Posts Tagged Nazi


I am surprised at the number of people worldwide, supposedly intelligent people, who should know better, consider happenings in America in 2017, as somehow normal? There is mention of the US election in two years, there is talk of organized resistance to Trumpf, even impeachment, and much useless verbiage, a fault Americans are given to! HELLO AMERICA, TALKING WILL NEVER REPLACE DOING!! ALL THE NOW NOISE, TO WHAT END??? What will another election do? That thread of trust, the American people have had for over two hundred years has been broken. When a wife finds out her husband has cheated, or a trip to the beach, promised a kid by an uncle, who doesn’t show or even call, something of innocence departs, never to be reimagined or rekindled. A democratic society is the construct of people who believe they have something in common worth holding and doing together. The USA is a divided nation, in which a small group think they should have all the say and a larger population who believe [ wrongly ], that they get to have their say through A VALID BALLOT? 33 Republican States have formed an illegal Government cartel, controlled by the rightpublicanazis, which in turn control the Nazi media. This shadow Government’s main task is, ” Making America white again “! This by disenfranchising millions of minority voters, deporting brown skin people, even if they hold American citizenship and putting others behind the barbed wire fences of privately operated concentration camp!. Operated at high cost on the taxpayer’s dime! As well these Repub States have weighted an American vote so that a Republican vote is worth more than a minority vote. It is like saying that a gallon of gas the Repubs get is bigger than everyone else’s gallon. Who says so, the Repubs, that’s who. It is the old rightie self dealing or the-card-up-the- sleeve-trick. Such has no place in a democracy. The self dealing is right there in plain sight, in America. As a result, this wounded nation has ceased to be democratic. It has become a totalitarian state, not better than the one Hitler lead! Well there was / is a difference! Hitler ran a tight ship. Trumpf and the befuddled Repubs run a nut house and live in it at the same time! {{{ THIS IS NOT A CRISIS FOR WESTERN DEMOCRACIES }}}!!! This is a made in America crisis which can’t be exported abroad, with the exception of Brussels, which is a branch plant of Goldman Sachs. Countries around the globe can only import themselves in the Disunited States of America malestrom! The Democrats / elites, many of whom are not too enamoured of democracy, slumbered while the Repubs did their dirty work. The Repub State rigged voting system was supposed to keep the rightpublicanazis in power in perpetuity, supported by millions of ignorant white racists who’s only reward would have been being first in line by virtue of the colour of their skin. Information for the whitie losers, your white skin is not a FREE TICKET in the rest of the world. Out here you have to earn your spurs by being educated and facing up to reality. Things didn’t work out for the Republicans it seems. As Trumpf stole their ignorant millions by promising even more distasteful goodies. To those first placers now standing in line, a Trumpf Government will tolerate their every outrage and he’s gonna make, ” America The Great White Again “, for their exclusive pleasure. Whitie is not called upon to make any effort in Trumpf’s new land. Trumpf said, keep acting like assholes, and keep on being stupid and we will deliver the goods right to your door. Just keep sitting there on the couch with your crack, your Bud and your 4th pizza. Trumpf was put in power by white racists who’s votes were enhanced by the Repubs. The Republicans first larned them to be stupid and then rewarded their stupidity by giving them oversize ballots. The Nov. 9 / 16 outcome was illegitimate and illegal, a first in American history! Which has now set precedent. The 33 Repub States Ruling Cartel, will not soon relinquish their rigged voting system, even to right the American Ship of State. To do so would mean loosing their ill gotten power, even though Trumpf has stolen that power. For the Repubs to change course now, would be to admit that they made a blunder. Rightpublicanazis never admit to making a mistake, because they have no ability to undo their mistakes, they have no reverse gear. Think about that? They just keep fucking things up, then driving over that mistake using taxpayers’ money and then driving away with the help of the Nazi media! ! Even if there was massive resistance and the protesters took over Washington, THEY WOULD BE AS ILLEGITIMATE AS TRUMPF!!! And the Repub cartel. Impeachment is a political process and the political machinery in the USA has turned to dust, being now well beyond repair. There is now no clear route back to legitimacy. Can regular Americans now have trust in anyone in the broad leadership currently on parade??? No! None! They are all suspect. I have tried to pick out a word to describe the environment in the southern half of the North American continent right now? Can’t be done, so I will use them all. The proceedings have concluded. The US has been terminated. It is finished. The curtain has closed. The finale has ended. Done like dinner. Denouement! The last parting with democracy! Take your choice, each one fits the circumstances. Historians have many flaws, but two stand out. They’ll narrowly focus on an event without factoring in all of the surrounding noise, Dresden comes to mind, so badly done. 2017 is a different case. The historical types, in the employ of the Repubs, are doing nothing BUT WRITE ABOUT THE TRUMPF NOISE, sort of follow the bouncing ball, to keep the masses from thinking. It is just more idiot manipulation, as they have done for the past 40 years, and quite successfully I would say. This to hide the fact that America is finished as of this date. U. S. Humpty is NOW in a million pieces and all the Congress, Supreme Court, Repubs, Streeters, corporate CEOs, K St. and the USA Nazi media men [ women would not be this stupid ] can’t put this Nation back together again. The other historical failing is the compartmentalizing of historical events. In music we have the Classical era of Mozart, the Romantic period of Brahms, the Middle Romantic period of Dvorak and the later Romantic period of Rachmaninoff. Or how about the painters, traditionalists, impressionists and avant-garde to name a few periods? All neatly boxed when boxing doesn’t work. The problem is that composers and painters drifted along changing styles and sometimes going backwards. How can one type cast Picasso? Thus setting a beginning and end to such endeavours is no more than a rough guide. With wars, there is a beginning and an end, it is very clear. Somebody declares war, and somebody surrenders, got it! The same is true for America, its’ dates are 1776 to 2017. The end of the USA, as a democratic Country, came with the fraudulent elevation of Donald Trumpf to the Office of President, engineered by rightpublicanazi insiders, white skinned stupids and the Nazi media. The LAST faux election ever, was held on Nov. 8 / 16, in which 31 Republican controlled States collaborated to PREVENT MILLIONS OF AMERICANS FROM VOTING!!! For 20 years there has been a alternate USA Government based on the 31 Repub States cartel, which was and is anchored in white supremacy and the perpetuation of white rule irrespective of the votes cast. That point has now been reached. The will of the majority no longer prevails. The Repubs have succeeded in turning America the beautiful, into an ugly totalitarian regime. No better than all those previous regimes, for which millions of US boys and girls gave their lives to extinguish! Did those who stormed Omaha Beach or crossed the sands of Iwo Jima, drown in their own blood, so that an asshole like Trumpf could be installed in the White House using the REPUBLICAN ELECTION MACHINERY, WHICH IS THE BEST TOTALITARIAN SYSTEM OIL MONEY CAN BUY. ANYONE WHO CALLED OR CALLS THAT CHARADE AN ELECTION ON Nov. 8 / 16, IS A TRAITOR AND AN ENEMY OF THE OLD DEPARTED STATES AND IS UP TO NO GOOD. JAIL IS TOO GOOD FOR THEM, HANGING OR THE FIRING SQUAD WOULD BE BETTER! For they have destroyed a precious thing, a fragile societal blossom with huge potential for world good Once the rules pertaining to the will of the people being exercised in the fair and fullest sense are vacated, a line is then crossed, which puts the past beyond reach. The USA crossed that line 4 months ago and a new, unspeakable horror show is just now beginning. Countries all over the globe, should be putting distance between themselves and Trumpf, especially Canada! What used to be a democracy, is now something akin to civilizations of earlier times which were controlled by mad men and thugs. What Reagan, the rightpublicanazis and the Nazi media have wrought is still not being faced by the bulk of Americans? IT IS OVER FOLKS! I am reminded of 3 similar periods in history, I’ll work backwards. I was a long time before most Germans clued in to what Hitler was up to. They voted Adolf into power the same way as American voted for Trumpf, fixed elections. The names of many potential voters were removed from the lists in 1933 as were in 2016. As well, many other dirty tactics and rigging took place. In some areas the Brownshits intimidated the citizenry in 1933 and the US police did likewise in 2016. So the elevation of Trumpf is as illegitimate as making Hitler Fuhrer in 1933. However these dictatorships are much different. Hitler sold the German people on making their Country great again. However his interest was in world domination by force. He realized that the people had the muscle and determination to help him fulfill his goal, if he fooled them. But he had to keep them in the dark, the Nazi press obliged. Once the bulk of the Germans figured out what he was up to, it was too late and they were trapped with no escape. It must be understood that the Nazis had the coordinated military power to force people, citizens or the conquered, to obey his wishes. Trumpf, on the other hand, is just one more low life asshole among millions. He is from German immigrant stock and without ambition, other than to accumulate money, legally or illegally and to possess toys and brainless women who don’t argue back. And he dares target immigrants? The Presidency, which he holds by virtue of theft, a common trait among his holdings is just another bobble to him. Trumpf is not interested in dominating the world, although this is indeed the goal of corporate America and Wall St. AMERIGREED seeks world domination, by ferreting out corrupt politicians around the globe, who are willing to sell their countries out, as Steve Harper, David Cameron and the EU officials in Brussels did! Trumpf has no military power with which to force Americans to bow to his wishes. He is a dictator who can’t dictate. All Trumpf has ever done is threaten others and he continues that to-day. Trumpf has no control over the armed forces which are not trained to kill fellow Americans. The Army is Trumpf’s biggest fear. And as far as the police are concerned, only a small, racist white element within the forces, scattered across the slave States, is happy shooting Blacks in the back and hustling the Muslims, Hispanics and other minorities. After the 12 year reign of Hitlerism, Germany was in ruins. In 1948, the Marshall Plan was announced, which had as its’ goal the rebuilding of Europe under the watchful eye of the allies. So there was money to begin again and a friendly cop around to see things went smoothly. The Germans, among others, got to test drive democracy and gain confidence in this new system, while the horrors of the recent past were still fresh in their minds. During the French Revolution, the starving peasants had had enough and started revolting in the 1780s. They stormed the Bastille in 1789 and the King, nobles and Government were on their way out. The revolutionists took the palace in August 1792. The King and Queen and retinue, had their heads lopped off during 1793. Thereafter a reign of terror began, as various groups vied for supremacy. The upper hand was always held by the most brutal of the bunch. The massacres continued unabated for 6 years. Near 20,000 innocent people died. Finally Napoleon brought the army into the conflict in 1799 and took advantage of the revolution and the turmoil to seize power by virtue of the gun. He became a dictator. So the people killed off the King and destroyed the existing Government only to see that regime replaced by a dictator. Napoleon lasted 15 year, he lost 500,000 men in a winter campaign in Russia. Hello Adolph, did you ever read any history books. Never fight a winter campaign in Russia unless the soldiers have winter dress and boots. Oh another thing, cold weather demands thinner grease and oil. Napoleon was replaced by a new king who lasted till 1830. And so it went. For a hundred years France suffered from unstable governments after the Bastille, an to this day has never fully recovered. The major problem, was that those who held power for long or short periods after the Bastille, never trusted the people. And the people never trusted them! The elites feared true democracy, as the US rightpublicanazis and Democrats do to-day. So the democratic reforms that should have been implemented in France, never happened. Thus each succeeding Government got into trouble with the people. The people knew well how to bring a Government or a monarch down and did that often. So Germany and Europe, in 1945 started a slow climb to democratic status using USA money and being policed by the allies, who prevented the rise of extreme forces, too far right / to far left. For France there was a hundred years of strife after the Bastille because the various special interest groups and the Royalists wanted power but did not want to share that power with the wider population. In England, in 1643, Civil War broke out with Charles 1 on one side and Parliament on the other. The King believed in the, ” Divine Right of Kings “. Steve Harper did too, as does Trumpf now, ” The Divine Right of the Mentally Ill “. Parliament had gathered steam over 400 years and had become an imperfect anchor for the general population, but an anchor just the same. While not mirroring the will of the majority completely, Parliament did offer a degree of comfort to the common folk, not heretofore present. Then onto the scene blundered King James IV of Scotland, now James I of England. His mother was Mary I, Queen of Scots who gave Queen Elizabeth I so much trouble. Mary had claimed the throne of England too, but political problems had forced her abdication in favour of her son James, who was still a baby. A group of strong men ruled Scotland until James was 17. Mary sought political shelter with her rival, Elizabeth One. Mary was given every kindness by the Queen but just could not leave well enough alone. Mary intrigued with the Pope to undermine the reign of Elizabeth. Finally, Mary was beheaded in 1587, enough was enough. Elizabeth died in 1603, leaving no children. James VI of Scotland became James 1st of England and was the Monarch for 22 years. James descended from Henry VII, father of VIII. Even though the Catholic church had been banned in England since 1538, and Protestantism had prospered for more than 50 years [ except during the reign of Bloody Mary ], the Pope remained on the offensive. England was not about to remain outside his influence. James was an intelligent King, level headed and a lover of the arts. He commissioned the first English Bible. But he was betwixt and between. Although a Protestant the King did not actively promote Protestantism and just let Catholicism bubble along. The unhappiness and fears were spread all round. The population generally, had enjoyed and prospered under Elizabeth’s long reign and were not about to let the Pope get his foot in the door again. So Parliament by 1600, was well in the Protestant camp and had within the ranks some anti Catholic zealots. These zealots were not satisfied with James, neither were the Catholics. Jut a year into he new King’s reign, ” The Gunpowder Plot “, was hatched with the Pope’s blessing. A large supply of gunpowder was smuggled into the basement of Parliament, with the intent that upon the King’s visit on opening day, the place would be brought down, killing the King and the MPs / Lords. Word got out, the Houses were searched, and Guy Fawkes was found minding the gun powder. OOPS. Guy was put to the rack and spilled the beans, naming everyone involved in the plot. All were hanged, drawn and quartered. Something too good for Steve Harper, Preston Manning, Paul Godfrey and Ezra Levant. It was revealed after the gun powder was cleared away, that the plotters intended to kidnap Elizabeth, the daughter of James and force marry her to a Catholic nobleman. Thus the Pope would have his England back. James wrote a letter to his son, Henry Fredrick, it was a sort of instruction manual for Kingship. It laid out the, ” Divine Right of Kings “. Henry died at 18 and his younger brother was thrust into the limelight. Charles immediately became the centre of attention, would he marry a Protestant or a Catholic??? The Pope offered James the hand of the daughter of Philip III of Spain for Charles, a little man with a stammer. The dowry would be enough to pay all the money James owed and free him from the grasp of Parliament. This deal was secret. Rather, Charles took it upon himself to court Henrietta Maria, the 15 year old sister of King Louis VIII of France. Again a secret deal was struck with the Pope, to allow Henrietta and her entourage, complete freedom to worship in the Catholic tradition, in England. Also, she was given the right to bring her children up in the Catholic faith, within England. Parliament was unaware of these arrangements. James died in March of 1625 and in May of that year Charles married Henrietta by proxy. The fat was in the fire so to speak. Charles began his reign lying to Parliament at every turn, MPs decide the King could not be trusted. And quite frankly, that was the case, nothing Charles said was trustworthy. He was a born schemer. Something like Harper and Trumpf! Interestingly, now even all these 400 years later, there are still those like Paul Godfrey, for whom THE TRUTH IS A DIRTY WORD AND CHEATING IS A WAY OF LIFE! From 1628 onward Charles and Parliament quarreled, it was a game of one-upmanship. The King could not raise money without the permission of Parliament, this granted by the Magna Carta [ long live the Magna Carta, from which the jury system sprang ]. Fascists have been trying to take away the PEOPLE’S RIGHTS SINCE 1215. 900 YEARS OF TRYING TO LOCK UP THEIR OPPONENTS WITHOUT JUST CAUSE. AND YOU KNOW THEY WIN SOME AND LOSE SOME. We here beat the Fascists on Oct. 19 / 15. The Brits beat the Fascists over BREXIT on June 23 / 16. Good move Brits! The EU in Brussels has been taken over by AMERIGREED, as it continues to siphon the life blood out of 27 individual countries in Europe. The UK has been protected somewhat by retaining the pound and remaining independent from the EU. The unelected officials in Brussels got money under the table from AMERIGREED, so they could play fast and loose with the Treaty of European Union. Brussels could step outside its’ mandate and not fear the loss of funding. While the Parliaments of the 27 countries think they are still democracies, Brussels along with Goldman Sachs has usurped their financial powers. Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Cyprus have had their treasuries drained by AMERIGREED, who could suck blood out of a stone. Now Goldman Sachs, with the Brussels officials in tow, are turning their attention to the EU members who are still solvent, wherever some flesh still hangs. You have to hand it to AMERIGREED, this is ANOTHER-EQUAL-OPPORTUNITY-THEFT. The Streeters don’t care who they steal from, their very own Americans, Greeks or Spaniards, it’s the bucks that count, no matter the cost in lives??? The Yankees even stoop to buy the oil that ISIS steals from the Iraqis. Who needs Alberta, when $ 15 oil is readily available? Having the USA oilies fund terrorism is like a double bonus. The one percent gets richer. Then buying bullets for ISIS gives them an excuse to curtail human rights at home. Go into the streets to protest Trumpf and get locked up as a terrorist! A scheme fully supported by the North American Nazi media. Steal the franchise from the people and then when they take to the streets to protest, shot them or lock them up, Germany from 1933 onward. BREXIT has allowed the UK to escaped the bony, grasping hands of AMERIGREED, by getting out of the EU. But there is one more step that needs be taken. All of Wall St. money launderers, tax evaders and Yankee lovers have to be cleaned out of the golden mile in London. No nation can be great if it is rotten at the core and controlled by snakes?. England will not be totally free from the corrupt Streeters until all their US snakes are jailed or sent packing. But there are still a lot of European politicians who are willing to sell their countries to AMERIGREED FOR THE FUCKING, oh, I MEANT PLUCKING!!! The EU countries must do some house cleaning too, as must Canada. American citizens involved with the Harper takeover, located in Calgary and Ottawa MUST BE DEPORTED. Canadian rightpublicanazis must be registered as enemies of the state and their activities monitored. Preston Manning, Steve Harper, Jason Kenney, Paul Godfrey and Ezzie La Rant should be jailed now. They have already broken enough laws to warrant jail time! While the USA plays head salesman for democracy abroad, all the while on the home front, the Fascists have stolen democracy in the Homeland. This, with help from the Streeters, corporate CEOs, rogue bankers and their Nazi media. Back in MERRY OLDE ENGLAND, the 1st CIVIL WAR began in 1640, [ yes there were two wars ]. Charles was short of money, he closed Parliament 3 times by force. Like McGuinty did at Queen’s Park, to avoid going to jail. Many in the English population refused to pay taxes or duties. The King resorted to selling compulsory knighthoods, among other dodges. Oliver Cromwell and a number of Parliamentarians, refused. They were arrest and fined. The King sent soldiers to seize 5 members of Parliament, in Jan. 1642. By the time he got there the so called fugitives [ elected MPs ], had flown the coop. In August Charles made the first move. Most of England was dithering [ just like the USA now ], not sure of which side to take or the real circumstances of the conflict. Cromwell, one of the more militant MPs was fed up by now. He attacked Cambridge Castle and grabbed the military stores. Various battles took place [ 15 major ones ] and gradually Cromwell and the Roundheads began to make their mark. In 1646 Charles surrendered to the Scottish Army and many months of negotiations started. The Parlimentarians, by varying degrees wanted the King to respect the rights of Parliament. Some MPs thought Charles had been taught a lesson and that he would straighten up and fly right. They urged generous terms. Cromwell didn’t trust the King [ he was correct ], and wanted firm assurances on Parliament’s pivotal role before sending the army home. Charles played for time, backed and filled and attempted to make secret deals with various factions. In Nov. 1647, with the help of sympathizers the King escaped custody, and in response, Royalist in parts of the Country caused fresh rebellions to break out. Gens. Cromwell and Fairfax moved to put an end to the outbreak of this second round of Civil War. In Aug 1648 Cromwell put the blocks to the Scottish army and grabbed Charles once again. The King negotiated with Parliament, in bad faith, again, over well covered ground. Charles was not a very intelligent man. His claim of divine rights flew in the face of reality. Too much water had gone under the bridge in the previous 200 years, regarding Parliement, to set back the hands of time, and deprive Englishmen of their rights hard won. The King was not about to bow to the House, but he had no more chips left with which to play. And all the lies and dirty dealing in the world were not about to satisfy his desires. He was out to strip Parliament of the ability to control HIS affairs. England was at a cross roads. Would all those years of steady progress, which saw the life of the average folk improve, BE TOSSED ASIDE BECAUSE OF ONE MISGUIDED MAN??? Charles was in a sense, trying to turn the clock backwards, for the wrong reason, HIS OPINION OF HIMSELF [ sounds like Trumpf ]. And in the wrong way [ facing off with a majority of the people who were not about fall back under a Catholic dictatorship ]. Parliament had come too far in the minds of Englishmen over the centuries, for them to take less than a full loaf now. Democracy began in England in the 1200s and it was / is a very simple system. Kings of the time needed to raise taxes, usually by force. His subjects said we will pay, if we have some say. The very secret of successful societies, in the past and even to to-day! The direction that Charles was taking, was a very inefficient way for a society to operate. Killing off those who produced the wealth [ farmers / tradesmen etc ], was not a good long term plan. This same failed approach, abandoning the sick, disadvantaged and the hungry is still used in the USA to-day. It proves my point! People who are stressed do not contribute to a vibrant society? In the days of yore, a gentleman’s agreement was struck. In the 1200s, the commoners said, ” WE will pay taxes if WE HAVE SOME SAY “. History shows us, the more say that the people have, the smoother a society will function. In the 1500s, the next hurdle to face was HOW DO THE PEOPLE HAVE THEIR SAY??? Parliament [ French for talk ] evolved. Everyone could not show up in London at one time to make voice, so each Hundred [ riding ] elected a representative to go to Parliament. The MP was in fact directly elected by the people, who decide on their best Rep. Eventually the Party System emerged wherein the party riding associations, chose people of their own persuasion to contest for the seat. So the winning MP was and is still chosen by voters in a riding, in recognized democracies, of which the USA is NOW NOT ONE. In the case of Steve Harper, he surrounded himself with US rightpublicanazis who tried to changed our election rules to match those of the Repub States cabal. Namely, the right wing gets to chose who represents the people. HARPER PICKED THE FASCIST CONTENDERS IN EACH RIDING, FUCK WHAT THE PEOPLE THINK OR SAY! AND THEN HE POURED UNLIMITED MONEY FROM THE AMERICAN OIL MONOPOLY INTO THE TOUGH RIDINGS, THIS TO PAY PAUL GODFREY, DAVE THOMSON AND FRIENDS TO SMEAR THE OPPOSING CANDIDATES, INTIMIDATE VOTERS, RUN A MASSIVE ROBO CALL CAMPAIGN AND ENLIST THE CATHOLIC CHURCH TO ATTACK JUSTIN TRUDEAU PERSONALLY. This was and is not allowing Canadians to have their SAY, THE EXACT OPPOSITE. Harper was taking away the CANADIAN SAY, by stealth, American STYLE. Few Canadians were aware that their democracy was being endangered by Harper’s moves to take away their voices, and like Mulroney Steve told nothing but lies. As result, Harper and the rightpublicanazis stole the 2011 Federal Election. But this Country fared much better on Oct. 19 / 15. Fortunately, we who had opposed Harper in the very strongest of terms, shook enough Canadians awake to defeat the Fascists. However Fascism and the Canadian Nazi media remains fully entrenched. They have become Her Majesty’s Unloyal Opposition in return for petro dollars. The media doesn’t ever bother to quote individual Fascist MPs in the House. So we have a quasi Parliamentary system now. Those MPs in the House elected by the people to run the Country do so. The Fascists’ primary job it is to disrupt the business of the Common’s. Copying what the Repubs did to Obama! Such disruptions are then meant to be used by the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC to show that our Government here doesn’t work. This is the same tactic used by the Republicans on Obama during his 8 years as President. The Repubs screwed the Country up royally, then the US Nazi media jumped in to blame Obama, every day, every day, every day. Reagan had a rule-of-thumb, tell a lie in public 5 times and it becomes the truth. How can a society function after being lied to ten thousand times by those in power??? Answer, it can’t. Just look, SOUTH-OF-THE-BORDER-DOWN-USA-WAY! Alice Trumpf is indeed in his WONDERLAND!!! And simply put, Paul Godfrey and his friends Dave Thomson and John Honderich et al, are paid by AMERIGREED to sell us this same kind of madness, to what the Yankees believe is an ignorant Canada. The IQ of poor whites in American has dropped at an alarming rate, thanks to the Reagan Doctrine. Ron preached government is bad and there is no need to get an education. It was the perfect rightpublicanazi pitch. They offered an alternative to Government. Second, by limiting higher education to the Repubs / One Percent, the USA is now split into 3 groups. The white, right wing elites, the poor whites and the minorities. The stupid, poor whites act as a cheap buffer against the minorities because they desperately need to protect what is seem as THEIR TURF. The Country, as a result, can no longer compete with the wider world. The only AMERIGREED grip left globally is through Wall St., its’ financial quackery and foreign turncoats who put money ahead of country. We have quite a few here. But I feel the wider world has yet to realize the opportunities that have opened up since the Fascists installed Trumpf, especially Canada! Both Canada and the UK have their own currencies. Parliament in Ottawa and Parliament in the UK should put a stop to the misuse and illegal use of their currencies by Yankee traders. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING THE WORLD NEEDS FROM THE USA NOW. This constant drumming of imaginary failures in Ottawa, misinformation and endless lies by our Nazi media, bespeaks how the National Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC, feel about the intelligence of Canadians. They treat us as if WE ARE ALREADY STUPID. They are printing and broadcasting the USA shit message. WHAT OTHER MESSAGE COULD THE YANKEES POSSIBLY CONCEIVE OF. Most Americans are stupid! IF WE KEEP BUYING THEIR TURDS, THEN I GUESS WE ARE STUPID TOO??? And if so, then we should rightly take our place on the MALL to cheer the SUPREME LEADER, TRUMPF. The young Nazi media, underpaid scribes and commentators employed by Godfrey / Post, Globe, Maclean’s, CTV and the others, would not know a democracy if it fell on their heads. They have been brainwashed by the rightpublicanazi element in this Country or the USA, to view and portray the larger Canadian populations as an ignorant mob, which endangers our elites. Our Nazi media wants us to believe we are free, at the very time that they are paid by AMERIGREED to undermine that freedom. It is called speaking with a forked tongue by First Nations or doublespeak when Trumpf does it. AND OUR LUGENPRESSE ARE TOO STUPID TO CONCEAL THEIR USA BIAS. It is right there in every article or commentary, in our newspapers and on TV. My rule-of-thumb in life, is that somebody who lies to me gets WRITTEN OFF [ within family, I continue to tolerate if I must ]. Godfrey is paid by the oilies to accentuate the negative and * E L I M I N A T E * the positive! What the NEW CANADA NEEDS RIGHT NOW, IS A COMPLETE MENU OF ALL THE POSITIVES AND POSSIBILITIES. AMERIGREED WILL SIMPLY NOT ALLOW US TO HAVE LARGE UNIQUE, CANADIAN BUSINESSES. That is why they attack loans to Bombardier and OUR support of supply management for some agricultural products. Interestingly, those protected products are the exact same ones the USA dumps on the world market when they have surpluses. You won’t get that info reading Godfrey’s National Post or watching Paul’s latest video. It is being made here by the University of Ottawa [ which will now go on my hit list ], to show Canadians that Global Warming is a hoax. I wonder how much Godfrey and the University of Ottawa got for making the video from the USA oil monopoly??? The actual video is being made by one John Robson, who appears regularly in the National Post, spouting rightie rubbish. Robson is a Texan who got a degree in American History from FLY-BY-NIGHT-UNIVERSITY. He camps out at the University of Ottawa here and his main job is to rewrite Canadian history for Paul Godfrey’s papers and in the Dorchester Review, another rightpublicanazi front. The video on the climate change hoax by Robson is probably being done to bring Godfrey a few more petro dollars, seeing that PostMedia stock in now worthless. But it is important to the right that the Post papers continue to publish until the next Fed. Election in 2019. AMERIGREED is convinced that the Trudeau Government will be defeated in 2019, due to a 4 year smear campaign now being waged by our Nazi media. After that the Post will be closed, done like dinner. Obviously, for Canada’s long term health, Paul Godfrey / National Post should be put out of THEIR MISERY NOW, thus hobbling AMERIGREED in its’ quest to take control of this Country. AMERIGREED, THE AMERICAN OIL MONOPOLY, HERR HARPER AND HERR TRUMPF ARE MIRED IN THE PAST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE AMERICAN. Newspaper held great sway in the last century. To get the support or buy the support of a newspaper was crucial in the quest for public office or gaining backing for government initiatives. Radio became very popular but was soon overrun by TV. This situation all changed with Ronald Reagan, when he gave the media [ all three ], carte blanche, without fear prosecution. They could say / print anything that came into their heads, THE TRUTH OR NOT! Anyone who displeased the rich US gods could be destroyed publicly by the media, for a price, with no recourse. The rightpublicanazis gained control of the American Nazi media and gradually turned it to thought control [ defined as the means by which totalitarian regimes, restrict ideas, impose opinions, practice censorship, to change values / beliefs / attitudes, as well as killing minds, so people can no longer think independently ]. For 30 years Americans have been told what the right / rich / Wall st. / corporations want them to know. Interestingly Wiki and others cover the subject thoroughly in the abstract but never connect it to to-day’s America. As if brain washing only takes place under a Hitler or a Mao! This USA brain washing exercise has been totally successful. On a daily basis we are confronted by people in power in the USA who say the most ridiculous things, like Global Warming is a hoax. Take millions of Americans, who literally do not know what time it is, and you have got Trumpf’s Fruitcakeville USA. I say that there is a close correlation between how much SAY citizens have and the success or failure of a society. Plenty of citizen input is a big factor in the robustness and economic success of their democracy. Both Canada and the UK have had Fascist Governments in the recent past [ Harper and Cameron ]. They were bent on depriving large swathes of their populations, of their voting rights. Pissing thus in the gas tank means, the engine doesn’t run very well! The right wing ideology when has been imposed so far in Can, / UK has ruined everything. The democratic countries worldwide are all under attack by AMERIGREED. The Yankees want to bring the 27 EU countries to heel so they can be stripped of their wealth. These foul deeds has already brought the likes of Greece, Spain and Italy to their knees. The European Central Bank is in the firm grip of Goldman Sachs, now operating out of the White House. Both Canada and the UK were / are / will be likewise under duress by AMERIGREED. The main task of bringing the Canucks and Brits to their economic knees also, was and is being done by insiders,truncoats to use an old term. Traitorous Canadians and Englishmen, who put money before Country! David Cameron was wetting his pants over the prospect of the USA taking over London. Cam was leading the Brits to the poorhouse, engaging in voter suppression with the help of the US rightpublicanazis and expanding the scope of London’s financial industry to better facilitate Wall Street’s access to the 27 EU countries for wealth stripping and money laundering. In this Country, the traitors are right out there in front of the public. So sure were Paul Godfrey and David Thomson et al, that Steve Harper had successfully delivered this Nation into the hands of the Americans, that they openly revealed their sympathies, extremely pro USA and anti Canadian. If you are a little people, as defined by Babs Black, then our Nazi media has no time for you and your’s. Oh they will orchestrate the game of following the bouncing ball to keep you amused. But anything of substance which improves the lot of the larger Canadian population, and smacks of free thinking forget it, forget it. I have written extensively in my posts about the cost of electricity in Ontario [ The nukies call our KWs hydro, although 60% of our juice now comes from the nuclear plants BY THEIR CHOICE ]. It is a cover, making our KWs seem more environmentally friendly YET more than 100 hydro plants in his Province have been mothballed, and many MWs of clean, cheap KWs are wasted every day so the outdated nuke plants can be maintained in operation. If a nuke plant was shut down it would never reopen, corrosion would spread rapidly, like parking an old car for a year. Everything seizes up! It is okay with the Nazi media, if those stupid Canadians are clapped in chains so to speak, lose their jobs, go to Food Banks, sleep on grates, lose their homes or have junior and his girlfriend living in the basement till he’s 45. There are remedies to boost the economy of this Country but they are kept from YOUR VIEW by the Can. Nazi media, little cousin to the USA Nazi media. We could be engaged in manufacturing elementary flight trainers, water turbines, wind turbines and dependable automatic washers / dryers and many other products. But we are not! There are two distinct areas which present formidable roadblocks. If someone here comes up with an idea for a cutting edge product, AMERIGREED will step in, buy up the company and deep six the innovation so the makers in the USA don’t have to face any competition. If the idea relates to a particular ENERGY trend like Hydrogen, then the American oil monopoly and Big Energy moves in, and pay the Nazi media to slime the idea up and own without rest. In the case of Hydrogen, it took 5 years of continuous sliming by Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich and friends before Canadians were disabused of Hydrogen, which is really, ” The Fuel of the Future “, [ I have a complete file on this despicable campaign. THE SCORE IS – The Oilies, Big Energy and the Nazi media * 10 *, Canadians * ZERO * ]. Thirdly, hedge funds on Wall Street, love to buy successful Canadian businesses to eliminate competition for US firms. Then the Yankees can sell us OUR NEEDS at 3 times the price. Our enterprises are loaded with debt, stripped of their value, like land / buildings / machinery / patents. Then the hedgies, after sucking the enterprise dry, close it down. The stock then has no value, Can. taxes are not paid and the employees get fucked out of their wages, benefits and pensions. And commitments made to the local communities are tossed aside. These are criminal acts, it is legalized theft, sanctioned BY OUR POLITICIANS who when it happens squeal like stuck pigs, BUT THEY DO NOTHING. All those responsible should swing. Caterpillar bought Electro-Motive Diesel in London Ont. in 2010. In 2012, the company put 500 people out of work and moved the jobs to Illinois, where workers cannot unionize to protect their interests and there they get $ 13 an hour with no benefits. Yet our Rob Prichard, a McGuinty stooge bought Japanese diesel trains for that white elephant Metrolinx Union Airport link [ which will soon be sold by Kathleen McGuinty to the private sector at a loss, wherein their profits will be guaranteed by Ontario taxpayers forever ]. Prichard’s follies were assembled in the USA under the, ” Buy America Program “, and we paid top dollar. So work that could have been done in London Ont. was completed in the USA, a perfect example of the McGuinty doctrine. If a US company paid Dalt, pays Kath and the Liberals enough money [ like the nukies ], the Libs would turn themselves inside out to screw the people. And the Libs / Yankees did and still do! The Nazi media said about Caterpillar’s move which stole Canadian jobs, and increase our expenses at least threefold. ” Just the free market at work “, right Paul . What is at work, AMERIGREED GETS TOGETHER WITH USA CORPORATIONS, OUR RIGHTIE POLITICIANS AND OUR NAZI MEDIA TO SHAKE DOWN CANADIANS AND SHARE THE PROCEEDS! Free market my ass. I have been a student of Canadian history for over 70 years. I am a historian with a mechanical bent. I have a reputation which goes like this, ” If man invented IT, I can fix IT “! Canada had reputation for manufacturing products which sprang from our unique geographical environment and our special needs. AMERIGREED HAS PUT AN END TO ALL OUR COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY, IN THIS REGARD, BY BUYING UP SUCH FIRMS AND KILLING THEM OFF. This wholesale rape OF CANADIAN interests eliminates competition for USA companies as well as taking CANADIAN businesses out of the global picture. Examples of things we no longer make, are flight trainers, engines and props. During WW II we trained 125,000 aircrew in Canada. That experience was just thrown away, due to American pressure, the willingness of our politicians to drop their pants and bend over, and the Nazi media coverups, in return for a USA cheque. In Ont. we were leaders in water turbines technology. That was until the nukies with AMERIGREED’s help, killed Ontario Hydro. Dalton McGuinty, on his part got a free house for sticking Ontarians with sky high electric prices. What would you expect from an American run monopoly, chocolates and flowers??? Also this Nation produced exceptional wringer washers from 1910 to 1970 [ mostly in Ontario / Quebec ]. Some saw service for 40 years. I became involved in the washing machine business when I was ten years old [ 1945 ]. Parts were usually available for 20 years, the expected life of a washer [ there were plenty of used parts available ]. Before I could go out to play on a Sat. am, I had to wreck one wringer washer and save the parts. Woe betide me if I broke a good gear! From 1950, auto washers and dryers were manufactured by EASY in Toronto and Beatty Brothers in Fergus. I worked on both in my appliance service business, where I sold the EASY brand. They were still built to last 20 years or 6000 loads of laundry. In 2017 you would be lucky to get 2500 loads from the present Asian / Mexican shit washers. In 1970 the Americans moved in on EASY and Beatty. The Companies were bought up, closed and the Canadian designed and built washer and dryer models were discontinued. As well, replacement parts were discontinued in short order by the Americans. Canadians got the middle finger so to speak and they SAID NOT BOO! Then Canada’s auto washer / dryer orders were filled from south of the border with as I said, offshore SHIT, made in Asia and Mexico! The Feds said nothing. Mulroney wanted to give Canada away to the Yankees, just as much as Harper at a later date. Dave Cameron, UK / PM was of the same ilk, he veritably peed his pants, trying to hand the English over to Washington’s control. Like Mulroney and Harper, Cameron was a deeply flawed politician, who was never close to his people. The BREXIT vote was called by Cameron to quell unrest within his Fascist Party. It was never about the wishes or the interests of the Brits. Just like Mulroney’s NAFTA, which ensures Canadians get screwed every single day, year in, year out. With a massive injection of US dollars, almost complete control of the London Lugenpresse by the Fascists and a bevy of rightpublicanazis as advisors, STAYING IN THE EU WAS GOING TO BE A WALK IN THE PARK! After which the American tail could continue to wag the UK dog, via Brussels. Right wingers are an arrogant lot aren’t they? They don’t spend too much time on strategy. They don’t have to. They cheat right from the start. If that doesn’t work for the Yankees, they pay off the local suits [ in this case the London elites ]. Oswald Mosley, the head of the British Fascist Party was getting money from Hitler up to 1939, as were the Republicans. What permeates the right wing is the Nietzsche Myth which postulates that there are OVERMEN AND UNDERMEN. Righties self declare themselves OVERMEN, as Herr Harper did and Trumpf is now doing, for no legitimate reason. The rightpublicanazi hierarchy decides who is in and who is out? That was until Trumpf came along! Thus the great bulk of the population in the USA are determined to be UNDERMEN, without their say and are treated accordingly, as beasts of burden or cannon fodder, by the establishment, including by the Democrats. Give the rightish gang an inch and they will take a mile! It follows that the Nazi media in the USA, Can. and the UK, which are in the hire of the American OVERMEN, will treat the majority public as imbecilic! And they do. The fact that so many people still buy newspapers and watch TV proves the right is right. Imbeciles will indeed, buy or watch imbecilic papers and TV, but their numbers are shrinking. The internet grows as a source of reliable information and the truth, and is having an affect on the world, everywhere but the USA. This puts the Americans at a distinct disadvantage. As the global train hurtles down the track in real time, the Yanks are trapped in a fantasy bubble of their own making, which never lets reality penetrate. This embrace of old, old hat by the USA establishment, ignores the fact that the advertisers have caught on and are moving away from old media, papers / magazines / TV. So the means by which the rightpublicanazis gained power, held power and have now lost power is a fading force. There is nobody controlling the net, you get the good, the bad and everything in between. The net serves the thinking mind and comforts the unthinking mind. You can get what you want from the net. The world population is now 7.5 billion people. The rightpublicanazis and their white racist followers might number 40 million o a good day. Their sources of information are newspapers, TV and radio, all in steep decline. The rest of the world is little troubled by a Nazi press, except to a limited degree in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the UK, where the net is now charging and changing things. The Nazi media in those 4 Countries is supported by AMERIGREED. With the undermining of the confidence, the hopes and the security of so many Americans, the Country’s ability to function is being lost. It will in the near future, cause the National effort to just shut down. Human beings are a marvel and possess amazing abilities to navigate uncharted waters. BUT THEY DO THEIR THING IN A CONTEXT WHICH EVOLVES SLOWLY. THERE IS A ROOF, THE LIGHTS ARE ON, THERE IS RUNNING WATER, THE TOILET FLUSHES, THE ELEVATOR WORK, THERE ARE STREET LIGHTS, THE CARS / BUSES / SUBWAYS RUN, THE STREETS ARE SAFE, THE SHOPS ARE OPEN, ESPECIALLY THE COFFEE SHOPS AND THE GOVERNMENT PLOD, SOMETIMES FOR THE GOOD, SOMETIMES FOR THE BAD! The rightpublicanazis, fools that they, have been playing with fire for 30 years. NOW THEY HAVE DESTROYED THE AMERICAN CONTEXT, THE GLUE THAT HERETOFORE HELD THE COUNTRY TOGETHER. CONTEXT is lost when a hurricane strikes, a volcano erupts or a tsunami engulfs. The small groups so affected, face the loss of everything, and so must begin again from scratch. Usually neighbours, the larger community and governments come to their aid and their time in the wilderness is brief. As of November 8 / 2016 the AMERICAN CONTEXT disappeared. And the level of turmoil is increasing. 300 million people will now reduce the scope of their actions to immediate preservation! A society cannot work is everyone is pulling on an oar, in different direction. There is an attempt now by those who are responsible for killing the Country, to say as they did in 2008 / 2009, GOING FORWARD IT WILL BE BUSINESS AS USUAL!!! The rightpublicanazis and the Nazi media do not want to get blamed for this crime of crimes and are attempting to create yet another fantasy. The good ship America has lost its’ rudder and is going around an around in circles, and there is no power on earth that can fix that rudder. Other countries, including Canada probably have nothing to fear from such a ship in peril and all at sea. However the right in the USA has a habit of lashing out when there is big trouble. If things don’t work out, the Americans tend to invade those nations which oppose them or stand in their way! To invade Canada would require the US Army. By law the Army can only exercise their might within the borders of the USA and in countries wherein CONGRESS AUTHORIZES AN INVASION BY DECLARING WAR. I don’t see that happening. If anyhting I think the Army will seize Washington. In the UK, like in Canada, the rightpublicanazis have yet to succeed in extinquishing the ballot. So Cam’s Brexit vote was legit, although American methods of cheating and vote rigging / buying were certainly assist Cameron’s Fascists. The BREXIT vote was going to be a slam dunk, another one! NEVER COUNT YOUR BRIT VOTERS BEFORE THEY HATCH!!! The UK VOTED to get out of the EU. And the USA Fifth Column in England and Europe went into high gear, mistakenly thinking they could just set the BREXIT vote aside as they do at home, it won’t work. The British would storm Parliament if the Yankees were allowed to meddle in Brit affairs. No amount of pouting and foot stamping by the American team of turncoats will change the BREXIT vote. To do so, would mean the invalidation of the UK Ballot by the USA interests, as they did to their voters at home. The rightpublicanazis, with the cooperation of 33 Repub States disenfranchised about 5% of the American population. I don’t know how, in a democracy, a small group of rich / powerful whites, gets to decide who can vote and who can’t??? Even with this voter suppression, the Trumpf vote was less than Clinton’s. So goodbye democracy USA, and welcome to the unrest on the streets of Berkeley! But the Americans will still not leave well enough alone. They are herniated over BREXIT, as are the UK Conservatives. For the Yankees, ” If at first you don’t succeed, try another method of cheating “. Theresa May, UK Prime Minister, is a 3rd rate politician who, desperately wants to please, Trumpf. The first ever illegitimate USA president [ a title which no longer merits respect ]. May has called a snap election in the UK. This again, like in Cameron’s BREXIT, has nothing to do with the British people. It is all about the internal machinations of her Fascist Party. HOW DO THEY GET THE HANDOVER OF ENGLAND TO THE AMERICANS BACK ON TRACK??? A general election again will bring forth the use of the UK Ballot, which the Americans do not like. The Yankees are no more pleased with the Ballot in Canada and have spent hundreds of millions here trying to circumvent it. BREXIT has now sunk in and the British people are much more aware of the pluses and minuses. May’s sneaky election call would therefore supposedly open the way, to a new expression of the people, by the people, for the people! But again the game is being rigged. Sitting Fascist MPs will not be required to seek nominations in their ridings. What you see now is what the Brits get! MAY HAS DECIDED EVERYONE IN HER PARTY CAN RUN IN THE SNAP ELECTION. For the people who are not happy with the sitting Fascist MP, tough shit. We, May’s group, have decided who you will get to vote for? If the process of voting for an MP is watered down just a little by the Canadian / British Fascist turncoats with the aid of Americans and the USA bucks, just a notch at a time, eventually your / their vote will be meaningless. Then the images of the streets of Berkeley could be reenacted on your crescent. The Yankees will take a win anyway they can get it, cheat, buy or steal it! The British Fascist Party, since the days of Maggie Thatcher, has been smitten with the prospect of being paid by AMERIGREED to surrender the sovereignty of England in return for personal and party bribes. The London Lugenpresse was paid US dollars to cheer Maggie on. Same happened in Canada, wherein Herr Harper, an employee of the American oil monopoly, spent 10 years trying to make this Country a weak satellite of the Disunited States of America. Harper’s main effort was directed towards emasculating the Canadian ballot. This Nation was scheduled by Harper / the PMO to get a duplicate of the useless Yankee Ballot, all blow and no show. A piece of paper, that you get to hold in your hand, signifying something it isn’t? A Yankee Ballot is so typical of the rightpublicanazi / American system. What you see is not what you get! The images presented by the Canadian and UK Nazi media outlets are watered down USA Nazi media fantasies. And as such are no longer relevant. Rightpublicanazis took control of the USA media [ newspapers, magazines, TV and radio ] at the invite of Ron Reagan. Such control permitted the far right to take possession of American minds to the exclusion of all else. 30 years hence we see the damage their efforts have wrought. 40 million, stupid, well armed, white supremacists are now braced to turn back the march of the Blacks / other minorities to majority status. This huge murderous, imbecilic mob was to be the private preserve of the Republican hierarchy in perpetuity. A short of Nazi like Brownshits palace guard, hiding behind a curtain responding to dog-whistle commands. This allowed the Repubs to never have to get potty mouthed. The USA Nazi media got the Party to where it wanted to go, power and and an America wrapped in a fantasy bubble, devoid of CONTEXT, unaware of reality and local and world events. Then for the Repubs everything went sour. Onto the world stage a fruitcake named Trumpf strode. He was not Repub insider nor a politician but he was in possession of grandiose imagination. To the Great Orange, reaching for the Presidency was yet another bauble to covet? His vulgar persona was a perfect match for the seething white racist mob who the Republicans had disappointed, two terms running. A Black President for 8 years was a clear indication that Blacks / minorities were gaining the upper hand in the transition to an America dominated by non whites. A crude Trumpf, showman that he is, realized the boiling below the surface and capitalized on it. No other Repub Presidential candidate got the message, that the stupid racist mob which they had fashioned over 30 years was at the boil! Once the Trumpf bandwagon began to roll the Repubs and the ever obedient Nazi media tried to sand bag him. I mean, there is lots of meat with which Trumpf could have been attacked, straight on but the Republicans and their Nazi media stooges could not help themselves and told lots of lies about the Great Orange and even made stuff up about him. In hind sight that was a no no! Trumpf has never forgiven the Repubs and the Nazi media for his treatment at their hands. Now the illegal US President, Trumpf is using the Republicans as toys without regard for their wishes. The Repubs and the far out Tea Party have yet to get the message that they don’t count nomore. Ditto the USA Nazi media, which Trumpf is now attacking, they don’t count nomore either! In the rightie world, when faced with unpleasantries, the default position is to ignore them. This the Repubs and Nazi media are both doing. Politically, they both have been terminated but they insist it is business as usual. Advertisers are fleeing the Nazi media and the USA economy is collapsing, interestingly, some of the very subjects they never cover! It follows that the Can. / UK Nazi media outlets have been terminated to, so to speak. The master they served is no longer master. Whose can do they now carry and where do they get their funding??? This also holds true for Harper’s Federal Fascist Party, the Ontario Fascist party, the McGuinty / Liberal Party, the Fraser, C.D. Howe, Macdonald Laurier, Manning Institutes, Can. Taxpayer’s Federation and the Universities of Calgary and Carleton. What do branch stores sell after head office closes??? With the illegal election of Herr Trumpf who was thrust into office using the same Repub rigged voting system as Herr Harper used in 2011. However, this rightie cheat vote system was only supposed to elect bonafide Republicans, not a usurper like the Great Orange. The right wing ideology, with the elevation of Trumpf to the White House, is now totally discredited. At least the party lasted 30 years, Hitler only got 12. Fred Nietzsche, Fred Hayek, Leo Strauss, Milton Friedman and Alan Greenspan et al have all been relegated to the ashcan. What they have been preaching over these many years, DOESN’T WORK! HELLO BRAD WALL!!! A SHATTERED COUNTRY SITS THERE BEFORE OUR VERY EYES, GREED PRACTICED BY THE FEW DOESN’T WORK NOW AND NEVER DID. But the Nazi media got rich over 30 years saying it was so. what is Paul Godfrey now selling, rotten meat which looks bad and smells a mile away. The goddumbest advertisers must surely get in now, that putting ads in the National Post papers is the wrong thing to do for Canada’s future prospects. LAY OFF WILL YOU!!! In fact I would suggest that Canadians boycott every business that advertises in the PostMedia papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC. We need to strength Canada in advance of the demands that will be put upon us by Trumpf and AMERIGREED. We don’t need to tolerate a tottering Canadian Fascist media which attempts to prolong its’ life at our expense. Trumpf needs money so he will be coming looking for OUR HIDES. Canada has to develop a self sufficiency plan before the fact.
We have to hold off the hungry hordes until the American State collapses in a heap. By then the Trumpfsters will have turned on each other and be too busy to bother Canada. We have to continue to act like adults. There are big problems to solve? Just a thought. Alaska, a State of 700,000 people is on its’ WAY OUT. Oil production there has fallen 75% in 25 years. To further upset the applecart, the Permafrost is melting and turning much of the ground in Alaska to goop. Houses, buildings. roads and railway lines just sink into the swamp, Global Warming is the culprit, but the two Senators and one Representative, all Repubs are climate deniers. Dan Sullivan, Lisa Murkowski [ Sen. ] and Don Young [ Rep. ], no longer meet with the people, they are too demanding. When Dan, Lisa and Don go to Alaska these days they only meet business groups and attend Republican functions. Attendance at these is tightly control and policed. Sounds like the American 3rd Reich doesn’t it??? On Don Young’s website, the first item is Federal Grants. It would seem that the high flying Alaska in now sucking on a big Washington teat. With the US economy in a tailspin, will Trumpf have enough money to suckle all of the States that can’t pull their weight under Republican control??? I think the Great Orange will come after Canada, the UK and the 27 European Union countries, to make good his loses. I have an idea. Why don’t we make a deal with the Orange Creaton. Canada will take Alaska off his hands. Instead of Trumpf stealing our money to give to the Alaskans, why don’t we make the place the 4th Canadian territory and support the forgotten people who are being swallowed up by goop. Canada recognizes the seriousness of Global Warming and could work with the people there to alleviate their problems. Right now Washington is Republican deaf. I have some thoughts on slowing the melt of Permafrost or even reversing it. Canada could turn Alaska into a democracy experiment, as a show case for the world. We could then name the place CANLASKA??? Can you imagine Canlaskans writing to PM Trudeau about their mud problem and actually getting an answer in a couple of weeks, now there’s a democracy. Mark Milke, with a PH DUD from the U of Calgary, should take note of this rather novel idea. Righties, like Mark tend to provide us with tablets of wisdom when they come down from the sacred Nietzsche Mountain. In a democracy, the leadership, which serves at the pleasure of the PEOPLE, has to be pay attention TO THEM. THE PEOPLE, armed with the length, the breadth, the facts and the truth, are then in a position to decide matters. I think all Mark’s pointy headed friends at the Fraser Institute should stop wasting our time and their time trying to make Canada into a right wing banana republic. It is clear that the sponsors of the Fraser Institute, Canadian Branch, are in the deep shit. The rightpublicanazis have had their Golden Presidential Key stolen from them by Trumpf. The Great Orange has also stolen the 40 million rabid white racist base from the right. Donald now controls that mob, the Repubs do not. There is now a Third Party in the Disfunctional States of America, the Trumpf Party. The Republicans are now powerless and have nothing to shoot but blanks. The Democrats are not much better, they have been in a turmoil for a dozen years. The Dems have been unable to deal with crisis that had its’ roots in the Civil War [ 1861 to 1865 ]. Namely that a huge number of stupid Americans, from Ronald Reagan University, are not prepared to surrender control of the Country, no matter how big the Black / minority majority becomes. This divide has grown more dangerous because Reagan got his wish, the central Government in Washington has been destroyed. In any national election now, Trumpf will pick the candidates and the racist rabble will support his choices. It is imperative that Michael Walker, of the Fraser vacuum tank, transport his kooky choir Stateside to assist their rightie superiors in their hour of need. Mike and company could provide shoulders to cry on, dry eyes and help change adult diaper? The very raison d’etre of the Republican Party has been obliterated as it has for the USA Nazi media. Additionally it will be timely for the Fraser, with the fringe-on-top, to vacate Canada. I am convinced that true Canadians like me, are going to be able to shut down Paul Godfrey and the PostMedia papers. Then where will the Fraserites post their trash? Yes, it is time for Mike Walker and his bunch to move on, and they can take that US draft dodger and pervert Tom Flannagan with them. Just imagine a morning without any Fraser dribble??? We will be able to hear the birds sing, smell the coffee, survey the positives and contemplate the potential of the NEW CANADA. In terms of the separation of Northern Ontario from Southern Ontario should proceed post haste. For the last dozen years Dalt McGuinty, Kath McGuinty and the Liberals have stolen billions of dollars from Northerner via 25 cent KWs, forcing them to buy expensive nuclear generated electricity. In the north now, there are more than 100 small hydro generating that are closed because the nukies say so. Know it, you the ratepayers amount to fuck all, it is the nukies who hold the whip hand, Dalt got paid off, so he agrees. Water behind a hydro dam is now worth one-half-cent-a-KW. Of course to that would have to be added distribution costs. But since these abandoned hydro plants are dotted all over the Northern landscape. The wires to get juice to the customers need not be long. The wiring system that Hydro One operates now [ in the hands of Americans ] was designed for huge nuclear plants sending electricity hundreds of mile. It is ridiculous to sent KWs from the Pickering nuke plant to Smooth Rock Falls in Northern Ontario, where half cent KWs sit behind the dam at the end of 2nd St. This is state sponsored theft and Dalt / Kath McGuinty should be in jail. Of course what I am telling you now would never appear in the Post, Globe, Star, Sun or on CTV. I would draw the new border from Georgian Bay, north of Parry Sound, across the northern boundary of Algonquin Park, to the Ottawa River. This new area would encompass 750,000 people, the same population as Alaska, WHICH IS A STATE WITH POWERS! Those in Northern Ontario are just getting fucked by the McGuintys / Liberal crowd. AMERIGREED, with whom Dalton McGuint is well acquainted screws Canada every day, day in, day out. Dalt / Kath / Liberals do the same to Northern Ontario. It is called taking advantage of the vulnerable which the right wing loves to do. I would hold a contest to name the new territory. Sudbury would be its’ Capital and I can see some special arrangement with Thunder Bay and North Bay to spread the economic development I have in mind. Global Warming is rendering our north, valuable, usable agricultural land. The old railways [ CP / CN ], now bring milked dry by AMERIGREED, are way too far south for the new climate change reality. A concept that is well beyond Yankee thinking? I would see a new railway from Montreal, to North Bay / Sudbury / Thunder Bay / Thompson Man. / Fort McMurray / Whitehorse and on to Fairbanks, Canlaska. This, across the 55th parallel. I would like to see the new territory take in the pie shaped piece of Northern Manitoba which goes up to the deep water Port of Churchill. This would facilitate the development of manufacturing in the new territory with access to the world, and with increased commercial activity at Churchill it would open the export door for Manitoba’s agricultural output s well as petroleum resources. Mind Churchill hold great promise for the entire prairie economy. The first step would be to get rid of the Fascist Governments in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Queen’s Park! The 10 cent KWs would attract a lot of businesses to Sudbury now that the northern climate is being much moderated. Northern Ontario, doing a quick separation would save a ton of money. When the nuclear plants start sutting down in a couple of years, they will have to be mothballed to the tune of billion, an expense that has not been budgeted for. Oh right, you didn’t know that??? Then the 25,000 concrete coffins holding nuclear waste will have to be repackaged at a cost of billions. I’ll bet the McGuintys, the nukies, John Honderich of the Star and Steve Paikin of TVO never told you about that waste either? A free Northern Ontario would escape all that expense!!! When I was working on the Hydrogen Village Project for Bancroft [ a project which Dalt McGuinty killed ], I also had another iron in the fire, an adjunct so to speak. I called it the Hydrogen Generator / Engine in a lunch box [ referring to size ]. Its’ function was to eliminate electric car range anxiety which for ten years was a massive negative campaign, staged by our Nazi media and paid for by the American oil monopoly. The oilies don’t like electric cars and have done their best to stamp them out. My Generator / Engine idea was shopped around, I even wrote to Frank Stronach at Magna. One of Magna’s engineers called me about my Lunch Box idea. He didn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground mechanically and so my idea went over like a fart in a telephone booth. Mind, he did tell me why they were not interested. Magna was doing some engineering for GM on their DOLT, THE FRAUDULENT ELECTRIC CAR. Did you know Dalt McGuinty loved the DOLT, he even wrote special legislation to give the DOLT preferential treatment. I often wondered, how much Dalton / Liberals got paid by GM to tilt the playing field. The Nazi media did not tell you, WOULD NOT TELL YOU, that with the DOLT, GM CHEATED. The DOLT was classified as an electric car, but the gas engine was actually connected to the axle. So the DOLT was really a regular car, with an electric motor, that would kick in on occasion. The high mileage claimed by GM related to this hidden engine hook up. GM spent so much on advertising the DOLT, that the Nazi media was never truthful about it, COULD NOT BE TRUTHFUL, too much money was at stake!!!. McGuinty had his picture taken with the DOLT, the pic, as a result, it showed two lying phonies. My Lunch Box Gen. / Engine was to be a two cylinder, horizontally opposed BOXER which would run on Hydrogen. My engine package was designed to fit in a Nissan Leaf and would be an add on. The Hydrogen would be available in small tanks like those used on propane barbecues. This engine could be started at any time and run independently to provide a recharge for the batteries on the go or heat in the winter. On a cold morning the Lunch Box Engine could be started and allowed to warm up. When the Leaf needed to be used it would be all warm and operate, using the batteries, charged overnight using clean, ten cent, hydro power, KWs. At Billy’s school or Mary’s dance, if the batteries were fading the old Lunch Box engine could be fired up and the batteries replenished. The Leaf batteries would never run out as long as you had Hydrogen in your tank??? McGuinty would have none of the Bancroft Hydrogen Village Project [ which you never heard of, because Dalt and Nukies paid the Nazi media so you would never hear about it ]! I can see Leafs being made in Sudbury and shipped all across Canada. The Lunch Box Engine, a unique Canadian idea would be manufactured in Sudbury and environs along with a complete Hydrogen Village Infrastructure which would have world wide export potential. Although electric car range anxiety has been the constant theme of the oilies and our Nazi media, the Lunch Box Engine concept puts an end to their expensive, dishonest, negative campaign. There are so many good ideas around, it is a shame to let our politicians and the Nazi media kill every one of them in return for AMERIGREED CHEQUES! I coined this phrase posts ago, ” Canada, where ideas are born to die “. It still applies, mostly because YOU ARE TOO COMPLACENT, 3RD BEST WINS NO PRIZES. THE LOSERS SHOULD CONTINUE TO BUY THE NATIONAL POST, GLOBE, STAR AND WATCH CTV et al. Many of you out there are marks, AMERIGREED knows you are marks, as does Paul Godfrey, who gets paid $ 1.5 million dollars a year because he is successful at what he does, taking advantage of YOU and leading other Canadian lambs to the slaughterhouse!!!


As individuals we must manage our way in the real world, but in Can. / UK we are lucky, we still have CONTEXT and the franchise. AMERIGREED has yet to take them away! Although Paul Godfrey is trying dam hard! You have got to realize that if Godfrey TELL YOU THE TRUTH, HE DOESN’T GET PAID. By you playing his continual FOOL, your guarantee his million dollar plus pay cheque every year. That means you are as stupid as your American cousins. What is most important in relation to our navigational efforts in the present predicament, is that we must have access to truthful information. and it will only come VIA THE INTERNET. Our Nazi media has to be written off! We have to know it is 313 miles from Montreal to Toronto, not ten or a thousand. We have to know both McGuintys and the Liberals take bribes. We have to know the nukies destroyed Ontario’s economy. We have to know that 27,000 MWs of hydro power here is hidden from our view but waiting to be used. We have to know, the gasoline and diesel we use in our vehicles is refined by the Americans from ISIS $ 15 a barrel oil stolen from the Iraqi people. We have to know our natural gas is fracked in Pennsylvania on the cheap by Russ Girling and sold to Ontarians and Quebecers at Alberta prices. We have to know that Alta. / Sask tar can’t be shipped / piped without being mixed with Benzine [ hi octane gasoline ], its’ use is completely outside the law and we have Megantic to prove it. A tragedy that was covered up by Herr Harper! We have to know that Lyin Steve gave his employer, the USA oil monopoly $ 850 million for Carbon Capture and Storage, which the Yankees just pocketed and you wondered why our GDP numbers are so dismal? You have to know that the GM DOLT is a fraud! You have to know that the Husky tar spill on the North Saskatchewan River will NEVER BE CLEANED UP BECAUSE THE COMPANY PAID BRAD WALL OFF! You have to know that our Grade A Canadian wheat is now being mixed with American shit wheat and pawned off as top grade to the world. You have to know that there was a big Kinder Morgan tar / Benzine spill in Burnaby on July 24 / 2007, which like at Megantic, the Nazi media called it oil. The internet shows cars covered with tar, 250 people were affected, five houses were unlivable for months and most of the tar went into Burrard Inlet, sinking to the bottom. 20 miles of shoreline was affected. Two points, the Nazi media buried that story, as they did the Husky tar spill on the North Saskatchewan River. Second, everyone from the politicians on down, never spoke the word TAR! In the Naked City TV show there was the opening line, ” There are eight million stories in the City “. There have got to be that many stories at least, in Canada, that our Nazi media has never covered. And that number grows with each passing day? Canadians are in the same fantasy bubble as the poor, sad sack Americans, who just had their Country stolen!. Our only advantage at this moment is we still have a valid ballot and we have CONTEXT!!! FOR HOW LONG WHO KNOWS??? FREEDOM CAN BE A FLEETING THING UNLESS PROTECTED AND NURTURED??? RIGHT NOW THERE IS NOT A LOT OF PROTECTING AND NURTURING GOING ON!!! The USA lugenpresse and its’ subsidiaries in Canada and the UK is are dedicated to the exact opposite of the truth, they are paid by THE USA rightpublicanazis to lie, fabricate, misinform, confuse, promote anxiety and set one community against another. TO GET FROM LUGENPRESSE, RELIABLE INFORMATION WHICH YOU CAN SINK YOUR TEETH INTO AND DEPEND ON IN SETTING YOUR COURSE??? YOU * HAVE * TO * BE * FUCKING * KIDDING!!! The Canadian LYING PRESS encompasses the National Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Tor. Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC. We here saw their efforts on behalf of AMERIGREED during the 2015 Federal Election. The Brits were subjected to same London lying press during the run up to BREXIT! Now the London lugenpresse has sounded the drum beats as Theresa May, as illegitimate as Trumpf, has called a snap election for partisan political reasons. This, to begin the dismantling of democracy in England, as a means of placating AMERIGREED. This to take away the rights of the citizenry to choose by vote, their riding representative. said representative thereafter become nothing more than a Fascist lackie, in May’s Party. I would suggest to the Brits, vote for anyone other than the Fascists who are nothing more than American stooges. With any institution, the removal of rights and privileges without due process, sets said institution on the slippery slope, escape from which is made more difficult with each passing day. Theresa May should be forced to resign and the snap election, tailored to America’s bidding, should be cancelled. The USA needs Britain to be part of the EU so that the Country can have its’ wealth stripped without reference to the people. The Americans need the London financial establishment to launder money in and out of Europe. And need Britain to facilitate the wealth stripping by the USA of individual European countries, something which AMERIGREED can’t accomplish through their friends in Brussels. BREXIT is real poop on a stick to the Yankees and they will do anything to delegitimize the BREXIT vote. Theresa May, on behalf of AMERIGREED has started that process. To think that Parliament, 340 years on, could be reduced to a mere debating chamber, under USA control, without a single shot being fired, boggles the mind. Amerigreed undermined democracy in the USA, that effort has been completely successful, now the Second US Civil War has begun, completely based on White supremacy, and the elimination of the Black factor. In Canada, the scuttling of our democracy is ON GOING as our USA paid Nazi media carries out the AMERIGREED CAMPAIGN directed at putting the Harper Fascists back in charge in 2019. The present antics of Jason Kenney and all the Fascist leadership contestants is just being done to divert the attention of Canadians [ as in watching-the-bouncing-ball ]. I am sure the plans for voter suppression, ROBO calls and poll disruption are already in the US rightpublican can, ready to unleash on this Nation come 2019. Paul Godfrey already knows the drill. His paper empire is just that a paper empire, deeply in debt. But AMERIGREED doesn’t care. They only require Godfrey to stay afloat and spew his poisoned info until the election of 2019. The thinking is that with the reinstallation of Herr Harper as Fuhrer, there will be no need for a Nazi press, AMERIGREED will just issue decrees, which will posted in the city centres. Canadians, forced to assemble there, will receive their daily instructions. You might think I am kidding??? But think, if you still can? If the Canadian ballot becomes as useless as the present USA ballot, then the sounds of American jackboots and the knock on the door in the middle of the night WILL BE HEARD. Don’t believe me??? WHO WILL STOP THEM??? YOU WILL HAVE no connection with those then running the Country! In the everyday riots now taking place at Berkeley, the police are turning a blind eye to Trumpf supporters bringing weapons to the protests. After each scuffle the Trumpf Brownshits claim victory on social media and encourage other wing nuts to join the struggle. The Great Orange Creaton vocally supports their violence. What more could a stupid young whitie want? Having the opportunity to bash someone’s head in, penalty free and with the full backing of the Prez is a gift from hell. The democratic remedy here in Canada is to put our Nazi media, including Godfrey out of business BEFORE the 2019 election and to boycott any company which advertises with the Nat. Post and the other media. Hit businesses where it hurts. The message to businesses should be, YOU mess with my Canada and YOU can forget my patronage and dollars. In the UK, the first line of democratic defense is to thwart Theresa May’s illegitimate snap election. No election should be held in any democracy at the behest of AMERIGREED!!! Especially when the ballot gets watered down, American style? On the matter of washers and dryers which blow up [ USA ] or catch fire [ UK ], there are links to Canada, the UK and the USA.


I began my mechanical training about age 10. Our basement was full of old washing machines, which I scrapped for good parts or metals. Each tear down presented a problem, how to tackle the job and what tools were needed. I believe this experience sent me on a special trajectory over the years. When faced with a problem, I search for a solution and then get on with the job. Once the problem has been dissected, there is no need for further chatter. I am a Progressive Conservative. I have had a bellyful of the US hard right wingers who stole my Fed. / Prov. Parties. They create nothing but problems, talk incessantly about same and use their handiwork as the basis of blame giving. The aforementioned problems are left to fester. A population under constant stress doesn’t have time to go into the streets. So in creating problems and ignoring problems which appear from time to time, the hard right uses the turmoil as a means of people control. In the USA Samsung top load washers are exploding. There has been a total recall of millions of machines by the Company. Being an expert would lead me to believe that the balance weights are breaking free and thus the load tears the machine apart in the spin cycle. But I yet to see a complete schematic of the offending machines to be able to identify the exact problem. In the UK and the USA Whirlpool dryers are catching fire at an alarming rate. In the UK, the Fascist Government of Theresa May, has been forced to act. For 2 years, now the Government and Whirlpool have worked together to cover up the fires. Whirlpool, a typical USA Corporation has tried to ignore the dangers of their poorly designed dryers and shift responsibility onto the homeowners. Now there has been a recall of millions of Whirlpool dryers. It is interesting that the coverage of at least 1000 fires in the UK has been so lightly covered by the Nazi media there. Again jaw, jaw, jaw the problem, do not investigate. Who in the media would finger Whirlpool as a rogue Corporation, manufacturing faulty appliances which put homeowners at risk. One must never anger a big advertiser, even if the Company is killing people. It is a terrible dilemma. The media depends on the masses for survival and pleads fealty to same. Trust and the truth are common words used by media, which are in real terms just window dressing. The Nazi media takes money from companies like Whirlpool to BREAK TRUST AND TO TELL LIES! The tumble dryer fires, is one of the biggest consumer scandals to hit England in years. For two years now, everyone who knows nothing about the situation has had a go. A typical right wing approach to a problem, keep throwing shit at the wall, hoping some of it sticks. The Government, MPs, regulators, the Peterborough trades standards board, reporters, safety authorities and the like have succeeded in muddying the waters sufficiently so that homeowners are left in limbo and on the hook. So those who should be considered first, are considered last, while those responsible are scurry about to save their asses. Just like Megantic! The design flaw which is causing the fires in dryers in the UK and USA should have been identified right at the start of the fires. The design flaw has everything to do with Whirlpool greed and can be termed CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE. I am surprised at May, Government MPs in Parliament seek to shelter Whirpool without evidence, rather than taking the people’s side. I am reminded of that old joke, ” How many Englishmen does it take to change a light bulb “? The Answer Is, envelope please. ” One to hold the bulb and 20 Englishmen to turn the house around “! In the dryer fire saga, it is the case of do not seek and ye shall never find! So many people, who know nothing, have had so much to say, and say it so often! HERE IS THE SKINNY. Even a village idiot will be able to follow my diagnosis. You can go on U tube and confirm my comments. Most dryers in the UK, as well as North America have drums which are belt driven. Such multi V belts are made as thin as possible to ensure that they do not last like the old V belts. The changeover from V belts to multi V belts did not lower the price of the dryers. The savings were pocketed by the makers, but the customers were not told their quart of milk was now a half quart for the same price. AMERIGREED, DON’T YOU KNOW. The new teenie meenie multi belts encircle the drum and then loop over a small pulley on the motor shaft. To maintain belt tension there is an idler system consisting of an arm, pulley and a spring, which always keeps the belt tight. The drums, rather than being supported by a shaft and bearing set, as in the old days, are supported front and back by felt dust seals. And for mechanical support there are nylon wear pads, little roller skate wheels [ $ 50 a pair ] or a tiny drum shaft the diameter of a ball point pen / bushing the size of a Tiny Tim doughnut. From a longevity point this is all shit. No engineer would put his name on this stuff. These were executive decisions made to boost profits and screw consumers. Dryers produce a lot of lint which is like mild sand / cotton batten like. Every part that turns should be prelubricated and completely enclosed like the wheel bearings on a car. So the pads, wheels and little drum shaft are all in the open and wear down like crazy because of the lint. 30% to 40% of washers/ dryers now have major problems in the first 3 years and are thrown out by the time they reach five years of age. They are clogging up the landfills which are sustained by the taxpayers. Governments do nothing in the UK, Canada or the USA about these inferior products and their affect on the environment. Such washers and dryers must be safety approved by Underwriters Labs, CSA in Canada and a Government authority in the UK [ which I have not been able to identify ]. I suspect, like in so many cases, Cameron spread the responsibility around to so many department that NOBODY is responsible for the dryer fires. That is why there is major flooding in the UK each year, NOBODY is responsible! The Fascist Government in Whitehall, can’t admit to climate change, for fear of invoking the wrath of AMERIGREED. In fact, there are a number of home grown quarter wits in England, who are US paid Global Warming deniers. They get a USA pay cheque for selling out the planet, never mind the UK. We have got many such stooges in Canada, who like Yankee dollars better than this Country. If I had my way I’d swing them all. I’d even pull the trap door lever. Back to the lousy tumble dryers. The privately owned UL, CSA and UK officialdom, sell approval stickers for appliances among other products but don’t do any testing. The makers say, this is a good dryer, completely safe, BOY SCOUTS HONOUR. The maker hands over the million dollar approval fee to a private firm [ their major interest $s ], which is tasked by government to protect the public. In a sense the makers buy a license to screw the public unmolested by politicians. This is the case with Whirlpool in the UK. After 2 years the Minister responsible for the fire file just backs and fills, and has been doing so since the fires started. MPs have been writing to Maurizio Pellovino, CEO of Whirlpool in the UK, in this regard. Pellovino just ignores the elected representatives of the people. He has got Theresa May by the balls. Her Government has allowed Whirlpool to market unsafe dryers for a fee. To deal with the situation in a forthright manner, May would have to reveal all the rotten goings on behind the Government curtain. Things are so bad that the London Fire Chief said, unplug you tumble dryer and DON’T USE IT! HE WAS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. NO MATTER HOW MUCH MONEY THERESA MAY AND WHIRLPOOL HAND TO THE NAZI PRESS TO DO A COVER UP, THIS TIME IT WILL NOT SUCCEED. EVERY DRYER THAT DOES NOT HAVE A BELT BREAK SAFETY SWITCH IS THE EQUIVALENT OF AN INCENDIARY BOMB. IT IS LIKE A HOUSE WITH NO FUSE PANEL. IT IS DISGUSTING WHAT AMERIGREED WILL DO FOR MONEY! IF YOU HAVE A DRYER WITHOUT A BELT BREAK SAFETY SWITCH, CALL YOUR LAWYER! Back to the dryer. The motor is running, the belt is revolving, the drum turning and the clothes are tumbling, heat is on. This poorly designed system not only has to drive the load of wet clothes, but at the same time overcome unprotected bearing surfaces as well as the abrasive qualities of lint. This level of stress, caused by the poor drum / drive design, calls out for a super strong belt, something an engineer would require. But rather, some Whirlpool executive said, let’s put an ever cheaper belt on the thing. With that decision the seeds have been sown that will bankrupt Whirlpool [ an aside : Not one of the touts who are pushing Whirlpool stock, ever mention the UK dryer fires. Well if I were a Whirlpool stock holder I’d get out now! ]. So the drum is turning, damp clothes tumbling and a 4000 watt coil heater is being cycled on and off by a thermostat. If that thermostat fails there is another hi limit safety thermostat, with even a higher setting, which will turn the heat off, so far so good! NOW WHEN THE TEENIE BELT BREAKS WHAT HAPPENS?????? Back in the 1950s / 60s / 70s, I sold EASY washers and dryers. Quality stuff, some are still around. The main reason so many of the old EASYs bit the dust, GE in the USA, killed off the parts supply. A favourite American pastime, kill off the competition by any means at hand, legal or illegal. My old EASY dryers had a drum break safety switch, even with the old, heavy V belts. If the drive belt failed and broke, the motor [ spring loaded ], broke a connection and the motor shut off. Back in that day, there were lazy people too [ not many ], who would not clean their lint traps. Over the years my customer books held the names of 70,000 customer, many of then repeats. I was called in on two fires where lint had caught fire. Both fires were contained within the cabinets and there was no external room damage. Both dryers were destroyed internally [ wiring and such caused the fuses to blow ]. Whirlpool and their paid supporters, both in Parliament and outside are blaming customers for not cleaning their lint traps. That is a red herring! This to avoid taking responsibility and the Nazi press is paid to play along. As the Merry-go-round happily goes around, everyone is riding a horse except the dryer customer! Lint does flash and if there is a quantity it will burn quickly. But contained within a steel box, the event is over in minutes, lots of smoke but no fire. Lint doesn’t generally burn long enough to ignite plastic parts, they may just melt and droop. So our sample dryer suffers a belt break and there should be a provision to shut the motor off. In doing so, a second pair of contacts within the motor disconnects the heater. This is 50 year old technology. A belt break switch should be required by Regulation. Hello UL / CSA / UK safety authorities! But we have to remember, UL / CSA were paid millions by Whirlpool for a License to Extort money from consumers. In 1974 General Motors patented a belt break safety switch, 20 years after EASY was already installing such safety switches. The USA patent office, like UL / CSA, works closely with American corporations to give them an advantage. Loose patents are granted in the USA, which gives AMERIGREED plenty of wiggle room to sue foreign competitors for patent infringement. As well, the Supreme Court of Canada has noted that American Courts give wide interpretations to USA patents. If there is a doubt AMERIGREED always gets the nod. It should be plain to anyone with brains, that with any deal arranged with the Americans, you will get screwed. NAFTA and softwood lumber included. But AMERIGREED pays our homegrown politicians in Canada and the USA to look the other way. So Whirlpool has a complete knowledge of belt break switches and installs same on their most expensive machines. Who would think otherwise? A typical American stance, look after the upper crust. The masses will also buy Whirlpool washers and dryer too, but they can go to hell or heaven in a casket. So the belt is broken on a UK Whirpool dryer, the motor continues to run and the heat stays on. A dryer coil element [ 4000 W to 5000 W ], is bigger that the one in the lower part of the oven of a full size electric stove. The hi level safety thermostats are generally set for 245 def F. If a home owner is fortunate to have a belt break early in the drying cycle, the clothes will still be soaking wet and they will not catch fire. Any lint in the element chamber will have flashed at some time or other and presents NO DANGER. Burned lint will not catch fire easily. Thus the one remaining danger, is clothes in the drum which are well dried. If the load is synthetic, is dry or almost dry and motionless, it will catch fire sitting right next to a big hot element. Put a tea towel on a surface element of a stove and see how fast it lights up! At the Sheppard’s Bush fire, the woman smelled smoke, it was coming from the dryer. She opened the hot door and the load of clothes was burning. There is the smoking gun. I would say the majority of fires in the UK and in North America are caused by belts breaking and the clothes in the drum catching fire. Blaming lint is a Parliament / Whirlpool / officialdom cop out. These Whirlpool dryers have many plastic parts. With 10 pounds of clothes on fire everything plastic will melt then burn, as well as the wires. The fuses in the panel will blow but there is by then enough combustible material, including a plastic control panel / back cover involved to allow the fire to move outside the box into the laundry room. So to save a dollar seventy five, Whirlpool deleted the belt break switches on many models. Now millions of homeowners are at risk. As suggested, everyone call their lawyer. No dryer in the world, without a belt break safety switch should be used. Any politician, UL / CSA, safety body, etc, which does not now order that such dryers be withdrawn from service is guilty of criminal negligence and should be charged. First off, every dryer which does not have a belt break switch should be unplugged, NOW! At the earliest date a belt break switch must be installed, then the dryer will be safe to use. I hate the Whirlpool Corporation with a passion, but looking to ease the burden on homeowners world wide, I’ll make this offer. Since Whirlpool no longer employs competent engineers, for a price I will design belt break safety switches for the various models for a price. All I need are the blue prints for each model and the corresponding schematic. This, so I can access the wiring harness. I would suggest that Whirlpool assemble kits of same for each model and have the customers register their machines. Kits could be sent out quickly along with a voucher to cover the labour involved in the installation. I think this is the easiest path for CEO Mauvizio Pellovino, and the quickest way to resolve the situation. It will be demeaning I know, for the mighty Whirlpool to have to seek help from a lowly appliance serviceman like me, but this fire situation needs to be made right, immediately. After 2 years of toe dancing, the kits will be the most cost effective way to prevent any more fires. This approach may just save Whirlpool from bankruptcy. Now the cause of the fires has been identified, it is my guess class action law suits will proceed. THIS IS A SLAM DUNK! WHIRLPOOL KNOWINGLY SOLD TUMBLE DRYERS THAT WERE A DANGER TO CUSTOMERS. I dislike lawyers almost as much as I dislike Whirlpool, but I am prepared to act as an expert witness in such trials that will bring justice to injured consumers. Millions of them have suffered ENOUGH! Now we have monopoly situations in appliances. Whirlpool owns North America, Electrolux owns Europe and the Asians / China have a small share globally under their own brands. But Asians actually manufacture most of the appliances sold by Whirlpool and Electrolux. The Asians know a lot about cell phones and electronics, but nothing about real washing machines and dryers. Their engineering is appalling. With a monopoly, of course comes arrogance. Whirlpool / Electrolux can do what they want, produce shit for ptofit and charge what you want. Apparently the Can., UK and USA Governments have little interest in whether your appliances is a piece of shit or not, when it falls apart, blows up or catches fire after 8 months. UL / CSA sell licenses to extort the public, and they do just that! However, on the dryer fires situation the politicians now have no more wiggle room! Plainly put, the dryer drum belt breaks, the motor does not shut off, and the blower keeps running too. The heat remains ON, while the clothes are now dormant. What you have is a sort of blow torch, in which the super heated air is directed right at a pile of dry / almost dry clothes. Synthetics would ignite in a matter of minutes. My explanation can be confirmed by the London Fire Chief. How many of the dryers that caught fire had belt break safety switches??? Whirlpool and its’ stooge group throw in the lint factor to muddy the waters and distract attention. As of the date of this post, the Courts now have enough meat to fine or jail those responsible for this wanton act of Criminal Negligence.


The Easy automatic washers and dryers of my day were quality built. EASY Canada was started about 1920 by the Eccles Brothers who had seen an American made vacuum cup washer out of Syracuse NY., this at a trade show. They built machines under license and soon gain a large following. My Grandfather, George Hobbs, was one of the first workers hired. The Eccles operated out of a little factory at 2 Clinton Place, the building is still there, a law office now. The business expanded and the Company moved to Lombard St., across the street from the Toronto City Morgue. Gramps George got my Dad, Sydney Spratley a job at EASY. My Dad remembered looking down on the morgue from the second floor at all the bodies lined up. More space was required and EASY then moved to Geary Ave. The business continued to grow and a new factory was built at Miranda / Schell Aves., near the old Toronto Belt Line. It was expanded a couple of time. The old factory is still there, a block long. My Dad worked for EASY for 25 years before starting his own business. When the automatics came in, EASY had been manufacturing wringers and spin driers for 30 years. Although earlier machines had been made under license from Syracuse, EASY here began designing its’ own washers and the similarities disappeared. Canadian EASYs were simpler and more robust than their American cousins. Once automatic washers and dryers appeared, Canadian / USA machines bore little resemblance. In my view Syracuse produced finely made USA EASY machines, almost like a watches, beautifully engineered, over engineered. They did not stand up and were difficult to repair. EASY Can., manufactured simpler machines, exceptionally long lived and easy / cheap to repair. EASY Can. was a poor relative and did not have the expensive production tooling, so they had to be inventive. Seek and ye shall find! For the washer, a customer could buy 4L54″ replacement belt from Canadian Tire, $ 3. Frigidaire sold a belt for their machine, which was 1/3rd the size and three time the price. It was easy selling EASY against the USA crap coming across the border Both the washer and dryer were exceptional laundry appliances. The best washing action ever, the Spiralator was used. It and the dryer were almost indestructible. I sold a great many of them. Breakdowns were few and far between. Although there was a year warranty, it seldom came into affect. I know what a reliable, inexpensive laundry pair look like. Oh there were things that I changed in the course of my servicing of same. One was putting shrouds over the motors to protect then against flooding when a sock got in the pump. Shortly thereafter the Factory copied my idea. EASYs were shipped across Canada and there was a branch in Montreal. The Company wanted my Dad to take over the Montreal branch. But he was bent on opening his own service business. As business increased in Canada for washers and dryers, there came time the Americans wanted in. Not to come in and compete with our superior products. They didn’t have anything close to compete with EASY machines, so plan B kicked in. Buy EASY and close it down, that’s exactly what GE did. It is said that the meek shall inherit the earth. Canada lives in the shadow of the American flag. For some Canadians, the Stars and Stripe holds top rank at the top of our flag pole. The Red Maple Leaf is lower down. These turncoats have found they can make a lot of money selling out this Nation as they play both sides of the street. They boldly play their Canadian role while being paid to let AMERIGREED in the back door. There is a whole industry, ” The Selling Out of Canada “, which the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, CTV, Global and the CBC happily engage in. Supply management??? Is certainly covered, over and over! Trudeau’s hair??? Why yes, hugely covered??? Let Canadians know what is really going on in their Country as regards the American takeover??? Nothing, NADA! Really, all the meek are going to get is a nasty screwing from the Americans. Right now Trumpf is going on about our supply management in dairy and softwood lumber. At this very moment the US government is dumping surplus milk bought from farmers at high prices by the US taxpayers into ditches. It would be cheaper if Washington could sell [ dump ] that milk in Canada to recoup some of their loses. Our dairy supply management system stands in their way. So the Nazi media is being paid to pave the way for the Yanks to dump product here and stick it to our farmers. Both the National Post and Globe Lugenpresse have been hammering away at this subject for the last three years about this being some cozy arrangement for our farmers, meaning a higher cost of milk and cheese for Canadians. Bullshit. The milk system in Canada serves the people well. Milk is plentiful here, readily available and sold at a fair price. What Paul Godfrey and David Thomson do not tell you is that half the agricultural products in California are under supply management. Only with the usual American cheat wrinkle. The USA runs the biggest trade protectionist racket in the world. In every trade negotiations they lie about their Government subsidies and under the table payments to the elites / powerful / corporations / farmers. The Americans know they are lying. The countries dealing with them know they are lying, but are too afraid to complain for fear of being cut off, so a quarter of a loaf is better than NO LOAF AT ALL? Canada doesn’t have to play their game, although Harper, Mulroney, Paul Godfrey, David Thomson et al, insist that we give in. AMERIGREED PAYS THEM TO SAY SO. This Country is unique among nations, we could be self sufficient, we lack for nothing, a hospitable growing climate, increasing in size with Global Warming. We have water, petroleum energy and hydro electric power coming out of our ears. We are a healthy, educated creative population. But we lack one thing and it is huge. We lack the will to assert ourselves as regards the USA. We are prepared to allow OUR DREAMS TO NEVER COME TRUE IN RETURN FOR A PAT ON THE HEAD BY THE GREEDY AMERICANS. Since WW II it is easy to see how the USA has maneuvered and picked for themselves the choicest morsels. But the pinnacle is a slippery slope. To keep top spot requires much thought and effort. It is rare for a leadership with malice on its’ mind to fool the oppressed for very long. This is a fact lost on the right. When you hold all the top cards, the world is your oyster. America’s riches were gain at the expense of the blacks. It is easy to get rich if you have slaves who work for free. After the First great War the USA emerged unscathed, fat, rich and happy. It only took the Republicans ten years to destroy that period of prosperity. FDR and the new deal brought America 50 years of progress wherein bankers were reined in, the laws were enforced and the middle class was created. This huge chunk of the peasantry began TO SHARE IN THE FRUITS OF THE SPOILS WHICH RESIDED IN THE USA, especially after WW II. The wealth gap then narrowed in the US between rich and poor, and it was a golden time. With the fall of Nixon and the 1973 OPEC oil crisis, precipitated by Washington and the American oil monopoly, the suits in the USA realized the big stars and stripes bully did not hold ALL THE LEVERS OF POWER! That they pledged to change. With the advent of Ron Reagan the American debt, to fund USA hegemony, was becoming a drag, he was having to raise taxes. The republicanazis resolved to take action on a number of fronts, this to make others pay for America’s greatness. The elites would still get more than their share but workers, minorities and foreigners would foot the bill. So for 30 years that has been the rightie agenda! Corporate America would be given a place of honour at the Reagan White House table, free money and every advantage possible. Screw other countries and lie about it. The politicians / elites in other countries would be bought off, by showering them with money and offers of US council to secure and hold political power [ as in the Can. 2011 Election, which Harper stole with US help ]. The ignorant masses globe wide would be kept in the dark by a media in the pay of AMERIGREED. Paul Godfrey National Post is an excellent example! There would be special global status for turncoats. Herr Harper, a mentally unbalanced nobody, was put on the world stage, just for kissing American asses! The abandonment of the American working men and women was a way to finance America’s hold on world power but to me that was a ticking time bomb. That bomb has now detonated in ways never anticipated by the rightpublicanazis. In order to gain control of the global money supply sweetheart deals made with foreigners bankers in many countries, including London and Brussels. Such bankers would launder money for the USA, and get a cut, as would the Nazi media just to keep their mouths shut. In this way Washington would reach its’ objectives with clean hands and be able to continue telling lies. American lies in this regard are of historic proportions, raised to an even higher level by the Great Orange Creaton. The Post, Globe, Star, Sun, CTV, Global and the CBC are paid to peddle all these lies uncensored and with NO REGARD FOR FAIRNESS, LIBEL, THE OTHER SIDE OF EACH STORY OR THE RISK IT POSSES FOR CANADA? In terms of Canada’s banks, the Yanks never succeeded in gaining control because we have banking laws. But our luck was sorely threatened as Herr Harper desperately tried to give AMERIGREED control of our banks. He failed!!! Corporate America has bought up everything in sight with free US greenbacks, and killed competition in Canada, the UK and in Europe. Whirlpool is a good example carried to the extreme? It is easy to see who in these countries is on the USA take, they constantly sing the American company song. In Canada, besides individuals like Steve Harper, Preston Manning, Jason Kenney and Kevin O’Leary, entities like the Fraser, C. D. Howe, Macdonald Laurier, Manning Institutes, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation [ funded by the USA ], the Canadian Federation of Small Business [ funded by the USA ] and the Universities of Calgary and Carleton in Ottawa, carry the AMERIGREED BALL and are nicley paid to sell you out. History has taught some of us, that for the elites to create a scenario in which they strip the wealth from their societies, they must mask their efforts and make sure the peasantry gets just enough goodies for them to back the scheme. But history also shows us that said elites get greedy and that delicate balance is not maintained and let slip. Eventually every Bastille gets stormed. Just look at the USA to-day??? The Republican spent 30 years crafting a white racist base, that was stupid and easily excited to violence. On the other side of the coin, the Repubs in 33 States instituted voter suppression and passed laws which disenfranchised Blacks and other minorities. The idea was that the rightpublicanazis would always have their own ignorant mob, which could be switched on at any time by rightish rhetoric, as well as limiting the ballot strength of minorities by virtue of endless roadblocks. This arrangement was supposed to keep the Repub hierarchy in perpetual power. A sort of 3 way split. The right, rich and famous would have their riches in perpetuity. The dumb ass white suppremacists, would always take comfort and be satisfied with their superior ranking and never demand any tangible or monetary rewards. The third group would become the new slaves, deprived of their rights to vote and harassed at every opportunity. Well this was the plan anyway, not well thought out? I don’t think anyone could have imagined that Don Trumpf would come along, ignore the Repub hierarchy, seize their base of ignorant white racists and steal the presidential key. Trumpf spoke their language, the language of the demented and promised to create the America that the Republicans promised every two years but never delivered on. The voter suppression / vote rigging system formulated by the Repubs, to their own benefit, was used to Trumpf’s advantage. Great Orange, took the Presidency with less votes than Clinton! So the vote in the USA, now has no currency! . We can look back historically, to the meanderings of mother nature and human nature. We see the results of the ever moving planet and the efforts of human kind to adapt to the unknowable. You have to look to very ancient times for such successes. The ancient Greek civilization lasted 350 years. Rome hung on for 500 years. Modern Britain is still thriving, this after 1000 years, in spite of USA attempts to make the English a vassal state via the EU. Likewise our Nazi media, would prefer Canada to have the same status, that of vassaldom. The USA now goes into the history books as having expired after only 240 years. This short life span have everything to do with elite greed, the purposeful dumbing down of the population and a concerted effort by the Nazi media there to leave reality and truth behind, replacing it with a fantasy land, where every dream is touted to come true. Where in truth, all dreams and dreaming are crushed. In terms of the Nazi’s 1000 year Reich, it lasted but 12 years. But is was 12 years of monumentous destruction, in terms of lives as well as property! After years of deprivation, caused by the Mad Kaiser’s War, Germans flocked to the siren song of Hitler and his rabble. Hitler gave them jobs making military hardware using borrowed American money. He gave the workers houses he stole from the Jews. Hitler promised pensions and free health care. He ever produced an everyman’s car which could be purchased by making time payments. The Fuhrer never intended to deliver such the VW, it was just a PR campaign, along with all of his other lies!. What the German people gave up to gain these goodies WAS THEIR FREEDOM. You know where that took them. AMERICANS HAVE NOW DONE THE SAME! By 1945 5.5 million Germans were dead and their 150 largest cities had been turned into rubble, mostly by Bomber Harris and his BOYS with the USA 8th Airforce in a supporting role. Too many white racists in the USA have waived their freedom and rights in the Trumpf campaign to, ” To Make America great again “. We’ll soon see where this case of mass hallucination takes the Yankees??? I predict there will be NO, ” Hail-Mary-Pass “! The greedy AMERIGREED holds no legitimate levers of power now, it doesn’t invent anything any more, it doesn’t manufacture anything any more and the skills and technology needed have been offshored to China and Asia. Control of the global money by the USA is based on crime, Wall St. laundering and corruption. To function, this scheme needs a whole army of turncoat operatives in other countries, namely Canada, the UK and Brussels to keep the supply of illicit funds flowing. A wild animal is at its’ most dangerous when wounded. Trumpf and his Repub lackies will not want to tell the white armed mob they can’t pay the bills. So the pressure to extract tribute for their friends will increase. Canada is already under pressure to ante more money and grant increased concessions. The Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC are recommending Canadians surrender even more than money, sovereignty! My advice to Canadians still stands after 500 posts, buy a Canadian newspaper and kill your Canadian dreams and the dreams of your children!!! Europe is in the forefront of Green Technology, the USA is nowhere to be seen. Canadians long for a helping of Green, to bolster their commitment to a sustainable future, but AMERIGREED has intervened to rain on our parade with the help of the American oil monopoly in Calgary, the Alberta / Federal Fascist Parties, the McGuinty Liberals and our Nazi media. The USA is being et by Global Warming, being so close to the Equator. The Northern Hadley Cell has expanded many degrees north of the Equator to consume the Southern States as well as California. These States are becoming deserts again and there is no turning back no matter how much Congress threatens the meteorologists to stay mum. Canada is benefiting from Global Warming, as we are much farther from the Equator. Our Northern reaches of ice and snow are becoming arable land. As the ability of the many countries which string along the Equator, to grow food, Canada has the unique opportunity to become the bread basket of the world. We need to establish supply management right across the entire Country, as Churchill did in England during WW II. What is the point of 20 farmers growing apple and no pumpkins. To grow food for the world would require us to know what foods are required, and how the production of those foods could could be fitted into our agricultural landscape. The Niagara region in Ont. and the Lethbridge / Medicine Hat areas have the best growing soil, in the world. These locations could produce specialty crops to beat anything California grows. Well on second thought, California won’t be growing stuff for much longer, their rivers and wells are running dry. We should be preparing for that day, there is so much to do and yet we seem paralyzed? Canadians farmers have been shut out of many world markets due to the hidden subsidies paid to US farmers by Washington. Another place that is of interest to me is the Palliser’s Triangle, a huge area of beautiful, arable land in Southern Alberta / Saskatchewan. Problem! It sits in the rain shadow of the Rockies and it lacks the water to grow bountiful crops. It could be easily irrigated but that would require Ottawa muscle and money. This idea will cause the rightpublicanazis in both Provinces to push back. Did you know the Keystone XL Pipeline is a dual purpose pipe. It could carry tar / Benzine to Texas to be upgraded and refined for the world market [ not USA consumers like the North American Nazi media keeps telling us ]. What is so attractive to the US congress is that Russ Girling has sold them on the idea that it could bring Alberta water to Texas to alleviate drought conditions there. Once that tap was turned on Canadians could never turn it off even if Alta., Sask. and Man. became deserts. I can’t understand Brad Wall, Preem of Sask, and noted US ass kisser, he knows that this XL Pipeline is designed to carry Rockies water to Texas, meaning Sask. will run dry. If he doesn’t know that Girling has put the Province’s water on the line Brad’s even dumber than I thought? A marshaling of the west by Ottawa and the Prairie Provinces to turn it into the food basket of the world will be a huge undertaking and require the skills of people who have the ability to size up the future. Of course no right wingers should be let within a mile of such a project. The righties and CEOs have no idea what will happen tomorrow morning, never mind 10 years hence. It will be too late to act, when millions of Bangladeshies are starving. This whole world food apparatus needs to be put in place now. Under normal conditions such an idea would drive AMERIGREED nuts. But this kind of thinking needs to be engaged in. Trumpf is already throwing Canada, like a bit of meat, to the the rabid whities in the USA. We are very close and usually can be frightened into complying. I particularly dislike bullies! The Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC will be paid big to frighten Canadians into surrendering to Trumpf bluster and cover up all the exit signs. My response is two fold. Irrigate the West before that water can be stolen by the Yankkees. Second, turn Canada, with a population of 35 million, into the market for Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba tar and natural gas. No more imported gasoline and diesel, refined by the American oil monopoly from ISIS oil, stolen from the Iraqi people! And no more cheap, Pennsylvania fracked natural gas sold to Ontario and Quebec at Alberta prices! We have a couple of options. Canadians can tell Trumpf to go fuck himself and develop a whole course of action taking into consideration this Country’s exclusive needs, with the USA out of the picture??? And due consideration given to the needs of the world as to how we might assist in such a humanitarian endeavour. Or we can always surrender yet again and get ready to bend over yet again??? If we go our own way, the only thing Trumpf could do is order the invasion of Canada. Rather, I think the Army will seize Washington after the Republicans close down the Country, in defense of the Constitution? That America was ever great is debatable??? The USA stole and swindled its’ way to the top on the back of the blacks and helpless smaller countries. This GREATNESS STUFF is all self fashioned PR. It is that Hitler thing again. If you own the media and YOU CAN SAY OF YOURSELF YOU ARE GREAT often enough, many with a limited IQ will believe you. You can clearly see so many of those very losers on U Tube every night. How can a Country that always steals what belongs to other be considered GREAT??? The Yanks are the ones, like Godfrey and Thomson who insist that Canada’s best bet is to keep our ropes tightly afixed to the USS Titanic, a doomed ship that is headed for the bottom. I just wonder how sore Canadian assholes have to get from the constant reaming by AMERIGREED, before they finally choose FREEDOM over SELFDOM, SO THAT THEY BECOME MASTERS AND MISTRESSES IN THEIR OWN HOUSE????? If that is even possible?????? I laugh at white racists including Trumpf. They don’t know what manhood is all about. American women deserve much better than these losers! With the illegal election of Trumpf, America OFFICIALLY cut ties with democracy. As a result Canada must change its’ stance. We are now dealing with a dysfunctional dictatorship, in which everything will be take and no give. My long journey through life has brought me into contact with a few selfish, bullying, dishonest, lying, cheating sons-of-bitches. There must be a safety switch in the back of my brain which shuts off, when I encounter such people. Whatever the initial cost of such a failed relationship, I write off and am thankful that any future losses have been avoided. The offender disappears from my screen, NEVER TO EVER REAPPEAR! I have written Trumpf off, I care nothing about what he does or doesn’t do, except as regards Canada. Canadian rightpublicanazis like Paul Godfrey and David Thomson are on a collision course with reality, like so many Americans both pro and anti TrumpF! Humans are a very intelligent species but they meet their match when mother nature turns nasty. Those who take note of the changes and adapt, are the ones who will survive. It is impossible for the rightpublicanazis in USA, Can. and the UK to change course. We either follow the righties to oblivion or run through that door called FREEDOM which beckons yonder??? History has some lessons about adapting or not adapting? Cro-Magnon men appeared in Europe 45,000 years ago, having been the last humans to leave Africa. Their many remains are scattered throughout Europe, North and South. I find fault with archeologists because they seem to be uninterested in the larger picture of the march of humankind. Every find of human remains is identified individually and locally. And my-brother-is-bigger-than-your-brother takes over. Each dig must be unique and the finders equally so, it turns into as contest. I think the remains of 90 Neanderthals have been found, a few in the Levant, some in Southern Russia. mostly in Northern Germany, all of France and a few in Spain. In all of the Neanderthal literature, three things stick out. There is much turf defending as to Neanderthal dates and movements by those in the field, as it relates to interaction with Homo Sapiens. It seems to me that the 90 finds could / should be timelined and then compared with ice age activity. To my untrained eye there were three warmish periods in Europe [ super warm { 40 deg F }, 135,000 years ago to 125,000 ] [ moderate { 28 deg F }, 125,000 to 75,000 years ago, and warm { 22 deg F } 30,000 to 25,000 ]. The Neanderthal presence lasted in Europe from 125,000 year ago to 45,000, then they went extinct. When the Neanderthals came out of Africa into Europe they would have found a lush climate in Northern German which held for 50,000 years. A long ice age had lasted from [ cold { 15 deg F } 200,000 years ago to 150,000 ]. This cold climate would have killed the vegetation and the animals. Neanderthals were small game hunters and their flint tool kit remained the same from 125,000 years to their extinction. Their tools did not change because change was not necessary to survive. A constant warm temperature, thick vegetation and an abundance of small animals would have met the Neanderthals needs perfectly, for 50,000 years Then 75,000 years ago it started to get cold again. Added to this new approaching ice age, was the eruption of a volcano in Indonesia, Mount Toba, one of the biggest, ever. The airborne ash caused a 1000 year permanent winter, hastening the already approaching ice sheet. Neanderthals, a people, who had never had to adapter to anything, had nowhere to go. They could not return to Africa because Toba blow froze the area north of the Levant in Syria. Any humans coming out of Africa at that time, following the animals would have been caught in mid trip, as ash from Toba blanketed the sun for years. The new pilgrams, would have held tight in the Levant or returned to Africa. The Neanderthal population of hunter gatherers never amounted to more than 75,000 people. Northern Germany would have started to chill off and the vegetation and animals would have died. It makes sense that the Neanderthals would have moved westward into France, sheltered by the Alps there, with temperatures moderated by the Atlantic. The Neanderthals were trapped, a society that had never had to adapt. Sounds like Republicans, YES??? These hunter / gatherers didn’t grow anything. They used the same flint tools they had always used and hunted the same small animals. By 65,000 years ago the ice age had reversed itself and warmed slightly, but did not warm up enough to melt the ice sheet that now covered most of Germany and Northern France right down to the Paris plain. The Neanderthals were now wedged in Southern France with the Pyrenees at their backs. We know the Neanderthals crossed into Spain which had / has a very dry, hostile climate, sparse vegetation and little game. For the Neanderthals it was game over. There is evidence in Spain of Neanderthal cannibalism and only in Spain. The experts say that when people are stressed out they begin eating each other. This only happened in Spain, and only near the end. It prove my theory. Homo Sapiens had no contact with Neanderthals, real humans were stranded in the Levant, 2200 kms away to the east. Some shock jocks suggesting Neanderthals mating with Homo Sapiens is just promoting book sales!!! More fiction, to go along with real fiction books to go along with the National Post and Globe and Tar. I would say that my theory can be proven by timelining the 90 Neanderthal sites? Was their move ever westward to escape the ice? It is clear that they never met any Homo Sapiens, that is just a myth floated by some 3 rd rate academics. 75,000 years ago, as the cold intensified the Russian Steppe Mammoth, evolved into the Woolly Mammoth, by developing a thick layer of blubber under its’ skin and a thick coat of hair. Elephants do have hair. At the east / west lip of the ice sheet in Russia the tundra became frozen for most of the year, where only a little rain fell. The ground thawed just enough to allow prairie type grasses to grow. Just the meal the Woollys liked. The animal population grew rapidly. Home sapiens were stuck in the Levant, on what must have been a starvation diet, based on scarce vegetation and few small animals. Humans there discovered the Mammoth herds. I am sure at first, they just took out the weak and dying animals. But over time they developed flint spears equipped with big flint blades. One 35,000 lb Mammoth would feed a whole village for a time. As these budding big game hunters perfected their craft their numbers grew. The Mammoths also multiplied and spread east and west along tundra at the edge of the ice sheet from England to Western Russia. If I remember my research, the Woollys numbered four and a half million at their peak. The big game hunters were modern humans and their early grave sites were identified as Cro-Magnon Man, named after a single location. This is just silly and meaningless. These wise game hunters developed special flint tools, spears and killing methods. A group of hunters would corner an animal and them someone would drive a heavy spear into the animals lungs. We know this, because the remains of Mammoths have been found with flint spear heads embedded in rib bones. As the Mammoths traversed the plains of Italy westwardly and crossed into France, south of the Alps they found their Garden of Eden. A huge area of frozen, grassy tundra covered the Paris Plain and stretched right into England. These giant animals could roam the Plain with frozen ground always beneath their big feet. And there were endless grass covered spaces. For the hunters who followed the herds out of Russia, they too lucked out. There were hundreds of caves along the Loire Valley which offered ideal accommodation. It was the habit of the Mammoths and other animals, horses, Aurochs, deer etc., to travel up and down the valley in season, looking for running water. These same old big game hunters were branded with a new name, the Solutreans, after a village in France. The name is meaningless. According to the archeologists Cro-Magnon Man arrived 45,000 years ago and disappeared into thin air 25,000 years ago. Nobody seems to care. All this kind of stuff is divided into various periods, covering hundreds of thousands of years at a crack. To muddy the waters even further, the history of stone / flint tools is categorized by the type of tool as if it appeared out of nowhere then disappeared. It would characterize the brace and bit as the Twisty Era. Then the hand drill as the Windey Era. The electric drill would be the Whirly Era and the cordless might just be called the Cordless Era. Defining these early people in long time periods, giving them local place names and grouping their tools in separate categories is ridiculous. It is if archeologists want to muddy the water to the point where the common folk are confused and the academics can keep this history to themselves. The Cro/Magnon Men and the Solutreans were one and the same, they painted those beautiful pictures on the cave walls in France. They deserve better. The Solutreans lasted for 25,00 years ago to 17,000. Then they too vanished from the archeological record. Well no they didn’t! 17,000 years ago the climate changed for the worse for the Woollys. They headed home, to the Steppes. The Solutreans pulled up stakes too and followed the Mammoths east into Russia, then to Siberia, across the Bering Straits, down through Canada on the east side of the Rockies, into the USA, up onto the Denver plain and to Clovis New Mexico, where the last Woolly Mammoths died out. It wasn’t the hunters who killed off the Woollys as the academics would have us believe. Global Warming unfroze the ground. Swamps, marshlands and open water appear. Vegitation changed and the Woollys either starved or drowned. It took the Solutreans, 5000 years move cross country, from the Paris Plain to Clovis New Mexico, where they hunted the remaining Mammoths for 1000 years. I have traced their 12,000 mile journey. Dennis Stanford of the Smithsonian and Bruce Bradley of Exeter University had in partially right. The Solutreans came to North America alright but not by boat over the Atlantic. The Mammoth Hunters came from Europe through Siberia. Then the Solutreans became Buffalo hunters in the new world, using the same 10,000 year old tool kit, only smaller tips. Cro-Magnon Men made workable flint tipped spears. The Solutreans by 10,000 years later were making exquisite flint tipped spear. These were the same artists who painted the animal cave drawings, over thousands of year. Cro-Magnon Men / Solutreans were a very successful people and their level of intelligence shows. They were always advancing. When Global Warming turned against the Mammoths in France and England [ 17,000 years ago ], the animals just retraced their track back to the Steppes of Russia from whence they had come. From there as the Tundra thawed the Woollys moved ever eastward in search of grass. The Solutreans [ 40,000 of them ] followed. The flint spears in Clovis NM were almost the same manufacture as the ones found in the Loire Valley from 10,000 years earlier. Academics try to explain this away by saying, different people in different areas just came up with the same idea. Bullshit. The Solutreans heat treated their flint tools by throwing them in the fire and quenching them in water. the Clovis people heat treated their flint spear tips, OH REALLY!!! From France to NM there were no cave in which to paint. But there are caves south of Clovis that have wall paintings, 5 thousand years later the skills were still present. A skin bag of flint spear points was found in a cave 300 miles east of Clovis. Remember the activity around Clovis started happening 13,000 years ago. These found flint spear points were dated to between 20,000 to 18,000 years ago. Some Solutrean family had carried those spear point all the way from Paris, probably honoured, family heirlooms??? Thus the Solutreans were the first humans to enter North America by way of the Bering Land Bridge. Their descendants are still among us and deserve much better treatment than we afford them. I have always liked these stories. The Republicans are like the Neanderthals, unable to adapt ever. The Neanderthals never changed their tools or ways. This description fits the Repubs to a ” T “. And the Cro-Magnon Men and the Solutreans? They constantly upgraded their skills and tools. They devised a system whereby they could watch lunch strolling up and down the Loire Valley in front of them. The BOYS could go shopping when the mood took them. They used horses to carry the Mammoth steaks. They were so successful a society, that they could release those with artistic talent from hunting duties so that time could be spent painting on the cave walls. Thousands of rocks were hollowed out to be used for clean burning Mammoth blubber oil lamps. The painted caves, are not covered with fire soot. This painting went on over thousands of years, so their was a teacher / student system in place. A people who expand their knowledge to this extent pass such artistic skills onto the next generations. There is no limit to what humans are capable of tackling. I wish Canadians would come alive to the possibilities? The process of an expanding education can only be reversed if an effort is made to purposely encourage and teach stupidity, as has been done in the USA for the last 30 years. This is what the Republicans has been doing to their base for 40 years. What you see south of the 49th, is what you get. An ignorant mob that is bent on destruction because they lack the skills to adapt around the smallest of problems. Never even mind climate change??? And to think in to-day’s Canada, we are unable to even make small aeroplanes, water turbines, wind turbines, decent washers / dryers, electric cars and a whole host of other products the world needs! Why??? Because Canada slavishly follows the rightie rule book, that AMERIGREED brought down from Reagan Mountain and IMPOSED ON US. It is time to pitch that foreign rule book in the dumpster and start swinging down the lane, making our own rules for a change!!! Even if you are frightened of going down the lane alone, all on your own? Just remember Trumpf and AMERIGREED will be coming to get you if you tary!!!
In closing, the early humans who were stranded in the Levant were Wolly hunters too. As the ice began to melt they discovered a wild plant in Syria which became know as wheat. 12,000 they found if the seeds were planted they could get a new crop the following year. For the first time in human history man could grow all the food he needed to survive. The growing of grain supported the domestication of animals. The population in the Levant increased, the temperature rose and people expanded in the direction of Germany France and England. The first farmers reached the UK, 8000 years ago. Eventually Europeans sailed to the New World, North America, where they met their cousins, descendants of the Solutreans and other peoples who crossed the Bering Land between Siberia and Alaska [ Soon to be renamed Canlaska, then we will be owners of the entire upper part of North America as climate change smiles on Canadians, and we make good use of said blessing! ].


You can take this to the bank. If you are dealing with an American, he will always have his thumb on the scale, ALWAYS. In California, marketing boards set the prices for the products, but there is no limit. Farmers grow as much as they want and are paid from taxes by Washington, IN FULL. If there is a surplus, it is dumped in other countries like Canada [ dumped at a lost, thereby undercutting local farmers ], the dumping victims are not in a position to protest due to USA threats retaliate in other areas. So Calif. farmers are protected from the real market and competition, they are subsidized by the US taxpayers who lose on the surplus, then sold cheaply . Foreign market prices are thus depressed, their farmers are affected financially and face being driven out of business. However, having to base a country’s food supply on Americans dumping surpluses is foolhardy but other countries have no recourse, and the Yankees don’t give shit. If California suffers a drought, as it is now, the people in the victim nations go hungry. Canada’s dairy farmers do not export so they pose no threat to US dairy farmers. So the ranggie that Trumpf, Godfrey and Thomson et al, are having over Canadian milk is pure fantasy. The Americans want to be able to dump surplus milk in Canada at will. So let’s screw Canadians ONE MORE TIME. And most Canadians just say, ” Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, OKAY “. The Can. Nazi media loves this, because it shows lies, misinformation, False News and rightie propaganda they’re selling works. I wonder if Godfrey and company get paid by the AMERIGREED LIE???. In Canada fantasies seem to sell well. There are a lots of Canadians who love these bedtime stories, the kind Godfrey tells, especially in Alberta. One phoney tale from Paul and these prairie numbskulls are in full flight!!! On supply management, the National Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC are once again having Canadians on! The USA is producing too much milk and they have no place to DUMP IT. American dairy farms are being shut down, this after being told by Washington to produce as much as they want, we’ll take it all said Congress. The USA is swimming in milk because of poor management which is a rightpublicanazi specialty. Righties in the States and in this Country follow the same course each time, After they have fucked up, deny, deny! If that does not work, then spread money around and buy politicians / the ruling class / the Nazi media OFF. If that doesn’t work find someone else to blame and hammer and threaten them them relentlessly in the lugenpresse. The USA has an oversupply of milk so blame Canada, which our Nazi media is paid to do and is doing. There is a simple explanation, the Great Orange Creaton is looking to buy votes and wants our marketing boards done away with so the USA milk industry can dump their surpluses here. But Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich etc, would never say that, telling the truth would cost them money. The fact is the boys badly need your dollars too. Even so they push their luck and persist in peddling YOU lies. Apparently some of you still frequent the Lugenpresse and pay for the privilege of being TURNED INTO A MINDLESS ASSHOLE! In India, baby elephants are chained to stakes. When they roam too far the chain tugs on a rear leg. After a couple of months the chain is removed, yet the elephant will not go beyond that imaginary boundary, which the chain defined. This explains the behaviour right wing Canadians. AMERIGREED has programmed these people and they will not venture outside the boundaries burned on their rightie mind chip! There are many of these rightish zombies, particularly in Alberta and Saskatchewan. THEIR OIL INDUSTRY IS NEVER COMING BACK. Cheap $ 15 a barrel ISIS oil, stolen from the Iraquis has done our West in. STILL THE ZOMBIES INSIST ON WANTING TO GIVE THE STUFF AWAY TO THE AMERICAN OIL MONOPOLY, RATHER THAN LOOK FOR NEW MARKETS. WESTERN OIL HAS A HUGE POTENTIAL MARKET IN CANADA. INSTEAD OF GIVING OUR PETROLEUM AWAY FOR FREE TO THE YANKS AND THEN IMPORTING USA GASOLINE / DIESEL AT HIGH PRICES, WE COULD DO THE UPGRADING AND REFINING OF OUR PETROLEUM IN SITU, IN ALTA. / SAK, AND SUPPLY THE REST OF CANADA. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaa. BUT THE LITTLE ELEPHANTS IN THE WEST, HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED THEIR TERRITORY [ length of the chains ] BY AMERIGREED, AND PROGRAMMED TO BELIEVE THEIR TAR ISN’T WORTH VERY MUCH! THE POOR LITTLE BEASTS AGREE WITH WHAT THE AMERICAN OIL MONOPOLY / PAUL GODFREY TELLS THEM BECAUSE THEY HAVE A BLANKS SPACE WHERE THEIR BRAINS SHOULD BE??? MANY IN THE TWO PROVINCES HAVE BEEN SUBJECTED TO THIS DUMBING DOWN BY THE AMERICANS FOR 30 YEARS! BREEDING HUMANS WITHOUT BRAINS IS A RIGHTPUBLICANAZI SPECIALTY! IT HAS WORKED IN THE USA!!! AND THE EXPERIMENT IS WELL UNDER WAY IN THIS COUNTRY. Harper and Mulroney got rid of the Canadian Wheat Board for a similar reason. Most of the American wheat is PURE shit. The controls on farmers imposed by our CWB produced top grade wheat for domestic use and export. Foreigners would buy our wheat sight unseen, the quality was that good. Of course, the Americans are not willing to compete with anyone. It is too easy to cheat or buy the gold medal! Brian Mulroney, who was ON THE TAKE while still in Office, is a Director of the Archer Daniel Midland Co., a grain Company run by thge usual American crook class, some of them are in jail. Sounds like the friends Brian just loves to cultivate. The Yankees could not get control of our grain market because the CWB stood in its’ way. The idea was to get first grade Canadian wheat and mix it with their shit, which would grab a higher price and fool the world market. USA farmers do not have to meet Canadian style regs in terms of grain, so they could never compete with us on the global stage. Instead of upping their game, the Americans just wanted CWB gone. So Mulroney arranged with Steve Harper to hand the CWB to Archer, Daniels Midland. CWB actually belonged to our grain farmers, not Harper. I wonder how much cash Mulroney got for selling CWB out??? Lyin Brian just loves cash in brown envelopes. Harper handed over the CWB lock, stock and barrel to ADM. Lyin Steve stole the farmers assets and gave them to ADM for nothing. WHY??? Because HE could. Steve ignored the laws of this land consistently, backed by the American oil monopoly and the National Post papers among others. To turn the Prairies into the World’s food basket we will have to bring back an even bigger Canadian Wheat Board. The Americans were given stolen property by Lyin Steve. I am sure our Courts would nulify the ADM / Mulroney / Harper give-away. I would love to find out how much money Mulroney has taken under the table, we could finally put him in jail. Mind, Brian has a place of honour at Canada Revenue like Conrad Black. Both have GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARDS! For me to be able to navigate I need the best information possible. I can’t rely on our Nazi lugenpresse. I gave up all Canadian newspapers many months ago, although I still pick up a free National Post on occasion. Not to read though! I make special meat loaf in loaf pans and use the Post to drain the drippings. Over 80 now, there has seldom been a day when I did not have wrench in my hands. Having a wrench in hand mean fixing things. Mechanical problems are my crosswords puzzles, there to be solved. In recent years my mind has often wandered to Canada’s problems. I believe a lot less talking is needed to-day, rather a lot more fixing! In some cases, like supply management and softwood lumber, I have to dig for answers. Our Nazi media leads Canadians astray on such subjects and is paid to do so For some people, such lying lies so gentle on their minds. Thus many Canadians don’t have a clue as to what is actually going on in this Country? The US rightpublicanazis don’t respect any laws which gets in their way, their’s or our’s!. So an American takeover of Canada, is a good possibly in 2019. After the dust settles and Harper settles in, all those laws which you have been counting on to protect you WON’T. If the Fascists win in 2019, with the backing of the USA oil lobby, they will just install Herr Harper. In terms of the old EASY Washer Can., it was taken over by GE. A superior washer / dryer pair disappeared and were replace by inferior ones, which are little more than junk to-day. Such takeovers have been a regular occurrance over 30 years. Same process each time by the hedgies and Canadians none the wiser. The EASY employees lost their jobs. York Township, Ontario and Canada lost taxes. Our washer / dryer market was flooded with shit appliances at higher prices because there was no competition. Ontario and Canada, just sat there dumbassed, with blank stares on their faces. As well, the West and Canada sat dumbassed as the CWB was close down and given away. If your 35 year old son or daughter can’t find a job and is living in your garage, you are to blame for not protesting the constant screwing we are taking from AMERIGREED! Now we are going to get screwed again by Trumpf. ENOUGH ALREADY!!! The US rightpublicanazis would never STAND FOR SUCH TREATMENT! Why should WE??? Are we 35 million weak OR STRONG???. Sweden with 25% of our population has a thriving appliance industry, takeovers are frowned upon. 80% of the Country’s workers are unionized. They would / will not stand for Ynakee abuse like WE DO? In Norway, with one seventh of our population has a special board which must rule on takeovers by foreign company, as to whether the move significantly lessens competition? The EASY takeover years ago, and the CWB, would not have occurred in Norway or Sweden! Neither would Caterpillar have been able to takeover Electo-Motive and dump 500 Canadian workers out on the street! It seems we are a Nation of mice. We have a Foreign Investment Review Agency [ staffed with patsies who take their marching orders from AMERIGREED ]. This Canadian Agency actually has a mandate, a US takeover firm must be proved that, ” acquisition of control will be of significant benefit to Canada “. Under this law EASY to GE, Electro-Motive to Caterpillar and the Canadian Wheat Board to Archer Daniel Midland would never have happened! FIRA is nothing but a rubber stamp outfit! I am sure the civil servants in this regard are double dipping. They are employed and get paid by Canadians. Then they get paid to kiss the ass of AMERIGREED. I HAVE BEEN AROUND A LONG TIME AND HAVE SEEN HOW MONEY BUYS ALLEGIANCE OR EVEN TREASONOUS BEHAVIOUR AS WITH MULRONEY AND HARPER! But if you get a reputation for being an easy make like CANADA, HEY WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT??? Why pay big money to guys, who spend all their time bent over, with pants down, waiting for the Americans to arrive and ream them??? Why not create a tiny office and assemble the titles to all our Canadian companies there. Give the Trumpf the key so he can take what he wants, when he wants? This would at least save on wages for dolt to sit in an office and give our stuff away??? About 30 years ago I became convinced that clothe dryers were inefficient. At a time when American junk dryers were flooding our market!!! I was still naive enough back then to think that a superior product would win the day. Boy was I on the wrong track. Although when you think about it, if I had developed my dryer back then, the Yankees would have got it and put it in a back cupboard, never to see the light of day again. Where as now, I still own the rights to a dryer which will cut drying time in half and use half the electricity! Years back my studies showed that a normal load of laundry takes 45 minute in the washer but an hour and a half in the dryer. Dryers are about the biggest consumers of electricity in the home in North America. I looked at the old EASY dryer design as a model, it was built like a brick backhouse. My mission was to find a way to manufacture that old. dependable dryer in to-day’s world, improving on it where possible. A time which is the reverse of yesteryear. Nowdays material is cheap and labour is expensive. The answer is CAD / CAM / CNC / Com. Laser. The other problem was to make it more efficient. Get more heat per KW. I thought I could cut the drying time in half [ 45 minutes ], but scaled that back to a more modest hour. 45 minute might be achievable but I think that would require spinning the tub of the washer faster. Which I now think is possible. I sketched out what my new EAZY dryer would look like years back and shopped the idea around in Ontario in the 1990s. There was absolutely no interest even though it would have cut ratepayer’s Hydro bills markedly. By then the nukies had a firm grip on Ontario Hydro, cutting electricity use was not on their agenda. To justify ever more nuclear plants demand had to keep increasing, Dalt McGuinty and Dwight Duncan did their best to scare Ontarians into buying $60 billion in new nuke plants by purposely staging brownouts / blackouts. Duncan, then Minister of Energy blacked out Ottawa at one point to prove his point. Of course the Nazi media never told the people in the City or anyone else that they were were being used by the Liberals to extort more money from ratepayers to give to the nukies. Under the circumstances, the nukies would do nothing whatsoever to reduce demand or cut prices. Fate decreed that my dryer timing was all off. Interesting, Ontarians were paying ever higher prices for KWs, to pay for promoting more nuclear plants they didn’t need, so many more billions could be spent on the nukie experimentation. No wonder McGuinty got a free house. Of course Mike Harris, Dalt McGuinty and Kathleen McGuinty HAVE ALWAYS BEEN COMFORTABLE WITH THIS ONGOING NUCLEAR SCAM, AS HAS JOHN HONDERICH OF THE STAR WHO PROBABLY WAS PAID BY THE LIE! Each nuke in this Province is a one off, something you wouldn’t know. The nukies have conducted and continue to conduct endless nuclear experiments to try and perfect the boiling of water using atoms, USING YOUR MONEY! What if every GM car was slightly different mechanically and each repair part had to be hand made, think of the cost of repairs??? That’s our Ontario nuclear plans! This is why nuclear steam to run turbines costs YOU 25 cents per KW. Much thanks to the Nazi press, the ratepayers here DO NOT EVEN KNOW Ontario has enough water to turn those same turbines and generate KWs for ten cents per. THE REASON??? The McGuintys, Dalt and Kath, along with the nukies, WON’T LET US. Who do the citizens think they are??? Do the citizens think they live in a democracy and have the right to run the place??? That’s something the citizens better erase from their minds. AS McGUINTY SHOWED WHEN HE ILLEGALLY CLOSE QUEEN’S PARK FOR 7 MONTHS WITH THE HELP OF DAVID ONLEY, THE CITIZENRY ARE ACTUALLY POWERLESS WHEN THEY ELECT CRIMINALS LIKE DALTON TO POLITICAL OFFICE. NOW THERE IS ANOTHER COMPONENT TO THIS. THE MEDIA HAS TO HAVE A DISHONEST MIND AND BE PREPARED TO TAKE MONEY TO PUBLISH OR BROADCAST LIES, FALSE NEWS OR CENSOR NEWS, AS JOHN HONDERICH AND STEVE PAIKIN DID AND DO. BOTH THE STAR AND TVO BECAME THE OFFICIAL NEWS OUTLETS FOR McGUINTY / LIBERAL / NUKIE PROPAGANDA. The nuclear system is the most expensive way to boil water ever devised by man. Environmentally dirty too! The same CO2 output as natural gas and toxic nuclear waste that will last a thousand years. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Paul won’t tell you that though! The Nazi news will never spill the beans. The nukies spend a lot of the ratepayer’s money on advertising. So in fact the KW ratepayers themselves are paying the bill to be misinformed and made fools of. Water power has been generating electricity successfully for over 100 hundred years. Nuclear has yet to be perfected and poops out after 25 years. Using your money, maybe 100s of billions of dollars, of your money has been wasted, or will be wasted. To the nukies, sorry no cigar. This is Government sponsored theft on a grand scale and completely withheld from the public! This abuse continues because the Nazi media is paid by the nukies to continue the coverup. I saw an ad on TV sponsored by Bruce Power the other day, all lies, so the beat goes on and the money flows and the water doesn’t. As stated, Ontario has enough hydro power installed and potential to supply all of the Province’s KWs needs with a 25% surplus [ 27,000 MWs in total ], at a price of 10 cents per KW all in. But you are not allowed to access that water, the PEOPLE’S RESOURCE, because Dalt and Kathleen McGuinty, the Liberals, the nukies, the Toronto Star, TVO and CTV are determined that you can’t and never will! They are all making too much money screwing you from behind to ever set you free. Maybe when Ontario is just a pile of bleached, white bones, the people will stir their sore ASSES??? To willingly submit to deception is to be in bondage. To be so incurious is to beg for chains! So the promotinging of my one hour dryer idea bombed, years ago. Recently, when I began hearing about the Whirlpool tumble dryer fires in the UK, I was struck by the good publicity the UK media gave the crisis. The BBC did some specials on the fires as did papers like the Guardian, those newspapers which are not in the employ of AMERIGREED. But those writers and commentators knew nothing about the fires and I fault them for not bothering to do any research. They said and wrote nothing of value and said it often, too often. But at least something is being said in the UK, no matter how juvenile. Better than in North America where Whirlpool has pushed the mute button on the Nazi media, there are 12,000 dryer fires a year here. Lugenpresse was / is paid off again. There have been almost 1000 fires registered in the UK, many more have not been reported according to fire officials. You can clearly see who is being paid by Whirlpool in the UK to minimize the fact that the dryers that catch fire are missing a belt break safety switch as I said. Thousands of similar fires are going unreported in North America, other than on local TV stations. To report the truth about Whirlpool dryers, the Nazi media would have to be out of its’ mind! Lying and covering up the fires pays SO GOOD. Go on the net and watch a compilation of these TV reports, page after page after page. With 12,000 dryer fires a year, somebody has t be asleep at the switch? But Washington, Congress, UL / CSA, Whirlpool, officialdom, the Nazi media and the stock market can’t see the problem with their eyes wide shut. Now the insurance companies are looking to get off the hook, they’re refusing to pay out for fire damage, claiming consumer abuse by allowing lint to build up, horseshit! It is the Whirlpool dryers that are mechanically defective and yet the authorities are refusing to act. Just another tentacle of corporate America that has a lock on the people. As stated, when a dryer belt breaks and there is no belt break safety switch, the motor continues to run, as does the blower. The heater also stays on. If the motor fails and the drum stops turning, the secondary points kill the heater. But if the cheapy belt breaks the problem is the same. The motor will keep running, as will the blower, as will the heater. A belt break safety switch eliminates the chance of fire, such switches have been around for 60 YEARS. Where are the Appliance Standards people? Asleep or paid off, take your pick? Although this fact apparently escapes those responsible for producing these cheap dryers at Whirlpool. To-day, the modern dryers belts are no more than big elastic bands with no fabric in them. The faulty drum designs, extra bearing drag and the skimpyest of belts has caused about 5 million UK tumble dryers to become incendiary devices. And there are six times that many in North America. Will governments act or will deaths occur? Will they pull a Harper and try to cover up with the help of the Nazi media as Lyin Steve did at Megantic? This massive failure of Whirlpool dryers has been 30 years in the making. Each year has seen washers and dryers cheapened but with no reduction in price. Aided by a moribund Washington / Congress and the paid off UL / CSA, Whirlpool has been ploughing on a downhill pull, without restraints. Whirlpool is the king of the castle and has paid for a license to kill people if is so wishes. My investigations of the dryer fires, has led me to that culprit, missing belt break safety switches, that simply kills the motor if the belt breaks. This is not rocket science! It was said in earlier times, ” Whosoever sows the wind, shall reap the whirlwind “! Whirlpool sowed bad seeds and is now reaping its’ reward, ruin. Under these circumstances, I decided it was time to resurrect the idea of my quality, one hour new EAZY dryer. Canada has 14 million household and the UK 27 million household. That is the perfect market for my new EAZY washer and dryer, 41 million households. But I know I face a massive amount of money, ready to crush any innovator in Canada! The USA market is huge, but with the dictator Trumpf holding power there is too much uncertainty for anyone to consider any commercial ventures Stateside. These people are just too screwed up, but have yet to recognize the party is over! I think all we can do is watch as dryer fires, exploding automatic washers add to riots in the streets! Then the thought crossed my mind, I can’t have a dryer without having a matching washer. At my age this is fun. Right now the shit laundry equipment available to-day will give a consumer possibly 2000 to 2500 loads before croaking. In my old EASY days that number was 6000 loads, a washer was $ 229 and the dryer $ 159, and then after such service the machines were in a position to be overhauled at an affordable price. Only in an American dominated global environment do we see going backwards as some kind of accomplishment. Quality is being erased by the Yankees. Whenever they carve out a monopoly, quality and service go down, while the price goes up. The only exceptions to this are the airliner business and vehicles where the AMERICANS DO NOT HAVE A MONOPOLY Mind you, Americans no longer have current technical skills. In cars, the only way for the Yankees to compete is for Washington to keep on fining foreign auto makers to slow them down. Detroit has already gone broke once and Congress with do whatever it can , dirty if necessary, to avoid head to head competition. Although Washington gives Boeing hundreds of million in subsidies, they still sue AirBus. What is even worse, life expectancy in the USA has dropped by 3.5 years in the last 20 years. Canadians now live 5 years longer than Americans but the Nazi media would never tell YOU that. The Canadian rightpublicans continue to sell the USA system even though its’ best-before-date has passed. This is outrageous. 6000 load machines can still be manufactured to-day at a reasonable price, but it will require a different mindset. Whirlpool’s approach is to cheat the customer, endanger them and misinform them at every stage. But the output of shit continues because there is no competition. Profits and the price of stock are the only things on US / CEO minds. The hedgie vultures scoop up one small company after another using interest free money from Washington. There product is stock manipulation. The execs and insiders get big pay packets and fees and they borrow all they can against the firm’s assets. They run the thing into the ground and go bankrupt. Everybody, as in everybody gets screwed. The vultures then buy the remains of the company and start the whole process again. The economy of the States is 80% service industry. The Yankees don’t make anything any more. They are vulnerable, the once mighty 500 pound Gorilla is now a 90 pound weakling. We can kick sand in Trumpf’s face and he is powerless to do anything about it. Will the Great Orange have his hulk bodyguard, Keith Schiller, a former NY cop who loves a good fight, run across the Peace Bridge brandishing a sword to cow Canada. By the way, Schiller is the new head of the Trumpf Secret Police. The USA cheating approach no longer serves Canada’s interests, so a quick exit is our best option. If the new EAZY washer existed, its’ goal would be to manufacture affordable, quality machines that lasted for 6000 loads. Take it from me, with new computer driven machines it is possible. A dryer bearing shaft assemble, made from various parts in the old days and assembled can now be made in one piece in about 20 minutes. I would program a CNC machine and install a billet of aluminum. I’d press the switch and out would pop the part. The operator would put the part in a bin and install another billet, this could go on hour after hour, 10 / 100 /1000. Then a new program would be loaded and another part made. Most American corporations do not use CNC machines. They have parts made in Asia or China. The metals overseas are questionable as are the engineering skills for machinery. A cell phone yes, a washer / dryer / light aeroplane NO! Quality and reliability generates new customers, with a profit factored in. The more stuff that goes out the door, the more money the company makes. It is a complete reversal of American thinking. Cheating customers is NOT PART OF AN ENLIGHTENED COMPANY’S EQUATION! Cheating is what stupid / lazy USA CEOs and shareholders do. We can build washers and dryers, at an affordable price backed by top notch service. This has been the winning combination for me for over 50 years. I don’t think most human beings have changed their way of thinking in the past 40 years. I believe quality is still appreciated! The rigged free market system imposed by the US rightpublicanazis, has taken away quality, set the clock backwards, increased costs, increased risks to consumers, magnified inconvenience and introduced stress to devices which should be saving time and be user friendly. How can people FUCK UP THIS BAD? Just look at Whirlpool for an example. Imagine doing laundry and always worrying about you house burning down? WHEN THIS DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THE CASE! YOUR DISCOMFORT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH AMERIGREED GREED AND A MONOPOLY GRANTED BY WASHINGTON / CONGRESS. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. WHIRLPOOL IS CONVINCED THEY CAN SELL SHIT ON THE MARKET AND NOBODY CAN DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. WE SHALL SEE, WHAT THE PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF??? OR NOT??? AND WE SHALL ALSO SEE HOW LONG IT TAKES FOR GOVERNMENT SPINES TO STIFFEN??? IF EVER??? WILL IT TAKE A DEATH OR THREE TO PROMPT THE UK PARLIAMENT TO ACT ??? FOR THE USA I HOLD OUT NO HOPE WHATSOEVER. SOME PEOPLE WILL JUST HAVE TO BE OFFERED UP AS SACRIFICES TO THE GLORY OF THE AMERICAN RIGHT WING CREED, AMERICAN GREED AND THE CRIMINALS IN CONGRESS? SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST IS A YANKEE MYTH AND PHONEY. IT MEANS, THOSE WITH THE MOST MONEY AND POWER WIN! PURE HORSESHIT!!! No matter what the right says, DARWIN NEVER USED SUCH AN EXPRESSION, This is just more stuff made up by the right wing! DARWIN SAID, THOSE WHO HAVE THE ABILITY TO ADAPT TO CHANGING CONDITIONS WILL SURVIVE. The USA, especially, under the dictatorship of Trumpf, is falling farther and farther behind in facing Global Warming. California is returning to desert. Lake Mead / Hoover Dam is at an all time water level! 7 States in the midwest are in drought conditions, dust bowls are returning and their agricultural output is dropping. Southern States are underwater as is the Eastern seaboard. Alaska is becoming a mud hole. These conditions are being withheld from the American people by the paid Nazi media. I have to really dig to find this stuff. Civil servants, Meteorologists and local officials say they are powerless to deal with these climate manifestations! These people can’t mention or even write about climate change. If they do Congress cuts their money off. Or they get fired! The world is adapting to climate change, including Canada [ but not fast enough for my liking ] and leaving the USA in the dust and the damp. The Canadian rightpublicanazis are being paid to apply the climate brakes, supported to the full by the likes of by Paul Godfrey, Dave Thomson and friends. In looking to revive the old, quality EASY automatic washer 3 things were obvious. It was built when material was expensive and labour cheap. Now it is the opposite. The one saving grace to-day is CNC machining, parts made by robots. These robots would create more jobs than they would kill. Application of CNC technology would allow a price reduction of fitments, bits and pieces and improve quality. I became acquainted with CAD / CAM / CNC / Com Laser when I was building the Blue Jay bushplane. I had the support of the Davis / PC / Ont. Government and was involved in an innovations program. When that NASTY LITTLE LIBERAL SNAKE of a politician, David Peterson came to power, he shut down the Ontario Ministry of Trade and with it went my program. Not only did Peterson kill my project but he sued me for the money that I had received from Queen’s Park. This innovation program involved many fledgling startups like mine. Peterson treated us all the same. He sought to use Government power to destroy all of us financially. So there would be no Tory successes. Peterson put many of us up against the wall. I should be in business, in Ontario right now, manufacturing BJ bushplanes and trainers. A recession hit Ont., 1990 to 95. It was made far worse by Peterson’s underhanded political dealing. He cost Ontario hundreds of millions in lost manufacturing jobs and turned the recession into a depression. Of course the Nazi media blames Bob Rae for the downturn. Peterson walked away scot free. It was too good an opportunity for the Fascist lugenpresse to miss, blaming the NDP for Ontario’s plight. They still do. Dalt McGuinty was cut from the same cloth as David Peterson, both enemies of the people. Lower production costs on my quality EAZY washers and dryers would allow same to complete with the shit that now dominates the market. This approach to cutting costs is dependent on using the most modern technology to make parts and tap into the creativity of the human mind. This is something beyond the ability of Whirlpool executives, they doesn’t use technology to lower costs, they just ship the work to low wage China, etc. Guaranteeing their products will resemble shit. The other consideration for this new EAZY washer / dryer exercise is interesting. Most North American washers and dryers still use old fashion mechanical timers with which I am thoroughly familiar. I rebuilt hundred of them when parts were still available While in Europe, the appliance makers there are much more advanced than in the USA. As stated the USA is falling behind on every front, they still think they can cheat their way to success! NOT!!! Most EU machines now use computer control boards. The control board approach is much cheaper and has the potential for longer life, of that I am convinced. BUT!!! That fact should lower the purchase price. European makers could undercut Whirlpool and still make a fat profit. But for EU makers, why lower the purchase price to consumers when there is no competition? So in my view the EU manufacturers are just as greedy as Whirlpool. They still produce shit at extraordinary top prices, duplicating the AMERIGREED system but by using modern technology it gives them better margins. So the Americans are losing the race on yet another front. However the European micro control boards are badly built and a fire hazard. The Asian companies that build the control boards are including all the functions of a washer or dryer on that control board, thus mixing low voltage [ which the boards are meant for ] and high voltage [ which the boards are not meant for ]. Washers and dryers are not cell phones guys! A washer motor is 1/2 hp and draws 10 amps / 120 v to start. There is a pump motor, a water valve and a clutch solenoid all drawing on 120v. A dryer has a 1/3 hp motor, drawing 7 amps / 120 v to start and a 220 element. A control board is made using soldered threads and connections, which melt at low temperature. Motors need to be started by using relays, which have points like a wall switches. As electrical points age, they burn, get pitted and heat up due to electrical resistance, like a stove element, this is the last thing a control board needs. Have you ever walked into a dark room, pushed the light switch and seen a little blue flash. It is the switch points arcing. There is no danger, as switches are heavily made, grounded, but that switch is on its’ way out. Sometimes they even feel warm due to resistance. That switch will eventually refuse to conduct electricity or short out and blow a fuse / breaker. Relays have no place on control boards. Nothing that has points or gets hot should be installed on a control board. It is done purposely to cut manufacturing costs and to ensure a short life, ” translation “, screw the customer! Safety officials are closing their eyes. It is only a matter of time before those points cook and that relay melts the control board, possibly causing it to catch fire. Where are the European authorities? They are asleep along with UL, CSA and UK safety people! I have designed control boards for my new EAZYs which are meant for their original purpose, strictly low voltage. All the function would be operated by separate relays, they are cheap and easily replaced individually. Modern computer contro boards are like an electric drill, an electric tooth brush and an electric food blender made all in one unit. Very handy, but if one fails and burns the control the whole thing goes into the garbage! Really, really stupid! Dangerous and consumer UNFRIENDLY!!! European control boards, are made with the works for one reason, it is cheaper to incorporate everything into one unit. Such assemblies represent a dangerous fire risk and guarantee that the boards will die very young and maybe their users. Most European washers and dryers are mechanically of poor quality. They are sold on the basis of bells and whistles and fancy looking chrome doors. Whirlpool / Electrolux could never complete with properly built washers and dryer. 2500 loads as compared to 6000 loads for the same price, and no fires or explosions, give me break!!! Those multitudinous flashing lights on EU machines are meant to hypnotize, nothing more. A washer has only a few functions, the agitator moves, the tub spins, the water gets pumped out and the water comes in. You can select a long or short wash, determine the water level and water temperature. Do you really need 10 different wash variations, fault lights and a special programs to determine what is wrong. It is all bullshit With a dryer the drum turns and the heat goes on and off. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. In the old days, the motors had push button, resetable overload switches. If the motor acted up, the button popped. If it didn’t restart after pushing the button a couple of time it was obvious there was a motor problem. Daaaaaaaaaaaaa. Now days in washers and dryers, there are hidden cartridge fuses like they used in cars thirty years ago. If a fuse blows, only a trained serviceman knows where to find it. It is just another case where bullshit is meant to baffle brains. My experience showed most of my customers did not want deluxe machines and made minimum use of multi controls. The old Spiralator, first patented in Syracuse in 1932 was the best agitator ever. Its’ spiral shape constantly shifted the clothing so everything got washed. A tumbler washer just roll stuff in a ball and the clothes at the centre of the ball never do get washed. I serviced Westinghouse front loaders back in the day, they never did the job and were not popular. The reason GE killed the EASY Spiralator, was it needed a long stroke gear box. The move in the industry was to reduce the size of gearboxes, which then dictated smaller fins on the agitator and worsening washing quality. The Spiralator had a very gentle, firm action, 64 long strokes to the minute. Modern top loaders go 80 stokes to the minute. Clothes close to the twitching agitator remain stationary and get the hell beat out of them. Clothes to the outside of the tub never move, so don’t get washed! With a much smaller gear box at the centre, the motor must remain off to one side. Of course this means the tub will not balance with a light load, wherein every thing ends up on one side. So what did the bright apple engineers do to solve the problem??? Why they molded small concrete blocks [ 7 to 10 pounds ], to place opposite the motor to balance the things. Using concrete as a mechanical component shows a complete bankruptcy of the present engineering mind. Concrete doesn’t secure well with bolts, it powders where there is violent movement. So the block begins to work free under the bolt heads. The under cabinet gets filled concrete dust which enters the motor and other
parts cutting their life span. Motors no longer have sufficiently large oil reservoirs and there is no provision to lubricate them externally. 60 percent of appliance motors fail because the bushings run dry. A $ 200 motor lost but for a drop of oil?? Will the Nazi media tell you that??? Why they even had big oil cans back in the days of steam locomotives. Maybe the Whirlpool people don’t read the history books. Eventually the concrete block breaks loose! The then, out of balance tub, hammers the sides off the machine and the top is flung across the room. The wires short and may or may not start a fire??? This is what you get from lack government regulations, politicians on the take, private standards agencies, AMERIGREED, a corrupt USA corporate monopoly and the ever greedy Lugenpresse!!! Go on U tube and punch in Whirlpool tumble dryer fires in the UK and the Samsung washer recall in the USA to see just how bad things are. It is USA greed gone mad!!! NOW IT THE TIME FOR YOUR MP / UK or MP and MPP / Can. TO STEP FORWARD AND DO THE JOB THEY WERE ELECTED TO DO!!! This situation is so risky to health and happiness local meeting should be held to inform consumers and give them the info and tools to protect themselves. This must be done before lives are lost. If lives are lost those responsible should swing! Like in noose!!!


It would seem that for the last 50 years I have been going down the wrong road? Only lately has this mistake been brought into my focus. Like my Father before me, my business dealing centred around superior products, constantly improved, at an affordable price backed by first rate customer service. This approach saw my 3 kids to maturity [ two Sons, 57 and 55 along with a Daughter 49, all successful, creative entrepreneurs, like their Mom and me ]. There was always a roof, food on the table, a warm hearth and an absence of uncertainty. THERE WAS CONTEXT IN OUR HOME. They all followed the own paths and it is evident that their secure family life formed the foundation for their many suceesful adventures. An example of the change in business that has taken place in the last 40 years is the tumble dryer fires in the UK, involving Whirlpool, and the rogue American corporations beloved of the Wall Street and the stock market. The Company’s products have declined in quality and dependability. Hooray say the stock jocks! Bigger margins are being squeezed out of this shit and there was a constant effort to squeeze even more by any means at hand, including paying off the Safety Standards Agencies which no longer test appliances. Whirlpool’s word is good enough when it comes with a million dollar cheque. So it is now clear that the road paved with gold, means the inferioratization of products is the way to go! The stock jocks love it! Not a dime is spent improving anything, but much effort is spent in trying to skirt the existing safety rules! The stockies are ecstatic about breaking the rule, even if people die? When all else fails just blame lint. This shit is expensive because Whirlpool has little or no competition in North America, just a bit from Samsung and Electrolux. With much thanks to Washington, Congress, UL / CSA, the USA patent office and the American kangaroo courts! Whirlpool has established a foothold in Europe and is giving Electrolux a run, having bought out an Italian appliance maker. Whirlpool appliances in the UK are generally low priced shit. It is dryers from this category that are catching fire, a situation covered above. It is so opposite to my thinking, that the quality of machines has to deteriorate so over time, only to extract yet another dollar. The hedgie Streeters love it! Politicians have gone comatose! As regards service the in thing is to claim that good service is available at time of sale and then put in ONE HOT LINE WHICH IS ONLY ANSWERED BETWEEN ONE AND THREE ON TUESDAYS GREENWHICH MEAN TIME. This is not my approach to business, which has never changed. Ensuring customers are happy with quality stuff at fair prices and making sure they are looked after, would be a winning combination for Canada! But we don’t see this in Canada now because Amerigreed either buys up our offending, competitive firms or sues our companies for Patent infringement. After which USA courts always find favour for the Yankee traders. Our governments, Federal and Provincial are always being told by our Nazi media that they should not get involved in the imaginary, rigged free market. Letting our innovators and idea people face such Patent fights is like sending them to the shoot out at the OK corral, NAKED! WITH A KNIFE! OUR ENTREPRENEURS NEVER WIN, LIKE NEVER! IF THERE ARE ANY GOOD IDEAS FLOATING AROUND NORTH OF THE 49TH, AMERIGREED JUST STEALS THEM! The Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC have great fun knocking Canadians for lacking the innovating spirit as if we are ignorant wood cutters!, But Godfrey will never dare say that game is rigged by AMERIGREED. There is a large innovation industry in Canada, many Government teats to suck on [ Fed. / Prov. ], off which politicians, academics, PR people, financial sharks, USA agents, lawyers and hangers-on sucketh. All of these taxpayer funded innovation schemes are designed to fail. There are no plans. Progress is never measured. Problems never get solved. And of course the Nazi media looks the other way. It is the gift that keeps on giving to everyone except Canadians. It is like a giant sausage machine, lots of cash goes in one end and nothing comes out the other. Innovation is a huge boondoggle that makes everyone happy, except the people who pay the bills and wait for the results that never come? This was not always the case. I have never seen an article written as to why Ontario had prosperity under Frost, Robarts and Davis? We were the Economic engine of Canada for a long time. ABOUT IT NOT A WHISPER, ELSE SOMEONE GETS AN IDEA TO DUPLICATE THE SYSTEM. The PCs of which I was one for 25 years, were right of centre. I am a free enterpriser with a social conscience. I believe, that from those who are truly blessed more is to be expected. Conrad Black and Whirlpool differ from me in this respect. They are blessed with financial support for their illegal endeavours, even when they rake more than their share and they come back for seconds and thirds. Part of the Frost, Robarts and Davis approach was to financially support emerging businesses with export potential and to set firm guidelines as to what USA / foreign businesses could do here. Much like Sweden and Norway do to-day. The door was shut on Yankees excesses AND CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR. That changed when the rightpublicanazis took over my Ontario PC and installed Frank Miller as a puppet. The Caterpillar buyout and move of Electro-Motive Diesel from London Ont. in 2015, would never have been allowed under my Ontario PCs. The takeover by the US rightpublicanazis in 1985, was a palace coup. That is 37 years ago, just enough time for the losers, David Peterson, Bob Rae, Mike Harris, Dalton and Kathleen McGuinty pushing right wing ideology, to destroy Ontario’s economy! I have many inventions to my credit, big and small. I have never taken out a Patent although I have tested the waters. Even years ago it was plain to see the Patent game was rigged by AMERIGREED. Inventions were stolen or such little companies were squashed financially or drained of their life blood in Patent fights. Under the Frost, Robarts and Davis PCs this wasn’t allowed! One inventor I heard of, was supported by investors [ USA, Can. who knows ]. A manufactory was set up about 20 years ago, the product was successful and started going out the door. The stock increased in value and the management behind the inventor’s back, loaded the Firm with debt. When the bills could no longer be paid the company was forced into bankruptcy. The management made off with the money and the product as well as the Patent. The investors were left hanging and the inventor was left hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. His product / Patent was sold in the USA and became a huge success. From the time I started to fly aeroplanes at age 15, I learned from the mistakes of others. This story of the rape of a Canadian inventor by AMERIGREED has never left me. I was always very careful with the stuff I designed. I was prepared to let my inventions languish and never see the light of day rather than see some Yankees steal them and prosper. I was fortunate to become involved in a Ministry of Trade and Commerce program under the benevolent Davis Government, in 1982. I was to get $ 50,000 in 3 stages [ $ 15,000, which I did get for the prototype, another $15,000 to ready the BJ for production and then $ 20,000 to set up to manufacture it ]. What I liked about the PC program, was the fact that the Government was going to keep a stake in my Company and of course I was obligated to pay my loan back but with no interest. Not only was I going to create jobs and wealth for Ontario, Ontarians were going to benefit from my success as the Government would get a return on their investment through being a part owner. Ont. Government involvement protected me and many other inventors from the AMERIGREED SHARKS, as the Patents would be jointly held. Frost / Robarts / Davis made sure that the benefits from Ontario inventors would stay at home. Dave Peterson, the snake who became Liberal Preem, had a different idea. Much like Mulroney, McGuinty and Harper, Peterson rolled out the red carpet for the Yankees. Come take what you want, CHEQUE PLEASE!!! The Progressive Conservative [ the real ones not the phonies ] of my day were completely different than in the USA. Public money put into product development by the USA Government, say at MIT, if successful, the Patents which are acquired are handed over to private corporations [ usually friends of the Government ] for zip, with the taxpayers getting sweet bugger all. No wonder there is a wealth gap in the USA, the rightpublicanazis take every advantage and then some! I was just finishing the prototype BJ when the Miller Government fell and that nasty piece of work David Peterson came to power. That was the day Ontario started its’ slide to HAVE-NOT-PROVINCE STATUS! Peterson sacked the Ministry of Trade and Commerce employees and the Department just vanished from the face of the earth. Government people who were working on the BJ project, would visit me in Pickering, survey the Big Blue Bird and tell me the goings on at Queen’s Park. Peterson just cleared out the offices and whole floors were like deserts. So I knew things would become difficult and I would not get the next $ 15,000 due me? Well surprise, surprise, I was informed by Peterson’s lawyers that not only was I not getting the second $ 15,000, Dave wanted the first $ 15,000 back with interest. Which was well beyond my capabilities and put my family in financial jeopardy. To make a long story short, from that day forward, I dealt strictly with Peterson’s secretary by phone and letter regarding every Government threat. My invention too, in the end brought no reward, just endangered my family and put me behind the eight ball for years, which was Peterson’s intention! I was not menaced by AMERIGREED sharks but by a supposed friendly Liberal Government in Queen’s Park which had begun its’ sell out to the Americans. The full flowering of this sell out to the USA came under Dalton McGuinty . It would be interesting to know what Ontario was worth to the Liberals??? Now the Province is bankrupt all Kathleen McGuinty can do is sell off our assets piecemeal. In looking back I should never have tried to create the BJ. IT WAS NOT WORTH THE STRUGGLE! Not only did Peterson want to deprive the Tories of any successes, like the BJ, that might pop up and takeoff, he wanted to personally destroy the inventors associated with the old PC Trade and Commerce. A sort of Liberal scorched earth policy. My old associates at Queen’s Park would visit or call me to talk about the inventors who were being pilloried by Peterson. I could do nothing! My affair went on into the third year of Bob Rae’s term. I refused to submit to Peterson! FUCK HIM! Peterson use threats of Court against the PC inventors. Some people scare easy, so Peterson got some easy scalps. I guess he whittled down the list and then to prove himself completely incompetent Dave called an early election to grab a mandate before times turned tough. The trouble is that the Liberal got caught with their hand in the cookie jar, diverting developers money to Cabinet Ministers. who would think otherwise??? When McGuinty took office in 2003 he went right back on the take, but by then Dalt had the Nazi media by the balls, There was a massive amount of taxpayer’s money being spent Government / nukie advertising. The Liberals even showered small town papers with nonsense ads to ensure nobody would step out of line. Liberal Murray Elston, the nuclear industry bagman, during Dalt’s time, warned local papers not to criticize nukie excesses and lies if they wanted to remain on the Government advertising list. This is the kind of thing that leads to people being put in a place where the sign over the door reads, ” Arbeit Macht Frei “. To leave no stone unturned, McGuinty converted TVO into a Liberal Propaganda Centre with Steve Paikin as chief Stoogemaster! In terms of killing the BJ, under the Rae Government, the list of errant Tory inventors was probably shrinking and a move was on the clean things up. I had always said very plainly, to move this thing along Dave you will have to take me to Court. Dave was going to have to convince a Judge that the treatment he meting out to me was fair? I wrote many times to Preem Bob about my situation but he didn’t have any time for me. Bob just said pay up. FUCK YOU TOO SAID I! I have always represented myself in Court have been screwed by lawyers a couple of times. Eventually it happen, and the Judge ruled in my favour, I could have walked free. HE * ASKED * ME * WHAT * I * WANTED * TO * DO * ABOUT * THE 8 SITUATION ??? I felt that the people’s money had been invested in the Blue Jay, there was value there. To unburden the Blue Bird, a settlement had to be made. And the Peterson created financial crisis had passed, although it left a lasting financial mark. I zigged and zagged out of it. I was involved by then with the DOT in Ottawa in a program to Certify the BJ. This matter with Queen’s Park left the waters muddied. I told the Judge that I would be prepared to make a token payment to clear up the matter WITH NO INTEREST! THE JUDGE RULED THUS! So thanks to Peterson, Ontario’s money was tied up for 8 years, no enterprise emerged, there was nothing to export [ the original intention ] and no jobs were created. Although some money was paid back, no interest was gained, so what did David Peterson actually accomplish in his quest to kick the Tories in the nuts under the table. This behind the backs of Ontarians? In killing Trade and Commerce, Dave destroyed the prospect of thousands of jobs and he destroyed the lives of probably hundreds of the leading inventors in the Province. A generation or two of inventors was thrown to the wolves by Dave. Lenders and investors lost bigtime. But most of all Peterson destroyed a Ministry culture in totality, that had been around since WW II. It was a Government Department that kept on giving and the Liberals killed it. Like the death camps there is nothing in this regard left but ashes. And Ontarians, misinformed by the Lugenpresse blamed / blame Bob Rae for the economic meltdown [ 1990 to 95 ]! It was that STUPID David Peterson who drove the good ship Ontario onto the rocks. Dalt and Kath McGuinty are putting finis to that job. My smaller inventions were mostly directed at my various businesses, to increase quality, efficiency and reduce energy use particularly. By this time nuclear power was slowly strangling this Province as the people snoozed because of a Nazi media buyout. This nukie throttling of public knowledge was aided and abetted by Dalton McGuinty, the ever nasty Liberals, John Honderich of the Star and Steve Paikin of TVO. I eventually despaired of ever seeing any light at the end of the tunnel vis a vis setting up any manufacturing business in Ontario again. The nukies have had us in their grip for so long, going back 30 years. I understand why manufacturers will not locate here. And I feel the pain of manufacturers who are stuck here. Mike Harris, Dalt and Kath McGuinty have all helped the nukies tighten their grip. So now it is a fight to the finish. One of two scenarios will dominate. Ontarians will get off their lazy asses and take back Ontario Hydro and capitalize on the Hydro / water power that patiently awaits our attention. Meaning the nukies will lose. At that point we can jail McGuinty and all his nuclear friends including Murray Elston the nuke industry bag man. It would be interesting to know how much money Murray delivered to Dalt’s Office??? The other possibility is the nukies win the struggle and Ontario dies a horrible death. And then, like all parasites, the nukies will expire, because the host is rendered lifeless! Ontario will than have decaying nuclear plants and toxic waste hanging around without the money and wherewithal to safely deal with them. Our children and grandchildren will be left in a nuclear graveyard, OF YOUR MAKING! I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY, I * TRIED * MY * BEST !!! Ontarians let this happen by acting like toadstools, sitting the dark eating horseshit! The Liberals / nukies have been telling lies in the Nazi media for the last dozen years plus without a stop. A lot of your money has changed hands to publicize their lies. No media outlet will tell you the electricity truth because the Liberals and the Nuclear industry buy so much advertising, WITH YOUR MONEY. If some reporter or commentator WENT NUTS, could no longer stand the nukie lies and blurted out the truth as to why your ten cent KWs cost 25 cents, their job would vanish in a minute. I saw a nuclear ad on TV the other night, it was amazing, same old lies, because the other side of the story is NEVER TOLD, it is VERBOTEN. Hitler said if your tell a lie often enough the ignorant masses will believe it to be the truth. Boy, he wasn’t kidding. After a dozen years of nukie / Liberal lies Ontarians are truly BEREFT AND BAMBOOZLED. You are really being played for a sucker by the two McGuintys, the Liberals, their American friends, the nukies and the Nazi media. But I know, I know your response already, when the next nukie KW bill arrives you will just gripe and then write a cheque! You will bend over, drop your pants or up your skirts and let the McGuintys stick it to you ONE MORE TIME! Just think Dalton McGuinty got a free house from the nukies RIGHT off your backs. How much more did the McGuint take in??? I was over recent weeks much disheartened at Ontario’s plight? Then out of the blue, a few weeks ago I saw an article about the Quebec Government giving an inventor $ 18 million to his further his idea. It would cover seed money, R and D, prototyping, plant set up and assistance in marketing the product to the world. WOW!!! I did some research and found the Quebec Ministry of Innovation and Export, which has been around for years under various titles is almost the same as the old Ontario, Davis, PC Ministry of Trade and Commercial. The very Department that Peterson killed! The recent Quebec budget was balanced, taxes were cut, benefits were increased along with other goodies, unemployment went down, VERY INTERESTING. A Government supports fully emerging innovators and inventors, the Province prospers, the tax register ching chings and the people have work and increased benefit? MMMMMMMMMM? So what did Godfrey’s National Post do but attack Quebec on trumped up charges. Paul said nothing about the Quebec Government initiatives which have paid off. This is too much for the righties to handle, such initiatives by governments put they’re ideology at grave risk. If people find out there is a better hotdog, for half price, down around the corner they’re gone! What Quebec is doing, make the job of selling rightie free market shit much more difficult. Their edifice trembles at the thought of people having options, thinking for themselves and becoming prosperous??? Success must never ever smile on Canadians, and Godfrey is paid to see zero dreams come true. Churchill said, an optimist is someone who looks at a problem and sees opportunities, that’s ME!!! A pessimist is someone who looks at an opportunity and sees nothing but problems, that’s the whole National Post!!!. AMERIGREED wants Canadians to have nothing but problems and pays Paul Godfrey to manufacture problems, even if none exist. Quebec electricity is 60% below the KW cost in Ontario. WOW, do I like that. Quebec encourages emerging business and puts its’ money where its’ mouth is. The Province protects its’ businesses like in Sweden and Norway. AMERIGREED leaves Quebec alone in regards to Patent fights. Quebec Courts bristle at Yankee intrigues. Quebec is more worldly than the rest of Canada and seeks export markets globally. Canadian companies in general are too lazy to seek wider markets, especially those in Ontario. They are willing to put up with American abuse and horseshit in exchange for never-leave-home convenience. This is partly due to Dalt and Kath McGuinty, who sell Extortion Licenses to Americans. Why would a Yankee branch plant seek business which would benefit Ontarians??? Only 20% of Canadian companies export. Most of such businesses handle the wealth stripping being done this very minute by AMERIGREED. Come on in Yank, we will look the other way while you take what you want! I would say to any business now stuck in Ontario, paying outrageous hydro bills, and putting up with Liberal crap, GO EAST YOUNG MAN OR WOMAN, GO EAST. I have been posting these facts ABOUT NUCLEAR POWER since 2009. Ontario doesn’t need nuclear, coal or natural gas generating plants. We have more than enough hydro water power both installed and potential to cover ALL OF THE PROVINCE’S ELECTRICITY NEEDS [ estimated to be 27,000 MWs, we actually have more water power potential than Quebec and Manitoba put together ]. In 8 years, not a single person has picked up on my promoting this hidden resource, hidden by the McGuintys, the nukies and the paid Nazi press. I put this down to the complete success of the Nazi media paid [ US dollars ] campaign to keep this water bonanza under wraps and away from Ontarians. Of course the ratepayers and taxpayers in the end are paying for this very campaign which is driving THEM INTO THE POORHOUSE. /\ ???????????? /\? Acquiescing to getting FUCKED GUARANTEES THE FUCKING WILL CONTINUE!!! IT is a little like having to pay for the guillotine blade which will be used to cut off the heads of your family? It is so ridiculous, it is ridiculous! But it shows the power of our Nazi media to mislead. And it shows the gullibility of some people to believe lies. Even with Ontario’s many troubles, there are people who still buy the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s and watch CTV, Global and the CBC. It is a maybe, that some people will not wake up until they find themselves locked in a cattle car going down the track??? Herr Harper’s final solution? Lyin Steve is just waiting in the wings, hiding in Calgary, on the American oil monopoly payroll. I am baffled at the Harper Fascists. They have no plan, they don’t know where they are headed. THAT CANADIANS WOULD LET THEM GET HOLD OF THE STEERING WHEEL AGAIN? THAT THOUGHT WOULD BE CRAZYNESS! The USA rightpublicanazis were from Reagan’s time, determined to impose their right wing ideology on the States [ that has already been accomplished, with devastating results ], imposed on Canada [ a work still in progress ] and imposed on the UK [ also a work in progress ]! The righties persist going into an old barn full of hay to play with matches, with no thought of the outcome? But here is the 64 zillion dollar question, MUST WE GO WITH THEM TO THE SLAUGHTER??? It is obvious, that some Canadians, when give a choice between a GOLD BRICK, WITH INTEREST and a TURD will choose the TURD every time. Puzzling??? This, because their US rightpublicanazis masters tell them to do it. I am for gold bricks, gold medals and excellence. A huge number of white racists in the USA are just so stupid, third rate, really. But because of the colour of their skin, they think it gives the right to always go the the head of the line without putting out any effort. After WW II America was the king of the castle, unscathed by the War while the rest of the globe was in tatters. The Yankees had a huge advantage. But since Reagan they have squandered their lead through greed. Their advantages is long gone, they are hugely in debt and their skills are old hat and aging quickly. Americans have lost their balls and are making up this lack of talent by stealing and extortion! The only areas where Americans still excel is in the cheating and lying department. This permeates their very existence. My lunch box hydrogen engine / generator for the Nissan Leaf actually came to be over the outrageous claims for the GM Volt [ I named it the DOLT ] during McGuinty’s efforts to kill Hydrogen as a fuel in Ontario. The Volt is a regular gas vehicle, with a little electric motor, a phony generator and extra batteries that assist on occasion. The DOLT does almost nothing to reduce the level of CO2 in the world. But as with so many things American, what we ARE TOLD is not what WE GET. It is the same old flim flam. GM sat on its’ ass, making gas guzzlers, and ignoring the public interest in electric cars for years. The Toyota Prius arrived in 1997, made by a top rated Company, which was in it for the long haul. Something no American firm is prepared to do, the stock holders would never hear of it! When gas prices spiked, GM began losing sales to the Prius and smaller foreign cars. Then Nissan announced an all electric car which spooked GM even further. American automobile makers are no longer leaders in the forefront of technology. The smarts now come from Asia and Europe. When they get jolted, the car builders in the USA, make quick decisions based on sketchy facts, take great leaps of faith based on questionable engineering, it is all for show and not for blow. Americans can’t stand being back in the pack. Thus the Volt was born. Toyota had a 12 year lead in proven Hybrid technology. Nissan [ I owned two Pathfinders 1993 / 2000, driven about 450,000 kms total ] had been testing an all electric car since 2004. GM had no such technology. How to compete, said GM. I do not give a shit what GM does, business is business, but cheating is off limits to me. Cheating with the help of the US Government IS EVEN WORSE. Washington fixing world trade rules disadvantages companies in other countries, that play be those rules. If foreign companies DO NOT PLAY BY THOSE RULES WASHINGTON SUES THEM. HOW CAN WE DEAL WITH THESE CROOKS??? We can’t!!! Even Trumpf, the biggest liar and cheat to show up since Nixon graded himself an A. Likewise Washington decided who can cheat at business in the world and GAVE ITSELF THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO CHEAT, BUT IN A WAY THAT ALWAYS LEAVE THEM WITH CLEAN HANDS! This is not new, it has been going on for 30 years. Only in recent years has corporate America thrown off the cover and conducted their stickups in broad daylight. COMPETITION means that society advances, better products, drugs, healthcare, education and services at lower costs. That is unless competition is killed, which is something the Americans do CONSISTENTLY. In such cases society goes backward as in the case of Whirlpool UK and their dryer fires? Likewise the VOLT / DOLT / BOLT? When you are the only game in town, ANYTHING GOES!!! The weak get shoved aside. In some cases the US Flat Earthers push the vulnerable people over the side as in the case of cancelled health coverage by Congress. This is the ultimate test of the rightie Nietzsche Myth. That there are OVERMEN AND UNDERMEN. Hitler viewed the German population as the ignorant masses. He was right, the majority of Germans proved to be ignorant and the surrendered their freedom for a mess of pottage. The Fuhrer led them to their annihilation. South of the 49th we see the beginnings of the same thing. The ignorant American majority has surrendered their freedom to the rightpublicanazis, by standing idly by, while the USA election process was dismantled right under their noses. So engrossed were they each, in SELFISHLY PURSUING THEIR OWN INTERESTS, THAT THEY HAD NO TIME LEFT TO CONSIDER THE FATE OF THEIR NATION. USE IT OR LOSE, IN THE CASE OF YOU DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS! The story of the GM VOLT is so typical of the American mind. I could write a book on American cheating. Yesterday there was a report on all the major US companies which are reducing portions. You buy a quart of anything and find it is 2 ounces short. Bars of soap have the ends shaved off. Containers now have a bottom dome to displaced the contents and give you less. Even when the US Government DUMPS peanuts or milk in Canada they cheat on the measurement. Hormel has taken the reduced size bottles of Skippy Peanut Butter and packages of DAD’s, which contain one less cookie, OFF THE MARKET IN CANADA BECAUSE THEY CAN’T MAKE ENOUGH PROFIT. EVEN THOUGH HORMEL USES PEANUTS, SUGAR AND GRAINS, subsidized by US taxpayers. Dad’s Cookies were made on Duplex Ave. Tor., just above Eglinton. It was another Canadian firm gobbled up by the hedgies. Soon Canadians will be getting US food containers with no contents and still be paying top price to starve. To-day Bumble Bee Tuna pleaded guilty to price fixing and paid a $ 25 million fine. Do Canadians just surrender to more Yankee abuses like Hitler’s ignorant masses. Do we just allow our laws to be broken because AMERIGREED is so used to doing just that in the States. Does the day come, when the Royal Canadian Harper Police scoop protester up off the streets, packs them into cattle cars and packs them off to the gas chambers??? OR??? Do we get our shit together and BITE AMERIGREED??? By closing the border to US companies that are caught short changing Canadian, just another form of cheating. We must hire security inspectors to check shipments of US products coming into Canada. Just stop every third truck. Pull out 3 cases of whatever out at random. Is a quart a quart full of product??? Is a pound full a pound??? If it is another American cheat load send the truck packing. Want and like Skippy Peanut Butter. The Canadian National Research Council could analyze Skippy and come up with a formula after doing taste testing of Skippy lovers. The formula could then be licensed to private company for manufacturing. The Canadian people would get a piece of the action through the licensing agreement. The licensing agreement would prohibit American interference through the 49% rule. Ottawa could then contract with Haitian peanut growers for the necessary supplies for the Canadian made Scrappy Peanut Butter. While they are at it, Ottawa could encourage the increase growing of peanuts in Canada through a marketing board, in view of climate change and the introduction of wholesale irrigation of Canadian crops. Whole Foods was charged with reducing portions on the sly. We did buy brand name egg whites in cartons. The 500 G cartons were always an ounce or two short, so we stopped buying! Del Monte Peaches are sometimes half water. Kraft cheese slices used to be 500 G, the Company has cut that by 50 G but still charges the same price. Where is Canada Weights and Measures? I would imagine Harper closed the Department as he did the meat inspectorS. There is probably still a CW and M office, but nobody os there and the door is locked. Come all ye Americans and screw Canadians as ye see fit, the OTTAWA CIVIL SERVICEN WON’T BOTHER YOU!!! If you can’t buy the gold medal then cheat say the Americans. The Repubs / Trumpf cheated in the Nov. 16 /16 US Election. So Trumpf’s media is a mere turd on a chain. With Toyota and Nissan leading the electric charge, how would GM compete with a Hybrid on one hand and a pure electric car on the other??? Both of which had had a 12 years head start. Surprise, surprise, GM cheated. The Company produced the Volt, a regular gas car, with a plug-in electric motor / battery system, a generator to supposedly charge the batteries on the way. So this complicated and expensive jumble of wires, computers and other parts that the VOLT needs 18 control boards. The Volt / DOLT / BOLT is a gas car, hybrid and an electric car all rolled into one, like a Swiss Army Knife gone crazy. It is a knife that looks like a knife THAT DOES NOTHING WELL. The VOLT is 350 pound of useless junk heavier than the Nissan Leaf. GM sells the VOLT at a loss and this monstrosity costs a fortune to maintain. The design is constantly changing so some parts are unavailable. Rather, GM just tries to sell the owner a new VOLT at a reduced cost. Yet the internet is full of praises from every flake who has a website and no morals. It is so American, a never ending troop of professional liars praising a piece of shit to the skies WHEN THE TRUTH IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE!!! So we can have a drunk who swore off drink, an inebriated drunk or someone, stone cold sober in an instant at the push of the VOLT button. Them Mericans, they’s impressive, they win at almost everything and cheat at everything! A gold medal has NO VALUE IF YOU CHEATED! Thus the Volt is being held up against the Toyota Prius and the Nissan Leaf as being better than either, by Washington, Congress, the Nazi media and hundreds of snakes on the take. GM / Washington thinks that the VOLT’s deficiencies can be hidden by spending large dollars on advertising with the North American Nazi media which will say anything for a buck. Yet, yet, yet, just another big American lie!!! As well the Volt was not engineered to qualify for the EPA / Ontario Gov. grant for electric cars. The VOLT had a gas engine driving the wheels. The GM CEO pleaded the Company should be rewarded for trying hard. So the EPA / McGuinty wrote advantageous legislation around the VOLT which excluded the Prius and the Leaf. So get this, a gas car, the VOLT, pollutes the atmosphere but gets a special exemption from the USA / Ont Governments so it can be advertised as Electric or Hybrid. However the real Electrics and Hybrids are excluded. To qualify as an electric car the gas motor can not be attached to the wheels as a driving force says the SAE. The Americans are so hooked on cheating they can’t help themselves. What GM did was make a double shafted generator. The gas engine was attached to the generator which was little more than a glorified drive shaft. Then the other end of the generator was attached to the wheels. Cheating RIGHT??? Everyone knew it Washington, Congress, the oil monopoly, the Nazi media, McGuinty / Ont. Government and others. Nobody said boo. GM spent a lot of money advertising the VOLT as an electric car. The VOLT was touted in numerous articles as better than the Prius or the Leaf. I am sure the testers and the media were paid handsomely by GM to give the VOLT, a mechanical monstrosity, top billing over a real hybrid and a real electric car. Much ink was spilled on the fact that the VOLT was a plug-in, the Prius was not. So the VOLT had a tiny electrical system made up of a generator, motor, extra batteries and a cord which gave it 40 miles range. Most of the time a VOLT RUNS ON GAS!!! The VOLT was given much coverage when compared to a Leaf. RANGE ANXIETY WAS HAMMERED TO DEATH. On a good day one could go 100 miles in a Leaf and be shitting his or her pants for the last 20 miles. Of course there was no range anxiety in a VOLT. You could go 400 miles without any trouble. Obviously the North American Nazi press could say NOT why. If they did the GM cheques would stop arriving and they would be struck off the advertising list. Hey, better to take the money, bullshit the buying public and help distort the free market system in favour of the rightpublicanazi! AGAIN!!! This campaign, backed by the American oil monopoly was detrimental to Toyota and Nissan, but when you are selling a lot of vehicles in the USA, such foreign Companies are obligated to duck for cover, keep their mouths shut and eat AMERIGREED SHIT. McGuinty’s role in promoting the VOLT was irksome to me! I have a screen in my head. I can see the VOLT whole, and pull it apart, piece by piece and watching everything working in real time. I can do the same thing with an aeroplane or an engine or any other mechanical contraption. This range anxiety is a major stumbling block for electric car makers. I realize that. It was clear that by jumping on this very real problem incessantly by the North American Nazi media was a money maker for them. Congress, GM and the American oil monopoly could not be happier. The US Nazi media could get money from GM, the oil monopoly, Detroit, score points with Congress by favouring US corporations over foreign ones, plus allow Mericans to stand tall and proud about BEING NUMBER ONE AGAIN. Even though it was cheating once again and all smoke and mirrors. McGuinty was so VOLTISH, I said FUCK HIM, there had to be a way out of this and there is. I went to see a Nissan Leaf. I needed a part for my Pathfinder. So the process of solving yet another problem began. Simply put electric cars depend on charging stations, like oases in the desert. The fewer there are the more anxious the trip! What if you could have a charging station in a trailer and tow it around? Puff goes range anxiety. Won’t work. Charging stations are plugged into the grid, like the outlet in your garage. What if you put a portable generator in the trailer and towed it around. You could fire it up whenever the batteries on your electric got low. It would work, no problem. Three factors gave me a base for my idea. I bought a small portable generator from CTC, which was powered by propane, this was for for the cottage. Over 20 years the dependability of Hydro One has plummeted while the KW costs went in the other direction. The only thing that Hydro One excels at is over changing and not listening. Ontarians are to blame for this because they keep putting McGuinty’s Fascists back in power. If you allow the hangman to keep hanging around eventually some of you will be hung just to keep him out of trouble. Both the failures of Hydro One and the cost of electricity, which borders on usury, are an insult to Ontarians, but hey, they keep electing McGuintys Dalt / Kath. I have an intimate knowledge of the potential of Hydrogen because of the Bancroft Hydrogen Village Project I worked on, which McGuinty killed. In North America the American oil monopoly has been able to absolutely kill the idea of Hydrogen by spending vast sums of money with the Nazi media, [ remember the Hindenburg has been repeated in the Lugenpresse to smear Hydrogen, almost as often as the word OIL is substituted for TAR in Canada or the expression, range anxiety is used to smear electric cars or Trudeau’s hair, nice! Remember what Reagan said, and something Paul Godfrey picked up on, tell a lie 5 times and it becomes the truth. Only the National Post goes overboard at times, 100 times, 100 lies, enough already!!! The third fact is my experience as an aeroplane mechanic with AME qualifications. I have an intimate knowledge of aircraft engines both piston and jet. My thought, if I take my little one lung propane generator, give it another cylinder, make it light like a Boxer and power it with Hydrogen, this little lunch box size engine / generator would fit in the trunk of a Leaf or any other electric. There would be no need for a trailer if the APU is small enough and light enough. Being independent with its’ own battery, the LB 750 could be run at any time to recharge the main batteries, range anxiety WOULD BE GONE WITH THE WIND!!! The Leaf could be used immediately on a cold morning, batteries have less cranking power when cold. When plugged in to charge overnight I’d run a little heater in Auxiliary Power Unit, [ like an APU in the aft end of a B-29 ]. The APU could be started in the am, to warm up the Leaf / TESLA interior as well as the main battery pack. The complete electrical system of the car would run off the APU battery. The main batteries would power the CAR ONLY. Actually my APU would reduce the number of batteries required in electric cars and reduce their cost. The LB 750 design is a horizontally opposed engine, Hydrogen powered, would be equipped with a truck alternator for the main batteries, a generator for the APU battery and a starter. It would be air / oil cooled. The oil cooler would double as the cabin heater. A regular compressor would run a regular Air Conditioner. The engine would produce only water from the exhaust. It would be roughly 26″ long, 18″ high and 16″ wide, all in, weight about 125 lbs. A small 11 lb tank of Hydrogen would power my APU. Equipped with my LB 750 and a full tank of Hydrogen, I think a 400 mile range is within reach. Carry a spare tank of Hydrogen and 500 miles is within sight. As a comparison, regular 20 lb tank of Propane for a barbecue will run a 2200 watt generator for 6 hours. I see Nissan building, a longish canister tanks, maybe 15 lb and 30 lb, that would fit over the wheel well? Nissan could carry the Hydrogen canisters in their parts departments. There are 1250 Nissan dealers in the USA, 180 in Canada and 300 in the UK. Long term, when Hydrogen vehicles are themselves plentiful, the canisters would be available everywhere. Owners would get credit for the remaining Hydrogen when they returned their empty, so they wouldn’t have to push their luck. Even my METRO carries propane barbecue tanks. Distribution of Hydrogen made from WATER ANYWHERE THERE IS ELECTRICITY WOULD BE EASY. The American oil monopoly has spent scores of millions, given to the likes of Paul Godfrey to smear Hydrogen relentlessly. But then it is true that anything you read in the National Post papers is not true!!! As regards to the LB 750, course I had the Nissan Leaf and that lying son-of-a-bitch McGuinty on my mind when I began working on my APU. I am a get even guy and am driven so! At the time, there was an article about Magna building their own electric car and there was a picture of the prototype. That is why I wrote to Frank Stronach. When his engineer called me, I quickly knew this guy didn’t have a clue My letter was quite specific. Why this jerk from Magna called me I DO NOT KNOW? Supposedly he was a graduate engineer, I was not impressed, is this what passes as an engineer these days??? A more intelligent conversation would have been had with the manager of Stronach’s cafeteria. He had been educated in the USA, knew nothing about range anxiety, nothing about Hydrogen and zero about air cooled aircraft engines. He revealed to me that Magna was working on the VOLT for GM. My unknowledgeable engineer knew nothing about the sordid history of the VOLT and its’ mechanical failings, either? But this makes sense for Magna, if the Company is going to do contract work for GM on the VOLT, they would have hire village-idiot engineers. At the time, GM was winning awards for this electrician’s nightmare. But then getting awards for cheating in the USA is nothing new. The US [ which along with Ont. owned GM ] and the Ontario Governments rewrote their Green legislation to allow the VOLT, a car with a gas engine to masquerade as an electric vehicle. GM was scared shitless, that because the supposed independent generator was hooked up to the wheels, EPA tests would disqualify the car from being classed as an electric car. So as said, Washington and McGuinty wrote legislation specifically related to the VOLT to allow it to play both sides of the street. It could be a gas car [ not ] or an electric car [ not ], whatever GM wanted. It was a sort of wild card, anything you wish for. No other auto manufacturer got equal treatment. GM was 12 years late to the race but wanted to say it was in front. Peeing its’ pants, wanting to be first! So Washington, Congress and Dalt McGuinty took the Volt across the infield and let it start the race halfway round the track. As a bonus the VOLT was given credit for doing 2 laps which it never did. Of course what I am writing here is pure nonsense, but I am trying to send a message. The Americans will do anything to win, anything, they cheat and lie at the drop of the flag. No wonder the National Post does the same thing, AMERIGREED DOESN’T PAY FOR TRUTH TELLING! The VOLT is such a ridiculous machine mechanically that it could only make sense to hard pressed GM EXECUTIVES who were trying to have their cake and eat it three. The Nissan Leaf is the best selling electric car in the world and deserves that position. TESLA is now well into the race! The Prius is the best selling hybrid, a reputation well earned. If news got out about the LB 750, the American oil monopoly would either have Godfrey smear me out of business or the oilies would buy me out. Pretty tempting, getting money for not pursuing an idea that would employ hundreds of Canadians and contribute to GDP??? You can make Hydrogen in your kitchen, it is just a matter of passing an electrical current through water which causes the Hydrogen and Oxygen to separate into bubbles. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaa! The LB 750 is simplicity itself meant for one purpose to provided a mobile means of recharging batteries, remotely or on-the-go. Even an eighth grader would be able to understand what I am saying. Mind you, I think that the National Post’s Peter Foster, an ex Brit who could not make it in his own Country, would be in difficulty surveying my work. To Peter, MY LB 750 WOULD BE ROCKET SCIENCE!!! I’m an off the shelf inventor. When faced with a problem I look for an apparatus or a part or a process which has been already well proven. The LB 750 is the result of connecting MANY DOTS! Interestingly, Harley Davidson produced thousands of motorcycles during WW II, many of them Boxers. These little H+D gas Boxer engines were made separately and fastened to generators, which could be carted around to provide electricity where needed by the Infantry. For the US Airforce in WW II, Lycoming lightplane engines were fastened to generators and used to start the multi engine machines. Originally battery carts were use, however they had to be charged all the time. The air cooled Lyc / generator sets could be wheeled out on the tarmac, started up and plugged in. A B-17 could be started without depleting its’ batteries. And this was 75 years ago. Daaaaaaaaaaaaa. Double Daaaaaaaaaaaaa. Updated and tuned to run on Hydrogen, the LB 750 would take the worry out of driving any all electric car. It would be like taking an extra pair of glasses on a trip, in case you needed them. My quiet little Put Put that would facilitate cheap, clean transportation and always bring you home [ emiting no CO2 ], HAPPY MOTORING FOLKS!!! By coming up with the LB 750 idea, I have cost the USA oil monopoly many more millions made from selling you ISIS oil that is being stolen from the Iraqis. They will have to pay Paul Godfrey et al, considerable to smear me and my Put Put. Oh and Paul if you are watching, I have real nice hair too!!!


I get all my Hydrogen information from European papers, articles and Universities. About 15 years ago the USA oil monopoly started a smear campaign through the North American Nazi media to erase the word Hydrogen from people minds. It was relentless, scary, scary. The oilies succeeded! Ya, stuff made from water is like real scary. But Godfrey was paid to created that irreality and he did! On the other hand Alberta Tar mixed with Benzine, the bomb mix that blew up in Megantic and killed 47 people and left 22 orphans, is described by Paul Godfrey / Nat. Post like mothers milk. Harper’s coverup on behalf of the CPR was complete. It all depends which side your cheque is buttered on. Right??? In terms of learning about Hydrogen from our Nazi media, forget it! You will find out nothing about Hydrogen from North American universities either. To even mention the word would see their nuts cut off by AMERIGREED. No, our universities do what they are told by the rich and powerful and Big Oil. Research by academics into alternative forms of energy? WHY NEVER? Something to relieve humankind from having to paying 25 cents for a KW and $ 5 for a gallon of gasoline, NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS! You take oilie money and keep your mouth shut! As well the word water was erased from the Ontario screen 20 years ago by the nukies. 27,000 MWs of Hydro power was made to just disappear. Mind, the nukie, Hydro smear campaign cost Ontarians tens of millions of dollars through overcharging. In fact, some time back, I accused John Honderich of the Star, of having posters scattered around the news room that said, ” Never mention the word water, if your do, afiring will be your fate “. I wrote Honderich many times about his lying for the nukies, Not a single reply! John remained ever silent. Strangely enough the nukies sent Honderich a lot of money. Do you think there is a connection here or something??? Cash in the brown envelope, a system perfected by Brian Mulroney, must have clouded Honderich’s mind. The mention of water / Hydro disappeared from the Star and remained behind the curtain no matter how many letters I wrote to Dear John! But my victory is bitter sweet. The Toronto Star is going broke. The family cartel that Honderich heads is going to be left with worthless paper, looks good on them. Maybe a few trips to the food bank will jolt them into the real world where the rest of us live? But in going down, the Star helped take Ontario with it. Honderich was paid millions over the years by the McGuintys and the nukies, to sell us out. I tried my best to thwart their intentions but to no avail. Money, the power the Star once had and TVO made sure Ontarians were kept in the dark, they still are! The election of Justin Trudeau gave me hope that Canada had ridded itself of the Fascist scourge. But as time goes by I am beginning to have my doubts. The rightpublicanazis have a firm grip of Canada’s media. The American oil monopoly funds Jason Kenney, the Wildrose Party and Brad Wall [ another monopoly bum boy like Harper ]. So there is a lethal combination out West. All the media, TV and Godfrey’s papers are in the pocket of Big Oil.
The hard right in BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan are sucking on a big oil teat. My suggestion to Western Canadians is to read the UK Guardian for real news on Canada, the status of energy and the zoo that is the USA NOW!
Good tiding in the last couple of hours. Christy Clark’s oil monopoly supported Fascist Government has been reduced to a minority, even though all of the Canadian rightpublicanazis pitched in to help. The ballot is still alive and kicking in BC. All that has to happen now is for the citizens of the West and BC to be informed about the Twin Beaver Pipeline. The anchor to this pipeline would be to upgrade and refine Alberta / Saskatchewan Tar in situ [ Fort Mac ], using Eastern Hydro electricity [ from Newfoundland, Quebec, the Province of Northern Ontario and Manitoba. Then the resulting real, safe crude oil [ that doesn’t blow up ] could be distributed across Canada and refined locally. No more American ISIS gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. As well the double Beaver pipe would distribute Natural gas from BC, Alt. and Sask to Ontario and Quebec. Pennsylvania cheap, fracked nat. gas being sold at Alberta prices by Russ Girling would be banned. I wish the OPP would stop sucking up to the corrupt Liberals and charge Dalt McGuinty and Russ Girling with racketeering? I would be inclined to expropriate the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline before things go any further. Kinder Morgan wants to sell $ 2 billion in stock to rubes, for an expansion of its’ so called crude oil pipeline [ now carrying illegal tar and Benzine, the same stuff that blew up in Megantic ]. Kinder Morgan will no doubt mislead investors as to the risks of project. To clean up a tar / Benzine spill will cost at least 10 times more than a crude oil spill. Kinder Morgan will pay the North American media loads of cash to tell you that Hi Octane gasoline tar / Benzine ] is really OIL! A major tar / Benzine accident would cause death and destruction and would wipe out said rube investors. With the money both Kinder Morgan and Girling TransNotCanada are looking to raise we could build TWO Twin Beaver Pipes. Investing in the DOUBLE B Pipeline would be environmentally sensitive and financially sound. Canada would own the BEAVER outright, Americans and foreigners need not apply. I want only Canadians to reap the rewards of a well run pipeline system. JUST THINK, THE TWO B WOULD CREATE THOUSANDS OF ” BUY CANADA JOBS “! AND A DELICIOUS EXTRA, AMERIGREED WOULD NOT SEE A FUCKING DIME!!!


If I was twenty years younger I would move to various locations to gain the best advantage for my inventions and seek protection from Canada’s Fascist politicians, AMERIGREED and the hegie vultures on Wall St. Canadians, if they hope to recover any good jobs in this Country, must push Ottawa and the Provinces to protect our businesses from the grip of the American One percent. The US rich are buying up everything in sight to dominate North America and killing competition while they are at it. Skippy Peanut Butter is just the latest casualty. Soon the USA will control our food supply as they do wheat / gasoline / diesel / natural gas ETC. IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS!!! SITTING ON YOUR ASSES CANADIANS, IS NO LONGER AN OPTION!!! ++++++++++++++++++++ I would take the BJ trainer to England to certify it and manufacture it there for the world market [ the BJ would not be available in the USA ]. Transport Canada [ my DOT ] is too much in the pocket of AMERIGREED. After ten years of Harper, the Country’s civil service in Ottawa is infected with AMERIGREED THINK. When these birds make public comments it is clear where their hearts and minds dwell, in Washington and the Street of Walls! Many of them are permanently aligned with the USA rigged free market system, which has a negative affect on Canada, even though we pay their salaries. But this is such a rightie thing, two opposing thought retained in the brain at the very same time. In Ottawa, they are screwing Canada while accepting our coin. Rona Ambrose has quit as leader of the Canadian Fascist Party. Rona is taking up a position with a think-tank in Washington, dedicated to taking over Canada. Many Canadian turncoats populate that think tank. That Ambrose is being paid to take away our freedom caused not a ripple in OUR Nazi media. Rona is a valuable find for the Yanks! Herr Harper’s central goal was turn Canada into a satellite state of the USA. Rona will just be wealth of insider info to help with the takeover. On this newsworthy item, Paul Godfrey said nothing, but he can’t help it! Godfrey is paid to fuck Canada. Paul gets a million and half a year to fuck this Nation. That tells me we be worth a pretty penny! The Blue Jay is a real live slam dunk. The market is at least 250 BJs a year or $ 25 million a year for starters! It is a business this country will NEVER SEE! Our Transport Department is run by AMERIGREED operatives in our employ! The National Research Council is in the hands of crooks, in our employ! Why should an idea guy like me have to walk a path strewn with red hot coals, just to please warped rightie minds, who in the end will sink my enterprise anyway??? ++++++++++++++++++++ I would take my washer and dryer and the vertical wind turbine to Quebec. Quebecers have the balls to seize such opportunities, while the rest of Canada trembles at the thought of leaving the comfort of the AMERIGRED nest. My washer and dryer pair have a potential market of more than 40 million households in Canada and the UK. My wind turbine has worldwide appeal. But not the USA, IT WOULD BE TOO SUCCESSFUL AND THE AMERICAN OIL MONOPOLY WOULD PAY THE rEPUBS OFF TO BAN IT!!! Ontarians are too nice, too kind, too forgiving, to naive, too timid, too incurious, too willing to believe lies and too willing to keep submitting to a regular screwing by AMERIGREED! Mike Harris was a mere puppet of Bay St. / Wall St. I am a Frost, Robarts and Davis Progressive Conservative. In 1985 the US rightpublicanazis took over my Party, fronting for them was Frank Miller. Only after the election of Mike Harris did I realize the difference between the American right and the Canadian right. Mike’s right wing agenda in Ontario bombed and he kept running up bills on the QT, which were paid off by selling public assets. Harris leased Hwy # 407 to a group of Spanish bandits for five cents on the dollar. This by secret agreement, an agreement that Ontarians have never seen. I did some research and that agreement is not worth the paper it is written on, it would never stand up in Court. I wrote to Mafia boss here at Queen’s Park, Dalton McGuinty, asking for a copy of the # 407 Agreement. Dalt didn’t respond to me. At about the same time my research revealed that Ontario had never accepted the responsibility for the nuclear waste generated by our nuke plants. Atomic Energy Can., gave Preem Leslie Frost assurances that the toxic waste would be removed to Chalk River within 180 days of its’ creation. That was a lie by the nukies, who kept the storage of the waste in temporary concrete coffins on site secret for years. It took me 4 years to get a copy of that 1962 Agreement, McGuinty, the nukies and OPG fought me every step of the way. Finally the Information Commissioner ordered it released to me. So I have that Agreement. I wrote to both John Honderich / Star and Steve Paikin / TVO, about this state of affairs. Neither of them was interested. After Mike Harris ran away as did our boy Dalt, a few years later, McGuinty took over the Fascist Party reins to form a close bond with AMERIGREED. It was business as usual, the Mafiosi Liberals, under McGinty, at the Legislature, began screwing Ontarians, six ways from Sunday. The citizenry here responded by remaining comatose. It did not matter what scheme the McGuint came up with, to empty the people’s pockets, they were steadfast in their in action. Right now Kathleen McGuinty has a plan to steal another $ 40 billion with some new kind of hydro hokus pokus? I would venture to say, Ontarians will again take this abuse sitting down, unable to find an ounce of resistance upon which to react!!! No, I would not set up a manufacturing business in Ontario, if it was the last piece of dry land on the planet!!! ++++++++++++++++++++ My by-pass water turbine, the Lunch Box APU and my research into Hydrogen / the Electronic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide, I would take to Norway. There is no way that any of these initiatives would see the light of day in North America, BIG ENERGY WILL HAVE NONE OF IT! While the USA stagnates from lack of research and development, the world hungers for advances in terms of climate change, education / health and an increased sense of well being. Nature’s bounty around the globe is capable of providing that improved sense of well being. But much of that harvest, IS NOW BEING STOLEN BY AMERIGREED. I know that my puny efforts to better the lot of humankind WILL NOT FLY IN NORTH AMERICA. AMERIGREED CRUSHES THOSE LIKE ME IN THE USA. AND IN CANADA AMERIGREED HAS BEEN GIVEN FULL REIN TO ACT AS IT WISHES BY OTTAWA AS IF THIS COUNTRY IS ALREADY IN THE BAG!!!
Norway is an oil powerhouse, with a huge bank account because they sell their oil at a profit and keep the money at home. In the process, the recovery of petroleum and natural gas is conducted in a responsible and sustainable manner. Here in Canada our Nazi media, the Post paper, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC mention not a word about Norway, lest Canadians get ideas about loosening their AMERIGREED CHAINS! If you are eating turds everyday, your keeper will not want you to know there is cake available, if you stir your ass a little! Norway will have all electric cars in 5 years. That’s where my LB 750 should be. I believe a Nissan Leaf, equipped with a LB 750 would have a range of about 400 miles, with full heat and AC. The LB 750 is the best of the best kind of machinery, SIMPLE. The VOLT / DOLT / BOLT has 18 computer control boards, probably valued at five or six thousand dollars. The liquid cooled, VOLT gas engine at 1400 cc is twice the size of the LB 750 which would be air / oil cooled. The VOLT produces CO2, the Hydrogen powered LB 750 emits no CO2. The VOLT has a toy electric motor which allows GM to claim it is an electric car, under special rules created by Congress, DOT and McGuinty. The VOLT 350 lbs heavier than a Leaf. The add on LB 750 will be about 125 lbs. So a Leaf with a LB 750 would be 225 lbs lighter than a VOLT, have a greater range than a VOLT, cost less to operate and emit NO CARBON. BIG ENERGY in North America would be apoplectic over the LB 750. Houston would have a meltdown. Range anxiety would be a thing of the past and what would all those 3rd class oilie scribes say then??? Blub, blub, blub! Since the LB 750 would be an add-on, two things would have to happen. One of the batteries in the battery pack would have to be wired separately into the LB 750 circuit. The Leaf internal electrical system would be transfered to the LB / battery combination, after which the main battery pack would be dedicated to the electric drive motor and regenerative braking system. The leaf with a LB 750 would have an extra, samll control panel. A key ignition switch, remember those, they lasted 25 years or more, a LB start button, wow, and 3 turret switches like those on an electric stove. Electric heat, hi, medium and low! LB Heat, hi, medium and low! Air Conditioning, hi, medium and low! Nothing on the panel in the way of switches, fuse holder etc, would cost more than 25 bucks to replace. All of the rough drawings for the LB 750 have been completed and I will tell you my secret. My Hydrogen engine is really half an aircooled Lycoming, 4 banger Boxer aircraft engine, in miniature. Lycoming has produced 325,000 such engines since 1929. During the War, Lycoming produced stand alone engine / generator Ground Power Units for starting bombers to save their batteries for the mission. The GPUs were 4000 ccs, 125 horses, running 2600 rpm continuous and the dry weight was 260 lbs. The LB 750 ccs will be 20 horses, continuous running 2200 rpm and weigh 125 lbs, using Hydrogen from a replaceable cylinder. Our Transport Canada is too much tainted by American thinking whereby tar is king. Our DOT has turned a blind eye to the illegal transport of tar mixed with Benzine by pipe or by rail. The CPR train that blew up in Megantic had phony paperwork which disappear right after the towering inferno. Transport Canada froze, probably on Herr Harper’s orders. I can’t imagine working with such people in regards to my LB 750 Hydrogen engine. DOT is criminally responsible for the cover up in Megantic. This was a story that Paul Godfrey missed. Interesting, for ten years the National Post papers featured nothing by Harper, Harper, Harper the MAD. Sometimes a dozen time a day. Since we threw the son-of-a-bitch out on his ass, not a thing, nothing. Has Steve fallen of the end of the earth??? I am guessing, Lyin Steve is up north, still riding the prow of an ice breaker, looking for Franklin??? I would not entertain the thought of having to deal with DOT people of this mindset? Dishonest All!!! Taking a Canadian pay cheque to supposedly make Canadians safe and then kow towing to the illegal interests of the American oil monopoly which ensures that all other alternative energy is banned, especially Hydrogen. Another Hydrogen smear story appeared a few days ago. The young woman, certainly 3rd rate, apparently just out of Grade 11, English 101, wrote another bullshit Hydrogen smear story. It shows the power of the North American Nazi press to mislead. Goebbels’ Propaganda Ministry could not have done better!!! Interestingly, Brunhilde Pomsel, Goebbel’s secretary for 3 years just died at 106. In her later life she took no responsibility for Nazi atrocities and showed no remorse. Simply put, she was just doing her job. It shows that if you brainwash people, especially when they are young, they will follow a destructive path regardless and thus their lives are ruined. Young Trumpf supporters have been sent on that evil trajectory. When they meet reality it will be curtains for them and those around them. Young USA white racists are already saying, if Trumpf doesn’t deliver they will takeover and start shooting. That is already happening according to the Guardian. The North American Nazi media won’t touch this story??? The key selling point of electric cars is no emissions. My ZERO EMISSIONS Put Put fully respects that position. ++++++++++++++++++++ I would have absolutely no truck with Ontario. With a Fascist Liberal Government in power, and a Fascist PC Party waiting in the wings, {{{ FOR MY PROVINCE }}} I hold no hope whatsoever!!! Ontarians have been completely cowed BY AMERIGREED AND THEIR CANADIAN HELPERS LIKE THE McGUINTYS, with help from the Lugenpress. My Alaskan Permafrost Mitigation Scheme will remain on the shelf for sure. Alaska gets more free money from Washington than any other State. I can’t imagine anyone in power in Alaska, even mentioning Global Warming, let alone doing anything about it. My solution will remain in the shadows. So the mud will eventually envelope THEM MERICANS, but at least they will have their mouths tight shut. Although I could solve their problem, it will never happen. My suggestion to them, is smile as your go under the goop. ++++++++++++++++++++ Likewise, my 1st Nations Winter Road Plan and the proposal to give Canadian Reserves clean drinking water will stay on the shelf. Ottawa and the Provinces have no interest in solving these problems. There is just too much money being made by the 1st Nations industry. AS A WHOLE, NOT SOLVING THESE PROBLEMS MEANS TAXPAYER’S CASH FOR LIFE, IT IS A HUGE BOONDOGGLE. ++++++++++++++++++++ The Twin Beaver Pipeline [ for Canadian crude oil and natural gas ] that I designed, would see a double pipeline plug into BC, go across Canada to the Maritimes, with a spur up to the deep water port at Churchill Man., where an crude oil tank farm and a LNG storage depot would reside. Their contents would be for export to the world market and be beyond the American oil monopoly’s grasping hands. The BEAVER right-of-way would also contain our trans continental electricity grid to transmit clean, cheap hydro power to anywhere in the Country. Everything in those pipes would be Canadian made, upgraded, refined or sourced, including the prices. This would mean BC, Alta., Sask. and Manitoba petroleum and natural gas would power Ontario and Quebec. No petroleum products would be allowed in or out of this Nation, as regards the States. I mean our choices now are stark. We either submit to serfdom under Trumpf or break clear free??? Our Nazi media bullshits us about our ability to stand on our own two feet, by producing misleading figures and news. Our trade situation is very interesting. Info about trade between Canada and the USA is very hard to find. As pure usual all we get is bullshit from the likes of Paul Godfrey and friends. What our Nazi media tells us doesn’t add up. The dollar trade numbers show Canada exports more to the USA than they send us. NOT! This is a rigged number meant to fool Canadians. And boy do Canadians get fooled a lot!!! American traders are greedy, arrogant and stupid. To be taken in by this bunch requires an even deeper level of stupidity. Canadians are constantly being taken in. Can we really be that stupid??? To determine the level of trade between the US and Can. one must have a list of the items. Seems like tar, natural gas and minerals is just about all the Yankees gets from us. We don’t send them anything we make. Daaaaaaaaaaaa? Since the rightpublicanazis are always promoting the free market let’s go with that. If we have barrel of tar worth $ 65 on the world market, why should we sell it to the Americans for $ 25? So in actual fact we are stupid. A short time ago the futures market people in Chicago were going goo goo eyes over the American oil monopoly return on investment {{ 28% }}. That money came right out of Canadian pockets. Terry Corcoran of the Nat. Post would not say boo. here is how trade between out two countries should be calculated instead of using Mulroney’s NAFTA calculations. The value of what Canada sends to the USA should be based on the world market price. And this Country should manage things so we can access that world price. The USA is not going to do anything that will allow us to access world price for oil. So we have to do it ourselves. Canada has built pipelines before. Mulroney took us out of that business in his campaign to give Canada away. A policy followed by Harper more recently. That is what the Twin Beaver Pipeline is all about, carrying crude oil and natural gas from coast to coast to coast to fill Canada’s needs and eliminate petroleum imports from the USA. Any crude oil or natural gas surpluses would be piped to Churchill Man. for export to the world, especially to the UK and the British Commonwealth, 2.2 billion people!!! Now that is some market??? Our present trading partners are the USA, China, Japan, UK and Mexico which shows how lazy Canadian businesses are!!! There are 195 countries in the world. LIKE, Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I will draw you a diagram. Canada is an apple farmer. We grow beautiful fruit, the going price is ten dollars a bushel. But we sell our apples to the MERICANS who are right close by, for a dollar a bushel, easy. We love apples pies but we can’t bestir ourselves to make them ourselves. So we buy our apples pies from the MERICANS for one hundred dollars each! Sound crazy? YES? Yet we give our tar away to the USA oil monopoly for nothing. And buy back from them at usury prices, gasoline, diesel and jet fuel made from ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqis, which is brought to the east coast and refined in Delaware. It would seem that Canada is mostly in the AMERIGREED TENT ALREADY!!! WITHOUT A SHOT BEING FIRED!!! What can one do to change the trajectory when one is lying on the bed naked, the phone cord has been cut and the BIG MERICAN ORANGE BULLY has just snapped the lock on the door??? Everything is done by Paul Godfrey to undermine our confidence like Joe Oiliver does regularly. BC, Man., Ont., Que. and NF would share hydro electricity with the West to power the oil and natural gas industries WITH A MUCH REDUCED LEVEL OF CO2. GODFREY WILL NEVER SAY SUCH THINGS!!! No more tailing ponds and we’d get a gold medal from the world for being a leader in the quest for Green. ALL OF THIS WITHIN REACH IF WE COULD ONLY GROW SOME BALLS!!! Our TWO and only enemies are AMERIGREED and its’ Canadian turncoats like Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich! and the American oil monopoly and its’ Canadian turncoats, Steve Harper, Preston Manning, Jason Kenney, the Fraser Institute and the Universities of Calgary and Carleton in Ottawa. You know my letter writing started back a dozen years ago, trying to naively correct the nukie lies being published by the Star. I just thought the reporters, columnists and editorialists were misinformed. I sent reams of technical stuff to Honderich, to prove what was being printed WAS NOT TRUE. I never got a single reply. Eventually the 40 watt bulb in my head lit up. John was being paid to tell nukies lies and my information was being pitch in the waste basket. The same thing happened with TVO. Steve Paikin was always fishing for content, inviting people to participate. I responded with various letters and material. To make a long story short, TVO declined to invite me to appear. In a very nice way TVO said, ” MAYBE SOMEDAY “! Steve interviewed nukies, American experts, politicians and nuclear PR people, pro nuke nobodies. All they did was tell lies and poor little Stevie just sat there like the oaf he is, nodded his head and played stupid. I think Steve’s pay cheque from McGuinty depended heavily on him playing stupid. Paikin knew what they were all saying were lies. This because he had all my material. My main message to Paikin / TVO, was that nuclear power would destroy Ontario’s economy and bankrupt the Province. On that point I have been proven right but one real happy note, Paikin has continued to get his pay cheque, so that’s good! It doesn’t matter what you do for money as long as you get it!!! Right??? Keeping one’s mouth shut in Ontario has a big upside! No only does it pay well, one gets patted on the head by the McGuintys and the nukies. For some it is very, very important to look after their own individual interests, even if they have to heavily discount the interests of this Province and Canada, or even eliminate them! So perfectly American. After these failed adventures, trying to get the truth out, I started aggressively pushing my ideas by letter. Whether a politician, a civil servant, a business owner, newspaper / magazine editors and CTV, told a lie as regards energy, I would respond. Basically my letters followed the same format. ” Dear Sir or Madam ; The problem to which you refer, can be solved easily by doing the following “. These letters were backed up by technical material. The only response I ever got was from Magna about my Put Put, as mentioned. Nothing from anybody else. The problems and bullshit have continued, and in many cases it has gotten worse. Canadians paid a price and still continue to pay a price, something with which many seem quite contented. As inferiors they seem to feel they deserve a screwing from the MASTER! I would guess the royal screwing we are taking is not hurting enough yet? When I started my blog in 2009, I changed tactics. I posted my stuff [ more than 500 posts to date ], made hard copies and sent same to the offending parties, especially Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich. Same result, silence and continuing lies and bullshit. I am concerned that as climate change affects the countries along the equator it is reducing their ability to grow enough food to feed their populations. Even the Southern States are now facing drought and a lack of water. The North American nazi media says nothing on the subject. The USA will get to the point where it will not be able to grow enough food to feed its’ own people. And what does Congress DO? Why spends all its’ time killing ObamaCare, lowering taxes for the rich, cutting taxes for corporations, imposing austerity on the down and outers. All this while mother nature tightens her grip. Countries around the world are fleeing the USA dollar, Trumpf and the Repubs are frightening everyone. The rightpublicanazis are oblivious and in total denial. There are those on the right who see an overpopulated world as being a problem. It is inconvenient. You need just enough slaves to do your work free but more than that is a big bother! Herbert Spencer knew a certain number of people would be required to do the grunt work. But those who were surplus should have enough sense to die said Spencer, for all the use they were? The American right loved Spencer. Like H. L. Mencken after him, these charlatans knew their market, a very thin soup was all the right could handle. Keep the message extremely simple. Herb and H. L. served up what their customers wanted and paid for. Trumpf is in a sense rushing to their aid now. He is offering the scalps of minorities to righties. The down and outers in Lotustland must go over the side on the cheap, to lessen the population count, by cancelling ObamaCare. It will be much cheaper than Hitler’s gas chambers and a lot less messy. All those pits and the burning, that smells! Maybe outside of each large city there could be a Potter’s Field, where a big hole could be dug. When filled with bodies it would be covered up and a new hole dug. Think about the return on investment from this scheme for the One Percent? The rightpublicanazis won’t even have to spend any money on Zyklon B gas. I see the US Federal Communications Commission has stepped up to the plate to protect the Great Orange. Stephen Colbert made some OFF COLOUR REMARKS ABOUT THIS REMARKABLE FAUX PRESIDENT, FOUR COMPLAINTS FROM TRUMPF’S FAMILY CAME IN. AS A RESULT THE COMMISSION IS TAKING SWIFT ACTION TO SEE WHETHER THE COMEDIAN’S COMMENTS WERE FAIR AND BALANCED. I’d be interested to know what the punishment is going to be developed for errant jokesters by the Fascists??? Having one’s tongue removed might send a message to Bill Maher? Or maybe a public flogging in the throne room with The Donald himself in attendence??? Better still was Hitler’s response to protest. Afix a wire noose around the offender’s neck and hang him on a meat hook. Apparently there is a lot of kicking and movement before death comes. Adolf had movies made of these proceeding and watched them in off hour for relaxation. Just think, a movie night in the Oral Office for the Trumpfsters. America’s descent into hell is easy to see and chart. It ain’t rocket science??? Then I looked at Canada in the grand scheme of things. We are actually benefiting from Global Warming as the temperature in our northern reaches moderates. We can now grow stuff, where nothing agricultural grew before. And along the 49th, we are now able to grow crops and such which only grew in California. It is a huge advantage and a huge opportunity. From my research, I developed a map of the Prairies which shows that we can expand our arable land count by 25% and make the whole more productive by managing the Rockies water and natural rainfall by use of irrigation. From the mountains east there are a series of steppes. The water on each steppe can be retained in reservoirs and lakes and released to the steppe below when needed. Reservoirs can be placed in Manitoba, near the Red River, to catch water at time of flooding. Then using clean, cheap hydro electricity from Newfoundland, Quebec, Ontario, that water can be pumped back up to the Calgary plain to be stored. My plan would allow Canada to control the water to lessen drought and flooding. In keeping with this new climate change reality, something the righties are incapable of comprehending, a large increase in agricultural production would need a new railway system. Much farther to the north. The old CPR and the CNR routes are too close to the US border and are longer no longer viable. Their trackage is now beyond repair. I have mapped out this new railway system with a focus on key agricultural areas. This means the elevators and storage areas for grains and such would always be less than a day’s drive from any farm. The new Great Northern Railway would connect the West with the BC coast and the Port of Thunderbay. The main terminal would be at Churchill Manitoba. Specialty crops would be grown around Lethbridge and the Palliser Triangle, which would eliminate the need for USA food exports. New marketing boards would be established for a whole range of agricultural products. Canadian farmers in the West, would do what they do best, grow good stuff, without the worries of drought, flooding, financial distress and Yankee interference. The Boards would buy everything the farmers produce within a quota range, with maybe a 10% surplus. This at an agreed to price with the money COD. The marketing boards would work with Ottawa to direct food shipments to the world either for sale or charity. Americans would be prohibited from buying land, and the assets of American Corporations would be expropriated without factoring in the value of this new initiative. There is no fucking way the Yankees should be allowed to continue to reap the rewards of Canadian ingenuity and steal our resources. Global Warming is with us. Canada has a unique opportunity to move the ball downfield, to better ourselves and become more prosperous, this is OUR DUE! While reaping the rewards of sound thinking we can also assist the world, a globe whose prospects look dimmer with each passing day. A food crisis is approaching and we Canadians must prepare ourselves. It is clear that those pricks in the USA are clueless about climate change and are in denial too! We must ensure that they don’t in any way limit our freedom of movement, as regards turning our Prairies into the globe’s food basket. On this front, I see it as a waiting game. For the Prairie Project the timing has to be right! There are still powerful and evil forces afoot in this Country, which have the potential to upset our applecart. Mad Steve Harper is waiting in the wings, backed by the American oil monopoly and the entire Canadian Nazi media. His stooge, Jason Kenney, an adolescent who is minding Lyin Steve’s place in line is strongly supported by a minority of Trumpfheads in Alberta. Like all US rightpublicanazis this Canadian rightie branch plant is in denial. The right wing ideology has crashed at home in the USA and burned. Stevie Harper, Jason Kenney, Preston Manning, Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and company are now orphans. They have nothing to sell but continue to persist in peddling it! For me the only unknown, is just how many Canadians will continue to sit on their hands, believe paul Godfrey’s crap, watch the world go by and let our multiple options slip away? ++++++++++++++++++++ On another front we face a similar situation. I developed a comprehensive plan to address Toronto Gridlock and the City’s public transportation deficit. I have been driving Toronto all my life and know it like the back of my hand. When Bill Davis cancelled the Spadina Expressway and Subway [ a huge mistake ] at a time when Toronto was infected by Jane Jacobsitis, this Great City began its’ descent into mediocrity. Never in the sweep of history has so much damage been done by so few to so many. Again the newspapers, especially the Star played a pivotal role in using Jane Jacob’s blatherings to sell their papers. Interestingly, for the last 20 years, the Toronto Star has played a leading role in ruining Toronto and destroying this Province’s economy. Quite a record of democracy bashing! I warned John Honderich, years ago, that his misguided initiatives to push paper sales would return and bite him. John traded short term gain for long term pain, not just himself but for all Ontarians and Torontonians. My predictions have come true. In 2004 the parasitic Star was $ 30 a share, valuation was $ 2 million and the Honderich family trust share was $ 250,000. To-day, after 12 years of continuous mismanagement and endless misinformation, the Star stock is at $ 1.49, the valuation is $ 200,000 and the family cartel’s share is $ 55,000. Although masquerading as a left wing / Liberal paper, the Star is thoroughly of a right wing bent, like the McGuintys. It is called playing both sides of the street or having your cake and eat it too. Only the right wing mind, has the ability to keep two diametrically opposed thoughts in place at the same time. At the very moment Herr Harper was talking about protecting the interests of Canadians, he was screwing us and pleased with himself for putting one over on us, YET AGAIN. Historically, newspapers promoted the fact that they afflicted the comfortable and comforted the afflicted. After Reagan, things began to change in the USA media and later in Canada. The papers / magazines / TV / radio found they could make excellent money comforting the comfortable and afflicting the afflicted behind their backs. The media still needed and needs the afflicted in their numbers to buy papers / magazines, watch TV and listen to radio. A very sophisticated but mentally unbalanced cadre of people began populating print and the airwaves. They had a special talent, they would say one thing and mean the exact opposite. These rightie scribes were skilled at dog-whistle verbiage, which informed rightpublicanazis where the game was at but left the populous totally in the dark. John Honderich / Star was / is paid to promote McGuinty / nukie propaganda. As these failed initiatives multiplied [ Miss. nat. gas plants ] and the cost of electricity [ particularly ]
skyrocketed the Star buried the results and engaged in diverting the attention of Ontarians. I have a file full of copies of Star articles / nukie ads which clearly show the paper’s utter disrespect for Ontarians and its’ customers. It was that Honderich thinks he is speaking to children. True rich righties like John, are a mile long and an eighth of an inch deep. It is a repeat of the Nietzsche / UPPERMAN and UNDERMAN stuff. Wherein self proclaimed exceptional people like Honderich view the ignorant masses like Hitler did, ripe for manipulation and exploitation, and assuming they will believe anything???. That was the view of Lord and Lady Black, if he didn’t screw all those dummies, someone else would! It was plain to me that the Star was living off the backs of the people and adding nothing to this Province’s quality of life. Thus guaranteeing impoverishment and a dim future for all but the rich. ONE doesn’t bring ONE’S CUSTOMERS to the brink of ruin. In an impoverished state ONE’S CUSTOMERS DO NOT BUY ONE’S NEWSPAPERS NOR FREQUENT ONE’S ADVERTISERS. This is an perfect example of the bankrupt right wing ideology. A small group of hoarders, who create schemes of self enrichment based on taking what belongs to others, while denying the thefts! In a society that is prosperous every citizen is entitled to share in the harvest. In a democratic system where the will of the majority MUST prevail. A system in which the minority rules, as with Trumpf, the Tea Baggers and 40 million racist wackos, is the final act of madness. The Star, Globe and the National Post are selling the same toxic brew here! In the USA the Nazi media prevailed and as a result the Americans lost their way and are lost in the wilderness, without a champion to rescue them? In Canada, fortunately the internet came of age at the right time, before the Canadian Nazi media could fully developed Harperland in the AMERIGREED IMAGE. It was a close run thing! While the internet offers the good stuff and the bad stuff in equal portions, Canadians have had the kinds of options the Americans never had. Canadians are more intelligent than Yanks. This, the people proved on Oct. 19 /2015. A system in which the dictator, Herr Harper gave his employer, the American oil monopoly, $ 850 million for Carbon, Capture and Storage [ a huge, costly, boondoggle ], while some Canadians to survive, have to go to Food banks. This is obscene and can no longer be tolerated. You probably DON’T REALLY KNOW what Carbon, Capture and Storage is. John Honderich, Paul Godfrey and David Thomson etc are paid big money to make sure you never find out. Although this dodge in costing ALL OF YOU big time, every day. The idea is to grab carbon / CO2 and stuff it in the ground, QUITE SILLY ACTUALLY! It is very expensive in the doing, completely useless. Like right wing ideology it doesn’t work. A massive oilie campaign of indoctrination was mounted in the Nazi media to legitimize this hokey process. Tens of millions were given to our Paul Godfreys, all of them, to convince Canadians that CCAS would cut the oil industries CO2 output, it is more than hokey, it-is-a-do-nothing-hoax. For the rightie standpoint this is a beautiful scheme. This do-nothing scheme was dreamed up by Houston because it permits them to do-nothing about climate change. But the oilies needed the Nazi media to spread the good message. Now into the scheme jumped Steve Harper, Brad Wall and the Alberta Fascist Government with the offer of public funds to support the do-nothing CCAS. The result of the do-nothing scheme, is that the oil monopoly is doing-nothing and being PAID EXTRA for doing-nothing with taxpayer’s money, BEAUTY! Houston’s only expense in the do-nothing scheme is paying the National Post, Globe and Tar, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV and Global, plus the CBC Board of Directors to make sure nothing-gets-done. Brad Wall’s own do-nothing CCAS contribution is the $ 1.6 billion Boundary Dam hoax, in which do-nothing is raised to a new level, Saskatchewaners are contributing mightily to Wall’s oil friends in THIS PARTICULAR do-nothing scheme. Boundary Bay is a way over budget, doesn’t work half the time and hasn’t come close to reaching its’ goal of hiding carbon in the ground. Wall will not release the Boundary Bay records, so officially things are probably much worse than expected. On the Nazi media scene all Wall and Boundary Bay get is praise. Taxpayers pay for that praise and papers purchasers and TV watcher get fooled, AGAIN! After over 500 posts, I think the people in 138 countries have come to know I am an ACE MECHANIC, if I do say so myself. If every rightie loser in the world, can declare himself exceptional and piss on WE THE PEOPLE, I think I am entitled to call myself an ACE!!! Wall had a documentary done to promote the Boundary Bay Carbon Capture hoax. Like Trumpf, Wall gave himself an A. The doc was filmed at the Boundary facility and included suits and so called experts. Behind this rightie chorus which was singing Wall’s version of-hail-to-the-chief, was a lot of machinery, supposedly the gizmos that catch the carbon. I noticed a big tank with various hoses and wires strung loosely around it. YOU DO NOT PUT ELECTRICAL WIRES AROUND MACHINERY LIKE YOU PUT A BELT AROUND YOUR MIDDLE. HOT WIRES MUST BE SUPPORTED AT INTERVALS, LIKE HI TENSION LINES, AND FASTENED WITH FAIRLEADS. THIS TO PREVENT DAMAGE AND WORKING [ which creates weak spots and potential shorting ]. So Brad was bullshitting us AGAIN, so what? Of interest to me was the fact that the wire bundles WERE ALL DUCT TAPED TOGETHER. But Wall’s experts [ an expert is a drip under pressure ] were oblivious. Toronto, not to be left behind, is now among the financial walking wounded when SUCH DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THE CASE. Ontario is looking at the brick wall and Kathleen McGuinty is reduced to doing a fancy two step in hopes that the citizenry doesn’t notice the fiscal rot in the Province and Liberal corruption!!! The Ontario Liberal corruption is bred in the bone. The McGuintys can’t help themselves. They always take more than their share, others get short shrift. AGAIN, IT DID NOT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY! Many people are to blame, Peterson, Rae, Harris and the two McGuintys, all rushing to pay homage to Ron Reagan. As well as a series of incompetent Mayors, including John Tory who have never understood Regional Government. But right up to his elbows in this mess is John Honderich. His paper only carried the messages of the rich and powerful as well as those who sell the nuclear cancer. The people of this Province have been badly misled and continue to be by the Star. I am an eye for an eye guy, though. John Honderich has always been a fuzzy thinker, like Bob Rae, Michael Ignatieff and John Tory. There are two kinds of people. Those who think they are important, so think that what they do IS IMPORTANT. Then there are people who do important things, NOW THEY ARE THE IMPORTANT ONES!


I would take my BJ trainer to England to be certified and manufactured for world distribution [ I would ignore the USA market ]. The Disunited States of America worsens every day under Herr Trumpf. The FAA, which governs lightplane manufacturing and flight training is an arm of the Repub Congress and geared to making decisions related to scoring political points. The lives of Americans have little or no value in this rightie universe. Dealing with these bastards would never make it onto my screen. In the 1980s the FAA began to develop legislation that would make lightplanes safer. The pursuit of crashability was uppermost. Pilots / passengers hurt in heavy landings do not have to die. World civil aviation authorities were involved in the FAA process. In 1999 the FAA scrapped this whole initiative. American plane makers said it would cost too much, SO FUCKING WHAT??? Allowing innocent people to die just to increase profits showed the extent of depravity in the USA Government almost 20 years ago. President Clinton urged scrapping the initiative. I have hated this Clinton dick ever since. Canadian and European authorities protested the cancelling of the crashability initiative, but to no avail. In the USA mind, money trumps everything, even human life. The idea for my BJ trainer started in the 1970s and much thought was given to the survivability of those flying in a BJ. It was more a process of designing a structure that would absorb the impact. The cost differential between this death and life approach was negligible. The US plane makers were just being lazy as usual. Paying Congress and playing the economic card are always reliable ones for Congress. Herbert Spencer, a faux philosopher from England during the Victorian era is responsible for much of the US right wing ideology. Poor Spencer, I don’t think he ever had an original idea. Spence just stole the ideas of others and repackaged it for English but mostly USA consumption. The right in the States loved Spence, who promoted Nietzsche’s OVERMAN AND UNDERMAN myth. Herbert also thought slavery was quite fine and that the little people should know their place. Lady Babs Black used that expression, now you know where it came from. Spence stole from Darwin and created the expression which is used in rightishland even to-day, ” Survival of the fittest “. A term related to power and money by Spencer. Now we see the foolhardiness of Spencer. All the money and power of the One Percent cannot now save the good ship USA, which is going to the bottom. Americans as a whole are in denial about their spectacular Poseidon Affair. Darwin proved that the beings which have survived on earth over millions of years adapted to their changing surroundings. Daaaaaaaaaaa! The rightpublicanazis took take a totally different, 180 deg approach. The Yanks would / will master their surroundings and live as they pleased. Mother nature and history would be made to heel to the American almighty might! So for the Repubs, the lives of the ignorant masses, as Herr Hitler would term them, are of little concern! So people who die in little aeroplanes, IT’S TOUGH SHIT! Also of concern to me were the fire deaths of pilots and passengers of lightplanes who actually survived crashes . It is estimated that over 20 years, in the USA, 7000 people have become crispy critters because of poorly designed fuel systems. The FAA will just not go near this problem. With Congress more interested in the profit of corporations, the FAA, on the fire angle, has taken a pass and is paying no cost. But if someone is driving a Toyota, with a buckshee front floor mat which gets jammed under the accelerator and a crash ensues, Congress is very interested. Foreigners who can be framed Congress for imaginary offenses brings in big fines. A number of VOLTs caught fire. Washington investigated both situations. Toyota paid $ 18 million in fines, without any back up evidence. The VOLT fires, which happened during Government testing, were whitewashed. Again, in answer to problems, with the BJ, I modified the PA-18 fuel system to remove gasoline from the proximity of the cockpit. And designed new fuel tanks and a new foolproof, fuel gauge. The English would appreciate my efforts, the Americans would not! The Yanks are inherently lazy and progresswise obtuse. If someone else can be stuck with the bill, sobeit! Specific to Canada in the flying game are the deaths in floatplane accidents. But our DOT under Harper caught FAAitis. Everything is political and oriented to US corporations making money. If people die? SO??? Pilots / passengers are surviving crashes yet drowning. Either they can’t get out of the downed machine or if they get out they have no life jacket and drown. Life jackets required by law are either under the seats or in the luggage compartments. A hell of a lot of good they do there. When Herr Harper came to power he turned our DOT into a FAA, ” YES MAN “. Crashability, no we can’t deal with that!!! Says our DOT. Fires!! Oh heavens no, we can’t handle that either says our DOT! Passengers trapped in downed floatplane or drowning in such accidents? Oh golly no says DOT, we don’t have the budget or the expertise to deal with that kind of situation. Although the Canadian Transport Safety Board made recommendations in regards to drownings, our DOT has ignored the Board, so FAAish. Why do so many Canadians long to impress the US rightpublicanazi hierarchy?? By the time Megantic blew up, the Safety Board had come to know its’ place. Probably Lyin Steve threatened Board jobs so they folded like a tent. The TSBC whitewashed the tragic event in Megantic as per Harper’s instructions! This, although the CPR train, was carrying an illegal cargo of Hi Octane gasoline [ Benzine ], in rusty, 40 year old tank cars with falsified paperwork. Harper, in another deep bow to Amerigreed, saw the railway off the hook. Rather, Harper’s minions set upon the little American Rail Company which was contracted to haul CPR shipments, not apprised of the contents, over 100 year old tracks, which are in appalling condition. Our Nazi media thoroughly covered the CHARGING of the Little Railway That Couldn’t and its employees. But Godfrey went totally silent on the CPR. A big corporation breaks all the rule, kills people, leave 22 orphans and because of Harper, walks free. And the Nazi media remains mute. Only in Fascistland! The trial of those hapless employees / scapegoats has disappeared completely from print and broadcast. That is but a small taste of what Canadians will get if the American oil monopoly has its’ way and Herr Harper returns in 2019 with the able assistance of our USA PAID Nazi media. People will begin to disappear in the middle of the night and not a word will be said by Godfrey et al. For Paul Godfrey, it is, you goes where the money is! Fuck Canada! I was a bush pilot and I know the drill. The DHC3 drownings in BC caught my attention. The Safety Board fretted over the unnecessary deaths of 6 innocent people, due to shoddy Company procedures and a lax DOT. In this regard the Board was as impotent as ever. With a little thought I solved the twin problems, getting out of downed floatplane and staying afloat. The DOT personnel responsible for ignoring these drownings should all be sacked. These problems have now been solved by ME but will never see the light of day. But we don’t need these incompetent bureaucrats sitting around twiddling their pencils soaking up taxpayers resources for doing nothing. Just do nothing, the result will be the same and cheaper. The money that is being wasted now by the DOT playing FAA patsy, could go to providing 1st Nations with clean drinking water, more than cover it. I like the attitude and high standards of the British Civil Aviation Authority. Novices with ten hours should not be airborne in any kind of contraption as they are in North America. Just watch U Tube and see these idiots filming their own deaths. The FAA / DOT just look the other way. Looking in the opposite direction saves money, a big rightie thing. Smaller government, individual freedom to shoot others and letting people act like assholes to the detriment of society was the gospel according to Reagan. I don’t give a shit if these nut aviators just kill themselves, but they are taking innocent people with them! Flight training in North America is an expensive crock. It is a game to extract big money from young people and then send them to their deaths, while endangering the people on the ground. A trainee with 25 hours and three hours solo should not be flyng a Cirrus 22, solo. Marion Orr, a famous Canadian pilot taught me to fly. Much of her flying was done with the British Air Transport Auxiliary during WW II in England. A complete profile of Marion can be found on Wiki. She sent me solo in 9 hours and my life changed at that moment. All alone in Toronto skies at age 16. After that, everything in life was well within my grasp. But I would make it on my own. Stealing my way up the ladder was never part of my plan. That is why the AMERIGREED way is so abhorrent to me. My AME training was under another famous Canadian aviation notable, Jim Leggat. Jim got his mechanical training at De Havilland Canada, in Downsview, during the War. I was Jim’s 6th employee at Barker Field. My point is that I was trained as a pilot and mechanic to British standards, which worked well here until the FAA became corrupted after Reagan. This rot took 20 years to finally infect the Canadian DOT! My bushpilot training came under Stan Deluce, a member of the Canadian Aviation Hall of Fame. Stan flew as a RCAF Hurricane pilot in the War. Again, I was trained to British standards. Stan’s son Robert Deluce, operates the very successful Porter Airlines to-day. If anyone knows how to run an aeroplane business it is the Deluce family. Two year after White River Air Services was formed in 1952, I came aboard for a summer. The main base for WRA was Chapleau. My base was in White River, where Stan and Angela lived with their growing family. MY mount was a Stinson 108-3, on 2425 EDO floats and equipped with a 6 cylinder Lycoming with a controllable pitch prop. The engine came from a wartime Stinson L-5. The Lands and Forests’ Beaver beat me by 5 seconds off the water! I accumulated about 300 hours and returned my Stinson to Stan in one piece without a single scratch. I went to the Deluce house every morning for breakfast, Angela was a super woman. All the kids sat around the big table. I remember Robert, he must have been about 5. He sat on a chair and his feet did not touch the ground. I would estimate that the market for BJ trainers would be about 250 a year after startup. My manufacturing system, using CNC machines would allow me to build almost the entire trainer in house, airframe, engines, props, wheels and brakes as well as instruments. This enterprise would create hundreds of good jobs, using state of the art tooling. BUT IT WILL NEVER IN CANADA. My experiences with David Peterson, 25 cent KWs in Ontario, my run in with our with Transport Canada under that block head Paul Martin, the present FAA madness and the Canadian DOT’s me-too-FAA stance says to me, Britain is the place to manufacture the BJ trainer! Thanks to all of the above, many Canadians will just have to continue to eat Food Bank Food! I am sick and tired of people here, who agree that changes are necessary but hide behind this position and do absolutely nothing. It is like holding a bucket of water in your hand and a fire starts. Then you say, ” Gee Mr. Begen, duh, what do I do now, duh “! I wish these frauds would quit hogging the stage. The American oil monopoly gives them copious opportunities to hog the conversation about CO2 because it means doing-nothing. Just like the oil monopoly and GM took control of the American Hydrogen Association to ensure it went nowhere and didn’t mess up the oil market.


I like what the Quebec Government is doing in support of innovators and emerging businesses that produce exportable products. If Canadians were only better informed as to the success Preem Philippe Couillard is having fending off Amerigreed it would show them what is possible when the local harvest is kept local. This, instead of our possession being carted off to the States, something Paul Godfrey is pay to fully support! The Quebec Preem’s Ministry is doing much the same kind of work that the old Ontario Trade and Commerce Ministry did before it was killed off by David Peterson. Almost all of the great technological advancements over the past 50 years have been made by the American Government using taxpayer’s money. Once the hard slog of perfecting a product was complete the thing was handed over to US corporations, FREE OF CHARGE! When Ronnie Reagan’s boys began to run amok, they were looking for ways to shrink the Government. Now you know people on the right do not read. Spending on research by Washington seemed like a waste when the money could be given to the One percent by way of tax cuts. All the righties saw were the huge technological stride being made by major corporations. Why not cancel all this MIT stuff and pocket the savings. MISTAKE!!! Corporations in the US spend almost nothing of R + D, they have a history of doing-nothing! It all comes free from Washington. USA corporations make money manipulating their stock and sucking investors dry. AMERIGREED has also killed Canadian Government support for innovation, key the Canada Arm. When Herr Harper took over as dictator he gutted our National Research Council and put in an Alberta oilman with absolutely NO EXPERIENCE. John McDougall’s job was to scour Canada for new ideas and invention. Then the NRC would spend taxpayers money to make the ideas market ready, after which the ideas would be handed to AMERIGREED free of charge. It was a copy of what the States has been doing for years but stopped. By ending US Government research the rightpublicanazis were able to pick up some easy coin with which to pay themselves. Harper’s move was still US rightie revenue positive. NRC would harvest Canadian ideas for free. Use tax dollars to perfect same, and then hand the results to American corporations for zip. It is just another way of steal what doesn’t belong to you. In this instance, it was just another case wealth stripping in this Country by the Streeters. But you would not know any of this. Paul Godfrey is paid to keep this kind of thing from Canadians.
From the sound of things Quebec has it right, I think Ministers, Carlos Leita, Finance, and Dominique Anglade, Innovations and Export would look favourably on the efforts of Innovators like me. For inventors / innovators looking to escape the very hostile Ontario business environment, the high price of electricity [ completely artificial, completely McGuinty made ] and the AMERIGREED vultures, I know you will find a hospitable business environment in Quebec. My reading of the situation, although most of the available information is in French [ my high school French has cobwebs ], it would seem that Quebec will work with emerging businesses to find suitable locations, and provide info about highways, rail, trucking, overseas shipping, work force, financing, universities and colleges. Having been in business for 50 years in Ontario, such services would have been much welcomed back in my day. I know now this kind of assistance would have moved my enterprises ahead at a quicker rate. The only time I got any kind of boost from a government was for the BJ, in the Davis Gov. Innovation Program in 1982. As well, I was involved with the Can. DOT [ 1990s ] to certify the Blue Jay. Under Davis Peterson here and Paul Martin in Ottawa, they both pulled the rug out from under me, without notice, wothout justification and left me hanging by my thumbs. This, to play politics. Me and my family took these financial blows personally, in isolation, with no recourse. But Canada was the big loser, NO WEALTH OR NOR JOBS WERE CREATED. And Canadians have the nerve to question why there is no innovation in this Country??? The reason is you FUCKING IDIOTS, that AMERIGREED has created such a hostile climate of theft and exploitation for startups here, with the help of our sellout politicians and the likes of Paul Godfrey, Globe and CTV. It is not worth my time and fast fading energy to do battle with the Americans as well as my own kind. There is absolutely no support for idea people like me from Ottawa or Ontario in to-day’s world! What you hear and read on the subject is all bullshit! I might as well spend my time watching Time Team on the net and lighting my cigars with $ 50 bills. Nervewise I am much farther ahead and moneywise too. But I gauge Quebec to be a whole different ball of wax. I would think Quebec could easily handle a Blue Jay trainer manufactory. I’d love to make BJs in Quebec, BUT! But the certification of aeroplanes is still in Ottawa’s wretched hands. Paul Martin’s mindless maneuverings which cost me a business broke trust and the recent abandonment of their responsiblity, by Harper’s DOT on floatplane accidents shows a level of incompetence way too high for my tolerance. I have such a bad taste in my mouth about our DOT. I just could not / will not deal with fools. And these fools are in charge of our air safety? No, vis a vis the Big Blue Bird, Britain would get the nod! To show how AMERIGREED has killed innovation in Canada, the following is informative. In 2015 about 150 Patents were taken out in this Country, half of them by Americans. In Israel, with a population 25% of that of Canada, 1700 Patents were taken out. We are way back in the pack, potential world champions hobbled by AMERIGREED. Joe Oilier nailed it when he said Canadians are great at sawing wood and lugging water. And Joe exhorted that we should be proud of that lowly but honourable heritage. As Lady Black mentioned, ” The little people should know their place “, and Babs we do, everyday! It is the US in Joe Oiliver speaking here! In my case, David Peterson and Paul Martin were certainly in agreement. When did a waterboy and a lumberjack type person, get the nerve to design a unique Canadian bushplane. David and Paul didn’t even bother to wait for AMERIGREED TO PLUNGE THE DAGGER INTO MY BACK! But Quebec is showing definite light at the end of the tunnel in the way new businesses are being solicited and treated. A policy with which I wholeheartedly agree. A positive, productive policy on which the Nazi media is paid to remain silent by AMERIGREED. As regards my ONE HOUR Dryer and the 6000 load washer / dryer pair, I think Quebec would make an EXCELLENT place to set up camp. As is my wont, I always scouted for Canadian suppliers with roots in this Country. American suppliers are fair weather friends. I always sought to be self sufficient in my businesses. The pursuit of making everything I could in house, resulted in many profitable discoveries. Seek and ye shall find, big time. I discover the APPLE BASKET, which was first made in Pickering in the 1890s. Prior to it, apples were harvested in Southern Ontario using 1/2 bushel splint baskets, with coat hanger wire loop handles. It was about the limit that a picker could hold while up on a ladder. The drawback of the 1/2 bushel hamper was its’ flat bottom. When the apples were poured out, many hung back and then all fell at once, bruising the fruit. At the Pennock Basket Factory, on Duffin’s Creek in Pickering, Bill Pennock designed the APPLE BASKET in the early 1890s. It was roughly a 1/2 bushel hamper but oval in shape like 1/2 an egg. It had a hoop wooden handle, to which a leather thong and iron hook were affixed. The pickers could now hook the basket on a branch and pick two handed and quicker. Around the bottom were two runners [ like rails ] which kept the basket off the ground. The APPLE BASKET speeded up production. They were lined with burlap sacks to protect the apples. And best of all the circumference, which was the span of an adult’s arms, The basket could be embraced and the hands placed at the end. As the basket was tipped to pour, the hands could catch and direct the apples so they did not bruise. I encountered the APPLE BASKET, on a mission to buy some for the Pickering Museum [ which I relocated from Brougham to East Duffin’s Creek ten years later ]. At the time of my discovery, no more than 500 APPLE BASKETS were ever made in a year, then only sold to apple growers, who had standing orders. The basket at that time was made on the same molds and jigs dating back to the 1890. Many women, who were craft oriented love the APPLE BASKET, but they were very hard to come by and the Factory owner had no interest in the retail trade. With his okay, I began experimenting making a basket. I was very successful but the prototype took more than an hour and a half to assemble, never mind preparing the wood. John sold me some of his surplus Elm splints but I was stuck for Ash handles. The boys played hockey and we had a couple of broken sticks around. I used them to make my handles, the result worked nicely! I canvased all the local arenas and asked the managers to save me their broken sticks. They were intrigued by my little business and were very supportive. I studied the assembly line methods of Henry Ford. After my 26th book from the Brooklin Library, through the Interlibrary Loan system, Valery, the Librarian said, Ken, if I see another Henry Ford book I going to kill you. I bought a big table saw and found sources of Elm and Ash lumber, from which to make the rims, runners and handles. Oakville Wood Products, a major supplier of agricultural basketry in Southern Ontario, became interested in the APPLE BASKET. Ken Murray and I made a deal. He would supply me with splints and I would make him baskets. I had a standing order from Ken for 1500 APPLE BASKETS a year for winter delivery, with to option for Ken to increase his order depending on sales. I developed a dealership of more than 200 craft / antique shops and historical sites like Upper Canada Village, the McMichael Gallery and the Ontario Agricultural Museum. Oakville’s order gave me my winter work as most of my shops closed after Xmas. Eventually I bought a portable sawmill and a splint peeler. Over a twenty five year span I manufactured between 50,000 and 60,000 APPLE BASKETS. The figure was probably higher than that as some of my records got lost over the years. For the prototype I bought two ink stamps. One said, ” A Genuine Apple Basket “. The other said, ” Brougham Basket Company “. From the first basket, assembly time followed the learning curve, it was reduced to 6 minutes using Ford’s methods. I would guess I sold a million dollars worth of APPLE BASKETS over the years. In the Summer of 1989, store sales began to go soft, people were not spending money. I knew something was up so me and my family began battening down the hatches as we would do later in 2007. The BJ prototype was well under way, a project I started to diversify my business. David Peterson as stated, killed the Ontario Innovations Program, in which the Blue Jay was involved, so work on it had to be slowed. Ontario got no jobs! During the 1989 / 1995 Recession stroke Depression, many of my little shops went out of business. At its’ height Brougham Basket had among its’ shops, one in Peggy’s Cove in Nova Scotia, on the Atlantic and Trounce Alley, in Victoria BC, on the Pacific. Two things I never did in business, is confront my customers with political or religious matters. This is the fatal mistake Paul Godfrey made with the National Post Papers. He needed people to buy his papers, he needed to sell those eye balls to advertisers. By foolishly and blatantly catering to a small minority of Canadian rightpulicananzis, racists, white supremacists and religious zealots and bigots, Paul turned off middle of the road Canadians who switched to the internet. Any advertiser who wished to access such Canadians, bailed the National Post papers. If you read a National Post these days, Paul HAS NO ADVERTISERS except right wing kooks! The Post papers are available free all over Toronto. Pick one up and you will see how bad it is. The effort will not be wasted. You can use Paul’s paper to line the bird cage or cat litter box. Like the Star, Godfrey’s paper empire is worthless. Daaaaaaaaaaaaa! Oh yes, APPLE BASKETS? Good logs became difficult to get and more and more of my time was spent searching for them. Eventually the light went on, that I was flogging a dead horse, so the APPLE BASKET BECAME HISTORY. The selling price for an APPLE BASKET back then was $ 29.95, and for the LITTLE APPLE BASKET it was $ 19.95. The smaller size came about because I had components from the big one which had cross grain, knots or were broken. The LITTLE components were exactly 1/2 size to the BIG. The basket came in natural and three colours, Walnut stain, Biscayne Blue and Forest Green. We also sold a doll’s bed kit, made by Evelyn. I see my baskets on the net now under the listing, ” GENUINE “, some sell for $ 150. There are a couple of knock offs claiming to be Genuine but they are poorly made and the wrong shape. Every one of MY APPLES BASKETS, AS SAID, BEARS TWO INK STAMPS ON THE CROSS SPACERS ON THE BOTTOM BETWEEN THE RUNNERS. I guaranteed my APPLE BASKETS, and only ever had five come back. Four came back from an apple farmer to Ken at Oakville. On a very wet day, in long grass his pickers decided to sit on the APPLE BASKET handles during lunch. I made em strong but not that strong! I supplied Ken with 5 new handles and instructions on how to soak the wood for bending. The other complain came from Ken too. The Oakville warehouse held hundreds of my basket. A wandering Racoon apparently need to have a poop and shit in one of the APPLE BASKETS. Ken thought it was funny. I said, ” Don’t throw it out, I’LL FIX IT “! I cleaned up the shit, soaked the basket in water and Javex and then stained it Walnut. I’d never get a job at Whirlpool! I wouldn’t do business in Ontario ever. Added to the many deterrants to opening a business here, is the price of electricity at 25 cents per KW, and that is only the beginning . This does not take into consideration the UNFUNDED NUCLEAR DEBT OF POSSIBLY $ 40 BILLION THAT ONTARIO OWES. NEITHER INCLUDED IS THE UNFUNDED COST OF MOTHBALLING THE FAILING NUCLEAR PLANTS AND DISPOSING OF THE TOXIC NUCLEAR WASTE NOW TEMPORARILY STORED IN 25,000 CONCRETE COFFINS AROUND THE PROVINCE. KATHLEEN McGUINTY IS IN THE PROCESS OF SELLING MORE SHARES IN HYDRO ONE TO THE AMERICANS. SO THEY WILL CONTROL THE UTILITY, AND ANY HOPE FOR 10 KWs IS DEAD ON ARRIVAL. A secret agreement will no doubt be struck by Kath McGuinty, whereby the Americans will get a guaranteed rate of return at the expense of Ontarians. If will not matter if destitution grips this once fair land, the citizenry here will have to pay. And the Americans will even repossess the couches upon which Ontarians now slumber. These are important items which the National Post, Globe and Star WILL NOT TOUCH. OF COURSE THEY ARE PAID TO KEEP SILENT! All business owners, now located in Ontario get is the broken end of the broom as do their employees. The proceeds from such businesses are THEN shared by the McGuinty Liberals, the nukies and AMERIGREED. I CHOSE NOT TO BE A SLAVE TO THE RIGHTPUBLICANAZI FREE MARKET SYSTEM. I say to Ontario businesses, why worry when KWs are 10 cents per just 300 miles to the east along # 401 in Quebec. The infrastructure to make washers and dryers in Ontario no longer exists. What is here are American branch plants, owned by large corporations, whose only interest is squeezing money out of everyone they encounter, here to-day and gone tomorrow. With no regard for workers or the customers. Just look at Skippy Peanut Butter, Hormel said, screw you Canadians. Apparently, Hormel can’t squeeze enough profits out of Canada, even though the Company buys subsidized peanuts paid for in part by American taxpayers. So Hormel screws Americans as well as Canadians Hormel makes spam. I would suggest to my fellow Canucks, IF THERE IS NOT SKIPPY, THEN LET’S HAVE NO SPAM. Boycott SPAM, and then the Executives at Hormel can stick their surplus cans of mystery meat SPAM, UP THEIR ASSES, ONE AT A TIME, WITH THEIR FAVOURITE TOPPING. In fact we might as well face the music, Trumpf is going to nickel and dime us to death. IF you think our economy is in the doldrums now? Wait till the Great Orange has run us through the wringer a couple or three time. I predict the US Border Security, now in the service of a police state, will start hanging Canadians from the ceilings by their shoe laces, all the better to grab the loose change dropping from their pockets. There is a simple solution, BUY CANADIAN. In fact Ottawa should implement CANADA STICKERS and give them to our companies. The we know exactly what to buy to FUCK THE AMERICANS GOOD. If it is made in the USA refuse to buy it, they can stick their stuff up the hole where the sun don’t shine. In Quebec, I gauge it is a horse of a different colour. The suppliers system is much better. For washer and dryer and wind turbine production I would need metal stampers, foundries, electric motor manufacturers, die casters, CNC machines, computer people and multiple small item suppliers. Many such suppliers exist, they were related to the former GM plant in Saint Therese. An excellent possible location for my appliance manufactory. In the area is an experienced workforce that was exploited by those cheating, fucking bastards at GM. As said,I manufactured between 50,000 and 60,000 APPLE BASKETS over a 25 year period. Quantity, quality production is a tough slog. I always arranged to have two suppliers for each item. I learned that from Henry Ford. One supplier can grab you by the nuts during vulnerable times, busy times and hold you to ransom. That’s not good and easily avoided if preplanning is done. It just takes thought, a skill that is rare these days in Canada. And all but extinct in the States The Quebec infrastructure I scoped has deep roots in the Province, which tells me the Province looks after its’ own. That is music to my ears. Quebec doesn’t allow AMERIGREED TO STOMP ALL OVER EVERYONE AND ENGAGE IN WEALTH STRIPPING, SUCH IS HAPPENING ELSEWHERE IN CANADA! Especially in McGuinty’s Ontario! Whirlpool USA and Electrolux EU are the two appliance monopolies in the world. They sell everything from soup to nuts, but make nothing. Everything they sell, is made in Asian sweat shops which possess questionable skills and use substandard materials. Most of Whirlpool stuff is offshored for a price and the quality continues to deteriorate. Independent appliance industry watchers say that the appliance field has been stalled for 30 years, the same old poorly designed shit is still being sold. The only clear trend with Whirlpool and Electrolux is to keep cutting quality, thus reducing lifespan and increasing the cost. They can shit on consumers, because they are the only game in town in North America and Europe. However their exalted position could be undermined in terms of washers and dryers, by machines, like the ones I have designed. Normally here in Ontario, if I got started, Whirlpool would buy my stockholders out from under me rather than deal with my superior machines. Or Whirlpool would claim patent infringement and tie me up for years and drain me dry. Back by the strong Government we see in Quebec, I think Whirlpool would be left shooting blanks and would have to meet my competition. The market for quality is huge and cries out for change! I watch the repair videos on U tube therein various models of washers and dryers are dismantled and the repairs are explained. I also read consumers reports and their comment sections. What is being offered in the way of washers and dryers makes me want to cry. When so much is possible, why this??? When the brass ring is well within reach, WHY THIS SHIT??? If a best effort would get you a ten, Whirlpool scores one minus! Customers are up in arms. Their pockets are being picked and there are not competitors in the business. In the USA, Whilrpool has either bought up all the smaller companies or driven them out of business by underhanded tactics. This is highway robbery, American style, with the full knowledge and backing of Congress, which takes money then looks the other way. Sadly, both the Repubs and the Dems place the interests of Wall St. above the rights of workers to earn a decent living and provide a decent life for their families. What we are witnessing is a race to the bottom, HELL, sponsored by AMERIGREED. On the one hand the work force in the US gets screwed. Whirlpool then sells their shit appliances at high prices and screws the customers on the other end of the transaction. This is a well proven fact as the tumble dryer fires in the UK have prove. Millions of Whirlpool tumble dryers are a fire hazard. The Company is vulnerable and ripe for a good licking or a good reaming, pick one. A 6000 load, quality washer and dryer pair made in Quebec would be the ticket to the world market. Whirlpool could not touch my quality machines made on CNC machines with a hundred foot pole and I am guessing that Quebec would protect its’ turf, workers and industries from the ever BLOODSUCKING AMERIGREED. Ron Reagan, the old timer’s disease afflicted US President, preached many revolting things, many of which I have posted. But one of his worst offenses was to attack Government and claim it was the enemy of true blue Merican patriots. This was pure hogwash and such destructive nonsense that it has brought this once mighty land to its’ knees.


12,000 years ago most humans live in the Levant [ Syria ]. They were hunter gatherers who had to forage for food daily. In times of plenty their numbers [ maybe 30,000 ] swelled. In bad times the population dwindled. They someone discovered wheat. If the seeds were planted a new crop would appear the following years as if by magic. Of course the medicine men took some credit and religion was born. An imaginary link was made to the unseen by the snake oil salesmen of the time. Be that as it may, {{ IT WAS THE FIRST TIME IN HUMAN HISTORY THAT MAN COULD GROW MORE FOOD THAN HE NEEDED. CIVILIZATION WAS OFF AND RUNNING }}. However the old independent, hunter gatherer system would no longer suffice. To harvest the wheat and tend to the animals that became domesticated required a community to work together. Tasks had to be assigned and a system of leadership had to be developed. Those with special skills, tool makers, builders and management abilities came to the fore. To eat meant every able bodied person put a shoulder to the wheel. The right wing ideology would never have gotten the time of day in those days. Wanting to run things, forcing slaves to do all the heavy lifting then taking the biggest piece of the pie, would in those days not fly. In fact, archeology tells us that the 12,000 year old right wing individualists did not survive long. Communities could not afford to have me-first-people in their midst. That early agricultural system needed all hands on deck, mainly because they now had a tiger-by-the-tail. Each year the now farmers were up to their armpits in wheat. It had to be attended to. Adults with the intelligence of an 8 years like Trumpf, would not have lasted a split second. Over history, the societies that succeeded and prospered were the ones in which the total populace shared the harvest and where they had SOME SAY. Queen Elizabeth One said, ” I must stay close to my people “. In a democracy, the people’s government of the people, by the people, for the people, still rings true. Throughout history empires have come and gone and one factor is constant. When THE PEOPLE have genuine input into the actions of government and the ability to replace that government if THEY BECOME DISSATISFIED, success is their’s. The Disunited States of America is on its’ way out, crumbling before our very eyes. That crumbling has been evident for 30 years. In the last 20 years, the Republicans formed a second USA Government in secret, when more than 30 Repub states set out to gain control of the national vote. This to entrench white supremacy as the core value in the Country. While Americans slept, a slumber perpetrated by the lying Nazi media, their democracy was stolen by the colluders. By dog whistle code, white racist whites were told by the Repubs, vote for us and we will deliver the Country into your arms, in perpetuity. And so it was, over time this bargain hardened. However with the election of Barack Obama, whitie confidence was eroded. Just a mistake said the Repubs! Wait till next time the righties said! The Repub’s promise was NOT DELIVERED! And the Republican hierarchy made a disastrous decision, to obstruct the governing of the Country by any means at hand, fair or foul? This obstructionism only enhanced President Obama’s reputation. The Repubs moved on two fronts. The 30 Repub states secretly worked hand in hand with the Repub Congress on the obstructionist angle. The other was for Republicans, both at the State level and the Federal level to double down on voter suppression and election rigging. Herr Harper was able to tap into these crooked and undemocratic dealings in 2011 [ successfully ] and 2015 [ rather unsuccessfully ]! In 2012 Obama got a second term, even with all the Republican electoral shenanigans AND A FULL PRESS FROM THE NAZI MEDIA AND FOX NEWS! The confidence of 40 million white racists was shattered and doom hung over them like the sword of Damocles! The Repubs had failed once again to ensure the whites would rule in perpetuity. At that point in time, MINDLESS FEAR OVERCAME 40 MILLION STUPID, RACIST WHITES. When the planning began by the 30 States and the Repub head office, after 2012, America’s fate was sealed! The Repub goal was to steal the vote to satisfy their right wing ideology, quite a step in a democracy? The Republicans would force Americans to swallow their system even if it didn’t work. And at the very same time an effort would be made satiated the appetite of 40 million racists for an authoritarian style Government. As the 2016 Election approached the Republicans decided to pull out all the stops and eliminate millions from the voter’s lists, no matter how many law suits were launched. Law suits take time and by the time they’d heard the squeals and cries for mercy would have long since died away. The fixing was so blatant and so obvious. A village idiot could see what was coming. A puppet Republican President, chosen by the Repub hierarchy, to go along with a Republican Congress, to go along with a Republican, ” Rubber Stamp “, Supreme Court. Then the business of returning the USA to 1860 could begin. The Repub Presidential nomination process began with 22 candidates, who to varying degrees pledged to kiss the asses of the Republican Central Committee. I some cases, the candidates gave written assurances as to how many such kisses they would proffer. While 40 million, frightened white racists trembled in the shadows, seemingly forgotten by the Repub hierarchy, the nomination gong show went on. It was all inside ball. Not a scrap of meat was thrown to whitie to allay his fears! Then the Orange Buffoon showed up and said what whitie wanted to hear. I will make you great again, and this time forever. Trumpf stated he would deport or jail or torture anyone who impeded the march to permanent white rule. As well, Trumpf told the whities, that if someone got in their way, it was okay to throw a punch or pump a couple of hole in that someone. As President he would have their backs! The Nazi media, which had slavishly backed the Republicans, the rightpublicanazis and the rich, in return for mountains of cash, belittled Trumpf, but gave him massive free coverage. The US Nazi media [ which is mimicked here in Canada ], could not help itself. Playing both sides of the street is so American and natural. While taking money from the rightie establishment, the Lugenpresse was experiencing soaring ratings. Higher ratings mean advertisers are charged more money. Democracy in America meant nothing to the Repub Party, the Nazi media, nor the advertisers. It was just a big game in which the money flowed like water! But massive free coverage gave Tumpf much wider exposure. If the whites felt they were not being listened to by the Republicans, these supreme beings, were hearing right from the horses mouth, that Great Orange
was going to make, ” America Great Again “. Meaning, ” White again forever “. The Republican supporters abandon them and joined the Trumpf Party. The Republican Party no longer has a following. The fate of individual Republicans is now in Trumpf’s hands. But what this collection of right wing liars and thieves has done by virtue of their bungling, is cut America loose from its’ moorings. The means by which the American people had their say in the past, has been taken away from them by the more than 30 Repub States who organized this mess! The rightpublicanazis have always been parasitic, although they don’t KNOW THAT!!! If a parasite, in its thirst for nutrients, kills the host, THEN IT TOO WILL DIE!!! It is important to come to grips with HOW EVIL THE US REPUBLICAN ACTUALLY IS. While stuffing their pockets and the pockets of their friend with stolen cash, stolen from the taxpayers, the Repubs consign millions to early graves for lack of medial attention. And to make matters worse the US Nazi media has no comment??? Mind the media is paid with tax dollars to say nothing! We Canadians can do nothing to change the collision course the Yankee boat is on. And we should feel no remorse for being powerless. What we needs do, is to view this self inflicted predicament as a huge opportunity to cut total ties with America. Canada’s Nazi media has for 20 years, misled people here about our trade relationship with the USA. Since Mulroney, the only sitting Prime Minister to take cash while in office, orchestrated NAFTA to be a giveaway to the Yankee Traders, our Lugenpresse has taken coin to mislead and misinform Canadians. The numbers you see and have been seeing for years are cooked in the Yank’s favour. Simply put, we send our raw materials, tar, natural gas, minerals and metals, to the USA via American branch plants. So the Canadian division of the American oil monopoly sells our tar for squat to the parent Company in Houston, which upgrades and refines it to crude oil status in Texas. This crude oil is then sold into the world market, to vulnerable countries which are in the American oil monopoly grip. This is why my Hydrogen Village Project in Bancroft, my by-pass water turbine and my wind turbine got tromped on by Dalt McGuinty.
By perfecting same here in Ontario, they would open the floodgates on application in poorer countries worldwide! BIG ENERGY WILL HAVE NON OF IT. Their grip on the global energy supply, will not permit even the smallest glimmer of hope of cost relief to the financially stretched and the down and out. McGuinty himself, and Kathleen McGuinty now, are big players in BIG ENERGY, as nukie partners. Ontarians are told, ” Ye shall have no other ELECTRICAL GOD THAN NUCLEAR “. Until poverty and death do you part company with HYDRO ONE [ An American Corp. ]. This kind of thing happened in a South American country wherein the Government sold their water rights to the Yankees. People could not afford to buy city water, so they began to collect rain water. This practice was soon stamped out by the private American water police. People were jailed for collecting water and their barrels seized and destroyed. The two McGuintys have the same policy. My hydrogen project, my by-pass water turbine and my wind turbine were all designed to be independent of Hydro One. My idea was to set Bancroft free from nuclear power and Liberal / Hydro One abuse. This Bancroft approach was designed to be used by thousands of villages around the world, to also set them free from bondage. I thought I might be able to sneak one by BIG ENERGY, after all Bancroft in a little Town, in a remote area south of Algonquin Park. But I discovered that as a major team member of BIG ENERGY, McGuinty / Liberals would have scores of flunkies constantly watch for signs of a prison break. Both John Honderich / Star and Steve Paikin / TVO were informed by letters about these maneuverings. Neither responded and Ontarians were continually bombarded by their lies. But you know the people of Ontario have been taken to the cleaners so many times by the PCs and the Liberal, it is a well known fact that Ontarians are always up for yet another screwing. Oh, they will whimper a little but JUST CARRY ON!
It is pointless to try and assist those who have no fight in them, when I could find a jurisdiction like Norway, beyond the reach of AMERIGREED and BIG ENERGY, to change the lives of people in thousands of global villages!
In the larger scheme of things Ontario counts for nothing other than a damn good example of a submissive people who are content to live under the Yankee Jack Boot!!!


The once great US Nation cannot survive the affects of a rightpublicanazi hierarchy made up of AMERIGREED, the USA oil monopoly, the rich One Percent, mostly Sociopaths [ Trumpf ] and many mental patients [ like Harper ] thrown in. Added to this toxic mix is their Brownshit army made up of 40 million well armed, racist, white supremacists and a Nazi media, paid by the FOREGOING to make sure that the interests of the FOREGOING remain paramount! BIG GREED IS NOT VIABLE IN THE LONG TERM, PAUL GODFREY AND JOHN HONDERICH HAVE FOUND OUT AS THEIR PAPERS GO BROKE!!! For years complacent, regular Americans, who would otherwise never entertain the thought of embracing a dictatorship, have stood silently by as the FOREGOING have constructed just that. The right has changed a democracy into a dictatorship, right here in the open, for all the world to see. There is now no force on earth strong enough to reverse this destructive trajectory. In other words, there are 45 million, made up of the Trumpf leadership and the rest, gun touting thugs. These defective people are dragging the States into a black hell hole. What will be the outcome, will be the outcome. It is an arrow shot into the air, where it will fall to earth we know not where. Although I am sure of one thing. There are $ 700 trillion in derivatives floating around [ private Wall St. money ], the loonie stock market relies on said derivatives. This Ponzi Scheme is totally reliant on the confidence of all the players. Once Trumpf scares the players enough confidence will evaporate and it will be 100 times worse than the 1929 crash. The Republicans will have succeeded in destroying America’s economy one more time! This time for good. Canada has its’ own dollar and the Bank of Canada. The UK has the Pound and the Bank of England. While private citizens in Can. / UK may own derivatives, they have no connection with the Governments of either Country. The EU Central Bank and Brussels are contaminated with derivatives as are private firms in London’s Square Mile. When the meltdown occurs I don’t want the Canadian and British rightpublicanazis crying for the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England to bail out the criminals once again. The 27 EU countries are already loaded with derivatives, forced to buy them by Brussels. These countries will be in dire straights as they do not have currencies of their own or Central Banks. Right now Canada is the strongest nation in the world if we could ever get over our inferiority complex, something which is stressed in our Nazi media daily by False news and False Numbers. I think both Canada and the UK should join forces, in a loose financial arrangement to provide for world monetary stability. We have the horses and the Brits have a close connection with the 27 EU countries outside of Brussels. I don’t see Can. / UK handing out money to bail out errant banks and Wall St. But I do see our two Countries helping those in distress to reduce their energy costs by assorted means [ Hydrogen, wind, hydro, Geo heating and cooling and the mass distribution of electric vehicles like the Nissan Leaf. This level of assistance would pay dividends on a separate front. Such initiatives would cut CO2 emissions drastically in other countries and bolster Canada’s climate change goals. We would thwart the efforts of the American oil monopoly as regards continued price domination and gouging. And just think, eventually Canadians themselves would be freed from a carbon intensive world so loved by our AMERIGREED masters and their paid Canadian flunkies like Paul Godfrey and David Thomson!!! I am surprised at the so called intelligent people in the USA, Can., UK and Europe who think this is business as usual. NOT!!! They so want to continue their activities as if nothing like Trumpf ever happened. Never mind all the antics of Great Orange, after he stole the Republican counterfeit key to America. It is the wholesale confusion and concern which has been spread among 300 million people. Their first order of business will be to batten down the hatches as if a hurricane was approaching and seek comfort where they can. Minorities will reduce their exposure to the whites for fear of abuse from Trumpf’s thugs. American businesses will suffer the consequences. It is questionable if corporate American, loaded with huge debt by the hegies as they are, can survive a dearth of paying customers. Buying back their stock to keep the price up will not be an option. I think there will be hundreds of business bankruptcies, all thanks to the Republicans! The fewer ties the countries of the world have with America right now, the better. Everyone should be chopping those ties as quickly as they can. Americans are all 4 levels down in a engineless ship adrift in heavy seas. The Orange Orangutan on the bridge has lost it. Prognosis, TERMINAL!!! Canada has a huge job ahead, that of providing leadership for a disorganized globe, which will come under increasing attack by AMERIGREED. It would be best to stay away from this entity in its’ death throes. 40 million right wing zealots will want to get their pound of flesh anywhere they can when it is clear Trumpf can’t deliver and the USA implodes on them. Canada is unique among the nations, we have the ability to be totally self sufficient, an ability no other country has. We could close our borders tomorrow and survive nicely. In fact if the truth be known, going on our own hook will put a lot of money in our pockets, Because we will no longer be giving our petroleum away for zilch, and buying back gasoline, diesel and jet fuel at Mafia prices! Actually, self sufficiency is the shortest route to our desire, the NEW CANADA! Once loosed, we will grow stronger with each passing day, freed from the threat of the Yankee whip. The UK has a Fascist Government under Theresa May totally dedicated to supporting AMERIGREED. Likewise the Fascist, UNDEMOCRATIC EU LEADERSHIP IN BRUSSELS, THEY ARE ALL WALL ST. STOOGES. Did you know the European Union is a complete construct of Washington. Its’ creation was like planting a tree that will keep yielding treasure, with no regard for the human aspect. The US needed and needs markets for its’ financial products. The EU idea provided a larger slice of the world for the Wall St. rapists! The Streeters could thereafter expand their thieving practices with the same restraints that are in place for them in the States. {{ NONE }} . The Americans did not want the European democracies to have anymore say than their homegrown USA citizens. Washington supplied the money to crooked European politicians and insiders who had this grand plan of a new Europe, controlled by a few and devoid of that most pesky of restrains the meaningful ballot. So Nietzsche Myth!!! So cheat, cheat, ever cheat!!!
Under America’s wing and illegal money, Brussels was able to build such a regressive edifice without the direct input from 500 million people who still think they live in democracies??? So powerful is the USA paid EU Nazi media, that this hoax was perpetrated and continues! So the Yanks and a few European turncoats, more interested in money than the freedom of the ignorant masses lied their way to power. And just like in the USA, the little people of Europe had to be lulled into believing that their VOTE STILL COUNTED. IT REALLY DOES, REALLY??? Fortunately for Canada, Washington had not and has not quite succeeded in nullifying our votes, although Herr Harper and the Canadian rightpublicanazis played their dirtiest of dirty tricks to the max. Having Elections Canada saved Canada. Although Elections Canada was never equipped to handle the extent of rightpublicanazi lying and cheating imported into this Country by Harper. How can one prepare for a storm about which there is no experience. The Harper Fascists counted on the naivete of Elections Canada to make the Repub dirty trick work. The Distressed States of America would not be in this soup if there was such a thing as Elections America, removed from the hands of the 33 Fascist Repub State cartel. In a different way the Brits also lucked out. The Fascist Government of David Cameron had no intention of leaving the EU, he and his friends, like in Brussels, were paid off partners-in-crime working in concert with Washington. Cameron was the classic second banana, happy to be a large fish in a little pond built by the USA. But there were some cooler heads in England, who saw that Brussels was slowly stealing the sovereignty of their Nation with the monetary backing of the USA. It was all so clandestine, a job that the London Nazi press was paid to support. To put this anti EU protest to bed, Cameron FOOLISHLY [ cross that out ], STUPIDLY CALLED THE BREXIT VOTE. Cameron was unsettled by the unhappiness of many Brits, some in his own Fascist Party. Cam could have managed the EU unrest if he had been a better politician, instead of THE LIGHTWEIGHT HE IS! YOU DO NOT CALL FOR A LEGAL VOTE OF THE PEOPLE IF YOU WANT TO REMAIN IN CONTROL. With lots of Washington money behind him, a whole slew of Brit rightpublicanazis and the US paid world Nazi media, Cameron was sure that the STAY SIDE would prevail in the BREXIT vote. It was a sure thing, a SLAM DUNK as someone famous once said. In Countries where the vote still counts, putting the case to the people is a very dangerous exercise for the right. The righties always want the answer they want, which benefits themselves, these are notorious self dealers and law breakers! The global right, views the larger populations in the USA, Canada, Uk and the EU etc. as the ignorant masses, to be mislead and manipulated, a view often mouthed by Hitler. This Nietzsche Myth arrogance, shows through in the cases Ron Reagan, Brian Mulroney, Maggie Thatcher, Mike Harris, Georgie Bush Jr., Dalt McGuinty, Steve Harper, David Cameron and finally Kathleen McGuinty and Trumpf! In each case what these fascists said gave them away. They talked DOWN to those who had elected them, being the superior beings they are!!! Not only are they self appointed first class, the fact that they make fools of Canadians boost their opinion of themselves. It never enters their heads that they succeed because they cheat or throw a punch when the other side is not expecting it. In Canada, Harper stole the 2011 Election by using rightpublicanazi dirty tricks which circumvented Elections Canada. In the 2015 Fed. Election I knew exactly what Harper was up to, after having spent almost 2 years as Director of the CPC Riding Association in Belleville. Add to that, after 25 years as the Ontario Progressive Conservative operative in North Pickering [ 1960 to 1985 ] and a Pickering Councillor [ 1973 /76 ]. Where politics is concerned I don’t need to have someone draw me a diagram! For 2015, Harper had unlimited, illegal American oil monopoly under-the-table-money available to him. The same money that is available to Jason Kenney and Brian Jean out West. Jason and Brian are but Houston puppets. Our entire Nazi media was on the oilie payroll in 2015. Rightpublicanazis assemble a team made up of Yankees and Canadian turncoats to operate out of the PMO, you are quite familiar with many of the turncoats who will just not go away. They are now orphans because of Trumpf but just can’t accept reality, because they always created their own reality. These turncoats organized ROBO calls, voter suppression and intimidation in 2015. Add to their crimes was tampering with riding boundaries. Harper was just following the Repub Gerrymandering Rule Book! If Harper had been successful in cooking the riding boundary books we Canadians would now be in the thick of the Trumpf turmoil too! It was clear that the Harper Fascists were counting their chickens, way too early. On Oct. 19 / 16, enough Canadians had awakened to the American takeover threat to give Trudeau 184 seats [ up 148 ], Harper 99 seats [ down 60 ] and Mulcair 44 seats [ down 51 ]. I believe Justin Trudeau’s spirited defense of Canadian values caught the attention of the voters. All those smears pushed by our Nazi media, you remember Justin’s hair or he isn’t ready or how about the Catholic Church teaming up with Canada Post to distribute free of charge, millions of anti abortion post cards. As always, Canadians can count on Paul Godfrey to ignore real news and publish False News [ a crime in Canada ]! Fortunately for Canadians, Harper and his employer, the USA oil monopoly were and are mired in the past. They have relied heavily on buying up the allegiance of Canada’s newspapers and TV networks, so old hat. All of the Newsies are quite happy to sing any song loudly for their supper. Harper made little use of the internet. Lyin Steve was so locked into the Conman Black era, he did not recognize how dangerous this new form of internet free speech was to him. Our Nazi media tried to dominate the net, using recycled fare from their print coverage and TV commentary, sometimes 2 years out of date. In the 2013 EXXON tar spill in Mayflower Ark., the Company used thousands of rolls of paper towel to try and cover up the black, gooey mess, so it couldn’t be seen from the air. The ploy failed because the Benzine, Hi Octane gas, soaked through the towels before evaporating into the air. After which it seared the lungs of hundreds of Mayflower residents, young and old. The EXXON executives who dreamed up this white towel trick and the low lifes who actually spread the towels should have been put in jail. Rather, EXXON walked for a $ 5 million fines which went to the State. Homeowners got nothing. The original property owner in Mayflower had been paid by EXXON for a easement, which did not require the oil Company to even maintain the pipeline. The Town allowed a developer to build a subdivision over the tar pipe, something the house owners were not aware of. In terms of health problems in Mayflower, the Repub Arkansas State Government washed its’ hands of the whole affair, pocketed $ 5 million and told those affected, get lost. If Washington, Arkansas and EXXON can fuck American citizens in this manner, how would Canadians living in a US owned Harper satellite province fare??? It paid EXXON to have partners in the form of the Governments of the USA and Arkansas. Like EXXON, the Nat. Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV and Global, tried to use blanket coverage of the net to drown out Harper’s opponents. Again, the foregoing were convinced they were dealing ignorant Canadians, but quantity can never replace quality. On its’ own, this coverage is cuckoo enough! BUT! Reading material fit for someone with the mind of an 8 year old, doesn’t wear well along side the other side of the story. Balanced and fair coverage of events is something that hasn’t been seen / heard in the National Post Papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, Global and CTV, for years. The net Nazi media coverage of Harper was geared to new releases from the PMO and shouting down the opposition. It was straight up, standard rightie propaganda. In terms of the CBC, it featured both sides of the story, but heavily weighted to the Fascist side. I have recently concluded that Harper’s appointees on the CBC Board of Directors were playing a little game. CBC allowed the Liberals and the NDP some coverage, in a phony attempt to appear to be providing balanced coverage. Then Harper was able to attack the CBC, as a supposed leftie TV network he wanted to dismantle. When all the while CBC was giving premium and lengthy coverage to the Fascists. Blanket coverage of slim PMO pickings on the net, a sameness of coverage in the Nazi press as well as on TV, drove 100s of thousands of Canadians to search the net for info, allowing them to do their homework. The exclusive and constant repetition of Fascist talking points in the Post papers, Globe and Tar, Star et al, and CTV / Global /CBC revealed the Fascist spokesmen and women appearing in public to be the fools they ACTUALLY ARE. Who could ever forget Paul Calandra, he of non answers ??? Or Brad Butt who lied about lying??? Fortunately both Paul and Brad have been consigned to the dustbin of history by Canadians. Harper called a long election period of 78 days, that was a huge blunder. The longer it went on, the extent of the Fascist foolishness became ever more apparent. A very smug, Mad Stevie thought himself secure. Trumpf is similarly deluded! Armed with shit load of illegal petro dollars, Steve could pay Paul Godfrey and the other media types for a sustained and lengthy smear campaign against Trudeau. Tom Mulcair added to the Liberal momentum by becoming fixated on Justin Trudeau, and forgetting what the Election was about?. Even after the election, Mulcair was determined to embarrass the new Prime Minister by working closely with the defeated Steve Harper to dishonour Parliament. Do you remember, ” Shouldergate “. To Tom Mulcair I say good riddance! Tom turned out to be a complet clown, a vindictive one at that! But it would seem that the oil monopoly, Harper, Jason Kenney and his Fascist supporters, and Brian Jean and the Wildrosers have not given up, probably buoyed by extra money from Houston. Something Paul Godfrey WILL NEVER LOOK INTO! With our Nazi media, well paid and well in tow, Big Oil has embarked on a 3 years campaign to smear PM Trudeau as well as Premier Rachel Notley!. Thus you don’t need to buy another National Post paper for 900 days. You now know exactly what Godfrey is going say over, and over, and over and over again!!! I just save you more than a thousand bucks. The Kenney / Jean two step and ongoing smear campaigns are typical rightie moves. If at first you don’t succeed, keep doing the same thing over and over and over AGAIN [ this is the definition of insanity ]. Again the internet is being ignored by the Fascists and their American without-a-clue helpers. Godfrey posts 2 year old articles on the net, this is just a ruse to just take advertiser’s money. You know, I think the Nat. Post advertisers are just as stupid as Godfrey??? The attacks on Trudeau are concentrated in the Post papers, Globe, Star,Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and now the CBC. The CBC Board has ceased playing the games it played up till Oct. 19 / 15. Now the CBC has fallen completely in with Paul Godfrey and the rest of the Nazi crowd, to find fault with Trudeau and the Liberals at every turn, even if the story is a complete stretch or even made up. The best thing to do to ensure Canada does not fall to the Americans, is to stop buying newspapers, cancel Maclean’s and to stop watching CTV, Global and the CBC. Read the Guardian UK, Montreal Simon, / Dave Climenhaga, and Wolf Street every day and you will QUICKLY CUT TO THE CHASE! As well you should boycott every advertiser who flirts with any of the Fascists enablers above. Do your shopping on line. In that way AMERIGREED and the American oil monopoly can be thwarted because they have all their poison eggs in our Nazi media basket. To show how unpredictable voting can be, just look at the election of Rachel Notley / NDP in Alberta. Can’t we Canadians just stop reading the menu provided us by the Americans. There are many more choices which do not appear on said menu. LIKE BUILDING OUR OWN CRUDE OIL PIPELINE FROM A CANADIAN OWNED UPGRADER / REFINERY IN FORT MAC, TO MICRO REFINERIES IN ONTARIO AND QUEBEC? We would get this whole shebang nothing, with the money save from buying gasoline, diesel and jet fuel from Delaware on the US Eastern Seaboard. As you know [ or don’t know ], Ont. / Que. imported gasoline etc. is made from ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqis. This oil comes out of Iraq and into Turkey on its’ way to the Mediterranean. The Turkish Government get its’ cut. This oil which belongs to the Iraqi people is so cheap it undercuts Alberta tar which the USA oil monopoly get for giveaway prices. All of the pipeline proposals in Canada are just a diversion. Right now it is common knowledge, that there is excess tar capacity [ pipelines / rail cars ] but the Nazi media is not telling Canadians this! The oilies are buying ISIS oil for a song, they don’t need our tar now or off into the future or ever. Canadians are not being told that. We here in Ont. / Que. and Eastern USA are buying ISIS their bullets, SO WE AS IN WE, ARE PAYING FOR BOTH SIDES OF THE TERRORIST WAR. The Repub Congress uses the threat as the excuse to take away the civil liberties of minorities. The biggest threat to the USA is the white supremacists, whose atrocities far outnumber terrorist attacks. About which you will never hear!!! The North American Nazi media will not cover these stories, so they unreported. In an article in the Guardian about white thuggery, was the story of a couple of white supremacist driving in the Midwest to deliver guns. The father and son were posing as preachers. Highway patrol pulled them over for some reason. One officer got out to check the paper work and was taking a long time. The other officer then got out of the squad car. The son suddenly jumped out of his car with an AK 47 blazing. The burst took the top of the advancing officer’s head off. The son wheeled around on the other officer and pumped him full of holes. Both died in pools of blood and the whities took off. They were later cornered and killed but they wounded two more officers. In the North American Nazi media, NOTHING!!! What Paul Godfrey prints is what Houston pays him to print! Is that the reason why Canadians keep accepting USA crumbs when we could be eating cake??? I hear so many Progressives talking and their horizon is that which the Americans have DEFINED for them. This is so incurious! It is so unvisionary! And so toadstoolish! What kind of a brain accepts imposed limits and never dreams of or explores what might be. It could be that as a Nation, we really are no more than good wood cutters and water haulers? And as Joe Oiliver said, ” Just be happy with your lot in life Canadians “. What can losers expect, opined Joe! Here in another idea. Ontario and Quebec could say to PM Trudeau. We are sick of paying top dollar for gas, diesel and jet fuel made from ISIS oil, stolen from the Iraqis and sold by the American oil monopoly! We are tired of seeing Alberta giving their tar away for peanuts! Cue light bulb!!! Expropriate an upgrader / crude refinery in Fort Mac. Produce Alberta crude oil using the upgrader and refinery to convert the tar in situ. Quickly build half the Twin Beaver Pipeline pipe for crude oil first. Run it from Fort Mac to the Toronto / Montreal area. Ontario / Quebec would then buy or expropriate micro gas / diesel refineries in each of their jurisdiction to refine gas, diesel and jet fuel like we did for 50 years. Voila 60 cents for a ltr of gasoline. Besides the DOUBLE B would put Albertans back to work. Ottawa could stop paying out UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE. The bank accounts of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec would go jingle jangle. First Nations could share in the work, lots of good jobs. Suppliers all across the Country would see increased business. All governments would see increased tax revenues. What is not to like about being self sufficient??? The present, destructive race to export tar mixed with Benzine, defies logic. Mind, look where this tar policy emanates from, crazy America! The Yankees renamed Canada Tar Sands the, {{ Oil Sands }}, for US domestic political reasons to avoid taxes and to gain exemption from the oil spill levy. This is an oil monopoly wild card. If the law relates to oil, NO, NO, says the oil monopoly what we are shipping is tar [ the oilies NEVER MENTION THE ILLEGAL BENZINE ]. If it is a law pertaining to tar, the oilies say, NOT US! WE ARE SHIPPING OIL! As always the American oil monopoly creates its’ own reality and Transport Canada just looks the other way??? What’s not to like about using our God given brains??? Or have so many Canadians had rightie computer chips implanted in their brains that the transfer of Canada to Trumpf’s tiny hands is a foregone conclusion. To be screwed once by the Yankees is unnerving. To be screwed dozens of times by the Yanks shows we lack any spine. To be taken 50 times by the Americans shows a distinct slave mentality! Instead of always following in the Yankee’s footsteps and say, ” yes master “! We are always standing in their shadow, it is time to go solo folks. If there was ever a time to flee, it is now or never! Is it true that you can lead a Canadian to a solution, but equally true, you can’t force him to SEIZE THAT SOLUTION EVEN IF IT IS IN HIS OWN BEST INTEREST??? I say, while Canadians still have their say, before the oilies and Harper take away that say, we should say, that we are going to go on our own, no matter what Trumpf says. Can you believe that William Hogarth [ 1697 / 1764 ], the great English painter, looked 250 years into the future and painted the pictures of Bedlam? A perfect depiction of the Trumpf White House!!! The other Election on the screen currently is in BC where Christy Clark’s Fascist Government was reduced to a minority. The American oil monopoly, Harper Fascists, including Jason Kenney and Stockwell Day were all in BC to support their close Fascist colleague Clark. Alas, another sad day for the Canadian rightpublicanazis. That I love! I am a democrat. I will always support any vote of the people wherein they are fully briefed and the election or question is fairly put. I am also prepared to accept the decision of a Judge even if I do not agree. I will NOT PICK UP A GUN TO HAVE MY OWN WAY!!! I put MY Country high on my agenda, because the future of me and my family is tied directly to Canada’s success. Living off others and taking what doesn’t belong to me, only weakens this Nation. AMERIGREED and its’ Canadian agents, will take anything that isn’t nailed down. The result, is in the USA a few parasites have cornered most of the wealth and are about to see their house of derivative certificates come tumbling down! Canada should be long gone! NOW! In the BREXIT vote AMERIGREED pulled the strings AS THEY DID IN CANADA [ 2011 / 2015 ]! Cameron tried to rig the vote. The London Nazi press, in the pay of the Americans was full throated in their lying to and misleading the Brits. The English were not well informed as to what was going on in the EU and Brussels. A quasi American controlled dictatorship, dedicated to picking clean the 27 democratic countries within the Union [ the UK teetering on the edge ]. The common folk were not told that the London financial sector was getting rich, acting as the agent of the USA in helping do the wealth stripping of the other 27 EU member Countries. The London money changers were paid to hold the Yankee coat as Goldman Sachs raped Europe. You mustn’t be worried about them though. The Brit junior sharks did get their cut! In other words London money men and women [ now ], were selling their sister EU countries down the river for US cash. As well, the UK Square Mile was and is laundering money on behalf of criminals everywhere and funneling the dough to Wall St. through the Cayman Islands. Brits were not told that the EU Parliament is a TOTAL CHARADE and HAS NO REAL POWER. It is as powerful as the Reichstag under Hitler. The individual countries have lost their sovereignty and are no more that paper puppet states beholden to the USA! The Maastricht Treaty is not worth the paper it is written on Democracy in Europe, has been taken on a ride in a cattle car down the track to the ovens. The supposed Common Market is anything but. The USA makes all kinds of side deals to gain trade advantages within the EU itself. Only Brussels can make trade arrangements, which ensures the interests of the USA are always uppermost. Corporate America has taken full advantage of this sweetheart deal, using Brussels as a cover, allowing it to buy cheap key industries in various countries. The EU countries have been turned into slave states, which are there to feed the Yankee beast. If they don’t serve the Master, Amerigreed just Greeces them!!! If some kind of irritant arises in a particular country the Americans just pay off the complainers and Brussels papers over the cracks with the help of the USA paid world Nazi media. It is one big criminal bee hive of activity, with AMERIGREED employing thousand of flunkies doing the dirty work, in Can., the UK and in Brussels. The Orangutans have taken over the zoo. Fortunately, England, as a Country was not quite in the bag yet [ like Canada ], it is still financially independent, vis a vis the Pound. And the UK Parliament had yet to surrender its’ most important powers, although Cam tried so hard to give England away. Dave, a little man after Steve heart. On board to Stay in the EU were Cameron’s Fascists as was the City Corporation. Brits did not and do not know that the European Central Bank is operated from the Wall st. offices of Goldman Sachs. And that the EU officials in Brussels are hand picked by Washington and the Streeters. Again I think the Americans were as arrogant with BREXIT, as they were with Harper’s planned handover of Canada to the Yankees in 2015. The Stay Forces had every lever of power and with Cameron’s help had turned the ignorant masses into the confused masses. But I think regular Brits smelled a rat, they were right on. Barb Black’s little people were being herded along by AMERIGEED, the Fascists, the rich and powerful and the Nazi London press. This whole exercise had a distinct American unpleasant taste to it. It was clear the fix was in, much like in Canada. On June 23 / 2016, the UK voted to quit the loose grip of the European Union. 46 million people were registered. Voter turnout was 72%, so there was great interest! The LEAVE SIDE GOT, 17,500,000 votes. THE STAY SIDE GOT 16, 100,000 VOTES. It was a clear verdict even though the fix was in. If Brits had been properly informed the vote to leave would have been much higher. Here again with BREXIT, the Americans tried to buy the vote as they did in Canada, in 2015. As in Canada, AMERIGREED will just not accept a legitimate vote on the BREXIT question in this democratic exercise of people SAY. Now AMERIGREED is working with Theresa May and the London Lugenpresse to undo BREXIT by any means available. There are for all to see the usual rightie trademarks, lying, scare tactics, bogus numbers, False News and ladles full of right wing propaganda. All being done because AMERIGREED thinks the English masses are ignorants and that they will in the end surrender to THE MASTER!!!


I am of the old school. When I think of starting a manufacturing business, it would require the introduction of a new wrinkle on an old product that is bigger, faster, lighter, cheaper, stronger and which has greater utility, etc. A superior product will win the game every time because the population still decides where it will spend its’ bucks, except where a government kills their friend’s competition. When the motor car was first introduced, in 1905, the buggy makers, their friends in politics and the cops harassed auto owners. A driver had to carry a green tarp, this by law. If he encountered a horse and Hanson Cab, his machine had to be driven into the ditch and covered with the tarp lest the horse be frightened. By 1920, 90% of the buggy makers had disappeared into bankruptcy. The people triumphed over the establishment. Now times have changed, the establishment has killed all the competition except in the auto industry and airliners. I just can’t imagine building shit like Whirlpool, shit that is WORSE THAN THE SHIT THEY WERE PRODUCING 30 YEARS AGO! THIS IS PROGRESS??? How did we come to this??? Because Americans hate competition, because they CAN’T COMPETE and because the Yanks have such a huge pile of stolen money that they can buy almost anything and anybody, including Brian Mulroney, Mike Harris, Dalt McGuinty, Stevie Harper, Dave Cameron, Patrick Brown and Theresa May! Mind, what the execs at Whirlpool are doing is trying to turn back the hands of time and killing people while they are at it. However the chickens are coming home to roost. Whirlpool UK has 5 million incendiary tumble dryers scattered across the landscape. It is about time for a washer / dryer pair with old time quality, at to-day’s prices.


My ONE HOUR dryer copies the EASY dryer of old mechanicalwise. The old EASY dryer was built like a brick shit house in which the 3 little pigs would have been quite safe. It had a vacuum system. The clothes inside the drum were exposed to the heater and the blower sucked out the hot, moist air. Some dryers use the pressure system, in which the blower pushes air through the heater chamber into the drum, after which the hot, moist air goes out through the lint trap. The vacuum system is the best. The pressure system will push lint into the surround cabinet if the drum seal is worn. This lint never sees the lint trap. A build up of lint that the owner can’t see and can’t catch is a potential fire hazard. Although this is only a remote possibility. Lint will flash over but will seldom burn because there is not enough of it to sustain a flame. The Whirlpool tumble dryer fires in the UK, have little to do with lint. The Company is just looking for an excuse to do nothing and Theresa May’s Government seems quite satisfied with Whirlpool doing nothing. May is happy leaving 5 million dryer consumers hanging from clothes lines by their thumbs, living in fear that their homes will burn down??? I noticed with most dryers I serviced years ago, that the tops got very hot. This meant that there was heat OUTSIDE AND ABOVE THE DRUM WHICH NEVER WENT NEAR THE CLOTHES. Dryer blowers suck air off the floor at the base of the dryer. My idea was to design a dryer which would suck the hot air from inside the top of the surround cabinet. The cool air would come in at the base of the dryer, and as it heated it would rise. The hot air above the drum would be gathered in by the blower and pushed into the heater chamber at an already hotter than normal temperature. This would mean the element would not have to work as hard, cycle off more often and thus speed the drying and use a lot less electricity. So far so good. The idea with a dryer is to drop the clothes off the fins and through the center of the drum as it turns. Stuffing a dryer full of cloths cuts off the movement of the hot air and prolongs drying time, Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? The hot air is supposed to pass over and around the clothes and dry them as they fall. Some dryers have an element chamber on one side at the back and the outlet to the blower on the other side at the back. In this case the heat enters the drum, goes across the back and out the blower, avoiding the clothes entirely. This is a pure shit design and a very greedy electricity user! My new EAZY dryer would have a remote element chamber through which air would be forced by a blower into the drum. I would also use a second blower sucking the air out of the front of the drum. In this way the clothes would feel the full force of the preheated hot air, but that air could not be impeded by the clothes due to the low pressure area at the front of the drum, this caused by the second blower. This system would CAPTURE ALL OF THE LINT, ALL OF THE TIME. My EAZY dryer could be sold at the same price as the high end shit dryers now available. Whirlpool and Electrolux would not be able to match my system or my quality because they not longer have what I call engineers. The new crop of engineers are taught how to make machines cheaper and thus reduce quality. These engineers are dedicated to winding back the clock. Such a prospect is revolting to me. It is so right wing. The righties abhor doing anything for the ignorant masses. The righties are taught at the Preston Manning Institute that people who are starving, sick, illeductated, anxious and frightened are easier to manage and manipulate. Democracy doesn’t work like that. Why Paul Godfrey is paid a million and a half per year to spout a right wing ideology THAT DOESN’T WORK [ Just look south of the 49th ], defies an explanation. And further to that absurdity, is the fact that there actually are Canadians being taken in by Godfrey. BEDLUM is an apt metephor!!! Just look at a Hogarth painting and match it with scenes from the White house??? It is hard to accept the fact that 60 million Americans voted for an Orange Orangutan. This state of affairs is easy to explain. The rightpublicanazis were busy inside the Bank that is AMERICA, robbing the vault. Their get-away-car was outside at the curb idling. Great Orange was strolling by, spied the vehicle, stole it and went on a Russian toot. The Repubs are now stuck inside the bank with their pile of loot and have no way of getting out and getting away! The right has no way of controlling Trumpf and yet their very future is in his tiny hands and dependent on his tiny brain. Republican Members of Congress make themselves look more foolish with each passing day! PLEASE WORLD RUN LIKE HELL!!!


In terms of my EAZY washing machine, the same drill applies. The old EASY auto washer was also built like a brick-you-know-what! I would simply copy it, keep the quality and build it using CNC. A CNC machine is a drill press and a milling machine all in one. It has probably 20 drills and cutters for all different applications. You start out with a billet [ a chunk ] of aluminum, steel or cast iron out of which you can literally carve any shaped part. Instead of making small pieces and welding them together to make a component, you can make the part from one piece. Of course the quantity of waste metal is greater, but the chips are kept separate and returned to the mill for recycling. A metal mill can reclaim the chips and it is 4 times cheaper than creating new metal from scratch. So my new EAZY washer would retain the quality and durability of old with a much lower labour cost. I can draw a picture of the part I need on the CNC computer screen. I would use a code to make the machine go in and out, up an down, side to side and around and around on a moveable table to which the billet is clamped. The CNC machine will create a shape using the correct tools, it will drill holes to a set pattern and thread them if necessary. When the part is complete, a new billet is put in its’ place and the button gets pushed. Thus the process begins again, 25 time, 100 time or a thousand time. Every shaped part in my EAZY could be programmed. If 250 washers are ordered, 250 sets of parts would be made and so on, you get the idea. Instead of someone standing at a lathe all day making an individual part at great expense. The work would be in assembling all the parts into machines. I like the idea of work teams, wherein the team would do say 12 dryers or 12 washers by dividing up the work as they see fit. And they could switch jobs. Much better than an assembly line. How about the idea of profit sharing? Based not only on output but quality and call backs. My washer would use the long stroke gear box. A Spiralator action coupled with big fins moving a slow rate and greater rotation. This is the ultimate clothes washing experience. The other feature would be, instead of balancing the tub with concrete weights I would use water. The water in the spin tube balances the load and weighs more than the wet clothes. I could then increase the spin speed by 100 rpm. The more water taken out of the clothes, the shorter the drying time. Too simple!!! Whirlpool and Electrolux, eat your heart out. The question is, is there a jurisdiction anywhere that will defy AMERIGREED and upset the vultures on Wall St. by slackening their hold on the laundry machine business. The success of the new EAZY washer and dryer would open the flood gates. CNC machining, married to old time quality, to provide machines that deliver 6000 loads of laundry in a lifetime, rather the 2500 loads with to-day’s shit? It is an interesting idea to contemplate. Can we borrow from the past? Throw in some new wrinkles and proceed to move towards those sunlit uplands as Churchill called them??? Or do we all silently follow AMERIGREED, into the hell hole of their making???


There are a lot of vertical wind turbines around, they can be seen on the net. They do produce electricity but they are not very efficient. The problem is that when the wind is pushing on the rear going blade it is also pushing on the forward coming blade. The breakthrough in this log jam situation, IS TO MAKE THE FORWARD COMING BLADE DISAPPEAR. Then the wind is full on the rear going blade only. I have solved that problem. My wind turbine will be 3 bladed, 5 ft in diameter and 7 ft tall. The whirling part will turn an alternator which will charge a battery pack. This turbine will be for homes, farms, cottages, small businesses, remote areas, south sea islands and 1st Nations reserves etc. This turbine is certainly patentable and only a jurisdiction like Quebec would offer [ ?????? ] protection from AMERIGREED and the Wall St. hedgies. The National Research Council would have been the place to go in the old days, but it is now run by crooks, put in place by Harper to poach Canadian inventions and give them to AMERIGREED. If your 35 year old son still lives in the basement and can’t find work, this is the reason. AMERIGREED IS SQUEEZING THE LIFE OUT OF CANADA WITH ABANDON!!! And that fucking Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development [ OECD ] [ an arm of the USA Government in Washington ] has the nerve to lambaste Canada for a lack of productivity. Our establishment in Ottawa is so taken with right wing ideology that they purposely and constantly put a stick in the spokes of Canada’s wheel to impede this Country’s economic development. WW II shows us that this Nation could manufacture anything we could imagine. The US rightpulicanazis in co-operation with the likes of Mulroney and Harper have robbed us of those skills. And at present, nothing is being done to alter that course. In terms of my vertical wind turbine, the kits could be manufactured right alongside my EAZY washers and dryers in Quebec. The market for the washers and dryers would first be Canada [ 14 million households ]. Then the UK market could be approached with its’ 27 million households. My wind turbine has global application, especially in third world countries. As stated I would not sell anything in the USA. It would be too much of a hassle fighting with Trumpf, Congress, the various departments, now stacked with lunatics and Whirlpool. They would never allow such quality products to survive. Better than meeting competition the Americans prefer to kill anything that offends them. And kill consumers in the doing at the same time. The deaths at Megantic were and are quite acceptable in the eyes of the US rightpublicanazis, Harper and Paul Godfrey included. And after the introduction of Trumpf’s new Medicare Legislation 25 million people will not longer have access to medial care. So they will begin to drop like flies. Mind Congress with save money. The Repubs won’t need to build gas chambers like Hitler did at great expense!!!


There are four other projects of major interest to me at this time. I have faced a lifetime of, ” It will never work “, here in Canada. It is clear, that a majority of Canadians find it easier to find a reason to say no. Seizing the moment, is a rare occurrence in this Country! When this reluctance to go out on a limb is added to the Canadian powers that be, in the pay of the Americans, and aided by our Nazi media, almost ensures we the little people, will not escape the AMERIGREED hook. There are ALTERNATIVES to $ 5 a gallon gasoline, 25 cent KWs and giving our tar away for free. It is hard to believe that almost 400 million souls in North America and an additional 500 million in Europe are in bondage to AMERIGREED, they are essentially slaves but don’t realize it. It is reality that they are powerless. It is fantasy that their ballot still caries weight? The key to this situation is that Washington and Wall St. seized control of the global money supply back in 1944 / Bretton Woods. This policy was implemented by the only solvent country left standing at the end of WW II, it had the potential to do great good or do evil, evil. FDR’s Bretton Woods, saw the world through the post War crisis and lasted for 25 golden years. This until Nixon, who was not only a crook but mentally unbalanced like every other rightie. Harper and Trumpf being good examples. To the right, helping the common folk is so unrightish. Depriving the larger population of a share in the fruits of their labours is the exact opposite to a democracy. A mature democracy will apportion the harvest and make allowances for those who can’t keep up. Those who preach otherwise are without humanity. Fred Nietzsche was a syphilitic basket case who had visions of grandeur. He thought of himself as a philosopher, which he was not. Fred plagiarized the works of earlier German philosophers who’s only experience came under totalitarian rule. If you have never been to the top of the mountain you can’t imagine the view. People who have never lived in a democracy can be forgiven for constructing ideas based on their understanding of the world. But such ideas from the 1800s have n application in 2017 as the right would wish!!! Nietzsche latched onto the Overman and Underman idea and lifted it entirely from Max Stirner [ real name Johann Kaspar Schmidt 1806 / 1856 ]. This nonsense about one declaring one’s self exceptional, a cut above the rest and unfettered by the laws of a democratic society, is at the core of rightpublicanazism. Trumpf awarded himself an A. Hitler, a pipsqueak of a deranged man thought of himself as a god. He viewed the German masses as being ignorant, and they proved him right! H. L. Mencken, a German American, side with the Kaiser in the First World War and Hitler in the Second. He peddled the Nietzsche Myth to the American right, as did Ayn Rand, a Russian Communist turned rightie, a 3rd rate writer and student of Mencken. Nietzsche’s fingerprints are all over Ludwig von Mises, Leo Strauss, Fred Hayek, all Germans with no democratic experience. And Milton Friedman and Alan Greenspan, who were nobodies until they stole Fred Hayek’s shtick and repackaged as their own. Thus the entire foundation for the modern right wing ideology, is based on the Niezsche Myth, a German / American who loved the Kaiser and the Nazis, a dingbat Communist, who, once reaching the USA realized right wing stuff sold best, 3 Germans, who were all under the Nietzsche spell, and two Americans, without an original idea between them, who stole the material from the 3 wise Germans and called their own. some foundation??? All of them, being one floor up above the masses, IN THEIR MINDS! The fact that the said masses actually had legal, meaningful ballots, was most disturbing to the self elevated, especially Mencken. H. L. thought it dangerous that the masses might use their voting power to upset the elite apple cart. Mencken [ 1880 / 1956 ] and Ayn Rand [ 1905 / 1982 ], sowed the seeds of the destruction of the USA, which have finally borne fruit in 2016. Their anti democratic writings were taken to heart by the right, who set out to disenfranchise the masses without them knowing about their fate. The right set out to change the American ideal of one man / woman, one vote and, ” ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL “. TO — one white man / woman, one vote and for the minorities a worthless vote or no vote at all. AND AS FAR AS THIS EQUAL NONSENSE IS CONCERNED FORGET IT!!! The changeover from a democracy to a totalitarian state commenced with Richard Nixon. He cultivated the white racist, anti democratic, self elevated exceptionalists on the back channel. A code was developed by the name of dog-whistle-politics to allow the changeover to take place without Americans being alerted to right wing shenanigans. The US Nazi media was enlisted and paid to cover the plotters tracks. Canada was not immune to the dismantling of democracy. Twenty years ago the Civitas Secret Subversive Society was formed with backing from the US right. This Society has been holding yearly meetings at which Canadian and US righties meet in secret session to exchange ideas on how best to take the ballot away from the masses in Canada based on the American experience. The Nazi media was supposedly barred from the meetings but knew wehat was going on all the time and who the plotters were and are! Attendees were thoroughly screen for racial purity and they were required by pledge to refrain from mentioning who else attended as well as the matter discussed. It all sounds so Nazish!!! That this kind of business could go / can go on for so long in Canada is abhorrent. That the Nazi media would remain silent is criminal, but is understandable why Paul Godfrey and the others play ball with the US rightpublicanazis. They get paid to button their lips. But we know who the traitors are, Steve Harper, Preston Manning, Andrew Coyne, John Ivison, David Frum, Barbara Kay, Conman Black, Ezzie LeRant, John Robson, Brian Lee Crowley, Ted Byfield, Michael Coren, William Gairdner and others. That anyone who loves Canada could possibly gather behind close doors, to discuss how to put one over on the people defies belief??? That the Nazi media would sit by speechless as this treasonous behavior goes on, is also beyond belief??? These Canadian rightpublicanazis are reaching for our very throats, it can’t be tolerated. They must all be exorcised or jailed. That this orphan lot is still bent on spreading the Trumpf contagion is indicative of their mental status. These are defective human beings who pose a threat to Canada’s well being. As with any such cancer the scalpel is the best medicine. Since the time of Nixon, the Republicans have enlisted a special breed of losers. They constitute nobodies who think they are somebodies, thus by their own definition are better than the common folk, whether in the USA or Canada. But in our democracy such nobodies have only one vote like the rest of us. Their monumental task is to square their beliefs with reality, which they have been unable to do. To give themselves an A, they have to take OUR A AWAY. The only operative question before the House, IS DO WE LET THEM??? Nixon killed Bretton Woods and the USA walked out on Europe and left them hanging. Nixon faced problems at home and decided to take it out on the Europeans. To change the minds of the Washington crowd as time went along, the Europeans had to make concessions to Wall St. Nixon and the Republicans transfer the control of the American dollar to the bankers in return for cash. Once the USA monetary system had been moved out of the hands of the elected representatives and transferred to the money changers, Americans were no longer free! The same medicine was applied to the formation of the EU. A so called democratic union which in truth is not democratic at all! This has left the EU countries on the end of a rope over which they have no control. Yes they are faux democratic countries because they have no say about the affairs of money. Goldman Sachs controls their destiny. The UK was half in and half out. It did not surrender sovereignty nor the pound. AMERIGREED was and is working from the inside through the Cameron / May Fascist Party and the London Lugenpresse to bring England to heel and undo BREXIT. In Canada the plan was the same, put Harper into power illegally and then dismantle our Country from the inside. The UK remains free of the AMERIGREED GRASP for the moment and the Brits still have a valid ballot and control of their Pound. Likewise Canada, AMERIGREED has not yet cowed us and we still have the vote and we still control our Dollar. Canada and the UK, as still free Nations must form an Axis of Enlightenment around which the captive European Nations can coalesce and seek protection from the ravages of AMERIGREED. This approach, coupled with our strong Dollar and the UK Pound will provide a secure safe haven from the US Dollar which is already beginning to fall due to the Trumpf affect. China holds more than one trillion in American debt. Money loaned to Mericans to buy Chinese goods. Now that the Trumpf affect is taking hold, economic activity within the USA is slowing, and people are not buying Chinese goods. China is now reducing its’ US debt holdings, $ 150 billion recently. As the rightpublicanazis continue to mismanage the Country’s business, they are fast running out of willing lenders, if that is not already the case? Since 1980 / Reagan when the USA trade balance went negative, it grew to minus $ 800 billion at the end the Georgie Bush Jr. terms. The 4 major mandatory expenses of Washington are *** Social Security, which has remained constant from 1980 to now. *** Medicaid, again constant from 1980 till now. *** Medicare, has doubled from 1980 to now, [ the USA spends twice as much on healthcare, than any other civilized country, and the outcomes are poorer. US life expectancy is 3 1/2 years less than in Canada ]. *** During Reagan’s term Government expenses exceeded revenues and into the 1990s. *** In 2000 revenues exceeded expenses, so Georgie Bush Jr. inherited a USA in the black. *** By 2010 the States was again spending more than it took in and that situation has worsened, by a Republican Congress that keeps lowering taxes to give to the rich while increasing the debt in real terms, and the interest on that debt compounds. It is now estimated by outsiders [ because the US Government figures are no longer reliable ], that mandatory expenses, which continue to climb, will exceed revenues by the year 2030. The USA economy is 80% based on the Service Industry. The Country builds or manufactures a very small amount of goods. The biggest activity in the Nation is financial wheeling and dealing. Mergers and Acquisitions permit the hegies to buy companies with borrowed, free Government money, run them into the ground till exhausted, extract maximum pay and fees, while loading them with debt. Then declare bankruptcy. Everybody involved, with the exception of the hegies lose their shirts. This is an internal game, played within the USA, which transfers wealth from the honest, law abiding American citizens, to the One Percent. This is an element of wealth stripping which is pretty well confined to USA itself. Most other countries have laws to prevent this kind of financial rape, so the hegies are limited to a large extent to home turf. The hegies are not beneath stealing from their own. Canada has laws to prevent this sordid kind of rape as do Norway and Sweden. Under Herr Harper our laws were ignored and the US hegies had free rein. The Fraser Institute loves this kind of US free market stuff, which would fall under the category of stealing! Paul Godfrey loves it too! The hegies do not even bother trying to do this kind of crap in Norway or Sweden. Of interest are the 5 five largest holder of American debt. *** China — Which lends the USA money to buy Chinese goods. But no buyee, no lendee, could arise? *** Japan — During a time of financial crisis in this Nation the Yanks took control of their money. Since that time Japan has been like an American piggy bank, to be raided at will. Under Harper, Canada was headed towards this kind of arrangement, as was the UK under Cameron. Under Steve we were going to get the AERO, a common currency used by the USA, Can. and Mexico. Many Americans loved the idea of the AERO as long as they had control of it. Of course Dave Cameron, was going to usher in the EURO in place of the Pound. I would guess that when the head patting ceremonies took place in Washington Harper would be there with Cameron and the boys from Brussel! So if the Yankees have shit to sell the poor Japanese are obligated to buy it and pay full price with no bitching. *** Brussels, Belgium — Holds a ton of American debt. The money is stripped from the EU countries by the EU Central Bank, run by Goldman Sachs and sent to the States, in return for useless paper. So the 27 EU countries are at grave risk and they don’t even know it. *** Caribbean Islands including the Caymans — This is where the world’s money launderers reside. I would guess that much of the tax avoidance, hidden money owned by the rich is loaned to the USA in return for paper and immunity. *** The American oil monopoly — All of those excess profits on high priced gasoline, diesel and jet fuel and avoiding climate change are recycled into US Debt Certificates. That is why the monopoly has most-favoured-son-status, and can get away with anything it likes. A tar spill in Mayflower Ark., or exploding CPR tank cars in Megantic? Despite all the Washington rhetoric about cleaning up CO2 and all that, it was and is nothing but window dressing! The biggest danger to all, are the unregulated derivatives now totaling $ 700 trillion. This is shadow money which now dominates the USA. The FED and the US greenback are just monopoly money now. Derivatives allow Wall St. to trade value without paying taxes or actually holding said certificates. Both buyers and sellers can book estimated profits, thus improving a company’s bottom line for public consumption, which in turn boosts its’ stock price! After the 2008 / 09 meltdown, derivatives were supposed to be regulated because they affected the USA monetary system so badly. And this kind of thing cost American taxpayers a bundle. Warren Buffet spoke out, calling derivatives, ” A timebomb “! The Republican Congress did nothing. I remember back when there was a vote in Congress on Russ Girling’s Keystone XL Pipeline. You remember all that Keystone stuff, the big 36 ” tar / Benzine pipe, that could also carry Alberta / Rockies water to Texas??? Congress knew all about stealing our water but Canadians. Because Russ Girling paid Paul Godfrey and his friends not to spill the beans. Neither did the Alberta Petroleum Conservatives mention the water shipments! Well on the XL vote in Congress, every Republican got a million dollar cheque from the USA oil monopoly. Hardly a word of outrage was spoken. It pays to have a rightie micro chip in your brain. Ontario mirrors Alberta, where the important news is strangled at birth. The nukies, the two McGuintys, the Ont. Liberals and the Toronto Star form a solid front against the ratepayers getting cheaper electricity. The beauty of my vertical wind turbine is that it is self contained with a battery pack, the size of which corrsponds to the customer’s need. At our cottage I installed a separate wiring system that ran off batteries. I had a light in each room and a connection for a computer. When Hydro One failed to deliver, which was often, we were not in the dark, we’s was all lit up. A very efficient wind turbine like mine could augment the expensive nukie electricity to a large degree. And it would be a turbine that would keep on giving in all winds, protected by a governor. I think I could get away with building my wind turbine in Quebec and selling it across Canada. I know that the McGuinty Liberals passed and present would try to stop sales in Ontario, probably creating legislation to jail anyone caught selling my turbines. But Ontarians could always hire a boat and row across the Ottawa River to Quebec to get one. This sounds ridiculous, but Ontarians, according to the McGuintys, can just not be allowed to chose alternative means of creating electricity. A large generation of electricity off grid would destroy the nukies. Now we can’t have that in a democratic society can we??? On the go right now, is my LUNCH BOX HYDROGEN ENGINE FOR ELECTRIC CARS, THE BY-PASS WATER TURBINE, THE HYDROGEN VILLAGE PROJECT AND THE ELECTRO REDUCTION of CARBON [ CO2 ]. I cannot see any of these ideas surviving in Canada. The positive potential in each of these cases would threaten many jurisdictions across this Country. The free choice of power by Canadians is just not on. AMERIGREED and their Canadian disciples would trash any attempt to offer the people energy options. A few weeks back I discovered that Norway will mandate that all cars will be electric in five years. Now that’s a forward thinking Country that appeals to me. Electric autos in Norway now, do have a problem with cold weather. I put thought into this. My Hydrogen LB 750 does solve that problem. This could be a marriage made in heaven. I think the Norwegian Government would be very interested in my little,, miniature, lightweight aircraft engine. It would solve their cold problem with electric cars and be a product that could be manufactured in the Country and sold worldwide as a refit. For hotter climes the LB full Air Conditioner would do the trick. The by-pass water turbine was intended for use in Ontario. There are more the 100 small hydro plants that have been shut down in the Province by the McGuintys. Their cheap electricity gets wasted everyday and runs down to the sea unused. There was a time when I was optimistic that common sense would prevail at Queen’s Park, that the nukie curse would be faced up to and eliminated. So we could harness the power of water again and make Ontario’s economy boom again with 10 cent KWs, the same as Quebec. But no, my hopes have been dashed! Dalt McGuinty and the Ontario Liberals have been bought off by the nukies using ratepayers money. With the two McGuintys, the Liberals, the nukies, the Toronto Star and TVO all in on the take and a comatose population in the Province, promoting a water turbine that would increase the electrical output of those 100 little mothballed hydro plants makes no sense whatsoever. Ontario has more potential hydro power than Quebec and Manitoba combined but since stupidity reigns supreme I am clearly wasting my time even thinking about it. Norway has hydro power galore. Again I think the Norwegian Government would be interested in my water turbine. All our National Research Council under Harper wanted, were my drawings! Big Oil has killed the market for hydro electricity world wide and politicians in many countries are paid to agree. Petro dollars seemed to boost their enthusiasm for the oilie point of view. Norway could perfect my water turbine, manufacture it, sell to the world market and the Country would have the weight to push back against AMERIGREED. My wind turbine and my water turbine were an integral part of my Hydrogen Village Project, put together for Bancroft Ont. and killed by McGuinty. This is a project that could be developed in Norway and exported. It has application all over the world but certainly not in North American, the home of almost 400 million energy slaves. Interestingly, a small town in the Midwest has the ability to go off the grid and produce it’s own electricity. I am not sure of the mechanics of the process. But the local council has been threatened by the private electric company in the area as well as the State. If this small town idea takes hold the politicians will certainly see their cut reduced. So it is the same both sides of the border, no relief for the ratepayers, and dire consequences for the innovators. There is much talk in the Nazi media about Carbon Capture and Storage. It is a favourite hoax being perpetrated by the American oil monopoly. It allows the monopoly to ignore Global Warming and is a very lucrative ploy. Politicians love to give the monopoly tax dollars for CC + S. The politicos, then are made to look green even though they are doing nothing. And they get a cut of the TAKE as well, through kickbacks! Electro Reduction of Carbon [ ERC ], is a process developed by the University of British Columbia. Simply put, CO2 is captured, it is put through an electrical process which turns it into Formic Acid, an industrial product used in many fields including food. By using the endless hydro water power that is Canada’s birthright, vast quantities of CO2 can be converted into usable products or benign garbage. Said hydro electricity, of which this Country has plenty, tens of thousands of MWs now goes unused. BECAUSE, BECAUSE, BECAUSE, BIG ENERGY SAYS WE CAN’T. And our Fascist politicians, who are on the take, agree wholeheartedly. I would be interested to know, how big the oilie paycheques of Steve Harper, Preston Manning, Jason Kenney and Brian Jean are??? Governments must never do things to help the people, says the right! And all major commercial activities must be under the control of American private business, says the US right!. ERC is an exciting process and one which could markedly reduce CO2 emission around the globe. What it will take is connecting the energy dots in the correct proportions. A cup of this, a dash of that and a pinch of something else. Right now AMERIGREED harvests the proceeds from each individual company, products are cheapened and milked, the firm gets loaded up with debt, employees see their wages reduced and benefits are eliminated, the operation pollutes, the ground, air and water. When only a skeleton is left, the sharks declare bankruptcy, stiffing everyone involved but the insiders. Then the sharks buy the remains of the company they just destroyed and start the whole process again. This is not how you build a stable society!!! It is so interesting that the Trumpfnanigans, now before the eyes of the world, is a perfect example of where the rightpublicanazi ideology leads the ignorant masses. In a democracy, thousands of individuals can find common cause and elect a government which will TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS IN AN ORDERLY FASHION. If those elected drop the ball, they get dumped and a new bunch try their hand. In a kleptocracy [ rule by thieves ], like in the USA, there are millions of voices. The only voices heard are from those with money, those with organized gangs of thugs and those with guns. It then becomes a-not-too-pretty-power struggle in which 95% of the population is left out. The struggle will even eat those who so passionately served the rightie cause as in the disintegration of the Republican party and FOX FalseNews. But the multi headed beast now roaming the states has a huge capacity for evil. We must prevent such contamination north of the 49th. A good example is ERC. The output creates Formic Acid, which can also be turned in a powder and be safely dumped into a landfill site. ERC was announced in 2008 and has just been ignored by the press, no doubt paid to give minimum coverage. Good things are ignored, bad things get full coverage and more. But where is this Yankee mindset taking the world??? The answer confronts us every day, the Trumpf follies are front and centre. CC + S is useless, highly touted by the Nazi media but its’ main function is to extract tax dollars from governments for the oil monopoly. The oilies do-nothing and we the taxpayers pay them to do nothing! On the other hand ERC works, gets rid of CO2 forever, but has been given the big silent treatment for eight years. AMERIGREED does absolutely nothing for people and spends money to quash any enterprise that ignored their edicts. It is all about making USA corporations rich and the little people around the globe poorer still. Norway is in the oil business and has tons of hydro power. I suspect that the ERC process could be developed again by the Norwegian Government and exported around the globe to countries not throttled by AMERIGREED, {{ LIKE CANADA }}.


There is a larger question. AMERIGREED, Wall St. and the rapacious US corporations, in their quest for ever greater returns and aided by Congress are leading the world in the direction of serfdom. Everytime they win someone, someplace lses. Democratic governments and a real free market system stand in their way. Their efforts are directed towards eliminating the valid ballot everywhere and to kill competition wherever it might appear. This by the use of free money from Washington. In other words, Washington is funding the rightpublicanazi mob activities. The ballot has disappeared in America and the European Union. The ballot is under attack right here in Canada by the Yankees. Just look at Jason Kenney and Fascist / oilie crowd around him. Their unlimited petro dollar cache allows them to create a complete Alberta fantasy with the help of OUR Nazi media, including Paul Godfrey. Their groupthink approach seems to be, what phony policies can we develop which will put one over on Albertans??? Houston still sees Calgary as the key to the takeover of Canada. One thing AMERIGREED does real good, it never leaves a vacuum. No matter what happens or where it is, while the normal world takes its’ time to contemplate and reason things out. AMERIGREED is out there with its’ rightie story and pays the world Nazi media to spread the BAD WORD! In the minds of the global population that is the story that sticks, and it sticks like sea gull shit. On Mar. 8 / 14, Malaysia Airlines FT 370 was hijacked by Putin, with Iran’s help and flown to Turkmenistan. I even know the airport where it landed. I think that everyone on board was murdered, including the 3 Russian agents, 2 Iranian pilots, the Malaysian crew and 227 passengers. The Boeing 777-200 Extended Range involved was cut up and buried on the steppes. Malaysia, the USA, Britain and China did not want to confront Putin who immediately thereafter invaded the Crimea on Mar. 8 / 14! When he realied the West really were chickenshits. I think that Putin was testing the West to see if any of the players on this side had any balls. Apparently not. The hijacking of 370 was well executed but Putin did not really make a huge attempt to cover his tracks. He threw out a lot of misleading information which was directed at all the village idiots involved in the search. And you know, village idiots, when they open their mouths, talk nonsense. Likewise the world Nazi media idiots wrote and spoke nonsense. I am a Commercial Pilot and I listened carefully. Most of the info out there was pure crap. But there was the odd diamond from experienced pilots or aviation types who were not allowed to go near this hijacking. But they could and did cut to the chase. It was clear where 370 went, that Putin was the perpetrator and the fix was in! Hundreds of millions of tax money was wasted on searches and yet the authorities knew all along what was going down. The key to the hijacking was held by David Cameron, the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch [ who couldn’t find a haystack hiding under a needle ], Inmarstat UK [ who have yet to figure out what RADAR is all about ] and Rolls Royce [ where someone turned off the MAG Switch on them ]. How much money changed hands, how much pressure was applied and by who, will probably remain a secret forever. The world Nazi media showed again that it could be bought. The fact that the American oil monopoly is buying ISIS oil, stolen from the Iraqui people and fenced through Turkey is another story out there that is just blowing in the wind. And we get Trudeau’s hair??? Will the world Nazi media touch that ISIS tale? Not one chance in hell! The USA oil monopoly has lost interest in Alberta / Saskatchewan tar. Even though we give it away to them, ISIS oil is still a way cheaper for the oilies and doesn’t have to be upgraded. So the Houston oil monopoly won’t be back to the West anytime soon folks, if ever??? But as I said, the Americans never leave a news void. Rather than walk away and say to Canadians, you are on your own, the Yankees control the debate in this Country with a Kinder Morgan pipe through the Rockies, Enbridge NO # 9 in Ontario and Russ Girling’s two Ponzi schemes, Tar and Benzine EAST and the KEYSTONE KOPS Xpired. None of these pipelines is needed now that there is an ISIS oil glut. The American oil monopoly pipeline system has now got excess capacity. So Alberta and Saskatchewan better find something else to do, like upgrading and refining the tar into crude oil to supply micro refineries in Ontario and Quebec. I have written about these opportunities about a hundred times. But no, the National Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and CBC would rather give phony debates about pipelines that will never be built, FULL COVERAGE, This coverage is the perfect diversion for the ignorant masses in Canada. Our attention is captive and we can’t get on with solving our problems. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? TAR = CRUDE OIL { in the West } = 60 cent GASOLINE / DIESEL / JET FUEL { in Ontario and Quebec }!!! Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE FUCKING STUPID???????????? And Paul Godfrey lulls you to sleep with the Rightie History of Canada, as the Americans see it!!!
The world Nazi press is paid by AMERIGREED to support it’s global criminal activities, as are the turncoats in this Country and in England. The traitors are right there, front and centre in the media, like Harper, Cameron and May. They make no effort to hide their tracks, because the US rightpublicanazis have convinced them that the masses are indeed ignorant. And it is OKAY to talk down to us like Jason Kenney does. I have often wondered what sex Jason Kenney is??? Normal males are moved to create nests for their offspring and provide sustenance and protection for their young. Females bear the young, fed and nurture them until they are fledged. Jason Kenney has none of these qualities so I will guess he is an IT? Why would someone so devoid of the necessary human characteristics want to run for public office? Why would we let him run? When it is clear that Kenney is the perfect choice of the USA oil monopoly, as Herr Harper was, to be one of their overseers in the new American province of Canada!!! Jason Kenney’s comments, like Paul Godfrey’s fare bespeaks their attitude towards Canadians every day. Hey you stupids out there, read and listen to WHAT I SAY!!! I am happy that YOU pay me money while the American oilies pay me too. Both side of the street anyone??? Please note that Kenney and Godfrey never reach into the past. Each day has an entirely clean sheet of paper upon which their fuckups are sanitized and published. There might have been a month of rightie fuckups, but they quickly disappear into the mists of time. In the USA, Trumpf’s fuckups are so spectacular on a daily basis, that yesterday’s record of screwups MUST BE FORGOTTEN. The normal human brain can only absorb so much chaos. Husky spilled tar and Benzine into the North Saskatchewan River a few weeks ago, the story lasts a couple of days and then silence descended. Husky paid off Brad Wall, Paul Godfrey and CTV / Global et al and this polluting event, which affected the water of 100,000 people, just vanished. On the other hand, phony terrorist stories are repeated over and over by Godfrey, in such alarmist terms, all the better to scare the hell out of Canadians. So the Nazi media doesn’t tell the people the dangers of tar / Benzine [ Megantic ], a real threat to our environment. Godfrey and friends do however make stuff up about terrorism and flog the False News daily. So Canadians are left unaware that the American oil monopoly is destroying our environment [ ground, water and the air ] and at the very same time, Godfrey tries to frighten us out of our wits with stories of terrorists and violence that never occurred. Events, which are just the imaginings of those kooks in that single National Post newsroom. Hey, only one newsroom is required. How much space is really needed to recopy E-Mails from Houston and Wall st.??? Mind the National Post and varied rightie scribes are very busy. They are involved in a Harper project which is still running under the cover of the Dorchester Review. A magazine of Americans, by Americans, for Canadians. Harper hoodwinked the present Hon. Lord Tweedsmuir of Elsfield in the UK into allowing the use of the old dotterer’s name to be used to cover the rewriting of Canadian History. It is just like the Macdonald-Laurier Institute [ another rightie Front named after famous Canadians ] [ Our heroes would be rolling in their graves to think their names were being used to hand this Country over to the Americans ]! The Dorch. Review and the Mac. / Laur. Institute are fellow travelers of the right wing Fraser, C.D.Howe and Manning Institutes and the Civitas Secret Subversive Society. All claim to Revenue Canada that they be non partisan. RIGHT!!! There are deals to be had at Rev. Can., as Brian Mulroney discovered. T Just flash your Rightie Card! These subversive bastards are as arrogant as their USA rightpublicanazi masters. That Harper rewriting of Canadian history goes on TO-DAY [ as you read this ], with funding from the USA Donner Foundation which has a branch plant here run by Ken Whyte. It would look a little bit fishy for Donner USA to be giving US dollars to Harper’s New Canadian History project. So Whyte launders the money for Donner USA and turns it into Loonies, so the stupid Canadians will never catch on? This Dorchester outfit is dedicated to the annexation of Canada by the USA. The people behind the Dorchester Review fall into 3 catagories. There are nobodies who think they are somebodies, with NO CREDENTIALS to be involve din writing OUR HISTORY! There are Americans, Rudyard Griffiths, John Robson and Barbara Kay involved who all hiding their nationalities. Conman Black is in there too, a Brit with his hands on the Country’s history, it is sickening!!! And then there are a whole slew of hard right wingers involved with Steve’s Project, like Ken Whyte, the failed Editor of Maclean’s. These rightie flacks, dear Canadians, are doing your new history! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! They fully expect Lyin Steve to return. STEVE NOW WORKS FOR THE USA OIL MONOPOLY IN CALGARY, PUTTING IN TIME, PROBABLY AT HIS OLD JOB, LICKING ENVELOPES. It is clear that Harper will take up where he left off, and the Dorchester Project will be well along by then. It will be all part of a bigger package called, THE SELLING OFF OF CANADA!!! Interestingly, all the foregoing institutions are cross pollinated with the same faces just wearing different hats. They get a cheque for this charity for rightie activities, and then they get a cheque from that charity for rightie political activities and Revenue Canada just sleeps on!!! They ARE licensed Charities under revenue Canada rules. These subversive outfits claim to be NON PARTISAN, which is a complete lie. A claim easily proved a lie. But, where the righties are concerned, to Rev, Canada, it is hands off. Just ask Black or Mulroney??? The agency only goes after little Canadians who can’t afford to fight back!!! Supporting the Dorchester Review are Paul Godfrey, the National Post, the Walrus Mag., Maclean’s and Rogers, all on the Canada sell out committee! I would think that when Herr Harper returns, supported by all above, the new Canadian History will be trotted out and made mandatory in all Canadians schools. When I was a Director of the CPC Riding Association in Belleville, 2006 / 07, I was struck by the similarities between what was going on behind our closed doors and the Nazi Party, 1933 / 45. There was a complete disregard for Canadian values. It was all about fooling the voters of Prince Edward Hastings and about the manipulation of lesser people. It was pure Nietzsche. I wonder if there is a photo around, of Lyin Steve gazing at a bust of Niezsche like Hitler. The Nazis had a special Department that was charged with rewriting the history of Germany. Of course we all know [ those of us on the Left who can still think for ourselves ] about Hitler’s book burning. It was purely symbolic. What is not widely know is that the Nazi seized 150 million books from Libraries and destroyed them. With the reading of Hitler’s NEW HISTORY mandatory in all schools and universities, and all the books gone, his evil experts determined that within 2 generations they would be able to bury real history of Germany. I can well understand the warped minds in Naziland seeking to wipe out their Country’s past. But I find it impossible to fathom why Canadians like Paul Godfrey would be engaged in disappearing this Country’s history. Is there enough money in the world to buy such treason??? I GUESS SO!!! It is clear, that Andrew Scheer is keeping the leaders seat warm for Steve Harper, as the American oil monopoly has arranged. In 2019, the oilies will have driven Justin Trudeau out of Office with the help of Paul Godfrey and the rest of the Nazi media, including the CBC. As well as buying off the elites. In 2019 in Alberta, Rachel Notley will also have been driven from Office by the Monopoly, and replaced by Jason Kenney. Who was recently installed as Leader of the Petroleum Conservatives. In celebration of the demise of this Country, Quisling Steve Harper will be elevated to the position of supreme OVERMAN. Kenney will become second fiddle and Andrew Scheer, he of permanent smirk, will serve as Harper’s Batman. We will surely see the burning of books on the Parliament front lawn. I’m betting they’ll burn Pierre Berton’s 50 books first. Now this will only be for show. In the aftermath, the Royal Canadian Harper Police will comb the land for copies of Berton’s books in private hands. The RCHP couldn’t catch Nigel Wright, but I am sure the Police will be able to get the goods on book readers and historians. Anyone caught with a copy will be jailed. You know that right wingers love to put people in jail [ opponents ]. Since Jimmy Carter was President, the number of people in US jails has increased ten fold, mostly Blacks. Of course if you have a record you can’t vote! Having a hidden Berton book will reveal to Harper just who his enemies are. Am I writing a fairy tale?? NO! When we have such people, operating in the back rooms of the National Post, staffed and funded by the Americans, doing their dirty work while claiming Charity status, living off the Canadian dime and supported by the likes of Maclean’s and Rogers, Canadians should be greatly concerned. These same rightie subversive tactics, False News and FOX News propaganda, brought America to its’ knees presently. DO WE WANT A REPEAT??? I RECOMMENT WE PUT THE NATIONAL POST PAPERS, THE WALRUS, ROGERS AND MACLEAN’S OUT OF BUSINESS!!! VERY IMPORTANT BOYCOTT THEIR ADVERTISERS. BAN THE DONNER FOUNDATION. AND OUTLAW THE FUNDING OF CHARITIES BY THESE YANKEE SCOUNDRELS. For the Can. Lugenpresse it is cheat, lie and steal on a constant basis, AS IS THE CASE IN THE USA . In the old days, traitors like those above would be beheaded to protect the realm! OUR PRESENT EXPERIENCE, is like clutching a Texas rattlesnake to our breast, allowing these traitors to roam our streets unimpeded??? All we get from Harper, Manning, Kenney, Jean and Paul Godfrey is bullshit. THEY ARE NEVER ON THE LEVEL, EVERY SINGLE MOUTH FULL IS A LIE! HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT MOST OF THE RIGHTIE COMMENTS IN THE PAPERS AND ON THE NET ARE FROM ANONYMOUS. YOU KNOW, THE WHITE, TATTOOED WARRIORS WHO LIVE IN MOM’S BASEMENT! CLEAR TO EVERYONE WHO HAS A BRAIN, IS THE FACT THAT OUR FASCIST POLITICIANS ARE ALL AROUND LIKE A SWARM OF HORNETS TO PRAISE RONA AMBROSE AND TO WISH HER WELL IN HER NEW JOB. SHE’LL, BE AT THE WOODROW WILSON [ he was not a right winger ] CENTER, LOCATED IN RONALD REAGAN BUILDING IN WASHINGTON. THE W W CENTER IS A NON PARTISAN THINK TANK WHICH GETS HALF ITS’ MONEY FROM CONGRESS. AND IS DEDICATED TO THE OVERTHROW OF THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT IN OTTAWA. SO RONA IS GOING TO HELP OUT!!! RATHER, WHEN A REAL IMPORTANT MATTER COMES UP IN OUR COUNTRY, THE HARPER FASCISTS DISAPPEAR LIKE SNOW FLAKES HITTING THE SIDEWALK ON A 90 deg F DAY??? WHEN DOES THE FUCKING LIGHT BULB GO ON CANADIANS?????? WHEN??????


On another front, is the Soft Wood Lumber dispute. But first some background. My loathing of the position of the Americans on their importation of our two by fours has roots going way back. I have so many questions about major issues like wood in Canada, which our Nazi media will not answer, will not cover and all we get from Godfrey is rightie bullshit. Our Nazi media is employed by the Americans to promulgate righthink. Governments too, have been very sparing in their release of pertinent information. I am thinking here of Harper, the two McGuintys and Christy Clark, all right wing. Withholding info, censoring the coverage of real news and substituting False News puts OUR democracy at increasing risk. The affects of printing and broadcasting [ FOX FALSE NEWS ], can be seen to-day, Stateside. America the beautiful, has been blow to smithereens, and all we see now are lots of little bits of it floating around in the USA universe. It is one frightened Nation. Whites are afraid of losing control! Minorities are afraid of being deported! Blacks are afraid of being shot or jailed. And the various racist groups are forming white enclaves wherein strangers are prohibited and shot if they stray. Then we have Trumpf at the top, as head Orangutan. How can America work in such chaos??? WELL IT CAN’T WORK!!! And yet millions of people, in and out of America, still see the Nation as if it was still 2000. This is the largest case of mass delusion ever witness in human times! In 410 AD, the Roman Legions left England for good. The entire system collapsed and was replaced by small warlord enclaves which fought each other for the scraps that remained. It took one hundred years for the Brits to come to grips with the fact that the Romans were not coming back. American is going to go through the same wrenching process. The Republicans, with the help of the USA Nazi media has torn up the rule book, it is the Wild West all over again. Any thing is possible, in a situation where there are 340 million individuals all looking after their OWN INTERESTS? TIME FOR CANADA TO CLOSE ITS’ BORDERS, AND IF NECESSARY CALL IN OUR ARMED FORCES. We don’t want the blood spilling across the 49th. Canada should also offer aid to Alaska, which will be in dire straights after Trumpf shuts the Government down. Alaska lives on the Washington dole. For years after my walk in the snow in 2000, when I abandoned Mike Harris and his Fascist Party, over the sale of Ontario Hydro, I continued to feel outraged!!! Among other things, my focus turned to electricity, nuclear energy and the hydro history of this once fair Province. NOW * JUST * HOW — was it that a bustling Ontario, at the top of its’ game, the envy of the world, the economic engine of Canada, could just keel over and become a stricken wheel chair invalid, before just expiring?????? ANSWER — A succession of right wing Governments!!! And the nuclear cancer!!! And wealth stripping by AMERIGREED! But from the street press about this financial rape, a complete blank, a void! HOW COULD THAT BE??? Because so many mouthy journalists, who had plenty to say about extraneous events, were afraid for their jobs, if they wrote or mouthed anything ANTI AMERICAN / ANTI RIGHT! The demise of Ontario Hydro and the nuclear bankruptcy of the Province was apparently a story too far. Mind you, John Ibbistson did write an very important book [ Promised Land ] , in praise of Mike Harris, do you remember him? Ibbitson could have written about how Harris and nukie power destroyed Ontario. But then Prentice Hall, an American publisher, was more inclined to have some 3rd rate flake, write in praise of Harris as a successful Fascist leader, than to chronicle how MIKE HARRIS ROYALLY FUCKED ONTARIO! Maybe Ibbitson should take note the fate of his SUPPOSED hero Harris? Mike, ” the Yellow “, is so loved that he went into hiding, Dalton McGuinty and Steve Harper followed him. Dalt went and hid in a dormitory at Harvard USA, where reporters could not find him? Of course Steve hid in a closet on Parliament Hill when the bullets began to fly. But why should leaders be any different that their supporters. The ever mouthy righties live in mom’s basement and send out nasty anonymous messages from the shadows! Harris, the McGuint and Harper should be in jail! We may just get them there yet? I wonder how much the Fascists paid Prentice Hall and Ibbitson for this book. In contrast is the esteem with which Ontarians hold Bill Davis. HE, the last Progressive Conservative Premier to serve during Ontario’s 42 golden years. In 1985, the Reagan Fascist movement began to sweep across Canada and it tainted Ottawa and many Provinces. The rightpublicanazi cult appealed to Sociopaths, losers who think themselves exceptional and a cut above the rest, and offered the GREEDY AN ENDLESS SHARE OF BOOTY. That is what drives Paul Godfrey and his readers. Access to booty that actually belongs to Canadians. There are even Canadians misfits, who have no problem taking what belongs to their neighbours. It is so American. It’s is called theft. For the National Post to promote theft should come as no surprise??? The Paper’s founder, the Conman Black was very adept at taking what belonged to others! In Ontario we have been cursed with a succession of little men who were caught in the right wing tide. They were driven, as so many others, to blindly follow the US right wing ideology. They were not intelligent enough to see the dangers lurking down the road. And in the end, they lacked the balls to resist temptation anyway. Peterson was nasty man and simply incompetent. Rae was a fuzzy thinker unequal to his task. Harris was a golf pro who should have stayed out on the course. McGuinty is harder to figure out. I think he is a wimp with a crooked streak to make up for his many deficiencies. I would tend to include Kathleen McGuinty but she is really harmless. She’s only poking around in the dying embers? Ontario has already burned down! From my paper carrier’s days [ 1947 to 1952 ], I always bought the Toronto Star and read it thoroughly. I always considered myself well informed even at 15. Once I started flying at Barker Field at that age, I was among adults from all walks of life and pursuits, thus I was a pretty worldly teenager. From the time of the nukie coup here in the 1970s [ something I discovered later ], I had no clear understanding of the reasons for the faltering of my beloved Ontario Hydro. I was not on the net in 2000 when I left Harris. But I WAS totally familiar with the Inter-Library-Loan-System. I requested energy books which then led to other books, and to others, from Thunder Bay, from Bracebridge, from the the Library on Parliament Hill they came. My first discovery after absorbing a lot of information, was that the stories, articles, editorials and nukie advertising in John Honderich’s Star, WERE NOT TRUE and did not match the truth or mechanical facts. I was shocked Stupid me, I just thought that the writers, columnists and editorialists were mechanically challenged and were writing from a position of ignorance. I sent letter after letter to those involved as well as to Honderich. I tried to correct them and supplied them with technical details in some cases. Hoping that they would see the error of their ways? I am an experienced mechanic and IF MAN INVENTED IT, I CAN UNDERSTAND IT AND FIX IT! I was just ignored by Honderich and crew, including one more fucking Englishman who could not make it at home, namely Robert Prichard [ Metrolinx ]! Prichard spent his entire career playing second banana to loser politicians, David Peterson, Mike Harris, Dalt McGuinty and the soon to lose, Kathleen McGuinty. Young people read my stuff. Hear me!!! Kathleen and her Liberals will never create good jobs for you. The Libs get far too much money from the corporations to ever pay any attention to the plight of you young people. The potential for good jobs is sitting right there before our eyes but Kath McGuinty is petrified! Under the above Premiers, HMS Ontario has sunk lower and lower into the water. As has the Toronto Star. The Paper was under Prichard’s control for a period! Rob decimated the U of T pension fund by giving control of itto his Bay St. buddies. The University booted Prichard out on his ass. Then Prichard put the Star $ 500 million in debt. Finally the Star Board of Directors had enough, they gave Rob $ 9 million to GO AWAY, Rob had done enough damage? Now Prichard is steering Metrolinx onto the rocks at GREAT EXPENSE TO ONTARIANS. LOSER BRITS, JUST CAN’T STAY OUT OF OUR AFFAIRS!!! Prichard exemplifies the, ” Peter Principle “. Prichard has risen to the level of incompetence, matching Peterson, Harris and Dalt McGuinty!!! At the Star, after my interventions, the exact same nukie misinformation and lies continued to spew out! Eventually the light went on in my head. Honderich / Prichard / the Star were being paid to print nukie’s lies and False News. And at times, NO NEWS when there was real news. This means Honderich was paid to censor the news, like the major fire at Chalk River. the Star said zip! False News is a Criminal Offense under Section # 181! I complained to the Ontario Newspaper Council about articles which contained lies and misinformation. I was ignored. I also contacted Advertising Standards Canada about the lies in nukie ads in the Star. I got nowhere. Rob Prichard even called me on the phone to ask me to lay off! So for the last 16 years I have watched nuclear power bleed Ontario white and witnessed the Star taking nukie money to aid in that criminal effort. I have found no PEOPLE champions to date! Ontarians, I AM AFRAID you are on your own! Even TVO, which belongs to the people of this Province, kept featuring nukie lies, I complained to Steve Paikin [ he knows me well but may not admit it ]! Steve is now revealed to be what he is, another McGuinty flack, like Prichard! More than 100 letters went out to sundry people. Nobody but nobody was concerned about the failing financial health of Ontario, it was a real gang bang! Everyone who is a somebody was having a go at Ontario and loving it. So now we have a bankrupt Province! The Ontario debt is $ 300 billion and climbing! We are being charged 25 cents for Kilowatt that are worth ten cent per [ 60% higher than Quebec and Manitoba, the Provinces to our east and west ] [ in fact we have more potential / installed Hydro power than Que. / Man. put together ]. To add insult to injury, Kathleen McGuinty is going to now nick Ontarians, for another nukie gift, worth $ 40 billion. This, to allow the nukies to continue their experiments with nuclear power. There are hopes that they eventually get it right. Namely, using uranium to boil water to make steam to drive the turbines. Ontario Hydro perfected the use of water, which we have aplenty, to drive those same turbines 100 years ago, at a fraction of the cost of nuclear power. And that shadow Hydro system is still working behind the scenes, when the nukies decide to turn it on? Niagara gives us ten cent KWs for which Kathleen / Nukies charge you 25 cents per. How many ways can the Liberals screw Ontario??? I am sure they have not yet exhausted the possibilities!! When the nukies staged their coup in the 1970s, Ontario Hydro had BECK THREE [ to be built on the Niagara River ] on the drawing board. It was to have twice the KW output of BECKS ONE AND TWO. The nukies took control of Ontario Hydro, its’ bank account and its’ credit card. They cancelled BECK THREE and fired all the hydraulic engineers. 60 years of hydro electric experience was extinguished in a matter of months. Now that the McGuintys have driven all the manufacturers out of the Province, demand for electricity has fallen by more than 30%. In fact when demand gets real low, rather than admit defeat, the nukies keep the high cost nuclear plants humming and shut BECKS ONE AND TWO, at Niagara off! This means all that clean, cheap electricity is just thrown away, while Ontarians are left to pay about the highest price for KWs in the world. The nuclear plants emit about the same CO2 [ uranium mine to fuel bundles ] as natural gas generating plants. Calling the nuclear plants green is just another one of the lies that the McGuinty Liberals, nukies, John Honderich / Star and Steve Paikin / TVO promotes. AND THEY GET PAID BY YOU FOR THE DOING!!! But I despair that the majority of Ontarians, even if they knew about the crimes being committed at Queen’s Park, would bestir themselves off their asses to do anything about it??? Let’s have a little bet. The solution to the high kilowatt prices is to close the nuclear plants and RETURN TO HYDRO POWER. Now the Liberals and the Harris, Ontario Fascist Party would never AGREE TO DO SUCH A THING? . The Liberals think Ontarians are just too stupid. McGuinty 2nd / Libs are making too much money screwing the people of this Province to change gears. The Fascist Party can’t wait to get into power to START screwing Ontarians. That then leaves just the NDP. But do they have the balls to go back to Hydro power??? Will adult Ontarians take charge and change the course from nuclear??? AT THIS POINT I DOUBT IT??? However there may be some light at the end of the tunnel??? That is maybe the opening young people need to claim some of the benefits of the democratic process? A RETURN TO HYDRO POWER WOULD BE BENEFICIAL ON MANY FRONTS FOR YOUNG. There would materialize a huge number of good jobs requiring skills of a highly technical nature. Bringing back Hydro power would cut Ontario’s CO2 output drastically. Score one for the planet!!! A GREEN ONTARIO AS TOUTED TO-DAY IS A BIG McGUINTY / LIBERAL LIE, REPEATED INCESSANTLY BY THE NAZI MEDIA FOR CASH [ the term mainstream media is another lie ] [ to be truthful it should be the called the rightstream media, because the Lugenpresse is OWNED by the rabid right wing ]. Bringing Hydro back would immediately reduce the cost of Kilowatts to 10 cents. Being competitive again Ontario would attract manufacturers, meaning even more jobs. I would urge every young person in Ontario to look at that ballot in their hand. So far the Americans and their turncoats in Canada have failed to take it away from YOU. The return of Hydro power is key to a brighter future for all in Ontario. USE IT!!! John Honderich and Steve Paikin are completely familiar with all this nukie flim flam, because I communicated THE details to them, many times. None of my letters were ever returned so they were certainly delivered. And Steve Paikin actually called me at the time. Steve couldn’t use me then but said he would keep me in mind for a future program. That call never came? WHAT FUCKING FUTURE STEVE??? WITH YOU AND HONDERICH, THE TWO McGUINTYS AND HARRIS, THE FUTURE FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE LOOKS PRETTY BLEAK!!! 18% unemployment, when it doesn’t have to be??? GREED AND INCOMPETENCE SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO SENTENCE OUR YOUNG TO A LIFE IN PENURY!!! IN MY VIEW, PAIKIN, HONDERICH, DALT, KATH AND HARRIS WERE + ARE ALL RIGHT WING PARASITES! WHEN THE HOST, ONTARIO KICKS THE BUCKET THEY WILL GO DOWN TOO, BUT THE SAD THING WE WILL GO WITH THEM, AS WILL FUTURE GENERATIONS [ unless they act in their own interest ]? OUR YOUTH DON’T DESERVE THE HAND WE ARE HANDING THEM??? AND TO THINK THEIR FUTURES ARE BEING MADE BLACKER STILL DUE TO AMERIGREED!!! John Honderich would never tell you this although I informed him. Ontario has more than 2000 unused, potential Hydro electric site. I have a old Ontario Hydro map showing 600 such sites. A civil servant leaked these documents to me. He was appalled at the actions of McGuinty / nukies in denying Ontarians clean, cheap water kilowatts. With the 90 lb weakling, the two McGuintys have crafted here in Ontario, demand for electricity now drops below 18,000 MWs daily, where demand used to be 25,000 MWs. This shows the extent of Liberal mismanagement and the reason so many of the young do not have jobs! I calculated that Ontario has 27,000 MWs of Hydro power without even breaking into a sweat!!! The closing of ALL OF THE GENERATING PLANTS, NUCLEAR, NATURAL GAS AND COAL WOULD CLEAR THE SCREEN FOR FULL ON USE OF HYDRO POWER. The nuclear plants are slated to close in the next half dozen years anyway. The natural gas plants were constructed illegally by Dalton McGuinty. We should see everyone involved in Court if the OPP would only do its’ job for once. Closing the coal plants is a no brainer, except where ECR is concerned. A demo ECR coal plant, is a technology that could be exported to cut CO2 globally. In a democratic society we must always be eternally vigilant. When we are not vigilant we get the likes of Harper and McGuinty! Who are hell bent on taking away our freedoms. There has been a scarcity of vigilance in these here parts for years. My predictions have come true, nuclear power has destroyed the economy of this Province. Unfortunately Kath McGuinty and the Liberals can’t quit the nukies now. The Libs have to be pitched out of Queen’s Park. As stated, John Honderich / Star have withered away and rightfully so! Nukie bribes to the Star were a short gain and a long term pain! I said, ” DEAR JOHN, IF YOU KEEP ON PIMPING FOR THE NUKIES, AND YOU IMPOVERISH ONTARIANS, WHO PRAY TELL WILL BUY YOUR STAR “??? If the public found out that He / Dalt, She / Kath and they / Liberals sanction the destruction of Ontario’s finances by turning a blind eye to the nukie thefts and criminal actions, the Party should be SQUASHED and PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE should go to jail. And then SUCH A SHAME, Dalton would have to return his free nukie house to the Courts, being the proceeds of crime! Like they do to the Mafia! Equally trapped are Honderich and Paikin, the boys just cannot come clean now. The nukies have them by the nackers. If John and Steve confessed their crimes now, the nukies can say, we have been paying you all these years to tell lies for us, and we have the cancelled cheques. I wonder how much under-the-table-nukie-cash Dalt and the Liberals took in from the nuclear industry??? I just can’t believe Dalt / Liberals would hand the nukies billions without getting a cut in return? I would love to see how many cheques McGuinty gets every month from the nukies and the Girling nat. gas plants??? Ontarians can take a small comfort in the fact that the world nuclear industry benefited from our nukies having an unlimited, captive funding source, ONTARIO, where the people were continually blinded by the Star. Ontario hydro had a bank account, its’ gone now, spent on experiments. Ontario Hydro had a credit card, the nukies maxed that and spent it on experiments THAT DID NOT WORK! The nukies borrowed billions from Queen’s Park, but that’s all gone now, spent on USELESS experimentation. The Americans and the global nuclear community needed our nukies to be flush, having a showcase where everything came up roses, helped them lever money from other jurisdictions, none of THEIR experiments panned out either. But the people of this Province did do their level to support the nukies in their efforts. This, trying to find the most expensive way possible to boil water on behalf of the world nuclear community! My first real question, when I was beginning my Ontario Hydro research, was about the nuclear waste being stored in temporary sheds, at each nuke plant site. Why would this dangerous, toxic waste be stored locally under such cheapy condition??? A criminal action! A number of letters to McGuinty and OPG followed [ with copies to the Star ]. I requested a copy of the original agreement between Ontario, Ontario Hydro and Atomic Energy Canada. THE ANSWER I WAS SEARCHING FOR WAS, WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE, AND SO IRRESPONSIBLE FOR STORING THIS TOXIC WASTE IN SUCH A CAVALIER MANNER WITHIN COMMUNITIES LIKE PICKERING??? Much toing and froing went on between me and McGuinty’s Office over the waste issue. No doubt McGuinty would have shredded my stuff by now. After my experience with David Peterson [ who ruined my life because I was connected to the Davis PCs and trying to create a global light aeroplane business??? ] , all my dealings with Queen’s Park from that time forward were through the Preems’ Office. It was and is a waste of time having any truck with mere flunkies whose main task is to delay, delay, delay. I am a citizen and I’m entitled to look at agreements Ontario signs with private companies. These would include the arrangement Mike Harris made to sell Ontario Hydro in 5 bits to PC insiders, Bay St. and Wall St. Also on my list, the agreement between Mike Harris and the Spanish Bandits who were allowed to leased Hwy # 407 for 99 years AND THIS FOR A SONG! Actually Harris had run up a secret $ 3.5 billion debt behind the scenes. Right wing ideology actually doesn’t work. When things got screwed up, Harris began selling public assets to cover his ass. Kathleen McGuinty is doing the same thing now and Honderich will not let a peep out of him. McGuinty refused to give me a copy of our nukie Agreement!!! If we can’t see what the Government is doing, it can engage in all sorts of hanky-panky with taxpayer’s money. Which it does! The Liberals pay the Nazi media [ with OUR MONEY ] protection money to avoid citizen wrath over their criminal activities! On the nuclear waste issue I was persistent. By that time I no longer trusted Honderich / Prichard / Star to protect Ontarians. It was obvious to me that John had sold us out and the approaching bankruptcy of the Toronto Star [ 2017 ], IS SUCH SWEET MUSIC TO MY EARS, I HOPE EVERYONE INVOLVED LOSE THEIR SHIRTS. EVEN SWEETER WOULD BE THE DEMISE OF THE NATIONAL POST TOO. THE DEPORTING OF PAUL GODFREY TO THE USA AND THE CONMAN BLACK TO THE UK, THE JAILING OF STEVE HARPER, PRESTON MANNING AND EZZIE LE RANT WOULD BE PURE ICING ON MY CAKE!!! I eventually found out that McGuinty had shipped all of the documentation regarding the nukie Hydro coup, to Ont. Power Generation. OPG dragged its’ feet, the same as Dalt. Can you imagine, the fucking enemy had the stuff I wanted! I went to Freedom of Information. After a long hassle, the agreement was ordered released. I got it at 4 pm on the last day for execution of the order. I have it in my hot big hands AT THIS VERY MOMENT, it is dated April 4 / 2008. The Agreement, as I suspected doesn’t even mention the nuclear waste. In separate documentation from 1958, that came from Parliament, AEC assured Premier Frost, who was concerned about the nuke waste, ” THAT WITHIN 180 DAYS OF THE PACKAGING OF THE TOXIC WASTE, IT WOULD BE TRANSPORTED TO CHALK RIVER “! Therefore, said Agreement, shows Ontario NEVER AGREED TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE NUCLEAR WASTE! AEC did not follow through. The nukies spent the money they had on experiments and sort of hid the waste away in the basement in the cheapest way possible, in time sensitive concrete coffins. 7′ by 7′ by 12′. In about 25 years from now, our millions of unemployed youth will be put to work repackaging the waste. Where the money will come from is anyone’s guess??? I think it would be a good idea in the present, if I can wake Ontarians up from their extended coma, to seize the assets of McGuinty, Murray Elston, John Honderich, the Star, Steve Paikin, the Ont. Liberal Party and everyone else who was sucking of the nukie teat all these years. The seized money could be put into a fund to cover the future nuclear liabilities. This would at least spare Ontarians the added outrage of suffering for the health affects of raw nuclear waste as they scratch out a living from their hovels! Once I got this Agreement, more of my letters went out and I increased the coverage. Copies of my letters went to the Governments, MPs, MPPs and a wider slice of the press beyond the Star. I never got a single reply. Not a bloody one! It would seem that Ontario’s ruling elite doesn’t want to look behind the curtain at who taking what? AND HOW MUCH??? I concluded that the basic problem for many people like me, we had NO VOICE. With a Fascist Government under Herr Harper in Ottawa, a right wing Government at Queen’s Park and the Nazi media being paid to cater to their every need, weez little people were and are just out of luck. To the OVERMEN, anyone who gets a huge nukie electricity bill in Bancroft etc., should just pay the fucking bill and shut up! There was, as far as I could see, nobody voicing citizen’s concern other than on the internet. In 2008, the net was not a consideration for most people including the US rightpublicanazis, never mind their Canadian Fascists arm! In 2008, President Obama made full use of the net and the results were a marvel. The Repubs were caught napping. The right owned / owns the regular US Nazi media [ the rightsteam media ] and they were secure they could pay the Lugenpresse big bucks and continue to FOOL ALL OF THE PEOPLE, ALL OF THE TIME. Harper made the same mistake! In 2009 I decided to set up a blog. I was determined to have MY SAY about happenings in Ottawa, Queen’s Park, Alberta, democracy Canadian style, energy and the economy as it relates to young people and the 1st Nations. After more than 500 posts, I am glad to be part of the internet, I was in on the early successes, I’m read in 138 countries and involved with a medium that is sweeping all before it. The net can allow people to organize to overthrow totalitarian countries. BUT, BUT, BUT, the inherent problem in this approach is that a nation’s infrastructure can be damaged almost beyond repair if all hell breaks loose. As is happening Stateside. Burning a house to the ground in a dispute serves no man! When the roof falls in it takes everyone with it. The Uppermen, the perpetrators suffer along with the all-to-trusting-Undermen! In the case of democracies like Canada and the UK, where there is still a valid ballot, as yet untouched by Amerigreed [ SO FAR SO GOOD ], the net has the ability to educate and inform the voters. AMERIGREED has suddenly awakened to the internet threat and is attempting to swamp the net using the North American Nazi media. There is so much RIGHTIE SHIT on the net, it is clear that AMERIGREED thinks if they swarm the media, people will just get tired, and give up doing research??? But I have figured out what is going on. The Can. Nazi media is disrupting the net on the cheap. They are loading the system up with OLD COPY BY REMOVING THE PUBLISHING DATES. Paul Godfrey is particularly bad at this. Our boy Paul never misses an opportunity to cheat and steal, he is screwing both Canadians and his advertisers at the same time! IS THERE ANYTHING THAT GODFREY WON’T DO FOR MONEY??? The National Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV and Global ARE ALL RUNNING OLD STORIES, SOMETIMES 2 YEARS OLD OR OLDER. THIS IS JUST ANOTHER CHEAP WAY OF FUCKING CANADIANS AND STEALING FROM DUMB ADVERTISERS. These traitors are not fit to walk among us!!! THE NEWSIES SOMETIMES CHANGE THE HEADLINE BUT THEY LEAVE OUT A DATE AND THAT IS YOUR KEY. If a net articles has no date you know you are being had! I suggest you note the media outlet name, avoid any such postings in the future. If you don’t key into the National Post shit, then Godfrey’s advertisers do not have to pay him. We got to find some way to cut Godfrey’s nuts off! There is such a Law on the Canadian books to prevent Godfrey from SHOUTING FIRE FOR FUN IN A CROWDED THEATRE. WORSE STILL, IS THE FACT THAT GODFREY IS PAID BY AMERIGREED TO SHOUT FIRE FOR FUN EVERY DAY AND SOMETIMES MANY TIMES A DAY! THE OFFENSE IS CALLED ” PUBLISHING FALSE NEWS “, WHICH IS NOT NOW ENFORCED BECAUSE OF RIGHT WING OPPOSITION. There are two such laws on the books. One in the Criminal Code regarding newspapers and magazines. the other in the CRTC Regulations. Section # 181 of the Criminal Code, prohibits, ” the publishing of a statement, tale or news that he knows is false and causes or is likely to cause injury or mischief to the public interest is guilty of an indictable offense and is liable to imprisonment “. Godfrey does this many times every day and just thumbs his nose at Canadians. Paul get $ 1.5 million a year to PUBLISH FALSE NEWS AND YET WALKS THE STREETS FREE. THIS BECAUSE HERR HARPER ENCOURAGED GODFREY TO DO SO. AND PUBLISHING OF FALSE NEWS BY GODFREY, DIRECTLY AIDED HARPER AND THE US RIGHTPUBLICANAZIS, WHO USED AMERIGREED MONEY, TO STEAL THE 2011 FED. ELECTION. Another example of publishing False News on an ongoing basis is the Toronto Star’s infatuation with nukie money [ ratepayer’s / taxpayer’s money, actually ]. The Honderich / Prichard / Star nuclear story is one, perfect, long fairy tale! Control of the information that befits a dictatorship! Wherein nukie mistakes went unrevealed, accidents were covered up, overrun charges were hidden, falsified reports went unquestioned, the unnecessary installation of Dumb Meters and the plight of ratepayers facing high bills were things skated around in return for OUR CASH! It was interesting then, when a few weeks ago one of the low paid / no paid interns wrote about so called Zombie Laws, statutes still on the books which are long out of date. Of interest to me, was the fact that the Star wanted to do away with Section # 181 / False News, which is still in the Criminal Code. The Star is hurting for readers and advertisers. The ability to print / broadcast False News is big business for the USA Nazi media. While Godfrey goes full bore in printing False News, even with # 181 on the books, the Star has shown some reluctance in making stuff up out of thin air as the National Post does. Example — A Fascist Front group in Calgary, made up of Harperites on the American oil monopoly payroll, sent a report to Elections Canada that foreign money came into this Country in opposition to Herr Harper in the Election of 2015. This is just on small part of the ongoing smear campaign against Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau which is funded by Houston. Then this Report was leaked to Godfrey by the Harperites, after which the Post Mediocre papers lit up like a Xmas tree. The Godfreyites did not release the said Report, just did their interpretation of it. Thus, a right wing shadow group in Calgary, in the pay of Houston, complied a report, claiming foreign interference in the 2015 election. Which puts a cloud over the Election and infers the Liberal cheated. This group of paid right wing shit disturbers, no doubt sitting in a basement somewhere in the City gave Godfrey a copy of THEIR REPORT. BUT THE GODFREY PUBLISHED THAT REPORT AND IS THEREFORE GUILTY OF PUBLISHING FALSE NEWS UNDER SECTION # 181. CTV could not broadcast Godfrey’s article because the CRTC would have their nuts on a platter. So we have protection
against those who would broadcast FALSE NEWS but less protection against those like Godfrey and Honderich who publish FALSE NEWS!!! Interestingly, a Commons Committee under Harper attempted to muscle the CRTC into removing the FALSE NEWS REGULATION. In fact Lyin Steve was aiming to get rid of both the CBC and the CRTC totally, USA Masters, here we come! We’ve already shed our pants and skirts, in readiness for the bend over command! So we are protected from FALSE NEWS on CTV, Global and the CBC but just. We now need to unleash section # 181 on Godfrey / National Post and Honderich / Star. The Star talked about # 181 as prohibiting the spreading of FALSE NEWS. This is just another example of what the Nazi press does best, they shade the language in an attempt to divert attention. # 181 is specific about PUBLISHING FALSE NEWS AND THE NEWS PART MEANS THE COVERAGE OF CURRENT HAPPENINGS. In 1985 the Ontario Government joined in the case against Ernst Zundel, who was charged under Section # 181 for publishing False News. He was found guilt by TWO JURIES, in 1985 and 1988. Zundel’s actions did not warrant charging him under Section # 181. This Section was ill used by the Government of Ontario and a big mistake. Zundel published private pamphlet with circulation limited to a few Holocaust Denier fruitcakes. Zundel had his own opinion on the fate of 6 million Jews, something which had happened 40 years in the past, THIS WAS NOT NEWS, Section # 181 had no application. I can imagine that 99% of the adult public were happy that Zundel was being pilloried by Ontario, Canada remains a Country where people still get a fair shake under the Law. The Supreme Court in the Zundel Case was faced with a most difficult task. Zundel was a nasty person, a typical Nazi, who was a one man wrecking crew, bent on circulating HIS OPINION OF WORLD HISTORY [ THIS WAS NOT NEWS ]. The Court held that the application of the charge of spreading False News against holocaust denier Ernst Zundel was an infringement of the right to free speech no matter how unpleasant. It was a 4 to 3 decision in THIS SPECIFIC CASE. JUDGEMENTS BY A COURT DO NOT CHANGE THE LAW, THAT CAN ONLY BE DONE BY PARLIAMENT. I agree with the Court in that the Zundel case represented an INDIVIDUAL, self publishing his opinion about a historical event. Section # 181 was the wrong hill to die on for Ontario. While it was an attempt to score political point for Queen’s Park, # 181 was the wrong vehicle. The Zundel Case was unique and centred around pamphlets containing misleading information and lies about the slaughter of 6 million Jews. In the world, there is a small group of Nazi sympathizers who are certifiable wing nuts. Zundel was part of that group. In this world here are losers who’s major problem is they can’t make it in the real world. The Fascist cult, offers these loser a chance to play god and be at their worst. The US rightpublicanazi movement, is very expensive [ stolen money ] false contruct, which aims to disrupt the natural flow of global societies, so that totalitarian rule becomes acceptable to a frazzled people. Once the distraught citizens actually vote for a Kletocracy, as in the USA the trap’s door shuts. And there is no return. Hitler did it! Trumpf has done it! And Herr Harper tried it! Once the rule of law is exterminated, the mad men are in charge. I find it amazing that even to-day, some Canadians still don’t know what is going on. But in a sense, if these dolts keep quiet and do what they are told, they’ll not run into a lot of trouble in the beginning. The USA right wants to return to slavery, which mean vast riches for the rightpublicanazi few. But in the long haul, as our incurious Canadians bend their shoulders to the wheel, their energies and usefulness will be sapped. Then it is throw away time. Will they be starved, burned, gassed or shot in the back of the head, some rightpublicanazi operative will decide on the final solution. That of the disposing of excess human beings to needs. At a Nazi Concentration Camp, the Commandant and his family live in a big house overlooking the Camp. There was a balcony on the top floor. In the morning, this self anointed Nazi god would do his daily dozen. Once presentable to the world, he stepped out onto the balcony with his high powered rifle. This NAZI BOSS would then survey the scene and pick out two or three targets. These were inmates going about their business in the Camp. He would shoot them as if hunting animals. The Commandant would then retire to the dining room and have breakfast with is family. Is this any different than Trumpf and the Repubs taking medical care away from 25 million people and then giving the money to the rich, to add insult to injury?????? In the Zundel case, the Supreme Court deliberations were artificial, esoteric and concerned deeds in the past, 40 years ago. Using # 181 in this case was a misuse of a law, which was put in place in the 1890s in Canada to protect our society. The framers of our Law could clearly see people like Paul Godfrey, those who would TAKE MONEY, to use the press to mislead the citizenry. To build the NEW CANADA, that 80% of Canadians want, we need large helpings of hope, vision, the truth, the facts and bolstering from our media! Rather, after getting his cheque from AMERIGREED Paul Godfrey give us daily issues of pain, confusion, anxiety, discord, phony strife, lies, misinformation, censorship, FALSE NEWS, all mixed with rightie bullshit!!! For the true meaning of # 181 and the like CRTC Regulations, you must go back to England, 1275, and the De Scandalis Magnatum which, ” Prohibited the distribution of any false news or tales “. The word distribution did not mean SPEAKING evil against the King. And false news or tales must be read together. Zundel did not actually print the pamphlets from which his comments. As stated, the use of # 181 in the Zundel case was a mistake. Too much of a witch hunt taste about it, this is after all Canada, FOR THe MOMENT??? After Ron Reagan gave the USA Nazi media the go ahead in the 1980s to make money by lying, making stuff up, smearing Government opponents and spreading False News, some of the Canadians media moguls were peeing their pants at the prospect of pulling in those extra dollars by following the same dishonest road as the USA and burying the TRUTH! But Canada had # 181 and a comparable CRTC Regulation which still stand. When various Senate Committees investigated the increasing concentration of papers and TV in fewer and fewer hands, they were greatly concerned [ Hearings in 1969 / 1980 / 2006 ]. Their recommendations were ignored by Governments of various stripes. But I do remember a representative from the Star, who appeared before a Commons Committee, and went on and on about Freedom of the Press. However, at that very same moment, the Star was taking Nukie money to tell their lies, which resulted in the destruction of Ontario’s economy. Much thanks to the Star’s forked tongue. I wrote at the time, that ” Freedom of the Press ” had been reinterpreted by the newspapers, including the Star, as ” Freedom of the Press to sell out to the highest bidder “. NOT THE SAME THING!!! This was done by Honderich et al, without letting the public in on their little self serving secret change!!! Reagan can be thanked for the chaos of 2017, that now envelopes the was once the democratic Country of America. From Reagan onward the Repubs operated a secret Government [ 33 Republican states ], within a Government [ Washington ], they also staged a coup and seized control of the US Nazi media. The outcome was the creation of bigger, bigger fantasies and a never ending rightstream of lies. Americans are now totally confused, truth has gone on a long holiday and the illegal elevation of Trumpf to the Russian White House can be laid directly at the feet of Reagan, the Repubs and the US Nazi media. We have a Law # 181 and a CRTC Regulation both of which forbid the spreading of False News, which is waht paul Godfrey is actually doing. The CRTC Reg. has never been invoked, our TV /radio stations are too fearful of losing their licenses. After the election of Steve Harper, both the Sun papers and the National Post papers began publishing False News. And Sun FOX North began broadcasting False News! I am sure Harper assured the owners of both right wing rags and Fox North that he would not invoke # 181 or the CRTC Regulation. We were and are treated to dissertations by various rightie scribes in the present that because of Zundel, # 181 had been struck down. THAT IS NOT TRUE. The charge against Zundel under # 181 was misapplied. The Court had difficulty with this case, rendering a 4 to 3 decision that it infringed on Zundel’s free speech? Laws stand, Courts make judgements as whether a Law applies in a particular case. Godfrey now owns both the National Post Papers and the Sun papers. Just think of the money Godfrey brings in publishing Yankee False News??? You know what Hitler said about the ignorant masses, tell them a lie often enough and they will believe it the truth. Ron Reagan had it a bit more precise, tell a lie 5 TIMES and it automatically becomes the truth. Paul Godfrey prints a lie a minute. There are two ways we can shut Godfrey up. Charge him under # 181 and fine him out of business. Or Canadians can just stop purchasing the Post and Sun papers and stop clicking on Godfrey’s ancient stories. Thereby depriving Paul of advertising dollar. As well Canadians can refrain from patronizing any business that advertises in the Post / Sun newspapers. You can see these actions against Godfrey as affirming your belief in Canada as a free and independent Country. NOT A SERVILE NATION, A MERE APPENDAGE OF THE KLEPTOCRACY OF AMERICAN STATES, AS PAUL GODFREY WOULD HAVE US??? It is amazing how many problems in this Country are directly related to the constant interference from the Yankees. But that meddling is now at an end. Trumpf is a gift to Canada. In Dicken’s, ” A Xmas Carol “, Scrooge is taken in his dreams to see what the future holds for him. Very fortunately we are getting a glimpse of the future that AMERIGREED, THE AMERICAN OIL MONOPOLY, Harper / Kenney Fascists and our Nazi media are planning for us. What you see is what you are going to get, come the takeover of Canada by the Americans. The rightpublicanazis have had their last throw of the dice. They can only fake their fake ideology so often and the end of the line is nigh. What is Paul Godfrey NOW SELLING??? What exactly are the 13 Fascist leadership hopefully [ political dwarfs ] SELLING??? This, in their campaigns TO BECOME HEAD DWARF??? Steve Harper, Preston Manning, Jason Kenney, Brian Jean, Ezzie Le Rant, the entire Fascist Party and the University of Calgary, among others, are all orphans now. Their USA reason for being, has dissolved into a chaotic maelstrom. They should all be rounded up, put on a couple of school buses and sent down TO THE MOTHERLAND THEY LOVE! Yet denial on their part is so obvious, so front and centre! The world must quickly create a new vision for itself and move on. Canada CAN provide the needed leadership, because we here have the ability to be self sufficient! We have our own dollar. Our banks have never been allowed to buy derivatives from the Streeters [ funny money, now you see it, now you don’t ]. Less than 30% of Canadians now play the rigged stock market, something the Globe and Tar works on every day, new suckers. Our exports to the USA are mostly natural resources and minerals which the Yankees get at fire sale prices. The stuff might as well stay in the ground while Canada seeks other markets for our stuff. The lazy attitude towards trade, which now prevails in this Country, will have to be ditched. There is a whole world out there while our corporations twiddle their thumbs. We must encourage businesses which have the capability to export to get off their duffs and seek wider world markets. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! If not, the Government should just create new industries to take advantage of all the opportunities available. Inside the USA borders, the strongest impulse will be to refuse to accept reality, something the Americans right has been doing for a long time. REALITY HAS BEEN REPLACED BY MYTHS! On the outside it is imperative that we seek to contain the damage and distress of this disintegrating society to the area populated by those who are responsible for this calamity. In other words, the penalties to be paid, MUST BE LIMITED TO THE RIGHTPUBLICANAZIS WHO FUCKED THINGS UP SO BADLY!!! In my view a free Canada must join with a free UK to provide comfort and support to the still free 27 member countries of the European Union. This has to be done outside the influence of the USA / Brussels. Everything USA / Brussels should be frozen in time so that the damage to the world economy is minimized. It must be remembered that the EU is a child of the USA, with the same fatal defects, government by a Kleptocracy. Most important of these is the fact that like more than 300 million American citizens who HAVE NO SAY, 500 million in the EU HAVE NO SAY NOW. Canada / UK must insist those 500 million people must have their SAY RETURNED!!! The 19 countries which constitute the International Monetary Fund must rebel and expel the USA, and move operations to London. The Yankee yoke on the EU must be thrown off. All the debts of the 27 EU countries must be examined and put in 3 pigeon holes. Current accounts, those which relate to the daily operations of each government, expenses, wages, pensions, education, health and services etc. There is enough REAL MONEY IN THE WORLD TO FINANCE SAID OPERATIONS. The next pigeon hole would be legitimate government debt. Canada, the UK and the IMF would declare a moratorium on any such payments and interest, no matter to whom. It would be put out, that your investments are safe chaps, you will just have to be patient, while we stabilize the world! The third pigeon hole would contain all of the debt owed to Wall St. or by extension the European Central Bank or derivatives or stocks or junk bonds or dodgy, US tainted financial instruments, and the like. These would be frozen and set aside for consideration at some time in the future when the world gets normalized, if ever??? The USA experiment to enslave Europe by use of Wall St., anti democratic surrogates in Brussels is now at an end. There is every reason to believe that 29 democratic countries can join together, along with the 17 other IMF countries to avoid the contamination now infecting America. We need a new Bretton Woods arrangement, wherein the elected representatives in each country have full control of their monetary purse strings, as we do in Canada, and they do in the UK. 35% of the world stock market is now driven by computers. Do we really want the globe to be on tenterhooks daily, waiting for a 26 year old to hit the wrong button??? Bankers have to be taught their place, that of providing service in the public interests. I don’t see banning the stock markets. On a government level, I would remove the visibility of the stock markets, they would count for nothing in the societal scheme of things. USA corporations in the wealth stripping business [ not too difficult to identify ] would be banned from Canada, the UK and the 27 EU countries. Once the global wealth stripping of AMERIGREED is eliminated and that wound cauterized, the people of the world can begin to realize fully, THE FRUITS OF THEIR OWN LABOURS! THIS, WITHOUT THE FUCKING YANKEES ALWAYS HAVING THEIR FINGERS IN THE JAR!!!


Now about the Soft Wood Lumber dispute between Canada and the USA. This dispute is just another in the long line of TRADE BULLYING BY AMERIGREED. America is not a trading Nation any more. THAT COUNTRY HAS NOTHING TO TRADE! It is a money changer Nation now, manipulating the world to its’ own advantage and taking a cut on every phony transaction. In other words, the Yanks are using muscle, intimidation and a rigged game to take what belongs to other people. THAT WE MUST STOP! Our Nazi media consists of, the lying Nat. Post, Globe and Tar, the Nukie Star, the setting Sun, that emaciated rag called Maclean’s and the CTV / Global / CBC, purveyors of Fascist political porn and propaganda. I would like to see Maclean’s charged with publishing False News [ Sec. # 181 ] in regard to a piece by Andrew MacDougall in the May 26 / 17 issue, regarding Nigel Wright. Both bum boys are now hiding in London England behind their Inboxes. We can’t get at them but Roger’s makes sure they can get at us with their lies and dogey copy. Andy MacDougall found a job with MSL Group in London UK, which specializes in influencing the way people think and behave. And MSL charges a pretty penny for what amounts to warmed over ideas firsts voiced by Goebbels. This new job is an excellent fit for Andy, who worked with Fascist Leader Lyin Steve. So MacDougall knows full well the full use of amipulation, imdoctrination and propaganda. Guillaume Herbette is the CEO of MSL Group Paris which also has offices across Canada and in Washington. All of these office, are part of a huge subversive mind control industry paid for by AMERIGREED, to change the way people think and behave. This is an approach which will certainly make Herbette money in the USA. But this is not what we do in Canada in a major way. Regretfully we do have a small number of rightie trained seals, who should be grabbed off the street and have a Canada micro chip implanted in their brains!. We here give Canadians the truth and the facts and them let them decide on THEIR OWN PRIORITIES. The strength of this approach is that the strongest thoughts put forward are internalized by the citizenry and acted and voted on. What could possible top this??? A wide circulation of ideas from which the population picks the best. This is the opposite of what out Nazi media is doing presently! They are paid to limit the debate, to those being put forward by AMERIGREED, after which the greedsters pay to have their agenda repeated over and over. This is not a new idea, Hitler pioneered this kind of brain washing 80 YEARS AGO. He tailor made it for the ignorant masses in Germany, as HE termed them. Does the fact that MSL is still selling the same old shit, speaks to the larger question. If the same old shit is still being sold, could it be that the context is the same IN 2017??? The answer is YES!!! But that context is in the mind of AMERIGREED and it has WORKED IN THE USA! AMERIGREED is a foreign entity and we are a free and sovereign, MOMENTARILY. Another question arises in this regard? Do Canadians constitute an ignorant mass??? If we are, then the greedster’s oft repeated script and as published by Paul Godfrey, will prevail. If however Canada is as sharp as I think it is, AMERIGREED will have wasted hundreds of million of dollars and Paul Godfrey will die as all parasites do, when the money or meal runs out. I wonder if MSL is already working with Roger’s employees, teaching them the Heil Salute??? The hiring of MacDougall, certainly indicates the kind of the mind bending Herbette is selling. And it also shows where Rogers sympathies lie, with American Fascism! Once North America becomes one big police state, as Paul Godfrey and David Thomson, MSL Group and Rogers will be ideally positioned. Then MacDougall will be able to return in triumph to rejoin Harper at 175 Bloor St. E., Tor. Nigel Wright also works and is hiding in the UK, ONEX Inc. is guilty of hiding this traitor. Another traitor, another Harper alumni Ken Morgan, who was at the centre of the Robo Calls scandal in 2011, fled to Kuwait. When the bullets begin to fly, the first thought of a rightie is to look for a foxhole or a cupboard to hide in. Morgan went well beyond the reach of our Nazi recalcitrant media reporters. All this rightie nonsense, like lower taxes for the rich, austerity for the poor, that Food Banks promote laziness, and the continuing lies about Nigel Wright, fill up pages in the Nazi press. I have tried for years to get the rightstream media to deal with Canada’s real problems! I have offered [ free of charge ] to write for the National Post, Globe, Star and appear on TVO, on subjects like ** THE DESTRUCTION OF THE ONTARIO ECONOMY BY THE USE OF NUCLEAR POWER ** THE HUGE UNUSED HYDRO ELECTRIC POTENTIAL IN ONTARIO ** HAVING THE GASOLINE, DIESEL, JET FUEL, NATURAL GAS REQUIREMENTS OF ONTARIO AND QUEBEC FILLED BY ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN ** , and these are only the start! Although the newspapers now feature blank, white space galore, which YOU PAY FOR, they all have refused to let me fill any of it for free. Although Steve Paikin was always advertising for ideas and participants, what Ontarians did not know was that anything anti McGuinty / anti nuclear was excluded from TVO, YOUR STATION. That is always begging for money! Very interesting, actually paying to render yourself stupid? I believe that when people make public comments they should attach their name. Anonymous is the most prevalent name used by righties. If someone has a strong argument, it will stand. The right wing pitch is uniformly the same and pretty thin soup. The only thing the righties can do is buy up the media and cut out the tongues of their opponents, or outshout them! Is this the society the Canadians want??? A small group of arrogant and incompetent Can. righties, who are financed by AMERIGREED wants to dominate the press and the air waves and silence or outshout those who oppose them. SO AMERICA??? TVO / Steve Paikin are afraid of me. After years of being paid to propagandize for the nukies and cover McGuinty’s ass how can they now admit to putting cash before country! IN FACT I WOULD SAY THAT THE ENTIRE CANADIAN NAZI MEDIA IS AFRAID OF ME. I HAVE OVER 500 POSTS SINCE 2009. THERE IS A LOT OF MEAT THERE. I HAVE NEVER SEEN A SINGLE REFEREENCE TO MY BLOG. NOR HAVE I EVER SEEN MY TECHNICAL SUGGESTIONS AND SOLUTIONS TO OUR MANY PROBLEMS EVER PUBLISHED OR BROADCAST? Here is an example. In 2000 Ontario’s electricity was generated in the following way, ** ONE THIRD HYDRO ** ONE THIRD COAL ** ONE THIRD NUCLEAR !! Hey, a kid in Grade 8 could understand me. HYDRO is TWO CENTS PER KW / NO CO2 ** COAL is FOUR AND A HALF CENTS PER KW / CONSIDERABLE CO2 BUT { Note — with clean coal technology the output of CO2 is less than natural gas. This technology could be sold to the world and cut global emission of CO2 } ** NUCLEAR is EIGHT AND A HALF CENTS PER KW / SAME CO2 OUTPUT AS NATURAL GAS BUT { Note — This doesn’t not include the 25,000 concrete coffins filled with toxic nuclear waste sitting in temporary storage at various site around Ontario. Nor is the cost of decommissioning the old nuclear plants factored in? So every time a ratepayer plugs in a light bulb, there is also a secret McGuinty meter adding to the user’s costs, which all the unemployed young people [ unemployed on purpose ] are going to get stuck with. Now to my point. Before Dalton went into hiding he used to say that fifty percent of Ontario’s Hydro is generated by nuclear plants. Stupid??? Yes, Hydro [ water ] can’t come from a nuke. It is an example of the unsavory character of Dalton McGuinty, a lying, cheating and undemocratic crook. Now Kathleen McGinty’s regime has upped the ante. The nukies are now saying that nuclear now generates 60% of the Province’s electricity [ please note, the nukies are still using the word Hydro as a cover as they are the wind turbine at the Pickering nuclear plant. ]. The nukies are just playing with your mind. So what is in front of you, the nukies make disappear. This crime is bad enough in and of itself, but it is the nukie mindset to mislead Ontarians which speaks to me. This is just plain evil and is driven by GREED! In 2000, daily demand in Ont. was 25,000 MWs. Through gross incompetence on the part of the two McGuintys
and nukie bribes to the Liberals, demand is now down to less than 18,000 MWs. If the same infrastructure and costs remain in place, then fewer and fewer customers are going to pay more and more for electricity, which is exactly the case. But to add to your pain ratepayers, some coal plants which generated cheap but dirty KWs were closed by the McGuint to make himself look green. As demand has continued to decrease, because manufacturers are fleeing Ontario, the nukies, who now run Ontario Power Generation, shut down Niagara Falls and other Hydro generating plants. There are now more than 100 Hydro generating plants mothballed. The clean / cheap Hydro electricity is gradually being exterminated by Kathleen and her nukie employers as the dirty, toxic, expensive nuclear power carries more and more of the load. Meaning your KW cost are going to continue to skyrocket. So when Kath McGuinty says Ontario get 60% of its’ electricity from nuclear power she is close to being right. The hooker though is the fact that the nukies are TURNING OFF THE WATER THEMSELVES TO KEEP THE NUKES RUNNING, boosting the cost of KWs even higher. Surely an 8th grader would understand what I have just written??? Surely he or she would have plenty more questions. But that is exactly the debate the Liberals, John Honderich / Star and Steve Paikin / TVO want to avoid. Goebbels would be proud of them, for being able to cover up electricity situation for so long and proving just how ignorant Ontarians really are!!! When the last Hydro One customer in Bancroft gets his million dollar invoice for electricity, he will switch the lights off and we will have returned to 1890. There is a solution you know!!! While Harris, the two McGuintys, the nukies, Honderich / Star and Paikin / TVO have been able to wipe Hydro electricity from your screen, the entire Hydro infrastructure still remains in place. IF IT WAS THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE THE ENTIRE HYDRO SYSTEM COULD BE SPOOLED UP VERY QUICKLY. It has never gone away, what luck! RATEPAYERS, should buttonhole all the MPP candidates in the upcoming election and simply ask, DO YOU SUPPORT BRING HYDRO ELECTRICITY BACK TO ONTARIO AND CLOSING ALL THE NUCLEAR PLANTS??? Don’t take any IFS, ANDS or BUTS. Firing up our Hydro plants AGAIN will bring back TEN CENT KILOWATTS. That my 8th grader would be able to understand ME!!! The old dangerous, expensive nuclear system doesn’t work an more. Solution! Go back to the tried and true Hydro system which is just waiting to be resurrected DO YOU??????????????????


Very strangely, not one of these newsies has bothered to take the time to explain the soft wood lumber dispute as it relates to CANADIAN INTERESTS. They’re all EXCLUSIVELY, ENTHUSIASTICALLY, ENGAGED in preparing for the day when Canadians take on the role of OBEDIENT, AMERIGREED ass kissers! I will do here what I have done many times in the past The first thing Canadians must understand about trade with the USA is that the scale is ALWAYS weighted against us. EVERY TIME WE PLAY, THEY MAKE US PAY! MANY / MOST Canadians know we are being screwed but remain strangely somnolent! DO I HAVE TO DRAW YOU PEOPLE A DIAGRAM??? There are large corporations / commercial interests in the States which pay bribes to the Republican Party as well as Repub Members of Congress. This is illegal but then what the hey??? It doesn’t matter which trade arrangement is struck, if someone Stateside is inconvenienced or deprived of profitS or just doesn’t like it, NO MATTER THE LAWS, Congress will just change the rules to restore the financial benefits to the hometown boys. NO MATTER THE ESTABLISHED WORLD ORDER! Both Mulroney and Harper knew well and were happy that the fix was in, as did our well compensated Lugenpresse. Each Turncoat was a willing participant in the transfer of money and power to the USA. But Canadians were and are never told the extent to which they being fucked. Brian, Steve and the Nazi press always fudged / fudge, all telling stories which are the exact opposite to the truth. The plain facts about softwood, are that the Yankees do not have enough trees and mills to provide the lumber needed to build their new houses, do renovations or make furniture and furnishings, etc. HAVE YOU FUCKING GOT THAT??? The supply of trees in the USA is not nearly sufficient now and that supply is shrinking!!! Daaaaaaaaaaaa. Why are we even having this discussion and dispute??? Because AMERIGREED has set the limits of this debate in the Canadian Nazi media and apparently the only QUESTION THAT ARISES, is how much we will get screwed for this time? I WON’T PLAY!!! Some US industries need lumber which is not even available in the States! Global Warming is a factor here too, in reducing forest density. Canada supplies one third of all of the lumber needed by Americans for home construction [ 14 billion board ft per year ]. You would think, even the rightie pricks Stateside, would be happy that we are even prepared to sell them our lumber to make up their shortfall? BUT YANKEE TRADERS ARE NEVER SATISFIED, AN ATTITUDE IN WHICH ARROGANCE PLAYS A HUGE ROLE! If some way can be found to fuck foreigners for a few extra buck, the USA will do it? And holding AMERIGREED’S coat is our very own Paul Godfrey! Penalizing our lumber shipment boosts the profits of a few US sawmill operators, who in turn pay bribes to Congress. There are American losers however, they’re individuals who buy new homes or renovated older homes. Their costs go up. But the Repubs don’t give a shit ABOUT THOSE WHO NO LONGER HAVE A BALLOT??? Also getting the broken end of the broom, are industries that use lumber to make things like furniture. They can’t get the lumber they need in the USA, the trees they need only grown in cold Canada. But these medium size businesses are not rich enough to bribe Congress so they too are shit out of luck. The USA has never won a softwood lumber dispute in a world tribunal setting. GOT THAT, NEVER WON!!! Judgement after judgement has stated that the USA lumbermen just keep making stuff up. Sounds so American doesn’t it. Let’s face it, the Yanks can’t compete. Interestingly, if one studies the fall of the Roman Empire, much is said about the Barbarians attacking the Roman territories. This like Hitler’s German history rewrite and Harper’s Canadian history rewrite, is a Roman rejigging of history. The Germanic tribes who lived along Rome’s Northern Borders were actually indistinguishable from their fellow countrymen inside Rome or in the Roman Army for that matter. The so called Barbarians, along that border were very much the product of hundreds of years of rule by Rome. These tribes benefited by trading with Rome, gained military experience and acted as Roman agents on occasion. Their infrastructure was small in comparison to Rome and much less costly. Much like an old and tired corporation being harried by smaller and nimbler competitors. The Disuntied States of American is just the latest example of what engulfed Rome in 400 AD. AMERIGREED, in attempt to hold on to its’ world hegemony, is without justification and any degree of fairness, sucking in the resources from the periphery of its’ empire, [ Canada, UK, the European Union, some Asian countries, Mexico and Central America ]. The Yankees are just too lazy to make the effort to compete, because for so long, they have been able to buy their gold medals, kneecap competitors or buy them out. To add to this inability to compete is a reliance on Congress to change the rules of the game retroactively. We know that if parts of the brain are not used for a long time the excess wires are just pruned. So the stupidification of the American population by the rightpublicnanazis is now having a measurable affect. The Yanks have lost their business edge, I don’t consider cheating, lying and steal as having any role to play in business dealings. The American corporations no longer do any research and development. From WW II up to the 1980s, Washington invested in cutting edge technologies, which had a lot to do with the Cold War. When products or processes, were fully developed, on the dime of the ignorant masses, the politicians gave the ideas to USA industry free of charge. So all this bullshit about the technological leadership of the USA, is just that, more cowpats. So the true picture of the corporations in the States is that they are paper tigers. They have not done R + D for 50 years. That is why other countries are so far ahead in new technologies, especially GREEN. The mistake such countries make, is that they are developing products and processes geared to the USA population. Which will soon resemble cave men! These countries will apparently do almost anything to access that market, which is nothing more than a mirage. The USA, in the process of collapse, is on one side. The rest of the world on the other side. World wake up. The Paris agreement should be ratified, fuck Congress. The Civil War in the USA will reduce its’ use of all fuels. The states will cease to be a major omitter of CO2. We can just ignore them. Canada has the potential to be a showcase for GREEN technologies. This country has all the tools to do the job. We just have to rip Canada from the grasping fingers of AMERIGREED. Our task will be made much easier if we put our Nazi media out of business and we arrest all of the Canadian rightpublicanazis and confine them till the construction of the NEW CANADA IS WELL UNDERWAY. In the US life expectancy is going down, now 3 1/2 years less than in Canada. And Harper wants us to be like the Yanks??? Unemployment is climbing there although Washington lies about the number. George Bush Jr. allowed Wall St. to destroy the value of real estate in 2008 which mostly affected the working class. So Americans can’t borrow money on their homes and 50% of them are now renters. Their credit cards are maxed out. SO WHY WOULD ANY WORLD BUSINESS WANT TO PRODUCE STUFF FOR THE USA MARKET??? NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO, FOREIGNERS ARE GOING TO GET SKINNED!!! I have never heard of a successful business strategy in which products always sold at a loss and you get hassled as well??? There has to be a rethink. The USA should be quarantined commercially and treated like a contagious disease, LIKE EBOLA. We here have lived in the shadow of the States for 240 years. Most Americans think of Canada as an aberration, WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THEIR’S. SO THEY THINK!!! THIS COUNTRY HAS BEEN INVADED BY THE STATES MANY TIMES AND IN EACH CASE WE BOOTED THEIR ASSES OUT. From probably the years after the First War, to the 1980s, the Yankees have been happy to let us do our own thing, as long as they could EXTRACT TRIBUTE FROM CANADA AS THE ROMANS DID IN ENGLAND. There are two areas of wealth stripping that come to mind. The petroleum industry in the West, which was pump primed by Ottawa and Queen’s Park in the 1950 / 60s. Canadians / Ontarians put up the money for Alberta to get into the oil business. From the Albertans never a single, THANK YOU. IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN GIMMEE, GIMMEE. An sure indication of immaturity in which someone will never acknowledge the hand up given, for fear it will lessen the individual’s heroic climb to the top. This is so American, the childishness we see in Trumpf! Once successful, Alberta was taken over by the American oil monopoly and not a shot was fired. There was nary a mention made that Canadian / Ontario taxpayers had primed that pump [ this is just another case of Canadian history being written by foreigners and published by our Nazi press ]. Since then our oil / tar have been sold for peanuts and low royalties. It is a given that we then buy back gasoline, diesel and jet fuel from the USA at top prices. Wealth stripping also took place in the natural gas industry in the last dozen years. Ontario and Quebec natural gas used to come from Alberta and Saskatchewan. It was based on National Security. The USA did not control the tap to turn off the nat. gas supply like Russia does. When nat. gas fracking in Pennsylvania went banana tooneys, there was a huge over supply. Many of the little gas players went broke and the oil monopoly bought them up. There was way too much nat. gas and no market. BIG OIL is not very long stumped for answers if stealing and cheating are a couple of options. Why not send the cheap Pennsylvania fracked gas to Ontario and Quebec and charge Alberta prices. This required shutting the Western natural gas industry down. Harper, the Alberta Petroleum Conservatives, along with Paul Godfrey said nothing about that shut down. Much is made of the tar sands, but it was natural gas where Alberta got most of its’ money, because Ontario and Quebec are not in the cheating business. But the Godfrey and his Nazi friends would never tell you that. After 30 years of this nonsense, Canadians should be getting close to the realization that to trade with Americans means they will skin us alive!!! When do CANADIANS GROW SOME SPINE??? Only twice did the US lumbermen win a SOFTWOOD battle. Mulroney surrendered in 1986 and Harper surrendered in 2007. Both were quite happy to give these bastards our hard earned cash, for nothing more than pats on their heads. Mulroney as you know, took money-under-the-table while Prime Minister and should be in jail. Steve Harper, who is mentally ill [ anD should be committed ], works for the oil monopoly out of Houston, while he awaits his return as Supreme Leader of the Canadian Fascist Party. If I wrote for Paul Godfrey I too would have assembled the above facts to offer praise to the Americans, inject some right wing ideology and blame any problems on the Liberals or Trudeau’s hair. Further, I would pick away at this softwood scab, day after day, in order to make Canadians as uncomfortable, as anxious as possible NEVER OFFER A WAY OUT! To further unsettle the population here, I would pile on a multitude of problems that remain unsolved and repeat same every day. But I DO NOT WRITE FOR GODFREY AND NEVER WOULD! PROBLEMS ARE MY MEAT AND I AM SOLUTIONS ORIENTED! I WRITE FOR ME AND NOBODY ELSE, AND ALWAYS LOOK FOR A WAY OUT!!! IN THE SOFTWOOD LUMBER DISPUTE THERE IS A WAY OUT!!! WHICH WE WILL NOW EXPLORE! HANG ONTO YOUR HAT, THIS IS A NEW APPROACH FOR CANADA!!! IT WILL TAKE GUTS, THE QUESTION IS DO YOU HAVE ANY??????


Firstly I would hold a meeting of all the lumber producers in Canada. I would get a list from them of all the woods available in the Country and the locations of same. I would identify all of the specialty wood we ship to the USA, wherein the industries in the States have no other supply sources [ a choke point ]. I would canvass all of our trading partners and the entire British Commonwealth to solicit orders for lumber, particularly specialty woods. I would sell lots / skids / truckloads / boatloads of specialty lumber if necessary, and assemble the wood at ports on the West coast, the Great Lakes or the Atlantic. Customer countries would get credit if necessary from Ottawa. Mills would not have to pay a stumpage fee on specialty woods, they would keep that. They would be paid FOB. I would arrange for a ship or ships to deliver the wood and factor in island hopping if necessary. Like a milkman delivering milk, a bottle here, a bottle there. The idea would be to find markets for our wood and establish a supply system for our mill operators. Like the government builds the highways, people and business use them. Ottawa would front end the distribution system to get it past the experimental stage. This would mean American industries WOULD NOT GET OUR SPECIALTY WOODS, ZERO! My favourite expression, FUCK THEM!!! Let the BASTARDS go cry to Congress. I would cut the house construction lumber exports to the USA by HALF and raise the price. That increase would go to the Canadian mill owners also. They would run their mills and create jobs and wealth for the Province and Country. Ottawa would handle all the arrangements like an event manager. For regular wood, I would canvass the world looking for customers, to whom credit would also be made available. Again shipping would be arranged globally by Ottawa. I would protest Trumpf’s arbitrary / illegal duty charges on wood in the various world tribunals and tie him up with every legal trick in the book. I would throw as much shit at the wall as I could, hoping some of it would stick to Trumpf! But I have an ace up my sleeve. First Nations need 125,000 new homes, NOW! My Son James and I build Green Homes. I can see creating, possibly 6 different modular homes suited to the North sizewise, structurally and Green and energy efficient. The 600 Reserve Bands could choose the most suitable homes for their local. Subdivision planning would take place, with clean water supplied and sewage disposal. First Nations people would be able to buy each property, get a mortgage and their payments would relate to being provided with full time jobs. No job, no payments and no interest. I would contract with Canadian mill owners to supply the necessary lumber for the homes in kitform and assemble same. Maybe the mills could organize amongst themselves to supply various kinds of lumber to make up each kit. This would provide mill work assembling kits as well as sawing up wood. The kits in the West would go to Fort McMurray and to Moosonee from the East. In each place the 1st Nations would built the actual modular homes for shipment to the interior. Let’s face it folks the Alberta tar business is not coming back. The American oil monopoly has way more cheap ISIS OIL NOT TAR, than it needs. All of the talk of building tar pipelines is just that, TALK. The oilies have WALKED AWAY FORM TAR. The present debate on tar pipelines is just another way for the oil monopoly and Paul Godfrey to divide Canadians, and we have apparently swallowed the bait hook line and sinker, what fools we be??? In the old movies a hypnotist would swing a watch back and forth in front of the patient’s eyes to put him to sleep. That is what the USA oil monopoly and Paul Godfrey are doing on the matter of tar pipelines. TIDEWATER is just an imaginary Valhalla in which many misguided Canadians STILL BELIEVE. The study of the brain is well advanced. It is clear that the synapse wiring bundles that ARE NOT USED are pruned off like in the case of a tree. Branches are cut off to encourage stronger growth in other branches. The practice of brain washing by the USA rightpublicanazis, with the help of the Nazi media, means that the brains of their army of Brownshits are constantly being reduced in mental capacity. That fully explains the elevation of Andrew ” old applecheeks ” Scheer to Leader of the Canadian Fascists. The word TIDEWATER should be stricken from your mind if you still have one. TIDEWATER HAS NO VALIDITY!!! Of course my comments and ideas will be well beyond the reach of graduates of Calgary and Carleton Universities and the Manning Institute. They are cursed with much reduced gray matter, a permanent and irreversible condition. The only place for these stupid grads now is, the USA. Where they will surely be at home the University of Chicago, a school for idiots who constantly surprise us by lowering the bar even lower than thought possible! The building of the new Twin Beaver Pipeline [ crude oil / natural gas ] and Cross Canada Electricity Grid would normally be a given. But in this Nation, who knows!!! It is the only solution and will form the foundation upon which we can build the NEW, FREE CANADA! To construct same we will need a new railway across the 55th parallel anyway. Initially this line would run from Fort Mc to North Bay Ont., with a spur up to Churchill Man. to access a deep water port. The modular homes could be delivered by rail, then transported by the new winter roads we would built out to the Reserves. This would give the bands access to the outside world without being inundated by outsiders. All of these works would be strictly BUY CANADA PROJECTS, no USA materials would be used, not even the nails. American branch plants in this Country supplying or producing our required items would be bought out or blacklisted. In some cases the UK / 27 EU countries would be scoured for such supplies. There may be needed items available that we could built under license here??? None of our requirements would come from off shore. These projects would involve CANADIAN UNIONS ONLY!!! This entire enterprise would be developed within Canada’s borders, using our own professionals. In many cases the use of new technologies would require improved and advanced studies which would see high schools plugged into colleges and universities as well as the private Canadian firms actually involved in planning and construction of the pipelines, electric grid, new rail line and the construction of the new homes on the Reserves! Foreign investment would be limited to 45% in projects under Canadian Provincial Energy Corporation jurisdiction. Foreigners would put up their real money. We would pay them a dividend and work to increase the real value of their holdings. I can see world pension funds coming into play here, after suffering under AMERIGREED FOR SO LONG! AFTER THAT THE FOREIGNERS WOULD BE ADVISED TO KEEP THEIR FUCKING MOUTHS SHUT!!! My idea is to keep producing lumber in Canada to-day and keep the mills humming, while we search for new markets. Eventually my the plan would be to reduce the exports of lumber to the USA TO ZERO. The Yanks can go FUCK themselves for all I care. WE DON’T NEED THEM AT ALL! The way Trumpf is going, Americans are all going to be killing one another, reduced to eating from dumpsters and living in caves and dugouts, which will match their mental ability. I could never understand why the USA oil monopoly picked Steve Harper, who is mentally ill? But that is the kind of person Houston wants. Small brained and incapable of thinking for themselves. The USA won’t need our lumber in the future, digging a hole in the ground in which to live doesn’t require 2 by 4s. Beside they won’t be able to pay for our lumber in real money either? The Wall St. monopoly money and derivatives will be banned in Canada. It is evident that Trumpf and his Republican bum boys, are going to accelerate their stupidification of American society. As a result, within a couple of generations, the dumb Yankees will not even remember how to build houses. In life it is important to come to understand who you are in the scheme of thing. Each human being has strengths and weaknesses. Guys and gals can be great brain surgeons, fabulous writers, top notch drywallers, back hoe operators, noted chefs or loving parents. I believe it is a matter of self assessment and there is no measure yet created to indicate where each person stands. An IQ test to me relates to academia. It is an everyday thing where someone with an average IQ or even a dyslexic is able to create a painting which blows the mind or a cedar strip canoe which takes one’s breath away or birthday party for 20 kids. For most people in a democracy it is important to find out where they fit in. It is taken as a given
that they must have access to an education which suits their abilities. After all each Canadian is a natural resource, if underused, underemployed or unemployed our Nation loses. This applies particularly to our young people. From day one we must give them maps to the maze that AMERIGREED AND PAUL GODFREY HAVE CREATED. In the right wing world it is every man / woman for themselves, which is essentially bullshit. George Bush Jr., whose grandfather was a Nazi collaborator, was a draft dodger like Tom Flanagan of Calgary U. The likes of Georgie should not have had a clear path to the top due to money. While a Black youngster, who served in Vietnam and who has parents who struggled to make ends meet, be expected to elevate himself by his own bootstraps. This is the kind of thinking that has destroyed the USA. It is crucial that each Canadian have access to full health care. Our society can’t leave people behind and in ill health. Every Canadian must have access to nutritional food. Having Food Banks in a rich Country like our’s is a disgrace. This situation is the result of the AMERIGREED influence over businesses here. In areas where Americans control our foods we get poor quality, high prices and spotty supply, which is totally dependent on the level of profit for some hedge fund. We must develop a basic food menu for Canadians and take control of every item on that list. This would ensure a ready supply of all of our needs without Yankee interference. This would mean good nutrition at fair prices, especially on the Reserves and in the Territories. I can see the creation of additional marketing boards to accomplish this. We must get the Yank’s fucking hands off our food supply. Hormel Foods, owned on Wall St., just pulled Skippy Peanut Butter and Dad’s Cookies out of Canada because they could not make enough profit, even though they buy subsidized peanuts from the US Government. Screw Hormel, ban them! As stated let’s buy Haitian peanuts to begin with, start growing peanuts in Canada due to Global Warming and make out own Skrappy Peanut Butter? Whole Foods, which just opened a Store on Bayview, was caught in the US short changing customers on quantity and quality. You buy a ten ounce drink from them and only get 9 ozs. What is this shit? You buy ground beef that is stale, their remedy is to change the stickers to a later date. The simple solution is to fire every Harper flunkie at Canada Weights and Measures, and Food Inspection. We must begin checking food shipments from the USA. Any company caught cheating [ which encompasses almost every firm in the States, should be fined and banned ]. And all of their stuff should be seized and tossed into the Ottawa landfill site, lest it make Canadians sick??? Here is an idea I have had for a long time. It is imperative for everyone who is navigating within our democracy to have a sort of set of rules by which they can find their way! This thread came about because of the contrast between two Canadians. One was an up and coming artist who was producing exceptional works, yet he himself, could not appreciate the importance of his efforts. He viewed himself as a failure and eventually committed suicide. The other was the Conman Black, who had visions of grandeaur based on nothing more than his own opinion of himself! Our artist did not realize that he had a unique gift, he was very far from being a failure. His inability to recognize how talented he was cost the world the pleasure and enjoyment of his future output. At the opposite end of the scale is Conrad Black, an inveterate blowhard, who is so full of himself, that the reality of Canada is not allowed to intrude on his progress. Con got kicked out of Private school for selling exams, other schools refused to take the young thief. Black traded on his father’s money in business where nobody was safe from his constant theft and grasping. He stole the Dominion Store employee’s pension. In 1985 he was up on 28 criminal charges but his Bay St. buddies spread enough money around to allow Con to escape the noose. Did this stop Black??? NO! He was soon engaged in stealing from the Americans, which nobody in their right mind would do! As a result, the Yanks put Black in jail. Having given up Canadian citizenship in a huff, this because we here refused to genuflect to Conrad’s almightyness, he bought citizenship in England. In the UK wealth is very much appreciated whether it is earned or stolen. Except if you steal it, that fact must remain a secret. The moment Black was charged in the USA, his new bought friends in the UK abandoned him. Our boy blowhard, served his time without ever admitting he was wrong. Canadian writers from the National Post, were hired to wish the whole mess away. Black’s case tested the fantasy writers at the Nat. Post. How do you make a turd look like mom’s apple pie??? Black is a UK citizen and a convicted criminal. He is therefore not eligible to be let into this country. But being a good friend of Steve Harper, Conrad’s ineligibility wasn’t a problem. Lyin Steve just ignored the Law and let him in. If Harper is put back on the Canadian throne by the American oil monopoly, a process now ongoing, people here are going to have to make an important decision! They can chose to become a Harper ass kisser. Or resist Mad Steve and risk getting gassed with Zyklon B. Black is hiding in Canada because he fears his treatment at the hands of the Brits. Like all righties Black is a big chickenshit. In this Country Conrad can pay Paul Godfrey to guild the lily. Since we have a Nazi media here, not one of them will say a disparaging WORD about the Conman. Thus the ruling class is protecting one of their own. This is so because most of their wealth is likewise stolen and what we see is the circling of the wagons. Our sad artist underrated himself and it cut his promising life short. Conrad Black has always over rated himself but he too has paid a terrible price. By no stretch can Black’s life be ajudged successful! He destroyed every company he owned. And as far as Canada is concerned, Conrad is a true parasite, taking much more than he has ever given. Canada can’t afford self anointed 95s! Nor can we tolerate a lot of 65s. The 65s get Special ED. To construct our NEW CANADA, we need all FIT HANDS CLASPED TO AN OAR. There is no room here for parasites now. Steve Harper, ” Apple cheeks ” Scheer, Preston Manning, Tom Flanagan, Ted Morton, Ezzie Le Rant, the Fascist Party, rightie think tanks, Paul Godfrey and our entire Nazi media should be herded onto cattle cars and shipped south of the 49th. This, to a Country that THEY LOVE and which LOVES THEM. It is a match made in heaven. MAY THEY ALL ROT IN HELL TOGETHER!!! I am sure even with all this verbage there are Canadians who do not get my drift. That is understandable because there are schools and Universities like Calgary and Carleton, as well as the ” Manning Centre for the overthrow of democratic Government in Canada “, where they teach Stupidification Course, as a main part of their curriculum. It is so American. To want citizens that don’t know anything, can’t think for themselves and who only react when you jerk their chain! The teachers in our schools and the profs at our universities, who specialize in stupidification should take their wares south of the border, when their talents will be more appreciated. In ancient times, when the tribe was on along, perilous journey, those who could not carry on, too old or too sick, were left at the side of the trail. Those left behind were given food and drink and made as possible comfortable. American is old and sick and can no longer keep up with the world. OLD AND SICK OF HER OWN MAKING!!! I propose that we throw the USA, in to-to in the ditch with NO COMFORTS and get on with our journey cutting CO2 and saving the planet. WE DO NOT NEED THESE IGNORANT BASTARDS FUCKING UP OUR REMEDIAL EFFORTS!!! THEY JUST MAKE THING MUCH WORSE!!! Cutting CO2 emissions is much easier than you think. As a bonus, cleaning up the place will actually cost us less than the present price! * MORE FOR LESS *, is a mindset which AMERIGREED has spent the last 25 years burying. Let’s revive this idea. IF CANADIANS CAN IMAGINE IT, CANADIANS CAN DO IT!!! IF THEY CAN ONLY BECOME BELIEVERS IN THEMSELVES!!!


Let’s say we establish a rating of 65 to one hundred to indicate where each Canadian fits into our society for the purpose of self assessment. In the USA the rightpublicanazis do self assessment too. But there are only two measurements used there. If one slavishly adheres to the right wing ideology, never questions orders and never thinks for himself, it is a go. The other requirement for rightish membership in this Secret Society is that the guy self anoints himself as EXCEPTIONAL, based on nothing more than personal opinion, like Trumpf. This is vitally important to the rightie hierarchy, which treats the ignorant masses like shit. Having people who think they are a cut above everyone else is a prime requisite, like Steve Harper and Conrad Black!! It is absolutely necessary. Otherwise the Nietzsche Myth, of OVERMAN and UNDERMAN doesn’t work. To think you are more important than your neighbour, by your own measurement mean trouble in a democracy, where every ballot is supposed to be the same. My list of the measurements to guide Canadians relates to cultural norms and they are not set in stone. If you want to do well in this society the more you know about what is acceptable the better. My take is that being a contributing citizen, a good husband / wife, father / mother, partner, neighbor, and who is honest, respects the Laws of the Land and our Courts, this is a good place to start. An individual’s freedom ends when his fist is one foot from the nose of another. Free speech doesn’t include hateful comments about others in public, lies which damage the fabric of our society and SHOUTING FIRE IN A THEATER FOR FUN, AS PAUL GODFREY IS PAID TO DO. Very importantly is involvement in the political process to ensure that YOUR VOICE IS HEARD. You being silent, this Nation misses out on your contribution. An engaged and educated voter is the best voter What if Pierre Berton had never written 50 books? We would be so much the poorer! As we will be if our schools are forced to teach the soon coming History of Canada written by the Supreme Leader Stephen Harper and his American friends at the National Post??? A creative person, especially the young, someone able and willing to contribute, who is sidelined for even one day by the AMERIGREED system which has been IMPOSED ON CANADA means this Country loses out. In the case of our confused artist, I see him being a 95, whereas he scored himself a 65. A pity! In the Conrad Black situation, Con scored himself a 95, when in truth he is barely a 65. The culture of Canada has been wrought over last 150 years. Our separateness from the USA is distinctive, like the tribes that once ringed the Roman Empire. We have absorbed much of what is good in the States, and avoided the bad. Canada has a Parliamentary system of government which is supposed to be cheat proof. BUT??? But there is a lesson to be learned from the 2011 Fed. Election, which Steve Harper stole power, much like Trumpf. Lyin Steve, with the help of the oilies out of Houston, unlimited petro dollars and the full backing of our Nazi media, headed by Paul Godfrey, brought Canada within 5 minutes to midnight on the Dooms Day Clock. Luckily the continuing takeover of Canada by the Yanks was interrupted by the election of Justin Trudeau on Oct. 19 / 15. The popular vote increased by about 8%. Almost all of that increase related to the 19 / 35 crowd. So we got a reprieve from the American jackboots and death camps. There have been many internal tensions which WE have been able to work out over the years as befits a vibrant democracy. And we have held firm to one man / woman, one ballot! The Americans are convinced Canada really belongs to them and can’t figure out what we think we are doing? Canadians are superior to the Yankees in every way. We have taken the best from the USA and added same to our own strengths. We HAVE HAD external problems, mostly for the USA which have been more difficult to excise. There is a reason for this. Those Canadians in pay of AMERIGREED LACK ANY SPINE. They value a Yankee paycheque over their own Country, Steve Harper, Jason Kenney, Preston Manning, Paul Godfrey and Ezzie Le Rant etc. The Americans don’t seem to get the message, each time we boot their asses out of this Nation, they remain unconvinced that Canada represents a separate Nation. You know, the Americans, paying insiders to make trouble for Canada goes back to the Louis Riel Rebellion. AMERICANS FINANCED THAT UPRISING. A PART OF HISTORY WHICH PAUL GODFREY’S NEW HISTORY OF CANADA, THE HERR HARPER VERSION WILL LEAVE OUT! The illegal elevation of Trumpf to the US Presidency by the rightpulicanazis presents a unique opportunity for Canada. It is a gift for god sake!!! Canadians, do I have to shake you to get your attention??? As the USA splits in two, Washington has been taken over by juvenile nincompoops and the little people are doing battle in the streets with guns and knives. Which the US / Can. / UK Nazi media ARE NOT REPORTING. While the USA is in complete turmoil we have a choice, to allow ourselves to be drawn into the flaming caldron or RUN LIKE HELL!!! This choice will define Canada. Will a superior people chose to chart their own course. Or will an outwardly superior people show otherwise, and show that we are in reality, as inferior as the Yanks have always maintained. And follow the US lead and meekly throw themselves onto American funeral pyre. In history, when a king died, his wives, servants, animals, and prize possessions were buried with him. The Disunited States of America is dying, and I AIN’T NO GRAVE GOOD!!! Trumpf and company, the Repubs, US rightpublicanazis, the US Nazi media, Harper and his Fascists, Canadian Turncoats and the Can. Nazi media are all populated by SPECTACULAR LOSERS, who mistakenly think that they are a cut above Canadians. IN MY VIEW WE CONTINUE TO HUMOUR THESE BASTARDS AT OUR PERIL!!! THE TIME HAS ARRIVED TO CUT THESE IGNORANT JERKS LOOSE!!!


SPECIAL WHIRLPOOL NOTE — The Whirlpool tumble dryer fire story in the UK, has succumbed to the same treatment that so many LITTLE PERSON tales have received from the world Nazi media over time. These dryer fires that are burning down homes and killing people have new been officially buried. For this post I did a lot of research. On this subject there is no coverage of North American dryer fires in the rightstream media. There is local TV coverage about dryer fires in the USA on the nightly news, but like in the UK the newsies have slammed the cover shut on these fires. The Canadian Nazi media did the same thing with Megantic. The story was choked because the American oil monopoly did not want it revealed the CPR train illegally carrying tar mixed with benzine, a component of Hi Octane gasoline. Even to-day this tar / Benzine mix is termed oil by our Nazi media. The USA oil monopoly has spent millions of dollars paying the likes of Paul Godfrey to call that ** TAR ** OIL!!! In ancient times the alchemists attempted to turn lead into gold. They were NOT successful. However the American oil monopoly has succeeded where the alchemists FAILED. The oilie buy Alberta TAR for peanuts which means the oilies pay a rock bottom royalty to the Province. They mix the TAR with Benzine, a component of the fuel that power the 3 B-29s on that Atom Bomb run over Japan. One Boeing Superfort was named the Enola Gay. This bomb mix is then transported by rail or pipeline under its’ official name, OIL to avoid the regulations regarding highly explosive fuels, both in Canada and the USA. However in real terms for insurance purposes the TAR is defined as TAR. This means the TAR shipments escape the tax on OIL, as well as the OIL spill levy. NEAT!!! Hang in there , there is more. This TAR / Benzine bomb mix travels all over North America putting the Little People at risk, with the permission of Ottawa and Washington. The TAR bomb mix goes down to Texas, where it is upgraded and refined into crude oil and sold in the world oil market. According to the Oil Press this flim flam nets the oil monopoly a 28% return on investment. I think I am right in suggesting that the Americans have found a way to turn Alberta road TAR into gold. Paul Godfrey get his cut so will never print this story. The USA oil monopoly imports for peanuts, to the east coast, ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqi people, where it is micro refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Which then sold in Ontario and Quebec at high prices. Again Godfrey gets an oilie cheque to look the other way. WHY DO WE LET THE OIL MONOPOLY DO THIS TO US??? BECAUSE CANADIANS ARE SUCH WILLING DUPES!!! In England, it is interesting that so many of the UK newspapers [ except the Guardian ] turned off the tap on the dryer fire story. This, all at the same time at the end of February 2017. My guess, that was when the Whirlpool cheques began arriving at the doorsteps of London press, in payment for what amount to censorship. Do the Brits really want their newspapers operated as if Goebbels had returned from his grave to take control???. This fiasco is a direct result of Fascist / Theresa May Government favouring the interests of an AMERIGREED Corporation over the safety of the common folk. THESE THOUSAND FIRES OR SO HAVE NOT BEEN CAUSED BY LINT!!! THE MAJORITY OF THE FIRES WERE / ARE BEING CAUSED BECAUSE OF THE LACK OF A BELT BREAK SAFETY SWITCH. SUCH A SAFETY SWITCH IS INSTALLED ON EXPENSIVE WHIRLPOOL DRYERS BUT NOT ON THE CHEAPIE MODELS. WHIRLPOOL IS SAYING, SCREW THE LITTLE PEOPLE, THEY ARE NOT WORTHY OF CONSIDERATION. THERESA MAY AND THE LONDON NAZI PRESS AGREE. THE TORIES AND THE NEWSIES KNOW WHICH SIDE THEIR CHEQUES ARE BUTTERED ON!!!



Catch you next time — Ken LAOCCON

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If there was ever a time for Canada to get prescient, if is right now? Like immediately! The Second American Civil War has started although the world Nazi media is not covering it. Actually the current Civil War is the second chapter of the First Civil War [ 1861 / 1865 ]. No lessons were learned. As well there were Americans slave masters, who could not accept Blacks were equal under the law. These slave masters and most politicians in the South kept the notion of their personal exceptionalism alive. The differentiation between master and slave was never allowed to die. To heal the hurt, that was the crop harvested after 1865, wise MEN [ women had no say then ] should have insisted on a reformulafication of USA society along the lines of the Constitution, wherein all men are created equal. In a real democracy there can be NO SECOND CLASS CITIZENS. Southern politicians, in true rightpublicanazi, style like to have things both ways. They promote democracy but also seek to adjust democracy to their own likings. After 1865, every effort was made in the South to maintain the Black Underman status, even after slavery was abolished. It is as if some Southerners could not navigate life unless they could look down on someone else. This a position taken by a lazy, incompetent people. It is amazing to me, that some much effort has been put into
KEEPING THE BLACKS IN THEIR PLACE. That effort would have been better spent on enhancing democracy in the total USA and uplifting all. Now the right / rich / Republicans have harvested the whirlwind, because they sowed the wind. Keeping a growing Black population down for 150 years has created a widening gap between whites and
now that Hispanics and Asians have been added to the minority. It is said that the babies in the minority ranks represent the move to the majority when they reach voting age. For those whites with Southern tendencies, they are facing losing the battle after 150 years of trying to cling to their superior fantasies. The election of President Obama was a shock to the whites of the master race. For 35 years the Republicans have promised to keep the Blacks down and to keep rigging the voting process so that the whites could never be outvoted even if outnumbered. As usual the Sociopathic Republicans had / have no insight. The Repubs do not have the ability to look down the road and they never factored in the Hispanic population. AMMERIGREED corporations were happy to see illegal immigrants come in from Mexico and Central America to work for slave wages. Although slavery had been abolished in the USA after the Civil War, the Hispanics moved into that role. The birth rate of the minority peoples exceeds that of the whites and as well the life expectancy of the white population has been going down due to poor medical care, drug abuse and suicides. Canadian males can expect to live 3 years longer than his US counterpart. And to think Houston / Herr Harper / Paul Godfrey wanted to make us a province of the Disunited States of America. After Obama came to Office the Republicans redoubled their efforts to rig the game so to be sure that the whites would remain supreme. Repub States doubled down on voter suppression, ballot stuffing, police intimidation at the voting polls, monkeying with district boundaries and such. No Republican dirty trick was off limits. The Repubs back fully the National Rifle Association by removing gun legislation under the guise of the 2nd Amendment. There is no wording in the US Constitution that says crackpots can freely walk the streets lugging machine guns. The whole notion of remaining supreme, remaining the Overmen in the USA forever went to pieces when Obama was reelected. The Republicans had failed to deliver on their promise to the whites to maintain their supremacy off into the future. As well, the poor whites were prepared to forgo their share of the goodies being accumulated by the rightpublicanazis as they practiced wealth stripping, first in the USA, then Europe and finally the world. If they could remain the master race. The Obama 2nd term left the gun toting whites frightened, angry, frustrated and in no mood to surrender control to the minorities. In this tense atmosphere the white police forces are on high alert and are trigger happy. George Bush Jr. militarized to police by supplying tanks, armoured cars and all sorts of other weaponry, which only has a place in a police state. The police even wear jack boots now. The shootings of black males are on the increase but go unreported by the US Nazi media. It used o be the case where it was Black on Black violence. Now that anyone can carry a machine gun to a mall the minorities are free to do the same. One police chief expressed frustration the Blacks were walking around armed and it was of real concern. The chief never mentioned all the whites walking around carrying machine guns. Therein lies the problem. White police are taking down innocent young Black males one at a time and the pot get nearer the boiling point. But well armed individual can take down a dozen police officers at one go, where ever they congregate. The poor whites have reached the bottom of the barrel, the Repubicans have proved all they’ve got are blanks and who should open the door and walk in but Donald Trumpf. He has hurried to the front of the white protest parade and has taken over as leader. In the recent BREXIT Referendum, Boris Johnson, Micheal Gove and Nigel Farage rushed to the front of the LEAVE parade and styled themselves leaders, when they were nothing of the kind. The LEAVE camp ranks were already well situated, without Johnson, Gove and Farage. The David Cameron / George Osborne royal treatment of their rich friends and rude treatment of the rest of the Brits primed the pump. Unfortunately for the Conservatives, Cameron gave the people an opportunity to voice their opinions without the restriction of compartmentalizing the voting into constituencies. There was a clear question on stay or leave. But the vote gave individuals a chance to express themselves on Cameron’s governance. It was in the negative and Cameron was forced to resign. In terms of Trumpf, he has usurped the leadership of millions and millions of well armed white who are extremely disappointed. They are determined to see their position as slave masters being sustained. Trumpf can’t deliver that, no more than the Republicans could. Donald has taken away the Repubs’ constituency which will not be coming back. A Clinton win will plunge the Country into chaos. A Trumpf win will do exactly the same thing. In the ring, in the immediate future will be the police, the Black community and the white supremacists, all heavily armed. The shooting has already started and the scary part is there is no force strong in the enough in the USA to put a stop to where ever America is now headed. Canada and Britain should take steps to protect themselves against the coming political meltdown. I was prompted to write this post because the talking heads have obviously not plumbed the depths of this crisis. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, WHERE AMERICA IS CONCERNED, IT IS NO BUSINESS AS USUAL!!! THE EMERGENCY SIREN IS SOUNDING BUT FAR TOO MANY DO NOT HEAR IT OR DO NOT WANT TO HEAR IT. In 1989 it was obvious that a financial crisis was headed our way. The North American media kept the depression under wraps for a year. The majority of the public remained in the dark until it was too late to batten down the hatches but the insider knew. In 2006 the coming economic meltdown was clearly on the horizon but the North American Nazi media always lagged the events. Again the insiders knew the roof was going to fall in and made a killing. The general population got taken to the cleaners again. Now in 2016 a Civil War has started in the USA but the Nazi media is remaining mum. This time the stakes are much higher, way beyond the financials. But this time we have the internet. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Ask your computer questions, like how many cities are being swept by protests or riots, how many shooting have taken place or what police actions are taking place??? Whatever the politicians say, do not accept it as the truth, double or even triple check info. Do not believe what Paul Godfrey / National Post papers, the Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and CBC print or broadcast. They are paid to propagate the position of the people who put us in this mess. Canada and Britain are somewhat insulated for the American Civil War. This, because of OUR recent Federal Election on Oct. 19 /16, in which the pro Republican Government of Herr Harper was ousted. And the BREXIT vote in the UK which neutered David Cameron’s Conservative Government. Teresa May is now a caretaker Prime Minister who has no mandate to do anything other than LEAVE the EU. As the turmoil in the USA increases the Brits will have another opportunity to select a new Government in an election May WILL HAVE TO CALL IN 2017. My hope is that everyone in England votes for their party of choice with the understanding that a coalition Government will need to be formed to deal with the American Civil War, the exit from the EU, climate change and forming a new trade partnership with Canada and the British Commonwealth, with a population numbering 2.2 billion people. For young Canadians this is their opening. This Country is unencumbered by serious ties to any other nation. We have all it takes to be 80 % self sufficient. If every other place in the world was frozen in time, we could survive nicely. At this moment in time, we are cursed with a rightpublicanazi system, introduced by Brian Mulroney and deepened by Herr Harper. We do not have to abide the fences installed by the right. There is a whole lot of unexplored territory beyond those arbitrary fences. I believe it will be our young people who will breech those fences. Prosperity beckons the bold at heart. The present mature population is too comfortable with the status quo, even though the status quo ain’t that great for the young. A good first step would be to have the Federal Government meet with the Provinces and Territories to determine what building blocks are needed to BUILD THE NEW CANADA. There are a multitude of examples, I’ll just touch on three. There are contained herein intitiatives which CAN BE BEGUN TOMORROW. Think shovels in the ground. Ontario Hydro was taken over by the nuclear industry back in the 1970s. The nuke plants are fragile, undependable, expensive and dangerous. Nuclear power can’t survive competitions. Mike Harris was bent on selling Ontario Hydro to the American private sector minus the utility’s debt. This to cover his hidden deficit. Righties never admit to running deficits like Harper did. The economic policies of Lyin Steve caused the high unemployment among our young people, 15 % and 25 % in the First Nations communities. And to retain Harper’s economic model, which is boosted daily by the Fascist talking heads, means a continuation of this waste of priceless human capital. Which if allowed to dissipate will never pass this way again. It has been hidden from view by the McGuinty Government [ Dalton and Kathleen ], our nuclear masters and the Toronto Star and Globe, that Ontario has more clean, cheap hydro electric power, both installed and potential, than Manitoba and Quebec put together. This Province doesn’t need ANY nuclear, coal or natural gas plants, which gives us among the highest KW prices in the world. McGuinty and HIS Liberals are thick as thieves with the nuclear / natural gas industries. I wondered out loud, many times in my posts how much McGuinty and the Liberals net from handing our energy sector over to the Americans. High KW prices drive away industry as McGuinty has done, causing the loss of jobs. Developing our clean, cheap hydro electric power [ a resource owned by the people by the way ], would lower Ont. electricity prices, cut the output of CO2, which is damaging the planet, create thousands of good jobs and provide electricity to the West to reduce the Carbon Dioxide now being emitted by the Alberta Tar Sands. So there under 35s, your educated vote could make that happen. Eliminate the emptying of the public treasury by McGuinty, Liberal and private sector friends, clean up the environment and secure good jobs for you and your friends. Another example of a Canadian building block. Newfoundland has oil, natural gas and hydro electricity. The Americans steal the oil and nat. gas at a low price. Then the Yanks sell us back gasoline, diesel and jet fuel as if it was made from $ 100 a barrel oil. The wealth stripping by the American oil monopoly kills investment in Canada, thus killing jobs. The young can change this WITH THEIR BALLOTS. Newfoundland has loads of hydro KWs. Quebec will not let Newfoundland export electricity to the rest of Canada. Quebec wants to buy Newfoundland KWs cheap and sell them at a profit, very unCanadian. Quebec now sells its’ surplus electricity to the US, but that market is disappearing due to cheap, fracked natural gas. Quebec would gain financially if it joined Newfoundland, Ontario and Manitoba in sending cheap, clean KWs to Alberta and Saskatchewan to power a new, sanitized oil industry and Prairie irrigation system to turn the West into the food basket of the world. This is a once in a lifetime chance to change Canada’s direction from being a victim of American wealth stripping to a world power in developing solutions to combat Global Warming. We need to harness the underused brain power of our young people. With the knowledge of what is possible the young can wave their ballot at politician and demand, it is our way or the highway. The young should no longer accept the Fascist political doublespeak. A third example of what the NEW CANADA WILL REQUIRE, would be the shrinking amount of global arable land. There is a coming food shortage which the American / Canadian Fascists WILL NOT ACKNOWLEDGE. Canada has the capacity to raise food production as the northern tier becomes warmer. It is a matter of dealing with the changes now happening climate wise, heavier precipitation and longer periods of drought. Syria, in the Levant solved this water problem 10,000 years ago, irrigation. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. We badly need a comprehensive irrigation / reservoir system in the West which will only come about by Ottawa intervening. It is a matter of flood proofing urban areas, channeling the excessive rain into reservoirs and then pumping same to the dry areas when needed. Think of the man / woman power required to totally remake the West agriculturally. It follows that a new rail system will be need to move the grain / specialty crops / beef / pork to market. Canada would have to expropriate the CNR / CPR, now owned by Wall St., rebuild the rails and infrastructure and lay new track to BC ports, the Lakehead and Churchill Manitoba. This, so food stuff can go east or west with ease. This is a huge undertaking that would put Canada in advance of climate change. And create hundreds of thousands of new jobs for our young people. This is a marvelous opportunity to forward think, something that the Harperites ar not capable of doing. I think young people should steal the ball and never give it back on this one. On October 19 /15, the young voted for Justin Trudeau in droves. Now to be perfectly, politically crass. Now is the time for the young to call in their Trudeau IOUs. Urge the PM to begin to explore the Prairie Project, immediately, if not sooner. In fact, in this regard, our young Canadians could begin to discuss the Prairie Project, locally, Provincially and Federally, without any political input first off. Sometimes it is easier for politicians to act if the path has been partially prepared. Having young Canadians clearing the underbrush so to speak, would hasten the implementation of the remaking of our West. In terms of tailoring the Prairies to meet Global Warming, something well withing our abilities, I would suggest that no attention be paid to the CBC. Those responsible for programing at the Corporation have it all wrong. The building of the NEW CANADA is not a sports contest that can be reduced to winners and losers as the CBC would have it. When the Premier’s get together, it is not a war like the CBC describes it. It is an attempt by people of good will to find some common ground upon which to fabricate solutions. The CBC’s attempt to gain eyeballs by falsely creating controversy, is Canada unfriendly. The programmers responsible should be sacked and sent home to the USA where there is a great need for FALSE NEWS. An alliance between Canada and the UK would create the stable, successful block of countries that will be needed by a world badly affected by the present US antidemocratic debacle. As well such a positive, futuristic arrangement would cut the small thinkers and mischief makers off at the pass. Nicola Sturgeon / Scotland is one of the most dishonest politicians I have ever encountered. She never misses an opportunity to find political advantage, no matter at whose expense. Likewise, Carwyn Jones / Wales, Martin McGuinness and Enda Kenny / Northern Ireland. Apparently, they see the winning vote by the LEAVE majority as a means of extracting concessions. I would suggest that these bottom feeders be ignored totally as the UK Parliament get on with carrying out the wishes of the PEOPLE. Canada and the UK need 12 degrees of separation from America and then some. Our democratic systems, independence from US contamination, financial success with more to come and complete freedom of movement will be much needed sources of world strength, like a sort of Rock of Gibraltar, a prerequisite to surviving in the coming storm.

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I am going to actually mail copies of this post to PM Trudeau, Ministers and MPs on the Government side. I will also sent same to Steve Harper, Rona Ambrose and some other Fascist leaches. I have written off the Federal NDP and Tom Mulcair since he aided Lyin Steve in disrupting Parliament. Other mailed copies will go to Premier Notley, Brian Jean of the Alberta Fascist Oil Party and as Montreal Simon calls him, Canada’s official oil pimp, Brad Wall [ by the way Brad, Carbon Capture and Storage doesn’t work. It is yet another American oil monopoly boondoggle ]. Boris Johnson and Sadiq Khan will get copies in the mail. On the off chance that he will print it, I’ll mail a copy to Paul Godfrey. After all the PostMediocre papers get free stuff to use from the DuSA all the time. What do you think of the possibility of Godfrey publishing my post will be??? Like from none to zero. Herein there lies a problem, I DON’T LIE LIKE ALL OF PAUL’S FASCIST SCRIBES! THUS IT WOULD SEEM, AN OLD TRUTH TELLER LIKE ME, DOESN’T QUALIFY FOR GODFREY’S POSTMEDIOCRE PAPERS.

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I have described the turmoil south of the border as the second American Civil War. I have concluded that my position needs wider clarification. This is a different sort of Civil War. Enemies are not lined up facing on another as volleys of steel are thrown in each direction. This War is not one of territory but of the mind. And in that respect, the Blacks have already taken first place and there is nothing on the horizon says this title can be taken away from them. I will expand my list of players to explain my comments. I see this list as being the Democratic party, the Republican Party, neutral whites, white supremacists, police forces, the military, Asians, Muslims, Hispanics and last but not least by a long shot, the Blacks.

The Democrats are a spent force with close ties to Wall St. and the bankers. The Dem’s insulated hierarchy has little connection to the American left. The Party abandoned them a long time ago seeking the good life for themselves and replace action with propaganda.

The Republican Party has for 40 years covertly cultivated racism as a vote getter. The Repubs sold whites on the idea that no matter how large the numbers in the minority grew to. The Party guaranteed it would rig the voting so the whites always ended up on top. Herr Harper borrowed straight from the Republican States handbook to ensure that his Fascists would ALWAYS PREVAIL. While the American oil monopoly spent hundreds of million under the table backing Harper, in the face of an aroused and savvy public, Houston and Lyin Steve came in second. What the Repubs failed to do was ensure that the whites, especially the poor whites, shared in their wealth stripping both at home and abroad. In this life we cannot escape mother nature not human nature. Sociopaths on the right have a penchant for looking after their own interests to the exclusion of all else, although they talk a good game. In is interesting, that in the deep south 1700 / 1865 ], the rich plantation owners from whence the Republicans sprang, treated their poor whites almost as badly as their black slaves. In fact their poor whites were denied any kind of education. The Repbs thought that if the poor whites became educated and comfortable in their lives they would be more difficult to control. So in the deep south the poor whites were played off against the Black slaves. Poor whites were hired to roam the countryside, acting like a private police force to intimidate the slaves. We have a duplicate of this arrangement to-day. In terms of the Republicans guaranteeing white mastery in perpetuity flies in the face of a so called US democracy. How far could the Repubs go in devalidating the franchise without the Americans finding out their freedom had been taken away by the right. In seeking to engineer white rule, where is the tipping point. The answer is we just passed that point in 2016. Poor whites have concluded that the Repubs can’t fulfill their commitment to maintain their master race status. The reward for years and years of casting votes for the Republicans has resulted in a pile of broken promises. Donald Trumpf is no leader. He just took over the boiling pot from the Repubs and turned up the heat. The Republicans are in denial but they are a spent force. They no longer have currency in the present situation, nor does their support groups, the Nazi media, the University of Chicago, the right wing think tanks and the rightie organizations. They are all as relevant as Morse Code. The Repubs will play NO ROLE in the immediate history of the DuSA and will in short order return to dust.

The neutral whites who do not like where the Country is headed are powerless. Their votes are worthless and they generally do not arm themselves with machine guns. So they will be confined to the sidelines, no more than helpless spectators.

The white supremacist, a modern version of the Klu Klux Klan, was formed by losing, poor white, Confederate soldiers who blamed their defeat on the Black slaves rather than the incompetent leadership of the South. These ignorant whities, think of themselves as being special, without ever done anything special. Their superiority come from having a white skin. Interestingly our ancestors were all shades of black and brown up till about 12,000 years ago. This, when Homo Sapiens moved out of Africa into Northern Europe as the last ice age receded. The election of Barack Obama set the bells aringing in the whitie camp. There was a realization that the minorities could not be kept in their place by the Republican vote rigging schemes. Seeing Obama win another term only intensified the fear that the whities had of themselves becoming the minority. Those who are outvoted and forced to bow to the will of the majority. If you are a John Wayne type being anything other than FIRST doesn’t cut it. The National Rifle Association jumped into the fray seeing a chance to bolster their ranks. Foolishly the Republicans, always bottom feeding for votes, supported the NRA by being extremely gun friendly. The lunatic fringe, the Tea Party, backed by Big Oil barreled to centre stage to fill the void. After much to-ing and fro-ing the supremacists saw through these carpet baggers. The baggers could offer nothing to retain white mastery. Support for the Tea party evaporated. So millions of whities armed themselves to the teeth but to what purpose. To over throw the Government in Washington??? The Bundy Oregon Standoff didn’t work out that well so it is not a good model for furthering supremacist aims. So there are now millions of fearful white Americans, loaded for bear, with no targets.

The city police forces were militarized by George Bush Jr. Even at cheap prices, cities spent taxpayers money on all this firepower, when the money could have been better spent on education, health and municipal services. This equipment included tanks, heavy guns and jack boots etc. Just who is all this equipment aimed at, YOUNG BLACK MEN????? Bolstering the police forces militarily was done with two purposes. To make white supremacists feel safe from the unknown and to pick up votes for the Republicans at the expense of city taxpayers all across the Country. We saw the police show of strength
at the Trumpf love in at Cleveland. In fact police were bused in from other Republican jurisdictions, the bill being paid for by local, distant taxpayers to polish the Repubs apple. There are untolled places for the right to spend public money to gain political advantage. The same question applies here. What is the target for all that police firepower? Actually there isn’t one. It was an illusionary move by Bush Jr. and the Republicans to calm the morbid fears of white racists. All that armourment in the hands of frightened police forces only makes this tense worse. Why would anybody buy a jack hammer to break open a peanut? This just another Republican miscalculation to try and pound a square peg in a round hole. Stoking racist fears has created a frightening situation which has no peaceful solution so to speak. The police forces are impotent.

The military has huge forces, but nothing that can quell domestic differences. Tanks rolling through the streets of America to put down public protests would be unacceptable to almost everyone. Thus the military is impotent as the hooting escalate.

In terms of the Muslim, Asian and Hispanic minorities, it would seem they each have wise leadership. They are keeping their heads down. Although there is the possibility of them being attacked it will be a matter confined to individual extremists or small groups of same. I can’t see any high level of fear in these minorities. They don’t have much, they survive on less than average and have the ability to avoid trouble. Citizens of a democracy should be able to share in the wealth of a country and have equal opportunity to scale the heights. We have to face facts though. America is not now that Country. The white race in the States rigs the game in their own favour. This misguided approach has brought civil strife to the Nation as a result. History teaches us, that eventually a people will get tired of playing with loaded dice which favours the masters. The main combatants to-day as stated, are the white supremacists, the city police forces and the Blacks.

Now I come to the Blacks, who number now about 46 million in the US, a very large cohesive community. The other minorities constitute 55 million Hispanics, 17 million Asians and 3.5 Muslims. Minorities are younger than the white US population, have more child bearing years out into the future and higher number of babies per mother. It is estimated that the present youth, already here on the planet, in the minority populations, will push the whites into being outnumbered in the next 20 year. After George Bush Jr., Wall Street and the bankers destroyed the American economy in 2008 / 2009, the negative effects took more of a toll on middle class and lower middle class whites. Back before the Civil War [ 1861 / 1865 ] and after, the rich plantation owners treated the poor whites almost as bad as the Black slave. There was an immediate economic advantage to the elites, keeping a large number whites on the very edge of poverty. However, institutionalizing the practice of purposely keeping a large segment of the white population of the South IGNORANT, has cost the USA dearly over the passed 150 years. Since then the Southern States have continually bred generation after generation of what amounts to village idiots. Many of these 3 rd raters have gravitated to the Republican Party, Wall St., banks and corporations. But most of this Southern white scum has been left in situ to rot. Darwin claimed that the species that survive are the ones who have the ability to adapt. The world is a difficult place without factoring in mother nature, Atlantic flooding, the California drought and dust bowls in Oklahoma. If you add the lack of mental acuity resident in the Repub base, then you can see where the Trumpf hordes come from. I have always wondered why this Southern scum felt such strong resentment towards the Blacks. I mean the whites have always had the upper hand. Resentment doesn’t seem the appropriate emotion in relation to those who have been forced beneath one’s station. But I think I have figured it out. From the first few Black slave landed from a Dutch ship at Jamestown to the 1960s, the Black community has had to endure unspeakable treatment. And yet to-day, even after all the abuse Black community has brought forth an amazing array of exceptional and talented citizens. The deepness of spirit and the will to resist mistreatment is exemplary. The white scum resents this very fact. The Blacks have proven to be superior. That is why, under the present circumstances, I suggest that the Blacks create a third US political party. In 2012 President Obama got 65 million votes and Romney got 60 million in a Country with a population of 330 million. Without getting into all the numbers, if the Blacks and the other minorities voted as a block I think they could take control of America in the next election cycle. Taking decisive action, electoralwise, in the face of the killing of young Black men by racist whites and city police forces would allow people to look past the immediate and tragic events, to a USA closer to true roots In 2000, eighty percent of wealth in the USA was tied up in real estate. Under the Bush Jr., Wall St. and banker wealth stripping, 2004 to 2009 house prices dropped by 50 % or more. People lost their homes, some mortgages went under water [ the value of the mortgage is higher than the value of the house ]. And because of the Bush Jr. engineered depression, worker lost their jobs and could not pay their mortgages. the ensuing foreclosures wiped out the equity of working families. Thus the nest eggs of many whites vanished and they ended up at the bottom of the ladder. The Republican hierarchy did this to their own base. This foreclosure rape of whites in middle America is still working its’ way through the system and the anger just increases. Thousands of houses taken back by the banks with Georgies’ approval have not be sold because of the glut. They have sat too long and deteriorated. These perfectly good but derelict houses are now being pulled down. It make no bloody sense. Bush threw thousands of homeowners, contributing members of US society, out on the street. This imbecilic President, banish them to skid row while the banks are now paying millions to have what were once fine homes demolished. Welcome to Republican America. Little wonder that Trumpf has stolen the Republican base. In 2008 when Obama was elected a cold chill ran through white supremacist ranks. A collective fear became real. Some whites realized that the Repubs could not hold back the hands of time. That the minorities were going to take over the USA drivers seat. The scum have been superior beings [ in their minds ] since 1700. The 2012 Election signaled their domination was going to come to an end. The Republicans / Tea Party redoubled their efforts for 2012 to prove to their rank and file, that they could disenfranchise enough minority voters to win the Presidency. Many whites still hoped that Repub voter suppression, manipulating district boundaries and dirty tricks would reaffirm their dominant status. Their hopes were dashed. Obama was reelected and that dream of perpetual superiority was shattered. It became clear that the white kings of the hill would be displaced in a matter of a few years, as sure as God makes little green apples. And the white scum has no effective way to stop the minorities, led by the Blacks, coming to power. All Trumpf did was come along and rubbed those racist sores. My point is that there is now such a level of collective fear among the millions of heavily armed white supremacists but they have NO SAFETY VALVE except to start shooting. Democracy is democracy, the will of the majority prevails. To alter that equation by having Trumpf and his Brown Shirts seize control is to jettison democracy in the USA. What would replace democratic Government??? Would the military step and response to such a coupe d’etat. While the police forces are predominantly white, the military has a large minority element. The question is how will that fear of loss of superior status by the whites manifest itself? Where ever the unrest takes the USA, the white scum NOW LIVES WITH FEAR EVERY DAY. When you have nothing and no prospects can you be any more down than that. This, thanks to Bush Jr. and the Repub Congress. The police forces live with a different kind of fear every day. Their fear is not about superior status but about being killed. Murdering young Blacks everyday could be seen among the white population as keeping a lid on the pot. But cops killing young blacks and then escaping justice because the whites community refuses to restrain the police is UNACCEPTABLE. But the lax gun rules, maintained by the Republicans is full support of the NRA mean the minorities can also carry machine guns. Therein lies the remedy. In the short run the Blacks have to take matters into their own hands. Either trigger happy police are hauled into Court and punished or it only takes one shooter take down a dozen cops in a matter of seconds. No police officer in the entire DuSA is now safe? How will their fear manifest itself??? I said at the outset, no matter what the outcome is, a shoot out or an agreement to disarm white supremacists and restrain the cops, THE BLACKS HAVE WON. They do not live in collective fear. The domination of the minority is but a few short years away by nature taking its’ course. In fact I have suggested that the Blacks organize their political party NOW in anticipation of their taking power shortly. They could even call upon Barack Obama to assist in the organization. Of course individually, the Blacks have be concerned about their immediate safety. It would be far better to clip the wings of the white scum, take away their guns and tighten the grip on the police. But if the gun violence continues, the Blacks have come out on top. Their adversaries, white racists and the police will have to live with increasing fear each day and they will have no escape. Humans can not live in such a pressure cooker atmosphere for weeks, month and years on end. For the Blacks, there is nothing about to-day’s world that will bring them the mass fear now being visited on the racists [ fear of being relegated to 2nd class status ] and the police [ fear of death by machine gun ]. It must be remembered how the first black slaves who arrived in Jamestown in 1619 were treated, inhospitably to say the least. Being confronted by trigger happy cops to-day has become a daily occurrence. BUT SINCE THE BLACKS HAVE WON THE BATTLE, consolidating their win, it is a small price to pay if such sacrifices hasten the day when the killings come to an end and the guilty punished. Why should the Blacks be afraid of a 21 year old punk with coloured hair, tattoos, a NRA T shirt and a machine gun? Their Black ancestors, kidnapped in Africa, were loaded onto old sailing ships which had extra decks installed. The Blacks were pinned down to these decks on their backs by irons. They remained in that confinement for at least 8 weeks, lying in their own excrement. Attendants, who could not fully stand up straight passed among the slave each day, giving them enough food and drink to keep them alive until they got to the auction house. This whole slave business was appalling and it continues up to the present but the end is now in sight. How the Blacks have stood the test of time baffles me. They are still in one piece and remain to-day with spirits unbroken. It is a testament to their intelligence and character. I view what is happening in America as a sort of dual. The Blacks are the natural leaders of the minority forces that will soon be in the majority. As said I think it is time to begin considering that leadership role. Possession is nine points of the law. Trumpf has explained clearly that he will take over the Country as a dictator, he will suspend the Constitution and have his jack booted followers marching through the streets. Trumpf is of German origin, little wonder the Nazi ideas appeal to him. The Black led minorities MUST NOT ALLOW THIS FASCIST TAKEOVER, if they value their futures. The NRA has aided the white racists in gunning them up to the teeth. So the scum have chosen their weapons, with express desire to keep the Blacks in their place. Bush Jr. has armed the police forces to do the same thing, keep the Blacks in their place. The Blacks have the right to carry guns too and they should exercise that right, seeing the law is on hiding.. If the police continue to murder young, Black males then I think the Black community has the legal license to respond in kind, an eye for an eye. In Anglo Saxon law this concept was changed to the state exacting punishment of an offender on behalf of a victim. In the lawless DuSA, the Republicans have little time for Black victims. Under Trumpf there wilL be NO TIME FOR SUCH CONSIDERATIONS. I would suggest that no lethal response to the killings of Blacks will guarantee more killing. The time for peace marches, prayer meetings and non violent protests has past. The whites and the police want to continue to intimidate the Blacks plain and simple. But a person can’t be intimidated unless they allow it to happen. As said an eye for an eye. Shot a young Black male and a white must go down. Maybe taking down a dozen whites on occasion would get the message across to Trumpf and his Brown Shirts. The clock is ticking and in 20 years the minorities will assume power if the US democracy is maintained. The minority leadership must ensure that the democratic institutions survive in place during the Trumpf upheaval, this to facilitate their taking power in the near future. Right now there is a vacuum. The Black leadership MUST FILL THAT VACUUM. The Democrats and the Republicans have abandoned their responsibilities. That is why a new Black / minority political party must be organized. Collectively the minorities have larger voter numbers than those of the failed Democrats and the Republican Party that is now owned by Trumpf. It is an interesting prospect. In the next election, it could be the Wall St. / DEMS Party, the Trumpf Party and the Real American Party [ after all the Blacks have been on this continent FOR FOUR HUNDRED YEARS ]. Trumpf’s German grandfather arrive in the US only 100 years ago. Many German Americans supported the Kaiser in WW 1, including H. L. Mencken, the darling of the right. In the second World War, Mencken along with the Republicans supported Hitler. In fact Prescott Bush, Georgie’s grandfather, was part owner of a NY bank which was found guilty of laundering money for the Nazis. I have got an idea for the Donald. Last year there were about 350 cases of white racist terrorism and 12 blamed on Muslims. Why doesn’t Trumpf deport some of his followers, the ones who commit act of violence. Right now they and they alone represent the biggest threat to the American way of life. And the city cops just stand back and do nothing. Trumpf’s whities could be sent to Africa on cattle boats in chains, to work as free labour for the Blacks. But taking note of the ignorance of Donald’s scum, the question is, what use would they be to the Africans??? A bold stroke for the Blacks and other minorities, in lieu of protesting in the streets, would be to have an organizing convention to form a third political party. This party [ the American Party has a nice ring to it ], would have the support of almost 50 % of the US population. In fact a transition team could be assembled at the same time, in anticipation of forming Government. The Republicans have dispensed with democracy. The Democrats have rigged democracy in their own favour. 400 years of having to heel is enough. It will get worse before it gets better. BUT IT IS TIME TO MARCH! Carpe diem MUST BE OUR watchword.

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BREAKING NEWS / THIS TIME THE TRUTH / SOMETHING MISSING FROM THE NAZI MEDIA THESE DAYS / BRAD ” OIL PIMP ” WALL IS WRINGING HIS HANDS OVER THE HUSKY TAR \ BENZINE SPILL / WALL SAYS THE SPILL IS TERRIBLE / WELL,YA / BRAD IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS TAR SPILL / HIS GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS ARE WEAK / HUSKY TOOK ADVANTAGE OF WALL AND HAS MADE A FOOL OF HIM / THERE IS NO EMERGENCY PLAN IN PLACE TO DEAL WITH A TAR SPILL / BITUMEN SINKS IN WATER / PETROLEUM RESIDUE BLEEDS FROM THE TAR / THE BENZINE EITHER GASES OFF AND CREATES DEADLY FUMES / OR IS MIXED IN THE WATER, POISONING IT / SO WHAT HAPPENS, WHAT DO WALL’S PEOPLE DO / WHY THEY DEPLOY USELESS BOOMS / THE TRACES OF PETROLEUM RESIDUE AND BENZINE ARE TOO DILUTED TO BE CAUGHT BY THE BOOMS / THE THICK TAR CONGEALS AS IT SINKS TO THE BOTTOM AND AFIXES THERE / IN FACT HERE AND THERE AND HERE AND THERE / ALL OF TAR HAS TO BE VACUUMED UP BEFORE THE WATER IS DRINKABLE / STUDY THE KALAMAZOO RIVER TAR SPILL IN 2010 / THE CLEANUP IS STILL ONGOING / THE LYING BY ENBRIDGE WENT ON FOR WEEKS / THE SAME THING IS HAPPENING NOW / THE NAZI MEDIA IS IN FULL VOICE SHIFTING RESPONSIBILITY FROM WALL AND HUSKY / IF THE PEOPLE OF SASKATCHEWAN ALLOW THEMSELVES TO BE HOODWINKED / HEY DESERVE WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO GET / THIS SPILL WILL TAKE TWO YEARS TO CLEAN UP, AT LEAST / WINTER IS COMING / WATER TURNS TO ICE WHEN IT GETS COLD, Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa / PUTTING IN WINTER WATER SYSTEMS FOR ALL THE MUNICIPALITIES ALONG THE RIVER SHOULD HAVE STARTED YESTERDAY /// — As you know, the CBC, the 24 Hour FALSE NEWS CHANNEL, is back at it again. Remember, back on May 18 / 16 John Paul Tasker, a greenhorn CBC reporter, who just graduated from Journalism # 101, posted a terrible piece of propaganda about the disruption of Parliament by Steve Harper and his batman Tom Mulcair. Most of what Tasker wrote was either wrong or just made up or childish nonsense. This was a story so distorted out of shape by both the CBC and the Nazi media. Apparently they don’t know any better. But then again this is another example of the state of journalism in Canada to-day??? They think that Canadians are all stupid and that we will believe any cock and bull story they put to paper. But the negative fallout against Harper and Mulcair from this gross misinformation campaign, took a couple of days to penetrate Paul Godfrey’s brain. The NDP lost much of its’ membership, Harper’s name was mud and Trudeau’s popularity jumped by 12 %. Suddenly the story was completely dropped. Like it vanished from the planet. Ruth Ellen Brosseau, NDP MP lied when she said PM Trudeau elbowed her in her breasts. The famous commons video, watched by thousands of Canadians, told a completely different story, than what the CBC was saying in support of the Harper Fascists. Both Tom Mulcair and Brosseau jammed Trudeau front and back with their shoulders in an attempt to prevent Gord Brown, the Fascist Whip from returning to his seat for a House Vote. To anyone who watch he video it was clear the CBC was telling lies and broadcasting spin [ for what reason escapes me? ] . It would seem that the CBC has engaged a lot of young interns to post stories on the net as if the internet had no currency. Bad, shortsighted move. These interns have absolutely no experience to draw on and possess grade 11 writing skills. Their stuff is atrocious. Canadian tax money is used to produce this rightie propaganda? Inexcusable! On July 23 / 16, we had another Tasker moment. Alicia Bridges, a young Autralian wrote about the Husky tar / Benzine spill, caused by the very lax Brad Wall Government and what will become one of Canada’s greatest environmental disasters. The piece by Alicia was laced with lies and the usual CBC misinformation. Alicia has absolutely no mechanical sense nor any perspective. What would a young Aussie know about any of this??? As in the case of young Tasker, it would have been better for the CBC to say nothing rather than mislead Canadians. I am sure all the principals involved in the tar spill would have met in Preem Wall’s office to determine how to neutralize this story. There would have been Wall, Government flunkies, Husky and a Nazi media representative, to ensure they were all singing from the same song book. This happened with Kalamazoo, Michigan citizens were give all sort of information but precious little about their tar spill. Once I read the Bridges’ CBC piece, I check on the net, the Post papers, Globe, Star, Canadian Press, CTV and Global. Their material was obviously from the same E-Mail. Lots of info, a few lies and confused facts. But nothing was said about this being a Bitumen / Benzine spill by Husky Oil which went unreported for 14 hours. Husky said that only two tank car loads of oil and A SOLVENT went into the River. Not! What was spilled was a mix of 70 % Bitumen and 30 % Benzine. A grade Niner could figure this out. What is the hourly rate of flow of the thinned tar times 14 hours. Then how long did it take Husky to actually turn off the tar??? I’m guessing 6 hours with shut off valves damaged by the quart sand in the Bitumen. So that means another 6 times flow. The hourly rate for a 36 inch oil pipe is 350,000 US gallons per hour. The rate of flow for the much thicker tar / Benzine mix would be less than for oil. Let’s say the tar rate was conservatively 250,000 gph. That means there are 5 million gallons of the shiny black shit that blew up at Megantic, on the bottom of the North Saskatchewan River. Rot of ruck people. Your River is lost to you for years. Bard Wall has to resign. A new Government has to seize the Husky upgrader and all of the Company’s assets before it declares bankruptcy. Here is the choke point, Paul Godfrey, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC will never you any of this. THEY GET PAID TO KEEP YOU IN THE DARK. AND YET SOME OF YOU STUPID BUGGERS ACTUALLY CONTINUE PAY TO BUY THE ABOVE NEWSPAPERS AND WATCH TV. DID YOU GET THAT? PAYING TO BE TURNED INTO IGNORAMUSES? PAYING TO DUMB ONE’S SELF DOWN, NOW THERE’S A CASE FOR A COUCH AND AN MRI SCAN! In any event, Canada’s pipelines are built to carry {{ OIL }} [ Oil like you buy for your car at CTC or heavy olive oil ? Got that? THE HUSKY PIPE THAT RUPTURED WAS MEANT FOR OIL NOT TAR / BENZINE. Would any government allow hi octane gasoline to be pumped though a garden hose. That would be crazy. Yet Wall allows tar / Benzine to be forced through an OIL PIPELINE by Husky. Benzine is the equivalent of high octane gasoline. You know sniffing gasoline can kill you, so can Benzine. No air testing was done by Wall, but that would confirm it was tar / Benzine that spilled. Husky didn’t detect the leak for 14 hours after the breach. Same thing happened at Kalamazoo. There is reason for that. The early warning pressure system designed for an oil pipeline doesn’t work with tar / Benzine. The sensitive pressure switches meant for oil are scoured away by the quartz sand in the Bitumen. So every pipeline in Canada, that is carrying Bitumen / Benzine is flying blind but TransCanada, Enbridge and Kinder Morgan will never tell the public nor will the National Energy Board nor will Paul Godfrey et al. I erred a few Sentences ago. I said 5 million gallons Bitumen went into the river. It should have been 3.5 million gallons of tar which has gone to the bottom of the River, which YOU CAN’T SEE AND WHICH WALL WILL NEVER ADMIT. 1.5 million gallons of Benzine went into the air and the water. Pictures in the Nazi media are trying to make it look like the spill is not serious. What the media is showing are trace petroleum elements leaching from all of the tar and Benzine. No municipal fire fighting force in Canada is trained or equipped to deal with Benzine fumes or fires. To do so, Big Oil and the pipeline companies would have to admit they are transporting Benzine illegally. The firefighters in Megantic did not know what they were dealing with because the CPR destroyed all the paperwork for the train [ against the law ]. But in Harper’s Canada when did the law ever get in his way? I would guess that some of the Megantic firefighters will die young from lung failure caused by Benzine poisoning. Keep this stuff in your mind when you read the lies in Paul Godfrey’s Post papers. It is important because the North Saskatchewan River, from the ruptured pipeline on downstream has been destroyed environmentally. It is a given that the River can never be restored to its’ natural health. What happens with a Bitumen [ tar ] [ the tar mixed with Benzine that blew up in Megantic ]. Trying to push a solid like sandy Bitumen mixed with Benzine, through a pipeline built to carry light and self lubricating oil, is like trying to carry broken shards of glass in a plastic shopping bag. Putting the black shiny shit mixed with Benzine into said oil pipelines is GUARANTEED TO AFFECT THE HEALTH OF THOSE CLOSE BY, KILL PEOPLE AND DESTROY THE ENVIRONMENT. Everyone of the Nazi media outlets, including the CBC has stated that this is an oil spill. That is a bald faced lie. Wall and Husky are trying to obscure this catastrophe by playing the oil card to the limit. They just can’t take the measures required to contain this spill because it would give the game away. The American oil monopoly is so anxious to get the Alberta Bitumen out of Canada on the cheap that it uses illegal means, 50 year old oil pipelines and 40 year old rail tank cars designed to carry apple juice. The whole Bitumen system puts hundreds of Canadians at risk where ever the pipeline and rails go. This spill would have produced a cloud of Benzine gas which if inhaled burns the lung out. At Kalamazoo [ this spill is identical ] a cloud of Benzine gas traveled down the River valley for 50 miles and caused breathing problems for hundreds of residents. The State and Enbridge covered this up. Environmentalists tried to gain access to the Kalamazoo River spill but Enbridge hired a private army of armed guards to keep people away. The local police and the Michigan State Police were instructed to back Enbridge up. Patrick Daniel, CEO of Enbridge at the time of the Kalamazoo tar spill, continued to claim it was just an oil spill as Brad Wall is doing now. He lied continually for 2 weeks, while hundreds of people were put at risk because the proper safety measures to deal with Bitumen were not enforced. Same on the Saskatchewan River. Wall’s yokels have put oil booms in place to contain the spill. Golly gee it didn’t work said these stupid bastards. Because oil boom won’t stop Bitumen, never have, never will. Brad the Pimp knows that the booms won’t work, it is being said for propaganda purposes to cover Wall’s ass. When in the water Bitumen separates. Light petroleum, very thin rides the surface. The largest proportion of tar sinks to the bottom and jells or lodges in the rocks. Some tar will travel downstream to where ever? This tar will continue to leach poison forever or until it is vacuumed up. Regarding the Kalamazoo River spill, the cleanup is still going on. Enbridge has fought Michigan every step of the way to avoid paying for the cleanup. The same will happen with Husky now. Michigan Republicans back Enbridge in its’ attempt to shortchange regular people. At Kalamazoo more than 500 people were made sick, mostly with breathing problems. The US Nazi media said nothing. Two years later, 179 people were still being treated for lung problems. Michigan washed its’ hands of these people and threw them back on their own resources, no medical aid. Why must Wall bring the USA to Canada??? However, it is standard Republican Sociopathic behaviour. By then 18 of the Kalamazoo victims had died but the Nazi media ignored their deaths. They were silently dumped over the side like in the case of Megantic. Harper did not want an inquest, so there too 47 innocent people were committed to the deep without ceremony. Even in England, 500 years ago the King could not take people away in the middle of the night. An inquest into Megntic WAS THE LAW. But in rightpublicanaziland, Harper’s Canada and Hitler’s Germany, people who challenge the state or are unlucky enough to get up in Government sanctioned affairs are put to the torch and the state looks the other way and the Nazi media was / is paid to do the same. In the bargaining with Michigan, Enbridge signed an agreement with the State to NEVER PUMP ALBERTA BITUMEN MIXED WITH BENZINE THROUGH ANY OF THE COMPANY’S PIPELINES WHICH CROSS ITS’ TERRITORY. Why do we allow the use of oil pipelines for this tar shit in Canada if it is so dangerous??? Because people in this country do not know what is going on. Wall, Husky and Paul Godfrey [ another Oil Pimp ] know exactly what is going on. We be the stupid ones. This Michigan Agreement is not being policed and thus we await the next Enbridge pipe rupture. Can anything but spills be expected from pushing tar / benzine through 50 year old pipes??? Enbridge spent so much money on lawyers to avoid taking responsibility for the Kalamazoo spill. That money should have gone to the victims. Expect the same flim flam from Wall’s Government and Husky, they will use every dodge in the book to escape blame. And pay our own Paul Godfrey and his friends tons of money to fudge this tar spill. Godfrey, making money from people in distress, it is obscene. Interestingly, about 2 years after the Kalamazoo spill, Lyin Pat Daniels was quietly retired by Enbridge. The Nazi media said nothing, like nothing. At that very same time, the Alberta Business Council awarded Patrick the CEO of the year award, this because he had tripled the price of Enbridge stock during his tenure. Perfect, it didn’t matter that Daniels lied, people were maimed, people were ruined and people died. ALL THAT THE FUCKING STOCK WENT UP. IS THIS THE WORLD THAT CANADIANS WANT? So the Kalamazoo rupture is the standard for the spill on the North Saskatchewan River. Brad Wall will lie, Husky will lie and the Canadian Nazi media will lie, including the CBC. The National Energy Board must suspend the operation of that Pipeline from Fort McMurray to LLoydminster. Like shut it down now! If the NEB doesn’t act, the Trudeau Government must declare a state of emergency and shut the pipeline. Waterways in Canada belong to the people. In the DuSA this is not the case. Here we have a spill in Saskatchewan which is and will continue be a major health and economic disaster. Husky owns a huge upgrader plant in Lloydminster. Due to the seriousness of this spill, the cost of the spill to Saskatchewan individual people, the provincial taxpayers and municipalities the upgrader plant should be seized to ensure the total spill costs are met. Brad Wall has already shown he is on the side of the Big Oil and that he will not show any favour to all of those who have and wil suffered damage or loss. Wall the Oil Pimp has to resign. All oil pipelines which are now carrying Bitumen have to be put under tight scrutiny. Like the Kinder Morgan pipe through the Rockies and Enbridge No # 9 through Southern Ontario. These Companies simply can’t be trusted. If they don’t like what I have written SUE ME. I know more about their complete operations than their own individual employees. I will continue to write about this needless Bitumen spill. I fully expect Paul Godfrey and his buddies to be paid by the American oil monopoly / Husky to deep six this tar spill as has happened in the past. The Enbridge Kalamazoo tar spill has been on my screen since it happened as has the towering inferno in Megantic. In Michigan the Repub Fascists squashed the people of Kalamazoo, in favour of Enbridge. The US Nazi media was paid to tag along and say zip. In the case of Megantic, wherein Herr Harper is responsible for the taking of 47 lives and leaving 22 orphans, Steve let the USA oil monopoly [ owner of the tar ] and the CPR [ hauling the tar illegally ] OFF THE HOOK. The money paid to Megantic and Quebec came out of the pockets of Canadians. Those in Megantic who suffered were pushed into the background by our paid Nazi media and forgotten. The residents of North Battleford and Prince Albert deserve the ongoing attention of Canadians. They must not be made to disappear by Brad Wall, Husky and Paul Godfrey INC. We must insist on laying blame, something that was not done in the cases of Kalamazoo / Megantic. In both instances the air and print was full of lies. The damage and dangers were minimized, by the governments responsible, the Companies responsible and the Nazi media in both Countries. NOT DEALING WITH KALAMAZOO AND MEGANTIC HAS DIRECTLY CAUSED THE HUSKY TAR SPILL. Not dealing with the North Battleford / Prince Albert spill will mean more heart aches down the road. Information on both the Kalamazoo tar spill and the tar / Benzine conflagration was posted on the net. It was interesting to note the gulf between what politicians and the Nazi media have had to say since 2010 and the net postings. The Kalamazoo tar spill happened almost 6 years ago. Absolutely nothing has been learned. Officially, the insiders still called this an oil spill. It shows what millions of petro dollars can do? Hitler said it right, tell a lie often enough and it BECOMES THE TRUTH. The Fuhrer considered the masses to be ignorant. Brad Wall’s news conference shows he believes the same thing, lying works. Enbridge has paid out more than $ 1.5 billion in damages so far. This damage payment was what Enbridge could legally be stuck with. A community was destroyed, 500 homes rendered unlivable, 150 businesses sniffed out and thousands of lives affected. Enbridge was allowed to duck their responsibilities by the State of Michigan. Wall is going to do the same thing for Husky, with Paul Godfrey’s paid help. Megantic, got the same cavalier treatment. Harper let his employer, the American oil monopoly steal into the night without punishment after having killed 47 people. CPR lost all of the train paperwork, then denied responsibility and Steve set them free. Transport Canada lost its’ tongue. The Ca. Transportation Safety Board whitewashed the Megantic fire because Harper threatened the jobs of top management. And as usual our Nazi media outlets got their big petrol cheques. Although Wall and Husky are going the same route followed by the authorities at Kalamazoo and Megantic, this to bury the seriousness of the North Saskatchewan River tar spill, the game has changed considerably. The net will carry all of the info and the social media especially the young people can direct their friends to the truthful information sites. In case of the May 18 / 16 SHOULDERGATE, the Nazi media and the CBC were all over PM Trudeau for his actions. Apparently Paul Godfrey, his friends and the CBC failed to notice there were other players in the House. But then the Commons video of the incident began to appear on U tube. There was the truth for all to see.. The howling carried for a couple of days. Even Dave Christopherson MP, who was one of Tom Mulcair’s blockers, was yelling about having the PM appear before a Commons Committee to answer for himself. Then reality made its’ appearance. Tom Mulcair and the NDP were deluged with the resignations of hundreds of NDP supporters who were incensed over Tommy playing puppydog for Steve Harper, the wimp behind the Commons curtain. Christopherson and Brosseau quickly shut their mouths. The Trudeau / Liberals numbers went up from 53 % approval to 65 %. Godfrey and his Fascist scribes lost their taste for SOULDERGATE and the item has never reappeared. It is also interesting that all Fascist polling has stopped. The USA oil monopoly has given the Harper Fascists $ 17 million to begin the Trudeau smear campaign on the run up to the next election in 2019. The oilies do not want the polls to keep showing strong support for the Government among Canadians even as the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclaena’s, CTV, Global and CBC continue the smearing on a daily basis. It is so old hat. The Nazi media as listed, is way passed its’ prime. In building the NEW CANADA we have no room for lies, rightie propaganda and tar spills. The citizens of North Battleford / Prince Albert must not be abandoned by Canadians and will not be forgotten by me. What I want is the story of this spill explained in detail. And I demand that the Trudeau Government define what risks tar mixed with Benzine pose. I can already tell you but let’s have 3 laboratories define what risks Bitumen as at the Husky plant reprsent??? Husky must be made to pay until it hurts. The long and short of it is that Ottawa must ban the export of raw Bitumen [ tar mixed with benzine ] beyond Alberta’s borders. Then the whole Country is safe from the grasp of the American oil monopoly and their two sponsored political parties Harper’s Conservatives [ oh yes, Steve is still in control because he controls the oil money. An Brian Jean’s Wildrose. Stay tuned. I’m going to stay on the case and report on developments. It is clear that the Mayor of North Battleford is holding his tongue. Ian Hamilton is talking as if someone spilled a slushy in one of the City’s Parks. In Canada, municipalities are creatures of the Provinces. I am guessing that Brad the Oil Pimp, has had a word with Hamilton telling Ian, the fewer words the better. It comes down to this. Do we, you and I, allowed the people of North Battlefield / Prince Albert to be bulldozed by the American oil monopoly. I THINK NOT. Each of you still has a ballot, Federally, Provincially and at the municipal level. Treasure that ballot. AMEROGREED IS TRYING TO TAKE IT AWAY FROM YOU. The Brits still have the ballot too, as evidenced by the LEAVE vote. Unfortunatley the vote in the DuSA has disappeared into the mists and as a result their Civil War has started. Our goal must be that all of the people who live along the North Saskatchewan River should suffer NO HARM. Any elected representative who is not committed to this outcome should be driven from office if not on a rail out of town. I’ll keep you posted on the North Battleford / Prince Albert catastrophe. I’ll call a spade a spade, name names and provide you with simplified technicals. The USA oil monopoly doesn’t have the horses to outmaneuver this old, old time mechanic. The oilies are actually afraid of me. There isn’t a machine in the world than I can’t fix. Including the overheated London Underground If Brad ” the Oil Pimp ” Wall wants to sue me. I say to him, bring it on. Brad Wall, saying that TAR —– is OIL —– and that —– only two tank cars of oil were spilled —- are just two lies too far.

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Smart people learn from other people’s mistakes. If someone leave his roller skates on the steps and ends up taking a tumble. I think you’d say, I ain’t going to do that. But with Brad Wall, the consummate right winger, his ideology trump’s his good sense. As well Wall’s infatuation with Big Oil is getting in the way of looking after the interests of the people who elected him. Boy did they ever make a big mistake! The Premier of Saskatchewan, AND HIS PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE LEARNED ALL THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT TAR AND BENZINE, FROM THE KALAMAZOO RIVER BITUMEN SPILL. If that wasn’t enough, the tar / Benzine towering inferno at Megantic should have caused Wall to pay attention to the warning bells that were aringing. But no. Brad had to adhere to his right wing ideology and his incestuous relationship with Big Oil. The oilies, their allies and the likes Brad Wall KNOW they are putting innocent people at risk of death, injury or ruin but it makes no matter. Wall has sacrificed everyone who lives along the North Saskatchewan River to the greater glory of the American oil monopoly. The Kalamazoo River Bitumen spill was a huge environmental disaster. No lessons were learned because the US Government, the State of Michigan, Michigan police, Enbridge and the North American Nazi media covered up the extent of the tar / Benzine rupture. Hundreds of millions were spent by the USA oil monopoly to make sure the larger population DIDN’T KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON. And do you know what? This blackout worked wonderously against the bulk of North Americans. The fact that Keystone XL, Northern Gateway, Kinder Morgan Rockies pipeline and Energy East are still on the drawing boards shows how powerful and rich the American oil monopoly and the oil lobby are [ from politicians to government agencies to the Nazi media to rightie think tanks to universities to PR / consulting firms. They dominate the oil information flow. Other than the net it is impossible to break through the wall of bullshit. But the US / Canadian Governments, States and Provinces, Environmental Agencies, government insiders and the North American Nazi media all knew exactly what happened. I will wait a bit before judging the Trudeau Liberals. Maybe they are as misinformed as the Canadian public??? There was an EPA Investigation into the Kalamazoo tar spill but that report was squelched and the rank and file Canuck / Yankees got to know nothing about the tragedy. Brad Wall and his Government were well aware of the Kalamazoo Tar Spill report. Wall did absolutely nothing, other than tell his 25 blind inspectors to stop inspecting slides and swings in the parks and concentrate on pipelines. His inspectors are about a useless as the inspectors with Harper’s own Transportation Safety Board. The are paid to carry a can of paint and whitewash everything. Of course Wall’s inspectors do not inspect pipelines. They inspect company paperwork. This is what happened in the case of the Enbridge at Kalamazoo, the Company self policed itself. The Company was lax in monitoring its’ pipelines, their early warning safety system was designed for oil, not tar, Enbridge did not respond to the Kalamazoo tar spill for 18 hours. It was local citizens who alerted the company. There was the heavy smell of Benzine [ a known carcinogen ] in the air which people described a natural gas. These people were breathing in Benzine fumes for days without any response from Enbridge. What Pat Daniels did do was hire a whole bunch of armed, private guards to police the site, including blocking residents. Michigan and local police worked closely with the Enbridge private army to see that the rights of the Kalamazoo citizens affected were extinguished. The DuSA is in fact at this moment a police state! Wall was talking about the use of pigs to monitor the Province’s pipelines. Pigs are designed for the maintenance and inspection of ” OIL ” and ” NATURAL GAS ” pipelines. You can take this to the bank, Brad Wall is lying again. Because PIGS DO NOT WORK IN ANY PIPE CARRYING TAR AND BENZINE [ PERIOD ]. There has never been a pig designed to maintain and inspect pipes that carry Bitumen. Both the US and Canadian Governments will not permit any kinds of regulations or rules that would signify that what is being transported is Tar / Benzine. It is OIL damn it and nobody must be able to know or think otherwise. After all, in the same vein, hiding the fact that the Jews were being exterminated was important to the Nazis. Those bent on publicizing the truth, like Sophie Scholl and her brother Hans had their heads got chopped off. Movies were taken of executions for Hitler to watch. He especially liked the GUILLOTINE and meat hooks. It is almost impossible to broadcast the truth these days. The US rightpublicanazis / Big Oil and the US oil monopoly / Harper Fascists control the North America media. PBS surrendered to righties years ago and CBC has just recently done so. So the oil monopoly out of Houston and all those on their payroll are intent on doing whatever they please. Steve Harper and Brad Wall are but little cogs in the oilie wheel, who are around to calm the waters when a Town like Megantic goes up in smoke or the North Saskatchewan River suffers a dagger to the heart. DON’T BELIEVE A WORD THAT COMES FROM BRAD WALL, HUSKY OIL OF PAUL GODFREY AND FRIENDS. If the people of Saskatchewan don’t demand the truth and demand action, the shiny black shit that blows up and destroys rivers, will continue to stalk the land???

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Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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As has been recorded in this blog previously, in 2007, James and I discovered why the London Underground has been heating up for more than 100 years. Mayor Ken Livingstone invited our participation. Solving this 100 year old riddle then showed us the way to the fix. Records reveal that the Tube temp has been rising over the period, 1905 to 2015. Until we came along, TfL was never able to plumb the depths and answer the WHY QUESTION. TfL is still found wanting. Crucially, the increase is moving at an accelerating rate, this WE excepted as it fits OUR overheat profile. When next we see a HONEST Tube Temp report, it will not come from TfL. The temperature on the subway will have passed 38 C or 100 F. TfL lies and conveys propaganda to Londoners each and every day. This public Agency monitors the temp of the entire Tube daily but is very selective about the information it releases. Being able to misinform the citizenry with the help of the paid London Nazi press [ not the Guardian ] about the overheat problem allows TfL and friends to continue to empty the public treasury. Cameron, Johnson, Hendy and the Brown boys are in too deep to quit now. If the truth were known this is called organized crime. But it is clear the Police have and are looking the other way for some reason. Could Cameron be responsible. How much do the Conservatives get from Parsons Brinckerhoff??? In the 1990s TfL could get away with putting off solving the overheat till another day. When 4000 riders were entombed in the Tube in 2001, Mayor Ken grabbed the bull by the horns and created the Cool the Tube Initiative, which saw success in 2007 when James and I answered the WHY QUESTION and designed the required cooling process. Unfortunately for Londoners Ken Livingstone was defeated by Boris Johnson just as we reached the pinnacle. In 2008, TfL, with Johnson’s help, disbanded the Cool the tube Team and chucked all of its’ files into the dumpster. A sort of rerun of Hitler’s book burning. The less the little people know about the thieving by TfL and Government friends the better. After 6 years of neglecting the overheat by TfL, the Tube has reached the edge of the cliff. When it goes over, London will go with it. One more stalled train in a Tube tunnel at 37 C or 99 F, entombing 2000 riders will write fini to the famous subway. The City newspapers will have field day enumerating the fatalities without taking any responsibility. As one of our TfL doc explains, healthy riders will have 14 minutes to get out. Was the London Assembly ever given that doc??? In the Fall of 2013, I explained to Boris Johnson in my letters, that this disaster would befall the City if action wasn’t taken immediately. The Mayor didn’t have the courtesy to respond to my letters even though he had extended an invitation to James and I to reengage in the Tube cooling during the Summer of 2013. Boris ignored me, as had so many others form 2008 onward. Denial of this impending doom is bedrock at TfL. They and their friends do not want the party to end and to have all of their pilfering secrets to come spilling out. Presently, TfL has two options. One. In the interest of private profits, let the temp on the Tube continue to climb, which will eventually result in rider deaths in the tens or even in the thousands. Second. Let James and I cool the Tube. The result being, all of those at the top will be going to jail. Our first move, will be to review all invoices received by TfL for Air Conditioning work since 2002. We would set up a team of disabled Brit vets to handle this review. This would keep Cameron’s stooges, like Liz Truss, Environment Secretary, from meddling. During 2007, when we were working with the Cool the Tube Team at Bressenden Place, on the 17th fl, Portland House, there was a real sense of urgency, which affect our research markedly. We were told, if you have some ideas let us have them quickly. Nigel Casey, Innovations Director, had meetings with James at Portland House in London and facilitated his inspections of the Bakerloo Line, the cooling project assigned to us. Nigel called me here in Canada to relay information that we had requested as well as to check on our progress and seeking explanations. In Nigel’s meetings with the cooling Team, questions were asked which he could not answer. In fact, on the matter of the cooling fans in the ventilation shafts going in the wrong direction, Nigel telephoned me a second time. The Team did not believe what Nigel was telling them. Casey said to me, can we go over that again? Our position was and still is, the fans should be DRAWING COOL INTO THE VENTILATION SHAFTS, PRESSURIZING THE TUNNELS AND EXHAUSTING THAT AIR THROUGH THE STATIONS. At ground level there would be NO FAN NOISE. Every other Tube Line was to be pressurized on the basis of our experience with the Bakerloo Line. All Air Conditioning gadgetry would eventually be remove to cut useless expenses. This is why we would need to review all of the AC work from 2002 onward. It would be a matter of determining if the installed AC eqipment was working against us. Whorlwind Wind Turbines would supply much of the Tube electricity. We did not last long enough on stage, to delve into the benefits of wind power. During meetings, with James, Nigel at times had to ponder what we were saying. Our thinking was totally foreign to the Team’s deliberations up to that date. Our 3 D model of the Bakerloo Line gave us a view that had never been seen before. This model was built to the specs supplied us by Casey. It would be like removing all the organs and working parts from the human body and suspending them in mid air. When particularly perplexed, Nigel would walk round and round the meeting table, tapping his pencil on it. Our approach to the Tube overheat was unique and that is why James and I became so dangerous for TfL. We knew more about the London Underground than the thieves, did by studying TfL’s own documents. I am sure that in 2013 Boris quickly came to that conclusion. Not a step would we take looking for a fix. First we had to find out WHY THE TUBE WAS HEATING UP??? All effort was focused on the WHY QUESTION. During our time of engagement with Nigel, various companies were offering cooling solutions. But they did not know why the Tube temp was going up? It now seems, TfL was convinced that if they threw enough taxpayer’s money at the overheat, the solution would magically appear. But it was decided, during Xmas 2007, that the Spratleys would play no part in the cooling process. It finally sank in that we would cool the Tube forever and their little beanfeast would come to an end. Unfortunately their approach was an impossibility. Without facts, figures, historical data and mechanical information James and I were flying blind. We sought endless details. We needed the locations of every station on the Bakerloo Line on the surface. And we needed the elevations of every station at track level. Nigel responded to our every request and quickly. In the end, our collection probably totals 500 sheets of Engineering docs. All of the info we used to solve the overheat problem came from TfL’s very own files, from various Department, as supplied us by Nigel. TfL, throughout their system was sitting on the cooling solution over all these years. When I wrote to Mike Brown in 2008, to claim Mayor Livingstone’s cooling Prize of 100,000 pounds. Mike responded that he could find no files to indicated the James and I had ever had any involvement with TfL. The name, ” Cool the Tube Team “, is an accurate one. The Team did produce results. In the form of a way to reduce the temperature in the Underground. James and I estimated that we could drop the temp in the tunnels and stations to an average 22 C or 72 F in the long term. Our goal was to drop the temp on the Bakerloo to 27 C or 80 F in one year. In the Summer of 2007, Mayor Ken Livingstone invited James and I to have-a-go. We were to be paid for our work, although there were no papers signed. Nigel’s position was that we were working for the City of London, a reputable agency and we were assured that we would be treated fairly. And there was a verbal agreement that our information could not be used if we were not given the contract to cool the Bakerloo Line. Our position was to be one where we developed the cooling plan for the Bakerloo Line and provided direction in accomplishing that task. Along the way teams of people, representing all of the Tube Lines would work on cooling the Bakerloo. Once they gained experience, they could then apply the lessons learned to their own line. This initiative was not going to burden the Engineering Department in any way. Our approach to cooling the Bakerloo explored new ground, unknown territory to TfL engineers. The Team at that time had a budget of over 300 million pounds. Nigel wanted to take a small bite and prove the worth of our plan. But things didn’t work out very well for Londoners in the end. For all of the years from 2008 Tube riders have been subjected to ever increasing discomfort while having their pockets picked by virtue of fat increases in fares. As well as the money paid [ wasted ], to the likes of Parsons Brinckerhoff for useless AC gadgetry. In the end, it is clear that, James and I flew too close to the sun. Little did we know that having the overheat cause and solution in hand, trod on many highly placed, tender insider toes. Those being paid big money for doing nothing to stem the temp increase. TfL official being paid to write up such contracts. Senior engineers, et al, not wanting to be shown up by a Canadian Father and his Son. David Waboso, Chief TfL Engineer, said in 2005, the overheat is an engineering challenge but we are making progress [ average temp 30 C or 86 F ]. In 2006, Dave said, the overheat is an engineering challenge but we are making progress. In 2007, Waboso said, the overheat is an engineering challenge but we are making progress. David said the same thing in 2008, in 2009, in 2010, in 2011, in 2012, in 2013, in 2014 and just this last Summer, in 2015. Waboso has had a budget of 1.5 billion pounds per years since 2010 for upgrades, a total of 7.5 billion pounds which has been squandered on accomplishing exactly nothing except rewarding the friends of TfL, in Cameron’s Government as well as in the private sector. This Summer the Tube temp at times reached 37 C or 99 F, SOME PROGRESS??? If just one train stalls in a deep Tube Line, wherein the temp is at 37 C / 99 F, THERE WILL BE NO SURVIVOURS. On April 30 / 15, a train lost power at Clapham Junction in a open cut. 900 riders were trapped for more than 5 hours in the heat. Officials held them on the train handing out water. That means the situation is legal. Some riders were in distress and a couple of them broke a window in an attempt to make a break for freedom. If that train had stalled in a deep tunnel there would be 900 deaths. So Waboso’s progress is really zero progress, that has cost the riders and taxpayers, at least 7.5 billion pounds and 5 years of traveling in a system that smells like a dung heap. At least those on their way to the Nazi Concentration Camps and the hot ovens didn’t have to buy tickets to go to that fiery hell. Waboso is the man who knows nothing about the overheat on the Underground. It is all fakery. But David’s job is not to cool the Tube. Rather it is to dole out the money to those at the trough. Can you believe, Waboso has gotten a number of awards from engineering societies for the job he is doing, correction, HE IS NOT DOING. A truism says that there is a lot of money to be made by scoundrels, NOT COOLING THE TUBE??? James and I have the answer to the WHY QUESTION, which had escaped 100s of London’s best engineering minds. And more importantly, letting James and I cool the Bakerloo Line was / is going cost many of the insiders a lot of money, ruin reputations for taking money to do nothing, ruin Waboso’s reputation for handing money out for no return and expose criminal activity as well. The TfL management and their private partners realized the jig was up and that two Colonials with a fresh approach had solved the overheat riddle. Surveying TfL Engineering docs showed that those charged with cooling the Tube were infected with groupthink. Previous conclusions were sacrosanct, never to be question. If up was actually down why risk a paycheck??? A lot of the docs we received are pure public relations exercises to fool the politicians, something Johnson was quite happy to go along with. Just as important was the fact that their scheme of embezzling public funds from 2001 to 2007 would have come to an end had we been allowed to proceed. The Engineering docs showed the extent of the TfL abuse of the public trust. Nigel, James and I, WE the puzzle solvers, got the chop, unceremoniously. Better for TfL to pick the pockets of riders while making them increasingly uncomfortable and risk their lives in the doing. To protect their cozy, lucrative, illegal arrangement with TfL, Parsons Brinckerhoff, one of many embezzlers I would assume, was tasked with getting rid of the Spratleys. Jolyon Thompson, and Air Conditioner pusher was the point man. In his communication with us in January 1 / 08, which spelled the end of the Cool the tube Team mandate, Thompson said he could see nothing in our work that had any merit and he listed some questions we would be required to answer. This was clearly meant as an insult and we took it as an insult. The Spratleys go back to Sproatley, a village in East Yorkshire, which appeared in the Domesday Book. The village stands atop a small hill which is 50 ft above the surrounding Holderness lowlands / swamps. Located less than 2 kms away, is a early flint mine date to about 7000 years ago. I believe that at Sproatley, was a flint manufactory on the high ground, where the tools were napped. Thus we do not take kindly to threats, bullying or insults. As well we do not take kindly to governments which put people’s lives at risk in return for CASH. The life of a human being is priceless. But Parsons Brinckerhoff, like the Nazis sees the lives of Londoners as being worthless. As does Cameron, Johnson and TfL. It maybe that David and Boris will find themselves in the same space as Herr Harper? Steve was responsible for the 47 deaths and 22 orphans in Megantic. Harper used his majority in the House to whitewash the crime. That majority was illegitimate, because Steve, with the aid of OUR NAZI PRESS, stole the 2011 election, based on being bankrolled by the American oil monopoly Jolyon said he wanted to be convinced that our work backed up what HE framed as a proposal submitted by James and I. It was as if we owned a firm which were bidding on a contract to cool the Tube. We were already way down the road, well ahead of TfL, Thompson and Parsons. Bidding to cool the Tube? There was nobody else in the running. So nothing could be further from the truth than Thompson fabrication. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. The Tube is now running 7 C or 12 F hotter than when Jolyon / Parsons stuck their noses into this situation as of Jan. 1st /2008 and canned the Cool the Tube Team. Now seven year hence, just who was right and who was wrong??? This whole effort to cashier the Cool the Tube Team and the Spratleys by TfL for gain, was based on lies, dishonesty and an appalling level of baseness. Behaviour unbecoming of Englishmen. The overheat problem had yet to be defined by TfL in 2008, although Parsons, including employee Thompson, had been on the job for 6 years. Brinckerhoffs proved it was and is impotent but has refused to admit defeat. And is still on the take. NOT COOLING THE TUBE HAS PROVED TO BE A REAL MONEYMAKER FOR PARSONS. Jolyon’s contact with James and I in Jan. 2008, was not made in search of a cooling solution to make riders comfortable but to ensure that the steady stream of unearned taxpayer’s money kept rolling in to stuff Binckerhoff’s pockets. If a problem HAS NOT YET BEEN defined, making a proposal to fix the undefined problem would be lunacy. JAMES AND I WERE GIVEN THE TASK OF DEFINING THE TUBE OVERHEAT, ONLY THEN COULD THE FIX BE ADDRESSED. Our solution to the Tube overheat and the development of a fix was a cooperative venture, between Nigel, Innovations Director of the Team and James and I. We succeeded, because we approached the problem in a totally different way from the hundreds of USELESS TfL / Parsons engineers. In 2005 David Wadoso said the overheat was being caused by a variety of reasons. That is pure bullshit, sorry David. The Tube overheat is being caused by ONE REASON AND ONE REASON ONLY. The overheat is spreading like a cancer. The extent of the spread can be monitored by the increasing temperature. In the 1940 / 1950s the increase down in the Tube was one degree F every ten years. Now the temp is rising ONE DEGREE F EVERY YEAR. We understand why this cancer is spreading and why it is speeding up. Cameron, Johnson, Hendy and the 2 Browns, DO NOT HAVE OUR INFORMATION. Waboso’s comments seek to cloud the minds of the aforementioned. Waboso seeks to confuse and complicate the Tube temp problem. By introducing confusion to this situation David just gives permission for the emptying of the London City vault to continue. The criminals don’t even have to get their hands dirty breaking in. All the thieves have to do is back and fill and Hendy hands them a cheque and you continue to fry. Our studies of the rising temp in the Underground in the beginning, was done without any TfL documentation whatsoever. Luckily my Mum and Dad were both born within walking distance of the Underground. And there is a good chance that MY GRANDFATHER JAMES WORKED ON THE SUBWAY SYSTEM AS A BRICKLAYER. This gave me a head start looking for a cooling solution. It was really a matter of putting the brain to work. Why had the temp been going up for 100 years with NO RESPITE??? And where was the increasing heat coming from??? That is the riddle that nobody was able to crack until we came along. In 1905, the Tube temp was 15C or 60 F. Why was that so??? Once the answer to that question was answered, the next question became obvious. In 2006 the average Tube temp was 30 C or 86 F. What had transpired over 100 years to cause the temperature to jump that much is now known and the jumping is continuing unabated. Thus the fate of the Underground is sealed. At some unknown moment in the near future lives will be forfeited for nothing more than the pursuit of money. James and I answered the overheat question for Mayor Livingstone but Cameron, Johnson, Hendy and the 2 Browns don’t want to know the answer. The cause of the CANCER is very simple, it ain’t rocket science. We never revealed to Nigel or anyone else at TfL the WHY answer. Simply put, we were not paid for 5 months work. Mike Brown wrote to me to say there was no record of us having been involved with cool the tube. I guess someone just put 500 TfL engineering documents under our Xmas tree. These are proprietary docs and it illegal even to possess them without official permission. TfL and Brinckerhoffs badly wanted James and I out of their hair. TfL has reported to the press that nobody had claimed Mayor Ken’s 100,000 pound prize to come up with a solution to cool the Tube. That is a lie. In Feb. 2008, I wrote to TfL and said we had solved the overheat and that I was claiming the said prize. By return mail I was told we did not qualify. I still have all of those letters in my file. My forebearers came from Yorkshire, we do not give in easily. There can be no fix by Parsons or anyone else, until THE WHY QUESTION is answered? Once we had that answer we began to develop our fix for the Bakerloo Line. When Jolyon Thompson showed up on Jan. 1st /08, to begin the dismantling of the Cool the Tube Team. We were the first to be given the heave ho. Thompson himself did not know the answer to the WHY QUESTION, not then, not now. The hundreds of TfL Engineering documents given us by Nigel featured some of Thompson’s work. It was all flim flam fakery. Thompson’s efforts were more like work done by a Public relations firm to impress the TfL Board and to fool the London Assembly. And fools they proved to be, the tube has just gotten hotter. In fact, the releases about the overheat, by TfL are strictly public relations orientated. The technicals were and are conjured up to fit the message being conveyed. Such as drawings of the ventilation shafts, showing the fans sucking hot air out of the tunnels. Cool air is shown coming down through the stations. This is pure nonsense and the people who drew this stuff should be fired. The stations are already as hot as the tunnels. Sucking hot surface air into the stations from street level only makes the whole system even hotter. We told Nigel that in Nov. 2007. There is an old saying that fits, ” bullshit baffles brains, like the soft brains at that London Assembly “. Brains that lack the ability to appreciate they have a duty of care, to make sure the Tube is a comfortable place and more importantly, that the riders are protected from risk of injury and death. TfL has taken the Assembly in. Thompson’s work was purposely constructed to ease the minds of the politicians on the take, incurious insiders, the dupes on the TfL Board and the Assembly. This to give the impression that progress was being made on the Tube overheat. In fact NO PROGRESS has been made although copious amounts of taxpayer’s money continued and continues its’ outward flow to friends of the Government and the likes of Parsons Binckerhoff. I would imagine Jolyon was well paid for his part in the obfuscation? Thompson is much like the guy who drives the get away car for the bank robbers. In 1950 I started taking flying lessons at Barker Field in Toronto. In 1951, age 16, I became an aeroplane mechanic, these are two different disciplines. People rarely become involved in both. I was a better Commercial Pilot for being a mechanic and a better mechanic for being a pilot. For a short time I acted as a test pilot too. One part of this life was trouble shooting. Simply why is there a problem? It comes before any action is taken. Aeroplane flying left wing low? It was groundlooped and the minor damage at the wing tip disturbed lift on the left wing. The aeroplane is snaky on takeoff? A heavy landing bent the gear leg slightly causing toe-out. In planes as well as cars, 1/8 in toe in necessary. So it is a matter of finding the fault before deciding on the fix. In the case of the overheat on the Underground, it is like TfL not determined the problem is a sore ear and for a dozen years they’ve been cutting off various body parts hoping to get it right. It is an arrogant and expensive process which Londoners are paying for. As we distilled own our search for the WHY we began asking Nigel for certain documents. Our file eventually grew to possibly 500 pages of TfL engineering material. We defined our efforts as doing an investigation on behalf of Mayor Livingstone and the Cool Team, looking for the answer to the WHY QUESTION. The Thompson / Parsons Brinckerhoff interpretation of our work was that our supposed Canadian Firm [ no firm, just two individuals ], had made a proposal to Cool the Tube. To this day, TfL has never identified the cause of the increasing Tube temp. For someone to make a proposal to fix an unknown problem would have been the height of idiocy. Our non existent proposal as there was no file, was going to be assess by the world famous Parsons in a position of being our competitor, on behalf of its’ partner TfL. Thus said non existent proposal was to be assessed by Parsons, which itself DID NOT / DOES NOT have the answer to the Tube overheat. AND STILL DOESN’T. This is what the mob does, shoot its’ rivals. This is the black hole down which taxpayer’s money has been going for a dozen year with nothing to show for it. Enough already. Little did TfL, Parson’s and Thompson realize we had many documents going back to 2001, all clearly showing in 2007 that Parsons Brinckerhoff had failed to answer the WHY QUESTION? There is an old saying, ” once you have figured out what the problem is, you have it half solved “. During our time working with Nigel Casey it was evident that there was a high degree of anxiety among the Team. It was obvious that Mayor Livingstone, elected in 2000, wanted a solution to the ever rising Tube temp and he wanted it badly and quickly. The Mayor’s concerns were in evidence when James visited Nigel at Portland House. In July 2001, a train [ T 202 ], had stalled outside Highbury / Islington Station on the Victoria Line. The stalled train was followed by two more [ T 230 and T2301 ]. It was very hot but in a confidential, internal report, no temperature was given for this incident. But the fallout from the entrapment was sufficient to rattle the Mayor and the London Assembly. Apparently TfL took scant notice, it was business as usual. 4000 riders had been imprisoned for 1 1/2 hours. At that time temperatures down under were approaching 30 C or 86 F. People were being detrained from T 202 but the operator was not informed. It was clearly an organized confusion. If T 202 had been moved, riders could have been thrown out back onto the live line or run over. 600 riders were treated for heat exhaustion and breathing problems. 18 were hospitalized. It was a close run thing but officialdom at TfL yawned. If you perish from frying and gasping for breath in the future some future incident, your passing will be considered the cost of doing business by TfL. Her Majesty’s Railway Inspectorate whitewashed the whole 2001 entombment. References were made to previous difficulties, wherein there was a need to address Tube ventilation problems but action was NEVER TAKEN. In 2002, John Carteledge of LUTC said there was no money to take any type of rider safety action. In other words there was no money for insure or monitor rider safety. 2015 isn’t any different??? Just when things were returning to normal, Londoners had been lulled to sleep again by the media misinforming them. In Sept. /2002, two thousand riders were stranded in a Tube tunnel for 2 hours at 30 C or 86 F. I can’t find a report on that mishap. No doubt it too was swept under the rug. On Aug. 5 / 2003, 30 riders were trapped in another stalled train for an hour. No temp was given but there was a heat wave in progress in the City at that time. On August 7 / 2003 London reached 35 C or 95 F, the hottest day ever. That level of heat was being sucked down into the stations / tunnels by the fans going the wrong way. The fans are still going the wrong way. Mayor Livingstone told the BBC that he was concerned enough about the possible loss of life, he might have to close the Underground. In 2002 Mike Strzelecki, Safety Director for LU, said that TfL had hired Parsons Brinckerhoff, one of the best companies in the world to handle the overheating on the London Underground. The TfL organized a contest looking for ideas to reduce the temp on the Tube, the prize was to be 100,000 pounds. 3500 people responded but no solution. The contest was nothing more than a diversion by TfL to fool people that they were doing something, which they weren’t. The contest was a fake. Again the temp problem had yet to be identified so how could anyone suggest a solution. This then was the environment in 2007, when James and I came aboard. We told Nigel that we needed certain documentation to narrow down the problem before we could ever suggest a fix. Nigel saw our approach as being unique, something no one else had tried. At that moment in time, Fall of 2007, Parsons had by then charged TfL hundreds of millions of pounds and spent 6 years yet Brinckerhoffs was no closer to solving the Tube overheat. We had, in our hot little hands, TfL Engineering documents which showed that Parsons was engaged in trickery. As well, our hangman, Jolyon Thompson’s name appeared on many of the bogus documents along with that of a T. C. Chew. They were shooting in all directions but had NO TARGET. However, at that time, James and I HAD ANSWERED THE WHY QUESTION? It was interesting to read about Thompson and Chew thrashing around at taxpayer’s expense, trying to solve the OVERHEAT PROBLEM WHEN THEY DIDN’T KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM WAS? What was / is on display in the TfL docs is a lot of expensive engineers look alike gobbledygook. So for 12 years, what Londoners have to show for hundreds of millions of pounds spent on gobbledygook is an even hotter Tube. It is interesting that Jolyon Thompson had spent years, fooling the TfL Board / London Assembly on behalf of Parsons, up to 2007. He claimed that progress was being made, when that was not the case. Interestingly, the man who knew nothing was put in charge of reviewing the work that James and I were doing. Our work was clearly beyond his professional reach. Thompson claims the be an engineer, if so his license should be revoked after the Tube is closed and the long procession of hearses snake through the street of London. Through my life as a inventor, idea guy and innovator, I developed a habit of avoiding engineers like the plague. Their stock answer is, ” it will never work “. And there is a reason for that. Engineers are wedded to THE BOOK. If it isn’t in their book it can’t possibly work. Engineers are not repairmen. Engineers do not have tool boxes. Engineers do not get their hands dirty. On the overheat engineers are taking money under false pretenses which is a crime. Nigel accompanied senior TfL people down into the tunnels. Casey said that they were stumped by the varying temperatures. At times the heat rose during the night when the Tube is closed. That one was easy to answer. We built a 3 D model of the Bakerloo Line. Viewed from above the line zigs and zags. Viewed from the side the Line goes from 75 ft above sea level at Queen’s Park, to zero ft asl at Piccadilly, to 55 ft below sea level at Elephant and Castle. And the drop is not constant. The Bakerloo is more like saw teeth, up and down by not much, but enough to trap hot air in pockets. Thus the solution to cooling the Bakerloo, has to be a holistic one. The line has to be dealt in its’ entirety. Individual ACs and coolers costing the taxpayers millions of pounds are just useless. They would all have to be removed in order to cool the Bakerloo Line. Our fix relates to the whole Line. Expensive, localized bandaids, as contained in the TfL docs in our possession. The bandaids Thompson proposed from 2002 to 2006, meant the temp rise would continue unabated. Which is exactly what has happened. Up till December of 2007, Parsons Brinkerhoff, a worldwide engineering company, was stumbling around in the dark. It should have dawned on the Parsons that they were going noplace. A Company with integrity would have admitted defeat and refused to do any more billing. A new strategy should have been developed, like working closely with the Cool the Tube Team to see if there were any fresh ideas or different takes on the problem. BECAUSE OF THE TfL DOCS, WE KNEW IN DECEMBER OF 2007 THAT PARSONS BRINCKERHOFF WAS NO CLOSER TO SOLVING THE PROBLEM THAN THEY HAD BEEN IN 2002. But Parsons seemed quite happy to keep on taking taxpayer’s money for accomplishing nothing other than creating pretty graphs that had no meaning But the moment that TfL brought Brinckerhoffs in to throw the Spratleys overboard, it was a whole new ballgame. Because it was clear that the cat was out of the bag. The management of TfL knew the Underground overheat problem had been solved and that there was a fix. Instead of seizing the opportunity to start the cooling process on the Bakerloo Line, Hendy tried to make James and I disappear like he did with his mistress, Ms. Grundy. Sir Peter would not pay our bill but he set up this prostitute in posh digs at TfL expense. She charged 140 pounds and hour. James and I had answered the WHY QUESTION, partly based on documents right out of TfL’s own files. The resulting 3 D Bakerloo model, when added to all the other information Nigel made available to us, the fix was immediately apparent. After Jan. 2008 Brinckerhoffs continued to charge TfL for work on cooling the Tube. This after we solved the problem and Parsons knew they did not have the fix. Then what parsons were doing became a crime, namely fraud. Thompson was limited by his incurious brain as it was revealed to us in the TfL docs, HE HAD NOT ANSWERED THE WHY QUESTION after 5 years and his computer models told him nothing. Jolyon should have never been involved in the search for a cooler Tube? Thompson cost Londoners a pot load of money for zero results, he like Parsons is a true charlatan. If, shortly there is loss of life down in the deep tunnels, Jolyon has a lot to answer for. Rather than the TfL management embracing our work and beginning the process of cooling the Bakerloo Line, they cashiered the Cool the Tube Team and then gave Parsons Brinckerhoff the job of jettisoning the Spratleys without a trace. A few months into 2008 Mike Brown could not find a file pertaining to our work. It obviously went into the dumpster. Parsons was selling TfL hundreds of millions of pounds in Air Conditioning gadgetry over 5 years, which did as much good as pissing into a 90 mph gale. That was WRONG. Involving Parsons in sabotaging our work, was a clear case of a conflict of interest. Brinckerhoff, already lacking in integrity proved this failing beyond doubt. The Company was making too much money NOT COOLING THE TUBE to let these two guys from Canada ruin everything, so we were pitched out into the street. And not paid for our work. At that very moment what Parsons was doing was taking money under false pretense, in other words fraud, a crime by any measure. And Brinckerhoff has continued to commit fraud for the last 8 years. It is my guess that Parsons will continue to take taxpayer’s money until the Tube closes and the bodies of riders begin to be buried. I notified the London Police and the newspapers about this situation but got no response. When money is spread around to ensure that the newspapers bury the tragic Tube story, the hired scribes will do just that, they will look the other way [ not the Guardian ]. TfL in this present case is an accessory Before The Fact of a crime. Definition ” Any person who aids, abets or encourages another to commit a crime but who is not at the scene is considered an accomplices “. But as of 2008, in this situation TfL as a partner, not only encouraged Brinckerhoffs to formalize a quasi crime that the Company had been committing for the previous 5 years [ 2002 to 2007 ]. But Boris Johnson, Peter Hendy and Mike Brown have continued to pay Parsons to keep committing an actual, continuing crime for the past 8 years. But all of those responsible for this heist can run but they will not be able to hide when the Tube closes. This post and previous ones are unique in that I have, over the series, outline the complete tragedy and cast before it happens. Just imagine having the same kind of information about the sinking of the Titanic in which 68% of the people aboard were lost [ 1500 died ] and only 700 were saved. The Titanic accident was whitewashed by the Government, as the King’s Cross fire in the Tube was whitewashed by the Government, as the entombment of 4000 riders for 1 1/2 hours, in 2001 was whitewashed by the Government, as the newspaper hacking scandal was whitewashed by the Government. By naming the cast of perpetrators in this post, it may prevent the Cameron Government from doing another whitewash job. I suspect the closing of the Tube and a huge death toll from another stranded train will not be easy for Cameron to sweep under the rug even if the newspapers [ not the Guardian ] and the Police do everything possible to aid David. If the billions of pounds paid out illegally to TfL insiders and friends of the Government are traced and identified it could prove very embarrassing to those in high and mighty places. In terms of the flooding in England, I am going to do another post explaining the steps needed to floodproof England which now face the full wrath of Global Warming. I will be naming the names of the idiots in the present Government responsible for doing NOTHING to alleviate the flooding across the island and the stupid statemment they have and are making. We have seen this same movie before about doing NOTHING in regards to the overheated London Underground. There resides within the brains of the rightie Thatcherites a fatal flaw. The Brownshirts and Skirts do not have an ability to solve major societal problems. Their underdeveloped brains are incapable of dealing with big issues concerning the larger population, mainly because the larger population doesn’t really count to these self anointed exceptionalist. When in office the Brownshirts and Skirts regularly allow reality [ the California Drought or flooding in England or the coming closing of the Tube ] to wreak havoc on a society before spending billions of tax dollars trying to glue the pieces back together. The little people who suffer needlessly because of this incompetence and neglect and the little people who are forced to pay the bill by, ” the Shirts and Skirts “, are never made whole again. As Cameron raids the Treasury, to pay for the flooding of 2013, 2014 and now 2015, most of the cash will go to the friends of the Government, thus there will be nothing to show for the expensive effort. The Cameron Government got a squeaky majority in 2015 no doubt using the same tactics as Herr Harper did in Canada. The Tory vote by and large empowered the Government to MIND THE STORE. Rather Cameron has vacated the field and is allowing his friends in business to score goals at will. The vote cast for the Tories is therefore useless. Those votes ended up in Cameron’s pocket to little real affect or change. This is a perfect description of a Totalitarian Democracy. As a result the London Underground will close and in a few short years southern England will be much underwater. WAY TO GO DAVE!!! If the truth be known the Tube should be close this instant. It has gone way passed being a comfortable experience. In fact it borders on torture which is against the law. The risk to life in the Underground is now beyond acceptable. The only entities that insist on pushing things to the limit are David Cameron, Boris Johnson, the London Assembly, TfL and the London press [ not the Guardian ]. Please note that everyone mentioned above was VOTED INTO OFFICE, most adherents of the right wing ideology or rightie hangers on. This pedal-to-the-metal Fascist group includes the servants of those electeds. So London is going be shuttered and the people in the south of England are all going to have to buy boats because a small smattering of people insist on remaining true to their right wing ideology. Interestingly, this rightie ideology is parasitic in nature. When a society dies, as the USA has, the right then perishes too. The following was taken from one of TfL’s own documents given us by Nigel Casey in during the Fall of 2007. It says and I quote, ” Increasing the model temperature to 35 C or 95 F reduces the allowable exposure time to 14 MINUTES, FOR YOUNG, HEALTHY RIDERS. However this appears to be too short for a practicable evacuation “. In other words, TfL’s own technical people, pygmies all for remaining silent, have developed a computer model that says if 4000 rider are stranded in a tunnel, where the temperature is 37 C or 99 F as it was on July 1st / 2015 at oxford Circus Stn. the game is up. London is looking at 4000 bodies and a closed Underground. I am naming the coming tragedy, Titanic Two, the TOO HOT TUBE could claim even more lives than were lost in the Atlantic off Newfoundland. If the T Two tragedy does occur, you must appreciate the fact that it could have been prevented. And that the people who fried were sacrificed by their democratically elected representatives in the pursuit of plenty of PERSONAL CASH. Boris Johnson asked me by E-Mail to communicate with him in the Summer of 2013 about our ideas to cool the tube. I enclosed the aforementioned TfL doc [ among many others ] which states, if a train stalls in a tunnel where the temp is 35 C or 95 F, the riders only have 14 minutes to reach freedom, which is nigh impossible. I brought to the Mayor’s attention, this theoretical 14 minute window of escape, which amounts to a death sentence, by putting my comments directly on this particular document. I noted that the average Tube temperature of 29.4 C or 85 F, as claimed in this 2006 doc, ” was a fictitious figure “. A public relations ploy. By 2006 the average temp was well above 30 C. This doc contained lies and it would have been easy for Johnson to check the veracity my claims and calculations. But Boris apparently prefered not to know. Johnson did not respond to me after his initial contact but from that time forward he NEVER, NEVER, NEVER EVER MENTIONED THE OVERHEATED UNDERGROUND. You can ask Boris about my Sept. 2013 package to him about the Tube Overheat. Apparently the only thing he learned was to keep his MOUTH SHUT and DO NOTHING, EXCEPT 24 HOUR TRAIN SERVICE WHICH WILL JUST HASTEN THE END. AND THE STRIKE BY DISGRUNTLED WORKERS WHO ARE BEING SHORTCHANGED BY THE THIEVERY ON THE PART OF THE TfL MANAGEMENT. It is clear that the TfL Engineering Directorate KNEW IN 2006 that if a train stalled in a hot, deep tunnel, there would NO SURVIVORS. In the Fall of 2013 I included about 30 such docs in the $ 85 package I sent to the Mayor Johnson at City Hall. I still have that receipt. I requested that the package be signed for and I paid extra to the courier company for that service. The courier confirmed delivery of the package and that it had been signed for at London City Hall. At that time I did not realize Johnson and Hendy were as thick a thieves. Sorry. I think under the circumstances, after looking at my submission, the Mayor grasped the gravity of the situation. If he responded to me, the high stakes game of pilfering was over. I wrote in my letter to Boris, that if we were to again become involved in the cooling effort on the Bakerloo Line, that one of our stipulations would be, that we be given access to all the invoices pertaining to cooling work on the Line by every company from 2002 onward to 2013. We were prepared to organize a team of disabled veterans to review all of these invoices on a technical basis. It was obvious that there was not enough time to train inexperienced people to do this audit immediately. Cooling the Bakerloo quickly was an imperative for us. Time and lives were of the essence! Apparently, we were the only ones on the planet eyeing the panic button. It would seem that James and I, as well as TfL and Boris Johnson are the only ones who are aware that the Tube has become a death trap poised to snap. We saw the vets as being able to adapted quickly and that they would have had no axe to grind or superiors to satisfy and protect. We do not trust TfL staff, they knowingly put London in this box. There was no point in us becoming involved again if the expensive, extensive bogus cooling work already done could nullify our efforts. Our concern was and would continue to be the successful cooling of the Bakerloo. Our approach is totally different from that of Parsons Brinckerhoff, the Company’s proven path is to continue to submit big bills without being concerned THAT THE TUBE IS EVER COOLED, EVER! There was a second reason for our request to see these invoices. I set a trap for poor Boris. If Johnson was concerned about the comfort and lives of riders, there was enough adverse technical material in my package to scare the shit out of him as to the future of the Underground. If Boris had been on the side of Londoners he would have responded to me quickly. On the other hand, he would be aware, that if we got hold of Bakerloo Tube cooling invoices, covering a period of 11 years, this would allow James and I to calculate how much taxpayer’s money had been stolen. It follows, that if Mayor Johnson was really concerned about the welfare of Londoners and the financial welfare of London he could have charged out into the Mall on his white stead to save lives and the City’s economy. Rather Boris Johnson never acknowledged my package. This clearly shows which side he is on, the right wing elites who have been bleeding and continue to bleed the Tube white. My thinking, is that Johnson didn’t realize that a signature had been obtained for my package at City Hall. In his mind Boris probably thought he could just ignore me, that there was nothing to prove that he ever got my package and that when the place is padlocked, he could claim he was not aware of the coming tragedy. This is so typical of the right wing mind. First ignore a major problem. Then wish and hope the whole ugly mess goes away. Finally the righties, who have no balls like Boris, will look for someone else to blame, they NEVER ADMIT MAKING MISTAKES. When hundreds of holes are being dug to bury the dead riders and the highways and byways leading into London are clogged with 350,000 people walking to work, Boris Johnson WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DUCK RESPONSIBILITY, because now you know the full story. In 2013 I made Boris well aware, using TfL’s own documents, that the grim reaper is stalking the land, England. In terms of the coming deaths, as Mayor, Johnson would be held responsible and could face criminal charges for failing to fulfill his duty to ensure the safety of the public while filling his pockets. As well as being responsible for the enormous financial losses the City will suffer. This suffering will befall one and all, MPs, Lords, major businesses, foreigners, tourists, the rightie press, as well as commoners. The loss of the subway in London will be referred to in the future as an equal opportunity ruination.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

From 2003 onward, TfL staged a silly Contest, inviting people to submit ideas as to how to cool the Tube. A 100,000 pound prize was offered by TfL for the best idea. It was later revealed that TfL never intended to pay the prize money. If there were no good ideas the prize money was safe. If someone did come up with a good idea, as James and I did, the TfL engineers would just steal the idea and call it their own. Thus any winning idea would never be acknowledged, as in our case. There were 3500 submissions which included putting ice under each seat and attendants handing out ice cream cone on the platforms. Pure nonsense. These gyrations showed the poor quality of leadership at TfL. As previously state, if a problem is not defined there can be no solution. This Contest was an expensive TfL public relations campaign to make Londoners think the Agency was working hard to find a fix. Not! I read about the Contest in the Spring 07 Maclean’s Magazine. I wrote to Mayor Livingstone in the Summer of 2007, no ideas were offered by James and I. We asked for information from which we might be able to develop a fix. Being builders, it was clear the cause of the overheat could only come from a narrow range of factors. We were put in touch with Nigel Casey, Innovations Director of th Cool the Tube Team. Right out of the gate we were ASKING questions, not OFFERING solutions. This caught Nigel by surprise but he was soon up to speed and the TfL engineering docs began to flow. As we developed our fix, we could see that TfL was operating in the dark and buying unneeded, expensive AC gadgetry. As well in our pile of TfL docs, are examples of public relations material meant to purposely fool the TfL Board and the London Assembly. These constitute technical fraud. As we got closer to the WHY QUESTION our conversations and E-Mails with Nigel became more intense. As we fleshed out the answer to the WHY QUESTION and our fix most of the material was in three heads, Nigel, James and myself. Little of a concrete nature was committed to paper. But Nigel was continuously meeting with his Cool Team and he became more and more enthusiastic about our cracking the overheat situation. I believe at these meetings, those in legion with the TfL management spread the alarm. They must have said something to the TfL management, like, these two Canadians have cracked the overheat puzzle. Towards the end of Nov. 2007 we were engaged with Nigel almost daily and it was full steam ahead. However, by the first week of Dec. 2007, Nigel Casey had vanished from the face of the earth and we were dead in the water, all activity were stopped. I surmise that two things transpired. The TfL management was not about to allow James and I to define the cause nor the fix. We learned that Nigel had decamped to Australia without him having the courtesy to inform us of his leaving or that there was a change in arrangements. Our lawyer was in the process of drawing up a letter by which TfL would have to agree that our work was proprietary, that we had to be paid for our work to date and our secret sauce could not be used unless were were given a contract to cool the Bakerloo Line. Our contact by phone and E-Mail with the Team was cut off. I believe that when Jolyon Thompson, an employee of Parson’s Brinkerhoff, took over Nigel’s chair and claimed the file, Thompson little of a concrete nature, as the cause and fix were still in flux. On Jan. 1st 2008 James and I were informed by Jolyon, Casey’s replacement that we would have to start all over again and resubmit our proposal [ which it was not ]. Thompson was well versed in regards to our efforts from the file. But there was little of a concrete nature on paper, this had been done by James and I on purpose. After having been in business for many years we were accustomed to protecting OUR INTERESTS. Jolyon, in his Jan. 2008 E-Mails, asked a number of specific technical questions. So he knew what we were up to, but didn’t have but wanted the details. TfL and Parsons were doing what they had planned to do with the Contest, steal any good ideas and claim them as their own. Which would mean that they could never acknowledge someone who submitted a good idea. And more importantly, never pay the submitter for their work or payout the prize. I say to Londoners, these are the scoundrels who control Underground. Little wonder that they are not concerned about your discomfort or the fact that you risk your life with every Tube ride. James and I decided we would have no further contact with Jolyon Thompson, it was obvious he could not be trusted. It was certain that Thompson didn’t have any interest in cooling the Tube, making travel more comfortable and reducing the chances of people dying down in a hot tunnel. Jolyon, a glorified Air Conditioner salesman with Parsons, was tasked with protecting the money makers, at Parsons and the insiders at TfL who were getting rich NOT COOLING THE TUBE. In late January 2008, I began writing letters to those who were connected with TfL and the Tube. I saw it as a clear case of conflict of interest in that a private Company, Parsons Brinkerhoff, which was selling TfL hundreds of millions of pounds of AC gadgetry to the Underground was put in charge of the Cool the Tube team. Anything that had the slightest hint of costing Parsons money would of course be rejected. So when in Dec. 2007, the TfL management handed control of the Cool the Tube Team over to Parsons the fate of the London Underground was sealed. In more than a dozen years Brinkerhoffs has NEVER answered the WHY QUESTION and has continued to take taxpayer’s money for providing useless AC junk. One might say Parsons charges big money to swat individual mosquitoes, when right at the beginning they should have sprayed the swamps so there WERE NO MOSQUITOES. But there was far more money to be made swatting lone mosquitoes, if for an eternity? In early 2008, I wrote to the TfL Board, David Cameron, Boris Johnson, MPs, some Members of the London Assembly and the newspapers. I even wrote to Mayor Livingstone about our ill treatment. I don’t think Livingstone ever got my letter. It was probably intercepted by TfL insiders. All I got from the aforementioned multitudes was the big yawn. Discomforting the little people who cares??? So a few of them die? It is just the cost of doing business say the elites??? If I were a betting man, which I am not, I think we are looking at a situation where nothing will be done until lives are lost either down in a boiling Tube tunnel or because of a raging river that has broken through its’ banks. There are just too many people in high places who have or have had their hand in the cookie jar. There is too much money to be made picking the pockets of the regular blokes and playing with their lives and the lives of their families. On the matter of flooding in England over 2013 / 14 / 15. Cameron’s Government has been AWOL on the flood front. Without difficulty or too much expense the flood proofing of the UK would go a long way to alleviating the damage to homes and lives all across the UK. The same thinking at the top which allows the tube temp to reach 37 C or 99 F has resulted in whole swathes of the Country being inundated with water. Immediately, Parliament has to take charge of defining the flood plains and prohibiting any more house construction by Cameron’s friends. After which MPs of all stripes exercise their prerogative, the right to set aside custom to tackle a national crisis without delay. Vulnerable areas of the Land MUST BE IDENTIFIED AND FLOOD PROOFED. What ever the cost of flood proofing England NOW, NOT FLOOD PROOFING ENGLAND will cost many time more, CALCULATED IN LIVES AND TREASURE. Thus because of a recalcitrant Government, that cheated its’ way to power, the citizenry is faced with cheap flood proofing just out of reach or in its’ absence, very expensive flooding and death. That flood plain initiative and flood proofing WILL NOT take place under Cameron. He will take no action as regards the flooding because his right wing ideology has clouded his mind and his froze brain gets in the way. The PM has swallowed the US rightie mantra and a a result 60 million Brits now live in Cameronland. A magical place where fantasy has replaced reality. You have to pity PM Dave, crisis situations like the Tube overheat and the high water caused by climate change, are beyond his capabilities. It is the Nietzsche Myth, at who’s shrine US rightpublicanazis and UK conservatives worship. Cameron and company are following Thatcher who imported this cancerous ideology into the UK. Herr Harper, was doing the same thing in Canada until enough of the population decide enough was enough and brandished their pitchforks. The US Yankee intruders, have now been put to flight. Although Canadian USA lovers have yet come to grips with their defeat. Harper and his Fascists stole the 2011 Federal Election under the tutelage of the American right. Harper attempted to steal the 2015 vote but he failed to secure Government. Presently Canada has before it the view of the sunny upland slopes. If we seize this opportunities and put to work our talents and the riches, which are therein exhibited, this Country can show the way to the world. We have every natural resource and advantage with which to become self sufficient. What has to happen is, we must put a stop to the US carpetbaggers carrying off our treasure. The Ruined States of America was built on the backs of slaves and they have never been able to break that habit. US whites are the master class and have always need to have someone carry their burden First the blacks toiled for their white masters. In more recent times the Hispanics were and are exploited by Donald Drumpf and his fellow exploiters. Early in this new Century, Washington and Wall Street running out of American pockets to pick, turned their eyes to the EU and Canada, among others to continue their wealth stripping. The EU now is almost in the Yankee bag, because Europe’s new trade deals, brokered in Brussels, give sovereignty to US corporations. The power brokers in Brussels have joined forces with Americans to take over that part of the world not now in the sphere of China. If and when the Chinese flex their muscles the US will field a team wearing Stars and Stripes jerseys. Like the Hotel California, the EU has checked in but can NEVER LEAVE. The citizens of individual European countries no longer have the ability to self determine their futures. England has yet to succumb to the US siren song but the lead USA trade negotiator has warned the Brits, that they will be severely punished if you don’t heel to the Yankee demands. Chuck that Farlie. Once the Americans get their fangs in a neck there is no escape. Herr Harper signed on the US TPP dotted line to enroll Canadians in slave classes. This comes before official acceptance to Team USA. One must know one’s place in the Yankee scheme of things, one with a membership in the ignorant mob. In our system, once an Election has been called the Government is a lame duck and must act in merely a caretaker fashion. As a lame duck, Lyin Steve had not legal right to make any decisions which would create programs that a new Government would be obliged to carry forward. Nor can a lame duck political leader spend money which obligates an incoming Government. Harper violated both such restraints. Stevie signed the TPP and appointed his Brown shirts and Skirts to Government positions, this to start well into the term of the new Trudeau Government As might be expected, Paul Godfrey and the rest of our Nazi media DID NOT tell Canadians this was wrong. Just another example of the blanket misrepresentation by the Nazi media, of what was really happening in Canada for the last ten years. Hitler controlled the German press by force. Harper controlled the media here with petro dollars in the form of advertising, [ not the CBC ]. The Post papers, Globe and Tar, the Toronto Star, CTV and Global WERE paid to print / broadcast rightie / oilie propaganda before Oct. 18 / 15. They still are being paid to print and broadcast rightie / oilie propaganda, [ not the CBC ]. The message that Harper and his Fascists lost the 2015 Election has yet to penetrate the US rightpublicanazis / American oil monopoly mind. If the Tea Bagger’s cult can hire enough turncoat Canadians, like Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich to drown out Trudeau’s honest efforts, then they’re convinced the election can be nullified. Make as if it never happened. Make as if Canadians never rejected the oil monopoly takeover. I was covering the Nazi media, Rachel Notley Smear Campaign but this other exercise in the destruction of Canadian democracy has turned nasty. Right wing loonies are threatening Notley and the NDP with violence from their hidie cupboards. This is a cheap way for the American oil monopoly to disrupt Government business in Edmonton. It just takes a few buck to hire rightie fruitcakes to hide in the shadows and make threats on social media. They might even be American fruitcakes doing their yapping from south of the border. It is about time for the various police forces and the Royal Canadian Harper police to get up to speed and protect the democratically elected Alberta NDP Government from harm. Maybe or cops should reset and spend a little less time chasing phantom terrorists and pay attention to the threats from the US oil monopoly thugs. The continuing push of US totalitarian rule by the above media outlets is calculated to undermine the budding New Canada under PM Trudeau. In buying a or advertising in the National Post, the Globe and the Star you buy another spike to driven into Canada’s coffin. Likewise watching CTV and Global. Support for these media outlets, insures your children will be deprived of a prosperous future and die young. Embracing the American way of life, guarantees a life span 3 1/2 years shorter. Fretting about finding 3 meals a day, finding a roof and protection from the elements can be wearing. No one should go hungry in North America, the land of plenty but the need for food banks continues to grow. Canada is a rich Country where there should be no food banks. Yet the Harper Government allowed the American to come in here and take whatever they wanted. With a new Government in Ottawa we have the chance to turf the Yankee traders out. But seeing as they own the Can. Nazi media we now know they Wall Streeters and the rich right, will not easily surrender their free lunch at our expense. We need to increase the educational level of Canadians. Knowing what is going on in the real world will make for better choices. I use to read 4 newspapers a day. The Post, Globe, Star and the Sun. I got nothing from them other than lies, spin, misinformation and rightie propaganda. For a couple of years now I have relied on the CBC, the Guardian UK / USA, the BBC, Wolf Street, Dave Climenhaga and Montreal Simon. I don’t think I have missed a thing. For the stupid among us, reading our Nazi press just increases the intensity of their idiocy and absorbs valuable time when they could be doing something useful. Mind when do righties ever do something useful??? However there could be something said for the small minded reading the same things each day. It would be like having your favourite blankie with you all of the time. It would beat thinking. As well Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich pose a direct threat to the democratic fabric of this Nation. The sooner we dispose of them the better. In terms of the Can. Brown Shirts and Skirts, I would support a law which made them wear an identifying patch. This would allow us to grab them in the street and shave their heads, or spit on them or throw rocks at them. Underscoring the threat posed by the Brown Shirts and skirts is something at the very core of the right wing ideology. You know well, the Nietzsche, Overman, Underman story, this is in the rightie blood. They believe there are two classes of citizens but they won’t say that. But the always have that secret little superior smile. These self anointed exceptionalists, a small minority, including Harper and Poilievre, could not get to first base in this Country, if they ever revealed their true intentions. To emslave the rest us, the ignorant mob. Governmentally in Canada, we have thrown off the rightie yoke but there are many Brown Shirts and Skirts embedded across the land. As we build the New Canada the BSS voices must be muted if not silenced. The yoke we have just chucked is still firmly entrenched in the USA and is well in evidence in the UK. Connect the superior bit with the Straussian approach as taught at the University of Calgary. Leo, was a prof at the University of Chicago, he promoted the NOBLE LIE IN POLITICS. Strauss, a German Jew who escaped the Nazis, liked what Hitler was doing, but not the way he was doing it. The rightpublicanazis embraced Strauss, he provided them with a road map to power by stealth. Leo said, do anything you have to do to get into power. And do whatever you have to do to retain power. Cameron has taken Leo’s teachings to heart with his Brown Shits and Skirts as well as his Cameron youth, who are given to state sanctioned bullying. Stevie Harper had the exact same political structure for 10 years as the UK Tories have to-day. But we pitched Harper out. So the question is, when will the Brits turf Cameron? My thinking is that the Conservative will not fall until the Underground is closed or until the southern part of England is half covered with salt water or until the authorities are out looking for new burial grounds in which to deposit crispy critters who got fried on the Bakerloo Line or those who drowned like rats when the Thames burst its’ levees. But by then it will be too late. The English might have back their country but to what affect. It would be like closing the barn door after the horses have escaped. Once London is closed down for lack of transport and salt water blights the land, there is not enough money in the Empire nor enough Queen’s men to put Humpty back together again. Will the angry Englanders bring back hanging???

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In 2005 TfL was getting desperate, the heat from Mayor Livingstone was being intensified. TfL asked the Society of Railway Engineers to convene a meeting of the various engineer’s organizations to delve into the ever increasing Tube temperature. In attendance were the Institute for Civil Engineers, Research Excellence Framework, Institute of Electrical Engineers, Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Institution of Railway Signal Engineers, Institute of Project managers and others. It was another TfL public relations gesture, like the Contest, to convince Londoners that progress to reduce the Underground temp was being made. When in fact NO PROGRESS WAS BEING MADE, THE TEMPERATURE WAS STILL CLIMBING. In the 1930s / 40s the increase was one degree F every ten years. In the 1990s the rise was one degree every five years. Since 2005 the increase has been one degree each and every year. The village idiot could figure where this is taking London. With the first stalled train in a tunnel where the temp is 35 C or 95 F, the young, healthy passengers will have 14 minutes to escape. The TfL Engineering Directorate [ 2006 ] states the following, ” 14 minutes appears too short for a practicable intervention “. Translation, every rider and TfL staff member will die. That was nine years ago??? In terms of the conference, TfL and the Railway Engineers set the conference up for failure. The 100 or so engineers attended but they were given no agenda in advance. A contribution can be made to any undertaking if people know well in advance what is going to be considered. Having attendees show up not knowing what to expect makes for a great party afterwards but nothing will come of it. That is what TfL wanted. The idea was to spread the blame around if something went wrong. David Waboso, who was the keynote speaker could say, if riders did perished, we were doing our best. As of 2005 it was obvious that TfL and friends had become comfortable with NOT COOLING THE TUBE. And the London newspapers would have been well rewarded not to push the overheated Underground issue too hard. My research on the net has had to rely mostly on the BBC and the Guardian. David Waboso opened the conference by telling those assembled that the Tube temp rise was caused by a VARIETY OF REASONS, WHICH IS NOT TRUE. THERE IS ONE REASON AND ONE REASON ONLY. WABOSO DID NOT LIST THE REASONS. David said it was a complex issue, which it is not. He gave no indication of the complexities. He said the overheat in the deep tunnels was an engineering challenge, which it is not. So with the audience completely in the dark various speakers unleashed their gibberish. Phil Dubery from the LU Supply Chain and Research Dept. was involved in increasing passenger growth and load factors even though the Tube was even then too hot. Poor Phil was in his very own denial bubble. He said the trains would need Air conditioners. AC would make the interior of the cars cooler but that heat would be discharged into the tunnel. If a train stalled the riders would all die anyway. The deep tunnels are too confined to have ACs installed. Mark Gibney, a Mechanical Engineer stressed protecting riders from thermal stress. Well yes? The Building Research Establishment interviewed 5000 people, none of them like the Tube trains at 30 C or 86 F. How many of them would like 37 C or 99 F as it is to-day??? In 2005 BRE made 2500 observations, tunnels were at 29 C and stations were 27 C. TfL if you would like to know observes the Tube temperature in November, thus they can avoid facing the truth. And all those involved never ask why November??? BRE recommended larger extraction fans in the ventilation shafts. More cool air could then be drawn down from the stations, to the platforms, where it would be pushed along the tunnels by the trains. The people at BRE didn’t realize that there is no cool air up in the stations at ground level??? This is just a myth that TfL has been circulating for years. How much money had been spend rebuilding, repairing or installing new fans which are all going in the wrong direction. I told Nigel in September of 2007 that the fans were going the wrong way. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Graeme Maidment, a prof at South Bank University, he did in depth Tube studies of heat sources and heat flows. Apparently Graeme didn’t dig deep enough to figure out why the Underground continued to heat up. Andrew Lazala and Dave Hindle wanted to freeze the chalk under the subway system. One cool idea that would not work. Any Bourne wanted to put in even more ventilation shafts. With more fans sucking the hot surface air into the tunnels, oh my. Jonathon Faragher, LU Project Manager was in charge of identifying all of the feasible solutions. How pray tell, if you do not know what the problem is, how do you identify a solution. And so the TfL / Railway Engineer’s conference went. The blind leading the blind. A 100 or so very important people in their own minds. Outcome? Zero! I am reminded of a couple of things. How many engineers does it take to change a light bulb at Portland House. Answer, one engineer to hold the bulb and 99 engineers to tune the building around. On the Underground oveheat, not one engineer had a clue. It was a perfect groupthink love in. No questions were asked. You won’t find the answer to the increasing Tube temp in any Engineering Manual, it just ain’t there. No more than you will find the ideas there for Barnes Wallis’ Bouncing bomb, the Spitfire by R.J. Mitchell, the jet engine by Frank Whittle or the Merlin engine by Lady Lucy Houston. Engineer have their place but cooling the Tube is not one of them. By not admitting defeat in dealing with the Underground overheat after 12 years and clinging to control over this issue has sentenced many riders to a ugly death at some time in the near future. May this failing haunt them to their graves. On a closing note, in 1941 the Ford Motor Co. built the huge Willow Run Plant to manufacture the Consolidated B-24. The Liberator, made of alumium, was designed to use the aviation manufacturing methods of the day. The Ford was a builder of cars, truck and tractors made of steel. The Ford engineers thought the could just use their expertise to whip out the Libs like cars. But aluminum was a cat of a different colour. Production startup was much delayed because Ford could not / would not use Consolidated methods. In one case, a compound curve wing fairing had been designed by Consolidated in 3 parts, which were then riveted together. Ford engineers wanted to make the aluminum fairing in one piece in a giant press. The press was built and a sheet of aluminum was inserted. The dies comingled and out popped the aluminum fairing but it had cracked. Another alum. sheet went in, it too came out cracked. Adjustments were made but the press continued to destroy the fairings. The scrap yard was filling up with ruined sheets of aluminum. Day after day went by, crack after crack after crack. Management called in extra engineers, production of the B-24 was being delayed. Government people were making noises. More engineers were summoned. Still the cracking continued. Soon there were 30 or forty engineers around the giant press which was enclosed by a fence. Every day a maintenance man walked by, he leaned on the fence, watched another sheet of aluminum get destroyed. A couple of days later, as the maintenance man was leaning on the fence one of the frustrated engineers walked by. The maintenance guy said to the engineer, ” I can tell you how to fix your problem “. The engineer just brushed off our guy. Who was a lowly maintenance man to tell an engineer how to do things. 3 or 4 days went by and tempers in the crowd of engineers began to fray. The aluminum sheets continued to crack when put in the press. Our maintenance guy visited the scene of the continual crimes against aluminum on his rounds. He would pause at the fence, watch another sheet of aluminum be readied for the scrap yard and then move on. On another visit, the engineer who had berated the maintenance guy was standing nearby and he just exploded. ” If you are so smart, how would you fix the problem “? Our hero said, wait a minute, I will be right back. The guy returned with a can of wheel bearing grease and coated the sheet of aluminum with same. The press was activated and the first airworthy aluminum fairing popped out. The press had been made to steel specs. There is no squirt with aluminum as there is in steel. The grease allowed the aluminum to flow with no stress. THIS IS A TRUE STORY. But the stakes are much higher here. In the summer of 1941 engineer hubris just delayed production. In 2015, engineer hubris as regards the Underground, is going to kill people. The Tube should have been closed yesterday!!! The moral of the story is when seeking a solution to a problem, ” NO STONE SHOULD BE LEFT UNTURNED, EVEN IF IT IS NOT LISTED IN THE ENGINEER’S HANDBOOK “. If there was a. ” WORLD HUBRIS CONTEST “, held, I am sure the London engineers would cop the first prize, going away!

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It is interesting that in a time austerity, Cameron and Osborne have provided David Waboso, Chief Engineer at TfL, with a slush fund. Such a fund, amounting to one and a half billion pounds a year, allows Waboso to ladle out money to the friends of the Conservative Government, behind the scenes, this for useless Air Conditioning junk or work not ever done. This slush fund approach guarantees that the Underground will never be cooled, the result being, the Tube will close. For TfL insiders the quest is for money not a cooling solution! Likewise for builder friends of Cameron, flood proofing England is the last thing they want to do. Cam’s builder chums, illegally construct about 12,000 homes a year on the Country’s floodplains with the Government’s blessing. Such homes at risk, are only on loaned to the owners. Cameron, by Law, has absolved his builder friends and all their trades from any responsibility when these houses float away and the residents drown. Those involved can do shoddy work, knowing if the water comes, that they are free and clear. Cam ordered Ordnance Survey to hide England’s floodplain contour maps away and only make them available to his builder buddies and insurance companies. So everyone was at the table to divide up the ill gotten spoils except the voters who funded this whole scheme. Since Cameron was elected in 2010, 60 families bought homes that are at risk. They not only provided Cam’s builder with obscene profits but some of ther money went directly to the pockets of the Conservative For this opportunity to chisel unsuspecting home buyers, this criminal gang contributed / contributes large to the Party . In a sense, Cameron is in the business of selling exclusive licenses to his friends that allow them to screw the people with impunity. At the very same instant that citizens risk their lives down in the Underground and owning a home on a English floodplain, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne has cut the budgets for flood proofing, libraries and firehalls. As well workers benefits have been reduced. One of Cameron’s drones made the absurd comment, that the little people of Pudding Lane etc, only had to work 200 hours more a year to make up for what the Government is taking away. The two initiative are directed at different targets. David Waboso is using public funds to reward Parsons Brinkerhoff, et al, hundreds of millions of pounds for DOING NOTHING, except slipping Cameron and Johnson a few bob under the table. As well as paying off businesses and the elites, who contribute to the Conservative Party. In the same vein builders pay Cameron off for the right to steal from the public In regards to reducing budgets for flood proofing, libraries, firehalls and benefits, it is all about Cameron abandoning the little folk and attacking unions, this to quicken the Fascist Thatcherite takeover. Once completely in rightie mitts, a democracy can never retrace its’ steps once the police are militarized and jails are erected to house dissidents. Up to October 19 / 15, the imposition of police state rules by the US Congress, Herr Harper and David Cameron proceeded apace. This to save America, Canada and UK from ISIS and terrorism which is financed by the USA oil monopoly. This plan which was well along allowed the US rightpublicanazis and American corporations to herd 450 million people in the 3 Countries into a corral from which there will be no escape. Except boots first. Under these conditions if people protested they would have been jailed or shot. Lyin Steve spent hundreds of millions on new jail to house the enemies of American Fascism. Both Harper and Cameron are US rightpublicanazis wannabees. Nothing wins quicker approval from the American right, than to have Harper gutting Environmental Laws to facilitate the USA oil monopoly Laws or to have Cameron rob Peter pauper of Pudding Lane, to pay Parsons Brinkerhoff. This is not something new, a new desire. Like Cameron, both Tony Abbott and Steve Harper were prepared to squash their populations like bugs and sell their Counties down the river for a US rightie pat on the head. But fortunately for the champions of democracy, reality reared its’ powerful, level playing field head. Abbott and Harper were forced to reveal their gross inadequacies to deal the real world. Abbott is now toast, but Australia is still in right wing hands. Harper has fled into exile in Las Vegas, Florida or maybe a closet somewhere in Canuckland. This because Canadians have reaffirmed their belief in the democratic system. Changing course from a Harper imposed Kleptocracy [ rule by thieves ], a return to our roots, established almost 150 years ago, wherein the will of the people prevails. This reaffirmation has established Canada as the leader of the Western democratic world to-day. We have, as of Oct. 19 / 15 reasserted Parliamentary supremacy and relegated the Canadian wing of the American Fascist Party to that of a minute howling mob give voice by Paul Godfrey / Post papers. The Cons and other obstructionists can do little more than than howl for the next 4 years. However, we still have some cleaning up to do. There are still Brown Shirts and Skirts distributed throughout the civil service and Government agencies like Canada Post, Revenue Canada and Statistics Canada. We have to be ruthless in weeding out this right wing, US loving vermin. The Nazi media [ not the CBC ] is being paid by the Americans to ensure that the New Canada is stillborn. Million are being spent by the American right, on a campaign being carried out by the PostMediocre papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, Mclean’s, CTV and Global to undermine and destabilize the Federal Government. Even Brad Wall, Preem of Saskatchewan is in on the campaign to scuttle our new Canada. Brad is a person given to flapping his gums before he puts his mind in gear. Having a right wing chip implanted in his brain doesn’t improve Wall’s utterances. The American oil monopoly has been stealing Alberta / Saskatchewan petroleum resources for 30 years. Brad over his 8 years of being Premier has never asked any questions of his oilie masters. However Houston decides to screw the people of Wall’s Province, our boy Brad gives the Yankee suits lots of maneuvering room. Wall supports the Energy East / TransNotCanada pipeline. Russ Girling, who never lets the truth interfere with his business plans, intends to take the TransCanada Mainline, a natural gas pipeline paid for by Canadians, out of service. Rather, Ontario and Quebec, more and more, are being supplied with cheap fracked natural gas from Pennsylvania. Only Ont. / Que. nat. gas customers are paying Alberta / Saskatchewan prices. The nat. gas Mainline was built in 1957 to guarantee security of supply and a made in Canada price. Harper and his hand picked National Energy Board, allowed Girling / Wall Street to gradually close down the Mainline, putting Saskatchewan / Alberta nat. gas producers out of business. Having our Western petroleum / nat. gas resources in the hands of the Streeters ensures Canadians are and will be screwed. When Ontario and Quebec are in a position of being supplied totally with cheap nat. gas from Pennsylvania, the Provinces will have neither security of supply or a made in Canada price. With the help of Harper and the National Energy Board, Russ Girling / Streeters are double dipping in a way. Harpie, the NEB, Girling and the Street without the knowledge and permission are screwing the residents of Alta. / Sask. by killing their nat. gas sales for profit. At the same time this bunch are screwing Ont. / Que. by selling cheap fracked at high prices from an uncertain supplier. The outcome is certain to be, the destruction of the nat. gas industry in the west [ 5.5 population ] and chance of the leaving 23 million people in the east truly freezing in the cold. That is not the worst of it. Harpo, the NEB, Girling and the Streeters are poised to convert the 50 year old nat. gas Mainline, over to carry diluted Bitumen [ Alberta tar mixed with Benzine ] [ a bomb mix comparable to Napalm ] [ this is what blew up in Megantic ], from Alberta to the Irving Refinery in New Brunswick. There will be no stops along the way despite what Girling and the NEB say. The tar sands black shiny shit that blows up and is worth peanuts to Canada, will travel by ship from the Irving docks to Port Arthur, a Free Trade Zone in Texas USA. This to keep the heavy oil refineries there going. These refineries were built by the American oil monopoly to refine stolen Venezuelan heavy oil. Hugo Chavez put a stop the the thievery by the oil monopoly and Washington. The Yankees had to find a new patsy to supply them with cheap heavy petroleum to keep their refineries going. Harper offered Canada as a volunteer patsy to accommodate the monopoly’s every wish by supporting the expansion of the Kinder Morgan / Trans Mountain pipeline, the Enbridge Northern Gateway, the keystone XL and the latest Girling scam, the Energy East pipeline. All to carry the Bitumen bomb mix. This is a real feat on the part of Russ Girling and the other pipeline companies, with the help of Lyin Steve and his toddies at the NEB they are prepared to endanger the lives of 35 million Canadians and pick their pockets at the very same time. Wall Street has more fucking nerve than a pack of canal horses. And Brad Wall supports Girling and his tar pipelines vociferously. Wall apparently doesn’t care how much the oilies abuse the West and of course he cares little for the rest of Canada, which has been paying Saskatchewan’s bills since 1905. We can’t leave out the part played in this colossal heist by the Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, Mclean’s, CTV and Global. Not one of the above has ever told the story I have related above. Everyone of the screwers listed above, pays the aforementioned media to tell lies, omit information and mislead Canadians. If you buy a newspaper, Mclean’s, watch CTV / Global or frequent their one of their advertisers, you are part of the American backed disruptive force which seeks to punish Canadians for voting for Prime Minister Trudeau. Those who support this smear campaign are paying to fabricate the noose which will be used to hang them and their children. The Yankee aim is to make things so bad in Canada that we will welcome back the US Fascist puppet Stevie Harper. Harpo is hiding in a closet somewhere, awaiting the destruction of the Trudeau Government so he can again assume control. Right now the American oil monopoly is doing everything possible to make Albertans pay for electing Rachel Notley. The Post papers, the Wildrose, the Petroleum Conservatives, the Canadian Taxpayers Mob, the Fraser Institute, Pastor Manning, Ezzie La Rant et al, are all on the American payroll. Hired to throw sand into th Canadian gearbox. The oilies have no respect for the right to vote in Alberta or Canada. To the American right, a vote is just a current distraction on the way to world rule. The millions now being spent on the likes of Paul Godfrey and David Thomson, to derail the NEW CANADA would be better given to Alberta Food Banks. But that would make things better. The exact opposite to what the oilies want. The little men in Alberta, with yellow stripes down their backs, who are now attacking Rachel Notley from the shadows, should realize that they have lost their jobs because their beloved American oil monopoly is buying ISIS oil, stolen from the Iraqis. ISIS crude oil at $ 20 a barrel, provides for greater profits than Alberta tar at $ 20 a barrel. That stolen ISIS oil is being smuggled into the US east coast, refined there with some of the gasoline , diesel and jet fuel being imported at high prices. Some Ontarians and Quebecers are buying ISIS stolen oil and supporting terrorism by buying the bullets being shot at Canadian troops. Canadians are paying for both side of the Bush War in the Middle East. For some Albertans the Stockholm Syndrome is there, plain to see. The oilie have abused the Province by stealing their petroleum resources for the last 30 years. Rather than taking affront to their abusers, some in the Province exhibit empathy and sympathy toward the monopoly even though the oilies have ruined their lives. Taking the part of the US oil monopoly can only make things worse for the little yellow men and their neighbours. It is like pleading with your abuser to use a bigger whip. The way to end this vicious American campaign against the NEW CANADA is to pull their teeth. Stop buying the Post, Globe and Star, stop watching CTV and Global and boycott their advertisers. But everyone has a clear choice. Don’t want to see a NEW CANADA for your children and grandchildren. Then keep supporting the above Nazi media which is taking petro dollars to ensure that the Yankee Fascist boot returns under Rona Ambrose or Michelle Rempel or Kellie Leitch or Laureen Harper. So right now the score is as follows. The USA is a spent force. The Country is broke and trying to pay its bill by beggaring its’ neighbours and friends. Buggering might be a better word. By signing trade pacts which the Americans have no intention of honouring and manipulating the US dollar to steal from other countries like Canada. Why should we buy things from the Yankees who have devalued the Loonie on purpose to transfer our wealth south of the border. Practically everything we need can be sources or made right here in Canada. Ottawa could draw up a road map showing what Canadians need, what is available in this Country and identify gaps where found. We have a Canadian Company, Blackberry which has world experience. Ottawa should work with John Chen to explore new markets and new products like what will be needed to build the Cross Canada Electric Grid. Magna International could produce all the equipment for the new Twin Beaver pipeline which will be built to carry crude oil from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba to Eastern Canada, as well as carrying natural gas from BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan to the East. The Twin Beaver will have a spur which goes up the Churchill Manitoba [ a deep water port ], to facilitate the export of crude oil and natural gas to the UK if Cameron doesn’t destroy the Country. Alberta tar will be upgraded and refined right in Fort McMurray and shipped as crude oil [ which doesn’t explode ] from coast to coast to coast, to be refined locally. Canada would stop all imports of natural gas and gasoline, diesel and jet fuel from the USA. The pipelines we need to become self sufficient, like TransNotCanada, Enbridge and Kinder Morgan will be bought up or expropriated. Exporting our resources for peanuts and importing finished petroleum products for what amounts to a Queen’s ransom is something only idiots would do. Trump has destroyed the Republican Party and the Tea Baggers. With Obama gone the US will become ungovernable. The US white population, which is about to become the minority, has been fearful of this day for a number of years. With Trump and other Presidential candidates playing the fear card this issue if front and centre now. Many whites now want white only areas now where they will supposedly be safe and where they can protect themselves with their guns. This is pure foolishness. Minorities can also buy guns. Minorities now number more than 100 million. If these citizens are broke, cold, wet and hungry, how will the whites deal with such a situation??? Every non white in the Country can’t be put in jail??? On the horizon, is the fact that almost 80% of US births occur in the minority ranks. So time is running out for a white controlled America. And it is time for Canada to disconnect from the USA. Republicans want to build a fence between the States and this Country to keep Canadians out. I welcome a fence. As this Nation peels away from the US and things turn ugly with civil unrest rising in the land of the free and the home of the brave, there will be Yankees who will want into Canada. We should ready ourselves for such an occurrence. The mostly white police forces in the US have been militarized and the killing of minorities has become the norm and is on the increase. All it will take is a trigger for the violence to escalate. Canada has to cut its’ dependence on the States for anything important. Ontario and Quebec are almost totally dependent on US fracked natural gas from Pennsylvania. We should be buying Alberta natural gas still. The switch was made behind our backs by Dalton McGuinty in concert with Russ Girling of TransNotCanada pipelines. This was done to benefit McGuinty and friends. As well as allowing Girling to switch the TransCanada Mainline natural gas pipeline over to carrying tar mixed with Benzine [ the stuff that blew up in Megantic ], all the way to the Irving Oil docks on the Atlantic. Where it would be sent by tanker to Texas. Girling won’t tell you that and Paul Godfrey is paid not to tell you either. Any trouble in the nat. gas fields in Pennsylvania means Ontarians and Quebecers will become mighty cold. And all of the 19 natural gas generating plants would be shuttered. No heat and a shortage of electricity thanks to Mcguinty. I think those aflicted would vote to bring back hanging. Canada is now selling little oil to the USA proper yet we are number 3 in petroleum reserves in the world. This Country imports most of its’ gasoline, diesel and jet fuel from the States at very high cost. CANADA HAS NO ** AS ** NO ** FUEL RESERVES! IF THERE IS UNREST SOUTH OF THE BORDER WE ARE UP SHIT CREEK FUELWISE! WHAT A WAY TO RUN A COUNTRY, THANKS STEVE! Breaking up will be hard to do but we must do it and do it now. Governmentally Canada is the only major nation to have broken away from the Yankee yoke so far. Thus we become the world’s premier, true democratic nation. With this position come responsibilities, dangers and opportunities. In this regard we have replace England as the model democracy. The UK is now a totalitarian democracy in which the Brits vote for a Member of Parliament but the power of their vote ends there. Conservatives members serve their Party ideology [ they’re the Overmen and Women ]. The majority of Brits are the ignorant mob as the Nietzsche Myth terms them [ they’re the Undermen and Women ], who count for little. If a few of thousand die from being fried in the Underground or get drowned when their homes floods, this to a rightie is just collateral damage. The best thing that could happen to England is to see the Cameron Government fall due to a scandal or Conservative MP from flood areas deserting the Party. People in flood areas could organize and threaten their Conservative MP. Look after our interests and forget this American right wing stuff. There is a solution to the flooding in England, which I have written about in the past.

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HOWEVER, in the very near future, Cameron, Johnson, Murdoch and the Jersey / Guernsey press barons too, will meet their Waterloo, brought down by the Bakerloo. A Tube train, holding a couple thousand riders or more will stall in a deep tunnel and everyone aboard will perish, including TfL staff and firefighters. Then the chickens will come home to roost. Cameron, Johnson and TfL management like Hendy, Brown and Waboso, might be able to run but there will be no secure hiding place. Nobody will want to be called a Tory supporter in light of fatalities caused by Government inaction and neglect. This will mean the world will find it easier be rid itself of some of the most destructive righties Cameron and Johnson. We have already excised Steve Harper and Tony Abbott. The only rightpublicanazi holdovers then, from the plot to control the world, hatched at the University of Chicago in the 1970s, will be both the Republican Congress and Senate, which cheated their way into power. In the USA, with Don Trump and Sarah Palin hogging the Republican lime light, the Party of Ronnie Reagan has come to its’ logical and chaotic conclusion, a flawed plan A and NO PLAN B. Self inflicted ruin has been in the rightie cards all along. At the core of the Republican / Tea Bag Party are Sociopaths which make up about 20% of the US population. The other 20% in the Party are small brained individuals who have a low IQ and watch FOX TV news exclusively. So in fact, the Repub Party includes all the crazies and the dimwits in the whole Country. In a true democracy it is the will of the majority which holds sway. The Repubs / Baggers can never get past 40% of the population. So that means they have to cheat, lie and steal to win any elective office. Which is what the rightpublicanazis are increasingly required to do. The core 20% of Repub Sociopaths are the ones who make all the money flogging the right wing agenda. As a result the core spends its’ time retaining power by whatever means possible. Thus such power has nothing to do with the well being of citizenry. The citizenry must be made to believe in the fantasy the righties project with the help of world Nazi media. What has happened since the summer is very interesting. In Canada a sufficient number in the population final saw behind the curtain at Herr Harper’s fantasy and decided they didn’t like what they saw. Canadians opted for a tougher reality rather than a simplistic fantasy. At this very same instant the dimwits in the Republican Party came to the end of their tether. After 15 years of the shenanigans of the Repub Sociopathic Core, the Party Neanderthalic base found the pot at the end of the rainbow empty. In 2015 things were worse of than in 2000. All that work, all of that effort, all of the sacrifices added up to less than ZERO. In 2010 the Tea Party segment of the Repubs arose, offering the same kind of Republican snake oil but in much larger doses. But this even wilder form of right wing fizzled too. At the end of 2015 the rightie base is left ANGRY, they resent that the good life has evaded them. That good life that had been promised them by the Sociopaths. The base is FRIGHTENED at the thought of becoming a minority in their own Country. The Muricans have never come to grips with the Black fact, in 150 years since the Civil War. The white fringe has always been comfortable bending the laws to suit their own purposes. Being well armed added to that comfort level. If the Blacks got out of hand the white fringe could just shoot them. That spirit still exists but it has passed its’ best-before-date. No matter how many Blacks get shot now it will have no bearing on the onrushing train wreck. Over the last twenty years, refugees from Central America have crossed into the USA illegally. They provided American business owners with cheap labour and helped keep wages low for all concerned. The wealthy / right establishment just looked the other way. One of the behaviours of Sociopaths is they lack foresight. In sense, every day the righties go into that old wooden barn to play with matches, never once seeing the folly of their actions. The birth rate among whites has been falling for the past 25 years. Conversely, the birth rate among Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and other minorities is high and it’s increasing. It was clear that at some stage the rubber would hit the road. That has in fact now happened. The whites are still in the majority but the clock is ticking and everyone can see that clock. It is only a matter of time. Some moderate Republicans want to soften the Party stance on a number of issues to appeal to minorities. This part of the Repub core see a new Party with a minority element in which the righties are still in control. The Tea Bagger fringe are having none of it. They are white supremacists who see the answer for a continuing white America is to deport the illegal immigrants and to bar anyone with a dark skin from entering. The white only crowd want to press for an even more segregated two tier educational system in which opportunities for minorities would be very limited. These whites want to deny minorities adequate health care so they die off quicker. The lunatic whites exhibit resentment over the fact that SOME OF THEIR SHARE OF THE NOW LIMITED WEALTH OF AMERICA IS BEING GIVEN TO LAZY MINORITIES AND NEWCOMERS. For some whites having the Federal Government make them share the booty makes them angry. And there is fear among the same group that the minorities who are partaking of this wealth will soon outnumber them. The hard right is giving much thought to changing the way American democracy works. They want a Country in which white rule is enshrined and the minorities do what they are told. Someone said it is as if a large number of Republican want to turn the clock back 75 years. I’d say they are looking to go back to 1860. I can’t understand why David Cameron and the leaders of the European Union want to tie themselves even closer to the fast sinking USA. Whose only reaction will be to grab at others to prevent going under. It is time for Canada to take a step away from the Yankees. Why should we lash our ship of state to the American Titanic, which is becoming more ungovernable every day. Trump and Palin, who are now beyond the reach of the National Republican Committee, are pandering to the Republican lunatic fringe through the Rupert Murdoch media, by saying out loud the fowl thoughts and measures that are in the minds of such righties. Now it is in the public domain and has been legitimized. How a new class of slaves will be created and how those slaves will be treated. The USA has a population of 320 million. There are 300 million firearms in the Country in the hands of 40% of the population. It was never contemplated by the US gun lobby that minorities would begin arming themselves, but that is what is happening. Under the circumstances, an increasing number of angry white US citizens, who are afraid have too many guns. It is not a cheerful prospect. But in the real world, is place where the Repubs pay little attention, we find the life expectancy of the whites is dropping the quickest. The life styles of the rich, right, Repubs is busy extracting its’ toll, due to booze, drugs, fast cars, extreme living and the strain of being scared or angry or frustrated or all three.. The life expectancy of an American white male is 3 years less than a Canadian. No matter what hairbrain system Trump, Palin, Cruz or Christie propose to their idiot supporters it will not work. The illegals in the Country will not accept deportation without a fight. Many Republicans themselves do not agree with the harsh measures being considered by their smaller brained brethren. The Repub moderates see the Trump / Palin / Cruz simplistic schemes to a return to the John Wayne years when America was supposedly great. The hard right are living in a movie, it is a shortcut to Armageddon. To let loose a band of gun toting crazies will surely take the USA to a place where nobody want to go. If anger and fear were not enough American excetionalism is also present in the Republican / Tea party stew pot. From an early age the righties and Repubs are taught that they are exceptional, the chosen ones, Nietzsche’s OVERMAN AND UNDERMAN nonsense. This is what is also taught at the University of Calgary. A young Harper believed all this stuff. And Steve’s mentor Preston Manning is a true believer too. The Pastor set up his Centre to convert impressionable young to the right wing cause. Hundreds of them were put to work in the PMO under Harper. Where does a young right wing zealot find a job these days? Probably sitting in Mom and Dad’s basemant registering nasty comments on the CBC web site. The overriding question which now befuddles the Republican nomination process Stateside and the Election loss by the Harper Fascists in Canada. How could such God chosen, exceptional people screw things up so badly? In the rightie mind abysmal failure doesn’t compute. In the US as in this Nation, the right is searching for somebody to blame for ” THEM ” dropping the ball. This blame giving, threatens the stability of the States to a major degree and Canada to a lesser degree. During the Bush Jr. years a high ranking Republican said, ” If we can’t have America, no one shall “. He wasn’t kidding. The present Repub nomination process, doesn’t consider how the turmoil they are creating is hurting their Country. No wonder people are pissed off. The Repubs are all wrapped up in their own doings, the fate of everyday Muricans counts for squat. While the wagons have been circled south of the border and everyone is shooting in, the Repubs are still finding time to meddle in Canada’s affairs. They and American loving Canadians, like Paul Godfrey, are not prepared to accept the results of the May 7 / 15 Election, which saw 600,000 Albertans vote for Rachel Notley, giving the NDP 54 seats in an 87 seat Legislature. This is a healthy, unassailable majority. The US right, likewise, is not prepared to accept the Oct. 19 / 15 Election in which Justin Trudeau was given a mandate by almost 7 million Canadians. PM Trudeau garnered 184 seat in a 338 seat House. Again a healthy, workable majority. The Liberal support has gone up 8% SINCE THE ELECTION. How’s them for numbers??? The more Paul Godfrey’s minions scream the more Canadians are driven LEFT. Nothing can be done in Alberta or Ottawa by the losing parties for 4 years, other than them doing constructive work to benefit the Province or the Country. However both the Wildrose / Petroleum Conservatives in Alberta and the Harper Fascists are now in obstruction mode being coached by the Republican Congress and State Governors. Everything Ambrose, Jean and McIver do is taken right out of the Repub handbook. They are capable of three things, lie, scream, yell and make stuff up, take offense at everything and say NO TO EVERYTHING. I am sure most of the Albertans, who voted for the Wildrose and most of the Canadians who voted for the Fascist did not put them in office to accept American money to throw sand into Canada’s gearbox, this on a daily basis. The only way to destabilize the Governments in Alberta and Ottawa now, is to keep up a relentless negative campaign of lies and misinformation in the National Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Toronto Star, Maclean’s, CTV and Global. and have Albertans / Canadians believe their garbage. If you wish to not hear about all the opportunities that are available to throw across Canada’s path, then buy the forgoing publications and watch these TV stations. They are engaging in treasonous and illegal acts [ False News # 181 of the Criminal Code ]. To damage this Nation even further and bring this proud Country to its’ knees, why not patronize their advertisers. If Canada can be destabilized we will get to see endless performances of this Country’s Mr. Trump impersonator, Kevin O’Leary, leading Canadians around by their noses. Also if you help the Americans bring Canada down you can be assured one thing, that that 30 year old living in your basement will be there till you die. The Repubs are giving millions to the likes of Paul Godfrey to take your future away. If you don’t buy the Post and others, then the rightpublicanazis have just pissed a pot full of money away for nothing. The Nazi press [ not the Guardian ] in London is also getting Yankee cheques to disrupt the democratic exercise in the City Elections. Jeremy Corbyn is getting the same treatment as Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau are getting in Canada. The American oil monopoly WAS STEALING Alberta’s petroleum resources for years and doesn’t want that economic rape to end. Cameron’s friends are looting the TfL treasury and selling 12,000 new homes a year built on the flood plains of England. When the rains come, the aforementioned owners are really up shit crik without a paddle. I think if Sadiq Kahn of Labour becomes Mayor of London UK, the Tube will get cooled. Ken Livingstone will see to that I am sure. If Jeremy Corbyn leads labour to a victory all of Cameron’s friends will be chucked out on their arses, the stolen money recovered or put in jail. For the London newspapers, there is just too much money being made to let Labour take the whip hand. The last thing the City press is thinking about is the welfare of average Brits. Cameron, like the US rightpublicanazis is wedded to the Nietzsche Overman / Underman Myth. In England there are way more Undermen and Women than OVERMEN. While you still have valid ballots Brits, before President Trump takes tyour franchise away, I would say to Londoner’s, vote for Sadiq Khan to start the house cleaning. Kahn’s election will see the Tube cooled and in so doing he will recover the billions of TfL / public pounds stolen by the friends of Cameron / Johnson installing junk Air Conditioning gadgetry in the Underground. Kahn’s election will start the process of dumping David Cameron, before he can give YOU away to President Donald Trump. The Trumpster promises to make America great again. Unless both England and Canada can remain free of US entanglements, 100,000 million Canucks and Brits will find a permanent home in the poorhouse serving as Yankee lackeys. Mind you, we will each have the right to wear a stars and Stripes ball cap and place it over our hearts when we sing, ” Oh Say Can You See “. And be entitled to an early death caused be health problems or starvation. ” God Save the Queen “, that’ll be but a distant memory. What will Trumpf do with the Royal Family. They’d probably get Mcjobs at Donald’s reataurants. Going back to the beginning, from 1980 onward the right wing ideology was imposed on America with the help of the well paid US Nazi media. The righties / rich, with a boost from Ron Reagan began organizing the US media to act as a right wing monopoly. At that very moment America started its’ slide to oblivion. Right now the Repubs and Trumpf are dancing on the edge of the abyss. Reagan removed all the impediments that prevented the concentration of newspapers, TV and radio in a few hands. Ron did away with the fairness doctrine, which required all sides of a story to be told. Not just the side of the rights on the lunatic fringe. Reagan repealed the laws which prohibited slander and false accusations. Ezzie Le Rant thinks the USA is already in control of Canada. Reagan’s disregarded the wishes the US Founding Fathers. The US Nazi media monopoly, in terms of composition mirrors the American oil monopoly, set up by the Republicans in the 1920. By US Law monopolies are illegal. But to the rightpublicanazis the laws of the land are for ignoring. Harper learned his lessons well from Preston Manning and the University of Calgary. Since the righties control the US Supreme Court, they can flout any law which inconveniences them. As regards the flawed right wing ideology, the minority Repub doers, always promise the huge majority of US doees, a pot of gold at the end of each rainbow. The only group to score gold in this anti democratic scheme are the rightpublicanazis. The men and women Therein lies the story behind the decline and fall of America the beautiful. A hell hole in which citizens are being shot because of the color of their skin or what they believe, where people are being affected by poison ground, water and air, where people work for slave wages, where people can’t afford a doctor, where people go hungry, living on food stamps and where the educational system for regular folk is being starved for money in order to dumb the masses down. This was Hitler’s idea behind book burning. To keep the German citizenry ignorant of history and current events. FOX News is doing an excellent job of keeping its’ audience ignorant. Study after study shows that in the western world FOX viewers the absolute dumbest, they’re all 4 inch spikes. By controlling the US Nazi media, most American have been led down the garden path. A path that has led to to-day circus that is masquarading as a Country. Some, like Noam Chomsky and Al Gore warned of the pitfalls ahead but they went unheard. Interestingly, up until the reign of Harper the First started, the only place where Chomsky and Gore could find an audience was in Canada. The right wing circus is supposed to run on autopilot and make everyone rich. The rightie sales pitch is deeply flawed. It has not worked in the past. Just look at the results of 30 years of Reaganonsense in the USA. Trump, Palin and Cruz are front and centre in the news while the Country is going to hell in a handbasket. Washington is manipulating the US dollar so it can steal money from every one of the Nation’s trading partners, including Canada and England. Unemployment in the States is over 10% but Statistics USA works just like Statistics Can., in telling lies on behalf of their Governments. Life expectancy in the US is going down. Armed white gangs and individuals looneys roam the land, shooting at anyone they don’t like. In response to this carnage the police shoot black people. Global Warming is playing hob with California, Texas, the Mid West and the Eastern Seaboard. The rightpublicanazis will not even mouth the words Global Warming and every American who gets a Government paycheque follows suit. In the land of the free and the home of brave, freedom and bravery have skipped town. You can see before your eyes that the right wing ideology isn’t working any better now than it did in Reagan’s day, everyday the train wrecks pile up. And we have to assume that the rightie ideology will never work. As long as the Reaganites, Fascist Cons and the Thatcherites are present in the USA, Can. and the UK this downward spiral will only continue. Fortunately Canadians had the good sense to turf Harper and his employer, the American oil monopoly. But the Harper poison still lingers in the Canadian media [ not the CBC ]. This Country is now poised to become a Global energy Juggernaut. We can walk down the lane into the sunshine, close the steel gate on the USA and lock it. We can operate comfortably, based on our own resources and resourcefulness and live happily ever after. Letting the rest of the world go by, being locked in its’ many Titanic struggles caused by the Americans. The Yanks can only hurt us if WE ALLOW ourselves to be hurt. Rightie ideas are society destroying and only the rich get all the riches, something only too evident. If the filthy rich don’t like pulling their weight and paying their share we should encourage them to leave and aid in their leaving. I’d be happy to contribute to a one way ticket for Conrad and Lady Black on the next cattle boat bound for the UK. When the National Post goes bankrupt, I’d even take up a collection to ensure that Paul Godfrey is sent down to bunk with the Wall Street hedge fund guys. Wouldn’t that be a relief, to see Lyin Paul Stateside with Lyin Steve and Lyin Brian. The right has rigged the free market in such a way as to only provide rewards for a very few, themselves. And then only for a short period of time. Parasites, after they have devoured the host, then die themselves. Many of the rich one percent live in California, I love it. The Calif. drought, which the right will not acknowledge has eviscerated their holdings. What good is a $ 50 million palace with a golf course and a pool if there is no water? Mind you Tom Selleck solved his water problem temporarily. He had a private operator with a tank truck, sneak into the local town at night to get water from the fire hydrants. There were rumours, so the town hired a private detective, COST, $ 20,000 to follow Selleck’s tanker numerous times to the ranch. The filthy rich are never satisfied with what they get by rigging the system. Enough is never enough! Now they have to resort to stealing water from the ignorant masses. At first Tom denied the water stealing, typical. What rightie doesn’t lie? Trumpf, Cruz, Harper, Manning, Cameron, Osborne, the list is endless. Then when the thefts were proven, Selleck paid the town off and walked away. Probably pennies on the dollar, who said rich / right / white crime doesn’t pay For a $ 20,000 water theft, a white man walked free. A black man would have looked like Swiss cheese. In the UK Cameron / Johnson supporters are stealing billions of pounds from the London Underground, yet still walking around free. David Cameron’s builder friends are making hundreds of millions of pounds constructing new homes on the floodplains of England. The new owners at least are able to enjoy their premises until the next heavy rain. Then they face a variety of outcomes. The new home is ruined and the insurance company won’t pay off because it is located on a flood plain. Or if the residence is washes away the owner loses everything. In this case, having a house doesn’t matter if all the family drowns. But for Cam’s builder friends, the loss of hearth and home and the lives of the little people is of little consequence. The building companies have stuffed their fat profits into the London banks and Cameron and the Con. party got their cut of the scam. In Selleck’s water stealing, amounting to thousands of dollars, all he got was a slap on the wrist In the USA, if a Black steals a chocolate bar he gets murdered. In the UK, this kind of thinking is taking hold among Cam and his Thatcherites. People dying of heat stroke down in the Tube or floating along with your house to a watery grave does not compute. Every illegal scheme is possible, as long as Cameron and his Conservatives get their cut. According to Hayek’s Rule, during the few short golden years of rightie rule, the one percent has gathered up most of the wealth of the USA, like true parasites. The process that is now underway in American [ the destruction of which is now complete ]. In the UK the process is well along as George Osbourne continues to reduce the slice of the financial pie destined for the majority. Eventually the ignorant masses become permanently impoverished and blight stalks the land. Sociopaths like Cameron, Harper and those in Congress, have no insight. They are unable to see that if the right destroys a society, what remains of that society will destroy the rightie perpetrators. The Toronto Star did not heed my advice a dozen years ago. I wrote that taking money from Dalt McGuinty and the nukies to print lies, misinform the public, censor the news and publish nuclear propaganda could only lead to one conclusion, impoverishing Ontarians by subjecting them to the highest KW prices in the world. That is exactly what happened, although Kathleen McGuinty and the Toronto Star will never admit it. I told John Honderich many years ago, that the Ontarians he was putting into the poor house would not be able to afford buying his papers nor products of his advertisers down the road. We have now reached the end of that road. John did not listen to me and has continued pooping in his own nest. Just the other day Wynne announce she was giving the nukies another $ 12 billion to piss away. To end this nukie giveaway, the Liberals have to be removed from office. But as the pissing goes on your KW rates will continue to climb. Right on cue, Martin Regg Cohn of the Star wrote a dishonest piece about nuclear power and electricity prices in the Province. Cohn’s article was just laced with lies. Did you know the media can make a lot of money telling lies. It is funny that John Honderich just wrote a column in the Star calling Paul Godfrey a liar. What Honderich said was absolutely true. But it take a liar to know a liar. Godfrey matches Reichfuhrer Harper word for word in the lying department. There is no money to be made telling the truth in a dictatorship. But a consummate liar like John Honderich also operates out of a glass building. John should not be throwing stones. Godfrey / Post take money from the American oil monopoly to tell their lies. Honderich / Star take money from McGuinty / Liberals to tell their lies. The outcome of all this paying-for-lies scenario, is the only place you can see / read the truth in Canada is on the CBC TV or Net. As a result of Honderich taking money to help fool Ontarians, we are now a have-not-province. Where could we install the brass plaque stating the Star’s involvement in killing Ontario’s prosperity??? Once the economic engine of this Country, the Province has been forced to its’ knees and bankrupted by nuclear power. And as I forecasted, the Star is going broke. Where was Honderich during all of this time? Depositing McGuinty / nukie cheques! Did you know that the McGuinty Liberals, since 2003, have mothballed over 100 hydro generating plants? Of course Honderich and Cohn didn’t mention that did they? We didn’t need ANY NATURAL GAS GENERATING PLANTS. The nat. gas plants built here was a deal cooked up between McGuinty and Russ Girling of TransNotCanada to sell cheap Pennsylvania fracked natural gas to Ontario at Alberta prices. Albertans and Ontarians / Quebecers were never told about this theft. I’m thinking here that Dalt and Russ probably split the under-the-table-take 50/50. So under Harper’s National Energy Board, McGuinty and Girling got what they wanted, money, behind the curtain, although it was illegal. And Alberta and Ontario / Quebec got a royal fucking. Oh yes, Martin Cohn didn’t mention that either. The rightie ideology has 3 stages and maybe a fourth. [ ONE ] The right wing leadership and the rightie drones profit mightily after imposing the Hayek Rules. [ TWO ] The ignorant mob becomes impoverished and eventually their society collapses as is happeneing now. [ THREE ] The ignorant mob and the rightie drones are all thrown under the bus. They all go down the drain and lose everything. [ 4 maybe ] The ignorant mob and the disaffected rightie drones, with nothing left to lose, turn into a violent mob and seize the rightie leadership. Who are then paraded through to streets of the derelict cities in horse drawn farm carts to be jeered at by the people whose lives they destroyed. Their uncomfortable trip ends with the swish of the blade of a guillotine or a broad axe. Just in the last ten years of Harper rule we can see that he never showed evidence of HAVING ANY INSIGHT. The outcome of each of Lyin Steve’s actions was an unknown. When his unknowns became known Harper always blamed someone else. Like Lyin Steve, both the US Congress and David Cameron / Cons are devoid of the ability to foresee the result of their actions. By ignoring climate change the Congress has left the US unprepared to deal with the severe weather now engulfing the Country. By ignoring Global Warming for 5 years, David Cameron has left his Nation unable to deal with massive flooding in 2013 / 2014 /2015. What will 2016 bring, probably more flooding and probably more thumb twiddling by Cam??? Harpie the First did not see the steep drop in oil prices coming even though the decline was caused by his employers in Houston. The USA oil monopoly, operates on equal parts of hubris, arrogance and greed. When the oilies had the chance to buy ISIS oil, stolen from the Iraqui people, Houston jumped. The monopoly did not realize that fencing cheap, stolen ISIS oil would disrupt the oil market and eliminate the need to purchase Alberta tar. With the Province going into the economic tank as a result, Houston has now mounted Rachel Notley / Justin Trudeau Smear Campaigns costing millions to divert the attention of Canadians. Much of the oilie money is going to the Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, Mclean’s, CTV and Global. That money would be better spent helping the Alberta unemployed and stocking Food Banks in Fort McMurray. But the American oil monopoly is on a mission to make the lives of Albertans as miserable as they possibly can. Our Nazi media [ not the CBC ] is in full search mode, looking for every scrap of dumpster ammunition that can be blamed on Notley and Trudeau. Even if in the real world, the scurrilous copy or comments have nothing whatsoever to do with the Alberta Premier / the NDP Government and the Prime Minister / Liberla Government. The National Post papers, the Globe, the Star, Mclean’s, CTV and Global are being paid by the American oil monopoly, out of Houston, to destroy the Governments in Ottawa and Alberta. They are engaged in using False News, which is illegal under our Criminal Code. This illegal smear treatment, is now being directed at fully at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The same Houston smear tactics were used in the 1980s, to mount a similar Campaign against Justin’s Father Pierre, one of Canada’s great Leaders. In 1983, Houston concocted the NEP Myth and paid our Nazi press to repeat this Myth thousands of times over, this assault on the truth continues to this present day. Hitler spoke wisely, when he said that if a LIE is repeated often enough without a counter opinion, ignorant people will believe it to be the truth. Paul Godfrey has made millions telling oilie lies. Many Canadians, FAR TOO MANY CANADIANS think the Houston NEP Myth is in fact the truth. This oilie Myth did great harm to this Country. Alberta’s present fractured economy is a direct result of the NEP myth. Herr Harper is just another of those harmful elements caused by the NEP Myth. By falling for the monopoly fabricated NEP Myth, hook, line and sinker back in the 1980s, the Province took the view that Ottawa was the enemy. Albertans embraced the US oil monopoly as friend and protector. Boy what a mistake. It was as a blunder of major consequence. The oilies, their supposed bosom buddies has been stealing Alberta’s petroleum resources for 30 years. Can you imagine being robbed day after day without waking up to the fact. Paul Godfrey and his Post papers are still not telling that story. As Houston is still paying Godfrey to tell their lies. The USA oil monopoly has abandon the Province entirely to unemployment, hard times and Food Banks. And the Nazi media here is blaming Notley and Trudeau. Rather, the American oil monopoly, if the truth be told, is buying cheap ISIS oil, stolen from the Iraqis behind the scenes, instead of buying Alberta / Saskatchewan petroleum. Brad Wall has yet to figure this one out. Our boy Brad is quite willing yo have Houston continue steal the West’s petroleum resources. Wall is quite happy to continue to trade with the enemy, an enemy which continues to make life very difficult for Canada. Like Harper, Brad Wall is a Yankee lover above all else! Over the last year and a half, the world Nazi press is paid petro dollars to blame OPEC. Some friends??? Even when tossed on the scrap heap by the US oil monopoly, some Albertans, so thoroughly brainwashed by Houston, can still be mobilized on cue to attack Ottawa and Premier Notley, even when they are out of work, on the street and going hungry. Studies have shown that there are deficiencies in right wing brains. This case is a good example of how much damage, the modern, US, Can. and UK paid Nazi style press has done to our democracies. The brain deficient group, of what can only be called mentally ill Albertans, populates the Rosers. Since Oct. 19 /15, millions of dollars have flooded into Canada from Houston USA. This money is going directly to Paul Godfrey, David Thomson, John Honderich, Rogers, CTV and Global [ not the CBC ] to prevent the birth of the NEW CANADA. If you long to be back in irons and enjoy the odd beating, then buy one of these newspapers, the magazine or watch CTV / Global. And if you frequent their advertisers, it will only hasten your transition to one of Harper’s barbed wire enclosures. ALL THOSE MENTIONED ABOVE ARE ENEMIES OF ” OUR STATE “. Houston wishes Canadians nothing but ill will, and is prepared to put money into scuttling the NEW CANADA. Even after losing the 2015 election the Fascists, minus Harper are still taking money from the American oil monopoly to disrupt the NEW Liberal Government in Ottawa. The Wildrose Fascists in Alberta are also funded by the oilies to disrupt Alberta affairs. Even though they are outsiders now, the Federal Fascists, the Wildrose Fascists, backed with petro dollars, in company with ALL THE NEWSPAPERS in Canada, are a potent force for mischief. The short term solution is to rely on the CBC for you news updates. The long term solution to rid Canada of the vermin press. Don’t buy the Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, McLean’s or watch CTV and Global. The foregoing threat to Canada shows why the USA and the UK are in such jeopardy. The Nazi press has already destroyed democracy in the US. The very dangerous situation from which Canada escaped on Oct.19 /15 [ by the skinne of our tethe { so says the Bible } ]. The oil monopoly and the US rightpublicanazis are determined not to let Canadians voters think they are in charge. THIS USA VERMIN DOESN’T UNDERSTAND THAT FROM HERE ON IN, IT WILL BE THE WILL OF CANADIANS THAT WILL DETERMINE THIS COUNTRY’S FUTURE COURSE. IT WILL ” NOT ” BE THE UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY, THE mANNING CENTRE, CIVITAS SECRET SOCIETY, REPUBS, AND ARMED MILITIAMEN WHO RULE THE ROOST SOUTH OF THE BORDER. However, predictably, in destroying the economy of Alberta in favour of buying ISIS stolen oil, the oil monopoly took away the last remaining strong plank in Lyin Steve’s Election campaign. The oilies killed Canada’s economy and like the UK’s very own Reagan clone Cameron, they are now trying hide their incompetence. The rightie crowd are blaming somebody else for the Canada’s economic troubles with the help of Paul Godfrey. Paul is quite happy to print CAPP’s lies in return for petro cash. The mind of the rightie Harper, didn’t allow him to admit making any mistakes. As with before, Lyin Steve never learned any lessons from his boo boos. Our BOY KING is now hiding somewhere in a closet in the USA. Two things, Steve is still collecting his pay as an MP, although he never shows up. He is happy to keep cheating Canadians. It is clear Harper is mentally ill, so the Yankees can have him. Hitler had a huge number of mentally ill criminals as members of the Brown Shirts. The rightpublicanazis do like wise, look at Trumpf. Such minds never display any insight. Steve believed so strongly in his right wing ideology that its’ perfection precluded the need for forward thinking or ANY THINKING AT ALL. All righties are so afflicted. The closing of the London Underground and the prospect of seeing one third of England under salt water, are approaching tragedies, that David Cameron can’t wrap his mind around. Cam is too busy reducing taxes for the rich, rewarding his friends with plum appointments / projects and cutting programs, like the NHS which compares to Canada’s Medicare. Having secure, confident, educated and healthy populations drives the US, UK and Canadian right wingers nuts. When you are going to work slaves to death, their health or state of mind doesn’t enter into the equation. If the London Tube overheat kills riders, as it WILL DO or new home owners drown in floods, as they WILL, all the Cameron’s efforts to please the US rightpublicanazis and Wall Street will come to naught. Cam’s Conservatives should be driven from the field by the use of pitchforks, many of them LIKE CAM AND HIS BUDDY OSBORNE, should end up on the scaffold in front of the Banqueting House. The same place where an earlier King lost his head in 1649 for the same abuse of power. This time it will be different. Elected officials will get the chop for failing to do their duty and exclusively serving the interests of the Yankee right wing. A failed Kleptocracy now in charge in the Ruined States of America. We have discovered that, Canada’s famous Lyin Steve, self appointed economist, a graduate of Hayek studies, at the University of Calgary has been found to be without clothes. There is a painting of Harpie’s nakedness making the rounds to prove it. Interestingly, Friedrich Hayek escaped from Germany in 1937 and made his way to England. Fred’s economic theories which discounted reality, were not well received by the Brits. However, the hard right at the University of Chicago saw promise in Hayek’s work. It could be manipulated to their advantage by the U of Chicago, which was and is the centre for regime change in the USA. The University has pretty well succeeded in destroying the Country. What did they expect from the imposition of half baked right wing ideas??? Repeated. And repeated. And repeated. And repeated. And. And. And. When the Trumpf situation finally works its’ way to a finish line, the USA will show itself to be ungovernable. A lot of the blame for the continuing disintegration of America can be laid at the doorstep of the University Chicago. Imagine 14,000 students and 2000 professors in one place at one time and not one of them having any insight. That means nobody knows where the ship of State is headed as they push their warped ideas. On the rocks is the answer. And Cameron is fairly wetting his pants to please THIS BUNCH??? It means thousands of Yankees from the U of Chicago, with Undeveloped Prefrontal Cortexes [ UPC ], have been going out into the world to spread their right wing poison, with NO IDEA WHERE THEIR IDEAS WERE TAKING OUR COUNTRY? Just a glance at the USA, shows what a disruptive force they have been over the last 30 years. An America diven to its’ knees. Some accomplishments??? Some legacy??? The University of Calgary is a branch plant of Chicago U and Elizabeth Cannon uses the same curriculum centred on regime change. Cannon worked closely with Preston Manning, conscripting young UPC suffers to fill the ranks of the Harper Youth, now at loose ends. What will become of all these young Fascist liars now that Lyin Steve has fled to his closet in Las Vegas??? During the Election, all Harper One could bleep, is that the depression then / now engulfing Alberta / Saskatchewan was being caused by global conditions. NOT! This was an extreme bullshit story, which Paul Godfrey and his rightie scribes were / are paid to parrot. Brad Wall parrots it too. Although Wall is surrounded by opportunities, he never misses and opportunity to miss an opportunity. I wonder how much Rex Murphy gets from Houston for his blather? The absurdness of right wing positions is revealed in what Murphy, Coyne and Ivison write. When a rightie can’t admit to making any mistakes what is he to do??? Why blame someone else, surprise, surprise. Harper and his bosses in Houston blamed / blame OPEC for the present world conditions of low oil prices. That is a crock. When the righties / oilies make mistakes, they always find someone else to blame and then hand millions to the Nazi media to turn their lies into the truth. The Canadian, US and world Nazi press, paid in petro dollars, is only TOO WILLING to join this chorus. But the Houston suits are without balls, they never say boo. They hide in the shadows. And hire bozos like Alex Ferguson of CAPP, to appear on the CBC telling lies. Said suits, also engage dim witted big mouths who are afraid to speak their own names. From the ranks of those who hide in closets, come tweets to the affect that Rachel Notley and her NDP Government are totally to blame for the swelling ranks who are without work, the falling prices of real estate in Calgary and the proliferation of Food Banks in the Province. I can see CAPP’s organizational hand behind the offensive tweet. In the history of democratic rule this must be a first. Notley has only been in Office for a matter of months. Already Rachel has been able to ruin the oil business, dump thousands of workers on the street, blow the housing market in Calgary to bits and condemn hundreds of hungry people to a lifetime of visiting Food Banks. What awesome power the NDP has. I’ll bet Rachel has the power to knock the earth off its’ axis if she tried. The clods, now making death threats directed towards Notley from the shadows are perfect examples of the people who are acceptable to the University of Calgary, the Manning Institute, the Fraser / C.D.Howe Institutes, Frontier Centre and the secret Civitas Society. Such a recruit must be able to memorize the right wing Handbook completely and be able to do up his belt and zip up his fly without catching his winkie. What has been happening in the world of the American oil monopoly is mind crunching. Having ignored the internet for years, the oilies have finally caught on. In the past the monopoly would have given Paul Godfrey huge amounts of cash to demonize Rachel Notley and PM Trudeau. Godfrey would have had his low paid / no paid interns rewrite nasty E-Mails from Houston or the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. However the PostMediocre papers proved to be shooting blanks during the recent Election. It can rightly be said, that Paul Godfrey himself, helped defeat Herr Harper. Godfrey is being paid one and a half million dollars a year personally to help the oilies in their takeover of Canada. But the National Post papers proved to be a complete failure in this regard. It would seem that Houston has cut poor Godfrey adrift. No more full page CAPP advertisements. Losing the petro cash has cost Godfrey a drop in rating by Standard and Poor’s. Post stock is now worth 13 cents and there are no takers. PostMediocre doesn’t have enough money to survive another year. Ever since it came out of bankruptcy the National Post has lost money, even after introducing its’ new business plan. For someone like Godfrey, who can’t ever manage his own affairs, he has a nerve telling Canadians what to do. Even before bankruptcy, Conrad Black lost more than $ 200 million for his stockholders. It is interesting that a newspaper, set up by Black to explain the benefits of the free market still can’t manage its’ own affairs. Conrad NEVER MADE ANY MONEY LEGITIMATELY. Black amassed his money cheating, lying and stealing. I am a teatotaler but I bought a bottle Champagne to celebrate Stevie Harper’s decisive drubbing at the polls, despite what the stooges who write for the Fascist press like the National Post papers claim. Godfrey can lie just as good as Harper, Manning, CAPP and Russ Girling. Because Paul still dwells in Harperland, he is still living the right wing fantasy. After publishing False News and telling Harper lies for ten years WHAT DOES PAUL DO NOW? His Post rag is not of this world and not long for this world. I will buy another bottle of champagne to toast the demise of the Post, a truly dreadful, subversive and dangerous publication. Again, in hoisting another glass of bubbly, I will toast Justin Trudeau our new Prime Minister, the way we did with the first bottle of bubbly. Eventually all wheels come off the rightie ideology, where ever it is put into play. Any political theory which ignores reality, as Georgie Bush and Steve Harper did. And Dave Cameron is now doing is doomed to failure. The Iraq War, the subprime debacle and the California / Midwest drought, ISIS can all be attributed to lack of insight on the part of Bush Jr. The economic hollowing of Alberta can be blamed on Lyin Steve, who concentrated all his efforts on getting Alberta tar, mixed with Benzine [ Molotov Cocktail bomb mix ] down to the American oil monopoly heavy oil refineries in Texas. Said refineries were running at 25% capacity until Harper agreed to remove any and every impediment to the movement of this tar shit that blew up in Megantic. This cowboy, wild west move by Harpie One resulted in Town blowing up, taking 47 innocent lives and leaving 22 orphans. Funnily enough Paul Godfrey never ever mentioned those orphans. Houston would have cut Paul’s cheques off if the orphan story had appeared in the Post papers. As well there have been hundreds of spills of the shiny black shit that blows up all over Canada. But the Nazi press is paid to close its’ eyes. There has never been an inquest into those deaths in Megantic. To the right wing, death among the ignorant mob is of little consequence, whether in American cities, whether caused by Herr Harper or David Cameron and Boris Johnson. The rightie ideology is supreme in the USA and as a result the value of real estate has been destroyed. ISIS continues to get money from the American oil monopoly. Bush Jr.’s War is still costing Barb Black’s little people a ton of change. And to make matters worse the Western States [ California, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Montana and others are reverting back to desert. The Repubs like David Cameron can’t mouth the words climate change. Don Trumpf has capitalized on the chaos the righties have created, fear, anger and frustration. For a brief period the Tea Baggers grabbed the wheel. Now they have lost control of the situation. It is a sight to behold. Trumpfmania is now beyond their recall. I think the next step is unrest in the streets because millions of people are down and out with nowhere to turn. The Democrats are shooting blanks. The train left the station years ago and the Dems are still on the station platform scratching their pointed heads. And all upset Mericans, blacks and Muslims have access to guns too. Once the shooting starts who will stop it??? In government, you can only avoid reality for so long as Georgie Bush attempted to do. Once a reporter asked Bush Jr. about a certain policy he was implementing. Georgie famously said, ” We create our own reality “. I am afraid this chump of a President was in error. Mother nature and human nature wait on no man. In the end reality will impose itself. Bush Jr. bankrupted the USA and gave birth to ISIS. Now Trumpf has been thrown into that mix and it just gets uglier by day. The right wing ideology is a fantasy construct. Wishing does not make it so. The American rank and file has now found that rightie day dreams do not come true. Luckily, Canadians chose to move out of Harperland before the concentration camp gate slammed shut. The Baden Powell Scout’s Motto, was, ” BE PREPARED “. It’s sort of a Darwinian truism. To survive you must have the ability to adapt to reality. The USA has lost contact with reality and has lost the ability to find its’ way. Smart people always have a plan B. For 30 years the rightpublicanazis have never had a plan B. The righties believe they do not need a plan B. They live with blind faith that their ideology will work every time. But IT NEVER WORKS, VOILA CHAOS. Bush, the mountain bike rider and the Republicans have brought the USA to the verge of collapse and now Trumpf is pushing it over the edge. In Canada, Herr Harper staked his future on turning this Country into a third world petro state under the control of the American oil monopoly. In other words Steve, would have had us become a US Province of 35 million serfs. Then the USA oil monopoly, following its’ greediest instincts, always a sucker for the latest skirt on the block, STARTED BUYING CHEAP ISIS OIL, stolen from the Iraqis. Buying ISIS stolen oil and sneaking it into the USA and Canada has disrupted the world oil market. The oilies turned their backs on regular suppliers in Cushing Oklahoma, Texas, North Dakota, Montana and Alberta / Saskatchewan. The American oil monopoly owns the US Congress, lock, stock and barrel so as the economies of Oklahoma, Texas, N. Dakota and Montana go into the tank, Republican Senators and Representative, with million dollar petro cheques in hand, have remained motionless. Neither has the petro paid US / Can. Nazi media dared to tell the tale of the low oil prices. Likewise our Nazi press remains silent on the real cause of depression in Alta. / Sask. As the economies of Alberta / Saskatchewan go into the tank, Eastern Canada runs on gasoline, diesel and jet fuel made from imported ISIS oil [ priced as if it was $ 100 a barrel ]. This oil have been stolen from the Iraqis If Canadians continue to remain in the dark about consuming refined ISIS oil and supplying bullets for the other side then Paul Godfrey, David Thomson, John Honderich, Rogers and CTV /Global will have earned their million dollar oilie cheques for successfully misleading such a large population of toadstools. In the UK, a poll was taken to determine how fully aware people are regarding what is happening around them in the next village and globally. Almost 50% did not have a good grasp of what is going on in the real world. To me that shows what great value the rich / right get in return for the millions spent on bribing the world Nazi press to act as their cheerleaders. The great bulk of the population in the USA / UK have indeed been rendered ignorant, right where the righties want them. In the end Canada has proven to have a very savvy majority who have their heads screwed on right. So in the end the Paul Godfreys of this Nation failed to brainwash Canadians enough, although Paul is still trying. Almost 10 million Canadians voted against Harper, who did get 5.5 million dumkofs to vote for him. This number mirrors the percentage of people who vote Republican in the US. It will now be easy to quantify the less intelligent North Americans. You can use the number published for those who vote for the Repubs and the Fascist Cons here to determine the number of dummies we have in our midst. On Oct. 19 /15, it was almost 2 to one against Steve and his Yankee backers, the rightpublicanazis. In its’ quest to buy nations and enslave their people, the USA oil monopoly has more money than most of the countries in the world. That is why monopolies are against the Law, it is actually cheating in business. But that Law is not enforced in the USA, Canada and the UK. To compete with the USA oil monopoly, one would have to set up a competing oil monopoly. Ottawa must set up a Crown Corporation to compete with the American oil monopoly and expropriate its’ asset if need be. But Congress, Harper and Cameron would horrified at such a prospect. For many North American politicians, the USA oil monopoly is like the local ATM. The oilies don’t create their OWN REALITY as Georgie Bush attempted to do, THEY BUY REALITY. Harperland concept was an example. AS WELL, MORE EVIDENCE FOR THIS ONGOING OILIE TAKEOVER, AND THE LATEST SMEAR CAMPAIGNS AGAINST RACHEL NOTLEY AND PM TRUDEAU. I am of the opinion that these smear campaigns are organized in Houston and put together by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers in Calgary, which has very close links to the Nazi media here. CAPP particularly likes to deal with Paul Godfrey / Post papers and CTV. These media outlets have never seen a lie they won’t publish or broadcast in return for a cheque from Houston. I don’t think any of the CAPP people are frequenting the Alberta Food Banks. No matter how much the oilie colony in Calgary fucks things up for the larger community they will never have to suffer. When are Albertans going to wake up to the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN SCREWED BIGTIME BY THE OILIES ? An E-Mail TO CAPP from Houston accompanied by an envelope of cheques, would no doubt set Paul Godfrey, David Thomson, John Honderich, Rogers, CTV and Global off and running with the desemination of more lies and False news. It is interesting, that on any given day the latest CAPP smears appear all across the newspapers and TV, containing almost the same wording. It is a national campaign orchestrated in Houston. How do you like the fact that what you see and read is decided upon in Texas??? But our CBC is not in the Texas loop. If you remember the Alison Redford Smear Campaign. It started a month before her Alberta Election on Apr. 23 / 2012 and carried on well after she was driven from office by the American oil monopoly in March 2014. In my file, I have almost 300 Redford smear articles, mostly from the PostMediocre papers and the Globe and Tar. Gary Mason, a third rate journalist with the Globe, holds the record for Alison Redford smears, about 25. Gary sits in his basement in BC, recopying E – Mails sent to him from Globe headquarters in Toronto. Mason is still riding his hobby horse this March, smearing former Premier Redford two years after she was driven from office by the oilies. Only the good politicians, who think for themselves come in for attacks by the minions hired by the American oil monopoly. We vote them in. Then the oil monopoly pays Canadians Fifth Column, to force them from office. Don Getty, Ed Stelmach, Alison Redford and now Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau. Why do we bother having a vote? If the US oilies can spend a pile of cash, made for selling Canadians refined ISIS oil at inflated prices and force our representatives from office??? We are paying to destroy our own democracy, go figure? I am sure Phil Crawley, Gary Mason’s boss and Publisher of the Globe and Tar, gets his marching orders from the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, as does CTV. I would think that the Houston cheques for the Nazi media would come directly via CAPP. Mason’s attacks on Redford were relentless, featuring False News items and made up stuff, to which steroids had been added. I have these articles in my file including those from the Globe / Gary Mason. Most of Mason’s attacks on Alison were not worthy of appearing in print. As the 1st Nations are having to boil their water, Crawley of the Globe had Mason write a half page attack article on Alison Redford, who has been out of office for 2 years. I wonder how much Phil Crawley got for that hatchet job? It’s very much like Paul Godfrey recently getting his shorts all in a knot over the Trudeau nannies while Kashechewan remains a heel hole.. There is so much that needs to be done to rebuild Canada after ten years of Harper. And the National Post papers got all frothy mouthed over nannies. In the real world Godrey and crew are hired ninnies. Now there is a subject that should be covered in depth? Maybe Jen Gerson could take a day off from obstructing the building of the NEW CANADA and write something beneficial to our Nation, the inside story on the ninnies who work for the Post Post, something of which she knows a lot about??? Jen is thoroughly schooled in right wing ideology, she’d get 99 on a test about the Tea Baggers. For four years, Redford was tarred for things she did not do. The Post Nazi media even went as far as blaming the Preem for mistakes made by previous Petroleum Conservative Governments. This before Redford was even in the Legislature. The instant that Rachel Notley and the NDP were elected in Alberta I knew what was coming. Almost from the first day Paul Godfrey’s stooges and the Rosers were blaming Notley for ruining the Province. The power of the NDP, as revealed by Godfrey and the Wildrose, was something to behold, something never seen before, something monumental in size. After being just sworn in, Notley destroyed Alberta before our very eyes, really awesome! In the first few weeks, the Notley Government was attacked almost daily, a repeat of the Redford Smears. Again the same information appeared in many venues, almost word for word, at the very same time. Houston /CAPP are good at this kind of thing. Any lie accompanied by an oilie cheque goes instantly to print in the Post / Globe or on CTV. I wrote a post on these smears and listed some of them. But events overtook the Notley Smear Campaign, as Herr Harper called an Election. Attention at Smear Headquarters in Houston and at CAPP shifted to Justin Trudeau although the odd Notley smear was tossed around every now and then for good measure. In terms of Trudeau, the same pattern emerged, attacks appeared across the Nazi media using the same copy for newspapers and TV on the same day [ not the CBC ]. I think the most notorious Trudeau Smear was the SAY NO2TRUDEAU.CA campaign cooked up by Harper, the Catholic Church, the Bishops, their anti abortion ring. The Catholics were ably assisted by Canada Post. the management of which was firmly in Harper’s pocket. Harpie the First promised that if the Catholics voted for him, he would pass legislation in the House to ban abortions. Deepak Chopra, CEO of Canada Post sent out, free of charge, a million post cards, showing a fake aborted fetus. The cards came in a plain envelope, no postage, bearing the message, ” IMPORTANT ELECTION INFORMATION ENCLOSED “. Abortion was not an election issue, thus Chopra allowed this mailing to go out under false pretenses. But Deepak did what he was told to do by Harper. I WANT CHOPRA’S HEAD, HE MUST RESIGN NOW. If he doesn’t go voluntarily, then the NO2TRUDEAU post card mailing must be investigated by Elections Canada. As I write this Catholic Cardinal Thomas Collins of Toronto and Archbishop Terrance Prendergast of Ottawa announce in all their churches a letter opposing ” Doctor assisted death “. This campaign required a lot of effort to turn Catholics against a Supreme Court Ruling that required the Government to deal with this serious matter. Apparently the unelected Vatican and the Catholic brass feel that they are above Canada’s Parliament and highest Court. The same as Steve Harper. Little wonder that the two Fascist entities, Cons and Church worked so well together. What I want to see from Collins and Prendergast, is a determined effort to stop Catholic priests from fucking the innocent children who are put in their care. I say to Catholics, when you stop the rapes come see me. Until then I have no use for the lot of you. In the 1980s Ronald Reagan did away with the Fair Comment Doctrine Act, in which the broadcast of controversial issues of public importance had to be covered in an honest, equitable and balanced way. Reagan, who was a crook, like all Republican Presidents who came after him, claimed that this Act interfered with freedom of speech [ translation, speech of the rich / right ]. As US newspaper / TV ownership, in the 1990s, fell into fewer and fewer hands on the right wing, the opportunity to challenge rightie biased comment was gradually eroded, until one sided, outrageous and dishonest commentary became normal in the USA. Thus if a rich person on the right, a company or the Republicans decided they didn’t like someone, a sustained smear campaign could be waged and the individual had no defense. This poison has spread to Canada. Just like Jeremy Corbyn, Labour Leader in the UK is now being smeared on a daily basis by the London Nazi media [ not the BBC or the Guardian ]. As a result of Reagan removing the fair comment Law, FROM THEN ON MONEY DECIDED WHAT WAS FEATURED IN WHAT BECAME THE US NAZI MEDIA. THIS ALLOWED LIES TO BE TOLD, MISINFORMATION, SPIN AND RIGHT WING PROPAGANDA TO BE WIDELY BROADCAST. If one looks for the reason the USA is in the present state of chaos, they don’t have to look much beyond the aforementioned US Nazi media, which copies Goebbel’s Propaganda Ministry. Hitler said keep the ignorant masses in the dark and you know where that took Germany? The USA is on that same track now thanks to FOX. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. This habit of attacking anyone who gets in the way of the righties, was exported to Alberta by way of Houston in the 1980s. Conrad Black was key player. The Conman also influenced the London UK newspaper when he jump on the Reagan bandwagon. Pierre Trudeau introduced the National Energy Program in the 1980s, which sought to protect Canada from future oil market disruptions like the 1973 OPEC crisis, the 1979 Iranian Revolution and the 2014 /15 /16 oil meltdown. Our present crisis would not have happened under the NEP. Simply put, Trudeau said, if there is another oil crisis, all Canada’s petroleum needs must be met before Alberta oil could be exported to the States by the American oil monopoly. It would seem that Washington, Congress and the oilies in Houston didn’t like this nervy Canadian Prime Minister deciding that Canadian oil must meet the needs of Canada before crossing the border. I am sure, in the halls of US power, they were saying, ” who do these Canadians think they are, telling the USA, what we can do with THEIR oil “? The Trudeau / NEP Smear Campaign was mounted from Houston in the 1980s, our Western newspapers were bought up by the oilies and the media in the East fell silent. Having the Americans take all of our oil when they wanted it and Canada experiencing a gasoline shortage was apparently alright with Canadian turncoats and our Nazi press. Conrad Black like Paul Godfrey made / makes his money telling lies. The oilie cheques that kept on coming attracted a goodly number of American loving Canadians who loved / love money more than their Country, like Don Martin! The Nazi media in general, made a lot of money boosting the negative NEP Myth, either writing / commenting about it or even saying nothing about it. For anyone aspiring to write for the right, the first move to make is read the rightie handbook and then do something on the NEP. Just repeating the NEP lies from the 1980s will score the Fascist Youth scribe, from Calgary University and the Manning Centre, points. After the Trudeau Smear, as said Alberta Premier Don Getty was smeared out of Office by the oilies. Then Premier Ed Stelmach was driven from Office by Houston. For the oilies Premier Redford, who would not obey commands, was smeared out of Office. The National Post, Globe, Star, Rogers, CTV and Global just love smears. All they have to do is reprint oilie E-Mails, no thinking required. Just as long as there is a cheques from Houston. David Suzuki was critical of the tar sands, he got an oilie smear job. Neil Young thought the Harper Tailing Ponds looked like Hiroshima and they do. The American oil monopoly came down heavy on Young who is a Canadian. Interesting, our median which is owned by the Americans, in this instance, attacked Young, a Canadian, because he was telling the truth to Canadians about the toxic tar sands Harper tailing ponds. With Lyin Steve’s help we came within an ace of having Houston take control of this Country on October 19 / 15. Playing a huge role in this attempted takeover were the PostMediocre papers, the Globe, the Star, Maclean’s, CTV and Global. Such traitorous behaviour must not be rewarded. The NEW CANADA doesn’t need any of them. Don’t buy or watch or frequent those who advertise in these newspapers or on TV. One close call with the Fascists is enough for a 6 lifetimes. The Americans are getting desperate, they have borrowed themselves into a corner and need to gather in slaves to work it off. The Repubs have made American citizens angry, fearful and frustrated. There are 300 million guns in that Country. The support for Trumpf shows the rank and file will not surrender to servitude as easily the righties thought. Canada is too good and rich a prize for the right to walk away from. That is why so much American money is being spent to undermine the building of the NEW CANADA. The is a major effort going on by the Fascists to destabilize the Governments of Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau. Hitler did the same thing in neigbouring countries just before WW 11. Harper was not a leader as such, but an American oil monopoly sock puppet. Steve threw many a loyal Fascist, his own supporters under the bus, Duffy, Sona, Brazeau and Wallin. Now Houston has thrown Harper under the bus for not delivering Canada into their hands. Lyin Steve flamed out, and proved unequal to the task. Even though Steve had hundreds of millions of under the table petro dollars at his disposal to subdue Canada, he blew it. America and Houston can’t abide losers. Now all effort is being made by the right wing to blame the HARPER ECONOMIC HANGOVER ON SOMEBODY ELSE Being completely familiar with media smearing in the USA and for the last ten years in Canada, I was suprised to find that the London UK right wing press engages in exactly the same kind of sport [ not the Guardian ]. In this Country as well as the UK, there are laws against smearing in terms of telling lies and publishing / broadcasting misinformation and False News. But with Harper’s election 10 years ago, his Government turned a blind eye to the many laws which he found inconvenient. Canada’s Nazi press got used to printing any story, false or not which boosted Lyin Steve and attacked his opponents. In recent assault’s on Alberta’s NDP Government, Postmediocre papers in Calgary and Edmonton clearly printed and continue to print False News, an offense under the Criminal Code [ # 181 ]. I want PM Trudeau to prosecute Paul Godfrey for publishing such scurrilous copy. Newspapers whose printed lies damages Canada’s democratic system, must be prosecuted out of existence. As must our Law prohibiting the formation of monopolies be brought to bear on the American oil monopoly controlled from Houston. If the US people want to put up with government by a Kleptocracy [ rule by thieves and the oil monopoly ], that is their business. If the unemployed in Texas, Oklahoma and North Dakota want to cling to their Repub ideology, that their business too. Now with another Trudeau in 24 Sussex Dr., we can pick up where his father Pierre and the NEP left off. Namely an independent Canadian oil / natural gas policy in which the rightpublicanazis / Houston HAS NO SAY WHATSOEVER, ZERO. For thirty years, this Country’s petroleum industry has related directly to Houston profits and Republicans in Congress on the oilie take. The monopoly screwed Alberta and Canada in the 1980s, by being driven by greed, resulting in the abuse of this Nation. The same crowd, the Repub retards / oilies started to jerk Canada around in 2014 when the monopoly started buy cheap ISIS oil, stolen from the Iraqis. By doing business with the terrorists the USA monopoly has again destabilized the world oil market, as they did by partnering with Washington in 1973, 1979, 1995 and now during 2014 / 15 / 16. If you are out of work in Alberta, can’t pay your credit card or your mortgage, can’t buy gas for your Dodge RAM to go the the Food Bank, then blame Houston, no matter what Paul Godfrey / Post or CAPP say. ALBERTA IS NOT SUFFERING FROM SOME GLOBAL PHENOMENON. THIS A MADE IN HOUSTON CRISIS, WHERE THE SUITS HAVE PAID THE WORLD NAZI PRESS A LOAD OF MONEY TO DIVERT THE ATTENTION OF MILLIONS OF SUCKER. The Houston greed is no where to be seen. There is big money for the Nazi press worldwide in not touching on the oilie greed and the manipulation of global opinion. The American oil monopoly must be driven from Canada. The oilies in Houston, as usual decide who lives, who is dirt poor and who dies all related to profits. Well no more! Canadians must decide that this Country’s resources belong to the total citizenry . The best way to accomplish this, is to deport all American oil monopoly representative in Alta. / Sask. as Hugo Chavez did in 1998. This can come about by appointing a new and honest RCMP Commissioner [ for a change ]. With new management at Revenue Canada [ which is a must ], an investigate into all undeclared charity / political payments by Houston, must be started. Steve Harper, Danielle Smith, Jim Prentice, Brian Jean, Ric McIver, Calgary University and the Manning Centre. In fact Preston Manning had $ 15 million in his back pocket when he went to Carleton University, looking to set up a brainwashing department in Ottawa. Where’d Manning get $ 15 million. As a result of my vocal opposition to Herr Harper my family was singled our for special abuse, they tried to bankrupt us. Of course the Post papers never mentioned the Rev. Can. hit squads. In England the laws are even tougher on loose talk which can affect someone’s reputation. But as with Canada under Harper, David Cameron is getting good at saying one thing, doing the exact opposite. David spends all of his time looking the other way, while his friends empty the British Treasury. As this goes on, Osbourne does a reverse Robin Hood, he steals from the disadvantaged to give to the rich. London Tube riders are deprived of sufficient staff, as TfL pays friends and insider large sums, TO NOT COOL THE TUBE. It is a huge ripoff which the Tory papers are paid to bury. Could we call George a ROBBIN BASTARD??? One third of English newspapers are owned by Rupert Murdoch, who is the owner of FOX News in the USA. I find it interesting that Murdoch is now so powerful because he caters to the demented Tea Baggers who pay big to have their lies told. From his lofty perch Rupert has become the tail that wags the US Republican dog. Just imagine that. A newspaper and TV Corporation that controls one of the two political parties in the USA. But Murdoch’s real aim, is, number one, to control the USA. Following that Murdock by extension will control the UK. Just recently Murdoch was invited to Number 10 Downing Street by Cameron. I wonder how many times Cam had to bend over and drop his drawers for Rupert??? Can you believe? The Prime Minister of England doing a little prance for a criminal, with more money than brains. Now Rupert walks in the front door of No. 10 for a change. In the old days of Tony Blair, Rupert had to sneak in the back door of Downing Street, lest the Prime Minister be accused of selling out. Which Blair had actually done. Tony couldn’t wait to kiss the ass of Georgie Bush Jr. Now Cameron is quite open about his selling out. For the last ten years Murdoch has made it clear he wants the BBC served up on a platter. Competition from a Government broadcasting agency will no longer be tolerate by THE AUSSIE. The right wing ideology handbook can’t be more than 15 pages. It was put together during Reagan’s Presidency. The righties kept it brief because Ronnie wasn’t too bright. Said handbook dictates, that when in power, ALL the righties will do exactly the same things over and over, with the same bad results. George Bush Jr. tried to kill PBS. Bush didn’t want Americans to hear the truth. Completely in the tradition of the Nazi book burner. If Herr Harper had cheated his way back into power in 2015 using his stack of petro dollars, the CBC would have been toast, abortions would have been banned in Canada, no matter what the Supreme Court decided and all of Lyin Steve’s critics would have been put in jail. In the UK both Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair wanted the BBC strangled. Maggy was hard right and Blair of labour was softer right. As a right wing politician, one can always make a deal with a disreputable media mogul, if there is enough money in it. But with the CBC, PBS, BBC and the Guardian, it is a much tougher row to hoe trying to bury the truth by offering them payoffs. What was / is the difference between Reagan, Thatcher, Bush, Blair, Harper, Cameron, Trumpf and Hitler, whose book bonfires are still fresh in the mind. NO DIFFERENCE!!! In real life you can’t suck and blow at the same time. As a leader, you either want educated voters, support their education and respect their right to vote. Or you want information challenged voters who are easier to manipulate because you keep them frightened and stupid. Hitler also decreed scare tactics and stupidity. US, Can. and UK right wingers want the ignorant mob to stay ignorant. Measures perfected by the US Congress and 31 State Government, used by Steve Harper and now being introduced in England, seek to enslave populations before they realize what game is being played. The American people were much to slow in catching the Republican drift which started in California 20 years ago. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. It is a matter of withholding info and / or providing the wrong info, greatly aided by a paid world Nazi press. Which is dominant in the US. Can. and the UK. Even though Canadians voted Harper out of office, all of our newspapers are controlled by the rightpublicanazis. Besides Murdoch’s London papers, the rest are owned by tax cheats who inhabit Jersey and Guernsey [ not the Guardian ]. Firstly, I began reading the BBC online, especially about the Tube overheat. I then added the Guardian to my list. I followed and follow the travails of the London Underground and more recently the UK flooding in 2013 / 14 / 15 have been of much interest. The flooding in England is caused by Global Warming and is manageable Both the ever increasing temperature in the Tube and the flooding problems can be solved. But not under the Cameron Fascists. I have more recently kept abreast of UK politics, especially the Parliamentary Election Campaign on May 7 / 15, in which David Cameron and his Conservatives won by cheating. Cam got a thumping huge majority of four seats in a 650 seat House. Cameron’s right wing party stole the 2015 Election, the same way Stephen Harper’s Fascists stole the 2011 Election, using the Republican’s cheat sheet experts. These few extra seats gives the Conservatives a SLIGHT EDGE but it is much too close to the edge. Cam keeps losing key vote. Harper was much into manipulating riding boundries for his own benefit, as coached by the his importated, illegal Republican masters. Cameron is also fiddling with riding boundries, thanks to the help of his imported Republican and Aussie operators. Cam is much into voter suppression just like Lyin Steve was. The voter suppression agenda was taken directly from the policies of 31 States controlled by Republicans. Both Prime Ministers, Harper / Cameron, employed American coaches who advised them how to play dirty tricks and cheat the opposition during their elections. The question has to be asked, why would such leaders of Canada and the UK, so slavishly follow the right wing ideology born at the University of Chicago. This to turn the USA into a Nietzsche inspired democratic totalitarian Kleptocray [ a phony democracy, rule by thieves ] as we can now so plainly see. The answer is, by corralling my Country [ 35 million ] and England [ 65 million ], the Yankees could gain another hundred million slaves from whom wealth can be stripped. The wealth has already been stripped from America the beautiful, the EU, Ireland and Iceland. The rightpublicanazis need some new meat to supply these bloodsuckers with their next meal. So there you have it, deep involvement by the Yankees in the affairs of Canada and the UK. Washington planned to turn Canada and England into slave colonies. If the Repubs attached no importance to American votes why should they respect to votes of Brits and Canucks??? The USA lost the battle for the control of Canada in Oct. 201. YET AGAIN!!!. For over 200 years Americans have tried to SEIZE this Country by one means or other. And they have always failed, RIGHT UP TO Oct. 19 / 15. Canada does not belong to the the Yankees and they better get that through their thick heads. Even after Harper’s humiliating defeat millions are being raised from American interests to undermine the Governments in Ottawa and Alberta. This money is being given to the National Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, Roger, CTV and Global to ambush, on a daily basis our NEW blossoming CANADA. The continuing assault on this Nation wouldn’t be worth a handful of wet squibs if the American poison had no means of reaching the public. But since the Americans own the Canadian Nazi media [ not the CBC ] these foreign owned newspapers and TV networks, are being used to spread their poison and cast a cloud over our future. What do we do with a rabid dog? Shoot it of course. What do we do with an equally rabid Can. Nazi media??? Close them down and put those responsible in jail. It is time to enforce the Law which prohibits False News as well as the Law which prohibits monopolies. In short order we must take down the Nazi media and ban the American oil monopoly. I want charges laid but in lieu of fines I would prefer throwing the American out and expropriating their assets. This, to prevent them from doing any more damage. This is now February 2016, 2 months after the installation of a new Liberal Government with a healthy majority and a 4 year mandate. I have had enough. Haven’t you??? A Roman saying has application here, ” Illegitimi Non Carborundum “. Translated, ” Don’t let the bastards wear us down “. Bastards in this case headed by the bastard-in-chief, Paul Godfrey. As said the management in charge of Revenue Canada have to be thrown out onto the street and their close ties with Harper’s Fascist Party revealed. And those who hide their wealth like Brian Mulroney, out of Country, should be heavily penalized financially. We must also target the American oil monopoly, Canada Post, the RCMP, Statistics Canada, The Competition Board, the Nazi media [ not the CBC ], the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, TransNotCanada, Enbridge, Kinder Morgan, the Fascist shills of the National Energy Board, the Post, Globe, Star, Rogers, CTV and Global, right wing think tanks like the Fraser Institute, Ezzie Le Rant, the Manning Institute, the University of Calgary, the Calgary Foundation, the Donner Foundation, the Civitas Society to name a few. I want fresh audits, deportations and jail time.. I figure all the new jails Herr Harper built to house his enemies and critics would nicely hold the aforementioned enemies of Canada. This Nation has escaped the clutches of the Americans once again. Let us take the necessary steps to see that we do not face another takeover attempt from the Americans, ever. It will be tough clearing the USA poison from our system but there is an old Roman saying,” The future belongs to the bold “. Canadians have shown boldness before and we can show it again. Also, I think everything possible should be done to help England escape the Yankee yoke too. Canada is poised to help our mother Country resist the rightpublicanazi call. The EU unelected rulers in Brussels are moving into an ever closer union with the American right and US corporations. The US is trying to permanently assemble a large number of countries in which the people no longer have a voice, as a bulwark against Chinese expansion. Once DRAWN INTO the Yankee net of serfdom, there will be no escape. Totalitarian democracy will be imposed. American corporations will outrank the voices of the people, thus national sovereignity will be lost in every country that falls for the US siren’s song. Once England is firmly in the grip of the EU and doing much of the rowing, the Brits will have even less freedom than they do now under Cameron. When the Underground closes, Wall Street will seize the opportunity to become the economic centre of the world. All the headquarters of major corporations will move out of England, there will be no need to stay. US branch plants will take full advantage of depressed labour rates. The fact that Britain will increasingly be under sea water, due to climate change will result in a population that will be increasingly stressed. Glad to have their allotment porridge. The plight of the Brits will be of little concern to Washington and Wall Street. Just look what the Repubs, Washington and the Streeters have done to Kansas, California, Texas, Oklahoma, Montana, ND and SD and other states. There are suffering lean times and more abuse is on the way. It is little wonder that such Americans are frightened, angry and frustrated are supporting Trumpf. In the UK, fixing the London Underground overheat and flood proofing England [ using the Ontario Model ] is a must in taking back England from the Yankee loving Brits. Cooling the Tube and addressing flooding must be done to prevent the further slide in liberty and security, as David Cameron get ready to hand the reins of State over to the Ruined States of American. A cool Tube and a flood proofed Britain reduce the economic threat to the majority in the UK and enhance the security of individual citizens. But more important still is the survival of the Empire, of which Canada is a part. The first order of business is for England to stay out of the clutches of the Americans by not surrendering its’ sovereignty to the EU in return for trinkets. The long term interests of the UK will be better served by drawing closer to Canada and the British Commonwealth, which collectively has a population of more the 2 billion people. Our three critical areas of common interest are Global Warming, oil and natural gas. The NEW CANADA HOLDS VERY STRONG CARDS IN EACH SUIT. Enough strength in each suit to aid England and the Commonwealth in resisting negative plans of the USA. Very strong trading ties already exist among this Country and the Commonwealth. 80% of companies in Canada DO NOT EXPORT. It is the other 20%, American branch plants, which exist to strip the wealth out of Canada, have no interest in trading with the Commonwealth. I would bet we could sell all of our lumber to the Commonwealth, it would end the Yankee cheating. There is no need to trade away sovereignty for a few American bobbles and the continual changing of the trade rules to suit the Americans. NAFTA no longer provides any advantage whatsoever to this Nation. It is just another US wealth stripping device. Under NAFTA US corporations have sued Canada and Mexico about 40 times because our various governments enacted laws to protect the citizens. We and Mexico have lost 60% of those law suits. We and Mexico have sued the USA 20 times and never won a dime. The Yankees rigged NAFTA and Mulroney captulated. I was in business for 50 years. I’m for fair trade, am not for submitting to rape any time the Yankees want to have a go. Under NAFTA the voices of our people have no standing. Under TPP the people have no voice. The determining factor is profits, not lifestyles and lives of the ignorant mob.. If a Canadian law, passed to protect Canadians, cramps the style of a US corporation under NAFTA, then the offending ” CANADIAN ” jurisdiction has to cough up the PROJECTED, IMAGINARY LOST PROFITS. In signing NAFTA Mulroney signed away our sovereignty. Harper signed the TPP, it means more Canadian sovereignty has been ceded to a permanent Republican Congress which cheated to GET INTO OFFICE and will continue to cheat to STAY IN OFFICE. David Cameron is nothing more than a Republican pimp, wearing a Union Jack vest. There is an old Republican saying which was adopted by Harper and is now central to the Cameron Government, ” If you ain’t cheating and lying, you ain’t trying “. To everyone’s surprise Jeremy Corbyn won the Labour Leadership on Sept. 12 / 15 and left many observers scratching their heads. I detect a groundswell against David Cameron like we experiences with Steve Harper here. Dave and Steve went to same Republican Grade School together. Once a right wingy chip has been inserted into the brain of a UPC suffering Brown Shirt or Skirt it can never be removed. Said chips do not carry much information other than the rightie creed, the superiority of the white race, permission to lie and cheat as well as the same talking points regularly heard in Washington, Ottawa and London. Oh the Heil salute too. This point is really important, the rightie chip only works in the brains of those with UPC [ Undeveloped Prefrontal Cortex ]. Such people are in a sense, Sociopaths whose brains never matured. The Manning Centre is home to those Canadian males with UPC. These vulnerable males are led to believe that there are 2 classes of people. The rightie whities and everyone else. My big problem is, I find it difficult to understand how this 1st class / 2nd class ideology works in a democratic setting where all votes are supposed to be equal. Another fly in the ointment for the righties, what right did Harper have and does Cameron have to disqualify some voters who they see as being opponents. It seems to me there isn’t a big step from disqualifying opponents to jailing or shooting or gassing them or chucking them into ovens??? The evidence coming out of Whitehall shows that the UK is becoming a totalitarian democracy in which Cameron and company have slavishly followed the American model. Just a glance at the wide acceptance of the Trumpfster shows by Americans seeking a strong leader, show where the Brits are headed if they follow Cameron. The righties lie to the electorates in North America and England and pay the Nazi press to print those lies [ not the Guardian ]. This is the new paradigm. ” Freedom of the press to sell out to the highest bidder “. Right now Cameron and company are paying the London Nazi press to discredit Cameron’s opposition [ again, not the Guardian ]. As well, Cameron like Harper, used voter suppression tactics taken directly out of the election playbook used by 31 Republican States. Cam even went so far as employing Americans to advise on taking the franchise away from the UK voters who not support him. What this means is that although most Brits were able to exercise their vote, many of them were disenfranchised or misled by the mostly American owned UK Nazi press. Once in office, as one might expect, Cameron began catering to Government friends, the insiders, elites, the rich, the banks and the US corporate raiders. The result of this USA style of stealth political oppression, the English righties play right along with their anti democratic, American cousins. They do this by treating voting as mere inconvenience. To be thrown onto the ash heap as quickly as the trap was sprung and the English are all indentured. Unsurprisingly following the US rightie cue, was an immediate move by Cameron to cater to the interests of the Overman class [ 1st class citizens ]. With the interests of the majority of taxpayers being discarded along the wayside. Everyday that G. Osborne opens his mouth more wealth is stripped from the everyman in the streets. Our research, backed up by TfL documents, indicated [ 2007 ], that the Underground will have to close because riders are going to die in one of those overheated tunnels. The methodology for cooling the Tube was achieved in 2008 by James and I. Our difficulties stemmed from the fact that too many of the insiders at TfL are making a lot of money, NOT COOLING THE TUBE. TfL documentation signaled seven years ago that if the temperature in Tube is no lowered fatalities would occur. But TfL allows the temp to continue to rise. That rise is actually accelerating. Many such documents were sent by me to Boris Johnson in the Fall of 2013. Bo did not have the courtesy to acknowledge my package of documents. Like so many righties Johnson was obviously afraid of the truth. As well, the rains will continue and the waves will pound the coasts in, due to climate change. The Atlantic is now at a higher level, the seas are warmer and the Arctic jet stream has permanently altered course to avoid California because of the heat pillar positioned there. This means devastation on a grand scale in the UK as has been witnessed in 2013, 14 / 15. The English people will continued to see their lives disrupted, some will lose everything they own and some will even lose their lives. In the not too distant future, thousands of acres in East Anglia and the Somerset Levels will be covered with salt water, never to be recovered. It is a given, that a Conservative Party that doesn’t believe in Global Warming, engages in voter suppression and uses dirty tricks taken right put of the US Republican handbook is not about to worry about riders frying on the Tube or residents of York drowning as the water engulfs their City. All the UK gets out of Cameron, are excuses and flim flam. While Cam protects the 1st class citizenry from harm. This because he is a captive of the US imported right wing ideology that has never worked, NEVER. Just look at California and Kansas. Cameron’s continual American ass kissing, WILL NOT PERMIT HIM TO ACT. Cam, his Government members and Agencies can’t even mouth the words, Global Warming. Can you imagine the shit they would be in with the rightpublicanazis from whom Cameron and Boris Johnson their get their marching orders. Interestingly, Herr Harper followed the exact same script Cameron is now enunciating. In 2011 Lyin Steve lied to the electorate as he continued to do in 2015. In 2011 his Fascists Party, funded by the American oil monopoly, imported Republicans to oversee the cheat Election campaign crafted by the Yankee dominated PMO. Many of Robo Calls to misdirect Liberal voters came from Republican operators in the USA. Under Canadian Election Laws that is illegal. Interference in an Election by foreigners is prohibited in this Country. Harper just ignored laws which Houston told him they found troublesome. Once illegally in office Harpie One began turning Canada over to the American oil monopoly and US corporate raiders. Cam is now involved in the same process, giving the UK away, hoping to win personal approval from his US masters . Steve cut corporate taxes, gave the American oil monopoly carte blanche and set up his friends and supporters in business picking the pockets of Canadians. Even with the new Liberal Government, far too many Canadians still think we are living in Harperland. The US righties in 2006 decided what Canada could and could not do. This definition of our sphere of action was set in stone. Too many Canadians have accepted these rightie limitations as coming from heaven and not to be monkeyed with. In India, baby elephants are trained by attaching a long chain to one leg and the other to a stake. As the elephant grows, it becomes familiar with its’ territory. After a while the chain is removed, yet the elephant will never venture beyond that defined territory unless ordered. Far too many Canadians, particularly the young, are likewise limited in their rightie defined horizons. THE NEW CANADA has one hundred and one opportunities to advance culturally and economically. Yet with rightie blinkers on, the Canadian rank and file is being led into the valley of despair by our Nazi press. Harpie the First was in the process of dismantling programs, ignoring the environment and climate change, watering down education for the voters and the majority, eliminating the protection of our water, gutting Medicare, ignoring the sad state of Canada’s indigenous people and eliminating benefits to the disadvantage. Cameron is singing from exactly the same song book as Lyin Steve was, word for word. It is disturbing to watch the leading right wing politicians do and say all the same things over and over, on a signal from the Americans. When you see the contents of rightie playbook in print, you can expect it to be repeated by anyone you care to chose from the Republican Congress, the US Supreme Court, the Harper Fascists and Cameron’s Thatcherites. They all bow to their US right wing masters. We have a daily dose of rightie gems. Reduce regulations to make it easier for the rich / right / corporations to strip the people’s wealth away. Lower taxes to the rich and US corporations, thus increasing the burden on the ignorant mob. Cut Government services to further burden the masses, so that they are incapable of making trouble. It is harder to protest in the streets with your pitchfork on an empty belly and shoeless. The righties use every means at hand to abuse the masses and reduce their ability to protest. AND REFUSE TO ADJUST POLICIES IN RESPONSE TO UNFORESEEN AND CHANGING EVENTS THAT IMPINGE ON THE IGNORANT MOB AS H. L. MENCKEN NAMED US. For more than 100 years, the righties have supported the elimination of the population which is surplus to the need for slaves. The US Congress refuses to deal with the drought in California and the mid west, now 4 years in and getting worse. The solution, according to the right, is for the Mexicans to be deported. If the water begins to run out and there are not enough deportations? What then? Concentration camps??? Harper did not raise a finger when oil prices began to drop because his employer, the American oil monopoly started this whole mess by buying ISIS oil stolen from Iraq. This stolen oil, fenced through Turkey upset the world market. Alberta / Canada are REALLY self sufficient in terms of oil. But the USA oil monopoly has arranged to reap maximum profits from ISIS oil. While Canadians continue to pay through the nose for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, refined from ISIS stolen oil that costs the US oil monopoly $ 15 a barrel. Our fuels bear a retail price, as if it was being refined from oil costing $ 100. Calling Canadians suckers would not be too far off the mark. Harper never raised this ISIS issue about Canadians buying bullets for ISIS. We do not need to be involved in the world oil market, as we are self sufficient. It is only the Can. Fifth Columnist who are paid to help the Yankee wealth strippers keep us in chains. Once upon a time, in 1950 the only market for Alberta oil was Ontario. This marriage was forced on my Province BY OTTAWA to hold Canada together. I agreed with this arrangement. We here had no option other than to buy Alberta oil at an inflated price. In the middle 1950s, the Ontario population was about 6 million. Some of my hard earned money and the money of other Ontarians went to put Alberta into the oil business and keep the have-not-Province there. There has never been a thank you, none. For 35 years, all we here in the East have had from the West is continuing verbal abuse. Who provided them with the startup funds apparently has never entered their heads? However Trudeau’s NEP has been advertised a million times. You know what Hitler said? Repeat a lie often enough and the ignorant masses will accept the lie as truth. The NEP has indeed made it into the truth column in the nazi press. Once the Alberta oil business matured, the Yankees moved in and began shipping oil across the borders. Alberta was then plugged into the world oil market, which the US oil monopoly has been manipulating ever since. Pierre Trudeau and his NEP tried to retain control of Canada’s petroleum resources on behalf of Canadians, but Houston money, our fledgling Nazi press led by Conrad Black and the Canadian fifth column smeared to NEP out of existence. Freed from the Ontario exclusivity of being the only customer for Alberta oil the US monopoly began screwing the West out of its’ petroleum wealth. When Ottawa tried to exercise constitutional rights [ Pierre Trudeau / 1980 / NEP ], in terms of its’ jurisdiction over the export of energy, the American oil monopoly as said, mounted a smear campaign in the Canadian newpapers against the elder Trudeau. This smear campaign sold well in Alberta. Where now the affects of kissing Houston’s ass has followed to its’ logical conclusion. The American oil monopoly has found cheaper oil from ISIS and turned its’ back on Alt. and Sask. These Provinces just bet on the wrong horse, the Yankee horse. Instead of betting on Canada. Now the Westerners want the rest of Canada to bail them out of their foolishness. I thought that, so the story goes, Westerners are rugged individualist who brave the storms, taking the bitter with the batter. I think the ruggedness has lasted about 3 month and now the whining has started. The Post papers are now trumpeting a split in Canadian unity if the West is not paid off. In that earlier time, by cutting the Western ties with the rest of Canada and hogging Alberta oil, the US oil monopoly was also able to screw Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes by plugging us into their rigged world oil market from 1980 onward. Canadian Governments from that time forward, have been reluctant to mess with the American oil monopoly, especially Mulroney who welcomes a takeover. Speaking at Nancy Reagan’s funeral is quite appropriate for Lyin Brian. When Mulroney’s namesake, Lyin Steve took the helm in 2006, he signaled to his employers, in Houston, that they could take whatever they wanted, no questions asked. By surrendering one’s sovereignty you can always expect to get it stuck up your ass. And we did bigtime! From this one sided arrangement, we are now trying to extricate ourselves. Alberta has no customers for its’ oil. The fickle American oil monopoly can buy ISIS oil out of Turkey on the cheap. Who needs Fort McMurray. Yet Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes, a few hundred miles to the east pay the highest prices in the world for imported gasoline, diesel and jet fuel based on ISIS oil valued at $ 100 a barrel. I mean, come on, isn’t 30 years of being stupid about the USA oil monopoly and getting rammed up the ass enough? Back in 1980, who in their right mind would not have been vexed at Ottawa making a money grab from Western petroleum? BUT IT WAS A LIE, IT WAS ALL PHONY, A MONOPOLY MANUFACTURED FICTION WHICH WAS PROPAGATED THROUGH OUR NAZI PRESS. The paid Black papers was shouting at the tops of their lungs about the NEP Myth. The Myth got such traction for the oilies in the 1980s, why not go bigger, better and badder. The monopoly didn’t quit, because its’ smears were winning initiative. SUCCESS WITH THE NEP MYTH LATER BEGAT HARPERLAND, AN EVEN BIGGER MYTH. The American oil monopoly has been spreading its’ paid smear campaigns across Canada ever since, always with the help of our Nazi press. Any Canadian who crosses the oil monopoly and will see millions, given to the likes of Paul Godfrey to smear them and ruin their reputation even if everything is made up. Right now Rachel Notley and PM Trudeau are on the oilie smear list. 30 years ago, Justin’s Father Pierre, one of Canada’s greatest Prime Ministers, was subjected to the same kind of oilie smear campaign. It works because so many Canadians believe the lies. And the Fifth Columnists who own the Country’s newspapers and Maclean’s like the petrol dollars. Godfrey, thomson, Honderich, Rogers and CTV / Global are selling us out for cheap. It is like selling your neighbour’s $ 60,000 GMC pickup for seventy five bucks. Why are Canadians allowing the Nazi media to even play in the game??? Interesting, that a supposed mature country would allow a illegal foreign oil monopoly to range far and wide ruining the reputations of leading citizens it took a dislike and who were treading on its’ profitability. And that said actions would be taken up with such vigour by Canada’s newspapers / TV. It is the height of arrogance and bad manners, exhibited by foreigners. I say to the Westerners who believe the NEP Myth, while your eye were locked on the east, it was the oil monopoly that was stealing you blind. And that fixation has cost Alberta and Saskatchewan their economic future unless we discard the rightie rules that Harper bequeathed us. With the oil thefts being COVERED UP by the National Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, Mclean’s and CTV / Global, how do they fit in with the NEW CANADA. As proof the Westerners have been had, something Brad Wall has yet recognize. Norway has a Sovereign Wealth Fund now totaling more than $ 900 billion. The Norwegian Governments, over time, made sure that the people’s interests came first even though they were dealing with the same American oil monopoly bandits. What have Alberta / Saskatchewan got in the bank from their petroleum resources after shipping twice the amount of oil over the years that Norway did. 30 YEARS LATER AND ALTA. / SASK. HAVE SWEET BUGGER ALL FOR THEIR RESOURCES AND EFFORTS. Over all of this time, Westerners have clung fast to their right wing ideology, doing the same things over and over and getting the same BAD RESULT. The result is that the two Provinces don’t have a pot to pee in or a window to through it out of. A question to the Premier. Mr. Wall, when oh when will your light bulb light up??? Albertans, up until May 2015 have always voted for the Petroleum Conservatives who gave the people’s oil away for personal gain paid under the table. Again the Pet. Cons. sold Alberta too cheaply. This arrangement guaranteed perpetual political power and the oil paid press, made sure that Albertans never caught on. Many in the Province still have not caught onto the oilie scam. They exhibit all the smarts of 4 inch spikes or even crow bars. Now Kevin O’Leary says Rachel Notley is to blame for the economic collapse of Alberta. The Wild Hosers are even asking Ottawa for money to tide them over. Should all Canadians pay for the mistakes Albertans made? The right wing never admits to a mistake. They always look for someone else to blame and for someone else to pay the freight. But this time there is a silver lining, even though we have had 10 years of the Harper dictatorship. In the 1950s / 60s /70s, Ontario ran on Alberta oil exclusively. We here refined our own gasoline, diesel and aviation fuels but the American oilies decided to close our refineries. All the better to keep our nuts in a vice. How much money did the American oil monopoly pay the Ontario Government and the National Energy Board to act agains the interests of Ontarians. The answer to Alberta’s economic woes and the high price of transportation fuel in Eastern Canada is to close the border to the import / export of oil, refined petroleum products and natural gas by the USA. It worked quite well in an earlier time and will work just as well to-day. Our Nazi press is trumpeting the low loonie and the economic plight of Alta. and Sask. Canadians have the solution to this crisis staring them in the face. Upgrade and refine the tar right in Fort McMurray and pipe the crude oil down to Ontario and Quebec to be turned into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, on the spot. Why let the Americans diddle us around anymore??? 30 year is long enough to suffer Yankee mistreatment! It was said in Quebec 40 years ago that they wanted to be MASTERS IN THEIR OWN HOUSE, when the AEC nukies were trying to sell the Province on nuclear power. Quebec bet on hydro electricity and it was a good bet. The people have benefited by trillions of dollars. Ontario folded and suffered a nuclear coup d’etat, many thanks to Mike Harris, Dalton McGuinty, a noted local crook and the Toronto Star. The people of the Province remained in the dark and to this day, remain in the dark. Sky high KWs is the price they pay, thanks to their inattentiveness and incuriousness. To-day Ontarians pay the highest gasoline prices, the highest natural gas prices and the highest prices for nuclear electricity thank to Kathleen McGuinty, who still can’t balance the books. All the profits and the Province’s take go to Liberal insiders and the private sector. There is nothing to compare with a Province full of old fools. They have gotten to be old fools by allowing themselves to be fooled over and over by the Liberal right wing Government. Ontario has more cheap hydro power than Manitoba and Quebec put together. But the advantages of these affordable KWs are kept beyond our reach by the Ontario Liberals, OPG and our paid Nazi media [ not the CBC ] [ surprise, surprise Dalton, in fact led a right wing Liberal party, much farther right than my old Mike Harris Provincial Progressive Conservatives and FAR MORE CORRUPT ]. Here is a brain twister for you. A question that has never been asked by the Nazi media. The right wingies are scared shitless of the answer. What was the reason that the Frost, Robarts and Davis PCs gave Ontario 42 years of good Government? Those were the golden years, when this Province was the economic engine of Canada. Some kind of secret sauce? No. Some magical concoction? Na. My Mother worked for the PC in York Township during the 1940s and 50s. I was a minor operative for the PCs in Pickering from 1960 to 1985. The Ontario PCs had the right / left divide just right. Working closely with business but not letting them cheat as they do to-day. Making sure the interests of people and environment were protected, this was paramount. Supporting financially and taking positions in companies which were developing exportable, cutting edge technologies. The Davis PCs were friends of inventors, innovators and idea people. When that disaster of a Premier, David Peterson assumed power in 1985 he viewed the Ontario Department of Industry and Trade with great suspicion. The I and T Department was a beehive of activity. Many new, budding companies, with Queen’s Park as their mentor were in various states of maturity. This nasty LITTLE MAN Peterson could not accept that as these fledgling business emerged successfully from under the protective wing of Queen’s Park, they would be stamped with the Tory brand. Peterson committed another of his classic blunders and closed Industry and Trade down and REPLACED IT WITH NOTHING. Many innovators and inventors suddenly found their funding cut off by Peterson. To make sure none of them could rise from the grave, Peterson set his collection people loose to get back the funds advanced by Davis. Many of the fledgling companies were driven into bankruptcy. My Blue Jay Aircraft Co. was pushed to the edge but I managed to survive. The BJ prototype bushplane never flew. Peterson saw to that. I never again attempted to develop any of my ideas. Worse still was the fact that Peterson drove all of the inventors, innovators and idea people out of the Province. Working with Industry and Trade on the Blue Jay for a few years allowed me to get to know about other unique products in the pipeline. After Peterson’s broom did its’ dirty work, I became aware that a number of inventions / products that should have brought wealth to Ontario, were developed in USA. After Peterson innovation came to a standstill in the Province and it never blossomed again. In 1989 it was clear that a recession was headed our way. The fruits of Industry and Trade, many just on the ripe were pitched into the dumpster by Peterson. Much has been made over the years and still to-day what a disaster the Bob Rae Government was 1990 / 95. No not really. Ontario would have had a much easier journey through those years if Peterson had not killed Industry and Trade out of spite and political hubris. Dave Peterson cost Ontario taxpayers billions of dollars and destroyed the future for far too many. This man, just like McGuinty is a crook and should be in jail for the damage he did.

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Harpie One was always a phony. He was a nobody who was always pretending to be somebody. Our glorious leader hid in a cupboard when the bullets started to fly on Parliament Hill. Lyin Steve would not drive a motorcycle but preferred to to drive a 4 wheeler. A motorcycle with training wheels. He pretended to shot a rifle. He would not put a worm on a hook and was afraid to get in a little boat. However he did stand on the prow of one of our ice breaker with the flag above him held taut by staff using wires to show the illustrious leader facing fully the woes of the world. Harper lived in a fantasy and over tens years attempted to create a Canada in HIS image, that of make believe. Of course all of the above are confirmed by Harper’s antics since his defeat. Lyin Steve is in hiding mostly, when he is not in Las Vegas or standing behind the curtain in the House of Commons to qualify for his MP salary. He is clearly mentally ill, it runs in his family. We should be sympathetic to such people who suffer but not this dick. Harper is a Sociopath with all of the behaviours on display. He shot his bolt, did not succeed in handing Canada over to the American oil monopoly and he has now been thrown under the bus by Houston. The Yanks, especially righties, do not like losers. I wish Harper short and unhappy life, he deserves it. Steve caused an awful lot of Canadians, an awful lot of pain, especially in Megantic. His hands off policy regarding the American oil monopoly, is responsible for 47 deaths and 22 orphans in the Quebec Town. May he never rest in peace, ever. Harper apparently liked hockey but never played in an organized league. He was a phony, is that a surprise? I played industrial hockey for almost 20 years in the Oshawa area. I think of Ontario’s 42 golden years under the the Governments of Frost, Robarts and Davis PCs much like hockey. In the old days we elected the PCs and they played on the ice. The people, corporations, insiders and special interests groups sat in the stands and watched the PCs play. In to-day’s world [ up to October 19 / 15 ] the corporations, Americans, special interest groups, friends of Government, the rich and the US rightpublicans play on the ice while Canadians and their elected representatives sit in the stands and watch the game being played. The politicians of to-day would NEVER EVER QUESTION THE MARKET AS DEFINED BY THE US RIGHT WING. God runs the market. With neutered electeds we had lost the right to shout our displeasure. Apparently God doesn’t listen to the ignorant masses. God was in the corner of the one percent. That is no longer the case as of Oct. 19 /15. PM Trudeau and his team are now on the ice warming up and the corporations, Yankees, special interests, the rich, our Nazi media and the rightpublicanazis are sitting in the stand with us Canadians. Let’s see what kind of goodies come from once again, ” BEING MASTERS AND MISTRESSES IN OUR OWN HOUSE “? With MPs WHO LISTEN. It is clear to me that the actions of Cameron’s UK Fascist Party is moving inexorably down Havoc Road, the avenue that Harper trod. England, a once proud Nation is slowly moving towards subjugation by the US congress, Wall Street and the American corporate raiders. As far as I can see most Brits are watching this happen with eyes wide shut. To add to Harper’s dirty tricks, he got into bed with the Catholic church and promised to ban abortions if the Catholics voted for him. But Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich said nothing about the bribery. From the Catholic Church, there came not a peep. I hold that Catholic parishioners are entitled to know that the Church was using their votes as bargaining chips to satisfy Vatican demands and thwart our democracy. Bit by bit Harper dismantled [ 2005 / 2015 ] the rights of Parliament, he did this to better facilitate the takeover of Canada by the Yankee oil monopoly. This Country was destined to bear the stamp, ” OWNED BY THE RIGHTPUBLICANAZIS / A PROTECTORATE OF THE USA “. The positive step we took as a Nation on Oct. 19 /15 ensured Canadians WILL NEVER, EVER BE SLAVES. The same thing can’t be said of the UK. Cameron, his American allies and the US STOOGES in Brussels are already fashioning the chains for the Brits, from which there will be no escape. Once the pound is integrated by a very corrupt EU the now independent English island will cease to exist. The takeover of the UK by the USA, via the EU is already well underway. Look at the threats being made daily against the Brits by the USA and its’ paid minions. Why politicians in Canada and the UK, like Harper and Cameron would slavishly and blindly hand their Countries over to the Americans, has got me baffled? Other than the fact it is the large bankrolls provided by the Americans to Harper and Cameron promising victories at election time for the minority Fascists / Conservatives in this Country and the Fascist / Conservatives in the UK. If a political party doesn’t attract a majority of voters, the best way to get into office is do what the Repubs do, cheat, lie and steal office. Such a system spells the end of democracy wherever political thievery takes place. As well the odds get even better for the Repubs / Fascist imitators when a party gets money from the rich, who just happen to own the Nazi media in the US, Can, and the UK. The foregoing explains best, the Harper and Cameron approach to stealing office. A major problem for the rightpublicanazi movement, was that in 2015 Harper, his Brown Shirts and Skirts were resoundingly driven from office. Even though they were bankrolled by the USA oil monopoly and were supported by every newspaper in the Country. But so far Rona, one of the Brown Skirts and what remains of Harper’s shattered party refuse to accept defeat. Or is Rona just another puppet, with Lyin Steve pulling her strings??? Ambrose is obviously fronting for the Houston based American oil monopoly. The oilies have refuse to accept defeat after 70% of Canadians voted against Harper. And 48% of Albertans voted to get rid of Jim Prentice of the combined Petroleum Conservatives and the WhiteRose Oil Party. To the Congress, Wall Street, the US oil monopoly, the American corporate raiders and the world Nazi press, a VOTE by the common folk, who constitute the majority in the USA, Canada and England, IS CONSIDERED ILLEGITIMATE. IN OTHER WORDS, SOMETHING TO BE STAGED TO LOOK LIKE AN ELECTION BUT IN THE END TO BE IGNORED BY THE RICH AND POWERFUL. The Fascists in Canada and in Britain, march in lock step with the US powerful, right and rich. the smallish group of rightie Sociopaths worldwide, led by the US, believe their major task should be stripping the wealth from the ignorant masses both at home and abroad and GAINING WORLD DOMINATION. In North America and the UK, elections, according to the righties, are exercises which permitting the little people to cast their votes. The voters are made to think that the will of the people is being expressed and is paramount. When in fact the game is rigged, meaning the people actually HAVE NO SAY at all. This coincides with the US right wing ideology and the Nietzsche Myth featuring the Overman and the Underman. Are you happy with righties who decide for themselves that they are better than everyone else. Thus, they are self elevated to the ranks of the 1st class, which qualifies them to run everything to their own advantage. In the present Repub Presidential nomination race, the Party has stated clearly that they will not accept Trumpf as their candidate even if he has the required support. The Republican hierarchy are just going to ignore the will of the Repub rank and file. If the Repubs are prepared to ignore the vote of their own membership then the votes of everyday Americans don’t mean shit. So long democracy. On the Democratic side, Sander is giving the establishment candidate a run for it. But the Dems have also rigged the game. A sufficient number Superdelegates, who represent nobody but the party have been appointed to ensure some outsider doesn’t take the convention. Sanders is an oldster and an outsider and the darling of the young. If Bernie beats Hillary in the Primaries, the Party will toss him out at the convention using Superdelegates. So to the Democrats the votes of the voters also mean shit. Bye, bye democracy. The National Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, Mclean’s and CTV / Global are owned by Americans and Wall Street. They operate on the belief that PM Justin Trudeau, Preem Rachel Notley and their respective Governments are illegitimate. Which confirms my contention that the righties do not respect any vote that takes place, whether in the USA, Canada or England. This American poisoning of the democratic systems in the 3 Countries shows it is the Republican’s intention to take over part of the world, from which the US right will strip the wealth of the masses. A secondary reason to collar a bunch of little countries is to counter the affect that China will have as it grows. The USA and its’ gang of follower countries will become one economic unit where all the benefits flow to Congress, Wall Street and corporate America. Shotgun marriages from which there will be no escape. Canadians chose wisely on Oct. 19 /15. We have cast off the Yankee yoke. Now I see as one of my new interests, to help the English do the same thing, to break free from the clutches of the Americans by walking away from the EU. Better still Brits run like hell. This can be done by ridding themselves of Cameron’s Fascist / Conservative Government. A vote is coming up on BREXIT over which Cameron has little control and shrinking influence. This will not be easy. The number of wealthy Brits, who put US money ahead of Country is surprising. I would guess that the US minions in Brussels have promised steady a she goes. Their fortunes will remain unmolested? These people are serious enemies of the Commonwealth. The US rightpublicanazis will call in every marker to prevent an English escape from the EU. The Yanks will bribe anyone who can be bought. Now that the Alberta and Canadian Elections are over, Canada will return to its regular stance, the centre of the political spectrum. The world is about to see how serious the US Congress, Wall Street, the US oil monopoly and the Corporate raiders view Canada’s escape. The right wing ideology, introduced by a vacant Reagan, has destroyed America and is now destroying the Republican Party, think Trumpf here. US unemployment is at a real 10%, if not more [ lies ]. Debt as a % of GDP, Norway 34% [ oil rich ], Canada 86.5% [ oil poor ], UK 90% [ oil poor ] and the USA 106.5% [ just poor period ]. 40 million US citizens people have NO HEALTH COVERAGE. In 2015 almost 1200 blacks were shot by city police. In the Fall of 2015, two armed white supremicist groups took over Federal lands in Florida and Oregon. The lawmen in Washington have barely lifted a finger. Kansas, a failed State, is now tightly in the grip of the rightpublicanazis malaise and is spiraling down the toilet. Firm in the grip of the rich, right wing ideology. When a parasite kills off the host, the parasite dies too. No one left to suck the blood out of. as a result Kansas is an economic basket case, however you measure it. If anyone in the world wants to know where the righties will take you, just keep your eyes glued on Kansas. Americans, Brits and Australians should be aware of their fate under the right wing leaders who are handing control over to the USA. In my view, John Wayne’s Muricans, have already lost the battle to hold fast to democracy. The citizens of both England and Australia are quickly running out of wiggle room and escape hatches. Once their ballot becomes meaningless, as the righties intend, the only option for PEOPLE who love freedom is to pick up their pitchforks and take to the streets. When the Yankee right takes control of the UK with the help of David Cameron, will the minorities in English cities fare any better than the blacks in the USA??? In Canada the right wing ideology imposed by Herr Harper has knocked our economy for a loop and left many people anxious and fearful. Although here in 2016, we stand bathed in the sunshine beset with opportunities. There are so many good things to do it is hard to choose. Paul Godfrey / the Postmediocre papers are working hard to blot the sun out and rain on our victory parade. To make us believe that our economy remains stagnant, is fractured beyond recall and that we as a paralysed people have succumbed to anxiety and fearfulness. Buying a Post should actually make Canadians throw up, the negativity is overpowering. Things are so bad according to Godfrey, that we should all quickly descend to our basement apartments and throw ourselves out of the windows. The last thing Paul’s bosses on Wall Street want to have happen is for HOPE to break out IN THIS COUNTRY. Can you image an ungovernable America, under Trumpf’s leadership, wherein his white scumbags do battle with the minorities for control of the streets. And just north of the border Canada scores one economic success after another. The rightpublicanazis are going to do everything in their power to crush the NEW CANADA, just as we make our appearance on the world stage. The Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, Maclean’s and CTV / Global are being paid petro dollars to do their worst. They are all tasked with seeing Canada’s debut is a short and disastrous one. So buy a paper, a magazine or watch CTV or Global and kill your Country. Thus ensuring Canada never makes it across the beach to the sea, like the little turtles on the Galapagos.

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Let’s be optimistic about the NEW CANADA and ignore Paul Godfrey, his stooges and Ezzie Le Rant, all of whom are on the Houston payroll. Here are some of the possibilities. All the Alberta / Saskatchewan tar has to be refined in situ in Fort McMurray. What would be produced is refinable crude oil that doesn’t blow up. This oil would be like the motor oil you buy at Canadian tire for your car. Such oil has been transported across Canada for 50 years. Spills were few and far between and seldom newsworthy. The trouble started when the American oil monopoly decided to start mixing the tar with Benzine [ a restricted product not unlike Hi-Octane Aviation Fuel ] and transporting it in secret through pipes designed for oil. The North American Nazi press from the outset, HAS BEEN PAID TO CALL THIS SHINY BLACK SHIT THAT BLOWS UP ” OIL “. Believe it or not, there is a Material Hazard Data Sheet for Benzine. However when the magical process of mixing tar with Benzine, a recognized bomb mixture, is complete all hazards disappear and according to the USA oil monopoly, Lyin Russ Girling, Lyin Al Monaco, Lyin Rick Kinder and Lyin Joe Oiliver is becomes as benign as baby oil. The CPR train that blew up in Megantic was hauling the tar / Benzine mix which Transport Canada, the Transportation Safety Board and the National Energy Board are quite familiar with. But who are paid to look the other way. Rather, in the future the Twin beaver pipeline will carry crude oil in a big pipe and natural gas in a smaller pipe, from coast to coast to coast. Fort McMurray would be home base for the Twin Beaver system. The TBP would travel into the NWT and through the Rockies into BC. The pipe would operate in sections and be reversable. Oil from the Prairies would go into the NWT and BC for refining. Nat. gas from BC would go to markets in the NWT, for export through Churchill Man. and Eastern Canada. Traveling east from Fort McMurray the TBP would travel straight across 1ST Nations territory to Thompson Man. A TBP spur line would travel up to Churchill Man., a deep water global port, to the oil tank farm and the LNG storage tanks there. The TBP would travel from Thompson, east through Northern Ontario down to North Bay. This entire section of TBP, from BC, NWT, Fort McMurray, Churchill, would be owned by the Ist Nations, the Crown and minority investors. The TBP would travel from North Bay down to Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City then on into the Maritimes. This section of the TBP would be owned by a Crown Corporation with minority investors. The abandon refineries in the east as well as the natural gas distribution systems in Ont. / Que. would be expropriated. This will be done to ensure that thieving American mits can be kept away from the TBP. BC, Alta. and Sask. nat. gas would provide Ont., Que., and NB / NS security of supply and a made in Canada price to end USA ripoffs. Alt., Sask. and Man. crude oil would supply CANADIAN refineries in Ont., Que. and NB / NS. There would be no ISIS oil, gasoline, diesel and jet fuel allowed in from the USA, period. Any exports of crude oil and nat. gas would flow out through Churchill Man. to the global market. In the reverse to the TBP, Canada would build a cross Country electric grid, starting in Churchill Falls NL. The transmission lines would traverse Northern Quebec through 1st Nations territory. Quebec Hydro would feed it’s surplus KW into the grid for transmission to the Prairies. NO, as in NO Canadian electricity would be given away to the Americans. Ottawa and NL would own the Labrador grid section. Ottawa, Quebec and Que. 1st nations would own their section of the grid. Cross Can. Electric Grid would enter Northern Ontario just south of James Bay. It would travel from Moosonee, to Kashechewan, to Attawapiskat, following the TBP right-of-way, then right through to Thompson Man. and on the Fort McMurray Alta. The section of the electric grid from Quebec / James Bay would be owned jointly by the Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta 1st Nations and Ottawa. The grid section in BC would be owned by BC 1st nations and Ottawa. There been more than 100 hydro plants in the north that have been mothballed by the McGuinty Liberals in order to please the nukies at OPG and all of Dalt’s friends who are building useless wind turbine in area that has no commercial wind potential. The mothballing of the hydro plants was done by McGuinty to ensure that there would be no competition for high priced nuclear / wind power with which Ontarians are now saddled. The 1st Nations would take ownership in partnership with Ottawa of the 100 abandon Ont. hydro plants and connect them to the new electrical grid. In addition the Ont. 1st nations would develop new hydro generating plants by taking advantage of the many rivers which traverse their lands like the Albany, Attawapiskat, Moose and Abitibi Rivers . New generation water turbines, which produce 25% more electricity could be retrofitted to the 100 existing abandon hydro plants, as well to equip new run-of-the-river facilities on the above rivers. The electricity from NL., Que., Northern Ont. and Manitoba would power the tar sands with clean energy, thereby cutting CO2 levels considerably. As well this surplus Eastern electricity would be used to capture CO2 produced by the coal fired generating plants in Albert and Saskatchewan. The very efficient wind turbines at Pincher Creek Alta. would be streamed into the electric grid. The upgraded and refined crude oil from Alta., Sask. and Man. would provide all of Canada’s gasoline, diesel and jet fuel needs. Surplus crude oil and nat. gas would be exported through the Port of Churchill Man. Newfoundland would expropriate the non performing American owned off shore oil rigs and plug the production into the Nova Scotia end of the TBP. It is possible that NL crude oil could satisfy the needs of Quebec refineries. This would mean even more Western crude oil could be exported to the UK and the Commonwealth, providing them with security of supply and at a made in Canada price. So Western crude oil would come east with no risk to people and the environment. No tar / Benzine – DilBit would be allowed outside of Alberta. Eastern electricity would travel west and be used to greatly reduce CO2 emissions as power big centrifuges which would clean up the 175 sq km of toxic, poisonous tailing ponds at Fort McMurray left by Houston. The cost of cleaning up said tailing ponds would be charged to Houston and China. But rather than just get cash, I would prefer to just expropriate all foreign assets in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Now another area of concern must be dealt with. A railway will be required to build the Twin Beaver pipeline and the Cross Canada Electric Grid. South of North Bay, over the Canadian shield and across the southern Prairies there are two railways. Both the CNR and CPR are owned by Wall Street and are being used to milk Canadians as their trackage and rolling stock are being allowed to deteriorate. As well, important transportation corridors in Ontario, especially for 1st Nations in the North, are being closed by CN / CP. Transport Canada is looking in the other direction. As regards the electric grid construction through 1st Nation’ lands in Northern Quebec, from Labrador, the James Bay transportation system could handle the shipment of materials, labour and traffic. In terms of the TBP down into Southern Ontario, then east to the Quebec border, existing highways and rail lines could handle the TBP requirements. Once into Quebec, again existing highways and rail services could supply the needs of the TBP to Montreal refineries and nat. gas to same and Quebec City. Ditto for the TBP through the Eastern Townships, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. For the Electric grid and the TBP, construction supplies from around Moosonee to the north west get very dicey. This is my suggestion. With help from Ottawa the 1st Nations would buy the Ontario Northland Railway from Queen’s Park and restore passenger service. The bus service would be discontinued, with Greyhound taking up the slack. Highway transportation is like yesterday. The two McGuintys, Dalt and Katleen have done their best to eliminate easy to access to the northern part of the Province. It is as if the Liberal right wingers think that no contact with 1st Nations will wipe the obscenities perpetrated on our First Canadians, from Southern Ontario minds. In terms of the TBP and the Cross Canada KW Grid I would establish technical colleges in Moosonee and in Athabaska Alta. to train 1st Nations youth only in all the skills needed to build pipelines, electric transmission lines, railway construction, crude oil and LNG storage, etc. For all of the trades, apprenticeships would be established. The First Nations would then extend the Cree Northland Railway to Kashechewan and Attawpiskat. To service the De Beers Victor mine the Northland railway would travel to the north west passed the mine on its’ way to a connection with the Hudson Bay Railway at Thompson Man. and a link with the Port at Churchill. I believe, that for De Beers, rail links with Toronto and Southern Ontario and the deep water Port at Churchill would encourage the Company to pursue further diamond mining in the area. Being able to have easier and more affordable access to labour, supplies and the necessary mining equipment would provide that encouragement. If De Beers does expand its’ mining activity to a larger area because of the Cree Northland Railway, this time the 1st Nations should get more than a than a couple of hundred grunt jobs. The present arrangement sees the McGuinty Liberals on the receiving end of all of the taxes and De Beer payments while the 1st nations get sweet bugger all. The Hudson Bay Railway is being purchased by the Manitoba First Nations with the help of the Province and Ottawa. The main reason is that a number of 1st nations communities are located along the HBR. If the Texas who owns the HBR makes good on this threat to close the Line these communities will be cut off from civilization. But it is not a matter of hanging on to old ways and burdening provincial and Federal taxpayers, a rail line that is owned by the 1st Nations to serve their own needs as well as the wider requirements of the public and business would be a money maker and have a much smaller CO2 footprint. The HBR terminus is The Pas. The Manitoba First Nations who are buying the HBR will need the railway building skills of the Cree Northland to help them construct a new stretch of track from Gillam to Churchill. The present track through Limestone, Amery, Herchmer, Back, and Chesnaye was laid on permafrost in 1929 by mistake. The permafrost is now melting and the HBR trains are traveling over a pudding like surface. An alternate route inland, where the ground is gravel on rock and well drained, was proposed but deemed too expensive during the Great Depression. But in the larger scheme of things a hundred miles of new track will be pure gold as the HBR is tied in to the Northland and a new Prairie line from Thompson to Fort McMurray. The PR would be owned by the First Nations of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Not only would the PR line serve the new Twin Beaver Pipeline, the Cross Canada KW Grid as well as all the 1st Nations communities along the route but another possibility arises. Since Harper destroyed the Canadian Wheat Board in 2012, western farmers especially in Saskatchewan [ note that big mouth Brad Wall never defended his farm community ], have been reamed but good by the American grain giants. As well as being screwed by the CNR and the CPR which are owned by the Streeters. The income of Western Farmers dropped by 10% after the demise of the CWB. In addition Paul Godfrey would never have told you, that Lyin Steve gave away 13,000 special grain cars, owned by Canadians, to CN / CP, if not for nothing, then a mere pittance. I see the Prairie Rail line running spurs south to 7 different hubs, putting grain farmers no more than 125 miles away by truck, in Alta., Sask. and Man. I also see a new Canadian Grain Board being formed to give farmers the option of dealing with square shooting Canadians instead of the American carpet baggers and foreigners. All of whom are friends of Brian Mulroney. Isn’t interesting that in every deal ” THE BRIAN ” MADE WITH THE USA, CANADA GOT SCREWED. In Canada as in England, the resident righties, fall all over themselves trying to please the Republicans / Tea Baggers by giving away that which does not belong to them. With Global Warming taking away the ability of countries along the equator to grow enough food to survive, we here must husband the West’s ability to grow food by adapting to climate change. This will not happened under Brad Wall’s leadership, because he is just another rightie parrot. The right wing in the USA refuses to acknowledge Global Warming. It is a given that Canadian righties will do exactly as they are told by the rightpublicanazis. As regards the West, I am talking here about a series water reservoirs, built by Ottawa and the Provinces all across the West and irrigation systems to link them. It is my view, that properly managed, we could double the agricultural output of the West. Two things will ensure this happens. Organization of the Canada Food Basket initiative would be created by the Governments of Alta., Sask., Man. and Ottawa. My second requirement is that the Americans HAVE NO ROLE TO PLAY IN THIS REGARD. We will let them buy real stock which appreciates because the enterprises prosper. Rather than like the present casino stock markets which are all rigged by manipulation and financial engineering to favour of insiders. In fact, the present stock market system is actually a wealth transfer scheme. It provides the crooks with a legal way to fleece the gullible. No matter what kind of enterprise the Yankees get involved in, their self dealing always makes the others involved lose out. The PR, HBR and the Northland, will be Canadian Aboriginal owned. A new railway system, using the latest technology, would play a huge role in boosting food production in the West, increasing the variety of agricultural products grown there and boosting farmer’s profits and their sense of security. With the Twin Beaver Pipeline and the Cross Canada Electric Grid traversing the Rockies to Prince Rupert, the necessary rail line might also be 1st Nations [ BC Rail ]. That makes sense, when the TBP and the electric grid will be built mostly on First Nations lands across the Country. The present system of having people like Lyin Russ Girling, dream up pipelines with the backing of Wall Street and then ram them down the throats of the 1st Nations and other Canadians won’t wash any longer. There is the need for a new transcontinental rail system. CN / CP are no longer up to the job. Their present rail lines across southern Canada are 100 years and in extremely poor condition. The number of train derailments prove that. After the blow up in Megantic it was discovered that the track was so, bad trains had to be limited to 10 mph. Transport Canada only discovered this after the raging inferno. Their one TC inspector in Quebec was overloaded with paperwork. The northern tier of Canada of Canada is poorly served by rail. With climate change our population will be able to spread northward. As well, most of the First Nations live in the northern tier. The present difficulties being experiences on the 800 Reserves across this Nation, has a lot to do with inaccessibility and lack of opportunities. It is hard to function if you can’t get in or out easily. This lack of affordable and dependable transportation is on show in Toronto. The youth, in the minority communities in Rexdale and Scarborough can’t get out to seek educations and jobs. Unemployment is about 13%. Yet John Tory, Mayor and the TTC, look for ways to provide even better service to the areas of Toronto where good public transportation already exist. That’s where Tory’s friends live and the unemployment rate is below 7%. Little wonder there are gangs and crime in Rexdale and Scarborough. Likewise, little wonder there are problems with alcohol and suicides on Reserves. We need in Toronto, an inclusive, orbital, elevated, electric Sky Tram which encompasses the entire City. Riders could go from anywhere to anywhere withing the City’s limits and out into the GTA. Torntonians have to elect a Council which seeks to fulfill the transportation needs of the whole population, rather than just the elites. Looking to the north, a new railway system will be just the ticket. Let’s go ajourneying. In Prince Rupert you would board a BC Rail train to St. Albert. You would transfer to a Prairie Rail train bound for Athabaska and north to Fort McMurray, which would be the major tar upgrader / refinery centre of Canada and producer of crude oil for distribution to refineries across the Country. The PR line would take you through La Loche, Pelican Narrows, Sherridon, to meet the Hudson Bay Railway at Thompson Man. Now let’s back up. Since Global Warming is going to create tillable land all across the northern tier the PR Line will service this agricultural market, grain and beef. The irrigation across the Prairies will turn the Palliser Triangle, now in the rain shadow of the Rockies into first class growing soil. As a result the Prairie Rail Line would build a spur south from St. Albert to Red Deer to Medicine Hat to Swift Current to Yorkton to The Pa. So grain / ag products could go north west, then west to Prince Rupert. Or grain / beef / ag products could travel north east to The Pa. The Hudson Bay Line could haul cars to Thompson or right up to Churchill for export. Cars destined for Eastern Canada would travel the Northland Line to the De Beers, Victor mine to Attawpiskat to Kashchewan to Moosonee to Cochrane to Englehart, on down to North Bay. At Englehart a spur into Quebec could hook with various internal rail lines down to Montreal and Quebec City. At North Bay connections could be made with Sault Ste. Marie and the Ottawa Valley meaning a connection with the Nation’s Capital. A truly transcontinental railway system, from the pacific to Hudson Bay to the St. Lawrence River. All of the requirements for entire rail system would be sourced in Canada. Rails would be made in Hamilton and Algoma. Bridges / railings in Calgary. Switching equipment in Prince Rupert. Intermodal centres would be in Prince Rupert, St. Albert, Medicine Hat, Yorkton, The Pa, Moosonee, North Bay, Sault Ste. Marie, Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City. Locos would be manufactured in London and rail cars by Bombardier in Montreal and Thunder Bay. All of the electronics could categorized and the manufacturing distributed to shadow factories in Red Deer, Medicine Hat, Regina, The Pa, Moosonee, North Bay, Oshawa and Windsor. These items would fall under BUY CANADA rules. All of the companies and suppliers to the NEW CANADIAN TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILWAY system would be unionized. First Nations would be represented by their traditional organizations. Each worker would be entitled to health and safety coverage, a pension and medical care [ to Provincial standards, no matter the location ]. All of the materials / equipment for the Twin Beaver Pipeline and the Cross Canada Electric Grid would be apportioned in the same manner across the Country. Every factory would have a specialty and would be able to concentrate. In certain instances a neighbouring factory in the chain would set up to duplicate parts / equipment. Say if there was a factory fire? A shortage of parts would not occur. In a case where the railway equipment required is not available, a Crown Corporation would be set up to build same under license. Once fully fledged that company would be sold to Canadians. A Canadians only rule would be put in place for every firm in the chain requiring 51% Canadian ownership. We already had such a law regarding our newspapers, 51% Canadian ownership was required. Between Harper and the right wing Can. Competition Bureau, they allowed Americans to buy ALL OF THE MAJOR NEWSPAPERS IN THE COUNTRY. This resulted in a steady stream of Yankee lies and misinformation, as well as right wing propaganda over the past 8 years. Fortunately enough Canadian kept their heads and voted Harper and his Fascist Government. We came within an ace of losing this Country, thanks to the Yankee newspapers, a US takeover was the aim of the American lover Paul Godfrey You know, building a Country ain’t rocket science. We have been doing it for almost 150 years. If left to the American interlopers, our Prairies will never become the food basket for the world. It will end up a desert like California and Texas. So how do you like the above ideas to keep the NEW CANADA busy for the next 25 years??? It is a lot better than listening to the defeatist dirge of the PostMediocre papers that Paul Godfrey inflicts upon the Nation every day. The Post papers have had a lot to say about other people’s businesses and the Country’s affairs. Paul has done irreparable harm to our democratic Canada. Godfrey is a loser who has never made a profit with the Post brand, even with the help of Terry Corcoran. Here is a man who gives business advice but never ran a business. However, Terry does know the 15 page right wing handbook, printed in large block letters, from cover to cover.

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Far too many young, Canadian males, especially suffer from UPC [ Undeveloped Prefontal Cortex ]. present sufferers include Steve Harper, Preston Manning, Ezzie Le Rant, Russ Girling, Conrad Black among others. The right wing ideology has been shoehorned into their malformed brains. there are still enough creative people with a full knowledge of this Nation to see the opportunities that have come available since Harper was sent packing. Justin Trudeau’s statement, ” Sunny Ways “, is not too far off the mark. It is just that the Canadian Nazi media [ not the CBC ] is being aid by Houston to make sure we never become prosperous again and things get so bad we will beg the Americans to put us back in chains. In 2014, I was at first glance struck by that which was mouthed by David Cameron and our Stephen Harper, as well as candidates for the Republican Presidential Nomination. There truly must be a chip that is inserted in the brains of righties. The USA, Canada and England are uniquely different Countries but the hard right template, developed since Reagan has been overlaid on Canada and the UK. This template in no way meets the needs of Canadians or Brits but it has been thrust upon both Countries without the approval of their citizenry. The American right at its’ very core adheres to the Nietzsche Myth which holds there are two classes of citizens. This is true in the US. Harper and those who supported him consider themselves supreme. David Cameron and those who support him consider themselves supreme also. So in the 3 Countries there are supposedly two kinds of ballots. Those cast by the self anointed elites who may number a million or so in the US, Can. and the UK. And the second tier ballots are those cast by more than 400 million who populate the ignorant mobs in each Nation. As I have stated, this means the 3 Counties did qualify as totalitarian democracies. This term no longer applies to Canada, and with any luck we can ensure it no longer applies to Britain. Proactively and preferably, the scandal challenged Conservatives could be removed from office. In the event Cameron clings to office, the closing of the Underground, the resulting disruption to London and a Country, half under water will do the Conservatives in. For such reasons, I became interested in the May 7 / 15 UK Election. Having initially worked for Lyin Steve way back in 2006 / 2007 as an insider, I could see he was following the well trod path of the Nazis. Harper was telling lies publicly, aided by the Post, Globe, Star, CTV and Global. All the while Herr was tightening his control on Canada internally in a very anti democratic fashion. This story WAS NOT TOLD BY the Post, Globe, Star, CTV and Global. They were paid to keep quiet. I could see where we were headed with Harper and his Fascists, Germany 1933 to 1945 . I began to publicly oppose Herr Harper and as a result my family was harassed by Revenue Canada. This is what Nixon did to his enemies in the USA, the IRS was used to intimidate those AMERICANS tricky Dick took a dislike to. Harper did the same to CANADIANS who opposed his import of US Fascism. H. L. Mencken is a rightie writer hero, who backed the Kaiser in WW 1 and supported Hitler in WW 11. The grandfather of Georgie Bush was involved with a New York bank that was seized by FDR in 1942 for trading with the Nazis. Charles Lindbergh, was a Republican, who was being paid by Hitler to keep America out of the War. History shows us that the US Republicans / right have always had close ties with the Nazis and much of Hitler’s ideology is interchangeable with their’s. Early on I KNEW that Harper was leading Canadians down a dark alley on behalf of the American right with the help of our paid Nazi media. And I KNEW that most Canucks were unaware that their democratic society was at risk. On Oct 19 / 15, I was pleased that 70% of voters here, had opened their eyes to the US Fascist threat and THREW Harper out of office. In the present world turmoil it is important for smaller countries to have a clear view of a guiding light which in previous generations was the USA. George Bush Jr.’s America, has turned into blood sucking leech. Like any parasite, the Yankees do not care how many people they impoverish nor how many die at their evil hands, as long as the State survives. Bush started the unnecessary Iraq War which has spread and is getting worse. Bush played into the existing Iran / Saudi Arabia Civil War, which just heightened tensions and gave birth to the conflict in Syria and opened the way to ISIS. The American oil monopoly is buying ISIS oil, stolen from the Iraqis. This stolen oil is being fenced by Turkey, a Country not too far removed from Fascism. So the citizens of America, Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand are all funding ISIS and the terrorists. This works well for US rightpublicanazis and their Fascist agents in each of the above Countries. The ISIS / terrorist threat is being used to frighten the populations as above. It provides the righties with an excuse to restrict human rights and to persecute dissidents everywhere. As of Oct. 19 /15, Canada has broken free from the restrictions on human rights imposed by Herr Harper and the ever tightening American Fascist chains. The UK could be next to break free if the Brits turn away from involvement with a penniless, immigrant overrun, corrupt European Union. The leadership in Brussels worked hand and glove with Wall Street in the great subprime wealth transfer of 2008 / 2009. The Streeters raped middle Americans economically. If that wasn’t enough, the Street was let in the back door by EU Commissioners to rape and pillage 28 countries, likewise. The pilfered cash went mostly to the one USA percent, with some being distributed worldwide to the rape enablers. Canada was not affected by the US subprime debacle as PM Chretien refused to allow Canadian banks to play footsie with the Street. Although, when Herr Harper became ruler in 2006, he pushed our banks to get in on the subprime windfall but Lyin Steve did not have a majority. It was clear to those of us who got our news from anywhere but Canadian newspapers that a world recession was bearing down on us, even as far back as 2006. Harper and Flaherty did not figure out that the roof was going to fall in until November 2008. Many Canadian were taken in too, because our Nazi press was paid to print Harper propaganda. Our newspapers are still being paid to print right wing propaganda, just read Andrew Coyne, John Ivison, Rex Murphy and Margaret Wente. The Streeter’s take from the subprime wealth transfer scheme was so good that the EU brass decided more cooperation with Wall St., was called for. The day that the EU Commissioners climbed in bed with the Yankees, looking for a share of the subprime spoils, the European Union died. PM Chretien could see what a dirty deal the subprime was and he would not allow this glorified Ponzi scheme to endanger Canada. Surely the EU Commissioners had the same disturbing detail we had here in this Country at the time??? But I guess Brussels’ cut of the action was just too enticing? The EU governance includes one appointee from each country, 28 countries, including England. They all surrendered considerable sovereignty to the EU in this noble experiment. But the American buck proved to be a powerful force for mischief. Crooked US money, caused the EU Commissioners to take their eyes off the welfare of the 28 country Union and concentrate instead on filling their pockets. Even after the Street bankrupted the EU, Brussels in 2008, it is still trying to form even closer ties with USA CORPORATIONS in 2016, and I don’t mean ” WASHINGTON “! Nothing is being said by the world Nazi press about the new Country, owned by USA CORPORATIONS. USCORPLAND HAS ITS’ FEET IN MANY PLACES AROUND THE GLOBE. USCO HAS SIGNED TRADE DEALS WITH THE EU, ASIA, AUSTRALIAN, NEW ZEALAND, CANADA AMONG OTHERS. THE USCORPERS INSIST ON HAVING A TRADE DISPUTE MECHANISM WHICH THEY CONTROL. This means, once signed the elected governments, of the people, by the people, for the people are shit out of luck and so are their citizens. If a USCORPER dumps poison into the Thames, the Brits will have no say whatsoever. If there is unrest in the streets of London which prevents this poison from being dumped by a USCORPER, the Corporation can and will sue Parliament via the USCORPLAND Trade Dispute Tribunal. A big, fat haul of cash will come directly out of Brit taxpayers wallets. USCORPERS will win every trade dispute because they appoint the Tribunal members. David Cameron seems hell bent on handing England over to the USCORPERS via Brussels. Our very own Globe and Tar newspaper, which owns Reuters, has never touched on this subject. For Thomson, there is more money helping enslave people than telling the truth. If these lop sided trade deals are allowed to go forward, every country will be at the beck and call of USCORPLAND which is headquartered on Wall St. These unelected EU Commissioners are supposed to look after the interests of the CONCEPT of this 22 year old organization. IT IS YET ANOTHER IDEA FOR GOVERNING EUROPE, A MUCH ABUSED REGION. IT IS AN EXPERIMENT STILL IN THE MAKING. To exercise power the Commissioners need to act as a go between, representing the 28 country members to possible trade partners world wide. This power gain by the EU, to rule over 28 countries, means these members have given up sovereignty and have become mere provinces of the larger EU state. A now endangered State, on life support, with a huge refugee problem and no money. The refugee problem has been inflicted on the European Union by the ISIS, caused by the Bush Jr. invasion of Iraq. And fueled by petrol money from the American oil monopoly. So the Yankees created ISIS, provide the terrorists with money with which to buy arms and then sits back as a sea of pitiable humanity seeks shelter on European Union shores. And yet the EU Commissioners are straining to put these 28 counties further under the thumb of American corporations. The world Nazi press has completely missed all of these stories. Wouldn’t it be nice to get paid for NOT DOING SOMETHING??? Paul Godfrey gets paid to exercise his censor’s pen. If you want to live a fantasy and not know what is going on, I urge you to buy a National Post newspaper. It would be far better for 27 countries if England pulled out of the Union. A strong and independent UK would be far better for a shattered Europe than a Britain hog tied by the Yankees with no wriggle room. America was built on the backs of slave and has never lost the taste for having a mob of 2nd class citizens working for starvation wages. The blacks in the USA have moved up from being slaves to just being plain old ordinary 2nd class citizens. The Hispanics arriving in the country became the new slaves. As the Hispanic became upwardly mobile they two gravitated to 2nd class citizen status. A new crop of slaves was needed. Mexican illegals crossed the border in ever greater numbers to fill the slave void. As long as the USCORPERS were making money abusing the Mexicans, their presence in the Country was not on the political screen. From Reagan’s time forward, various Ponzi schemes were orchestrated by Wall St. to strip middle America of its’ wealth. Of course the Repubs got their cut. The subprime event of 208 / 2009 pretty well wiped out Mr. and Mrs. USA. And the Streeter subprime scheme, sanctioned by Bush Jr. severely affected the European Union, Iceland, Ireland and a number of other much too trusting countries. With American pockets empty and the world financial system milked, the USCORPER turned to trade deals looking for nations that had yet escaped their plucking. Such trade deals were and are advertised by the paid world Nazi press as being most beneficial for the countries that succumb to the Yankee siren song. The problem was and is that in each case such countries lose big in the bargain. In every study of these trade deals the USCORPERS win, NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BUT THE USCORPERS, WITH THE BLESSING OF CONGRESS. It is really and ingenius scheme. Trade is churned in that there are many comings and going, from which the USCORPERS extract a fee in concert with Wall St. In those trade deals like NAFTA, even where there are gross abuses of the arrangements made with trading partners by the USCORPERS the Congress has passed laws which override Trade Treaties. So even with signed documents which lay out the terms, they are rendered meaningless by the Congress colluding with USCORP. That is number ONE. Number TWO is the fact that all of these trade deals are subject to Dispute Tribunals set up by the USCORPERS, which take precedence over the Courts and Legislatures of the countries involved in trade deals with America. This means that USCORPERS can just ignore the laws of any other nation in their pursuit of profit. If USCORP pours poison into the Thames from the Embankment, tough shit Londoners, you don’t have a say. Dave Cameron and his Fascist Cons are the only one who benefit from such trade deals, they get paid off by the USCORPERS. In such lop sided deals there is sure to be a backlash by people relegated to voiceless slave status. If the Government of a USA trading partner takes USCORP to the International Dispute Tribunal, they lose because USCORP apoints the members of these Tribunals. If the USCORPERS decide they are not making enough profit on a deal or a country’s government has passed legislation to protect workers, the environment or tax laws, USCORP can take the matter to the affected Dispute Tribunal and be successful as the Tribunal members judge matters on a commercial basis, dollars and cents only. If half the people of London die from poisoning or a train, hauling illegal Alberta Tar mixed with Benzine blows up in a place like Megantic, such is beyond a Tribunal’s mandate. THREE, thus if USCORPERS deems the actions of a democratically elected government have not only reduced profits in the here and now but imagined profits off into the future, USCORP can get a Tribunal judgement against that country. What democratic country would sign a trade deal with USCORP under such conditions, whereby to rights of the voters are handed over. The reason plain and simple is money, money, money. Herr Harper was paid by USCORP to sell Canada out. In terms of NAFTA disputes Harper paid USCORP hundreds of millions of dollars without a whimper. Even on the Softwood Lumber Treaty, which was upheld by the World Tribunal, Harper sold us out and signed a new agreement favouring USCORP. In the UK Cameron has sold in the same manner as did the EU Commissioners. Being star struck on America, being captives of the right wing ideology and bribery did the trick for Cam and Brussels. Now if you stand back and look at the fallout from this global thievery it is clear where things are headed. In the 2012 USA election about 130 million people voted, 60 million Republicans and 70 million Democrats. Since Ronald Reagan, a vacant headed front man, Repub supporters have been promised a better life, a better America under the rightie ideology and a silent assurance that the whites would forever retain control of the USA, no matter how many blacks, immigrants and interlopers were in the country. In reality, this last promise was impossible to keep, in a democratic setting. With the Federal voting apparatus for President and the Congress firmly in the hands of the majority Republican States the rightie base was comfortable in the knowledge that the Repub brass would rig the voting sufficiently to guarantee perpetual white supremacy. For my global readers, Federal Elections in this Country are conducted under the auspicious of Elections Canada, well removed from the possibility of rigging by right wingers in this Nation. But with the help of the rightpublicanazis, our Fascist Cons tried everything in the book to steal the votes in 2011 and 2015. Herr Harper and his American advisors [ it is illegal for foreigners to be involved in Canadian Elections ], but what the hey, when did HIMSELF EVER OBEY ANY LAW HE DIDN’T LIKE??? lYIN sTEVE AND HIS AMERICAN TEAM, won THE FIRST and lost THE SECOND. In 2008 Obama was elected as were many Democratic members. The rightie base was shocked. Cheating on voting at the State level, with the help of the Georgie Bush Jr. regime, had not delivered the Country to the control of the white supremacists. This shock motivated the rabid right of the Repub Party to form a Party within a Party, the rag, tag, Tea Baggers, which had no defined leadership. It was just another unruly mob, unhappy that they had to live under a black President. The likes of such thuggery have been seen throughout history, at times when order begins to break down. The Baggers, supported by the wealth of the rich one percent and the American Nazi press, began a campaign to rid the Repub Party of moderate Senators and House Members. Thinking people, who had an appreciation of the need for responsible, effective Government as viewed from the right of centre vantage point. There is no respect for democratic institutions by the Baggers, one percent or the Nazi media. It is a matter of, ” We have enough money to buy the existence which suits our lifestyle and the continuation of the present system of control which will perpetuate our position in this regard “. Namely, USCORPLAND. What the baggers, one percent and the Nazi Media have been engaged in is a Fifth Column adventure to take over America. This coup, will I think go into the history books, if there is indeed any future for humankind, as the first time a supposed democratic Nation has succumbed to mob rule. Although Hitler grabbed the 10 year old Weimar Republic by force in 1933. In some ways the demise of the US in 2016, mirrors the end of French Royal rule in 1793, when Louis XVI lost his head. From the 1770s France was increasingly under economic stress. The life at Court continued on as it had done for years. The rich got richer and the peasants struggled. The King expected the nobility to attend him at Court and to pay their ever increasing taxes. The Country was deeply in debt from previous wars and other extravagances. The nobles resisted paying the Country’s bill and shifted said responsibilities to the peasants. Three years of famine brought the bulk of the population to the edge of starvation. The price of bread skyrocketed, although the granaries of the King and the noble were full to overflowing. parents were forced to watch helpless as their children died. The newspapers in Paris supported the King and his abuses of power went unreported. However a small group of courageous pamphleteers with a strong sense of right and wrong, began churning out basement newspapers which distributed to the large peasant population out in the countryside by horse and rider. Although many of the peasantry could not read, the pamphlets were explained to those who congregated in town halls, churches, country homes and taverns. Thus the rural population was better informed than the uppy ups in Paris, who did not comprehend the gathering storm. Then the final straw, causing the storming of the Bastille on July 14 / 1789. It is estimated that 20,000 people, the King and his supporters were murdered. Literally, the streets of Paris ran with blood. Attempts by the mob to return France to normal failed. Various factions vied for supremacy. Maximilien de Robespierre and his self appointed Revolutionary Tribunal began a reign of terror during which anyone they decided was an enemy of the state was dispatched by wooden carts called tumbrels for a date with ” Madame Guillitine “. Oceans more blood ran in the streets. In July of 1794 Robespierre and his pals on the Tribunal completed the killing of more than a thousand people in a short 6 weeks. On the 27th, the Paris Committee of Public Safety, a name I would challenge under the circumstances, decided they had had enough of Robespierre. Max appealed to the far right of the Committee but to no avail. The very next day Robespierre and many of his sidekicks on the Paris Commune got the chop without trial. When some version of central order disappears, this is the kind of thing that happens when men are angry, frightened and frustrated. Having 300 millions gun on the loose in the USA, along with 100,000s of millions of rounds of ammunition does not speak to peaceful outcomes to disputes. Take the sea of humanity like at Woodstock in the summer of 1969. Give everyone of the 400,000 attendees a gun and lots of ammunition. If disagreements were to break out, how long before the bullets begin to fly? That is where America stands this day. The Oregon Malheur National Wildlife Refuge standoff in January 2016 was but a sneak preview of what is coming down the road! Watch the graphic animated video of the Police take down of Levoy Finicum on March 18 /16. Imagine millions of armed, wannabee armed martyrs, like Levoy Finicum, running around on the loose challenging the authorities because they don’t like the duly elected Federal Government in Washington? This is the Tea Bagger’s doing [ including the one percent and the US Nazi press. ]. Their collective crime, the active encouragement to disrespect the rules of the hard won US democracy. IT IS I FEAR TOO LATE. TO ME THE ENDING HAS ALREADY BEEN WRITTEN. BUT WE MUST AWAIT THE FINAL ACT. THEN AND ONLY THEN WILL THE HORRORS WROUGHT BY THE REAGAN REPUBLICANS FINALLY SINK IN IN A WORLD, TOO LONG ASLEEP TO THE REIMPOSITION OF FASCISM. The lessons of the 1920s and 1930s will have to be relearned. During the period 2008 and 2012, the Republicans / Tea Baggers that total obstructionism would be their raison detre. Their plan was fourfold. Obstruct President Obama on every matter, zero cooperation. Wreck the machinery of Government. Blame that collapse of Government on the Democrats. And finally to use their power in the States and at the local level to increase voter suppression to the point where support for the Democrats was reduced. This to ensure the Dems would be forever on the losing side. Then once the Presidency, the Senate and the House were in the hands of the Repubs / Tea Baggers, legislation would be passed to make permanent the isolation and neutralization of their opposition, the Democrats. This would guarantee right wing rule in perpetuity, the only possible cloud would be the possibility of a revolution on the part of disenfranchised voters. In response to such an outcome, some time back, the Repub States began militarizing their police forces. In 2015 American police killed more than 1100 people. In 2012 the rightpublicanazis were cock sure they would take the Presidency. Romney and Ryan were slated to win over Obama, ” DECISIVELY “. Ro and Ry even ordered fireworks. It was believed by Republicans that they had drained the numbers of black voters by implementing voter suppression measures in Repub States so as to reduce support for President Obama. There was so much rightie money flowing into Repub hands that it was all assure the US Nazi media Blitz campaign would completely blot out coverage for the Democrats. We now know that in 2012 the Romney people, overestimated the outcome of their efforts to disqualify minority voters by cheating, to run a typical, expensive, glitzy media campaign. It was a given that they would automatically gather in all the white voters without trying very hard, after 4 years of demonizing Obama. On the other hand the Repubs underestimated the president’s 4 years of block by block campaigning and his use of the internet. Barack Obama won
almost 66 million votes. Romney won 61 million votes. Even though the Republicans twisted themselves into a pretzel, after 4 years of trying to game the American Federal Election process, the Repubs and the Tea Baggers didn’t even come close. The US governmental system was not created with the thought in mind by the Founding Fathers that a political Party would be so obsessed with winning at all costs, that those involved would cheat in such an obvious, shameful, wholesale manner. Mind you, complete control of the US Nazi media by the Repubs certainly gave the cheaters a large degree of confidence. Neither did the Founding Fathers intent the Supreme Court, the third leg of the governing stool [ the Presidency and the Congress being the others ], to so slavishly cater to the ideology of the right wing Party that it has become an embarrassing limp arm of same. A court is supposed to judge on the merits of a case, not act as a rubber stamp for its’ Fascist political masters. It is my view that in 2012 the Republicans left no cheating stone unturned. And thus were confident of recapturing the Presidency. Once again the Republicans, who consider themselves 1st class citizens showed no respect for the majority who make up the 2nd class citizens. Especially the almost 45% of Repub supporters who also populate the 2nd class ranks. The actions of the Repubs in the Senate and House, in pursuit of a free market, that is much more like a self dealing, rigged market has killed hundreds of thousands of jobs. The 45% second classers on the Repub side were apparently prepared to accept unemployment, the loss of hearth and home and watching their wives and kids go hungry. As long as the Republicans protected their slave master status. Behind the curtain, rampant racism was and is alive in the Republican Party. At times when racism
bubbled to the surface, the Party quickly put out the fire by denying its’ very existence. Such bald faced lies were propagated with the help of the Nazi media. But behind the scenes, years ago, the Republicans made a ” Faustian Bargain ” with the White Supremacists. In return for the whitie vote, minorities be suppressed by the Repubs using all means possible but such suppressive measures would be denied vehemently in public by the Party. When Obama won election the second time that ” Faustian Bargain ” was shattered. Millions of whities , all at once, realized that the Repubs could not deliver on their promise of perpetual first place. The whitie righties, who had accepted financial ruin were now going to become a minority in THEIR OWN LAND. They would be at the mercy of majority voters which encompasses blacks, Hispanics and Aisans. What are the chances of getting fair treatment from people the white supremacists had abused for all these many years? Millions upon millions of Repub supporters are staring hopelessness in the face. A shattered life and a shattered dream of remaining top dogs. After the 2012 debacle the Republican / Tea Bag hierarchy and the Nazi media maintained radio silence, no acknowledgement of the hopelessness, no reaching out to their clearly frightened rank and file. Not even a single sorry or admission, we the Repubs / Tea Baggers / Nazi media really screwed up big time and we feel your pain, nothing but silence. What did the Republican Party brass think was going happen? That millions of their disillusioned supporter were just going to go quietly into the night, just swallowing their deep seated fears of losing the only thing they had going for them. Their undeserved, superior status. What options are left for the unhappy whites??? Nothing is the answer, there is no way out of this one. If America remains a democracy, the whitie righties will be reduced to individual voters. The will of the majority will prevail. Who knows what will happen to the Country when things turn left? The lost Repub supporters are already angry with a Washington actually created by the Republicans. They hate President Obama. Now the angry right wing mob has turned on the Repub leadership. Then at this moment in time, Donald Trumpf walks out onto the world stage. The Donald is not a leader of men, he is a follower. Somehow Trumpf plumbed the depths of the rightie angst. Gradually he turned up the volume and spoke more and more about the hurt they feel. For years they have been undeserving somebodies. Overnight they are deserving nobodies and they are taking it pretty tough. Right now Trumpf is the ONLY ONE IN THEIR CORNER and is continually speaking out loud and clear about their racist views. The promise to maintain their elevated status by hook or by crook to buy votes, has not been kept by the Repubs. Now the chickens have finally come home to roost. I would guess that at least 30 million Repub supporters are mad as hell at the Party for the mess they find themselves in. The racism and bigotry at the core of Republicanism is deep but in the past these flaws have been held close to the vest, acted on but seldom spoken about. The inability of the Repub to win the Presidency in 2008 and 2912 was because they were outvoted. And the fact that minorities blacks, Hispanics and Asians have higher birthrates than whites, means time is not on the Republican’s side. The Repub plan during the Bush Jr. terms was to seize control of individual States which control both Federal and State elections. Republican States instituted voter suppression measures to reduce the Democratic voter numbers. Republican voter suppression measures were copied by Herr Harper in the Canadian Federal Elections of 2011 and 2015 and David Cameron in the British election of 2015. Harper won a majority in 2011 by cheating and caught a trusting Canadians electorate unprepared for a low blow. However the citizenry was up to the challenge for the 2015 Can. Election. The bag of right wing dirty tricks trotted out in 2015 by Harper, Pierre Poilievre and their Republican advisors, in a word, bombed. Justin Trudeau / Liberals won a health majority of 14 seats. 184 seats in a 338 seat House. In 2015 David Cameron also unleashed his own bag of dirty tricks orchestrated by his Australian and American right wing advisors. Things didn’t go as planned. Cam’s Cons won a tiny majority of 5 seats. 330 seats in a 650 seat House. This slim majority has allowed the opposition to defeat Cameron on various issues, with the support of Conservative Backbenchers. So USA right wingism has been expunged in Canada is hanging by a thread in the UK. Although rightpublicanazism has lost support in Canada our Nazi press, like the Post papers has yet to accept the loss. Paul Godfrey is still fighting WW 1. In England the right is on life support and constant threats over BREXIT from the Yankees and Brussels are having the opposite effect. Being one generation away London I can tell you my Brits don’t take kindly to threats. In terms of the black hole that is opening up USA I cannot see the white righties retreating from where they are now. From here on in their numbers will shrink. Trumpf is offering them violence as a way out. And every day violence seems more and more the only alternative for the white supremacists By 2025 the present minorities will be in the majority if democracy continues to live in the USA. If The Donald now loses the Republican nomination by whatever means the leadership uses to disqualify him, Trumpf’s followers, in their millions will make trouble. If Trumpf win the Republican nomination, they will decide he has the right to rule and they will begin the process of making America strong again at the point of a gun. I think, with Trumpf at the head of their line egging them on, the disgruntled whitie mob has chose this moment to stand and fight. It is now or never. I don’t believe the white racists will ever allow another Democrat to move into the White House. I will leave that to your imagination.

***** ***** ***** ***** ******

Both in Canada and in the Ruined States of America [ the citizens have been rung out by USCORPERS and they have nothing more to surrender ], the global Nazi press is now being paid by USCORP to lead even more victims into the slaughter house, acting like the Judas goat. The poison of globalization must be spread ever wider to feed the insatiable rightpublicanazis / Wall St. / world bank’s / US corporation’s appetite for money. Trade deals are just another means used by USCORPERS to siphon wealth from the wider world. The Nazi press says absolutely nothing about the negatives, they only praise trade and globalization, the exact opposite of the problems occurring all across the real world. The group numbering possibly three million self appointed exceptional Americans, Repubs, Streeters and large US corporations are in the process herding 500 million people in the EU [ including the UK ] into bondage to serve an America which is threatening to break apart. Will the Brit gal or guy in the street be happy with Cameron, a man who seems bent on remaining tied to the EU at the moment when America is about to go bankrupt financially and politically. Cam and his Cons look to be dashing across the Atlantic to board the Titanic the day before it hit that iceberg. Will England sink beneath the waves, hand in hand with the USA??? Donald Trumpf is saying he will beat up, torture, put in jail, bar the door or deport those he and his followers don’t like. What would come next, Trumpf telling Americans that they no longer have the right to vote. The followup to Dictator Trumpf’s rule could easily be, cattle cars and ovens. This in the LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE. Will the Brits actually vote to hand over their sovereignty to the whims of a Trumpf. The Donald might even dismiss Congress. Where did we see that happen before? In the 1960s some on the US right wing even began talking about a New World Order. In fact they called it the Fourth Reich. There is evil afoot in the USA. We are far from knowing how things will turn out in the next few months. I would be of a mind to see Canada hold off make any more deals with Americans for the foreseeable future. We may see a madman in the White House. Or a vacant White House and a shuttered Congress if shooting starts. Or a Country under Martial Law. When Trumpf supporters talk on camera, about killing people who get in their way, things are already well past scary. The question is, who can put a stop to this anarchy??? I don’t think it can be stopped. The Republicans, Tea baggers and the US Nazi media have let the genie escape from the bottle. For 30 years the right has played to the racist crowd. Promising them perpetual 1st place behind the scenes, in return for their votes. Now the rightpublicanazis can no longer keep that promise. Millions of first placers are not now going get lovey dovey and embrace the diverse population that is to-day’s America. Trumpf has tapped into that simmering rage. DONALDmania is going to have to run its’ course. The future of America is in the hands of possibly 15 million armed and angry white men, who resent surrendering their special privileges as modern day slave masters. There are two possible outcomes. The small white racist element in the US is contained and democracy is reinstated by taking away the right of individual States to join hands to control voting at the National level. The present Right of States should should not include the ability to rig the voting for President, Senate and House. There should be an Elections America like we have in Canada. If the efforts of the US right wing, to disqualify minority voters and play dirty election tricks is not curtailed, then democracy as American’s have known it will be at an end. Then we will watch as the USA turns into another Rhodesia, wherein the white population of say 25% tries to rules the minority 75%. The fact that America is now a series of armed camps, with 300 million guns in circulation does not make a white dictatorship look very pretty. And Trumpf is not helping the situation by urging right wing wing nuts to smash his opponents in the face. I know David Cameron would do anything to please the rightpublicanazis, even to the point of handing over control of England to the Yankee white supremacists. But it is my thinking that such a giveaway would not go down well with the majority of Brits. This, especially after seeing Canada escape the Yankee yoke and the throwing off of Hayek’s flawed free market theories. I am sure that the Brits will not long accept further austerity under American domination while they watch Canada’s economy takeoff and prosperity soar. If I were David Cameron I’d put off the BREXIT vote. In short order we will know if democracy is going to hold in the USA. Then would be the time for level headed decisions in the UK, based on the facts and reality. If the Americans do start shooting one another, I think the fantasy known as Cameronland will disappear into the mists of time. Being yet another attempt by undemocratic forces to bring England to heel. The path of freedom in the British Isles has stretched out for the last 800 years, since the Great Charter. Of which Canada has been one of the beneficiaries. In this particular case, Canadians have taken a leadership role in casting off Yankee domination. The world will be able to watch as we are now free to reach for the moon. Who knows where OUR EXCEPTIONALISM WILL TAKE US???
Our destination will only be limited by our ingenuity and our imagination.

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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As your know if you read me regularly, I cannot abide Lyin Steve. This same level of loathing extends to Preston Manning and his Centre for the destruction of democracy in Canada. And the equally abominable University of Calgary, the headquarters for regime change in this Country and instruction in the art of lying. Come Monday we will know whether our nation remains free with an unlimited bright future? Or possibly we will become a petro state under the control of the American oil monopoly that has spent hundreds of millions, money given to our Nazi press and Canadians who are Yankee lovers first, this cash to brainwash Canadians and steal our future. If Harper wins, the rightpublicanazis will raise their glasses too. 34 million slaves, with a new twist, most of us are not Black. In terms of the present crop of Nazi stenographers, I refer to Andrew Coyne, John Ivison and Claudia Cattaneo of the Post Mediocre papers. At the Globe and Tar, I single out the Globe Editorial Board, which has a lot to say but chooses to remain hidden behind the curtains. Gary Mason gets honourable mention, Gar is a 3rd rate writer in BC who recopies oilie E-Mails sent by Phil Crawley from Toronto Mind you, this is just one of the traits of the right wing. Refusing to put their name behind their words. The top oilies and righties regularly lose their voices in public and have had to resort to hiring common thugs who write at a grade 11 level, to speak for them. Part of the Nazi media team who write books are John Ibbetson, Lawrence Martin, Kelly McParland and Rudyard Griffiths to name a few. Nazi blood is coursing through the veins of the Fraser, C.D. Howe, Macdonald – Laurier, Frontier, Canada West, Montreal Economic Institutes and the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies et al. As well we have Historica Canada which was set up by the US right wing Donner Foundation to rewrite the history of Canada. There are many other curses which equally afflict the right wing beyond lying. When the going gets rough for the righties they all act in the same manner. They rub like hell. Stevie went and hid in a cupboard when the bullets began to fly in Parliament. Our boy probably wet his pants. Mulroney face a massive defeat as the 5 year term clock ran out. Mulroney decided to duck out early rather than have a defeat in his historical record. The urge to run was just too great. As Brian was taking his leave, he took a brown envelope containing $ 300,000 from Karlheinz Schreiber. To my knowledge this is the first time that a sitting Prime Minister took cash. They say that the best defense is a good offense. After holding the undeclared $300,000 for 6 years, Mulroney was made aware that Revenue Canada was investigating this Airbus affair. Under the rules, once Rev. Canada started the investigation it was too late for Mulroney to start singing. Instead Brian was given special treatment by Rev. Can. and only had to pay a fraction of what any other Canadian crook would have had to pay. I kid you not, there are two classes of crooks in Canada. Those in high places like Brian Mulroney / Conrad Black, backed by the Post and the Globe and on the other end, your garden variety crooks, who get not a mention. In a Court Case related to the Airbus affair, bid rigging, influence peddling, bribery and the like, Mulroney brought suit against the Government because he was headed for jail without so effort to shield himself. Brian lied on the stand about his involvement and his lawyers knew it. There was no actual smoking gun. By destroying his records there was nothing for the RCMP [ this was back in the day before our beloved RCMP became Harper’s personal state police force ] to seize. Without absolute proof for the court, Mulroney was able to extract himself from the Airbus affair unscathed with the help of his dishonest lawyers and his many dishonest friends. In these 1995 proceedings, Mulroney lied under oath about his involvement in taking a bribe from Schreiber while PM and he destroyed all his records pertaining to this affair which are actions that demand jail time. In the settlement of this Court Case Mulroney was awarded more than two million dollars plus costs. This was taxpayer’s money that Brian, in a sense stole. Never mind in a sense. Mulroney stole more than $ 2 million dollars from Canadians by lying. I hope he and his family choke on everything they buy with that stolen money. As this bribery case continued to bubble away, in 2007 our Lying Steve asked the man with no spine, David Johnston, our now Governor General to draft the terms of reference for an Inquiry into the Airbus affair. Johnston was a personal friend of Mulroney and the investigation was purposely narrowed. When Johnson released his report in 2008, he listed 17 questions which should be investigated even though his thumb was on the Mulroney scale. Harper made a few zigs and zags. Then this investigation into Mulroney’s behaviour was buried by Lyin Steve and seen no more. Mulroney repaid Harper by helping him kill the Canadian Wheat Board. In the interest of Canadians David should have followed up this case but from Johnston not a peep. Johnston was rewarded for his loyalty and no peep making by Harper. Johnston was named Governor General and in that Office he has served Herr Harper well. In 2013 the Governor General allowed Harper to prorogue Parliament to avoid difficult issues when proroguing should never have been permitted. After the vote on October 19 / 15, I expect Harper and Johnston to team up to thwart democracy in Canada once again. The American oil monopoly and the rightpublicanazis have dedicated too much money and effort into taking over Canada, they will not accept defeat and go quietly into the night. The Americans will force Harper and Johnston to use every trick in the book to hold and consolidate power even if it is illegal. After all that is what Preston Manning and the University of Calgary teaches our young. Do anything you have to do to get into power. When in power do anything you have to to hold it. When Herr Harper, when he attended Richview Highschool his pet peeve was, ” R E A L I T Y “. When Georgie Jr. lived in the White House, looked after by the Chief babysitter Dick Cheney, he was asked by a reporter about the veracity of a statement Bush had made? Junior replied that he created his own reality. Now human beings don’t create reality, mother nature does as we are witnessing in California. What some humans do is ignore reality and create their own fantasy as the Republican Party has been doing for 80 years. Darwin did not make the statement, ” survival of the fittest “. This is yet again a rightie bastardization of what goes on in the real world. The right wing fantasy has been a long time in the making and that fantasy has just about run its’ course. Its’, ” Best Before Date “, has long since passed. The spewing of Donald Trump is what you get just before the volcano explodes and destroys everything in sight. Darwin did say that the creatures who adapt to mother nature are the ones who survive to fight another day. The Repubs control Congress and will not even speak the words Global Warming. Regan’s small Government is on display for all to see in California. The State is in dire straights. It is painful to watch California self destruct day by day because it worships the right wing ideology. It is painful to watch England slide down the slippery slope to a watery ruin because David Cameron and his Thatcherites will also not speak Global Warming. Global Warming is coming to get Canada and if we remain free after Oct. 19 /15 we will have to get out asses in gear. Young Steve Harper was not only taught to lie at the University of Calgary but he was also taught that the right wing irreality was the key to power. Of course Stevie didn’t like reality back in high school. When Harper move from University to politics he was spotted by Conrad Black, the owner of a multitude of newspapers. Black was a right wing sociopath who chaffed at the fact that the bulk of Canadian voters held the middle ground. Right wing ideology got little traction in Canada and thus Black began to use his newspapers in two ways. He began mimicking the right wing press in the USA by printing propaganda, misinformation, spin and lies. Black gave Harper a free ticket to say or do anything he wanted without fearing any scrutiny. Steve was given a priceless gift. He was taught to lie at the University of Calgary and now he could become the liar he is to-day without every having to justify anything he said or did. That is why Harper broke the law and allowed Conrad Black back into Canada illegally. Preston Manning I have already covered. I have most of Manning’s comments and articles in my clipping file. Much of these appeared in the Globe and Tar. If Canada remains free, I am going to try find a way to have Phil Crawley charged with publishing False New under section 181 of Canada’s Code. If convicted Crawley could go the jail for two years. The first Law against publishing False News was enacted in England in 1275. We still have that law on the books but her Harper has ignored it. Just look around our despoiled Canada to-day for the reason why the publishing of False News is so damaging to democracy. I am also gunning for Paul Godfrey if I continue as a free man after the vote. One of my most important files is about Alberta and the tar sands. When Joe Oiliver was the Minister in charge I was floored at time when he was on TV and lied through his teeth. Our Nazi said nothing or added further lies to Joe’s comments.
But I must admit that to travel in Harper’s orbit one has to be a consummate liar. A few months ago Herr Harper hired Tony Abbot’s dirty tricks guru, Lynton Crosby, a guy who could look like Santa if he put on a false white beard. Many of the divisive initiatives that have escaped from Harper’s mouth of late are credited to Crosby. Lynton’s notoriety proceeded him so the PMO has kept him under raps. Now that would not be too hard because the stenographers who scribe for our Nazi newspapers never do any rock turning, in fact they don’t even ask questions any more. They just stand there like cigar store Indians until Paul Godfrey or Phil Crawley hand them an E-Mail.
In fact yesterday, every one of the PostMediocre papers had the same editorial, recommending Herr Harper be reelected because of his honesty and sterling economic performance. Now in this case the ringing endorsement for Harper did not come from Godfrey. Paul is a mere tool of the Americans just like Steve Harper. The endorsement came from the hedge funds on Wall Street who fear a democratically elected Government in this Country. Our Law on the ownership of newspapers say not more that 49%. The Yankee hedge funds own 90% of PostMediocre paper empire. If Tom Mulcair or Justin Trudeau becomes Prime Minister the hedge fund investment in the Post paper will be rendered worthless. The employees at the Post and the Sun should hang their heads in shame for playing a continuing roll in the destruction of democracy in Canada. These people should all be labelled Yankee lovers. They are far more interested in a pay cheque than their Country. With friends and neighbours like these people at the Post / Sun, who needs enemies? If our democracy survives after Monday the Post papers will be out of business. All the above Post turncoats will be out on their asses along with Paul Godfrey. I think they should all be denied Unemployment Insurance. In a free market system everyone should have to right to fend for themselves. RIGHT??? Maybe we should even deny these turncoats Medicare coverage. Of course Paul Godfrey will not have to worry, he will be in jail for publishing False News. At least Paul will have a buddy to discuss the extinction of newspapers with, namely Phil Crawley, who will be incarcerated for the same rap. In terms of the Aussie, Lynton Crosby, he’s the man who is heard but not seen. Very typical of right wingers, lots to say but too timid to put their own names to their own words. Lyin Steve is the same, he has plenty to say but John Ivison of the Post is the one who says it in public. I can’t imagine what it would be like playing the stooge, as Ivison is for Harpie One? Wimps like Crosby must get their jollies, adversely affecting people’s lives without have to pay any prices. Hitler sat idly by as Jews were sent to the gas chambers ON HIS ORDERS. The Fuhrer never got his hands dirty. So our boy Lynton is jogging along feeding Harper ideas for dirty tricks. I can understand this. When Steve stole the 2011 election, Karl Rove was advising him. Lyin Steve needed another Karl Rove. In picking Crosby got his replacement, an evil mind who looks like Rove. We can all see how much Rove helped the Repubs. The selection of the Chief Tea Party ass kisser is underway. 16 moronic slugs are vying for this role including Donald Trump. As Churchill might have said, ” this is the beginning of the end of the Republicans “. Although the Party brass has repeatedly said, if we can’t have America nobody shall “! This is why I fear for this Country. We may have to take to the streets to remove Harper by force. Then Harper was suddenly up close and personal with Rob and Doug Ford and everyone is asking why Stevie? Not me I have the reason Steve Harper is insane like his grandfather. I think madness runs in the family. I would love to get his family’s medical records. Apparently even Lynton Crosby could not stand the coming Harper / Ford love in. At least that is the supposed excuse. I rather think that Crosby, when he got to work with all the 28 American somethings in the PMO, Lynton saw that the ship was sinking. After all he and his partner Mark Textor of the Crosby / Textor Group are selling anarchical ideas to right wing groups in democracies, be they governments like Tony Abbott / Australia, David Cameron / UK, Steve Harper in this Country of right wing groups of business that want rid of democracy. Well the Crosby / Textor Group is not doing very well these days. Tony Abbott has just been booted out of office. Abbott aparently got bad advice from Cros and the loud mouthed Tex. This pair of clowns has taken credit for David Cameron’s huge electoral victory which gave his Thatcherites a 5 seat majority in a Parliament with 650 seats. Labour lost 50 of their seats to the dishonest pair of Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond who ran a separated vote. The Brits voted in a National election. The Scots voted on separation although, Sturgeon and Salmond pledged not to have another vote on separations for 5 years. So the Scots who voted to support separation got it right up the you-know-where- the-sunshine-neveer shines. They have a group of 50 MP with absolutely no say now. Real smart? So Abbott get the heave ho. Cameron has to live 5 seats from the edge of the cliff and now Harper is going steady withe Fords Doug and Rob. Cros and Tex can see the writing on the wall. The boys do not want to be involved with a loser. So Crosby broke with Harper and sneaked out of the Country, probably dressed as a woman wearing a Niqab. Now a campaign has been started by Mark Texas, denying his Crosby / Textor Group is not working for Herr Harper and that his pal Cros is not in Canada. Righties like Harper are liars going way back, Cros and Tex, with their lies fit right in. If Harper loses Crosby and Textor we never laid eyes on, what’s his name again?

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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If you read me on a regular basis, you know I get my net news from the CBC, BBC, PBS and the Guardian UK / USA. On the financial side, I get info from Wolf Street, stuff the the Globe and Tar doesn’t dare talk about. They’d lose all of those stock tout / financial adviser advertisements. On the personal level I follow Chantal Hebert. For Western news I catch David Climenhaga and his Dav’s comments are important to me because I get the story of the West right from the horse’s mouth so to speak. The West is dominated by Paul Godfrey’s PostMediocre papers which I get free here in Toronto. I love it! Free lunch on the righties, love it! Every day I compare what info I have collected from my sources and compare it with what’s in Godfrey’s rag. It is amazing how far Westerners are being led astray. For example, did you know that Russ Girling is selling the Keystone idea to Americans on the basis that it is designed to carry Alberta water to Texas as well as carry the shiny black shit that blows up. On the Prairies the snow melts, the water runs downhill into Alberta via rivers that then flow into Saskatchewan. Under the Canada Water Agreement, Albert and Saskatchewan split that water 50 / 50. The plan is, when the rightpublicanazis take over this Country the Keystone will take the Rockies water to Texas and Brad Wall’s Saskatchewan will get SWEET FUCK ALL. Saskatchewan has a population of 1.3 million and Texas has 26 million. Under the Yankee flag the people in Saskatchewan will have no say at all. Imagine no water in Saskatchewan, it will become a desert just like California is turning into. Girling is in pursuit of money and the people of Saskatchewan just don’t count. Off into the future, people will ask why those in Saskatchewan voted for Harper, only to lose their water rights and have their environment turn into a dust bowl. How could they be that stupid??? Well they do have a couple of excuses. Lyin Steve lied to them. Russ Girling lied to them. And Paul Godfrey was aid big money to regurgitated all of those lies and more in print. Of course the business community just loves Paul Godfrey. I recognition of Paul’s contribution to Canadian business, Bennett Jones, one of this Country’s premier law firms [ self anointed ] and Caldwell Partners, a US consulting firm, awarded Godfrey CEO of 2015. All the PostMediocre papers do is publish lies, misinformation, create confusion and anxiety, spin stuff as well as acting as the bulletin board for the right wing in the USA. Oh yes, the boys at Bennett and Caldwell have standards for the CEO Award, Vision, Leadership, Corporate Performance, Global Competitiveness, Innovation and Social Responsibility. Now let’s rank Godfrey. VISION, Paul has none. He manages a newspaper empire that is dying and that is controlled from Wall Street. If Canada survives as a democracy the National Post IS DEAD HAVING SHOT ITS’ BOLT ON A LOSING HARPER. If the rightpublicanazis win, their media will just move in and the Post will no longer be required. LEADERSHIP, well I guess so. Godfrey is leading us into the arms of the Americans. CORPORATE PERFORMANCE, surely this is an inside Bennett / Caldwell joke. When Conrad Black, listed by our Nazi media as a leading Canadian businessman sold the National Post, he had lost $ 210 million of stockholder’s money. Godfrey and Wall Street friends bought the bankrupt Post and it has lost money every quarter since that time. But our media will not tell you that. Of course Black in no longer a Canadian citizen. If Harper wins the Conman will be let back in. If Canada continues as a democracy Black and his Lady will be sent packing. Good riddance. The only talent Conrad has, is stealing other people’s money. GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS, now this is real funny. Godfrey pays his Wall Street masters more than $ 300 million in interest each year. This is highway robbery and just another transfer of Canadian wealth to the Yankees. Every time a homegrown toadstool buys a Post paper, some of their money goes to American writers, PR people and Wall Street. Godfrey’s entire team is being paid to subjugate this Nation and turn us into serfs. Some CEO??? Interestingly, Bennett Jones and Caldwell Partners US picked Pat Daniel as CEO of the year in 2011. Pat had just engineered the biggest spill of Alberta Tar mixed with lethal Benzine ever in 2010 in Kalamazoo Mich. For 2 weeks after the spill Daniel continued to claim it was oil that spilled. Daniel kept telling lies day after day until Pat made himself look ridiculous. The real story finally came out with the North American Nazi media being put into a very difficult space. The Media was being paid big money by Enbridge to make this story go away. More than 500 people were directly affect by the Benzine killer fumes. In 2013 there were still about 175 people under doctor’s care, no doubt some of them were ruined financially. But our boy Pat Daniel got a fat severance. CEO of the year remember. 19 people had died but the reasons for the deaths was never recorded. A cloud of Benzine fumes travel down the river valley for 50 miles, making hundreds more sick, burning eye and heaving chests. Enbridge paid enough money to the Nazi media to bury the news about this poisonous cloud. People so affected complained to officials about breathing problems and vomiting. Pat’s workers told residents that it was nothing to worry about. I wonder how many of those people suffered permanent health problems? The Nazi media never investigated. Enbridge hired private security guards to patrol the Kalamazoo spill site, this to intimidate those whose lives have been ruined. Enbridge has dragged its’ feet on the Kalamazoo cleanup. Some water ways are still closed. For this Pat Daniel was awarded CEO of the Year by Bennett Jones and Caldwell Partners US. But the Bennett / Caldwell boys, women would not be this stupid and uncaring, next year presents a problem for the boys. Will their next CEO champ or chump be, the head of Volkswagen or the head of FIFA? In terms of their standard for CEO of the year, Bennett Jones / Caldwell Partners US are just funning us AREN’T THEY???

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Canada is a mosaic not a melting pot like the USA. Herr Harper’s intent is to make all of us riff raff into 32 million pieces of the Nietzsche Myth’s ignorant mob. This supposed plan of the assemblage of a right wing society was taught to Steve at the University of Calgary, a branch plant of the University of Chicago. Pierre Trudeau held that Canada was a model to the world and it security was based on the ideals of democracy, one man / woman / one vote /, living under a constitution that is based on the rule of law and a high respect for minorities which is incumbent on the majority to honour. This is the Canada that existed before Harper stole and cheated his way to power on a tide of money from the American oil monopoly located in Houston. If Canada is taken from us it would be interesting to do research on how much the oilies paid for this Country??? Since that time Harper, his pal Preston Manning and Calgary U have done everything possible to destroy our democracy. On October 19 / 15 Canadians will get to judge if they want the rightpublicanazis to take over and continue to tear down our society. Thus rendering us a petro state and a satellite of the USA? Presently Canada permits its’ citizens to both live together and to live apart. If the oilies take control we will have little say about our life choices. If Harper orders people to the cattle cars on their way to the ovens, there will be no back talk permitted. Those who can’t move fast enough will feel the sting of Jenni Byrnes’ whip.

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If you care to look up, ” Lame duck politician “, you will see it applies to Herr Harper. After Lyin Steve called the Election he becomes a caretaker PM. His job is reduced to keeping the the place swept out, making sure the windows are closed and the front door locked. Harper has no authority to make any deals with anybody. But if there is one thing the rightpublicanazis are good at is taking what they want, when they want it. The majority on the right are sociopaths like Harper, manning and Conrad Black. Various behaviours confirm that they are Sociopathic. No insight is one. Another is no empathy for others. Perpetual lying is another. Controlling others for personal gain is another, in other words bullying people. Bullies survive because there are far too many folks who cave in. This only encourages bullying. Interestingly we as a society try to stop bullying in our schools but we put up with the bullying of the Harper Fascists. And our Nazi press supports the position of the bullies and is well paid for the doing. My response to bullies throughout my life is to kick him in the nuts or other maneuvers. If Canada is lost to us on October 19 / 15 and the USA oil monopoly does take control, my thoughts will turn to barbarism. I want the RCHP to be clear about where I am coming from. This Nation will not bow to Fascist without a battle.
The Trans Pacific Partnership is an exercise in putting the finishing touches to corporate globalization about which the world Nazi media only has good to say. THE GOOD PART THEY TALK ABOUT REGARDING THE TPP HAS BEEN BOUGHT AND PAID FOR. The promise of increased trade is a pure fantasy. The trade part is fluff. It is a matter of the leaders of various countries giving away the people’s sovereignty to corporations. This world takeover is being pushed by the leadership of the USA. The rich and powerful right wing has just about drained all the wealth from the American people and is looking for more suckers on a world wide basis. The few people who are involved with giving the Canada’s sovereignty under the TPP are in it for the money, like Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and Conrad Black. This is what we face if the TPP is signed and the oilies and Harper steal the coming election. For example, the Town of Stouffville, Ont. is the home of a multinational corporation. The suits running the corp. decide they can increase profits by dumping their untreated toxic waste in the river that runs through Town. Souffville Council passes a By-Law ordering the corporation to cease and desist dumping their waste into the river. Our corporation can just ignore the Council under TPP. If the Mayor and Councilors take any kind of action, the corporation can take the matter to a Board set up by the multinationals themselves. This is sort of like the right wing staging the leadership debates and installing rightie moderators at the behest of Herr Harper. Lyin Steve has no problem with having his friends installed as referees. So Harper has no problems signing the TPP pact wherein the corporation’s Kangaroo Court can say to the Stouffville Council, you have cost Corporation BBB a million dollars in potential profits by stopping the dumping of toxic waste into the local river. The corporation Kangaroo Court can assess the Town a million dollar fine plus costs / interest and the people of Stouffville have no recourse but to pay up. If the people in the Town protest tough shit. The world corporation Kangaroo Court will be able to use the Ontario Court System to extract the million bucks from Stouffville easy peasy. No matter if the people of Stouffville vote against being screwed by the global multinational, that vote will have no standing. If the citizens of Ontario hold a vote in opposition to the folks of Stouffville being screwed, the provincial vote will have no standing. If Canadians take a vote in protest against the screwing of the Town of Stouffville in the Province, that vote will have no standing. Under TPP, what has happen in Alberta, where there are now 175 square km of toxic tailing ponds created by the oilies in Houston, can happen anywhere in the Country and the citizenry WILL HAV NO SAY PERIOD. The US multinationals have a two pronged plan. Corporation will be able to do as they wish in pursuit of profits in this Country and the public will have no say. If a lot of people like me raise a stink the corporation Kangeroo Court can make a finding against us and take everything we have. So the multinationals make money no matter which way the wind blowing. The ideal situation will be when enough countries have been made examples of with this provision in the TPP, the ignorant mob will just fall silent and be happy with the Benzine in their drinking water. The ongoing clean up at Kalamazoo, where Enbridge dumped a million gallons of the shiny black shit that blows up, would never have happened under TPP. If the victims who lived along the Kalamazoo River has protested violently because they could not breath, the armed private security guards hired by Enbridge to replace the local police would have just shot the trouble makers and dumped them into a common pit. When did we see mass murder like that happening, under the Nazis is the answer. Once your vote becomes meaningless, anything is possible. I said to-day, to someone about the coming Election. I fear that too many complacent Canadians are sleep walking into the rightpublicanazi trap. Harper and his Fascist jackboots are everyday dishing out lies and propaganda via the Postmediocre papers, the Globe and Tar, CTV and Global [ not the CBC ]. Coming to one’s senses AFTER the gate of the concentration camp gate clangs shut is a mite too late. But when you think about it, docile people deserve to be led around by the nose. In that way they can’t get into trouble or protest the destruction of their environment???

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If you read me you are aware of my research into the mind of the rabid right wing. The question is how can people living in a so called democracy be dedicated to undermine said democracy yet have everything remain the same. In the USA there are more than 300 million citizens who would never accept what the right is up to if they knew what was really going on. It is obvious that the right has fabricated a fantasy which is on display every day in the Nazi press. The problem is that human nature and mother nature will never bow to the rightie fantasy. The TPP is just one part of this fantasy. When this fantasy and the real world collided all of the millions who are on the losing end of the stick will not be amused. What do 10 million righties do in the face of 330 million irate Americans??? Since the right wing is made up of Sociopaths and small brain drones , it has never occurred to the righties that their flawed fantasy could make 300 million plus very angry. Republicans have said over the years,” If we can’t have America then nobody shall “. These comments seemed to have passed by the Nazi media without notice. It is as if regular Americans do not believe what the Republicans are saying. The Repubs mean, if they can’t run things they will blow the place up. The Yankees who want to remain free, ignore such comments at their peril. Does anyone in a democracy have the right to speak such nonsense? THE ANSWER IS NO! Of course not. The are two paths forward. Either the 300 million Americans destroy [ as in eliminate ] the lunatic right wing and return to democratic governance, meaning the WILL OF THE MAJORITY. Or. The loonies on the right will destroy the Country, they are well along on accomplishing that goal at this very moment. Since Herr Harper stole his way to power on the back of oilie money, ten years ago, I have been trying to get into his skull. I don’t think there is anything up there. Oh yes, Harpie is very intelligent and crafty but in a sterile way. If Lyin Steve was stuck on a desert island he die in 2 weeks. He creates nothing but lives like a parasite of others. The American oil monopoly in its’ constant need to for petroleum reserves is after controlling Canada as it tried to do with OPEC, Iran, Venezuela and Iraq. Compared to the lot, this Country has been a pushover. The Republicans have a history of stealing elections and are only too happy to help the oilies. Many of the elites in Canada have bought into this Nation becoming a petro state. Conrad Black, David Thomson, Paul Godfrey, Preston Manning and the management of the University of Calgary are among those getting to play in the big league and getting rich in the doing. The truth is they are all little leaguers and what they are selling, Canada, is not theirs to sell. But like all whimps they are selling us out on the sly. When the bullets started to fly in Parliament Harper ran to find a cupboard and hid. While his Fascist caucus face the threat of gunfire Harper was in with the mops and brooms. This chickenshit theme runs through the entire right wing. Of course Harper did not invent the rightie ideology which is at the centre of his universe. It came from a small group of American ideologs who are sympathetic to Nazism. Throughout my writings I have compared the moves Herr Harper makes with those of Hitler. In the Fuhrer’s case he just got on with the job of doing evil things. Rather, Lyin Steve is doing evil things behind the scenes. That is why it is so important for the oilies / Harper to control the Nazi media Postmediocre papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, CTV and Global [ not the CBC the remaining source of the truth in Canada ] [ even TVO has succumbed, it is the propaganda bulletin board for the Ontario Liberals ]. If Harper and his Repub friends are successful in stealing Canada’s democracy you will see both the CBC and the CRTC disappear into the mists of history. After that Canadians will have to get by without being privy to the truth. After that Canadians will have to live day by day, never knowing if there will be a knock on the door in the night. I traveled back before Harper and Manning, even before the University of Chicago set up its’ branch plan here, the University of Calgary. The only places in the world where the Nietzsche Myth got traction was in Germany and the USA. Nietzsche’s pitch was that there are two classes of citizens. A small group of self proclaimed exceptionalists and the rest, the Overman and the Underman. All Calgary University’s students are taught to be Overman. Friedrich Nietzsch actually stole this idea of there being 2 classes of people, from Max Stirner, a German who fancied himself a philosopher. Max died when Fred was 10. Elizabeth Forster – Nietzsche, a German nationalist, an Overwoman and an antisemite, bought her brother’s estate from their mother in 1893. At that time Fred, in a vegetable state was propped up in a chair on the second floor awaiting death from Syphilis. Liz saw the opportunity of using her brothers limited notoriety as a meal ticket and a platform for her extreme views. At the time, the 1900s, women were to be seen and not heard. But she saw that she could hide behind her brother’s image to promote her own views. All of the material we now see as being from Friedrich Nietzsche has the hand of Elizabeth all over it. When Nietzsche was introduced to America in translations by H. L. Mencken it was the voice of Liz that H. L. was translating. What the US righties seized upon was the extreme German views and the Overman / Underman idea. Most all of the rightie saints were Germans with a Nietzsche tinge, Austrian School of Economics [ which never existed ], Ludwig von Mises, Leo Strauss, Martin Heidegger, Friedrich Hayek and Walter Kaufmann. Even though the right wing in the USA had examples of self appointed exceptionalists, I was taken by the fact that all of the above anti democratic people were embraced so warmly by some Americans living in a supposed democracy. If one believes that there are Overmen and Undermen then the idea of democracy has to be thrown out the window. The minority exceptionalists, who view the larger population as the ignorant mob are therefore committed to making sure what occurs is a democracy with its’ nuts cut out. So as the ignorant mob attempts to build a better life, the righties work to see that better life never actually comes true. This subversive work has to be done in the shadows, out of sight of the larger population, on the QT, thus the CIVITAS Secret Subversive Society is summoned each year by Preston Manning to do the plotting. Outsiders are not welcome, not even Canadians. The only folk allowed to be in on the plotting are self anointed rightie exceptionalists from this Country as well as rightpublicanazis. Our Nazi media makes not a mention about Civitas activities. Andrew Coyne, a stenographer for the Post papers attends Civitas mrrtng but he keeps the deliberations a secret. Imagine writing for Paul Godfrey’s rag with the full knowledge of what is being plotted but not writing about it. The fact that a secret right wing club actually exists should be scary in and of itself. This reminds me of the Wannsee Conference, held in Nazi Germany in January 1942 at which various operatives in Hitler’s Government met to plot THE FINAL SOLUTION. The world was being told the exact opposite. In a democracy there is no place for secret societies. In terms of the acceptance of the idea of Overmen and Undermen by the general American public was baffling to me. H. L. Mencken as a writer had a large following but he didn’t have than much clout? The same is true of Friedrich Nietzsche. He was known in Germany based on a few scribblings. Fred was only lifted out of obscurity by his sister Liz? I believe I have found the answer.

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From 1815 onward the Germans living in various countries in central Europe began to fear for their future on a divided continent. German writers of the time, pushed the idea that they as a people they were superior to their neighbours. Into this pro German movement Fred Nietzsche was born. It was apparent that the way to secure their future Germans had to join together and take what they wanted by force if necessary. Friedrich’s written output therefore doesn’t seem far out of place in the 1850 environment. Fred seems to be one of many Otto von Bismark pushed for reunification of Germany through war, he made a famous speech called Iron and Blood in 1849. There was a War with Denmark which Bismark won. There was a War with Austria which Bismark won. Then Bismark picked a fight with France in 1870 / 71 and when the Germans were at the gates of Paris the French sued for peace. Apparently this was the ideal time for Nietzsche to be selling the Overman / Underman idea. Syphilis began to take its’ toll on Fred. He never wrote anything after 1976, his secretary Heinrich Koselitz [ Peter Gast ] took dictation and to some degree Heinrich put his own stamp on Nietzsche’s scribblings. In 1893 Elizabeth picked up the ball and with Heinrich’s help formalized her brother’s output with a view to promoting German exceptionalism. By the time that Mencken came across the German books under Friedrich’s name, it was Elizabeth who had published them. In 1907, when Henry L. translated some of Liz’s books, the cry in support of German nationalism had grown much louder. In his translations, Mencken added his own interpretation to what was no more that a Nietzsche Myth 25 years on from the time Friedrich was doing his noodling. It has been said by people who have scanned the Myth material edited by Liz that there are rich pickings. There is enough for everyone to make what they want of the myth. This fits perfectly the practice by the USA right wing to continue to add to their fantasy. What Mencken gave to the righties was the ability to claim that the Overmen and Undermen theory was legitimate because it had been handed down from on high by the famous German philosopher Fred Nietzsche. The obscure Max Stirner wrote about the Overman and the Underman in the 1830s just after the German people began to agitate for a unified Country. By 1907, when Mencken made the scene the Nietzsche Myth of the Overman / Underman was rapped in a much bigger package, a strong feeling of German superiority, the Aryan race nonsense, Antisemitism, lesser races were detailed and an outline of the struture of a civilization to take all these attribute to
even greater heights. Within 7 years of H. L. beginning the translations of Elizabeth Nietzsche’s books the Kaiser joined with the Austro – Hungarian Empire to invade Serbia in July 1914. Kaiser Whilhelm II pushed the very old and reluctant Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria Hungary into the First World War because the Kaiser had bought into this German exceptionalism hooey, as had many of his subject who were spoiling for a fight. Any fight. But the Kaiser was so exceptional, that he wanted someone else to start his War. Like so many others on the right Whilhelm was a chickenshit, Harper comes to mind. Germany was defeated in the 1st War but the Country itself was not devastated. The we are Germans and we are exceptional state of mind continued after 1918. Germans came to view their loss as being someone else’s fault. They should have been victorious. The attempt to turn Germany into a democracy was impossible from the get go. Germans had never lived in a democracy and the Weimar Republic government was modeled after others in western countries. After the drum, drum, drum of German exceptionalism heard for 80 years, surrendering to the French, British and American in 1918 did not cool their fires. Having a foreign governmental system imposed on them plus the demands for reparations by the allies set up the emergence of Adolf Hitler. Who too was schooled in the Nietzsche Myth and German superiority. About 6 million Germans had emigrated to the USA from 1820 to 1900 and totaled about 15% of the Country’s population of 70 million. Mencken’s translations of the the Nietzsche Myth found a receptive audience. During the first War many Germans in the US supported the Kaiser and worked to keep the Country out of the War. In the 1920s /30s Germans kept their heads down and tried to hide their identity. In the late 1930s Hitler cultivated Germans in the USA to again keep the Country out of the looming WW II. Once the War started most Germans went back to hiding their origins. Interestingly, H. L. Mencken, born in America, one of the Nations great writer, sided with the Kaiser in WW One and sided with Hitler in the Second War. Henry L. was an Antisemetic. Mencken’s sympathies with the Nazis ended his writing career. But those of German ancestry in the USA [ 1907 / 1940 were not sufficient enough to explain why so many American were attracted by the Nietzsche Myth that began to spread before the First War. In my opinion there is another reason.

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At the very beginning of the United State the malignant cancer cells were inserted by the Founding Father. First off, in the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, he wrote the following, ” We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness “. However at that same instant, Jefferson and his wife Martha, owned about 150 slaves. In 1782, after Martha died, Thomas began screwing her Black half sister Sally Hemings, this liaison produced about 6 children who increased Jefferson’s holdings. For Thomas, fornication came at no cost, he made money while getting it off. Martha’s father shacked up with a slave after her mother died. Sally came from this union and eventually Martha inherited all of her fathers slaves. So Martha Jefferson had within her household her Black half sister. This seems strange to me, Jefferson was writing such high and mighty stuff about equality during the period that the US broke from England, yet he and his wife were surrounded by 150 unequal slaves. At the very first utterances about the New Nation the lying started. In the Constitution there is not mention of, ” all men are created equal “. Rather the Constitution required the separate States to, ” guarantee equal protection under the law “. As we know, some States paid no attention to that provision even up to the present day. The Blacks in the south were prevented from taking advantage of the laws of the land to gain equality. The western State saw nothing wrong with ignoring the provisions of agreements made with native Americans, if said provisions proved inconvenient. This is the path Herr Harper takes. He only abides by laws which benefit his Fascists aims. The main thrust of the States in the west early on, was the Final Solution. Namely, wiping native Americans from the face of the earth. The Mexicans, Hawaiians and Filipinos were also dished out some unequal treatment by the USA. Americans hold their Constitution high, as an example of their exceptionalism but the majority do not live by its’ provisions. The US Supreme Court is the arbiter of inequality. Their decisions always favour the rich and powerful. The Constitution which is so frequently mentioned by the Justices is selectively mined in order to protect the privileged. Canada’s Supreme Court has no such failing and it drives Lyin Steve bonkers. Thrown into the democratic mix is the fact that the States control the national voting in the USA. Over time, as the Republican base shrinks in the face of the increase in the minorities population count, the Repub State Governments have started to cheat and suppress votes. There is an old Republican saying, ” If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying “. Harper has imported the standard Repub cheating, dirty tricks and voter suppression into this Country. Right under the noses of Paul Godfrey and David Thomson, they never seed nutin. Not seeing things paid the boys very well. Harpie has challenged Elections Canada at every turn as well as cutting the agency’s budget. Elections Canada is the only agency separating our citizenry from tyranny. Back in Jefferson’s time the founding Fathers were concerned about pure democracy, the will of the majority could prove to be a danger? To load the dice a smidge, it was decided by the Fathers to give exceptional people a free ticket to pass GO. Exceptional people, who come along from time to time, should be able to avoid having to mess with the political game and getting elected. My problem with this idea is who decides if a person is qualified to be rated exceptional. Now the USA has always had a cornerstone based on a strong god. It is kind of a toss up between the Catholic Church and the States as to who is closer to god? I’m leaning here to the Yanks. The Americans are so clear on this god subject that I think they probably have HIS or HER street address and phone number. I guessing that the Pope only knows which county HE or SHE lives in? If we accept that sometimes exceptional people are born and are so important to a society that we shouldn’t force them to waste time, seeking supporters, raising money, get a campaign office, assembling an election team and participating in endless debates. I think it is reasonable to whisk them to the head of the line. But when the exceptional person dies that designation should die with him or her. But in America every exceptional person with a family has been able to pass on the exceptional person designation to his sons. So in the case of an exceptional person having a village idiot for a son like Georgie Bush Jr., the whole idea comes apart at the seams. Fortunately during the 1800s, the pursuit of political office was frowned upon by the families of the rich exceptionalists in the USA. Thus the potential damage was very limited. However 1845 is the year that the States begins its’ descent to ruin. John L. O’Sullivan [ 1813 / 1895 ], a writer of note, took issue with the 1845 Boundary Dispute between England and the USA. O’Sullivan wrote that god had given the Yanks THE RIGHT to spread republican democracy over the land, something he felt England could not do. This was only 25 years after the USA had failed in its’ invasion of Canada in 1812. John insisted that England’s claims in North America should ignored. This case is similar to the Germans refusing to accept the outcome of WW One. O’Sullivan claimed Manifest Destiny, was a moral ideal which was of a higher law to replace all other considerations. It just so happened that the States which had lost the War of 1812. Thus John and others, thought they could use alternate means to take over Canada. After all, the exceptional Americans had a direct link to god which no others had and their hearts were purer. O’Sullivan proposed that settlers crowd into the Oregon Territory which included Oregon, Washington, Idaho, BC and most of Alberta, half way up to Alaska. After which the settlers could seek to join the USA as a State. John’s ploy did not work. In 1846, the US and England signed the Oregon Treaty which established the 49th parallel as the Border with all of Vancouver Island remaining in Canada. Both the USA and England did not want to fight another war over an obscure piece of territory which mainly known for fur trading. But this idea of US settlers flooding the west coast of the Pacific was one of the many concerns of Sir John A. Macdonald. He pushed for the building of the CPR to connect Eastern Canada with BC. The initial plan was for the line to cross mid Prairies and then through the Rockies to the sea. Sir John said NO. Put the line as close to the border as possible. His opponents were many. As with to-day, there are people like Harper who never accomplish anything or BUILT ANYTHING. HARPIE THE FIRST will go into the history books as being someone who destroyed everything he touched. We we know if this includes Canada come October. During the final days of building the CPR, the money began to run out. Sir John was getting desperate. On the stretch across Northern Ontario there was a road and little patches of track. In 1874 Macdonald had created the North West Mounted Rifles to police unrest among the Aboriginals and American incursions into Canada across the 49th. He changed the name for fear of raising the ire of the First People and the American. The force became the North West Mounted Police although it was actually a cavalry unit fashioned after the British Army. The initial contingent was over 300 men with 25 Officers. They traveled across the US west by train, then crossed the Border into Alberta. When the Rebellion with Louis Riel started the NWMP was hard pressed to deal with the uprising. Parliament was up in arms over this assault on Canada, a new nation less than 20 years old. William Van Horne was Superintendent of the fledgling CPR. The solution to the Riel Rebellion was to get troops to Saskatchewan to aid the outnumbered NWMP. Van Horne, CEO, told Macdonald that he could have the Canadian Army on site in about two weeks. Van Horne who had been in the railway business all his life had moved soldiers and their gear during the American Civil War. There was about 100 miles of track missing in a few locations north of Superior. Van Horne had wagons there used for railway construction. March 26 / 1885 was the date of the first battle Riel provoked. Four days later, our Army was on the move. In a little more that a week some of the Canadian Army numbering 8000, had already reached the Prairies. Their supplies were carried by wagon north of Superior while the soldiers marched across the gaps. By July 2 / 1885 the shooting was over. During the earlier Red River Rebellion in 1870 it took our troops 3 month to reach the Prairies, traveling by water. The Americans would not allow the Canadian Army under Colonel Wolseley on their soil. I believe the US Government still had designs on Canada and that they felt our prairies offered the back door which could be used for conquest. They were not going to make it any easier for this Country to defend the WEST. I think the Fenian Raids from 1866 to 1871 set Macdonald’s teeth on edge. Many of the Irish American Civil War Veteran’s who fought for the North, had too much time on their hands after the hostilities ceased. The Irish Brotherhood was formed to carry on the conflict between their home Country and England. Why not invade Canada and hold it a bargaining chip in the Ireland / English tussle? Fenian is derived from the Gaelic Fianna, which means roving bands of young warriors looking for a fight. The Fenian raids were sneak attacks made all along the Canadian border, this, just as our new Country of Canada was being stitched together. New Brunswick was attacked in April 1866. Politicians in that Province had been iffy about Canada. 700 Fenians arrived in NB without notice. The Royal Navy and British Regulars numbering about a thousand men descended on the Fenians who took flight. New Brunswickers decided overnight that this Canada idea was not so bad after all. Next on the target for the Fenians was Fort Erie in Ontario and Pidgeon Hill in Quebec. About 1500 Fenians crossed the Niagara River and conducted a suprise attacked at Ridgeway. The toll was 15 Canadians killed, 94 wounded. Eight Fenians were killed and 20 wounded. In response, a large force of British Regulars and Canadian Militia were ordered to move on the area. The Fenians couldn’t run fast enough. A motley crew from the Irish Brotherhood, numbering a thousand men invaded Quebec and occupied Pigeon Hill and various small towns on June 7 / 1866. By June 8th, the British army and Canadian Militia had engaged the Fenians who folded and then surrendered. The Fenian raids, in each case, began on American soil. Washington did as little as possible to interfere with the Fenians. Some in the US Government were quite happy to continue to harass Canada through a third party while claiming clean hands which was a lie. You can see this in the background of the courses offered by the University of Calgary, like its’ parent, the University in Chicago, students ARE TAUGHT TO LIE, LIE AND THEN LIE AGAIN. Many Yankees thought, if life in OUR COUNTRY could be disrupted, Canada might end up being easy pickings for such an exceptional people who’s Manifest Destiny was to own all of the North American continent. The Fenian raids lasted for about 5 years but the threat continued until 1890 until after the CPR was completed right along the 49th parallel from coast to coast, as Sir John A. had insisted upon. During the late 1870s a very large group of Fenians assembled in the Oregon territory. The plan was to take BC by force. The Americans looked the other way although they had just signed a boundary Treaty with England in 1846. Even more than 100 years ago we could not trust the USA to abide by any treaty signed between our Countries. The Fenians were on the march again and occupied a town in Oregon. Macdonald was so concerned that he immediately had a Royal Navy gunboat sent to the area off Vancouver Island. At this point I must interject that although the Fenians were veterans of the Civil War, had battle know how, had fighting skills, had all the military hardware they needed, as well as having many friends in high places and supporters, in the end they were badly led. Arrogance and over confidence on the part of the Americans. The Yankees lost the War of 1812 for the same reason, incompetent leadership. During the raids from 1866 to 1871, the Fenians were actually on Canadian soil shooting at our citizens. Concerning the large forces of Fenians in Oregon, who were poised to take over BC, a small hitch developed. The town that the Irish occupied was actually still in Oregon. Those people the Fenians held prisoner were really Americans. Washington decided to put the Fenians out of business, enough was enough, Congress clamped down on their truly illegal activities. Every battle the Fenians fought was a fiasco, much like the War of 1812. Americans don’t like to lose in battle. I pity their veterans who were engaged in lost battles, such vets were given the cold shoulder. I DON’T KNOW OF ANY CANADIAN OR BRITISH VETERANS WHO WERE EVER HELD IN LOW ESTEEM BECAUSE THEY LOST A WAR? Losing US vets were shunned by their communities while those in the losing leadership role walk away unscathed. This is a flaw in the American character, not willing to admit defeat and thus learning no lessons. Blaming someone else is easier. Especially when the US Nazi media can always be paid to cover up. Those with money get to create their own fantasy and have it published. The War of 1812 came to an end because enough Members of Congress got the message, the USA was not going to prevail, it was costing a lot of money for no result and increasingly the Country was proving it could not fight its’ way out of a wet paper bag. And as in so many cases the American vacated the field in disgrace. Much of a derogatory nature was said at that time and continues to be said about Canada and England being lesser that the exceptionalists south of the border. BUT WE DON’T CUT AND RUN. Canadians and the Brits stood their ground in 1812. During the Fenian raids, Canadians and the Brits stood their ground. Canadians took Vimy Ridge after being mauled in battle for months. Four Divisions of the Canadian Corp, took Vimy all on their own, this due to superior tactics, intense planning, lots of big guns which laid down fire IN FRONT OF THE ADVANCING TROOPS and superb training. In 1940, after the fall of France to the Germans England stood alone. Churchill said it for all, ” W E W I L L N E V E R G I V E I N “. We are a people who do not start wars like Bush Jr. did in Iraq in 2003, then he ran away. Another useless oil War that Herr Harper favoured by the way. Now we are playing a role in fighting ISIS, a War that Harper badly needs to be able to scare the shit out of Canadians. As I have said many times the American oil monopoly is buying stolen Iraqi oil from ISIS. Rather than bombing Syria in hopes of hitting a legitimate targets and in the hopes of NOT KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE, we should stop the USA oil monopoly from buy oil from ISIS. Cut off ISIS money, that is coming from North Americans and the terrorists will be cooked. In fact I would go as far as arresting the executive of the American oil monopoly, headquartered in Houston. It may be that this would be a short cut to ending this conflict by bankrupting ISIS and terrorists. The Canadian Air Force should bomb Houston and hope that we only take out the oilies. The fallout from the Fenian raids was threefold. Macdonald knew the 49th parallel had to be defended. The exceptional Americans had a lot on their plate. At the time they were engaged in killing off the Native Americans who were judged to be inferior. As well the Yankees were all about stealing territory from the Mexicans, who they judged to be inferior, they still do. Washington was counting on their settlers to aid in taking control of Western Canada. If enough US settlers could get situated on our Prairies and the Canadian Government tried to order them about, the settlers could scream bloody murder as they did at the Alamo. And the US Cavalry would come riding to the rescue. US citizens moved into Mexico starting in the 1700s. Since they were exceptional Mericans, they decided that they didn’t have to abide by Mexican laws. The Texans were squatters in a foreign Country, but they thought they could make up their own rules. Sounds a lot like the rightpublicanazis who have been invited into Canada by Harper. When this Mexican dispute boiled over who did Washington support??? Why the Squatters, that’s who. What the Fenian raids did was alert Canadians and their new Government in Ottawa that Americans could not be trusted. At the time of the Red River uprising in Manitoba [ 1870 ], Colonel Wolseley took 3 months to get the Canadian Army to the scene of the troubles. The US would not allow the Canadian soldiers on their territory. Although the Fenians were allowed to set up shop anywhere in the US in preparation for the invasion of this Country. The Fenians were unmolested by Washington as they assembled thousands of Irish Civil War veterans along the border. The politicians also kept an eye on the Catholic Church votes. It cost nothing for the Church to look the other way in the US and Canada. Like in Canada to-day, where the Catholic vote has been sold to Harper because he promised to ban abortions if elected. As of 1875 it would seem that the best thing for the Americans to do was just wait for enough US settlers to occupy our Prairies, wait for them to scream bloody murder then send in the US Cavalry. No US railways ran close to the 49th parallel, so the only way the settlers could make it into Canada was by horse, wagon or by foot. But the Yankees figured that time was on their side, eventually our Nation would belong to them. The Fenian raids also affected the stannding of the Catholic Church in Canada. Many Irish Catholics in this Country sided with the Fenians. As a result he general population viewed the Catholics with suspicion and some cases outright hostility. The Catholic Church true to form, tried to play both sides of the street. The Church took no stand on behalf of our new NATION, while Catholic thugs did the dirty work. People [ US people, Native Americans and the Irish Catholics ] in the USA thought the Fenians were going to win. But Yankees, the Natives, the Church and the Catholics who supported the Fenians, bet on the wrong horse. The Fenians lost big time. Their raids sparked strong anti – Americanism which is still part of our history of Canada. There was also a backlash against Catholics which lasted for years and there are still traces of it to-day. When it really counts the Catholic Church can be counted on to NEVER be at Canada’s side. The Church always looks after its’ own self interest, as it did under Mussolini and Hitler. The Church has a long history of dealing with dictators, that is why it gets along with Harper so well. The recent attack on Justin Trudeau by way of the NO2TRUDEAU POSTCARDS CAMPAIGN was created by Herr Harper and carried out by Catholic thugs, under the name of the Church. Lyin Steve always get others to do his dirty work, even if he has to give away part of our Canada to get the dirty work done. The execution of the NO2 Campaign was carried out by the Church storm troopers as per usual. Again, as through time, the Church hierarchy said nothing and hid in the shadows. But then, if the Oilies and Harper steal the election in October, Steve will carry through with his promise to the Church that he will ban abortions. In terms of the exceptional Americans the taking over Canada’s west, did not go according to plan. The best laid plans of mice, Americans, Fenians and Catholics can often go awry. In 1884 the CPR Railway had not been completed and the Company was running out of money, it was a low point. The entire cost of the Railway was being borne by Canadian taxpayers and British investors. No American cash was involved. You see, we can do big things all on our very own if we have GOOD LEADERSHIP, no matter what Joe Oiliver says. Then the tide turned. Louis Riel was born Metis in 1844 in St. Bonifice [ French father / First People mother, in what would become Manitoba. The offspring of an English father / First People mother were called half breeds. Over time this label became offensive so those of English heritage adopted the name Metis. When Riel talked rebellion he only represented some of the people of mixed Heritage. In the uprisings Riel provoked many people of mixed Heritage did not participate. There were many differences between Metis, half breeds and the First People. The Metis originated from the employees of the French North West Fur Company out of Montreal which started in 1630. The half breeds originated from the employees of the HBC, incorporated in 1670. The First People trapped the animals who’s fur was in demand. Therefore there were three distinct groups who had common interests and varied interests. Riel came from a Metis enclave in St. Bonifice / Winnipeg, part of Lord Selkirk’s Red River Colony which the HBC had resisted. The Company wanted NO SETTLERS, TOO MUCH TROUBLE. ONLY HBC EMPLOYEES, HALF BREEDS AND THE FIRST PEOPLE WERE WELCOME. The Lord was a Scot, who was concerned about his people being forced off the land in Scotland. He came up with an idea to create a colony of 200 Scots in the Canadian West on HBC lands. As you might imagine, HBC was not thrilled. It did not want to divert profits towards looking after settlers. The British Government, which had to renew the HBC Charter every so often leaned on HBC to bend to Selkirk proposal. The Red River Colony went forward because the Lord agreed to cover all costs and pledged to have his farmers raise cattle and grown grain. This would save HBC bringing meat and wheat from England. This project never worked out because of the cold and barren soil. But this private commercial settlement broke the back of the North West Fur Trading Co. which competed with HBC for western furs. North West had to bring supplies all the way from Montreal. In 1820 HBC and North West merged. When this Colony was set up and areas of land granted to Scottish settler land was also deeded to some half breeds. So some of those of mixed race, who lived in the Colony were given clear title to their land. Others, on the edge of the Colony squatted on land they did not have title to. I do not know if Riel’s family actually owned land. Granting land was only done inside the Selkirk Colony. Nobody OWNED LAND INSIDE RUPERT’S LAND OTHER THAN HBC ITSELF. Riel was educated in Quebec and returned to his home at a time when Americans were eyeing Rupert’s Land and the Red River Colony. The USA had purchased Alaska for a song and grabbing western Canada along the same lines seemed like a good idea no matter what treaties had been signed. Behind the annexation were US Senators Alexander Ramsay [ Minn. ] and Zachariah Chandler / Jacob Howard [ Mich. ]. They were allied with Detroit merchants. James Taylor was an American spy in the Colony who’s main job was to stir up trouble. Louis Riel was chosen as the front man for this American group which had links to the Fenians and the Catholic Church. The US thinking was to annex Rupert’s Land and the Colony, hand it over to Washington where it could used as a jumping off point to disrupt the New Canada, eventually taking it over completely, you know this Manifest Dentiny and god stuff. This is the same kind of business Herr Harper is now involved in presently. Giving Canada to the USA for nothing. Well maybe a little pat on the head? The British Government instructed HBC to ignore the Americans and sell their holdings to Prime Minister John A. Macdonald, which is what happened in 1969. William McDougall was appointed Governor but was prevented from entering the new Canadian territory by Riel and his followers. Riel proclaimed that the HBC no longer had jurisdiction much to the delight of Louis’ American backers. If the Yankees had taken over our Prairies, Louis Riel and his pals would not have been talking to Government officials, they would have been 6 ft under. During this turbulent time, the Metis organized a committee, whose main aim was to keep settlers out of the territory they considered their’s. Riel was elected Secretary of this Metis group and his committee restricted the travel of Government operatives. As well the committee seized Upper Fort Garry from the HBC. This committee, with no legal standing issued a, ” Declaration of the People of Rupert’s Land [ formally the HBC territory ] and the North West “. Riel’s next illegal step was to set up the Provisional Government of Assiniboia. This new illegal government was supported by American papers, Riel was praised and the annexationists set up a letter writing campaign to boost Riel and attack Macdonald. Sounds a lot like in Alberta where the American oil monopoly finances Smear Campaigns, which succeeded with Stelmach and Reford and is now directed at Rachel Notley. Those who lived in the Red River Colony were surrounded by US spies, the Catholic Church neighbours who were suspect’ Harper could have handled such a situation, he would have sent his RCHP in the night to take away the trouble makers, the regular law abiding citizens. Riel’s carryings on upset white settlers, half breeds and many of the First People because he did not represent their interests. Riel was just an American stooge who was looking out for himself and those close to him. These regular anguished people thought they lived in a lawful Rupert’s Land under HBC / Colony and were now living in the Country of Canada? These settler began enlisting support to remove this illegal provisional government by force. Riel and his committee had a head start, had US backing and had a network of informers centred in the Church. Louis siezed the HBC post at Upper Fort Gary and imposed martial law. He rounded up this citizen protest group and imprisoned them at Fort Garry. A young Orangeman, Thomas Scott was singled out because of his taunts towards Riel. Louis convened a Metis trial and young Scott was sentenced to death. Scott was subsequently executed by firing squad on March 4 / 1870. That is what happens when you irritate a dictator. If the Metis wanted to establish relations with the owners of the land they occupied [ Canada ] , this was strange way to go about it. Riel was backed by a limited number of followers, by the USA Government, Detroit merchants and the Catholic Church. Louis seemed to be sitting pretty??? From all outward appearances Riel was in the driver’s seat. Canada did not have any kind of fighting force in the West. In a reaction to Riel, Macdonald wanted to send a military expedition but there was no suitable route overland through Canada to get to Winnipeg and the uprising. The Red River Colony was truly in the hands of Riel, his followers, American operators and the Catholic Church. This amalgamation threatened the Prairies all the way to the Rockies. These outrageous actions by Riel resulted in a Colonel Wolseley, a British Officer of long experience, being given command of half a Division of the Canadian Army. The Colonel’s job was to get this force and all its’ equipment to Winnipeg, Manitoba pronto. With its’ interest in seizing the Canadian West, the American Government refused to allow Wolseley and his soldiers to set foot on US soil. The Yanks had no intention of letting Canada upset its’ annexation plans of our West. Wolseley was an engineer, a Quartermaster – General and was experienced in deploying and retrieving troops. Wolseley followed the water route used by the Voyageurs in the late 1600s. It took 3 months to arrive at Mister Riel’s door in Summer of 1870. Louis was surprised to find that a 1000 soldiers were only days away. Riel fled to the comfort of his American backers. In May of 1871 Riel snuck back into Canada on the QT after the soldiers had returned East. Interestingly within months of Riel’s quiet return the Fenians were planning a raid on Winnipeg. I am sure Riel was involved in the Fenians plans. The activities of this band of Irish thugs obviously had the blessings of the Catholic Church. Noise about the murder of young Thomas Scott continued to increased. A price of $ 5000 was offered for Riel’s scalp. Lieutenant Governor Adams Archibald called out the militia in October 1871 to deal with the threatened Fenian raid being organized in North Dakota by Riel’s friend, William O’Donoghue. Since the element of surprise that the Fenians needed, the raid on Winnipeg fizzled. People urged Riel to run for politics, he was still popular with the Metis and the Ca.atholic church which whipped up trouble in Quebec for what reason I do not know. The Church was promoting anarchy within Canada and supporting the Fenians whose goal was to invade our Country. Macdonald wanted Riel gone so offered him money to go into exile. Riel took the money and left for St. Paul in March 1872. By June 1872 Louis was back in Canada, stirring things up again. Riel won a couple of elections but had to stay one jump ahead of those who wanted to assassinate him. Alexander McKenzie beat Sir John A. in the general Election on January 1874 and there was a move to pardon Riel. Louis was in quite the mess, he thought he had been picked by god to lead the Metis to a better life but fate decided that going after everyone with a gun wasn’t the best method. Riel suffered a nervous breakdown and shortly thereafter his friends took Riel to a hospital in Montreal, then to a mental hospital in Beauport Quebec. From there he moved to Keesville New York in Jan. 1878. Next Riel traveled to Montana. He then reconnected with Metis representatives, joined the Republicans, became an American citizen and married. In 1884, a Metis delegation, led by Gabriel Dumont traveled to Montana to urge Riel to return to Canada and speak out on behalf of the Metis people. The underlying problem was that the area in which the Metis / halfbreeds lived was private property, formerly owned by the Hudson Bay Co. [ until it was sold to Canada ]. It was based on a grant of 1669 from the English King Charles. After that, this huge area was only populated by a few thousand First People and a few white HBC employees. The Company wanted nothing to do with settlers, HBC was after furs. Because of the fur trade most of the First People bands prospered. Without the fur trade the population of the First People would have been much reduced if not extinct. Instead of having a few good years then facing starvation on occasion, the First people nvolved wit the fur trade claimed a much better life. All they had to do was bring furs to a HBC Post and they were repaid in money or kind. As time went along some of the HBC employees fraternized / married First People women and their offspring were called Anglo halfbreeds The halfbreeds did a lot of work for the HBC, but they were not involved with trapping. The halfbreeds / Metis were sort of in the middle, neither white nor Aboriginal. Not accepted fully into either community. When the HBC gave up the fur business in Canada in 1870 and sold their territory to Ottawa, the HBC Anglo halfbreeds and the Metis who had worked for the North West Co. were all out of work and MOST HAD NO LAND TO CALL THEIR OWN. The First People, are those who had lived continuously on the land before the whiteman came have legitimate claims to their territory [ Court definition ]. As Canada began to mature this right to prior owned territory became recognized. I agree with that. In the USA there is no such appreciation of the rights of the First people. But I am tired of listening to people mix the experiences of Indigenous people in Canada and the USA to create a stories that are self serving. Riel and his followers didn’t have a leg to stand on with their land demands. They were born long after the establishment of the HBC and were born into a system already in place. It is like the land claims made by the Mohawks in Canada are bogus. Their territory was in the USA and was stolen by the Americans. During the American Revolution some of the Iroquois Nations fought on the side of the Americans. In this alliance they made a mistake, they were repaid by death or the other option was to flee westward in the US. The Mohawks fought on the side of the British and George Washington set out to murder them all. 5000 Mohawks crossed the Canadian border along with the United Empire Loyalist among others in 1786. When the Revolution ended the British Government, in appreciation, rewarded everyone who had been a supporter. Soldiers got land grants, as did the Loyalists as did the Mohawks. The soldiers and the Loyalists got on with their live and in the main became successes. The Mohawks could never get over the loss of their lands in the USA which they did have before the whiteman arrived. In Canada the Mohawks were granted land under the same conditions as the soldiers and the Loyalist. These grants were made on the basis of the Crown having standard rights. Rights to minerals, right of access, right of expropriation, right to tax and so on. The Mohawks have tried to claim prior rights that only apply to the First People and there is no legal basis to include these native Americans to Canada in land claims. The first whitemen in Ontario were the French who arrived in 1635. Up until 1786 the Mohawks live in upstate New York near Albany. For the Mohawks to claim prior rights is only 250 years too late. In my opinion the anti white stance of the Mohawk should be directed at the Americans who were out to kill all of the Native people in the USA. If the Mohawks want to pick a fight, then go after the Americans. The British and Canadians appreciated the efforts of the Mohawks during the Revolution and the War of 1812 and they were rewarded. We the Canadians here to-day do not deserve nor will we tolerate abuse by the Mohawks because they can’t get their story straight. How many young Mohawks are taught the truth? Pining for a life that disappeared more than 200 years ago and abusing the good will of Canadians is a recipe for disaster like at Oka Quebec. Oka never belonged to the Mohawks nor did any of Ontario. The territory here belonged to the Hurons, Iroquois like the Mohawks but distant cousins and mortal enemies. In the 1860s, the Mohawks INVADED southern Ontario with the aim of taking over the fur trade for the Dutch who supplied them with guns. Over a ten year period the Mohawks massacred 40,000 Hurons who were farmers and 20,000 Algonquins who were involved in the fur trade. The Mohawks did not have to kill the Hurons. But there was bad blood between them, the Mohawks were armed with guns and there was nobody to stop them. The French Catholic missionaries among the Hurons and Algonquins were murdered also. The French King sent 2500 soldiers to new France in the 1660s and drove the Mohawks back across the US border. For 50 years there were no First people in Southern Ontario, it was a no-man’s-land. The Ojibway, Chippewa and Cree began to move down south from the shield in Northern Ontario. When the British arrived in Ontario in 1760 they were not dealing with the First People but migrants who had moved in during he time Ontario was occupied by the French. The aboriginals here in Ontario in 1760, were settlers from areas north and west. From the 1830s the Mohawk laid claim to Huron territory on the basis that they were all Iroquois. It bothers me that the Mohawks who were guilty of genocide, killing 60 thousand First People should be rewarded by us handing over lands that rightfully belonged to the Hurons and Algonquins. The sale of the HBC lands had barely taken place when the Metis [ not the anglo halfbreeds ] were on the war path. Without work and owning no land, with the prospect of white settlers pouring in, Riel and the Metis were between a rock and a hard place. But the route Riel took, armed rebellion just added to the Metis’ woes. He and his followers were not smart enough or patient enough to see the obstacles they faced. There were many groups affect by the HBC sale. Historical accounts make much of the Metis distrusting the Government and local officials, so what? The Metis themselves, on many occasions showed that they too could not be trusted. Their heritage did not go back the thousands of years as in the case of the First People. At most the Metis might have been able to claim to have been in one spot for a hundred years. This was probably not the case. Working for the HBC the anglo halfbreeds and the Metis most likely were always on the move. The end of the fur trade was a sea change for everyone in the way Canada operated. HBC could no longer afford to pay for the upkeep of Rupert’s Land. Canada’s purchase of same showed the foresight of Sir John A. and his vision of what this Nation could become. But we would not be an appendage of the USA. That may change after October. The difficulty for Canadians has always been how to remain free, living beside the USA which is ten time our size. A land full of exceptional people who believe in their Manifest Destiny to take anything thy want from others. Our Country is still here after 148 years. But Herr Harper has spent the last ten years trying to give us to the States and make that American dream come true. In terms of Louis Riel in 1884, he was was now a US citizen but he was coaxed back into Canada. I find it interesting, that all the while the US Army was murdering native Americans, Riel had a place of honour in Montana. I think the American saw that Riel and his Fenian friends could be of use, continuing to causing disturbances in Canada. Gabriel Dumont and party invited Riel to return in June 1884 to help protect the Metis which fit US plans precisely. Riel did cross the border and set up headquarters in Batoche Sask. backed by the US and the Catholic Church. Louis began his shit disturbing again. The Metis did not have a big presence in Saskatchewan. Riel had been born in the Winnipeg area, part of the Red River Colony. Many of his followers had move to Saskatchewan after the Red River uprising. They squatted on land they DID NOT OWN in Sask. Riel made demands that these Metis be given this land by the Canadian Government. Manitoba had become a Province of Canada in 1870 and was not conducive to rebellion. Saskatchewan was still an open territory. Riel not only used the unhappy Metis as an excuse to make more trouble, he went around secretly to all of the local First People bands and Anglo halfbreeds, gathering up grievances. Chief were promised relief if they took part in his uprising. Some bands and people joined Riel. Riel though that any uprising that he organized would be home free for at least 3 month, especially one as big as he was organizing. This is the time it took for Canadian soldiers to get to Manitoba for the Red River Rebellion involving Riel in the Summer of 1870. With the Americans, the Fenians and the Catholic church involved as Riel crossed the border once again to stir things up, I would think that everyone south of the 49th and the Metis in this Country thought their shining hour had arrived. After setting up headquarter in Batoche, Riel’s new gang of armed thugs began flexing its’ muscles. The Riel and Metis committee claimed to be tired of dealing with Ottawa and voted to take up arms to force the Feds to deal with their claims and the vague claims of other aboriginals. Holding a gun to the head of the Canadian Government was a very foolish idea but with American backing Riel, failure this time was likely never considered. Word was received by Riel and his committee that Canadian Soldiers were being sent out from Ottawa. The CPR was not in operation yet. This time the US Government was not asked to allow Canadian troops to cross American soil. A much better plan was in the works. Riel formed a provisional government without any authority. His thugs seized the parish Church in Batoche. A demand was made for the surrender of the HBC post at Fort Carlton. Riel was named President [ by who ??? ] and Gabriel Dumont was named Military Commander [ by who??? ]. These actions were taken with no reference to the Anglo halfbreed community, some bands nor the white settlers. This was another sneak attack Canada, sanctioned by the US and the Catholic church. What Riel was dishing out was raw tyranny, based on old wrongs. Just think, this new revolt was staged by Riel and a few Metis because they lost the Red River uprising and their noses were still out of join. This not the way Canada worked then or worked up until Harper came along. Our indigenous people have been fighting between themselves for 12,000 years since the Solutrians pulled up stakes in France and followed the Woolly Mammoths over the landbridge across the Bering Strait into Clovis New Mexico. Up until the HBC sold Rupert’s Land the Metis were happy with their lives living on the territory belonging to their employer. When the Metis’ employer sold out the rules of the game changed. Riel and Dumont decided to alter those rules TO THEIR OWN LIKING at the point of a gun, a very dangerous game indeed. Riel began by seizing property, installations and communities. Historians tell us that Riel entered Saskatchewan because it was a CAULDRON OF DISCONTENT. BULLSHIT. Riel spent weeks secretly visiting communities and bands in the area TO STIR UP DISCONTENT. On March 18 / 1885, Riel formed a provisional government as he had done in Manitoba 15 years earlier. On March 19th Louis grabbed the church in Batoche and demanded the surrender of the HBC post at Fort Carlton. News of these activities reached Ottawa and the NWMP. The Mounted Police began calling up the civilian militia. Riel seized the community of Duck Lake on March 26 /1885 and Sir John A. was made aware. Unknown to anyone, William Van Horne, CEO of the CPR told Macdonald he could have Canadian Army soldiers in Saskatchewan in two weeks. Such a rapid deployment of military forces was unheard of. By April 10 / 1885 the CPR was unloading Canadian troops, under the command of Major General Middleton, at Qu’Appelle just east of Regina. It was two weeks to the day as Van Horne had said. Riel was slow to grasp the situation. One thousand troops were in the field with 4000 more to follow. The total force could have totaled 8000. One by one the battle scenes were tided up. Riel gave up on May 15 / 1885 and was held for trial along with many of his associates. Total casualties numbered 100 Metis / soldiers and 400 wounded. This very serious uprising was snuffed in 2 months by Macdonald, Van Horne and General Middleton. There were a number of outcomes. The raids on Canada by Fenians and the USA stopped. The idea of US annexation evaporated. The CPR line runs within 70 miles of the 49th and 10,000 of our troops could be deployed in two weeks with all their kit. The only railway in the US that came close to Canada, traveled west from Chicago and looped across southern North Dakota more than 200 miles south of the border. The Metis and Anglo halfbreeds lost their voice. After two uprisings the Government in Ottawa had had enough. Anti Americanism continued to increase and is with us to-day. I don’t trust the US Government as far as I could throw it The Catholic Church came under fire for backing the Fenian raids and supporting Riel. There are still strong feeling against the Catholics, me being one critic. Our society is priceless, our democracy is precious, yet every time we are threatened the Catholic hide in the shadows and try to play both sides of the street. The latest example is the foul NO2TRUDEAU SMEAR CAMPAIGN organized by Herr Harper and carried out by the Catholic Church. The Catholics always put the interest of their Church ahead of everything else. Canada, children in the care of the Church at risk of sexual assault, the rights of women to chose to have an abortion, Catholic womwn being second class and the like. As with Americans, dealing with the Catholic Church, you will forever be on the losing end unless you remain vigilant. By 1895 Canada was secure with out spanking new CPR railway, we beat off the various US challenges. And here we are all these years later, FREE, UNTIL OCTOBER 19 /15 AT LEAST.

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Back in 1995 a young American, Rudyard Griffiths was given $ 1.5 million by the US Donner Foundation which supports many Fascist causes like the Fraser Institute. He started the Dominion Institute in order to rewrite Canadian history in the American vein. That organization has become Historica Canada. The whole idea is to wipe out the history of this Country so future generations will only know what the Yankee’s want them to know. part of this Post relates to the two Riel uprisings, 1870 and 1885 both backed by the USA. I wonder if those at Historica USA will reconsider their telling of Riel and substitute my reading of the events. Quite often Paul Godfrey / Post papers prints parts of the rightie rewritten history of Canada. I have a suggestion for both Paul and David Thomson who owns the Globe and Tar. Why not put a picture of the Stars and Stripes on the front pages of your newspapers. There is never much Canadian news in their pages? To Paul and David, why not wear little American flag lapel pins on your jackets to indicate where your hearts lie???

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From 1885 on, until the first War the echo of American exceptionalism reverberated. As well the Manifest Destiny nonsense proliferated. The gist of these back slapping exercises was to say that Americans as a whole are better than everyone else, SAYS WHO. Can an individual proclaim himself exceptional all by himself? Males are the ones who do this? Females are not that stupid. I guess a group of guys can proclaim an individual exceptional but how can they judge? There doesn’t seem to be any test. So up to WW One, the USA was exceptional and this Manifest Destiny crap allowed Americans to take anything they wanted any time. When H. L. Mencken started to translate the books written by Elizabeth Nietzsche about German nationalism, the Aryan race, Overmen and Undermen etc, the light bulb in the heads of the US right wing went on. The righties said we too are exceptional, we too are Aryans, we too are mighty and can take what we wish. The right wing in the States imported a lot of German snake oil salesmen into the Country von Mises, Strauss, Heidegger, Hayek and Kaufman to give the new right legitimacy. The mantel of exceptionalism was transfer from the whole nation to the right wing alone. Manifest Destiny was retained as a founding principle of the right but it was not mentioned again. So the mighty right all became exceptionalists in their own minds and the remainder of the population in the democracy called the United States of America were termed the ignorant mob. Mencken was a very successful writer. I question how much of this popularity came from H. L. telling the righties what they wanted to hear, that democracy is dangerous and things can go wrong because of the tyranny of the majority. That is the essence of democracy, the will of the majority. The right has striven for almost 100 years to impose rule by Kleptarchy. It means rule by thieves and gangsters. After the First War the Aryan race and might is right movement took hold in two places in the world. In the Weimar Republic in Germany and in the USA. When Hitler and the Nazis came to power, the Republican right and many US businesses in the State were the Fuhrer’s biggest supporters. The second World War would never have occurred without American assistance. Democracy lasted in Germany from 1919 to 1933 when Hitler banished the Members of the Reichstag. The Nazi reign ended in 1945 but the American right learned nothing. Dangerous democracy was extinquished in the USA as of 2000, mainly because the rightpublicanazi movement doesn’t produce leaders. Thos who seem to lead the movement are actually followers who are given their marching order by a TRULY IGNORANT MOB. The ruination of American has taken place NOT BECAUSE of the mistakes of the right hierarchy which is powerless. Just look at the parade of fools now vying for the Republican Presidential Nomination. But this ponderous blob of a mob spreading its’ evil all across the landscape without restrain is to blame for the basket case south of the 49th parallel. Not satisfied with screwing up the their homeland the Republicans and the American oil monopoly have been working with Canada’s very own Quisling Steve Harper to expose this Country to the very same pain and suffering we are now witnessing south of the border. This newest hoax, the TPP, replaces your vote with a multinational tribunal in Washington which will exercise power over YOUR LIFE. Want a corporation to stop dumping toxic chemicals in your river, rots of ruck. If you and your townspeople take any actions to clean up your stream, the Supreme Council in Washington will assess damages for lost profits because you interfered with the rights of an international corporation. After you have been driven to the wall by globalization it will be too late, far too late to say I should had done something at the time to stop Harper and the rightpublicanazis. It is my guess that Canadians have one valid ballot left. If they fuck it up this time it will be curtains for our democracy. After that who will stop the installation of meat hooks and gas chambers???

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If indeed this is the end of democracy in Canada after October 19 /15, you might look at securing a good job making statues of Harper the First. Kim Jong Un of North Korea will be able to give Steve advice on creating statues for every square in this Country. Our population will gather each morning in each place to recite the Oath of Allegience and receive our daily instructions. Standing out in the bitter cold will be too much for some. But the attitude of the rightpublicanazis is that if the weak perish there are fewer mouths to feed. Those who can’t pull their weight are surplus baggage anyway.

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Now the 175 square kms of toxic tailing ponds have become the responsibility of Albertans and estimate has been made of what the Province received monetarily for its’ petroleum. For every barrel of oil, valued at one hundred dollars, taken out of the Province by the American oil monopoly Albertans got ONE BUCK. This cheating on the part of the Oilies HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR 30 YEARS. IS IT POSSIBLE FOR A PEOPLE TO BE THAT STUPID FOR SO MANY YEARS????????? But in my role as Kenny fix-it I ask the question. If Canada nationalizes the western oil, tar and natural business, don’t we get to keep the 99 bucks per barrel the oilies now get. I was in business for 50 years. The 99 buck deals sounds a lot better than the ONE BUCK DEAL. We all make mistakes. Our only option is to go forward. Getting the 99 buck deal will take unity, vision and guts. The choice is obvious. We can stay chained to that dog house or we can seek our fortunes at will and at our own speed. Each journey in life starts with one small step. SHALL WE??????

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The Trans Pacific Partnership / TPP is a partnership of US multinationals that is aimed at enslaving the world’s people by taking over the world. If you live in a non democratic country you have nothing to worry about, things will just stay the same. You will continue to be oppressed. If however, you do live in a democracy, everything will change. Your life will go back to the time when black slaves lived in wooden huts in the US south, spent 12 hours a day in the cotton fields and did what they were told, yes sur, yes sur. America the beautiful was built on the backs of defenseless slaves. The rightpublicanazis are just going back to their roots. The TPP has yet to be explained by Godfrey’s PostMediocre papers, Thomson’s Globe and Tar, Honderich’s Star, CTV and Global. For the truth please read, Wolf / Corporations VS Nations / October 3 /15. See what the future of you and your children will look like under Harper / USA? It is time to hit the road, it is time that we Canucks went solo. First order of business, expropriate everything belonging to the Americans and set the stage to become a mini world power, a model of a very modern democracy. Read Wolf Richter’s take on the TPP. If you are a Fascist toadstool, don’t read Wolf’s stuff and continue to stay as stupid as you are presently.

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In my research about the fall of Rome I sometimes come across sayings that can be applied to the world to-day. While humans have made great progress in many areas the brain remains the same. People in the present have the same reactions to circumstances that the occupants of Rome had 2000 years ago. Catilina was a Roman senator who was dedicated to destroying the Republic in 63 BC for his own gain. Cicero was pissed off with Catilina, who through political maneuverings was undermining the State and looking to overthrow the Senate. Catilina was in Court on various occasions to answer for his crimes. He was said to have paid off the judges. Sounds like the US Supreme Court doesn’t it??? Catilina wanted to restore the political power of his enlarged family and to reacquire the wealth they previously held. As a Senator, he seemed to have no interest in the future Rome, it was all gimee, gimee. Tiring of Catilina’s games Cicero tried to hand out some good advice. Lay off the intrigues Cat baby. To no avail. In 63 BC Cicero said the following in a speech, ” Quo usque tandem abutere, CATILINA, petientia nostra “. I will translate replacing the name Catilina with Harper, something that fits. How long, Harper, will you continue to abuse our patience??? In 62 BC Catilina ran out of rope and was killed in battle. LET US HOPE THAT HARPER RUNS OUT OF ROPE ON OCTOBER 19 /15.

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To-day is a monumentous day in the life of Kenny ” the boy pilot ” Spratley, I stopped buying newspapers. When Brian Mulroney became involved with the SUN, I quit. I won’t even pick it up free. It was like reading a recipe that would make me sick or kill me. No thanks Brian, life sends me enough real problems without being sent down dead end streets by you. I don’t trust anything Lyin Brian says or does. The National Post, I have been getting free for a long time. Paul Godfrey’s papers are full of right wing propaganda, lies and American shit and opinion. Most of Godfrey’s copy is put together by low paid, no paid interns who write like they just got out of grade 11. If I want American shit I can just go on line and read all about same in real right wing US newspapers. And their shit is much better written than Paul’s. I have been buying the Globe and Tar but no more. In the main part of the Globe, is the same American shit that appears in the Post only better written. The Business Section of the Globe is dominated by advertisement for stock sellers disguised as articles. The Globe business section is aimed at suckers. I have been reading Wolf long enough to know that David Thomson is anti Canadian, is misleading investors and helping to separate suckers from their money. For a long time I have been getting the truth from the CBC, PBS, BBC, Guardian UK / USA and the aforementioned Wolf Street, which is world wide in financial coverage. And then I read the Sun, Post, Globe and Star to witness their multitudinous lies and just how misleading their copy is. The more egregious articles I clipped. After a dozen years I have enough False News clipping to fill the trunk of a car. Did you know it is a criminal offense to publish False News in Canada. Ronald Reagan did away with such a Law in the USA. Harper has just ignored our Law. I think the deal is that Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich can publish all the phony shit they want as long as they say nice things about Lyin Steve and bad things about Justin Trudeau and Tom Mulcair. The clipping phase of my life is over. I know for certain that the right wingers will cheat, lie and steal their grandmothers gold teeth. So when you know, you know. Unlike Don Rumsfeld, there are no unknown in MY LIFE. Time to call a halt to wasting my time reading lies in the Nazi press. CTV and Global I never watch, the rightie propaganda is just too overpowering. Those who appear on screen were plucked young and indoctrinated like the Hitler Youth. In their news coverage we get an endless regurgitation from the the rightie playbook. If Canadians do end up in a petro state after October, they too will have to memorize the rightie play book and recite same in the square each morning. I think I will throw this entire clipping file out. It is no longer relevant. If, on the morning of October 20th / 15, we still live in freedom my old paper clipping will have no usefulness. If however we find ourselves in an oilie police state, with the sound of the RCHP jackboots in the streets, the authorities will confiscate my files. A truckload of my Nazi press lies would best be burned at the same time as all of our Canadian history books are burned. After which the only place we will have to read our history is via Historica Canada, a charity financially supported by the US Fascist Donner Foundation. Another point is that after the American oil monopoly takes control of Canada, there will be no place for clippings in my wooden hut in Harper’s concentration camp. All the inmates will have to dance to Jenni Byrnes tune as she waves her Hakapik about. But there is a saving grace. Until we are all disposed of, there will happy times with the gang, Margaret Atwood, Neil Young, Alison Redford, Rachel Notley, Danny Williams, David Suzuki, Dave Climenhaga and the contingents from the CBC, CRTC and the Supreme Court. But when Jenni tells me I am going for a shower, I will go but I won’t believe her. Experience says it is better to be gassed, than shot in the back. As you know the truth doesn’t exist anywhere in the Harper camp, true Nazis ALL.

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The rightpublicanazis and the Tea party live in a fantasy land. Here in Canada we live in Harperland, where the made up stuff is substituted for the real. I have written often on the subject of Mad Harper, his hallucinations and his Sociopathic behaviour. Stephen Harper attended Richview Collegiate and his profile was printed in the High School Year Book. Steve was headed to the U of T and the law profession. Harper lasted but 2 months at the U of T before he ran away to be with his family in Alberta, where his dad got him a job licking stamps at Imperial Oil. There is Lyin Steve’s link to oil. In the High School Yearbook Harper listed his pet peeve, ” R E A L I T Y “. I rest my case.

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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For the last ten years Steve Harper has fucked up everything he has turned his hand to, EXCEPT, handing Canada over to the American and pushing the rightpublicanazi agenda. In this present Syrian crisis the Harper Fascists are at a complete loss. The University of Calgary, centre for regime change in this Country teaches its’ students that there are two classes of people, the self anointed exceptionalists like Harper, Kenny and Poilievre, then rest of us, the unruly, ignorant mob. Rightie doctrine as preached at the University says, GIVE NO QUARTER TO THE MOB. That is why, for the Fascists, providing humanitarian aid to our First People goes against their grain. The Fascists find it impossible to offer compassion and gainful employment to our veterans. The larger population in this Country is considered ill educated and dangerous by the Harper Fascists. Giving the riff raff a leg up would only make us more dangerous. Our Nazi media is well paid to see that the riff raff stays stupid. That’s how Paul Godfrey earns his million plus per year. For the National Post papers there is a ton of money to be made misinforming the citizenry and HIDING THE TRUTH. Possessed of such a compassion deficit Lyin Steve can’t bring himself to aid the 4 million Syrian refugees. Sucking and blowing at the same time is difficult if not impossible. In terms of the ongoing Civil War between the Sunnis and the Shiites in the Middle East it is fueled by the sale of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel to North Americans. So when drivers fuel up here, we are paying the salaries of the ISIS fighters and terrorists as well buying them guns. How can 350 million people be SO STUPID. Herr Harper, the Congress, Tony Abbot and David Cameron are using this citizen paid conflict to impose police state laws on their respective countries. We financially support the scary people, then the governments use our taxes to protect us from the scary people. So we are paying double to end up being scared. Stupidity??? YES!!! Steve IS NOT PROTECTING CANADIANS, RATHER HE IS TIGHTENING THE FASCIST GRIP ON THIS NATION. In terms of solving problems, the Canadian right and the American right have no experience. The righties only create problems and leave those problems for someone else to clean up. History is littered with rightie trainwrecks which they quickly walk away from. Then the Nazi media is paid to cover up. Do you buy a newspaper? If so, you are in favour of these trainwrecks which are destroying democracy? Since 1973, when Washington and the USA oil monopoly teamed up to crash the world in the American sponsored OPEC Crisis, the US Government and the oilies have led the globe on a merry chase of one oil fueled crisis after another. The world Nazi media has been paid a huge pile petro dollars to keep these stories away from the people in all countries. Just think the real stories has been kept off our screens for 40 years and WE HAVE PAID FOR THE DOING. In every case, lies were concocted to cover up, just as Chris Alexander is lying right now. Covering the lies results in the petro dollars flowing and flowing and flowing to the CTV’s and Paul Godfrey’s of the world. In fact lies are being concocted at this very moment, a regards the Middle East Civil War, terrorism and the crisis in Syria. The only news outlets where the truth is available now are the CBC, PBS, BBC and the Guardian UK / US. If you want to confirm Harper’s opinion of you, that you are ignorant, then don’t read any further. Buy a National Post, Globe and Tar or watch CTV to NOT FIND OUT about the Syrian / Middle East crisis. I am sure Andrew Coyne, John Ivison, Gary Mason and Robert Fife will be quite happy to send you on another wild goose chase. Lyin Steve has no humanity because he is mad. Harper has no capacity to solve problems because he was never taught problem solving at the University of Calgary. So where does that leave us old stock Canadians, who believe we are our brother’s / sister’s keeper? And how do we Canucks access almost 150 years of problem solving experience with Harper blocking our path? We have a major difficulty in that the entire media in this Country, is owned or controlled by Americans. The PostMediocre papers is managed by Paul Godfrey, a Canadian. He is paid more than a million dollars a year to deliver Canada into American hands. I keep saying, buy a National Post and help destroy democracy in this Country. So although Harper has created one problem after another in Canada, our Nazi media has been paid to cover those problems up. There is never a solution sought. As a result, this Nation is going to hell in a handbasket but the Nazi media will not tell Canadians that either. My entire life has been spent problem solving. At age 15 I started to fly and WORK on aeroplanes too. Everyday was spent problem solving. Getting it wrong could cost lives. Thus I developed the habit of not wanting to talks about problems. Rather I wanted to spend my time fixing problem. So let’s turn our attention to Syria and the Middle East.

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The most pressing matter is the refugee crisis in Syria and surrounding countries. Harper, Jason Kenny, his head trained seal and Chris Alexander, are trying to run the clock out by the use of verbiage aplenty. If Harper can delay any action until after the election the Fascists will be home free. Of course Lyin Steve is well into his dog-whistle politics. This means he is speaking in code. Canadians hear Harper say something and too many are toadstools. They believe what Steve says and take it at face value. But what Lyin Steve is saying to his Fascist base, we are not going to do anything about the Syrian Refugees nor are we interested in ending or shortening with ISIS. The Fascists do not want a whole bunch of Middle East refugees coming to Canada because it will cost the Government money no matter how much in private contributions are made. He’s not called Lyin Steve for nothing. Harper is so dishonest when he makes constant reference to the security issue. Using the security issue works in two directions. Who ever said that all those devious Americans working in the PMO don’t earn their big bucks. Touting security concerns allows Harper to refuse Syrian refugees
entry and to scare the hell out of Canadians at the same time. DETESTABLE? YES. BENEATH CONTEMPT? YES. If we are fortunate enough to avoid falling under the spell of the rightpublicanazis and the American oil monopoly on Oct. 19 / 15, I would suggest the following. The new Prime Minister could immediately contact, His Highness, King Abdullah II of Jordan who is housing almost a million refugees. Jordan has a population of little more than 8 million people and the burden of refugees could overwhelm the Country. Canada has a population of 35 million. The new Prime Minister could call the King on the phone with a two prong approach. Namely that Canada will take in 100,000 refugees who are now in Jordan. As well we could offer to assist King Abdullah in the care, feeding and health care of the rest of his refugees. Remember, 3 years ago Harper gave his employer, the American oil monopoly, $ 850 million OF OUR MONEY for carbon capture and storage [ a technology that has yet to be proven ]. Such facilities were never built and Godfrey and the Can. Nazi media never followed up. That eight hundred and fifty million dollars went right into Houston’s pocket. Quite often you hear about cities twinning up for their mutual benefit. I am thinking here of Canada twinning with Jordan. We should be saying to King Abdullah, we will take 100,000 of your refugees at no cost to you. And oh by the way, how can WE help YOU provide a decent life for the remaining refugees? The King will certainly need money but I sure there are many other ways to assist in what is a Jordan crisis too. The world Nazi media is showcasing the refugee mobs in Europe who are really country shopping, they’re using the real crisis in Syria as an excuse to move up the economic ladder. The aggressive actions of the refugees streaming into the EU are being shown as a way of turning people in the west against helping out. On the part of the world Nazi media this is beneath dishonest. getting paid to mislead, it is just disgusting. As with Herr Harper, this crisis is being used by Congress, David Cameron and Australia to refuse the refugees entry and to use the security baseball bat to impose police state rules. If Canada survives, once our Government commits to taking 100,000 refugees from King Abdullah, it can then organize churches and charitable institutions here with the view to measuring how they can help in this crisis. And how much money they would need to assist in carrying out this mission. This bullshit from Harper, Kenny and Alexander about matching the funds that are collected privately is just that, bullshit. It is just a smokescreen for doing nothing. Harper, with Republican help cheated in the 2011 Federal Election and got a slim majority. Things have not changed in Canada, the lying and cheating continues.

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I am amazed how little Canadians know about the Middle East. There has been a Civil War going on between the Sunnis [ Saudi Arabia ] and the Shiites [ Iran ] for 1300 years. The money to fund this conflict in recent times came from selling oil to the West, the biggest customer was and is the USA. There was probably some concern expressed 30 years ago, about the fact that some of the money going to the Middle East, from oil purchases by the west was being diverted to the Civil War and Terrorism. But the fact that the US was not yet self sufficient in oil meant the usual selfishness of the Americans prevailed. If some of the petro dollars were being funneled to killers tough bananas. If a few Muslims lost their lives sobeit. We know that such loss of life is referred to by the oilies as just collateral damage. Like the collateral damage in Megantic. The deaths of 47 innocent victims in Megantic and the 22 orphans left can be chalked up to the cost of doing business. With Houston, it is heads they win and tails we lose. The deaths in Megantic can be laid at the doorstep of Herr Harper, his employer the American oil monopoly. The monopoly owned the tar / Benzine bomb mix that blew up in Megantic and took no responsibility. CPR carried this bomb mix from Fort McMurray illegally and forged the Manifest. CP claimed the black shit that blew up came from North Dakota, a lie the Nazi media was paid to carry and continues to carry. The Canadian Transportation Safety Board cooked their Megantic report and the people involved should be ashamed of themselves. To some people a pay cheque is worth way more than the truth. An inquest into the 47 deaths was never held, Harper didn’t want it. The deaths and the orphans are considered by Houston and the CPR as collateral damage. And they got away with it, they never paid a dime. Lyin Steve gave Megantic taxpayer’s money. The rule of thumb with the righties, if they mistake, the ignorant mob always pays the bill. You know, maybe Elizabeth Cannon, head of the University of Calgary is right to teach the Nietzsche Myth. It would almost seem that the Nietzsche Myth is true. In that the ignorant mob is indeed stupid. Harper, the oilies and the CPR killed those 47 people in Megantic and we must not forget the 22 orphans. It cost them nothing. Canadian taxpayers got stuck with bill. Are the taxpayers stupid? I am not sure? Said USA oil monopoly makes a handsome profit and the UNPROTECTED victims, paid with their lives. And the Fascist Government looked the other way. We keep paying for rightie mistakes over and over and over again. Can we be that stupid?? The right wing could actually be right after all? As long as the USA oil monopoly is permitted to operate as a monopoly by Herr Harper and the Congress innocent people will continue to die here in North America and in the Middle East. Operating a monopoly is against the Law. The reason for the continuing existence of this illegal American oil monopoly is that every Republican in Congress has been bought off by the oilies. Also, there are a lots of petro cheques flying around here in Canada. Petro cheques go to Paul Godfrey / Post, David Thomson / Globe, CTV and all the other Nazi news outlets [ not the CBC ]. In return for this dough our Canadian Yankee – lovers bury the truth.

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Now for a goodly slice of the truth. The 1973 Oil Crisis was caused by the American oil monopoly trying to muscle OPEC into lowering their price for petroleum. The oilies in their greed, were backed by Pres. Nixon who had abandon Bretton Woods. An agreement signed in 1944 by 44 nations to facilitate the rebuilding of the world economic system sought to moderate the dog eat dog nature of internation dealings before the War. Bretton brought stability to the globe for almost 30 years by giving smaller countries a break. Bretton was another of FDR legacies. The Republicans never liked Bretton, it restricted the Yankee free wheelers who wanted as much for themselves as they could get and still do. The Vietnam War was costing the US a ton of money, the debt was increasing as was unemployment. Nixon looked for an easy way out. He could not politically cut spending on the War. Rather, he chose to abandon Bretton. This abandonment immediately improved America’s financial standing in the world. Nixon could just begin to print money which was no longer tied to gold. A number of smaller, weaker countries were adversely affected by Nixon’s arbitrary abandonment of Bretton. The President took upon himself the ” KING OF THE CASTLE ” role, which was very popular on Wall Street and in the USA but not elsewhere. Nixon changed America’s place in the world, from benefactor to bully. Just like Mad Harper. The USA was using its’ might to shift its’ financial burden onto the backs of others without their say so. Republican leadership failed yet again as it had done in 1929. There is an old saying,” If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you will always have Paul’s support “. Financial order began to break down globally. OPEC members found themselves on the short end of the stick, the price they got for their oil was immediately lowered due to Nixon’s unilateral move in 1971. It was like Nixon said to OPEC, ” we have just cut your pay cheque and there is nothing you can do about it. The US oil monopoly and OPEC, at that time a loose collection of oil producing nations, started negotiations. Washington wanted to retain the reduced price for oil, a gift which the abandonment of Bretton had brought it. During these negotiations Nixon exerted pressure on the OPEC countries, to show them who was boss. John Connally, Secretary of Treasury, told the French at this time, ” The US currency is our’s, the problems with it are your’s. Foreign Governments are out to screw us. Our job is to screw them first “. Adam Smith [ 1723 / 1790 ], an economist, who the righties love to misquote talked of, ” beggaring all your neighbours “. That is exactly what Nixon had done. The abandonment of Bretton was called the ” Nixon Shock “. In the end, the results could be called America’s shock. The USA paid a huge price the hubris of Nixon and the illegal oil monopoly. With leadership like this who needs enemies??? Nixon hoped to divide the membership of OPEC. The arrogance of the Americans seems always to preclude having a /\ Plan B /\. The OPEC members, rather than pulling apart drew closer together. They reacted to the US threats by TURNING THE OIL SPIGOT OFF. Nixon was caught with his pants down and American’s suffered economically. There were long line ups a gas stations. The biggest hit to the USA was due to the ham fisted approach by the USA oil monopoly. In all my research I have seen a review of the conduct of the USA oil monopoly in 1973 crisis. Although a player in the OPEC oil embargo the oilies bought silence from the nazi media. Control of the world oil market was ceded to the oil producing countries by the Americans. The only area on the globe now controlled by the Yankee oilies is North America where 300 million plus inhabitants are held hostage by the oil monopoly. There is no competition, they charge what they want for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel because Harper and Congress let them. Even though ISIS stolen oil costs the monopoly peanuts. If Canada survives as a democratic Country after October 19 / 15, one of our first moves, the petroleum industry must be nationalized. Too, too easy!

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Shah Reza Pahlavi was a dictator, who ruled Iran from 1941 to 1979. The Shah was a puppet of the USA, his main task was to insure a steady supply of cheap oil to the Americans. There was unrest from time to time in Iran as the people protested the fact that the USA was in a sense stealing the oil resources and depriving the Nation of the money needed for the maintenance of some semblance of a decent lifestyle. Just like the American oil monopoly has been robbing Alberta blind for years. After the 1973 OPEC oil crisis, Shah Pahlavi began to have difficulties keeping his people under control. Anti American sentiment was on the rise. The Shah began to criticize US actions in an attempt to placate his people. Pres. Nixon was not pleased. Shah Pahlavi said to the NYT in 1973, ” Oil prices will rise. The US increases the price of wheat to us by 200%. You buy our our crude oil and sell it back to us refined at 100 times the price you paid us. Sounds like Canada eh??? Unrest got worse in the late 1970s and Jimmy Carter took note. The Iranian Army was under the control of 40,000 American advisers, who were paid out of the people’s share of oil revenues. Just like Canadians. We pay for the US owned Nazi press and all of the think tank charities like the Fraser / Manning Institutes, dedicated to the overthrow of this Country. Washington was sure the Iranian Army could handle any uprising that occurred. Jimmy Carter saw the Shah as a some times friend of the US, at best a weak puppet. Control of the oil fields in Iran was of critical importance to the USA, they needed a committed full time puppet. Carter set out to depose Shah Pahlavi. American officials recommended a religious leader by the name of Ayatollah Khomeini to be the new US puppet. Khomeini had been exiled to France by Pahlavi. The US operatives saw this religious man as being totally malleable, someone who would appreciate being reestablished in his home Country by the Americans. NOT! Boy did Carter blow it. The Khomeini Iranian Revolution ensued, the Army its’ declare neutrality and sat on its’ hands. In 1979 oil production in Iran was restricted and panic set in but it was not justified. Long lines appeared at gas stations in the USA. This was because Washington was disconnected from the crisis, gave no direction and let the USA oil monopoly do what it does best, generate profits. During the entire time of the crisis, 5 years, the monopoly was in control. The interests of Big Oil trumped the interests of the people. Interestingly, during the 73 OPEC crisis and the 79 Iran crisis, America fell apart at the seams economically. Russia, in the same world as the USA suffered no such dislocations. The price of a barrel of oil was at about $ 14.50 at the time the Revolution broke out. It soon reached almost $ 38 a barrel in 1980, although global oil production actually only shrank 4 %. That shortfall was very quickly made up The high price only lasted for a few months after which it began dropping. There was no reason for the US to suffer an economic hit in 1981 other than the oil monopoly was minding the store and it stuffed its’ pockets. Again, the journalists who know about this industry were and are strangely silent. Did they too get petro cheques. In 1985 the price was $ 28 and in 1989 was $ 14. Jimmy Carter had bungled his way into a revolution and then followed it up with a series of incoherent statements and policies. The Washington Government was AWOL, adrift on a stormy sea. The American oil monopoly had lost control of the Iranian oil fields but quickly moved to make money during the turmoil from the only people who they still had / have under their thumb, Americans and Canadians. We were gouged oilies, starting in 1973, then again 1979, we’ve been gouged over the years since then and we are still being gouged, as of Sept. 21 / 15. Saudi Arabia remained cool under fire in 1979. The 1973 OPEC crisis had badly affected the USA economy and it was a good lesson. In 1980, the Saudis were not about to allow their American market disrupted by the Iran Revolution. Saudi Arabia flooded the market with oil. Russia, a Country prevented from playing a role in the world oil market by the Americans saw its’ chance and also pumped oil into the market. There should have been no US oil shock in 1979. The phony oil shortage was fabricated by Jimmy Carter and the American oil monopoly. For what real reason escapes me? Except there was a huge transfer of wealth from the just getting by to the already filthy rich. This massive theft was facilitated as usual by the US Nazi press. There was never a great differential in oil prices for a dozen years, it should have been easy to manage this crisis. In 1977 *** $ 14 a barrel. In 1980 *** $ 37 a barrel. In 1984 *** $ 28 a barrel. And in 1990 *** $ 23 a barrel. The ups and downs were gradual and would have allowed anyone who had half a brain and was paying attention, to adjust. The Iranian Revolution hit Alberta hard. It was the American oil monopoly, supposedly Alberta’s best friend, that began buying cheap Russian oil. They didn’t need Canadian oil but our Nazi press remained mum. There is good money in mum. Just like Secretary Connally said of the USA, we’re going to get to outsiders first and screw them. Well the Province got screwed by oilies, who stopped buying Alberta oil. But instead of the oilies in Houston coming clean about causing the Iranian Revolution and hanging their heads in shame, they did what the do second best, create fantasies. They hired our Nazi media to advertise the oilie’s latest fantasy, to shift the focus of Albertans. The American oil monopoly started doling out cash, stolen from Alberta, to initiate a smear campaign against Pierre Trudeau and his NEP. The National Energy Program was an OIL SECURITY DOCUMENT to protect this Country in case of another OIL SHORTAGE like in 1973. Trudeau’s NEP prevented the American oil monopoly from delivering all of OUR OIL to the YANKEES in case of a shortage. It was a pretty simple policy. Canadians get first dibs on their own oil before any is exported. You would think the majority of people in this Country would have been pleased with Trudeau’s move. We here get to fill our tummies first. If there is any food left over it can then be exported to the USA. But the oilies in Houston and Congress were not happy campers. Being self appointed to the status of being the most important people on the face of the earth, they were not about to let any Elected Prime Minster of Canada decide what the oil rules are. During the period, 1980 to 1988 the was an OIL GLUT. The NEP had no application, it pertained to AN OIL SHORTAGE. As ever, our Nazi media was quite happy to take money from the Houston oilies, to print or broadcast the Trudeau NEP Myth. For anyone who wanted to know what the NEP was all about, a minimal amount of checking would have revealed the whole pro Canadian story. I think Canadians in the 1980s / 90s were naive. They had no experience with a Nazi press. The use of the newspapers to propagandize a people was perfected by Hitler. In his Mein Kampf he said, if you tell lies to an ignorant people often enough they will take it as the truth. During the 1970s, a Nazi media was created in the USA by the right and it was made official under a demented Reagan. US papers and TV could lie or make stuff up all they wanted. Those on the left, whose reputations were destroyed or who suffered economically had no recourse. Canada had and has laws which prohibit yellow journalism. But in 1980, in Alberta, the USA oil monopoly ruled the roost. If Houston said jump everyone in Alberta jumped. The Trudeau / NEP Myth was repeated over and over and over and just like Hitler said, the naive people of Canada did not seek the truth, they just accepted what the Can. media told them. The NEP story had legs. This BIG LIE, still makes it into the pages of the PostMediocre papers to-day. And believe it or not there are Canadians who still believe the NEP LIE. So from the 1990s onward, the owners of newspapers and TV stations in Canada gradually fell in behind the Reagan Doctrine. Namely that said media, was free to cater to the Republicans and the right by printing lies or misinformation or False news or spin or propaganda without fear of prosecution. Canada’s Laws in this regard prevented the wholesale importation of the above abuse of press power. In certain areas of American interest our media ditched the truth in favour of petro dollars from Houston. As the Harper Fascists bought votes with oilie money and introduced Republican dirty tricks to our elections our media mode went the full Nazi. As well our media became their media. Ownership of the means of printing and broadcasting in Canada can’t be owned more than 49%. Harper just ignored that Law and now our media is 90% owned by Americans. The only voice heard by Germans was Hitler’s. The only voice heard by Canadians to-day is the Yankee voice except for the CBC. If Harper cheats his way to power on Oct. 19 /15 the CBC and the CRTC will be vanished by the Fascists. The worst offender in the Nazi media game is Paul Godfrey. I get and read my free National Post. The free bit is scrumptidelicious. Just think, I get all of Paul’s lies, reports from the Donner Foundation sponsored Fraser Institute, George F. Will / a good friend of Conrad Black and Charles Krauthammer. I have been listening to Charlie for a good 30 years repeat the right wing ideology endlessly. All during that time the US ship has settled deeper and deeper into the water. What a legacy? After all that effort, the only thing the Kraut and his friends can say is, we helped destroy America. I think Charles should have Madame Tusaud make a wax likeness of him. The same tape machine that Georgie Bush had under his jacket could be installed in the Charlie dummy. So when the Nazi media wanted a comment from the Kraut, they could just film the wax likeness and record the rightie inspired tape. It would do at least as much for America as listening to the real Charlie. Then Krauthammer could retire to a gated community some place, to await the civil uprisings, soon to engulf the States There has been a major changes in Canada especially in the last 10 years. We used to treasure the truth and treat it like pure gold. Many Canadians still treasure the truth. But now, far too many Canadians have come to tolerate the lies, believing them to represent the truth. A Country thus misled and built on lies will not long stand.

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The American oil monopoly, in one move after another has gone backwards in the last 50 years. At one time the illegal monopoly owned or controlled 85% of the world’s oil supplies and 75% of the globe’s refining capacity. Those numbers to-day are, the oilies own or control about 8% of the world’s oil and about 60% of its’ refining capacity. Houston’s ever present arrogance has snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and too many occasions to count. Oil resources belong to the people in the countries in which the petroleum is found. The US monopoly has never respected that fact. If Houston decides they want something they go after it fair or foul without regard for the human cost. Since the Republicans allowed the oil monopoly to set up shop in the 1920 their raison detre has never changed. They take what they want. If people get in their way they just roll over the trouble makers, killing some along the way. Like Megantic in July 2013. But over time those trouble makers have fought back and in most battles have expelled the oil monopoly. On exception was the docile population of Albert, they put up with the oilie shit until Rachel Notley / NDP were elected in May this year. The oilies blew the OPEC crisis of 1973 which they initiated. The USA surrendered control of the world oil market to the Middle East oil producing countries. A humiliating defeat but the global Nazi media held their tongues. Holding one’s tongue is a very profitable business. Holding one’s tongue means a steady stream of petro dollars from Houston. Not having learned, anything Washington and the Republican oil monopoly became upset with Shah Pahlavi of Iran, a puppet ruler that had installed in 1941 after his Father was removed from office. But over time the Iranians got sick of the USA stealing their oil, like the Albertans finally did. To confront unrest in Iran the Shah began taking anti American stances. Washington was not amused. Jimmy Carter decided his puppet the Shah had to go. Carter was convinced that a religious Iranian, living in exile in Paris would make a good replacement puppet. Rohollah Khomeini, had, for some time been agitating against the Shah. Khomeini and his group, both in Paris and in Iran has been solidifying support for a revolution. Jimmy, the boy who would be President and the Houston oilies were oblivious to the real threat Khomeini represented. The Shah was packed off, Carter brought in his new puppet, Khomeini. Who turned out to be anything other than a puppet. The Iranian Revolution began almost a soon as puppet number two’s feet touch home soil. Carter, the US military and the American oil monopoly were totally taken by surprise, idiots all. The turmoil in the Middle East was quickly contained with little affect. The turmoil in the States went on for years. How could Carter, Reagan and the oil monopoly deal with problems created by themselves. Blame was spread around bu the US Nazi media and the economic pain being felt by the American people was just allowed to fester. By the time of Richard Nixon, the United State had lost the ability to solve problems both domestic and foreign. Henceforth all the Yankees did was generate trouble. They ignored troubles and wished them away. Or they blamed somebody else. This has been the policy of the rightpublicanazis for almost 50 years. Herr Harper was taught same at the Univrsity of Calgary. Never admit to making a mistake and always pass blame to scapegoats. This approach only works if one controls the printing press. Lyin Steve does control our Nazi media [ except the CBC, that is why the Corporation is number one on Harper’s hit list ]. If Mad Harper does actually cheat his way to victory in October /15, I’ll be one of the first inmates in his new concentration camps. I have written so many nasty things about the Harper Fascists, especially Jenni Byrne, the lady with the whip and the chair. It that comes to pass I might just enjoy my time on the parade ground of the camp, meeting up with the other patriots and rabble rousers, David Suzuki, Margaret Attwood, Neil Young, Donald Sutherland [ who Harper will have deported, from the USA ], Alison Redford, Rachel Notley, Tom Mulcair, Justin Trudeau [ his father Pierre will be exhumed and the remains displayed at the camp to show that Herr Harper was the victorious ONE! ] and among others, David Climenhaga. Dave is a writer who has been swimming against the oilie current in Alberta for far too many years. I have listed OPEC / 1973 and the revolt in Iran 1979 and as I commented that Washington and the oilies HAD LEARNED NOTHING. I ain’t kidding. During the 1970s and 80s the USA oil monopoly and the CIA had taken over Venezuela. The Yankees had install a Kleptarchy Government. That term means rule by a group of thieves. Our own Kleparchy Governments reigned in Alberta till May 2015 and one presently rules in Ottawa. Under this den of thieves the Venezuelan people had a poor educational system, no healthcare, did not have access to clean water and often went hungry while the American oil monopoly stole billions of dollars from this impoverished Country shipping out their oil. In 1992 revolution hung in the air. Hugo Chavez, was a soldier who had been organizing against the Oilies and the puppets in the Kleptarchy. Various uprisings sprang to life and with the help of the CIA they were crushed. It has been estimated that 200 or 300 people were killed on all sides. Over time the oppressed Venezuelans saw Chavez as standing against the US oil monopoly’s thieving ways. Never a lessons learned, did they. The coup d’etat gathered steam and the Chavez forces prevailed. Elections were help in Venezuela 1998, among people with little understanding of democracy. Hugo Chavez was elected President. Actually that election in Venezuela was a model of the democratic exercise as WE once knew it. The huge underclass voted and swamped the Yankee lovers. It shows how far the USA has strayed from gauging the will of the people. Only the American elites get to vote, the Republicans see to that by rigging elections. This identical system of tyranny may be entering Canada for the first time in almost 150 years, come October. the Family Compact may be headed back. Chavez booted the American oil monopoly out and nationalized the Country’s oil fields. The CIA was sent packing too. When Georgie Bush became President he was obsessed with having Chavez assassinated. You have probably never heard about this coup. That is because the world Nazi media is so skilled at creating the world according to the oilies anddoing it on demand. Smear Stelmach, right! Smear Alison Redford, of course! Smear Rachel Notley, immediately sirs! No tears should be shed for the above Fascist media. The management of our papers and TV stations [ not the CBC ] are well compensated with petro dollars. The work is really not that hard. Paul Godfrey gets more than a million bucks a year for reprinting oilie E-Mails written in Houston. After the American oil monopoly was banned from Venezuela Bush Jr. tried to use the world financial system to steal Venezuela’s money and break the Country. But China stepped in to provide support. The world Nazi press published report after report about the failures of the Chavez Government. Hugo greatly improved the Country’s educational system, in some ways better than the USA. The quality of health care was bettered. Water plants were upgraded and new ones built. The quantity and quality of the food supplies was much improved. What’s not to like about Chavez??? Every effort by the CIA ended in failure, the Venezuelans were having none of it. Did the world Nazi media cover this story about American interference in a sovereign Country? Nooooooo. Are you kidding me? What the media did cover over and over and over again [ Hitler style ] was the fact that oil shipments from Venezuela dropped by 50% after the Yankees got the boot. The stupid bastards, 2nd rate stenographers at that, didn’t tell the world, under the Yankee boot Venezuela only got a slim sliver of the value of their oil. Rather, the Chavez Government got all the money and thus it didn’t have to ship near as much oil. Just one of the thousands of lies told over time on behalf of the American oil monopoly. Another story that didn’t make it into the papers was that the USA oil monopoly, being cocksure Venezuela would ALWAYS BE UNDER ITS’ THUMB, build heavy oil refineries in Texas and California to handle the VERY HEAVY VENEZUELAN OIL. Now this is real oil that flows, like the oil used in manual transmissions, 90 SAE. These expensive upgraders / refineries were built in Foreign Trade Zones. There are areas on American coasts zoned FTZs. American companies can bring petroleum or other products into a FTZ, process them, then ship the finished items back into the world, WITHOUT PAYING ANY US DUTIES OR TAXES. It is just one more way for corporations to steal from the American people. When the Nazi media talks about the Keystone Pipeline, they are paid NOT to tell you that the pipe would carry Alberta tar and Benzine [ illegally ] and WATER FROM ALBERTA AS A BACKUP PROPOSAL. IF TEXAS STARTS GETTING ALBERTA THEN SASKATCHEWAN CAN FORGET ABOUT GETTING ANY MORE WATER FROM THE ROCKIES. AND TO THINK BRAD WALL SUPPORTS THE KEYSTONE. WHAT DOES BRAD DO FOR BRAINS? The Keystone will travel from Hardisty Alta. to the Foreign Trade Zone in Texas and never touch US soil. The Canadian shiny black shit that blows up was / is a substitute for the Venezuela heavy oil that the American oil monopoly was going to steal. so the oilies just changed gears. Their idle upgraders and refineries would be put to work processing our bitumen mixed with Hi Octane Benzine and sell it to the world market. Every time Russ Girling opens is mouth he tells lies. Every time Russ Girling tells lies, the North American Nazi media prints those lies. Do you know why? TransNotCanada, owned by Wall Street, pays big money to the Nazi press to publish Girling’s lies. Now that the USA oil monopoly has destabilized the world oil market by buying ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil on the cheap, there is no demand for oil made from Albertan bitumen. In terms of the now idle upgraders / refneries sitting in the Texas FTZ, Canada should make an offer of 20 cents on the dollar after we nationalize the petroleum industry in this Country. Those facilities could be dismantled and shipped by sea to Churchill Manitoba for transshipment to Fort McMurray. Then we could process our own bitumen into crude oil and ship same via the Twin Beaver Pipeline all across this Nation. This to be refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, bearing a made in Canada price. The billion of dollars now being paid to the US oil monopoly for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, refined south of the border would remain in the pockets of Canadians. Venezuelans stood up to the Houston oilies, why can’t we. With new leadership in Ottawa we will be able to get this job done. No more American monopoly gouging. The amount of money being syphoned from this Country by American corporations would pay for Medicare, reduce student debt, improve our educational system, tackle unemployment, especially among the young and create hundreds of thousands of good jobs. I think we should be generous and pay at least something for the petroleum infrastructure owned by the oilie, in our west. I’d even go as far as offering money to help the Houston suits who live in Calgary to go back home.

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After striking out a third time in Venezuela, the American oil monopoly teamed up with Georgie Bush to grab the oil fields in Iraq. They used the world Nazi press to turn Saddam Hussein into a fantasy bad guy, someone with weapons of mass destruction. Washington and the oilies were looking for another Country where they could steal oil. A game they had been playing since 1970. The toppling of Hussein and providing a better life to the Iraqis was pure Georgie Jr. bullshit. It was the oil. It was the oil. It was that oil! Again the American clods walked into a trap of their own making
Dick Cheney, the VP, ran the US during the Bush Jr. Presidency and his interest was reestablishing the American oil monopoly as numero uno in the industry. Dominating the Iraqui oil fields would allow Washington and the oilies to throw its’ weight around in the Middle East as well as finding another source of cheap oil, as per usual the people had no say in the matter. Donald Rumsfeld was in charge of the military but never was a soldier. His job was to seize control of Iraq, set up a puppet Government as had been done in Iran and Venezuela without success. Don’s ideas coincided with that old saying, ” If at first you don’t succeed try, try again “. Although Rumsfeld added a new wrinkle, when you try again, keep doing the same stupid thing over and over again. About the proposed coming conflict Rumsfeld didn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. The military said 500,000 troops would be needed, Rummy said he’d need only 125,000. What faced the Americans, like a minefield, just below the surface was the Middle East Civil War between the Shiites / Iran and Sunnis / Saudi Arabia. Fighting between the Shiites and Sunnis bubbled up from time in various Middle East countries but never in Iran or Saudi Arabia themselves. Once the Americans arrived in Iraq the two factions used it as excuse to attack one another being financed and supplied by the Iranians and the Saudis. So the US military was not fighting one enemy but two. Rumsfeld’s idea of occupying the Country and setting up a puppet Government was a solution too far. Much of the time the American soldiers were acting like umpires at times. The border between Iraq and Syria is about 450 km long. Rumsfeld decided that he could police that border with helicopters. Syria which produces nothing and is on an Iranian payroll offered an opportunity to Iran and the Shiites to become involved in the Iraq War. With an even split between Shiites and Sunnis in Iraq, it was seen by Iran that it could enter the conflict, help drive the Americans out and end up taking over Iraq. Iran could not attack Iraq from home turf by a frontal operation. There were too many US troops in the west of Iraq. But entering by the back door from Syria was very inviting. As long as the US concentrated its’ forces in the west of Iraq, Iran could insert fighters across the Syrian / Iraq border as long as they could dodge Rummy’s helicopters. Iran advertised, looking for anyone who wanted to bag a Yankee. Such fighters traveled to Iran, they were airlifted to Damascus in Syria and put up at the Four Seasons. After orientation and a few days of R and R the fighters were kitted out. They were bused to the Iraq border where they crossed on foot, heading to the battle field. They were supplied with tents that blended in with the sand dunes. Early on, during the daytime, the fighters stayed in their tents and move only at night. The Iran started handing the insurgents ground to air heat, seeking missiles. The fighters would sit in their tents, then the woop woop of a US helicopter would be heard in the distance. A fighter would get up, load a missile into the hand launcher and wait. When the copter was overhead, he would step out of the tent, fire the missile and the helicopter would go boom. This happen over and over again and the Black Hawk crews never knew what hit them. One by one Rummy sent his copters in this meat grinder. After the 65th Blackhawk went down Rumsfeld pulled out of defending the Syrian / Iraq border. He would have needed 100,000 more soldiers to police that border and Don wasn’t about to make a fool of himself. He was going to have his cheap war no matter what, no matter how many lives were lost and how much the War cost. Rummy estimated that only a few insurgents were coming into Iraq from Syria. Rather than a few it was many hundreds of fully equipped fighters every week. Iranian supplies were now crossing an undefended border The insurgent’s job was to destabilize the forces of the new provisional, US puppet government. Iraq became a huge boxing ring with many participants, each throwing punches in all directions. Rumsfeld fell out of favour and was dumped. As Rummy left he kept repeating don’t blame me, typical right winger. Screw up, run away and blame someone else. What Bush Jr. and Cheney had created was a no man’s land in which the Shiite / Sunni Civil War could be greatly expanded and in which thousands of fighters were now milling around. The conflict had one source of income, the people in North America who buy gaoline, Diesel and jet fuel. The USA oil monopoly had / has a captive customer base here, faced / faces no competition and was / is backed 100% by a Republican Congress and the Fascist Harper Government. Out of the mix of Muslims in the Iraqi no man’s land are 3 distinct
groups, Shiite, Sunni and a new fundamentalist organization called ISIS. The Iraqi War poisoned the atmosphere in Syria and the opponents of Assad attempted to overthrow him. The Iranians were no prepared to see the Sunnis take over so the conflict in Iraq joined the conflict in Syria which us where we are to-day. The west has been involved for some time and now the Russians are coming in just to stir the pot up. In any type of tussle, what you have to do is look for the choke point. Instead of being fixated on all the stuff whirling around it is a matter of looking for a point where minimum effort can produce maximum results. In the ISIS, Iraq, Syria it is totally based on oil. If North America stopped buying Middle east oil the conflict would grind to a halt. Just who is buying ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil. Why surprise, surprise, the AMERICAN OIL MONOPOLY. They own about two thirds of the refineries in the world and own less that 10% of the oil supplies. The monopoly will buy cheap oil from anywhere and from anyone, even from criminals like ISIS. The resulting conflict and terrorism suits the US Congress, Harper’s Fascists, David Cameron’s Thacherites and Australia’s right wing government to a TEE. Close down the fighting and neuter the terrorists means the righties would have to pay attention to the needs of the citizens rather than imposing their law and order ideology. In simple terms North Americans are paying for both sides of the Middle East Civil War and both side of the Syrian conflict. This is just insane. But when the world Nazi press is withholding information, misleading people and lying at every turn what else could one expect???

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For Canada the choice is clear if we have a country after October 19 /15. Parliament must immediately ban the importation of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel from the USA which is refined from ISIS stolen oil or illegal oil from Iran and Russia. The American oil monopoly will have to certify that Canada’s imports come from domestic oil. The second step is to begin the process of establishing upgrading and refining capacity in this Country be reopening closed refineries, buying excess refineries from other countries or expropriating operating refineries. Now is the time to strike, prices for infrastructure
and equipment are at rock bottom prices. In Canada there is in excess of $ 650 billion looking for investment opportunities. The market for petroleum products is the 35 million people in Canada who are now being gouged by the USA oil monopoly. And a potential market of over 2 billion people in the UK and the British Commonwealth with which we already have close trading ties. Canada is about 80% self sufficient now in all areas. A good effort in becoming Masters / Mistresses in our own house could yield a rate of 95% self sufficiency. The US oil monopoly should be banished from Canada where operating a monopoly is against the Law. If the Yankees want to tolerate the monopoly like they do Wall Street then that is their problem. Enough already.

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I have written before about the American oil monopoly buying ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqi people. I have been monitoring the US response to the sale on the black market of ISIS oil. The measures are laughable. It is evident that Washington will not challenge their very own oil monopoly, their efforts are like the Keystone kops. Ensure no crimes will ever be solved. Congress rakes too much money off the illegal oil business to take any action. So under the circumstances, the new Canadian Government should insist on new targets or pull our forces out of the Middle East. There are maps on the net which show what oil refineries are now under ISIS control. Actually the American have expanded a small refinery in eastern Turkey which produces gasoline and diesel for ISIS. Here again the choke point should be where we focus our attention. Each refinery under ISIS control has a road system, electricity, water, a pipeline or a rail line. Take them all out and leave the refineries intact. The oil will remain in the ground. ISIS WILL GET NO MONEY AND HOPEFULLY IRAQ CAN RETURN TO NORMAL AND THEIR OIL WILL BE THERE WAITING IN THE GROUND. If there is any attempt by ISIS to reactivate the occupied Iraq refineries the fighter jet could take them out. ISIS would run out of money very fast. And maybe the shareholders of the American oil monopoly would get the message. Dealing in stolen goods can bring jail time. It is time the US Government started paying attention to and prosecuting the corruption on Wall Street and in Houston.

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THE GREAT GRETZKY GOOFED — Wayne may be a great sports figure but he is blank about politics. No decent person would involve someone in a scheme that had the potential of damaging a career built over the decades. But Herr Harper IS NOT A DECENT PERSON, HE IS A SNAKE. I am a staunch Progressive Conservative. The rightpublicanazis and American oil money stole both my Ontario PC Party and my Federal PC Party. The right wing in the USA didn’t have the balls to come here, level with the voters and create a new Fascist Party. They took over the Canadian PC Party from within so they could masquerade behind the Conservative name. Now the Fascists are making a bid to take control of this Country. Hitler did the same thing. He never created a political party. The Fuhrer took over an existing party from within. I was in business for 50 years. One of the unwritten rules is if you value your business stay away from politics and religion. Gretzky somehow got talked into endorsing Lyin Steve, there seems to be no gain for Wayne but there is a lot of downside. My supermarket at Bayview and Eglinton has a small wine shop just inside the main entrance and sells Gretzky Wine. At the front of the wine shop is a large cutout of Wayne. As I walked out with my groceries, I paused and said to one of the women, ” Gretz made a big mistake endorsing Harper “. She looked stunned and then replied, ” I wondered why so many people leaving the store were cursing him and calling him names “? Yesterday the same gal was behind the counter. I said, ” How’s Gretz doing “? She said, ” It is getting worse “!!! Harper is not about building a better Canada. Lyin Steve is all about dividing the Nation into little group, all the better to conquer us.

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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Here I am back in your faces Brits. If you have read any of my stuff you will know I was hoping David Cameron and his Fascist force would be defeated. My reading of the polls over the last year, seemed to indicate a Labour / SNP minority Government. I was comfortable that prospect in that the majority in Parliament would be on the other side of the floor and move to address the Global Warming crisis full on. It will be a difficult thing to do for those on the right. The mentally challenged righties in the USA, Can., Australia and the UK, all deny that climate change is happening. There are hundreds of millions of dollars flowing to the right, from the American oil monopoly, of which BP is a part. What else can the righties do but drop their pants, bend over and grasp tightly their little bottles of Vaseline. Refusing to occupy space in the real world, the righties live in square holes in their fantasy land. But mother nature keep handing them round pegs. The right either hides the round pegs, denies that they even exist or tries to drive them into the square holes, leaving a trail of death and destruction in their wake. If the righties hold power, then the menacing masses, those ignorant outsiders under their control suffer greatly. As the Yankees, Canucks, Aussies and Brits do now. Herr Harper won’t even say the words Global Warming, I mean really. Lyin Steve won’t go there. For the righties in the 4 Countries, dealing with the drought in California / Austalia or the flooding in the UK / Canada would be committing socialism. The motto on the right is, do as little for the people as possible while stuffing pockets with tax dollars England among others is in for some very heavy sledding in the oncoming years. There is no time to waste in adapting to the approaching harsh conditions. It is like nailing plywood over your windows before a storm. You can’t prevent the storm and you can’t move your house either but you can take all measures to protect what you have got. With higher sea and more intensive storms, the UK is at severe risk. Just look at the drought in California, a situation orchestrated by Ronald Reagan and made much worse by the present crop of Republican Neanderthals. The cancellation of water conservation projects years ago by Reagan and his smaller Government approach leaves California unable to deal with huge problems. The State is returning to desert conditions although the world Nazi press won’t acknowledge this fact nor will they even mention climate change. The oilies pay the media not say a word about Global Warming. All the while Global Warming tightens its’ grip. Not only is California returning to desert but the Grand Canyon is drying up. No there is not a word about in the Nazi press that in future it will be called the Hoover dry hole. The low lying lands of England are scheduled to become inundated with salt water. Once the waves invade the midlands it will be lost forever. These lands were claimed from the sea hundreds, if not thousands of years ago. In the last 25 years the melting Arctic / Antarctic ice has raised the level of the oceans and the water is 2 deg F warmer. The world average temperature has gone up 3 deg F, so evaporation has speeded up. The rain storms that hit the Somerset Levels particularly in the winter of 2013 / 2014 held much more water than the storms of 25 years ago. It would follow that the any flood proofing done 25 years ago is not longer sufficient to save the 160,000 acres there. It is easy to track this rainfall trend year by year but the Government is hiding all that information and the paid London Nazi press doesn’t ask such questions [ not the Guardian ]. I have posted about the flooding question in the UK on a number of occasions to an excellent response. However it is a subject that does not rank high with the entrenched movers and takers in London. The cost of massive flooding and the resulting carnage falls almost entirely on the every day citizens, not on George Osborne who is about to cut welfare payments. The people affected by a flood, lose personally [ maybe even their lives ], their taxes are hugely wasted on expensive clean ups, their insurance rates double or triple or possibly, they can’t get any insurance at all. But dandies like Brutus Johnson don’t give shit. Right now the Conservative are spending 10 times the taxpayers money ( TO NOT FIX ), ( NOT FIX ), ( NEVER FIX ) THE FLOODING IN ENGLAND THAN TO FLOOD PROOF THE WHOLE BLOODY ISLAND. I AM A PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE, A 50 YEAR BUSINESSMAN AND A FORMER PICKERING COUNCILLOR. ON THE SURFACE THIS THROWING AWAY OF TAX DOLLARS SEEMS LIKE COMPLETE MADNESS? BUT I CAN TELL YOU WHY. THE RIGHT WING IDEOLOGY AS PRACTICED IN THE USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA AND THE UK DOESN’T PERMIT ITS’ CULT FOLLOWERS TO FOLLOW THE AGE OLD SAYING, ” A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE “. THE RIGHTPUBLICANAZIS IN AMERICA ARE NOT LIFTING A FINGER TO HELP 38 MILLION FRYING CALIFORNIANS NOR THE CITIZENS OF THE 7 STATES THAT NOW GET WATER [ BUT WON’T BE SHORTLY ] FROM THE COLORADO AND GRAND CANYON. MIND YOU THE REPUB CONGRESS IS ACTUALLY TRYING TO FREE UP SOME FEDERAL MONEY [ US TAX DOLLARS FROM THE WHOLE COUNTRY ], TO HELP THEIR RICH FRIENDS IN THE DRY STATES, REMAIN COMFORTABLE IN THE DROUGHT CONDITIONS. THE IGNORANT OUTSIDER MAJORITY CAN COUNT ON NOTHING. EVEN AS THE SMALLER TOWNS RUN OUT OF WATER THE REPUB POLITICIANS ARE TELLING THE HISPANICS, GO BACK TO MEXICO WHERE YOU CAME FROM. CAMERON, OWEN PATERSON AND OTHER TORIES HAVE BEEN SAYING FOR A COUPLE OF YEARS NOW, THAT THE BRITS WILL HAVE TO GET USED TO MORE FREQUENT FLOODING. WHY??? BECAUSE NONE OF THESE CLOWNS ON THE HARD RIGHT HAVE ANY INSIGHT OR EMPATHY. THEY JUST CAN’T IMAGINE WHAT THE PERMANENTLY FLOODED 160,000 ACRES THAT MAKES UP THE SOMERSET LEVELS WOULD LOOK LIKE, THE GRIEF IT WOULD CAUSE AND THE LOSS TO ENGLAND. TO THE TELEGRAPH, IT WOULD BE A 3 DAY FLOOD STORY. THEN CAM AND BRUTUS JOHNSON WOULD GET TO VISIT THE FLOODED AREAS IN RUBBER BOOTS AND SAY MEANINGLESS STUFF. AFTER WHICH THE TELEGRAPH WOULD PUBLISH ANOTHER INCOHERENT ARTICLE BY BRUTUS IN PRAISE OF HIMSELF. ALL OF THIS TO AVOID LIFTING A FINGER IN THE WAY OF FLOOD PROOFING ENGLAND. THE GOVERNMENT IS PREPARED TO SPEND BILLION OF TAXPAYER’S MONEY ON CLEANING UP THE AFTER FLOOD MESSES. MOST OF SAID MONEY FLOWS TO CAMERON’S FRIENDS. JUST ANOTHER WAY OF RAIDING THE TREASURY LEGALLY.

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I posted on organized crime at 10 Downing Street. [ One of which Google took down for a few days at Cam’s request. Then it was put back up. Maybe because I complained in my blog about this UK Government’s assault on free speech ]. As a result I had decided to end my English series on the flooding in the Country and the eventual closing of the overheated Tube due to Government censorship In any event, the activity numbers on my posts about [ flooding / Tube ] were the highest I have ever had except my tribute to, ” Bombers Harris and his boys “. Harris was an unsung hero who deserved much better than he got. Revisionist, 3 rd rate historians seem to have to tear down our champions to gain fame and get their garbage printed. Of course the publishers bear a huge responsibility for printing trash just for cash. Bomber Harris was treated much like General George Monck [ 1608 / 1670 ] was treated in the history book. The General was the one responsible for the restoration of Charles 11 to the throne, thus saving England. Monck’s quiet diplomacy, his knowledge of the Royals and an understanding of Cromwell’s goals / Parliament and the Army stitched England back together at a tumultuous time, which could have gone badly wrong. This was done in such a way as to provide the foundation that underpins the UK to this very day. An ancient, successful Country to which many in the world still look to for guidance. But which the Conservatives are doing their best to destroy, during this time of besetment by climate change. This when the sunny upland slopes are within sight. I am fully conversant with the right wing ideology in the USA, my own Country and the UK. The righties don’t govern. They spend all their time self dealing, trying to solidify their power and giving access to the wealth of the Country to their friends. The righties, sitting on the high ground, deal with events like flooding with a let-her-rip attitude. For 15 years it has become clear that England’s flood defenses were totally inadequate but this threat was ignored by Tony Blair, Georgie Bush Jr.’s me-too-buddy and David Cameron. There can be only one of two outcomes in this dire situation. Either the coastal / inland flooding continues and ruins the lives of an increasing number of the ignorant outsiders as the Nazi press likes to call us. Or that this moment is seized by men and women of good conscience in the UK Parliament without regard to stripe. And that flood proofing is addressed with much vigor, something England is very good at when aroused. Let THIS COLONIAL, with a long history of dealing with floodplain issues in Ontario, be so bold as to suggest the way forward, both politically and mechanically is to flood proof England yesterday. For those on still on the fence, stop buying newspapers whose very existence is dedicated at at making you stupid. Rather, go on the net and watch the unfolding disaster of California turning into a dust bowl. If you are still not convinced monitor the drying up of the Colorado / Grand Canyon because of the California drought. Can you imagine Las Vegas with no water and no electricity. The Nazi press will not cover such stories. Such a slip of the lip will cost them their American oil monopoly cheques. Imagine it because it is going to happen. Nicola and Alex are selling Scottish separation at no cost. England is the Scots present piggy bank. Major flooding UK will mean an empty UK piggy bank. Scotland will then face ruin. If that eventually come true, I’ll bet Salmond and Sturgeon will flee to Highlands.

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The recent election saw the Conservative gain a razor thin majority of 331, that is five, count them, 5 seats [ 326 needed for a majority ]. It will take a miracle for Cam to govern the Country. Labour got 232 seats and is the Official Opposition. So the two parties got 66% of the vote. Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond, co leaders of the Scottish Separatist Party won 56 seats and have in real terms, taken a 5 year hike into never – never land. Under the circumstances they have zero power. Sturgeon, Salmond and the SSP are of no consequence now and can and should be totally ignored. Scotland doesn’t pay its’ way in the UK anyway because it has more health problems and higher unemployment. Nicola and Alex have hidden this fact from the Scots. The SSP is always claiming the North Sea oil as belonging to them. But reality has set in now and right or wrong that argument is old hat. Oil prices have halved because the American oil monopoly [ of which BP is a part ] is buying cheap ISIS stolen oil and illegal oil from our enemies Russia and Iran. By doing this dirty deed and buying this dirt cheap oil which is SNEAKED INTO THE USA, the oil monopoly has destabilized the global oil market. AGAIN. But as always, the world Nazi press is being paid by the oilies to blame OPEC for the price drop. The North Sea oil industry is hurting and this affects Scotland as well as the UK. It is a time when such problems should be dealt with squarely by the London Nazi press instead of them taking money from movers and grafters to print lie, confusion and nonsense. If you buy a London newspaper [ not the Guardian ], you are dumbing yourslf down and contributing to the decline and fall of the British Empire. You are fashioning your own noose so to speak. Now that is dumb! Nicola and her evil twin Alex did not talk about the low oil prices and there effects on Scotland during the election. If you read the recent history of the SSP, it is easy understand why Nicola and Alex say what they do, when they do and what they don’t say. The Scottish Separatists lost the referendum, like in lost by over 10%. The SSP should have disbanded after their failed attempt but blockheads like Salmond just can’t admit to defeat. Alex is very much like the Quebec Separatists, they won’t quit until they win no matter how much their activities disrupted Canada. It is interesting, how the lying in Canada by the Separatists is so similar to what Alex and Nicola are spouting in Scotland. We here call the capers in Quebec the NEVERENDUM. It is the best 2 out of three, then it is the best three out of five and so on. Finally our Parliament stepped in and created the rules for any Province that wants to leave, a clear question and NO LYING. In one of the votes our Separatists were saying that after Quebec leaves, seniors would still get their pension cheques from Ottawa. That was an out and out lie Both the Quebec and Scottish Separatists want to leave home but still want to use mom and dad’s credit card. The more Cameron’s Government yields to Separatist demands the more the SSP will want. The SSP will say anything to get elected as with too many politicians. But Alex, who is really running the SSP show and his light weight companion Nicola have and will stoop to new lows. SSP agreed that a new referendum would not take place for 5 years. That means they can be ignored for the next five years, if David Cameron plays his cards right. And I will explain. The American oil monopoly’s purchase of cheap oil from ISIS / funds the terrorists, Russian oil / finances the takeover of the Ukraine and Iranian oil / buys uranium for their bombs. Having the USA monopoly buy stolen and illegal oil has decimated the economies in Scotland / Alberta – Can. / Texas / North Dakota / Montana and the like. The monopoly’s illegal activities have now caused the economy of the USA itself to falter. And all the while, the world Nazi press is being paid by the oilies to keep claiming OPEC is to blame. Obama, Herr Harper and David Cameron remain silent on this subject. The monopoly has $ 450 billion in the bank. Money speaks louder than the truth. Too many in the media are prepared to sell their countries for a mess of pottage. This includes the London press [ not the Guardian ]. And there are too many toadstools in the world to believe their shit. In fact the solution to the prolem is if Canada, the UK and the British Commonwealth joined forces in term of oil and natural gas, such a union could eliminate the influence of the American oil monopoly and Middle East oil entirely from the lives of over 2 billion people. It represents a huge trading block that already exists. A stable price for energy, without being subjected to usury profits and not predicated on criminal activities would enhance the lives all of Queen Elizabeth’s subject. And be a model for the world. It is a way to escape the grip of the evil American oil monopoly and the US Government which is desperate to make the people in other lands pay for their many blunders. Those who are now suffering and feel put upon by Big US Oil and who do not make themselves heard to the contrary deserve every abuse heaped upon them.

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So the only politicians in the British Parliament that count now are in the Conservative and Labour ranks, holding 66% of the votes in the Country. I don’t like David Cameron for what he has done or said in office. But I wonder how much he is held hostage by the hard right wingers in his Party. Could Cameron be a Progressive Conservative like me? For a year, although all of the London papers backed the Conservatives [ not the Guardian ], the newsies in the hire of the right could not best Labour. The Con. press, including the Telegraph, threw out every lie, fabrication dirty trick they could conjure up but none of it had any sticking power with the voters. By March, poll after poll, finally put in stone the outcome of the election before it even took place. The Labourites / SNP or the Conservatives / Lib. Dems. would form a minority Government. The various party’s took those polls to the bank and crafted their campaigns arond the polls. The comments from the non thinkers, who populate the press galley showed no imagination whatsoever and group think dominated. They never asked questions, LIKE WHAT IF? These teen age greenhorns newsie scribe were in over their heads and old fart journalists stopped listening to the jungle drums. I am interested in seeing England flood proofed and the Tube cooled, both doable at reasonable cost. And both critical to the future of London and the UK. So my interest was in cheering on a Government that would do both things, I did a lot of watching. A month ago I finally concluded that a minority Government, either Labour / SSP or on the other side, Conservative / Lib. Democrats would be the result. It was my opinion that a Labour / SSP coalition would be more likely to take UK flooding seriously although Tony Blair, himself, paid no attention Global Warming. Blair was too busy dressing up like a soldier and playing war games with Georgie Jr. As the last 30 days slipped by I picked up on the fact that Brutus Johnson was running for a seat in Parliament with a seven year record of allowing TfL to steal the Tube riders and London taxpayers blind, rather than reducing the temp on the Underground. It is interesting that through the election process the Brut’s name was hardly mentioned. I think Johnson’s backers felt that David Cameron’s days were numbered due to the low poll numbers and that their boy should be at least warming a seat in readiness. The hard right MPs in the Conservative Party had their knives out early too, they signaled they’d have Cameron’s head if he faltered even slightly. As of May 8 / 15, Cameron is safe as PM but his very slim majority of 5 seats opens him up to backbench blackmail from the right, The Cons. will push through police state legislation which takes away human rights, they’ll cut school lunches, put seniors out into the street, punish workers for being unemployed and ignore the minority. Shades of that discredited Englishman Herbert Spencer, a sickly, drug addict who proposed that poor people be allowed to die. And help on their way if the did not cooperate. Herb was concerned that the poor would breed like rabbits and overwhelm the self appointed exceptionalists like himself. Spencer, was friends with Nietzsche, another self anointed exceptionalist who was a sickly drug addict. But to add to the absurdity of their theories, Fred had syphilis as well. From such great minds sprang Hitler and the rightpublicanazis creed in the USA. Cameron might just heel in the present circumstances rather than be pushed out by his own backbenchers. So the moment of truth has arrived for David Cameron. Is he a captive of the right wing ideology? Is he now the tool of the SSP, willing to submit to their shenanigans? Is he hemmed in by the dishonest Brutus Johnson and his backers who are ready to pounce at the slightest Cameron wobble. Or is David smart, a closet independent thinker and is Cameron possessed of the insight and the empathy and the ability to do what’s best for England??? I see a fork in the road. At this moment in time Cameron is in the catbird seat and untouchable. Either David goes down in history as one of England’s great Prime Ministers for securing a safe and prosperous future for at least 50 years. Or he vanishes after going off like a squib. Remembered only as a 3rd rate politician who allowed himself to be bullied about by whole bunch of inferiors???

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A month before the election I began paying attention to Nicola Sturgeon, the front for the SSP. I had an uneasy feeling about what she ws saying, which only intensified my interest. My information came / comes entirely from the internet. There were tons of comments from journalists and candidates, most of whom I don’t know. Nick Clegg of the Lib. Dems. came across as a decent guy completely in over his head. David Cameron was the same David I had communicated with back in 2008 after James and I had discovered why the Tube had been heating up for 100 years and we came up with a cheap fix. Since that time Cameron has shown no interest whatsoever in roasting Tube riders. Ed Miliband is totally unknown to me but came across as a leader beset on two sides. He was in the shadow of the disgraced Tony Blair on one side and a loopy, fork tongued woman, Nicola Sturgeon, 2nd in command of the Scottish Separatists Party on the other side. I kept getting snippets of Nicola’s comments, which were all over the map. From protecting Scotland’s interests to holding another vote on separation. The leaving the UK stuff was only shared with friendly audiences. When pressed about another referendum Nicola would weave and dodge. Memories of the Quebec Separatists returned. They too were very evasive. In terms of joining with Labour in a Government, Sturgeon kept laying down markers as to what she would do and would not do. I was in the political game for more than 30 years. If you want to make a deal with someone, you don’t get to make up the rules ahead of time, especially if your intended partner is 5 time more powerful that you are. It became clear to me that Nicola was strongly hinting to the losing side in Scotland that the SSP would deliver to them another kick at the cat. With each passing day Sturgeon added more gasoline to this fire It was like the SSP promising a free lunch that neither the Cons. nor Labour could deliver. As a politician you have lots on your mind but sometimes you keep your mouth shut. Nicola proved beyond doubt that she was a lightweight and someone who can not be trusted. But the point is that the SSP can’t deliver on another referendum. Nicola was spouting lies and all those who voted SSP were made fools of. Then I began to read comments by Alex Salmond, the failed leader of the yes side. Alex at that time was a nobody, up to Election night, still running for a seat as a MP. Alex began to promise another referendum as soon as possible. When pressed, Salmond bobbed and weaved like Nicola. Then Sturgeon, who is supposed to the leader of the SSP would not deny Salmond’s comments. All we got was, oh well you know Alex. The two of them have been playing these games together for 10 years. I think the best position to take on these two slippery fish, is, don’t believe a word they say.
As the election neared, Salmond began to run off at the mouth more and more about another referendum. Of course this gained the SSP additional free votes and put more pressure on Miliband. Two weeks out Miliband refused to join with the SSP. He could do nothing less. Nicola was claiming a relationship with Labour in which she could define the terms. Labour was put in a box from which it could not escape. It seemed clear then that the Cons. and the Lib. Dems. would be the new Government minority or majority. Alex Salmond continued to spout nonsense so sure was the SSP of its’ position based on the polls. In an alliance with Labour, SSP would dominate and set the clock in motion for the next Neverendum. Salmond said if Cameron won, he, Alex would disrupt Parliament until the SSP got a commitment to hold another referendum. Does blackmail really fit in a democracy. Two weeks from the election, I think the polls were bang on. But then the comments of Nicola and Alex began to sink in with some voters. They began to see this coming hung Parliament as being used to secure another vote for Scotland to leave. The question then was who was in a position to stop another Neverendum. Labour
was forecast to have too few seats. UKIP was a little side show all its’ own. The Lib. Dems., no matter how many seats they won, would in the end, support Cameron. So I think a lot of people voted for the Conservatives just to deny Sturgeon and Salmond any chance of getting another kick at the cat. And the voters always have the final word, not the pollsters. The Conservatives have 331 seats [ a majority requires 326 ] and Labour has 232 and that is all that counts. Salmond and his sidekick Nicola ended up getting squat all. There were in fact two different elections. The regular one for the UK. The other was in Scotland, where the separatists could park their vote on splitting up no matter their stripe and at no cost. Right now, Labour is agonizing over their loss. Labour should realize that the SSP was playing cheap games and that there was no way Miliband could come out on top. For the moment, David Cameron is in a 3 way squeeze. No matter which he twists he will lose . He is faced with his own hard right wing who will see an opportunity to push their rightie agenda and to push Cameron out if he puts up too much resistance. Remember Brutus Johnson is waiting in the wings and the Bo is seen as the perfect stooge by the ultra right. Salmond, in the last couple of day has boasted he will turn Parliament into a hell hole. Alex figures he can disrupt the place for the next few weeks as a way of also using blackmail to get another referendum. The right wing papers in London are looking for a way of escaping from their disastrous polling and coverage of the 2015 UK Election. Any distraction will do, no matter how ridiculous and destructive to the larger electorate. The more turmoil the better. I am a student of English history. On many occasions, the Brit Nation was faced with a series of forks in the road. Sometimes the wrong route was chosen. But more often a wise choice was made and the results are here to-day for all to see. I think England is at one of those fork in the road moments. The media and many commenters are complaining about the lousy first-passed-the-post-system. It doesn’t mater what kind of elective system is in place, it all come down to the caliber of the men and women the people put in place. The hard right contingent of the Conservatives Party are blackmailers whose only interest is there own greed. Brutus Johnson has little concern about London. He knows full well from me, that the Underground will eventually close due to the overheat. Bo, the hatchet man, sits in Parliament, awaiting the chance to depose David Cameron. Some people’s representative? And the Alex Salmond / Nicola Sturgeon team have little interest in the needs of the Country nor people, they just want power for themselves. I see the present composition of the House of Commons [ 10/05/15 ] as the perfect fit for the times. A people who are leaderless, facing an increasingly hostile climate. California and the midwest States have no water. The UK has too much water. My political history is one of being right of centre. Taking a position on either extreme just wastes precious time and resources. And doesn’t move the ball down the field a foot. If when in office, you want to make progress for the people, the centre is where it is at. David Cameron is in a difficult position with a 5 seat majority and he is one who doesn’t have a very long self life as things stands. He can choose to remove himself from these entanglements, by so doing he will guarantee himself a full 5 years as PM and the prospect of many positive accomplishments. Cameron may even be able to claim greatness. The Labour Party is marking time with no clear mission in mind. In a disrupted Parliament, with a 5 seat majority, how long before another election. Then where would Labour be? With the SSP permanently holding more than 50 seat and still demanding separation. Then what? More of what we have seen with Scotland in turmoil? The problem is that if Salmond and Sturgeon do their worst they could create a situation wherein the Brits will want the Scots out. At this moment in time, David Cameron is in possession of the ball and if he chooses to keep it he is master of all he surveys. The Conservative hard right wing will have their teeth pulled. Brutus Johnson will remain a silent backbencher for 5 years, all alone by a telephone that never rings. Alex Salmond and his second, Niola Sturgeon can and will fume mightily but nobody has to pay any attention to them for the term of the next Parliament. ARE YOU READY??? I suggest that Labour immediately develop a comprehensive plan for flood proofing England, the most serious problem facing the UK at the present time. Labour could then approach David Cameron to offer to support reasonable Government legislation in return for passing a bill to implement flood proofing. Instead of political antics and the attempts of the London Nazi press to turn Parliament into yet another game show, the dry future of the Nation would be secured for 50 years. After which the game show could begin all over again. But at least the citizenry would be safe and secure.

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David Cameron, for the well being of the Nation should join forces
with Labour [ meaning 66% of the popular vote ] in a unity Government like Churchill did. Sir Winston struck quickly and formed a coalition that saw England through the War. Only he jailed the crazies to get them out of the way. The rightie wing of the Conservative, Brutus Johnson and the Bobbsey twins, Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon would still be allowed to roam around and create mischief as long as they were neutered.

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I see five major hurdles for the UK to clear at this moment.

Global Warming is all around us and Great Britain is at extreme risk. I have written about flood proofing England in the past. This task should be first on the order paper. I have said before that the Country can be flood proofed for one tenth of the money now being spent NOT TO FLOOD PROOF THE COUNTRY. This is right wing ideology gone mad. In fact I believe that if flood proofing could be had for free the righties would still not do it. Cameron would have to walk away from the radical right to flood proof the Nation with the help of Labour but David COULD NOT BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE by the right. They would not have enough votes. Anyway voting against flood proofing would mean every Conservative so inclined would lose office next time round.

The movers and grafters are stripping the Country of its’ wealth. I was in business for 50 years. Someone who takes risks and creates an enterprise is entitled to his / her pay. But they should not be allowed to cheat, as is now going with friends of the Government relating to TfL / London Underground or building houses on the flood plains of England. Cameron would have to desert his business friends on this matter but with Labour’s assistance the housing industry could be revitalized and at the same time homes could be made safe and more affordable by the flood proofing. This could be done by imposing floodplain legislation and eliminating the excess profits being made by Government friends. On this initiative Cameron would be beyond the reach of his enemies. His Premiership could not and would not be challenged.

Right now the American oil monopoly [ including BP ] is buying dirt cheap oil from ISIS, Russia and Iran. So when drivers and flyers in North America / UK fill up with gasoline, diesel or jet fuel they are buying bullets for ISIS, funding Russian adventures in the Ukraine and paying for nuclear bomb making in Iran. The world Nazi press will not utter a word on this matter. ISIS, Russian and Iranian oil is transported to the black market in Turkey then loaded onto US oil monopoly ship in the Mediterranean. Wall Street finances this operation and the Turkish Government get its’ cut. So taxpayer’s in the USA, Can. and the UK are paying for the terrorist activities in the Middle East and at home. As well, fathers and sons are being sent to the Middle East to fight the terrorists and possibly lose their lives. 400 million are paying for both sides of this battle as well as unrest at home. This is American right wing madness which is being inflicted on the citizenry without their knowledge. With the threat of terrorism hanging over the people on a daily basis in the papers, Washington, Ottawa and Whitehall are using the unrest to remove and restrict the freedoms of the average Joe and Joan. Here is a novel idea for David Cameron. I fully expect the Harper Fascist Government to be thrown out of office in a few months. Canada has oil and natural gas, Britain has oil and natural gas. Why are the two Countries paying the American oil monopoly huge amounts of money for resources that we already have in abundance. As well the Commonwealth countries are being milked dry by the oil monopoly. England, Canada and the Commonwealth combined have a population of more than 2 billion people, all are being extorted by the Americans. The EU has only 750,000 million poulation. I propose that Cameron and Labour create an oil zone in which ISIS, Russian, Iranian and OPEC oil are excluded. The UK and Canada could refine and process their oil and create a LNG distribution system to serve 2 billion people with security of supply and regulated prices. Any surplus could be sold to the world market or stored. David Cameron could do this too and no one could harm a hair on his head. Great leaders do this kind of thing. They ignore the extremes, the grafters and the movers and takers.

This oil / natural gas initiative morphs into the Scottish question. Scotland gets more out of England than it puts in. The bonus of North Sea oil and gas made that equation a little bit trickier. Separatists, like Alex Salmond, keep claiming that the resource belong exclusively to Scotland. But as with any business there are ups and downs. If Scotland was a separate Country now, they would be in deep shit, because of what the American oil monopoly has done to the world oil market by destabilizing it. But remember while oil prices are low the monopoly still sells gasoline, diesel and jet fuel as if the price of a barrel of oil was $100. The Nazi press won’t tell you that [ not the Guardian ]. Brought low by the Yanks buying stolen ISIS oil, will Edinburgh now go cup in hand to Parliament? Both Alberta and Newfoundland are in financial trouble here because Steve Harper is working hand with his employer, the US oil monopoly. Paul Godfrey’s Nazi press, the Harper Noble Times will not tell Canadians that Lying Steve and the monopoly are responsible for this Country’s economic downturn. If a Commonwealth Resource Zone is created, with 2 billion customers there could be not interference from foreign countries. With a healthy, secure market for oil within this Resource Zone would the Scots really want to leave home? During the just concluded UK Election, Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon said very little about the low price for oil. If you look back at the history of the SSP, this kind of duplicity is standard fair for Salmond and Sturgeon. By seeking the support of Labour to create a Commonwealth Resource Zone, the lives 2 billion people would be made much safer, easier and prosperous because of the elimination of stealing by the American oil monopoly from western customers and its’ financial support for Middle East terrorism. Cameron could just ignore Salmond and Sturgeon for 5 years and in the mean time the new oil / nat. gas measures would melt the separatist movement in Scotland. Having jingle in your pockets is much better the listening to the rantings of extremists like Salmond and Sturgeon. In this regard Cameron and the Labour Party could end the crisis in Scotland and bring calm to the whole Country. And none of the wing nuts would be able to lay a glove on Prime Minister David Cameron, his term would be the full measure. Coming to some arrangement with the EU would much easier for David Cameron if there was peace at home. A feather in his cap would be the worlds first countrywide assault on Global Warming in spite of the hundreds of millions being spent by the American oil monopoly on climate deniers like Bjorn Lomborg. Who a crook and a liar? Or he is just stupid?

The final problem is the London Nazi press which prints False News [ not the Guardian ]. In Canada we have a law against printing False News but Herr Harper refuses to enforce it. Harper’s Nazi Press consitutes 100% of papers in Canada. People like Paul Godfrey and David Thomson are on the America oil monopoly / Harper Government payroll. Our newspapers are now on a par with Hitler’s Der Sturmer [ 1933 / 1945 ], the Japanese Domei News Agency [ 1935 / 1945 / and Stalin’s Pravda [ 1912 / 1991 ]. Only the news approved by the oilies / Harper gets printed. Canadians are being dumbed down and deprived of the information needed to manage their lives, just like the German, Japanese and Russian people. The oilis who pay the bills for Harper and Manning think the majority in this Country are ignorant outsiders who do not deserve any consideration. Interestingly all the Canadians who are buying newspapers are actually paying for their dumbing down. I call them toadstools, they sit in the dark eating horseshit. And believe it or not right wing serfdom does sell well. In the UK the people have to break the rightie grip of the Nazi press. If David Cameron and Labour take the bold steps that I have suggested the Government will have to throttle the London newspapers and prevent them from printing lies [ not the Guardian ]. Prosecuting those that engage in right wing propaganda, a propaganda that promotes THEIR irreality. Their irreality endangers more than 400 million people in Australia, Canada, UK and the USA. The right wing is totally funded by the American oil monopoly whose only interested in profit, attained by any means, fair or foul.

It will be interesting to see, given the judgement of the British people as it now stands as or May 8 /15, if David Cameron seizes the moment and muscles his way into the history books, as a great Prime Minister. Or is Cam just another garden variety knave???

I ask you, for the moment to forget about Global Warming and the crowd of oilie paid climate deniers on the other side of this issue. Each advocate denier gets his or her American oil monopoly cheque to deny the obvious. This silly debate spreads confusion, wastes precious seconds and the only benefit is that it puts lots of cash in the hands of the media moguls. Our gasoline / diesel cash. But the real problem is that the warming of the planet is already exacting its’ toll. California [ 38 million people is plunging into drought ] from which will NEVER RECOVER. The Colorado River / Grand Canyon are running dry Soon, 6 States [ 22 million people ] WILL HAVE NO WATER. HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM LITTLE APPLES? The rightpublicanazis are doing nothing other than blaming the Democrats, naturalists and environmentalists. Reagan’s small government pitch is at fault. One fire truck in a city of millions is of little use when central hospital is ablaze? THE WATER IS ACOMING TO THE UK IN GREATER VOLUMES EVEN AS THIS SILLY DEBATE RAGES. The bad flood years in the UK were 2000, 2003, 2007 and 2013 / 2014 but TONY BLAIR AND DAVID CAMERON WERE ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH. That should be enough for the larger population to begin to taste the risk. That distant forest fire moving ever closer. There always is a faint whiff in the air, of impending doom. It is time for all to agree the UK has to be flood proofed from the top to the bottom, starting now. If this is how the electorate want their taxes spent? Let it then be so. If nothing gets done, at least you will be able to look back to the time of this hung Parliament in 2015 when the UK missed the boat. It will be discouraging, if in the close future, when the world is discussed, people make mention, that for want of resolve Britannia slipped beneath the waves.

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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  1. I was heartened to read in Paul Godfrey’s National Post [ owned by an American hedge fund /which is illegal ] that the air is getting to the point where people can actually breath again in Mayflower Arka. This after liquified crude bitumen was spilled in the Town. A cloud of poisonous gas was released. This very encourging news came directly  from the Republic of EXXON where company police and air controllers were / are maintaining law and order in the air as well as on the ground. Rex Tillerson is the gate keeper in the US now. The Government in Washington, State and local Governments have responded to this crisis by disappearing down a gopher hole. Politicians who represent the citizens in the area have vanished also. They are probably down that hole too. If any one of them opens their mouth they won’t get any more EXXON cheques. To get real serious, I have been writing about this DilBit problem since the Kalamazoo tar spill. It was clear to me from the very beginning that adding lighter fluid [  lighter fluid is benzene or naptha  ] to sand laden tar slurry as TransNotCanada, Enbridge and Kinder Morgan have been doing is a life threatening  proposition. I caught on to the basics of this toxic brew [ DilBit ] very early but the details were almost impossible to find. The petro $ media was and is being paid to cover the situation up. There is a conspiracy of silence and misinformation.  The cartel / pipe line co.s / $ media have been extremely elusive. And elected representatives and government officials are weak kneed.  There was / is an organized cover up by the US oil cartel /pipe line companies . In spill after spill of DilBit the pipies and oilies have been very secretive. In fact they pose a danger to our society. The $ media asks no questions, nor did they protests when banned from the numerous DilBit spill sites. It is sort of coreographed. Godfrey of the Post says to Crawley of the Globe, gee whiz, EXXON won’t let us look in on this spill either, ah shucks. Then Phil and Paul get handed their cheques from Rex.  Government officials are always vague about spills and the actual local elected representatives themselves disappeared or they go mute. Under such circumstances it bothers me little if an accident happens and Russ Giling’s, Pat Daniel’s and Al Monaco’s families lose their homes, are severely injured or even die. Be it an explosion, poisonous gas or lifestyle problems I care not. If they want to be a bomb makers then they have to accept the fact that the thing might blow up in their faces and take their loved ones with them. Tough shit. However, to have EXXON, make what amounts to a bomb and plant it in Mayflower Town behind the backs of the residents just so Rex Tillerson and his executives can get their  raises, it is way too much to take.  EXXON provides what are truly outrageous pay packets [ $ 25 million per year for Rex alone] which in a sense is stolen money. Tillerson makes big money while the little people along his pipe lines bear all the risk. A risk about which they are unaware. This time around it is the residents of Mayflower who have suffered loss and who have been forgotten by the petro $ media. To EXXON how much are the children of  North America worth? This practice is unacceptable in a democracy. But then again, America is only a pretend democracy. EXXON and the other parts of the sneaky US oil cartel OWN Congress, the Supreme Court, State and local politicians and the petro $ media. In a sense the affected little people [ as Lady Black would have us ] in Kalamazoo and Mayflower might as well  have been carted off to a concentration camp someplace to be disappeared. This, after their experience in what amounts to a brief visit to a  Nazi gas chambers. They are forced to go in silence, to suffer the ill affects of DilBit gas poisoning. Not a single champion do they have. It is a sad commentary on life in the Ruined States of America.  All of the residents affected by the Kalamazoo / Mayflower spill should be under strict Doctors care at this very moment. Not 5 years from now when young people start dying of lung ailments. Rex has muzzled these poor people and is offering them bribes if they keep their mouths shut. This is Nazi Germany all over again.  Many  / most will die early as a result of these gas clouds. 18 people have died so far from the Enbridge Dil Bit spill and gas cloud in Kalamazoo. You didn’t know that did you? Things are very serious as regards the dangers of DilBit / lighter fluid being stuffed in an oil pipe line on the sly. This is corporate cheating.  The transportation of liquified crude bitument should be stopped cold, right now. And the true nature of DilBit should be ascertained. We already know the outcome. DilBit will be banned.  All the people of Kalamazoo, BC / Burrard Inlet, Northern Alberta and Mayflower should be gathered up for observation and treatment by independent doctors [ specialists in gas injuries ]. Uncertainty and stress should not be added to their health problems, as it is  now. In addition each person who has lost property or had their lifestyle affected should be compensated by the Governments involved. Which then can recover the moneys involved from EXXON, Enbridge and Kinder Morgan. Failure to pay such levies should result in the expropriation of  US oil cartel property and assets. Not one of these victims should be forced to take legal action on their own as is the case now. Tillerson, the other CEOs and all the cartel executives should be forced to chip in a few million to make the victims of DilBit whole again. Handing out apology flyers in Mayflower won’t cut it rex. If  Tillerson and his pals don’t play ball to our satisfaction we should seize their holdings then put them in jail. And if we let the US oil cartel and the pipe line companies walk away from these accidents scot free as we did Enbridge in Kalamazoo and as we are about to do in Mayflower then we lose the right to call ourselves civilized. But as always the Geeman has a plan B.  Hydrogen is the fuel of the future. Rex and his pals have spent hundreds of million with the $ media  trying to keep hydrogen off the public’s screen and cheating your kids out of a future. They have largely succeeded. Publicizing the evils of hydrogen on a daily basis as the media has been doing has had an affect on ususpecting people. Especially in light of the fact that Herr Harper supports EXXON [ and the other cartel members ]. After all, Harper and his dad worked for EXXON.  Attacking hydrogen, electric cars, wind, solar and Global Warming,  is following the Goebbel’s rule of telling lies over and over until they become the truth. The media being paid by the lie to repeat the lies.  In the present environment with a bought media, trying to introduce hydrogen will be all but impossible. But if the Provinces join forces under Premier Redford and her NES hydrogen could be put to the top of her to-do-list. We need to instigate Provincial free trade. I note with interest that the story of Mayflower Arka. is as hot as a 3 dollar pistol on the internet. In the 4 newspapers I buy [ Tor. Star, Globe & Oil, National Post and Tor. Sun ] the Arka. spill is but a memory now. Kalamazoo has already been well buried.  The papers are getting paid to bury every DilBit crisis as it occurs. Journalist and commentators are doing likewise. I wonder how much each one of them is paid by the cartel to include the words NEP and Alberta OIL in their articles. The Trudeau NEP is a myth that was created by the US cartel and the substance being shipped in refined oils pipe lines all over western North America in liquified crude bitument [ not oil ].  There is no end to how blind people can be who are on the oilie / pipie payroll [ like Joe Oliver / Canada’s chief Government liar ]. Oliver is to Harper what Goebels was to Hitler. Oiliver recently had heart surgery [ I didn’t know he had one? ]. This means he is on blood thinner [ Warfarin as I am ]. This blood can affect the brain and I believe this is Joe’s problem. Thus he can be excused for making so many goofy comments and telling continous lies. Oiliver has made Canada the laughing stock of the World.  The Post did have a short piece on the air quality in Mayflower yesterday as reported by EXXON. There was  absolutely nothing about the plight of the Town or its’ residents.  Of course there is a reason for this silence. The US oil cartel, TransNotCanada, Kinder Morgan and Enbridge can’t just hand the petro $ media [ John, Pierre, Phil and Paul ]  bribe money. No. What the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers and the Canadian Energy Pipe Line Association do is act as covers for the oilies and the pipies. These hired body guards /shills  place large ads in the newspapers / on TV to ensure that the media is well rewarded for playing ball and staying  silent . Just to-day both Paul Godfrey [ Post ] and Phil Crawley [ Globe ] got half page nonsense oil ads [ saying nothing ] from Brenda Kenney, the know nothing who heads CEPA. Brend’s ads like her, tell lies.  The ads are worth probably $ 150,000 a copy. When the Kalamazoo [ Safety Board ] report came out Pat Daniel and Al Monaco filled the papers with full page statements that were full of lies [ at possibly $ 250,000 a pop ].  The Kalamazoo spill on cue disappeared into the ether. As stated 18 people in the area have died. 153 victims are now  under doctor’s care. 550 people with breathing problems were examined by doctors. 53% of them are suffering ill effects.  They are all but forgotten by the $ media as the Mayflower victims now are.  Money increasingly does determine what news makes the printed page.  I have all of these clippings in my files. A couple of notes. Crude Bitument is not legally oil according to an IRS ruling. So any journalist who uses the word oil in relation to these spills is a liar and he or she is being paid by the oilies or the pipies. Do you want to live your life according to what Enbridge / EXXON want  you to know? They are setting up hundreds of thousands of people for the next few poison  gas clouds.  Another interesting revelation is the research done by a number of organizations on the news  coverage of the DilBit spills of late. They checked to see how many times these toxic tar spills / gas clouds were described as oil. This is more or less my reason for instituting the Journalistic Hall of Shame as featured in my earlier post. When my clippings show that  DilBit is being described as oil it is enough for me to brand that writer a liar and a cheat. It is like calling an elephant a watermelon. It is so stupid it is stupid. But the Harper press lets them get away with it. Will YOU?  How can so many writers be so stupid. Apparently getting an oil cheque makes one instantly stupid. There were a few results on the net relating  to the number of times the word oil appeared in the press after a DilBit spill. Oil it is not. The internet investigators also noted the number of times the word DilBit appeared in a given number of articles. Some of these conclusions  come to mind, 45 oil mentions to 4 DilBit mentions [ remember it is all DilBit ]. Then 70 oil to 3 Dilbit and the winner was??? A thousand mentions of oil to one mention of DilBit. That is what the $ media is doing to you, taking oil money to misinform you, big time. Playing you for a fool until next time. Are you that fool? These lies are particularly present in the press.  So be forewarned, newspapers have become nothing more than dollar store advertising flyers for the US oil cartel and their pipe line buddies. And as you know advertising flyers have little to do with real life. So you have choice. Live in EXXON LAND or live in the real world? Let this be the moment we change gears. Our hydrogen future lies just beyond that big door. Be brave and ” Carpe Diem “. Translation, ” grab the door handle “.


The EPA should hoist Rex Tillerson’s ass out of the Spill Control Centre in Mayflower Arka. Can you imagine bank robbers assisting in the investigation of the bank they just burgled??? I have a world audience and will say to my far flung readership. Only in the Ruined States of America, a supposed democracy, does money trump the laws of the land and the rights of the individual citizen in such a crass way. And these Yanks brag and point fingers at other countries, particularly the Republican Sociopaths.  The EPA should fly a medical team into Mayflower to oversee the treatment of the victims of this EXXON gas attack and learn firsthand the outcome. Any person knowingly loading a pipe line meant for oil with liquified crude bitumen, any company executives responsible for ordering such actions and the $ media owners / writer/ commentators who publish or broadcast false and misleading information about DilBit spills should be subject to fines or jail or both. The executives of any oil company [ within the oil monopoly ] and / or pipe line firms that has another DilBit spill from this day forward should be sentenced to long jail terms with no chance of getting out early like Jeffrey Skillings. He masterminded the emptying of the ENRON vault and got 24 years with no parole. Now there is news he might walk early. My two questions. What did this early release cost his friends or did Jeffrey have an off shore CASH stash like Conrad Black? And who in the Government and Court system got paid off? My deep concern is for the young people who might have had their lives cut short or suffer ongoing health problems because of  the poisonous  gas released for EXXON’s ruptured pipe line in Arka. or the Enbridge spill in Kalamazoo for that matter  Already Tillerson has his hundreds of shill out in the $ media blaming people for telling lies about the spill. Apparently the no-fly-zone has been lifted by the FAA. I would think that the Agency got into the shit for turning the skies of America over to the control of EXXON. In response to having eyes in the skies Tillerson covered the swamps where they pumped the black DilBit with paper towels so the black tar would not show up. Remember Americans, your Republicans granted the oil cartel this monopoly in the 1920s. How much have the right leaning Repubs been paid to look the other way in the last 90 years.  True to form, Sociopaths are selfish, lack empathy for others, lie,  never admit mistakes, never back up or rethink the situation, they are cunning and always blame others. Once again we end up at the doorstep of an Undeveloped Prefrontal Cortex, that missing societal nodule. All Republicans, oil cartel executives and Harper’s Fascists are missing this key nodule. They should all be imaged [ MRI ].  What is their’s is their’s. And what is our’s is their’s too. You have been forewarned. Clearly,Rex Tillerson is American’s very own Josef Mengele. Our children are indeed not safe.


NEWS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS   —   I buy the 4 Toronto newspapers but not to find out what is happening in the world. The world is not covered by them. I buy the papers to find out what Herr Harper and his Fascist party are up to and what to expect next. As a pilot I learned an old sailor’s tale which works. Try it. In terms of clouds in the sky it goes. ” Fish scales and mare’s tails make big ships carry small sails “. When clouds look like a series little marshmellows or long wispy clouds like a horse’s tail it means inclement weather in 24 hours. It works like clockwork. Those little clouds are very high and signal the approach of bad weather. As a bush pilot with White River Air Services, [ owned by Stan Deluce, father of Robert Deluce owner of Porter Airlines ] I had no access to accurate weather reports in Northern Ont. in 1954. Each day as my trusty Stinson lifted noisely off the glassy water I had to read the sky for some idea of the day ahead. I read the papers in the same way each day to see what Harper is up to. I am a Progressive Conservative and a Tory. I have been long familiar with Lyin Steve and his right leaning anti Canadian views. Harper stole my Party [ PCs ]. Steve is a sort of body snatcher. He is not PC, Conservative nor Tory. He is a fascist who follows the Nazi train of thought. Each day we move closer to a police state wherein a person who doesn’t agree with this illegal Government can be picked up in the middle of the night without access to a lawyer. In Nazi Germany it was called, ” Nacht und Nebel ” [ Night and Fog ]. Since the RCMP operates as an arm of the PMO will it be long before people disappear in the middle of the night? Now you can be held for 72 hours without being charged. Just like with Hitler Canadians voted Harper in with a little cheating on the side which was orchestrated by Preston Manning.  The right wing ideology is so restrictive and the Sociopathic behaviors so regimented and predictable  Stevie no longer surprises me. This thanks to the Harper $ media. If you want honest news, type in CBC News on Google. You will have choices. Click CBC News Canada. It will give you the headlines from all across the Country. Any interesting story can be looked into more closely at a later time. Harper want to split this Country apart. Go on the CBC and find out the truth. Canadians have not moved to the right as Preston Manning, Herr Harper, the Fraser Inst. and the subversives at the University of Oil in Calgary would have us believe.  If you and the other citizens learn what is really going on Lyin Steve won’t be able to get away with his daily fibs.  But time is running out. Soon our opinions will not matter.  One thing I find is that the Post and the Sun own between them possibly 60 papers across the Nation. Sometimes they tell one story in Vancouver and Calgary and another in Toronto. This is Harper’s central idea, driving wedges between Canadians. Make them anxious. leave then with only a few crumbs so that they are too busy scratch for food to protest the Fascist decrees. Cut back education for the young and purposely cause high youth unemployment.  Then the ranks of 25 year old will either provide a pool of cheap labour or there will be unrest. Either way Herr Harper and his small band of Fascists will win.  These moves are meant to eliminate the middle class which represents the only group that can challenge him. Steve is now impoverishing the middle class with the help of a parasitic $ media. So Nietzsche. So Nietzsche. Harper is following exactly Mein Kampf.  Advertising from Steve [ paid for by Canadian taxpayers ] in the $ media means his wishes will be followed to the letter. And Harper’s intention  is to keep Canadians ignorant. For tyrants keeping the common flock in the dark is paramount.  The Germans who lived near the gas chambers were never informed as to what was going on by the Hitler press. They didn’t ask questions either. Harper is following suit. Is ignorance your prefered state of mind??? It is interesting, I go to CBC News each morning and survey the Country. In the pm I buy the Tor. Star, Globe and Oil, National Post and Toronto Sun. These newspapers do not cover most of the impostant stories and the one’s that they do are full of false and misleading information. What I can’t figure out is why John Honderich, Phil Crawley [ and the Thompson family ], Paul Godfrey and Pierre Peladeau publish such bullshit when the truth is only a click of a mouse away. All of the above papers are going to go out of business in their present form. They are all so desperate for money that they have become little more than common whores who will say / do anything for cash even if it destroys Canada. Undermining this Country should be punishable with jail time.


Reduced to its’ simplest terms the hundreds of spills of liquified crude bitumen come down to two things, lighter fluid and quartz sand.  Neither of these are found in refined oil. That is the difference and these do make a difference. The lighter fluid is used to thin the thick tar like you use varsol to thin paint. I call it lighter fluid so that you understand the nature of the DilBit thinner. It has other names, benzine, naptha or acetone. Buy a can of naptha from Canadian Tire [ fuel for Coleman camp stoves ]. Fill a small can out in the back yard with the naptha. Throw a lighted match in and it will literaly explode. The tar will burn too. If a pipe line ruptures and there is an ignition source the leaking tar slurry with make like a blow torch that can melt steel. In this case the pipe would become a sort of fuse like cord in which the fire would devour the broken pipe going both ways and fry anything in its’ path. The quartz sand hurtling along is very abrasive and akin to sand blasting. Over the years I have used sand blasters. In restoring old cars one has to be very careful not to concentrate the blast or it will put a hole in a fender or body part in a blink. You can’t use sand in a blaster to clean up an engine [ inside and out ]. At Buttonville Airport we used walnut shells in the maintenance shop. It has been calculated that the proposed Gateway project will transport 50,000 lbs [  25 tons or one dump truck ] of Quartz sand per day. It would be easy to develop a formula to show when any pipe will fail [ not if ]. In fact every pipe line that is carrying this poisonous tar slurry will fail at some stage. Either we elect representatives who look after our interests instead of EXXON’S or the bodies will pile up. Eventually the citizenry will revolt over the loss of their children being burned alive or facing a slow painful death. If this does come to pass let Harper’s 2 kids, his wife Laureen and Joe Oliver’s grandchildren go first. Just so we can watch them suffer for their deeds. Right now we should put the Harper, Joe Oliver, Russ Girling, Pat Daniel, Al Monaco, Richard Kinder and Rex Tillersons behind bars. The French Revolution of 1789 erupted because of 3 years of crop failures. The price of bread skyrocketed while the King and the Nobles had granaries full of wheat. When the children of the peasants began to die of starvation the fuse was lit. When sufficient children are stricken by poisonous fumes from DilBit spills the fuse will again be lit. We should make a correction now.  Elect responsible Governments in the US and Canada. But it may be too late for the Americans.   At Kalamazoo [ Enbridge ]  a longitudinal weld failed. The quartz sand weakened the joint. My guess would be that it was poorly welded and the sand took it out quickly. Of course with friction of the sand on the steel it gets hot. Normal oil pipe lines run about 70 deg F. An oil pipe carrying DilBit runs at 150 deg F [ too hot to put your hand on ]. This heat boild the tar slurry and the lighter fluid gases off into bubbles.  Bubbles in a pipe line act like air bubbles in a cottage water system. You lose prime because a water pump can’t suck air. So too transporting liquified crude bitumen. If gas bubbles occur in an oil pipe line it is not a matter sucking the liquid but pumping it. With a rupture in a pipe as in Kalamazoo there was a pressure drop. Operators deal with this as with all bubble incidents, they increase the pressure by speeding up the pumps.  Oh something else about about the quartz sand. It destroys the oil sensors so that the pipe line control office is flying blind. When a spill occured the Enbridge controllers who obviously work for minimum wage began pumping even more DilBit. Only when someone local sees his son’s backyard play fort surrounded by hot tar will Enbridge / Exxon get a call. All the promises by the pipe line companies [ Russ Girling, Pat Daniel, Al Monaco and Richard Kinder / all liars ] that the can monitor the health of any pipe line is pure poppycock. They don’t have a clue, never have never will. In many cases a spill is made much worse because the pumps keep running or are even run harder. The US oil cartel and the pipe lines started transporting liquified crude bitumen behind everyone’s backs about 8 years ago. Spills spiked, Daaaaaaaaaa. It has now become a big business. Many of the operators in the tar sands also own upgraders / refineries in the US. They are the one’s now weeping about getting low prices because of the oil glut in the States. It is a bullshit story repeated by our petro $ media. Their refineries get Alberta’s cheap tar, then refine it, thus making huge profits down in the States. Analysts in Chicago particulary brag about the oilies having a 28% return. Are we ever patsies. More than $ 100 billion was made by the cartel Stateside in 2010. Right off the backs of Albertans. And their petro media says zip.  All the while putting everyone along the pipe line system at risk. Now the oilies and the pipies are too far into the DilBit system. There is too much money at stake. They can’t admit to ruining the health of the people along the pipes line, they can’t tell the truth about the 18 deaths i Kalamazoo and can’t back out of the mess they find themselves in. Rex Tillerson, Girling, Kinder and Monaco et all have to keep the lies coming. And they have to pay the petro $ media big money to keep the lies afloat. So everyone connected with the tar sands is in on the lying and they can’t get off the merry-go-round. The lies become more preposterous with each passing day. The transporting of DilBit will stop when Canadians have had enough. Maybe we as a people we are so passive that nothing will get us off our asses? My guess is that  if  conditions remain as they are to-day and the pipes full of poison gas continue to operate a town or major part of a city will get asphyxiated and fried. And there will be loss of life. Then the politicians, the US cartel and the pipe line companies will be shocked and surprised. and promise never to do it again. And if my guess is right Rex Tillerson will be able to record his Companies activities by marking the deaths of children on the wall of the EXXON Towers. 


Our own Joe Oiliver, a man who knows nothing about the tar sands and puts his foot in his mouth everytime he opens it. His Ministry is involved with a project to study benzene. Health Canada and the National Research Council are working with his Natural Resources to get a handle on benzene [ lighter fluid ] poisoning. In particular the team is looking at solvents stored in attached garages. There are millions of homes across the Country with adjacent garages. Of concern is the fact that solvents can leak into a house and affect the health of families, especially the young and particularly babies. A Ms. Debby Schoen is the contact person at Health Canada. A 1940s report by the American Petroleum Institute said, ” the only absolutely safe concentration of benzene is zero “. Benzene is a trigger for leukemia and other cancers. In the 1990s [ before Herr Harper ]  laws were passed to limit the amount of benzene in gasoline. And yet our friend Joe Oliver allows hundreds of pipes lines carrying liquified crude bitument mixed with benzene to criss cross the west every day endangering tens of thousands of Canadians. And Joe doesn’t give shit. Oliver plough on like a thick headed  ox oblivious to the dangers he is inleashing on our citizenry. Wasting money studying benzene storage in attatched garages when a far larger crisis awaits unless the transportation of liquified crude bitument is banned immediately.


So what do we do now???  I think the Kalamazoo DilBit spill gives us a window on what is happening with the wholesale transportation of liquified crude bitumen which is being done out of sight. In Kalamazoo many people were made sick by the poison gas but they have disappeared. The petro $ media is ignoring them and being paid to do so. About 150 homes have been abandon and probably will never be lived in again. Again the media has done no investigations. There is more money for them not doing anything than pursuing the truth. Enbridge took over the site, barred reporters and Pat Daniel responded with endless lies. The cost of cleanup has reached $ 1.5 billion and there is more to be done. Enbridge quickly benched Daniel to change the channel and brought in a new liar Al Monaco. Now Enbridge is trying to duck any further expenses. So there is a pattern. Now with the EXXON DilBit spill in Mayflower Arka. we see the same scenario emerging. Sick people have been driven from about 25 homes in a subdivision that will never be lived in again. Rex Tillerson’s people have taken over control from the EPA [ apparently a timid bunch ]  mainly because EXXON owns the Republicans in Congress. EXXON has taken over the local police and now the Company controls the skies because the FAA has turned chickenshit. Both in the Kalamazoo [ Enbridge ] spill and the one at Mayflower [ EXXON ]  what matters is the plight of the poison victims, their property and the environment. Rather, both Companies are bent on covering up and paying as little as possible for restitution. And helping the cartel all along the way is the petro $ media, Globe and Oil and the National American Post etc get cash from the oilies for your eyeballs. This big cash comes from fooling those eye balls of your’s.


I do not know about the governmental sysytem in the US so my recommendations are strictly for Canada. We have a 3 tier system here, Federal, Provincial and municipal [ which can include cities, town and rural areas ]. I was a Pickering Councillor in the Township east of Toronto. T O had 2 million people at that time, we had 28,000. In the Kalamazoo spill everybody was caught by surprise by the tar slurry and the poisonous gas cloud that escaped. All of the first responders thought that they were facing a regular oil spill and came fully equipped.  But the tar that spilled congealed on land and  went hard like an asphalt road. When the tar entered the water, it sank and hardened on the bottom. In the fast running stream the blobs of tar were picked up and they travelled under water for miles. Putting booms on the surface was useless, that’s for real oil. The other problem was the cloud toxic gas [ benzene vapours ]. It travelled 50 miles.  The responders were not equipped with breathing masks and Hazmat safety suits. The reson for this confusion was that Pat Daniel, CEO, Enbridge, continually lied about the contents of his pipe line. The Government people on the site were patsies for Enbridge. After the investigation was completed by the Safety Board [ 2 years later ]  we learned all of the sad details. Enbridge and Daniels were able to quash that report and make it go away by using a large amounts cash. Bribes to the petro $ media to stay mum. The Globe and the Post did very well.  And you know what they did stay mum. At the EXXON spill in Mayflower, surprise, surprise it happened the same way again. The whole crisis in Arka. was again a surprise as if nothing had been learned from Kalamazoo [ nothing was learned by the oilies and pipies ] [ they don’t want to learn ] [ to learn would mean admitting the mistake of transporting raw tar ]. The first reponders were again not properly equipped. No politicians showed up in Mayflower. Not one of them wanted to face Rex, the man who signs their cheques. Nobody wants to mess with a Government sanctioned monopoly with that much money. EXXON AND THE US OIL CARTEL ARE A LAW UNTO THEMSELVES. I think Tillerson will shortly be able to challenge god. I am betting he won’t make it. People will surely storm EXXON Towers before then?  Hydrogen is going to be the US oil cartel’s downfall.   Ottawa is not going to deal with pipe line spills of DilBit and clouds of benzene and make any move to protect the citizenry, we will have to find another avenue.

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The $ media coverage of the Boston bombing should be noted. It was and is massive. Sometimes a half a dozen journalists at a single paper are on this story. To their contributions are added continous editorials and Letters-to-the-Editor. Like as in massive. About 175 were injured and 4 innocent people died in the bombing. In the Enbridge liquified crude bitumen spill in Kalamazoo Mich. 550 residents were affected by the cloud of poisonous gas. More than 50% were found to be seriously affected. After 2 years 173 people are still under Doctor’s. 18 people have died. And you know what? The petro $ media has had absolutely nothing to say about this tragedy. Nada. Even though the Transportation Safety Board went up one side of Pat Daniel [ CEO of Enbridge at the time ] and down the other the company bought up the $ media and closed the story down. I wonder how much John Honderich, Phil Crawley and the Thompson family, Paul Godfrey and Pierre Peladeau got from Enbridge to deep six Kalamazoo. At the time of the release of the Safety Board report Enbridge sneakily replaced Daniel with another consumate liar, Al Monaco and our Pat just vanished. Remember, on Daniel’s watch [ 2000 to 2010 ] Enbridge had 800 DilBit spills, most of them went unreported by the petro 4 media. One of my favourite expressions is, ” going forward “. It was invented by Wall St. in 2009 just after they had completed the rape of the USA. The sharks said, we’ve got all your money now, let’s not dwell on the past, let’s just go forward. Hayek’s theories had backfired yet again [ 2008 /2009 ] but like true Sociopaths the Streeters never admitted to making mistakes, they salted away their wads of cash offshore, blamed everyone else within earshot and went right back to doing the same dumb right wing things all over again [ like trying to screw us again ]. Right leaners ever making a MISTAKE, HELL NO. Laissez-faire government  [ let business do as it wishes ] was pushed by Coolidge as far back as 1923 t0 1929. It didn’t work then and it isn’t working now for Harper. The Great Depression happened on Calvin’s watch. Coolidge also allowed the US oil companies to form a monopoly on his watch. An arrangement which is still in force to-day and has cost Americans trillions. This illegal cartel bedevils Canada to this very moment. Pierre Trudeau tried to wrestle control of the industry from the US oil cartel with his NEP in 1980. But the cartel controlled press in Alberta was able to create a myth about Ottawa stealing the Province’s oil / gas resources. Too many Albertans  fell for this story, hook, line and sinker. The Province willingly assumed to position of servitude and has allowed the cartel to take home possibly $ 50 billion over the past few years while giving back maybe 8%. Some arrangement. But an arrangement Herr Harper and Danielle Smith support in return for oilie cash. As with so many master / servant deals eventually the hired help is no longer needed and gets tossed out. Over time we have seen servant types so brainwashed that they can’t think for themselves. Even though abused they can’t break free.  Alberta finds itself in that position in 2013, unloved and expendable. Things would have been different if the NEP was in force this day. Sadly it is not and the surprising thing is that some, many, most Albertans still believe the cartel story. In fact that storyline is being reserected to demonize Premier Redford’s NES. This free trade energy deal among Canadian Provinces is the only hope  Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba have to avoid the bad old days of cash shortages. It will be interesting to see just how long Westerners cling to the past and put their faith in the US oil cartel. I would suggest that they look at what has happened in other parts of the world when the US oil cartel pulled up stakes. Impoverished ghost towns. An abandon Calgary with silent towers. And Fort McMurray, a town full of derelict houses and desperate people.  The question is how do indentured servants become self reliant entrepreneurs? Therein lies the salvation of the West. In terms of the tar slurry spill in Kalamazoo that tale has been locked away in the attic by the media. But the truth is alive and well on the net. In a final gesture, to bully the 550 home owners which Enbridge is trying to buy at fire sale prices the Company has hired armed, private security people to patrol in the areas where owners are holding out. It is a form of intimidation. I find this, ” let business do as it wishes in the USA “, instructive. Enbridge want to pump liquified crude bitumen across Ontario and Quebec to the Atlantic shore in order to supply the refineries in Port Arthur Texas with cheap Alberta tar. In fact Enbridge pipe line No. 9 runs right along the north side of Finch Ave [ Hydro right-of-way ] across the entire City of Toronto. Can you imagine a DilBit spill at Bathurst St. and Finch Ave. There is no lake so the black tar would just cover the ground as far as the eye could see in all directions. Surrounding this pipe line are thousands of people in single family dwellings and high rise condos. With such a spill it release of a cloud of poisonous gas which can severly injure or kill in minutes depending on the benzene concentration. You can go on the net and look at the Kinder Morgan DilBit spill at Vancouver [ 2007 video / The Tyee – Vancouver’s DilBit Dilemma ] where a column of liquid tar sprayed a subdivision for 45 minutes then it ran into the Burrard Inlet. 5 years later and Kinder Morgan has not cleaned up the mess completely. This story was not carried by the petro $ media. Access the net to look at the Enbridge Kalamazoo DilBit spill, the EXXON DilBit spill in Mayflower Ark and the recent oil barge fire on the Alabama coast. These stories were one day wonders then disappeared from the media. Squint a little and imagine this happening at Finch and Bathurst [ flowing tar slurry, a cloud of poisonous gas and then explosions as the benzene and tar burned ]. We are being led into this valley of death by everyone promoting [ and they number in the hundreds, just look around you ] Alberta liquified crude bitumen from the tar sands. Millions of dollars are being spread around by the US oil cartel in the name of profit, Canadians be damned. What Herr Harper, Joe Oiliver and Peter Kent are now doing is hurting Alberta and the west, Canadians and the planet. The only winners are the oil cartel and the pipe lines. So when DilBit starts flowing through a pipe along Finch who will you turn to for comfort and help if needed???   Harper *** no. Oiliver *** no. Kent *** no. National Energy Board *** no. Environment Canada *** no. Alberta Environmantal Board *** np. Kathleen Wynne *** no. Energy Minister Bob Chiarelli *** no.  So who???  Nobody in government or those connected with the oil business or those in the petro $ media can admit to the huge risk there is mto the public transporting DilBit. If the potential for a disaster in say Toronto is acknowledged then the tar sands story comes to an end. Shipping DilBit will be prohibited. Right now the US cartel and the pipe lines are in the game until the bodies begin to pile up. Such info will not be made available in the $ media. For the mounting toll you will have access the internet.  For Harper it is better to let a hundred or so residents of Vancouver’s Burrard Inlet suffer ill health and loss of property than prepare the Canadians for a DilBit catastrophe like a fire drill on a ship or in a school or in an arena??? According to Lyin Steve if Enbridge pipe No. 9 is converted to dilBit and blows you and your family are on your own. Tough shit, nobody promised you a rose garden Harper would say. As you know I am not the type to walk meekly to the cattle cars. In a Country now owned by the US oil cartel it is time to take back our Nation. This is what we do.


All across Canada are municipalities through which TransNotCanada, Enbridge and Kinder Morgan pipes go. Every one of them is capable of carrying liquified crude bitumen. You must assume EACH pipe IS carrying DilBit. The above Companies and their executive lie continually. So it is a must that you prepare yourself for a spill and possible explosion. But leadership is required.  Each municipality must develop a Emergency Measures Plan to deal with the toxic tar slurry, the poison gas cloud and a possible raging inferno [ the tar lighter fluid only needs an ignition source to cause an exposion and fire]. The Enbridge OIL PIPE LINE No. 9 [ not built to take liquified crude bitument ] runs across Ontario from Sarnia to Montreal in parallel with hi tension electric lines. No. 9 has been around for about 40 years doing what it supposed to do, transport OIL. Enbridge is pulling a switcheroonie on us and is planning to move DilBit from Fort McMurray to Portland Maine USA. Of interest to Ontarians is the fact that if No. 9 carries DilBit it will endanger Sarnia, London, Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, Toronto, Oshawa, Port Hope, Belleville, Kingston and all of the communities in between. As well as along the north shore of the St. Lawrence. The major rivers at risk are the Thames, Grand, Humber, Don, Trent and the Ganaraska and the like.  Mind you Enbridge has applied to the toothless National Energy Board for permission to transport upgraded oil to the Suncor refinery in Montreal. An out and out lie. Al Monaco of Enbridge is aiming to ship DilBit behind our backs. This kind of sneaky corporate behaviour is unacceptable in Canada. And couldn’t happen if the media was doing it job.  Of course the Globe and Post [ both papers are paid to write nice stuff about Monaco or Enbridge and never mention DilBit. Imagine having the nerve to submit a bogus plan to a Goverment agency. Harper and Oiliver already know about the DilBit angle and I would guess a secret agreement has already been struck with the oilies and pipies. Thus Herr Harper, the US oil cartel and the pipe line companies have set us a trap. Regulations on the surface will be followed publicly according to the $ media but in real terms ignored by all involved. We can be sure Harper and his Fascists will never put a stop to the shipment of toxic tar slurry even if it endangers thousands. So we must respond by taking measures to protect our communities and stock up on things like sand bags just in case. and plan escape routes. Since I have listed just some of the communities that will be at risk No.9 is clearly an Ontario problem. Therefore it requires leadership at Queen’s Park. At this time neither Kathleen Wynne nor Tim ” Mike Lite ”  Hudak are leading. In fact Hudak is poisoning the atmosphere in the legislature [ remember I am a PC and Tim is a Fascist ]. The two of them probably don’t know what political leadership is all about. Kath and Tim have always been followers.  Both the Libs and PCs are run by party machines which are not remotely connected to a democratic system. They are both connected to the corporations. In fact Hudak’s wife works for Russ Girling, CEO of TransNotCanada. How’s that for playing on the two ends?  That is why the Province is in such a mess financially. 15 years of Mike Harris and devious Dalt McGuinty is just about enough. The nukies have ruined Ontario’s economy. The NDP is the only party that will eliminate nuclear. If  Wynne or Hudak wins I suggest you take out your bank book, check the amount, write a cheque to the Government for same and go to your basemsnt apartment and jump out the window. Your call? More pain or increased prosperity, again your call?  I have listed in previous posts the initiatives we must take to solve, traffic gridlock , public transit, fix our broken electrical system [ first move, cut KW prices in half immediately ] and a dysfunctional City Council [ Mike Harris’ doing ] are the most important. To that list we can add the threat of DilBit flowing through Enbridge No. 9 across the Province. It would seem that Enbridge has already got the nod from Queen’s Park. Is that why you vote for your MPP? So he or she can quickly accomodate the energy corporations?  I want a Select Committee struck at Queen’s Park to develop an emergency Measures Plan. Since Enbridge has already announced the construction of an upgraded line along the hydro right-of-way that runs e / w north of Finch Ave. it is clear the Liberal party machine is on board. That right-of-way is owned by Ontarians not the Liberals. The only way this kind of shady deal could go on behind your backs is the petrol $ media is paid to censor the news. So why don’t we specifically consider the stretch of pipe line along Finch between Dufferin and Bathurst. The pipes used are made from flat steel sheets and rolled into tubes. From pictures of the spills and Kalamazoo / Mayflower the pipes are apparently butt welded [ the weakest welded joint possible ]. I am a welder. The strength of such welds is dependent on the temperature and the wind conditions. If a weld cools too quickly it becomes embrittled, just like glass. Driving crude oil through such a pipe at low pressure and at low temp [ 70 F ] presents no problem. Most real oil pipe line spills are caused by natural events such as heaving frost. When liqified crude bitumen goes through the same pipe it is trouble in River City. DilBit is pumped at a higher pressure and a much higher temp [ 150 F ]. If the longitudinal welds are embrittled and poorly done [ bumpy ] the quartz sand in the DilBit will create even greater friction and heat caused by abrasion. I wonder how many other spills on Enbridge pipe lines [ 800 in 10 years ] were caused by the failure of longitudinal butt welds. Back when Kalamazoo happened I suggested that the Government set me up in a small workshop where the damaged pipes could be inspected. In less than a week I would be able to determine the cause. I heard nothing.  If Enbridge No. 9 blows north of Finch here is what could happen.

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The hot liquid tar would flow out in all direction and may shoot into the air as in Vancouver [ Kinder Morgan ]. Under such condition everything within range will be coated then the tar will cool. Everything will be killed by the tar’s toxic elements [ plants / grass / trees ].  If there are low spots, water, streams and sewers the tar will fill them up and solidify. This is bad news for road sewers [ each has a catch basin like the trap under your sink ]. If the catch basin fills with tar it will require digging up the road to replace it. If the tar overtops the catch basin it will flow into the sewer itself and harden. Then the whole sewer system would have to be dug up and replaced. Between Dufferin and Bathurst this might be the scene. The mini lake in G. Ross Lord Park would fill up with toxic tar which flows like lava. The Park would be destroyed. Westminster and Beth Tzedec cemetaries would be obliterated. The tar would be much like the asphalt on our roads, not easy to remove. Northview Heights Sec. School would have to be abandoned. Likewise, Tor. Fire Station 112 would have to be surrendered to the tar. We would lose Maon Noan Synagogue and H. H. Carnegie Community Centre. All the homes around Henry Welsh Dr., Torresdale, Dollery Crt., Ailsa Craig Crt., Virgilwood Dr. would be rendered uninhabitable. Likewise all of the 25 story condos on Torresdale and Antibes Dr. The condos would be filled with the toxic smell coming up from the sewers and would be life threatening. Toronto people, Enbridge hasn’t told you any of this yet and probably never will? Wynne hasn’t told you that by going along with Enbridge she is putting thousands of Torononians at risk if not their lives at risk. When the cloud of poisonous benzene gas is released the critical factor would be the wind direction. We are in a north westerly wind area 75% of the time. If the wind was from the north west the North York General Hospital would be enveloped with poisonous gas. If the wind was blowing from the south east York University would have to be evacuated immediately. How could these evacuations take place in the present circumstances. Most residents, the police, Fire Department and City / Provincial Governments don’t even know the pipe line is there. Carrying oil like the pipe is now is no threat. Put liquified crude bitument in that old pipe and the fuse starts ticking.  Al Monaco of Enbridge has no concern for your life or the safety of your parents and or children. Al is employed by Wall St. which doesn’t give a shit about you and your family. Queen’s Park should give shit about you but doesn’t. The Star, Globe, Post, Sun and CTV should give a shit about you, their customers but they don’t. Oil money sweeps all before it. I believe we could get 55 MPPs in the Assembly to vote for a Standing Committee to prepare a  No. 9 Emergency Measure’s plan for the Province. I think we could count on Andrea Horwath. I think we could gather up some Liberal MPPs who would break with their machine to put you first. I am a PC and would bet we could poach some of Hudak’s MPPs to look after your interests instead of the pipe line companies. Toronto and all the other municipalities from Sarnia to the Ottawa River have Master Plans. Each of them knows exactly where No. 9 goes. So the emergency measures developed by the Legislature would apply all across the Province. If Enbridge and TransNotCanada with the help of the Libs / PCs and the petrol $ media are going to pull a fast one on you at least WE can come together and figure out which way to run?

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The basis for developing safety measures could be to US Transportation Board report on the Enbridge DilBit spill in Kalamazoo. This report was buried by the petro $ media. Al Monaco and Pat Daniel paid them to keep you in the dark. We could also look back at the Kinder Morgan DilBit spill in Vancouver and the DilBit spill in Peace River Alberta. Few if any spills in the last ten years have been covered by the press. Newspapers are paid to say nothing. Nice work if you can get it? These spills could explain to us what things can happen. Then the question is how would we in Ontario would deal with this issue. How would one deal with hot tar spraying into the air. I think it is a matter of citizens being aware that they live on a poison gas pipe line. At the first sign of a leak there should be an emergency phone number in each local. DilBit ladden with quartz sand destroys the pressure monitoring system, So where DilBit is concerned Enbridge, TransNotCanada and Kinder Morgan are flying blind. It could take hours for them to respond. A booklet should be distributed to every residence / business within 3000 feet of a pipe line containing emergency procedures. Every school, hospital, nursing home, university within the danger zone should be required to develop an evacuation plan which would have to be coordinated by Queen’s Park, local governments, hospitals, police, fire dept. and the OPP. If North York General Hosp., local schools or York University had to be evacuated how would that be done and where would the people go. In Kalamazoo 155 homes and businesses [ schools / churches ??? ] are no longer habitable. Enbridge is now trying to force the resident to sell cheap so they will be just disappeared. The media is helping in this theft . How would Enbridge compensate us for the University or Hospital. Since the politicans like McGuinty and Hudak have already be bought off who would champion our cause? In the area of such a spill all traffic and public transit would come to an end. In Mayflower the smell of the poisonous cloud could be detected down wind, 50 miles away. So each citizen within the danger zone would have to be notified. Police, the Fire Departments, hospitals, all the bus companies, Boards of Health and temporary accomodations arranged [ like to Dome ]. Rail line affected would have to be closed and this might affect GO service. Hoarding of food stuff and supplies would have to be made illegal. Drinking water and sewers might be shut. How do the authorities deal with such a situation?  But it would be far better to have a plan in place than face the nightmares of Kalamazoo, Mayflower, Vancouver and Northern Alberta. Emergency sirens would have to be installed to warn people like the do with hurricanes and the Blitz. If a siren goes off it would be a matter of people going on the net to find out the spill location, drill and access to the authorites. The elderly would need to be considered immediately. Possibly TTC buses. Electricity in a spill area would have to be shut off.  Even the smallest spark would set off a confligration, after that you would be dealing with a pipe line containing 30% benzene [ go on the net and see what this stuff can do, scar you lungs and burn like hell. How would we cope with a mile wide swath without electricity, water, sewers, enveloped in a poisonous gas cloud and painted with molten tar? ? ? ? Everyone along No. 9  would be at risk for no compensation. The only winners would be the American oil monopoly, Enbridge, Wall St. and the Star, Globe, Post and Sun. Will they print this post???

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Now this is a service that Queen’s Park could provide to all of Canada. Once our Emergency Measures plan gets formalized it could be posted on the internet and every city, town and municipality across the Country could down load it. They then could customize an escape plan to suit their own environment. Since it seems nobody is in our corner WE have to ACT to protect ourselves, the young and the elderly.

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My question, why would we allow ourselves to be put in such a position of danger? Just to make TransNotCanada, Enbridge and Kinder Morgan shareholders even richer??? It is clear that the reason were are facing [ all Canadians ] such a series of catastrophes is that so many of our politicians have sold out like Harper, McGuinty and Hudak. It would be  far better to just replace such elected people all across the land. Taking money to destroy our civilization should mean long jail time. Lyin Steve gets big money from the US oil cartel as does Danielle Smith of the Wild Oil Party. Publicly we see Hudak is in the US oil bag too.  And you know what, No. 9  IS NOT EVEN NEEDED. It is a pipe line that comes from the US midwest and is meant to keep Ontario and Quebec in the cartel’s pocket. I have written extensively about the Twin Beaver Pipe Line that would carry CRUDE OIL [ not Dilbit ] and NATURAL GAS from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba [ upgraded [ to SCO ] in situ ] east, across the 55th parallel, up to the deep water port in Churchill Man. and them down to Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes The Twin Beaver would be owned by the Canadian Provincial Energy Corp. wherein all of the profits made from this Green System would accrue to the people. No more giveaways to the American with their filthy habits and disregard for Canadian lives. But in view of the fact that we are now saddled with so many corrupt politicians and media types on the oilie payroll developing evacution plans may be a baby step but it will allow us to start down the path of protecting our own interests. Call you MPP and demand action. What’s better?  Raising hell at Queen’s Park or you and your family being consummed in a tower inferno while choking for breath???


The American oil monopoly was arranged in the 1920s by Pres. Calvin Coolidge and his Republican Congress. Monopolies are illegal in the USA and Canada but Republican politicians stateside seem to have the ability to bend the rules when they get paid enough. The other day 11 Republican Senators were paid millions to support the Keystone XL. The pipe line of death and destruction. Canada now finds itself in the grip of the oil monopoly, much thanks to Lyin Steve. But things of late have not been going well for the monopoly. In 1975 it owned or controlled 70% of the world’s oil. It also owned three quarter of the world’s refineries. Oil is no good unless you can refine it and turn it into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel etc. Now the US monopoly own or controls less than 10% of the world’s oil and their ownership of refinery capacity is well below 50% now. You can’t make a refinery pay unless you can feed it oil, the monopoly’s job gets tougher by the day. Those in charge of the monopoly like Rex Tillerson are something akin to milk cart horses. Operating a monopoly means having no master. The monopoly can do as it wishes. Arrogance has a tendency to creep in and the powers of creative thinking diminish as with the oil monopoly. They spend hundreds of millions trying to hold back the hands of time. North America is ten year behind in developing alternative energies. The monoploy spends huge amounts to ensure new ideas that have the ability to affect the oil business get killed. They have thousands of climate deniers filling the petro $ media with lies [ Peter Foster and Bjorn Lomborg are prime examples ]. Hydrogen and electric vehicles have both been under attack in the Wheels Sections of the papers. Efforts to promote conservation are undermined by oil money. Every effort is made by the oil monopoly to keep people from using water [ hydro ], wind and solar. The oilies do not want the citizenry to have access to cheap / clean / Green energy. Any energy source that doesn’t use fuel. Steady oil monopoly cheques keep the politicians and media owners on their side. Being blockheads like Tillerson the oilies do not respond well to setbacks. They are so used to running the world they arrange things to their liking to stay in control. EXXON’s business has dropped each of the last 7 quarters but profits are up. $ 9.5 billion in the last quarter alone. What the oil monopoly does is discard weaker partners by throwing them under the bus. That is Alberta’s present fate. The monopoly as in the days of John D. Rockefeller [ 1900 ] and his Standard Oil of New Jersey just crushes the competition financially. As business shrinks the oil monopoly just puts the squeeze on captive American and Canadian consumers. But the oil monopoly doesn’t have the muscle to push a determined country around as in the case of Venezuela.  In those days [ 1999 ] the US needed Venezuelan oil and some part of the monopoly played ball, EXXON didn’t. Now the monopoly doesn’t want Canada’s oil. It just wants cheap tar, no string attached. No responsibility for clean up and no risk for DilBit spills. The oil monopoly depends on the owners of the pipe lines to bear the costs of  DilBit spills. If the oil business changes yet again the Keystone XL, Gateway and the twinning of the Kinder Morgan line could be orphans with no product to transport. The pipe line shareholders will be forced to take a bath. Iam convinced that the shipment of liquified crude bitumen will be outlawed if Canadians can stir themselves to action. At this moment in time we can break the hold of the US oil monopoly on our Country. An opportuniy like this doesn’t present itself too often. If we act with resolve we have nothing to fear from the oil monopoly milk cart horses.


FOOTNOTE   —   There is a move afoot for the Province to set up a Press Review Board like the one put in place in England. Over there the concerns were phone hacking and illegal payments to the police. In Ontario the problem relates to false and misleading information, regurgitated lies and State censorship by Ottawa. Papers here manufactured news, paid for by Harper, the movers and takers as well as oil corporate propaganda. A good example is the Enbridge push to reverse the pumps on pipe line No. 9 so the Company can transport liquified crude bitumen from Alberta to a port in Maine on the Atlantic. Mind you Al Monaco, CEO of Enbridge is not telling Ontarians about his plans to ship DilBit. He says everything but and the press is well paid to tell everything but. The conversion of No. 9, the Keystone XL, the Gateway and the new Kinder Morgan pipe are all based on the fact that no customer now exists for the petroleum products from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Alberta and Saskatchewan both have tar sands and the Provinces are getting desperate for funds. The American oil monopoly needs raw tar product to keep its’ refineries in Texas and California operating at full capacity. So cheap Alta. / Sask. looks very promising. But the conditions need to be right. With these Provinces pushed up against the wall they are prepared to make a deal, any deal will do, almost giving it away. The other provisos were and are that the oil monopoly is NOT responsible for the toxic environmental mess created by the mining of bitumen and that the DilBit be transported cheaply through pipe lines meant for oil. This behind the backs of the people. This with Harper’s agreement. There is nothing actually wrong with the tar sands. Alberta was set up in the oil business by Ontarians [ like me ] in the 1950s /60s. Alberta oil was given a monopoly position in this Province and we paid more than the world price for it. In terms of the tar sands, the industry was developed by the Federal Government and supported financially by Alberta  and once again Ontario. We in this Province have contributed mightily to the welfare of Alberta but have never seen a single thank you. It is all gimee, gimee. Once the oil / tar business was established by the Governments the American monopoly moved in [ 1960s ]. They had the market, Alberta had the oil. The Yanks ponied up the money for the oil infrastructure and paid the Province a minimum royalty. All Albertans had to do was nothing but count the money. Since the the mighty USA was going to grow forever and the world oil business was very unstable [ OPEC crisis ] it was a marriage made in heaven. This arrangement in Alberta was a little like that seen [ 1933 / 1945 ] in Nazi Germany. Wherein the people traded freedom / free speech for  jobs, housing, plentiful food, unemployment insurance, health care, pensions and low taxes. Albertans thought they were sitting pretty. The OPEC embargo on oil and the Iranian Revolution were clear signs that the party could not go on forever. There is no indication that anyone in Alberta did what all smart businessmen / women do. Develop a plan B to handle an eventual downturn. The US oil  monopoly thought they could control events by the weight of their money. If someone got in their way it was a matter of the oilies buying them out or crushing such opponents. In the second oil crisis in Iran the Trudeau Government became concerned about the supply of oil in Canada. The US oil monopoly was beholden to the Congress for its’ elevated position. This arrangement ensured Americans would get first dibs on all the oil in the monopoly inventory. Everyone else [ including Canada ] would come second best. Trudeau developed his National Energy Program to make sure this Country’s oil did not all go Stateside. You would think the PM would have been applauded for this initiative. However the NEP never went into action. During the Iranian uprising [ 1979 / 80 ] the price of oil skyocketed. Go on the net and check this out. Who would have imagined that Saudi Arabia would have a panic over the possibility of the US economy tanking. If your customers starve to death who will then buy your food in the future? So the Saudis flooded the oil market. At that very moment Russia saw an opening for its’ oil output. Iran was out of the oil business so Russia stepped in and put even more oil into the world market. This sudden increased oil supply killed the price per barrel in a matter of months. The graph on the net shows the price line going almost straight down.  Nobody could have forcast the Iran dustup nor the reaction of Saudia Arabia and Russia coming into the oil market out of the blue. During this interval Trudeau was finalizing his NEP. With the world suddenly awash in cheap oil the NEP had no reason for living, it was reduntant.  Albertans and Texans among others saw their take of oil revenues drop by 80%. The US oil monopoly did not like Trudeau / Ottawa messing in it’s business being that the oilies thought their elevated station trumped Canadian sovereignity [ in the monopoly’s mind that is ]. The monopoly owned and still owns the petro $ press in Alberta. The Americans concocted a story that the NEP was the cause of the sudden economic downturn. That it was a cash grab by the Feds and an effort to take control of Alberta’s resources the oilies said.  None of that was true. As far as I know not a single Albertan had the balls to stand up for Canada. I am sure some people knew the truth but they like chickenshits chose to remain silent.  This myth stuck because it must have been repeated at least 10,000 times over the years [ Goebbels would have been proud ]. The story that the Chevy VOLT in an electric car may just give the lie about the NEP a run for its’ money. For 2 1/2 years GM has paid the petro $ media to turn a sow’ ass into a silk purse. Auto writers like David Booth [ Post ], Michael Vaughan [ Globe ] and perter Gorrie [ Star ] continue to claim the VOLT is an electric car. It is legally a hybrid.  Big advertising dollars trump the truth.  Desperate times call for desperate measures from Paul Godfrey of the Post. If you have got dough Paul will print anything you want no matter how untrue. For 30 years the media has been paid to repeat the NEP myth over and over. The all time champion in this regard must be Ezra Le Rant who probably gets an oil cheque every time he speaks / writes about the NEP myth. During the NEP controversy in the 1980s, Preston Manning, Steve Harper, William Gairdner and Conrad Black were members of the Northern Foundation which was a Neo-Nazi group with Fascist ideas. These aryan pure bloods believed white were superior and that the races that made up the mob were inferior and should be allowed to perish if necessary. Harper, a Sociopathic wimp of 24 willingly joined this warrior society along with the other wimps, Preston Manning and Conrad Black. Lyin Steve, a poser if there ever was one,  found a home amongst these white supremacists. He was a balding loner who had a shadowy existence. He dropped out of the U of T after 2 months and fled west and got a job in the mailing room at Imperial Oil where his dad worked. This small group of right wing nuts was going no place until the oil monopoly stepped in. The oilies needed people who would push the NEP myth because Big Oil never gets its’ hands dirty.  They always hire shills to act on their behalf. Manning took up the NEP cause and the monoploy gave him and his group money. Preston has been getting oil money ever since. Harper got $ 50,000 to run in Calgary and he has been getting unlimited oil money ever since. How much did Harper pay Ezra le Rant to withdraw from the race in Calgary?  Lyin Steve was able to cut the election subsidies to the other parties because his personal banker is the US oil monopoly. Danielle Smith got $ 250,000 from the oilies to jump start the Wild Oil Party. The Fraser Institute [ a supposed charity ] is maintained by Canadian taxpayers but the Inst. gets a big chunk of money from the monopoly. I would guess everyone gets tax receipts?  The subversive activities at the University of Calgary are oil funded. In fact the University launders oil cash and funnels it to a number of climate deniers. Oil money funds also the climate deniers at Carleton University as well as underwriting classes to teach young Fascists all about regime change.

 Catch you next time   —   Ken                                                    LAOCOON

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This post was prompted by three newspaper items [ of that later ]. They all relate to the present turbulent time and show just how distant the press has become from the very readers they are supposed to serve. The papers were given a special place in various societies starting over 200 years ago. First in England, then in the USA and Canada [ among others ]. It was realized very early that the right to speak out without fear of those in authority was crucial to the advancement of humankind. Going back in time we can easily see the winner and loser empires. King Louis 16 lived in his isolated Court, took little notice of his people, owned the civil service and the newspapers. The peasantry did not know what was going on at the centre of power nor were their voices being heard. This void was filled by pamphleteers. Politically savy patriots who printed newletters in the basements of Paris under threat of death. These pamphelets were smuggled out into the countryside for distribution. Most of the peasants could not read so they gathered in churches, halls and inns to hear the latest news. The French Revolution was born in the provinces and based on a level of people knowledge of events about which  the Royals HAD NO INKLING. A sort of Arab spring of 1891 in which the role of the cell phone was played by the pamphlet. In the 1820 / 30s the Family Compact, made up of the privileged ruled Upper Canada [ Ontario ] with an iron hand. We did have a Legislature  but its’ actions could simply be overruled by the Compact. Their power was made more complete by the fact that the Compact owned the press. Except for one publication, the Colonial Advocate, circulated by one William Lyon Mackenzie.  He was a MPP, a political activist and a promoter of responsible government [ that the will of the people is PARAMOUNT ]. Responsible government is not a sometimes thing. A gal is either pregnant or she is not. Due mostly to Mackenzie the Upper Canada Rebellion of 1837 happened, as did a revolt in Lower Canada [ Quebec ].   These were the basis of reforms that created Canada and gave us responsible Government. The very governmental system now being dismantled by Harper and his Fascists. We have inherited in Canada a number [ but shrinking ] of opportunities to voice our will. There are school boards, various public utilities, municipalities, provincial / territorial governments, the Federal Government and last but not least unique situations like the Canadian Wheat Board. Over 140 years within this nation the mechanism to record our votes has been institutionalized in such a way as to insure the outcome of any election large or small actually reflects the will of the people. My Mother, a staunch Tory, acted as a Deputy Returning Officer in the 1940s /50s in York Township. I can never remember her mixing her party affiliation with her duty to our community. In fact at that time many people who lost their jobs would not apply for Unemployment Insurance benefits because THEY DID NOT WANT TO BE A DRAIN ON SOCIETY. They felt that there were others who were having a tougher time and they deserved the help. That was the older Canada.  A very different time. I am particularly concerned about the efforts of Herr Harper and his Fascist / Conservative to steal, rig, disrupt and buy electoral victories. Once this becomes the new normal our democracy will have been lost. By every measure the hard right doesn’t have the support of enough people in Canada to gain a majority fair and square. Harper has a slim majority at present. He is two by-elections, a couple of defections and a death away from defeat. In a sense the minnow [ Reform ] in swallowing the whale [ PCs ] Harper gained a lot of on-the-loose supporters [ including me ] who were originally taken in. But who are now pealing away. Every hard right jolt turns more and more former PCs off. To some degree Herr Harper’s majority came from vote splitting in Ontario and the complete collapse of the Federal Liberal Party. Pastor Manning keeps telling us the Canada has moved to the right, don’t believe a word of it, just the usual wishful thinking by the right. This message dominates the news media right now because the scribes are paid by Harper. It is another example of freedom of the press which has now become the freedom to sell out to the highest bidder and tell lies. So what we are faced with now is an introduction of Republican dirty election tricks by Harper to gain votes that would otherwise not be within reach. Look at California. The Republicans and the US oil cartel teamed up to disrupt the system of voting in that State in such a way as to now thwart the will of the majority. A vote of the majority in the State now is meaningless. PCs could wake up to Harper’s tricks but by then it may be too late. Our franchise might be as valuable as Can. Tire Money.  There are a hundred different way to steal seats. Grab a seat here, another seat there, as Harper tried to do in Montreal when he hired a group of Fascist PR thugs to spread rumours and smear the Liberal Candidate Irwin Cotler. How is this different from Hilter’s Brown Shirts? And their thugish behaviour?  Californians never woke up to the fact that the right / oilies were filtching their democracy from under their very noses.  Now that California is broke and ungovernable the State is releasing criminals, there is not the money to pay jail upkeep. This is one of the war cries of the right, reduce Government so the mob can take over the streets. We are headed for the same fate as California if we sleep too late.  But this evil environment can only blossom where the ad media has been purchased. I believe that the internet is the means by which Canada will be save from the US oil cartel and tyrants on the right. What I have been writing about for a long time is that there have always been, selfish, greedy and power hungry people. Their success or failure has everything to do with an informed public, a vigilant press and governments that have the spine to act. If you know someone is planning to rape your daughter you can take preventative measures. My family lines go back to Yorkshire and this heritage would prompt me to act quickly and cut the guy’s nuts off first. The press didn’t tell us about the Republicans repealling the Glass – Steagall Act [ both Democrats ] in 99. This act was passed in 1933 to say that banks could not use depositor’s money for speculation. I think you would agree that preventing bankers from playing fast and loose with your dough is a good thing. Especially when, if they fritter away your cash, YOU ARE THE ONE OUT OF POCKET.  Well in 1999 the Gram-Leach-Bliley Act [ all Republicans ] killed Glass-Steagall and invited the banks to help themselves to the little people’s money. This was 12 years ago and look what the bankers and Wall St. have done to the US in that short time. The most powerful democratic Country in the world has been brought to its knees by the Fascist element in American politics and their paid toadies in the media. What I find interesting though is the fact that  the media owners having facilitated the actions of the Republican Fascists and the Street somehow believed that they would be immune from the financial fall out. It is classic, ” tragedy of the common “.  Those who put more sheep onto the common than they were allowed, in order to gain a quick / extra profit, somehow did not see that in the long run when all the grass had been eaten EVERYBODY would lose their sheep. Sort of short term gain for long term death. So it is with our present advertising media. 25 years ago advertising became a huge part of media picture. Ads eventually provided 70% of the industry’s revenue. It is not rocket science to figure out in that world the importance of the readers concerns began to be diminished and eventually disappear. Lying increased as did misinformation [ like the current Keystone project ] which took centre stage. Like any parasite this kind of arrangement usually means the host dies and so we are. But so are they. With the host gone the parasite no longer has anything to feed on and expires. This move by the press to carry the dishonest / spin messages of political parties, the rich and the advertisers only meant our society, based on the view of the movers and takers caused officialdom to  travelled farther and farther into the land of wishful thinking [ LOWT ]. Without counter comment and vigorous, open debate the governing class has gone out into space somewhere.  BUT THAT IS NOT WHERE WE THE PEOPLE LIVE. Our directions are coming from out there but we live here. We have failed as voters to demand that those who we CHOSE to serve must remain HERE AT OUR SIDE. All of Harper’s Fascist / Conservative MPs from Ontario were not elected to be the Fuhrer’s courtiers. But they are acting as Himself’s courtiers and you are letting them get away with this deliliction of their duty. Too many people do not know that they have lost their freedom until they hear the clang of the concentration camp gate closing behind them. The media still doesn’t get it. By sucking up to the right and the oil cartel and dancing for pennies they have cut their own throats. The old line media is dying, not a slow death either. If the citizenry doesn’t have the wherewithall to put food on the table and have a roof they are not going to be buying newspapers. Especially if the papers print lies, only increase the anxiety of the population and offer no hope. The media as we have known it is in sharp decline. No wonder? Daaaaaaaaa. Newspaper and magazine circulation is dropping. In the US there used to be 54,000 registered journalists. Their association now only has 37,000 members, this drop in 5 years. Those scribes who are out of work only have themselves to blame. They took money to look the other way while the politicans, the banks and Wall St. looted the vault. The New York Time just fired their Chief Executive and gave her $ 15 million to go away. NYT employee buyouts are underway as is the sale of smaller papers in the chain. The Toronto Star is saddled with $ 500 million in debt engineered by former CEO Rob Prichard who is presently sinking Metrolinx. Rob is just another of McGuinty’s pals who have a special talent for burning through money while screwing things up royally. The US National Post is broke no matter what Paul Godfrey says. Pierre Peladeau bought into the paper and TV business just as the ad media was 50 feet from the edge of the cliff going 60 miles an hour. Many slow people call Conrad Black a great Canadian businessman. Connie never suceeded in building one successful company. He only destroyed them. Peladeau may well be the match of Black. Does your MPP SHOW ANY INTEREST IN YOUR CONCERNS. The media should be all over MPs and MPPs who shirk their responsibilities. The Mississauga natural gas plant was a huge story for many reasons. It went right over the heads of the media shills covering the event. There are a thousand stories out here in the real world that never get told. The media is on retainer from the 20%ers not to say a word. Have you got an answer from your MPP to your questions about the electrical system? This questioning about Government actions or lack thereof about KWs is / has been promoted by me for some weeks now. Your letter serves two purposes. It will tell you if your MPP is interested in you outrageous hydro bill or not. And you letters will offer a guide to the future management of the new Ontario Hydro [ nOH ] IN MEETING YOUR NEEDS. It will be your very own utility, operated  at your pleasure. My God what a shock. Half of the population may suffer strokes, nukie servitude gone???  Now that will be something. All the nukies and ENRON boys at 700 University will be sent along home. That beautiful building would make great condos and we’d get good rent. I figure we will save $ 25 million a year in salaries alone with the dolts gone. If the retaking of our electrical system by Ontarians does actually occur it will be because of the internet. The ad media has too much of a propagandist mindset to do a 180 now. How does one make amends after telling nukie lies for 20 years.  TV, newspapers and magazines will die with their boots on, never having admitted they took the wrong road. They pledged alliegence to money and turned their backs on the truth. And now they must pay, head on block.

Now for the articles that lit this particular fuse. [ 1 ] The Toronto setting Sun ran an article about a survey which showed people are becoming more and more unhappy. [ 2 ]  The debt laden Toronto Star had two articles wherein a couple of their scribes [ either stupid or on the take ] said the problems with our electrical system are TOO COMPLEX or TOO CONFUSING for the ratepayers to understand. [ 3 ]  Chris Bentley, Minister of Energy said, ” don’t expect any quick fixes to our electical system “.

ONE – Of course Pierre Peladeau’s Sun news empire [ soon to be just a memory ] does everything it can to upset your day. Those involved in shoveling the rants like Ezra Lerant and Brian Lilley are not about offering the news of the day. They like their employer and the others on the rabid right march to a different drummer. They have an ideology set in stone and every happening no matter how small is measured against that ideology. They and their pals are intolerant / racists biggots. In a democracy the will of the people prevails. Anything that the majority feels has merit will be the flavour of the day no matter what Ezra thinks. If  that majority decides otherwise at some later date then there will be a new flavour of the day. This is the way democracies live. There is built into such a governmental system the ability to respond to the wishes of the majority of the population on a continuing basis. Thus we have a constant battle within democracies between the natural nobility [ the right who know best ] and the people. When the USA broke away from England the framers of their Constitution did not want a repeat of the Royal House. But there was acceptance in the States of the notion of a natural nobility. Exceptional MEN [ no women ] who proved that they had special abilities who should be recognized as people that could play a leadership role. Now ability is the key word but like so many provisions in the US Constitution, they are much talked about but rarely acted upon. What happen is that natural nobility status could be extended to a son even if he was the village idiot. In addition if you had money or stole money you could become a noble. How is this better than having royalty. Over time the number of nobles in the States has proliferated and Canada has followed suit but in a more lady like manner. Thus we have a group of elevated personages in the present whose interests are not the same as the 80% majority. George Bush Jr’s grandfather Prescott Bush was one of the Director [ including Averell Hariman ] of the Union Banking Corp. which had ties to the Thyssen family in Germany. The Company was apparently holding Nazi gold. The US  Government seized the assets of the firm under the, ” Trading with the Enemy Act “. During the rise of Hitler many Republicans were taking German money under the table and a number of businesses were playing both ends against the middle. Like IBM and General Motors. Interestingly at the fall of Dunkirk the English got off the beach along with 100,000 French troops but they left all of their equipment behind. At the time the English Army used Bedford trucks, manufactured by GM, for transportation. On orders, the Bedford drivers drained the oil out of every truck engine, then ran them till they seized up. Thus rendering same inoperable or so the officials thought. GM was also operating in Germany making trucks like the Bedford and making a profit. GM / Germany just supplied Hitler with all the new Bedford engine or parts he needed. Thus hundreds of English trucks were made whole for the Nazis by GM taking blood money. The now Government Motors is still that same Corporation, operating legally, just.  So the Bush family got its’ money from questionable sources and 2 of the Bush boys became Presidents. The older one George H. W. Bush fought in WW11 as a Navy pilot, went into the oil business and became President [ a good noble ]. The younger one hid from his duty in the Vietnam War, went into the oil business, it failed and there was a charge of insider trading, he was put in the President’s office by the right wing Supreme Court and then proceeded to destroy the Country by allowing the bankers and Wall St. to stage a never ending money hoot nanny[ a bad noble ]. The Sun enterprises continually represent the natural nobility point of view. As does the National Post which Peladeau distributes.  Every issue that is covered relates to right wing ideology. Most of the print / talk pertains to how the various elements of our society don’t meet their expectations / ideology as laid out in their little hand book. It is a very small volume actually, 3 pages to be exact. Cut taxes [ of the rich and business ], reduce the size of government [ so that the nobles can do as they please like reducing the number of meat inspectors, something the packing companies just love ] and cut programs [ to the disadvantaged and the people most at risk. Who should expect to pull themselves up by their boot straps like all the sons of the nobles did [ Bush Jr. ].  Peladeau’s operation serves up a steady diet of news and comment based on what the white / right / rich 20% says or wishes. It is a constant assault on the bulk of the citizenry like saying our medicare cost are no sustainable. This is a lie told over and over because the US Health Care industry wants into Canada and is paying big to push the introduction of two-tier. My question to Peladeau. If you sucker punch the population every day of the week with lies and misinformation why are you so concerned about people being unhappy? Typical right wing ploy, say one thing but mean the exact opposite. Herr harper has the forked tongue routine down pat.

The Toronto Star and I have been locked in a battle for years and I have the letters to prove it. My orginal complain was about the nukie propaganda which at times filled the Paper’s  pages. It was technical and mechanical nonsensicalness, like nuclear plants do not emit CO2. Go on the net and look up the USA / EPA. They don’t bullshit. Nuclear plants emit CO2 at a level just below that of nat. gas plants. The Star also repeated [ even to-day ] that Ontario has no more hydro electric sites left. Not true. We have 2200 hydro site available [ based on an inventory done by old Ontario Hydro ]. It is estimated that this Province has 27,000 MWs of hydro both installed and potential. Right now we use a max of 19,000 MWs a day. So as sure as God made little green apples we could do away with ALL OF THE NUCLEAR / COAL /  NATURAL GAS plants and harness Green / clean / cheap KWs that cost  O N E   H A L F   A   C E N T   P E R   K W    H O U R. The reason we can’t access this cheap / clean hydro power is the nukies won’t let us and use  OUR money to bribe the politicians and papers to help not let us. The stuff being reported in the past was just not true. And the Star still isn’t reporting the truth.  To say that the mess we are now in with our electrical system is complex and confusing is partly Star created. Honderich has contributed to the very complexity and the confusion of the situation. As well John has contributed to the mess itself,  mind he has been paid a lot of our money to help make fools of us. The way to fix our electrical system and drop the price of KWs to 10 cents all in, quickly is  TO CREATE AN EDUCATED ELECTORATE THAT IS IMMUNE TO NUKIE / STAR SPIN. Once informed the people can tell the MPPs what they should be doing energywise. We will be having a Provincial election within 18 months. In that time you yourself  have to get up to speed and figure out what is going on. I am willing to help. I have already suggested you write to your MPP about KWS. Please save a copy of your letter. If the Lib /PC MPPs are too wedded to the Party machines to pay attention to your concerns we will use you letter in another venue. One way or another the TIME FOR THE FIX IS NOW. Either we find 55 MPPs who are more interested in the KW plight of the people or we organize and force electricity into the next campaign wherein savy voters will express their will and cause head to roll.

Chris Bentley said, ” he has no quick fix for power problems “. This is just uninformed gibberish happily reported in the Star by my electrically challenged friend John Spears who never questions anyone. John has been copying down all the nukie nonsense for at least 7 or 8 years and no matter how hard I have tried to educate him about the truth his attraction to money, pay cheque  [ no doubt the Star loves the money too ] is a much greater pull. If Spears / the Star and I had gotten down to brass tack years ago Ontario’s economy would be rivalling that of Saskatchewan. Just look at that booming Western Province. Ontario could be doing as well if we had just had that operation in time. You know the removal of the nukie cancer. Don’t expect anything in the way of sympathy from Bentley. He hides from taking action on every important matter. When the heat is on Bentley is the nowhere man. Expect ever increasing hydro bills because the Energy Minister’s foot is on the brake. We ain’t goin nowhere. Chris and the most highly paid secretary in the world [ Laura Formusa / CEO of Hydro One / who makes $ 900,000 plus a year ] met and toured the Leaside Transformer Station.  Beyond suggesting that Ontarians will have to pay much more on their hydro bills there was nothing. So nothing goes into Bentley’s brain where nothing already exists. I wish I had been at that meeting, I could have told the both of then where to go. To hell or told them how to fix our KW system. John Spears should have at least called me for comment. Spear and John Honderich both have had my address and phone number FOR YEAR,  so much for counter comment. That is the reason you hydro bills are so high and heading skyward. The other side of the story and the constant abuse of political power has been censored out. The Nazis could not have done a better job. It is interesting that Saskatchewan is the economic winner in Canada. Ontario has become a ghost Province, actually, the first in our history. And Alberta is soon to follow Ontario’s lead first becoming a-have-not- province. Then a ghost Province like us.  Their markets for nat.gas and and oil have dried up. Maybe Albertans will be able to get by selling cattle, tumbleweed and Wild Rose Party election buttons.

TRAGEDY OF THE COMMON AND THE LAND OF WISHFUL THINKING HAVE REIMPOSED ANOTHER DOSE OF REALITY AND WE DON’T HAVE GEORGE BUSH JR. AROUND TO BAIL US OUT   —  Both Aristotle [ 322 / 384 BC ] and Thueydides [ 395 / 460 BC ]  showed concerns about those assets held by the citizens in common. There was recognition of human behaviour in that there are some who will take more than their fair share even though in the end taking more out than you put in endangers the whole. Apparently there is an inability of some to connect the dots. This automatically means such people are living in the land of make believe.  9000 banks in the USA were involved in subprime mortgages. The name applies to people who are weak credit risks. In the past these people were denied mortgages. So the entire housing stock in America was owned by credit worthy people [ well on paper, anyway ]. But the system did work even if the odd person suffered the shorts or fell on hard times. Even in normal tough economic times the stock of homes for sale never reached the critical level of 20 %. In 1931 the Canadian Government outlawed the foreclosing of houses. Landlord were stuck with people paying what they could. However the amount of the purchase price remained the same even if it took longer to pay the thing off. The interest rate was very low. But in a truth this measure ensured that the landlords too were protected as the valuation of real estate here fell very little from 1930 to 1940. In the USA the situation in 2005 was similar but different in 3 ways. Banks could lend money on houses but did not have to keep the debt on their own books. They didn’t have any skin in the game so to speak. Since the banks made fat fees bundling mortgages into investment certificates the credit worthiness of  buyers was of little concern. The standard financial requirement forms were ignored. Many such forms were devoid of important information such as did the applicant have a job? Or have any resources?  Or what was his / her credit history? The main requirements were, whether the applicant was breathing and would stay alive until the mortgage became legal. The other problem is in the fact that US Governments must never ever interfere with business. Business is a holy shrine worshipped at by the right and Republicans. Let the, ” Invisible Hand “,of the market prevail. This self destructive mantra is all wrong but the nobles have turned it into a myth. And it is sacrilegious for us to question same. Adam Smith’s expression about the, ” markets “, has been hijacked by the right to use in justifying the rape of our pocket books and to use as a blunt weapon to beat us over the heads with if we don’t heel. George Bush Jr. was too dumb to understand that the more than 20% of the mortgages granted from 2000 on were subprime and that they had the potential to destroy the Country. a ticking time bomb. At that time 80% of the wealth of the USA was tied up in real estate. That valuation has dropped to just over 40%. The Nation faced another problem. If  G. Bush Jr. had understood the ticking time bomb his Republican pals would never have let him impose a moritorium on bank foreclosures. Their ideology doesn’t allow for such things. Their ideology doesn’t permit making a temporary repair to the dam even after it springs a leak. The ideology of the right doesn’t allow outside opinions to be voiced nor is any Republican allowed to try to connect the dots. Dot connecting will take the right places it doesn’t want to go, like fix social problems. Republican ideology accepts that will fall by the wayside if the market doesn’t work, even if they are pals. This failure by the losers has to be accepted as a price to be paid by believers who play in this superior market system. If real life intervenes as things did during the dot / com bubble of 2002 or the subprime fiasco of 2006 then as far as the right is concerned they will blame it on the Democrats, poor people buying homes they could not afford or the dog. Republican NEVER ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR MISTAKES.  Thinking you can play God as the Republicans have tried to do has left America prostrate and at the mercy of others, namely China. What Adam Smith meant when he wrote that bit about the invisible market related to the buying habits of the public and the manner of businesses around in his time [ 1723 / 1790 ]. He counselled businessmen to view the market as invisible and to expect surprises. The invisible hand does not relate to some mystical / religous happening as Wall St. would have us believe.  Don’t engage in wishful thinking he said.  Say there are 1000 potential customers. How many will buy hats, of what type and what colour?  Will blue win out or red?  What affect will advertising have on the sale of hats? And so on. And so it is. The ad media to-day doesn’t want the advertisers to know how successful ads are. Years ago an advertisers used code words in ads like [ drawer 22 ] to gauge a response. The media didn’t like that. They wanted advertisers to be in the dark and in fear of losing out if ads were not placed. The net offers advertisers the exact response to ads and ads can be placed to capture a target market. If you offer recreational accomodation on water all you have to do is advertise on net sites that relate to boats or canoes. It is little wonder that the ad media is slipping away. The papers here feed us advertiser / right wing propaganda and Canadians aren’t buy it. The net offers advertisers a bigger bang for their buck. So these fair weather friends [ ad people ] for which the media has told a million lies have found another,a younger more exciting gal to party with. But the advertiser will find this gal can bite, she will be more difficult to control. Spinning things will be much more difficult and there is plenty of counter comment. The net is a hostile environment in which the best rises to the top and the truth prevails. To win this race participants must actually run the race not ride on the bus. And dishonesty won’t fly. In terms of the common, the best known of these was in England. The manors would have a certain grazing area that could be used by everybody. But limits were set as to how many sheep each family could put on the common. It is obvious that any such are could only support a certain number of sheep before the grass was all gone. then all the sheep would die. The management was obligated to enforce the limit. Those sneaking extra sheep onto the common might lose their right to enter. What troubled Aristotle was the nature of some men to abuse the common and how that would be prevented. In England the system worked quite well and eventually estates were broken up into individual farms wherein family could raise sheep on their own land. The common has remained with us and to-day takes different forms. Our hospitals, schools, roads, utilities, public buildings and the like constitute assets commonly held by the citizenry. We still face greedy and irresponsible people who who do not fulfill their obligations to the rest of us. If someone spray paints the wall of a school we all suffer and the culprit should be punished. Couriers like Canada Post, FED EX, UPS, Shred-It etc block our main streets with abandon thereby contributing mightily to the gridlock problem in Toronto. They are not ticketed by the City but if the abuse is witnessed by the public a Parking Ticket Fairy will issue a summons for show. Then a round the corner the courier throws the summons in the garbage. Thus the City allows the roads that belong to us all to be used to make money while it imposes costs and onconvenience on the majority The couriers are putting too many sheep on the common and at a price we all have to pay. The managers of the common, the City Council is turning a blind eye to abuse by the couriers and putting stress on the common. I offered to spend a week with Mayor Ford driving around Toronto to show him how gridlock could be reduced by 25%, roughly. In the USA,  Bush and the Republican withdrew for active management of the common and told the banks and Wall St. to go for it. Take as much as you want said they. I visualize the frenzy that followed like a pack of wolves devouring a dead carcass. What remains is there for the world to see, the remain of America. This assault on the Yankee common invited by Bush and the Republicans spilled over into the EU. For ten years Goldman Sachs loaned money  [ $ 1 billion ] under the table to Greece to pad its’ bank account. This allowed Greece to get into the EU. It gave Greece a EU credit card which allowed even more irresponsible borrowing. So in declaring open hunting season on Americans by the banks and the Streeters Bush /Republicans also allowed the breeching of the EU common. This criminal activity by Goldman Sachs and others has pretty well done a number on Europe. Herr Harper is now trying to open Canada’s common to US interests, the American Health Care industry, the grain industry, the oil business, the tar sands [ Keystone ], private electric companies, newspapers, [ Nat. Post ] banking, insurance etc. We have laws pertaining to such activities but if you look closely Harper is watering them down or circumventing them. Canada’s common is still pretty much intact. The Federal Government isn’t protecting our common so we will have to protect it ourselves. EXPECT NO HELP FROM THE OLD LINE MEDIA. They make their money helping Harper tear little chunks of the Country off at a time. The media in other circumstances would be considered enemies of the state. In June 1940 Winston Churchill move under Regulation 18 B. Anyone suspected of undermining England was picked up and many were jailed including the Nazi pretender, Oswald Mosely and his wife. A case could be made that the Canadian media [ excluding the CBC ] is undermining the Country by circulating propaganda, lies, misinformation and censoring news for money. This is a matter for urgent consideration by you. If we fail to protect our society then those who are still around after the collapse can look back and it will be all to clear why the end came. We followed the Americans into the grave.

Catch you next time   —   Ken                                                     LAOCOON

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