Posts Tagged Australia


PREFACE — There are 7 hot subjects on my screen right now. {{ Toronto Gridlock and the TTC }}, {{ Ontario’s failed economy, which can be laid at the doorstep of Mike Harris, Dalton McGuinty and nuclear power }}, {{ Paying 25 cents for 10 cent KWHs }}, {{ Canada’s Softwood Lumber dispute }}, {{ NAFTA }}, {{ Youth unemployment }}, {{ The College strike }}, and {{ the Grenfell Tower fire in London UK }}??? In each case, it is the failure of the political systems [ both Can. / UK ], to deal with societal problems which the politicians were elected to deal with!. All said failures lead back to AMERIGREED, {{{ I have given this name to the invisible American force [ purposely obscured ], whose makeup involves the Presidency, Washington, Congress, Wall St., banks, major USA corporation, and the rich one percent! AMERIGREED’S aim is to spread slavery around the world! This means the ignorant masses, as Hitler called them, will be yoked by the Yankees, to THEIR PERSONAL SERVICE! }}}}. It’s modus operandi is AMERICA THE FIRSTEST, THE MOSTEST AND FOR ALWAYS!!! With no quarter given. Any method or illegal means is used to squeeze it’s victims, no clemency or mercy can be expected. Every word they utter is a lie! The aim is unconditional surrender of all those cornered, like Bombardier or our saw mills. This force, purposely hidden behind the curtain is aided and abetted by the world Nazi media, which AMERIGREED owns. In Canada and the UK, AMERIGREED has large numbers of local Collaborators [ shills ] who are paid to further its’ interests. Major among the collaborators are Steve Harper and his Fascist Party [ now being baby sat by Andrew Scheer ] in Canada, and the David Cameron Fascist Party in the UK [ baby sat by Theresa May ]. Running in parallel to my concerns about Gridlock / TTC, Ontario’s nuclear winter, softwood lumber and the UK Grenfell Tower fire, is the ongoing blight of having 16% of our 19 to 39 demographic unemployed, worse still, additional 20% of them have given up even looking for work. A crime which Paul Godfrey DEVOTES NOT A COLUMN TO! And many more of the young are UNDEREMPLOYED or UNDERPAID [ exploited would be a better word ] [ happily exploited by Canadian movers and shakers, and the British establishment too ]! It is criminal to waste our young human capital in the greedy quest for the American buck BY SUCH A FEW??? Even more important, is the damage being done to our young lives, always being on short rations, scars them for life.


I was a Great Depression baby. My Dad worked hard, put a roof over our heads, food on the table, we were warm in the winter and I lived in the same house, until my best gal and I eloped!!! But the Depression and the War years made a deep imprint on my mind, that BASIC MINDSET HAS NEVER LEFT ME! My standards, and my respect and concerns for this democracy haven’t changed either!!! I witnessed WHAT WAS. I see WHAT WE HAVE TO-DAY AND DON’T LIKE IT!!! Our ills to-day are a rightpublicanazi construct, imposed on Canada by the likes of Brian Mulroney and Steve Harper! In earlier times Canadians and their Government solved societal problems. During the almost 20 years of Government by Lyin Brian Mulroney and Lyin Steve Harper, Canadian ways, institutions, safe guards and values were abandoned by the ruling class. The two boys, Brian and Steve, were in a big rush to get a Yankee pat on each of their heads. The boys were eager to adopted American ways and mostly gave away our store during their terms. The fallout from their handywork, we face every day now! In flying, wherein I flew as a Bushpilot and a Testpilot, as well as being a AME qualified mechanic, there was an old adage. Never try a new engine on a new aeroplane! With a new powerplant, always used a proven and dependable machine! With a new airframe, always use a reliable engine. This same rule applies to this Country. Only experiment with new initiatives within a stable context. If they don’t work you can always pull back. Both Mulroney and Harper, attempted the wholesale imposition of Reaganomics here, without notice and giving Canadians NO OPPORTUNITY TO HALT THE PROCESS! There is no reverse gear with AMERIGREED. The Fascists leave no EXITS!! In the 1980s, the world Reaganite cult was bent on imposing the right wing ideology, for and of itself! The rightpubs had faith, that their Hayek based, FANTASIES would work out FOR THEM IN THE LONG RUN. For everyone else, they weren’t concerned. That lack of concern is all around us! So there has been no provision for testing the rightish ideology along the way. The old car wheel was released at the top of the hill, its’ speed, trajectory and eventual destination were unknown and unknowable!!! But during this time, as 2017 fades, we are very aware of what the righties have wrought in the USA, ARMAGEDDON! Of course it is critical for Canadians, especially our young, to hastily separate ourselves the unfolding mayhem, south of the border! Thus far we have only been singed. Our saving grace is that we, like the UK still have a valid ballot!!! The continuing existence of the vote was troublesome for Herr Harper. Like his rightie bosses, he was bent on invalidating our ballot at the earliest date possible. Luckily October 19 /15, ended Canada’s experiment with dictatorship. This time out has given us time to breath and regroup! We’ve got till 2019, when Harper and AMERIGREED try another coup??? Part of the massive USA annexation plan for Canada, was the Harper Project, a rewriting of Canadian history. The job was given to Paul Godfrey, and his National Post scribes, it was initially funded by the American Donner Foundation, then set up as a charity, meaning Canadians are paying for the rewriting of their history. It is really modern book burning! The Dorchester Review is the front for the NEW HISTORY, its’ Patron is a dumb English, Lord Tweedsmuir of Elsfield, who was totally taken in by the Fascists! If our young people are going to make their way successfully, history needs be their anchor! If the Harper Fascists gain control of this Nation in 2019, Steve history will be mandated in all of our schools! I will take a slight detour to set the record straight. I DON’T LIKE HARPER’S NEW CANADIAN HISTORY. Here and now I offer to let Paul Godfrey use anything from my 550 posts, free of charge as long as he doesn’t change a word!!! It seems that Canadian Prime Ministers are an obsession with the mentally ill Harper. Steve, in his NEW HISTORY, ignores John Diefenbaker and Lester Pearson. Diefenbaker was a small town lawyer, with a talent as a politician, and he was a gifted speaker. However Dief the Chief couldn’t run a one cup tea room. Lester Pearson, was a career Canadian diplomat, who during his 5 years in office, had many accomplishments [ Mike never had a majority over his two terms ]. Pearson was a doer, he had no particular political flash, for which he was castigated in the right wing press. Mike did plenty for Canada, really. He gave us Medicare, student loans, the Canada Pension Plan, our Canadian Flag and the Order of Canada! NOT MUCH EH??? If AMERIGREED succeeds in 2019, and Harper becomes Quisling-in-Chief, we will see the Canadian Flag take away. Under the rightpubs, Canadian serfs will not be allowed a Flag. Paul Godfrey has airbrushed Diefenbaker and Pearson right out of our history. Dief was an embarrassment, so Harper just disappeared him. Pearson did so much for this Country with so little. But Mike is just another hateful Liberal in Harper’s eyes. So Godfrey has disappeared Pearson too. Pierre Trudeau gave us modern Canada, so much of which the Harper Fascists were trying to tear down over Steve’s ten years. Not a day goes by, wherein Paul Godfrey’s minions have something nasty to say about Pierre. Harper’s NEW History sees events cherry picked, as is the current news, so that they can be manipulated. Most of the smears were and are just made up. Our present Prime Minister Trudeau is on the receiving end of the same kind of smears as his Dad, for which Godfrey and friends are paid handsomely by AMERIGREED. Harper goes banana toonies at the mere mention of Pierre. Lyin Steve’s custom made straight jacket has to be put on him! In fact the few straight thinkers in the White House, are considering a HARPER straight jacket for Trumpf? After PM Pierre came Mulroney, a small time thief and thug, who in 8 short years led Canada to the edge of ruin. Pierre is attacked by the Harperites, for increasing Canada’s debt by $ 150 billion over 14 years. Mulroney increased that debt by over $ 400 billion, and the Harper Fascists give Brian a pass. And nowhere does our Nazi media say Mulroney lied his way to a $ 2.2 million, illegitimate pay off, money stolen from Canadian taxpayers. Brian got and gets a Harper NEW HISTORY whitewash! John Chretien, the PM who had to clean up Mulroney’s mess and mismanagement, hardly get a mention from our Nazi media. Chretien cut the Country’s debt by $ 90 billion over ten years. Chretien occupied the same space as Mulroney, the population had increased a bit, but he gave us surpluses and left Office, leaving money in the bank. When Harper came to Office, he had that bank account, and this Nation was taking in more money than it was spending. And the interest on the debt had been brought down by fifteen percent. When Harper was driven from Office in 2015, he had increased the debt by $ 190 billion, we were spending more than we were taking in and our GDP growth was non existent. And Godfrey, the clown, called Harpie an economist. That is like calling a sandcastle on the beach, CASA LOMA. You know what I think. AMERIGREED has been stripping the wealth from Canada over these last 30 years. Depriving our 18 to 39 demographic of their due, their inheritance, their heritage and their future! I was at a loss to to come up with a figure, or even figure out how to come up with a figure??? The increase in the National debt under Mulroney grew by $ 400 billion. Chretien ran a tight ship, cut the debt by $ 90 billion and AMERIGREED got nothing for ten years. Then AMERIGEED pulled out all the stops by supporting Harper and his Fascist Party with tens of millions of under the table dollars. The Greedies sent in a team of rightpubs to do the dirty tricks things, voter suppression and Robo Calls. Arthur Hamilton and the Cassels Brock team of anti democratic thugs who masquerade as lawyers. Hamilton / Cassels were paid by AMERIGREED to tie up Elections Canada, our Courts and the Royal Canadian Harper Police with legal minutia. This band of thug lawyers was bent on intimidate these agencies, to allow AMERIGREED to steal this Country of ours! Indeed, the 2011 Federal Election was stolen by the Harper Fascists, and with his majority Harper began dismantling Canada! During the time that Harper ruled this Nation, Steve DID RULE, he DID NOT govern as he was elected to do, HE ran the Country’s debt up another $ 190 billion. So considering everything, I believe Mulroney’s $ 400 billion debt and Steve $ 190 billion debt, represent the amount that AMERIGREED stole from Canada 1984 to 1993 and 2006 to 2015. Imagine what $600 billion would have done for this Country, if those bucks had stayed at home. If Mulroney and Harper and the other hundreds of traitors had been cut just one percent of the $ 600 billion AMERIGREED stole from us, they’d all be set for life. Much of this money is now in the Caymans and the Isle of Man. Steve Harper did promise Applebys that Revenue Canada would look the other way as regards their operations in this Country!!! But HARPER DID TELL Revenue Canada to destroy MY FAMILY! Under Fascist rule, in Italy from 1922 to 1943 and in Germany from 1933 to 1945, being in the opposition was a life threatening situation. From 2006 to 2015 the climate in Canada was no different. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development [ OECD ], is continually lambasting Canada in Reports [ Reports which Paul Godfrey reports with pure glee ], which show this Nation trailing in productivity and innovation! The OECD people in Paris, know full well that AMERIGREED is stealing Canada blind. Further the OECD knows AMERIGREED is stealing from every country it does business with. OECD reports are so much bullshit. AMERIGREED pays OECD to generate bullshit! OECD fails to mention Canada doesn’t make any stuff anymore thanks to the Greedies [ we are back to the 1950s level ]! Our manufacturing in Ontario was bought up by AMERIGREED with the connivance of Mike ” The Yellow ” Harris and Dalt ” The Yellow ” McGuinty, both who have run away!!! To make matters worse, Harper’s repurposed National Research Council, was tasked with vacuuming up Canadian innovations and ideas, and sending them to the States!!! About such matters Godfrey says nothing! The million or so kids who are now unemployed, have given up looking for work, are under employed or being exploited can thank Mulroney, Harper, AMERIGREED, Arthur Hamilton / Cassels Brock, the thousands of Canadian AMERIGREED Collaborators, National Post, Globe, Sun, Roger-Maclean’s, Canadian Press, BELL-CTV, Global and the CBC. It would be interesting to know just how much Arthur Hamilton and Cassels Brock got from AMERIGREED to derail this Country??? We know Paul Godfrey is paid almost $ 2 million a YEAR by the Greedies. The FORGOTTEN COHORT, numbering now 4.2 million in Ontario, must realize, that as long as AMERIGREED money is pouring into this land, to facilitate annexation, THEY ARE UP SHIT CRICK WITHOUT A PADDLE!!! IT IS TIME FOR A RETHINK, AND I THINK I HAVE FOUND THE ANSWER??? IN JUNE 2018, IN ONTARIO VOTE AS A BLOCK, THEN THIS LAND WILL BE YOUR LAND!


From 1957 to 1963, John Deifenbaker, PC, was Prime Minister and a Nation destroyer. From 1963 to 1968, Lester Pearson, Lib, was PM and a Nation builder [[ National debt was $ 20 billion / GDP $ 60 billion { 1963 } POP. 19 million ]]. From 1968 to 1979 Pierre Trudeau, Lib, was PM, he was a builder on a National scale. From June 1979 to March 1980, Joe Clark, PC, was PM, he was truly incompetent and lasted 8 months. During 1980 to 1984, Pierre Trudeau, Lib, was again PM. We can thank Pierre Trudeau for the Canada we have to-day. A Canada that AMERIGREED IS TRYING SO HARD TO TEAR DOWN WITH THE HELP OF THOUSANDS OF CANADIAN COLLABORATORS!!! The Country’s debt was [[ $ 180 billion / GDP $ 125 billion { 1984 } POP. 25 million ]]. \/\/ In twenty years, under the Liberals, Canada’s debt rose by $ 160 billion dollars [ or $ 8 billion per year ], DEBT IS WHAT WE OWED AS A NATION!!! Our GDP more than doubled, this with a population increased of 6 million people from 1963. \/\/\/! From 1984 to 1993, Brian Mulroney, PC, was PM, Brian was and is a liar, a crook, a sell out, and a Nation destroyer! Before the end of his mandate Brian ” The Yellow ” Mulroney ran away from Office! Canada’s debt was [ $600 billion / $ GDP 140 billion { 1993 } POP. 27 million ]. \/\/ Mulroney was in Office for 8 year, he was thoroughly incompetent. Brian was the first Prime Minister in modern Canadian history to take bribes while in Office. Under him, the debt rose by $ 400 billion [ or $ 50 billion per year ]. Brian brought Canada to the brink of bankruptcy??? Our GDP only increased by $ 15 billion a year, with a population increase of 2 million. \/\/\/! From 1994 to 2004, John Chretien, Lib, was PM. Canada’s debt was [ $ 510 billion / GDP $ 139 billion { 2004 } POP. 31 million ]. \/\/ Chretien, in 10 years reduced the debt by $ 90 billion / the GDP at $ 139 billion was anemic, due to the mess Mulroney left, and our population grew by 4 million. \/\/\/! From 2005 to 2015, Steve Harper, a Sociopath, ” Yellow “, and a Fascist, was PM. Harper was also a liar and a Nation wrecker! Canada’s debt was [ $ 700 billion / the GDP was $ 164 billion { 2015 } POP. 34 million ]. \/\/ Harper in ten years increased the debt $ 190 billion / GDP rose from $ 139 billion in 2005, to $ 145 in 2008, dropped in 2009 to $ 140 billion then back up to $ 164 billion, the population grew by 3 million. During the Lester Pearson / Pierre Trudeau era, the GDP doubled in 20 years and the debt was running at $ 8 billion a year! Under Harper, the GDP grew just $ 25 billion. If our GDP had grown [ 2005 to 2015 ], at the doubling rate as during the Pearson / Trudeau years, the GDP would now be at least $ 200 billion. Our debt grew by $ 190 billion [ 2005 to 15 ] or $ 19 billion a year! Two and a half times the growth rate, seen during the Pearson / Trudeau era? I had to really dig for these figures. This field is completely blanketed by misinformation and lies, published by the likes of the Fraser Institute. Yet another right wing front, posing as a charity and whose free output is hungrily awaited by Paul Godfrey and his 90 National Post rags. The taxpayers fund the Fraser Institute, and yet Godfrey was in Ottawa with his begging cup, pleading poor mouth. I have read many of the reports from the Fraser Institute stable of little boys in short pants. I have searched for their bona fidies, but have come up empty. Apparently anyone who can hold a pencil can write for THE FRASER, their stuff is all made up anyway??? The National Post is losing money and its’ stock is now worthless as a going business! But Paul Godfrey’s thin air business is supported by AMERIGREED. The GREEDIES need those 90 Nat. Post papers in their national smear campaign against Trudeau and Notley. Harper’s sordid history and his fiscal misadventures during his time in office, have been completely whitewashed! In the dying days of Lyin Steve’s regime, he refused to show this Nation’s books to the Budget Officer in 2013 / 2014. Amazingly, the Nazi media publishes almost daily, stories about the prowess of Harper as an economist. But the real figures, which are being hidden by the Nazi media, show, like in Mulroney’s time, Reaganism didn’t work for Harper either. NOR FOR CANADA EITHER!!! Reaganism is the curse of death to any country [ Greece ], that toys with it. AMERIGREED TIGHTENS THE CHAINS STEALTHILY. This can only happen BECAUSE the world Nazi media takes bribes. America the great, is now a failed state! The USA is led by a man / boy, who will shatter shortly. Does the fate of Canada and the UK have to be subjugation??? IT IS TIME FOR ACTION!!! THE PLACE FOR ACTION IS ONTARIO!!! AND IT IS THE 18 TO 39 FORGOTTEN COHORT HERE, THAT POSSESSES THE LETHAL WEAPON, THEIR MORE THAN 4 MILLION VOTES!!!


This and subsequent posts, will examine some of the main problems, Gridlock / TTC, HI cost KWs in Ontario, Softwood Lumber and the Grenfell fire. However observing abuses does not a solution produce!!! It is a given, that as long as AMERIGREED continues to interfere in Canada’s affairs, as long as it continues to strip the wealth from this Nation, as long as there are Canadians who will take American coin to push annexation and as long the political system we have now, which permits all this illegal activity to exist, THINGS WILL NOT CHANGE!!! I will over time examine the mean by which the 19 to 39 demographic can TAKE POLITICAL POWER IN CANADA AND IN ENGLAND AS WELL!!! I will stick with Ontario and Canada initially, as I know them best!! A vote, is a vote, is a vote!! The ballots of a 60 year old astrophysicist, a 50 year old rightpub Fascist and a 21 year old just starting her BA at Brock U, in St. Catharines Ont. are of equal value. On a good day, the number of rightpub Fascists in Canada who are eligible to vote might be 15%. So democraticwise, they do-not-have-a-hope-in-hell-of-taking-control-of-Canada. But from the holder’s perspectives, their ballots are unequal. The physicist at 60 will have long experience with politics, once you vote 3 times you will keep on doing so. He will no doubt be centre or left and have voted for different parties, as they shift ground, right or left, all the time. You can find Liberals who sometimes act like right wingers [ Paul Martin was a PC and Dalton McGuinty was way right of centre ]. Our 60 year old will survey what the parties offer and consider personalities. Most likely he will wait until the election campaign begins, before he makes up his mind. His past leaning will play a part but he can be sucked in by goodies. Bought with his own money and satisfied to benefit personally at the expense of others. Why should people on welfare get paid to do nothing, he might say? Why should people be paid when they are off sick, he might say??? Why should we worry about the young who are jobless, they are lazy, are spoiled and are not serious about work, he might say??? The 50 year old rightie racist would vote for a red dog is Harper told him to. Our Brock student, while having the vote, will most likely not grasp the context? How does one vote fit in with almost ten million others??? Political parties do not deal with important matters in depth at election time. Their light fare is meant to attract votes not turn voters off. Academics sometimes produce papers with important content, they are narrowly focused and contain valuable information which the larger population should see, But these papers can be politics adverse. Academics usually do not want to upset anyone. It could lose a grant or paycheque. Harper threatened the engineers at NRC with job loss, if they spoke out about AMERIGREED stealing Canada’s ideas! Thus the important matters in Canada are never discussed, and all the while AMERIGTEED tightens its’ grip. But here are two pluses for the FORGOTTEN COHORT, they have the intelligence and time to explore Canada’s many problems in depth and produce reports. Plus they have the means to broadcast their findings via social media and the net, thus circumventing Paul Godfrey and the rest of the Nazi media. In other words a FULL EMPLOYMENT STRATEGY CAN BE DEVELOPED AND BROADCAST TO 4.2 MILLION YOUNG PEOPLE, AND THE ESTABLISHMENT CAN DO BUGGER ALL ABOUT IT!!! For another kind of voter, the Canadian Fascist, every day is election day. He will be a zealot, and fascists are mostly males [ most females are NOT THIS STUPID ]. The Harper Fascists and the Cameron Fascists are all male clubs. However a few women are let in so the boys can deny their Political Parties are for boys only. Lying is a core value of the Fascists. Calgary University teaches to lie in the rightie cause is NOBLE [ Leo Strauss ], and teaches that there are Overmen and Undermen [ Neitzsche ]. So when a student like Harper, leaves the University of C, he has been trained to lie and will consider himself a superior being. That attitude doesn’t fit well in our democracy, but seeing that AMERIGREED is going to exterminate our democracy, the University of Calgary is ahead of the curve. Graduating a crop of Overmen, who will be needed to rule in the new Canadian Kleptocracy. There are sometimes token women in these situations, to make people like Steve Harper, Preston Manning, Jason Kenney and Ezra Levant look normal. At the head of the U of C is Elizabeth Cannon, who seems oblivious to the fact that her Institution is poisoning young minds and thus a danger to Canada!!! Kim Campbell, Theresa May, and Danielle Smith are similar covers. When things fall apart in FASCISTLAND, stick a woman out front to take the shit. Why women walk into this trap and allow themselves to be used, I do not know??? The political game is played by the Fascists intensely, as if they are facing annihilation! So it is Canada’s annexation, 24 / 7 /365, just read Paul Godfrey’s National Post for the details, schedule and anxiousness??? Now to the young, for our young lady at Brock U., its’ all new, this political game, and where she fits in it. The fact that her cohort, EN BLOC [ 4.2 MILLION ] has more total voting power than any other group or party in Ontario is probably is not on her screen??? If it is at all, it will be of little importance because the ammunition and the target are both unknown??? MY AIM IS TO GIVE OUR BROCK GAL, AND THE 4.2 MILLION LIKE HER, THE EXPERIENCE OF THE SIXTY YEAR OLD SCIENTIST AND THE ZEAL OF A FASCIST!!! Coupling this with their energy and intelligence Ontario will be transformed for the better, like overnight!!! In politics, always have a clear and simple goal. Let’s say for the first run through of STUDENT POWER in Ontario, THE GOAL SHOULD BE, ” FULL EMPLOYMENT { 5% UNEMPLOYMENT, NO DROPOUTS “! }. Both Amerigreed and its’ American employees in the Canadian Nazi media, DO NOT HAVE A VOTE HERE. They can screech all they want, but it is all for nought!!! Ain’t that neat??? American righties who are here, have only one thing to sell Canadians, that is the American annexation story? Their only weapons is persuasion, it is a two step process. No # 1, The stupidification of Canadians! That is why Paul Godfrey gets such big bucks!!! And when Canadians have been sufficiently stupidified, they are then fed rightpub fantasy via the Nazi media, 24 / 7 / 365!!! This can all be UNDONE by the young on social media and the net! I have ideas on how to solve the Gridlock/TTC roadblock, how to eliminate the nukie curse in Ontario, how to find new world markets for our lumber and how to make safe and secure, the 250 residential towers in the UK, which are clad in what amounts to sheets of Napalm plastic. My fixes, gathered over 70 years, fly in the face of everything AMERIGREED and their Can. Collaborators stand for. There is huge money involved in making sure none of the above problems get fixed, for two reasons. If major societal problems can be kept going, making sure the bleeding never stops, it means taxpayer’s cash for life. Too many of our politicians are being paid by AMERIGREED to look the other way while the public treasury is emptied. Mike Harris was! Dalton McGuinty was! Kathleen McGuinty IS! One only need listen to their dog-whistle comments [ speaking with a forked tongue ]! Too many of our senior civil servants across Canada are on the AMERIGREED payroll in secret! Julie Gelfand for example? One only needs to catch their dog-whistle comments. USA Corporations here march to the AMERIGEED drum, exclusively! One only needs to observe their maneuvering! Russ Girling is excellent example of CEO DUPLICITOUSNESS! Girling is an evil man. Allowing Russ, unlimited space to spout his lies, only blacken the reputation of Godfrey and the national Post more!!! Just look too at CAPP, TransNotCanada, Enbridge and Kinder Morgan. Second: all of the above are anti Canadian in the extreme! AMERIGREED wants to keep life in Canada in constant turmoil, and the foregoing shills are part of the supporting cast, anything for FUCKING BUCK!!!. They do it on purpose, just read Paul Godfrey’s anti Canadian stuff, it is geared to make Canadians all anxious and unsettle??? When all we have above are skies of blue. And this task of undermining OUR confidence also falls to their well paid crew of Can. Collaborators, as well as to our Nazi media! Canadians who frequent Food Banks, young people without jobs, the rights of women / gays / minorities are always being attacked by our Nazi media, they constantly attempt to undo our Medicare, assault on our educational system [ the present Ont. College strike ], and relentlessly attacking Premier Notley and Prime Minister Trudeau. This all adds up to keeping Canadians off balance worried sick. When we have everything to smile about, IF WE ONLY KNEW?? AMERIGREED can only unbalance us IF WE LET THEM!!! Any PATRIOT who challenges AMERIGREED, is immediately set upon and smeared by our Nazi media. It is interesting, that in Britain, Jeremy Corbin, the Leader of Labour, also draws the ire of AMERIGREED. The London Nazi press has been set loose upon him! Jeremy is being NOTLEYED AND TRUDEAUED!!! In the recent UK General Election, in which Theresa May and the Cameron Fascists were reduced to a minority, 75% of the press coverage of Corbyn was negative, laced with lies or made up stuff. I am sure Paul Godfrey is acting as HATE consultant to the London press! And yet with MOMENTUM’S help the young still voted for Jeremy and gained him 3 million votes!!! You know, in the West now, Hitler would not even rate a 75% thumbs down, like the media is dishing out to Corbyn!? AMERIGREED thinks the citizens of Can. / UK are stupid. It is their American Nietzsche / slave master upbringing! That is why their assaults on individuals are so over the top! Our 18 to 39 cohort holds the promise of this Nation. Trying to find the stats on youth unemployment and age groupings is difficult. AND MADE PURPOSELY SO!!! The young must be supported, in order to reach their true potential and see to the building of THEIR NEW CANADA! Full employment must be the goal!!! The high YOUTH unemployment / underemployed rate was a tough nut to crack. The Harper leaning StatsCan statistics are suspect, the Nazi media prints / broadcasts False News, and the paid pollster are unreliable, they too have been bought off by the Greedies! Investigating these problems are like a cat chasing its’ tail. The economical situation in this Nation, guarantees high unemployment especially among the young. Unless these economics metrics are changed there will continue to be a shortage of good jobs. The economic metrics will not change unless the politicians take action and we wrest control of our corporate world from AMERIGREED!!! SO THE SOLUTION IS TO PURSUE FULL EMPLOYMENT AS A STRATEGY AND FIT IN THE BITS WHICH WILL ALLOW US TO REACH THAT GOAL! WE SQUARE THE CIRCLE!!! So many of our elected representatives are on the AMERIGREED payroll, some in secret! The Panama / Paradise Papers reveal the names of the rich who hide their wealth in tax havens. Specifically there are Canadians who enjoy life here but who feel no obligation to pay their fair share. One excuse from our rich, is they wouldn’t have to hide their wealth if the taxes were reasonable. Individuals in Canada do not get to decide the proper level of taxation. That is the purview of Canadians, through their Parliament! When the 18 to 39 demographic takes control of Canada, I would like to see every Canadian listed in the Panama / Paradise Papers
subjected to a full audit? It is not enough to have some high priced lawyer say no wrong doing has been committed. If a rich Canadian refused to submit to a full audit I would seize all their assets in Canada and create a financial wall which would prevent any money transfers from the Islands. Further I would jail any lawyer / accountant who facilitated monkey such business. My first priority, as the billions flowed in would be to fund Medicare and education across Canada. For example, I would completely rejig the Ont. Universities and Colleges, with emphasis on quality teachers and profs, paying them fully for their qualifications, giving them job security and benefits. This would improve the level of education of our young. The University and College administrations would be given the funding they need to accomplish their job, so they could concentrate on THIS JOB!!!
The Minister of Education at Queen’s Park would be held responsible for the operation of the Universities and Colleges, and would not be allowed to hide, as is now the case! If the rich and the corporations started their usual nonsense about leaving, because they had to pay THEIR TAXES, I think Canada should throw them a going away party!!! Who needs cheats, liars and thieves like Steve Harper, Brian Mulroney and Conrad Black staying in this Country? Steve and Brian salute the Stars and Stripes. Black is a British citizen who is in Canada illegally? Allowing cheats, liars and thieves to live in our midst, only encourages bad behaviour among the larcenous at heart and the easily led! Full employment is considered, 5% with no drop outs and NO BULLSHIT!!! Making it even harder to change our economic system is the present Nazi media, they’re paid to print or broadcast AMERIGREED propaganda, misinformation and lies. Godfrey’s audience is the 39 to 69 demographic. If these oldies are misinformed and lulled, as they are, gridlock, public transit in Toronto, Ontario’s economic woes, youth unemployment and the softwood lumber dispute will get short shrift! The idea is to confuse older Canadians, young people are not even on the radar. AMERIGREED, is the purveyor of double speak. It is impossible to outshout the National Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Roger-Maclean’s, the Canadian Press, BELL-CTV, Global, and the CBC. They get tens of millions from AMERIGREED each year to keep our middle class stupid and our young in chains. In this confusion the politicians can duck their responsibilities! WHAT TO DO??? WHAT TO DO??? LET’S TAKE STOCK!!! When the 18 to 39 year olds are in charge of Parliament and the Legislatures, one simple exercise would see our Nazi media knocked out of the box. ENFORCE THE LAW!!! Publishing False News is a criminal offense in Canada for publications and TV / radio. The penalty is two years in jail and a fine! The USA has no such laws and their Nazi media has been in the forefront of destroying democracy in Americaland. Thus AMERIGREED seems to think it can export its’ lie business north of the border. This only works
when a dictator like Herr Harper is in power here? Now that Harper has been turfed AMERIGREED persists in paying our Nazi media to broadcast and publish False News. AMERIGREED is saying to Canadians, up your noses, we’ll do as we like! I would charge Paul Godfrey with publishing False News, which he does every day. And I would seek a two year jail term for him, with a maximum fine that would wipe out the National Post empire [ 90 papers ]. On release I would deport Godfrey to Wall St., where his allegiances lie. Then I would turn to the rest of our Nazi media, and say, THIS TOO WILL BE YOUR FATE!!!


TRYING TO FIX OUR ECONOMY will be violently attacked by the USA rightpublicanazis and their well heeled disciples in Canada. It is a given that the political climate must be changed in order to affect the necessary economic modifications to allow Canada to blossom. As well, older Canadians must realize what they are facing [ as the young already do ], a loss of their freedoms by stealth! The College strike in Ontario points to change. Students have paid their tuition [ which I would abolish ], yet the McGuinty Government is squeezing the teachers and profs to please AMERIGREED!!! The Harper Fascist MPs are chosen by AMERIGREED, not the people, the Patrick Brown MPPs in Ontario are also chosen by AMERIGREED! In the Canadian political system it has always been the custom to have candidates seeking election, both Provincially and Federally, to be nominated by party riding associations. This goes back to the Magna Carta of 1215. At the time, the people of a HUNDRED [ an area containing a certain amount of arable land and a certain population ], selected a leading citizen to be their representative.
The Hundred also served as the location for the local Court. So our democratic system is based on the rights of the people themselves to chose their own representative. As time passed various groups put forth their own candidates. At election time, the residents in the HUNDRED, would select their representative based on this slate, by a vote. Their member of Parliament would be the person with the most votes. Pretty simple, right??? And long lasting. This system has stood us in good stead for WHAT??? 800 years??? That is why AMERIGREED and Harper want to kill it! The whole basis for this system was that the people got to pick their reps, NOT THE KING. Herr Harper, in the pay of Houston, changed that. With AMERIGREED funding the Canadian Fascist Parties, both Nationally and Provincially the GREEDIES get to pick the Fascist candidates. To meet AMERIGREED’S, a candidate must be Catholic or a religious zealot, hard right wing, unable to think, unsympathetic or no empathy, a born liar, consider Canadians as stupid and happy to handle USA money outside Canada’s Election rules. It is sort of screw the opinions of local Party Riding Associations, they only serve as a cover! But apparently these Fascist Party dullards, in our 338 ridings [ HUNDREDS IN 1215 ], are prepared to surrender their candidate choice rights to AMERIGEED, IN RETURN FOR CASH! So many or most Fascists sell their votes for cash. Democracy, what’s that??? The question is, is the rest of Canada willing to give up its’ freedoms??? And allow AMERIGREED to pick all the candidates for Office??? Oh how easy it is for a democracy to slip away, with the Yankees are hovering about, as they do over every victim??? This means that all potential Federal / Ontario Fascist MP candidates kiss AMERIGREED’S ass in order to qualify to represent the people in each riding. HOW’S THAT SUPPOSED TO WORK??? ” YOU CAN’T SERVE TWO MASTERS or YOU CAN SUCK AND BLOW AT THE SAME TIME “? Canadians who serve AMERIGREED can’t possibly serve Canada!!! In 2011, Harper stole the Election by using every dirty Republican trick in the book. Democracy it ain’t? Remember Hitler came to power by manipulating the vote!!! It is my inclination to thoroughly research a problem, and then look on the shelf to see what we can use to fix it. This is a complete departure from the Canadian Nazi media! All Paul Godfrey and BELL-CTV want to do is stuff Canadians full of difficulties and negatives, abuse the young and shake their confidence. This goes on every day, every day, and the dim gets louder as 2019 approaches. I’m thinking, that people around the world are saying, Canada has so many GOOD THINGS going for it. Then how come all the National Post, the Globe, Star and BELL-CTV, CBC et al, have to offer is finding fault, picking at scabs and preaching doom and gloom??? THESE PAID NAZIS NEVER OFFER A SOLUTION?????? On the up side, it was of interest to me that the youth vote increased by 20%, in the 2015 Can. Fed. Election. 50% of that 18 to 39 demographic [ THE FORGOTTEN COHORT ], voted for Justin Trudeau. I have been writing a blog since 2009, in an effort to see Herr Harper defeated and hopefully jailed. I have concluded, that on October 19 / 15, our young people came to our / their rescue by voting and saved Canada from annexation by the USA! At least until 2019. In 2019, AMERIGREED, HARPER, PAUL GODFREY, DAVID THOMSON, BELL-CTV, ROGERS, GLOBAL, AND THE CBC BOARD WILL SURELY TRY AGAIN. Trudeau’s win, now that was heartening! This is how my thoughts have progressed on the youth issue!! In light of the Election, I was interested in what percentage of the eligible Canadian voters was in the 18 to 39 cohort??? This kind of information is not easy to find. Various agencies use different metrics, so the task is made much more difficult, ON PURPOSE! This is Harper’s legacy. Lyin Steve cancelled the census so people like me could not see his massive deficit, our puny GDP, the hollowing out of Canadian corporations, the takeover of our Banks by Wall St., the increasing use of Food Bank and the staffing of Canada’s civil service with Fascist zealots!!! Sort of in the same vein as Hitler’s book burning. Keep the masses ignorant so they can be manipulated more easily. Our Nazi media is paid to perpetuate ignorance and promote fantasy??? The answer I arrived at is that the 18s to 39s now represent one third of the Canadian electorate! In Ontario it is 40%! So??? It is presented as just another statistic, BUT FOR ME THAT NUMBER LEAPED OFF THE PAGE!!! If our young people voted EN BLOC, they would rule the Canadian / Provincial roost so to speak. How then to facilitate a block vote??? I turned to the UK Momentum youth movement which brought Jeremy Corbin within a whisker of being Prime Minister! I am a political animal! I have been in and around politics all my life. I was a Pickering Councillor [ 1973 to 76 ]. I worked for the Ontario Progressive Conservatives as the Pickering rep, from 1960 to 1985, when our Party was invaded and taken over by the USA rightpublicanazis. They were ably assisted by Frank Miller, a slow witted, one note Frankie! Miller did not realize when he left the Ontario door open, the Americans would move in and take over. Mike Harris was just another one of their bum boys! As was John Tory! The present Ontario PCs, under Patrick Brown are still an extension of AMERIGREED!!! FORTUNATELY WE HAVE OUR FIRST-PAST-THE-POST-SYSTEM. Although this system is always under loser in the pay of AMERIGREED! WE HAVE THIS SYSTEM OF VOTING, THAT IS UNTIL WE LET IT SLIP AWAY DUE TO NEGLECT!!! A government majority can be won in this Country, with as little as 40% of the votes cast. The normal vote split in Canada is government 40%, opposition 30%, third party 20% and fringe parties 10%. So it is Fascists, Liberals and NDP or Liberals, Fascists and NDP. The odd time the NDP will capture government. In every election there are about 15% of voters who are swing or undecided. In every election there are 35 to 40 percent of the population eligible to vote, who do not cast ballots. Half of those are young people. JUST THINK, IF EVERY ONE IN THE 18 TO 39 COHORT VOTED EN BLOC, THEY WOULD HOLD THE BALANCE OF POWER IN EVERY CANADIAN ELECTION!!! {{{{ GOT THAT??? }}}} {{{{ IN EVERY CANADIAN ELECTION }}}}? {{{{ YET THE POLITICAL ESTABLISHMENT TOTALLY IGNORES THIS FORGOTTEN COHORT?????? }}}} {{{{ ON THE OTHER HAND, THE FORGOTTEN COHORT IS NOT YET AWARE OF THIS ASSUME POLITICAL POWER THEY POSSESS }}}}!!! The secret to this ULTIMATE POLITICAL TOOL lies in the block vote, backed up by well thought out, well researched policies!! Not the normal BULLSHIT, dished up by political parties. This is the context young people need, such a context will give their block vote political gravitas! This approach will be a first in Canada for a long time! A full survey of the problems which beset us, broadcast to the wider population, along with options. The will of the people can then prevail!!! Rule of thumb, in such cases is that such an initiatives must benefit a community or a Province or the Country as whole! In other words the young must be prepared to give before they get! ASK NOT WHAT YOUR COUNTRY CAN DO FOR YOU!!! And the must understand of what they give! Such initiatives will actually serve to benefit the 18 to 39 demographic! Ontario can be reindustrializing by bringing in 10 cent KWHs, the whole Province will win! There will be more money for senior care, union bashing will end with the banishment of AMERIGREED, and education will get the money it needs prepare young people to take their place at the helm!!! I mean, energizing Ontario will boost Canada in the near term. And boost Canada in the long haul. A strong Ontario will guarantee the future of Alberta and Saskatchewan, and even Manitoba! A successful Ontario will gain even more having close ties with Quebec, BC and the Maritimes! These ties will have a stabilizing affect on young lives financially across the Nation, in a positive manner. What I have just said is the exact opposite to what AMERIGEED desires, but the Yankee suits behind the curtain do not have the balls to say so! Rather, said suits pay Pay Godfrey to do their talking for them! Namely to disrupt Canada, an action to which the National Post papers dedicated. Once the 18 to 39 demographic get its’ head around its’ numerical superiority, Canada will experience a watershed event for the better, equal to the impact on this country, caused by the Second World War!!! It is bullet proof idea because the numbers are here and now!!! But as stated, this opportunity has a very short shelf life!!! Once the initiatives, borne of youth thorough and measured consideration materialize, in fact, it will be a triple whammy. Canada will benefit from a commitment by the young to develop strategies which improve this Country’s economy, WHICH THEY ALONE CAN DO!. Second of all, by working as a team [ of millions ], the mass energy and intelligence of our young, is capable of producing immense wealth, this can be shared widely and will indeed lift all boats. THE THIRD BENEFIT IS A BONUS THAT COMES WITH THE SUCCESS OF THE REINDUSTRIALIZATION OF ONTARIO!!! AMERIGREED WILL * NEVER * EVER BE ABLE TO GAIN CONTROL OF CANADA ***!!! NO MATTER HOW HARD HARPER, SCHEER, BROWN, KENNEY, MANNING, LEVANT, WALL, GODFREY, THOMSON, HONDERICH, BELL-CTV, AND THE CBC TRY TO GIVE OUR SOVEREIGNTY AWAY!!! In fact, when the 18 / 39 year olds take over Parliament, the Provincial Legislatures and the City of Toronto, the reason for the very existence of the Nazi media as I have described it will vanish! Paul Godfrey / Nazi media and their pro Yankee advertisers here, have proven over the last ten years, that they have absolutely nothing to offer in regards to the building of the NEW CANADA. They might as well pack up their gear and go quietly into the night.


I will be MAILING a summary of this post to the Presidents of Student Unions and Associations of the 45 Universities and Colleges in Ontario. This, to make students and graduates aware of the political power they possess in EN BLOC VOTING, in our FIRST-PAST-THE-POST-VOTING-SYSTEM!!! As stated, there is a short window of opportunity available for them to flex their political muscles. The 49 to 69 demographic will feel threatened by militant young people, even as they seek what is coming to them. Some oldies will no doubt throw sand in the gears of a youth inspired seizure of power. The Nazi media, will certainly do its’ best to confuse and misinform all Canadians!!! If AMERIGREED succeeds in destroying Canada’s democracy in 2019, that magical youth voting power will vanish. Thus the future of our young, which shines so bright at this very moment in time [ June 7 / 2017, V DAY in Ontario ] , will be extinguished if they tarry. Paul Godfrey wants to lock the 18 to 39 cohort into serfdom forever, that why he is paid almost $ 2 million a year! The value of 10 million young Canadian slaves to AMERIGEED is immense!!! That is why the Greedies can recruit so many Canadian small brain traitors, like Harper, Mulroney, Manning, Godfrey and Levant!!! They are only too happy put ideology and money before Country! Paul is an old fashioned slave trader! That is how he earns his paycheque. 25% unemployment among the young is criminal. Yet the National Post does everything possible to push that number even higher! IN THIS ENDEAVOUR GODFREY MUST BE MADE TO FAIL AND FAIL BADLY. FOR WHAT GODFREY HAS ALREADY DONE TO THIS COUNTRY SINCE 2011, HE SHOULD ALREADY BE IN JAIL. MAYBE HIS CRUCIFIXION WOULD WARN OFF OTHER CANADIAN TRAITORS!!! My offer of fashioning a noose for all this lot still stands, for Godfrey I’ll even make the square nails and supply the heavy hammer!


I am unhappy with our universities and colleges pushing paid courses as training for jobs that do not exist. It is disingenuous. I understand their dilemma, they have institutions to maintain. I also understand why Universities and Colleges teach a lot of stuff which is irrelevant. The administrations of same must work in the long term yet businesses operate by the quarter and react to stock prices, pure folly. Canadians have surrendered their economy to AMERIGREED, wherein profit trumps young lives. Historian catalog a valuable asset, but then fail to carry history to the next level History will never repeat itself, but how people respond the historical events is important, because human nature remains the same, even going back to Stonehenge! Churchill said emphatically to Hitler about his threats, ” WE WILL NEVER GIVE IN “. In the end, ” will never give in “, saw bully Hitler hiding down in a hole in the ground, where he took his own life with a bullet to the head [ 1945 ]! When the bullets began to fly on Parliament Hill, bully Harper ran to hide in a broom closet. Mulroney, looking at defeat ran away! Mike Harris who faced defeat ran away! Dalton McGuinty [ a right winger ], closed Queen’s Park, with the help of Lieutenant Governor David Onley, this to escape criminal charges. McGuinty suspended democracy in this Province, then ran away! Out west in Alberta, Preem Jim Prentice was defeated, then ran away. South of the border, bully Trumpf is threatening Canada, what shall be our reply??? History says when you encounter a bully, you say, ” I WILL NEVER GIVE IN “! In the present, almost every journalist here is right wing. Our Nazi media will only hire rightish writers, who cover news and made up news from a right wing point of view. Everything the righties do wrong [ which is a lot ] is removed! Every rightie triumph is shouted to the skies, even the non existent triumphs get a shout out! Our Nazi media never looks back and never explores viable options!!! To add to the students’ ordeal, the business and commercial sectors have been abandon by our governments to American corporations. Which operate IN THEIR OWN INTERESTS! Our governments, to quiet the restless, ignorant mob, use tax money to bribe USA corporations to locate here in Canada. Their stays are always of short duration. The US corporations never live up to their agreement and bugger off as soon as they can! Our politicians say nothing. Into this uncertain life, our Universities and Colleges keep pumping out graduates. The right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing, and AMERIGREED is mighty pleased. If the 18 to 39 lost cohort take control of Queen’s Park, we can change things. Our schools will teach the real history of Ontario and Canada. Ontario schools will refuse to consider Herr Harper’s historical rewrite, even though Paul Godfrey has been paid big tax dollars to produce the revisions! In the every day, any publisher or journalist engaging in False News will be charged by the Province! In terms of the business / commercial side of things, the Ontario Government will take back control from USA corporations and to begin implementing a Full Employment Strategy. This by unprivatizing all public services. All electrical power generation and transmission will be expropriated. As will the natural gas system in the Province. All natural gas will be purchased from Alberta, as it was in the past! Ontario will reopen the closed refineries and produce gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Instead of buying these USA fuels, which are made from ISIS oil, stolen from Iraq. Ontario will have to work with Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ottawa to build the twin Beaver oil / nat. gas pipelines to bring crude oil [ not tar ] and natural gas to power this Province! Since Ontario will be shuttering our nuclear plants and returning to water hydro electricity generation, like Manitoba and Quebec, there will be a need to build a Cross Canada Electrical Transmission Line to Fort McMurray, to carry clean, cheap KWs, to power their tar upgraders and crude refineries. A Full Employment Strategy will have a much broader reach than as itemized above. But my point is these are long term initiatives. Ontario’s Universities and Colleges will be able to also look at the such projects and tailor course for specific jobs. Students upon graduation will go right to work in their field, no wasted motion. The foregoing will provide secure, quality employment, with full benefits. Every job will be a union job. Imagine, all this is possible if 4.2 million, Ontario 18 to 39 year olds vote as a block on June 7 2018!!!


I believe education up to first year university or college or an apprenticeship should be free. As well, we have to provide jobs for young people if we expect them to pay anything for higher education. The AMERIGREED system of serfdom only works for those at the TOP. Having to pay an entry fee to enter society as one comes of age, is outrageous in the extreme! I would throw educational opportunities open to every young person [ as above ]. And I would wipe away all existing student debt and back date the refunds, say two years. We can do this in Canada, by chopping the hands off AMERIGREED, as it steals us blind, blind politicians that is! Let’s start again with a new system that aims to increase the educational qualifications of every young Canadian at Government expense! No cost to the young, up to and including the first year! I can just hear the Fascists howling. I watch a lot of British news, BBC / Guardian. It is amazing to hear the Cameron / May Fascists mouthing the exact same talking points as the Harper Fascists and Congress. It is as if Lyin Steve and Dodgy Dave were Siamese twins!!! The boys could trade places and nobody would notice??? They are both working for the Reaganites in the USA right now, it figures??? All the Fascists in Canada, Britain and Brussels, are reading from the same AMERIGREED song book, WORD FOR WORD FOR WORD! CHEAT, LIE AND STEAL, THAT’S THEIR TICKET!!! Just tonight, I heard a Theresa May Cabinet Minister chastising Jeremy Corbyn for offering free tuition. He said Jeremy will break the Country’s back with debt by backing the right of the young to have a decent education, that’s PLAIN BULLSHIT! With the agreement of David Cameron and Boris Johnson, the management of TfL has stolen hundreds of millions of Pounds from the Tube rider and London taxpayers, and yet the Tories are happy to see young students come out of school, 30,000 Pounds in debt. Cameron and Johnson should be in jail.
Investing in young people, in the UK, will bring about a renaissance in England, after 20 years of Reaganomics under the much flawed Blair and Cameron! The two of them allowed AMERIGREED to steal billions from the UK! Just like Harper did in Canada! The 18 to 39 cohort in Can. / UK must realize just who they are dealing with. In general, their enemies, the ones who impede their progress and are stealing their futures, are men who have no scruples, many are Sociopaths. They will steal candy from a baby or pay little heed if Lady Black’s little people die! This due to neglect, as they chase the USA buck [ Cameron’s * Grenfell Tower fire / Harper’s * Megantic ]! AMERIGREED plays for keeps. It seeks to crush anyone who gets in its’ way, this with the help of the paid world Nazi media, like Rupert Murdock! I know first hand how evil these AMERIGREED Collaborators are, David Cameron and Boris Johnson are always on my screen, these are special SNAKES. Not only are they slaves to American money, but they are willing to see riders die in the UNDERGROUND [ and they will is a train stalls in a 40 deg C environment ], this then will cause the TUBE to be closed PERMANENTLY due to the OVERHEATING! 100s of people will die in a stalled subway train, 60 feet under the City, gasping for breath in 40C / 104F foul air. And the great City of London will grind to a halt without the subway. How is it possible that there are people like Cameron and Johnson, who will knowingly send riders to their deaths in return for money??? All of those in authority who now read this post will bear some responsibility for not acting when there was time??? THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SAY I DIDN’T KNOW!!! In 2008, I wrote to both SNAKES in an attempt to forewarn them. I got standard replies, GET LOST!. The point of my letters was that my Son James and I had discovered why the London Underground was heating up [ one degree F per decade, with that rate accelerating over the past 20 years ]. And further that we had developed a solution to COOL THE BAKERLOO LINE, THE WORST OF THE BUNCH!!! We had been invited to try our hand at COOLING THE TUBE IN 2007 BY MAYOR KEN LIVINGSTONE! WE SUCCEEDED AND I INFORMED CAMERON AND JOHNSON AMONG MANY OTHERS, IN 2008, TfL HAD TERMINATED JAMES and I. After 6 month work, WITH SOLUTION IN HAND, WE WERE REBUFFED BY TRANSPORT for LONDON IN JANUARY 2008. Mayor Livingstone was concerned about the TUBE OVERHEAT. It turns out that the TfL management WAS NOT! TfL and friends were making too much money, NOT COOLING THE TUBE. Too many Government insiders were making big money allowing the Underground to continue to overheat!!! Since that time, we have witnessed many Air Condidtioning projects, worth hundreds of millions of pounds, that HAVE ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING BUT PROPEL THE SITUATION EVER CLOSER TO DISASTER [ like the Grenfell fire ]! In 2007 when we came aboard, the average temperature down in the TUBE was 29C. TfL promised Livingstone it would never go over 35C, because hitting 35C would mean closing the Underground. Now after spending a billion or more the TUBE regularly goes over 40C. In 2007, a TfL document in our possession [ one of hundreds ] estimated that riders had 14 minutes to get out of 29C tunnel before succumbing to heat stroke! Now a ten year old looking at our TfL documents would easily conclude, at 40C nobody is getting out! What kind of illness has consumed the likes of Cameron, Johnson and the TfL management??? Our solution is at hand and they know it!!! Yet they and the Government put a higher priority on money than rider’s lives and the life of London??? It is the same deal with the Grenfell Tower fire. The only interest the Tories and their drones had was how money they could chisel?? It is always the same in Canada and the UK. The politicians and the elites commit crimes, then escape the noose! All this does is embolden the rich to steal even more. Caesar used to cut a hand off a criminal, to get the attention of the stealing greedy class. This should be govern further consideration! A one handed Brian Mulroney or Conrad Black, would I think, see 6000 Canadians who are hiding their wealth in the Islands, hurriedly bring their dough home and pay the taxes owing. If that didn’t scare them, we could put out an order for horse drawn tumbrils!!! At Grenfell about 80 innocent people died. At Megantic, 47 people were incinerated [ there were 22 orphans left, which our Nazi media has never mentioned ]. If riders are trapped in the Bakerloo at 40 C, 700 or more of them will die gasping for breath. Boris Johnson’s response to COOLING THE TUBE, NO RESPONSE AT ALL, BUT HEY THE MONEY IS GOOD? In 2013, Johnson ignored MY FIX FOR THE TUBE! How fucking arrogant! Boris doesn’t know, that the Spratley’s from East Yorkshire, my ancestors, going back to the Domesday Book, were of the stubborn / independent Artisan Class. We were and are the ones who make the trains run on time. And further, we are still in the English tradition of public service, and not to fill our pockets with the people’s money. Johnson may think James and I have gone away! NOT!!! COOLING THE TUBE IS UNFINISHED BUSINESS TO US! Although life does not always bend to our wishes! It may be that the ending of this tale, is one in which hundreds of riders die, trapped in carriages, where the temp exceeds 100 F. And the City of London stands at a standstill! THE BUSINESS OF MY SON AND I, WILL INDEED BE FINISHED! I WILL ONLY NEED TO WRITE A POST, ADDRESSED TO THE BRITS, WHICH WILL GO SOMETHING LIKE THIS, ” I TOLD YOU SO ” [ many, many, times! ].


The AMERIGREED CREED, rooted in the USA right says, the money gained, justifies the evil means by which it is gained? This human failing has infected CANADA AND BRITAIN via money! The GREEDIES are convince they can have their way if enough money is paid out. This approach has been fully successful in the USA. The only problem for the ignorant masses, like in every parasitic situation the host has died! AMERIGREED, the parasite, must now look for new sources of goodness [ money ]! AMERIGREED’S new targets are Canada, the UK and the EU. Since 2000, the flow of goodness from this trio has steadily increased. And these societies have increasingly suffered from the shorts. AMERIGEED minions like Harper [ he will return ], Cameron / May, and Brussels, deny their thievery as they ACTUALLY transfer their people’s wealth to their SLAVE MASTER!!! IT IS THE NOBLE LIE AT WORK! The USA rightpublicanazis will deny responsibility for anything and everything!!! Shielded by the world Nazi media, highlighted by the likes of Rupert Murdoch! EVEN AS THE BODY OF THE USA LIES LIFELESS ON A COLD SLAB, THE REPUBLICANS ARE DENYING WHAT THEY HAVE DONE,??? It is interesting, that now the mobs are running in the streets, many Republicans in Congress, are running away! Their gated communities will not save the skins of them and their families??? Fortunately, Canadians and Brits, each still have a unadulterated ballot. European countries have the same. Their problem is the AMERIGTREED Union they joined, it is ruled by the American Kleptocracy! In the UK, private companies like Parsons Brinkerhoff, has been stealing from London taxpayers, TUBE riders and workers, in a pitiful, incompetent and amateurish attempt to COOL THE UNDERGROUND WITHOUT SUCCESS. For a democracy to work properly, innovation and vision should be rewarded. Substandard work is never acceptable. And if harm should come to the public, those responsible should see jail and see their assets seized. When riders die in the TUBE, would like to see the assets of Parsons Brinkerhoff seized! {{{ You know I have been making this claim of the thievery of more than a billion pounds against Jolyon Thomson and Parsons Brinkerhoff for years, but they have remained silent, as has Peter Hendy and Mike Brown!! They know James and I have discovered how to cool the London Underground. If the public was made aware, that a TUBE temp of 24 C / 75 F was possible back in 2007, I think all hell would break loose??? I have estimated that more than a billion pounds had been stolen by this lot, but it may be many times that. If James and I were hauled into Court in England, the truth would come out. And the Nazi media, co conspirators in the GREAT TUBE ROBBERY, would have to provide coverage. So when I spill the beans [ many times ], all the co conspirators can do is bite their lips, stay and hope they are retired at a distance when the shit-hits-the-fan??? TfL management, David Cameron and Boris Johnson are the overseers during the pilfering of hundreds of millions of Pounds in this fraudulent AC cooling work. I have written a number of posts on the OVERHEAT [ about 8 ]! As a result, in 2013, Mayor Johnson E-Mailed me, suggesting we parle about the TUBE. I responded with a package of TfL Engineering documents which were given to James and I during our time working with the COOL THE TUBE TEAM in 2007, regarding cooling the Bakerloo Line! James and I know more about cooling the London Underground than anyone in the world, but that is our abiding problem!!! Government insiders are making too much money, NOT COOLING THE TUBE. THIS IS REALLY CALLED STATE SANCTIONED THEFT, THIS IS STANDARD PRACTICE IN AMERICA!!! I wonder how big a CUT Cameron / Johnson got??? In response to Johnson’s offer to parle I set out my demands. I wanted our bill paid. I wanted a letter of confidentiality. In that TfL could not use our ideas unless we were given the Bakerloo cooling contract??? And I said to Boris, we would need to audit TfL books as regards all the useless AC equipment that had been installed down in the BAKERLOO since 2007. It would have to be removed. James and I were concerned that all of this expensive AC garbage would interfere with OUR FIX! However there was more to my motivation. Such an audit would have allowed me to determine how much Parsons Brinkerhoff and all the others have stolen from the British people. And the analysis of the equipment itself would allow me to determine who within TfL was being PAID OFF! I am sure Boris would have instantly grasped the implications of where I was going??? Mayor Johnson did not respond to the $ 69.95 Courier Parcel, I sent, which was signed for at London City on or about September 30 / 2013. The now Mayor Sadiq Khan could look up that file??? Maybe not, Johnson could have had the package shredded??? If Mayor Khan doesn’t act now he knows, and deaths occur down in the TUBE, and the City gets closed down, he will be as RESPONSIBLE AS THE OTHERS, AFORMENTIONED!!! It is clear to see, as of 2017, TfL still doesn’t know why the UNDERGROUND TEMP keeps rising, although the London Nazi press hardly mentions the OVERHEATING!. How come billions have been spent by TfL since 2007, on expensive Air Conditioning when Air Conditioning IS NOT THE ANSWER. AN 8 YEAR OLD WOULD UNDERSTAND OUR FIX!!! Money clouds the minds of AMERIGREED’S disciples, no matter how abusive is their treatment of the common folk, in Canada, the UK, or the EU! Although my package was signed for at London City Hall, Boris did not dare to reply!!! Like TfL in 2008, Boris in 2013, thought he could just ignore us and that we would go away. Although I was born in Toronto Canada of Londoners, I am a still a bloody stubborn Englishman. As said, My family name goes back a thousand years to Sproatley, in East Yorkshire! I made it plain as the nose on his face to Boris in 2013, that if the TUBE was NOT COOLED, riders will die and then the Underground will be forced to close! Question, is there enough money in the world to justify killing people and rupturing the innards of one of the world’s Great Cities??? I would not thinks so! But to the friends of Cameron and Johnson, the billions scammed were and are worth the risk??? How is this different than chucking Barb Black’s little people INTO THE OVENS??? I think the money stolen, would cover more than all student fees and existing student debt with some change left over. In terms of Canada, Herr Harper gave his employers, the American oil monopoly, headquartered in Houston, $ 850 million dollars for CARBON CAPTURE AND STORAGE, a technology which has yet to prove itself. Brad Wall, a man of the tiniest stature, who can’t keep his mouth, is on Houston’s payroll like Harper! Wall too handed the oil monopoly money for C.C.+ S at the Boundary Bay project, a pointless public relations exercise which has proved a useless failure. Sask. taxpayers were screwed yet again by Wall! THIS IS NOTHING NEW, AS USUAL THE NAZI MEDIA IS SILENT! This and other USA oil monopoly boondoggles in Canada, subsidized by OUR taxpayers, would be been better spent on free education for our kids, and a FULL EMPLOYMENT STRATEGY FOR ALL OF CANADA, NEVER MIND JUST ONTARIO! But every great journey starts with a single step, that single step must begin in this Province because the timing and conditions for a takeover of Queen’s Park by the lost cohort IS NOW!!! AMERIGREED abuse, impacts the 18 to 39 demographic more than any other group of citizens in this Country. They have the most to lose, if the current AMERIGREED FRIENDLY occupants of governments remain in place! The solution is staring us in the face! By the forgotten cohort, using the voting might it has at its’ disposal at this juncture!!!


But there is light at the end of the tunnel. It is hard to see but it is there all the same! THE MOST OPPRESSED GROUP IN OUR CANADA IS THE 18 TO 39 DEMOGRAPHIC! THEY ARE THE FUTURE OF THIS COUNTRY, IF THE QUEST IS FOR A PROSPEROUS, FORWARD THINKING LAND, GEARED TO DEAL WITH CLIMATE CHANGE, NOT ONLY AT HOME BUT ABROAD TOO! Having 500,000 College students out of class in Ontario, because of McGuinty Liberal cuts to education, is heinous and also telling. It tells of a journey in the opposite direction! The assault on our higher educational system by Kathleen McGuinty, is a manifestation of the affect the AMERIGREED ideology is having on Canada as a whole. That ideology points us in the direction of serfdom. Towards an ill educated Canada in which the people worship the system, remain tight lipped and dedicate themselves to serve the interests of the ruling class. Just look back to 1933 in Germany. The educational system there saw a drastic overhaul. Really the Nazi education system became an indoctrination system, one that did not allow thinking, but only permitted obedience. Of course in the present, no Government at Queen’s Park would apply Nazi methods to Ontario’s educational system! Rather, it is possible to get the same affect by under funding education, as we see happening in the USA and the UK! SNEAKY!!! A shortfall in funding lowers the quality of education, and sets administrations, faculty and students at each other’s throats, like we have in Ontario! Exactly what the McGuinty Liberals intend!!! The intended graduates are bound for bondage. The globalized world which AMERIGREED is creating requires millions of serfs. Since the aim of AMERIGREED is to annex Canada anyways, Ontario’s educational system need only produce young people who have the basics, but who are anxious, confused, mute, and who will work for crumbs! It is a return to Feudalism. This conditioning of a new class of young serfs by the Ontario Liberals, takes place at the very moment AMERIGREED is emptying the Provincial Treasury, with Kathleen’s permission!!! BUT THIS NEED NOT BE THE CASE! The oppressed 18 to 39 demographic, is now the largest block of voters in the Province, 4.2 million out of almost 10 million total! This has never been done before. That young people have the political power to craft their own future and end the domination of AMERIGREED, for ever! In a sense they could form a FORGOTTEN COHORT PARTY. THE YOUNG WOULD HAVE A MILLION MORE VOTES THAN KATHLEEN McGUINTY / LIBERALS, ONE AND A HALF MILLION MORE THAN TIM HUDAK / FASCISTS GOT AND 2 MILLION MORE THAN ANDREA HORWATH / NDP GOT IN 2014. Politicians of all stripes are not answering the questions of young people. Nor are the issues which most affect the 18 to 39 cohort being dealt with! It is as if 4.2 million junior Canadians don’t exist. And yet the success of Canada rests on their shoulder!!! It is like a King completely ignoring the heir to the throne??? The foregoing number of Ontario VOTERS is comparable to the numbers that turn up elsewhere in Canada, in our FIRST-PAST-THE-POST-SYSTEM. I had to dig deep to find the numbers to determine where the lost cohort fitted into the Electoral System. I am sure most Canadians are aware that there are a lot of young people around. But being wedded to the history of elections as they have been held, can’t foresee, this time it will be different. There is nothing in the media to draw the attention of the wider public, to the voting potential of the 18 to 39 year olds in Ontario! Those who are purposely hiding this potential are surely driven by the fear of ” WAKING THE SLEEPING GIANT “? It is obvious THAT GIANT, IF AWAKENED WILL SWEEP ALL BEFORE IT!!! Harper, Kenney, Manning, Kathleen McGuinty, Paul Godfrey, boy Brad Wall, Ezzie Le Rant and the Fascist parties [ to name a few ], across the Nation! Canada will be unrecognizable, freed from the AMERIGREED yoke! THE WORLD IS THE OYSTER OF THOSE CANADIANS UNDER 39!!! Uncast votes by our young count for zilch! Well not really??? Such a ballot that remains unexercised, is a vote for annexation by the USA!!!
I think that those in the establishment, who are aware of the under 39 majority, probably don’t believe that our young have the intelligence and know how to organize EN BLOC, and to exercise the political power they possess! I was an Ontario Progressive Conservative until the USA rightpublicanazis BODY SNATCHERS, seized my provincial Party, with the help of Frank Miller in 1985. I tried again in 1995, thinking my PCs had come to twallheir senses after 10 years out of power? But I found Mike Harris was an even a more committed Fascist than Miller. And the rightpublicanazi chapter in this Province held an even stronger grip! I bailed out permanently! I was a Federal Progressive Conservative until the corrupt Mulroney embraced Reaganonmics, I walked away. Mulroney destroyed the Fed PCs and Harper then picked up the pieces. From that time forward, I have been without a political home. In BC the rightpub BODY SNATCHERS took over the Conservative Party and then folded it in with Christy Clark’s Liberals, this to stop the NDP from winning Government! The USA rightpublicanazis will don any robes that allow it to gain power! The Ontario Liberals are Fascists like Christy Clark’s Party. In Alberta the PCs have been under the control of the American oil monopoly for 30 years. The oil monopoly switched funding to the Wildrose in order to destroy the PC, which they did! Then the monopoly was became unsatisfied with its’ Wildrose bunch and killed it off by forming the Ulcerated Conservative Party in Alberta. The Fascists just will not put a real name on what they are really up to. Hiding behind aliases, is related to the Fascist belief that Canadians are stupid??? The USA oil monopoly chose Jason Kenney [ a Harper apprentice } to lead the latest United Fascist Party, as they chose Ralph Klein, Danielle Smith, Jim Prentice [ a Harper apprentice ] and Brian Jean [ a Harper apprentice ]! Finally Albertans got tired being oilie serfs in their own Province, and voted for Preem Notley and the NDP in 2015! Houston had a meltdown, after tens of millions being spent to keep control of Alberta, their grip slipped! Now the monopoly is spending tens of millions of dollars more to drive Premier Notley from Office, with the help of all those Albertans getting an oilie paycheque. Rightpublicanazi supporters in Canada, the UK and EU, have given up their freedoms in return for an AMERIGEED paycheque! In Germany, in 1933, the people did exactly the same thing. They gave away freedom for a job, a warm house, 3 squares a day, free medical care, unemployment insurance and a pension. Those benefits lasted about 6 years. Hitler put the Country on a War footing in 1936, and when War was declared in 1939, German civilians became slaves to the military. They put all their effort into the War, got less and less to eat, and in 1945 when it ended, 150 of their largest cities were in rubble. Germany lost 3.6 million soldier and 600,000 civilians were killed out of more than 80 million. That was a hell of a price to pay for a job, a warm abode and a ration of food??? The price WE WILL PAY for surrendering to AMERIGREED, will be commensurate with that above. The oilies are using Jason Kenney and the United Fascist Party as common tools. The oil monopoly smear campaign is mostly the work of Paul Godfrey! Brad Wall’s Fascist Saskatchewan Party, is again based on the marriage of the former PC and Liberal Parties, under the auspices of the USA oil monopoly! In Manitoba the PC Fascists are owned by the oilies. The oil monopoly could care less about Brad Wall and Brian Pallister? So in an effort to suck up to Houston, Wall and Pallister keep attacking Prime Minister Trudeau. Their negative comments are immediately published in the National Post papers by Paul GODFREY. In Ontario the population is in the middle of the political spectrum, after 42 years of the real PC governance. In 1985 the USA rightpublicanazis took over my PC Party. They’ve never given it back! Mike Harris scared the shit out of Ontarians with his Fascist agenda! On the boomerang, and Ontarians voted for Dalt McGuinty, a closet Fascist. The McGuint just took up with AMERIGREED, where Harris left off! When Hudak ran against Wynne in 2014, he ran to the right of Harris! AMERIGREED has no reverse, if at first they do not succeed, then the GREEDIES keep doing the same thing over and over. Hudak like Harris scared everyone shitless. So with AMERIGREED owning the two main political parties in Ontario, the Americans thus have the luxury of knowing, which ever Party wins in this Province, the winner will toe their line??? Ontarian therefore face a bleak future on June 7 /18, of having the hard right Liberals, or the Harris / Hudak lunatic right fringe PCs, now led by Patrick Brown! Of course this is conventional wisdom, which doesn’t factor in the 18 to 39 demographic??? The USA rightpublicanazis have paid and pay big money to the PM and Premiers, who act as silent Quislings. Harper, Kenney, Prentice, Christy, Wall, Pallister and McGuinty / Wynne have fulfilled their roles admirably when viewed from the rightie point of view. HOWEVER, THE FACT THAT EVERY CANADIAN HAS AN EQUAL VOTE AND THAT THEY ARE EDUCATED VOTERS, HAS BEDEVILLED THE USA rightpublicanazis. It doesn’t compute for the USA, that our vote actually means a vote! That is why Herr Harper, along with his sidekick Skippy Poilievre were trying so hard to water down Canadian vote. The Fascist Party is not a populist Party as such. Everyone in the upper ranks is paid by AMERIGREED. The rest are a collection of volunteers, bigots, racists, exceptionalists, right wing zealots, Nazis or just plain stupids!!! These are not barb Black’s normal little people who populate this Nation! In view of the fact that the Fascists do not control enough votes Nationally, they must employ dirty tricks, phony terrorist threats and promote civil unrest [ like the Ontario College strike ]. To aid in the annexation, AMERIGREED counted / counts on Harper, Kenney, Christy, Wall, Pallister, McGuinty / Wynne to keep up attacks on Ottawa and Edmonton. This to provide Paul Godfrey and friends with smear material. Each of the above has lied, or are now lying about their right wing agendas, which they are implementing in secret by stealth. None of these rightie agendas include JOB CREATION! And the National Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Roger-MacLean’s, Canadian Press, BELL-CTV, Global and the CBC are paid to provide the FASCISTS with cover and confuse and mislead and fool Canadians. Interestingly, the biggest losers in this fictitious inside game are the 18 to 39 lost cohort. As things stand, the lost cohort can expect to be lost forever! Interestingly, as stated, our young are on the receiving end of the most abuse at the hands of the Americans, our young are being groomed to be serfs by virtue of USA imposed joblessness. Yet at the very same instant, these same young people, who are suffering economically, have the votes to seize control of this Country, both Nationally and Provincially, AND TO MAKE THIS NATION IN THEIR OWN IMAGE!!!


I WILL BE WRITING TO 45 ONTARIO COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY STUDENT UNIONS OR ASSOCIATIONS, TO SUGGEST HOW TO ORGANIZE A BLOC VOTE FOR THE JUNE 2018 PROVINCIAL ELECTION. THE TIME IS RIGHT TO TAKE OVER THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. I WILL BE SUGGESTING HOW THAT CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED, USING DEMOCRATIC MEANS [ vitally important ]!!! If there are students or graduates from Ontario institutions other than the 45 listed on the internet, and who have questions on any subject related to a FULL EMPLOYMENT STRATEGY, Parliament, the Legislature, CO / CO2, the economy, jobs, education, reindustrialization, Hydro, energy, pensions, unions, benefits, equal pay, 1st Nations, sexual harassment prevention, and the NAZI MEDIA. There are a multitude of opportunities for young people that exist but which are have been obscured by Can. Fascists, our rightie establishment as well as Paul Godfrey and his media friends [ the US rightpublicanazis plan to see that most young Canadians will never have decent work. High unemployment or underemployment here is an American right wing construct! ]??? . Please SNAIL MAIL ME at my Post Box as listed below. Please include your first name, last name initial and your city. In this way you’ll recognize your letter has been received, at the GEEMAN’S FULL EMPLOYMENT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS! In answering questions from young people in Ontario, student all over the world will be able to learn about the designs Americans have on Canada. The AMERIGREED assaults on OUR democracy and the Ontario student and graduates is of grave concern to me??? IT IS MADE IN AMERICA SERFDOM!!! I am now read in 138 countries. I will post your abbreviated QUESTIONS and give each a brief answer. CAN YOU BELIEVE, THIS BLOG WILL BE A CANADIAN FIRST , THE TRUTH ABOUT YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT AND THE MEANS BY WHICH CAN ACHIEVE FULL EMPLOYMENT!!! It might be said, ” The stories you are about to hear are all true “! Or more simply put, ” They’ll be just the facts Ma’am “! The question is, will older Canadians be able to handle the TRUTH??? So long have they been sheltered from reality! SENIORS HAVE SPENT THE LAST 20 YEARS IN FANTASYLAND!!! BOY DID THE OLDIES EVER DROP THE BALL??? THEY ALMOST LET CANADA SLIP AWAY, DUE TO THEIR ADDICTION TO THE SIREN SONGS OF AMERIGREED!!! America is a series of illusions, a misconception, a multi faceted mirage. Americans do not know who they really are? Since 1930 Hollywood has beguiled Americans, holding up a mirror which revealed a different image than what stands before it! In this regard, over the years, the most popular movies were the one’s which just reinforced how Americans saw themselves. Seldom were happenings in the real USA, given centre stage, even up till to-day! Then TV came along and continued in the same vein. The only thing that provided Americans with a glimpse of reality was the everyday news, by newspapers, then TV joined in! With the election of Ronald Reagan, two things changed, Congress in league with the President, began the dismantlement of Banking / Financial Regulations, which were legislated during the time of FDR’s New Deal. Reagan said to the Wall St. criminals, go forth and play by your own rules, while the laws of the land will apply to everybody else??? The 2008 / 2009 financial meltdown was a direct result of Reagan placing the Streeters and hedge funds above the law! The next meltdown is sorting itself out just over the horizon! The USA is broke, and can’t pay its’ bills! In 1981, when Reagan came to power, the nation’s debt was 32% of GDP! In 2016, the USA debt was 107% of GDP, [ Canada’s debt was 82% of GDP ]!!! Fortunately, Canada is 80% self sufficient, we have our own currency and Canadians own our central Bank, the Bank of Canada! When the American financial meltdown comes, it could be in the next few months, it will have little affect on this Country unless WE allow the contamination??? The second Reagan contribution to a deteriorating world on a global scale in 2017 was, his removal of the restrictions on the media TO TELL THE TRUTH!!! Ronny told the media mogul, I see nothing wrong with making money from lies, False News, intimidation, smears, and rightish propaganda. Canadian law doesn’t this. But Herr Harper ignored our laws and gave Paul Godfrey a free ticket to abuse same! Thus the Nazi media was born in the USA, a place where everyone and everything was and is fair game, a system which favours those who have money! Every lie, every news distortion, any pipe dream or fantasy, any smear, any fabrication could be constructed by the media, and those who WERE / ARE adversely affected HAD AND HAVE NO RECOURSE! As a result of Reagans handiwork, the very fantastical Americaland was created. The Americaland which is now unbuttoning before our very eyes!!! The citizenry doesn’t know WHO THEY ARE, WHO IS IN CONTROL, WHAT THEY ARE CAPABLE OF OR WHAT IS GOING ON??? Trumpf is but a bit players in this theatrical production! The nation’s context has now disappeared [ the glue that holds the nation together ] and the 340 million lost souls now represent a gigantic mobile, each suspended in space. To try and comprehend what will happen from day to day, is to begin a journey into madness. Those outside the borders of America must take stock, gird themselves for survival and demand that the information available to them from within their own borders is true!!! This means a national, Governmental sanctioned media! In Canada, because we abut what is an emerging waste land, it is so critical to know what we have, what our capabilities are, what resources we possess, where our strengths lie, what nations represent allies that will strengthen our security, and we their’s. We must also protect OUR financial structure, with a firm base being OUR Bank of Canada. This is a rarity in the world. We here own our central Bank and have our own currency! This institution must be protected from the coming global monetary crash and from AMERIGREED??? The Canadian public has little knowledge of our monetary infrastructure which is now threatened. While the 18 to 39 demographic, at this moment in time does HOLD THE WHIP HAND, THEY TOO ARE DOOMED WITHOUT A ROAD MAP! This blog will not be about preaching. Think of me as a sort of a cross between a dictionary and a political operator’s handbook! At 82, as a husband, father, businessman, Politician, community activist, bushpilot, historian and writer, I have covered a lot of ground. Increasingly I have become angered by the pushy Americans, they seem to think they own us! I wish to disabuse them of such thoughts!!! I want to see AMERIGREED expelled. The only option left for AMERIGREED will be to invade Canada. That is only a remote possibility, because the USA Armed Forces are widely spread and beyond Trumpf’s control. The National Guard can only be activated by States to suppress insurrections and repel invasions. Canadians divorcing the USA, leaving home and making their own way in the world gives no grounds for Trumpf to invade this Nation! I invite University and College students, graduates and anyone under 39, to begin thinking of their own future vis a vis the collapse of the United States of America??? One cannot serve two masters. A democracy is a society in which the people are the ultimate deciders! Canada’s present electoral system, has for 150 years, marched to the people’s drum. So in 2017, our electoral system is perfectly suited to weather the coming storm. THIS IS A GIVEN, THERE IS NO NEED FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE TO WORRY ABOUT SEIZING THE TILLER! AMERIGEED seeks TO IMPOSE AN IDEOLOGICAL SYSTEM which favours the few, and shuts out the many! Canada does not have to play that game if we chose not to! It will certainly mean that this Nation will have to close its’ borders, if the disintegration of the USA begins to adversely affect Canada??? Like with any storm, you gather up the lawn furniture, pull the boat out of the water, bring in the laundry from the line and get everyone in doors! It may be like being marooned on a desert island for a while? That is why we have to have an INVENTORY OF NEEDS with which to survive, alone if necessary. The UK and the EU are both under the AMERIGREED thumb, but not yet completely annexed. They are of little use to us at this time but could be allies in the future??? It may be that Canada’s role is to lead the way into a new Western context, in which AMERIGREED has NO PLACE!!! So the immediate task that the under 39s face is preparing OUR SURVIVAL INVENTORY! Control of Parliament, the City of Toronto, Provincial Legislatures, will go hand in hand with the knowledge required to weather the coming gale. Survival will allow us to move forward and create a true JUST SOCIETY!!! So my interest lies in providing content which expands the thoughts of OUR young people, and allows them to make every punch count! But we must concentrate on Ontario and Toronto first, they will be ideal places to test fly this new political approach, a student revolt!!! Wherein the young are at the top of the ladder, not the bottom! The under 39s can be the dominate force, who will have a full grasp of our many problems and who will have the ability to formulate various options!!! I will probably deal with the meatier QUESTIONS in greater detail in special posts. This question idea only came about because of my research into Canada’s youth unemployment. CAN IT BE, THAT I AM THE ONLY ONE INTERESTED??? Facts on joblessness were and are hard to come by. Statistics Canada became an arm of the Harper PMO!!! StatsCan regularly released bogus figures to cover Lyin Steve’s tracks. Youth unemployment figures were fudged! My first reaction was WHY ARE GOOD JOBS SO SCARCE??? I can find no good reason for the lack of jobs other than it is the official policy of Washington, Wall St., USA corporation and Harper policy!!! Every effort was / is made to drive down wages!!! When high unemployment numbers are announced, there is a shout out from the Streeters! They love to see Barb Black’s little people suffer!!! There is even talk from some Republicans about the elimination of the surplus population. Can the gas chambers be far behind in America the beautiful???


When I came out of Vaughan Road Collegiate in 1952 with a Grade Ten Diploma, there were plenty of jobs. From age 12 onward I have never been without a job. Having been a Pickering Councillor and self employed for more than 50 years, I have watched the employment situation steadily worsen since 1980 and Reagan curse. It is one thing to realize jobs are disappearing, it is another to understand why and further to know what to do about it??? In 1995, for some reason I cottoned onto events in California, in which the State Republicans gradually watered down the State ballot to the point where the WILL OF THE PEOPLE NO LONGER MEANT ANYTHING!!! Gradually, as time passed, when a State went Republican, democracy got destroyed, SURPRISINGLY THE USA CLODS NEVER CAUGHT ON??? This rightpublicanazi epidemic gradually spread across the USA, State by State! When there were 34 Republican States [ a majority ], they conspired to rig the National Vote [ conspiracy is a serious crime in the USA, and universally so? ]! But then, when are laws obeyed by the rich and powerful rightpubs in America??? Or Harper, or Cameron, or May??? THE ANSWER I HAVE ARRIVED AT ON CANADA’S JOBLESSNESS SITUATION IS THAT AMERIGREED GREED HAS PERVADED THIS COUNTRY! AMERIGREED IS MY TERM TO DESCRIBE A JELLING OF ALL THE POWERFUL FORCES IN THE USA, WHICH AFTER STRIPPING AWAY THE WEALTH OF THE COMMON AMERICAN FOLK, TURNED ITS’ EYES OUTWARD TOWARDS THE WORLD. IN THAT REGARD, IT IS CLEAR TO ME, THAT MOST AMERICAN MEN, AS THEY RELATE TO AMERICAN WOMEN, ALL WOMEN IN FACT, ARE PRECAVE MAN!!! IN OTHER WORDS THEY ARE PIGS!!! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!! CANADA, THE UK AND EUROPE HAVE FALLEN UNDER THE AMERIGREED GAZE, AND THE USA ANTI WOMEN STANCE IS BEING EXPORTED. I REJECT ANY AND ALL DEALS WITH THESE PERVERTED SAVAGES. CANADA MUST BLAZE A NEW INDEPENDENT TRAIL AMERIGREED FREE!!!


Since armed invasion was out of the question in 1990, AMERIGREED reach back 2000 years to Roman times. Sometimes Rome did invade countries, but in most cases they bought off the local rulers, who then became Roman puppets. Of course this BUYING OFF of the mover and takers, has affected many other countries, including Australia and New Zealand!!! Here in Canada it is easy to see who sold out to AMERIGREED. A whole lot of older Canadians agree that GREED IS GOOD, Brian Mulroney, Conrad Black, Paul Godfrey and Rex Murphy being four of the sellouts. I would include Herr Harper, except for the fact that he has never shown any interest in money. Lyin Steve seems to have no reason to give Canada to the Americans, other than he hates what Canada stand for!!! Mental illness runs in Harper’s family. Steve obviously has a screw loose! I think this is the reason the American oil monopoly funds Harper. He will do their bidding, no questions asked! SO GREED IS A WINNER FOR AMERIGREED, IN CANADA, THE UK, IN THE EU, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND AND OTHERS! In taking AMERIGREED money, the only personal casualty, is the loss of one’s own National soul. It is a certainty that the servants of Fascism will eventually be cast aside too! But to those on the AMERIGREED payroll now, this reality will only dawn on such traitors, when they are lined up against a wall before the firing squad. DEAD MEN NEVER SNITCH AS TO WHAT GOES ON IN THE PMO!!! In this regard, selling out one’s Country to the Americans brings no personal financial cost! Paul Godfrey is selling something which he doesn’t own. GODFREY IS SELLING WHAT WE OWN. WORSE STILL, THIS WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION!!! Unemployment is easy to explain once AMERIGREED is deciphered! AMERIGREED demands high jobless number to keep wages down world wide. And to keep worker enslaved particulariy the young! Why then would OUR PAID OLDIE SELLOUTS LIKE GODFREY, even consider easing the burden on young people. By sheltering them from life long joblessness??? IT AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN! THE PARDON FROM THE GOVERNOR ISN’T COMING, AS LONG AS THE NAZI MEDIA DOMINATES THE AIR WAVES!!! THE KEY TO FULL EMPLOYMENT IS TO GO BACK IN HISTORY TO A TIME * WHEN THERE WAS FULL EMPLOYMENT *??? Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! IN CONJUNCTION WITH SUCH A ROADMAP, THE UNDER 39s MUST CONCENTRATE , FIRSTLY IN ONTARIO. THEY MUST TAKE OVER THE PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE USING THEIR EN BLOC VOTING POWER!!! When surveyed after the 2015 Federal Election, 80% of the young people polled, said that the political parties were not answering their questions. THAT I FULLY UNDERSTAND! Political parties no longer look to tomorrow to see what obstacles to avoid. They take each day at a time. If disaster strikes, the money flows to the private sector in response, directly proportional to the political damage being done as it related to the voting power of the group affected??? 180 1st Nations reserves do not have clean drinking water, this is 2017 for GOD SAKES???. It is a problem that is easily solved, but there is no governmental will to deal with the clean water situation??? There are no political points to be scored!!! Again, why would PAID politicians, who hew the Fascist line ever tell the 18 to 39 demographic, HOW TO MARSHALL THEIR POLITICAL POWER ??? This is an appalling situation, it is turning the clock backwards? ITS’ SO AMERICAN [ the Yankee strengths can be summed up like this, cheating, lying and stealing, BE ADVISED!!! ]! The young in Canada, the UK, the EU, Australia and New Zealand have been sentenced to a life of servitude. The world Nazi media lies to them every day!!! This is what AMERIGREED pays the Nazi media to do! The lost cohort deserves much better. AND WE SHALL ATTEND TO THAT OVERSIGHT!!! THE QUESTION === Is this really the level of care and respect WE should be SHOWING to CANADA’S LEADERS OF TOMORROW??? OF COURSE NOT, AND WE SHALL RECTIFY THIS INSULT FROM GODFREY AND HIS AMERICAN FRIENDS! I will endeavour to PROVIDE TOMORROW’S LEADERS WITH A ROADMAP WHICH ENCOMPASSES THEIR EXTENSIVE DOMAIN WITHIN ONTARIO!!! I believe that an economically vibrant, successful democracy is populated with educated voters. This is the exact opposite of the USA, where STUPIDITY IS THE IN THING, IN 2017. JUST LOOK WHAT THE REPUBLICANS, WHO ARE ALL NOW RUNNING AWAY FROM THEIR CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR, HAVE WROUGHT??? AMERICA’S SECOND CIVIL WAR IS ONGOING, WITH TRUMPF AS ADDED POISON!!! So since No one else is interested, I have decided that I WILL GIVE THE ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS the 18 to 39 demographic have, here in this Province! I am convinced that this savvy lost cohort, are being denied jobs so as to enrich the USA!!! The young DO HAVE the ability to manage both Ontario and the City of Toronto and return them to economic prosperity. Such takeovers would go a long way to establishing a full employment regime in this Province. There will also be positive spillovers, which will benefit every other Province. How be we get Ontario back on its’ feet? Then we work our way East and West??? EXAMPLE === We could expropriate both the gasoline, diesel and jet fuel industry and the natural gas industry, in this Province? Then Ontario could approach Preem Rachel Notley in Alberta and place orders for refined crude oil [ not TAR ] and natural gas. Added to this deal would be an offer to build a dual pipeline from Alberta to Ontario to deliver oil and natural gas??? Along the pipeline right-of-way, Ontario would build a high tension electrical line to carry Ontario water hydro power to Fort McMurray. This clean / cheap electricity would drastically reduce the CO2 being produced by the Tar Sands. I would use water hydro electricity from the East to power centrifuges to drain the Alberta tailing ponds and power closed water systems for Tar Sand plants! Canada would more than meet its’ Paris targets and become the world leader in the fight with the American oil monopoly for the planet!!! All of the value of these resources, the processing of them and the payment for the finished products, would remain in Canada!!! Boy that would be a good start! After AMERIGREED is expelled from this Country, I would start the deportation of all American citizens, who as mere guests. They are abusing our hospitality by having far too much to say negatively about Canada! This is because they are given given too much air / page time by OUR USA owned Nazi media. A right wing American can get his laundry list on page one of the National Post just be taking it out of his pocket. Turncoats like Steve Paikin and Rosy Barton do interviews with Fascists, and let them say what they like, NEVER DEFENDING CANADA’S SOVEREIGNTY. The tiny Nazi media crowd attacks both Trudeau and Notley on a daily basis. Justin Trudeau got almost 7 million votes on October 19 / 2015. The PM beat Herr Harper by almost * one and a half million votes *, and yet our fucking Nazi media, owned by Americans has the gall to attack our duly elected Government. In the case of Alberta Preem Notley, she had 600,000 votes in 2015, almost doubling that garnered by Brian Jean and the Wildrose! In Canada after an election, if a party gains a majority, they get to govern for 4 years! END OF STORY!!! But both these elections mean nothing to AMERIGREED, which has become the Opposition in Parliament and the Aberta Legislature. The Federal Facist MPs, and the Fascist Alberta MLAs have had their tongues removed? It is interesting to look at the coverage received by Lyin Steve from our Nazi media over 9 years. And compare it to the coverage Prime Minister Trudeau is now getting??? Our Nazi media, during 2006 to 2015 printed and broadcast what Harper told them! Goebbels would be proud!!! Steve’s mistakes were covered up or spun into positives. Important information was witheld!!! And there was the constant drum of rightish popaganda! Now Paul Godfrey and his Nazi media friends twist every Government move into something nasty. If Paul runs out of negative stuff his Post drones just make stuff up! Every attack on Ottawa and the Alberta Government is an attack on Canada’s democracy, and an insult to this Country! Their treasonous comments go unchallenged because, Canadians who disagree with these shit mouths are shut out of the debate??? Tom Flanagan, is a USA draft dodger and pervert, Tom hangs out at the University of Calgary. You know, the branch plant of the University of Chicago that gave us Lyin Steve Harper! Ted Morton, another mouthy Republican draft dodger, hails from the same U of Calgary, the centre for regime change in Canada! Diane Francis, also an American draft dodger, who actually gets paid for writing books, aimed at selling annexation! Diane advocates surrender to the USA because it would be good for business? And Moses Znaimer puts this bitch centre stage??? DIANE GO HOME!!! These draft dodgers did not come to Canada because they love the place like you and I do. Like so many righties, they ran away from their responsibilites, like Mulroney, Harris, McGuinty, Prentice, Bennett and Harper. Flanagan, Morton and Francis took advantage of Canada’s hospitality, and now they have the fucking nerve to start mouthing it up about what election decisions Canadians made??? Then there is Margaret Wente from the USA, who specializes in plagiarization at the Globe and Tar. We all know it is much cheaper to steal the works of other and then sell it as your own. Something Thomson’s Globe and Tar does every day of the week, the newspaper takes money and gets free copy from AMERIGREED, to disrupt democracy in Canada! I wonder if Phil Crawley, the Globe Publisher pays the same for original writing as compared to Wente’s stolen copy??? Rudyard Griffiths is someone else who should be booted out! Every American or foreigner should be silenced NOW, especially John Ivison. John should be sent back to Scotland to spew his right wing nonsense!! Really, when you think about it, the noose would come in handy right now. I’d give the foregoing and their Yankee pals a day’s head start and then send out a posse and the dogs!!!


By the way, as a homeless Progressive Conservative in a land of many, many homeless PCs, I voted for Andrea Horwath in Ontario in 2014, and Justin Trudeau in 2015. It may be of interest, that I, as an individual Liberal campaign worker for Norm Cafik, in 1972, in the Ontario Riding, gave Pierre Trudeau, Justin’s Father, his minority Government. This was due to a lucky break and a bit of detective work! In the larger context, the present political party system precludes the possibility of formulating and announcing policies which address real problems in Canada, like youth joblessness or clean water for 1st Nations [ both easily solved ]. With time, this tendency to avoid contentious issues has gotten worse. Our Nazi media is paid to look the other way and afflict the downtrodden because they are paid by the COMFORTABLE RICH! Political parties keep their promises simple and to a minimum, this to avoid opening themselves up to attack. Dirty tricks demand retaliation, so the pressing issues are left till later if ever??? In a sense, allowing a void in the area of substantive issues, allows same to be filled up with a lot of made up stuff and fantasy by the Nazi media. While the world is all set to ignite, from the world Nazi media we get what??? Harvey Weinstein, twenty four / seven. The Nazi media game of following the bouncing-ball is important to-day, it diverts the attention of the global ignorant masses [ as Hitler called them ] from the illicit maneuverings of AMERIGREED!!! However the 18 to 39 demographic in Ontario, has the ability to totally circumvent Paul Godfrey / Globe / Star / Sun / Rogers-Maclean’s / Canadian Press / BELL-CTV / Global, CBC and all their friends. Our young people have the capacity to develop and explore substantive matters, including the matters which matter most to them??? Then the under 39s, can broadcast their findings by using social media and the net, as MOMENTUM UK did to support Jeremy Corbyn on June 7 / 17. Theresa May got 317 seats / 42.4% of the vote / 13,669,000 votes /\/\ Jeremy Corbyn got 262 seats / 40% of the vote / 12,878,000 votes or 800,000 votes shy of Government! /\/\! Almost one third of the thirty one million registered voters did not cast a ballot in the UK? At least 50% of the no-shows were young people. By not voting, they ensured their present stark status will remain in force, namely, the YOUNG FORGOTTEN COHORT, would remain forgotten. Those in the UK who did not vote guaranteed that the Cameron / May Fascists, AMERIGREED’S disciples, a Party with no popular following, and only supported by the establishment and the London Nazi press [ not the Guardian and the BBC ], will be able to cling to power for a little while longer. This, by buying the support of 10 fanatical DUP MPs, for a billion pounds of taxpayers money. May shortchanged the old and the young and the sick, to please AMERIGREED. Theresa’s explanation is that the Treasury is bare and ” THERE IS NO MONEY TREE “, BULLSHIT!!! The cupboard is only bare because AMERIGREED is permitted by the Tories to steals so much from the Brits!!! But surprise, surprise, May found the billion Pound bribe kicking around to keep her weary Party in power!!! The blame for Theresa May still being in power can be split down the middle! The NO voters were lazy and incurious! While the political parties and the Nazi press in London did their best to mislead, and uneducate the voting public. So it was half, NO SEEK And half, NO TELL! The ball got dropped because SOME DIDN’T MOVE A MUSCLE??? Lies and misinformation is standard AMERIGREED practice to undermine democracy. But such practices play right into Milenium’s hands. The UK young have the ability to EDUCATE THEMSELVES AND BY PASS THE LONDON NAZI PRESS, AND THEN ALL GO OUT AND VOTE AS A BLOCK. The solution is for the young people in the UK, is NUMBER ONE – study the problems facing the society and come up with the solutions. Something nobody else is doing!!! Then vote En Bloc, in support of Jeremy Corbyn! The UK under 39 will then own Parliament, and they can work with the Canadian under 39s to build a new world JUST SOCIETY!!! This recipe will work because, actually there are now three main political parties in the UK. {{ 1 }} The Tories, who are old and tired Fascists backed by AMERIGREED. {{ 2 }} The New Labour / Blairite MPs, who have yet to realize their train pulled out of the station in 2010 and they have been left stranded! The 3rd Party, is the one led by Jeremy Corbyn, supported by the majority of young people, which fell just 800,000 votes behind Theresa May, who had 13.7 million votes. If all the young voters in the UK go to the polls next time the Country will get a majority Corbyn Government!!! AND NEVER LOOK BACK!!!


THIS IS MY SNAIL MAIL ADDRESS — Ken Spratley * 119-660 Eglinton Ave., East * Box 339 * Tor. Ont. Can. * M4G 2K2



Four score and two years ago I came upon a City called Toronto. Traveling the byways and shady lanes has provided me with a lifetime of experiences. ONE OF MY REGRETS — Jane Jacobs, the curse which keeps on giving, abandoned New York City, coming here, SHE did not have the welfare of MY Toronto in mind. Like so many Americans, Jane viewed Canada as a mere USA province, and the small group of elites and Yankee Vietnam draft dodgers in Toronto’s ANNEX, just reinforced her cultural ideas! Jane was chased out of the USA, the LAW was after her, and SHE lost her American citizenship as a result. Surely Jane was a person of questionable character, no matter how many writers try to whitewash her? Jane was a selfish, dishonourable woman!!! She had two sons who were close to draft age for the Vietnam War, so in true PATRIOT FASHION, she fled to Canada so her boys could avoid serving, THEIR COUNTRY? They apparently now live in BC. There were many draft dodgers in Canada, among this throng are Tom Flanagan and Ted Morton, equally mouthy, both hiding out among other Americans, at the University of Calgary. A University of American OIL, for American OIL, by American OIL. The U of Calgary is actually a branch plant of the University of Chicago [ the centre of the now disintegrating rightpublicanazi world ]. Calgary U and the Manning Centre are at the core of the Regime Change in Canada movement. About which Flanagan and Morton have lots to say. They are fully in favour of having the USA annex Canada, whether we THE PEOPLE agree to it or not??? Apparently, to Ted and Tom, the importance of the fact that EVERY CANADIAN HAS A VOTE, AND * WE * AS IN * WE *, ARE THE DECIDERS, hasn’t dawned on them yet. In the USA, 34 Republican States formed an ILLEGAL CABAL, this to control of voting nationally. Conspiracy is a crime in the USA. This conspiracy has rendered America, A PRE DEMOCRACY! The majority of people in the USA, face the impossible task of finding their way back to one MAN, one WOMAN, one VOTE!!! That is a doubtful task because the Republicans control all the levers as well as all the guns! THE 40 MILLION WHITE SUPREMACISTS, ARMED WITH 300,000 MILLION GUNS WILL NEVER EVER SURRENDER CONTROL OF THE COUNTRY TO THE BLACKS, THE BROWNS AND THE MINORITY. The Repub’s aim since Nixon, was to guarantee that the white racists always run the Country , no matter what the American general population says. This Nixonian effort has failed spectacularly, just look south, as 2017 come to an end. Presently, voting takes place every two years in the USA, but in real terms it is a completely meaningless exercise, meant to FOOL the people into thinking their vote actually counts. So the spineless Flanagan and Morton ran away to Canada and deserted their own Country. However they found an American draft dodger ghetto at Calgary University, where there were and are jobs in the ANNEXATION OF CANADA PROJECT, FUNDED BY THE AMERICAN OIL MONOPOLY!!! Paycheques for members of this secret society [ the Calgary School of voodoo economics ], come from Houston. Steve Harper is also on the Houston payroll, as is Preston Manning! Jane Jacobs also found a ghetto of American draft dodgers here in the Annex, WHO AS USUAL MADE A LOT OF NOISE. Both out West and here in Toronto, where Americans gather, OUR DEMOCRACY AND LAWS ARE DISRESPECTED.! Such a disrespect for democracy by the rightpublicanazis IN THE HOMELAND, as we are now witnessing, has condemned 300 million Americans to life in perpetuity under a KLEPTOCRACY [ rule by thieves ], FROM * WHICH * THERE * IS * NO * ESCAPING * NOW!!! The Yankees have every right to fuck up their own Country, BUT NOT MINE, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! Under the circumstances, all Americans in this Country must be deported. FOR THEY POSE A SEVERE THREAT TO CANADA’S SOVEREIGNTY!!!


The Stop Spadina protest group had its beginnings in the Toronto Annex, and never numbered more than about 50. But they made enough noise for a lynch mob of 10,000. The Toronto Star loved the controversy, backed Stop Spadina, it sold papers. In the doing, doing damage to the fabric of Toronto was not on Beland Honderich’s screen. The Annex area was populated with old but substantial homes. Culturally upscale in bricks and mortar, but still affordable at that time. The Annex was home to artists, writers, academics, social climbers, budding politicians, careerists and US draft dodgers! Not one of them was connected to Barb Black’s little people, they were a breed of elites apart!! They wanted no part of the growing pains of the City. Leave us to enjoy our space, untroubled they said! Put your City services elsewhere they said! What they really said, was screw other Torontonians. Those who labour, are those who don’t count, as they do not count to-day under John Tory??? These shit disturbers in the Annex, were not visionaries, they did NOT want the advance of time to sully their GARDEN OF EDEN. However the City Council, elected by the people, for the people, did have to deal with the advance of time. They had an obligation! At that moment, in 1970, the interests of 50 self elevated people was paramount! Many of those who were so vocal, jumped on the bandwagon for personal gain. What fun, act selfishly and succeed in bringing the City to its’ knees by spreading lies and misinformation. The Toronto papers, especially the Star [ even phony controversy sells papers ] went along for the ride. John Honderich’s Star holds the record. The paper he and his Dad directed / direct was instrumental in killing the Spadina and initiating Toronto’s slide into the chaos we see to-day. NO MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN HAS EXISTED IN TORONTO SINCE 1970. The Jacobs curse has BIT DEEP !!! And Torontonians have suffered since that time! The wants and needs of the people have been ignored, AN ELITIST IDEOLOGY HAS REMAINED PAPRMOUNT!!! The Star’s hand in the killing of the Spadina was only a warm up. It was killed because most Torontonians DID NOT KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON! Papers are supposed to inform and educate, rather they mislead and print False News [ Can. Criminal Code # 181 / 2 years in jail ]. The elites [ Jane’s flock ], the media and the aspiring politicians / writers MISINFORMED THE RESIDENTS OF TORONTO! The voices of the City Council [ actually democratically elected ] and staff were silenced! They were not allowed in the Spadna debate! In doing research, I have yet to find one single article which explains the Spadina Subway / Expressway concept? A far sighted approach, knitting the cars and the streetcars together. Even in modern books and pieces on the Kill Spadina Movement the lies and censorship continues. For the press, the big money to-day, is made in misinforming the public, and turning our society into a shipload of ignorant fools! In the old days of the press, money was made from circulation and advertising money. To-day our broke Nazi media is paid directly by AMERIGREED to mislead Canadians. AMERIGREED is an evil cartel, highly organized, with our Nazi media and hundreds of its’ Canadian Collaborators [ Andrew Coyne, John Ivison, Lorne Gunter, Davis Akins and Terry Corcoran ], on its’ payroll, who light up when an E-Mail and the petro cheque arrives? If the Prime Minister’s bathroom light goes on at three in the morning, hundreds of Nazi media shills will know about it instantly! The HEADLINE THE NEXT DAY [ across the Country ] WILL READ, ” TRUDEAU IS SHIRKING HIS JOB, TAKING TIME OFF FROM WORK “. This single headline will appear in the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, Canadian Press, BELL -CTV, Global, the CBC, Letters to the Editor, various blogs, and media comment sites within 3 days, Halifax to Victoria. The paid Canadian rightpublicanazis, in truth, number no more than 15% of our population. Their votes alone are not enough to gain power. They must convince about 30% of Canadians to vote for a right wing agenda dressed up as something it isn’t. This is why our Nazi media is paid so much for such intensely stupid content, so narrowly focused. AMERIGREED has determined that it can corral 30% of the dumbest Canadians with this approach, the rest of Canada doesn’t matter. IT IS CALLED DIVIDE AND CONQUER!!! This comes from Roman times, ” Divide et impera “! How long does it take people to catch on to the ways of tyrants??? AMERIGREED owns the Canadian Nazi media in its’ entirety [ this is illegal }! So there is no media competition, other than the net and social media. AMERIGREED shows no fear of the internet and social media though! Because the GREEDIES pay Paul Godfrey, Globe, Star etc, anonymous bloggers, and Facebook users to fill the air with rightie propaganda meant to confuse and misinform intelligent Canadians, especially targeting our young people. AMERIGREED is confident that it has neutralize the net. Guaranteeing that Canadians are sentenced to a LIFE OF IGNORANCE IN PERPETUITY, until the gate of the concentration camp clangs behind them!!!!!! KEEPING CANADIANS IGNORANT IS BIG BUSINESS FOR THE NAZI MEDIA HERE. AMERIGREED has hundreds of phony rightish net sites in Canada, operated from Houston!. You can tell which are these site, because the writers do not identify themselves. And one neat thing, AMERIGREED sells this bogus net space to dumb advertisers, who think the sites are legit! LIKE Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? Again I say, it is dumb businessman who poops in his own nest??? EXAMPLE – Honderich and his Star, he helped destroy Toronto, transportationwise, and helped destroy Ontario economically, taking nukie money! What Torontonian and what Ontarian can now afford to buy Honderich’s Star??? And frequent his advertisers??? They live in a City that doesn’t move, where there is no employment for young people, the old and babies are dying from Carbon Monoxide and a place that emits more Carbon Dioxide than the Alberta Tar Sands??? And to make matters even worse the ratepayers here pay 25 cents per KWH, for KWHs which are really worth only ten cents. Toronto and Ontario were brought to the edge of ruin by the Mike Harris Fascists and the right wing McGuinty Liberals! Godfrey has at least 9 different sites on the net operating under different names but using common content. Much of their content is at least 2 years old, doctored to look current and listed as such. In a sense I sort of feel sorry for Godfrey’s advertisers, they are too stupid to know they are being taken to the cleaners. But anyone who pays money to Godfrey to help destroy this Nation, IS CERTIFIABLY STUPID ANYWAY! Who in business and in their RIGHT MIND would pay to ruin OUR economy and thus crush their own customer base. It is like walking out of your store with a sign on your back, out into the mall parking lot and pissing all over your customers??? This whole AMERIGREED apparatus is populated by fantasists, Sociopaths, people of extremely low intelligence, cheats, liars and Nazi thugs! Collectively they constitute a democracy destroying force! Ontario is a microcosm of this evil force! For the last 20 years, the Star has collected tens of millions of dollars from the McGuinty Liberals and the nukies. This to print lies, censor out nukie problems and cover bribes to Queen’s Park [ McGuinty got a free house from the nukies, I have commented on this many times, Honderich has just remained silent??? ]. John puts money before City and Province!!!
In the 1970s the nuclear industry staged a coup d’etat at Ontario Hydro! The electrical system here supposedly belongs to the people, HA, HA, HA, MORE THE FOOL THEY!!!. OUR system was run jointly by Mike Harris and the nukies till 2003. Since that time Dalton McGuinty / Liberals and the nukies have run this system, which is Queen’s Park sponsored theft. McGuinty and the Liberals have used their under-the-table-nukie-bribes to hold onto Government! That is why we have 25 cent KWs, about the highest priced electricity in the world? Even though 10 cent / clean KWs are readily available from our mothballed hydro electric plants and our two thousand potential water hydro electric sites. Ontario has more installed / potential water hydro electric sites than Manitoba and Quebec put together. But the McGuinty Liberals, the nukies and the Toronto Star have buried this good news / planet saving story! Oh yes, you oldies, without your knowledge paid for Dalt’s free house!!! Our young people will pay the $ 25 billion 2017 gift to Ont. ratepayers from Wynne, in her attempt to buy the next election!!! Even in 2017 the nukie lies continue in the Star, and they’re now on BELL-CTV! Nuclear power killed Ontario’s economy, causing hundreds of thousands of young people and others to be out of work, over the years. Marriage as an institution in Canada is losing favour and the birth rate is falling. Young people can’t afford to start families, because they don’t have secure jobs! This is just another facet of AMERIGREED’S corrupting influence. And the McGuinty Liberals meekly follow AMERIGREED’S LEAD??? The GREEDIES don’t care if the little people have ANY lives at all. When you are a serf, you don’t count!!! The Star is double-dipping really, selling Papers and pretending to be a friend to Torontonians and Ontarians. Just read the Star’s Atkinson’s Principles, pure PR!!! PURE BULLSHIT!!! Behind the curtain, Honderich is taking money to help AMERIGREED AND THE McGUINTY LIBERALS FUCK 14 MILLION POTENTIAL SERFS??? 4.2 million of them under 39!. Plainly put, the Star puts the almighty buck ahead of the interest of the people of Ontario, Honderich speaks with a forked tongue and thus far John has escaped scrutiny. These Nazi media payoffs endanger OUR democracy, when Canada’s leading Newspaper takes money to LIE AND MISINFORM rather then EDUCATE BY PRINTING THE TRUTH AND PERTINENT / TIMELY INFORMATION!! However, I am a born optimist and a stubborn Canadian Englishman! I always think there is a silver lining somewhere and refuse to give up the search! My take on all of this disheartening news is, ALL IS NOT LOST! OR SEEK AND YE WILL FIND, AND FIND I HAVE!! The 19 to 39 cohort, at this juncture, has the ability to retrieve our Provincial democracy from the Harris / McGuinty dustbin. However, the 18 to 39s better be quick about it? CARPE DIEM is the watchword!!! THE JACOBS CURSE MUST BE EXCORIATED! The Spadina 50, thought that a 4 lane Thruway / Subway cutting through the middle of their Annex was a fate worse than death. For these selfish residents, any means available was used, misleading copy, scare tactics and Jacobs’ anti car propaganda [ the Star was happy to oblige! ]. As a result, Toronto has been anti car at its core since 1970, John Tory denies this and is lying through his teeth. City Councils have been in this bubble for 40 years, and no amount of their wishful thinking and concrete barriers will drive the cars away! Especially since Council has allowed the TTC to wither. The TTC management, knowing that car drivers will be driven into their arms by Council, has never developed a friendly transit bedside manner like all successful businesses MUST DO! To make matters worse, Queen’s Park, under both Harris or McGuinty, has constantly interfered in City affairs to make money or score political point at Election times! We have HWY # 407, gone because Mike needed to cover his ass, a $ 3.5 hidden deficit. Dalt built the Union – Pearson Express to please PAN AM officials, it was poorly thought out, cost the taxpayers a Queen’s ransom for what is a white elephant and will eventually be sold to the private sector surreptitiously by the McGuinty Liberals! That deal will see a private company operate this WHITE ELEPHANT WITH THEIR PROFIT GUARANTEED BY THE TAXPAYERS [ anther bill our young people will shoulder ] IN PERPETUITY!! This will add to the Provincial debt, and ensure the 18 to 39 demographic WILL NEVER SEE ANY LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL!! Since 1946 this City had been looking at transportation, both by car and streetcar / buses! While American cities were falling to the car, Toronto swam upstream and stubbornly clung to its’ streetcars, an intelligent move by the elected representatives. Jacobs knew nothing about this forward thinking approach, and didn’t really care anyway! Jane was all about using Toronto to her own selfish advantage! General Motors, in true American cheatstyle, formed phantom corporations which bought up privately owned streetcar companies in major cities across the States. GM then trashed these lines and tore up the tracks, this to prevent the streetcars from ever coming back. If Canada ever falls to the USA, OUR Country will be dismantled in such a way, taking it back will be out of the question!!! The Yankees kill the competition and then smash any existing systems so there can be no recall! If Canada falls to this AMERIGREED ANNEXATION, AS A FREE NATION, IT WILL VANISH FROM FACE OF THE EARTH!!! GM was in the business of selling buses. Residents in many of these USA cities, could not understand why their reliable streetcar systems were being phased out in favour of smelly, unreliable, costly buses. GM was operating as usual by stealth and I am sure local USA politicians / papers were being paid off. As John Tory is to-day. Insiders milking the system from inside does not promote progress or a pleasant and prosperous life for the people? It is USA corporate GREED taking precedent over the interests of all Babs Black’s little people! Barb made it clear that, ” We the little people should know our place “? Interesting, Amiel was little people herself, grew up on the-wrong-side-of-the-tracks in the UK and was an avowed Communist. Barb clawed her way to the top, using every means possible, and in the end, like Ayn Rand saw where the money was, ON THE RIGHT!!! So both Rand and Amiel realized which side their cheques were buttered on, and bolted from the LEFT, to embraced the RIGHT and find fame and fortune!!! TO BE A RIGHTIE, YOUR BRAIN MUST BE COMPLETELY VACANT, ALL ONE NEEDS TO DO IS MEMORIZE THE RIGHT WING PLAYBOOK!!! These are the Trumpf Youth who are now flooding the net with vitriol! In terms of Jacobs coming to Toronto, she is a window on AMERIGREED’S entire history. The Yankees can not and will not compete. Since 1619 they have been slave masters and they can’t shake that habit now! They view themselves as being exceptional, they are the ones who populate Nietzsche’s chosen flock! Believing themselves the OVERMEN. The rest of us being the UNDERMEN and UNDERWOMEN? These self proclaimed USA Ayrans, don’t respect the average American citizen, never mind Canadians, Brits, Aussies and New Zealanders! There are 4 types of Americans. {1} The 50% who are Black, Brown, Asian, Muslim and others don’t count. They are expected to work hard for minimum wage, speak only when spoken to and for the convenience of the white one percent die when their bodies give way, without taxing the health care system!!! {2} There is a small group of elite USA whites who are considerate, fair minded, empathetic, have a world view but who are largely silent, timid and go about enjoying themselves in their bubble. {3} Then there is the small cadre of Sociopaths, liars, cheats, thieves, rapists and bullies who populate Congress, the White House, the Supreme Court, Wall street, banks, State Governments and the USA Nazi media. {4} That leaves a very large majority of poor whites who are just stupid, each having a ring in his / her nose. This, to allow the rightpublicanazis to lead then around by the noses! For the slave masters who spout lies, it is a way of reinforcing their superior status and hiding their intentions. And the USA Nazi media prints or broadcasts each and every lie! The rightpubs view the people who are taken in by their lies as being inferior because of their supposed gullibility??? Having someone’s trust, then breaking that trust for personal gain, is a character flaw on the part of the liar! It is a given that both Brian Mulroney and Steve Harper are deeply flawed! In our democracy, lying has become more acceptable, especially at the governmental level here. But it is still unacceptable to me! About Steve Harper, Kathleen McGuinty, Brad Wall, Brian Pallister, and Christy Clark there is a thick catalog of lies. And our Nazi media just continually copies those lies. Lying in Court falls under the serious charge of Perjury! Why then do we allow people like Mulroney and Harper to continue to lie. And to do so with impunity??? I will answer my own question. Because there is so much AMERIGREED money kicking around. Why defend Canada when you can make a buck selling out like Rex ” The Oilie ” Murphy and Jason ” Queen ” Kenney??? So many Canadian turncoats are assisting with the US annexation from their hidie holes. There are individuals who are prepared to test our tolerance for the illegal and untruthfulness. THIS WOULD ALL STOP IF A FEW ANONYMOUSES WERE JAILED!!! Nigel Wright of the $ 90,000 cheque fame, lied TO Canadians, lied FOR Steve Harper, as he did for his former boss Brian Mulroney!!! Then Wright fled to the UK to hide, the arms of the Cameron / May, both of whom are liars. But really as it stands, the CANADIAN TURNCOATS need not fret, OUR Fascist liars can always turn to Arthur Hamilton and Cassels Brock for protection!!! CASSELS PROVIDES THE BEST DEFENSE FOR TRAITORS, AMERICAN MONEY CAN BUY!!! Jason Kenney from Oakville ALREADY, is out West among a certain strain of simpleton Albertans, with $900,000 from American oil monopoly in HIS pocket. The oilies want Premier Rachel Notley’s head on a platter too. The American oil monopoly has owned that Province forty years, it was the first USA foray in the plan to annex Canada! Then Albertans vote the NDP into Office. Houston will have none of it! Albertans, using their ballots to install a NDP Government, a Government the oilies can’t control, HOLY CATFISH THIS MEANS WAR!!! However, the monopoly doesn’t trust any normal simpleton Albertan to command their rightie lunatic Party. The oilies are bankrolling, Jason Kenny, a Catholic zealot, who is a natural Fascist. Kenney has yet to understand the separation of Church and State. Interestingly, our Nazi media only covers politics in Alberta and Ottawa. Which are targets designated by AMERIGREED!!! If you remember the Catholic Church got into bed with both Hitler and Mussolini. The Vatican is in sympathy with Fascism since 1922. It is important to the GREEDIES, that the American oil monopoly regain control of Alberta. It is a key piece of real estate in the quest to annex Canada!!! The Yanks in this year of 2017 lack the ability to compete in business, they lost that ability many years ago! The Americans have relied on cheating and bullying for so long that it has become second nature. Rather, they maneuver in secret to kill any competition around the globe, by fair means or foul. Mulroney’s NAFTA is a good example!!! NAFTA was a complete surrender of Canadian sovereignty, by a Prime Minister who was even taking bribes while in Office, just like Bush Jr.! In a true democracy this should not happen. Politicians should not be able to sell out their Country for self enrichment??? THIS IS BANANA REPUBLIC STUFF! But there is a pattern here! The removal of the streetcars from American cities was done in secret. General Motors merely had to buy off the politicians and the press. It happened here in Ontario, when the cheaters and liars of a bankrupt GM got money from McGuinty! It would be interesting to know how big a bribe Dalton and the Liberals got??? THE QUESTION IS WHY??? The citizens in this Province remained ignorant, thanks to our Nazi press, Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich were / are paid to HAVE US look the other way!!! An ignorant, anxious, confused, hungry, broke, cold voter is one who can be manipulated by the USA slave masters. This is the same as what the Cameron / May Fascists are up to right now in the UK, Theresa is trying so hard to impress AMERIGREED??? HUH??? There are more than one and a half million people in England living from one paycheque to the next. All the while Transport for London pays private firms, hundreds of millions of Pounds to install Air Conditioning in the UNDERGROUND which doesn’t work!!! These payment are recycled back to the Tories! Yet those at the bottom go without??? When I worked for Steve Harper in 2006 / 2007 [ The reason, I thought I would test drive the Harper Fascists, to find out just who this guy really was??? ]. In the end I bailed, Herr Harper was much worse than I could have imagined. We had discussions at our Riding meetings in Belleville, about manipulating voters and intimidating opponents / the students at Loyalist College. We could have just as easily been reviewing a list of THOSE WHO WERE TO BE PICKED UP IN THE NIGHT, BY THE ROYAL CANADIAN HARPER POLICE??? NONE OF WHAT WE AS CPC OFFICIALS WERE DOING IS ANY DIFFERENT THAN 1933 / 1945??? I WAS AMAZED THAT MY FELLOW DIRECTORS, WHO WERE REFORMERS, DIDN’T PROTEST THE PLAN TO INDOCTRINATE THE STUDENTS OF LOYALIST COLLEGE BEHIND THE BACKS OF THEIR TEACHERS??? HITLER SET IN MOTION A STUPIDIFICATION PROGRAM AIMED AT THE GERMAN PEOPLE, GOEBBELS WAS GIVEN THE JOB! IN THE BEGINNING THE NAZIS INTIMIDATED THEIR OPPONENTS, THEN THEY STARTED BEATING UP THOSE WHO RAISED THEIR VOICES! EVENTUALLY ANYONE WHO PROTESTED OR WHO HITLER DIDN’T LIKE WENT TO THE OVENS OR ENDED UP ON A MEAT HOOK! AMERIGREED WILL BE NO DIFFERENT IF CANADA FALLS!!! HARPER WAS JUST A STOOGE AND PART OF THE ADVANCED GUARD OF AMERICAN NAZIS! LYIN STEVE IS NOW HIDING IN HOUSTON, SITTING ON A PILE OF CASH, AWAITING HIS RETURN TO OTTAWA IN 2019? The rightpubs are past masters of manipulation!!! Harper teamed up with Repubs and our Godfrey Nazi media to institute a Canadians Stupidification Program, which is still ongoing! As part of this Program, Lyin Steve killed the census. And to leave no stone unturned, there is the continuing Harper Project, aimed at wiping away Canada’s history. LYIN STEVE’S NEW CANADIAN HISTORY WILL BE TAUGHT IN OUR SCHOOLS IF HE BECOMES DICTATOR IN 2019???. The rightpubs and Preston Manning like to get’em young! Steve’s friend Paul Godfrey, teamed up with the Dorchester Review [ another American front organization ] to rewrite the History of Canada. This project is being partially funded by the Donner Foundation, a USA right wing charity, which puts money into rightish causes like the subjugation of Canada. There are a number of rightie think tanks / universities in this Country forming a spider’s web of entities which have as their aim, regime change in this Nation [ the Fraser Institute, Macdonald Laurier Institute, Canadian Taxpayers Federation, Canadian Federation of Small Business, the Dorchester Review, the Manning Centre, the Universities of Calgary and Carleton in Ottawa ]! It is interesting, that whenever one of these American paid propaganda outlets issues any kind of report or even an office memo [ these, are what I call Goebbel’s notes, which appear daily and sometimes in multiple form ], the Canadian Nazi media gives them unscrutinized blanket coverage. On the GREEDIE’S pay list are the National Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Rogers-Maclean’s, Canadian Press, BELL-CTV, Global and the CBC which give prominence to the far RIGHT, rightish copy! Undue attention is paid to every AMERIGREED wish and utterance for which Godfrey, Thomson, Honderich and BELL-CTV get extremely well paid! This for a reason. As Harper found out, Elections Canada and other Government agencies could be harassed, bloodied and bent. The reason was to make them gun shy and less inclined to buck the Fascists??? Arthur Hamilton played every dirty game he could for Harper, in undermining Elections Canada!!! But in the end, after many assaults by Harper / Poilivere / Hamilton / CASSELS BROCK, our universal vote still stands, miraculously, still unmolested??? FOR NOW THAT IS!!! As long as that vote stands we have the ability to DEFEAT ANNEXATION AND FORGE A NEW FULL EMPLOYMENT FUTURE! And carve out the Canada the majority desires! Doubly fortunate at this time, the most powerful force politically in 2017 is the 18 to 39 cohort! Although they have yet to FULLY AWAKEN TO THEIR REALITY??? Our Elections Canada [ which we must protect at all cost ], is a type of independent election referee the Yankees have NEVER HAD. This failing of the USA Founding Fathers, one of two failings that has now REND THEM ASUNDER!!! The other failing is the failure to come to grips with slavery!! Our Elections Canada was set up to officiate over fair Elections in this Country and to draw riding boundaries. However it was NEVER designed to fight off political attacks from foreigners imported by a CANADA HATING PRIME MINISTER HARPER??? AND SOME IN THE LEGAL PROFESSION WHO ARE HAPPY TO SELL US OUT! Lyin Steve made use of USA rightpublicanazis operatives, spin doctors like Frankie Luntz / Australian rightie, Lynton Crosby, and loads of under the table, illegal AMERIGREED MONEY. Harper also imported Republican State voter suppression tactics, USA Robo Calls [ in 2011 Canadians were called from USA CALL CENTRES ], and many other dirty trick. All Harper’s efforts were CALCULATED TO ROB CANADIANS OF THEIR DEMOCRACY!!! With a big assist from our young people, who supported Justin Trudeau in 2015, Canada survived THIS ATTEMPTED RAPE! But for the Ontario Election in June 2018, the Toronto election in October 2018, and the Federal Election in 2019, to be fully successful in preserving our sovereignty, the political clout of the 18 to 39 demographic MUST BECOME FOCUSED COMPLETELY ON * BLOCK VOTING * ON SPECIFIC ISSUES *!! It must be remembered, to eliminate OUR VOTE FOR GOOD, AMERIGREED needs to install one majority Fascist government in Parliament, to vote for electoral reform, which would nullify our ballots! After which the Yankees would assume control and they would do as they liked. Hitler came to power using this same system! If that happens, then ALL BETS are off for ALL CANADIANS, gas chambers here we come??? If THAT NAZI TRUMPF can threaten nuclear war, WHO could oppose him if he started building concentration camps with gas chambers? WHO??? We now know that Harper stole the 2011 Fed. Election, and began to systematically weaken our ballot, Skippy Poilievre was the point man!!! This by disqualifying voters Harper didn’t like!! But Paul Godfrey and the Nazi media also played by hiding Skippy’s real intentions! Fortunately Canadians put the blocks to this ballot fiddling during the Election of 2015. Even in defeat, SKIPPY POILIEVRE won’t keep his mouth shut. This because the Nat. Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, Can. Press, BELL-CTV, Global and the CBC, have a centre stage place reserved for Poilievre, at any time of his choosing? Or if Harper wants Skippy to say something to smear Trudeau!!! Megantic was destroyed by a fire caused when a CPR train carrying an illegal cargo of Alberta tar and Benzine blew up [ Benzine is used in Hi Octane aviation fuel, special double walled tank cars are required to hall it! ]. 77 old rusty tank cars, on a clapped out rail line that had been condemned, exploded. 47 people were fried, leaving 22 orphans. The story was huge, but lightly covered by the Nazi media, then they were paid to bury the story for good, this at Herr Harper’s behest!!! The CPR train was placarded as carrying OIL, which was 30% HI OCTANE GASOLINE! Transport Canada looked the other way! The Transportation Safety Board Inspectors, fearing for their jobs whitewashed Harper, the American oil monopoly and the CPR. If only one Safety Inspector had had the balls to tell the truth, that’s what they were paid to do. But no, take your paycheque, obey Harper and then slink away??? There was no inquest, because Harper paid Pauline Marois, the PQ leader off, to make no waves??? Pauline used the proceeds to buy a Candy Apple Red Ferrari. How much was the Marois bribe??? We’d be ablw to work out how much Harper thought 47 lives were worth, plus 22 orphans ??? Herr Harper, then proceeded to have the trainmen charged. The criminals in this tale, the oil monopoly [ Harper’s employer ], and the CPR was allowed to walk away untouched. WHAT A STORY??? But OUR Nazi media gets paid NOT to cover this kind of news which reflects badly on the oilies and Fascists! November 16 / 17, a TransNotCanada pipe let go in South Dakota, and spilled 5000 forty five gallon drum of 70% tar mixed with 30% Benzine. Russ Girling, said move on people, nothing to see here. You remember Russ from a few weeks ago, when he cancelled ENERGY EAST with no explanation. This allowed OUR Nazi media to blame PM Trudeau and Quebec. The real reason ENERGY EAST was cancelled, the USA oil monopoly is buy ISIS oil that is being stolen from Iraq and fenced through Turkey??? So the oil monopoly doesn’t need any more Alberta tar. Therefore ENERGY EAST is no longer needed. Lyin Russ Girling made points giving our Nazi media ammunition with which to attack Trudeau and Quebec. The ruckas our Nazi media kicked up was tremendous, * Global said, a threat to Confederation! * CTV said, a win for Trumpf! * Globe and Tar said, sparking new regional tensions! * Star said, Western Premiers deeply disapointed! * CBC said, Brad Wall angry Ottawa cancelled Energy East! * Finacial Post said, disastrous Liberal policy kills Energy East! * National Post, Huffington Post, BNN, CPAC, Can., BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, all singing from the same AMERIGREED song book?????? HELLO RIGHTIE GUYS AND GALS. DID YOU NOT GET THE MEMO??? THAT THE REFINERIES OF THE USA OIL MONOPOLY ARE FULL OF STOLEN ISIS OIL, WHICH IS DIRT CHEAP, AND CHEAPER AND EASIER TO REFINE THAN TAR!!!! Lyin Russ Girling knows it, the Western Premiers know it, the Harper Fascists know it, the our Nazi media knows it, then why can’t Canadians be told, that the gasoline, diesel and jet fuel being imported into this Country [ we don’t refine stuff anymore? ], is made from stolen ISIS oil?????? And further, as Canadians drive around or fly, they are buying ISIS bullets and rockets and funding terrorism. A HUGE STORY THAT WILL NEVER MAKE IT INTO THE 90 NATIONAL POST PAPERS OR ON BELL-CTV??? Rather we get real important stuff 24 / 7, like Pierre Poilievre flapping his gums and PM Trudeau NOT attending a meeting of the failed TPP Treaty participants. Oh yes the South Dakota Alberta Tar spill. The black shiny shit spill, THAT THE MEDIA CALLS OIL, and that blows up occurred near Amherst S.D. The spill created a tarie lake about 2000 ft across. The 30% Benzine evaporated and a toxic cloud of same was detected down wind, mile away. If concentrated Benzine fumes are breathed, they destroy the lungs of humans or animals. Anyone so afflicted will die a quick and ugly death. BY DESCRIBING IT AS AN OIL SPILL LYIN RUSS GIRLING GETS TO AVOID DEALING WITH ALL THE BAD STUFF THAT AFFECTS THE LITTLE PEOPLE!!! It was the Benzine that blew up in Megantic, but Transport Canada, the Safety Board and the Harper / Marois Governments never admitted Benzine was involved! Benzine must be treated like gasoline, which is seldom put in pipelines and only in new type double walled tank cars. So any Canadian living near an oil pipeline or a rail line, will have Alberta Tar mixed with Benzine whizzing past their door illegally!!! If there is a tar spill, the authorities will say it is oil. When the Benzine become vapour it can kill in the long term. If there is a spark, like at Megantic the Benzine will blow up, 47 people were turned into crispy critters!!! If such an Benzine explosion took place at Bathurst St. and Finch Ave., firstly the public would be told it was an oil spill, many would be affected by the unknown fumes. That would be a death penalty for thousands. When that explosion and inferno erupted, Toronto Fire Services would be UNABLE to deal with it!!! Like the firefighters attending the Grenfell Tower fire in London UK, didn’t know that they were dealing with foam siding made like Napalm??? Toronto Fire would be told it was OIL!!! I have estimated that if the Benzine cloud exploded, it would wipe out at least 2 square miles of the City and kill and maim at least 10,000 people. The Americans responsible would declare bankruptcy and flee across the border, never to be seen again. This inferno would break Toronto financially??? AND THEN THE QUESTIONS WOULD FLOOD IN, HOW, WHY COULD THIS HAPPEN????? Because Our Nazi media is paid NOT to tell the public what the hell is going on!!! I checked on the net about the South Dakota tar / Benzine spill. Now we know who constitutes our Nazi media, National Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Rogers-Maclean’s, Canadian Press, BELL-CTV, Global and the CBC. Do you know how many of them covered the South Dakota tar and Benzine spill??? NOT ONE OF THEM!!! ZERO!!! The know which side their AMERIGREED cheque is buttered on!!!


Our Nazi media is joined in the efforts to deceive Canadians by AMERIGREED’s right wing think tanks, as well as OUR universities which the Americans have already purchased! The Preston Manning Centre, Fraser / C. D. Howe / Macdonald Laurier / Montreal / Atlantic Institutes, the Universities of Calgary and Carleton in Ottawa, Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation, Canadian Federation of Small Business, the Dorchester Review, Historica Canada, are all in the business of messing with Canadian minds. They lie, mislead, spin, produce False news, and practice censorship! They are modeled directly after Goebbel’s Ministry of Propaganda and Enlightenment. Create a facade and don’t reveal the real intent of the mission. Some of the above fronts claim to be charities. Apparently Revenue Canada believes every one of them??? This is another thing that shortchanges the 18 to 39 demographic, the foregoing oppose any and every measure which could aid our young people. Revenue Canada turns a blind eye to these political action groups which operate right in the open, as well as the Island Tax Havens! But Rev. Can. can probably be excused because they were chasing the real criminals, like David Suzuki and my Spratley family??? During the Harper years, 3 of us in this family were under the Revenue Canada gun at the same time. Revenue Canada was used as a tool by Herr Harper to silence his enemies. Those at Revenue Canada, StatsCan, Competition Board, Transport Canada, Safety Board and Canada Post, who allowed these agencies to be used by Harper to aid in the annexation of this Nation and the intimidation of citizens, should be hunted down and sacked [ without pensions or benefits ]!!! In the UK, AMERIGREED tried to set up think tanks and rightie fronts, like those here in Canada. Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs was having none of it. There are very few USA think tanks in England, because they can’t operate on the backs of British taxpayers. Apparently AMERIGREED found it cheaper to just buy up all the London press [ not the Guardian ]. The Annexation Directorate here, financed mostly by Canadian taxpayers, must convince our population that black is white, and freedom means freedom, NOT SLAVERY!!! Like the Nazis did, the Harperites assume Canadians to be stupid, when really, many in our population are simply asleep to politics. These Canucks think our democracy is on autopilot that no effort is required to maintain us here in paradise! NOT!!! 2011 saw our paradise hanging by a thread??? Our lazy have never realized how close the call was??? Canada’s Nazi media lacks one thing that Hitler’s press had, the ability to engage in physical violence to make their point and bring opponents to heel or hang! Interestingly, the USA has now moved beyond democracy and gone back in time, violence has already broken out all over America! A Guardian reporter was beat up by a Republican Representative and got a $ 300 fine, NOT FINE??? The Manning Centre, Universities of Calgary / Carleton, the Fraser Institute and the Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation, and all the other rightie fronts, DON’T HAVE A VOTE. Their tiny staffs do if they are citizens and few are! All they can do is make A HUGE NOISE to confuse / frighten people, misinform mislead them and attempt set one group against another as per the AMERIGREED script! As in the strike of college profs in Ontario! In this Province, the McGuinty Liberals have given the STORE away to the Americans. The McGuintyites have cut funding to education as per the GREEDIES’ instructions. And now the colleges, profs and students are having at one another, when it is Kathleen McGuinty who is guilty [ the classic divide and conquer ]. Paul Godfrey and his Nazi media pals says nothing!!! AMERIGREED doesn’t have a ballot either, it is limited to hiring Canadian Sociopathic thugs like Harper and Kenney! The bulk of our Fascist leadership is located in Calgary [ pop. 1.2 million ] from where most of the Canadian news, False News and made up news, emminates from! The Toronto GTA has 6 million, the City is hardly mentioned by our Nazi media, mostly knocks when it happens! Many in Calgary are Americans, who also can’t vote. All they do is interfere with our electoral process and try to reduce the number of voters who oppose American oil monopoly RULE!!! Their aim, steal a few vote here and steal a few votes there! So this tiny group of Fascists, with Yankee sentiments and American backing are working to win another Fascist majority in Parliament in 2019. This to be able to push USA annexation to completion. Our Nazi media is fully engaged. In 2019, the Fascists will again test the limits of Elections Canada, with a whole assortment rightpublicanazi dirty tricks. Harper is already in this planning stage, with his $ 25 million petro hoard! The Harper Fascists can bolster their numbers by sending voters to the wrong polls. They will try to disrupt institutional and educational sites. They’ll confuse and intimidating voter from USA Call Centres. They try to disqualify voters by protesting. Then there will be the ROBO calls. Harper has a list of all Canadians and their voting preferences. Only NON CPC [ Fascist ] will be targeted in swing ridings. Only Harper knows what tricks will be used in 2019 to disrupt Elections Canada??? I was a CPC insider for a short period, these were the kinds of things discussed. Canadians are seen by the American Big Bad Wolf, as LITTLE RED RIDNG HOOD skipping through the woods untroubled! The Nazi media has been paid not to tip LITTLE RED off that an unpleasant fate awaits at the Wolf’s hand! Paul Godfrey and his Nazi freinds are getting paid to withhold information about the USA ambush that awaits Canada in 2019???


It is a given that those on the American right and Canadian Fascists never say what they are really up to. Herr Harper has never said he hates Canada and is doing everything he can to hand this Nation over to the Americans??? The 2015 Fed. Election had no affect on Lyin Steve, because he doesn’t believe in democracy. Jason Kenney is running on the Catholic anti abortion ticket but this QUEEN, won’t come clean??? Preston Manning has been taking petro dollars for years to train the Harper Youth!!! Who will take charge when USA annexation is accomplished! Of course, every time Manning appears on the CBC, he talks about democracy, a political system, which he is being paid to destroy!! Even going back to Thomas Jefferson, President of the USA [ 1801 to 1809 ], the righties spoke out of both sides of their mouths. He was a slave owner, who had TWO FAMILIES, ONE WHITE and ONE BLACK. Jefferson is famous for the, ” ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL ” nonsense in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson married a 23 year old widow, Martha Wayles Skelton in 1772. The couple inherited HER father’s estate after he died in 1773. That estate came with 135 slaves on 11,000 acres. The father, John Wayles was fucking his slaves, one of John’s Black children was Sally Wayles Hemings, a half sister to Martha. Sally was brought into the Jefferson household as a servant and remained there for all her life! Jefferson’s wife Martha had 6 children of whom only 2 survived childhood. During Martha’s pregnancies and difficulties, Jefferson was piecing Sally on the side and impregnated her six times!!! So our Ammerican hero, owner of 135 slaves, was fucking his white wife, and fucking HER Black half SISTER. Sally who was not free, was considered a 60% person by Jefferson. In 1770, the Northern whites outnumbered the Southern whites. But the South had a larger population, because of the slaves. The Southern politicians wanted the slaves to count in numbers, but did not want to give them the vote. So Jefferson and his pals agreed to consider giving a slave a 60% rating in terms of State population numbers. Now Jefferson if you remember is the, ” All men are created equal GUY “!!! So you can see that right from the birth of the USA in 1776, the leadership of the Country could say one thing and means something entirely different. In 2017 this remains exactly the same case with Trumpf! To American historians, the fact that Jefferson was screwing his wife’s Black half sister, who was still a slave, is of little concern! When you consider the sexual exploits of Judge Roy Moore, from Alabama, a Trumpf friend, who used to hustle high school girls at the local malls, the attitude of the American male has not moved very far in 240 years? Nor has the attitude of the USA Nazi media??? Hold up a standard, brag a lot, then ignore it living your life??? I can see the day when Trumpf will be throwing Mexicans and Muslims off the Statue of Liberty, into the East River??? Of interest to me, during his Presidency, Jefferson expressed much displeasure that Canada had thus far escaped AMERICA’S GRASP. SO THE YANKEES HAVE BEEN COVETING OUR ASSES FOR MORE THAN 200 YEARS AND THAT EFFORT, AIDED BY HARPER AND KENNEY, CONTINUES TO THIS DAY!!! I think the 2018 New Year’s Resolution Canadians should make is to have a little to do with Americans as possible. There should be no trade with the Yankees, PERIOD!!!
And Americans would only be allowed up here on a Green Certificate! We must realize the USA economy is teetering on the edge of the abyss. Global Warming is destroying the Southern states, although the words ” Global Warming “, are not allowed to be spoken / written in Official America??? Much of the South is going, ” Dust Bowl again “. There is a water shortage and the USA no longer produces enough food to feed itself! Congress is out of money as is FEMA! American roads, bridges, ports and infrastructure are past their best-before-date? The life expectancy in the USA is 3 1/2 years lower than Canada. 40 million American slaves are without medical coverage. The police in the States have been turned into mini militias to keep the minorities fenced in, and protect the whites! THIS IS THE LIFE, Herr Harper, Jason Kenney, Preston Manning, Ezzie Le Rant, Elizabeth Cannon, Pres, Calgary Un., Alastair Summerlee, Pres. Carleton UN., Rex Murphy, Rosy Barton, Robyn Urback, Andrew Coyne, John Ivison, the National Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Rogers-Maclean’s, Canadian Press, BELL-CTV, Global, and the CBC, ARE TRYING TO SELL TO CANADIANS!!! AMERICA HAS GONE PEOPLE! WHEN DOES THAT SINK IN??? THE USA HAS BECOME A KLEPTOCRACY [ rule by thieves ]!!! FOR THESE FEW HUNDRED HERE, SOME LISTED ABOVE, THEIR RAISON D’ETRE HAS VANISHED!!! THEY ARE ALL, TO A MAN / WOMAN STUNNINGLY STUPID!!! AN ERA ENDS WHEN THE LAST FALSE ILLUSIONS FALL AWAY!!! THEY’VE ALREADY FALLEN! THIS HAS HAPPENED STATESIDE, YET SO MANY PEOPLE, MOST IT WOULD SEEM, CANNOT SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT BEFORE THEIR VERY EYES?????? CANADIANS CAN EITHER ALLOW THEMSELVES TO BE DRAWN IN THE THIS ABOMINABLE WHIRLPOOL OR THEY CAN BREAK FREE AND CHART A NEW COURSE. AND IN THIS REGARD, THOSE LISTED ABOVE, WHO ARE ON THE AMERICAN TAKE, ARE BUT A TINY MINORITY! THE OLDER CANADIAN CADRE IS NOW ALSO IMPOTENT! IT IS THE 18 TO 30 FORGOTTEN COHORT WHO REALLY HOLD SWAY!!! AS THEY SAY, THE YOUNG ONES NOW HAVE THE HORSES AND THE RESOURCES!!! I WOULD BET THAT THE UNDER 39s WILL NOT AGREE TO THROW THEMSELVES TO THE WOLVES, WHEN A BRIGHT, PROSPEROUS FUTURE IS SO NEAR AND WELL WITHIN THEIR GRASP??????


THE DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS, FOR WHICH CHARLES THE FIRST OF ENGLAND LOST HIS HEAD IN 1649, HAS PASSED INTO HISTORY??? And yet the USA Republicans still believe they have the right to chose among American citizens, AS TO who GETS to vote and who DOESN’T??? So from the very beginning, AMERICA was DEEPLY FLAWED AND STILL IS!!! The States developed an economic system based on free black labour, people who had no voice. This is the reason why AMERIGREED ATTACKS TRADE UNIONS. AND IT DISADVANTAGES THE YOUNG IN THE GENERAL POPULATION. Unions, have by law the right to bargain collectively the conditions of their employment. But to AMERIGREED THIS DOESN’T FIT THE MASTER – SLAVE MODEL? A HIGHLY EDUCATED UNDERCLASS, DOES LIKEWISE NOT FIT THE MASTER – MODEL!!! The effort by the USA rightpublicanazis to abolish unions is to create a skilled slave class, that does what it is told, works for peanuts and which quietly dies off with as little fuss and muss as possible! The young people in the underclass, can provide the Yankees with a disposable type of slave! People who can be made to do anything, wherein survival is not a factor! These are now beginning of such a system HERE, copies from south of the border, where conditions for workers and young people continue to deteriorate rapidly. There is nothing on the Horizon which indicates that this deterioration can be arrested. In Canada, AMERIGREED is laying the foundation for a comparable slave class, much assisted by all those I have named, as well as OUR Nazi media! Canada’s unions are under attack! Canada’s Medicare is under attack! Our educational system is under attack as in the College strike in Ontario! Our financial system is being monkeyed with! Canada has been deindustrialized by the Americans with Ottawa’s permission! Our resources are being stolen under the so called FREE MARKET! And AMERIGREED has seen to it the that the job market here is rigged! Older Canadians can find work, so a 6.2% unemployment rate is maintained to ensure the oldies will remain docile and do not rise up!!! For the 18 to 39 demographic, the jobless rate hovers around 15% [ latest figure ], with 20% of the under 39s having given up even looking for work entirely. In Toronto, in the Wards that voted for John Tory, the unemployment rate was 6.5%. In the North West and the North East of the City, the unemployment rate is about 14%, these people did not vote for Tory, John has nothing to offer them but tears, seat, blood and an early death!!! Of course the entire Nazi media, rightie think tanks, business elites and the usual talking heads make light of youth unemployment? This is because AMERIGREED pays them to NOT SEE YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT!!! The only person I have seen talking about youth unemployment is a very important person, Prime Minister Trudeau! As we might expect, the Nazi media pounced on Trudeau in this regard? Too much, too little, wrong policy, it will go away on its’ own, scoring political points, etc, etc. I think Amerigreed sent all in the Nazis media a long list on this particular smear. Attack Trudeau on any of these fronts, but don’t give the under 39s any comfort or help. Even the Ottawa civil service and StatsCan are fudging the youth jobless numbers??? This is a sweet spot for AMERIGREED! The ranks of the young must face phony / fabricated high unemployment or underemployment. This means that Canadian / USA corporations here can force the young to take any available jobs, at starvation wages!!! To Canadian right wing politicians [ Harper, Kenney, McGuinty / Wynne, Brown, Wall, Pallister, Clark, abusing our young people is OKAY, because they are supposedly without a voice and seemingly have no political clout. Indeed, Canadians under 39 might not have a voice at this very moment? But in terms of political in 2017, they already have the majority. The exercising of this new power awaits the next Ont. Election in June 2018!!! It pleases AMERIGREED to have such a malleable work force here! The Canadian right has done its’ job well! But it is a job with no shelf life. Time and tide wait for no right wingers. The solution to this problem I have already stated. If the 18 to 39s, with 4.2 million votes out of about 10 mllion votes in Ontario, voted EN BLOC, they would sweep ALL of AMERIGREEDS disciples out of Queen’s Park. AND ON THAT DAY THE NEW CANADA BEGINS, BECAUSE ONTARIO REPRESENTS ALMOST 40% OF CANADA’S POPULATION. ONTARIO AND QUEBEC HAVE ALWAYS WORKED WELL TOGETHER, IN CONCERT THEY HAVE TWO THIRDS OF CANADA’S PEOPLE!!! In Ontario, 500,000 students are out of classes and Queen’s Park is paralyzed politically. Dalton and kathleen have toed the AMERIGREED line. The Province’s economy has crumbled as a result and the Government’s money troubles mount. There is nothing in the AMERIGREED bag of trick which will restore Ontario’s fiscal health? So all the McGuinty Liberals can do is ride this bomb down until it goes smack! There are many things that can be done to restore Ontario’s economy, but they are verboten, the right wing play book says so. So if we here continue to adhere to right wing ideology the Province is doomed! If we use the brains God gave us, those sunny upland slope is an achievable goal!!! It is not strange, that where ever the USA righpublicanazi disciples lurk, their austerity measures backfire and bring heartache to Barb Black’s little people!!! Austerity was implemented by Steve Harper, David Cameron / George Osbourne / Theresa May, Christy Clark, Jim Prentice, Brad Wall, Brian Pallister, Brussels, and Dalton McGuinty / Kathleen McGuinty!!! In every case AMERIGREED did extremely WELL, and the working class poor did extremely poorly! THERE IS A MESSAGE HERE??? TRY SOMETHING NEW!!! Apparently Albert Einstein said, ” The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result “! Well the Reaganites have been doing and saying the same things for 35 years, without ever scoring a success! One only has to look south or the border to see such an outcome, ” INSANITY “!!! Those in the know say it will be a long strike. AMERIGREED funds both Wynne and Brown, they will do nothing, they can’t do anything, AMERIGREED WON’T LET THEM! The students are wasting their time protesting in the streets. June 7 / 2018 is the Ontario Provincial Election. All of the 18 to 39 cohort should organize a recreation of the storming of the Bastille, only this time it should be Queen’s Park!!! And the young people will be able to take their places with dignity and the authority by virute of the ballot. And AMERIGREED will be powerless!!!


THERE IS ANOTHER POSSIBILITY? HERR TRUMPF COULD JUST BECOME IMPATIENT, NOT WANTING TO WAIT TILL 2019, AND INVADE CANADA USING THE AMERICAN ARMY! HOWEVER, MY TAKE IS THAT TRUMPF HAS HIS HANDS FULL WITH KIM JONG-UN. To further their right wing agenda, and continue to mess with the minds of Canadians, AMERIGREED has unleashed an intense Nazi media storm involving all those on its’ payroll. Godfrey’s National Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, the Canadian Press, BELL-CTV, Global and the CBC. Presently it is a smear campaign against the Notley and Trudeau. It is exactly like the smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn, LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION IN THE UK, by the paid London Nazi press. In Canada our Nazi media is attacking new taxes on the rich and tax cheats, or distorting our softwood lumber deal, or misrepresenting the Boeing assault on Bombardier, or telling lies about the Khadr settlement, or ignoring the fact that Russ Girling cancelled Energy East because the American oil monopoly is buying ISIS stolen oil and doesn’t need any Alberta / Saskatchewan tar any more!!! NOTHING BUT LIES!!! Yet many Canadians still persist and buy rightstream newspapers, magazines and watch FASCIST TV. It is quite some propaganda operation, this AMERIGREED system, many cheques head out to Canada, Britain and Brussels, from Houston. There is money to be made selling out one’s heritage??? An annexed Canada would be a real prize. According to Diane Francis, we as a Nation are worth $ 17 trillion. Apparently the deal is each Canadian would get a cheque from the AMERICAN SLAVE MASTERS based on years in this Country!!! In return for this cheque we would surrender our sovereignty, completely!!! Quebec would of course no play ball. La Belle Province would be isolated by the Americans and slowly have the life squeezed out of it??? Mulroney started the ball rolling, AMERIGREED stole $ 400 billion from Canadians during his time in Office! This for starters. BUT Brian did get his pat on the head from Reagan and a few brown envelopes filled with cash. When Harper was in Office AMERIGREED lifted another $ 250 billion from our treasury. Now Lyin Steve has a personal stash of $ 25 million in petro bucks! Yet in all of this Nazi media clamor and uproar over phony and fabricated issues, there is not a single mention of the disappearing $ 650 billion??? Nor does Paul Godfrey touch on the fact that 15% of our young people are unemployed. And that another 20% of our young have given up looking for work entirely. There are many more young people who are underemployed or being exploited. Why DO WE allow the GREEDIES to exploit our young people so??? It is UNACCEPTABLE!!! It would seem that the bulk of the 49 to 69 demographic, have no interest in improving the live of our young people. AMERIGREED HAS BOUGHT THEM OFF, DIVIDE AND CONQUER!!! SINCE THAT IS THE CASE, THE YOUNG HAVE NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE THAN TO DO THE JOB THEMSELVES, BY USING THEIR MAJORITY VOTING POWER. THIS TO CREATE A FULL EMPLOYMENT ENVIRONMENT WHICH WILL BENEFIT EVERYONE AND BOOST OUT GDP!!! To continue to permit these AMERIGREED thefts and to allow Canada’s turncoats to discount our young human capital will GUARANTEE THAT CANADA’S GDP WILL UNDERPERFORM and the Nation will suffer! AMERIGREED’S CANADIAN POLITICAL CLASS has made it clear many times, that they will spend their petro Election money on the 49 to 69 demographic, because they are the ones who voted in the past. As well, during the 4 year Election smear campaign now raging in Canada, Fascist money will go almost entirely to the NEWSPAPERS and TV, the mediums preferred by the 49 / 69 year olds! As well the paid Nazi media will concentrate their fire on Alberta and Ottawa, where duly elected Governments are in power, Governments that are not controlled by AMERIGREED. Many of the Provincial Governments and/or major Parties are in the Yankee’s grip. Christy Clark’s Liberals are really Fascists. As are Jason Kenney’s thugish gang, Brad Wall’s Sask. Party and the ever incompetent Brian Pallister. To add to AMERIGREED’S Fascist stable are Kathleen McGuinty and her Liberals and Patrick Brown’s Harper Fascist Party. Either the Ontario Libs or PCs will satisfy AMERIGREED’S interests, both are equally USA compliant!!! AMERIGREED takes the following as givens. The fact that 2/3rds of the young here DON’T VOTE historically? And on the surface, seem disinterested in politics. Equally important and something that must be faced, our 18 to 39 cohort doesn’t matter to the AMERIGREED. The young are in truth, THROW AWAYS TO THE AMERICANS! So yes, our 18 to 39 demographic is being totally ignore by the Can. Nazi press except in one very narrow sense! Paul Godfrey, Dave Thomson, Rogers, BELL-CTV, CBC et al, have a lot to say about our young being lazy, having a poor work ethic and wanting to start at the top of the ladder! According to the Nazi media, our young people are not worthy of any sympathy. It is the usual rightish rubbish, BLAME THE VICTIM??? The under 39s must realize, the rightie establishment has taken money from AMERIGEED, to let it in the cellar door by leaving the lock off. As a result AMERIGREED is playing the under 39s like an instrument, AND PLAYING THEM FOR FOOLS!!!


Our students should not even worry about hearing this kind of tripe at university and colleges. AMERIIGREED has infiltrated these institutions to a greater or lesser degree depending on their importance to USA annexation??? The larger Canadian educational institutions get the most American money. If the universities make any noise, the funding gets cut. So they toe the AMERIGREED line. In future any private money going to a Canadian university must be, no-strings-attached!!! In this area AMERIGREED is moving on three fronts with Kathleen McGuinty’s help! {1} To undermine the Canadian educational system and water it down! {2} Moving to a permanent high unemployment rate for the 18 to 39 demographic! Making sure students are trained for jobs that don’t exist! Then leaving them with huge debts! This is the perfect way to create a new slave class, from which 30 good years of free labour can be extracted??? {3} To break Canadian unions wherever possible! The recent Provincial College strike is a perfect example of HOW IT IS DONE!!! Kathleen McGuinty orchestrated the strike from behind the College Employers Council, which is headed by a dupe by the name of Don Sinclair. The CEC feeds off the taxpayer, is a secret undemocratic arm of the Government [ like Tarion ], and answers to nobody. The Liberals allowed students to swing in the wind long enough to so they could break the OPSEU strike! Putting blame on students for the failure to find work, is a matter of the universities and colleges trying to duck their responsibilities! If the holder of a BA can’t find work, A PROF WILL SAY, IT IS HER FAULT FOR NOT HAVING THE RIGHT ATTITUDE OR NOT BEING COMPLIANT ENOUGH??? This is standard right wing practice, to BLAME, BLAME, BLAME THEIR VICTIMS! The many stories about our decedent young people in the Nazi media, are directed at easing the minds of a very comfortable 49 to 69 demographic. It is just an excuse for them to opt out and bury any concern FOR CANADA’S FUTURE. Our oldies can claim, these kids don’t want to work like WE used to work, so they’re unemployed, so what??? Interestingly, some Canadians are actually paying the cost of propagating American propaganda here. Watching BELL – CTV / CP 24 and frequenting their advertisers is to endanger this Country!!! The oldies are wasting time and money on such activities. Activities which undermines their own family’s well being. It doesn’t make any sense to me, these oldies do not have kids and grandchildren?????? IT IS A LITTLE LIKE HAVING TO PAY THE RAILWAY FARE TO GET YOU TO THE GAS CHAMBER AT AUSCHWITZ??? The think tanks, institutes,and rightie fronts [ aforementioned ] operate mostly as charities or are publicly funded. They supply our Nazi media with free copy, reports and analysis, often originating in the USA. Go figure, reams of this USA subversive, meaningless claptrap is more important than OUR YOUNG PEOPLE BEING UNEMPLOYMENT??? The Harper stooges planted at Revenue Canada MADE / MAKE sure they look the other way, SO THAT ILLEGAL POLITICAL ACTIVITIES OF AMERICAN THINK TANKS RESIDING IN OUR MIDST GO UNSCRUTINIZED??? Have these Harper stooges at CRA been promised jobs after USA annexation??? The express purpose of think tanks like the Fraser, C. D. Howe, Manning, and Macdonald Laurier Institutes [ all branch plants of USA rightie fronts ], is that they seek to brainwash Canadians and affect how they THINK and how they VOTE!!! Goebbels would be proud! Recently I read a piece that came from the Fraser Institute, the figures used to support the report were completely fabricated, they have no connection to reality and were easy to disprove. The boys in short pants, like Mark Milke, who toil at the Fraser, think Canadians are all eight years old. Our Nazi media is simply a delivery system created to spread USA brainwashing content. Surprisingly, Canadian taxes support the dissemination of this bogus copy from the Fraser Institute, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business and Calgary University etc. As well Canadians buy the National Post, Globe or watch BELL-CTV, and all they get is the latest American propaganda. The aim of which is to convince the population that annexation is not taking place, when that is exactly what is happening. ANNEXATION IS TAKING PLACE, AND THE NOOSE TIGHTENS DAILY! AMERIGREED is convinced that it can at least fool enough Canadians to gain power, the fooling will last until they hear the clang of the concentration camp gate closing behind them!!! What is amazing to me is the fact that, the 19 to 39 demographic is totally ignored by the Fraser, C. D. Howe Institutes and all the other rightie propaganda mills. The think tanks brag about being so good at understanding numbers. Yet the size of the FORGOTTEN COHORT has escaped them. THE 18 / 39 YEAR OLDS NOW HOLD THE BALANCE OF POWER IN OUR FIRST-PAST-THE-POST ELECTORAL SYSTEM!!! In Ontario, Toronto, Federally, and this holds true in every Province! It is my guess, that the Harper Fascists and their USA rightpublicanazis masters, just can’t comprehend that our young people, are firstly INTELLIGENT, secondly, that they will never understand how politics is played, and further, AS A RESULT THEY WILL NEVER GET THEIR ACT TOGETHER TO PLAY ANY SIGNIFICANT ROLL IN ELECTIONS?????? I would suggest to the Harpies, just wait till June 2018, when Kathleen McGuinty and his pal Patrick Brown are reduced to a RUMP!!!


In 1969, the selfish Stop Spadina group didn’t want any increase in traffic through their private enclave. Even though planners and traffic engineers had spent 20 years [ from 1946 ], to create a master transportation plan for Toronto, under the direction of a CITY COUNCIL, WHICH WAS ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE. The 50 shit disturbers in the Annex spoke for nobody but themselves. Jacobs didn’t have a vote and should have kept her mouth shut. But the Stop Spadina 50 handed Jane the podium! It must be noted that the many books and articles written about the doomed Spadina Subway / Expressway, fail to mention an important fact. That this ground breaking concept of coupling a major road system with public transit was the first ever in North America! When, ” on the run, Jane Jacobs “, arrive in our fair City in 1969, she knew nothing about the integrated Spadina Expressway and Subway or our City proper! It didn’t matter, Toronto would be used to secure her a career! Jacobs was a small town gal who moved to a tenement district of New York City, where rent was cheap and which housed artists and writers. Robert Moses, transportation czar in NYC was entranced by the motorcar and in 1933 set out to make the City more vehicle accessible. All else fell before Bob. Jane had moved to NYC from Pennsylvania, and was engaged in various writing endeavours. She was a dreamer. Jacobs was an opponent of paving every square inch of a City and took exception to the Moses attitude and master plan. Jane became a skilled community organizer and learned how to throw monkey wenches into NYC’s transportation initiatives. She built nothing, offered no alternatives, and sadly for us, Jane did not realize, that wasting time impeding progress does not a great society create??? Throwing up roadblocks was enough for Jacobs. She was a ONE NOTE JANIE??? It was a unique period in the history of New York City, and certainly the Jacob’s ELBOWS UP approach to civic development and the stopping of same, set her among a number of larger then life characters. Jane won some battles, lost some, and most of her ideas failed to ever materialize. It was said, that the snake oil she was attempting to SELL, suited smaller cities well under a million residents. But larger metropolitan areas like our City grow too fast, to accommodate lingering in leafy glades and contemplating the marigolds. There is a need to deal with the always increasing population. In the Pickering of the 1970s, we were about 28,000 people. I was a part time Councillor, but required to be on duty 24 hours a day. Subdivisions appeared out of nowhere, yet each one had to be approved and the roads built to accommodate them. We had no transit, the car WAS THE THING. But we did consider transit as a future add on. At that time, what came out of Jacobs’ mouth was pure babble. For she and those in the Annex, it was a marriage made in heaven. A trip to fantasy land, an escape from reality, on someone else’s dime. Those were the days in Toronto, when simplistic pie-in-the-sky ideas, replace tough planning decisions! In a sense, Toronto suffers from arrested development because of Jane and the Spadina 50. The City has remained a 1970’s child. Jacobs was given to staging stunts, using inventive approaches to frustrate officialdom and to break the law if necessary. Whoever Jane was as a person, is related to the combative political climate in NYC, the worship of the car in New York City and the attitude of staff there tasked with keeping the traffic moving. Jacobs, is given credit for stopping a thruway through her NY neighbourhood. That is not true, Jane abandoned her coprotesters long before the job was finished. She had been arrested in NYC, and was facing charges, she had gone rogue and pushed things too far! Her 2 sons were either Vietnam draft age or approaching it. Jane decided to fly the USA coop in 1969, and seek refuge among other draft dodgers in the Toronto Annex. All this is glossed over by her Canadian fan club. Including David Nowlan from the U of T, a man who was little interested in democracy. Being one of the elites, and superior in status, David continually brought tablets down from the mountain, for the edification of the IGNORANT MASSES!!! It is clear that Jacobs arrived at the right time for the Stop Spadina group and she seized that moment. Their cause and Jane’s organizing and shit disturbing talents made beautiful music together! What was to be fought over here was an expressway, yes partly. But it was also an integrated subway system, something never mentioned. Jacobs had a solution to a problem that didn’t exist in Toronto. In 2017, the results of her meddling can be seen everyday in our City, Gridlock, a decrepit TTC, enough Carbon Monoxide to kill a herd of oxen and an area that probably produces more Carbon Dioxide [ CO2, the planet killer ] than the entire Alberta Tar Sands. Something the environmentalistd ignore! Everything nasty is swept under the rug by the car hating Council, WHICH WILL NOT DO ITS’ DUTY TO THE CITIZENRY! Tory and his company of dwarfs see the above TRAFFIC MESS as a way to squeeze even more money out of Torontonians. To the SQUEEZED, and the CHOKING, and the FINANCIAL CRUSHED, I SAY, DON’T GIVE THEM ANOTHER FUCKING DIME!!! Gridlock is solvable at A MINIMAL COST. A new vision for the TTC is possible, our transit game COULD BE UPPED CONSIDERABLY, it will be affordable! WHY SHOULD TORONTONIANS ACCEPT PAYING CAVIAR PRICES FOR PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICHES??? Because they don’t know any better? It is a conspiracy, Tory and his insiders, City Council, and the Nazi media, especially John Honderich / Star and Steve Paikin / TVO, all want the 6.2 million people, living in the Greater Toronto area to be kept in the dark!!! The PCs / Liberals at Queen’s Park lean on the same crowd and the self same Nazi media to keep 14 million Ontarians in the dark!!! Is quite some accomplishment! Hitler, after he succeeded in ending democracy in Germany by invasion, orchestrated a huge propaganda campaign to win the cooperation of the people! In Canada, the UK and the EU the situation has been reversed. SINCE AMERIGREED OWNS THE WORLD NAZI MEDIA ALREADY, FIRSTLY IS THE MASSIVE PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN, AFTER WHICH DEMOCRACY ENDS FOR THE CANUCKS, BRITS AND THE 27 EU COUNTRIES!!! THEN THE INVASION TAKE PLACE!!! Solving Gridlock will eliminate the poisonous cloud of Carbon Monoxide [ 5000 people die yearly here, from the affects of Carbon Monoxide, mostly the young and the old ]! And reducing traffic will cut the City’s massive CO2 output. OUR collection of dwarfs at City Hall, including Tory and Matlow, who have fabricated Toronto Gridlock impediment after impediment, step by step have also slowed the streetcars and buses to a crawl??? Really, does the word STUPID do justice to this kind of thinking??? Don’t forgive them FATHER for a single minute, for they know exactly what they are doing!!! THIS AT HUGE COST AND INCONVENIENCE TO THE CITIZENS THEY CLAIM TO SERVE??? I have been writing letters to City Hall since 2010 about these issues [ Gridlock / Transit / pollution ] not dice, nobody there is interested. I even wrote to Josh Matlow, my Councillor. Josh is just another seat warmer and another reason why this great City is on its’ knees. Matlow, even though I developed a plan to solve Toronto Gridlock, wouldn’t give me the time of day. If young people in Toronto’s Northeast and Northwest, want to know why it takes 2 hours to get to school and why they can’t find work, look no further than John Tory, Josh Matlow and City Council. Jacobs’ experience in New York City was completely ill suited for Toronto. She saw city government as being evil, as many Americans do. Something which does not apply to Toronto or Canada for that matter! When the people vote here, the outcome is the outcome whether you agree with it or not. A democracy only works when the people accept the results of elections or Court judgements without protesting in the streets or picking up a gun. The western wheat farmers owned the Canadian Wheat Board. Under Federal Legislation, the farmers could decide by a vote, how the CWB was to be operated. The farmers voted to continue to operate the CWB after being challenged by the Harper Government. Lyin Steve ignored the vote, seized control of the CWB, stole their assets and sold the agency to the Americans FOR A SONG, with Brian Mulroney’s help??? If you want to know what life will be like if Herr Harper returns in 2019, look not further than the snuffing out of the CWB! You’ll be strong armed into a cattle car by the Harper Police in a blink, if you defy Steve! Harper also took on OUR SUPREME COURT! He tried to intimidate the COURT and the CHIEF JUSTICE, BEVERLEY McLACHLIN. If that was not enough, Steve proposed Justice Nadon for a seat on the Supreme Court, Nadon was in no way qualified. But Harper insisted, he was trying to pack the Court like the Republicans do in the USA, with rightie bootlickers. Our Supreme Court defied Harper, and itself denied Nadon that seat. In terms of the Harper / CPC penchant for intimidation, it was something discussed at the Prince Edward / Hastings Riding Association when I was a Director in 2006 /07. I feel sorry for David Johnston, the retiring Governor General. He is a fine Canadian, a Gentleman and he did his best under difficult circumstances. I regret that the mentally ill Steve Harper, bullied the man so. I spent a year and half as a CPC insider in Belleville, and was the real fly on the wall!!! I heard enough to start calling Steve HERR. I wrote letters to Harper at the House of Commons in 2007, expressing my displeasure at his Government’s actions. I addressed ALL MY LETTERS to Herr Harper. Revenue Canada came after my family! As regards the young thugs sent to our Association meetings from the PMO, I called then, the HARPER YOUTH!!! I am a historian, and have been in and around politics all my life. From my observations as a insider, I concluded firstly that Harper was MAD, that he had no respect for our laws and that he was an immediate danger to Canada. From the beginning of my Blog in 2009, my observations of Harper and the PMO are therein recorded. Referring to Steve as Herr in public, captured who I saw behind the curtain using the same methods and levers as the Nazi Leader! Thus I attached NAZI NAME to the Canadian media which fairly drooled / drools over serving his basest instincts. With their hands ever outstretched for a cheque. There are so many things that Harper did which would fit well in the 1933 / 1945 period!!! Godfrey and the Nazi media covered for him, amazingly? Hitler loved having people to whom he had taken a dislike to, executed by the use of piano wire which was wound around their throats. Those who had angered the Fuhrer were to be degraded as much as possible. He demanded it!!! As did Harper! Do you recall the millions of Catholic anti abortion postcard delivered free by Canada Post during the 2015 Fed. Election??? Harper promised the Catholic church he would ban abortions if they smeared Justin Trudeau! The Catholics looked the other way during 1938 to 1945, as the Jews and others were transported to the camps to be gassed! The transgressors, who got on Hitler’s wrong side, were stripped naked, strung up on meat hooks embedded in the ceiling. As their lives twitched away, they were filmed for Adolf’s private viewing! Not in Canada you say??? Harper ignored every one of our laws which inconvenienced him! I ASK AGAIN, under Harper, who will guarantee * YOUR * SAFETY AND SECURITY *??? Canada doesn’t seem to realize how close it came to being ruled by a QUISLING, a creation of AMERIGREED!!! A democracy is hard won but so easily lost, just look Stateside! The way to preserve a democracy is to act at the moment a threat appears. This requires constant vigilance! Something lazy Canadians are not good at? However, Canada has been facing the threat of annexation for some time now, from the USA. But there has been nary a murmur??? We only made our first self preservation STAND on October 19 / 15. Many more STANDS will be required of us, before we are safely home and tied down. The question in the end will be, are those of us who are prepared to fight to hold fast our cherished sovereignty, and to pay whatever price is asked, ARE WE IN THE MAJORITY??? If NOT, then this Land will be surrendered to the same dark forces, which are now tearing the USA apart!!! America is now a failed state. Those in Washington and in the individual States have lost legitimacy. The Country is in free fall now. And the splat will come quickly, ONCE THE LAST FALSE ILLUSIONS ARE EXHAUSTED!!! The will of OUR people and the CONTINUED respect for OUR institutions is VITAL. When people ill respect our democracy, like the Spadina 50 and an uninvited and unwanted foreigner, named Jane Jacobs, that is when the trouble begins!!! The mess they made frustrates us still. IT IS HIGH TIME WE FIXED THINGS! But a recalcitrant John Tory, Josh Matlow and City Council, which is populated by dwarfs, still bars our way!!! They are arrayed ATHWARTSHIPS!!!


The small minded and selfish Stop Spadina group, with Jane’s help was able to make. ” ME FIRST “, into a rallying cry that attracted the newspapers, especially the Toronto Star. Which has the dubious distinction of helping destroy transportation planning in this City. The mindlessness of the Star, beset by avarice, has resulted in the present Gridlock and a much enfeebled TTC. And as well, Honderich has helped to destroy the economy of Ontario by taking money to print lies about nuclear power and hide the truth! The Stop Spadina 50, an imaginary and illegitimate construct, did huge more harm than good! And it attracted some leading CAUSE CHASERS, INCLUDING, John Sewell, David Crombie, Colin Vaughan, Art Eggleton, Karl Jaffray, William Kilbourn, Allan Powell, David Nowlan, Nadine Nowlan, Peter Newman, Marshall McLuhan and others. The merits of the Spadina project were never publicized. I can see no indication that those trying to kill the Spadina had a grasp of the whole project. Apparently they didn’t want the facts to get in the way of their lynch party. Torontonians had elected a Council to look after and improve their City. The Stop Spadina group, Jane Jacobs and the foregoing minor elites [ unelected ], thought that THEY knew better. This created a democracy deficiency. A few ill informed people, opposed to the will of the people, supported by the Nazi media! We have it to-day in Trumpf! There were at least three books resulted from killing the Spadina [ Jacobs and the Nowlans ] and a number of political careers were launched. I’d like to ask David Crombie, when he looks out across Toronto to-day, is he happy with his handywork, a City locked in the 1970s, that has ceased to work and air that makes the population gag! The gangleader Jacobs, when asked what would happen to the vehicles in her fantasy Toronto. Jane said, that was of no concern to her. After many years [ 1946 to 1966 ], a comprehensive transportation plan was created for Toronto under the watchful eyes of the City Council and top planners and traffic engineers. A TINY group of selfish citizens, with Jane Jacobs calling the shots, and the backing of the Star killed the Spadina. As individuals they only spoke for themselves individually!!! Their grouping was illegitimate, and was not sanctioned by THE PEOPLE!!! Because of them and the Star, Toronto’s entire transportation planning process was abandoned in 1970, never to be revived, leaving a City with no road map! And a new type of Councillor made the scene, pro environment, anti car, answerable to NO ONE!!!. Being anti car won elections for individuals. So the war on automobiles in Toronto started 40 years ago [ hello. EARTH to John Tory ]! The Gridlock we see to-day was earned over the years, barrier by barrier, speed bump after speed bump, at a cost of hundreds of millions to Toronto taxpayers, if not billions!!! DID YOU NOW THAT EACH SPEED BUMP COSTS $ 3500 AND THEY ARE CONSTRUCTED WITH THE MOST EXPENSIVE ASPHALT. The cheap asphalt is used to repair pot holes, so the repairs don’t last!!! All caused by Councillor pig headedness and a big helping of stupidity. And the Star has continuall covered up that stupidity One Toronto Councillor, who died a couple of years ago, said the high point of his life, was stopping the Spadina Expressway. Great cities are not build by those who stop things, join mindless protests, doing this to win brownie points! My motto, used when I was a Pickering Councillor, and faced with protesters, was, if you are going to knock a brick off the wall, you better put two back on. I NEVER FOUND ONE protester who’s thoughts had gone beyond being negative. They seemed to feel, as Jane Jacobs, David Nowlan and Nadine Nowlan did, no responsibility to suggest alternatives to the projects that they were trying to kill. Norah Stoner of Pickering, headed Group Against Garbage [ GAG ], a little cluster, that never numbered more than 6. I noticed on my way to Council meetings, that Stoner put her green bags of garbage out at the street like everyone else. Norah and Jane Jacobs were cut from the same cloth, they made a lot of noise BUT NEVER BUILT A SINGLE THING! NICE PARASITIC WORK, IF YOU CAN GET IT??? Jane’s fuzzy thinking gave us OUR GRIDLOCK, and launched the war on cars!!! In December of 2016, Mayor Tory, insisted that there is no war on cars in Toronto! John is either stupid, or he is a lying son of a bitch. My take, Tory is lying. DID YOU KNOW, there is money to be made Not Solving Gridlock!!! I have watched Toronto City Council place one unnecessary roadblock after another on City thoroughfares over the years. This to force people to stop driving and use THE WORSER WAY. That initiative has been a complete failure! 5000 Torontonians die each year from Carbon Monoxide poisoning from vehicles, especially the young and the old. City Council and the Medical Officer of Health will not test the air in Toronto as I asked back at the beginning of this blog, in 2010. To do so, would have revealed the havoc and threat to health, ” That their war on cars has wrought “??? The air on either side of the HWY 401 is so polluted with Carbon Monoxide, it is above the maximum allowable in civilized cities of the world. Toronto Council and the McGuinty Liberals will not admit this is the case, if they did the politicians would have to do something about it. Better Torontonian die than the Council admit their Jane Jacobs ideology is flawed! But young people, using block voting and a massive canvassing campaign, could arrest the downward spiral of this GREAT WOUNDED CITY!!! BY TAKING POLITICAL CONTROL OF TORONTO IN OCTOBER 2018!!!


Back to the ghost of Jane Jacobs, who haunts us still. The Stop Spadina Group used half truths, fabrications and scare tactics. The hubristic Nowlans, bent and buried the truth, in order to STOP THE SPADINA and to launch THEIR literary careers. WHEN YOU ARE UPPERMAN OR WOMAN, THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS, NO MATTER HOW UNDEMOCRATIC??? The Toronto media went along for the ride, never asking any questions, especially the Star! Jane made the famous comment, ” Cities are for people “! RUBBISH, this is as meaningful as, ” Mustard is for hot dogs “??? Jacobs then ranged into the real stupid!!! When asked where do the cars go, she said that is not my concern! And that lack of concern, now means Toronto’s streets are filled with cars, endless stoplights / stop streets, speed bumps, free all day parking on main streets, no tagging of large truck blocking traffic, stupid neighbourhoods signs saying stay off our streets, taking on the back leafy glades, aggressive low speed limits, which mean each vehicle produces 4 times the pollutants! he purposeful destruction of the City’s economy by having the world smartest people sitting on their asses for hours, adding to delivery charges by impeding trucks, generation Carbon Dioxide by the tonne to ensure our planet dies, killing at least 5000 plus Torontonians each year [ especially the oldsters and the youngsters ], uncoordinated construction projects, purposely time to increase traffic delays, and turning the TTC into THE SLOWER WAY!!! All of this mayhem, ensuring that people in the hinterland, DO NOT COME VISIT TORONTO BECAUSE OF THE TRAFFIC / THE DISMAL TTC AND THE INSANE BIKE LANES WHICH SLOW THINGS EVEN MORE! JANE JACOBS IS NOT REALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OF THIS MESS! It is the work of her disciples, who went on to get THEMSELVES elected to Toronto Council. In municipal elections the turnout is generally around 30%. If there are 6 candidates, a car hater who masquerades as an environmentalist and speaks DOG-WHISTLE will win every time. So the City we see to-day is a giant social engineering project that has no practical base. THE TAPS DRIP, THERE IS NO HOT WATER, THE TOILET IS BACKED UP, SWITCHES DON’T WORK AND MOST OF THE FUSES HAVE BLOW, SOME WINDOWS ARE CRACKED AND THE ROOF LEAKS. These ills are no solved by the Jane Jacobs of this world. After all the pretty talk fades way, the problems still temain!!! The JACOBS IDEOLOGY doesn’t live in the real world. For the past 12 years the numbers have remained the same. {{ A }} SEVENTY PERCENT OF TORONTONIANS DRIVE! {{ B }} TWENTY FIVE PERCENT USE TTC [ lower income people, in the North East and North West have no choice? ] [ THEY are ignored be Tory and the Council ]?? BARB BLACK’S LITTLE PEOPLE DON’T COUNT WITH THIS COUNCIL, BUT THEY DO HAVE A VOTE!!! ]. {{ C }} Four percent of City citizens walk. But traffic pollution, enraged drivers, and mistimed traffic lights [ mistimed on purpose by Council to delay vehicles ], scare pedestrians and kill many of them [ especially the elderly ], with many thanks to the Jacobs’ virus! {{ D }} Only one percent of Torontonians ride bikes, maybe 8 months of the year. YET, Toronto Council plays to this crowd and treats them like they are in the majority??? Way too much money is wasted on bike paths, which cyclists ignore anyway. THE BIKERS CAN DO NO WRONG AND ARE EMBOLDENED TO BEHAVE BADLY??? The City’s bike lanes are insane, so cyclists pay with their lives. But Councillors blame the car drivers, OF COURSE! How could Toronto be made more disfunctional??? BEATS ME!!! In this Country people are free to buy an automobile if they so wish. If they chose to live in this City, Council has an obligation to look after their interests. However, Toronto Council is driven by the Jacobs ideology, to engineer activities here to meet some unattainable fantasy. They ignore the will of the people, and many years of being reelected has made them an arrogant lot! Who fail to see the carnage they have created and continue to create. The solution, is for the drivers in Toronto to use their vote to dump all these mindless, nincompoops, out on the street. I suggest that young people who are unemployed or under employed organize and seize 25 of Toronto’s 44 Wards and put up a candidate for Mayor, someone who will make Toronto Great, as Great as it should be, and a person who is not on the take, like John Tory!!! The 18 to 39 FORGOTTEN COHORT HAVE THE NUMBERS TO OUST THE LOT OF THEM!!!


And finally we must explore the damage to done to Toronto by Mike Harris, who I actually worked for, I mistakenly thought he was a Progressive Conservative. I turned out that Mike was just a puppet of Amerigreed and Bay Street. Queen’s Park itself, did not like the idea of Toronto reaching its full potential. Having one third of Ontario’s population and far more potential to generate wealth, PC and Liberal MPPs, were wary of letting the City off a short leash. Mike and Dalt fed the beast on occasion and starve it most of the time. This neglect has assisted the Jacobs disciples to continue to hold power. A HARRIS referendum was held in 1997, with reference to amalgamating the 6 municipalities into one MEGACITY. The PCs had not sought a mandate to join the cities together. It, like so many other things Harris did, just came out of the blue! Anti democratic by its’ very nature. THE PEOPLE SAID NO, HARRIS LIKE HARPER, IGNORED THE PEOPLE!!! I am sure AMERIGREED, BAY ST., and the Harris insiders saw TORONTO’S amalgamation as a money maker for themselves! Like selling Ontario Hydro and the sacrificing of HWY # 407. SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT OF TORONTONIANS VOTED AGAINST AMALGAMATION, HARRIS IMPOSED IT ANYWAY!!! Mike and Steve Harper are true right wingers. Their belief, if a law of the land gets in your way, strike it down or ignore it!!! Well history has shown us, that Mike’s efforts to strangle Toronto were entirely successful and left us with a GIANT-FUCK-UP. DITTO ONTARIO HYDRO AND HWY # 407. THESE FUCK-UPS HAVE COST THE CITY AND THE PEOPLE OF THIS PROVINCE TENS OF BILLIONS IN CASH. WHEN WILL IT END??? MY ANSWER IN THE IMMEDIATE. WHEN THE 18 TO 39 LOST COHORT BLOCK VOTES! Right now the teachers in Ontario Colleges are on strike. Half a million students are adversely affected and being ignored by the Ontario establishment and our Nazi media. And as usual the media is attacking the teachers, union and the NDP. It is the aim of AMERIGREED to disrupt Canada in every way possible. This strike is just another assault on this country by the Americans and their local stooges! The McGuinty Liberals [ Kathleen is just a baby sitter ] work closely with AMERIGREED in its’ efforts to strip wealth from Ontario! Billions, which should go the education, health and to underpin our society, disappears south of the border!!! The McGuintyites have underfunded universities and colleges, forcing administrations of same to eviscerate their teachers and soak the shit out of students. With the connivance of the Ontario Liberals, AMERIGREED syphons plenty of cash from this Province, which leaves our educational scene in this turmoil, among others! Really, the universities and colleges, their teachers and their students should present a common front, ignore the Ontario College employer council, and turn up the heat on a very corrupt Liberal Government. A Government which profits itself, from selling Ontario down the river. We must insist that those who are elected, do not change hats on the way to the forum. Thus Kathleen McGuinty, ” IS FOR TURNING OUT NOW “! Pitting one group against the other, was a favourite trick of Hitler! Mike Harris did exactly that! Herr Harper used the same tactics. Patrick Brown is a Fascist and one of Harper’s boys, like Jason Kenney. And the McGuinty Liberals, who enjoy AMERIGREED confidence, fully agree that Ontario society must not be allowed to be peaceful, prosperous and enjoy the plenty to which they are entitled!!! Those 500,000 students should rethink their positions. Instead of going into the streets, they should keep their powder dry and organize to takeover Queen’s Park and Toronto City Hall, A MUCH BIGGER BANG FOR THEIR BUCKS! In terms of Mike Harris, he ignore the people’s wishes and created a City Council that doesn’t work!!! MIKE DID THIS ON PURPOSE!!! Harris divided the City into 44 enclaves, in which Councillors are beholdened to their home town crowd and HAVE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR WELFARE OF THE LARGER CITY. The only person who speaks for the City as a whole is the Mayor, but he / she only has one vote!!! With a Council made up of candidates holding various political leanings, IT IS A GIVEN THAT THERE WILL BE A LEFT / RIGHT SPLIT! ALL A MAYOR CAN DO IS HUNT [ instead of attending to Toronto’s important problems, like Gridlock and Transit? ] FOR THE SUPPORT OF 23 COUNCILLORS TO GAIN A MAJORITY! To get such support he / she must give Councillors gifts, and make concessions, this to the detriment of Toronto! So since 1998 Toronto proper has become a gigantic Xmas tree, which always has presents under it, but THERE IS NOBODY IN CHARGE OF MONITORING THE HEALTH OF THIS MAGICAL TREE??? As a result Toronto is on life support! Council, like Jane Jacobs, is another curse that keeps on giving!!! There have been 4 mayors in the City since Harris did his dirty work! All of them, too stupid to understand the hot potato Mike had given them!!! As a result Toronto has staggered from crisis to crisis, burdened with mediocre politicians, mentally challenged media types and insiders willing and able to steal anything that isn’t nailed down! IN OTHER WORDS, NOBODY BUT NOBODY IS MINDING THE CITY STORE, AND THIS BUNCH WAS VOTED INTO OFFICE BY THE PEOPLE [ could this be a replay of Hitler’s ignorant masses??? ]? Mel Lastman was a crook and a philanderer! David Miller was a lefty and a fuzzy thinker like Bob Rae! Rob Ford was a nutcase and a crack addict! Then comes John Tory, all flash and no pan!!! The turmoil continues, Toronto sinks lower in the water, and with the present crew and political system there is NO HOPE!!! I worked for the Ont. PCs from 1960 to 1985 and quit over the Frank Miller disaster. I was the unpaid Pickering PC Rep, and latterly met with Bill Newman, Minister of Agriculture in the Bill Davis Government. Having been a Pickering Councillor, I had many friends in the Township and a few enemies. I was on the Catholic Church HIT LIST, because I supported Women’s Rights and Henry Morgentaler. And disliked by the People or Planes thugs and the Group Against Garbage, because I would not bow to their authority!!! So Bill Newman and I would meet every week or so, thus he kept his hand on the pulse of things. The same thing happened all across Ontario and that is the reason the PCs governed during 42 golden years. Queen Elizabeth One said in the later 1500s, I must stay close to my people. A democracy flourishes when it remembers to stay close to the people. Brian Mulroney, Steve Harper, Frank Miller, Mike Harris, Dalt McGuinty and John Tory turned their backs on the people and just look at the disgusting outcome. In 1981 Bill Davis appointed John Tory as his Principal Secretary. I never met John, but viewed him with concern from afar. Tory has showed himself to be a fumbler of one ball after another. And very early on, I plucked out an old saying, which applies to John and has proven true about him over these last 30 years! ” There are people who think they are important, so they think that what they do is important? Then there are people who do important things, they are indeed important “! JOHN TORY THINKS HE IS IMPORTANT, AND UNDER HIM TORONTO IS GOING INTO THE DUMPSTER. HIS MANY PROMISES REMAIN UNFULFILLED AFTER 3 YEARS, REPLACED BY THE USUAL BULLSHIT!!! AMAZON BEING YET ANOTHER PIPE DREAM!!! THE OLD FUMBLER HAS FUMBLED ONE MORE BALL!!! TORONTO NEEDS FIXING!!! IS THERE SOMEONE OUT THERE? ANYONE? WHO WILL GET SERIOUS ABOUT TACKLING GRIDLOCK AND TRANSIT, WHICH ARE INSEPARABLE??? MY PLAN TO TACKLE THESE TWIN TERRORS STARTED TO JELL A YEAR BEFORE ROB FORD GAINED OFFICE! I WAS PROMPTED TO HAVE-A-GO WHEN CITY STAFF SAID THEY WANTED $ 238 MILLION TO STUDY GRIDLOCK ALONE. PREPOSTEROUS!!! SAID STAFF, BY SEPARATING GRIDLOCK FROM TRANSIT, AND SEEKING FUNDING FOR SAME, REVEALED A LEVEL OF INCOMPETENCE WHICH TAKES MY BREATH AWAY. I WROTE TO ROB FORD AFTER HE BECAME MAYOR, [ three times actually ], IF I REMEMBER THE FIGURE, I OFFERED TO PRODUCE * A PLAN * THE ALLEVIATE GRIDLOCK FOR $ 250,000. HALF OF WHICH I WOULD DONATE TO SICK KIDS HOSPITAL. FORD DID NOT EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE MY LETTERS, THAT WAS IN THE SPRING OF 2011. AND THE BEAT GOES ON. IN 2015 AND 2016, I TRIED TO NAIL JOSH MATLOW, MY COUNCILLOR, AND GET HIM TO LOOK AT MY PLAN. JOSH HAD NO TIME FOR ME. I WILL INCLUDE MY LETTER TO JOSH DATED APRIL 11 / 2016, WHEN I POST MY PLAN AND MAP. IN ONE ATTEMPT TO GET MATLOW’S ATTENTION, I CALLED HIS OFFICE AT CITY HALL. I SPOKE WITH MATLOW’S ASSISTANT, WHO ASKED THE NATURE OF MY CALL. I SAID I HAVE SOLVED THE GRIDLOCK PROBLEM AND HE BURST OUT LAUGHING AND WAS BESIDE HIMSELF! WITH IDIOTS LIKE THIS ON STAFF, IS THERE ANY HOPE FOR THIS USELESS BUNCH??? CITY HALL, AS A COLLECTIVE, IS CONVINCED GRIDLOCK CAN’T BE SOLVED, AND THAT A CONVENIENT, COMPREHENSIVE, COMFORTABLE AND AFFORDABLE TRANSIT SYSTEM IS AN IMPOSSIBLE DREAM??? PEOPLE WITH VISION, WHO ENTER CITY HALL ARE SOON DEFEATED AND LEAVE. AS A RESULT THE HALL IS POPULATED BY SLOW STARTERS WHO DON’T MAKE WAVES, WHO JUST TAKE THEIR PAYCHEQUES [ like John Tory and Josh Matlow? ], AND WHO ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE POISON STEW OF THEIR JOINT MAKING. INERTIA IS THE REIGNING ACCOMPLISHMENT AT CITY HALL. THUS THIS COUNCIL IS BEYOND RECALL. MY PLAN CALLS FOR VEHICULAR TRAFFIC IN THE CITY TO BE REDUCED TO 40% FROM 70%, WITH THE INNER CITY LIMITED TO ELECTRIC OR HYDROGEN CARS / TRUCKS. TRANSIT USAGE WOULD INCREASE TO 55%, THEY’D TRULY BE USING THE BETTER WAY, A MUCH IMPROVED TTC. THIS WOULD BE AN INCREASE FROM 25%. TRAFFIC LIGHTS WOULD BE MADE PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLY. NOW THE LIGHTS ARE USED TO FRUSTRATE DRIVERS AND THE CONFUSION AND ANGER KILLS THOSE ON FOOT. FOR WHICH COUNCILLORS TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY!!! CYCLISTS MAKE UP ONLY ONE PERCENT OF TORONTONIANS, A FACT THAT SHATTERS THE ILLUSION CREATED BY COUNCIL. IN THE BIG PICTURE THEY ARE BUT A FOOTNOTE. I WOULD BAN BIKES FROM MY 25 MAJOR ARTERIAL ROADS AND ALL SIDEWALKS! [ if caught their bikes would be impounded ]. Rather, Cyclists would be allowed to use all the other 9,850 roads in Toronto, without restriction. John Tory and Council are using Gridlock as an excuse to hikes taxes or impose road tolls??? There are probably only two ways out of this mess? ONE, car drivers will finally get off their arses and vote this Council out. OR, young people in Toronto will finally tire of being abused and exploited! AND SEIZE THE DAY!!! By taking control of TORONTO COUNCIL. The 18 to 39 Lost Cohort can run Candidates for office on the GRIDLOCK / TRANSIT ticket??? They’ve got the numbers!!! IT WOULD BE A SHAME NOT TO USE AN ADVANTAGE WHEN THEY HAVE IT!!!


There is a way to give Mike ” The Yellow ” Harris the black eye he deserves? NAMELY MAKE THE CITY WORK AS IT WAS MEANT TO WORK!!! Any of the four Mayors since amalgamation could have circumvented Harris, if they had been intelligent enough. But they were not interested in putting the interests of Torontonians ahead of playing politics, acting the celebrity and keeping a seat warm, in return for plenty of cash [ some above board and much under the table!!! ]! The flawed Harris Legislation to create the amalgamated City is now law. That we can change over time. But with a little ingenuity, we can strike down the Harris curse and organize a Council that functions as a truly democratic institution!!! The Mayor has to be redesignated as the Council Chairperson, which HE OR SHE IS IN FACT! The Mayor, who may be a visionary, should not be the originator of projects or Legislation. John Tory is not a Premier or a Prime Minister, he doesn’t understand his role??? JOHN, Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? Council should propose Legislation which responds to the problems at hand. There must be local Councillors and super Councillors. All of them concerned about their Wards, but some also looking at the larger picture! The Mayor then chairs the full Council as well as an Executive Committee made up of super Councillors! Tory blundered again, not understanding the circumstances and he surrounded himself with an executive made up of FRIENDS ON THE RIGHT! Councillors in the centre and on the left immediately became an opposition, guaranteeing Council Gridlock. If the 18 to 39 demographic take control of City Hall in 2018, this is how progress can be made quickly. A new Mayor takes the Chair. Council passes a motion to create an Executive Committee, with an additional stipend to reflect the extra duties. Any Councillor of the 44 who wishes to run for the Exec. Committee puts his or her name forward. Then by secret ballot, the full Council [ with the exception of the Mayor ] votes on who the 8 Executive Committee members will be. [ NOTE — USA, Robert’s Rules of Order is crucial. Taken from olde English Parliamentary Procedure. ] [ A book that has never been read by Steve Harper, Jason Kenney, Congress or Herr Trumpf ]! This selection process would be legitimate, in a democratic sense. Torontonians vote for the Exec. Council, and then the Council exercises its’ right to conduct Toronto’s business. The resulting Executive Committee WOULD NOT BE UNDER THE THUMB OF THE MAYOR and it would be empowered by Council to maintain the entire City’s health and well being. This very fact would soften the impact of having an incapacitated or incompetent Mayor as is now the case! In the absence of the Mayor / Chairperson, the Exec. Committee would appoint, A-CHAIR-FOR-DAY, to keep the City’s business humming along! This would eliminate 44 FAT / HAPPY ENCLAVES, who’s Councillors debate chickens in the City and $ 100,000 bike lanes. This in a City that doesn’t function properly!!! Legislation pertaining to the major issues like Gridlock, Transit, pollution and such would be taken out of the hands of local Jane Jacobs Councillors. Such issues would originate with the Executive Committee and their deliberations would ONLY BE CHAIRED by the Mayor. The Mayor would have an overall role to play, more in the sense of seeing the City runs smoothly. Opposition elements in Council would disappear because individual Councillors would hardly obstruct the work of a Committee of THEIR CHOOSING? If the 18 to 39 demographic does take control of Queen’s Park in June 2018, they could undo Mike Harris’ dirty work. If the under 39s take over Queen’s Park, THEN A NEW GOVERNANCE COULD BE INTRODUCED. The Mayor would be elected City wide. Toronto would be divided into 8 boroughs from which super Councillors would be elected. The ward system would be reduced to 36, in which local Councillors would be elected. So Councillors would gain experience in the Wards. Then go on to be super Councillors in the boroughs. Future mayors could expect to be drawn from the Executive Committee, but not always!!! THEN WE COULD GIVE THE FINGER TO MIKE HARRIS, DALTON McGUINTY, KATHLEEN McGUINTY AND AMERIGREED!!!




The 18 to 39 demographic in Ontario is poised to take control the Legislature at Queen’s Park and Toronto City Hall, IF THEY SO DARE???? An En Bloc vote is in and of itself hollow and will have no lasting positive affect. Fortunately for the forgotten cohort, AMERIGREED and the Canadian Nazi media no longer deals with the truth. Canadians get nothing but misinformation and rightie propaganda! So that field [ information ] could completely fall within the reach of the under 39s. INFORMATION ID POWER!!! Neither the Ontario public, nor the lost cohort really know what is going on. For the success and the future of young people THAT DISCREPENCY MUST CHANGE! So unearthing the facts that relate to to-day’s critical problems and problem solving will garner a huge audience, even a world audience. People around the globe are looking for solutions and searching to improve their lives??? That is the last thing AMERIGREED and the world Nazi media wants. People who are improving educationally and who are upwardly mobile DO NOT MAKE GOOD SLAVES! An exploration and review of to-day’s major issues, will reveal just how they are all interconnected. Academia, journalists and authors are too narrowly focused. Rather life is a large canvas, with much going on at one time! The people who will control tomorrow’s world will be the ones who get their minds around the BIG PICTURE and connect the dots??? But you can’t do that unless you have all the puzzle pieces!!! JOB ONE, gather all the puzzle pieces!!! Monopolistic nuclear power in Ontario [ instituted by Mike Harris and carried on by Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen McGuinty ], has given us 25 cent KWHs, that really should cost no more than ten cents a KWH. High cost electricity has driven manufacturers out of the Province. Since Ontarians no longer make things to sell and / or export we are at the mercy of AMERIGREED, WE PAY THE PRICES THEY SET FOR US FOR THE THINGS WE NEED! The deindustrialization of this Province means the good jobs have dried up and the ability to form unions to get a fairer shake has been much diminished! Lack of business activity means lower taxes. And Wicked Witch Wynnes keeps corporate taxes low. This is made worse by Ontario granting financial concessions to corporations which hide their profits off shore, thus paying low / no taxes. The McGuinty Liberals have responded to the shortfall in revenues by cutting funding to welfare, hospitals, education, and teachers! Mike Harris did that! The Cameron / May Government in the UK does the same, they’re all playing from the rightie play book! All hoping like Harper for a pat on the head from AMERIGREED! The McGuinty Libs have appointed private agencies to monitor this reduced funding, as in the case of the strike by profs at the Province’s Colleges. Such agencies [ College Employer Council / Tarion ] are NOT answerable to the people who pay their salaries [ very undemocratic ]. These tax supported agencies are an expensive cover / diversion for the McGuinty Libs, allowing them to duck responsibility for the deterioration of Post Secondary education and poorly built houses. If Ontario elects a Government, it is responsible running the Province!!! The Liberals were not elected to pass off responsibilities to private USA coporations!!! But as outlined in the forgoing 30,000 words, the 18 to 39 lost cohort CAN HAVE THE LAST LAUGH IF THEY SO CHOSE??? They can, using THEIR MASSIVE VOTING POWER change Ontario to something of their OWN LIKING. LIKE HOW ABOUT LOTS OF JOBS AND A BALANCED BUDGET AND WHILE WE ARE AT IT, REDUCE ONTARIO’S DEBT??? Every step after June 2018, MUST SECURE FOR THEM A BRIGHT AND PROSPEROUS FUTURE!!! In their quest for A FULL EMPLOYMENT SITUATION, it is imperative that the lost cohort gain the support of MOST ONTARIANS! This can be accomplished by searching out the truth and broadcasting it to almost 10 million voters here!!! The young must be fearless in painting a real picture of life in THIS PROVINCE TO-DAY!!! Paul Godfrey fronts for Wall Street, which OWNS 93 NATIONAL POST PAPERS, which are look alikes, both newspapers and online sites. Godfrey is paid by AMERIGREED to publish lies, misinformation, False News, made up stuff, vodoo economics and rightie propaganda!!! Under this regime and flight from the truth, the employment situation WILL NOT CHANGE. However the lost cohort has control of social media and has access to the internet. Obama used this network to get elected twice and Jeremy Corbyn in the UK came close to toppling the Cameron / May Fascists, with the backing of MOMENTUM!!! In both campaigns the Nazi media was completely circumvented! Canada is ripe for the same thing to happen, especially here in Ontario! In constructing a society in which there is full employment and wherein the fruits of the collective efforts of the PEOPLE are widely distributed, first things must come first! In the complex and confusing present, problems can be solve and will be solved by identifying those things which can provide a foundation for all future efforts! I see THREE ISSUES WHICH THE 18 TO 39 DEMOGRAPHIC MUST ATTEND TO! {{ ONE }} — Ontario is going nowhere with 25 cent KWs, most likely to ruin if we must? This is not rocket science??? Manitoba gets its’ electricity from water and the ratepayers there pay six cents per KWH! Quebec gets its’ electricity from water also, and the ratepayers in the La Belle Province also pay 6 cents for a KWH or $ 60 per household per month. In Ontario, which has more installed / potential water / hydro power than both Manitoba and Quebec combined, the cost of a KWH is 25 cents, or $200 per household per month. Kathleen McGuinty sees nothing wrong with this, she bows to AMERIGREED and neglects the ratepayers??? Electricity is scheduled to go up even higher due to OUR clapped out nuclear plants which need many billions of dollars in repairs. Kathleen is borrowing $ 25 billion to reduce electric bills in order to buy the next Election. Once the Election is over, if Elected, the Wicked Witch will raise electricity rates again!!! Mike Harris and Dalton McGuinty conspired to ensure that Ontario Hydro, supposedly owned by the people would be run by a privately owned nuclear monopoly with roots in the USA. The idea was that the nukie would keep the profits and any debts incurred would be applied to the backs of Ontarians. The nukies closed more than 100 small water / hydro plants. Luckily for us they were only mothballed. Water behind any dam in the Province, is worth half a cent a KWH. This is clean / cheap electricity which Queen’s Park / nukies / Toronto Star has denied Ontarians for 20 years. Now, in anticipation of the upcoming election in June 2018, the McGuinty Liberals is borrowed that $ 25 billion through Ontario Power Generation. By hiding this loan at OPG it will reduce electricity bills in the short run. This loan, which the young will eventually have to pay is meant to reelect the Liberals in 2018! Already Kathleen McGuinty has her Ministries running GOOD NEWS advertising at taxpayer’s expense. What ever the 18 to 39 demographic is doing at this moment, they can count on being in the exact same spot in coming years if either the McGuinty Liberals or the Patrick Brown Fascists are elected. By putting this loan on the books of OPG, Kathleen McGuinty can claim the Provinces has balanced its’ books. Of course the Toronto Star and TVO have been in the forefront of protecting the nukies, all involved in this heist are well compensated by AMERIGREED! That $ 25 billion in debt, will be left to the 18 to 39 year old to pay off. Preposterous! 25% of the lost cohort who are out of work, and most of the rest who are on starvation wages will never be able to pay that debt off? It seems obvious what the next move should be, CREATING FULL EMPLOYMENT. Our young people must take over Queen’s Park and initiate ten cent KWHs after June 2018. Just think, reducing the electricity to 10 cents a KWH will eliminate the need fro Kathleen to borrow that $ 25 billion??? This can be done by phasing {{ IN }} hydro electricity and phasing {{ OUT }} nuclear power as quickly as we can. Crucial, is rebooting the more than 100 hydro plants, where electricity is generated locally. The hundreds of billions of dollars the McGuintyites want to spend on new transmission line to accommodate nukie power will stay in the Treasury! Investigation shows that there are no good jobs in Toronto for young people! That Gridlock is strangling business in the City, and the pitiful TTC takes a huge toll on the working poor / students in the North West and North East??? Even worse is the Carbon Dioxide which is more lethal the the Alberta Tar Sands. And the Carbon Monoxide, the silent killer which kills the very young and the very old. For this the Toronto City Council is responsible but keeps it a secret!!! Along with bringing in 10 cent KWHs, the forgotten cohort must tackle Toronto Gridlock and prepare a comprehensive public transit plan which will see ridership rise to almost 50% from 25%. Based on cheaper electricity, reducing Gridlock and creating a modern TTC, from the dregs of a utility now trapped in the 1970s! Tackling such real problems, will greatly enhance the chance, that more than 4 million 18 to 39 year olds in Ontario, WILL HAVE A DECENT SHOT AT HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE!!! When faced with a multitude of problems, it is important to line them up like ducks and pick them off ONE AT A TIME, with the biggest duck FIRST!!! In June 2018 the under 39s have to decide which fork in the road to take??? Do young people want our economy to be directed by our Representatives at Queen’s Park??? This is the way it was done under a REAL Progressive Conservative Government [ Frost, Robarts and Davis, from 1948 to 1985, 42 GOLDEN YEARS ]!!! Or do we continue to allow AMERIGREED to direct Ontario’s economy, as it has since 1995??? Both Mike Harris and Dalton McGuinty surrendered this Province’s economic sovereignty to AMERIGREED. After 20 year, what you see is what we’ll get if the wealth stripping by the Americans goes unabated??? So on ONE SIDE OF THE SCALE are 42 golden years in which huge strides were made in terms of PEOPLE POWER!!! On the OTHER SIDE OF THE SCALE are the last 20 years of abject economic failure under AMERIGREED rule, with the plight of the majority turning from bad to worse??? I think the choice is obvious for young people. THEY CAN CHANGE THE ECONOMIC PICTURE BY VOTING AS A BLOCK FOR ANDREA HORWATH AND THE NDP!!! After June 2018, I would give every student affected by the College Strike a 50% refund on their tuition!!! I would give the Union, OPSEU a contract based on their last offer! I would sack everyone at the College Employer Council and cancel their contracts. For Don Sinclair, I would escort him off the premises, with only his personal possessions and NOT give him a bloody cent. This type of incompetence and dishonesty should bring with it NO REWARD!!!


As I put this post to bed, the Ontario College Strike has just ended. This whole disgraceful debacle was orchestrated by Kathleen McGuinty!
But her so called victory will be short lived come June of next year!!!
While the ballot still exists in Canada, there is still time to remake Ontario. This Province to be great, needs Toronto to be great too!!!
25 cent KWHs are ruinous, this price must be cut by 60%, to 10 cents. City Gridlock must be eliminated! The TTC has to be brought into the 2100 century. The whole City Council must be disappeared! Is it possible for a FREE PEOPLE to be free, when a FOREIGN POWER MAKES ALL THE RULE??? Of course not!!! So let the under 39s free us at last, AND FREE US FOR GOOD!!!


There is a Canada Revenue scam going around which is targeting the elderly. The operators are in southwestern Louisiana. This proved once again that the main occupation of Americans, is cheating, lying and stealing. Canada is seen as a land of backward people who can be easily scammed. Herr Harper and his Fascists just can’t wait to hand us the AMERIGREED. Then the scamming will cease. The Yankees will then be able to suck us dry, as they see fit and it will be done right out there in the open. It is a pity, that we don’t have bounty hunters. We could send a force of Canuck hunters down to Louisiana, to pick up these creeps, bring them up here. And we could lynch them on Parliament Hill!!! I was always in favour of the death penalty, on that matter my opinion has not changed!!! As the USA descends into a hell hole, we should make it clear to the armed whities who support Trumpf, that Canadians can play for keeps too. WE CAN PLAY THE SAME GAME!!! WE HAVE HAD TO DEFEND AGAINST YANKEE INVASIONS SINCE 1776 AND THE WAR IN 1812! I SAY TO THE STUPID AMERICANS WHO TOTE AK 47s AROUND IN PUBLIC, BRING IT ON? WE ARE NOT HAITI????



Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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Since the Reagan years the Republican States have increasingly engaged in illegal election rigging and voter suppression, especially against the Blacks. All the Harper / Poilievre anti democratic assaults on voting here in Canada, were taken directly from the Republican State’s play books. Thinking Canadians were well aware of the Fascist game, except for those who rely on the Nazi media, particularly Paul Godfrey’s rag, the National Post. Try this little game. Pick up a Post paper, don’t pay for it, they are free all over the place. Put the Paper away for 2 weeks. The you can see how many lies Paul Godfrey told you. Fascist gripers claimed that the Liberals were selling out to special interests when raising money. Godfrey thought this non story deserved major headlines? Three years ago, Herr Harper gave his employer, the USA oil monopoly, $ 850 million [ you tax money ] for Carbon Capture and Storage, an unproven technology promoted by BIG OIL and Brad Wall, Preem of Saskatchewan. 850 million would have certainly eased the burden of First Nations and those less well off. But to Godfrey, this raiding of the Canadian till by Harper didn’t rate a single word. I find it strange that in the USA, for an elected government in a democracy to impose laws which DEPRIVE SOME AMERICANS OF THE RIGHT TO VOTE. It just doesn’t square. Creating a huge class of second tier Americans has been the main work of the Republicans, the Tea Party, BIG MONEY, the Supreme Court and US Nazi media including FOX NEWS. And latterly the Democrats. This loose knit group of truly selfish people concluded, maybe 200 years ago, that they were exceptional, self appointed and a cut above the rest. This based on no more than a white skin and self approval. Maybe the USA has been like a ball of string all along. When the end comes the end comes, period. It has over the years, gradually been unwound and to-day, 2016 the end of the string has appeared. The appalling behaviour of such anti democratic people can only occur in a land where the majority of whites HAVE FELT AND STILL FEEL SUPERIOR BECAUSE OF THE COLOUR OF THEIR SKIN. AND NOW FEAR FOR THEIR PLACE IN THE SCHEME OF THINGS. It is a fatal flaw wherein the only outcome is TOTAL RUIN. A Country in shambles anyone??? The US Constitution is a fraud, a mere piece of window dressing to hide the real intent of the MASTER RACE, an idea which has afflict mankind from time to time [ 1933 to 1945 comes to mind ]. So while praising the Constitution, the forked tongued whites have not lived by its’ tenets but spent their time carrying on with their hidden agenda, namely, a small minority of rich OVERMEN and a majority of destitute UNDERMEN. Therefore the USA Constitution should be described as a charade, a front and a fraud, used to provide cover for the most despicable of deeds, almost on a par with the Nazis. Gassing and ovens have not made an appearance YET!!!. The Americans are unworthy of such a Constitution. Some ignore it. The majority refuse to defend it. The rightpublicanazis are unworthy since they hide behind a scrap of paper that is pure fiction in the real world. And the larger population is unworthy of such a democracy because they FAILED TO CULTIVATE AND ATTEND TO SUCH A FRAGILE GARDEN. Deep down at the Country’s core dwells hate, racism, cheating, lying and stealing are watchwords all. The extent of this double sided, cultural malaise has hidden by all participants, never fully explored. All have been afraid to confront this sickness which is now fully upon us. Far too many Yankees are incapable or even scared to look into the mirror. It has gotten so bad that certain Americans have been banned from gathering the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial because Trumpf and his gangster don’t like them. And this before Trumpf even takes office. It is my feeling that the Trumpfster will not serve out his term. Some patriot, devoid of ideology and concern for democracy in the USA will take the Donald out? Life in the USA is now no more than a Hollywood fantasy, divorced from the real world. It is a life which goes way back to slave times, when slavery seldom touched the whitie bubble. The world has increasingly been treated in the same manner by the USA, Washington has an appetite for people which it can bully and enslave. As long as the AMERIGREED wealth stripping corporate system is proceeding as planned the plight of the little local people or the far away little people is of little concern to the ever grasping Yankees. Alberta has vast swathes of toxic tar tailing ponds which the American oil monopoly has abandoned and willed to Canada. It is par for the course, the Yankees always leave their garbage behind, no matter how lethal. About the toxic tar ponds there has been no outcry from official Canada over the past ten years. What kind of royal screwing would it take to get Paul Godfrey to apy attention to such an important matter? The area of unusable landscape in Hiroshima after the A Bomb was 13 sq kms. The tar tailing ponds cover 174 sq kms. And yet the yahoos in Alberta continue to pick on Rachel Notley as the bringer of all grief. As I have said before make the American oil monopoly clean up their tailing ponds or seize their property. The Yankees have in essence said, we dumped our garbage in your fair Province now you Albertans can clean the place up. Alberta allowed the monopoly to get away with stockpiling this filth but the Province has no money. Rather Canadians are on now on the hook. And yet Albertans have the nerve to blame Canada for all their ills. Steve Harper wanted to build a wall around Alberta. That idea sounds better and better with each day. The USA oil monopoly was taking the tar out of Alberta for almost free. Now the monopoly doesn’t want that tar because it is buying ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqi people. Much of that stolen ISIS oil is refined in the USA along the Delaware River and exported to Quebec and Ontario. The price we pay for gas, diesel and jet fuel is based on oil that is $ 100 a barrel. If anyone wants to sucker Canadians just take lessons from the USA. Pierre Trudeau was right about not allowing Washington and the USA oil monopoly dominating Alberta politics 35 years ago. As they also do in Saskatchewan under Brad Wall. US money has a special allure for right wingers in Canada. Frank Miller, Brian Mulroney, Mike Harris, Steve Harper, Dalt McGuinty, Brian Jean, Jason Kenney, Jim Prentice et al were all a special breed of Canadians. Those prepared to sell their Country to the USA in return for a cheque. Nothing new here. The Americans have been buying up politicians around the world for 80 years. Brussels is the latest buy. Goldman Sachs now runs the European Central Bank. Fortunately the Brits, who still have a valid ballot voted out. Goodo for them. Back in the 1980s Pierre Trudeau, with his NEP tried to combat the control of Alberta oil by the Americans. And what did Big Oil do??? Why with the help of the Canadian newspapers, the elites here and a vibrant, local Fifth Column element in this Country conducted a massive smear campaign against Trudeau senior. And lo these many years later the NEP smear continues. When oilies take a dislike to someone they will spend whatever it takes to destroy that person. The Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV and Global just love smears and the oilie cheque that goes with it. The oilie’s current smear campaigns against Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau are just a continuation of what ever BIG OIL WANTS BIG OIL GETS. What these campaign require is a well paid corrupt and traitorous media and treasonous Canadians who collectively are prepared to take petro dollars to sell the rest of us out. All those involved in selling Canada out believe that we the locals who suffer or even die are expendable, it is just the cost of doing business. This Yankee thinking has not changed since Jamestown / 1607. Canada has always been coveted by the Americans. The pre Civil War idea of manifest Destiny was supported by many Americans. It held that because Americans were special, their’s was the right to take what the wanted to remake and redeem North America, in their own image. Some supposedly wise Americans, including Abraham Lincoln, saw the moral mission of the Country was to the furthering of the democratic system, broadly. But recently the democratizing of the globe has morphed into commercial domination by the US. Apparently, since 1945 the Americans have been involved with 82 military excursions, including the Iraq War, to force democracy down the throats of recalcitrant locals who decide to be uncooperative on the road to serfdom. With Britain and Canada the Yankees saw no need to invade, cash would surely bring the Quislings a running. The far right in the USA saw the opportunity for world conquest by stealth. The velvet covered brick. Well Abe lost out and we are all the poorer. Many countries have fallen or been driven into the USA sphere . Usually they are completely disarmed and haven’t the means to escape their confinement. Canada has so far been able to avoid such a takeover throughout its’ history. The War of 1812 and the Harper Regime of 2006 to 2015 saw us come the closest to becoming a USA province. In the most recent case, Paul Godfrey was paid by AMERIGREED to play a huge role in handing the keys to Canada to the rightpublicanazis. The Godfrey / National Post operation is illegal from one end to the other. The newspaper chain is owned by Americans, illegal. Godfrey prints False News, illegal [ Criminal Code Sec. # 181]. Godfrey lies to Canadians, paid by the Americans to do so, treasonous??? Godfrey defames and libels the opponents of the right wing. Illegal. Godfrey censors the news in such a way that Canadians only see what the Americans want them to see. I can’t even begin to think what Godfrey would have been doing if Lyin Steve had won? Play Goebbels maybe??? Now with the huge amount of US dollars flowing to our Nazi media the picture is quite clear. AMERIGREED IS SETTING ITS SIGHTS ON 2019 AS THE TAKEOVER DATE, BOTH IN ALBERTA AND CANADA. On board, besides the National Post are the Canadian Fifth Column which includes Brian Mulroney, Conrad Black, Brad Wall, Brian Pallister, Preston Manning, the Universities of Calgary / Carleton, the Globe and Tar, the Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC. I mean these traitors have placed their bet on the power of American dough winning in the end. They are helped in their assessment by the fact that AMERIGREED PAYS THEM ALL RETAINERS. What AMERIGREED wants, AMERIGREED usually gets, democracy or no democracy. And now at the very end of the string comes Trumpf. A mental patient, who is just the latest and grandest outrage coming out of right wing ideology. Only the odd American journalist or academic is willing to even look down into the sewer. And those who do give the sewer only the briefest of glances. Most in the US Nazi media are quite comfortable being down in the sewer, but they do a little squirming and then grab for the cheques. Greed has become the principle driver in the USA. Anyone who comments or writes about Trumpf without attacking the boy / man is morally and intelligently bankrupt. Those who support Trumpf, do not care what damage The Donald will do to American. They are each convinced they will be unaffected by the Civil War no raging. One exception to the train wreck is Noam Chomsky, who predicted this state of ARMAGEDDON, 25 YEARS AGO. It is truly the last battle between good and evil in these Disunited States of America. As Churchill said when looking at the possibilities of Nazi domination, ” If we fail, we will sink into the abyss of a new dark age, made more sinister and perhaps more protracted by the lights of perverted science “. I will borrow. If Canada and the world fails to stem the Trumpfster and his Fascist band, we will sink with the USA into the abyss of a new dark age, made more sinister and protracted by the art of science being replaced by hate, religious fanaticism and racism. The timid Americans, who are not Tea Bagger types, have been unwilling to look at the HATE that lurks beneath the ground in their sewer. For most Yankees in the public eye, they just deny and deny that this HATE EVEN EXISTS. But now with the elevation of Trumpf TO THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT, we can clearly see that 40% of Americans encapsulate racist white supremacists or chickenshit whitish racists. In the latter category are the whites who wave at their Black neighbour or speak to Hispanics, Asians and Muslims at the super market but don’t want them to get too close or to get too uppity and forget their diminished place in the scheme of things. Lady Barb Black said it best, ” the little people should know their place “. Well, I would like to tell the Blacks that IN MY CANADA THERE ARE NO LITTLE PEOPLE. In the privacy of the whites only voting booths, the chickenshit whites showed their true colours by voting for Trumpf. What is at stake for them is the loss of the unearned, inherited superiority of the whites who see themselves as being exceptional. This, for doing nothing more than being born the right colour. Under the circumstances, you would think that seeing the Repubs are in total control, with no democratic restrains to encumber them, they’d seeking the best educational opportunities for their kind? But no. For the rabid right being an uneducated knob is apparently their goal. Stupidity on the part of the righties is worn like a medal. The dumber the better, it would seem. But mother nature has no time for those out of sync. She doesn’t care if the rightpblicanazis won’t acknowledge, California and the mid west are returning to desert, the seas are rising and will shortly swamp the US east coast and the new path of the Jet Stream guarantees the Dakotas and Montana will have colder winters and drier summers. Trumpf’s anti global warming stance is superfluous and is a waste of breath. Herr Harper was also bent on rendering Canadians ignorant. Lyin Steve took away the census to dumb us down and was working with Paul Godfrey and the staff of the National Post to rewrite the Country’s history. Given enough time and we would have thought the Yankees have owned Canada since the War of 1812. Recent job studies indicate that Blacks and Hispanics captured 78% of all the new jobs created in 2015, although they are only 50% of the population. There is a simple reason. The Blacks and the Hispanics seek ever and ever higher levels of education, even under duress they advance. While the white mob reverts to cave man status. It used to be that the USA led the world in new thinking and innovation. Not anymore. Hitler killed the educational system in Germany and promoted militarism. The rightpublicanazis promoted / promote stupidity among their followers as Harper did here. Like the Nazis, the Repubs support unrestricted machine gun ownership. It is the same as after the Nat Turner led Black uprising in Virginia in 1831. The whites armed themselves to the teeth, the slaves were coming. The white populations in the slave States in many areas were outnumbered. They were gripped with fear. The whitie leadership played on this fear and imposed even tougher rules on the Black. Basing an economic system on the free labour of the oppressed and pursuing it’s expansion with naked greed ensured the party would come to an end. It was a precursor to the Civil War of 1861 / 65. Rather than learn from the missteps from 1609 to 1861 the south only doubled down. Now in 2016, the huge, unrestricted influx of Hispanic cheap labour is once more threatening whitie control. And Trumpf’s supporter are not only angry at this turn of events they are scared shitless. The white population is actually decreasing and the minority number are expanding rapidly, especially the Hispanic community. What to do, what to do??? The self appointed Repub OVERMEN [ the Nietzsche Myth promoted by H. L. Mencken and Ayn Rand is just that, a Myth ], have rested on their oars much too long and the world has passed them by. In the interim the US MINORITIES and people globally, have forged ahead in terms of education, an ever widening world view, an understanding of Global Warming and the level of their skills and talents. The 40 million or so USA right wingees are disturbed by the advancement of minorities in America and are attempting to hold back the hands of time. NO!!! They are trying to turn back the hands of time. Rots of ruck. The Canadian cultural and trading arrangement that I have been suggesting encompasses more than 2 billion people. There are almost 200 million Americans who want no part of Trumpf. 40 million ignorant, white supremacists, who are led by the boy Trumpf, a pretend man, are determined to run the world, populated with many billions at the point of the machine gun. They are dreaming in technicolour. It may be that the only way to restore democracy to the USA after a period of unnecessary strife is to revive concentration camp idea and equip then with giant size ovens. We ain’t seen nothing yet?

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Making things worse still, is the fact that the whities have not a clue as to where they fit into the wider world. Study after study shows the USA at the back of the pack in terms of an understanding of global affairs. When you are used to giving orders and punishing those to do not step lively enough the present impotence is infathomable to the rightpublicanazis. Funny, the whites see themselves being left behind even though they are still in control. The vote for Trumpf was made to arrest that fantasy process. Trunpf and his misguided followers are attempting to solve a problem that doesn’t exist. But sorry, it is much too late. Canada and the other Western nations could tomorrow, form a new global arrangement and do an end run around the US corporations and globalization and the wealth stripping by AMERIGREED . The present Trumpf friendly culture, now emerging, which sees a long line of Republicans bent over with their pants down, offers no hope of the USA catching up. So the fall back position is to do what Yankees have always done best, blame others and seek victims to milk. Simpletons who they can cheat, lie to and steal from. The Nazi media is already laying the groundwork for the next round of world thefts. The basic question now is, will the white minority be successful in turning the clock back to the 1950s, 1900s or 1860s and just how many of the minorities will they deported or exterminate? Trumpf has promised as much. Thanks to the Donald, Hayek, FOX NEWS and the rightpublicanazis, democracy has come to an end in America, although they are not going public with the truth just yet. The righties think they can fool the American fools one more time. The quaint idea of one person, one vote is in immanent danger globally, so says the American Nazi media. IT MAY BE TOO LATE FOR DEMOCRACY IN THE USA WITHOUT LOSS OF LIFE??? The whites think as of 2016, only white votes have meaning. THAT IS WHAT THEY THINK!!! The whites might believe that THEY ALONE HOLD THE WHIP HAND. But this transition to a Fascist dictatorship can only happen IF THE MINORITIES ALLOWS IT TO HAPPEN. But as the majority of Americans pore into the streets and begin trashing, burning and the shootings escalate, it looks like the dream of the white haters to retain control of the agenda by use of the gun, is but a faint hope. For some time, I have been writing about those frightened, confused, low brained whites hiding down in the sewer. These demented people used to emerge ever four year to vote Republican, then go hide in the sewer again. The Repubs counted on the sere dwellers. But since Obama, the white sewers dwellers have gotten extremely tired of the hollow Repub promises for perpetual supremacy and a vibrant economy. The KKK types have always been in the shadows, just muttering to one another behind close doors. One of the jobs of the Repub paid US Nazi media was to give zero coverage to the outbreaks of rabid racism. To make believe it isn’t happening. Then Donald arrived on the scene and pulled back the man hole cover, capping the sewer. Trumpf let the racist thugs up, out, into the sunlight and gave them license. Trumpf himself has promised to fulfill every whitie wish, going the Repubs many better. Trumpf is centre stage, surrounded by the Repub toadies, each one having kissed Donald’s ring finger or his ass. 40 million white racists are NOT NOW reaching for their guns, they don’t have to. They expect Trumpf to deliver on his promises. Can one demented, Sociopathic soul like the Trumpfster deliver such impossible dreams in world of 7.5 billion people ?????? They will all have to bend to his will. Hitler came to power depending on nobody else and dammed near enslaved the whole world. In 2016, forty million white supremacists can’t function on their own, they depend on millions of slaves around the globe. It is said that the farther a country is away from the USA, the better chance they have to survive unimpeded. Not only is Donald guaranteeing his supporters perpetual white control but he is going to make each one of them rich. This fantasy will be built upon many backs world wide. I think that the many backs will have something to say about the matter. Some time back a study was done which showed it takes 28 people around the world in servitude to keep each affluent American comfortable. This serving class includes Canadians. We have a far lower standard of living, when related to our resources. This because of the wealth stripping by AMERIGREED. WHY??? Because we let them!!! We let the Yankees in here to fuck us good and we say nothing. Could there be enough spine in Canada to run through that open door which has just opened??? The evil monster is preoccupied, now is the time to scram. So although the Republican States rigged the 2016 election, as they have been doing for the last 35 years, they lost. That is why the door is now wide open. It has been proven over and over that right wingers has no insight. Their ideology prohibit them from thinking. There is no reason for them to ever worry about the future, when the rightpublicanazis could buy that future they desire? This time it hasn’t work. Surprise, surprise, Donald walked right into the hall and stole the Republican crown jewels and the party’s supporters. The Repub / Tea Bag Party is now the Trumpf party. He owed and he owes the Republicans absolutely nothing. The Donald can sit in the Oral Office and thumb his nose at all the rightpublicanazis. Trumpf’s real boss now, is a lazy, ignorant, racist mob that wants superior status, riches by default and the elimination of anyone they don’t like. Citizens in the USA and around the globe, who have a higher Intelligence Quotient than the Trumpf rabble, will be required to submit to this loser pipe dream. Will the world’s population bow and surrender. Will they walk and say screw you Yankees??? We will now see in each country, who are the agents of the rightpublicanazis, Like Harper, Kenney, Paul Godfrey, Ezzie le Rant and crew. Global right wing Trumpf lovers are now showing their allegiance to a USA dictatorship, screw their home country. The Harper Fascists and Paul Godfrey have given a clear sign as to where their money is coming from. To-day, Canadians, who are getting next to nothing for their soft wood lumber and Alberta tar will have to agree to accept Trumpf’s offer of even lower prices for their resources and a lower standard of living. Trumpf’s grandfather was a German, who came to the USA by boat a hundred years ago. The Blacks, who are constantly being abuse and insulted by Trumpf and his supporters, have been on this continent for FOUR HUNDRED YEARS. Second class citizenship, which was imposed on the Blacks at Jamestown 1609, is still being imposed on Hispanics, Asians and Muslims by white supremacists. They have been drawn to the Fascist, Trumpf, by his use hatespeak as the watchword. The white birthrate is below zero. Not enough white babies are being born to replace the whites who are dying of old age, drugs, booze, stupidity and suicide. The birth rate of minority women is 2.3 babies per. In less than 20 years the minorities will far outnumber the whites. Continued white dominance can only prevail if the minorities surrender the field. To guarantee the continuing domination of America by the white supremacists, the KKK and white militias needed to act NOW OR NEVER! They acted by coming out to vote for Trumpf. In doing so the white racists blew it. It was their last card and it turned out to be the JOKER. The Repubs, from Reagan onward, promised their white supremacist supporters that elections would be rigged, votes would be tampered with, the Democratic opposition would be intimidated and the minorities would be prevented from voting. The US Supreme Court declared many of these measures unconstitutional. The Repub States ignored the USA-SC, and the Repub Court didn’t raise a finger in protest. Steve Harper used Republican State operatives AS ADVISORS. Harper, his Fascist Party, those ADVISORS, US petrol dollars, the Nazi media including Paul Godfrey stole the 2011 Canadian Election. This criminal clan didn’t do so well in 2015. I had hoped so but was concerned that too many Canadians were snoozing while the Americans annexed this Nation. But Harper the VAMPIRE still haunts the Land, mentally ill but as yet uncommitted? To kill him off will require a wooden stake to the heart or a fiery oven. The Repubs, have over the past few years succeeded in preventing millions of minority voters from casting their ballots. Some democracy??? No democracy really! Well then Fred Hayek never did support democracy nor did Ron Reagan, H. L. Mencken, Milton Friedman, Leo Strauss, Alan Greenspan or Ayn Rand. And Trumpf declares he won the election fair and square. The Donald, drawing a leaf for the rightpublicanazi’splay book, should have said we cheated fair and square Loaded dice are loaded dice in any game. Interestingly, Americans have a habit of proudly wearing gold medals they stole without ever a hint of a blush. With the election of Barack Obama in 2008, everyone could see that the Republicans had no clothes. The Party could no longer guarantee white control forever. The Tea Party was born in 2009 as a result and commands a following of about 10% of Americans. These zealots of the right wing lunatic fringe, did not accept Republican fumbling of their white forever guarantee or the death of white supremacy in the US. The Tea Baggers attacked the Repub Party itself for its’ core failure, with the thought in mind to clean house and take over. All moderate Republicans were purged. Things were taken further down and even dirtier. The Repub Party hierarchy was scared out of it’s wits by the Baggers and meekly surrendered the reins of the Party to them. The Tea Party only further emboldened the whitie racists. But the Baggers failed also, all they did was bring the Country to a grinding halt economically. When Obama was elected again in 2012, the shit really hit the fan for the white supremacists. Perpetual control seemed even farther away for them and after 4 years of obstructing the Government in Washington, the Republicans / Tea Party had not only failed to deliver white dominance in perpetuity but destroyed the finances of their racist supporters and the Country as well. In 2015, what the whities prayed for was someone even more extreme than the Tea Party. That was when Trumpf showed up. The Fuhrer TO BE has promise even grander outrages. The white master race, according to Trumpf, will remain masters forever and to sweeten things even further there would be chicken in every Fascist pot. That is exactly what Hitler said. It took 12 years and the deaths of 40 million to prove the Fuhrer was telling lies. In 2016 Republican supporters deserted the Party in favour of this tyrannical Pied Piper, Trumpf. Even some democrats voted for Trumpf, they couldn’t take the Democratic / Clinton twins corruption any longer. So the disillusioned Dems jumped from the frying pan down into the sewer! The Republicans have been smitten by the Nazi movement since 1933 and were taking money from Hitler in the late 1930s. The right had to hide their feeling during the War. It took till the 1960s for the rightpublicanazi establishment to start spending money and expending its’ efforts to building a New Reich. It would seem that things are not working out from Trumpf any better than for Adolph. A small group of demented, rightie, Sociopaths began changing the American governmental system on the QT from Reagan time till now. Backed by the One Percent To put it simply, while the bulk of the USA population slumbered along the right wing changed the locks. The ballot, which free people in the States hold so dear, is to-day worthless. It can’t even be used as bum wipe! Now the only option the Trumpf opponents have, is exactly what they are doing, taking to the streets, damaging property and torching businesses. Being down to just one option can be laid at the doorstep of a comatose American electorate. Comatose thanks to the US Nazi media. The rightpublicanazis stole the Country right from under the noses of the people. And then Trumpf stole the disgruntled Repub base right from under the noses of the Republicans. I would suggest to the, ” NOT TRUMPF “, organizers that they become very surgical. Instead of just marching through city streets, throwing rocks, they should create specific targets. If we go back in time to Nat Turner [ 1831 ] and Virginia. He was a very well educated slave who led a rebellion, with about 75 men. They had had enough abuse to last 3 lifetimes. This mob slaughtered about 50 whites, who had mistreated the blacks in their care. My point is that throughout all of the whitie slave States, the citizens became frightened. In some areas there were as many Blacks as whites or even more. The concern was, what would the outcome be if the Blacks got hold of guns? To-day the whites are being pushed into minority status. That same fear of losing control, that gripped the Nation almost 200 years ago has returned but the outcome will be much different this time. The whites have no recourse. They are trapped. Some of them are saying they would rather cut their own throats than live under minority rule. I would like to see the protesters now in the streets get serious. The best thing for a rabid dog is a bullet in the head. Americans who value the democracy that is now lost to them must realize they are dealing with 40 million rabid dogs, a vicious breed, bred by the Reagan’s Republicans. Simply put, as long as these rabid dogs roam the Land, democracy is but a fading memory. Canadians beware. We also have a rabid dog element in this Country that will not be satisfied until this Nation is a province of the USA. Now is not the time to snooze.

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ANY RIGHT WING FOOL, LIKE PAUL GODFREY, CAN FIND A PROBLEM SOMEWHERE IF HE DIGS HARD ENOUGH AND HAS HIS DRONES KEEP REPEATING THE MISINFORMATION / LIES OVER AND OVER AGAIN, AD NAUSEAM. FINDING A SOLUTION IS A DIFFERENT MATTER ENTIRELY, NOW THAT DOES TAKE SKILL!!! THE RIGHT WING DOESN’T ALLOW PROBLEM SOLVERS IN ITS’ RANKS. THEIR IDEOLOGY HAS AS ITS’ MOST PRECIOUS COMMODITY IS CHAOS. JUST LOOK TO THE SOUTH ACROSS THE 49TH. SO TAKE YOUR PICK? YOU CAN BUY A NATIONAL POST AND READ ABOUT ALL THE PROBLEMS, CALCULATED TO MAKE YOU FEARFUL, ANXIOUS AND SOFTEN CANADIANS UP FOR THE USA TAKEOVER. {{{ PM Trudeau hitches a ride in the Aga Khan’s helicopter. Terrible, terrible, Godfrey froths at the mouth. Preem Brian Pallister of Manitoba, spends much of his time at his place in Costa Rica. Working holidays Brian says. About that Paul says little. Godfrey complains that Trudeau is out meeting people when he should be working. Trudeau is Captain of the good Ship Canada, and he is on the job. Pallister is Manitoba’s Captain, but he is no where to be seen. Brian is on a beach in the Islands. But Pallister being AWOL is not oilie news. Paul, Paul, Paul, balance man balance. Not only does the National Post print lies and False News, the Paper is selective in what they publish for the ever dutiful right wing knobs. Exactly what Houston pays for.

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At this point in time, before Trumpf takes Office, we can at least identify the losers who have brought a great Country to its’ knees, after just more than 200 years. A very noble experiment, based on the English experience but brought low by arrogance and greed. The economy of the USA, from the very beginning was build on the free labour of the Black slaves. That dependency was and is like a core cancer that has NEVER BEEN ADDRESSED. The US Civil War of 1861 / 65 was a violent convulsion which should have prompted a complete reappraisal of the American political system. In life, if we wish to survive we must learn from our mistakes. In the aftermath of the Civil War, 150 years ago, no such reappraisal took place. The losers in the South were sore losers and dug in their heels looking to return to that earlier time. Sp in a sense the pot was left bubbling awaiting the next encounter. Well that very encounter is now upon the USA. Countries of the world best keep their distance, for there is nothing anyone can do to help the Americans avoid a complete meltdown. To-day, two Republican States, just passed Legislation that will allow 19 year olds to carry concealed weapons in public to use as they see fit. Such young gun owners will not be require to register, receive any kind of instruction or obtain a license. Can you imagine thousands of teenagers, armed to the gills. being able to use their machine gun anytime they wish, no questions asked. As stated, our Prime Minister Trudeau, holds the key to keeping the rest of the world on an even keel as US Ship Titanic sinks beneath the wave. While I believe PM Trudeau is a talented politician, it is the Country as presently constituted that has the horses to provide global leadership so badly needed at this juncture. We here are 80% self sufficient and lack for nothing of a strategic nature. Canada could pull up the draw bridge and operate quite nicely all on its’ own thank you very much. In fact I have written before than to so do would improve our economy markedly and our live would be less encumbered by American interference like with the national Post papers. If one is going into battle the first order of business is to secure the home from. This nation is truly blessed and there are no taps which foreigners have access to which can in any way limit our maneuvering room. As a result Canada lives in no fear of being punished for its’ actions, even from the once mighty USA.

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Donald Trumpf is a loser. 70% of Americans do not accept his leadership. He can’t fulfill his promises to those doorknobs who voted for him. His every action will increase the discomfort of the 70% and his every action will not / can not please the knobs. Already there are mutterings from white supremacists, complaining about The Donald going back on his word. Already we see moves to impeach Trumpf and he hasn’t yet set foot in the oral office. My take is that Trumpf will not fill out his term. Some crazy will assassinate him.

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The Republican Party Nationally has been destroyed. Trumpf has neutered the lot. Only the Republicans at the State level have retained their organizations. The 30 or so Repub States have zero influence over Trumpf, nor does he have any power over them. So it is a standoff. The Supreme Court will get new Repub Justices because they are the only flavour the Senate will confirm. The 18 member Senate Committee will contain Democrats but they have zilch power. In future any decision by the Supreme Court will be suspect as the Court has become an arm of the thoroughly discredited Republican Party. The opinions of the SC Justices now count about as much as 19 year olds in Missouri and Ohio. In fact I’d bet the muzzle of a gun carries more weight???

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The Democrats are losers too. The Party maintained the course it set back in the 1990s. This, to support a rich, elite, exclusive culture, ignore the wants and needs of Americans and stay a little to the left of the Republicans. The Dems believed, if they stayed hung out in the liberal middle, with the Repubs trying the patience of most Americans they would automatically win votes because there was nobody else to vote for. Trumpf gave those disaffected people someone to vote for. The Democrats did not campaign to win anything. They rested on their oars expecting manna from Heaven. To ensure that control remained in the hands of powerful Democrats the party could always count on an undemocratic nomination system, namely Super Delegates, about one third of the delegates. The anti democratic Super Delegate system was put in place by the Dems to ensure there would be no surprises. If Democrat supporters favoured candidate that the Party brass didn’t like then the Supers represented a safety valve. Democracy could be set aside and the choice of the insiders would prevail. So both political parties abandoned the democratic system in favour of furthering the interests of insiders and the American people said go screw yourselves. The Trumpfster is their legacy. It would seem that when democracy was disappeared in America by the Dems, the Retards and the Nazi media [ which takes money from both ], there was no guarantee that they will be the only participants in the political game. There is now a new dangerous force at work in the USA, undefined and as yet beyond the control of any group. Even the Nazi media has been neutered, although they won’t admit it. America the ugly was built on commerce and industry. Political turmoil as we see south of the border IS NOT GOOD FOR BUSINESS. Canada and other countries in the world should realize what an opportunity this very fractured Disunited States of America presents. Market share can be easily seized and the lines of communication with customers or trading partners can be strengthened. Quality products at an affordable price, delivered on time with good service as the backup, will look good as the Yankees descend into a good old pie fight. Once a consumer finds a new, dependable supplier, they never go back.

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The question is who now holds power??????? Trumpf if he ever assumes power will have very limited powers. The Donald has no political experience and has few friends in Washington. He is a Cadillac with a VW engine and no gas in the tank. The Senate now has 52 Republicans and 46 Democrats as of Dec. 31/16. On Nov. 8/16 there were 34 seats up for grabs. The Repubs won 22 seats with 40 million votes and the Dems won 12 seats with 51 million votes. This is a clear case of the extent to which the Republican States have rigged the voting system. It is also a clear sign of the extent to which the USA has move away from the democratic system. The Senate vote should have given the Dems 19 seats with 51 million votes and the Repubs 14 seats with 40 million votes. The count should therefore now be a tie 50 to 50. But in America the Republicans have worked to ensure that the will of the people doesn’t count and the majority no longer rules. The people should be screaming at the top of their lungs but we hear not a wimper The present rigged standing in the Senate is Repubs 52 and Dems 46. Thus the Dems can filibuster to delay legislation and the Repubs don’t have the required number of seats to overcome it. So the Senate is in essence deadlocked and devoid of any power. The House has got a 3 way split. Repubs, Dems and the Tea Party. Each can’t be seen to be cooperating with its’ opponents so the House is deadlocked as well. The Supreme Court has a vacancy, thus is lacking a deciding Justice. And so it also is deadlocked with only 8 seats filled rather than the required tie breaker 9th seat. So as America disintegrates before our very eyes, just who is in charge of the shop??? WELL NOBODY ACTUALLY. What is left is the gun, civilians armed with more than 300 million guns, the police and the military. With shootings already underway in America’s 2nd Civil War, there is only one sure thing. The use of guns will increase and where that takes the Country nobody knows??????

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The white supremacists lost everything. If Hillary and Bill, one corrupt couple, had one the whities could have commenced shooting. But with the Trumpf win, they have no target now. The Donald promised the white mob pie in the sky. The pie in the sky is NOT GOING TO ARRIVE. BUT, BUT, BUT! So the whitish lunatic fringe can’t take any action while they wait for the Trumpf pie to be delivered. If in the end there is no pie [ that we already now ], then their only target is the Trumpfsters. During the next 4 years of internal strife the minorities will continue to have children and the white population will continue to die out. The USA grows at about 3.3 million people a years. In 2020 there will be more than 12 million more citizens, two thirds of them drawn from the minority ranks. With the election of Trumpf the white masters hit the brick wall and then can only shoot and deport a certain percentage of the Americans they don’t like. But the neanderright will try.

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The soft white racists lost as well. Their central core belief was that they could play the race card, play with fire, back Trumpf and life would still go on for them as before. And that they would be unaffected by the Civil War. Living in gated communities which are patrolled by private police forces is no longer a solution, it is a trap. I would be inclined to identify large gated communities across the USA. The electricity towers, sewer and water lines could be dynamited. And when the whites tried to escape their imprisonment, the minorities could pick them off with ease.

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The Nazi media in the USA as well as in Canada and the UK lost bigtime. Although AMERIGREED will continue to pay them to print and broadcast, lies, False News, rightie propaganda and to practice censorship, their grip will continue to loosen at an accelerating rate. Smart global citizens are not taken in by the paid Nazi media fare. One needs an accurate road map to navigate. Paul Godfrey / Post papers and Dave Thomson / Globe and Tar print false road maps which only lead readers farther into the swamp. I mean this is terrific from my standpoint. The 20% of Canadians who are dead between the ears will plunge deeper and deeper into fantasy land. For those who now the real story, the competition just got weakened. These knobs don’t want Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, don’t read, don’t use the census, rely on the Steve Harper / Paul Godfrey version of Canadian history, frown on unions, are against public education and believe they ARE NOT THEIR BROTHER’S KEEPER. Why don’t we let them have their way. As the NEW CANADA TAKES SHAPE THEY WILL BE LEFT IN THE DUST. Those who break the laws passed by the MAJORITY will just be put in one of Harper’s jails. The Nazi media in the USA has shot it’s bolt and has become irrelevant. Although the English Nazi media was paid hugely by AMERIGREED to support staying in the EU, they failed miserably. Even now the scare campaign being mounted by the Nazi press, especially in London, against leaving the EU is like a squib going off. The rightie newspapers in the UK are a spent force, no longer credible and without any influence except among the right wing crowd. I forecast that the that the 40% of rightpublicanazis in the USA and their adherents, 20% in the UK and possibly 15% in Canada, their political parties and the paid Nazi propagandists will be left behind by the sharpie majority world around the world. A new common cultural and trade organization awaits OUR PLEASURE. With Canada and England leading the way we could embrace more than 2 billion people world wide in arrangements that benefit all concerned. Out with the pick our pockets Americans. Human capital and the proper deployment of same is all important. Canada / UK can have cultural and trade ties with the British Commonwealth, Iceland, Cuba, Central America, Australia and New Zealand for starters. It is as simple as asking each other, what have you got to trade??? However in the NEW CANADA and the New World the National Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV and Global have no role to play. Their organizations have no understanding of the real world and are very much limited by their severe right wing bent, upbringing and education. The entire foregoing contingent, in real terms, are about as useful in these new endeavours as tits on a bull.

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The Tea Party is a spent force. With funding from the one percent, it attempted to push the Republicans farther to the right. Something that did happen. In doing so the Baggers appealed even moreso to the white supremacist crowd, with the result that it brought out the worst in the lunatic fringe of racists and haters. As these wackos became more mainstream, Trumpf began to say out loud what they had been muttering in private for years. The Don won their hearts. The master race would remain masters under Trumpf. Even if America goes to shit. So the supposed Tea Party control of the Republicans was but a fleeting thing. The Partiers control zilch, it is more like owning what remains of a burned out building. The Baggers in the House do not have a majority and therefore are powerless. Join the club. A spayed Presidency, Senate, House and Supreme Court. Where do we go from here folks??? If you are outside the Disunited States of America, RUN LIKE HELL!!!

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The police forces across the USA can be divided into two camps. Those in predominantly white areas and those in places where minorities are of equal number to the whites and in may cases the minorities are in the majority. As Civil War 11 intensifies a major factor will come into play. Georgie Bush Jr. used 9/11 to militarize the major police forces across the country, although the terrorist threat to the US from inside its’ borders is slight. The world terrorist organizations are funded by the American oil monopoly buying cheap oil especially from ISIS. I am sure you didn’t know that Quebec and Ontario drivers are buying high price gas / diesel, made from low price ISIS stolen oil. Stolen from the Iraqi people. Why??? Because YOU LET THEM! Every time You drive up to the pumps, YOU bent over, YOU drop YOUR pants or up YOUR skirt and you say to the American oil monopoly, stick it too ME GOOD. The solution is RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES of course. Upgrade and refine Alberta / Saskatchewan petroleum resources right in situ. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? And then piping the benign crude oil across Canada to Canadian owned refineries and REPLACE THE EXPENSIVE USA PRICED ISIS GAS AND DIESEL WE ARE BEING FORCED TO BUY WITH CHEAP MADE IN CANADA GAS AND DIESEL I MEAN AND 8 YEAR OLD WOULD UNDERSTAND THIS. Double Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? This is so easily done. If I had a single page in each of the papers, and ten minutes time on TV I could explain how Canada could become self sufficient in gas, diesel and natural gas and pocket billions of dollars now being siphoned off by the Americans. But this Nation’s citizens are kept out of the loop by the likes of Paul Godfrey / Post, David Thomson / Globe John Honderich / Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC . Houston pays the above big bucks to keep you stupid. AND WITHOUT DOUBT YOU REMAIN STUPID. It is like us owning a huge orchard full of apple trees, we sell our apples at a dollar a bushel to the Yankees and then buy apple pies back from them at one hundred bucks per pie. If the planet somehow manages to survive, some university will do a study on mass gullibility of 400 million people in North America [ Can. / USA ]. Our democracies were born greatly depending on a free press. The press / media barons substituted a new meaning, they decided that FREE meant FREE TO SELL OUT TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. Thus the critical flow of information, so necessary to a prosperous, bustling society was replaced with one percent friendly copy. The majority, the Undermen and women are served a constant diet of what the Overmen want us to know and hear. That is what Paul Godfrey is paid to do, tell lies and misinform. This pulling the wool over our greenhorn eyes is funded by AMERIGREED and the American oil monopoly from their proceeds of the wealth stripping in Canada. WE ARE PAYING TO HAVE THE NOOSE MADE WHICH WILL EVENTUALLY HANG US. It is akin to asking the Jews to pay for the Zyklon B which was used in the extermination camp. The dummies in the USA have already been led up the path to the ovens by their Nazi media. Escape is now out of the question. The assault on the Canadian dummies continues via OUR Nazi media. Godfrey and Thomson make big bucks in the doing. What a sweet profitable job, getting paid to lead lambs to the slaughter. It seems Canadians are always up for a lie well told like their American cousins. The fact that Eastern drivers are paying top dollar for stolen ISIS oil or the North Saskatchewan River is now polluted with Husky tar are good examples of the kind of cover up campaigns run by the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC. We dolts on the US Eastern seaboard and in Ont. / Que. are actually buying bombs and bullets for ISIS, via the USA oil monopoly. We collectively pay to maintain the phony terrorist threat so that the authorities can justify their assaults on our human rights. More North Americans die from drinking Coke than die at the hands of terrorists. Even so, it is the implantation of fear in the minds of the citizenry which keep the cash flowing to the Nazi media. You provide Paul Godfrey with eye balls and an empty noggin. Paul gets paid to fill you noggin with lies and nonsense. Thus at election time you won’t know which way is up and be open to rightpublicanazi propaganda. This ultimately leads you and your children to seats on a bench and chains to an oar. But if the dictator wants to go water skiing everyone gets an extra helping of gruel The oilies in Houston make a big profit selling gasoline and diesel to suckers with the approval of the American Congress. Congress thinks it owns Canada already so that approval to gouge extends to us without our approval. As Canadians do not complain, I guess Congtess is right, we are already in the bag so to speak. The little they pay Godfrey and Thomson and the others is actually a good business investment. The fact that Big Oil can hire Canadian flunkies like Paul and David, for a song, to do their dirty work, confirms what AMERIGREED has maintained all along. That Canadians are supreme patsies, open to any and all abuse without a peep. Besides covering up this buying of stolen goods [ ISIS oil ] by the oil monopoly, the US Nazi media’s job is to scare the shit out of Americans and justify the rightpublicanazis turning the police in military forces, mainly to keep the minorities in check, especially the Blacks. The whites are afraid as they were after the Nat Turner rebellion of 1831, in Virginia. All the scare tactics by authorities in the US are a matter of the master race keeping control of the domestic scene. Where whites abide in numbers the police will protect them rather than enforce the laws of the land. So in these areas, as civil unrest rises, the minorities will get the splinty end of the broom stick. They might as well gird themselves and prepare to be badly treated by the police and prepare to defend themselves, what ever that takes. I’d burn all the malls down as well as disabling the gated communities, without electricity, water and food the whites will suffer too. Since there will be no direction from the Presidency, the Senate, the House and the Supreme Court the level of the abuse of minorities will depend on the local culture. Of course such abuse WILL NOT BE REPORTED BY THE NAZI MEDIA. Trumpf’s opponents could be picked up in the middle of the night and their bodies dumped in the East River. WHO WOULD KNOW??? In the areas where there are concentrations of minorities and the police forces staffed by various races will split along white / minority lines. Each will protect their own and the military hardware and jackboots given out by Bush Jr.
will be divided if the weaponry is not seized by the white cops? If trouble breaks out I suggest the minorities grab as many military assets as they can. The Nazi media will have to give some coverage to the violence in major urban areas but that coverage will be whitie / right wing oriented It must be remembered that Blacks played a huge part in the various Wars started by the USA. The American rank and file will be kept in the dark by the Nazi media. But the world will have window on the disintegration of the USA. Georgie Jr., Bill Clinton and Don Trumpf avoided serving their Country by pulling strings. It follows that as the Civil War Spreads the Bushes, the Clintons and the Trumpfs are at a great disadvantage. They have no military training while the Blacks and other minorities do. As the firefight increases in intensity, military savvy and weapons training of the Blacks particularly will come to the fore. The white supremacist knobs are mostly stupid gun junkies, who feel empowered because they go to the shooting range or the bush or out to the farm every couple of weeks, to pop off a few rounds. I’d put my money on a well trained Black veteran. He’d be worth 25 white knobs. The Guardian UK, where you can get the truth, had a video on the USA gun culture. The Brit reporter traveled the USA and did interviews with gun owners. The response from the whitie knobs was quite revealing. They do think they are the master race, they do claim the right to run everything and are prepared to use arms to enforce their self determined right. One knobs had a closet full of 10,000 rounds of ammunition, some of it hollow point which is banned in the USA. But then again the laws do not govern rightpublicanazis! Democratic institutions and culture, along with the US Constitution are all well and good as long as they don’t infringe of the white population’s right to act in their OWN BEST INTERESTS. So there democracy ends! What we are now witnessing is a State which has existed for more than 240 years old approaching the final curtain. Right wing forces have been pushing democracy aside for 100 years. Let’s face it, the Fascists have won. During the War years the Fascist efforts went underground as the conflict raged against Hitler. Fascism was frowned as well during the world recovery during the War aftermath, from 1945 onward. Since the time of Reagan however, the righties have been working overtime to create a phony democratic system whereby the master race prospers, the larger enslaved population works hard and has no say. The fruits of their labour have been stripped away by AMERIGREED. No different than Virginia in the 1600s and 1700s. It is a system the rightpublicanazis have been trying to duplicate since the time of the vacant headed Reagan. But a return to slave time will not work in 2016. It can be said that the paid Nazi media promoted fantasy in the USA HAS HAD a 35 year lifespan. Hitler only lasted 12 years. Bomber Command and the USA 8th Airforce bombed the shit out of Germany. The end for the US of A will come from the internal strife that is already under way. You can only go to the well so many times as the Repubs are discovering. While the whities have grown ignorant under the Republican tutelage [ Harper did damage to our educational system too ], the minorities, both in the USA and worldwide, have pursued education vigorously. With the wealth of America pretty well siphoned off by 2005 [ you can get blood from a stone ], AMERIGREED then turned its’ eyes to the larger world in search of new victims. The fertile ground of the European Union presented a tempting target. It was the first choice for Washington and Wall Street. The weak link in Europe was the unelected EU officialdom in Brussels. The Streeters began providing Brussels with unlimited cash with which to pursue initiatives beyond the control of EU parliaments. When mom and pop are paying junior’s way they have some say. If junior is independently wealth look out. In return for the Street money and power the EU officials in a sense became wards of AMERIGREED. Did you know that Goldman Sachs now runs the European Central Bank and it is the route by which the wealth of the 27 EU countries is now being stripped unopposed. During the last ten years Lyin Steve laid out the red carpet for the takeover of Canada by AMERIGREED. But already Canada’s wealth was being sent south thanks to lyin Brian Mulroney David Cameron’ the Fascist PM of the UK was working closely with Brussels to bring his Country fully under AMERIGREED domination so the London could be used for the two way, secret flow of currency and the laundering of money through the Cayman Islands. Cameron was the conduit through which Washington and Wall St. could easily infiltrate European country and avoid the scrutiny of their democratic governments. Some EU countries bristle at US meddling. But Brussels and the ever compliant Cameron provide a back door for wealth stripping. But as proof that Cameron is as dumb as a 2 by 4, he organized a vote on staying in or leaving the EU. There was trouble in his Fascist Parliamentary ranks over membership in the EU. Putting the question to the people and getting their okay was seen by Cameron as the means to put to rest the Conservatives who were not keen on USA domination and involvement in criminal pursuits. Politically, if the little people backed Cameron and said, ” we want to stay in “, dissident Con. MPs would have to fall silent. Cam didn’t even try hard, it was going to be a slam dunk. All he had to do was stand aside and let the London, US paid, Nazi press mount a stay campaign. With the Brits locked in forever Cameron could continue to snuggle up to AMERIGREED just like Lyin Steve was doing here. On the run up to Brexit, the UK Nazi press, which includes most of the London papers, were wetting their pants predicting doom, gloom and Armageddon if England decide to vacate the EU. The Nazi media was and is on the receiving end of Yankee cheques as are Welsh, Irish and Scottish politicians. The foregoing, are all caught up in the greed is good approach as practiced by the Americans. By taking silent US dollars, foreign right wingers can buy their way into power behind the backs of their electorate. This sell out even extends to Australia and New Zealand, where right wingers are permanently afixed to the USA teat. In Yankeeland, the ballot no longer has any force. Reality about which the majority is unaware, says no ballot no say. Americans have NO SAY. As a result of this situation, the rightpulicanazis, have no respect for democracy period. Thus they have no respect for the Parliaments of Canada and England. While both Countries still retain meaningful ballots, the US Fascists see that it is only a matter of time, a nice dose of dirty work, organizing Fifth Columns and enough money, before We ARE THEIRS! Paul Godfrey is a good example of one of AMERIGREED’S instruments. The money stripped from Canada, the UK and the EU countries by the USA is actually paying for our annexation.

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From the time of Reagan, 31 Repub States have formed a Cabal which controls voting both locally and nationally. This Cabal is beholden to the knobs and the KKK for their electoral success. As a result Trumpf was elected by the whites, using a process rigged at the State level. The whites were outvoted but that is meaningless when the fix is in. The 2016 Nov. Election in the USA was a sham. However the illegitimate Donald is the fool. He is but a pawn in their hands and in my view he will not complete his term. This narcissistic fool CAN’T DELIVER WHAT HE PROMISED AND THE KNOBS DEMAND. QUE SERA, SERA! In Britain the ballot still lives. Cameron and the AMERIGREED backed Nazi press expended a supreme effort to mislead the Brits on Brexit. It didn’t work, the English majority fearing US domination via the EU, voted to get out. Good on them. The UK Nazi papers could not believe their efforts were and are in vain. But they made US dollars in selling out. After a few days AMERIGREED was still hot to trot, no matter that Brits voted to leave the EU. The Yankees continued AND continue to try to scare the bejeebers out of the GET-OUT-OF-THE-EU-FORCES. The sky is falling, the sky is falling said Chicken Licken. Instead of preparing for an orderly exit from the EU, the Nazi papers, in the pay of AMERIGREED are trying to create as much turmoil in the British Isles as possible. The solution to this problem is evoking the FALSE NEWS LAW. Print or broadcast bullshit which damages the state and it will bring, charges, fines and jail. Britain has not spent a thousand years perfecting the idea of democracy to now submit to the role of a mere lackey to the right wing, American dictatorship. As England is assaulted for exercising its’ democratic rights by AMERIGREED, Canada too is under attack from the likes of Paul Godfrey and David Thomson. AMERIGREED and the American oil monopoly have not accepted the October 19/15 election of the Liberals [ with a healthy majority ] any more than they accepted the Brexit referendum. The rightpublicanazis and Lady Babs Black believe that the millions of little people should not have any say in how they are governed. The Under men and women should know their place. H. L. Mencken and Ayn Rand, rightpublicanazi saints, were saying this over and over one hundred years ago in their writings. Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House reads Rand every day for totalitarian inspiration. Repub Sociopaths and narcissists adhere to the Nietzsche Myth [ created by Friedrich’s sister Elisabeth, Mencken and Rand ], that some beings are created more equal than all the rest. There is much shrink literature on Sociopathic and Narcassistic behaviours which are anti social, anti democratic and a danger to Western Society. WE allow them to roam free across the landscape AT OUR PERIL. Look what these nutbars have wrought in the good old USA. The fundamental problem is you can’t have a democracy based on the right wing philosophy, TWO CLASSES OF CITIZENS doesn’t cut it. Nietzsche had no use for democracy although he never lived in one and thus had no experience. Nietzsche was a sickly young man who has syphilis, he never accomplished anything in life and died young. He did however rather enjoy himself, being exalted in his own mind. Nietzsche waxed long about his self appointed exceptionalism. Friedrich stole the idea of the Overman and the Underman from an earlier philosopher, which HE WAS NOT. Hitler took instantly to Nietzsche’s muttering as did the US rightpublicans in the 1920s. Nietzsche’s stolen idea, very much provided and provides comfort to the self appointed Overmen like Trumpf, Herr Harper, Dave Cameron, Paul Ryan, Conrad Black, Preston Manning, Jason Kenney, Brian Jean, Pierre Poilievre and we can’t forget Ezzie Le Rant. I could include Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich but they just go along for the money, no matter how much their newspapers damage the fabric of Canada. For them, cash before Country? So one Nation is down and out due to the rightpublicanazis. Canada is under attack and the fully paid, full press effort by our Nazi media to take away the ballot is still up in the air. If the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC are allowed to print and broadcast False news, lies, misinformation, right wing propaganda and practice censorship without restraint, who can gauge the outcome. There is no reason at this point, to think the Americans, with paid help from Godfrey and Thomson et al will fail in their attempt to blacken Justin Trudueau’s name as they did his Father. The suits in Houston have a Canadian War Room in which they plot the POISON FOR THE DAY which goes directly out to all of our Nazi media outlets at the same time. Every happening that can be turned negative against Rachel Notley and PM Trudeau is framed for max damage and sent to Paul Godfrey and his Fascist pals. This is then rewritten by low paid / no paid interns who don’t know they are being exploited. Quite some business model??? Our media is paid to print / broadcast false copy which they get free. But the reason this arrangement with Houston is so lucrative for Godfrey, Thomson, Honderich and Bell Media is the fact that it does max damage to this Nation. The rightpublicanazis do not want a free and prosperous Canada. So Godfrey makes $ 1.5 million a year to be a Yankee hatchet man. And a whole lot of stupid Canadians buy the national Post papers. The takeover of this Land by the USA with ensure our lives will the shits. But for Godfrey’s stupid Canadians, it will be much worse. No jobs, no Medicare, no pensions, no unions, lousy schools and regular trips to the Food Banks [ if there are any ]. It has intrigued me for some time that down and out Americans continued to vote Republican even if it meant more personal suffering. It is as if 20 stokes of the lash is not enough. These clods say to the Repubs, give us 10 stokes more. As Canadians slumber, our Nazi media get paid by Houston to fuck up the Country. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? If a plum happening occurs, Houston quickly forwards copy to all concerned Nazi media owners with the usual cheque to cover the smear. The latest dose of poison came out of Houston at 5 pm EST on Jan.12/17 and concerned the Prime Minister use of the Aga Khan’s helicopter. Big deal! The Harper Fascists were on the Houston payroll for 10 years. Preston Manning’s Calgary Centre For Regime Change in Canada is fully funded by Houston. The Universities of Calgary and Carleton in Ottawa get big dollops of cash to teach rightpublicanazi ideology to our vulnerable young people. The Petroleum Conservatives in Alberta have been controlled by Houston since Klein was Preem. The oilies bankrolled Danielle Smith and the Wildrose in Alberta because the PCs were not subservient enough. And our Nazi media is having a shit hemmerage over the Aga Kahn giving PM Trudeau a lift in his helicopters. Go figure??? This actually saved Canadians a boat load of money. Mind, if Trudeau had used any kind of Canadian conveyance, the Nazis would have been screaming about him wasting taxpayer’s money on his holiday. The simple solution to the whole matter would have been for Justin to paddle his wife and kids out to the Islands in a canoe. Let’s get serious. I have been writing about our Nazi media being controlled by the American oil monopoly in my posts. I have even copied some of my posts and sent them snail mail to Paul Godfrey, David Thomson, John Honderich. Ken Whyte, the Pres. of the CBC and Bell [ and such others ]. This extra effort was expended when these nazi media outlets printed / broadcast out and out lies. I have never ever got a response and the lying has continued. I have found, over time, that every Nazi media mentioned in my posts is involved with printing / broadcasting the poison calculated to undermine the Governments in Alberta and in Ottawa. These small men, traitors all, don’t realize that when Canada become a province under the Trumpf dictatorship their services will no longer be needed. They will find themselves breaking rocks with the rest of us. But why don’t we do a PREEMPTIVE STRIKE NOW AND JAIL THEM ALL FOR TREASON??? It is clear that Houston pays the Canadian Fifth Column, a tidy sum of money to poison the airways and the papers every day, I mean every day, without let up. Well 1/12/17 is a special day for me and Canada. If ever someone [ a rarity, a curious Canadian ] wanted to know the extent to which our Nazi media is controlled by AMERIGREED and the USA oil monopoly, to-day is that day! Mabs was watching the weather on CP 24, a Bell Media propaganda station. The Aga Khan story was on full blast and he was being pilloried by the wound up reporters. I said to myself, here they go again. Another dose of Yankee poison. We should be concentrating on building the NEW CANADA and what is our media doing??? Marching obediently to the beat of the Houston drum. Although I am an old guy I am pretty net savvy. I saw the Aga Khan’s story and turned my computer on. Guess which Nazi media outlets had the helicopter story, all within 2 hours of each other ??? Houston even included 22 pictures of Aga Khan’s helicopter so Godfrey and the rest would not look lie the were copying a Houston E-mail. All of the following are getting paid to sell out this Nation. Remember these traitors well, when you hear the clang of Harper’s concentration gate close behind you. In the order of listings on the net [ in addition to CP 24 ], Honderich’s Star, the Canadian owned CBC, CTV News [ Bell Propaganda ], the USA Huffington Post, Thomson’s Globe and Tar, Godfrey’s National Post et al, Metro News,, Canadian Press, the Times, I,,, the,, [ US propaganda ],,, [ owned by David Thomson ],,,,,,,,, the,,,,,, Global,,,,,,, David, 24,,,,,, and, Toronto. I reviewed 12 Google pages and said to self enough is enough. I myself never imagined that Houston and the oiles had this kind of money, this kind of arrogance, this kind of reach, and that there were so many Canadians who would commit treason for a few Bob. However I do feel slighted. Ken Spratley, your G Man, DID NOT GET AN E-MAIL AND A CHEQUE FROM HOUSTON??? The American oil monopoly is clearly dedicated to destroying democracy in this Country as they are in the UK and the EU. I wonder how many petro dollars each one of these Nazi scribes, like David Akin and Rosemary Barton got for running this bogus story. It is staggering the number of Canadians involved who are willing to sell us into slavery, namely, taking US dollars to fuck this Country royally. Canadians, now you know who populates the Fifth Column here and who the enemy is. I am incensed that some of the Nazi media uses .ca after their listing on the net. Acting as a traitor to one’s country is bad enough, but using the .ca as a suffix to treason is beyond the pale. It reminds me of the antics of Oswald Mosley and his English Blackshirts in the late 1930s. Mosley and his subversive organization, the BUF, were taking money from Hitler to undermine Britain. Mosely’s wife was a Mitford, from an upper class family. Some of the Mitford were Nazi sympathizers. During the late 1930s the Mitfords traveled back and forth to Europe and Germany. It was during these trips that Hitler’s cash was carried to London for the BUF. Neville Chamberlain, the appeaser was PM at that time. The Government knew Nazi cash was coming in but hesitated to search the Mitfords. I think Churchill was on to the treasonous game being played by the elites but he did not hold power and the appeasers held the floor. Churchill became Prime Minister on May 10 / 1940 and in 13 days Mosley was behind bars. Over the next few days Mosely’s wife and followers were all jailed as enemies of the State under Defense Regulation 18B and they were held until the end of the War. It was a smart move. Something PM Trudeau should consider. All of those now taking money from Houston to undermine Canada should be jailed or deported. This treason can’t be tolerated any longer! Thanks to the net we know who the bulk of them are. William Joyce [ an American Nazi, Mosley’s assistant, known by the name, Lord Haw Haw ], was tipped off by friends that Churchill had order him picked up. Joyce fled to Hitler’s arms and began propaganda broadcasts over Nazi radio from 1940 on. In May 1945, Joyce was caught by the British Army in Flensburg, he was shot and wounded while resisting arrest. Joyce was just 39. He was unrepentant, once a Fascist always a Fascist, something that Canadians must learn. We ignore Harper at our peril. In January 1946, Joyce was put to the noose at Wandsworth Prison, just south of the Thames in London. His final words before the drop, ” May the Swastika be raised from the dust “! My Grandfather George Hobbs, was a Jailer at Wandsworth before the First War. After all of the atrocities of the Nazis, William Joyce continued to be a true believer as are Preston Manning and Brad Wall. Joyce felt no remorse for betraying England. The Brits were the only people who were standing in the way of world domination by the Nazis. In a sense we have a repeat in the current situation. The rightpublicanazis seek world domination. Canada and Britain, strong democracies stand astride the way of the US Fascists. Harper and Cameron were just modern Mosleys selling out their Countries for money, power and a pat on the head by the master race. Those involved in the aforementioned US, Can. and UK Nazi media outlets are no less dangerous and no less committed than Joyce to an overthrow of democratic institutions. If a man, holding violent and hateful beliefs taught to him in childhood or adolescence, suppresses any doubts which arise in his mind, purposely shuns book, denigrates education, claims superiority based solely on self assessment and skin colour and belittles, condems and avoids men and women who are curious about life and who seek a better understanding of same, ARE A DANGER TO US ALL. Paul Godfrey and his stable of Stormtroopers John Ivison, Andrew Coyne, David Akin et al, as well as the Steve Harper tribe have all learned that the regular little people, are far more inclined to question frivolous matters than the huge outright lies? So they and the others on the rightie lunatic fringe serve up big fat lies on a carefully, scheduled daily basis as dictated by the American oil monopoly. The suits in Houston pay Canadian turncoats big money to have us know what the YANKEES WANT US TO KNOW! I will not live to see the Disunited States of America become completely unhinged as a result of Civil War 11. I may or may not see the NEW CANADA traverse Churchill’s sunny upland slopes. Or heaven forbid, succumb and fall afoul of AMERIGREED and the American oil monopoly. My fear is that too many Canadians will be like Brunhilde Pomsel, Joseph Goebbel’s personal secretary. As a young women, she joined the Nazi Party to get a good job. Pomsel was purposely incurious, she asked NO QUESTIONS AND DID WHAT SHE WAS TOLD AT THE MINISTRY OF INFORMATION IN RETURN FOR A FAT PAYCHEQUE AND BONUSES. It should have been called the Ministry of Misinformation. Pomsel did not become aware [ apparently ] of any of the atrocities being committed by the Nazis until 1943, even while being at the centre of it all, close to Goebbels [ well maybe??? ]. Her best friend was Jewish. This friend disappeared and went to the gas chambers. Even then Pomsel asked no questions. She was given the file of Sophie Scholl, of the White Rose Anti Nazi Movement. Sophie was handing out leaflets in 1943 and arrested by the Gestapo. Scholl went to a meat hook, movies of such executions were a Hitler favourite. Pomsel never bothered to look at that file. Even after all that passed before her, to this day she still minimizes Nazi crimes. She did say however that youthful idealism was one way to get your neck broken. Pomsel served 5 years in a Russian prison. Is this a snapshot of Harper’s Fascist followers??? Incurious to a fault. I believe many of the traitors employed by the above Nazi media are knowingly selling out their Country. I am sure they would deny such a thing, but in secret they hold their noses when cashing their Houston cheque. My bent is to look down the road. I can imagine if this Country suffers the worst, Canadians who sat on their hands while our Country was being annexed by the US, will wish they had put Herr Harper and his Fascist insiders to the rope when they had the chance! It would be too little too late! I have written PM Trudeau a couple of time, making suggestions as how to ensure Harper and his Fascists NEVER RETURN. I was a Pickering Councillor 1973 to 76. I had about 6000 people in my Ward 3. In trying to deal with various matter I know it is impossible too satisfy everyone. There dog lovers in my Ward and dog haters. If I did something for the dog lovers, the dog haters hated me. If I did something for the dog haters, the dog lovers hated me. Their numbers were a bout 50 /50. In short order, after a few ventures into this area, 100% of the residents were against me. And it was all downhill from there. I will not knock the Trudeau Government, it must listen to many voices but Justin must not let Harper back into power. I am NOT A LIBERAL, although I voted for Lester Pearson and Pierre Trudeau, two of Canada’s three best Prime Minsters. Sir John A, Macdonald being the third. I am a proud Davis Progressive Conservative with no home. The rightpublicanazis and American money stole both the Federal PC Party as well as the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party. I know what stealth takeovers look like. The Fed. / Ont. PC rank and file were asleep at the switch, including me. By the time we woke up the Yankee right wing Fascists had us by the short ones, game over. After such successes here the rightpublicanazis then set their eyes on Canada. To make us their’s, they hired Preston Manning and Lyin Steve to deliver this Country into their care. They almost won on Oct. 19/15, as Churchill said, ” It was a close run thing “. It should have been a wake up call as to the continuing dangers from below the 49th. Was that call loud enough to alert the majority of Canadians??? It is an historic moment and time will tell???

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The future is much clearer in Britain. The Brits expressed themselves via the ballot and I don’t know how AMERIGREED can change that. Using Teresa May and the London press to push forward with a continuing scare campaign may have the opposite effect. The vote to leave was legal and legitimate. In a democracy how can such a vote be undone??? Even people who voted to stay, would be incensed were AMERIGREED, the Cameron Fascists and the lackey Nazi press to continue to claim the Breixt vote was illegitimate and push for a reversal. So it would seem democracy is still vibrant and strong in England and much beyond the desires and reach of Washington and Wall St. It is interesting to see the parade of Brit turncoats, those on the AMERIGREED payroll. Various writers and commentators in the UK as well as in Canada, have a strange American view of democracy? Namely that the ballot is just an exercise that takes place every 4 years to fool the people that their will prevails. When in real terms the ruling class determines society’s future course. Both the Democrats and the Republicans abandoned democratic principles long ago and are committed to the bogus ballot system. So in dealing with other countries, why would Washington respect democratic rule anywhere else? Of course they don’t. In dealing with Canada, the UK, Australia or New Zealand, the Yankees look for Fascist leaning politicians like Harper, Cameron, Tony Abbott, John Key and the resident Nazi media, ever cash hungry. All willing to take AMERIGREED money in return for having American puppet strings afixed to their limbs. Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich are good examples of such Yankee puppets. This traitorous trap comes of a narcissistic personality. To think one is a somebody but in reality is a nobody. Narcissistic behaviours are listed on the net. But I have singled out the behaviours which apply to the US rightpublicanazi Nazi media Fifth Column here in Canada. XXX A grandiose sense of self importance. XXX A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance and ability. XXX Believes that he is special and unique and can only be understood by those perceived to be of equal status and station. XXX Has a sense of entitlement. XXX Is exploitive. XXX Lacks empathy and is unwilling to recognize the interests or needs of other people. XXX Exhibits arrogance and haughty behaviours and superior attitudes. XXX Narcissists are prepared to surrender decency and human morality in return for cash and a share of power. Even if that power flies in the face of the core element of democracy, the will of the majority. In response the large population has a decision to make. Do they bow to the Sociopaths and Narcissists on the right and accept without protest Underman status??? Or do they revolt. For the 70% of Americans who do not accept Trumpf revolution is their only option. In Canada we are still free, but under daily attack from the US rightie Sociopaths and Narcissists via the likes of Paul Godfrey and David Thomson. There is still time however, for us to enforce the False News Law, Section # 181 under the Criminal Code. Which states, ” Everyone who wilfully publishes a statement, tale or news that he knows is false or that causes or is likely to CAUSE INJURY OR MISCHIEF TO THE PUBLIC INTEREST is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years. Having every major media outlet in Canada printing or broadcasting a paid false story about our Prime Minister [ the Aga Khan caper ], all at the very same moment, falls under Section # 181. Making this treasonous act even worse is the fact that this campaign was funded by a foreign power. That is exactly what Hitler did to the neighbouring countries from 1937 to 1939, before he invaded them. Hitler also sent money to the Republicans and certain US papers to support the anti war movement led by Charles Lindbergh. We allow US interference in Canada’s affairs at our peril. But they can’t interfere if they don’t have access to our media. Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich have chosen money over Canada. And you support USA interference by buying their newspapers. Democracy is like a game of sports. The participants decide on the rules [ Laws ]. They then chose a referee [ the Government ] to enforce those rules. The US rightpublicanazi do not respect such rules. Thus in the game if the rich, powerful and the bullies in society can ignore the rules to their advantage such a game becomes illegitimate and a power struggle ensues. History has shown us when a small clique seizes power, eventually the oppressed rise up and sadly the mob trashes the place, and everybody loses. The rightpublicanazis and the Harper Fascists think they can trip, slash and cross check without retaliation. Our response should be, to put all the Nazi media types who are involved with the Aga Khan heli story, in the slammer for TWO YEARS!!!

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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I find it interesting that both the Megantic Holocaust and the N. Saskatchewan River spill were and are related to the lethal tar / Benzine mix [ a HAZARDOUS LIQUID ] [ 1st World War NAPALAM ]. They are just more examples of the Yankee penchant for slash, snatch and run and the right wing cultish ideology that puts profits ahead of people. To the USA Wall St. sharks, if it can be extracted, and a buck can be made, who cares about damage to the planet or the environmental or risk to locals? If there is some resource to be had, grab it quick, ignore any environmental damage and get out. And never mind cleaning up the mess, leave it to the local taxpayers. The Neitzsche Myth, concocted by the right, tells us that only a precious few souls are exceptional people [ they’re actually Sociopaths ]. It follows that the bounty that surrounds ALL OF US is exclusively owned by said exceptional people. THIS THEY HAVE DECIDED??? AND WE JUST LET THEM??? WHY??? BEATS ME??? WE’RE JUST STUPID MAYBE??? In a true democracy such a system of lying, stealing, murdering and cheating has NO PLACE. As a result, the fantasy, which the rightpublicanazis have constructed south of the border, was being imported into Canada by Lyin Steve, up to Oct. 19 16. THIS IS NOT DEMOCRACY!!! Rather, it is Kleptocracy [ rule by thieves ]. The critical events we face around the globe are all different but their ill affects and gross mishandling can be attributed to the application of the same right wing ideology. A quasi man made religion that is bogus from beginning to end. I am justified in using the word Holocaust and Megantic in the same sentence. Hitler sent millions of Jews to the ovens and Herr Harper [ just as mad ] sent 47 innocent people to their fiery deaths when a trained illegally loaded with tar/Benzine [ 100 year old Napalm ] blew up. This willful slaughter of so many Townsfolk by Lyin Steve, left 22 orphans. Lyin Paul Godfrey has never mentioned that. Lyin Steve paid Paul to stay silent. Just another case where OIL money was/is more important than the lives of Canadians. And many in the Fascist party even elected by the people wholeheartedly agree. The trials and lives of the riff raff don’t count for peanuts. There are many things that the Paul Godfrey papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC never get around to mentioning. Every day you buy a newspaper or watch TV, you fall another day behind the information curve. It could be termed dumber by the day. The Megantic orphans were just collateral damage to Houston, the Harper crowd, Transport Canada and the Transportation Safety Board. In the beginning the Enbridge tar/Benzine spill on Kalamazoo River should have been a clarion call to all governments, Washington / States and Ottawa / Provinces to wake up to the problems caused by pushing diluted Bitumen [ A HAZARDOUS LIQUID ] [ NAPALM ] through pipes built to carry ** OIL **. Rather, Enbridge spread a whole lot of money around to politicians, insiders, talking heads, PR people and the North American Nazi media to ensure the story got fudged then buried. From the State House in Michigan to the Congress it was hands off the Kalamazoo debacle. Right wing politicians do like to run and hide when trouble hits. All the politicians responsible remained tight lipped. In the matter of the Keystone XL pipeline Russ Girling gave every Republican in Congress a million dollar cheque. So in the case of the Kalamazoo spill, I am sure Enbridge did likewise, greased many a palm. When the US Gov. Report on the Kalamazoo Spill, entitled, HAZARDOUS LIQUID spill was released in 2012, it got ZERO COVERAGE in the North American Nazi media, like as in nothing. The only reason I knew there was such a Report was I saw Chairwoman, Deborah Hersman interviewed on the CBC. I had to dig hard on the net to find that Report. The Nat. Transportation Safety Board found Enbridge grossly negligent, bordering on criminal behaviour. If the larger public had been alerted there would have been no Mayflower, no Megantic, no N. Saskatchewan River and many other lesser spills and derailments. But the North American Nazi media was paid off by BIG OIL to keep it’s trap shutter. Congress, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Herr Harper went mute. In his book, 1984 George Orwell wrote about a dictatorship in which people’s minds were controlled. In 2016 the 3000 or so USA shell corporation want the ignorant mob to keep working so they wealth the people create can be harvested. However it is important for said mob to exist in the dark, which is the paid job for Paul Godfrey and his friends. If said mob knew black Napalm was being transported across Canada by pipeline or train, holy hell would break out and Ottawa would have to ban it. So everyone on the Houston payroll, here or in the States, politicians and the Nazi media must keep claiming that which is being shipped is ** OIL ** . Many of the leading figures in this Country who keep referring to the shiny black shit that blows up as ** OIL ** , should know better. I have concluded that if one is paid to be willfully ignorant, one will remain willfully ignorant! When tar mixed with Benzine is finally identified in standard terms as required of commercial products and chemicals, the threat from its’ transportation will stop. The inspectors check the scales used in stores or the liquid used to clean scissors in beauty salons or the dish washing process in restaurants yet Bitumen mixed with Benzine get a free ticket. Because those who we put in charge of the petroleum industry get paid off by BIG OIL. There are two simple ways to stop this threat. Elect politicians who will appoint the people to monitor BIG OIL with the larger public in mind. And charge the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and CBC under the Criminal Code under the FALSE NEWS SECTION every time they call tar / Benzine ** OIL ** . Not only is what they are doing breaking the law and endangering the public but Paul Godfrey and his pals are BEING PAID TO BREAK THE LAW, QUITE A NICE REWARD. A democracy doesn’t work like this. Insiders being paid to abuse the public trust and threaten lives, preposterous! The Kalamazoo River tar spill was fully documented by the NTSB in the USA. Enbridge came across looking like fools, the red flag should have gone up, BUT NO. The company just went back to its’ dangerous practices as if nothing had happened. The NTSB Report was shelved, tar / Benzine continued to be pumped or railed without any precautions whatsoever and innocent people were subsequently killed, injured and many lost their possessions. The afflicted had little or no recourse. Congress, State Governments and Herr Harper signed to the American oil monopoly, steady as she goes.
The Kalamazoo spill was instructive. The early warming spill system, designed for ** OIL ** , doesn’t work with tar and Benzine. I have written about this many times. Yet a couple of weeks ago, Russ Girling assured one of our Generals at Camp Petawawa, that if the Bitumen East pipe blew close to the Base TransNotCanada would know about it instantly. Bullshit. Russ as with Enbridge and Kinder Morgan install early warning systems designed for ** OIL ** , that get destroyed by the quartz sand in the tar. There has never been an early warning system designed for tar / Benzine, that would give away the game and the whole tar sands operation would grind to a halt. BIG OIL doesn’t want to install a proper tar/ Benzine handling system because it would cost them. better for Houston to say their shipping ** OIL ** , pay the politicians off and
send petro cheques to the entire Nazi media. If that wasn’t nervy enough, the owners of the Nazi media are now asking Ottawa to subsidize their operations with taxpayer’s dollars. This so they can kill off democracy in Canada a bit quicker. This is pure cheek. Do we want such irresponsible companies as Enbridge, TransNotCanada and Kinder Morgan in this Country??? I say not, they should be banned. The Kalamazoo Report is on the net, ” enbridge pipeline accident ” This spill was described in the Report, as a HAZARDOUS LIQUID PIPELINE RUPTURE. Did you get that? Way back in 2012 the NTSB deemed tar/ Benzine a HAZARDOUS LIQUID. The Report lays out the astounding level of incompetence of Enbridge and the Company’s disdain for public safety and welfare. The politicians were nowhere to be seen on the Kalamazoo file. Just like Megantic and now the N. Saskatchewan River. Let’s cut to the chase. Pat Daniels, CEO of Enbridge and his management didn’t give a shit if people were maimed, killed or had their lives / property destroyed. Enbridge paid the Nazi media to cloud the minds of the larger population and misinform them. And it worked. The Kalamazoo spill brought no changes in the operations of the American oil monopoly in the USA or Canada. It was business as usual. Send in the next bunch of cattle cars. In July 2013, a 70 car CPR train containing tar/ Benzine [ again, another load of Hazardous Liquid in the form of tar / Benzine ]. The old CPR train was running on worn out tracks, upon which there was a 10 mph speed limit. The train ran away into the Town of Megantic and blew up. This was the same shiny black shit the was dumped into the Kalamazoo River by Enbridge. But to the USA oil monopoly, it was and is critical that the people in North America be kept in the dark about the fact that a Hazardous Liquid was being transported from Fort McMurray down to underutilized heavy oil refineries in Texas. For Big Oil it was a matter of getting the tar to Texas as cheaply as possible which included ignoring safety, risk to life and limb and damage to the environment. In this regard the oilies have the State Governments and Congress on their side. In Canada, the oil monopoly had INSTALLED friendly Governments in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Herr Harper in Ottawa. The only fly in the ointment, was that there were constant spills and derailments of the lethal tar/Benzine. In each case the Nazi media, led by Paul Godfrey and the Nazi media were hired to take the sting out of each event by altering time lines, fudging, lying, make stuff up, leaving stuff out and fabricating FALSE NEWS. The moving of tar/ Benzine through 50 year old pipes down to Texas, was a dangerous experiment from 2006 onward. The people of North America were not told. The question was, how long could the US oil monopoly get away with thumbing its’ nose at this larger society. Every day the population remained in the dark profits rolled in for Houston. The answer came when an old pipe blew out near the Kalamazoo River and hundreds of thousands of gallons of diluted Bitumen got dumped into the River. Much of the tar is still on the river bottom. Enbridge didn’t know about the spill for 18 hours. The oil early warning system doesn’t work with tar / Benzine which is loaded with quartz sand. Pat Daniels, Enbridge CEO continued to claim that it was ** OIL ** , in his pipeline not tar. Pat kept this lie going for TWO WEEKS. But it was not Enbridge that was in control of the spill. The American oil monopoly out of Houston had the biggest interest in seeing no reforms were introduced by any government in North America, as a result of the Kalamazoo tar spill. So the key politicians and their followers in the US and Canada remained silent. And the paid North American Nazi media NEVER ASKED ANY QUESTIONS and proceeded to whitewash the Kalamazoo spill in return for petro dollars. Either by saying nothing or printing / broadcasting FALSE NEWS. It worked, North Americans continued to doze. The tar spill on the N. Saskatchewan River is being covered by the Nazi media in the same way the spill in Michigan was. It consisted of a Nazi media paid campaign to make the rabbit disappear. It worked perfectly, Joe / Jane Public were none the wiser. You’ve got to think, why not run the same program in N. Saskatchewan River tar spill in 2016? Wall figures Canadians are just as stupid as they were in 2012? There is big money to be made by the Nazi media playing to the stupidity of North Americans. People quickly forgot the 700 or so victims in Kalamazoo Michigan, who paid a huge price for oil monopoly GREED. 18 people died. Other things were afoot which the media could use distract people from hundreds of thousands of tar/ Benzine escaping into the environment. Like if flossing is really that good for dental health. I have written about the extremely dangerous tar / Benzine Hazardous Liquid which is criss crossing the US and Canada, many times in my 525 or so posts. If a massive, devastating DilBit spill like at Kalamazoo can be swept under the carpet by the American oil monopoly with the help of the Nazi media, I wrote, anything is possible. I forecast that the spills would keep happening until the citizens awoke, IF EVER? Hundreds of spills and derailment later, even after Megantic and the N. Sask. River, Canadians are still comatose??? The only thing missing during the Kalamazoo incident was an ignition source to light up the Benzine. In March 2013 an EXXON pipeline carrying tar/Benzine ruptured in Mayflower Ark. After following the Kalamazoo spill closely, I though I knew what was coming, I wasn’t surprised. Pat Daniels /Enbridge in their attempt to cover up the Kalamazoo spill were quite amateurish in their approach. Daniels and the Company handled things so badly that the NTSB was forced to investigate. It cost Enbridge tens of millions of dollars with the Nazi media over 2 years to keep covering up and extinguishing stories. When the Mayflower spill happened, some environmentalists were on the spot quickly to take pictures and interview residents. EXXON moved quickly to drop an iron curtain all around Mayflower. This, in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Americans are neither free or brave. I mean these oilies are smooth operators. Did you know, EXXON never paid off its’ bill for the Valdez going aground in Alaska. Congress swept the whole thing under the rug and let EXXON off the hook. Little wonder why the USA has a Civil War raging. Buying politicians off has paid off in the past. The black shiny shit at Mayflower was covered with thousands of rolls of paper towels so that the mess could not be seen from the air. But then the blackout descended. The Ark. and local police were put at EXXON’s disposal. Although paid by the publi the cops looked after the interests of EXXON, a true police state within a State. Local, State and Federal politicians were nowhere to be seen. Local papers / TV were bullied / threatened by EXXON into remaining silent. One blogger was threatened with a lawsuit by EXXON. While all the property affected belonged to the citizens of the Town, EXXON had complete control of the site. Washington said nothing about a US corporation seizing Mayflower to destroy the evidence of the spill. If this is the way BIG OIL and the pipeline Companies operate in their own land, why would they respect the laws of Canada??? Mayflower residents who lungs were seared by the Benzine fumes were abandoned by health authorities of Arkansas. The spill in the State’s mind never happened. How convenient. To really get a gander of how a police state works, Washington allowed the FAA to declare a-no-fly zone over Mayflower so no snoopers could see the mess EXXON had created. As a result, 3 level of Government abdication their responsibilities. This is the treatment Canadians will get if Harper has his way and we become a province of the USA. In Mayflower, EXXON began nickle and diming the local residents who were in a bad way and without any support whatsoever. So the pattern going back to Kalamazoo was established, in which all of the supporters of Big Oil move to battle stations as soon as the black shiny shit that explodes hits the ground. I painted a picture in an earlier post, as to what would happen to a tar spill from Enbridge # NO 9 in Toronto in which a spark was introduced to a cloud of Benzine fumes. This was well before Megantic happened. Benzine was added to 130 Hi Octane gasoline used by the B-29s that dropped the Atom bombs on Japan in 1945. In July 2013 a towering inferno engulfed Megantic. The fire burned for a couple of days before firefighters could even get near it. It burned like Napalm, because tar mixed with Benzine has the same chemical makeup and burns long and hard. Almost immediately the Nazi media made its appearance in Megantic on Harper’s command. And the misinformation and lies began to flow immediately. The crime scene was taken over by Lyin Steve and the PMO. The whole horror show became scripted like the Husky spill on the N. Saskatchewan River. Again, the American oil monopoly and their employee Herr Harper were determined that Canadians shouldn’t have a clue as to what was going on. Paul Godfrey / Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and CBC went about the task of rendering the Country ignorant on the Quebec conflagration. Harper Fascist Party MPs played dumb, which is not that difficult. The opposition parties had no info with which to ask intelligent questions and were much to cautious and way too forgiving. Quebec got bought off and didn’t call an inquest, which is required by law. I don’t know how much Harper gave Pauline Marois, it must have been a sizable sum? Transport Canada went dumb. Our Transportation Safety Board Inspectors began making misleading statements to protect their paycheques. The Nazi media went mute. I will tell you what I mean. Megantic was a mechanical event, old locomotives, rusty tank cars unsuited for the tar/ Benzine, mislabeled contents and tracks in poor condition. Add to these Government regulations concerning railways, operations by the CPR /MM and A and the actual mission was to carry DilBit from Fort McMurray to the Irving Refinery in NB. The Megantic investigation from day one was so narrowly focused, I knew right away the Harper FIX was in. It was a matter of letting Canadians know as LITTLE AS POSSIBLE and not identifying the cargo as Alberta tar / Benzine. Calling a spade a spade would have brought the whole secret, illegal scheme of shipping a substance akin to Napalm across Canada. Steve was threatening Safety Board jobs. The American oil monopoly said the stuff that blew up in Megantic came from North Dakota. Ridiculous! A lie. No pure bullshit! No train tracks come eastward into Canada from North Dakota. Plus the fact that LIGHT CRUDE OIL doesn’t burn like the fire in Megantic. The Fire Chief there said that what they were fighting in Megantic was a gasoline fire. The Nazi media never reported that. Benzine is the equivalent of gasoline. A young female internet journalist interviewed a first responder / a firefighter who said they had to use breathing apparatus because of the high concentration of Benzine fumes. They could only stay in the Benzine cloud for four hours. That news bit was quickly pulled down. I wonder how many of those first responders are now suffering lung problems. They were told by CPR that it was only oil that was burning. Everyone around the world knew it was not an oil fire. If we rely on Paul Godfrey and friends, Canadians will never know the true stories on any matter. Anyone adversely affected by tar / Benzine is left to die a lonely, painful death, sometimes a slow death. Barb Black’s little people are the ones are killed or maimed. The little people are not the ones with money, so are of no interest to Paul Godfrey. When BIG OIL pulls out the wallet and decrees that victims shall be immediately forgotten in Kalamazoo, Mayflower, Megantic and now on the N. Saskatchewan River it is a done deal no matter the laws. In all 4 cases, the USA oil monopoly bought off the politicians and the North American Nazi media. Thus the larger population was rendered clueless and not aware that their number could come up. Democracies do not work like this. We have long since passed the time when the King could drag someone away in the middle of the night. Now, the American oil monopoly can kill people in broad daylight and walk away scot free. And the elected representatives in Ottawa, Alberta and Saskatchewan said nothing and were handsomely rewarded by Big Oil. Paid by the taxpayers to represent them. Paid by the oil monopoly to shill for them. To round out this cozy arrangement, Paul Godfrey sells his newspapers to the public claiming to inform them. But then the Nazi media takes petro dollars from Big Oil to misinform the public. Thus the taxpayers are made fools of by this arrangement. It is amazing to me that there are the suckers who buy the National Post papers, STILL. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fooling me over and over and over again wherein I NEVER CATCH ON means I am some kind of idiot. That describes perfectly the the caliber of Post subscribers. As well, it shows us clearly, the LOW intelligence of Paul Godfrey’s advertisers. I was a businessman for 50 years and I did a lot of advertising. I studied the demographics to determine where my potential customers would be found. I looked for hi calibre advertising outlets to present my story to MY PUBLIC. I also wrote for the little newspapers in the Pickering / Whitby area. If I tried to define a bad newspaper, Paul Godfrey’s Post papers are the best example of of mediocrity. Mediocrity knows nothing better than itself. Little wonder Godfrey publishes a right wing fringe paper. Righties have been proven to be stupid people who don’t know they’re are stupid. But studies have shown such people are not unhappy in their lives, they are not concerned about making it into the ranks of the very sharp. No. In their stupid lives, they gather up information which they think is important, like every word of the Bible is true or life began 6000 years ago or Global Warming isn’t happening. The stupid believe such things are special. Thus knowing them indicates a high degree of intelligence among the stupid. So the stupid people on the right wing are locked into stupidity permanently and no amount of effort will change their minds. These stupid people are a danger to our democratic system. The easiest solution would be to round them all up, there aren’t that many, and put them behind wire fences. But I think we should allow those stupids, who behave themselves, to run free. To combat those who threaten the future of the NEW CANADA, the application of the laws of the land would do the trick. Every time the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global or the CBC, publishes / broadcasts FALSE NEWS THEY SHOULD BE CHARGED UNDER THE CRIMINAL CODE. Immediately this would stop the constant flow of lies and misinformation, which flow from the USA. America is a Country bad injured by gross malfeasance on the part of the White House and the Congress, this is added to serious racial strife. Washington, Wall St., the banks and 3500 hollow USA corporations are not about to change their ways and clean up their act. Rather, they are are involved in the stripping of wealth from any and every country with which the States has connections. Legal or illegal, in every which way AMERIGREED IS TAKING STUFF THAT DOESN’T BELONG TO THEM, WHETHER RESOURCES OR MONEY. Every old trade pact and all of the new ones now being touted, allow the Americans to get inside nation to suck the very blood from them. With Canada the Yankees just want control so they can bleed up white. Harper was or will in the future, if he gets a chance, going to neuter democracy, so Canadians would have to stand silently by the side of the road, as the US Carpetbaggers make off with their belongings, money and the future. I continue to be surprised how many Canadians were and are taken in by the oil monopoly / Harper / Nazi media rhetoric. Hitler said of propaganda, which is still used to this very day in Canada, [ just read the National Post, the Globe and Tar or the Star ], the following Propaganda is the means to an end and must be evaluated as such from the standpoint of a goal. It must speak to the ignorant masses. The task of propaganda lies not in in scientific training but in drawing the attention of the masses to certain facts, events and necessities. It is wrong to give propaganda the multisidedness of scientific instruction which outlines options. Rather effective propaganda must limit its’ points to a very few [ like ** OIL ** KS ] and these points must be repeated incessantly, until the very last member of the ignorant masses understands what is meant by them [ Paul Godfrey anyone KS ]. Every adjustment of the propaganda must never change the content or theme. The ignorant masses must always draw the intended conclusion. This is not something that was dreamed by Hitler. Mind bending was developed by an Ammerican, Edward Bernays, a nephew of Sigmund Freud. Eddie, an Austrian by birth, gave Hitler instruction. In his 1928 book, Propaganda, Bernays held that the manipulation of public opinion was necessary in a democracy. He said an invisible government has to be created, which will be the true governing power in a country. Bernays combined the writings of Le Bon, Trotter and his uncle Sigmund, to develop his approach to mass psychology and mind manipulation. Thus, the Canadians who were and are so wedded to Mad Harper, are not to blame for their fixation. In some people, listening to something, including lies, repeated over and over again overpowers their ability to question what they are hearing, thus curiousity and critical assessment related to self preservation are eliminated. Human beings were never designed to hear information repeated over and over. It is only when Sigmund Freud and others began to investigate how the brain operates that this was discovered. Of course, any such control has to firstly begin with an evil government or an authority that seeks to enslave a people. It is directly opposite to the upward march of citizens that began with the Magna Carta. In which THE PEOPLE sought to strengthen their voice in the affairs of state. One of the threads of this journey was the pursuit of knowledge. The more you know the better you can defend your rights. In the little Yorkshire UK hamlet of Sproatley, where my ancestors originated, 80% of the population would have been illiterate at the time of the Domesday Book. Over the last 1000 years the acquisition of knowledge has gone hand in hand with ever increasing level of education. If the larger public has the ability to think and an understanding of important current events, then a small antidemocratic group within the said democratic setting hasn’t got a chance to implement their ideology. During the Reagan administration the Republicans began to move the operational side of Government underground. So in a sense there became two American Governments. The one the people saw and the one the people did no see. Crucial to mind control for any government is complete control of the media. In such arrangements, some media outlets are permitted to be mildly critical of the government. This is done to fool the population into thinking they have someone on their side. When in fact, in the totality of news coverage the citizenry only gets to hear what the government wants it to hear. Thus when a public is asked to vote on an issue, they don’t have sufficient information to protect their own interests. All of the media outlets in the USA are under the control of the rightpublicanazis. So the fantasy that is being suffered south of the border is a complete construct of a secret right wing Government that has been in power for 40 years. The message for which has been delivered by the USA Nazi media even up to October 2016. Now we see the results of this deceit, a Nation divided, a Nation at War with itself. A Kleptocracy [ rule by thieves ] of possibly ten million, with 40 million armed, white racists on one side and 300 million people on the other side equally armed. I could not have imagined in my lifetime, that I would see the collapse and disintegration of a great democracy, the US of A. I was taught that even when one lives in a democracy, you have to be eternally vigilant. There will always be someone who will try to take your freedom away. Our most recent scrape is a good example, the American oil monopoly and their employee Steve Harper. In Canada the entire media is Nazi in organization and it runs of petro dollars from Houston. Those involved are the National Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, Canadian Press, CTV, Global and the CBC. So for Canadians, the only way to determine what is going on is plug into th net. But such democratically motivated Canadians it does take some digging. But there is an easy way out. The above Nazi media are also present on the net. However to save money, they run articles one year or even as much as two years out of date. But they update the headlines, then the headline don’t relate to what’s written. If you see an article by any of the above look first for the date. In some cases the newsies remove the original date. But what difference does it make??? The Nazi media are dishing up make believe for the ignorant masses any way. Having dumb Canadians, read articles two years out of date on the net, only adds to their ignorance, it cheap selling rotten meat and the Houston payments remain the same. The oilie goal is that Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau are gone in 2019. In England, the Nazi Press [ London ], dominates the scene and is an exact copy of the USA Nazi media as in Canada. The only exception I can find is the Guardian UK, which I have been following in depth for 6 years. If I want the news from the USA or Canada I read the Guardian. In fact the news business is changing so fast we would do well to look to the future. The NEW CANADA has the potential to be the lead nation in creating a true democracy which will act as a beacon to a struggling world. We will thus lead in terms of using our resources for the betterment of the entire population. It follows then, that we will lead the world in dealing with Global Warming. To reach these goals Canada needs to up its’ game vis a vis
our educational system and the means by which the citizens gain information. And there
is no time to lose. Everything in the info domain should be taking us downfield. The present Nazi media in Canada does no such thing. The media attempts, with every newspaper or broadcast to GIVE US THE BUM STEER. In the USA and the UK, the Nazi media is paid to misinform and mislead by AMERIGREED which is made up of Washington, Wall St., the banks and 3500 major hollow corporations. In Canada the Nazi media is paid by the American oil monopoly, whose interest is in controlling our petroleum resources, getting the stuff for nothing. As well the monopoly sees this country as a captive market for retailing gasoline, diesel and jet fuel made from ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqis. With no competition the oilies can charge what they want and do. The return on the oil monopoly investment in this Country is 28%. Bush Jr. invaded Iraq to gain control of its’ oil and he succeeded. In doing, so Georgie destroyed the Country and gave rise to ISIS. The cheap, stolen oil is flowing, ISIS gets its’ bankroll and the terrorist element, fully funded by the West allows the Governments of the US, England and Canada to limit civil liberties. The rightpublicanazis do not view countries under dictatorships, that anti democratic outfit in Brussels and ISIS / terrorists as the enemy. The citizenry of America, the UK and Canada [ more than 450 million people ] are considered the enemy. WE are the only force in the world that can knock the US Kleptocracy off its’ perch. Even China and Russia could not bring the USA down militarily. It is the internal threat, the people in each place, who have the ability to cut the greedy clutching hands off AMERIGREED. The rightpublicanazis have gone to the well one too many times and civil unrest has broken out. And there is nothing to stop the November election going forward in the midst of chaos. Trumpf is encouraging white armed racists to vote early, then attend the polling places in Black / minority areas to make sure no cheating is going on. The Republican States are not uttering a peep. I am guessing that the right will organize buses, to take the armed thugs to the areas where the Democrats present a threat to the Republican candidates. The Black leadership is already on this case and has said publicly they will take action if Trumpf’s supporter try to intimidate minority voters. The Black leadership has put the authorities and police on notice that intimidation WILL NO BE TOLERATED. So we have the irresistible force meeting the immovable object. The minority voters have their right, under the Constitution to cast their ballot without fear. The white supremacists are not about to allow control of the Nation to pass to the minorities because of some silly idea called democracy. My guess would be that Trumpf’s armed thugs WILL show up at key election areas. If the States and the police fail to act, I believe the BLACKS WILL ACT. The States affected will then close the polls down and impose Martial Law. The suspension of civil liberties by Republican Governors will give the rightpublicanazis what they want. Voter suppression of yet another kind. The closing of select, disrupted polls will nullify the vote. If voting in any area is disrupted by Trumpf’s Brown Shirts the whole election would be illegitimate. Then what??? President Obama is a lame duck. The Supreme Court is a lame duck with only 8 justices. The Court can’t decide on any issue now. Congress is gridlocked. The rightpublicanazis are in opposition to the Democrats. The right itself is split in two between the lunatic fringe and the far right, meaning NO MEANINGFUL RESPONSE TO THE HOSTILITIES. The white police will not defend the minorities when the crunch comes, neither will the National Guard nor the Military stationed at home. The Black cops, National Guard and the military will not accept the intimidation of their fellows by the Trumpfish thugs. Added to the toxic mix will be Black veterans, going back to the Vietnam War. They know a hell of a lot more about firearms and tactics than Trumpf’s 40 million white pantywaists. One Trumpf supporter showed of a cupboard full of machine gun ammunition, 10,000 rounds. If I was a part of the Black militia, I’d raid this guy’s place and seize that ammunition. I am white, my family goes back a thousand years to East Yorkshire. But I have absolutely no time for whites who get ahead by standing on the backs of others. This shows a level of ignorance and weakness which pervade the USA. American whites are incapable of honest competition against the world and even the minorities at home, including the blacks. So over the last 40 years, since Reagan, the whites have been turned into cheaters who cheat at EVERY level in and EVERY field. For the Yankees, there is no need to win a race, they either buy the win of rig the results. As time goes by and the American prowess slips ever downward, it has become necessary for them to double down on cheating. The recent globalization of financial services, by the USA, with the help of politicians on the take world wide, and the proliferation of so called Free Trade Pacts, conceal the attempts by Washington’s secret Government to get its’ tentacles firmly around any country that breaths. The American tentacles have hooks and suckers on the underside with which extract the life out of any prey in its grip. There is an old saying related to countries. The farther you are away from the USA, the better off you are. Canadians were awakened to these Yankee cheats on October 1 /16, thanks to Harper. Oh, another American attribute on exhibit here, ARROGANCE 400 years in development. If you win every race, by buying the medals or rigging the results, after a while you don’t even have to leave the dressing room. In the War of 1812, when the USA invaded Canada the Yankees went down to defeat because they were cock sure of their abilities. Towering arrogance doomed the effort to seize Canada. Thomas Jefferson was convinced all of North America belonged to the USA. This feeling has never dimmed in the States. The recent attempted takeover of Canada by Houston, with Steve Harper’s help is just the latest manifestation of this 200 year old US dream. In 1812, Jefferson told a friend, the acquisition of Canada in regards to Quebec will by a matter of marching. The Brits at the time, saw the Americans as blackguards and hypocrites. I say if the description fits wear it. 200 years later and Tommy’s dream has still not come true but it is not for the lack of trying. Each attempt to gain control of this Country has foundered on arrogance. Efforts in this regard have not been well thought out and they’ve always been too little and too late. As of 2016, Canada has positioned itself to do a rebuild job, the NEW CANADA. We must toss the right wing playbook in the fire, write a Canadian playbook for the new century and get to work while the Americans are consumed by a Civil War. Trumpf’s white Brown Shirts against the minority majority. Speaking of freedom and BREXIT, there were enough Brits, who questioned the confiscational arrangements made between Brussels, Washington and criminals at Goldman Sachs. What a fool that little man David Cameron was. To the dismay of the rightpublicanazis, Dave gave the people of the UK a chance to vote IN or Out of the EU. The majority [ the will of the people ], opted for LEAVE. AMERIGREED was appalled. The US view is that any vote by the ignorant masses be rendered meaningless as the Nov. / 16 Election will be. Thus the English chose BREXIT, freedom from the grasping US, as did WE. The small political minds in Scotland and North Ireland pushed to remain fixed to the American teat, as did the financial district of London [ the money laundering centre of the world ]. I am reminded of the people Germany during the rise of Hitler. In their millions they accepted trinkets like jobs, housing, good food, health care, vacations and pensions. In return, the Germans gave up their freedom. When the end came in 1945, 10 million Germans were dead and Bomber Harris and his boys [ aircrew 125,000 : rough number : 70% Brits, 19% Canucks, 7% Australians, 3% New Zealanders and one percent the Commonwealth ] had turned the Country into a pile of rubble. Giving up your freedom, mean you put your future and the future of your family in the hands of someone else. The USA NEVER. Only the evil want to control the lived of others. The world Nazi media lives because of three Governments. The USA. The former Harper Fascist Government. And the Thatcherites, presently hiding behind the Conservative banner. In order. In the forty years since Reagan, his Nazi media has shot its’ bolt. The media has created a fantasy land, which is now so firmly entrenched that the way back to reality is now beyond reach. Some months back I began reviewing the larger picture in the USA. As each unfortunate illegal or quasi illegal chapter unfolded, I simply asked, who will stop this. And who can stop this. The Hatfields / McCoys feud went on for 30 years [ 1863 to 1892 ]. The dispute went on so long and so many people were killed because there was no Government and no law and order. The participants could kill at will. There is a famous picture of the Hatfield family on the internet. Most of the men / boys are brandishing guns. It could be a poster for USA 2016. In Canada, one of those stupid buggers who works for Paul Godfrey / National Post threw a loaded beer can at Hymun Soo Kim of the Baltimore Orioles, who were playing the Toronto Blue Jays in the wild card game. That king size can weighed one pound and would have crushed Hymun’s skull if it had made contact. It is not surprising that this guy worked for Paul Godfrey. Just a glance at any of the National Post papers shows those involved are all idiots like this jerk. But it is interesting that this story reveals three failing, which run deep through the Sociopaths who populate the right. Namely, stupidity, running away from truble and lying. The beer thrower disappeared 45 seconds after the can was thrown. The right is littered with people who run for the hills when trouble ensues. Lyin Brian Mulroney ran away. Mike ” the yellow ” Harris ran away. Dalton McGunty ran away [ a right winger hiding in the Liberal ranks ] and Lyin Steve Harper ran, he found refuge in a closet when the bullets began to fly in Parliament. The can thrower was clearly in the picture, then he took off. When arrested by the police, he denied he threw the beer can. They have this guy’s picture and his ticket information. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaa. He is lying as did Mulroney, Harris, McGuinty and Harper. Rule of thumb. Never believe anything you hear from a right winger or read in a right wing newspaper like the National Post. My point however shows the difference between Canada and the States. Here a guy who throws a can of beer at a baseball game is in the slammer inside a couple of days, even though Godfrey is doing a full whitewash job on the can thrower. The TRUTH is constantly the victim in the National Post. What a difference in the two Countries. In America the buying and selling of illegal hollow tip ammunition goes on right under the noses of the authorities, but they are just too frightened to take action. Hollow point bullets are intended to kill humans and leave a big hole. Those buying machine guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition in the USA are getting ready for big shootout. Intelligent people know full well, that the more education citizens have, the smoother democracy functions. This was the path followed up to WW 11, when the dictatorships of Italy, Germany and Japan began censoring the news and pumping out propaganda. Italians, Germans and the Japanese people knew zero as to what was going on. Small groups of insane men in each Country took the world to the edge of the abyss. Rendering populations [ I – 45,000,000, G – 80,000,000 and J – 75,000,000 ] ignorant, this did not serve the interests of the masses in the 3 Countries. These poor people allowed themselves to be seduced by state controlled radio and the press. Here are only rough numbers [ military / civilian ], which show 600,000 people died in Italy. 10,000,000 died in Germany. 3.500,000 died in Japan. In each case the Fascists led their blind people into hell holes BY WAY OF A SUBSERVIENT MEDIA CONTROLLED BY FORCE. In the case of the Nazi media in 2016, it is controlled by AMERIGREED MONEY. Paul Godfrey is paid by Houston to turn Canadians into the servant class. THE NEW CANADA CAN ONLY BE BUILT BY A PEOPLE WITH A HIGH INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT. Our goals should be to give the best education possible to our young. We must deal with the matter of high unemployment among the young, 15% is unacceptable. This squandering of our young human capital is a stain on this country. You would think the world would have learned a lesson about right wing zealots / Fascists and where their ideology leads. Total destruction. But no!!! Here in Canada, the USA and England the exact same Fascist forces are leading us to ruin, led by the rightpublicanazis. Small groups of evil, Sociopathic, right wingers have seized the means of communication yet again, in all 3 Countries and are bent on imposing self serving measures about which the populations know nothing and seem to want to know nothing. Every day now brings matters which should be tackled by Canada’s Governments working in concert with THE PEOPLE. Yet every day our Nazi media is paid petro dollars to exacerbate problems, Paul Godfrey and the CBC tell endless tales about all the bad things that are happening or NOT HAPPENING in Ottawa and Edmonton. And of course we get our daily doses of rightie propaganda [ Harper / Hayek ]. Canada’s problems can be solved, such solutions are staring us in the face, oil, natural gas, electricity, transportation, health care, climate change and indigenous people, is a good start. Trouble is, apparently you can lead a Canadian to a solution but you can’t make him partake. So many people write about what ails Canada BUT THEY ARE PAID TO NEVER GO THE NEXT STEP, SUGGESTING SOLUTIONS. But I am different and my Spratley Extra is there to see in more than 500 posts. I have taken the time to research the options needed to say, solve the pipeline situation or provide the 1st Nations with clean drinking water. In terms of petroleum we have crude oil, tar, there is a domestic market and a world market. It doesn’t take a whole lot of smarts to see the solution. Turn the crude oil and tar into refinable oil in situ. Pipe the said resultant oil to the Canadian market. If there is a surplus, pipe the oil to ports in Vancouver BC, Churchill Man. and NF / NB on the Atlantic. What is so fuccking difficult to understand here. The reason Canada is not dealing with the tar / Benzine bomb mix is the American oil monopoly spends loads of money with Paul Godfrey and friends to lie and misinform Canadians on the issue. In the matter of clean drinking water for about 180 First nations reserves. Get this! THE WATER PROBLEMS ON RESERVES DO NOT RELATE TO WATER, THEY RELATE TO SEWAGE. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Our reserve system has been around for 200 years. In Canada, Governments tried to accommodate the First Nations by providing them with their own permanent territories. Ottawa’s heart was in the right place but on too many occasions this effort was bungled. But Canada’s initiatives in this regard stood head and shoulders above the American’s treatment of their indigenous people. Congress basically said, kill them all. Those who seek to help our First Nations, must separate the treatment afforded in the USA and what transpired in Canada. Back to the solution of clean drinking water. In 1800, the only way to travel was by water. Thus reserves were located at water’s edge on lakes and rivers. This means that the water table is high on reserves. With small populations, on reserves, the sewage could be dumped on the land and shallow wells could be dug to provide water. As the 1st Nations population has increased the practice of dumping poop where you get your drinking water doesn’t work any more. But the areas dedicated to reserves, are all in the flood plains. And you can’t use lakes because most are contaminated, as are rivers, unless fast moving. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, has done an abysmal job of dealing with this water problem. Going back 20 years shows two things about AAND Can. The people involved are completely devoid of imagination. Einstein said, ” the definition of insanity is when you keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get a different result “. The explanation surely explains AAND and the right wing. AAND is also a channel to the private sector which sees expensive work done on reserves with little to how for taxpayer’s money. I would suggest that PM Trudeau take AAND off the Boil Water Notice case. No progress on or understanding of foul water on reserves, after 20 years by AAND shows a hig degree of incompetence. Solution! The PM should organize a W Team with the express job of providing clean water to the reserves. Churchill during the War organized such special teams to cut through the bureaucratic maze and red tape. The drinking water on reserves has to be drawn from ABOVE THE WATER TABLE AND SAND FILTERED. OR, THE WELLS HAVE TO BE DRILLED TO DEPTH, OUT OF REACH OF THE WATER TABLE. SURFACE WATER GOING DOWN TO 150 FT, HAS BEEN FILTERED THROUGH PLENTY OF SAND TO BE DRINKABLE. I HAVE COME UP WITH A THEORY TO COUNTER HITLER’S CLAIM THAT THE IGNORANT MASSES WILL BELIEVE LIES IF THEY TOLD OVER AND OVER AGAIN. AS PAUL GODFREY DOES. I AM GOING TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER. THE TRUTH WILL BE TRIUMPHANT IN THE END BECAUSE CANADIANS ARE NO IGNORANT AND THE TRUTH HAS FACILITY. AAND estimated, during the end of Herr Harper’s dictatorial reign that it would cost $ 7.5 billion over ten years to solve the drinking water problems. Pure unadulterated self serving bullshit. I am sure all the friends of AAND in the private sector who prepared these estimates were just rubbing their hands will glee. Dreams of huge contracts with ever huger profits danced in their heads. So here is an exercise for Canadians in taking back their Country. James and I estimate, to fix all the 180 boil water notices on reserves will cost less than $ 1.5 billion and could be completed in under 3 years. Now you, Mr. / Mrs. Canuck know something the Prime Minister doesn’t know, the 1st Nations don’t know, AAND doesn’t know and Godfrey, Thomson and Honderich don’t know. The 1st Nations Boil Water Advisories are easily put behind us but there is too much taxpayers money readily available TO NOT FIX THE PROBLEM. You should be concerned, after all this is your money that is being wasted NOT DEALING WITH THE PROBLEM. Knowledge is power. Depriving people of knowledge makes them powerless. Hello Canada, is anybody in there??? The primary rule for communications as laid out by Hitler. Never let the population cool off. Keep the public anxious and off balance. The leadership must never admit fault or wrongdoing. Never concede anything. Don’t find a single sliver of good in your enemies. Never offer any alternatives [ it is the Harper / Hayek way or the highway ]. Never, never accept blame. Find a scapegoat and concentrate on him exclusively. Blame the scapegoat for every problem. Repeat continuously. Eventually the masses will yield. I am sure these Nazi Rule were posted in Harper’s PMO and on the wall behind Paul Godfrey’s desk.

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In Canada there are more good things happening than bad, but you would never know it??? And for the 1000th time, I say, the Fascist / right wing ideology has NEVER WORKED. Since Ronald Reagan the ideology / economic theories HAVE NEVER WORKED. How many times do the American righties have to screw up Canada, before the public cries uncle??? EVER??? This campaign mounted by Houston, to take CONTROL Canada will not end until YOU put Paul Godfrey / PostMedia, David Thomson / Globe and Tar, John Honderich / Star, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and their advertisers out of business or in jail? At the CBC, Harper’s management and Board have to be forced to walk the plank and the right wing zealots paid by Houston and planted at the Corporation, fired. I know, I know, it is a bother for you to get involved protecting these freedoms we enjoy. But it will be a whole lot harder to get them back once the rightpublicanazis / oilies have taken them away. IF EVER??? Right now Ontario and Quebec are suffering from shortages of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Will Paul Godfrey or the CBC ever tell you WHY??? The American oil monopoly ships its’ ISIS oil, stolen from the Iraqi people, fenced through Turkey, to Delaware. This oil is refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel for distribution to the US Eastern Seaboard, Ontario and Quebec. Thus Ottawa is allowing stolen goods to cross the border. Since the demand is high for the Holiday in the Eastern States, the oil monopoly has short shipped the products to Canada. There is always the possibility that Ont. / Que. could be cut off fuel completely and our economy would grind to a halt. This comes about because WE THE PEOPLE HAVE ALLOWED HARPER AND THE NEB TO GIVE CONTROL OF OUR FUEL SITUATION OVER TO THE AMERICANS. The oil monopoly is firstly going to look after the needs of the States. IN A SENSE IT IS FUCK CANADA! This is what we get for putting our balls in the hands of the Yankees. Any time the tyrant squeezer wants to squeeze, he squeezes. It hurts. When does the hurting reach the point where Canadians do something about this situation??? But worst is still to come. Harper / NEB allowed the Americans to close down the natural gas industry in Alberta and Saskatchewan. This has transpired, so that cheap, fracked nat. gas in Pennsylvania could be sold to Ontario and Quebec at Alberta prices. It is the same as rotten meat at full price? But the Pennsylvania situation is very iffy on long term supply [ this is not something the East faced when nat. gas came from Alta. / Sask ] The Pennsylvania nat. gas is sold on the US is controlled spot market. The price goes up when supply gets short. The US nat. gas companies regularly withhold product in order to spike the price, this is the doing of Harper / NEB. If nat. gas supplies run short stateside, Canada will be the first to be cut off. Suffering a fuel shortage means not getting to the cottage or leaving the boat at the dock. Suffering a natural gas shortage, in Eastern Canada, where two thirds of the population live would be catastrophic. Again, this, thanks to Steve Harper and the National Energy Board. Again the Yankee tyrant has our balls in his hands. If such a nat. gas shortage occurred in Ontario and Quebec I would want to string up Harper, Joe Oliver, their staff and the entire NEB compliment. But it would never get that far. I believe that the US nat. gas industry will at some time turn the tap off, cause chaos in Ont. / Que., then have Paul Godfrey and the others mount a campaign to drive Trudeau and his Government out of office. There is a way out though, quite simple. Take Canada’s balls out of American hands. Bring the upgrading / refining of petroleum in house. Refine gasoline diesel and jet fuel in Canada, exclusively! Ban the importation of natural gas from the USA. Source all of the nat. gas used in this Nation, in BC, Alta., Sask and NS. Daaaaaaaaaaa. When a human being comes of age they strike out on their own. As Canada piles up the years, we regress in age, related to America. Once upon a time, all our fuel was refined in this Country, but not any more. This present system, imposed on us by Harper / NEB / the Americans, cost this Country tens of billions each year [ it is called wealth stripping by the Wall St. sharks ]. Once upon a time, all of Canada’s natural gas was sourced in house, but not any more. This present system imposed on us by Harper / NEB / Americans costs this Land tens of billions each year [ on Wall St. it is called wealth stripping ]. And what do we get for our many billion that flow south. Why a hind teat which can be close off in the blink of an eye. Why would a people pay top dollar to put themselves in such a vulnerable position. Stupid? Lazy? Blind? Deaf? Why do lemming packs throw themselves off cliffs? Why would we allow the Yankees to retain the levers of power in Canada when at the same time the Americans are on an unthinking course towards mass destruction. I think our course of action should be seizing the moment, becoming totally self sufficient and henceforth marching to the beat of our own drum. There is the alternative however. Continue clinging tightly to the USS America and go down with their ship??? Trumpf’s supporters have been openly showing off their illegal ammunition hoards as well as collections of hollow tip bullets, which fall under the Firearms Act of 1968. It is illegal to possess or sell hollow tip bullets. So the situation, even at this point is now well beyond the Law. A Law which the Congress, the Supreme Court and the police forces WILL NOT ENFORCE. They are afraid to precipitate the outbreak of mass shooting. As a result, the Nov. vote can only leave a hung jury? The USA is headed towards a minority majority. If Hillary wins, 40 million armed white racists will take to the streets. Their motivation will be to reverse this trend, NOW, a the point of millions of machine guns. Even if democracy ceases to exist in the USA. If Trumpf wins, he will have to deliver to the white mob, all he has promises, which is impossible. Once the armed moves beyond Trumpf, he’ll go crawl in a hole or someone will assassinate him. The resolution of the aftermath of this sad debacle is now well passed recall. The cliff awaits and THE DIE HAS BEEN CAST.

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Now that hostilities have broken out in the USA the Guardian is cutting back on coverage. There will be no money made by the paper covering the USA second Civil War. It would be like trying to sell newspapers in th monkey cage at the zoo. England too has now free of the AMERIGREED clutches via Brussels. Canada is also free of American control. Plus, the USA oil monopoly has so much ISIS oil stolen from Iraqis, which is fenced through Turkey, on its’ hands, they don’t any Alberta / Saskatchewan tar right now. Maybe down the road. Rather than the stolen ISIS oil story coming out, the USA oil monopoly has started another phony campaign to divide Canada. Just like in the 1980s when Pierre Trudeau’s NEP took the rap for low world oil prices which deeply affected Alberta financially. The American oil monopoly hired the Canadian Nazi Press to press the phony case against the NEP. The tale about the bad old senior Trudeau and his NEP plan to steal the West’s wealth was all lies. Our Nazi press told the NEP story over, and over, and over ,and over, like true Nazis. In fact, if you were a young rightie writer just starting out in the Harper era, one of the ways to get permanent was to mention the NEP, no matter what your story was about, a rite of passage. There are are still people here to-day, who remember the NEP fairy tale. That is what this post is all about. The USA Government along with Lyin Steve, assisted
by our Nazi media brain washing the public by the publishing / broadcasting lies, misinformation and rightie propaganda. IT WORKS for the American oil monopoly and this Country’s Nazi media.

If enough money is spent buying our Nazi media and the propaganda is tightly controlled from one location, the oft repeated message DOES RESONATE. It is a given. Think the lies of Big Tobacco, Global Warming and more recently ** OIL ** . So the Canadians who continue to believe the tar / Benzine [ Napalm ], going by their doors by rail or pipeline are not to blame for thinking it is ** OIL ** . They just have flawed brains, which allows evil people like Bernays, Hitler and Harper to control how they think. Having such people here in Canada is a threat to our democracy, in that they can be manipulated by a foreign power, based in Houston, using our Nazi media, of which Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich are an integral part. A fully fledged democracy requires at its’ core, educated voters, which is a two way street. Governments and an HONEST MEDIA must work earnestly to inform the public. A top notch educational system is crucial, from Public School, High School, Community Colleges and Universities. Business and commercial activity has to be banned from the educational system. Look at the damage that has been done to Canada with the Universities of Calgary and Carleton being under the control of Houston petro dollars. These Universities graduate subversive students and are centres for pro oil propaganda. On the other side, the public must accept it’s responsibility and play it’s role in our democracy. This, by keeping abreast of current events and important issues. Being well informed means and informed decision. Houston can have all the oil bucks in the world in the bank, and they can do no us harm. The damage only comes, when WE ALLOW, I REPEAT, WE ALLOW, our media to abandon their stated commitment to us to provide free and fair coverage and begin playing both sides of the street. Taking money to inform the public, while taking from the oilies to misinform the public, as Paul Godfrey does in aiding a foreign cause. So where is the choke point in all of this??? To move onto Churchill’s sunny upland where the NEW CANADA will be built the TRUTH must reign supreme. The TRUTH will empower the population to make the right choices. A population well informed is a population empowered, with the steering wheel in its’ hands. Paul Godfrey and his friends are on the opposite trajectory. Rather than the stairway to paradise, the Nazi media is directing us down a manhole to hell The oil monopoly is paying for lies, misinformation and right wing propaganda. The right dreads an educated public. They much prefer to have their white base stupid, of which there are 40 million in the USA at present, all heavily armed. There are a hundred thousand or so white racist dummies in Canada whose representatives are out of office, a good thing. Plus we only let them have guns under regulation. Paul Godfrey’s job, for $ 1.7 million a year is to ever expand the number of village idiots in the Country. Canadians now number 36 million and have the ability to demand higher educational standards. We should have a basic curriculum for all students, K to University, maths, languages, Canadian history, world history, science, politics, finances and current events. Then it would be a matter of branching out into sprecialties. With our Governments taking a much bigger role

There is a very simple way to eliminate the Nazi press. Do not buy a Post paper, the Globe, the Star, the Sun or Maclean’s. Do not watch CTV, Global and the CBC. And the icing on the cake, a little twist of the dagger while it is in. Refuse to do business with any company that advertises in or on any of the foregoing. Birds of a feather flock together. It follows, since Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich cheat and lie, their advertisers will do likewise. I WOULD NOT TRUST ANY COMPANY THAT ADVERTISES IN OUR NAZI MEDIA. These are short term thinkers looking to make a quick buck at our expense. You WILL get cheated. If you are a young person without a good job, blame Harper. Steve encouraged these cheats. The right thinks that the young should be without meaningful work and stressed out, thus they are easier to manipulate. Student loans are an abomination, charging our young for their education is contemptible. I have had meaningful, rewarding work for 65 years. I could not begin to total my output of products and services. I was mostly self employed. Look at the taxes I generated for Canada. The NEW CANADA need long term thinkers inventors, idea people innovators and entrepreneurs, willing to invest in the future of this Nation. Would you do business with Kevin O’Leary? This cheat is an accepted member of the establishment like Conrad Black, they’re all take and no give. I’d take a thousand Alex Tilley’s before I’d take a Kevin or a Conrad. It is time for Canada to clean house and define a new deal. We gotta find a new way to strut our stuff. Let’s say we start tomorrow??? Dishonest businessmen should be put in jail or deported. The honest companies, dealers and operators, in the business community should be given a guarantee that they will not have to compete with US cheats, liars and thieves, LIKE UBER. Fortunately, Oct. 19 /15 put the American oil monopoly takeover Canada on hold, the deed was accomplished by the majority of thinking Canadians. Actually, we as a people score high on the intelligence scale, compared to Americans. FOX NEWS is hard at work widening the knowledge gap. In fact, one of the Presidential candidates is not familiar with major cities in the world. He probably doesn’t get out of North Dakota much. But the will of the majority in Canada is no longer the safe haven it once was. The rightpublicanazis have, over 40 years, spent an inordinate amount of time and US taxpayer’s money trying to deny the majority the power they are due. White supremacy was and is the rightie’s central goal. The Fascists can’t stand the thought of having a successful democracy north of the 49th parallel for all the stupids to see, on a daily basis. How are you going to keep them poor and on the farm after they’ve seen Canada. So the job of the US Nazi media, which is paid expressly to thwart and nullify the efforts of their majority. And added to the task, their poison spills across the border in order to disrupt this Country. Everything that can go wrong is magnified by Paul Godfrey et al. If nothing goes wrong Paul with have his low paid / no paid, brain washed interns make it up. GOOD NEWS, in the National Post? You have got to be kidding. FALSE NEWS takes the place of GOOD NEWS. If twisted GOOD NEWS can become a negative in the hands of Godfrey’s demented scribes. The modus operandi for those in authority in the USA and their Nazi hirelings is to say one thing and do the exact opposite. Hitler hated Winston Churchill more than any other man alive. Churchill had the Fuhrer taped. Whatever Hitler said, the Prime Minister knew he would do the exact opposite. We escaped by the skin of our teeth from the Yankee traders, as did England in the BREXIT vote. Two exercises in plumbing the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Both votes were huge mistakes by two Fascist PMs. Harper called an Election for October 19 /15, 4 months early. Lyin Steve had hog tied elections Canada and reduced it power to deal with wrong doing. Harper Fascists had in the bank, a stack of illegal US oil money, enough to choke a horse. The plan for that money, was to outspend the other political parties over many weeks. The entire Nazi media was engaged, the Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC. On paper the oil monopoly / Harper / Nazi media were walk off winners. Canadians had other ideas. Steve’s Fascists were defeated soundly but all this country did was buy a little time to strengthen its’ democratic defenses. The oil monopoly is still alive and living in Alberta, doing its’ worst, with the aid of our Nazi media. The second round will come in 2019, by which time Premier Notley and PM Trudeau will have been on the receiving end of the longest and most bitter smear campaign in Canada’s history. It matters little, if Godfrey and his brothers can dig up enough dirt to last for 3 1/2 years, they will just make it up anyhow. So if you are a reader / watcher of the Canadian Nazi media, to your excursions into Harperland each day you will now see or hear forays into pure fiction, concocted in Houston. If you happen to be one of the stupids it be a rewarding time. Not once will you be forced to face reality in the real world! The downside to being stupid is that all the time the stupids are sitting in the dark, their pockets are being picked by the oilies. So Harper threw the dice and lost. I am working to see that loss is permanent. In terms of BREXIT, Dave Cameron, another Fascist puppet leader, decided to allow a free vote on leaving / staying in the EU. It was a huge blunder, allowing democracy to blossom on the basis of a single question, devoid of the regular monkey business associated with regular elections. Cameron called the vote to quell unrest in his own Party, secondly, Dave amateurishly thought he could win going away, like Harper. Cameron had developed no plans for BREXIT. It was expected that the London Nazi press [ not the Guardian ], would carry the ball along with a number of high profile people who were getting a cut from the EU through Brussels. Their efforts were narrowly focused and related to all the bad things that would happen if England bailed. Even Obama threatened the Brits. Wall St. was concerned, lest 60 million people escape the wealth stripping arrangement cooked up by Washington, the Streeters and the elites in Brussels. The Yankee traders had been assured by Brussels that they could come in and financial fuck 500 million EU citizens, who would be without recourse. Then this stupid Cameron comes along and mucks up the whole arrangement. After which, like all Fascist leaders, Dave ran for his life. He’s probably found an empty closet by now, it is in the blood. In terms of Harper’s defeat, it is clearly not the time to be resting on our oars. Houston has changed gears and focus, the pace to destroy the Governments in Alberta and Ottawa by a million lies and smears, delivered by Paul Godfrey and his pals, has quickened. The oilie suits are always hidden in the shadows. There are plenty of Sociopaths like Russ Girling and turncoats like Steve Harper who will take petro dollars, do or say anything that damages Canada. They appear in the Nazi media daily. Houston has organized a Nazi media blitz aimed at driving Premier Notley and PM Trudeau out of office. The Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC are all involved. I would guess that there are 5000 Fascist scribes working on the oilie payroll in Canada, copying Houston E-Mails, some even buried within the CBC. I don’t know of a single journalist in media who is a booster of Canada. If such animals exits, for sure they have been purge. The CBC is a different case. Those at the CBC, who attack the Trudeau Government, without cause, every day, are looking for important jobs in journalism, after the oilies takeover succeeds. Esther Enkin, the new CBC Ombudswomen, must get stars on her chart in Houston. Esther allows her flock to use the word ** OIL ** , in place of tar mixed with Benzine [ Naplam ], probably 200 / 300 times a week. Remember Hitler’s take on this. A lie, to take root, has to be repeated over and over again to the ignorant masses. Enkin certainly knows with side of her oilie cheque is buttered on. Esther’s friend, Paul Godfrey is not raising a tiny finger to boost Canada. Stab, stab, stab. Paul is happily taking money to kill Canada as a free nation. In the old days they used to hang people for treason. I for one would love to see Godfrey swing, even though a small fry. The oil monopoly in Houston has been given the job of taking Canada by AMERIGREED because they already have a huge network of Brown Shirts, subversive think tanks and organizations embedded across the Country, faking charity status and undermining our democracy. They are doing it by stealth. Most of the takeover people in managerial positions are Americans. But the majority of the rank and file of these Fifth Column cells are operated by Canadians who seem quite happy to sell their Country out for a paycheque. And the beauty of it is, you can be brainless like Tony Clemment still work as a USA gopher, go for this and go for that. The traitorous organizations are as follows, the University of Calgary, Carleton University, the Manning Centre for regime change in Canada, Civitas Subversive Secret Society where the white racists meet in private to coup plot, Fraser Inst., C. D. Howe Inst., Canada West Foundation, Macdonald Laurie Inst., Atlantic Institute For Market Studies, Montreal Economic Institute, Canadian Federation of Small Business and the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. All of them are phone booth organizations, funded by petro dollars, and staffed with Fascists, masquerading as economists. All these organizations have tiny footprints but present huge public presences, like a twenty story, blow up King Kong. Why should the opinions of 5 twenty eight somethings, meeting in a phone booth, count for anything??? Other than laughter. Of all the despicable organizations set up by Herr Harper, the Dorchester Review was the bottom of the barrel. They duped the 4th Baron of Tweedsmuir into becoming the front for the rewriting of Canada’s History by the stable of 3rd class writers at the National Post. Toby Buchan was well taken in. Harper’s plan was that after 25 years under the American oil monopoly boot, Canadians being in servitude for that time, would not know their own rich history. As long as the oil cheques kept coming, Paul Godfrey was quite happy to take our history away. How many insults have to be visited on Canadians before they say enough is enough??? But interestingly, some Canadians still vote for representatives who look after the interests of BIG OIL, first and foremost. And many of such Canadians [ directly connected to the millions of stupids in America ] continue to buy the Post / Globe or watch CTV / CBC. They’re happy to hear over and over the fantasies they’ve come to love. Like kids love bedtime stories as they get tucked in. This is weird, a sort of mental flagellation. Studies have labelled this lot, they are so stupid, but they don’t realize just how stupid they are, like Ezzie Le Rant. Many Canadians, especially in Alberta allow themselves to be continually beat up and robbed by the USA oil monopoly, this theft has been going on for 35 years yet some Albertas blame the NDP for their dire straits. HUH! These are Canadian Trumpf supporters. These Albertans then whine to Ottawa about the scrapes and bruises they have suffered at the hand of the American oil monopoly, their jailer. Canadians CAN SOLVE THE FINANCIAL PROBLEMS IN ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN, ONLY PROBLEM, THE TWO PROVINCES HAVE TO ESCAPE THE DEATH GRIP THE USA OIL MONOPOLY HAS ON THEM. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A LEECH SUCKING THE BLOOD FROM A HUMAN BEING. THAT IS THE AMERICAN OIL MONOPOLY IN ACTION. UNLIKE THE NORMAL LEECH THE OIL MONOPOLY HAS SUCKERS ON BOTH ENDS, VERY EFFICIENT. When a mosquito bites it deadens the area with a pain killer. I wonder, in the process of stealing the petroleum resources from Albert and Saskatchewan, does the monopoly anesthetize the owners of the resources. It would seem the monopoly props the Albertans up on a hill looking to Ottawa in the east. When these silly buggers awake with their pockets empty, they assume the robbers were easterners. The present oil glut and low prices have been caused once again by the dynamic duo, Washington and the American oil monopoly working in concert. Washington has always wanted to dominate other countries, a modern extension of slavery. Washington and the oilies precipitated the 1973 OPEC no matter what the Nazi media said. They wanted cheaper oil and more control. Result, world chaos and at huge cost to everyday Americans. In 1979 Washington and the oil monopoly caused the Iranian revolution. They wanted cheaper oil and more control over the Iranian resource. North Americans suffered. Saudi Arabia and Russia moved into the void and met the world oil supply need and strengthened their hand in global affairs. Washington and the American oil monopoly lost traction, something which was never regained. The Nazi media remained silent. In response to the diminished power of the USA, Georgie Jr. decided to use 9/11 as the pretext to seize and control Iraqi oil in 2003. Washington and the American oil monopoly joined forces again. They wanted cheap oil and control of supply, again. The invasion of Iraq sparked an open Civil War between the Sunnis [ Saudi Arabia ] and the Shiites [ Iran ]. An underground Civil War has been going on for years between Saudi Arabia and Iran. It has been waged by terrorist groups funded by Saudi Arabia and Iran who do their fighting in other countries. As long as the homelands of Saudi Arabia and Iran remained above the fray. When Bush Jr. / Washington destabilized Iraq by invading the Country the USA provided a sort of prize fight ring in which the Sunnis and Shiites could have at one another without restrain. Both Saudi Arabia and Iran have resolved not to lose this fight. Oil from both Saudi Arabia and ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqi people, which is fenced through Turkey flows to North America where a clique of major oil companies operate as a cartel have a complete monopoly granted them by the Republicans in the 1920. No company in the world has access to 400 million people who are a captive market, like the oil monopoly. Thus the oilies, with Washington’s backing, can threaten countries to extract oil on their own terms or buy ISIS stolen oil, fenced through Turkey or buy cheap Iranian oil, fenced through Turkey. It matters little from whence the oil comes or the price, drivers on Madison Ave. NY, Yonge St. Toronto Ont., or Avenue Outremont, Montreal Que., are buying gasoline or diesel that comes from either ISIS stolen oil or oil obtained by force. Thus North Americans are funding the religious war in the middle east [ both sides if you please? ]. That War has now spilled into Syria. Thanks to Washington and the oil monopoly, two Countries [ Iraq / Syria ] have been destroyed. The Middle East is in complete turmoil yet the USA oil Monopoly continues to get its’ supply of cheap oil, thanks to Congress, no matter how many millions are killed. And what does Washington and Cameron’s Fascists do? And what did Harper attempt to do? Why make use this conflict. Putting it to work scaring people! While the fighting is fueled with billions of dollars from North America drivers. The Fascists, are using the fighting as an excuse to take away the civil liberties of Americans, the English and the Canadians. While the chances of dying from terrorism fall somewhere between death by a falling building in an earthquake or being chewed to death by a Beaver. The Middle East conflict can only be stopped by one Country, Canada. We have the petroleum resources and the homegrown gas / diesel / jet fuel market to abandon the world oil market, operated by the USA oil monopoly on behalf of Washington. The Texas heavy oil refineries which were thriving on cheap tar / Benzine stolen from Alberta / Saskatchewan are no longer cost effective. ISIS / Iranian oil is in, Alta. / Sask. tar is out. So Canada has been pushed to the sidelines by the oil monopoly. There is now no market for Alberta / Saskatchewan tar, but Paul Godfrey, David Thomson, John Honderich and company are being paid to hide that info. Rather, Houston is paying the Nazi media to wage a fantasy campaign blaming Ottawa and Edmonton for not approving the tar / Benzine pipelines which in fact are no longer needed. This campaign is aimed at driving a fraudulent wedge between Eastern and Western Canada. The American oil monopoly is a past master at using petro dollars to fuel the North American Nazi media to draw attention away from the monopoly and replace Houston with some scapgoat. In the 1980s Pierre Trudeau and his NEP were blamed for the recession in Alberta by the oil monopoly, it was not true. It was a myth. Now Justin Trudeau and Rachel Notley are being blamed by the Paul Godfrey and the Nazi media for the recession in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Same deal, it is all lies again, pure myth. It is really quite ingenious and diabolical at the same time. Houston doesn’t want Canadian tar. The monopoly is making use of stolen ISIS oil and profiting quite nicely thank you very much. By blaming the Alberta / Saskatchewan recession on Ottawa and Edmonton over approval of various of the pipelines, Houston gets a double bang for its’ petro buck. The monopoly escapes blame for disrupting the world oil market by buying ISIS stolen oil, fenced through Turkey. So the North American Nazi media is coveing Houston’s ass for selling stolen goods, which is against the law. The Alta. / Sask. recession is being blamed on Trudeau and Notley by the paid Nazi media here, including Paul Godfrey. Creating a rift between Eastern and Western Canada is and will continue to create phony fireworks. Houston hopes from behind the curtains, to use the-no-longer-needed- pipelines as a bludgeon with the 2019 elections in mind. If Canadians can be made upset enough over this pipeline fairy tale, then the Oilie’s very own Wildrose Party, helmed by Jason Kenney will take back Alberta. And Steve Harper, leading a much revived oil funded Fascist Party will return to Ottawa to finish the job of gutting Parliament. When the American oil monopoly take over the reins of Canada in 2019, it will want to see the end of Canadian democracy as soon as possible. So expect the Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC to be paid a lot of oil money to maintain the BLAME-OTTAWA-AND-EDMONTON-FOR-THE-ALBERTA- SASKATCHEWAN- RECESSION CAMPAIGN. But for this campaign to succeed, the economies of Alta. / Sask. will have to be sabotaged for the next 3 years. No joy will be allowed to raise the spirits of Albertans and Saskatchewanians. There is an easy way to scuttle Houston’s plans. Ottawa has to ban the export of tar / Benzine from either Alberta or Sakatchewan. That will effectively kill off the Northern Gateway, Kinder Morgan Transmountain 11 and Russ Girling’s Energy East Pipelines. There will be no lawsuits possible because it is well known with in the industry that Texas doesn’t need our cheap tar and Benzine anymore. Ottawa and the Provinces need to expropriate all of the tar upgraders / refineries in Alberta and Saskatchewan and begin producing easily refined crude oil. As well, all of the refineries across Canada [ presently in operation, closed or abandoned ] have to be expropriated and made ready to refine Alta. / Sask. crude oil. The Feds and the Provinces / Territories have to build the new Twin Beaver Pipelines [ crude oil / natural gas ] from Vancouver to Edmonton [ expropriating the Transmountain Pipeline if necessary ]. From Edmonton the 2B would go to Fort Mc. A spur would go to the Territories. The main 2B would travel across the 55th parallel to Thompson Man. A spur would go the Churchill Man. The main 2 B would cross Northern Ontario, down to North Bay, on Down to Toronto, east to Montreal and Quebec City. From the Quebec Eastern Townships the 2B would travel through NB to NS. Everywhere there is crude oil in Canada [ not fracked ], it could get to gasoline, diesel and jet fuel markets markets across Canada. Everywhere there are natural gas resources [ not fracked ] in Canada, they would have access to Canadian markets guaranteeing Ontario and Quebec a secure supply of gas at a made in Canada price. No more Yankee cutthroats and nat. gas spot prices. To flesh out this system, expropriation of various other pipelines and facilities may be necessary. I was in business for 50 years and often worked with people I disliked. To build the 2B will require many components. If privately owned infrastructure is need for the 2B, of course it has a fair market value. The company is question is due that fair market values plus a premium for the inconvenience. So to assemble all the parts of the 2B in quick time a plan should be drawn up quickly to shown new construction and already available infrastructure. Since in real terms, the tar / Benzine demand has gone into the shitter, I am sure many oil companies will want to dispose of their infrastructure at a decent price. I would even go as far as contracting with such companies to have them continue to operate such facilities at a guaranteed margin of profit. So there is certainly a big choice to be made here. Either Canada seizes the moment and takes the lead in energy and the combating of Global Warming by starting to function like a sovereign Country, or we allow Houston / Paul Godfrey / the rest of our Nazi media to disrupt Canada under false pretenses, for the next 3 years so that the red carpet can be laid out for the return of Herr Harper in 2019??????

The American oil monopoly just wants oil at the lowest possible price and with the minimum of fuss. That is why Lyin Steve gutted all of Canada’s environmental laws and worked to silence the opposition to this rape of the land by using Revenue Canada to haunt and harass his opponents. I believe Harper set up a special team within
Rev. Can. to financially ruin those who were standing up for a free Canada. I mean it is almost a sure bet that the rightpublicanazis, some here working with Herr Harper coud in fact takeover Canada. The Fascists could outspend the liberals and NDP using unlimited, illegal petrol dollars from Houston.

Buying gasoline and diesel refined from stolen ISIS at sky high prices, buying natural gas from Pennsylvania at a price that borders on usury, a lousy job, high debt, a kid in the basement with no work, visits to the Food Bank isn’t a life Canadians should be living. But the Country decided a dozen years ago to accept the rightpublicanazi play book. Which says that the little people are nobodies. And by gar a lot of little people have just folded and accepted their fate. In the hands of Canadians is the ability to create a NEW CANADA rule book, while we still have a valid ballot. We can ban all the Fascist politicians, like Jason Kenny, Brian Jean and Kellie Leitch et al, to the wilderness. And stop buying newspapers and watching TV. Get you news on the net. My day starts with Montreal Simon, then Dave Climenhaga [ ], the CBC to catch any breaking news [ but I do not read many articles, coverage is too anti Government ], the [ US news from a liberal point of view ], then the Guardian UK /USA and finally Wolf Street [ Wolfe Richter, the money man ]. I have been doing this for years and I haven’t missed any scoops. If there is an interesting story, I dig deeper on the net for an indepth reading. I used to spend more time with the CBC. After the election their policy changed. Now the CBC will feature anything and everything that makes the Government look bad. It is clear that the Americans are setting up to retake Alberta and Ottawa in 2019, to make sure Premier Notley and PM Trudeau are one term wonders. Lyin Steve is waiting in the wings. The Fascist leadership race is just a diversion. The our Nazi media, including TV has been totally bought up by AMERIGREED to run hourly smear campaigns on Notley and Trudeau. Houston thinks Canadians will be so sick of the NDP and the Liberals by 2019 that we will welcome permanent Kleptocratic rule and surrender our tattered democracy. And you who have all the intelligence of a 2 x 4 are the key to their success, or so the oilies think. Do me a favour, suprise them!!! Returning to Megantic, any talk of Benzine quickly disappeared and itinerant comments coming from the Town were soon silenced. Replaced by talking point from the PMO. Canadians by and large remained incurious about Megantic. Many believed just what Harper, Paul Godfrey, Dave Thomson were telling them. Just like trained pets. Our entire Nazi media was all singing from the Harper song book. I saved many of those clippings. CPR conveniently lost all the paper work concerning the Megantic train, which is an offense in itself under Transport Canada rules. The Fire Chief said the tank cars were bearing placards which indicated they were carrying ** OIL ** which was a lie. In the end Harper found a scapegoat in the 2 x 4 Railway outfit, M. M and A., that was towing CPR tank cars to Irving Oil in NB. Eight employees of the little Railroad were charged by Herr Harper with causing the Megantic fire and deaths. This is the first time the Canadian Government has laid such charges. It must the first time in Canadian history that a killer like Mad Harper got to charge others for his crime and got away with it. The American oil monopoly, Steve Harper’s employer [ and still is ], paid all the expenses for the Nazi media lies and for the companies to cook their books. CPR walked away blame free. The USA oil monopoly out of Houston remained in the shadow pulling the strings. When it came time to settle up with the victim’s families and the Town of Megantic. Harper gave them Canadian taxpayers money. There is an old song that goes, Nice work if you can get it??? As with all problems caused by the American oil monopoly the victims always pay with their lives as well as paying the bill. If the oilies wanted to sell cow plops as chocolate pies, I think Paul Godfrey and his friends would oblige.. I mean look at what the Nazi media have done with Bitumen. Too many Canadians actually believe ** TAR ** is ** OIL **. The CBC and Rosie Baron so believe. Hitler did say, tell a big lie often enough and the ignorant masses will think it the truth. It would seem that you can fool all of the people all of the time. And now a hundred thousand people on the N. Sask. River have no clean water to drink. Right now they are still being lied to by everybody, Brad Wall, Husky and the Nazi media. How long before some of them wake up and realize they have been royally screwed The petro buck reigns supreme

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I wrote to the NEB a couple of years ago about this dire situation, lack of an early spill warning system. But as expected, I did not hear back from Harper’s FLACKS. The Steve appointed people to the NEB who are willfully ignorant. The NEB Board clearly follows Lyin Steve’s orders, to the letter, STILL. If the NEB had paid attention to me, the Husky tar spill into the N. Sask. River would never have happened. Husky said only 2 tanker car loads of Oil went into the river which is plain bullshit. The spilled petroleum appeared 500 KMs downstream. Just another LIE in a continuing stream of LIES. Now even the lying has stopped, nothing. What will Brad Wall and Brian Pallister say when the tar balls start showing up in The Pas??? Or will the righties even acknowledge that poisoned water has reached into Manitoba. If you look at cases where real oil is spilled into water, it is light and floats on the surface where it can be contained by booms and retrieved. The Husky spill consisted of tar / Benzine. The tar congealed and sank to the bottom of the Sask. River just like at Kalamazoo. The Benzine evaporated and formed an explosive / toxic cloud. The tar globs are now scattered for 500 kms, down passed North Battleford, Prince Albert and may have already reached The Pas. I think municipalities in Sask. and Man. along the River, have been told by Wall and Pallister to keep their mouths shut about the tar spill. Big Oil wants to keep Canadians in the dark on the Husky spill, it is for certain that Brad and Brian and the Nazi media will accede to their wishes. 100,000 Saskatchewanians mean sweet fuck all! There has been NO INDEPENDENT TESTING. Wall is leaving Li Ka Shing do his own testing. That is like leaving a rapist in charge of the investigation??? The oilies NOW OWN the Saskatchewan hen house. In the Kalamazoo spill, the tar globs affixed themselves to the bottom of the River like sea gull shit. The globs are almost impossible to remove and the globs keep bleeding hydrocarbons. I would suggest that all aquatic life, plants and fish, are doomed. Even so, to save their hides, Wall and Pallister, will probably allow the poisoned water to be used by the residents. The health affects of water so poisoned, might not show up for years. So the children of the River, who are allowed to drink this contaminated water may not die until in their 20s. Wall and Pallister will be long gone from office by then and Husky will contend every law suit. Ottawa must intervene and find alternative sources of water for 100,000 people. If Russ Girling, the liar prince can build a 4500 KM pipeline to carry NAPALM, the Feds can build a water pipeline from Jackfish Lake, down to the N. Sask. River, east to North Battleford. For Prince Albert, I’d run a pipeline down from Candle Lake. Other communities along the River could then be easily accommodated, waterwise. Not a soul should drink the water from the N. Sask. River until the water is tested by the United Nations. It is obvious Wall and Husky can’t be trusted. The American oil monopoly can buy any laboratory in Canada. I for one, would forbid my family from drinking the water from that poisoned River. We build GREEN HOMES in outlying areas around Toronto which includes lakes, rivers and Conservation Areas. We could have engineers working on the North Battleford / Jackfish Lake and the Prince Albert / candle Lake connections in a matter of weeks. This ain’t rocket science! I would put the Minister of Health, Jane Philpott, in charge of the health of the N. Sask. River and the UN testing. I would put the Justice Minister, Judy Wilson-Raybould in charge of the legalities of the contaminated River. Any politician or official who permit citizens to drink the River water before it is tested by the UN should be threatened wil a jail term. We could in short order, come up with an estimate to install the two permanent water pipe to the two Cities, plus 10% for contingencies and legal / Court / other costs. I would get a Court Order to seize Husky assets of equivalent value and put them under lock and key. Thusly, 100,000 people would not have to suffer through any more lies from Brad Wall and Husky. The tar balls at the bottom of the N.Sask. River constitute the very same tar that is used on roads. Road bleed hydrocarbons at different times of the year. Come the cold and wet weather it is particularly noticeable. The road surfaces are as slippery / greasy as if they were covered with ice. This hydrocarbon release from the tar globs now in the N. Sask. River will not stop until this shit is all vacuumed up, actually an impossibility. Wall is between a rock and a hard place. When winter comes does the Preem and Ottawa let people start drinking petroleum contaminated water until enough people get sick as to start a revolt. Ottawa can’t let that happen when there a simple solution at no cost to the taxpayers. Rather I think, Brad Wall, Husky, Paul Godfrey, the Globe, CTV, Global and the CBC and the like will mount a campaign to do nothing about the North Saskatchewan River Bitumen spill. Even though 100,000 people are now at risk. All Canadians will be well advised to deamnd that Ottawa make the polluter, HUSKY OIL, pay. 34 million intelligent citizens, can demand no less. We can’t let the N. Sask. River people stand forgotten as the thousands of folks on the Kalamazoo River were by Enbridge, Michigan and Congress. Some of them lost everything, even their lives. Barb Black’s truism, that the little people should know their place might wash in the USA, the home of Black / Hispanic slave labour camps. Canada however is a different kind of cat. People COME FIRST, oil monopolies are somewhere down the list. After 6 years and $ 1.5 billion, Enbridge still hasn’t totally clean up their Kalamazoo tar / Benzine spill. Barb’s little people in Mayflower have been totally forgotten by EXXON, Arkansas, Congress and the US Nazi media. The truth is out elite Americans treat the Country’s citizens worse than dogs. Same deal in Megantic, Quebecers treated like dogs by Harper and Marois. And the killers walked free. When Girling’s BITUMEN EAST BLOWS UP ON MONTREAL ISLAND, people will say, haven’t we seen this movie before. Li Ka Shing who owns Husky apparently is worth $ 31 billion. It is not too difficult to see how Shing makes his money? Li cuts corners and Brad Wall stands aside and lets it happen. Brad Wall, the champion of pipelines in Canada, has gone into hiding. But at least he is surrounded by those who love him dearly, faults and all. Wall has been replaced by a number of talking heads who are all telling lies for money. They’re taking Husky cash, to try to sanitize the spill. Al Monaco of Enbridge, must have loaned Husky his Kalamazoo spill handbook. Li Ka Shing is following it word for word. Wall’s response to this spill is identical to the USA political responses from the States of Michigan and Arkansas and the US Congress to the Kalamazoo / Mayflower spills, ” we don’t known nutin “. No wonder America is now in the grip of the second Civil War. The Democrats and the Republicans are happy taking their pay cheques and playing hooky. Wall has surrendered his mandate to the US corporate sector, just like his American right wing State and Congressional counterparts. The big pipe that blew and plunked many tons of tar into the N. Sask. River HAS NEVER BEEN INSPECTED SINCE IT WAS BUILT. That pipe was designed TO CARRY ** OIL **. Now Husky is using that pipe to transport tar/Benzine [ Napalm ], a Hazardous Liquid. Or as they say in York Township, Tor. where I was born, THE SHIT HAS HIT THE FAN! Shortly, we will add another 10,000 Manitobans, adding The Pas to the list of people with no drinkable water. Again a different source of water will have to be found, meaning another water pipeline. Clearwater Lake looks like a good bet. This means more Husky assets will have to be confiscated. The Federal Government was so concerned that it started testing the water on the N. Sask. River at the Manitoba border, 700 KMs from the ruptured TAR PIPELINE. I think Ottawa already knows that the water is not safe. When traces of the Tar/ Benzine spill do reach The Pas, it will become an Ottawa problem. Then Brad Wall, Li Ka Shing, Husky and the Feds will have no place to hide. The Headline in Paul Godfrey’s Sun said to Manitobans have nothing to fear from the Sask. oil spill. First off, the people of The Pas DO HAVE TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT THE SASK. TAR / BENZINE SPILL. Earth to Paul, IT AIN’T ** OIL **. PAUL, BEFORE YOU GO OFF HALF COCKED, WHY NOT WAIT UNTIL THE FEDS ISSUE A UN REPORT WHEN THE TAR BALLS AND BENZINE SLICK CROSS THE MANITOBA BORDER??? I know the answer already. When petroleum residues and tar balls do hit the border, Godfrey WILL PAID TO KEEP HIS MOUTH SHUT. Godfrey gets paid by the oilies to fudge STORIES and then bury them. Godfrey’s Montreal Gazette is on the oilie payroll too. Jesse Feith, another of Godfrey’s low pay / no pay , third rate intern wrote a piece about the Sask. tar spill. But most of Feith’s article was about Montreal not having a spill plan. He was obviously coached as to what to say. Again, Godfrey gets petro cheques to fudge, confuse and misdirect stories. What the hell does Montreal have to do with Brad Wall’s tar / Benzine spill? NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING ACTUALLY! It is a paid attempt by the Post papers to fog the brains of Canadians with meaningless trivia. If no tar / Benzine is transported by pipeline or rail near Montreal, the City doesn’t a spill. Since the NEB, Transport Canada and our Transportation Safety Board will not define tar mixed with Benzine, how can a spill plan be formulated for an unknown explosive substance??? Fire Chiefs are obviously supposed to be mind readers.

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If you are a Canadian who everyday longs to see his IQ go down, then keep buying Godfrey’s National Post papers. If you advertise in the Post papers, you are obviously looking to Canadians to continue to get LESS INTELLIGENT, go broke and end up in the poor house, with no money to buy products. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Post advertisers are certainly as stupid as Post readers are. I would NOT buy from a single one of them, they’re obviously of questionable reputation, much like Godfrey. It takes a crook to know a crook. Postmediocre stock was $ 13.50 a share in 2011, it is now 3 pennies? Hold your hat, this week it is down to 2 cents. The reason that Paul Godfrey gets more than $ 1.5 million a year from the Streeters, Paul does their stealing for them and they don’t have to dirty their hands. The Hayek / Harper economic system as taught at the Universities of Calgary / Carleton, does wonders for the rich elites and nothing for the masses. The Neitzsche Myth is taught at both Universities because it is core belief on the part of right wingers. It goes that there are Overmen, the few with exceptional ability. The rest, the mob, are the Undermen who are short of smarts. To tidy up things in the last 50 years, the rightpublicanazis have fast tracked the route to membership. Exceptional persons like Steve Harper, Conrad Black, Jason Kenney, Tony Clement etc. This elevation is done by self anointment. Feel like you are exceptional, you are in. This being special certainly pays off. Calgary, Carleton and the Manning Centre, teach that being exceptional, means a bigger slice of the societal pie. The only other requirement to join the rightie cult is that one parks his brains. So every construct of the right wing movement over the last hundred years, has been the development of playbook which justifies the righties winning every contest, getting a larger share than anyone else, never failing or having to admit making a mistake. Paul Godfrey, is a Fascist and claims to be free market advocate. He is nothing of the sort. Rightpublicanazis work to eliminate competition. AMERIGREED has killed innovation in Canada, this is one of the actions taken by Lyin Steve to please his USA masters. In the process of reverting to a slave state, measures have been taken in Ottawa to ensure no new Canadian ideas make it into the sunlight. The right is determined to maintain the unworkable status quo in place, in this Country, which facilitate all of the Yankee wealth stripping devices. Foreign ownership of our media is illegal, but Harper refused to enforce that Law. Godfrey owes about $ 600 million to Wall St., on which he is paying 8 to 12 % interest. This is how Canadians get shafted by AMERIGREED. We got and are still getting the splinty end of the stick thanks to Harper. Lyin Steve assisted the Yankees in devising many wealth stripping devices. Rona Ambrose, Deputy Chief Fascist, complains daily about the money the Trudeau Government is spending. Rona herself has stolen $ 300,000, so far this years, but it is only a drop in the bucket, when compared how much money is being shipped south of the border each and every day using one questionable Yankee scheme or another. The USA was created on the backs of Black slaves. For the last 40 years the slave labour required by the States has come from Mexico and Central America. Once that pool of cheap labour was exhausted, the secret Government in Washington teamed up with Wall St. and 3500 US major shell corporation to enslave the globe. The Americans succeeded in getting a trade pact with Canada [ NAFTA ] which diluted / dilutes our sovereignty. In many areas your vote is second best to any of 3500 hollow USA corporations. Congress gave only them the special right to fuck any nation in the world while denying others to fuck back. Every deal with the USA is a one way street and follows the well worn path. Find politicians in each land who are prepared to sell out. Then buy up the local media. By democratic means the Yanks insert mechanisms which set aside the rights of the people without their knowledge. However when the population wakes up to the truth it is too late they are locked in. In this Country great damage to sovereignty has already been done. In many cases the USA automatically wins every faceoff. The various secret trade pacts now being considered by Canada, the EU and other countries further weakens our already weak democratic institutions. Calling them Free Trade Agreements is exactly the same as calling tar mixed with Benzine ** OIL ** . Just as bogus. These pacts have everything to do with the Americans now expanding global wealth stripping, using a much bigger net. Herr Harper was part of a move by the USA oil monopoly to take formal control of Canada, much beyond trade agreements like NAFTA and Soft wood Lumber. In terms of this Country, AMERIGREED is not satisfied with stealing our petroleum resources and soft lumber and most of the pie, THEY WANT IT ALL, LESS WHAT IT TAKES TO KEEP US ALIVE, BARELY. Why do free people put up with this bullshit??? Because when we are not looking. The Americans spend a lot of money installing right wing parties and operatives in the various countries. The rightpublicanazis buy up the media in each and attack centrist opponents / parties relentlessly. From the time Premier Alison Redford took office [ elected by the PEOPLE REMEMBER ], till the time she was driven out of office by the USA oil monopoly [ aided by Paul Godfrey and our Nazi media ], hundreds of negative articles were published about the Premiethey’r. In my file I have about 280 damming, Redford clippings paid for by the oilies, using profits from overcharging YOU, Canadians for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Quite something, a supposed free people actually funding the destruction of their own society, with the hatchet job being done by some of our own neigbours. Leading the charge AGAINST REDFORD were Paul Godfrey / Post and Dave Thomson / Globe. I wonder how much in the way of petro dollars, Paul and Dave got for trashing our democratic system??? Other countries such as England, all the EU nations via Brussels, New Zealand and Australia [ especially hard hit by AMERIGREED ] have felt the effects of the Fifth Columns on the USA payroll. In each country, the Americans have found 2nd raters quite willing to sell out their countries for power and a buck. Steve Harper / Canada, John Key / New Zealand, Malcolm Turnbull / Australia, David Cameron / England [ Teresa May is now the batty, temporary housekeeper ] and Goldman Sachs has been elevated to the leadership role by the bureaucrats in Brussels. If you read what all the aforementioned second stringers are saying, it comes right from the Washington, Wall St. and USA corporation song book. What do invaders do when they take over a country. Why they immediately seize the press, radio and TV so people do not know what is going on. The Post, Globe and the others do a sterling job in that respect. That is what the Americans are up to. They’ve done it in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, England and the EU. The carpetbaggers then secretly fun far right parties in each nation. This tilts the political process away from the democratic foundation, towards a US led Kleptocracy. The rightpublicanazi Supreme Court, has given AMERIGREED AND US CORPORATIONS THE GREEN LIGHT TO BUY UP THE SENATE AND THE HOUSE AND CONDUCT POLITICS IN ANY WAY THEY SEE FIT. US money injected into Canada, New Zealand, Australia, England and the EU [ through Brussels ] as well as controlling the media in each, ensure THE PEOPLE COME OUT SECOND BEST. And best of all for the Yanks, the poor, ignorant voters are none the wiser. I am not a believer that the citizenry should be second best like toadstools, kept in the dark and fed horeshit. The US rightpublicanazis are now the new master race, who have always supported Hitler, since his rise to power. Only when the Japanese hit Pearl Harbour did the far right fall silent. But under Ron Reagan the righties crawled back out of the sewer and began the Nazification of the whole Western World. 600 million slept as Washington, Wall St. and the hollow US corporation [ products have no importance, these corps. are fronts for fiscal acquisition, stripping wealth from anyone they come in contact with ]. Blood suckers come to mind. I have been writing about these atrocities for years. There are very few of us centreists writing to-day. The right has closed the door on a global scale. There is no money in it because publishers know which side their right wing cheques are buttered on. All the money in journalism to-day, in the above countries, is mindless copying for the right wing. The written word produced by hundreds of 5th string rightie stooges is fertile ground for mindless job seekers. I mean how brainy does one have to be, to write rightie propaganda day after day like Andrew Coyne and John Ivison??? Ezzie Le Rant and Peter Foster also come to mind. The Ezzie hails from Calgary University, where subversion and lying are part of the underground main menu. Because of Le Rant’s antics, the UN has barred him. Of course Ezzie is screaming freedom of Speech. If you are a truthful, fair minded Canadian who thinks for himself / herself, just try to get into any meeting of the Civitas Subversive Secret Society of which Ezzie is a member Other noted, rightie, indoctrinated U of Calgary graduates, are Steve Harper and Pierre Poilievre. I have read some of Foster’s verbal diarrhea over time, but it was only when I saw him interviewed on TV did I realize what kind of a moron this guy really is. Pete graduated Bedlam, for sure. He is off in a fantasy world all his own, and Godfrey pays Pete to write down his fantasies. I have tried to dig into Foster’s background and have come up empty. But this is not new for right wing writers. They can be nobodies, but get to write copy as long as they slavishly copy that copy. What does, what Pete is writing have to do with Canada in the present, beats me? We are beset with problems created by Harper’s hand. Every day we spend not stepping up to the plate so to speak, means our grandchildren will be penalized ten fold. My take, like other fail Englishmen, Foster came to the colonies to instruct what he considers the lesser lights. I am Canadian born of English parents who were London born. The name Spratley goes back a thousand year to East Yorkshire. In a sense I have one foot in each camp. Over all these years I have on occasion experienced newly arrived, superior Englishmen like Foster who lord it over Canadians. To say I don’t appreciate such treatment is an understatement. When I saw Foster on TV, I resented him greatly. A know nothing jerk, invading Canadian space, spouting rubbish. Pete was and is paid by Godfrey to make trouble for Canadians. Why do these arrogant, confused, Limey minds come here seeking an easy go? I would like to see Conrad Black, Michael Coren, John Ivison and Pete Foster, sent home on a slow cattle boat. One of the problems I have with other centreist writers, they have certainly nailed many of Canada’s difficulties, but on how to fix those problems, they remain silent. Are they just lazy? Or are they too afraid of the right wing gods, who have the money and power to crush anyone who gets in their way??? THE CRUSHING CAN ONLY TAKE PLACE AS LONG AS THE RIGHTIES CONTROL THE NAZI MEDIA. BUT THAT IS THEIR ACHILLES HEEL. If we kneecap Paul Godfrey, then we are part way home. No legitimate businessman can survive in an area overrun with criminals. As long as the Yankees dominate our media and pay people like Godfrey to tell lies, then honest journalists and journalism are SHUT OUT. This lack of truth damages Canada. With Godfrey gone communities across the Country could see local journalism rekindled. And advertisers would get a chance to deal with honest folk, something, I think they would much prefer. However we still face a ticking time bomb. Even though Harper has been cast aside, Canada still is operating according to the rightpublicanazi playbook. I believe the latest figure forecast for our GDP, is a measly increase of .8 %. While we have the new Trudeau Government, our ship of state is barely rippling the water. The engine room was vandalized by Harper. Instead of steady as she goes, hand in hand with the USA to Armageddon. A complete overhaul of the way Ottawa works is called for. Parliament has to study all of those areas where the population suffering from Harper-Hayek-itis. As well the Government has to cast a wide net, identify the most acute problems and take charge of them. This means banning the export of tar / Benzine beyond the borders of Alberta and Saskatchewan. If the tar is going to be upgraded to crude oil it will have to be done in a sanitized way in situ. That crude oil will be piped to all regions of the Country to be refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, which will be sold at a Canadian price. Petroleum and products will no longer be imported from or exported to the USA. We will reopen the natural gas fields in Alta. / Sask. and reconnect them directly to Ontario and Quebec. Immediately this will inject cash into the West, like yesterday. This would be a win-win for East and West. Ont. / Que. would see the price of nat. gas go down and the provinces would regain security of supply. Natural gas would no longer be imported from or exported to the USA. On the 180 Boil Water Notices on 1st Nations reserves, they are as good as fixed if the Feds gather up some spine and tackle the job head on. The dancing at AAND has to end. On soft wood lumber, fuck the Americans, no more give aways. In Fort Mc we need to build 25,000 new homes for the reconstituted petroleum industry and the construction of the big Twin Beaver pipes. 1st Nations reserves need 125,000 new homes. We could contract with BC, Ont., Quebec and Maritime saw mills to supply all the lumber. For housing products now imported I would set up homegrown businesses to supply same. Integral with using our own wood, would be a comprehensive Silvaculture program whereby as the trees drop, young trees are planted. Ottawa and the Provinces would set aside special areas where the young trees could be grown and supplied to the industry free of charge. Young Canadians could spend their summers planting trees. Ths is a win, win, win situation. Ottawa has to lead. We use our own lumber thereby stabilizing the wood / lumber mill industry. We would get 150,000 badly needed new homes. People would be housed, especially the 1st Nations, and thousands of jobs would be created. Our money would stay in Canada instead of it going to AMERIGREED and an army of lawyers.

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After a year, I am beginning to blame Canadians a little bit for the piss poor performance of our economy. I doesn’t have to be like this, no matter what Ian Lee of Carleton University says. Ian is a rightie plant who gets paid along with the University to badly mislead Canadians on economic matters, such dribble. Democracy is not a sit-in-the-back-of-the-boat-system. Citizens have to do more than lounge on the couch reading the National Post, watching Ian Lee on the CBC and nodding like bobbleheads. The Fascists like Godfrey and Lee are hard at work every day to tell lies and undermine Parliament, LIKE EVERY DAY. THEY ARE WELL FINANCED WITH USA PETRO DOLLARS AND HAVE MASTERY OVER OUR NAZI MEDIA. After coming to office with a surplus, Harper ran the debt up by $ 150 billion. It is said that insanity is defined by doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? The right wing ideology and free market are rammed down our throats hourly. But they spectacularly don’t work. The Nazi media is hired to say they do work. Where did that money go? A lot of it was shipped south of the border by Harper. LYin Steve gave his employer, the American oil monopoly a gift of $ 850 million for Carbon Capture and Storage, a failed technology. The only other Canadian politician giving the oilies money for CC and S is Brad Wall. If Canadians continue to slumber, as many are still doing, the Americans will have us one day soon. By remaining comatose, we abandon potential prosperity and the waiting gravy train. By remaining comatose, we guarantee US serfdom. Well, when you read me I’ll outline the problems as I did above. The icing on the cake, I offer solutions and the road map to prosperity, you’ll get the whole enchilada. All you have to do is get off that bloody couch. Just ignore the rightie din / lies and educate yourself in order to make informed decisions. When I was 15 [ Fall 1950 ], I started to fly out of Barker Field in Toronto. In the Spring of 1951, I went solo after 9 hours flight time. Marion Orr [ Order of Canada ] got out of the Fleet Canuck trainer [ CF-DYX ], beside the runway and said you are on your own, go do a circuit. I got around and did a fair landing, it was a small start on the way to being a bush pilot and close to 800 hours flying time. What is my point you ask??? Every journey must start with on small step. To break the USA rightpublicanazi stranglehold on life in Canada WILL REQUIRE OTTAWA / PROVINCES TO TAKE A MUCH BIGGER ROLE IN WHAT HERETOFORE HAS BEEN THE TURF OF PRIVATE ENTERPRISE. There are areas which greatly affect the quality of life for Canadians which should not be, cannot be in the hands of the private sector [ under USA control ]. They include, education, health care, hospitals, roads, airports, energy, pipelines, electricity, transmission lines, sewage, waste and water. Going back to my solo, breaking the Yankee chain has to start somewhere. A crucial issue is the Boil Water Notices on 180 1st Nations Reserves. Interestingly, providing them with clean water is but a brain wave away. So why don’t we start our freedom march on the way to the NEW Canada by cancelling all those Boil Water Advisories, too easy??? Those responsible at AAND have been shooting blanks on this issue for 20 years, wasting taxpayer’s money for zero result. It is time to excuse the AAND bureaucrats for a job badly done. Some work on the boil water question has already been done. Ministers Carolyn Bennett and Jane Philpott could call a meeting, which would include members of their staffs and National Chief Perry Bellegarde and his staff. The clean drinking water issue is a political one. The mechanicals are well in hand. It simply comes down to Ottawa saying, we know how to fix this, this is what we propose and seeking Chief Bellegarde’s approval. But YOU have an important decision to make. You can coast and let the status quo continue ensuring continued abuse of the 1st Nations, unhealthy drinking water conditions at a huge outlay of tax dollars. YOUR TAX DOLLARS. Or YOU can say to the Prime Minister, We want you to fix this, pronto.

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Option ONE leave the matter in AAND’s hands — Spend $ 7 billion over ten years, NOT FIXING THE PROBLEM. Or. Option TWO by Ken / James Spratley — Ignore the deadwood at AAND. Spend $ 1.5 billion over 3 years and solve the problem once and for all? No more Boil Water Notices.

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In Canada, over the last 10 years, Harper and his cronies sounded if they were in daily contact with the Repub Congress, this to receive their Fascist marching orders??? My inclination, obviously, is to get rid of the Canadian rightie sympathizer permanently. Jail them or deport them, before they turn your Nation into a miniature USA, which is now racked by Civil War. Next pass, legislation that requires the truth to be paramount in our media. I would suggest that the countries mentioned above that are now under AMERIGREED stress stand together and synchronize their watches. Common rules can be formulated to outlaw the Nazi media where ever it lives. No more lying, no more misinformation, no more FALSE NEW and no more American right wing propaganda. Our democracies have been too hard won to allow US foreigners to impose their Kleprocracies. I would even audit the likes of Paul Godfrey / Post, Dave Thomson / Globe, FOX NEWS [ USA ] and the Telegraph [ UK ] etc, to see where their money is coming from. If Revenue Canada has the resources to harass widows, orphans and environmentalists, they have what it takes to curtail the importation of illegal petro dollars destined to the Nazi media, which is focused on undermining our democracy. While Rev. Can. is at it, I would like them to raid the Manning Institute, Calgary / Carleton Universities, the Fraser / C. D. Howe / Macdonald – Laurier Institutes, the Civitas Secret Society [ do they really wear white gowns and pointed hats? ] and
the Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation. Then we could get an idea about how much American money is coming across the border in support of the taking over of this Country. Once the scale of the Yankee coup d’etat operation here is determine it will give guidance to New Zealanders, Australians, Brits and the citizens of the EU as to how their countries are being purchased on the QT by Amerigreed. The Fifth Columns made up of locals in each country, expect to become the ruling class after their democracies are done away with by the USA. Hitler did the same thing in England before the War. Appeasers and closet Fascists were put on a Nazi list, identified as the group who would take over management of the UK after a successful invasion. Surprisingly some MPs were on that list. Neville Henderson, Oswald Mosley, some of the Mitford gang, William Joyce and the disgraced Edward VIII, along with oters were named. Of course the Canadian rulers in waiting, like Harper and Jason Kenney would never reveal their intentions in public. This is why the Civitas Secret Subversive Society exists. The public is banned and the Nazi media is mum on the groups activities. However, every time the PM goes to the beach with his kids Paul Godfrey is in full voice. Civitas allows the future rulers to discuss the takeover of Canada with AMERIGREED representatives who also attend indoctrine sessions at the Manning Centre. These meeting mostly discuss dividing up the spoils. The 200 or so Civitas attendees are thoroughly vetted. The young people attending have to have been brain washed and certified as such by the Manning Institute. Attendees are pledged to secrecy and are prohibited from identifying each other or those present or what has been discussed. This is happening here folks and Paul Godfrey says nothing! This is a foretaste of the Nazification of Canada??? The future rulers of this Nation are here for all to see. Many, most of their names have appeared in my 500 plus posts. If Canada does fall, you will have an idea who your bosses will be. Of course they will take orders from the US rightpublicanazis. Not only will Canadians not have a vote, but our Canadian Fascists will be mere minions in the larger world scheme. Something like Adolf Eichmann, just taking orders. If Herr Harper is returned to power by the American oil monopoly in 2019, his position will be puppet like. Much the same as Vidkun Quisling, who was the leader of Norway from 1942 to 1945, installed by Hitler. For 40 year the Reagan and the secret US Government have been playing hard ball in the shadows, with little regard for American democracy. Because of this disregard for the rights of a free people at home, this poison has been spread around the world. In Canada, New Zealand, Australia, England and the EU, 600 million people have been on a diet of shit for no good reason other than to satisfy Americans greed. Now it our turn to PLAY HARD BALL, and elect those who will respect freedom for all people. A novel idea these days. Canada has escaped Harper and the oil monopoly for the present and we as a country can take a leadership role in breaking the Yankee chains. We have the tools to do the job. An educated public with a few right wing stragglers. We have every natural resource imaginable. This nation has a modern / people friendly infrastructure, somewhat in need of some tender loving care after 10 years of neglect, but quite doable. Climate change is modifying Canada’s weather but this warming trend can be turned to our / the world’s advantage. Global Warming is a negative which the global rightpublicanazis community is running away from. My view is that Canada can turn the rising temp into a positive and show the world how to combat it. But the first challenge is to get the oilies out of our hair. Houston is spending HUGELY, to nullify the results of October 19 /15, using the poison tongues of Paul Godfrey, Dave Thomson, John Honderich, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC. Likewise the Brits by virtue of BREXIT, have escaped the clutches of the rightpublicanazis and the EU in Brussels. Like in this Nation, USA money is pouring into London with the express intention of nullifying the referendum. The Americans are determined to teach the people of the world that they have no right to a vote. AGAIN RELENTLESSNESS IS THE WATCHWORD. HITLER SAID, REPEATING LIES OVER AND OVER AND OVER HAS PROVED TO WORK, THE FUHRER HAD IT RIGHT MUCH OF THE TIME. How do we break through this curtain of lies and deliver the truth to Canadians??? The moneyed interest in London UK, financed by the USA, a Fifth Column if there ever was one, are leaving no stones unturned in terms of lying, misinforming frightening and publishing / broadcasting FALSE NEWS, through the British Nazi media [ not the guardian ]. THE YANKEES ARE TRYING TO IMPRESS UPON A SLUMBERING WESTERN WORLD, THAT DEMOCRACY NO LONGER HAS ANY CURRENCY. HITLER HAD THE EXACT SAME PITCH, WHICH THE NAZI PRESS AMPLIFIED IN THE EXTREME. AMERICANS ARE SIGNALLING THAT THEY WILL SPEND WHATEVER IT TAKES TO MAKE SURE VOTING IS RENDERED MEANINGLESS. I ask New Zealanders, Australians, Brittania, the EU nations and Canadians, DO WE BOW TO THE WISHES OF AMERIGREED?????? Of course not. AMERIGREED CAN BE DEFEATED BY MUFFLING THEIR MESSAGE. THE LAW IS OUR WEAPON. Returning to my second least favourite person [ Harper is 1st ], Paul Godfrey, through incompetence, mismanagement, lying, cheating and stealing has knocked his common shareholder’s value down by over $ 500 million, there is clearly theft involved. The righties have no more respect for investors than they do for Canadians, we are lumped together, SUCKERS ALL. When the Post papers go broke, many Canadians connected with this Wall St. / Godfrey / Post Ponzi Scheme, will get shafted like workers, contractors, suppliers, landlords, pensioners and all 3 levels of Government. Before that happens I suggest a preemptive strike. Firstly a Commons Committee should investigate the secret arrangement Herr Harper made with Paul Godfrey and the Wall St. hedge funds. Our Law says that foreigners can’t own our newspapers, magazines, TV and radio. I call on PM Trudeau to enforce the Law. This for good reason. The close call Canada had on Oct. 19 /15 is the best example of how dangerous this situation can be. Our law makers said no to foreigners years ago and even outlined the dangers [ which have all come true ]. As in other cases Steve Harper just ignored the Law. The American oil monopoly gave Lyin Steve a blank cheque to neuter Parliament. Harper almost succeeded. A Canadian media conquered and owned by the Yankees gave their Fascist ideas of CONQUEST a crucial head start. So IN 2016, the Commons Committee should clarify the Laws on foreign ownership and force Paul Godfrey to comply or to put him in jail or tell him to get the hell out and go live on Wall St. Those on the right who do cheat, lie and steal like Conrad Black are not good businessmen. They detest the free market. You don’t have to be smart when you get to cheat all the time. Doug Oberhelman of Caterpillar is a good example. The Company is taking a bath because reality is taking a bite out of CAT. And Oberhelman is not up to the job. When CAT goes, bankrupt Ottawa should buy the company assets which relate to this Country. We could then build our own machines and diesel locomotives needed for Canada’s new railway system. Conrad Black killed every business he ever touched. A leading Canadian businessman, my ass. Black bled each company white and then moved on. Stripping the wealth from those who trusted him, then Conrad forged ahead t new conquests. The whole basis for the PostMediocre organization is illegal, so it would follow that the operations would be illegal too. If there is smoke after the Commons Committee gets finished with Paul Godfrey, I would urge the Ontario Securities Commission to delve into the $ 500 million loss by shareholders, why and how was it done? If there is wrongdoing, then all of the creditors, Ottawa and Queen’s Park should seek a Court Order to seize the assets of PostMediocre before the Streeters can snatch it away. I fully understand that the Securities Commission very seldom punishes their friends on Bay St. and Wall St. The OSC is staffed with people who hear, see or speak no evil, even if there is evil. In 1985, the Commission had assembled 28 Criminal Charges against Conrad Black. The Ontario Government favoured proceeding against Black, but the Commission, made up of insiders decided in favour of another insider, their very own chum, the Conman. Think of the hundreds of millions that Black stole from 1985 onward, until his imprisonment in 2007, in Florida. For all of those thefts, the OSC is responsible The OSC is like the NEB. Appointed to protect the people, rather they cover for the criminals. Conrad had more than 20 years to engage in criminal behaviour, with a OSC free pass. Isn’t it interesting that Paul Godfrey / the Post papers / Conrad Black / Steve Harper have such a close relationship, criminals all, through and through. My wish would see Harper and Godfrey in jail, the Post assets seized and going to the investors who were cheated. The Streeters will GET NO MONEY. And Conrad Black gets deported to the UK because he is in Canada illegally. Jason Kenney can no longer pull the strings, he isn’t the Minister now.

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I was in business for 50 years. I made it my business to know who I was dealing with. Over that period I lost under one hundred dollars. I was all COD. Those who attempted to toy with me got sued. Even that notorious cheat Mel Lastman, didn’t succeed in stiffing me. Paul Godfrey has even had the fucking nerve to ask Ottawa to pony up some taxpayer’s cash. So he could keep on destroying Canada, these Fascists are mad like Harper. In the National Post papers, Steve Harper has created a huge American attack dog which continues to bite us and our children. To make matters worse, we have to pay to feed this sucker. A mad dog and a bullet through the brain make a good combination. Now Godfrey promotes some kind of strange FREE MARKET system, which allows stealing, rigging and the elimination of any competition. How can the Post be in financial trouble when they have the great Terry Corcoran on staff? But Terry is really a complete phony. Corcoran is neither businessman or economist. By the way, Corcoran has never had a REAL JOB in his life, like Steve Harper and his trolls. Terry is the classic parasite, he lives off the fat of the land and contributes zero. Paul himself couldn’t run a successful 2 cup lemonade stand. Godfrey and Corcoran should be doing what they do best, pushing brooms. With socks stuffed into their mouths to stop the flow of lies. Both of them are insufferable. PostMediocre is not a business, it is more like mob activity. Paul is in desperate need of cash to pay his debts and will do or say anything. Even if it destroys his own Country! This is a danger which can’t be overlooked. Godfrey will happily see people on the N. Sask. River poisoned in return for petro bucks. The Post papers, Globe and Tar, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and CBC have yet to quote anyone on the tar spill outside of Brad Wall’s office or one of the Husky stooges. THEY ARE NOT TO BE BELIEVED. These people, have a very low opinion of the intelligence of Canadians. This fact, they are taught at Calgary / Carleton Universities, the Manning Centre and the Civitas Secret, Subversive Society among others, to view Canadians as representing an ignorant mob. The Nazi media is convinced everything it prints or broadcasts will be believed by the dumb old Canuck clucks. I hate to admit it, but many times the Fascists have been proven right. The Pierre Trudeau / the NEP Myth being a good example. Never mind hook, line and sinker. On the NEP, too many Canadians swallowed the boat, motor, rods and all the tackle. The absurd was accepted as truth. To most citizens in this Country tar / Benzine is NOT TAR / BENZINE, IT IS ** OIL ** ! That Myth they do believe. To think so, is to dwell in Harperland. How many Megantics and Husky spills will it take for Canadians to awaken??? 47 innocent people died at Megantic. How many have to die drinking the North Saskatchewan River??? All you’ve seen so far in the Nazi media, regarding the Sask. tar spill, has been the usual carefully coordinated oil monopoly campaign to bury the Husky spill. Directions come through Houston communications, at ” Oilie Central. What Canadians hear or see has been well thought out by evil oil monopoly experts in the USA. There is not a word out of place. The main thrust of the N. Sask. River tar spill coverage is to misinform Canadians and secondly to somehow blame Trudeau and Notley. From comments on the net, it would seem this campaign IS WORKING. The messaging on disappearing the Husky spill is relentless, just like in Hitler’s model. Husky doesn’t have this sort of D-day coordinated operation, meant to control every word and every action, never allowing the truth to interfere with the flow of tar / Benzine. Houston is helping the Chinese, the cat can’t be let out of the bag. Canadians must never be allowed to know, that ** OIL ** is in actual fact tar / mixed with Benzine [ Napalm ]. I would bet the Houston’s non thinking minions have to put their hands up to go pee. The mindless scribes now working on the tar spills in Canada, are certainly journalistic apprentices who wrote for the phone book. Only a moron could write the senseless Houston copy day after day. So the oil monopoly, in a larger sense and in self interest, is spending big on our Nazi media, like the Post, ensuring that the N. Sask. River tar spill is completely sanitized and vanishes. A list should be started by Health Canada of all the residents who get sick from drinking water laced with tar. The oilie coverup worked in Kalamazoo, the Repubs / Michigan said nothing. It worked in Mayflower, the Repubs / Arkansas said nothing. It worked at Megantic, the Harper Fascists said nothing. Why would the American oil monopoly think the situation in Sask. is any different this time??? With the help of Paul Godfrey and friends, the oilies can fool the ignorant masses just ONE MORE TIME. It simply comes down to this. Heavy tar mixed with Benzine is being forced through pipelines built to carry ** OIL ** . The tar can’t move without being thinned with Benzine. But this DilBit content runs at greater pressure and at a much higher heat than ** OIL *. ** Oil ** is clear and self lubricating. Tar is sticky and contains 5 % quartz sand. This quartz abrasive is like 80 grit sand paper. It scours the insides of the steel oil pipes, sensors and shut off valves, WEAKENING or DESTROYING THEM. The sand pays SPECIAL ATTENTION to welds, temperature / pressure sensors and shut of valves. Since the monopoly started using ** OIL ** PIPELINES for DilBit the spill rate has increased by a factor of 4. With a sandblaster I can blow a hole in a car fender in two minutes. It has been calculated that the Kinder Morgan tar pipeline through the Rockies to Burnaby transports 50,000 lbs of quartz sand a DAY. That 50 year old pipe is getting THINNER EVERY YEAR. Again this isn’t rocket science. It is only a matter of time before the Rockies Transmountain Pipeline fills some pristine river valley with tar mixed with Benzine. Then all the water flowing out of said valley will by poisoned. The sand is the reason why Kalamazoo went unnoticed for 18 hours, Mayflower for 24 hours and Husky spill for 14 hours as per the Company quote. Fourteen hours before the alarm went off for Husky. I don’t believe, Li Ka Shing’s people, they are lying. I could look at the area of the break and tell you exactly what happened. When there is a derailment or tar spill in Canada, the police are brought in to keep people, supposedly for safety reasons. The real reason, is so nobody finds out that tar and Benzine on the loose produces poison gas and burns like Napalm. Sand was the cause of the delay in each case. Enbridge, EXXON and Husky did not know there was a spill because sand had destroyed all the early warning ** OIL ** sensors. The NEB keeps on insisting that pipelines use early warning OIL sensors. But they don’t work in pipes filled with tar / Benzine. And the Board knows that TransNotCanada, Enbridge and Kinder Morgan are lying to Canadians but the opinion of the American oil monopoly prevails. Herr Harper, the oilie client King told the NEB hat nothng must stand in the way of the cheap tar / Benzine getting to Port Arthur Texas. The lifestyles and the lives of Canadians are to be discounted, so saith Lyin Steve.

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In regards to Russ Girling’s, Bitumen East, meant to take cheap tar to Texas. Girling told the Canadian Military that a tar / Benzine spill near Petawawa would be detected in minutes and shut off [ just another Girling lie ]. The General who questioned BIT East has the scenario taped. The Base at PET would be toast. Russ came out of Calgary University, just like Harper, these guys are killers and should be in jail. In terms of Kalamazoo and Mayflower, when Enbridge and EXXON found out, they could not shut this tar shit off, the worn shut off valves didn’t close. When mining companies transport aggregate [ rocks, gravel, sand and minerals ] by pipeline, they use specially designed, double wall pipelines. If the inner pipe ruptures, the spill is contained in the outer pipe. The outer pipe is two piece and sectional. In each 10 ft section are two sensors, with one casting a beam of light at the other. If the aggregate gets into the outer pipe, it breaks the beam of light, which reacts in seconds to turn the flow off. The sensor remain unaffected by the sand and grit. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Thus there is no need to have a couple of 17 year olds sitting in Calgary, at minimum wage, wondering which button to push because a Kalamazoo farmer called in to say his cows were knee deep is some kind of shiny black shit. The shut off valves on aggregate pipelines are especially made with replaceable hardened steel seats to resist wear. Russ Girling couldn’t afford to build a proper 4500 km aggregate pipeline. But there is an alternative which Paul Godfrey and friends will never mention. The answer to mining tar in Alberta and Saskatchewan is to connect the mines directly to the closest upgrader / refinery with double walled aggregate pipelines. Voila, NO MORE DILBIT SPILLS OR DERAILMENTS. I mean this is kid stuff.

Such system would produce crude oil that could be used by every refinery in Canada. I would be expropriated all of them, those still operating, those that have been closed would be taken over and / or new refineries built by Canada Inc., a Crown Corporation, in which the public could invest with a good rate of return. The ownership of each of the energy Crown Corporations would be limited to the citizenry The upgraders / refineries be owned by Ottawa, the Provinces and Territories Right now Canadians spend $ 52 billion on gasoline and diesel, most of which goes to the States. WHAT ARE WE FUCKING MENTAL?????? Yearly, Harper gave $ 20 billion in subsidies to his employer, the American oil monopoly. The externals for the oil industry, damage to the environment, water, air and land runs $ 14 billion a years. So here is an idea which will drive the right wing Fascists further nuts [ the Fascists including Harper and Wall are indeed already nuts ]. First, tar / Benzine has to be scrutinized and characterized by Ottawa. What is it? DilBit has never been defined if you can believe??? In fact no pipeline has ever been designed to carry tar / Benzine. There was never a need to do so. No tank car was ever designed to carry tar / Benzine. There was no need to do so. All the USA oil monopoly had to do was rename tar and Benzine ** OIL ** , problem solved for the oilies. But a ginormous problem was created for Canadians. However there was still a small wrinkle. How then can oil be shipped from OUR TARSANDS. ABRACADABRA!!! OUR TAR SANDS WAS RENAMED BY THE YANKEES, ” THE OIL SANDS “, without our permission. WHICH IT IS NOT. WE ARE, WE ARE FUCKING INSANE TO PUT UP WITH THIS KIND OF SHIT! That is why Paul Godfrey, Dave Thomson AND John Honderich get paid big bucks to call tar / Benzine ** OIL ** . This hoax is worth billions of dollars to Houston so the BOYS of FIB get their cut, this, to make complete fools of Canadians. The DilBit bomb mix goes unidentified and therefore the risk to Canadians has never been measured. But Megantic gives us a sort of measuring stick. If a tar / Benzine spill is provided with an ignition spark all hell can break loose. There were 47 deaths in Megantic and no inquest was held. Harper had the ashes of the victims stuffed in the ground as quickly as possible and Paul Godfrey et al closed the book on the tragedy. Paul never reported that there were 22 orphans. The victims of Megantic, killed by Harper, the American oil monopoly and CPR, were given the same respect as the charred debris in the area of the Holocaust. Zero! What would the fatality count be if a tar pipe blew up in Downtown Toronto or Montreal. That would be difficult one for the National Post to sweep under the rug? Al Monaco, Russ Girling, Ian Anderson and the members of Harper’s NEB are free promote lies, fantasy and endanger even more Canadians as long as tar can be described as ** OIL **. So time after time, as in the case of Megantic, now with the N. Saskatchewan River Husky spill and others, Barb Black’s little people can be made to suffer, ruined or killed after which their plight will be waved away by the spreading of petro dollars. A HAZMAT Assessment on tar / Benzine must be done, it is crucial. There are already reports which cover some narrow aspects of DilBit but fail to take the Quartz sand into consideration, its’ abrasive qualities and the dangers of an overheated Benzine vapour cloud and the explosive qualities of same. An ** OIL ** pipeline runs at 75 deg F temp. Put tar / Benzine in that same pipe it will run 150 deg F. Gasoline / Benzine begins to vapourize at 60 deg F Not only does the sand cause friction, which generates heat, it also scours the inside of the pipe, elbows, welded joints, sensors and shut off valves. So it is not a matter of IF a pipe will rupture, but when. The overheating of said pipe also causes the Benzine [ the equivalent of gasoline or Naphtha ] to vapourize. This then is like the gasoline vapour injected into the cylinders of your car engine. A cup of gasoline is worth 16 sticks of dynamite. An ** OIL ** pipeline can [ illegally ] carry 250,000 barrels of tar [ 66% ] and Benzine [ 33% ]. So in a day 80,000 barrels of Benzine will go by your door if you live in Montreal and Girling’s Bitument East actually gets built. So 80,000 barrels [ 45 gals per barrel ] times 14,400 sticks of dynamite [ per barrel ] equals 1,152,000,000 sticks of dynamite going under your feet each day. There is no way for Russ Girling to know if his pipe has been a rupture. And he has no way to turn the tar tap off. For transport of tar / Benzine in 40 year old tank cars the situation is different but the results would be the same. Once Benzine fumes and a spark meet you get another Megantic. Surely this is the minimum you should know if you live by the tracks, near a pipeline or on a river. Another factor still to be established about Benzine, the dangers that toxic cloud of Benzine fumes represents and the increase in flammability when Benzine and tar are combined? Once these ground rules have been established it is a matter of designing a proper system to move the tar from theAlta. / Sask. mines to the closest upgrader / refinery. The tar / Benzine in Fort McMurray should not be transported more than 15 miles through a double walled aggregate pipeline to the upgraders. Then the risk to lives and the environment is at an end. Canadians will be able to breath easier and will not have to spend their time in the streets protesting the criminal actions of the American oil monopoly and the Wall St. owned pipelines. The outcome is similar for tank cars which hold 700 barrels of DilBit or 220 barrels of Benzine. This times 14,400 sticks of dynamite per barrel equals 10 million sticks of dynamite. The Megantic train had 70 tank cars. So the entire train was a 700 million sticks of dynamite show of which not all of them blew up. So the CPR train was carrying an illegal cargo too, mislabeled as * OIL ** . After the fire CPR conveniently lost the paperwork for the train. Lyin Steve and Lyin Paul did not say boo. Mad Harper had the nerve to charge the train crew with the deaths of 47 innocent Megantic residents. A crime for which he was responsible. The crew DID NOT KNOW their train held the equivalent of over 700 million sticks of dynamite. It is a travestry of justice for the crew to even be in Court. Countries have laws which require licenses to manufacture, distribute, store, use and possess explosives. How come CPR could get away with placarding the tank cars as carrying ** oil ** ??? There were a lot of people in the know about this crime by Harper but to a man / woman they just slunk away. Especially the Transportation Safety Board. How can these people look in the mirror? They have blood on their hands as does Harper, Houston and Hunter Harrison, CPR, CEO. Apparently a pay cheque is more important than Canadians lives and orphans. All of Steve’s accomplices should be fired for dereliction of duty! Some should be in jail. The system which I have been writing about for a couple of years includes the two pipe Twin Beaver cross Country Pipeline, one for real crude oil and one for natural gas. The Twin Beaver would be built by Ottawa, the Provinces and Territories, with only Canadians as shareholders so the Yankee carpetbaggers could not gain control. 2B would travel from Vancouver to Fort McMurray which would be the hub for both crude oil and natural gas. Two lines, oil / nat.gas, would travel to the Territories. The 2B would then travel across the 55 th parallel to Thompson Man. Two lines, oil / nat. gas, would go up to Churchill Man. This to allow for the export of crude oil and LNG to the world market. From Thompson the two lines would travel to North Bay, down to Toronto, east to Montreal, into the Eastern Townships to NB and NS. Both PEI and Newfoundland would plug into the 2B. From NL, PEI, NS and NB I can see a second set of double pipes to bring Atlantic oil and natural gas to Ontario and Quebec. No Bitumen [ dynamite ] would be allowed outside the borders of Alberta and Saskatchewan. It would have to be upgraded in situ to crude oil for the rest of Canada and refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel for local use. The 2B would be built by Canadians for Canadians WITH NO OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE OR INVESTMENT NEEDED. ONLY CANADIANS WOULD BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE JOBS WITH SPECIAL ATTENTION TO FIRST NATIONS EMPLOYMENT NEEDS and the 18 to 35 crowd. Canada has a huge waste of human capital in our young people. They could be put to work building the NEW CANADA instead of living in mom’s basement. All of the materials required would be sources in Canada or built /manufactured here under license. I am thinking 250,000 new jobs connected with this project alone with many more spin off jobs. As well various apprenticeship programs would be introduced to teach young people the new skills required for cutting edge technologies. These technologies would be put under the care of the National Research Council. Each technology, once proven, would be licensed to the private sector with the Canadian taxpayers retaining the rights and receiving royalties. Right now the American oil monopoly buys tar for 10 bucks a barrel on which Alberta and Sakatchewan royalties amount to a possible 5 nickel per. This is defined as theft. This arrangement is akin to seeking out rape. We are fucking bonkers to allow the Americans to do this to us. No matter how our tar is transported, it is upgraded and refined in Port Arthur, Texas a Free Trade Zone. Petroleum in this FTZ can’t be imported into the USA without incurring taxes. The Keystone XL, Northern Gateway, Bitumen East, Transmountain etc, these lethal, planet destroying projects would have to cross or go around the USA by sea but would not have been considered as an import to the USA. The tar goes right from Canada, directly to the Texas Free Trade Zone. Thus the tar avoids any taxes and even escape the spill levy. If the keystone spilled into the Ogala Aquifer or ships fouled the NB / BC coastline, the taxpayers would be on the hook. This is a typical Congress / oil monopoly sweetheart deal. The right elites get rich, the people get the finger Russ Girling and Kinder Morgan have left no stone unturned, putting innocent people at risk, cheating every jurisdiction along the way, cutting corners, avoiding paying taxes and ignoring their responsibilities. That is why the Repubs in Congress and our Canadian Fascists are rolling in dough, their cut is big. Fund raising for the Fascists in Canada is just a front to keep their stupid base involved Right now the gasoline and diesel used in Quebec and Ontario comes from the Delaware River refineries. They refine stolen ISIS oil. It is fenced through Turkey. The American oil monopoly pays ISIS possibly $ 15 a barrel at most. Once refined in the USA and shipped to Canada, we are charged for gasoline and diesel as if the oil being refine is made using oil worth $ 100 a barrel. Fucking crazy is what we are, for putting up with such abuse. The American oil monopoly brags about making 28% return on investment. Depositors here get a couple percent from Canadian banks. We pay a 28% premium on imported gasoline and diesel and yet only get 5 cents per barrel exporting tar. This is Steve Harper’s doing!!! So let’s follow the bouncing ball. Here is the scoop and the key to increasing Ottawa’s revenues here by $ 100 billion a year. Upgrade Alta. and Sask. Bitumen in situ. The resulting crude oil would be refined locally in the Provinces and Territories. I am thinking 30 local Canadian refineries will do the job but allowances would be made according to need. I have calculated that we could chop 35% off the cost of gasoline and diesel at the pump, that would be a reduction of $ 15 billion in Canuck pockets. Since Canadians would own the system, Harper’s $ 20 billion subsidy going down to Houston would end. Since Canadians would own the system we would not abuse our own environment so they could be a saving of $ 9 billion there. Tailing ponds would disappear like the buggy. That would mean an injection of $ 44 billion into Ottawa’s coffers without even factoring in all the new jobs. The Provinces and Territories would still collect their fuel taxes, derive profits from their refining of fuels, get a cut of 2B and also create thousands of jobs. NO, as in NO CRUDE OIL would be exported TO THE USA. NO, AS IN NO GASOLINE / DIESEL / JET FUEL would be imported FROM THE USA. NO, AS IN NO NATURAL GAS would be imported from or exported to the USA. Canada’s exports of crude oil and LNG would flow through the Port of Vancouver in BC, through the Port of Churchill, Manitoba, the Come-By-Chance Refiner in NF and the Irving Refinery in New Brunswick. A complete audit of the 174 square kms of Alberta tailing ponds would be done and the criminals responsible identified. An estimate of the cost of cleanup would be made. We know how to clean up the tailing ponds. The bills would be mailed out marked payment in 30 days. If cashier’s cheques were not forthcoming the assets of the companies responsible would be SEIZED. The natural gas industry in Alberta and Saskatchewan would be revived. Canada would expropriate the TransCanada Mainline, upgrade it and return it to serving Ontario and Quebec. Girling would be charged with lying under oath, along with TransNotCanada. I an sure I could come up with a good case. How about lying under oath. All of the above initiatives would provide absolute security of supply and a made in Canada price for gasoline, diesel, jet fuels and natural gas. Canada becoming self sufficient will get much tougher after the November Presidential Election in those Disunited States of America. If Clinton wins the shooting will start. If Trumpf wins the same outcome, serious shooting will start. The present US owned natural gas distribution systems in Quebec and Ontario would be forced to become 51% Canadians owned. Failing that, they will be expropriated by Ottawa. This complete package would remove Canada from world market oil prices and natural gas prices, which are manipulated by the American oil monopoly. Four natural gas storage facilities would be built in Canada, BC, the Prairies, Ontario and Quebec / Maritimes so there would be no area without ample natural gas. Such security of supply and control over price does not now exist. I have never like the idea of some foreigner, with his own agenda, having my balls in the grip of his hand As well two crude oil storage facilities would be built, one in Alberta and one in Quebec. Here too would be a reserve of crude oil to deal with any eventualities including the complete finacial collapse of America. The USA would no longer have us by the nackers. Now that is one beautiful feeling. The Yankees are headed for a train wreck. Trumpf is now talking assassinations and revolution. Years ago, the Foreign Minister of Israel said, ” If some guy says he is going to kill you, believe him “. Everyone is concentrating on Donald, THE TERMINAL NITWIT. What sane Yankees, Canada and the world should be worried about, is the 40 million white racists who are armed to the teeth with machine guns. One gun nut who appeared in the Guardian said he had 10,000 rounds of hollow nose bullets in his closet. This scum bunch are fearfully watching as the minorities in the US, the Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Muslims, ready themselves to become the majority in less than 20 years. If America remains a democracy, then the minorities will surely take over the driver’s seat by 2030. DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT 40 MILLION WHITE SUPREMACISTS WILL GO QUIETLY INTO THE NIGHT??? Instead, there are more than 3000 white supremacist groups in the USA, Trumpf has now glued them together as they never have been before. The Donald has normalizes vile and hateful talk. He has given the white terrorists common cause by saying, ” if you can’t get your way, trash the place, so nobody else gets it “. The Republicans have milked the white racists votes since the time of Nixon, promising white supremacy forever, by legal or illegal means. Something they could not deliver. It can’t be had both ways, sucking and blowing doesn’t work. Stirring up racism every 4 years, then putting it back in the bottle, has shown to have a short self life, 45 years. The US will either become a Nation in which the whites will dominate and the minorities will be killed off when their numbers get too high or will be turned into modern slaves. A fate that awaits Canada, if Canadians continue to tarry. Or the US minorities will use their votes to take control and the whites will have to do as they are told by a multi racial Congress. Neither option is palatable to many millions of Americans, WHO ALL HAVE GUNS. Of course the solution to the present impasse, is to follow the American Constitution CLOSELY. IT IS ALL THERE. The US Constitution is often showcased, but seldom shown respect. The Land of laws, abode of the free and home of the brave, IS REALLY A LAWLESS LAND, HOME OF AN OPPRESSED MAJORITY, IN THE GRIP OF A FEW MILLION GUN TOTING CHICKENSHITS WHO ARE AFRAID OF THEIR OWN SHADOWS. THEIR FAVOURITE CHANT SHOULD BE — RUN RIGHTIE RUN! WILL TRUMPF RUN TOO, FROM THIS MAELSTROM OF HIS VERY OWN MAKING?????? The Repubs catered to white racists on an individualistic basis for years, individuals who the Party thought they could control forever. The Republicans kept making this promise to the whites, offering them perpetual power. And vowed to make sure that the democratic process would not be allowed to interfere with that promise. No matter how much the Repub States tried to suppress voters, rig elections and scare off the coloured voters, the larger birth rate of minorities has swept all before it. Right now there are enough minority children to tip the scale. When they reach voting age the deed is as good as done. And this trend will continue. How then can the USA be a democracy and not be a democracy at the very same time??? After the November Election we will have the answer. Either it will be a one man / one woman vote situation or it will not. The whities, seeing Obama get elected twice, now realize that the Republicans have been fooling them all along and can’t keep their promise of perpetual white supremacy. That promise was used as a cover by the rightpublicanazis to allow the Party to pick the pockets of their own base as well as the larger population. This wealth stripping booty, as always, goes to the one percent. Now to added to the fact that they are dirt poor, the fear of losing control over the USA has got 40 million white, Repub supporters, disoriented, scared and hoping mad. There is now no outlet for their frustrations, other than their machine guns. In a sense Trumpf has been the only one speaking the language of the white racist mob. There are the two tradition Parties, Dems and Repubs. There is now a third movement, armed to the nines. The Democrats are so tied to Wall St. and Goldman Sachs, Hillary has no connection with middle America and can’t bridge that gap. The Republicans have been abandon by their base and are now a spent force. The contest is now between the white supremacists and the rest of America. This ballot has lost its’ meaning and will settle nothing. All that remains is the gun. It has been shown that the Republican Sociopathic mind can entertain two thoughts at the same instant which are diametrically opposed. No observer in America, has ever given voice to this question. What if 40 million white scumbags do not take action as individuals but do it collectively????? What about 100 Oregon standoffs, or a thousand??? Will the white police forces kill such rampaging white terrorists??? Will the whites in the Army, on home soil respond to restore order??? I think not. Then one must conclude that there will be nobody in charge. THAT LEAVES ONLY THE GUNS. Trumpf has molded these 3000 separate racist factions into a single block by his rhetoric. The scumbags don’t even need Trumpf anymore, he merely lit their fuse. As the shootings increase, the Donald will be pushed aside, discarded or even assassinated if he says the wrong thing. Trumpf is now astride the alligator. His fortune [ ? ] and holdings will be worthless as related to the world scale, shoot out at the OK corral. Every State will revert to Tombstone. America will see all vestiges of democracy disappear. all that will remain is a contest to the death. An armed mob of 40 million white racists on one side backed by the police. On the other side, 150 million in the minority camp who have come of age. This is an impossible situation about which the North American Nazi media is saying nothing. Canada must address the self sufficiency goal like yesterday. Never mind Russ Girling and his Energy to Texas pipeline, it is no more than baby babble now. We have to take complete control of our petroleum and natural gas resources. Canada has oil and tar which can be turned into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel in house. We are a huge market for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, in house. Our immediate move? Supply our OWN NEEDS, no foreigners need apply. We have huge natural gas resources in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and the Maritimes. Canadians must access homegrown natural gas with a made in Canada price. As stated, BECOMING MASTERS IN OUR OWN HOUSE WILL PUT $ 44 BILLION A YEAR IN OUR POCKETS, IN THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE. PREMIER NOTLEY NEED NOT WAIT FOR THE PAYOUT TO START. THIS BOLD MOVE WOULD CREATE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF GOOD PAYING UNION JOBS. WHAT’S NOT TO LIKE ABOUT BEING FREE OF THE YANKEE YOKE??? We have had ten years of the Harper / Hayek system which has failed miserably. Our economy is in tatters after a decade of wealth stripping by the Americans. Being totally self sufficient is well within our grasp and our capabilities. Interestingly, the Hayek economic system has been imposed by USA funded right wing Fifth Columns, in England, Australia and New Zealand and their economies are all in the doldrums, much like that of Canada. As in the States, education, health care, welfare and concern for the poor are all under attack. Austerity is the flavour of the day. In all 5 Countries USA money, homegrown traitors and the Nazi press have cooperated to silence the voice of the people. The Trudeau Government is certainly redirecting Canada’s focus but they can’t turn the ship of state 180 deg on their own. Anyone who buys the Post papers, Globe and Tar, the Star, Maclean’s or watches CTV, Global and the CBC is guilty of a treasonable act. There are plenty of lies floating about, on a daily basis, that we better not anger foreign investors by cutting CO2 or demanding clean air and drinking water. This make believe is pure horseshit. In this Country there is a staggering amount of money, over $ 900 billion looking for a safe home. How about the Twin Beaver Pipeline??? Canada doesn’t live by trade, we are 80% self sufficient NOW. NAFTA was supposed to produce prosperity, all the treaty did was formalize the wealth stripping by AMERIGREED. Canada exports less to the USA than it did before NAFTA. And what we do export to the States is determined by the Americans, so as we do not compete with the existing corporate structure. Harper gave Detroit a bridge. The Yankeess will supply all of the materials and labour, it is called the Buy America Law. We put up the money and get sweet fuck all in return. Dalt McGuinty bought Japanese diesel trains for the money losing, poorly designed, Union / Airport Link. They were designed by Nippon Sharyo, assembled in Rochelle, Illinois, USA, under, ” Buy American “. And trucked to Canada. Ontarians paid the bill and again Canada got sweet fuck all in the way of benefits. I mean this is beyond belief. The Americans say bend over and drop your pants, and we obediently accommodate them. In the last few days, Bombardier announced layoffs. I WONDER WHY??? By the way, Lyin Brian Mulroney sold us out on NAFTA and he helped Harper destroy the Canadian Wheat Board. Mulroney took bribes while he was Prime Minister. I wonder how much he got for sticking us with NAFTA??? It is time that Canadians explored some other options, rather than playing slave to the USA. The above remake of the petroleum and natural gas industries will drastically cut CO2 emissions while we are at it. PM Trudeau can actually have his cake and eat it three. It is just one of many ways to combat climate change. And it is but a breath away. We could begin tomorrow. Caesar said, ” Fortes Fortuna Iuvat “. Translated, the future belongs to the bold. The North American oil pipeline system and the railways are being used illegally by the American oil monopoly to transport tar / Benzine to the heavy oil refineries in Texas. The pipeline companies call the black shiny shit that blows up ** OIL **. If the USA oil monopoly wanted black to become white they have the petrol dollars to make it happen. Just send Paul Godfrey an oilie cheque. This Godfrey has a colossal nerve. He takes money from the oil monopoly to make Steve Harper a client King and turn Canada into a slave state. But that apparently isn’t enough. Godfrey only gets $ 1.7 million a years. And now Paul has his hand out to Trudeau looking for a taxpayer’s bailout. The CPR train that blew up in Megantic, used placards identifying the cargo as ** OIL **. After the Megantic smash up, the CPR ditched the placards and shredded the manifest, a punishable offense. Herr Harper, Transportation Safety Board, Paul Godfrey and Dave Thomson said nothing. The Texas refineries, where the tar goes, were built to upgrade and refine heavy oil that was being stolen from Venezuela by the US oil monopoly. Chavez threw the Yankees out. Canadian tar became the substitute but the oil monopoly didn’t want to build an entire new heavy duty aggregate pipeline system. So Harper’s employer, the oil monopoly started putting tar / Benzine into our oil pipelines and rail tank cars behind our backs and calling it ** OIL **. That’s where Paul Godfrey, his friends and the CBC come in, they are paid to print or say, ** OIL, OIL OIL, OIL, OIL **, even though what blew up at Megantic and what is on the bottom of the N. Sask. River was really Bitumen, Bitumen, Bitumen [ tar / Benzine ]. The oil monopoly is counting on you to continue sitting in the dark, playing stupid and confirming the right wing view that you are part of a large ignorant mob. One of Husky’s shills, is Dr. John Giesy from the University of Saskatchewan. I thought the University of Calgary was the only educational establishment that had oil shills. But I was wrong. The U of Sask. plays the same role. Fiction over fact does pay well, just ask Paul Godfrey??? When I see quotes from experts in the papers I investigate their backgrounds. I do the same thing for journalist in the newspapers or on the net. Most of the present crop are interns are such phonies who don’t know their asses from a hole in the ground. They just copy what they’re told and are hired specifically because they are retarded. So it seems that our Dr. John is an American from Michigan State U in East Lansing. He of all people should be well schooled on the Kalamazoo tar spill in his own State. But Dr. John seems to have learned NOTHING. Mind, when you pay a person to be willfully ignorant, in all likelihood THEY WILL ACTUALLY BE WILLFULLY IGNORANT. Dr. John said the tar spill is not that bad [ a lie ]. Dr. John said there is nothing unique about this spill [ another lie ]. Dr. John said it is just a matter of time until everything is right again [ yet another lie ]. Interestingly, Dr. Giesy is a professor at City University in Hong Kong, where Li Ka Shing, the owner of Husky Oil hangs out. I would like to know how much John Giesy got from Shing to make such ridiculous and misleading statements which appeared in the Post papers. If one shill wasn’t enough Husky brought in another. Ed Owens popped by to say the spill wasn’t that important and nature would take its’ course and clean everything up [ more lies ]. And do you know what? Paul Godfrey and the rest of the Nazi media just pump this stuff out mindlessly to insure Canadians remain in oilie Harperland. Just one big happy family where people no longer know where the truth dwells. Well for your information, Dr. Edward Owens runs Owens Coastal Consultants Ltd., out of Seattle USA. Ed’s an oil spill COVER UP expert who has taken part in many campaigns to get the American oil monopoly OFF THE HOOK AND SCREW THE VICTIMS. But Owens has absolutely no experience with tar / Benzine spills. How much did it cost Li Ka Shing to fly Owens into Saskatchewan to talk nonsense to National Post reporters? With the money already spent on shills and buying copy in the Nazi media to lie to the public, shing could have had this whole spill mapped and have a cleanup plan in hand. In my opinion Wall and Husky have already started pulling back from this spill, as Enbridge, EXXON and CPR did in Megantic. Again, Ed’s appearance is meant to continue the myth that Canadian pipelines are carrying ** OIL **. Once the word gets out that all of these spills relate to Bitumen / Benzine, not ** OIL **, it’s game over for Big Oil. The American oil monopoly put Herr Harper into Parliament to make sure that tar / Benzine could be piped / railed anywhere in the Country without concern for the lives and welfare of Canadians and the environment. The USA oil monopoly bought and paid for the Fascist majority in the stolen 2011 Federal Election. To the USA monopoly’s great dismay, Canadians, who still retain a valid ballot [ for how long will the Americans allow us to keep our democracy? ], turfed out both Jim Prentice and Lyin Steve. Interestingly, Jim Prentice suffers from the same disease Mulroney, Harris, Harper and Brad Wall do. When the going gets tough, RUN LIKE HELL! Now the only thing the monopoly can do to keep the illegal tar / Benzine system running to Texas is to use our Nazi media to cover up this July / 2016 Husky spill story with a blanket and silence the critics. The National Energy Board has washed its’ hands of the N. Sask. River spill, just as I would expect Harper’s toadies to do. About three years ago I wrote to the Chairman of the NEB. I urged him to look into the Bitumen, which would be put into the pipelines the Board was considering. I explained the tar angle, as exhibited by the Kalamazoo River DilBit spill. I covered the Benzine angle, a Hazardous Liquid tightly regulated, the equivalent of Hi Octane gasoline. I suggested to the Chairman of the NEB that putting tar and Benzine together was in truth bomb manufacturing. I explained the reason for my expertise in this area. My Dad grew up in Barnes, London UK. He was 12 when the First War started. In 1916 the Germans sent over Zeppelins to bomb the city at night. He watched these giants of the air pass over and heard to explosions going off. Each Zep could carry 120 incendiary bombs or 2.5 tons. During the War about 600 Londoners were kill with 1700 injured. The Germans were using the Goldschmidt Incendiary Bomb of which about 5500 were dropped. The bomb was shaped like an old fashioned butter churn, a metal cylinder of greater diameter at the bottom and smaller at the top and filled with Benzine. The outside of the cylinder was wrapped with rope, soaked in tar. A tube was welded up the middle. Inserted into this tube was a rod which stuck out the bottom and at the top of the bomb it was afixed to a detonator. When the bomb struck a house or shop in London, the rod was driven up and the whole thing went boom. Only there was a wrinkle to this vengence bomb. The theory behind the bomb was that the Benzine would blow up, the tar would stick in place and burn for days. When you watched Megantic go up in flames, you were witnessing what Londoners saw 100 years ago. This early vengeance bomb [ 1916 / 1917 ] gave birth to Hitler’s vengeance rockets, the V-1 and the V-2 which fell on London from June 1944 until March 1945. 10,000 Londoners were killed and 25,000 people injured. It was said that every house in London suffered some damage from V-2s. On February 14 /15 1945, the RAF Bomber Command and the USA Eighth Airforce bombed Dresden among other cities on the hit list. Dresden was a major Nazi marshaling yard and had over 100 war plants, although Goebbels claimed it was just some sleepy little town. A lie which has been perpetuated for the last 60 years by historical fictionalists like David Irving and Kurt Vonnegut. As well as present day Fascists, Neo Nazis and Holocaust deniers. During February 1945, when Dresden was destroyed, 71 V-2s [ 2000 lbs of Amatol each ] fell on London. V-2s were manufactured at Mittelwerk by concentration camp inmates from Mittelbau – Dora. More than 12,000 inmates died building V-2s. Strange, the V-1s and V-2s and the toll in total that they took are NEVER MENTIONED BY THE FICTIONALISTS. It is as if one single piece of the WW 11 puzzle [ Dresden ] can be used for any kind of examination of the conflict. David Irving was a provocateur all his life, seeking attention by being outrageous and fabricating history. Kurt Vonnegut was anti war and cherry picked the Dresden story for his book of fiction, ” Slaughterhouse- Five ” . This small group of Dresden revisionists and their unhinged fans get way too much attention. But we live in an age where the written lie predominates. Lazy people believe Irving and Vonnegut, up to an including, the Canadian War Museum, the National Film Board, the McKenna brothers, Brian and Terry, Desmond Morton, Jack Granatstein and Margaret MacMillian . The story of Bomber Command goes back to the First World War. Dresden is the smallest speck possible in a long journey that ended with total victory in 1945. When telling lies invaded our sphere and took centre stage with the Ronald Reagan crowd, the truth was more and more shut out. We all are the losers, because reality slips away, and the absence of reality explains what we are witnessing in those Disunited States of America. George Orwell wrote, war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength. Also, he who controls the PRESENT, controls the PAST. Harper and Paul Godfrey were in the act of rewriting Canada’s history. He who controls the PAST, controls the FUTURE. The American oil monopoly, their employee and client King Steve Harper and the Post papers, Globe, Star, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC are well on their way to doing just that.

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Did you know that when all the black shit went into the Kalamazoo River, the evaporating Benzine formed a huge cloud. This explosive cloud of Benzine gas traveled 50 miles down the Kalamazoo River valley affecting the breathing of hundreds of people. All that was needed for an inferno was an ignition source, to make things even worse. The State of Michigan and local health authorities washed their hands of the spill. Enbridge and Big Oil paid them off. So individuals were left to their own devices, young and old, labouring to breath. For many, an early death just meant a release from the suffering. Pat Daniels, CEO of Enbridge spent weeks telling the Nazi media the spill was of ** OIL **. Reporters never asked Enbridge any tough questions, they knew which side their oil cheques was buttered on. There was a repeat performance at Mayflower Ark. There was a different wrinkle at Megantic where a spark met up with the Benzine fumes. Now all these years later and we have the N. ask. tar spill. Reporters are still not asking any tough questions of Brad Wall AND NO QUESTIONS OF HUSKY. In Mayflower, the EXXON tar / Benzine spill was smaller than in Michigan. In Arkansas, the State and medical people washed their hands of the spill and abandoned the townspeople. It is obvious the EXXON didn’t want any record or evidence left of the tragedy to avoid lawsuits. So Canadians have to be made aware that to BIG TAR they don’t count. Again the people of Mayflower suffered alone like those in Kalamazoo with breathing problems. In both cases the first responders thought they were dealing with an ** OIL ** spill. SO THEY WERE NOT PROPERLY EQUIPPED WITH BREATHING MASKS. I have written many posts on the subject of the American oil monopoly, the rail lines and the pipeline companies leaving firefighters in the dark because they put profits ahead of everyone. So a few firefighters die of burned out lungs, the oilies say so what??? If I were a fire chief, I would tell Russ Girling to stuff Bitumen East up his ass. If there is a tar spill, firefighters should stay in the station house and refused to attend. Why should they risk their lives, when Big Tar refuses to make the contents of their pipelines and tank cars public! What was so diabolical about the Zeppelin, Goldschmidt Bomb, the thing was wrapped in heavy rope soaked WITH TAR, so it would burn for days [ think Megantic ]. Actually this type of bomb was the forerunner of modern Napalm, which combines a jellied gasoline with Benzine, its’ makeup is designed to explode, stick and burn. The only thing that saved the Kalamazoo River, Mayflower and N. Sask. River spills from turning into raging infernos, was absence of an ignition source. A Husky official talked about the unnamed thinner mixed with their Bitumen, don’t worry, most of it evaporated quickly, he said. If into that cloud of Benzine gas, a pickup truck had been driven, then boom. The spark from the truck’s ignition would have set things off. Mix 16 parts air to one part Benzine and you have got another Megantic. If there was a fire at the rupture point of a tar spill the flames would eat their way back up the pipeline. If Enbridge No # 9 ruptured at Finch and Bathurst in Toronto or Bitumen East failed in downtown Montreal AND THERE WAS AN IGNITION SOURCE, THE BLAZE AT MEGANTIC WOULD BE VIEWED AS A SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC. If there was blowout in Toronto or Montreal, a fire would consume blocks and kill thousands of people. Again the fire would eat back into the pipeline like a blow torch because the tar quartz sand would have rendered the shut off valves useless. As with Megantic such a fire would have to be allowed to burn itself out. A part of a city? Half a city?? A whole city??? Who knows, fighting such a fire would be pointless The quartz sand in the raw tar scours the inside of the steel pipes, especially 50 year old ones. If a fire was eating its’ way back into Monaco’s No # 9 in Toronto or Girling’s folly, Bitumen to Port Arthur Texas, as it passed though Montreal, the areas of the pipes scoured and made thinner by the sand would blow in individual spots. It would be like a fireworks display all along the pipeline route. Since the quartz sand destroys the safety sensors and the seat of the pipeline shut off valves, any spill by TransNotCanada, Enbridge or Kinder Morgan could be very difficult to turn off. Then Canadians would be asking how could such a thing happen here??? Like Double Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I think to a large degree it is the, ” Sleeping Beauty Syndrome “. Most Canadians remain fast asleep as the Yankees clean out the pantry and make off with the furniture. PAUL GODFREY AND OUR NAZI MEDIA ARE WELL PAID TO NOT BLOW THE WHISTLE. The American oil monopoly WANTS NO LIGHT SHED ON ITS’ ACTIVITIES IN CANADA AND IS SPENDING A FORTUNE WITH THE NAZI MEDIA TO ENSURE YOU REMAIN OBLIVIOUS TO THE DANGERS OF TAR MIXED WITH BENZINE. Using crude, cheap mining and extraction methods means high levels of green house gases. Transportation of the petroleum materials in the rawest form possible, gooey tar thinned with Benzine means Alberta and Saskatchewan get a negligible royalty. The huge profits are made at the Port Arthur, Texas end. All the risks to life and limb along the pipelines and railway, are borne by the little people whose faith in their elected Governments was badly misplaced. The Harper Fascists, the Congress, the Petroleum Conservatives in Alberta and Brad Wall have never once considered the affects of this theft of tar upon the rank and file. Max profit to the USA oil monopoly, max risk to millions of Canadians / Americans. FOR THIS OUTRAGE TO HAPPEN IN A SO CALLED DEMOCRACIES INDICATES TO ME A LARGE NUMBER OF DOZING, INCURIOUS PEOPLE. I think the expression, ” Use it or lose it “, is appropriate. Canadians wake up, use your God given brains or lose your freedom, you may even lose your life! Surrendering to more tar / Benzine spills or derailments makes NO SENSE. The taxpayers of the municipalities, Provinces and Ottawa are paying the freight for this TARRY mess. Just look at Megantic and now the N. Sask. River. It may be that Canadians will not act until the vault is completely emptied, passively paying for one tar incident after another? The $ 64 question, will the light even go on then???

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The N. Sask. River people are no doubt asking how and why their waterway has been destroyed by tar globs that lie unseen on the bottom. Brad Wall is a hands off Preem who is going to let Husky get away with this crime. Wall says, come on in American oil monopoly and do what you want to us, take what you want, pay us what you want and no questions asked. In Quebec the same question is being asked. Especially by those whose relatives were intentionally turned into crispy critters, in Megantic. Lyin Steve Harper and Pauline Marois were also hands off. To the oilies and CPR, Steve and Pauline said do what you will. AMERIGREED ALWAYS MAKES THE PROFIT EVEN THOUGH THE RISKS FALL COMPLETELY ON THE GENERAL POPULATION. Why bother to cast a ballot if those we elect are going to close their eyes to this gross Yankee abuse. Much better to reach for your pitchfork or musket. One could take a snap shot to-day, and it would answer every question about the state of Canada’s tar economy. The American oil monopoly and the 3 Wall Street pipeline companies are driven by greed. Politicians like Steve Harper [ by the way, he hasn’t gone away folks ] and Brad Wall personally benefit from that greed [ power and money ]. Add in the Nazi media, including the CBC, which are paid to further the agenda of the oil monopoly and the 3 American pipeline Companies. When I wrote to the Chairman of NEB [ Harper Energy Board actually ], I included some of the above info and directed the Chair to my blog. Two things. SURPRISE, SURPRISE, I DID NO GET A RESPONSE FROM THE NEB. Secondly my assessment of the potential explosive nature of tar and Benzine [ found in the N. Sask. River by the way ] has never made it into resource debate or the Canadian Nazi media. Actually, I wrote about a possible tar/ Benzine towering conflagration before Megantic ever happened. THERE IS NO MONEY TO BE MADE IN PRINTING THE TRUTH IN CANADA. TELLING LIES ATTRACTS HOUSTON’S PETROL DOLLARS. Thus the army of the weak minded have become oilie scribes. Our legitimate journalists have been banned to the wilderness. The US rightpublicanazis prize ignorance in their supporters and the larger population. But now the ignorant mob has had enough, the Repubs have fooled them once too often. I have long experience with fuels, fires and safety rules / regulations. To-day, transporting tar / Benzine by rail or pipeline in Canada is like the old west, anything goes. Houston makes all the money. Canadians assume all the risk. I mean to reverse that. Canadians are going to make all the money, and being sharp we will eliminate those oilie fabricated risks. Who needs a carbon tax if NO CARBON IS PRODUCED??? A good place to start, is the 100,000 people along the North Saskatchewan River where the Husky Bitumen spill occurred, they are all up shit crik without a paddle unless that waterway is cleaned up. We shall do the cleanup even if it mean bankrupting Husky. For Saskatchewanians, there is nobody in their corner right now. Brad Wall has handed the fate of his people over to the American oil monopoly. That will change, we will make it happen. The oil monopoly will be run out of town on a rail. Mayor Gregor Robertson of Vancouver is right to be concerned about the rogue Bitumen Company Kinder Morgan. If the tar / Benzine being transported through their 50 year old ** OIL ** pipeline got loose in the City and happened to meet an ignition source then West Van and Burnaby would be toast. Kinder Morgan had a tar spill about 5 years ago under a road at the Burnaby water front. The video was on the net. This rupture sprayed a black tarry / Benzine cloud, 50 ft in the air. It lasted for hours before the blind Kinder found out. People can be seen actually driving through the black tar / Benzine shower. EACH OF THESE VEHICLES WAS AN IGNITION SOURCE. A WHOLE SUBDIVISION HAD TO BE EVACUATED AND 150 PEOPLE SUFFERED HEALTH PROBLEMS. THE TAR / BENZINE RAN DOWN INTO THE HARBOUR. The Nazi media was paid by Kinder Morgan to snuffed this story out. KINDER MORGAN HAS A TANK FARM UP ON THE HILL ABOVE THE HARBOUR. THE COMPANY WANTS TO INCREASE THE SIZE OF ITS’ BITUMEN FACILITY THERE. IF THAT TAR TANK FARM BLEW UP, PEOPLE WOULD HAVE TO FLEE VANCOUVER BY BOAT. IT WOULD BE QUITE A SIGHT, SEEN FROM THE SEA, AS VANCOUVER BURNED TO THE WATERLINE. IT WOULD BE SORT OF LIKE WATCHING VESUVIUS EXPLODE [ 79 ad ] FROM ACROSS THE BAY OF NAPLES! I WONDER IF VANCOUVER BURNING TO THE GROUND WOULD AWAKEN cANADIANS TO THE DANGERS OF TAR /BENZINE??? For Denis Coderre, Mayor of Montreal the concern about Russ Girling’s Bitumen East [ to Port Arthur Texas ], is as valid as that of the Mayor of Vancouver. Both are faced with greedy Corporations bent on making profits off the backs and lives of their residents a well as Canadian. But on the dishonesty scale, Russ Girling takes the cake. Russ is a consummate liar like Harper and I think he is mad like Harper. Girling’s devious schemes defy logic when the risk factor to people is factored in. Russ has NO CONCERNS about Canadians. Girling wants to transport tar / Benzine [ Napalm ] right across the Country, in order to keep refineries in Texas operating. Girling has closed down the Western natural gas industry. This, so he can sell cheap, fracked Pennsylvania nat. gas to Ontario and Quebec at Alberta prices. The spread, coming directly from Canadian pockets, goes right to Wall St. The National Energy Board and the Ontario Energy Board, supposedly protecting the interests of consumers, know all about this nat. gas rip off. However, the Boards support Russ Girling and the Industry, screw Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec. These Provinces contain 28,000 million people, who think they live in a democracy? HA,HA! In terms of this natural gas scandal, concocted by Dalton McGuinty, Russ Girling, the National Energy Board and the Ontario Energy Board, Canadians have lost their sovereignty. The only right they have left is to keep their mouths shut and pay the nat. gas bills sent them by Girling. In fact Canadians have little sovereignty remaining. Russ Girling will ship Alberta water south to Texas. The deal will be done in secret like CETA. NAFTA, signed by Lyin Brian Mulroney is an agreement which has nothing to do with trade. It raises the rights of 3500 hollow, USA corporation above that of Canadians. If Megantic, was to pass a By-Law restricting train traffic carrying tar / Benzine through the Town, Harper’s employer, the USA oil monopoly, could take the Council to the Tribunal, made up of American lawyers. The oilies could claim losses and loss of future profits. Such an award could well bankrupt a Town like Megantic. So in a sense NAFTA means that Canadians have no say, rather US corporations have all the say. This kind of thing is not supposed to happen in a democracy, but Mulroney did it on the sly anyway. CETA, the phony trade treaty now in the news, negotiated by Harper, is worse than NAFTA but in a different way. Trudeau is getting bad advice, he should not touch CETA with a 12 ft pole. It is not really an agreement between Canada and the EU as advertised. It is an agreement between the US and the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels. To give the Americans the ability to override the sovereignty of EU nations, in that legislation passed by any one of the 28 EU countries to protect their citizens can be pushed aside by USA corporations just like NAFTA. Lyin Steve negotiated CETA as a back door, which AMERIGREED can use to strip the wealth from say Germany, even though the US doesn’t have any kind of agreement with the Germans. It must be remembered that the best ally of the secret Government in Washington is the cabal in Brussels. The bureaucrats in Brussels are now under the control of Goldman Sachs, the criminal bank on Wall St., which can’t wait to get its’ mitts on the 500 million people in the EU, to begin the wealth stripping. To make use of the CETA back door that Harper created, all a US corporation has to do is open a 2 person office on Bay St. in Toronto and 28 sovereign EU countries are ripe for the plucking, or should that be fucking. The Belgian, Walloon democratic Parliament has refused to ratify CETA and therefore Harper’s USA friendly CETA is as dead as a mackerel. Well maybe? Washington is threatening to pull US corporations out of Belgium if the Walloons don’t bow to USA wishes. So much for democracy. The treatment of the Walloon Parliament is but a foretaste of what is to come if CETA is passed. As 28 EU countries are taken to the cleaners one by one by AMERIGREED, they will come to hate Canadians for allowing the predators access to their wallets via Bay St. Of course Canada’s Nazi media and US corporations here are all in favour of CETA. They are already counting their cut. CETA is almost useless to Canada tradewise. CETA was negotiated by America’s client King Harper, to allow the Yankee wolves to get into the EU chicken coop, his reward, another pat on his Trumpf toupee. So democracy doesn’t work for Washington in Belgium any more than it does in Canada. The world Nazi media makes it quite clear that the Walloons will forced to surrender their sovereignty. Since the October 19 / 15 Election in this Country, the Trudeau Government has been under attack by our Nazi media, who have mounted a smear campaign, aimed at driving the Liberals out of office in 2019. As well as the smear campaign, the US is doing everything it can to sabotage this Nation’s economy. The Yankees are going to rain on every parade. AMERIGREED is paying Paul Godfrey and the others to wage this campaign. Canada has been under USA threat since January 2016. The Walloons are just beginning to see what happens when a sovereign Country bucks the Americans. The world’s most dangerous terrorist nation. If this intimidation of two democratic countries by the USA wasn’t enough just look at England. David Cameron, a little man if there even was one, decided to hold a referendum on membership in the EU. The Brits decided to get out of the EU fair and square, an exercise in DEMOCRACY. Washington and their troll allies in Brussels are having none of England breaking free from the EU, even if the British people want freedom. The rightpublicanazis have made it quite clear that the majority of voters in any land constitute nothing more than an ignorant mob, and thus must be tamed or eliminated. Wall St. and Goldman Sachs are hopping mad. The London banking establishment acts as the AMERIGREED money laundering arm. Illegal financial transactions to and from the USA are funneled through the UK / Cayman Islands, to the Square Mile / Canary Wharf on to the the EU Central Bank in Frankfurt Germany. Everyone, Washington, London and Brussels can claim clean hands while the 28 EU countries are bled white by AMERIGREED. It was a nice system, until the English people started to dabble in democracy, as did the Canadians and Walloons. Now the British are under attack by Washington, with all kinds of dire threats. The world money lenders have orchestrated to depreciate the Pound. Various US corporations, which don’t pay UK taxes, are threatening to leave. Many of the London banks that launder USA money are threatening to pull out. So it would seem, democracy in Canada, Belgium and England is clearly upsetting AMERIGREED’S wealth stripping plans. It has been decided by the secret Government in Washington that democracy anywhere on the globe will not be tolerated if it interferes with business as usual by the Yankee traders. I have been interested in finding out what rights people will have once the Americans have swept all democracies aside. It would seem that we will be able to demand an unlimited amount of ointment to put on our wrists where the chains chafe.

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The entire Bitumen East to Texas project has been built on Girling’s lies. Russ is a STAR in this respect, every utterance is a lie. This Bit / East proposal smells as much as the Keystone XL does. Can you imagine the Ogallala Aquifer under the Plain States being filled with tar like the N. Saskatchewan River is now. As stated there is this other wrinkle to the XL, which made the Congress sit up and take notice, especially the reps from the Southern states. As we go dry there is always all that water in Canada! Baldy Steve was in the process of giving away the store behind our backs with the help of Paul Godfey and friends Girling designed the Keystone to carry Alberta water to Texas. Neat O. Now water legislation in Canada, gives Saskatchewan 50% of the water coming down out of the Rockies. Alberta would not allow Girling to run them out of water so Russ would have to take the water than belonged to Saskatchewan. Mind, Saskatchewanians wouldn’t find out till their rivers ran dry. The National Post papers would certainly not alert them to the coming shortage. In fact there isn’t much news of value in Godfrey’s papers or the rest of the Nazi press. I’ve gone almost a year now without buying a paper and 3 years since I gave up Maclean’s, I never watched Global, haven’t looked at CTV in years and gave up on the CBC early this Spring. I have left Harperland behind and am none the worse for wear. I have a better grasp of the passing scene than Canadians who frequent our Nazi media. I know where the potholes are, they don’t. But to some, getting hammered over the head with an axe handle every day is part of the rightie way of life. Transporting the tarry bomb mix, closing the Western natural gas industry and offering to steal Alberta water by Russ Girling would not last 5 minutues if the Nazi media was doing its job. The media holds a special place in Canada, this special consideration brings with it the responsibility to provide fair and balanced news. Rather, the Nazi media has sold out to the Americans. Rather than enhancing Canada’s future the Nazi media is endangering it. Russ only survives his severe bouts of lying because he pays Paul Godfrey and the rest of the Nazi media to cover his tracks. You would never see the info contained in my posts, published by or broadcast in the Nazi media. Girling shipping Alberta water to Texas via the keystone XL, have you heard anything about it??? Of course not! Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard and his Minister are absolutely right to want no part of Russ Girling. Russ is a noted snake oil salesman who does nothing but spread grief around, both here and in the USA. As stated, in pitching the Keystone XL Bitumen pipeline to Republican politicians in Texas, Girling was promoting the fact that he had designed the pipe to carry Alberta water to the State as an alternative use. Russ could not have been making such an offer without the express approval of Lyin Steve. So on the QT Albertans were going to have their water stolen too. The NEB Hearings on Bitumen to Port Arthur Texas are a joke as long as the Board is loaded with Harper’s stooges. What has to happen? Another Hiroshima? Before Canadians wake up to this Bitumen is ** OIL ** charade??? If that wasn’t enough, Girling has shut off the supply of natural gas from Alberta and Saskatchewan to Ontario and Quebec with the okay of the NEB. The two Eastern Provinces [ 2/3rds of the Canadian population ] are now at the mercy of US fracked natural gas. It is sold through the spot market in the Pennsylvania. Girling has stolen the nat. gas market from Alberta and Saskatchewan and given it to Wall St. This so he can use the TransCanada Mainline [ BUILT WITH CANADIAN MONEY TO ENSURE SECURITY OF SUPPLY OF NAT. GAS ], TO TRANSPORT TAR / BENZINE TO THE IRVING OIL DOCK IN NB. AFTER WHICH THIS BOMB MIX WILL GO BY SHIP TO PORT ARTHUR TX. THE REASON BEHIND THE 4000 MILE JOURNEY IS SIMPLY TO KEEP THE REFINERIES IN THE TEXAS FTZ RUNNING. That is it. The USA oil monopoly gets all the benefits and everyone else get fucked, thanks to Harper. Shutting off the Prairies natural gas tap is screw job number two, by Girling. Leaving Ontario and Quebec to the mercy of the Pennsylvania natural gas spot market is screw job number three by Girling. Then using the abandon TC Mainline to transport tar / Benzine to Texas, is screw job number four by Girling. None of these crimes would have happened if the NEB had adhered to its’ mandate of protecting Canadians. Nothing could have happened if Paul Godfrey and his friends had spilled the beans on Russ Girling. The present Bitumen East proposal is to pay next to nothing for our Western tar. Transport it through a 4000 miles of ** OIL ** pipeline [ much cheaper than building a proper DOUBLE WALLED AGGREGATE PIPELINE ] to the Irving Refinery dock on the Atlantic Coast. The tar will be loaded onto ships BOUND FOR THE TEXAS GULF. In Prince Arthur, a Free Trade Zone [ not under American rule ] the Canadian tar will be converted into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel among other petroleum products which will go to the world market at high prices. The American oil monopoly in Fort Arthur pays NO USA TAXES. The net result is Alberta and Saskatchewan get almost nothing in the way of royalties because the American oil monopoly in Canada sells the tar so cheaply to themselves, the American oil monopoly in the USA. Canadians will be at risk all along the 4000 mile Bitumen to Texas ** OIL ** PIPELINE STUFFED WITH TAR / BENZINE. All we will get is the middle finger from Girling and little money. It is not a good business model and is a good example of why the Canadian economy is the shits. The American oil monopoly intends to keep its’ TX refineries humming along using our tar. Which costs them less than they were paying Venezuela before Hugo Chavez became President. I keep saying, this lop side arrangement shows just how stupid most Canadians are. Canada, England and the British Commonwealth are paying the USA oil monopoly high prices for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel as if the raw oil was priced at $ 100 a barrel. The NEB Board is bent on maintaining this questionable arrangement. We are in this continuing position of ignorance because the Nazi media will not come clean about Houston and the American oil monopoly rape of Canada. Paul Godfrey and friends are paid to lie, misinform and print / broadcast oil monopoly propaganda. IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. WHEN WILL CANADIANS FINALLY BESTIR THEMSELVES TO THE FACT THAT THERE ARE MORE PROFITABLE AND ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY WAYS TO HARNESS OUR RESOURCES! THE FIRST MOVE IS TO THROW OFF THE AMERICAN OIL MONOPOLY YOKE WHILE THE CIVIL WAR IN THE USA IS IN ITS’ INFANCY. WE MUST ACT NOW WHILE THE WHITES AND MINORITIES ARE AT EACH OTHER THROATS. WHILE THEY ARE SHOOTING AT ONE ANOTHER AND PLANTING BOMBS, IS A GOOD TIME TO SECURE OUR BORDERS! THE IMMEDIATE GOAL IS TO BECOME SELF SUFFICIENT!

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I think that discussing and debating our problems in a transparent manner is just the opening shot in finding our way out of this rightpublicanazi created maze. Rather, the Nazi media is paid by AMERIGREED to make daily life as opaque as possible For Canadians to make progress we need the whole story. Paul Godfrey’s paid task, is to reduce that story to a fairy tale. Albertans and Saskatchewanians are suffering the shorts because Harper, McGuinty, Russ Girling, NED and OEB shut down their nat. gas industry so that cheat, fracked nat. gas from Pennsylvania could be shipped into Ont. / Que. and sold at Western prices. This is a Girling bait and switch, Russ says one thing, when he means the exact opposite. What the National Post won’t tell Ontarians and Quebecers is that they are buying cheap USA nat. gas and paying top price. The NEB and the OEB looked the other way when Girling made this deal with Harper and McGuinty [ what kind of cut did Steve and Dalt get??? ]. The biggest problem with this deal, is when Ont. / Que. got nat. gas from the West in the past, they were not victims of the gas spot market which is rigged by AMERIGREED. Most importantly, before Russ Girling, Ont. / Que. HAD SECURITY OF SUPPLY. Now that security has been taken away by Amerigreed and our thieving politicians. If the American civil War takes a real bad turn, the Pennsylvania nat. gas fields could suffer disruption. Ontarian and Quebecers could in real terms find themselves freezing in the dark. Ottawa would face a terrible scene, millions of people with NO HEAT. If you read me on a regular basis you know I am a problem solver. When faced with trouble I immediately look for a solution. For 5 years, I was an aeroplane mechanic at Barker / Buttonville Airports in Toronto. I was busy at the wrench trade while I earned my Commercial Pilot’s License. Every day there were problems to solve such as. A Piper CUB crop duster, owned by Hicks and Lawrence, down Tillsonberg way, in tobacco country, had hit a tree with one wing. The leading edge was crushed in a 3 ft section. They cut off the damaged leading edge, bought a section of stovepipe, formed it over and screwed the metal on over the fabric. Hicks had it flown to Leggats at Buttonville for repair. Crop dusting was at its’ height and Hicks need that CUB back pronto. We never got much of the story, but we had the CUB ready to fly the next day. a day later it was back dusting tobacco. After years of looking for solutions first has affected me mentally. It is a matter of fixing things first and talking about same later. But not to-day. Politicians and journalists hash and rehash the terrible events they never venture a solution. If this CUB duster story appeared to-day in the Post papers, we would know what the pilot had for breakfast, but not a word about the repair. In my posts, I offer plenty of solutions, but they are not all my ideas by a long shot. Many Canadians have good ideas on a whole slew of problems but their work is censored. AMERIGREED crushes every new idea in this Country at birth with the help of Paul Godfrey and friends. Take the ongoing misinformation campaign about the pipeline situation. It is one lie after another. Houston concocts the lies. The Can. Nazi media prints or broadcasts the lies. And on a daily basis, the ignorant mob in this Nation is fooled yet again. The righties intend that this daily dishing of lies will see the Canadian IQ slip. It is a self fulfilling prophesy. The USA rightpublicanazis figure on making the Canadian mob truly an ignorant one. They, politicians / journalists, to a man and a few women are deathly afraid of angering the rightpublicanazi Gods. How does one find a job in the rightie, sea if one tells the truth??? The far right seeks and manufactures chaos. It is when things are at their most disruptive state that the righties thrive and indeed blossom. Remember that the right wing only succeeds with YOUR permission. The right can’t clasp you in chains UNLESS YOU WILLING SURRENDER. Albertans have surrendered their petroleum resources to the American oil monopoly, completely. These poor souls have become SERVANTS IN THEIR OWN HOUSE SO TO SPEAK! For 30 years the oilies have screwed the Albertans out of their oil / tar. there has never been the slightest indication that the people of the Province have clued into this ongoing, daily theft by the monopoly. Years ago, the oil monopoly fabricated a story during tough times that Ottawa was to blame for low oil prices. Albertans bought the story. And every time since then, when the American oil monopoly, being a partner of the secret Government in Washington, has buggered things up, Houston has used our Nazi media to lay blame at Ottawa’s doorstep. In October 2016, although the Oil monopoly HAS ABANDON ALBERTA TAR FOR ISIS OIL STOLEN FROM THE IRAQIS, PAUL GODFREY AND THE REST OF THE NAZI MEDIA GET PAID BY HOUSTON TO BLAME PREMIER NOTLEY AND PRIME MISTER TRUDEAU FOR THE ECONOMIC DOWNTURN IN THE WEST. AND AMAZINGLY ALBERTANS STILL BELIEVE IN THIS HOOEY. The rightpublicanazis think they are dealing with an ignorant mob. In Alberta they truly are. They’re just like the guy with a toothache who let’s the doctor cut his big toe off. Going back to the Romans and including Hitler, the Fascist types sought and still seek to manipulate and misinform the ignorant masses as to their real agenda, lying, stealing and cheating. In REAL TERMS, the idea is, all the rewards FOR a small group, NOTHING for the rest. It is a ploy as old as the hills. The right wing ideology keeps being trotted out because it mostly works. Democracy is not a military force, with the built in ability to defend itself. People is a democracy have to remind themselves to be eternally vigilant, watching for those who would take their freedoms away, like Herr Harper. On the other hand the right wing is predatory. Their every waking hour is devoted to gaining control of people and money. The Fascist Party and caucus, the Manning Institute, the Universities of Calgary and Carleton, the Civitas Subversive Secret Society, hand in hand with the Nazi media plot daily to bring about the downfall of democracy in this Country. [[[ It may be of interest that I have been saying this kind of thing for years and naming names. But I have yet to be challenged by anyone, even Russ Girling ]]]. But maybe Canada in the year 2016 can chart a new course and jettison AMERIGEED’S RIGHTIE PLAYBOOK?????? And Canadians can gird themselves for the battle for Canada by becoming educated. The first step should be is tuning you back on Paul Godfrey and the Post paper. NO INFORMATION IS BETTER THAN LIES. What I don’t understand is people who advertise in the PostMediocre papers. As a businessman I want my community to be prosperous and every expanding. Rather, Paul Godfrey is preaching the end of prosperity and a quick trip to the poor house for the mob. Godfrey’s advertisers seem to want fewer and fewer customers with less and less money in their pockets. It just doesn’t compute? FULL EMPHASIS MUST BE PLACED ON COMING UP WITH WORKABLE SOLUTIONS IN THE NEAR TERM. THE NEARER THE BETTER. THERE IS NO TIME TO DALLY. When the going gets tough, the tough get going, so they say. That’s us, if we get our hands on a economic road map that directs financial benefits to the people, rather than to AMERIGREED. Such a road map exists, you’ve just not been told about it. Some Canadians have to trade in their servant mentality, drilled by Harper and the Nazi media. What comes to mind, are a couple of instances where the bureaucratic go-slow mindset was jettisoned for the better. NO STONE WAS LEFT UNTURNED! It is possible. Mental gridlock and the fear of the unknown is not a natural state. These attributes are only found on the right, as exemplified by Lyin Steve. Making big money doing nothing, is a right wing construct which can only happen where an obedient media exists and the general public is docile. Both my stories happened in Burma in WW 11. The British Corps of Engineers built a 700 mile OIL pipeline to supply the Army in their advance against the Japanese. They did it in 6 MONTHS. During that campaign, the same Engineers built a Bailey Bridge across a major river, doing it in 28 hours while under fire. This is the Can-do attitude that will be needed to build the NEW CANADA. It would be easy for me to estimate the net financial gain to this Country by us taking complete control of the petroleum industry. Would you wake up then, if you saw those positive figures??? The cash outflow, now outgoing to the States was orchestrated by Harper. I see a three pronged attack on our problems. We need to build the Twin Beaver Pipeline from coast to coast to coast to utilize our petroleum resources ourselves, attain ABSOLUTE security of supply nationwide and gain access to the world market independently from the USA. FUCK THE AMERICANS. We need to complete the Cross Canada Electric Grid, the only gap that exists now is between Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The generation and distribution of all electricity will be nationalized and the Americans sent packing. The goal will be a matter of serving the needs of Canadians, first and foremost, KWs at cost. The natural gas problem is easily solved. Girling’s TransNotCanada, Mainline natural gas pipeline will be expropriated and taken back into public ownership IMMEDIATLEY. The tap to natural gas in the Prairies will be opened wide, so Alberta and Saskatchewan will get an immediate injection of royalty dollars and a boost in jobs. The American nat. gas distributors in Ontario and Quebec will be prohibited from using Pennsylvania fracked nat. gas. That tap will be shut off. All of our nat. gas supply will henceforth come from the West. Canadians might as well be giving their money to Canadians. In fact, I would go as far as suggesting that PM Trudeau determine the Western royalty rate of the present nat. gas consumption of Ont. / Que. I mean this is kid’s play. I would start those royalty payments to Premiers Notley and Wall, LIKE YESTERDAY! I dislike Brad Wall intensely. He is all oilie mouth and no action. His only accomplishment is to stuff even more money in Houston’s pocket. But over my time in business, I would work with any and every son-of-a-bitch, as long as the goals were being met If the Yankee owners of the Ont. / Que. nat. gas distribution system do not comply we shall expropriate them too. If we start to plan now, this whole enterprise, taking control of the petroleum industry and the natural gas industry as well as building the Cross Can. KW Grid would be fully operational in 5 year, we could possibly shave that to 3 and a half years and some of it would be ready in two years. I’d like to see security of supply, as regards natural gas, secured by December 2016. I don’t need to draw you a diagram do I??? If I can awakened you to the possibilities, your imagination will do the rest.. I am thinking $ 100 billion a year in savings for energy alone. Out of the Yankee pocket into the Canadian pocket. And at least 250,000 good, union jobs. As well, increased taxes which will accrue to governments. Just think, all of the Canadian pension funds will have someplace safe to invest OUR money and get a return of at least 6 percent per year. All of these deliberations will take place in public and will available on the internet and the pages of the Guardian Canada [ where the truth resides ]. I say this for a reason. When I was a Pickering Municipal Councillor all of our meeting took place in front of the public. On the odd occasion we went in camera to discuss things like law suits, dealing with union matters or personal items relating to staff. In terms of nationalizing Canada’s petroleum and natural gas industries as well as construction of the Cross Can. KW Grid the key aim it to BETTER SERVE THE PEOPLE. Then it follows that THE PEOPLE should be involved with the process before we even begin digging holes and the basement. Ottawa has got to realize that secret trade treaties are a thing of the past. Every foreign treaty will have to be negotiated with the public in attendance. This will scotch hobble AMERIGREED. Having the public involved day one would avoid the predicament now engulfing the CETA, the NEB and Ottawa. CETA was negotiated in secret with Goldman Sachs and Brussels cabal. The NEB operated in secret to give Houston every advantage and thus destroyed its’ credibility with the public. The Board member can not trusted by Canadians. But moving on the 3 fronts at once, would means that the NEB has outlived its’ usefulness and so is a goner. Direct citizen participation across the board must be the watchword. I suggest that the NEB members be invited to resign. If they refuse, I would find a dingy hole in a basement in the Capital, one toilet, hot in the summer, cold in the winter, low ceiling, dripping pipes and with a punch clock. If these birds show up each day they get their pay. Let them there rot, until the phony contracts Harper gave them run out. History shows the brute force option only belongs to the people, if they have the guts to seize what is their’s. The Canadian populous far outnumbers the tiny ranks of the USA / Can. traitor Kleptocracy and the Harper Fascists. In the end we shall have our way and we shall have our NEW CANADA, BY FAIR OR FOUL MEANS. We could decide this day, that there will never be another towering inferno like Megantic or another tar / Benzine spill like in the North Saskatchewan River. My biggest question is, when do we start on this journey??? No question, our task will being made a little difficult due to the fact that baldy Harper, is still around. Is still leading the Fascists. Is still making trouble and is still on the Houston payroll. Lyin Steve has to be prosecuted for his crime and jailed. The killing of 47 people in Megantic would be a good place to start. Equally dangerous is Paul Godfrey, he must be gotten rid of too. His publications have printed so much False News [ # 181 of the Criminal Code ] that we could easily get a conviction for the 2 years max. Those Fascist videos, regarding Trudeau’s day on a BC beach were distributed by the American oil monopoly out of Houston, to damage the Prime Minster’s reputation. The bloody nerve, the Yankee oilies pay Paul Godfrey and the rest of the Nazi media to bring disrespect to our Government. It is not a push for me to say, let them all swing, bring back the rope. Interestingly the US oily suits are using the profits made from selling Canadians overpriced gasoline and diesel, made from stolen ISIS oil, to run smear campaigns in our Nazi media against Premier Notley and PM Trudeau. This is like having to take up a collection to pay a guy to sharpen the blade of the guillotine before your heads get cut off. I mean making victims pay for their own executions is not new. It just takes a lot of Fascist nerve and timidity on the part of the victims. After Kristallnacht in November 1938, the Nazis imposed a $ 400 million fine on German Jews to clean up the mess. Apparently the American oil monopoly has worked out a scheme to get Canadians to pay for the destruction of their own Country thus bringing upon ourselves, permanent servitude. What Canadians are putting up with takes the word gullible to an entirely new level. As well, petro dollars are being handed out to the brain washed Harper Youth, now in their hundreds. These junior Fascists on the Houston payroll, many work at the National Post, are dedicated to broadcasting every negative the Americans can dream up about Canada. And the Nazi media gives them plenty of space to do their dirty work. What is life if there is no joy??? Paul Godfrey and his joyless crowd want to make you and your children / grandchildren anxious, frightened, devoid of hope and afraid for the future. They just won’t shut up. Every method of communication is filled with Fascist claptrap, gauged to undermine the NEW CANADA. The last thing the Fascists need is for Canada to become the home of the most educated people on the planet, have an economy on steroids, become prosperous, operate seamlessly and become a guiding light and a ray of hope to the rest of the world. The US rightpublicanazi view is that the governments should stay away from solving problems, let the people suffer. This, so the righties can run their rigged / self serving markets and play with loaded dice, always in their favour. Ensuring that the right / rich one percent in the US gets all the global goodies. The corporate system that has been put in place by AMERIGREED is engineered to quietly strip the wealth from countries all around the world. This evil lives in the souls of far too many Americans in Washington and Wall St. The Yankees have no compunction about stealing what belongs to others, without feeling the slightest tinge of guilt. Not only do the Americans look to enslave us, they want to shatter the pillars that support all Western democratic societies. In the last ten years, at the behest of the American oil monopoly Herr Harper has attacked education, Medicare, welfare, the poor, pensions, unions, immigrants and the arts. I worked for Lyin Steve during 2006 /07. Working on the inside gave me a good view of what the Fascists planned to do. I am a Bill Davis PC and thought I would give young Harper a test drive, having no faith in the canvas Steve, painted by the Nazi media. So early on, I got a good fix on Harper and since that time my opinion has not changed. In fact the scene has become even more sinister with each passing day, even with Harper gone. The Election of 2011 caught many Canadians by surprise. A combination of the Harper Party, Big Oil and Republican operatives saw the Election stolen. Many Canadians were taken in by Repub dirty tricks use by Harper. This combination of evil souls did a repeat performance in the 2015 Election. It was aimed at the takeover of Canada by the Harper / oilies and a dismantling of the democratic machinery to ensure that the voters could never reverse the planned coup d’etat. The Repubs and the oil monopoly destroyed democracy in California in the late 1990s. The 75% rule was put in place. No Repub legislation could be rescinded unless 3/4 of the State House supported the motion. Since the hard core Repub base was more than 30% in California, backed by the American oil monopoly, the will of the people was effectively snuffed out. I have watched the same loading of the dice imposed in State after State. When the oilies / Harper began to impose the same reforms in Parliament it was clear where Canada was headed under the Fascists. The will of the people has never reappeared in the State and now they are in revolt. These same procedures by the hard right has been applied to a number of States wherein the ignorant mobs are now shut out of the governing process. It is interesting, throughout history, when an oppressed people has had enough they rise up. Just go on the net, the Civil War is there raging for all to see if you dig. As one might expect, Nazi media both here and in the USA the problems over oppression and lack governance have yet to register. It is as if the Civil War can be vanished if the media just ignores it. In Canada, just in time, the voters woke up to the takeover threat and turfed Harper and the Fascists. But Houston, now only sees Oct. 19 / 15 as round one. The oil monopoly is not going to let democracy get in their way of their takeover plans. The oilies have already started the 2019 Election Campaign whether we like it or not. Houston, it would seem, thinks that by the time they and Paul Godfrey get through 3 more years of lies , smears and rightie propaganda, the majority of Canadians will detest Notley and Trudeau. It will be a walk for Harper’s second coming. The main thrust of the oilies is to return Steve and the Fascist to permanent power in Alberta and in Ottawa. This hatchet job on the Canadian leadership, pays handsomely [ in petro dollar ]. It is being carried out by the Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC. I’d love to know how much they are getting to sell Canada out? The world as portrayed by the Nazi media and the real world as it exists are totally different. Having a grasp of local happenings and world events allows you to duck the punches. Livin in Harperland, leaves you open to suffer every economic blow. Being an anti Fascist caused me to start this blog in 2009, mainly to sabotage the efforts of Big Oil, the US rightpublicanazis, Steve Harper, the University of Calgary, the Civitas Society and Preston Manning. Since Harper like Manning, was getting an oilie paycheque and taking orders from Houston it was not surprising that Steve attacked education, Medicare, welfare, the poor, pensions, unions, immigrants and the arts. Back in 2007 my Son James and I were invited to try our hand at cooling the London Underground by Mayor Ken Livingstone.

This adventure has been covered by a number of my posts. The result was that we were able to devise a plan to Cool The Tube, which has continued to heat up for more than 100 years. Then James and I ran into a brick wall. Our cool solution was not welcomed by PM David Cameron, Boris Johnson and TfL. Simply put, hundreds of millions of pounds were being made by Government insiders, NOT SOLVING THE PROBLEM. Our cooling plan would upset the gravy trains so TfL endeavoured to give james the heave ho. There was a parallel here. Under Harper, big money was being spent on a myriad of major problems WHICH WERE NEVER SOLVED, LIKE CLEAN DRINKING WATER FOR THE 1ST NATIONS. My close contact with the English political scene began to open my eyes. David Cameron was hell bent to attack education, Medicare, welfare, the poor, pensions, the unions, immigrants and the arts. Had the Conservatives been bought off by the US rightpublicanazis just like Herr Harper. In the 2016 election Cameron had helpers from the right wing fringe, some from the USA. There was one Fascist advisor from Australia, Lynton Crosby. The American economy is the shits, although the US Nazi media will not say the truth out loud so lies fill the space. Under the Harper jack boots, the Canadian economy is bad but not as bad as the States. The extent of the worsening financial conditions in this Country, following the Harper / Hayek playbook are kept secret by the Nazi media. When one looks close, the state of UK economy mirrors that of the USA and Canada. Could it be the the US rightie free market, which is pitched to us hourly in the Nazi media, is not all it is cracked up to be??? Could Paul Godfrey and Terry Corcoran be wrong??? Why of course that is the answer. The Amerigreed system only works in one direction, all take and no give. It is a parasitic system, that eventually destroys any country where it is imposed The local rightie politicians are bought off, as is the local Nazi media, then the US wealth stripping can begin. So the rightie parasites have killed the USA economy and all hell is going to break out after the November, 2016 election. Canada’s economy is on the ropes because of the actions of Lyin Steve, the the US parasite Chief. England’s economy is the shits as well due to the actions of David Cameron, the US Parasite Chief there. Doing the same bad things over and over means getting the same bad results. So the USA is in a death spiral,thanks to Hayek. The election of Oct. 19 /15 gave Canada a reprieve. Because of BREXIT, England won a reprieve also. There has followed a never ending series of dire warnings from the world Nazi media about diminished trade for Canada if it doesn’t sign CETA and the TPP. As one might expect, those on the AMERIGREED payroll, issue endless threats of economic collapse in the UK over BREXIT. So much of this is hot air. After the boy cries fire in a theater a thousand times, with not a whisper of smoke, it does become tiresome. I began looking at what trade possibilities there were available to Canada and England if they combined their efforts and avoided corporate America completely??? The Commonwealth came to mind, total populations 2.2 billion people, who have all suffered abuse at the hands of the USA. I think they would all welcome real free, fair trade. We could lump into the arrangement Cuba and Central America. This is not rocket science. Every country would list what their assets are and what their needs are. Canada of all of them all the basic needs to operate independently, so we start from a position of strength. But we would use our blessing to aid others rather then beating them to a pulp like the Yankees do. The Canadian Prairies, Ontario and Quebec have the potential of becoming the food basket of the world. We need to address climate change by developing clean, cheap energy for hometown use for all of Canada. we need to deal with too much water, by flood proofing inhabited areas instead of the present piecemeal approach. Why do we reinvent the wheel, every time it flood, at great expense??? Combined with the flood proofing, would be series of agricultural reservoirs to be used to irrigate thousands of acres of arable land like the Palliser Triangle. Again land is land, water is water, water can be save to be used later. The Syrians did irrigation 10,000 years ago in the Levant. Daaaaaaaaaaaa. A new rail transportation system would be needed from coast to coast to coast. This to tie
farmers to market both at home an abroad. In going through this process I particularly looked at Australia and New Zealand. At the present time, both have economies which are the shits. On closer inspection of Australia, I discovered a right wing Government which was attacking education, Medicare, welfare, the poor, pensions, unions, immigrants and the arts. It seemed to me I had seen this very movie somewhere else before. Then I turned to New Zealand. Ditto, I found a right wing Government which was attacking education, Medicare, welfare, the poor, pensions, unions, immigrants and the arts. I am reminded, that up to Jim Prentice, the Petroleum Conservative Government followed the same US right wing agenda. That’s 6 Governments, all singing from the same rightpublicanazi songbook and 450 million citizens with little or no say in the affairs of their nation. They all slavishly follow what is called veneer Democracy. The right wing reckons that if the ignorant mobs can be sold on the idea of a democracy in facade form they will be placated and none the wiser. The rich elites, right wing politicans, homegrown traitors and the local Nazi media are all living high off the hog under this AMERIGREED veneer democracy. The general populations in the US, Canada, Alberta, UK, Australia and New Zealand are not doing so well and facing dim prospects, caught up in the AMERIGREED wake. Immediate relief requires that the citizenry in Australia and New Zealand break free from right wing politicians who are in the pay of AMERIGREED. Canada and England could combine forces and figure out a way for Australia and New Zealand to plug into this new proposed Common Market of 2.2 billion people. Thereby escaping the clutch of Wall St. and the USA corporations. In terms of America itself, the Republicans have pushed the Country over the edge of the cliff. What emerges from this mess is anyone’s guess? During the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages in England one feature stood out, hill forts. Small groups of people had to built forts on the height to defend against their neighbours. There was no central Government until the Romans arrived. After which there was almost 400 years of peace. Those small groups could then tend to their fields, because the infighting ceased. This pleasant way of life has lasted for 2000 years. Peace and prosperity are now at an end in the USA, life is going back to a dark time. Small groups will arbitrarily claim their turf and duke it out in a hail of bullets. Washington is powerless to stop the coming carnage. The winners will be those with the biggest number of bodies and the greatest firepower. The hardest hit segment of the American population will be the peace loving whites who are not armed and have no history of absorbing abuse nor defending themselves. The Government in Washington has ceased to exist as protector of the Constitution. The Government is now a mere spectator. It will be every individual or group of individuals for themselves. It is an opportune time for Canada. When the bully who has imprisoned you, falls asleep, and you have succeeded in slipping free from your chains, then the best option is to run like hell to safety.

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Right now, Canada is the only nation with the capability to break free from the Yankee yoke. Even if we build a wall right around Canada and shut out the world, WE WILL SUFFER NO ILL EFFECTS. As stated we are 80% self sufficient and there is no essential material, product, commodity or energy source that we lack to SURVIVE. Rather, I believe our GDP would surge. In fact, declaring our independence from the USA will bring us a legion of friends including England, the British Commonwealth, some European countries, Central America and many third world nations who have all paid a huge price under the American lash. What an opportunity. To build a new prosperous Canada! And at the very same time, we will light the lantern, which can be used as a guide to others on how a true democracy functions. I know my proposal to break free, will bring out a whole slew of lawyers. Seizing American corporate is not something one sees everyday. 50 years in business has shown me that possession is 11 points of the law as the Scots would say. Canada belongs to us and we will do with her as we please. In regard to possible lawsuits I would say to the Yankees, bring it on. No world Court or tribunal is above the will of our people. If Canadians decide to take charge of their own affairs, as they must, the American corporate criminals have just have to swallow defeat as in 1812. The premise held by the US right wing, that some of the downtrodden, who inhabit the ignorant mob, are expendable, nothing more than throw aways. Just the price of doing business Russ Girling would say. Who are these US rightpublicanazis or Canadian clones, that they think they hold life or death in their hands. The risks posed by commercial and industrial activities should be determined by the people, not the profits of the American oil monopoly. That it is otherwise, is unacceptable to me. THE TRUE NATURE OF ALBERTA TAR MIXED WITH BENZINE MUST BE DETERMINED AND MADE KNOWN TO CANADIANS. NOT ANOTHER CHUNK OF TAR SHOULD MOVE UNTIL THIS INFORMATION IS MADE PUBLIC. In Megantic, 47 were way too many to die in the pursuit of tar to Texas system. North America is so rich as a continent, NOBODY SHOULD BE LEFT BEHIND. THE FACT THAT THE DISADVANTAGED ARE INDEED BEING LEFT BEHIND IN INCREASING NUMBERS , CAN BE LEFT AT THE DOORSTEP OF RIGHT WING IDEOLOGY AND SUCCESSIVE GOVERNMENTS SINCE REAGAN. SO WE HAVE TRIED IT FOLKS AND IT DOESN’T WORK. BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD. SUCCESSIVE GOVERNMENTS HAVE DRAWN BACK FROM INVOLVEMENT IN COMMERCIAL / BUSINESS AFFAIRS. MUCH OF THE FOUNDATION UPON WHICH CANADA AND THE US WERE BUILT SAW GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT, THE CPR, ONTARIO HYDRO, INSULIN, HYDRO QUEBEC, THE ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY, THE 400 SERIES OF ONT. HIGHWAYS, ALBERTA OIL FIELDS AND THE TAR SANDS TO NAME A FEW. NONE OF THESE WOULD NOW EXIST WITHOUT TAXPAYERS MONEY AND THE TAXPAYERS DERIVED A BENEFIT AND /\/\ AND SO DID BUSINESS. ALTHOUGH MANY BUSINESSMEN PREFER AN HONEST ENVIRONMENT, THEY ARE TOO CHICKENSHIT TO CONFRONT RIGHT WING IDEOLOGY /\/\ NOWDAYS, GOVERNMENTS SHIRK THEIR REPONSIBILITIES AND HAND THE PRIVATE SECTOR TAXPAYERS MONEY TO DO THOSE GOOD WORKS. IN ALL CASES THE GOOD WORKS ARE OVER PRICED, BEHIND SCHEDULE WITH THE ONLY BENEFIT GOING TO THE POLITICIANS ON THE TAKE AND THE CONTRACTORS. The establishment is now designing driverless cars, yet people go hungry and can’t afford to go to a doctor. What do we see in the Nazi media? Massive coverage of car that drive themselves! In Canada, we are so rich it is obscene to just think of leaving those in need, BEHIND. My take, from those who are truly blessed in our society, more is expected. Do you hear that Conrad Black, you have sponged off Canada long enough. GO HOME. We need a new crop of elites, who will resist giving Canada away in return for more US greenbacks. Wise Canadians, who look longer than the next quarter, will be happy GIVE as well as TAKE. I am a free enterpriser. I have nothing against making a buck but one must play by the rules and pay one’s dues. Every time Black is driven down Bayview from Post Rd. to downtown Toronto, he travels over a road lined with sidewalks, poles, wires, sewer / water lines, street / traffic lights, bridges etc, all bought and paid for by the little people. Who should know their place according to Lady Black. The Conman believes himself self made after inheriting a fortune and is convinced he owes society nothing. I pegged Black as a Sociopath 35 years ago. Canada was and is under threat from people who think like the Conman. This Nation’s infrastructure as above is not being renewed. The money earmarked for such enterprises is still being spent, but it is going into private hands. Did you know that the Hoover Dam, a massive project using new technology, was brought in on time and on budget. Toronto can’t even tidy up Bloor St, on time and on budget! There are far too many lukewarm Canadians who are quite willing to sell this Country out for US cash. I will expose them. I consider selling out one’s Country the ultimate betrayal. We have a word for it, TREASON. I think we should bring back the noose for traitors like Harper the bald and Paul Godfrey the Wall St. tool.

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In terms of what I call housekeeping, our Government of the people, by the people, for the people must make a list of all of those things which impinge on the lives of the citizenry. Each facet has to be looked at through the lens of what activities should be in government hands, what activities should be in private hands, which ones would benefit from a public/ private partnership and what activities would be beneficial if the state takes a leadership / financial role in their development. The US Government spent taxpayer’s money to develop the internet then handed the valuable commercial product over to the private sector. The taxpayer’s got sweet bugger all for their investment. I agree with the first part but not the second. Once developed with taxpayer’s money, let the private sector build stuff under license, whereby the people get to keep some of the gravy. There is a long history of pushing the technical envelope here in Ontario. The Progressive Conservative Governments of Leslie Frost, John Robarts and Bill Davis operated as outlined above for 42 years in Ontario. These were golden years for Ontario. This Province was the economic engine of Canada. The American rightpublicanazis decided that the true Progressive Conservatives like me were a threat to the hard right wing ideology, which rewards a few self anointed exceptional Americans who adhere to the rule of the jungle. The present Progressive Conservatives are the US Fascist right wing, hiding behind the honoured name. We PCs were a threat to North American Fascism. So backed by Yankee money and a leg up from Bay St., the hard right took over my Party and destroyed the Province’s economy in the doing. As well, Progressives like me, were shut out of the Nazi media. Ontarians were not told the palace guard was changing and that and that henceforth the Province’s wealth would be stripped of and shipped Stateside. This takeover in 1985 was successful because the PC membership, including me did not realize an American funded coup was in progress, until it was too late. My experience in 1985, gave me advanced notice to the dangers of the rightpulicananzis which repeated a takeover bid in 2006 with Herr Harper at the helm. The rightpublicanazis never BUILD ANYTHING. They absorb or steal existing structures, organizations and ideas, then mold them to fit right wing ideology. Just like the body snatchers The total contents of the rightie play book is stolen property. The Fascist movement has no original history, from Reagan onward, it has been completely contrived. Since then the free market myth and has had 40 years of failures. Herr Harper, with his empty, bald head was greatly influence by the Nietzsche Myth, as taught by profs at the University of Calgary. With money from the American oil monopoly, Lyin Steve took over our National Progressive Conservative Party as had happened to the Ont. PCs in 1985. Hitler took over DAP [ Deutsche Arbeiter Partei, the German Workers party ], he was also equally affected by the Nietsche Myth. In a sense, the takeovers of DAP by the Nazis in 1920s Germany and the Progressive Conservatives, both in Ontario and Nationally by the American Fascists mirrors as stated, the movie, the Body Snatchers. It is the same move each time. The right gains control of an entity or idea from within. But there is one fatal flaw with being a parasite. A parasite need to feed off the host to remain alive. When the host dies the parasite also dies. Hitler shot himself in an underground bunker, Nazism last but 12 years. Harper’s Fascist Party died after 10 years. The Ont. Fascist PCs have not won an election since Harris, 2003. The Reagan era was the time when Republican parasites seized control of America. For a parasitic movement the Repubs have done well. The one percent now owns most of the universe. But to what advantage??? It has taken 35 years for the USA die under the right wing. Those NOT in the know, keep talking about the States being the most powerful Nation in the world. Half right and half wrong. If another country attacked the USA, they would surely lose that battle. But America is rotten to the core and being eaten away from inside. There is no defense against being devoured by a cancer within. So the parasitic nature of the right has once more proved correct. The Fascists need the host to stay alive. But when the host expires so does the parasite. So as long as Canada doesn’t try to invade the USA we are safe to make a run for it. After the November Election, internal problem will consume the energies of Americans. So our quest to become Masters In Our Own House, should begin January First 2017. Private enterprise will not give us the pipeline Canada needs. The Twin Beaver Pipeline will NEVER be built by the the Girlings of this world. There is no stealing, lying and cheating involved in my proposals. However THESE ARE THE ONLY THINGS Russ knows. The 2B Pipeline would tie many different petroleum / nat. gas sectors together. Within our boundaries we have both sufficient supply and demand. We can manage matching one to the other without outside interference. The harvesting and refining of resources would be coordinated by Ottawa, the Provinces and Territories. Jesus encountered the money lenders in the temple and threw them out. Canada has to put up with the American money lenders as the tar leaves and when the gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and nat. gas enters the Country. Why??? BECAUSE WE LET THEM THAT’S WHY! Global, private companies would love to have the secure market that I am suggesting. They could forget about US corporate lying, cheating, stealing, takeovers and mergers as a part of their business plan. Thus all honest players could prosper. Canada would get its’ supply of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel in house and any surplus ** OIL ** , could be sold to the world market through Vancouver, Churchill and NF / NB. I would issue NEW CANADA Savings Bonds in THREE SERIES, Oil, Natural and Electricity. Bonds would be $ 100, for ten years and bear 6% compound interest. The NWCAN Bonds would only be available to Canadian citizens [ no commerical involvement ], there would be a cap and they would be sold through Canada’s CHARTERED BANKS. The present dog eat dog system, created by Wall st. sharks and imported into Canada from the US, drives honest businessmen and women out of business and gives full advantage to the Americans, who excel at the cheat game. Not surprisingly, there are many Canadian Fifth Columnists like Terry Corocoran, whose only skill seems to be acting as a shill for Wall St and the U right. AMERIGREE has killed all entrepreneurship and innovation in Canada. In 2014, 1700 new patents were taken out on Israel. In Canada just over one hundred. Every new idea born in this Country is either bought up or killed off by the Americans, who have us pegged as patsies and slaves. Innovation they say, would be of no benefit to such an ignorant mob. Paul Godfrey and the Nazi media are paid to treat us as ignorant slobs. WHY??? Because we let them. The righties, have for the last 10 years, ensured that no Canadian invention will ever see the light of day in this Country. Any Canadian innovative work is shipped south of the border to benefit Americans. Why??? BECAUSE WE LET THEM! Rona Ambrose, when she rises in the House would never tell you what the Fascists are saying in caucus. That the Canadian majority, are mere Undermen and Underwomen, who should know their place. Lady Barb Black agrees wholeheartedly with this sentiment. I designed a new wind turbine and a new water turbine. As an insider, I tried to find financial support from different Government Departments under Herr Harper. I chased every and I mean every Gov. department offering support publicaly for innovators / idea people. It was all a mirage, a public relations facade to fool Canadians as to Lyin Steve’s real intentions. There is a huge entrepreneurial spirit in this Country which needs to be rekindled. Clearly the intention of the US rightpublicanazis was to take both Canada and Mexico back to the 1700s and create a new class of slaves as the Americans did in Central America from Reagan on. In Mexico that plan is well along and we were on that slide too, thanks to Harper. To further anchor the NEW CANADA we need additional studies into every part of our economy and the local foundations upon which our society rests. These would include clean electricity, natural gas, gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, weights and measures, drugs, the dumping of products / foods by other countries, clean water, sewage treatment, garbage disposal, roads, bridges, airports, flood control, schools, education, hospitals, medicare, pensions and clean air. This is not the complete list nor are the foregoing listed in the order of their importance. NONE OF THE ABOVE CAN BE LEFT IN THE HANDS OF THE YANKEES OR THE PRIVATE SECTOR. All companies now involved in the energy business will be made to toe the line, bought out or expropriated. All activities listed above must involve educational streaming, apprenticeships, pensions, benefits and unions at the very beginning, at the management level. Wherein union reps are on boards of directors. Did you notice, the Nazi media NEVER OFFERS solutions to any problems. Paul Godfrey seeks to make the lives of Canadians worse by atomizing us. Isolating us, so that we swim or sink all alone with no understanding of our predicament or from whence it came. The rightpublicanazis want Canadians to be ignorant and individualized so they can’t organize to oppose Fascist measures. For democracy friendly groups, Harper’s plan was to set one against the other. That is except the anti democratic, Fascist Catholic Church. Lyin Steve promised the Church he would ban abortions in return for their support on October 19 / 16. That is the reason for the Church mounted a massive smear campaign against PM Trudeau with the financial aid from Canada Post. The Catholic Church as it presently constituted IS AN ENEMY OF OUR STATE. The Nazi media just picks at the scabs every day. There is never any relief from Godfrey. Although relief is resting right round the corner. IF YOU SEEK YOU WILL FIND. The Nazi media tries to make the larger population as anxious, as fearful and as confused as possible. In such a condition the right wing believes that the people are more easily manipulated by the US rightpublicanazi misinformation and propaganda. When I worked for bald Steve way back, misleading the public, manipulation and indoctrination of the young were things discussed at our meetings. Being a student of history, I thought I was being transported in a time machine back to Nazi Germany. The only thing missing FROM THE HARPER FASCIST MEETINGS IN 2006, we were not all wearing Swastikas and doing the goose step.. I suggested earlier how we might go about taking control of our petroleum and natural gas resources and BENDING THEM TO OUR OWN USE AND EXCLUSIVE PROFIT. YOU KNOW IT WOULD NOT BE THAT DIFFICULT. THE MAIN REQUIREMENT, BALLS!

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The American oil monopoly will never build the ** OIL ** or natural gas pipelines we need to serve Canada’s interests. The Twin Beaver would go coast to coast to coast, carrying ** OIL ** and nat. gas for domestic use and for export. Canadians have the right, the financial ability to construct the 2B and the skills to do it in house with NO FOREIGN INVOLVEMENT. As the majority we hold the real power, if we ever chose to use it. Taking control of the activities as listed above will ensure a decent quality of life for ALL CANADIANS, putting such effort well beyond the reach of the American Congress and the US corporate jungle. In the NEW CANADA, wherein there will be lots of pockets full of lots of jingle, IF WE PLAY OUR CARDS RIGHT. And there will be lots of opportunities for honest businesses to prosper. Just think, a new home for innovators of the world. No more Yankee idea stealing. Inventors will see their work reach maturity on home turf rather than watch AMERIGREED steal the ideas and produce them south of the border. USA wealth stripping comes in many forms. Can you imagine the NEW CANADA being, ” A Cheat free Zone “. We will either jail the American thieves or deport them in leg irons. Our laws will be enforced and respected. There will be no more Caterpillar, Target, PostMedia, Uber or Heinz capers, all take and no give.. These and the other 3200 big shell US corporations must be closely monitored by Ottawa and the Provinces. While they all produce or manufacture products, such products are just sidelines. Such activity covers financial manipulation, money laundering and other criminal dodges. They infest a country, after being promised tax breaks and other incentives by politicians on the take like PM May of the UK. These rogue corporations take over smaller competitors to kill competition and eliminate jobs. Congress, Harper, Cameron, Australia and New Zealand just opened the door wide. Then the corporations raise prices. The management, politicians and the world Nazi media gets their cut for every merger. Companies are as a result loaded with debt. This system is then milked as long as times are good. When the economy falters the business debt is insurmountable so the firm goes into bankruptcy. Every other business involved [ especially small ones ], take a hit, as do employees, communities, governments and suppliers. The banks don’t lose a dime. That is why they finance these Ponzi scheme. Then new people move in, buy the bankrupt firm for peanuts and start the whole process over again in a new location. It is called wealth stripping. Canada’s bankruptcy laws have to be changed. It is all illegal American take and never any give. These scams are easy to eliminate. Just change the bankruptcy laws. When a company goes under, immediately all the assets are frozen including those of the principals. Then the bankruptcy is thoroughly investigated fro criminal activity. Break Canadian laws and US corporations will have their assets seized and the management will be jailed. Yankees under such tough conditions will probably not fair very well. When all a person does is steal throughout their entire lives, what other skills do they have. The expression, ” YANKEES GO HOME IN BACK IN VOGUE “. The faster we get rid of these vermin the better. Where to start??? The complete overhaul of the tar sands is first on the list. All things considered the new 2B system would net Canada $ 100 billion a year in hand. The output of CO2 in Canada would be drastically reduced. No need to talk about taxing carbon if the system doesn’t produce it. The Trudeau Government has yet to get this message. Harper’s Fascist plants in the Country’s civil service are keeping these good news options from the Ministers. And the clincher with this new approach is that we could reduce energy costs for electricity, gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and natural gas. What’s not to like about running our own system. Canadians, acting collectively, which the Fascists abhor, could start this new process yesterday. DEMAND THE CHANGES TAKE PLACE NOW, IT IS WITHIN YOUR POWER. The path forward is a relatively easy one, CARPE DIEM.

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The last ten years have seen Canada come close to becoming a submissive American satellite thanks to Herr Harper. The rightpublicanazis have spent a ton of money in this attempted coup and are still spending. The arrogant Yankees were so convinced they could bamboozle Canadians just like they have the majority of Americans, it was just a matter of marching in. I was taught as a pilot, never stop flying the aeroplane until it is in the tie down. Mad Harper and his legion of US Brown Shirts got very careless during the early part of 2015. Just when Lyin Steve thought we were in the bag, we wasn’t. But Canadians can’t rest on their oars just yet. The American oil monopoly is clearly not going to walk away from their massive investment, starting in 2006, aimed at taking control of this Country as they and the Repubs did to California. A huge smear campaign mounted by the Nazi media against Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau, has been initiated. It will last day and night for 3 years till the next election. The attacks on Edmonton and Ottawa appear daily and sometimes in multiples of the same smear. There must be a thousand Canadian turncoats, if not more, on Houston’s payroll now, throwing gasoline on the fire in the newspapers and TV. Most of what is being published and broadcast in return for petro dollars, is made up stuff, lies, childish slurs misinformation and rightie propaganda. But there is a basic flaw in Houston’s approach. Remember these guys are old and not yet net savvy. The oilies are convinced you will keep PAYING GOOD MONEY to buy the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Mclean’s and keep watching CTV, Global and the CBC, even though these media outlets are conspiring WITH FOREIGNERS to take your Country away from you. Stupid the oilies think you are. Time will tell. The mind control process has been taking place in the USA for 40 years when free and fair news coverage took a powder under Reagan. I’m guessing that at least 40 million white Americans have been reduced to the mentality of the Hitler Youth. Canada has it’s own crop of Harper Youth. They are well versed in dirty tricks, violence and obedience and little else. There are also millions of 60 year old morons who have gone backwards under Republican tutelage to a level lower down the scale than the cave men. AND THEY ALL HAVE GUNS. The Preston Manning Institute was set up by the American oil monopoly to train the Harper Youth, using the same rightpublicanazi curriculum AS FOUND AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. Manning’s graduates keep popping up on a daily basis in print, showing off their total display of ignorance and intolerance. Our young are being taught by Manning, as did Hitler before Preston, that people and the races are not equal. The Fuhrer promote the Aryan race as being superior and stronger. Adolph demanded the subordination of those he deemed inferior and weak. To attain this level of ideological religious fervour and racial hatred, the Fuhrer conducted his affairs with unprecedented harshness to those being indoctrinated [ think Michael Sona ], the Nazis were unmerciful and unrelenting in their application of propaganda. Houston likewise. It is what it is. Either Canadians believe what Paul Godfrey and friends say each day r they don’t. The future of this Country hinges on the number. If most of the populous surrenders to the Fascist claptrap campaign, then this Nation is doomed to live in Yankee servitude. The USA is well along in this regard, the Nazi media has succeeded in having their way. In Germany 1928 / 1945, force controlled the press. In North American money fuels the media. Paul Godfey’s job along with the others, is basically churning out rightie propaganda which is aimed at thought control. Paul is trying to scramble your brains so you don’t notice your vote has no meaning. The ability of totalitarian regimes to cow the population by violence is much reduced from years past. So much effort is now made to control what the public knows and thinks. After Reagan’s promise of complete, unopposed power the newspapers and the TV fell in line and supported the right / Republican agenda. As a political Party, the Republicans abandoned democracy 20 years ago. They created a veneer of democracy which had a short lifespan, in 2016 the truth got out. Over the years, there has been a concerted effort by the right to keep the citizenry OUT OF THE KNOW. For the poor, uneducated whites many year in this fantasy land created by FOX NEWS etc has disabled their ability to know where reality is??? In the land of REDOUBT [ Idaho, Oregon, Wyoming, Washington and Montana ], heavily armed forces are gathering there, to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, ONCE THE ELECTION IN NOV. IS OVER. One yahoo has a trailer load of ammunition. He’s got another loaded with gasoline to run his truck and generators. He’s quoted as saying, if the Feds show up he’ll kill them. Congress has let things go this far. How do the Repubs deal with the California drought? They are driving the Hispanics back to Central America by shutting off the water to the smaller outlying towns. What else? The Repulicans blame Washington for keeping the rain away from the State. The Northern Jet Stream is taking a more northerly track once it crosses the Pacific. The California heat pillar goes thousands of feet in the air and is like a big post in the middle of the freeway. Most of the time now the Jet Stream loops north, up over BC and even up to Alaska. The odd time the jet Stream veers south over Mexico and misses California altogether. But this southerly Jet Stream carries Pacific moisture [ needed in California ] into Texas [ where it is not needed. The reason. The jet Stream is herding Pacific moisture towards the east, via Mexico and gathering up moisture from the Gulf as well, so Texans suffer a double whammy. Global Warming, yes, but the Republicans will never utter the words. Once in Canada, the Jet Stream veers south to avoid our cold north. This means moisture is stripped from the clouds by the Rockies and the US midwest in now in a rain shadow. In the winter the Jet Stream brings extremely cold weather to the midwest [ ND and SD ]. The result, a shorter growing season and dry soil. Western agriculture in the US is beginning to falter. Where will world food come from in the future??? Not the southern USA. All of these crucial situations are being ignored by the Republican Congress and the US / Can. Nazi media. So it is quite some spectacle. A US Government in denial about the ravages of climate change and the Civil War that has begun with small skirmishes. And where is the North American Nazi media in all of this? Why somewhere out in cuckoo cloud land. A large part of the American populace which has regressed in intelligence. H. L. Mencken thought the Yankee mob was stupid back in 1930. I’d say to Henry, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Republicans have spent almost 100 years dumbing down their followers. THEY DID IT! The USA is an educational wasteland, a situation which Canada should avoid like the plague, lest we get pulled down into their black hole. The money AMERIGREED is stealing from this Country on a daily basis would give us a first rate educational system with change left over. So escaping the Yankee clutches has had a double benefit. I would review all of the money flowing out of Canada to the USA. I would ignore Statistics Canada. It is little more than a right wing think tank. We still HOLD FAST OUR DEMOCRACY AFTER OCT. 19 /15 AND WE ARE IN A POSITION TO AVOID THE COMING USA IMPLOSION. America is strongest military power in the world with an inoperable cancer in its’ bowels. All the tanks and drones in the world cannot save the USA now, from what the Republicans have wrought. It would seem that the US rightpublicanazi’s Thousand Year Reich is kaput after less than 40 but don’t assume they will learn anything from failure.

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My Mother taught me two important things, she told me not to lie and I was required to clean up after myself. Both must be injected into the present debate on pipelines. Canadians must be made aware that there are TWO KINDS OF PIPELINES. Since the Leduc [ Alta. ] Oil Well blew in in March 1948 Canada has had oil pipelines crisscrossing the Country, Canadians hardly noticed. On occasion, there was an oil spill, it was messy but could be cleaned up quickly quickly and the cost was not that great. That’s the story for 55 years. Then in 2005 the American oil monopoly, Steve Harper, the pipeline companies, covered by the Nazi media started pumping tar mixed with Benzine [ a horse of a different colour ] through our old, oil pipeline system, IN ORDER TO REACTIVATE UNDERUSED REFINERIES IN PORT ARTHUR, A FTZ IN TEXAS. Canadians were not told about this switcheroony to a tar / Benzine mix which approximates Napalm. The risk factor went up by a hundred and the spill factor quadrupled but the Nazi media was paid to stay silent. There is a huge media effort to mix up history, to link the pipeline business of to-day with Leduc. The success of this flim flam is proven by the towering inferno of tar / Benzine in Megantic which killed 47 people and the destruction of the N. Saskatchewan River by the recent Husky tar / Benzine spill. Both of which have been swept under the rug by Paul Godfrey and the rest of the paid Nazi media. Eventually Canadians will find out the truth about the tar ** OIL ** switcheroony. The only question is, how many deaths and how much property damage will it take for the people of this Nation to wake up to the fact that they have been had by the oilies, Harper, the pipeline companies and the National Post et al. Ottawa has to stop Russ Girling from telling LIES to Canadians. From this time forward, all statements relating to pipelines must be taken under oath and the Nazi media put on warning, NO MORE LIES. ANY MORE LIES FROM PAUL GODFREY AND HE GOES TO JAIL. If we have another Megantic, THIS PARLIAMENT WILL BE TO BLAME. There is enough information known now about the risks of tar / Benzine that politicians can no longer hide. TO BE BLUNT. Canada needs two new COMPREHENSIVE pipelines, one for ** OIL ** and one for natural gas. The 2B pipes must go from BC on the Pacific, a spur to the Arctic, across the 55th parallel to Manitoba, a spur to Churchill, down to Toronto / Montreal, right through the Eastern Townships, all the way to the Atlantic. Meaning ** OIL ** and natural gas can be conveyed from the sources to every market in the Country We have petroleum resources coming out of our ears and a customer base of 36 million people. It doesn’t need a rocket scientist to figure this riddle out. We must inventory our assets as to quantity and location, IMMEDIATELY. A job for the new Provincial Energy Directorate. Then we must determine where the markets are concentrated are and join the two together. I was in business for 50 years, this kind of thinking has to go on every day to be successful. LIKE Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Private, foreign companies have no place in this arrangement. Enbridge, TransNotCanada and Kinder Morgan will never built the pipelines WE NEED. We need to maximize the return on OUR resources. Being owned by Wall St., they will never do that. There is a tremendous advantage of have a built in home market. We do not need imported USA gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and natural gas. We can satisfy the demand for energy in Canada and store the surplus. At the opportune time, these petroleum products can be sold to England, the British Commonwealth, Cuba and Central America. Numbering more than 2.2 billion people. People, tired of suffering at the broken end of the USA broom. And who hunger for genuine trade opportunities, secure supplies of energy and relations with HONEST PEOPLE AND NATIONS. I see Jamaica becoming the energy hub in the Gulf, not only for Commonwealth countries but for Central America with its’ population of 50 million people. Most of the world’s ** OIL ** is shipped in very large tankers and it is a one way street. Shipping Canada’s ** OIL ** would require a complete rethink. Since the Commonwealth countries are smaller, smaller scale oil tankers would be needed. At present these can be had, a dime a dozen. Canada could buy a fleet of smaller tankers and have them converted to combis in shipyards in BC and the Maritimes. This would mean oil out and cargo back. Or cargo /food out and cargo back. Using one’s brain can have its’ advantages, instead of relying on the Russ Girlings of the world, whose motivation is max profits at the expense of the people. The fact that Washington / the American oil monopoly have disrupted the world oil market by buying or trading in ISIS oil, stolen from the Iraqis and fenced through Turkey, as well as being engaged in a Civil War make it an UNRELIABLE oil supplier now. When I was in business, I never ventured into a new product line unless I could verify secure supplies of the materials I needed. I manufactured between 50,000 and 60,000 wooden Brougham Apple Baskets, which are scattered all around the world. Early on, as sales increase I set up my own saw mill. I could always find Ash / Elm logs. I also cultivated multiple suppliers so production could not be shut down for lack of say, nails or stain. I NEVER EVER SUFFERED FROM A MATERIAL SHORTAGE. It would be much more productive in terms of supplying the aforementioned countries, for Canada to engage in FAIR TRADE with them, make credit available, provide for security of energy supplies, at affordable prices, than dole out money to them in times of stress. These countries, at one time or another have all felt the sting of the AMERIGREED LASH as wealth stripping goes on round the clock. Even as you read this the US is stealing from Canada. And to think some Canadian shill get their cut. Right now Alberta and Saskatchewan are hurting because the American oil monopoly is buying stolen Iraqi ** OIL ** from ISIS, which is being fenced through Turkey. It is transported to Delaware in giant tankers, refined there and sold on the Eastern Seaboard and in Ontario and Quebec. This stolen goods operation is sanctioned by Washington, which speaks out of both sides of its’ mouth. So American and Canadian dupes are actually paying for the bullets and rockets use by ISIS WHEN NORTH AMERICANS BUY GASOLINE OR DIESEL. But Paul Godfrey is paid to bury this kind of information, which is on the net, just a click away. I suspect that all of those involved in the National Post and the other Nazi media are prohibited from investigating the Houston / Girling lies or even asking questions. Paul Godfrey’s employees are so stupid they even throw beer cans at baseball players. In reality there should be a National Post headline as follows. ” WHEN CANADIANS IN THE EAST BUY GASOLINE, THEY PUT BULLETS IN ISIS MAGAZINES “! I have a collection of articles which feature Russ Girling at his lying best. Like Harper and Ezzie Le Rant, Girling can say anything and get away with it. It cost Russ big time though, but it shows the extent of profits being made on high price gasoline. Mind TransNotCanada does buy a lot of advertising space from our Nazi media both in print and TV. Petro dollars get the attention of Paul Godfrey and Dave Thomson particularly.
Most certainly the Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC won’t tell you that every time you fill your car YOU ARE FUNDING TERRORISM. As said the ISIS stolen ** OIL ** , is fenced through our NATO partner Turkey. The dictatorship there is getting rich on a cut of the loot. Turkey is yet another dictatorship propped up by the Americans, just like Brussels. Harper was and is being paid to turn Canada into a dictatorship [ baldy Steve is waiting in the wings ] with the help of Paul Godfrey et al. while Alberta and Saskatchewan, integral parts of a free and democratic Canada are being fucked around by this oil monopoly bunch and their hires with the able assistance of our Nazi media. Why every quarter wit rightie insider in the world knows that the Yankees are buying ISIS stolen ** OIL ** . Everybody but the clueless in Canada, which seems to work out to a sizeable number. I read the Guardian UK to find out what is going on in this Country, as well as a number of trade journals. I am really baffled why are Canadians allowing this to happen??? When the info outlining this criminal activity by the American is so readily available. Eastern Canadians are not only paying outrageous prices for gasoline and diesel, they ARE BUYING STOLEN GOODS. Double Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Is there some special attraction about being clueless? North Americans are financing both sides of the War. This may be a history first. Everybody in the world knows what is going on with ISIS oil except North Americans. Georgie Bush Jr. invaded Iraq to gain control of the Country’s ** OIL ** . Washington, Congress and the American oil monopoly succeeded quite nicely [ profits ], thank you very much. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people have died. Just chump change for what the Americans have been doing for 400 years. A human life can’t compete with the US buck. And the 40 million village idiots, bred by the Republicans in the USA since Reagan, are oblivious to the crimes being committed by their Government. For many Yankees it doesn’t go much beyond ME-ME-ME-ME-ME-ME-AND-FINALLY-ME. Right now the USA monopoly has all the cheap, easily refinable, ** OIL ** they could ever hope for. And some of those fat profits find their way into the pockets of Congress and the Nazi media. A perfect example of a rogue Kleptocracy [ rule by thieves ]. TRUTH STANDS NOT A CHANCE! Why would the monopoly be concerned about shipping Canadian tar all the way to Texas, even if we gave it to them for ZERO? It is a hoax being perpetrated on Canada by Houston, a large number of Canadian traitors and our Nazi media. The USA oil monopoly doesn’t need Alberta / Saskatchewan tar any longer. The oilies have moved the purchase of our dangerous, thinned tar / Benzine aggregate [ Naplam ], to the back burner, probably forever. But Alberta’s financial woes are being blamed on Ottawa by Godfrey. The Washington / oil monopoly team has once again disrupted the world oil market. Congress / the oilies / Nazi media still are getting rich while the everyman suffers. It takes a lot of nerve to steal from the vulnerable but then to buy space in the National Post et al, to blame the Notley / Trudeau Governments is a bit much. WHY??? Because we let Paul Godfrey do it. In business, if someone stops buying my output, I will find other customers. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. In terms of our own tar sands we have a built in customer base, surprise, surprise Canada. Canadians are LETTING the monkeys run the zoo and are suffering the consequences, poor economic conditions and a bleak future. The present situation in Canada should be in the study book. It is an example of how to turn a silk purse into a sow’s ass, thanks to Harper. And the people just stood idly by with unseeing eyes. It is Hitler’s mind control brought right up to date [ 2016 ] by the rightpublicanazis. The Fuhrer had some pretty smart / evil people working on bending peoples minds without resorting to violence IN THE BEGINNING. Once people were isolated and atomized they were easy meat for the Nazis. Then things got rough when escape was impossible. Harper was on that very same track. Lyin Steve was secretly laying out the red carpet for the USA oil monopoly for whom he was and still is an employee. Steve WAS setting the stage for the oilies to walk in and take over. But those plans went up the flue on Oct. 19 / 16. Initially I didn’t know what to expect from the Fascists. Would they see the light or just dissolve? It is not in the Fascist makeup to apologize, let reality sink in, admit mistakes or to rejig their ideology. Harper’s speech after the Election set the tone, WE DIDN’T MAKE ANY MISTAKES, STEVE SAID. WE’LL NEVER ADMIT DEFEAT. WE WILL NEVER GIVE IN. THIS THE CLASSIC NAZI MINDSET. In a documentary about Berlin in 1945, there was a scene of hundreds of women in bucket lines clearing rubble. One young woman thumbed her nose at the British cameraman. Even amongst the bombed out buildings, this Nazi refused to get the message. She and her fellow citizens, without ever thinking of the consequences, slavishly followed Hitler to this bitter end. 150 flattened cities was her / their reward. But for some the message still did not sink in. Likewise the Harper Fascists. Canadians have to keep winning the battle over democracy. The American oil monopoly only has to win once. Our only option is to crush them with the truth. The media has to be turned into a weapon aimed at the USA. Right now the Nazi media is a weapon trained on Canada, paid for by the Yankees. We will not be safe until the papers / TV are stowed six feet under. Of course Canadians as individuals can accomplish this all on their own. Do not buy the National Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, or watch CTV, Global and the CBC. And as I have been saying for years, do not patronize those businesses which advertise in the Nazi media. When I was in business, I avoided two things, politics and religion. Interestingly businessmen are now complaining that deep divisions between people over same are killing sales. Daaaaaaaaaaaaa. Paul Godfrey backed Lyin Steve, 2/3rds of Canadians did not. Advertisers in the PostMediocre papers lost 66% of potential customers. Double Daaaaaaaa. Hitler’s dream of dominating the earth came close to succeeding until the free people of the world woke up. The Nazi scourge lasted a mere 12 years. Along with battles at sea and the ground force of Russian, America, Britain, Canada and allied countries, the war in the air destroyed 150 of Germany’s largest cities, broke the back of the Nazis, leaving nothing but rubble. And still the fanatic Nazis fought on. It is clear that when most Germans broke free of the propaganda and finally figured out what was going on. they silently prayed for hostilities to cease. To speak out however meant a bullet in the head. Even during the waning days of WW 11 the Nazis zealots would / could not change course. This Nazi mad dog mindset, gave no thought to how many of their fellow Germans were dying due to their obstinance. There are to this day, 3rd rate Nazi thinkers and writers who refuse to accept responsibility for the Second War. Much has been made of the bombing of Dresden, which was just another name on a long list of cities to be bombed. It was not singled out for special treatment and so no thought was attached to the raids, other than militarily. In the City were a number of arms factories hidden among the civilian population. A favourite Nazi dodge. Move ME 109 production into a residential area. The Allies bomb. Then Goebbels, the propaganda Chief could claim that allies were killing civilians and thus spur on the workers. However, the worker were not told that Goebbels was sacrificing innocent Germans in order to fabricate propaganda stories. Paul Godfrey is off the same mind, hide the truth. As well, Dresden had a huge train marshalling yard which funneled war supplies to the Eastern Front. Go Google maps, you can see the train yard. Stalin particularly, want Dresden leveled to stop Hitler sending troops and supplies in behind the Russians as the last offensive move was made Mid January 1945. The Dresden apologists say Dresden was bombed when the War was as good as over, rubbish. This is historical fictionalism. On February 13 to 15 / 1945, a force of 1300 bombers [ 775 Brits, 525 US and 750 NA Mustangs ] did just what Uncle Joe asked for. Dresden was turned to dust and ash. Three and a half weeks later on March 27 /45, Mrs. Ivy Millichamp, then just 34, was looking out her kitchen window when a V – 2 [ a Hitler vengeance weapon ] fell in her front garden. She and her husband lived at 88 Kynston Rd., Orpington in Kent. 25 people were injured but Ivy was the only one to die. She took the full force of the blast, which left a crater 40 ft wide and 20 ft deep. Ivy lay in an unmarked grave until 1989, when the authorities did her proper and erected a grave stone. Link up with to see what the bomb did, there is a picture of Ivy and her grave marker. THAT IS WHY WE BOMBED THE SHIT OUT OF DRESDEN AND THE OTHER 149 MAJOR GERMAN CITIES. Long may their assault on humanity, 1933 /1945 haunt them. There is no possible defense for their behaviour. The very few feeble minded, who take up the Nazi cause should be silenced. I would like every 3rd rate writer and documentary producer on the level of David Irving, Brian and Terrance McKenna and Kurt Vonnegut to go visit Ivy Millichamp’s grave before making any comment about the allied bombing campaign during WW 11. I have yet to see anything about the bombing of German cities which also includes the full story of V – 1 and V – 2 rockets. Hitler named them, Vergeltungswaffens [ revenge weapons ], which were meant to kill civilians indiscriminatly. More than 8000 V – 1s were launched as were more than 2000 V – 2s. All tolled 12,000 people died and 25,000 were injured. 20,000 English homes were being destroyed each day of the V Bomb Blitz, which lasted from June 1944 to March 1945. The fucking nerve of these dimwits. I doubt that Irving, Vonnegut or the McKennas or any of the others ever did any research into the V Bomb Blitz? They never let any facts get in the way while centreing narrowly on Dresden. The story of Bomber Command [ 1936 /1945 ] has nothing to do with the Dresden fairy tale moment. Concentrating on Dresden, as if it were a window on the Allied bombing, particularly during 1943 to 1945, would be like trying to describe a World Series game in one home run or a dropped ball. It is ludicrous. It is all about no talent people doing anything for money. Democracy is endangered by those who play fast and loose with the truth, and we can’t allow it. Free speech is one thing, continual lies freely told is entirely different matter. I consider it Sedition. Namely speech or behaviour which threatens the peace of a Nation. I have included this bomber segment because it is instructive, and gives us a chance to peek into the minds of the eternal Fascists who are mostly Sociopaths. As Hitler hid in his little hole, he decreed all of Germany should be destroyed by his followers because, THE WAR HE STARTED WAS LOST. With the Fascists, EVERY TIME THEY SCREW UP SOMEONE ELSE GETS BLAMED. Watch the Nuremberg trials, the Nazi criminals would not take responsibility for their crimes. Neither will the rightpublicanazis take responsibility for the destruction of democracy in America.
The Fuhrer certainly had it in for the Allies. But he also saw his own people as expendable, the very ones who had followed him faithfully into hell. This is the same mentality which governs the actions of the US rightpublicanazis. They are prepared to destroy America in pursuit of their ideology. As one high ranking Republican said, if we can’t have the USA nobody shall. The Disunited States of America has tolerated Rightie Sedition for 40 years. Germany got what it deserved following Hitler. America is now reaping the whirlwind for having followed the Republican doctrine. Anti social and dangerous chatter can’t be tolerated by a vibrant democracy. Steve Harper, Jason Kenney, Brian Mulroney, Ezra Levant, Tom Flanagan, Preston Manning, Conrad Black and Russ Girling should not be allowed to spout seditious nonsense every time they feel the need. If they tell lies they should be charged with Sedition. If our Nazi media prints or broadcasts those lies they too should be charged with Sedition Whether in Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand or the USA, there is a latent fanaticism bred into some individuals, which when locked into the right wing ideology becomes firmly embedded. There is no hope of reversing the process. Once trained as a Pit Bull, always a pit Bull. Most Fascists, politicians, bankers, CEOs are Sociopaths or mad just like Steve Harper. The Fascists make it a habit of recruit young males before their brains are fully fledged. Much like in the case of the Hitler Youth, 1933 to 1945. In Canada, Preston Manning set up an indoctrination center in Calgary to work closely with the University there, as well as the Civitas Secret Society to graduate young men who were and are permanently warped mentally. They are trained to be anti democratic by US instructors from the rightie fringe. Want Canada to be fucked up as America is now? Then I suggest to the population, just keep on snoozing. This Country will be just like Nicaragua, the same US chains, only a colder climate. There is an old saying, ” Protect it or lose it “. There are many Harper Youth now walking around at loose ends, beyond help. They are a permanent threat to our democracy. They remain dangerous because Herr Harper is still around, our boy with the bald head is still working for BIG USA OIL remember. Houston is spending money and marking time, just waiting for 2019. I am sure many of these disturbed young people are busy working on the oilie smear campaigns against Rachel Notley, Premier of Alberta and PM Trudeau. You can pick these rightie zombies a mile out. The Harper Youth spout right wing nonsense by rote. Houston probably pays them for each comment. The Harper Youth clog the comment sections of the newspapers and on the internet. Repeat an oilie lie or four and get a cheque from Houston while sitting in your mother’s basement. The Post papers, the Globe and Tar, the Star, the Sun, Mclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC are all on the oil monopoly payroll. The Neal Bernard Hancock show is now traveling the countryside and really should be up for the Canadian Screen Awards come next March. Although I don’t know the rules for the Awards. All the money for this production comes from Houston and flows from the huge profits made by BIG OIl as a result of gouging Canadians for gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and natural gas. Is there no limit to the harm we inflict on ourselves in this state of slumber and willful ignorance??? If someone told you to cut up a tomato with a ball point pen you would laugh. But many in this Country don’t blink an eye when the Nazi media calls the tar / Benzine mix [ Napalm ], ** OIL ** a thousand times a day. When Houston was in its’ holding pattern through Xmas 2015, trying to figure out how to punish Canadians for rejecting Harper, I think two ideas gelled. The American oil monopoly has no interest in seeing pipelines constructed in Canada now or probably ever. But the situation offers a terrific opportunity to create a TRUDEAU TRAP with Paul Godfrey’s help. Theoilies have lots of ISIS stolen oil coming out of Turkey and as long as ISIS has petro dollars to spend, the terrorism will continue. A neat arrangement would you not say??? The secret Government in Washington is able to curtail human rights in the USA because of terrorism and the American oil monopoly gives money to the terrorist to keep up the good work. Large profits all round for Big Oil, Congress get its’ cut, Turkey is in on the act, Wall St. fences the money and petro cheques go out to the Nazi media including Paul Godfrey. On the other side of the coin, thousands of people in the Middle get killed or maimed, the area beomes a moonscape and North American drivers get skinned every time they fill up. Houston would never say to Albertans, we don’t want your tar because we are buying all the cheap oil we need from ISIS. The truth, we have abandon you for the time being, but stay close to your telephone. You never know??? Godfrey’s oilie scribes know all this, because almost everyone around the globe is in on the fix. Loyal Albertans have endured a 35 year long screwing at the hand of Houston. But is being tossed onto the tar heap as they presently are, enough to stop believing monopoly lies. Unlike normal human beings, Houston lives in very own fantasy land. The oilies can buy anything or anybody they want including Paul Godfrey and Bernard ” HAIR ” Hancock.. It is just one staged command performance after another for team Washington and the USA oil Monopoly. The OPEC crisis of 1973 was made in America. Washington wanted to counter the growing power of OPEC and the monopoly saw a chance get oil at a cheaper price by muscling OPEC. It did not work. OPEC reacted to the American thuggery by cutting off the supply of oil. The USA took a huge economic hit for a year and a half. Who did the US Nazi media blame??? RIGHT! OPEC! In 1979 Washington and the USA oil monopoly precipitated the Iranian Revolution. A happening, so shot through with incompetence, it mirrors the 2003 invasion of Iraq by Bush Jr. By 1980 the world oil market was in complete disarray and the oil price dropped to peanuts. The Revolution fallout devastated Texas and Alberta particularly. When the oil from Iran dried up, OPEC AND Russia opened the oil taps and flooded the market like now. Washington and the oil monopoly were helpless. They could not finish what they had started. Standard practice for the oilies, they killed the market back then, just like now. Did Washington and the USA oil monopoly accept responsibility for disrupting the world economy in 1980??? If you think that you are out of your fucking mind. There was no way the monopoly or the Washington secret Government would accept the blame for anything. They paid the global Nazi media to printed or broadcast distractions to divert attention. In Canada, the oilies paid our Nazi media to mount a campaign against Pierre Trudeau and his NEP and blame him for the oil price drop. Actually the NEP was legislation aimed at preventing the USA from confiscating Alberta’s oil in times of trouble. But Canadians never got that message. Rather they got the message from our Nazi media, bought and paid for by the American oil monopoly. On Trudeau’s NEP, as with the present tar / Benzine pipeline flim flams, Bitumen East and the Kinder Morgan plan to desecrate the Rockies are hidden by the Nazi media. Paul Godfrey is like a quack doctor, always giving bad advice If Kinder gets its’ way, every river valley from Edmonton to Burnaby will be at risk. There is an old saying, ” How do you get a mule’s attention “? Why you hit him square on the head with a two be four. What do we have to use to bash Canadians in order for them to wake up to the dangers of Tar /Benzine??????

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This post has been a long slog. Life moves along apace. For those who read or watch the global Nazi media, you fall further and further behind ever day. A recent study in the USA showed people who watch TV and buy newspaper know less than people who don’t go near papers / TV. This would make sense. No news is much better than FALSE NEWS. Most of the Canadian centerist writers and commentators have been driven out of our Nazi media. The answer from the right wing to any and all their opposition is to eliminate any competitions, even thoughts. The internet is the only place free speech exists to-day [ except he Guardian UK ]. Now, rightie propaganda does appear on the net.
You can usually tell if the site is rightpublicanazi, because the posters never reveal their true names. The oilie suits in Houston remain nameless. Harper, until he left to go on a short, oilie paid vacation, was directing the Fascists in Parliament from behind the curtain in the House. Of course the closet where Steve hid when the bullets began to fly on the Hill, is now available to any Fascist MP, if they feel frightened. So I guess with all of the progressives silenced on current events in Canada, relating to Provincial affairs, to foreign affairs, monetary policy and globalization, I have the field all to myself? Because of my age [ born in 1935 ], I have lived a lot of history. For 70 years I was there. I don’t have to Google Google for a distorted, sanitized version of history. When Paul Godfrey’s low paid / no paid interns write pieces for the National Post, I can see then a mile away. Going Google most often doesn’t tell the story. For intelligent Canadians, the scribbles of high school students doesn’t amount to much in a complex world. Obviously articles and news that contains errors or omissions satisfies the challenged readers of the PostMediocre papers. Intelligent people are constantly searching for excellence. For Post readers it is the exact opposite. I think they are so stupid they don’t know they are stupid. I’m guessing, buying Godfrey’s paper, probably makes the yobbs feel normal because they can grasp what is written. It is like a bed time story told to a 3 year old. In any event I have so much material to deal with. I am up to my clavicle in lies and misinformation, it is hard to know where to begin. I look at happenings to-day, tie them to the past if there is justification and then look where these events are going to take Canada. I don’t know of anyone else doing that. Thus you get an accurate view of where we are now, how history better explains the present and my best take on where events are taking us. An example.

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PRESENT *** Every day there is a ton of stuff about oil pipelines in the Can. Nazi media, almost all lies and made up things. Interestingly the news is all about oil, when the news should be about tar / Benzine. So at its’ core, the current debate is another flight of fancy by the American oil monopoly calculated to distract Canadians and mislead them. In the centre of all this turmoil is the USA oil monopoly agent provocateur, Russ Girling, CEO of TransNotCanada Pipelines. I became familiar wit Russ back when the Keystone XL pipeline was announced. From the very beginning almost everything that came out of Girling’s mouth was a lie. I had become used to the lies that Steve Harper mouthed. I was never able to come to a conclusion as to who was tops at telling whoppers. Much more important to me was the damage they were doing by telling continuous lies and even more serious was the fact that the Can. Nazi media printed these lies verbatim. Being a techie, I could see right through Russ Girling. It was clear that both Girling and the Nazi media, a true right wingers that they were dealing with the ignorant mob who would not catch on the the fact that they were being fooled. Since 2007 the scenario has never changed in this Country. Under the direction of Steve Harper and his National Energy Board, the American oil monopoly, TransNotCanada, Enbridge, Kinder Morgan, CAPP, CPR, CNR and our Nazi media have
conspired to tell tall tar tales which cover up the theft of this Nation’s petroleum resources and minimize the risks to life and limb and future of the populous. I think I would have to say, that all of the above, in concert, have indeed succeeded in making fools of Canadians. I expect this taking advantage, of a very naive people,
to continue until the General Election of 2019, at which time the USA oil monopoly and the Fascists will probably take power permanently. Just the fact that we are having this present debate confirms my appraisal. It is like watching a class of 5 year old jibber and jabber and attaching some or any importance to the jibberish. Just like with the Bernard ” Hair ” Hancock episode / phony petition and the NEB proceedings on Energy East [ Bitumen to Texas ] / Kinder Morgan [ Bitumen to California ] they are akin to a Hollywood production, completely choreographed. Canada, is in 2016 living on a movie set. Any sense of reality has fled.
[1] The American oil monopoly doesn’t need Alberta tar anymore. With the invasion of Iraq and the purchasing of ISIS stolen oil by the oil monopoly the tar sands operation has come to an end, it is dead meat. But it is a win-win-win for all the criminals involved. The money ISIS gets from the Americans, funds the War and world terrorism. The governing class in Turkey gets a cut for fencing the stolen oil. Congress gets a cut for turning a blind eye as well as giving them an excuse to abuse on human rights at home. And the oilies get cheap, easily refined oil, which they can sell at high prices in North America. It costs about $ 12 a barrel to ship Alberta tar to Texas and it is expensive to refine. This arrangement made sense to BIG OIL when the selling price was $ 100 a barrel a couple of years ago, but not at $ 45 a barrel. Then you add to the equation, ISIS oil at $ 15 a barrel and tar drops right of the screen.
[2] Energy East [ Bitumen to Texas ], will not go to Canadian refineries in the East. We don’t have any refineries here that can upgrade the tar. The NEB knows that there are no tar refineries in Eastern Canada, so that is a lie not addressed. The Board also knows there is no market for tar now but plays along with the oil monopoly’s plan to annex Canada. What have the NEB members been promised??? The proposed Kinder Morgan pipeline through the Rockies is equally fraudulent. The present old Transmountain pipe carries tar from Edmonton to Burnaby. There is no market for that tar in Asia, that is just another lie. The small ships laden with tar / Benzine go from Burnaby to heavy oil refineries in California. US oil monopoly Can. division, just sells tar to the US oil monopoly USA division in such a way at to minimize royalties, avoid paying taxes and spill levies. Even the Kinder Morgan tar shipments make no economic sense anymore, with so much ISIS oil available.
PAST The roots of the present phony Bitumen / pipeline debate in Canada
go back to the 1973 OPEC crisis. Washington / US oil monopoly precipitated that crisis. When it turned badly the Nazi media was brought in to cover things up. Although the crisis resonated around the world, it was the everyday Americans who suffered financially and they were greatly inconvenienced. Washington / oil monopoly escaped blame. In 1979 Washington / Amer. oil monopoly fomented the Iranian Revolution. The price of oil skyrocketed. Saudi Arabia and Russian, concerned about a world recession open up the oil taps and flooded the market. After which the price plummeted. All of a sudden the world had cheap oil but not North America. The monopoly did well however, they maintained a high price for gasoline in North America because it is a captured market. But the monopoly availed itself of cheap Saudi / Russian oil and stopped buying oil from Texas and Alberta. Again the Nazi media was brought in to cover up the blunder by Washington and the USA oil monopoly. Not satisfied with escaping blame one more time, the oil monopoly used the occasion to blame Pierre Trudeau and his NEP for the financial meltdown in Alberta. The NEP had nothing to do with killing world oil prices but was turned into a myth by the Nazi media. The reason is quite clear. The Congress didn’t like Pierre Trudeau. The Prime Minister was making noises about giving Canadians first dibs on Alberta oil. If there was a another crisis, Canada’s petroleum needs would be met first and only then would oil go to the USA. Congress said in so many words, to hell with that, who do these Canadians think they are. We will take all the oil we need. If Canada runs dry of gasoline tough. Though shit. So the american oil monopoly hired the Nazi media to mount a smear campaign against Pierre Trudeau and his NEP. That smear campaign is still ongoing. Every new rightie scribe, to win acceptance, has to mention the NEP at least half a dozen times in his / her first offering. The Iraq War, 2003 was orchestrated by Washington / USA oil monopoly / Britain. It was illegal, all about about securing Iraqi oil and the invasion was quite successful in this regard. The American oil monopoly now controls Iraqi oil by way of ISIS and has a secure supply of cheap oil, amounting to stolen goods. This oil is being stolen from the Iraqi people in a similar way to Alberta tar being stolen from the Canadian people for 30 years. But as always in these affairs the Nazi media was brought in and paid to cover everything up. Washington / Britain escaped being charged with Crimes Against Humanity for which many Nazis were hung at Nuremberg. The oil monopoly escaped being nailed for bullying, buying and selling stole goods on a world scale. In the present pipeline debate the same old forces are at work, Washington / American oil monopoly / Nazi media. The oil monopoly, has a PR Division in Houston which would rival that of the Hollywood studios of old. Not a word about oil or tar for that matter, gets into the world Nazi media unless parsed by Houston. If there is a spill, a derailment or blow out, it is revealed in the gentlest of terms, with the goal of making the story disappear. Politicians like Brad Wall, righties, talking heads and the Nazi media never ask any questions. They all just read from their scripts, sent them by Houston. The oilie inspired choreography at Megantic was a good example. The fairy tale was fully acted out. The exclusive oilie message was heard loud and clear. And Canadians were rendered the greater fools. Like Megantic, we now have another fairy tale being acted out by the usual cast. In Megantic, the message was, the tar / Benzine that blew up was not tar / Benzine, but regular oil from North Dakota. How regular oil from ND made it to a sleepy Town in Quebec was a question never asked or answered. It was probably beamed down from a rocket ship? The current debate over pipelines, which are no longer needed, is a fish of a different colour from Megantic, where something that happened was turned into something that didn’t happen. The only difference with the pipeline debate now ongoing is a dead issue is being talked about as if it were still alive. This fairy tale debate [ 2016 ], is being used by Houston to set a trap for PM Justin Trudeau, just like they did for his Dad. Or I would say Houston THINKS IT HAS SET A TRAP?
FUTURE The American oil monopoly as switched suppliers. The oilies are buying ISIS oil instead of Alberta tar. Pretty straightforward wouldn’t you say??? Alberta is suffering the shorts. The tar, which is the cornerstone of the Province’s health has no buyers. Houston would never leave such a story running around on the loose. So a new play has been written in which Russ Girling is in the leading role, with the Can. NEB supporting. The current plot sees Albertans hard up because tar isn’t getting to tidewater, meaning Texas. Houston, Brad Wall and Paul Godfrey, would have us believe the financial meltdown in Alberta is strictly caused by lack of pipeline capacity, for which the Trudeau Government can be blamed. If the Prime Minster doesn’t approve any of the no longer needed pipelines, he will be blamed for Alberta’s plight. If he approves
any / all of the no longer needed pipelines, the PM will be blamed for putting too many restrictions in front of the no longer needed pipelines and the environmentalist will be up in arms. The no longer needed pipeline issue is rich in divisiveness. Houston is manipulating this script is such a way as to set politician against politician, individual against individual, 1st Nations against 1st Nations and group against group, over a matter that now stand mute. It is amazing that none of the above participants ever questions the play. None of them seem to realize they are participating in a fantasy meant to blacken the name of the Government. Russ Girling keeps pushing for Bitumen East knowing it is not needed and will never be built. Kinder Morgan keeps
pushing for the new Transmountain Bitumen pipe, although it is not needed now and never will be built. The Harper NEB, continues to consider pipelines which are no longer needed and will never be built. Because TransNotCanada and Kinder Morgan made application for construction approval of pipelines which are no longer needed and which will never be built. The NEB is on autopilot playing its’ role as designated by Houston. Years back I wrote to the Chair of the NEB, explaining in detail the many dangers of tar mixed with Benzine. This was long before Megantic. My letter was never answered. I made two points to the NEB. First, define what the characteristics of tar / Benzine are, how it ignites, does it explode, how long does it burn, are the smoke and fumes dangerous, how can such a fire be fought, what special equipment is needed by firefighters, should citizens be evacuated and so on. The NEB has never answered. I also suggested that if an oil pipeline was approved then it can only be use for oil. It is illegal to put gasoline in a glass bottle. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Putting tar / Benzine in an ** OIL ** pipeline is doing the same. In any event such concerns have never made it into NEB deliberations. But the NEB plays a huge role in the current no longer needed pipeline fantasy. If the NEB ever started probing for the truth by asking tough questions this Houston theatrical production would collapse. Prime Minister Trudeau is going to be blamed for Alberta’s financial disintegration, from here till 2019.
Every twist and turn in daily events will be crafted and used to smear Trudeau by the Post paper, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC in the pay of the American oil monopoly. The facts will remain. The market for tar is dead. All of the pipelines in play are no longer needed and WILL NOT BE BUILT. Albertans will continue
to suffer financially. Justin Trudeau will be blamed no matter what course of action he takes within the industry as presently arranged. Trudeau’s reputation will be so damaged by 2019, Houston’s Client Chief, Steve Harper will return in glory to begin again the annexation of Canada. Unlimited petro dollars can do wonders in undermining democracy if there are a large number of turncoats and a majority of docile, sleepy citizens. So read / watch the Nazi media for daily doses of this Houston theatrical production about pipelines that are no longer needed and bringing down the Canadian Government by subterfuge. OR, AND THER IS AN OR???

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SOLUTION If I am being blame for something I DID NOT DO, I TAKE IT AS LICENSE TO DO AS I WISH! I suggest that the Prime Minster order the tar / Benzine mix to be thoroughly studied, as to being a dangerous explosive and highly toxic. I already know the answer so I can go on the the next step. The American oil monopoly is buying ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqi people. Meaning the monopoly doesn’t need Alberta tar. It is a situation which is not likely to change any time soon. So as Alberta withers on the vine, the monopoly is using this Province setback, of their making, to mounted
a political smear campaign against Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau. This shows a callous disregard for the people of Alberta by the oil monopoly. Of course the oilies always hire someone else to do their dirty work. In this case the shills are well known to us, Paul Godfrey and his Nazi media friends like CTV. As stated, the first step, analyze tar mixed with Benzine, so we know what we are dealing with. Then we take the bull by the horns, say FUCK YOU TO THE AMERICANS, THEN NATIONALIZE THE WESTERN PETROLEUM INDUSTRY. Just take it over, fire up the trucks, turn the tar into crude oil in situ and ship the crude to Canadian refineries from coast to coast to coast. A made in Canada solution, gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and natural gas with a Canadian price tag. Then no more of our loonies would go to buy bullets for ISIS. Nor fund global terrorism.

NEXT PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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For the last ten years Steve Harper has fucked up everything he has turned his hand to, EXCEPT, handing Canada over to the American and pushing the rightpublicanazi agenda. In this present Syrian crisis the Harper Fascists are at a complete loss. The University of Calgary, centre for regime change in this Country teaches its’ students that there are two classes of people, the self anointed exceptionalists like Harper, Kenny and Poilievre, then rest of us, the unruly, ignorant mob. Rightie doctrine as preached at the University says, GIVE NO QUARTER TO THE MOB. That is why, for the Fascists, providing humanitarian aid to our First People goes against their grain. The Fascists find it impossible to offer compassion and gainful employment to our veterans. The larger population in this Country is considered ill educated and dangerous by the Harper Fascists. Giving the riff raff a leg up would only make us more dangerous. Our Nazi media is well paid to see that the riff raff stays stupid. That’s how Paul Godfrey earns his million plus per year. For the National Post papers there is a ton of money to be made misinforming the citizenry and HIDING THE TRUTH. Possessed of such a compassion deficit Lyin Steve can’t bring himself to aid the 4 million Syrian refugees. Sucking and blowing at the same time is difficult if not impossible. In terms of the ongoing Civil War between the Sunnis and the Shiites in the Middle East it is fueled by the sale of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel to North Americans. So when drivers fuel up here, we are paying the salaries of the ISIS fighters and terrorists as well buying them guns. How can 350 million people be SO STUPID. Herr Harper, the Congress, Tony Abbot and David Cameron are using this citizen paid conflict to impose police state laws on their respective countries. We financially support the scary people, then the governments use our taxes to protect us from the scary people. So we are paying double to end up being scared. Stupidity??? YES!!! Steve IS NOT PROTECTING CANADIANS, RATHER HE IS TIGHTENING THE FASCIST GRIP ON THIS NATION. In terms of solving problems, the Canadian right and the American right have no experience. The righties only create problems and leave those problems for someone else to clean up. History is littered with rightie trainwrecks which they quickly walk away from. Then the Nazi media is paid to cover up. Do you buy a newspaper? If so, you are in favour of these trainwrecks which are destroying democracy? Since 1973, when Washington and the USA oil monopoly teamed up to crash the world in the American sponsored OPEC Crisis, the US Government and the oilies have led the globe on a merry chase of one oil fueled crisis after another. The world Nazi media has been paid a huge pile petro dollars to keep these stories away from the people in all countries. Just think the real stories has been kept off our screens for 40 years and WE HAVE PAID FOR THE DOING. In every case, lies were concocted to cover up, just as Chris Alexander is lying right now. Covering the lies results in the petro dollars flowing and flowing and flowing to the CTV’s and Paul Godfrey’s of the world. In fact lies are being concocted at this very moment, a regards the Middle East Civil War, terrorism and the crisis in Syria. The only news outlets where the truth is available now are the CBC, PBS, BBC and the Guardian UK / US. If you want to confirm Harper’s opinion of you, that you are ignorant, then don’t read any further. Buy a National Post, Globe and Tar or watch CTV to NOT FIND OUT about the Syrian / Middle East crisis. I am sure Andrew Coyne, John Ivison, Gary Mason and Robert Fife will be quite happy to send you on another wild goose chase. Lyin Steve has no humanity because he is mad. Harper has no capacity to solve problems because he was never taught problem solving at the University of Calgary. So where does that leave us old stock Canadians, who believe we are our brother’s / sister’s keeper? And how do we Canucks access almost 150 years of problem solving experience with Harper blocking our path? We have a major difficulty in that the entire media in this Country, is owned or controlled by Americans. The PostMediocre papers is managed by Paul Godfrey, a Canadian. He is paid more than a million dollars a year to deliver Canada into American hands. I keep saying, buy a National Post and help destroy democracy in this Country. So although Harper has created one problem after another in Canada, our Nazi media has been paid to cover those problems up. There is never a solution sought. As a result, this Nation is going to hell in a handbasket but the Nazi media will not tell Canadians that either. My entire life has been spent problem solving. At age 15 I started to fly and WORK on aeroplanes too. Everyday was spent problem solving. Getting it wrong could cost lives. Thus I developed the habit of not wanting to talks about problems. Rather I wanted to spend my time fixing problem. So let’s turn our attention to Syria and the Middle East.

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The most pressing matter is the refugee crisis in Syria and surrounding countries. Harper, Jason Kenny, his head trained seal and Chris Alexander, are trying to run the clock out by the use of verbiage aplenty. If Harper can delay any action until after the election the Fascists will be home free. Of course Lyin Steve is well into his dog-whistle politics. This means he is speaking in code. Canadians hear Harper say something and too many are toadstools. They believe what Steve says and take it at face value. But what Lyin Steve is saying to his Fascist base, we are not going to do anything about the Syrian Refugees nor are we interested in ending or shortening with ISIS. The Fascists do not want a whole bunch of Middle East refugees coming to Canada because it will cost the Government money no matter how much in private contributions are made. He’s not called Lyin Steve for nothing. Harper is so dishonest when he makes constant reference to the security issue. Using the security issue works in two directions. Who ever said that all those devious Americans working in the PMO don’t earn their big bucks. Touting security concerns allows Harper to refuse Syrian refugees
entry and to scare the hell out of Canadians at the same time. DETESTABLE? YES. BENEATH CONTEMPT? YES. If we are fortunate enough to avoid falling under the spell of the rightpublicanazis and the American oil monopoly on Oct. 19 / 15, I would suggest the following. The new Prime Minister could immediately contact, His Highness, King Abdullah II of Jordan who is housing almost a million refugees. Jordan has a population of little more than 8 million people and the burden of refugees could overwhelm the Country. Canada has a population of 35 million. The new Prime Minister could call the King on the phone with a two prong approach. Namely that Canada will take in 100,000 refugees who are now in Jordan. As well we could offer to assist King Abdullah in the care, feeding and health care of the rest of his refugees. Remember, 3 years ago Harper gave his employer, the American oil monopoly, $ 850 million OF OUR MONEY for carbon capture and storage [ a technology that has yet to be proven ]. Such facilities were never built and Godfrey and the Can. Nazi media never followed up. That eight hundred and fifty million dollars went right into Houston’s pocket. Quite often you hear about cities twinning up for their mutual benefit. I am thinking here of Canada twinning with Jordan. We should be saying to King Abdullah, we will take 100,000 of your refugees at no cost to you. And oh by the way, how can WE help YOU provide a decent life for the remaining refugees? The King will certainly need money but I sure there are many other ways to assist in what is a Jordan crisis too. The world Nazi media is showcasing the refugee mobs in Europe who are really country shopping, they’re using the real crisis in Syria as an excuse to move up the economic ladder. The aggressive actions of the refugees streaming into the EU are being shown as a way of turning people in the west against helping out. On the part of the world Nazi media this is beneath dishonest. getting paid to mislead, it is just disgusting. As with Herr Harper, this crisis is being used by Congress, David Cameron and Australia to refuse the refugees entry and to use the security baseball bat to impose police state rules. If Canada survives, once our Government commits to taking 100,000 refugees from King Abdullah, it can then organize churches and charitable institutions here with the view to measuring how they can help in this crisis. And how much money they would need to assist in carrying out this mission. This bullshit from Harper, Kenny and Alexander about matching the funds that are collected privately is just that, bullshit. It is just a smokescreen for doing nothing. Harper, with Republican help cheated in the 2011 Federal Election and got a slim majority. Things have not changed in Canada, the lying and cheating continues.

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I am amazed how little Canadians know about the Middle East. There has been a Civil War going on between the Sunnis [ Saudi Arabia ] and the Shiites [ Iran ] for 1300 years. The money to fund this conflict in recent times came from selling oil to the West, the biggest customer was and is the USA. There was probably some concern expressed 30 years ago, about the fact that some of the money going to the Middle East, from oil purchases by the west was being diverted to the Civil War and Terrorism. But the fact that the US was not yet self sufficient in oil meant the usual selfishness of the Americans prevailed. If some of the petro dollars were being funneled to killers tough bananas. If a few Muslims lost their lives sobeit. We know that such loss of life is referred to by the oilies as just collateral damage. Like the collateral damage in Megantic. The deaths of 47 innocent victims in Megantic and the 22 orphans left can be chalked up to the cost of doing business. With Houston, it is heads they win and tails we lose. The deaths in Megantic can be laid at the doorstep of Herr Harper, his employer the American oil monopoly. The monopoly owned the tar / Benzine bomb mix that blew up in Megantic and took no responsibility. CPR carried this bomb mix from Fort McMurray illegally and forged the Manifest. CP claimed the black shit that blew up came from North Dakota, a lie the Nazi media was paid to carry and continues to carry. The Canadian Transportation Safety Board cooked their Megantic report and the people involved should be ashamed of themselves. To some people a pay cheque is worth way more than the truth. An inquest into the 47 deaths was never held, Harper didn’t want it. The deaths and the orphans are considered by Houston and the CPR as collateral damage. And they got away with it, they never paid a dime. Lyin Steve gave Megantic taxpayer’s money. The rule of thumb with the righties, if they mistake, the ignorant mob always pays the bill. You know, maybe Elizabeth Cannon, head of the University of Calgary is right to teach the Nietzsche Myth. It would almost seem that the Nietzsche Myth is true. In that the ignorant mob is indeed stupid. Harper, the oilies and the CPR killed those 47 people in Megantic and we must not forget the 22 orphans. It cost them nothing. Canadian taxpayers got stuck with bill. Are the taxpayers stupid? I am not sure? Said USA oil monopoly makes a handsome profit and the UNPROTECTED victims, paid with their lives. And the Fascist Government looked the other way. We keep paying for rightie mistakes over and over and over again. Can we be that stupid?? The right wing could actually be right after all? As long as the USA oil monopoly is permitted to operate as a monopoly by Herr Harper and the Congress innocent people will continue to die here in North America and in the Middle East. Operating a monopoly is against the Law. The reason for the continuing existence of this illegal American oil monopoly is that every Republican in Congress has been bought off by the oilies. Also, there are a lots of petro cheques flying around here in Canada. Petro cheques go to Paul Godfrey / Post, David Thomson / Globe, CTV and all the other Nazi news outlets [ not the CBC ]. In return for this dough our Canadian Yankee – lovers bury the truth.

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Now for a goodly slice of the truth. The 1973 Oil Crisis was caused by the American oil monopoly trying to muscle OPEC into lowering their price for petroleum. The oilies in their greed, were backed by Pres. Nixon who had abandon Bretton Woods. An agreement signed in 1944 by 44 nations to facilitate the rebuilding of the world economic system sought to moderate the dog eat dog nature of internation dealings before the War. Bretton brought stability to the globe for almost 30 years by giving smaller countries a break. Bretton was another of FDR legacies. The Republicans never liked Bretton, it restricted the Yankee free wheelers who wanted as much for themselves as they could get and still do. The Vietnam War was costing the US a ton of money, the debt was increasing as was unemployment. Nixon looked for an easy way out. He could not politically cut spending on the War. Rather, he chose to abandon Bretton. This abandonment immediately improved America’s financial standing in the world. Nixon could just begin to print money which was no longer tied to gold. A number of smaller, weaker countries were adversely affected by Nixon’s arbitrary abandonment of Bretton. The President took upon himself the ” KING OF THE CASTLE ” role, which was very popular on Wall Street and in the USA but not elsewhere. Nixon changed America’s place in the world, from benefactor to bully. Just like Mad Harper. The USA was using its’ might to shift its’ financial burden onto the backs of others without their say so. Republican leadership failed yet again as it had done in 1929. There is an old saying,” If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you will always have Paul’s support “. Financial order began to break down globally. OPEC members found themselves on the short end of the stick, the price they got for their oil was immediately lowered due to Nixon’s unilateral move in 1971. It was like Nixon said to OPEC, ” we have just cut your pay cheque and there is nothing you can do about it. The US oil monopoly and OPEC, at that time a loose collection of oil producing nations, started negotiations. Washington wanted to retain the reduced price for oil, a gift which the abandonment of Bretton had brought it. During these negotiations Nixon exerted pressure on the OPEC countries, to show them who was boss. John Connally, Secretary of Treasury, told the French at this time, ” The US currency is our’s, the problems with it are your’s. Foreign Governments are out to screw us. Our job is to screw them first “. Adam Smith [ 1723 / 1790 ], an economist, who the righties love to misquote talked of, ” beggaring all your neighbours “. That is exactly what Nixon had done. The abandonment of Bretton was called the ” Nixon Shock “. In the end, the results could be called America’s shock. The USA paid a huge price the hubris of Nixon and the illegal oil monopoly. With leadership like this who needs enemies??? Nixon hoped to divide the membership of OPEC. The arrogance of the Americans seems always to preclude having a /\ Plan B /\. The OPEC members, rather than pulling apart drew closer together. They reacted to the US threats by TURNING THE OIL SPIGOT OFF. Nixon was caught with his pants down and American’s suffered economically. There were long line ups a gas stations. The biggest hit to the USA was due to the ham fisted approach by the USA oil monopoly. In all my research I have seen a review of the conduct of the USA oil monopoly in 1973 crisis. Although a player in the OPEC oil embargo the oilies bought silence from the nazi media. Control of the world oil market was ceded to the oil producing countries by the Americans. The only area on the globe now controlled by the Yankee oilies is North America where 300 million plus inhabitants are held hostage by the oil monopoly. There is no competition, they charge what they want for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel because Harper and Congress let them. Even though ISIS stolen oil costs the monopoly peanuts. If Canada survives as a democratic Country after October 19 / 15, one of our first moves, the petroleum industry must be nationalized. Too, too easy!

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Shah Reza Pahlavi was a dictator, who ruled Iran from 1941 to 1979. The Shah was a puppet of the USA, his main task was to insure a steady supply of cheap oil to the Americans. There was unrest from time to time in Iran as the people protested the fact that the USA was in a sense stealing the oil resources and depriving the Nation of the money needed for the maintenance of some semblance of a decent lifestyle. Just like the American oil monopoly has been robbing Alberta blind for years. After the 1973 OPEC oil crisis, Shah Pahlavi began to have difficulties keeping his people under control. Anti American sentiment was on the rise. The Shah began to criticize US actions in an attempt to placate his people. Pres. Nixon was not pleased. Shah Pahlavi said to the NYT in 1973, ” Oil prices will rise. The US increases the price of wheat to us by 200%. You buy our our crude oil and sell it back to us refined at 100 times the price you paid us. Sounds like Canada eh??? Unrest got worse in the late 1970s and Jimmy Carter took note. The Iranian Army was under the control of 40,000 American advisers, who were paid out of the people’s share of oil revenues. Just like Canadians. We pay for the US owned Nazi press and all of the think tank charities like the Fraser / Manning Institutes, dedicated to the overthrow of this Country. Washington was sure the Iranian Army could handle any uprising that occurred. Jimmy Carter saw the Shah as a some times friend of the US, at best a weak puppet. Control of the oil fields in Iran was of critical importance to the USA, they needed a committed full time puppet. Carter set out to depose Shah Pahlavi. American officials recommended a religious leader by the name of Ayatollah Khomeini to be the new US puppet. Khomeini had been exiled to France by Pahlavi. The US operatives saw this religious man as being totally malleable, someone who would appreciate being reestablished in his home Country by the Americans. NOT! Boy did Carter blow it. The Khomeini Iranian Revolution ensued, the Army its’ declare neutrality and sat on its’ hands. In 1979 oil production in Iran was restricted and panic set in but it was not justified. Long lines appeared at gas stations in the USA. This was because Washington was disconnected from the crisis, gave no direction and let the USA oil monopoly do what it does best, generate profits. During the entire time of the crisis, 5 years, the monopoly was in control. The interests of Big Oil trumped the interests of the people. Interestingly, during the 73 OPEC crisis and the 79 Iran crisis, America fell apart at the seams economically. Russia, in the same world as the USA suffered no such dislocations. The price of a barrel of oil was at about $ 14.50 at the time the Revolution broke out. It soon reached almost $ 38 a barrel in 1980, although global oil production actually only shrank 4 %. That shortfall was very quickly made up The high price only lasted for a few months after which it began dropping. There was no reason for the US to suffer an economic hit in 1981 other than the oil monopoly was minding the store and it stuffed its’ pockets. Again, the journalists who know about this industry were and are strangely silent. Did they too get petro cheques. In 1985 the price was $ 28 and in 1989 was $ 14. Jimmy Carter had bungled his way into a revolution and then followed it up with a series of incoherent statements and policies. The Washington Government was AWOL, adrift on a stormy sea. The American oil monopoly had lost control of the Iranian oil fields but quickly moved to make money during the turmoil from the only people who they still had / have under their thumb, Americans and Canadians. We were gouged oilies, starting in 1973, then again 1979, we’ve been gouged over the years since then and we are still being gouged, as of Sept. 21 / 15. Saudi Arabia remained cool under fire in 1979. The 1973 OPEC crisis had badly affected the USA economy and it was a good lesson. In 1980, the Saudis were not about to allow their American market disrupted by the Iran Revolution. Saudi Arabia flooded the market with oil. Russia, a Country prevented from playing a role in the world oil market by the Americans saw its’ chance and also pumped oil into the market. There should have been no US oil shock in 1979. The phony oil shortage was fabricated by Jimmy Carter and the American oil monopoly. For what real reason escapes me? Except there was a huge transfer of wealth from the just getting by to the already filthy rich. This massive theft was facilitated as usual by the US Nazi press. There was never a great differential in oil prices for a dozen years, it should have been easy to manage this crisis. In 1977 *** $ 14 a barrel. In 1980 *** $ 37 a barrel. In 1984 *** $ 28 a barrel. And in 1990 *** $ 23 a barrel. The ups and downs were gradual and would have allowed anyone who had half a brain and was paying attention, to adjust. The Iranian Revolution hit Alberta hard. It was the American oil monopoly, supposedly Alberta’s best friend, that began buying cheap Russian oil. They didn’t need Canadian oil but our Nazi press remained mum. There is good money in mum. Just like Secretary Connally said of the USA, we’re going to get to outsiders first and screw them. Well the Province got screwed by oilies, who stopped buying Alberta oil. But instead of the oilies in Houston coming clean about causing the Iranian Revolution and hanging their heads in shame, they did what the do second best, create fantasies. They hired our Nazi media to advertise the oilie’s latest fantasy, to shift the focus of Albertans. The American oil monopoly started doling out cash, stolen from Alberta, to initiate a smear campaign against Pierre Trudeau and his NEP. The National Energy Program was an OIL SECURITY DOCUMENT to protect this Country in case of another OIL SHORTAGE like in 1973. Trudeau’s NEP prevented the American oil monopoly from delivering all of OUR OIL to the YANKEES in case of a shortage. It was a pretty simple policy. Canadians get first dibs on their own oil before any is exported. You would think the majority of people in this Country would have been pleased with Trudeau’s move. We here get to fill our tummies first. If there is any food left over it can then be exported to the USA. But the oilies in Houston and Congress were not happy campers. Being self appointed to the status of being the most important people on the face of the earth, they were not about to let any Elected Prime Minster of Canada decide what the oil rules are. During the period, 1980 to 1988 the was an OIL GLUT. The NEP had no application, it pertained to AN OIL SHORTAGE. As ever, our Nazi media was quite happy to take money from the Houston oilies, to print or broadcast the Trudeau NEP Myth. For anyone who wanted to know what the NEP was all about, a minimal amount of checking would have revealed the whole pro Canadian story. I think Canadians in the 1980s / 90s were naive. They had no experience with a Nazi press. The use of the newspapers to propagandize a people was perfected by Hitler. In his Mein Kampf he said, if you tell lies to an ignorant people often enough they will take it as the truth. During the 1970s, a Nazi media was created in the USA by the right and it was made official under a demented Reagan. US papers and TV could lie or make stuff up all they wanted. Those on the left, whose reputations were destroyed or who suffered economically had no recourse. Canada had and has laws which prohibit yellow journalism. But in 1980, in Alberta, the USA oil monopoly ruled the roost. If Houston said jump everyone in Alberta jumped. The Trudeau / NEP Myth was repeated over and over and over and just like Hitler said, the naive people of Canada did not seek the truth, they just accepted what the Can. media told them. The NEP story had legs. This BIG LIE, still makes it into the pages of the PostMediocre papers to-day. And believe it or not there are Canadians who still believe the NEP LIE. So from the 1990s onward, the owners of newspapers and TV stations in Canada gradually fell in behind the Reagan Doctrine. Namely that said media, was free to cater to the Republicans and the right by printing lies or misinformation or False news or spin or propaganda without fear of prosecution. Canada’s Laws in this regard prevented the wholesale importation of the above abuse of press power. In certain areas of American interest our media ditched the truth in favour of petro dollars from Houston. As the Harper Fascists bought votes with oilie money and introduced Republican dirty tricks to our elections our media mode went the full Nazi. As well our media became their media. Ownership of the means of printing and broadcasting in Canada can’t be owned more than 49%. Harper just ignored that Law and now our media is 90% owned by Americans. The only voice heard by Germans was Hitler’s. The only voice heard by Canadians to-day is the Yankee voice except for the CBC. If Harper cheats his way to power on Oct. 19 /15 the CBC and the CRTC will be vanished by the Fascists. The worst offender in the Nazi media game is Paul Godfrey. I get and read my free National Post. The free bit is scrumptidelicious. Just think, I get all of Paul’s lies, reports from the Donner Foundation sponsored Fraser Institute, George F. Will / a good friend of Conrad Black and Charles Krauthammer. I have been listening to Charlie for a good 30 years repeat the right wing ideology endlessly. All during that time the US ship has settled deeper and deeper into the water. What a legacy? After all that effort, the only thing the Kraut and his friends can say is, we helped destroy America. I think Charles should have Madame Tusaud make a wax likeness of him. The same tape machine that Georgie Bush had under his jacket could be installed in the Charlie dummy. So when the Nazi media wanted a comment from the Kraut, they could just film the wax likeness and record the rightie inspired tape. It would do at least as much for America as listening to the real Charlie. Then Krauthammer could retire to a gated community some place, to await the civil uprisings, soon to engulf the States There has been a major changes in Canada especially in the last 10 years. We used to treasure the truth and treat it like pure gold. Many Canadians still treasure the truth. But now, far too many Canadians have come to tolerate the lies, believing them to represent the truth. A Country thus misled and built on lies will not long stand.

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The American oil monopoly, in one move after another has gone backwards in the last 50 years. At one time the illegal monopoly owned or controlled 85% of the world’s oil supplies and 75% of the globe’s refining capacity. Those numbers to-day are, the oilies own or control about 8% of the world’s oil and about 60% of its’ refining capacity. Houston’s ever present arrogance has snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and too many occasions to count. Oil resources belong to the people in the countries in which the petroleum is found. The US monopoly has never respected that fact. If Houston decides they want something they go after it fair or foul without regard for the human cost. Since the Republicans allowed the oil monopoly to set up shop in the 1920 their raison detre has never changed. They take what they want. If people get in their way they just roll over the trouble makers, killing some along the way. Like Megantic in July 2013. But over time those trouble makers have fought back and in most battles have expelled the oil monopoly. On exception was the docile population of Albert, they put up with the oilie shit until Rachel Notley / NDP were elected in May this year. The oilies blew the OPEC crisis of 1973 which they initiated. The USA surrendered control of the world oil market to the Middle East oil producing countries. A humiliating defeat but the global Nazi media held their tongues. Holding one’s tongue is a very profitable business. Holding one’s tongue means a steady stream of petro dollars from Houston. Not having learned, anything Washington and the Republican oil monopoly became upset with Shah Pahlavi of Iran, a puppet ruler that had installed in 1941 after his Father was removed from office. But over time the Iranians got sick of the USA stealing their oil, like the Albertans finally did. To confront unrest in Iran the Shah began taking anti American stances. Washington was not amused. Jimmy Carter decided his puppet the Shah had to go. Carter was convinced that a religious Iranian, living in exile in Paris would make a good replacement puppet. Rohollah Khomeini, had, for some time been agitating against the Shah. Khomeini and his group, both in Paris and in Iran has been solidifying support for a revolution. Jimmy, the boy who would be President and the Houston oilies were oblivious to the real threat Khomeini represented. The Shah was packed off, Carter brought in his new puppet, Khomeini. Who turned out to be anything other than a puppet. The Iranian Revolution began almost a soon as puppet number two’s feet touch home soil. Carter, the US military and the American oil monopoly were totally taken by surprise, idiots all. The turmoil in the Middle East was quickly contained with little affect. The turmoil in the States went on for years. How could Carter, Reagan and the oil monopoly deal with problems created by themselves. Blame was spread around bu the US Nazi media and the economic pain being felt by the American people was just allowed to fester. By the time of Richard Nixon, the United State had lost the ability to solve problems both domestic and foreign. Henceforth all the Yankees did was generate trouble. They ignored troubles and wished them away. Or they blamed somebody else. This has been the policy of the rightpublicanazis for almost 50 years. Herr Harper was taught same at the Univrsity of Calgary. Never admit to making a mistake and always pass blame to scapegoats. This approach only works if one controls the printing press. Lyin Steve does control our Nazi media [ except the CBC, that is why the Corporation is number one on Harper’s hit list ]. If Mad Harper does actually cheat his way to victory in October /15, I’ll be one of the first inmates in his new concentration camps. I have written so many nasty things about the Harper Fascists, especially Jenni Byrne, the lady with the whip and the chair. It that comes to pass I might just enjoy my time on the parade ground of the camp, meeting up with the other patriots and rabble rousers, David Suzuki, Margaret Attwood, Neil Young, Donald Sutherland [ who Harper will have deported, from the USA ], Alison Redford, Rachel Notley, Tom Mulcair, Justin Trudeau [ his father Pierre will be exhumed and the remains displayed at the camp to show that Herr Harper was the victorious ONE! ] and among others, David Climenhaga. Dave is a writer who has been swimming against the oilie current in Alberta for far too many years. I have listed OPEC / 1973 and the revolt in Iran 1979 and as I commented that Washington and the oilies HAD LEARNED NOTHING. I ain’t kidding. During the 1970s and 80s the USA oil monopoly and the CIA had taken over Venezuela. The Yankees had install a Kleptarchy Government. That term means rule by a group of thieves. Our own Kleparchy Governments reigned in Alberta till May 2015 and one presently rules in Ottawa. Under this den of thieves the Venezuelan people had a poor educational system, no healthcare, did not have access to clean water and often went hungry while the American oil monopoly stole billions of dollars from this impoverished Country shipping out their oil. In 1992 revolution hung in the air. Hugo Chavez, was a soldier who had been organizing against the Oilies and the puppets in the Kleptarchy. Various uprisings sprang to life and with the help of the CIA they were crushed. It has been estimated that 200 or 300 people were killed on all sides. Over time the oppressed Venezuelans saw Chavez as standing against the US oil monopoly’s thieving ways. Never a lessons learned, did they. The coup d’etat gathered steam and the Chavez forces prevailed. Elections were help in Venezuela 1998, among people with little understanding of democracy. Hugo Chavez was elected President. Actually that election in Venezuela was a model of the democratic exercise as WE once knew it. The huge underclass voted and swamped the Yankee lovers. It shows how far the USA has strayed from gauging the will of the people. Only the American elites get to vote, the Republicans see to that by rigging elections. This identical system of tyranny may be entering Canada for the first time in almost 150 years, come October. the Family Compact may be headed back. Chavez booted the American oil monopoly out and nationalized the Country’s oil fields. The CIA was sent packing too. When Georgie Bush became President he was obsessed with having Chavez assassinated. You have probably never heard about this coup. That is because the world Nazi media is so skilled at creating the world according to the oilies anddoing it on demand. Smear Stelmach, right! Smear Alison Redford, of course! Smear Rachel Notley, immediately sirs! No tears should be shed for the above Fascist media. The management of our papers and TV stations [ not the CBC ] are well compensated with petro dollars. The work is really not that hard. Paul Godfrey gets more than a million bucks a year for reprinting oilie E-Mails written in Houston. After the American oil monopoly was banned from Venezuela Bush Jr. tried to use the world financial system to steal Venezuela’s money and break the Country. But China stepped in to provide support. The world Nazi press published report after report about the failures of the Chavez Government. Hugo greatly improved the Country’s educational system, in some ways better than the USA. The quality of health care was bettered. Water plants were upgraded and new ones built. The quantity and quality of the food supplies was much improved. What’s not to like about Chavez??? Every effort by the CIA ended in failure, the Venezuelans were having none of it. Did the world Nazi media cover this story about American interference in a sovereign Country? Nooooooo. Are you kidding me? What the media did cover over and over and over again [ Hitler style ] was the fact that oil shipments from Venezuela dropped by 50% after the Yankees got the boot. The stupid bastards, 2nd rate stenographers at that, didn’t tell the world, under the Yankee boot Venezuela only got a slim sliver of the value of their oil. Rather, the Chavez Government got all the money and thus it didn’t have to ship near as much oil. Just one of the thousands of lies told over time on behalf of the American oil monopoly. Another story that didn’t make it into the papers was that the USA oil monopoly, being cocksure Venezuela would ALWAYS BE UNDER ITS’ THUMB, build heavy oil refineries in Texas and California to handle the VERY HEAVY VENEZUELAN OIL. Now this is real oil that flows, like the oil used in manual transmissions, 90 SAE. These expensive upgraders / refineries were built in Foreign Trade Zones. There are areas on American coasts zoned FTZs. American companies can bring petroleum or other products into a FTZ, process them, then ship the finished items back into the world, WITHOUT PAYING ANY US DUTIES OR TAXES. It is just one more way for corporations to steal from the American people. When the Nazi media talks about the Keystone Pipeline, they are paid NOT to tell you that the pipe would carry Alberta tar and Benzine [ illegally ] and WATER FROM ALBERTA AS A BACKUP PROPOSAL. IF TEXAS STARTS GETTING ALBERTA THEN SASKATCHEWAN CAN FORGET ABOUT GETTING ANY MORE WATER FROM THE ROCKIES. AND TO THINK BRAD WALL SUPPORTS THE KEYSTONE. WHAT DOES BRAD DO FOR BRAINS? The Keystone will travel from Hardisty Alta. to the Foreign Trade Zone in Texas and never touch US soil. The Canadian shiny black shit that blows up was / is a substitute for the Venezuela heavy oil that the American oil monopoly was going to steal. so the oilies just changed gears. Their idle upgraders and refineries would be put to work processing our bitumen mixed with Hi Octane Benzine and sell it to the world market. Every time Russ Girling opens is mouth he tells lies. Every time Russ Girling tells lies, the North American Nazi media prints those lies. Do you know why? TransNotCanada, owned by Wall Street, pays big money to the Nazi press to publish Girling’s lies. Now that the USA oil monopoly has destabilized the world oil market by buying ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil on the cheap, there is no demand for oil made from Albertan bitumen. In terms of the now idle upgraders / refneries sitting in the Texas FTZ, Canada should make an offer of 20 cents on the dollar after we nationalize the petroleum industry in this Country. Those facilities could be dismantled and shipped by sea to Churchill Manitoba for transshipment to Fort McMurray. Then we could process our own bitumen into crude oil and ship same via the Twin Beaver Pipeline all across this Nation. This to be refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, bearing a made in Canada price. The billion of dollars now being paid to the US oil monopoly for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, refined south of the border would remain in the pockets of Canadians. Venezuelans stood up to the Houston oilies, why can’t we. With new leadership in Ottawa we will be able to get this job done. No more American monopoly gouging. The amount of money being syphoned from this Country by American corporations would pay for Medicare, reduce student debt, improve our educational system, tackle unemployment, especially among the young and create hundreds of thousands of good jobs. I think we should be generous and pay at least something for the petroleum infrastructure owned by the oilie, in our west. I’d even go as far as offering money to help the Houston suits who live in Calgary to go back home.

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After striking out a third time in Venezuela, the American oil monopoly teamed up with Georgie Bush to grab the oil fields in Iraq. They used the world Nazi press to turn Saddam Hussein into a fantasy bad guy, someone with weapons of mass destruction. Washington and the oilies were looking for another Country where they could steal oil. A game they had been playing since 1970. The toppling of Hussein and providing a better life to the Iraqis was pure Georgie Jr. bullshit. It was the oil. It was the oil. It was that oil! Again the American clods walked into a trap of their own making
Dick Cheney, the VP, ran the US during the Bush Jr. Presidency and his interest was reestablishing the American oil monopoly as numero uno in the industry. Dominating the Iraqui oil fields would allow Washington and the oilies to throw its’ weight around in the Middle East as well as finding another source of cheap oil, as per usual the people had no say in the matter. Donald Rumsfeld was in charge of the military but never was a soldier. His job was to seize control of Iraq, set up a puppet Government as had been done in Iran and Venezuela without success. Don’s ideas coincided with that old saying, ” If at first you don’t succeed try, try again “. Although Rumsfeld added a new wrinkle, when you try again, keep doing the same stupid thing over and over again. About the proposed coming conflict Rumsfeld didn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. The military said 500,000 troops would be needed, Rummy said he’d need only 125,000. What faced the Americans, like a minefield, just below the surface was the Middle East Civil War between the Shiites / Iran and Sunnis / Saudi Arabia. Fighting between the Shiites and Sunnis bubbled up from time in various Middle East countries but never in Iran or Saudi Arabia themselves. Once the Americans arrived in Iraq the two factions used it as excuse to attack one another being financed and supplied by the Iranians and the Saudis. So the US military was not fighting one enemy but two. Rumsfeld’s idea of occupying the Country and setting up a puppet Government was a solution too far. Much of the time the American soldiers were acting like umpires at times. The border between Iraq and Syria is about 450 km long. Rumsfeld decided that he could police that border with helicopters. Syria which produces nothing and is on an Iranian payroll offered an opportunity to Iran and the Shiites to become involved in the Iraq War. With an even split between Shiites and Sunnis in Iraq, it was seen by Iran that it could enter the conflict, help drive the Americans out and end up taking over Iraq. Iran could not attack Iraq from home turf by a frontal operation. There were too many US troops in the west of Iraq. But entering by the back door from Syria was very inviting. As long as the US concentrated its’ forces in the west of Iraq, Iran could insert fighters across the Syrian / Iraq border as long as they could dodge Rummy’s helicopters. Iran advertised, looking for anyone who wanted to bag a Yankee. Such fighters traveled to Iran, they were airlifted to Damascus in Syria and put up at the Four Seasons. After orientation and a few days of R and R the fighters were kitted out. They were bused to the Iraq border where they crossed on foot, heading to the battle field. They were supplied with tents that blended in with the sand dunes. Early on, during the daytime, the fighters stayed in their tents and move only at night. The Iran started handing the insurgents ground to air heat, seeking missiles. The fighters would sit in their tents, then the woop woop of a US helicopter would be heard in the distance. A fighter would get up, load a missile into the hand launcher and wait. When the copter was overhead, he would step out of the tent, fire the missile and the helicopter would go boom. This happen over and over again and the Black Hawk crews never knew what hit them. One by one Rummy sent his copters in this meat grinder. After the 65th Blackhawk went down Rumsfeld pulled out of defending the Syrian / Iraq border. He would have needed 100,000 more soldiers to police that border and Don wasn’t about to make a fool of himself. He was going to have his cheap war no matter what, no matter how many lives were lost and how much the War cost. Rummy estimated that only a few insurgents were coming into Iraq from Syria. Rather than a few it was many hundreds of fully equipped fighters every week. Iranian supplies were now crossing an undefended border The insurgent’s job was to destabilize the forces of the new provisional, US puppet government. Iraq became a huge boxing ring with many participants, each throwing punches in all directions. Rumsfeld fell out of favour and was dumped. As Rummy left he kept repeating don’t blame me, typical right winger. Screw up, run away and blame someone else. What Bush Jr. and Cheney had created was a no man’s land in which the Shiite / Sunni Civil War could be greatly expanded and in which thousands of fighters were now milling around. The conflict had one source of income, the people in North America who buy gaoline, Diesel and jet fuel. The USA oil monopoly had / has a captive customer base here, faced / faces no competition and was / is backed 100% by a Republican Congress and the Fascist Harper Government. Out of the mix of Muslims in the Iraqi no man’s land are 3 distinct
groups, Shiite, Sunni and a new fundamentalist organization called ISIS. The Iraqi War poisoned the atmosphere in Syria and the opponents of Assad attempted to overthrow him. The Iranians were no prepared to see the Sunnis take over so the conflict in Iraq joined the conflict in Syria which us where we are to-day. The west has been involved for some time and now the Russians are coming in just to stir the pot up. In any type of tussle, what you have to do is look for the choke point. Instead of being fixated on all the stuff whirling around it is a matter of looking for a point where minimum effort can produce maximum results. In the ISIS, Iraq, Syria it is totally based on oil. If North America stopped buying Middle east oil the conflict would grind to a halt. Just who is buying ISIS, Iranian and Russian oil. Why surprise, surprise, the AMERICAN OIL MONOPOLY. They own about two thirds of the refineries in the world and own less that 10% of the oil supplies. The monopoly will buy cheap oil from anywhere and from anyone, even from criminals like ISIS. The resulting conflict and terrorism suits the US Congress, Harper’s Fascists, David Cameron’s Thacherites and Australia’s right wing government to a TEE. Close down the fighting and neuter the terrorists means the righties would have to pay attention to the needs of the citizens rather than imposing their law and order ideology. In simple terms North Americans are paying for both sides of the Middle East Civil War and both side of the Syrian conflict. This is just insane. But when the world Nazi press is withholding information, misleading people and lying at every turn what else could one expect???

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For Canada the choice is clear if we have a country after October 19 /15. Parliament must immediately ban the importation of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel from the USA which is refined from ISIS stolen oil or illegal oil from Iran and Russia. The American oil monopoly will have to certify that Canada’s imports come from domestic oil. The second step is to begin the process of establishing upgrading and refining capacity in this Country be reopening closed refineries, buying excess refineries from other countries or expropriating operating refineries. Now is the time to strike, prices for infrastructure
and equipment are at rock bottom prices. In Canada there is in excess of $ 650 billion looking for investment opportunities. The market for petroleum products is the 35 million people in Canada who are now being gouged by the USA oil monopoly. And a potential market of over 2 billion people in the UK and the British Commonwealth with which we already have close trading ties. Canada is about 80% self sufficient now in all areas. A good effort in becoming Masters / Mistresses in our own house could yield a rate of 95% self sufficiency. The US oil monopoly should be banished from Canada where operating a monopoly is against the Law. If the Yankees want to tolerate the monopoly like they do Wall Street then that is their problem. Enough already.

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I have written before about the American oil monopoly buying ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqi people. I have been monitoring the US response to the sale on the black market of ISIS oil. The measures are laughable. It is evident that Washington will not challenge their very own oil monopoly, their efforts are like the Keystone kops. Ensure no crimes will ever be solved. Congress rakes too much money off the illegal oil business to take any action. So under the circumstances, the new Canadian Government should insist on new targets or pull our forces out of the Middle East. There are maps on the net which show what oil refineries are now under ISIS control. Actually the American have expanded a small refinery in eastern Turkey which produces gasoline and diesel for ISIS. Here again the choke point should be where we focus our attention. Each refinery under ISIS control has a road system, electricity, water, a pipeline or a rail line. Take them all out and leave the refineries intact. The oil will remain in the ground. ISIS WILL GET NO MONEY AND HOPEFULLY IRAQ CAN RETURN TO NORMAL AND THEIR OIL WILL BE THERE WAITING IN THE GROUND. If there is any attempt by ISIS to reactivate the occupied Iraq refineries the fighter jet could take them out. ISIS would run out of money very fast. And maybe the shareholders of the American oil monopoly would get the message. Dealing in stolen goods can bring jail time. It is time the US Government started paying attention to and prosecuting the corruption on Wall Street and in Houston.

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THE GREAT GRETZKY GOOFED — Wayne may be a great sports figure but he is blank about politics. No decent person would involve someone in a scheme that had the potential of damaging a career built over the decades. But Herr Harper IS NOT A DECENT PERSON, HE IS A SNAKE. I am a staunch Progressive Conservative. The rightpublicanazis and American oil money stole both my Ontario PC Party and my Federal PC Party. The right wing in the USA didn’t have the balls to come here, level with the voters and create a new Fascist Party. They took over the Canadian PC Party from within so they could masquerade behind the Conservative name. Now the Fascists are making a bid to take control of this Country. Hitler did the same thing. He never created a political party. The Fuhrer took over an existing party from within. I was in business for 50 years. One of the unwritten rules is if you value your business stay away from politics and religion. Gretzky somehow got talked into endorsing Lyin Steve, there seems to be no gain for Wayne but there is a lot of downside. My supermarket at Bayview and Eglinton has a small wine shop just inside the main entrance and sells Gretzky Wine. At the front of the wine shop is a large cutout of Wayne. As I walked out with my groceries, I paused and said to one of the women, ” Gretz made a big mistake endorsing Harper “. She looked stunned and then replied, ” I wondered why so many people leaving the store were cursing him and calling him names “? Yesterday the same gal was behind the counter. I said, ” How’s Gretz doing “? She said, ” It is getting worse “!!! Harper is not about building a better Canada. Lyin Steve is all about dividing the Nation into little group, all the better to conquer us.

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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Here I am back in your faces Brits. If you have read any of my stuff you will know I was hoping David Cameron and his Fascist force would be defeated. My reading of the polls over the last year, seemed to indicate a Labour / SNP minority Government. I was comfortable that prospect in that the majority in Parliament would be on the other side of the floor and move to address the Global Warming crisis full on. It will be a difficult thing to do for those on the right. The mentally challenged righties in the USA, Can., Australia and the UK, all deny that climate change is happening. There are hundreds of millions of dollars flowing to the right, from the American oil monopoly, of which BP is a part. What else can the righties do but drop their pants, bend over and grasp tightly their little bottles of Vaseline. Refusing to occupy space in the real world, the righties live in square holes in their fantasy land. But mother nature keep handing them round pegs. The right either hides the round pegs, denies that they even exist or tries to drive them into the square holes, leaving a trail of death and destruction in their wake. If the righties hold power, then the menacing masses, those ignorant outsiders under their control suffer greatly. As the Yankees, Canucks, Aussies and Brits do now. Herr Harper won’t even say the words Global Warming, I mean really. Lyin Steve won’t go there. For the righties in the 4 Countries, dealing with the drought in California / Austalia or the flooding in the UK / Canada would be committing socialism. The motto on the right is, do as little for the people as possible while stuffing pockets with tax dollars England among others is in for some very heavy sledding in the oncoming years. There is no time to waste in adapting to the approaching harsh conditions. It is like nailing plywood over your windows before a storm. You can’t prevent the storm and you can’t move your house either but you can take all measures to protect what you have got. With higher sea and more intensive storms, the UK is at severe risk. Just look at the drought in California, a situation orchestrated by Ronald Reagan and made much worse by the present crop of Republican Neanderthals. The cancellation of water conservation projects years ago by Reagan and his smaller Government approach leaves California unable to deal with huge problems. The State is returning to desert conditions although the world Nazi press won’t acknowledge this fact nor will they even mention climate change. The oilies pay the media not say a word about Global Warming. All the while Global Warming tightens its’ grip. Not only is California returning to desert but the Grand Canyon is drying up. No there is not a word about in the Nazi press that in future it will be called the Hoover dry hole. The low lying lands of England are scheduled to become inundated with salt water. Once the waves invade the midlands it will be lost forever. These lands were claimed from the sea hundreds, if not thousands of years ago. In the last 25 years the melting Arctic / Antarctic ice has raised the level of the oceans and the water is 2 deg F warmer. The world average temperature has gone up 3 deg F, so evaporation has speeded up. The rain storms that hit the Somerset Levels particularly in the winter of 2013 / 2014 held much more water than the storms of 25 years ago. It would follow that the any flood proofing done 25 years ago is not longer sufficient to save the 160,000 acres there. It is easy to track this rainfall trend year by year but the Government is hiding all that information and the paid London Nazi press doesn’t ask such questions [ not the Guardian ]. I have posted about the flooding question in the UK on a number of occasions to an excellent response. However it is a subject that does not rank high with the entrenched movers and takers in London. The cost of massive flooding and the resulting carnage falls almost entirely on the every day citizens, not on George Osborne who is about to cut welfare payments. The people affected by a flood, lose personally [ maybe even their lives ], their taxes are hugely wasted on expensive clean ups, their insurance rates double or triple or possibly, they can’t get any insurance at all. But dandies like Brutus Johnson don’t give shit. Right now the Conservative are spending 10 times the taxpayers money ( TO NOT FIX ), ( NOT FIX ), ( NEVER FIX ) THE FLOODING IN ENGLAND THAN TO FLOOD PROOF THE WHOLE BLOODY ISLAND. I AM A PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE, A 50 YEAR BUSINESSMAN AND A FORMER PICKERING COUNCILLOR. ON THE SURFACE THIS THROWING AWAY OF TAX DOLLARS SEEMS LIKE COMPLETE MADNESS? BUT I CAN TELL YOU WHY. THE RIGHT WING IDEOLOGY AS PRACTICED IN THE USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA AND THE UK DOESN’T PERMIT ITS’ CULT FOLLOWERS TO FOLLOW THE AGE OLD SAYING, ” A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE “. THE RIGHTPUBLICANAZIS IN AMERICA ARE NOT LIFTING A FINGER TO HELP 38 MILLION FRYING CALIFORNIANS NOR THE CITIZENS OF THE 7 STATES THAT NOW GET WATER [ BUT WON’T BE SHORTLY ] FROM THE COLORADO AND GRAND CANYON. MIND YOU THE REPUB CONGRESS IS ACTUALLY TRYING TO FREE UP SOME FEDERAL MONEY [ US TAX DOLLARS FROM THE WHOLE COUNTRY ], TO HELP THEIR RICH FRIENDS IN THE DRY STATES, REMAIN COMFORTABLE IN THE DROUGHT CONDITIONS. THE IGNORANT OUTSIDER MAJORITY CAN COUNT ON NOTHING. EVEN AS THE SMALLER TOWNS RUN OUT OF WATER THE REPUB POLITICIANS ARE TELLING THE HISPANICS, GO BACK TO MEXICO WHERE YOU CAME FROM. CAMERON, OWEN PATERSON AND OTHER TORIES HAVE BEEN SAYING FOR A COUPLE OF YEARS NOW, THAT THE BRITS WILL HAVE TO GET USED TO MORE FREQUENT FLOODING. WHY??? BECAUSE NONE OF THESE CLOWNS ON THE HARD RIGHT HAVE ANY INSIGHT OR EMPATHY. THEY JUST CAN’T IMAGINE WHAT THE PERMANENTLY FLOODED 160,000 ACRES THAT MAKES UP THE SOMERSET LEVELS WOULD LOOK LIKE, THE GRIEF IT WOULD CAUSE AND THE LOSS TO ENGLAND. TO THE TELEGRAPH, IT WOULD BE A 3 DAY FLOOD STORY. THEN CAM AND BRUTUS JOHNSON WOULD GET TO VISIT THE FLOODED AREAS IN RUBBER BOOTS AND SAY MEANINGLESS STUFF. AFTER WHICH THE TELEGRAPH WOULD PUBLISH ANOTHER INCOHERENT ARTICLE BY BRUTUS IN PRAISE OF HIMSELF. ALL OF THIS TO AVOID LIFTING A FINGER IN THE WAY OF FLOOD PROOFING ENGLAND. THE GOVERNMENT IS PREPARED TO SPEND BILLION OF TAXPAYER’S MONEY ON CLEANING UP THE AFTER FLOOD MESSES. MOST OF SAID MONEY FLOWS TO CAMERON’S FRIENDS. JUST ANOTHER WAY OF RAIDING THE TREASURY LEGALLY.

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I posted on organized crime at 10 Downing Street. [ One of which Google took down for a few days at Cam’s request. Then it was put back up. Maybe because I complained in my blog about this UK Government’s assault on free speech ]. As a result I had decided to end my English series on the flooding in the Country and the eventual closing of the overheated Tube due to Government censorship In any event, the activity numbers on my posts about [ flooding / Tube ] were the highest I have ever had except my tribute to, ” Bombers Harris and his boys “. Harris was an unsung hero who deserved much better than he got. Revisionist, 3 rd rate historians seem to have to tear down our champions to gain fame and get their garbage printed. Of course the publishers bear a huge responsibility for printing trash just for cash. Bomber Harris was treated much like General George Monck [ 1608 / 1670 ] was treated in the history book. The General was the one responsible for the restoration of Charles 11 to the throne, thus saving England. Monck’s quiet diplomacy, his knowledge of the Royals and an understanding of Cromwell’s goals / Parliament and the Army stitched England back together at a tumultuous time, which could have gone badly wrong. This was done in such a way as to provide the foundation that underpins the UK to this very day. An ancient, successful Country to which many in the world still look to for guidance. But which the Conservatives are doing their best to destroy, during this time of besetment by climate change. This when the sunny upland slopes are within sight. I am fully conversant with the right wing ideology in the USA, my own Country and the UK. The righties don’t govern. They spend all their time self dealing, trying to solidify their power and giving access to the wealth of the Country to their friends. The righties, sitting on the high ground, deal with events like flooding with a let-her-rip attitude. For 15 years it has become clear that England’s flood defenses were totally inadequate but this threat was ignored by Tony Blair, Georgie Bush Jr.’s me-too-buddy and David Cameron. There can be only one of two outcomes in this dire situation. Either the coastal / inland flooding continues and ruins the lives of an increasing number of the ignorant outsiders as the Nazi press likes to call us. Or that this moment is seized by men and women of good conscience in the UK Parliament without regard to stripe. And that flood proofing is addressed with much vigor, something England is very good at when aroused. Let THIS COLONIAL, with a long history of dealing with floodplain issues in Ontario, be so bold as to suggest the way forward, both politically and mechanically is to flood proof England yesterday. For those on still on the fence, stop buying newspapers whose very existence is dedicated at at making you stupid. Rather, go on the net and watch the unfolding disaster of California turning into a dust bowl. If you are still not convinced monitor the drying up of the Colorado / Grand Canyon because of the California drought. Can you imagine Las Vegas with no water and no electricity. The Nazi press will not cover such stories. Such a slip of the lip will cost them their American oil monopoly cheques. Imagine it because it is going to happen. Nicola and Alex are selling Scottish separation at no cost. England is the Scots present piggy bank. Major flooding UK will mean an empty UK piggy bank. Scotland will then face ruin. If that eventually come true, I’ll bet Salmond and Sturgeon will flee to Highlands.

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The recent election saw the Conservative gain a razor thin majority of 331, that is five, count them, 5 seats [ 326 needed for a majority ]. It will take a miracle for Cam to govern the Country. Labour got 232 seats and is the Official Opposition. So the two parties got 66% of the vote. Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond, co leaders of the Scottish Separatist Party won 56 seats and have in real terms, taken a 5 year hike into never – never land. Under the circumstances they have zero power. Sturgeon, Salmond and the SSP are of no consequence now and can and should be totally ignored. Scotland doesn’t pay its’ way in the UK anyway because it has more health problems and higher unemployment. Nicola and Alex have hidden this fact from the Scots. The SSP is always claiming the North Sea oil as belonging to them. But reality has set in now and right or wrong that argument is old hat. Oil prices have halved because the American oil monopoly [ of which BP is a part ] is buying cheap ISIS stolen oil and illegal oil from our enemies Russia and Iran. By doing this dirty deed and buying this dirt cheap oil which is SNEAKED INTO THE USA, the oil monopoly has destabilized the global oil market. AGAIN. But as always, the world Nazi press is being paid by the oilies to blame OPEC for the price drop. The North Sea oil industry is hurting and this affects Scotland as well as the UK. It is a time when such problems should be dealt with squarely by the London Nazi press instead of them taking money from movers and grafters to print lie, confusion and nonsense. If you buy a London newspaper [ not the Guardian ], you are dumbing yourslf down and contributing to the decline and fall of the British Empire. You are fashioning your own noose so to speak. Now that is dumb! Nicola and her evil twin Alex did not talk about the low oil prices and there effects on Scotland during the election. If you read the recent history of the SSP, it is easy understand why Nicola and Alex say what they do, when they do and what they don’t say. The Scottish Separatists lost the referendum, like in lost by over 10%. The SSP should have disbanded after their failed attempt but blockheads like Salmond just can’t admit to defeat. Alex is very much like the Quebec Separatists, they won’t quit until they win no matter how much their activities disrupted Canada. It is interesting, how the lying in Canada by the Separatists is so similar to what Alex and Nicola are spouting in Scotland. We here call the capers in Quebec the NEVERENDUM. It is the best 2 out of three, then it is the best three out of five and so on. Finally our Parliament stepped in and created the rules for any Province that wants to leave, a clear question and NO LYING. In one of the votes our Separatists were saying that after Quebec leaves, seniors would still get their pension cheques from Ottawa. That was an out and out lie Both the Quebec and Scottish Separatists want to leave home but still want to use mom and dad’s credit card. The more Cameron’s Government yields to Separatist demands the more the SSP will want. The SSP will say anything to get elected as with too many politicians. But Alex, who is really running the SSP show and his light weight companion Nicola have and will stoop to new lows. SSP agreed that a new referendum would not take place for 5 years. That means they can be ignored for the next five years, if David Cameron plays his cards right. And I will explain. The American oil monopoly’s purchase of cheap oil from ISIS / funds the terrorists, Russian oil / finances the takeover of the Ukraine and Iranian oil / buys uranium for their bombs. Having the USA monopoly buy stolen and illegal oil has decimated the economies in Scotland / Alberta – Can. / Texas / North Dakota / Montana and the like. The monopoly’s illegal activities have now caused the economy of the USA itself to falter. And all the while, the world Nazi press is being paid by the oilies to keep claiming OPEC is to blame. Obama, Herr Harper and David Cameron remain silent on this subject. The monopoly has $ 450 billion in the bank. Money speaks louder than the truth. Too many in the media are prepared to sell their countries for a mess of pottage. This includes the London press [ not the Guardian ]. And there are too many toadstools in the world to believe their shit. In fact the solution to the prolem is if Canada, the UK and the British Commonwealth joined forces in term of oil and natural gas, such a union could eliminate the influence of the American oil monopoly and Middle East oil entirely from the lives of over 2 billion people. It represents a huge trading block that already exists. A stable price for energy, without being subjected to usury profits and not predicated on criminal activities would enhance the lives all of Queen Elizabeth’s subject. And be a model for the world. It is a way to escape the grip of the evil American oil monopoly and the US Government which is desperate to make the people in other lands pay for their many blunders. Those who are now suffering and feel put upon by Big US Oil and who do not make themselves heard to the contrary deserve every abuse heaped upon them.

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So the only politicians in the British Parliament that count now are in the Conservative and Labour ranks, holding 66% of the votes in the Country. I don’t like David Cameron for what he has done or said in office. But I wonder how much he is held hostage by the hard right wingers in his Party. Could Cameron be a Progressive Conservative like me? For a year, although all of the London papers backed the Conservatives [ not the Guardian ], the newsies in the hire of the right could not best Labour. The Con. press, including the Telegraph, threw out every lie, fabrication dirty trick they could conjure up but none of it had any sticking power with the voters. By March, poll after poll, finally put in stone the outcome of the election before it even took place. The Labourites / SNP or the Conservatives / Lib. Dems. would form a minority Government. The various party’s took those polls to the bank and crafted their campaigns arond the polls. The comments from the non thinkers, who populate the press galley showed no imagination whatsoever and group think dominated. They never asked questions, LIKE WHAT IF? These teen age greenhorns newsie scribe were in over their heads and old fart journalists stopped listening to the jungle drums. I am interested in seeing England flood proofed and the Tube cooled, both doable at reasonable cost. And both critical to the future of London and the UK. So my interest was in cheering on a Government that would do both things, I did a lot of watching. A month ago I finally concluded that a minority Government, either Labour / SSP or on the other side, Conservative / Lib. Democrats would be the result. It was my opinion that a Labour / SSP coalition would be more likely to take UK flooding seriously although Tony Blair, himself, paid no attention Global Warming. Blair was too busy dressing up like a soldier and playing war games with Georgie Jr. As the last 30 days slipped by I picked up on the fact that Brutus Johnson was running for a seat in Parliament with a seven year record of allowing TfL to steal the Tube riders and London taxpayers blind, rather than reducing the temp on the Underground. It is interesting that through the election process the Brut’s name was hardly mentioned. I think Johnson’s backers felt that David Cameron’s days were numbered due to the low poll numbers and that their boy should be at least warming a seat in readiness. The hard right MPs in the Conservative Party had their knives out early too, they signaled they’d have Cameron’s head if he faltered even slightly. As of May 8 / 15, Cameron is safe as PM but his very slim majority of 5 seats opens him up to backbench blackmail from the right, The Cons. will push through police state legislation which takes away human rights, they’ll cut school lunches, put seniors out into the street, punish workers for being unemployed and ignore the minority. Shades of that discredited Englishman Herbert Spencer, a sickly, drug addict who proposed that poor people be allowed to die. And help on their way if the did not cooperate. Herb was concerned that the poor would breed like rabbits and overwhelm the self appointed exceptionalists like himself. Spencer, was friends with Nietzsche, another self anointed exceptionalist who was a sickly drug addict. But to add to the absurdity of their theories, Fred had syphilis as well. From such great minds sprang Hitler and the rightpublicanazis creed in the USA. Cameron might just heel in the present circumstances rather than be pushed out by his own backbenchers. So the moment of truth has arrived for David Cameron. Is he a captive of the right wing ideology? Is he now the tool of the SSP, willing to submit to their shenanigans? Is he hemmed in by the dishonest Brutus Johnson and his backers who are ready to pounce at the slightest Cameron wobble. Or is David smart, a closet independent thinker and is Cameron possessed of the insight and the empathy and the ability to do what’s best for England??? I see a fork in the road. At this moment in time Cameron is in the catbird seat and untouchable. Either David goes down in history as one of England’s great Prime Ministers for securing a safe and prosperous future for at least 50 years. Or he vanishes after going off like a squib. Remembered only as a 3rd rate politician who allowed himself to be bullied about by whole bunch of inferiors???

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A month before the election I began paying attention to Nicola Sturgeon, the front for the SSP. I had an uneasy feeling about what she ws saying, which only intensified my interest. My information came / comes entirely from the internet. There were tons of comments from journalists and candidates, most of whom I don’t know. Nick Clegg of the Lib. Dems. came across as a decent guy completely in over his head. David Cameron was the same David I had communicated with back in 2008 after James and I had discovered why the Tube had been heating up for 100 years and we came up with a cheap fix. Since that time Cameron has shown no interest whatsoever in roasting Tube riders. Ed Miliband is totally unknown to me but came across as a leader beset on two sides. He was in the shadow of the disgraced Tony Blair on one side and a loopy, fork tongued woman, Nicola Sturgeon, 2nd in command of the Scottish Separatists Party on the other side. I kept getting snippets of Nicola’s comments, which were all over the map. From protecting Scotland’s interests to holding another vote on separation. The leaving the UK stuff was only shared with friendly audiences. When pressed about another referendum Nicola would weave and dodge. Memories of the Quebec Separatists returned. They too were very evasive. In terms of joining with Labour in a Government, Sturgeon kept laying down markers as to what she would do and would not do. I was in the political game for more than 30 years. If you want to make a deal with someone, you don’t get to make up the rules ahead of time, especially if your intended partner is 5 time more powerful that you are. It became clear to me that Nicola was strongly hinting to the losing side in Scotland that the SSP would deliver to them another kick at the cat. With each passing day Sturgeon added more gasoline to this fire It was like the SSP promising a free lunch that neither the Cons. nor Labour could deliver. As a politician you have lots on your mind but sometimes you keep your mouth shut. Nicola proved beyond doubt that she was a lightweight and someone who can not be trusted. But the point is that the SSP can’t deliver on another referendum. Nicola was spouting lies and all those who voted SSP were made fools of. Then I began to read comments by Alex Salmond, the failed leader of the yes side. Alex at that time was a nobody, up to Election night, still running for a seat as a MP. Alex began to promise another referendum as soon as possible. When pressed, Salmond bobbed and weaved like Nicola. Then Sturgeon, who is supposed to the leader of the SSP would not deny Salmond’s comments. All we got was, oh well you know Alex. The two of them have been playing these games together for 10 years. I think the best position to take on these two slippery fish, is, don’t believe a word they say.
As the election neared, Salmond began to run off at the mouth more and more about another referendum. Of course this gained the SSP additional free votes and put more pressure on Miliband. Two weeks out Miliband refused to join with the SSP. He could do nothing less. Nicola was claiming a relationship with Labour in which she could define the terms. Labour was put in a box from which it could not escape. It seemed clear then that the Cons. and the Lib. Dems. would be the new Government minority or majority. Alex Salmond continued to spout nonsense so sure was the SSP of its’ position based on the polls. In an alliance with Labour, SSP would dominate and set the clock in motion for the next Neverendum. Salmond said if Cameron won, he, Alex would disrupt Parliament until the SSP got a commitment to hold another referendum. Does blackmail really fit in a democracy. Two weeks from the election, I think the polls were bang on. But then the comments of Nicola and Alex began to sink in with some voters. They began to see this coming hung Parliament as being used to secure another vote for Scotland to leave. The question then was who was in a position to stop another Neverendum. Labour
was forecast to have too few seats. UKIP was a little side show all its’ own. The Lib. Dems., no matter how many seats they won, would in the end, support Cameron. So I think a lot of people voted for the Conservatives just to deny Sturgeon and Salmond any chance of getting another kick at the cat. And the voters always have the final word, not the pollsters. The Conservatives have 331 seats [ a majority requires 326 ] and Labour has 232 and that is all that counts. Salmond and his sidekick Nicola ended up getting squat all. There were in fact two different elections. The regular one for the UK. The other was in Scotland, where the separatists could park their vote on splitting up no matter their stripe and at no cost. Right now, Labour is agonizing over their loss. Labour should realize that the SSP was playing cheap games and that there was no way Miliband could come out on top. For the moment, David Cameron is in a 3 way squeeze. No matter which he twists he will lose . He is faced with his own hard right wing who will see an opportunity to push their rightie agenda and to push Cameron out if he puts up too much resistance. Remember Brutus Johnson is waiting in the wings and the Bo is seen as the perfect stooge by the ultra right. Salmond, in the last couple of day has boasted he will turn Parliament into a hell hole. Alex figures he can disrupt the place for the next few weeks as a way of also using blackmail to get another referendum. The right wing papers in London are looking for a way of escaping from their disastrous polling and coverage of the 2015 UK Election. Any distraction will do, no matter how ridiculous and destructive to the larger electorate. The more turmoil the better. I am a student of English history. On many occasions, the Brit Nation was faced with a series of forks in the road. Sometimes the wrong route was chosen. But more often a wise choice was made and the results are here to-day for all to see. I think England is at one of those fork in the road moments. The media and many commenters are complaining about the lousy first-passed-the-post-system. It doesn’t mater what kind of elective system is in place, it all come down to the caliber of the men and women the people put in place. The hard right contingent of the Conservatives Party are blackmailers whose only interest is there own greed. Brutus Johnson has little concern about London. He knows full well from me, that the Underground will eventually close due to the overheat. Bo, the hatchet man, sits in Parliament, awaiting the chance to depose David Cameron. Some people’s representative? And the Alex Salmond / Nicola Sturgeon team have little interest in the needs of the Country nor people, they just want power for themselves. I see the present composition of the House of Commons [ 10/05/15 ] as the perfect fit for the times. A people who are leaderless, facing an increasingly hostile climate. California and the midwest States have no water. The UK has too much water. My political history is one of being right of centre. Taking a position on either extreme just wastes precious time and resources. And doesn’t move the ball down the field a foot. If when in office, you want to make progress for the people, the centre is where it is at. David Cameron is in a difficult position with a 5 seat majority and he is one who doesn’t have a very long self life as things stands. He can choose to remove himself from these entanglements, by so doing he will guarantee himself a full 5 years as PM and the prospect of many positive accomplishments. Cameron may even be able to claim greatness. The Labour Party is marking time with no clear mission in mind. In a disrupted Parliament, with a 5 seat majority, how long before another election. Then where would Labour be? With the SSP permanently holding more than 50 seat and still demanding separation. Then what? More of what we have seen with Scotland in turmoil? The problem is that if Salmond and Sturgeon do their worst they could create a situation wherein the Brits will want the Scots out. At this moment in time, David Cameron is in possession of the ball and if he chooses to keep it he is master of all he surveys. The Conservative hard right wing will have their teeth pulled. Brutus Johnson will remain a silent backbencher for 5 years, all alone by a telephone that never rings. Alex Salmond and his second, Niola Sturgeon can and will fume mightily but nobody has to pay any attention to them for the term of the next Parliament. ARE YOU READY??? I suggest that Labour immediately develop a comprehensive plan for flood proofing England, the most serious problem facing the UK at the present time. Labour could then approach David Cameron to offer to support reasonable Government legislation in return for passing a bill to implement flood proofing. Instead of political antics and the attempts of the London Nazi press to turn Parliament into yet another game show, the dry future of the Nation would be secured for 50 years. After which the game show could begin all over again. But at least the citizenry would be safe and secure.

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David Cameron, for the well being of the Nation should join forces
with Labour [ meaning 66% of the popular vote ] in a unity Government like Churchill did. Sir Winston struck quickly and formed a coalition that saw England through the War. Only he jailed the crazies to get them out of the way. The rightie wing of the Conservative, Brutus Johnson and the Bobbsey twins, Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon would still be allowed to roam around and create mischief as long as they were neutered.

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I see five major hurdles for the UK to clear at this moment.

Global Warming is all around us and Great Britain is at extreme risk. I have written about flood proofing England in the past. This task should be first on the order paper. I have said before that the Country can be flood proofed for one tenth of the money now being spent NOT TO FLOOD PROOF THE COUNTRY. This is right wing ideology gone mad. In fact I believe that if flood proofing could be had for free the righties would still not do it. Cameron would have to walk away from the radical right to flood proof the Nation with the help of Labour but David COULD NOT BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE by the right. They would not have enough votes. Anyway voting against flood proofing would mean every Conservative so inclined would lose office next time round.

The movers and grafters are stripping the Country of its’ wealth. I was in business for 50 years. Someone who takes risks and creates an enterprise is entitled to his / her pay. But they should not be allowed to cheat, as is now going with friends of the Government relating to TfL / London Underground or building houses on the flood plains of England. Cameron would have to desert his business friends on this matter but with Labour’s assistance the housing industry could be revitalized and at the same time homes could be made safe and more affordable by the flood proofing. This could be done by imposing floodplain legislation and eliminating the excess profits being made by Government friends. On this initiative Cameron would be beyond the reach of his enemies. His Premiership could not and would not be challenged.

Right now the American oil monopoly [ including BP ] is buying dirt cheap oil from ISIS, Russia and Iran. So when drivers and flyers in North America / UK fill up with gasoline, diesel or jet fuel they are buying bullets for ISIS, funding Russian adventures in the Ukraine and paying for nuclear bomb making in Iran. The world Nazi press will not utter a word on this matter. ISIS, Russian and Iranian oil is transported to the black market in Turkey then loaded onto US oil monopoly ship in the Mediterranean. Wall Street finances this operation and the Turkish Government get its’ cut. So taxpayer’s in the USA, Can. and the UK are paying for the terrorist activities in the Middle East and at home. As well, fathers and sons are being sent to the Middle East to fight the terrorists and possibly lose their lives. 400 million are paying for both sides of this battle as well as unrest at home. This is American right wing madness which is being inflicted on the citizenry without their knowledge. With the threat of terrorism hanging over the people on a daily basis in the papers, Washington, Ottawa and Whitehall are using the unrest to remove and restrict the freedoms of the average Joe and Joan. Here is a novel idea for David Cameron. I fully expect the Harper Fascist Government to be thrown out of office in a few months. Canada has oil and natural gas, Britain has oil and natural gas. Why are the two Countries paying the American oil monopoly huge amounts of money for resources that we already have in abundance. As well the Commonwealth countries are being milked dry by the oil monopoly. England, Canada and the Commonwealth combined have a population of more than 2 billion people, all are being extorted by the Americans. The EU has only 750,000 million poulation. I propose that Cameron and Labour create an oil zone in which ISIS, Russian, Iranian and OPEC oil are excluded. The UK and Canada could refine and process their oil and create a LNG distribution system to serve 2 billion people with security of supply and regulated prices. Any surplus could be sold to the world market or stored. David Cameron could do this too and no one could harm a hair on his head. Great leaders do this kind of thing. They ignore the extremes, the grafters and the movers and takers.

This oil / natural gas initiative morphs into the Scottish question. Scotland gets more out of England than it puts in. The bonus of North Sea oil and gas made that equation a little bit trickier. Separatists, like Alex Salmond, keep claiming that the resource belong exclusively to Scotland. But as with any business there are ups and downs. If Scotland was a separate Country now, they would be in deep shit, because of what the American oil monopoly has done to the world oil market by destabilizing it. But remember while oil prices are low the monopoly still sells gasoline, diesel and jet fuel as if the price of a barrel of oil was $100. The Nazi press won’t tell you that [ not the Guardian ]. Brought low by the Yanks buying stolen ISIS oil, will Edinburgh now go cup in hand to Parliament? Both Alberta and Newfoundland are in financial trouble here because Steve Harper is working hand with his employer, the US oil monopoly. Paul Godfrey’s Nazi press, the Harper Noble Times will not tell Canadians that Lying Steve and the monopoly are responsible for this Country’s economic downturn. If a Commonwealth Resource Zone is created, with 2 billion customers there could be not interference from foreign countries. With a healthy, secure market for oil within this Resource Zone would the Scots really want to leave home? During the just concluded UK Election, Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon said very little about the low price for oil. If you look back at the history of the SSP, this kind of duplicity is standard fair for Salmond and Sturgeon. By seeking the support of Labour to create a Commonwealth Resource Zone, the lives 2 billion people would be made much safer, easier and prosperous because of the elimination of stealing by the American oil monopoly from western customers and its’ financial support for Middle East terrorism. Cameron could just ignore Salmond and Sturgeon for 5 years and in the mean time the new oil / nat. gas measures would melt the separatist movement in Scotland. Having jingle in your pockets is much better the listening to the rantings of extremists like Salmond and Sturgeon. In this regard Cameron and the Labour Party could end the crisis in Scotland and bring calm to the whole Country. And none of the wing nuts would be able to lay a glove on Prime Minister David Cameron, his term would be the full measure. Coming to some arrangement with the EU would much easier for David Cameron if there was peace at home. A feather in his cap would be the worlds first countrywide assault on Global Warming in spite of the hundreds of millions being spent by the American oil monopoly on climate deniers like Bjorn Lomborg. Who a crook and a liar? Or he is just stupid?

The final problem is the London Nazi press which prints False News [ not the Guardian ]. In Canada we have a law against printing False News but Herr Harper refuses to enforce it. Harper’s Nazi Press consitutes 100% of papers in Canada. People like Paul Godfrey and David Thomson are on the America oil monopoly / Harper Government payroll. Our newspapers are now on a par with Hitler’s Der Sturmer [ 1933 / 1945 ], the Japanese Domei News Agency [ 1935 / 1945 / and Stalin’s Pravda [ 1912 / 1991 ]. Only the news approved by the oilies / Harper gets printed. Canadians are being dumbed down and deprived of the information needed to manage their lives, just like the German, Japanese and Russian people. The oilis who pay the bills for Harper and Manning think the majority in this Country are ignorant outsiders who do not deserve any consideration. Interestingly all the Canadians who are buying newspapers are actually paying for their dumbing down. I call them toadstools, they sit in the dark eating horseshit. And believe it or not right wing serfdom does sell well. In the UK the people have to break the rightie grip of the Nazi press. If David Cameron and Labour take the bold steps that I have suggested the Government will have to throttle the London newspapers and prevent them from printing lies [ not the Guardian ]. Prosecuting those that engage in right wing propaganda, a propaganda that promotes THEIR irreality. Their irreality endangers more than 400 million people in Australia, Canada, UK and the USA. The right wing is totally funded by the American oil monopoly whose only interested in profit, attained by any means, fair or foul.

It will be interesting to see, given the judgement of the British people as it now stands as or May 8 /15, if David Cameron seizes the moment and muscles his way into the history books, as a great Prime Minister. Or is Cam just another garden variety knave???

I ask you, for the moment to forget about Global Warming and the crowd of oilie paid climate deniers on the other side of this issue. Each advocate denier gets his or her American oil monopoly cheque to deny the obvious. This silly debate spreads confusion, wastes precious seconds and the only benefit is that it puts lots of cash in the hands of the media moguls. Our gasoline / diesel cash. But the real problem is that the warming of the planet is already exacting its’ toll. California [ 38 million people is plunging into drought ] from which will NEVER RECOVER. The Colorado River / Grand Canyon are running dry Soon, 6 States [ 22 million people ] WILL HAVE NO WATER. HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM LITTLE APPLES? The rightpublicanazis are doing nothing other than blaming the Democrats, naturalists and environmentalists. Reagan’s small government pitch is at fault. One fire truck in a city of millions is of little use when central hospital is ablaze? THE WATER IS ACOMING TO THE UK IN GREATER VOLUMES EVEN AS THIS SILLY DEBATE RAGES. The bad flood years in the UK were 2000, 2003, 2007 and 2013 / 2014 but TONY BLAIR AND DAVID CAMERON WERE ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH. That should be enough for the larger population to begin to taste the risk. That distant forest fire moving ever closer. There always is a faint whiff in the air, of impending doom. It is time for all to agree the UK has to be flood proofed from the top to the bottom, starting now. If this is how the electorate want their taxes spent? Let it then be so. If nothing gets done, at least you will be able to look back to the time of this hung Parliament in 2015 when the UK missed the boat. It will be discouraging, if in the close future, when the world is discussed, people make mention, that for want of resolve Britannia slipped beneath the waves.

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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I have had a considerable number of hits on my posts about the missing Malaysian, Flight MH 370. I concluded the Vladimir Putin, with Iran’s help had hijacked the Boeing 777. Nothing since the plane’s disappearance has caused me to change my mind. In fact as new nuggets have come my way, they have only more forcefully confirmed my position.   It is like doing a puzzle.   As each piece is fitted into place the whole puzzle becomes more complete.   It is clear, that in grabbing 370 Putin, he had planned the perfect crime. And it almost was. Two factors, beyond Putin’s comprehension did him in. The first of these is that there are two ELTs in the wings of a 777 in addition to the two in the fuselage [ the fuselage ELTs can be disarmed from the cockpit, the ELTs in each wingtip of a 777 are remote and independent ]. In other words the pilot can’t shut off those at the ends of the wings. All Emergency Locater Transmitters will automatically deploy if there is heavy vibration [ a crash ], if there is a fire or if the aircraft goes into the water. I hold a Commercial Pilot’s License, I flew in the bush around White River and I am an aircraft mechanic. All planes, big or small have to be equipped with ELTs. One for a Stinson Stationwagon 4 seater, like I flew and four for a Boeing. Flight MH 370 DID NOT go into the water off the west coast of Australia. That was a wild goose chase cooked up by the Malaysian Government to simply close the curtain on the caper. The other hook that got Putin was the pings picked up by the Inmarstat satellite even though the pilot had shut off the navigational system. This ability to get an electronic pick up by the satellite’s radar even with the navigational system in the off position is probably not know outside the industry, here in the west. It is my understanding that Russian aviation is quite primitive as regards passenger / plane safety. People there don’t count. Putin’s advisors were probably not aware of the wing tip ELTS and the fact that the satellite could detect the 777 even with all the navigational aids switched off.

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Very early on it was evident to me that the Inmarstat officials were lying. The lead Company contact was a salesman, I checked his Bio. There is a old saying. ” If you are going to lie you better have a good memory “. I think the Inmarstat people thought they were dealing with dummies and they were, in the press that is. There were a few however, who saw through Inmarstat and were asking some tough questions. The Malaysian Government / Inmarstat ignored the tough questions, so did the world media [ only interested in making a buck / not interested in the truth ]. I think the Malaysian Government wanted the ordeal buried as quickly as possible. Their Airline is in deep financial trouble. Closing the door on the disappearance quickly was obviously more important than solving the mystery. I have a sneaky feeling that some high ranking people in the Malaysian Government were involved in MH 370 disappearing. Letting outsiders in on the investigation may have open other worm cans. Inmarstat then came up with some kind of hocus pocus which pointed to 370 crashing into the sea off Australia. I am sure that Inmarstat was paid big money to do their hocus pocus thingy. The Company when pushed to reveal the hocus pocus formula, claimed confidentiality. They were working for Malaysian after all. Inmarstat gave the UK / AAIB all the hocus pocus particulars and David Cameron’s Accident Investigations official were all thumbs up. A bad move. The AAIB became accessories after the fact. This was a huge political mistake on the part of Cameron to become involved. The PM seemed to think he could score some political point free of charge. Just like Australia’s PM, Tony Abbot did. Another old saying, ” look before you leap into the darkness “. You know from my earlier posts that I asked Cameron to release the Inmarstat ping profiles. Something that has not been done. What could be more important than more than 200 lives. I fully understand the coverup. Too many people are in too deep to speak the truth now.

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There was a bit of a stir on the internet from people in the know who disputed Inmarstat’s sincerity and technical competency in this regard. The world media never mentioned the fudging the Malaysian Government / Inmarstat were engaged in. The reporters and commentators involved in the MH 370 story knew so little about airliners and the Malaysian back story that I think they were hand picked for their level of stupidity. At first people with satellite experience tried to determine the route of MH 370 from the material released by the Malaysian Government, based on Inmarstat’s calculations. I learned much from the net conversations of the techies. Gradually disgust took hold of the techies. It was clear they were being purposely misled. Then the Malaysian Government blinked as said it would issue another, complete report based on the Inmarstat information. The report was nothing more than an attempt by the Malaysian Government to further muddy the waters. This while at the same time claiming to clarify the disappearance. This report was totally dishonest. The techies blew a gasket. But the world press was losing interest in the missing MH 370. Thus, the tough questions and complaints about Razak went nowhere. Quickly the Malaysian Government washed its’ hands of the lost airliner. Razak suggested that another country take up the investigation but he had all the info. Like a bunch of puppies the world media tagged along with no more than a Daaaaaaaaaa. Inmarstat just clammed up as did the UK AAIB. The world media moved on to other stories and their pursuit of celebrities. Tony Abbott and David Cameron scored a few cheap political points [ they thought ???]and then the boys picked up their marbles and went home. The truth having been thoroughly defeated.

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The techies finally surrender in frustration. No amount of prodding could get Inmarstat to release their ping profiles The information on the pings from MH 370 was purposely sliced and diced by the Malaysian officials during the investigation. This to ensure that the flight could never be traced. The Government wanted that 777 down in the water. They were determined not to allow their phony story to be undermined by the facts, even if it cost the taxpayers of many countries a ton of money paddling around in an empty ocean off Australia. The Malaysians paid for and got the result they wanted from Inmarstat. It was in the water off the western coast of Australia said the satellite Company dutifully. As they deposited their Malaysian cheque. Of course 370 isn’t in the water. The world media asked no intelligent questions and thus failed in their obligation to the public, again. Telling lies means big money to the press nowdays. Telling the truth brings them NO FINANCIAL REWARD. The ELTs in the wing tips of the 777 would have deployed if 370 had gone into the drink. Even if one failed the other ELT signal would have been picked up in 20 minutes by a satellite. Plus over the months not a single piece of wreckage has washed up anywhere. Not one seat cushion has been located. They float, you know? And there were 450 of them???

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I will not fully cover the MH 370 story again. For the background please read my earlier posts. But as a few techies around the world were trying to make sense of the Inmarstat ping data to determine where the aeroplane went I began to think. There must be another way of skinning this cat. The Boeing 777 did not appear on any radar after it rounded the northern tip of Indonesia. So we know where the plane was located and the time, that is our starting point. I surveyed all of the radar coverage around the Indian Ocean. That then picture frames the area in which the 777 was confined. About a 50 deg quadrant. Now the next step was to determine the placement of the ping circles in the correct time frame. This I could not do. The material released by PM Razak was purposely jumbled to thwart any investigation. Razak is just another Prime Minister who lies like Herr Harper, David Cameron and Tony Abbott. There were 9 pings in all, of which 5 have been published. But they were displayed out of sync. However, where there is the will, there is a way. I decided there were 3 possible routes. [] One [] South towards the coast of Australia. [] Two [] Due west towards Africa. Remember 370 was a long range Boeing ER which can fly for 14 hours. Not the 6 hours that Razak kept repeating. Not the 6 hours the world media kept repeating. [] Three [] It could have made a right turn, 300 miles [ the avoid radar ] off the coast of India into the Arabian Sea. The 777 was sighted by at least 6 people over the Maldives just hours after it disappeared. This story was buried immediately by the press and never pursued. I think someone on the Maldives was paid off to deep six this sighting. Once over the Arabian Sea the only way the 777 could escape was by flying into Iran. I drew each of these 3 possible routes on separate pieces of paper. I them positioned the location of the Inmarstat satellite over the Indian Ocean. I marked the 3 routes in increments of 500 miles per hour and used the last Indonesian radar pickup as the base circle [ when the satellites send out a signal { every hour } and receives a response, it is described in a circle right around the satellite. I drew circles which would relate to each of my 3 imaginary. The circle indicates how far the plane is from the Satellite but not where it is located on that 360 deg circle line. Now if I had the 9 true ping profiles I could test each of the 3 imagined routes against the circles. I would know in an instant where MH 370 went. Cameron, UK AAIB and Inmarstat have the final puzzle piece but refuse to release it. It is obvious that Cameron is more concerned about his international relationship with Razak and party politics than more than 200 lives. AAIB made a huge blunder and they’re now in hiding. Inmarstat was paid to fudge their ping information and releasing the ping profiles would just unfudge things and reveal the Company to be crooked. I believe Putin had the 777 flown to Iran and then into Turkmenistan. If I am right the 370 would have had to be flown for at least 3 hours straight at the Inmarstat satellite. This would mean 3 circles 500 miles apart. Then 370 would have to swing towards the north west. Going at an angle to the satellite would mean the next circle would have a spacing of about 400 miles. Then as the 777 turned north the spacing of the next circle would be diminished to possibly 150 miles. After which the next two circles would be almost the same. The last two circles would show the circle spacing going the other way meaning the plane was flying on a NNE heading for Iran and into Russia. In the material that Razak released one of the ping circles does go right over Turkmenistan. So the 777 was in fact in Russia.

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I asked David Cameron in a previous post to release the Inmarstat ping profiles. Cameron has not done so. The PM leads a minority in Parliament. Now that Putin has shot down an airliner over the Ukraine, the time for fun and games is over. Being a student of history Putin’s actions remind me of Hitler’s moves. Pick off the weak countries one at a time by making small moves. So too the Crimea. Little bite size chunks are being taken in order to allow timid countries to duck taking action. So I’ll propose a deal with David Cameron. I’d like him to send verified copies of the ping profiles to the British Consulate in Toronto, in confidence. I will know if the profiles have been monkeyed with. I could go to the Consulate and work with the people there to test my theory. I am prepared to enter into a legal undertaking to the affect that I will say / post nothing about such an investigation with the understanding that if I am proved right, the Government WILL ANNOUNCE that MH 370 ended up in Russia. If Cameron doesn’t make such an announcement after the our joint investigation, then I will reveal the truth in my posts.

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PM Cameron and I have had earlier dealings. Since 2008, Cameron [ when in opposition ] has been aware of the shaky status of the London Underground, I alerted him to this fact. In this regard the PM has chosen to look the other way. His only involvement with the Tube since then has been to play party politics as a crisis. As a result Cameron’s failure to act, he and I are not on very good terms. The PM’s disregard for the future of London and the hundreds of thousands of Tube riders might explain his disinterest for the people aboard MH 370. In the summer of 2007, the former Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, invited my Son James and I to do some consulting on the overheat situation on the Underground. There was fear in 2003 during a hot spell that the Underground would have to be closed temporarily or possibly permanently. The recent 2014 strike by Tube workers was precipitated by David Cameron, with the able assistance of the disgraced TfL head, Peter Hendy doing the dirty work. This indirect Tory attack on the Labour Party caused a disruption of only a couple of days, yet it paralysed London. A closure of the Tube for a few months or a permanent shuttering caused by hi temps would be catastrophic. Both James and I were made to understand, when we came aboard, that the need to solve the overheat quickly was critical. We were given NO explanation, nor instructions by TfL as to the cause of the steadily increasing temperature [ Bakerloo 60 deg F in 1905 / 72 deg F 2005 // base temp ] [ a rise of about one deg F per decade ]. We were tasked with determining the reason for ever climbing temp and how to fix it.. Nobody at TfL had the answer to that question in 2007. Nobody at TfL has the answer to that problem in 2014. All David Waboso, TfL’s highly paid Chief Engineer can say about the overheating in the deep Tube system, is that it is an ” engineering challenge “. That excuse is bullshit. It is only challenging to challenged engineers like Waboso, who never think of thinking for themselves. As long as he is at the helm at TfL, the overheated Tube problem will never be solved. Spending billions of pounds on AC gadgetry will have no affect. The only outcome from Waboso wasting so much money, will be an impoverished London and the ridership having to hoof it. Waboso has repeated this same ” engineering challenge ” nonsense, each year since 2010. The heat is so bad this July that one rider travels in his boxer’s trunks. This is the level of Waboso’s roaring success. Not. How long does someone who can’t get it up remain in the top job? One year, 5 years, 10 years? When does Waboso have to finally prove himself. I am an idea man and innovator. My 50 years in business gave me an opportunity to deal with engineers, all of whom have been trained by the book. Their favourite expression when faced with the unknown is, ” it won’t work, it isn’t in the book “. Of course finding the answer to the Tube overheat question is the key to open the door to a cooling solution. For a few short weeks at the beginning of our involvement with TfL [ Aug. / Sept. 07 ] I asked Nigel Casey, Innovations Manager, Cooling the Tube Programme, London Underground Engineering Directorate, 17th Floor, Portland House, London, UK., a load of questions. As well I made many requests for numerous TfL documents which were delivered over time [ at least 400 ]. Example. In E-Mails from Nigel on Sept. 4, Sept 19 and Oct. 2 2007 [ TfL address — from Casey Nigel, , ] [ ” James – Thanks for calling today. I look forward to our meeting on 18th October noon. As confirmed with your Dad, I’ll be sending over some more drawings that I believe are pertinent. These drawings will start off the discussion “. ] Further. [ ” Ken – mechanical ventilation guide for the Bakerloo Line attached. This drawing confirms the existing ventilation provisions. In order to understand how to read the drawing please refer to the legend at the top of the drawing. Thanks “. ] Further. [ ” Ken – I’m a little puzzled by your choice of the Circle Line as the trial run for your ideas “? ] Further. [ ” Ken – A more suitable case for your ideas may be the Bakerloo Line { it the hottest Line / Nigel thought if James and I could cool the Bakerloo the rest would be easy. } In this regard I have attached a plan of the Bakerloo Line with all of the ordinance survey information. This data refers to the crowns of the tunnels. I enclose additional intermediary bits of data for which you will need your detailed map of London. I will need to get you the locations of the existing relief openings at street level and the ventilations shafts along the Bakerloo route. I have asked a colleague to provide me with this information and it will be forwarded to you when received “. ]. Another E-Mail from Nigel Casey. [ ” Ken – Please see the drawings of the Victoria Station Ticket Halls. These drawings will provide a starting point. When you have reviewed the drawings, please advise me as to any additional information you need. Thanks “. ]. I have enclosed portions of Nigel’s E-Mails to show that the Government had actually engaged us and that we had access to any and all documentation / information we requested. Considerable time was spend by James and I digesting all of these docs. But in the end our team, Nigel, James and I cracked the case. I must say, I take my hat is off to Nigel Casey, he was instrumental in providing us with the details needed to discover the reason the Underground has been increasing in temp over 100 years. Although Nigel didn’t always know where we were going with our questions or requests, the answers to the overheat are there in the TfL files. We put a considerable amount of time into this project. James flew to London a couple of times to meet Nigel and tour the Bakerloo with TfL staff. We informed Nigel that we had solved his overheat problem and would be in a position to provide the firm details, our findings and the fix once a contract was signed with us. This was our arrangement with TfL but it was never honoured. It would seem that a lot of Londoners read my previous posts on cooling the Tube. If you have ridden the Underground in the last 6 years while sweating bullets, I hate to tell you this but your discomfort was totally unnecessary. By the first of December, 2007, James and I had your Tube overheat problem solved. The only problem was that Hendy, Brown and Waboso were more interested in rewarding their friends with fat contracts than providing you with a cool trip. Thus this happy relationship with TfL came to an abrupt end just before Xmas 2007. Without notice, Nigel Casey vanished without any notification from him. His phone and E-Mail had been disconnected. In a sense we were thrown out into the street so to speak, without an explanation. In early Jan. 2008 we were contacted by one Jolyon Thompson, an AC Engineer with Parsons Brinckerhoff. Jolyon was quite abrupt and treated James and I as if we were trying to peddle something to TfL. It seemed strange to me that an employee of a private Company [ Parsons ], which was selling AC equipment to TfL to the tune of hundreds of millions of pounds, would be put in judgement of an innovative, economical approach to cooling the Tube. This was a gross conflict of interest. Our ideas did not include ANY Air Conditioning. So there is the reason for our heave ho. Suddenly, Hendy, Brown and Waboso realized our cooling approach meant the end of the gravy train. A pursuit of our cooling plan would have cost Parsons, other companies, insiders and the management too much lost money. As you can imagine this sudden rejection was a surprising turn of events. Jolyon said he could NOT FIND A FILE ON THE WORK WE HAD BEEN DOING FOR TfL. I suspect that our file was destroyed. This happens so often when government scandals erupt. The first order of business is the shredding of documents. But the server would still have all of the E-Mails between, Nigel, James and I. These will prove that TfL entered into a verbal contract with James and I. The E-Mails will be easy for the police to retrieve once this TfL scam becomes public. As well, any attempt to just pay us off would have required justification and created a paper trail. James and I are workmen who have been cheated out of our pay due to the commission of crimes. Thus I take great satisfaction in that the boys, Hendy, Brown and Waboso can run but they can’t hide. They have been and are spending billions of pounds UNDER FALSE PRETENSES TO NOT FIX THE TUBE OVERHEAT, A PROBLEM WHICH THEY ARE INCAPABLE OF FIXING. There can only be one of two outcomes. Either the above management of TfL is stopped now by a police investigation and the Tube saved from closure. Or the Underground is padlocked and Hendy, Brown and Waboso are charged with theft. I found it arrogant in the extreme that an employee of a private AC contractor [ Parsons ], that was doing work worth hundreds of millions of pounds to cool the Tube would suddenly become our only contact point with TfL. This move broke public trust. There was no TfL E-Mail indicated when Jolyon contacted us. What office was Jolyon operating out of? Parsons’? He wanted all the details of our work to date, before HE would continue dealing with us. Who then did Jolyon represent? Peter Hendy, Mike Brown, David Waboso, Kevin Payne, or Parsons Brinckerhoff? Was any of this in the public interest? Or was it all about filling their pockets with taxpayer’s cash. Thompson wanted our findings but he was never going to get them. James and I are the only ones who know the secret of the ever increasing Tube temp. Our treatment at the hands Thompson ended the relationship we had with TfL. James and I had solved the overheat problem in the Underground and based on our findings we had developed an affordable fix. This we were not about to give away free to a small, criminal management group at TfL. It is quite something for a Government agency, consumed with greed, to stiff a small contractor and to continue to raid the public purse knowing they are above the law. TfL did not end up with the results our findings and so the Tube temp continues its’ ever upward climb. Hendy, Brown and Waboso still don’t know why the Underground is heating up and therefore can’t formulate a fix. In a review of the London newspapers / BBC over the last 6 years TfL has nothing but one excuse after another for the worsening overheat problem. In 2008 I wrote to Peter Hendy, Mike Brown, Kevin Payne, some TfL Board members, David Cameron [ on March 8/08 ], Boris Johnson [ on April 6/08 ] and the London press. This too alert all to the impending closure. If I could summarize the response from those listed above, it would be an overwhelming disinterest about the shuttering of the Tube. The fate of the common folk doesn’t concern the great and greedy. On Aug. 7/08 the final response to my many letters came from one Kevin Austin, Transport, Greater London Authority. There were 3 items of interest in Austin’s letter. There was no date affixed. I have seen this before during my 50 years in business where there are disputes. If there are legal proceedings an undated letter like this has no force. Austin left the date out purposely but as is my habit, I dated it. Austin thanked me for DONATING MY TIME TO HELP DEVELOP A COOLING PROCESS FOR THE TUBE NETWORK. Donating our time was never part of our arrangement and TfL knew it. James, being authorized to fly to London to meet with Nigel at TfL headquarters and to tour the Bakerloo Line with staff puts a lie to this donation nonsense. This kind of information was all in our file that TfL threw out. Austin also stated that Mike Brown could find no compelling reason to make use of our ideas. If no file existed, how could Brown have an inkling about our ideas? In July 2013, the BBC announced that a temperature of 34.2 deg C [ 94 deg F ] was recorded, on the Central Line. The highest ever. Back in the day, Nigel sent us a ton of TfL Engineering reports prepared in 2006 and early 2007. Some of them compiled by Parsons Brinckerhoff. It was clear that self dealing was going on between Parsons and TfL. On page 39 there is a graph showing the current [ 2006 ] max heat on the 6 deep lines. The Central Line was at that time, 32 deg C [ 89 deg F ] and the Bakerloo 32.5 deg C [ 90 deg F ]. The aim was for the engineering staff to bring the temp down on the 6 deep Lines to an average of 29 deg C [ 84 deg F ], many of the planned trinkets and the AC gadgetry to be installed were itemized. In actual fact the Central Line has gone up in 6 years from 32 deg C to 34.2 deg C, a rise of 5 deg F. The historical rise of one degree per decade has gone out the window. This, after spending hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of pounds. No doubt most of which went directly into private pockets. Tory pockets possibly??? The 5 deg F rise is probably due in some part to Climate Change. But the biggest factor is that TfL and Parsons [ other firms ], by their actions are making things worse, quickly. It is like cutting off the leg of a guy with lung cancer. On page 16, under Criterion it says, [1] Extremes above the current average temperature of 29.4 deg C does not appear frequently enough to cause heat strain. [2] However an increase in the temperature to 35 deg C allows exposure time of only 14 minutes. This is much too short for practical intervention. If there had been an accident on the Central Line in July of 2013 the 34.2 deg C temp would have killed people. According to the TfL Engineering Reports the very young and old go first. Hendy, Brown and Waboso have these very documents in the TfL file but there seems to be no concern on their part. This critical situation was brought to the attention of both Cameron and Johnson in 2008 and again in 2013. James and I had all of these Engineering documents back from 2007. But our attempts to arouse someone, anyone, even the London newspapers, to the mismanagement by TfL and thefts from the public treasury from early 2008 on went unheeded. I mailed a long letter and some of these critical Engineering docs to Boris Johnson, at City Hall last Fall [ Sept. 2013 ] but he didn’t even bother to reply. At some point, as this matter of overheating on the Underground proceeds, I will make my letter to Boris public. In plain language. In July 2013, if a Central Line train had stalled at the time the temp was over 34 deg C, there would have been deaths and serious injuries. Just one such death will close the Tube system because the many deep lines are interconnected. Fiona-Natasha Syms wrote alarmingly about the overheated Underground in the Standard on July 19/14. What I have written in my various posts should give Fiona a bit of a clue. Syms will get no comfort from the London papers. Fiona could ask Boris to release my letter of Sept. 17/13. The newsies get too much lucrative advertising from the insiders at TfL to blow the whistle on the pillagers. If and when the Tube closes all the people who read my posts will know the timeline of this slow train wreck, namely no trains, as in zero, which will wreck London financially . TfL is not cooling the Tube at great cost. In fact the spending of mass sums by TfL is actually making the Underground hotter, quicker. Now it takes a special bunch of knuckleheads to accomplish that. And that says little abut a population that let’s Hendy and Johnson get away with it. Fiona’s husband is Tory MP Robert Syms. Maybe after the lights in the Tube go out, Bob could ask David Cameron why HE LET THIS HAPPEN??? With all of the millions being wasted by Hendy / TfL it gripes me to see Cameron orchestrate a Tube worker’s strikes [ 2014 ] over unnecessary layoffs just to spite labour. This when Johnson, Hendy, Brown and Waboso are spending like drunken sailors, all in support of screwing up the Underground. Spending on useless Air Conditioning equipment and gadgetry should be stopped immediately. It is only hastening the closure. In 2003, Mayor Livingstone, sounded the alarm about the Tube overheat and in 2007 he invited James and I into the process. After our ouster in 2007 neither Cameron nor Johnson showed any interest. I would guess any project initiated by Ken Livingstone [ Labour ] was a non starter for the Conservatives. But lost in all this was the inconvenience experienced by hundreds of thousands of Underground passengers. This rider abuse has now extended out for 6 years from 2007. When all the time here was a cooling fix just waiting to happen. In Sept. 2013 I responded to an E-Mail from Boris Johnson inviting me to reengage on the Cool the Tube file. I sent a letter and a package of TfL documents to Boris Johnson at City Hall by courier. The package was addressed personal and confidential to Boris and it required a signature. That package cost me 85 bucks. Johnson didn’t even have the courtesy to acknowledge receipt of my package. And I have never heard another word from Boris. But my courier package was a bit of a test for the Mayor. I outlined to Boris my contempt for those in command at TfL, their dishonesty and the fact that Parsons Brickerhoff’s was self dealing. And I suggested to Boris ways to curb the heat in the Tube system quickly and affordably. I was determined to see where Johnson’s sympathies lie. With Londoners and riders? Or with his close friends, David Cameron, Peter Hendy and the rest of the TfL crooks. I got no response from Boris and thus HE answered my question. Londoners and riders have neither a Prime Minister or a Mayor nor the press being interested in their comfort or solvency. After contacting Johnson, I sent letters to some Members of the Greater London Authority about the fry factor down in the deep Tube Lines. My comments garnered not a single response. So for Londoners and Tube riders, sad to say, you are on your own. There is no champion in your corner. Both my parents were born in London. I have a special affection for the City. All of you are reduced to providing lunch money for the great and greedy. The scale of avarice within TfL, so far undetected, only wets their appetite for ever more. It is surprising that English politicians have turned out to be so boorish, dishonest and uncaring about the lives of their people. Apparently David Cameron doesn’t care if people are hijacked in the air or that riders are getting fried in the Underground. In terms of Johnson. The overheating of the Tube and it’s possible closure apparently doesn’t register with Boris because he is challenged mentally. The Putin hijacking of MH 370 is solvable, just a few calculations using Inmarstat pings. No hocus pocus needed. I think news on MH 370 will eventually leak out. The high temperatures on the Underground can be remedied. That remedial action could be started in 6 week. If things are just left drifting as they are doing now, a Londoner or two will die and there will be many injuries. There have been earlier accidents / fires on the Underground. Each was a case of TfL’s sloppy management and unnecessary risk taking. The present Tube overheat is the latest accident looking for a place to happen. David Cameron is the guy in the hotseat. There is a small window of opportunity to seize the moment as regards both MH 370 hijacking and the Tube heat problem. If Cameron chooses his political friends over the interests of the people and misses this chance to act, he misses it. Then the history books will finger Cameron as a two time loser. The guy who closed London up tight. And the PM who withheld crucial information on 370 and the fate of 239 innocent souls.

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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I have written before about the missing Malaysian airliner. There is no question in my mind that Putin, with Iran’s help hijacked MH 370. It is probably the case where Putin has already killed the passengers and crew and cut the Boeing 777 into little pieces. The Malaysian Government has played games with the loss of 370 from the very beginning. PM Razak didn’t want to accept the responsibility for the missing 777 right from the start. His Airline is bankrupt. The aeroplane was first reported down in the South China Sea which let the Malaysians off the hook. For Razak it was going to stay down in the water no matter what information surfaced. It may be that somebody in the Malaysian Government was paid off to purposely screw up the investigation. The underwater pings which caused ships and planes to rush to a new search have now been confirmed as a wild goose chase. The Malaysian authorities arrested a dozen so called terrorists recently and linked them to the missing MH 370. This was done to further muddy the water. Australia now says it has a tape of the engines of the 777. What next. My original position that Putin hijacked the Boeing has never changed. The new info that has come to light has only strengthened my case. In the last few days the Malaysian Government has released more Inmarstat ping profile information. Once again, this material, like all the foregoing stuff was doctored. It was meant to cloud the disappearance and purposely cause confusion. What is needed is a 3rd party examination of ALL THE MATERIAL. But Razak will not now let that happen because it would reveal the extent of the lies his Government has been telling. What has been happening up to now is that 3rd party experts have been trying to use Inmarstat’s ping profile to ascertain where 370 went. To Inmarstat’s shame, the Company has played along with the Malaysians sleight of hand tricks. What some people will do for money. Inmarstat is supposed to be in the business of assisting people, not covering up crimes. In the back of my mind is the thought that Putin paid off Inmarstat too. But all is not lost. When I ran my repair business, on occasion a customer would ask if I could fix a difficult problem? My response always was, ” if man invented it, I can fix it “. I concluded that in trying to determine where MH 370 went we were all looking into the wrong end of the pipe. Why not make a few guesses as to where the Boeing went? Then overlay the 9 pings profile templates. It doesn’t matter what imaginary route we pick, the pings will say yes or no. We know that 370 was west bound, out over the Andaman Sea, between Banda Aceh [ Indonesia ] and the Andaman / Nicobar Islands. The aeroplane was never picked up again on radar [ except 3 possibilities / the Maldives * Iran * Turkmenistan ]. And those places are not saying. The 777 could have gone south as Razak said, to his predetermined watery grave scenario, which seemed to vary from day to day. In my view PM Razak took advantage of well meaning countries, especially Australia. The Malaysian Government created a huge expense for the taxpayers of the countries involved in the wild goose search. And the dollar media ate this dribble up, never thinking of thinking for themselves. I think a complete review of Inmarstat’s ping profile will show the Boeing was never off the Australian coast. That is why Razak / Inmarstat [ which was no doubt paid big money to fudge the results ] won’t release an unadulterated ping profile. 370 could have gone over the Maldives in the direction of the British island of Diego Garcia. There is radar on the Maldives but it did not pick up the jumbo jet. Although eye witnesses saw it fly over at 6.15 am, March 8/14. From the Maldives the plane could have easily gone due north to Iran and Russia. The ping profile would confirm any of those imagined routes. I am a commercial pilot and an aviation historian. I know all about the use of radar during the Battle of Britain, the towers on the south coast of England, the sets in Lancaster bombers used to pinpoint the targets and the German night fighters. The Inmarstat’s signals are not as precise as the 1940’s equipment but their ping profile can confirm or eliminate a particular imagined route. In an earlier post I asked David Cameron to release the ping profile that is in his AAIB’s possession. At that time I had not thought of imagining a route first, then overlaying the ping profile. Cameron ignored me. So did the British press. When the great and greedy buy advertising it is customary for the media moguls is to use a wet noodle to flog the offending ad buyer. I think the Prime Minister showed himself much too willing to support Razak. Even early on, the info coming out showed the 777 could not have gone down in the water but Cameron blundered along. He seemed more intent on scoring political points than getting to the bottom of the mystery. The Inmarstat ping profiles can now tell us where Boeing 370 went. If Cameron won’t come clean with the ping profile then Parliament should take up the matter. The MPs have the clout now. After all the Conservatives only hold a Minority. I have never been impressed with Cameron. In 2007, the then Mayor Ken Livingstone invited my son James and I to have a go at cooling the London Underground. I have written about this before. We solved the riddle of why the Tube was overheating and proposed a fix. James and I have determined that our fix did not please Peter Hendy and Mike Brown. The actual cooling the Tube would have done Hendy and Brown’s friends out of bogus contracts that have cost Londoners hundreds of millions of pounds. I wrote to Peter and Mike early in 2008 to protest the fact that James and I had been so rudely dumped and that we had not been paid for our work. I sent copies to David Cameron, then Opposition Leader and Boris Johnson, MP, who was running for Mayor. I had no meaningful response. I still have copies of my letters. To help us solve the overheat we requested of Nigel Casey, then Innovations Director of the TfL, a number of documents. I guessed we got about 400 docs. They proved important in two respects. It helped us determine WHY the Tube continues to overheat [ and getting worse ] and how to fix the problem. Then knowing what the fix was, the docs revealed how much money was being wasted on expensive, hair brain schemes by Hendy and Brown. One can only come away from this situation feeling that Hendy, an apparent multi millionaire is getting kick backs for useless projects, from private firms inside TfL. I sent letters to the London press in 2008 but apparently the fact that the ridership and the people in the City account for little there was no interest in our cool Tube fix. Latterly it would seem that our Peter Hendy took himself a mistress. A gal who charges 160 pounds an hour. Hendy set her up in a flat and fun and games went on for nine month. Then the roof fell in, Hendy’s wife found out. The pretty thing got dumped out on the street when it was found out the TfL was paying some of the freight. Of course it was claimed by Hendy’s that his personal life had nothing to do with his duties at TfL. Bullshit. If a man cheats on the one who is closest to him, he’ll certainly cheat others. Hendy cheats the people he is supposed to be serving and has been doing so for some years. My recent posts [ 2013 / 2014 ] about cooling the Tube prompted Boris Johnson to E-Mail me and invite me to discuss our cool the Tube fix. I was not sure of Johnson’s place in the scheme of things but I took him at his word. So I sent Boris about 30 documents along with my letter of response by registered Post to London City Hall. That package cost ME $ 85. I sent all this TfL engineering material because I am concerned that the Tube will be shuttered for no good reason. And it doesn’t have to be closed because James and I have the fix. Boris received my package, his secretary had to sign for it. The documents covered some of useless projects and gadgetry which had been contracted by Hendy / Brown among friends. These make-work-schemes have cost Londoners hundreds of millions of pounds. Johnson didn’t even have the courtesy to respond to me. The wasting of valuable resources by Hendy on his friends and the possibility of the permanent closure of the Tube due to overheating was of no interest to Boris. Again I included the London press in my post tags but the newspapers still can’t arouse themselves. But there will be lots of headlines when the Underground does close, maybe this is the summer? The foregoing is the background to my anger over Peter Hendy deliberately creating strike conditions with the Underground unions at the behest of David Cameron. The PM picked a phony fight with the unions as a way of attacking the Labour Party. So Cameron ducked the dirty work and passed off the job of picking a phony fight with the unions to Hendy. As payback Hendy and Brown, have been allowed to continue scamming Londoners all the while crying poormouth. Johnson was right in there bashing the unions, this to attract the eye of voters. Cameron, Hendy, Brown and Johnson are beneath contempt. They are guilty of milking London in favour of the great and greedy. As well there have been created bogus strike conditions which were meant to deprive working people of their jobs, to inconvenience the people in the City who don’t drive RRs and at the same time allow the insiders to loot the public treasury. As well David Cameron has the info to pin Putin’s ears back on 370 but as in arranging for Hendy to cause phony Underground strikes Cameron doesn’t have the balls to do any of the dirty work himself. The Tube will close at some stage from the overheat. This doesn’t have to happen but Peter Hendy is too busy shovelling money out the back door to his friends. As well, Cameron is a party to the missing Malaysian Airliner but for some reason he doesn’t want the mystery solved. Why is that? It is an embarrassment that a British Company, Inmarstat is involved in misleading the world public and AAIB is willing accessory. I regularly write about the abuses of the great and greedy and politicians here in Canada. And the extremely passive role the newspapers play here. Speak no evil, hear no evil and see no evil. Not recognizing the existence of evil is a big money maker for the press. In England the same situation seems to apply. For the media there is no monetary reward for speaking the truth. The money is made by the press for repeating lies as in the case of Cameron and Johnson. The lack of attention paid by the media to evil is wrecking the societies here and over there. As always, in the end the masses pay the price. Peter Hendy will suffer not when the Tube closes. But there is still time to avert this Hendy made disaster. Parliament can clip Hendy’s wings and stop the payouts to friends for useless gadgetry which has nothing to do with cooling the Tube. It can reform TfL to better serve the public rather than the great and greedy. Cooling the Tube for real by the House would be a good first move. The MPs can force the release of the Inmarstat 370 ping profile and chastise AAIB for ever having gotten involved with this dubious caper. And David Cameron and his Party should be reprimanded for dereliction of duty to London [ strikes ] and the world public [ for withholding critical 370 info ]. Johnson should be sent off on his bike and told never to come back again. Boris is yet another adulterer. I wouldn’t trust Peter Hendy and Boris Johnson to baby sit my pet rock never mind TfL! Here is my conclusion about David Cameron and Boris Johnson. Government of the great and greedy, by the great and greedy, for the great and greedy.

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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I have posted 4 stories on the hijacked Malaysian airliner MH 370. As my research turned up new pieces of the puzzle I have added to the story. Nothing concrete that has come to the surface since March 8/14 has caused me to change my opinion. Namely, that Putin grabbed the Boeing 777ER. All the while thumbing his nose at the world. Putie is such an arrogant son of a bitch. The Malaysian Government, the world $ media, Boeing, Rolls Royce, Inmarstat and AAIB have been doing a repeat of the 1920 Hollywood Keystone Kops. Running around like headless chickens making like fools. From the start the Malaysian leaders wanted MH 370 in the drink, period. This, they assumed would allow them to duck responsibility and reduce the cost of the disappearance. For them the fate of the passengers is immaterial when compared with money. It is just the cost of doing business. For the dollar media, which loves a contest or a tragedy, the mystery of the vanishing 777 is heaven sent. With PM Najib Razak and his motley crew delivering, almost on a daily basis the most ridiculous and baseless comments and explanations, eureka. The pickings are choice for the $ media and opportunities for fantasy constructs are limitless. The CNNs and US To-Days have gone into misinformation orbit and are still there. For the last 25 years said media has moved away from honest and in depth reporting and moved to pre-paid spin, custom written news, made up stuff, propaganda and outright lies. The newsies are like a brain surgeon who hasn’t done an operation in years. One would tend to get rusty and out of touch. Many who work in the media a underpaid young people who are being taken advantage of by the press moguls. Who are bent towards dealing with falling profits by squeezing the very vulnerable novice writers. On the net many of the newspaper site show pictures of those responsible for a particular piece. Most of them are like 28 something and their contributions show they have no idea whatsoever about aviation. They are no more than copyists and will never learn anything about quality journalism. So if newspapers no longer have editors and fact checker and drive to publish is driven by those who are consumed with the bottom line, you get what you see, unsubstantiated garbage. All of these youngsters and a few oldies who write or speak have wasted tons of ink and hours of airtime going exactly nowhere. It reminds me of the poem I used to read my Daughter more than 40 years ago about the cat chasing its’ tail. They have wasted your time by not informing you. They have cheated the advertisers by putting forth the poorest of journalist product and have delayed getting to the bottom of this story by playing handmaidens to PM Razak and motley assortment of pretend investigators. Boeing, who’s name is on the line has just gone mute. They apparently think that ducking undercover is a safe place to be. I am sure their lawyers have said, stay out of it. But a major problem like the loss of 240 people will not be solved by hiding in the closet. The aeroplane company executives have a very distinct yellow stripe where their spines should be. Likewise for Rolls Royce. Very early RR put out a news report saying 370 flew for at least 5 hours after it was snatched and that the shutdown of the 777 was normal. The RR Trent jet engines have independent monitors which send data to Derby England on a continuous basis. It allows the Company to monitor every engine and spot trouble before it can become serious. So it would seem that if 370 had crashed RR would be first to know. There is a procedure for shutting of aero engines be they prop or jet. Oil pressure would bleed off slowly, the temp would sink, rpm would diminish, fuel flow pressure would fall and so on. In an accident, everything would suddenly stop like a dropped call on a cell phone. From Prime Minister Cameron, I want to see a copy of the 370 Rolls Royce jet engines print outs. I don’t trust any techie now. Too many insiders have hidden agendas. PM Razak slapped RR down and the Company withdrew the report. RR has refused comment ever since. As I said before, this is not the time for the participants to look for a hidey hole. In terms of Inmarstat, the Company has been dishonest right from the start. There were 7 pings, then there were 8 followed by a half a ping. The satellite in question [ 3 F-1 ], received responses from MH 370 but these signals did not identify, its’ position, height or speed. However if there are different imaginary tracks the pings can confirm or rule out tracks. If all of the pieces of the puzzle are assembled and weighed the possibilities become apparent. Then the pings come into play. With the failure of the Malaysian Government to assemble the puzzle pieces at their disposal, the pings just become a separate puzzle piece open to manipulation. Another factor that has never been investigated is the fact that there are other satellites in the heavens which may have intercepted signals from 370. One such satellite, located east of Malaysia [ 3 F-3 ] is also owned by Inmarstat. The cartoon released by PM Razak showed a series of orange arcs, with one coloured with red lines. This cartoon seeks to impart information but does the exact opposite. It muddies the water. This Razak can’t be trusted. The red / orange arc apparently relates to the last ping. The arc in question traverses Turkmenistan and the Caspian Sea in the north. Then it travels right down to the Indian Ocean off the west coast of Australian. The red line is the range of the Boeing if it only had enough fuel to fly from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing [ 6 1/2 hours plus reserve ]. But remember 370 is a 777ER [ an extended range version which can fly 14,000 kms or 15 hours plus reserve ]. Malaysia has never changed their 6 1/2 hour to Beijing position. We now know that 370 flew for 7 1/2 hours [ at least 6800 kms ] but Razak still sticks to his 6 1/2 hour range figure. Because, because, the supposed crash site off Australia is based on Inmarstat’s supposed final ping and Razak’s supposed Beijing fuel load. It is interesting that a Malaysian Boeing 777ER holds the long distance record for the great circle route. One of Razak’s 777ERs called the Super Ranger flew 20,000 kms / over 20 hours in the air from Washington State eastward to Kuala Lumpur, this in 1997. So Inmarstat’s final ping cartoon with the Malaysian range track is totally bogus. The likelihood of 370 going north is just as valid as it going south. PM Razak misdirected many countries to go on a costly wild goose chase off the Australian coast. Thus the Malaysian Government is guilty of pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes. Why? There is a hot discussion now afoot on the internet. None of this has yet made it into the worlds $ media because the people involved in all the 370 idle chatter are TOO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON [ like CNN’s Wolf Blitzgaber ]. He is like a guy who has never been on skates before getting on the ice during a Leafs / Habs game. Once upon a time the $ media hired expert writers / commentators / specialists to cover important news like this. Now we get pretty, brainless people on TV and interns / novices [ low pay / no pay ] doing the scribbling for the press. An alert media would never have accepted Razak’s bumbling. Within a couple of days he would have been cut off at the knees by knowledgeable journalists. Involved in the ongoing 370 net discussion are many aviation types [ pilots, engineers, scientists, telecommunications people and the like ]. It would seem that on a individual basis they responded to the Malaysian / Inmartstat cartoon. They attempted to use said cartoon to solve the mystery of the whereabouts of Flight 370. Everyone who I have read [ more than 100 ] say that either Inmarstat fudged the pings. Or Razak fudged Inmarstats pings and Inmarstat stayed silent. How much did the Malaysians pay for a zippered lip? It is as if Malaysian / Inmarstat photoshopped the cartoon that was published. This to me borders on criminal behaviour under the circumstances, seeing as 240 lives are involved. Many in the debate tried to get the ping profiles from Inmarstat, without success. Of course the $ media played a crucial role in this affair by going along with the hoax and never asking any probing questions. PM Razak and Inmarstat had / have the ability to cheat by simply claiming confidentiality. There are many more shards of evidence which heavily lean to Putin grabbing 370. But for this post a lot of conjecture from me would be unhelpful. I can do that in a future post. If you have read all my posts you have a lot more solid information than most of the people in the world. But I will say that I suspect that Inmarstat was paid off by the Malaysians in order to give the aforementioned cartoon a professional stamp. PM Razak said at his news conference that AAIB / UK concurred with Inmarstat’s findings, that is not true. But, but, but. If AAIB did concur with Inmarstat’s hocus pocus findings the British Government is now a party to criminal behaviour, akin to lying in Court. If AAIB did not concur with the hocus pocus then the agency should have made a clear statement to that effect. However, a spokeswoman for AAIB said there would be no comment. AAIB can’t play both sides of the street. Was Prime Minister Cameron duped on this matter? Did Cameron see this as a risk free opportunity to score political points? The UK Prime Minister offered help to Hajib Razak and sent HMS Echo to chase the wild geese. Cameron also sent representatives from AAIB, Inmarstat and Rolls Royce to Kuala Lumpur to confer with Malaysian officials. It is like a gang that robbed a stagecoach joining the posse looking for the baddies. Themselves. Cameron’s group of reps possess all of the info needed to pin this hijacking on Putin. They don’t have to travel anywhere. This junket is pure madness to add to the whole investigation riddled with madness. AAIB has Inmarstat’s complete hocus pocus file. Now Inmarstat is in a trap. Releasing the ping profiles will confirm that the cartoon is fraudulent. So whether Inmarstat sings in the end, it doesn’t really matter. Roll Royce has all the data from the 777’s engines, showing continuous operation for more than 5 hours after the hijacking took place and that their shutdown was normal. The world assembly of armchair sleuths now heatedly conversing has used backchannels to try and get the ping profiles. I think the people inside Inmarstat who are in on the cartoon caper and possible bribe are few in number. Probably most of the employees of Inmarstat haven’t a clue so no information is getting out. I think the shareholders of Inmarstat should be getting nervous. A no risk strategy to increase profits on the back of 240 innocent people could put their whole operation at risk? I am just a greenhorn in terms of trying to calculate the movements of 370 based on a few electronic findings that are now in the public domain. But if I had maps of the 7 or 8 or 9 pings I could fit that template over my theory to see if I’m on the mark or off the chart. At this stage the British Government should be leaving NO STONE UNTURNED LOOKING FOR THE ANSWERS. I said in an earlier post David Cameron was in the catbird seat. I have changed my thinking. The British Prime Minster is now in the hot seat. Cameron has at his command all of the details needed to narrow this pursuit down to Putin. Immediately, the representatives of Inmarstat, Rolls Royce and the AAIB should be called on the carpet. This, before a Committee of Parliament. Those experts are wasting their time in Kuala Lumpur, it is just that, a waste of time. If money has been passed around and crucial information has been withheld for personal benefit then a sacking or jail would not seem out of place? Was PM Cameron just duped or is he involved in some kind of intrigue with Malaysia? Does Razak’s team have ties to Putin himself. I am one of those rare birds who flew commercially and also worked on aeroplanes. By being a mechanic I was a better pilot. Being a pilot made me a better mechanic. I can visualize how that 777 flies although my own mounts were much smaller and equipped with wheels, floats and skis. And I can also visualize the Boeing airframe, all of the components within and how they work. So when the Malaysians began talking rubbish I knew immediately. That prompted me to dig deeper and pay greater attention. I by-passed the world $ media completely. WHY WERE THEY AND RAZAK LYING??? That was my question. The world awaits David Cameron. Eventually the Prime Minister will have to release the Rolls Royce tapes and the ping maps. Of that you can be sure. Cameron leads a minority Government. Having now become mired in disappearance of MH 370 either on purpose or inadvertently Cameron’s dream of majority Government is a long shot. There is no easy way out.


THE CLOSER — No doubt you are aware that the Russian KGB [ ? ] released a couple of statements to obscure newspapers about MH 370 landing in Afghanistan, the starving passengers living in mud huts and so on. Russia was the only country to comment on the whereabouts of the 777 as far as I know. Why would Putin thrust himself into this debate for no apparent upside? I think this statement was firstly made to throw a monkey wrench into the massive, fruitless search off Australian. Casting doubt on the situation was not helpful in the eventual solving of the mystery. But people who cast doubt are not looking for solutions. For the legions of shills hired by the tobacco companies 40 years ago there focus was on creating doubt. Thus Putin was showing himself to be completely uninterested in finding 370. I believe the reason is that he already has the Boeing 777. Why spend a nickel supporting a search for a plane you already have. Secondly, it seems to me that Putin was sort of gloating. Foot on the chest of the vanquished and sword held high sort of thing. I began to point to Putin within days after 370 vanished and there were others on the net who had similar ideas. I think Putin thought he had pulled off the perfect crime, but, but, but? But Rolls Royce was monitoring the 777ER’s engines for more than 5 hours after the hijacking took place. And the data showed a normal shutdown of the two jet engines at the end of the flight. In other words there was no crash into the Indian Ocean. The 777 was designed to use GE – 90, Pratt and Whitney PW 4000 or Rolls Royce Trent 800 engines. RR remotely monitors its’ engines whenever they are operating around the world. These RR monitors can’t be shut off from the cockpit. Do the GE and PW engines have similar world engine monitoring system. If not it could be that Putin did not know 370 was continually calling its’ health status home to Derby England. As well, did he know that even when the 777 communications system is shut off the aeroplane is still capable of responding to satellite signals? We now know that 370 flew for 7 1/2 hours [ approx. 6800 kms ] almost to Antartica, not where Razak has the world searching off Australia. And then the 777 landed and was shut down normally. We also know that the last ping arc as picked up by Inmarstat [ which I believe is true ] [ the only ping profile of the 8 [ ? ] made public ] crossed the Caspian Sea in Russian all the way down to the Indian Ocean off Australia. If you check the distance from the hijack point in the South China Sea, west into the Indian Ocean, over the Maldives, then north up the Arabian Sea, over Iran then barely into Nebit Dag Airport in Turkmenistan. Guess what distance that is??? You are right, 6500 kms. What an amazing coincidence. As well the 777 is equipped with 4 ELTs. I was given to understand that these ELTs can be disarmed from the cockpit. This was half right and half wrong. The 2 ELTs in the fuselage can be shut off by the pilot. But the two ELTs in the wing tips are completely independent. If the 777 went into the drink they would have been triggered. One ELT might fail but two ELTs failing at the very same time is one in a million. Engines shut down normally and no ELTs deployed. So it is clear 370 DID NOT GO INTO THE WATER. In the last few days various countries have released statements to say MH 370 did not pass through their airspace. They are China, India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Laos and latterly, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. But not to left out, Turkmenistan. The last, the possible landing site of MH 370 which I identified at the beginning. Why did these 3 Russian satellite Countries suddenly deny 370 over flights when nobody in an official capacity was even pointing a finger at them? I surmise that would over fly Iran connected to military radar. That’s the reason for the two young Iranians to be aboard. Same goes for the two Russian fighter pilots who would connect the 777 with Turkmenistan military radar. As a result the civilian radar operators in Iran and Russia would be able to say, ” We didn’t see nothing “. Could it be that Putin is becoming a little uncomfortable as the noose slowly tightens??? Is his perfect hijacking beginning to unravel? The answer will not be long in coming. I expect PM David Cameron to start singing sooner than later. Sooner if the Parliamentarians start asking him some tough questions?


A TIP OF THE HAT — Alberto Riva of the International Business Times wrote a piece on the missing Boeing 777ER, March 18/14. It was an excellent summary of the facts that were then known. Of all of the garbage I have read about MH 370 emanating from the world $ media, Alberto’s article stand many heads and shoulders above them all. A word to the Editor of the IBT, take care of Alberto Riva, he’s a keeper.


This is THE story of this new century. But Vladimir Putin grabbing Malaysia flight 370 went right over the heads of Wolf and his equally challenged newsie friends. Quite some situation?

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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Since the Malaysian Boeing 777ER disappeared on March 8 / 14 I have followed the story closely. As things evolved I began paying even closer attention. I have been involved with aviation for more than 60 years as a Commercial Pilot and an aircraft mechanic. The 777 disappeared just after 1 am, Mar. 8/14, half way between Malaysian and Vietnam, over the South China Sea. It happened at night and Malaysian Airlines withheld the information about the loss for at least 5 hours. It is easy to see why the Malaysian Government assumed the jet went down into the water. It was on the radar one minute and gone the next. Under the circumstances the possibilities of a crash are an explosion of sorts, the failure of one of the airframe components / engines, structural failure, a bomb or incapacitated pilots etc. The Malaysian Government apparently took the position that MH 370 was in the water and that was that. As facts and stories began to filter in the Malaysian Government began accepting or rejecting clues based on whether those clues fitted the original ditching narrative. This pattern was not immediately apparent to me. But as important fat facts began to be rejected by the Government the whole investigation started to smell. It was obvious that they were bent ON NOT CONNECTING THE DOTS. A very strange way to solve a problem. A perfect approach if you don’t want to solve the problem. And solve it the Malaysians haven’t. Another factor became clear. The Malaysian Government was giving all of the clues the same weight. To them the sighting of a wooden pallet with blue and red straps was as important as the pilot’s very evasive actions. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaa I wrote three posts about the missing airliner. At first I was critical of the Government for a much bungled investigation but felt that the Malaysians were victims too. They didn’t deserve all the criticism I held. Then I discovered that Malaysian Airlines was in financial trouble and the Government was trying to keep a lid on their dollar difficulties. Then the light went on in my head. Having been a politician it was suddenly apparent to me that the Malaysian Government was engaging in political damage control. Rather than a thorough investigation for which the Government IS RESPONSIBLE. It was a matter of looking at each clue to see whether the level of blame would go up or down. This provided for bizarre news conferences which made no sense whatsoever. But on the other hand, the mountain of misinformation proved to be a field day for the mainstream dollar media. The press barons could turn their underpaid / no paid novices / interns loose to write fantasy stories in order to catch eyeballs. The number of eyeballs a TV network or newspaper can garner translates into more money from the advertisers. Cheap coverage of this max story was done strictly from a money angle. Informing the public was long forgotten. On CNN, a retire airline pilot was being interviewed by a neophyte reporter. Of all the people interviewed either on TV or in the newspapers this pilot was the most cogent, he had a tape on many of the clues but then the greenhorn cut him off. It is clear that CNN had a juicy story and they were not going to let the facts get in the way. Even Wolf Blitzgaber, who has been too long in the Situation Room was all over this missing jet story. A situation about which HE KNEW NOTHING. AND STILL DOESN’T KNOW ANYTHING.


After fixing stuff for 60 years, aeroplanes, cars, trucks, tractors, backhoes, outboards, chainsaws, golf carts etc. I developed a process to determine where the problem might lie. First I look for all the clues [ oil on the pan / front or back ]. Then I weigh each clue [ a leaky water pump is more serious than a misfiring spark plug ]. Then I put all of the clues in sequence. This happened first, then that happened and the noise got louder as the engine warmed up. And so on. Then it would be a process of elimination to find out what the problem isn’t. Isn’t. Isn’t. In this way the problem can be narrowed down. Once an opinion is arrived at it has to be tested against the new developing clues. It is a brutal process. If a new clue is uncovered that rules out the arrived at assessment then it is back to the drawing board. This is the process that should be ongoing in the case of the missing airliner. But is being ignored by the Malaysian Government in its’ haste to avoid taking any blame. Increased blame means increased legal costs.


The point at which the Boeing disappeared was in the gap between Malaysian air control radar and Vietnam air control radar. To continue to fly the intended course it would have shown up on Vietnam radar. That didn’t happen. Both Malaysian military radar and Thailand military radar picked up an airliner going west, crossing the Malay Peninsula just south of the Thai border. The Malaysian Government did not release this information for 3 days, allowing various countries to waste time and valuable resources looking for the 777 IN THE WRONG PLACE. It had already flown out into the Indian Ocean. Just getting that far showed amazing pilot dexterity. The original course was NNE to the point of the radar gap. After a left hand rate one turn the course was due west. Then a gentle left hand turn to a course of SSW. Near the Malaysian east coast the course was changed to a heading of due west. Once into the Adaman Sea the course change was to the NW. Once into the Indian Ocean the course was SW. During this part of the trip the Boeing climbed to 40,000 feet, then dropped down to 9000 feet over Malaysia then climbed to a west bound airway used by commercial jets to go to Europe. The first turn left was to travel the split between the Malaysian / Vietnam commercial radar zones and escape west. Then it was a matter of going SSW to avoid crossing Thailand. The military radar systems in Malaysian and Thailand are pretty lax at the best of times and shut off sometimes. MH 370 was picked up by both but the operators did not report the positive responses in a timely fashion. After crossing Malaysia the plane then turned slightly to the north to avoid Indonesian radar. On that heading the Boeing 777 would have encountered Sri Lanka’s radar so a turn was made to the SW into the Indian Ocean. All of this fancy flying was done to avoid being picked up on commercial / military radar. This planned avoidance of radar is all important. Someone with a bomb would not take such care. All around the South China Sea countries have commercial and military radar. The only way out was a sort escape hatch MH 370 took, west bound over northern Malaysia. This was well researched. The 777 threaded the needle so to speak. This was a well planned operation which would have taken months in preparation. and a lot of practise. Do you think the people who stole MH 370 went through all of this planning, just to dive the 777 into the sea 7 1/2 hours later??? The next episode relates to the pings picked up by an old satellite, owned by Inmarstat [ sitting over the Indian Ocean ]. There were at first 7 hourly pings reported. Then it was revealed that there were actually 8 pings. Even later than that there was a half hour ping. Me thinks the Malaysian Government has come up with a new game. It is called, ” Pick-a-Ping “. Based on these pings a cartoon was circulated which showed an arc stretching from the Caspian Sea south, over Afganistan / India, across Indonesia to a point 2000 miles off Australia. On the orange arc was scribed a red line. The red line represents the distance the Boeing could travel with the fuel on board needed to get to Beijing. Since we are dealing with a 777ER [ extended range ], if fully fuelled that aeroplane can fly for 14,000 kms or 15 hours. Apparently the Malaysian Government did not think to check to see how much jet fuel was actually put aboard the plane. OR DID THEY? I would think it would be one of the first things to checked. Daaaaaaaaaa. The Government keeps using the Kuala Lumpur to Beijing fuel profile. Why? Early in the disappearance Rolls Royce said THEIR independent monitors attached to each engine that report to Derby England indicated that the Boeing had flow for at least 5 hours after electrical contact was cut at about 1.20 am. So that means the plane was in the air at least 7 hours and engines were shut down normally [ in other words no crash ]. The engine monitors can’t be shut off from the cockpit. PM Najib Razak demanded that Roll Royce retract its’ news release. RR complied. In terms of the always changing number of pings. That old satellite can’t tell where an aeroplane actually is, how high it is and how fast it is travelling. The satellite can however measure the distance to the object. But a series of pings can be used to establish in what direction the plane was travelling, if you have the starting point. In this case the west coast of Malaysia, was the last known location. To pass through between Indonesia and Sri Lankan radar going west would mean flying directly towards the satellite and the pings would get closer.. If the Boeing made a right hand turn, 200 miles off the west coast of India and headed for Iran the pings would move away at a ninety degree angle. If the 777 made a left and flew south towards Australia the pings would not come as close to he satellite and the southward trajectory would at a 70 degree angle. All of a sudden one of the satellites [ not the one involved in the investigation ] spotted some debris off the west coast of Australian. PM Razak was onto that debris information like a dog on a bone. The Malaysian Government’s wish had come through, MH 370 was in the water off Perth they decided based on no hard evidence. The search Armada was sent to that area without there being any proof whatsoever. No ELT signals. Inmarstat the satellite Company involved apparently did some hocus pocus for Razak to identify that MH 370 was in the water off Australia. Razak said that Inmarstat used a new formula to arrive at this conclusion. This was an entirely new hocus pocus formula never seen before by man nor beast. How much did Inmarstat get paid for this hocus pocus? Inmarstat consulted with Air Accident Investigations Branch UK on its’ conclusions said Razak. AAIB was given a full 3 day to decipher the satellite Company’s never before seen hocus pocus. It was said that Inmarstat also consulted Boeing. In actual fact Inmarstat only passed its’ calculations on to AAIB. PM Razak said AAIB had concurred with the satellite Company’s findings, that was a lie. An entirely new approach by the satellite programmers would be unknown to the people at AAIB and as well as Boeing. Why Prime Minister Cameron would allow the Investigations Branch name to be dragged into this scam is beyond explanation. Boeing’s name was also used in the scam but that Company has made no comment. Every government, individual or company that is not coming fully clean on this story bears some responsibility for the lives of those passengers. There are many involved who are holding back valuable information. They are doing so full in the knowledge that the $ media is too stupid to figure out what is going on. So the bad guys in this drama can hide. There are too many CNNs and too many Wolf Blitzgabers involved to crack this story. Did the Malaysians pay Inmarstat to supply a predetermined location. Then just to spice things up, PM Razak suddenly moved the search area 600 miles closer to Australia. Base on exactly what? Apparently the 777 has FOUR ELTs. The two on the fuselage can be shut off from the cockpit. The two ELTs on the wingtips are independent. But Inmarstat stated it was not involved in the move to the new target area. The Malaysian Government said that the 777 went down in a different place because it flew higher and faster than originally thought. Nobody knows what MH 370 did after it flew west out over the Adaman Sea heading towards the Indian Ocean. All we have are a number of clues. When analysing the fate of 370 the available clues are the clues. All we can do is come up with a best case scenario. Razak has not even started THAT process. Malaysia seems intent on ignoring the evidence, letting the clock run out and have the black box batteries die. Then Razak will have his watery grave ending in spite of the evidence that was piled up. This means that the Boeing 777ER that was never there in the first place will not be found. Of course. That is unless someone rats on Vladimir Putin. I am sure there is a person or there are people who have knowledge of Putin’s MH 370 grab. I think a million dollar bribe, with a guarantee of safe passage for family members and a new identities in return for information on the plane heist will do the trick. Putin can’t kill everyone involved in the hijacking of the 777. If he tries that the families and friends of the dead will be more inclined to speak out. All it will take is one person to say yes, Flight 370 landed at Nibet Dag Airport in Turkmenistan. This will blow the story wide open.


The mainstream dollar media have spent the last month treating viewers and readers like fools. There has been no attempt by the media TO INFORM THE PUBLIC, TELL THE TRUTH AND CHECK FACTS. The more outrageous the information was the more it made the headlines. This shows the bankrupt state of the old dollar media. Can you imagine how Wolf Blitzgaber, he of CNN’s Situation Room, will feel about treating the disappearance of MH 370 in such a cavalier and superficial way. When we confirm Vadimir Putin stole the plane. It will be the block buster story of the new century. The dollar media has become lazy in terms of searching for the truth. Why would any network or newspaper bother to spend money on an in depth investigation to ferret out the truth? When they can get the eyeballs they need by broadcasting / printing pure propaganda, lying and making stuff up. Ezra Le Rant comes to mind. For Pierre Peladeau, the Separatist owner of the Sun enterprises Ezzie is a cheap trick. Pierre just locks Le Rant in his room, slips the odd directive note under his door and all this stuff comes out which is not of the real world. It would seem that in Canada a tiny sliver of the population prefers to live in Ezra’s world rather the real one. Darwin never said it was the, ” survival of the fittest “, the expression used on Wall St., to portray those who cheat as being fitter than the rest. Darwin said survival depends on the ability to adapt to a continually changing world. Those who are focused on surviving need to know what is happening in real time and in the real world. Knowing a year later that the train which blew up in Megantic was carrying Alberta Tar / Benzine is of no help whatsoever. The closer one can get to reality, the better the chances of remaining on the planet longer. It would follow that relying on the mainstream press for the information needed to survive is a mug’s game. Sitting in one’s basement with a beer, glued to Sun TV’s blather while the forest fire edges closer, is a long walk off a short dock. A month of coverage about the missing Boeing 777 has left tens of millions no further ahead. The Malaysian Government wanted the aeroplane in the drink, the evidence be dammed. The dollar media was happy to oblige. PM Nazak, his Government and the media barons decided the world audience is made up of fools and proceeded forward on that basis. When we prove that Putin was responsible, I am sure it will become clear that part of his hijack plan depended heavily on the fact that the Malaysian Government and the world press would mishandle things very badly. And they have done just that. They didn’t disappoint Vladimir.


In earlier posts I laid out what I though the track taken by MH 370 was. The transponder and electrical connection to air traffic control was severed in the narrow gap between Malaysian and Vietnam commercial radar. I mean this is a neat trick. It would be like travelling east along Eglinton Ave. in Toronto at more than 500 mph and doing a left turn at Bayview Ave. It is not something a pilot would do if he had a gun at his head. I explained earlier how the 777 dipsy-doodled westbound over northern Malaysian. So it ended up going west into the Indian Ocean. All of the maneuvers taken up to this time were made to avoid radar coverage. I REPEAT, TO AVOID RADAR COVERAGE. This takes planning and skill. The hijackers wanted the thing to purposely disappear into the ether. No group claimed responsibility for bringing the plane down because there was no evidence of a crash [ RR said the engines were shut down normally ] [ the ELTs were not deployed ]. The passengers were from different nations [ mostly Chinese ]. So it seems there would be no percentage in the hijackers trying to punish a country or a people by stealing the craft. Early on I was left trying to figure out who would just grab the Boeing 777 and make it disappear. Thereby grabbing the world headlines in such a way as to have the crisis go on and on into the future. I heard an announcer say he thought Putin’s seizing the Crimea was audacious. Another commentator on a different newscast said grabbing Flight MH 370 was an audacious act. The bulb in my head went on. Both were so Putin. As various clues filtered through I tested my Putin theory against each new bit of news. I determined that the only way to get the 777 into Russia was through Iran. I measured the distance from Kuala Lumpur to Turkmenistan, avoiding radar all the way. But the fuel onboard the aeroplane to get it to Beijing would barely get it to the southern coast of Iran and very chancy. Too many Iranian watching there. Rolls Royce released a statement that said they were monitoring the engines for at least 5 hours after the hijack took place and that at the end of the flight the engines were shut down normally. This meant that the plane had not crashed but had landed safely. It has come out that the 777 flew for at least 7 1/2 hours. If it only had enough fuel to get to Beijing [ plus reserve ] the 370 could not have flown for more than 6 1/2 hours. Somebody put extra jet fuel in that plane. The Malaysian Government has held fast to the fact that there was only enough fuel onboard to get the plane to Beijing. The facts do not support that position. The press has continued to push this limitation [ destination to Beijing only ] on range. It is typical media groupthink. There apparently is not one single commentator or reporter out of thousands of parasite scribes involved in this affair smart enough to say, ” Hey wait a minute “. Then I found out the missing plane was a 777ER [ extended range ] model. Wiki has all of the specs on most aircraft including the Avro Arrow, F-35 and the Boeing 777 in all its’ variants. The 777ER can travel 14,000 kms and stay in the air for more than 15 hours. Of course this depends on the flight height and the airspeed. This information changes the whole story. My take? Someone topped the 777 up in Kuala Lumpur. Therefore the plane actually had the ability to overfly Iran and land in a desolate area of Russia, on the east side of the Caspian Sea. When the ping cartoon came out the arc of the last ping travelled right over Nebit Dag Airport in Turkmenistan. Very early in the news cycle eye witnesses on an island in the southern Maldives saw a jumbo jet, as they described it, in Malaysian Airlines white and red livery. It was flying low towards the south east. It made a lot of noise and people could see the outline of the doors on the right hand side of the fuselage, which is correct. 5 people were interviewed. One was a Community Councillor and another a teacher. Many residents came out of their houses and the time they all gave was 6.15 am. This item was on the Maldives news. The Malaysian Government pooh poohed the story, like everything else. The Maldives military commander said he would investigate but the story was buried. Why? My answer. The stupidity of the press. The Malaysian Government is clearly covering up. That at least is a reason. Not a satisfactory reason but a reason all the same. In terms of the dollar media however what they did was just plain dumb. Hours of broadcast time and tons of ink wasted on talking / printing nonsense. Guilty of absorbing all that babble from the Malaysians. And never an intelligent question from the assembled throng of reporters. Another question follows. Why was the $ media even in the game is they didn’t know what was going on? Is this a valid picture of the much vaunted press? All effort being given to disseminating false and misleading information and lies in pursuit of ratings. One TV station actually bragged how their ratings increased. Another listed the number of, ” Likes “. For God sake, 240 lives are at stake. One report said a ping from the plane was picked up near Diego Garcia, a British island which is home to a major US air / sea base. There are reports circulating that the Americans grabbed MH 370 because of its’ special cargo. Another rumour is directed at china. It is interesting to me how connections to the US and China are so thoroughly researched in this instance and the $ media has never posed the important questions. How much fuel was aboard 370? Or what the Rolls Royce report actually says? Or why Inmarstat only talks about the last ping [ or the second last ping??? ]. Or who the 2 Iranians [ travelling with stolen passports ] were. Or who the 3 Russians were? Or what the people on the Maldives saw in the way of a jet. Or why the ELTS didn’t go off? I am convinced the Malaysians wanted MH 370 down in the water in the very beginning to avoid taking any responsibility for the outcome. Avoiding responsibility would cut the cost of liability. Nazak never deviated from that course. And the world $ media played along with his game. Perfectly.


The Boeing 777 travelled south west in the Indian Ocean to stay well away [ 200 miles ] from Sri Lanka and India’s radar. If the plan was to get to the Arabian Sea and travel north towards Iran and then on to Russia the Maldives presented another problem. This chain of volcanic islands is strung out north to south off the south west coast of India. The Maldives present themselves like a picket fence. Going around the north end of the Maldives would have put 370 onto India’s radar. Flying over the Maldives when the Male Airport was closed for the night would have given the missing flight away. The appearance of 370 over the Maldives at 6.15 am put many of the empty talking heads off the track. Flying at speed the Boeing would have arrived over the Maldives much earlier, at 4 am or so. What the pundits were not considering is that the Maldives is two time zones away from Malaysia. Also, there has been no consideration of the fact the 777 was not cruising at speed at 35,000 ft. The last military radar [ Malaysian and Thailand ] had 370 at 9000ft or even lower. I think MH 370 orbited over the Indian Ocean 200 miles off the coast of India until the Male Airport on the Maldives opened for business. 700 miles south of the Maldives is the Brit island of Diego Garcia a bristling US Air Force Base, with all the latest hi tech stuff. 370 would not have wanted to stir up interest on Diego Garcia over an unidentified aeroplane overflying the area. Therefore the 777 had to tip toe past the Maldives. Not to the north where India’s radar lurked. Not to the south where a sophisticated US Air Force was located. The 777 couldn’t go over high in the airliner corridors with its’ electronics off. And just overflying the Maldives, not following the normal left hand circuit landing pattern at Male Airport could have awakened suspicions. So 370 joined the Male circuit on the down wind leg. It flew by Kuda Haveeru in the Maldives [ seen by the residents ] going south east. Instead of trying to sneak by the Maldives, MH 370 presented itself, hiding in plain view, right up close and personal. This was a brilliant move. It mimiced a plane landing at Male Airport. Once south of Kuda Haveeru the 777 could hang a right and head straight for Iran up the Arabian Sea. The Iranian passengers [ ? ] would have to talk the plane through air traffic control in Oman and Pakistan. Then right across Iran into Russia. Malaysian officials simply investigated the 370 passengers for terrorist ties. These Iranians were not terrorists but air traffic controllers. Why were there two of them? Would Putin plan this hijacking at the time he was making ready to invade the Crimea and have the success of the mission depend on just one Iranian. What if the guy got food poisoning or something. The same goes for the 3 Russians. Two of them were fighter pilots and the other I guess was the leader of the hijacking. One of the pilots would have been the deputy leader. These Russians were not terrorists either, so the Malaysian investigators blew yet another chance to solve the case.. The Malaysian pilot had a home based simulator which he wiped clean before climbing aboard MH 370 and disappearing. Apparently Nazak called in the FBI to try and recover the wiped simulator files. They found the hard drive only contained the circuit pattern and radar for the southernmost major Sri Lanaka airport. The same circuit pattern and radar for the two southernmost major Indian airports. The same circuit pattern and radar for Male Airport in the Maldives. And last but not least the same information about Diego Garcia where the American Air Force is located. Malaysian officials decided these computer files as being of no interest. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. How could they be so stupid? Or is this part of a cover up?


We can confirm Vladimir Putin has MH 370 by clarifying the following information. How much fuel was put aboard MH 370? That would be easy to ascertain? Or does PM Nazak already know. It is clear that the pilot was in on the hijacking. He probably got a million bucks from Putin? The background of the 2 Iranian passengers [ ? ] and the 3 Russians has to be checked on the basis of whether they could act as airborne traffic controller? What happened to the low flying jumbo jet seen by the residents of Kuda Haveeru. Did such a plane land at Male Airport at 6.25 am or so, March 8/14? If not why was it shooting up the Atoll? Only then to disappear? Answers to these and other question will flesh out the Putin picture. But the man in the catbird seat is Prime Minister David Cameron. Roll Royce has all of the data on the engines of MH 370. The Company can tell how long the jets were running to the half hour and we already know their shutdown was normal. I want that RR data from Prime Minister Cameron. If there had been a crash Rolls Royce would have known first. If the plane had gone into the water the engine stats would have ended abruptly like someone dying of a heart while hooked up to a monitor. Rolls Royce would have been informed within 5 hours, even before the Malaysian Government announced the plane was missing. At that time the ELTs would have been sending radio signals. It is obvious Nazak doesn’t want any of this information made public. RR is a commercial business that is not going to challenge a big customer. But Cameron has to shake Rolls Royce’s tree and make them fess up. The RR data has a big part to play in this story. It is evident that Malaysia has sent many countries on a wild goose chase which has cost each nation tens of millions of dollars [ these are tax dollars remember ]. So the little people across the world are again paying the freight for the irresponsible actions of a corrupt Government. In addition Cameron has to shake Inmarstat’s tree. We have to see all of the ping hocus pocus. We must see those pings. Luckily for the world, Inmarstat forwarded all of the ping data and hocus pocus to the Air Accident Investigations Branch, a department of Cameron’s Government. With a rough idea of where MH 370 might have gone the 8 1/2 pings picked up by the satellite will confirm or rule out the dash to Putin’s New Russia. The modern land of the Tsars. It is imperative that PM Cameron release the RR report on the operation and shut down of the two engines. Cameron already has all the ping data in his hands at the AAIB. I don’t trust Inmarstat. All that info must be released forthwith. I would like a copies. It would seem that the Malaysian Government is now backing away from its’ responsibility as lead investigator under international aviation regulations. PM Nazak has started to wash his hands of the whole affair. Nazak is saying in so many words, 370 is in the water, the black box batteries have expired and nothing more can be done. Further he is saying that other countries will now have to assume the responsibility for the missing aeroplane. Nice work if you can get it? I DON’T THINK SO NAJIB, NICE TRY. Were people in the Malaysian Government involved with this Putin caper. Somebody put extra jet fuel in the 777, we already know that. Does a private petroleum company refuel the airliners at Kuala Lumpur Airport. With each refueling a data ticket is printed out [ reading / start ] [ reading / finish ]. Even if that data ticket went missing there would have been info about the plane filled before MH 370 as well as after. The 777 was carrying more fuel than it needed to get to Beijing. Did the Russians themselves buy that extra fuel? Or is this something the Malaysian Government was involved in right from the start? Did Putin pay off the Malaysian Airlines’ debt? Getting these and other questions answered will tell us where MH 370 went.


My final comment. I was prompted to watch the disappearance of the Boeing 777 very closely because of the use of the word audacious a couple of times in the beginning. As stated, audacious fits perfectly Vladimir Putin. Who else in the world would have to balls to pluck a big jet with 240 passengers and crew out of the air??? If your are thinking Stevie Harper? Forget it. I think Putin grabbed MH 370 to impress his court. His supporters probably reasoned, if he can pull this one off, then Vladimir has the power do anything. In the last few days the KGB, or what ever it is called these days released a statement about the 777 to an obscure newspaper. They said that the plane had been flown to Afghanistan and the passengers were housed in dirt huts and were starving. I believe this mischief proves my theory. The Russians would not have released such a tall tale unless they knew exactly where 370 is. Putin is taunting the US, the EU, China, NATO and the rest of the world over the lost airliner. He is convinced that all of his opponents lie prostrate before him, helpless, confused and distressed. [] little vladimir, the smallest of men [] THINKS HE HAS PULLED OFF THE PERFECT HIJACKING. Not!


PPS — When I am looking for news and the truth I go to CBC on the net. If that story is global in nature I add to my knowledge by accessing the BBC, Guardian and the Economist on the net. For more meatier stuff I rely on the New Yorker [ magazine or net ]. Locally, I buy the Toronto Star, Globe and Tar, National Post and Toronto Sun for the daily dirt. These papers and our TV networks are dominated by means of advertising by the American oil monopoly and the Harper Fascist Government. Getting the local papers tells me so many insider tidbits. The four papers often cover the same stories using exactly the same information. I am not talking of breaking news. Premier Alison Redford was attacked every 4 or 5 days from the time of her election. If Danielle Smith of the Wild Oil Party made a statement, within days it was big stuff in the press. Oil money gets the attention of the press barons like David Thomson. When Canada becomes an oil state there will be no gals on the top rung like Alison Redford. Rather we will be bowing to Danielle Smith, Eve Adams and Jenni Byrne. As you probably know I am a REAL PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE [ 50 years ], sometimes a bit blue and sometimes a bit red. Rob Anders, if he knew me would call me a left leaning Liberal and worse than the devil. The feeling is mutual on the devil part. My former Reformer compatriots on the Prince Edward / Hastings CPC Riding Association Board did not consider me a true Conservative either. Herr Harper took over the corporate structure of the national PC Party illegally. Steve is now doing the same to Canada. In seizing the Federal PC Party Harper thought he was also getting the likes of me, free, in the deal. Not? There are hundreds of thousands of PCs out there in the Land who no longer have a political home. Tom Mulcair, please take note. Tom is right to move to the right. Harper and his Fascists have also taken over my Ontario PC Party [ same deal, the hard right backed by oil monopoly money ]. The ultraright does not have the spine to set up its’ own stand alone party. And try to sell their right wing ideology because it wouldn’t sell to 85% of Canadians. Armed with an endless stack of under-the-table oil monopoly money Harper falsely assumed the identity of the old Progressive Conservative Party. This, with the help of people like Jim Flaherty, John Baird, Tony Clement, Peter McKay, Marjory LeBreton et al. Stevie killed the Progressive part of the name. So Canadians who are very slow on the uptake think they are still dealing with Conservative traditions and values. Rather, they are really in the hands of the Tea Party movement. The 4 newspapers I get tell me all about Herr Harper and where he is headed. In WW 11 Churchill’s Bletchley Park code breakers solved the mystery of Hitler’s ENIGMA machine. In a sense the Canadian dollar media [ TV, newspapers and magazines ] [ not the CBC ] is like a modern ENIGMA system. All of the oilie cipher clerks across the Country get E-Mails from Dave Collyer [ Can. Association of Petroleum Producers ] outlining their part in the newest campaigns aimed at undermining this Country. The thrust of which is to deliver us into the arms of corporate America. In varying degrees all of these turncoats [ I name them on occasion ] make money selling us down the river. In terms of the media bosses [ TV / newspapers etc ] the oil monopoly pays the likes of David Thomson of the Globe to orchestrate the smear / misinformation campaigns to get max saturation and full effect. I mean David has a lot of money but I doubt he would be paying for 50 plus articles attacking Premier Alison Redford over a period of a year. Gary Mason, a 3rd rate writer who shills for the Globe wrote almost a third of those Redford attack articles from the basement of his home in BC. The only way Mason could possibly know what was going on in the Edmonton Legislature is for someone to be sending Gary instructions. My observations would indicate that the higher guys go up in the American oil monopoly pecking order the smaller their balls become. Those at the top, like Harper have none at all. The whole reason for attacking Redford was that she was promoting her National Energy Strategy. Her initiative was good for Alberta, the West and for Canada too. The USA oil monopoly was scared shitless at the thought of this Nation taking control of its’ own energy resources to the advantage of the little people [ Lady Black’s term ]. So as in the case of smearing Pierre Trudeau and his NEP, Premier Redford was attacked every few days for over a year. The oil monopoly spent tens of millions on the Redford smear which was a bean feast for the $ media. By the way gasoline prices will be going up this summer to pay for the Redford attack articles. Thus hounding Redford out of office is going to go on your tab. This is how it works in Harperland. I wonder how much Dave Thomson of the Globe netted? I know it was a lot larger pay out than poor basement Gary Mason made. I had the thought, Mason would have done quite well working in one of Hitler’s concentration camps. You know, blindly following orders and that kind of thing. So some of the capital badly needed by the newspapers comes from custom written oil propaganda. The other push by the beleaguered press is to increase the number of eyeballs. Advertiser pay according to the audience. In the old days it was the PAID CIRCULATION AS AUDITED BY AN INDEPENDENT COMPANY. Then when circulation numbers started to fall the newspapers began cheating. If a person bought a paper surely there would be someone else in the household who would read it. But that was only a guess. So the newspapers guessed and a new formula was born, actual circulation was pushed aside as a measurement [ 1990s ]. The popularity of papers continued to wane so the press bosses came up with a new wrinkle. They began giving newspapers away. Papers were left in car dealerships, arenas, pizza shops etc, still are. This then added to readership. How many of the giveaways are actually read and how many are thrown out, untouched? The latest numbers are 30% giveaways for the Star, 25% for the Post and [ ? ] for the Sun. Not only are the Press Barons fooling the public with false and misleading copy and lies those who advertise in the papers are being fooled by the rigging of the circulation / readership / viewers figures. Advertisers are being overcharged for eyeballs that ain’t there. Now we come to the papers charging for eyeballs on the net. Newspaper performance got a new addition a couple of years back, recording how many people clicked on a particular site. The National Post is the worst offender. Paul Godfrey has about 6 sites under different names. It is hard to figure out who owns what but it can be done. Many of the articles on these sites are recycled from the Post itself with the name of the right wing scribe and the date removed. Some Post articles are two years old but with new, current Headlines. If you click on that Post [ ? ] site Godfrey considers that 2 eyeballs for which the advertiser will pay. Can you imagine the joy in the dollar media camp when Malaysian Flight MH 370 disappeared. Readers / viewers were shocked and they were paying close attention. Vladimir Putin knew all about the mainstream dollar media and how it would react. By seizing 370 he would get his cover in order to grab the Crimea away from the glare of lights. And as Vlad expected the $ media fell for the bait and went right to work searching for eyeballs. There was no attempt by the press to check facts, vet stories or attempt to make sense of events. There was a scramble, particularly on the net to put up wilder and wilder headlines. If you have been a viewer over the last month of shear $ media nonsense you have been well fooled and your time wasted. If you are an advertiser you too have been well fooled and cheated out of your money. This missing jet story had the potential to go on and on forever as Putin intended. But I have ruined it all for him. There is now a totally new story, a very simple story. Putin has MH 370 on the steppes east of the Caspian Sea. And Prime Minister David Cameron has the evidence to prove my claim. Shall we step back into reality, ignore the devious Malaysians, disregard the hopeless / dishonest press and proceed with the next part of the investigation??? We owe it to the passengers and crew.


I would like PM Cameron to send me a copy of the Rolls Royce printout for the MH 370 engines during its’ last flight into Russia. I also want a copy of Inmarstats ping report for the same flight, as well, I want the Malaysian hocus pocus file. I have already plotted the ping profile for 370, either making a right turn towards Russia or a left in the direction of Australia. Did AAIB concur with Inmarstat’s hocus pocus? If not, PM Najib Razak was not telling the truth at his news conference. David Cameron is familiar with me. My son James and I did work for the TfL [ for which we were never paid ] in 2007 on the overheating of the London Underground. The temperature in the Tube system continues to go up and nothing is being done about it. We uncovered the secret as to why the Tube is getting hotter and proposed a fix. TfL was not amused and we got the chop. One of these hot London summers will see the Tube closed permanently. James and I warned the Prime Minister of the closure and its’ potential to bring London to its’ economic knees. Cameron continues to ignore the overheat problem. I am not usually an, ” I told you so sort of guy “. But in terms of the closure of the Tube I will indeed communicate with PM Cameron on my blog, for all the world to see. And say, ” I told you so “, that the Underground would be shuttered. This heads up, went as far back as 2008, when Cameron was in opposition. Will Prime Minister pay any attention to good advice this time.


We need to know that Rolls Royce engines are safe, that Boeing aircraft are safe and that flying is safe. We should not allow the besmirchment of an entire industry by a little back alley thug like Vladimir Putin.

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON mmm nnn bbb

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On August 26 / 13 some veterans of Bomber Command who served in WWII were presented with a Bar to be worn on their  Canadian Service Medal. However this honour is only 65 years too late. There were 125,000 men in Bomber Command during the War of which 55,000 never made it home [ a loss rate of 44% ].  There were 8000 wounded and 10,000 taken prisoner. Thus only 40% survived unscathed.  No other branch of the Services had such a high loss of life. Chances of survival on bombing runs over Germany were 1 out of 6 to complete a tour [ 30 operations ]. Most of the fliers were mere boys. Some at 25 were considered old men and they looked it.  360,000 sorties were made, 8300 aircraft lost and more than one million tons of bombs dropped. This almost too late honour will be awarded to all such veterans across this Country. The same happened in the UK a year ago and the Queen presided over the rememberence. We as a public let these heroes down, too willing to take the word of holocaust deniers, historical revisionists and neo – nazis. But better late than never. These might have been boys in the early 1940s but they were real men. 74% were English, 16% were Canadian, 7% were Austraiian and 3% were New Zealanders [ there were a few from other countries ].  After the War those in Bomber Command were pushed into the shadows for a variety of reasons. There were plenty of critics and few supporters [ far too many chickenshits who didn’t want to be seen supporting them and the War ] [ far too many willing to bask in the glow of freedom without paying any price ] [ far too many willing to ride free ]. Those in the Army and the Navy fought soldiers / sailors on the other side. Fighter pilots dualed with German fighter pilots. Bomber crews just happened to kill a lot of civilians [ so called ] during their attacks on the military industries of the Reich. My question, Is someone who served in the SS any different than a person producing 88mm shells in a factory in downtown Hamburg? It is a very fine line. Right at the beginning of the War Hitler set the tone. When the German forces attacked the defenseless Dutch, immediate surrender was demanded. To show that the Nazis meant business the centre of Rotterdam was obliterated. 900 innocent civilans were killed and 30,000 made homeless. Not one of them was making 88mm shells. Could it be that Hitler was sending a message to the new British Prime Minister Winston Churchill?  I think the Nazi leader was saying Rotterdam to -day, your island tomorrow. I am of a mind, when someone proposes a duel, to say, you chose the weapons. What you give will be what you get. Or it may be much more than you bargained for. That seems to have been Churchill’s approach.  In my view, anyone who sided with Hitler, even passively, was a rightful target. And they were in fact treated that way. AFTER ALL IT WAS TOTAL WAR THAT WON THE DAY. The Fuhrer chose to kill innocent civilians in Spain, then Poland, Holland and then England,  among others. Under these rules of engagement it meant that our side was released for the Marquess of Queensberry Rules. It would be a matter of giving measure for measure until the hostilities ceased. And so it was. After the War there appeared a  small clutch of third rate writers and historians [ especially Holocaust deniers ] who had little to offer other than taking controversial positions to defend the undefensible.  Such as attacking Churchill, Sir Arthur Harris and Bomber Command.  And praising Hitler.They used propaganda spewed by Goebbels,  used material selectively, made stuff up and changed timelines in order to get a reaction, boost their careers and make money. They left many things out in order to mislead.  Dishonest?  Yes, extremely so.  Likewise, there were /are book publisher who would / will print anything to make a buck. Such publishers are still around to – day.  Much like the newspapers.  Back in the day, there was much more hay to be made writing about the so called  dreadful bombing of Dresden by Harris and his boys than praising them for their steely nerves, dedication to duty and contribution to the  War effort. Even while some feared the outcome they flew into those dark skies knowing it was unlikely that they would return. We must appreciate, their’s was a dedication to preserving our freedom. Interestingly, almost half the aeroplanes that bombed Dresden on Feb. 13 and 15 1945 were American Flying Fortresses and Liberators. David Irving, a Holocaust Denier wrote a book about the bombing of Dresden  which was more fiction than history.  This book was received well in the aforementioned Nazi lover’s circles.  Irving called himself a historian but what he was was a provocateur. Those who knew David when he was young said he failed at everything but found salvation in boosting Hitler. Irving made a life / living siding with Adolf. Kurt Vonnegut made a name for himself [ and a lot of money ] writing Slaughterhouse 5.  A fictional account of the bombing of Dresden, much copied from Irving who seemed not to be bother by Kurt’s plagiarization. The popularity of Vonneguts NOVEL, a Hollywoodization really, set the tone for later 3rd rate historian types. Regurgitating the tribulations of Dresden was a sure meal ticket for university historians, the untalented and pacifists. See what monsters Churchill and the British are, they would say.  But there was no money in calling the Americans monsters. The deniers / revisionist historians never let facts get in the way of a lucrative, phony story.  War work had been moved by Speer into the cities to provide cover. Goebbels called the British butchers for bombing innocent women and children in Dresden and other cities. Innocent my ass. Hitler purposely put the German population in harms way to hide his war work activity. If the Spitfire / Mosquito Photo Reconnaissance  boys did detected the presence of war factories in built up areas the game was up. Orders to bomb [ bombers ] and strafe [ fighters ] came down from High Command [ both British and American military people ]. The revisionists liked to blame Churchill and Bomber Harris for all this activity. What went on came from Brit / US cooperation and can’t be separated for use in historical fiction. Winston and Sir Arthur had too much on their plates to be worried about the day to day missions. These attacks produced casualties, both military personal and civilians.  One German veteran lost his wife and child on a train that was shot up by fighters. Trains and canal boats were the main means by which military supplies and materials were shipped around Germany. Somehow the loss of a mother and child under such circumstances was elevated by the revisionists / pacifists to show how barbarous the English were. The US Airforce did strafing too, particularly the P – 51s.  Little account was given by historians to the death of Ivy Millichamp of Orpington. At 5 in the afternoon of March 27 / 45 Ivy was in her kitchen looking out the window when a V2 rocket landed in her front yard.  This was the last V2 to fall on England and was 6 weeks after Dresden when the 3rd rate historians were claiming the War was over.  But what these bombing raids did do is generated a body count for Goebbels.  Joseph always inflated the numbers of dead civilians for propaganda purposes. Such number are still used to – day by the revisionist / pacifist historians. Even in the present, terrorists in the Gaza Strip set up their rocket launchers next to schools and hospitals. When the Israelis return fire following the flash the UN and Gaza supporters point to the innocent being killed. But the revisionist historians [ then and now ] leave such facts out of their narratives. In England. 1945 Winston Churchill and the Conservatives were defeated in Parliament. Clement Attlee, of Labour became Prime Minister. He had been part of the War Cabinet [ 1940 /45 ]. There were many pacifists in Labour and the deaths of an estimated half a million German civilians during the War from the bombing prove to be too tempting.  A very handy political stick for Labour MPs like Richard Stokes to beat upon the Conservatives. This, just to heap scorn on Churchill and his Government. If Hitler had won Stokes would have been one of the first to find himself in a concentration camp. One could not decry the loss of so many German people and at the very same time praise the air crews who delivered that very destruction by handing them medals. So Bomber Harris and his boys were shunted aside, too hot to handle. Too easy to denigrate. Marshal Harris refused a peerage from Atlee. If the men under his command were to be snubbed, Harris would stand with them. And stand with them he did. The revisionists never mentioned Atlee.  Shortly after, Harris, in disgust moved to South Africa. It has been recorded by the likes of Kurt Voonegut and David Irving that Churchill turned his back on Bomber Harris because of these supposed crimes. That was not true. Churchill, from 1945 to 1951 was in Opposition. Thus was without power. It was labour who turned their backs on the Bomber Boys.  Rather, in 1953, when  Churchill  became PM again, he insisted that Bomber Harris come back home to be made a Baronet. But still the number of phony accounts of the results of the bombing campaign continued to cast a shadow over the bomber veterans. They took off daily [ 1940 / 1945 ], facing certain death in their Wellingtons, Stirlings, Halifaxes and Lancasters [ my Grandfather George Hobbs, a machinist, worked at Victory Aircraft / Malton Ont. building Lancasters ]. This shadow was also cast here in Canada by so called historians [ Margaret Macmillan, Randall Hanson and Robert Bothwell / all of the U of T and others ] They should be ashamed of themselves. Marg, Randall and Bob treated the story of Bomber Command as if they were covering only one of the prize fighters present in the ring. Such is unbalanced history. A clear case of running with the crowd, too lazy to do research. Too willing to copy institutional groupthink.  One major problem with so many academics is that they are too narrowly focused. Real life is really series of dots. The more of them you can connect the better you get along.  Too many Academics try to build their reputations based on limited  information and selective memories. Being involved with a university seems to require publishing one’s works. Doing research on the net shows little if any criticism is expressed about the output of academics. Their ill thought out output is well beyond reach. This just emboldens them to behave badly.  Apparently not one ever investigate and says, ” wait a minute “?  What about? The Mckenna brothers [ Brian / Terry ], based on narrow academic precedent produced a distorted 3 part  Documentary on WWII. One segment was entitled, ” Death by Moonlight “. It should have been broadcast along with a segment they never made entitled, ” Death by V2 Rockets ‘.  I watched Mckenna’s Docs at the time and my thoughts then are the same thoughts I have now. The revisionist  brothers fictional version of Bomber Command was supposed to be about the killing of gentle, sweet and innocent German civilians. But the fathers, husbands, brothers and sons of these gentle souls  were at that very moment gassing millions of Jews and other concentration camp prisoners. This Doc brought out people on both sides of the issue in Canada.  Many of McKenna’s supporters seemed to care little about the actual misleading Doc itself but viewed the widespread  criticisms as an attack on free speech. An attack on historians who feel they alone own our history. Free speech is anchored to the truth. No truth, no dice.  I do not believe that free speech has anything to do with reconstituted history. In fact there is a real story behind Bomber Command but it went right over the heads of the McKennas and MacMillan, Hanson, Bothwell and the Can. War Museum. What is portrayed must be either accurate history or fiction and never the twain shall meet. On a trip to Chapters a couple of years ago I bought two coffee table books. ” Lost London ” [ 1870 / 1945 ] is a picture book about the historical buildings which were being or going to be pulled down to make way for new ones. By 1875 there was a group in the City that was alarmed at the demolitions and the loss of the past. Photographers were hired to take pictures of palaces, homes, slums and businesses that were under threat. A selection from this City collection of pics is contained therein. It is one of my favourite books and I return to it often.  And to think my Dad, Grandfather James, Grandmother Emily and the eleven other brothers and sisters [ 6 boys / 6 girls / my Dad was the baby ] would have walked those very same streets. As did my Mom and her family. The other book is on the ” Blitz in Britain ” as was told in the Daily Mail Newspaper. Each page shows the headlines of the day and pictures. Included are the actual photos with captions after release by the Government. I can only approach this book on occasion. I am struck with each outing of German bombers, the extent of the devastation inflicted on London. And the pluckiness of the everyday Brit.  A shop with the storefront completely blown away and an open for business sign propped atop the rubble. Another pic shows a postman standing alone in the debris on a long street sorting through a handful of mail. Some of the building he is facing are no more.  St. Pauls stands in the distance. My Blitz book is painful to read.  My Grandfather James, was a bricklayer / builder, died in 1938   [ 1856 / 1938 ]. He and Emily lived in workmen’s row housing hard by the Barnes Railway station south of the Thames, for almost 60 years. Emily was in the house till 1948. When the Blitz was on the family tried to get Gram to move to the countryside for safety sake. She refused. I was told by relatives that Emily responded to those who urged her to flee by saying, ” I will not let that little man Hitler drive me out of my home “.  Such sentiment was expressed over and over in the City during those dark days. The bombs were being delivered by members of the master race who thought their families were beyond our reach. That is where the historians should begin their search.  On that score the Luftwaffe pilots were sadly mistaken. The stories of cities like Dresden being obliterated as covered by the historical revisionists never mention Rotterdam and London???


When Air Chief Mashall Harris took over the Command in early 1942 the force was beginning to gel. Daylight bombing had proved costly in men and machines. Nightime bombing was less costly but inaccurate. However improvements were being made and more bombs were hitting home.  Harris introduced the Pathfinder force. Speedy DH Mosquitoes would race in at high speed and identify the targets using coloured flares to guide the bombers. Hitler continually moved the production of armaments east, to cities and towns not under bomber threat and disguised them.  But eventually this no longer provided security for such facilities. Britain had taken the gloves off after the levelling of Rotterdam in 1940 by Goring. It was going to be tit for tat until the final bell. There are many questions about the value of Bomber Command. There was a tremendous loss of bombers and crew. It is estimated that more than half a million German civilians were killed in the bombing. Goebbels claimed that many factories and such were up and running again in just weeks. This questionable Nazi info was used by the history revisionists to say the bombing effort had little affect.  Is this how we do history to – day?  Basing conclusions on facts taken from Goebbel’s Ministry of Propaganda?  Vonnegut [ who was of German origins and a pacifist ] used Goebbel’s civilian body count and was more than 100,000 off the mark. Vonnegut said there were no War factories in Dresden. Wrong, there were more than 100 factories and a huge railway marshalling yard used to distibute military production and bring in raw materials. Vonnegut was about 20 years old when he was captured during the Battle of the Bulge Xmas 1944. Kurt was sent to Dresden along with other prisoners to a POW camp. 6 weeks later more than thousand bomber [ RAF about 700 and the US Airforce about 500 ] struck Dresden. Vonnegut witnessed the bombing but had no other experiences or knowledge about the War with which to compare the raid.  It was not until Vonnegut read the Dresden book [ 1965 ] by David Irving that Kurt realized what a big deal it was. Vonnegut did little reseach and based much of his writing on Irving’s doubtful scholarship. Kurt skirted the need to do inquiries about what really happened when the bombs fell all across Germany. Vonnegut was lazy and claimed to be writing fiction. But Slaughterhouse 5 is seen by too many dimwits as the real story of Dresden. It is the American /Hollywood approach. Since Irving and Vonnegut, Many other lazy historians have built on the foundation they [ David / Kurt ] built without doing research. If one just uses questionable stats the bombing effort can be brought into question as the Can. War Museum did in 2007. The misleading display about Bomber Command at our Museum was just a continuation of the story perpetuated by Irving, Vonnegut and the McKenna brothers. It is that old retail story. If yellow sweaters are selling well at the competion then we will sell yellow sweaters.  However the picture was much bigger than that. Once the Luftwaffe Blitz started there was no way for England to take the FIGHT TO THE GERMANS, except by Bomber Command. The targets were military installations, sometimes in or near cities. Other than slave labour everyday Germans made the stuff of War. Over a million people were kept busy just cleaning up the bombing rubble in the cities. Thus they were not building 88mm shells.  More than 400,000 soldiers had to man the 12,000 anti aircraft guns spread across Germany. Sometimes  a flack battery didn’t fire a shot for months. These soldiers were not available at Stalingrad or D – day.  A third of all the shells manufactured in the latter part of the War were used for flack purposes against the British / US bombers. Those shells were not used  against the Allied armies.  20% of German military manufacturing capacity  went to support the flak units. Those 12,000 88mm guns used to throw flack up at the bombers meant that these guns were not available to be used on the Russian front nor for use against the allies. The bombers, taking off each night more than words could express said to the British, we are taking the fight to that little man Hitler. With the deafening roar of those multi, mighty engined craft hope among the Island citizenry soared. The message was loud and clear, the end of the War was coming closer. And coming closer it was even though Nazi bombs were still falling on London in early 1944.  The Steinbock Air Campaign ran for January to May 1944.  On Hitler’s orders 500 light bombers were sent to kill Londoners. The people of the Capital were going to be made to pay for their cheek insisted the Fuhrer. They dared to stand up to him. On average 70 of these aircraft were lost each month until there were no more bombers to be sent. These raids were called off at the end of May 1944.  D – Day was only then a week away. As 150,000 Allied soldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy the skies were empty of German planes.  Hitler had wasted his last bomber strength on punishing those like my Gram Emily. Is that not barbarous?  Isn’t that a War crime??? Why no mention of this by the revisionists or our War Museum? With fights on the ground in North Africa, in Italy, in Russia or after D – Day we were able to chalk up yet another quick battle win and move on. These were the War’s historical sign posts. The bombing raids however went on interminably, with no apparent clear cut winner. No battle pennant to hang on the wall. For 5 years one after another bomber crew was fed into the fiery sky for no apparent dicernable reason. At the time it was hard to see but Bomber Command was indeed having an accumulative effect.  It weaken Germany internally in so many ways that particular Axis battles with the Allies and the Russians were later lost as a direct result. If you watch documentaries about the War [ not the poor McKenna facsimile ] you sometimes see the German army with not enough bullets, not enough to eat, no winter uniforms, no medical supplies, no fuel and so on. The Battle of the Bulge [ Dec. 16 / 44 to Jan. 25 / 45 ] is a good example. The Bulge ended 2 weeks before the bombing of Dresden in Feb. /45. Of course the history revisionists say the war was almost won by then so continued bombing was unnecessay and a crime to boot. I wonder how the Yanks who were caught in the Bulge would have felt being told the War was almost done. Hitler at the time had no such thoughts.  The Germans at the Bulge ran out of fuel and supplies.  Bomber command can be thanked for that. Holcaust deniers and other revisionists gave permission to a later anti war crowd to use WWII as a tool to pursue their own pacifist agendas. While admitting the Jews and others were being gassed this was supposedly evened out because Bomber Command was burning down Dresden and Hamburg. What rot. There were 12,000 anti aircraft guns stationed across Germany from top to bottom, most in the western part of Germany. Those 88mms were not there to prevent the bombers from killing civilians. Hitler’s war machine needed protecting. In a sense Bomber Harris’ boys became unwitting decoys. Night after night the War was brought by Bomber Command to one German community after another. The German people could not escape the onslaught.  To – day it was Hamburg, tomorrow Berlin, the next day Dresden. On the ground each Army battle win was celebrated, North Africa, Stalingrad, Ortona, D Day and on. In the 5 years [ 1940 / 45 ] of bombing Germany the only battle that sticks out is Dresden, picked out purposely and fraudulently by Irving and the Neo – Nazis so hard pressed to exonerate Hitler. In Germany as in the West there were writers [ who came after Irving ]  who created something out of Dresden that did not exist. And the Dresden myth became a template to be laid over all of Bomber Command’s activities. According to the revisionists the whole operation was all about killing innocent civilians, rubbish.  A lot of hurt was inflicted on the boys of Bomb Commander by those historians and novelists with personal axes to grind. And who eliminated any facts  or information that didn’t fit their fiction. A  burden which has not been removed from the Vets shoulders, even yet. So few of them are left and a Bar for their Service Medal ain’t much. But it is a start. To all those men and women who fought to preseve our freedoms [ which Herr Harper is now taking away ] we owe and we owe and we owe. The Holocaust deniers, historical revisionists, Neo – Nazis and pacifists should be shunned. Their anti bomber command protestations are not helpful to Canadian society. Preaching German propaganda taken from 1939 to 1945 has put our veterans in a bad light especially Bomber Command. The more truth that is thrown into the waste paper basket by the historians and media the worse off we are.


As I was writing this piece I wondered about what the Germans were doing to the English people during the latter stages of the conflict. Hitler planned for a short, lightning war. He didn’t consider 4 engine bombers important. But he did come up with the V1 and V2 rockets as hostilities dragged on.  So called vengeance weapons one and two.  Vengeance means revenge of course. Hitler sought revenge because the free peoples of the world had messed up his plans.  Would you believe it?  They wouldn’t give in.  The cheek of them.  V1s began landing in England June 1944. The last attack was the end of March 1945 [ remember that date ].  9500 V!s were fired at England. The V2 attacks began in Sept.  8 / 44 and ended March 27 / 45 [ remember that date ]. 1400 V2s were fired at England.  During this period 10,000 people were killed, 18,000 were injured and about 20,000 homes were destroyed in London and the south of England. It is estimated that 12,000 workers in the concentration camps died building the V1s and V2s. Oh right, the McKennas and the revisionists didn’t mention the V1s / V2s. While our bombers were hitting German military installations the V rockets were striking London and area. That should be termed a War crime. 


The German city of Dresden was bombed  Feb. 13 to 15 1945. You will note that this bombing raid  took place SIX WEEKS BEFORE THE V1 AND V2 CAMPAIGN ENDED. Critics who are always nameless in the press say, Dresden had no military value. In actual fact, there were more than 100  factories turning out war goods, plants that were manned by 50,000 workers. Dresden was a cultural landmark said the critics and the British / American were not careful enough to avoid bombing civilians because everyone knew the War was almost over. I am sure those who were on the receiving end of the V rockets did not feel that way. Goebbels firstly claimed that 200,000 had died in Dresden which he later scaled back to 150,000 [ actual number about 25,000 ]. And you know how truthful Joseph G. was?  But David Irving / Kurt Vonnegut believed him. Actually Herr Harper is on a par with Goebbels in the lying department. Lyin Steve learned his lessons well at the University of Calgary. This bogus  200,000 / 150,000 Dresden dead figure has been used for 65 years and no doubt motivated Brian McKenna [ and others ]. Mckenna ignored everything in history which disagreed with his take on the situation.  German High Command documents listed the 100 major factories in Dresden as producing rifles, electrical parts, gears and drive transmissions, gas masks and poison gas and parts for Messerschmitt and Junkers aircraft. Dresden, very close to the Czech. / Polish borders was one of Germany’s 10 largest industrial cities. It had escaped being attacked up to the beginning of 1945 because it was on the east side of  the Country. The City was out of range of the bombers in the early part of the war. As the conflict progressed more and more war production was moved to Dresden. It was a major rail terminal with a huge marshalling yard. The Russians urged that this rail concentration be bombed. The City as described by the historical revisionists existed in 1900.  In January 1945 the V1s and V2s were consuming half of the Country’s aviation fuel. Hitler’s advisors pleaded with him to stop the rocket program. It was a tremendous waste of resources with little military value, mostly dead Brits. The Furhrer would have none of it, he wanted English scalps.  He demanded revenge on those English who dared to fight back to save their island. In saving their island they save the world from another dark age.  While the V rockets were taking off in the direction of England hundreds of Nazi fighter planes sat idle because there was no fuel for them. So 1250 heavy British / US bombers flew right across Germany to Dresden unscathed, with the loss of about 8 planes. And all our own historians can say is that OUR Bomber Boys were wrong ?


Now my question is, who in the War Cabinet from Churchill on down would have even considered the historical nature  of picturesque Dresden? V rockets were raining down on the south of England when the raids on many German cities were being planned in early 1945. The aim was to cut of supplies of war goods. If a ball bearing factory was flattened then production of tanks and engines would cease. What was being produced in Dresden had to be stopped. The raising of Dresden to some sort of sign of allied brutality is the stuff of liars and next day quarterbacks. Can you imagine 1250 bombers flying clear across Germany to target civilians in Dresden? It is ludicrous. If that were the case Berlin was closer to England, full of refugees and that little man Hitler lived there too.  The Russians were almost at the gate. Dresden was home to many refugees too, in addition to wounded soldiers. Such information was not in the hands of the allies. Many of the houses and building in the City were made of wood. And of course there was much in those 100 war factories  which could themselves burn or blow up. The Dresden City firefighters were unprepared for such an attack, they had no plans in place.  Money to provide for a modern fire fighting system in Dresden had been spent elsewhere. After all they had remained safe from harm for 5 years. Adequate fighter protection had kept the bombers at bay. Hitler’s diversion of precious fuel from his fighters to the rockets just to spite the British spine was foolish in the extreme. No fighters meant that the bombers could roam at will over the whole of Germany unmolested. As long as the Germans continued to fight the hell was going to be bombed out of them. The Russians feared the use of the Dresden marshalling yard and asked for it to be bombed. The Ruskies were afraid Hitler would be able to use rail to mass troops and supplies in the Dresden area. Then another attack like the Battle of the Bulge could take place in which the German army would do an end run around the Soviet front closing in on Berlin. As a result of many such moves the War was indeed shortened. It is interesting that when Hitler ran short of explosives he packed V2 warheads with cement.  How’s that for seeking revenge? A V2 fuse did not react until it entered the ground so the explosion, if there was one went upwards. The area of devastation was thus limited in size but it was more of a terror bomb. Hitler wanted to terrorize the English and his wishes were carried out until March 1945, and in so doing the end of the War came quicker. The raid on Dresden happened in February of 1945 and involved the British, Americans and the Russians but the revisionists only criticize the British. When the Cold War began the Russians publicized the Dresden raid as one strictly mounted to kill civilians. Another bit of misinformation that was critical of Bomber Command.. This was done to highlight the supposed brutality of the allies. But this was a lie.  So the bombing of Dresden provided a lot of misguided people with an opportunity to publish their own brand of propaganda. What I question is why so few came forward to the defend Bomber Command? The Republicans in the US were taking money from Hitler to mount a campaign to keep their Country out of the War. When the Nazis took over the world the Republicans were going to be put in charge by Hitler. In fact Georgie Bush Jr.’s grandfather Prescott Bush was laundering money for the Germans early in the War.  What the Republicans didn’t know is that the V2 rocket was being modified to be fired from a submarine at the US Atlantic coast. The V2 was used as the protoype for the later American space program. The Germans were also working on an atomic bomb. If Margaret MacMillan and the other history fiction writers had had their way Germany might have won WW 11. With the Republicans then in charge of an isolated continent there would have been great surprise when Hitler launched V2 [ with atomic warheads ] attacks on US cities on the eastern seaboard. What would Canada have done? Marg MacMillan was born in this Country in 1944. She is now 70 and I am almost 79. When she was only one our bomber boys were giving their lives over Germany so Marg could grow up and speak her mind freely. Even to the point where she could criticize the allied bombing campaign and show sympathy to the Germans who will get no sympathy from me. Marg was sleeping with the enemy so to speak. But in a democracy being a turncoat who misinforms is tolerated. Such erroneous material from Goebbels and the Russians being repeated only encourages younger third rate writers, new historical revisionists and the Doc makers who came after the McKennas to Hollywoodize our history to their own liking.  Bomber Harris and his boys did shorten the War. For 5 years the bombers pestered the Nazis and never let up. Gradually destroying the German’s ability to make War. For that period they exposed themselves to the 88mms, drawing attention away from all the other allied efforts. For acting as decoys they earned our undying gratitude. The bomber boys were prepared to stick their heads above the level of the trench.  It is a story that has yet to be told.  For that we owe them a huge debt. But the boys paid one hell of a price and we should not allow those 3rd rate writers, unnamed critics and dishonest publishers to continue to create a fiction that takes any credit away from those who gave all they had in a truely noble cause.  Why is it that we still have journalist and publishers who can smell money a mile away and in return for same will jettison the truth . Duty to Country and speaking the truth are of little importance to them. They care little about the accuracy of what they write and what they print. Even in the present our society is being weaken by false and misleading copy. An educated citizen is the best citizen. Why is it then that our newspapers take money from the elites, the right and the oilies to promote ignorance? A Country  that allows its’ heroes to be stolen in such a cheap manner is in some difficulty.  And we are.  Canadians must demand a truthful press and jail those who refuse to comply. We must deny Herr Harper the access to a PETRO $ media that has allowed HIS every lie. We may just have to fight for freedom yet again?


Let’s tally up the score. To say that Bomber Command did not contributed to the War effort is pure [ 60s / 70s ] anti war fiction. In 1943 the German production of aircraft and steel tapered off. At times the production of Tiger Tanks and 88mm gun sets was disrupted, manufacturing of same was pushed back for months. Much commercial traffic used canal boats on the Rhine River. The US Airforce bombed the River from end to end. By February 1945 Germany was out of coal. The disbursed aircraft industry was so badly hit in 1944 that Goring’s fighter operations never recovered. No spare parts and no gas. Canal and rail traffic were constantly disrupted by strafing by fighter / bombers like the Typhoon. All movement of boats and trains during the day came to a halt. Oil refineries and storage tank farms were obliterated. They could not be defended. Submarines parts were fabricated all over Germany and then shipped to the French coast for assembly. With the rail system in ruins the submarine bases had to be closed for lack of parts. And the list goes on. Kurt Vonnegut said in an interview about ten years ago that the bombing of Germany didn’t shorten the War a single day. This is one lazy, ignorant man speaking out when he should have taken all the money he made from Slaughterhouse 5 and then kept his mouth shut. It would be my estimate the Bomber Command and the US 8th Airforce cut the War by a year, if not more. The US bombers were not fully operational till late 1942. By that time Bomber Command had been up and running since 1939. The Bomber Boys constituted the only military force that could take the War to Germany up till D – Day. It is true that Bomber Command could no win the War on its’ own but the War was their’s to lose. The Bomber Boys did not fail us.

Catch you next time   —   Ken                                                              LAOCOON

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