Posts Tagged Edmonton Sun


Concubinage came to Alberta in 1980 during the Iranian Revolution, which was started by the American oil monopoly and White House. Both the US Government and their sometime pals, the oilies had created the OPEC crisis in 1973 in an attempt to gain security of supply. OPEC was a loosely knit group of countries with oil. The American oil monopoly thought that OPEC was easy meat and that the oilies could bully the organization into lowering it’s price. But once again the arrogant Yanks overplayed their hand, security of supply is one thing but extorting lower prices was another thing entirely. This assault on OPEC caused it to pull tightly together like the Brits did against Hitler and began to play it’s hand with vigor. The OPEC embargo caught the US Government and the oilies with their boxers down. And as usual, totally unprepared. The US people suffered greatly from one more right wing caused SNAFU. As might be expected the Merican media blamed OPEC entirely and this blunder by Washington and the monopoly was never registered in the history book. Of which there have been many missteps. Hitler rewrote the history of Germany, Stalin did so in Russia and the Yanks did the same thing, even to-day. The right always shifts blame to someone else and refuses to admit mistakes. This means no lessons are learned and therefore the mistakes will just keep coming. Since Ronnie Reagan American has never been mistake free and look at the mess the Country is in. But the US Nazi press never comes clean with the American people. Sorrily, these poor people are now short on prosperity, confused, angry, anxious and without direction. They are in the tight grip of the righties and the Nazi press. As are Albertans, who now live in Harperland. After the OPEC crisis of 1973, the oil market began to normalize. Congress, fearing another oil shock, in the early 1970s passed legislation that stated if oil got tight in the future, that all the oil the monopoly had in its’ possession was to come home. This meant that if there was another oil shortage, the US would have dibs on all of Canada’s oil / gasoline / diesel / jet fuel. How’s that for the Congress interfering in the sovereignty of another country? The Merican oil monopoly therefore, had to look after Washington’s interest first even if our Country had zilch fuel. Such bully acting could not be justified because the oil monopoly was only leasing land in the West and extracting a resource OWNED BY ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN. Then the Iranian Revolution broke out in 1979. This conflict was caused by Washington and the oil monopoly, again looking for security of supply. Washington and the oilies had installed a puppet Government in Iran which gave away the people’s oil for next to nothing. Same problem as Alberta has to-day. The Iranians rose up and ousted the US puppet Government. Again in 1979, the US monopoly had destabilized the oil market, Iran stopped pumping and the price skyrocketed. All through the late 1970s. the price of oil had been climbing. The American oil monopoly was making big profits and two areas of interest, Texas and Alberta prospered beyond their wildest dreams. This party lasted for 6 years. But Texas and Alberta were different. In Texas the monopoly owned the land and oil. In Alberta the monopoly only leased the land and had to pay Alberta a royalty on the oil extracted. The monopoly has been stealing Alberta’s oil and natural gas since 1980 with the lowest royalties in the world. Even as Iran’s oil production dropped in 1979 / 1980, the price of tight oil continued to climb. The monopoly, Texas, Alberta and the like were making big money. The fundamental problem is that the American oil monopoly is managed by Sociopaths, they are pathological liars and have no insight. The oilie leadership live in a fantasy world of their own creation, so the true facts are beyond their reach. In 1980, Saudia Arabia moved to stabilize the oil market. The Saudis had witnessed the collapse of the American economy because of the OPEC crisis in 1973, that been blundered into by an unprepared Washington and the oil monopoly. The Saudis didn’t give shit about America as a whole but that Country was the biggest customer for their oil. The world Nazi media had pronounced OPEC as finished, another lie. In 1980 the Saudis really ruled the roost. Saudi Arabia just opened the oil spigots full bore. In a matter of months the cost of oil was in free fall. The blundering Americans were helpless. At that moment the Russians made a move. Their oil production had been increasing but the US oil monopoly had succeeded in keeping Russia out of the market. Into this tight oil market Russia began pumping millions of barrels of oil. In early 1980 there was a shortage of oil, thus high prices, which were enjoyed by Texas and Alberta particularly. One year later the world was awash with oil and it was going at give away prices. The American oil monopoly had screwed up again and those who depended on the oilies were thrown under the bus again. The oil monopoly once again bought up the media to ensure Texans and Albertans were ill informed and woulf nrver know the truth. In Texas the oilie pitch was that the oil business went in boom or bust cycles and that tough Texas would have to and could take their lumps. Being all John Wayne types the Texans fell for this nonsense. Some people lost everything, businesses and banks failed, land / housing wasn’t worth peanuts, and thousands moved to California. All this, because of a small group of arrogant right wing Sociopaths, who were running an illegal monopoly, granted them by a Republican Government in the 1920. This oil monopoly has made rich a few thousand on the right and had done the majority in the USA immeasurable harm over the last 90 years. Even to-day the monopoly is buying cheap oil from ISIS [ funding middle east turmoil and terrorism ], Russian [ funding unrest in the Ukraine ] and Iranian [ funding nuclear bombs ]. And yet the world Nazi press says not a word in return for oil cash. Back in 1980, with the prospect of another oil shortage Pierre Trudeau remembered the words of a Republican Congress, ” if there is another oil shortage the US monopoly must bring all its’ oil home “. Meaning the American were first, last and always. Albertans did own their oil and natural gas resources but once it crossed the border Ottawa was involved. Peter Lougheed, a great Premier, was intent on maximizing the rewards of the oil / nat. gas for Albertans. Peter wanted all the oil refined in the Province and wanted a healthy royalty from the US oil monopoly. Lougheed made a couple of mistakes. Ottawa and Ontario had put up the money to get Alberta into the oil business. Parliament forced Ontario to buy only Alberta oil at a premium price while Quebec was still allowed to buy cheap Middle East oil. As well Lougheed, either ignored the aims of Congress to seize whatever oil there was in Canada or was unaware of this threat to leave us here up schlitz creek without a paddle. Of course, Trudeau, as Prime Minister was having none of it. Pierre created the National Energy Program which was based on two principles. Alberta had to ensure Canada’s needs were met first, after all, all Canadians has a financial stake in Alberta’s success and that the price we here paid for that oil would be preset and not be based on a world price based on a tight market. Of course this is not the story Canadian papers told. The oil monopoly paid to have their side of the story told exclusively. Lougheed in his capacity as Premier ran against Ottawa and Treadeau to score political points and sided with the American oil monopoly. The monopoly had come to view Alberta as one of their very own possessions. In the early 1980s like in Texas, the Alberta economy collapsed. The monopoly and Washington were totally responsible for the mess and crushing the finances of the majority of Albertans. But as we might expect, when the righties and the oil monopoly make mistakes they have the money to organize the press to shift the blame to someone else. Trudeau and his NEP never was put into action. Saudi Arabia and Russia flooded the oil market, the price was rock bottom and stayed that way, well into the 1990s. The US oil monopoly with the held of the Nazi press went on the attack to dive a wedge between Alberta and Canada. If it was said a thousand time, it was said a million time to Albertans, you are broke because of Trudeau and his NEP. People like Preston Manning, jumped on the bandwagon in return for fist loads of petro dollars to push Western alienation. Lyin Steve soon joined the chorus. For the last 30 years and new, third rate writer who joins the righties has to slip in a comment about Trudeau and the NEP myth. But as Hitler said, repeat a lie often enough and the people will accept it as the truth. So during the 1980 /90s Albertans became the concubines of the American oil monopoly. The Province at that time ceased to be a democracy. In fact the oil monopoly became so emboldened about their successful takeover of Alberta, they employed and financially supported Herr Harper and his Fascists in a move to take control of Canada. Something that is well on its’ way to being successful. Paul Godfrey fronts for 3 hedge funds from Wall St. which now own 95% of the newspapers in Canada. This is illegal. But when did the American oil monopoly and their stooge Harper ever obey the laws of this Country? Even though the poor Albertans still believe they have the vote, they are living in a dream world. After Peter Lougheed retired, Don Getty, a football star and a sharp businessman became Alberta’s Premier. He faced trying financial times and tried to get increased royalties from the American oil monopoly but it was then too late. Albertans had become concubines of the monopoly and there was no escape. Getty was too independent for the oilies, although duly elected, they drove Getty from the Premier’s office. Ralph Klein was the next Premier. The oilies loved him because he blamed the people for all their tough times. Everyday the American oil monopoly was stealing Alberta’s oil resources and yet Klein’s focus was on squeezing Albertans. Klein never challenged the oilies. Then Ed Stelmach became Premier, he wanted higher royalties and the oil monopoly smeared him out of Office. Alison Redford is a sharp, solid individual, who wanted a fair shake from the US oil monopoly and Alison organized the Provinces into what she called called a National Energy Strategy. Again the monopoly responded to an elected Premier with a healthy majority [ 61 seat in a 87 seat legislature ] by paying Paul Godfrey’s Nazi Post Media and Thomson’s Globe and Tar to smear Redford out of office. Alberta insiders are so tied to American oil money it matters little what the people actually want? Danielle Smith set up the Wildrose Party using oil monopoly cash. The oilies had had enough of Albertans thinking for themselves. So the oilies concluded that they were best off having their own Party backs by a well paid Nazi press and pollsters. The problem was that Alison Redford beat the panties off Danielle Smith. The oil monopoly was having a problem with Alberta voters who had yet to realize who was running the show, not them. Time was marked and eventually 4 seats became vacant in the Province. Danielle Smith did not win a single one of those By-Elections. The oilies decided that Smith was toast and cut her money off. Jim Prentice was offered more money to turn his Petroleum Conservatives into being a one Party system in the Province. Both Herr Harper and Preston Manning are on the monopoly payroll, so Prentice know how the graft works. The oilies with Manning help wanted the Wildrose disappeared. So Danielle Smith was offered a sort of partnership with Prentice if she brought her membership over to the PC. Smith did just that and when the deed was done Prentice dumped poor Danielle. No matter how hard you work for the right, when a Harper Fascist is no longer useful they get booted. Interestingly, from the time Redford became Premier till now she has been attacked in the Nazi, Post, Sun and Globe and Tar more than 250 times. Yet there has never been one critical article in the press about Danielle Smith, who has been around longer. The majority of the Wildrose supporters were livid at the Smith double cross. Prentice bought in a Klein budget blaming Albertans, anyone with a mirror, for causing the economic collapse. Again the Calgary Herald, Calgary Sun, Edmonton Journal and the Edmonton Sun agree with the American oil monopoly and Jim Prentice campaign of, ” Blame the people for the financial mess “. All the while the oilies continue to steal Alberta blind. Maybe Godfey and Thomson will do articles about who now pays for the cleanup of the toxic tailing ponds. Or will the ponds just be left to remind Albertans one more time, how they got screwed by the American oilies. It would seem that the monopoly plans for one party rule are coming unstuck. What remains of the Wildrose MLAs / supporters will not surrender. Even without oil money they are still putting up a fight. The NDP are gaining support. Every time Prentice is given the ball he drops it. Albertans just do not realize that the American oil monopoly owns the Province, lock, stock and tailing pond. No matter how the people vote, the oilies will not let the people have their say or way. Alberta democracy was lost in 1980. What is going on in the Province is a good lesson for Canadians. Once the oil monopoly takes over our Country, what you see in Alberta you will see, sea to sea, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The voices of the citizenry will fall silent. Docility is not a winning proposition. But anyone speaking out will be declared a terrorist and picked up in the night by the Royal Canadian Harper Police. Being docile is the mindset of a subservient mob. Right now Albertans are nearing the edge of hell, they can already feel the heat but there is nobody giving them any comfort. Harper has already thrown the Province under the bus, Alberta has ceased to exist . There are many high profile right wing personages, who are usually quite free with their words. All of them have suddenly gone mute, over the decline and fall of Alberta. Lyin Steve is a notable none participant. Stevie used to want to build a firewall around Alberta, now the Province has been just chucked into that fire. Could it be that all such employees of the American oil monopoly, now with no tongues, fear for their oilie paycheques. Even if they only go near the oil pricing problem and flirt with the truth a teensie weensie bit. Even a wink or a nod might mean a bad career change, like back to slinging hash and cleaning toilets. Places where their talents really lie. Sad to say for Aberta’s 4 million toadstools, they are on their own now. Each lonesome soul will be left to suffer in the wilderness, abandon by the American oil monopoly, employee Stevie Harper, his Fascist MPs, employee Jim Prentice and his Petroleum Conservatives and abandon by employee Paul Godfrey his very own Nazi press. Papers which are owned exclusively by Wall St. For anyone who lavishly kisses Lyin Steve’s toosh, brings no reward whatsoever. When our Toronto boy, no longer needs you, he’ll turn you into toast. Sona, Duffy, Wallin, Del Mastro et al. Harper was never a friend of Alberta, period. Now Albertans, who are going straight to the poor house have been rendered toast, black on both sides. In the oilie / Lyin Steve controlled media [ not the CBC ], the paper segment has published to date, about 250 articles [ in my file ], attacking Alison Redford for speaking out on behalf of Albertans. Redford called the US oil monopoly to task for their many abuses of her Province including the theft of resources. Godfrey never uttered a word in this regard, Paul was paid by the oiles to keep his trap shut. In North America, speaking against the oilies is a no no. Speak ill of the US oil monopoly and they will destroy your reputation and life, via the media. Even though Redford is long gone ,the newsies continue to repeat the old litany of lies against her. You really have to believe, the oil monopoly does sit on the right hand of God. The oilies have at their disposal almost all of the media outlet [ not the CBC or PBS ] on the continent to satisfy their every wish. In addition there are thousands of oilie savant scribes [ like Peter Foster, Rex Murphy, Andrew Coyne, Margaret Wente and Ezzie La Rant and the like ], who sit staring blankly, while in their closets, awaiting instructions as to who to attack next. Of course the Star, Globe, Post and Sun are alerted as to the next monopoly / Harper target, be that David Suzuki, Ed Stelmach, Alison Redford, Neil Young, Desmond Tutu, Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin, Sir John A. Macdonald or whoever else represents Canada the good and Canada as a democracy. Calgary oil central believes that their every media word will be well received by the toadstools across the Country and be applauded vigorously. As far as I can see Canadian toadstools are doing just that, clap on cue like trained seals. If the cattle cars were waiting on a siding now, some of those toadstools would be fighting to climb aboard. The output of John Ivison in the Post proves my point. John is a foreigner and a journalist with a wind up key in his back. John lunches with Herr Harper often where Himself leaks information to Ivison, that should be discussed in Parliament. That is if we still had a democracy. Once the leaked information is published in the Post, Godfrey shoots it out to all the Post Media / Sun newspapers. As Hitler said it becomes instant truth. The stuff Ivison serves up is at the village idiot level. Ivison must have an audience out there because the righties keep paying him to flap his gums. The Republicanazis want this Country to be a 3rd rate nation in a position of servitude to them, to serve the financial interests of the American great and greedy. Herr Harper was hired by the oilies and is supported financially by them to make this Canadian takeover happen. And so far Steve has been quite successful in his ongoing coup. There are obviously a large number of Canadians who have rings in their noses and who can be led in any direction the American oil monopoly desires. The direction of travel is laid in the newspapers every day, day after day, month after month, until the hidden monopoly executives at oil central in Calgary and Houston deem that the toastools have forgotten the outrages of the past like [ Megantic, a tar derailment in Thunder Bay and a pipeline tar spill into the Yellowstone River in Montana where Hi Octane Benzine is being detected 50 miles down stream. Interestingly, if Montanans continue to draw the Benzine laced water into their homes for washing clothes and such Benzine fumes will fill such houses and they’ll be a health risk to all those inside. Forever. Safety regulations say one whiff of Benzine fumes is one too many. What we will see in 15 or 20 years, is an increase in deaths from cancers and lung problems due to piping Alberta Tar and Hi Octane Benzine [ which is much like napalm / gasoline or Benzine mixed with a gelling agent ]. This explosive mixture s being put through 50 year old pipes that were designed for conventional oil. In that area of the Yellowstone / Missouri Rivers junction, people can’t drink the water. This Benzine contamination is going to go hundreds of miles down the Missouri river. But all the people along the Missouri, like in North Dakota will not be told of Benzine being in the river water. The press will instead write about Kim Kardashian’s ass, the Biebs pranks, Jeremy Clarkson’s drinking habits and Eugenie Bouchard’s twirl. Innocent people, especially the young and old will die too soon from Benzine fumes propagated by the American oil monopoly. It is obviously something that should be kept from the toadstools by Paul Godfrey and he get one and a half million a year to sell you out. Oh for the life of a toadstool, no worries, always happy. Until your job at Suncor disappears or until you can’t sell your million dollar Calgary home for $ 450,000, $ 250,000 less than the mortgage you hold. This is what the right wing free market system is all about in the end, death and ruin. Your death, not Harper’s. And the Nazi Canadian / US press is paid to steer you in that direction without informing you of the dire consequences. German toadstools followed Hitler for 12 years after 1933. They didn’t know where they were headed and didn’t bother to ask. The population of the Country was 80 million in 1939. In 1946 that number had dropped to 65 million. Fifteen million Germans perished because nobody asked any questions??? Harper is responsible for 47 innocent Quebecers were fried at Megantic. Nobody asked any questions. Our media covered the tragedy like a Leafs / Habs game. There are now 22 orphans from that inferno. Did our Nazi Post press mention the orphans??? The American oil monopoly, Herr Harper and CP Rail are responsible for Megantic but the Nazi media gave them a pass. The newsies did give big coverage to the 3 innocent trainmen who operated the bomb train being charged. They knew not what they had on board because CP Rail lied about the dangerous Molotov contents on the train manifest. Did the press investigate??? Again noooooooo. This is standard rightie procedure, when the boat begins to sink. A Fascist discussion takes place, how many little people will we have to throw overboard to save the ship. But this keeps happening again and again. But the little people continue to submit silently, holding hands as they walk to the ovens. In poisoning or burning the whites, shooting the blacks or sending the Hispanics home, maybe the Republicanazis are just looking for ways to reduce the American population to a manageable size. The Repubs. only need so many people to drag those stone blocks up the side of the pyramids. The Congress can poison the trash whites who don’t count for anything with Benzine in Montana, ND and Nebraska. Or maybe spilling Alberta Tar and Benzine from the Keystone pipe into the Ogallala Aquifer would wipe out more inconsequential whites quicker. I’m for dealing with this extermination business quickly. Why kill 47 at a time like in Megantic and have it repeated over and over again? In small town after small town. Why not figure out how many need to burn from tar or die from Benzine poisoning and arrive at a figure for the final solution. The Rebubs. could increase the number of young unarmed blacks they shoot. This would mean going to war with the heavily armed black communities. However in the end the blacks would lose, because Washington has supplied US police with military, lethal hand-me-down hardware. California is into the fourth year of a permanent drought. The State is returning to a desert state. Normal agriculture is drying up. Unemployment among Hispanic farm workers is climbing. Many of their small communities have run out of water. The media says nothing about this but the toadstools still buy newspapers, magazines and watch TV. What for? Answer, they live in a fantasy land especially created for them. This works fine until the roof falls in. Then the toadstools go straight to hell, just like the Germans did 1933 / 1945. The water in California is privately owned. In Canada water is owned by the people. In the State there are about 350 entities [ individuals, groups and corporations ] that own a shrinking water resource. Control of water in California resides with the big hats, big muscle, the great and greedy and the Republicanazis. Now Wall St. is buying up huge chunks of land and installing nut trees and such which do not need a big labour imput. The streeters are installing water pumping station that go down into underground aquifers. This water belongs to all Californians but the rich and powerful are just stealing it. As the underground caverns are emptied they collapse, never to hold water again. Already in areas of California the ground had dropped 2 feet. The Republicanazis and their friends are bleeding the State white. The Repubs. are now telling the Hispanics to go home, they are no longer needed. Small communities are becoming ghost towns. You didn’t know this? I guess the Canadian / US Nazi press just didn’t tell you. In terms of the low price now being paid for oil, it is causing Alberta to sink like a stone, our Nazi press is being paid by the US oilies to say this whole ugly mess was created by OPEC [ this is a lie ]. But Honderich, Thomson, Godfrey and Mulroney, CTV, Global et al, are convinced that if they repeat OPEC, OPEC, OPEC, often enough the population of toadstools will become convinced. And an early survey of Letters to the Editor and internet responses in regards to the reaction of the toadstools is that the lie, ” OPEC is to blame ” is indeed gaining traction. As we speak many toadstools are reacting unfavourably to OPEC as was expected by the oilies. As long as the toadies are focused on OPEC the American oil monopoly can breath easy because there purchasing stolen oil from ISIS will never see the light of day. As long as the toadies are focused on OPEC our economic problems will not get fixed and Barb Black’s little people will suffer. And just think, the Nazi media makes big money ensuring our problems will never get fixed. And just think, the dollars that you spend on hi priced gasoline, some goes to the newsies to make sure your difficulties continue. Some goes to US Team ISIS. Now the latest shot over the bow. At the directions of the American oil monopoly, a media smear campaign has now been started against Naheed Menshi, the popular Mayor of Calgary. If the oilies can take out three democratically elected Alberta Premiers [ Getty, Stelmach and Redford ]. Hey, a mere Mayor should be easy pickins. The public assassination of the Mayor will allow the Nazi / oilie press to ignore things like the creep of poverty in Alberta, an increase in Food Bank use and a drop in house sales and prices. In earlier times Westerners were tough stuff. But to-day, the rough and tumble nature has been replace by jellied spines. Those creatures with the ability to adapt, they grow stronger. In the west the people submit and submit and submit to the oilies. They are about to pay a huge price for their stupidity and their recently acquired submissiveness. It is not a pretty sight to see, a once strong, brave pioneer people are about to just vanish into thin air. Replaced by toadstools who are kept in the dark and fed horseshit by the Nazi media.

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During the 1989 /90 period, as a recession was bearing down on Ontario the newspapers went silent on the gathering storm. Peterson, the banks and big business rewarded the press for not informing the public of the financial downturn ahead. I had been by that time, in the antique basket manufacturing business since 1970. Over my time in that business I made about 60,000 APPLE BASKETS and there are many still around, especially in movies and TV shows. The first APPLE BASKET was made in Pickering in the 1890s. When ever there is need for a rustic setting, TV people use one of my baskets. Over almost 20 years I built up a customer base of about 200 shops selling, antiques, wool /yarn, gifts and many of the museums and art galleries. I covered the whole Country from Trounce Alley in Victoria BC to Peggys Cove in Nova Scotia McMichael, Upper Canada Village, Black Creek Village and the Ontario Agricultural Museum were among them. Every year, after the spring rush, I would send out my Brougham Basket Newsletter. It was full of tidy tips and some of my humour??? I was taking a huge chance, bad, bad jokes have been known to drive away customers. Part of the reason for the Newsletter was to encourage my customers to order early for Xmas. Being a hundred year old manufacturing system, each basket took from 4 to 5 days to complete the process. I just could not make 500 baskets on Christmas eve. Each preorder was put in my production book and I could guide my customers on their previous holiday orders. Each customer could increase or decrease an order based on their traffic or cancel without any penalty. As the fall arrived, I could gauge the incoming volume of orders based on previous orders. Sometimes business went up a little or sometimes down a little. This helped me in buying supplies and hiring staff. In the summer of 1989 things were different. Orders had slowed and as fall arrived the preorders were slow too, but I gave it a few days. Then I began calling selected customers across the land. It was the same everywhere, people were kicking tires and not buying stuff. I decided there was a slump coming and began battening down the hatches. After the Christmas season end, the year hadn’t been too bad. But the future looked bleak. I did not reorder supplies like stain and nails. I did not hire anyone. As a trained aeroplane mechanic, I put my skills to work at various golf courses in the area, fixing golf carts, chain saws, weedwhippers and backhoes. This kind of employment allowed me to continue building Apple Baskets. The downturn was quite the conversation piece among business people during the winter of 1989 / 90. But what struck me was, that the media went silent on the coming recession – stroke – depression. Editorials were as dishonest as they are to-day, be happy, don’t worry and just keep taking on obligations. People were planning marriages, mortgages were being arranged for new houses, some were leaving secure jobs to take up new positions and many were going out on a limb financially. News of the coming recession should have been made available to all Canadians but the Nazi press failed in its’ duty to the people. I learned a big lesson. Politicians, big business, banks and the great and greedy had insider information which they used to protect themselves. My information about the coming collapse was based on my own experience and a connection with 200 little stores across the Country. None of the little people would have been hurt if the papers had done the job they claim they do. Favouring the great and greedy grafters was the position taken by the Nazi media in return for cash. All of those innocent little people who came out on the losing end in 1989 / 95 were sold out for cash by the Nazi press. There is a reason why I call them the Nazi media. The Republicans have a long history of supporting the Fascists first WW 1, then the Nazis in WW 11. Hitler was sending money to the Republicans during the late 1930s, this to keep the USA out of the War. EXXON’s parent Standard oil, supplied Hitler with gasoline during WW 11, until Adolf ran out of money. It remains true of the Republicanazis to-day and also the American oil monopoly, namely, that they played both sides of the street, no matter who gets hurt, foreigners, immigrants or Barb Black’s little Americans. Georgie Jr. and Jeb Bush’s Grandfather Preston laundered money for the Nazi’s at his NY bank in the early 1940s. So it would seem that the Republicans, going back to the time of Coolidge and Hoover, were quite sympathetic to the Fascist ideology. Ronnie Reagan, during his Presidency called all of the major newspapers and TV networks together and formed a cabal in which the right wing ideology would be favoured over the truth. Just a little spin here, just a little spin there to begin with. Reagan also gave the Nazi media protection from law suits related to lies, libel and character assassination by removing the laws pertaining to such grievances. Reagan, justified his revoking of said laws by saying that with free press coverage it would be balanced and all sides of a story would be told. This is utter clap trap. Ronnie had just crushed a free press in the USA and replace it with journalists and commentators hired to sing from a Nazi style song book. Thus the media moguls were plunked into shade, permanently protected. Push the right wing agenda, firstly were Reagan’s instructions. This allowed the papers to hire dumb ass reporters and speakers who knew nothing and whose two major qualifications had to be understanding rightie gibberish and being able to read a press release or an E-Mail without being curious. Hitler controlled his press by the use of force. Reagan controlled his media with money and immunity from lawsuits from people whose reputations and lives they destroyed by reporting false News and made up stuff. The kind of stuff our Ezzie La Rant throws up and then is published by Mulroney’s Sun. Under Reagan, the American media went totally right and totally Nazi. Then under Thatcher the English press went totally right and totally Nazi [ not the Guardian / New Statesman ]. We here in Canada have followed suit, with Herr Harper controlling things from his closet in the House of Commons. When the green horn rightie writers want to flex their tiny brain muscle and gain some creds from Lyin Steve, they write about the NEP myth, use the term left leaning and attack unions, Medicare, education, those who don’t like guns and rewrite Canadian history. Did you know that there are 300 million guns in America, almost one for every person in the Country. Blacks and Hispanic can own guns legally and show them in the open, even assault weapons. The recent killing of young blacks by police and the threatened deportations of Hispanics in California and 4 million illegals in the rest of the Country by Republicanazis is pushing the USA towards open warfare. Central to this is the Nazi press. The newsies are not part of the solution. They are a huge part of the problem, and our friend and President Ronnie set them on this course. Herr Harper has picked up on the same rightie approach. Reagan suffered from Alzheimers. Herr Harper is just plain nuts. Steve wants more guns and stiffer laws to deal with his opponents, critics [ me ] the eco terrorists [ like David Suzuki ]. If we both get jailed together I wouldn’t mind bunking in with him before our executions take place. He seems like a neat guy to get to know. In the 1989 / 90 crash most regular people didn’t have a clue, some just lost money, other lost everything, including families, even lives. They were treated like toadstools by the Nazi media, kept in the dark and fed horseshit. The Star, Globe, Post, Sun and CTV have blood on their hands but escaped blame. In the aftermath, the evil press went to work for the politicians, big business and great and greedy, this to scatter responsibility, fill the air with nonsense, publish bogus theories, divert attention and seek to make things as confusing as possible. It worked. The elites actually profited from 1989 / 90 because of their advanced knowledge that the roof was about to fall in. And the tall tales that the Nazi press published on behalf of the rich and famous to secure yet again another transfer of wealth to the rich from the ever poorer.

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The 2008 / 2009 financial collapse was a replay of 1989 / 90 fiasco. Only this time it was done on purpose by the US banks and Wall St. Just two days ago Wall Street cheered the management of Target for closing all those Canadian stores, this to cut the costs of their mighty blunder. The losses suffered by employees, landlords, small suppliers, cleaners and the communities was never mentioned by the papers nor the Wall Streeters. Barb Black’s little people don’t amount to shit. During 9 / 11 seven stock brokers were interviewed. They were located in a big building close to ground zero. Not one of them mentioned the twin towers going down. There only interest was in whether the stock market would go up or down. The toadstools are in the hands of these guys. Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton and Georgie Bush had REMOVED ALL OF THE RESTRICTIONS AND RESTRAINTS ON THE US FINANCIAL COMMUNITY. The grafters came up with new schemes which were very risky, exceptionally profitable and wherein the American taxpayers bore all the risk. Now the people were not told they’d be stuck for all of this chicanery because the media was paid to hold their tongues. The citizens went their merry way, full in the knowledge that the laws of the land protected them from the thievery, first exhibited by the Republicanazis in the 1920s. Coolidge, Hoover and their Party caused the great crash of 1929. FDR, when he became President in 1933, put in place laws that would protect Americans and ensure that such financial folderall would never happen again. But the right wing never liked FDR and spent hundreds of millions of dollars and 50 years to remove Franklin’s laws that protected the wealth of middle American. Ron, George, Bill and Georgie Jr. succeeded in placing the USA back into the late 1920s and create another opportunity for the great and greedy to take Middle America back out to the woodshed and pick their pockets once again. As this game of stealing went on, the Nazi media just sat back, mum’s the word and cashed their gold embossed cheques. There is an old saying, that if you keep doing the same thing you will continue to get the same lousy result. For the Republicanazis and the Nazi media, this doing the same thing over and over is a real positive. The little people always lose With no financial laws in place the rewards are limitless and the Repubs and press NEVER LOSE. It is the regular Americans who keep ending up at the sharp end of the stick. It is the Nazi press that puts them at the top or puts you in the bottom of the bucket. Once you trust someone it is hard to come to grips with the fact that he / she is a common thief. If you believe in the goals of a political party, it is hard to come to the realization that outsiders who do not share your goals and hope have taken control. My beloved Progressive Conservative Party was taken over by the Republicanazis. They have steered it toward evil purposes, namely the enrichment of he rich. In the end, the takeover of Canada complete, could cost you and your family the Country we all love. Frank Miller, acting as a right wing puppet in 1985 allowed the Republicanazis and American money in the door of my Ontario PC Party. I encountered a few of the hard right in that day. I did not like them, they didn’t like me. By 1995 my Party was firmly in the hands of the American Fascists but I still did not realize the extent of the infliltration by the right. It was only when I began working for the PCs in the Pickering area that I grasped how Americanized the Progressive Conservatives in Ontario had become. The second mandate of Mike Harris saw him win a slimmer majority in 1999, than the first time round and his popular vote decreased. While I was dissatisfied with my Party performance I thought this might scare the Executive into returning to the winning formula of Frost, Robarts and Davis. Ontario’s electrical system was in pitiful state due to a coup d’etat by the nukie industry. The voters were riled up over an assortment of rightie initiatives. I urged Harris by letter, not to sell hydro. Mike did not reply. I met with my MPP Janet Ecker to urge her to urge the Premier to make just one promise. PROMISE TO FIX HYDRO AND ALL OF THE LITTLE RIGHT WING WRONG HEADED IDEAS WOULD FORGOTTEN. Fix hydro and our Party will win the next election I said to Mike. Ignore this KW problem, run on your record and you and the PCs will be toast. The PCs were run by Repubs., Bay St. and American money. There was no way this Fascist lot was ever going to do anything for Ontarians, like dropping the price of electricity by half. Which is still a possibility but the private interests, friends of McGuinty are making too much money to ever consider the plight of ratepayers. Harris at the end of his second term, realized he was going to lose. 7 years of ignoring the PC membership had left their mark. Mike Harris bailed like the coward he is, not wanting a defeat to appear on his record in the history books. The press said nothing. A very frightened Brian Mulroney bailed out too, same reason, plus Brian was a thief. The press said nothing. A doubly frightened Dalt McGuinty quit the Legislature and closed the house for months. The press said nothing. Ontario was at that time, no longer a democracy. The press said nothing. Rather, our fate was in the hands of a few unelected Liberal insiders. The press said nothing. David Onley, former Lieutenant Governor was duped by McGuinty, Onley facilitated Dalt’s departure. The press said nothing. Onley allowed the Province to fall into the hands of a few non elected Liberals officials, who had no clear legal way of redeeming the situation. The Nazi media never told the people in this Province that our democracy had come to an end. McGuinty, the most corrupt Premier Ontario has ever had was allowed to escape and run away. the press said nothng. Dalt hid in a closet at Harvard for a year. The Nazi media gave McGuinty a free pass. The Liberal Government, then and now buys a lot of advertising. Do you think for a moment that the papers would turn their backs on juicy advertising contract by chasing McGuinty??? Not bloody likely.

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Dalton McGuinty was never a Liberal. He is a Rightpulicanazi in disguise. The companies Dalt rewarded with insider contract, giving them access to public money is staggering. Highway # 407 was given away by Mike Harris in a secret agreement to pay his hidden debts. That contract is full of more holes than a Swiss cheese. In about 2005 I urged McGuinty to make the # 407 contract public and take back the highway. Dalt refused because his friends were making too much insider money. This was at a time when it was revealed in the papers that Dalt got a free house from the nuclear industry. Later on, McGuinty cancelled the two nat. gas generating plants in Oakville and paid TransCanada pipelines and other companies, huge amounts of public money for the cancellation with no scrutiny. Metrolinx is another link with McGuinty’s friends which doles out hundreds of millions. The airport express is using 100 year old railway tracks and uses Diesel technology [ when every city in the world is going electric ]. The express cost a lot of money to build and will never be profitable. It was a gift to the Pan Am Games and will cost the taxpayer hundreds of millions of dollars before it is replaced by electric, elevated trains like the London System. The express was set up as a separate company which will be sold to the private sector as soon as the games are over. That private company will be guaranteed a certain level of profit. No matter what the losses are, the taxpayers of the whole Province will be on the hook forever. This is just another McGuinty giveaway to his business friends. I would love to know what Dalton One is netting from all the insider deals he made from 2003 until he ran away. McGuinty probably has an office somewhere to look after all of the graft cheques coming in for selling ONTARIO OUT. Oh yes as usual, the press said nothing in return for cash. What is going on in Alberta and what is going on in Ontario are related to right wing ideology, their so called free market, their monumental greed and their drive to kill off democracy. It is time to get off your keister and pick up your pitchfork. Otherwise you can continue to sit there on your couch eyes wide shut and you will be transported back to the dark ages. Canada’s oil business is finished. California, with 38 million people is becoming the Great Dust Bowl two. And England will be divided in half by a 20 miles wide stretch of water, running from the Wash to the Bristol Channel. All brought to you by the American right wing. When you are living in a hole in the ground with your starving children, you will have no reason to complain.
The opportunity to seize the moment comes with a time limit, doesn’t give you 25 years to make up your mind.

Catch you next time — Ken LAOCOON

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