’s made up a lot of stuff in passed years. Harper does have the ability to attract other liars to his side, doesn’t he? It is said, once a 3rd rate journalist, forever a 3rd rater. Fife fits the bill perfectly, just like Craig Oliver, Pamela Wallin and Mike Duffy. The job of the Nazi media [ not the CBC ] is to dumb down Canadians and divert their attention as well. If a citizen is not up to speed, they can lose their freedom in a blink, be cheated out of their money and even lose their lives. I am always asking myself why there are so many Canadians willing to be led around via their nose rings by the righties like Stevie. Of interest, what kind of debates Harper will agree to, he is deathly afraid to debate man to man or man to women or even whimp to a 12 year old. Steve is ready to run to the closest closet when things turn nasty. When I was young I learned about lying. I was told that if you do lie you had better have a good memory. Herr Harper learned to lie at the University of Calgary 30 years ago [ the centre for regime change in Canada ]. At the time Stevie graduated, Conrad Black was the owner of a stable of newspapers. They made easy friends, both being Sociopaths. Black was at that time pissed off at what he saw was the domination of Canada by the left. The Conman wanted more rightie crap like the Republicans were selling south of the border. Connie pointed his publications in the direction of publishing right wing content and lies. So what appeared in the Black papers was news skewed to the right, false news and right wing propaganda. All such dribble was written by pretend writers like Andrew Coyne who has a rightie chip in his brain. Lyin Steve was given access to Black’s papers, no questions could be asked whether he was telling the truth or lying. Journalist with other publications were wary of calling out Harper’s lies for fear it would limit their employment opportunities in the future. So Herr Harper has had a free pass for 30 years, operating with no touch rules and has been able to say anything that popped into his head. Nobody who values their media job now dares challenging Lyin Steve. When Black was convicted of stealing and sold his papers here, he had lost $ 212 million of shareholder money. One of Canada’s great businessmen my foot. I guess I am one of the few who have been calling Lyin Steve, Herr Harper, mentally ill and a liar over these many years. Steve came of age with a load of oilie money backing him as with Preston Manning and Danielle Smith. They never had any opposition. Oilies money smeared any and every opponent. Harper became accustom to saying whatever came into his head without the fear that someone would challenge him on it. In a normal, open, Election Debate Tom Mulcair will cut him to pieces. As a result Harper will not allow himself to be drawn into any exchange where he is not in full control. How will that then work out? A debate is an open discussion, where people express and defend their views. Rather, Harper lines up a group of Fascist stooges for a back drop and makes with a monologue. And he never answers question? The only format I can see that will satisfy the American oil monopoly which is paying all Steve’s bills with YOUR MONEY, is to stage another Nuremberg type rally. This would be about the only hope now, in pushing the oilie’s annexation of Canada forward. The NDP owns Alberta for 4 years and the right can’t do a thing about it. Such a rally would show Herr Harper in the best light possible, with all his opponents throttled. I think Rogers, cheats that they are, could pull this off. And their reward might even be, not having to contend with the CRTC or CBC any more?

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It is clear that no matter how Lyin Steve chooses to appear in person before the public, not everyone will be happy, especially his opponents. I visualize Rogers sprucing up the Dome with a big stage equipped with a closet. The interior will be repainted all blue and white with Harper blue Canadian flags. The RCHP will issue summons to 60,000 Canadians of various walks of life will be ordered to attend the Harper extravaganza at the dome. Those who do not show up will be fined. Canadians in general, will be ordered to watch the Harper One circle the track in triumph. Again, those who fail to watch Himself will receive fines from the RCHP. There will be a circular track created with elevated seating in the infield for Steve’s close followers. Everyone will wear Harper blue. The Fascist caucus will be decked out in white Nazi steel helmets, the Stalhelm, adorn with little blue Canadian flags. The MPs will also appear wearing their hobnail jackboots. Jenni Byrne, Harper’s Chief Enforcer, will be in a full Commandant’s uniform, carrying her Hakapik. There was a 2 page spread about Jenni, I think it was the Globe. No smear here. Our Jen was touted as being one of the most powerful women in the Nation and the people interviewed wondered why Byrne possessed such power. That is an easy one to answer. Harper and Jenni are both Sociopaths and understand one another. But their difference is that Jenni is very aggressive and has the balls. Harper like to appear the warrior and has no balls. Byrne does the yelling. Apparently for Harper’s Fascist MPs, they don’t want to be called to her office. They get all trembly and some of them weewee their pants. I wonder if voters realize when they vote one of Harper’s Fascist MP into office, he immediately forgets his constituent and does what Jenni tells hime to do. Democracy? I don’t thinks so. If I was a MP, elected by 15,000 voters and Byrne started to mouth it up, I would tell her to stick it up her ass. All the leading right wingers like Preston Manning, Tom Flanagan, Conrad Black, Brian Lee Crawley, Neil Vedhuis, Stockwell Day, Rudyard Grifiths, Michael Bliss, Paul Godfrey, Dave Thomson and the like will have seats of honour. The Nazi media journalists and reporters mention elsewhere will also be in attendance. Each will be given Official PMO statements by Pierre Poilievre to COPY in succeeding days to heap even more praise on Himself. Chairs, especially made for grade 8 will be provided for all the boys in short pants in the PMO. 2000 Harper Youth and Maids will be chosen from across Canada to be in the honour guard. Special consideration will be given to graduates of the Manning Centre, which is devoted to the destruction of democracy in this Nation. The Centre is considered by Revenue Canada a charity, funded by the taxpayers of this country. Hitler ordered his thugs to take part in Kristallnacht in Nov. 1938, the windows of home, shops, businesses and synagogues were broken. Then Hitler made the Jews pay to clean up the mess. Where is the difference??? Revenue Canada allows charities, like the Manning Centre, the Fraser / C. D. Howe / Macdonald- Laurier Institutes to destroy democracy on the taxpayer’s dime. WE ARE ACTUALLY PAYING to fashion a noose to be used for each of us. You know, that’s kind of neat. We fund our own execution. I’ll bet Harper will want payment in advance in case any blood spatters. The Manning grads do do such good work in the ridings to stir up anxiety and prevent voters from voting, just like they are trained by their American Repub instructors. These young people believe so much in the rightie cause that they pay their own way to the Centre, to be indoctrinated by Pastor Manning. The Manning graduates will be transported to within 50 miles of the Dome. They will get a small survival knapsack and be expect to walk the last 50 miles to prove their commitment to the oilie / Harper / Fascist cause. Those who make it will appear in front of the stage as honour guard wearing their Harper blue uniforms and waving tiny blue Canadian flags. Harper himself will enter the Dome standing in an open car with a gasoline engine spewing pollution. The crowd of 70,000 will all have programs which will outline the program. Included will be instructions on how to do the HEIL SALUTE properly. The RCHP will monitor the Jumbotrone and anyone not making with the salute would be removed and jailed. Harper’s car would slowly circle the track to the thunderous applause, he with his arm erect. Following the car will be the marching Harper Youth and Maids. After circling the track the car would deposit Herr Harper in front of the stage. On the stage would be Tom Mulcair, Justin Trudeau and Elizabeth May all trussed up on poles with socks in their mouths. The Harper Youth and Maids would form up in front of the stage to cheer loudly at every one of Steve’s utterances. Lying Steve will be totally in his element. In control on behalf of his oil monopoly employer. Master of the monopoly’s work force, over the Oil Party MPs and followers, the adoring fans, the audience and Canada as a whole. With the American oil monopoly in charge I can see this event being staged annually. As time goes along I can also see the inmates in Harper’s concentration camps being bused to the spectacle as a sort of treat from the everyday grind. For this they will loudly express gratitude to Steve, the Head Jailer and Jenni Byrne, Camp Commandant. Jenni will decked out in her very own hobnail jackboots and her handy Hakapik. A video of this and subsequent celebrations will be shown at all schools over the coming years so that the young will learn who their lord and master is, from whom all things flow like food and shelter. Or maybe no. The young will be taught never to question the American oil monopoly. The gagged and trussed up Mulcair, Trudeau and May would serve as a warning to all those who might just consider protesting. Bill 51 allows this treatment for all terrorists. Having a counter opinions is not something appreciated by Herr Harper. In fact, under Lyin Steve, it will even be a crime to think bad thoughts. Gossip will be monitored. Telling on a neigbour will bring extra rations. Torture will get it out of you if you do think bad thoughts. As you are stretched on the rack you might just think back in time and ask yourself, WHY DIDN’T I TAKE A STAND FOR DEMOCRACY WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE??? Winston Churchill famously said, ” It is the right of all peoples to chose the form of government under which they live “. I chose to live in a democracy in this Canada of our’s. I reject the US rightpublicanazi system. I will do everything I am legally able to do to prevent the takeover of this Country by the American oil monoply. If that doesn’t work I will give the matter some more thought.

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The foregoing is a complete fantasy. But it is no more ridiculous than living in Harperland, as we do to-day. We here, now live in a fantasy concocted by the American oil monopoly, Herr Harper and ably assisted by the Nazi media. All that is available to Canadians, other than truth on the CBC, is a sort of fantasy presented us on Nazi TV and in the press. There are some, many, most [ ??? ] Canadians who see past this fantasy, have their eyes firmly focused on reality. And are prepared to man the ramparts. But the future of this Country really depends on what percentage of Canadians actually live in and are satisfied with this oilie / Harper fantasy ??? Detail about which are brought to you 24 hours a day by the usual suspects, the Canadian Nazi media, newspapers, Mclean’s and TV [ not the CBC ]. Harper, his Fascist Government, the oilies and big businesses think the majority of the population in this Country are ignoramuses. Just look at the stuff the National Post, the Globe and Tar and Mclean’s publish and the commentary on CTV. It is much below the level of adult conversation. Even a 16 year old would see through the lies, false news and rightie propaganda. The righti stenographic team goes onto the ice each day with no opposition. They pump pucks into an empty net and congratulate themselves. Even the lowest form of life can shoot a puck into an undefended net. But life doesn’t fill barrels up with fish for mentally challenged righties. The right has no ability to anticipate troubles and no ability to fix said troubles. Their focus is on gain control by fair or foul and filling their pockets. With climate change now upon the USA, Canada and England it is interesting that the cause for Global Warming has now been established by the Republicans in Huston. They have determined that homosexuals, witchcraft, abortions and the Environmental Protection agency are at fault. So we can write off the American oil monopoly from taking any action on Climate change. Flowing from that, we can determine that the Republicans, the Harper Fascists and the Cameron Conservatives will likewise take no action due to their reliance on oilie funding. Further the world Nazi media moguls, in the employ of the US oil monopoly out of Huston will work very had to lie, confuse and mislead the viewers / readers. The righties think the multitudes in the US, Can, and the UK are stupid. What would they expect of populations that are purposely lied to by the world Nazi media? The right is convinced the citizenry in the Western world has thoroughly and permanently befuddled. This, because the world papers [ not the Guardian ] keep printing this anti Global Warming hokum. And the networks [ not the CBC, PBS and BBC ] keep commenting on the hokum. The unknown factor is how many Canadian toadstools are there??? Somebody out there is certainly buying the Post, the Globe and the Star. And someone is watching CTV and Global. Those so afflicted will determine the future of Canada. I believe in majority rule. If the majority in this Country, after a fair and honest vote, indicate they want to live their lives under the American oil monopoly boot. Then so be it. For good or for ill I am wedded to the acceptance of THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

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I am Anglican who does not go to church. In my younger years I had my fill of churches. I do not turn the other cheek, I will not be bullied or intimidated, I don’t get angry, I get even and I enjoy seeing transgressors getting their lumps. The other day our very own Greg Rickford, Minister of Natural Resources was in Houston Texas to receive Herr Harper’s latest instruction on completing the takeover of Canada and how not to deal with Global Warming. Houston, during May 2015 has been subjected to heavy rains storms. The City itself has sustained at least 50 million dollars in damages and it couldn’t happen to a finer bunch. The City that denies climate change even exists just got hammered by climate change. Deeeeelicious. This massive flooding is the work of the Republicans and the American oil monopoly. The toadstools who live in Houston and go with the Repubs and oilies flow deserve everything they got. And there is more on the way. What has already started, the Republican drought States want to get their hands on Federal tax dollars. The taxes paid by people who are regularly ignored by the Repubs. It is so right wing. When the free marketers make yet another mistake, they look for someone else to blame or stick it to. I am a commercial pilot and studied meteorology. I used my knowledge of weather to stay alive as a bush pilot in Northern Ontario. For many year here in Toronto, I have used my understanding of the weather to plan my activities. Of prime importance has been the polar Jet Stream which crosses southern Russia, into the Pacific and then used to strike the west coast of Canada and the USA. That Jet Stream point of entry has always varied from Los Angeles to the southern coast of Alaska. If the Jet Stream was shown coming across northern BC, Ontario would get winter storms about 5 days later. If the jet Stream crossed the Central Valley in California and headed north east towards Toronto we would have warm weather in 5 days. It worked like clockwork year after year. About a year and a half into the California drought I began following the news out of California on the net. Interestingly, the US Nazi news published / publishes little weather related info in paper form or on the net. Their weather reports closely adhered to the rightie ban on any discussion about Global Warming. The weather people twisted themselves into pretzels trying to stay away from mentioning climate change. The employment of a weather person would vanish like the mist when the sun appears if he or she told the truth about Global Warming. As California return to being a desert America’s weather people are like the stewards on the Titanic who kept saying, ” go back to bed, the bump was nothing to worry about “. I am forced to keep asking the question. Why do people keep buying newspapers that lie, mislead, misinform and devote to much effort to promoting rightie propaganda? Even the farthest right of the right already know the rightie hand book from cover to cover. Therein, are all the right responses for every situation. Even if a square peg has to be driven into a round hole. Why would even challenged people pay good money for a newspaper that just repeats the rightie line over and over. I think a good move for the righties would be to buy the National Post, stick the sections up on the rec room walls. In fact a right winger who did that would be smarter than his rightie buddies. With each new offering of the National Post, the readers are drawn farther and farther into the swamp of no return. And as the Post readership move deeper into fantasy land it should be comforting to know that the leadership to never never land is being provided by those great journalists Andrew Coyne and John Ivison whose accuracy and balance are unmatched. They are ably supported by all those new graduates from the Ryerson School of Journalism, who work for Paul Godfrey for free. As the California drought persisted and deepened more and more, information became available from academics and Calif. bloggers, certainly not the Nazi media. This additional weather stuff was added to my own experience and a picture began to emerge. Almost ten months ago I began clipping weather maps which shows the Jet Stream. The jet Stream NO LONGER GOES NEAR CALIFORNIA. WHY??? Excessive heat that is here permanently. It is beyond the reach of man. There are now 2 distinct avenues for the Jet Stream. All year long the prefered path is a dip down over the Pacific after leaving southern Russia. The Jet Stream then heads towards North America as usual but unlike the past it now heads NE towards BC and Alaska. You must understand that my weather experience is from 50 years ago when there were maybe 200 weather station across Canada reporting to Ottawa. The accuracy rate was about 76%. To-day that success rate has fallen to 61%. That’s progress right? Some brilliant mind in Ottawa determined that the use of computers located on the Rideau River would save money. So most of the weather stations were closed, many were located at airports. So the cost of closing the system was not that great. Wally would just call in at the appointed time and say,” we have low cloud and it is raining like hell “. Ground observations can’t be replaced by computer whizes sitting in front of a screen. The Weather Bureau of old, could take all those local observations and temperatures, received on continuing basis and create a moving map of conditions. Those who ventured forth under sail a 1000 years ago, mastered the world and not one of them had a computer. I think for the ancient mariners, it was a matter of gathering as much info on conditions as possible and making an educated guess. Computers are only equipped with past conditions which may not fit the new circumstances. When US Airways FL 1549 swallowed a flight of birds and lost both engines, Capt. Chesley Sullenberger set the Airbus A 320 down on the Hudson River without loss of life. The aircraft Flight Manual was of no help. Captain ” Sully ” made the whole thing up as he went along. Climate change is the same type of situation. It is entirely new, we have never experienced anything like this before. So all the computer modelling going on right now, is an attempt by the weather people to hide from climate change. As planned they have come up empty handed. Actually the failure to define Global Warming by hiding behind computers is a godsend to the weather people. They are not forced to use their noggins like Captain ” Sully ” did. The upside for the meteorologists, is that they get to keep their jobs. Obviously a paycheque is more inportant that the future of the planet. Self castration, by the weather folk, certainly helps the rightpublicanazi politicians in the US, Can. and UK, to avoid having to deal with climate change. The meteorologists certainly have the ability to link Global Warming to the drought in California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Utah, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, N and S Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. The worst fear of the American oil monopoly and the Republicans, that a simple explanation connecting Global Warming to the violent weather being experienced worldwide will be made public. I just did. The oil monopoly, is an illegal, global supply-management system, maintained by the right wing Governments in the USA, Can. and the UK. The uncertainty about this matter of a worsening climate is actually easy for Houston to understand but the oilies and righties refuse to rethink their untenable position that climate change is just a hoax. Those who deny Global Warming will pay a bigger price than they can ever imagine. If the rightpublicanazis perish, serves them right. It is the innocent people that they are planning to take with them that are my concern. The oilies have hired thousands of climate deniers who fill the ranks of the media [ not the CBC, PBS, BBC and the Guardian ]. Peter Foster, who writes for Paul Godfrey’s National Post is a prime example of a mentally challenged being who has been given 1/3 rd of a page every few days to regurgitate oilie propaganda. Those who believe Foster’s blather, will also pay a price as Global Warming intensifies. Any village idiot can become a climate denier. All one has to do is copy oil monopoly E-Mails. It is a matter of being able to hold a pen and create confusion, anxiety and doubts as per the oil monopoly instructions, that accompany a paycheque. Citizens who are side tracked and are not given answers about Global Warming by the media are easy prey and easily fooled. Are you comfortable living the short life of a fool??? For at least 15 years, the US oil monopoly has purposely led people astray using the same tactics used by the tobacco industry in an earlier time. And the Governments in Washington, Ottawa and London have not seen fit to enlighten 400 million people whose futures and very lives depend on action. Let’s go back to the Jet Stream as it streams over the west coast from north of San Francisco to southern Alaska. For almost two years the Jet Stream has avoided California like the plague. No Jet Stream, no Pacific moisture. The polar Jet Stream always followed a path between the heat of the Equator and the cold of the north Pole, with the odd local event like a volcano altering its’ path. This median path varies around the globe due to land masses and oceans. In the old days, the Jet Stream split the difference and arrive quite often on the California coast bringing Pacific moisture, the rain turned into snow at higher elevations. As the ice at the Pole continues to melt north of North America and the Equator has increased in temp, it is easy to see why the Jet Stream is following a wider ranging, more northerly track as time goes by. Circling the earth at the Equator are two air systems called the Hadley Cells [ north and south ] more or less like hollow hula hoops made of air. The hot air directly over the Equator rises to a great height and flows either north or south. As the air cools it begins to fall, eventually reaching the ground either north or south. That air is then sucked back to the Equator, heated again, after which it rises again and repeats the process. The Hadley Cells are like two Tornado funnels encircling the globe at the Equator. During winter in the Northern Hemisphere our Hadley Cell shrinks in diameter. The one to the south increases in diameter. In the summer, the Northern Hadley Cell abuts the California Heat Pillar and the hot air from the Equator can’t fall to earth. So the Equator hot air joins the California hot air and moves farther north. Eventually all this hot air cools as it approaches the Canadian Rockies and the Alaskan coast and creates a large high pressure area. This is the high pressure the weather wogs can’t figure out, well there you be. Some of California’s moisture in now falling on BC. Increased rain adds to the snow load in the Rockies. This means in the Spring, there is more flooding in Alberta. With less moisture falling on California the ground there has been getting hotter. The water in San Diego Bay is 7 deg F hotter than it used to be. The increase in heat means what moisture remain there, evaporates faster. With insufficient water, more and more land is being abandoned. This increase in black earth exposed to the sun means that thousands of acres of bare ground are heating up. The Sierra Nevada Mountains have risen about two feet due to heat expansion. In some places, at 10,000 ft in the peaks the ground surface is above freezing. The rain used to fall as snow in the mountains. Now the rain that falls just runs away but at the wrong time. At least 100 ski resorts have been forced to close, it is even too warm to make snow. If you look at the satellite shots, you can see the heat in the California mountains is transitioning northward to the mountains in Oregon and Washington, right up to the Canadian border. This makes sense. If you heat a 3 ft steel rod at one end with a welding torch you had better not touch the other end without welding gloves. The rock in the mountains acts the same way. The snow load in California right now is about 10% of normal. Oregon is at 25% and Washington is about 30%. The meager snow melt in Oregon and Washington, this year means drought in both States. The lack of snow in the mountains all along the coast mean the States on the eastern slopes will suffer water shortages as well. The Colorado River will probably run dry part of the year before 2020. That means the Hoover Dam will have no water and the Grand Canyon will be nothing but a dry gulch. California will get NO WATER from the Colorado. Hello Houston. But I know that nobody is listening. There are now regular dust storm in California, Texas and Oklahoma. Like the dirty 30s are back man. but the Republicans keep denying the obvious. California has become a huge heat pillar, like above a burner on a stove. This towering column of hot air is now beyond the control of mankind, like a runaway train with no brakes. This heat pillar forces the polar Jet Stream to travel a more northerly path most of the time theses days, depositing more moisture in BC and subsequently, in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. If Canada remains a democracy and we still have a national Government in Ottawa that cares about the people, the new path of the Jet Stream will have to be recognized and address. Alberta is in the hot seat. A subject that Paul Godfrey might explore, if only we could get the Post to stop wasting so much ink on attacking Notley and the NDP. But then again Paul, I know how important those oilie cheques are. So California, Oregon, Washington and the Western States are locked into a drought situation that will just run its’ course no matter what people do now. The horse has escaped. We don’t need the US rich and the fittest at this time in our history. They are worse than useless like Jeb Bush and his brother Georgie Jr. We need leaders with the ability to adapt in classic Darwin style. America has no clout when it comes to stopping the march of the drought, neither does it have enough money in the mint to deal with the fallout, because it will stays the Republican course. Global Warming is mostly affecting those countries closer to the Equator. Canada, being farther north will get warmer and suffer from more extreme weather events but for the foreseeable future our climate is manageable. I repeat, is manageable. It won’t be manageable forever, we have to seize this moment. All bets are off if the oilies and rightpublicanazis take control of Canada. Our goose will be cooked as the US IS NOW. Once the Jet Stream arrives in Alberta it is forced in a southerly direction by the cold rocky outcroppings of the Canadian Arctic. Our rocks holds the cold but don’t melt. The jet stream swoops down below the Great Lakes and across the middle states. In the winter the Jet Stream now brings extremely cold weather to Superior and the central States. Rather than the Governors of Republican States spend their time bashing unions, attacking same sex marriages / abortions and oppressing minorities it might be a good time now to deal with the onrush of climate change. That has got to be one of the most stupid statements I HAVE EVER MADE. There isn’t a hope in hell that a single Republican has the guts to break ranks with his Tea Party masters and confront Global Warming. The USA is going to fry and be taken down by civil unrest. The minority Aryan element is just too small in numbers to prevail, no matter how many police they have on their side. As the Jet Stream approaches the eastern seaboard, it is forced to travel to the north west, pushed by the northerly winds out in the Atlantic and the warm Gulf Stream flowing north along the Atlantic coast. Again the Jet Stream is seeking the median, now between the Gulf Stream and Greenland. This track then aims right at England. With the oceans being higher and the world temperature being hotter, the storms that have pounded the UK since 2000, carry higher waves and heavier rain. In the Western USA the drought is consuming an increasing area of land, making it unlivable. And the Republicans? They are in a do nothing mode. In England there is far too much moisture and likewise, the Cameron Conservatives are also in a do nothing mode. In fact the Jet Stream is in such a well worn track now on its’ way to Britain, some airliners are facing headwinds that require them to land at Gander NF to refuel. In the Gulf of Mexico, the winds blow from the south and carry moisture into Mexico, Texas and the Gulf States. But the Jet Stream swoops down into the middle states now. It redirects that Gulf moisture away from the States that need it and pushes the moisture towards the Eastern seaboard. The Gulf moisture and the moisture from the Atlantic Gulf Stream combine to drench the eastern seaboard and in the winter tons of snow are dumped. Houston are you listening? Harper are you listening? David Cameron are you listening? Apparently there ain’t nobody home. Many great empires have come and gone. There is a common thread passing through each. A corrupt, incompetent and deaf leadership. And a dishonest press that takes money to support the forgoing. Th final piece of the puzzle is a docile public, not given to stirring themselves, even in the face of clear danger. The American have lost their fight. Canadians have a chance to change the march of Global Warming history, if they can bestir themselves? Come the Fall and we will know the answer. One more Jet Stream story. From my clippings I noticed that in Nov., Dec., Jan., Feb., and March, on occasion the Jet Stream entered North America through Mexico and again to avoid the California heat pillar. That was a real puzzle, seeing my theory of the Stream path relies on it seeking the median between hot and cold. With the Northern Hadley Cell getting up, close and personal with the California Heat Pillar, I could not understand why the Jet Stream would just pile its’ way through all that heat in Mexico. Then it struck me that the Hadley Cells would grow cooler [ contract ] in our Winter and heat up [ expand ] in our Summer. Much research proved that is exactly the case. So in Winter, our Hadley Cell contracts and take a much smaller profile and lower. The reduction in height opens up an escape route over Mexico for the cool northerly Alaskan surface winds that blow down the California coast. In the middle of May, I read about the flooding, first in Northern Texas at Lubbock on the 4th and then Corsicana on the 11th of May. The Jet Stream had used this sort of Mexico escape route before, during late 2014 / early 2015. Then the flooding hit Houston, a poorly planned City from the get go, during May 14 to May 28. I decided to check the location of the Jet Stream during the time of the Texas flooding. The Stream was crossing the Texas area from May 6 to May 28/15. At exactly the same time as the massive flooding. For 3 weeks the Jet Stream crossed Mexico over Chihuahua State and on May 29, it had gone back to its’ track over BC. Coincidence, I don’t think so. During normal times, the Jet Stream would have crossed California due to that State being cooler than Mexico, then parked under the northern Hadley Cell. What has developed over California now is a towering heat pillar which has created an abnormal hot wall, in which the air is moving vertically, through which moisture laden air can’t penetrate. It is my guess that on May 6 /15, the Jet Stream, heavy with moisture, crossed the Pacific at a lower Latitude and found that cool portal over Chihuahua, Mexico. Once over Mexico, the Stream picked up moisture from winds blowing north over the Gulf of Mexico. This Gulf moisture was forced to make a hard right hand turn over Texas and Oklahoma. The weather forecasts I clipped show the rain accompanying the Jet Stream on any given day. For 3 weeks, the Jet Stream streamed over Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma and and thus the rain. Since the 29th of May the Jet Stream has been up in the Vancouver area. I did some reading about Houston and its’ flood defenses. There are almost no such defenses. Federal engineers did work in Houston and noted the City was built on flat land that was poorly drained. There were no provisions to drain excess water they said. The only areas in Houston, where excess water can go are the sewers, roadways and and sunken expressways. But in the land of the free and home of the brave governments can’t tell citizens how to live their lives. If one wants to live in an area where the chances are good that you and your family will drown. In the USA you can make that choice. After Hurricane Hazel in 1954, the Ontario Government under Leslie Frost mandated flood proofing in the southern part of the Province. The Progressive Conservative took bold action to protect the citizenry. The Government had an obligation to take the crisis in hand. In the 1980s, a major rain storm rolled through Michigan, then into Ontario. Michigan had no flood proofing. Ontario had been flood proofed. The damages in Michigan amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars. Ontario damages were less than ten percent of the American State. Letting every man look after his own interests, rarely if ever works in a democracy. The will of the majority has stood the West in good stead for 800 years. The will of the majority is a treasure worth defending. In Canada, if the majority is well informed, we shall be successful in adapting to the coming changes brought on by Global Warming. At this critical time, the National Post papers are doing their level best to mislead Canadians on Global Warming. If we don’t protect our democracy against the Fascists and Paul Godfrey now, there is every chance that innocent people will someday be put behind barbed wire fences in a camp where Jenni ” Hakapik ” Byrne will reign supreme as Commandant. The antics of Harper’s muscle, Jenni Byrne reminds me of Irma Grese, the SS guard at Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen. Irma was a sadist who committed a long list of crimes. Grese was always decked out in hob nail boots and carried a whip and pistol. But Irma prefered to use the whip as the victim would suffer more. She was only 22 years old. In Hamlin Jail, Dec. 1945, Grese and two other women guard where hanged by long drop. Irma was defiant till the very end. So Jenni like.

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In terms of a one sided debate Herr Harper is searching for, confusion reigns supreme. That should come as no surprise because Kory Teneycke is involved. This misguided young man reminds me of another notable Canadian Fascist, Ezzie La Rant. Big with the mouth, attached to the tiniest of brains. Kory too talks nonsense. Both Ezzie and Kory have failed to find success in any endeavour they have tried so far in their lives. The have fanned on every real pitch. I label them losers. They are very close to Herr Harper and are almost the match of the master in their ability to lie, with every breath. I watched Kory being interviewed on TV trying to explain what Harper is trying to do in term of having debates. Teneycke’s gibberish loses me every time. I wouldn’t trust Kory to have the mental capacity to take my bike to the service station to get air in the tires. I don’t know who Kory thinks he is fooling. He is a poor deluded soul who should stay in the shadows to hide his towering ignorance. However in the right wing world and the rightie papers, such self appointed exceptionalist souls are given a place of honour. Expressly because of their limited smarts and their inability to think for themselves. They excellent at taking orders. Did you watch the Eichmann Trial. How will Harper succeed in trying to suck and blow at the same time. Lyin Steve wants the fame debate coverage brings, he praises democracy but with every move he tries to take democracy away. But he is DEATHLY AFRAID to actually face any adult in a debate??? Curiously Teneycke has picked Mclean’s, Munk Centre, Globe and Tar and Google USA to replace the Canadian networks that have the experience, with a much wider reach. But Harper will only perform where and when his appointed drones are in charge. By changing the format, it will be new to everyone and easier to manipulate to Harper’s advantage Mclean’s is a Fascist rag, nothing they print can be trusted. The Munk Centre is run by a staunch rightie in Rudyard Griffiths of unknown origin. David Thomson, is an absentee owner, who allows an anti democratic mob to run his Globe and Tar. And as far as Google is concerned I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them. Having Americans in on our debates is just another steps towards the ongoing takeover of Canada by the US oil monopoly. Google frowns on free speech. Two of my posts on that Fascist, David Cameron and flood threat that England faces were taken off the Google Search Engine site. That last one to go was entitled, ” UK Election 2015 / Comments from over here / Nicola Sturgeon is one of the most dishonest politicians I have ever encountered “. Its’ activity number, which I do not understand reached 52,000,000, then it vanished into thin air off the Google site. We know that Harper is stifling free speech, we also know David Cameron is opposed to free speech and apparently Google is willing to kiss ass to accommodate these despots. Should Google be anywhere near our debates, no sir. Many countries have come and gone. Their going keeps getting repeated. The leadership was either stupid or corrupt. There was a dishonest press like the National Post. And a lot of toadstools Does this description fit Canada now? If the majority of Canadians are toadstools, then this Nation is toast??? We only have a few months to wait, then we will have our answer. It will either be treading on those sunny upland slopes or the ovens???

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Let’s get to the meat of the matter, the campaign to smear Rachel Notley and her Alberta NDP Government is in full-court press mode. The American oil monopoly and their employee Harper have deluged the 100 or so Canadian Nazi papers with bushels of cash to try to destroy Notley and her NDP Government. The oilies smeared Don Getty out of Office. The oilies smeared Ed Stelmach out of Office. The oilies smeared Alison Redford out of Office. And here we go again with Rachel Notley. The American oil monopoly, which has been stealing Alberta’s petroleum resources for 30 years is not about
to tolerate any back talk from Albertans, especially the NDP. Even though people have spoken, the oilies are not about to let democracy interfere with their thieving. In 2012 only 40% of the Province’s eligible voter cast a ballot. A month weeks ago the turnout was more than 58%. One of the monopoly’s stenographers wrote in his newspaper that Albertans were stupid to vote in the NDP. 2 Days after the 2012 Election Danielle Smith said that Albertans were stupid because they didn’t vote for her. Such rightie misthinkers get this kind of thing from the anti democratic, University of Calgary. The ghost of Niezsche said that there are overmen and there are undermen. The minority Aryans on the right think they are the overmen. Every thing Herr Harper and those around him do smacks of them being the overmen. Even though they only have one vote like you, THEY consider you a nobody. When HARPER takes away our voting rights, then you in truth will actually be a nobody. Somebody that no longer has a voice. The University teaches Nietzsche myth and the art of lying to our vulnerable young people. If the oilies / Harper combo lose in the Fall we should close the the University of Calgary, the home of the right wing Fifth Column in Canada. The University has done far too much damage to this Country already. All the American profs can be deported to the University of Chicago to make an even bigger mess in the USA. The Manning Institute for the destruction of Democracy is another nest of vipers, which graduates the Harper Youth and Maids. Adding insult to injury, Revenue Canada has smiled on Preston Manning and granted the Pastor charity status, so he gets to use taxpayer’s money to undermine our Nation. Now as far as David Suzuki is concerned, Joe ” the Lip ” Oiliver labeled his Foundation a bunch of ECO Terrorist. So once the takeover of Canada is completed by the American oil monopoly, anyone who doesn’t like what the oilies are doing will be declared a terrorist, be picked up by the RCHP and handed over to Hakapik Jenni for disposal. Run away Stevie Harper, Preston Manning, Tom Flanagan, Danielle Smith, Runaway Jimmy Prentice, Conrad Black, the boys on the PMO, his Fascist MPs and Nazi papers / TV stations [ not the CBC ] have absolutely no respect for Canada being a democracy, it is a major irritant to them on their way to making us a petro state. How much of an irritant democracy is, can be shown by the oilie / righty reaction to Rachel Notley and her new and brave NDP Government. It takes guts to stride into the lair of the oilie monster and whack it on the nose with a pipe. So the oilie monster is not about to take such an affront lying down. 100 Canadian newspapers have been assemble by theoilies to make sure Notley and the NDP have their eyes blackened many times over. So if you buy one of the Nazi papers or watch the Nazi TV networks [ not the CBC ], you will be aiding the undermining of Canada’s democratic system. If the oilies / Harper do succeed in the takeover and you decide you don’t like what you see, just look in the mirror for the person to blame.

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If you read me you will know I have a file on the Smearing of Alison Redford, the total number of clippings was over 250 during her time in Office. I wonder how much money the American oil monopoly paid Godfrey’s PostMedia and Thomson’s Globe and the like to drive Redford from Office? The Globe and Tar itself printed more than 60 smear articles during the campaign, with their Gary Mason being the chief hatchet man. Gary is a 3rd rate writer would works out of his basement apartment in BC. The Globe was too cheap to set someone up in Alberta who would really know what was going on. Mind you it did work out nicely. The oilie chiefs in Houston would arrange for the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers to develop Redford Smear copy. This would then be forwarded to Godfrey’s PostMedia papers and the Globe and Tar. Mason would be sent his general assignment outline. Mason would add his own twist but the content was the same in all the papers. This is then what the Globe printed. The problem for CAPP was and is that oilie scribes across the Country, put the same garbage in their own words, the lies and misinformation are sort of the soup of the day. This is a new low for journalism. Then the same false news and CAPP lies appeared / appear instantaneously across Canada. The Globe and Tar never intended that Albertans should read Gary Mason’s attacks on Redford because he was too vague on the local scene. This, because he wasn’t there in situ. The Globe’s job was to poison the minds of Canadians who had and have no source of the truth about the West, other than the CBC. The campaign to ruin Premier Redford’s reputation across the land worked. Also the oilies paid insider PCs to sabotage the Alberta Government. The reason was the fact that her National Energy Strategy was drawing the other Provinces into common cause about the energy question and climate change. Redford’s reputation had to be destroyed across the Country. Harper, Joe Oiliver and the OIL MONOPOLY DIDN’T LIKE WHAT PREMIER REDFORD WAS DOING. This monstrous ruination of a honest Premier who had a MANDATE FROM THE PEOPLE could not have taken place without the willingness of Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich to join forces with the oilies in return for cash. With PostMedia papers, the Globe and Tar and the Star oilie cash trumps the truth. Lies pay much, much better. Big lies repeated often pay even better. These 250 plus Smears against Redford paid no attention to the fact that Albertans had elected Alison and her Government, giving her 61 seats. I have watched CAPP officials interviewed on TV. It is amazing that all they do is tell lies. The CAPP copy that flowed to Post Media papers was similar but the Calgary / Edmonton papers were able to insert local information to bolster the impact of the Redford Smear organized by the oilies with local mini Smears of their very own. When Alison Redford first appeared on the scene I thought she was a keeper, being an orphan PCer myself. My Progressive Conservative Parties, both Federal and in Ontario have been taken over by the Rightpublicanazis. Redford had good creds. Even before the 2012 election, all the papers attacked her, most of the stuff being written about Alison was pure garbage. The oilies handed Danielle Smith a pot full of money to start the Wildrose Party. The phony Wildrose was not based on people in Alberta coming forth behind a new rightie movement. The Wildrose attract a lot of bad apples and weak minded candidates to a party with loads of free oilie money and complete support of all the media also paid for by the oil monopoly. A week before the election in 2012 there were 9 polling outfits forecasting a big Wildrose win, the pollsters end up with egg covered faces. Even that rightie, fuzzy thinker, Andrew Coyne wrote about the huge Wildrose win that was going to happen. Only Andrew did this on the Friday before the election. Coyne’s poor excuse for journalism was printed on the Monday and Coynes article was splashed on the 7 or so net sites Godfrey has operating under different names. This flim flam is designed to cheat the advertisers. Who after all this time must be the dumbest in the land to still be putting ads in the Post. You should boycott every advertiser in the Post. These advertiser don’t believe in democracy and are now doubt just as crooked as Godfrey. Of course, to Andrew Coyne’s amazement Redford won with 61 seats. Notley has 54 seats. Redford beat Smith and left the Wildrose as a rump Party. Coyne like a true rightie he is ducked reponsibility for his bad column and slithered away. Righties never admit mistakes. In is not in the rightie nature to man up. They eiter hide in a closet or cry like Dean Del Mastro and Paul Calandra. Godfrey quickly pulled all of Andrews comments off the net in a full but silent retreat. The pollsters themselves, all ran away and hid in various closets. Instead of respecting the people’s choice in 2012, the American oil monopoly moved into high gear. The oilies switched into their destructive mode with all the Alberta Nazi media aboard as paid retainers. The oilies spread money around within the PC Party itself to disloyal members of the Government to sabotage the Redford Cabinet and her efforts from inside. Day one, after the election the oilie Smears started. Smith called Albertans stupid which shows clearly that she had / has no respect for our democracy. Righties feel that they are exceptional and therefore know better than the ignorant as masses outlined in the Nietzsche Myth. Courses on Nietzsche and Leo Strauss are taught at the University of Calgary [ the centre for the oilie campaign to take possession of Canada ]. The American oil monopoly management in Houston, always hides in the shadows and pays defective people like Harper, Manning, Smith, Flanagan, Dr. Elizabeth Cannon, Jim Prentice, Gary Mason, Andrew Coyne, Paul Godfrey, David Thomson et al to do their dirty work and disseminate the oilie lies. After more than 250 smears Premier Redford resigned but retained her seat. Not like the yellow Jim Prentice who ran away before the ballots in his riding were even counted fully. Now there is a story for you Paul? Mind you Prentice is just following a long line of Conservative leaders who high tailed it for the hills when adversity struck. Brian Mulroney, who was taking cash while PM skedaddled. As did Mike Harris, leaving a 3.5 billion dollar debt that Ontario is still paying off. Our very own Stevie Harper ran and hid in a closet when the bullets began to fly in Parliament. Harper left his own caucus members swinging in the wind. When does the bulb go on in the Fascist MP’s heads? Chances are there is no bulb? Whenever problems arise on the HILL, Harper grabs an aeroplane and flees globally. But this is the quality of rightie leadership in North America, they wet their pants at the first sign of trouble. As drought destroys California, Oregon, Washington State, Texas, Oklahoma and the southwest, all Republicans can say is they don’t believe the climate is warming. It is that old righties default position, wishing will make it go away. The USA truly is the land of the oppressed minorities and the home of the wimps. Survival of the fittest, oh really, what a laugh. The assault on Premier Redford by the American oil monopoly and the Nazi media was relentless and traitors inside the PC Party made governing for her impossible. When the oilies drove Redford from office, Democracy died that day in Alberta. I think Redford had had enough and being the class act that she is, she resigned as Premier. I applaud her exit, a wise woman. Alison could not possibly have stood up to oil monopoly, PC turncoats, all the western Nazi papers and the hundreds of oh too willing hired guns who involved themselves in what amounts to gang rape. All the copyists who played a roll in driving Redford from office are Enemies of Canada. These weak minded scribes care little about democracy in this Country. They deserted us in a blink when the oilie cash showed up. Then 4 By-Elections were declared in Alberta. In response the Nazi press began forecasting a new Wildrose revolution, the secret wish of the Houston oilies. The only problem is that Danielle Smith didn’t win a single one of those By-Elections. Jim Prentice won a seat, the PCs got all 4. That is when Alberta derailed. It was back to the drawing board for the oilies. The brains at oil monopoly headquarters in Huston decided that the Wildrose experiment had not worked out as intended. The US oil monopoly pulled the funding from Danielle Smith’s crew. They offered their oilie cash to Jim Prentice. The Wildrose was broke in a month. Pastor Manning seeing the prize of one party government looming in the Province, one now controlled by Houston, caused Preston to arrange a marriage between the Wildrose and the Petroleum Conservatives. Prentice must have thought he had died and gone to heaven. Full monetary backing of the oilies, a much weakened Wildrose Party and the triumphant PC. The Liberals and NDP were not even on the screen. The end of democracy had arrived. Manning had worked for 30 years to see this day. All the money spent by the oil monopoly to secure control over Alberta as a stepping stone to taking over Canada was about to come true. And thoughts of sugar plum fairies filled the heads Harper, Manning, Prentice, Danielle Smith and the University of Calgary. All Jimbo had to do was submit an oil friendly budget / punish the little people for not looking in their mirrors often enough and call a snap Election. The right considers Albertans as being stupid and that they’d elect Prentice Premier in a cake walk. Once elected it would have been a job and money for life for Jimbo Prentice, the same deal the oilies made with little Stevie Harper. The Calgary University teaches the idea, get into power by fooling people. Then gradually do away with the voter’s franchise. And by the time the people wake up to the fact they have been enslaved, it is too late for them to do anything about it. Hitler did the same thing in 1933. The righties think Canadians are so stupid that this Nazi ruse will work once again here. It is interesting, that all during the time the Premier Redford Smear was ongoing and after Alison resigned the oilies and Nazi media ignored Albertans completely. It was as if the majority of the population in the Province just vanished. Since the Can. Wheat Board was illegally closed by Harper, the plight of 300,000 western farmers has also been ignored by the Nazi press. Just to bring you up to date. The farmers are now at the mercy of American Food Conglomerates. Farmer’s prices are low and the consumer prices are high. But if Harper is defeated like prentice, we can fix that grain problem as we can fix the petroleum problem. In terms of the Reford Smear campaign, Godfrey and his PostMedia papers believed they had accomplished what the oilies paid them to do, that democracy was in the dumpster in Alberta. And again the righties counted their chickens, Canada would be next in their grasp. And like in 2102, the hirelings, Andrew Coyne, the other stenographers and the pollsters in that earlier time counted their chickens before they hatched. Not a good strategy. Come election day and Rachel Notley and the NDP won a comfortable majority. The NDP wiped the Petroleum Conservatives off the map. To my thinking, the quick exit by runaway Jimmy Prentice, drove the last nail in the coffin of the Alberta PCs. So what do the oilies in Houston and our Fascists do when they fail so miserably AGAIN. They go back and do the same things all over again. This because the right will NEVER ADMIT TO MAKING MISTAKES, so they never learn from those mistakes. That is why they are so dangerous as climate change wreaks havoc on the world. The Wildrose got more seats than the Prentice Conservative. Houston has cut off funding to the PCs and the Party has gone broke. Brian Jean, the Wildrose leader has oilie funding back. Manning, after his blunder is in hiding. Danielle Smith is no longer of any use so she is now being Smeared by the Western Nazi press. But Smith knows when the righties no longer have a use for you, it is under the bus. Albertans must realize the American oil monopoly is a really danger to their Province now. The oil monopoly out of Houston is like a wounded animal, very dangerous. The oilies will not accept the NDP as the Government of Alberta and have set out, with the help of Paul Godfrey and David Thomson to trash the Province, even if Albertans go into the dumpster. If the oilies can’t have Alberta then they will not let the Albertans be masters in their own house. The Smear campaign against Rachel Notley and the NDP started the first day after the election. Due to my long experience with the Redford Smear campaign I knew Notley would be the next target. The Mulroney Sun left it to page 12 and barely mention the NDP win. There was a nice picture of Rachel and a little tiny bit of copy. On the opposite page Lorne Gunter, he of RCMP High River loose gun seizures caper, wrote a nice tribute to Herr Harper covering a whole page. Heil Harper. When the Notley Government was sworn into office the Sun didn’t give any coverage to that event. Reading the Sun chain of newspapers is akin to reading comic books. But the comics are actually better. Because they are at least funny and have some useful purpose. Attacking Herr Harper’s opponents each and every day does get rather tiresome. So after a month of clipping articles from Harper’s worshipful Nazi press I can report on the media Notely Smear campaign. There are three kinds of articles being used to attack Rachel Notley. There are pieces which are clearly attacks on the NDP, using False News [ illegal in Canada ], made up stuff and lies. The same approach that was used with the Redford Smears. The oilie stenographers are so pedestrian. So devoid of any imagination, curiosity or honesty? These mentally challenged rightie scribes should really be doing nothing more than cleanup with a dustpan and broom, if that? Then there is the rightie spin taken directly from the right wing hand book. The right wing template is laid over every event and described in that vein. If things get left out, it is okay. If the time line is alter, it is okay. If a few lies are inserted, it is okay. The other Yellow press approach is the poison soup articles. Wherein the headline and initial contents show the promise of conveying the positives about the intended victim. But the real hit comes at the very end. It is that final low blow that you are supposed to remember. It is dishonest but hey, when were the righties ever honest about anything??? Armed with the truth our freedom is guaranteed. All adrift because of their lies, leads us to servitude. The Nazi media since 1933 has use the same approach over and over, it is so predictable. In fact, when I read the papers to-day, I look at the headline, go a few paragraphs into the piece and then go to the end to see what Andrew Coyne, John Ivison, Claudia Cattaneo, Peter Foster, Gary Mason, Martin Regg Cohn and Jen Gerson are really saying. It would seem that Gerson, a bright, bubbly air head working for the the Godfrey PostMedia papers, has learned her lessons well. Jen knows the rightie hand book from cover to cover and makes full use of it, as well as other handy hard right writings. Considered by righties to be enshrined in stone. The problem for Gerson is that the rightie ideology takes centre stage on each and every outing. Her work can be dismissed as her residing in Harperland. A fantasy place, in which all Canadian ultralright types dwell. It is the land of wishful thinking. The theme song of the right is, ” Wishing Will Make It So “. In the cases where wishing doesn’t work the righties are convinced they can buy the result they wish for. It would seem that the Rightpublicanazis have more money than China has tea, stolen from the people. But in the climate chaos they have met their match. The righties do not have the ability to adapt to the warming, they can’t buy its’ removal and they can’t ignore it. In life there are two abiding forces, human nature and mother nature. In terms of human nature, the righties during the last 100 years of the cult’s existence in the USA, has wasted huge resources trying to convince their weak minded followers that it is the right wing way is the only highway. A world educational organization did a survey of 166,000 children which was just released. American children scored at the bottom of the educational scale. Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Canada were at the top. This process left the educators wondering if the children were affected by the intelligence of their parents. In another study, they found that American kids were the dumbest because their parents were the dumbest of all the countries surveyed. This is exactly what the Republicans have been working on since the Ronald Reagan years. Turn the ignorant majority in the US, into slaves of the Aryan race??? Didn’t we fight Wars, 1914 to 1918 and 1939 to 1945 to put an end to this elitist thinking??? During the Great Dust Bowl the Republicans mounted a challenge to FDR’s Agriculture Adjustment Act which provided farm relief, supported grain / beef prices and worked to prevent banks from foreclosing on farms. Also under attack was the New Deal program, National Industrial Recovery Act which imposed restrictions on corporations to stop them from abusing workers? The Supreme Court at that time, was heavily weighted with Republican appointees whose every decision was framed by the right wing ideology as is Harper’s agenda to-day. The Court was told that Roosevelt was taking too many powers unto himself, as the Constitution stated mistakenly, that everyman should be allowed to live or die at his own hand, in total isolation. Disorganized and desperate people can’t be left to their own devices. SOCIETY HAD TO STEP IN TO CLEAN UP THE RIGHTIE MESS. FDR was elected to do just that and the will of the people is supreme. Under such circumstances the right wing agenda amounts to bugger all in the big scheme of things. The ruination of the little people, the Justices said, should be allowed to proceed apace without FDR sticking his nose into God’s business. Plus FDR was getting in the way of the free market system, oh horrors that the President should challenged the rightie rigged free market. It is interesting to me that it was the rich, who were the ones pushing the US Supreme Court to strike down the AAA and the NIRA. Those with money had made a fortune exacerbating the farming problems in Oklahoma and environs during the Dust Bowl. When the dust clouds swirled up the righties from Wall St. left the farmers stranded at the church. It is the same story in western Canada to-day. Harper has left the farmers hanging by the thumbs at the mercy of the US agro companies. In 1935, the right wing Justices in fact did strike down the AAA and the NIRA. The Court of righties wanted to maintain the two class system, the overmen minority and the undermen majority. It is the Niezsche Myth core of the right wing ideology. The white Aryans are superior. But this idea that a small group of exceptionalists has the right to lord it over everybody else, doesn’t fit into a democracy. The right knows that intelligent citizens won’t buy their crap. So the righties have been attacking the public school systems in an effort to promote ignorance. They see the masses as being ignorant to begin with. So a poor education, will in the end produce the graduates they hope for. It has been shown that uneducated people in the USA, swallow the rightie message and vote Republican. The danger to Harper is the number of very smart Canadians and he has attempted in every way possible to deprive citizens of information like the long census cancellation. Since that time Statistics Canada has been able to dump out stats that are Government friendly and there is no way to check for accuracy. The Banks can’t be trusted because they too sing to the Harper song book. Going back, the right actually rigged the so called free market in the 1920s and 30s. The Republicans actually caused the Great Depression as they did the meltdown 2008 / 2009. In each case it was a matter of the righties stealing the wealth Nation, more so than normal. In striking down the AAA and NIRA by the Supreme Court / Republicans handed FDR a landslide vote, who just reinstated the programs disallowed Programs. At that moment in time, as it is now, the rightpublicanazis were / are on the opposite side to the people. In 1935, the people needed and wanted help no matter what the Republicans said about God’s will and all their other nonsense. Was it God’s will that the Republicans / right should be able amass great riches while the majority withered on the vine in the 1930s? I refuse to accept the existence of such a false god! The rightie message has never changed since the 1920s when the American right and the Nazis marched in lock step. It has always been heads, they win, tails, we lose. And that so called free market is rigged to-day as it was in the 1920s, up to 1933 and from the 1980s onward. The free market is no more than loaded dice. And the Nazi press tells us every day those loaded dice really have halos. When Lyin Steve killed the Can. Wheat Board, its’ death was supposed to improve the lives of our Western farmers. That was yet another one of Steve’s lies. The CWB was gone in 2012. In 2013, western farm incomes dropped 10%. The papers said nothing and got paid to do so. In 2014 some farmers were still selling their 2013 grain. The papers said nothing and got paid to do so. But our Nazi press was paid to Smear our Alison Redford, over and over and over ************ and they did just that. The American grain corporations have been screwing Western farmers for 2 years now. By the way these Yankee bandits, announced record profits. We know exactly where those profits were stolen from, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Six years ago Archer Daniel Midland told Harper they didn’t like the Can. Wheat Board. This message was relayed to Lyin Steve by Lying Brian, our once PM, the guy who took $ 300,000 cash under the table while in office. Then Brian stole $ 2 million from Canadian taxpayer’s when he lied about the bribe in Court. In the ongoing trial of Dean Del Mastro, Mulroney stage a fund raiser, to pay Dean’s legal bills. Something like $ 30 thousand. This money was paid to the local Fascist Riding association, so payees got a tax receipt. Meaning, Canadians paid most of Del Mastro’s legal bills. For Lyin Brian, it was a matter of one crook doing a favour for another crook. Interestingly, Mulroney happens to be a director of ADM. ADM has a very spotty record when it comes to the law. The Company has been charged many times, for price fixing, paying bribes, breaking environmental regulations and so on. Mulroney fits nicely in with the ADM Board, don’t you think? In the 1990s, the CEO, Dwayne Andreas and his son were sentenced to prison and fined $100 million. Later the Company was fined another $ 400 million. At one time Dwayne Andreas was asked about the so called free market in the grain business. Dwayne’s reply was something like,” have you got rocks in your head? The grain business is one of the most corrupt in the world “. So Herr Harper lied yet again. And the Nazi press was paid to say nothing. Lyin Steve sold the killing of the CWB on the basis of the organization interfering in the mythical free market, so beloved by the righties. Steve just handed Western farmers into servitude under ADM and all the other US criminal, monopolistic grain companies. Just as Harper is selling off all of Canada to the Americans right now. If Harper is defeated and jailed the farm situation in the West can be made whole again by forming a new Federally sponsored grain marketing board with its’ own new railroad. The timing could not be better. Climate change demands we make major changes in Canada NOW! Especially in the West of the Country and Newfoundland. Lyin Steve refuses to even mouth the words Global Warming, as do the Republicans / Tea Party and David Cameron. Climate change is just not happening, so say those on the right. All of the States west of the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, right to the Pacific are now suffering from serious drought to one degree or another. This dry weather IS CAUSED by Global Warming. One Republican Governor told the press the other day, ” they don’t allow me to talk about climate change “. Last week in Houston, the Repulicans were blaming the flooding on homosexuals and witchcraft. This week their blame list increased to include abortions and the Federal Environmental Protecion Agency. Who the hell cares about the stupid people in Houston? The City can drift out into the Gulf and disappear for all I care. The right absolutely refuses to deal with Global Warming, rots of ruck to those who believe the Republican’s pitch. Canada ain’t going along with the Houstonites if I have anything to do about it. The US / Can. Nazi press, owned by the right will not even print anything about Global Warming. The American weather people can’t talk about the reasons for the increased warming in the Western USA. This bunch were hired as sentries by they are to frightened to sound the alarm. They’d lose their jobs if they spilled the beans. The whole lot of them are greedy chickenshits who put a paycheque ahead of Planet and Country. In some areas the Great Dustbowl dust storms of the 1930s have reappeared. On the net there are picture of dust clouds in Oklahoma and California in 2015. This year some of them are worse than in 1935. The Republicans, Harper and Cameron deny the existence of the affects of climate change. I am reminded of the old joke,” how do you get a mule’s attention “? Answer, ” hit him between the eyes with a two by four “. For the Repubs, Steve and Dave I don’t think even a 2 x 4 would work. In modern time the USA has no FDR to save the people’s bacon. The Democrats have turned to mush. But in the big picture Washington doesn’t matter any more. Global Warming is in charge now. Many States, the Congress and the US Supreme Court stand alone against the people. And this time they will have their way and the population will suffer because of lack of leadership. The will of the rightie god will prevail this time and the tens of millions will suffer alone and the Government will not intervene as FDR did. Mind you there is a bill in Congress, to give the rich in California, hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer’s money because the one percent there are being inconvenienced by the high heat and disappearing water. The one percenters, each require a multitude of slaves to cater to their needs. Including the 34 million Canadians as slaves will permit the US rich to maintain the lives to which they have become accustomed. In serious and very limited conversations, the movement of 100,000 million Americans from California, Oregon, Washington and the western States to around the Great Lakes area somewhere, is now being discussed. The cost of such a move will consume every cent the USA has left. The new exodus, beginning in 2017, will dwarf the number of people who left Oklahoma and neighbouring states in the late 1930s, as portrayed by the book,” The Grapes of Wrath “. The Republican are making things much worse by not raising a finger. And the US Nazi press is not bring to the attention of the American / Canadian people, the fact that not a rightie finger is moving. Most of those who will be finally forced to move will possess nothing. Do Canadians want the migrants from the western drought taking over the Great lakes??? All of their property and assets in Calif. etc will be of no value and all the little banks will have gone broke. With this disaster on the horizon, still the Republicans, Harper and the right refused to budge. Many mountain ski hills along the eastern border of California did not open this winter. Add this to the number that have close permanently. The US Nazi media, as usual says nothing. Lake Tahoe lost the last of its’ snow this March. At 10,000 ft in some mountain areas the ground is above freezing and the snow pack, as of last week was five percent of normal [ 5% ]. The Grand Canyon will be totally dry in 3 years. And still the Republicans, Harper and the right will not face the music. Their ideology prevents the right from acting. Help the little people? Not on your life, will a single rightie be seen helping Lady Black’s little folk??? So the people who park their votes with the Republicans and the Harper Fascists have potentially fastened themselves to the Death Star. If the majority of voters in North America throw in with the climate deniers, who are financed by the American oil monopoly out of Huston, then we can say goodbye to any future we might have hoped for for our children and grandkids. All of the Nazi press across this continent will never allow these stories to pass their lips. There is huge money for them in hiding the truth and telling lies. I would say to all those who buy Canadian newspapers, you are confirmed members of the Death Star Club. My hope is, that there are not enough brainless righties to extinguish this democracy of our’s. If the sane Canadians are outnumbered, it will be a short fiery trip for all of us. With stakes so high and with millions being spent by the oilies in Huston with the Nazi press, one can expect to read inflammatory and misleading copy of the ever increasing intensity. The false news, lies and oilie propaganda from Huston will bury the news about the temperature in California etc. The rightie stenographers are already frothing at the mouth looking for ways to divert the attention of WE the ignorant mob. Sometimes, a non news item gets massive coverage for no reason. So massive can the non news of the day be that all hands at the newspapers are drafted to make comment no matter how inane. Hitler did say it many times, if a lie is repeated often enough an inferior population will accept it as the truth. Paul Godfrey believes that to be true. Brian Jean, the empty headed Leader of the Wildrose responded to the Jim Prentice people, who were busy shredding documents. Jean the jerk, blamed Rachel Notley. She had not even been sworn in yet. I don’t question Brian Jean making such a stupid statement, that’s his style, right? But it should never have been featured a half dozen times in the PostMedia papers? We DO still live in a land governed by laws. At least for the next 5 months? Jim Prentice as with so many yellow right wing leaders ran away. But some of Jim’s people were not doubt paid by the American oil monopoly to shred incriminating documents. The moment the NDP Party was declared the winner I have no doubt Houston was on the phone directing the shredding operation. Jean no doubt is in on the whole story because he is bankrolled by the oilies. Jean’s comments were timed by Houston. Blaming Rachel Notley was just an oilie organized coverup. There was a real story there about the illegal shredding of documents on the orders of Houston but the Nazi press was paid to covered this one up. Rather, all the papers gave max coverage to Jean’s dribble about the NDP being responsible for the shredding. Brian Jean’s comments were so ridiculous they were ridiculous. And not even worthy of copying down. But Harper’s Nazi media is going to hunt for every smidgen of shit to hammer the NDP, even if Notley is not responsible for the shit and even if the smidge of shit is 100 years old. From now to the next election you are going to see how strident the Nazi media is capable of, the reason, oilie money out of Huston. The oilies will push the search for lies, spin and misinformation into the stratosphere to make sure Tom Mulcair doesn’t win in the Fall. Tom is the potential giant killer. Your only source of truth will be the CBC and the UK Guardian. For a period Rachel Notley will be under daily attack by the oilies, Harper and the Nazi press. It may go on for 4 years, even if Alberta’s economic system is permanently destroyed in the doing. That doesn’t have to happen, there is actually a way out of this swamp. Canadians have to take back this sunny land and start ignoring the lies printed by Harper’s Nazi press. While all the heat is on Rachel Notley, the real target is Tom Mulcair as I stated. Notley has to be blackened to an even greater degree than Redford was by Lyin Steve, the newspapers, big business, Big Oil, right wing front groups, University of Calgary, the Manning Centre and the stock market. But no matter what this right wing chorus writes and says about Rachel Notley and the NDP, she / they will hold power for 4 years. And Rachel holds the whip hand for those 4 years. The good thing is there are no politicians or plants on the Huston payroll inside the Government. One area of concern is that the Petroleum Conservative lobby firms are hiring questionable NDP members to speak softly to the Government. These turncoats should be kept at a distance, like no closer than the parking lot of the Alberta Legislature. All of these bogus NDP lobbyists will have but one mission, to make trouble for Notley’s Government They are being paid to cause trouble. From here on in, if you buy a Canadian newspaper, you will have front seat on just how committed our Nazi press is to taking Huston oil money to destroy our democracy. And if you continue to support the Nazi media, you will bear some responsibility for ending the life of this Nation two years shy of our 150th birthday. I have got to wonder about the mental condition of people who continue to buy this printed Fascist shit. My guess is that they are the types who would slash their own wrists. Even the most ill educated among us can be lifted from ignorance by good health care and a first rate educational system. Canada is a very rich Country, with a well educated population and we are 75% self sufficient. Our basic problem is a small minority of wealthy Canadian movers and takers see they can make even more money selling Canada out from under us, to the Americans. The Yankees profit, the Bay Streeters profit and most Canadians get screwed. We have been being screwed for 30 years. And we are still being screwed. And if the American oil monopoly takes control of this Nation, the screwing will continue and intensify. The solution is to build a firewall around Canada. We will have the say, what goes on. We will have the say, what goes out and at what price. As well we will have the say what comes in. We don’t need outsiders telling us what we can and cannot do. There is $ 650 billion inside Canada looking for good investments. We don’t need outside investors stealing us blind. Who wouldn’t invest in the Twin Beaver Pipeline, that would bring upgraded crude oil from Fort McMurray to refineries in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. Newfoundland oil would enter this system too. Upgraded crude oil would be sent by pipe to BC. Canada would develop a made in Canada fuel system, gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. The volatility of the world oil market, the US oil monopoly and the erratic prices would no longer affect Canada. We would no longer be supporting the Middle East terrorists through paying high gasoline prices. I know, I know the Nazi press didn’t tell you that either. This Country would develop a made in Canada natural gas market. The crude oil pipeline going east and west would be twinned with a pipe for natural gas. Nat. gas would flow from BC, NWT, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Nova Scotia into the centre, Ontario and Quebec. NO, AS IN NO, nat. gas would cross the US / Can. border. Right now the Alberta natural gas industry is a shadow of its’ former past. If Albertans want someone to blame for their shorts, just look to TransNotCanada and Enbridge. These Companies are cheating both Western Canadians and Eastern Canadians. Alberta nat. gas is not being shipped east. Russ Girling and Al Monaco are sourcing the Ontario / Quebec nat. gas in Michigan and Pennsylvania for peanuts and charging us Alberta prices. The pipeline companies have an in with Kathleen McGuinty. And as a result the Ontario Energy Board is fast asleep, this while Ontarians have their pockets picked for their natural gas. The papers didn’t say a thing, right? Wait, there is more. With the Twin Beaver traversing Canada a spur would strike off to Churchill Manitoba. At Churchill, which has a deep sea port, with a direct route to England, there would be nat. gas and oil tank farms for exporting Canada’s surplus supplies. The oil and nat, gas could be regulated to keep these tank farms at their limit. This system would smooth the way for the UK to get off the world oil and natural gas rollercoaster. Bringing the UK into the Canadian energy loop would offer the opportunity to encompass all of the British Commonwealth into one trading unit. The total population of the Commonwealth, is over 2 billion people, that’s all. Wait, wait, one more thing. Over the Twin Beaver right-of-way would run the Canadian National Electric Grid. Cheap / clean electric power would be able to travel from Newfoundland and Quebec to BC and the NWT. We would not allow one of these companies or utilities to be owned by foreigners. Canadians would own 51% of each. All existing holdings of energy companies in this Country would be purchased at fair market value or expropriated. I am thinking here of the local nat. gas pipelines in Ontario and Quebec. The sunny upland slopes, that Winston Churchill envisioned as a future for England after the Nazi war machine was crushed fits the Canadian scene. Once the American oil monopoly out of Houston has been driven south, across the border we can begin to secure Canada’s bright future in a much changed world, due to Global Warming. Electing Rachel Notely was a good first move. We must build on that democratic miracle.

***** **** ***** ***** *****

Now, after 13,000 words I will get to the point of my story. Learning from past experience with the oilie / Harper press Alison Redford Smear campaign, immediately that Rachel Notley / NDP won the 2015 Election I knew what to expect. And the Canadian Rightpublicanazis showed yet again their depth of thinking, an eighth of an inch deep and hundreds of miles long. The Smear Rachel Notley campaign suddenly appear before our eyes, right after the ballots were counted, giving the NDP 60% of the seats in the Legislature. This accomplishment is based on the voter turnout number. In 2012 it was about 40%. 2015 saw a 58% turnout, something is obviously cooking. The Petroleum Conservative Party took a huge hit, yellow Jimbo Prentice took a powder and people loyal to Huston started to cover the crooks step’s. I am a lover of our democratic system and I will spare no effort in seeing it lasts for another 150 years. Canada sits just at the edge of greatness. In the Fall, do we voluntarily submit to being shackled by the oilies in Huston? Or do we shoot for the stars and seek our true potential, freed from the American grasping grasp? I am a Canadian first and an Ontarian second. I am a Progressive Conservative, a 50 year businessman, was a Pickering Councillor and am a free enterpriser. I also believe cheaters like Conrad Black should never prosper. Jail is the appropriate place for such, not the pages of the National Post. I have a sense of community and believe that those like myself, who are truly blessed, putting forth more social effort is mandatory. I feel my approach to life most aligns with that of former Premier Leslie Frost, the father of modern Ontario. First we make the dough, then we spent it as the voters see fit. This fail safe system stood us in good stead for 42 years until the corrupt Mike Harris and Dalton McGuinty arrived on the scene, to ruin Ontario’s party. The financial destruction of this Province was helped immeasurably by the Nazi press, again taking cash to put the interests of the citizens LAST. Ontarians were asleep at the switch due to being incurious and way too complacent. But the citizenry was also out of the loop thanks to the Nazi newspapers. I learned very early on, that those fortunate to live in a democracy must remain eternally vigilent. There are always tyrants who seek to take our freedom away and steal our prosperity. As is presently the case with the Huston oilies / Harper. In the first month after the Notley win there have been 55 smear / attack articles which are now in my file. Remember, I do not get all the newspapers every day. So it would seem there are about two smears a day, day in, day out. Paul Godfrey’s PostMedia papers took first place with 31 of those negative pieces. I am not surprised, Godfrey live for oil money. Remember, this election was of Alberta, by Albertans, for Albertans. But Godfrey and his paymaster, the American oil monopoly, have no respect for Province’s voters exercising their will. To the Americans, the people in the Province have no right to choose their own path. The righties consider Albertans to be as backward as are all Canadians. I think the thinking of Nazi press is basackward. Business and politics DO NOT MIX. If Paul Godfrey wants to sell his papers in Alberta, it makes no business sense to insult the intelligence of your customers day after day. The attitude of the US right / Republicans is, if we can’t run the States AS WE SEE FIT, then nobody shall have the Country. We will destroy it. That’s what Hitler did. At the end of the War he said the German people did not deserve his leadership and began killing his own supporters. The Repubs will destroy America rather than give up control. If the Huston oilies ever take Canada, they will destroy this Country too, rather than see, we the people take it back. This cancer has spread to our Nation via the oilies, Herr Harper and Jimbo ” the Yellow ” Prentice and hundreds of well paid Enemies of Canada who spread false news. Jen Gerson is one of the many getting a paycheque to lie, write political spin and Government propaganda. Gerson seems to be emerging as the Rachel Notley, National Post Hatchet Gal. Gerson appears regularly on the CBC, Power and Politics program. Nightly Jen shows Canada how well she has learned her rightie catechism. Each time there is a question I know what Gerson is going to say before she ever opens her mouth. For years, as an Independent Ontario / National Progressive Conservative I have been dealing with these mindless, hard righties like Gerson in their self constructed fantasy land. Their flawed messages never change, are as old as the hills and don’t work. My suggestion, if you hear or read Jen Gerson, take everything with a grain of salt. If so, you will be in a much better place Every day they MUST repeat their lies and myths, fabricate 100 years ago in the USA. It is absolutely essential to have a daily dose of ideology, to boster the right wing mental status. Even as Climate Change begins to disrupt our lives the righties must be reassured daily that Global Warming is a hoax and that it can be ignored. The fare in the Post, is much like mom or dad tucking you in each night and assuring you that there are no monsters around and about. My Son Richard used to enjoy the tales of Stevie Steam Shovel each evening when I put him to bed. But Rick grew into an adult and is now in the Canadian Army. Righties still need lots of mothering, because they have never grown up. They still need a regular diet of rightie tid bits each day to assist them managing in fantasy land. Wherever Herr Harper goes, his film crew has to take shots of Lyin Steve standing on the prows of the ships, the red Canadian flag [ not yet Harper blue ] flapping in the wind or clips using his binoculars to imagine future events. But his brain won’t accept, can’t accept climate change, the major event on the horizon. I think there is enough film footage available now to make a full feature Harper documentary of himself, perched on the prows of ships, sitting in the prow of a Zodiac, not driving it, on an ATV with training wheel, holding a gun but not firing it and show his leadership qualities as he stride off into the Arctic wastes. Where is Leni Riefenstahl when we need her? Mind you, the bit about Harper hiding in the Parliamentary closet when the bullets began to fly, won’t be allowed into the documentary. Mind, during the Beer Hall Putsch in Nov. 1923 Hitler and his gang of thugs, led 2000 supporters against the Police Headquarters in Munich. There were 100 armed guards. Somebody opened fire. Nazis in the front were hit and Hitler took off like a scared rabbit. He deserted his flock just like Herr Harper did. Apparently Adolf had arranged for a getaway car to be in the side street, in case things went badly. Jen Gerson’s task is to be very selective and constantly reassure the righties that they are indeed overmen and exceptional in nature, shear gods like Pierre Poilievre or Dean Del Mastro. Part of what is needed by Godfrey from Jen, is for her to find inferiors, who can be compared to those in the rightie ranks. Those ranks, in truth are filled with nobodies. They don’t excell, make good leaders, build anything, win Nobel prizes and such. How does Gerson et al attack Notley, they invent a strawman. In terms of the NDP, the right always brings up the Bob Rae Government of 1990 /95. This historical fiction rates up there with the Trudeau / NEP myth. Godfrey uses Rae to bolster the Post reader’s dislike for the NDP. To be successful the strawman fabrication depends upon the readers being ignorant and ill informed. In the case of the PostMedia and Sun papers, this kind of thing works because the readers are indeed stupid. The Rae story has been repeated lately in the Nazi press, almost as much as the famous Pierre Trudeau / NEP myth, a total fabrication of the American oil monopoly that never happened. Gerson was in a political discussion on the CBC and launched into the Rae Government rehash such that I was struck by her rightie reconstruction of Rae, Ontario, 1990 to 1995. During Gerson’s comments about Rae, it showed how much the right in the USA and Canada has bastardized history. The bastardized history of Canada is repeated over and over again in the Nazi papers. Mostly written by foreigners. Paul, don’t we have any Canadian historians??? I mean, does Jen Gerson really believe the Rae nonsense she was spouting? Or she just incurious? Or is she just dumb? Maybe Godfrey doesn’t allow Gerson and his other stenographers, to check the facts out on the net? I know John Ivison doesn’t check facts, he just makes stuff up. Is Gerson’s claim of being a journalist bogus? Certainly. Jen seems to me to be no more than a copyist, just like Gary Mason of the Globe and Tar. Gerson was still in her carriage when my PCs lost power due to the bunglings of rightie Frank Miller. Frank was a disaster, who became Premier, more of a puppet really. All right wing leaders are puppets. Miller was supported by the hard right, Bay St. and American money. The PC team of Frost, Robarts and Davis had turned Ontario into the economic engine of Canada. The reason for this long period in power was the PC’s ability to work closely with the business community, without allowing crooked dealings and preventing corporations from trampling on the rights of Ontarians. Equality was the watchword. This Frost, Robarts and Davis partnership with business was a very profitable time for free market people like myself, our beat was the centre. In Canada, the Progressive Conservatives were considered the most dangerous by the rightpublicanazis. Corporations made money here by meeting Government Standards and being good stewards of the economy. And they were sheltered from business scoundrels whose main game was cheating, like Conrad Black. honest businessmen, and there were many in my time didn’t have to compete with crooks. During the PC time in office, the Ont. Securities Com. had Conrad Black up on 28 criminal charges. As well Con had stolen the Dominion Store employees pension fund. The Conman could have gone to jail but his friends on Bay St. pulled strings, we PCs were not amused. The Court made Black give the pension money back, though. Old Dominion Stores employees still hate Black with a passion. This is the criminal that Canadian movers, takers and grafters cover for. So you can see how the minds of the rich and famous work, even to-day. It depends who is doing the thieving. Another plus, the Ontario PC Government had a secret weapon, the Department of Industry and Trade, started during the Frost years. Industry and Trade was staffed by business people from every industry. The Department worked with companies to better fit them into the commercial climate of the Province, smooth the way to securing electrical power, manpower, road / rail / air access, complimentary industries as suppliers and community relations. My PC Government would never have allowed the American oil monopoly to put toxic tailing ponds in this Province, not even one. OHIP coverage was introduced. Union rights were protected and their activities encouraged. Education funding was expanded, both for schools and universities. After Hurricane Hazel Ontario rewrote the book on protecting the population from severe flooding. The Government put in place Floodplain Legislation which is still in place to-day protecting the people. I think it is the only place in the world to have such Floodplain protection. Ontario was a super place to live. But the hard right wing here, kept trying to scale the Ontario castle walls with the help of the Rightpublicanazis, US money and turncoats. Ontario showed how prosperity worked and the Repubs didn’t like this show, showing nightly, just across the border. Every effort was made to destroy Ontario’s voter friendly economy. The right succeeded in getting Frank Miller elected as Premier as their front man. Miller was a disaster, a poor political thinker and a captive of the American right. The Yankees still doesn’t understand Canadian politics, even to this day. A good example is Alberta, 2015, Rachel Notley and the NDP. The American oil monopoly out of Huston has an unlimited bank account. The oilies own our media, yet another Nazi monopoly. Almost everyone who is anyone in Alberta is on the oilie payroll, as are the University of Calgary and the infamous Manning Propaganda Institute. But in 2015, the Petroleum Conservatives under Jimbo, the dumbo were reduced to 11 seats while the NDP has 54, 60% of the seats in the Legislature. Those in control of Frank Miller thought it would be a slam dunk after 42 years of continuous power. The Repubs would just be able to slip into the driver’s seat in Ontario, unnoticed. When Miller became Premier, he had a breathing period of about a year before he had to call an election but the rightpublicanazis were in a hurry and would not wait. They wanted their hands on the Province’s steering wheel, as soon as possible. To make matters worse, Miller and his Bay St. / US crowd, quickly set about alienating long time supporters. Miller’s masters quickly disbanded the PC grass root of which I was a member. From that day forward the Ont. PC Party took its’ orders from south of the border and it still does. Frost, Robarts and Davis had a winning formula. I for one, could not understand. Why mess with success??? But Miller and his rightie followers didn’t like much of what we old time PCs stood for. You know all this ideology stuff which never afflicted me. The Millerites were still in charge when Mike ” The Yellow ” Harris came to power. The right never admits making a mistakes, so they never learn any lessons. If you can believe the 1986 PCs, wanted education funding cut to the bone. People should not have pensions, such provides too much comfort. It is easier to manipulate people without means, they can be worked to exhaustion and thus they die off young. Older citizens who can’t be worked any more were no longer of any importance. Same goes for hospitals. The general tax base should be used to build medical facilities for the rich but health programs for the poor in society should be curtailed. This thinking goes back 150 years, to German philosophers, who had no experience with democracy. The American right has been wedded to this inappropriate philosophy for one hundred years as the Nazis were up till 1945. To the PCs circa 1986, if someone could no longer produce, society would be better off if they expire quickly. To the right, ovens are a good thing. Corporations, under the right can work closely with each other, even create illegal monopolies, no sweat. The Millerites felt people should not be able to join unions to protect their jobs, pay and security of life. The righties prefered a tax system that favoured the rich in hopes that a few crumbs might fall from their table. It is hoped that enough crumbs to lessen the chance of revolt. The question then as now, why should the rich have to carry the financial burden for those at the bottom, those who refuse to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. George Bush Jr.’s Grandfather made his money trading with the Nazis during the War. Conrad Black was born of privilege. He, a foreigner, lords it over Canadians but has no right to do so. A gold medal is worth nothing if one cheats to get it. The Conman feels he should be able to have his own private set of rule and laws to live by. Lady Black was born in London, UK, poor, on the wrong side of the tracks. Babs clawed her way up to become a somebody, I aplaude her efforts. However when Black was charged with stealing shareholder’s money there was quite a fuss from investors who had entrusted their money to this perpetual crook. Our Lady Black in making comment to the papers about the trial, famously said. ” THE LITTLE PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW THEIR PLACE “. I clipped the article and put it on my fridge. It was there for years. I have never forgotten what Barb said. In the strongest terms, the Black’s should be deported, on a smelly cattle boat preferably. Enough of their nonsense. In 1985 Frank Miller was defeated and Ontario became adrift. This Miller fumble sent this Province into decline, a decline that has never been arrested. If Jen Gerson is going to talk about the NDP in Ont., she should cover the period, Miller, Peterson, Rae, Harris, Dalt McGuinty and Kathleen McGuinty. Apparently, the truth is not in the rightie hand book, which seems to be only book Gerson has ever read. David Peterson, was one of the most incompetent Premiers we have ever had. Dishonest as well. Peterson formed a Government in 1985 with Bob Rae, who was actually a Liberal turned NDP. After 2 years of the Peterson / Rae coalition the Liberals called an election in 1987. Peterson won a huge majority but pissed it all away by the time 1990 rolled around. Then to prove beyond doubt that he was totally incompetent, Dave called an early election after only 3 years. This in advance of the onrushing depression. Most of his Liberal MPs were opposed to an early call. It was seen as an attempt by Peterson to grab another mandate before the roof fell in. The public turned against Peterson and Dave got creamed, he even lost his own seat by 8200 votes. In 1990, Bob Rae was caught by complete surprise. In the Notley win, Rachel had many months to prepare her team and campaign. The new Rae Government faced 3 major problems besides the now, evident depression. Peterson’s Government had lost its’ way 3 years in, confusion reigned. Queen’s Park was in disarray. Peterson had piled up a secret debt of over $ 3 billion. And probably the most damaging action by Peterson was killing the famous Tory Industry and Trade Ministry. This Ministry had added billions upon billion to the Province’s bank account over the years through friendly business relations. The only reason the small minded Peterson didn’t want Industry and Trade around was he couldn’t face a succession of Tory created successful businesses popping up to embarrass him. The killing of Industry and Trade pulled the heart out of Ontario. Hundreds of emerging companies went broke. The Star whispered not a word. Bob Rae came to power with a team of lame horses. Rae was a befuddled leader who was handed a depression that was beyond him. However there was not a single politician in any Party, in this Province who could had done better and maybe not as good as Rae. So Jen Gerson is pushing right wing blatter and claiming it to be news. Wouldn’t you prefer that Gerson check the history books before she takes up her pen to write this rightie rubbish. Maybe the truth doesn’t matters to Gerson? The truth of the matter is that telling the truth makes no money for Paul Godfrey. In fact if Godfrey started telling the truth, the PostMedia and Sun would go bankrupt. Telling lies bring in a lot of cash for Paul’s bosses on Wall St. Canadian papers can’t be owned by foreigners but Harper will not enforce that law. The fact that this Country has already been taken over in many areas by the American oil monopoly, the extent of which, would surprise Canadians. Talk about being docile. No, no, maybe comatose would be better. Another 5 months of heavy Fascist propaganda by the usual suspects, 100 newspapers, Mclean’s, CTV and Global might push the oilies and Herr Harper over the top. I get my news here, from the CBC, for the USA it is the Guardian and for the UK Guardian. Hey folks, there’s a real world out there. But it is possible for some, living in Harperland is mighty comfy, no thinking required. The Bob Rae Smears just continues apace. Jack Mintz was also given the Bob Rae assignment by Houston. I doubt whether Mintz has any first hand knowledge of the Rae era. Jack was attending various Universities at the time, even in England. So obviously Jack got his information second hand. In looking into his background, it is clear that Mintz opted to fall in step with the rightie doctrine, which meant he did not have to deal with the real world. Over the years I have read some of Jack’s stuff and it is pure right wing gibberish and it still is. Two things. In the latest piece by Mintz, he tells us again about Bob Rae, what he says is not true, no more than when he talks about Trudeau and his NEP, more lies. Jack being attached to the University of Calgary, lies come as no surprise. The other matter is that Godfrey doesn’t inform the readers that Mintz works for Imperial oil, one of the participants in the American oil monopoly. The righties and their paid stenographers of to-day, are using the same old, ” the facts don’t matter “, approach, in their Smear Rachel Notley campaign that has just being rolled out. The right wing ideology states that it is wrong for Barb Black”s little people to have any say whatsoever. While we in Canada still have the vote, the US oil monopoly finds it a huge inconvenience. After the takeover there will be no more balloting. Right now the oilie / Harper / paid Nazi media combo, are going to show Albertans that they had no right to vote the way they did. Even if it takes 2 Smear lessons or more a day for the next 1460 days, if necessary. Albertans are going to be made to rue the day most of them voted NDP. As well Canadians at large, will be told repeatedly how bad the NDP Government WILL BE and eventually how BAD IT IS. In their opinion. Mind you it is the only opinion allowed to be broadcast or printed in the Country right now, except on the CBC . Folks welcome to Nazi Germany.

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As stated there were 55 Rachel Notley / NDP Smears in the first month after the 2015 Election. Paul Godfrey’s PostMedia papers hold first place with 31 Smears, this doesn’t surprise me. Three Wall St. hedge funds illegally own the the Post / Sun papers. My file so far shows that the rate of Notley Smears in the second month after the Election remains undiminished. I don’t get it from a business standpoint. For Godfrey to send 2 or 3 E-Mails a day to a guy saying,” You picked the wrong wife “? Whaaaaaaaaaat? History has shown that when the righties get rattled they just get stupider. Not knowing what to do about Rachel, the American oil monopoly in Houston has the money faucet still wide open. The oilie messages in a nutshell is this, Albertans, your voting doesn’t count for anything. If we the oilies don’t like your choice. The second message says to the legitimate NDP Government, its’ voters and the NDP supporters across the Country, we will scrutinize your backgrounds, looking for anything to use to blacken your names and destroy your reputations. This oilie campaign to ruin people, will be relentless and money will be no object. Seeing that the takeover of Canada is the goal. Included in this campaign will be the County’s Hiltler Group Media, one hundred newspapers, Mcleans, TV networks CTV and Global as well as most radio stations. What the public will see and hear are lies, libel and False News [ it is a Criminal Offense to broadcast or publish False News in Canada ]. But Herr Harper is not enforcing that False News law. The False News law in the USA was repealed by Ronald Reagan. In America the media can smear someone into the grave. Nazi Germany? Right? Beginning about now, the Attack Ads, paid for by the American oil monopoly will start. Every effort will be made by Godfrey, Thomson, CTV, Global et al to conceal the identity of the Houston crowd. Paul will not inform you when he gets a big oilie cheque. The Nazis proved beyond doubt, that if lies are repeated over and over, some human beings, especially the uneducated, will accept those lies as truth. The only source of truth in Canada now is the CBC. Harper has tried to strangle the Corporation moneywise and for the last 3 years the Nazi press has been unrelenting in their attacks on the CBC. Attacks on the CBC, by the Nazi media is another one of my files. I would predict that if the oilies / Harper win the next Election, within months the CBC will be but a memory. It is interesting that Jen Gerson, the Notley Hatchet Gal was on CBC telling untruths about Bob Rae and his 1990 / 1995. I was there as it happened. Peterson and the depression left Rae with 3 hands tied behind his back. The bogus Rae story has been repeated and repeated in Alberta over time. Notley / NDP have been left holding the bag by the rabid right just as Rae was. The American oil monopoly has been buying ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil, at dirt cheap prices through the black market in Turkey. The monopoly then sneaks this contraband into the USA without the Government in Washington knowing. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. This flood of cheap oil has disrupted the world oil market, crushing the price. The US oil monopoly expected they could pull this caper off and that OPEC would reduce their oil production. Thus Houston asses would be saved. But OPEC did exactly nothing. However OPEC has been blamed by the world Nazi press for causing precipitous drop in oil prices. This campaign by the oilies, to stick the blame on OPEC for affecting the economies of Texas, North Dakota and Alberta is in full bloom in the local Nazi press outlets in Can. / USA. Of course the Post and Sun newspapers in Alberta as well as the rest of the West are being well paid to make complete fools of Westerners. Just as with Bob Rae and the mess and debt that Miller / Peterson left him along with a depression that could have been softened, Notley is left with a similar situation. The greed of the American oil monopoly buying illegal or stolen oil out of Turkey has left Albertans high and dry. The state of the Government in Edmonton is in such bad shape, it is obvious that the oilies were the ones in charge at the Legislature shredding documents. Prentice was probably ordered to vamoose by the oilies and the Nazi press hasn’t made any effort to track Jimbo down. Probably another oilies order. I think Albertans would like to know a lot more about what was going on at the Legislature, who was doing the shredding and where Prentice is hiding. But article after article chronicling Brian Jean flapping his gums about Notley and the NDP being to blame for the shredding. I found it very interesting that Gerson was telling the Bob Rae myth on the CBC. In the first month of Notley / NDP Smears, out of 55 articles, 12 of them included the Bob Rae Myth, using Gerson’s patter, almost word for word. This is the beauty of copying oilie E-Mails, no thinking required. The only skill required is learning to endorse US cheques from Texas. Obviously this Notey / NDP Smear campaign is being organized from a central location. My guess is Houston. Tom Flanagan, US draft dodger and perv put in his 2 cents worth. Jack Mintz, a millionaire who works for Imperial Oil did his bit. Jackson, was no doubt ticked off at the new minimum wage. Both are from the University of Calgary, the Centre for regime change in Canada. Bay Street even organized a 300 point drop in stock prices to throw a cloud over Notley becoming Premier. As well, Kevin O’Leary, the disreputable stock pusher got in his say. Gary Mason, he of the Globe and Tar and the Alison Redford Smears had a couple of licks. Margaret Wente and the Globe editorialists vented too. Danielle Smith took a shot at Notley, this was before she found out the oilies didn’t need her any more. They did a Sona on poor Smith. Preston Manning from the Centre for the destruction of Canadian democracy had a nice long piece about how badly the Country will do with Notley as Premier of Alberta. Oh really? I mean this stuff would be so funny if it wasn’t so serious. There is a small part of me that feels sorry for Preston. The guy has spend more than 40 years trying to install a US right wing oiligarchy in Canada, with the unlimited backing of the American oil monopoly. I mean, Manning has an oilie credit card with no limit and a one sided Nazi press to work with. This game was Manning’s to lose and he did, big time. The oilies set up a branch plant of the University of Chicago, the centre for regime change in the USA, in the person of the University of Calgary. Calgary teaches the same curriculum that was developed by Chicago U. The area of study for young Canadians relates deeply to the roots of this 150 year old nation. You can laugh now, There is Adam Smith, a Scot who lived more than 200 years ago. Adam was an early economist who was ahead of his time. Smith gave a lot of good advise, you should read him. The right took Smith as their champion and put their words in his mouth. Herbert Spencer, a Nietzsche pal, was a crackpot Englishman, who the American right just loved, he died 100 years ago. Herb thought the poor shouldn’t be helped, just let’em die, he said. Right now the Republicans are in the US Supreme Court, trying to overturn Medicare. The Repubs still hold Spencer high, after a century. The righties have launched 50 Court challenges to stop Medicare, They feel money should not be wasted on the poor who are no longer of any use. Calgary is big on Nietzsche. Fred was a wimp who had syphilis and was a vegetable by 35. He decided himself that he was exceptional. Little wonder that Harper loves Nietzschre as much as he does Hayek. The Nietzsche Myth lives on after more than 100 years for one reason. Fred stole the idea of there were overmen and undermen, this idea was Max Stirner’s [ 1802 / 1856 ]. Nietzsche plagiarized the work of many people. He is a perfect rightie hero, a liar and a cheat. The thought that there are exceptional people who can self appoint and then the rest of us who make up Lady Black’s little folk, this dream of superiority, powers the right wing ship of state. Calgary U thus turns out exceptional graduates, far better than the rest of us. No wonder the people at Calgary U are so upset now,. The NDP win is almost too much for the righties to bear. Then to spice up the lessons, there is Martin Heidegger, a Nietzsche pusher and an unrepentant Nazi. He died in 1976. The righties worship Ludwig von Mises, an Austrian, a phony economist, and a student of Nietzsche Myth. H. L Mencken was of German extraction, nicknamed the American Nietzsche, Henry supported Germany in both World Wars. Ayn Rand, a Russian Jew, was a student of the Nietzsche Myth. She wrote novels based on the Stirner’s, overman and underman theory. The righties just love her for her overman fairy tales. Any wimp, with no dicernible talents, can read Rand [ she took the name from her typewriter ] and become a superman overnight. Paul Ryan did just that. Oh, you didn’t realize that all righties, are in their own minds supermen. Included in studies is Leo Strauss, a German Jew, who escaped Hitler’s grasp but liked what the Nazis were doing. Leo just loved Nietzsche. Strauss wrote and taught at Chicago U, he preached that lying to the ignorant mob in a democracy was fine and proper. Strauss is taught at Calgary. You know something, Herr Harper must have got 100% in Strauss. To Leo, the downers and outers in North America, need the guidance of superior overmen like himself. Then there was Friedrich Hayek, an economist who had no training, he was another German who got out just ahead of the Nazis. When in England, 1940/43, Hayek wrote a thin, poorly written book entitled, ” The Road to Serfdom “. It found no interest in the UK. The righties at the University of Chicago got hold of this book. They found much to like about it, the free market and all that stuff. Fred was a student of the Nietzsche Myth and had never lived in a democracy. Hayek was invited to the USA and Chicago U offered to print Serfdom. Fred’s book was edited to better reflect the rightie ideology and there was a press run of 350,000 books. These books were sent to every library in the Country free of charge. The University then claimed the book was a best seller, a lie, another. Once out, every rightie was required to buy Serfdom. Hayek was blackballed after his book was appropriate by the University, in disgust Fred returned to Germany. The righties got to use Hayek’s name and added their own copy, ignoring much of what Fred had said. One more big lie. Add to this lot, Walter Kaufmann, a German Jew who was as student in England at the time the Nazis grabbed his family. Kaufmann was besotted by the Nietzsche Myth. I think Kaufmann came to America, discovered that the right wing just loved fairy tales about Nietzsche and then just filled orders for such fairy tales. If there is a huge demand for yellow sweaters, you make yellow sweaters. Right? I mean the righties have spent a hundred years picking bits and pieces from the CVs of their foreign heroes to use to create an imaginary creed for their handbook. The gist of which is to provide a basis for their overman and the underman claims. Everyone of the rightie gods is either anti democratic, a Nietzsche lover or a Nazi. No Americans are mentioned by the right, other then Ronald Reagan, a grade B actor who put the USA into a economic terminal dive. Some accomplishment. The right wing, is like so many other phony religions, not of real cloth, mostly hocus pocus, with endless publicity. But there is more to life than living in a fairy castle. There is Murphy’s law and mother nature. Things will go wrong and the climate is very unpredictable as Vesuvius proved. In the right wing perfect universe, they are not ready if things go wrong, there is no Plan B if the roof collapses, in fact there is no Plan A. Thus not like the Boy Scouts, THE RIGHTIES ARE NEVER EVER PREPARED FOR ANYTHING. THE RIGHTIE IDEOLOGY HAS NOT WORKED IN THE PAST, IT IS NOT WORKING NOW AND WILL NOT WORK IN THE FUTURE. You have had 10 years of rightie nonsense from Herr Harper. HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH??? That’s why so many rightie leaders run to find a closet when trouble arrives. Those on the right pay money to make things go away, sometimes very big money. At other times they blame someone else and then spend enough money to see an innocent person or group is hung out to dry. Pierre Trudeau and his NEP are a good example. The US oil monopoly campaign against Prime Minister Trudeau was completely false. Or the rightie fall back response to any problem, is the they just ignore it. The 47 deaths at Megantic is just one case, 22 orphans were left, when a CPR train load of Alberta Tar and Hi Octane Benzine from Fort McMurray blew up. That is the real story but the Canadian Nazi press refuses to touch it. What we are being told by Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich, it was not a CPR train and it was OIL from the Bakken field in the USA, that blew up. Not. CP rail lied on the manifest the the illegal tar / Benzine mix was oil from the Bakken. When it was from Fort McMurray. Transport Canada already knows this but is covering for Lyin Steve. MM&A, the rail line that took over the shipment of the the shiny black shit that blows up were misled. They did not know what they were handling and now have been charged. The American oil monopoly and Harper will do what ever it takes to maintain this lie, no matter how many lives they ruin with the help of the Nazi press. Those oilie cheques to Godfrey from Houston, do go down well. The truth in the Post? Maybe next week? Then maybe not? So comes along Global Warming. And this time the righties are really stuck. !00 years of myth making are coming to an end. Climate change is about to blow the right wing cover, their fantasy land is just that, a fantasy that will not work in the real world. When one clamours for the top job, one has to take the bitter with the batter. The righties can’t buy climate change away. The rightpublicanazis are trying to play the blame game, the Repubs say those responsible are homosexuals, witches, abortions and the USA Environmental Protection Agency. Now we all know how much good such pipe dreams will do to cool California and to keep the Grand Canyon from going dry. The other fall back position is just to ignore the Warming. The entire world Nazi press is being paid to not mention climate change. There is big money to be made by the press in making the populations more ignorant. The headlines keep reading, be happy, don’t worry. My concern is that there seem to be so many toadstools who actually believe this rightie crap. Behind the scenes there are legions of climate deniers like Peter Foster, who misswrites for Paul Godfrey’s National Post. Foster’s single job is to spread confusion and doubts about Global Warming. As well, Pete attacks anyone who writes an article explaining the dangers of climate change. Even if those pieces are published in other countries. The oilies / Harper don’t want you near the truth. There is a huge amount of money paid to the likes of Paul Godfrey, Dave Thomson, CTV, Global and the like to ensure Canadians stay stupid until that day when the little folk hear the clang of the concentration camp gate closing behind them. Then it is too late.

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In the Criminal Code of Canada, section # 181 as regards False News, says,” Everyone who wilfully publishes a statement, tale or news that he knows is false and that causes or is likely to cause injury or mischief to the public interest is guilty of an indictable offense and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceed 2 years, “. There have been 55 Notley Smear in the Canadian Nazi press in the month after the Alberta Election. There are many False News items and libel in the 55 to chose from. The fact that Bay Street was able to orchestrate a 300 point drop in stocks brings the reputation of the TSX into question. By buying a nazi paper There seems to be no fear on the part of the American owners of this Country’s media that Harper will prosecute them. So we are now being subjected to FOX News USA rules. As far as many in the USA, they already own Canada. In the Fall, you will have your final opportunity to replace the oilie / Harper dictatorship with a Government that respects the laws of Canada. If you prefer complete American domination, that route is open to you. I am keeping a running total of the Smear articles, whether in a paper, on TV or the net. I list the name of the stenographer. If I am not familiar with the Stenographer, I chase down his or her bio. I am surprised at the number of young Americans, writing American oriented for Canadians. Calgary U teaches courses related to the right and the University of Chicago. Our newspapers carry US news and information. When does Canada get an innings, certainly not to-day and maybe never again. We must chose a new anti Fascist Government if we are to remain a sovereign Country. Already, this month, I have collected more that 50 Notley Smear articles and there are still a few days left. The following is a list of ENEMIES OF CANADA. THOSE WHO ARE PREPARED TO SELL THIS NATION FOR A MESS OF POTTAGE. Tom Flanagan, Jack Mintz, Konrad Yakabuski, Danielle Smith, Morris Dorosh, Vadulla Hussain, Kevin O’Leary, Robyn Urbak, Jason Lietaer, Jen Gerson, Michael Den Tandt, Less Whittington, Jim Coyle, Gary Mason, Brenda Bouw, Martin Pelletier, Tim Kiladze, Justin Giovannetti, Margaret Wente, Preston Manning, Gillian Steward , Shawn McCarthy and Peter Foster. As this list of names builds each month it will remain on my web site. In future, those who interested about anyone listed will be able to see stood against Canada in her hour of need. For Americans and foreigners on this list, if we are fortunate in stopping the oilies and Harper from stealing the next election I want them deported. For Canadians on this list I want them charged under Section # 181. From now, up to the election, I will do a monthly piece on the Notley Smear so you can see just how desperate the right is in. Rachel and the NDP are in office for 4 years. Having the Nazi media run an average of two Smears a day is going to accomplish what??? If I may, I will give Rachel Notley this advice. I would say go for the gold, seize the moment and go right to the edge of the cliff in pursuit of your Party’s goals. Nothing you can do will please the Nazi media here. Just like President Obama, it matters little where he goes the Rightpublicanazis refuse to cooperate or say anything constructive. Angels could come down from Heaven and help the NDP govern Alberta and the likes of Don Braid would condemn the winged messengers. The NDP Government could develop an interactive, comprehensive web site to inform Albertans of progress on all fronts. Rachel Notley should develop close ties with the CBC as an information avenue. A web site and the CBC would eliminate the lies now being published as well as the False News, misinformation, spin and Fascist propaganda now coming from the Canadian Nazi media. If the oilies and Herr Harper are banished from our land, I see additional funding being given to the CBC to create a 21st century Country wide information system based on the truth. The existing newspapers and TV outlets should be put out of business. If we have Nuremberg Type Trials, the management of each news outlet would be put in jail and the companies themselves fined I foresee, we can close them all.

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I have had some questions about the tar sands for some time. These types of questions can now be answered by the Notley Government. It can now demand answers from the American oil monopoly. What is it that is being transported in old pipelines and old tank cars. And is it legal. Prove it. Benzine is lethal, like hi octane av gas. No exposure to Benzine is safe. It is time that the NEW Alberta spoke the truth to all Canadians. A group could be set up to delve into the question of what this phony oil really is. This should / could be done quickly. On my bucket list is a thorough survey of all of the tailing ponds. While the study is going on all new tailing ponds would be forbidden. The cost of cleaning the tailing ponds up would be ascertained and the companies responsible ordered to fork over the dough. If the money was not forthcoming a company would have its’ assets expropriated and its’ leases cancelled. I would like to see an inventory of all petroleum assets done in the Province, in preparation for the NDP Government to assume control of the oil, tar and natural gas industries. What is the option for Albertans? The American oil monopoly has screwed the Province’s future by showing bad faith. The monopoly let greed get in the way of its’ commitment to Albertans. Houston doesn’t care if Alberta tanks. So it is time for Albertans to look for more trustworthy partners, like the other Provinces. Together we stand, separated we become concentration camp candidates. Alberta’s natural gas industry was destroyed by TransNotCanada and Enbridge. They stopped buying Alberta nat. gas, substituted fracked, cheap, nat. gas from Michigan and Pennsylvania. Yet continued to charge Ontarians and Quebecers full Alberta prices. Again Alberta lost out to greedy companies. Well no more. The new Twin Beaver pipeline will bring oil and Nat. gas from BC, NWT, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba to Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. Over the same right-of-way, going west will be cheap, clean hydro electricity from Newfoundland, Quebec and Ontario. Just a note on Ontario – The Province has enough hydro electricity to power [ installed and potential ] the whole of Ontario without nuclear and coal or gas plants. The price of a water KW would be 10 cents per all in, rather than the 22 cents per we are now paying. The Liberals, under Dalt McGuinty and Kathleen McGuinty are hand in glove with the nukies. They are bleeding Ontario white. If we can rid ourselves of the Harper Fascists, a plan has to be developed to adapt the Country to face the ravages of Global Warming. The key areas of concern to be tackled on a National basis are petroleum energy, natural gas energy, hydro electricity, grain farming, the cattle industry, the dairy industry, fowl, fishing and the like. They are all interconnected by water. We will need, besides the Twin Beaver pipelines and the cross Canada Hydro Electric Grid, a new rail line to service all of the above. The rail line has already been planned for Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The new track would eventually stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific and include passenger service. Both the CNR and the CPR are owned by Wall Street and like companies to-day, the people with money are running both of them into the ground to keep stock prices up. Screw the stock market or then what will Western farmers do? I am a Carpe Diem kind of guy. Climate change has yet to extract a heavy price in Canada, as it has done in California, Texas and surrounding States. The CNR / CPR have let Canadians down. No More. The American oil monopoly has walked away from Alberta and left the the Province gasping. No more. Russ Girling and Al Monaco [ TransNotCanada and Enbridge ] have stolen hundreds of million of dollars from Albertans by using cheap US fracked nat. gas on the sly and charging Ontario and Quebec full Alberta price. Well no more. We have high unemployment among the First People. Youth unemployment, 18 to 25 is 15%. Canada is 75% self sufficient, meaning we could close our borders and survive quite nicely thank you very much. We may have to give up on a Porsche and Gucci shoes. 80% of jobs in Canada are created by small businesses We don’t need firms like target moving in and out on a whim and stealing the capital of Canadian suppliers as they go. Oh, the papers didn’t tell you that? There is $ 650 billion residing in Canada looking for good investments. This huge opportunity is driven by the failure of American companies to SERVE OUR NEEDS, US companies are helping themselves to our natural resources, a slew of Canadian losers [ like Dalton McGuinty ], who are quite happy to make money selling us out and last but not least climate change. Global Warming is going to take a bite out of this Country. The size of that bite depends how long it takes us to mobilize. To the swift go the spoils. The entire system will have to be integrated and relate to the available moisture. When it rains or snows heavily it will be a matter of catching the moisture. The catching system will not necessarily be where that moisture is needed. So a distribution system will have to be developed to get the water to the fields and farms. Canada is blessed being along the 60th Parallel and having the Rockies. The Prairies slope from the foot of the Rockies to Winnipeg. Moisture can be harvested all along the way. In times when the Red River is flooding, that water can be sent back up to Alberta and be used to irrigate the Palliser Triangle, where some of the best soil on the planet resides. But the Triangle lacks sufficient rain, it is in the Mountain’s Shadow. Most of the affects of climate change are being felt by countries along the Equator. Their ability to grow food is diminishing. The western States are suffering from drought but not as bad as California. But their ability to grow crops, grain and cattle is also being strained. By adapting to climate change, Canada could become the food basket of the world. So do we follow the Rightpublicanazis to an end not unlike the Great Dust Bowl of the 1930s. Or do we use the New Alberta as the lynch pin of a remade Canada, for Canadians by Canadians. The citizens of this Country have a lot to think about before the leaves begin the change. If you add up all of the money the Americans have stolen from Canada, the cost of a maintaining a huge contingent of homegrown, Yankee turncoats across this Nation, the multitude of US think tank / institutions operating as Revenue sanctioned Canadian charities and the value of concessions given to the States by our politicians, we could pay for the above infrastructure THREE TIME OVER. And have pocket change left over. Wouldn’t it be better to build the Twin Beaver pipeline than build a bridge at Detroit for the Americans? Just asking?

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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Concubinage came to Alberta in 1980 during the Iranian Revolution, which was started by the American oil monopoly and White House. Both the US Government and their sometime pals, the oilies had created the OPEC crisis in 1973 in an attempt to gain security of supply. OPEC was a loosely knit group of countries with oil. The American oil monopoly thought that OPEC was easy meat and that the oilies could bully the organization into lowering it’s price. But once again the arrogant Yanks overplayed their hand, security of supply is one thing but extorting lower prices was another thing entirely. This assault on OPEC caused it to pull tightly together like the Brits did against Hitler and began to play it’s hand with vigor. The OPEC embargo caught the US Government and the oilies with their boxers down. And as usual, totally unprepared. The US people suffered greatly from one more right wing caused SNAFU. As might be expected the Merican media blamed OPEC entirely and this blunder by Washington and the monopoly was never registered in the history book. Of which there have been many missteps. Hitler rewrote the history of Germany, Stalin did so in Russia and the Yanks did the same thing, even to-day. The right always shifts blame to someone else and refuses to admit mistakes. This means no lessons are learned and therefore the mistakes will just keep coming. Since Ronnie Reagan American has never been mistake free and look at the mess the Country is in. But the US Nazi press never comes clean with the American people. Sorrily, these poor people are now short on prosperity, confused, angry, anxious and without direction. They are in the tight grip of the righties and the Nazi press. As are Albertans, who now live in Harperland. After the OPEC crisis of 1973, the oil market began to normalize. Congress, fearing another oil shock, in the early 1970s passed legislation that stated if oil got tight in the future, that all the oil the monopoly had in its’ possession was to come home. This meant that if there was another oil shortage, the US would have dibs on all of Canada’s oil / gasoline / diesel / jet fuel. How’s that for the Congress interfering in the sovereignty of another country? The Merican oil monopoly therefore, had to look after Washington’s interest first even if our Country had zilch fuel. Such bully acting could not be justified because the oil monopoly was only leasing land in the West and extracting a resource OWNED BY ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN. Then the Iranian Revolution broke out in 1979. This conflict was caused by Washington and the oil monopoly, again looking for security of supply. Washington and the oilies had installed a puppet Government in Iran which gave away the people’s oil for next to nothing. Same problem as Alberta has to-day. The Iranians rose up and ousted the US puppet Government. Again in 1979, the US monopoly had destabilized the oil market, Iran stopped pumping and the price skyrocketed. All through the late 1970s. the price of oil had been climbing. The American oil monopoly was making big profits and two areas of interest, Texas and Alberta prospered beyond their wildest dreams. This party lasted for 6 years. But Texas and Alberta were different. In Texas the monopoly owned the land and oil. In Alberta the monopoly only leased the land and had to pay Alberta a royalty on the oil extracted. The monopoly has been stealing Alberta’s oil and natural gas since 1980 with the lowest royalties in the world. Even as Iran’s oil production dropped in 1979 / 1980, the price of tight oil continued to climb. The monopoly, Texas, Alberta and the like were making big money. The fundamental problem is that the American oil monopoly is managed by Sociopaths, they are pathological liars and have no insight. The oilie leadership live in a fantasy world of their own creation, so the true facts are beyond their reach. In 1980, Saudia Arabia moved to stabilize the oil market. The Saudis had witnessed the collapse of the American economy because of the OPEC crisis in 1973, that been blundered into by an unprepared Washington and the oil monopoly. The Saudis didn’t give shit about America as a whole but that Country was the biggest customer for their oil. The world Nazi media had pronounced OPEC as finished, another lie. In 1980 the Saudis really ruled the roost. Saudi Arabia just opened the oil spigots full bore. In a matter of months the cost of oil was in free fall. The blundering Americans were helpless. At that moment the Russians made a move. Their oil production had been increasing but the US oil monopoly had succeeded in keeping Russia out of the market. Into this tight oil market Russia began pumping millions of barrels of oil. In early 1980 there was a shortage of oil, thus high prices, which were enjoyed by Texas and Alberta particularly. One year later the world was awash with oil and it was going at give away prices. The American oil monopoly had screwed up again and those who depended on the oilies were thrown under the bus again. The oil monopoly once again bought up the media to ensure Texans and Albertans were ill informed and woulf nrver know the truth. In Texas the oilie pitch was that the oil business went in boom or bust cycles and that tough Texas would have to and could take their lumps. Being all John Wayne types the Texans fell for this nonsense. Some people lost everything, businesses and banks failed, land / housing wasn’t worth peanuts, and thousands moved to California. All this, because of a small group of arrogant right wing Sociopaths, who were running an illegal monopoly, granted them by a Republican Government in the 1920. This oil monopoly has made rich a few thousand on the right and had done the majority in the USA immeasurable harm over the last 90 years. Even to-day the monopoly is buying cheap oil from ISIS [ funding middle east turmoil and terrorism ], Russian [ funding unrest in the Ukraine ] and Iranian [ funding nuclear bombs ]. And yet the world Nazi press says not a word in return for oil cash. Back in 1980, with the prospect of another oil shortage Pierre Trudeau remembered the words of a Republican Congress, ” if there is another oil shortage the US monopoly must bring all its’ oil home “. Meaning the American were first, last and always. Albertans did own their oil and natural gas resources but once it crossed the border Ottawa was involved. Peter Lougheed, a great Premier, was intent on maximizing the rewards of the oil / nat. gas for Albertans. Peter wanted all the oil refined in the Province and wanted a healthy royalty from the US oil monopoly. Lougheed made a couple of mistakes. Ottawa and Ontario had put up the money to get Alberta into the oil business. Parliament forced Ontario to buy only Alberta oil at a premium price while Quebec was still allowed to buy cheap Middle East oil. As well Lougheed, either ignored the aims of Congress to seize whatever oil there was in Canada or was unaware of this threat to leave us here up schlitz creek without a paddle. Of course, Trudeau, as Prime Minister was having none of it. Pierre created the National Energy Program which was based on two principles. Alberta had to ensure Canada’s needs were met first, after all, all Canadians has a financial stake in Alberta’s success and that the price we here paid for that oil would be preset and not be based on a world price based on a tight market. Of course this is not the story Canadian papers told. The oil monopoly paid to have their side of the story told exclusively. Lougheed in his capacity as Premier ran against Ottawa and Treadeau to score political points and sided with the American oil monopoly. The monopoly had come to view Alberta as one of their very own possessions. In the early 1980s like in Texas, the Alberta economy collapsed. The monopoly and Washington were totally responsible for the mess and crushing the finances of the majority of Albertans. But as we might expect, when the righties and the oil monopoly make mistakes they have the money to organize the press to shift the blame to someone else. Trudeau and his NEP never was put into action. Saudi Arabia and Russia flooded the oil market, the price was rock bottom and stayed that way, well into the 1990s. The US oil monopoly with the held of the Nazi press went on the attack to dive a wedge between Alberta and Canada. If it was said a thousand time, it was said a million time to Albertans, you are broke because of Trudeau and his NEP. People like Preston Manning, jumped on the bandwagon in return for fist loads of petro dollars to push Western alienation. Lyin Steve soon joined the chorus. For the last 30 years and new, third rate writer who joins the righties has to slip in a comment about Trudeau and the NEP myth. But as Hitler said, repeat a lie often enough and the people will accept it as the truth. So during the 1980 /90s Albertans became the concubines of the American oil monopoly. The Province at that time ceased to be a democracy. In fact the oil monopoly became so emboldened about their successful takeover of Alberta, they employed and financially supported Herr Harper and his Fascists in a move to take control of Canada. Something that is well on its’ way to being successful. Paul Godfrey fronts for 3 hedge funds from Wall St. which now own 95% of the newspapers in Canada. This is illegal. But when did the American oil monopoly and their stooge Harper ever obey the laws of this Country? Even though the poor Albertans still believe they have the vote, they are living in a dream world. After Peter Lougheed retired, Don Getty, a football star and a sharp businessman became Alberta’s Premier. He faced trying financial times and tried to get increased royalties from the American oil monopoly but it was then too late. Albertans had become concubines of the monopoly and there was no escape. Getty was too independent for the oilies, although duly elected, they drove Getty from the Premier’s office. Ralph Klein was the next Premier. The oilies loved him because he blamed the people for all their tough times. Everyday the American oil monopoly was stealing Alberta’s oil resources and yet Klein’s focus was on squeezing Albertans. Klein never challenged the oilies. Then Ed Stelmach became Premier, he wanted higher royalties and the oil monopoly smeared him out of Office. Alison Redford is a sharp, solid individual, who wanted a fair shake from the US oil monopoly and Alison organized the Provinces into what she called called a National Energy Strategy. Again the monopoly responded to an elected Premier with a healthy majority [ 61 seat in a 87 seat legislature ] by paying Paul Godfrey’s Nazi Post Media and Thomson’s Globe and Tar to smear Redford out of office. Alberta insiders are so tied to American oil money it matters little what the people actually want? Danielle Smith set up the Wildrose Party using oil monopoly cash. The oilies had had enough of Albertans thinking for themselves. So the oilies concluded that they were best off having their own Party backs by a well paid Nazi press and pollsters. The problem was that Alison Redford beat the panties off Danielle Smith. The oil monopoly was having a problem with Alberta voters who had yet to realize who was running the show, not them. Time was marked and eventually 4 seats became vacant in the Province. Danielle Smith did not win a single one of those By-Elections. The oilies decided that Smith was toast and cut her money off. Jim Prentice was offered more money to turn his Petroleum Conservatives into being a one Party system in the Province. Both Herr Harper and Preston Manning are on the monopoly payroll, so Prentice know how the graft works. The oilies with Manning help wanted the Wildrose disappeared. So Danielle Smith was offered a sort of partnership with Prentice if she brought her membership over to the PC. Smith did just that and when the deed was done Prentice dumped poor Danielle. No matter how hard you work for the right, when a Harper Fascist is no longer useful they get booted. Interestingly, from the time Redford became Premier till now she has been attacked in the Nazi, Post, Sun and Globe and Tar more than 250 times. Yet there has never been one critical article in the press about Danielle Smith, who has been around longer. The majority of the Wildrose supporters were livid at the Smith double cross. Prentice bought in a Klein budget blaming Albertans, anyone with a mirror, for causing the economic collapse. Again the Calgary Herald, Calgary Sun, Edmonton Journal and the Edmonton Sun agree with the American oil monopoly and Jim Prentice campaign of, ” Blame the people for the financial mess “. All the while the oilies continue to steal Alberta blind. Maybe Godfey and Thomson will do articles about who now pays for the cleanup of the toxic tailing ponds. Or will the ponds just be left to remind Albertans one more time, how they got screwed by the American oilies. It would seem that the monopoly plans for one party rule are coming unstuck. What remains of the Wildrose MLAs / supporters will not surrender. Even without oil money they are still putting up a fight. The NDP are gaining support. Every time Prentice is given the ball he drops it. Albertans just do not realize that the American oil monopoly owns the Province, lock, stock and tailing pond. No matter how the people vote, the oilies will not let the people have their say or way. Alberta democracy was lost in 1980. What is going on in the Province is a good lesson for Canadians. Once the oil monopoly takes over our Country, what you see in Alberta you will see, sea to sea, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The voices of the citizenry will fall silent. Docility is not a winning proposition. But anyone speaking out will be declared a terrorist and picked up in the night by the Royal Canadian Harper Police. Being docile is the mindset of a subservient mob. Right now Albertans are nearing the edge of hell, they can already feel the heat but there is nobody giving them any comfort. Harper has already thrown the Province under the bus, Alberta has ceased to exist . There are many high profile right wing personages, who are usually quite free with their words. All of them have suddenly gone mute, over the decline and fall of Alberta. Lyin Steve is a notable none participant. Stevie used to want to build a firewall around Alberta, now the Province has been just chucked into that fire. Could it be that all such employees of the American oil monopoly, now with no tongues, fear for their oilie paycheques. Even if they only go near the oil pricing problem and flirt with the truth a teensie weensie bit. Even a wink or a nod might mean a bad career change, like back to slinging hash and cleaning toilets. Places where their talents really lie. Sad to say for Aberta’s 4 million toadstools, they are on their own now. Each lonesome soul will be left to suffer in the wilderness, abandon by the American oil monopoly, employee Stevie Harper, his Fascist MPs, employee Jim Prentice and his Petroleum Conservatives and abandon by employee Paul Godfrey his very own Nazi press. Papers which are owned exclusively by Wall St. For anyone who lavishly kisses Lyin Steve’s toosh, brings no reward whatsoever. When our Toronto boy, no longer needs you, he’ll turn you into toast. Sona, Duffy, Wallin, Del Mastro et al. Harper was never a friend of Alberta, period. Now Albertans, who are going straight to the poor house have been rendered toast, black on both sides. In the oilie / Lyin Steve controlled media [ not the CBC ], the paper segment has published to date, about 250 articles [ in my file ], attacking Alison Redford for speaking out on behalf of Albertans. Redford called the US oil monopoly to task for their many abuses of her Province including the theft of resources. Godfrey never uttered a word in this regard, Paul was paid by the oiles to keep his trap shut. In North America, speaking against the oilies is a no no. Speak ill of the US oil monopoly and they will destroy your reputation and life, via the media. Even though Redford is long gone ,the newsies continue to repeat the old litany of lies against her. You really have to believe, the oil monopoly does sit on the right hand of God. The oilies have at their disposal almost all of the media outlet [ not the CBC or PBS ] on the continent to satisfy their every wish. In addition there are thousands of oilie savant scribes [ like Peter Foster, Rex Murphy, Andrew Coyne, Margaret Wente and Ezzie La Rant and the like ], who sit staring blankly, while in their closets, awaiting instructions as to who to attack next. Of course the Star, Globe, Post and Sun are alerted as to the next monopoly / Harper target, be that David Suzuki, Ed Stelmach, Alison Redford, Neil Young, Desmond Tutu, Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin, Sir John A. Macdonald or whoever else represents Canada the good and Canada as a democracy. Calgary oil central believes that their every media word will be well received by the toadstools across the Country and be applauded vigorously. As far as I can see Canadian toadstools are doing just that, clap on cue like trained seals. If the cattle cars were waiting on a siding now, some of those toadstools would be fighting to climb aboard. The output of John Ivison in the Post proves my point. John is a foreigner and a journalist with a wind up key in his back. John lunches with Herr Harper often where Himself leaks information to Ivison, that should be discussed in Parliament. That is if we still had a democracy. Once the leaked information is published in the Post, Godfrey shoots it out to all the Post Media / Sun newspapers. As Hitler said it becomes instant truth. The stuff Ivison serves up is at the village idiot level. Ivison must have an audience out there because the righties keep paying him to flap his gums. The Republicanazis want this Country to be a 3rd rate nation in a position of servitude to them, to serve the financial interests of the American great and greedy. Herr Harper was hired by the oilies and is supported financially by them to make this Canadian takeover happen. And so far Steve has been quite successful in his ongoing coup. There are obviously a large number of Canadians who have rings in their noses and who can be led in any direction the American oil monopoly desires. The direction of travel is laid in the newspapers every day, day after day, month after month, until the hidden monopoly executives at oil central in Calgary and Houston deem that the toastools have forgotten the outrages of the past like [ Megantic, a tar derailment in Thunder Bay and a pipeline tar spill into the Yellowstone River in Montana where Hi Octane Benzine is being detected 50 miles down stream. Interestingly, if Montanans continue to draw the Benzine laced water into their homes for washing clothes and such Benzine fumes will fill such houses and they’ll be a health risk to all those inside. Forever. Safety regulations say one whiff of Benzine fumes is one too many. What we will see in 15 or 20 years, is an increase in deaths from cancers and lung problems due to piping Alberta Tar and Hi Octane Benzine [ which is much like napalm / gasoline or Benzine mixed with a gelling agent ]. This explosive mixture s being put through 50 year old pipes that were designed for conventional oil. In that area of the Yellowstone / Missouri Rivers junction, people can’t drink the water. This Benzine contamination is going to go hundreds of miles down the Missouri river. But all the people along the Missouri, like in North Dakota will not be told of Benzine being in the river water. The press will instead write about Kim Kardashian’s ass, the Biebs pranks, Jeremy Clarkson’s drinking habits and Eugenie Bouchard’s twirl. Innocent people, especially the young and old will die too soon from Benzine fumes propagated by the American oil monopoly. It is obviously something that should be kept from the toadstools by Paul Godfrey and he get one and a half million a year to sell you out. Oh for the life of a toadstool, no worries, always happy. Until your job at Suncor disappears or until you can’t sell your million dollar Calgary home for $ 450,000, $ 250,000 less than the mortgage you hold. This is what the right wing free market system is all about in the end, death and ruin. Your death, not Harper’s. And the Nazi Canadian / US press is paid to steer you in that direction without informing you of the dire consequences. German toadstools followed Hitler for 12 years after 1933. They didn’t know where they were headed and didn’t bother to ask. The population of the Country was 80 million in 1939. In 1946 that number had dropped to 65 million. Fifteen million Germans perished because nobody asked any questions??? Harper is responsible for 47 innocent Quebecers were fried at Megantic. Nobody asked any questions. Our media covered the tragedy like a Leafs / Habs game. There are now 22 orphans from that inferno. Did our Nazi Post press mention the orphans??? The American oil monopoly, Herr Harper and CP Rail are responsible for Megantic but the Nazi media gave them a pass. The newsies did give big coverage to the 3 innocent trainmen who operated the bomb train being charged. They knew not what they had on board because CP Rail lied about the dangerous Molotov contents on the train manifest. Did the press investigate??? Again noooooooo. This is standard rightie procedure, when the boat begins to sink. A Fascist discussion takes place, how many little people will we have to throw overboard to save the ship. But this keeps happening again and again. But the little people continue to submit silently, holding hands as they walk to the ovens. In poisoning or burning the whites, shooting the blacks or sending the Hispanics home, maybe the Republicanazis are just looking for ways to reduce the American population to a manageable size. The Repubs. only need so many people to drag those stone blocks up the side of the pyramids. The Congress can poison the trash whites who don’t count for anything with Benzine in Montana, ND and Nebraska. Or maybe spilling Alberta Tar and Benzine from the Keystone pipe into the Ogallala Aquifer would wipe out more inconsequential whites quicker. I’m for dealing with this extermination business quickly. Why kill 47 at a time like in Megantic and have it repeated over and over again? In small town after small town. Why not figure out how many need to burn from tar or die from Benzine poisoning and arrive at a figure for the final solution. The Rebubs. could increase the number of young unarmed blacks they shoot. This would mean going to war with the heavily armed black communities. However in the end the blacks would lose, because Washington has supplied US police with military, lethal hand-me-down hardware. California is into the fourth year of a permanent drought. The State is returning to a desert state. Normal agriculture is drying up. Unemployment among Hispanic farm workers is climbing. Many of their small communities have run out of water. The media says nothing about this but the toadstools still buy newspapers, magazines and watch TV. What for? Answer, they live in a fantasy land especially created for them. This works fine until the roof falls in. Then the toadstools go straight to hell, just like the Germans did 1933 / 1945. The water in California is privately owned. In Canada water is owned by the people. In the State there are about 350 entities [ individuals, groups and corporations ] that own a shrinking water resource. Control of water in California resides with the big hats, big muscle, the great and greedy and the Republicanazis. Now Wall St. is buying up huge chunks of land and installing nut trees and such which do not need a big labour imput. The streeters are installing water pumping station that go down into underground aquifers. This water belongs to all Californians but the rich and powerful are just stealing it. As the underground caverns are emptied they collapse, never to hold water again. Already in areas of California the ground had dropped 2 feet. The Republicanazis and their friends are bleeding the State white. The Repubs. are now telling the Hispanics to go home, they are no longer needed. Small communities are becoming ghost towns. You didn’t know this? I guess the Canadian / US Nazi press just didn’t tell you. In terms of the low price now being paid for oil, it is causing Alberta to sink like a stone, our Nazi press is being paid by the US oilies to say this whole ugly mess was created by OPEC [ this is a lie ]. But Honderich, Thomson, Godfrey and Mulroney, CTV, Global et al, are convinced that if they repeat OPEC, OPEC, OPEC, often enough the population of toadstools will become convinced. And an early survey of Letters to the Editor and internet responses in regards to the reaction of the toadstools is that the lie, ” OPEC is to blame ” is indeed gaining traction. As we speak many toadstools are reacting unfavourably to OPEC as was expected by the oilies. As long as the toadies are focused on OPEC the American oil monopoly can breath easy because there purchasing stolen oil from ISIS will never see the light of day. As long as the toadies are focused on OPEC our economic problems will not get fixed and Barb Black’s little people will suffer. And just think, the Nazi media makes big money ensuring our problems will never get fixed. And just think, the dollars that you spend on hi priced gasoline, some goes to the newsies to make sure your difficulties continue. Some goes to US Team ISIS. Now the latest shot over the bow. At the directions of the American oil monopoly, a media smear campaign has now been started against Naheed Menshi, the popular Mayor of Calgary. If the oilies can take out three democratically elected Alberta Premiers [ Getty, Stelmach and Redford ]. Hey, a mere Mayor should be easy pickins. The public assassination of the Mayor will allow the Nazi / oilie press to ignore things like the creep of poverty in Alberta, an increase in Food Bank use and a drop in house sales and prices. In earlier times Westerners were tough stuff. But to-day, the rough and tumble nature has been replace by jellied spines. Those creatures with the ability to adapt, they grow stronger. In the west the people submit and submit and submit to the oilies. They are about to pay a huge price for their stupidity and their recently acquired submissiveness. It is not a pretty sight to see, a once strong, brave pioneer people are about to just vanish into thin air. Replaced by toadstools who are kept in the dark and fed horseshit by the Nazi media.

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During the 1989 /90 period, as a recession was bearing down on Ontario the newspapers went silent on the gathering storm. Peterson, the banks and big business rewarded the press for not informing the public of the financial downturn ahead. I had been by that time, in the antique basket manufacturing business since 1970. Over my time in that business I made about 60,000 APPLE BASKETS and there are many still around, especially in movies and TV shows. The first APPLE BASKET was made in Pickering in the 1890s. When ever there is need for a rustic setting, TV people use one of my baskets. Over almost 20 years I built up a customer base of about 200 shops selling, antiques, wool /yarn, gifts and many of the museums and art galleries. I covered the whole Country from Trounce Alley in Victoria BC to Peggys Cove in Nova Scotia McMichael, Upper Canada Village, Black Creek Village and the Ontario Agricultural Museum were among them. Every year, after the spring rush, I would send out my Brougham Basket Newsletter. It was full of tidy tips and some of my humour??? I was taking a huge chance, bad, bad jokes have been known to drive away customers. Part of the reason for the Newsletter was to encourage my customers to order early for Xmas. Being a hundred year old manufacturing system, each basket took from 4 to 5 days to complete the process. I just could not make 500 baskets on Christmas eve. Each preorder was put in my production book and I could guide my customers on their previous holiday orders. Each customer could increase or decrease an order based on their traffic or cancel without any penalty. As the fall arrived, I could gauge the incoming volume of orders based on previous orders. Sometimes business went up a little or sometimes down a little. This helped me in buying supplies and hiring staff. In the summer of 1989 things were different. Orders had slowed and as fall arrived the preorders were slow too, but I gave it a few days. Then I began calling selected customers across the land. It was the same everywhere, people were kicking tires and not buying stuff. I decided there was a slump coming and began battening down the hatches. After the Christmas season end, the year hadn’t been too bad. But the future looked bleak. I did not reorder supplies like stain and nails. I did not hire anyone. As a trained aeroplane mechanic, I put my skills to work at various golf courses in the area, fixing golf carts, chain saws, weedwhippers and backhoes. This kind of employment allowed me to continue building Apple Baskets. The downturn was quite the conversation piece among business people during the winter of 1989 / 90. But what struck me was, that the media went silent on the coming recession – stroke – depression. Editorials were as dishonest as they are to-day, be happy, don’t worry and just keep taking on obligations. People were planning marriages, mortgages were being arranged for new houses, some were leaving secure jobs to take up new positions and many were going out on a limb financially. News of the coming recession should have been made available to all Canadians but the Nazi press failed in its’ duty to the people. I learned a big lesson. Politicians, big business, banks and the great and greedy had insider information which they used to protect themselves. My information about the coming collapse was based on my own experience and a connection with 200 little stores across the Country. None of the little people would have been hurt if the papers had done the job they claim they do. Favouring the great and greedy grafters was the position taken by the Nazi media in return for cash. All of those innocent little people who came out on the losing end in 1989 / 95 were sold out for cash by the Nazi press. There is a reason why I call them the Nazi media. The Republicans have a long history of supporting the Fascists first WW 1, then the Nazis in WW 11. Hitler was sending money to the Republicans during the late 1930s, this to keep the USA out of the War. EXXON’s parent Standard oil, supplied Hitler with gasoline during WW 11, until Adolf ran out of money. It remains true of the Republicanazis to-day and also the American oil monopoly, namely, that they played both sides of the street, no matter who gets hurt, foreigners, immigrants or Barb Black’s little Americans. Georgie Jr. and Jeb Bush’s Grandfather Preston laundered money for the Nazi’s at his NY bank in the early 1940s. So it would seem that the Republicans, going back to the time of Coolidge and Hoover, were quite sympathetic to the Fascist ideology. Ronnie Reagan, during his Presidency called all of the major newspapers and TV networks together and formed a cabal in which the right wing ideology would be favoured over the truth. Just a little spin here, just a little spin there to begin with. Reagan also gave the Nazi media protection from law suits related to lies, libel and character assassination by removing the laws pertaining to such grievances. Reagan, justified his revoking of said laws by saying that with free press coverage it would be balanced and all sides of a story would be told. This is utter clap trap. Ronnie had just crushed a free press in the USA and replace it with journalists and commentators hired to sing from a Nazi style song book. Thus the media moguls were plunked into shade, permanently protected. Push the right wing agenda, firstly were Reagan’s instructions. This allowed the papers to hire dumb ass reporters and speakers who knew nothing and whose two major qualifications had to be understanding rightie gibberish and being able to read a press release or an E-Mail without being curious. Hitler controlled his press by the use of force. Reagan controlled his media with money and immunity from lawsuits from people whose reputations and lives they destroyed by reporting false News and made up stuff. The kind of stuff our Ezzie La Rant throws up and then is published by Mulroney’s Sun. Under Reagan, the American media went totally right and totally Nazi. Then under Thatcher the English press went totally right and totally Nazi [ not the Guardian / New Statesman ]. We here in Canada have followed suit, with Herr Harper controlling things from his closet in the House of Commons. When the green horn rightie writers want to flex their tiny brain muscle and gain some creds from Lyin Steve, they write about the NEP myth, use the term left leaning and attack unions, Medicare, education, those who don’t like guns and rewrite Canadian history. Did you know that there are 300 million guns in America, almost one for every person in the Country. Blacks and Hispanic can own guns legally and show them in the open, even assault weapons. The recent killing of young blacks by police and the threatened deportations of Hispanics in California and 4 million illegals in the rest of the Country by Republicanazis is pushing the USA towards open warfare. Central to this is the Nazi press. The newsies are not part of the solution. They are a huge part of the problem, and our friend and President Ronnie set them on this course. Herr Harper has picked up on the same rightie approach. Reagan suffered from Alzheimers. Herr Harper is just plain nuts. Steve wants more guns and stiffer laws to deal with his opponents, critics [ me ] the eco terrorists [ like David Suzuki ]. If we both get jailed together I wouldn’t mind bunking in with him before our executions take place. He seems like a neat guy to get to know. In the 1989 / 90 crash most regular people didn’t have a clue, some just lost money, other lost everything, including families, even lives. They were treated like toadstools by the Nazi media, kept in the dark and fed horseshit. The Star, Globe, Post, Sun and CTV have blood on their hands but escaped blame. In the aftermath, the evil press went to work for the politicians, big business and great and greedy, this to scatter responsibility, fill the air with nonsense, publish bogus theories, divert attention and seek to make things as confusing as possible. It worked. The elites actually profited from 1989 / 90 because of their advanced knowledge that the roof was about to fall in. And the tall tales that the Nazi press published on behalf of the rich and famous to secure yet again another transfer of wealth to the rich from the ever poorer.

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The 2008 / 2009 financial collapse was a replay of 1989 / 90 fiasco. Only this time it was done on purpose by the US banks and Wall St. Just two days ago Wall Street cheered the management of Target for closing all those Canadian stores, this to cut the costs of their mighty blunder. The losses suffered by employees, landlords, small suppliers, cleaners and the communities was never mentioned by the papers nor the Wall Streeters. Barb Black’s little people don’t amount to shit. During 9 / 11 seven stock brokers were interviewed. They were located in a big building close to ground zero. Not one of them mentioned the twin towers going down. There only interest was in whether the stock market would go up or down. The toadstools are in the hands of these guys. Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton and Georgie Bush had REMOVED ALL OF THE RESTRICTIONS AND RESTRAINTS ON THE US FINANCIAL COMMUNITY. The grafters came up with new schemes which were very risky, exceptionally profitable and wherein the American taxpayers bore all the risk. Now the people were not told they’d be stuck for all of this chicanery because the media was paid to hold their tongues. The citizens went their merry way, full in the knowledge that the laws of the land protected them from the thievery, first exhibited by the Republicanazis in the 1920s. Coolidge, Hoover and their Party caused the great crash of 1929. FDR, when he became President in 1933, put in place laws that would protect Americans and ensure that such financial folderall would never happen again. But the right wing never liked FDR and spent hundreds of millions of dollars and 50 years to remove Franklin’s laws that protected the wealth of middle American. Ron, George, Bill and Georgie Jr. succeeded in placing the USA back into the late 1920s and create another opportunity for the great and greedy to take Middle America back out to the woodshed and pick their pockets once again. As this game of stealing went on, the Nazi media just sat back, mum’s the word and cashed their gold embossed cheques. There is an old saying, that if you keep doing the same thing you will continue to get the same lousy result. For the Republicanazis and the Nazi media, this doing the same thing over and over is a real positive. The little people always lose With no financial laws in place the rewards are limitless and the Repubs and press NEVER LOSE. It is the regular Americans who keep ending up at the sharp end of the stick. It is the Nazi press that puts them at the top or puts you in the bottom of the bucket. Once you trust someone it is hard to come to grips with the fact that he / she is a common thief. If you believe in the goals of a political party, it is hard to come to the realization that outsiders who do not share your goals and hope have taken control. My beloved Progressive Conservative Party was taken over by the Republicanazis. They have steered it toward evil purposes, namely the enrichment of he rich. In the end, the takeover of Canada complete, could cost you and your family the Country we all love. Frank Miller, acting as a right wing puppet in 1985 allowed the Republicanazis and American money in the door of my Ontario PC Party. I encountered a few of the hard right in that day. I did not like them, they didn’t like me. By 1995 my Party was firmly in the hands of the American Fascists but I still did not realize the extent of the infliltration by the right. It was only when I began working for the PCs in the Pickering area that I grasped how Americanized the Progressive Conservatives in Ontario had become. The second mandate of Mike Harris saw him win a slimmer majority in 1999, than the first time round and his popular vote decreased. While I was dissatisfied with my Party performance I thought this might scare the Executive into returning to the winning formula of Frost, Robarts and Davis. Ontario’s electrical system was in pitiful state due to a coup d’etat by the nukie industry. The voters were riled up over an assortment of rightie initiatives. I urged Harris by letter, not to sell hydro. Mike did not reply. I met with my MPP Janet Ecker to urge her to urge the Premier to make just one promise. PROMISE TO FIX HYDRO AND ALL OF THE LITTLE RIGHT WING WRONG HEADED IDEAS WOULD FORGOTTEN. Fix hydro and our Party will win the next election I said to Mike. Ignore this KW problem, run on your record and you and the PCs will be toast. The PCs were run by Repubs., Bay St. and American money. There was no way this Fascist lot was ever going to do anything for Ontarians, like dropping the price of electricity by half. Which is still a possibility but the private interests, friends of McGuinty are making too much money to ever consider the plight of ratepayers. Harris at the end of his second term, realized he was going to lose. 7 years of ignoring the PC membership had left their mark. Mike Harris bailed like the coward he is, not wanting a defeat to appear on his record in the history books. The press said nothing. A very frightened Brian Mulroney bailed out too, same reason, plus Brian was a thief. The press said nothing. A doubly frightened Dalt McGuinty quit the Legislature and closed the house for months. The press said nothing. Ontario was at that time, no longer a democracy. The press said nothing. Rather, our fate was in the hands of a few unelected Liberal insiders. The press said nothing. David Onley, former Lieutenant Governor was duped by McGuinty, Onley facilitated Dalt’s departure. The press said nothing. Onley allowed the Province to fall into the hands of a few non elected Liberals officials, who had no clear legal way of redeeming the situation. The Nazi media never told the people in this Province that our democracy had come to an end. McGuinty, the most corrupt Premier Ontario has ever had was allowed to escape and run away. the press said nothng. Dalt hid in a closet at Harvard for a year. The Nazi media gave McGuinty a free pass. The Liberal Government, then and now buys a lot of advertising. Do you think for a moment that the papers would turn their backs on juicy advertising contract by chasing McGuinty??? Not bloody likely.

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Dalton McGuinty was never a Liberal. He is a Rightpulicanazi in disguise. The companies Dalt rewarded with insider contract, giving them access to public money is staggering. Highway # 407 was given away by Mike Harris in a secret agreement to pay his hidden debts. That contract is full of more holes than a Swiss cheese. In about 2005 I urged McGuinty to make the # 407 contract public and take back the highway. Dalt refused because his friends were making too much insider money. This was at a time when it was revealed in the papers that Dalt got a free house from the nuclear industry. Later on, McGuinty cancelled the two nat. gas generating plants in Oakville and paid TransCanada pipelines and other companies, huge amounts of public money for the cancellation with no scrutiny. Metrolinx is another link with McGuinty’s friends which doles out hundreds of millions. The airport express is using 100 year old railway tracks and uses Diesel technology [ when every city in the world is going electric ]. The express cost a lot of money to build and will never be profitable. It was a gift to the Pan Am Games and will cost the taxpayer hundreds of millions of dollars before it is replaced by electric, elevated trains like the London System. The express was set up as a separate company which will be sold to the private sector as soon as the games are over. That private company will be guaranteed a certain level of profit. No matter what the losses are, the taxpayers of the whole Province will be on the hook forever. This is just another McGuinty giveaway to his business friends. I would love to know what Dalton One is netting from all the insider deals he made from 2003 until he ran away. McGuinty probably has an office somewhere to look after all of the graft cheques coming in for selling ONTARIO OUT. Oh yes as usual, the press said nothing in return for cash. What is going on in Alberta and what is going on in Ontario are related to right wing ideology, their so called free market, their monumental greed and their drive to kill off democracy. It is time to get off your keister and pick up your pitchfork. Otherwise you can continue to sit there on your couch eyes wide shut and you will be transported back to the dark ages. Canada’s oil business is finished. California, with 38 million people is becoming the Great Dust Bowl two. And England will be divided in half by a 20 miles wide stretch of water, running from the Wash to the Bristol Channel. All brought to you by the American right wing. When you are living in a hole in the ground with your starving children, you will have no reason to complain.
The opportunity to seize the moment comes with a time limit, doesn’t give you 25 years to make up your mind.

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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THE ONE THING THAT KEEPS CANADA FROM BEING A WINNER IS WE ARE BRANCH PLANT SLAVES   —   For all of our history we have operated as a branch plant first for France, for England, for the USA and soon we will be in servitude to China. Our movers and takers have always been quite happy acting as agents for the dominate other countries. Over time there have been movements to break free from such control but the ties have always been too strong bringing with it the fact that some people would suffer deprivation. This single fact has been used by the rich and powerful to undermine the desire of Canadians to become self sufficient and more innovative. They scare us because the elites are afraid of change. They say there’ll be lost revenue for the country and lost jobs. The loss will actually be to their pockets, the job part is not on their screen. I trust the people in this Canadian society. If the population is given the correct information they will make the correct decisions. The Republican / right / Canadian fascists fear the mob [ us ]. They are unsure of where the will of the majority will take North America.  They much prefer the status quo, rig everything they can and the $ media is paid big money to ensure that no changes take place even as the people suffer.  When Hitler came to power there were more than 7 million unemployed, almost ten percent of the population. The Nazis printed money and boosted their economy. Within 5 years 6 million of them had jobs but there were strings. Germans during that period had work, food, a roof, medical coverage and pensions. The one thing they did not have was a voice. And their education system was geared to graduating the Hitler Youth. It was if the Germans had traded their freedoms for security of person. Throughout time there have always been people who were NOT prepared to take 3 squares in exchange for freedom. We can have both, security as well as freedom. Such a prospect is very unsettling to the Nietzsche Cult. Free people make the elites very nervous. Who knows in what direction free people will go? But isn’t that what democracy is ALL ABOUT?  The will of the majority???   Totalitarion regimes such as Japan, Italy and Nazi Germany [ 1920s onward ] wherein a few ruled the many the bullies have always come a cropper.  Japanese aggression lasted less than 20 years [ 1925 /45 and the ruling war lord fell on his sword. Mussolini [ 1922 / 43 ] was pumped full of holes by the partisans. Then he and his mistress were taken to Milan and strung up on a lamppost by their heels. Hitler only lasted a dozen years and ended up like a rat in a hole in Berlin where the wimp took his own life with a pistol. Nietzsche lovers are all wimps [ UPC ]. So a lot of lives, time and money was spent on short lived regimes which ended in ruins. Does that make any sense? Why do the people put up with this kind of thing ? Are they just lazy? Apathetic? Stupid?  They themselves, in the end pay the biggest price. Does freedom have to be taken away before people realize its’ value. The Republicans / Harper’s Fascists / US oil cartel  want to make your choices. They can’t quite say that yet so their choices are gift wrapped and the $ media is paid to promote same. So you end up thinking you are the one doing the chose but you are not.  The Americans are just the latest to succumb to rule by an oligarchy made up of very rich Sociopaths. For the first time in Ontario’s recent history our democratic society just got up and went. Nuclear power has incrementally destroyed Ontario’s economy while we have in our northern reaches enough hydro electricity [ installed / potential ] [ 27000 MWs ] [ enough to do away with ALL OF THE NUKES AND COAL PLANTS IN ONE FELL SWOOP ]. Water was and is Ontario’s heritage but the nuclear industry needed a show case, a place to experiment with the ratepayer’s money. THEY decided Ontario was it. Ontarians were not informed.  Water got shelved by the nukies [ luckily we still have the resource just waiting to be put back to use ].  Ottawa and AEC lied to Queen’s Park about nuclear power generating cheap KWs, withheld the fact that there was toxic waste created with no known means of disposal and didn’t reveal that nuclear were not a perfected /user ready technology. Lies, lies and more lies over all these years. I have Star clippings of hundreds of such lies. In addition during the last 40 years nuke design flaws and incidents were hidden from the public and Queen’s Park politicians. Greatly aiding the nukies was the $ media, especially the Toronto Star. Nuclear propaganda in the papers and on TV was paid from using your very own  ratepayer’s money. So Ontarians paid for their own state of nuclear ignorance. This is like paying to keep the guillotine greased and sharp for your own execution. Daaaaa.  This could not have happened except for the massively bribed media pulling the wool over your eyes. So now Ontario is bankrupt, is without a legitimate Government and there is not the slightest chance that new nuclear plants will be built. As the old nukes are shut down [ Pickering 2015 / Bruce 2016 ]  our ability to generate electricity will be curtailed if YOU DON’T ACT. The old nukes will have to be mothballed at our expense and the cost will run in the billions. To add to our woes there is $ 25 billion in radioactive / toxic waste lying around. Temporarily stored in concrete drum with a life span of only 100 years. My grandchildren’s children will be able to get jobs repacking nuclear waste. That is if they can still breath? It has to be disposed of but nobody knows how, let alone the nukies.  That waste  is the responsibility of Ottawa and AEC.  Ontario never accepted the responsibility for that waste. Money was supposed to have been put aside by AEC for disposal but it never was. Any money collected was spent by AEC behind your backs on yet more failed experimentation took place, trying to develop a workeable nuclear plant [ that never happened ]. As all this takes place [ a deterioration of our electrical sysyem ]  your KW costs will continue to rise. You can do one of two things. Take to your bed weeping and have a nevous breakdown or elect a MPP who will look after YOUR  interests for a change and pledge not to take nukie bribes.  Now I am assuming we will have a working Legislature one day soon, brought back by a new Lieutenant Governor.  Or I suggest we break out the pitchforks.  Then we should clear out the Liberal party machine by putting most of  them in jail. Rob Ford was judged to have broken a procedural rule and was ordered out of office. Devious Dalt pays off his friends, flees the job like Mike Harris [ both of them qualify as chicken shits ],  illegally takes the legislature with him and he thumbs his nose at us and then goes into hiding. Now both Dalt and Mike are only seen on video, some leaders. I have offered [ in many posts ] to take over as Electric Tsar for  $ 250,000 a year on a 5 year contract. I would not expect 80% of that amount until the job was done properly. Ontarians would be the judge. Where can you get a deal like that?  Sort of goods satisfactory or money refunded. Now saying that certainly does date me. This, is an offer to fix YOUR ELECTRIC SYSTEM. I started preaching FIX TO MIKE HARRIS IN ABOUT 2000 so I have been preparing for this job for at least a dozen years. I would immediately cut KW prices in half from 20 cents per and review every contract that has been signed between hydro and the private sector. I would be looking for some restitution and some jail time for the politicians, civil servants and business types who cheated us.  Nobody has responded to me thus far about being Tsar but still I await your call. So Ontario is down and can’t get much lower. The Junta led by McGuinty continues to make decisions about the Province but said decisions HAVE NO FORCE IN LAW /THEY ARE ILLEGITIMATE. To anyone dealing with the Liberal Party machine [ like the teachers ] I would suggest ignoring Grits. Our Canada doesn’t actually belong to us. In a sense we are treated much like a buffet wherein foreigners, especially the Americans come in, pick over our resources and take what they want. Paying us but a few pennys in return. And our leadership [ a bribed Harper ] goes along for the ride. Our politicians make a few oil bucks and we [ the Mob ] get screwed. I used to consider Mexico and Venezuela third world countries, not now. Neither one of them allows foreigners to control their resources, especially oil and natural gas. What do Canadians do? We let the outsiders walk in and walk off with our stuff, we shut our mouths and accept royaties. Truly a sign of third world status?  In 2010 the US oil cartel took more than $ 100 billion in oil / nat. gas out of Canada and they gave us back something over $ 10 billion. If this is not playing the sucker I don’t know what is?  Ontario’s salvation is to crank up our huge dormant hydro electric resources and close the nukes. Then join the National Energy Stategy initiative as suggested by Premier Redford.  Oil and nat. gas woud move via the Twin Beaver pipe line eastward across the 55th parallel to Toronto, Montreal and the Maritimes.  With a spur up to Churchill Manitoba to the world market. Coming westward vis the Cross Canada Electric Grid would be cheap / clean hydro electric KWs using the same right-of-way. East and west would trade oil /natural gas for hydro electricity. All Canadians would benefit and we would have a made in Canada energy system protected by a firewall. Our resource riches would stay here as would the jobs. The Canadian Provincial Energy Corp [ 10 Provinces / 3 Territories ] would control all public resources. This Country has within its’ borders sufficient money to fund ALL OF THESE DEVELOPMENTS.   W E   D O  N O T  N E E D            F O R E I G N  I N V E S T O R S.  I will repeat. We don’t  need foreign investment money. This just a scare tactic by Herr Harper, the banks, the stock brokers and the $ media to facilitate the theft of our resources. Remember this figure, the population of Ontario is [  13.5 million ]. The potential of the world market for Canadian energy is England, Ireland and the 54 Commonwealth Countries, total population 2.2 billion people. But Herr Harper will say, no, no, I’d rather see you get beat up by the Yanks and the Chinese.


POOR ALBERTA, ONCE DURING THE EARLY DAYS OF LYIN STEVE’S, IT WAS THE ECONOMIC ENGINE OF CANADA / NOT ANYMORE  —   Read back through my posts. I have been talking about the financial fall of Alberta for months but the $ media was well paid by Harper / Flaherty and the US oil cartel to put on a happy / phony face. It is like hiding the fact that there is a fire and not informing people where the fire escapes are. The general population and small investors have been purposely kept in the dark. Especially by the Globe and Oil.  Politicians have played along in return for money. I can’t remember how many times I said the market for the oil / natural gas in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba is long gone. Any such business will have to find another line and those with jobs in that industry will have to move back to Ontario or Newfoundland. In the west, in the oil / gas industry there is no market left. Their resources are landlocked. All the money being paid for various oil holdings in the tar sands by the Chinese is going to Wall St. The Streeters are bailing sour investments. The sharks on Wall St. would sell their grandmother’s gold teeth if they had to even if she was still alive. So all the oil money Harper / Oliver / Flaherty keep talking about accruing to Canada  is not going to the hungry / homeless in Calgary nor the municipalities like Fort McMurray which are surrounded by toxic tailing ponds. THE FAST FLEEING US OIL CARTEL WILL NEVER CLEAN UP.  Not only are Albertans faced with a total loss of business but they will have to face a landscape littered with oil waste and polluted rivers. If you study the history of the US oil cartel you will see that they have abandoned their garbage  all over the world. The cartel bribes the politicians, extracts the resources, pays as little as possible and then leaves a giant mess. Did Albertans not think this was going to happen to them when the party ended?  Harper was / is paid by the cartel to delay any cleanup so if or when the cartel have to pick up their marbles and go home they can avoid cleaning up their filth. The Chinese who are buying up failing US tar sands  businesses are just oil banking for the future. The Chinese are creating reserves of fuel around the world for if and when they needed it. Our Country can’t make any money on what will be like thousands of underground storage tanks sitting filled with oil awaiting the pleasure of the Chinese. So all of this big play about the job shortages in the west, billions of dollars in potential and the huge impact the tar sands is having on the Canadian economy is a pipe dream dreamed up by the US oil cartel / Harper / Oliver /Flaherty. This misleading  bullshit would not be possible without the $ media, for so long the only source of information and news in the Country. The media moguls, politicians, big business, the nukies, the US oil cartel et al still believe that they control the flow of information via the media. Sorry folks.  The Internet and hand held devices are fast changing this situation. The advent of the net did not come soon enough to save the American middle class. The $ media there had time to inflict their right wing  misrepresentations on the wider population and led the people there into one swamp after another until they were   forever lost. The $ media has yet to complete its’ destructive work in Canada and we have yet to become swamp bound. There is time for us Canucks to get off our asses and take charge. If we don’t, just look south of the border to see the fate which awaits. California for example is no longer a democracy. It is broke and ungovernable. The State is now ruled by a right wing Nietzsche oligarchy that holds all the control and holds all of the wealth of that Hollywood  land. Humankind since we walked out of Africa has had two overriding emotions, to fight or flee in the face of adversity. I am for fighting. We are not yet behind barbed wire fences. The way out is to subscribe the Premier Redford’s National Energy Strategy which Herr Harper and Joe Oliver are trying to wreck.  Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are the keys to the NES. There are two considerations. Oil and natural gas. Alberta used to get 60% of its’ royalties from nat. gas. Harper / Oliver / Flaherty never mention gas. Since the Harper’s Fascists are funded by the US oil cartel under the table, as is the Oil Party of Danielle Smith nat. gas is not on the screen. Neither is pure oil. What the oil cartel wants is cheap /raw tar to replace the heavy oil formerly coming from Venezuela. The refineries in Port Arthur Texas [ Keystone XL ] and California [ Gateway ] were seriously affected when Hugo Chavez nationalized his Country’s oil industry. He and his Government got tired of Yankee cheating [ as the cartel is now doing in Alberta ] and he gave them the boot. To make up for the lack of South American heavy oil the cartel started surreptitiously shipping raw tar diluted with lighter fluid [ DilBit ] through pipes that were only designed for pure oil. Both TransNotCanada and Enbridge lied / lie to the authorities about what they were / are pumping. Over a short period the number of tar slurry spills increased by 4 times. But the pipe line companies continued to lie about the contents being DilBit. The public has become increasingly alarmed. Mainly about the fact that spilled tar slurry doesn’t lend itself to clean up. Once the tar sets it is like an asphalt road, almost impossible to remove.  The only way around this is for TransNotCanada, Enbridge and Kinder – Morgan to continue to tell lies about diluted bitumen. These lies are carried ad nauseum by the $ media. The US oil cartel and the pipe line companies are caught between a rock and a hard place. They have spent hundreds of million on brainwashing the Canadian public telling lies. Switching to the truth now is not an option so we will have to continue to be confronted by oil lies especially in the papers. The $ media survives on cartel advertising so to finally come clean about DilBit would cost the media moguls hundreds of thousands in lost advertising. The oilies won’t pay if the truth is told. And the problem is a real simple one. Every Canadian above Grade 8 will understand. Pure oil is just that, pure oil. It is the consistency of baby oil or the stuff dad puts in the car engine WITH ALL THE IMPURITIES REMOVED.  Diluted bitumen [ raw tar mixed with lighter fluid ]  HAS NO IMPURITIES REMOVED. Two such impurities are toxic chemicals and quartz sand. The toxic chemicals mix with the lighter fluid and create a lethal / explosive mixture. If a leak develops a cloud of poisonous gas will envelope the spill and can blow up or asphyxiate people or both. The bigger problem is the steady stream of quartz sand going through steel pipes, especially older pipes. The sand stream is particularly hard on welded seams, poor welds, elbows and shut off valves. The number of DilBit spills where the tar has not been shut off for hours relates to the safety valves being sand blasted away. Most valves are made of bronze. A soft metal which is easily blasted away. The quartz sand also desroys the monitoring sensors which are designed to sense oil pressure not DilBit pressure. With valves and sensors inoperative the pipe line emergency staff [ at $ 12 an hour ] who are located in Houston are totally blind and helpless to stop spill flow. The existing oil pipe line infrastructure was meant to carry pure oil. Pumping DilBit is cheating by the US oil cartel, a practice which puts everyone along every pipe line at risk. This cheating is made all the sweeter because DilBit is not considered oil so there is no tax. The Republican congress has made that ruling. So the Washington gets no tax revenue with which to fund the cleanup of DilBit spills. If there is a major spill both TransNotCanada and Enbridge have set up their businesses as a number of smaller units. If a particular stretch of pipe line created a huge DilBit spill the Companies could pay off to the max insurance coverage, abandon it and build a new line in close proximity without difficulties. In terms of the Keystone XL the Texans have been promised that if the pipe is not used for DilBit it can be used to bring water from the Rockies to that parched State. Under NAFTA, which Mulroney signed, I don’t think we could stop them. That’s one of the reasons NAFTA HAS TO GO.  Population of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba [ 6 million ].


POOR EVEN POORER QUEBEC   —   Let’s hope for the sake of all Quebecers that Pauline Marois doesn’t get her wish of separation. The Province would be a small enclave in a sea of English without the ability to survive on its’ own. There isn’t much beyond hydro electric power there.  Habitation is limited to narrow strips of land on either side of the St. Lawrence. Quebec has been well run over the past 25 years and many progressive policies were created / strengthened. They had had their scandals but look around the world, there are cheats in every country. The solution to crime is the enforcement of the laws of the land.  The separatist threat blowing hot and cold as well as the strict enforcement of the language laws at times has scared off business and investment. Heavy handedness in politics always ruins the day. Just think Bill Davis during Ontario’s golden years. After which Miller, Peterson, Rae, Harris, Eves and McGuinty wrecked the place.  For years Que. Hydro has been able to sell all its’ surplus clean / water KWs to the USA, bringing in about $ 3 billion a year. Running flat out was very economical and Quebecers were rewarded with cheap KWs like 6 cents per [ Ontario with a McGuinty price of 20 cents per KW ].  How the hell is it possible for us to compete with the world? We don’t and that is why the Province is bankrupt. For years the Americans could not get enough of Quebec power but nothing lasts forever.  George Bush Jr.’s sub prime debacle destroyed 55% of the value of real estate south of the border. He along with the help of Wall St. and the Republican Congress took out middle America and relegated same to food banks, soup kitchens and living under highway overpasses. Bush is the father of the death of the States.  One after another of US cities are going bankrupt there wherein they can’t pay teachers, police, firefighters etc, let alone their utiliy bills. Quebec electricity, even though clean and affordable is just a jolt too far when there is no money. Such US towns and counties are either not paying Quebec for juice or have cancelled their purchases of power altogether. The US has a glut of natural gas and Washington is loaning money out to cities to build gas generating plants. This is creating jobs in the US and keeping their money home. Something we do not do in Canada. We give it away without a beep, ever true to our branch plant upbringing. To make matters worse the old hydro deal over Churchill Falls with Newfoundland  requires Quebec to buy most of the KWs, at a very cheap price mind you. This deal allowed Quebec to bring in big bucks from the USA while Newfoundland got short changed. Now the shoe may be on the other foot as the cheap KWs may have no buyer at all and Quebec could begin to dump the power for nothing as is happening in McGuinty’s Ontario. Quebecers may have to take money out of their own pockets to satisfy Newfoundlanders. Quebec is a Province which doesn’t have too many economic irons in the fire. Take away hydro electricity what have you got? Not much of an economy. Alison Redford’s National Energy Strategy offers a way out for both Quebec and Newfoundland [ and Ontario ]. A secure / flat out market for hydro power within Canada’s boundries to power the tar sands. Spooling up Ontario’s hydro potential along with Manitoba’s water power would complete the link. Oil [ not raw tar ] and natural gas pumped east and hydro power directed west. This is the ticket. Old sayings are old sayings for a reason, ” united we stand, divided we fall “. Maybe I’ll modify it a bit, working together we stand. Following Herr Harper and the US oil cartel we lose bigtime. Let’s have no more being left destitute at the church by foreign suitors. The Harper $ press has been waging a major campaign to discourage our young from becoming involved with the political process. The only youth Lyin Steve wants are the Sociopaths [ UPC ] who are mindless and can be trained by Preston Manning to derail Canada.  Quebec’s population  [ 8 million ] / Newfoundland  [ 1/2 million ] 


The population in the 3 Western Provinces is 6 million, Ontario has 13.5 million, Quebec has 8 million and Newfoundland has 1/2 million. The total is 28 million like minded Canadians who each have something to contribute to the whole. And such contributions have the potential to be much greater than the sum of the parts. W H Y  D O  W E         N O T  D O  T H I S  ? ? ?  Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. McGuinty is a tool of the nukies. Harper is a tool of the US oil cartel. Let’s put both of them in jail and get on with building a new Canada. I have not left BC, the Maritimes and the Territories out of my plan. They too have much to offer. There always  has to be a start. It needs Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, Newfoundland and Ontario to get their heads together first. They have the major tradable resources.     NOTE   —   Getting our house in order is the first order of business, it’s crucial. This would allows us to gain economy of scale so that we can offer to England, Ireland and the 54 Commonwealth Nations tailor made energy solutions. Something THEY CAN’T DO ON THEIR OWN. In this regard the under 35s have an opportunity to shape this Nation and provide leadership on the energy front across the world. It takes but one step to begin this journey. Why can’t they tackle the problems we face in helping to organize the Canadian Provincial Energy Corp. It would be a far better investment of their time than going into the streets and throwing rocks. And remaining unemployed.


In terms of healing one’s self  Ontario is the only Province to be in that position. We are very diversified with many irons in the fire and have more than 40% of the Country’s population. I mean by that we have an educated population, a good educational system [ although you wouldn’t know it right now with a rogue / self appointed  leader [[ devious Dalt ]] who is coming out of his tree publicly because he fears going to jail ],  an excellent healthcare system, some of the best farmland in the world, mineral wealth, forests, unlimited water, hydro electric power coming out of our yim- yam and exceptional governmental system now in the hands of nitwits. Our system of government is of democratic design but at the moment devious Dalt McGuinty and his Liberal Party machine have usurped power and are operating illegally. Ontarians now have no voice thanks to David Onley, L. G . The will of the people is sitting at home thanks to Onley ” The Clueless “.  But not for long I hope. The immediate response from Ontarians should be, drive David Onley from office and replace him with a new Lieutenant Governor [ one who actually knows the rules of the Legislature and has the balls to enforce them ]. Mind you if there is no new L. G., we should kick Onley out, save on his salary and expenses and have the Liberal Party machine get a rubber stamp from Buckingham Palace so they can run the legislature hands free on whim. One of the reasons behind Parliamentary democracy is to remove the whim of one person [ like Hitler or Harper ] from the equation.  We need to remove McGuinty and his Liberal machine with a view to seeing him / them in jail. We must fix the electrical system by reviving our hydro electric potential. I have already suggested the fix option to Andrea Horwath. She could write her own ticket. Both devious Dalt and Mini Mike Hudak are nukie lovers. Both Party machines and their insiders make big money keeping the nukes in place. I find it unbelievable that we as a Province have such vast hydro resources and yet the bulk of population knows so little about this hidden wealth. It is truly a tribute to a deceitful press [ especially the Star ] that we have been so misled for so long. The media daily pledges allegiance to the people then daily sell us out to the highest bidder.  For too many trusting citizens the realization that they have been misled will come too late. As they are herded aboard the cattle trains. When young elephants are being trained they are tethered by a chain, attached to a hind leg and afixed to a stake. The elephant then roams to the extent of the chain and becomes familiar with his territory. After a time the chain is removed and the elephant never goes beyond that boundry which is burned in his brain. Are Ontarians like that little elephant and can’t see beyond the life which has been defined for us by our keepers?  And reported on by their agents, the $ media. If there is no possibility of developing a vision to capitalize on our true riches then our children and their children are doomed to a life of servitude under the thumb of the Nietzsche lovers, the Americans and the Chinese. If however there are sufficient of our citizenry who can see past the Queen’s Park / media / even TVO propaganda and envisage as Churchill put it, ” the sunny upland slopes ‘,  then we can draw near to the other Provinces to pool our resources and talents. Then we are is a position to create a true north strong and free. Well beyond that blue horizon.  Free from American / Chinese chains.


CLAUDIA CATTANEO / A LIAR / KNOWINGLY OR UNKNOWINGLY / THAT IS THE QUESTON???    —   As you know I have been clipping articles from papers for years especially on the energy front in Ontario and Canada. Having been a mechanic for over 60 years, I can develop a fix for most any machine based on a smattering of facts. Years ago newspapers would use their archives to flesh out stories and compare what was said back then with what is being said now. Sadly, that is no longer the case. The $ media is paid not to remind people that Herr Harper has been telling lies for more than 20 years. Lyin Steve is getting worse for that very reason, He lies continuously because he knows he will not be challenged. The oilies have paid the $ media for this to happen. Lots of US oil cartel money under the table from CAPP insures that the $ media will stay silent, do what it is told and lie when it is told. If I listed all of the times the papers printed lies in a book about energy in Canada in the last ten years [ especially the Toronto Star ] it would weigh at least 50 lbs. I can’t believe my beloved Star sold out like all the rest of the papers. I have been connected with that Paper since 1947 and just watched over the years as it went downhill. The reason the lies continue unabated is that the papers cover each others derrieres. If the Post tells lies about the tar sands the Globe and Oil will remain mum. The Thompsons do value their oilie cheques.  Who then guards the guardians? Nobody as a matter of fact. The $ media will now tell us anything that comes with a payment attached. I have in my hand about a dozen articles written by Claudia Cattaneo [ Post ] which are full of lies. I don’t get it. Such dishonest claims are easily checked out on the net by the readers. Is Paul Godfrey still living in the past before the net?  Is Claudia some kind of robot who writes anything she is told? Is she prohibited by Paul from going on the net to check out the truth? Why is Godfrey printing this stuff when  HE  has got to know it isn’t true? I have lost all respect for Paul. Is his million dollar stake in the American owned Post so important that he is prepared to lie to Canadians, to our children and help destroy his own Country?  Cattaneo looks like a grandmother. I hope she isn’t. For the world Claudia id helping to create won’t be easy on the young. The US oil monopoly has developed a public relations pitch that is repeated over and over by Cattaneo and all the other journalist shilling for the cartel. They all say the same things, using the same numbers, every comment favours the US oil cartel to the exclusion of all others. Our newspapers are dying. Years of lying and misinforming the readers added to the rise of the internet has cut the legs out from under them. What we have now is a spectacle of people with more money than brains pumping huge sums into various papers trying to keep them alive. But there is no hope. When each such misguided backer runs out of jack then we see another title disappear. Hurray. Our resident criminal  journalist Conrad Black ,talked the other day about getting back into the newspaper business. Such mindless chatter reminded me of just what a lousy businessman Connie really was. The Conman couldn’t pick out a winner if it fell on his head. His principal talent was syphoning money from corporations behind the backs of old ladies, board members and shareholders.  I wonder how much Blackie pays Paul Godfrey to get into the Post?  Anyway, Cattaneo keeps writing this oilie claptrap  and Paul keeps on printing it. I believe the cartel pays Cattaneo to write its’ oilie copy [ advertising actually ] and pays Godfrey to print it. So they are really ads masquarading as news. The Ontario Press Council rules do not permit this. But what the hey, the Post is an American paper operating illegally in Canada thanks to Herr Harper.  Go on the net, many of Claudia’s articles are there for the reading. To an article, they only cover the interests of the US oil cartel. Canadians never get a break from Cattaneo. The Post is really a giant Canadian Tire flyer. In the view of the cartel we Canucks exist only to open our wallets and pay what we are told. My posts are being read in 86 countries. Probably many of my viewers can’t believe that in such a supposedly rich / free Country like Canada we have to continually defend ourselves against the Americans stealing our freedoms. And deal with a goodly number of Canadians quite happy to take Yankee dollars to sell us out [ Harper ].  Life doesn’t favour one entity / species to the exclusion of all others as the cartel would wish. This kind of dishonest slant in the news costs the oilies big bucks to maintain and that is what Godfrey wants / needs is big bucks to hold on. To dwell in this Bush irreality may be comforting to some on the right but the internet has given the thumbs down to both the Keystone XL and the Gateway. These pipe lines are monstrosities, that convey poisonous gas along with the sandy tar. After a future major DilBit spill where there is loss of life bitumen mixed with lighter fluid will be ruled a hazardous cargo. Under such circumstances the management of the company responsibe should be give a long prison term.  The risks to the general public and the environment will provide us with a measurement as to just how far the papers have fallen and how important the net has become in the public eye. If you read Cattaneo, remember most of what she writes is not true, she’s being paid not to use her brain and being paid to mislead you. Could Godfrey reveal to us how much money is given to him by CAPP?  Millions of Republican / right  / Harperite sociopaths operating on the basis of circulating erroneous information, it is a daily occurrence. Not knowing where they themselves are [ in a dream state ] is the key to their schizophrenic behavious and existence. The Nietzsche state of mind is like being on a drugs. The young Sociopaths [ joining the Republicans or Harper ] are wisked away to some La La Land, never to return.  Harper and Manning, who are both wimps decided on their own that they were exceptional, above the herd. So away they went.  One Thomas Sowell, a senior fellow with the Hoover right wing Institute wrote a long article for the Sun in which said, ” why do Republicans keep making the same mistakes “? I can’t figure out how such a stupid son of a bitch like Thomas makes it into print. For Tom Sowell’s sake I will make it simple. Republicans are Sociopaths [ UPC sufferers all ] who NEVER EVER LEARN FROM THEIR MISTAKES. THEY JUST KEEP REPEATING THEM.  AS WELL THEY HAVE NO INSIGHT. Go on the net and look up Sociopath and Undeveloped Prefrontal Cortex [ UPC ] and it itemizes all the behaviours of people who are missing  this critical brain part. Take this list of behaviours and apply them to any leading Republican, from Reagan / Bush Jr. on down. All of the top Repubs qualify as UPC sufferers. They can’t help themselves. George Bush Jr. destroyed his Country but the Repubs just continue his destructive ways. Conrad Black is a good example of UPC, he lives in another world that we don’t. Every time he opens his mouth it shows how far out he is. 75% of Canadians want to see the back end of Black as he leaves. But Godfrey persists in ramming Black down the throats of the majority of the public by giving Connie space in the Paper to let us know what a fine chap he is.  This is not a good business plan when the Post loses $ 25 million a quarter. For the rest of us life grinds on touched by some of the good and some of the bad.  Darwin did not write about the survival of the fittest as the rich /  right / Nazis would have us believe. Darwin explained that those forms of life that adapt to the twists and turns thrown at them survived and their progeny grew ever the stronger. The reverse is also true. As we see in the States the Repub Sociopaths have proliferated, accumulated most of the wealth in the Country and rigidly avoid adaptation. As these Sociopaths venture deeper and deeper into Bush Jr.’s fantasy land the real problems of life are ignored.  I saw a fridge magnet that said if life hands you lemons make lemonade. Hand a Republican lemons and he’ll just put them in the fidge. Thus the USA, which is in the grip of  rich / right Sociopaths and living in the irreality that George Bush Jr. created for them is sinking before our very eyes. The USS Titanic. We do ourselves no favours  lashing up the a sinking ship. With all the US ills, China seems to be thriving as they live day to day in their real world and adapt to it. Not easily and not always successfully but they do have a big bank account. If you have no love for Canada, if you don’t worry for the future of your children and want to waste 15 minute reading to become even more ill informed then buy a copy of Paul Godfrey’s American Oil Post and read Cattaneo. The thrust behind Claudia Cattaneo, Paul Godfrey and the US oil cartel is to empty YOUR wallet and hurry YOU on YOUR TRIP to see Digger O’Dell, the friendly undertaker. If you don’t wake up in time, at least may I say, do rest in peace after your cattle car journey.                                                                                                                                              


Please understand that my ire is directed at the one percent, not the 99% in the USA. Since 2006 I have been watching this financial trainwreck unfold as orchestrated by George Bush Jr., Dick Cheney and the Republicans. I watched the American people slowly and ignorantly shuffle off into the valley of the shadow of death. They knew not their fate, which was economic ruin. As the meltdown [ I have explained the circumstances in earlier posts ] bore down, Wall St., Government insiders, banks, Republicans and the $ media manned the action stations. And that action was to arrange things in such a way that the American middle class would bear the brunt of any turndown. Simply put, 80% of the wealth in the USA prior to 2007 was in real estate. Bush changed the rules so that the banks did not have to continue to carry the mortgages they granted on their books. Further said mortages would not be sold to individuals but lumped together as investment certificates. One would have a piece of paper but that was not diectly tied to a physical asset. The people who sold the questionable mortgages got a fee [ the applicant had to be breathing ]. The bank manager got a commission and the bank charged a percentage for doing the deals. Then a hundred or so mortgages were lumped together and shares sold as AAA [ from the rating agencies / they are still in business / they should be in jail ]. The banks charged for the bundling and those who sold the bundles were paid a commission. These investment netted 7% interest or so. With American real estate going  through the roof investors world wide wanted in. This huge ponzi scheme attracted the attention of banks in Europe and even tiny Iceland. World money flowed to Wall St. and the insiders as never before. Then some of the mortgages started to go south. The 9000 US banks began to foreclose. In their minds they could of course take the properties back and sell them for even more as American real estate only went up. Right? Wrong. And here is the simple lit fuse that blew everything sky high. Take 100 home subdivision where prices range around $ 400,000. At any one time 5 might be for sale. One of those might be at the firesale price of $ 200,000. That will NOT AFFECT THE PRICE OF THE OTHER HOMES IN THE SUBDIVISION. In an economic downturn you might see 10 homes for sale with a couple of them real cheat. If someone decided to sell for any number of reasons they might have to take $ 375,000.  In terms of the sub prime [ meaning poison ] mortgages a forclosure means an empty house. The bank now has to baby sit it and pay the taxes and utilities. Then someone comes in the middle of the night and steals the bathtub and the plumbing fixtures, not bothering to turn the water supply off. The house is flooded. Windows get broke and if the cold weather arrives the frost heaves the foundation. All that is left is a job for the bulldozer. As the number of abandon homes increases in a subdivision the properties of innocent families depreciates. In some cases below the level of  secure / mature mortgages. This affects the economy in the area and there is then job loss. More people can’t pay their mortgages and it becomes a vicious / self perpetuating circle. As this happened through 2007 and 2008 about 9000 individual banks were driving nails into America’s coffin. And where was the absentee leader [ Bush Jr. ] during this critical time? Why riding around the Rose garden on his mountain bike. While America’s life blood drained away there was no one minding the store. Bush, Wall St, the banks, the Congress and the $ media could not see that less than 20% of all the mortgages in the land threatened the whole Country. I don’t mind if the Streeters risked their own dough but in 2006 / 2007 they were risking the wealth of Americans without their permission. The Repubs just stood by and watched.  Sociopaths [ UPC ] have no insight. I use the example of somebody going into a barn full of hay to play with matches not realizing the outcome might be unpleasant. Georgie Porgie and his pals lit one match after another as fast as they could. And you know what?  American did burn to the ground. Now Wall St. / the US oil cartel /the pipe liners [ Girling & Monaco ] with the help of the $ media are now looting Canada in the same manner. I see the remedy to eliminate these sharks is to give the Yanks the boot from Canada without them being able to sell their assets to the Chinese or others. The CPEC is the answer with our own Twin Beaver Pipe Line and Cross Canada electric Grid [ all publicly owned ]. Oh yes, the subprime scam that devastated the US and Europe never really made it to Canada. Our laws prevented Canadian banks from getting involved with this illegal / immoral beanfeast. Although they hollered to get in on the feeding frenzy of subprime and cursed Parliament, our banks didn’t make it. The American sharks missed out reaming this Nation good and proper in 2007 / 2008. But now with the help of Herr Harper, oil cartel and the $ media the reaming is being started anew.  If you like the idea of being reamed good and proper like, don’t lift a finger. Just sit there and wait till they come and ream you but good.


LOONEY TUNES IN THE OIL PATCH / A TRIP DOWN FANTASY LANE  / THE PLACE WHERE THE TRUTH DARE NOT DWELL                                                                        *******************************

QUESTION FOR PAUL GODFREY OF THE AMERICAN OIL POST   —    Since those of Fascist persuasion are always asking about the funding of environmental / community group and demanding that Revenue Canada do audits let’s be fair. How much money do the following get from the US oil cartel. Now I know this will not be easy for Godfrey as oil money is laundered in many ways. But Paul needs every drop of advertising he can get. The University of Calgary gets oil money  under the table and distributes it to climate deniers. As does Guelph and Carleton. Danielle Smith got $ 250,000 from the oil industry to start the Wild Rose Party but who actually handed her the cash. Tom Flanagan?  Preston Manning got oil money to start the Reform, from whose hand?  How much does Ross McKitrick [ who claims Global Warming isn’t taking place ]  get from the Heartland Institute which is funded by oil interests? How much did Mary Janigan and Knopf Random get from big oil to write  / publish let your’s truly and my friends freeze in the dark? How much does Peter Foster get from the oil cartel to write the longest series of article on Global Warming denial known to mankind? How much cash does Oil Mouth, David Booth get from the cartel to write pieces slamming electric cars? Now about Paul Driessen, a climate denier, who writes for the Post we already know the answer. He has already written a book for big oil as did Ezra Le Rant. Now Paul belongs to a right wing think tank called Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. For short I would call it CRAP. His backer is EXXON. See, if I dig hard enough I can find out where all these oil journoshills come from. It is not my aim to silence Peter Foster, Ross McKitrick, Dave Booth, Mary Janigan or Ezra Le Rant. I just want to know where they get their cheques from and have Rev. Can., an arm of the PMO investigate. A short time ago Vivian Krause had article after article in the Post attacking environmental groups like the Suzuki Foundation. Viv denied up and down that she got any money from the US oil cartel. This was an out and out lie. Eventually it came out that she had worked for the oil cartel in the US. I guess being a Canadian prepared to write copy damaging her own Country appealed to the oilies. Once her cover was blown the olies dumped her. That is what Hitler did to all the supporters who had helped him gain power. In 1934 the new Dictator had hundreds rounded up and shot. Herr Harper did the same thing only he didn’t shot anyone. Lyin Steve just threw his age dated, expendable followers under the bus. Something else of interest. In the late 1920s / early 1930s Hitler’s Brown Shirts [ SA ] were let loose on German unions. Herr Harper along with Conrad Black used to rub shoulders with Neo Nazis when he was assistant to Preston Manning. Now Harper is union bashing just like Hitler. A central pillar for the Nazis was Nietzsche. Steve’s Canadian Fascist Party is based on Nietzsche, eerily similar. Heil Harper. This is something we might better learn? 

 OIL DRILLING RIG BREAKS FREE FROM TOW BOATS IN ALASKA / IT RAN AGROUND ON SITKALIDAK ISLAND AND IS BEING POUNDED BY HEAVY WAVES   —   Attempts are being made to get lines aboard and pull it free. So far no success. There is 155,000 gallons of diesel is aboard. The plan is to drag it to a sheltered bay to assess the damage. Of course we only know what is going on based on what Shell, the owners of the spherical drilling platform Kulluk say. Company comments are filtered by the $ media who get plenty of oil advertising dollars. Why are the reports on the grounding not coming from the Government? This is the same bullshit we had in the Gulf from BP. The US oil cartel is in the habit of limp wristed  reportage. Aren’t we being told by Enbridge that moving oil, equipment and ships along the Pacific coast is completely safe? Oh really. Little wonder newspapers are dying.

WESTSHORE COAL HANDLING TERMINAL SHEARED OFF BY THE CAPE APRICOT CARRIER AT ROBERTS BANKS 35 KM SOUTH OF VANCOUVER   —   The Cape Apricot is registered in Panama and has reduced the coal handling activity at Westshore Ltd. by 50%.  This ship collided with a long dock and knocked it into the Pacific.  Isn’t shipping resources  along the coast of BC supposed to be completely safe? So says Enbridge. With ships under foreign flags how do we collect damages??? When I see a news flash I ignore what Enbridge says and dig for the facts. Consistently Pat Daniel and now Al Monaco don’t level with us. Isn’t there a law against lying to the public which causes financial loss and hardship? When Enbridge fibs Ottawa should go to Court to recover damages. In to-day’s world the Feds go to Court to beat up on the public. 

ENBRIDGE HAS ALREADY APPLIED TO THE US GOVERNMENT FOR A PERMIT TO IMPORT DILBIT INTO THE US FROM THE GATEWAY PIPE LINE TO FIRE UP THE IDLE CALIFORNIA REFINERIES   —  Herr Harper’s / Joe Oliver’s claim that the tar slurry / poison gas via Gateway is heading for Asia is pure bullshit. The Russians have already opened a 4200 km oil pipe line into China with more lines to follow. Eventually natural gas will be transported also. Canada have missed the boat except in Harper’s / Oliver’s  juvenile minds. But we don’t need an Asian market for tar slurry The tar from the tar sands must be upgraded and refined right in the Edmonton / Fort McMurray area and the finished oil transported along with natural gas north of the 55th parallel to the Port at Churchill Man. for the world market and from there to Toronto, Montreal and the Maritimes. In terms of Al Monaco’s  statements connecting the Enbridge Gateway project to Asia is pure fantasy. But then Monaco never tells the truth about anything. The only reason the $ media prints Monaco’s blarneyis Al pays them big to do so. Do we want the media, especially the newspapers, supposedly  functioning as independent  sources of news and information while they are in the pay of the US oil cartel and  TransNotCanada / Enbridge [ both pipe lines are owned by Wall St. ]. Does freedom of the press mean the press is free to sell Canada to the highest bidder.  Canadians should be able to count on reading or viewing the truth, otherwise our society is in danger. Just look Stateside for a glimpse of what our future will look like unless we lay the law down. We don’t need a steady supply of unreliable oilie propaganda. In Ontario I suggest that when a new Government is installed [ either by kicking out the Liberal party machine or revolution ] that the management of TVO be cleared out and that a new internet news department be created to provide Ontarians with information on government projects and initiatves [ Federal / Provincial / Municipal ].  TVO is now a tool of Queen’s Park Liberals and the nukie energy interests. Enough already. No more flipping blarney. IT ALWAYS COSTS US MONEY.

ENBRIDGE IS GOING TO INSTALL BIGGER PUMPS ON TWO OLD LINES SO MORE DILBIT CAN BE TRANSPORTED ON THE HARDISTY ALTA. / NECHE N. D. LINES   —   Oil pipe lines were designed to carry pure oil, sort of like baby oil. If you are going to pump something as thick as toothpaste through the same pipe it has to be thinned with something.  To travel through pipes designed to carry pure oil DilBit must be thinned with lighter fluid. The oilies call it condensate, to cover up the real meaning.  When mixed with the raw  tar the lighter fluid mingles with the chemicals in the tar. Thus it creates a lethal gas which can explode or asphyxiates  humans and animals if a pipe break happens. The US oil cartel recently cooked up a false report which was carried by the $ media.  It said there is no difference between pure oil and DilBit. That is pure horseshit.  The report, of course arrived at every media outlet with a big fat oil cheque. One little lie will never hurt anyone says our friend Godfrey. But what if one lie, follows another lie, follows another lie?  You get my drift. But the individual media mogul is only thinking of his own actions and how much he is getting paid. But 100 papers are all carrying the same lies with no one to blow the whistle. People and animals can get killed by breathing the DilBit gas or having it explode.  As for the environment it would be destroyed after being covered molten tar. Will Herr Harper, Oliver, Girling, Monaco, Godfrey, Crawley, Honderich and the others be hanging around to take resposibility when she lets fly?  I think not.  Oh yes those giant pumps. More DilBit, at an even greater pressure can be forced through old pipes meaning even more profit. Those old pipes will be savaged by the quartz sand. But when she blows she will really blow and the human monitors [ at minimum wage in Houston ] will be helpless.  Republican Governor Dave Heineman of Nebraska is deciding right now if he will permit Russ Girling to run his DilBit / poison gas line, Keystone XL, across the very sensitive Ogallala aquifer. This, simply to ensure that the giant refinery at Port Arthur stays open. Heaven forbid that the US oil cartel should have to close a refinery or two. I mean refineries are far more important than people and the environment. Right?  The obvious solution to the cartel problem is maintain business as usual, steal bitumen from the Albertans, don’t clean any tailing ponds up so the surrounding soil there will be contaminated for a lifetime, put all of the people along the Keystone line at risk, don’t pay any taxes on the movement of DilBit, upgrade and refined the tar in one of the filthiest refineries [ Port Arthur ] in the world which pays no US taxes and ship the finsished oil products to the world market for a fat profit. America will never see a gallon of gas from Keystone /Alberta’s tar. Some scheme. And this has Herr Harper’s blessing.  Of course in such a cases the little people and the environment are of little importance to the US oil cartel [ Harper’s employer ]. Every place where the cartel  builds refineries in the world the locals get rolled, poisoned, choked and shat on. Why should Alberta be any different. For the US oil monopoly it is all take and never any give.

BLOOMBERG BUSINESS REPORT IN THE NY Times   —   Their report, which appeared in the NYT was about Russ Girling’s Keystone XL and was for American consumption only. Canadians are not supposed to see this kind of stuff. Giving Canucks the correct information would not be helpful to the US oil cartel that is bent on relieving us of our sovereignty as well as our cash. Harper totally agrees with keeping us in the dark. Stateside there is great concern for the survival of the refineries in Port Arthur, Texas and in California. They will have to close if they don’t get access to Alberta’s tar on the cheap. The future of these refineries was put in doubt when the Venezuelan Government cut off the heavy supply to Tex. / Calif. The US oil cartel was CHEATING the Venezuelans as they have been cheating Albertan for years. At least the Venezuelans had the balls to throw the American bastards out. How empty must their wallets become, what level of abuse and how high must the pollution get before Albertans stir themselves?  The Bloomberg conversation in Yankee Land is all about the Keystone XL being a lifeline to the Port Arthur refinery complex. There was no mention of Albertans, Canadians nor the people who will live along the line in Nebraska who will be at great risk. It is only a matter of time before the quartz sand content of the tar rips holes through weak spots in the pipes. Pipes carrying DilBit run at 150 degF due to the sand content of the tar. It is not a matter of if there will be a spill but WHEN WILL THE PIPES  BLOW? AND HOW MANY TIMES?  One of the refineries at Port Arthur [ a tax free port ] is owned by Aramco [  a Saudi Arabia firm ].  Ethical oil or not???  The unethical people are right here in North America Ez.  I’ll leave that one with Ezra Le Rant to ponder. Ez writes books for the oil cartel you know? I would suggest he check with the oilies as to what he can say about Aramco? And their filthy track record on emissions. Our very own Le Rant is apt to go off half cocked at times. Poor Ezra, he has never made a success of anything in his young life. Mind, to some, being a yappy little dog for Herr Harper is noteworthy.

AN OIL TANKER [ the Overseas Reymar ]  HITS THE SAN FRANCISCO – OAKLAND BAY BRIDGE ON THE WAY TO THE PACIFIC / THE BRIDGE DIDN’T LIKE IT / THE REYMAR IS UNDER THE FLAG OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS SO THAT THE LIABILITY CAN BE MINIMIZED OF COURSE / GEE, THE US OIL CARTEL ARE A BUNCH OF SWEETHEARTS  AREN’T THEY?  —   Were we ever lucky, the ship was empty. The Reymar hit the bridge a galancing blow and heavily damaged the FENDER SYSTEM OF WOOD AND STEEL that cushions impacts. It has been reported that no damage was done to the bridge ? ? ?.  The ship was chartered by Conoco Phillips to deliver 350,ooo barrels of oil to the local Royal Dutch Shell refinery. I wonder?  This is the US oil cartel in operation. Supposed separate oil companies that operate together as a monopoly. Monopolies are illegal in North America but a Republican President and the Republican Congress allowed the 7 big US oil giants form this secret arrangement in the 1920s. We the people have paid a terrible price for this illegal arrangement for almost 100 years. An we continue to pay. Congress and the US $ media have been taking oil money for 30 years at least. And look where the Ruined states of America is to-day. Our Parliment [ Harper and his Fascists ], Danielle Smith, Preston Manning, Tom Flanagan and our $ media are all taking oil money. Thus we are headed down that very same road to ruination. Enbridge in its’ Gateway proposal guarantee there will be no ship accidents along the pacific coast. Oh really???

THERE IS LEGISLATION PROPOSED IN THE US SENATE WHICH WOULD SEE THEIR COAST GUARD REVIEW THE SHIPMENT OF DILBIT FROM CANADA TO CALIFORNIAN HEAVY OIL REFINERIES   —   Senator Maria Cantwell, a Democrat from Washington State says that there may be a spill which could imperil her coastline, require costly cleanup and threaten jobs. Of course the raw tar / poison gas sailing passed her door and the lighter fluid going the other way, would not provide any revenue to the State. What ever gallonage of DilBit that goes from BC to California, 35% of that amount will come north in the form of lighter fluid. Can you imagine a big tanker loaded with lighter fluid blowing up in Vancouver harbour.  With the US oil cartel, Russ Girling and Al Monaco it is all about profits, profits and more profits. For citizens of both Canada and the US it is all about shouldering unknowable risks. Lyin Steve likes that kind of thing. To the small group of Nietzsche lovers like Harper, it is quite proper for the exceptional people [ of which he is one ] to skim off the rewards and leave the little people to fight over the crumbs. Lady Black would like that.  In 2007 a pipe line belonging to Kinder Morgan was ruptured at a refinery on the Burrard Inlet. 240,000 ltr of DilBit spewed out of the ruptured pipe for almost half a hour to a height of more than 30 ft. It threatened homes and ran down into the water of the inlet. Can you imagine sitting in your kitchen watch raw tar slurry and poisonous gas firing into the air for half an hour and Kinder – Morgan being asleep at the switch. The clean up of pure oil from a spill costs about $ 20 a ltr. For DilBit the cost of this spill would have been $ 200 a ltr or about $ 50 million. This was a peanut spill. Just think of a Valdez spill. The whole of Vancouver Island would be destroyed. Kinder – Morgan bought a 50 year old pipe line that was meant to carry pure oil from Alta. to BC. The Company is secretly pumping DilBit but there are no regulations to control or prevent it. No government official connected with the industryyears ago could have imagined just how devious the US oil cartel would become in the future? Pumping DilBit is cheating and in every case where DilBit has been spilled both Enbridge and TransNotCanada have lied to the environmental agencies in Canada as well as the US.  Pat Daniel  claimed the monster Kalamazoo spill was just oil. That was what the $ media published / broadcast. After the fact it was revealed the contents of the pipe was really DilBit. THAT FACT THE $ MEDIA DID NOT REPORT. The CBC [ the only honest broadcaster in Canada ] stated that Enbridge has had more than 800 spills in the last few years. Here is how to tell a DilBit spill. If it is shiny black like the tar you dress your asphalt drive with then it is DilBit no matter what Girling and Monaco say. In the spill in Burrard Inlet more than one hundred people were taken to hospital as it happened in a residential area. They were felled by poison gas venting. There is no central government agency which is gathering info on spills. DilBit transportation increases the likelyhood of a spill to a level 16 times greater than normal.  The US oil cartel and Herr Harper don’t want YOU to know what is going on in terms of pipe line breaks. And the $ media obliges, in return for a fat cheque. With friends like Paul Godfrey who needs enemies?                                                                              

EVEN THAT CHICKENSHIT MIKE HARRIS HAS NOW INJECTED HIMSELF INTO THE PIPE LINE DEBATE / HOW MUCH DID THE OILIES PAY HIM?   —   As if Paul Godfrey’s  American Oil Post was doing its’ best to drive readers away with Conrad Black here comes Mike Harris. His piece on the reversal of the Enbridge pipe line [ No #9 ] flow to bring cheap oil out of the US and sell it at high prices in Ontario. Monaco would also pump Dil Bit from Alberta to idle refineries in Ontario and Montreal if he had to. This particular line runs from Alberta, down through the mid states and then into Ontario at Sarnia. I cut articles like this out and circle the lies. Mike tells 10 lies in a third of a page article. Obviously it was written by the US oil cartel PR people  and our Mikie signed his name to it. It is so embarrassing it is emabarrassing that a former Premier of Ontario would lend his name to this dishonest oilie propaganda campaign. The reason Harris put his name to this  technically / enviromentally damaging piece for Godfrey is that the Post will let Mike’s comments slip by without comment. Two things of interest. Mike is a senior fellow at the Fraser Institute, a charity operating in support of Harper using your tax dollars. Niels Veldhuis, Pres. of the Fraser Inst. [ when he isn’t wearing other hats ] said last year that the Fraser doesn’t involve itself in politics. Harris’ article is pure right wing politics. Daaaaaaa. For Christ sake I worked for this guy Harris in 1995 / 1999 and urged him to fix the electrical system to save our [ PC ] skin. I never realize that Mike is actually about as smart as a 4 inch spike. The other thing is that there was a great get together the other night of Ontario Premiers. McGuinty, the destroyer of democracy in Ontario was there with running shoes. The better to let him move quick if the police come for him. Also in attendance was that small minded / vindictive man David Peterson. We were lucky to get rid of him so quickly [ 1990 ] before he was allowed to do too much damage. Bill Davis, who I also worked for, to my great pleasure stole the night with his comments from which one could construct a road map for the revival of this Province. Chickenshit Harris showed up on video. I mean this is so him. Mike ran away and hid back then and is still hiding. Sad, sad, so sad. Especially since the $ media let’s him get away with hiding.

LISA JACKSON, HEAD OF THE EPA RESIGNS AS A PROTEST AGAINST THE TRANSnOTcANADA KEYSTONE XL PIPE LINE   —   This item was in Godfrey’s Oil Post. Since this pipe was announced one of the pitches has always been that it will end America’s dependence on oil form the OPEC regimes. The raw tar that is supposed to go from Alberta to Port Arthur, Texas will never see the inside of a single US car once it is made into high priced gasoline down on the Gulf. This is a lie that has been repeated in the $ media at least 100 times in the last year. From time to time I copy my posts, particularly on the subject of energy and mail them to the Sun, Post, Star and Globe. If you read me regularly you know my positions on such subjects. Not one of my pieces has ever been acknowledge nor the US oil cartel propaganda pitch changed. I understand Paul Godfrey’s problem, he’s between a rock and hard tar. If he was to print just one of my posts his name would be taken off the US oil cartel advertiser’s list. That would mean curtains for the Post and his million dollar investment. I can’t understand why a man like Godfrey who puts money above the truth can be held in such high esteem by Canadian movers and takers? This is not a way to build a better Canada, telling lies and receiving payment for the printing lies. These are the same people who constitute the Conrad Black rejuvenating team. Their motto must be, ” bring our criminal boy home “.

THE LIES THAT WE HAVE BEEN READING AS REGARD THE TAR SANDS, KEYSTONE AND GATEWAY MAINLY COME FROM THOSE OIL CHEERLEADERS, THE CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM PRODUCERS   —   I monitor the output of CAPP as well as the people there who tell lies. It is clear that they will do anything required to keep the US oil cartel in the saddle and dominant. As long as the cartel is dominant YOU ARE A NOBODY.   Their campaign of lies and spin is relentless. And it is circulated to the $ media in two forms. CAPP Reports, provided free to jouroshills who use the misinformation in the stories they write. Then there are the full page press ads which are paid for by the cartel to ensure everybody stays in line and ignores the truth. No matter how much the filthy / expensive activities of the cartel adversely affect Canadians. David Collyer, of CAPP appeared some time back on TVO with his litany of oilie lies. Remember this is our public station that was being used to indoctrinate Ontarians on the tar sands. Steve Paikin sat there like a bump on a log and didn’t say boo. Either Steve was ill prepared for this segment on the Agenda about the oil situation. Or he knew that Collyer was telling the lies but Paikin was more interested in his pay cheque. Collyer was on TV again last night, still running off at the mouth with lies. I can’t recall anything that Collyer has ever said or written that didn’t contain lies. David joins the rank of Lyin Steve, Joe Oliver, Peter Kent, Russ Girling and Al Monaco who ignore the truth entirely when they speak.   Evil finds root in a society when good men and women remain silent. When Collyer’s mouth goes into gear there should always be someone right there to tell the truth. Steve is no doubt a good man but he’s no friend of Canada. Paikin, obviously when he sees evil,  he then averts his eyes. That’s the reason for the existence of the Nazi concentration camps. Far too many people averted their eyes.


A WHOLE BUNCH OF NEW PIPELINES HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED / IT IS IMPORTANT TO KEEP THE REAL PROBLEMS OUT OF THE MINDS OF INVESTORS / I DON’T THINK INVESTOR HAVE ANY BRAINS / THEY SEEM TO FALL FOR EVERY DODGE THE US OIL CARTEL THROWS AT THEM   —   Kinder – Morgan, Enbridge and TransNotCanada have all announced new pipe lines which will be built to accomodate the new Chinese and other foreign buyers of oil, tar and natural gas companies, especially in Alberta. It is important to know Albertans /Canadians will not be accomodated in any way. The market for oil and nat. gas in the west is fast disappearing so many of the petroleum firms that are carrying too much debt will fail or be bought out. Wall St. investors hope against hope that their companies gets offers from the Chinese or other countries on the Pacific rim. If money does change hands it goes down to Wall St., not Canada. Of course the $ media will never say that. What the Chinese and the others are doing is oil banking. They are making an investment in the future and have enough money to wait for a return when energy resources bring even bigger prices. Oil banking does zero for Canada. Sitting on a resource and waiting 20 years will not make this Country rich. But all of the pipe line chatter is meant to change the channel and cover up the bad news. Investors don’t like bad news so the US oil cartel and the pipe liners do a lot of lying. The $ media makes money promoting those lies. Here’s an idea. Screw all this pipe line talk. We don’t need more pipes going through the Rockies, besides there is no market in Asia for Alberta tar. Russia beat us there and their line is already transporting oil and a new line will carry natural gas. Sorry Steve, Joe Oliver and Peter Kent to awake you from your Asian-market-for-our-tar pipe dream. Now get your mind around this. I proposed the Twin Beaver Pipe Line. It would run from the upgraders / refineries [ every drop of oil and tar from Alta., Sask. and Man. would be processed in the Edmonton / Fort McMurray area ]. It would see tanks put in there. Only finished oil products, diesel and gasoline  would be pumped east. The Twin Beaver would run east above the 55th parallel across the muskeg, picking up product from Sask. / Man., to just south of Churchill Man., [ a deep water port with access to the world market ]. A spur would go north to Churchill. The main Beaver would travel down past North Bay to Toronto, then to Montreal and the Maritimes. In terms of the twin natural gas pipe the gas would be collect from Northern BC and the Mackenzie Valley [ pipes already exist ] and transported to the Northern Alberta natural gas distribution system and put in tanks. The natural gas would be pumped to Churchill and liquified and stored in a tank farm for oil and gas for shipment to England, Ireland and the 54 Commonwealth countries. Then the natural gas would continue to eastern Canada and the Martitimes. There is already a natural gas delivery system in the east owned by various companies who are now cheating eastern Canada and Alberta / Saskatchewan by bringing in cheap, fracked natural gas from Michigan and charging Alberta prices. Screw that, enough is enough. I would outlaw all natural gas from the USA and expropriate the existing deliver system. Either jailing the present owners or deporting them.  Hydro electricity would come west from Newfoundland, Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba and travel to Sask. / Alta. thereby eliminating the burning of nat. gas to create heat and generating KWs. It is insane to burn a fuel, nat. gas [ creating CO2 ] to produce another fuel [ oil ]. Control of Provincial resourses must be taken out of the hands of private enterprise. They cheat with every breath. In terms of the First Peoples, Herr Harper has turned this situation into a giant headache for the US oil cartel, the pipe lines and the attendant businesses. By taking away what little protection the First Peoples had and trying to ram through the Gateway project he lit a fuse. The fallout from which we will see in time. The Twin Beaver proposal might just let us change gears on the First Peoples file. The oil business employs about 75,000 people, 1700 of which are First Peoples. We have to do better. I would suggest a combination high school and college be set up to train all the people [ and the First People ] who will be needed to build the Twin beaver. It will all be new technology and cover many new skills. Of course the First Peoples will have to be consulted, this pipe line and hydro towers would cross their lands. I would suggest that when the Canadian Provincial Energy Corp. [ CPEC ] is firmed up representatives of the First Peoples be one of the first groups at the table.  Any private oil / tar businesses would have access to the upgraders, the refineries and the pipe lines. Pure oil would go straight to the refineries using existing pipes. Tar slurry would be pumped using double wall pipes to eliminate the chance of ANY  spills. According to Mark Carney there is $ 600 billion in cash in Canada sitting around looking for investment opportunities. Putting this Country’s house in order can be done by, reducing energy prices [ gasoline, natural gas and electricity ], greatly reducing emissions [ CO2 ], eliminating tailing ponds, using closed loop water systems [ no connection with lakes / rivers ] and keeping all the wealth and jobs at home. This might just be an attractive investment. Kevin O’Leary wouldn’t be interested, he and his ilk are too stupid to see the value in such investment opportunities. Government and business cooperating to build the kind of Canada we are entitled to. Private companies would be welcome to become involved. I have no problem with firms make a profit. Honestly. But those that become involved would have to understand that they will be required to the march TO THE BEAT OF OUR DRUM. Any lying or cheating would mean expulsion and possibly expropriation. NAFTA WILL OFFER THEM NO SAFE HAVEN. In this new Canada there will be no need for NAFTA. England, Ireland and the 54 Commonwealth countries have a population of 2.2 billion people. Who needs to consider the USA , with about 340 million of which 99% are poor people. We don’t need them. On second thought building this new Canada can only help our American brothers and sisters in the long run who now suffer under the yoke of the Wall St. and the elite one percent. We will defeat Harper, his American helpers and his Fascist band. In doing so we can show the folks south of the border how it gets done. Then they can free themselves. But first let’s get started on the Twin Beaver project. A prosperous future awaits, especially for the young. Isn’t that our goal, to pass on a world to our children that is better than WE FOUND IT?


PAUL GODFREY’S AMERICAN OIL POST TRIES TO SUCK AND BLOW AT THE SAME TIME   —   I find it interesting that articles in the Post will contain false and misleading information and yet the same story is told in truthful form on the very next page. Of course I cut these pieces out. For the Globe, Star and the Post they buy cheap copy from US newspapers like the NY Times, Washington Post, Wall St. Journal and the like. These are presented uncut because our Canadian papers have fired most of their editors. So there is nobody in authority to check that their Canadian positions backing the Harper Fascists jive with the Yankee copy. The Keystone XL pipe line is a good example. Americans are being told the Keystone will provide them with oil security when once the tar slurry gets to Port Arthur Texas tax free it will be headed to the world market. The Yanks are also being told that the Keystone could be used to take our Rockies water and pump it down to a very dry Texas. Harper hasn’t told us that yet.  Of course we don’t see these kinds of things from the $ media. In Canada the pitch is that selling raw tar to the US oil cartel will make Albertans rich and Canadians rich as well. This Country never made any money selling raw logs either. It is the value added products that we produce that provided good paying jobs. Making fine lumber / furniture, building specialized aeroplanes, upgrading / refining oil and tar and selling liquified natural gas. In the US they talk about such bold activities. In Canada Joe Oliver praises us for having a proud heritage as drawers of water and hewers of wood. No thanks Joe, been there done that. In the modern world this would entail sending Rockies water to Texas and digging up raw tar to keep the Texas / California  refineries from closing.  Through out the ages it was often an honoured position to be a slave. The American nation was built on the backs of black slaves [ free labour ] and the Yankees have never been able to break the habit. In recent years the Mexicans have replaced the blacks as the slave class. Now the US is looking to use Canada as a source of a new crop of slaves. Some Canadians see that they can make money selling the rest of  us as slaves. In terms of the Post and the other papers they speak with forked tongues, CAPP, about once a week issues a report putting on a happy face as regards oil activity in Alberta. The Post has fallen right in line with CAPP. In an editorial the Paper blamed Premier Redford for the difficulties now facing Alberta. Paul Godfrey says Alberta’s problems relate to the PCs spending too much money not lack of revenue. This is hogwash. The Province used to get 60% of its’ royalties from natural gas, that number is down to 10%. I have an idea that all of the nat. gas used in the tar sands to create heat and generate electricity nets Alberta zitch in royalties and taxes. In my view the US oil cartel cheats at every possible level. Demand for Alberta natural gas is down because cheap Michigan fracked natural gas is being pumped into Ontario and Quebec at Alberta prices. The cartel is screwing the west and the east and Harper gives his permission. Lies instead of the truth is meant to keep you in the dark. The cartel and the pipe liners keep relateing all the money Canada will be getting from selling raw tar. The January 8 / 2013 Post is a good example. One side of the page a piece it is all smiles and upbeat. The other side talks about the oil patch slump, the losses in stock values and how investors are fleeing the tar sands. There is going to be a rude awakening for a lot of investors /workers / suppliers in Alberta. CAPP and other oil organizations are just doing what many businesses do when they go bankrupt. They put on a big show while they are clearing out the warehouse via the back door [ the midnight move ]. To make things sweeter for the insiders they order extra supplies and additional product so there will be more in the pot for them when the doors finally close. The US oil cartel is presenting a happy face and that happy face is being publicized by the $ media big time. The suckers and the citizens will be the last to find out the truth. By the way Herr Harper is employed as part of this scam.


IT HAS FINALLY BEEN REVEALED UNTO TO ME   —   As you know I clip articles, especially on Canadian energy, doing this for at least a dozen years. I separate the clipping into files, nuclear, hydro electricity, oil wells, nat. gas wells, refineries and on and on with files on individuals as well. Harper’s Gestapo Chief , Tim Power’s of Summa Strategies would be proud of me as would  Joseph Goebbels. If a particular subject gets hot I pull out the appropriate file. I get the complete picture going way back. What I am doing, the $ media should be doing on your behalf. But the press particularly doesn’t ever do ANYTHING ON YOUR BEHALF. The $ media gets paid way too much money to ignore your interests and FOR NOT DOING SUCH RESEARCH. I talk about lying a lot, particularly Herr Harper. But when you look at what Lyin Steve said in the past and what he says now it would curl your hair and yet the $ media lets the lies just slide by. I also dig into the bios of those who are most vocal on the hard right. Many of them have been imported from other countries to sing rightie songs to us, particularly the USA. Almost without exception they are green horns who have few if any qualifications in the areas they write about. They have it seems just one ability, to please the Nietzsche lovers with their copy, an ability to repeat right wing ideology over and over. And they work cheap.  Why oh why should we have god damned Americans preaching their right wing poison to us?  I dislike these foreign  scribes  intensely and seek to embarrass them every chance I get. I am presently taking a look at Rudyard Griffiths. His origins have eluded me for a couple of years. Rud sounds a lot like a phony. I found out that John Ibbetson [ Globe and Oil ] took classes at the U of T under a visiting Prof. from the U of Chicago [ the centre of activities on the hard right mafia in the US ], whose specialty was Nietzsche. In the present circumstance showing your Nietzsche membership card is a key factor in getting a $ media job in North America. Your know that I have been wondering, how it is that when something like the Kalamazoo DilBit spill happens the papers are all over the story using the same facts, same numbers and same spin. In terms of Kalamazoo incident, the whole thrust of the $ media was to protect Pat Daniel and Enbridge from critical comment. The citizenry was NEVER CONSIDERED . The media worked to sanitize the raw tar spill, say it was oil [ DilBit actually ],  lie and to plant seeds of confusion. These days the papers are mostly staffed with interns, newly graduated journalists. They work for coffee and donuts, they  have no experience / perspective and write at a Grade 11 level. How could these novices all be in such sync? I mean the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir has to practice for months to sing in such unison. I got it, I finally got. Super sleuthing pays off. There is a public relations firm called Canadian Newswire [ CNW ] as an example. The company is made up of former broadcasters and journalists who know everyone in the $ media. CNW is hired by say the US oil cartel, Enbridge or Herr Harper. When a story breaks the PMO will respond  immediately with all of the usual bullshit. The 28 year old somethings in the PMO, many of them American right wingers, dream up copy suitably spun and send it off in an E-Mail to CNW. Immediately CNW resends it to every paper and TV / Radio station in Canada. Within minutes the media moguls everywhere have the latest right wing / oilie slant free for the taking. Of course the cartel, pipe lines, big businesses, Harper et al buy lots of advertising so the media outlet will be looked upon favourably if the cooked copy is given preferential treatment. The cooked copy is then given to jack or jill [ cub reporters ] to be put into readable form [ sometimes not readable form ]. Who really cares anyway, even badly written propaganda stuff works. Reading 200 times a year that all these spills are oil spills [ Dil Bit is seldom mentioned ] will convince most Canadians that this is so. The only problem is there are hundreds of DilBIt spills. DilBit isn’t even considered oil for taxation purposes. All the $ media has to do is access Government reports on what Kinder – Morgan, Enbridge and TransNotCanada are pumping. If it is oil, taxes will have to be paid. So if the pipe lines try to avoid paying oil taxes we will know about it. Then the $ media can stop hiding the fact that tar slurry / poisonous gas is being pumped through the pipes. Regularly the $ media misleads as regards what spilled from a pipe. If you see a picture of a spill and it is all shiny black it’s DilBit. This is why these companies bar photograpers from taking picture of a spill. So this is the level of lying in to-day’s world. It can only get worse.  Next time the $ media will not tell you how many dissenters were rounded up by McGuinty’s OPP or Harper’s RCMP.  People will only learn about cattle cars when they are lined up to board one. Now it is interesting how this circle gets closed. An intern or even Peter Foster, who works free for Godfrey’s Oil Post makes copies of his many climate denial articles on Global Warming and sends them to the US oil cartel. Our boy Pete gets a cheque. This is repeated over and over again. Mention the NEP, get a cheque. Add Trudeau’s name to it and that amount goes up. Call someone left – leaning or a Liberal, the money is in the mail [ or maybe right into your bank account? ].  Say Progressive Conservatives [ my Party ] are not real Conservatives but Liberals. The oil cheque goes out. Goebbels said if you repeat a lie often enough people will accept it as the truth. Goebbels was named Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. The press was tightly controlled by force. Harper controls the $ media by the giving or taking away of advertsing contracts. Goebbels was responsible for the Nazi book burning. This was done to limit the information available to Germans. Harper’s killing of the long form census etc was for this same purpose. To prevent Canadians from knowing what is going on. So you have to face up to the fact that your $ media and their hundreds of mafia like employees are being paid money to tell you lies or report lies. This system destroyed the USA. It is about to do the same to Canada. When you head towards one of those cattle cars remember you can’t take too many personal possessions with you. You won’t need them where you are going.


You will never find any of the above stuff in the $ media.  It is little wonder that Canadians are turning their backs on TV, newspapers and magazines. It could not have come at a better time in our history, it is the eleventh hour. The $ media in the USA has helped destroy America with false and misleading info and lies. The Canadian $ media was well along the same destructive track. But we have the internet and we have caught on to their right wing game in time. Don’t watch CTV,  buy newspapers or Maclean’s and don’t patronize their advertisers [ communicate with their advertisers, saying you don’t like seeing businesses assisting in the stealing of the future of your children and grandkids ]. Having access to the truth is key like what is on the CBC. It has to be demanded and defended both the CBC and the truth. Defend it or lose it. And go for a one way train ride.


The Monarchy in Canada is in trouble and not for the reasons you think. There are Canadian who would like to see the Queen gone but more than 50% want Elizabeth to stay. If you read the paper Letters to the Editor you can see this split. But  the anti monarchy ARTICLES are all written by the right wing mafia. In each case I track down [ on the net ] the authors. Although every effort is made by these people to cover their tracks. However it is possible to trace most of them. What helps is the fact that their early history is there on the net for everyone to see.  Ross McKitrick is a climate denier who gets money from the Heartland Institute and the US oil cartel. I take everything Ross says with a grain of salt and rate  his University of Guelph on the same level as the University of Calgary, Carleton University and the University of Chicago that all launder oil money. As well McKitrick is connected to the Fraser Institute which is funded by the US oil cartel. Ross rubs  shoulders with Tom Flanagan, Danielle Smith and Preston Manning. The Manning Institute itself is funded by the oilies and is in the business of the indoctrination of young Canadian into the Fascist cause. As well the Harper Youth are schooled by visiting Republican lecturers and are taught how to steal elections. Can you understand why I call it the Harper mafia. All kinds of dirty stuff going on behind the backs of Canadian. And the $ media don’t see nutin. Harper is constantly joshing the Queen with all his friendly banter. Her majesty is being led astray. The Republicans and the oil cartel find three things very difficult to master in Canada, the Monarchy, the Provinces and the Senate. The representative of the Queen David Johnston G. G. shares some of the power. The Provinces also share some of the power in that they must act together for changes to take place. The Senate shares some of the power and was established to provide for second sober thought. Himself has failed to master it even though Harper has stacked the Senate Chamber with Fascist leaning flunkies like Doug Finley [ now with cancer ] who is now sponging off Canadians. And Mike Duffy, what can I say? So the idea on the American right is to get rid of the Queen. Try to divide  the Provinces by driving wedges between them as Mary Janigan’s new oil sponsored book tries to do. And limit the power of the Senate which Herr Harper has yet to accomplish. I wonder if the Queen can see through this dishonest  Harper and his forked tongue. Lyin Steve says one thing and does the exact opposite. The PM is snuggling up to the Queen while working behind the scenes to get rid of her. Herr Harper is a closet bully. He is a wimp but he doesn’t really do bullying very well himself, he doesn’t have the balls to bully. So he hires other to do his bullying for him. Doug Finley, Guy Giorno, Jennie Byrne and Arthur Hamilton come to mind. In the House, how about Jason Kenny, Peter van Loan, Pierre Poillievre and the bully of all bullies Dean Del Mastro. I wonder how many of them still live with their mothers?  Dean, a king size wimp who went and had his tongue removed  to please Lyin Steve. Now in terms of David Johnston G. G. and David Onley L. G. Herr Harper wanted the opposite of bullies, he needed pantywaists so he could  push them around. We expect that the Representatives of the Queen will be guard dogs with teeth and a bark. Rather we got lap dogs who are toothless and silent. The two Daves are doing the Monarchy a great disservice and probably hastening its’ disappearance. Both the House of Commons and the Legislature in Ontario no longer function with respect for the laws of the land and the rules of procedure. The RCMP, OPP and some local police forces no longer respect our laws  or our Judges.  Both the Fascist Fed. / Liberal Provincial Governments are illegal. As I have said. The Queen may as well send over a couple of rubber stamps. It is a well established fact that police states are easier to rule over. Anyone stepping out of line gets shot except the aboriginals. And that such states are much more economical to run. The majority of such populations can line up at the troughs into which the swill is poured. The peasants are given enough food to keep them alive. And when they are no longer able to work an early death lessens the burden on the state. For my readers, I AM A MONARCHIST AND DECRY WHAT IS HAPPENING  ON THE HILL AND AT QUEENS PARK. Both my parents were born in London England. I was born in Toronto Can. in 1935. I don’t know of any family more steeped in Parliamentary  traditions and the rule of law. I do not believe the British Government understands what they are facing with Harper. Himself is making the English look like fools.  Steve is the most dishonest politician I know of in the present day.  My bottom line is to see Herr Harper [ the original wimp ] and devious Dalt McGuinty [ the orginal deceiver ] in jail with their entourages to keep them company. I do favour bringing back the noose.


THE PRESENT PICTURE IN ONTARIO   —   This is a cartoon view of politics in this Province. I’ll set the scene.  Devious Dalt McGuinty is in Court facing serious charges. He runs the chance of going upriver for a long spell. D. D. arrives in the Court and says to the Judge. ” Your Honour I have decided to take a little time off and enjoy sitting on the rear deck of the million plus mansion the nukies gave to me as a present. So I have decided to give you and the Court staff a holiday. Since I will be leaving I have turned the matter of the return of the Court over to Mickey or Minnie Mouse, the head of our Liberal Party machine. Mickey or Minnie in his / her own good time will be in touch with you after consulting our Party machine members “. Ridiculous? No, not really. The MPPs [ PCs and NDP ]  who hold power in Ontario at present have been sent home by an ex Premier who now rules like a dictator whenever he decides to come out of hiding on a whim.  Parliamentary government is structured to eliminate the whim of one man. It has taken hundreds of years to eliminate the kind of behaviour now being displayed by McGuinty. The divine right of Kings vanished when Charles 1 lost his head.  Dalton would not be in this position except for the fact that he lucked out. The current L. G. David Onley is totally unsuited for the job. First of all Dave doesn’t understand the rules, Daaaaaaaaa. Plus the fact he has no spine. Being a L. G. is not suited to a jellyfish.  It would appear that this present Junta / police state situation has escaped the $ media. There has nary been a mention of it in the last 3 months.  My take is that too much advertising would be lost if Pierre Peladeau, Paul Godfrey, Phil Crawley and John Honderich were to support democracy and the truth. Making waves for the Liberal machine and the movers and takers could cost the $ media big money. It is interesting that David Onley is under attack on the internet for his betrayal of Ontarians. So much so that he has spoken out for the first time. But Onley’s back sliding comments were made to the Toronto Star’s Martin Cohn. This Star environment was an insulated chamber lined with marshmellows where there were no tough questions. The kind that people want answered like, ” why did you destroy democracy in Ontario Onley? ]. This is strange. The $ media completely ignores Prorogation.  Seeing that the media had abandon the subject in return for money [ advertising ] many people blew up and turned to the internet. So shaken was Onley that he felt the need to respond. But in the papers not on the net. This shows a Lieutenant Governor completely out of touch. So it time to throw the bum out. If YOU are prepared to lie down and let McGuinty, the Liberal Party machine, David Onley and the $ media run over your rights I have some advice. When the cattle cars arrive it  should be your priority to let those listed above and their families be taken first.

Please Note   —   The Liberal Machine leadership contest is taking place at present. Ontario at the moment doesn’t have a legal Government thanks to David Onley. When devious Dalt asked Onley to Prorogue the House Dave wasn’t told that Dalt was resigning. Thus Prorogation was obtained under false pretenses. It is like signing a document with a gun to your head. Such a transaction is null and void due to duress. Onley granted Prorogation without hearing the full story. Devious Dalt doing such a thing doesn’t come as a surprise. But when Onley found out that part of the story had been left out he should have cancelled Prorogation. The House Rules [ available on the net ] say that Prorogation has to be announced in the Legislature by the House leader with an approximate date of recall. And there is precedent for the length of the break. McGuinty announced Prorogation and his resignation to a group of about 30, members of the Liberal Party machine who are answerable to nobody. Even the Liberal MPPs were left outside in the cold. None of the Liberal leadership hopefuls have even gone near Ontario no longer being a democracy. They are too frightened of upsetting the Party machine. The new leader will only be front for the machines. About 2200 delegates will elect the new machine puppet. Out of that number there are about 450 ex officio members and 125 youth members. I hope that the young people realize what an undemocratic process they are involving themselves in. Their grandfather’s fought in Europe to rid the world of Fascists. Now they themselves are laying the foundation for the return of Fascisim. This ex officio scam is organized for one reason. To ensure the Liberal machine gets the candidate they desire. With 25% of the votes the machine can control who gets in. So the next Preem of Ontario will be selected by the Liberal Party machine. Very undemocratic.  And if said machine awakes to the fact that the Liberals are going to be canned by the people next vote then the recall of the Legislature could be put off for an indefinite period. You may never again see Democratic government as it was the day before McGuinty illegally sent our representatives home with David Onley’s agreement. Once the voice of the people has been silenced how then is it raised up once more?  If I were the PCs and NDP MPPs I would refuse to deal with the Liberals in any way, shape or form and ignore any communications. The Liberal machine has no legitimacy. The Labour Relations Board should have ignored McGuinty, he is an ex Premier without authority to go before the LRB. As I have said before, borrowing from an old saying, ” evil flourishes in a society when good men and women remain silent “. The good men and women of the Labour Relations Board did their best to invite anarchy to this fair Province. The thought crossed my mind that the people on the Board would have made good Nazi scribes recording the names of those entering the death camps. Just doing their duty they’d say.

Catch you next time   —   Ken                                                 LAOCOON

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