Posts Tagged Great Dust Bowl


I am amazed at the hundreds of millions of gullible people on the face of this planet. If these toadstools hold fast to their comatose state there will be no planet at all. In controlling the Canadian Nazi media [ newspapers and TV ] [ not the CBC ], the American oil monopoly and their employee Lyin Steve are able to marshal huge prepaid stenographic forces at the drop of an E-Mail. I get 3 Toronto papers and the Sun on occasion. It is quite amazing that on any given day, all the press is immediately lined up with the Houston oilies or Harper agenda. Godfrey, Thomson and company are ready to kiss ass at the drop of a cheque. Right now Herr Harper is pushing various trade initiatives which will serve the global multinational corporations. Simply put US multis will be able to exercise complete control over their sphere of influence. If a division of the US oil monopoly wanted to put unrestricted tailing ponds beside their operation in Bancroft Ont. the local people would have no say. If the York River became polluted and grievously affected the health of the residents of Bancroft the Town Council could do nothing about it. If Council enlisted the help of Queen’s Park and the Legislature took some action, the multinational which was inconvenienced could sue in the Global Industrial Tribunal. Damages would be assessed to Queen’s Park and Bancroft Council. The message would be, if Harper succeeds, that control of Canada had been passed to the global business community so that it could maximize profits and minimize interference by Lady Black’s little people. You my friend would have no say. One hundred percent of the papers in this Country are now controlled by the oil monopoly and Harper. Each paper prints virtually the same copy, at the same time and it is almost word for word. Right now the campaign to sign trade agreement is in full swing. The Americans on Wall Street. are behind these trade proposed agreements. The sharks on the Street have stripped the wealth from the American middle class. The Streeters have milked the retail buyers of stock to the point where the average Yankee is not buying stocks anymore. Nietzsche’s little people have been skinned just once too often. In the past more then 60% of Americans held stocks. The number is now 42%. In Canada, 45% used to hold stocks, now that figure is about on third. The one percenters, who have accumulated most of the money don’t know what to do with their cash. They don’t start new businesses or support innovation. Their money is in play in the hands of bankers who are engaged in all sorts of criminal schemes. The movers and takers want to see their dough appreciate but don’t want to get their hands dirty. Thus the game involving big money is getting smaller and smaller as the sucker pool shrinks. It is now a story of a one percenter against another one percenter. This misuse of the money system is of no use in a democracy, we learned that in 1929. FDR in dealing with the great depression introduced a number of laws and regulations to prevent the right from cheating the majority. Those rules ushered in 50 years of prosperity in the USA. The election of Ronald Reagan and those Presidents that came after him [ up to president Obama ] repealed all of FDR good works and the right / Wall St. went back to what it was doing in the 1920, robbing Americans blind. So in 2015, 100 years on, the world is back in the same boat. Great economies come and go. In each case where an economy fails there is a common thread. Corrupt, incompetent, greedy bankers, a dishonest press and a docile public. Every few generations the public has to experience distress before they take action. Wall St., after bankrupting the little people in the USA, turned it attention to the EU and sold insiders there, questionable investments. The insiders made big money but the average citizen paid a huge price for the wholesale theft. Now Europe is in turmoil and economically stressed, that avenue of extorting money has evaporated. The Streeter have run that money well dry. The new idea, being floated by Wall St. bankers, is to take away the real vote from western democracies and replace it with a counterfeit vote which is worthless. This is so a new class of slave class can be created. Countries will end up with quasi governments to replace democratic government. The express purpose is to expropriate resources and misuse the populations in the name of profit and only profit. So the raping and pillaging of the land, water and air can take place without any kickback from we wee folk. Harper has already built new jails to hold the descenters. If Canada is taken over by the American oil monopoly, the door will be open to all multinationals to come and take what they want without regard for the environment or risk to the citizenry. When people lose their say, how close are they then to the gas chambers and meat hooks??? Just asking? Whether an oilie E-Mail from Houston, a notice from the PMO or a press release from Wall Street the Canadian Nazi press is at the ready. This is truly a replay out of the history of Nazi Germany. In respect to the oil monopoly’s effort to drive duly elected Premier Alison Redford out of office, all of the things she didn’t do were listed and each week something she didn’t do was pulled forward and became the oilie / newsie flavour of the week. I have a large file containing most of these press attacks on the Premier Redford. What is of interest, is that not only did Houston write the articles, the same information appeared under the names of rightie stenographers in different papers. Everyone, even those with broom were each given a kick at the same cat to write in the same edition. Hitler did say if you repeat lies often enough the ignorant masses will take it for the truth. Honest writers just can’t repeat the same lies over and over, even for a pay cheque? Jen Gerson, who appears on the CBC from time to time, is a bright young thing who has thoroughly read the right wing hand book. But Jen. seems to think the extent of her limited knowledge of the world from the right will carry her forward for the rest of her life. But all the fittest on the right will not survive. It is the people who adapt who are the survivors. But if Gerson was in any way curious and was able to think for herself, Godfrey would never have hired her. The National Post, which lost almost $ 60 million last quarter is not in the good books of the Wall St. hedge fund which owns Post Media. The Wall Streeters do not understand Canada. Right wing propaganda and a deep concern for the stock market [ a Ponzi scheme ] is not high on our agenda. What is on our agenda is the theft of this Country’s resources by American with able assistance of Lyin Steve. One of the most important enterprises in facilitating this theft is run by a Canadian turncoat, Paul Godfrey. But when the takeover of Canada is complete, Paul will be out of a job. We will get the news each day as we assemble in the city squares to listen to Harper the FIRST. But Paul has lots of business experience, he’d probably be good recording names of people as they get off the cattle cars. It will be easy for Godfrey, write the name and tattoo number down and say left or right. He makes his million and a half bucks a year, giving this Country away bit by bit by telling rightie lies. Paul’s approach speaks to the level of toadstoolism residing in the Post readership. And it make sense. People do not usually read every journalist, in a paper. Someone who likes Rex Murphy, my favourite sell out, will not necessarily read Lorne Gunter, Peter Foster, this Nation’s premier climate denier who sits on one of the seats at the right hand of Herr Harper. Foster is a failed Englishman who will write anything for a buck, anything. Pete gets all of his information directly from his oilie masters and Steve. Canadians really get sweet fuck all info from Post Media. Christie Blatchford, Claudia Cattaneo, Diane Frances, Terry Corcoran, Lawrence Solomon, John Ivison, Andrew Coyne et al, have specialties in the rightie propaganda realm. It is important for right wing adherents, to hear daily about the successes of the movement [ mostly failures but with lots of lipstick applied ]. The weak of mind have to be reassured daily about the free market [ a much restricted fantasy market, created to enhance the financial standing of the rich right only and much in evidence in Alberta to-day ]. And finally the readership, has to constantly be told what to say and what to think. It is sort of like Paul Godfrey taking his readers for a walk around the block like dogs. When Neil Young spoke out against the tar sands he was attacked by every rightie writer, even the ones who are extremely slow thinkers or barely breathing. The attacks on Young [ a Canadian bold enough to speak out about Alberta Tar and Hi Octane Benzine ] went on for weeks. Much of what was written was lies or just made up. Some of this rightie filler was by John Ivison and Peter Foster, both foreigners. Lyin Steve is always talking about free speech being a cornerstone of Canada. Under his Government, free speech only exists among his fascist stormtroopers, the Gloe and Tar, the National Post and Ezra Levant. Anyone who voices opposition to the tar sands or Herr Harper will be instantly attacked by the Nazi press. However the voices of opposition are growing fainter. Freedom of Information privileges have been suspended. Harper no longer has to inform Canadians as regards, what his Government is up to. I’d suggest you pick out your tattoo number early if you have a favourite one and reserve it Election campaigns will soon be a thing of the past. The old style press function will disappear. There will be no need for the lies spewed by John Ivison, Andrew Coyne, Margaret Wente and the like. The masses will be required to watch the American Oil Broadcasting Corp. and pick up the daily State orders of conduct from their cell phones. Controlling people will be much easier and cheaper under the new Police State Law, C-51. This gag order will soon be imposed on Canadian toadstools as they slumber in the dark and dine on horseshit. Again in history, will not see the dissenters dragged away by Lyin Steve’s jackbooted Royal Canadian Harper Police in the middle of the night. I am already imagining my incarceration? I know for a fact that Little Stevie will take away my pad, pen and computer. How will I and others get our protest messages out. Then I looked at who might be in the same cell block. Neil Young definitely. David Suzuki for sure. In Alberta, Dave Climenhaga in a marked man too. Now Neil plays the guitar and sings a pretty good song. I play the violin and trombone. And I have a good voice. I don’t know about Dave and Dave but they can probably carry a tune. We could call ourselves the Jailhouse 4. We could do concerts to entertain the inmates in Concentration Camp Deep River Ont., if Jenni ” Hakapik ” Byrne would let us? Our protest songs could be memorized and only at the concerts would our thoughts be known. Neil, Dave, Ken and Dave might even get the chance to open for rockin Stevie Harper at one of his gigs. With an audience of 35 million compulsory viewers, even getting out a few line would show to Canadians there are still citizens who refuse to heel to Harper and the American oil monopoly. I know we wouldn’t get too far into our first song before the Royal Canadian Harper Police would drag us off the stage and throw us down a flight of stairs. That is already happening. I also know that in protesting in such a manner, we’d be one step closer to the ovens. But what is the alternative? Living under Fascist rule and living in constant fear. There is an old saying, the only thing Canadians have to fear is Steve Harper’s fear mongering. What I have described is not a pipe dream. The indifference of the toadstools in Canada to-day could consign this Country to a Nazi like hell hole all done without even waking up. A self inflicted wound unconsciously administered. And just look at what Albertans have done to themselves being fast asleep these past 30 years. The Provincial economic carcass has been stripped white over the years and the Western Nazi press never whispered a word. There is big money to be made by Nazi press pushing the views of BIG OIL.


It is very surprising that the Godfrey’s Nazi media in Calgary and Edmonton is avoiding talking about the most important thing that faces Westerners. That is the key to the Province’s economic meltdown in 2014. The American oil monopoly has been and is buying ISIS stolen oil and providing the terrorist with up to $ 2 million in cash each and every day. THUS THE MONOPOLY IS NOT BUYING ALBERTA TAR, nor Bakken / Texas tight crude. The oilies are not buying any oil / tar in the USA or Canada. The oilies in Houston have 450 billion in the bank. This is affecting the business health in North America but the monopoly doesn’t care how many people they kill or ruin. The oilies own the Nazi media on this continent and as you and your family gasp your last you will be asking yourself, how could this happen? Incuriosity comes with a high price. Paul Godfrey and David Thomson take petrol dollars not to tell you the truth. It just shows what kind of criminals run the oil monopoly and print the newspapers. Houston doesn’t give a damn, they’ll piss all over their own American fellow citizens if they can make an extra buck. And the press on this continent is in the pocket of the oilies and the media will not say boo. If we wee people get it in the neck. And Albertans bought the papers and watch TV? FOR WHAT? TO BE TOLD LIES OR TOLD NOTHING OR HOODWINKED? Jim Prentice was in a sense right. Albertans, should look in the mirror. What Jimbo is saying, Albertans, you let us get away with stealing you blind. It is not so much that Albertans spent too much. It was that Albertans never asked any question. They believed Black and Godfrey and in their stupor allowed the American oil monopoly to steal petroleum resources for 30 years. What we have had for years, in the Middle East is a civil war between the Sunnis [ Saudi Arabia ] and the Shiites [ Iran ]. Neither Country wants blood on its’ own soil so they fund proxies to do the fighting. Like Osam Bin Laden. Just handing money to terrorists, without being able to control their actions mean trouble can pop up anywhere. The Saudis and the Iranians have been able to lessen the affects of this war, to some degree by cutting off funding. The terrorists know if they go too far the money tap gets turned off. But the American oil monopoly and ISIS have changed world terrorism for the worse. ISIS is stealing oil in Iraq, handing it over to the black marketeers in Turkey, where it goes to two port on the Mediterranean. The stolen oil is loaded onto small foreign flag ships, which rendezvous with the giant tankers belonging to the US oil monopoly. The ISIS oil is sneaked into the States, where it refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. After which these refined products are sold to resident toadstools at very high prices. Thus the resident toadstools are funding ISIS and terrorism in the Middle East. The Nazi media in North America is paid by the oilies to make sure the citizenry doesn’t catch on. It works and they don’t. The Governments of the USA, Canada and the UK badly need YOU toadstools to keep buying high priced gas, diesel and jet fuel. By continuing to fund ISIS at the present rate and scare 400 million people, Congress, Herr Harper and Dave Cameron are able to create police states in each of their Countries. In 1973 Washington / US oil monopoly teamed up to precipitated the OPEC crisis. The oilies were trying to strong arm the loosely affiliated OPEC members into selling their oil cheaper. It constituted mob tactics. This whole affair was about increasing monopoly profits and a highly profitable oil monopoly was in Washington’s interest, because the Republicans got their cut and still do to-day. The US Government and the oilies, don’t lack for hubris. The Yankee traders thought that OPEC would buckle and submit to open extortion. OPEC did not submit, however . Rather, the member Countries of OPEC drew closer together because of this USA, oilie, threat. From 1973 on OPEC was a much more aggressive opponent. All Washington / the oilies did was close down the USA, ruin the economy and people had to park their cars. As might be expected, Washington and the oilies, who were in the process of punish
ing their own people due to stupidity and greed, paid the Nazi media to BLAMED OPEC. The US oil monopoly paid the newsies mightily to mislead Americans and avoid having to face the music. Americans did as they were instructed, blamed OPEC. This wholesale defection, by the Nazi media, to the service of the oilies and the rich and powerful, facilitated the birth of the toadstool movement. Remain in the dark and be prepared to read horseshit. In 1979 Washington / the US oil monopoly duo, were up to their old tricks as usual, anxious as ever to satisfy their need for greed. They tried to get control Iranian oil fields, this by installing a puppet Shah, so as to get a much cheaper oil price. The US Government and the US oilies never bothered to consult the Iranian people. Like Canadians now, who are not in the know about the oilie takeover of this Country. It is being done behind our back and may well work if the majority of our people remain toadstools. Like Daaaaaaaaaaa. Iranians resisted the Yankee takeover, they rose up against the Americans and the Shah was sent packing. But the Iranian oil tap got turned off, the world oil industry was disrupted by the Americans once again, there was no Plan B. Because of the shortage of oil created by the US oilies, the price went through the roof from $ 10 a barrel in 1973 to $ 65 a barrel in 1980 as the Iranian oil fields were shuttered. The Saudis, the leading Member of OPEC could see a repeat of 1973 coming, when the blow to the US economic system was severe. In causing the 1973 OPEC crisis Washington / oil monopoly never saw the mess they were getting their Country into. Righties have no insight. Herr Harper is so afflicted. The University of Calgary doesn’t emphasize insight. Elizabeth Cannon doesn’t think it’s necessary. Rather, Calgary students are indoctrinated in putting faith in Friedrich Hayek, Leo Strauss, Ayn Rand and the right wing way. The young are told, this will always solve every problem. Only when it doesn’t solve problems like Canada’s economy? 1973 and 1980, are being repeated in Alberta to-day. The oilies never admit to making any mistakes and they make big ones. Thus they never learn from those mistakes. Alberta live through 1973, the 1980s and now 2014. When does Alberta stop riding on the oilie bus and strike out in a new direction? We have seen 40 years of one blunder after another by the oilies. It is interesting that the oil debacle of 1973 is called the OPEC crisis. OPEC did nothing more than refuse to submit to bullying and drop their price. That crisis was caused by Washington / US oil monopoly and for large dollops of cash the US Nazi press covered up the mess. In 1980 Saudi Arabia did not want their major customer the US, to go into the tank because of the incompetence OF AMERICAN management So all by itself, the Saudis increased oil production to replace the lost Iranian shipments. Thereby saving the world economy but not a word to the people by the press. In the 1980s, Washington and the US oil monopoly were nothing more than bystanders. Their levers of power had been disconnected. Congress and the oilies had stupidly given away the puck and didn’t get it back for 15 years. Disrupt the world, then runaway and hide in a closet. Those on the right, ACTUALLY DO LIVE IN A FANTASYLAND. The right responds to every problem saying, WHAT WE HAVE BEFORE US JUST ISN’T HAPPENING. Like in the case of Global Warming. The world Nazi media is paid to make all the bad stuff go away. The citizens are left hang by their thumbs. And magically the rightie wishes comes true. The difficulty vanishes Far too many people fall for the rightie rabbit out of the hat trick. It is like duh, people. H. L Mencken believed most Americans were stupid and wrote extensively about their stupidity. Henry Mencken’s assessment seems to have been quite astute. The problem for the majority, who cannot surrender to the fiction of the right, we have to live in the real world. For Godfrey’s Post papers, the real Alberta has pretty much vanished from the map, except the daily doses of Notley Smears. The Western farmers have seen their incomes drop as the CWB was illegally disolved by Harper. The individual wheat growers have had to start dealing with the corrupt US Grain Corporations. It is a repeat of the elephant and the mouse. And the farmers are coming out second best in Lyin Steve’s free market. Those at the National Post are asleep at the switch on the grain issue. The arrival of the oilie cheques made out to Godfrey, ensures the sharp focus of Smears against the NDP. Those who make their living in the oil / nat. gas business in the west are suffering because the American oil monopoly is now buying stole ISIS oil. Likewise Enbridge and TransNotCanada have replaced Albert / Saskatchewan natural gas with cheap fracked gas from Michigan and Pennsylvania . This is very profitable for Monaco and Girling because they are charging Ontarian and Quebecers full Alta. / Sask. price. Enbridge and TransNot Canada are cheating Canadians on both ends of this free market deal. Al and Russ have ruined the nat. gas industry in the West and are stealing from gas users in the East by charging unjustified high prices. This is a huge story waiting to be told. But the stenographers who toil at low pay for the Nazi press are fixated on Smearing Rachel Notley. Smearing on behalf of the oilies, pays big money to the likes of Godfrey, who gets more than a million a year. But for Paul, Westerners and Easterners are nobodies. We are all Lady Black’s little people. The major problem for about 25 million righties [ that’s the approx world total of right wing sociopaths ], this wishful thinking only works in their own special universe. For the rest of us 400 million souls, we are stuck in the real world. While the Republicanazis, the oilies and the Nazi media deny that the California drought is caused by Global Warming, 35 million people are frying on their lonesome, as the State turns back into a desert. The heat goes on and up and gets worse and will continue to get worse. Denial is not a good strategy for a leader, when people trying to survive. But denial is what the righties practice. In the California case, the right are pulling the same old stunts. The rightpublicanazis are saying that the drought is being caused by the Democrats, conservationists, homosexuals, witches, abortions, naturalists, the EPA and now Obama. The California Nazi press never mentions the real cause of California’s woes, one Ronnie Reagan. The temperature is climbing and the right is up in the stands tossing blame bombs. Regan’s smaller government doesn’t work when there is a king size problem. The Repubs, in their usual place in the real world, don’t have any answers. Unknown to everyone, as the oil turmoil in 1980s stewed, the outsiders, the Russians made a move on the market. The USA had blocked Russia from playing a role in the world oil market. The Americans threw that restriction away and lost the leverage. With the shortage of oil in 1980 taking its’ toll, the Russians opened their taps too, and injected their supply into what became a brand new oil market. The USA became a much weaker player in the market due to their continuing fixation on greed, which reamins undiminished to this day. Added to the Saudi oil output, there was a Russian oil contribution to alleviating the oil crisis in 1981. The price of oil was about 10 bucks a barrel from 1968 to 1974. With the glut it averaged $ 50 a barrel from 1975 to 1979. A momentary shortage developed in 1980 and the price reached 80 bucks. Then oil plummeted to $ 18 a barrel in 1985 and remained so until 1998. So Washington / US oil monopoly, in trying to take control of the Iranian oil fields, started the Iranian revolution, for which the Americans have never been forgiven by the Middle East. The Saudis, in an attempt to stabilize the normal oil market had the ability to adjust output to accomplish this goal. But then Russia made its move and opened up its’ oil tap fully. They got into the oil market thanks to the US blundering. Getting something, anything for their oil was better for Russia than leaving it in the ground in 1981. Washington / oil monopoly succeeded in destroying the economy of Alberta and the Gulf coast including Texas from 1986 to 1998. Again the Nazi newspapers were paid to cause confusion. This, to protect the oilies and lay blame on everybody else. And you know what? It worked. If you go on the net and search 1973 OPEC crisis and the Iranian Revolution in 1979 causing an oil shortage and then a glut you will see all the lies promoted by the Nazi media. A year ago, when the oil storm clouds were gathering over Alberta, Godfrey and Thomson, did not print a word. A week ago an oilman in Calgary said he did not see the price drop coming. Can you believe someone being this stupid? This loser was either in a remote cave or a soundproof / bullet proof closet or reading the Post / Globe papers exclusively. In 1981 thousands of Texan oil workers were forced to move to California, money was so tight. Alberta went into the dumpster and the American oil monopoly hired our Western Nazi papers in Calgary and Edmonton to mount a diversionary campaign against Pierre Trudeau and his NEP. Trudeau’s legislation never actually came into force. Hitler did say big lies told often work. In the case of the Trudeau / NEP fairy tale, it worked. The Canadian / Albertan toadstools, as expected, swallowed the bogus story, hook, line and sinker. And their toadstool children are now swallowing the latest monopoly tale about the fact that the Province is still getting close to nothing for its’ tar. But as usual, OPEC IS TO BLAME, OPEC IS TO BLAME, OPEC IS TO BLAME. If you keep saying OPEC IS TO BLAME as often as the Godfrey Papers do in Calgary and Edmonton, you will have to accept it as the truth. Hitler prophesied, 60 years ago that this would be the case. Of course OPEC is not to blame but its’ the lies, spin, confusion, censorship, oil propaganda and made up stuff, that makes the the Godfrey / Thompson newspapers money. Telling the truth in a Police State like Canada brings no profit. In terms of the Albertan toadstools it seemed as if they were swallowing the same old bullshit to-day, as they did 30 years ago. But with the election of Rachel Notley and the NDP in Alberta I sense the times they are achanging. After Leduc blew in in 1948, Ottawa and Ontario put up the money to start up Alberta in the oil business. Alberta was a HAVE-NOT-PROVINCE, with no roads, no infrastructure, no money, no workforce, no customers but lots of oil. Ottawa said to Ontario, you must only buy Alberta oil at an elevated price. Ottawa would not allow us to buy cheap oil from the Middle East like Quebec. I had to pay extra for gas for my motorcycle, car and J-2 Cub aeroplane. I never really resent helping Alberta out with cash from my $ 40 a week pay cheque. The petroleum industry came about in the West because Ottawa and Queen’s Park worked closely together. I am an Ontarian certainly, but a Canadian first. Since the 1950s I HAVE NEVER SEEN A SINGLE ARTICLE COME OUT OF ALBERTA THANKING OTTAWA / ONTARIO FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROSPERITY OF THE PROVINCE. It came down to a selfish take, take, take and whine from Albertans over the years. Now the roof has fallen in, some people in the Province are suggesting Ottawa should come to their rescue. That Canadians taxpayers should pay for Alberta’s mistakes. But such people have not come to understand yet that Herr Harper has abandoned them, just like he did last year to the grain farmers. Paul Godfrey’s papers have been ordered by Lyin Steve to look the other way on the Prairies and say nothing. Right wing countries just disappear people when their RIGHTIES get into trouble. Albertans, and those in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, you’ll just have to get used to it, Harper has written you off. Westerners are now worthless but the press will never say that. Our Stevie has really said goodbye to you. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It depends on Albertans breaking away from the American oil monopoly for keeps. The election of the NDP in Alberta is a good start. Now Andrea Horwath has to take Ontario. The NDP is poised to take BC. The 2013 Election in BC represented a theft of sovereignty on the part of Herr Harper. The Nazi press never covered this story. Harper was so afraid that the NDP would take BC that he destroyed the Provincial Conservative to give Christy Clark and her do anything to win Liberals a victory. Clark was so unpopular, she even lost her seat. Before the Election, the BC Conservatives were running about 25 % in the polls. Lyin Steve ordered the Cons. out there to vote Liberal to stop the NDP. It worked. The BC Cons. got only 7& of the vote and disappeared. So British Columbia has a coalition Goverment, held up by Harper. It is funny. This story never made it into the papers. The press in this Country certainly lives up to Hitler’s ideals, the only news is Fascist news. The Canadian police state is well entrenched. Herr Harper’s anti union bill was rammed through the Senate by his trained seal. This usurping of the rules which govern the Senate means the bill was obtained by illegal means. Thus it has no force in law. If Harper is able to steal the next election, like he did in 2011 this is what Canadians will have to endure. A land where the American oil monopoly / Harper make up the laws to suit their own purposes.

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In the Spring of 2006 I decided to give Steve Harper, Leader of the Conservative Party a test drive. My Ontario Progressives Conservatives had been taken over by the Republicans, Bay St. and Canadian turncoats who thought more about Cash than Canada. Most newspapers in the Country were well rewarded financially to go along for the rightie ride without any thought for their future. Frank Miller was the first in a long line of stooges put before the electorate by the American PCs, Mike ” the Yellow ” Harris, John Tory and lastly Tim Hudak, came and went, all losers. So in terms of Ontario I am a man without a Party. After Brian Mulroney, a common criminal destroyed the National Progressive Conservatives it was ripe for the plucking too. Harper and his Reformers, with backing from the American oil monopoly and the Republicans, seized control of the our National PC Party structure but he did not automatically get the members like me. Lyin Steve put the National Progressive Conservative name on the shelf for security and placed it beyond the reach of any of us who might want to revived the Party. I joined Herr Harper’s Fascist Party in 2006 and was soon a Director on the Board of the Prince Edward / Hastings CPC Riding Association. As a historian and a former Ontario PC minor operative, I was valued by the Fascists for my experience but expected to keep my mouth shut and follow orders. Not bloody likely? The control of the Riding Association was in the hands of a small Reform Executive. The membership of over 1000 was all PC. Much effort was made by Herr Harper to fool the PCs, that it was still their same old Party where they could express their opinions freely. In fact Steve demanded that members work but remain silent and wave little flags on command. I told the Reformers I don’t do flag waving for despots. PCs who wanted to exercise their democratic rights were forced out. In Germany, Hitler would have had them shot. By the summer of 2007 I knew who we were dealing with. All my correspondence to Himself used the term Herr Harper. Interestingly, Harper and his Reformers were seeking to win Government in a democratic Canada while having eliminated democracy within their riding associations. Herr Harper did not win a majority in 2011, he stole the election with the help of the Republicans and the American oil monopoly. Canadians were caught with their pants down, never having experienced the degree of cheating, so commonplace in the Republican States. In the 1990s the US oil monopoly, the Republicans and the Nazi media, under their control had taken democracy away from 35 million Californians without the people even knowing what had befallen them. That story of the residents going back to the dark ages was withheld by California’s newspapers. The same sort of game has been playing out in Alberta for 30 years. The oilies and the Nazi press have removed the real vote from Albertans. It doesn’t matter who Albertans chose to be their Government, the oilies will smear the winners out of office with Paul Godfrey’s paid help. Don Getty, Ed Stelmach and Alison Redford were all smeared out of office. Ralph Klein survived because he was an oilie stooge who zeroed in on squeezing Albertans even more. Ralph never went after the US oil monopoly that has been stealing the Province’s resources for 20 years. Now, even stealing Alberta’s Tar is no longer attractive to the American oil monopoly when they can buy ISIS, Russian, Iranian and Libyan oil for dirt cheap. The oil monopoly has said Hasta La Vista Baby to Albertans, even though the people in the foothills were left in chains. But the light bulb seems to have gone on in Alberta. Rachel Notley and the NDP won a healthy majority in the recent Provincial election. Things are looking up for democracy. Things are not so hot for the anti democratic University of Calgary, the Manning Centre and the Nazi media.

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Back when Herr Harper was making noises about doing away with the Canadian Wheat Board illegally, I started to do research. It seems that Archer Daniel Midland, a big grain Company in the USA decided that the Canadian Wheat Board was socialistic and an irritant, that was getting in the way of their business. ADM was and is in the business of screwing farmers, north and south of the border. ADM just doesn’t WORK WITH FARMERS, ESPECIALLY CANADIAN FARMERS. Two thing you must know. The executives at ADM have been convicted on a whole bunch of criminal charges which are listed on the net. The other thing to know is that our own light fingers Brian Mulroney is a director at ADM. Brian knows there is big money to be made selling out Canada to the Americans. Lyin Steve, Preston Manning and Mulroney are just three of a whole host of Canadian turncoats, who have been named or will be named. Anyway, I got started looking at grain farmers on the prairies. Then came the glut of grain in 2013 which was made worse by the fact that CNR and CPR were too busy transporting Alberta Tar and Hi Octane Benzine to Texas to bother with Canadian grain. In that one season thanks to Stevie Harper, Gery Ritz and the rail lines, Western farmer incomes dropped by 10%. And these farmers voted for Harper. Then the effects of Global Warming have started to impact our Prairies. The Pacific jet stream is now by-passing California which has become a huge, towering pillar of heat, the likes of which are only seen above volcanoes. The jet stream in question always seeks the the media temperature between the arctic ice and the equator. Now a much overheated California [ which is becoming the Great Dust Bowl No Two, this named after the one in the mid west in the 1930s ]. The westerly flow of the jet stream by-passes California entirely. That route is now permanent. It crosses into North America along the coast from Vancouver as far north as Alaska. BC in going to be much wetter or drier than in the past and will be getting more heavy storms. The wet weather is crossing into Alberta with much more moisture, more rain or snow. High River, Regina, Saskatoon and Winnipeg all have more flooding. Some areas in the west are getting drier at times. Since the Governments in the USA, UK and Canada are all hard right wing, their meteorologists refuse to mention Global Warming. If the oil monopoly fails in its’ attempt to to seize control of Canada all the senior management of Environment should be put out in the street for hoodwinking the Canadian public. So that Congress, Harper and Cameron can bullshit more than 400 million people in the 3 Nations about the weather. The price goes up every day that is lost in adapting to climate change. One day we will reach the point where there is no enough wealth in the world to reverse the effects of Global Warming. And we are going to let 25 million sociopaths do this to us, our children and grandchildren. The Nazi press in the US, Can. and the UK, can’t tell the citizenry the truth, neither can the weather guys and gals. The Met people fear for their jobs. But when those 400 million people are in chain gangs dragging block up the sides of pyramids, all of those who mindlessly followed the Fascist script, acting as empty headed journalists or weather forecasters, will find themselves in chains too. I have created a plan to turn the entire Prairies Prairies, from the Rockies to the Ontario border into a king size irrigation / retention pond preserve. In other words catch the rain or snow runoff as it occurs, distribute the water across the west into reservoirs, then using the water by gravity feed when it gets dry. This would guarantee just-in-time-water for farms and ranches. This would mean the Palliser Triangle and its’ world class soil could be used to the max to feed the world. I see the farmers being in total control of growing grain, crops, beef farming etc. and this irrigation system from distribution of water, to machinery sales, repairs and leasing. I envisage a sort of new Canadian Wheat Board but much larger in scope and having more control and controlling the new railway. The oil, nat. gas and tar businesses have gone into the tank. Some of the trouble stems from the fact that the American oil monopoly not only want to steal western resources but dump all its’ garbage in Canada. All this as well as the poisoning of our soil, water and air. Peter Lougheed wanted all of the oil and tar refined right in his Province and then shipped to customers in Canada and the world. More than 60% of Alberta’s revenues used to come from royalties on nat. gas shipped to Ontario and Quebec. Russ Girling of TransNotCanada and Al Monaco of Enbridge, are Companies which are both owned by the crooks on Wall St. Russ and Al have pulled a fast one on Albertans. When all that cheap fracked nat. gas started coming out of Pennsylvania and Michigan. Girling and Monaco used the US gas as a replacement for Alberta gas but continued to charge Alberta prices to Easterners. McGuinty, TransCanada, Enbridge and the Ontario Energy Commission saw the profitability in such a neat deal. This deal allowed the participants to screw Alberta / Saskatchewan / Ontario / Quebec all at the same time. Nobody would find out because the Nazi press is paid to keep its’ trap shut. And best of all, Dalt McGuinty would get his usual Premier’s cut of all such insider trading in Ontario. I came up with the idea of building the Twin Beaver Pipeline and Hydro right-of-way from Fort McMurray across Saskatchewan, Manitoba [ with a twin pipe to Churchill Man, Nat. gas / refined oil ], across Northern Ontario where the two pipelines and the Hydro corridor would split. The Hydro lines would cross Quebec to Churchill Falls. The Twin Beaver would go south from North Bay into Southern Ontario carrying Western refined oil and natural gas to Toronto, Windsor and Ottawa. The twin pipelines would supply Montreal and Quebec , then cross the Eastern Townships into NB, NS to PEI. There would be a second oil pipeline added to handle Newfoundland oil running in reverse that would supply refineries in Quebec and Ontario. If Ontario and Quebec refineries were well stocked with crude oil, the excess oil from Alberta and Saskatchewan could reach the world market through Churchill Manitoba, a deep water port. Pierre Trudeau was always afraid that the Americans would pull a fast one in the early 1980s and take all of the Alberta / Saskatchewan / Manitoba oil, leaving Canadians up shit crick. now the oilies are not taking Western oil and tar and we are up shit crick if we don’t take matter into our own hands. The Twin Pipeline in a sense takes it’s inspiration from Pierre Trudeau. We have oil and natural gas in the west and a market for these resources in the East. Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland have endless, clean, cheap hydro electricity. This can be sent by a cross Canada grid to be used to power the oil / nat. gas industries in Alberta, Saskatchewan Manitoba. No more burning or wasting a fuel to harvest a fuel and creating green house gases. Kws do not generate CO2. What I envisage the structure of the Canadian National Energy Corp as being Canada and all the Provinces as partners. By pooling our resources to our own advantage rather than having the Americans take our stuff for free and leave us with all their garbage. In terms of hydro electricity, in the 4 Provinces, most of that water runs away and is wasted. We would convert to a hydrogen cycle rather than a demand cycle. Every KW coming off the grid, be it from water, coal, solar or wind would either be used for power or be converted into hydrogen. In times of max demand the hydrogen would be turned back into KWs. We must become self sufficient in terms of energy, natural resources and agriculture, that will make this Nation secure and safe, free from the rightie rigged market, while providing programs and services to the total population. Not just to the rich and famous. Every citizen would get the same medical attention. No more special treatment for Conrad Black and Barb. Foreigners will have NO SAY in our new proceedings. My Twin Beaver nat. gas, oil and hydro system would take Canada’s destiny out of American hands and WE would be in charge of OUR future. Thus we would experience no more Alberta betrayals. Former Premier Redford proposed a Provincial Energy arrangement and organized meetings which were very fruitful. But the US oil monopoly was not going to have Canadians deciding anything like their on their own. On behalf of Harper, Joe Oiliver disrupted Premier Redford’s energy meetings. With the help of Paul Godfrey and the Post Media papers and David Thomson and the Globe and Tar, the monopoly smeared Redford out of office, attacking her more than 250 times over the space of 2 years. But Godfrey and Thomson never featured one single story about the more than one hundred tailing ponds that have created a toxic moonscape. Left for Canadians to clean up. I see a quick survey of all the tailing ponds to ascertain which companies created them and the cost of cleanup. Those responsible for the garbage, would have to cough up the cash or have their assets expropriated. In the USA, the EPA would never permit the American oil monopoly to operate in such a filthy manner there, as it does in Canada. With some financial help from Washington, a small experimental tar sands operation was started in Utah that had to abide by all the American environmental regulations. The facility operated from a couple of years and was a success. The plant had an internal system which recycled water. Nothing made it into the outside world. All of the electricity used at the plant came from hydro, wind or solar, there was no CO2 or other pollutants. In terms of the toxic / heavy metal contaminated water that was produced, it was cleaned up using centrifuges powered by clean KWs. A centrifuge is like the tub with holes in it, in an automatic washing machine. The tub is filled with the contaminated water and spun at high speed. The water is thrown off, to be recycled and the solids left in the tube. These solids are disposed of in an environmentally approved way. The tar sands at present are being operated in the dirtiest manner possible, with profit as the guiding principle. Well no more. I find it amazing, that after all the abuse people have taken in this Country some of them still buy newspapers. From the very folks, like Godfrey and Thomson who contribute to these abuses in Canada on their printed pages by lying and publishing False News. To make the hard right wingers scream even louder, I am proposing a new railway system for the West and eventually from sea to sea. One hundred years ago, in Western Canada there was a railway building boom. Grain elevators could not be more than a days journey from the farms. Each elevator had to be serve by rail. In Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba there are hundreds of abandon rail lines. In other words there are routes and rail beds snaking all over the place. I divided the West into 7 circular districts so no farm is more than 125 miles away from a central storage area. These storage areas would handle all kinds of agricultural products as well as grain. With a guarantee of water, all the Prairies could be put to work growing all kinds of products, just look at Lethbridge and Medicine Hat. Each AG Centre would have an industial park where private companies would set up to process the various crops at peak of freshness. The Great Canadian Northern Railway would connect Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg and Churchill, Manitoba where there is a deep water port. The West would have a doorway to the world. Churchill would also have oil / natural gas storage capacity, supplied by a spur line in the Twin Beaver pipeline. Eventually I see a rail line to the Pacific to bring BC into the system. A line would also be build east to Montreal, Thereby realizing, high speed passenger service coast to coast. Al the rolling stock would be wider, tailor made to fill the necessary jobs. Bombardier could manufacture both the rolling stock and locomotives. What the public doesn’t know is that there is clean coal technology that governments will not install. The American oil monopoly has enough money to kill any innovation in the coal industry. Clean coal is as clean in terms of CO2, as natural gas and nuclear and coal is a way cheaper. I see the AG Centres as being self sufficient in electricity and heated using coal. It is a matter of determining what fuel and system works best as regards a whole range of options as well as the cost. I just don’t want the American oil monopoly have ANY INVOLVEMENT. Everything the oilies do relates to HOW MUCH MONEY THEY CAN MAKE, WHILE SCREWING EVERYONE ELSE IN SIGHT. Well no more. I like Norway’s approach to their oil industry. It was / is that the the resource belongs to the Norwegians and the people profit the most. In Alberta, the American oil monopoly bought off the politicians, who said, here, take what you want, give us our cut, pay what you think the stuff is worth and we will tell the people to spend their time looking in their mirrors. But for poor Jimbo Prentice this crap did not fly. I wonder what ever happened to Jim? Probably in a closet somewhere? I am working on a more detailed plan ” The Remaking of Canada “. This constitutes a road map that will ensure prosperity and security and has the advantage of giving Canadians the tools to take this Country back from the Americans. We beat the bloody Americans during the War on 1812. We can do it again 200 years later and make money doing it. Lots of money.

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The secret to Canada’s future success is to divorce the USA. We must become masters and mistresses in our own house. There are thousands of turncoat Canadians who make money handing this Nation over to the Americans. I keep naming these Enemies of Canada who take oilie cheques and up till now have been able to hide in the shadows. I am an old Progressive Conservative and have been dealing with the Fascists since 1960. The whole rightie cult reads from the same handbook. The spoken or written words that appear, are easily traced back to right wing ideology. The vocabulary of the Fascists is extremely limited. No wonder the rightpublicanazis appear attractive to those of very limited brainpower. There is a flaw in our democratic system right now in which special interest groups, like Big Oil and Republicans have short circuited the process of electing OUR MPs to Parliament. For almost all of our 148 years as a Country the voters in each Riding, selected their representative from those offered by the various parties. It was not a matter of the percentage of votes recorded, it was that Jim or Jean was selected to represent the Riding in question. Most of the areas across the Country have Riding Associations that are affiliated with particular political parties. My Mother, Phyllis Spratley, worked for Progressive Conservatives in York Township, Ont. from after WW 11. She was on the Board of St. Hilda’s Anglican Church and served on the Committee that built North Western Hospital. She knew where the best candidate were and earned the right to vote during the Nomination process due to her ongoing commitment to the PCs. Such associations operate between elections, with members, democratically elected executives, they sponsored events and did work for the betterment of communities. Who better to know the outstanding citizens in a Riding and support such people at election time. When an election approached, nomination meetings were held and only long standing members were allowed to vote. Winning a nomination under such circumstances weeded out the liars, criminals and carpetbaggers. If a nominee won in a By-Election or a General Election, he or she had a direct link to their home Riding. Over time this process has been watered down to the point where many MPs do not have a relationship with people in their riding. The required membership rules in some cases have been watered down, so someone, even an outsider, can come in at the last minute and spend money to sign up members. This, two weeks before the Nomination and in some cases the membership fees were even paid by the usurper. To put it bluntly, it pisses off long time party members to see johnny-come-lately types show up and steal this nomination process right from under their noses. In the case of the Harper Fascists, Lyin Steve simply picks the local riding candidates. That is why the Harperites have so many criminal types in their ranks. Community scrutiny is missing. Since the Fascists believe the Nietzsche mob [ that’s us ] who are in the majority, should receive no consideration whatsoever, having their MPs plugged into the riding is of little consequence. The local Fascist Riding Offices are no more than satellite Gestapo bases, paid for by the taxpayers, which gather information on opponents in the area. Screw the democratic process say the oilies / Harper. Under normal conditions, the riding associations do fund raising for the parties. The Fascists couldn’t care less about local fund raising, although Harper make a big deal out of such phony campaigns. The Fascists are bankrolled by the American oil monopoly and this investment seems to be paying off. If Harper steals yet another majority, it will be the last time you will get to vote. Your rights and freedom have already been drastically curtailed. We are just one step away from tyranny. I would suggest a few things we can do before the fated hour. You should stop buying a Canadian newspaper. We have hit the end of the second month that Rachel Notley and the NDP have been in power. In the first month there were 55 Smear articles that I cut out. Two thirds of them from Paul Godfrey’s PostMedian papers. This was not from every paper, every day. So there are more Smear articles that I just missed. At the end of the second month, the number of Smear articles has risen to 75. Godfrey was responsible again for 2/3rds of month two’s smears. The American oil monopoly is determined that the readers of our 100 newspaper, all now considered the Nazi press, will come to hate the NDP both Provincially and Federally as much as Pierre Trudeau and the NEP were hated 30 years ago. The oilies out of Houston, were also responsible for the Trudeau Smear campaign 30 years ago. This is the NEP myth, that a wet behind the ears Stevie Harper swallowed all those years ago. It is hilarious, Godfrey and PostMedia themselves, have now done a poll on Notley and the NDP among their readership. Can you guess what Paul Godfrey found? Think about it? Yes you are exactly right. The Fascists determined that Notley is already losing support in Alberta. After 130 attack articles so far, which are no more than conjecture, it is not hard to see that the Fascists, who did not vote for the NDP in the first place, being in a negative state of mind. A poll taken among Fascists on the popularity of the NDP is a foregone conclusion. This is False News under the Criminal Code. Thus the hate level is on the increase, just what the American oil monopoly is paying for. And just what the Criminal Code seeks to prevent. Notley and the NDP are being well Hitlered. I’ve got an idea for these Fascists who are being worked up by the Nazi press. Harper wants the simpletons to hate the NDP Party, in Canada and Alberta. The Smear Notley campaign is well under way and will continue for 4 more years. To the simpletons on the right, now I know this is going to be hard for you but try real hard. Start seriously thinking hate. I mean the deep down kind of hatred. Well below Hitler, Holocaust and Stalin. Below even Paul Bernardo, Attila the Hun and Genghis Kahn. When you reach that state of hatred you will have reach the point where the American oil monopoly and Paul Godfrey want you to be, vis a vis the NDP. I think the oilies feel that another 2000 NDP Smear articles over Notley’s term in the Nazi press will just about do it. But if you can reach that level of hatred NOW, RIGHT NOW I MEAN, you don’t have to buy any more Post Media / Globe papers. Right? There, I have saved you a ton of money and added hours to your spare time. You will be able to buy a brand new sub machine gun, many more boxes of ammunition and have a lot of time on your hand to go shoot at stuff. For normal people, who are still interested in Canada, I would avoid any candidate who has been parachuted into your Riding by any Party leader. Such a candidate will answer to the leader, not to you. You will never know what kind of crook or misfit the oilies and Herr Harper have picked out to represent you, until it is too late. The last ten years is proof positive, that Lyin Steve only picks out trained seals to be one of his Fascist MPs. Hitler fooled 80 million German. By the time the public found out what was going on, 20 million were in their graves. It is a hell of of a price for being a stupid toadstool. There is an upside to Paul Godfrey being so closely tied to the Fascists. If the American oil monopoly does indeed succeed in taking over Canada I am sure Paul will help in providing the location of all the tattoo clinics where the public will have to go to get their numbers on their arms. There will be no requirement to have a single piece of identification to get your number. Superior Fascists will be given a photo ID in Harper Blue. Interestingly, while standing in line we might just meet one or two of these smearers now engaged in the destroy Notley Campaign. Once the oil monopoly takeover has been completed, all the smearers will be excess baggage, they will get the Sona treatment and be forced to get a tattoo number like the rest of us. The smearers will then awaken to the fact that in the new Fascist world, if the oilies don’t want you anymore, you are toast, no matter how hard you work and no matter how many laws you break in the service of Herr Harper. The Sociopaths on the right are devoid of insight. When Leopold and Loeb killed that 14 year old in Chicago in the 1920s, they considered supermen and said so. These teenagers attended the University of Chicago and were taught the Nietzsche Myth. They fancied themselves a couple of the few Exceptionalists, self appointed to be above the common mob. Lady Black’s little people. They were taught that society’s rules did not apply to them. This is still the course of study at Chicago U, Calgary U and the Manning Institute. Herr Harper must have got high marks at Calgary, he learned well, that Canada’s laws do not apply to him or his Fascist Party. Conrad Black feels likewise , his is a book with blank pages. The Conman can make up his own rules as he goes along. Apparently Leopold, the Upperman, was not as smart as he thought. He dropped his expensive glasses when he and Loeb dumped the body in a ditch. Oops. Thinking you are a superman doesn’t mean you are so super. Just look at how the rightpublicanazis are facing up to Global Warming in the USA. The east coast is waterlogged and the west coast is going back to the times of the Great Dust Bowl. People who take orders and can’t think for themselves like the Republicans are just about useless in such a crisis. Their theme song, ” Wishing will Make It So “. hasn’t worked thus far.

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No matter the country, if you look closely at the right wing, whether in the USA, Canada or the UK. They all march to the same drum beat, the same marching orders like Hitler’s like goose steppers. The intelligence level of the Democratic and Republican parties has been studied and it has been show clearly that the Repubs are 10% lower on the scale. After all, the right needs followers who will slavishly follow orders, work against their own self interest and never think for themselves. Sounds like a pretty dumb group to me. But history bears this out. Hand a Republican a serious problem and he will fuck it up without fail. It is important for the right to grab the very young impressionable males and mold them into Fascists. That is what Hitler did with his Youth. The master race idea came to life from within the Nietzsche Myth. This Fascist Myth came about firstly in the USA. The basis of the Myth, as we understand to-day was created by Fred’s sister Elisabeth when SHE reworked and published his scribblings. Fred’s period of writing lasted less than 10 years, from the time he decided he was a superior being to that of becoming a Syphilistic vegetable. Fred would have been a nobody, except for Liz. His sister took all of his scattered pages, which she had purchased from their mother Franziska. This fanciful conglomeration was assembled into readable form with add ons by Liz, forgeries and omissions. In 1907 H.L. Mencken translated Elizabeth’s meddlings into a work of his very own. Mencken was a classic wimp, a momma’s boy, like so many of Harper’s inner circle. Becoming a self appointed Aryan, within the rigtie community, hands a whimp a gold medal without him ever having to accomplishing anything. Much like Ezra La Rant and Kory Tenneyeke. The Nazi media won’t tell your that. Henry L. decided he liked this Neitzsche, Aryan stuff. Mencken’s padded translations had a touch of fancy about them. This quality found favour with the right wingers, who had always known that they were better than the majority / the little people. H. L. just gave them licence to feel superior and he became a hero of the right. This fact made its’ way into the rightie expression, ” The tyranny of the majority [ but that is what democracy actually is, majority rule ]. The right keeps repeating that democracy equates to tyranny. Which is outrageous but the Nazi media remains silent on this matter, paid hugely to do so. The truth is that democracy limits the actions of the right wing. And they don’t very much like that state of affairs Being only a small minority, the righties have to destroy democracy to gain power and regarding this endeavour, the Nazi media has been expropriated. Following Mencken’s translations in the USA of Liz Nietzsche’s plagiarizations of her brothers work, many rightie writers got in on the act. One good example is Ayn Rand, a third rate copyist who swam with all the other right wing jellyfish. One rightie author of a book, written in the late 1920s, threw all the Mencken he had read into a blender. Then he cherry picked from all things attributed to Fred, whether true or false, which is perfectly in keeping with the right wing ideology. Use anything fair or foul to achieve world domination. During Hitler’s rise to power, he became aware of this book. A copy made it’s way into the Fuhrer’s library. The author of same was invited over to Germany to meet Hitler, wherein Adolf was apprised of the current right wing thinking. From that point on, both the rightpublicanazi and Hitler were on parallels trajectories. Some big US companies did more and more business business with Germany during the 1930s. This was especially true of American banks. Preston Bush, grandfather of Georgie Bush Jr., was part of a financial institute which was accused of trading-with-the-enemy in 1942. FDR’s Government seized the institution. Little wonder the right doesn’t like FDR. The Republicans are corrupt at the core, have always been so and will never change till the little people in America are bled white. While America was suffering through the great depression, US businesses was selling out their Country, playing both sides of the street. Hitler contributed money to the Republicans, with the goal of disrupting the efforts of FDR. The right did not want the little people to become prosperous. An educated voter doesn’t vote Republican. So the American right and the Nazis, for a short period, strolled along hand in hand. The righties like the idea of a police state in which the population did what it was told by a superior leadership. Sociopaths do not possess insight. During the 1930s, the rightpublicanazis could not see where Hitler was leading them, these poor souls were lied to as well. The Fuhrer and the American righties worked in concert during the 1930s. US money, businesses and rightie advisers worked closely with the Nazis. As stated, the righties liked the idea of the police and that option has stayed with them. True to form, the USA, Can. and the UK are now imposing police states. The excuse is ISIS and Middle East terrorism, which is funded by the American oil monopoly. The world Nazi press will not touch this oilie connection to terrorism. Quite convenient, the US oil monopoly is buying ISIS oil which is laundered through Turkey. The cheap ISIS oil is sneaked into the USA, refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel and sold at a very high price to joe North American public. Nice system, everybody but the people benefits. The oilies make big profits, ISIS has lots of jingle in their jeans for bombs and guns and the resulting scare allows the right wingers to install Marshall Law in democratic countries. In terms of the rightpublicanazis / Nazi close relationship, it all came crashing down on Dec. 7 / 41 and Pearl Harbour. Charles Lindberg, darling of the right was disgraced over night. Henry L., who had backed the Germans in the Great War and Hitler in the second saw his reputation destroyed. The Republican Party, so long on the take from Hitler moved into the shadows and moved their operations to the University of Chicago. Hitler’s police state experiment last but 12 years. Apparently, the rightpublicanazis learned nothing at the time. But the righties do not have a reverse, in their own sense they were right not to give up. Now after 50 years, the U of Chicago’s difficult subversive work is paying off. America is well on its’ way to become a police state. Once the civil unrest in the various cities and in California connects we will see how a police state works in a democracy. Herr Harper is imposing a police state here on the US model and has been quite successful because the Canadian people allowed him to steal the 2011 Federal Election. David Cameron is also trying to take advantage of the ISIS / American oil monopoly partnership. But Cam lacks a majority, so his hands are tied. Thus the rightpublicanazis gave succour to Hitler but he went rogue. The US righties have kept their dreams alive and now those dreams seem to be coming true. In Canada we have a chance to ensure a police state is not in our future by defeating Lyin Steve and his Fascists. If Harper cheats again with the help of the US oilies / Republicans. If tyranny is the outcome, the only option will be to take to the streets. The Fascists have already tried to bar that door. Harper has IMPOSED Legislation that make it a crime to think bad thoughts. And Steve has already built the jails to hold us. The Royal Canadian Harper Police are on duty poised to pick up dissenters like you and I. Those concentration camp gates are already beginning to swinging. We can prevent those gates from closing by taking positive action in this Fall’s Election. If too many Canadian toadstool hold fast to sitting in the dark and are satisfied with eating Harper horse shit out of the Nazi media, the resulting clangs will last forever without revoluvion and widespread bloodshed. My information comes mostly from the CBC, the BBC news on PBS, the Guardian UK / USA and Wolf Street for the financials. What I read on Wolf Street is diametrically opposed to what the Globe and Tar and Reuters prints for people interested in the stock market. David Thomson get big money leading the little people down the garden path to a right good financial screwing. Having access to the truth gives me a different view of the world, in contrast to what the Nazi media in the US, Can. and the UK are saying. The False News, lies and misinformation emmenating from world Nazi press is just staggering. Compared to the truth and the real world the Fascist press deals in paid corporate fantasy. This so Nazi like? Destroying our democracy and using money from the US oil monopoly to do so, is what Preston Manning is all about. But he doesn’t have the guts to say so in public. It is called Obscurantism. This type of writing was popular in Germany in the 1800s, Nietzsche’s time. The simple idea was to write in codes for your fans, the true believers. Nietzsche and the other pseudo German philosopher, who are held up as gods by the rightpublicananzis. Germany was ruled at that time by an intertwined royalty and the military. Lady Black’s little people, who made up the majority in Germany and surrounding countries counted for nothing. The idea that an Aryan race existed sold well to the upper crust. This view explained why a small group of people had all the wealth and power. While the ignorant mob tried to survive. Based on the writings of the syphilistic Nietzsche, and other snake oil salesmen, the Nazi movement and the American Republican Party sprang. At the very core of both the Nazis and the Repubs is the idea of the Overman and Underman. In their view, some people [ themselves ] are better than other people which if such a system is success it is the exactly opposite to democracy. So if the American oil monopoly and their employee Herr Harper do win this Fall by lying and cheating, Canada will cease to be a democracy. History shows us that the underpinnings of the Nazi Party and the Republicans, sprang from the same bad anti democratic seed. We destroyed Nazism in 1945 after a dreadful War. We have yet to best the rightpublicanazis partly due to the massive control of the media by the right and the moneyed class. Those in the media to-day, stenographers and commentators, have been schooled in the belief that they too are better than the masses, otherwise they couldn’t write or speak such shit. These misguided drones do not have a grasp of the damage they are collectively doing to Canada, for what, a fucking paycheque and a feeling of superiority? It is a demented bird that shits in its’ own nest. For what? To please the fucking Americans? The Hitler Youth were taken at ten. Parents who resisted allowing their children to be indoctrinated by the Nazis were threatened. The Youth were not given an education, their training was military. At its’ height the Hitler Youth numbered 7.5 million. Young people, deprived of a life one way or another. Death on the battle field or if they survived, useless citizens, with no normal skills, just equipped to fight. That is what the University of Calgary and the Manning Institute are committed to doing. Graduating the Harper Youth, who are one dimensional. They are trained to uphold the right wing ideology above all else. Doing what they are ordered to do, in helping to secure power, then holding onto power. Democracy, they shout in unison, is dangerous. Letting the little people decide for themselves is mighty dangerous. The right likes them young, I am thinking here of Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz, Steve Harper and Pierre Poilievre. Once young minds are warped to the right it is almost impossible to reprogram them for a normal existence. The institutions that do the heavy lifting of creating a cadre of of young, mindless right wingers are the University of Chicago and in Canada, the University of Calgary and the Preston Manning Institute, all publicly funded. Manning has been delegated by the US oil monopoly to infiltrate other Canadian universities, using bribes and create seed beds for increasing the number of Harper Youth. This is an undertaking of massive proportions, to steal the minds of our vulnerable young men from under our very noses at public expense. Lyin Steve doesn’t care about youth unemployment. The more young people out of work, the more Harper Youth candidates there are. Many Canadians are familiar with how our Nazi press gently portrays and downplays the outpourings of Calgary U and Pastor Manning. All these propagandists, tell us, that among their respective flocks there is a great appreciation for Canadian democracy, which is pure bullshit. Behind closed walls, the Harper Youth learn the exact opposite. The young righties, are taught as part of the Nietzsche Myth training to talk with a forked tongue, Obscurantism. It is a matter of saying one thing and doing something entirely different in the service of establishing tyrannical rule . Right wing statements, along these lines are broadcast or published by the Nazi media and the majority of Canadians don’t fully understand what is being said or printed. Nor do they realize the dangers of this deceitfulness to Canada. This is done on purpose. The rightie insiders know exactly what is going on because they are constantly being coached at places like the Manning Centre for the destruction of democracy in Canada and the Civitas Secret Subversive Society. Over the year, this right wing secret group meets, then is called into session by Preston Manning in Ottawa. The reason is to review the ongoing takeover of Canada by the US oil monopoly. At the annual Manning bash, there are many rightpublicanazis in attendence. Herr Harper and his Ministers, make secret appearances at each of these yearly sessions. They can get away with this kind of stuff because David Thomson and Paul Godfrey are paid to remain silent. Godfrey get a paycheque worth more than a million dollars to sell Canada down the river. If you buy a PostMedia newspaper you are assisting in the overthrow of your own nation. Some patriot? Now that the Sun is in Godfrey’s hands, the Sun prints the same information this appears in the Post papers word for word, spelling mistakes and all. Now the Sun is managed by Lyin Brian Mulroney, the PM who took cash while in office and then stole over $ 2 million from Canadians by lying in Court. The Post and Sun newspapers are now owned by Wall St. which is illegal. But Harper will not enforce any laws that do not benefit Himself and the right wing. To add to the pleasure of the very challenged news stenographers, TV commentators, rightie rank and file being involved in the takeover of Canada, they think that they are putting something over on Canadians. For many Canadians the Fascist deception is indeed working. Daily helpings of right wing propaganda in the papers is working just like Hitler and Goebbels said it would. The leading rightie drones have and are taught at Calgary U and the Manning Institute. The fare, the entire Nietzsche Myth, which lays out in part, that Canadians are an ignorant mob of outsiders who can’t be trusted with a vote. In other words, Lady Black’s little people, should be denied a ballot. This is the game that is being played. If Canadians don’t understand what the right is saying when speaking in their code, it just proves the multitude is of simple mind. That is us folks, if you care to know? The problem is that Canadian are not used to a political system that is based on endless oil money, which is lie based and wherein OUR media is controlled by rightpublicanazis. Since Herr Harper was elected, he and those around him have told thousands of lies. Rather than confront all Harper’s lies, Paul Godfrey and David Thomson are paid to Smear Rachel Notley and the NDP. These lies are gussied up by the oilies, the movers and takers, the Post papers, the globe and Tar and the Star, to approximate the truth. Such are duly reported by the Post, Globe and Star verbatim, no questions asked, in return an oilie cheque. Crossing the palms of publishers like Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich with silver, renders them mute. And a trio who are a menace to Canada. They too will learn, that when the police state is imposed on this Country by the American oil monopoly, Paul, David and John, will find that the oilies and righties will no longer need them. Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich, will be right alongside the rest of us, in the camp, breaking rocks for Harper’s palace. Most of the businessmen who gave Hitler money and who were not committed Nazis members, had their companies seized. As a going away present, most of them were shot. This group supported Adolf because they wanted to control the unions. The ideas was to put Hitler in office, then he would be forced to do their bidding, big mistake. How do you control a madman, who has lots of money and lots of guns. The same can be said of Herr Harper, a madman with lost of oil money and his supporters have all the civilian guns. One such businessman, who INSTRUMENTAL in bringing Adolf to power, had his his firm confiscated. He fled with the clothes on his back and hid in a shack in the Black Forest until 1945. Barnum said there is a sucker born every minute. Those who fall for the right wing sales pitch would lead me to believe that the birth rate of fools in North America is much higher than Barnum prophesied. We Christians have the 10 commandments. The righties have their 16 commandments. Ted Cruz and Pierre Poilievre et al, learned these commandments, in their teens, from the right wing handbook. The following is the list of those commandments. I have stripped out the doublespeak. I can do this because I have studied the rightie Nietzsche Myth long enough, to see through its’ Obscurantism. The following list is what is taught at the University of Chicago, the University of Calgary, the Manning Institute and the Civitas Secret Subversive Society. You can down load this list of Commandments and stick it on your fridge. If you still persist in retaining your toadstool status and continue to buy one of our hundred or so Nazi papers, at least your will have some idea why the Canada you thought you lived in, disappeared beneath your very feet. For those who live in the real worth and appreciate the truth, see how these 16 Commandments jive with Herr Harper’s actions and pronouncements? I am not surprised at the actions of Lying Steve. After all, he memorized these Commandments at age 22, at Calgary U. Harper is menatally ill and too young to know he was being taught pure tripe. I know there is no room for opposing opinion at Calgary U, the Manning Institute, the Civitas Society, the PostMedia papers, the Globe and Tar, CTV and Global. But I am still, after all this journalistic abuse, a fair minded Canadian. And I offer the foregoing rightie suspects the following. Any one of these False News outlets or Fifth Columnists are welcome to share space on this blog to comment on any of my over 500 posts. I will print such comments word for word without censorship, I don’t believe in censorship. I believe in a wide spread debate on any subjects, but, but, ALL SIDES HAVE TO BE HEARD! I believe in free speech for everyone but it has to be free from lies and made up stuff, such as that delivered up by Ezzie La Rant. The Nazi media knows just where to reach me. If not, they, in their daily contacts with Herr Harper and the PMO can easily get my address. It is on the list of anti Harper bloggers like me, that list, which has been placed in the hands of Revenue Canada. Lyin Steve’s black list, allows the Agency to harass my family, because I can’t be silenced. YET. What follows is my attempt to decipher the right wing heroglifics. The fact that I have researched Adam Smith, Charles Darwin, Fred Nietzsche, Elizabeth Nietzsche, Herbert Spencer, H. L Mencken, Ayn Rand, Leo Strauss, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Martin Heidegger, Walter Kaufman, Milton Friedman and Allen Greenspan has helped in decoding the Rightie Commandments. The right wing handbook contents represents cherry picked, dollops of text, stolen from each of the above [ others ] and woven together to create an imaginary rightie creed. The result of mixing and matching is used to justify the fantasy land in which the rightpublicanazis Sociopaths now live. Impressionable, young males who are adrift, are enticed to join the right by being introduced to a fantastical tale. After the Presidency of Ronald Reagan, 30 years ago, the righties, Republicans and Wall Street began the journey to this fantasy land fully supported by the Nazi media. Now they have us way out in space. The Reaganites caused the 2008 / 2009 financial crash and more recently, the present collapse of oil prices, which has adversely affected Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. It is the result of pure greed on the part of the rightpublicanazis and Harper’s Fascists. This mess, that has overtaken North America has enveloped us and it is there for all to see. The explanations and excuses in the Nazi media, proffered by the righties to explain the slide in Canada’s economy. But what Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich tell us, gets more bizarre with each passing day. The truth has been banished. And many Canadians apparently do not miss the truth. Such people have an easier time with fairy tales as printed in the Post papers, the Globe and the Star. Having a list of the right wing Commandments will surely help you see through the mist, to places farther out in space, where the right is taking us, places where we should not be going. It is time for the citizenry to wake up to the facts of life. Our lifestyle is in danger of vanishing completely. As said, many times, I am a Progressive Conservative. This means I believe that Government, based on the will of the voters and in concert with business must make the bucks first. If successful in this endeavour, then the surplus dollars can be spent where the majority of educated voter thinks it should go. In good times, put money away for a rainy day. When the financial going gets rough there are the funds to support society. I am in favour of anywhere the majority wants to take us, as long as there are free and fair elections and those voting are WELL INFORMED. That situation does not apply at present. The Nazi press works for its’ big oilie cheques, this to see that the population in this Country is hugely misguided and misinformed. As well, as things stand now, we are using Republican style election rules which are designed to ensure the opponents of the Fascism do not have an opportunity to vote. Hitler did the same thing when he came to power. A democracy operates best when the entire population is healthy, well educated and free from want. The aim of the right wing to allow people to get sick without recourse, allow schools for the little people to fall into disrepair and to leave the majority scratching for an existence. Those who suffer from hunger make for obedient slaves. To strengthen democracy, the benefits required are not all that difficult for people who have a spirit of bettering their community, choose the right leaders and then work together. Any problem Canada faces can be surmounted by smart citizens working in concert. The only naysayers and opponents of this statement are those on the right wing. Their only goal is to attain powers and then extract the wealth of this Nation for their own personal use. The righties, to ply their trade need an unhealthy, hungry, frightened, ill educated, anxious, confused and ill informed mob which they can then control with the help of the paid Nazi media. Why don’t we join forces to deny the rightpublicanazis their long sought after prize, our freedom and our eventual serfdom? Just last week Harper’s Fascists illegally set aside the rules of the Senate by a majority Fascist vote to ram through anti union Legislation, this was done to please the Americans. Now the Harper and Godfrey and Thomson and Honderich among others, are attacking our supply management sectors. This is being done to please the Americans. Did you know that almost 50% of California’s agricultural products are sold under the supply management. The supply management Legislation was passed in the 1930s under FDR, both Federally and under State Law. The express reason was to control supply to minimize surplus crops as a way of supporting prices. In any one of these situations, if a surplus occured, it was exported, thrown away or sold for cattle feed. The USA has supply management to protect their producers. The USA doesn’t like supply management in Canada, it prevents them dumping their surpluses. The Canadian Wheat Board was shuttered illegally and Western grain farmers have been subject to the harsh reality of the American agro business. Our farmers are poorer now and the Yankee grain corporations had increased profits this year. This story hasn’t been covered by Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich. Anything acquired by duress like the illegal union Bill, in a sense a gun to one’s head, has no validity and has no force in law. If the oilies / Harper continue to hold power, we will have even more laws ignored until Canada becomes a lawless Country. A new Government will repeal this union Bill and all of Harper’s ill gotten Legislation, including recreating a more powerful and all encompassing Canadian Wheat Board. The necessary changes in the West will need to be done by Ottawa, the 10 Provinces and the 3 Territories, to deal with climate change. These include the new Twin Beaver pipeline, to carry natural gas and raw crude oil [ ready to refine into gasoline, diesel and Jet fuel ] from the Atlantic to the Pacific. This pipeline will be owned by Canadians and supply all of our petroleum needs. A spur would go to Churchill Manitoba, a deep water port. If American companies won’t sell out their assets, we will work around them or expropriate their assets. In the immediate future, in the West and BC a policy has to be developed to counteract Global Warming. At times we are now getting too much rain and snow in the West. At othger times we are getting none at all and it gets too dry. We have to collect the water when in abundance and put it in reservoirs. When dry spells come the water will be distributed where needed. This will require entirely new thinking and collective action. I would rather see a pipeline going to BC, carrying water than a Kinder Morgan or Enbridge pipeline carrying tar mixed with Benzine, you know the shiny black shit that killed 47 innocent people in Megantic and left 22 orphans. This shiny black shit can be upgraded in situ right at Fort McMurray. And then as crude oil it can be distributed right across the Country to be refined in place where it is needed. If the US Government will not put a stop to the American oil monopoly buying cheap, stolen oil from ISIS and illegal oil from Iran and Russia, Canada has the right to remove itself from any arrangement which cost us money and put our people at risk. Fortunately, this Country has the resources, money and man / woman power to be self sufficient no matter what Joe Oiliver says. Are we as Joe said, good drawers of water and hewers of timber. Or do we show the world that we are a Carpe Diem kind of Nation??? The third major undertaking in the West should be a new agricultural railway built with the latest technology. Did you know that there are machines now that can lay a mile and a half track a day with a small, skilled crew. Feed in all the parts, rails etc and the finish track appears at the back end. If we are going to turn the West into the food basket of the world it will require a comprehensive system, managed by the Provinces and territories and the Feds stitching everything together due to the separation of powers. This changing of gears in the West will change Ontario, Quebec, the Maritimes and Newfoundland for the better. Ontario, my home base, has more hydroelectric power than Manitoba and Quebec put together but this good news has been held back from the citizenry by the Ontario Government, the nuclear industry and the Ontario Nazi press. Making the necessary changes in Canada to combat climate change, will free the people of this Province from the Liberal / nukie yoke. With this new national set up we will have the cheapest electricity prices in the world, the cheapest gasoline prices in the world, the cheapest food prices in the world, the best health care system in the world, the best educational system in the world and we will have money in the Bank of Canada and be working to pay off the Country’s debt. If the American oil monopoly / Harper’s Fascists steal the October Election, none of this will come true. Conditions will just get worse. To make life more difficult. little Canadians will find to their horror that the new rulers will continue to make the laws up as they go along. This to benefit the supporters and friends of white supremacy and the Aryan race. Certainly nothing done by the oilies rulers will favour the vast majority of Lady Black’s little folk. I am sure there are people who read me will say such things could not happen in Canada. There couldn’t be concentration camps in this Country? Citizens could not be jailed for what they think? And the poor walking the streets in rags? Once the land becomes lawless and you no longer have a voice, then what happens? It all depends on the whim of Harper the First who is suffering from madness. Stephen Harper is mentally ill and has only succeeded in attaining tyrant status by virtue of the bulging bank account of the US oil monopoly which sees us Canucks as being stupid and easy pickings. The oilies, their employee Herr Harper, his Fascist storm trooper and Canadian Fifth Columnists, are up to no good. Read the following to see what they are actually planning to do. These Aryan Commandments have been a hundred years or so in the writing and some of them have even been lifted right out of Mein Kampf. Our young men and women fought and many died in WW 11 to rid the world of Fascism and here we go again. From their failing hands we were give the torch of freedom to hold high. They sacrificed or died in vain if we neglect our duty and fumble that torch. As I have said many times before, empires come and go. There is a common thread connecting every demise. An incompetent, corrupt or evil leadership. A dishonest press. And last but not least, a docile population. The oilies, Harper and his Fascist Party are banking on Canadians remaining docile until it is too late to turn the clock back. No second chance will be afforded us this time. The question is, are we? The answer to that question will not be long in coming ?


Over time as historians have unearthed the past we found that during the Nazi era many secret meeting took place at which decisions were taken which affect the very lives of people. One’s fate should be decided in secret by those who appoint themselves as masters. The democratic rule of thumb, no individual in Canada has the right to lord it over another individual. The righties mistaken believe they can do the lording. We must make sure that lording is prohibited. Since the time of the Magna Carta, the English people struggle to find a voice to promote THEIR INTERESTS AS OPPOSED TO STATE INTERESTS. We inherited 800 years of steady progress. It has been a long hard slog. To a large degree the will of the people here in Canada has met with much success. That is, up until the American oil company decided to take over Canada. Their aim is to turn this country into a 3rd world petro state, of which the monopoly has many in its’ stable. Without our knowing what is happening. Interestingly, as another Magna Carta birthday was celebrated Paul Godfrey did a five part series on the Magna Carta, trying to convince readers he respect our democracy. However this series was written by Paul’s rightie revisionists who are bent on erasing Canadian history. This supposed praising of Canada is used by Harper and Manning, while they tear down the Nation behind the scenes. The monopoly already possessed Alberta, from 1980 onward but felt threatened by the Government in Ottawa and its’ focus on Global Warming. Measures to deal with climate change by the Feds had the potential to clip the wings of the oilies, reduce their profits, limit control, force them to stop dumping their garbage [ tailing ponds and CO2 ] into our environment and expose the actual theft of resources by the monopoly. As has happened in so many other cases the oilies set out to buy politicians and they found that there were many in our political realm who were only to happy to be bought, like Preston Manning and a directionless kid from Leaside, Steve Harper. They along with a small group of white supremacists, religious bigot, racists, Nazi sympathizers and hard right wingers, enamored of the US movements like the KKK, evolved into the Reform Party. Now on the surface one would never expect such a motley crew to be able to appeal to Canadians and gain power. But Manning had an ace up his sleeve. The oil monopoly had given Preston a credit card with no limit to go out and buy WHATEVER he needed to gain control of Ottawa. Lyin Steve was Manning’s assistant. First problem arose when Manning tried to keep his mouthy troops in line. One or another of his nutbars would make a public statement which revealed the true nature of the Pastor’s following. What to do? What to do? Manning came up with the idea to form another group outside the Reform Party. He called it the Northern Foundation. Its’ immediate job was to support the apartheid Government in South Africa to make sure the black population did not get a political say in how the Country functioned. Herr Harper too, was involved in this endeavour. Manning, Harper and the others in this all male club, gave these wing dings voice to their bigoted utterances. But the Preston and Steve and bigots were on the wrong side of history. South Africa became free and the Northern Foundation became just
another right wing flame out that adversely affected lives in that Country. Preston, Steve and the Northern weirdos paid no price for the hurt they caused in Africa which is beyond measure. I am not surprised. Because the white, righties believe that they are superior. This is at the very core of their being, no matter if it concerns, blacks, Asian, Muslims, the First People or Lady Black’s wee people in Canada. Right now Herr Harper is hugging Ukranians, to buy votes while pillorying Muslims. In any even the Northern Foundation, with its’ reputation in tatters morphed into the Civitas Society. The same group of misfits just took on the new name but the operations and aims remained the same. To subvert Canadian democracy from the shadows in such a way that the populace doesn’t cotton on to what is up until what actually is up. The Civitas works in secret with the Harper Fascists to convey to their true believers what rightie measures are being implemented behind the backs of Canadians. The Civitas Society meets in formal session, once a year to review progress in terms of imposing their police state and to mingle with Harper, his Ministers and other Fascists to plot the rightie / Yankee initiatives for the coming year. The trained seals who act as Fascist MPs, are really in Parliament to rubber stamp the Civitas Society agenda. I wonder at the mental competency of the Fascist Members of the House of Commons who seek their honoured position, to supposedly serve the voters. Immediately upon arriving on the Hull, they surrender themselves to the will of about 200 ultra right nobodies in the Civitas Society. The MPs are paid out of taxes. Preston Manning, the University of Calgary and those who populate the Civitas Secret Society are being paid by the US oil monopoly to deliver Canada into their grasp. Things have been going so well for the American oil monopoly lately, that Preston Manning has been sponsoring the Civitas meetings in Ottawa in conjunction with Manning’s work with Canadian universities. There is a move to create university departments that train the Harper Youth. The way this works, is that the hard strapped universities [ starved for funds on purpose by Harper ] accept oil money as a bribe to facilitate this right wing recruiting program. Canadians pay high prices for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel under normal conditions. But now that ISIS oil, stolen from the Iraqis is being sneaked into North America by the US oil monopoly, our high fuel prices mean even bigger profits for the oilies. Nor only are Canadians financing the ISIS war and world terrorism, we are funding the University of Calgary [ publicly funded ], the Manning Centre [ publicly funded ] for the destruction of democracy in this Nation as well, we fund the Civitas Society along with most of the think tanks like the Fraser, Macdonald Laurier and C. D. Howe Institutes [ charities all ]. This is unknown to Canadians. The fact is that we are financing the ISIS war, paying for our troops to fight ISIS, supporting world terrorism and all the while contributing to the dismantling of this Country. Quite some deal, paying the cost of being pooped from a great height. While helping to undermine world peace, each of us is paying to fashion our own personal noose with which the Fascists will hang anyone who gets out of line. So just remember, if the American oil monopoly succeeds in its’ takeover, a noose awaits every one of us. It is a matter of ridding Canada of the American now or fighting in a future revolt to take the Nation back, noose or no noose. All of these arrangements has been concluded in secret by the oilies, Harper, Manning and the Canadian Fifth Column. The job of the Post papers, the Globe and Tar and the Star is to hide the truth, tell us nothing of consequences that await us and to keep publishing, ” Be happy. Don’t worry “. This approach worked in Nazi Germany, so why wouldn’t it work in Canadaland. The oilies have spent hundreds of millions of dollars getting us to the gate of the concentration camp. A few more hundreds of oil millions and a big final push by Harper, his Fascist allies and the US rightpublicanazis, already here to help steal the Fall election and Canadians will be safely behind the barbed wire fences. My much asked question, can the ovens be far behind??? Donald Trump, candidate for US President, features marching Nazi soldiers in his latest campaign ad. Don shot up to first place. But why would that be surprise? For 80 years the Republicans have looked up to Hitler. So goes the Republicans, so goes Harper’s Fascists! What will it take, to get Canadians to open their eyes to what is going on south of the border. Do the people in this Country really want to hear the echo of jack boots in their neighbourhood? The right wing Commandments that follow, have to be rigidly adhered to by every rightie. Going against the right wing flow mean excommunication. Where then does a white, rightie wimp, with nothing going for him, flee to? On the outside, where reality reigns, members of this self appointed master race amount to no more than little piles of inconsequential shit. Ezzie La Rant comes to mind. The better plan for such useless, timid people is to shut one’s mouth and follow orders, no matter the damage to Canada and its’ trusting citizens. To the righties, Lady Black’s little people are for just kicking around.

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Canada is a Nation of people who trust, who are decent and who are honest. The American oil monopoly, Herr Harper and his Fascist MPs have no respect for such admirable attributes. They think that decent, honest and trusting Canadians are just plain stupid. Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich, are firm in the belief that their readers are indeed stupid. Thus the fare that they serve up is fare especially cooked up with the stupid in mind. By buying a Post paper, the Globe and Tar or the Star, you are agreeing with their assessment of you IQ. That you are stupid. If Canadians were in a football game against Harper and his Fascists. If Harper kept sending his linebackers downfield to interfere and knock our players down, so Steve could just waltz down the field and score touchdown after touchdown. Canadians would protest and put a stop to the breaking of the rules. If Canada was in the ring, facing the American oil monopoly, Herr Harper and his Fascists and they kept throwing one dirty low blow after another, how would we react? Canada would put a stop to such abuse. The how come we allow the US oil monopoly /Harper to break every law they don’t like and remain speechless. Are the rightpublicanazis right??? Can Canadians be that stupid. The Fall election will clarify that question.

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The FASCIST COMMANDMENTS — /\ One /\ Promote nationalism. NOT Canadian multicultural nationalism. But the nationalism of a single tribe, the white master race. To the righties it is a matter of us or them. Everyone who is not a Fascist is the enemy. /\ Two /\ People do not have the right to protection under Human Rights Legislation. To the master race it is everyman for himself. The rich have the advantage and the poor should know their place as Lady Black has told us. /\ Three /\ The list of enemies and scapegoats who can be blamed for problems and our miscues: ethnic groups, religious communities, liberals, communists, socialists, terrorists and foreign governments. /\ Four /\ Supremacy of the military. If there is unrest the military will be on our side. /\ Five /\ Our movement is based on white male dominance. Women are permitted but only if they submit to our position and demands. /\ Six /\ We must gain control of the mass media so the people only hear our message. /\ Seven /\ Promote national security concerns, fear mongering cause people to look for security which we will offer to provide. As there will be no security concerns, since we can make them up. We will be able to gain support from the people with little efforts other than spreading alarm through the compliant media. /\ Eight /\ Intertwining government rehtoric with those expressed by various, favoured religions. Thus one religion can be turned against another. /\ Nine /\ We are dedicated to protecting corporate power. /\ Ten /\ Unions are to be suppressed by any means available. People should be isolated as individuals. Being isolated take away power they might have. /\ Eleven /\ We must promote the crime and punishment issue. Again, the mass media can be used to magnify the crime rate, especially among minorities. The people will be sufficiently frightened to agree to more stringent punishment measures. By killing the Long Form Census the people will not have the information they need to decide on priorities. We can have Statistics Canada release Government sanctioned figures and the people will not be able to fact-check. /\ Twelve /\ The businesses and friends of the Government are to be favoured in each situation. Cover will be provided for any arrangement that supports the aims of the Government but which is questionable legally. /\ Thirteen /\ Support for the arts is to be discouraged. The arts community is diversified into many groups but they have the ability to come together in common cause. Such groups of people will create difficulties for us in the future by them have the means to communicate quickly with one another. We need to cause the Country to be populated by frightened, powerless individuals who will be easy to control. /\ Fourteen /\ Use corrupt practices to steal elections. It is a matter of stealing or suppressing a few votes here, a few votes there and a few votes in a variety of other places. By the time the people realize that the Election has been stolen, it is too late to rectify the situation. The only option then for the people is to take to the streets, a situation for which we are well prepared. There are laws in place to deal with trouble makers and the police, the military and the jails are ready. /\ Fifteen /\ Never EVER ADMIT TO MAKING A MISTAKE. /\ Sixteen /\ Lie whenever the need arises. Say whatever you must to gain power. And say whatever you must to retain power. *********************** This is the kind of thing that is discussed in secret, at the Preston Manning sponsored Civitas Society yearly meetings with Harper and his Ministers in attendence. The messages we get from the Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star CTV and Global never touch on these Commandments or related material. The American oil monopoly and their employee Steve Harper have many Canadians just where they want them to be, in complete ignorance. The Canadian Nazi media has done an exceptional job so far and has earned their money. If the Letters to the Editor sections of the various newspapers are any indication, a lots of Canadians are being fooled by the Nazi press. Finding such a deep well of stupid people only encourages the media moguls to keep telling Fascist lies, which ensures that the oilie cheques will continue to flow. Who would have guessed that there is big money in telling lies to stupid Canadians???

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we are used to the stories in which the rich man turns his back on his loyal mistress for someone younger. Donald Trump comes to mind. Albertans have been in the service of the American oil monopoly for more than 30 years. The opportunity for the monopoly to buy ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqis and illegal oil from Iran and Russia all through the black market in Turkey has altered the oil market forever. As long as cheap oil is available through the Turkish black market the oil monopoly’s back will remain turned on Alberta. Alternative fuels and energy are gradually taking over, no matter what Peter Foster of the Post keeps saying. In fact Peter is going to eventually learn that the rightie idea, ” that wishing will make it so “, doesn’t work in the end. Saying something over and over does seem to work as Hitler said it would. It works for a while, with some people with a low IQ, until reality intervenes. All of Hitler’s wishing came crashing down, with him down in a hole in the ground and the rubble of Berlin piled all around him. The bulk of the German people believed the Furhrer and he took 20 million lives, from that Country alone, with him. As stated, alternative energy options are being established particularly in Europe which is leading the world in this regard. North America has fallen far behind because the USA oil monopoly spends hundreds of millions killing energy innovation. Of course this adversely affects the lives of almost 400 million. Their air is fouled, their water is polluted, their ground is poisoned and their pocket books are much thinner. Why do Canadians and Americans permit the oil monopoly to despoil our continent. Because this illegal monopoly is and has been allowed to operate, unfettered by the Republicans since the 1920s. Right now, the Republicans who are vocal about denying Global Warming are bribed by the USA oil monopoly. No denial, no dough, some democracy. In real life, anyone who bribes a police officer or a witness goes to jail. In the right wing fantasyland the oilies are about to takeover Canada via bribes. This illegal monopoly was allowed to enter Canada in force during the 1970s and no political party has had the balls to take the oilies on except Trudeau. Trudeau and his NEP were smeared and beaten back by the Nazi press. The papers were paid handsomely to create a West versus East fairy tale. This has caused of rift between the Western Provinces and Eastern Canada, which has lasted all these years. Most Canadians have just meekly accepted this ongoing practice of the American oil monopoly. Turncoat Canadians have been and are being rewarded handsomely for selling us out. Premier Alison Redford initiated a new debate on National Energy. The oilies smeared Redford out of Office. During Alison’s time was Premier, there were more than 250 smears which I clipped. Interesting, during the same period, there were 160 newspaper articles white washing Conrad Black, a convicted thief. So wherever the money is, Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich are always with pens aready. Now the Smear Rachel Notley is in full swing, no important news, just rightie conjecture. Why even Brad Wall is in on the Notley Smear Campaign. Sask. has been a have-not-province almost forever, feeding off Canadians. Now Wall is offering the American oil monopoly the same deal that bankrupted Alberta. What with low oil prices caused by a glut and the on rushing effects of climate change, Brad Wall has proven himself a classic right winger. Imprisoned by the rightie ideology and refusing to open his eyes. Wall’ statements over the past couple of days shows him to be completely out of the loop and clinging to the rightie talking points. It is embarrassing to watch a Provincial Premier make a fool of himself. Righties don’t live in the real world. I think what we should do, if a new Government is elected and we prevent the American oil monopoly from voiding that vote, the Twin Beaver pipeline system should be built along its’ own right-of-way, from coast to coast, to SERVE CANADIANS and up to Churchill, Manitoba, to access world natural gas and oil markets. Across the same right-of-way we should build a National Electric Grid transmission line from coast to coast. Western oil and natural gas would flow east and the hydro electricity would flow from BC east and Newfoundland, Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba west. Canada would be self sufficient in low cost, clean energy with a surplus to sell abroad. This energy would allow this Country to become the food basket for the world as climate change takes its’ toll. Little was or is ever told, that when oil blew in at Leduc in 1948, Alberta was a have-not-province, it had no money, it had a poor road system, it had no oil infrastructure [ pipelines / rail ] and it had no oil customers. The Federal Government moved to support Albertans in developing a commercial oil industry. This was done by forcing Ontario into being an exclusive customer for Alberta oil and paying an inflated price for gasoline. During about a 12 year period I was forced by Federal law to buy gasoline at a price above what Quebecers were paying for gas. Such a measure would have shocked the right wing. Government messing in business. This support program, WHICH COST ME MONEY, made Alberta what it is to-day. At that time I had cars, motorcycles and aeroplanes. Ontarians were well aware of the fact that Albertans were getting our financial help to take advantage of the considerable petroleum resources under the ground there. I have always been a Canadian first and an Ontarian second. I did not detect a lot of resentment in my Province about subsidizing Alberta in this manner. After hundreds of millions of dollars being syphoned out of Ontario over the years, the US oil monopoly moved in and took over. Back at that time, most Canadians didn’t realize the bullying capabilities, the illegal side and greed of the oil monopoly. Over time the oilies moved into bribing US politicians to get their way. Read Republicans. Pierre Trudeau implemented his NEP initiative to prevent Canada from being left with no gasoline if another oil crisis arose like in 1973. The US Congress and the oil monopoly moved into high gear. There was no way mere Canadians were going to tell Congress and the oilies what they could do or not do on Canadian soil. The American oil monopoly organized a massive smear campaign utilizing the Nazi press against Trudeau and the NEP. We are witnessing a similar Smear campaign now being directed at Rachel Notley and the NDP. Pierre Trudeau was the duly elected Prime Minister of Canada. This didn’t matter to the USA oil monopoly, Pierre was messing with their business. Having Canada assert herself to protect the commercial interests of its’ citizenry was considered cheek of the highest order by Congress. This Country has always been looked upon by the Americans as belonging to them. This, since the War of 1812. I don’t know of any Canadian publication that supported Trudeau and the NEP. The press just loves those US dollars. Pierre’s motive for implementing the NEP, was that Congress passed a law that required the oil monopoly to put the USA at the top of their list. If another oil crisis arose, by Law the US was to get first dibs on all the oil the monopoly had in its’ possession. It didn’t matter that the Americans always count first and always. If Canada had NO OIL, AS IN ZILCH OIL, THE COUNTRY’S ECONOMY WOULD HAVE BEEN OR WOULD BE SHATTERED. The US Congress, the American oil monopoly, Canadian friends of the USA, like Lying Steve, Preston Manning, Brad Wall et al and our Nazi media, could care less the about the plight of this Nation. Such would be just unfortunate collateral damage. In North America the petro dollar rules supreme. The Congress continues to believe that all of Alberta’s petroleum belonged to the states. Their attempt to transport petroleum at a low price, at no price [ stealing ] and leave the environmental garbage north of the border will carry on as long as WE LET THEM. Simple as that. By not speaking up for ourselves, we give the oilies permission to rape and pillage. Who did Trudeau pass the NEP legislation? To protect Canadians. Why has Rachel Notley picked up the NEP torch from Alison Redford to protect Alberta and Canada. So back in the 1980s, the oilies and the Nazi press mounted the massive Trudeau Smear Campaign which is still going on in 2015. Alison Redford was smeared out of Office for suggesting to the other Provinces that they should join together to develop an energy policy, seeing the Herr Harper refused to do so Our Nazi press loved the 1980’s campaign and loved the oilie cheques they got. The Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, CTV and Global [ not the CBC ] as in that earlier time smeared Redford out of office and they are now full throttle into the Smear Notley Campaign. And between you and I and the gatepost I’ll bet the oilie cheques are even juicier than in the past. The attack on Trudeau by the oilies was joined by American lover Canadians, by Americans south of the border, Canadians that place money ahead of Country and our money hungry press. As a result of the Trudeau Smear Campaign, a split between the Western Provinces and the rest of Canada was created. Great damage was done to this Nation by the American oil monopoly, the cost of which is beyond calculation. Canadians watched this happen with eyes wide shut. A young Steve Harper, flunked out of the U of T and moved to Alberta to be with his mom and dad. Lying Steve’s job was sorting mail, at Imperial oil where his dad worked. Stevie heard of the terrible thing Pierre Trudeau and his NEP had done, another oilie lie. Without the slightest fucking idea what it was all about Harper threw his life into protecting Alberta from Canada. In return for an oilie cheque like so many other Canadian turncoats, like Manning. Alberta’s interest was never high in Harper’s mind, he saw a route to power. The University of Calgary had taught Lyin Stevie to lie and convinced him that wimps could believe themselves into supermen. Harper has lied to everyone who has ever been connected to him. On U Tube, there is a documentary entitled, ” The Nazi Rise To Power “. Captured Nazi film footage of Hitler in colour. It is 2 hours long and should not be missed. What struck me was the number of times Hitler lied to people but the old Nazi press never said boo. Harper and Hitler are so alike and the Canadian Nazi press, as in the old days, never says boo. Steve is a dishonest Sociopath and when he saw a popular cause on the right based on the NEP Myth, backed up with endless oilie cash our boy jumped. Calgary U had taught Steve to say anything required to seize power. Then say anything needed to stay in power. The profs at the University must be right proud of Steve. The efforts of Preston Manning and Steve Harper over the years, have helped to put Albertans into the box they are in to-day. But the Nazi press hasn’t noticed. Of course the oil monopoly and the righties always shift blame for mistakes onto somebody else. While the USA oil monopoly buys cheap ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil the World Nazi press is paid to blame OPEC for the price drop. As Canada’s economy tanks, Lyin Steve is now blaming outsiders for our slide and Canada’s Nazi press has been paid big money to join the Harper choir. Neither the American oil monopoly, nor Herr Harper will ride to Alberta’s rescue. Getting involved would confirm that they have blood on their hands. Even Brad Wall has gotten into the fight by proclaiming that the rest of Canada is responsible for the Western woes. Brad shows that rightie trait, I know what my group thinks so I don’t need to do any more thinking The right wing has absolutely no experience fixing things. They are too busy covering up mistakes and imposing their ideology. The rightie’s ideology has never worked, isn’t working now and will not work in the future. When things don’t work out, which is always, the only talent those on the right have is to buy or find someone else to blame. Always blaming someone else has left the righties short of one important skill, the ability to fix problems. Harper has been in power for 10 years. The 2011 Election was stolen by Steve using USA oil monopoly money and advice from Carl Rove and Frank Luntz. Our Fascist Government has piled one problem on top of another and the economy is tanking. I blame all those Canadians who voted for or allowed, through shear laziness, the Harper Fascists to gain a small majority. The idea is for the right wing to get out their vote and do everything possible, even illegal, to prevent or suppress opponents from voting. This downturn, which should not be happening is clearly Harper made. It is there for all to see but Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich are paid to deflect blame away from Harper. World oil prices have dropped by almost half because there is a glut on the market. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Two questions that are never discussed IN THE MEDIA. Just why is there an oil glut??? AND WHERE DOES ISIS GET ITS’ MONEY??? The world Nazi media is paid not to ask such questions, in fact they are not allowed to even discuss such questions. The oil available on the market was at stable level until the US oil monopoly started buying cheap stolen ISIS oil and Iranian and Russian illegal oil. All of it sent to Turkey and the Government run black market. As a result the USA monopoly walked away from its’ normal suppliers. Nigeria for instance was entirely cut off by the American monopoly. What was Nigeria to do? Oil revenues make up a big part of of the cash their Government needs to operate. Nigeria went looking for customers, offering to drop their price for oil. Other countries followed suit. China for one, saw the chance to stock up with oil and started building tank storage farms as fast as they could put them up. All this activity pushed the oil prices down. The politicians who are getting oilie bribes, industry insiders and the paid media know exactly what is going on. These people on the oilie payroll, including the world press, must just about die laughing every day at the gullibility of the general population in Can., the usa and the UK. Since starting the purchase of oil from ISIS, Iran and Russia the American oil monopoly has been in a unique position. It picks up stolen / illegal oil from the Turkish black market and sneaks it into the USA. Then this cheap oil is refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel and sold high to a captive market. It is like the bank robbers rifling our safety deposit boxes and we pay for their get away car. Stupider than stupid. The Republican Congress will not raise a finger due to oilie bribes, to stop the monopoly from buying stolen goods from ISIS and trading with enemies Iran and Russia. The present position of the monopoly is that it doesn’t need any oil from Alberta, North Dakota or Texas. So these locations call yell and scream all they want, but the answer from the monopoly and governments is to go screw yourself. And the North American Nazi media says nothing. Not a single work. But amazingly there are people, who still buy newspaper and watch TV [ not the CBC or PBS ]. So Albertans are now hanging by their thumbs, swinging in the wind. Although Alberta is no longer the prize it once was, Canada has now become an even bigger prize. The Yankees want our water. Did you know Russ Girling’s Keystone pipeline was designed to be easily converted do one of two jobs. Carrying Alberta Tar, mixed with Hi Octane Benzine to Houston, to be upgraded and refined into oil FOR THE WORLD MARKET. That is a lie. TransNotCanada advertises the tar going for use in the USA. That is another lie. But I discovered the Russ Girling also went to the University of Calgary to learn to lie like Lyin Steve. In the last 200 years Canadian have had to fight the Americans off but in just ten years, the US has greatly solidified their hold on this Country thanks to Herr Harper his Fascists. The American oil monopoly is but one rigged Election away from making us the fifty first State. A poor, unhealthy, ill educated, frightened and anxious Canada will greatly satisfy the Yankee’s needs for cash and slave labour. They will have access to resources, to remove them on the cheap and sell high to the world. Cash in this Country will be abolished. All the money that those in service will have will be on line. If an illegal group gets out of line, the Canadian Big Oil Government will just seize their money. People who are starving generally don’t make waves. With no environmental laws to worry about, the Yanks will be able to foul our air, poison our streams and rivers and render our lands, in some places unlivable. Even more so than what the Americans do to us to-day with Harper’s help. Some proud Canadians, used to living in a democracy will surely protest being thrown into servitude without a voice. But Harper has passed various unconstitutional laws, he has the co opted the Royal Canadian Harper police and the military has been equipped to crush any civil unrest. The military brass has been handpicked by Harper to follow orders. When and where did we hear that before???

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Global Warming is a game world changer although the American oil monopoly, Harper, his Fascist followers, the US Congress, the rightpublicanazis, David Cameron and his Thatcherites, refuse to accept that climate change is here and here to stay. North America is already being affected by the more northerly track of the polar jet stream. I have been monitoring the jet stream for almost 20 years. Weather records show it’s new northerly track is now permanent. California is not getting enough rain to survive now. The State is suffering from 4 year plus severe drought. Southern California is returning to a desert. But 38 million people seem totally unaware. The American oil monopoly has spent hundreds of million on climate deniers, think tank deniers and the Nazi media to say Global Warming is a hoax. California, Oregon, Washington and the Western US States are in the grip of climate change. The rightpublicanazis can deny Global Warming all they want but stacks of money and wishing it away will not make the heat go away. The State has become a permanent heat pillar which is getting hotter by the month. The jet stream seeking cooler climes has shifted north and is now entering North America from the Pacific, over the coast from Vancouver to Alaska. Week after week California gets no jet stream and no meaningful rain. The Sierra Nevada mountain range as well as the coastal mountain ranges have been affected by the heat, they are expanding. San Diego harbour is now 7 deg F hotter than 6 years ago. The mountains have heated up and have risen 2 feet. This overheated rock situation causes ground temps at 10,000 Ft to be above freezing now. The rain that does fall, doesn’t turn to snow, it just runs away. The hot mountains in California are transfering their heat north to the mountain ranges all the way up and into BC. There is little snow on the mountains in Oregon and Washington State. Most of their water come from snow melt. Both States have declared drought emergencies. East of the Rockies the lack of snow is affecting the western US right to a north / south line from North Dakota down through Oklahoma to Texas. The Colorado River level is way down. In the short future the Hoover Dam / Lake Meade will be dry some of the time and in about 3 years the Grande Canyon will be dry year round. The new jet stream route causes it dive down in the middle States and then turn to the NW as it approaches the Atlantic Coast. Moisture it drawn up from the Gulf of Mexico by the jet Stream and is mixed with the Atlantic Ocean Gulf Stream moisture. This is then dumped on the eastern seaboard as heavy rain or snow. The USA is in big trouble and not a finger is being raised by Rebublican politicians who are stalling action. The US Nazi media is not leveling with the people about what is in store. The newsies are being paid to withold the terrifying truth. In the future the Eastern States will be soaked with salt water. From the mid states west, there won’t be any water at all. Such a situation puts Canada in great danger. Republicans are already talking about Canadian water to cover their do-nothing stance. The Repubs would rather steal our water legally , than surrender their ideology. The US weather people are afraid to even speak the words Global Warming, they value their jobs. Government / university employees will not go near climate change. Our Post papers and the Globe and Tar both had two page specials on the California drought. Not once did Paul Godfrey or David Thomson allow the words Global Warming to appear. There is big money for the newspapers in censoring the news as well as publishing False News and telling lies. And yet some Canadians just keep buying the Post, Globe and Star. This is surprising when the truth is just a click away. There is now quiet talk about people moving from California to be around the Great Lakes. If the American oil monopoly does succeed in taking over Canada we will be sacrificed to ease the burden on Americans. Anything and everything will be stripped from this Country for use by the Americans, whether it be our wealth, our labour, our resources or our water. As stated the USA, multinational corporations and others are now pushing to do away with cash. The only place, people will be able to keep money is on line. If Wall Street or the Washington is short of cash, they will be able to just swipe and wipe little Canadians and Americans out. Then who do we complain to, our ruler, the American oil monopoly. Everyone laugh together. Parliament will be but a tourist destination for older people who remember back to a time when Canada was still a separate Country, a democracy at that and a master in its’ own house.

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The general population in this Country seems indifferent as regard the American oil monopoly takeover Canada which might happen this Fall, after the 2015 Federal Election. If so, I think it will be one of the few times in history free people made a free decision to write of their democracy and actually paying the bill for the conversion to tyrannical rule. At this juncture I would say we are playing with fire because to many Canadian voters are ill informed. This lack of education about happenings in this Nation can be attributed to two possible reasons. It is certain that the Nazi media, the Post, the Globe, the Star, CTV and Global [ not the CBC ] are highly paid by the oilies / Harper to print Fascist propaganda, False News, censor news and tell lies. But if someone tells you lies every day like the press does, when DO YOU become responsible for the state of your ignorance??? There are some children, when told not to put their hand on a red hot stove burner, do that very thing. Most of those kids with badly burned fingers never do that again. Is it that a part of our population of adults are equipped with child brains. They may assume that the efforts of the American oil monopoly to swallow Canada can be reversed if it turns out to be not to their liking? I would suggest that there will be no second chance for reappraisal this time round. I myself live fully in the real world. Climate change is extracting a terrible price on people around the world. Countries close to the equator are most badly affected. Sleeping England, runs the risk of seeing lowlands permanently flooded with salt water. And David Cameron just ignores the problem. The governments of Can., the USA and the UK are in denial over Global Warming. Either the peoples will act on government to deal with climate change before a big event. Or if that big event does happen and the deniers have nowhere to hide from the people. If southern UK is half under sea water or the highways out of southern California are clogged with migrants fleeing the heat of Los Angeles. Maybe, just maybe the will of the little people will rise to the fore and prevail??? Individuals in California and other coastal States as well the States east of the Rocky Mountains are in trouble. Many ski resorts, I think 100 and climbing, are out of business permanently. Many more closed at the end of February this year, no snow. Lake Tahoe was one. Snow in the California mountains is less than 10% of normal, in Oregon 25% and in Washington State, less than 30%. The latter two States get most of their water from snow melt. The Colorado River is drying up, the Hoover Dam / Lake Meade will soon be a mud hole and the Grand Canyon a dry gulch. Many small town in California have just run out of water, period. Republicans have told the Hispanics, who live in these towns, to go back to Mexico. The Republicans in Congress are trying to get the Federal money to ease the pain of the rich only, not the working people. Sounds about right. Right? Tom Selick has been stealing water from the town close to his ranch. His white tank truck drives into town, hooks up to a town fire hydrant, fills up and then it goes back to his ranch. It cost the taxpayer of the town more than $ 20,000 for a private eye to discover the water thefts by Selick. This situation is not sustainable. Some home owners are selling their water to private tanker companies. They then pay their bills and fines but make a mint. Public order is breaking down. One dangerous problem is making itself known but the Republicans have their eyes shut. And the Nazi media in the USA are paid not to touch this story. Each house or building has P traps involved in their plumbing. The P trap holds water in that descending loop under the sink or in the toilet. It forms a water seal and prevents sewers gases from entering the place. If the system runs dry after a couple or 3 weeks, that trap will be dry and the sewer gases will invade the home / building. This gas is lethal. How does one live or sell a dwelling or building [ on a septic tank or city sewers ], filled with sewer gas? The simple solution is to build outdoor privies, I am serious. I don’t think this problem will be addressed until there are deaths. The deaths of poor people won’t count. Only after the deaths of the rich will the Republicans take action. There are hundreds of stories like this, about how individuals are suffering. This suffering must be treated as a whole, showing the wide, adverse effects of Global Warming. Not covered as separate news items of interest, if covered at all But no, the Nazi media prints statement from Republicans like Sarah Palin, blaming the drought on environmentalist, naturalists, homosexuals, same sex marriages, witches, abortions, the EPA or the Democrats, to name a few. It is another example of the rightpublicanazis trying to shift blame away from themselves. The right is busy blaming, while California burns. A hell of a lot of good blaming is going to do? The Nazi media is being paid big dough to cater to the right wing agenda. Let’s face it. The internet is taking a toll on the main stream media. To stay in business, the media moguls concentrate on the next quarter. If someone come through the door with a cheque, a media would offer his grandmother. This situation is bad as the press under Hitler, the truth is never told. To the newsies, there is no money to be told telling the truth [ not the CBC, PBS, BBC asnd the Guardian UK / USA. Although the rightpublicanazis are seriously hoping, Global Warming isn’t going away. When little Americans toadstools wake up to the effects of Global Warming on a huge swath of the people in the USA, like the 60 million now in the drought area in the south west, that’s when Canada will be at extreme risk. If we remain a sovereign Country, the US will bring pressure to bear but I don’t thing the Americans would invade us. If the USA oil monopoly is in charge of Parliament and Himself rules as Harper the First, then our goose is cooked. Under NAFT, negotiated under Mulroney [ the PM who took money while in Office ], if Canada begins supplying the Americans with water we can never turn the tap off. HAVE YOU GOT THAT? WE CAN NEVER TURN THE TAP OFF. Brian Mulroney also helped Harper give the Canadian Wheat Board to the US grain corporations. The is big money to be made handing Canada over to the Americans. Since the displaced people, fleeing the southern California drought have to move somewhere, they will congregate around the Great Lakes. Pipes will be put into the Great lakes to supply these people with water. Screw the Canada / USA water agreement on the Great Lakes. In each are along the border with which I am totally familiar, I have imagined where and how the Yankees will steal our water. They’ll take what the want, thanks to Harper and Mulroney. Who will we complain to, the American oil monopoly??? A drop in the level of the Great lakes will wipe out Canadian ports as well as the canals and locks. This Country depends on ocean going ships coming into the Great lakes more than the US does. Our drinking water systems will be stressed and our Great Lakes hydroelectric generating plants will close. The Yanks will reverse the flow of the Red River to send water to the Missouri River. I can even see the Republicans putting a pipe into lake Winnipeg. I am sure the Canadian Nazi press did not tell you that the reason so many Americans like the idea of the Keystone pipeline which is primarily designed to transport Alberta Tar and Hi Octane Benzine to Texas. This tar will be upgraded and refined for the world market. The USA itself doesn’t need any of our petroleum, plenty of ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil is being sneaked in illegally by the American oil monopoly. The secondary use for the Keystone is to take Alberta water to Texas also. Russ Girling has been going around the States promoting the Keystone as way of satisfying thirsty Texans. He won’t say that in Canada. And the Nazi press never investigates anything other than one of Rachel Notley’s rookie MLAs, who was involved in writing a book back in University. The righties didn’t like the book, so there. Everything in Canada now is judged by right wing standards, so sayeth Harper the First. The Keystone will collect all of the water that runs down into Alberta from the Rockies. The eastern part of Alberta will become dry like the Palliser Triangle. Under the Canada Water Act Saskatchewan gets half the water running out of the Rockies. Well the Keystone will take all of Alberta’s water. Saskatchewan will get sweet fuck all water. Residents of the province, this could be coming soon to a rural corner near you. If those in Saskatchewan want to escape the prospect of a made in Canada Dust Bowl, they should be replacing Brad Wall. The Province needs someone who is up to speed on Global Warming, adaption is the key. It is tragic when drug users can’t shake the curse. Those on the right wing suffer in the same way, they can’t escape their ideology. It renders them invalids when real life enters their fantasy bubble. On the energy front Herr Harper is nowhere to be seen. I’ll bet he is back in that cupboard. In terms of Alberta he has left them hanging. The American oil monopoly, Lyin Steve’s boss, is not buying Alberta Tar any more. It is too easy and cheaper to get ISIS, Iranian and Russian out the back door in Turkey. With Congress paid to look the way, this contraband oil, is sneaked into the US, refined and sold to Americans and Canadians as if oil was selling at $ 100 a barrel on the world market. And we, North American put up with shit. Everyday it is highway robbery and the population rolls over and plays puppy. The only interest that Wall has is kissing the ass of the American oil monopoly in Houston. Brad is so predictable. I played industrial hockey for 25 years. In some cases, opposing players could be scoped, particularly goalies. Always going to the right or flopping and so on. The idea was to let the goalie commit, then take advantage of the weak spot. So too with Brad Wall and the National Energy initiative. The petroleum industry [ natural gas, oil aznd tar ] in Canada, has to be taken over by the Provinces in concert, because of the threat of climate change. There is no point spending $ 50,000 redecorating the dining room, if water is running through the basement and the roof is leaking. What would Saskatchewan do without any water??? Time now to act and make sure it never happens. Turning Canada, this great Country, into a forward thinking leader in the world will take nothing more than providing the citizenry with ALL of the options, costs, benefits and downside. Let the educated populous decide. Why should the Provincial politicians care whether it is Plan, A, B, C or D. Elected representatives are there to serve the will of the people. Things will start apopping when we get back to basic democracy. Reagan preached that Government was in the way of progress, that exceptional free men should be free to pursue their personal dreams, no matter how many lives these pursuits ruined. For starters all governments, ARE THE PEOPLE. Reagan’s supermen, not women, were and are all self appointed. This arrangement takes us back 800 years, to a time when status at birth and a big bank account defined the supermen. Democracy leveled the playing field. The righties are now working to unlevel the playing field in their favour. Paul Godfrey’s PostMediocre papers are in the forefront of supporting the rights of a small group, which constitutes the right wing, over the rights of the majority, Barb Black’s little people. Want a new Canada??? Stop buying a newspaper and watching CTV and Global. Get your news from CBC TV and radio, BBC or PBS, the Guardian UK / USA and Wolf Street for investors. Just imagine, suddenly, your mind will not contain Harper propaganda, False News and rightie lies. And when they write or say oil you will know they mean tar. That shiny black shit that blows up. You will know what to do and when to do it and be freed for Harperland forever. In terms of BC, it too will have its’ water diverted to Washington State, Oregon and Northern California. The Province has created multiple reservoirs to contain snow melt runoff, this to regulate river flow and supply hydroelectric plants. The Americans will take it all. Who will you complain to? The USA oil monopoly in Houston??? Herr Harper??? Brian Mulroney??? Preston Manning??? Use it or lose it, the vote that is! In a sense the stakes are much bigger than that, with the oilies in charge you will lose everything

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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