Posts Tagged Carleton University of Oil


Since the Reagan years the Republican States have increasingly engaged in illegal election rigging and voter suppression, especially against the Blacks. All the Harper / Poilievre anti democratic assaults on voting here in Canada, were taken directly from the Republican State’s play books. Thinking Canadians were well aware of the Fascist game, except for those who rely on the Nazi media, particularly Paul Godfrey’s rag, the National Post. Try this little game. Pick up a Post paper, don’t pay for it, they are free all over the place. Put the Paper away for 2 weeks. The you can see how many lies Paul Godfrey told you. Fascist gripers claimed that the Liberals were selling out to special interests when raising money. Godfrey thought this non story deserved major headlines? Three years ago, Herr Harper gave his employer, the USA oil monopoly, $ 850 million [ you tax money ] for Carbon Capture and Storage, an unproven technology promoted by BIG OIL and Brad Wall, Preem of Saskatchewan. 850 million would have certainly eased the burden of First Nations and those less well off. But to Godfrey, this raiding of the Canadian till by Harper didn’t rate a single word. I find it strange that in the USA, for an elected government in a democracy to impose laws which DEPRIVE SOME AMERICANS OF THE RIGHT TO VOTE. It just doesn’t square. Creating a huge class of second tier Americans has been the main work of the Republicans, the Tea Party, BIG MONEY, the Supreme Court and US Nazi media including FOX NEWS. And latterly the Democrats. This loose knit group of truly selfish people concluded, maybe 200 years ago, that they were exceptional, self appointed and a cut above the rest. This based on no more than a white skin and self approval. Maybe the USA has been like a ball of string all along. When the end comes the end comes, period. It has over the years, gradually been unwound and to-day, 2016 the end of the string has appeared. The appalling behaviour of such anti democratic people can only occur in a land where the majority of whites HAVE FELT AND STILL FEEL SUPERIOR BECAUSE OF THE COLOUR OF THEIR SKIN. AND NOW FEAR FOR THEIR PLACE IN THE SCHEME OF THINGS. It is a fatal flaw wherein the only outcome is TOTAL RUIN. A Country in shambles anyone??? The US Constitution is a fraud, a mere piece of window dressing to hide the real intent of the MASTER RACE, an idea which has afflict mankind from time to time [ 1933 to 1945 comes to mind ]. So while praising the Constitution, the forked tongued whites have not lived by its’ tenets but spent their time carrying on with their hidden agenda, namely, a small minority of rich OVERMEN and a majority of destitute UNDERMEN. Therefore the USA Constitution should be described as a charade, a front and a fraud, used to provide cover for the most despicable of deeds, almost on a par with the Nazis. Gassing and ovens have not made an appearance YET!!!. The Americans are unworthy of such a Constitution. Some ignore it. The majority refuse to defend it. The rightpublicanazis are unworthy since they hide behind a scrap of paper that is pure fiction in the real world. And the larger population is unworthy of such a democracy because they FAILED TO CULTIVATE AND ATTEND TO SUCH A FRAGILE GARDEN. Deep down at the Country’s core dwells hate, racism, cheating, lying and stealing are watchwords all. The extent of this double sided, cultural malaise has hidden by all participants, never fully explored. All have been afraid to confront this sickness which is now fully upon us. Far too many Yankees are incapable or even scared to look into the mirror. It has gotten so bad that certain Americans have been banned from gathering the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial because Trumpf and his gangster don’t like them. And this before Trumpf even takes office. It is my feeling that the Trumpfster will not serve out his term. Some patriot, devoid of ideology and concern for democracy in the USA will take the Donald out? Life in the USA is now no more than a Hollywood fantasy, divorced from the real world. It is a life which goes way back to slave times, when slavery seldom touched the whitie bubble. The world has increasingly been treated in the same manner by the USA, Washington has an appetite for people which it can bully and enslave. As long as the AMERIGREED wealth stripping corporate system is proceeding as planned the plight of the little local people or the far away little people is of little concern to the ever grasping Yankees. Alberta has vast swathes of toxic tar tailing ponds which the American oil monopoly has abandoned and willed to Canada. It is par for the course, the Yankees always leave their garbage behind, no matter how lethal. About the toxic tar ponds there has been no outcry from official Canada over the past ten years. What kind of royal screwing would it take to get Paul Godfrey to apy attention to such an important matter? The area of unusable landscape in Hiroshima after the A Bomb was 13 sq kms. The tar tailing ponds cover 174 sq kms. And yet the yahoos in Alberta continue to pick on Rachel Notley as the bringer of all grief. As I have said before make the American oil monopoly clean up their tailing ponds or seize their property. The Yankees have in essence said, we dumped our garbage in your fair Province now you Albertans can clean the place up. Alberta allowed the monopoly to get away with stockpiling this filth but the Province has no money. Rather Canadians are on now on the hook. And yet Albertans have the nerve to blame Canada for all their ills. Steve Harper wanted to build a wall around Alberta. That idea sounds better and better with each day. The USA oil monopoly was taking the tar out of Alberta for almost free. Now the monopoly doesn’t want that tar because it is buying ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqi people. Much of that stolen ISIS oil is refined in the USA along the Delaware River and exported to Quebec and Ontario. The price we pay for gas, diesel and jet fuel is based on oil that is $ 100 a barrel. If anyone wants to sucker Canadians just take lessons from the USA. Pierre Trudeau was right about not allowing Washington and the USA oil monopoly dominating Alberta politics 35 years ago. As they also do in Saskatchewan under Brad Wall. US money has a special allure for right wingers in Canada. Frank Miller, Brian Mulroney, Mike Harris, Steve Harper, Dalt McGuinty, Brian Jean, Jason Kenney, Jim Prentice et al were all a special breed of Canadians. Those prepared to sell their Country to the USA in return for a cheque. Nothing new here. The Americans have been buying up politicians around the world for 80 years. Brussels is the latest buy. Goldman Sachs now runs the European Central Bank. Fortunately the Brits, who still have a valid ballot voted out. Goodo for them. Back in the 1980s Pierre Trudeau, with his NEP tried to combat the control of Alberta oil by the Americans. And what did Big Oil do??? Why with the help of the Canadian newspapers, the elites here and a vibrant, local Fifth Column element in this Country conducted a massive smear campaign against Trudeau senior. And lo these many years later the NEP smear continues. When oilies take a dislike to someone they will spend whatever it takes to destroy that person. The Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV and Global just love smears and the oilie cheque that goes with it. The oilie’s current smear campaigns against Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau are just a continuation of what ever BIG OIL WANTS BIG OIL GETS. What these campaign require is a well paid corrupt and traitorous media and treasonous Canadians who collectively are prepared to take petro dollars to sell the rest of us out. All those involved in selling Canada out believe that we the locals who suffer or even die are expendable, it is just the cost of doing business. This Yankee thinking has not changed since Jamestown / 1607. Canada has always been coveted by the Americans. The pre Civil War idea of manifest Destiny was supported by many Americans. It held that because Americans were special, their’s was the right to take what the wanted to remake and redeem North America, in their own image. Some supposedly wise Americans, including Abraham Lincoln, saw the moral mission of the Country was to the furthering of the democratic system, broadly. But recently the democratizing of the globe has morphed into commercial domination by the US. Apparently, since 1945 the Americans have been involved with 82 military excursions, including the Iraq War, to force democracy down the throats of recalcitrant locals who decide to be uncooperative on the road to serfdom. With Britain and Canada the Yankees saw no need to invade, cash would surely bring the Quislings a running. The far right in the USA saw the opportunity for world conquest by stealth. The velvet covered brick. Well Abe lost out and we are all the poorer. Many countries have fallen or been driven into the USA sphere . Usually they are completely disarmed and haven’t the means to escape their confinement. Canada has so far been able to avoid such a takeover throughout its’ history. The War of 1812 and the Harper Regime of 2006 to 2015 saw us come the closest to becoming a USA province. In the most recent case, Paul Godfrey was paid by AMERIGREED to play a huge role in handing the keys to Canada to the rightpublicanazis. The Godfrey / National Post operation is illegal from one end to the other. The newspaper chain is owned by Americans, illegal. Godfrey prints False News, illegal [ Criminal Code Sec. # 181]. Godfrey lies to Canadians, paid by the Americans to do so, treasonous??? Godfrey defames and libels the opponents of the right wing. Illegal. Godfrey censors the news in such a way that Canadians only see what the Americans want them to see. I can’t even begin to think what Godfrey would have been doing if Lyin Steve had won? Play Goebbels maybe??? Now with the huge amount of US dollars flowing to our Nazi media the picture is quite clear. AMERIGREED IS SETTING ITS SIGHTS ON 2019 AS THE TAKEOVER DATE, BOTH IN ALBERTA AND CANADA. On board, besides the National Post are the Canadian Fifth Column which includes Brian Mulroney, Conrad Black, Brad Wall, Brian Pallister, Preston Manning, the Universities of Calgary / Carleton, the Globe and Tar, the Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC. I mean these traitors have placed their bet on the power of American dough winning in the end. They are helped in their assessment by the fact that AMERIGREED PAYS THEM ALL RETAINERS. What AMERIGREED wants, AMERIGREED usually gets, democracy or no democracy. And now at the very end of the string comes Trumpf. A mental patient, who is just the latest and grandest outrage coming out of right wing ideology. Only the odd American journalist or academic is willing to even look down into the sewer. And those who do give the sewer only the briefest of glances. Most in the US Nazi media are quite comfortable being down in the sewer, but they do a little squirming and then grab for the cheques. Greed has become the principle driver in the USA. Anyone who comments or writes about Trumpf without attacking the boy / man is morally and intelligently bankrupt. Those who support Trumpf, do not care what damage The Donald will do to American. They are each convinced they will be unaffected by the Civil War no raging. One exception to the train wreck is Noam Chomsky, who predicted this state of ARMAGEDDON, 25 YEARS AGO. It is truly the last battle between good and evil in these Disunited States of America. As Churchill said when looking at the possibilities of Nazi domination, ” If we fail, we will sink into the abyss of a new dark age, made more sinister and perhaps more protracted by the lights of perverted science “. I will borrow. If Canada and the world fails to stem the Trumpfster and his Fascist band, we will sink with the USA into the abyss of a new dark age, made more sinister and protracted by the art of science being replaced by hate, religious fanaticism and racism. The timid Americans, who are not Tea Bagger types, have been unwilling to look at the HATE that lurks beneath the ground in their sewer. For most Yankees in the public eye, they just deny and deny that this HATE EVEN EXISTS. But now with the elevation of Trumpf TO THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT, we can clearly see that 40% of Americans encapsulate racist white supremacists or chickenshit whitish racists. In the latter category are the whites who wave at their Black neighbour or speak to Hispanics, Asians and Muslims at the super market but don’t want them to get too close or to get too uppity and forget their diminished place in the scheme of things. Lady Barb Black said it best, ” the little people should know their place “. Well, I would like to tell the Blacks that IN MY CANADA THERE ARE NO LITTLE PEOPLE. In the privacy of the whites only voting booths, the chickenshit whites showed their true colours by voting for Trumpf. What is at stake for them is the loss of the unearned, inherited superiority of the whites who see themselves as being exceptional. This, for doing nothing more than being born the right colour. Under the circumstances, you would think that seeing the Repubs are in total control, with no democratic restrains to encumber them, they’d seeking the best educational opportunities for their kind? But no. For the rabid right being an uneducated knob is apparently their goal. Stupidity on the part of the righties is worn like a medal. The dumber the better, it would seem. But mother nature has no time for those out of sync. She doesn’t care if the rightpblicanazis won’t acknowledge, California and the mid west are returning to desert, the seas are rising and will shortly swamp the US east coast and the new path of the Jet Stream guarantees the Dakotas and Montana will have colder winters and drier summers. Trumpf’s anti global warming stance is superfluous and is a waste of breath. Herr Harper was also bent on rendering Canadians ignorant. Lyin Steve took away the census to dumb us down and was working with Paul Godfrey and the staff of the National Post to rewrite the Country’s history. Given enough time and we would have thought the Yankees have owned Canada since the War of 1812. Recent job studies indicate that Blacks and Hispanics captured 78% of all the new jobs created in 2015, although they are only 50% of the population. There is a simple reason. The Blacks and the Hispanics seek ever and ever higher levels of education, even under duress they advance. While the white mob reverts to cave man status. It used to be that the USA led the world in new thinking and innovation. Not anymore. Hitler killed the educational system in Germany and promoted militarism. The rightpublicanazis promoted / promote stupidity among their followers as Harper did here. Like the Nazis, the Repubs support unrestricted machine gun ownership. It is the same as after the Nat Turner led Black uprising in Virginia in 1831. The whites armed themselves to the teeth, the slaves were coming. The white populations in the slave States in many areas were outnumbered. They were gripped with fear. The whitie leadership played on this fear and imposed even tougher rules on the Black. Basing an economic system on the free labour of the oppressed and pursuing it’s expansion with naked greed ensured the party would come to an end. It was a precursor to the Civil War of 1861 / 65. Rather than learn from the missteps from 1609 to 1861 the south only doubled down. Now in 2016, the huge, unrestricted influx of Hispanic cheap labour is once more threatening whitie control. And Trumpf’s supporter are not only angry at this turn of events they are scared shitless. The white population is actually decreasing and the minority number are expanding rapidly, especially the Hispanic community. What to do, what to do??? The self appointed Repub OVERMEN [ the Nietzsche Myth promoted by H. L. Mencken and Ayn Rand is just that, a Myth ], have rested on their oars much too long and the world has passed them by. In the interim the US MINORITIES and people globally, have forged ahead in terms of education, an ever widening world view, an understanding of Global Warming and the level of their skills and talents. The 40 million or so USA right wingees are disturbed by the advancement of minorities in America and are attempting to hold back the hands of time. NO!!! They are trying to turn back the hands of time. Rots of ruck. The Canadian cultural and trading arrangement that I have been suggesting encompasses more than 2 billion people. There are almost 200 million Americans who want no part of Trumpf. 40 million ignorant, white supremacists, who are led by the boy Trumpf, a pretend man, are determined to run the world, populated with many billions at the point of the machine gun. They are dreaming in technicolour. It may be that the only way to restore democracy to the USA after a period of unnecessary strife is to revive concentration camp idea and equip then with giant size ovens. We ain’t seen nothing yet?

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Making things worse still, is the fact that the whities have not a clue as to where they fit into the wider world. Study after study shows the USA at the back of the pack in terms of an understanding of global affairs. When you are used to giving orders and punishing those to do not step lively enough the present impotence is infathomable to the rightpublicanazis. Funny, the whites see themselves being left behind even though they are still in control. The vote for Trumpf was made to arrest that fantasy process. Trunpf and his misguided followers are attempting to solve a problem that doesn’t exist. But sorry, it is much too late. Canada and the other Western nations could tomorrow, form a new global arrangement and do an end run around the US corporations and globalization and the wealth stripping by AMERIGREED . The present Trumpf friendly culture, now emerging, which sees a long line of Republicans bent over with their pants down, offers no hope of the USA catching up. So the fall back position is to do what Yankees have always done best, blame others and seek victims to milk. Simpletons who they can cheat, lie to and steal from. The Nazi media is already laying the groundwork for the next round of world thefts. The basic question now is, will the white minority be successful in turning the clock back to the 1950s, 1900s or 1860s and just how many of the minorities will they deported or exterminate? Trumpf has promised as much. Thanks to the Donald, Hayek, FOX NEWS and the rightpublicanazis, democracy has come to an end in America, although they are not going public with the truth just yet. The righties think they can fool the American fools one more time. The quaint idea of one person, one vote is in immanent danger globally, so says the American Nazi media. IT MAY BE TOO LATE FOR DEMOCRACY IN THE USA WITHOUT LOSS OF LIFE??? The whites think as of 2016, only white votes have meaning. THAT IS WHAT THEY THINK!!! The whites might believe that THEY ALONE HOLD THE WHIP HAND. But this transition to a Fascist dictatorship can only happen IF THE MINORITIES ALLOWS IT TO HAPPEN. But as the majority of Americans pore into the streets and begin trashing, burning and the shootings escalate, it looks like the dream of the white haters to retain control of the agenda by use of the gun, is but a faint hope. For some time, I have been writing about those frightened, confused, low brained whites hiding down in the sewer. These demented people used to emerge ever four year to vote Republican, then go hide in the sewer again. The Repubs counted on the sere dwellers. But since Obama, the white sewers dwellers have gotten extremely tired of the hollow Repub promises for perpetual supremacy and a vibrant economy. The KKK types have always been in the shadows, just muttering to one another behind close doors. One of the jobs of the Repub paid US Nazi media was to give zero coverage to the outbreaks of rabid racism. To make believe it isn’t happening. Then Donald arrived on the scene and pulled back the man hole cover, capping the sewer. Trumpf let the racist thugs up, out, into the sunlight and gave them license. Trumpf himself has promised to fulfill every whitie wish, going the Repubs many better. Trumpf is centre stage, surrounded by the Repub toadies, each one having kissed Donald’s ring finger or his ass. 40 million white racists are NOT NOW reaching for their guns, they don’t have to. They expect Trumpf to deliver on his promises. Can one demented, Sociopathic soul like the Trumpfster deliver such impossible dreams in world of 7.5 billion people ?????? They will all have to bend to his will. Hitler came to power depending on nobody else and dammed near enslaved the whole world. In 2016, forty million white supremacists can’t function on their own, they depend on millions of slaves around the globe. It is said that the farther a country is away from the USA, the better chance they have to survive unimpeded. Not only is Donald guaranteeing his supporters perpetual white control but he is going to make each one of them rich. This fantasy will be built upon many backs world wide. I think that the many backs will have something to say about the matter. Some time back a study was done which showed it takes 28 people around the world in servitude to keep each affluent American comfortable. This serving class includes Canadians. We have a far lower standard of living, when related to our resources. This because of the wealth stripping by AMERIGREED. WHY??? Because we let them!!! We let the Yankees in here to fuck us good and we say nothing. Could there be enough spine in Canada to run through that open door which has just opened??? The evil monster is preoccupied, now is the time to scram. So although the Republican States rigged the 2016 election, as they have been doing for the last 35 years, they lost. That is why the door is now wide open. It has been proven over and over that right wingers has no insight. Their ideology prohibit them from thinking. There is no reason for them to ever worry about the future, when the rightpublicanazis could buy that future they desire? This time it hasn’t work. Surprise, surprise, Donald walked right into the hall and stole the Republican crown jewels and the party’s supporters. The Repub / Tea Bag Party is now the Trumpf party. He owed and he owes the Republicans absolutely nothing. The Donald can sit in the Oral Office and thumb his nose at all the rightpublicanazis. Trumpf’s real boss now, is a lazy, ignorant, racist mob that wants superior status, riches by default and the elimination of anyone they don’t like. Citizens in the USA and around the globe, who have a higher Intelligence Quotient than the Trumpf rabble, will be required to submit to this loser pipe dream. Will the world’s population bow and surrender. Will they walk and say screw you Yankees??? We will now see in each country, who are the agents of the rightpublicanazis, Like Harper, Kenney, Paul Godfrey, Ezzie le Rant and crew. Global right wing Trumpf lovers are now showing their allegiance to a USA dictatorship, screw their home country. The Harper Fascists and Paul Godfrey have given a clear sign as to where their money is coming from. To-day, Canadians, who are getting next to nothing for their soft wood lumber and Alberta tar will have to agree to accept Trumpf’s offer of even lower prices for their resources and a lower standard of living. Trumpf’s grandfather was a German, who came to the USA by boat a hundred years ago. The Blacks, who are constantly being abuse and insulted by Trumpf and his supporters, have been on this continent for FOUR HUNDRED YEARS. Second class citizenship, which was imposed on the Blacks at Jamestown 1609, is still being imposed on Hispanics, Asians and Muslims by white supremacists. They have been drawn to the Fascist, Trumpf, by his use hatespeak as the watchword. The white birthrate is below zero. Not enough white babies are being born to replace the whites who are dying of old age, drugs, booze, stupidity and suicide. The birth rate of minority women is 2.3 babies per. In less than 20 years the minorities will far outnumber the whites. Continued white dominance can only prevail if the minorities surrender the field. To guarantee the continuing domination of America by the white supremacists, the KKK and white militias needed to act NOW OR NEVER! They acted by coming out to vote for Trumpf. In doing so the white racists blew it. It was their last card and it turned out to be the JOKER. The Repubs, from Reagan onward, promised their white supremacist supporters that elections would be rigged, votes would be tampered with, the Democratic opposition would be intimidated and the minorities would be prevented from voting. The US Supreme Court declared many of these measures unconstitutional. The Repub States ignored the USA-SC, and the Repub Court didn’t raise a finger in protest. Steve Harper used Republican State operatives AS ADVISORS. Harper, his Fascist Party, those ADVISORS, US petrol dollars, the Nazi media including Paul Godfrey stole the 2011 Canadian Election. This criminal clan didn’t do so well in 2015. I had hoped so but was concerned that too many Canadians were snoozing while the Americans annexed this Nation. But Harper the VAMPIRE still haunts the Land, mentally ill but as yet uncommitted? To kill him off will require a wooden stake to the heart or a fiery oven. The Repubs, have over the past few years succeeded in preventing millions of minority voters from casting their ballots. Some democracy??? No democracy really! Well then Fred Hayek never did support democracy nor did Ron Reagan, H. L. Mencken, Milton Friedman, Leo Strauss, Alan Greenspan or Ayn Rand. And Trumpf declares he won the election fair and square. The Donald, drawing a leaf for the rightpublicanazi’splay book, should have said we cheated fair and square Loaded dice are loaded dice in any game. Interestingly, Americans have a habit of proudly wearing gold medals they stole without ever a hint of a blush. With the election of Barack Obama in 2008, everyone could see that the Republicans had no clothes. The Party could no longer guarantee white control forever. The Tea Party was born in 2009 as a result and commands a following of about 10% of Americans. These zealots of the right wing lunatic fringe, did not accept Republican fumbling of their white forever guarantee or the death of white supremacy in the US. The Tea Baggers attacked the Repub Party itself for its’ core failure, with the thought in mind to clean house and take over. All moderate Republicans were purged. Things were taken further down and even dirtier. The Repub Party hierarchy was scared out of it’s wits by the Baggers and meekly surrendered the reins of the Party to them. The Tea Party only further emboldened the whitie racists. But the Baggers failed also, all they did was bring the Country to a grinding halt economically. When Obama was elected again in 2012, the shit really hit the fan for the white supremacists. Perpetual control seemed even farther away for them and after 4 years of obstructing the Government in Washington, the Republicans / Tea Party had not only failed to deliver white dominance in perpetuity but destroyed the finances of their racist supporters and the Country as well. In 2015, what the whities prayed for was someone even more extreme than the Tea Party. That was when Trumpf showed up. The Fuhrer TO BE has promise even grander outrages. The white master race, according to Trumpf, will remain masters forever and to sweeten things even further there would be chicken in every Fascist pot. That is exactly what Hitler said. It took 12 years and the deaths of 40 million to prove the Fuhrer was telling lies. In 2016 Republican supporters deserted the Party in favour of this tyrannical Pied Piper, Trumpf. Even some democrats voted for Trumpf, they couldn’t take the Democratic / Clinton twins corruption any longer. So the disillusioned Dems jumped from the frying pan down into the sewer! The Republicans have been smitten by the Nazi movement since 1933 and were taking money from Hitler in the late 1930s. The right had to hide their feeling during the War. It took till the 1960s for the rightpublicanazi establishment to start spending money and expending its’ efforts to building a New Reich. It would seem that things are not working out from Trumpf any better than for Adolph. A small group of demented, rightie, Sociopaths began changing the American governmental system on the QT from Reagan time till now. Backed by the One Percent To put it simply, while the bulk of the USA population slumbered along the right wing changed the locks. The ballot, which free people in the States hold so dear, is to-day worthless. It can’t even be used as bum wipe! Now the only option the Trumpf opponents have, is exactly what they are doing, taking to the streets, damaging property and torching businesses. Being down to just one option can be laid at the doorstep of a comatose American electorate. Comatose thanks to the US Nazi media. The rightpublicanazis stole the Country right from under the noses of the people. And then Trumpf stole the disgruntled Repub base right from under the noses of the Republicans. I would suggest to the, ” NOT TRUMPF “, organizers that they become very surgical. Instead of just marching through city streets, throwing rocks, they should create specific targets. If we go back in time to Nat Turner [ 1831 ] and Virginia. He was a very well educated slave who led a rebellion, with about 75 men. They had had enough abuse to last 3 lifetimes. This mob slaughtered about 50 whites, who had mistreated the blacks in their care. My point is that throughout all of the whitie slave States, the citizens became frightened. In some areas there were as many Blacks as whites or even more. The concern was, what would the outcome be if the Blacks got hold of guns? To-day the whites are being pushed into minority status. That same fear of losing control, that gripped the Nation almost 200 years ago has returned but the outcome will be much different this time. The whites have no recourse. They are trapped. Some of them are saying they would rather cut their own throats than live under minority rule. I would like to see the protesters now in the streets get serious. The best thing for a rabid dog is a bullet in the head. Americans who value the democracy that is now lost to them must realize they are dealing with 40 million rabid dogs, a vicious breed, bred by the Reagan’s Republicans. Simply put, as long as these rabid dogs roam the Land, democracy is but a fading memory. Canadians beware. We also have a rabid dog element in this Country that will not be satisfied until this Nation is a province of the USA. Now is not the time to snooze.

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ANY RIGHT WING FOOL, LIKE PAUL GODFREY, CAN FIND A PROBLEM SOMEWHERE IF HE DIGS HARD ENOUGH AND HAS HIS DRONES KEEP REPEATING THE MISINFORMATION / LIES OVER AND OVER AGAIN, AD NAUSEAM. FINDING A SOLUTION IS A DIFFERENT MATTER ENTIRELY, NOW THAT DOES TAKE SKILL!!! THE RIGHT WING DOESN’T ALLOW PROBLEM SOLVERS IN ITS’ RANKS. THEIR IDEOLOGY HAS AS ITS’ MOST PRECIOUS COMMODITY IS CHAOS. JUST LOOK TO THE SOUTH ACROSS THE 49TH. SO TAKE YOUR PICK? YOU CAN BUY A NATIONAL POST AND READ ABOUT ALL THE PROBLEMS, CALCULATED TO MAKE YOU FEARFUL, ANXIOUS AND SOFTEN CANADIANS UP FOR THE USA TAKEOVER. {{{ PM Trudeau hitches a ride in the Aga Khan’s helicopter. Terrible, terrible, Godfrey froths at the mouth. Preem Brian Pallister of Manitoba, spends much of his time at his place in Costa Rica. Working holidays Brian says. About that Paul says little. Godfrey complains that Trudeau is out meeting people when he should be working. Trudeau is Captain of the good Ship Canada, and he is on the job. Pallister is Manitoba’s Captain, but he is no where to be seen. Brian is on a beach in the Islands. But Pallister being AWOL is not oilie news. Paul, Paul, Paul, balance man balance. Not only does the National Post print lies and False News, the Paper is selective in what they publish for the ever dutiful right wing knobs. Exactly what Houston pays for.

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At this point in time, before Trumpf takes Office, we can at least identify the losers who have brought a great Country to its’ knees, after just more than 200 years. A very noble experiment, based on the English experience but brought low by arrogance and greed. The economy of the USA, from the very beginning was build on the free labour of the Black slaves. That dependency was and is like a core cancer that has NEVER BEEN ADDRESSED. The US Civil War of 1861 / 65 was a violent convulsion which should have prompted a complete reappraisal of the American political system. In life, if we wish to survive we must learn from our mistakes. In the aftermath of the Civil War, 150 years ago, no such reappraisal took place. The losers in the South were sore losers and dug in their heels looking to return to that earlier time. Sp in a sense the pot was left bubbling awaiting the next encounter. Well that very encounter is now upon the USA. Countries of the world best keep their distance, for there is nothing anyone can do to help the Americans avoid a complete meltdown. To-day, two Republican States, just passed Legislation that will allow 19 year olds to carry concealed weapons in public to use as they see fit. Such young gun owners will not be require to register, receive any kind of instruction or obtain a license. Can you imagine thousands of teenagers, armed to the gills. being able to use their machine gun anytime they wish, no questions asked. As stated, our Prime Minister Trudeau, holds the key to keeping the rest of the world on an even keel as US Ship Titanic sinks beneath the wave. While I believe PM Trudeau is a talented politician, it is the Country as presently constituted that has the horses to provide global leadership so badly needed at this juncture. We here are 80% self sufficient and lack for nothing of a strategic nature. Canada could pull up the draw bridge and operate quite nicely all on its’ own thank you very much. In fact I have written before than to so do would improve our economy markedly and our live would be less encumbered by American interference like with the national Post papers. If one is going into battle the first order of business is to secure the home from. This nation is truly blessed and there are no taps which foreigners have access to which can in any way limit our maneuvering room. As a result Canada lives in no fear of being punished for its’ actions, even from the once mighty USA.

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Donald Trumpf is a loser. 70% of Americans do not accept his leadership. He can’t fulfill his promises to those doorknobs who voted for him. His every action will increase the discomfort of the 70% and his every action will not / can not please the knobs. Already there are mutterings from white supremacists, complaining about The Donald going back on his word. Already we see moves to impeach Trumpf and he hasn’t yet set foot in the oral office. My take is that Trumpf will not fill out his term. Some crazy will assassinate him.

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The Republican Party Nationally has been destroyed. Trumpf has neutered the lot. Only the Republicans at the State level have retained their organizations. The 30 or so Repub States have zero influence over Trumpf, nor does he have any power over them. So it is a standoff. The Supreme Court will get new Repub Justices because they are the only flavour the Senate will confirm. The 18 member Senate Committee will contain Democrats but they have zilch power. In future any decision by the Supreme Court will be suspect as the Court has become an arm of the thoroughly discredited Republican Party. The opinions of the SC Justices now count about as much as 19 year olds in Missouri and Ohio. In fact I’d bet the muzzle of a gun carries more weight???

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The Democrats are losers too. The Party maintained the course it set back in the 1990s. This, to support a rich, elite, exclusive culture, ignore the wants and needs of Americans and stay a little to the left of the Republicans. The Dems believed, if they stayed hung out in the liberal middle, with the Repubs trying the patience of most Americans they would automatically win votes because there was nobody else to vote for. Trumpf gave those disaffected people someone to vote for. The Democrats did not campaign to win anything. They rested on their oars expecting manna from Heaven. To ensure that control remained in the hands of powerful Democrats the party could always count on an undemocratic nomination system, namely Super Delegates, about one third of the delegates. The anti democratic Super Delegate system was put in place by the Dems to ensure there would be no surprises. If Democrat supporters favoured candidate that the Party brass didn’t like then the Supers represented a safety valve. Democracy could be set aside and the choice of the insiders would prevail. So both political parties abandoned the democratic system in favour of furthering the interests of insiders and the American people said go screw yourselves. The Trumpfster is their legacy. It would seem that when democracy was disappeared in America by the Dems, the Retards and the Nazi media [ which takes money from both ], there was no guarantee that they will be the only participants in the political game. There is now a new dangerous force at work in the USA, undefined and as yet beyond the control of any group. Even the Nazi media has been neutered, although they won’t admit it. America the ugly was built on commerce and industry. Political turmoil as we see south of the border IS NOT GOOD FOR BUSINESS. Canada and other countries in the world should realize what an opportunity this very fractured Disunited States of America presents. Market share can be easily seized and the lines of communication with customers or trading partners can be strengthened. Quality products at an affordable price, delivered on time with good service as the backup, will look good as the Yankees descend into a good old pie fight. Once a consumer finds a new, dependable supplier, they never go back.

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The question is who now holds power??????? Trumpf if he ever assumes power will have very limited powers. The Donald has no political experience and has few friends in Washington. He is a Cadillac with a VW engine and no gas in the tank. The Senate now has 52 Republicans and 46 Democrats as of Dec. 31/16. On Nov. 8/16 there were 34 seats up for grabs. The Repubs won 22 seats with 40 million votes and the Dems won 12 seats with 51 million votes. This is a clear case of the extent to which the Republican States have rigged the voting system. It is also a clear sign of the extent to which the USA has move away from the democratic system. The Senate vote should have given the Dems 19 seats with 51 million votes and the Repubs 14 seats with 40 million votes. The count should therefore now be a tie 50 to 50. But in America the Republicans have worked to ensure that the will of the people doesn’t count and the majority no longer rules. The people should be screaming at the top of their lungs but we hear not a wimper The present rigged standing in the Senate is Repubs 52 and Dems 46. Thus the Dems can filibuster to delay legislation and the Repubs don’t have the required number of seats to overcome it. So the Senate is in essence deadlocked and devoid of any power. The House has got a 3 way split. Repubs, Dems and the Tea Party. Each can’t be seen to be cooperating with its’ opponents so the House is deadlocked as well. The Supreme Court has a vacancy, thus is lacking a deciding Justice. And so it also is deadlocked with only 8 seats filled rather than the required tie breaker 9th seat. So as America disintegrates before our very eyes, just who is in charge of the shop??? WELL NOBODY ACTUALLY. What is left is the gun, civilians armed with more than 300 million guns, the police and the military. With shootings already underway in America’s 2nd Civil War, there is only one sure thing. The use of guns will increase and where that takes the Country nobody knows??????

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The white supremacists lost everything. If Hillary and Bill, one corrupt couple, had one the whities could have commenced shooting. But with the Trumpf win, they have no target now. The Donald promised the white mob pie in the sky. The pie in the sky is NOT GOING TO ARRIVE. BUT, BUT, BUT! So the whitish lunatic fringe can’t take any action while they wait for the Trumpf pie to be delivered. If in the end there is no pie [ that we already now ], then their only target is the Trumpfsters. During the next 4 years of internal strife the minorities will continue to have children and the white population will continue to die out. The USA grows at about 3.3 million people a years. In 2020 there will be more than 12 million more citizens, two thirds of them drawn from the minority ranks. With the election of Trumpf the white masters hit the brick wall and then can only shoot and deport a certain percentage of the Americans they don’t like. But the neanderright will try.

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The soft white racists lost as well. Their central core belief was that they could play the race card, play with fire, back Trumpf and life would still go on for them as before. And that they would be unaffected by the Civil War. Living in gated communities which are patrolled by private police forces is no longer a solution, it is a trap. I would be inclined to identify large gated communities across the USA. The electricity towers, sewer and water lines could be dynamited. And when the whites tried to escape their imprisonment, the minorities could pick them off with ease.

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The Nazi media in the USA as well as in Canada and the UK lost bigtime. Although AMERIGREED will continue to pay them to print and broadcast, lies, False News, rightie propaganda and to practice censorship, their grip will continue to loosen at an accelerating rate. Smart global citizens are not taken in by the paid Nazi media fare. One needs an accurate road map to navigate. Paul Godfrey / Post papers and Dave Thomson / Globe and Tar print false road maps which only lead readers farther into the swamp. I mean this is terrific from my standpoint. The 20% of Canadians who are dead between the ears will plunge deeper and deeper into fantasy land. For those who now the real story, the competition just got weakened. These knobs don’t want Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, don’t read, don’t use the census, rely on the Steve Harper / Paul Godfrey version of Canadian history, frown on unions, are against public education and believe they ARE NOT THEIR BROTHER’S KEEPER. Why don’t we let them have their way. As the NEW CANADA TAKES SHAPE THEY WILL BE LEFT IN THE DUST. Those who break the laws passed by the MAJORITY will just be put in one of Harper’s jails. The Nazi media in the USA has shot it’s bolt and has become irrelevant. Although the English Nazi media was paid hugely by AMERIGREED to support staying in the EU, they failed miserably. Even now the scare campaign being mounted by the Nazi press, especially in London, against leaving the EU is like a squib going off. The rightie newspapers in the UK are a spent force, no longer credible and without any influence except among the right wing crowd. I forecast that the that the 40% of rightpublicanazis in the USA and their adherents, 20% in the UK and possibly 15% in Canada, their political parties and the paid Nazi propagandists will be left behind by the sharpie majority world around the world. A new common cultural and trade organization awaits OUR PLEASURE. With Canada and England leading the way we could embrace more than 2 billion people world wide in arrangements that benefit all concerned. Out with the pick our pockets Americans. Human capital and the proper deployment of same is all important. Canada / UK can have cultural and trade ties with the British Commonwealth, Iceland, Cuba, Central America, Australia and New Zealand for starters. It is as simple as asking each other, what have you got to trade??? However in the NEW CANADA and the New World the National Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV and Global have no role to play. Their organizations have no understanding of the real world and are very much limited by their severe right wing bent, upbringing and education. The entire foregoing contingent, in real terms, are about as useful in these new endeavours as tits on a bull.

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The Tea Party is a spent force. With funding from the one percent, it attempted to push the Republicans farther to the right. Something that did happen. In doing so the Baggers appealed even moreso to the white supremacist crowd, with the result that it brought out the worst in the lunatic fringe of racists and haters. As these wackos became more mainstream, Trumpf began to say out loud what they had been muttering in private for years. The Don won their hearts. The master race would remain masters under Trumpf. Even if America goes to shit. So the supposed Tea Party control of the Republicans was but a fleeting thing. The Partiers control zilch, it is more like owning what remains of a burned out building. The Baggers in the House do not have a majority and therefore are powerless. Join the club. A spayed Presidency, Senate, House and Supreme Court. Where do we go from here folks??? If you are outside the Disunited States of America, RUN LIKE HELL!!!

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The police forces across the USA can be divided into two camps. Those in predominantly white areas and those in places where minorities are of equal number to the whites and in may cases the minorities are in the majority. As Civil War 11 intensifies a major factor will come into play. Georgie Bush Jr. used 9/11 to militarize the major police forces across the country, although the terrorist threat to the US from inside its’ borders is slight. The world terrorist organizations are funded by the American oil monopoly buying cheap oil especially from ISIS. I am sure you didn’t know that Quebec and Ontario drivers are buying high price gas / diesel, made from low price ISIS stolen oil. Stolen from the Iraqi people. Why??? Because YOU LET THEM! Every time You drive up to the pumps, YOU bent over, YOU drop YOUR pants or up YOUR skirt and you say to the American oil monopoly, stick it too ME GOOD. The solution is RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES of course. Upgrade and refine Alberta / Saskatchewan petroleum resources right in situ. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? And then piping the benign crude oil across Canada to Canadian owned refineries and REPLACE THE EXPENSIVE USA PRICED ISIS GAS AND DIESEL WE ARE BEING FORCED TO BUY WITH CHEAP MADE IN CANADA GAS AND DIESEL I MEAN AND 8 YEAR OLD WOULD UNDERSTAND THIS. Double Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? This is so easily done. If I had a single page in each of the papers, and ten minutes time on TV I could explain how Canada could become self sufficient in gas, diesel and natural gas and pocket billions of dollars now being siphoned off by the Americans. But this Nation’s citizens are kept out of the loop by the likes of Paul Godfrey / Post, David Thomson / Globe John Honderich / Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC . Houston pays the above big bucks to keep you stupid. AND WITHOUT DOUBT YOU REMAIN STUPID. It is like us owning a huge orchard full of apple trees, we sell our apples at a dollar a bushel to the Yankees and then buy apple pies back from them at one hundred bucks per pie. If the planet somehow manages to survive, some university will do a study on mass gullibility of 400 million people in North America [ Can. / USA ]. Our democracies were born greatly depending on a free press. The press / media barons substituted a new meaning, they decided that FREE meant FREE TO SELL OUT TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. Thus the critical flow of information, so necessary to a prosperous, bustling society was replaced with one percent friendly copy. The majority, the Undermen and women are served a constant diet of what the Overmen want us to know and hear. That is what Paul Godfrey is paid to do, tell lies and misinform. This pulling the wool over our greenhorn eyes is funded by AMERIGREED and the American oil monopoly from their proceeds of the wealth stripping in Canada. WE ARE PAYING TO HAVE THE NOOSE MADE WHICH WILL EVENTUALLY HANG US. It is akin to asking the Jews to pay for the Zyklon B which was used in the extermination camp. The dummies in the USA have already been led up the path to the ovens by their Nazi media. Escape is now out of the question. The assault on the Canadian dummies continues via OUR Nazi media. Godfrey and Thomson make big bucks in the doing. What a sweet profitable job, getting paid to lead lambs to the slaughter. It seems Canadians are always up for a lie well told like their American cousins. The fact that Eastern drivers are paying top dollar for stolen ISIS oil or the North Saskatchewan River is now polluted with Husky tar are good examples of the kind of cover up campaigns run by the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC. We dolts on the US Eastern seaboard and in Ont. / Que. are actually buying bombs and bullets for ISIS, via the USA oil monopoly. We collectively pay to maintain the phony terrorist threat so that the authorities can justify their assaults on our human rights. More North Americans die from drinking Coke than die at the hands of terrorists. Even so, it is the implantation of fear in the minds of the citizenry which keep the cash flowing to the Nazi media. You provide Paul Godfrey with eye balls and an empty noggin. Paul gets paid to fill you noggin with lies and nonsense. Thus at election time you won’t know which way is up and be open to rightpublicanazi propaganda. This ultimately leads you and your children to seats on a bench and chains to an oar. But if the dictator wants to go water skiing everyone gets an extra helping of gruel The oilies in Houston make a big profit selling gasoline and diesel to suckers with the approval of the American Congress. Congress thinks it owns Canada already so that approval to gouge extends to us without our approval. As Canadians do not complain, I guess Congtess is right, we are already in the bag so to speak. The little they pay Godfrey and Thomson and the others is actually a good business investment. The fact that Big Oil can hire Canadian flunkies like Paul and David, for a song, to do their dirty work, confirms what AMERIGREED has maintained all along. That Canadians are supreme patsies, open to any and all abuse without a peep. Besides covering up this buying of stolen goods [ ISIS oil ] by the oil monopoly, the US Nazi media’s job is to scare the shit out of Americans and justify the rightpublicanazis turning the police in military forces, mainly to keep the minorities in check, especially the Blacks. The whites are afraid as they were after the Nat Turner rebellion of 1831, in Virginia. All the scare tactics by authorities in the US are a matter of the master race keeping control of the domestic scene. Where whites abide in numbers the police will protect them rather than enforce the laws of the land. So in these areas, as civil unrest rises, the minorities will get the splinty end of the broom stick. They might as well gird themselves and prepare to be badly treated by the police and prepare to defend themselves, what ever that takes. I’d burn all the malls down as well as disabling the gated communities, without electricity, water and food the whites will suffer too. Since there will be no direction from the Presidency, the Senate, the House and the Supreme Court the level of the abuse of minorities will depend on the local culture. Of course such abuse WILL NOT BE REPORTED BY THE NAZI MEDIA. Trumpf’s opponents could be picked up in the middle of the night and their bodies dumped in the East River. WHO WOULD KNOW??? In the areas where there are concentrations of minorities and the police forces staffed by various races will split along white / minority lines. Each will protect their own and the military hardware and jackboots given out by Bush Jr.
will be divided if the weaponry is not seized by the white cops? If trouble breaks out I suggest the minorities grab as many military assets as they can. The Nazi media will have to give some coverage to the violence in major urban areas but that coverage will be whitie / right wing oriented It must be remembered that Blacks played a huge part in the various Wars started by the USA. The American rank and file will be kept in the dark by the Nazi media. But the world will have window on the disintegration of the USA. Georgie Jr., Bill Clinton and Don Trumpf avoided serving their Country by pulling strings. It follows that as the Civil War Spreads the Bushes, the Clintons and the Trumpfs are at a great disadvantage. They have no military training while the Blacks and other minorities do. As the firefight increases in intensity, military savvy and weapons training of the Blacks particularly will come to the fore. The white supremacist knobs are mostly stupid gun junkies, who feel empowered because they go to the shooting range or the bush or out to the farm every couple of weeks, to pop off a few rounds. I’d put my money on a well trained Black veteran. He’d be worth 25 white knobs. The Guardian UK, where you can get the truth, had a video on the USA gun culture. The Brit reporter traveled the USA and did interviews with gun owners. The response from the whitie knobs was quite revealing. They do think they are the master race, they do claim the right to run everything and are prepared to use arms to enforce their self determined right. One knobs had a closet full of 10,000 rounds of ammunition, some of it hollow point which is banned in the USA. But then again the laws do not govern rightpublicanazis! Democratic institutions and culture, along with the US Constitution are all well and good as long as they don’t infringe of the white population’s right to act in their OWN BEST INTERESTS. So there democracy ends! What we are now witnessing is a State which has existed for more than 240 years old approaching the final curtain. Right wing forces have been pushing democracy aside for 100 years. Let’s face it, the Fascists have won. During the War years the Fascist efforts went underground as the conflict raged against Hitler. Fascism was frowned as well during the world recovery during the War aftermath, from 1945 onward. Since the time of Reagan however, the righties have been working overtime to create a phony democratic system whereby the master race prospers, the larger enslaved population works hard and has no say. The fruits of their labour have been stripped away by AMERIGREED. No different than Virginia in the 1600s and 1700s. It is a system the rightpublicanazis have been trying to duplicate since the time of the vacant headed Reagan. But a return to slave time will not work in 2016. It can be said that the paid Nazi media promoted fantasy in the USA HAS HAD a 35 year lifespan. Hitler only lasted 12 years. Bomber Command and the USA 8th Airforce bombed the shit out of Germany. The end for the US of A will come from the internal strife that is already under way. You can only go to the well so many times as the Repubs are discovering. While the whities have grown ignorant under the Republican tutelage [ Harper did damage to our educational system too ], the minorities, both in the USA and worldwide, have pursued education vigorously. With the wealth of America pretty well siphoned off by 2005 [ you can get blood from a stone ], AMERIGREED then turned its’ eyes to the larger world in search of new victims. The fertile ground of the European Union presented a tempting target. It was the first choice for Washington and Wall Street. The weak link in Europe was the unelected EU officialdom in Brussels. The Streeters began providing Brussels with unlimited cash with which to pursue initiatives beyond the control of EU parliaments. When mom and pop are paying junior’s way they have some say. If junior is independently wealth look out. In return for the Street money and power the EU officials in a sense became wards of AMERIGREED. Did you know that Goldman Sachs now runs the European Central Bank and it is the route by which the wealth of the 27 EU countries is now being stripped unopposed. During the last ten years Lyin Steve laid out the red carpet for the takeover of Canada by AMERIGREED. But already Canada’s wealth was being sent south thanks to lyin Brian Mulroney David Cameron’ the Fascist PM of the UK was working closely with Brussels to bring his Country fully under AMERIGREED domination so the London could be used for the two way, secret flow of currency and the laundering of money through the Cayman Islands. Cameron was the conduit through which Washington and Wall St. could easily infiltrate European country and avoid the scrutiny of their democratic governments. Some EU countries bristle at US meddling. But Brussels and the ever compliant Cameron provide a back door for wealth stripping. But as proof that Cameron is as dumb as a 2 by 4, he organized a vote on staying in or leaving the EU. There was trouble in his Fascist Parliamentary ranks over membership in the EU. Putting the question to the people and getting their okay was seen by Cameron as the means to put to rest the Conservatives who were not keen on USA domination and involvement in criminal pursuits. Politically, if the little people backed Cameron and said, ” we want to stay in “, dissident Con. MPs would have to fall silent. Cam didn’t even try hard, it was going to be a slam dunk. All he had to do was stand aside and let the London, US paid, Nazi press mount a stay campaign. With the Brits locked in forever Cameron could continue to snuggle up to AMERIGREED just like Lyin Steve was doing here. On the run up to Brexit, the UK Nazi press, which includes most of the London papers, were wetting their pants predicting doom, gloom and Armageddon if England decide to vacate the EU. The Nazi media was and is on the receiving end of Yankee cheques as are Welsh, Irish and Scottish politicians. The foregoing, are all caught up in the greed is good approach as practiced by the Americans. By taking silent US dollars, foreign right wingers can buy their way into power behind the backs of their electorate. This sell out even extends to Australia and New Zealand, where right wingers are permanently afixed to the USA teat. In Yankeeland, the ballot no longer has any force. Reality about which the majority is unaware, says no ballot no say. Americans have NO SAY. As a result of this situation, the rightpulicanazis, have no respect for democracy period. Thus they have no respect for the Parliaments of Canada and England. While both Countries still retain meaningful ballots, the US Fascists see that it is only a matter of time, a nice dose of dirty work, organizing Fifth Columns and enough money, before We ARE THEIRS! Paul Godfrey is a good example of one of AMERIGREED’S instruments. The money stripped from Canada, the UK and the EU countries by the USA is actually paying for our annexation.

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From the time of Reagan, 31 Repub States have formed a Cabal which controls voting both locally and nationally. This Cabal is beholden to the knobs and the KKK for their electoral success. As a result Trumpf was elected by the whites, using a process rigged at the State level. The whites were outvoted but that is meaningless when the fix is in. The 2016 Nov. Election in the USA was a sham. However the illegitimate Donald is the fool. He is but a pawn in their hands and in my view he will not complete his term. This narcissistic fool CAN’T DELIVER WHAT HE PROMISED AND THE KNOBS DEMAND. QUE SERA, SERA! In Britain the ballot still lives. Cameron and the AMERIGREED backed Nazi press expended a supreme effort to mislead the Brits on Brexit. It didn’t work, the English majority fearing US domination via the EU, voted to get out. Good on them. The UK Nazi papers could not believe their efforts were and are in vain. But they made US dollars in selling out. After a few days AMERIGREED was still hot to trot, no matter that Brits voted to leave the EU. The Yankees continued AND continue to try to scare the bejeebers out of the GET-OUT-OF-THE-EU-FORCES. The sky is falling, the sky is falling said Chicken Licken. Instead of preparing for an orderly exit from the EU, the Nazi papers, in the pay of AMERIGREED are trying to create as much turmoil in the British Isles as possible. The solution to this problem is evoking the FALSE NEWS LAW. Print or broadcast bullshit which damages the state and it will bring, charges, fines and jail. Britain has not spent a thousand years perfecting the idea of democracy to now submit to the role of a mere lackey to the right wing, American dictatorship. As England is assaulted for exercising its’ democratic rights by AMERIGREED, Canada too is under attack from the likes of Paul Godfrey and David Thomson. AMERIGREED and the American oil monopoly have not accepted the October 19/15 election of the Liberals [ with a healthy majority ] any more than they accepted the Brexit referendum. The rightpublicanazis and Lady Babs Black believe that the millions of little people should not have any say in how they are governed. The Under men and women should know their place. H. L. Mencken and Ayn Rand, rightpublicanazi saints, were saying this over and over one hundred years ago in their writings. Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House reads Rand every day for totalitarian inspiration. Repub Sociopaths and narcissists adhere to the Nietzsche Myth [ created by Friedrich’s sister Elisabeth, Mencken and Rand ], that some beings are created more equal than all the rest. There is much shrink literature on Sociopathic and Narcassistic behaviours which are anti social, anti democratic and a danger to Western Society. WE allow them to roam free across the landscape AT OUR PERIL. Look what these nutbars have wrought in the good old USA. The fundamental problem is you can’t have a democracy based on the right wing philosophy, TWO CLASSES OF CITIZENS doesn’t cut it. Nietzsche had no use for democracy although he never lived in one and thus had no experience. Nietzsche was a sickly young man who has syphilis, he never accomplished anything in life and died young. He did however rather enjoy himself, being exalted in his own mind. Nietzsche waxed long about his self appointed exceptionalism. Friedrich stole the idea of the Overman and the Underman from an earlier philosopher, which HE WAS NOT. Hitler took instantly to Nietzsche’s muttering as did the US rightpublicans in the 1920s. Nietzsche’s stolen idea, very much provided and provides comfort to the self appointed Overmen like Trumpf, Herr Harper, Dave Cameron, Paul Ryan, Conrad Black, Preston Manning, Jason Kenney, Brian Jean, Pierre Poilievre and we can’t forget Ezzie Le Rant. I could include Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich but they just go along for the money, no matter how much their newspapers damage the fabric of Canada. For them, cash before Country? So one Nation is down and out due to the rightpublicanazis. Canada is under attack and the fully paid, full press effort by our Nazi media to take away the ballot is still up in the air. If the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC are allowed to print and broadcast False news, lies, misinformation, right wing propaganda and practice censorship without restraint, who can gauge the outcome. There is no reason at this point, to think the Americans, with paid help from Godfrey and Thomson et al will fail in their attempt to blacken Justin Trudueau’s name as they did his Father. The suits in Houston have a Canadian War Room in which they plot the POISON FOR THE DAY which goes directly out to all of our Nazi media outlets at the same time. Every happening that can be turned negative against Rachel Notley and PM Trudeau is framed for max damage and sent to Paul Godfrey and his Fascist pals. This is then rewritten by low paid / no paid interns who don’t know they are being exploited. Quite some business model??? Our media is paid to print / broadcast false copy which they get free. But the reason this arrangement with Houston is so lucrative for Godfrey, Thomson, Honderich and Bell Media is the fact that it does max damage to this Nation. The rightpublicanazis do not want a free and prosperous Canada. So Godfrey makes $ 1.5 million a year to be a Yankee hatchet man. And a whole lot of stupid Canadians buy the national Post papers. The takeover of this Land by the USA with ensure our lives will the shits. But for Godfrey’s stupid Canadians, it will be much worse. No jobs, no Medicare, no pensions, no unions, lousy schools and regular trips to the Food Banks [ if there are any ]. It has intrigued me for some time that down and out Americans continued to vote Republican even if it meant more personal suffering. It is as if 20 stokes of the lash is not enough. These clods say to the Repubs, give us 10 stokes more. As Canadians slumber, our Nazi media get paid by Houston to fuck up the Country. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? If a plum happening occurs, Houston quickly forwards copy to all concerned Nazi media owners with the usual cheque to cover the smear. The latest dose of poison came out of Houston at 5 pm EST on Jan.12/17 and concerned the Prime Minister use of the Aga Khan’s helicopter. Big deal! The Harper Fascists were on the Houston payroll for 10 years. Preston Manning’s Calgary Centre For Regime Change in Canada is fully funded by Houston. The Universities of Calgary and Carleton in Ottawa get big dollops of cash to teach rightpublicanazi ideology to our vulnerable young people. The Petroleum Conservatives in Alberta have been controlled by Houston since Klein was Preem. The oilies bankrolled Danielle Smith and the Wildrose in Alberta because the PCs were not subservient enough. And our Nazi media is having a shit hemmerage over the Aga Kahn giving PM Trudeau a lift in his helicopters. Go figure??? This actually saved Canadians a boat load of money. Mind, if Trudeau had used any kind of Canadian conveyance, the Nazis would have been screaming about him wasting taxpayer’s money on his holiday. The simple solution to the whole matter would have been for Justin to paddle his wife and kids out to the Islands in a canoe. Let’s get serious. I have been writing about our Nazi media being controlled by the American oil monopoly in my posts. I have even copied some of my posts and sent them snail mail to Paul Godfrey, David Thomson, John Honderich. Ken Whyte, the Pres. of the CBC and Bell [ and such others ]. This extra effort was expended when these nazi media outlets printed / broadcast out and out lies. I have never ever got a response and the lying has continued. I have found, over time, that every Nazi media mentioned in my posts is involved with printing / broadcasting the poison calculated to undermine the Governments in Alberta and in Ottawa. These small men, traitors all, don’t realize that when Canada become a province under the Trumpf dictatorship their services will no longer be needed. They will find themselves breaking rocks with the rest of us. But why don’t we do a PREEMPTIVE STRIKE NOW AND JAIL THEM ALL FOR TREASON??? It is clear that Houston pays the Canadian Fifth Column, a tidy sum of money to poison the airways and the papers every day, I mean every day, without let up. Well 1/12/17 is a special day for me and Canada. If ever someone [ a rarity, a curious Canadian ] wanted to know the extent to which our Nazi media is controlled by AMERIGREED and the USA oil monopoly, to-day is that day! Mabs was watching the weather on CP 24, a Bell Media propaganda station. The Aga Khan story was on full blast and he was being pilloried by the wound up reporters. I said to myself, here they go again. Another dose of Yankee poison. We should be concentrating on building the NEW CANADA and what is our media doing??? Marching obediently to the beat of the Houston drum. Although I am an old guy I am pretty net savvy. I saw the Aga Khan’s story and turned my computer on. Guess which Nazi media outlets had the helicopter story, all within 2 hours of each other ??? Houston even included 22 pictures of Aga Khan’s helicopter so Godfrey and the rest would not look lie the were copying a Houston E-mail. All of the following are getting paid to sell out this Nation. Remember these traitors well, when you hear the clang of Harper’s concentration gate close behind you. In the order of listings on the net [ in addition to CP 24 ], Honderich’s Star, the Canadian owned CBC, CTV News [ Bell Propaganda ], the USA Huffington Post, Thomson’s Globe and Tar, Godfrey’s National Post et al, Metro News,, Canadian Press, the Times, I,,, the,, [ US propaganda ],,, [ owned by David Thomson ],,,,,,,,, the,,,,,, Global,,,,,,, David, 24,,,,,, and, Toronto. I reviewed 12 Google pages and said to self enough is enough. I myself never imagined that Houston and the oiles had this kind of money, this kind of arrogance, this kind of reach, and that there were so many Canadians who would commit treason for a few Bob. However I do feel slighted. Ken Spratley, your G Man, DID NOT GET AN E-MAIL AND A CHEQUE FROM HOUSTON??? The American oil monopoly is clearly dedicated to destroying democracy in this Country as they are in the UK and the EU. I wonder how many petro dollars each one of these Nazi scribes, like David Akin and Rosemary Barton got for running this bogus story. It is staggering the number of Canadians involved who are willing to sell us into slavery, namely, taking US dollars to fuck this Country royally. Canadians, now you know who populates the Fifth Column here and who the enemy is. I am incensed that some of the Nazi media uses .ca after their listing on the net. Acting as a traitor to one’s country is bad enough, but using the .ca as a suffix to treason is beyond the pale. It reminds me of the antics of Oswald Mosley and his English Blackshirts in the late 1930s. Mosley and his subversive organization, the BUF, were taking money from Hitler to undermine Britain. Mosely’s wife was a Mitford, from an upper class family. Some of the Mitford were Nazi sympathizers. During the late 1930s the Mitfords traveled back and forth to Europe and Germany. It was during these trips that Hitler’s cash was carried to London for the BUF. Neville Chamberlain, the appeaser was PM at that time. The Government knew Nazi cash was coming in but hesitated to search the Mitfords. I think Churchill was on to the treasonous game being played by the elites but he did not hold power and the appeasers held the floor. Churchill became Prime Minister on May 10 / 1940 and in 13 days Mosley was behind bars. Over the next few days Mosely’s wife and followers were all jailed as enemies of the State under Defense Regulation 18B and they were held until the end of the War. It was a smart move. Something PM Trudeau should consider. All of those now taking money from Houston to undermine Canada should be jailed or deported. This treason can’t be tolerated any longer! Thanks to the net we know who the bulk of them are. William Joyce [ an American Nazi, Mosley’s assistant, known by the name, Lord Haw Haw ], was tipped off by friends that Churchill had order him picked up. Joyce fled to Hitler’s arms and began propaganda broadcasts over Nazi radio from 1940 on. In May 1945, Joyce was caught by the British Army in Flensburg, he was shot and wounded while resisting arrest. Joyce was just 39. He was unrepentant, once a Fascist always a Fascist, something that Canadians must learn. We ignore Harper at our peril. In January 1946, Joyce was put to the noose at Wandsworth Prison, just south of the Thames in London. His final words before the drop, ” May the Swastika be raised from the dust “! My Grandfather George Hobbs, was a Jailer at Wandsworth before the First War. After all of the atrocities of the Nazis, William Joyce continued to be a true believer as are Preston Manning and Brad Wall. Joyce felt no remorse for betraying England. The Brits were the only people who were standing in the way of world domination by the Nazis. In a sense we have a repeat in the current situation. The rightpublicanazis seek world domination. Canada and Britain, strong democracies stand astride the way of the US Fascists. Harper and Cameron were just modern Mosleys selling out their Countries for money, power and a pat on the head by the master race. Those involved in the aforementioned US, Can. and UK Nazi media outlets are no less dangerous and no less committed than Joyce to an overthrow of democratic institutions. If a man, holding violent and hateful beliefs taught to him in childhood or adolescence, suppresses any doubts which arise in his mind, purposely shuns book, denigrates education, claims superiority based solely on self assessment and skin colour and belittles, condems and avoids men and women who are curious about life and who seek a better understanding of same, ARE A DANGER TO US ALL. Paul Godfrey and his stable of Stormtroopers John Ivison, Andrew Coyne, David Akin et al, as well as the Steve Harper tribe have all learned that the regular little people, are far more inclined to question frivolous matters than the huge outright lies? So they and the others on the rightie lunatic fringe serve up big fat lies on a carefully, scheduled daily basis as dictated by the American oil monopoly. The suits in Houston pay Canadian turncoats big money to have us know what the YANKEES WANT US TO KNOW! I will not live to see the Disunited States of America become completely unhinged as a result of Civil War 11. I may or may not see the NEW CANADA traverse Churchill’s sunny upland slopes. Or heaven forbid, succumb and fall afoul of AMERIGREED and the American oil monopoly. My fear is that too many Canadians will be like Brunhilde Pomsel, Joseph Goebbel’s personal secretary. As a young women, she joined the Nazi Party to get a good job. Pomsel was purposely incurious, she asked NO QUESTIONS AND DID WHAT SHE WAS TOLD AT THE MINISTRY OF INFORMATION IN RETURN FOR A FAT PAYCHEQUE AND BONUSES. It should have been called the Ministry of Misinformation. Pomsel did not become aware [ apparently ] of any of the atrocities being committed by the Nazis until 1943, even while being at the centre of it all, close to Goebbels [ well maybe??? ]. Her best friend was Jewish. This friend disappeared and went to the gas chambers. Even then Pomsel asked no questions. She was given the file of Sophie Scholl, of the White Rose Anti Nazi Movement. Sophie was handing out leaflets in 1943 and arrested by the Gestapo. Scholl went to a meat hook, movies of such executions were a Hitler favourite. Pomsel never bothered to look at that file. Even after all that passed before her, to this day she still minimizes Nazi crimes. She did say however that youthful idealism was one way to get your neck broken. Pomsel served 5 years in a Russian prison. Is this a snapshot of Harper’s Fascist followers??? Incurious to a fault. I believe many of the traitors employed by the above Nazi media are knowingly selling out their Country. I am sure they would deny such a thing, but in secret they hold their noses when cashing their Houston cheque. My bent is to look down the road. I can imagine if this Country suffers the worst, Canadians who sat on their hands while our Country was being annexed by the US, will wish they had put Herr Harper and his Fascist insiders to the rope when they had the chance! It would be too little too late! I have written PM Trudeau a couple of time, making suggestions as how to ensure Harper and his Fascists NEVER RETURN. I was a Pickering Councillor 1973 to 76. I had about 6000 people in my Ward 3. In trying to deal with various matter I know it is impossible too satisfy everyone. There dog lovers in my Ward and dog haters. If I did something for the dog lovers, the dog haters hated me. If I did something for the dog haters, the dog lovers hated me. Their numbers were a bout 50 /50. In short order, after a few ventures into this area, 100% of the residents were against me. And it was all downhill from there. I will not knock the Trudeau Government, it must listen to many voices but Justin must not let Harper back into power. I am NOT A LIBERAL, although I voted for Lester Pearson and Pierre Trudeau, two of Canada’s three best Prime Minsters. Sir John A, Macdonald being the third. I am a proud Davis Progressive Conservative with no home. The rightpublicanazis and American money stole both the Federal PC Party as well as the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party. I know what stealth takeovers look like. The Fed. / Ont. PC rank and file were asleep at the switch, including me. By the time we woke up the Yankee right wing Fascists had us by the short ones, game over. After such successes here the rightpublicanazis then set their eyes on Canada. To make us their’s, they hired Preston Manning and Lyin Steve to deliver this Country into their care. They almost won on Oct. 19/15, as Churchill said, ” It was a close run thing “. It should have been a wake up call as to the continuing dangers from below the 49th. Was that call loud enough to alert the majority of Canadians??? It is an historic moment and time will tell???

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The future is much clearer in Britain. The Brits expressed themselves via the ballot and I don’t know how AMERIGREED can change that. Using Teresa May and the London press to push forward with a continuing scare campaign may have the opposite effect. The vote to leave was legal and legitimate. In a democracy how can such a vote be undone??? Even people who voted to stay, would be incensed were AMERIGREED, the Cameron Fascists and the lackey Nazi press to continue to claim the Breixt vote was illegitimate and push for a reversal. So it would seem democracy is still vibrant and strong in England and much beyond the desires and reach of Washington and Wall St. It is interesting to see the parade of Brit turncoats, those on the AMERIGREED payroll. Various writers and commentators in the UK as well as in Canada, have a strange American view of democracy? Namely that the ballot is just an exercise that takes place every 4 years to fool the people that their will prevails. When in real terms the ruling class determines society’s future course. Both the Democrats and the Republicans abandoned democratic principles long ago and are committed to the bogus ballot system. So in dealing with other countries, why would Washington respect democratic rule anywhere else? Of course they don’t. In dealing with Canada, the UK, Australia or New Zealand, the Yankees look for Fascist leaning politicians like Harper, Cameron, Tony Abbott, John Key and the resident Nazi media, ever cash hungry. All willing to take AMERIGREED money in return for having American puppet strings afixed to their limbs. Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich are good examples of such Yankee puppets. This traitorous trap comes of a narcissistic personality. To think one is a somebody but in reality is a nobody. Narcissistic behaviours are listed on the net. But I have singled out the behaviours which apply to the US rightpublicanazi Nazi media Fifth Column here in Canada. XXX A grandiose sense of self importance. XXX A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance and ability. XXX Believes that he is special and unique and can only be understood by those perceived to be of equal status and station. XXX Has a sense of entitlement. XXX Is exploitive. XXX Lacks empathy and is unwilling to recognize the interests or needs of other people. XXX Exhibits arrogance and haughty behaviours and superior attitudes. XXX Narcissists are prepared to surrender decency and human morality in return for cash and a share of power. Even if that power flies in the face of the core element of democracy, the will of the majority. In response the large population has a decision to make. Do they bow to the Sociopaths and Narcissists on the right and accept without protest Underman status??? Or do they revolt. For the 70% of Americans who do not accept Trumpf revolution is their only option. In Canada we are still free, but under daily attack from the US rightie Sociopaths and Narcissists via the likes of Paul Godfrey and David Thomson. There is still time however, for us to enforce the False News Law, Section # 181 under the Criminal Code. Which states, ” Everyone who wilfully publishes a statement, tale or news that he knows is false or that causes or is likely to CAUSE INJURY OR MISCHIEF TO THE PUBLIC INTEREST is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years. Having every major media outlet in Canada printing or broadcasting a paid false story about our Prime Minister [ the Aga Khan caper ], all at the very same moment, falls under Section # 181. Making this treasonous act even worse is the fact that this campaign was funded by a foreign power. That is exactly what Hitler did to the neighbouring countries from 1937 to 1939, before he invaded them. Hitler also sent money to the Republicans and certain US papers to support the anti war movement led by Charles Lindbergh. We allow US interference in Canada’s affairs at our peril. But they can’t interfere if they don’t have access to our media. Paul Godfrey, David Thomson and John Honderich have chosen money over Canada. And you support USA interference by buying their newspapers. Democracy is like a game of sports. The participants decide on the rules [ Laws ]. They then chose a referee [ the Government ] to enforce those rules. The US rightpublicanazi do not respect such rules. Thus in the game if the rich, powerful and the bullies in society can ignore the rules to their advantage such a game becomes illegitimate and a power struggle ensues. History has shown us when a small clique seizes power, eventually the oppressed rise up and sadly the mob trashes the place, and everybody loses. The rightpublicanazis and the Harper Fascists think they can trip, slash and cross check without retaliation. Our response should be, to put all the Nazi media types who are involved with the Aga Khan heli story, in the slammer for TWO YEARS!!!

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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As you know I have nothing but contempt for little Stevie Harper, the teenage mind  in an adult body.   He is beneath the level of beneath contempt.   But I am of two minds about Harper.   He is mentally ill, a problem that runs in his family.   The young man who killed the 3 Mounties,  Justin Bourque, was also mentally ill.   But in Harper’s Canada people like Justin can get all the guns they want.   I am concerned for people who have mental problems but on the other hand they can be dangerous, as Harper is.   In Lyin Steve’s case what makes things worse is that he works for the American oil monopoly and has access to an unlimited stash of cash. Money TALKS * money WALKS * money LISTENS * money buys ALIBIS  * money buys ALLIES * money buys HIGH PRICED LAWYERS * money buys TOADIES * money buys LOYALTIES * money buys TIME * money buys A COMPLIANT PRESS *  money buys THE WEAK MINDED * in fact money will buy you almost anything.   But what money won’t buy you is a reputation or good judgement or trust  [  Thanks to Shariati CBC ].  Nor a country???   Not my Canada anyway…  Back in early March Herr Harper decided to set a trap for the Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition.   During every Question Period Mulcair tore strips off Harper and little Stevie was embarrassed day after day.   In response to NDP Questions Lyin Steve was caught lying time after time.   With the bought media,  [  Globe and Tar  ],  [  Toronto Star  {  4 major newspapers  }  ]  [  National Post  {  13 major newspapers  }  ]  [  Sun Media  {  43 major newspapers / 40 local newspapers  }  ] being on Harper’s side his lies and mistakes were / are never published.  This means about 100 newspapers carry Harper’s second hand REPUBLICANAZI MESSAGE.  With nothing in the centre or on the left except the CBC.  Hitler would have been delighted to have such an arrangement.   Goebbel’s  Propaganda Ministry was sustained financially by the State.  But in this Country Canadians actually pay for Herr Harper’s propaganda.   Neat.   With TV cameras in the House and having these encounters  showcased on CBC people could see for themselves what kind of snake Steve really is  [  to the network’s credit ].   Harper is a Psychopath and he is responsible for the 47 deaths in Megantic [ an inquest has never been called into this disaster / ONE IS REQUIRED ] and the three Mounties.   There are 16 dangerous behaviours which are identified with a Psychopath of which Steve exhibits at least 8.   What we have been seeing for the last half dozen years is a press that has sold out to oilie money and Federal attack ads payments, which are funded by the taxpayer’s.  There is one requirement the media must meet, Harper’s lies must never see the light of day in the press.   But the CBC, where truth is the watchword, highlights his lies on a daily basis.   That is why Steve wants to close down the CBC.   Anyone or any institution that doesn’t bow to his will like the CBC,  the Supreme Court, Elections Canada and Parliament can expect retaliation from him and his Fasicst Party.   Harper can’t face up to Mulcair like a man so he is trying to damage Tom’s reputation with a lead pipe to the kneecaps in the alley, so to speak. By means of thuggish tactics. Administered from the shadows where Steve hides.  With so many scandals swirling around Harper is desperate to have the channel changed.   On cue, the rightie savant copyists were fired up yet again for a new smear assignment.   Like puppy dogs just waiting for the stick to be thrown.   Since it was obvious that Mulcair comes so well prepared, a takedown using Parliamentary rules properly was a difficult proposition. Cheating once again was Harper’s preferred path.   So it is my take that Harper decided to cheat Canada once again and just ignore the spirit of the House rules.   Included in this plan to cheat were media moguls [  Star, Globe, Post, Sun, CTV et al ] [  not the CBC  ] ,  who were most anxious to play ball once again, in return for their usual cheque from Steve.  All the moguls had to do to get their cheques, is publish / broadcast the story about Mulcair’s takedown as seen through Harper’s eyes. False news / Sec. 181 / CCC.   Not factually correct, not fair, not balanced, not true.  And yet another blow to our democracy.  This was just another run through of John Ivison’s vile piece about Beverley McLachlin, as conjured by Steve.   Ivison’s  dishonest blather was published in Paul Godfrey’s American owned National Post.   It was Lyin Steve’s goal, that once Mulcair had been entrapped by trickery Tom could never escape from the political labyrinth constructed EXCULUSIVELY for HIS EMBARRASSMENT. This with the assistance of the Speaker Scheer, the Fascist MPs and the Liberal MPs.   Each twist and turn of this 15th century treatment of Mulcair at the hands of Steve’s Inquisitors was to be and WAS massively covered by the savant copyists and appeared in 100 plus newspapers.    And the origins of Harper’s assault on our Parliament [ bending House rules ] in the first place to snare Mulcair was ignored by the $ media.  The original Ivison column  [  May 1 /14  ] about the Chief Justice was chocked full of False News  [  illegal in Canada / Sec. 181 / CCC  ].  But the sources of the innuendos and unattributed quotes Ivison used in the McLachlin smear, have  never been proven or revealed.   It is like writing about a gold medalist who won in a race that never happened, typical of Godfrey’s American owned National Post, faux fare.  The whole series of lies and misinformation about the Supreme Court and McLachlin in Ivison’s column quickly vanished. No questions were ever asked of Ivison.  The Harper paid compliant press just ran with the story with not a care about the damage to Canada.   The BIG little Steve wanted the Court and the Chief to be besmirched and that is exactly what he got from his captive papers. What Ivison and Godfrey started, is now described in the entire Yellow Striped  Press, as a WAR between Harper and Beverley McLachlin.   This nonsense is all in Harper’s befuddled mind. The Chief Justice was just an innocent bystander, busily doing her job ON OUR BEHALF.   In terms of Mulcair, there was no interest on the part of the newspapers to highlight Harper’s House of Commons Cheat Motion ordering his appearance before what amounts to a Reichstag Committee.  The focus was and still is on whether Lyin Steve’s Fascist MPs and Trudeau’s MPs could, through continuous prodding and insults in an inquisition setting get Mulcair to blow his cool.   Something Lyin Steve was desperately hoping for.   And the other angle was to see what kind of outrageous penalties the Secret Internal Board of Inquisitors could dream up to perpetuate Tom’s torment and give the $ media something to crow about.   This ordeal laid on Mulcair, was eagerly awaited by the papers. Yet another big pay day. The media moguls Paul Godfrey were not disappointed.   Of course Harper saw to it that Mulcair would be questioned in front of the TV cameras by hostile Fascist / Liberal MPs.   But that Tom’s conviction would take place in secret.   Eve Adams, another of Steve’s Fascist MPs, clearly has been abusing her MP mailing privileges.   But the Committee that is investigating Eve’s misconduct has taken the matter behind closed doors. What chance would you stand under the present circumstances. On suspicion or allegations you could be taken before a Parliamentary Committee, convicted in secret, carted off to the ovens, there would be no inquest into to your death and the ever obedient press would say nothing of your passing. This was what happened 1000 years ago in England and laws were enacted to stop the King from taking if he wished. Herr Harper now ignores such laws and as a result is trying to pack our Supreme Court with toadies.   Since Steve’s Board was set up like the Spanish Inquisition back 500 years ago, the outcome was never going to be in doubt.   On the afternoon when the Inquisition Report on Mulcair and the NDP was to be announced Blake Richards [  Fascist MP  ]  appeared on the CBC and pronounced  Mulcair / NDP guilty as charged, this before the fact.   If the leader of the Opposition can’t GET A FAIR HEARING IN OUR PARLIAMENT, THEN THERE ARE ABOUT 35 MILLION COMMON FOLK SCATTERED ACROSS THIS COUNTRY WHO WOULD NOT FARE ANY BETTER.   These righties are so arrogant they can’t ever wait till an injustice is seen to be done.   For consideration before the Inquisition, there were no formal charges relating to Parliamentary Rules that had actually been broken.   This is like being taken in the middle of the night by the police without there being any charges expressed.   Harper just said to his Fascist MPs  [  Richards / Leitch / Scheer  /  Lukiwiski etc ],  go get Tom.  By whatever means possible as Hitler and his SA used to do. The newspapers were alive to none of this because they were paid to be deaf.   Big money can be made by Godfrey by remaining silent.   By handing off the dirty work to drones like Richards, Lyin Steve was able to stay hidden, thus keeping his hands clean.   Just as he did in the McLachlin smear.  So you are going to have to decide right now whether you are a Harper ally or an opponent of his Fascist / Republicanazi policies.   Those who choose the route of opposition can expect at some point in time to be called before a Harper Inquisition, stripped of all their rights and reduced to a bit of smoke going up a chimney.   Those who now resist Harper should watch very closely the treatment of Tom Mulcair.   For this same treatment will be meted out to all those who dare protest.   This being their fate and the fate of their children’s children.   To borrow from Churchill, ”   If Harper wins this contest and WE FAIL, Canada will sink into the abyss of a new dark age, made more sinister and protracted by virtue of imported US Republicanazi dogma.  Leo Strauss [ 1899 / 1973 ], a leading Fascist, arrived in America from Europe just ahead of the Nazi purges in 1937.   Leo was a student of the Nietzsche Myth and had never lived in a democracy.   Strauss liked what Hitler was doing in a totalitarian state sense but not the way the Fuhrer was doing it [ Leo was a Jew, strangely ].   Leo’s beliefs and comments appealed to the ultraright in the US.   As a result he became a Professor at the University of Chicago from the 1930s to the 70s.  Strauss fit well in a hard right wing University like Chicago which is the centre of regime change in the USA.  There were and are many Nazi sympathizers in the Republican Party and at Chicago U.  In the late 1960s the University of Calgary was set up along the line of Chicago U with the help of money from the American oil monopoly and Nazi tolerant academics from Chicago.   The stated goal was to make Calgary the US Capital of Canada.    As a result Calgary U teaches and features the Nietzsche Myth, the writings of Strauss, the economics of Hayek, the ever mystical silent hand of the MARKET which Smith never endorsed and all the other good Fascist stuff.  Strauss said do anything to get into power, cheat, lie and steal if necessary.  And once in power cheat, lie or steal to stay in power.   And further, tell the citizens anything to retain power  This approach of course pays homage to Hitler’s well known tactics.  And Calgary U endorses this approach fully.  It is interesting that Calgary University is linked backed to the University of Chicago. Which is anchored by the words of H. L Mencken [ 1880 / 1956 ]. Mencken’s early volumes and articles leaned heavily on German books published by Elisabeth Nietzsche [ 1846 / 1935 ] and the theories of Herbert Spencer [ 1820 / 1903 ]. Elisabeth’s faux books based on the scibblings of her brother were distributed to German soldiers during WW 1. Hitler integrated the Nietzsche Myth into Nazi lore. So the University of Calgary can be seen to have a direct link to Hitler’s Germany. In fact Preston Manning formed a group in 1988 with the name, the Northern Foundation. Steve Harper was involved. There were a number of members who were identified as Neo Nazis and White Supremacists. So you can see why all Herr Harper’s moves are so deeply related to Nazism. It would seem that Blake Richards Fascist MP [  a graduate Calgary U / like Harper  ] learned his lessons well.   The entrapment of Tom Mulcair reminds me of the story of the two wolves and a lamb meeting to decide what to have for dinner.   Only in this case, the two wolves [ Harper and Trudeau ]  decide to have the lamb [  Mulcair  ] for dinner behind Tom’s back.  This is my take.  On March 27 / 14,  the sun arose on a day like so many other days on Parliament hill.   The proceedings began at 10 o’clock with the usual, presentations of a number of petitions / reports by the Fascists covering numerous subjects.   On this day in question Harper’s spies had ascertained that many of the NDP MPs would be otherwise occupied.    The NDP ranks could have been depleted by weddings, funerals, sickness or MPs at home in their ridings.   I am of a mind that Harper would have convened every House Committee possible to drain away NDP MPs from the House. How does one reduce the 100 plus NDP Caucus to less than 25? Tain’t easy chum.  Parliament opened at 10 am on the 27th with the standard preliminaries and prayers.  The prayers part makes me laugh. Nazi criminals praying???   The Fascist MPs in attendance knew the rules of Parliament were going to be twisted to entrap Mulcair and the NDP.   The whole affair was orchestrated by Harper. It is all there in Hansard. At 10.05 Mark Strahl  [  Fascist MP ]  formally  presented the paperwork for a petition relating to Aboriginal affairs.  Next up at 10.05 was Tom Lukiwski  [  Fas. MP  ],  who tabled the Government response to 12 petitions.  10.05,  Bev Shipley  [  Fas. MP  ],  tabled a report on Agriculture.   Steven Fletcher  [  Fas. MP  ],  at 10.05, tabled amendments to the Criminal Code covering physician – assisted death.    Immediately thereafter, at 10.05 Fletcher introduce another Motion to set up a committee to study physician – assisted death.   Then at 5 minutes after 10 o’clock, still, Blake Richards inject himself into the matter of the physician – assisted death process, this without justification.   Scheer should have refused to hear Richards’ ridiculous Motion because Blake’s name was not on the agenda nor was he on topic. And Richards was WASTING HOUSE TIME and wasting taxpayer’s money in what was clearly a partisan cause.   Scheer knew it and did not act.   This was a going nowhere Motion  [  the first shoe  ]  but it suited Harper’s smear arrangements.   Scheer  and the Fascist MPs knew exactly what was coming next.   This manipulation of House rules clearly shows that Scheer was in on the fix.   Richards’ interruptive Motion was about a demand that Mulcair appear before TV cameras, in a stacked hearing before a Commons Committee orchestrated by Harper.   This whole process was aimed at purposely embarrassing the Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition.   Harper’s abuse of Parliament in this regard was a direct attack on the Queen and the breaking of his oath as a MP.   On this matter, Governor General David Johnston has remained silent, as he had done when the integrity of Beverley McLachlin was attacked by Harper.   And as you might expect Steve’s 100 newspapers said exactly zero.    Of course Richards’ Motion was RIDICULOUS, because it needed Unanimous Consent of the House.   It couldn’t be had, there was a hope in hell of getting House Consent.   Scheer should have ruled this Richards’ Motion out of Order  [  it was not on the agenda as distributed  ]. The Speaker should never have allowed it to go to a vote.   When Scheer permitted this assault on Parliament to go forward democracy died in Canada.   We now truly have a duplicate of the Nazi Reichstag in 1933. It worked for Hitler. Why not Harper???   With Herr Harper now is in a position to extract from the House of Commons, under the jurisdiction of a toady Speaker, his every wish. no one in Canada is safe.   But it has been apparent for a long time that Scheer was taking his marching orders from Harper. I would think that the Fascist Caucus would have been fairly wetting their pants and panties over the thought that Mulcair was going to get nailed. So smart were they, like stealing candy from an infant.   It must have been exciting for Fascist MPs, when Steve informed them of this ambush. And to think that there was nothing in the rules of the House that Tom could have done to protect himself. Harper was playing outside the rule book.   It must have given everyone in the Fascist Caucus a feeling of great satisfaction.   It is the kind of feeling the Nazis leadership must have gotten when the trouble makers were shot or shipped off to a concentration camp by cattle car.   A feeling of absolute power.   The power of the Reich. This kind of deceitfulness certainly belongs in a dictatorship but has no place in a Parliamentary Democracy, which once had.   It is also obvious that Justin Trudeau had been tipped off to the Fascist ambush of Mulcair.   Scheer improperly put Richards’ Motion to the vote, which required Unanimous Consent.   It did not get Unanimous Consent.   There was a NO from the floor, so Blake’s Motion died as it should have.   But by allowing Richards’ Motion, although illegitimate, to make it to the floor of the House Scheer made it possible for the second shoe to drop.  The next MP on the agenda after Steven Fletcher  [ Fas. MP  ]  should have been John Rafferty [  NDP ].    According to Hansard there were at least 3 other NDP MPs in the House listed to be on the agenda at that time.   Scheer allowed Richards to butt into line.    And the Speaker put the Mulcair ambush Motion to the House.   Richards interrupted the allocated time slots on House agenda and injected himself into a debate on the matter of forming a Commission to oversee physician – assisted death.   But when Blake spoke he never mentioned this proposed Commission on doctor – assisted death that had been put forth by Steven Fletcher  [  Fas. MP  ]. It was as if this serious matter was of little importance.   The only value Fletcher’s Motion had was to facilitation Harper’s need TO GET Mulcair. Why did Scheer allow Richards to interrupt Parliament and then change the topic being discussed to one of a partisan matter?   Because the House has become the private preserve of Herr Harper, this assault on our Parliament went unnoticed by the media. From Canada’s so called watchdog free press, not a single woof woof. When I was a Pickering Councillor, on occasion I was asked to chair meetings if the Mayor was away. We always followed an agenda which had been distributed at least 48 hour beforehand to all interested parties.   When specific items were being discussed there would always be someone who wanted to go off topic. I would always rule their comments Out of Order and they’d be stricken from the Minutes.   On every subject those involved and responsible HAD TO GIVE 48 HOURS PRIOR NOTICE.   In this case Mulcair / NDP did not have prior notice as to what Harper was about to pull.   The House was manipulated with Scheer’s approval.   Such behaviour is un Canadian, deceitful, illegal and Nazi like.  Blake’s Motion stated, ”  Mr. Speaker, I seek the unanimous consent of the House for the following Motion.   I move that the standing Comm. of Procedure and House Affairs be instructed to consider the matter of accusations of the official opposition’s improper use of House of Commons resources for partisan purposes. And the leader of the Opposition be ordered to appear as a witness at a televised meeting of the Committee to be held no later than May 16 / 14 “.   Isn’t it interesting that this Fascist Motion, which was unfurled by Richards in the House was based on two unfounded accusations. Scheer allowed this bogus Motion to stand as if it were fact. Equally interesting, was an Editorial that appeared in today’s American owned Nat. Post tearing a strip off Allan Rock, who is President of the University of Ottawa as well as being one of those nasty Liberals. Harper hates Liberals. So every chance the dishonoured 100 papers get to slam a Liberal or NDP the cash registers rings. Allan Rock, Godfrey’s Editorial claims, cancelled the school’s hockey team activities for the 2014 /15 because of breeches of sexual conduct. In the real world Rock has no such power. The University Board would have made such a decision. But the newspapers can’t tell you. The PMO wrote the Rock story, so that is how False news gets in the Post. The police were involved and an independent report was completed for the University. Ottawa U decided to can the team for a year. But our Nat. Post never lets the facts get in the way of a slimy story. Godfrey’s main concern was not that Allan Rock was a Liberal or left leaning or of the loony left. Paul’s concern was that the hockey team WAS NOT GIVEN DUE PROCESS. Tom Mulcair was not given due process and in his case he didn’t have the police and independent observers involved. Rock’s apparent failure to insure due process gets front page coverage in the American Post. While Herr Harper’s trampling of due process in the matter of Tom Mulcair get’s nary a mention by Godfrey’s Paper or the others. We have never, in this Nation been governed by the use of rumours or gossip or unfounded allegations. But now with broadcasts and the printed page, having become monopolized by Harper, allegations are good enough. Welcome to Egypt.   In this Country, on this very day, a person can be dragged away based on nothing more than accusations and / or suspicion.   You had better hug you kids real tight because you may not get the opportunity in the future. This, if you make it onto Harper’s most wanted list. Steve has increased the size of his arsenal. Revenue Canada and the RCMP now take orders from the PMO. Remember in Nazi Germany, innocent people were sent to the ovens on mere suspicion.   This Mulcair smear follows the dishonest Ivison piece in the National Post that spoke of alleged statements by unknown Ministers / Fascist MPs about the [ alleged ] improper behavior on the part of the Chief Justice.   This False News about Beverley Mclachlin ran in over 100 newspapers for weeks.  And not one of them called John Ivison’s May 1st disgraceful piece into question? The dollar media make good money from Ivison’s False News. Scheer’s recognition of the Blake Motion is the moment democracy slipped through our fingers in Canada.  We are now heading towards one neighbour snitching on another. You know where that an take us.   Scheer allowed the Richards’ MOTION TO STAND.   This Motion was not only improper in that the Inquisition was assembled but it also pronounced sentence on Mulcair and the NDP without any proof being provided.   The Richards Motion relates to one thing and one thing only, Harper’s WISH TO GET EVEN FOR THE TURNDOWN OF JUSTICE NADON BY THE SUPREME COURTY OF CAN. AND TOUGH QUESTIONING AT THE HANDS OF TOM MULCAIR.   Now the second shoe dropped and it is a very important one.   Immediately after the Richards’ Motion [  as above  ]  was DENIED Unanimous Consent, Scheer allowed another interruption.   Kellie Leitch  [  Fas. Minister] was also allowed to butt in front John Rafferty  [  NDP  ] .   Can you imagine the chaos that would be created in the House if any Steve, Dick or Fascist was able to just stroll in and interject any old Motion?   The reason due notice of impending Legislation is required to be given 48 hours in advance is so that every elected member has the opportunity to speak on the matter and contribute intelligently.   Leitch invoked a seldom used Commons Rule that allows a Minister of the Crown to re introduce a Motion that has not received Unanimous Consent.  This Rule was formulated for use during a national emergency and where immediate action is required.   Interestingly, when such a Motion is put by a Minister’s NO NOTICE IS REQUIRED [ and that is the key to this matter ].   So as a result NDP MPs were totally in the dark as to what Lyin Steve was about to pull. Everyone else was in on the Harper ambush, Scheer, the Fascist Caucus and the Liberal MPs. This Rule was never meant to be pulled out of a hat to hit on a MPs who is absent from the House. Dirty pool in real life, unacceptable in Parliament. This is yet another Republicanazi style sleazy trick imported from the USA.   In facing a national crisis there truly may not be enough time to give formal notice but it is easy enough to give all parties a heads up. After all in a national crisis every MPs should be given the chance to take part in a debate on such a crisis.   Their constituents would expect this courtesy to be extended to all MPs? Not just the tyrant’s Party. This move to stage a quick vote, when there were not enough NDP MPs present, did not respect the House Rules nor the spirit of Parliament.   It was a purposeful act of trickery by Harper and his Fascist troops to ensnare Mulcair / NDP with the active involvement of the Speaker and the Liberals.  Scheer obviously knew exactly what Richards and Leitch was planning to do, so did Trudeau. The execution only took a few seconds. It was all choreographed by Lyin Steve.   The defeat of the Richards’ / Leitch staged Motion  [  chicanery  ]  would have required that there be at least 25 MPs in the House to vote in the negative.  When Leitch repeated Blake’s Motion  SCHEER KNEW THAT THERE WERE NOT ENOUGH NDP MPs IN THE HOUSE TO VOTE IT DOWN.  And Scheer knew the Liberals would sit silent.  Good legislation can only come about when reasonable time is given to entertain ALL POINTS OF VIEW.   When certain groups are excluded on purpose in a society you can hear the rattle of cattle cars coming down the track at first. After which the faint drum beats of revolution can be heard. Instead of bending over for Harper, Scheer should have ruled the Richards /Leitch Motion out of order because it ignored the original meaning and spirit of the Rule Leitch used.   What we have now is a snapshot of the German Reichstag of 1933.  The NDP did not have 25 MPs in the House to vote the Richards / Leitch Motion down.   So the report in Steve’s 100 fawning newspapers was to the effect that Harper was so smart that HE had caught Mulcair and the NDP napping.   One thing I have got to say about Lyin Steve, there is a cocky side to him, particularly when his pockets are filled with petro dollars from the oilie monopoly. The articles in the 100 newspapers of Harper’s ambush  are factually incorrect and constitute publishing False News under the Criminal Code.   What can be more injurious to the public interest than the misuse of the rules of Parliament? On one hand you have the account of Harper rantings in 100 Fascist newspapers. On the other hand YOU can see on the net the event as recorded in Hansard  [  the official transcript of Parliament  ].   So 100 newspapers carried Harper’s fictionalized tale of events, when the truth is there for all Canadians to see in Hansard on the internet.   For the newspaper owners, they have shown, getting Harper cheques is much prefered to standing up for democracy in Canada.  AND DURING THIS MULCAIR SUCKER PUNCH ALL THE LIBERALS PRESENT IN THE HOUSE SAT ON THEIR HANDS.   It is obvious that due to the Harper tip, Trudeau saw a cheap way to score a few political points at Mulcair’s expense.   And whatever gains the LIBERALS made supporting this Fascist Motion, Justin obviously but mistakenly thought those points would come at no cost to the Liberal Party.   But Harper’s trickery COST CANADA bigtime.    If this Fascist Government can bend the House rules into whatever shape Harper desires and a subservient Speaker like Andrew Scheer will give his blessing, then no Canadian who opposes Herr Harper is beyond the reach of the Fascists.   It is Berlin 1933 all over again.   And many Canadians seem to be as unaware of the dangers today as the German people were in 1933.   Harper’s policies  [  as borrowed from Hitler and the Republicanazis  ]  are meant to deflect, delay, deny, deceive, discredit, divide, disparage, denigrate and destroy millions of little people  [ as Lady Black calls us ] in this Nation.   Now you know what Herr Harper is up to,  WILL YOU GO QUIETLY TO THE CATTLE CARS???    Or will you strike a blow for your Country and by extension a blow for the CHILDREN OR YOUR CHILDREN AND THEIR CHILDREN???    For if you and your children do perish under the oilie / Harper yoke or as a result of the explosions of Alberta Tar and Benzene  [  Molotov wine bottle bomb mix  ] not a single paper in the gang of 100 with pay you and your’s any heed.    You and your kin will vanish from the face of the earth as if you never existed. Only part of a huge number.   In the Nazi scheme of things only the exceptional, the Overmen like Harper count.   He being of the true Master Race  [  Herrenvolk  ], the Aryans. What is so ridiculous about the current scene is that Steve is just a wimp from Leaside in Toronto. But then come to think about it, Joseph Goebbels had a club foot but he saw himself as an Aryan. Likewise the squinty eyed Heinrich Himmler was an Aryan in his own mind. The real Friedrich Nietzsche [ 1844 / 1900 ], when he still had his wits about him [ up to 1888 when brain syphilis took him ] thought he had been sent to earth on a special mission to enlighten the exceptional [ ” the strong noble species “, Fred said ]. And that the self anointed exceptionalists as Fred defined them, were meant to rule the earth. There is a direct link between Steve and Friedrich in more ways than one. They themselves both decided that they were exceptional, above the ” herd “, so to speak. The other connection is they were / are both mad.


In January 1933, after Hitler had become leader without a clear majority, he made it quite clear that he could not work with the Reichstag, the centre of the new German democracy.   He had to depend on other parties for majority status.   So the Fuhrer did what Lyin Steve does, he started a dirty tricks campaign as well as engaging in voter suppression. The Fuhrer’s opponents got beaten up or put behind a wire fence or shot.   In the Reichstag opponents were shouted down as Speaker Goring looked on.   Once Herr Harper’s surveillance of Canadians, now ongoing, is complete, he’ll be able to have the RCMP grab any trouble maker off the street in quick order.   Eco terrorism will be the charge.   New elections were called for in Germany for March 1933.    Hitler faced a major problem.   Even though the Nazis beat up the opposition and used every dirty trick in the book the Fuhrer still had no guarantee he would increase his vote total.   Nor does Harper in 2015.   Rather that face the electorate,  Adolf hatched a plan to burn down the Reichstag and blame it on the unions and communists.   Look for Harper to pull such a stunt. My best guess is that Steve will not call an election in 2015.  He has 5 years max, from 2011 to remain in Office.   That means Harper could RULE until Spring 2016.   He may Prorogue Parliament in early 2015 and just close the House of Commons for a year.   This would allow Steve, to make this Nation into something that satisfies his oilie employer’s wildest dreams.   Even if Canadians refused to pay their taxes and go into the streets, Harper has a guaranteed supply of cash from the American oil monopoly. Actually Lyin Steve gets a slice of the sky high gasoline prices YOU pay today. Some of that dough goes to the press. It is a little like us paying for the Zyklon B that will be used to exterminate us on our next trip to the gas chamber.   On Feb. 27 / 1933 smoke was seen coming from the Reichstag. The police reportedly caught a mentally deficient Dutchman named Lubbe in the building.   He was charged with setting the fire and executed immediately by use of the Guillotine.   Now with the building destroyed, the fire was used by the Nazis as a pretext for rounding up all of his opposition.   An emergency Decree was passed to suspend civil liberties with the result that the Reichstag representatives in opposition were imprisoned or shot.    With a much reduced opposition Hitler could do as he pleased.    With the opposition nowhere in sight Hitler gained his majority.   The burning down of the Reichstag gave the Fuhrer the excuse to rally Germans and mute their loss of liberty.  Goebbels and the press were given the job of misleading the population as to what was going on.   Germans were completely snowed and didn’t realize their democracy at that very moment was going to disappear.  Under Herr Harper we are going the same route.   Hitler sponsored a bill called the ” Enabling Act “.   It was German omnibus legislation  [  like Harper himself fabricates  ]  which was titled, ”  The Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich “.    This bill contained everything but the kitchen sink.   It turned Hitler into a dictator, gave him supreme powers and turned his 67 million people into slaves. The Jewish population at that time was less that one percent. The Jews were blamed for everything by the Nazi press. Hitler seized the 4000 newspapers in Germany, most of which were small and melded them into one unit of about 1000. Same with the radio stations. This media was ” Aryanized “. Experience journalists were fired, many fled the Country. Their places were taken by ill-trained amateurs who were Nazi Party members. Editors were required to omit anything, ” calculated to weaken the Reich “. Those editors deemed to be injuring the War effort were shot. Harper has the same set up here, absolutely no negative tar sands news. During the Second World War it was reported that 8 million Germans died  [  close to 10% of the population  ]. Near the end of the conflict, those who saw the possibility of defeat and expressed their doubts were shot in their thousands. That was a hell of a price for the people to pay for not paying attention nor closely guarding their democratic rights.   Which is exactly what is happening here today, Canadians are asleep to Lyin Steve’s threats.   In a speech on the ” Enabling Act ” Hitler promised to show restraint, promote peace with France, Britain and Russia.   Ya right!   What he did in public and said in private were two different things.   Harper anyone?   Of course the Fuhrer didn’t honour any of his promises and for the next dozen years [ from 1933 to 45 ] he told nothing but lies just like Herr Harper.   Lies that are repeated constantly in our more than 100 newspapers.    Germany went from a democracy to a totalitarian state quickly and legally.   Germans actually vote this little Corporal into office.  Harper stole his majority in 2011 and will steal again. It might be Canada next time? Who will stop him, the newspapers? [ loud laughter heard ].  The present deterioration of our freedoms shows how much Canadians are not paying attention?   Harper has the full support of the dollar media [ not the CBC ].   There was no CBC in Germany from 1930 to 1945.  The Nazis were actually handed control by ELECTED MPs.   Those who put up opposition were rounded up, put into concentration camps or shot.   After cleaning house the members still sitting in the Reichstag became Hitler’s cheering section. Doesn’t that sound familiar? Just like Harper’s trained seal MPs. Last week some Canadian Fascist MPs sent a letter to the Parliamentary Law Clerk to see if he can find ways to make the NDP pay back an amount that isn’t owing. It is but only a figment of their wild imaginations. The letter was co-signed by a group of smallbrained Harper toadies.  They were Blake Richards who made the original ” get ” Mulcair Motion  [ by the way,  Blake was fined $ 14,000 by the CRTC for making Robo Calls in his riding  ], Tom Lukiwski  [  one of the orchestrators of Richards’ illegal Motion and a Member of the Procedures and House Affairs Committee before which Mulcair was forced to appear / Lukiwski wore two hats, arresting officer and judge  ],   Brad Butt [   the Fascist MP who stood up in the House and claimed to have seen people stealing Voter Registration Cards / Butt later admitted he had lied to the House but Scheer let Brad get away with it  ],  Ted Opitz  [  is sitting as a Fascist MP falsely after being caught cheating at election time in Etobicoke in 2011  ]  and Scott Reid  [  who is also a member of the Procedures Committee, Scott  opposes abortion, he voted against same sex marriage and thinks MPs should be above the law  {  which they are  }  ] .   And all of these criminals are pointing their fingers at Tom Mulcair and the NDP??? This without any evidence.


You have got to understand where the current Canadian political climate of cheating, lying and stealing is coming from. The USA.   Herr Harper is a Psychopath who was actually born in Leaside  [  Toronto  ].   Steve spent all of two years [ at 20 ] in Alberta before falling under the influence of Big Oil, the faux NEP crisis and the Nietzsche Myth, which so prevalent at Calgary U. The recent approval of the Northern Gateway project shows how far Harper will go to accommodate the oilies. Causing deaths as at Megantic.   He is surrounded by oilie and Republicanazi advisors.   And his employer is the American oil monopoly. Psychopaths can be very intelligent in some ways but extremely anti social / dangerous in other ways.   They tell lots of lies.  Lies are the glue that sticks the ultraright together. They never admit to making mistakes and therefore never learn from those mistakes.   They have no insight and no empathy for others.   They are manipulative and look for weak people like young Michael Sona, over whom they seek to gain control. They say one thing but do the exact opposite. And blame others for doing the same things they are already doing.   If something goes wrong they look for scapegoats. They try to control their surroundings, always looking to create their own personal environment even if it clashes with the real world. Georgie Bush Jr. was good at creating HIS OWN REALITY AS IS STEVE. How the USA is viewed from the inside and the outside is a view of two entirely different planets. Sociopaths and Psychopaths usually end up on the wrong side of the law. Most of them end up in jail.   But in Harper’s case the American oil monopoly saved him from incarceration. The oilies saw this unbalanced young man who was attending Calgary University  [  the right wing centre for regime change in Canada  ]  as a tool, that if backed with unlimited funding, could help secure hegemony over Canada’s petroleum resources.   This, by gaining control of the Federal Government in Ottawa.   That has now been accomplished with the assistance of the Republicanazis.   Thus Harper’s madness has not actually adversely affected his own life. But it has certainly affected our’s. With unlimited petro dollars to spend, Steve can live in his fantasy land. And buy whomever he wants among Canadian elite Sociopaths, the political class and the retardeds.   Revenue Canada is asleep at the switch in regards to Steve’s oil revenues. Hitler had his storm troopers  [  SA  ].   Most were young toughs, convicts, mental patients, druggies  and alcoholics.    When people opposed Adolf he turned the SA loose on them.    Much like Harper’s attack ads, for which the dollar media is well paid with oilie money.   Even more sinister, Hitler took charge of the German Boy Scouts and other such church groups. He began giving the boys military training.   The Hitler Youth were deprived of any formal education and so became a militia made up of monster minors.   Dumb kids were and are more malleable, like Michael Sona. Taught to steal elections but nothing else.   After D-Day Canadian troops kept encountering these young Nazi fanatics who were thrown into the conflict late in the War by Hitler.   How does one deal with a 12 year old with a grenade in his pocket when he surrenders.   Such a Hitler Youth would wait until he was close to a group of Canadians soldiers, then pull the pin.   After a few of such incidents these misused kids were shot on sight.   At the Manning Institute for the Destruction of Democracy Harper Youth get their training which YOU PAY FOR.   Last year Preston tried to set up a Fascist brainwashing branch plant at Carleton University in Ottawa.  Manning slipped the Board $ 15 million [  oilie money ] under the table.   The scheme became public and Carleton had to give the cash back.    During the Michael Sona trial we got a glimpse of how young, vulnerable boys are twisted by the Fascists.   Richard Ciano, the President of the Ontario Fascist PCs, worked for a time as one of Manning’s instructors. In the last Ont. Election Harper ran Tim Hudak’s campaign out of the Manning Centre in Calgary with the help of some Republicanazis. The Ontario PC MPPs were totally in the dark as regards this arrangement. MPPs who many of you voted for [ not me ].    Sona and the others are no doubt scarred for life after being tainted by Harper.   By the way Preston Manning’s establishment is a registered Charity with Revenue Canada, as a cover it is called a Government Agency [ actually controlled from the PMO ]. Rev. Can., when it comes to right wing activities and oilie finances looks the other way.   SO  []   YOU  []  ARE ACTUALLY PAYING PRESTON TO TRAIN THE HARPER YOUTH AT HIS CENTRE. As well as running the Tim Hudak and Christy Clark campaigns.   Harper got his ultraright training at Calgary U where un Canadian philosophies / theories abound. The list is long, Friedrich Nietzsche, Leo Strauss, Friedrich Hayek, Adam Smith, Herbert Spencer, Charles Darwin, H. L. Mencken, Ayn Rand and others predominate. Smith and Darwin were not connected with the right, the Nietzsche Myth and the anti democratic movement.  I find it strange, that in the land of the free and the home of the brave the US right wing playbook is chocked full of the babblings of the anti democratic foreigners listed above. The aforementioned anarchists were / are exploited by the US hard right to give their movement intellectual legitimacy. In Canada, Harper and his Fascists hide behind the Conservative tag. In Ontario the Fascists hide behind Progressive Conservative badge. The Republicanazis, Bay St. and Frank Miller stole our PC Party from us. There are no intellectuals or philosophers or thinkers or leaders on the right. The right wing is an infertile movement which never has and never will produce progeny. The ultraright is not controlled by people but by an ideology constructed over a period of 100 years. There are no deep thinkers on the right, just perfect followers and copyists. Yet the righties are awash with visions based on their own creed. The biggest headache for a rightie is a new idea. Visions that will never come to pass. Hitler’s Reich was supposed to last a 1000 years. Adolf’s dream expired after a dozen years. Ronald Reagan’s right wing fantasies crumbled after 20 years. Ontario’s golden years under PCs Leslie Frost, John Robarts and Bill Davis lasted 42 years, killed off by Frank Miller and his rightie pals in the US and Bay St. The Nazi right in the US is anti democratic, therefore it is set apart from the democratic traditions of North America. The right draws nourishment from these democracies [ Canada / USA ] but in truth it is parasitic. As long as the host lives the parasite lives. When the host dies, so goes the parasite. In draining the life forces of the host the parasite insures that it will continue to live well in the short term but also guarantees it will die in the long term. The Republicanazis, after bringing the USA to its’ financial knees [ 2008 / 2009 ] siphoned off the wealth in Europe. Now that the EU well has run dry the American parasitic beast has turned its’ attention to Canada. With Harper’s help we are be bled white too. As the US right continues weakening Canada the people here DO NOT HAVE TO ACCEPT THE DEATH OF THIS COUNTRY as the ultimate outcome. It is a matter of severing the parasite’s roots at the border. In terms of the daily events as covered by our State controlled right wing press, the Fascist template is applied to every story. As an example of this distortion read the American owned National Post. Every article or news story has a rightie slant. As someone who has been writing newspaper copy for 50 years I feel sorry for people like Andrew Coyne. Andy does have the ability to write but he’s trapped within the ultraright cage. He has had his wings clipped. It is indeed sad. Think of it this way. The right wing is a blind organism. The base is made up of people with limited mental capacity. They are glued together by an ideology, from which they cannot ever stray. Thinking for oneself or deviating from the well trod path is verboten. Sinners who stray like Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin, Nigel Wright, Tom Flanagan and Michael Sona have been excommunicated. Just imagine giving years of service to the rightie cause and then being tossed out on your ass just for questioning the ever holy ideology. And thus Coyne is never permitted to let his thoughts fly free. Godfrey would never allow Andrew to duplicate what you see in my posts. The Sociopaths on the right who are trapped in their cloud don’t possess insight. Insight is a strength which is not welcome on the hard right. During the US sub prime meltdown of 2008 / 2009, it was evident where the Country was going a year before the event. The Wall Streeters and insiders who orchestrated the crash had plenty of time to get their money out of risky ventures. And sell off assets which were about to go south. But Lady Black’s little people, all over North America, were left in the dark by a well compensated dollar media. I knew a year in advance that a bump was coming. My family battened down the hatches. It was an educational experience for me to watch the financial storm engulf Canada and the USA while the $ media withheld crucial information. Talk about Hitler controlling the Nazi press. Property in the US lost more than 50% of its’ value by 2009. The insiders, with the help of the press sold high before the storm and then bought the places back for peanuts. This is what freedom of the press means in North America. The freedom to sell out to the highest bidder, this thanks to Ronald Reagan. The ultraright political movement is like a poisonous cloud with the ever willing press in tow. But the poison is on the outside. Wherever that cloud goes, be it California, Texas or Canada those who get in its’ path either have their lives destroyed or they die. Those inside the cloud have easy jobs for life, just like a parasite. But the righties at the centre of the cloud, the oligarchs who control it are not as much at risk as the people at the periphery. Herr Harper is not at risk as long as he continues to kiss oilie asses. Duffy, Wallin, Wright, Flanagan and Sona were at risk and paid the price. The right wing gives away nothing, it is all take. Nietzsche, Spencer, Strauss, Hayek et al all preached that the people [ us ] are nothing but an unruly mob about which not a moment’s thought should be wasted. If your father, mother, kids or grand kids get killed in an Alberta Tar / Benzine inferno, The American oil monopoly, Harper and CP Rail couldn’t care less. For the poisonous rightie cloud to do its’ dirty work it needs to feeding off the fat of the land. But the right still has to win votes, even if they are garnered from cheating. That many not be the case very much longer if YOU continue to sit on your duff. The right wing has about 20% of the vote in the USA and 15% in Canada. That is not enough to win elections so the Republicanazis and Harper’s Fascists must cheat. I mean they just HAVE TO. The right lies about what they want to accomplish, their quest, is the gathering the wealth of this continent to themselves. With the connivance of the ever cash starved press and TV. There is much talk about the one percent having the most wealth. These are the oligachs at the centre of the poisonous cloud. Saying to the citizens in both Canada and the US, straight up, that the aim of the great and greedy is to put each and everyone of them in the poor house, is not a winning / vote getting election slogan at the moment. Maybe soon it won’t matter, they’ll have it all. This is why Preston Manning holds classes in his Calgary Institute, which is supported by YOUR TAX DOLLARS, to teach the Harper Youth how to cheat. If they haven’t already learned about cheating and lying at the University of Calgary. Insight is of huge advantage. Georgie Bush Jr. is a good example of someone who had zero insight. Harper has no insight either. Look at the mess Bush caused in Iraq because he had no insight? Lyin Steve did a lot of screaming, he wanted to go. Chretien refused to involve Canada in Iraq. I AGREED WITH CHRETIEN, WHO WAS A LEGITIMATE PRIME MINISTER. NOT AN AMERICAN MONOPOLY PUPPET LIKE HARPER. Interesting that the Republicanazi controlled US press is now claiming Obama was responsible for the Iraq civil war. The Nietzsche Myth pitches the idea that there are a few Overmen  [  Ubermen or supermen or Aryans / real women need not apply  ]. These labels apply to all those who consider themselves exceptional and graduate from the Universities of Chicago or Calgary. You know some of the runts quite well, like Rob Anders, Pierre Poilievre and Blake Richards. Then there are the Undermen / Underwomen  [ opposition politicians and the rest of us  ]. We outvote the exceptionalists at least 100 to one. Yet the present press consists of about 100 papers, all of them beholden [ 100% ] to the great and greedy and [ 100% ] against us. How does the idea of a few self annointed exceptional people running the show actually work in a democracy???  It can’t and doesn’t. Leo Strauss [ 1899 / 1973 ], was a German and a Nietzscheian. He had no use for democracy.  Leo lectured at Chicago U on how the exceptionalists could / should seize power in the USA and hold it.   Leo said, as Mencken did, that the American mob could not to be trusted and that populists with the vote were very dangerous. And further, that the mob was not only stupid but weak and needed strong leadership.   Leo said, tell lies if you must in this noble cause to overthrow democracy.   Courses on Strauss are taught at the University of Calgary as well as in Chicago. Clearly there is no place for Strauss in our democracy? But the righties have stuck Leo in our faces. Much of what Strauss taught amounted to treason and still does.   As far as Friedrich Hayek [ 1899 / 1992 ] is concerned,  he was an Austrian, a student of the Nietzsche Myth, anti democratic and a self-taught economist. Fred fled from Hitler’s advance [ 1930s ] and went to England, getting a job there at the London School of Economics. Fred developed ideas relating to economic development although he never had any democratic experience.   Hayek  did not make a splash in London when he first arrived.  As is standard practise among academics, Hayek picked a fight with John Maynard Keynes, the noted British economist. Doing this by sending a series of insulting letters to the Times of London, to boost his notoriety. Keynes had been disturbed about the actions of the British Government during the Great US Depression of 1929, which was caused by Wall St. and the Republicanazis.   Keynes wrote various books regarding his theories which was, simply put, governments should put something away during the good times to cushion the economy during downturns.   I completely agree.   Hayek proposed economic engineering based on theoretical models which advocated for as little government intervention as possible. Let the poor die if they must. Governments should stay out of the way of the exceptionalists, that is until the roof falls in. Then it is a matter of accessing the taxes taken from off the masses to top up the wealth of the great and greedy. Be it on Wall St. or in High River Alberta. You see, as far as the hard right is concerned Nietzsche’s ” herd ” [ H. L.’s mob ] is worth something after all, even if only cannon fodder. Wall St. Sociopaths caused the 2008 / 09 crash and then went to Washington to beg for tax dollars to bail them out. Which is what happened.   the US rank and file got squat. But the $ media did handsomely for the doing. Hayek was unconcerned about the plight of the masses during difficult times. Hayek and the righties believed it was / is just the way the cookie crumbles for the ignorant masses [ us ] to live on the edge of starvation. It serves to motivate us. 14 year olds will swing a stronger pick if it means more for lunch. Based on his ill gotten theories Hayek wrote a thin volume called, ”  The Road to Serfdom “,  which went over like a lead balloon in the UK and Canada. But it excited the folks at the University of Chicago. The Nietzsche Myth attracts wimps like flies to honey.   Most of the leading academics in the USA during the 1920s / 30s were from Europe. Many of them were Germans / Austrians who were fleeing Hitler.    Americans with German ancestry represented about 15% of the American population at that time. They thought themselves superior, as H. L. Mencken did. Friedrich Hayek was invited to Chicago and his Serfdom book was published by the University.   The print run of about 350,000 copies was paid for by industrialists on the hard right.   Some global companies in the USA [ Ford / Standard Oil / others ] joined with German industrialists to bankroll Hitler in the 1930s. A copy of The Road to Serfdom was sent, free of charge to every library in America. Interestingly, the ultraright doesn’t believe in libraries. Neither did Hitler who burned every book he could get his hands on.   Then the Republicanazis extracted selected segments from Serfdom and turned the copy into one of their MUST READ texts for the right wing flock. People like Andrew Coyne, John Ivison, Margaret Wente, John Ibbitson would have been required to read Serfdom to gain entry to the rightie writing club and nodding approval.   The right claimed that this Chicago U Serfdom book was a BEST SELLER  [ the sale of something doesn’t involve giving it away FREE  ].  This claim of the Hayek book’s popularity was just another rightie lie.   Serfdom became part of the rightie play book. Max Eastman, a writer and editor, was first a communist then an instant right winger, just like Ayn Rand. They could smell the money on the right. Eastman realized where the audience lay for journalists, on the far right.   Max became an overnight admirer of Friedrich Hayek and he did a condensed version of Serfdom in the Reader’s Digest.   Eastman only put in the Serfdom article, the bits that the right wing really liked.   Even 75 years ago, the novice supplicants on the right were being brainwashed. In a sense Hayek’s material was taken out of context and turned into rightie propaganda.   In the doing the right wing and Chicago U had what they wanted out of Hayek. Fred, in reality was no more than a 3rd rate economist, but with an international name after his fights with Keynes. This was a notoriety that the right could exploit. Herr Harper loves Hayek. Then, after Hayek had been thoroughly wrung out he was thrown under the bus by the right [  Harper does the same thing  ]. Milton Friedman, a Professor at Chicago U, had Hayek blackballed at the school, then Milt plagiarized Hayek’s writings and took them for his own. Friedrich returned to Austria in disgust. You see, the ultraright has no leaders. Among this master race there are no masters. They are all followers of an unworkable right wing ideology. In the last hundred year what have Americans got to show for having endured Republicanazi government? The 1929 crash, the 2008 crash and many heart wrenching disaster in between. The golden years for the US in modern times was from 1933 to 1965 when the left held sway. Over the last century, the only notables on the right were Savant copyists by their hundreds who sang for their suppers in praise of the right wing. To a man, they were never ever able to break free to think for themselves. The juvenile brains that inhabit the right, stumble along in an unorganized fashion, making mistake after mistake. However the rank and file are always comforted by the rightie press, ever ready to reassure the membership that no mistakes were made. Anyone who THINKS FOR HIMSELF / HERSELF is barred from belonging to the right wing / Republicanazi Party.   Since 1962, Hayek’s name has been praised to the skies, thousands of times by the right for things he did not say nor advocate. Herr Harper, himself said Hayek greatly influenced his life. Only the most feeble minded could say such a thing.    The Hayek who Steve studied at the University of Calgary never existed as taught.   Adam Smith’s work  [  1750s  ] was also plagiarized by the right.   They used his terminology about business and markets but gave it a rightie twist.  As with Hayek, the right used the writings of Smith and wove them into an economic system of their own making. A system which has destroyed the economy of the USA and is in the process of ruining ours.  The aim of the right wing is to use Adam Smith’s so called market ideology to funnel all wealth into their own pockets, so fat so good.   If millions suffer privation, sobeit. Herbert Spencer [ 1820 / 1903 ] said the poor only have themselves to blame for their miseries. Now doesn’t that sound familiar?   The right, today echo what Spencer said, that governments should not take money from them, the rich and idle [ they being the exceptionalists ] and redistribute it to the poor.   You know those down-and-outers, who are responsible for their own misfortune. Herbert Spencer [ 1820 / 1903 ] spanned Stirner, Darwin and Nietzsche   Charles Darwin [ 1809 / 1882 ] wrote the book, ”  On The Origin of Species “. Darwin’s main theme was that those creatures which HAVE THE ABILITY TO ADAPT ARE THE ONES THAT SURVIVE. His reseach related to the animal kingdom where the occupants DID NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO SHAPE THEIR OWN ENVIRONMENT. And the creatures that survived Herbert Spencer, was a fuzzy Brit thinker who tried to connect greatness with ancestry. Herbert had a nervous breakdown, was a hypochondriac and a drug addict. But then the ultraright gives place to madmen [ Nietzsche ], criminals [ Conrad Black / Irving Gerstein ], druggies [ Herbert Spencer / Rob Ford ], pervs [ Tom Flanagan and Psychopaths [ Harper ]. All that is required is that you have decided that you are exceptional. The only other thing is to swear allegiance to the rightie creed. Spencer would have said something like, Georgie Bush Jr. was exceptional because his grandfather was exceptional. Actually Georgie’s gramps was a Republicanazi crook who laundered money for Hitler. Spencer like Nietzsche and all of those on the right, saw / see the so called ignorant masses as a threat to them and their fellow superior MEN. Herbert decried the fact that the British Government of the time [ 1860s ] was interfering with the natural process in life and passing laws to lift the burden from the shoulders of the poor. There is a reason for Spencer’s reasoning. He plagiarized Charles Darwin and offered what he called new thinking on the theme. Darwin’s area of research was with animals that lived in a world they didn’t control. Spencer transposed the Darwin theory to humans, this slight-of-hand process was given the name of SOCIAL Darwinism. But it was a Darwinism on a short time scale [ 10 /20 years ]. Of course this is pure nonsense. There is no such a thing as natural evolution where man is concerned. Men with money and power have always controlled the environment. Spencer who had been an obscure writer could smell the money on the right. Herbert coined the phrase, ” survival of the fittest “, in about 1864 as a reinterpretation of Darwin’s, ” those who adapt best survive “. Spencer’s, ” survival of the fittest “, denotes some kind of contest between the rich ins and the poor outs. In the developing of his justification for the inequality of the population in England and the USA Spencer created a complete, simple to use package deal which the American right still uses today. That markets should rule and governments should stay the hell out of the way. Spencer opposed land reform to keep it under the control of the rich. There should be no compulsory education, no work safety regulations, no tax funded libraries and no welfare programs. Government should discourage self improvement among the poor. Any socialistic reforms would be akin to imposing slavery on the human freedom of the great and greedy. Spencer discouraged charity and wanted to ban procreation of the unworthy. Spencer stated that government was not an essential institution, that voluntary markets would replace the state. Spencer offered a neat, ready made belief system that replaced conventional thinking in a democratic society. Herbert said of his work, that there were no alternatives. Hitler, Margaret Thatcher and Herr Harper would all agree. My way or the highway. In the 1860s Spencer’s books were being pirated in the USA by his self appointed disciples. In 1882 Spencer visited America and gave a series of lectures. Herbert was rapturously received by the right who loved his brand of snakeoil. If you read or listen to those on the US hard right, Spencer’s phony theories, developed almost 150 years ago are repeated almost word for word today. Spencer’s influence disappeared in England about 1900. Once the right took ownership of Herbert’s theories, he himself was thrown under the bus, much like Hayek. Spencer’s name never mentioned again. He died a lonely, forgotten man. Such is the fate of loyal right wingers like Bush and Romney. Spencer gave the right so much, almost their entire creed. Herbert felt that legislation to improve the lot of the poor would adversely affected the exceptionalists like himself by trying to make the clearly unequal, equal. After all it is the job of the master race to rule. Spencer said, if people are complete then they should live. However, if the people are not complete they should die. To help matters along he and his colleagues supported sterilization of those judged mentally deficient. My thought was, who then would sit in judgement of those in despair? THE RIGHT? Did Herbert envisage a Hitler 40 years before the fact? Spencer, like the plagiarizer Nietzsche looked to find inspiration and to borrow from those with superior qualifications. Herbert picked Charles Darwin for his thievery. Spencer turned Darwin’s animals into humans and came up with expression which Ronald Reagan just loved “.  The survival of the fittest “, as it applies to economics. Of course in rightie code this meant treating the poor poorly. Of course the Laizzez-Faire market means, ” let them alone to do what they will “. In this respect Spencer’s words went right to the heart of Wall St. With the highest concentrations of Sociopaths in the US. The Repubs if you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying, rings true. The silent hand of the market and survival of the fittest, conjured up more than 125 years ago, are central to the right wing play book. Spencer opposed all state aid to the poor, it was an assault on God’s will. Religious zealots then, like we have today in North American seized upon Herbert’s pronouncements about helping the destitute as going against the Lord’s will. No government should mess with HIS plan. It is part of the fantasy concocted by the right to justify their actions in terms of cheating, lying and stealing from the little people  [  as Lady Black calls us ].   The foregoing patter is spouted from the mouths of right wing males like Harper and the Fraser Institute as well as the Americanazis, 24/7.   Few women make it into the rightie ranks.   No wonder Peter Mackay thinks of women like back in the 1950s.   To be a successful rightie, such women have to be more obnoxious than the boys.    H. L. Mencken [ 1880 / 1956 ], of German extraction, was a cub reporter in Baltimore in 1905. From 1825 the City was the major recipient of wave after wave of immigrants from Germany and surrounding countries. These people bailed Europe due to the many minor conflict that dominated the 1800s. Running through these new arrivals was a strong sense of German Nationalism. There was much talk about them being a superior race. Nietzsche thought that way as did his sister Elisabeth. Mencken happened upon a book that was printed in German by Elisabeth Nietzsche  [  1846 / 1935 ], containing some of the scribblings of her brother, Friedrich Nietzsche  [  1844 / 1900  ].    Fred had been a sickly young man who never made a success of anything.   He was much like Ezra LeRant today but not as brassy and pushy.   After a short stint in the Army Nietzsche received a professorship at Basel University with the help of a friend in 1868.    His position related to the study of ancient documents [ like Plato ].  He had not completed his doctorate in this regard, nor did he have a teaching certificate.   During his lectures on early writings he studied German philosophers like Schopenhauer and  Stirner et al.    Somewhere along the way Fred contracted syphilis.   He was especially taken with an idea put forth by Max Stirner [ 1800 / 1855 ], who died when Nietzsche was only ten.   Stirner saw in the society that surrounded him a few exceptional people and a great mass of unexceptionals.   This led Stirner to break down society into two distinct camps, the few Overman and the many Underman. Schopenhauer, Stirner and Nietzsche had zero experience with democracy.   It was totally foreign to them and many others of their time.  Friedrich seemed to fall in love with each new philosopher he encountered. Nietzsche particularly embraced  Stirner’s idea of the Overman and Underman and elevated himself to be among those superior exceptionalists.   From 1868 until 1876 Fred put down his thoughts which were a mixture of his own thinking and the latest philosophers he was studying. Fred was in fact a critic of other people’s work [ he was not a philosopher ].   If Nietzsch was writing today he would be charged with plagiarism like Margaret Wente of the Globe and Tar.  In 1876, his syphilis had advanced to the point where Fred could no longer see to write and he engaged a young acquaintance  [  Peter Gast  ] as a copyist.   By now Nietzsche had elevated himself to the lofty position of philosopher. All it takes is the decision by you that you are superior, no need to take any tests.   He attempted to have some of his works published but this did not prove very successful.   By 1888 Fred was a vegetable and his output ended.   His scribbling were scattered all about but most of the stuff was in the hands of Gast.   In 1893 Elisabeth returned to Germany from Paraguay after her husband Bernhard Forster [ a German Nationalist with imaginings of superiority ] had committed suicide.   Elisabeth moved in with her Mother and brother. Fred who was sitting in a chair in an upstairs bedroom, he was covered with white comforter.   The Forsters were anti semitic and German Nationalists.   Lis took interest in her brother’s work and his circle of friends.   A few people were aware of Fred’s writings but not in any formal way.   Elisabeth decided that the accumulation of her brother’s output could possibly provide her with a meal ticket.   She got some financial backing from friends on the right to assemble some of Fred’s scribbling. She connected with Peter Gast who still had a lot of Fred’s stuff.   Peter considered himself a sort of junior philosopher too and as a result he had taken many liberties with much of Nietzsche’s later output.   Elisabeth saw the German Nationalist movement [ Aryans ] and anti semitic circles as the market for the books SHE WAS CONSIDERING PUBLISHING.  She was familiar with people in that movement because of Bernhard.   It was clear that Fred’s material could form the base upon which Nationalist propaganda and anti-Semitism texts could be distributed. The publication of Friedrich Nietzsche’s faux books led to the setting up of a German Museum in his name.   About this time Peter Gast quit the Nietzsche resurrection.   It is said that Gast didn’t like the liberties Elisabeth was taking with her brother’s work with which he had taken liberties himself.   After all, Gast had worked as a copyist with Friedrich for more than 20 years.   Elizabeth hardly knew her own brother.   In 1905 Mencken got hold of one of Elisabeth’s books which were printed in German.   H. L. could read German because of his parentage.   Mencken was a wimp, a German Nationalist, anti semitic and a momma’s boy.   The reading of that book changed Mencken’s life.   It was quite apparent to H. L., that he himself was exceptional too. Just like Fred.   This fitted nicely with Mencken’s view that the Americans who lived around him were all stupid. H. L. was familiar with the Herbert Spencer and his feeling about the markets and the masses. For the hard right in the USA Friedrich Nietzsche and Herbert Spencer provide the bedrock for their ideology. The righties are self declared superior beings who owe nothing to their fellow human beings. Much repeated, ” I am not my brother’s keeper “. But my brother keeps me, well, should also be added.   Mencken began translating these faux Nietzsche books into English and thus introduced Nietzsche to the American right.   In so doing H. L. took liberties with HIS translations of Nietzsche and the theories of Spencer. Mencken’s work and writings provided the foundation upon which the present Republicanazi Party was built.   So because of Mencken, poor old Fred moved even farther into mythdom.   Thus when someone studies Friedrich Nietzsche today [ Chicago / Calgary ], what is on the pages comes from early German philosophers, filtered through Fred, filtered through Peter Gast, filtered through Elisabeth, filtered through Mencken, filtered through Ayn Rand and finally juiced up by a whole army of 4th rate rightie writers since 1960. The right wing has produced no leaders and no fresh thinking. What righties espouse today was arrived at 100 years ago and set in stone.   In a sense Mencken’s translations of Nietzsch were written by what amounts to a committee, each participant having their own agenda.   I call what is studied by the right today, the Nietzsche Myth, with an added pinch of Spencer.   It is interesting, in the very beginning, both the American right and Hitler drank from the same poison chalice.  This man [ Nietzsche ] as portrayed in the present never existed. But the US right and the Nazis claimed he lived.   That is why it is difficult to see any difference in the actions of Herr Harper and his Fascists, the Republicanazis and the Nazis themselves. Fortunately, in North America, we have not started burning people yet.    During WW 1 German soldiers were given copies of Elisabeth Nietzsche’s books.   It is assumed that Hitler was given a copy because some of the contents appeared in Mein Kampf.   Once in power Hitler converted the Nietzsche myth into Nazi a creed and even visited Fred’s museum.   I would think that Adolf would find special interest in the Overman / Underman stuff.   He himself would of course be one of the exceptional people. And his ideas about the surrounding countries fitted right into the Underman category  [ say the Slavs  ].   As well Elisabeth’s anti semitic stance would have pleased Hitler. Mencken was anti semitic and his translations of Elisabeth’s books were filtered for the American right wing audience. H. L. emphasized the ability of special people to anoint themselves as exceptional.   Mencken, although born in the States was said to have thought like a Prussian.  In fact H. L. was nicknamed the American Nietzsche.  He supported the Germans in WW One and backed Hitler in the Second War. So the Bard of Baltimore, a right wing saint, promoted the Nazi line. In 1941, the right was forced to throw H. L. under the bus, his Nazi sympathies cut too close to the bone.   Mencken was at his most popular during the 1920s and early 30s. H. L. said, only those who earn a living by lawful means should be allowed to vote. In my view the USA will reach that goal soon. Only the white, great and greedy will have the vote in the 21st century in the United Fascist States of America. Mencken also said, minorities should have no rights. And more, enough is done for the lowly already, in that they are allowed to live. In his writings Mencken strove to make life, measurably more bearable for the civilized minority in America. Remember Mencken is the high priest of the right.   After the 29 crash, a crash caused by the Republicanazis, FDR implemented the New Deal.  This was instrumental in pulling the US out of the depression and helped win the War.   The right wing, the Republicans and Mencken had a bird over the US Government injecting itself into the lives of Americans. This to save some of the inferior Undermen from starvation and loss of HOPE.   The other fear FDR had was a possible revolt.   During the late 1930s the Republicanazis were taking money from Hitler to keep the US out of the War.   The Fuhrer and the right were like best Aryan buddies.   Charles Lindburgh, a Republicanazi, was the front for the, ” America First “, movement, which was supported by Nazi Reichmarks.   Lindburgh wanted FDR to sign a neutrality pact with Germany. Chuck used his position to preach anti Semitism.   With Pearl Harbor and Hitler’s declaration of War on the States,  H. L. Mencken, Charles Lindbergh and America Firsters disappeared in a poof.   The right wing scrubbed Nietzsch out its’ history but kept the Fascist way of life, even till today.   In fact in today’s world, books written about Mencken by the right never mention Nietzsche.  This is so typical right wing, lie and mislead.  But courses about Friedrich are still being taught at the Universities of Chicago and Calgary. Teaching the Nietzsche Myth has no place in our democracy, such classes should be considered treason.  Ayn Rand was a late comer to the rightie scene. She spent some time working with Mencken, he encouraged her to promote the Nietzsche Myth.   She had been a communist but like so many other Commies in the US she realized there was a market for her third rate writing skills on the right wing.   Specifically she noted wide interest on the part of the right in the power of the Overman / Underman myth.  The right wing is populated by wimps like Lyin Steve from whom nothing original flows.  The right wing creed comes prebaked, going back a hundred years. There is no need for any rightie to ever think of thinking for himself. In rightieland there are almost no women, except for a very aggressive few. Alan Greenspan  [  a wimp by any standard  ],  was turned on by Nietzsche. This because Al was given permission to declare himself exceptional. Ayn told Alan he could do it.   Greenspan joined the movement of exceptionalists, who were and are convinced that they walk on air, much above the common folk, just like Brian Lee Crowley of the Globe and Tar does.   This is exhilarating stuff. On your very own, you can decide to be one of the leaders of men without ever earning that right.   Can you imagine the excitement of those who are now attending the University of Calgary.   All that is required to graduate from Calgary U is to accept the fact that Canada is divided into 2 camps [ Calgary graduates, then the rest of the population ] [ this approach is so Republicanazi ]. Although we are supposed to live in a democracy with each adult having a vote.  There are the exceptional people like Harper, Flanagan, Morton, Anders, Poilievre and Richards et al, who were given their, ” You are in Command Certificates ” by the University.   Those who hold such divine clearance enlist small brained hangers-on to do the grunt work. The Overmen maybe number 35,000 total in Canada.   Then there are the Undermen / Underwomen, [  the rest of us  ], who number 35 million.   Which side will win???   I’ll tell you this for sure, we won’t. If you continue to swallow what the 100 Fascist newspapers tell you.   I am an old fashioned Progressive Conservative, deeply rooted in the democratic tradition.   I can’t for the life of me see how most of the warped people I have listed above fit into our democracy.   If you believe in one man / one woman, each casting a vote then that outcome will establish the leadership.   Herr Harper and those exceptionalists who surround him seem to think they, because they ARE SO exceptional, that they are destined to rule.   Calgary U has indoctrinated them so.    And further, the University has taught them to use any means to achieve their goal, no matter if illegal or unfair.  Again Calgary U has provided the instructions to do so.  It is impossible for the democratic Canada, as we have known it to be on one side and Herr Harper  / Fascists / University of Calgary / the American oil monopoly to be on the other side. We cannot continue to occupy the same space.   Either we will carry on as we have for the better part of 150 year. Or our lives will be dominated by the US oil monopoly, Harper the madman and the Republicanazis.   Sitting on your ass and showing disinterest will not be an option for you much longer. I have pretty well covered the elements that make up the right and the Republicanazis. These righties are mired in a life that normal people left behind more than a hundred years ago. Without the ability to move with the times and deal in a forthright manner with their never ending series of mistakes the right wing is doomed. If they succeed in gaining and holding power by illegal means as Leo Strauss so strongly recommended, then we are the ones who are doomed.


Of course the follow on to the Richards / Leitch illegal Motion was the fact that Mulcair did spend 2 hours before the Harper Inquisition  [ an illegal Inquisition  ] and held his own against many rude comments and insulting questions. None of the Inquisitors  [  both the Fascists and Liberals  ],  could say what House rules had actually been broken. In the end, Lyin Steve did not see the Mulcair meltdown he so badly wanted.   But the Globe, Post and Sun made it up to him. The gang of 100 papers reported that Mulcair had indeed lost his cool, more media lying.  In Harperland, if Himself doesn’t get the outcome he wants he just makes it up or the state controlled press does it for him.   Then the secret Board of Inquisition reported that the NDP owed over a million dollars. With all of the things that had to be considered by the Fascists and the Liberals and not knowing what rules had been broken, I think they used a dart board to determine the NDP amount owing.   Such a dart dollar figure would come just as close to that arrived at by the confused MPs such as John Duncan [ Fas. MP ], the spokesman for the Inquisition.  Remember Duncan. He was the one who had to resign from Cabinet for writing to the Tax Court of Canada in an attempt to influence the Court on behalf of a constituent who was in trouble with Revenue Canada.   It would seem that Lyin Steve has packed his Cabinet with crooks or people with very poor judgement.  I mean with Harper wanting blood, how do his MPs, even if they are totally dense justify going through the motions of the Inquisition? When the final verdict has already been predetermined by Steve?   Well the answer is, Harper packed the Inquisition with dimwits like Duncan.  To add to the fun Lisa Raitt has now injected herself into Canada’s mini Spanish Inquisition to do some Harper ass kissing of her very own.  Lisa vowed to get every cent of Canada Post  [  a Crown Corporation  ] money out of the NDP.   Maybe the Royal Canadian Harper Police will deputize Lisa Raitt and give her a badge. So she can ride out with her posse of harper’s boys and bring in all those NDP bad guys and gals.   When you go through the list of Fascist MPs, there only seem to be a very few of them who are not law breakers.  A subject the newspapers never mention. But we can’t really blame the law breakers can we.   So many of them were taught at the University of Calgary, to do anything they had to do, to gain power.   Harper did exactly that, he stole the 2011 election.   Then Calgary U teaches that once in power do anything you have to, to retain power.   The ensnarement of Tom Mulcair by Harper’s illegal use of House of Commons rules is exactly what the University of Calgary had in mind. I am sure the Board at the University will issue commendations for a job well done to Steve and his hirelings, many of them graduates.


When Hitler came to power he took control of the radio stations and forbade Germans to listen to the radio signals from other countries.   Those who were caught listening to the BBC were shot.   In this Country Harper is making every effort to close the CBC.   Remember our favourite Brodcasting Corporation is the last bastion of the truth in this Nation. Goebbel’s Ministry sold a radio called the Volksempfanger which only had one station setting.   It is a little like today when more than 100 newspapers, TV and radio stations carry Harper’s lies and messages exclusively, this without any questions or honest editorial scrutiny.   I don’t know of any other Western country wherein the media is so slavishly committed to the whims of a certifiable madman.   This arrangement, 100 media outlets from across the nation, all singing from the Harper song book is guaranteed to crush democracy in Canada. This is exactly what Harper, Manning and the oilies want.   No wonder the people in Alberta don’t realize their petroleum resources are being stolen by the American oil monopoly.  Because the oilies have bought the printing presses. Where is the difference between Nazi Germany then and Canada now?   The Germans got and we get a Government that abuses parliament and feeds us propaganda and spin via the newspapers.   Part of the reason for this mindless concentration on right wing copy in the media is the present sad state of the industry. TV, newspaper and magazines are going broke because they no longer serve the interests of Canadians. Lies don’t wash anymore when the truth is on the internet.   The Harper newspaper cabal is desperate for cash, oh so desperate. They will print any lie or false news on behalf of the oilies, the Government and the great and greedy.  Anyone who can write a big, shiny cheque, that is.   Regurgitating lies and false news provides the media moguls with tons of money. Telling us the truth yields the the newsies, zilch dollars.   But the big difficulty is that the moguls need to keep you as a customer even while they are in the process of screwing you out of your money and your Country. They need your eyeballs to keep watching and reading. But the trick is, your eyes have to be unseeing eyes that don’t realize they are being fooled. The advertisers have to be fooled too into thinking their ads are reaching an awake public. The papers don’t count paid subscriptions any longer. This is done in attempt to fool the advertisers further. Most newspapers now give away 1/3rd of their press runs free. I get the American owned National Post free most days and it pleases me no end. One more nail in Paul Godfrey’s coffin. The store where I get my Posts often has a garbage can filled with stale dated Posts. Its’ a good sign that people don’t want the Post, even if it is free. Way to go John Ivison and Andrew Coyne. The $ media is between a rock and a hard place. Government propaganda is meaningless if you don’t believe it. If you are not a believer you will tune the media out. I think that when you finally come to the realization that Harper means YOU AND YOUR FAMILY HARM, you’ll locate that pitchfork of your’s and give it a gentle pat. Canadians, going way back, have taken to the streets when face with an oppressive Government. In this case it is different it is the Americans who are the oppressors with Harper as their tool.  Thus it is an imperative, in service to their moneyed masters that the Toronto Star, Globe and Tar, National Post, Sun papers, CTV, Bell media radio, Huffington Post et al seek in every way to pull the WOOL OVER YOUR EYES.  To accomplish this task requires rightie Savants  [  someone with a low IQ but with an exceptional skill in a specific area like writing  / broadcasting ].  These sad Savants live in and enjoy our unique Canadian environment. Yet their job is to destroy the very society in which they / we live. It is a strange bird that shits in its’ own nest.   Such successful Savants are required to memorize the contents of the ultraright play book. You know, Nietzsche, Strauss, Hayek and the NEP are all part of the contents of the play book. The Savants must feature some of this waypoints every day in order to get fed. AND I MEAN EVERY DAY, EVERY DAY BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT GOEBBELS TAUGHT. Since the retarded rank and file Republicanazis in the USA and Harper’s Fascists UP here have never grown up they have to be constantly reassured, like mom does. Every time the Republicanazis or the Fascists screw up the base [ those who give the heil salute on cue ] needs to be told time and time again that the right wing ideology DID NOT FAIL. It was someone else who messed up the Savants will chme. This is done by the repeating of the mantra from the rightie play book over and over in the newspapers.  There isn’t a column by John Ivison or Andrew Coyne that doesn’t contain some right wing nuggets.   Lorne Gunter has been writing the same column for 25 years, only the specifics and the situations change.   Gunter has been carrying on and on about the RCMP confiscating a few improperly stored guns in High River during the great flood.   The officers were going door to door under very difficult conditions, checking for possible victims. We should be praising the RCMP. The RCMP comes in two parts now. The senior officers who march to Harper’s drum.   And the rest of the force who are loyal Canadians. The Police are required by law to seize illegal firearms or those that are not safely stored.   Gunter, in Mulroney’s Sun has reported a multitude of times on the Police gun collecting, A NON STORY.  The Sun Paper, run by our resident crooked PM, Brian Mulroney, did not provide space for a single article giving the other side of the RCMP / gun / Gunter story.   The Nazis could not have done this any better.  What Gunter is writing is false news and an offense under Sec. 181 of the Criminal Code. It is not surprising to me that Albertans are so ignorant about the theft of their tar by the oilie monopoly, the despoiling of their land, the fouling of their air and water. The press / TV in the West leaves the locals on the wrong side of the information curve. In fact it is a no information curve The Albertan newspapers and TV only tell ONE SIDE OF THE OILIE STORY.   Such a bogus story is told right across Canada. Before and since the Megantic tragedy, which was caused by the oilies and their pawn, Harper there have been many train derailment and pipeline ruptures. The media cabal only covers the most sensational, coverage is soon dropped. There are many such incidents WHICH ARE NEVER REPORTED. THIS IS WHAT FOX NEWS DOES IN THE USA AND THE NAZIS DID IN GERMANY, NAMELY CENSORSHIP.   In a recent US university study Fox News listeners were found to be the most ill informed in the land. How does not knowing what is going on square with the rightie,” survival of the fittest cry “? People who don’t know what is going on do not survive. And interestingly enough, our good old Lorne Gunter, from the Sun, was given an award by the Canadian chapter of the US National Rifle Association for his contribution to the cause of promoting unrestricted gun ownership.  That 22 year old nut in Moncton who killed the 3 Mounties was well within his rights to own a gun collection according to Gunter and his friends, including Harper.   The dollar media won’t even touch gun control.   Harper would take them off his advertising list and the dollar media would lose money for telling Canadians the truth.  Having an open, honest, adult debate about who shouldn’t own guns might just cause the majority of Canadians to vote for tighter gun laws.   Lyin Steve and his Fascists do not want to see such a vote take place.   So it is better to pay off the media moguls to put the choke on a gun debate before it even gets started.   History is replete with failed empires. There is a common thread running through most of these failures.   The leadership was either incompetent or corrupt.   And the population DOCILE. Harper knows the less people know about what is going on the more docile they will be.   Hitler ordered that Germans be kept in the dark about the progress or otherwise of the War.   In addition he wanted the common Volk to be given no alternatives. Our population faces the same situation with the Alberta Tar Sands. All the alternative are being hidden by the press.   The path the Fuhrer chose was the one and only one allowed the Germans.   This approach mirrors what is happening in Canada today.   The media moguls click their heels in response to Herr Harper and make every effort to fudge the news. The cabal is paid to mislead, cause anxiety and confuse Canadians.  In terms of alternatives, every new idea or innovation that impacts the American oil monopoly or the great and greedy in any way is attacked by the Canadian media. Then the Savant copyists dare to write stories about Canada being behind the innovation eight ball.  This is done to shift the responsibility for the failure to innovate and capitalize on new ideas onto the people.   In the recent election the Star backed Kathleen Wynne and the Liberal Party machine.   The Globe, Nat. Post and the Sun backed that perennial loser, Tim Hudak and the Fascist Party machine.   The reason for this media support was that there was money to be made supporting the Lib. or PC machines.   There was no money to be made letting Andrea Horwath into the game.   In fact, I would go as far as saying the press was probably paid extra to keep Horwath / the NDP out of the race.   As might be expected, the dollar media criticized Andrea for maintaining such a low profile during the 2014 Ont. Election. The $ media excluded Horwath, then blamed her for lack of involvement. The oilies kill every new idea that comes down the turnpike in this Country and then the press blames this failure on slow Canadians. It is just too sweet. It is becoming very clear that we are a docilistic Nation. Ontarians don’t know Hudak’s campaign was run by Harper. This via his Republicanazis advisors working out of the Preston Manning Centre in Calgary. Harper also controlled Christy Clark’s election campaign in BC. A Liberal / Conservative coalition now runs BC. You didn’t know that??? Steve tried, behind the scenes, to unseat Greg Salinger, NDP Premier of Manitoba in the last go round using dirty tricks.   My, you didn’t know that either??? You must get out more often. If you read the Letters to the Editor sections of the papers it shows how many people are taken in by Harper’s reapplication of the Goebbel’s doctrine. Lies and propaganda. It worked very well in Germany from 1925 to 1945, until the people woke up, sadly too late. Human nature has remained the same for the last 10,000 years when men and women became farmers and left hunting and gathering behind.   And Goebbel’s teachings are working in the here and now, Canada, in 2014.   In 1933 Germans gave up their democracy and freedom for a job, a roof, a warm bed and 3 squares a day.   But Hitler took away any opportunity to protest. THEIR Humpty Dumpty Country came tumbling down in 1945 and smashed into a zillion pieces. There were about 8 million Germans listed as dead. And many millions more maimed. A huge price to pay for not minding the store.   The biggest threat Canadians face today are the Star, Globe and Tar, the National Post, Sun, CTV, Global and Bell Media radio et al.  [] THEY CARRY OLD NEWS [].   That young cop killer was caught at 12.10 am Friday June 6 / 14 in Moncton.   Within 20 minutes, his capture was on the internet and you could follow the story in real time.   Snippets of the case were on TV news later in the morning.   In depth coverage of the ambush did not appear in the newspapers until Monday June 9 / 14. This, two days late.   The thousands of words, written late in this regard, by Savant copyists for the papers were worse than useless. But the dribble got printed and sold to you anyway. [] THE MEDIA CARRIES MADE UP NEWS [].   Examples, both Ezzie Le Rant and John Ivison make up stuff.   Ezzie leans towards the more bizarre that didn’t happen.   I have looked into Le Rant’s background.   He has never been a success at anything in his entire life. Normal people would consider Ezzy a failure. Other than being a shock jock, kissing oilie asses and flapping his gums.   Ezzie came out of the University of Calgary where many wimps like Levant go to be made over.   Once indoctrinated by Calgary U, all graduates come out with the word Exceptionalist stamped on their foreheads, like Harper, Anders, Poilievre, Richards and the rest of such pests.   As you are aware, I am real right winger [  not a fascist  ], I am a non Nietzschian  [  to me every Canadian is exceptional  ] and a 50 year businessman  [  not like the inexperienced academics, churned out by Calgary U, who become loud mouth politicians, think tank fellows, Savant writers and right wing communicators  ].   I fully support free speech as long as it doesn’t impact the freedom or security of others. I believe strongly that Sec. 181 should be enforced to stop the papers publishing constant lies that put my Canada at risk.  If you are interested in what the Harper press is doing? Ezzie had a piece in the Toronto Sun in which he suggested Putin could be giving money to Canadians environmentalists who oppose the Gateway bitumen pipeline.   Section 181 of the Criminal Code specifies False News like this is a criminal offense. I wonder if Brian Mulroney realizes what Ezzy is doing to Canada. Now we know Harper is not going to prosecute those who spew False News based entirely on the press releases he himself issues. Mike Harris, a guy I once worked for had an opinion piece in the Globe and Tar praising the Gateway Project. In total, Mike’s piece was not true. But then long ago the Globe abandon the truth for money.   When Ezzie goes on Sun TV however and makes the same stuff up he puts in the Paper the CRTC smacks Levant down.  One of the CRTC rules has the same force as Section 181 of the Criminal Code.   What we need in Canada is the enforcement of Sec. 181 in the newspaper industry. Is that so unreasonable?   Savant copyists like Ivison / La Rant should be jailed for the two years  [  a requirement of Sec. 181  ].   Fox News  /  US Talk Radio were prevented from moving into this Country because of the CRTC version of Sec. 181.   The Republicanazi media openly brags that it will tell lies, distort the truth, print custom written news and broadcast False News in the pursuit of profits. Ronald Reagan told them they could.  Those who live in Canada and swallow the Toronto Sun and Sun TV offensive garbage actually dwell in a Harperland of their own.   A few planets away from the rest of us.   What our Papers / TV are doing, is threatening to Canada. This goes right over the head of Brian Mulroney, Chair of Sun Enterprises.   Now with Ivison, Paul Godfrey and the National Post, Harper has cooked up a different deal.   Ivison has the inside track to Steve and Peter Mackay and speaks with them directly. Access that nobody else has. In Canada it is known as leak central.   This relationship [ Harper / Post ] is not about news gathering on the part of Ivison but it constitutes a safe, Americanazi, multi chain newspaper outlets  [ the Post has 14 papers  ].   This arrangement allows Harper / Mackay to insert propaganda into the public domain, without any questions being asked. The False News, once out in public, reaches the 100 state controlled newspapers which feed off the National Post. Harper stories, are never editor scrutinized. It quite evident because the pieces are so badly written, probably by Steve’s boys. This is what happened in the Beverley McLachlin smear.   Harper’s fantasy about getting even with the Chief Justice became fact without Lyin Steve becoming involved or producing any proof whatsoever. But you have to understand, Ivison, Godfrey and the Nat. Post are on the hook to Harper.   Postmedia was purchased from bankruptcy by 4 vulture hedge funds on Wall St. in 2012.   The 14 Post papers are located in major Canadian cities and in some cases they have no competition.   Newspapers in this Country must be majority owned  [  51%  ] by Canadians  and have 80% Canadian content.   Postmedia is over 90% American owned and my guess is that the Canadian content is well south of 60%.    So all 14 Papers do not qualify as Canadian owned publications under the Can. Tax Act  [  Sec. 19 – 1  ].    Advertisers who put ads in the Postmedia Papers can’t legally deduct the cost of those ads as a business expenses.   But they do and they get away with it. It is obvious that Harper has instructed Revenue Canada to look the other way as the agency does in the case of all the right wing think tanks like the Fraser, C. D. Howe, Macdonald – Laurier et all. And yet the Suzuki Foundation is being audited by Rev. Canada. There is now a new round of Rev. Can. targets [ 3 ]. The details are on CBC news net. I was particularly interested, out of ten complaints, four formal complaints were brought forward by, guess who? Why our very own Ezzy La Rant, former mouthpiece for Herr Harper. Lying Steve finally found La Rant something to do, undermine our democracy. Now Ezzie is definitely an expert on charities when it comes to involvement in political activity. I have written before on a whole host of rightie think tanks which in my opinion illegally claim charity status. Like the Fraser / Manning Institutes, Ethical Oil and the Canadian Constitutional Foundation. All of them with ties to the PMO, the National Post, the Sun, the Civitas Secret Subversive Society and the University of Calgary. It is a bit rich that Rev. Can. forgave Brian Mulroney and Conrad Black the taxes they owed. The lesson for all Canadians? When Harper speaks, better obey. Lyin Steve has directed Rev. Can. to conduct a witch hunt of every organization that opposes the American oil monopoly. Take heed. Tricky Dick Nixon used the same tax weapon to silence his enemies. Nixon had the IRS audit those he didn’t like. Harper is using the same tax weapon against those who oppose his employer the Tar Sands owners. [] THE MEDIA PRACTISES CENSORSHIP []. News stories that upset Harper, the great and greedy and the US oil monopoly are just left out. The newsies get paid to NOT TO REPORT NEWS. THE CANADIAN MEDIA CABAL UNDERCOVERS STORIES. Critical news which impacts Canadians but upsets Harper is reported with the lightest of touches. The Tom Mulcair Inquisition part has been covered up like a blanket although there is no proof that he / NDP did anything wrong. On the other hand Michael Sona [ Harper Youth ] and Dean Del Mastro [ Fascist MP ] are facing criminal charges in two separate trials and there is hardly a peep from the 100 Harper papers. Canada has become a third world Country as far as honest reporting is concerned. The CBC tries its’ best to cover the news fairly but by broadcasting the truth it causes Harper to continually chip away at the Corporation’s budget. Nigeria anyone???


On behalf of all Canadians who appreciate our democratic society I think Tom Mulcair / NDP should just refuse to have any further dealings with the Harper Inquisition.   Let Lisa Raitt turn blue.   If the Inquisition process is illegal then everything that flows from it is illegal.   Simply put, if three people own a business, two of the partners can’t meet and decide on a matter which obligates the 3rd partner, in his or her absence.   If it applies in business it should apply to Parliament? I’d like Mulcair and the NDP to say to Harper, come get the money yourself.

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Section 181 of the Criminal Code states   —   ”  Everyone who wilfully publishes a statement, tale or news that he knows is false and causes or is likely to cause injury or mischief to the public interest is guilty of an indictable offense and liable to imprisonment of two years “.   If you read the House of Commons record, Hansard, for the morning of March 27 / 14, it is evident that the Fascists interrupted the House proceedings with the acquiescence of the Speaker. Just after opening at 10 am, Richards and Leitch proposed two Motions which impacted Tom Mulcair, this without his knowledge. The ambushing of individuals by the State is unacceptable in this Country. What next, people being dragged away in the night, gas chambers? These two Motions were brought forward in a well organized fashion, machine gun like. Individually the Motions had no force.   However, joined together the two Motions did have force. But the trick was, the combined Motions could only bear fruit if the NDP MP had less than 25 MPs sitting in the House.   The agenda was laid out in such a way that some Fascist MPs presented petitions and Government responses. These masked Harper’s intentions and provided a cover for what was to come.   Steven Fletcher  [ 4th on the agenda / Fas. MP ] had two kicks at the cat as regards his concerns about doctor-assisted death.   At that point Blake Richards injected himself into the proceeding with a Motion to require Tom Mulcair to appear in a televised session before a House Committee.   Blake’s Motion required Unanimous Consent.   You can see from Hansard doctor-assisted death was being discussed,  Richards’ Motion was clearly out of order.  Speaker Scheer allowed Blake’s intrusion while the doctor-assisted death discussion was ongoing. Allowing such an interruption made a mockery of Parliament. This manipulation of House rules was expressly done to facilitate Harper’s trickery. We know well that Hitler too found dealings with Reichstag stressful. Scheer then called for Unanimous Consent on Richards’ Motion while the doctor-assisted discussion was left stewing. The next MP on the agenda after Fletcher was to have been from the NDP Party, John Rafferty.  Scheer had allowed Richards to butt in, something not permitted in the Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary Procedure.   Then, as a further affront to Parliament Scheer allowed Kellie Leitch to butt in as well to repeat Blake Richard’s Motion.  In doing so,” no notice had to be given ” on something brought forward by a Minister, in this case, the deceitful Leitch.   Scheer allowed both Richards and Leitch to improperly inject themselves into the proceedings of the House for the express purpose of entrapping Mulcair. This was done at Harper’s behest. Does the House of Commons belong to us??? Or is it Herr Harper’s private preserve??? This Motion to deprive Tom Mulcair of his rights, not only as a citizen but as Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition and to demean Parliament was only possible if there was an insufficient number of NDP MPs sitting in the House. This was a despicable move by Harper that required careful planning. Scheer permitted this to happen in a span of probably 2 or 3 minutes so that additional NDP MPs could not be summoned. I believe that the few NDP MPs who were present in the House, would not have even realized that the Harper trap for Mulcair had been sprung. This is Canada for God sakes, not some banana republic. But that’s where we are headed if YOU CONTINUE TO DOZE.   This snaring of Tom Mulcair was orchestrated by Harper. It required the breaking of the House Rules and close teamwork by Scheer, Richards. Leitch and Trudeau. This trap also required the cooperation of a number of Fascist MPS as well as the Liberal Party members.   So the whole story that prompted the setting up of the Harper Inquisition to interrogate Tom Mulcair, the Leader of the Opposition is there in Hansard  [  available on the net ].   It is a monumental insult to Canada’s Parliamentary tradition and a danger to our hard won democracy.  It is certainly more in keeping with Hitler’s Reichstag of 1933. The docility that still infects some Canadians is unbecoming at this juncture. I tell you, protect your freedoms now or lose them. Harper / oilies / Republicanazis will not be stopped easily. A sharp wooden stake to the heart is best way to dispatch a vampire. But how would anyone actually find Lyin Steve? I think the best way to rid ourselves of this Psychopath is to charge him with breaking the law [ something Steve has done hundreds of time including the 47 deaths from exploding Alberta Tar and Benzene in Megantic and the ambush of the 3 Mounties in Moncton by a gun toting nutbar ]. It would be super sweet to put Harper in a cell in one of the new jails he built to house David Suzuki and all the other environmentalist the American oilies don’t like. Oh, on the matter of the US oil monopoly and the Republicanazis? Let’s just deport them. I would suggest that Tom Mulcair charge John Ivison, Paul Godfrey and the Wall St. hedge funds owners of the National Post newspaper chain [ 14 papers ] with publishing False News as described by Section 181 of Canada’s Criminal Code. What is the point of passing laws if they are just going to gather dust on the shelf? Laws that remain shelf bound equates to tyranny. IS THAT [] YOUR [] PREFERENCE???

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There is something called Habeas Corpus [ The Great Writ ]. If someone has been charged improperly. He or she or their agent can get a Court Order to force the authority involved [ Harper ] to prove he has the lawful authority to proceed with the case [ as against Tom Mulcair ] and to show there is sufficient evidence to support the charge. In terms of having the authority to pillory Mulcair, rigging Parlimentary proceedings carries with it no authority whatsoever. The rigging of the rules of the House is in itself a criminal act. In terms of the Commons Committee Hearing that Tom Mulcair was forced to attend there was no indication that any rules / laws were broken. This hearing was indeed fashioned after the Spanish Inquisition or the Nazi Show Trials. A MP and the Leader of the Opposition by virtue of being elected don’t lose the right to a fair and open hearing. Something regular Citizens enjoy under the Constitution Act of 1982, Section Ten of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. BUT MAYBE THE CHARTER WILL NOT PROTECT US FOR TOO MUCH LONGER IF THE OIL MONOPOLY HAS ITS’ WAY. It is easy for you to see if the pillorying of Tom Mulcair can be successful in the highest Court of the Land [ Parliament ] then NO CANADIAN IS SAFE FROM HERR HARPER AND HIS FASCISTS GOVERNMENT. Canadian MPs, when they take office make the Oath of Allegiance and Promise and Declare fealty to the Queen. Fealty means swearing to always remain faithful to the Sovereign. Such an oath has stood since Canadian Confederation. There is also an increased burden place on Ministers of the Government as regards to their special relationship to the Crown in terms of Ministerial Responsibility. When Harper rigged the rules of Parliament to entrap Mulcair, something he so ardently desired, he had the help of the Speaker and a number of Fascist / Liberal MPs. Were they fulfilling their solemn Oath of Allegiance? Of course not. There is also the dishonest Motion made by Kelly Leitch, for the single purpose of ensnaring Tom Mulcair without providing him with notice or due process. When a Government harms a person, WITHOUT FOLLOWING THE EXACT COURSE OF THE LAW, THAT CONSTITUTES A DUE PROCESS VIOLATION. Did Kelly Leitch break her Oath to the Queen? Obviously. As it stands now Parliament can be rigged whenever Harper wants something passed by the House. Be it an assault on the Treasury or an assault on a person. This matter has to be resolved and I believe application should be made by Tom Mulcair to the Courts for relief from this travesty of justice.

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Speaker Andrew Scheer has announced that Harper and his Fascist MPs broke the rules in the entrapment of Tom Mulcair. The newspapers have gone easy on this story as another round of Harper cheques was no doubt sent out. I find it interesting that Scheer would finger Harper for breaking Parliamentary Rules. THAT IS THE SPEAKER’S JOB, MAKING SURE THE RULES ARE NOT BROKEN. Scheer is only 35, clearly Lyin Steve likes to surround himself with inexperienced young males. I think Scheer is trying to offload the responsibility for make a huge mistake, after the fact. The papers missed Scheer’s statement. So typical of a rightie, when things go wrong blames somebody else. If a person like Tom Mulcair is pronounced guilty, based of rule breaking and thrown overboard. Then how does Scheer’s admission, at this late date, that the Fascists broke the rules rectify the situation. I’ll tell you the answer. It doesn’t. Canadians must demand that both Harper and Scheer MUST RESIGN.


My question. Did the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail, the National Post chain, the Sun newspaper chain, the CTV network, Global, Bell media radio and the like stand up for Canadians during this time of crisis in the House? The answer is a resounding NO. They took Harper’s cheques and remained silent. In ancient times the Roman Emperors gave the citizens of Rome bread and circuses. Javenel [ 100 AD ] complained about this. He said the people had given away their votes for flour and entertainment. The same holds for Canada today. As the great and greedy steal this Country’s petroleum resources and they steal our Parliament, Harper and the newspapers give us the Trans Canada Trail. Do these media outlets deserve you business and attention? NO. Do the businesses that advertise in these media outlets deserve your business? NO? Canada, to survive the American oil monopoly and the Republicanazi’s attack on our democracy needs citizens who are prepared to stand up for this Nation and be counted. Will you stand WITH US. Or will you stand with Harper, his Fascist Party, the US oil monopoly, the great and greedy and the Americanazis???


FUTURE POST — I have mentioned over time, many of the bomb train derailments and the pipeline ruptures. By no means have I even scratched the surface in terms of the shear numbers. This is an area of the news that is lightly covered by the media cabal. In a future post I will list as many of the derailments and pipe breaks I can find. The media moguls get too much advertising money from the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, a front organization for the American oil monopoly. They don’t want you to have the big picture. If you did, you would clue into the fact that the Alberta Tar and Benzine mix is extremely dangerous. Its’ explosive nature has the same rating as Hi Octane Gasoline like that used to power the Lancasters and B-17s in WW 11. Now by law, there is an infrastructure for handling gasoline. Gasoline is almost never transported by rail. Gasoline is refined locally and delivered by the big trucks you sometimes see at service stations. In other words there is no rail infrastructure for transporting gasoline. If it is transported, the gas in shipped in the DOT-114 rail tank car [ not the Coke tin DOT-111 ]. Benzine, used to thin the tar
is one of the additives of Aviation Gasoline. What you use in your car ranges from 87 / 91 Octane Rating. Hi Octane gas in [] 130 []. However, to get a sufficient quantity heavy oil [ from Venezuela ] or tar to keep their refineries going in Texas and California busy the monopoly has resorted to using pipelines and rail tanks cars that were never designed to carry diluted tar. This is why it is so important that the media cabal [ in return for cash ] keeps using the word oil in the papers or on TV. The newsies can’t ever admit that Alberta Tar and Benzine is what is being pumped or hauled by rail. It is like a gang of bank robber holding up a bank over on over but saying to the public we are just cashing our pay cheques. The Harper press will not tell you that the USA, is by subversive means trying to gain control of Venezuela again. Like with Iraq the Americans need their oil. The huge refineries now digesting our Alberta Tar in Texas and California were built to process Venezuela heavy oil. Hugo Chavez threw a monkey wrench into that scheme. The oilies, yes the ones with connections to Calgary and the Tar Sands tried to have Chavez assassinated. Now with Hugo gone the oilies are trying to create unrest in Venezuela to prompt a takeover by their puppets, like Steve Harper is in Canada. Why would the oil monopoly put in place a system with thousands of new DOT-114 tank and new top quality pipelines that can handle tar and Benzine if their Venezuelan coup de’tat is successful. Then the heavy oil from Venezuela will be shipped by tanker to Texas and California in a couple of days. Venezuelan heavy oil doesn’t have Benzene in it so there is no danger of an explosion. With a plentiful supply of heavy oil the monopoly will no longer need Alberta Tar. During this uncertain time the US oil monopoly’s policy is to get as much tar out of Canada as cheaply as possible. This means breaking the laws of this Country and transporting the diluted bitumen even if endangers the lives of Canadian families. The Globe and Tar, one of the papers that takes oilie money lies to their readers and the small investors. The Chinese are pulling capital out of the Tar Sands as are the insiders. If the USA is successful in subjugating the Venezuelans, the petroleum lights will go out in Alberta on a moments notice. Everyone seems to know what is going down, except the Canadian people. The buying of this Country’s media cabal by the monopoly has proved very successful. The citizenry is indeed in the dark. But there is one consolation prize that will accrue to the Albertans if Venezuela becomes a vassal state of America once again. The Keystone XL pipeline if built and not used for tar / Benzine will provide at least little revenue to Alberta. As well as having the ability to carry DilBit, the keystone was also designed to carry water from the foothills of the Rockies to Texas. CANADIANS WILL INDEED REVERT TO 100 YEARS AGO. WE AGAIN WILL BE SUPPLIERS OF WATER AND HEWERS OF TAR. JOE OILIVER SAID WE SHOULD BE PROUD OF THAT HERITAGE AND HAPPY TO CARY ON THAT TRADITION. FIRST THE KEYSTONE WILL TAKE WATER FROM THE ROCKIES, THUS SASKATCHEWAN WILL BE UP A DRY CREEK WITHOUT A PADDLE. NEXT THE YANKS WILL DRAIN THE GREAT LAKES. Oiliver, who is second to Harper in the lying department kept saying that Americans are 70% in favour of the Keystone. On this one Joe is absolutely right but he didn’t explain the reason. If you were a farmer in Texas, who didn’t have enough water to give to your cattle or grow that crop of hay wouldn’t you be in favour of taking water that belongs to another Country to solve your problems. It’s the American way. The Keystone is being sold in the USA on the basis, if not the tar then the water. The American politicians could not be talking about stealing Alberta’s water if Herr Harper wasn’t in on the deal. There seems to be nobody standing on guard for Canada, not even the people???

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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Stephen Harper has been fashioning this tragedy in Lac – Megantic since he came to power. He is turning the Country over to his employers [ the American oil monopoly ] and giving the pipeline / rail companies free rein. Harper deregulated the railways. Meaning that he pulled most of the inspectors off the job. As well Steve turned a blind eye to the fact that the pipelines and railways were breaking the laws with impunity. And severely endangering all Canadians The transportation of flammable liquids comes under strict rules. The pipelines and railways are ignoring the rules, paying off the politicians and lying to the regulatory officials. The result the innocent are turned into crispy critters. The Kinder Morgan toxic tar spill in Burnaby BC, the Enbridge tar spill in Kalamazoo Mich., the EXXON Alberta tar spill in Mayflower Arka. and the tar spill in Lac-Megantic have gone largely uninvestigated. There is no reason to see a change in these coverups until the bodies are piled high enough for the public to become aroused.  Lyin Steve neutered the agencies in charge of the petroleum industry [ Transport Canada, the Nat. Transportation Safety Board, the National Energy, Environment   Canada and Natural Resources ]. I have been making this point for years to the petro $ media [ especially the Star, Globe, Post and Sun. ] But there has never been any acknowledgement of my concerns about the deadly black cocktail that is criss crossing the Country and down into the US. Namely  tar mixed with Zippo lighter fluid [ benzine and naptha are components of Hi Octane gasoline ]. I keep using the term lighter because people are familiar with its’ deadly potential. Over time it has become clear that Harper and his Facists followers have been well rewarded cashwise by the oilies for their betrayal of OUR Country.  They are modern day Fifth Columnists supported by oil money. Stealing this Country from under our noses. The media too was and is being paid by the oil monopoly in return for publishing favourable coverage, spin, lies, self censorship and regurgitating oilie propaganda [ CAPP ]. The coverup of the Black Death being piped / trained everywhere in Canada could only happen with aquiescence of the TV / newspapers [ not the CBC ].  If the media had been telling us the truth over the past half dozen years this loss of life at Lac-Megantic would never have happened. Steve’s plans to turn over control of Canada to the US oil monopoly would have been exposed long ago. and we could have put a stop to it.  As it is the media,  particularly Paul Godfrey’s National Post [ owned by Americans ] and David Thomson’s Globe and Tar get hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising from the oil monopoly. This is the reason Paul Godfrey and David Thomson print oilie propaganda exclusively. Calling the Black Death //  O I L  \\  is running 1000 to one in the $ media. A thousand mentions of a substance that kills being shipped as oil to only one mention of the truth, that is raw Alberta tar [ DilBit, the real cargo ]. Leaving the word DilBit out of articles is worth pure gold to the likes of Rex Murphy, Andrew Coyne and Claudia Cattaneo.  In this case too many Quebecers have died partly as a result of media greed and the shills [ those who do the dirty work for the monopoly ] who actually write the bogus stuff. The largest percentage of the victims were far too young to be sacrificed, this only in pursuit of greed, power and the bottom line.  Wall St.’s  bottom line to boot.  Stephen Harper should be ARRESTED AND TRIED FOR MURDER. Most of the Nazis tried at Nuremberg were hanged for orchestrating the deaths of millions. They didn’t actually commit the crimes personally. Harper set the stage for Lac-Megantic all by himself.  I buy 4 newspapers a day to survey how far the rabid right wing is prepared to go in converting Canada into an oligarchy, controlled by US oil monopoly executives. The Papers are the Toronto Star, the Globe and Oil, the National Post and the Toronto Sun.  Each one of them is on the of the Harper / oil monopoly payroll.  I access the CBC on TV. I still see Joe Oiliver, David Collyer  and Russ Girling teling their lies but the other side of the story is made available on th CBC. No wonder Lyin Steve wants rid of the CBC.  In the Harper press / TV the other side of the story is NEVER TOLD.  I also do research on the net, it is the only place you can find the truth and GET BOTH SIDES OF THE STORY. Harper is now trying to strangle the CBC by any means possible. And I also search out comments from independant bloggers and English Newspapers particularly [ the Guardian / Independent ]. It is interesting, after a week of kissing the asses of oil monopoly executive by Canadian petrol $ media it fell to the Guardian [ UK ] to call a spade a spade. The Paper calls what happened in Lac – Megantic a CORPORATE CRIME. Right on. Imagine, in Canada, having to turn to a UK paper to find out the real story. That is how dangerous our media is. They lie to us everyday. Please wake me up when Joe Oiliver tells the truth. This is also a Harper Facist Government CRIME, aid and abetted by the Star, Globe, Post [ chain ], Sun [ chain ], CTV, Global News and others [ not the CBC ]. I was particularly stuck by the July 9 / 13 issue of the Globe and Tar in regards to the lengths to which David Thomson’s Paper went to snuggle up and indeed kiss oilie asses. The Globe keeps repeating that the train in Megantic was carrying //  LIGHT OIL  \\.  Investigators have yet to say what the cargo was. The reason  Thomson keeps using the term light oil is a fear by the oil monopoly Canadians will find out it was Alberta tar mixed with lighter fluid that blew up in Megantic.  It is as if to the Globe the survivors of Lac – Megantic, Quebecers and Canadians did /do not exist. This is what happens when a newspaper like the Globe is on the receiving end of an endless number of full page oil ads at a $ 100,000 a pop.  Many such ads have been printed in Thomson’s Globe in recent days. The American oil monopoly can’t just give Thomson money to throw the fight. But it can place never ending full page ads to influence David’s coverage of megantic. The never seeing any evil monkey. Ad money trumps printing the other side of the story. At any time in the last 4 years Thompson could have blown the whistle on Harper, the oil monopoly and the Black Death. But Dave prefered / prefers  cold cash to the hard truth. Thomson prefers US Wall St. domination to seeing Canadians live free.  David is more interested in his own pocket than the future of Canada. Thomson also fools the average oil stock investor. He facilitates brokerage bottom lines.  I have all of the Globe’s energy articles in my files along with those from the other papers going well back. I also have the oil advertisments that bought / buy allegiance going way back. From these ads we could determine how many oil millions have been paid to the newpapers to betray YOU. THE PEOPLE OF LAC – MEGANTIC  HAVE BEEN BETRAYED. YOU HAVE BEEN BETRAYED. From my files we could get an idea of just what this Country is really worth in dollars and cents to Thomson, Post, Sun, Star and the US oil monopoly. Of course in every encounter, Dave, the other papers and the oilies win. They rig the game in their own favour.  We, Canadians are always the losers. Even the last election was stolen by Harper using oil money.  With the Toronto Star my collection of clippings goes back even farther, more than 8 years. These cover the years that the Star, Rob Prichard and John Honderich shilled for the nukies. And the Star is still taking nukie money.  For each of the papers I could write a book on the false and misleading information printed as well as the lies, corporate propaganda and connect each with extensive advertising campaigns by the rich and powerful. I can identify all the journalists who chose money over the welfare of this Nation.  The papers mentioned bear much of the responsibility for Canada’s now , much weakened democracy and specifically the Lac – Megantic trainwreck. I am going to push for laws which will jail the media moguls too [ Thompson, Godfrey, Peladeau and Honderich ] who publish lies, false and misleading copy that is damaging to this Country. Freedom of the press doesn’t mean selling out to the highest bidder and telling American oil monopoly lies in retrun for fat cheques. For a long time I have had a running battle with the Globe over inserts in the Paper under the heading ” Information Supplement “. These are advertising sections and are written to look like news columns [ they are meant to fool you ]. Thomson gets paid extra by advertisers for such  phony news columns. This subterfuge is not acceptable under Ontario Press Council rules but the OPC will do nothing about it.  When I complained about the Globe I struck out. The Press Council manager just yawned, he operates an industry front and runs interference for the papers The OPC is a sham.  I complained to Advertising Standards Canada too but that organization is just another industry front, from them I got nothing but silence. another sham. This is how our democracy is going to die. By having thousands of weak minded individuals like Andrew Coyne, Margaret Wente and Rex Murphy [ best termed  stenographers ] writing oil /  nuclear / corporate copy. They too chose to take money over Canada. You know, like the Nazi pencil pushers. They too are just following orders in return for a pay cheque. There has been hell to pay in New York State. The Attorney General, Eric T. Schneiderman has demanded that Thomson Reuters [ owned by David Thomson ] stop providing insider information to the rich in advance of the public / little stock investors being informed about crucial corporate information. This allows David himself to profit from the wide practice of insider trading.  David charges $ 6000 per month per stock firm for advanced info. This is without doubt criminal activity. And this is exactly how the rich get richer. Barbara Black’s famous little people get charged by the police for defending their stores against robbery. Thomson robs the public but walks.  Barb, little people herself, was born in London’s [ UK ] Jewish east end. Babs has spent a lifetime trying free herself from the ranks of the untermensch.  Barb indeed made it to money status. Even though Conrad stole the money. How is distributing insider information by Thomson any different than accepting US oil monopoly ad money in return for  publishing lies and  favourable spin?  Or sticking up banks for that matter. The Globe regularly features Gywn Morgan, formerly CEO with SNC – Lavalin who has been involved in criminal activities with a number of other firms over the years [ check the net to see what this crook Morgan is really all about, he loves other people’s money ]. Gwyn and his wife live in a $ 7.5 million house in BC.  No doubt he bought the house with cheat money. And David Thomson features Gwyn. The Globe loves law breakers. You know like Conrad Black who made a career out of taking other people’s cash, even his employee’s pension money. The public is told that the Conman is a great Canadian businessman. Bullshit. Black destroyed every business that came into his hands. I wouldn’t have Gwyn and Conrad and their wives over for dinner the are so disreputable. They’d probably steal my silverware.  SNC threw Morgan under the bus to show their disgust with his behaviour.  But Thomson still gives Gwyn space to spout his discredited right wing nonsense and polish his halo. Morgan worked for Christy Clark which shows you where she is at in the scheme of things. Also still appearing in the Globe is Tom Flanagan, an American draft dodger and perv who helped Herr Harper launch his political career at the University of Oil in Calgary. That two bit University was built with oil monopoly money. Thomson claims Flanagan to be a Distiguished Fellow at the University. Tom is an American who ran away when his Country called. Maybe Lyin Steve learned about  running away from trouble from Flanagan? The University of Calgary is the centre for regime change in Canada backed by the US oil monopoly. And the University launders oil money and distributes the dough to climate deniers including those at Carleton University in Ottawa.  Another of Thomson’s stars  at the Globe is one Preston Manning who operates a phony educational  Institution in Calgary which runs on taxpayer’s dollars. Preston and his helpers Richard Ciano and Nick Kouvalis train Canadian Fascists, righties and the Harper Youth how to steal elections [ as happened in 2011 ].  Richard and Nick  have mounted a campaign against Tim Hudak to move the Ontario PCs into Herr Harper’s Fascist camp before the next vote. This Province’s next election is no doubt already being engineered by the American right. And Preston himself is busy gearing up to steal 2015.  On a regular basis Thomson publishes on his Comment and Analysis page in the Business Section the right wing blatherings of one Brian Lee Crowley. Another wimp who anointed himself an Uberman in the Nietzsche cult tradition. Brian sure looks like a real man doesn’t he?  Just like his friend Pierre Poilievre. I’ll bet they both drive Dodge Ram trucks with 550 cu in engines?  In the heading on each of Brian’s offerings in the Globe there appears one of his many lies. It says he is the Managing Director of something called the Macdonald – Laurier Institute [ Crowley probably operates out of a phone booth ]. And here is the interesting part. The   Mac. / Laur. Inst. is an extention of the PMO but it is descibed in Thomson’s Paper as an idependent non-partisan public policy think tank in Ottawa.  Just another Globe lie.  Crowley too operates on taxpayer’s nickel. Brian is non partisan my behind. Crowley like Ezra Le Rant works for Harper and takes orders from the PMO then concocts economic data to suit, to justify Government  initiatives. How much does Herr Harper actually pay David Thomson for his services? Attack ads / oil ads of course.  Brian Crowley is connected with right wing think tanks in the US and the Heartland Inst. [ the oil funded home of climate deniers in North America ]. He is a member of the secretive Civitas Society. Civitas is small right wing group funded by the rich. Lyin Steve and Preston Manning are both members. They are the ones [ Civitas ] who really run Canada. And they too are partly reponsible for the Lac – Megantic tragedy. The Civitas Society promotes corporate greed, the destruction of Medicare, eliminating pensions, curbs on education, the elimination of social programs for the mongrel mob [ us ],  reduced business taxes, the end of regulations for corporations [ the tar sands, pipelines and the railways ], the lowering of Canadians to slave status and other right wing causes like book burning. The US oil monopoly supports the Civitas Society as does David Thomson. The Civitas message is the same as we get from the Fraser Inst., C. D. Howe Inst., Canada West, Carleton University, the Montreal Economic Institute and the U of Calgary. Did you know they are all connected. Gwyn Morgan gave the Fraser Inst. a million bucks. No doubt laundered oilie money. Margaret Wente, an American and a plagiarizer, is another of the Globe’s featured stenographers. Marg, is an airhead who just writes what she is told, more false and misleading copy. Recently, when the Keystone pipeline was hot Wente was repeating the oilie line word for word. Lately she has been going on about nuclear. All the same nukie lies that go back 40 years. Wente is too stupid to think for herself. In fact Thomson should create a LIES section in the Globe and call it an information suppliment.  Where readers can go to get all their Fascist updates and false copy quickly and in one place. The foregoing is a short history of  just one newspaper [ a leading one at that ] bent on handing Canada over to the Americans. There are a hundred more such publications. Hiltler controlled the press by force. Herr Harper controls the press with oil money [ except the CBC and the Guardian UK ].  Do you really think David Thomson and the Globe would utter a single  disparaging  word about Herr Harper and his employer the American oil monopoly. Not bloody likely. Thomson can’t make any money telling the truth. There is more money to be made reprinting lies. There is no money to be made taking up the interests of Canadians and protecting them against tar / lighter fluid explosions. There is lots of money to be made kissing the asses of  Harper and oil monopoly executives though. The deaths at Lac – Megantic and the destruction of the Town are seen by Harper, the US oil monopoly, US pipelines, the US railways [ they are all owned by Wall St. hedge funds ] and petro $ media as just the cost to //  US  \\  of  //  THEM  \\  doing business. They take the money, we take the risks, including death. This possible fate awaits along every pipeline and railway in the Country. We bow too willingly and too often to the self anointed superior people it would seem. The rich / right [ Nietzsche inspired ] see the majority of Canadians as  mindless, undeserving untermenschs, to be controlled and exploited. They feel the sooner WE come to understand our place in the scheme of things  the better for THEM. This is the right wing’s idea of democracy. And the Globe and Tar makes money pushing their agenda. In fact our Lady Black famously said, ” The little people should know their place “. That’s YOU Babs is refering to, BY THE WAY. The question I have is this. Will you go willingly to the ovens at the time and place they decide???


According to the petrol $ media we now know the causes of the the Lac – Megantic disaster. Tom Mulcair blamed Harper for the tragedy and Steve was. Since Megantic Stevie has run away. It isn’t the first time he has wimped out. The $ media would have us believe Tom started those fires,  polluted the ground with benzine and fouled the air / water ]. David Suzuki only spoke out about immigration problems. Even so, he is obviously partially to blame for Megantic. Some drunk who wandered over the police lines causing a huge problem [ he has to be included as one of the culprits of course  ]. And then there is the poor engineer who set the brakes which were probably faulty to begin with.  M, M and A. didn’t own the tankers. They were among the hundreds of obsolete tank cars rounded up to get the Alberta tar [ the Black death ] to the Gulf. The poor engineer was hung out to dry by M, M and A [ Mickey Mouse and Atlantic ].  CEO, Edward Burkhardt heaped blame on this guy without any proof whatsover. And the Harper media were quick to fall in line. Apparently the right to a fair trial or any trial at all has disappeared in Canada.  These are the scapegoat stories now being orchestrated by the PMO, among others. But you will note, not a whisper in the media about the cargo of Black Death [  raw bitumen ] .  Mixing tar with lighter fluid creates an even more lethal concoction than when they are individual substances.  Be assured, this toxic tar slurry will be coming to a place near you soon. On second thought, it is probably  already passing your window right now or maybe through a pipe under your front lawn. This is the big story the media is being paid to sit on. Thousands of Canadians facing ruin or death this very day because of Herr Harper.  What we have here is a two part accident that is being stage managed by Harper and the oil monopoly with the help of the petro $ media including the Globe and Tar. The first part, is the derailment of an overloaded train [ the little part ]. The second part, the lethal cargo, is the BIG PART. But the fact that this side of the story exists will never appear in the petro $ media. The papers / TV [ not the CBC ] are paid to censor the news in order to deflect blame away from those who are really responsible for this tragedy, Harper and his employers. This coverup is being done to  confuse Canadians and by extention, the world. It must be kept from people around the globe that this Nation is in the grip of the American oil monopoly like so many other third world countries. Delivered to the oilies by Lyin Steve and the petro $ media like the Globe and Tar.  The info that eminates from our turncoat media is fantasy,  spin, lies, omissions and oil propaganda. This is the visible part of the biggest deliberate fraud that North America has ever seen. The movement of dangerous tar / lighter fluid all gussied up to look  like  //  O I L   \\  . What is being shipped is not your run of the mill runny Vaseline type  //  O I L  \\. This here is the bitchy  //   O I L \\ .  It’s //   O I L  \\  with lots of attitude like EXOXN.  It’s //  O I L  \\  that will rear up and bite the ass off you if you create just the tiniest spark.  This fraud concerns an attempt by the US oil monopoly to get liquified Crude Bitument out of Alberta under our very noses, without obeying the regulations and on the cheap.  In the doing  the oilies are leaving behind a heap of toxic waste and polluted tailing ponds for the Albertans to clean up.  The removal of the raw tar is polluting the Province’s landscape, air and water. In fact the cost of putting things back right is gone way beyond Alberta’s ability to pay. As  happened in the past [ 1947, Leduc ] when Canada was forced to bail the Province out.  Albertans will take down their Harper firewall and come cap in hand to the rest of Canada looking for a bailout to deal with the deadly oilie  garbage.  This toxic tar / lighter fluid is being pumped or hauled to the Texas / California coasts to then be turned into //  O I L  \\  FOR THE WORLD MARKET.  DID YOU GET THAT?  THE WORLD MARKET.  NOT the Canadian market,  nor the American market as the Globe / Post and the other paid media [ CTV ] would have you believe.  I repeat, this  //  O I L   \\   is  NOT FOR Canada, NOT for the Americans, no matter what Joe Oiliver and the  Republican politicians say. They have all been paid off by the oilies. This  conspiracy involves Harper, the US oil monopoly, Enbridge, Kinder Morgan,  TransNotCanada,  CP / CN, the stock market, the $ media and others. Both members of the US Congress and our House of Commons have been well bribed in this regard. The raw tar mixed with Zippo lighter fluid [ naptha / benzine ] is required by the oil monopoly refineries that operate in Duty Free / Tax Free Zones  on the US Gulf / California coasts. These refineries pay NO AMERICAN TAXES.  In fact liquified Crude Bitumen is not  even considered to be  //  O I L   \\  BY  WASHINGTON.  As result EXXON, Enbridge, TransNot Canada, Kinder Morgan et al DO NOT PAY TAXES ON THIS TAR SLURRY WHICH IS BEING PUMPED / TRAINED ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA. But this is that old magician’s trick being used by the $ media on behalf of the oilies, now you see it, now you don’t.  For a couple of years the media has called DilBit  //  O I L   \\  . Next week they could call it strawberries? Or how about yogurt? If accompanied by a large oilie cheque the media will call anything anything the monopoly wants.  Even liquid Viagra, it doesn’t matter?  It’s the advertising cheque that counts to people like David Thomson of the Globe and Tar. The refineries on the Texas / California coasts, that can handle black tar were converted about 12 years ago to  process Venezuelan heavy oil, which is just a day away by ship. The Venezuelan Government was corrupt [ like the Harper Government is here ] and had been bought off while the peasants there could not afford food, to educate their children or receive medical care. Canada is not yet to that point but Lyin Steve is trying hard.  The US oil monopoly was assured of an endless supply of cheap, heavy oil with no cleanup necessary. Then the Venezuelans, led by Hugo Chavez revolted. This showed what a huge blunder the oil monopoly had made. The new, now useless refineries have cost oil stock holders billions. Hugo Chavez, the devil that he was, nationalized the Country’s oil industry [ Canada’s next move ]. This cut the monopoly off from supplies of heavy oil, oops. Some of the smaller parts of the oil monopoly made deals with Chavez and agreed to a 32% royalty. You have got to remember those superior Albertans who are always mouthing it up give their Crude Bitumen away at a royalty rate of 8% on $ 40 a barrel of tar. The oil monopoly then turns around and sells that barrel for $ 106 after refining.  It is interesting that modern refining can extract an extra 2 gallons of product out of barrel of crude oil.  So letting the monopoly take the tar [ like raw logs of yesteryear ] means royalty on $ 40. That means a spread of $ 66 to the monopoly. Then the Americans get a 2 gallon bonus on top of that.  You also have to remember sometimes the oil monopoly cheats the poor saps in Edmonton out of their royalty. At times Albertans claim to be such a swift bunch, strutting about and such. You can catch this from all the right wing writers out of the west. But Harper has shown just how stupid Albertans are. Lyin Steve and his employer, the oil monopoly are picking their Western carcass clean and the $ media cheers them on.  And the Calgary petro media defends what amount to rape of it own people..  Pray tell me, which jurisdiction is in the 3rd world, Venezuela or Alberta? The oil monopoly majors would not play ball with Chavez and for a long time their refineries have been operating at 25% capacity. There is no money in running at 1/4 speed. Then one of them got the bright idea of using raw, unrefined tar from Fort McMurray but it had to be called  //   OIL   \\ as a means to cover up the dangerous truth. Even the tar sands name which had been around since the 1800s was labelled //  OIL   \\ sands.  This was repeated over and over to the media and drilled into reporters heads.  Never forget that it is  //  OIL \\. The words bitumen, tar, lighter fluid, naptha and benzine have been stricken from the English language all over Canada.  That’s what hundreds of millions in Oil money can do and exobitant gas prices can do. Canadians are paying the freight to dismantle their own hard won democracy .To be successful this whole tar operation had / has to be kept from Canadians and Americans by the media. That is what David Thomson is paid to do.  And it is working.  Crucial to what amounts to this theft of Provincial / Canadian  resources and the endangerment of Canadian and US citizens was the complete  surrender of the petrol $ media to the coverup cause. Complete obedience was and is  required from the papers and TV. This in return for millions of dollars of advertising hush money. David Thomson / Globe and Tar seems to be a major beneficiary of this scheme. His Paper leads the pack in promoting the oil monopoly pitch and get most of the ads. The tar [ it is NOT //  OIL   \\ until it is refined ] was / is pumped by pipe or trained to the Gulf  coast. And it goes by tanker from the BC coast to California [ not to Asia as Oiliver would have you believe ]. This toxic tar is refined and sold to the WORLD MARKET. The oilies make the huge profit margin of $ 40 on a barrel.  Alberta Premier Redford is running a deficit while the monopoly takes billions upon billions upon billions out of her Province. What P. T Barnum said is true, ” there’s a sucker born every minute ” and a lot of them live in the foothills of the Rockies. While the yahoos out there rail against the NEP and the east the Yankee oil monopoly are stealing them blind.  In fact BC could have had its’ very own Lac-Megantic.  The Kinder Morgan pipe was ruptured [ 2007 ] in Burnaby. You can watch the tar / benzine geyser on the internet.  Just a single spark could have burned out Burnaby and east Vancouver, just like in Lac-Megantic. But Vancouver is in a worse position yet because ships laden with liquified Crude Bitument leave through the Burrard Inlet every day. A fire on board one of these floating bombs would give us a repeat of the 1917 ship explosion in Halifax harbour. 1600 people were killed there by the blast and almost 10,000 were injured. You can see the cloud from that explosion in Halifax on the net. it is in black and white but it looks like Lac- Megantic. In Halifax the shock came and went.  Lac- Megantic blew and blew and blew as each tank car exploded. The Town burned for days.  If a ship blew up in the Vancouver narrows it would explode as each internal tank over heated and blew. The flaming benzine would fill the sky and the tar would burn for days. No doubt the fully engulfed ship would run aground somewhere because the crew would be crispy critters by then. And to think the only reason the tar is heading south to the Ruined States of America is to keep idle oil monopoly  refineries functioning. It is as plain and simple as that. Head wimp Harper knows which side his cheque is buttered on. And it is the only reason why we face all these risks, Thousands of innocent people on both sides of the border are being offered up as human sacrifices to the glory of the American oil monopoly.  Burn babies burn.  US law prevents the monopoly from shipping oil out of the US. Tar from Canada, going to the Gulf / Calif. is not considered American. Thus the monopoly can sell it at a huge profit with no American taxes. While Quebecers, Albertans and the rest of Canada gets shafted by Herr Harper. If there was a world oil crisis the monopoly might just sell gas /’diesel  to the highest bidder if they could get away with it. The monopoly was never trusted from 1932 to 1980 in the USA.  During the OPEC crisis the American Government, when it still represented the Untermenschs pass a law to prevent the monopoly from exporting oil. This would leave the little Yanks high and dry. This US law was brought in before Reagan.  This is the same kind of law that Pierre Trudeau passed in 1980. The NEP was meant to protect Canadians from a very greedy oil monopoly selling OUR OIL to the highest bidder somewhere else. And destroying Canada’s economy The oilies didn’t / don’t like Ottawa interfering in their business as they saw / see it. The monopoly believe THE OIL IN OUR WEST IS THEIR’S. Many a slow Albertan was misinformed over and over about the NEP back in the 1980s by the oilies, petro press in Calgary and Preston Manning.  Steve Harper, the wimp without a cause, found one in the NEP. A 25 year old from Ontario,  who took up a phony cause [ NEP ] and made someone elses’s battle his own. There are some in the west who have still not caught on to the lie about the NEP. Even to this present day. What oafs. In 2010 the oil monopoly took $125 billion in petroleum resources out of Alberta. The Province got back  8%, a little over $ 10 billion. And it is left with 175 accumulated tailing ponds of toxic sludge which Albertans are responsible for cleaning up.  Why the 8% royalty will never even come close to covering the cleanup, Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. For more than 200 years this saying has existed. Beware of Yankee traders, ye will rue the day. Herr Harper is bankrolled by the oil monopoly and has remove all impediments to the theft and transport of the tar by the monopoly and the despoiling of the Province and the rest of Canada.  And Lying Steve has facilitated the monopoly in doing a dirty number on the air, ground and water in Alberta / Saskatchewan and anywhere else the tar goes like BC / Lac-Megantic / Toronto / Montreal.  This is the threat we now face. Wherever a pipeline or rail line runs  the locals face the prospect of being fried like the dead at Lac – Megantic. And the media, like the Globe and Tar are being paid to hide this info from you and me. The Town of Megantic has paid a hell of a price for pure greed and the pursuit of power. From here on in any community along a pipeline or rail line risks the towering inferno like Lac – Megantic. The only question is who will be next?  It is interesting to me that in regards to this tragedy Queen Elizabeth expressed condolences about Megantic to the very man, Herr Harper who caused this  devastation and loss of life. At the end of this piece I will take you through this criminal act step by step. I’ll cover the past, the present and look to the future. I don’t have a crystal ball but if one has many / most / all of the facts a good educated guess about what the future holds is possible.   Georgie Bush Jr. and the Republican Congress removed ALL RESTRAINTS from Wall St. and the banks. The result is they destroyed America. Lyin Steve has removed all the restraints on the tar sands, again, what comes out of the tar sands IS NOT LEGALLY //   OIL   \\].  Its’legal name is Crude Bitumen [ the Black Death ]. But the petrol $ media is paid to call it  //  OIL  \\. Thus many are facing ruin and death but you won’t find these facts in Thomson’s Globe. The people of Lac – Megantic have been dealt the first deadly blow. Could it be that the negligence of a little Mickey Mouse railway will bring about the end of the great bitumen [ Black Death ] fraud / conspiracy in North America??? The curtain has been pulled back. But I have my doubts that Edward Burkhardt is really responsible. The 77 oil tankers [ these tankers were not Burkhardt’s property ] were not Red Placarded as hazardous [ HAZMAT ] and it was an exceptional long, heavy train. I question the mechanical state of these tankers. Were the hand brakes even roadworthy? Would the engineer even know if the brakes were in ood condition?   it just maybe that even if all those old covered wagon brakes were on they couldn’t  hold such weight on a 1.5% grade. If I had inspected those brakes you would have the answer right now.  It would be that easy to determine. Only if I had all the figures. But Transport Canada,  is now run from the PMO and they will never release such information. Get used to it, M, M and A  is Harper’s scape goat, he and  his  lackeys in the press will stick with the Government proscribed scape goat.  And as long as the Harper / oil money keeps flowing the petro $ media will run with this story.  Andrew Coyne / Ezra Le Rant are already on the case. No doubt they too can smell the money and bonuses. In the end we should be able put Steve Harper and his oil monopoly employers in jail for this massacre. The final part of this story will also include the end of the petro $ media as we have known it. Aiding and abetting the crime of murder in return for cash, as the media has done and continues to do should also bring punishment.  I have one question for David Thomson and his Globe. When is enough blood money enough enough blood money??? When does the greedy feeling subside David? When the corpses are piled high? Or Would it be when we put you in jail???


 I have written before that Herr Harper is mentally ill. He is a Sociopath who suffers from UPC [ an Undeveloped Prefrontal Cortex ]. This relates to an undeveloped Societal Nodule, an area of the human brain [ on the left side between the eye and the ear ] which makes us what we are to – day, social animals. Beings who have a need to join together within a society and work for the betterment of all. Some even put effort into building a better society for tomorrow. One they will never themselves live to see. I believe this is an inner drive to see that their children have an easier time of things. This Societal Nodule has always been with us as Homo Sapiens and is the reason we have formed into larger groups over the centuries [ from 8000 BC on / the advent of agriculture ]. This joining together had many advantages, strength in numbers  and a realization that working as a unit we can produces better results than going solo. I believe UPC sufferers like Harper and Conrad Black have always been with us but over time their numbers would have been small [  in ancient times ].  I think UPC is inherited. Conrad has an errant son Johnathan who is completely irresponsible. I would suspect UPC. Like father like son.  Anyone who wouldn’t do their share back 10,000 years ago would be thrown out of the cave and banished to starve in the wilderness. If an individual stole his neighbours food his days would be numbered.  Only since the American Revolutionary War have we seen the proliferation of UPC sufferers, branded as Sociopaths in the 1970s. From the time of the US founding fathers there developed a special class of so called exceptional people. It was decided by Congressional leaders that when gifted MEN [ as in not women ] appeared on the scene their way should be smoothed. Having to appeal to voters for support and recognition in order  to climb the ladder of success was obviously a waste of a talented man’s time [ note MEN ]. While this may have made sense in 1800, it has caused considerable problems ever since. Just who would actually get to chose the exceptional persons?  The people already in the exceptional ranks?  Is it legit if an exceptional person is given a get-out-of-jail-free card based on the opinions of a few of his friends?  With this odd idea of special people existing were not the important Americans beginning to mess with their own  democracy? This exceptional person designation certainly did. In fact it has brought the USA to its’ knee [ 2008 / 09 ]. I posed this question in an earlier post. If an exceptional person was elevated by his fellows, those who recognized greatness, well okay. But when the said exceptional person died that should be the end of the line. Right?  But that is not how it has worked out. The sons of exceptional people became by virtue of their birth exceptional people too. This transfer of greatness was then bestowed upon young men who were not even close to being great. Some were village idiots.  Georgie Bush Jr. comes to mind. His grandfather Prescott [ Repub. ]  got rich laundering money for Hitler [ exceptional ? ]. While Americans were dying in Europe and in the Pacific  Presott Bush’s Union Banking Corporation was seized by the US Government [ FDR ] under the Trading with the Enemy Act [ 1942 ]. This exceptional people cadre made major incursions in the States from 1850 onward. There had been rich families before but by the middle of the century they began to form alliances. A clear sign of trouble to come. This gave them increased power outside Congress. Very Sociopathic.  The  exceptional people got smacked down by Teddy Roosevelt [ Pres. 1901 / 1909 ] who set out to curtail the big corporations like Standard Oil  [now EXXON ] and the robber barons.  During the Great War Woodrow Wilson [ Pres. 1913 / 1921 ], a Democrat, held the EX people at bay by passing numerous laws to restrict corporate / rich power. Taft and Roosevelt had split the Republican Party in the 1912 election. As a result the exceptional people and the big corporations joined forces. And they moved to the right. It was the beginnings of the present Republican Party whose moto was and is, ” If you ain’t cheating you ain’t trying “. From the very start the Repubs were an anti democratic organization.  From day one it was populated by thousands of Sociopaths, corporate sharks and some of the selfish rich. That is why the Republicans sided with Hitler.  While having been born into a democratic society these Sociopaths were not of that society and sided with the Fascists. They saw the opportunity to feed off the masses and prosper by any means possible. They indeed saw themselves as an exceptional lot.  The other governing factor on the right was the rise of the Nietsche myth. Friedrich Nietzsche was a construct of his sister Elisabeth Nietzsche – Forster, an anti semitic and a German nationalist. Liz turned her mad brother into her meal ticket. Fred’s writings were altered, scraps of scribblings were turned into books, letters to others were forged, letters were altered or destroyed.  Liz went so far as to coach Fred’s old friends from University as to how to remember her brother. The outcome was a body of work which was made to appealed to the German right, much of it made up on purpose.  Hitler loved Nietzsche, the master race and all that important stuff. In 1907 H. L . Mencken [ 1880 / 1956 ] translated what he thought was the literary output of Friedrich but got Elisabeth’s pro German printed  propaganda instead. When Mencken began work on what he thought was Nietzsche’s output he was only 25 and wet behind the ears really. A cub reporter. The material he worked with was in fact the recreation of the writings of a lunatic who had not put pen to paper in 20 years. Mencken was a wimp who found Nietzsche’s ideas as presented by Liz very attractive. Friedrich, very early on had divided the people into Ubermen [ a few exceptional people running the show] and the Untermensch [ the mob ] who were supposed to do all the heavy lifting. Nietzsche obviously thought of himself as an exceptonal person. He had decided he was. As well he had no use for democracy. One reason, he had never lived in a democratic state. So he had no experience.  He liked authoritarian rule as long as he was in league with the few exceptional people barking the orders. You know, those who decided whether the individual Untermenschs go to the left or go to the right. The US has always been home to a large German minority.  Mencken  was of German descent and thought that the bulk of the American people were dolts. He said so many times. I find Mencken’s position strange as I do that of Preston Manning here in Canada.  H. L. lived in a democracy and prospered from it yet he lived for the day when the exceptional people would take over.  And the majority, the little people would move into their rightful place at the bottom. Mencken’s articles in papers / magazines and his books were dedicated to regime change. I don’t know if H. L. thought through the consequences of his ideas. Sociopaths have no insight.  If the exceptional people take over as they wish.  Isn’t that just another form of tyranny?   Mencken supported Germany in the Great War and was sympathetic to Hitler, as was Georgie Bush Jr.’s grandfather.  Mencken added a bit of his own stuff  to his so called Nietzsche translations. Let’s go back.  Nietzsche plagiarized earlier German philosophers.  His scribblings were often  recorded by his friend Heinrich Koselitz a wannabe philosopher. Friedrich called his friend Peter Gast to coverup the younger man’s involvement. At times Nietzsche could not even write so Heinrich took dictation.  5 years after Nietzsche was declared mad and put in the nut house, his sister Elisabeth showed up, fresh from South America. Liz bought the rights to her brother’s literary output from their mother. The problem was that Koselitz had possession of much of what was supposed to be Fred’s writings. Liz got some money from her late husband’s friends to set up a Nietzsche Museum. Koselitz was invited to help set up the museum so long as he brought along the files on Fred. Once Koselitz handed over the material he got pitched out on his keister by Liz. Herr Hartper does the same thing. So what Mencken ended up reading was Nietzsche’s interpretation of earlier academics.  As seen by Koselitz.  As reorganized by Elisabeth.  Then cherry picked by H. L.   Mencken.  He massaged  the mythic Nietzsche into something that was saleble to the American right wing movement . So began 100 years of crafting a bogus Netzsche by thousands of writers in the Republican Party to suit their Sociopathic bent. Exceptional Americans, the right, the rich and the Republicans over the years have very much liked what they read.  Especlally the part about the Uberman and the Untermensch.  H. L. had found his life’s work. There was however a shift in the exceptional persons approach. Someone else didn’t have to anoint you, You could / can just anointed yourself as exceptional like Harper, Black, Manning Flanagan, Poilievre and jenni Byrne.  All of a sudden, every wimp / Sociopath in the USA / Canada could / can self proclaim and join the club [ like the Civitas society, a private Fascist club ]. These misfits and wimps who had been left out of society had finally found a home. They could prove themselves and draw comfort by bullying the little people. After all we should know our place as lady Black would say.  Mencken introduced Ayn Rand [ 1905 / 1982 ] to the possibilities of trading on HER studies and knowledge of the Nietzsche myth, this in 1925.  Ayn was born Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum in Russia and for a time supported the Communists. When the Bolsheviks began to mistreat the Jews, Ayn came to America where she found a place as a second rate writer. Mencken showed Ayn the way. She was soon turning out right wing Nietzsche copy for the  exceptional people. Those on the right didn’t / don’t care much about the quality of their reading as long as it was / is faithful to RIGHT WING THINK.  Canadian newspapers are overrun by right wing think. It is without doubt lousy journalism.  But as long as the copy relates to the Ubermen myth and that the rest of the population as a mongrel mob [ Untermensch ] to be fooled and misled consistently it is food and drink to the righties. The Republicans came to power in the 1920s and allowed the oil companies to once again form a monopoly although such a monopoly is illegal in the USA and Canada. Calvin Coolidge and his Republican Congress began removing Roosevelt / Wilson’s restrictions,  to unfetter business and release the exceptional people.  This move was meant to free them from our clutches and prosperity for all would follow [ their prosperity ]. To Coolidge, small Government was good Government.  As such the powerful people, the rich people and the exceptional people unencumbered would make America rich.  But they were the ones who got rich.  Coolidge, the Republicans and the exceptional people brought us  the world the stock market crash of 1929. FDR came to power in 1932 and began enacting various laws to rein in the exceptional people as Roosevelt / Wilson had done earlier. One major piece of FDR Legislation, among many was the Glass / Steagall Act  [ Sen. Glass, Dem. / Rep. Steagall, Dem. ]  which cut the ability of the Wall St. sharks to mess with taxpayer’s bank deposits and it imposed restrictions on the stock market. Did you know that there are 4 times as many Sociopaths on Wall St., in banks and in politics than in the US general population. FDR’s laws lasted for 50 years and nutured prosperity in the States. All during those years the Republican / exceptional people chafed. And the US middle class grew. Vast amounts of money were spent by the Repubs. to undermine FDR and his efforts to pull the Country out of the slump caused by Coolidge and his Congress.  During the late 1930s the Repubs. took Nazi money to keep America out of the coming war. Hitler promised the Republicans control and his support once all of Europe was under his thumbs. However Adolf was working on an A Bomb and adapting it to the V2. Of interest is the fact that the Nazis were developing a giant submarine to deliver V2s to the US seaboard once Europe was his. The Republicans / Sociopaths have no insight. The Fuhrer promised King Edward the VIII the same kind of deal. He would become the puppet King of England.  With the attack on Pearl Harbour the exceptional people went into hiding immediatley but continued to try to derail FDR [ as the Repubs. are now doing to Obama ] [ The Repubs. say to – day, if we can’t have America then no one shall ].  One of the characteristics of Sociopaths is that they never learn from their mistakes. They keep on doing the same stupid things over and over but expect a different result. FDR / Democratic measures were fully entrenched after WW II and the American middle class prospered. The exceptional people suffered  some loss of control and a reduction in how much of the financial pie they could steal. The right however never gave up because they knew they were right. Nietzsche was their patron.  The Exceptional people set up a base at the University of Chicago to promote Calvin Coolidge economics and the Nietzsche myth.  In the shadow of Chicago U the right began to brainwash Americans about the advantages of a free market, smaller Government, unrestricted stock activity, hobbled unions and lower business taxes [ even no taxes at all ].  The University of Chicago press became the centre of subversion in the USA. Their press, funded by the exceptional people was used to publish books, pamphlets and economic reports pushing the view of the right. Many of these publications were termed best sellers.  Bullshit. This material was distribute to all the libraries in the US free of charge.  Not satisfied with this level of propaganda coverage a group outside the University of Chicago but operating in one of their back rooms [ nicknamed the Chicago School ] decided to use a loophole in American law to set up right wing think tanks and call them educational organizations. These right wing fronts could then dishonestly claim charity status and give them access to tax dollars. This dodge is only allowed in the US and Canada.  So the American general public ended up funding the very group that was / is promoting the end of democracy. Canada then  followed suit about ten year later at the University of Calgary. From the copycat Calgary School [ not an official part of the University ] duplicate right wing think tank charities were set up. I am sure you will recognize these phony Institutions, Fraser, C. D. Howe, Preston Manning, Canada West,  Montreal, Macdonald – Laurier and others.  Calgary U is funded by the American oil monopoly and is the centre of subversion in Canada. The University played a part in the theft of the 2011 election in which Lyin Steve got a slim majority of ten seats which has now disappeared.  In the States the exceptional people began to invest in TV networks and newspaper.  By 1975 about 70% of the revenue stream going to the media was from advertising.   There was a coming together of various forces that set the USA on its’ downward slide. The rich right, Republicans, exceptional people joined with their $ media friends to begin to fashion the America we see to – day. The domination by the Ubermen [ possibly 10 million Sociopaths ] and the plight of the more than 300 million Untermenschs. Front man, Ronald Reagan, a grade B actor, came to office supported by the right wing media. The Republicans were ecstatic. Now they could wipe away all of the laws and legislation put in place by Roosevelt, Wilson, FDR and the Democrats. Like Harper is doing away with everything that smacks of the Liberal  brand here.   Much of the support for the Republicans came / comes from the American oil monopoly. The final protection against the onslaught of  the greed of the  exceptional people was the repeal of the Glass / Steagall Act in 1999. From that time onward US citizens were no longer financially safe. It took Coolidge / Republicans 8 years to orchestrate the Great Depression [ 1929 ]. It took Georgie Bush Jr. / Republicans 8 years to do a repeat performance and bring America’s economy to its’ knees once again. It is interesting that the right wing measures that Coolidge introduced in the 1920s and didn’t work were tried yet again by Bush, 2000 to 2008. And do you know what? These same measures were tried by Mike Harris in Ontario and they were a disaster. And do you know what? Tim Hudak is selling the very same snake oil to- day. Do you know what? The Province in now in the 3rd world category.  With Hudak we will make it to tier FOUR.  Right now we are on a Sociopathic merry go round. The exceptional people, in pursuit  of the Nietzsche myth have destroyed the economy of the USA and are now doing a number on Canada. In terms of our young people always moving upward. They are now stalled or even going backward. They can’t  look forward to an easier time in the future, thanks to the American oil monopoly, the Republicans and the Harper Fascists. Most of Herr Harper’s followers do not have children. Of huge danger to any society are people like Harper and his gang of misfits.  Most of them are sociopaths who have never had real jobs in their lives. Many are from the ranks of wimps in the Harper Youth.  Steve and his Fascist Party live off the fat of the land.  Where do you think Duffy and Wallin learned their craft.  Being exceptional people, they think It is due them. After all they are self appointed and part of the cult of Nietzsche. They are entitled to their entitlements.   Lyin Steve is joined in this hallowed circle above the laws of the land by Conrad Black, Pierre Poilievre, Gwyn Morgan and Neil Reynolds among others. All being wimps, they need some kind of opponent who doesn’t fight back, this to prove their manhood. And all chose to battle our democracy and its’ laws. Democracy means Government. And Government means the citizens. That mob of little folk, the majority that  is most feared by the exceptional people. As long as we have the vote they can’t control us. So they will cheat us out of our Country like Bush Jr. did Stateside.  Black stole other people’s money because he viewed them as patsies, as are all of the little people to the Conman and Barb. Poilievre has chosen Canada as his opponent. Pierre never had a real job in his life, much like Steve.  Backed by unlimited US oil monopoly money Harper and Poilievre are tearing off chunks of our democracy without meaningful opposition. If you read Gwyn Morgan’s bio on the net it would seem this man has made himself rich by taking advantage of every loophole in the law and sometimes outside it. Gwyn and his wife live in a mansion in BC thanks to taking everything Canada has to give and giving nothing back. Except a gift of a mill to the Fraser Institute. An organization that stands on guard for the Republicans. Neil Reynolds was a newspaper man who I could never fathom. I could not get a fix on where he was coming from. Neil was what I call it a very confused thinker. But his obituary in the Globe, May 22/13 helped me solve the riddle. The headline read, ” Editor fought for free speech and liberty “. In Canada ? Huh? I thought we had those things? Neil is yet another Nietzsche adherent. The Government by and of the people is the enemy of the thin ranks of exceptional people as seen by Reynolds.  In the USA it is estimated that 4% of the males and 1% of females are sociopaths. 1% of males are psychopaths. I have long held that Harper is a Sociopath but he has now crossed into Psychopathic territory by his prearranging of the killing of approx. 50 innocent victims in Megantic on behalf of his oilie employers.  It is clear that Lyin Steve is setting us up more deaths. In Britain the prison authorities imaged [ MRI ] every inmate. They found that 85% of those in jail were Sociopaths. There are 16 behaviours that identify Sociopaths. Medical investigation of the criminal mind began in 1942.  [] 1 [] Superficial charm and intelligence. [] 2 []   Absence of delusional thoughts and nervousness [ as in a cold killer with a sneaky smile ]. [] 3 []  Manipulative. [] 4 []   Unreliable.  [] 5 []   Untruthfulness and insincerity. Continual lying.   [] 6 []   Lack of remorse or shame. No empathy.  [] 7 []   Anti social behaviour.  [] 8 [] Poor judgement and a failure to learn from past experiences [ also a factor in Autism ]. [] 9 []   Never admitting to a mistake. [] 10 [] Egocentric, not capable of love. [] 11 []   Lack of insight. [] 12 []   Unresponsive to interpersonal relationships [ cold ]. [] 13 []   Univited behaviour. [] 14 []   Suicidal thoughts that are not carried out. [] 15 []   Little or no sex life. [] 16 []   No life plan. From this list we can see some of Harper’s traits. He is superficial but very intelligent. He lies continually. He says one thing and does the exact opposite just like Hitler did. He is not sincere.  He lacks remorse for his deeds.  He feels no shame after dumping his friends Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin and Nigel Wright. They served Himself, but like so many others they’ve been tossed aside, with their names sullied. In 1934 Hitler shot all of those who had helped him gain power. They were no longer of any use to him.  Now here is the biggie, NO INSIGHT. Sociopaths like Harper are unable to project their actions onto future events and exercise caution. Letting the pipelines / railways  carry liquified Crude Bitumen containing 1/3rd benzine without meeting strict regulations is guaranteeing innocent people will die.  By facilitating the pipeline companies, deregulating CN / CPR, gutting the environmentl laws where did Harper think he was taking the Country? By laying off Transport Canada Inspectors and allowing the pipelines and railways to police themselves it meant that the hedge fund owners on Wall St. would  always self deal. Herr Harper took us directly to Lac-Megantic. The Streeters ruined the USA with their self dealing. Now it is our turn.  In such  situations plain Canadians and Americans always lose [ even their lives ] because to-day’s Governments refuse to protect us. The reason? They have all been paid off with oil money.  Since Harper tells lies every day.  Can we expect Joe Oiliver, Gary Doer, the his trained seal MPs or the pipelines [ Russ Girling ] and railways [ Hunter Harrison ] to tell the truth? It is clear that a lot of boardrooms are run by Sociopaths.  Steve has appointed his flunkies to Transport Canada,  the Transportation Safety Board / National Energy Board specifically to lessen the load on the oil business. But this shifted the risks onto the average citizen. As Lyin Steve and Nietzsche would say, ”  THE MOB “.  By removing the environmental regulation and restrains on the American oil monopoly and the US pipelines / railways [ owned by Wall St. hedge funds ] it is clear what the outcome would be.  Dangerous tar / Zippo lighter fluid spills. There have been at least 1000 spills in the last ten years. Most were Alberta tar. this fact was not published by the press. Really nice, the $ media gets paid for NOT DOING SOMETHING. But missing in all of these spills has been one small thing. A single stray spark.  just a little spark can ignite the poisonous naptha / benzine used to thin the tar. But the clock ran out in Lac-Megantic. A single spark did killed 50 people. It would have been better in my view if the 6 tank cars on the Bow River bridge in Calgary containing pure lighter fluid [ benzine ] had blown up. The oil monopoly exectives there would have been fried instead of the innocent people in Lac-Megantic. If Enbridge gets its’ wish and begins pumping Alberta tar mixed with lighter fluid [ benzine ] through No 9, across Southern Ontario and through Toronto what would be the death toll if that pipeline ruptured and caught fire?  A broken pipe, a spark or even static electricity [ when you walk across a carpet and touch a light switch ] can cause what you saw in Lac-Megantic. Only in Toronto it would be 100 times worse. At Lac-Megantic the fire only ceased when all the tar was burned. If pipe No 9 bursted along Finch Ave. between Dufferin St. and Bathurst St. the tar / lighter fluid would burn for days as many thousands of gallons would continue to be pumped out long after the rupture. Enbridge has no way of knowing there is an Alberta tar spill. The sensors located in oil pipes don’t work with tar / lighter fluid. The quartz sand in the tar tears the sensor diaphrams to pieces. Enbridge would not be informed for hours of a spill in TO. People who have been burned to a cinder or died of asphyxiation don’t make emergency phone calls.  To make matter worse the oil monopoly toxic garbage / materials have and are been strewn across our countryside [ air / ground / water ]. The oilies have no intention of cleaning the mess up or ever paying for its’ cleanup.  Herr Harper has given the monopoly, his employers a free pass. Dispoil the landscape at your convenience says Lyin Steve.  Quite some deal. Fry as many little people as you wish. Tens of millions flow under the table to Harper and his MPs to finance their Facist cheat machine.  David Thomson, CTV and the rest of the media play along in return for cash. All the while the American oil monopoly gets to take  hundreds of billions of petroleum resources out of Canada. And what do we get in this regard? A royal screwing, that’s what. Everybody along every pipeline or railroad is at risk of being driven from their homes, gassed or incinerated. Some of you nincompoops put Lyin Steve and his Facists in office. Thanks. You should be ashamed of yourselves. In a sense the Lac -Megantic conflagration is partly your fault. Harper supporters put the right wing ideology ahead of their fellow Canadians to go along with Steve’s cheating. But one thing is constant. Republicans  / Harper’s Fascists never take any responsibility for their mistakes and the petro $ media fulfills their every wish by covering up.  In this confligration, we must make the monopoly pay up and pay big. Or WE will pay even more, forever.  If you have spine Canada will regain its’ place in the world?  If you keep on acting like jellyfish as too many of you are. Then the clanging of the concentration gate behind you and your children will be your reward. Don’t your kids and grandkids deserve better???


Let’s cut to the chase. The Lac – Megantic disaster was a TWO PARTER although the petro $ media won’t tell you that. The Globe and Tar and others are being paid to cover up the facts. Total load, more than 4 million gals. petroleum product. The oilies and their employee Steveie Harper are desperate to stop you from finding out that 1,400,000 gallons of  what amounts to Hi Octane Gasoline [ benzine ] fuel blew up, The remaining  3,000,000 gallons of tar burned or leaked into the lake / river, The train didn’t carry Red Hazardous Cargo Placards because the obsolete tank cars were not licenced to carry benzine / naptha [ HAZMAT ] [ hazardous materials ].  [] 1 [] FIRST concern, there was the runaway train which Harper is concentrating on. He has found his scape goat. The young of lac-Megantic be damned. If that train had been hauling orange juice there would not have been any deaths.  [] 2 [] SECOND, the cargo of liquified Crude Bitumen [ mixed with 33% Zippo lighter fluid ]. This Black Death is being pumped and railed all over Canada.  Harper and the monopoly have plans for increasing the volume of alberta tar. This is the part that is being hidden from your view. The train parked uphill from Lac -Megantic could have been too heavy for the antiquated handbrake syste. It was to be left overnight unattended. I don’t think the engineer responsible knew what was on board and that the cars weighed too much to be left on a hill?  M,M and A is a railway Company running along the edge of bankruptcy, it was cutting every corner it could. The tankers were obsolete and should not have been carrying benzine. Transport Canada was oblivious to the transportation of hazardous materials as per Harper’s wishes. It was an accident looking for a place to happen. The cargo //   OIL   \\ was one eagerly seized upon by M, M and A as a way to replace their diminishing wood business in Quebec. It is my sense that Ed Burkhardt, CEO, M, M and A  wasn’t aware of how hazardous his cargo was and that it was being illegally hauled in old tank cars. CP Rail just looked the other way and hauled this load of death clear across the Country. Every community CP Rail traverses could have been a Megantic. Each tank car carried a total of 60,000 gallons of tar slurry. 20,000 of that was naptha / benzine which is the equilavent of Hi Octane Gasoline. It was used in the B-29s over Japan.  40,000 gallons of tar / sand / trace chemicals made up the rest of the load in each tanker . It should have been  identified as Hazardous material by use of a Red Placard on each car for rail or a Red pipeline ticket. Waybills are supposed to accompany each shipment of petroleum products and describe the contents in detail. Those involved fudged the Waybills. This paperwork allows local authorities to respond to spills, derailments etc in a safe and proper manner. By not describing the contents , first reponders, firemen and the public are put at great risk. There is no point finding out a year later that the soil in the centre of Lac – Megantic is soaked to the 3 ft level with benzine ensuring another 50 people will die slow deaths. That is what Herr Harper is allowing by impeding the investigation.  As far as I can tell the pipelines / railways are ignoring the laws and hiding the makeup of these lethal cargos all over the Country and down into the States. The authorities / investigators are turning a blind eye and withholding information from the public. Those who were on site in an official capacity already know the cargo was Alberta tar mixed with benzine [ look benzine up on the net ], it is one of the deadliest chemical compounds going. It can burn you fast or kill you slow.  How much did it cost the US Oil monopoly to buy the investigators? It is called double dipping, working for the people supposedly? But all the while taking money from the US oil monopoly to ignore their duties.  It looks to me like Burkhardt was duped and is now the target of the petro $ media as per Harper’s instructions. M, M and A, in trying to escape the scapegoat label which will be used by the monopoly paid Globe and Tar etc to keep attention away from the real problem.  Burkhardt will best be served  by going bankrupt. That will suit the suits. In fact Harper and his employer the oil monopoly could be paying Burkhardt to close M, M and A’s doors.  Then no one will be resposible to pay for the cleanup.  Then the  petro $ media will spend weeks punching at a phantom. 50 people innocent people killed and nobody to blame. Neat don’t you think? Liquified Crude Bitument goes by the names tar slurry or  diluted bitument [DilBit ]. It is a mixture of raw tar, quartz sand, trace chemicals and about 33% lighter fluid [ the naptha / benzine family ]. The lighter fluid part is the dangerous part of the load and it can be in liquid form or gas off when heated. In a Coleman camp stove naptha is poured into a little tank and the pressure is pumped up. When the valve is opened you put a match to the burner and it goes whoosh just like Megantic. The naptha passes through a manifold on its’ way to the burner and is turned into a gas.  A hundred thousand Coleman stoves constituted the part of the load that incinerated 50 approx. people in Lac. Megantic. Now the soil in the centre of Lac -Megantic is soaked with benzine.  A sure sign of DilBit.  LIGHT OIL CONTAINS NO BENZINE. OIL as we know it is benign before refining. However toxic tar mixed with lighter fluid can be catastrophic. So that is why YOU are being snowed by the papers each and every day. Oil it ain’t but that is what the oilies pay them to say.    Benzine fumes are very  dangerous. And that will probably be a barrier to replacing any of the buildings in Town  because of the noxious fumes in the ground. All the soil will have to be removed to whatever depth the benzine goes.  [] / [] The Naptha / Benzine family is the lightest, most volitile petroleum liquid going. This liquid is added to Hi Octane Gasoline to increase it’s power. Naptha is used in Zippo lighters and Coleman camp stoves as stated. It can be carcinogenic. It can cause failure of the central nevous system. The Material Safety Data Sheet gives health guideline for what is considered a very hazardous material. Naptha can explode violently if it comes in contact with a spark, flame or overheated surface. Dangers include skin irritation. Ingestion can cause chemical pneumonia, severe lung damage, respiritory failure and death. Fire fighters must use full SCBA breathing apparatus to avoid health risks. In Burnaby, Kalamazoo, Mayflower and Lac-Megantic first responders were not told what they are dealng with. It was always  OIL, OIL , OIL said Pat Daniel [ of Enbridge ] and Rex Tillerson [ of EXXON ]. Joe Oiliver says it is oil. Garry Doer says it is oil, The Globe and Tar, Post and Star call it oil.  How many of these young men and women who fought the Megantic inferno will die early deaths because of  the failure of Gordon Campbell [ Burnaby ], Herr Harper [ Megantic ] and the Governors of Michigan [ Kalamazoo ] / Arkansas [ Mayflower ] to call it DilBit tar instead of OIL.  All fire residues from Naptha / Benzine must be disposed of in accordance with the regulations and must not be released into the environment. Is this being done by the Megantic cleanup crews or do they still believe it was OIL that spilled. The penetration of Naptha / Benzine into the subsoil or water should be prevented at all costs according to the laws. The benzine can migrate in all directions and permanently damage the soil well beyond the spill site. Naptha / Benzine vapours must be kept below occupational exposure and flamibility limits. All clothing used in the containment of Naptha / Benzine events must be disposed of where there is no possible ignition source. Vapours  can explode when mixed with air. Soiled clothing must not be put in a washer or dryer. Sparks could set off an explosion. The huge fireballs at Lac – Megantic were NOT CAUSED BY OIL. Oil doesn’t burn like that. As the tank cars telescoped there would have been  tearing / grinding metal which would have created plenty of sparks. The liquid Naptha /Benzine would have been ignited first and it would burn. The vapours generated would actually explode. Heat would build up from the burning tar around the tankers that had not burst. The pressure build up inside the thin skinned tank car would eventually rupture them and they would explode too and shoot Naptha / Benzine high into the sky. One by one the tanker would blow up. Eventually when the Naptha / Benzine was all consumed the tar would keep the fires going.  Harper, [ the Sociopath ] would never have give a thought ahead of time that such a tragedy could occur. Steve crafted this confligration link by chain link. His only thought was the oil monopoly’s bottom line. But isn’t that what Lyin Steve is paid for?  Stevee  remove all the impediments to the transport of killer liquified Crude Bitument by pipeline or rail strictly to increase the profits of his employer, the American oil monopoly. On April 29 / 13, in my post, I wrote about just such a confligration happening in Toronto. This in regard to the Enbridge application about Pipe  # 9  to the NEB.  This toothless tribunal is stacked with Harper cronies. The Company wants to reverse the flow on Pipeline No. 9 to carry the Black Death right across Ontario, going through the middle of Toronto.  I can just imagine the death toll and destruction here if the toxic tar / lighter fluid blew?  If No # 9 let go the oilies would be sure to kill some little kids and their grandparents this time. The Pat Daniel Company might even score some babies while they’re at it as kids and older folks would be present. Not like in Lac-Megantic where just partiers fried. Enbridge operatives are now travelling across Southern Ontario paying $ 25,000 bribes to mayors / reeves / community organizations to buy their support. Mind you after the oilies bribing Congress, Parliament and Queen’s Park why should municipal politicians and community leaders be left out of the beanfeast?  If Naptha / Benzine is carried by train the person in charge must complete the documents listing the cargo and the tank car must be placarded in Red. That placcard must be clearly visible for inspection by Transport Canada [ who on Harper’s orders check nothing but their cell phones ] under the Dangerous Goods Act. In terms of //   OIL   \\ pipelines themselves, they should not be used for Naptha / Benzine as it is a totally different product. It is much more volitile and poisonous than oil.  And the tar is laced with quartz sand which erodes the inside of the steel pipes, making them thinner. Therefore the pipelines and railways should not be able to mix Naptha / Benzine with tar and transport it unless all of the Government Regulations are met, as regards pipe [ plastc pipes that can’t be eroded by the sand and and don’t overheat ]. And double hulled rail cars. 40 year old, rusty pipelines and obsolete tank cars should be off limits to liquified Crude Bitument. The only thing those cars are good for is carrying orange juice. As well these restrictions go for the pumping / transporting of 100% Naptha / Benzine like in the case of the 6 derailed tankers on the Bow River bridge in Calgary.  Just 6 rail cars held 500,000 gallons of Naptha / Benzine.  If I had had my wish, I would have prefered to see that train blow up in a fireball and take out  downtown Calgary. Frying all those bastards in the oil office towers who bear a huge responsiblity for Lac – Megantic. Now that would be sweet justice. Everyone in the oil business knows that they are pumping / shipping tar slurry //   NOT OIL   \\. In fact when trains carrying liquified Crude Bitumen  arrive at their destination the tank cars must be heated to get the tar out.  Oh swell. Just imagine the entire Irving Atlantic refinery blowing up? Under the circumstances  complying with Transport Can. regulations as they are now written would make  it extremely expensive if not impossible for the US oil monopoly to ship raw tar.  But of  course our very own Stevie has done away with all the rules on behalf of the monopoly. Added to the fact that liquified Crude Bitument is presently being pumped / shipped through / in antiquated pipes and obsolete tank cars. This is a clear threat to the investors in tar sands companies. Are they out of their minds? No, not the smart ones,they have dumped oil stocks.  The values of tar sands companies are depressed, it is little wonder.  Why would anyone open themselves to such liability?  The Black Death, as we now know it can strike anywhere, any time. That is why oil stocks in the west are languishing. Initially, Ed Burkhart says that the M, M and A insurance would cover the Company’s damages. Burkhardt was dreaming in technicolour. The total cost is going to be in the billions and insurance companies don’t pay off when there is neglect and a willful disregard for the laws. Lying on the Waybills and not afixing Red Hazardous Goods Placards to tank cars is a crime and will mean CP will share some of the responsibility. CP, which had been cutting costs and laying off staff is owned by Wall St. hedge funds. A slap up the side of the head for CP would be mighty satisfying to me. Since the tar was not identified as a hazardous material I think the insurance companies involved will stop answering the phone. I believe the Mickey Mouse and Atlantic outfit will declare bankruptcy and escape liability.  If our Government had been truly acting on behalf of Canadians this transportation of Naptha / Benzine mixed with tar would never have taken place.  The oil monopoly is transporting  this  hazardous / lethal material behind the backs of Canadians with the full participation of the petro $ media. All the insiders in Ottawa  know the game  that is being played here.  Joe Oiliver was fully aware of the dangers before the Lac – Megantic blow up and the extent of the law breaking by those involved.  Both Joe and Steve are now in hiding.  Tom Mulcair was right on the money. What happened was that Herr Harper just removed all the regulations and HE HIMSELF let’r rip. Or let her blow might be a better way of putting it. And one million, four hundred and sixty thousand gallons of  Naptha / Benzine blew up in the little Town of Lac – Megantic.  The US oil monopoly, the pipelines, the railways are hard at work endangering hundreds of thousands of Canadians by claiming that they are just  transporting //   OIL   \\. This  //   OIL   \\ message is carried to the public by the petro $ media in return for millions in bribes in the form of advertising. It is a message that AGAIN is being repeated over and over hundreds of times. Everyone involved should be in jail. This is modern brain washing is in the Goebbel’s mode.  This //   OIL THINGY   \\ is on display particularly in the National Post and the Globe and Tar. In the last couple of days a new lie has emerged. As if to make sure Lac – Megantic is never connected to Fort McMurray tar in the minds of the citizenry the press is now saying that the contents that exploded in the Town was light oil from the Bakken field in North Dakota. IT IS AN OUT AND OUT LIE. This Bakken oil field nonsense is being repeated incessently  by those 20 year old unpaid intern writers who the media is abusing. One junior / starving scribe even mentioned Bakken twice. I am sure Paul Godfrey gave her an extra muffin. The only problem with that story is US  law prohibits the export of real OIL beyond its’ borders. But this shows the arrogance of the American oil monopoly, it is actually  admitting via the media that it is breaking American laws. In this case it is more important to hide the fact that what blew in Megantic was Alberta tar. This shows me that the  monopoly doesn’t have to fear anything because Republicans in Congress and the Facists in our House of Commons have been bought off by the oilies. Each one of  Herr Harper’s MPs has a fat oil money bank account which will be used to steal the next election.  The monopoly has no respect for the intelligence of Canadians. The monopoly tells endless lies through CAPP and the $ media, the veracity of which is easily checked on the net. The oil monopoly has taken a page from the Republicans play book. Basically that the bulk of you are just like your American cousins, merely part of the mongrel mob.  Although the voters are the majority.  H. L Menken, the darling of the right said something like, ” All governments of the people are conspiracies against the superior mind. Who decides if someone is superior like Pierre ” Skippy ” Poilievre. Being that Skippy is a certifiable wimp, Pierre, a product of Calgary U is allow to elevate himself on his very own say so according to the creators of the Nitzsche Myth Cult. Whether we are or are not an unruly mob that needs taming, that is not for the elites to decide., If the Black Death continues to be transported around the countryside by the American oil monopoly, that endangered mob could get very nasty. I suggest we get very nasty quickly. There will be many more people fried like at Lac – Megantic  if the transport of tar is not stopped. But if you are more savvy than Harper and the oil monopoly gives you credit for then the deaths from the black death will end here and now?  What will it be?  Your very important call? Lives are depending on you.


Let’s go back in time to see just how we ended up with 50 people dead in Lac -Megantic.  I am a Progressive Conservative with emphasis on Progressive. Both my Federal and Ontario Parties have been taken over by the American oil monopoly funded Fascists. Let’s return to 2000, during the second mandate of Mike Harris, he threatened  to sell Ontario Hydro to Bay St.,  PC insiders and ENRON. I was and had been a minor PC Party functionary in Pickering [ starting in 1960 under Leslie Frost ]. Mike said sell O H, I suggested,  fix it. After discussions Mike ignored me and listened rather to the PC Party, [ currently run by Harper ] machine which  has Tim Hudk as its’ puppet leader. The sale initiative proceeded. As I walked away from Harris and the PCs my parting shot to Mike was, ” sell Ontario Hydro and you will lose the next election, fix it and you will win a third term “.  As you know the PCs were turfed by McGuinty and have never regained power since that time.  I also warned King Dalt, early in his first mandate  that the high cost of nuclear KWs was the elephant in the room. Although I am a PC I offered to help the Liberals in this regard, no dice said Dalt. McGuinty was bent on using our electrical system to enrich his own  friends as Harris had done before him. I wrote to McGuint [ 2004 ], saying, that if the electricity problem was not  addressed, it would be his downfall too. Now McGuinty, the nukies best friend has paid the price. The Dalt is now in hiding, he’s as reviled as Mike Harris.  With Tim Hudak as leader, the PCs will be in the wilderness for a long time to come. The people of this Province had their fill of Harrisisms.   Thus my interest in Ontario Hydro was whetted back in 2000 and so I began doing research on same. I now know more about electrical generation / transmission in a general sense than anyone in Canada. But those in control and in the $ media do not want to hear about me or my ideas or any other innovators for that matter.  Any proposals for a new KW system which puts the ratepayers needs above corporate interests and greed will never see the light of day in the present Ottawa / Queen’s Park environment nor in the right wing press. Innovation has actually been cancelled for the  foreseeable future and will remain so unless YOU the voters wake up from your slumbers. I have a strong feeling that even to-day there are Canadians who would march to the cattle cars without ever asking any questions. It is called docility or indifference. It is a part of human nature in some to believe anything  they are told. They wait and hope for the best. Some people can be led around by the rings in their noses.  Just look at the Germans from 1930 to 1945 and that practise is still the case to -day.  Harper seems to have found some similarly flawed people here in Canada who are quite happy to be led around by their noses. If you remember Mike Harris, he had accumulated a $ 3.5 hidden debt. A story that has been buried by the Harper press. Right wingers always like to tell us that they know what they are doing economywise. They don’t.  Calvin Coolidge and Ronald Reagan prove my point.  Mike Harris was no economist, nor is Lyin Steve. When mistakes occur the right wing just buries the wreckage or blames someone else.  Harris leased out # 407 to cover HIS hidden debt and was about to sell off Ontario Hydro for the same reason. But thank heavens, the Courts ruled against an Ont. Hydro sale. So smart old right winger Mike got all the bad publicity for the planned sale of Ont. Hydro which caused the demise of the PCs. But he never ended up getting any of money. And ONTARIANS just barely missed having their ENRON moment. Both Harris and ENRON were soon in the history books. The sale of Ont. Hydro shows Harris’ gross  incompetence and lack of political savvy. No insight.  Little wonder that the Province faltered under Mike’s thumb. I suggested to John Tory that he fix our electrical system and win the Premiership.  John, it turns out was rather slow on the uptake. Tory lost his Blackberry for a time. He ignored the electrical elephant in the room and lost. I was going to advise Tim Hudak to fix the electrical system and become Preem. But concluded Tim was even slower than Mike or John. I decided not to waste my time.  Sociopaths Republicans / Can. Fascists have no insight and the KW situation is a good example. Mike’s # 407 lease was flawed and has cost Ontarians billions. # 407 is now a highway for the rich, who can deduct the cost of its’ use as a business expense. Thus the money comes directly out of the pockets of Babs Black’s little people. Heads the rich win, tails, the little people lose. Years ago it was revealed that the # 407 agreement had more holes in it than swiss cheese. I am not surprised, Mike needed the money, like immediately. As a businessman I tried to avoid making deals from a position of weakness. Harris did exactly that. He gave away the store and on top of that even agreed to have the Government play the mob role of collecting # 407 accounts. Drivers are muscled to pay by MPPs who act more like sheep.  # 407 drivers stand convicted and must pay without a hearing. The Magna Carta did away with this kind of stuff in 1215.  How many other governments abuse the rights of the citizens by stong arming them for money on behalf of a private corporation? Dictators do that. This # 407 thuggery has to stop.  McGuinty was in a position to cancel the # 407 deal and take back the highway on the basis of an agreement which is not in the best interest of Ontarians.  Devious Dalt, the crook who would be  Premier, refused to expropriate # 407  because his friends and the Liberal party machine were / are making too much money working with the bandits who operate # 407. Dalt just replaced Mike at the # 407 graft payout wicket. Eventually Ontarians are going to have to buck up their courage and take # 407 back.  Now # 401 across the top of Toronto is poisoning the City with carbon monoxide when packed with cars / transport trucks.  David McKeown, Medical Officer of Health refuses to act on carbon monoxide question. My research says the level of CO in the Toronto core goes beyond the safe limit.  But the City Council, being true to Jane Jacobs, cares little about Torontonians suffering ill health or even death from the Gridlock they have engineered.  We need to have carbon monoxide testing done all across # 401 and at key locations in the City.  Dave however is more interested in grand standing than protecting the health of Torontonians. But in the end # 407 will have to come back into public ownership.


Once I dumped Mike Harris and the what has become the Fascist PC party in Ontario I took up a study of this Province’s electrical system. I always had a soft  spot for Ontario Hydro and its’ harnessing of our vast water resources. Water was cheap, clean, unlimited and this resource belong to the people.  Water made us what we are and success reigned until 1975 when the nukies took over. Nuclear power has destroyed Ontario’s economy and relegated us to have-not-status. The nukies have been and are continuing to bleed us white and PC / Liberal MPPs close their eyes. We still have enough hydro electric capacity [ both installed and potential ] to power Ontario without any nuclear, coal or gas plants at all. In fact we have more water power than Manitoba and Quebec put together. But you wouldn’t know it. The story of this Province’s water resources has been tucked away on the shelf by the nukie insiders, well out of our view.  The $ media was / is paid to keep silent on the existence of this clean / cheap KW resourse. Much thanks to the Toronto Star, PCs and Liberal insiders who get far too many benefits from the nukies to ever allow the use of OUR God given resourse, water, WHICH THE PEOPLE OWN. This huge hydro potential has been hidden from the citizens here for 40 years. This, because the papers, particularly the Toronto Star were /are paid big money to mislead us. And John Honderich is still taking nukie money and trying to fool YOU. After the War, Ottawa wanted to find peaceful uses for uranium. We had mines at Bancroft and Elliot Lake and nuclear was cutting edge technology that offered jobs.  But the Feds and AEC needed a guinea pig to work out all the bugs, pay some of the bills and serve as a show case for the new nuclear technology. Ontario was chosen to serve the nukies’ interests. Quebec refused [ a very wise move ].  Premier Frost was taken in by Ottawa and AEC with promises that were impossible to keep. Leslie Frost was lied to and the nukie lies have never stopped coming over 40 years. In the end Ontarians were / are left holding the bag with electricity rates 3 times that of surrounding jurisdictions. Business, manufacturing , mining and forestry jobs have gone elsewhere . Queen’s Park and the nukies will not let YOU escape bondage until they have taken your very last sou. The actual end cost of KWs to Ont. ratepayers was never of interest to the nukies. They were into doing experiments all along to prove their nuclear theories. Ontarians were just around to sign the cheques and keep their mouths shut. No two CANDU plants are alike. Each is a one off.  Each new plant, is yet another expensive experiment. There has never been a truly successful CANDU system built. With each new nuke that pooped out the cry was wait till next time. And by the by, for the next generation model the nukies say, we are going to need some more money. And Queen’s Park has always given it to them, no questions asked. The nukies have never found a way to generate electricity too cheap to meter as they promised. However  they have found a way to generate nuclear electricity too expensive to buy.  But still Queen’s Park holds the citizens here in servitude with the Toronto Star’s help. Many of you voted for the now disappeared / disgraced  McGuinty. Imagine people voting for self poverty, bad times and no future for their children. And yet that Liberal Party machine was still in full swing during these current By-Elections. When I was doing early research on electricty I didn’t have a computer, no net. I relied on the Whitby Library and the Inter-Library Loan system. I even got books from the Library in Parliament. Then I began to puzzle over the nuclear coverage in  the Toronto Star? It didn’t sound right. The Paper’s nukie copy had a phony ring to it. By  the time my KW investigations began I had had a 50 years history with my beloved Star. First as a carrier [ 1947 / 1952 ] with a route of 150 Papers. Then as a customer. The Star was the only paper I read for all those years. As I got up to speed on Ontario’s electrical system I became aware that the nuclear content in the Star was not quite Kosher. I began writing to reporters and eventually to the editor at the Star with the correct information. I got nowhere. The nukie misinformation continued and continued and continues to this day. What you read about nuclear in the Star TO-DAY IS ALL LIES. Eventually I was writing to Rob Prichard, CEO of the Star. You are familiar with Prichard who is a three time loser. He and his Bay St. pals halved the Professor’s pension fund at the U of T. Rob was asked to leave the University. He took over the Star and proceeded to load the Paper with more than $ 500 million in debt. No doubt Rob and his friends benefited.  Because of this debt the Star’s days are numbered. Honderich is heading for oblivion which gives me much joy. The Paper’s Board of Directors gave Rob $ 9 million to go away but by then it was too late. Prichard he had driven a stake into the Paper’s heart.  John Honderich’s poor Star is on life support. Then McGuinty installed Rob Prichard at Metrolinx to facilitate the shoveling of taxpayer’s dollars into the pockets of devious Dalt’s friends and the Liberal Party machine. Rob is still hard at work passing out your money to Liberal insiders. His main talent seems to be giving away other people’s money and keeping some for himself. That is why Torontonians WILL NEVER SEE THE END OF GRIDLOCK AND NEVER SEE A WORKING PUBLIC TRANSIT SYSYEM UNTIL PRICHARD IS THROWN UNDER A SUBWAY CAR. Rob is planning a Union Station / Pearson rail link for the rich, to be paid for by Babs Black’s  little people. Prichard’s Eglinton subway is an underground track from noplace to nowhere.  However it will allow developers to buy up cheap Eglinton Ave. frontage from end to end upon which to build condos. The developers are in on Prichard’s deal but the little people are not. The rich will have their own private subway all the way downtown. Now there are plans for a subway in Scarborough, again for the affluent. Prichard is making us look like suckers. And if we fall for Rob’s pitch we will prove him right. In terms of the Scarb. subway, the working people in Malvern have been forgotten once again. My letter writing to the Star about the nukie lies yielded ziltch result even though I often sent copies of technical data to prove what the Paper was printing was false, pure nukie propaganda. Prichard actually called me on the phone about my anti nuclear letters but we agreed to disagree. The Star never missed a chance to accept a cheque for writing stuff right out of the nuclear handbook. It took me a very long time to come to grips with this unsettling situation. About a very old friend who continually lied /  lies and who took / takes money under the table. And here I thought the Atkinson Principles really meant something. You know those very Principles which John Honderich doesn’t honour and yet is always spouting off about. SO WHAT IS MY TAKE AWAY   ?  If the vaunted Star can take cash from advertisers to lie and make up the news then every newspaper in North America is capable of taking money to tell lies. I arrived at this conclusion some years ago and the fact that the  media puts money ahead of the truth. Over the years this has forewarned me.  In EVERY CASE where the public is being screwed you will find the local $ media deeply involved in facilitating the screwing and being paid to lie to YOU.  Now right before your eyes there is a massive  coverup in regards to the Alberta tar / lighter mix that killed 50 people in Lac-Megantic. And the destruction of the Town which will probably never rise again if things go as the American oil monopoly / Sicko Harper wish. The oil monopoly causes   towns / rural areas to disappear into which they have spill Alberta tar. Now the lying has caused 50 deaths. This Megantic affair speaks loudly as to just how far the petro $ media is prepared to go in printing / broadcasting US oil monopoly talking points and propaganda. The job of closing down the media coverage of the Megantic tragedy has already started. The soil in the area of the blast is deeply saturated with lighter fluid [ benzine ]. To rehabilitate the Town all of that soil will have to be removed. But you can’t build on the replacement fill. Each and every new structure will need pilings. This cost is beyond imagining for a small Town and there will be no money from M, M and A.  And there will be little money from the oil monopoly / CP Rail if the $ media takes its’ usual cue from Lyin Steve.   Benzine and tar have leaked into the sewer system and rendered it useless. The tar will have congealed and trapped pockets of benzine. Whose poisonous fumes will seep into every nearby building.  It could cause long term health problems and even more deaths. The poor people of Lac-Megantic are still in danger and Harper and his hirlings are not protecting the little people. And with the help of the $ media Canadians are being misled. Lyin Steve is forcing the folk of Megantic to wander into the valley of the shadow of death, friendless. No different from the Jews who forced to walk friendless to the cattle cars, Steve should be jailed. This latest load of the Black Death has come mysteriously all the way from Alberta not via the Bakken oil field. It is my guess that the dangerous materials paperwork required of CP Rail for each shipment, [ by Transport Canada ] has already been doctored to erase the true origins of this load of the Alberta tar. The insiders / investigators  already know the full story of Megantic [ bitumen / lighter fluid ] but they fear losing their Harper pay cheques if they spill the beans.  And the papers like David Thomson’s Globe are not about to ask any embarrassing questions. Thomson just keep saying  //   LIGHT OIL   \\.  Just publishing one honest article about the health risks to Canadians of shipping liquified Crude Bitument all over the Country would cost Thomson’s Globe and Tar hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost advertising from the US oil monopoly. Dave obviously looks at himself in the mirror each and every morning and says, ” do I tell Canadians the truth about the dangers of Alberta tar or do I take the oilie’s money “. At least up to this day Thomson has always opted to take the cash. Canadians are second on the list.


A number of years ago I became interested in the plight of California. Much in the news at the time said the State was going broke. I was hard to believe?  How?  Why?  Those 34 million people do live in a Garden of Eden don’t they? It would seem that the trigger for their economic downturn was California’s get-tough-on- pollution initiatives. Georgie Bush the Jr., the US oil monopoly, GM, Ford and other car makers decided that the State lawmakers were going too far in wanting the kids to have a chance to be normal, breath and live long lives. The American oil monopoly took the initiative. George Jr. as usual was just a bit player. Cheney the oil man pulled the strings. The monopoly recruited all OF THEIR EMPLOYEES in a scheme to elect State Republicans. The far right has always had the support of about 20% of the voters [ USA ] [ 15% in Canada ].  These are Neanderthals and Sociopaths. Sometimes that number swells a little on certain issues. Thus the only way to gain power is for the Repubs. to rig elections and cheat. That’s where Lyin Steve learned his craft.  Each oilie employee was given the $ 1000 [ approx ] max political contribution. This scheme skirted the rules. When do Sociopaths ever play by the rules? Just look at the Conman Black. This is the same dodge Dean Del Mastro, Peter Penashue and others used to steal the 2011 election here. But they need not worry Arthur Hamilton and his Bay St. law firm have a blank cheque from the American oil monopoly. I thought lawyers sworn to uphold the laws of the land. But Art Hamilton does the exact opposite but what can we expect? Herr Harperhas been ignoring Canadian laws for 30 years. Lyin Steve is also funded by unlimited oil money, a subject that I have written about many times. But the Globe and Tar and other media won’t touch that story. Harper is doing away with political party subsidies. The reason? Lying Steve is already bankrolled by the US oil monopoly under the table just like the Republicans in California. Harper, with the open ended oilie financial arrangement desn’t need subsidies. When the Liberal Leadership race was on Herr Harper changed the rules for political contributions in the middle of the game just to hamstring the Lib.  candidates. Those rules also affected his Fascist Party but Steve doesn’t care. The oilies give him all the money he needs. Harper’s riding association has $ 330,000 on account. You can become a rich man kissing the oilie rears as long as you do what you are told. Seving the oil monopoly means a man loses his freedom. Sicko Harper is a modern day quisling.  At the same time as giving under the table money to the Republican candidates,  the monopoly bought up all of the California $ media so the opposition would not have look in on the Repubs. One area of concern for the older, white voters was paying taxes to cover the cost of schooling and health care etc for blacks and Hispanics. It was and is generally thought by the right that these people are lazy bastards who have to stop relying on the hard working elites. Such comments from the right show they care little for democratic rule like Harper and Manning The righties say that the minorities should be able to climb up the ladder all by themselves and not sponge off the whites. After all most of the whites wimps have elevated themselves to a position of money, power and privilege using daddy’s money. Georgie Bush Jr. had a grandfather [ who was in Congress ] who laundered money for the Nazis in 1942. Because of oilie efforts the Republicans were able to gain control of the Cali. State House with a big helping of oil money. Various laws were passed to allow the minority on the right wing to govern. Californians thought they had a democracy and that the will of the people would prevail in the end. Wrong, wrong, wrong again. Now it doesn’t matter what the majority in that State  wants? Revolution is their only option now. Otherwise they can go whistle Dixie. Herr Harper is creating the same situation in Canada with oil money, just like the Repubs. in California . Right now  in view of the Senate scandals Stevie, like the true psychopath he is has run away again. Harper’s  distiguished mentor, Tom Flanagan, is a draft dodger who also ran, this when his Country called. Tom taught Steve well. It has been said of our soldiers, especially those who stormed the beaches of Normandy or took the Italian Town of Ortona from the German Paras,  that it is in our DNA not to run away when the bullets begin to fly. For little Stevie Harper it is the exact opposite. Even the slightest difficulty and Lyin Steve is arunning away as fast as his legs can carry him. This time he’s up in the Arctic driving his wife’s motorcycle but with training wheels. This is a real man??? I don’t see Parliament coming back till December 2013, if even  then? The activities in the House with members of the opposition hammering him with questions he can’t answer  is clearly not to Harper’s liking. I want to be clear about this. Lyin Steve keeps getting caught with his pants down by Tom Mulcair. So with the Government not sitting and the petro $ media having bought off the $ media [ not the CBC ] the only news we see will be whatever the PMO makes up.  SO WHAT IS MY TAKE AWAY   ?   That the American oil monopoly which is in deep trouble in the world oil market, will spend any amount of money to buy politicians, the $ media  and control governments. The monopoly now owns California, Ottawa and most of the North American petro $ media.  The monopoly has been quite successful in changing California from a democracy into a donkey state run by a few oil executives. Now the local Republicans merely act as errand boys. What you see in California is OUR FUTURE.  We will soon be getting that same full treatment in Ottawa. The Government is laying off civil servants and hiring public relations people to produce right wing propaganda  [ many are from the USA ]. Goebbels would be proud.  It is just a replay of the rise of Hitler and the Nazis. Harper, 25 years ago belonged to the Northern Foundation along with Preston Manning and Conrad Black. It was a white, all male organization that included some neo-nazis and white supremacists. This group was funded by oil monopoly. Herr Harper will be quite at home when his Fascist MPs begin goose stepping around Parliament Hill while giving Himself the Heil salute. His Caucus will sit quietly in the House and await word from the American oil monopoly as what their duties of the day will be. Can you imagine a sellout crowd at the Toronto Dome, all waving little Canadian flags as Herr Harper is driven around the infield in an open Rolls to shouts of the multitude?  Once the oil monopoly is fully in charge on the Hill there will no longer be a need for the $ media like  Thomson’s Globe and Tar / Godfrey’s American Post. The oilies will simply issue decrees. And I know that there are many docile Canadians who will just bow to their new masters and obey. In California all the papers supported the oilies / rich right / Republicans during the takeover. But it did not bring them good fortune and happiness. Once the newspapers there had served the oilie purposes the monopoly threw them under the bus. The LA Times went broke and the San Francisco Chronicle is hanging on by a thread, among others. The media bosses chose wrong. They bet on the wrong horse. These and other papers threw in with the oil monopoly instead of protecting the people’s interests. Possibly David Thomson and his Globe and Tar should consider the wisdom of backing Harper and his employers, the American oil monopoly. This, as opposed to the concerns of Canadians. The Globe and Tar is now telling lies about Lac-Megantic each and every day day. This is not a wise move on David’s part. Siding with the bad guys instead of the citizenry is a bad long term business decision.  Continuing to tell Globe readers that what burned in Megantic was Bakken light oil is far too easy an explanation to shoot down. Benzine is not added to light oil. The soil in the downtown area of Megantic is soaked with benzine. Diluted bitumen is tar mixed with benzine. The stuff is even in the sewers, the lake and it is migrating into the Town. This migration of Benzine will continue until the contaminated soil is REMOVED. Hiding the fact that it was Alberta tar that blew up will probaly mean the death of Megantic. An addition to those who have already died. In My opinion  Our Transportation Safety Board is finishing off its’ investigation. They already know it was DilBit that blew up and burned. Not light US Bakken oil.  But dollars to donuts Harper will keep the agencies that were set up to protect us, gagged. This, until he thinks the public has lost interest.  It has fallen to the petro $ media to put Canadians to sleep with any diversion from Alberta tar that can be dreamed up. The oilies have it all planned, Lac-Megantic will soon disappear into the mists of time as with all the others spills. Once the US oil monopoly takes control of Canada the Globe and Tar will be history, like the LA times. David will no longer be of any use to the Americans. For those like myself, the Royal Canadian Harper Police will probably rough me up too and  seize all of us troublemakers in the middle of the night. Why did you think Lyin Steve built all those new jails?  If you study the history of Hitler and the rise of the Nazis you can see Herr Harper is repeating the process. The Fuhrer was bankrolled by German industrialist who feared the unions. Lying Steve is bankrolled by the American oil monopoly. The planing to steal the 2015 Canadian election is already well under way.  Young, mindless [ UPC ], male  Canadians who are impressed by right think are now being indoctrinated by Preston Manning at his Calgary Institute for regime change. Preston gets oil money as well as running a phony charity. He too, like the Fraser Institute operates on taxpayer’s cash. Revenue Canada now operates as an arm of the PMO so Manning and the Fraser have nothing to worry about.  Rev. Can. only has its’ sights set on Harper’s political opponents and Babs Black’s little people [ the majority mongrel mob ].


The City of Burnaby in BC was the scene of a Alberta tar spill 5 years ago from the Kinder Morgan pipeline which carries DilBit from Edmonton to the Pacific coast. You can go on the net and see the geyser of Black Death shooting into the sky. All it needed was a little spark to burn out Burnaby and most of east Vancouver. just like what happened at Megantic. The Kinder Morgan tar mixed with benzine was and is being shipped directly to California heavy oil refineries.  Not to Asia, as Lyin Joe Oiliver keeps telling you.  If ever one of those tankers loaded with two thirds tar and one third benzine caught fire in Barrard Inlet, Vancouver would be toast. The $ media hushed things up in return for? You guessed it, money. But Sicko Harper doesn’t care. When he was a member of the Northern Foundation its’ focus was on keeping Nelson Mandela in jail in South Africa.  Lyin Steve’s interest is in the American oil monopoly making as much money as possible. If the monopoly is not concerned about youngsters being able to breath in California why would they fret over a few Canadians croaking in Quebec?  What’s a few dead bodies got to do with making money? The petro $ media just let this Burnaby spill disappear even though 150 people were sickened by the Benzine fumes. ah yes, Benzine. And to this day the cleanup has yet to be completed. Mind the cleanup for the EXXON Valdez is still not complete after almost 25 years. EXXON was assessed $ 5 billion dollars at the time but to date has only paid $ 500 million. Ronald Reagan and the Republicans Congress let EXXON off the hook in return for political contributions. Reagan thought no Government was good Government, just like Harper. So you can see where our no Government is headed with Megantic and any future fatal Alberta tar spills. In Toronto? In Montreal?  This possibility exists, as long as Herr Harper is in driver’s seat. He’ll make sure his American oil monopoly employers prevail. The oilies have made so many business blunders of late someone has got to pay the bills. YOU. Why not those dummy Canadians who are always in the losers seat. If the Valdez had been carrying the tar and benzine mixture any little spark would have created another Hiroshima experience. As a matter of interest Rex Tillerson got the Green Cross for Safety Award from the oil industry. He was presented with this award 4 days after an EXXON pipeline destroyed a Mayflower Arka. subdivision, innundating it with Alberta tar. In terms of the spill Rex initially said he didn’t know what had happened. But did say it was //  OIL  \\ that was spilled. It was, it was  //   OIL  \\ Rex insisted. The Waybills proved it.  EXXON kept up this //   OIL  \\ nonsense for days while the petrol $ media stayed mum. Again, this time would you believe it? For more money. Then Tillerson finally admitted it was DilBit but since it was NOT  //  OIL  \\ Congress does not require EXXON to pay for the cleanup. Paying Republicans in Congress millions in bribes looks like a good investment for Rex.  This is like living with fairies in fantasyland. Keep changing the rules, always In EXXON’s advantage. Thus the company creates its’ own reality? Of  course Georgie Bush Jr. created his own reality and look where it got him and America?, A one way ticket into the wilderness.  Bush Jr. is scarcely mentioned now. What’s wrong with S. Harper creating HIS own reality? The S stands for sicko. Charles Darwin’s theory is explained by the Fascists / right as the, ” survival of the fittest “. Not true. Rather, Darwin meant that the ones who survive had / have the ABILITY TO ADAPT. If one doesn’t know what is coming down the track how does one adapt? That is the chink in the right wing’s armor. If you live in in Harperland the violent storms are not detected and as a result you get a Megantic. Which in the end has ended the shipping of Alberta Tar [ the Black Death ]. There is human nature and nature nature.  I can at the sound of thunder in the distance and being alerted to those towering anvil clouds begin to gather the kids, tidy up, take in the washing, close the car windows and put the animals away safely into the barn. That, I have the ability to do. However I am powerless in the face of that cumulonimbus monster cloud and its’ destructive forces. It is a fool like Lyin Steve who  thinks he can master a huge cloud on the scale of the thievery in the Senate. He can part the sea. The management of EXXON feels it can control such clouds just like Steve and any other happenings in the world. EXXON spends money and bend everything to its’ own liking. The Company , based entirely on its’ partnership in the illegal American oil monopoly and bribing has been able to survive the twists and turns life throws at the rest us, Babs Black’s little people. But now world events are threatening EXXON’s very foundation. The bulk of the world’s oil and gas now resides in other lands. More and more petro states are doing their own refining. The oil monopoly’s only customer base is in North America and the people here are being squeezed ever so tightly to maintain oil profits and pay for the gastly oilie business blunders. The oil monopoly created by the Republican Congress [ 1920s ] spends vast sums to deny Global Warming while the global population adapts. The monopoly spends vast sums to kill any alternative energy idea that makes itself know here between the Atlantic and the Pacific. But alternative energy options are blossoming in most other western countries. Innovation has been killed off here by the monopoly. The monopoly fears that even the smallest new idea in this regard could be the straw that breaks their camel’s back. Crucial to the monopoly controlling the agenda in North America is a subservient $ media. A press, that for money is prepared to print / broadcast the tallest of oilie lies. That Alberta Tar mixed with Benzine is really  //  OIL  \\.  But the press itself is under extreme pressure. The internet, with increasing speed is occupying their seat at the table. The papers to – day talk about the Un Inspectors going into Syria to check on the possible poison gas release on civilians. Actually, the Inspectors are already there and have fallen under sniper fire attempting to get to the site of the disaster. The mission has been halted now. Why buy a paper with news that is 2 days old. To buy a paper nowdays is to be ill informed. To buy a paper on Monday means you are finding out well after the Saturday race was run who won. And that the bet you placed on Sunday was ill advised. So the oil monopoly can no longer count on the $ media to succeed in brainwashing the citizenry. All the problems the monopoly is having piping / hauling dangerous raw Alberta tar across the countryside and endangering hundreds of thousands of little people is running afoul of an increasingly educated population in the whole of North America. The oilies are playing a foolish game. Canadians may well forget Megantic as the petro $ media is paid to execute. But that just sets up yet another Megantic somewhere else. I would suggest that when the burned bodies begin to pile up eventually Canadians will act. The monopoly’s loud campaign of lies in the media about the Tar grows fainter and fainter. Much hope is now being engendered in the USA industry that oil fracking will make the States a leading oil producer. Fracking can be seen as the ability to clean out what is left in the bottom of the pots after a community supper. Fracked oil wells have a life span of about 5 years. And more and more chemicals, electricity and fuel have to be used to extract the last little pocket of oil. Driving  chemical crud underground is poisoning  the ground water and rearranging how surface water drains. Lakes and river can just disappear. Now the citizens are facing damaged lifestyles and the increasing cost of gasoline to pay for this very activity and monopoly mistakes. How long is the public going to sit still while the monopoly picks their pockets. And at the very same time poisoning / frying  them and their children? So for the monopoly oil fracking it is just a flash in the pan. The monopoly has full control of the refining in North America so it matters little where the oil actually comes from. The monopoly has control over the end product, gas for vehicles. Consumption of gasoline in North America has dropped 20% in the last 7 years. This means there is a surplus of refinery capacity. So what does the US oil monopoly do? They are closing refineries in Canada and turning us into more of a vassal state than we already are. Our conversion to nobodies being aided and abetted by one S. Harper. This Country is being lumped in with the Untermensch Americans to create a captive market for gasoline / diesel where no competition exists [ against the law ]. But the fatal flaw in the monopoly’s approach is to push this huge captive market of over 300 milion into a position where their very lives and futures are at risk. When there are no restraints on Sociopaths like Harper or the monopoly leaders there is no limitting factor as regards their excesses. If Parliament is incapable of guaranteeing honest elections and of reining in this illegal monopoly then civil disobedience or rebellion will be the only answer. It is for this very reason monopolies were banned in the west. They allow unlimited self dealing.  In every other democracy monopolies are illegal. Except in the USA where the Republicans granted the oil companies the right to collude in return for bribe money. And by  extention the oil monopoly operates in Canada as well. Masters in our own house? Not. This bribing Congress has gone on for more than 80 years. brBribing Parliament only started 6 years ago. Old, bad olie habits are hard to break but break them we must. So in North America we are reaping what was sowed by Calvin Coolidge and the Republican Congress in the 1920s. The US oil monopoly tail wags the American dog.  But there is no reason why Canadians should play along with the oilies and go quietly to the cattle cars. We have oil, tar and natural gas. We consume same in finshed petroleum product now imported from the USA at very high prices. There are idle refineries here. Put it altogether and it spells self sufficiency. All we need now is a Government that puts Canadians FIRST.  SO WHAT IS MY TAKE AWAY   ?    To change the direction that Canada is now heading is to ban the transport of liquified Crude Bitument beyond 150 miles from the mines. The tar can be mined and refined in situ by using plentiful / cheap / clean hydro from Newfoundland, Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba. This will reduce the cost of production and cut CO2 emissions drastically. The Twin Beaver pipeline would carry refined crude oil [ as in real, benign oil, ready to turn into gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, plastics ect ] across the 55th Parallel to Thompson Manitoba. From there a spur would go to Churchill Man., a deep water port, to access the world market for Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba upgraded, refinable crude oil [ not tar mixed with lighter fluid ]. The Twin Beaver would then traverse Northern Ontario and then on down to Toronto and Montreal. And eventually to the Maritimes. There would be a parallel natural gas pipeline, Alberta / Saskatchewan  to Ontario / Quebec.  Eastern clean / cheap hydro electricity from Newfoundland, Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba would be transmitted west to Fort McMurray along the same utility corridor. Made in Canada oil, using made in Canada hydro electricity is a made in Canada solution to our energy needs. We need no longer tolerate the American oil monopoly, an illegal / rogue business. That makes money destroying peoples lives and bespoiling the landscape. when is enoug enough???  Jail Sicko Harper.


Three years ago an Enbridge pipeline ruptured in Kalamazoo Mich. The liquified Crude Bitumen continued to be pumped out for 17 hours [ 800,000 gals ]. The sensors on a pipeline meant for light oil get destroyed by transporting Alberta tar ladened with quartz sand. The Company didn’t know there was a leak of liquified Crude Bitumen until someone local called in.  Sensors on an oil pipeline get scoured away by the quart sand contained in unrefined bitumen. It has been estimated that if the Gateway is built it will pump 50,000 lbs of quartz sand A DAY. Talk about your 80 grit sandpaper. The sand tears away the inside of steel pipes as well. Eventually the pipes get so thin they rupture, especially at the welds. Welding out in the open countryside with cold breezes as the pipeline companies do can cause embrittlement.  Joints that are like rough glass. The sand makes micemeat out of such welds. But the $ media would never tell you that. Especially Thomson’s Globe and Tar.  Little wonder there have been at least 1000 DilBit spills in the last 10 years that nobody has heard about. All potential Megantics. The media has been paid to remain silent. Enbridge has had hundreds of spills but covered them up with the paid aid of the petro $ media. For days Pat Daniel, CEO of Enbridge, the shipper of the Black Death which was actually owned by the US oil monopoly, maintained that it was only an //  OIL  \\  spill. I saw Daniel on TV and he said just that a number of time. Pat, CEO of Enbridge was lying through his teeth but the press said nothing about the Waybills being doctored. By the way Thomson’s Globe got a full page ad [ maybe worth $ 100,000 ] showing Pat Daniel getting the 2013 Business Leader Award from the Alberta School of Business. It doesn’t seem the //   OIL  \\ community is much bothered by people’s lives being destroyed or death by benzine fumes or fires?  I must alleviate your concern for poor David Thomson doing without. Beside the Daniel ad there were at least 4 more full page ads from the oilies. It pays to wag your tail like David does when the monopoly calls.  So in the recent tar sands wars the Globe has scored at least $ 500,000 for repeating oil monopoly lies. The sole  reason? Is to FOOL you and you and you. The American oil monopoly is prepared to spend big bucks with the Globe to make you look like a sucker. This Kalamazoo spill has been buried by the media in return for cash. The story is of 550 sick residents, 18 deaths, 150 homes condemed, 53 miles of river destroyed and a cloud of Benzine gas that had an affected on people 50 miles down the valley to the southeast.  The ground is saturated with Benzine [ remember that fact ]. This was a story that was put to bed early by the greedy media in return for ad cheques from the oilies. Pat Daniel  finally  admitted that the thousands of gallons that had escaped was not //  OIL  \\  at all.  But raw Alberta tar mixed with lighter fluid. The media mogals took the money and buried Daniel’s admission. Thus few North Americans actually saw that admission that it was thousands of barrels of DilBit that spilled and destroyed the whole area. Smiling Pat never blinked.  The media did its’ job well. The ground at Kalamazoo was / is still saturated with Benzine, and more homes will be condemned and many more businesses will be shuttered due to the migration of Benzine through the water table. Those citizen who raised a stink were intimidated by Daniel.  Armed, private security guards were brought in to patrol around the homes of complainers. The media saw nothing and said nothing. But made lots of dough. Daniel quit in 2012 unexpectedly, he was pulled out of the glare of lights by Enbridge.  He had said too much and was an embarrassment. The Company threw the poor guy under the bus. But to soothe his feelings, in 2013 Pat Daniel was named BUSINESSMAN OF THE YEAR BY ALBERTANS. Did you know that 18 people who died in the Kalamazoo area since the spill were never given any consideration by the petro $ media. That’s how much the oilies in Calgary care about the people of Burnaby, Kalamazoo, Mayflower and Lac-Megantic. These disasters allow us to peek behind the curtain at the elites. Kill a few people [ Pat Daniel ], steal a little money [ Gwyn Morgan / Conrad Black ] , run away from duty and dabble in a bit of perversion [ Tom Flanagan ]. You’re still one of us they are told by the rich and powerful.  Never mind the mongrel mob [  you and I, the Untermenschs ].  The cleanup for the Kalamazoo spill is going to top a billion dollars. This doesn’t even to begin to pay for the damages to the community, future health problems, deaths and businesses lost. Now Enbridge is kicking up a stink and doesn’t want to pay any more for the cleanup. The same thing will happen in Lac-Megantic. Once the petro $ media puts this story to bed and they are all being paid to do so right now, the Town will probably never see any money. Harper offered $ 60 million. I say bullshit. My guess is that he’ll never pay up because the media NEVER, NEVER CHECKS BACK ON STEVE’S ANNOUNCED GIVE AWAYS.  Just to compare, Herr Harper gave his employer, the American oil monopoly $ 850 million for carbon capture and storage. A technique that has never been proven. C,C and S was just a cover promoted over a couple of years to allow even more toxic waste to be dumped in Alberta. Foolish Albertans. Carbon capture is a pure boondoggle. The only thing missing at Kalamazoo was the necessary spark to set off the Benzine. It would have been Lac-Megantic 50 times over.  SO WHAT IS MY TAKE AWAY   ?   It is clear that the management of all of the operations in the tar sands will start  LYING AT THE DROP OF A HAT. IT IS ALSO CLEAR THAT HARPER WILL SAY NOTHING ABOUT THE FIERY DEATHS. It is also clear that the petro $ media will print any and every lie without asking any questions or investigating. The spill of tar slurry containing 33% benzine at Kalamazoo was but a prelude to Lac-Megantic. It is interesting that US elected officials were never seen around Kalamazoo. For Washington it was hands off. The people in Michigan were abandoned by their Government and the petro $ media. They were left to fend for themselves. If the US Government had come down hard on Enbridge like a hammer in this regard Lac-Megantic would never have happened. Millions spent by the American oil monopoly was not for nothing. Republican Senators and House Members were all well and suitably bribed. They are the wimps who would be self appointed Ubermen. And who have no regard for the little people. They are all part of the master race along with Steve who are self appointed exceptional people who worship Nietzshe as their god. The Nietzsche myth only resonated in Nazi Germany and the United States of America. And now the Nietzsche disease is being spread in this Country by Harper and the University of Calgary.


March 29 /13  a pipeline owned by EXXON ruptured in Mayflower, Arkansas.  Rex Tillerson lied to the media saying it was //  OIL  \\  that spilled and that he didn’t know the cause. Rex was reading from the same script used by Pat Daniel of Enbridge, Russ Girling of TransNotCanada, Rick Kinder of Kinder Morgan, Hunter Harrison of CP Rail,  Claude Mongeau of CN Rail and Joe Oiliver. They all know it is Alberta Tar that is being shipped illegally and thousands of Canadians are being put at risk. This is the same stance that EXXON took when the Valdez ran aground. Lie, lie, then delay, delay. With the spill from the Valdez it was oil. The US Government was nowhere to be found In Mayflower.  It was liquified Crude Bitumen that blackened the streets, inundated the wetlands and poisoned the water supply. To date EXXON has only paid a small amount to cover the cleanup there. So this lying about so called //   OIL  \\  and a refusal to take responsibility shows there is a pattern. Nothing but falsified documents and lies. The backing and filling by Tillerson is a required move while the petro $ media gets a chance to shut down yet another Alberta tar spill. Only after a few months and things go quiet do the real facts come out.  But by then the bribed media is well paid to never mentions such findings. It is interesting that the newspapers never mention information posted on the net.  Many days after the spill EXXON finally admitted that it was liquified Crude Bitumen that destroyed a subdivision of 25 homes in Mayflower. Did you know that 11 homes there have now been condemned. The surrounding soil is so soaked with Benzine, the fumes of which have seeped into some homes. The local sewers are filled with congealed tar and Benzine fumes. Everywhere those sewer pipes go in the Town will carry the fumes making many other houses / businesses unliveable / unusable. People returning to their homes to retrieve belongings find they can’t breath and their eyes burn. There is no electricity in the subdivision, a spark could blow an individual house up, then the rest would go boom.  State, US Government environmental officials and a local Judge are all playing footsie with EXXON. They are obviously being paid to look the other way. The Mayflower police have been hired off hours to patrol the site. But they are still wearing their uniforms and using cruisers paid for by the Town. The police are paid by the CITIZENS TO PROTECT THEM. However the police are now being paid by EXXON to screw the very people the cops are sworn to comfort and  protect.  Thus this whole subdivision which was engulfed by Alberta tar will probably have to be bulldozed. And the tar slurry mixed with Benzine leaked into the local lake affecting the Town drinking water. Rex Tillerson finally said it was DilBit that spilled after which he further said that  EXXON would NOT PAY FOR THE CLEANUP BECAUSE WHAT LEAKED WAS NOT //  OIL  \\. By maintaining they are shipping  //  OIL  \\ the monopoly, pipelines and railways avoid letting the citizenry in on the secret. Saying that it was just //  OIL  \\ allows the politicians off the hook.  It is the lighter fluid part of the raw tar slurry that is a killer and a destroyer of communities. This coverup could not have happened without the full support of the petro $ media like the Globe.  Thomson seems to make the most money from the great Alberta Tar coverup. This is quite apparent from the number of oil ads place in the Globe by the US monopoly. It is very simple, as long as Thomson keeps singing the oilie song he’ll get hundreds of thousands of dollars in full page advertisement. The people of Kalamazoo and Mayflower are getting little in the way of assistance and are being given peanuts for their ruined lives. Again, the only thing missing was a spark in Arkansa.  I keep using the terms lighter fluid, Naptha and Benzine. They are variations of the same solvent. Few people deal with Benzine or Naptha but they certainly understand when I say lighter fluid. The  Mayflower media has remained  silent.  While those in the Canadian media [ not the CBC ], like David Thomson are being paid hundreds of thousands a pop to mislead the wider population and censor the news. What you are reading in this post and my earlier ones will never appear in David’s Globe and Tar, nor the National Post. By the way Paul Godfrey is going to be the CEO of the Year. Apparently the business community loves its’ killers. It is interesting that the papers are being paid to NOT REPORT THE NEWS, as in self censorship.  Nice.  SO WHAT IS MY TAKE AWAY ?  What we have seen in Burnaby, Kalamazoo and Mayflower was  the precursor to Lac-Megantic. I waited a few days before commenting to see if things would unfold in Megantic the same way as with the other spill?. And that is exactly what has happened. CP Rail keeps insisting that the cargo was light oil from the Bakken field in ND. That is a lie which Herr Harper should have dealt with immediately. Harper and everyone in his Government, including Joe Oiliver and Gary Doer knows what blew up in Lac-Megantic was Alberta tar mixed with a 1/3rd lighter fluid. In Burnaby the spill left the soil soaked with Benzine. At Kalamazoo the soil in a large area adjacent to the river is soaked with Benzine. In Mayflower the subdivision is knee deep in Benzine. The remedy to Benzine contamination is to dig a deep hole and remove all the soil, very costly. If the Benzine is left it will migrate and contaminate an even bigger area. In the end the affected area will be like a moonscape, unihabitable. Unable to grow anything. If this keeps up the people on the moon will be able to look up at earth and see all the blighted areas caused by the DilBit spills. In Mayflower it is early days but we seem to be headed in the same direction. I think the subdivision will have to be bulldozed. I don’t think the soil will be removed as much of it is wet lands. The benzine will migrate down into the valley to the south and again after much sickness and many deaths Mayflower itself may well be abandon.  Just after the spill the FAA announced a no-fly-zone at the request of EXXON. Thus Mayflower became the newest State of the Union. The State of EXXON. Local police and private security guards strong armed anyone attempting to enter the site. The local media was bought off or threatened by EXXON. There was a public outcry about the no-fly zone and the FAA quickly retreated. No doubt FAA officials were paid off by EXXON. But in the interum EXXON had spread thousands of rolls of white paper towel over the wet lands covered with Alberta Tar so the black could not be seen from the air. This is what you get when your government  grants a monopoly to the oilies as Republican President  Calvin  Coolidge and the Republican Congress did in the 1920s. This same crowd that caused the 29 crash on Wall St. This monopoly, which exists in the US and dominates Canada is responsible for the high price of your gasoline and Harper won’t raise a finger.  In Lac-Megantic where the flattened centre of Town is knee deep in Benzine too the officials in charge already know what happened. As soon as the flames died away and the investigators could get onto the site those in charge had all the answers. By Harper not informing the first responders and clean up crews that they were dealing with liquified Crude Bitumen [ Benzine ] not light oil all of those involved were put at risk. Daniel of Enbridge did the same thing, lie, lie, lie until public interest waned. Dollars to donuts some of the Kalamazoo worker are now suffering long tem health problem, especially with their lungs. Benzine fumes can ruin one’s lungs and cause chemical pneumonia. The press has remained silent.  Tillerson of EXXON likewise did not inform first responders and cleanup people they were dealing with raw tar / lighter fluid. Again Benzine soaked the soil at Mayflower. The press has remained silent. Now the good people of Lac-Megantic and their heroic rescuers have been put at risk by Harper maintaining it was just //   OIL  \\. The centre of Lac-Megantic is saturated with Benzine. LIGHT OIL DOESN’T CONTAIN BENZINE. In Mayflower the die has been cast. The Medical Officer of Health in Arkansa has stated that anyone who develops health problems is on their own, EXXON can’t be held reponsible. I wonder how much EXXON paid him for that statement? Like I wonder how much Gary Doer is getting paid to tell lies about the Keystone project which will carry the Black Death? What the investigative officials at Lac-Megantic are doing is marking time till public interest dies out. Then the petro $ media can concentrate their sights on M, M and A, the engineer  and poor Edward Burkhardt, their chosen scapegoats. M, M and A is going to go bankrupt and that will keep readers occupied for a while.  Story after story will appear but nothing about the towering inferno caused by Alberta tar mixed with Benzine. When the coast is clear some official will quietly report, it was really tar not Baken light //  OIL  \\.  By then things will have become so confused, a confusion orchestrated by the oilies, PMO and the media.  The public will not understand that it was Herr Harper, is the person who sentenced 50 people to a fiery death. The coverup campaign now in full swing by the petro $ media will guarantee another Lac-Megantic conflagration at another time, in another place. Then there will be another. And yet another. This because Harper and his Fascists are convinced most Canadian are patsies. So far they have been proven correct. Too many Canadians keep falling for Steve’s line of bullshit, hook line and sinker.  The question is. How many patsies will have to be fried before the remaining patsies show some spine??? Hitler had his ovens.  Herr Harper has his Lac-Megantic thanks to the likes of David Thomson’s  Globe and Tar and Paul Godfrey’s American owned [ illegally ] National Postl.


How do we get out of this American oil monopoly trap? And escape total servitude?  These would be my recommendations. []   1   []   Charge Stephen Harper with murder [already explained ].  []   2   []    Remove him from Office.  []   3   []   Harper’s majority after he stole the 2011 election was only 10 seats. He has now lost more than that number with MP resignations, criminal charges against MPs and other misdemeanors. He doesn’t have the Confidence of the House. Crooked MPs who tell lies don’t count in our system.  []   4   []   The NDP and the Liberals should form a Unity Government along with those who are true Progressive Conservatives like me. Not Fascists who hide behind our stolen banner. This could mirror Winston Churchill’s War Cabinet.  We too have a crisis on our hands. Simply put, the US oil monopoly needs Alberta’s raw tar to feed its’ heavy oil  refineries that are idle. These are located in Duty Free / Tax Free Zones on the Texas gulf and the California coast. Said refineries were converted to process Venezuela heavy oil about a dozen years ago. A huge, huge blunder by the oil monopoly.  Hugo Chavez put a stop to that idea by nationalizing his oil industry and raising the royalty rate to 32%.  Eat your heart out Albertans. They only get 8%. The only way to get the raw tar to the these refineries is to add lighter fluid [ naptha / benzine ] in order to thin the mix for transportation by pipeline or rail. Burnaby, Kalamazoo, Mayflower and Lac Megantic and a thousand other spill are the result. About this carnage we are never informed by the petro $ media in return for money. The victims have been the dead, the dying, the injured, those who have lost their homes and businesses. As well as communities that have been gutted. The only people who make money from this Black Death cargo are the poiticians, the American oil monopoly, the American Enbridge Corp., the American TransNotCanada Corp, the American Kinder Morgan Corp., the American CP Rail, the American CN Rail, the American National Post, the Canadian petro $ media [ Globe / Sun / Toronto star ] and others. Alberta gets 8% on the raw tar. In other words the Province get the price of the pigs tail. The monopoly makes money on the whole pig. Some business people those Albertans? In areas around Fort McMurray some of the 175 toxic tailing ponds have been breached by the recent Alberta floods. Not a word from the press.  Spilling poisonous swill into the river systems brings no punishment. It is an ecological disaster which the 8% royalty will not begin to clean up. So the US Government gets no taxes when the tar is refined in Texas or California before the resulting oil is sold overseas. In fact there is no tax on DilBit when it goes through the pipelines of EXXON, TransNotCanada, Enbridge or Kinder Morgan. In regard to spills the taxpayer’s foot the bill and will continue to do so until they grow some spine. It is such a sweet deal, no wonder the monopoly keeps Steve Harper on staff. []   5   []  The Unity Government  should ban outright the transportation of liquified Crude Bitumen beyond 150 miles from the source.  []   6   []   Transport Canada staff should be cleaned out and replaced with competent, knowledgeable people. As must the National Energy Board.  []   7   []  A new Environmental Act should be established by Parliament.  []   8   []  New pipeline and rail regulations should be established. []   9   []  The Unity Government should meet with the Provinces to give force to the National Energy Stategy wherein cheap / clean hydro electricity would be transmitted to Alberta and Saskatchewan for use in the oil /tar industry. This from Newfoundland, Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba. The only link missing in the Cross Canada Electric Grid now is between Manitoba and Saskatchewan The Twin beaver pipeline would transship refined crude oil and natural gas to the east across the 55th parallel hydro right-of-way. A spur would take finished crude oil and natural gas north to Churchill Man., a deep water port. This would give Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba petroleum products access to the world markets. The Commonwealth itself has 2.2 billion people who are now being screwed by the American oil monopoly.  The Twin Beaver lines would continue into Northern Ontario, down to Toronto, west to Windsor and east to Montreal to existing refineries to be made into gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and plastics. From there the refined oil pipeline would travel to the Maritimes. There is already natural gas on the Atlantic coast in Canada. Many of the existing oil refineries in Canada have been closed by the US oil monopoly to render Canada further helpless. Those shuttered refineries should be expropriated. Tough new environmental laws might just force the monopoly to sell infrastructure cheap. In Alberta and Saskatchewan the new laws would force the monopoly to clean up all of the tailing ponds and their accumulation of toxic waste. If they failed to do so we would obviously seize their assets. Mark Carney said there is about 600 billion dollars residing in Canada looking for investment opportunities. We don’t need foreign investment and we don’t need foreigners coming in here to pick the Canadian carcass clean. This Nation is extremely blessed and well endowed. Harper has us limping along while his American friends walk out with the bulk of the booty.  In short order by tackling the liquified Crude Bitumen crisis we could as Canadians become masters in our own house. All it would require is the will of the people. We had better move soon or like the Californians we will have our democracy snatched away by the American oil monopoly. And for many the clang of the gate at the concentration camp as it close behind us will long be remembered. Life will not be an easy one under Commandant Jenni Byrne, Harper’s right hand girl. Jenni reminds me of Dorthea Binz, a bonde Nazi who ranked high at Buchenwald. She always carried a whip which she used at will. Binz was hung in May 1947 a Nuremberg. Byrne doesn’t use a whip. Our Jen prefers a Hakapik. A Hakapik looks like a surveyors hammer with a very sharp needle point. It is used to kill seals with a single blow. When Harper’s concentration camps are set up Jenni Byrne is going to be the Commandant. Wish me good luck.


And finally, what can we do about Lac-Megantic. I have some ideas. The Unity Government must move temporary offices into the Town in the form of trailers. Mayor Colette Roy-Laroche and Council could decide what services are required. Premier Pauline Marois could be offered office space to house her officials. There is no way Quebecers should pay a cent toward the Town rehabilitation. The Unity Government would immediately set up an inquiry into how liquified Crude Bitumen got from Alberta to Lac-Megantic behind the backs of the people. Obviously those responsible are all lying. And should be jailed.  If the actions of those involved as well as companies are not satisfactory all of their assets should be seized and held until the completion of rehabilitation. The soil in the centre of the town is soaked with Benzine and it must be removed forthwith. All of the sewers damaged by the toxic tar have to be dug up and replaced so that benzine gas doesn’t render standing homes / businesses uninhabitable / unusable. Once the Benzine contaminated soil is removed there will be a crater in the middle of Lac-Megantic. Houses / buildings cannot be constructed on fill. The rebuild can take place on pilings. The contaminated soil should removed immediately. A plan should be drawn up for the new downtown. The necessay pilings should go in first, then the sewers and then the other services like water and electical. This part of the operation should be fully covered by the Unity Government. Once up to ground level the owners of the property would determine where they go but their costs would be borne by the Unity Government. THEY MUST BE MADE WHOLE. After all Herr Harper gave the American oil monopoly $ 850 million for Carbon Capture and Storage. That dough went right to their bottom line. The oil monopoly / CP Rail has more than enough assets in Canada that could be seized / sold to recover the cost of of restoring Lac-Megantic. Executives with the monopoly, pipelines and railways who have lied / are lying and who have broken environmental / transportation laws should face jail. I’d take great pleasure seeing them in the hoosegow with Harper. Another group that should be fined and jailed are the media owners who aided and abetted this crime. We can recover from this but it will take guts to tackle the American oil monopoly and their errand boy Lyin Steve. Or should that be Hiding Steve.


Answer me one question. Where does the American oil monopoly find so many Canadians who are prepared to lie for money? But in the lying lives are put at risk. What is the forfeiture of a life worth in this Country? A few points increase in the stock value on Wall St.? The loss of innocent lives should translate into a term in jail at the least. 

Catch you next time   —   Ken                                               LAOCOO

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  1. PETER WORTHINGTON OF THE SUN IS AN OLD FART WITH A SOFT BRAIN   —    The problem is that when you get old like Peter and I the old bod begins to give out. With me its’ the hips and knees and with Peter it is the brain. Worthington for a long time has been defending Conrad Black. I have watched the Conman’s antics since he was in his teens. He is a sociopath and he sufferers from an Undeveloped Prefrontal Cortex [ look UPC up on the net ]. Part of Black’s brain has remained undeveloped since his teens and thus he acts like a teen at times. A very intelligent man unable to function properly in our society. And for people who are anti social, to lie, cheat and steal and push the limits jail is the only answer. My knock on Worthington and the others on Team Black, the rich hirers who remain hidden and the simpleton hiries like Peter is that they believe those with money can play by different rules than the rest of us. I keep making the point that Canada is doomed if we continue to allow various people, like Herr Harper to live outside the law. History shows that when you have a society wherein a small group is allowed to amass all the wealth, made off the backs of the majority it is only a matter of time before everything flies apart. The French revolution destroyed the Country. So Peter, the trajectory that Conrad Black is on is poison to Canada’s well being. The notorious thief who started his career stealing exams at high school should be deported and sent across the sea to England without his Order of Canada. If  Worthington wants to have dinner with his old, disgraced, sociopathic friend then he can fly to London and sup with Conrad and Lady Black without having to be bothered with all us little people.

THE NEW MULCAIR GOVERNMENT AND ONE OF THE FIRST JOBS OF PARLIAMENT   —   The new MPs should be tasked with reviewing all of Herr Harper’s legislation since the US oil cartel launched him into power. Anything which smacks of being unCanadian should be put forward for review. In each case those laws and regulations which offend should be Canadianized or tossed out. It will be a busy time but we will see our Country snatched back from the grip of the Republican right in the US, the American oil cartel and China. One important matter is the repeal of the increase in the age requirement for Canada pension. We are a rich Country but we are seeing our wealth syphoned off to Wall St. Last year Steve gave his employers at the oil cartel $ 850 million to allow them to mess around with carbon capture. We can’t afford to pay about $ 7 million to bury our veterans but we can give the bastards who run the cartel hundreds of millions for Carb Cap, a boondoggle of the first water. In 2010 the oil cartel took $ 125 billion in resources out of Alberta and paid a little more than $ 10 billion in royalties. In addition the cartel cheated the Province out of more than $ 100 million in royalties and is now being sued. The cartel only makes $ 250 billion a year. ah. Enough already. Alberta is running a deficit now because the US market for its’ natuural gas and oil has gone by by. Those resources should be harvested, turned into value added products completely in the West using the latest clean / Green technologies and distributed all throughout Canada with any surplus of product going to the world market through Churchill Manitoba. When the new Parliament assumes power the  senior staff of Revenue Canada should be relieved of command and investigated for allowing the movers and takers to cut special deals, like Conrad Black and Brian Mulroney. Look at the corruption involving the Montreal cabal. I would suspect Parliament Hill holds at least as many illegal surprises. I would forecast that once we find out how much money Herr Harper is getting from the US oil cartel we will have enough info to jail him. Now that would be funny. The Conman Black visiting his Neo Nazi friend Steve in the slammer.

RUSS GIRLING OF TRANS NOT CANADA pipe AND PAT DANIELS OF ENBRIDGE pipe  HAVE SHOWN THEMSELVES TO BE HABITUAL LIARS / MEN WHO CAN’T BE TRUSTED / NOW WE SHOULD SHOW THEM THE DOOR   —   When the Keystone XL pipe line was first announced Girling went before the US Government and said that the project would create 2000 to 4000 jobs. In the past couple of months Republican politicans in the mid west have been saying 500,000 jobs. This is what happens when the media has been bribed to say whatever the payee has in his head. Enbridge has had more than 800 DilBit spills since 2009 but the bribed media says nothing. Now the US market for western nat. gas and oil has disappeared CEOs like Girling and Daniels are hard pressed as to what to do with 1000s of miles of pipe and nothing to put in it. The Chinese, who are now oil banking for the future [ smart? right? ] see a bargoon. They are offering to buy up the failed divisions of the US oil cartel in Canada at a premium price. Nexen is a failed Company now, little business. But China is prepared to pay a 60% premium on the stock. The Wall Streeters are falling all over themselves trying to get the deal to happen and bail. The problem for Herr Harper is that his employer the US oil cartel is under threat from China all over the world. They have to dough to buy up cartel assets because they are held by individual shareholders. Those holding oil and nat. gas stocks have no loyalties to anyone other than themselves on a 3 month cycle. Nobody on the Street can think more than 3 months ahead. Canada was built by people who could think years and years out. So there is a lot of valuable oil and nat. gas infrastucture owned by the cartel and the various pipe lines which is fast becoming worthless. China is stepping in to snap up the bargains which the Can. Provincial Energy Cartel [ CPEC ] should be gathering in for Canadians.  Harper is passing legislation that will allow the Chinese companies owned by a totalitarian regime to supersede provincial laws. I think not. The people in each province OWN THE NATURAL RESOURCES. What Harper is doing is taking away the right of the provinces to pass laws which protect their environment, their workforce and determine the extent of the benefits which will accrue to their people. Recently China blocked stories on the net from the US press about corruption in their Government. As well we find out that secrets deals are being made with Harper wherein the the workforce on the various projects now being eyed by China will see them filled by people from the homeland. Canadians will be eligible for the throw away jobs. There are three trials going on south of the border in which Chinese agents have stolen industrial secrets. The new Chinese Shenyang F-35 is a direct steal from the american F-35.  Not bloody likely. When the Canadian Provincial Energy Cartel is formed one of the first step should be the acquisition of properties like Nexen, TransNotCanada, Enbridge, Talisman, Encana and others. Without any business the stock of  these Companies is falling and they’ll will not be able to pay their bills. Everyone selling out to China is not an option. Parliament would be stormed and Harper would lose his head. Shareholders put their money in and look for a return plus if possible an increase in share value. In the present shoot out even if we let China have everything it wants at least 100 oil / nat. gas firms would see their companies fail. Meaning many investors no holding stock will be worth bugger all. Here’s a new angle. CPEC cancells all existing lease agreements where production stops. This relieves businesses of the need to make payments. These companies would be invited to participate in the planning of the new Twin Beaver pipe line and the attendant infrastructure. Remember this new twin pipe would carry natural gas and refined oil products to Easten Canada and to the world market from Fort McMurray. The Fort would be the centre for upgrading and refining oil in Canada. The surrounding tar sands projects would send DilBit through double walled pipes to the Fort from the Peace River and Cold Lake districts to eliminate tar slurry [ made up of sand and lighter fluid ] spills and to reduce to a bare minimum the number of miles of pipe carrying the dangerous / toxic DilBit. By creating a very efficient/ clean / Green extraction system with steady demand firms like Nexen would become profitable on a long term basis and a steady stock price with a dividend component. I think that there are a lot of investors who would like to invest in long term / safe enterprises with government involvement?  Those hedge funds on Wall St. would be discouraged from involvement. There is a long history of American carpetbaggers making off with the cash. The ability to churn stock and boost values by way of rumour in the short term would be eliminated. It might be possible to eliminate provincial royalties altogether. With all of the jobs and the processes remaining resident in the West the taxes and revenues derived from refining aviation fuel, diesel, lighter fluid and petro chemicals should boost provincial revenues and eliminate deficits in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Of course all of the electricity would come from Green hydro and wind supplied by the East and BC to Fort McMurray. I would suggest the TransAlta, an American Company that supplies part of Alberta’s electricity and which was caught cheating Albertans on the KWs recently [ shades of the US oil cartel ] be bought out or kicked out. An abundent supply of Green energy will firstly reduce operating costs so any tar sands project will make more money for the private operators. As well, cheap / Green electricity would allow the introduction of clean coal technology into Saskatchewan, Alberta and BC.  This technology allows coal to be used whereby the emissions are LESS THAN FOR NATURAL GAS. The West should be exporting natural gas to the East and the world and using their own coal for heat and clean electricity. The sequence is as follows. First you need clean KWs from hydro or wind which can be used immediately or turned into hydrogen and stored for future use. These KWs would then be used to clean up the coal burning process. So clean KWs facilitate the use of an abundant / cheap fuel [ coal ]. Thus Ontario, where the nukie electrical cabal, supported by ex Preem McGuinty, refuses to install clean coal technology could continue to buy Sask. / Alta. coal. This to provide cheap KWs to Ontarians. The joining of the provinces together at this time to make the most profitable use of their resources is our path to the future. The other path leads to a world in which China rather than the Americans govern Canada’s destiny. I would suggest to the Chinese and other foreigners that they be very careful with their money right now. Investing in other naive countries is probably a good idea. With the formation of the CPEC and a new NDP Government in Ottawa foreigners will find it impossible to impose their laws on Canadians no matter what world trade organizations say. WE RUN THIS COUNTRY NOT FOREIGN ACCOUNTANTS AND LAWYERS. The Republicans in the House have tried to nullify NAFT 3 times and have come close. This agreement is seen by 50% of Americans as a giveaway to Canadians. The states have imposed buy America provisions which fly in the face of NAFTA. In fact the new bridge being given to Michigan by Canadians [ $ 500 million with no hope of repayment ] is under the Buy America scheme. Workers and steel etc will come form the USA exclusively. Are we stupid or something??? Why should WE WAIT FOR THE YANKS TO PULL THE PLUG ON NAFTA???  This agreement only covers 15% of Canada / US trade. An every time there is a dispute the Americans decide they won. Look at the softwood lumber deal, Herr Harper the boy PM caved. In the 1920s the USA only exported 10% of its’ manufacturing and agricultural output. Having such a large Country the States was almost self sufficient, they had almost everything they needed. Canada is in the same boat but we let foreigners come in and pick the place clean and we get but a few crumbs. We are like a father with a beautiful wife and 6 lovely daughters. But we allow strangers to waltz in at any time and take what they will. A self contained Canada, without the Americans and Chinese etc can also be self sufficient. If we distribute our own energy resources across the Country FIRST, FIRST, FIRST we can have security of supply and at a cheaper price. This by cutting out all the cheating done by the US oil cartel and Wall St. As well as being able to supply a broad range of refined petroleum to the world this capabilitywould be of special interest to England and the Commonwealth of Nations with whom we already have special relations. That market numbers 2.2 billion people.  All of them are now under great stress due to abuses by the US oil cartel. In supplying them with petroleum products the door is open to doing expanded trade. Who the hell needs the jackboots in China.  Special combi tankers which double as ice breakers could carry cargo, refined oil products or natural gas from Churchill outward bound to the UK and the islands. And bring back their good that we need. One special advantage of refining aviation fuel in Fort McMurray is that Canadian airlines would have a huge competitive advantage, cheaper jet fuel and no uncertainty. Every government we do business with would be represented in Canada. We would share the wealth with nobody except ourselves. Fair trading not stupid trading.  By the way the combi ice breaker tankers could be build in Quebec and BC. Dark clouds are now overtaking  Herr Harper and I would suggest that he resign. The other possibility is that as Conrad Black is kicked out of Canada his place in jail will be taken by Steve Harper. After release Harper could be sent to live with Romney and all his American right wing pals.

THEY SAY THAT THE UKRAINIAN VOTE WAS FLAWED   —   We should know. Many Canadian MPs were sent to monitor the vote. Harper’s Fascist MPs would certainly know a flawed / fixed vote if they saw it.

RICH CANADIANS HAVE MORE THAN $ 20 BILLION STASHED OFFSHORE IN THE ISLANDS   —   After the new Government is installed in Ottawa a window of opportunity should be opened to allow the rich to get legit, bring their money home and pay the taxes due. After that anyone caught cheating on their taxes should be sentenced to lengthy jail term and their assets seized. I am a Red Tory, a free enterpriser and a 50 year businessman. Canada is a great place to do business but I have absolutely no time for cheaters like Black. Even the dumbest person can get rich if we don’t enforce our laws. I respect businessmen and women who are smart and earn their money honestly. I have no time for people like Black whose only talent is lying, cheating and stealing.  The first law we need to enforce after a new Parliament is fining and jailing liars. I foresee a Canadian Press Council, sort of like the CRTC. People could complain about lies like those that appear in Godfrey’s Post and Peladeau’s Sun. The CPC would print the truth on the net and the papers would have to print retractions. Now that would make the National Post particularly a good read and worth the money. Can you imagine the Post half lies and the other half retractions. Those politicians and businessmen who lie and endanger the state could be tried.  Harper might just find Russ Girling and Pat Daniels in the same cell block.

NICK KOUVALIS   —   I think once we get to the bottom of the Rob Calls scandal it will be found tha Kouvalis was at the centre of activities. Nick was an instructor at the Manning Institute where the Harper Youth were taugh how to steal the 2011 election. Kouvalis originated the home based call centre some years ago which he used to smear Irwin Cotler, Liberal MP for Montreal in February in 2012.  This is similar to the home based call centre set up for Matt Meier, owner of Rack9 in Calgary. Of course the Manning Institute is also in Calgary. Kouvalis was involve in 39 ridings in support of the Fascists including that of Dean Del Masto. Kouvalis was in Guelph, home of Pierre Poutine on at least 10 occasions during the election exactly when all the Robo calls were being set up. I think we should find out just what Mr. Kouvalis was up to during the 2011 election. By the way our Nick raked in more than $ 400,000 from Harper’s boys and girls. What exactly did he do for all that money, standing waving a little red Canadian flag at the PM’s photo ops?  Now there would be a good start for the new management at Revenue Canada. Investigating Kouvalis and the US oil cartel under the table money to Harper.

DR. DAVID McKEOWN, TORONTO’S MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH IS A GRANDSTANDER   —   I just wish Dave would do something useful. This could be done by first putting his brain in gear. Vehicles driving at very slow speeds produce much higher levels of pollutants. So slowing down the traffic on Eglinton Ave. say, as Toronto Traffic Services has done in response to the car hating City Council that held power for 30 years is far more dangerous than the odd idling vehicle. To make matter worse the back streets on either side of Eglinton have had speed bumps installed at$ 3000 a copy. Even though our streets are cursed with pot holes and resemble ploughed fields all the best asphalt is used for speed bumps. The people at Tor. Traffic are mental and should be fired. I have written to Dave about his hairbrained idling scheme and suggested he monitor carbon monoxide at slow/ depressed intersections / streets like Bayview and Eglinton / Broadway Ave. CO2 goes skyward and does nothing more than kill the planet. Carbon monoxide pools on the ground in low lying areas mixes with the air and can cause health problem, especially affecting children. I told McKeown all this a couple of years ago but he would rather get headlines. Now Dave is at it again, advocating reduced speed limits and even more carbon monoxide. His pea size brain can’t seem to get the message. The major thoroughfares like Eglinton should be opened up to speedier vehicle traffic from east to the west. Daaaaaaaaaaaaa And the speed bumps on the back streets should be removed. Major traffic will not go onto the back streets if they are unimpeded. Dave, Daaaaaaaaaaaaa . What McKeown should have been doing is monitoring the carbon monoxide levels around the City. I suggested back then that he start with Bayview and Eglinton and Broadway Ave. But to delve into this problem means coming to grips with gridlock and solving it on the basis of eliminating a health hazard. Part of the solution to gridlock, dangers to pedestrians / cyclists and carbon monoxide / CO2 is to take a holistic approach. Everything on the table. The Toronto cabal, the Toronto Transport cabal and the cyclist cabal should be shut out of the process. We need to involve people who bring expertise to the table but who can see the bigger picture beyond their own interests. DaveMcKeown is not one of them. Maybe Janet Leiper should get real too. Here is what McKeown might do to earn his $ 250,000 a year for a change. Hold classes for pedestrians. Teach them not run across busy streets at mid block, not to dart out between parked cars, especially in dark clothing and OBEY   THE   TRAFFIC   LIGHTS, Daaaaaaaaaaaaaa. An there could be classes for the Greek Gods who cycle. learn the rules of the road and obey them, Daaaaaaaaaaaaa.

ONTARIO A ROGUE STATE WITH A ROGUE LEADER WHO IS ANSWERABLE TO NOBODY LET ALONE  MORE THAN 100 MPPs ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE. WE DON’T COUNT ANY MORE . THANK TO A PINHEAD OF A L. G. / DAVID ONLEY —   I  have had more to say on the Prorogation of the Ontario Legislature in other posts. Especially a letter to Queen Elizabeth which has had an amazing response. Onley apparently graduated with a degree in political science but he obviously didn’t learn much. The Lieutenant Governor is going to go into the history books as the man who destroyed responsible government in Ontario. The Preem arrived on Onley’s doorstep asking his okay to Prorogue the Legislature. It would seem that Onley didn’t ask A SINGLE QUESTION of McGuinty. Not the reason, not the duration, not the fate of the various scandals, the fate of over 100 bills on the order paper, nothing. And he forgot to inform McGuinty that he was in the Minority and COULDN’T PROROGUE THE HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE. Of course Onley would not have known that Dalt was going to pull a swifty and quit. So the Prorogation was obtained by fraudulent means.  Onley who now comes across as the village idiot blundered badly and pulled a Mortimer Snerd, yup, yup Mr. McGuinty. But as bad as this is the Assembly can only be Prorogued in the manner as outlined in the Standing Orders for the Ontario Legislative  [ check on the net ]. Subsection #7 says as related to Meetings of House, ” Before a Session is Prorogued, the Government House Leader [ John Milloy ] SHALL announce the approximate date upon which the Assembly will be reconvened “. What do you think that means? I take it that before Prorogation could take place Milloy, Liberal House Leader would have to rise in his seat and say when the House would be coming back. This doesn’t limit nor remove the right of the Premier WITH THE CONFIDENCE OF THE HOUSE  to Prorogue the House as he / she sees fit. But a Premier  is just another MPP who has been chosen by the Liberal to lead. He has to abide by the rules of the House. This doesn’t mean setting himself up to run the Province with his 5 man Junta without the bother of the duly elected MPPs to scrutinize his actions. McGuinty decided on his own to close the House down and hand the job of calling the MPPs back to some future [ my guess is a year or maybe never ] Liberal Leader who is unknown at this point in time. I am surprised that the Liberal MPPs are not screaming to the rooftops over this travesty and this Constitutional Crisis. They have been completely cowed by the Liberal Party machine.  Liberal MPPs who were supported by the majority of people in a number of ridings have turned into sheep. 107 MPPs were elected to govern Ontario, not the ex Preem [ or premier in hiding ] and 5 insiders. The Prorogation was illegal because it did not follow the rules. And to add to the upset Prorogation  was done by McGuinty who resigned from the Premiership and thus he has no standing to do anything [ maybe ]. This present situation defies Parliamentary tradition. Which excludes strong minded despots during normal times.. The Queen has to be brought into this. I am sure she will concerned about the plight of 14 million Ontarians who have had their democratic institution at Queen’s Park stolen from their grasp. This reminds me of the 1837 Upper Canada Rebellion. Back then we had the Family Compact, a little like McGuinty and his insiders running the show but answerable to no one. Mind, they did have  Legislature back then although it had little power. at least better than we have now.  One story I have told over the years to show the kinds of things which caused people to pick up their pitchforks. John Graves Simcoe laid Ontario roads out in a grid pattern. During the early 1800s surveyors were sent out to divided each area between sidelines [ 1/2 mile ] and concessions  [ 1 1/4 miles ]. Each rectangle held four 100 acre farms. Now the dirty Family Compact stuff. When a surveyor found a nice farm his report was signed in red ink. The questionable farms were identified with black ink. The good farms were grabbed by the Family Compact families and some were set aside as clergy reserves. So called to provide protestant churches with an income. Now here’s the rub. Owners of the farms had to work on repairing / improving the local roads for 2 weeks or pay a fee to get someone else to do it. The farms owned by the Family Compact or the churches were not required to provide any road assistance nor pay any fee. The poor farmer with the poorest land had to maintain the roads for the convenience of the rich. Pushed to the wall they took up arms under William Lyon MacKenzie.  We haven’t come very far have we??? When the fighting broke out in late 1837 it enveloped both Upper Canada [ Ontario ] and Lower Canada [ Quebec ] and some of the people involved in the uprising were American sympathizers looking to gain what they had faileded to grab in 1812. At that very instant an 18 year old became Queen of England. King William had a number of runins with Victoria’s Mother who sought to be Regent. However a very sick King William was determined hang on to life to see Victoria succeed him and not her Mother. Almost immediately the revolt broke out in Canada and the English Prime Minister cautioned the Queen that if the unrest was allowed to fester here the Yankees would have us. Lord Durham was sent by the Queen to do a quick once around and report back. From his findings responsible government came to Canada in stages until the Country’s formation in 1867. Now in Ontario, we have lost that freedom so dearly won, thanks to David Onley. And shortly we will find out who will rule Ottawa, the Americans or the Chinese?  Neither of these nightmares needs to come true. Proroguing was illegal and the House must be brought back and the Queen has to intervene. It is her representative, David Onley who failed in his duty to protect the people . In Ottawa Herr Harper must be driven from office to bring an end to this Republican inspired experiment to bring about regime change. Just look at the Ruined States of America. DO YOU WANT THAT HERE?  Then become an educated voter. Harper’s Fascist Party is fueled with money from the US oil cartel. Such monopolies are illegal in Canada. I would suggest the the RCMP and Rev. Canada investigate the US cartel, this after the new NDP Government takes over. We should break up the US oil cartel and fine them heavily. Particularly for making illegal campaign donations to Herr Harper.

MAD * MAD * CONMAN BLACK    —   Conrad is beginning to wear a little. His babblings are not much different that what was heard from the insane outside the bars of Bedlam England beginning in 1403.  I have lived with Conrad since he stole exam papers from the office of Upper Canada College. Black was doomed to the life he has led by his alcoholic Father who using his money extricated the Conrad from any scrape he got into. As well Black was taught by his dad that everyone is against you, certainly feeding his Nietzsche complex and his UPC condition. All of Conrad’s misadventures can be traced to his nonoperating societal nodule. The Conman seems to think he can live IN OUR SOCIETY, SHARE IN ALL OF ITS’ REWARDS BUT PLAY BY HIS OWN RULES.  I have said many times, this shows the level of  Black’s madness. In a society with no rules everyone is equal right? Black would no longer be exceptional as he believes himself to be. So others would be making up their own rules, emulating Conrad. Fair’s fair, right? But a big suck like Black could never survive in a wild west world like that. Say Black’s fellow law breakers decided they didn’t like Lady Black refering to the Nietzsche Herd as the little people. So Barb gets beaten up and the bat wielder says what I did was not a crime because I HAVE DECIDED IT SO. What kind of a society would we have then? Black can only act like a bully because our society afford him protection. Canada has to protect itself from Black and Harper as well. He and Steve are old Neo Nazi friends from the Northern Foundation days in the 1980s at the University of Calgary. Harper had Black lined up to come back to Canada after the US Supreme Court questioned the Honest Services Act because of its’ huge affect on Republican CEOs who were stealing shareholder’s money. The case was brought before the top Court by Jeffrey Skilling and other right wing CEOs. They all liked to steal like Conrad but they didn’t like jail, Black likewise. Honest Services did taint 2 of Black’s fraud convictions but only slightly. Once a judgement is brought into question it must be reconsidered and it was appealed. Justice Richard Posner spoke for the 3 on the panel. His report is on the net. I wish all of those journoshills now writing for Team Black would read the comments of Justice Posner. Mind, that would mean 90% of Black’s muttering would be eliminated and they would have to forgo a pay cheque. Justice Posner said Black could not be believed. Obstruction of Justice stood as did one count of fraud. Two counts of fraud were SENT BACK FOR REPROSECUTION. Justice Posner said if the Honest Services component was removed from 2 contested fraud charges there was overwhelming evidence that Black HAD INDEED STOLEN THE MONEY. Put that in your pipe Phil Crawley and smoke it. While I am in this place. When the rebellion of 2013 comes where will the Thompsons hide and hide their money???  Justice Posner sent the two fraud charges back to the Chicago prosecutors for another look. He said, is it worth retrying the Conman when he had already been sent to jail. And secondly was it worth expending limited resouces on one more kick of the cat? On British TV what Black said flew in the face of the real world where he is not present. Black is not a Canadian and is here illegally. Steve, his old friend bent the rules to get the Conman in then lied to Canadians which is what Herr Harper does every day of the week. Black is CLUTTERING UP OUR COURTS, USING THEM AS HIS PERSONAL TOYS WHEN IN FACT HE DOESN’T RESPECT THE DECISIONS OF THE JUDGES IF THEY GO AGAINST HIM. My Grandma Hobbs used to tell the story of the London boys who were marching away to the First War. One of them was not keeping up. His mother said loudly, ” everyone is out of step but my Johnnie “. Thus everyone is out of step but Himself  Black. Conrad and Barb were out for a meal in T. O. with some of Team Black. They were accosted by an opponent who verbally abused them. The party was shocked and tried to escape via the side door. But Black is only getting a glimpse of what an unruly society would look like. He wouldn’t survive. I don’t understand Paul Godfrey, he keeps featuring Black when almost 70% of Canadians want to see the back end of him. I am a Red Tory, that is a free enterpriser with a heart. Everything that Harper says is filtered  through the rigid right wing ideology like Romney. Everything I say has the profit component embedded. 50 years in my own businesses will do that. The National Post was started by Conrad and lost $ 210 million [ this is a good businessman ? ] before he sold it to a family of dummies, the Aspers who bankrupted the Paper. The Post is now more than 90% American owned and is operating illegaly in Canada thanks to Harper looking the other way. IGNORING THE LAWS OF CANADA ONCE AGAIN. Of course some demented folk believe that the Conman is a great Canadian businessman. Black destroyed every company he ever laid hands on thus destroyed those investors involved, who trusted him. What a stupid thing to do. The other day Paul Godfrey sold the Post headquarters in Don Mills for $ 25 million and moved to some dive on Sherbourne St. I would guess that is why the resident business expert Terry Corcoron [ who has never been in business ] is seen so seldom these days. Working in a basement on Sherbourne is probably just too much to take. With all Terry’s business acmen the Post has not been able to arrest its’ slide into a second bankruptcy. Godfrey lost $ 26 million in the last quarter. He got less than that for his office building. So the Post is in big trouble even though Paul is trying to fake us. Why then would he keep jamming Black into our faces when the Conman is out of here when the NDP takes over. If you are in business you don’t go around pissing on two thirds of you potential customers. I suspect the Team Black is paying Godfrey a huge sum to feature Blackie. If this is right the Post gains in the short run but the end will come much quicker. Back when the Post was launched it had promise if it had pursued a moderate right wing approach. But that was all thrown away because a demented Conrad Black was involved.

THE GLOBE AND MAIL’S  GYNORMOUS * U * N * CAMPAIGN   —   I would like to add a couple which have yet to be used. UNtruthful and UN reliable. Phil Crawley doesn’t know where the truth lies and his Paper is so filled with propaganda and spin its’ only real use is to put it under the kitty litter tray. If you read the Globe every day you fall behind yet another day. For a long time I have been writing that fracking natural gas and oil in the US, the deep depression the Americans find themselves in and the improvement in auto technology which lets vehicles drive farther while using less gas has killed Alberta’s tar sands. Their natural gas business is now already dead. Alberta used to get more than 60% of its’ royalties from nat. gas. Nobody in the bribed media will mention that fact. It used to be that the Globe fooled the citizens about the oil and gas business. That initiative has now been forgotten. Right now the Globe is fooling investors in the sector, withholding the information that all of the tar sands infrastructure in the West is fast becoming worthless. Wall St. is concerned that shareholders will begin to flee and take their money with them. So each couple of days the Globe prints glowing reports about oil / gas company plans and promises of future successes. But in the real world the tar sands majors are cutting back activities and mothballing equipment. The only option now is that China, now in an oil banking phase will come along and offer a 60% premium on stock so companies can get out from under the slump. This whole meltdown has been created by the poor business plans of the US oil cartel and the two American pipe line Companies, Enbridge and TransNotCanada. The arrogant / incompetent people running these businesses like Russ Girling and Pat Daniels are in over their heads. With the American market gone and no daylight at the end of the tunnel it is time for the citizens of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba to take the bull by the horns and seize the moment by taking direct control of their natural resources as should all of the Provinces. With the forming of the Canadian Provincial Energy Cartel the huge number of failing energy businesses would allow the CPEC to take control of them at vastly reduced prices. In fact I believe many of  such businesses could be had for next to nothing. If I were a shareholder in Nexen and my only option was to sell to the Chinese and take a bath even with the premium I’d certainly have some of my money back but then what? Look for a new investment in to-day’s uncertain climate? I think I would look favourably upon a master plan wherein the CPEC would coordinate the Twin Beaver pipe lines [ along the 55th parallel ]  to carry oil and natural gas to the East and to the world markets through Churchill Man. The provinces would cooperate bringing Eastern / BC Green / cheap hydro to the prairies to power the tar sands and nat. gas infrastructure. The tar sands resources are in 3 areas, Peace River, Cold Lake and the main area  Athabasca [ containing Fort McMurray the gateway to Eastern Canada and the world ]. The main problem for tar sands operators is they only have access to pipes that were designed to carry oil, not tar slurry consisting of bitumen and lighter fluid. Since the raw tar carries sand it scours the insides of steel pipe and  sands away sensors and gate valves. Those managing the pipes don’t know when a spill occurs and can’t shut the valves off when they do. Bringing lighter fluid all the way for Chicago just so as to get the tar to go through the pipes is madness.  The thing to do is to put in double walled pipe lines from the main terminal at Fort McMurray to Peace River and another to Cold Lake. These two arms or main lines would recieve DilBit from the operators in each area using portable / double wall mini lines that could be moved to suit the changing dig pattern. At each dig would be a portable centifuge to separate the water and heavy metals thereby eliminating tailing ponds. The water then could be reused and the heavy metals sold as scrap. Each dig could be rehabilitated at the same time as the dig site moved. This kind of thing is not rocket science, it is just that the US oil cartel and the US pipe lines have always operated in a certain / outdated way and they’re not about to change their ways now, especially with Herr Harper being paid to be on their side. But change is coming whether the oilies or Steve like it. The business for western oil and gas is drying up and even the almighty can’t save them. New markets have to be found and new market are hiding in plain sight. But it is beyond the oilies to comprehend. The creation of the CPEC and a new way of harvesting the people’s resources would provide market security and guaranteed bottom line. Instead of each company trying to fight its’ way through the regulatory thicket CPEC would spearhead all of the needed measures. Imagine leasding land, setting up the infrastucture, mining tar with few emissions and have a guaranteed contract for so many barrels a year. Upgraders and refineries around Fort McMurray would produce a wide number of petroleum products which would be piped out to the East. At the same time natural gas would be pumped east. In fact nat. gas from the Mackenzie Valley and Norther BC could be accomodated by the Twin Beaver. Pumping finished product would increase volume for the same size pipe. Just as it is easier / cheaper to ship finished lumber instead of logs. The tar sands is a most amazing place. If there is an inefficient manufacturing / mining system or confused managerial approach in the world you will find it in the tar sands. Lillian Moller Gilbreth [ 1878-1972 ], was an American psycologist and engineer who along with her husband were time study pioneers. They were hired by industry to develop better / more efficient ways to make stuff. The Gilbreths followed in the footsteps of Frederick Taylor, the father of scientific management. Henry Ford’s assembly line came out of this efficiency movement. When I was manfacturing Apple Baskets, in the 1970s/80s/90s I studied the methods of Taylor and Ford. It was an eye opener. In 1924 Lillian, at 46, with 12 kids, lost her husband and their customers would not deal with a woman. To keep food on the table she turned her attention to the kitchen although she didn’t cook. She reorganized the kitchen layout just as electrical appliances were coming in. To this day Lillian’s innovations still carry weight. Revamping the kitchen got her out of industry and into a field where she had no competition. I read about her the other day in a review of a book by a son and daughter. I immediately thought of the tar sands. If I brought her back, one look and I think she would throw up. So I think I won’t bring her back, that would not be fair. The CPEC has to take the bull by the horns, take back ownership of the peoples resources and create a framework to harvest the resources, reduce the environmental footprint and ensure the rewards are shared equitably between the owners and the businesses involved. Why do you think that the Progressive Conservatives governed Ontario for 42 years, 42 golden years during which this Province was the economic engine of Canada. Leslie Frost, John Robarts and Bill Davis facilitated business. The right wing with Frank Miller as front man took over the PCs.  David Peterson destroyed the Ont. Government / business relationship because he didn’t want any Tory successes coming back to haunt him. There were projects in the pipe that had PC stamped all over them. Their flowering would have boosted the Tories as Peterson saw it so he killed the whole cooperative Government / business arrangement. The depression of 1990/95 was made much worse by Peterson’s pin headedness and vindictiveness. The salvation of the tar sands and Canada’s opening to become the world’s Green energy leader is to duplicate the approach of the Ontario Tories of which I was one. Namely a government / business partnership wherein each side contributes their strengths. Of course this will upset the stock brokers and Terry Corcoron whose only interest is hyping values and using companies as currency in the game. I believe there are a lot of  investors who would like stocks of value which paid a regular dividend off into the future with Canadians as the guarantors. The tar sand is beginning to die. To all Canadians it is the time to strike it rich. You mustn’t dally. I terms of Corcoron, he gets paid to act like a trained seal. So he does exactly that, acts like a trained seal

HOW THE e-car RAN OUT OF JUICE by Eric Regulay of the GLOBE AND MAIL   —   This is just another example of the Globe’s dishonesty and unreliability. As per usual I don’t know whether Eric is jusy plain stupid regarding cars or does he know he is lying but prepared to take the money anyway. I suspect he is lying as he is just one of many jounoshill now covering the deth of the e-Car. Mechanical stuff and technology are my meat. I started pushing H ICE [ hydrogen internal combustion engine cars and trucks ] vehicles more than a dozen years ago. Much was being written about the possibilities of hydrogen by knowledgeable people and there were some good articles in the bribed media. The pieces began to appear by journoshill who knew very little about the subject. Their work cast doubt on H ICE vehicles. What I found interesting was that they all used the same erroneous information is exactly the same order as if being coached from some central location. This same type of confusion campaign was used by the tobacco industry to create doubts about the threat of lung cancer and other maladies. The bribed media was paid big money to cause confusion over the health threats caused by smoking. It is interesting to go on the net and see how many celebrities and models involved in the big tobacco’s campaign died of lung cancer. Boy did they bet on the wrong horse but they did make a lot of money selling poison. Knowing of the efforts by tobacco companies and the media to minimize the affects of smoking alerted me to the campaign waged by the US oil cartel to kill the hydrogen car. Every article on hydrogen that I ran across in the newspapers was clipped and is in my file. I have the names of all the journoshills who participated in the confusion. My first focus about hydrogen was on the Toronto Star. For a couple of years previous John Honderich had been printing nukie propaganda and advertising that was full of lies. I wrote to Honderich, Rob Prichard, the Ont. Press Council and Advertising Standards Canada but was ignored. I began purchasing 3 other papers [ Globe, Post and Sun ] and to no surprise found the same misinformation on nuclear. Then the anti hydrogen campaign began, same approach, relentless knocks on hydrogen vehicles. As stated I clipped these articles. It was interesting that during this period Global Warming arrived in the headlines. Almost immediately the bribe media began another campaign casting doubts on the climate crisis, piece after piece was printed by so called climate change deniers. The Universities of Calgary and Carleton were / are centres in Canada for this activity. We now know that the US oil cartel funded the anti climate campaign through the now disgraced Heartland Institute [ a US charity, I kid you not ]. A whole network of journoshills and second banana academics filled the pages of the bribed media to cause doubts about Global Warming. We were never going to see monster storms crashing into new York City. It would not suprise you to know that Heartland got started running the Tobacco campaign against restrictions on cigarettes. When lung cancer could no longer be ignored governments had to get off their fat asses and act, reluctantly but they did finally stir. Big tobacco was fined out of business but the bribed media already had its’ money for promoting poison. It is clear now that the US oil cartel was the hand behind the anti hydrogen vehicle campaign and they succeeded in killing it off. Governments were interested in the taxes from gasoline and individual politicians liked the cash being handed out by the oilies. In terms of Global Warming the same course of action was followed by Big US Oil. I would guess that at least a 1000 journoshill were paid to spread confusion about climate change. These writers were paid by the oilies as were think tanks like the Fraser Institute that produced erroneous reports. The bribed media thus had writers writing for free using free anti climate reports. Again politicians didn’t want to muddy the waters and THEIR cash cut off  so they said lots and did next to nothing. Look to the scandal now unfolding in Montreal to see how it is done. Now the bribed media is declaring the climate crisis scare is over. It was all caused by 2800 scientists who were reporting their far flung work to the UN as to the changes that were occurring in nature. The US oil cartel spent hundreds of millions misleading 350 million people in North America about the coming climate storm. The biggest beneficiary of these payments was and is the bribed media. When the E-Car came on the scene the campaign of confusion started right up again. The auto writer who had made so much hay killing the hydrogen car were reenergized in a campaign to kill the electric car [ Dave Booth, Jim Kenzie, Peter Gorrie, Michael Vaughan among others. I think we can accept it on Eric’s say so that the E-Car is now dead. Again the politicians will heave a sigh of relief. Their tax revenues from gasoline and diesel will remain high and their envelopes of cash will keep coming from the oilies. The Globe and Mail [ as with the other media ] was engaged in all of these campaigns to kill people or impoverish them or both. Eric Reguly takes special glee in telling us the E-Car is at an end having been part of the media industry that was paid big money by the US oil cartel to kill it. They succeeded in misinforming the public and accomplished what the oil cartel wanted. I am sure Phil Crawley and Eric will get their heads patted by the oilies. Every time there is a big event like the tar spill in Kalamazoo, the Keystone, the Gateway etc oil industry spin and propaganda takes over in the bribed media. Problems go unreported or are quickly buried. But I find it galling the these American bastards who run the oil industry in this Country are so fucking arrogant. Their constant directions to the bribed media operate with clocklike precision.  And lies and misinformation appears in the same order and format in each paper. Having bought the media the oilies have no fear of contradiction. So be forwarned, believe what you see in the newspapers and Maclean’s at your own peril. Now here is a funny one. The papers are desperate, they’ve spent all the money given to them by the oilies. With slipping circulation numbers the paper owners like John Honderich and Paul Godfrey are looking to make money on the net by charging for the same spin, lies and oilie propaganda. Nerve I tell you, it takes nerve to sell tainted stuff  when they know it is tainted. And the tainted stuff gets sold because of a Government looking in the other direction.

WHAT DO THE F-35, THE SHENYANG 35 AND THE SUKOI 35 HAVE IN COMMON???    WHY THEY ARE THE SAME FIGHTERS * ALMOST   —   This is one area with which I am very familiar. I know where all of the bodies are buried. On the whole issue of Canada’s purchase of the American F-35, Harper tell nothing but lies and the bribed media dutifully prints his lies and Government propaganda. The Yanks are trying to go cheap on the F-35. They’re trying to get one aeroplane to do the job of 3, sort of like a hammer that can drill holes and saw wood. I can tell you that going back to the time of the Wright Bros. this approach has never ever worked. In addition the US plane makers are looking for other nations [ suckers ]  to share the cost. Canada and these other nations will sort of get seconds, not the real McCoy F-35s. The Yanks don’t trust us with all of their technology. The price starts about $ 500,000 a copy with a few local jobs thrown in to protect our politician’s asses. You know table scraps. The new Chinese fighter just announced will go along nicely with the used aircraft carrier they just purchase from Russia. China now has an ice breaker and is building more. Of course there is quite a bit of ice in the south China Sea to break. My thinking is that after buying up Canada’s tar sands, a deal that is being facilitated by our boy Prime Minister so the Chinese, the Russians and others will be able to sail through OUR NORTHWEST PASSAGE ON A WHIM. And what might we do about that? Maybe throw a hissy fit?  The Sukoi 35 is already flying. Go on the net and compare the 3 aircraft, almost the same. The Russians have the capability to develop fighters as good as the USA. However the Chinese don’t. China’s fighter was certainly built with stolen tech data from the Americans. The Russians will supply the Chinese with all of the avionics and hardware, thus they can’t be accused of arming a belligerent. The difference in the Chinese /Russian aircraft is that they have two engines. The F-35 only has one engine and is a single seater, very much in the Top Gun / old west / gunslinger tradition.  Canadians build practical / utilitarian aeroplanes. The Americans build Hollywood. I would think the Chinese are looking to dominate Asia, New Zealand, Australia and the Arctic. With carrier based fighters they could easily do that.  So you will see them now develop a separate jump jet like the Harrier. Do you remember the Falklands and the English Harriers The US had nothing like it as they had nothing like our Arrow. The Russians are looking  more to dominating their satellite countries and Eastern Europe so the Sukhoi fits that bill. The F-35 is 3 planes in one. a ground attack aircraft, a hi speed interceptor and a jump jet. It is like a Swiss Army knife, very useful but a lousy axe or sword. The US needs aircraft to protect only its’ coasts [ there is no danger from the north or south ] and engage in military operations around the world which can be supported by carriers and a fleet of huge transports planes. This short range, single seater fits the bill but it doesn’t satisfy Canadian requirements. A couple of years ago the protection of Canadian sovereignty in the high Arctic was high on the RCAF’s list. That has been quietly dropped because the F-35 just can’t do that job. So what are our options? Let’s sell out all of the tar sands to the Chinese complete. All of the Wall St. investors will be happy about peddling worthless assets. No market for western oil or natural gas now exists. We and the streeters could have one hell of a party to toast the end of an era.  The Chinese will oil bank the tar sands to be called upon at some future date. No oil or natural gas will come out of the west for years. Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba will become have-not-provinces and be guided in their deliberations by Chinese law [ whatever that will be this week ]. The Chinese, Russians, the USA and others will traverse our North West Passage without reference to Ottawa. China is now meddling in Greenland looking for minerals and oil. We ourselves will revert to herding Caribou and living in Yurts like the Outer Mongolians. Joe Oliver will be proud of us, his hewers of trees and drawers of water. But at least the CO2 will not be a problem in the tar sands anymore. All of the environmentalists will have to find work. One great advantage will accrue. We will be able to set up laundries for the Chinese sailors right across the top of Canada and call them Canadian laundries. Uncle Joe Oliver will pat us on the head for being so entrepreneurial, minimum wage guaranted. With our Nation sliding into fiscal heel I would suggest that all of those pesky right wingers like Tom Flanagan and Ted Morton go back to their homeland to help out their Republican family. I mean Mitt needs all the help he can get. Tom and Ted will be confortable  in gated communities to protect them from the roving gangs of homeless Iraq / Afghanistan veterans out for blood. Tom might do alright for a while in jail, being a draft dodger and all. But let’s get real. Cancel the F-35 contract and buy 40 super CF-18s [ we already operate CF-18, 75 are operational at the moment ].  Upgrade the existing CF-18s with the view of having 40 reconditioned machines for training and kicking around jobs. All this work would be done in Canada. The new Super CF-18 would be built totally in Canada under licence from McDonnel / Douglas / Boeing. We would revive the Avro Arrow and call it the Bombardier Arrow. While it was oroginally a 1950s aircraft you have got to remember it is the delta wing shape that is important. The performance of the delta wing fighters [ USA and England with its’ Concorde ] has never been bested. The US, Chinese and Russian fighters above travel at about 1500 miles an hour and have service ceilings of about 60,000 feet. The Arrow will go 2000 mph and its’ service ceiling is 75,000 feet. There is a lot of talk about stealth capabilities. This means a special shape and some carbon fiber parts which do not reflect radar. However hang all of the ordinance from the wings and add drop tanks to increase range and the stealth capability goes out the window. As well the speed is diminished with all that crap hanging out in the wind. The Arrow carries all its’ weaponery and tankage inside the fuselage between the engines. It’ll go 2000 mph loaded or empty and can catch any fighter now in existance. The original F-18 cost $35 million in 1977. Both the Shenyang and Sukhoi fighter are estimated to cost $65 to $ 100 million per copy. The F-35 will cost us $ 500 million each. I would guess the Bombardier Arrow might set us back $ 135 million each and we would need 25 plus spares. The overhaul of the existing CF-18 might cost $ 15 million and the Super CF-18 might be $ 80 million [ homebuilt ]. I see the CF-18 rebuilding and the production of the Supers taking place in Montreal. The production of Arrow parts could take place in Ontario and BC with the assembly being done in Winnipeg. The Arrow would be used to patrol Canada’s coasts [ all the way to Greenland ] and our North West passage. Canada’s ice breaker combi tankers would carry petroleum products from Churchill Man., east to Europe or down to the islands or west through the passage to Asia, New Zealand and Australia. of course Canada’s fleet of ice breakers [ built on the St Lawrence and in BC ] would keep the passage open for navigation. All nations would be able to traverse our passage but they would have to ask permission first. If they took matters into their own hands as the US tends to do we would arrest the captain responsible and fine him. Our Arrows would need a central base where manufacturing would take place and repairs made. There would be Arrow bases in Newfoundland and BC. Patrols might take 2 hours BC / Newfoundland to Winnipeg. The engines for the reengined CF-18, the super 18s and the Arrows would be built in Malton and be based on Rolls Royce technology under licence. But eventually we would have our own jet engines in 3 horsepower ranges for the 3 aeroplanes and future fighters. I can see interest in the Arrow coming from England, New Zealand and Australia.  A high flying fast interceptor that can chase anything out of the sky might be very attractive. The Canadian tradition of manufacturing great aeroplanes on a shoe string is a winner in to-day’s world. All of the manufacturing  jobs [ CF-18 / Super 18 / Arrow ] would remain in Canada. Don’t expect any of this to take place under our present boy Prime Minister who is in the running to be the most hated PM in Canadian history. We do not like living under rules imported from the Republicans by Harper. In fact Americans don’t want to live under Republican rule either. The day after the election of President Obama the stock market plunged. It was engineered by Wall St. and the brokerage houses to make the Pres. look bad. These are the people who helped Bush Jr. destroy the USA and the Streeters are still at it. This is what sociopaths do. They never learn from their mistakes and like those who suffer from Autism like the Republicans keep on doing the same thing even if it continually results in disaster. Conrad Black is on the same losing trajectory. The only way for this nonsense to end is for the Conman to die or be put back in jail. Canada’s renew will begin the day we jail Herr Harper for breaking our laws. More on the Arrow later. Mark my words, we are going to build this sucker.

JOHN HONDERICH AND THE STAR AT 120 YEARS   —   John, where do I go to throw up??? You were a one year old sitting in a baby carriage when I started my Star paper route. I have always taken the Star and am sad to say I’ve watched it deteriorate over the last 20 years. The conversion to a rag like the Los Angeles Times [ bankrupt ] has accelerated over the past dozen years. Rob Prichard’s more recent meddlings saw the paper’s stock drop precipitously and the Star’s debt climbed to $ 500 million. Prichard had previously chopped half the value of the pension fund belonging to U of T professors. I believe in the Peter Principle, one rises to the level of their incompetence. Prichard was at the U of T and proved himself incompetent. Then Rob went to the Star to really prove the theory. Now Prichard heads Metrolinx and has shown himself to be a class above incompetence. But with Junta Leader McGuinty heading for impeachment Prichard’s days at Metrolinx are numbered but he won’t get $ 9 million serverence this time. I will push to see that not one of McGuinty’s insiders like Rob gets a penny of taxpayer’s money. In any event the circulation at the Star has dropped from more than 3 million in 2007 to 2 million in 2010, a 37% drop. John, this is success when you have debt of $ 500 million hanging around your neck?  In your piece in the 120 anniversary section of Nov. 3 / 12 you made a number of statements that were untrue. If you believe this stuff you are delusional. When a group of printers bought the Evening Star in 1892 it was described as a blatantly and unshamedly an organ of the predatory financial interests. The Paper in the last 10 years has returned to its’ roots. Not a Paper of the people. But a Paper of politicians, advertisers, special interests and the nukies. I began writing about the lies and misinformation being printed in the star at least a dozen years ago. A quick look through my file shows a letter to Honderich and Prichard, Sept. 2008. If the Star had cleaned up its’ act back then we would not have had the recent meltdown in our electrical system. But the nukie cheques to the Paper were more important than plight of the people. Money was more important than the truth. The Atkinson Principles are a thing of memory. Honderich has been ignoring them for years but still claims that they guide the Paper. Hogwash. When I was a Pickering Councillor I got to know a couple of oldtime Star reporters. After politics we would communicate separately. Eventually both were let go by the Paper. In separate phone calls both complained to me that the Star had hired young reporters because they would work for less money. It was interesting that both of them said the same thing in separate calls. The young reporters HAVE NO PERSPECTIVE.  Watered down journalism while Honderich charged the same price per copy. Subscribers were / are paying for a dozen in a box and only getting ten. A 37% drop in circulation seems about right to me. Now the Star is going to try and sell this watered down crap on the net and call it journalism, rots of ruk John. Finally it was the Star’s effort to drive the little local papers out of business that really ticked me off. Metroland would approach the owner of a small town paper to buy him or her out. If no sale, the Star would move in with a cover paper that had little local content and offered local businesses a ridiculously low advertising rate. The owner surrendered or went broke. The 100 Metroland local papers are given away free and have been supported by advertising over the years. That advertising has been shrinking for the last couple of years, going to the net. So Honderich is now stuck with Metroland, printing 100 papers for which he derives less and less revenue over time. It looks good on him. When I began delivering the Star Joe Atkinson was still at the Paper. Even after he died he had a powerful influence on the Company for a long time but no more. Atkinson must be turning in his grave over what has happened to his Paper. Not only have his principles been jetison but the Star is lying about their present predicament, going broke. The dilema for the bribed media is that the truth and the intersts of the citizenry don’t pay. But they needs the big circulation that provides eyeballs for the advertisers. How do you lie to and misinform the readers without them knowing it? How do you cheat the customers and in the very same breath tell them no cheating is going on?  John Honderich / Toronto Star are trying damn hard. We will have to wait for the answer.

HALF PRICE KILOWATTS   —   When I become Electrical Tsar of Ontario [ read earlier posts ] I will recommend to the Legislature that the price of KWs be cut in half IMMEDIATELY. That a new corporate structure be created along the lines of our original old Ontario Hydro to put all of  Mike Harris’ many bits back together. What Mike did could be described as a dogs breakfast. We have to blow it up first, then get out the glue. In addition every payment to private firms other than for KWs contracted for will be stopped pending close audits. I would be looking for hanky panky. If a contract doesn’t deal fairly with Ontarians I would recommend cancellation. If there are illegalities I would recommend charging those involved [ private operaters and politicians].  Firms like TransCanada should not get cent until McGuinty’s cozy arrangements are thoroughly investigated. Tim Hudak’s contacts with TransCanada  should also face close scrutiny. Hudak’s wife is getting money from Russ Girling at TransCanada. To put it bluntly, those who are involved with our electrical system and on the take should be treated harshly. The harsher the better.  As in cancellation of payments, expropriation, fines or jail. The French resorted to the Guillotine. Our approach should be just as sharp. For the last 15 years the Governments of Harris, Eves and McGuinty HAVE NEVER LOOKED AFTER THE INTERESTS OF ONTARIANS AS REGARDS OUR ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. The next inning has to be different. let’s make sure it is different.

McGUINTY’S COUP D’ETAT   —   In digging around there is no doubt that major shredding of documents is going on at  a darkened Queen’s Park. If you remember in the ongoing Murdock newspaper scandal in England people have been charged with Obstruction of Justice for shredding documents. A very serious charge about which Team Black and their hero Lord have yet to come to grips with. Destroying evidence to cover a crime only moves one closer to a barred cage. What is being shredded are the documents which enumerate McGuinty’s illegal involvement with the cancelled natural gas plants. McGuinty resigned as Premier before 14 million Ontarians but is still Premier as a result of not signing the necessary papers. So our Dalt can be in or out as he choses. It shows deceit and a lack of respect for our Parliamentary system. He was not in a position to Prorogue the House as he is in the minority. McGuinty has no power without the support of a few MPPs in the opposition. The House rules state that Prorogation HAS TO ANNOUNCED IN THE LEGISLATURE. John Milloy did not do this. McGuinty’s announcement of a phony resignation and Proroguing was done in front of the Liberal Party machine. The plain old ordinary Liberal MPPs were left on the outside of this affair looking in. These MPPs along with those of the PCs and NDP were elected by the people and ARE COLLECTIVELY SOVEREIGN. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, THEY MAKE THE RULES. AS IN ALL OF THE RULES. McGuinty has pushed them all aside and HE IS NOW MAKING THE RULES. I can only think Dalt is so desperate to hide evidence of wrongdoing that he would break or abuse every rule in the book. There was a contempt motion before the Legislature based on the fact that McGuinty would not release the documentation pertaining to the gas plants being cancelled. Some documents were released and other hidden. Eventually some of the hidden docs made it into the sunlight but many were missing with no explanation. This matter was to go before the Finance Committee where witnesses could be called. It is clear this scandal [ now estimated to be $ 1.4 billion ] could blow wide open and blow McGuinty, Ministers and friends out of office. In terms of Prorogation, it can’t be called by the L. G. on the advice of a Premier based on an intolerant violation of the spirt and intent of the Constitution. David Onley had an obligation to reject the advice of McGuinty because the actions about to take place did not protect parliamentary democracy. Onley handed the Legislature over to McGuinty and the Liberals to use as their personal toy. Prorogation has always come in Canada with a time limit. No Prorogation has ever taken in this Country by a Premier who is in the minority and who is facing possible criminal charges. McGuinty knows exactly what he is doing. Closing the Legislature was illegal and is bad public relations but not as bad as being charged criminally along with member of his Government. Sandra Pupattelo, a leadership hopeful does not have a seat in the Assembly. She said that if she is elected Liberal Leader the Legislature will not be called back until she wins a seat. Gerard Kennedy is vying for the top job. He says the legislature will return in February. Do you think that parliamentary democracy should be in the hands of the UNELECTED Pupatello / Kennedy. This make a mockery of our system. Here is a better idea. Why don’t we set up a sort of wheel of fortune at Queen’s Park. All of the Liberals [ who now own Ontario ] can draw lots. Dave Onley could spin the wheel and where it stops, that’s when the House comes back.  I think there are two avenues we must pursue. I am confident that the House will quickly be called back into session by a new Lieutenant Governor named by the Queen. Firstly, every contract as regards the cancelled gas plants and the various activities have to be scrutinized immediatley by the Finance Committee. If there is the slightest indication that documents have gone missing that contract would have to be cancelled, not another cheque would be cut, end of story. Those on the losing end of this cancellation could plead their case by supplying all of the missing documents themselves, screw McGuinty. He may have thought by shredding documents he could wipe the slate clean. There are more ways than one to skin a cat.  No play the game, no dough. If a company like TransCanada’s Russ Girling threatened a law suit over non payment of blood money, fine. Remember MPPs are sovereign, they make the laws and the Court administers the laws. Legislation could be passed to void any money owing to Girling / TC . This will be a sobering fact and one that might just bring contractors involved with McGuinty to the table to spill the beans. I think the corruption herein could top Montreal. It will be the only way they will GET ANY MONEY AT ALL. With the Legislature back in session one of the first orders of business is to start Impeachment Proceeding against the phony Premier McGuinty. As like Charles 1st, we shall have Dalt’s head on a pike pole and exhibit it at a FUNCTIONING Queen’s Park. 

Note   —   The use of Impreachment has fallen into disuse but is still a part of Parliamentary procedure. In the past legislators would call upon the the Sovereign to act in such cases. However when the PM / Premier and other executive   officers became answerable to the House a politician / officer could be held accountable by a motion of non confidence. However Queen’s Park has been shuttered and the assembly is no longer in operation. So in no way can McGuinty be reprimanded, he is no longer answerable to the people. The Liberals now rule Ontario at their own convenience. I am angry at the Liberals, especially the leadership hopefuls. NOT ONE OF THEM HAS LOWERED THE BOOM ON McGUINTY.  Apparently our loss of democracy doesn’t register with them. Charlie Sousa says he will give a voice to rural residents. That’s nice but what about the remaining voters [ 75% ] who are without a voice now? Miss in and out Pupatello said she would not call the Legislature back until she was ready. Swell. Representative government is supposed to eliminate one man / woman rule. Hitler dispensed with the Reichstag when he had less than 40% of the seats. Just like McGuinty. He controlled the press by force. McGuinty controls the bribed media by the use of advertising. The Fuhrer was in charge of the police so political opponents could be intimidated. The OPP is under McGuinty’s thumb. Hindenburg, an old man was manipulated by Hitler. Poor David Onley, the L. G. was manipulated by McGuinty. We can draw a straight line from where we are now to the gas chambers. The problem is that a lot of Ontarians will only wake up when the sound of the concentration camp gate clangs behind them. When the phantom Premier is finally confronted he can just sign the necessary official papers and flee the job with all his criminal activities nicely erased, he thinks. That is where impeachment comes in. It can cover criminal activity, a conviction on which can mean jail time. I await the recall of the Legislature, the electrical system problems must be addressed first before the private contractors make off with any more taxpayer’s money. Under the circumstances nobody is in authority to sign any cheques. If  Duncan hands out a red cent he should be prosecuted too. Then let the impeachment of McGuinty begin. Dalt got a free house [ 1 1/2 million ], supposedly from the Liberal party. I disputed that at least 4 years ago. I concluded that the nukies gave McGuinty that house and that Liberal officials were lying. I arrived at this opinion because during that period the nukies, who had seized our electrical system to pay for their nuclear experiments were under great stress. Getting a contract for a couple  more overpriced CANDUs was crucial for the survival of AEC. At every turn McGuinty favoured the nukies over Ontarians, a way over the top. I decided that giving this rogue a house was the way to gain favours from him. And favours AEC got. I wrote letters to a number of people about this free nukie house, to John Honderich of the Star, MPPs and  TO McGUINTY HIMSELF AT QUEEN’S PARK. I never heard a word and the Star remained mum. This free house has to be investigated along with the gas plant contracts. I will see Dalton McGuinty go to jail.

Catch you next time   —   Ken                                     LAOCOON

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