Posts Tagged NO2TRUDEAU


If you read me on a regular basis, you know I get my net news from the CBC, BBC, PBS and the Guardian UK / USA. On the financial side, I get info from Wolf Street, stuff the the Globe and Tar doesn’t dare talk about. They’d lose all of those stock tout / financial adviser advertisements. On the personal level I follow Chantal Hebert. For Western news I catch David Climenhaga and his Dav’s comments are important to me because I get the story of the West right from the horse’s mouth so to speak. The West is dominated by Paul Godfrey’s PostMediocre papers which I get free here in Toronto. I love it! Free lunch on the righties, love it! Every day I compare what info I have collected from my sources and compare it with what’s in Godfrey’s rag. It is amazing how far Westerners are being led astray. For example, did you know that Russ Girling is selling the Keystone idea to Americans on the basis that it is designed to carry Alberta water to Texas as well as carry the shiny black shit that blows up. On the Prairies the snow melts, the water runs downhill into Alberta via rivers that then flow into Saskatchewan. Under the Canada Water Agreement, Albert and Saskatchewan split that water 50 / 50. The plan is, when the rightpublicanazis take over this Country the Keystone will take the Rockies water to Texas and Brad Wall’s Saskatchewan will get SWEET FUCK ALL. Saskatchewan has a population of 1.3 million and Texas has 26 million. Under the Yankee flag the people in Saskatchewan will have no say at all. Imagine no water in Saskatchewan, it will become a desert just like California is turning into. Girling is in pursuit of money and the people of Saskatchewan just don’t count. Off into the future, people will ask why those in Saskatchewan voted for Harper, only to lose their water rights and have their environment turn into a dust bowl. How could they be that stupid??? Well they do have a couple of excuses. Lyin Steve lied to them. Russ Girling lied to them. And Paul Godfrey was aid big money to regurgitated all of those lies and more in print. Of course the business community just loves Paul Godfrey. I recognition of Paul’s contribution to Canadian business, Bennett Jones, one of this Country’s premier law firms [ self anointed ] and Caldwell Partners, a US consulting firm, awarded Godfrey CEO of 2015. All the PostMediocre papers do is publish lies, misinformation, create confusion and anxiety, spin stuff as well as acting as the bulletin board for the right wing in the USA. Oh yes, the boys at Bennett and Caldwell have standards for the CEO Award, Vision, Leadership, Corporate Performance, Global Competitiveness, Innovation and Social Responsibility. Now let’s rank Godfrey. VISION, Paul has none. He manages a newspaper empire that is dying and that is controlled from Wall Street. If Canada survives as a democracy the National Post IS DEAD HAVING SHOT ITS’ BOLT ON A LOSING HARPER. If the rightpublicanazis win, their media will just move in and the Post will no longer be required. LEADERSHIP, well I guess so. Godfrey is leading us into the arms of the Americans. CORPORATE PERFORMANCE, surely this is an inside Bennett / Caldwell joke. When Conrad Black, listed by our Nazi media as a leading Canadian businessman sold the National Post, he had lost $ 210 million of stockholder’s money. Godfrey and Wall Street friends bought the bankrupt Post and it has lost money every quarter since that time. But our media will not tell you that. Of course Black in no longer a Canadian citizen. If Harper wins the Conman will be let back in. If Canada continues as a democracy Black and his Lady will be sent packing. Good riddance. The only talent Conrad has, is stealing other people’s money. GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS, now this is real funny. Godfrey pays his Wall Street masters more than $ 300 million in interest each year. This is highway robbery and just another transfer of Canadian wealth to the Yankees. Every time a homegrown toadstool buys a Post paper, some of their money goes to American writers, PR people and Wall Street. Godfrey’s entire team is being paid to subjugate this Nation and turn us into serfs. Some CEO??? Interestingly, Bennett Jones and Caldwell Partners US picked Pat Daniel as CEO of the year in 2011. Pat had just engineered the biggest spill of Alberta Tar mixed with lethal Benzine ever in 2010 in Kalamazoo Mich. For 2 weeks after the spill Daniel continued to claim it was oil that spilled. Daniel kept telling lies day after day until Pat made himself look ridiculous. The real story finally came out with the North American Nazi media being put into a very difficult space. The Media was being paid big money by Enbridge to make this story go away. More than 500 people were directly affect by the Benzine killer fumes. In 2013 there were still about 175 people under doctor’s care, no doubt some of them were ruined financially. But our boy Pat Daniel got a fat severance. CEO of the year remember. 19 people had died but the reasons for the deaths was never recorded. A cloud of Benzine fumes travel down the river valley for 50 miles, making hundreds more sick, burning eye and heaving chests. Enbridge paid enough money to the Nazi media to bury the news about this poisonous cloud. People so affected complained to officials about breathing problems and vomiting. Pat’s workers told residents that it was nothing to worry about. I wonder how many of those people suffered permanent health problems? The Nazi media never investigated. Enbridge hired private security guards to patrol the Kalamazoo spill site, this to intimidate those whose lives have been ruined. Enbridge has dragged its’ feet on the Kalamazoo cleanup. Some water ways are still closed. For this Pat Daniel was awarded CEO of the Year by Bennett Jones and Caldwell Partners US. But the Bennett / Caldwell boys, women would not be this stupid and uncaring, next year presents a problem for the boys. Will their next CEO champ or chump be, the head of Volkswagen or the head of FIFA? In terms of their standard for CEO of the year, Bennett Jones / Caldwell Partners US are just funning us AREN’T THEY???

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Canada is a mosaic not a melting pot like the USA. Herr Harper’s intent is to make all of us riff raff into 32 million pieces of the Nietzsche Myth’s ignorant mob. This supposed plan of the assemblage of a right wing society was taught to Steve at the University of Calgary, a branch plant of the University of Chicago. Pierre Trudeau held that Canada was a model to the world and it security was based on the ideals of democracy, one man / woman / one vote /, living under a constitution that is based on the rule of law and a high respect for minorities which is incumbent on the majority to honour. This is the Canada that existed before Harper stole and cheated his way to power on a tide of money from the American oil monopoly located in Houston. If Canada is taken from us it would be interesting to do research on how much the oilies paid for this Country??? Since that time Harper, his pal Preston Manning and Calgary U have done everything possible to destroy our democracy. On October 19 / 15 Canadians will get to judge if they want the rightpublicanazis to take over and continue to tear down our society. Thus rendering us a petro state and a satellite of the USA? Presently Canada permits its’ citizens to both live together and to live apart. If the oilies take control we will have little say about our life choices. If Harper orders people to the cattle cars on their way to the ovens, there will be no back talk permitted. Those who can’t move fast enough will feel the sting of Jenni Byrnes’ whip.

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If you care to look up, ” Lame duck politician “, you will see it applies to Herr Harper. After Lyin Steve called the Election he becomes a caretaker PM. His job is reduced to keeping the the place swept out, making sure the windows are closed and the front door locked. Harper has no authority to make any deals with anybody. But if there is one thing the rightpublicanazis are good at is taking what they want, when they want it. The majority on the right are sociopaths like Harper, manning and Conrad Black. Various behaviours confirm that they are Sociopathic. No insight is one. Another is no empathy for others. Perpetual lying is another. Controlling others for personal gain is another, in other words bullying people. Bullies survive because there are far too many folks who cave in. This only encourages bullying. Interestingly we as a society try to stop bullying in our schools but we put up with the bullying of the Harper Fascists. And our Nazi press supports the position of the bullies and is well paid for the doing. My response to bullies throughout my life is to kick him in the nuts or other maneuvers. If Canada is lost to us on October 19 / 15 and the USA oil monopoly does take control, my thoughts will turn to barbarism. I want the RCHP to be clear about where I am coming from. This Nation will not bow to Fascist without a battle.
The Trans Pacific Partnership is an exercise in putting the finishing touches to corporate globalization about which the world Nazi media only has good to say. THE GOOD PART THEY TALK ABOUT REGARDING THE TPP HAS BEEN BOUGHT AND PAID FOR. The promise of increased trade is a pure fantasy. The trade part is fluff. It is a matter of the leaders of various countries giving away the people’s sovereignty to corporations. This world takeover is being pushed by the leadership of the USA. The rich and powerful right wing has just about drained all the wealth from the American people and is looking for more suckers on a world wide basis. The few people who are involved with giving the Canada’s sovereignty under the TPP are in it for the money, like Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and Conrad Black. This is what we face if the TPP is signed and the oilies and Harper steal the coming election. For example, the Town of Stouffville, Ont. is the home of a multinational corporation. The suits running the corp. decide they can increase profits by dumping their untreated toxic waste in the river that runs through Town. Souffville Council passes a By-Law ordering the corporation to cease and desist dumping their waste into the river. Our corporation can just ignore the Council under TPP. If the Mayor and Councilors take any kind of action, the corporation can take the matter to a Board set up by the multinationals themselves. This is sort of like the right wing staging the leadership debates and installing rightie moderators at the behest of Herr Harper. Lyin Steve has no problem with having his friends installed as referees. So Harper has no problems signing the TPP pact wherein the corporation’s Kangaroo Court can say to the Stouffville Council, you have cost Corporation BBB a million dollars in potential profits by stopping the dumping of toxic waste into the local river. The corporation Kangaroo Court can assess the Town a million dollar fine plus costs / interest and the people of Stouffville have no recourse but to pay up. If the people in the Town protest tough shit. The world corporation Kangaroo Court will be able to use the Ontario Court System to extract the million bucks from Stouffville easy peasy. No matter if the people of Stouffville vote against being screwed by the global multinational, that vote will have no standing. If the citizens of Ontario hold a vote in opposition to the folks of Stouffville being screwed, the provincial vote will have no standing. If Canadians take a vote in protest against the screwing of the Town of Stouffville in the Province, that vote will have no standing. Under TPP, what has happen in Alberta, where there are now 175 square km of toxic tailing ponds created by the oilies in Houston, can happen anywhere in the Country and the citizenry WILL HAV NO SAY PERIOD. The US multinationals have a two pronged plan. Corporation will be able to do as they wish in pursuit of profits in this Country and the public will have no say. If a lot of people like me raise a stink the corporation Kangeroo Court can make a finding against us and take everything we have. So the multinationals make money no matter which way the wind blowing. The ideal situation will be when enough countries have been made examples of with this provision in the TPP, the ignorant mob will just fall silent and be happy with the Benzine in their drinking water. The ongoing clean up at Kalamazoo, where Enbridge dumped a million gallons of the shiny black shit that blows up, would never have happened under TPP. If the victims who lived along the Kalamazoo River has protested violently because they could not breath, the armed private security guards hired by Enbridge to replace the local police would have just shot the trouble makers and dumped them into a common pit. When did we see mass murder like that happening, under the Nazis is the answer. Once your vote becomes meaningless, anything is possible. I said to-day, to someone about the coming Election. I fear that too many complacent Canadians are sleep walking into the rightpublicanazi trap. Harper and his Fascist jackboots are everyday dishing out lies and propaganda via the Postmediocre papers, the Globe and Tar, CTV and Global [ not the CBC ]. Coming to one’s senses AFTER the gate of the concentration camp gate clangs shut is a mite too late. But when you think about it, docile people deserve to be led around by the nose. In that way they can’t get into trouble or protest the destruction of their environment???

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If you read me you are aware of my research into the mind of the rabid right wing. The question is how can people living in a so called democracy be dedicated to undermine said democracy yet have everything remain the same. In the USA there are more than 300 million citizens who would never accept what the right is up to if they knew what was really going on. It is obvious that the right has fabricated a fantasy which is on display every day in the Nazi press. The problem is that human nature and mother nature will never bow to the rightie fantasy. The TPP is just one part of this fantasy. When this fantasy and the real world collided all of the millions who are on the losing end of the stick will not be amused. What do 10 million righties do in the face of 330 million irate Americans??? Since the right wing is made up of Sociopaths and small brain drones , it has never occurred to the righties that their flawed fantasy could make 300 million plus very angry. Republicans have said over the years,” If we can’t have America then nobody shall “. These comments seemed to have passed by the Nazi media without notice. It is as if regular Americans do not believe what the Republicans are saying. The Repubs mean, if they can’t run things they will blow the place up. The Yankees who want to remain free, ignore such comments at their peril. Does anyone in a democracy have the right to speak such nonsense? THE ANSWER IS NO! Of course not. The are two paths forward. Either the 300 million Americans destroy [ as in eliminate ] the lunatic right wing and return to democratic governance, meaning the WILL OF THE MAJORITY. Or. The loonies on the right will destroy the Country, they are well along on accomplishing that goal at this very moment. Since Herr Harper stole his way to power on the back of oilie money, ten years ago, I have been trying to get into his skull. I don’t think there is anything up there. Oh yes, Harpie is very intelligent and crafty but in a sterile way. If Lyin Steve was stuck on a desert island he die in 2 weeks. He creates nothing but lives like a parasite of others. The American oil monopoly in its’ constant need to for petroleum reserves is after controlling Canada as it tried to do with OPEC, Iran, Venezuela and Iraq. Compared to the lot, this Country has been a pushover. The Republicans have a history of stealing elections and are only too happy to help the oilies. Many of the elites in Canada have bought into this Nation becoming a petro state. Conrad Black, David Thomson, Paul Godfrey, Preston Manning and the management of the University of Calgary are among those getting to play in the big league and getting rich in the doing. The truth is they are all little leaguers and what they are selling, Canada, is not theirs to sell. But like all whimps they are selling us out on the sly. When the bullets started to fly in Parliament Harper ran to find a cupboard and hid. While his Fascist caucus face the threat of gunfire Harper was in with the mops and brooms. This chickenshit theme runs through the entire right wing. Of course Harper did not invent the rightie ideology which is at the centre of his universe. It came from a small group of American ideologs who are sympathetic to Nazism. Throughout my writings I have compared the moves Herr Harper makes with those of Hitler. In the Fuhrer’s case he just got on with the job of doing evil things. Rather, Lyin Steve is doing evil things behind the scenes. That is why it is so important for the oilies / Harper to control the Nazi media Postmediocre papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, CTV and Global [ not the CBC the remaining source of the truth in Canada ] [ even TVO has succumbed, it is the propaganda bulletin board for the Ontario Liberals ]. If Harper and his Repub friends are successful in stealing Canada’s democracy you will see both the CBC and the CRTC disappear into the mists of history. After that Canadians will have to get by without being privy to the truth. After that Canadians will have to live day by day, never knowing if there will be a knock on the door in the night. I traveled back before Harper and Manning, even before the University of Chicago set up its’ branch plan here, the University of Calgary. The only places in the world where the Nietzsche Myth got traction was in Germany and the USA. Nietzsche’s pitch was that there are two classes of citizens. A small group of self proclaimed exceptionalists and the rest, the Overman and the Underman. All Calgary University’s students are taught to be Overman. Friedrich Nietzsch actually stole this idea of there being 2 classes of people, from Max Stirner, a German who fancied himself a philosopher. Max died when Fred was 10. Elizabeth Forster – Nietzsche, a German nationalist, an Overwoman and an antisemite, bought her brother’s estate from their mother in 1893. At that time Fred, in a vegetable state was propped up in a chair on the second floor awaiting death from Syphilis. Liz saw the opportunity of using her brothers limited notoriety as a meal ticket and a platform for her extreme views. At the time, the 1900s, women were to be seen and not heard. But she saw that she could hide behind her brother’s image to promote her own views. All of the material we now see as being from Friedrich Nietzsche has the hand of Elizabeth all over it. When Nietzsche was introduced to America in translations by H. L. Mencken it was the voice of Liz that H. L. was translating. What the US righties seized upon was the extreme German views and the Overman / Underman idea. Most all of the rightie saints were Germans with a Nietzsche tinge, Austrian School of Economics [ which never existed ], Ludwig von Mises, Leo Strauss, Martin Heidegger, Friedrich Hayek and Walter Kaufmann. Even though the right wing in the USA had examples of self appointed exceptionalists, I was taken by the fact that all of the above anti democratic people were embraced so warmly by some Americans living in a supposed democracy. If one believes that there are Overmen and Undermen then the idea of democracy has to be thrown out the window. The minority exceptionalists, who view the larger population as the ignorant mob are therefore committed to making sure what occurs is a democracy with its’ nuts cut out. So as the ignorant mob attempts to build a better life, the righties work to see that better life never actually comes true. This subversive work has to be done in the shadows, out of sight of the larger population, on the QT, thus the CIVITAS Secret Subversive Society is summoned each year by Preston Manning to do the plotting. Outsiders are not welcome, not even Canadians. The only folk allowed to be in on the plotting are self anointed rightie exceptionalists from this Country as well as rightpublicanazis. Our Nazi media makes not a mention about Civitas activities. Andrew Coyne, a stenographer for the Post papers attends Civitas mrrtng but he keeps the deliberations a secret. Imagine writing for Paul Godfrey’s rag with the full knowledge of what is being plotted but not writing about it. The fact that a secret right wing club actually exists should be scary in and of itself. This reminds me of the Wannsee Conference, held in Nazi Germany in January 1942 at which various operatives in Hitler’s Government met to plot THE FINAL SOLUTION. The world was being told the exact opposite. In a democracy there is no place for secret societies. In terms of the acceptance of the idea of Overmen and Undermen by the general American public was baffling to me. H. L. Mencken as a writer had a large following but he didn’t have than much clout? The same is true of Friedrich Nietzsche. He was known in Germany based on a few scribblings. Fred was only lifted out of obscurity by his sister Liz? I believe I have found the answer.

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From 1815 onward the Germans living in various countries in central Europe began to fear for their future on a divided continent. German writers of the time, pushed the idea that they as a people they were superior to their neighbours. Into this pro German movement Fred Nietzsche was born. It was apparent that the way to secure their future Germans had to join together and take what they wanted by force if necessary. Friedrich’s written output therefore doesn’t seem far out of place in the 1850 environment. Fred seems to be one of many Otto von Bismark pushed for reunification of Germany through war, he made a famous speech called Iron and Blood in 1849. There was a War with Denmark which Bismark won. There was a War with Austria which Bismark won. Then Bismark picked a fight with France in 1870 / 71 and when the Germans were at the gates of Paris the French sued for peace. Apparently this was the ideal time for Nietzsche to be selling the Overman / Underman idea. Syphilis began to take its’ toll on Fred. He never wrote anything after 1976, his secretary Heinrich Koselitz [ Peter Gast ] took dictation and to some degree Heinrich put his own stamp on Nietzsche’s scribblings. In 1893 Elizabeth picked up the ball and with Heinrich’s help formalized her brother’s output with a view to promoting German exceptionalism. By the time that Mencken came across the German books under Friedrich’s name, it was Elizabeth who had published them. In 1907, when Henry L. translated some of Liz’s books, the cry in support of German nationalism had grown much louder. In his translations, Mencken added his own interpretation to what was no more that a Nietzsche Myth 25 years on from the time Friedrich was doing his noodling. It has been said by people who have scanned the Myth material edited by Liz that there are rich pickings. There is enough for everyone to make what they want of the myth. This fits perfectly the practice by the USA right wing to continue to add to their fantasy. What Mencken gave to the righties was the ability to claim that the Overmen and Undermen theory was legitimate because it had been handed down from on high by the famous German philosopher Fred Nietzsche. The obscure Max Stirner wrote about the Overman and the Underman in the 1830s just after the German people began to agitate for a unified Country. By 1907, when Mencken made the scene the Nietzsche Myth of the Overman / Underman was rapped in a much bigger package, a strong feeling of German superiority, the Aryan race nonsense, Antisemitism, lesser races were detailed and an outline of the struture of a civilization to take all these attribute to
even greater heights. Within 7 years of H. L. beginning the translations of Elizabeth Nietzsche’s books the Kaiser joined with the Austro – Hungarian Empire to invade Serbia in July 1914. Kaiser Whilhelm II pushed the very old and reluctant Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria Hungary into the First World War because the Kaiser had bought into this German exceptionalism hooey, as had many of his subject who were spoiling for a fight. Any fight. But the Kaiser was so exceptional, that he wanted someone else to start his War. Like so many others on the right Whilhelm was a chickenshit, Harper comes to mind. Germany was defeated in the 1st War but the Country itself was not devastated. The we are Germans and we are exceptional state of mind continued after 1918. Germans came to view their loss as being someone else’s fault. They should have been victorious. The attempt to turn Germany into a democracy was impossible from the get go. Germans had never lived in a democracy and the Weimar Republic government was modeled after others in western countries. After the drum, drum, drum of German exceptionalism heard for 80 years, surrendering to the French, British and American in 1918 did not cool their fires. Having a foreign governmental system imposed on them plus the demands for reparations by the allies set up the emergence of Adolf Hitler. Who too was schooled in the Nietzsche Myth and German superiority. About 6 million Germans had emigrated to the USA from 1820 to 1900 and totaled about 15% of the Country’s population of 70 million. Mencken’s translations of the the Nietzsche Myth found a receptive audience. During the first War many Germans in the US supported the Kaiser and worked to keep the Country out of the War. In the 1920s /30s Germans kept their heads down and tried to hide their identity. In the late 1930s Hitler cultivated Germans in the USA to again keep the Country out of the looming WW II. Once the War started most Germans went back to hiding their origins. Interestingly, H. L. Mencken, born in America, one of the Nations great writer, sided with the Kaiser in WW One and sided with Hitler in the Second War. Henry L. was an Antisemetic. Mencken’s sympathies with the Nazis ended his writing career. But those of German ancestry in the USA [ 1907 / 1940 were not sufficient enough to explain why so many American were attracted by the Nietzsche Myth that began to spread before the First War. In my opinion there is another reason.

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At the very beginning of the United State the malignant cancer cells were inserted by the Founding Father. First off, in the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, he wrote the following, ” We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness “. However at that same instant, Jefferson and his wife Martha, owned about 150 slaves. In 1782, after Martha died, Thomas began screwing her Black half sister Sally Hemings, this liaison produced about 6 children who increased Jefferson’s holdings. For Thomas, fornication came at no cost, he made money while getting it off. Martha’s father shacked up with a slave after her mother died. Sally came from this union and eventually Martha inherited all of her fathers slaves. So Martha Jefferson had within her household her Black half sister. This seems strange to me, Jefferson was writing such high and mighty stuff about equality during the period that the US broke from England, yet he and his wife were surrounded by 150 unequal slaves. At the very first utterances about the New Nation the lying started. In the Constitution there is not mention of, ” all men are created equal “. Rather the Constitution required the separate States to, ” guarantee equal protection under the law “. As we know, some States paid no attention to that provision even up to the present day. The Blacks in the south were prevented from taking advantage of the laws of the land to gain equality. The western State saw nothing wrong with ignoring the provisions of agreements made with native Americans, if said provisions proved inconvenient. This is the path Herr Harper takes. He only abides by laws which benefit his Fascists aims. The main thrust of the States in the west early on, was the Final Solution. Namely, wiping native Americans from the face of the earth. The Mexicans, Hawaiians and Filipinos were also dished out some unequal treatment by the USA. Americans hold their Constitution high, as an example of their exceptionalism but the majority do not live by its’ provisions. The US Supreme Court is the arbiter of inequality. Their decisions always favour the rich and powerful. The Constitution which is so frequently mentioned by the Justices is selectively mined in order to protect the privileged. Canada’s Supreme Court has no such failing and it drives Lyin Steve bonkers. Thrown into the democratic mix is the fact that the States control the national voting in the USA. Over time, as the Republican base shrinks in the face of the increase in the minorities population count, the Repub State Governments have started to cheat and suppress votes. There is an old Republican saying, ” If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying “. Harper has imported the standard Repub cheating, dirty tricks and voter suppression into this Country. Right under the noses of Paul Godfrey and David Thomson, they never seed nutin. Not seeing things paid the boys very well. Harpie has challenged Elections Canada at every turn as well as cutting the agency’s budget. Elections Canada is the only agency separating our citizenry from tyranny. Back in Jefferson’s time the founding Fathers were concerned about pure democracy, the will of the majority could prove to be a danger? To load the dice a smidge, it was decided by the Fathers to give exceptional people a free ticket to pass GO. Exceptional people, who come along from time to time, should be able to avoid having to mess with the political game and getting elected. My problem with this idea is who decides if a person is qualified to be rated exceptional. Now the USA has always had a cornerstone based on a strong god. It is kind of a toss up between the Catholic Church and the States as to who is closer to god? I’m leaning here to the Yanks. The Americans are so clear on this god subject that I think they probably have HIS or HER street address and phone number. I guessing that the Pope only knows which county HE or SHE lives in? If we accept that sometimes exceptional people are born and are so important to a society that we shouldn’t force them to waste time, seeking supporters, raising money, get a campaign office, assembling an election team and participating in endless debates. I think it is reasonable to whisk them to the head of the line. But when the exceptional person dies that designation should die with him or her. But in America every exceptional person with a family has been able to pass on the exceptional person designation to his sons. So in the case of an exceptional person having a village idiot for a son like Georgie Bush Jr., the whole idea comes apart at the seams. Fortunately during the 1800s, the pursuit of political office was frowned upon by the families of the rich exceptionalists in the USA. Thus the potential damage was very limited. However 1845 is the year that the States begins its’ descent to ruin. John L. O’Sullivan [ 1813 / 1895 ], a writer of note, took issue with the 1845 Boundary Dispute between England and the USA. O’Sullivan wrote that god had given the Yanks THE RIGHT to spread republican democracy over the land, something he felt England could not do. This was only 25 years after the USA had failed in its’ invasion of Canada in 1812. John insisted that England’s claims in North America should ignored. This case is similar to the Germans refusing to accept the outcome of WW One. O’Sullivan claimed Manifest Destiny, was a moral ideal which was of a higher law to replace all other considerations. It just so happened that the States which had lost the War of 1812. Thus John and others, thought they could use alternate means to take over Canada. After all, the exceptional Americans had a direct link to god which no others had and their hearts were purer. O’Sullivan proposed that settlers crowd into the Oregon Territory which included Oregon, Washington, Idaho, BC and most of Alberta, half way up to Alaska. After which the settlers could seek to join the USA as a State. John’s ploy did not work. In 1846, the US and England signed the Oregon Treaty which established the 49th parallel as the Border with all of Vancouver Island remaining in Canada. Both the USA and England did not want to fight another war over an obscure piece of territory which mainly known for fur trading. But this idea of US settlers flooding the west coast of the Pacific was one of the many concerns of Sir John A. Macdonald. He pushed for the building of the CPR to connect Eastern Canada with BC. The initial plan was for the line to cross mid Prairies and then through the Rockies to the sea. Sir John said NO. Put the line as close to the border as possible. His opponents were many. As with to-day, there are people like Harper who never accomplish anything or BUILT ANYTHING. HARPIE THE FIRST will go into the history books as being someone who destroyed everything he touched. We we know if this includes Canada come October. During the final days of building the CPR, the money began to run out. Sir John was getting desperate. On the stretch across Northern Ontario there was a road and little patches of track. In 1874 Macdonald had created the North West Mounted Rifles to police unrest among the Aboriginals and American incursions into Canada across the 49th. He changed the name for fear of raising the ire of the First People and the American. The force became the North West Mounted Police although it was actually a cavalry unit fashioned after the British Army. The initial contingent was over 300 men with 25 Officers. They traveled across the US west by train, then crossed the Border into Alberta. When the Rebellion with Louis Riel started the NWMP was hard pressed to deal with the uprising. Parliament was up in arms over this assault on Canada, a new nation less than 20 years old. William Van Horne was Superintendent of the fledgling CPR. The solution to the Riel Rebellion was to get troops to Saskatchewan to aid the outnumbered NWMP. Van Horne, CEO, told Macdonald that he could have the Canadian Army on site in about two weeks. Van Horne who had been in the railway business all his life had moved soldiers and their gear during the American Civil War. There was about 100 miles of track missing in a few locations north of Superior. Van Horne had wagons there used for railway construction. March 26 / 1885 was the date of the first battle Riel provoked. Four days later, our Army was on the move. In a little more that a week some of the Canadian Army numbering 8000, had already reached the Prairies. Their supplies were carried by wagon north of Superior while the soldiers marched across the gaps. By July 2 / 1885 the shooting was over. During the earlier Red River Rebellion in 1870 it took our troops 3 month to reach the Prairies, traveling by water. The Americans would not allow the Canadian Army under Colonel Wolseley on their soil. I believe the US Government still had designs on Canada and that they felt our prairies offered the back door which could be used for conquest. They were not going to make it any easier for this Country to defend the WEST. I think the Fenian Raids from 1866 to 1871 set Macdonald’s teeth on edge. Many of the Irish American Civil War Veteran’s who fought for the North, had too much time on their hands after the hostilities ceased. The Irish Brotherhood was formed to carry on the conflict between their home Country and England. Why not invade Canada and hold it a bargaining chip in the Ireland / English tussle? Fenian is derived from the Gaelic Fianna, which means roving bands of young warriors looking for a fight. The Fenian raids were sneak attacks made all along the Canadian border, this, just as our new Country of Canada was being stitched together. New Brunswick was attacked in April 1866. Politicians in that Province had been iffy about Canada. 700 Fenians arrived in NB without notice. The Royal Navy and British Regulars numbering about a thousand men descended on the Fenians who took flight. New Brunswickers decided overnight that this Canada idea was not so bad after all. Next on the target for the Fenians was Fort Erie in Ontario and Pidgeon Hill in Quebec. About 1500 Fenians crossed the Niagara River and conducted a suprise attacked at Ridgeway. The toll was 15 Canadians killed, 94 wounded. Eight Fenians were killed and 20 wounded. In response, a large force of British Regulars and Canadian Militia were ordered to move on the area. The Fenians couldn’t run fast enough. A motley crew from the Irish Brotherhood, numbering a thousand men invaded Quebec and occupied Pigeon Hill and various small towns on June 7 / 1866. By June 8th, the British army and Canadian Militia had engaged the Fenians who folded and then surrendered. The Fenian raids, in each case, began on American soil. Washington did as little as possible to interfere with the Fenians. Some in the US Government were quite happy to continue to harass Canada through a third party while claiming clean hands which was a lie. You can see this in the background of the courses offered by the University of Calgary, like its’ parent, the University in Chicago, students ARE TAUGHT TO LIE, LIE AND THEN LIE AGAIN. Many Yankees thought, if life in OUR COUNTRY could be disrupted, Canada might end up being easy pickings for such an exceptional people who’s Manifest Destiny was to own all of the North American continent. The Fenian raids lasted for about 5 years but the threat continued until 1890 until after the CPR was completed right along the 49th parallel from coast to coast, as Sir John A. had insisted upon. During the late 1870s a very large group of Fenians assembled in the Oregon territory. The plan was to take BC by force. The Americans looked the other way although they had just signed a boundary Treaty with England in 1846. Even more than 100 years ago we could not trust the USA to abide by any treaty signed between our Countries. The Fenians were on the march again and occupied a town in Oregon. Macdonald was so concerned that he immediately had a Royal Navy gunboat sent to the area off Vancouver Island. At this point I must interject that although the Fenians were veterans of the Civil War, had battle know how, had fighting skills, had all the military hardware they needed, as well as having many friends in high places and supporters, in the end they were badly led. Arrogance and over confidence on the part of the Americans. The Yankees lost the War of 1812 for the same reason, incompetent leadership. During the raids from 1866 to 1871, the Fenians were actually on Canadian soil shooting at our citizens. Concerning the large forces of Fenians in Oregon, who were poised to take over BC, a small hitch developed. The town that the Irish occupied was actually still in Oregon. Those people the Fenians held prisoner were really Americans. Washington decided to put the Fenians out of business, enough was enough, Congress clamped down on their truly illegal activities. Every battle the Fenians fought was a fiasco, much like the War of 1812. Americans don’t like to lose in battle. I pity their veterans who were engaged in lost battles, such vets were given the cold shoulder. I DON’T KNOW OF ANY CANADIAN OR BRITISH VETERANS WHO WERE EVER HELD IN LOW ESTEEM BECAUSE THEY LOST A WAR? Losing US vets were shunned by their communities while those in the losing leadership role walk away unscathed. This is a flaw in the American character, not willing to admit defeat and thus learning no lessons. Blaming someone else is easier. Especially when the US Nazi media can always be paid to cover up. Those with money get to create their own fantasy and have it published. The War of 1812 came to an end because enough Members of Congress got the message, the USA was not going to prevail, it was costing a lot of money for no result and increasingly the Country was proving it could not fight its’ way out of a wet paper bag. And as in so many cases the American vacated the field in disgrace. Much of a derogatory nature was said at that time and continues to be said about Canada and England being lesser that the exceptionalists south of the border. BUT WE DON’T CUT AND RUN. Canadians and the Brits stood their ground in 1812. During the Fenian raids, Canadians and the Brits stood their ground. Canadians took Vimy Ridge after being mauled in battle for months. Four Divisions of the Canadian Corp, took Vimy all on their own, this due to superior tactics, intense planning, lots of big guns which laid down fire IN FRONT OF THE ADVANCING TROOPS and superb training. In 1940, after the fall of France to the Germans England stood alone. Churchill said it for all, ” W E W I L L N E V E R G I V E I N “. We are a people who do not start wars like Bush Jr. did in Iraq in 2003, then he ran away. Another useless oil War that Herr Harper favoured by the way. Now we are playing a role in fighting ISIS, a War that Harper badly needs to be able to scare the shit out of Canadians. As I have said many times the American oil monopoly is buying stolen Iraqi oil from ISIS. Rather than bombing Syria in hopes of hitting a legitimate targets and in the hopes of NOT KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE, we should stop the USA oil monopoly from buy oil from ISIS. Cut off ISIS money, that is coming from North Americans and the terrorists will be cooked. In fact I would go as far as arresting the executive of the American oil monopoly, headquartered in Houston. It may be that this would be a short cut to ending this conflict by bankrupting ISIS and terrorists. The Canadian Air Force should bomb Houston and hope that we only take out the oilies. The fallout from the Fenian raids was threefold. Macdonald knew the 49th parallel had to be defended. The exceptional Americans had a lot on their plate. At the time they were engaged in killing off the Native Americans who were judged to be inferior. As well the Yankees were all about stealing territory from the Mexicans, who they judged to be inferior, they still do. Washington was counting on their settlers to aid in taking control of Western Canada. If enough US settlers could get situated on our Prairies and the Canadian Government tried to order them about, the settlers could scream bloody murder as they did at the Alamo. And the US Cavalry would come riding to the rescue. US citizens moved into Mexico starting in the 1700s. Since they were exceptional Mericans, they decided that they didn’t have to abide by Mexican laws. The Texans were squatters in a foreign Country, but they thought they could make up their own rules. Sounds a lot like the rightpublicanazis who have been invited into Canada by Harper. When this Mexican dispute boiled over who did Washington support??? Why the Squatters, that’s who. What the Fenian raids did was alert Canadians and their new Government in Ottawa that Americans could not be trusted. At the time of the Red River uprising in Manitoba [ 1870 ], Colonel Wolseley took 3 months to get the Canadian Army to the scene of the troubles. The US would not allow the Canadian soldiers on their territory. Although the Fenians were allowed to set up shop anywhere in the US in preparation for the invasion of this Country. The Fenians were unmolested by Washington as they assembled thousands of Irish Civil War veterans along the border. The politicians also kept an eye on the Catholic Church votes. It cost nothing for the Church to look the other way in the US and Canada. Like in Canada to-day, where the Catholic vote has been sold to Harper because he promised to ban abortions if elected. As of 1875 it would seem that the best thing for the Americans to do was just wait for enough US settlers to occupy our Prairies, wait for them to scream bloody murder then send in the US Cavalry. No US railways ran close to the 49th parallel, so the only way the settlers could make it into Canada was by horse, wagon or by foot. But the Yankees figured that time was on their side, eventually our Nation would belong to them. The Fenian raids also affected the stannding of the Catholic Church in Canada. Many Irish Catholics in this Country sided with the Fenians. As a result he general population viewed the Catholics with suspicion and some cases outright hostility. The Catholic Church true to form, tried to play both sides of the street. The Church took no stand on behalf of our new NATION, while Catholic thugs did the dirty work. People [ US people, Native Americans and the Irish Catholics ] in the USA thought the Fenians were going to win. But Yankees, the Natives, the Church and the Catholics who supported the Fenians, bet on the wrong horse. The Fenians lost big time. Their raids sparked strong anti – Americanism which is still part of our history of Canada. There was also a backlash against Catholics which lasted for years and there are still traces of it to-day. When it really counts the Catholic Church can be counted on to NEVER be at Canada’s side. The Church always looks after its’ own self interest, as it did under Mussolini and Hitler. The Church has a long history of dealing with dictators, that is why it gets along with Harper so well. The recent attack on Justin Trudeau by way of the NO2TRUDEAU POSTCARDS CAMPAIGN was created by Herr Harper and carried out by Catholic thugs, under the name of the Church. Lyin Steve always get others to do his dirty work, even if he has to give away part of our Canada to get the dirty work done. The execution of the NO2 Campaign was carried out by the Church storm troopers as per usual. Again, as through time, the Church hierarchy said nothing and hid in the shadows. But then, if the Oilies and Harper steal the election in October, Steve will carry through with his promise to the Church that he will ban abortions. In terms of the exceptional Americans the taking over Canada’s west, did not go according to plan. The best laid plans of mice, Americans, Fenians and Catholics can often go awry. In 1884 the CPR Railway had not been completed and the Company was running out of money, it was a low point. The entire cost of the Railway was being borne by Canadian taxpayers and British investors. No American cash was involved. You see, we can do big things all on our very own if we have GOOD LEADERSHIP, no matter what Joe Oiliver says. Then the tide turned. Louis Riel was born Metis in 1844 in St. Bonifice [ French father / First People mother, in what would become Manitoba. The offspring of an English father / First People mother were called half breeds. Over time this label became offensive so those of English heritage adopted the name Metis. When Riel talked rebellion he only represented some of the people of mixed Heritage. In the uprisings Riel provoked many people of mixed Heritage did not participate. There were many differences between Metis, half breeds and the First People. The Metis originated from the employees of the French North West Fur Company out of Montreal which started in 1630. The half breeds originated from the employees of the HBC, incorporated in 1670. The First People trapped the animals who’s fur was in demand. Therefore there were three distinct groups who had common interests and varied interests. Riel came from a Metis enclave in St. Bonifice / Winnipeg, part of Lord Selkirk’s Red River Colony which the HBC had resisted. The Company wanted NO SETTLERS, TOO MUCH TROUBLE. ONLY HBC EMPLOYEES, HALF BREEDS AND THE FIRST PEOPLE WERE WELCOME. The Lord was a Scot, who was concerned about his people being forced off the land in Scotland. He came up with an idea to create a colony of 200 Scots in the Canadian West on HBC lands. As you might imagine, HBC was not thrilled. It did not want to divert profits towards looking after settlers. The British Government, which had to renew the HBC Charter every so often leaned on HBC to bend to Selkirk proposal. The Red River Colony went forward because the Lord agreed to cover all costs and pledged to have his farmers raise cattle and grown grain. This would save HBC bringing meat and wheat from England. This project never worked out because of the cold and barren soil. But this private commercial settlement broke the back of the North West Fur Trading Co. which competed with HBC for western furs. North West had to bring supplies all the way from Montreal. In 1820 HBC and North West merged. When this Colony was set up and areas of land granted to Scottish settler land was also deeded to some half breeds. So some of those of mixed race, who lived in the Colony were given clear title to their land. Others, on the edge of the Colony squatted on land they did not have title to. I do not know if Riel’s family actually owned land. Granting land was only done inside the Selkirk Colony. Nobody OWNED LAND INSIDE RUPERT’S LAND OTHER THAN HBC ITSELF. Riel was educated in Quebec and returned to his home at a time when Americans were eyeing Rupert’s Land and the Red River Colony. The USA had purchased Alaska for a song and grabbing western Canada along the same lines seemed like a good idea no matter what treaties had been signed. Behind the annexation were US Senators Alexander Ramsay [ Minn. ] and Zachariah Chandler / Jacob Howard [ Mich. ]. They were allied with Detroit merchants. James Taylor was an American spy in the Colony who’s main job was to stir up trouble. Louis Riel was chosen as the front man for this American group which had links to the Fenians and the Catholic Church. The US thinking was to annex Rupert’s Land and the Colony, hand it over to Washington where it could used as a jumping off point to disrupt the New Canada, eventually taking it over completely, you know this Manifest Dentiny and god stuff. This is the same kind of business Herr Harper is now involved in presently. Giving Canada to the USA for nothing. Well maybe a little pat on the head? The British Government instructed HBC to ignore the Americans and sell their holdings to Prime Minister John A. Macdonald, which is what happened in 1969. William McDougall was appointed Governor but was prevented from entering the new Canadian territory by Riel and his followers. Riel proclaimed that the HBC no longer had jurisdiction much to the delight of Louis’ American backers. If the Yankees had taken over our Prairies, Louis Riel and his pals would not have been talking to Government officials, they would have been 6 ft under. During this turbulent time, the Metis organized a committee, whose main aim was to keep settlers out of the territory they considered their’s. Riel was elected Secretary of this Metis group and his committee restricted the travel of Government operatives. As well the committee seized Upper Fort Garry from the HBC. This committee, with no legal standing issued a, ” Declaration of the People of Rupert’s Land [ formally the HBC territory ] and the North West “. Riel’s next illegal step was to set up the Provisional Government of Assiniboia. This new illegal government was supported by American papers, Riel was praised and the annexationists set up a letter writing campaign to boost Riel and attack Macdonald. Sounds a lot like in Alberta where the American oil monopoly finances Smear Campaigns, which succeeded with Stelmach and Reford and is now directed at Rachel Notley. Those who lived in the Red River Colony were surrounded by US spies, the Catholic Church neighbours who were suspect’ Harper could have handled such a situation, he would have sent his RCHP in the night to take away the trouble makers, the regular law abiding citizens. Riel’s carryings on upset white settlers, half breeds and many of the First People because he did not represent their interests. Riel was just an American stooge who was looking out for himself and those close to him. These regular anguished people thought they lived in a lawful Rupert’s Land under HBC / Colony and were now living in the Country of Canada? These settler began enlisting support to remove this illegal provisional government by force. Riel and his committee had a head start, had US backing and had a network of informers centred in the Church. Louis siezed the HBC post at Upper Fort Gary and imposed martial law. He rounded up this citizen protest group and imprisoned them at Fort Garry. A young Orangeman, Thomas Scott was singled out because of his taunts towards Riel. Louis convened a Metis trial and young Scott was sentenced to death. Scott was subsequently executed by firing squad on March 4 / 1870. That is what happens when you irritate a dictator. If the Metis wanted to establish relations with the owners of the land they occupied [ Canada ] , this was strange way to go about it. Riel was backed by a limited number of followers, by the USA Government, Detroit merchants and the Catholic Church. Louis seemed to be sitting pretty??? From all outward appearances Riel was in the driver’s seat. Canada did not have any kind of fighting force in the West. In a reaction to Riel, Macdonald wanted to send a military expedition but there was no suitable route overland through Canada to get to Winnipeg and the uprising. The Red River Colony was truly in the hands of Riel, his followers, American operators and the Catholic Church. This amalgamation threatened the Prairies all the way to the Rockies. These outrageous actions by Riel resulted in a Colonel Wolseley, a British Officer of long experience, being given command of half a Division of the Canadian Army. The Colonel’s job was to get this force and all its’ equipment to Winnipeg, Manitoba pronto. With its’ interest in seizing the Canadian West, the American Government refused to allow Wolseley and his soldiers to set foot on US soil. The Yanks had no intention of letting Canada upset its’ annexation plans of our West. Wolseley was an engineer, a Quartermaster – General and was experienced in deploying and retrieving troops. Wolseley followed the water route used by the Voyageurs in the late 1600s. It took 3 months to arrive at Mister Riel’s door in Summer of 1870. Louis was surprised to find that a 1000 soldiers were only days away. Riel fled to the comfort of his American backers. In May of 1871 Riel snuck back into Canada on the QT after the soldiers had returned East. Interestingly within months of Riel’s quiet return the Fenians were planning a raid on Winnipeg. I am sure Riel was involved in the Fenians plans. The activities of this band of Irish thugs obviously had the blessings of the Catholic Church. Noise about the murder of young Thomas Scott continued to increased. A price of $ 5000 was offered for Riel’s scalp. Lieutenant Governor Adams Archibald called out the militia in October 1871 to deal with the threatened Fenian raid being organized in North Dakota by Riel’s friend, William O’Donoghue. Since the element of surprise that the Fenians needed, the raid on Winnipeg fizzled. People urged Riel to run for politics, he was still popular with the Metis and the Ca.atholic church which whipped up trouble in Quebec for what reason I do not know. The Church was promoting anarchy within Canada and supporting the Fenians whose goal was to invade our Country. Macdonald wanted Riel gone so offered him money to go into exile. Riel took the money and left for St. Paul in March 1872. By June 1872 Louis was back in Canada, stirring things up again. Riel won a couple of elections but had to stay one jump ahead of those who wanted to assassinate him. Alexander McKenzie beat Sir John A. in the general Election on January 1874 and there was a move to pardon Riel. Louis was in quite the mess, he thought he had been picked by god to lead the Metis to a better life but fate decided that going after everyone with a gun wasn’t the best method. Riel suffered a nervous breakdown and shortly thereafter his friends took Riel to a hospital in Montreal, then to a mental hospital in Beauport Quebec. From there he moved to Keesville New York in Jan. 1878. Next Riel traveled to Montana. He then reconnected with Metis representatives, joined the Republicans, became an American citizen and married. In 1884, a Metis delegation, led by Gabriel Dumont traveled to Montana to urge Riel to return to Canada and speak out on behalf of the Metis people. The underlying problem was that the area in which the Metis / halfbreeds lived was private property, formerly owned by the Hudson Bay Co. [ until it was sold to Canada ]. It was based on a grant of 1669 from the English King Charles. After that, this huge area was only populated by a few thousand First People and a few white HBC employees. The Company wanted nothing to do with settlers, HBC was after furs. Because of the fur trade most of the First People bands prospered. Without the fur trade the population of the First People would have been much reduced if not extinct. Instead of having a few good years then facing starvation on occasion, the First people nvolved wit the fur trade claimed a much better life. All they had to do was bring furs to a HBC Post and they were repaid in money or kind. As time went along some of the HBC employees fraternized / married First People women and their offspring were called Anglo halfbreeds The halfbreeds did a lot of work for the HBC, but they were not involved with trapping. The halfbreeds / Metis were sort of in the middle, neither white nor Aboriginal. Not accepted fully into either community. When the HBC gave up the fur business in Canada in 1870 and sold their territory to Ottawa, the HBC Anglo halfbreeds and the Metis who had worked for the North West Co. were all out of work and MOST HAD NO LAND TO CALL THEIR OWN. The First People, are those who had lived continuously on the land before the whiteman came have legitimate claims to their territory [ Court definition ]. As Canada began to mature this right to prior owned territory became recognized. I agree with that. In the USA there is no such appreciation of the rights of the First people. But I am tired of listening to people mix the experiences of Indigenous people in Canada and the USA to create a stories that are self serving. Riel and his followers didn’t have a leg to stand on with their land demands. They were born long after the establishment of the HBC and were born into a system already in place. It is like the land claims made by the Mohawks in Canada are bogus. Their territory was in the USA and was stolen by the Americans. During the American Revolution some of the Iroquois Nations fought on the side of the Americans. In this alliance they made a mistake, they were repaid by death or the other option was to flee westward in the US. The Mohawks fought on the side of the British and George Washington set out to murder them all. 5000 Mohawks crossed the Canadian border along with the United Empire Loyalist among others in 1786. When the Revolution ended the British Government, in appreciation, rewarded everyone who had been a supporter. Soldiers got land grants, as did the Loyalists as did the Mohawks. The soldiers and the Loyalists got on with their live and in the main became successes. The Mohawks could never get over the loss of their lands in the USA which they did have before the whiteman arrived. In Canada the Mohawks were granted land under the same conditions as the soldiers and the Loyalist. These grants were made on the basis of the Crown having standard rights. Rights to minerals, right of access, right of expropriation, right to tax and so on. The Mohawks have tried to claim prior rights that only apply to the First People and there is no legal basis to include these native Americans to Canada in land claims. The first whitemen in Ontario were the French who arrived in 1635. Up until 1786 the Mohawks live in upstate New York near Albany. For the Mohawks to claim prior rights is only 250 years too late. In my opinion the anti white stance of the Mohawk should be directed at the Americans who were out to kill all of the Native people in the USA. If the Mohawks want to pick a fight, then go after the Americans. The British and Canadians appreciated the efforts of the Mohawks during the Revolution and the War of 1812 and they were rewarded. We the Canadians here to-day do not deserve nor will we tolerate abuse by the Mohawks because they can’t get their story straight. How many young Mohawks are taught the truth? Pining for a life that disappeared more than 200 years ago and abusing the good will of Canadians is a recipe for disaster like at Oka Quebec. Oka never belonged to the Mohawks nor did any of Ontario. The territory here belonged to the Hurons, Iroquois like the Mohawks but distant cousins and mortal enemies. In the 1860s, the Mohawks INVADED southern Ontario with the aim of taking over the fur trade for the Dutch who supplied them with guns. Over a ten year period the Mohawks massacred 40,000 Hurons who were farmers and 20,000 Algonquins who were involved in the fur trade. The Mohawks did not have to kill the Hurons. But there was bad blood between them, the Mohawks were armed with guns and there was nobody to stop them. The French Catholic missionaries among the Hurons and Algonquins were murdered also. The French King sent 2500 soldiers to new France in the 1660s and drove the Mohawks back across the US border. For 50 years there were no First people in Southern Ontario, it was a no-man’s-land. The Ojibway, Chippewa and Cree began to move down south from the shield in Northern Ontario. When the British arrived in Ontario in 1760 they were not dealing with the First People but migrants who had moved in during he time Ontario was occupied by the French. The aboriginals here in Ontario in 1760, were settlers from areas north and west. From the 1830s the Mohawk laid claim to Huron territory on the basis that they were all Iroquois. It bothers me that the Mohawks who were guilty of genocide, killing 60 thousand First People should be rewarded by us handing over lands that rightfully belonged to the Hurons and Algonquins. The sale of the HBC lands had barely taken place when the Metis [ not the anglo halfbreeds ] were on the war path. Without work and owning no land, with the prospect of white settlers pouring in, Riel and the Metis were between a rock and a hard place. But the route Riel took, armed rebellion just added to the Metis’ woes. He and his followers were not smart enough or patient enough to see the obstacles they faced. There were many groups affect by the HBC sale. Historical accounts make much of the Metis distrusting the Government and local officials, so what? The Metis themselves, on many occasions showed that they too could not be trusted. Their heritage did not go back the thousands of years as in the case of the First People. At most the Metis might have been able to claim to have been in one spot for a hundred years. This was probably not the case. Working for the HBC the anglo halfbreeds and the Metis most likely were always on the move. The end of the fur trade was a sea change for everyone in the way Canada operated. HBC could no longer afford to pay for the upkeep of Rupert’s Land. Canada’s purchase of same showed the foresight of Sir John A. and his vision of what this Nation could become. But we would not be an appendage of the USA. That may change after October. The difficulty for Canadians has always been how to remain free, living beside the USA which is ten time our size. A land full of exceptional people who believe in their Manifest Destiny to take anything thy want from others. Our Country is still here after 148 years. But Herr Harper has spent the last ten years trying to give us to the States and make that American dream come true. In terms of Louis Riel in 1884, he was was now a US citizen but he was coaxed back into Canada. I find it interesting, that all the while the US Army was murdering native Americans, Riel had a place of honour in Montana. I think the American saw that Riel and his Fenian friends could be of use, continuing to causing disturbances in Canada. Gabriel Dumont and party invited Riel to return in June 1884 to help protect the Metis which fit US plans precisely. Riel did cross the border and set up headquarters in Batoche Sask. backed by the US and the Catholic Church. Louis began his shit disturbing again. The Metis did not have a big presence in Saskatchewan. Riel had been born in the Winnipeg area, part of the Red River Colony. Many of his followers had move to Saskatchewan after the Red River uprising. They squatted on land they DID NOT OWN in Sask. Riel made demands that these Metis be given this land by the Canadian Government. Manitoba had become a Province of Canada in 1870 and was not conducive to rebellion. Saskatchewan was still an open territory. Riel not only used the unhappy Metis as an excuse to make more trouble, he went around secretly to all of the local First People bands and Anglo halfbreeds, gathering up grievances. Chief were promised relief if they took part in his uprising. Some bands and people joined Riel. Riel though that any uprising that he organized would be home free for at least 3 month, especially one as big as he was organizing. This is the time it took for Canadian soldiers to get to Manitoba for the Red River Rebellion involving Riel in the Summer of 1870. With the Americans, the Fenians and the Catholic church involved as Riel crossed the border once again to stir things up, I would think that everyone south of the 49th and the Metis in this Country thought their shining hour had arrived. After setting up headquarter in Batoche, Riel’s new gang of armed thugs began flexing its’ muscles. The Riel and Metis committee claimed to be tired of dealing with Ottawa and voted to take up arms to force the Feds to deal with their claims and the vague claims of other aboriginals. Holding a gun to the head of the Canadian Government was a very foolish idea but with American backing Riel, failure this time was likely never considered. Word was received by Riel and his committee that Canadian Soldiers were being sent out from Ottawa. The CPR was not in operation yet. This time the US Government was not asked to allow Canadian troops to cross American soil. A much better plan was in the works. Riel formed a provisional government without any authority. His thugs seized the parish Church in Batoche. A demand was made for the surrender of the HBC post at Fort Carlton. Riel was named President [ by who ??? ] and Gabriel Dumont was named Military Commander [ by who??? ]. These actions were taken with no reference to the Anglo halfbreed community, some bands nor the white settlers. This was another sneak attack Canada, sanctioned by the US and the Catholic church. What Riel was dishing out was raw tyranny, based on old wrongs. Just think, this new revolt was staged by Riel and a few Metis because they lost the Red River uprising and their noses were still out of join. This not the way Canada worked then or worked up until Harper came along. Our indigenous people have been fighting between themselves for 12,000 years since the Solutrians pulled up stakes in France and followed the Woolly Mammoths over the landbridge across the Bering Strait into Clovis New Mexico. Up until the HBC sold Rupert’s Land the Metis were happy with their lives living on the territory belonging to their employer. When the Metis’ employer sold out the rules of the game changed. Riel and Dumont decided to alter those rules TO THEIR OWN LIKING at the point of a gun, a very dangerous game indeed. Riel began by seizing property, installations and communities. Historians tell us that Riel entered Saskatchewan because it was a CAULDRON OF DISCONTENT. BULLSHIT. Riel spent weeks secretly visiting communities and bands in the area TO STIR UP DISCONTENT. On March 18 / 1885, Riel formed a provisional government as he had done in Manitoba 15 years earlier. On March 19th Louis grabbed the church in Batoche and demanded the surrender of the HBC post at Fort Carlton. News of these activities reached Ottawa and the NWMP. The Mounted Police began calling up the civilian militia. Riel seized the community of Duck Lake on March 26 /1885 and Sir John A. was made aware. Unknown to anyone, William Van Horne, CEO of the CPR told Macdonald he could have Canadian Army soldiers in Saskatchewan in two weeks. Such a rapid deployment of military forces was unheard of. By April 10 / 1885 the CPR was unloading Canadian troops, under the command of Major General Middleton, at Qu’Appelle just east of Regina. It was two weeks to the day as Van Horne had said. Riel was slow to grasp the situation. One thousand troops were in the field with 4000 more to follow. The total force could have totaled 8000. One by one the battle scenes were tided up. Riel gave up on May 15 / 1885 and was held for trial along with many of his associates. Total casualties numbered 100 Metis / soldiers and 400 wounded. This very serious uprising was snuffed in 2 months by Macdonald, Van Horne and General Middleton. There were a number of outcomes. The raids on Canada by Fenians and the USA stopped. The idea of US annexation evaporated. The CPR line runs within 70 miles of the 49th and 10,000 of our troops could be deployed in two weeks with all their kit. The only railway in the US that came close to Canada, traveled west from Chicago and looped across southern North Dakota more than 200 miles south of the border. The Metis and Anglo halfbreeds lost their voice. After two uprisings the Government in Ottawa had had enough. Anti Americanism continued to increase and is with us to-day. I don’t trust the US Government as far as I could throw it The Catholic Church came under fire for backing the Fenian raids and supporting Riel. There are still strong feeling against the Catholics, me being one critic. Our society is priceless, our democracy is precious, yet every time we are threatened the Catholic hide in the shadows and try to play both sides of the street. The latest example is the foul NO2TRUDEAU SMEAR CAMPAIGN organized by Herr Harper and carried out by the Catholic Church. The Catholics always put the interest of their Church ahead of everything else. Canada, children in the care of the Church at risk of sexual assault, the rights of women to chose to have an abortion, Catholic womwn being second class and the like. As with Americans, dealing with the Catholic Church, you will forever be on the losing end unless you remain vigilant. By 1895 Canada was secure with out spanking new CPR railway, we beat off the various US challenges. And here we are all these years later, FREE, UNTIL OCTOBER 19 /15 AT LEAST.

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Back in 1995 a young American, Rudyard Griffiths was given $ 1.5 million by the US Donner Foundation which supports many Fascist causes like the Fraser Institute. He started the Dominion Institute in order to rewrite Canadian history in the American vein. That organization has become Historica Canada. The whole idea is to wipe out the history of this Country so future generations will only know what the Yankee’s want them to know. part of this Post relates to the two Riel uprisings, 1870 and 1885 both backed by the USA. I wonder if those at Historica USA will reconsider their telling of Riel and substitute my reading of the events. Quite often Paul Godfrey / Post papers prints parts of the rightie rewritten history of Canada. I have a suggestion for both Paul and David Thomson who owns the Globe and Tar. Why not put a picture of the Stars and Stripes on the front pages of your newspapers. There is never much Canadian news in their pages? To Paul and David, why not wear little American flag lapel pins on your jackets to indicate where your hearts lie???

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From 1885 on, until the first War the echo of American exceptionalism reverberated. As well the Manifest Destiny nonsense proliferated. The gist of these back slapping exercises was to say that Americans as a whole are better than everyone else, SAYS WHO. Can an individual proclaim himself exceptional all by himself? Males are the ones who do this? Females are not that stupid. I guess a group of guys can proclaim an individual exceptional but how can they judge? There doesn’t seem to be any test. So up to WW One, the USA was exceptional and this Manifest Destiny crap allowed Americans to take anything they wanted any time. When H. L. Mencken started to translate the books written by Elizabeth Nietzsche about German nationalism, the Aryan race, Overmen and Undermen etc, the light bulb in the heads of the US right wing went on. The righties said we too are exceptional, we too are Aryans, we too are mighty and can take what we wish. The right wing in the States imported a lot of German snake oil salesmen into the Country von Mises, Strauss, Heidegger, Hayek and Kaufman to give the new right legitimacy. The mantel of exceptionalism was transfer from the whole nation to the right wing alone. Manifest Destiny was retained as a founding principle of the right but it was not mentioned again. So the mighty right all became exceptionalists in their own minds and the remainder of the population in the democracy called the United States of America were termed the ignorant mob. Mencken was a very successful writer. I question how much of this popularity came from H. L. telling the righties what they wanted to hear, that democracy is dangerous and things can go wrong because of the tyranny of the majority. That is the essence of democracy, the will of the majority. The right has striven for almost 100 years to impose rule by Kleptarchy. It means rule by thieves and gangsters. After the First War the Aryan race and might is right movement took hold in two places in the world. In the Weimar Republic in Germany and in the USA. When Hitler and the Nazis came to power, the Republican right and many US businesses in the State were the Fuhrer’s biggest supporters. The second World War would never have occurred without American assistance. Democracy lasted in Germany from 1919 to 1933 when Hitler banished the Members of the Reichstag. The Nazi reign ended in 1945 but the American right learned nothing. Dangerous democracy was extinquished in the USA as of 2000, mainly because the rightpublicanazi movement doesn’t produce leaders. Thos who seem to lead the movement are actually followers who are given their marching order by a TRULY IGNORANT MOB. The ruination of American has taken place NOT BECAUSE of the mistakes of the right hierarchy which is powerless. Just look at the parade of fools now vying for the Republican Presidential Nomination. But this ponderous blob of a mob spreading its’ evil all across the landscape without restrain is to blame for the basket case south of the 49th parallel. Not satisfied with screwing up the their homeland the Republicans and the American oil monopoly have been working with Canada’s very own Quisling Steve Harper to expose this Country to the very same pain and suffering we are now witnessing south of the border. This newest hoax, the TPP, replaces your vote with a multinational tribunal in Washington which will exercise power over YOUR LIFE. Want a corporation to stop dumping toxic chemicals in your river, rots of ruck. If you and your townspeople take any actions to clean up your stream, the Supreme Council in Washington will assess damages for lost profits because you interfered with the rights of an international corporation. After you have been driven to the wall by globalization it will be too late, far too late to say I should had done something at the time to stop Harper and the rightpublicanazis. It is my guess that Canadians have one valid ballot left. If they fuck it up this time it will be curtains for our democracy. After that who will stop the installation of meat hooks and gas chambers???

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If indeed this is the end of democracy in Canada after October 19 /15, you might look at securing a good job making statues of Harper the First. Kim Jong Un of North Korea will be able to give Steve advice on creating statues for every square in this Country. Our population will gather each morning in each place to recite the Oath of Allegience and receive our daily instructions. Standing out in the bitter cold will be too much for some. But the attitude of the rightpublicanazis is that if the weak perish there are fewer mouths to feed. Those who can’t pull their weight are surplus baggage anyway.

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Now the 175 square kms of toxic tailing ponds have become the responsibility of Albertans and estimate has been made of what the Province received monetarily for its’ petroleum. For every barrel of oil, valued at one hundred dollars, taken out of the Province by the American oil monopoly Albertans got ONE BUCK. This cheating on the part of the Oilies HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR 30 YEARS. IS IT POSSIBLE FOR A PEOPLE TO BE THAT STUPID FOR SO MANY YEARS????????? But in my role as Kenny fix-it I ask the question. If Canada nationalizes the western oil, tar and natural business, don’t we get to keep the 99 bucks per barrel the oilies now get. I was in business for 50 years. The 99 buck deals sounds a lot better than the ONE BUCK DEAL. We all make mistakes. Our only option is to go forward. Getting the 99 buck deal will take unity, vision and guts. The choice is obvious. We can stay chained to that dog house or we can seek our fortunes at will and at our own speed. Each journey in life starts with one small step. SHALL WE??????

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The Trans Pacific Partnership / TPP is a partnership of US multinationals that is aimed at enslaving the world’s people by taking over the world. If you live in a non democratic country you have nothing to worry about, things will just stay the same. You will continue to be oppressed. If however, you do live in a democracy, everything will change. Your life will go back to the time when black slaves lived in wooden huts in the US south, spent 12 hours a day in the cotton fields and did what they were told, yes sur, yes sur. America the beautiful was built on the backs of defenseless slaves. The rightpublicanazis are just going back to their roots. The TPP has yet to be explained by Godfrey’s PostMediocre papers, Thomson’s Globe and Tar, Honderich’s Star, CTV and Global. For the truth please read, Wolf / Corporations VS Nations / October 3 /15. See what the future of you and your children will look like under Harper / USA? It is time to hit the road, it is time that we Canucks went solo. First order of business, expropriate everything belonging to the Americans and set the stage to become a mini world power, a model of a very modern democracy. Read Wolf Richter’s take on the TPP. If you are a Fascist toadstool, don’t read Wolf’s stuff and continue to stay as stupid as you are presently.

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In my research about the fall of Rome I sometimes come across sayings that can be applied to the world to-day. While humans have made great progress in many areas the brain remains the same. People in the present have the same reactions to circumstances that the occupants of Rome had 2000 years ago. Catilina was a Roman senator who was dedicated to destroying the Republic in 63 BC for his own gain. Cicero was pissed off with Catilina, who through political maneuverings was undermining the State and looking to overthrow the Senate. Catilina was in Court on various occasions to answer for his crimes. He was said to have paid off the judges. Sounds like the US Supreme Court doesn’t it??? Catilina wanted to restore the political power of his enlarged family and to reacquire the wealth they previously held. As a Senator, he seemed to have no interest in the future Rome, it was all gimee, gimee. Tiring of Catilina’s games Cicero tried to hand out some good advice. Lay off the intrigues Cat baby. To no avail. In 63 BC Cicero said the following in a speech, ” Quo usque tandem abutere, CATILINA, petientia nostra “. I will translate replacing the name Catilina with Harper, something that fits. How long, Harper, will you continue to abuse our patience??? In 62 BC Catilina ran out of rope and was killed in battle. LET US HOPE THAT HARPER RUNS OUT OF ROPE ON OCTOBER 19 /15.

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To-day is a monumentous day in the life of Kenny ” the boy pilot ” Spratley, I stopped buying newspapers. When Brian Mulroney became involved with the SUN, I quit. I won’t even pick it up free. It was like reading a recipe that would make me sick or kill me. No thanks Brian, life sends me enough real problems without being sent down dead end streets by you. I don’t trust anything Lyin Brian says or does. The National Post, I have been getting free for a long time. Paul Godfrey’s papers are full of right wing propaganda, lies and American shit and opinion. Most of Godfrey’s copy is put together by low paid, no paid interns who write like they just got out of grade 11. If I want American shit I can just go on line and read all about same in real right wing US newspapers. And their shit is much better written than Paul’s. I have been buying the Globe and Tar but no more. In the main part of the Globe, is the same American shit that appears in the Post only better written. The Business Section of the Globe is dominated by advertisement for stock sellers disguised as articles. The Globe business section is aimed at suckers. I have been reading Wolf long enough to know that David Thomson is anti Canadian, is misleading investors and helping to separate suckers from their money. For a long time I have been getting the truth from the CBC, PBS, BBC, Guardian UK / USA and the aforementioned Wolf Street, which is world wide in financial coverage. And then I read the Sun, Post, Globe and Star to witness their multitudinous lies and just how misleading their copy is. The more egregious articles I clipped. After a dozen years I have enough False News clipping to fill the trunk of a car. Did you know it is a criminal offense to publish False News in Canada. Ronald Reagan did away with such a Law in the USA. Harper has just ignored our Law. I think the deal is that Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich can publish all the phony shit they want as long as they say nice things about Lyin Steve and bad things about Justin Trudeau and Tom Mulcair. The clipping phase of my life is over. I know for certain that the right wingers will cheat, lie and steal their grandmothers gold teeth. So when you know, you know. Unlike Don Rumsfeld, there are no unknown in MY LIFE. Time to call a halt to wasting my time reading lies in the Nazi press. CTV and Global I never watch, the rightie propaganda is just too overpowering. Those who appear on screen were plucked young and indoctrinated like the Hitler Youth. In their news coverage we get an endless regurgitation from the the rightie playbook. If Canadians do end up in a petro state after October, they too will have to memorize the rightie play book and recite same in the square each morning. I think I will throw this entire clipping file out. It is no longer relevant. If, on the morning of October 20th / 15, we still live in freedom my old paper clipping will have no usefulness. If however we find ourselves in an oilie police state, with the sound of the RCHP jackboots in the streets, the authorities will confiscate my files. A truckload of my Nazi press lies would best be burned at the same time as all of our Canadian history books are burned. After which the only place we will have to read our history is via Historica Canada, a charity financially supported by the US Fascist Donner Foundation. Another point is that after the American oil monopoly takes control of Canada, there will be no place for clippings in my wooden hut in Harper’s concentration camp. All the inmates will have to dance to Jenni Byrnes tune as she waves her Hakapik about. But there is a saving grace. Until we are all disposed of, there will happy times with the gang, Margaret Atwood, Neil Young, Alison Redford, Rachel Notley, Danny Williams, David Suzuki, Dave Climenhaga and the contingents from the CBC, CRTC and the Supreme Court. But when Jenni tells me I am going for a shower, I will go but I won’t believe her. Experience says it is better to be gassed, than shot in the back. As you know the truth doesn’t exist anywhere in the Harper camp, true Nazis ALL.

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The rightpublicanazis and the Tea party live in a fantasy land. Here in Canada we live in Harperland, where the made up stuff is substituted for the real. I have written often on the subject of Mad Harper, his hallucinations and his Sociopathic behaviour. Stephen Harper attended Richview Collegiate and his profile was printed in the High School Year Book. Steve was headed to the U of T and the law profession. Harper lasted but 2 months at the U of T before he ran away to be with his family in Alberta, where his dad got him a job licking stamps at Imperial Oil. There is Lyin Steve’s link to oil. In the High School Yearbook Harper listed his pet peeve, ” R E A L I T Y “. I rest my case.

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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Did you know that in 1988, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down this Nation’s Abortion Law. Since that time there have been many attempts to reactivate the ban on abortions by the Catholic church and its’ supporters, particularly. They have no respect whatsoever for the , ” THE WILL OF THE MAJORITY “, WHICH IS THE CORNERSTONE OF OUR DEMOCRACY. This DOES NOT MEAN that democracy just sits and waits until Steve Harper, Preston Manning, Conrad Black and the Catholic Church et al decide they can set democracy aside in favour of their own interests. It is as simple as that. We here in Canada either have a democracy or we don’t? Either a small right wing fringe group of Sociopaths, centred in Houston and Calgary continue to run the Country or Canadians make the choice to take the Nation back? That critical situation, refers to either serfdom or freedom, it must be one or the other. The answer to that question will be made clear in October. Interestingly, the Nazi media which depends completely on Barb Black’s little people, you and me, for their revenue, is fully in favour of the citizens here becoming serfs. Serfs on minimum rations will not be able to buy the PostMediocre papers, the Globe and Tar, the Toronto Star, buy TVs to watch CTV and Global nor patronize their advertisers. I was in business for 50 years. It makes no sense to deliberately piss on your customers if you want to stay in business long. But the righties have no respect for the larger population nor do they possess insight. We, the little people, are viewed by the right as being little more than dumb beasts of burden to be bent to their use. The Nietzsche Myth, as taught at the University of Calgary [ the centre for regime change in Canada ], equates the masses in this Country with an ignorant mob. By destroying democracy, something our Nazi press works so hard at, is in a sense destroying their own market. Just look at Paul Godfrey’s National Post. Godfrey’s losses mount as his advertisers flee, this because circulation is dropping. Canadians are getting tired of seeing rewritten E-Mails from Wall Street on page after page, all meant to mislead and confuse. Rather than shedding light on the world, Paul Godfrey is being paid by the American oil monopoly / Harper, to go around blowing all the candles out. I get my National Post free. Godfrey is giving some of his papers away to keep circulation up and fool the advertisers. The store where I get my free Post often throws the leftover Posts in the garbage. People won’t even take them free. Advertiser who continue to stick with Godfrey and believe his inflated circulation numbers don’t realize that a lot of their ads end up in the garbage cans, unread. A couple of truths about being in business. Stay away from religion and politics. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. If you remember, it was the Catholic Church that played footsie with the Mussolini Fascists for 20 years, quite happy to have special status in a Country that ignored the rights of the majority of people at home and elsewhere. During that time hundreds of thousands of innocent foreigners as well as Italians died at Mussolini’s hand. The Popes of the time looked the other way and said nothing. They were safe, so they thought, having sold their souls to the devil. Then in the 1930s, Pius XII, on behalf of the Church signed another deal, this time with Hitler. At whose hand millions upon millions of people died the most horrible deaths. Pope Pius XII made a few little bleeps of protest against the Nazis, but he clearly and cleverly was trying to save his Church, not people’s lives. Pius, mimicked the actions of the Fascists he mixed with, he played both side of the street by concocting lies. This was a foolish game, the same mistake made by Switzerland and Sweden, among others, that tried to avoid the conflict by remaining neutral and playing one side off against the other. If Hitler had taken over all of the European, the Vatican, the Swiss and the Swedes et al would have all fallen under the Nazi hob nail boots like everyone else. There is a danger to being a pacifist, taking no defensive action, speaking with a forked tongue, hoping against hope that you will be safe and that your enemies will be kind. Taking the passive route can lead eventually to serfdom anyway. Claiming neutrality means selfishly allowing others to die to protect your own personal freedom in the short run. IT IS the height of foolishness. Canadian toadstools are hoping against hope that the Mad Harper can be trusted. That all the lies Lyin Steve is telling are not really lies. That the bad old Nazi media has it in for poor Harper. That Stevie will do them no harm and will keep their share of the monopoly oil money coming. Such free cash is not what it seems, free. The USA oil monopoly actually constitutes an illegal monopoly in North America, in terms of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Put in plain words, a monopoly is against the Law in Canada. But Herr Harper no longer enforces the laws he finds inconvenient. The US monopoly out of Houston is overcharging Canadians and Americans for fuel made from ISIS oil stolen from Iraq. North Americans, in their stupidity are actually funding ISIS and the other terrorist organizations every time they fill up their vehicles. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Georgie Bush Jr. got his wish. His oil monopoly friends are getting very cheap ISIS oil, stolen in Iraq. The ISIS civil war is being finance by North Americans as well as the Brits. Thus the fabricated terrorist threat, paid for by the West, permits the US Congress, Steve Harper, Dave Cameron and Tony Abbott to impose police state laws in their respective Countries. As a result, more than 400 million people in the west are unknowingly paying the bills that ISIS and the terrorists are running up and losing their freedoms in the doing. Maybe the right is right in thinking the masses are no more than beasts of burden??? It has happened before. Millions of Germans believed too, just what Hitler told them. Germany in 1939 had 80 million residents, by 1945 the population had dropped to 60 million. The majority of Germans made a very bad choice. In the present, will you make the same bad choice??? Doing nothing is the most foolish kind of hope. It is actually hopeless. If the Republicans, strengthened with Nazi money [ 1933 / 1945 ] had kept American out of the War, the Japanese would have taken over Asia. If the Republicans had replaced FDR, there would have been no US atomic bomb. Hitler was working on his own A bomb and the system to deliver it to American shores. The Nazis had giant submarines capable of carrying rockets and the V-2 were on the drawing board. Hitler would have given that technology to the Japanese. This would have allowed them to attack the USA Pacific coast. In the 1930s / 40s, the Sociopaths in the Republican Party and their rich / right industrialist supporters exhibited one of their continuing fatal flaws. The lack of any insight. This is the inability to connect their actions to possible future outcomes. Normal people fully understand that going into an old wooden barn full of hay to play with matches will probably result in something bad happening. Many American business people on the right saw the Nazi period as an great opportunity to make money without ever considering the American people, the Country as a whole nor the consequences. During the War the US media turned a blind eye to the actions of theses Republican traitors. There was no money to be made telling the truth about US companies snuggling up to Hitler, just for profit. However, for the press there was big money in TELLING LIES AND COVERING UP THE TRUTH, even back then. It is much worse to-day. Since the Second World War, the US newspapers / TV have gravitated more and more to burying the truth and carrying stories favourable and profitable to the rich / right. In the last 30 years, the present US Nazi media, has made no effort whatsoever, to reveal their own involvement in helping to destroy democracy in America by supporting Fascism [ 41 / 45 ]. The grandfather of Georgie Bush Jr., Prescott, was the director of a New York bank that was taken over in 1942 by FDR. The bank was laundering Hitler’s money. On the net there is a list of more than 10 US companies that were identified as trading with the enemy 1941 / 45. It is the same case to-day, with the American oil monopoly buying ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil behind our backs. The traitors from 1941 to 1945 were, the Chase Bank, Ford, Random House, Kodak, Coca-Cola, Allianz, Novartis, GM, Nestle, General Electric, IBM, the Rockefeller Foundation and Standard Oil. It is clear that Standard Oil learned its’ lessons well. It became part of EXXON, which to-day is part of the USA oil Monopoly which is buying ISIS stolen oil. The USA oil monopoly controls the oil, tar and natural gas business in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Due to the fact that the oilies are buying ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil and supplying Quebec and Ontario with nat. gas fracked in Pennsylvania and Michigan at Alberta / Saskatchewan prices, the Western Canada is now suffering the money shorts. The royalty paid on cheap Alberta roofing tar mixed with Benzine by the American oil monopoly is so low it amounts to stealing the resource. The price of a barrel of roofing tar [ 2/3rds ], mixed with Benzine [ 1/3rd ] is twenty nine dollars a barrel. Yet the Can. Nazi media uses a price of $ 42 a barrel. How can Albertans put up with such thefts and lies??? Because our Nazi media is paid to keep them in the dark. Yet Albertans still keep buying the PostMediocre papers in Calgary and Edmonton. At a time when paving tar and Benzine is $ 29 a barrel, the price of ISIS, Iranian and Russian stolen / illegal oil is even lower. The USA oil monopoly has turned its’ back on Western Canada but Paul Godfrey won’t say that, Godfrey is paid to keep his mouth zippered. Albertans might as well face the music. They have been left at the church by the oilies. As well, Quebec and Ontario are being shafted because they are paying Alta. / Sask. natural gas prices for fracked American nat. gas which is now below the cost of production. This switcheroony by Russ Girling and Al Monaco is making a killing for their Wall Street stock holders. Girling and his TransNotCanada Co. are proposing to push Alberta roofing Tar and Benzine through the Mainline nat. gas pipe built by the Canadian Liberal Government in 1957, to transport Western nat. gas to Quebec and Ontario. This Mainline was constructed to insure stable nat. gas prices and security of supply. Girling’s present proposal to convert the Mainline over to paving tar and Hi Octane Benzine, means Quebec and Ontario nat. gas customers will face an iffy supply of nat. gas in the future and increasing costs due to this monopolistic situation. Ontario and Quebec will be in the hands of two Wall Street Companies whose focus does not include the interests of Canadians in the West and in the two eastern Provinces. But why would the Nazi press ever cover such thinks as those eastern bastards freezin in the dark. Where is the Government in Ottawa on this??? Turning the future of the natural gas supply in Ont. / Que. over to Wall Street. The answer is, Herr Harper is on the oilie take just like all the other rightie suits. Loads of oil money is stuffed in Lyin Steve’s election war chest. We is being bought just like the slave of yesteryear. Every time Russ Girling opens his mouth he tells lies. He was, like Lyin Steve educated in the halls of the University of Calgary. Elizabeth Cannon must be rightly proud of all her Fascist pupils. So many of those in and around the PMO graduated from Calgary University and it is inteesting they all tell lies. Elizabeth is possibly just a couple of month away from witnessing the fall of Canada to the American oil monopoly and the right wing. The University has worked long and hard to see this day arrive. It is the whole reason the oilies set up the University of Calgary in the first place in 1966. Calgary U was and is the training ground for the Canadian Fifth Column leaders of the future. The right likes to get students when they are very young, following the University of Chicago lead. Hitler enlisted his Youth when they were ten. At the end of WW 11 the most fanatic soldiers were the Hitler Youth. Their education only had one subject, the military. After 1945 many in the Youth ranks were little more than mad dogs after having their minds altered. The Nazi groupthink had consumed them. You can see from the actions of Herr Harper how the rightie education unfolds. The process of right wing indoctrination is started at the University of Calgary. The most committed candidates then transfer to the Manning Institute to molded into right wing zealots. Calgary U is the Canadian Fascist home of the Nietzsche Myth [ exceptional people should run the world, democracy is dangerous ], Fred Hayek [ the free market should be free to go where it wants to go, unencumbered by the wishes of the ignorant mob ] and Leo Strauss [ to lie in the service of the Fascist cause is noble and the ignorant mob is so ignorant, Leo stated that we the exceptionalists must guide them ]. The right wing, rigged free market scenario as taught at Calgary U by Elizabeth Cannon and her profs has been in place since Mad Harper and his Fascist Party used money from the American oil monopoly to take power. This takeover had the full support of the Post Mediocre papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, CTV and Global. So as Canada enters its’ second recession during the reign of Harper the First there is a frantic search for somebody else to blame for the slump. It is a 3 stage process. When a problem arises, the righties ignore same and deny its’ existence. If the problem persists the righties create a fantasy which in their minds dispenses with the problem. In the real world wishing a problem away doesn’t work. In the third phase, when the roof falls in as it presently has the righties find some one else to blame. Lyin Steve now says it is the world that is causing Canada grief. which is just another lie. The Americans are stripping the wealth from this Nation and attempting to turn us into a third world country in service to the USA. During this present Election Campaign both the Liberals and the NDP are promising to reactivate Canada’s social contract which is well within the financial capacity of Canada without raising taxes, if we just cut off the hands of the Americans who are busily helping themselves to our booty. When Caesar defeated the Gauls in 52 BC the prisoners were divided into 3 groups. Group one was slaughtered. Group two was given away as slaves. Group three had their hands cut off and were sent home as a warning. Mess with Rome and this is what will happen to you. Thus ended the rebellion by the Gauls. In terms of the Americans who are this very instant cleaning out our Treasury I’d only cut off one hand with a warning. Come back and we will cut the other one off. You know how many programs Harper has cut, the abuse of our veterans come first to mind. While saving a few million here and a few million there, Harper gave his employer,THE USA OIL MONOPOLY, EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS OF TAXPAYER’S MONEY TO BE USED FOR CARBON CAPTURE AND STORAGE, A PIE IN THE SKY TECHNOLOGY WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN PROVEN. JUST HOW MANY DAY CARE CENTRES COULD HAVE BEEN CREATED WITH EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS. I have been writing this blog for 6 years come December. More than 500 posts have been put up. A common thread which runs through many of my posts is the question, when will Canadians wake up to the fact that with Herr Harper’s help the Americans are stealing us blind. The recession that is now beginning to bite in this Country has everything to do with the rightpublicanazi and the Harper Fascist team. Will Canadians only awake to the dangers which are presently engulfing us when they ar behind the barbed wire fence of one of Jenni Byrne’s concentration camps??? Two problems face Canadians if we here remain a sovereign nation after October? It concerns the transportation of Alberta paving tar mixed with Benzine by TransNotCanada and Enbridge. Big money is paid to our Nazi media by Russ Girling and Al Monaco to keep this issue off the screen. If you happen to live along an old oil / nat. gas pipeline and still buy the National Post, our dear Paul Godfrey will NOT TELL YOU that your family is at extreme risk. Godfrey is paid to make sure you are not made aware of the risk to your person and that the Girling and Monaco Companies bear no risk whatsoever. The TransNot Canada Mainline natural gas pipeline is more than 50 years old. Rather than transporting oil as Girling tells us [ a lie ], Russ is going pump roofing tar and Hi Octane Benzine mix through those old pipes. Nat. gas creates no friction and is easy to pump through a pipeline, it is cool to the touch. The only problem is rust from the outside. The quality of steel 50 years ago was not what it is to-day. In my opinion Girling’s Mainline nat. gas pipeline is probably in the autumn of its’ years and should be torn up. Oil is self lubricating in a pipe and runs at about 75 deg F to the touch. Again the biggest threat to a 50 year old oil pipelines like Enbridge No. 9 in Ontario is external rust. Both roofing tar / Benzine spills at Kalamazoo Michigan [ Enbridge ] and Mayflower Arkansas [ EXXON ] concerned Alberta tar mixed with Benzine being forced through 50 year old pipes. Both communities were destroyed and hundreds of people were made sick from the Benzine fumes. In Megantic the same conditions applied. The Benzine poured into the sewers and basements of businesses and homes. The Benzine fumes were so bad Canadian / Quebec taxpayers paid to have the centre of Megantic dug up and the contaminated soil removed. The health officials demanded it. Harper let his employer the American oil monopoly and CP Rail get away with this accident scot-free by having the Canadian Transportation Safety Board write a bogus report. Transport Canada itself just looked the other way. Harper paid off Pauline Marois to not hold an inquest, which is required by law. Our Nazi media said nothing and the people of Megantic were thrown to the wolves as Enbridge did in Kalamazoo and EXXON did in Mayflower. The citizens of Megantic were treated like Americans not Canadians by the USA oil monopoly and CP Rail. The civil servants involved, who are supposed to keep Canadians safe bowed to Harper’s wishes lest they lose their jobs. Government employees now consider a paycheque more important than the safety of the citizenry and the truth. The Can. Nazi media won’t touch this story and yet many toadstools still buy the Post, the Globe, the Star and watch CTV and Global. Go figure??? Actually paying to facilitate the hand that bites you. Oil is a better lubricant than water is. The tar / Benzine mix, needs higher pressure to get it to move [ think pumping water as opposed to toothpaste ]. The tar / Benzine mix is not self lubricating and to make matters works the paving tar contains about 5% quartz sand. As the tar / Benzine mix is pushed through the pipe the sand [ like 80 grit sandpaper ], scours the inside of even a new pipe away, never mind a 50 year old pipe. As a mechanic I often sand blasted machinery. I could put a hole right through a car fender in a couple of minutes. This scouring causes extreme friction and a pipe full of tar / Benzine will heat up to 150 deg F, you can’t touch that pipe. At that temp some of the Benzine in the tar mix turns to gas, so the risk anywhere along a pipeline carrying Bitumen tar is comparable to the situation at Megantic. Everywhere that roofing tar and Benzine are transported you have the makings of a bomb. That is what the RCHP should be investigating but the force has been neutered by Harper. Bob Paulson has been deballed. Bob has been reduced a eunuch, in the service of Lyin Steve. The other problem for the old, rusty nat. gas / oil pipelines is that the quartz sand scours away the delicate pressure safety switches and shut off valve seats, DESIGNED STRICTLY FOR OIL. What if you removed the insert in one of your taps and rubbed the rubber washer with 80 grit sandpaper, the washer would disappear in a few seconds. So wherever a nat. gas / oil pipeline is converted to transport roofing tar and Benzine, THERE IS NO EARLY WARNING SYSTEM IN PLACE TO ALERT TRANSNOTCANADA AND ENBRIDGE OF A SPILL. There has never been an advanced spill warning system designed for sand laden paving tar and Benzine. When Kinder Morgan, TransNotCanada or Enbridge go before the National Energy Board and promise the latest early spill warning system they are talking about a system designed for OIL. Such a system, installed by Kinder Morgan on its’ proposed pipe from Alberta to Burnaby would be useless after a week. But such information would be over the heads of the dummies appointed by Harper to the NEB. In 3 cases, Kalamazoo, Mayflower and the recent Nexen Bitumen spill in Fort McMurray, the safety systems designed for oil, were disabled by the quartz sand. In each case the operators were unaware of the burst pipes. In Fort McMurray, nobody knew there was a broken pipe for two weeks. Our National Energy Board has been hoodwinked into thinking that the old oil pipelines / new pipelines will all be carrying oil. Of course that is what the Can. Nazi media has been paid to say for years, thousands and thousands and thousands of time the word OIL has been repeated. The truth brings Paul Godfrey NO MONEY. But lies pay very, very well. The members of the National Energy Board are mechanically illiterate, they’re like the 3 monkeys, see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. These are perfect candidates to facilitate the wishes of the American oil monopoly and were appointed by Mad Harper to do just that. HERE IS A CLEAR STATEMENT WHICH MAYBE EVEN THE TOADSTOOLS WILL UNDERSTAND. IF PAVING TAR, SAND AND BENZINE ARE PUMPED THROUGH A PIPELINE, WHETHER OLD AND RUSTY OR BRAND NEW THERE WILL BE NO EARLY WARNING SPILL SYSTEM PAST A WEEK AFTER INSTALLATION. SO WHEN ENBRIDGE NO. 9 BLOWS UP AT BATHURST AND FINCH, AL MONACO WOULD NOT KNOW FOR HOURS THAT HIS PIPE HAD FAILED. IN THE MEANTIME THE CONTINUING PRESSURE WOULD MAINTAIN THE SUPPLY BENZINE TO THE CONFLAGRATION AND SPREAD THE INFERNO. THE PAVING TAR WOULD KEEP BURNING FOR DAYS AND WOULD HAVE TO BE ALLOWED TO BURN ITSELF OUT. BATHURST AND FINCH WOULD LOOK MUCH LIKE THE PORT OF TIANJIN, MASSIVE LOSS OF LIFE, THOUSANDS INJURED DUE TO BURNS BUT ALSO THE ILL AFFECTS OF INHALING BENZINE FUMES. BUSINESSES, HOUSES AND CONDOS WOULD BE DESTROYED. SCHOOLS, CHURCHES AND COMMUNITY CENTRES WOULD BE DESTROYED. THE INFRASTRUCTURE WOULD BE DESTROYED, ROADS, SEWERS, WATER PIPES, HYDRO, PHONE LINES AND HYDRANTS. EVERY LOW SPOT WOULD FILL WITH SPRAYING BENZINE, WHICH WOULD SEEP INTO THE GROUND AND DESTROY THE SOIL. AND WHAT ARE FEDERAL FACIST MPs, KATHLEEN McGUINTY’S LIBERAL MPPs, JOHN TORY AND THE NAZI MEDIA DOING ABOUT THIS VERY REAL THREAT??? Exactly N O T H I N G! Do you want this kind of thing to happen at Finch Ave. and Bathurst St. in Toronto or Hastings St. and Inlet Dr. in Burnaby BC? Then cast your ballot for Steve harper and his Fascist Party. The NEB members are incurious and willfully ignorant on purpose. They were picked because they too think of Canadians as an ignorant mob, not deserving of the time of day or any other considerations. The NEB has now ruled that Enbridge and TransNotCanada must pump water through their old pipelines to prove that they are safe. This is insane. Water does not approximate roofing tar and Benzine. This shows just how stupid the NEB members are. Remember, tar and Benzine are like toothpaste not water. No current pipeline should be used for tar / Benzine until standards are developed to make the transport of same safe. This has never been done in Canada or the USA. THERE ARE NO STANDARDS AT PRESENT. The Alberta tar should be upgraded right at the bitumen mine site and turned into crude oil right at Fort McMurray. Then the old pipelines or the proposed, new Twin Beaver pipeline could carry oil safely across the Country as has been going on safely for 50 years. Ignore this threat of transporting paving tar and Benzine across Canada and Megantic will become just the first of many tragedies to come. Canadians, at this moment in time can decide if the Megantic inferno was a one off or the first of many Harper orchestrated conflagrations? I can guarantee, when Enbridge No. 9 blows up, people will say, HOW COULD SUCH A THING HAPPEN??? Now you know. The risk is right there, staring everyone in the face and thousand of Canadians lives are at stake. But the politicians are afraid to anger the rightie rigged, free market gods. Although the endangerment to lives is huge , the National Post, the Globe, the Star, CTV and Global [ not the CBC ] have not made a peep. For this Nazi media to go peepless means big money. Telling the truth to Canadians provides no riches to the media. The Enbridge system of creating Limited Partnerships creates a firewall between the Company and spills / conflagrations. If the paving tar / Benzine mix spills or blows up like at Megantic, only the shareholders of any short stretch of No. 9 pipe will be on the hook. If No. 9 was to fail in Toronto, the shareholders of that section would obviously carry just the minimum insurance required. If it exploded, the guilty partners involved would just go bankrupt like M. M and A did in Megantic. As a result the taxpayers of Toronto and Ontario would be left holding the bag. The National Energy Board and the Nazi media are not telling Canadians that if there was a spill / fire on No. 9 in Toronto, Enbridge as a Company would walk away scot-free. All the insurance demanded of Enbridge by the NEB is phony baloney, meaningless. It would never come into play. The owners of that short stretch of No. 9 in Toronto, would be on the hook temporarily until they could get into Court to declare bankruptcy. Then they could walk away scot-free too. John Tory, his Council and Toronto would see lives lost, people with frightening injuries, staggering damages to housing, businesses and infrastructure and the City would have to come up with the jack to PAY ALL OF THE COSTS. This is why Herr Harper, Kathleen McGuinty, John Tory and the Nazi media are not breathing a word to Barb Black’s little people. All the insiders know the risks of transporting Alberta roofing tar mixed with Benzine by rail or by pipe. But the profits are so large that they are prepared to see a few hundred or a few thousand Canadians die if a Hiroshima like incident happens on No. 9. I question the wisdom of electing Sociopaths to office who take money to turn a blind eye to these risks. Harper and Prentice were and are two of many. Money buys politicians, Canadians who love America more, plus Canadians who just love money at any price and especially the Nazi media. Every day, Paul Godfrey prostitutes himself in the service of the American oil monopoly, located in Houston and its’ star employee Stevie Harper. The Postmedia papers provide constant cover for Lyin Steven and they don’t allow a disparaging about Himself to appear in print. Why Margaret Atwood had anything to do with Godfrey I don’t know? Paul can’t be trusted. No other leader since Hitler, other than the very mentally ill Harper has such praise been heaped upon! No other leader since Hitler, other than Mad Harper has escaped public scrutiny by the paid press. Where then do Barb’s little people learn the truth. The CBC is the only source of the truth in Canada but the Corporation responds narrowly to news as it happens. Since the CBC is funded by Parliament, the Corp. has to be very careful of the extent to which it adds political opinion to its’ coverage. If the oilies and Harper in October we can kiss the CBC and the CRTC goodbye. With Donald Trump as President, the Americans will never permit Canadians to decide what goes on in their Country. Canadians making decisions will be nothing but an entry in the history book. Even though Alberta roofing tar mixed with Benzine is being transported across Canada by rail or pipe, the CBC, like everyone else in the political class, big business, banks, universities and the media must call tar from the Alberta tar sands, OIL. Big Petrol is that powerful. In fact Houston renamed our Canadian tar sands the OIL SANDS. Nervy bastards those Americans, I’d say! To that old saying, beware of the Yankee traders, most Canadians have paid no attention whatsoever. The powerful and rich, small minority of Canadian right wingers have seized the reins of our Nazi media with immense injections of US money and help from the rightpublicanazis south of the border. But once this Nation has been secured as a Vassal State all of that money spent on the takeover of Canada will be returned with interest, such proceeds being taken out of the hides of Canadians. It is a classic Fifth Column take over of a Country. First weaken the Country from within, by doing it in secret. Aided by outsiders and in this case the Americans, with full support from Steve Harper, our boy from Leaside in Toronto. The weakening is now in progress as all of our institutions are being trashed, our social programs gutted [ education, Medicare, pensions, services to the less fortunate etc ]. Our supply management system which has supported farmer across the Country is being dismantled because the Americans want it dismantled. Lyin Brian Mulroney and Lyin Steve Harper killed the Canadian Wheat Board in 2012, the skeleton of the CWB was recently sold to the Chinese. Since the demise of the CWB, farm incomes in the West have dropped more than 10% and the grain harvest has dropped more than 15%. It is interesting that there is a continual howl from the Americans about our supply management system which supports our farmers and producers. While at the very same time, more than 50% of the specialty crops in California operate under supply management rules, put in place by Washington in the 1930s. This to maintain quality, to prevent an oversupply and maintain a high price. The California supply management system is the same as ours and has been operating successfully for 80 Years. It is that old Yankee level playing that they hanker for. You know the one with the surface sloping 45 deg in their favour and with the wind at their backs. Make any deal with the Yanks and they will fuck you in a blink if they get a chance no matter what is written down on paper. Remember Chamberlain’s piece of paper that said. ” Peace in our time “. But our Nazi media, the PostMediocre papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, CTV and Global would never tell Canadians about such a parallel supply management system in the USA. Harper, Fred Hayek and the University of Calgary are quite happy seeing the American retain their supply management system, it is something that Canadians shouldn’t be allowed to have anyway. The reason, when there are surplus crops in the US the Americans want someplace close to dump said surplus. That would leave farmers in this Country at the mercy of American agricultural whim and the quality and security of our food would be put in doubt. Like with Pierre Trudeau and his NEP, which was put in place to ensure Canada had enough gasoline, diesel and jet fuel if Washington and the American oil monopoly stumbled their way into another world oil crisis, which they did. Leaving our farmers defenseless against US dumping of agricultural products would mean two thing, a shortage of supply at times and higher prices because many in the farming communities would go broke. In the last couple of months the negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership have been going on among 12 countries. It is no partnership. This whole scam has been dreamed up by the US to get access to more markets for American exports. Washington is promising better access to US markets which is mostly pie in the sky. Any exports from other countries that upset American businesses will see the gate shut even on those who sign the TPP. Canada has the NAFTA Treaty with the USA. Which is not worth a piece of coon shit If our exports upset American interests they just tromp on our toes and Ottawa does nothing. Lyin Brian Mulroney signed the NAFTA agreement with the USA and Mexico. Another of Mulroney’s illegal dealings and give always to the US. The Canadian Wheat Boards, only the latest. If you remember Brian took $ 300,000 in cash while he was PM and stashed it in New York to keep it hidden. Revenue Canada got wind of this money and began an investigation. Hurriedly, Mulroney illegally smuggled the cash back across the border and declared it. Once Rev. Can. starts an investigation, people who have stolen money from Canada by not declaring taxes in a timely fashion are on the hook for big fines and interest. Someone inside Rev. Can. let Mulroney off and he was only required to pay half the interest owed. Mulroney privatized Air Canada and immediately those around him had their hands out for bribes. Air Canada bought 34 Airbus 320s during Mulroney’s time as Prime Minister. The RCMP investigated this deal and there were many indications, letters, testimony Canada is paying the freight to build a new bridge from Windsor to Detroit. By law the Yanks will supply all the steel for our bridge. Canadians steel doesn’t get a look in. Harper just rolled over and played puppy, hoping to get his belly scratched. During the TPP negotiations over the last couple of months, which were not successful at this session, but Harper actually gave away our supply management system, with the understanding that the USA would not press the matter until after the Election, in October. If you read me you will know that I tracked the Smear Alison Redford Campaign in the Nazi media during her time in office. I have more than 250 smear articles during that time clipped from the newspapers. This campaign to destroy the duly elected Premier of Alberta was orchestrated in Houston When the NDP Party was elected in Alberta in May 2015 I knew just what was coming. A Smear Rachel Notley Campaign in the papers. I wrote about the intensity of that Campaign in June. The Smear Rachel Campaign is also being orchestrated by the oil monopoly in Houston and the Nazi media is making a lot of money. Big Oil wants their Stevie to win at all costs. I noticed that when the TPP negotiations were going on, all the right wing bobble heads joined in. In the PostMediocre papers all the low / no paid interns were saying how dangerous supply management to Canada. Horseshit. California has had supply management in place since the 1930s and still does, because it works. Although the Americans claim that the free market reigns in their agricultural sector, that market is rigged. If the farmers of any crop encounter difficulties Washington pays them subsidies. But Paul Godfrey has left that part of the equation out. I was particularly interested in the attack on supply management by David Thomson’s Globe and Tar. My count of clipped articles is two Globe Editorials, 6 articles by Barrie Mckenna, 5 articles by Steve Chase, 3 articles by John Ibbetson and one by the team of Martha Hall Findley and Jack Mintz who don’t know one end of a cow from the other. It is interesting that the 17 clippings contain the same false news and misinformation as everyone else in the media. This anti supply management campaign follows in the same steps as the campaigns to smear Alison Reford and Rachel Notley. There is a central office in Houston which has a list of noted Canadian stenographers who will write anything that comes with a cheque, like Rex Murphy. These names will put lies, spin or Fascist propaganda into their own words at the mere hint of cash. During the Smear Alison Redford Campaign, Gary Mason, a third rate writer for the Globe held the record with more than 25 Redford smears to his credit. He could have painted more than 25 little oil cans on the door of his car to signify his kills. It is strange, all Gary’s hit pieces related to Alberta. This while Gary operates out his basement in Vancouver BC. So it means that Mason had no first hand knowledge of happenings in Alberta during the Redford years. Is this the kind of stuff newspapers buyers should be reading in the Globe? Gar was obviously getting E-Mails from Phil Crawley, CEO of the Globe telling him what Houston wanted him to write. David Thomson, Gary Mason and Phil Crawley are just some of the many noteworthy whores at the Globe and Tar, prepared to compromise principles for personal and corporate gain. Maybe someone should tell Phil Crawley to drop the use of the word OIL in the Globe, the word Oil has been used at least ten thousand times in the Paper, this just constitutes ten thousand more lies the paper has published. Oil doesn’t blow up. Alberta paving tar mixed with Benzine does blow up. This black shiny shit that explodes is in pipelines and CP /CN tank cars everywhere in Canada. But Crawley keeps taking cheques to lie on behalf of the USA oil monopoly out of Houston. Just let that sink in folks. The oilies in Houston have decided that their profits are more important than the lives of you and your children. AND THERE IS NO ONE IN CANADA WITH THE POWER TO REMOVE THAT TAR / BENZINE RISK FROM YOUR SHOULDERS. SORRY, HERR HARPER IS ON THE AMERICAN OIL MONOPOLY PAY ROLL TOO. An illegal enterprise that puts profits ahead of the lives of people, everywhere. As does Thomson, Crawley and the Globe. Such people did not this Country build! Such people this Country will destroy. Printing False News is a criminal offense in Canada. The Nazi press ignores that Law because Harper lets them. Drivers in North America keep ISIS rolling in dough, each time they fill up with gasoline or diesel or fly, using jet fuel. The sooner we jettison these Yankee criminals from Houston, the better. So if you really want to know what is going on with the TPP negotiations, don’t buy a Globe or National Post or a Star? Newspapers respond slavishly to Harper’s marching orders, this in return for a cheque? In my view, if you buy a National Post or the Globe or a Star, YOU REALLY DON’T WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE REAL WORLD. I take it then you would rather dwell in the dark and be fooled. Newspapers, over time have been granted special status, something called, ” FREEDOM OF THE PRESS “, by the people. This social license from THE PEOPLE, guaranteed freedom of the press, so there would be interference in the task of spreading the light to the larger population. In the last 20 years, press bosses, Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich and CTV /Global, have reinterpreted this bargain with the people, their new found meaning, ” FREEDOM OF THE PRESS TO SELL OUT TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER “. So when you buy the Post, Globe, Star or watch CTV / Global what you read or see is what the US oilies, Harper, the richest and most powerful people in the Country want you to read. Instead of casting light, the PostMediocre papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, CTV and Global are being paid to go around snuffing ALL THE CANDLES OUT. The aforementioned newspapers / TV outlets, do not tell the truth about : the American oil monopoly, Herr Harper, the loss of our freedoms in Canada, the theft of the 2011 Federal election, bribery in Parliament and the Senate, our watered down laws except on terrorism, the environment, the fact that roofing tar / Benzine, now crisscrossing the Nation is described as OIL, Global Warming, the affects of climate change, already ravishing the Country, education, Medicare, unions, pensions, phony balanced budgets, smaller government, the folly of cutting taxes for the rich / businesses, old rusty pipelines, old railways / CN and CP, the assault on our Courts, the fact that Revenue Canada rewards Harper’s friends and harasses Harper’s enemeys, Canada Post which follows Harpers orders, Statistics Can which cooks the books, the stock market rigged by Wall Street, the Finance Department which cooks the books and the now RCHP which take it’s marching orders from the PMO, the destruction of supply management in Canada to find favour with the US, the imposition of a police state in Canada behind the backs of the citizenry, no admission by the paper’s of their involvement with the Houston sponsored press gang banging of Premier Redford, Premier Notley, TPP, supply management, OPEC, Neil Young or anyone else who gets in the way of the oilies. On the flip side, the press has gone out of its’ way to whitewash Conrad Black, now a Brit, a convicted criminal, who did jail time [ I have clipped more than 160 ” Black For God ‘ press articles ]. By Law, Black should not be in this Country. But Harper ignored yet another Law and let the Conman in. The newspapers have also gone out of their way to whitewash Brian Mulroney, who took bribes when he was Prime Minister. This allow his friends to get in on the Airbus deal to Air Canada. When any government privatizes a public enterprise it is usually a bean feast for hangers on and insiders I lived through this stain on Canada reputation, I actually worked for this crook Mulroney for a time and I read the evidence presented at various hearing and trials. After being caught with $ 300,000 in his hot little hand Mulroney has continually lied about his involvement in the kick back scheme. Brian thus became Lyin Brian, where he has remained to this day. Lyin Dalt McGuinty also privatized many of Ontario’s public enterprises, he and his friends were richly rewarded. I’d love to see McGuinty’s bank records to see how much he made in bribes while Preem. In covering this alternative world conjured by the right wing, the Canadian Nazi media has become irrelevant. You would been farther ahead reading the 72 volumes of the Bobbsie Twins books written from 1904 to 1979. In fact I ould venture to say you would be farther ahead. There are similarities between Mulroney and Herr Harper’s statements and those of Steve’s lieutenants. Brian and Steve are inveterate liars. Harper okayed a bribe to make his number one cheerleader, Mike Duffy go away. The Duffster refuses to fall on his sword as all Fascsits are supposed to do. Almost all righties are deathly afraid of being excommunicated by the right wing. Michael Sona went to jail with sealed lips. Nigel Wright fled to London UK and has been communicating with Harper and the PMO since his running away, even during the trial. Wright’s lips are also sealed. The Hitler Youth also had this kind of hold over impressionable young German teens. Their thinking for themselves process was destroyed by the Nazis. The Youth were reduced to order takers. Lyin Steve is surrounded by Harper Youth trained by Preston Manning at his Institute for the destruction of democracy in this country [ a Canadian Charity by the way under the present Harper rules at Rev. Can. ]. Manning as well as Elizabeth Cannon, Pres. of the public University of Calgary teaches their young that it is RIGHT AND PROPER TO LIE in defending the right wing cause. Elizabeth is well seasoned in the art of lying. She has been 30 years in the Calgary U’ ” Noble Lie ” environment and I am sure lying comes as second nature to her. Wee Stevie Harper came out of Calgary U lying and after 35 years he is still telling lies. Cannon should be some proud. After the October Election, Elizabeth Cannon may well be able to hang an American oil monopoly plaque in her office to the affect that the University of Calgary played a significant role in bringing Canada down by handing control over to the oilies. I am sure that that presentation to Cannon would be made in oilie headquarter in Houston. Which is now the centre of the world. The Congress in Washington has been reduced to being on the oilie payroll. Lyin Steve is just another stain on this Country’s reputation, brought about by the crush of US oil money. Interestingly both Lyin Brian and Lyin Steve have been and are motivated exclusively by American cash. Canada doesn’t get a look in. I have provided you with a long list of important issues which are not being addressed honestly by the Nazi media here. Honesty, why honesty in the press disappeared ten years ago. Since then I have been very critical of the Nazi media [ not the CBC ] and the many stenographers who work to pump out Fascist propaganda in the PostMediocre papers, the Globe and Tar, the Toronto Star and on CTV / Global, this on behalf of the oilies in Houston and the rightpublicanazis. Coyne, Ivison, Foster, Mintz, Cattaneo, Solomon, Corcoran, Mason, Ibbittson, Stevens, Murphy, Martin, McParland and the list goes on and on. The question might be asked, after all the millions of word these people have written, is this Country BETTER OFF? OR WORSE OFF? The answer obviously is we are much worse off. Ten years of Harper and Hayek has been a disaster. The rigged free market system as promoted by the right wing has never worked, is not working now and will never work in the future. The laissez-faire economic system is not fair at all. Laissez-faire is of the right wing, promoted by the right wing, for the promoters in the right wing. And the said promoters pay the Ca. Nazi press to say laissez-faire works to the benefit of all citizens, which is a perpetual lie. All of the names above and many others take oilie cheques to assist in seeing the raping and pillaging by the righties of Canada continues. All of the paid efforts by the Nazi media and their minions are directed at enriching the rich and impoverishing the ignorant masses because we are not worthy of consideration. With all the money pouring in from Houston in support of enslavement what else could we expect from Canadians lied to and kept in the dark??? Oops, another nation falls into the clutches of the American oil monopoly. After almost 6 years of calling right wing propaganda, right wing propaganda and naming the names of those who toil for the Nazi press, I HAVE NEVER BEEN CHALLENGED ONCE. I have given permission, via my posts, to the Nazi media, that they can reprint or broadcast any of my posts free of charge on the understanding that not a single one of my words can be changed or omitted. Suprise, suprise, I have had no takers. In regards to my above list of important issues, if you don’t know the truth about any of the foregoing, then where are you??? Why that’s easy to answer, you’re in Harperland and you are certainly, certifiably stupid. If the American oil monopoly does succeed in turning Canada into a petro police state in October, with Harper’s help, then you dummies deserve everything you are going to get. Those of us who have put ourselves out there, on the line so to speak, in an effort to keep this Nation free will not deserve the treatment that we are going to get at the hands of the oilies, Herr Harper and his Fascists if they steal the Election in October. Personally, I have and will defend my democratic principles, no question. Thus I can look at myself in the mirror and say I have never give in and will never give in to tyranny. I have not been a toadstool in my life so far and I am not going to become one now. Harperland is just where Lyin Steve, the oilies, the American right and the Nazi media want you to be. Are you going to willingly surrender to serfdom. We will see shortly? Interestingly, Hitler’s approach was exactly the same. The Germans got to read what the Fuhrer wanted them to read. People who were curious, had independent thoughts, had an illegal radio and didn’t believe the official Nazi line found themselves trussed up on meat hooks. There are toadstools here, to-day, who still will say, such things could never happen in Canada. They should rethink their foolish and naive position. The Royal Canadian Harper Police, in the Duffy affair have proven themselves to be subservient Harper boot lickers. Herr Harper is dispensing with all the laws in Canada that he finds vexatious, a project that is going along quite nicely just now. What is there to stop Lyin Steve from hiring thugs to become officers in the RCHP as Hitler did with his Brown Shirts? And having his thugs put his opponents in Steve’s new jails. With thugs in the red tunic, would come hob nail jackboots, arrests in the middle of the night and the introduction meat hooks. HOW WOULD /\ YOU /\ STOP STEVE DOING THIS SORT OF THING TO /\ YOU /\??? RAISE A HAND AND YOU WOULD BE BRANDED A TERRORIST. Harper has already made it a crime to think bad thoughts. If you express an opinion at your local market, STEVE WILL BE COUNTING ON YOUR NEIGHBOURS SNITCHING ON YOU. IN EVERY COUNTRY THERE ARE SNITCHERS WHO WILL SNITCH IF MONEY IS INVOLVED. THE SAME THING OCCURRED IN NAZI GERMANY WHERE IT WAS EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF. INDIVIDUALS WITH NO PLACE TO TURN ARE EASILY FRIGHTENED AND MANIPULATED AS HAS BEEN PROVEN BY THE FASCISTS. Such a turning of one Canadian against another will have a disasterous affect. Harper has already embarked on his plan to slice and dice Canada into little bits, rewarding some, abusing others. Soon Canadians will be begging to be among the chosen few. The next thing will be the replacement of the red Canadian Maple Leaf Flag with a black Swastika on a red field. Currently, Lyin Steve himself, hasn’t come clean on the ending of supply management in this Country. I say to farmers you have been had. But the Nazi media is not saying boo on this subject. As a result of Harper’s duplicity, Canadian farmers, who are in supply management systems are up shlitz creek without a paddle if the Oilies / Harper take control of Canada in October. I expect this to be a repeat of 2011, namely the Fascists cheating their way to power again, riding on their pile of USA oil monopoly cash. EXTRA, EXTRA, I am trying to spread a little light here, by telling you that supply management is a goner after the election if Herr Harper is returned. For Godfrey, there is money to be made publishing right wing propaganda, recopying Wall Street E-Mails and censoring the news. Like leaving out the fact that Harper has already killed supply management. In fact, since the PostMediocre outfit took over from Conrad Black’s bankrupt National Post, Godfrey has paid his Wall Street keepers more than 300 million dollars in interest [ Where can one get 12% interest? Only from dumb Canadians! ]? Where does ISIS get some of its’ money, much used to kill innocent people? Why from dumb Canadians who buy gasoline, diesel and fly using jet fuel sold to us by the American oil monopoly which is now moving to take over this fair Land. Godfrey is cutting Canadian jobs, working to destroy democracy in Canada and sending more than $ 300 million out of the Country in the doing? Yet another reward to Wall Street for screwing Canada. If you still buy a bag of shit that Godfrey sells, masquerading as one of the Post papers, then some of your money is going directly to the sharks on Wall Street to keep them happy. Paul would not get a dime if he leaked the fact that Harper has just given Canada’s supply management away to the Americans for nothing. That is for nothing, folks. Just like Steve gave the Canadian Wheat Board to the Chinese for nothing, ably assisted by Brian Mulroney, a Director of Archer, Daniels Midland out of Chicago. Hitler’s papers never mentioned a word about the concentration camps. Germans, after the War said they had never heard about the concentration camps. Our Nazi media follows the same Goebbels’ play book, lying being a central focus. Censorship is alive and well at Paul Godfrey’s PostMediocre papers. Margaret Atwood wrote a funny little piece about hair and it appeared on the National Post net network. This piece was posted, created a stir and then Godfrey pulled the thing off the net. Canadians responded negatively to censorship at the Paper and so they should. This Country fought 2 World Wars to stamp out dictatorships and the evil that a totalitarian press spreads. Godfrey was forced to post Atwood’s piece again but this time in censored form. So even though Margaret’s article was put back up by Godfrey, it still bore the scars of censorship. Something that is completely unacceptable in Canada. If you are deelict in your duty and allow the Oilies and harper cheat their way back to power then expect censorship to become a blanket. You too will never read about the Canadian concentration camps. Censorship has been going on for some time in the Canadian Nazi press as my file shows. Godfrey’s excuse for pulling Marg’s post is that her piece had to be fact checked. THAT IS SURELY A JOKE SON? ATWOOD FACT CHECKED?? THIS IS JUST TOO MUCH TO TAKE??? For all those who live in the real world, Margaret is one of us. Righties like Godfrey live in an unreal world and have thus lost touch. Once a person has cut his ties with terra firma, like Mad Harper and Godfrey have, the spectacle they are creating becomes more bizarre with each passing day. Mentally deficient Steve, is so out there he is so outre! The PostMediocre papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, CTV and Global are twisting themselves into pretzels trying to square Herr Harper’s Sociopathic behaviour with the lives of 35 million normal Canadians. What we are witnessing is another one of those sessions where little Stevie Harper could become unglued. I think Lyin Steve will probably have to head to hide in his closet again. Paul Godfrey fired all his editors and fact checkers eons ago. He doesn’t need to do fact checking any more. Since all of the copy in the Paper either come via John Ivison having breakfast with Harper the First or is just made up or comes from the 3 Wall Street hedge funds which own the Post illegally. What is there to check? Paul has John Ivison, Andrew Coyne, Terry Corcoran, Peter Foster et al, just conjure up copy from thin air and to those fantasies Godfrey prints E-Mails from the Streeters. These Uncanadian New York contributions, go to press unchallenged, unread and uncut. Again what is there to check? I am a walking, talking 80 year old fact checker. I have been around for a L O N G time AND STILL HAVE A GREAT MEMORY. I find it appalling that Harper is trying to rewrite Canadian history but it is made far worse due to the fact that Paul Godfrey continualy prints Steve’s fictional rewrite, word for word. But isn’t that what all tyrants do, they erase the history a conquered people. If an individual loses his or her identity and history, manipulation is made far easier. When I was a Director of the Prince Edward / Hastings CPC Riding Association in 2006 I heard a lot about control, manipulation, misinformation and intimidation from Harper’s juvenile representatives from Ottawa, who I called the Harper Youth. I am a life long Progressive Conservative and had followed Steve Harper’s rightie antics for some years and in my opinion Steve was a nut case. I wanted to get inside Harper’s camp in 2006 to see what was really going on. As a student of history and up to speed on Hitler and Nazism it quickly became clear Harper was following exactly the same path. I became a very vocal Harper opponent at that instant and I wrote to Lyin Steve often. We wrote letters back in those days. Every letter I sent to Stevie was addressed to Herr Harper and the envelopes bore the same title. That was going on 8 years ago and one thought has been on my mind over all these year. How could so many Canadians be fooled by this Sociopath. And there are still those who are being taken in by the Fascists, thank to the Paul Godfrey turncoats in Canada. I get a free National Post most days, it is just too delicious. The Wall Streeters don’t actually get a dime of my money. The misinformation, made up stuff and False News in the Post papers, is simply mindblowing. But then I have to keep reminding myself that Godfrey’s papers are written for 8 year olds. The Post reaches out to the non adult population of any age.. Who in their right mind would read a newspaper where the copy is generated in a virtual mental institution inside Harper’s office??? Now if there happens to be a fact checker still left at the Post, maybe he / she could take time off sweeping and dusting, to do some fact checking on Peter Foster’s climate change fantasy columns. Peter is a loony, right wing Englishman who obviously couldn’t cut the mustard at home. Pete is a little like John Ivison a Scot, both foreigners. Maybe they could be sent back to the UK on a cattle boat. along with Brian Day, Conrad Black and Babs. I do not appreciate failed English men Like Conrad Black, Peter Foster, John Ivison, Brin Day and Chris Hume telling us what to do. For Christ’s sake GO HOME and stir up shit in your own backyard. We don’t need you here messing up our Country. Tom Flanagan, of the University of Calgary, is an American draft dodger with a big mouth. There are a number like him from South of the border, Margaret Wente and Diane Francis. they should all be deported. Peter Foster just makes stuff up which will result in the destruction of our planet. And Godfrey let’s him get away with it. Mind, one has to be barmy anyway, to write right wing copy. Writing such copy as Andrew Coyne has been doing for so many years, is just like copying from the telephone book. But year after year after year, oh please? These people like Coyne have to be brain dead. Can you imagine going through your entire life never thinking for yourself??? Now we all know that Margaret Atwood is a towering talent, can write and that she understands well the English language. Nobody at the National Post is in her league. Margaret writes quality. The stenographers at the PostMediocre papers are hired specifically because they don’t have the ability to think for themselves and their job is to regurgitate rightie dogma or doctor the news or copy E-Mails from their bosses on Wall Street. I believe Atwood took note of the Fascist attack ad directed at Justin Trudeau in which a group of actors and actresses repeat ridiculous lines written for them by the Fascist PMO. Again, those shown in the attack ad, proves that there are people will say anything for money, ” SOME INTEGRITY “? The, ” JUST NOT READY ” line is bolstered by the comment about Justin, ” NICE HAIR THOUGH “. So Margaret’s commented on the hair of the 3 male leadership hopefuls and the extenuating circumstances. Now Harper is going bald, so he MUST wear a toupe. Steve’s ventures into the real world are limit for fear his toupe will blow away. His hairpiece is serviced 24 hours a day by an assistant paid for, with taxpayer’s. The bill to Canadians for Steve’s Gorilla Glue requirements must be close to what Mike Duffy spent. Possibly the Liberals could create an attack ad to say that Harper has passed his, ” BEST BEFORE DATE ” and then add, ” NICE TOUPE THOUGH “. Paul Godfrey is careful to ONLY ALLOW Fascist spin, lies, made up stuff or propaganda into the PostMediocre papers. The odd time he permits the words of a normal person, who is fair minded and thinks rationally, to be printed in the Post. This is done to convince the easily led that the Postmediocre papers ARE NOT right wing YELLOW RAGS. It has been my feeling all along that such HONEST JOURNALISTIC OFFERINGS would be heavily censored by Paul Godfrey’s right wing hawks, unknown to the readers. And that the contributor would then have no venue in which to complain about their original copy being altered or skewed. During the last Ontario Provincial Election the Nazi media gave sparse coverage to Andrea Horwath, the Provincial NDP Leader. When Andrea did finally appear in print it was some stenographer interpreting what Horwath said. In a sense, HORWATH WAS CENSORED EXCEPT BY THE CBC. In Andrea’s case she seldom made it into print. In the case of Rachel Notley, the Preem of Alberta, has now been lambasted by more than 200 SMEAR articles IN OUR NAZI PRESS. Paid for by the American oil monopoly in Houston. With the Atwood dust up, we now know that Godfrey does indeed censor the news to serve the oilies, Harper and Paul’s Wall Street masters. When you read Atwood, do you want to read the real Atwood??? Or do you want to read Godfrey’s rightie version of Atwood??? In the real world, would anyone dare to suggest that Margaret Atwood’s works should be fact checked. RIDICULOUS! In this instance, Godfrey tried to USE the Atwood’s name to mask his Paper’s far right, disgraceful publication. Paul wanted to use the Atwood name and reputation but didn’t want Margaret’s critical comments and literary outpourings. Like all righties, Paul tried / tries to play both sides of the street, having Atwood’s name in his paper but not Atwood, the real person. Welcome to a glimpse into what goes on behind the scenes in Harperland, J U S T C R A Z Y! V E R Y D A N G E R O U S After October, if the oilies take charge, Atwood will probably be put under house arrest and we will see no more books from Margaret. A civil servant, who moonlights as a folk singer, composed a ditty suggesting the Harper the First QUIT OUR AFFAIRS. Tony Turner and his choir of typical Canadians put their video up on YouTube, to great acclaim. Harper had Tony sacked. Now Steve, like Hitler never gets his hands dirty, he just has one of his young Manning Institute Harper Youth thugs do the job. If you read the words of the ditty, it is all the truth. Now let me get this straight? A group of dedicated Canadians put the truth to music, sing the song publicly and the leader loses his job. Paul Godfrey, who operates the PostMedia papers, an American newspaper chain, illegally in this Country, publishes lies, illegal False News and American right wing propaganda and Paul GETS PAID FOR THE DOING. The concentration camp gate has already started to swing closed. It would seem that even folk singing groups will have their songs censored or the the music may be outlawed entirely and the singers jailed. Included in the national Post crimes against Canada, there is an ongoing attempt to grease Conrad Black’s illegal reintroduction to Canadian citizenship, Godfrey has been giving the Conman easy and free access to the pages of the PostMediocre papers, at any time of Blackie’s choosing. Such offerings attempt to set Canadians straight and to let US KNOW just how important the Conman THINKS HE HIMSELF IS. In a previous post, I questioned Paul Godfrey’s business sense. More than two thirds of Canadians want Barb and Conrad sent back to England on a cattle boat, preferably with a full load of steers? By publicizing this little piece of shit, it means Godfrey loses almost 70% of Canadians as potential customers. By repeatedly ramming Black, at his worst, down their throats? Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Any time Black has an opinion about anything, which is all the time, Godfrey automatically gives THE CONNIE a half a page in the Post papers in which to spew his typical blather. This without any questions from Godfrey? There is NO, as in NO, FACT CHECKING of Black, Atwood why yes. But oviously Black no. When Conrad started his shenanigans back in the 1950s, I took note. I am 10 years older that this Blaggard. He was expelled for selling stolen exam papers at Upper Canada College when he was a teen, I took note. When Blackie stole the Dominion Store employee’s pension, I took note. In 1985, when there were 28 criminal Bay Street charges for theft against Black, I took note. His friends on the Street got him off those charges. Are you surprised?? Black destroyed every business he ever got his hands on by stealing from sharholders, I took note His incompetence, his long criminal trail and his life of crime are there for all to see in the real world. Black like Stevie Harper, is a Sociopath, in other words crazy. Conrad should be forced to go back to the UK, let the Brits deal with his nonsense. If a new Government is elected I expect Connie and Babs will be long gone, much to my satisfaction. The Conman should not be in this Country but as usual Harper ignored the Law concerning convicted, foreign criminals. If the oilies and their employee Harper cheat their way into power in October, Black will get his Canadian Citizenship back and then we have to stand in the village square and cheer him. My dislike for Conrad has grown over the years, related mainly to his criminal bent and his colossal arrogance. Black is a danger to Canada, a danger to people around him because he is light fingered and a danger to democracy everywhere. The Post Mediocre papers are on financial life support. The debt owed by Godfrey, is a mountain too far. Godfrey is paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest [ 12% ] each year to Wall Street to facilitate the use of the Postmediocre papers to destroy democracy in Canada. Thus when a toadstool buys a National Post, he or she serves the interests of the American right wing. If the oilies / Harper succeed in stealing the 2015 Election, I think they will buy the PostMediocre papers from the Wall Street sharks and turn the publication into the official Canadian Fascist organ. Godfrey is at present, unoffically fulfilling that very same function. We know the righties must always have the last word. In interviews on TV, Harper functionaries regularly try to shout over any opposition. Sometimes people from the camp of the 2/3rds of Canadians who want Conrad and Lady Black the hell out here, get an anti Black letter printed in the Post. But this just gives Godfrey an excuse to let Blackie respond, one more excuse to plead his case and to have the last word. Did you know that the small group on the right in this Country, makes most of the noise because they have purchased the Canadian Nazi media [ not the CBC, free at least until October ]. Now it would seem that the rightie team thinks it is the only game in town and it is according to the Nazi media. There seems no end to them singing their very own praises hour after hour, day after day. The righties have decided that they are all exceptional. Way above what Leo Strauss called the ignorant masses. Did you know, that righties can self anoint themselves to be exceptionalists. In other words they’re better than YOU, but YOU have no say in the matter although we supposedly live in a democracy. Steve Harper, Ezzie LeRant, Conrad Black and Tom Flanagan are good examples of losers who decided by themselves alone, that they indeed possessed greatness. No test was required of them. They transported themselves to the head of the class. It is a special superior quality that righties are born with. Nietzsche showed this path to greatness and that is why Fred is the patron saint of the American right wing. Friedrich was a sickly, syphilistic wimp who failed at everything he tried [ sounds a lot like Ezzie Le Rant ]. This self absorbed loser wrote incoherent nonsense for no more than ten years. Liz Nietzsche-Forster, Fred’s sister, gathered together all his scribbling and turned them into books about the superiority of Aryan race, German nationalism, Fascism and Antisemitism. Elizabeth’s books sold well to Hitler, the Nazis, Nazi sympathizers in the USA, the American right wing and over the last 30 years in Canada. I didn’t know that we had Aryans in Canada but we apparently do, Harper, his Fascist Party, the Manning Institute, the Civitas Secret Society and those at the University of Calgary. This US love affair with Fred, started with translations made by H. L. Mencken, who added some intolerant, anti democratic bits of his own. To-day, in rightie circles in the USA, Friedrich Nietzsche is considered the ultimate philosopher, that’s pure hokum . He is a cartoon character fabricated by the American right wing. Nietzsche is the rightie mascot for one reason and one reason only. Fred’s babble legitimizes the two class system. Those on the right wing who have declared themselves to be exceptional. And the rest of us, mere serfs. Nietzsche was a plagiarizer who scribbled a lot of notes and wrote letters covering the ideas he stole from others. His secretary after 1874, Heinrich Koselitz ended up with many these sketches and fragments. Koselitz corrected some of them, added his own comments in some cases and had his own file of Fred’s doodlings. Nietzsche actually stopped writing down anything himself after 1876 because of the affects of his Neurosyphilis. This US rightie saint was in truth a madman who was brought up in an autocratic Germany. Fred knew nothing of democracy and commented unfavourably about the English system. Just the kind of role model to try and sell to North Americans. Well, the righties can’t sell the Nietzsche Myth straight up to general population. That is where the German Leo Strauss comes in. Leo was a student of Nietzsche and believed Fred’s idea that the few people who are indeed exceptional should rule the roost and help guide the ignorant masses, lest they get themselves into trouble. And ruin a good thing. Like Mencken before him, Strauss developed a philosophy that fit nicely with his right wing American hosts. Leo told the righties what they wanted to hear, that they were the tops and should be in control of things. But the question remained, how do such self proclaimed exceptionalists on the right, get the larger population to roll over and play puppy without revolting. And submit themselves to the control and guidance of a few self proclaimed wise men. Those worship at the altar of a stateless man who lived 150 years ago and whose brain was being eaten away by syphilis. By the way Strauss supported Hitler theories but emigrated to the USA in 1938 just to be on the safe side The long and the short of it is, at the very core of the rightpublicanazi / Harper Fascist belief system is the fact that they have no respect for democracy. Strauss came up with a plan for the exceptionalists on the right to take over the USA. Leo taught at the University of Chicago for years. His idea was that the road to success was to LIE TO THE MASSES. BIG LIES, LITTLE LIES AND MIDDLE LIES. Strauss said in the pursuit of the rightie cause, say anything you have to say to get in power. Once you get into power do everything and anything to STAY IN POWER. Courses about Leo Strauss, Fred Nietzsche and Fred Hayek are still taught at the University of Chicago and of course at the branch plant, the University of Calgary. If you digest what I just said, it can come as no surprise that Herr Harper lies through his teeth. And has been doing so since he graduated from Calgary U. Students there are taught to tell Noble Lies and cheat in support of the rightie cause. Before the Tea Party took over the Republicans the saying was, ” IF YOU ARE NOT CHEATING, YOU AREN’T TRYING “. Harper shows a disdain for freedom and liberty and an acceptance of servitude for the ignorant masses. He and his Fascist followers will never say that if you asked one of them. They will just tell another lie. Liz the sister showed up 1893 and bought Fred’s library from their mother after he became a vegetable. Liz could not communicate with Fred, he was in an upstairs bedroom wasting away. Some philosopher. All she had was a pile of scribbled bits of note paper and Koselitz had the rest. Liz then went into business, trading on her brother’s name. Elizabeth’s drunken husband Bernhard, an ardent Antisemite and proto Nazi had committed suicide. She saw the opportunity to use Fred’s scribblings as her meal ticket. All the books, now circulating in the USA, claiming to have been written by Friedrich Nietzsche were actually arranged, edited and published by his sister Liz. Most of these books were translated by H. L Mencken, a classic momma’s boy who like the idea that he could decide he was special. Because he always knew HE WAS SOMETHING SPECIAL. H. L. also knew that all those around him were dreck. Henry L. could not resist adding bits and pieces to his Nietzsche translations, to better fit American right wing tastes. Mencken told the righties what they wanted to hear. Namely that the right wing inhabitants were / are better and smarter than everyone else. The graduates of the University of Calgary all know they are better and smarter that the rest of us. I give you Stevie Harper! Mencken and the righties were made for each other. In his translations, M.L. legitimized a feeble minded, stateless loser. And turned Fred into something he was not, a full fledged philosopher. So the rightpublicanazi dogma based on Nietzsche, which is presented to-day by the right as gospel, has in reality, been done over at least 6 times six by a number of people. So all this phony made up stuff about Nietzsche is what is at the rightie core. Little wonder Harper lies and makes everything up. And Steve doesn’t apparently even realize he is telling one lie after another. Habitual lying is one of the Sociopathic behaviours. The University of Calgary teaches Nietzsche as someone who really existed. The University teaches Strauss as a legitimate way to facilitate regime change in this Country, lies, lies and more lies. This is going on behind the backs of Canadians. The righties, take from the fact that people here haven’t caught on to their self serving agenda as proof positive that we are stupid. Those toadstools here, who accept the rightie lies as the truth, thus prove themselves to be worthy of being treated like toadstool. The right wing looks to curtain education among the masses, withhold information, the long form census was cancelled and freedom to access Government documents has been suspended. I think the day is nigh when Canadians will be forbidden to gather in groups of more than six to ensure the larger population knows even less about what is going on than we do to-day. Which isn’t much? Telling lies is a cornerstone of the curriculum at Calgary U. The Nietzsche as taught at Calgary U never existed in the real world! It is all right wing snake oil that is being taught to impressionable young people. The right wing of to-day and the North American Nazi media don’t operate in the real world. Reality was abandon in the USA by the media under Reagan. The media in Canada followed suit into never never land when Harper was first elected. Lyin Steve opened the door to this country and the rightpublicanazis moved on in. Those who controlled our newspapers [ the Post, Globe and Star ], magazines [ Mclean’s and TV stations [ CTV, Global and TVO ] [ not the CBC ] liked the idea of abandoning the TRUTH [ which doesn’t pay at all ] and publicizing the positions of political parties, big business, special interest groups and the rich and powerful in return for fat cheques. Freedom of the press was granted by the people with the understanding that coverage of daily events would be covered in an honest and even hand. It is well known that early newspaper owners took liberties and misinformed their readers. However, there were so many newspapers with different point of view the news made it into the public domain anyway. The problem with the media in North America now, is that it is totally controlled by the rightpublicanazis in the USA and the American oil monopoly through its’ employee Steve Harper Canada. We can still get the truth from the CBC, BBC and PBS. Lyin Steve has tried his best to starve the CBC. Georgie Bush Jr. tried his best to strangle PBS. David Cameron is trying his best to throttle the BBC. The right wing worldwide wants to cut the populations off from accessing information and the truth. It is but a fool’s game. How many Sociopaths does the right wing have in its’ ranks? Maybe a million plus the hangers on who will do anything for money, even scuttle their own nations. The combined population of Canada, the USA and the UK probably tops 425 million. You would have to be an idiot to believe such a small group of right wing nuts could change our democracies into oligarchies without the citizens finding out. But that is what the righties are trying to do. But then they are so smart, smarter than the rest of us or so they think. Their key is to control every means of communication in the 3 countries. The righties are looking for a way to make the CBC, BBC and PBS disappear. As well as a way to censor the internet without more than 400 million people waking up. Things are already coming unglued in the USA, where the rightie Nazi media which is in full control, telling continuous lies without restraint. It is like an engine without a governor powering a vehicle without a steering wheel. No excess is too excessive. Two things are not considered by the right wing, human nature and mother nature. While California, home to about 40 million people reverts to desert and the US east coast slowly sinks beneath the waves the rightpublicanazis deny that Global Warming exists. Half of the wealth is now in the hands of the rightpublicanazis yet they don’t see the civil unrest that is turning to a boil. The American voters have been forgotten by the Nazi media which now runs irreality shows nonstop for the pleasure of its’ right wing loony base. It is like one big non stop party off on another planet. Top of the list in this absurd spectacle, is Donald Trump, who is leading the polls. If you can believe? The USA Nazi media has gone over the edge into the right wing fantasy land. Who knows when things will crash and how bad the crash will be? This is what happens to a country when all of the laws and rules are withdrawn by a small group bent on ruling by whim. It is like an NFL game with no rules, let your imagination run free on that one? This is Reagan’s no government in full bloom. In Canada, each Nazi media outlet has been proceeding down its’ own path, that of selling out to the highest bidder, being paid to avoid the truth and to print / broadcast lies. This is being done on an individual basis. There has been nobody at the helm during this 10 year corrosive process [ the Harper Government is AWOL ] . There has been no one to say, IF WE ALL publish or broadcast lies, spin, False News, rightie propaganda and practise censorship, then Canada is as good as fucked. If Canada indeed ends up being fucked, then all of the media outlets I have listed above will be as good as fucked as well. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. This is a good example of the rightie free market system wherein there are no Government limits on the level of greed to which the rich and powerful can aspire. My proof is one nut case, Donald Trump. Because the Nazi Media in North America is controlled by the right [ not the CBC or PBS ] politics has become a mere game of lends. The right wing constantly claims victory for their oligarchy. Thus voting doesn’t count any more. The white population in the USA is on the edge of becoming the minority. In a democracy that means the will of the Hispanics, Blacks, Asians and other small ethnic groups will prevail. NOT. The right wing, instead of facing the changing demographics now is set upon a course of taking votes away from non white American citizens. The Republican States control voting procedures both locally and Nationally. There is no Elections America. Many States have introduced Fair Elections Acts expressly to deny non whites the vote. The rightpublicanazis are taking the US back to slave times. Pierre Poilievre just copied the Legislation from some Republican States in his Fair Elections Act. Our Nazi media didn’t tell you that did they? Poilievre, a graduate of the University of Calgary, in his bill, has attempted to remove people from the voter’s list who do not support his Fascist Party. Pierre was helped greatly by his close friends, the USA rightpublicanazis in this effort to steal power in Canada. Elizabeth Cannon, head rightie at Calgary U, should be doubly proud of the work that Steve and Pierre have done in dismantling Canada and handing control over to the American oil monopoly. The boys learned their lessons well, they even got the NOBLE LIE angle down pat. The right wing favourite, Nietzsche, before he turned into a vegetable, decided that he himself was brilliant and said so, often. Exactly based on what I do not know? A Reagan favourite, Friedrich Hayek is held up as being a great economist. Hayek’s economic theories, were just that, theories. He counseled that what happens economically in real life, was and is just a distraction. Hayek claimed that if the free market is free to go where it wants to go, it will just operate on autopilot and everyone in society will benefit. Thus Governments need not interfere. Of course that is just another rightie lie, repeated over and over by Paul Godfrey and David Thomson. I wonder though, do NOBLE LIES as taught at the University of Calgary pay better than just regular garden variety lies? Theories are great if they are tied to real life as John Maynard Keynes suggested. Hayek’s theories have been gospel in the US since Reagan and have now invaded the UK and Canada. What Hayek didn’t factor into his theories was the all consuming greed of the rich and powerful. As the greed factor produced more and better returns for the rich, caution was thrown to the wind and we have witnessed continuous illegal maneuverings by the rich right, the kind that brought us the crash of 1929. So America has become a lawless land in which pillaging by the rich and powerful goes on unabated with the support of their well paid friends who run the Nazi media. And while the roof falls in the members of Congress bank their American oil monopoly cheques. It was impossible that the greed party raging south of the border would bypass Canada. In the last ten years, this Country has been drawn into the whirling and twirling about. Up until Harper and his Fascists were elected to Office or cheated to get into Office there were laws on the books in this Country which prohibited excessive greed as in evidence in the USA. Herr Harper has been systematically removing those laws from our books so that the greedy Americans can walz on in at take whatever they want from this fair Land. In the last 4 years particularly, Canada’s wealth has been being siphoned off by unsupervised, rich and powerful Americans. Their pilfering is the reason why we here are in such tough shape financially. Our Nazi media will not tell Canadians that we are being bled white by the Yankee carpetbagger. This is because the Yankee carpetbaggers are paying the likes of Paul Godfrey and David Thomson, not to breath a word about the thieving going on. Both the Liberal and NDP platforms contain programs to make the lives of Canadian richer and more secure and satisfying. Lyin Steve has been making fun of plans of Justin Trudeau and Tom Mulcair, saying this Country can’t afford such socialist largesse. Another problem for Harper is that he is committed to raising the anxiety level of the citizenry. The Fascists are convinced that people who are afraid are easier to manipulate. If enough Canadians come to their senses and we are fortunate enough to rid ourselves of Herr Harper and the American oil monopoly executives in Calgary, the wealth that is now being stolen by the US carpetbaggers will remain in Canada. Here is a simple example of keeping our wealth at home. This Country has unlimited petroleum resources. The Americans are now removing said resources on the cheap, leaving their garbage scattered about and endangering the population that lives along pipelines and rail lines. On all 3 counts Canadians lose. We get a lousy price for our resources, we are stuck with cleaning up the garbage left by the American oil monopoly and everywhere that Alberta roofing tar mixed with Benzine goes there is the threat of another Megantic. On the flip side Canadians use a tremendous volume of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. The result is, we sell the raw tar for peanuts and pay top price for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel which is refined from our petroleum in the States and sold back to us. DOUBLE Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. How can we be so stupid. Blame Herr Harper, his Fscist Party and our Nazi media. Let me put it another way. We are grain farmers and sell our wheat to the Americans for a dollar a bushel. We of course eat bread. So our wheat is milled. IT IS USED TO MAKE BREAD. THEN THE YANKEES CHARGE US TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS A LOAF. ISN’T THAT SLAVERY??? Pretty close to it I’d say. This is our silver lining. We nationalize the oil industry in the West. We upgrade the bitumen right in Fort McMurray, all of the upgrading infrastructure is sitting right there, idle. From the upgrader come crude oil, ready to be refined into finished petroleum products like gasoline, diesel, jey fuel, motor oil, paint thinners and ingredients for the chemical industry. Some of this crude oil stays in the west to be refined, some is piped to BC. The Twin Beaver Pipeline carries the crude oil to Churchill Manitoba, a deep water port, for export to the UK and the British Commonwealth, with a population of more than T W O BILLION PEOPLE. The crude oil would then travel via the Twin Beaver Pipeline to refineries in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. The Twin beaver is actually a dual pipeline, meant to carry natural gas from BC and the Prairies to Ontario and Quebec. Natural gas from the Maritimes would also flow into the Ontario / Quebec hub guaranteeing security of supply. Newfoundland oil would flow the Ontario and Quebec to maintain security of supply. Cheap, clean hydro from Newfoundland, Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba would travel westward to Saskatchewan and Alberta via the Cross Canada Electrical Grid along the Twin Beaver Pipeline right-of-way. BC would plug into the Canada grid as well. No person in the Country would pay more than 10 cents a KW for electricity. All of the Bitumen / natural crude oil would be upgraded and refined somewhere in Canada. We would have a made in Canada price for fuel and any surplus would be shipped to the UK and the Commonwealth via the Port of Churchill. The Twin Beaver Pipe would distribute natural gas from well head to the consumers, with a made in Canada price for nat. gas, an additional benefit would be security of supply. I would like to do a cost analysis of the advantages of the Twin Beaver oil pipe, the natural gas pipe and the Cross Canada Electric Grid. If we still have an independent Country after October, the framework for the Nation Energy Strategy put forward by the Provinces and Territories would yield the information needed to ascertain the advantages of developing our own oil / natural gas pipelines and completing the Cross Country Grid. Being in control of our own energy would improve the Federal Treasury, create good jobs for young and old alike, create spin off jobs in manufacturing, put a lot of money in the hands of Ottawa, the Provinces, the Territories and Canadian municipalities. I see 10 cent KWs, 75 cent litre gasoline, natural gas at 60% of what it is now, increased tax revenues and a 12% return on investment. That would sure be better than having the Americans sticking it up our asses on a daily basis. I keep asking, are we seize the moment Canadians or are we toadstools, in 7 weeks we will have our answer. Global economic woes have been mostly caused by Washington, the USA oil monopoly and Wall Street’s rigged stock market. This pillaging will cease once we are masters and mistresses in our own house. YOUR CALL??? Lyin Steve is held up by the right as being brilliant and a great economist. Harper is little more than a gate keeper. Keeping the gate open while his American friends steal us blind. After almost ten years of economic disaster, a subject our Canadian Nazi media will not touch, I am still waiting to see some evidence of Harper’s economic prowess. What the University of Calgary taught Harper was not economics but the methods by which the right wing agenda could be imposed on Canada. Look at the trouble Elizabeth Cannon has created for our Country? And her Country too? That I don’t understand? Someone who poops in their own nest? The U of Calgary should be crated up holus-bolus and sent back home to the University of Chicago, where it belongs. The Fifth Column function of Calgary U annd the Manning Institute have to be eliminated. We may never get that chance? It may already be too late to prevent the stealing of the October Federal Election by the oilies, Harper and the US rightpublicanazis. If one is a self proclaimed exceptionalist, it automatically means after self anointment that they are better than everyone else. That is quite a leap and has no place in our democracy. Thus self elevated, they know that they have taken their places among the righteous right wing gods, think Pierre Poilievre here. My vote carries as much weigh as Pierre’s I don’t care how highly he thinks of himself. Such perfect people are taught at a very early age by the Manning Centre and Calgary U that the majority of Canadians are assholes and should be treated according. Buy a newspaper. Each day Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich treat you like the assholes they think you are. Watch CTV, Global and TVO and they treat you like the assholes they think you are. The is an old saying on the right, NEVER GIVE AN ASSHOLE A BREAK. Leo Strauss of, ” THE NOBLE LIE ” fame taught at the University of Chicago and is still taught there and at its’ branch plant, the University of Calgary. Strauss, was at the U of Chicago up till the 1970s. He was much like H. L. Mencken, the two were prompted by the Nietzsche Myth to promote the idea that the larger population in the USA was not only ignorant but dangerous. The U of Calgary also teach its’ student that there is a two class system in Canada. Not a move is made by the righties which does not include, THE INNER FEELING THAT THEY ARE BETTER THAN EVERYONE. Any time there are people in a society who think they are better than everyone else, like Steve Harper, Conrad Black, Preston Manning and Brian Mulroney then democracy comes to a crashing halt. Canada has to be a democracy or we can be ruled by the oiies and righties. But we can’t have it both ways. Harper proves his disdain for us every time he opens his mouth. I’m Harper the First, King of the Castle and the rest of you are dirty bastards. That’s your choice folk, are you a free Canadian or one of the many dirty bastards. The copy the PMO churns out on behalf of Lyin Steve is geared to eight year olds, nothing but lies, gibberish and fairy tales. And by gar, the toadstools in this Country swallow Steve’s every word and believe all of it. If you want to be treated like an eight year old, cast your ballot for Lyin Steve. Canada has been diced up into little groups, set at each other’s throats by Harper. Some groups, that represent important voting blocks have found favour with the Fascists in Ottawa, they get money and get their little ass kissed, like the Catholic Church. Others identified as enemies of the State will [ those who don’t agree with the American oil monopoly and Harper ] possibly, after October be dispatched by the Royal Canadian Harper Police to the new prisons built by the Harper Fascists. The RCHP will be bringing into custody those trouble makers like David Suzuki, Neil Young, Alison Redford, Rachel Notley and Margaret Atwood etc. Although I have sent many LETTERS [ in preblog days ] to the CBC and to Steve Paikin of TVO, on many subjects, I have never been invited to be a guest on either. Now the CBC and TVO are a little different as stated. The CBC was formed by an act of Parliament in 1936, to bind this Country together when private stations would not tackle the task. The American radio stations wanted no competition for those upstart Canadians and sent in disrupters, money and hired people here, who liked cash more than their own Country. Just like our own Paul Godfrey. The Americans wanted to cover populated parts of Canada from their existing station. Those in this Country, in rural areas would be shit out of luck and have to do without, so the Yanks said. Despite gross interference from the Yankees, the CBC came into being and provided some of the glue that has held us, holds us together, despite almost 150 years of constant abuse by the States. The Yankees are of the opinion that they have the best democracy in the world and are constantly trying to push it down the throats of their neighbours. Canada actually has the most unique democracy in the world and up till now we have resisted climbing into bed with the Americans. However, the influx of oil monopoly cash now puts our continuing success in this regard in jeopardy The broadcasting industry in the USA has been trying to get rid of the CBC for 80 years. If Herr Harper cheats his way into power in October, I think we will shall see the Americans finally have their way and the CBC will vanish. Then the entire North American Nazi media will be in Fascist hands. TVO was formed by Bill Davis as an educational and an informational service geared to educating young people and informing Ontarians about current issues. If TVO had been permitted to fulfill this original mandate up to the present day our Province would not be in the financial mess it now finds itself in. Following the lead of the deterioration of the media in the USA as the TV stations and newspapers moved into the right wing camp under Ronald Reagan, our media played follow the leader. TVO was dealt a blow by Preem Mike Harris when he tried to privatize Channel Two. Harris had run up hidden debt that he wanted kept secret from Ontarians. Right wing economics have never worked, are not working now and will not work in the future. The Harris Government proved my point, the Harper Government is in the process of proving my point one more time. Americans do not like governments owning broadcasting networks. The US right wing doesn’t like anything that give the people any semblance of power and the means of garnering important and truthful information. The righties don’t even like Canadians having a ballot which they may shortly take away from us. Harris was not able to sell TVO but he did cut the budget. TVO suffered most under Dalton McGuinty, who was almost as far right as Mike Harris. As McGuinty began to privatize various Government departments and functions to enrich himself, his friends and the Liberal Party, TVO stood across his path, too open. Channel Two had always had a political side which my Son Richard and I enjoyed. The coverage was always fair and wide ranging. If that political function of TVO had continued, the nukies would never have been able to destroy this Province’s electrical system and inflict the highest KW prices in the world on the our population. McGuinty got into bed with the nukies early on. They gave Dalt a million dollar house. I wonder how much the nukies gave Dalt in the way of bribes to sell out Ontario? It would be interesting to see what kind of personal fortune Dalt made playing footsie with the nuclear industry. About that time, 2005, McGuinty neutered TVO and turned it into a propaganda bulletin board for his Liberal Party. The educational function has continued on Channel Two but as far as the truth about politics and important Governmental news in Ontario, all we have seen since are Liberal lies and spin. Some weaklings and luke warm Canadians at TVO, just changed gears and became McGuinty cheerleaders. Others, who knew the real story at Channel TWO and who would not go along with McGuinty’s double cross, left the Station. The only employment for writers to-day is on the right. Quality, even handed journalism is a thing of the past. With the rightpublicanazis owning the Canadian / US media complete [ not the CBC / PBS ], the only jobs available in writing are for parrots. With the loss of TVO, yet another communications outlet in Canada, that previously shed light on activities in this Province particularly, went dark. TVO fell to the demands of the right wing here and in the USA. Hitler could not have done better. He controlled the German press by force. In North America the media is controlled by the right and money. What has been going on since Reagan, is a giant experiment to brain wash the population. Pitching the right wing dogma 24 / 7 year after year. Many of the young people of yesteryear, who are now grown up, have the rightie playbook still ringing in their ears. I read and hear, 20 somethings in this Country mimicking the rightie playbook over and over. They all speak or write the exact same nonsense. But the crime is, that they do not know it is nonsense. And the crime is, that this nonsense is destroying Canada, as was done to the USA That nonsense has destroyed American and is right now destroying the economies of Canada and England. After 9 years of Fascist rule, we here are now suffering from another Harper slump which can be directly attributed to Lyin Steve’s warped Hayek economic theories, taught him at the University of Calgary. In the real world, when something you do doesn’t work, you debrief, figure out what went wrong, then come up with a fresh approach. The right wing in the States, decide long ago, HAD ALL THE ANSWERS. Being in such an elevated position, the righties developed an economic formula which was first tried in the USA, then exported to the UK under Thatcher and 10 years ago, this formula for economic disaster was brought to this Country by Steve Harper, who was massively funded by the American oil monopoly. The rightie formula for THEIR SUCCESS, is to gradually separate the larger population from democracy which is based on one person, one vote and the will of the majority carries any motion. The righties are taught at the Manning Centre and the University of Calgary that their tribe of Aryans is better than everyone else. Immediately our democracy is in trouble. If Pierre Poilivre, due to him being an Aryan and all that, has TWO VOTES. HOW WOULD THAT WORK WHEN ME AND MY NEIGHBOURS ONLY HAVE ONE VOTE EACH? Of course this kind of nonsense will not work unless every opportunity for revolt is eliminated. That mean the rightie ideas fail or meat hooks are reintroduced. Poilievre could never tell us out loud that he is far better than rest of we Canadians although that exact thing was rammed into his head at during his time at Calgary U. Steve, Pierre and the other graduates were taught by Elizabeth Cannon to never reveal their superiority but to clothe their activities in lies. Regular Canadians probably outnumber the Harper Fascists 500 to one? So the right wing initiative has been to attack the citizenry by ATTACKING THEIR GOVERNMENT as Reagan preached. If governments can be discredited, reduced in size, stripped of the taxes needed to function and rendered impotent, then why would the common folk even bother to vote? For our babies, Canadian history, which is now being rewritten by Harper will mean they will have no idea what this Country was like and from whence it came? The rewritten history of Canada is available on a regular basis in the National Post papers. As important as brain washing the young is by Preston Manning and Elizabeth Cannon is, control of the media is equally critical. As the young move into adulthood, all they possess is the warped contents of the rightie handbook. Paul Godfrey is being paid by Houston, to ensure that the Harper Youth, are never allowed to see anything that contradicts the rightie playbook. Margaret Atwood was subjected to censorship by Godfrey. Paul permits Conrad Black and Peter Foster to write anything that comes into their heads, without them being concerned about interference. The right is intent on making the middle class uncomfortable, by destroying good paying jobs, eliminating unions, creating anxiety and spreading confusion. People at loose ends are easier to manipulate and herd along. Our Nazi media helps in this destruction of the middle class in return for money. As far as older people in the general population are concerned, the US Fascists developed their policy 100 years ago by adopting the ideas of Herbert Spence [ 1820 / 1903 ]. The Fascist idea is to also make seniors uncomfortable by monkeying with pensions, something which is causing great concern. Many older folk have ample assets which presents a target for the right. By allowing the Wall Street’s rigged stock market to operate freely in Canada, Harper and company have found a way to syphon off the wealth of older Canadians thus creating unnecessary uncertainty and possibly inpoverishment. The Americans have never like this Nation’s Medicare. The Yanks see the opportunity for profits if our health system is privatized. Seniors would have to pay more to get coverage, resulting in reduced assets. If the old reached the point where they could not pay, then the Spencer rule would kick in, better they should die and not be a burden. Of course the loss of Medicare would impinge of what remained of the middle class in Canada, due to increased costs, their lives would become even tougher. Of course those inside the right wing tent would benefit from the transfer of wealth from those who work to those who seek to run the show. Benefits would include a pampered childhood, first class schools, well compensated employment, first class health care and a happy and privileged old age. There is every reason in the world why perpetual losers like Harper, Poilivre and Ezzie Le Rant would want to declare themselves exceptional. The University of Calgary is like a car wash. Students enter blank of mind and messed up. Then out pops a shiny new rightie. The only problem is that the shiny new rightie gives up his soul to the cult, never able to think for himself again. It is sad. The righties have always had inferiority complexes. Always ready to join forces with their herd but never willing to lead. Herr Harper is an exception because he is mad. All of the heroes on the right are foreigners, Adam Smith, Herb Spencer, Fred Neitzsche, Ludwig von Mises, Leo Strauss, Friedrich Hayek et al. The rightie hand book contains bits and pieces, cherry picked from all of the above. This has been woven into a fantastical narrative which is supposed to provide a road map for the right wing as they journey through real life. The problem is that the righty narrative is more a roadblock for coming to grips with the real universe. Now the right / Republican agenda has been hijacked by the Tea Party which is even more out in space. Herr Harper’s latest gyrations seemed to be more and more in the direction of the US Tea Party. That is some scary prospect? Just think, Canada, a petro state owned by the American oil monopoly and run by the US Tea party. Canadians would have to do what they were told by the Fascists or suffer the consequences. Going back to Spencer, he was an eccentric Englishman who failed to find much success at home, doesn’t that sound familiar. But Herb became a star in the USA. There were and are many failed Englishmen who have struck out at home and come here to our fair shores clutching the US rightie handbook. I don’t know of anyone on the American right wing who has developed anything original societywise or has accomplished anything of lasting importance for the benefit of regular people. On the right / Republican sphere of politics there are no leaders. The rightie who ends up being chosen, is picked because he can recite the right wing handbook best. Playing by the rightie handbook remove all freedom of movement from anyone who seeks the leadership of the right wing. Can you imagine a modern marriage constrained by a similar, rigid manual written 100 years ago??? Since 1980, human nature and mother nature have made themselves felt, examples, Katrina, the economic meltdown 2006 / 2009 cause by rich / right greed and the drought in California caused by Global Warming. But the rightie handbook has not been changed ever, it is impossible to change in the present organizational arrangement. The right and their Party, the Republicans spent their time navel gazing up to 1980 as they attempted to impose their rightie dogma on the USA. Their canon had been established early in the last century based on the writings many people like Fred Nietzsche [ the little man who was never there ] and Herb Spence who promoted the free market system, came up what he called Social Darwinism [ the survival of the fittest ] and preached that the poor and old should be allowed to die to remove the burden they placing on society. Spence said that it was sin to assist the poor and old, the righties loved him. Their canon is deemed so perfect that it will never need to be changed. When Herb visited the USA, having not been well received in England, he was at sixes and sevens. He tried to develop theories that he could sell to Americans. Much like H. L. Mencken did. Spencer believe in a free market, where those who had exceptional talents would rise unencumbered, to the top and thus their efforts would move society upward to a better place than otherwise possible. The righties of the 1880s, loves Herbie’s first part, the part about superior people being unencumbered by government as they pursued success in the market. However the American right wing saw no need to include the masses in such successes. The bucks generated by the rich and powerful never went beyond their own safety deposit boxes. ” The Survival of the Fittest “, is actually Social Spencerism. Herbie stole Darwin’s name. It was a case of just another loser, trading on a famous person’s name. Then the right wing was happy to steal Spencer’s ideas themselves and twist his meaning to serve their own interests Darwin’s theory which moved the world ahead in understanding, actually related to the survival of animals that had the ability to adapt to the changing times. THIS MEANS ADAPTION TO THE REAL, EVER CHANGING WORLD. The rightie handbook which is pure fantasy, would have us believe that a small and exclusive group of self declared exceptionalist, who look upon themselves as the fittest, can ignore the vagaries of life and follow a rigid, fabricated doctrine that can’t be changed and use this dogma to solve a major problem and carry it to a successful conclusion. It is called wishful thinking. I say to Harper and all his friends here, in the US, the UK and Australian, ” GOOD LUCK “. It is like trying to build the crystal city using jello as the foundation. Who among you wants to live in a Country controlled by the oilies, the righties and their minions??? The truth has to be aggressively illuminated now! If not now when? If not now, maybe never? The Harperites spend tens of millions of petro dollars and taxpayer’s money on advertising right wing propaganda, misinforming the public, promoting their lies and False News. I have to ask the question. Why do the Provinces allow their stories to be told by the National Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, CTV and Global? In some Provinces with right wing Governments like Saskatchewan and Ontario, they have no quibble with the direction of Harper and the Harper media. But why does Rachel Notley allow the Nazi press to filter her Party’s governing efforts? I wrote about the Notley Smear Campaign recently and the Alison Redford Smear Campaign before that. The American oil monopoly out of Houston is funding both. The Globe and Tar must be doing very well from these Smear Campaigns. Long after Redford resigned, Gary Mason, a third rate writer, who operates out of his basement in BC continued to lambaste her. Now at a third of a page at a crack, someone is paying Phil Crawley to have Mason rewrite E-Mails? From the oilies? The Redford Smears numbered more than 250 during her time in office and after. Gary Mason wrote ten percent of those Smears although he is nowhere near Alberta. That is exactly what Albertans should not be reading to keep up to date. The USA oil monopoly in Houston sends an E-Mail to the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers [ CAPP ] in Calgary. This provide cover so Houston can deny any involvement in Canadian affairs. This is the same system used by Harper in the PMO. CAPP forwards said E-Mail to Phil Crawley, Globe CEO, with a cheque enclosed. Crawley then forwards said E-Mail to Gary Mason in BC along with a cheque. Mason copies the said E-Mail in his own words and E-Mails it back to Crawley in Toronto, after which is printed in the Globe and Tar. So the news Canadians read in the Globe about Alberta goes from Houston to Calgary to Toronto to Vancouver then back to Toronto. Don’t Canadians want to hear from a mature Alberta journalist who has expertise on the subject and who is on the spot? That is exactly what the righties don’t want to see happening. The voters in Alberta committed a mortal sin. They elected a majority NDP Government. The US rightpublicanazis and the Harper Fascists have no use for elections. So when the people speak, the righties don’t even bother to listen. The first impulse of the right wing under such circumstances is to try and undo the will of the people. The ignorant masses be damned. The right does this by drawing on rightie resources from far and wide, including the Yankees, to help remove what they see as a cancer invading their domain. Said domain is self created for self, with no reference to the ignorant masses. The righties own what they want to own and feel entitled to same. There is a determination by the right that Alberta, with Rachel Notley as Premier will not be allowed to succeed. Every problem, real or imagined will be heaped upon Alberta and the Can. Nazi media will be paid to ensure Rachel Notley takes the rap. Albertans are in for a rough ride for the next 4 years, as the combined forces of the right in North America punishes them for exercising their democratic right. The right wing Governments of Canada, the USA, England and Australia have conspired together to ensure that the rightie way is the only way by controlling the press, the banks, international businesses and increasingly the universities. This process is well along. I see it like the general populations in these western Countries are confined to a multitude of movie theaters where there is no way to get out in the event of a fire. If the odd theater burns down with heavy loss of life it is something the righties can tolerate if THEY MAKE A MISTAKE. This something that I will not tolerate. The righties have closed off all the exits and taken the exit signs down by using the tentacles of their very own Nazi press. Real life is full of twists and turns, well beyond the reasoning of the frozen rightie mind. I think that in the end democracy, as we have known it will survive the right wing onslaught even if there has to be civil unrest. Canada’s long democratic traditions can not be erased in the short ten year reign of Harper the First, no matter how much oil money Houston spents here. Harper’s rewrite of this Country’s history by imported American scribes will take a long time to find traction. I believe the internet will save democracy for the common folk in Canada, the US, Britain and Australia. The righties have for too long ignored the net. With most of the world’s media, newspapers, magazines and TV in their firm grip they have never understood the potential of the net. I am approaching 6 years writing the Geeman’s Blog [ a G – Man is an FBI detective ]. My post total is over 500. A couple of posts have reached the 30,000 word mark. If I had to distill all of those posts down to a raison detre I would say I have been busy putting up EXIT SIGNS, to allow those who are trapped to escape right wing dogma. The rightie way is definitely not the only game in town and you should know how to escape their clutches We are now suffering a second Harper economic slump, no matter what numbers Statistics Harper releases, I consider everything they now release is based on lies. Canada is a rich Country, with a great educational system, we have a skilled and healthy workforce due to our Medicare, our young people are an intelligent, vibrant lot more than equal to the challenges the future will bring. And what do we see? Herr Harper is pissing that future away to please the Americans. What can we do to escape the Yankee clutches, this day. Like right now. It would be by pursuing the National Energy Strategy, first proposed by Alison Redford, the former Premier of Alberta, before she was driven from Office by the American oil monopoly and the Can. Nazi media. THE PEOPLE in our Provinces and Territories own the natural resources. It is only when those resources cross an international border that Ottawa becomes involved. Faced with a Harper’s corrupt National Government the Provinces must look at the arrows that now rest in their quivers. Each Province and Territory has strengths and weaknesses. Each has a piece of the puzzle. That completed puzzle would make Canada a world leader on so many fronts. The people have to demand that the puzzle pieces be brought together by the Provincial and Territory leaders. For example Ontario has more hydro electric power, both installed and potential than Manitoba and Quebec put together. Unfortunately the Liberal Government of McGuinty ONE [ Dalt ] and McGuinty Two [ Kathleen ], in conjunction with the Toronto Star and TVO have kept Ontarians in the dark about our birthright, cheap, clean water power. This, to remove any competition that might upset the nuclear industry, who are Dalt’s benefactors. Alberta has very high electricity prices, due to the use of coal and lots of natural gas. Ontario has unlimited hydro electricity and no natural gas. Seems like a good fit. Why then are we not doing this??? Because the Fascists in Ottawa and around the Country and our Nazi media keep this kind of good news from Canadians. So I am putting up more and more Exit signs. There is an old saying, ” You can lead a Canadian to an Exit, but you can’t make him use it ]. Back to the destructive efforts of the righties. In her first month in Office the Smears directed at Rachel Notley were averaging two a day. After 3 months, during which Notley and the NDP were just gaining her sea legs, the number of Smear articles has passed 200. More than half of those Smears emanated from Paul Godfrey’s PostMediocre papers. Why should the Alberta Government give this fucking guy Godfrey the time of Day? Alberta should have an internet site, an official news agency in which Government activities are highlighted. It might be called the Truth Office. A Federal Election is about 6 weeks away. The oilies and Harper are all set up to cheat us out of democracy once again. Here’s how. Pierre Poilievre’s Unfair Elections Act is modeled on one used in about 30 Republican States. This anti democratic Republican process seeks to disqualify non Republican voter by various illegal means. The Republicans have rigged things so that anyone who brings an action against these disqualifications is forced to go to Court at their own expense. If the Republicans States lose a case they appeal the verdict right up the US Supreme Court which is top heavy with preprogrammed Republican appointees. So the chances of overturning Republican State laws, which remove the right to vote for some US citizens is slim. If all those who are eligible to vote are not free to do so, then democracy is abolished. Remember, these are right wing State denying the ballot to citizens who are opponents of the rightpublicanazis. This is the system that is now in place in Canada, it was been sneaked in by Harper while YOU WEREN’T LOOKING. HITLER DID THE SAME THING. But denying the vote to some people is not enough to guarantee a successful take over of the Country. Poilievre has in a sense created a maze through which anti Fascist, Canadian voters must navigate. The beauty of this arrangement is the fact that Harper’s Fascist core adherents have been given a map of the maze ahead of time. It is like being given all the answers to a test in High School in advance. While the bulk of normal voters will be trying to make their way through this puzzle, the Fascist voters will be able to breeze right through. This ain’t democracy folks and to think that Elizabeth Cannon actually teaches this kind of cheating and lying at the University of Calgary is unacceptable. If Harper is prevented from stealing his way to power this time, as he did in 2011, Liz Cannon should be run out of Calgary on a rail and her Canadian ciizenship stripped from her. There is a way to thwart Harper and little Pierre. Like all righties, they thinks we are stupid. While there are a lot of toadstools in this Country, I believe there are still a lot of sharp Canadians lurking about who the Can. Nazi media is ignoring like we don’t. Each Province has a web site. With the addition of a couple of net pages all of the the riding boundries could be identified, the location of each Polling Station could be indicated and the list of requirements could be posted so that voting could be accomplished in plain English and French. I want to see each voter in the nation have access to the same information that was secretly given to the Fascist supporters. These same riding boundries will be used in Future Provincial elections so the work will have to be done locally anyway. There should be 800 numbers listed on these Provincial web sites so that voters can get information one on one. I think it is important for the Provinces to provide this service so that the likes of Nick Kouvalis and his Fascist friends are prevented from disrupting the October vote as they did with Robo Calls in the 2011 Election. However, I am concerned about right wing BC, Saskatchewan and Ontario misleading voters for October. NDP did no lose in the recent 2013 vote. Our Nazi media just never covered the story. Lyin Steve rigged the BC Election as he did Federally in 2011. Harper ordered all of the so called Conservatives in BC, who are really Fascists, to vote for Christy Clark. About 80% of BC Conservatives followed Harper’s instruction and destroyed their Party in the doing. Steve did same number on the Federal Progressive Conservatives. Steve’s meddling altered the voting patterns in BC and create a Conservative / Liberal Coalition, which is now set in stone. The present BC Government is illegitimate as is Harper’s Fascist Government in Ottawa. Christy Clark was so popular herself that she suffered defeat by a thousand vote, losing to Dave Eby, a lawyer who ran for the NDP and won with 10,150 votes. Interestingly, the BC Conservatives were polling 22% of the vote in advance of the 2013 vote. It was feared in right wing circles, that Clark’s weak Liberals and the surging BC Conservatives would split the vote and allow the NDP to run up the middle. The polls indicated this was about to happen. Harper was prompted to interfere. Steve called on all his Fascists, the dishonest element in the Province, including Christy Clark and her Liberal as well as the Can. Nazi media to join forces to thwart the Province’s democratic process. Which was as successful as the theft of Canada by Harper in the 2011 Federal Election. The NDP Candidate Dave Eby’s Conservative opponent Duane Nickull got only 345 votes. This is just one quarter of the votes Francoise Raunet, of the Green Party got. So Herr Harper cheated the people of BC out of the Government they should have had. The only reason Lyin Steve was able to pull this off was by buying up the Can. Nazi media [ not the CBC ]. Due to the efforts of Paul Godfrey / Post papers, Dave Thomson / Globe and Tar / John Honderich / Toronto Star, the CTV and Global, this was a case of putting on a real tight lid, I mean tight. I doesn’t take much of an imagination to imagine gas chambers in Canada. Only around the smoke stack would people smell the burning flesh and complain, in they’d go too. If Lyin Steve retains power the CBC will be shuttered. I am sure a lot of oil money was spent on the Nazi media to maintain the silence on the vote fixing. 2013 in BC? Due to the cooperation of Godfrey, Thomson, Honderich and the CTV / Global the BC blackout was complete. Goebbels would have been proud. Once Canadians start to be dragged away in the middle of the night by the RCHP, headed for the ovens, how would anyone find out? If a Provincial election can be rigged, then stolen by Harper and such law breaking covered up, without the public ever being aware, anything is possible under future Fascist rule, even meat hooks. BC voters, except the Liberal / Conservative supporters were turned into toadstools by the newspapers and TV. Clark had to run in a By-election in a safe Liberal seat in July / 13. She won with 10,600 votes over her NDP opponent Carole Gordon, who garnered 5000 votes. On the surface this By-Election contest seemed pretty straight forward and the Nazi media treated it as such. But we go again, the BC Conservative in Westside – Kelowna were ordered by Harper to support Clark in the By-Election. Upon review I can see here the possibility of votes even being bought by the Fascists to augment the Liberal total. The theft of the BC Provincial Election would have looked too phony if Clark had been left on the outside looking in. It was imperative that Christy win in the By-Election, no matter the cost, no matter the lies and no matter the chicanery. Clark, who operates under the Liberal banner is as much a Fascist as Harper is. What would the citizens of BC do if they found out that their Premier danced with Harper in the shadows. For one reason and one reason to get into power. Boy did Christy Clark fool a lot of voters. I’ll bet there are real Liberals in BC who don’t even know they have been had? Only in a dictatorship that is masquerading as a democracy can votes be bought and citizens ordered who to vote for. Some Canada??? The BC NDP Party was robbed of victory in 2013. But it is clear that the tactics, to cheat , lie and steal supplied to Harper by the rightpublicanazis have many facets. It is Canadians who are actually implementing the theft of elections here under US leadership. Our very own are sticking it to us in return for oil cash. We should begin knitting the names of those who are committing this treason into a scarf. So when the time is right we can make them pay for their dishonouring of this Country. In Saskatchewan, Brad Wall seems to approve of everything the Herr Harper does. Even endangering the lives of Canadians across the Country, as Alberta roofing tar mixed with Benzine is transported in old tank cars and rusty pipelines. I can’t imagine Wall doing anything to protect his people from the affects of Fascist cheating come October. Dalton McGuinty took Ontario way to the right in order to open the Province up to thefts by the Americans. Just like Harper. Kathleen McGuinty, who has been carrying on Dalt’s mission certain doesn’t want democracy to be return to Ontario. It must be remembered that McGuinty illegally closed the Legislature at Queen’s Park when his criminal activities finally caught up with him. For about 4 months, a gang of unelected Liberals ran the show. Maybe it is only me who treasures the democratic proccess? It may be that the bulk of Canadians don’t mind living under a tyrants boot? In the event that BC Fascists, the Saskatchewan Fascists and the Ontario pretend Fascists, do not want the majority to understand the Harper / Poilievre Unfair Elections Act I would suggest that the oppositions Parties get their head together quickly and post in these three provinces, the new, redrawn riding boundries, the locations of the Polling Stations and clear instructions in French and English as to how to navigate the maze that Poilievre has created to dissuade Harper’s opposition to vote. I would also suggest that this information be made available to minority communities. I have been around a long time. I have never experienced such a time. When the Government of Canada attempts to stop it opponents from exercising their franchise. It should be a lesson to people around the world, I am read globally, how easy it is to lose a democracy. The second lesson should be how Washington in partnership with the American oil monopoly is willing to do anything in its’ power to get what it wants. The monopoly is now buying cheap ISIS oil, stolen from Iraq. By thus funding ISIS, the death of that little Syrian boy washed up on a Turkish beach can be laid directly at the feet of the USA oil monopoly. Houston has blood on its’ hands. The world Nazi media should be all over this story but they get paid too much money to worry about the life of a little boy. The latest report from Statistics Harper talks about an upswing in economic activity in Canada for June and an increase in jobs, it is all lies. The problem is that the citizens in each Province will affected by these lies and the provinces must not allow this kind of chiseling by Statistics Harper to take place. The Provinces can’t allow these bogus figures to stand. They have the ability to monitor their own economic activity. If each Province produced an Economic Report, the combination of all the reports would provide a National picture. This has to be done quickly as this Nation slides into a dark hole created by Harper. The Provinces, having the correct data and taking action based on that data would entirely eliminate the need for Statistic Harper. If Canada survives October, one of the first things a new Government should do is can the management at Statistics Harper, the management at Harper POST and the same should happen at Revenue Harper. There have certainly been criminal activities occurring these institutions and those responsible should be charged. In terms of the Royal Canadian Harper Police, the Commissioner Bob Paulson should be sack. He has shown himself to be nothing more than a Harper stooge. When TVO became the official organ of the Ontario Liberal Party under McGuinty, all the candles were blown out at Dalt’s wish, relegating the ignorant masses in this Province, to an eternity in the dark. And that is where Ontarians remain to this day, toadstools, sitting in the dark subjected to a steady diet of Liberal Party horse shit with no one to tell them the truth. And as with the rest of the Canadian Nazi media [ not the CBC ], TVO runs on taxpayer’s / people’s money. So once again the citizenry is actually paying the freight to be lied to and misinformed. Channel Two is biting the hands that feeds it. And with what amount to colossal nerve, asking for more money. Back a dozen years ago I wrote to Steve Paikin about the coverage of the nuclear industry was getting on TVO. It was all lies. My prediction of the economic disaster that would befall this Province if the nukies were not stopped, has come true, only worse. Steve was always asking for imput but didn’t really want anything critical of the then TVO boss, McGuinty. I offered to come on Channel TWO and tell the real story of nuclear power in this Province and how it destroyed our economy. I got a reply, we’ll get back to you. TVO NEVER GOT BACK TO ME. And now Ontario stands ruined financially. Both the Toronto Star and TVO played a big role in said ruination. It would seem that all the executives in the Canadian media suffer from the same shortsightedness [ not the CBC ] ? That of abusing the citizenry Country wide, just for short term personal financial gain. When Trans Canada Airlines was formed by the Fed. Government in 1937, the American airline industry tried to scuttle the idea. Canadians owning their own airline? The Yankees were going to have none of it. The Americans sent in disrupters, money and hired people here, who thought of cash as being more important then their own Country. TCA was formed and became a great Canadian success story gluing the country together. The US airline industry tried everything they could to undermine TCA / Air Canada. Finally, Brian Mulroney was able to privatized Air Canada so he, his friends and insiders could cash in. Mulroney, when PM, took $ 300,000 in brown envelopes. just before he left office. Mulroney and Harper are much alike. Their stock in trade is to give bits of Canada to the Americans to earn applause from the Yankee traders, pats on their heads and a few gold stars on their personal charts. With these two, Brian and Steve, the only things Canada has ever gotten in return for their treasonous actions has been the occasional royal screwing. In 1962 Tommy Douglas, then the Premier of Saskatchewan introduce a bill to implement Universal Health Care. The US Health Care industry and the American medical establishment, reacted in the negative, saying, no way Jose. Again the Yanks, could not understand why a Canadian Provincial government would dare mess with Medicare when the almighty Americans clearly frowned upon it. The almighty Americans then viewed Canada as being Communistic and still do. The Yankee take, only Communists would provide free healthcare to all citizens, so that the threat of illness and the financial ruin it can bring would be removed The health and medical leadership in the States decided to put a stop to this Medicare nonsense IN OUR COUNTRY. The Yanks sent in disrupters in the form of American doctors, with a budget of more the $ 100,000, the disrupters joined with right wing Saskatchewan doctors, the Canadian Medical Association, the business community, the press and other right wing groups, to try to sabotage the new medicare scheme. The local papers were bought up by the Yanks [ just like to-day ] to thwart the Sask. Government. The anti Medicare lobby in the Province had no balls, no manhood. The wives of this group of anti Medicare opponents organized to provide a front, which allowed their timid menfolk who hide trembling in the shadow. Doctors who supported Medicare were blackballed and some were driven out of the Province by lies told in the US bought press. But Douglas and the brave Saskatchewan resident stood up to the Americans. After a short rough period Medicare took hold and by 1968 Medicare spread right across this Land. The American bullies, were joined by so many affluent Canadians, whose interest was only money, not Country. We still have such turncoats to-day. The US anti Medicare forces made two mistakes. They believed that the people of Saskatchewan were no more than ignorant assholes as the rightie Nietzsche Myth teaches. The right, were and are a superior class, this has been programmed into the heads of their followers for more than 80 years. The other mistake was that the rightpublicanazis saw the medicare fight in Sask. as being only small part of the war on communism being waged at that time. The voters of Saskatchewan proved much smarter than they were given credit for. When they embraced Medicare, they provided the leadership necessary to encourage Universal Health Care across Canada. As a young, self employed business owner, I had a wife and 3 small children. I could not even buy medical coverage. An illness in my growing family would have wiped us out financially. Medicare was a godsend to us. As a result I have been a staunch supporter of Medicare since its’ inception. I consider all those who would take Medicare away from us as my enemies. On my hate list are the Canadian Nazi media [ not the CBC ], US health industry, the US medical establishment, both of whom have never given up trying to bring an end to our Medicare. To both, I will again send my regards and say, MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS. To the Canadian Medical Association, which has tried to undermine our Medicare at every turn since the 1960s, I would suggest that the CMA merge with the AMA and vamoose. All the doctors who love the American health care system so much, move south of the 49th parallel, good riddance and don’t come back. As far as Dr. Brian Day is concerned, the quicker he goes back to Liverpool UK to practice, the better. At one stage before this blog started, I wrote to Day, then head of the thoroughly discredited CMA, because he was telling lies about our Medicare. I offered to contribute to a one way ticket for him, on a cattle boat heading back to Liverpool. Although my family goes back to East Yorkshire before the Norman Invasion, I resent know-it-all English retreads coming to Canada and having the gall to tell us how to run our Country. I also resent the PostMediocre papers and the Globe and Tar for taking money from American doctors and the US health care industry to try and scuttle our Medicare by printing one lying article after another. Paul and David should be ashamed of themselves. I know they won’t be though, these are people among us who put cash before Country. All I can do is blacken their names, make public their lies and convince Canadians to stop buy the National Post papers and the Globe and Tar. If Canada remains free in October, I will keep up my own Smear Campaign to put Godfrey and Thomson out of business. If we fall under the Fascist boots in October I’ll probably find my self in one of Harper’s jails along with David Suzuki, Neil Young, Margaret Atwood Justin Tudeau and Tom Mulcair. As I have described with the CBC, Trans Canada Airlines, Medicare and now the assault by the American oil monopoly on our freedom, the Yankees have always been trying to take control of our destiny. Thus far we Canadians have prevailed. But the concern to-day is of greater consequence. We face the combination of endless money, Washington and the American oil monopoly. As well there are still many toadstools here, in what numbers we do not yet know. Then there are a large group of Canadians like Godfrey and Thomson, turncoats all, who are prepared to sell us into slavery in return for cash in hand. This Country has been much more successful peoplewise than the US, we have a kinder system. I think the Yanks have become fed up with our cheeky and independent ways. They have apparently had enough. The Congress, working with the USA oil monopoly and Mad Harper have just decided to end our independence and swallow Canada holus bolus. The Harper Fascists cheated their way into power in 2011 with the help of the USA oil monopoly and the rightpublicanazis. During that time Harper has chiseled away at the pillars Canadian society. Our vote to-day is a poor approximation of what our ballot used to be 10 years ago. It is becoming more worthless with each passing day. In each of the 338 Federal Ridings, residents are supposed to vote for a Representative to look after their interests. History has show the Harper Fascist MP take their cues from Lyin Steve not constituents. The concerns of riding residents are of no concern to the present Fascist candidates. Apparently those running under the Harper banner in this Election will not talk to the riding residents or answer any questions. This shows how far the oilies and Harper have taken us away from the democratic system we had just 10 short years ago. The key to the dedemocratization of Canada has been the Nazi media and the Royal Can. Harper Police [ Harper’s Brown Shirts ]. To this list can be added, Statistics Harper, Harper Post and Revenue Harper. These new Departments of the PMO, I have written about before. To add weight to the False News that Lyin Steve is spreading daily, with each announcement from the PMO, Harper’s cheerleaders chime in, repeating his exact wording. ” Polly Wants Cracker “. They are the Post papers, the Globe, the Toronto Star, CTV and Global. They being Preston Manning, Tom Flanagan, rightie drones from the University of Calgary and the Fraser / C. D. Howe / Mcdonald Laurier Institutes. This whole kit and caboodle are funded by the American oil monopoly. Surprise! All above are paid big money to go around turning the lights out. Then toadstools sitting in the dark will not know what the righties are up to. If we lose our grip on this beloved Country come October we can certainly blame the American oil monopoly and Harper. As well we will have to take credit for screwing things up ourselves, for dropping our guard. But we should also have our knives out for Paul Godfrey, David Thomson. John Honderich, Bell Media / CTV and Global. They have done a great job of stabbing Canada in the back in return for oilie cash. This Canada of ours is beyond value. If Canadians win in October, all of the people on the oilie take as listed above, should be jailed or deported. Publishing FALSE NEWS IS A CRIMINAL CODE OFFENSE. UNDERSTAND!!! This law was put in place to protect Canadians from those who would tell us lies and endanger our democracy. Pretty simple. We the people have given a license to the press that they have enough freedom to act wherein, we the people are educated as to important happenings and affairs of state. Thus freedom of the press is tied directly to the truth. The Americans now own the Can. Nazi media which is also against the Law. The US Nazi media does not have to deal with a Law about False News. Reagan killed that Law in the US. The US Nazi media can tell all the tall tales they want, meaning peoples live can be destroyed, they can be ruined financially and the underpinning of democracy removed at Rightie will. The rightpublicanazi hostile media environment has been let into this Country by Mad Harper without any restraint. The criminality of publishing False News has been set aside by Harper and the Post papers, the Globe and the Star can print all the lies and made up stuff they want without fear of prosecution. Governments and Universities [ especially Calgary, Guelph and Carleton ] have been infiltrated by the rightie rigged, free market promoters trained in the USA. These sales men and women have absolutely no talents, other than learning the right wing catechism and being able to read from a prepared rightie script. Hitler said, if a lie is repeated often enough, the ignorant masses will believe it to be the truth. The key here, is that to equate Harper lies with the truth does require the BELIEVER TO BE IGNORANT. The persistent lying by Steve Harper proves Hitler’s point. Too many Canadians actually believe what Herr Harper says to be the truth. Such believers are good candidates for a future trip in a cattle car to the gas chambers. If you lose the right to vote then your life is not your own. Those who hold power, can then do with you what they wish. The towering inferno in Megantic, was caused by a load of Alberta roofing Tar and Benzine being carried illegally by the CPR. The company falsified the documentation, saying the contents had come from the Bakken Field in the US, which is a lie. All M M and A did was supply the diesel engines and a crew member. This little Company did not know it was being handed more than 70 tank cars filled with Molotov Cocktail bomb mix. Yet M, M and A has been blamed completely for the conflagration, a scenario created by Mad Harper himself. There has never been an inquest? I think the owners and executives of M M and A were paid off by the American oil monopoly, Harper and CP Rail to just disappear, leaving some of their regular crew members to take the rap. This is standard Harper practice, find someone else to blame. Just like in the Lyin Steve, Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin and Nigel Wright fantasy, Herr Harper claims to have clean hands. The press coverage of Megantic shows that the Can. Nazi media, if paid enough money will handle spin, propaganda, lies, censorship and a cover up. Then problems can simply be made to disappear from Harperland. I mean really, can Canadians be this stupid??? Some toadstools are obviously stupid, because they continue to buy National Post papers particularly. Thus assisting in the destruction of their own Nation. As a result, the cost for all of these phony media theatrics in support of Harper, from the Postmediocre papers, the Globe and Tar, the Toronto Star, CTV and Global [ not the CBC ], the resulting costs come out of the pockets of Canadian taxpayers. People here are paying to have the nooses fashioned which will, in the end, be used to hang them. During Kristallnacht, Nov. 9/10 1938, Hitler had his private military force of thugs attack Jewish Synagogues, businesses and homes they smashed windows. The world should have reacted immediately to these atrocities. But the world looked the other way. Interestingly Hitler made the Jews pay for all the damages his thugs had caused. Mad Harper has now surrounded himself with such thugs. If we lose the vote what will Lyin Steve’s thugs do. Your guess is as good as mine? This kind of thing can only happen in a Country that no longer abides by the rule of Law. Canada’s newspapers must by Law, be 51% owned by Canadians. Our papers are now owned 95% by Americans. We now live in Harperland where you and you and you don’t count for peanuts. The protections you thought you had under from your National Government as a Canadian have disappeared. The laws concerning the transportation of hazardous goods across the land have been set aside. Thus 47 innocent people died in Megantic because their protection had been removed by Harper. There now are 22 orphans remaining from this tragedy who have and will pay a price for the cavalier attitude of the American oil monopoly out of Houston and Harper, who puts profit ahead of lives. Only the oilies and corporate America count with Lyin Steve. From them his powers flow, from them his money originates and it is Houston that gives his little head a pat when he delivers another bit of Canada. THE HARPER, lives in a world of unreality only inhabited by the criminals who surround him, they are socially insane. Watch the clips of our very own Canadian Fuhrer on the Election campaign. Steve is backdropped by Fascist supporters, while he speaks to a well screened audience of Fascist supporters and thugs. The only change since the Election started is that a few reporters are now being allowed into these insider meetings. Anyone who makes trouble for Steve is hustled out by his thugish Brown Shirts. Of course the reporters live in the real Canada from which their questions spring, not Harperland. How does a representative of the press, with feet firmly planted on the ground and answerable to everyday reality, question Stevie Harper. A person, whose education at the University of Calgary puts him firmly inside the cult of the right wing where 80 years of myth making governs his thoughts and behaviour. The whole thing is absurd. The stories and experiences that are filed by the reporters questioning Harper will never be printed. Only the CBC broadcasts Lyin Steve’s reactions. Little wonder Harper has been working to silence the CBC. If the oilies win in October, the CBC is toast. Canada has been in recession for at least two years now and has the worst economic record in the G-7. That assessment is not acceptable to Herr Harper. Although all the evidence supports the determination that we are in a recession, called the Harper Slump but he continues to deny the obvious. The PMO’s, Statistics Harper reports can no longer be believed. As Canada’s economic situation worsens, Statistics Harper has yet again published another rosy report based on wishful thinking. That is perfectly in line with rightie handbook. The favourite song of the right wing is, ” Wishing Will Make It So “. Any Country where rule is based on wishful thinking and lies is in great difficulty, that’s us folks. The Guardian Newspaper / BBC / Economist / UK and the Wolf Street Report / USA, Sept. 1 / 15, had articles about Harper refusing to admit the obvious. So everyone except Canadians have access to the truth, we look like fools. The Globe and Tar, like Harper also denied the obvious, be happy, don’t worry said Phil Crawley. For the PostMediocre papers / Paul Godfrey, it was mums the word, from Paul nothing. Pay money, buy the Post papers AND GET NOTHING???. On the right wing, mistakes are just ignored. Paul knows which side his oilie cheques are buttered on. At an early age, I learned that if one lies, one must have a good memory. Obviously, when Harper was taught to lie in support of a right wing takeover of this Country during his time at the University of Calgary, the part about having a good memory would have been omitted. Calgary U features the teachings of Leo Strauss, who promoted the NOBLE LIE to be used in the Fascist cause. There is no shame on Lyin Steve in telling lies to aid in such a noble cause. I have been a Stevie Harper watcher for 30 years and he has always told lies. He learned well. Telling lies in the Fascist cause is in a sense his badge of honour. Look guys, I have been lying for 30 years and have gotten away with it. Is this what Preston Manning should be teaching out young? But then what is it to the Canadian public, those on the receiving end of his lies? The answer, very destructive. Can this great Country survive swimming in a sea of Harper lies??? Way back in 1980, the American oil monopoly saw Steve, a graduate from a rightie University, a right wing zealot and a Sociopath to boot, as somebody who would mindlessly carry the ball for them. Namely in the conversion of Canada by coup, into an obedient petrol state. As in, of oil, by oil, for oil. There was a feeling in right wingy North America from 1980 onward that Canada was too middle of the road and way too successful. And thus a threat to US Fascism and the opportunity for plunder. The rightpublicanazis, who, under Reagan, were just then beginning their campaign to dismantle democracy in the USA and strip the Country of its’ wealth. To accomplish this theft, help was needed from their friends in the modern paid Nazi media, which Ronnie had just set free. The time had arrived when the US media COULD SELL OUT TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, lies replaced the truth. Reagan’s campaign began with the goal of taking the wealth of the Nation into a few hands and the outcome would be impoverishing the larger population. The campaign of theft by Reagan and Greenspan was carryed forward by George Bush and later Georgie Bush JR. The transfer of wealth within the USA has been entirely successful. The various schemes perpetuated by the rightpublicanazis delivered better than expected. There was the Savings and Loan scandal. There was the Long Term Capital ruse. Then there was the Dot Com crash. But the daddy of the meltdowns came under Bush Jr. Georgie organized a gang of robbers like the old days, they consisted of the following ::: The US Government * National Home Builders * National Real Estate Cos. * Professional Associations * Mortgage Lenders * Subprime Lenders * Insurance Companies * Banks * Wall Street * USA Central Banks * Gov. Licensed Credit Rating Agencies * Fannie May and Freddie Mac. At the time of the 2006 /2009 heist, most of the American wealth, 80% was in real estate. Georgie Jr. change a few laws and repealed others to allow the forgoing list of highwaymen to access the value of US real estate without taking on any liability. This would be like giving a bank robber a note from the President of the United State to pass GO, without having to go to jail. In addition to targeting the wealth of average Americans, Georgie Jr. and friends targeted foreign banks that didn’t have the inside knowledge as to how the new system worked. A mortgage is a mortgage to most everyone. Especially when given AAA from the Government Rating Agencies, who were in on the fix. Well in 2006 the mortgages on show, were not real mortgages and the AAA Rating was paid for by the crooks who hatched this scheme. Since the Wall Street rape of the European Union in 2006 things have not been going well. Having finally drained the wealth from the US, Europe and a number of other countries the rightpublicanazis, Congress and Wall Street have been casting about for new victims. With a Fascist Party in Ottawa and the American oil monopoly cash pouring into Harper’s kitty, the stars have aligned for the Yankee carpetbaggers. Canada will be the next target for rapine. The above arrangement to steal the wealth of America has pretty well been achieved by Reagan’s disciples in the USA. Democracy is but a shadow in the USA, a right wing oligarchy is now in charge. The Bushs and the Republicans during their terms were bent on exporting their bogus form of democracy to the wider world. The invasion of Iraq in 2003, was first and foremost to gain control of the County’s oil resources. Bush Jr. destabilized Iraq in 2003 and all that has happened since then can be laid at Georgie’s feet. Even ISIS. The team of Washington and the USA oil monopoly has screwed things up again as they did in 1973, 1979, in various other locations and now the USA has become involved in the Sunni / Shiite Civil War and is providing support for ISIS and other terrorist organization. For those concerned about the present US plan to impose their pseudo democracy on Canada and other countries, just look at the destabilized state of Iraq and Syria, this is real life. The formula works like this, the Yankees make the profits and the lives of the people under the US Fascist boot, then descend into chaos and ruin. Iraq gives us a picture of what life will be like in Canada after the oilies takeover. Since the invasion of Iraq by the Americans oil monopoly, it has been buying cheap stolen Iraqi oil. In the last two years the oilies have been buying cheap stolen Iraqi oil now in the hands of ISIS. So the Americans are funding the ISIS conflict by sneaking this stolen oil into North America, refining it into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. These fuels are then sold in the US and Canada. The way for Canadians to deal with ISIS, is to have their Government in Ottawa, ban the importation of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, refined in the USA from stolen ISIS / Iraqi oil. The stolen ISIS / Iraqi oil is transported into Turkey and put into the hands of Government sanctioned Black Marketeers. The Turkish Government and the insiders get their cut. Turkey, holds membership in NATO, and is playing both sides of the street. Small foreign flag oil tankers fill up with ISIS stolen oil at ports in Turkey. These small tankers meet the large American tankers at sea and transfer the oil. Such maxi tankers dock on the US east coast, in out of the way places and offload the ISIS oil at night. The US Government looks the other way. That very same Government may be in charge of Canada after October. ISIS gets their money from the US oilies to finance their Middle East War as do the terrorists. The USA oil monopoly is getting real cheap ISIS oil and making huge profits turning it into very expensive gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. But this illegal arrangement, as so often happens with the oilies has backfired. It has destabilized the entire world oil market. So Washington and their constant partners in the illegal oil monopoly have once again blundered into another world shattering oil event. I think this is their 6th blunder since the OPEC crisis of 1973. But the oilies control the world Nazi press and not a hint of blame will be laid at the feet of the American oil monopoly. Especially Paul Godfrey and his PostMediocre papers would never breath a word of these illegal maneuverings by the oilies. Paul’s cheque is always in the mail. This is the same group in Houston, now angling to takeover Canada. But Houston has not informed Canadians that their status is going to change shortly from dealing in stolen oil to running Canada. But the right wing always lies and never levels with people. With this stolen Iraqi / ISIS oil being smuggled into the US and refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel there have been other ramifications. The Houston oil monopoly is not buying home grown oil from Texas, North Dakota or Alberta / Saskatchewan, thereby damaging the economies of States in the US and Provinces in Canada. North Americans are being gouged by high prices for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. But the Government in Ottawa and Washington and their Nazi newspapers keep a tight lid on things that may inflame the ignorant masses. The insiders are making even more money based on the ensuing turmoil. The result is that Canadians and Americans are providing huge profits for the oilies in Houston some of which is going directly to ISIS and the terrorists in the Middle East. And what do we get from the North American Nazi media? Why nothing! But for some strange reason North American toadstools continue to buy newspapers and watch TV [ not the CBC or PBS ]. Georgie Bush Jr. didn’t invaded Iraq to make life better for the Iraqis but to steal their oil. The 1973 OPEC oil crisis was caused by Washington and the USA oil monopoly trying to muscle the Arabs into lowering their price for oil. This bullying backfired and caused OPEC members to draw closed together. OPEC turned off the oil tap and all of North America suffered. Immediately the Nazi media was paid off and a campaign was waged to blame OPEC. Washington and the oil monopoly escaped scrutiny and were not forced to clean up their act. Congress passed Legislation to ensure that the USA would not be put through the wringer again. If Washington made another boo boo, other countries were going to have to pay the price [ Canada being one ]. If another oil crisis arose, by Law the American oil monopoly had to give Washington first dibbs ON ALL THE OIL IN ITS’ INVENTORY. That meant all the oil in Alberta and Saskatchewan would be sent south of the 49th parallel to satisfy American demand first. Canada would have been fucked and our economy would have ground to a halt. That is the reason why Piere Trudeau introduced the National Energy Program, which stated that Canadian oil would satisfy this County’s needs first, in any future crisis. Any surplus could then go to the USA. That is leadership, standing up for Canadians. Interestingly Harper hates Pierre Trudeau, a PM who stood up for Canada. Lyin Steve stands up for America, is that the reason? As you can imagine the US rightpublicanazis / oilies didn’t like a pip squeak Canadian Prime Minister telling them what to do. Legal or otherwise. Another crisis didn’t arise until 1979, when the USA attempted to take over the oil fields in Iran. Yet another Yankee act of aggression relating to oil. Trudeau’s NEP had no application in respect to the attempted takeover of the Iranian oil fields by Washington and the American oil monopoly in 1979. T H E R E W A S N O O I L S H O R T A G E. ThE seizing of the Iranian oil fields was yet another US blunder. As stated, THERE WAS NO OIL SHORTAGE AT THAT TIME! RATHER, THERE WAS A MASSIVE OIL GLUT COMPARABLE TO THE GLUT WE HAVE TO-DAY. The present oil glut, which is adversely affecting the Canadian / US economies is a repeat of that earlier 79 blunder by Washington and the USA oil monopoly. Alberta suffered financially in the 1980s, the USA oil monopoly was responsible for the turmoil in the world oil market. But they bought up the Western Nazi media and paid for a 30 year long Smear Campaign against Pierre Trudeau to escape blame for the mess. Albertans, most Westerners and some Canadians swallowed the oilie, anti Trudeau / NEP story. And the fact that Westerns were subjected to False News by the paid Nazi media has meant that the west never address its’ problems like Norway did. Westerners should have sought cooperation with Ottawa and the east in regards to exercising control over its’ own petroleum resources. It is hard to understand why the West expended so much hot air telling the Feds to mind their own business. While on the other hand the American oil monopoly was welcomed in with open arms by Westerners. Come on in, do what you want with us. If you steal our oil and we end up in the poor house sobeit. Oh the power of the Nazi media to misinform. Now Harper’s employers in Houston have once again destabilized the world oil market. This time by buying stole oil from ISIS and illegal oil from Russia and Iran. Once again the world Nazi media has been brought in, paid to provide cover for the oilies. The newsies are doing an admirable of blaming OPEC once again. The Governments of Canada, the USA, UK and Australia are meekly trotting along behind the American oil monopoly, singing the company song. Rather than leadership from this bunch, we are seeing a fine display of followership. Oh yes their song. ” Whatever the oilies want, the oilies will get “. If the oil monopoly causes a war, then so shall it be. If thousands of people die so shall it be. If millions of people are displaced, so shall it be. Oilie money talks, BIG OILIE MONEY TALKS BIG. Congress, Harper, Cameron and Abbot LIKE OIL MONEY BETTER THAN THEY LIKE THE TRUTH. If your views as an individual Canadian, collide with the views of Houston, to Harper your views don’t count, even in their millions. So Albertans are in trouble once again, they’re facing low oil prices again. The American oil monopoly is responsible for the mess, once again. Our Nazi media has been paid to rush in to provide cover for the oilies, once again. Paul Godrey’s job is clear, again. Blame OPEC, oh yes again. But the Post papers can’t pin this crisis on Pierre Trudeau and his NEP again. It is too late for that. But Godfrey has been given a new target by Houston. Why Rachel Notley and her NDP Government are to blame. Why of course, that’s who! Now isn’t that a convenient surprise. The NDP has been in Government for not yet 3 months, apparently Rachel, on the basis of 600,000 votes, now holds the the globe in her embrace and therefore is responsible for all the bad things that transpire, according to Paul Godfrey. BLOODY RIDICULOUS, ONLY IN HARPERLAND. The REAL culprits behind the world oil crisis are in hiding, they being the USA oil monopoly. OPEC is being blamed bigtime although OPEC didn’t move a finger, not even a twitch. But the global Nazi media will not tell you that. The oilies would cut their cheques off. That would be even worse than having their balls cut off. So the readers of newspapers and the TV viewers [ not the CBC,BBC or PBS ] are once again being told lies. In Canada where Rachel Notley is being blamed for Alberta’s woes and the collapse of oil prices is starting to bite hard, Lyin Steve’s script has been laid before us. He can do nothing for Albertans, they are going to be left to rot. Steve’s attitude, shame on you Albertans for installing a NDP Government. Phooey on democracy. If Alberta buys into this Harper nonsense they deserve every misfortune that comes their way. In terms of the larger picture, the global Nazi media would have us believe OPEC is somehow to blame for this oil mess. NOT! I would love to know how much it is costing the American oil monopoly to fabricate out of thin air, this fantasy we see before us??? In the immediate vicinity Texas, North Dakota and Alberta have been hit hard by this ISIS, Russia and Iran blunder by the oilies. I am not going to waste one minute worrying about the plight of Texas and North Dakota. They are damaged States within a failed state, the United States. Washington, rather than outlaw the illegal American oil monopoly, is a willing partner in the various criminal activities of the oilies. Even when the American people pay a huge price for this anti democratic activity. In 1973, Washington sat back and let the monopoly bully OPEC. In a sense the oilies, who are like a bull in a china shop, were put in charge of US Foreign Affairs. The members of OPEC, rather than being intimidated moved into a closer union. OPEC had control of most of the world’s oil supply, the American didn’t have enough oil in storage to get them through a single day. Bad planning on Washington’s part, its’ citizens paid mightily for this Government blunder. There was no planning on the part of the USA oil monopoly at all. The oilie management should have gone to jail but the world Nazi media was paid to cover things up by blaming OPEC. And that is what appears in the history books, OPEC caused the 1973 oil crisis. When the American oil monopoly bought its’ way out of the 1973 oil fiasco, they became emboldened. It was clear that they could buy their way out of anything they blundered into and the world Nazi media would heel for $s. Only 6 years later Washington and the oil monopoly teamed up to disrupt Iran and turn the world upside down again. Innocent people lost their lives, lifestyles were lost and fortune were lost, including in Alberta. But Albertans were never made aware. The oilie media was paid to keep them in the dark. All this happened because of the thugs operating out of Houston were searching for greater and greater profits no matter who they had to trample on. Washington and the oil monopoly had a strange hold on Venezuela and its’ petroleum resources. The educational system was poor at best. Most people in Country could not afford to go to a doctor. Clean water was hard to get and often food was in short supply. All the while the American oil monopoly was taking huge profits out of Venezuela and bleeding the Nation white. Sounds like Alberta, right? This happened because the oilies paid off the elites who maintained a corrupt Government to facilitate the monopoly’s thieving ways. Sounds like Alberta, right? But then the guy on the white horse appeared, Hugo Chavez. Chevez precipitated a revolution and he threw the Oilies and the CIA out of their asses. The Americans oil monopoly has been shut out of Venezuela since that time. Georgie Bush Jr. was so enraged at Hugo’s audacity, Chavez dared to direct some of the proceeds from oil to provide benefits and social programs to better the lot of his people. This is just unacceptable to the Yankees. Georgie, the boy President, arranged to have Chavez assassinated, the plan was not successful. Chavez was President of Venzuela from 1999 to 2013, when he died of cancer. But Hugo set his people free. The world Nazi media has telling lies about President Chavez. This Smear Campaign has been going on for more than 20 years. Paid for by you know who? The USA oil monopoly, which may well in charge of Canada come October. Paul Godfrey is doing his best to see that happens. Washington and the oilies disrupted Venezuela over petroleum but the Country broke the American grip and it is much better for the doing. The next Country that the Yankees set their eyes on was Iraq, which was invaded illegally and justified by a series of lies told by Georgie Jr. All the insiders knew the US Government was after Iraqi oil. Oh my god, here we went again. Once more, the American people were kept in the dark by the world Nazi media. Publishing and broadcasting lies can be a very lucrative. What Georgie didn’t realize was that a quasi civil war had been / was going on between the Sunnis and the Shiites, with Iran on the one side and Saudi Arabia on the other. Neither Country want blood to be shed within their own borders so they used the territories of other, weaker Arab nations for their limited, sandbox engagements. By destroying the Government of Iraq, its’ military / police and its’ infrastructure Bush Jr. and the American oil monopoly created a large lawless, no-man’s-land battlefield which the combatants very much appreciated. This produced a much bigger civil war. Recruiting start globally for new recruits. The demand for weapons increased, so every arms maker in the world sought / seeks to get a piece of the action. But this whole conflict has to be financed. It was and still is financed by the people in North America who buy gasoline, diesel and fly in aeroplanes that use jet fuel. WE send our boys to fight ISIS and WE, the same WE, financially support ISIS and the other terrorist groups. The central brokers and organizers of the almost buckshee stolen oil trade is the illegal American oil monopoly, the Wall Street banks which are run by criminals and Washington just aquiesces. All of these goings on are kept from more than 400 million people in the west by the world Nazi media. A fantasy has been created by this paid media for the rightpublicanazis, Congress, the oil monopoly, Wall Street banks, Harper’s Fascists, Cameron’s Fascists and Abbot’s Fascists among others. This ongoing fantasy is published / broadcast to the western world daily and is beyond belief, That is because not a word of it is true. Every day I plug into the news cycle I am amazed to hear / read the lies that are being told by what seem to be thousands of drone on the American oil monopoly payroll. This seems, obvious seeing that Harper and his PMO have access to unlimited oil money too.

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I do read some of the articles in the National Post, which I am pleased to say I get FREE. Godfrey gives a lot of his papers away to keep the circulation numbers up. Higher circulation means Paul can charge the suckers who advertise in his papers more money. The garbage can at the outlet where I get my free papers is always filled with discarded Posts. Apparently people don’t even want them for free? The PostMediocre papers are built on a foundation of lies and misinformation, so why wouldn’t Godfrey lie to his advertisers. Paul is no better than Conrad Black or any other thief. Charging advertisers for eyeballs who will never see their wares is akin to robbing banks. Godfrey gets way more than a million a year to tell Canadians lies. Who said lying doesn’t pay? One of the Post’s stenographer I read on occasion is Claudia Cattaneo, who is described as a Western Business Columnist who specializes in, oil / gas resources, finance, oil prices and oil geopolitics. I don’t agree with that description. Claudia is a cherry picker, paid by the American oil monopoly to regurgitate oilie propaganda. So she is a paid employee of the oilies like Jack Mintz. But Godfrey doesn’t tell us that. This is just another form of lying. It is interesting that Cattaneo no longer publishes the profit numbers for the oil industry. Her new tune is the extent to which the monopoly is SUFFERING [ IF YOU BELIEVE! ] the shorts and any increase in Alberta business taxes or oil royalties will push the oil execs to start jumping out of the office towers in Calgary. I love it, I love it. The quicker the USA oil monopoly vacates the Province the better. If there really are oil executives who are taking a header, good. Having to keep criminals in jail is expensive so their deaths give us a cheap way out. My only concern is the cost of their funerals and cleaning the blood of the sidewalks in downtown Calgary. Houston must pay those costs or we sue. But let’s get serious for a moment. Cattaneo’s stuff is unreal and too, too funny. There are 35 sq miles of toxic tailing ponds in Alberta. That is ten time the size of Pearson International Airport. The PC Provincial Governments turned a blind eye to this ever increasing problem. It was cheaper for the American oil monopoly to bribe the politicians than clean up this poisonous mess. Dumping of this toxic garbage continues, the oilies are not even complying with the minimal loosey goosey regulations that have been put in place by the timid Facist MLAs. It is clear that the Alberta toadstools do not yet know that they are now on the hook to clean up 35 sq miles of petroleum sludge. Paul Godfrey, Claudia Cattaneo and Jacks Mintz have NOT gotten around to mentioning it. Oh the kinds of miracles petro dollars can perform. It is said, that if you pay someone enough to not see something. And you know what? They won’t see it. This matter of ignoring the tailing ponds, parallels the temporary storage of Ontario nuclear waste in concrete coffins 7′ x 7′ x 12′, that are housed in surface sheds. The coffins only have a life span of 100 years so it means in the future there will be lots of dangerous jobs to be had repackaging nuclear waste. Eventually people will have to work fre because there will be no more money in circulation to pay them. Since the nukies hijacked the Provincial electrical system in the 1970s, the cost of dealing with the radio active waste has never been factored into the price Ontarians pay for KWs. When Mike Harris tried to sell Ontario Hydro in the late 1990 he divided the utility into 5 parts. Mike thought he would realize more money from the bits to pay off the dept he had accumulated behind the backs of Ontarians. However, Harris removed the $24 billion unfunded liability for the nuclear waste from his 5 groupings of Hydro assets, placing same on the back of the people. But the citizens of this Province were never told about this liability. When McGuinty started getting paid off by the nukies, Dalt like Mike also buried the matter of the nuclear waste being stored in sheds around Ontario’s nuke plants. The bundles in the coffins are housed in sealed, steel cylinders filled with an inert gas. These cylinders are then encased in concrete. If the coffins were to crack open, the radio active bundles would begin to heat up an accident could occur. It is no surprise that the Toronto Star which gets lots of advertising from the nukies and the Liberals and TVO which is controlled by the Liberals, have never covered this story? Back to the Alberta tailing ponds. This should be one of the first thing the Canadian Provincial Energy Corporation should deal with. A quick study of the 35 sq miles of tailing ponds should be done. That won’t be difficult, most of the important information already exists and what we don’t know will be revealed by the satellite. My first suggestion to the CPEC would be that all Canadians should be brought into paying for the cost of cleaning up the tailing ponds, which must be expropriated. It is matter of determining what companies are responsible for what tailing ponds and the figuring out the cleanup costs. These companies would be given two options. Pay the bill for the cleanup. Or deed over their infrastructure and assets at a rate of 50 cents on the dollar based on a valuation taken after the October Election. This until their cleanup bill is covered. Or CPEC could just expropriate their entire holdings in Canada. This infrastructure and the assets would form the basis of a new oil / bitumen / natural gas industry which would produce gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, roofing tar, paving tar and other petroleum products as well as the needs of the chemical firms. This CPEC enterprise would of Canadians, for Canadians by owned by Canadians. No Houston. Do you think Paul Godfrey, Claudia Cattaneo and Jack Mintz will dare tell you this good news story???

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So you say, now we know what is going on, WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT IT????? First off we need a new Government in Ottawa. One that will provide leadership and protect Canadian INTERESTS AROUND THE WORLD. My first suggestion would be to ban all imports of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel from anywhere, unless it can be certified that such fuels are not made from ISIS oil stolen from Iraq and Syria, illegal Iranian oil or illegal Russian oil. Both Countries are under sanctions and the west should not be trading with either one of them. Canadians must be assured that their money is not going to ISIS and the prosecution of their war on innocent civilians. ISIS stolen oil is being fenced through Turkey. Canadians must be assured that their money is not going to Iran, a Country that is building a bomb, is funding Bashar al-Assad who has been on the Iranian payroll for years, is funding Hezbollah and Hamas [ both terrorist groups ] and is funding a civil war against Saudi Arabia. Canadians must be assured that their money is not going to Russia, a Country that illegally occupied the Crimea, is now invading the Ukraine, has threatened the Baltic States, has threatened the European Union’s oil and natural gas supplies and hijacked Malaysian Flight 370. Illegal oil from Iran and Russia is being fenced through Turkey on its’ way to North America. This means that no gasoline, diesel or jet fuel, refined from oil sourced from ISIS / Iraq, Iran or Russia GETS INTO CANADA. It means we can rest easy that we are not contributing to the conflicts in Iraq, Syria, the conflicts being staged by Russia in the Crimea and the Ukraine and the conflicts being bankrolled by Iran in Syria and its’ financial support of Hezbollah and Hamas.

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The next step is to gear up to take a position, centre stage in world affair. Canada is a unique Country in terms of geography, population, education, health care, infrastructure, natural resources and energy. This Country could build a firewall all around our borders, reduce our contact with the wider world and live much better, healthier and prosperous lives than we are living now. In a world dominated by the USA and the illegal American oil monopoly, participation is costing us too high a price. Our salvation lies in going it alone, cutting ties with the negative global forces and in so doing show the way forward to oppressed countries, providing them with a road map, technical assistance and a helping hand. This to raise their standard of living and enhance their lives. Canada has huge petroleum resources, we do not need to import gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Rather WE should be producing same and exporting to other countries. I have written before about shipping oil and fuels through Churchill Manitoba to the UK and the British Commonwealth. Total population more than two billion people. Right now the American oil monopoly is abandoning our west. With their ready access to cheap ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil, the oilies don’t need our petroleum resources any more. And that just suits me fine. All kinds of oil / bitumen infrastructure has been mothballed or closed. I propose buying that infrastructure or expropriating in order to set up a complete new Canadian petroleum industry country wide to include the ten Provinces and three Territories under their National Energy Strategy as first put forth under former Alberta Premier Alison Redford. The USA oil monopoly has plenty of plant but almost no oil. Canada has all kinds of oil and a considerable inventory of plant. Some / most of which is closed or is in the process of being shut down. The additional option is to build new upgraders or refineries or buy them complete from other countries and have same shipped to Canada for reassembling. The first step in venturing out into the world on our own is to be masters and mistresses of our own Canada. I will leave it at that now. The illegal and stolen oil, now in the market place, should find no home in this Country. As law abiding citizens we should not be dealing in stolen goods. We should first strive to be self sufficient in gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, that is plan A. Plan B would be expansion followed by exporting fuels to our friends in Britain and the Commonwealth. I am sure they would prefer fuel that is legal, from a secure source, an assured supply and at a predictable price. Almost immediately our GDP would accelerate and our unemployment rate would drop. There would be lots of jobs for out young people and First Peoples. It is truly Carpe Diem kind of moment. We shall see what happens in October.

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In terms of the NO2TRUDEAU POSTCARD CAMPAIGN mounted by Steve Harper and the Catholic Church, I am at a loss for words, well not really. I am at a loss for words which are strong enough to describe Harper’s actions and the fact that the Catholic Church played along with this mad man. I understand why the Church permitted the use of its’ offices to facilitate this anti Justin Trudeau attack. Herr Harper has promised the Catholic Church that he will ban abortions if he gets reelected. So in self interest the Church has swallowed Lyin Steve’s commitment hook, line and sinker. This is vote buying on a grand scale by giving a small group special attention. Such special attentions are not part of a democracy Thus the Church has shown itself to be prepared to go along with any Harper campaign initiatives like the NO2TRUDEAU, no matter how gross and offensive it is. This is a new low for Lyin Steve but for the Catholic Church to follow Harper so far down into this sewer indicates how dangerous the Catholic hierarchy is. The Catholic church is losing steam. Only 25% of all Catholics now live in the west. I think normal thinking people are bailing out because the Church is lost in the past. I am a watered down Anglican of English background. Britain rose to its’ democratic / great empire status BECAUSE it broke away from the Catholic Church, separating church from state was key. Under the British Parliamentary system, THE PEOPLE ARE SUPREME!!! Within that system the churches, synagogues and mosques et al look to the religious needs of the population. AND NO MORE. The Catholic hierarchy can’t get that through their thick heads. As a result the Church is losing ground in the West. There are fewer attendees and the number of priests is dropping. In business, if your product is not selling, you find a new product or close up. What the Catholic Church is selling in the West, people ain’t buying. The Church refuses to change course and in an attempt to remain relevant, it is becoming more desperate. The evil NO2TRUDEAU Campaign shows just how desperate. I believe in freedom of religion, in democracy and the will of the people. But the Catholic Church keeps sticking it’s nose into politics in a destructive way. I have no problem with any individual or group putting forth their ideas and concerns in terms of selling their point of view to the larger public. Once their proposal goes to a vote, the citizenry gets to have their say. If it is the majority, in the affirmative then said proposal becomes the Law. If the majority says no, that’s the end of it. On the abortion issue, the Catholic Church in Canada is on the wrong side of history Justin’s Party holds that a women has a right to choose, this is a Liberal position. That is my position too. Every individual has the right to live life as they choose, WITHIN THE LAW. But that individual does not have the right to ram their beliefs down other people’s throats. Even if a lot of Catholic individuals get together, they still do not have the right to ram their beliefs down the throats of Canadians. The Catholic Church has been doing just that for years. Either we have a democracy or we have groups of strong willed and noisy people oppressing the larger population. At the moment we are faced with those Fascists on the extreme right wing and the Catholic Church staking out their leadership claims. BOTH MUST BE REJECTED WITH FORCE IF NECESSARY. For Harper to single out Trudeau and attack him in this underhanded way is thoroughly dishonest. That Lyin Steve is dishonest does not come as any surprise to me. But what is surprising is the depth of dishonesty residing in the Catholic Church. In a sense the Church has always had a dishonest side. The main aim of the Vatican has been to ensure that the Catholic Church survives, no matter how many lives are lost, ruined or trampled on. The Catholic Church played footsie with Mussolini. The Lateran Treaty signed by the Dictator and the Church in 1929, gave the Vatican political powers [ which it should not have been given ], created financial arrangements beneficial to the Church and a Concordat which extended to the Pope, special privileges within Italy which he used selfishly to feather his own nest. The Church recognized Mussolini as the supreme leader and poof went Italian democracy. What might have been a bright democratic future for the Country was sabotaged by the Catholic Church. The window of opportunity was closed, that opportunity has never reappeared. Italy is still in turmoil to-day, long after being stabbed in the back by the Church. In 1933 Pope Pius XII signed another Concordat with Hitler, which followed the same pattern establish between the Church and Mussolini. The Church wanted to be left alone and was prepared to give up its’ freedom of action to accomplish that goal. From the arrangement with Mussolini, to the arrangement with Hitler, to the end of World War II, the Catholic Church spoke with a forked tongue. The Church feared Communism and saw Fascism as its’ best bet. Only when it became clear that Mussolini and Hitler’s days were numbered did the Pope begin to make a little noise about the mistreatment of innocent people. There is an old English saying which I adhere to, ” A stitch in time saves nine “. The Catholic Church, in the 1930s had more than 30 million members in Italy and 20 million in Germany. Both Mussolini and Hitler sought to develop good relations with the Catholic Church lest they suffer defeat in their rise to power. If Pope Pius had been a man with more insight, able to see the potential problems and detrimental affect of Fascism he could have asserted the power of the Church in a timely fashion. 50 million people, if organized would have had a lot of clout. But the Pope fiddled while all around, Rome burned The Pope was much like Neville Chamberlain, both were consummate beancounters with very low horizons. After the War, Italy and the Catholic Church strove to rewrite history, portraying themselves as being anti Fascist and victims. I would say that the Catholic Church in a democratic Canada doesn’t have much to recommend it. In my lifetime, the Church has many times interfered in our political affairs, where it has no place. Italy, which is home base to the Vatican, is a young Country. Before Mussolini there were constant upheavals in Italy. After Mussolini came to power the Catholic Church cooperated with the Fascists for 20 years, in Italy and Germany. So in the Canadian context, the Church has little experience in a democratic society and a long history of working with dictators. This inexperience occasionally comes to the fore and the Catholic Church forgets it has no place in politics. During this disgraceful NO2TRUDEAU CAMPAIGN, it is a good time for Canadians to put the Catholic church in its’ place. You promote religion but stay out of politics. The members of the Church have one vote each. The leadership of the Catholic Church have only one vote each. The Church has no right to tell its’ member how to vote. Individuals who follow the orders of the Church as to what Party to vote for are in a sense undermining Canadian democracy. The fact that Herr Harper is promising the Church to ban abortions if he is elected and the fact that the Catholic Church has failed to loudly condemn the NO2TRUDEAU Campaign, which has come from within the Church’s ranks, shows the miscalculation of both parties. Harper will never be able to get a bill through Parliament banning abortions if we still live in a democracy after October. If the American oil monopoly take over this Country, then a ban on abortions, the opening of concentration camps, gas chambers, ovens and meat hooks, are all distinct possibilities. For the weak minded in the Catholic Church, the promise that Lyin Steve made to the Church to gain votes will be forgotten in a blink. Stevie is a Sociopath and has been telling lies in public for more than 30 years. Anyone who believes what Harper says is a fool. In my view, in regards to this disgraceful NO2TRUDEAU CAMPAIGN, the Catholic Church has been made to look like the ultimate fool. But a dangerous fool.

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I was a Pickering Councillor from 1973 to 1976. I look back on my 80 years with much satisfaction. I followed my own star. The Morgentaler incident in 1975 happened on my watch. I am proud of the fact, that I responded quickly to the Doctor’s perdicament. My letters in this regard were published in the Toronto papers and in the Pickering, Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa papers as well. I was immediately attacked by the Catholics in these same publications. The abuse of Dr. Morgentaler by the Quebec Government was highlighted over many months during the Spring and Summer of 75. As was the hands off attitude of the Liberal Government in Parliament. The responses from the Catholics to the Morgentaler Affair were intemperate in the extreme. In making their opinions known about Morgentaler, the Catholics showed an unhealthy and unrestrained negative attitude towards democracy. I then understood why the Catholics had gotten so up close and personal with Mussolini and Hitler. Anything for power. At their core the Catholic Church is a believer in Fascism. And places Church rule above democracy. The Doctor opened an abortion clinic in 1969 after Parliament LEGALIZED ABORTIONS. However such abortions had to be done in a hospital setting and only after the abortion was approved by the resident Therapeutic Abortion Committee. This was a perfectly reasonable approach. This requirement would have been successful in the hands of reasonable people. But it was not. The rub was that hospitals were NOT REQUIRED to perform abortions. Even if a hospital agreed to perform abortions they could refused to form a T A Committee. In some cases T A Committees were formed but those committees never met. Due to the foot dragging of the Quebec Government and the Catholic church, an abortion was no easier to get than before the passing of Pierre Trudeau’s bill to legalize the procedure. In 1970 less than ten percent of Quebec hospitals performed abortions. This was not in the spirit of the Law and unfair to women who wanted to end a pregnancy. So close but still far away. It was a little like a town suffering a crime wave and the council hiring 250 additional police officers. Then keeping them all in the station house and taking away their guns. Such hospital / T A Committee restrictions, allowed those who opposed abortions [ the Quebec Government and the Catholic Church operating as always from a place of concealment ], to drag their feet. This while pregnant women’s lives continued to be in danger. The Doctor appeared before Parliament in 1967, urging MPs to legalize safe abortions. After 1969, Henry appealed to the Quebec Government to make abortions available equally across the Province for free and in a timely fashion. The Quebec Government did not respond to his plea. Due to his high profile on the abortion issue, the Doctor began getting requests for women to give them an abortion. Many of these women were in dire straits. To protect such vulnerable women, Dr. Morgentaler finally responded. He realized that the Quebec Government was going to continue obstructing NOW LEGAL ABORTIONS. The Doctor began performing timely, high quality, safe abortions, at an affordable price. During this period more than 200 doctors from all the leading hospitals in the area, were referring patients to the Morgentaler. Politicians and Catholics who opposed the Doctor, came to see him on the quiet, about providing abortions for family, friends and employees. These poor excuses for human beings continued to oppose Morgentaler and to keep secret their debt to Henry. The Catholics so involved are beneath contempt. The aforementioned 200 wimp doctors, were all too familiar themselves with the sufferings of the affected women, even after abortions had been legalized under Pierre Trudeau. They chose a coward’s route, they would not stand and be counted. The doctors salved their consciences by unloading their responsiblilities onto the shoulders of Henry Morgentaler. They stood back in silence and let the Doctor burn. The timid 200 were intimidated because the shadow of the Catholic Church hung heavily over them. Under the old Abortion Law, it was against the Law to arrange an abortion, to perform an abortion or for a woman to seek an abortion. In 1969 Ottawa proclaimed the legality of abortions and that they were to be done in hospitals and under TA Committees. The excuse for this arrangement the Feds said, was to ensure such operations were not done on kitchen tables. Dr. Morgentaler appealed to politicians, that the new Law did not go far enough and that abortions remained dangerous and very difficult to get. In terms of the use of kitchen tables, Dr. Morgentaler set up a state of the art health clinic and applied to the Quebec Minister of Health to have his clinic accredited under the same conditions hospitals received their approvals. Since so many hospitals were bowing to the demands of the Catholic Church, turning their backs on their patients [ illegal ] and refusing to do abortions, going the clinic route would been an easy way to obey the letter of the Law and fill the need. The Health Minister did not even have the courtesy to reply to Dr. Morgentaler. The Catholic Church fix was in. Honesty was replaced by dishonesty. Lies replaced the truth. Fascism replaced democracy. I closely and angrily monitored the Morgentaler situation in the 1970s and 80s. I was able to gather a lot of information back then but there remained many blank spots. As I write this, I draw on the things I learned over the years. Those blank spots have been filled in. But my basic understanding of what transpired 1970 to 75 remains unchanged. Dr. Morgentaler was railroaded by a Quebec Government in kahoots with the Catholic Church. And further, the proceedings brought against the good Doctor were the most egregious in modern Canadian legal history. In a review of the above proceedings in 1976, the words Star Chamber were used. The only thing that Morgentaler did not suffer was being burned at the stake. Under Queen Mary [ Bloody Mary ] [ reign 1553 to 1558 ] there was an attempt to reintroduce Catholicism. The leading protestants who would not heel were burned at the stale, they numbered more than 300 in five short years. Of interest, after the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 by King John, Pope Innocent III annulled the Act by stating, ” It was illegal, unjust and harmful to royal rights “. The English paid no attention to the Pope. Over the long centuries, there had developed a working agreement between the Kings / Queens and the people. That in return for paying their taxes they be granted some say in the affairs of state. A battle over this concept raged from 1215 to 1649 when Charles I was beheaded and Parliament became supreme. The supremacy of Parliament has yet to be acknowledged by the Catholic Church. In April 1975, it became public that the Quebec Court of Appeal had set aside Morgentaler’s three abortion acquittals by Montreal juries. The Court substitute a conviction and a jail sentence in their place, SOMETHING THEY HAD NO RIGHT TO DO. I BECAME VERY ANGRY. In my world, democracy, the will of the people and the jury system are supreme. Replacing a jury acquittal with a guilty verdict by appointed Judges under the thrall of the Catholic Church WAS BEYOND UNACCEPTABLE TO ME. It unfathomable that the Catholic Church from the time of the Magna Carta and the introduction of the jury system, through the three jury trials of Dr. Morgentaler, to the NO2TRUDEAU CAMPAIGN HAVE NOT COME TO REALIZE THAT THEIR ADHERENTS ONLY HOLD ONE VOTE EACH AND NO MORE. 500 Catholics translates into 500 votes. The Church on its’ own doesn’t have a vote and thus IT HAS NO POWER. Those 500 voters can cast ballots for MPs, MPPS, MLAs, MNAs or municipal representatives who are responsible for everyone who lives in a particular riding or ward. Catholic concerns would and should be considered by elected officials, but in their turn and rank. The problem we still face is that the Vatican always tries to push its’ way to the front of the line, in the belief, like the Fascists that they deserve to be first. In fact they seem to think their own god is superior to the supreme beings the rest of us worship. To prevent further misunderstandings, the sooner the Catholic Church is disabused of its’ mistaken beliefs the better. It must be remembered that women don’t get pregnant all on their own. Often, back when I was younger when a girl got pregnant, the prick responsible would just walk away and leave her in the lurch. I knew some guys like that and in my view they were indeed pricks. Being young and carrying a child or even being married and experiencing difficulties, a pregnancy can be a heavy emotional strain. Unsafe back street abortions were available but far too many women have died or suffered permanent injuries or psychological problems or committed suicide. It took a long time, too long [ 1969 ] for justice to come forward for women in the sense that they and they alone could, should and would determine whether they wanted to have a child. It was outrageous that with abortions finally legalized there was still a way for some misguided pricks in the Catholic Church to put pressure on Quebec politicians. The Catholic pricks, followed / follow the same course as those pricks of yesteryear, they walked / walk away from women in need and leave them in the lurch. The Quebec Government did everything, legal or illegal to thwart the new Law by not providing abortions in the hospitals and then threatening hospitals and T A Committees with legal action if they did act. Henry Morgentaler stepped into that breech. He began performing abortions in his special clinic. My guess would be that he was more skilled and better equipped to perform this procedure than some hospitals. The misuse by the Quebec Government of the REQUIREMENT that an abortion be performed in a hospital with the approval of a Committee quickly became evident. Jerome Choquette, Quebec’s Attorney General from 1970 until he was removed from office in 1975, took a personal dislike to Dr. Morgentaler. Choquette called Morgentaler an, ” assassin “. It is clear that the Attorney General was taking his orders directly from the Catholic Church. Choquette began a crusade to put what he and the Church considered a dangerous pest behind bars for an eternity. The search for truth and justice was abandoned. Even the slightest hint of justice disappeared. Those who seek the truth will find it. Those who run from the truth will never find it. We need to elect seekers. Every advantage or hammer that Choquette could lay his hands on, were brought into play. Morgentaler’s Clinic was raided first by the Montreal Police in 1970. He ended up being charged with performing illegal abortions on three different occasions using the same facts. You can’t do that in Canada. It is certain that the Police had an axe to grind too because they used every tool at their disposal, some legal, some not so legal and some definitely ILLEGAL. Certainly the Catholic Church was at work behind the Police scenes too. The police seizures of property went way beyond the need to gain evidence. The took everything and would not give it back, even after the Doctor was acquitted. The Police tried to used their authority to put Dr. Morgentaler OUT OF BUSINESS. Henry, during the time his clinic was able to operate, ran it in a business like fashion and paid all of his taxes. Choquette organized his Office to take Morgentaler down. To ensure success Jerome brought the Prosecutor’s Office, the Minister of Health and the Quebec Ministry of Revenue into the conspiracy. There were three charges, 1970, he was charged again in 1971 and then again in 1972. Choquette was very surprised when he lost all three cases to jury acquittals. In a Catholic Province, nobody could imagine a jury acquitting someone who was performing abortions, pushing the Law, was a new Canadian, also a Jew and clearly guilty. During the time of these 3 trials the Prosecution refused to put things right even though Morgentaler had been acquitted. Seized property was not returned and the paperwork needed to make Dr. Morgentaler whole again was not forthcoming. Choquette ANNOUNCED THAT HE would appeal the three acquittals. Realizing that it was going to be almost impossible to get a jury to convict Dr. Morgentaler after all the publicity, Choquette hatched a new plan. He laid ten more charges against the Doctor, all based on the same facts. It was so arranged that these charges would to be brought forward one at a time, at the time of Choquette’s choosing. It was assumed that Morgentaler would be acquitted on each charge. Then Choquette would launched another appeal. This errant Attorney General decided he didn’t need a conviction, ever. He could tie Henry up in Court for a hundred years if not more. I have often wondered what went on in Morgentaler’s mind. His family had been lost in Hitler’s death camps. Somehow he and his brother survived. During WW II, the Catholic Church stood and watched as Hitler marched millions of Jews and others into the concentration camps. Here in Canada, Henry initially thought himself safe. Little did he know that the Quebec Government operated much as the Nazis had and that the same Catholic Church was hiding in the wings to administer further evils. The Law does not allow a person to tried over and over using the same evidence. Choquette was exceeding his authority but nobody stepped in. The nobodies were too frightened of the Church. And all the while the Catholic Church cheered Choquette on. In light of the abortion debsate, the Trudeau Government should have stepped in to clarify the new Legislation, saying something to the Provinces like, if you do not provide abortions on an equal basis and city / rural, amendments would be forthcoming. In early 1975, MPs were beginning to question Morgentaler’s abominable judicial treatment. Otto Lang, Minister of Justice and a Catholic was dismissive of MPs inquiries. I took a great dislike to Lang. His attitude was that Henry was a law breaker, guilty of preforming abortions [ although under the Law, Morgentaler had yet to be convicted of anything ] and he should be put in jail and the key thrown away. This was wishful thinking on the part of the Catholic Church and they got way ahead of the facts in this case. Church follower too, got too far out in front. Statements were made which were too inflammatory to retract. Church supporters revealed more and more, the fact that they were fools for trying to defend the indefensible. Morgentaler had been acquitted of preforming an abortion by a jury, not once but three time. Henry continued to do abortions, following the same procedure every day. So as time moved along Choquette was looking at the same target each day. He had to look for a way around his dilemma, charge ahead into unknown legal territory or admit defeat. With the Catholic Church hovering admitting defeat by the Quebec Government was not an option. Choquette imposed a gag order. Dr. Morgentaler could not discuss his persecution in public nor talk to the press. The Health Minister went about gathering information to be used in the new trials. What was collected was selective, in that only facts were used which could be arranged so as to reflected badly on the Doctor. The other side of the story was omitted. It gets worse. Quebec Revenue claimed Morgentaler owed back taxes. Henry charged $200 for an abortion, less that that in hardship cases. And sometimes the Doctor didn’t charge at all. Morgentaler estimated that he had performed about 5000 abortions from 1969 to 1974. Quebec Revenue set all of the Doctor’s business records aside and chose to ignore them. Quebec Revenue decided themselves what an abortion should be worth. Their determination was much higher than the real rate being charged. But who needed to worry about the truth? Not the Quebec Government. It was engaged in a predetermined snare and destroy mission in which justice played no role. The guilt of the Doctor had already been decided upon. The Quebec Revenue bogus figure was multiplied by Henry’s estimate of 5000 procedures. Morgentaler’s number was no more than a guesstimate. But his guesstimates were used by Quebec to calculate Dr. Morgentaler’s taxes. His regular business books were ignored. During this so called audit, Quebec Revenue had asked for a additional documentation. This was an added and unnecessary burden for the Doctor, in view of all of the other problems which Choquette was imposing on him. The requested documentation was delivered to Quebec Revenue as required. Morgentaler then found out that 2 days before his documentation was submitted to the office, Quebec Revenue had already, without his input, signed an order demanding immediate payment of imaginary taxes and subsequently they seized his bank accounts. All his funds were frozen by Government edict. Nothing was left to chance. The combination of Quebec and the Catholic Church was going to see Morgentaler bankrupt, in his grave or in jail for a hundred year. I am sure the Catholic Church was immensely pleased with the efforts of the anti democratic Quebec officials. Dr Morgantaler had been completely strip of all his rights, due process and his finances by Quebec. One of the problem I had with the charging of Morgentaler was that Pierre Trudeau, Justice Minister in 1968, had presented an Omnibus Bill to Parliament, one section of which legalized abortions. Pretty straightforward. The Doctor DID NOT START DOING ABORTIONS UNTIL AFTER SAID BILL WAS PROCLAIMED. It is very clear that from then on, performing an abortion by a doctor was perfectly legal. So how could the Montreal Police charge Morgentaler with performing an illegal abortion??? There was no such Law. Doctors in Canada have the right to treat patients as they see fit, based on the circumstance. Courts have no jurisdiction in this regard. The requirement to perform an abortion in a hospital setting and get the okay of a T A Committee, flies in the face of a doctors obligations, duties and his / her rights. The part of Trudeau’s Law pertaining to hospitals and T A Committees was poorly written, was vague, it depended too much on the good will of men and unenforceable. No prosecutor would instigate a charge against a doctor for performing an abortion outside a hospital without the involvement of a T A Committee unless there was a death or injuries. These requirements did not apply to Morentaler but Quebec bent the rules to entrap him. He used cutting edge technology in his clinic. He could have been charged with performing an abortion outside the walls a hospital but he was not. Henry could have been charged with not getting the approval of a Therapeutic Abortion Committee but he was not. 200 doctors could have been charged with arranging abortions but were not. 5000 women could have been charged with seeking abortions but they were not. Numerous Quebec politicians and Catholics could have been charged with seeking abortions but were not. Huh??? Such charges would not have stuck anyway in a regular Canadian Court, in the face of a doctor claiming necessity. But in Quebec’s Kangaroo Appeal Court things were different. The Government forces arrayed against now legal abortions. The Catholic Church the railroading. They jointly set out to persecute Dr. Morgentaler from here to eternity. The Montreal Police had laid three sets of charges against Morgentaler and in each trial by jury the good Doctor was acquitted. It is clear that the juries in each of the 3 cases, on seeing the evidence, realized that these charges were not justified. In addition, at the 3 trials, the juries were made aware of the abusive process Choquette was engaging in. A student had been impregnated by another student. Her parents were not close by and she had no money or friends. She applied to two Montreal hospitals for an abortion and was interviewed by staff and doctors. This poor woman was sick due her pregnancy and getting increasingly desperate. The hospitals in question backed and filled and shuffled paper. Threats from the Quebec Government worked. Hospitals put satisfying the Catholic Church ahead of the health and welfare of their patients. D. Morgentaler took the student as a patient, I doubt she paid Henry a dime. During the trial in which she was involved, representatives from both hospitals testified that THEY WOULD NOT HAVE PROVIDED AN ABORTION IN HER CASE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. IT WAS CLEAR THEY WERE JUST STRINGING HER ALONG UNTIL THE PREGNANCY HAD PROGRESSED TOO FAR TO HAVE AN ABORTION. No god ever intended people to toy with women who are in such a vulnerable state. This abortion process orchestrated by the Quebec Government, was not in keeping with the spirit of Trudeau’s new Law. Choquette personally signed all of the documents in the Morgentaler case so there was no one to question the validity and fairness of the position that he was taking on behalf of Quebec. Choquette appealed these 3 acquittals against Morgentaler to the Quebec Court of Appeal in 1974. This Court consisted of 5 Justices. The Court was never give the transcripts of the 3 jury trials. This Court was not aware of contents of Morgentaler’s defense and therefore did not know what the jury heard or what they had in mind. So the Judges were flying blind except for what Choquette told threm. Choquette trod a very narrow path in his submission to the Court . Henry Morgentaler had admitted freely that he was performing abortions. Choquette claimed that under Parliament’s new untested Abortion Statute, namely an abortion done outside a hospital and without the okay of a T A Committee was illegal. This was sucking and blowing at the same time. By threatening hospitals that might start doing abortions with charges, Choquette was addressing so called crime before they occurred. This was done to limited availability without justification. Quebec therefore turned something that was LEGAL into an ILLEGAL ACT. Thus, since the good Doctor admitted to doing abortions and under the circumstances these procedures being done in his clinic, Morgentaler was guilty as charged according to Choquette. Who took unto himself the roles of the Police, Prosecutor, Judge and executioner, in other words a police state . It is clear from the actions taken by Choquette that Morgentaler had been judged guilty long in advance by the Government and every effort was made to find evidence that would support his guilt whether real of imagined . In appeal the Attorney General claimed that the juries in all 3 trials had overstepped their authority. If someone is obviously guilty in the view of the Government, then a jury has no right to find that person NOT GUILTY. Well that kind of thinking may go down in a dictatorship but not in Canada. To further cloud the issue, Choquette presented to the Appeal Court the phony claim by Quebec Revenue that Morgentaler had made a lot of money and owed back taxes. The Quebec Government had made it all up and was guilty of placing false evidence before the Court. This is called Obstruction of Justice and the person submitting the false evidence to the Court and those who prepare it are guilty of an offense under the Criminal Code. Choquette, the Prosecutor, the Ministry of Health and Quebec Revenue should have been charged. The Court was convinced by Choquette, based on false evidence, that the Doctor was doing abortions to make money. The Justices, who been made to look like fools, decided Henry could not hide behind a claim of necessity. Mongentaler fortunately had a good lawyer, someone who knew the Doctor was being railroaded. In the end having a top notch lawyer worked against Morgentaler. The Court believe Morgentaler was getting rich from doing abortions so could easily afford the best lawyer. Choquette, as stated used every arrow in his quiver to send Morgentaler up the river forever. The Doctor’s lawyer too used every legal device at HIS disposal to protect the Doctor and counter Choquette’s lack of respect for the letter of the Law and his underhanded and illegal tactics. Choquette convinced that the Court that his Ministry was being put to great inconvenience while honestly trying to administer the Law, due to Morgentaler’s lawyer’s maneuverings. This was a bare faced lie. Choquette held that such legal maneuverings constituted an attempt by Morgentaler to avoid punishment for something he was clearly guilty of. So in the process of trying to assert his rights and invoke the Canadian guarantee of a fair hearing, the Appeal Court saw only someone who was truly guilty as charged and who was trying to wiggle out being punished. The rights of such a man were not going to be considered by 5 misguided Appeal Justices. Morgentaler did not deserve any rights according to the Court. A JURIST WHO STUDIED THE MORGENTALER CASE, WROTE THAT THE QUEBEC COURT OF APPEAL, ” PROVIDED A MASK FOR TYRANNY “! Choquette was engaged in a personal vendetta to lock the Doctor up, much to the delight of the Catholic Church. And the Quebec Government aided in this persecution of Morgentaler. The fact that Henry’s rights had been completely stripped away didn’t seem to be of any concern to those inside and outside Quebec who were involved in this shameful travesty. The very Catholic Otto Lang was part of this tyrannical gang. Otto made very many comments which antagonized Canadians, me being one. Lang threatened hospitals that were under his jurisdiction, that if any one of them started performing abortions they would prosecute. Trudeau would not have known immediately that Lang was undermining the Government in secret. After consideration, the 5 Judges took the unprecedented position of replacing three jury acquittals with a conviction and jail time. This had never happened in Canada before. This miscarriage of justice is owed an explanation. There are 3 areas where the 5 Justices erred and erred badly. There are two kinds of common trials. Trial before a Judge or trial before Judge and Jury. The accused has the right to choose. Obviously Morgentaler chose to plead his case before three Juries, that found him innocent. In Law, the wording of the options for the eventualities of a trial before a Judge are different from a trial before a Judge and Jury. In this case the words used are important. If a trial by a Judge alone results in an acquittal, permission is given to an Appeal Court to replace that acquittal with a guilty verdict. If a trial by Judge and Jury results in an acquittal, the only option afforded an Appeal Court is to order a new trial. In the Morgentaler case the Appeal Court Justices took unto themselves powers to which they were not entitled. They used the provisions afforded to the trial by Judge alone and transposed those provisions to Morgentaler’s trials which were held before Judges and Juries. In accepting the evidence from Quebec Revenue, which the Justices received from Choquette, they did not refer to Morgentaler or the testimony at his 3 trials. Discussions at those trials about the details of what an abortion cost at the clinic would have given the Appeal Court Justices pause as regards accepting the evidence from Quebec Revenue at face value without question. Did the Justices inquire? If not why? Or didn’t they want to know the truth? The Justices were strangely incurious. Or was everyone involved in on the Choquette fix? Did money change hands? Believing that Morgentaler was in the abortion business to make money still doesn’t take away the right of a doctor to claim necessity. It is a big stretch connecting the two. The only conclusion that can be made, is the Justices were searching for any evidence to hang their hats on with which to overturn Morgentaler’s acquittals. The comment by the jurist that I mentioned, about the Quebec Appeal Court working hand in hand with tyranny is apt. Choquette’s contention that since Morgentaler was putting up such a spirited defense it proved he was guilty. That is simple preposterous but the 5 Justices accepted that position. That meant, any person charged, who was contemplating mounting a defense, was damned if he did and damned if he didn’t. During World War II, Canada did not sacrifice its’ youth and treasure fighting Mussolini and Hitler, backed by the Catholic church to put up with this kind of shit. The 5 Quebec Justices in Question broke laws themselves, thus depriving Henry Morgentaler of all of his rights as well as his freedom. While in prison the Doctor suffered a heart attack, no doubt because of the strain. I an sure this is what Choquette wanted. I have got to ask? What is the difference with being in Auchwitz, being mistreated and knowing the Catholic Church chooses to keep silent? Or being in a Canadian jail, being mistreated and worse, knowing that the Quebec Catholic Church is cheering from behind the curtain? In 2005 Catholics elected the Nazi Pope, Joseph Ratzinger who served until 2013. I understand that most Germans pledged allegiance to Hitler 1933 to 1945. We all make mistakes. I am sure many Germans who were Nazis in varying degrees realize what a mess they helped make. Under the circumstances all an individual can do is put it up to experience and try to do better. Ratzinger was drafted into the Hitler Youth in 1941 and then later became part of a team that manned an anti aircraft gun. In 1945 after being a prisoner-of- War for some months, Ratzinger ducked into the Seminary of Munich University. So far so good. Joseph was still in his teens and during this time of tumult finding a safe haven was probably a good move for someone so young. Where I have difficulty with the Catholic Church is in electing Ratzinger Pope. The Church hierarchy knew of Ratzinger’s past and that he had a bit of a bad smell about him. Those at the top, should have known Ratzinger’s reputation would cause difficulties in the future and that has proved to be the case. So much so that it impaired the furthering of Church work. But as usual the Catholic Church blunders on with it’s right wing, arrogant attitude, that it is their way or the highway. It is sort of up your nose to everyone who is critical of the Church. Sorry but this doesn’t work in a democracy, which is inexorably tied to the will of the majority. No a small group of noisy people who have been trained to think that they and they alone are entitled to run the show. When I read that the Quebec Court of Appeal had elevated itself above that of a jury, in this case 3 juries, I blew a gasket. It was in April of 1975 that I read about Morgentaler being convicted and sent to jail by Quebec Judges after being acquitted 3 times by Montreal juries. The mention of the jury system was first recorded in the Magna Carta in 1215. Simply put, the King could no longer, drag someone away in the middle of the night to certain death, without first getting permission from 12 men good and true. Here we were 750 years later, and 5 appointed Quebec Judges, representing the Sovereign were sending this man to jail, 36 of his peers had said otherwise. This, after being acquitted not by one jury, not by 2 juries but by 3 juries. I decided that this Morgentaler conviction ended the value of the jury system. Why bother with juries? It would be much cheaper and faster for a Government to appoint its’ friends to be Judges. The Nazis had perfected such a system. Such friends could then determine who was guilty and who was not, based on whatever? Colour of skin? How about religion? Maybe, how a person walked and talked? Not doing the Heil Harper salute? Maybe guilt would relate to anti government thoughts? Torture would be a good way to make prisoners sing? I can even imagine, without the jury system, thoughtful citizens being incarcerated for heckling the Illustrious Leader? And in the doing, such a system would take us back in time 750 years. The Quebec Government, Choquette, the Quebec Court of Appeal and Otto Lang, I wasn’t buying any of it. I decided to refuse to serve on a jury and make my thoughts known to Ottawa and Queen’s Park. I talked it over with my Wife Evelyn, refusing jury duty could end in jailtime. We had 2 boys, 16 and 14 and a 7 year old Daughter. This was a drastic step but my special gal supported me. I lost Evelyn in 1998 at age 58, much too young to go. We had been married for 40 years.

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I wrote two letters, to Otto Lang, Justice Minister in Trudeau Government and to the Attorney General of Ontario. The bodies of the letters were the same in that I outlined my position. In my opinion no Judge or grouping of Judges could replace a jury verdict
with their own. Plain and simple. After the Quebec Court of Appeal in 1974, convicted and jailed Dr. Morgentaler, Canada’s jury system was effectively neutered. I wasn’t about to waste any time spinning my wheels on jury duty. I made it quite clear to Otto Lang and the Ont. Attorney General, IF CALLED FOR JURY DUTY, I WOULD NOT SERVE. These two letter were widely circulated to Dr. Morgentaler, Pierre Trudeau, Bill Davis, my MP / MPP, other government members, interested parties and the Toronto and local newspapers. The only responses I had were from Otto Lang [ a threatening letter informing me I could go to jail ], from the Ont. Attorney General [ a threatening letter informing me I could go to jail ], friends and neighbours, constituents and in the newspapers. What caught me by surprise was the attack on me mounted by the Catholic church. I was not up to speed on the state of abortions in this Country nor the visceral and deep rooted opposite of the Church to abortions. I was simply showing my support for this Nation’s
jury system. If our jury system was going to be subordinated to the opinions of Government appointees then I was going to gather my bat, ball and glove and go home. I was attacked again and again by the Catholics in the papers, because the particular case that had caused me to refuse jury duty involved a new Canadian, a Jew who had survived the death camps and a Doctor who was doing abortions. I was supporting our precious jury system but I was being hammered by the Catholics for supporting Henry Morgentaler. During the ensuing weeks in the papers, I tried firstly to explain my motivation was that of defending the jury system. The Catholics were having none of it. The fact that Morgentaler’s name was on this case was good enough for them. The Catholics were not interested in the Doctor getting any semblance of a fair trial. Or any trial at all for that matter. They had been schooled by the Catholic Church that Morgentaler was a baby killer and thus guilty. The Catholic attack letters to the papers and there were many, had a sameness about them. The mindless people who writing this nasty stuff were obviously coached by the Church. The editors of the newspapers involved in this heated exchange are to condemned. I was writing about our recently deceased jury system and the letters from Catholics, directed at me were just hate mail. I gave it one more try. Did the Catholics not realize that I was seeking to protect the rights of all Canadians, the Catholics as well as Henry Morgentaler. No dice. The Doctor should be sent to hell without trial and I should go with his. My origins go back to a little Village in East Yorkshire by the name of Sproatley which was listed in the Domesday Book of 1086. About 1380 the O was dropped from our name. Sproatley is in a large area of farmland known as the Holderness. East Yorkshire was under the control of the Vikings for more than 200 years [ 865 to 1066 ]. When the Church in Sproatley was being renovated during the early 1700s a Viking grave was found among the Christian grave stones. The Vikings were pagans and had a particular type of burial. They were laid in the ground with many of their worldly possessions as was found in the Sproatley Cemetery. It is interesting to note that the early people respected each other grave yards, the Britons, the Romans, the Anglo Saxons and the Vikings. When William the Conquerer had his Domesday Book compiled, people and property were noted for taxation purposes. As well the King wanted to know the extent of his holding. Citizens had a first name and a second name based on the town they lived in at the date of the census. At that time I would have been called Kenneth of Sproatley. All the foregoing leads to a explanation of my reaction to the personal attack made by numerous anti democratic, unprincipled, Catholic zealots. Over time I have had to consider the personality I possess. I am a very mild mannered guy with an even temper. But if I am crossed look out. In 1975 / 76 I was crossed by the Catholic Church. Throughout my life I have known many Catholics. Decent people all. When I was under attack by the Church over Morgentaler I wondered if my Catholic acquaintances knew what their leadership was up to in this democracy called Canada???
Denying any Canadian RESPECT, A FAIR TRIAL AND DUE PROCESS IS BEYOND THE PALE. The whole process to railroad Henry Morgentaler, instituted by the Catholic Church was egregious in the extreme. I quickly got up to speed. The first result was to push me to become anti Catholic Church in the extreme. The second result is that in my view every woman must be the arbiter of her own health, period. The Catholic Church cranks have no say in this matter, period. As the Catholic Church and I traded blows the newspapers came alive with the opinions of other Canadians who didn’t like the actions of the Quebec Court of Appeal any better than I did. Someone counted more than a thousand articles written in 1975 alone. The noise from the Catholic church was drowned out by the protests. One lawyer’s organization with a membership of a about 900 as I remember, wrote a stinging letter to Trudeau and copied it to everyone was breathing I think. The legal people explained what had happened.
The clamour for change increased in volume, day by day. Pierre Trudeau got what the tea leaves said quickly. The Quebec Government was slower to react when it found it had stepped into a hornet’s mess. Jerome Choquette never changed course. Otto Lang never changed course. Both of them were oblivious to the fact that all that creaking meant the roof was about to fall in. The Catholic Church was drowned out by the howls of Canadians. At that moment the Church blew any chance it had to make abortions illegal, THAT IS UNTIL NOW. HERR HARPER, IN RETURN FOR THE CATHOLIC VOTE HAS MADE A COMMITMENT TO BAN ABORTIONS. In 1975 the swell of opposition to the Morgentaler conviction and jailing just grew and grew. Jerome Choquette was relieved of his duties as Attorney General in July 1975 and he left politics. Otto Lang was canned too and was quietly made to go away in Sept. of 75. Trudeau introduced the Morgentaler Amendment, which prohibited any Superior Court from striking down a jury verdict. My faith was restored in our jury system. The Amendment was passed into Law in 1976. There was much toing and froing by the anti abortionists for the next half dozen years but the cloud created by the abuse of Henry Morgentaler hung over them. By 1988 the game was up for restrictions on abortions. The Supreme Court of Canada struck down Pierre Trudeau’s 1969 Abortion Legislation as unconstitutional. There is no Law now on the books that covers abortion. Abortion now falls under the Canada Health Act. Any woman can avail herself of health options as she sees fit. Dr. Morgentaler rightly deserve the Order of Canada.
The level of abuse the Doctor was put to by The Quebec Government, Jerome Choquette and all the other hirelings of the Catholic Church motivated Canadians to react. I remember, as the abortion pot was beginning to boil in the summer of 1975, Otto Lang said that he would not intervene in the Morgentaler case. Lang’s Catholicism was on display in almost everything he said. Within weeks the Government announce the Morgentaler Amendment would be introduced and Otto was yanked off the stage and disappeared from view. The Catholic Church had endangered our jury system and the good Doctor yanked it out of their grasp. As far as abortions are concerned Morgentaler’s efforts have resulted in there being no abortion law at all now, end of story. In terms of Henry getting the Order of Canada, Harper the First said this. He would rather see the Country’s highest civilian award ” be something that really unifies and brings Canadians together “. What a huge laugh, Henry did just that. This is our Stevie, a guy who has been trying to turn one group of Canadians against another for almost ten years. Such statements are why the moniker Lyin Steve was passed on down from Lyin Brian Mulroney. Right now the Catholic Church has been given a commitment by Herr Harper to ban abortions in return for Catholic votes. How’s that for bringing people together??? The only way a new abortion ban could be enacted is if the American oil monopoly takes control of Canada, Parliament is castrated and Harper does away with the Supreme Court of Canada. If you want to see that happen, vote for the USA oilies in Houston and their employee Steve Harper.

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The Catholic Church lives in a glass house. It should not be throwing stones and throwing it’s weight around. Getting into bed Mussolini and Hitler to save its’ own skin was disgraceful during the War was disgraceful. After the conflict I would have thought that a moderate and measured approach by the Church would have been the order of the day. In other words attend to their knitting. However, Both Il Duce and the Fuhrer gave the Church a semi political role to play in return for the support of millions of Catholics in the two Countries. That allowed the Church to skate through WW II virtually intact. Millions of Catholics were throw to the wolves by the Pope in an effort to save his own skin. But, but, Italy and Germany were dictatorships at that time. The Catholic church in Canada never made the necessary adjustments after the War, to show respect for our democracy. Every adult person in this Country gets to vote. Organization like the Manning Institute, centre for the destruction of democracy in Canada and the Catholic Church carrying on with this same anti democratic mission. NEITHER ORGANIZATION HAS A VOTE OR A SERIES OF VOTES. Both are free to indoctrinate their adherents as to the choice of candidate in an election but that is where it ends. Both Preston Manning and the Church can work up proposals, aimed at introducing new Legislation or changing old Legislation. If a said proposal can get enough support to be placed before a municipal council, Provincial Legislature or the House of Commons, then a debate can take place, followed by a vote. It is a terrific system. Ideas
and concerns bubble up from the grass roots and gain support. The best of them makes it to the debate stage. And the best of the best make it into Law. The fact that the Catholic Church doesn’t believe in abortion. Sew buttons? Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If a Catholic woman gets pregnant and doesn’t want an abortion? THEN SHE DOESN’T HAVE TO HAVE ONE! If 50 Catholic women get pregnant and don’t want to have abortions. THEY DON’T HAVE TO! If a thousand Catholic women get pregnant, SAME STORY! But in a democracy, the one, the fifty or the thousand have no right to impose their will on other women. They each have but one ballot, nothing more. A Catholic ballot has the same value as the ballots everyone else has. But the Church ignores the foregoing statement, they believe they operate under a different system and teach that they operate under a different system. Wherein Catholics are a step up the ladder. I am beginning to believe that allowing the Catholics to have their own schools is a threat to our democracy. This is what has been and is going on. The Catholics see their god as being the ultimate god and authority. So everyone must bow down to their god’s pronouncements as interpreted by a small group in the Catholic hierarchy. The separation between church and state is critical. England battle over this very matter, 500 years ago. So again, the age old problem, shall a people be rule by a few or be governed by representatives, elected by the majority, namely a democracy? Again, over the ages, democratic government has proven to be the most beneficial for the welfare of the LARGER population. The majority chose a path that suits them most. The human brain has operated the same for hundreds of thousands of years. There are two components of the brain which have stood the test of time. People get pleasure working together. Stonehenge, the pyramids and WW II are good examples. People also like forming relationships. A lot of enjoyment can be had, deciding what project to tackle by majority vote, working together to accomplish that goal and drawing closer to others during the struggle. A decision was taken in Canada almost 150 years ago that we would have a democracy. The only major challenges to our democracy have come from the Catholic Church since WW II and the US rightpublicanazis over the last 20 years. Both view democracy as being dangerous. Meaning these two small fringe groups are at odds with the system Canadians have chosen. Allowing the citizenry to cast ballots in free and fair elections could cramp the style of the Church and those exceptionalists on the right wing. Both of the above have agendas which are not acceptable to the majority of Canadians so the only option left open to the Catholic Church and Harper’s Fascists is to be devious and cheat and lie. This deviousness, cheating and lying are on display almost every day of the week if you do your homework. By design most of the deviousness, cheating and lying goes on in the shadows, purposely kept out of sight. Two things must be understood. If our democracy survives in October, punishing people for performing an abortion, punishing people for arranging an abortion or seeking an abortion are all beyond recall. But if Canada becomes a petro state dictatorship under Herr Harper, the Catholic Church will play the same supporting role as it did with Mussolini and Hitler. And the ban on abortions will be reintroduced. Harper has made this commitment to the Church but he won’t talk about it right now. You will find out about it after you have been had. Right now, only 12 percent of Canadians on the fringe want to see the ban on abortions return. This group believes it has the right to dictate what other Canadians can do or cannot do. There is no allowance made in a democracy whereby an individual or a collection of individuals has / have such a right. More than 60% of Canadians insist that the women in this Country should be in a position of deciding for themselves how they will access the health care system. They should be able to exercise this right without being subjected to any form of harassment or coercion by the Catholic church. It should be clear that with only 12% of the people supporting the return of the ban on abortions there is no chance that the Catholic Church can achieve its’ goal of reactivating the said ban DEMOCRATICALLY. So the question came to mind. Why has the Catholic Church been conducting such a divisive, violent and extremist anti abortion campaign over recent years? A good example is the current NO2TRUDEAU CAMPAIGN which was organized for Steve Harper by the Church, with the involvement of Canada Post. The Harper Post now operates as offshoot of the PMO. The envelope that came in the mail with the offensive NO2TRUDEAU postcard only bore the following ” IMPORTANT ELECTION INFORMATION ENCLOSED “, Election Information my ass. Canada Post permitted this fictitious Fascist letter to go through their system on orders from Harper. The Post knew it was Election propaganda. ABORTION IS NOT A FACTOR IN THIS ELECTION! If we lose Canada to the control of the American oil monopoly out of Houston come October, it should be noted that the Catholic Church and the management of Canada Post played a huge role in destroying democracy in this Country. The NO2TRUDEAU CAMPAIGN is supposedly directed at abortion, but it is actually a part of Herr Harper’s Election Program. The Church pledged its’ members votes to Lyin Steve and in return Harper has committed to banning abortions after the coming rigged Election. The outrageous behaviour of the Church shock troops almost defies explanation. But then I realized, that the Catholic Church is well aware of the fact that an abortion ban will never be passed in Parliament. The NO2TRUDEAU scheme is even driving normal, fair minded Catholics away from this Campaign? I WILL ANSWER MY OWN QUESTION. The Catholic Church, which is seeing attendance drop, givings shrink and the number of priests diminish, IS USING THE ABORTION ISSUE AS A RECRUITING TOOL, TO RETAIN MEMBERS, TO BOOST DONATIONS AND DIVERT ATTENTION AWAY FROM THE SCANDAL INVOLVING PRIESTS WHO SEXUALLY ABUSE CATHOLIC CHILDREN. The disciples of Christ urged parents to keep their children back, lest they disturb the Master. Christ chided his followers and said to the young, come unto me. The Catholic Church has repeated that same invitation over the centuries. But what the the Church did not say to the children was that we will ALLOW our priests TO SEXUALLY ASSAULT some of you. In the last 50 years more than 10,000 children have been assaulted by priests. This is the number we know about. The ratio of assaults is 80% boys and 20% girls. It seems that the girls were taken at a much younger age. More than 50% were under the age of 14. THIS IS CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR AND THE CHURCH COVERED UP, EVEN THE NAZI POPE RATZINGER WAS INVOLVED. In North America, so far the costs to the Church of turning a blind eye to the sexual assault of children entrusted to its’ care, stands at more than $ 3 billion and climbing. The Vatican has placed 9 dioceses in the USA in bankruptcy. In each dioceses, the abuse was so egregious that Rome shut them down to stop the financial bleeding. These moves cheated those who were abused out of financial settlements. With the Vatican money speaks, children not so much. Just think, the Catholics responsible for the above atrocious and illegal behaviour will be helping run Canada if Harper wins. The Catholic Church thinks that the more disruptive their anti abortion campaign is to our society the better. The Church thinks that Catholic parishioners as well as Canadians will concentrate their attention on phony campaigns like NO2TRUDEAU and not notice the danger to children that exists. One problem is that the Church has fallen more and more into the hands of anti democratic, extremist, abortion zealots who act like an uncontrollable mob. They are making a nuisance of themselves around Catholic Churches, Catholic Schools and communities in general. The loving, forgiving, welcoming Catholic Church does not exist any more. The anti abortion campaign has been farmed out to groups of the Catholic Youth who are without restraint. The Catholic Church once had a strong brand. It was worth protecting. But allowing the misuse of their brand by small brained shit disturbers and anarchists, it is not worth much to-day. The desperate Church has made a deal with that Fascist devil Harper. And continuing to permit their priests to assault Catholic children, the Church runs the risk of becoming irrelevant in Canada. But all bets are off if Lyin Steve cheats his way back into office, for sure, CHOICE WILL DISAPPEAR. The world is well aware of the extreme behaviour of Hitler Youth, who pledged to follow Hitler into hell and they did. For a few years we have known about the Harper Youth, who are trained at the University of Calgary and at the Preston Manning Centre. Now we come face to face with the Catholic Youth, who are in our schools, community centres, our streets and on the net spearheading the NO2TRUDEAU Smear Campaign orchestrated by Herr Harper. Having a separate gang of unhinged young thugs, who answer to nobody, carrying the can for this Harper attack on Justin Trudeau is inexcusable and frightening. What you see is what you will get if you elect Lyin Steve folks. But the Nazi media, ESPECIALLY PAUL GODFREY, aren’t saying a word [ not the CBC ]. This shameful Postcard was paid for by Catholic parishioner’s money and Canadian taxpayer’s money. I have said it before, Canadians, Catholic or not, are footing the bill for the destruction of this Country. Many great empires have come and gone. There is a common thread. An incompetent or corrupt leadership, a dishonest press and a docile public. Is that what Canadians are???

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Back in April of 1975, I was quick off the starting blocks. The substitution of three acquittals by Montreal juries by 5 Justices of the Quebec Court of Appeal in the Morgentaler case compelled me to write two letters, to Otto Lang, Federal Justice Minister and the other to the Attorney General of Ontario. I expressed my displeasure in regards to the Appeal Court overruling three jury verdicts and simply stated that under the circumstances, if called, I would refuse to serve on a jury. In both cases I was warned by the Federal Justice Minister and the Ont. Attorney General that this was a serious matter and I could go to jail. I distributed my letter widely to interested parties and to the Toronto and local papers. Being a Pickering Municipal Councillor at the time and having a high profile my letter were published. My concern was for the sanctity of Canada’s jury system which had never been assaulted like thus in the Country’s history. Immediately that my letters were published Catholics began to attack me via letters to the papers and to the Pickering Council Chambers. There was a sameness about these attack and they bore no addresses. It may be that all the letters were written in the dioceses office. Catholics are noted for hiding their identities when protesting. They have plenty to say but want to do that speak from the shadows. My crime was that I was protesting the legal outcome of three jury trials. 5 appointed Justices substituted their findings for that of the juries. As a jurist, writing in 1976 said, ” The Quebec Appeal Court provided a mask for tyranny “. Exactly. Tyranny doesn’t fit in MY CANADA. The Catholics were very familiar with the cases. I was not. I knew very little about Henry Morgentaler and the abortion issue. But the Catholics pronounced me guilty of supporting the good Doctor and abortion without a scrap of evidence. Sounds about right. Bloody Mary, Queen of England for just 5 years [ 1853 to 1858 ] wanted to force the protestant population to accept Catholicism. Those who headed the Church of England and who dragged their feet responding to her edict were burned at the stake. Almost 300 dissenters were put to the torch. Not bowing to the commands of the Catholic church can be career shortening. In any event after the flurry of Catholic attack letters I answered, again in the papers. I wrote that my concern was the crippling of our jury system but the Catholics were having none of it. If I even murmured Henry Morgentaler’s name to myself I was guilty as charged. Anyone who was judged a Morgentaler supporter in 1975 by the Catholics was in for a smear campaign. As those same Catholics are now smearing Justin Trudeau with this Harper attack Postcard, NO2TRUDEAU. There was another round of Catholic attack letters in the papers and delivered to the Council Chambers. I gave it one more try. In my final letter, widely distributed, my pitch was that if the jury system could be restored it would benefit all Canadians, including Catholics. But I stRuck out. The aim of the continuing attacks on me by the Catholics was to make my family uncomfortable. We as a family of five discussed the fallout from these attacks. My sons were taught that the Spratley don’t take any shit from anyone. The Catholic attacks had little affect on my home life. These attacks were also aimed at intimidating me. I can’t be intimidated. Finally these Catholic attacks were directed at damaging my reputation, which succeeded to some degree. The Catholics went door to door in my Ward 3, telling stories about me running around behind Evelyn’s back and so on. The Catholics did did have an affect on my reputation. A retired school teacher and his wife sold their home in Scarborough and bought the one south of our’s. They had friends in the Pickering who recommended the area. After this couple had made their purchase, their friends inquired as to the location. He stated that they had bought the house next to Councillor Ken Spratley and his wife Evelyn. He apparently got an earful. After we became acquainted, one day he told me about the stories he heard from his friends. He said you are nothing like the person they described to me. The Spratley VS Catholic spat was quickly eclipsed. To my surprise thousands, then tens of thousands of Canadians responded to the actions of the Quebec Court of Appeal. The Catholic protests just vanished into thin air. The very obtuse Catholic Otto Lang continued to state that he was unmoved by the outcry. In a matter of weeks, Lang also vanished after the announcement of the Mogentaler Amendment. I don’t know how much Jerome Choquette had to say about the protest but the Quebec Government relieved of his duties. Choquette left politics. After 5 years of turmoil, much of it fomented by the Catholics the will of Canadians prevailed So after 40 years it would seem that the modus operandi of the Catholic Church has NOT changed one little bit. THEY ARE PREPARED TO SMEAR PEOPLE, RUIN REPUTATIONS, ASSAULT THEIR ENEMIES AS WELL AS THEIR CHILDREN, THROW BOMBS AND SHOOT PEOPLE FROM THE SHADOWS ETC. This amounts to civil unrest and it endangers Canada and this comes about for two reasons. Engaging in thuggery by the Catholic Church goes back to the days of Mussolini and Hitler and is deeply ingrained. Thuggery begets thuggery and then comes War. Why should the Catholic Church be permitted to ruin the reputations of Henry Morgentaler, Justin Trudeau and me without penalty? The second, is when these violent situations arise in Canada the Catholics claim religious freedom. The standard outcome is, politicians, the authorities and the police tread softly. That is why more than 10,000 boys and girls have been sexually abused by Catholic priests in the last 50 years and those charged with their protection have remained silent. It is like a kid throwing stoneS at a another kid while hiding behind his father. By June of 1975, I decided that if I was going to continue to be crucified by the Catholics for being a friend of Henry Morgentaler, then that is what I would become. I became a stanch supporter of the Doctor and wrote him about a half dozen times at critical junctures. My letters were short but conveyed my support. The Catholics accused me of favouring abortions on demand. A subject I knew little about early on. But again I became someone who wanted there to be no restrictions on abortions. So the Catholics and their dirty tactics actually turned me into the person they accused me of being. We the people won. A jury verdict became unassailable. In a dozen years, the existing abortion laws were thrown out by the Supreme Court because they infringed on a woman’s right to her own person and the right to chose. That state has existed for almost 30 years. I do not wish to see that change. Catholics or no Catholics.

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My final thought. There is no question that the Catholic Church has over the years used the allure of seducing children, supposedly under their care, this to recruit priests. Whenever sexual abuse bubbled up within the Church, every effort was made to cover it up. In a sense the young victim was thrown to the wolves. Better an innocent child be disposed of than the Church suffer. Many sexually abused kids committed suicide. To the Church, that was an even better proposition. The case ended at NO COST. I find it appalling that the Catholics are still disrupting our society in the present and spending so much time and treasure on the abortion issue? And as little money as possible on the victims of sexual assault by their own priests? The number of abortions is actually going down due to the availability of birth control pills and devices. My point is proved by the fact that, as more and more priests are prosecuted for sexual abuse of children the number of applicants for the priesthood is going down. The response seems to now be if there ain’t no kids to abuse, then I ain’t interested. An idea crossed my mind. What if I could get funding to produce a million small, 20 page booklets, exactly the same size of the NO2TRUDEAU CAMPAIGN POSTCARDS. In the booklet I would feature the pictures of Catholic children who had been sexually abused. Their names would not be revealed. But I would include the story of each assault and the priest responsible would be named. I would used the same type of plain white envelope that Harper / the Catholic Church used for the NO2TRUDEAU CAMPAIGN. That would surely please Canada Post from whom I WOULD EXPECT THE SAME TREATMENT AS LYIN STEVE / CATHOLICS. My booklets would be sent out with an envelope addressed thusly. ” IMPORTANT CHILD CARE INFORMATION ENCLOSED “. I would expect Canada Post to deliver my booklets free, too. The October election is a fork in the road. Either we get to keep Canada and run it according to the will of the people. Or we succumb to the tyranny of the American oil monopoly out of Houston, Harper the FIRST and the Catholic Church. You know where my sympathies lie.

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Can you imagine being involved in a life or death struggle and one of your opponents gets to pick the referee, an old and dear friend. It would be obvious that the game was rigged and the outcome was going to be unpleasant, FOR YOU. So too the Munk Debate, moderated by OLD MISTER DEVIOUS HIMSELF, RUDYARD GRIFFITHS. Rudyard is not who he seems to be, he’s playing a role and trying hard to fool everyone except his fellow righties. They must all be getting a big laugh at us rest ignorant backwooders. Who gets to play act in real life? Rudy passes himself as one of your everyday Canadians. Rather he is a hard right winger, thoroughly schooled in the rightie handbook. Grif, is a personal buddy of Lyin Steve but in the style of master, slave. Rudy owes his existence to Steve. Rudyard’s special job, at first, was rewriting Canada’s history via the Dominion Institute created by the Donner Foundation Canada. William Donner [ 1864 1953 ] was an American businessman. After Donner’s son Joseph died in 1929, William turned his attention to philanthropy. He set up Foundations here and in the USA to do GOOD works. In 1993, the Donner heirs decided to use some of their money fund Fascist causes. Canada was viewed by them as being MUCH TOO LIBERAL. I wish these fucking Americans would mind their own business. In the old Canada, the citizenry got to choose their own Government good or bad as did the people in the USA. After Reagan, Americans allowed control of their Country to be passed over to the rightpublicanazis. Democracy, so hard won in earlier times was extinguished south of the border. Once the right got comfortable in the saddle they turned their eyes northward to Canada. Funds started traveling up our way to back Fascist causes like the Fraser, Frontier, Macdonald – Laurier and Montreal Economic Institutes. Which are mainstays of misinformation and lies published by Paul Godfrey’s PostMediocre papers. Godfrey’s stenographers would not be able to write a single article without including rightpublicanazi propaganda and lies from these Donner controlled think tanks. Donner people also stand behind the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, the Dominion Institute which morphed into Historica Canada and the Munk Foundation. It is kind of neat that all of the above are classified as charities by Revenue Harper. A charity can’t engaged in partisan politics beyond 10%. All of the above think tanks are 100% right wing and focus on introducing US politics into this Country. Rather, Lyin Steve has directed Revenue Harper to harass his opponents. Charities cost Canadians hundred of millions of dollars, if not into the the billion category. So if you have a family and are struggling, if you are a neglected veteran or one of our First People living in a cardboard shack with no toilet or running water, there has been little support from Harper. BECAUSE, BECAUSE, Lyin Steve gave some of your money to the greedy, rich establishment who get tax credits for supporting the American Donner think tanks. As well Herr Harper gave his employer, the USA oil monopoly $ 850 million to pay for carbon capture and storage, an unproven technology. That money did nothing other than go directly into the oil monopoly safe in Houston. Our Nazi media dropped that story in a day after Harper got big coverage and never followed up. Some years back I began to pay attention to the pushy attitude of Rudyard Griffiths. His take on Canadian history was not my take on this Country’s history. His writings had too much of an aggressive right wing flavour. I then came across an interview done about a dozen years ago. The interview was pretty straight forward until the gal asked Griffiths about his origins. If you read WIKI, the first item you see is place, mom, pop, brothers and sisters and so on. Rudyard tried to duck the question. The interviewer didn’t take kindly to Rudy’s attempt at evasion. She pressed but still Griffiths refused to answer to question. I found it very strange that someone who had so much to say about Canadian history would clam up in terms of his beginnings. It is my practice to do background research on all of those who write misinformation about my Canada. At 80 years old a lot of history has passed my front gate. I know when someone is lying or faking it in this regard. Griffiths has been in the back of my mind since that interview. In looking up Rudy on WIKI, the legends says he was born in 1970. The next line says he attended the U of T which would have been 20 years later. I have continued to chase the Griffiths story but to no avail. In recent times, especially in the PostMediocre papers and on CBC Rudyard has clearly identified himself a defender of right wing ideology, although he makes every effort to hide the fact that he is a rightie. When Harper called the Election, he was quick off the mark to refuse to engage in the standard debate format. Lyin Steve’s moves showed he was trying to limit the number of Canadians who could see the debates and to create debate settings that were organized by friends who would provide him with every possible advantage. The first debate was on Aug. 6 /15, was organized by Maclean’s Magazine which I used to subscribe to. After Harper was elected, Maclean’s turned into a right wing rag, I quit buying it. One of the women downstairs continued to purchase Maclean’s and left it at my door. Then the delivery of mag ceased. One day I bumped into Margaret and she apologized not giving me her Maclean’s. She said it had gotten so bad she couldn’t stomach it any more. After that the only time I saw a Maclean’s was at a doctor’s office. Now I am at the point where I won’t even read Maclean’s when I go to the docs, it is all rightie garbage. So it was this Maclean’s gang, including Paul Wells, a third rate writer who only gets work because he has memorized the rightie handbook. The second debate which just concluded as I write this, was staged in a cocoon in Calgary for Harper’s comfort by the Globe and Tar, another rag, which publishes false news, lies and right wing propaganda and is led by an Englishman, Phil Crawley. As moderator of this Harper friendly debate was David Walmsley, Editor of the Globe, yet another Englishman. Apparently there are not even any Canadian Yankee lovers who qualify for the top right wing jobs. Even the righties in this Nation are considered backwoodsers. The next debate, coming up, is to be sponsored by the Munk Centre, another right wing cocoon backed by the Donner Foundation. What caught my eye was the fact that Rudyard Griffiths was going to be the moderator. I just could not believe that Herr Harper’s people would allow a moderate moderator to have anything to do with the debate series. That earlier interview with Rudy wetted my appetite. Just who was this guy and why was he hiding his past??? I dug deeper but still could not find out Rudyard’s origins. However I came across a story about his first venture into the Canadian spotlight. Giffiths at age 24 apparently talked the Donner Foundation into giving him a million and a half dollars to launch the Dominion Institute whose task was to tell the story of Canadian history that wasn’t being properly taught in our schools. The idea was to provide schools with course material to set the kids straight about our past. Rudy’s Dominion Institute morphed into Historica Canada. I found that Rudyard was involved with the Dorchester Review which feature right wing writers like Conrad Black and other people from the National Post. So Harper was quite right to allow Griffiths to be Moderator of the Munk love in. Griffiths is a Harper insider but are Rudy and his rightie pals the right ones to be teaching Canadian kids the history of Canada. When invaders take over a Country by force they always destroy the nations history. This is aimed at future generation. They will have no idea where they came from and thus they’ll be easier to manipulate. The Hitler Youth were taken away from their families, some were as young as ten. The only subjects they were taught related to Nazism and war. They were destroyed as caring and functional human beings. Pictures of the Hitler Youth who had been captured by the Allies showed some with tears streaming down their cheeks, still just boys. The Fuhrer NEVER told them it was going to be like this. In Canada, the Harper Youth are being trained at the University of Calgary, at the Preston Manning Centre and at Carleton University. Some of the graduates are already in the field, prepared to take over when the American oil monopoly assumes control of Canada. On the matter of where Griffiths came from. My guessimate is that Rudy is an American. The Donner Foundation, in the 1990s was shipping a lots of money to Canada to promote rightpublicanazi interests. The Donner heirs were interested in the whole package and the right wing, after Reagan was already on the march to brainwash Americans from cradle to grave. Like the Nazis, the right gets them when they’re young and still in school Griffiths’ Dominion Institute has been doling out the US version of Canadian history for almost 20 year. Get them in university. Calgary University has been brainwashing it student since 1966, Harper is one of them. In the past few years, Preston Manning has been traveling the Country with a pocket full of petro dollars trying to bribe universities to implement rightie indoctrination course of study. Carleton has already bought in. The Donner think tanks were / are directed at slow minded adults. Creating a number of think tanks puts the public off the scent by providing a variety of sources of information and opinion. Behind the scenes, the same righties stenographers show up at the different Donner think tanks. The reports and such are designed to be published in the newspapers. Since Reagan, the papers and the TV in the US have been controlled by the right [ not PBS ]. Therefore the American think tanks have free reign, they just make up stuff and get it out with no opposition. The larger US public is fed up with their Nazi media. More and more Yanks are learning about the real world from the internet. In a rebellion against Washington, republicans and the establishment Donald Trump is way up in the polls. In Canada, after Harper the First was elected, the right began taking control of our newspapers and our TV networks. Moves were made to eliminate the voice of the CBC by starving it for money. That process is ongoing. But the CBC is a Crown Corporation and not easy to kill. If the oilies and Harper are able to steal the election in October, the CBC will just go poof. CTV and Global apparently saw something they liked about Harper and in a smooth transition embraced our lying Prime Minister. I have written before, that after the oilies take over, the 32 million serfs here will not have the money to buy the products that CTV and Global advertises. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. A smart businessman doesn’t pee on his customers. CTV and Global haven’t caught on yet. Destroy the Country and then what do they have get. US TV will move in. I wonder what the shareholders of CTV and Global will do with their worthless shares? In terms of our newspapers, Wall Street owns PostMediocre illegally and that’s more than 90% of the newspapers we have. But Lyin Steve will not enforce the laws which are offensive to him. The Globe and Tar is owned by an absentee owner, David Thomson who’s only interest is money. It is obvious from what the Globe prints, Thomson doesn’t care how the money comes, Canada or a dead Canada. In terms of the Toronto Star, it is allowed to exist by Harper as the token Liberal Paper. Opinions about our Fascist Government are muted and punches are pulled. False news is published and stories have that Harper spin about them. The Publisher of the Star is an American and the Editor is an Englishman. The number of journalists in Canada has dropped by about 40%. Older writers and writer in the centre and the left can no longer find work. Junior editors and act checkers no longer exist because the only things the papers print are E-Mails from on high. Goebbels would be proud. I am astonished at the spelling mistakes and misprints in my free National Post. The Globe and Tar isn’t much better, in the September / 15, ” REPORT ON BUSINESS “, the last ten pages are upside down. Same problem with the Globe Paper. Two sections had the back page upside down. And to think, people actually pay money to buy this badly put together propaganda. No wonder Canada is in such trouble. The Globe brags about its’ Financial Section but it is written for suckers. If you really want to know what is going on in the world of finance, read Wolf Street on the net. There is a lot about Canada that you will never read in OUR Nazi papers. You’ll be way ahead of the stooges who read the Globe to get an idea about the stock market. Said stooges don’t seem to know the market is rigged. They can never win. To end this piece I’ll return to Rudyard Griffiths. I think he was picked by the Donner Foundation to lead the right wing charge to get Canadian History as told by the Americans, inserted into our schools. The problem for the Donner heirs in this regard, they needed to find a rightie for this mission, with strong ties to the ideological core. He had to be an American. There are lots of American and Englishmen writing for our newspaper but that has become an excepted practice. But to have a young American pushing hard, a rewrite of Canadian History could have proven embarrassing for the Donner Foundation. The solution to the problem was that Rudyard could never reveal his origins, he had to play the part of a real backwoodser. So when Munk Election Debate takes place before PREMIUM MEMBERS [ no ordinary Canadians please ], Justin Trudeau and Tom Mulcair will face a different team. In the first Mclean’s Debate on Aug 6 /15, they and Elizabeth May faced the team of Stephen Harper representing HIS Fascist party and his very own bat boy Paul Wells. In the Globe and Tar Debate on Sept. 17 /15, Justin and Tom faced the team of Harper and another of his bat boys David Walmsley. At the Munk debate on Sept. 28 /15, Trudeau and Mulcair will face Harper and his new bat boy Rudyard Griffiths. These debates will be held on a limited number of TV stations. Less than one third of the number Canadians who saw the debates in 2011 will be able to see the 2015 debates live. The TV stations who are in bed with Herr Harper will provide translations in various languages. Such programs will be edited so that Harper will be made to look good and Trudeau and Mulcair made to look bad. For all of those Canadians who didn’t see the debates the Nazi press itself will filter everything out that portrays Lyin Steve in a bad light and cast Justin and Tom in a bad light. When you factor in the work of the Donner Foundation to misinform the public via think tanks etc, the treasonous Nazi media which only shows us Harper in Fantasy Land, the work of Statistics Harper, the Finance Department and Revenue Harper cooking the books, all of the money dumped into this election by the American oil monopoly, the Unfair Elections Act pushed through Parliament by Pierre Poilievre and supported by the Fascist trained seals which was an exercise in voter suppression stolen from the Republicans, the dirty tricks imported from the states by Harper and the election debates as above which were rigged from day one, I don’t know whether Canada has much of a chance of surviving as an ongoing democracy? Her Harper has loaded the dice. His Fascist followers are all gimme, gimme and repeat daily. They do not ask, what I can do for my Country Canada? But how much can I take for myself??? The Americans have been stealing us blind for years and they are now trying to steal our Country. My posts are read worldwide. If people are looking to come to a democratic Canada, I’d suggest waiting for a month before you decide. We may well become a petro police state after October 19 /15, you could be ahead of the game by staying in your own police state.

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This is one of the questions you will be asked on your next exam. My heads up, will give you a chance to study and do research. I must warn you that this is a toughie. This tale of two imaginary Countries will be fleshed out more on the exam paper. Your answers to these questions will also reveal how you perceive life. Someone who looks to the back of the boat for a place to just go with the flow. Or when opportunity knocks, you are prepared to seize the moment???

[ A ] This imaginary Country has one third of the world’s supply of oil. The politicians allow private companies access to pump or mine the oil and move same beyond its’ borders unrestricted. A low royalty of 4.5% is paid on the $ 100 a barrel, raw petroleum. Or not paid sometimes depending on how alert the home town beancounters are or if they are beening paid off? The raw petroleum goes to a foreign country, it is refined and turned into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Our imaginary Country imports that gasoline, diesel and jet fuel back and the pricing is based on $100 for a barrel of raw oil. This Country has no security of supply regarding fuel and is dependent on benevolent outsiders for their kind consideration. Then the world price of a barrel of raw oil drops to $ 40. But the cost of buying gasoline, diesel and jet fuel continues to be related to raw oil being $ 100 a barrel. The outcome is that the amount of money from royalties flowing to the people drops precipitously but the cost of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel remains very high. However the politicians, who supposedly represent the people take no action whatsoever. The reason for this inaction they say is that the ensuing upset and the high costs of this turmoil to consumers are related to an evil, mean and uncertain world out there over which the Country’s politicians have absolutely no control but the leadership is doing its’ very best.

[ B ] This imaginary Country has one third of the world’s supply of oil. The government controls the whole industry, in that it sets the rules, it regulates the environment and provides the long term infrastructure, the cost of which is beyond private companies. The government sets the wholesale price of raw crude based on the blended costs of the various private operators. Private companies either own or lease their facilities and pay taxes / levies / rentals. They operate on a cost, plus profit, plus the cost of research / development / innovation. This means the wholesale cost of raw oil would be based on the costing of the above. The government infrastructure would be amortized over the life of the any project or initiative, like a special road to get access to the petroleum resource or communal pipelines. Simply put, if one looks at the whole, there are some things that can be better accomplished by government and others that are better left to the private sector. The cost / profit regime for each facility would be negotiated on a yearly basis between 3 entities. The Government, the company and the union. Each private company and its’ shareholders would know what their return would be. Stock would pay a dividend and be tightly control to eliminate stock manipulation. In terms of the actual operation of the different facilities there would be many variables. The government would work with firms on the cost of unforeseen difficulties and reward said firms for solution solving and innovation. Companies that cut costs, reduced their environmental footprint and improved production would be allowed to keep the savings generated with the agreement that the entire industry would have access to the advances under certain conditions. Simply put, companies that ran into difficulties could call on the Government for help. World wide expertise would be brought in at Government expense to work out problems. Such solutions would be under joint ownership. The company would profit from its’ efforts in this regard and the speedy return to production. The government would profit from gaining more knowledge about that process which could then be passed on to other segments of the industry to increase their profits and efficiency. Regular meetings would be held to iron out the wrinkles to make the processing of petroleum faster, cleaner and more profitable yet cheaper. All workers in this industry would have access to Unions and everyone would have a pension. I can see the government owning portable centrifuges and water treatment equipment which would be move from place to place and rented to the private firms to process tailings and reclaim water. The said reclaimed water would be deposited into government reservoirs, individually or jointly held and divorced for the natural rivers and lakes. There would be no need for tailing pond legislation, there wouldn’t be any. The would be no need for water regulations because the industry would have a closed loop parallel water system of its’ own. The government would supply hydro at cost plus, meaning energy cost would be a known factor, clean, constant and renegotiated at intervals related to advances and improvements. The refinable oil would be made available to all private refineries in the Country at a blended, known cost. This would encourage refinery construction to be located near to markets. There could be a trading of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel between regions so that the problem of shortages and surpluses would be reduced. The retail price for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel would have a made in Country price which would cover costs, profits, contingencies and an investment fund. THE WORLD OIL MARKET WOULD HAVE NO AFFECT WHATSOEVER ON THIS IN COUNTRY INDUSTRY. If there were surpluses of either refinable oil, gasoline, diesel or jet fuel, these would be sold into the world market at the going rate or stored to await a better price. A possibility would be selling any such surpluses to the UK and the British Commonwealth with a population of more than 2 billion people. I am sure the people in those countries would prefer their fuel supplies to come from a stable / secure in Country petroleum supply management system. This imaginary Country would probably see gasoline prices no more than 50 to 60 cents a litre. And all of the jobs related from well to wheels would remain in this imaginary Country. The government would consult with the industry and educational institutions with the view of developing courses to train the workers of tomorrow for tomorrow’s jobs.


The question you will be required to answer. Which imaginary Country would you like to live in??? [ A ] or [ B ]?


If we lived in imaginary Country [ B ] , we would be able to afford all of the programs proposed by Tom Mulcair / NDP and have money left over. Thousands of new, good jobs would be created. Unemployment would be reduced, youth unemployment particularly. The Americans want to build a wall along the Canadian / USA border. That suits me fine. When do we start??? If we turn Canada into Country [ B ], which is easily done, we will be the ones who will have to build a fence to keep the Americans out. They would be fleeing their dysfunctional Nation, looking for a better life. Under such circumstances who could blame them. DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR, on October 19 /15 vote for Country B!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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