Posts Tagged Kathryn’s Reports


I am going to divide this post into a number of sections. It is a long review of the flight training industry in Canada and the failed POLICIES OF THE FAA. I also take a peek at flying instruction in the wider world, although I do not have a lot of info, something that is closely guarded by resident countries. The global aviation press does not handle adversity well. They hide the truth as long as possible, then sanitize problems saying the least possible. On the other hand difficulties in commercial aviation are not easy to hide because governments must address public concerns. With machines under 12,500 lbs, mums the word. The sections will cover ** MY BACKGROUND ** THE PROBLEMS ** THE FACT THAT WE HAVE ALL THE INGREDIENTS TO IX THE PROBLEMS ** IT COULD BE OFF INTO THE WIDE BLUE YONDER. BUT IF NOBODY KNOWS THERE IS A PROBLEM, WHY SPEND TIME FIXING A PROBLEM THE PUBLIC KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT???. THE FAA HAS BECOME A POLITICAL ARM OF THE USA GOVERNMENT. INDIVIDUAL PILOTS AND CITIZENS ARE THE LAST TO BE CONSIDERED. THIS POISON HAS BEEN SPREAD AROUND THE WORLD. THOSE WHO BENEFIT THE MOST ARE POLITICIANS, US CORPORATIONS / WALL ST., THE OWNERS OF THE GENERAL AVIATION INDUSTRY AND SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS, LIKE PILOT ORGANIZATIONS THAT DO NOT REPRESENT REGULAR PILOTS. INCLUDED IN THIS ALL AV NEWS IS GOOD NEWS, THE AVIATION PRESS TAKES MONEY NOT TO TELL BAD STORIES. In terms of the difficulties with private flying here, I believe that Canadians are made of sterner stuff, like the truth. Inherently we are problem solvers, although this potential was all but thrown away over the last ten years. Harper was paid by the oilies to encourage us to do our very worst. Excellence is not an attractive attribute for a people about to be enslaved by the right. Our population is one tenth that of the USA meaning we have always lived in the shadow of this behemoth. But size really doesn’t matter. Quality beats quantity every time. However quality has to be appreciated by the possessor. It has been the nature of the USA beast to take advantage of its’ neigbours to suit its’ own interests. The usual course of action Americans have taken, is to just invade its’ neighbours then make up the rules of conduct to suit Now with America under a Trumpf dictatorship, it will be interesting to see how many countries will just fall in line. Will Canada, after 150 years meekly surrender??? We were last invaded by the USA in 1812, and the Americans were repelled. What of 2017??? To-day, we should not forget our long history. In 1893 Americans invaded Hawaii. In 1899 the USA invaded the Philippines. The Mericans invaded Nicaragua in 1910, Honduras in 1911, Panama in 1912, Mexico in 1914, Dominican Republic in 1914, Haiti in 1914, Cuba in 1917 and an attempted invasion of Cuba by Pres. Kennedy in 1961. There are many more nations which have felt the heel of American jackboot in military operations, these, scatter over the years. The Yankees have never been shy about taking what they want from friends as well as enemies. There is no difference. You are a Yankee friend as long as you are giving in. Display some steel spine and the US will imprison you or kill you. In the last 10 years the USA has concentrated on Canada, the EU and England. The Yanks intend to take control of Canada. They have already taken over the EU. It terms of Britain, it was to be used by the USA as a back door to the 27 member countries. There has been no need to invade any of them because money has currency here, in London and in Brussels. The Americans simply bought the turncoats and the media in the respective lands and are proceeding to do takeovers of the machinery of government, in each case, from the inside. These stealth campaigns are very sophisticated, long term and the Yankee skills at subduing recalcitrant residents have been honed over many years. In Canada it was the American oil monopoly which took the lead. Preston Manning, then Steve Harper and the University of Calgary were hired, along with the Canadian media, to hand Parliament over to the rightpublicanazis. Things didn’t work out as planned and the Yankee takeover, scheduled for 2016 was scuttled by the Liberal win on Oct. 9 / 15. Harper had not succeeded in totally snuffing out democracy here for his Houston masters. But the USA always plays the long game. If they can’t enslave a people one way, they just regroup and try again. There are it seems, plenty of Canadian, British and European turncoats who like US dollars better than their countries. Since January 2016, both Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau have faced vicious personal attacks from Canada’s Nazi media funded by guess who??? Why the USA oil monopoly out of Houston, that’s who. Surprise,surprise! As I write this, every major Canadian news outlet and some minor ones [ maybe 50 / 60 or more ] are running the identical copy and the very same moment about the Aga Khan heli ride taken by Trudeau and to his family on their holiday in the Islands. This story was fabricated by Houston and sent to our papers and TV in an instant, by bulk E-Mail. One word [ and a cheque ] from Houston and the whole of our Nazi media attacks either Rachel Notley or PM Trudeau. The sad sacks on the right are a dour bunch, beset with worries. If there are no worries handy, like Ezzie Le Rant, they make shitty stuff up. The rightish black cloud never permits a ray of sunshine. Each such Canadian turncoat, who slavishly adheres to the mindless rigthie ideology and is gear to act without thinking gets a petro cheque. You know, it makes sense businesswise. The oilies giving a few bucks to the cash strapped losers, Paul Godfrey / National Post, David Thomson / Globe and Tar, John Honderich / Tor. Star, Bell Media and all the other low achievers is so much cheaper than sending the US Army in. There has always been a slew of Canadians turncoats who will do anything for a buck. Even selling their Country’s sovereignty. What work is involved in selling out your Country??? No work really, when you are selling something you don’t own. It is just a matter of Ivison, Coyne, Corcoran et al, of attaching their names to Houston copy and putting it out there. Our Nazi press takes over from there with massive coverage. It is a proven approach, say that Premier Notley has ruined Alberta or Justin Trudeau is not ready, not ten times but thousands of times. The rightpublicanazi attitude, like Hitler, is that the masses are ignorant and should be treated as such. It is clear that the Americans still have eyes for Canada and that they are committed to funding that pursuit. As long as the money, flows Paul Godfrey, will continue to sell Canada down the river. He gets a million and a half per to play his role in the takeover. But that is really only chump change when you figure the value of the Country the Americans will be getting? A nation with 35 million slaves, wow, think of the AMERIGREED take from all those bent backs. I never figure Godfrey had much going on in the brain department, he is really like pedestrian. If Paul had half a brain, for what the value of Canada is to the USA, he should be demanding $ 50 million compensation a year. But when you really think of it, AMERIGREED usually picks those with the thickest head to do their dirty work. Neither Steve Harper or David Cameron were the brightest bulbs. Both failed to deliver the goods to the Yankees. Money also played a big part in bringing the EU to heel. The unelecteds in Brussels, by virtue of their Constitution were locked into responding to the demands of the 27 nations. However Goldman Sachs, now part of the Trumpf Government, began handing Brussels spending money on the sly, this allowed the bureaucrats to freelance here and there and take a more independent course. The rule of democracy in the EU countries could be ignored by Brussels and measures put in place to diminish the will of the people. This is exactly what the US rightpublicanazis have been doing since Reagan, separating the people from their ballot. It is a process which could best described as the death of democracy. This process has succeeded in the States and the EU. The jury is still out on Canada. If the Houston money continues to flow here generously and Paul Godfrey and his friends are able to sustain their attacks on Notley and Trudeau until 2019, for this Nation it is a toss up? The question is are the masses in this Country that stupid??? Come a couple of years and we will have our answer. For England the picture is much clearer. BREXIT is fact. In that democracy, the vote that was held will be impossible to overturn without a revolt, no matter how much AMERIGREED wishes it so. Teresa May knows that. She and the Fascists are barely in power in a Parliamentary system that organized a referendum on EU membership. If May fumbles BREXIT and the Labour Party gets it’s shit together and stops the infighting then the Conservatives will be out. Thus the huge sums of money that AMERIGREED is spending in England on the Nazi London press is a complete waste. The idea of freeing Brussels for the grip of 27 democratic government would have allowed Washington and Goldmans to take advantage of the EU situation. Again, like in Canada from the inside. Cameron and the London financiers were to be used to access the 27 EU members to facilitate the movement of secret cash and money laundering through the Cayman Islands. David was a sort of junior partner on the inside, representing the US and Streeters. Thus money could be channeled to corrupt elected politicians in the EU countries to buy their support for American initiatives. In this arrangement AMERIGREED didn’t have to lift a finger. Then that stupid Cameron went and put a vote on BREXIT before the people. In such a remaining democracy, it is unwise for politicians, to engage the people in a vote unless the stakes are fully explained and there is a plan to proceed on whatever course the people decide on. Cameron did not explain himself and never expected anything other that a STAY vote. The Yankees and Brussels were sure that Dave, would win because of a usual massive Nazi media campaign funded by the Americans. Of which the Trudeau, Aga Khan, heli story is just another example of Fascist intentions, world domination. Well the Brits, being the democratic souls, said they on voting day, chuck-you-farley. And opted to get out of the EU. This reduced Cameron’s influence with the EU to zero and so he quit. Being that right wingers always run and hide when the bullets start flying, as in Harper’s case. Good riddance to the two of them. Brussels now has its’ hands tied, it has lost maneuvering room. The secret money has been cut off with Cameron’s exit. BREXIT has caused unrest in some EU countries. As well having Goldman Sachs running the European Central Bank doesn’t sit well with them. The whole value of the EU caper to the Americans is now much diminished. The USA presently is waging a Nazi media campaign to reverse the BREXIT VOTE. I can’t see that being a success at all. The Brits will never accept meddling. And who knows what Trumpf and his gang of thugs will do??? The USA is lost to us now and any dealings with that Country should be severed immediately. Canada has a brief window to batten down the hatches before the date with destiny in the Fall of 2019. It may be that the Civil War now afoot in the States will cancel the rightpublicanazi designs on Canada and the EU. It will be easy to determine if that is the case. If US dollars were to stop flowing to Paul Godfrey, David Thomson, John Honderich, Bell and the rest. They would have to change horses and suddenly court Canadians WITH THE TRUTH. WOULDN’T THAT BE SOMETHING TO SEE??? John Ivison, Andrew Coyne and David Akin becoming truth mongers. I don’t know whether my Pacemaker could stand it??? With this understanding of the present political climate I will now explore the possibilities of bringing private flying and flight training into the twenty first century. Under the circumstance I am going to leave the FAA out of my plans. Over the last 20 years the FAA has become politicized! Oh REALLY! The agency serves the interest of Congress, the industry and pilot organizations. Individual pilots, the public and safety have been forgotten. The FAA is mostly responsible for the mess General Aviation is in. Tidying things up will be impossible unless the FAA admits it screwed up. There is not much of a chance that will happen. I see the path ahead involves the Civilian Aviation Authorities in Canada and England, as well as ICAO [ International Civil Aviation Organization ] and IATA [ International Air Transport Association ]. Maybe we Canadians can finally address one problem and bring it through to a solution, on time and under budget. Now in terms of recent Canadian history, THAT WOULD BE A FIRST!!!

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MY BACKGROUND — I was born in Toronto Ont. in 1935, to parents born in London England. My mum’s dad, George Hobbs was a fitter in the British Army during the Boer / First War. His specialty was artillery. After the War he and the family moved to Toronto and he became a machinist. My dad’s father James Spratley, served his apprenticeship as a bricklayer on London’s Subways in the 1890s. My dad was born in Barnes, south of the Thames where the Oxford / Cambridge boat races take place. Eventually James became a builder and employed his six sons, my dad was the youngest. But he quit and became a machinist too, Dad didn’t like mud nor do I. His first job was with BSA which mainly manufactured guns, ammunition, shells and motorcycles. Dad moved to Canada on his own in 1921 and went to work for GM in Oshawa. He was a mechanic all his life. Both my sons, Richard and James are builders.
I started to fly at age 15, with Marion Orr at Barker Field in Toronto. And bought a motorcycle to get to the airfield. I got my learner’s permit just after my 16th birthday on Jan. 27 / 1951. I learned to fly in Fleet Canucks, mostly CF-DYX. I got a little time in a 65 hp Aeronca Chief, CF-DUL. No electrics, it had a hand pull starter, neat. And heel brakes, wicked. The heel of a shoe could get caught underneath and you were as good as gone into a groundloop. During 1951 I worked on my licence, striving to get to 30 hours. Marion charged me $ 350, of which Ottawa paid her $ 100. The Government wanted to maintain a civilian pilot pool in case of hostilities. Everything was wrapped by Xmas. On Jan. 25/52 I got my Licence, two days before my birthday, I was the youngest pilot in Canada at that moment. Trans-Canada Airlines was hiring pilots, so I began working on my Commercial. I trade my motorcycle and $ 250 for a Taylor J-2, 40 horse Cub, CF-BHN. From 1951 onward I worked as an apprentice AME for Jim Leggat at Barker. I flew BHN at lunch time and after work building up hours during 1952. Marion monitored my progress and was a big encouragement to me. At her Aero Activities Flight School I was the sort of mascot. I was a tall skinny 17 year old who looked like 12. Visitors used to notify the Flight Office that some young kids was among the aeroplanes. George Shearing, Les Paul, Mary Ford and Glenn Miller records went on all day. BHN soloed from the back seat. During lunch I would strap my lunch box on the front seat and munch on sandwiches. BHN was powered by a Continental A-40 with a single mag, gas cost 25 cents per gallon. I had a good job at Leggats, 85 bucks a week when some married men with children were only making $ 75. I bought a 1951 Ford. Life was pretty good.


By May 1953 I had passed my Commercial Pilots Licence, having accumulated over 200 hours in BHN. Expecting to get a crack at TCA I sold the J-2. Since leavens Brothers had sold Barker Field at Dufferin and Lawrence in Toronto to industrial developers, Jim Leggat built a new hangar and workshop at Buttonville Airport. What a godsend. At Barker there was no hangar, we worked outside in the snow banks or the burning sun. Armed with my Commercial ticket, I began testing aeroplanes that went through the Leggat hanger. I was a rare breed, both flying and repairing planes. I always maintained I was a better pilot for being a mechanic and a better mechanic for being a pilot. Marion Orr had to move her school because of the Barker sale. Marion settled on a Maple Village farm as her new location. The old gang from Barker used to descend on Marion’s location after work and we built her an airport, free. All of us had succeeded in our quest to fly, she had given us our wings. We owed her and owed her. Originally I was the gofer at Leggats as well as the coffee boy. I was there for 5 years. To write the AME exams, the apprenticeship was 3 years, and I was not yet 21. I spent a year and a half in the engine shop and probably overhaul at least 50 engines or parts thereof. Mostly we worked on Continentals, Lycomings, Gypsys and the odd Warner, Kinner or Jacobs. I ran the fabric shop for almost 2 years, we did covering as well as metalizing Stinson 108s and Piper Pacers. We overhauled EDO floats in the winter and traveled to the Toronto Island Airport, Spring and Fall for float changeovers. At times we went out to pick up downed aircraft. At the time Toronto was surrounded by farms, so an engine out meant plopping down in some farmer’s field, from which a plane could not be extracted. We had a pickup with racks and a trailer. We would go out in the field, dismantle the bird and bring it home where it would be fixed and reassembled in short order. In this regard I was never involved with fatalities or serious injuries. In those days we had good pilots and aeroplanes with real wings. One Cub went over on it’s back and broke its’ back. Fabric was stripped from the fuselage. The cockpit / wing area was set up in a wooded jig. The complete tail assembly was set up on saw horses. All the bent and twisted 1025 steel tubing was cut away. New longerons were sliced in and the diagonals set in place. After weld up, it was put in the hangar and recovered. That Cub was back flying within the month. A complete recovery job at that time was $ 600. Bush operations were opening up in Northern Ontario so there was a demand for Stinson 108s on floats. The factory at Wayne Mich. did not equip all its’ production of 108s with float fittings. Jim specialized is such conversions. We tore out the wood in the back seat area, floor and paneling. Then cut the fabric fromfeb / 54 around the rear clusters. The EDO rear strut fittings for 2425 floats were then welded on. Interestingly the front spar compression tube which was above the instrument panel was nor sealed at the ends. We unhooked the wings and moved them out about 18 in onto support jigs. It was my job to solder sheet metal covers over the compression tube open ends. This was done after the welding was completed because of the need to disconnect the wing tanks. As we moved into 1954 I expected to go on course with TCA. In Feb. / 54, Stan Deluce, the owner of White River Air Service visited Leggats. We did work for him, especially EDO floats. Stan was looking for pilots for the upcoming season. I don’t know how they got around to it but Jim agreed to let me go into the bush in return for float work the following winter. Thus I was old into slavery for EDO repair work behind my back. My pay for 40 hours a week was to remain. When Stan and Jim put this to me, of course I jumped at the chance, flying my own 190 hp Stinson 108-3, on floats was to die for. Our main base was on the River in Chapleau, my base was on a lake 2 miles north of White River. I soon realized that being a bush pilot was a 7 day a week job, with little time off. 1954 was a bad time for forest fires in Northern Ontario, we were very busy. There was an additional load on my shoulders, Stan also got a mechanic in the bargain. While I was there no AME ever check my Stinson. I did all my own work. And it was signed for by the engineer at the Chapleau Lands and Forests Branch of the Ontario Government. I was working long hours, under the stress of flying from sun up to sun down on some days. By July 1954 my health was beginning to fail. I was losing weigh from a skinny frame and having trouble sleeping. I visited the doc and he recommended I take some time off after accumulating well over 300 hours. My job at Leggats was being held for me so I quit White River. Stan’s son, Robert Deluce owns Porter Airlines, which flies out of the Toronto Island Airport. It is a quality outfit, the Deluces now all about commercial aviation. I returned to Leggats in August 1954 and was notified by TCA that an interview and medical had been arranged. I replied that I had just come down from White River on medical leave and wished to postpone the interview. TCA replied, come now or never. I flew to Montreal on a Canadair North Star, which was powered by RR Merlins, as were the Lancaster, Spitfire, Hurricane, Mosquito and P-51 Mustang. I had my TCA interview and medical and returned to Toronto. I got a reply from TCA saying that I was medically unfit, and had been rejected, which was nonsense. I never had a sick day in my life and when I was in Montreal, I told the doctors that I had just returned from the bush. The White River doctor thought I was fatigued enough to present a danger to myself and my passengers. He recommended nothing more than a couple of weeks rest. I was extremely disappointed. Work and flying resumed at Leggats. I changed gears. My AME apprenticeship had stretched into almost 5 years and I had purposely shifted from one department to the other at Leggats. To pass the AME exam required wide experience, and Jim was cooperative. Dave Bell, the Chief Airworthiness Inspector for the Toronto District disliked me. First of all I was a Commercial Pilot he thought I should be off flying and not taking away a mechanic’s job. I was interested in homebuilding, something just coming in in the USA. An English engineer at Leggats and I even bought a burned up Cub with the idea of clipping its’ wings. Dennis set me up by having me talk to Bell about it. Davy blew up. I asked him about writing my AME before my 21st birthday as I had done with my Private. Thus I would have been Canada’s youngest Private Pilot, Canada’s youngest Commercial Pilot and Canada’s youngest AME. Dave Bell put me straight. As long as he was the Chief Inspector he would see that I never got an AME Licence. There was nothing in the DOT regs to prevent me from writing but everyone was afraid of Davy Bell. He could make or break people in the business at will. So there would be no AME for me.


The bush pilot gig had proved to me that it was a difficult, demanding job at low pay. I learned that the industry preyed on young pilots looking to put in time. The desire to fly was so great, that some green Commercials would work for a muffin and stale coffee. I have always had a mercenary side, I don’t work free for nobody. After almost 5 years there was no AME license in my future. Davy Bell would let me work in the industry but I would always be an apprentice at that pay rate. I had too much experience to work for peanuts. In terms of TCA, I soon uncovered the truth. In 1954 TCA was shedding all civilian pilot applications by declaring people medically unfit. The Korean War had just ended. The Federal Government told TCA to hire all the RCAF jet jockeys who were returning from the War. TCA did not hire any civilian pilots for ten years. It was clear that I would not get an airline job. So 5 years of hard work of getting the Private / Commercial Licences and serving a more than full AME apprenticeship I had gone down a dead end alley. Flying lost its’ appeal and I quit Leggats and went into the appliance service business with my dad, thus I became self employed, a situation that lasted till 2000. Weep no tears for me. I met my future wife, got married, we had 3 kids and were together until 1999, when Evelyn died at 58 from a heart attack.


In 1956 I bought a 85 hp Aeronca Champ on 1400 floats, CF-GSH. I had purchased an acre of cottage property on Baptiste Lake, just north of Bancroft Ont. GSH was parked on the Holland River, north of Toronto. We flew back and forth to Baptiste. Ev and I talked about getting married and it was clear the Aeronca had to go. In the sixties I became involved with EAA locally in Oshawa. It was a good fit. My considerable experience among novices was an asset to them. I ran workshops, attended aviation shows and acted as an EAA Councilor, helping people learn all about the working of a flying machine. I also represented EAA at meeting in Ottawa as the DOT attempted to come to grips with homebuilt and ulralights regulationwise. I found no fault with my training as a pilot and a mechanic with AME qualifications. Our circuits and airport procedures had come about over a long time. The regulations concerning airworthiness were totally valid in my view. However there were people in the homebuilding movement who saw the regulations as being too restrictive. There were heated meeting with DOT in terms of the regs being relaxed. I disagreed. I thought we should be maintaining a high level of pilot competence and a high standard for whatever flying machines we built or bought.
Coming forward for a moment I am glad to see that the Canadian DOT has maintained higher standards than the FAA in the States. Spend any time on the net and it is easy to see that the caliber of US pilots has gone down and the condition of the old lightplane
fleet is deteriorating at an accelerating pace. For years I wrote two columns for the COPA News [ about 150 of them ]. ” Technically Speaking “, which covered building and repairs. The other was called ” Taxiing on the Step “, it related more to flying and training. When Marion Orr taught me to fly, you were going to get a Private Licence in 30 hours or close to it. If she found you were not pilots material she washed you out. Marion wouldn’t take people’s money. During WW 11 40% of pilots were washed out. Instructors knew in about 18 if you were in or out. During the 1970s flight training in Canada changed. Schools started sell hours not pilot’s licenses. In my day one needed 30 hours for a PPL. The DOT over time increased the time required to 35 hrs, then 40 hrs and now 45 hrs. I agreed. But flying schools, with every increase just double the time. My daughter started lessons at Oshawa. In short order it was evident that they were not teaching her to fly, just looking to bill hours. I attended many flyins and was amazed at the things people were launching into the air. Kites constructed of soft aluminum tubing held together with pop rivet and mild steel screws from the local hardware. based on my training, they were and are death traps. Could it be that my years of training to be an AME were all wrong, that AN hardware, SS locking wire, cotter pins and generous bearing surfaces are no longer needed. And that any contraption put together in a back yard qualifies to take to the air. Never! While the world moves ahead, aviation goes backward. In my COPA columns I wrote about my concerns and had a large Canadian following. On my views about Flight Training Schools I was rebuffed by the President of the industry, this by way of a letter published in the COPA News. Even if absolutely no pilots are graduated as long there are lots of billable hours. His letter was quite nasty. COPA agreed with him. Okay, they were just selling hours but so what did it matter? I thought skilled, safe pilots was the goal? Then I discovered COPA was censoring my Columns. It turned out that COPA had hired a young women, just out of university in Toronto to be Editor of the News. She knew little or nothing about flying. I finally got her on the phone in COPA Ottawa office and said what gives??? She admitted she was lifting some of my stuff. She said that COPA was trying to promote flying and what I was writing was having a bad affect on their advertisers. She was too clued out to realize that the shrinking pilot pool numbers were just going increase with her attitude. Sweep the problems under the rug, and don’t say a word was apparently COPA’s stance. Killing off enthusiasts, stealing from fledgling pilots who were guaranteed never to succeed and driving people on the ground nuts with the noise from unmuffled engines is a long journey off a short dock. In fact in 2017, the fate of irritating, noisy lightplanes, homebuilts and ultralights may already have been decided. Just one major negative event, which mobilizes the public could see the whole kabash banned. My response to the COPA News Editor, was to tell her she could write her own columns. I could see where flying in Canada was headed and that the downward spiral would continue. And it did and has. Ah well, LAOCOON, a Trojan priest tried to warn his people to beware of the Greek horse. He was killed for his efforts and the Trojans welcomed the horse into their midst. THAT WAS A BIG MISTAKE AS YOU KNOW. Sometimes it is futile to warn comfortable people of impending doom. They must suffer before their brains kick in. Since my COPA days, I wonder how many pilot deaths occurred that were preventable, if aviation had taken a different and wiser course???


A married man with a wife and 3 kids, a lot of money does not have. The Wag Aero CUBy
homebuilt came on the market in 1974. Dick Wagner had made rough drawings of a Piper J-3, with which I was very familiar. Plans were available for 75 bucks. It was a copy of a 1939 aeroplane and actually took us back in time to wooden wings. During my time at Leggats, I worked on Tigers, Finches, Bobcats, Cornells, a Fairchild 24, a Waco, a Beech Staggerwing, a Puss Moth, a DH Rapide and others. I hated wood with a passion. I was a metal man, aluminum sheet and 4130 steel. The idea of a CUBy was interesting my ideal was a PA-18, still being made and sold around the world by Piper. I met a guy at a Flyin who had a set of CUBy plans, No # 43, for sale, 40 buck, I took the plunge. A quick read of the plans showed Wagner had left out a lot of details and substituted part numbers of items that he was selling at Wag-Aero. Mind, people are CUB crazy and the additional cost of buying parts for a homebuilt would not deter them. However homebuilding is supposed to be affordable. And being forced to buy parts that can be easily made at home is not fully in the spirit of the movement. After all, Bill Piper, in the early days of his Company, did not have a skilled workforce. The early Cub was simplicity itself, made when material was expensive and labour was cheap. As that equation changed over the years, the older designs were priced out of the market. In the 1980s Piper was losing thousands of dollars on every PA-18 it built. That is why anything Cessna
builds these days is so expensive, the two people teams needed to drive 20,000 hard AN rivets in a C-172 is just too costly. The FAA certification process is a double edged sword. The manufacturer get full control over the sale of parts but their is little wiggle room to modernize a plane. For Cessna to build a composite copy of the 172 would require a complete, new certification program. Another matter arises. Both Piper and Aeronca [ 1946 to 1960 ] used assembly lines. And practically everything was done in house. About the only purchases were the engine, prop, instruments and wheels/brakes/tailwheel. All of these required special tooling like lathes, casting molds, presses and wood working equipment. Then things began to change. Piper, Cessna and Beech turned into assembler of parts. Everything that could be outsourced, was. Components came from all over, but gas was cheap and the roads were clear. Cessna studied the distance traveled by all of the sub assemblies needed for a 172 fuselage, which was put together in the main plant. They came up with 61 miles. That particular component of the total machine was double the estimated cost needed to meet the retail price.


But looking at the CUBy plan had an upside. What if I could use it as the basis of creating a homebuilt PA-18 which could just be better than the original. Piper was still selling the Super Cub unmodified, its’ hands were tied due to FAA certification.
Now it would be impossible to get the blue prints for a PA-18. Nobody was going to strip the fabric off a Super Cub just to make drawings. Even if you could get at the welded fittings and such would be difficult to understand. What materials went into that final assembly. I solved that problem. I had a friend with a completely wrecked PA-18. The pilot took off with snow on his wings. He thought a steep climb would blow the snow off. It didn’t. He did a tailslide for 60 ft. Every major component was bent. The guy opened the door, got out and walked away. I borrowed the engine mount, fuselage, a wing, gear and the tailplanes. From another friend I borrowed a Fleet Canuck fuselage and a wing. There were homebuilders who created amazing little aeroplanes using drawings on brown paper from bags. Once airborne and out in public interest would well up in a particular design but no plans existed. I decided to take a lesson. My PA-18, which I named the Blue Jay, would be blue printed first and constructed on factory type welding jigs. If I finished it??? If there was interest??? I had 30 blueprints. If people wanted parts??? I had the jigs and tooling to reproduce the parts. I did this in my spare time as I had a business to run. With the CUBy plan, as guidance for the measurements and planform of the CUB I began drawing the individual parts. These were mostly revealed in the CUBy plan, and I had access to the wrecked PA-18 and the Fleet Canuck. Every finished part would remain true to Piper but the Canuck [ stressed to 7 Gs Pos./Neg. ] and my past AME experience influenced the outcome. How could a part be made lighter, faster, stronger and cheaper??? The PA-18 has about 420 separate parts not counting hardware. I was determined to lessen that and got the parts count down to 290. Piper had left and right parts. Where possible the BJ parts were universal. It is not that hard to do if you have the mindset. Every part that can be made universal save tooling, manufacturing and reduces the necessary inventory to suppot the product. Aeroplane designers are notorious, for well, designing. As soon as a plane comes on the market, the design department is already at work designing the next generation. There is an old saying, once a designer comes up with a good ship, taking him out behind the hangar and shoot him. The BJ was meant to be frozen. The attributes and weak points of the Super Cub were well known, seeing more than 15,000 were built. The CUB positives are well known but it takes an insider to know where the weak links are. There were a lot of little thing concerning wear parts and service issues. The rudder pedal pivots are fastened under the floor with nuts. If the steel on steel parts wear, which they do, you have to cut holes in the belly fabric to replace them. The control assembly split yoke is welded to the frame. When it wear it is a major job to weld in two new yokes. Having to rib stitch the fabric to the wing, tailplane ribs is time consuming. The tailwheel bracket on the rudder post traps water and rusts out, a big welding job. The wing tip bow is Ash, it rots and is easily damaged in a groundloop. If you go up on a wing the Super Cub, the spars are aluminum extrusions. If stressed, the damage can go right back to the root fittings and the fuselage The Stinson 108s had lighter aluminum parts in the last 3 ft of the spars at the tip. Groundlooping only left this portion of the wing damaged. CUB wheels and brakes were the pits. The panel was solid and on floats it beat the shit out of the instruments. There were no float fittings on a CUB. EDO supplied saddle blocks which bolted on the rear clusters with U bolts. Eventually the lower longerons in that area were flattened. Another costly repair. There wasn’t a long list but it did say to me that Piper could sell every PA-18 it made. The machine was used by businesses, military forces and individual all over the world, so it was one size fits all. The other wrinkle was that the Super CUB was approached from the manufacturing end. The FAA required the plane to be inspected. But if it took me one hour to get a bolt off, and in the doing I had to turn myself into a pretzel, so what? On the net the other day a US J-3 owner complained that his annual had cost him $ 5500. The original J-3 sold for 1395 bucks. My J-2 cost me $450 and I flew it over 200 hours to get my Commercial. The 1940s and 50s were exceptional times. Too many lightplanes [ 30,000 ] were made just after the War and the Can./ US Governments dumped 35,000 surplus trainers onto the market as well. The Governments never considered that their surplus sale would drive more than 40 plane makers out of business. A few bucks for junk trainers cost tens of thousands of lost jobs. Likewise Washington never considered the run away liability law suits which plagued the USA in the 1970s and 8os. The US Supreme Court ruled, that in terms of airplane accidents, the rule of strict liability would prevail. So a VFR pilot, out for a drink, talks 3 buddies into going for a midnight flight in his 25 year old plane, with an expired C of A. The weather is below limits. He takes off from a small airport and hits the wires at the end of the runway. But the jury did not find him to blame. It cost Beech $35 million. Or it cost their insurance company $ 35 mill. In 1985 it was costing Stu Millar, the owner of the New Piper, $ 100,000 per airplane for insurance. He said to hell with that. By the time Congress voted to rein in the vulture lawyers, who were milking the Supreme Court ruling. Piper, Cessna and Beech were gone or going. People in lightplane aviation to-day, do not realize how close they are to the scaffold yard. The citizens will tolerate airliners because can be taken on holidays, business trips or to see family. The tolerate business aircraft, medivac flights or traffic helicopters. But some guy who is flying a replica of a Wright Flyer over their heads on a Sunday morning at 7 am, is flying on borrowed time in real terms as well as figuratively. That said guy, who loves to fly, is in an ultralight because he can’t afford to buy a real aeroplane and can’t pay $ 10,000 for a Private licence. And even if he could, the cost of renting a noisy, 32 year old C-152, which is probably as dangerous as his ultralight, will set him back $ 100 per hour. I know he would just as soon own a J-3 type plane. My point is that pilots and would be pilots are unhappy. The public is fed up with us as are the politicians. Anyone in the lightplane business is underpaid and overworked. WHY IS THE PRESENT SITUATION TOLERATED WHEN IT IS FIXABLE??????


Work on the BJ proceeded apace. The main parts were blueprinted, welding jigs fabricated for the fuselage, tailplanes. struts and gear. I was taught to weld at Leggats. Although I hired a welder, I guided him from the standpoint of knowing exactly was required. There were Aviation Trade Shows in the offing, so I assembled on wing to use for our displays. There was much interest. The wing ribs were made on forms from 6061. The original C 120s / 140s had constant chord wings. In the 150 / 152 Cessna
went to an all metal wing, with a constant chord inner section and tapered outer section. Takeoff performance suffered on the C 150 / 52, its’ top speed however increased a bit. The new wing was heavier and contained many LH / RH parts. Ailerons and flaps were LH / RH as were a dozen or so ribs. Even to-day the c 172 uses the same wing design, it ain’t cheap. The 120s / 140s had two spars, like a ladder. Ribs could be slid onto the spars as the compression tubes and drag, anti drag rods were installed. There were even variations of the famous CUB US 35B wing ribs. In the Super CUB wing, the root and wing strut fittings were extruded aluminum bars and the flap bell cranks were of cast aluminum. These aluminum parts failed on occasion with catastrophic results. In the BJ they were all replaced with 4130 weldments and soaked in zinc chromate. AN attachment bolts for such were all dipped in zinc chromate. The 4130 weldment idea allowed us to incorporate generous bearing surfaces. Even AN bolts are at risk in knife edges. All BJ wing bolts were torqued and had cotter pins. Wing spars were front or back and could be used in either wing. I made a mental, note that an improvement would be to use drag tubes like the Fleet Canuck, instead of CUB rods. It would have been cheaper, stronger and cut assembly time. The BJ leading edge formed right over the spar like on the Canuck, creating a D section and increasing the strength of the wing. The BJ was rated in the Utility Category – 1.76 and + 4.4 Gs. Chris Heinz, a good friend, stressed the BJ wing.


The BJ gradually took shape. I worked with a CAM / Laser company to cut all the BJ fitting from a single sheet of 4130. If you have ever tried to cut 4130 with a hack saw or bandsaw rots of ruck. My idea was to supply my kit builder with sheets of chromoly steel, with all the fittings 98% cut and ready to pop out, much like a model aeroplane. The parts produced were beautiful, it was a major breakthrough and would have been a real time saver. In 1981 / 82, my business held up during the recession and interest rates of 22%. I was using the Blue Jay name before the ball teams was ever thought of. I note that a couple of ultralight makers are now trading on the BJ name. As the production of the Super CUB faltered, due to financial problems the idea crossed my mind to certify the BJ. Very early on, Piper had written me a letter, threatening law suit over my activities. by the early 1980 Piper was in no condition to threaten anyone. I applied to the Ontario Ministry of Trade and Commerce for financial support and was successful. The aviation team at the Ministry was top drawer. It was headed by an Englishman ex RAF. The BJ was well along and I made a commitment certify the craft. Now certifying an existing certified design was not considered onerous. I approached the DOT and worked with James A. Torck on the certification of my bird. Without searching through my files I believe the whole deal would cost me a flat $ 10,000. I would have to supply all the paperwork and the DOT types would check that the BJ conformed to the regulations.
I attended Industry and Trade shows, which were held at Queen’s Park. My mentor chatted me around the many attendees, some from the UK and Europe. The program I was involved in, related to exportable products. The world already had thousands of PA-18s, many of them getting long in the tooth and Piper was in trouble. There was global concern that new Super CUBs would not be available, nor would parts. Industry and Trades’ involvement gave the BJ cachet. The Ont. Government had kick started the DH Beaver program with a purchase of 5 machines, other orders followed. My BJ was seen by the team as going down the same road. My program was in 3 phases, $ 15,000, 15,000 and $ 20,000. Ministry personal visited my shop to check on the BJ’s progress. They were as enthusiastic as I was. Jim Pengelly of the DOT approved my 51% kit. I was given the registration C-GDKV. I circulated a half dozen sets of plans to see if homebuilders could catch what I was pitching. Then the walls of the castle started tumbling down. My Progressive Conservative Government fell to minority under the new leader Frank Miller, he totally botched the Election. There was still about a year to go in the PC mandate. The PC Party was in disarray, when Miller called a snap election. The PC fell to 52 seats, the Liberals and NDP made a deal, and on a Motion of Non Confidence the Tories fell. Frank Miller was a total disaster, a real buffoon. I had pretty well completed Phase One and looked forward to a new injection of money. I had no reason to doubt the Government, I was playing my part. But there was some disquiet. On inspections team members told me of cutbacks and changes at Industry and Trade. Then one day I got a notice from the Government that my program had been canceled. Oh well, at least I had got a $ 15,000 boost. At the end of the Liberal / NDP accord, Preem David Peterson, a small minded, vindictive man, called an election in Sept. 1987. He got 95 seats. Then I was surprised by a letter from Peterson’s Government to the effect that they wanted their $ 15,000 back. I protested to the Premier by letter. As a result I got a notice in response, pay up we will sue. On this account, I actually called Peterson’s office and spoke to his secretary. I brought to his attention, that if the Government proceeded to sue me, it would destroy my family financially. She promised a response by phone, such never came! I got another legal notice and mailed my response to Peterson. I got another legal notice and mailed my response to Peterson. This probably happened a half dozen time, but the threat was never carried forward. Then for all the world to see, Peterson confirmed his incompetence by calling an early election to avoid the oncoming financial meltdown. Bob Rae and the NDP beat the Liberals in 1990. Throughout my time, the Ontario Liberals have always been a grubbing, nasty, corrupt lot. Just look at the present McGuinty Government [ 2017 ], under the direction of Kathleen Wynne. Rae came to office at the worst possible time. I have said before that no politician of any stripe could have done better in the face of a recession / depression which last till 1995. I found out from team members that Peterson was deathly afraid of the Tory Ministry of Industry and Trade. I know there were many project like mine in the pipeline. Peterson did not want any PC successes popping up so he killed Ministry, like as in wiping off the map. So as the recession took hold, Ontarians were denied the many jobs which were coming down the pipeline. The flaw in Peterson’s move was that although he killed the Ministry some of the projects might still burst forth and prove of benefit to the Tories. Peterson’s response was to sue all those involved in the various programs and ruin them financially. But I refused to play ball. If the Government was going to sue, they would have to follow through. I was prepared to stand before a Judge and plead my case. As well as going public. With Peterson wanting to go early, without an okay from his MPPs, he didn’t want any bad publicity about killing jobs Ontario needed. A couple of years into Rae term and the legal notices about the $ 15,000 began again, to a insult to injury, they wanted interest going back 5 years. The BJ and its’ potential was of no consideration. I had husbanded the people’s money and full value for it existed I guessed Bob was hard up for money and grabbing for every dollar he could get. The BJ continued to move along, albeit slowly. The depression was upon us here, one doesn’t launch with a incoming tide. As I was dunned I followed the same procedure. I only communicated with Preem Rae and said you’ll not get a dime. You will have to come and get me. The Province, after 5 years changed gears. They changed the venue to Small Claims Court and proceeded. A young lawyer representing Ontario appeared and proceeded to weave a picture which was all lies. It is pretty sad when a Government lies openly in Court. As if it doesn’t have enough power already. The adjudicator asked me for my response to what the Ontario lawyer had offered. I reached into my brief case and pulled out a big binder, about 3 inches thick. On each point I showed the adjudicator my documentation. Over and over the adjudicator said to the lawyer, what you told me is a lie. The lawyer had the facts all muddled up and he was ill prepared. The adjudicator finally said he had seen enough and asked what I wanted to do about the situation. I felt that the $ 15,000 had come from the people of Ontario. The foul and inexcusable conduct of both Peterson and Rae did not change the picture. I did have the people’s money. I said I would repay the 15 Gs, no interest and that I wanted to pay over time. That is exactly what I got. Repaying the money further slowed progress on the BJ. I then got a letter from the DOT saying the Certification process I was involved in had been cancelled by Paul Martin. Rather than the flat $10,000 fee, this amount had been raised to one hundred thousand. If the DOT workload consumed that amount, I would be billed for the remainder, which could not be estimated. It was ridiculous. No businessman would ever agree to such an open ended arrangement. If the Government was not interested in certifying lightplanes and creating Canadian jobs sobeit. To get the latest stats on the pilot / lightplane populations I called COPA. I was told that the organization no longer gather the stats. So much for having their heads in the sand. I was directed to the DOT. I got a young DOT guy in Ottawa who actually knew me. He said DOT no longer released those stats. However, he did agree to run them off on a copier and mail them to me. I got 9 sheets which painted a clear picture. The pilot population was shrinking and aging, the homebuilt sector was moribund and ultralight flying was on the increase. My market was shrinking and the widow makers and their poorly trained pretend pilots were on the increase. I decided that my bank account was not large enough to handle so many bad guys. Politics killed the BJ project and the people of Ontario and Canada lost out. The BJ was assembled, I took a few pictures and I shelved the bird without flying it. Enough abuse already!!!


While we glued the BJ together with welding rod, I made many side trips. The fuselages of the old J-3s, Champs, T-carts and such were made of 1025 mild steel tubing. In fact the PA-18 has some 4130, but mostly 1025. I did a test, I threw a chunk of 1025 and a chunk of 4130 into our flower garden to check on rustability. After 6 month, the 1025 was thick with rust and the 4130 had just a dusting. The BJ is all 4130. Years of replacing rusty tubing at Leggats prompted me to use tube oil inside the BJ as well as all other tubing, gear, struts, wing compression tubes and the tail feathers. Tube oil was injected into the fuselage tubes and the holes sealed. The parts were rotated for a couple of days then drained and sealed. I was also concerned about crashability. Any time the FAA brought the subject up Piper, Cessna, Beech and the others started to howl, too costly, too costly. Studies have show that the construction materials used, determines the crashability of a flying machine. Best to worst, steel tube, composite, aluminum sheet and wood. My experience with CUB heavy landings prompted me to use doublers in the BJ cockpit area. A doubler, is a smaller tube slipped inside a fuselage member and rosette welded. For example, in the BJ, the lower longerons, fore / aft of the gear / strut fittings had double tubes. The hot air exit at the bottom of the BJ firewall has a ramp, which would gain some thrust as the engine air discharges backward, in the line of flight. I eliminated the draggy, stalled lip cowling. Fire was worrisome to me. For years in the USA, 300 or so people are burned to death per, in survivable crashes. The FAA studied the subject for over ten years and finally came up with a proposal. The industry howled again and Bill Clinton killed the proposal. The DOT in Canada and the Australian Civil Aviation people protested. The measures to prevent survivors from being fried were not that onerous. But since the US Supreme Court ruled that manufacturers are totally liable for plane accidents, resistance to the FAA fire proposal by the makers, can now be seen as costly in terms of lives and money and short sighted. The FAA should have insisted on the anti fire regs but didn’t have the balls I did not use header tanks in the BJ. There were front / rear pickups on the wing tanks so gas was available in any attitude. There no gas lines in the BJ cockpit area. In crash situations, quick exit is essential. At Leggats we installed mods to certain Champs. There was a FAA AD on the left window, we installed a push out. My J-2 had a left pushout window. The BJ is a two door wide bodied CUB. Many people in aviation don’t know much but say lots. The US 35B airfoil is blamed for the slow speed of any CUB variant, especially the PA-18. Even with a 180 hp it flies like a Bailey Bridge. But it is the slab sided fuselage which creates most of the drag. The PA-18 cowling juts out on either side and cause burbles down to the tail, causing major drag. The BJ is 5 inches wider at the front seat and from cowl to tail there is a constant curve, the coke bottle effect. Back 30 years ago, John Thorp, of T-18 fame, had a customer with a PA-14. The guy had a cabin in the northern California mountains which had a short strip. The guy wanted more room than a Super CUB, greater carrying capacity, better takeoff performance and more speed. The original PA-14 had a Lyc 0 235 / 115 hp. Normal cruise was 96 mph. John installed a 150 hp Lyc which weighed about the same. He added droop wing tips, a cowling ramp, rear facing exhaust and Thorp cleaned up the machine, strut cuffs and such. This thing would carry 850 lbs and go like scat. Cruise, 128 mph, all with a US 35B airfoil! At Leggats we metalized Stinson 108s and Piper Pacers using Met-Co-Aire kits. After having spent years in the fabric shop, it was apparent to me that an aeroplane with a steel tube fuselage covered with aluminum was a viable option. Metal added little weight, was cost effective and provided for a much longer service life. M-C-O used 2024 T3. The lesson I learned was that a steel tube fuselage and tailplanes had to be shaped to take metal in the beginning. Fabric lends itself to compound curves, think staggerwing. Early Piper twins, Bellancas, Mooneys and the Meyers 200 had steel tube fuselages covered with metal. But I was building a fabric covered aeroplane, a metal skin was for another day I designed BJ 2000 blown floats and built a production jig. I worked on skis, more like stole. Fleet Canuck skis had tire sockets. Just use the jacking points, lift the aircraft and drop the wheel into the socket. It lent itself to quick changeovers compared to Federals skis. The air in the tires cushioned landing on snow. I also developed a jet muffler and wrote to EAA about it. Quietening little planes would be the neighbourly thing to do. EAA wasn’t interested. I spent some time on building my own 125 hp, 4 banger, like the Continental C 90. In the 50s, I more than a year in Leggat’s engine shop. I liked Continental engines and even studied casting aluminum to make crank cases. All during my time at Leggats, I repaired wooden props. In 1990 I designed a prop duplicating machine but it was never built. Fleet Aircraft discontinued the Canuck 80 in the late 1940s. Consumable parts such windshields were in short supply. The 80 had a two piece windscreen. Jim Leggat began making them [ early 50s ]. We had an old porcelain topped table. I got tasked with making the windscreens. I covered the table with an army blanket. We had various flannel covered sand bags about the size of a loaf of bread. We bought 4′ by 8′ sheets of plexiglass from Rohm and Haas on Parliament St., which I retrieve with our pickup. We made a pattern and the plexi was cut to fit. I used an iron and a wet piece of flannel over the bend. The plexi was massaged along the fold with the iron and the damp flannel protected it. A shortage of J-3 windscreens developed, so I made them. I could make any windscreen which didn’t have a compound curve. For the BJ I was going to compound it for extra strength. I built the mold but not the oven.


Fliers are an arrogant, selfish lot. There used to be 60,000 pilots in Canada, now there are only 27,000 or .08% of the population. After WW 11, pilots were held in high esteem but that eventually wore off. Mostly it is the noise that has turned off the public. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. A guy trailers his machine to the airport and goes flying at 8 am. Without the slightest concern, he wakes up the whole neighbourhood. He doesn’t ask himself who owns the airport which he uses free? Who pays the bills and taxes? On weekends, he and his friends arrive and buzz the whole area at 300 ft, making countless new friends, no doubt. Why does lightplane aviation keep poking the bear with a stick??? They want quiet / disciplined pilots and safe / dependable ships. The citizenry will either get that or no lightplane pilots or ships period. My columns for COPA years ago were along these line, but my ideas found no traction among the aviation leadership. When I flew out of Barker Field, there was a clearly defined circuit, climb to 1000 ft and orbit or leave the area. If you go on U tube. Poorly trained pilots are so pleased and taken with themselves that they are mounting cameras. Film footage is available, even of fatal crashes. It is hair raising what these hot dogging idiots are doing. It is not so much that they are stunt / low flying but the attitude that they can do as they please with no repercussion. The FAA lightplane policy is a total failure. The public is not protected. New aviation enthusiasts are at great risk. Flying for most is unaffordable. Flying schools are permitted to sell hours, not train pilots. FBOs / AMEs are swamped with forms and paperwork. Does it really have to take 6 months, 3 documents and $500 to be able to replace a Cont. A 65 hp with an A 75??? An approved FAA aftermarket engine parts supplier recently had 42,000 cylinders ADed [ 300 hp ]. The aluminum heads were separating from the cylinders, sometimes downing the singles or light twins. The FAA sat on its’ hands for years, not wishing to admit a mistake in approving this aftermarket product maker. It is my take that the cylinder assemblies were being manufactured in China. More than 6000 aircraft are involved. Each engine repair will cost $ 12,000. So for a twin that will be 25 Gs. All of those have lost their market value. The company responsible, just declared bankruptcy and vanished into the night. A regular occurrence in the US of A. Oh, the FAA and the loose cannon pilots??? What they are doing is killing private flying in the States. In terms of accidents, lightplanes [ single engine certified machines with up to 300 hp ] and homebuilts see a 7% fatality rate. In every hundred crashes, seven will involve fatalities. Certified planes tend to crash while landing, many due to poor IFR pilot training. Homebuilts tend to crash on takeoff. First flights and poorly trained pilots, unequal to the task, being the main reason. Some of those who die, die by fire. These are preventable deaths. With revised, tougher regulations I think we could cut the overall rates. In the general ultralight category, 50% of accidents result in fatalities. But there is no hope here. Pilots are without protection, structures are inadequate strengthwise, the wings and tailfeather coverings are tent material [ go figure ], most have engines and gas up behind the cockpit, it is like playing russian roulette with a fully loaded machine gun. I would like to know the number of accidents related to fleet numbers in all 3 categories [ certified ships, homebuilts and ultralights / LSAs? As far as I can gather nobody is keeping score. If the grim facts were out there, those in authority in the US would have to admit there needs to be something done. Recently, at Greenbank Airport, the owner and a passenger [ legal? ] bought the farm. The resulting fire was so intense that there was nothing left but ash and molten aluminum. The other day near Stayner, another ultralight carrying two [ legal? ], crashed. Both occupants were killed by this widow maker. The pilot’s wife told the local newspaper, people should not be flying these machines. Watering down pilot / lightplane standards by the FAA / DOT to make flying more affordable is a bankrupt policy. It is the industry, plane makers and flying schools, which should be tasked with making learning easier to access, more affordable, safer and more community friendly. I can see the day when personal flying is banned in Canada. The only activity will be commercial pilot training for airline or business flying. And the trainers used will require real mufflers, not the fakes they have now. Itwill probably be that old story of closing the barn door after the horse has escaped. As work progressed on the BJ I could see other mechanical improvements which would improve service life, facilitate inspections, cut the cost and improve safety, but that was in the future then. And as it turned out to be, it was not to be.

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PROBLEMS — There are various mediums which we must travel over, travel
under or travel through. In traversing these mediums the conveyance used, must fit the task. Water falls into 4 rough categories. Canoes, kayaks and paddle boats are fine on calm rivers and small lake. They would not be good on Lake Simcoe, except close to the shore. Lake Simcoe boats would not be suitable for Lake Ontario and lakeboats too small for the Atlantic. With snow, skis and snow shoes will allow an individual to operate, barely. What one needs is a dog sled or a Bombardier snowmobiles large or small. For the desert a bicycle or roller skates will never do. You need a dirt bike with big tires or a light, powerful dune buggy with oversize tires. For air travel you can have the best of times and the worst of times and not move 100 ft. Cold air is thick. Hot air is thin. You can have gentle breezes, steady winds or violent gusts. The air can be smooth or turbulent [ caused by the temperature reacting to the terrain ]. Conditions can change in one short flight. Takeoff into the wind from the NW, 30 minutes later the wind is from the SE. The minimum flying machine that should be permitted to fly is a 2 place machine, 1750 lbs gross with a full 100 hp engine. None of these small car engines, screaming at 3600 rpm, equipped with toothpick props. To get out of trouble you need a big, slow turning prop that bites. As that 1750 lb gross weight figure diminishes the danger factor goes up. You have to remember that the 51% homebuilt rule was imposed by the FAA for no other reason than to protect Piper, Cessna and Beech. These makers did not want any competition. They were afraid that a little guy like John Thorp [ T-18 ], might design a smashing new lightplane which would steal their market. Like Preston Tucker did to the BIG THREE in 1948. Yes with the 51% rule, a person could construct his own bird, as long as he did the majority of the work and he didn’t use parts from certified airplanes. There were very few people in the US with the necessary aviation mechanic skills to fabricate a flying machine from scratch, then or now. And that goes for Canada. Builders in the beginning had to depend on the designer and his plans. Or EAA. This organization has fulfilled its’ mandate beyond measure in providing the catalyst homebuilding aircraft. But nature of the beast and the 51% rule guaranteed a low success rate, mostly great planes but few in number. 75% of those who try fail, to complete a build. A black eye for aviation, but those responsible didn’t want to hear about it. Strict and expensive FAA certification froze designs and discouraged innovation. Businesses could only manufacture parts or kits as allowed under the 51% rule. I myself could not manufacture CUBys or BJs, only parts and kits. Homebuilding freed a lot of talented aviators, they could now pursue their dreams. In fact, when the certified industry dragged its’ feet, talented homebuilders, like Bert Rutan charted new ways to get to the stars. Homebuilding, rather than really promoting flying, was a brake on our activities at times. It was a dead end street so to speak. But like in all of life, you win some and you lose some Things have been greatly relaxed by the FAA in recent years since, Piper, Cessna and Beech stop making small airplanes. Although homebuilts can’t be used by training schools or for hire, they do fill a need. Actually, they are in much better condition and repair than the 30 year old C 152s. Builders, once brought up to speed baby their birds. The cost of maintaining old certified aircraft is now prohibitive. A 3 in pulley for a Cessna costs over 100 bucks. The same pulley, made by the same manufacturer for a homebuilt is $ 10. A lift up metal cowl flap for a Cherokee, to access the dip stick, maybe 30 in by 24 in? Is priced at $ 7000 for one side. A CUB carb intake filter box, about the size of small, square cookie tin can set you back $ 800. I made one for the BJ, it took 2 hours, $ 20 for material and was of 1930s design, outrageous. Many owners / schools avoid getting things repaired if they can. In the 1990s, I maintained an Apache, a 172 and two C 150s, used by the training school at Greenbank Airport. A roving AME signed for my work. Things were ready to drop off and yet students were still paying to use them. So the certified fleet just becomes more and more unsafe over time. The danger to lives is minimized, attention of officialdom is centred around protecting special interests, maintaining outdated rules, saving money, saving face and keeping control. The FAA is the dominant figure in aviation. Their rules are pretty well adopted around the world by countries wanting access to the American market. So global Civil Aviation authorities generally get in line with the FAA and toe the line. Although more recently on the fire safety, the loosening of pilots requirement, and the Light Sport Aircraft rule, Canada and Australia have shown some pluck. Apparently they will not march willingly to the ovens.


Hang gliding is a small segment of aviation. Enthusiasts feel they are closer to the wind and that it is a pure sport. When I had my 1937 Taylor J-2 CUB, I too felt I was close to being a bird. Hang gliding can kill you but the biggest problem is getting injured, broken backs and limbs are an everyday occurrence. But the legs of a human were never designed to act as a plane undercarriage. Many of these cases go unreported. I rate hang gliding with bungee jumping, rock climbing, scuba diving and trick skateboarding. Participants can only hurt themselves and there is no danger to the public. My only complaint, is that young people are given the unvarnished truth about hang gliding, so they can gauge the risk.


Ultralights are a horse of a different colour. While they are risky to their owners, they are dangerous to the public and a major nuisance due to noisy engines. A few years ago, an ultralight overflew my home in North Pickering at about 800 ft. It sounded like a giant dentist’s drill. My place was to the NW of Oshawa Airport, right off the end of 12/30. The traffic no matter what type aeroplane, a DC-3 or a Herk, this ultralight made a bigger racket. In my view, ultralights were approved by DOT to relieve pressure on other areas of aviation. To not shut enthusiasts out due to high cost and allow such flying machine if they came down to cause minimum damage on the ground. That generally is the case but not always. A heavy landing in an ultralight usually means it is write off. Every pop rivet and hardware screw opens the holes they occupy in the soft aluminum tubing. A video on u tube, of a California ultralight showed the pilot in some difficulty. He was able to get the thing down safely. However, a previous accident had stretched everything in the tail boom and it started to let go. No inspection had been done, obvious damage was ignored and the guy went flying again. It is a short cut to an early grave but why? At Leggats we were always getting machines that had been dropped in or that had ground looped. The damage had to be noted and inspected. Jim Leggat had AME, B and D Licenses [ repairs, engines and airframes ]. We would do a repair, which was noted in the log book and the plane would be released for flight. Which system is better? Have an accident with a ultralight, manufactured by someone who doesn’t know what he is doing, ignore the damage and go out and kill yourself. And maybe innocent people? In such a case a $ 25,000 machine would be totaled and a life or lives lost because Governments allow it??? Is it a cost effective system? No! It is irrational? Yes! I have inspected a few ultralights. People with my training could not build this kind of dangerous garbage. These machines ignore everything that I was taught the basis of which is empirical mechanical experience going back to the Wrights. How many bolts came loose before the cotter pin was invented. I don’t know of a single castle nut with a cotter that ever came loose! It would seem that in the dash to save money Governments are telling people in the ultralight field, just go do whatever you want and we will not bother you. Every ultralight in existence should be inspected and held to the airworthiness standards that I learned. All would be condemned because they DO NOT MEET PROPER AIRCRAFT PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES. There is a clear choice. If what is going on in the ultralight field to-day, is okay with Aviation Authorities, then my years of study and experience were totally fraudulent and without meaning, I wasted my time. My take is that Governments are trying to down load responsibilities [ money ]. This approach certainly saves the authorities money. But the public at large is endangered and gets nicked with a bill may times larger. Rational? NO! Allowing poorly trained pilots to get airborne in substandard machines, that reek of inferior quality and lousy workmanship will never save money. Ultralight pilots are so stupid they don’t know they are stupid! It is guaranteed to cost the public money as well as lives.


The USA Light Sport Aircraft category must have been dreamed up by some committee of people, who had no aviation experience. The LSA rule is ludicrous, mainly because of the 1320 lb gross limit [ 1430 lbs for sea planes ]. These are the weights of the 1939 J-3s, Aeronca Chiefs, T-Carts and Luscomes, all underpowered with 65 hp engines. At Leggats I acted as a test pilot [ early 1950s ], as well as doing mechanical work. I sometimes signed log books but there were dual signatures including Jim’s. I must say Jim Leggat was a quality person with very high standards. He was a mentor and a friend to me. I believe he realized that I had the right mechanical skills to be an AME, but that too was not to be. Very seldom did we get any kickbacks on poor workmanship. At the present time, the problems with old Lycomings and Continentals are increasing. I can see a difference from years ago. By 1969 I was not full time in aviation but kept my hand in. I was thus a step back from things, and in my own business of appliance service. It was obvious that aviation was changing for the worse, yet the black cloud seemed to escape those directly involved To-day’s old engines are getting brittle and too many used parts are being recycled. After market stuff is inferior because of corner cutting. I can’t remember a single engine coming back to Leggats with major risk problems? In addition to Lycs and Conts, we did Gypsys, Kinners, Warners and shaky Jakes. In fact I worked on a DH Rapide with 6 cylinder Gypsy Queens. My log book shows almost 800 hour, 22 different types of planes, 4 seaplanes and 3 skiplanes. The old aeroplanes at 1300 lbs, with 65 hp engines were marginal. The Fleet Canuck, had a C 85, fuel injected engine with a starter, was 1500 lbs and stressed to 7 Gs [ Brit rules ]. It was a solid aircraft with a good airfoil. It could have done with 100 horses. With a 0 235 Lycoming, I considered the PA-18 a rubber plane. Now I know why. The fuselage was made for a parasol machine, the original E-2. And it was made mostly from 1025 steel tube, which is half the strength of 4130. As stated, a fully functional airplane has to be 1750 lbs with 100 horses and split flaps. For a seaplane the weight has to be 2000 lbs and it must have at least 125 horses. Such machines, in real terms could be priced $ 25,000 less than many of the current LSAs now available, if the designers knew how to built light, strong and cheap, but the FAA gives them no incentive to do such a thing. It is widely known that many of the 150 LSA manufacturers around the world, who are vying for the US market are building over weight planes. The FAA knows this and is threatening to do an audit. Any LSA found to exceed the 1320 gross with be deregistered, says the FAA, ha. This is a mess. The original FAA rules put LSA manufacturers on their own recognizance. We trust you boys to do the right thing said FAA. But some of the boys are not doing the right thing. They are breaking the gross weight rules. Problem is, if there is an accident and the craft is deemed to be overweight, the pilot is on the hook. His LSA pilot’s license is not valid and his C of A is not valid. The insurance company can then say, sorry Charlie. But the FAA just lets the boys continue to play fast and loose with the rules. Yet our poor old T-Cart owner, who wants to install that A 75 and take out the A 65, well, the FAA holds his feet to the fire. Most global Civil Aviation Authorities have not accepted the LSA rules. Although foreign companies are building LSAs for the USA market, in general terms these firms can’t sell their products in the home country. Crazy? Well, yes? It is clear that the FAA Light Sport Aircraft Category has led many manufacturers astray, into a blind canyon as it were, Cessna and Continental being two. A couple of nights ago I was reading about a little glass LSA, 730 lbs empty, 1320 gross, 80 hp and a 30 ft wing span. Remember there are 2 sources of power in an aeroplane, the engine and the wing, judicious helpings of each will give you a good trainer / machine. All rough / short strip planes and those on floats have CONSTANT CHORD WINGS. The DH Beaver, Otter, Twin Otter, Canuck, most Piper CUB types, Aeroncas and C 120s / 140s come to mind. The wing span of each is also generous. Here again new pilots are fed misleading info by the FAA/ DOT, manufacturers and the aviation press. For the real story on LSA birds is the actual size of each wing panel. Aviators need the facts mam! The ability of an aeroplane to fly can be accurately determined in advance. If its’ mission is training, an all important goal, then certain characteristics are needed. A hi lift airfoil with a wide C of G range, is important to unstick the craft, get it over the trees and eliminate any surprises for a novice. For training, speed is not important. A low stall speed is crucial as well as good low speed handling. Good visibility is essential. There should be a wide margin between cruise speed and stall. Learners should not be sitting on a knife edge. My BHN J-2 cruised at 64 mph and stalled at 32, so about a 30 mph margin. The Canuck cruised at 95 and stalled at 42, so a 50 margin. The PA-18 cruised at 105 and stalled at 40 with flaps. With a low landing speed a machine is easier to handle and there is less stress on the wheels, undercarriage and gear attachments. Planes that touch down at 60 mph are not going to last as long and will cost more in maintenance. Controls should follow proven designs. I learned to use a stick in the Canuck and most of those planes I flew at Leggats had sticks, the Champ, Tiger, Finch, Cornell, Chipmunk and all the Piper products. They were all about the same length, had the same control and related to the rudder pedals in the same way. Surveying the present breed of ultralight /LSAs the controls are all over the map. A single stick between the seats, a y on the top of a like stick, sticks on each side and the strangest of all, the Cessna Skycatcher. It had video game handles on the end of push / pull tube which went into the panel. My question is, can there be enough control movement from the wrist action. C 162s are known to drift off line in cross winds even with full aileron. My take is the newer small machines are substituting flaps for ailerons. On the PA-18, the aileron is 60% of each panel and the flap 40%. The C 152 has the same breakdown. Loner aileron ans shorter flap. This gives plenty of aileron at low speed just right for training. The Skycatcher however has an aileron of 35%, a flap 65% of a much shorter wing panel than the CUB or 152. A bigger flap will produce a slower landing speed, but by reducing aileron area, roll control is much reduced. On CUBs, the rear strut was used to put in washout. If I remember it was 1 3/8″ high at the last full rib below the rear spar. This meant that when a CUB stalled it started at the root and moved progressively out. On my 108-3 Stinson floatplane there was no washout because the wing had slots. These kept the air flowing over the ailerons at slow speed. The net is a marvel. It can reveal a lot of secrets. The designers of some LSAs obviously do not have wide enough knowledge. Lightplane flying has been with us for a long time. We know what works and what doesn’t work. It is as if modern designers have ignored many of the hard earned lessons of the past. If they want to kill themselves, fair enough. But they should not be allowed to kill other people. I wonder if some of the officials at the Civil Aviation Agencies are non flyers who buy into the manufacturer’s hipe. To the detriment of budding aviators? In any event, small ailerons are also affected by the deployment of flaps. As the air drops down over the flap, addition air is drawn inboard of the wing and reduces the air going over the aileron. So at low speed, roll control is much diminished or non existent. As a result, at a low speed and gusty cross winds you are going to end up in the trees. If the occupants, live it is probably the last lesson for a student and a law suit for the flying school. I wonder if the foreign LSA makers realize that in the USA, strict liability prevails. If there is the slightest fact about an airframe or flight failure that a sharp eyed lawyer can spot look out. Fudging performance figures and ignore the LSA restrictions could be very costly. On the wing issue, wing span and wing area should be ignored. For high wing machines, some lift is created over the top of the fuselage, it might be 50% of the wing itself. For low wingers the fuselage creates no lift whatsoever. So the individual wing panel tells the real story. The Super CUB is the tops in breaking ground. The right wing say, is 16.5′ and the chord 5′ 2″ or about 84 sq ft for one wing or 168 sq ft for two // Piper says 180 sq ft \\ now 50% of the top of the fuselage is about a 5 sq ft gain, which means 173 sq ft / but 1.5 ft of the round tip of each CUB wing provides little or no lift, so 15 sq ft is lost / the end result is a true 158 sq ft of US 35B airfoil. The Cessna 140 right wing is 15 ‘ and chord 5′ 2″ or about 76.5 sq ft for one wing or 153 sq ft for two // Cessna says 159 sq ft \\ now 50% of the top of the fuselage is about a 7 sq ft gain, which means 160 sq ft / but a foot of of the round tip of each 140 wing provides little or no lift, so 10 sq ft is lost / the end result is a true 150 sq ft of a 2412 airfoil [ which is not as high lift as the US 35B ]. My experience confirms these figures, a PA-18 will come unstuck faster than 140 and climb faster. From a trainer point of view the CUB is the better of the two. The Cessna 152 right wing is 15′ and has a 5’ 2″ chord for 40% of the wing up to the taper which is 30 sq ft / the rest of the wing is tapered so the wing averages a 4 ‘ chord, or 36 sq ft, together 66 sq ft for one wing or 132 sq ft for two // Cessna says 160 sq ft \\ gain from the top of the fuselage is is the same as for the 140, 7 sq ft / the 152 wing tip is square so no loss of lift / so the true total is 139 sq ft using a modified, thinner 2412 airfoil with reduced lift. I would like to throw a LSA for comparison and picked the Cessna 162 Skycatcher at $ 150,000, which looks very much like 25 other slippery LITTLE BIRDS. Most of which will die young. The execs at Cessna should have had more sense than to get sucked into the FAA, LSA Category. I won’t spell things out like above but just say that the 162 has a right wing panel of 13′ and a 4′ chord or 52 sq ft for one or 104 for both wings. True wing area CUB [ 158 sq ft ] – Cessna 140 [ 150 sq ft ] – Cessna 152 [ 139 sq ft ] – Cessna 162 [ 104 ]. The 152 wing gets thinner at the tip because of the taper so there is a loss of lift compared to a constant chord wing planform. The 162 has a thin airfoil, built for speed. Comparing planes, the 152 did not perform as well as the 140. Weight went up and gas consumption as well. SO THIS IS PROGRESS??? Performance for the C 162 has deteriorated even more from the 152. And the Skycatcher was touted as a trainer, I don’t believe so? Yet to a man / woman, group think consumed those responsible. Wishing does not make it so. I question their judgement, was it stupidity or greed. I think Cessna canned the 162 because it is a killer. The Company destroyed 80 Skycatchers using a big backhoe. The 162 was killing students, inexperienced pilots and old instructors who could not react fast enough when the stall arrived and a wing dropped. An easy solution to this problem, plenty of wing area. I know which wing I would want at a short grass strip, on a hot day, at a high altitude airport with a cross wind. And for my daughter. The CUB wing. I would hope that the FAA is aware of the real characteristics of the Cessna 152, the outdated, only available trainer well past its’ prime. A square peg being driven into a round hole. I can’t understand why the world’s Civil Authorities, IACO, IATA and the like remain silent. My Blue Jay copies the CUB wing and airframe structure. The wide bodied BJ fuselage adds 2 sq ft to the CUB wing. The wing tip is square with a droop so that adds 15 sq ft resulting in a wing area of 175 sq ft. The BJ has 36 more square feet of true wing area than the C 152 with a lighter, yet stronger airframe and is maintenance friendly. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. For a student, light as a feather performance and control would make for an easier time learning, much quicker too. I advocate the 50 / 200 system. 50 hours to a Private license and 200 hours total time to a Commercial. I think we could get the cost down to less than $25,000 all in. The BJ is sutable for short, grass, rural strips no matter where on the globe. I think of the BJ concept as being a safe, economic trainer for the world. There are two old saying which have application here. Both can be attributed to de Havilland personnel. ” Canada is the world’s breeding ground for pilots “. And. ” If an aeroplane can operate in Ontario, it can go any place on the globe “. I did my night training at Malton, in Fleet Canuck CF-DYX. I flew my Stinson 108-3 floatplane on 2425 EDOs out of White River and Chapleau before the Trans Canada Highway was buil To meet the ill conceived 1320 lb weight limit, some deluded makers are producing small winged, slippery LSA machines. It is a mistake to think low time novice pilots can master these little beasts. The accident reports on the net support me in this. Kathryn’s Report tell the whole story with pictures. But the FAA, makers, industry and aviation press as usual is totally silent. It has ever been thus. Av manufacturers have always given out bullshit numbers. And the FAA never challenged those figures. The magazines I collected from the 1930s, the mags that were around Marion’s Aero Activities, those that I bought myself and even now the net magazines, print bullshit. Everyone knew then it was bullshit. Everybody now knows it is pure bullshit. But does a fledgling flier to-day know such information is bullshit? The specs for a Taylor J-2 showed a cruise of 70 mph, my BHN cruised at 64 mph. Rate of climb was listed as 450 fpm, maybe more like 300 fpm and on a hot day less. And Toronto is 400 ft above sea level. The specs on the Fleet 80 were 100 mph and 550 fpm. DYX would do 95 mph and climb a good 450 fpm, on a cool day, with full gas and a passenger. Another pet peeve is the confusion on purpose. The specifications always show empty weight and gross weight. The gross weight tells you what the machine can carry safely and still fly. Fuel is listed separately. A C 172 has an empty weight of 1700 lbs, gross at 2450. So the payload of this 4 place plane is 750 lbs Fuel is listed at 56 gals or 347 lbs. 4 people in the real world will weight 190 lbs each or 760 lbs. That takes care of the entire payload and makes the pilot legal but he has no gas. Even with a student and instructor with half tanks the 172 is at gross. Trying to teach people to fly in a 172 at gross, at the limit of performance is teaching them what a full wheelbarrow feels like not an aeroplane. A C 152 is 1100 lbs empty and 1670 gross, or a payload of 570 lbs. Fancy instrumentation can add 50 lbs but lets leave that for now. With small tanks, 26 gals, full fuel weight is 161 lbs. So that leaves just over 400 lbs for a student and instructor, at the top end of the envelope. A 152 with the big tanks holding 35 gals, the fuel weight is 216 lbs. The allowable weight falls to 350 lbs for student and instructor. Such a 152 would be overloaded and dangerous. Added still is a 120 lbs luggage compartment which is a joke. At gross the takeoff roll would be 1200 ft on pavement and longer on turf and longer still on wet turf. A pilot must consider the trees or wires at the end of the runway. At single runway airports, a cross wind and an aeroplane at gross means loads of trouble for an experienced pilot, never mind a student. Using old 172s and 152s to train pilots is like teaching a teenager to drive in a dump truck. The reason 172s and 152s are being used is because THERE IS NOTHING ELSE AROUND. GOOD REASON EH??? Why is everyone mum??? Marion Orr, as an Air Transport Auxiliary pilot in the UK during WW 11. Women were not allowed in Combat but she flew any number of fighter / bombers between bases and repair depots. She passed on her sharp flying skills to her many student. Jim Leggat worked at de Havilland during the War. He was an exacting, demanding Engineer, who passed on HIS skills if you were receptive. Jim had a library of all of the maintenance manuals that covered the aeroplanes we were servicing. He let me borrow one at a time, which I took home to read overnight. Both Marion and Jim were educated under the English aviation system and those high standards were passed on to me and others. When I look around to-day, it’s a look of disgust at the deterioration of lightplane flying, and the poor quality of pilots and the equipment available, especially in the USA. And it is about to get much worse under Trumpf. There is no surprise that FAA / DOT accident investigators will blame pilots for overloading aircraft. If the manufacturers list bullshit specs and the FAA / DOT / flying schools / aviation press remain silent how is a new pilot supposed to load an aeroplane properly??? How come the FAA / DOT know the correct stats yet allow the pilot population to be misled??? I know my apples and yet I had to dig deep for the stats listed above. The first thing that has to be done when learning to fly is to provide the student with a safe environment in which to learn. Scaring the shit out of a beginner is not a good way to start a career. Needed, comfortable cockpit, with good visibility and only basic instruments for VFR. The ideal training machine should have a 36 ft constant chord wing, empty weight of 1200 lbs, gross of 1900 lbs, hold 30 gals fuel [ 200 lbs ], have a useful load of 500 lbs [ student / instructor 380 lbs with 120 lbs margin ]. It should takeoff from grass in 600 ft, climb at 700 fpm, stall at 40 mph and land in 500 ft. This means a student will get the feeling of flying. Once that happens there will be no turning back. My guess is that one third of students will never be good pilots, nerves, poor depth perception, hamfistedness, slow reaction time, difficulty learning complicated subjects and so on. By 20 hours of dual these people can be identified and washed out, better they become brain surgeons or the like. One third of students will make good pilots who have to work at learning but who will be successful. One third of students will become exceptional pilots and fly like they have wings. Such pilots have an affinity for flight which can’t be explained. Too many would be exceptional pilots, will never make it to their wings because of cost. So money decides who gets a license! Chesley Sullenberger, piloting US Airways Flight 1549, ditched an Airbus A 320 in the East River, in New York City, Jan. 15 / 09. All 150 passengers and the crew of 5 got out safely. The aircraft hit a flock of Canada Geese and the birds snuffed both engines. That event is now called the, ” Miracle on the Hudson “. Sully was one of those exceptional pilots, who put that airliner down safely with feeling. The panel was only useful to tell him the airspeed. You are either born to fly or you are not. In every endeavour there are people with natural talent and those without. No matter if a person hungers to fly they may not have the aptitude. Stringing them along for 80 hours is a crime. The other crime, is preventing young people, who have the potential to be exceptional pilots, from learning to fly because of the cost is $ 30,000 to $ 40,000. An exorbitant amount, based on an outdated system, using old shopworn, museum equipment and a Government agency, the FAA, which sets knuckleheaded rules, then provides no guidance whatsoever as to how to master those rules. Marion Orr gave me wings. She said, I will teach you to fly in 30 hours, full stop. If I think this is an activity which you are unsuited for I will wash you out. That has focusing affect. In a sense for all concerned the question was, what are we all here for? I was motivated, let’s get on with it, was my response and the countdown started. At 16 I went solo in 9 hours in DYX and had my license all wrapped up in the 30 hours, me, a youngster baring started in high school. Then in the 1970s, the rot started to set in. Schools started requiring students to put in 40 hours not 30. Just skimming a little bit extra of the back of a student, nice. DOT raised the License requirement to 35 hours and the schools responded by slowing the training process down a little more. Magically, 45 to 50 hours was the new norm. I wrote about this in the COPA News years ago and was attacked and censored. The DOT upped the time required to 40 hours, can you guess what the flying schools did. Yes! The average time to learn for a PPL climbed to 60 hour. Finally the DOT raised the time required to 45 hours. Don’t look now, the flying schools demanded 75 hours for a PPL and boldly advertised the fact that it might take 80, 90 or even 100 hour to earn your license. A few schools should have had their approvals yanked, that would have brought thing back to earth. But no, from the DOT not a peep. Then the aviation press and insiders started saying, student pilot starts are falling because of the high cost. We want the DOT to reduce qualification to the point where pilots do not need medicals and can get certificated with a minimum of fuss. And yet the reaming of students doesn’t get a mention. As stated, I think lightplane flying is at deaths door and those responsible don’t know and never will. Keep poking the public in the eye and one day the other 99.92% who inhabit Canada will say enough is enough. And the curtain will close. I’m for doing something before that happens???


Let’s see how that could be done? For about 20 years I have been on the fringes of aviation. I figured time had passed me by, that lightplane flying had cleaned up its’ act, that ultralight flying would have been reined in, pilot rules tightened, that airlines would stop waiting for somebody out there to supply them with 1000 hour pilots free of charge and that flying school would be able to train Private Pilots in 50 hours.
Climbing into the cockpit again shows we are in a time capsule, going not ahead but backwards. We have bypassed the cryogenics lab and missed out on a chance to be frozen in time. Rather, with ultralights we have gone back to the Wrights and their Flyer No. One as of December 17 / 1903. In fact, the Flyer was better built than to-day’s ultralights. By 1910, the pilot population was on the increase but they still had a lot to learn. The ultralight and LSA pilots of 2017 would be about par with those aviators of 1910, at risk to themselves and others. It is truly amazing. There is something in the air, there must be. Aviators seeking stupidity at every possible opportunity. Just watch the frivolities on U Tube. It seems that every idiot has a video camera and wants to show the world how stupid he can be. The FAA should be all over these people, because they break every rule in the book, they break a lot of bones in the doing and some of them go to their deaths on camera. It was a rude awakening for me. My favourite PA-18 was discontinued by Piper but various people had moved into the void and they were and are producing reproductions with no improvement. I do not think of 200 horse engine, a constant speed prop, big tanks and wheels, a glas panel, machine gun mounts on the struts and a belly pod as improvements. And hard to believe they are all still using fabric for a cover. Covering a CUB is now priced at $ 20,000, with a life span of 10 years. Mind the Dacron on a $ 30,000 ultralight will give you at most 5 years. I came to realize that my BJ back in the day, which was an advance over the PA-18 Piper was making is still head and shoulders above anything available to-day. Used Super CUBs are running well over $ 100,000, for something over 40 years old, yikes. CUB clones are up near $ 200,000. My BJ kit, which was approved by the DOT was going to be in the neighbourhood of $ 50,000, not including the engine, prop, instrument, dope, wheel and brakes. I was going to include the fabric envelopes, presewn. At Leggats I used to make all of the fabric envelopes on an old Singer Sewing machine. I was promted to review what I had, the present state of lightplane aviation and whether I should reintroduce the BJ. After all, a lot of time and money had been expended with nothing to show for the effort. The first thing was to start a Proof of Concept process. What did we have, what needed to be done and how would it be done. I don’t believe I have any competition. The first thing that needs to be done is establish a new approach to specifications, stall, payload with the gas factored in, takeoff run at gross and so on. The only people entitled to use alternative facts are Trumpf, the Republicans and the Nazi media. Light planes makers no more.


OUR RESOURCES — We know the problems. Let’s look in the tool box and see what there is to fix things? We built the BJ protoype, it was completed and a month would have seen its’ first flight. The making of arrangements to trailer the BJ, to Peterborough Airport, finding an experience test pilot, organizing a team to accomplish the task and so on was going to cost a chunk of cash. I had been beset by bad luck in recent times, indifferent Governments and was facing a depression and a shrinking market about which COPA was in denial. Seeing the BJ all together was a milestone for me, and it seemed the appropriate time to pull the plug. We have a set of 30 blueprints which shows all the parts and piece, including AN hardware, down to how many washers. I scrapped all of the production / welding / float jigs but they would be easy to duplicate and improvements could be made. I built 3 fuselages and many other parts. I circulated about 6 sets of plans and I knew of 4 BJs under construction. I shipped one kit, in a box, out to Alberta. I do not know the status of budding BJs now. It was proven that all of the 4130 fittings could be CAM / laser cut, based on our blueprints. The quality of the pieces was much beyond that of hand work and that it could be done at a fraction of the normal labour input. The tests on this system were completed and the finish of the fitting was amazing. A corner had been turned, we could not return to the methods of olde. Henceforth a sheet of 4130, could be fed into the computer and the fittings came out 98% cut and only held in with tabs. A builder would get 3 sheets of 4130, different thicknesses will all the fitting ready to pop out and form. It would be impossible to get the same result using a hacksaw or a bandsaw. I knew the new Jay would not be a fabric aeroplane. Metalizing Stinsons and Pacers showed the way for me, but I had to actually build a fabric CUB first, to build a metal covered CUB. I wonder how many of the metal 108s and pacers are still around. Their brothers and sisters have no doubt been refabriced at least 3 time since then. Fabric is hard on steel tube fuselages as it holds the moisture against the steel. On a metal covered tube fuselage, the skin is held by standoff. Interesting the entire belly panels could be removed for inspection, do that on a fabric machine? We never did a Tri-Pacer. Probably few of them came Canada in the beginning. I worked on most of the Piper family, my own J-2, J-3, J-4 Coupe, J-5 Cruiser, PA-11, PA-12 Super Cruiser, PA-16 Clipper and the PA-18. I delivered a Clipper to St Catherines Airport for Jim. It was supposed to be a 4 place, 2 1/2 would be closer to the truth. It had a stick and no flaps. It was fast but twitchy. It was a short winged, short coupled little SOB that would chase its’ tail at the drop of a hat. There were no flaps because the long CUB LH / RH ailerons were used. That is something I have never understood, making LH / RH anything. Making universal parts cuts production time as well as stocked inventory. From the Clipper the Pacer was developed, equipped with a wheel control. I suspect there were lots of Pacer ground loops so Piper hung a nose wheel on it. I never personally wanted to own a Vagabond, Clipper, Pacer or Colt. The gain at the top end was not enough to justify the loss on the bottom end. Anyone who tells you that a little, low wing aircraft with a 30 foot wingspan is a good trainer is UP TO NO GOOD. Flying from Buttonville to the Niagara Falls area in the Clipper gave me an appreciation of what a short wing aeroplane was all about. As the wing area goes down, the skill of the pilot has to go up. The Clipper was handful and I had, probably 350 hours at that time. I was never impressed with the Colt as a trainer, way too much aeroplane for a beginner. As I revisit the flying scene it is clear to me that the new BJ has to have a nose wheel. It would need to be a tail dragger or trike, with ease of changeover. Back at the beginning, in the 1970s I was concerned about crashability. Planes are stressed for flight not piling in, although some of them do. A good friend stalled his PA-18, floatplane into a Lake in Algonquin Park. Frank was 225 lbs and his passenger almost as big. He was shooting up a cottage in a bowl lake, surrounded by rock 200 / 300 ft high. I do not like stunts or low level nonsense. It was a hot day and down he went. The CUB struck the water at about 45 deg. The front spreader bar came up under the floor and they were crushed against the roof. The passenger was scalped and screamed for hours before the doc arrived. He was gone by nightfall. The CUB sank with Frank in the front seat and he actually drowned. I also saw pictures of other CUB crashes over time and tried to determine if the cockpit was breached, and in what way? With J-3s. the engine usually jammed back into the firewall, splitting the gas tank. Sometimes there was fire sometimes not. It seemed to me that the pilot is such a case would have leg injuries and the passenger might escape injury. All bets were off if there was a fire. The FAA demands strong aeroplanes in flight but has no concern about crashes. To a trained mechanic, it is easy to see potential problems if a heavy landing were to occur. I don’t like copper tubing in aircraft, especially if it wanders about behind the instrument panel where there is electrical gadgetry. In PA-18 crashes, the extra tubing from the wing roots to the firewall tend to cause the engine to tuck under rather than invade the cockpit. With a nosewheel this tendency seems to be magnified. So the engine prop shaft is certainly forced downward. It was my view that the lower part of the forward fuselage in the Jay, had to be weaker than the top. The 18 used header tanks, one behind the instrument panel and the other back of the luggage compartment. In the BJ I eliminated headers. In Super CUB fires, there is only one door. Getting out under normal conditions is bad enough, But in a situation where the cockpit is deformed, the door could jam and make escape or rescue difficult. This exercise which I went through and am doing so again regarding crashes, fires and escape is unique. I have never seen these problems extensively covered, ever. They are aviation’s skeletons-in-the-closet. By never talking about such things, the flying leadership hopes the nightmares will just go away. Fat chance. Few pilots work on planes in a detailed way, changing oil, checking batteries and blowing up tires doesn’t count. Few mechanics fly. Jim Leggat didn’t have a pilots license. Interestingly, Jim would put his son John in my care. An 18 year old, flying with an 8 year old. I wear various hats. I have wide experience in a variety of aeroplanes. As well, I have worked on most of the lightplane fleet, made from the end of the War until the 1980s. I had extensive experience on engine overhauls, fabric covering, metal work and float installations and repairs. I am a spray painter and a welder. So designing a much improved PA-18, could all be kept in house so to speak. I never had any associates. In the present day, I want to reevaluate the BJ and determine if it has potential to meet to-day’s needs. There is that old truism, Lycs, Conts, the CUB, Champs, Canucks, Staggerwings, 150s / 170s and even the Beaver were designed and built when material was expensive and labour cheap. It is the opposite to-day. In the Skycatcher Cessna tried to shrink the 152 but still joined sheets of aluminum, using thousands of hard rivets, like Rosie and her helper in WW 11. This is well beyond cost effective. Here is a little task, imagine you are Rosie and your bucker is Jane. Now, out loud go, rat tada tat and time it. Now multiply that time by 20,000 rivets. Now double that time to include the bucker. Apparently it was costing Cessna double what they had estimated for the metal parts on the Skycatcher 162. My task was to come up with a cheap, full size metal using every cost effective material in the book, NO FAVOURITES. Added to the known labour costs of installing and bucking rivets, is the fact that an inexperienced workforce was being used both in the USA as well as China. Cessna still could not recover costs even when they raised the price of a 162 to $ 150,000. Add in the dead end street, the LSA Category is, and the fact that the Skycatcher and its’ competitors are killing pilots. Cessna picked up its’ marbles and went home. For me in 2016, the big questions were, how to change that old equation. I am happy about the cheap material to-day, but how does one take a labour intensive CUB and reduce the man hours appreciably. Cessna tried with the 162 and failed. I too would be at a loss to figure out how to speed up the fabrication of a stressed skin plane that is held together by thousands of hard rivet. And required two worker to tango. If two pieces of aluminum are joined along one edge you can use an air, squeeze riveter. But building a 152 fuselage, there has to be one person inside bucking and another outside with an air rivet gun. I know it sounds crazy that Cessna has been priced out of the market by a little thing like rivets. In the 152 there are 15,000 rivets and in the 172 there are 20,000. The CUB is different than the Cessna family. It has an inner skeleton of steel tubing, aluminum ribs and spars which can be manufactured quickly. For the BJ prototype I reduced the the CUB parts count from over 400 to under 300. That alone reduced the cost of making a CUB. The main efforts in building the ALL METAL CUB, and I do mean ALL is eliminating everything that will burn like floors, seat material etc. The PA-18 structure has many parts which are fabric related. If the fabric covering is eliminated all of those parts can be left out. The biggest roadblock to the elusive metal CUB, is that flat sheets of aluminum do not lend themselves to compound curves. Alum. does come in 0 condition or soft. It can be formed in a press to any shape and then it has to go into an oven and be heat treated to return it to strength. This process is very labour intensive and the equipment needed is well beyond any small business, like you find in lightplane aviation. So flat sheets will have to do. Every member of the PA-18 family, features compound curves. I think the J-2 is the prettiest plane going. It is so graceful, like a ballet dancer. Thus my tasks in 2016 were to get rid of all the compound curves, find machines to do the labour intensive jobs, explore ways to manufacture certifiable engines / props / wheels / brakes / special gas tanks in house, improve crashability, reduce the risk of fire, improve escape capabilities and come up with a muffler that mirrors the ones on family cars!!! Tall order? Right? I was in my own businesses for 50 years. There is no point producing a product with a weak link, that can come back to bite you later. Cessna blundered badly on the Skycatcher. There were obvious problems that should have been solved long before the 162 was shown at Oshkosh. There was a lot of wishful thinking on the part of management. On another front, FAA and others recommend putting balistic chutes on LSAs, at $ 20,000 a copy. These chutes don’t always work, yikes. So what does a guy do with his little fighter plane to ensure he lives to see his grandchildren graduate. Up the gross to 1750 and put more, fat wing on the god dam thing! Like Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, FAA? Like DOUBLE Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, FAA??? How many people have to leave aviation, how many have to walk away from learning or how many have to die flying, FAA?????? Now 2017, the compound curves are gone, we have a good start on crashability, fire, escape and noise. On the labour reduction front, I put on another hat, I am the son and grandson of machinists. I know my way around a machine shop. I have had an long, intimate relationship with airframes and engines. I can draw the parts and pieces in my sleep. Over the last few months, the process has been to look at the various parts and to see how best the build them, and what machine to use. For example the root fittings on a CUB fuselage are made form 4130 sheet. A U channel, about 6 in is formed. On the inboard end the sides are relieved to create a sort of V shape which is welded onto the front compression tube. On the outboard end, the centre of the U channel is relieved so that the wing spar fitting can enter. Holes are drilled in the U channel sides for the AN root bolt to fit. I was taught about fitting bearing surfaces to eliminate the knife edges of attached parts, wings, struts etc. On the BJ I welding in .065 4130 bushing stock for the AN bolts. Real neat stuff. The finished fittings were welded on, function well and are eminently strong. Stronger than any Piper made. My guess would be that each one of those 4 BJ wing root fittings took 1 1/2 hours to make and install [ 6 total ]. For Piper it would have been less because I added bushings. Skilled labour to-day with benefits and pension would be about $ 30 an hour. Factory costs, overhead, taxes might amount to $ 20 bucks for this one worker? That is $ 50 for 6 hours, or $ 300. Now let’s make a trip to fantasy land and look at a CNC machine, which can make anything you can dream in metal. I would get a 6″ piece of 1 1/2 ” 4130 rod. The rod would be more expensive than sheet 4130, however. I would program the CNC robot. It would machine me a piece of metal, the same as the ID of the compression tube to the 4″ point. That 4″ bit would be machined into a fork, with generous lugs, thicker than the sheet 4130, so no bushings would be needed. The opposite end to the fork would be drilled to make the part hollow to save weight. This whole part, ready to weld in place might take 15 min in the CNC machine. That means four in the hour. Overhead for the CNC mach. might be $ 75 hr. So our 4 parts cost out at 75 bucks compared to $ 300 for the old way. Let’s be real conservative here and say the CNC system cut the cost of making the 4 parts by two thirds. On a BJ / CUB there may be 40 such fittings of which 25 could be made on the CNC mach. Those savings would amount to $ 4000 in this one area alone. That would give the BJ a 4 Gs head start over all the other CUB clone makers on a few fittings alone. The 4130 steel rod would be more money that the sheet, but. There is a wrinkle however. If I am a tidy guy and make sure that I keep all the 4130 shavings clean, I can sell them back to the steel maker as scrap. I knew the new Jay would have to have doublers in the front X frame from the wing root fittings to the top engine mount attachments at the firewall, and the top longerons from the instrument panel forward, as well as diagonal from the gear fitting up to the top engine mount. A doubler is a smaller tube that slides inside a main tube, positioned in the middle and constituting about 60% of the length. When stressed, the strengthened part of the tube will not bend or buckle, only the weaker ends will give way. Thus the force is absorbed without collapsing the cockpit. Racing cars are required by law to have roll cages, aeroplanes are not. Go figure? A race car can kill one, a little aeroplane many, hello FAA!!! Now if the lower longerons on a CUB, which go from the gear fittings to the lower engine mounts mounts have no doublers, they will just bend in the middle. As a result, in a crash, the engine goes downward by gravity and rotational force and leaves the cockpit intact. So it follows that the pilot and passenger can survive the crash if there is no fire. I find it interesting that the FAA seems to think it can ignore the crashability issue by requiring the installation of stronger shoulder harness. That is like giving a drowning person ice cream with a cherry on top. The BJ prototype has two seaplane doors hinged upwards. I would add pop out windows. The fire situation is as grave as stated. In the USA about 300 people a year die from being burned after they survived a crash. The FAA spent 12 years looking at the problem before cancelling the proposal at Bill Clinton’s insistence. The plane makers thought that saving lives would cost them too much money, oh dear. 12 of them are more important than 300 million people. WHAT A FUCKED UP COUNTRY? AND THE HARPER FASCISTS WANT TO HAND US OVER WITH PAUL GODFREY’S HELP! After studying this problem I can say without fear of contradiction, the manufacturers are full of shit. Usually in a crash, rigid tanks which are tightly anchored in the nose or between spars will rupture. The old nose tanks or headers represent a huge problem. When a tank or header is crushed, the cockpit is soaked with gas Wing tanks usually rupture when a wing is torn off, meaning the area around the fuselage is soaked with gas, possibly a circle of some 30 feet in diameter. If there is a spark, the area becomes a 30 foot wide blow torch. All bystanders can do if there are any, is stand back and let the plane burn. For the new Jay, I have designed two double skinned tanks that have an unusual slipper shape. While tightly held, there will be quick break straps and the tank cover will be fastened with plastic pop rivets. My idea is that in a crash the tanks will pop out intact. Gas connections with the fuselage will be of the quick release type. So the tanks go flying intact and there would be very little gas in the plane area and no gas in the cockpit. The lines from the tank connection to the firewall area will be stainless and routed through dedicated protective channels. I would expect the DOT to test the pop out gas tank system and mandate a change. All new aeroplanes would require pop out tanks and the old fleet would be phased out. This could be done by refusing to allow veteran aircraft that are involved in serious accidents to be rebuilt or the old parts used again. Or maybe banned from training or carrying passengers. How about mandatory wing root checks for all metal lightplanes over 30 years. I could tell our DOT where to look. It would cost them less than one fatal accident. A Champ groundlooped the other day as one gear leg collapsed. It was determined that metal fatigue and rust of the oleo had caused the failure. Metal fatigue can’t be seen. I wonder how many old planes are just worn out and ready to fall down. The DOT is between a rock and a hard place, pacify the lightplane / ultralight crowd or assure the public that their safety and interests are being looked after? A new generation of affordable / certified light aircraft will please both. The most pressing public problem is noise, it is probably number one for the citizenry but it goes right over the head of the flying community. The seem oblivious. This is a little like ignoring a cancerous growth. I have been working on the idea of a truly serviceable lightplane muffler for a long time. De Havilland put silencers on his Moths in 1926. That is 90 years ago. Little Daaaaaaaaaaa! Don’t seek and ye shall not find? My muffler is certainly patentable. I will not describe it here other than to say it is jet powered. My muffler could be retrofitted to the existing certified plane fleet. It is the make or break item for private flying. Respect the public right to peace and quiet or get gasping for breath. My jet silencer would cost no more than existing faux mufflers, increase engine efficiency, mollify exhaust valve problem and probably boost speed by 5 mph. If I am proven correct and we produce a quiet, improved, all metal BJ /Super CUB kit for well under $ 100,000, with a brand new copy of a Cont. 0 200. Why would an aviator purchase an ultralight or LSA??? Under such circumstances the DOT could begin phasing out ultralights before the public says enough is enough. In fact, 3 guys could go together, buy a BJ kit, build it and share the flying for peanuts compared to-day’s prices. Making something cheaper in 2017, it is stark madness. One prang with an ultralight and it is scrap. Not to mention wear and tear on the pilot, if he survives? One would have to work real hard to prang a CUB type aeroplane. There are many PA-18 that are now 40 years old or even 50 and they keep on chugging along, although rust is eating their inards. To get comparable service one would have to own 20 ultralights over that time period. The chances of an ultralight surviving extended use is but an expensive, deadly dream. My original BJ kit left out the engine, prop, instruments, wheels and brakes as did all homebuilts. It was and is like a mating dance. I hoped someone would have a cheap engine to fit my BJ. And some engine maker hoped someone would design a homebuilt that required his size engine. The path or dance was and is never clear and never complete. During WW 1 and WW 11 there were spurts of aviation activity, progress was rapid. Since 1980 however private flying has been in the doldrums or is even regressing. Wall St. owned Piper, Beech and Cessna wanted no competition after the War, the FAA complied. For a small group of individualistic aviators, the FAA threw a bone to chew on. Such a craft had to be made 51% by the builder, it was quite a devious Category, homebuilding. It turns out that 75% of homebuilts are never completed. Some homebuilders have a little pilot training but few have any knowledge of aeroplane mechanicals. How many novices could construct an atomic bomb or do brain surgery??? Homebuilding was a way of siphoning off independent aviation minds and reducing the chance of any competition for Beech, Cessna and Piper. The big three, from 1980 onward stagnated. Wall St. was only interested in milking them dry. Homebuilts could not be used commercially or for training, so those who were interested in flying or learning were driven away, never to return. It strikes me that the Americans are always preaching free markets. The lightplane industry there is as far away from the free market system as one can get. And as per usual the Yankees, particularly the Streeters destroy everything they touch other than filling their own pockets. In terms of ultralights, they start with unpowered hang gliders. Then some smart apple, put a chain saw motor on one and this ridiculous conveyance has grown more deadly with time. Aviation authorities
initially ignored hang gliding so the feathers got out of the pillow. It was for sure that once the powered armchairs started flying, there would be a push for more horses. Larger, heavier ultralights started to appear, designed by people who had no understanding of aeroplane structures or design. They refused to acknowledge 100 years of empirical experience and went right back to the time of the Wrights, who used hardware store fasteners and the like. So the present 5th generation of ultralights, use as their foundation, 20 years of independent experience learned from multiple crashes and deaths. In an ultralight, if you have a heavy landing, there is a 50 / 50 chance that you will kill yourself. I do not know of any other activity under government jurisdiction that tolerates such a kill rate. Authorities are at a loss as to what to do so they just look the other way! Those in charge have abandoned seeking improvements to aeroplanes and have opted to return to the safety level of the past. In 1980 the public was already fed up with us. MY COPA columns sounded the alarm but the special interests were not prepared to make any concessions to the public. My work on the BJ coincided with the disappearance of the cheap Conts. / Lycs engines that were around after the War. In the last 20 years circumstances have changed. Cont. / Lyc., like Cessna have persisted in using old, expensive manufacturing methods and have been able to get away with passing the increased cost on to the flying population with the aid of the FAA. Also robotic manufacturing has come to the fore in the world, Canada and the USA have lagged. In this recent reassessment of the BJ, I have mated a beloved flying machine with the most modern, computer driven manufacturing methods. If I were to market the BJ kit to-day, I could include an engine, a prop, wheels and brakes. I always wanted to build my own engines for the BJ kits. My experience at Leggats gave me an intimate view of aircraft engines. However, I could figure out how to duplicate what Cont. / Lyc. did. Foundry and casting work can not be done on a small scale. And the cost is prohibitive if the part is jobbed out. It bugged me that I was designing an aircraft and 30% of the eventual cost would go to someone else without him expending any effort. I have never been comfortable with auto / snowmobile engine conversions. A car engine runs at higher rpm because the transmission can transfer the power to the wheels at reduced speed. The power is delivered torsionally, there is no pushing or pulling on the crankshaft. The Posche 911 engine can rev to 8 or 9 thousand but an aircraft prop is limited to 2700 rpm, due to tip speed. A Continental [ which I like ] or a Lycoming [ which I don’t like ] are 1930s tractor technology which has remained the same for 50 years. Expensive material and an hourly rate of 25 cents. The AV engine cranks have long prop shafts and long front bushing journals, plus thrust washers. The prop tries to either pull the crank out of the engine or push it out the back end. As well the prop oscillates, thus bending the prop shaft back and forth. That is why so many props separate from aerobatic machines. You can’t modify a car engine enough to fully fill the role of a known aircraft engine So simplicity, big cubes, low rpm and a special bushing arrangement for the crank can’t be duplicated in a car engine. Interestingly enough C. G. Taylor, who designed my J-2 was fed up with not being able to find a decent engine in 1935, even though C. G. had the Cont. A 40 in hand. His machine shop in Bradford Penn. was well along with the engine when Taylor and Piper started to feud. As always in the airplane business there can be a split between the designers and the bean counters. The partners split and Taylor left to form a new Company, Taylorcraft. The engine in question disappeared from view. Continental promised Bill Piper that it would iron out the teething problem that the A 40 was experiencing. They did and in short order came the new series, A 50, A 65, A 75, C 85 and 90 engines from which the 0 200 sprang. These are my favourite engines. Simple, easy to work on, originally cheap to make and very dependable. When I started the BJ, there were lots of used Continentals around at decent prices and parts were reasonable. During the 1970s Cont / Lyc could sell everything they produced. Every year the output of lightplanes was about 15,000. Then planes got bigger, the twins arrived and the engines started pushing 300 / 400 hp. The makers had bigger margins. When you are serving filet mignon at 95 bucks a plate, are you really interested in a customer who wants a cheese sandwich. Cont. / Lyc. turned their backs on the little guys who put them in business The 0 200 and the 0 235 engines reach their zenith and the designs were frozen. If these small engines were going to stay in service, the two Companies decided that they would be turned into cash cows. When I learned to fly in DYX [ 1951 ], it had a C 85, with a starter and Excello fuel injector. The injector was mounted on a 4 bolt boss at the bottom / front of the engine below the prop hub. The injector ran off the camshaft. These injectors were nothing but trouble and quickly disappeared. On conversion a steel plate was used to cover the injector boss hole and a carburetor and new spider were installed. The other day I saw a video of the new, lightweight Cont. 0 200 D. The engine crankcase still has the Excello boss on the bottom. So Cont. is still using the same crankcase molds that they used 60 years ago. To-day, a new, 0 200 eggshell, crankcase is worth almost $ 5000. Just think, the grand daddy of the 0 200, the A 65 was only $ 650, new in 1939. As the cheap aircraft engines disappeared in the 1980s, there was much activity in the homebuilt field to convert auto engines. Having overhauled many Conts and Lycs, I know what makes them tick, maybe 25 major parts. The escalating price for engines and parts was disturbing just as I was intending to market a CUB clone. You know, a set of rings for a V8 big block Chev, that turns up 7000 rpm might be 20 bucks for 24 rings. For a Lyc the cost might be $ 450 for 12 rings. Come on, this was and still is highway robbery. But circumstances intervened, I shelved the BJ and didn’t have to experience any more engine nightmares. For this present Proof of Concept process, I revisited the subject of aircraft engines during 2016. The price of engines and parts is even more outrageous. And major problems like cracking cases and cylinder heads, stuck exhaust valves and studs pulling out, have not been solved. At $ 35,000 a copy you would expect better results There is no competition to keep Cont. / Lyc. honest. They have a gem of an engine type which perfectly fit aviation needs. The Companies have never had competition, UNTIL NOW THAT IS! I like the little Continentals because the cam shaft in below the crank and gets lots of oil. With the Lycoming, the camshaft lies above the crank and originally it did not get pressure oil. Both engines have sand cast aluminum, egg shell crank case halfs. Both engine cases are subject to cracking, a problem which has never been solved. Studs pull out of the aluminum cases, and through bolts do too. As well there are exhaust valve problems, another neglected situation. Steel Helicoils can be used to refresh the stripped holes but in some cases the engine must be removed and the case split to do the job. With both engines, the camshafts run in the aluminum cases, not good news for reliability. Franklin used camshaft bushings to great effect, so it can be done, this I prefer. Franklin engines were good engines and a big deal, back 1930s to 48. Preston Tucker, he of car fame, bought the Franklin Co. with borrowed money and shut down the aviation division. Franklin had more engine business than Continental and Lycoming together at the time. If a camshaft picks up a tiny chunk of metal from the oil, in minutes it can tear an aluminum case apart. I think all revolving parts should be equipped with bushings or bearings. Both engines have confined the exhaust gas area of the each alum. head into a tight space with little breathing room. It is a hot spot which has never been properly addressed. Exhaust pipes are of small OD and the engines have to work to push out the lingering hot gases. On Lycs and Conts exhaust valves do not have pressure oil on either engine. The head fins around the exhaust area are inadequate for proper cooling. In my view, heads separate from the steel cylinders due to overheating, the expansion differential get too great and heads do blow. Engine baffling is left to the airframe manufacturers, this is a huge mistake and causes many accidents. Aeronautical engineers who specialize, in say flaps, know nothing about engine hot spots, as AMEs do. We found many baffle systems which were inadequate and often at Leggats we tried to modify same to get more air here or there. The important parts of an aircraft engine are the crankshaft [ they used to be cast iron, later forged steel ], the camshaft [ same deal, cast or forged ], aluminum sand cast case halfs and cylinders [ aluminum heads screwed onto steel barrels ]. Right now a case [ 2 halfs ] for a 0 200 Cont costs $ 4700. A camshaft is almost $ 3000. A crankshaft is $ 4900. A new certified 0 200 is $ 35,000 and a LSA 0 200D is $ 24,000. How can lightplane flying and training survive??? You can’t make enough money out of a little aeroplane to pay for it. Decent trainers are no longer available. The machines being used to train, are either too old or resemble the Wright flyer. This is the fault of leadership, a narrow focus and the promotion of special interests to the exclusion of all others. I feel sorry for the authorities, they dug themselves into a deep hole and can’t get out. While world technologies rocket ahead, private flying is stalled in 1980. The fleet gets older with each passing year and more an more of it is turning to dangerous junk. Officialdom twiddles its’ thumbs and pretends nothing is wrong. If you don’t have the puck you can’t control the game. The FAA lost the puck many years ago. The BJ was as of 1995, a partially baked cake. Did you know I ask my computer questions? I was interested, if I can cut BJ fittings with a computer driven laser, what other things can I make using the same system. How are crankshafts made? This led me to the auto racing sector. They need engine parts that will stand 10,000 rpm, they are experimenters who need one off stuff. Little machine shops are cater to these racing type and have gravitated to CNC machining. Cranks can be made to order, out of the strongest steel. How about a camshaft? CNC. What about an aluminum crankcase? CNC. How about the cylinders, alum heads and steel cylinders. CNC. Steel cylinder are not used much in the car racing business. Ductile cast iron is their favourite. On racing engines, the aluminum heads are separate from the cylinders, of course. Long and short of it is, I have enough machinist skills to recognize the potential of CNC in aviation. The information to build a copy of a 4 banger Continental is all there, either in manual form or in my head. A stronger, more reliable and cheaper 4 banger engine is within my reach. It will be interesting to see what the Jay 4 banger really costs to build. My estimates are based on the prices for custom CNC work on racing cars. It is an exciting idea, because I do not have to hope an airframe maker out there might be interested in a BJ engine. Like Geoffrey de Havilland I can now build or make everything in house using a minimum of space age machinery. I would take a note from Porsche, Rolls Royce and the DH Gypsy Major, have separate, generous aluminum heads and use long through bolts from the crankcase to hold the heads on the cylinders. A cylinder separation would be impossible. There are, right now, more than 6000 hi powered flying machines in the USA with FAA condemned cylinders [ 42,000 of them ]. The FAA order says change them, at $ 12,000 an engine or the plane gets grounded. Those craft affected have lost half their value, and in some cases are no more than scrap now. The defective cylinders did not come from Lyc. or Cont., they came from FAA approved, aftermarket manufacturers, owned by the Chinese. When the shit hit the fan, the guilty companies declared bankruptcy and FAA washed its’ hands of the whole matter. Individual aeroplane owners were left holding the bag and the aviation press just buried the whole story. Sounds like Paul Godfrey, RIGHT??? paid censorship. The BJ cylinders would be of ductile cast iron [ ASTM A339 ] and the bore can be machined on a lathe. The heads can be made from a aluminum high strength billets on a CNC machine. A crankshaft can be made from chromoly steel on a CNC machine. Once the blue print is fed into the computer as we did with the laser cutter, the machines can work night and day turning out crankshafts etc, until you switch it off. No lunch hour, no pee breaks or no pensions. But, but, but, I disagree with the rightoes. CNC means a more competitive product. An efficient business, with popular and reliable products, favourably priced, does away with grunt work and creates much better jobs, requiring a higher level of education. This is the exact opposite direction to that desired by Trumpf, the rightpublicanazis and their lieutenant Steve Harper. Where dumbing down the masses is hugely important. I can see as an add on business, the making of by-pass water turbines, vertical wind turbines, hydrogen infrastucture and hydrogen incinerators. Being that all of these products would be produced on a hydrogen island, beyond the reach of AMERIGREED, they could sold to our new trading partners, encompassing 2.2 billion people. I think there is a market for about 250 new Jay trainers a year. Wouldn’t that stir things up in the Madawaska River Valley, for the better? In the real world, a V8 crankshaft made from chromoly steel runs under $ 1000 in the racing industry [ as compared to a Lyc. / Cont. crank at $ 5000 ], a camshaft is $ 400, cylinders 200 bucks, heads $ 150, 4 ring pistons for $100 and a crankcase for 1200 dollars. As stated, these prices come from the racing car and top fuel dragster shops, whose high compression engines turn up 10,000 rpm. If you compare apple to apples it clear that Cont. / Lyc. prices are not justified. It clear that due to the FAA rules, market forces are not at work in this regard. All these parts can be designed, loaded onto the computer, programed, then the 7 axis CNC machine carves them out to tolerances beyond human beings. Aero engines are built in small number to close tolerances acceptable in 1930. A CNC mach. can do better than man can. Imagine 4 pistons, a set of rings and con rods weighing within one gram? A program can be developed to carve the various parts one after another, 25 crankshafts, then 25 camshafts, then 50 cylinder heads, then 25 LH alum. crank cases, 25 RH alum. crank cases and so on. The engine production schedule would be timed to BJ production orders. A two lane assembly line would see the airframes on one and the engines on the other. The only baby sitting a CNC mach. requires, is an operator to load the billets and replaces the cutting heads. Wheels and brakes can also be made on a CNC machine from an alum. billet. A set of Clevelands for a BJ now runs $ 1500. I am thinking $ 700 / $ 800 a set, for 2 split rim wheels and matching brake calipers. A CNC machine duplicates many machine tool processes. The billet is clamped on a bed. The driven head with a drill or cutter, can move up and down, in and out, from side to side, around and around in a stirring motion and combinations of all the forgoing, driven by servos. The driven head is articulated by the servos which are computer controlled. A hole is only drilled so deep, it can be threaded. Six holes in a row can be drilled, threaded or not threaded, or every second one threaded. At each operation, the tool cupboard opens, the head selects the tool required then darts back to the billet, be it steel, cast, plastic or aluminum. Any shape you can imagine can be produced. Initially the drawing of the part takes time. Then time must be spent putting the blueprint info into the computer. Once that is done, the CNC machine can run day after day, 10 parts, 100 parts or 1000 parts. Or a dozen each of 20 different parts. The machine allows for a variation of thicknesses which can’t be done using sheet metal or casting. The Continental crankcases are sand cast of an aluminum which can be poured. The casting process limits the thickness of the case halves and the thickness of the material of the material itself. A CNC machine starts out with a solid block of aluminum and carves it to the specified shape, extra strength where needed. This allows the case to be shaped for maximum strength rather than there being limited due to the casting process. This would eliminate Cont. case cracking, something Continental CAN’T DO. The multiple tungsten cutting tools can reduce a billet of aluminum to an intricate shape in minutes. Using old shop methods, such a part would take many hours, if it could be made at all. Such parts might be made from 2 or 3 separate pieces or many operations by skilled machinists. The CNC machine will make it all in one piece. The BJ airframe was a very large, and very successful part of the original puzzle. Indifferent Governments, a moribund aviation industry, a hostile aviation press and tough economic times clipped my Jay bird’s wings in 1995. However things have changed on my end. As well things have changed publicly for private flying. As stated, the veteran lightplane are dropping like dodos, unsafe and no longer cost effective. Light Sport Aircraft, with a max weight of 1320 lbs are twitchy little buggers that will drop a wing and kill you in a blink. Most of the LSAs in the States exceed the legal weight limit, the FAA, looks the other way. Flying lawn chairs will continue to extract a deadly toll on those who ignore good aeroplane practices, cotter pins, locking wire, AN hardware, bearing surfaces of bronze, oilite or Micarta [ not aluminum or wood ], and use of wing struts not control cable. I wince even writing this. I would say to the wives or partners of ultralight flyers, make sure the will is in your name. Another consideration might be to poison him, it would save him dying in a raging inferno. Actually burning him at the stake would at least be at the time of your choosing. World aviation authorities are entrapped by a trap of their own making. The American people have fucked up their society royally. Should the FAA be any exception? I would like our Prime Minister to hang a ” QUARANTINE ” sign on the 49th parallel. Making it quite clear, ” Yankees go home “. As well, I wish PM Trudeau to deal with the grasping fingers of AMERIGREED which lay hands on MY COUNTRY. This can be done by lopping them off. I am in the world without competition, as regards a rugged, low cost, reliable, family of trainers. Within Canada’s boundaries, such machines can be manufactured without regard to any outsiders, including the USA. No especially the USA. This new approach to making aeroplanes, would have to include a change in the courses at technical schools and engineering courses at universities. Apprenticeships would have to be reintroduced. First Nations, wounded veterans and the disabled would have to be accommodated, there would be work for all. I see the union movement as being an integral part of this industry which would include Board membership. However I see no place in this environment for Canadian national unions which have wide membership. The people we involve must have aviation savvy and be dedicated thus. Of course no USA union would have look in. As well we would need complete freedom from the constraints of Big Energy. In this area, the manufacturing of by-pass water turbines [ which I discussed with Harper’s National Research Council, not ten years ago ], vertical wind turbine, hydrogen infrastructure and hydrogen incinerators, would preclude the need for Big Energy’s extremely and dirty products and services. The foregoing would provide diversification to the aeroplane business. In terms of the dire straits of private flying, will the world AV authorities face the music and fight??? Or will they flee and hide??? Ottawa must now deal with a homegrown public which is fed up with lightplanes and ultralights and their irresponsible operation. Student numbers are dropping, the training fleet is vanishing, flying schools are closing and little airports are closing. A quick sweep of the net, regarding USA small plane accidents and crazy activities, is scary. These yahoos should not be in the air. The FAA ignores the law breaking. Why did I take hours and hours of training both flying and as a mechanic??? So many of these nut cases are taking selfies, convinced that they a god’s gift to flying. Only in America! But there are signs that some in the aviation crowd here are awakening to the possibility that their activities could be greatly curtailed, due to noise. And that they are living on borrowed time. It there enough concern to really clean up sport flying and training or are those responsible just making pretty sounding noises??? With this post I am pressing them, ” fish or cut bait “? Canada’s economy is still in the doldrums, because of 10 years of failed right wing policies which just will not die. Every day this Nation snatches defeat from the jaws of victory mainly due to the ever hovering Mad Harper and his Fascists goons, as well as Paul Godfrey / National Post and David Thomson / Globe and Tar, et al. They are being paid by AMERIGREED to facilitate the stripping of wealth from this Country. And strip it they do! Godfrey gets $ 1.5 million a year selling out Canada. David Thomson has personal fortune of over $ 20 billion. His motivation for selling out Canada seems mostly related to just being greedy, enough is apparently not enough for Dave. These boys, and they are boys, not adults, and their friends have no respect for Canadians. They are now asking Trudeau for tax money handouts. Godfrey, Thomson, Honderich etc, want us to pay for the building of the USA gas chambers, in which this Nation will be exterminated. How’s that for nerve. In this Nation there are many GARDEN PATHS. The nukies have one, Pennsylvania nat. gas frackers have one, the USA oil mononoly has yet another, TransNotCanada / Enbridge / Kinder Morgan have theirs, there are wealth management people, stock brokers, etc, etc. The one common element leading Canadians down the garden path, it is the Nazi media. Which is paid by the foregoing to lead you down THEIR MANY GARDEN PATHS, TO BE FLEECED DURING YOUR TRIP. We have health Canada which oversees drugs and health practices. But there is no central agency to warn us about the many garden paths being touted, which can ruin our health, drain our bank account and destroy lives. It is the Streeter’s curse which has been brought into this Country by the Fascist, Fifth Column. The wealth management industry does manage your wealth to their advantage. Reverse mortgages rob seniors of their wealth, acquired over a lifetime. Why are we allowing the Yanks to raid our treasury and steal us blind? Because Paul Godfrey and friends are paid to cover their tracks. Simply put, I think many Canadians are just stupid. Hitler did say the mob is ignorant, are they still??? How many??? If we allow the USA robbers to ransack our house, make off with the silverware and don’t make a peep, then we only have ourselves to blame for no jobs, Food Banks, tar tailing ponds, a ltre of gas a buck twenty and 25 cent KWs. There are jobs awaiting our efforts, there should be no Food Banks, the creators of the tailing ponds should be in jail and their assets confiscated, gas should be 60 cents a ltre and electricity in Ontario should be ten cents a KW. The reason none of this is true, goes back to a population that is to-day as misinformed as the German people were in 1933 Even in difficult times, there is a lot of private money around, looking for solid investment opportunities. But the Nazi media attacks any innovation, as it runs counter to the US intention of taking control of Canada. Thank heaven the general population has abandoned the stock market, which is rigged and run by the criminal element working out of Bay / Wall St. I think junior investors went to the wall. They believe broker bullshit right up until they ran out of money. I don’t know of any other Western democracy like the USA, which allows the crooks to roam at large without fear of the law. And that poison has been spread to Canada. In the face of monumental obstacles, is it possible that my new approach to flight training might succeed? The time might be right for the BJ, now that I have found the final puzzle pieces. As said, the CUB was designed [ 1930s ] at a time when material was expensive and labour cheap. Bill Piper was an honest man who saw business in the long term. He manufactured dependable, yet affordable machines which kept the competition honest. Based on his business model private flying prospered. Once Piper was driven out by Wall St. the rot set in. That greed lies all around us to-day and yes greed still grips the aviation industry. 30 year ago, when Piper Corp was still manufacturing the PA-18, it seemed to me that the planes’ future success lay in maintaining its’ flying qualities while enhancing the product and at the same time reducing the costs and labour input. Now, all these years later, the jackals have the CUB, they’ve improved it not and who are determined to ring from it every last sou, while contributing nothing to cause of flying. Oh so American! The US dollar is worth more than life itself. I note that years ago, every time Henry Ford lowered the price of his Model T 50 by bucks, he put his car within the reach a million more Americans. That sentiment still rings true and was / is a constant beacon for my commercial adventures. A search for better products, at a lower cost, as well as a lower environmental cost. Great things are possible if one puts the thinking cap on! However in North America to-day, under rightie ideology, all competition has been eliminated at the very instant the Yanks preach free trade. US corporations do not make their money by honest work, they make their money serreptitiously stealing the wealth of the PEOPLE of the USA, and the citizens of Canada, of England, of Europe, and the world for that matter. This wealth stripping has been institutionalize by legions of thieves with pens who are paid to legitimize this theft. Paul Godfrey among them. Our neighbours to the south seem to have bought into such thievery and have allowed Trumpf to be thrust upon them in a phony election. The majority of Americans live in fantasyland, they still think that their Country is a democracy and exceptional. It is neither! It just shows how powerful the Nazi media was in 1933 and is so to-day. And why they are given so much money to lie and mislead. Quite frankly, IT WORKS!!! Is it a weakness of the human mind, to allow themselves to be taken in by these diabolical people who hold slavery in higher esteem than freedom, and cash above all else. American ballots no longer count! This has been coming for 20 years and started in California. THOSE BITS OF PAPER ARE WORTHLESS NOW, NOT OF ANY VALUE, ZERO! The rightpublicanazi Party and the one percent few, now hold fast ALL the levers of power. And there is nobody in the world who can now right that wretched wrong. Happily, Canadians don’t have to buy into servitude, even though Paul Godfrey and gang are being paid to sell it hard. WE EACH HAVE A VALID BALLOT STILL, BUT IT IS A FRAGILE THING. It can be snatched from from us by the Yanks in an instant, if we do not remain vigilant. I refuse to abandon the idea, that a better product at a cheaper price won’t win the day. But I do admit that when competition is killed the advance of civilization slows to a crawl. Slave holding is much more profitable that running a legitimate, honest business! The US dog in the manger approach runs counter to free enterprise as I know it. The oil monopoly doesn’t want our tar and Benzine any longer but will not let us free to pursue other options, thanks to the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and CBC. In the 1990s to add to my concerns the Piper Corp took exceptions to my BJ, I got a lawyer’s letter, threatening legal action against me. I raised my middle finger, gestured it towards Vero Beach and Wall St. and carried on. Providing more for less is unheard of in to-day’s world, AMERIGREED WILL NOT HEAR OF IT. And to suggest such a thing, chances a crushing. It is the age of mindless gimee gimee from the Streeters. I have discovered that when I put a little thinking into something mechanical I can usually better it. But all of those whose major talent is the production of inferior products, find it easier to contribute to the Republicans in Congress and duck their responsiblities. The Repubs respond by killing the unwanted competition both at home or abroad, on behalf of the friendly donors. In the USA, businesses, the friends of the Repubs thrive. Opponents just get the chop. In Canada no homegrown companies were permitted to survive under Harper, only firms with US ties live unmolested! Viking Air has been quite successful resurrecting the Twin Otter and now has almost 600 employees. I feared for the Firm’s future and half expected the Yanks to move in and kill it. Then I found Viking was privately held in this Country. AMERIGREED and Paul Godfrey can’t touch Viking. There is a lesson to be learned here. Canadian innovators of world class products should be backed by the National Research Council and funded by our pension funds and the Can. Business Development Bank. This would mean that Wall St. vultures would have no look in. Canada could retain a stake in each enterprise and the public would benefit from their investments as well as seeing jobs created. In the USA, when cutting edge products are funded at MIT say, by the Government. Those ideas which are successful are just handed over to AMERIGREED and the corporations for no charge. The American people never see a dime. How many ways can people in a democracy be screwed, just look south of the 49th for that answer. When the BJ process started 30 years ago, I was concerned that reliance on the States was a chancy move, especially for engines, props and other essentials. That fear has now been confirmed, the USA is an unreliable partner, sand upon which to build a business. The picture has changed for me however. I have eliminated the need to go to the US cap in hand. The J bird as now envisaged, is a much stronger self reliant bird, more Canadian. This via tighter engineering, reduction of the parts count and embracing CNC technology, particularly in regards to engines, props and wheels and brakes. Going forward there are two important considerations. If we move ahead with the J bird, the only business we will be in is selling aeroplanes, service, flight training and the promotion of aviation through education. Engines, props and the like will not be sold separately to the general public by my Company. Flying schools will be the sales outlet. Buy a franchise, use the trainers for a period then sell them and buy new ones. Service the sales or sell new? The only way to experience a J bird engine will be to purchase a BJ. As well, I want nothing to do with the American lightplane market. The FAA rules and the way that agency does business, run counter to my democratic belief system, and my business approach. Mingling with crooks was never a good, long lasting strategy. The Yanks insult my intelligence. My endeavours will not be enhanced by dealing with such incompetence. It is my view that all flying activities should be tightly controlled by the Civil Aviation Authorities in every country. Those who ply the friendly skies, need to be a cut above the rest. Piloting requires a special breed of person. Holding thoroughbreds to a higher standard is not a stretch, and can bring great dividends. There is no downside to striving for the best among the best. However, to-day pilot licenses go to those with money. So as your airliner falls from the skies, you cn be assured your pilot is the best money can buy. Rather, we should go about our business in a professional manner which sees out labours enhance the public experience, whether aloft or on the ground Every kid in the world [ I feel sorry for American youngsters ], who seeks to be one with the clouds should have that opportunity. I do not mean the task should be easy. Nothing that is worth doing is easy. But special interests with greed as their only goal, SHOULD NOT be allowed to stand in the way of the young people who possess natural piloting talent. We have to find a way to teach young aviation enthusiasts to fly before burdening them with doubletalk, the regulation labyrinth and talk of airline jobs. Right now, when a youngster arrives at the airport, the response is come on in so we can pick your pockets. Oh no money, sorry. I want the young to be met at the airport gate and greeted with, come with me and I will give you the gift of flight The next section explores those possibilities.


LET’S TRY TIDING UP THIS MESS — The Blue Jay is fact. The prototype was finished 20 years ago, ready to fly. The DOT had signed off on it and I had my registration CF-DKV. It was painful to abandon the endeavour, but only a fool sets sail on the incoming tide. The BJ was an exact copy of a PA-18 with many small improvements and a reduced part count of over 100 pieces not including hardware. I still have the machine, it is in storage. Some of my changes were a wider cockpit, two doors, adjustable front seat, rubber mounted panel, rear view mirrors, a step on each leg for gassing up the wing tanks, jacking points, exhaust ramp, built in float fittings, square wing tips with droops, pop rivets for fabric, instead of rib stitching, an elevator trim tab, aluminum stringers, strut cuffs, as well as many fitting changes [ beefier / easier ], ideas stolen from the many planes I worked on over 40 years. Remember I hold a Commercial Pilot’s License, was a bushpilot / test pilot and I’m an aeroplane mechanic with AME qualifications. When I was flying and encountered a problem, I knew how to fix it. When I was making repairs I was conscious of how they would affect flight. The BJ started life as my personal project. Much interest was shown by others, because nobody was building a homebuilt Super CUB while Piper still had the plane on the market. The features mentioned above are not things that would be considered by a manufacturer but they were incorporated by me at minimum cost and in some cases the improvements saved money and speeded the project. Most aircraft are designed by committees of beancounters and engineers. Pilots are generally left out of the picture. Geoffrey de Havilland was both a pilot and a designer who test flew his own creations. Early on, when he produced the Moth he did not have his own engine. He solved that with the Gypsy 4 cylinder, fist run in 1927. Shortly after that, DH started making props. As a result, de Havs shot ahead of other airframe makers. They could make everything in house and marry the various parts to suit. No wheel spinning. It is a truism, DON’T SEEK AND YOU WILL SURELY NEVER FIND! Canadians don’t know much about keeping production in house. We seem happy to sell the Americans our raw materials for cheap, buy the finished products back at high prices and allow the Yanks make the big bucks. In fact Joe Oiliver, Herr Harper’s side kick praised the Nation for being hewers of wood and drawers of water. Joe thought we would make excellent serfs. It could be that Oiliver is right and I am wrong! When the BJ was completed one aspect of the job was very clear, fabric as a covering had outlived its’ usefulness. A cover job now costs more than $ 20,000, and it will burn like blazes [ something NEVER discussed ]. Like so many others, I had flown down a blind canyon with a fabric CUB. But as I doped the bird I could see how I might modify the airframe to take aluminum instead. But for the times, it was an idea too far. Looking back though, if I had not constructed the BJ prototype when I did, in 2017 I could not now tackle the new, all metal Jay.


I have in the present, 30 large sheets of detailed blueprints, done starting in the late 1970s. To go all metal I have to change a number of parts. I would replace the plywood floor with aluminum diamond plate, it doesn’t burn or rot. The wing tip ribs would have to be strengthened to take fiberglas drooped tips. Applying aluminum to the US 35 B, constant chord airfoil, presented no problems. My ribs were made of formed 6061 with wide flanges, just made for pop rivets. It was the curved fuselage and tailplanes which were a stumbling block. Flat metals won’t conform to curves. Let’s start with the CUB fuselage. Originally the E-2 was a parasol, wing on supports above the fuselage. When the J-2 made its’ appearance, the rear fuselage had a turtle deck built up of thin steel U channels and wooden stringers, on top of a 4 longeron, square fuselage. In the metal J, the fuselage longerons had to go straight from the cockpit rear to the tailpost. That was not difficult to do, just reposition the longerons and rework the Warren truss, this I did on paper. With the rounded tailplanes, I did the same thing. The fin is straight front and back and the dorsal fin is straight too. I straightened the leading edge of the stabs which have square ends for the aerodynamic balanced elevators. The elevators were a bigger problem, all curves. I squared off elevator aerodynamic balance sections, allowing for rounded fiberglas tips. I squared off the elevator trailing edges to accept one piece aluminum wraparounds which would be hard riveted along the trailing edges like a Cessna or Luscombe. The BJ uses a trim tab The shape works. Same for the rudder, voila P-51 Mustang. It makes for a pleasant profile. Thus the control areas are increased in area to handle more power and the weight gain is minimal. Actually metalizing reduces the cost of materials and the manufacturing time. By removing the turtle deck, all the wooden stingers and standoff, I don’t see much of a weight gain. 50 years ago we were told that a metalized Stinson 108 was 50 lbs heavier than with fabric. I dunno? Leggats had to do a new weight and balance. So the all metal Super CUB exists in theory with the only problem standing in the way is doing it. I think a year would see the prototype new Jay completed.


I see 4 aeroplanes emerging from the new J. The CLASSIC [ wide bodied { 34″ }, tandem, CUB type homebuilt in kit form, trike and tailwheel ]. A certified version of the CLASSIC. The TRAINER [ a certified, two place, side by side version { 44″ } of the CLASSIC, trike or tailwheel ]. The STATION WAGON [ a certified, four place version { 54″ } of the CLASSIC, trike or tailwheel ]. My BJ, duplicate fabric CUB, kit was approved by the DOT. I see no reason why a metalized kit should change that DOT approval? Rather than follow the homebuilt industry custom of gathering together 49% of the kit parts that make the most profits. I listed all of the BJ parts from the easiest to the toughest to make. My kit at that time was to consist of all the toughest parts right up to the 49% manufacturer limit. As well, I produced a builder’s and maintenance manual. Homebuilding has a 75% failure rate. I wanted successful aeroplanes! I was looking to better those odds and have many more successes. With my kit having been approved I saw that certifying or rather, recertifying a P-18 copy would not be that onerous for the DOT. After all almost 15,000 Super CUBs were built and many still flying are 50 years old. The design has proved itself. Remember, from a flying standpoint, it is the shape of the PA-18 that endures. That said, how does one use the materials available to make that machine stronger, a better performer, AT A LOWER PRICE??? Everything is on the table? STOL, does not mean hanging the CUB on the prop. That is pure stupidity, that judgement being pronounced after death. STOL means having a safe low end to better do the job of lifting and moving materials, in a machine meant to be a pickup truck. The CUB possessed with original STOL characteristics, was not true STOL, the cockpit is too small to carry anything. The CUB has become a faux bushplane for little men with more money than brains. The Beaver was the first, designed STOL machine. Then De Havs added 1/3rd more power to the Beaver than originally intended [ a Gypsy at 300 hp, was replaced by a P-W Junior at 450 hp ]. My Stinson 108-3 originally had 150 hp, Stan Deluce reequipped it with 190 hp. The Super CU started with 90 horses and eventually had 135 horses, a real performer. Then the STOL nuts got hold of the CUB and installed 180 /200 hp engines, for what purpose other than kill themselves I do not know??? The new metal Jay bird singles would all be grossed at 2400 lbs and be stressed to 7 Gs neg. / pos., like the Fleet Canuck. This would allow all 4 versions [ CLASSIC { kit or cert. }, TRAINER and 4 place STATION WAGON. To use the same wings, tailplanes, gear, engine mount and fuselage side frames. One front spar, both sides and rear spar the same. One rib, or parts thereof, LH ?/ RH flange. # 1 aileron L or R, same with the flap. 10 aileron / flap hinge sets, all the same, stabs same, as with rudder and elevators [ Every third one would have the trim tab cutout ]. Gear V, the same with the axle only angled for L or R. One front lift strut / rear strut, both sides with no forks. One rubber doughnut, airfoil shock strut, both sides. Gear, root and float fittings, flat flat pattern, the same both sides. Rudder pedal assemblies, same both sides except toe brake hinges on the pilot’s side. I can tell you that this approach become infectious. Every part can be reviewed to see if it can be made universal. THIS IS JUST NOT DONE IN THE LIGHTPLANE INDUSTRY. The only variation between the models would be in the width of the fuselage. This can be done because of the US 35B airfoil has a wide C of G range, 12 inches. In 1948 Aeronca produced t1he Champ, Chief and Sedan. The Champ and the Chief had 80% of their parts in common while the Sedan used 25%. These percentages could have been greater if the Company had discontinued the short coupled Chief. Then Aeronca would have had a side Champ, a real cheap trainer more than a year in advance of the Cessna 120 / 140. During 1946 to 1951 period the Champs outsold the Chiefs, 4 to one. It was a bad call by management, they did not know their market and did not know their products, especially as Piper went broke in 1948. My Classic tandem homebuilt and certified version would use the standard stick control, no change. Both the TRAINER and the STATION WAGON would have wheels and Y yokes like the DH Beaver and the same throttle quadrant. In actual fact, it is lighter, cheaper and easier to manufacture a DH style yoke than use the complicated, heavy wheel control system as in the Cessnas and T-Carts. The TRAINER is modeled after the Fleet Canuck in which I learned to fly. The Canuck was a big company machine, built like a brick backhouse and very uncomplicated [ fewer parts ]. It was a better aeroplane than the CUB, Champ and C 140 for training. It had a wide, roomy cockpit and lots of viz, including a skylight. It needed 100 horses and the CUB wing with flaps. The Fleet 80, whose design was based on the Noury N 75, was put together by a committee at Fleet. Many people adding various components. The Canuck was killed by the Americans who would not let it in the Country. Every plane designed in the USA came to Canada after the War. The Yanks knew the Canuck WAS A GOOD TRAINER AND THEY HAD NOTHING TO COMPARE TO IT. So as usual, the American reaction to superior products is to kill them off. Congress did the same to the Beaver, Otter, Caribou and the Buffalo. Boeing, thanks to Mulroney did a number on the Twin Otter, Dash 7 and Dash 8. Happily the Dash 8 and Twin Otter survived the slaughter and are in production again. The Beaver to is breathing again but their is no market for these 3 machines in the USA. The Americans don’t measure up in this regard but prefer to ignore DH machines. I say FUCK THEM, THEY ARE NOTHING BUT POOR LOSERS AND INCOMPETENT TO BOOT. The Jay bird machines will have the ability to outperform anything the USA can produce at a far lower price. This would put Canada and the world in a unique position, better and cheaper training / utility aeroplanes! My STATION WAGON is modeled after the Stinson 108-3 floatplane that I flew out of White River Ont. Most pilots, even ones who have thousands of hours, probably only flew a half dozen types. I tested numerous aeroplanes at Leggats, according to my log book I flew 22 different types. So big deal right? But it did give me a chance to compare their flight characteristics, as well as link the way they flew to the way they were made. Some of those old craft had major design flaws. The Cessna Bobcat had aileron cables in the wings that could be wrongly connected. There were serious accidents. But the Company never caught a mistake, so simple to solve, make the cables of differing lengths. Don’t get me started, there are a million such stories. Even the authorities, up in their throne room were unaware of these poor designs and workmanship. Making makers jump through hoops, as far as the wings falling off or spin characteristics, is all well and fine. But then to ignore the crushing of pilots / passengers, the burning of same to death, drowning them, accurate fuel gauges, 1930s engines with the same defects, being sold for $ 35,000, non existent engine out performance of light twins is ludicrous. Even with an engine out, THERE IS NO INSTRUMENT TO TELL THE PILOT WHICH FAN HAS QUIT. By the time he or she figures which engine died, they and their passengers are 6 ft under. Just a little thinking solve this problem. The FAA lives in a fantasy world like all Americans. Wishing it so doesn’t make it so! Problems denied by the right wing and covered over by the US Nazi media do not go away, they just take bigger and bigger bites. Just cast your eyes south. The USA reminds me of the derelict house at 320 Sycamore St., in, ” It’s a Wonderful Life “. In his imaginings, George Bailey return to the home he and Mary renovated, but he had never been born. So the old abandoned Granville house remained in its’ perilous state. That picture of 320 Sycamore St., is a perfect metaphor for these Disunited States of America. It is a picture of a democracy abandoned. In terms of the dismal performance of the FAA can best be exemplified by little aeroplane exhaust noise. The Agency has been making excuses for 50 years and the aviation press bolstered every excuse. I solved that problem 30 years ago but there was no interest. If there are no FAA rules which have to be complied with, then why WOULDN’T the American engine builders and light aeroplane makers voluntarily seek a solution, to show consideration for 95% of the population that don’t have pilot’s licenses. Because that is the Wall St. / corporate way. Shit on the people as long as the politicians, insiders and the Nazi media are making GOOD money. The States is like a giant whirlpool, sucking everything good in and making it disappear for ever. Do Canadians want to be sucked into that whirlpool, when they need not be. This Country has lived for a long time in the shadow of the USA, going back to 1776. We have been much affected and much abused by the Americans but we have succeeded in staying out of their actual grasp. The time to skate along the edge of the abyss is no longer an option. We either submit ourselves to the Trumpf whirlpool and a uncertain future or any future at all. Or we walk away from the precipice and carve out a new future which does not involve the USA. It will not be an easy task but I THINK Canucks are up to it. I fear two groups in this regard. There are some / many Canadians who feel inferior to the States and can not imagine casting off the Yankee yoke and being off the chain for a moment. Although our relationship has been painful at times, one can get used to confinement or so they say. The other group is of low intelligence, those who are devoid of skills and talents and empathy, who have been recruited by AMERIGREED to deliver this their Nation into THEIR keep. These traitors walk freely among us and take no pains to hide their deceit. AND WE THE PUBLIC ALLOW IT!!! WHAT THE HELL CAN BE EXPECTED!!! This is like allowing a known rapist to live in your house, with a bedroom on the same floor as your daughters. WHAT THE HELL CAN BE EXPECTED??? IS THE SOFTENING OF BRAIN TISSUE ALIVE IN OUR LAND??? HAVE THE US RIGHTPUBLICANAZIS BEEN PUTTING SOMETHING IN OUR WATER??? Now when I contemplate what type of flight trainer that would suit the world at this moment in time situation, as the skunk said when the wind changed, it all comes back to me now. Both the bitter and the batter. While my Jay bird has been greatly refined and has the potential to solve the flight training problem, the political scene has become much more confused. And even less promising, is the fact that with the grip of right wing ideology around the world’s throat, governments not longer solve problems for fear of stirring up Yankee wrath, especially in Canada, the UK and Brussels. The festering of problems adds mightily to the softening up of the masses, which along with starvation, the diminishment of education, the dismemberment of medicare, the abandonment of the poor and disabled, the constant threats to safety, lack of protection against corporate and Wall / bay St. abuse and lastly the daily helpings of fear mongering to keep us all on edge means we turn to the right wing, surrender our beings in hopes that we will be protected from an imaginary evil world. For confirmation of these facts just read Paul Godfrey’s National Post papers!!! .


The FLEET CANUCK was a solid trainer with a compromise metal wing structure, between lift and speed [ well covered on the net ]. It was stiff legged like the CUB and very responsive on aileron to cross winds. It had authority over errant winds. While most other trainers were using A 65s, the F 80 had a C 85. The Canuck could have used a little more poop but it was more than adequate as a side by side ab initio trainer, gentle on students. It did not groundloop and was a long liver, many still on the registry. {{ [ Canuck \ 1945-47 / 35% ] – [ J-3 \ 1939-48 / 27% ] – [ Champ \ 1946-48 / 33% ] – [ Super CUB \ 1949- 1995 / 29% ]}}. I never considered the Canuck a personal plane, it was a trainer from the get go and much sought after by Canadian flight schools. F 80s got hammered and were rebuilt, hammered/rebuilt, over and over. One major accident with a c 150 and it was toast. The 65 hp Champ was a good little trainer but it was underpowered, a tandem, wood spars and an oleo gear that was too mushy. The wind could get under a wing and the aircraft would flex on those oleos. It did not groundloop unless you worked at it. The Chief was a short coupled [ a shorter fuselage than the Champ by 2 feet ], it had a low ceiling and was hard to see out of. The little SOB had heel brakes and would chase its’ tail in a blink. It too had soft oleos and a wood spars. Scrape a wing tip and the spar would split, big dollar repairs. The Luscombe had a very narrow wheel base and loved to go in circles. The cockpit was cramped and the visibility to each side was not adequate, due to the low set, small, thin wing. It did not perform well in hot weather. Luscombes loved the tree tops. The T-Carts were floaters as well as dropping a wing when stalled, and had a wood spars. Ick wood, I HATE WOOD! Here too, the visibility and a cramped cockpit made the Taylorcraft unsuitable as a trainer. The CUB family with long wings were adequate trainers but hard to get in and out of. The tandem set up was cramped and the gas tank behind the instrument panel, behind a high positioned engine was a killer or fryer for foolhardy pilots. The short wing Pipers had short fuselages as well, all speed and little bottom end. They would drop out from under you. Wither the gear would fold or they went round and round. The C 140 cabin was cramped and the vis was not that good. The rag wing performed well. When the tapered metal wing came along, the low end suffered because Cessna engineers were searching for speed. The small Cessnas were not designed as trainers. The US industry just adopted them as such, something sexy to sell to students, rather then teaching flying. In Canada the Fleet Canuck was the mainstay trainer and went on for years, almost indestructable. The Cessna spring steel gear would go sproing, sproing, with nothing to dampen the hops. The gear was afixed to aluminum torsion boxes under the seats. The planes was a writeoff after a heavy landing. Although I have experience 140 / 150 torsion box damage that was never reported. The machines were passed along to suckers who in the end paid for the repairs or scrapped the machines. So there was an excellent trainer there in all the parts of those machines. None of them stacked up against the Canuck. But then what motivation is there to improve a product when your Government kills the competition??? The Stinson 108 series were wonderful, underpowered planes, designed by big aeroplane designers, like the Fleet 80. It was only when the 150 /165 Franklins were removed and the L-5, 190 hp Lycoming was installed that it became a rugged thoroughbred. It had slots, a gentle stall, was off the water in a blink and was very stable in the air. How does one combine the best of the CUB, Canuck and Stinson. I have given it a good try. Replacing fabric with aluminum, putting my own 130 hp engines and props on the 2 place machines and 180 hp in the four place. I want a good stable bottom end with as much as I can get at the top without sacrifice. For the first 25 hours students should have a pleasant experience, and LEARN TO FLY. They should not be scared spitless, while they are being sent to the poor house. They should be able to feel the aeroplane fly and the ground school should bolster that necessity. The second 25 hours should be used to hone flying skills while at the same time, ” From the Ground Up ” has to be digested, in detail. Teaching someone to fly means aiming at a target and never losing sight of that goal. Selling hours, as the flight training schools do to-day, really relates to people going for meaningless, regular flips, with a pilot’s license a distant part of the equation? One 65 year old, washed up US pilot, got an instructor’s rating. He became a freelancer. Another old guy, who had let his pilot’s license laps 20 years ago, decided to get back in the game. He bought a 300 hp turbo single. He engaged the freelancer to check him out. On their first flight, they drilled a hole in the earth. The Glas panel was recovered and showed the owner pilot lost control of the machine. What is surprising, the instructor never reacted to loss of control. On examination he was found to have 7 banned medications in his system. He was a real live zombie with a FAA ticket. Solution, designated aviation doctors. A regulatory system this far past its’-best-before-date, is beneath respect. Of course all of the MANY CRASHES of slinky aeroplanes with Glas panel, proves their worth. We are able to determine what went wrong and why the rich and rusty killed themselves. Glas is a toy well worth the $ 5000. I would not ever consider selling my new Jay trainers to the USA or established flying schools, worldwide. They and I are in totally different businesses.


A ROLL CAGE — I succeeded in strengthening the forward cockpit of the BJ prototype by the use of doublers. However I have a lot more information on anti crash measures now than I did 30 years ago. I have learned much from plane crash photos on the net, NASA crash tests at Langley and the experience of race car drivers wih their roll cages. Nobody else in the aviation industry is talking about crashability or survivability, except me. It would seem I am in uncharted territory here. It is obvious that those who are in control do not value human life as much as they do the almighty buck. But I think we can have our cake and eat it three, by sweeping out the deadwood with a new broom. Using doublers in the BJ prototype was not a major expense nor did it add much weight. But I expect my mods to bring a higher level of safety. If any thing comes of this new Jay proof of concept exercise, I would make available to the DOT and world authorities, the extent of my fuselage modifications, as well as the ongoing experiences. On singles, the engine is going to come back in your lap and if there is any gasoline about it is most likely you will be fried. But that does save a cremation bill. My work focuses on having the engine tuck under the fuselage, with the cockpit going over the top and remaining intact. This can only be done with a 4130 steel tube fuselage. All aluminum fuselages make like a coke can that has been stomped on. Expensive Glas birds, built one Dixie cup at a time, just shatter and crush the occupants. The remedy there is to buy a $20,000 Ballistic Chute to make up for the structural shortcomings. Wooden aeroplanes just splinter into a million pieces and usually burn. If you survive you will be full of slivers. The other problem is gasoline in the cockpit, not only that but aluminum / copper / plastic / rubber pipe is still being used. Daaaaaaaaaaa. Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they are doing! All gas should be in the wings, separated from the fuselage by half a bay. All piping leading to the engine must be stainless steel and routed through crush proof tunnels. I could benchmark these mods for the DOT upon which they could set new standards for fire. If the survival rate of pilots and passengers increases in crashes due to my VOLUNTEER WORK [ there is no money to be made in solving the crash, fire, escape, drownings and noise issues in the world to-day. Everybody who is anybody is on the other side. Let the masses perish, for it is inconvenient and costly to protect lives. Right now the authorities are keeping up with the past in a remarkable fashion. Last in the pack and fading. At different times those in authority fought the installation of fire escapes, smoke detectors, car seat belt and auto safety glass. Now it is aviation’s turn to clean up its’ act, a wise move. Self imposed restrictions are much more palatable than those imposed by the state. But where profits are concerned, safety measures are usually left to the state and wisdom is in short supply. In any endeavour, when the state and corporations join hands in common cause, as is the Case in the USA, the death rate of the common folk always goes up. For such reforms to take hold the emphasis will have to be on the pilot communities and Civil Aviation Authorities outside the USA. One only has to go on the net to see how crazy things are flyingwise in America, this has been going on long before all this Trumpf stuff. Buying into the FAA managed system, mean paying big money for poor results, a heavy loss of life and the constant noise irritation of the wider public, this when the difficulties are all solvable. Flying can be fun, rewarding and affordable. Little aeroplanes should not be killing people wholesale. As well lightplanes shouLd be as quiet as a car driving through a subdivision. Answer me this. If FILET MIGNON is available, why pay the same for STALE DOG BISCUITS???


REDUCING FIRES — I have also given much thought to the fire factor in little aeroplanes. In the USA more than 300 people survive crashes, then burn to death because of rupture gas tanks or fabric covering or wood or plastic. It is all there for you to see in Kathryn’s Our DOT stats chart the same kind of accidents and ADs. But Canada obviously has a tighter system vis a vis pilots and planes. We do no have such excesses. Canada’s aviation system doesn’t display the idiocy, that is so prevalent in the USA. That is why divorce is the only option. The Americans have for a long time, had a much more permissive aviation culture than the rest of the world, and the wildness is getting worse. Pilots in the USA regularly break the law and the FAA doesn’t move in and ground them. What gives??? One pilot and owner of a Cessna 336 would bring family members to the airport for rides and shot the place up with the machine crammed with 6 passengers [ capacity 5 passengers ], one didn’t have a seat belt. Many locals frequented the field just to see the private airshow. At 50 ft above the deck he tore down the runway and abruptly pulled up, shedding both wings. Examination by the Safety Board showed the spars were badly deformed from previous dangerous maneuvers. This idiot was determined to keep this nonsense up until he killed himself and others. Where were the authorities??? Another pilot, with 4500 hours on airliners owned a CUB clone. He regularly put on a show at 200 ft by hanging the thing in the sky at a 45 deg angle of attack where max is less than 20 degs. The local Girl Guide troop was invited to come for a cookout and watch this idiot show off and do his stuff. One of the fathers went along for a ride. The 180 hp machine fell off on one wing and spun in. All that was left was a pile of ashes and twisted steel tubing. A California, commercial pilot and AME, had a history of marijuana use. He crashed his 1946 Luscombe on the beach and went to his heavenly rest, thank heavens. No doubt his passing saved many lives, something that is of little concern to the FAA. For the FAA knew all about his addiction, but kept on renewing his license?????? This craziness had been going on for some years but the FAA doesn’t raise a finger. It is truly the American way. Freedom of the individual has superseded the ability of the Government to act. Not for me! Not Canada! I believe in the will of the people. Democracy, the rule of laws made by the people, strong institutions like places of learning, representative government, where the people collectively get to chose their representative absent of the interference of special interest / outsider groups, special interest groups can exist in such a society, but a way down the pecking order, a strong judiciary and Court system and a free press. In Canada our Supreme Court hears cases which need clarification as regards the laws of the land. The US Supreme Court is just a clearing house for the latest Republican wet dreams. A free press is the only thing Canada lacks. Our newspapers and TV have been taken over by the Americans as part of the their plan to assume control of this Nation. Mind, I think the internet is fast become the replacement for the likes of the National Post, Globe, Star, CTV and Global. Although somewhat unorganized the net provides all side of the issues. Most people are used to having the news digested by journalists and commentators, then regurgitated in readable / listenable form. If the aforementioned media system is to benefit a democracy it must be based on honesty and the truth. As regards Paul Godfrey and friends this is not the case, wherein lies and misinformation rule the day. Interestingly, the Post, Globe, Star, CTV, Global and the CBC have sites on the net, but they are bookcased by a variety of opinions and THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY. Something which the American Nazi media and their branch plants in Canada and England have scrupulously avoided for years. Honesty and truthfulness do not exist in the efforts of Godfrey, Thomson, Honderich and Bell Media. Honesty and truthfulness are there on the net awaiting your perusal! However it is not spoonfed like in the past, so you’ll have to dig a little. But that is not much of a price to pay to protect our democracy. Not much can be done about nose tanks, header tanks, fabric, wood and plastic which adorn the existing fleet. If you fly one of the veterans, the risk of frying is ever present. What has to happen is that more modern, safer and affordable planes have to be introduced to wean pilots off the junkers. Once the changeover starts to happen the public will demand nothing less. To me, a 60 year old Super CUB with a price tag of $ 125,000 is a dangerous junker, oh those 1025 steel fuselages? But you can understand a pilot who likes CUB flying but can’t afford a $ 200,000 CUB clone. The new J CLASSIC homebuilt kit with an engine and all the mods, will be under $ 80,000. The veteran lightplane fleet numbers are going down in North America, in more ways than one. Crashes or crashes with fire are picking them off in bunches. As their numbers dwindle, their price will go up and Government involvement to keep them airworthy will increase the demand on their time at taxpayer’s expense. My interest lies in making my new planes as fire proof as possible. Now, some gas wing tanks are wedged between the spars, many have drag tubes or wires through the middle of tanks. When a wing comes off, the tank is crushed and the gas is widely distributed, it begins to evaporate and that cloud of fumes envelopes the wreck. It is like a bomb. If there is a spark or a hot engine, then woosh, the whole area lights up and whoever is inside that 30 ft circle get burned to death. Gas gauges are another threat. There are so many crashes due to running out of gas. How can that be??? The old wire with a cork was almost foolproof. I had that on my CUB, the Canuck was the same. My Champ had a mechanical gauge in the nose tank. It was right on the top of the dash, above the instrument panel. But nose tanks are killers. Tanks on high wingers usually have gauges on the wing roots. On a PA-18 there are two sight gauges made from glass tubes. In a crash the glass shatters and the pilot is showered with gas until the tank empties. One spark and boom. My solution which would also pertain to low wing singles or twins, is to have TWO GAUGES, one mechanical gauge and one electrical gauge on each tank. During the walk around the gas on board could be determines visually and easily. Then once in the cockpit, the electrical gauges would verify the readings of the mechanical gauges. My research has looked at how to make a crush proof tank and how to get that tank to pop out of its resting place. Testing will have to be done but I have concentrated on two problems. To ensure the tank is not breeched, I believe an aluminum tank covered with Kevlar would survive intact if it was thrown free. By making the tank bay behind the front spar like an angled incline and angling the front wall of the tank accordingly, on impact it would move forward, up and out. I would use stainless steel straps, equipped with aluminum scored bolts to hold the tank and be a weak point. Like a shear pin in an outboard prop. The aluminum tank cover would be pop riveted along its’ leading edge. On the sides and back I would use plastic pop rivets. On impact the tank would slide forward, rise up, snap the straps and tear off the cover. The 75 lb ? weight would carry it a distance. Even if the tank leaked it would be away for an ignition source and away from the plane. It is strange me talking about lightplane fires and prevention. It is like being in the Sky Dome all alone. Governments, pilot organizations and the aviation press will not touch fire with a 12 ft pole. As well there is absolutely no literature on the subject of fires at lightplane crash sites. There are videos of fires on U tube, showing regular planes and ultralights being torched. And nothing is said??? It is as if not talking about it will make the problem go away. This is a very US right wing behavioural problem. The world public is not being served well by this non debate on lightplane safety. So let’s separate the globe into two part on this issue. America and everyone else. The de Havilland Company became a world leader until the UK Government force the merger of its’ many aviation firms in 1960. Since the Wrights, the flying machine business has always been driven by individuals. Their personal view has stamped their products. Of Sir Geoffrey’s exceptional output were his Moth, Mosquito, Comet, Chipmunk, Beaver, ‘twin Otter and the Dash 8. Al Mooney and his Culver Cadet, Mite and M20. Bill Piper and his Cubs. Giuseppe Bellanca, hi performance with hi speed wooden machines. Robert Noorduyn and his Norseman bushplane. Igor Sikorsky and his helicopters. Each with a distinctive approach. When de Havilland in England was snuffed by the Government, its’ heart was ripped out. Great aircraft mostly come from the mind of a single person. Then a team is assembled to build it. DH / UK became a nameless division of Hawker Siddley, a large conglomeration which manufactured aerospace products to suit the whims of politicians. De Havilland Canada had developed its’ own personality and had only loose ties with DH / UK after the War. The Beaver, Otter, Caribou, Buffalo, Twin Otter, Dash 7 and Dash 8, were and are all unique Canadian designs which provided thousands of jobs for Canadians. These utility machines were and are shining examples of what Canadians are capable of doing. In 1985 Mulroney pulled another Mulroney. Brian loves to be sucking on a US teet, as does Lyin Steve. Mulroney sold us out, he sold out Canada, by selling DH to Boeing, how much cash did Brian get??? Only this lying son of a bitch knows. Mulroney got cash from all his illegal capers. Boeing promised no job cuts, then immediately cut jobs. Mulroney’s deal was not worth the paper it was written on. Boeing was / is just another typical forked tongue Yankee Corporation. Even though the DE Hav name has disappeared, the Beaver, Twin Otter and Dash 8 live on, which underscores my point. We as a Nation have built well in the past, and we can build even better in the future if we throw off the Yankee yoke. So many of our TURNCOATS are doing a Mulroney / Harper these days, including the National Post / Globe / Star / CTV / CBC. These Fascist orientated media outlets have decided that the US rightpublicanazis will be the winners in the Canada coup contest. So they are betting on AMERIGREED being successful in their takeover bid. Our Nazi media is quite open about who they support, the USA. If you are a Canadian, screw you! An American, Diane Francis, who obviously COULD NOT MAKE IT IN HER OWN COUNTRY, came to Canada to spread Yankee imperialism. I have been reading her rightie babble for years. Imagine having a job here in Canada as Diane does, paid by the Americans to write rightish propaganda. How low can one go??? I’d rate a bankrobber ahead of Francis! Well the Fascists have created new lows. In terms of Trumpf, said Francis, something like, Canada can complain and resist The Donald but in the end the USA WILL ALWAYS BE THE BOSS. Oh really, Diane! I beg to differ. I suggest Francis leaves before we deport her. In fact I never liked the fact that Parliament banished the noose. I could name a few Fascists who I would like to see strung up. We should get them before they and AMERIGREED GET US. Think Germany 1933! This BOSS BUSINESS dominates the minds of many Canadian turncoats, as well as other immigrants like Tom Flanagan, a pervert and US draft dodger. Preston Manning and the gangs at the Fraser Institute and the Universities of Calgary and Carleton are all hell bent on delivering us to the USA. Mulroney also negotiated NAFTA which gave Washington carte blanche. And did you hear? Trumpf wants more, THAN EVERYTHING!!! As well Mulroney aided Herr Harper in killing the Canadian Wheat Board. Brian acted at the behest of Archer Daniels Midland, a US grain giant on whose Board of Directors Mulroney serves. Brian loves that warm American milk. If the USA wants any part of Canada, Brian Mulroney is their man for a price. What the foregoing assemblage is up to is TREASON. Although the Dash 8 is still produced by Bombardier and the Beaver / Twin Otter are produced by Viking Air in BC, Canada has no current indigenous aircraft in the pipeline. Our years of designing and manufacturing exceptional aeroplanes and training pilots, that accumulated skill have been thrown into the ashcan, mostly thanks to Brian Mulroney and Steve Harper. THE REASON IS SIMPLE, THE AMERICANS DON’T WANT US TO BUILD EXCEPTIONAL AEROPLANES BECAUSE THEY CAN’T COMPETE WITH OUR DESIGNS. What the world needs now is a reliable, low cost ab initio trainer, that is something I just happen to have! While the Yankees talk a good game about free markets, that is the last thing they want. Their approach is to buy up the competition or kill it off. In this regard Mulroney and Harper, assisted immeasurably. A lot of taxpayers money is spent on rendering various public conveyances safe. In lightplane aviation, tax money has been wasted on doubtful window dressing in the USA. And the aviation press there has dutifully swung into line, happy to take advertising money to remain in neutral gear. Like the three monkeys hear, speak and see no evil. NAFTA was a deal in which the Americans got everything they wanted, thanks to Mulroney. Now Trumpf wants the rest. It is decision time for Canada. We can bow to Trumpf, drop our pants or up our skirts and begin our journey, on the road to serfdom. Or we can chart a new course in our OWN INTERESTS. CAN YOU IMAGINE IN OUR OWN INTERESTS? THIS IS PRETTY HEADY STUFF! Reviving the lightplane / trainer industry in Canada, might be an agreeable and VERY profitable first step. The only thing REALLY REQUIRED is for the DOT to certify the new JAY WORLD TRAINER FAMILY. MY new J planes would have pop out tanks after tests are completed. Again the details would be shared with the DOT / world authorities for benchmarking. If fire deaths were to diminish, then it will tell us we are getting warm. This is serious stuff, just 25 years too late. At 300 fire deaths per years in the USA, I make it that 7500 people have died in lightplane fires needlessly due to FAA bureaucratic timidity caused by tight wing ideology.


The POP OUT WINDOW — This is another area where authorities have been dragging their feet. Accident investigations have shown that in water mishaps pilots and passengers have survived the crash, yet drowned because they could not get out of the wreck. Like collapsing cockpits and unnecessary fires, ignoring entrapment and drowning too is inexcusable. At Leggats in the 1950s, we responded to FAA Airworthiness Directives which were meant to combat the dangers of one door aeroplane. Our DOT required de Havs to put a RH door in the Rapides which were coming to Canada, if they were going on floats. Even in 1936 there was concern about passengers being trapped after a water accident In these cases we had to provide an escape hatch of some sort. Recent water accidents in BC show THAT THERE HAS BEEN NO PROGRESS MADE TOWARDS EASY ESCAPE AND LIFE JACKET AVAILABILITY. 1936 to 2016 and still no action. Abysmal! In this regard, a report on such problems was issued in 2006 by the DOT AT THE BEHEST OF THE SAFETY BOARD. It was looking to address these issues and the report showed a commitment on the part of the DOT to seek solutions. In 2008 Martin Eley, Director of Aircraft Certification sent a letter to Merlin Preuss, Director General of Civil Aviation to say the report was being shelved. I would guess, as a reward for saving money for Herr Harper? Eley was subsequently promoted to take the job vacated by Merlin Preuss. I would not normally attach interpretations regarding the advancement of people in the Government jobs, but in this case my float flying experience and long history of maintaining all types of aircraft says to me that Martin Eley is full of shit and his preference to sit on this critical report, then shelve it, bespeaks right wing politics, not public safety. In an interview with Eley after his elevation for services rendered to Harper, he said floatplanes vary in size and technology, WELL YES, that there were no readily available solutions, WELL NO, THERE ARE SOLUTIONS, and that DOT doesn’t have the ability to do such work, WELL YES IT DOES AND PEOPLE LIKE MARTIN ELEY SHOULD BE MADE TO FIND A BROOM JOB IF HE CAN’T CUT THE MUSTARD! Leaving every stone untouched does not a solution find. On occasion, while hopping around north of White River and Chapleau, in my Stinson 190 on 2425 EDO floats, the thought crossed my mind, if we went into the water, could me and my passengers get out? To load up, I usually slid the right seat forward, tilted the seat back against the instrument panel and had passengers get in the right door. With 3 burly prospectors and a bit of their kit, those in the back would probably have been trapped. Without an empty right seat and the ability to shift it forward those in the back would have been out of luck, for sure . Fortunately, in my 300 hours or so in the bush I never had an accident, so I didn’t have to face such a problem. In looking to expand the BJ homebuilt into the new JAY, all metal, side by side TRAINER and a 4 place STATION WAGON, my previous experiences caused me to look hard at getting out of the cockpit if a crash occurred. The solution is obvious, if a door jams, push out windows are needed. The new Jay aeroplanes have one door for each occupant. For the TWIN, a front RH door and a LH rear door. If the fuselage is on is’ side then it is a matter of going out the door on top. There are various ways to make pop out windows, so testing would be required to determine the best arrangement. As usual the industry moves in to make money, $ 5000 has been quoted for pop out windows on a Beaver. I don’t think so! I am going to mail this post to PM Trudeau, Ministers, my MP Rob Oliphant [ I don’t know whether Rob is still breathing, if they’d only let me know? ], IACO, IATA, IAOPA, AOPA, COPA, EAA, major insurance companies and others, including the DOT / CAA-UK / other world aviation authorities. Of slight concern to me is the fact that I may be going too fast for Martin Eley and his technically challenged staff at the DOT? Is there a mechanic among them? Is there anyone there who knows which end of a screwdriver to use? In terms of life jackets, the present regs require that each person in a floatplane must have a lifejacket. Bloody ridiculous if it is stowed away! Usually the jackets are stowed in the luggage compartment or under the seat or even in the back of the plane. This reg is window dressing and ineffectual. And it fails miserably to deal with the problem and a typical bureaucratic response. In a crash, people who are unfamiliar with floatplanes are going to try to get out. Once out, how do they stay afloat? They don’t. If the pilot is alive he can direct the escape. In one such case the pilot bailed and left his passengers to drowned. New Jay aeroplanes will have the seat back cushions double as life jackets. When a passenger is seated, two over the shoulder straps will be hooked to a belt like strap across the tummy. The normal seat belt can then be used. In a sense a passenger will be wearing a very thin backpack / flotation device which will allow him or her to exit the aeroplane in easier fashion. The seatback / life jacket will be velcroed to the steel seat frame. All a passenger would have to do is move out of the seat and the velcro will release the cushion. There is more to this flotation device but it is proprietary. It has application for all sizes of floatplanes, of which there are about 4000 in Canada. Surprise, surprise, DOT / Mr. Eley, the problem has been solved. Question, does innovation and creativity rule the day or do the non flying beancounters win as usual? It depends on you Canadians?


CIVILIZED AEROPLANE MUFFLER / SILENCER — 20 years ago aviation should have had a neighbour friendly silencer. But no, the FAA listened to the plane manufacturers, who said it would be too expensive and reduce max takeoff power. Pure bullshit! Both nice fairy tales but false. In WW 11, problems with new aircraft / engine designs were solved in months not 20 years. The original RR Merlin was 750 hp in 1935, by 1944 it was producing 1860 hp. Because of the press of War, people were not sitting on their hands, pushing paper and collecting paychecks. In the 1970s, Piper, Cessna and Beech were chugging along producing good aeroplanes, some of them great. Then AMERIGREED made the scene and all three were gobbled up by big conglomerations whose only interest was the bottom line. In the 3 cases, those taking control knew nothing about the flying business. Piper, Cessna and Beech were seen as cash cows, which could milked and seen but not heard. No attention was paid to the needs of the flying public, both in the private realm as well as pilot training by these indifferent corporations. They Streeters ruled the roost and the world aviation authorities silently towed along MONEY, M0NEY, MONEY! The mess that we see all around us to-day, can be traced back to those takeovers by Wall St., the US banks, the ever subservient FAA and an ever greedy aviation press. As a result this abuse of trust, the pilot populations in both the US and Canada have been shrinking. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. It is the result of the lightplane industry which poops on its’ customers [ pilots and would be pilots ] as well as the general public. The general industry attitude to everyone is screw you. The FAA and our DOT seem quite comfortable with that arrangement. Quietening down the small aeroplane fleet should have been done years ago, in respect for the rights of the citizenry to live in quiet and peaceful surroundings. But aviation groupthink, selfishness and arrogance have prevailed. And since there is a wide appreciation among those responsible [ like Martin Eley? ], that the problems can’t be solved it guarantees that the noise problem will indeed NOT BE SOLVED. In terms of the muffling of an aircraft engine there are two things to be considered, the exhaust gases PUMPED out by the engine and the sound of detonation. Properly dealt with, the exhaust should be collected and ejected as quickly as possible. Regarding the sound waves, they have to be contained until their energy is dissipated. Standard car mufflers just contain both the gases and soundwaves mixed. Thus there is indeed back pressure. Because the engine has to PUMP the exhaust gases through the restricted muffler. There is a loss of power in this case, 1930s technology. The BJ jet exhaust was developed from the beginning to deal with the separation of the two. Two different jobs. Daaaaaaaaaaaaa. Difficult? Well no! One, scavenge the gases and suck them out of the engine. This eliminates the need for the engine to push the gases out, meaning an increase in hp. The containing of the noise is another matter entirely. It can be accomplished by using a two chamber muffler which traps the noise but lets the gases pass through. Once the gases have been scavenger, the resulting heat generated can then be used to produce thrust like in the Spitfire or the P-51. With a standard aviation muffler that muffles nothing there is a loss of about 5% power. The BJ jet silencer will be whisper quiet and increase power by 5%. This too is proprietary.


WILL GROUPTHINK PREVAIL — Will the conclusions, that I have presented here be acknowledged. Or will Martin Eley / challenged staff no-go approach win out??? Will pilots and passengers in little aeroplanes continue to be crushed, burned or drowned and the public ear assaulted by noisy machines? Or will common sense and open mindedness come to the fore??? Where does such common sense and openmindedness dwell??? Beats me??? I’ve yet to find any of these requirements in Governments. We are in very interesting times. It is choice time! A time when a wrong turn, means losses that could cost this Nation its’ sovereignty. In short order, our surrender will mean we will become Trumpenzees! However a correct rate one turn, could mean gains for Canada of monumental proportions!!! Will the proud to be Western assholes, as dumb as a 4 inch spike crowd win out. Or will intelligence, foresight and vision take the brass ring?????? It is clear that in reading Paul Godfey’s National Post, the assholes will never be made aware of the opportunities and possibilities???


FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST — During the early days of flying in Canada, the influence of de Havilland in England had a large influence on this Country. At first the Moths and other family members were shipped to Canada in crates. They were modified for use in this Country, until eventually complete, modified machines were being built here. The education of Canadian designers and makers had begun, and that experience has never left us! The Moths were modified for the utility role, floats and skis. Moths were also sold in the USA, but there grew a great bias among American aviation types that the importation of foreign aeroplanes should be discouraged by whatever means were at hand, fair or foul. Fleet Aircraft Can., which opened in 1930, was a division of Consolidated Air. Corp. in Buffalo. Its’ main product was a copy of the Fleet 2 biplane trainer called the Fawn / F 7. The RCAF ordered 20 in 1931. Like De Havs, Fleet, led by Jack Sanderson, scrambled to stay in business during the depression. More orders for the improved Finch F 10 / 16, were received from the RCAF. Reuben Fleet, founder of Consolidated, was building the PBYs, Catalina / Canso in Buffalo, which did not have a year round body of water on which to test his flying boats. Fleet pulled up stakes in 1936 and moved his Company to San Diego. At that time he sold Fleet Aircraft Can. to investors in this Country. Work continued on the Finch. In 1942 Fleet was engaged to build PT-26 Fairchild Cornells trainers, for the RCAF, of which more than 1500 were produced. Components for other warplanes were made by Fleet in Fort Erie. While well versed in fabric covered Fleet began to move into metal fabrication. ahead of De Havs. During 1944, the Company was looking down the road, as to what products it could make at the end of hostilities? The Canuck was one such idea, a much modified Noury N-75. The model 80 flew in late 1945 and had the jump on Piper, Aeronca, Taylorcraft, Luscombe and Cessna, in the small plane field. The Canuck was an exceptional trainer, based on 15 years of Fleet building trainers [ Fawn, Finch and Cornell ]. In my view the best. I flew most rag wing Pipers, the Aeronca Champ and Chief, Taylorcraft, Luscombes, the Finch and Cornells. I worked on Cessna 140s and 150s but never flew them. The Canuck was built by a professional, highly skilled workforce. Every part had that big aeroplane feel about it. All of the above competition featured dinky stuff, more like backyard mechanic engineering. When I was building the BJ prototype I had most of the parts from a badly bent PA-18 and a undamaged Fleet 80 fuselage and wings. A CUBy plan set for measurements and the Super CUB parts gave me the shape but the Canuck bits revealed Fleet’s secrets and gave me that crashworthy structure. It must be remembered, that in 1980 I was building a wide bodied Super Cub, originally for myself. The BJ kit and plans idea gradually evolved over time. Only later, when I was covering the prototype did I begin thinking metalization. In 1946, the Canuck was in the air. It had been engineered to British standards [ 7 Gs ], because Fleet was manufacturing Lancaster wings. Its’ superiority was clearly evident and certification in other countries seemed like a snap. But not the USA. Washington wanted nothing to do with a trainer that stood head and shoulders above what the homegrown manufacturers were offering. Don’t compete say the Yanks, just kneecap the competition. Ten years later it happened to the Beaver, then the Otter, Caribou and Buffalo. The Yanks wanted to sell planes in Canada in 1946 but no competition in the home market was to be allowed. Eventually the rule became, no competition in the world market. By now Canadians should understand fully, that when dealing with the Americans, we must take and be satisfied with what ever they offer us, if only crumbs. I say to them, go fuck yourselves! When the Beaver came along, the US plane makers pulled every trick in the book to ensure that the DHC-2 did not succeed in the States. There were trials in 1951 involving the US Airforce and the US Army. The Beaver won every round. In one trial, the American manufacturers had the results set aside and it was restaged. On the second time around the Beaver still prevailed. This contest had two outcomes. There were moves in Congress to make sure that Canada never won another contest. The US Army loved the DH aeroplanes. So the US Congress took all the Army planes away and gave them helicopters. From that time forward de Havilland fought a losing battle against the entrenched US plane makers and their paid politician friends in Washington. Every contest was rigged in America’s favour and it is still the same way to-day. This thuggery, stirred an anti American feeling on my part. I was in business for a long time and am not afraid of competition. For all the free market rhetoric spouted by the righpublicanazis, behind the curtain it is cheat, lie and steal! It was clear that the Yanks are all in favour of a free market as long as they have the upper hand, by means, fair or foul. Diane Francis, an American, American sympathizer said it best. No matter what happens, Canadians have to understand that the States will always be boss. I could NOT DISAGREE MORE with Diane and I invite her to return to her own Country. All mouthy Yanks must go home. Enough right wing malarkey. Contests should be won on merit, not thuggery in the alley. During the War, fate would have it that our little Nation would be seen as the ideal place to build aeroplanes and train pilots and crews. There was a massive transfer of technology of manufacturing / training know how by England and the USA. This information transfer was and is pure gold but it is being hidden by the Canadian rightish elites, US leaning economists and our Nazi media. We, Canada, have the ability to build the best utility, bushplanes and trainers in the world. The skill and means exist, it is just that the Americans would not let us, up till now. There is a world crisis in terms of small utility machines / trainers in the present. The veteran fleet is shrinking, prices for these relics are going up and airworthiness is going down. In fact, if a popular veteran aeroplane like a Beaver goes down, it will be retrieved and rebuilt at great cost. But better the industry enhances Wall Street’s take, than build a better Canada. We now ranked 4 th in the world aerospace industry, we were for a time punching way above our weight. But over time this Nation is gradually losing it pioneering role and skills thanks to the States interfering in our affairs and its’ resident Quislings, Mulroney and Harper. Vidkum Quisling, was the Leader of Norway during the War. Just another Hitler puppet. In Oct. 1945 Vidkum was executed by firing squad for high treason. Mulroney and Harper deserve no less. We have gradually relinquished our primary roll in aviation and have become bootlickers and the maker of small plane parts. After being shut out of the USA, DHC went on to establish a huge following around the world. The Beaver, Otter, Caribou, Buffalo, Twin Otter, the Dash 7 and the Dash 8, could only have come for the Canadian experience. So special were these craft, that the Beaver, Twin Otter and Dash 8 are still in production. Our unique needs here and the ability to provide for our own needs produced aeroplanes which are at home anywhere on the globe. Something the Americans have never been able to achieve. Piper, Cessna and Beech aircraft were designed for the USA landscape, intercity travel, styling, glitz and no bottom end. The C 152 / 172, Piper Cherokee and Beech Musketeer were all regular runabouts, married to paved runways. When used at grass strip airports, their accident rate is high. Russian roulette with bullets in every chamber. They were seconded to the training role. The 152s, 172s and Cherokees are still in use after 30 years because nothing else has come along to replace them. These aircraft were built for the sales departments of each manufacturer, not with good low end performance, production or maintenance in mind. Most parts for them are no longer stocked and are on special order. One side of a lift up cowling, 7000 bucks, get lost! The Companies wait till the order book fills up and then they run the parts off at very high cost. Sometimes machines are sitting for months awaiting parts, which the FAA says can only be supplied by the manufacturer. An owner of a J-3, 2 seater, a real plane, can pay $ 5000 for an annual. The owner of an ultralight, 2 seater, flying lawn chair, same weight, can do his own maintenance, have a few hours training, with no medical. It is insanity and a 50 / 50 death warrant! Certification is a closed system in which the plane owners and flying schools get fleeced. In turn the students involved in flight training in turn get fleeced and eventually driven away or driven into bankruptcy. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaa. And where pray tell are the authorities, HIDING. The Chinese now own Cessna, Beech, Lycoming, Continental and various other small plane makers. The USA lightplane industry is owned by the Chinese now. Since they have a captive market in the States, they can raise the price of replacement parts for the veteran fleet at will, and are doing so. The Congress just looks the other way. Plus the certified replacement parts can be made in China on the cheap and sold at usury prices in the States. And there is nothing the FAA and the American pilot population can do about it but squeal a little. And since Canada is a FAA follower, all we can do is squeal too, a little. The C 172 wings have 30 different ribs, designed when material was expensive and labour cheap. The BJ CUB copy has four. Recently, a company owned by the Chinese, faced a FAA recall of 42,000 cylinder on the engines in over 6000 aeroplanes, twin and singles. It is estimated that the cost per engine will be about $ 12,000 a pop or 14 million dollars nationally. These machines are not worth very much now, if they are even saleable? The US aviation press has fallen silent on this matter, as usual. The Company responsible is an aftermarket outfit, responsible for not ensuring that the aluminum heads were screwed tightly to the steel cylinder. At the height of the recall, this outfit declared bankrupty and vanished into the night. Leaving its’ customers high and dry, for whom the FAA has shown no sympathy. This outfit just reopened under another name. So typical of America business, greed above all.


BLUE JAY DEVELOPMENT — During the BJ gestation I was ill treated by the Peterson Liberals in Ontario. For crass political reasons, Peterson cancelled an Ont. Industry and Trade export program which was developed under the Davis Government. Not wanting any Tory successes to suddenly blossom on his watch, the small minded, vindictive Peterson, not only killed the program but set out to bankrupt all of the fledgling businesses involved in it. I was put under extreme financial distress by Peterson’s actions. My crime? Developing a small, homegrown bushplane which had and still has world application. Peterson’s early defeat at the polls proves his level of political incompetence. Our Nazi media likes to blame Bob Rae for the depressed times during 1990 to 95. Wrong! This Province was swept up in a global recession which became a depression, That fact can’t be laid at the doorstep of Bob Rae. But the recession was made far worse in Ontaro by Peterson’s poisonous legacy. He killed a system of Government / business cooperation which had stood us in good stead since the War. This system has never been revived. Thanks to Peterson’s mischief, Ontario has been deprived of hundreds of thousands of jobs at a cost of many billions of dollars. Peterson is yet another mediocre politician who’s main strength is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory at the last moment. So typical of the right wing, disaster after disaster for which the Nazi media is paid to sweep under the rug. Rug sweeping is going on this very day. When Paul Godfrey is not publishing false news he is covering up for some Yankee. I was also mistreated by COPA. My Commercial License, AME experience, work on the BJ and knowledge gained from this exercise, left me with a good understanding of the lightplane / homebuilt / ultalight industry at the time. My thoughts were contained in my two COPA columns, ” Taxiing on the Step “, and ” Technically Speaking “, [ about 150 columns in total ]. I did not know that COPA was censoring my stuff, I was too busy with the Jay bird to check such things. It never entered my mind that this so called pilot’s organization would stoop so low as to withhold information crucial to pilots and would be pilots. To encourage me to spend time writing, on the one hand, then delete those comments which might offend the advertisers, was too much to take. You can’t suck and blow at the same time. Either COPA focused on the interests of the pilots and owners or it catered to the aviation industry behind the backs of its’ members. I wrote a column about flying schools not being in the business of training pilots but peddling hours. Thus ripping students off and driving fledgling pilots away. It is true then, it is true now. In response to my piece, the President of the flight training industry sent a letter to COPA which they published. It was a nasty reply, but didn’t really didn’t deal with the issues. I was attacked personally, an attack in which COPA played a role by publishing same. It is clear now, that my predictions about lightplane activities, lax license medicals, noisy / unsafe ultralights, watered down licenses and poor pilot training, cut close to the bone but went right over COPA’s head. It was short sighted of COPA to take the easy road, opt for the status quo and show a preference for life in fantasyland . With eyes wide open, not seeing anything, COPA in the 1980s hastened the demise of private flying. In terms of the certification of the BJ, I was engaged in that process with the DOT. Then very inconviently, Paul Martin, the Finance Minister brought in austerity in 1993, after years of mismanagement by Brian Mulroney. Interesting, Mulroney proved definitively that the right wing ideology doesn’t work. 15 years later Herr Harper was still trying to prove that it did! And so Canada languishes economically presently. Even so the Nazi media continues to praise Lyin Steve. Eventually Martin’s edict filtered down through to the DOT. Instead of the Certification of the BJ being a flat $ 10,000, under Martin this jumped to $ 100,000 plus, even for planes in the pipe. As like the Peterson blunder, the Martin Cost Recovery scheme, was retroactive. It didn’t matter if the train had already left the station, DOT commitments or not, the door was shut. Apparently the DOT was unable to explain to Martin, that Certification was an investment in the future. It was a fee, paid by a designer, to get into the game so he could spend even more money trying to market a flying machine which would generate taxes and good jobs? Huh? Arbitrarily raising the Certification entry fee by a factor of ten plus by the DOT showed an acute level of incompetence, put an end to all lightplane activity. And it was not so much the dollar increase but the fact that I COULD NO LONGER TRUST THE DOT. Recent events have not changed my opinion. That when public concerns and safety clashed with political interests, the people came off second best. Fires, entrapment, drownings and noise continues, I rest my case. Thus, as owner of BJ Aircraft, I was paying to get DOT safety approval to place my aeroplane on the market. By increasing my Certification fee by ten times after the fact Martin ensured the BJ would not be offered for sale. During this time, scores of ultralights were being produced and flown by people with little or no training and no medical requirements. It was and is completely wacky. Thus ended of economic activity in the industry, not a word from the media, it caused a loss of jobs and no taxes and no exports. In this regards Paul Martin, rather than being lauded as a good money manager, should have been labelled a hamfisted bumbler who didn’t know his right hand from his left. This left a permanent scar on private flying. A couple of years later Martin was given the nickname Mr. Dithers. Was that ever a good call.


TO BE OR NOT TO BE, THAT IS THE QUESTION??? — Since the start of the BJ rethink in 2016 things have looked brighter and brighter, and clearer and clearer. If I do anything at all about marketing the new Jay, it will not include the Ontario Liberal Government. It is still the same old corrupt bunch from Peterson’s time, they backed McGuinty Incorporated and now back Kathleen McGuinty. I wonder how many cheques Dalt gets every month for selling out Ontario, during his term??? As well, I will have no truck with COPA, the organization is dedicated to driving young prospective airmen and women into the poor house. And driving the 99% of Canadians who do not fly, bananatoonies with noise. COPA is on a course 180 deg to mine. COPA should disband for all the good they are doing Canadian pilots and owners. Killing the sport is not my idea of a laudable goal? Even though the prospect of marketing the all metal BJ kits, including an engine, prop and undercarriage to the world now seems very favourable, Canada is a very hostile environment for inventors and innovators. Too many Canadians at the top lack vision. They need a US stamp of approval on talent or an idea. The fact that Kevin O’Leary is so much in the news makes my point. An expression I have heard all my life is, ” it will never work “, so Canadian! In 1879, Leonard Tilley, Minister of Finance in the John A Macdonald Cabinet said the following, ” The time has arrived when we are to decide whether we are simply hewers of wood and drawers of water… or will rise to the position, which, I believe Providence has destined us to occupy “. On that the jury is still out. Canada has yet to escape this inferiority complex curse. Only a few months ago, Joe Oilier said, Canadians should be proud of playing the roll of hewers of wood and drawers of water, it is our heritage he quipped. You know on that, oilie Joe is right. 150 years later Preem Peterson and Finance Minister Paul Martin proved being resolute followers, is plenty good enough for this Country. Both approved of killing commercial activity to score political points. Pioneers opened up this Nation. But since that time we have had a steady string second rate leaders who would rather sit on the bench than play the game. Followership is a time honoured pursuit here. I have the option of gently shelving the BJ once again, to avoid having to deal with a succession of slow witted, small thinkers and the incurious. There is no cost for me to leave the game a second time. All the costs and heartaches were incurred 20 years ago, it all water under the bridge.


MAYBE THE THING FOR THE CAMEL TO DO IS JUST PUT HIS HEAD IN THE TENT??? — I could begin marketing the BJ again as a homebuilt, all metal CUB clone, Continental clone engine, Sensenich clone wood prop and Cleveland clone wheels and brakes. This is something that has never been done before. Taking tried and true, proven products, updating them, improving on them, and producing them using MODERN ROBOTIC TECHNOLOGY, which would lower the price appreciably. WHO IN TO-DAY’S WORLD IS STRIVING TO LOWER THE PRICE OF ANYTHING? kATHLEEN McGUINTY?? JOHN TORY?? THE AVIATION INDUSTRY??? DOT??? When I built my log cabin on Baptiste Lake, north of Bancroft Ont., in 1953, I had no electricity. I used a hand drill and a brace and bit. When we got hydro, I used an electric drill and had to run an extension wherever. Now we have cordless / battery drills that have speeded up our business of building Green Houses in which energy bill are cut by 50%. But Canadians never hear about these ideas and Green processes. The Nazi media make no money covering pioneers like us. These space age tools, HAVE CUT COSTS. Maybe all this talk of cutting costs is too much for you to take? Why not go sit on the couch and deep breath. Why should we build a Super CUB, the same way it has was made 60 years ago. Why should we pay through the nose for Cont. / Lyc. engines that are still Second World War technology? I flew behind my J-2, A 40, single mag, 4 banger for more than 200 hours to put in time for my Commercial ticket. Continental A 40s cost Bill Piper $ 450 on a CUB which sold for $ 1395. That is two dollars and fifty cents per pound of engine. In 2017, a Continental 0 200 costs $ 155 per pound of engine. Outrageous! This is not progress! Those responsible think being mediocre or worse rates a gold medal. No wonder private flying is dying. It seems that all of those at the top, are doing their level best to kill the lightplane fact. Then where do the airline pilots of tomorrow come from??? Maybe cloning will be perfected by then?? Armed with my DOT letter, approving the BJ kit, I could immediately go into the world market and start selling NOW. As said, I would ignore the USA small plane market entirely. It too, is part of the larger USA game, everything is always rigged. Many governments / military around the globe used Super CUBs over the years. They were besotted with the PA-18 operations. I think they’d find my B Jay / CUB in a box, as described, very appealing? In emerging countries the J bird could be assembled locally and create jobs. The J family, even though homebuilts, would be used overseas for flight training, mechanic instruction, serve the military, do crop dusting and be utilized as general runabouts. If I went this route I’d box up the TRAINER too The only difference between the two is one is tandem and the other side by side. In Canada a homebuilt can’t be used commercially. But an aluminum tube / pop rivet ultralight killer, can be used for flight training at the hand of someone with 25 hours of experience. I had to have 200 hours to fly commercially. There must be an outbreak of mental illness at the DOT. The old rule of thumb is, never try a new engine with a new airframe. I think I’d build the new Jay all metal tandem prototype. Then I would buy an 0 200 runout and overhaul it. That engine would be used to flight test the prototype. After which the engine would be removed, stripped down, copied and then I would reproduce it. Once the CNC programing was done I could produce 130 hp / 180 hp engines like sausages.


DOING THE FULL MONTY — Of course the proper way to approach this business is produce
BJ homebuilt kits, and certify the tandem, side by side and the 4 place new Jays. Plus certify two engines, an 0 250, 4 cylinder, 130 hp and an 0 350, 4 cylinder, 180 hp. Looking at the world potential for a go anywhere, Canadian built, utility aeroplane, the sky’s the limit. THERE IS NO COMPETITION! Jobs, jobs, everyone is wanting jobs, well here they be. This whole program would depend on 2 things, whether the DOT would consider such a proposal and HOW MUCH WOULD IT COST TO CERTIFY THE LOT??? It could be that Canada has been driven out of the aeroplane pioneering business for keeps by the wood and water thinkers, like oilcan Joe, Lyin Steve Harper and Lyin Brian Mulroney? They gave away as much of Canada, as they could, as fast as they could. It maybe be that our only option for new Jays is to look for support abroad? An affordable tin, widebodied Super CUB that will convert from trike to taildragger, go wheels, skis and floats and be powered by a brand new AIRCRAFT ENGINE is too good a prospect to hide under a bushel. The question is, are there enough negative voices around to-day to kill the new Jays, as there were 20 years ago??????


THE ENGINE’S THE THING — Back in the day, as I glued the BJ together, engines were on my mind. The surplus of War Asset Continentals and Lycomings was drying up and prices were climbing. There was much uncertainty among homebuilders. If I start a homebuilt will I be able to find an affordable engine? I was in business for 50 years, customers do not like uncertainty. I fully explored building my own engines. An aero engine is unique, no other engine is close enough to be EASILY converted. The Conts., Lycs and Franks., all have light aluminum crank cases, separate cylinders, heavy cranks with long front journals / inserts / thrust washers and long propeller shafts. They have dry sumps, guaranteed oil supply and pressure oil to all the major bearing surfaces. Some small aero engines had splash lubrication early on but that changed. Presently Conts. / Lycs. have steel barrels / aluminum heads which are screwed / shrunk on. This was okay for low powered 4 bangers, but trying to extract ever more horses from an A 50 or an 0 145 without a major rethink, set lightplane aviation up for the 42,000 cylinder FAA recall we face to-day. I never experienced major difficulties with heads cracking or separating from steel barrels at Leggats. This is something recent. Increased hp, aluminum fatigue and faulty aluminum casting have contributed to this wholesale failure of big engine jugs. My research shows, that FAA approval of aftermarket cylinders sold by American companies, owned by the Chinese, is at the center of this problem. The Chinese do not yet have the technical expertise to produce parts for certified aircraft. They want that skill and are buying every US AV company to get it. The FAA recall of 42,000 defective cylinders was long in coming. The Agency sat on its’ hands as long as it could, because American lightplane and engine makers were suffering hard times and the Chinese were offering top dollar, even for bankrupt companies. Letting the Chinese off the hook rescued a lot of shareholders and that is what’s all important you know. If pilot and people die, sobeit! Cessna, Beech, Continental, Lycoming, Cirrus and various other firms are now firmly in Chinese hands, the FAA has lowered the boom now that the money has changed hands. Unsurprisingly, the cost of the cylinder recall will be borne by 6000 plane owners and their repair shops, not the Chinese companies. As we see with Trumpf mania the little people are always last in the line. In the 1980s during the BJ years, there were various auto engine conversions with none of them surviving to-day. Car converts were not for me. So at that time I came up empty. Simply put, a small enterprise like mine could not afford the tooling to make forged crankshafts, turn camshafts, sand cast eggshell crank cases and make steel / aluminum cylinders. That was then, now is now. In looking to move forward I went backward in time. My J-2 Cont. A 40, a very friendly engine, and it and I spent many happy hours together. I only had one and a half mishaps. A bronze spark plug insert on the RH, front cylinder unwound and blew out. The engine went real rough, there were no engine mount rubbers in those days. I throttled back to a modest level of vibration. I could see the plug dangling at the end of the lead. I was at about 3000 ft over Yonge and Eglinton. In the old days we were not allowed to fly at tree top level over residential areas or shot up airports to amuse awaiting friends. Barker Field was at the corner of Dufferin and Lawrence. I set my course for home, to the north west. I knew my alternative was the playing field at Bathurst Heights Collegiate. In those days we had slide slipping down to an art. My plan was to try and make Barker. If not, I was prepared to return to the Collegiate, go down wind, then circle back towards the NW and slip the hell out of the CUB and put the thing down on the playing field, which was empty. I made Barker by 50 ft over the wires and landed in the parking lot. Nobody witnessed my forced landing. Leggats was right there at the corner, in the old Tripp Flying School building. I tied BHN down, walked west on Lawrence to Aero Activities to get my motorcycle. Marion Orr was a good instructoress, she taught me to fly good, and fly I could. Also one small problem with the A 40, it blew Cont. combo head gaskets [ asbestos ]. My dad was in the washing machine repair business, which eventually became mine. Wringer washers from the 1920s had tubs made from copper. We stocked used parts including tubs. I cut two A 40 head gaskets out of copper sheet, using an old one for a pattern. I NEVER BLEW ANOTHER HEAD GASKET. KEEP THAT IN MIND. The A 40 had a cast aluminum crankcase with a back accessory casting. The crank only has two mains. There was a long journal / bearing in the nose of the crankcase and a short one in the back case. There were 4 throws side by side. There were two CAST IRON cylinders in each of the RH / LH blocks. There was one aluminum head per side, bearing two plugs initially until the FAA required dual mags. In the old days the FAA thought of the welfare of the pilots. How times have changed? The engine had a bottom cam shaft, a wet sump and depended on splash lubrication. The early Lycoming engines had bottom cam shafts too [ why they ever changed I do not know? ], CAST IRON crankcases and RH /LH cylinders were cast en block. The cranks also had only two main. Heads were made of aluminum. Early Franklins also used CAST IRON barrels / aluminum heads. To me that said something. Back in the 1980s, I was trying to find a way to duplicate an 0 200 and build it the way Continental did. Big mistake, could not do! In 2016, I said to myself, keep the goal in mind, of an engine that performs like the 0 200 but explore other ways to get there. Immediately the possible use of cast iron barrels changed the equation. I had flown behind my A 40 for a couple of hundred hours with nary a problem enginewise. Blowing head gaskets and a plug had to do with aluminum heads. I surveyed various plane and even car engines to check on their construction. Many use cast iron barrels or sleeves to great advantage. I now believe that the use aluminum, steel or cast iron to make cylinders, barrels or insert sleeves is more a matter of the personal preference of companies and their engineers. And this relates to the role an engine will play. As a lightplane powerplant, an engine for a light twin, a top fueler racer or the family car. I have found nothing to say the cast iron barrels would not work well in my Jay engine. Such barrels are easily cast and they can be machines on CNC equipment. Score one for the affordability side. Small Porsche engines offered some guidance, they only run at 9000 rpm. Twin cylinder heads cast en block have proved very successful. They use individual cast iron barrels topped by a single aluminum head assembly which offers some advantages. Porsche alum. heads do not come off nor do they crack. Heads are afixed to the crankcase by 8 long bolts, there are no cylinder base studs / nuts to pull out of the aluminum. The single head per side contains more aluminum mass to provide better cooling, and can have a centre intake and rear / forward facing exhaust ports. The exhaust ports would be 3 studs instead 2 and be housed in finned pompadour bulges. This puts the whole exhaust part of the head well up into the airstream for better cooling. A Jay exhaust 2″ pipe on the front and an s pipe on the back of the head would lead into the jet muffler. The intake spider, at the bottom of the crankcase, to which the carb would be attached could be reworked from the Cont. type, to provided ported fuel / air entry. This into a single intake pipe per side, which would pass under the head, then up and into the head. The aforementioned arrangement does not differ much from the Continental 0 240. It is just that my approach mean the parts can all be made in a machine shop with basic machinery. It cuts the cost of getting there. All of the cast barrels would be the same and a fraction of the Continental price. In fact when a barrel wore out, it would be cheaper to replace it than rebore it. I would used 4 ring pistons, with one oil scraper ring below the pin to lessen piston / barrel wear due to slap caused by a 4″ stroke. I would use solid dome followers / lifters in the case resting in bronze bushings. A pressure oil gallery in the case would supply each follower with oil. The followers would be drilled to supply the pushrods with oil, to be carried out to the rocker arms, ala Continental. I would redesign the pushrod sleeves to prevent leaking at the heads. The rocker arms would be drilled to carry oil to the rocker pins. Of course the oil goes out / down the pushrod sleeves and drains back to the case. But the J engines would have external stainless steel oil pressure lines to nozzles, adjacent to the exhaust valve / spring assemblies. This constant bath of oil over the exhaust valve area would act as a coolant and reduce valve failure and seizing. The rocker covers would be one piece on each side, made for an aluminum billet on a CNC mach, in 15 minutes per, not counting the cost of the billet. I am thinking 100 bucks for the two. Four Cont. rocker caps run 400 dollars. What concerns me about Continentals, is that the hydraulic lifter are on a horizontal plane, yet the push rods angle up to the heads. This causes a bending moment, it is like a crooked arm rather than a straight arm and causes increased wear. I would not use hydraulic lifters for a couple of reasons. An angled pushrod can sometimes flip an internal cup if it is worn. As well if a hy. lifter goes flat it is a major job to replace it, like splitting the case. My followers will have provision to extract them from the outside for servicing is necessary. It will be a matter of removing the rocker, pulling out the pushrod, collapsing the sleeve to get at the offending follower. Geoffrey de Havilland had 3 criteria as regards training aircraft. Gentle to fly, so that a student can master the basics before having to face, short wings, high stall, high power, flaps and high approach speeds. He said, a trainer should be inexpensive to manufacture and easy to maintain. Wow, like wow, like really, but the DH lived in a different era, when AMERIGREED did not dominate our activities. I would weigh the pistons and ring sets as well as the big / small ends of the rods. The variations would meet the standards for race cars, which far exceed the Cont. / Lyc. standards. The rod caps would be drilled 1/8″ on a tangent, this to spray oil into the interior of the opposite piston. The upside of each rod, small end would be drilled countersunk. The little hole would catch the oil spray and lubricate the piston pin. The crankshaft mains and journals would be 2 1/2″, rather the 2″ and be produced from a 4130 billet on a CNC mach. The camshaft likewise by CNC from a 4130 rod of greater diameter then the lobes. This means that the mains would be larger then the lobes. Meaning I can use one piece bronze bushings. They would be drilled for pressure oil and pinned in place. The cam mains would cross cut to sweep the oil around and around for better lubrication. As well the lobes would be tapered, fore to aft. This dials the followers so they constantly rotate to reduce wear. All of the above would be accomplished at hundreds of dollars less then the Continental equivalent. Some of these details relate to my long years overhauling Conts. At Leggats, due to local experience, we often ignored Continental directives. We strove NOT TO KILL OUR CUSTOMERS. We had our own way of doing things, aimed at getting better results. It has been proven time and time again that engineers live in ivory towers. They seldom get oil on their hands. Often problems get solved by maintenance engineers in the field. At Leggats we had a test rig for engines, if the airframe was not available. We’d put the rig in the back of the pickup, drive down to the far end of the runway at Buttonvile, run the engine in and check for problems. I do not remember ever having a major difficulty with an overhaul. In terms of the crankcase, which Cont. sells for almost $ 5000, with CNC machining we have it made in the shade. If a small, hot rod shop in California, can take a 360 lbs aluminum billet and turn it into big V-8 block in a few hours, then we can make a dinky little aircraft engine crankcase, the size of a breadbox, with ease, on a CNC machine. Aluminum car V-8 engine blocks, using CNC are running about $ 1000. Cont. crankcases crack especially on the top because the material is so thin and there are no stiffeners. Also, studs and through bolts pull out of the aluminum cases. This is caused by the heat expansion of the aluminum case which is greater than the steel parts. In the Jay engines, as said, the barrels and heads will be held on by bolts, the heads of which will come from inside the case. 6 through bolts will hold the two case halfs together, along with smaller bolts and nuts around the flange. A bolt that passes through a hole and has a head or nut bearing on the material is far stronger that something threaded into the soft aluminum. I would use dual distributors instead of mags. Magnetos are used on planes that do not have electrical systems. The mag makes electricity then distributes it to the plugs. A distributor takes the electricity from the battery and distributes to the plugs. Two magnetos for a Cont. / Lyc. will run you about $ 3000. The best Porsche distributor will cost $ 350, or 700 bucks for a pair. I hope you have been keeping count. A Cont. crankcase close to $ 5000, a crank the same, the camshaft $ 3000, four pistons $ 500 and on and on! A village idiot could build a cheaper, better engine than this. This is what happens when there is no competition. Washington, the world capital of the free market system doesn’t believe in free markets but does believe in the suppression of wages and the withdrawal of the right of the people to vote. In the past, the various world Civil Aviation authorities have been like ducklings following mother duck, FAA in a line . This latest boondoggle, the Light Sport Aircraft Category and its’ matching junior Pilot’s License is just another negative event on the road to the ruin of private flying. The LSA is too small to be practical. 150 world manufacturers, engine / airframes, have been sucked into this doomed approach. They are producing slippery little, short winged planes for $ 125,000 plus a copy, which do not meet the 1320 lb weight limit while the FAA looks the other way. In fact, the FAA recommends installing a $20,000 ballistic chute on each because these mini birds are so unsafe. The chute makers guarantee their products. If it doesn’t work, just bring it back and they’ll replace it. This whole mess is ridiculous. It is something that sane adults could not possibly conceive? As said, the LSA are expensive toys that kill and are no aid in flight training. The number of veteran aircraft is going down. They are either rotting / corroding away or the price of Chinese parts is grounding them. As far as the flying lawn chairs are concerned, half the crashes result in fatalities. So these aluminum tube and wire machines, are killing off the foolhardy, those who think flight training is a waste of their time and money. To these sad souls, they think they only need ten hours to fly the friendly skies. A sentiment with which the Civil Authorities seem to agree. An ultralights is a danger to the operator as well as the wider public. A crash into a school or old folks home will catch everyone’s attention and not for the right reasons. Ultralights do not even have to exist. It was and is an attempt by governments to sweep little flying under the rug. It has not worked in the past, is not working now and will not do so in the future! It is like allowing motorized golf carts on the freeway. What is the answer, IF ANYONE EVEN CARES ANYMORE??? A real, certified, long wing, all metal aeroplane, with gross weight of 1850 lbs, payload of 450 lbs with full tanks, trike or taildragger, flaps, stall of 42, takeoff 350 ft, landing 400 ft, crash proofed, fireproofed, quiet, with a cruise of 110 mph, for under $ 100,000. As I have discovered, it is an achievable goal, open to anyone with the normal AV know how. All of the puzzle pieces are scattered about in plain view and all it takes is research and some imagination! But with the Americans working hard to get themselves dumbed down, this vision thing is getting in shorter and shorter supply! It would seem that I have done what nobody else has been able to do, namely copy a bonifide aircraft and engine, make some improvements, cut the manufacturng time and cut the cost by half. Could it be that lightplane flying finally has its’ BETTER MOUSETRAP??? Will the world beat a path to my door? We shall see?


ON THE ENGINE MATTER — The Jay engines would come in two hp ratings, 130 and 180. The 190 would be produced and it would be derated to 130 hp using 4.5″ bore instead of a 5.25 bore. They would use car gas. The only difference between the engines would be the size of the cast iron barrels, pistons and the bore opening on the heads. Everything else would be the same. This would reduce the parts count and reduce the manufacturing costs. My approach is how I can get better, safer performance for less money, novel idea aye? You know it was never Bill Piper’s CUB. C. G. Taylor of Taylorcraft fame designed the CUB. Piper was an oilman, business man and a bean counter. Bill bought C. G,’s bankrupt manufactury for 750 bucks. After the takeover, Piper did what no other plane maker in the USA was doing, he froze the CUB design. He employed engineers but not designers. From the time of the E-2 to the PA-22 the wing ribs remained the same. The fuselages were all of the same tubing but in differing lengths. The chocolate bar wing planform was used right up until the PA-23 Apache [ which had a steel tube fuselage, fancy that ] [ When you think about it, I could resurrect the Apache [ just copy it ] as a twin, instrument trainer using two of my 180 hp engines ] [ The Twin Jay, it has a nice ring to it ]. The Cherokee had the same wing too. Once the program for a part like a crank, cam or case was entered into the CNC computer it could then be adjusted for timing and production numbers. Say ten orders were being received each month for new Jays. 5 TRAINERS, 2 CLASSIC CUBS AND 3 STATION WAGONS. The CNC mach. would be programmed to produce the needed parts just in time, all the stuff for seven 130s, three 190s, airframe parts and wheel and brakes. There would be 2 parallel assembly lines, one moving and one stationary, the moving airframe would go from one colour coded station to the next, gear and stores, wings and stores, tailplanes / doors and stores, interior and stores, and so on. Engines / props / cowls would be the last station. The various components would be made in individual bays and trucked to the appropriate station. This would not occupy a large space but the building could be modular so that extensions could be plugged in if necessary. This is not earth shaking technology, it exists. The assembly line as described was used by De Havs Can. to build Mosquitos, 1942 / 45. It is only in to-day’s aviation business that confused parts travel all over hells half acre, before being assembled into the finished aircraft at some remote site with unskilled labour. During the War, Supermarine, Avro and De Havs pioneered aeroplane and engine building. That technology came to Canada along with the system to train pilots and crews. In the last 20 years every effort by the Ont. / Can. Governments has been made to discount this valuable skill and even throw it away. They have assisted in the death of aeroplane building, in the hopes of returning us to hewing wood and hauling water days. Something the Yankees want badly. It is an earnest effort by right wing politicians to recapture the past and all the downsides that will bring. The Yankees are looking for slave not bright entrepreneurs. After all wood choppers and water luggers should now their place! So said lady Black! The search for excellence and innovation, has been abandoned in Canada. But then, with the prospect of this Country becoming a province of the USA such knowledge and skills would be of little use to those in servitude, those who would shuffle back and forth to the beat of the Yankee drummer.


FLIGHT TRAINING IS THE KEY TO THE FUTURE OF PRIVATE FLYING — As said, a plane has two sources of power, the engine and the wing. You need ample helpings of both. If a big wing is mated to a little engine beware. When the wind bites, a chainsaw motor will not overpower the affects of the breezes, a crash is guaranteed, and death is but a coin toss away. For the small winged LSA, in tricky winds the 80 / 90 hp engines will not make up for lack of wing area. With the new Jay TRAINER, 175 sq ft of wing area would provide lots of safe, bottom end, a reduced approach speed from other aircraft and a predictable stall. If the winds are not in a cooperative mood, you bring out that whip. With 130 hp at your disposal, you can overpower the wing with authority. The new J family of aeroplanes [ tandem, side by side, 4 place and twin ] would perfectly suit my proposed 50 / 200 hour system. You get a Private PL in 50 hours and a Commercial License in 200 hour total time, if you pass the tests. When a student has absorbed ground school and completed 50 hours as defined by the resident Civil Air Authority, he or she could write the exams and do the flight test. The success or failure of a student would determine the continuance of further serious training toward a commercial. A flying school should not be able to determine when a student is ready. If the DOT says 45 hours to a license plus ground, then 50 hours should do it nicely! Experience shows that it will be clear in 18 hours, who has the aptitude to fly. Not everyone was born to be a brain surgeon. We would NOT sell J birds to the public nor in the USA. Trainers they are. We would sell FLIGHT SCHOOL franchises around the world, but not in normal sense. The franchisee would only need to be a pilot and buy 4 machines at a discount [ 2 TRAINERS, one CLASSIC CUB and one STATION WAGON ]. The franchisee would become a dealer for J birds and parts. The school would have to have a close working relationship with the resident Civil Air Authority as well as an AME. Rigid training is the key to training competent pilots and engineers. Such a school could best be located at a turf airport within 30 miles of a metropolitan area. Spending so many years flying and working around Toronto, it has been sad to see one little airport after another driven out by developers. Might as well think ahead. If such a grass field DOES exist, we would assist in providing the plans for a large T hangar or a kit for building a metal one. Metal does not burn. This would house one aircraft and the two open spaces at the back could become a flight office and a workshop. Marion Orr operated out of a 25′ by 25′ block building at Barker. Aeroplanes which are serviced within a hangar are much better maintained. At Barker Field Leggats did not have a hangar. We worked out in the cold. An old pot belly stove in the shop, warmed us up and provided us with hot coffee. As the business grew another T hangar could be added and so on, so the place always looked presentable. Car gas tanks would be installed. A wind generator could provide electricity if it is not available. Probably, where no turf strip exists a new one would have to be built. I, along with many of Marion Orr’s students helped her build the airport at Maple Ont., in 1954 after Barker Field closed. Later they built the Conroy Hotel on Dufferin St, right where I forced landed BHN and were I sat in a snow bank fixing a Marvel Schebler carburetor. One can’t forget gas running down your arms in below zero temps. In the 1980s I built a 1200 ft grass strip on the farm next to my Pickering home. It was not that tough. J bird would supply airport drawing and drainage details for the franchisees. Of course Jay craft would be right at home on short turf strips as found around the world but then paved runways would not present a problem. For countries where the water is a factor, an airport on a lake or river would be ideal. We would supply floats, 2000s and 2500s FOR OUR AEROPLANES. At Leggats we did lots of float repairs. If they brought us the EDO tag, we would make an almost new float. To-day, the price of new floats is outrageous. Same tune as with the C 152 s / 172s, too many, two man bucked rivets. The manufacturing of floats had to be rethought but wasn’t. Too easy to just keep raising the price and adhere to antiquated FAA rules. As well we would produce retractable skis to fit all of OUR models. With CNC, we are in an age of small volumes. There is no need to be all things to all people. Manufacturing one aeroplane, with 4 variations is following in Bill Piper’s steps. However AMERIGREED, in the name of Bangor Punta, took control of Piper in 1969. It was a battle, not about building planes but of milking a cash cow until death. Wall St. succeeded and killed the Piper approach, good flying machines, at affordable prices backed by good service. Bill Piper used to come out to meet his customers at Lock Haven. The aviation press said not a word as the Streeters took over. Everyday pilots everywhere in the world paid the price. Once AMERIGREED got a taste of the lightpane industry, they gobbled everything in sight, Beech, Cessna, Continental, Lycoming, McCauley, Hartzell, Bendix, Slick, Goodrich, Cleveland, etc, etc. With Piper gone there was nobody to keep the lightplane industry honest. For the big corporations, it was full greed ahead backed by the aviation press, just soak the shit out pilots, wha can they do??? The aviation press needed all the little guys, still does and doesn’t know it? So it is a matter of the press, couching everything flying in hangar flying talk while in reality serving the interest of the aforementioned corporations. You might call it, the forked tongue.

A 3 in Cessna 152 pulley is $103, a used one with a FAA 8130-3 is 75 bucks [ FAA paperwork is all important you know, even for a pulley, the size of a donut, made from Micarta ]. A homebuilt pulley is ten bucks. I can buy a sheet of Micarta, that will make 36 pulleys for 50 dollars on a CNC machine. The rule of thumb is, that if an 18 in control cable is redirected more than 90 deg, a 3 in pulley must be used, otherwise a 2 in pulley will do. To show you how parsimonious Bill Piper was, to lighten the J-2 he used 1 3/4 in pulleys in place of the 2 inchers He also used slit fairleads to save weight and money. Four CUB strut forks and barrels, run $ 600. Piper used forks on the CUB struts as a means of rigging the wings for fuselages that were not built in a jig. Piper, once the fuselages were jig built, could have discontinued the threaded forks, but that was the curse of certifcation. Four PA-18 lift struts run $ 3300 and the beat goes on. Change anything and the FAA was on your back, and change anything and the lawyers used it as an indication that the product was faulty. In the USA, small lightplane makers are totally liable for crashes. No matter how negligent the pilot is, drunk, doped up, lapsed license, no C of A, flying IFR with no experience, don’t worry. The plane maker’s insurance will pay, and thus insurance, in 1995, climbed to $ 100,000 per copy and bankrupted Piper. The Congress loved it. No matter how stupid their constituents were, there was a pot of gold at the end of each accident. This beanfeast bought votes and the lawyers were very happy. After driving all of the training plane makers were driven out of business, Congress limited the bean feast to 19 years. As a result, the Wall St. vultures could only feed off the carcass of little plane makers for 19 years! No trainers have been manufactured for 20 years. The USA small aeroplane companies lost their value and the Chinese swooped in and bought the whole industry for a song. Now the majority of the world’s training fleet is at least 35 years old and very costly to keep em flying. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Due mainly to CNC machines. I could produce a side by side CERTIFIED, ALL TIN, SIDE BY SIDE, CUB TRAINER FOR UNDER $ 100,000, including cockpit roll cage, pop up Kevlar gas tanks, pop out windows, pilot / passenger life jackets [ for seaplane accidents ] and jet assist engine silencers. The Jay machines, mods and items would not be made available to the general public or the USA, for a reason. Let sleeping dogs lie. Faced with American corporate might and money, I would create a self sufficient / stand alone manufactory to deal with my own flying school customers. I would not challenge the present high cost system in a major way, although it is killing private flying. Surely the US corporations, Wall St., the FAA, pilot’s organizations and the aviation press would not spend time and money to crush a small potatoes outfit like mine??? However, before spending a dime, I would want assurances from Canada, UK, other government, IACO and IATA that I would not be sandbagged as I was 1985 to 1995, by the Ontario Liberals / Peterson / Martin / Liberals and the Can. DOT? One of my interests is the Shuttlesworth Collection of antique aeroplanes in the UK, there is lots of stuff on U tube. There are quite a few homes near that aerodrome. I enjoy watching the silencer equipped, DH Moths purr across the sky over Old Warden Field. Geoffrey de Havilland with his foresight was conscious of the needs of his pilot customers, as well as airport neighbours. DH voluntarily installed mufflers on his machines. To-day, ultralights and LSA in England, are driving the public nuts with noise, as they are everywhere else globally. Aeroplanes do NOT HAVE TO BE NOISY. THEY ARE NOISY BECAUSE THOSE IN CHARGE ARE INCOMPETENT, SELFISH, GREEDY AND IGNORANT OF THE PUBLIC’S NEEDS? You only can poke the bear so many times before he gets angry. Recreational pilots in the UK seem oblivious to the hornet’s nest they are stirring up. Noise is of big concern in North America too, but the aviation press says NOTHING! The runways at Old Warden gave me the idea of an uneven X grass landing strip. That is arrange the main runway of 2000 ft, to point in the direction of the prevailing wind. In Ontario the wind is from the NW, 75% of the time. So the main runway would be 100 ft at the thresholds and 250 ft wide at the 1000 ft centre. The smaller x runway would cross the main one at the centre, be 100 ft wide and extend 300 ft either side of the main runway for a total length of 850 ft. My thinking is that the fat runway provides a variation of 10 deg for takeoff and landing. If a severe cross wind develops, students can land on the cross runway in safety. For countries where there is lots of water, a grass airport on water would be ideal. The J bird schools would have many ways of generating a profit other than soaking the hell out of students. They would sell new / used J machines, parts, service as well as flight training and sight seeing. We would provide a spread sheet showing all of the requirement and costs of running said business as it relates to OUR aeroplanes, parts, service intervals, necessary checks and operating costs. The world training fleet is going to rack and ruin because young mechanics are not trained to repair old clunkers and parts are too expensive. So necessary maintenance is deferred and pilots and passengers die. At my last contact with the Can. DOT, certification of the BJ was going to cost $ 100,000 plus to recertify a copy of a certified PA-18, of which 15,000 have been manufactured. An aircraft well proven. Yet the DOT doesn’t require that planes be built to protect the occupants in a crash, the Agency has no rules about protecting occupants from fires, they are not concerned about pilots and passengers who are trapped in a downed seaplane, nor do they care about the infernal racket little planes make. This is an insult to my intelligence. I would not design a trainer that did not deal with these critical shortcomings. In terms of the search for profitability, as experience was gained this kind of info would be distilled down to assist operators in enhancing their return on investment. In North America, franchises are sold by corporations and then the fanchisees are milked to their last breath. This is AMERIGREED AT ITS WORST! The sooner the Wall St. thugs are taken behind the barn or shot the better. I was 50 years in business and I strove to provide good products and service at an affordable price. I was also self sufficient, nobody was going to have my nackers in his hand. I never went broke. However, I was naive about my dealings with Peterson and the DOT. I took things at face value but should have hired a lawyer to guide me, so both Governments could not kneecap me for political reasons. In the appliance service business, my records showed 70,000 customer over 30 years. My basket manufacturing firm produced between 50,000 and 60,000 famous APPLE BASKETS. In the BJ years, I always treated my customers and prospective customers with courtesy and respect. That is why I expressed my displeasure in COPA, regarding the state of private flying and about our flying schools selling hours not training pilots. They were and still are selling mush and turning out inferior pilots! The people at COPA could not see beyond their own noses and still don’t. I wonder how many prospective Canadian pilots were driven away to other pursuits by our flight training industry with assistance from COPA. My Daughter was one. My new Jay inclination is to make a series of videos from the very first flight lesson, up to 200 hours based on DOT regs and put them on U tube. Then anyone in the world could learn all about flying for FREE. I would use as base material, ” From The Ground Up “, of which I have 4 copies from over the years, including my original from 1950. I would also tap into Manual 18, which I used during my AME apprenticeship days. It is fine to train as a turbine AME but what about small aircraft? Initially I would see my videos in English and French but there may be a requirement for other languages. After all the Super CUB found a home in the following, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Iran, Italy, Israel, Japan, Katanga, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, South Africa, Turkey, Uganda and Uruguay. The USA, besides the LSA debacle, has a two tier flight training system, like Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. There are the approved flight training schools which peddle hours and skin the fledglings . But the aviation press says nothing and take school advertising. Then there are freelance instructors, a lot of old guys who should be limited to recreational flying by the FAA. The idea here is, someone buys a flying machine, hires a freelancer and is taught how to fly. Ya right! So an old bugger, who reads the av mags is smitten with a Cirrus. He buys one and hires an instructor. He puts in some hours, gets along pretty well and eventually goes solo. He can then go to the airports and fly his plane when he feels like it. He’s goes on a short jont, the weather turns dice and he piles the thing in. There are so many fatal accidents, wherein people with a few hours go flying in their own machines. They don’t know any better and for the FAA, as usual, it is hands off. A failure of leadership. In addition old instructors are taking young aviation enthusiasts with them, even EAA Young Eagles. There are many old pilots who come back to flying, their health and reaction time having deteriorated. Many are on banned drugs. In some cases they lie about their medication. It is a good way to kill yourself and others. Watered down medicals are the shits and the FAA knows it. If a senior wants to keep flying, then rent a J-3 and take a check pilot along. There are some who never bother to get a license period. Crazy man, crazy. Read the Kathryn’s Reports on aircraft accidents and fires in the USA. These people are mad, incompetent human beings, flying with no licenses, planes with no C of A, the FAA does nothing. Rather the USA flying establishment is transfixed by War Birds, STOL, 200 hp CUBS, shooting up airports, flying at tree top level and Glas Panels. Burn baby burn!!! And now Trumpf? Americans try may patience!!!

WHERE WOULD THIS FANTASY TAKE PLACE?????? — We had a place near Bancroft Ont. on a small lake, oriented NW / SE. I began building a seaplane dock, never finished it. There are people who make an entire living stopping progress, modern day Luddites. Plan a museum, community centre, a garbage dump, an airport, a group home, a hydrogen village, a new hockey league, new subdivisions, condos, business expansion and so on. Some demented soul with nothing to do will be on your back. These people never put a shovel in the ground or lay a brick or build anything Two examples of such inveterate shit disturbers in my experience were Norah Stoner MPP and Dr. Charles Godfrey. When you have a society where these do-nothing people have more sway than their numbers dictate, stagnation sets in. Problems fester You can add to these people who cherish the status quo, and the right wing, worse-is-better-crowd who want NO Canadian commercial ventures to succeed. Churchill said, a pessimist sees difficulties in every opportunity, that’s Paul Godfrey. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. If the NEW CANADA is to survive its’ birth as of Oct. 19 / 15, it will be necessary that the majority of citizens be optimists, and turn away from the daily doses of rightie propaganda from Paul Godfrey. However, the road ahead is being made more difficult by the well paid Nazi media, the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Mclean’s, CTV, Global and especially the CBC. They are paid by Houston to destroy HOPE and generously promulgate pessimism. The more they can rain on Canada’s parade the better. This is what treason looks like. Look up the meaning of treason. Both Paul Godfrey and David Thomson are guilty of selling this Country short. When the Canadians are clothed, well fed, healthy, educated, comfortable, prosperous and the sunny upland slopes offer their children a bright future, Fascism has difficulty gaining traction. To the US rightpublicanazis, the masses must be scared out of their wits, hungry, sick, poor and poorly informed in order to be manipulated by the Fascists and their hirelings, Paul and Dave. Frightened people can easily be turned against one another by having them scramble for a few crumbs made available. Will my relook at the Blue Jay project stir up another hornet’s nest??? Will the naysayers and the Government foot draggers come out of the shadows again??? Will my quest for the brass ring result in another failed attempt. Will tiny Light Sport Aircraft continue to kill, those on the ground and those above??? Will ultralight drivers continue to plummet to earth thereby gaining their heavenly wings??? Will older pilots with severe medical problems and too many mind numbing pills still threaten everyone in everyone’s sky??? Will the aviation press continue to do nothing but smile at the whole ugly mess. And will the FAA continue to solve phony problems when the real problems escape their attention??? Or will world aviation chuck the USA completely and return to a safer, more affordable path? Where money is not the major and only goal??? Greed makes Wall St. buzz. But AMERIGREED HAS NO PLACE IN FLYING. I’d like to see a place wherein natural born pilots succeed based on merit. And the pilot population competence level soars, rather than doing repeated impersonations of a flat spin. We shall see???


It is well known that the FAA / DOT do not care about crashability, fires, entrapment, drowning and noise, then it will come as no surprise that there is no requirement that a light twin be able to maintain safe flight on one engine. Two of Washington’s prime goals is to keep wages depressed and keep bank profits high. As regards the FAA, death by little aeroplanes is directly related to the cost of any safety features or performance improvements to the makers. In a single with an engine failure [ the number of engine failures is way too high but being ignored by the authorities, maybe too many Chinese parts? ], you are going down and the size of the wing will govern how hard you smack the earth. The structure will determine if you get squashed? The position of the gas tank / tanks will determine if you fry? Pop out doors and practical life jackets will deside if you get trapped and drown. All fixable! In most light twins, in engine out situations you are going spin down and you are going to die a messy death. Some skillful pilots, who have had TIME to LEARN to FLY PROPERLY and with little luck on their side, WILL survive. As a result of the kill rate of light twins their production has almost stopped. Gradually the fleet is being culled. This situation IS FIXABLE! Really, if one looks at this problem, it is a matter of phony maker designated payload. FAA won’t mess with the manufacturers. Large luggage compartments are put at the rear of fuselages, just inviting overloads, which will affect the aft C of G. Operators on occasion, require aeroplanes to have floats that are almost underwater. One float will carry the machine. Two floats means half out of the water. So for the authorities it is hands off the manufacturers stats. For the operators, it is cram as much in as possible. And for the ill trained pilot, it is Russian roulette. If the thing piles in it will be pilot error. There are very few procedures given to aid pilots in engine out situations. The regs keep sneaking back to the pilot’s responsibilities. Those who write the FAA regulations in this regard, are lawyers who have never had a flying lesson. Basically the problem is an overenthusiastic gross weight, set by the makers. And a set of instructions to deal with an engine out that may or may not keep the machine in the air. Keeping the thing aloft depends on the pilot’s experience and skill and whether the emergency measures are taken in the right order But as in the foregoing list of my concerns, it proves beyond doubt, that if you do not seek a solution to one engine out crash, you will never find one! By not addressing being squashed like a bug in a collapsed cockpit, real live people becoming crispy critters, pilots and passengers trapped and drowned and small aircraft with big noise, no solutions have been yet been found. But with a great deal of research, I have found numerous measures which would alleviate much of this pain. In terms of spinning twins on one engine, wide experience has shown how to avoid losing control and making it back to terra firma in one piece. And I discovered a lot of literature on the subject, because I know what I am looking for. I am familiar with Bill Piper and his honest approach to private flying. Since he built his first twin, the Apache [ a revamped Twin Stinson ], I turned to the PA-23 to create a base line. I never piloted a twin, although I worked on them, a DH Rapide, Apache, Beech 18 and a DC-3. Of the Apache, one pilot said, it takes off like a CUB, like a homesick angel. Okay, what kind of airfoil did an Apache have and what was it’s planform? Try finding that out. It had a metalized, Super CUB wing, lookee here. My contention that a tin Jay bird is possible, has been confirmed. To make a long story short, the Apache is a gentle twin that is predictable with an engine out due to the CUB wing, so it has good bottom end as well as speed. If all of the known, engine out procedures are applied to the PA-23 copy voluntarily, we should see a 350 fpm climb at gross. And that should be our starting point. The rate of climb for a twin fully loaded should be 350 fpm, standard temp, paved runway, with zero wind. If that can’t be accomplished, some of the stuff or passengers must be removed. All a runway or a lake must be used for takeoff, ALL! A survey of the runway runout must be made and the height of obstacles noted. This info should be made available by the local airport operator as should the condition of the runways, pooled water, ice and such. Hello FAA, is the pilots supposed to guess all this stuff and put lives at risk??? The go/no go point should be clearly identified. If at liftoff, an engine dies, put the bloody thing down and steer away from the known obstacles. If at climb speed over 50 ft, reduce full power on the operating engine, rudder into the live engine and a touch of down aileron on the live engine to maintain the wing level, leave the flaps at 10 degs, feather the dead prop and up the gear. Then apply whatever throttle is needed to maintain the airspeed in this sort of slip attitude or crab. Don’t trade airspeed for climb. Maintaining control to get back on the ground is most important. If the airport is a one runway deal, wires or trees at the end of active runway or hills, they should have been taken into consideration before the machine was loaded. I flew 3 firefighters into a small lake south of Chapleau. There had been a lightening strike, which started a small fire. There was NO ACCESS. The Chief Forester wanted to get a small team in there to contain the fire, until a larger team could go cross country. He could not put a Beaver in there, it was too short and there was no place for a helicopter to land. Stan Deluce’s wife, located in White River got a call from the Chief in Chapleau, send Ken down. The Chief pointed to the lake in question and said, ” can you get in and out of that lake with your Stinson “? The lake looked like fly dirt on the map it was so small. Luckily, it was long and narrow pointing to the NW, into the prevailing wind. The rocks surrounding the lake were a couple of hundred ft high with a gut running out at the NW end. That is how the lake drained. There is no doubt I could get in, but getting out was a different story. I scaled the map, it was a coolish day, wind in the right direction and I knew what my 190 hp / controllable pitch prop bird could do. I emptied the Stinson, with the exception of my survival pack, I put in only enough gas to get me there and back, plus reserve and rounded up some 3/4″ rope. Me and boys went flying, I circled to identify deadheads and got down successfully. There was no beach so the guys went into the water. I backed the tail of the machine into the bush at the downwind end, and tied the spreaderbar to a tree. I told the leader that I was going to apply full power and when I put my hand out the window and signaled he was to cut the rope with an axe. I told him to face away from the prop blast, lest his eye be damaged by debris. One of the other lads stood off to the side, watching me. I selected 10 degs flap, reved up the engine, the old Stinson was bouncing up and down making waves. I signaled, the rope was chopped and I shot forward like a rocket. I pulled off one float, then bounced it, the other one unstuck and I was free of the water. I climbed to ten feet, and headed towards the trees at the other end, at full bore. At the last minute I pulled back on the wheel, I zoomed up, with the floats going through the top tree branches. I tell this story because so many accidents happen when pilots use only part of a runway. There is an old saying, ” the runway behind you and the gas you don’t have in your tank is of little use to you “. In Belgium a guy / passenger, with a CUB, was in a hurry to do a photo shoot. The weather was hot and the sun was going down. He pulled onto the runway at a taxi strip and did not bother to go to the end, a thousand feet away. Now he only less than 1000ft. The CUB got off, but instead of pushing the nose down to gain speed he held the stick back and just mushed. At a couple of hundred feet a wing dropped and he piled in just in from of the restaurant. It was quite a show as the CUB burned fiercely. All that was left was a small pile of steel tubing. There are so many such stupid crashes, better training is called for. But is there any hope??? Oh, yes the end of the rope story. My Stinson was commandeered by the Ontario Lands and Forests because there were so many forest fires in 1954. I did all the Beaver grunt work, so it was free to haul stuff and men into the lakes. I fire watched, looked after all my prospectors and timber cruising crews as well as flew L and F shirts around. A day after my great adventure, word was out that the Chief was looking for me. Spratley said he, on what lake did you plant those guys? I point it out. Okay he said. The next day a message from the Chief. He said where did you put those guys? We’ve got crews in there but we can’t find them? I again point to the little lake on the map. The Chief was not very happy with me but I was needed to go fly, so I escaped. I dreaded going near Chapleau. However it was not to be. I landed on the River and taxied to the L and F dock. I was immediately set upon, the Chief wants to see you. I walked into his office and he said you are off the hook, we found them. And they said you did a good job of getting them into the lake and as a result they were able to contain the fire. The other comment was, that the boys figured I was going to go into the trees at the other end. On taking off under difficult conditions, it is best to head right at the obstacles using full throttle. Then you have speed to pull up abruptly. On gaining level flight I could grip the Johnson Bar, between the seats and slowly but slowly retract the flaps. Thus cleaned up, the Stinson would gain speed rapidly. I don’t like electric flap indicators. It takes your eyes away from flying. I could feel in the flap handle, the machine transitioning to normal flight, I didn’t need an indicator. On approach with 30 degs flap, if I needed to go around I could hold the flap lever and gently dump the flaps, meaning no nasty surprises. My mount was a Stinson Stinson, not a Piper Stinson, with a 190 hp Lyc. from the L-5. In terms of twin engine outs, once level flight is secured, then a very gentle skidding turn can be commenced into the dead engine to make it back, to the airport. With the ability to maintain level flight, with a decent airspeed, you will live to fly another day. Structurally the Apache is not that far removed from its’ rag wing Piper family. The fuselage is welded steel tube but clothed in metal. So my thinking is, if I were to build three all metal machines based on the CUB, 2 place, tandem CLASSIC, 2 place, side by side TRAINER and the 4 place, STATION WAGON, which would have about 90% parts in common, why would I not try to build a Jay bird Twin, using common parts just like Piper did. Manufacturing numerous parts and components, which are common to all four machines would reduce the selling price appreciatively, yet leave room for a decent profit.. Piper had the best small twin in the PA-23 at the best price. Many are still flying to-day, a tribute to the real Piper Aircraft Co., before the vultures from the Street took over. If I went that route, I’d buy an unairworthy Apache for 25 Gs, strip it and copy it. I come from the repair end of flying. I have spent a lifetime correcting the faults caused by committees of engineers who design these things. Even major problems do not make it back up the food chain quickly or easily. It is hard for the gods to admit mistakes. In the doing, I would enhancing the Apache, just like I did with the Super CUB. They call this reverse engineering. We could even make aluminum, controllable pitch props on a CNC machine, as is now being done in the industry. Apparently the labour to manufacture such a prop has been reduced by 60% using a CNC mach, and yet the flying public has not seen a corresponding reduction in price? In the old days, when a firm developed a new process which lowered the price, it was passed on to the customers in the hopes business would increase. If hot dogs are selling for 5 bucks, the world will beat a path to your door for a 2 dollar red hot! Now with the closed US lightplane industry, and an all too willing FAA, the profits realized by manufacturing improvements goes into Wall St. pockets. This is no free market, it is a rigged cartel. Piper kept the industry honest and the Streeters did the Company in. These people are no better than Colombian drug lords! Except Wall St. doesn’t assassinate its’ competition. They just enlist politicians, financial people and the Nazi media to destroy anyone who dares to compete, with a better product at a cheaper price. Of course the Canadian Government could always charge a FAIR PRICE to certify the new Jay family of lightplanes, couldn’t they??? And then run interference to protect me from the Washington, the FAA, corporations funded by Wall St. and the Nazi media both here and in the Disunited States of America. I think the people in the lower half of the North American continent have taken leave of their senses and have snatched Fascism from the jaws of democracy. Who, in their weakest moment can imagine where the syphilitic, Kim Jong Trumpf is taking America. A sound plan for a Canadian business would demand a complete separation from USA involvement. A new Jay initiative would create a few thousand new jobs and change world flight training for the better. Better trainers, better prices and better pilots, what’s not to like about that??? We will see who wins out, Wall Street’s cash or the global community???


POSSIBLE LOCATION FOR A MANUFACTURING FACILITY — I kinda like the Madawaska Valley area. It has the people, the rugged landscape from which great bushplanes emerged, wind and water. I would have to train a workforce in the use of new technologies. Trying to train those with bad habits would be costly. Untraining is not easy At the J works, a lot of labour would be required, male / female and young and older, but skilled, productive labour. I see a lot of parts being made on computerized machines. I estimate that a J 180 hp would cost half the price of a new Continental 0 240. I would see us having a Canadian employee’s union, no US interference. There would be profit sharing, apprenticeships, positions for wounded veterans, the disabled and company flight training. I would need space for a grass strip as described above and access to water for float flying. In other words, we would create a model for Jay bird flying schools around the world. However I would only set up in Ontario if the corrupt Liberal Government is driven from power. I see two Companies, new J Aeroplanes and new J Industries. Of course the plane division would assemble the machines, handle sales, parts and reconditioned assemblies. Say a J TRAINER in Holland clipped the corner of a hangar. If the damaged wing was salvageable, I would prefer yo see it be returned to Madawaska. A new wing would be shipped to the Netherlands, and a credit given for the unservicable wing core. I can see, that in the future we could stock rebuilt assemblies too, so our schools would have a choice new or used with all assemblies meeting DOT airworthiness standards. Of course the new J wings would have weakened outer 3 ft. tips. Which would fold, thus saving the main part of the wing. In a heavier landing, the entire wing would give up before the tube fuselage could be damaged. If the fuselage was damaged, the entire machine could be shipped backed to Madawaska [ without engine, instrument package, prop, interior etc ] , for a credit on a new J. In this way down time could be minimized, school costs could be minimized [ flying lesson could be kept low, yikes, now that IS A NOVEL IDEA? ] and major repairs could be held to a higher standard, than in the field. To handle parts, supplies and people [ in / out ], I would buy a Twin Otter cargo plane. I am sure Viking in BC could modify the machine to handle a complete new Jay. Maybe a swing tail at the rear bulkhead would be required? I carried canoes, lumber and pipe on the outside of my Stinson 190. It is hard to get long stuff into the bush by air, a swing tailed Otter might be the ticket? Maybe new Jay could do a swing tail mod for the Twin Otter and augment regular work? Normally a certified aeroplane is built like a brick wall, piece after piece is added permanently. This why the servicing of aeroplanes is so costly. Plane makers never seem to ask the question, if that had to be repaired how would they get it out? Since the original Blue Jay was designed to be a kitplane, the new J would also come in bits and pieces. Each machine would be assembled, test and then dismantled for shipment. The engine would be crated at 300 lbs. The fuselage would weigh 100 lbs and the wings, 80 lbs each, all wrapped individually. The total new J package, would top out at under 1500 lbs. This means people and other stuff could be carried in a Twin Otter at the same time. We are talking here of a new, modern, ab initio flight trainer with a price under$ 100,000. Our delivery system would have to acknowledge the fragility of the individual parts? How do we get the thing to Norway say? I would see a test gas tank being used on the LH and a dummy tank on the right for weight for the initial flight. New, unused tanks would be included. What I am proposing is to take on additional duties not normally found among makers in the aviation industry. Doing things not required by governments. Building trainers, which would ensure pilots involved in a crash would not be crushed, burned, entrapped or drowned. As well, a new Jay could fly overhead and sound no louder than a car going round your crescent. There is precedent for this approach. Geoffrey de Havilland created his moth and engine from scratch in 1925. It proved a success and was soon copied by others. C. G. Taylor built a glider at Bradford in 1929. From that sprang the E-2 CUB. Fortunately, Bill Piper was a stockholder in the Taylor Company, which suffered from the 1929 crash. C. G. had designed the Chummy at $4000, a way to pricey for the 1920s, never mind the depression? Piper was an engineer and a smart cookie. When Taylor went broke, Piper bought the bankrupt Company for 700 bucks. Bill could apparently see a future for the E-2, at a time when flight training cost $ 30 an hour in much larger machines. Piper kept C. G. as a partner and chief engineer but there was trouble on the horizon. Designers like designing, when their creations take flight, they are already drawing up something new. It is the curse of aviation. Piper having no background in aviation saw a need to freeze the design of the CUB, and manufacture it as is to turn a profit. Piper continued to invest his own money in the firm to keep it afloat. C. G. was dreaming of much bigger craft. Piper hired one Walter Jamouneau, a 19 year old who claimed to have aeronautical training but there was a clincher. Walter, from a background of wealth was prepared to work for free, Bill Piper liked that part! Piper thought the E-2, with all its’ square surfaces could be prettied up a little. Jamouneau was given that task. Walter soon tangled with Taylor, nobody was going to mess with his creation, so C. G. fired Walter. That was the final straw, Piper said to Taylor, you buy me out or I will buy you out. C. G. had no money. Piper had oil investment against which he could borrow. Taylor left to form a new Company, Taylorcraft and Piper took control of the CUB. Jamouneau was hired back and completed his assignment, the J-2, of which I had one. Mine was a 1937 Taylor J-2 CUB, CF-BHN, with a Cont. A 40 single ignition, in which I was skyward bound for more than 200 hours. The J-2 is one of the prettiest little aeroplanes ever designed. But my admiration for Bill Piper goes well beyond what is in the history books. So many 3rd rate writer rehash the Piper story over and over but completely miss the point. These gnomes copy one another then claim copyright. Mr. Piper was more businessman than aviator, a rarity in the business [ I’m with Bill ], only later did he learn to fly. Piper molded the J-2 into a successful, affordable trainer and then he set about selling it. The J-3 emerged as a more practical plane but little changed from the J-2. Each of the Big Three had personalities. All the while Cessna and Beech were making bigger and bigger machines, Piper resisted. The CUBs were solid flying machines, sort of bread and butter like. Cessna products had a bit more class, were given more to styling and speed, were hotter and more expensive to manufacture. Just peruse a C 172 service manual, which I have done many times, a whole jumble of parts, simple it ain’t. Now this is the aeroplane, along with the C 152, that the flying schools and governments are so desperately trying to keep in the air. There is nothing else left in the way of a trainer. Walter Beech’s designs were exotic, example the Staggerwing. Slinky shapes overcame good engineering, manufacturing methods and production costs. Why make a half dozen wing ribs and use them over and over like Piper??? Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Beech used dozens of different ribs. When Wall St. took over Piper, dependable, practical and cheap were tossed on the garbage heap. Piper then mimicked Cessna and Beech. Private flying and flight training lost their champion. The results of which can be seen all around us to-day. Piper, Cessna, Beech, Lycoming and Continental became in a sense a FAA sanctioned cartel. Competition was discouraged, they had the field to themselves and research and development stagnated. The C 140 / 170s were designed in 1948. Most Flying schools still use their offsprings, SO THIS IS PROGRESS??? To-day we have 100 hour private pilot’s licenses, faux sport pilot’s licenses, Light Sport Aircraft and ultralights, SO AGAIN, THIS IS PROGRESS??? During 1936 to 38, over 1200 CUBs went out Piper’s door. From 1938 to 1947, 20,000 J-3s were produced. During that same period Taylorcraft sold about 4500 machine. With which C. G. Taylor was the on again, off again owner. The J-2 evolved into the Super CUB [ which had a production run of 15,000 ] and much beloved to-day. In my view Piper’s philosophy bested Taylor’s by a country mile. Good, simple, affordable, PREDICTABLE aeroplanes, won the day then, but such craft have been lost in to-day’s world of aviation. Greed is in! That the Beaver, Twin Otter, Dash 8 and Super CUB have been exhumed by outsiders is an indication of public preference. Nobody has come along since Bill Piper with a view that good products, at an affordable price, backed by top service is a long term money making business. I manufactured tens of thousands of APPLE BASKETS, from the 1970s to 2000, in 2 sizes and 4 colours, ONLY. Rather, the prevailing attitude for corporations CEOs in North America to-day, is questionable products at max greed, NOW!!! If a few people die, tough. Paul Godfrey and his bots are paid to promote this system! Piper also made most of the CUB parts himself, in house. Self sufficiency is a very profitable business proposition but it needs a long term view. When executives focus on the next quarter and their stock holdings, the prospect of well run, prosperous businesses goes out the window. Mind you greedy, grubby stock holders do not help matters. They push the stock of companies which avoid regulation, lay workers off, cut pensions and medical coverage. After Bill Piper was forced out, subsequent plane makers became assemblers of a whole bunches of bought parts. I could never understand, designing an aeroplane so that other companies could just step in and feed off it for free is crazy. Using such a system just boosts the cost of production and puts a firm on a slippery slope. If those wing root fittings do not arrive from China, the assembly line has to be shut down. Henry Ford produced everything for his cars. He did farm out work on occasion and supplied the jigs and tooling to subcontractors. However, if a supplier faltered, Henry sent his boys over in a truck and just took back the jigs. Nobody was ever in a position to hold Ford or Piper to ransom for special screws or nobs. I am of the same mind. Now with the miracle CNC, we will be able do almost everything in house, Canadian manufactured engines, wood / metal props, wheels and brakes and specialty items, on our own CNC machines and computer cutters / duplicators. I can just hear the wailing from Paul Godfrey and his employer AMERIGREED! The flat pattern fittings for weldments would be created on a CAM laser machine. The aluminum covering would have to be cut, bent, formed and gang drilled. A stores department would be needed to keep all the little bits. Wings, tailplanes, gear, cowls, doors and such would have to be assembled in modular shops, separated by covered walkways / truckways to prevent the spread of fire. There would be separate a paint shop, welding shop and a tube fuselage dip tank facility. I am a spray painter and welder. There would also be recreational building in which there would be a small indoor swimming pool. A pump and sprinkler system would be installed for all the buildings, fed from the swimming pool. As well there would be a power house with hydrogen storage. NO GARBAGE would be kept anywhere near the plant. We would have a state of the art hydrogen incinerator to take care of it. There would be NO SMOKING on the site. Removal or a firing would result. Simply put, if you smoke we don’t want you. The shipment of new Jays would not be time sensitive, so VFR for the Otter would prevail in terms of shipments. The cost of a J bird would include, FOB Malton Airport or Mirabel. All of the above details come from an exercise I went through when involved with Ontario Industry and Trade. The Gov. program was directed at assisting new companies, developing EXPORTABLE PRODUCTS. When David Peterson came to power he killed THIS WHOLE INITIATIVE and an entire Ontario Department dedicated to creating job. The newspapers of the time said nothing although I copies my Peterson letters to the Star. But then what is new about the Ontario Liberals, double tongued, dirty politics and crooked dealings. Despicable David, was afeared that new successful, Tory inspired businesses would keep popping up and that tens of thousands of new jobs, plus billions in new exports with the PC stamp on them would be politically embarrassing. Thus, Peterson with no more thought about the welfare of Ontarians than the present Kathleen McGuinty Government, Dave’s Liberals snatched the very food from Ontario mouths. Peterson not only killed Industry and Trade but all of the fledgling businesses involved in the program. Dave was determined that there would BE NO SURVIVORS. Thus Peterson did his level best to destroy me financially, using Government lawyers, he damn near succeeded. Killing the jobs creators, fits perfectly, the always nasty Ontario Liberals. Sorry David I am still around and kicking, will do whatever it takes to blacken your name. As well I fervently hope to see the present corrupt Liberal outfit destroyed. Dalt McGuinty should be in jail. Back at Industry and Trade [ 1985 ], my mentor was an Englishman with wide aviation experience. He was excited about my Blue Jay, he foresaw a world market for the certified version of the BJ. He introduced me to various government people from Europe and especially the UK, at trade shows. So I had to investigate how manufacture the birds and how to get them from here to there. I did sell one Blue Jay kit to a guy in Calgary and I designed a special crate, it went by truck. It was not a satisfying experience. There was the chance, that by going truck our fragile BJ bits could be damaged, then what? All of that original research still has application to-day. The reason being, small aviation has stood still for 20 years. But I am NOT CONVINCED that the political environment is anymore welcoming of innovative thinking than it was then. In Canada things have not changed very much. Politics is even more political than before. And politicians of ever stripe, are drawn to the US rightpublicanazi dogma like moths to a flame. There is power and a lot of money TO BE MADE in backing AMERIGREED. And money in politics means control. Just look at the present shenanigans of the remnants of Harper’s Fascist Party, or Jason Kenney or the Wildrose mob, they are all on the Houston payroll! As Paul Godfrey has proved, there is NO MONEY to be made serving the interests of Canadians and sticking to the truth. However there are big profits to be had in telling lies. Canada has a history of failing to assert itself at times, which I do not appreciate. This is maybe understandable, first we were dominated by England, then by the USA even to the point of invasion. Is it possible we as a people will display some spine??? Even to-day, Yankees, including Trumpf, reckon that we belong to them. That is what Diane Francis, an American, who works for Paul Godfrey is paid to preach in Canada, incessantly. She says, independent thoughts, forget it Canadians, the USA is the boss. They are the king of the castle and we Canadians are nothing but grimy rascals! And we have hundreds of Francis like shills here, preaching the same garbage every day, every day. I suspect most of Godfrey’s low paid / no paid interns just copy Houston bots daily. Read the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s or watch CTV, Global or the CBC, they all feature Houston botspiel. Rightpublicanazi propaganda, repeated again and again. Robotic words, calculated to undermine our / your confidence. The recent smears on Trudeau are good examples of botattacks. Houston sent out a botgram, which covered the ” money for influence ” scandal created by our Nazi media. 1000 Canadian bot net centres leaped to the cause, published the botgram without thinking. And as a reward for not thinking, they got an oilie cheque. Then Justin took a ride in Aga Khan’s helicopter. Gadzooks! Another Houston botattack by the Cannadian Nazi media and the 1000 bot sites on the net lit up again. Same drill, mindlessly post the oilie botgram and get a petro cheque. While Aga was driving around the Prime Minster, Rona Ambrose was in the same local, drinking juleps on the deck of a yacht belonging to an American rightie billionaire? Houston figured that little Rona / julep party which the Leader of Her Majesty’s Disloyal Opposition was attending did not warrant a botgram, not even a passing mention. Besides, the Royal Canadian Harper Police probably cleared Rona’s elbow rubbing? BUT THEN RIGHTIES DO NOT ATTACK THE RIGHTISH LEANERS, DO THEY! Then Ottawa gave Bombardier a grant to assist in the development of their NEW aeroplane and stimulate good jobs. Holy catfish, job creation??? As you might guess, Trudeau opened himself to another Houston botattack. But how to do it, how to do it, siad the oilies??? All governments subsidize their aerospace industries in one form or another. Boeing, Airbus, Embraer and Bombardier get tax dollars. AMERIGREED never gets it’s hands dirty though, it always finds some severely challenged mark to take a dive for a few bucks. Brazil was asked by AMERIGREED to protest Trudeau’s cheque to Bombardier, this protest was made to the World Trade Organization, which is a Department of the White House. Perfect, Houston then composed a botgram about the terrible things that Ottawa was doing vis a vis Bombardier. According to the rightie ideology, governments are not supposed to give businesses money. But Washington is allowed to hand money to its’ friends for their support. As well the gravy gravitates to companies which are in a Republican district or when Washington wants to beat up on other countries. Or in extreme cases, Congress can give money to whom ever they like but that doesn’t count as a subsidy because Congress says so. Sounds very much like Harper’s rule making doesn’t it? $ 850 million gift given to Steve’s employer, the American oil monopoly, no strings attached, for Carbon Capture and Storage, one of the world’s big myths. Paul Godfrey and David Thomson did not think this story about the 850 mill give away to the oilies worth mentioning, neither did CTV. Right on cue, the 1000 bot outlets in Canada, played the Brazil / Bombardier story to the hilt, I mean with the appropriate foaming at the mouth. It is easy money folks, just put up Houston’s botgrams on your web site and get a petro cheque is in the mail. Day after day the oilie bot forces assault Canada. Bots are not good at local colour though. The bots would not know that Toronto City Council has been building gridlock one stop street at a time for 30 years. AS well bots have no understanding of the subtleties of the English language. So bots write American and figure everyone else in the world is too stupid to figure out what they are up to. Bots work wonders in the USA, because such a large percentage of the population is actually totally stupid. It was one of Reagan’s fondest hopes, to bring the larger population down to his level of intelligence. I think Ronnie [ a noted retard ] did a fine job, don’t you??? Anyway the bots main message, just give in Canadian, they say! You’d be better off in servitude, cutting wood and hauling water. Even Joe Oilier says that? Maybe Joe is actually a bot pusher? Oh yes, a bot means, robotic writing. There is also bot music. When we full in the arms of the Americans, no doubt a bot will write a new national anthem for us. When we visit the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, after the takeover, it would be retained as a museum. Featured would be Canada’s history as seen by Steve Harper, as arranged by Paul Godfrey and his staff. Want a story on the Fleet Canuck, just punch it in, the bot will search for everything on that plane. It wouldn’t be history, it would mindless mush. That is what the US Rightpublicanazis want you to have, mush for a brain. That will be the outcome if we let the Yanks tear down our educational system. Look to Alberta and see how that works. The righties there have private schools for their own, subsidized by the taxpayers. It is a system set up by the American oil monopoly. For the young of the general population in Alberta, a rudimentary educational system is enough if it teaches chopping wood and hauling water. the Alberta educational system is patterned after that of the deep south 300 years ago. So Lyin Steve had Godfrey writing the new American history of Canada, I’m wondering how far along that is? THe Country I have known, loved and noted for over 80 years was being erased in secret by Harper. Shades of Germany 1933. Since the beginning, the USA was built on the backs of the Blacks. Americans have never been able to throw away the crutch of slavery. That is why Canada is viewed as a plum target, 35 million people here would make great slaves. Diane Francis [ who may herself be bot connected? ] says, the US will be gentle, it will not really hurt. Of course the champion of the Quisling sellout, is none other than Mad Steve Harper. I am sure Steve does not have syphilis like Trumpf, but he is still mad! Along with Harper’s bot side kicks Paul Godfrey of the Fascist Nat. Post, Dave Thomson of the Globe and Tar and Herr Harper has rightie plants in the civil service in Ottawa, who undermine Canada everyday they come to work. Just imagine, selling this Country out on the taxpayer’s dime. Only the righties could dream up a scheme like this, And only Canadians would stand for such ugly treatment? It is the very nature of Canadians, let’s not pick winners or losers just yet. Let’s sit on the bench a while longer and see what occurs. We’ll wait for someone else, like the Yanks to put a stamp of approval in it. Reticence lends itself, to easy capitulation. There is no realization that we are going to get boiled as we sit in this pot, only when the water turns to the boil does the truth sink in, by then it is too late. Can you imagine the history books of the future. Yes Canada, a country that lasted as a democracy for 150 years and in the end was felled by Yankee bots!!! The NEW CANADA WILL NEVER MATERIALIZE as long as Paul Godfrey has clean sway here! Paul even wants the taxpayers to pay for his Houston bots. We are awash here with AMERIGREED money, being paid to Canadian turncoats to ease us into a new style of slavery. The Manning Institute, the Universities of Calgary and Carleton, Private Alberta schools are being paid to train the junior Quislings of tomorrow. Many Albertans have already accepted US slavery as a way of life. This was the HIV / aids epidemic of an earlier age. Canada / Ontario set Alberta up in the oil business in 1948. Once the infrastructure was in place and fully paid for by Canadians, Albertans were talked into giving their petroleum resources away to the American oil monopoly for peanuts, and still do. They had fallen victim to rightpublicanazi propaganda, dispensed by a media bought with Yankee money. As well, Albertans without a whimper, allowed the oilie monopoly to close down the Western natural gas industry, so that the Pennsylvania frackers can sell Ont. / Que., low cost nat. gas at Alberta prices. That decision, made in Houston, was sold to Alberta based on their questionable free market theory. Never ever mess with the free markets was the pitch. Albertans took heed. How many ways can the Americans screw Canada? Let me count them, can I borrow your hands??? Interestingly, every time Albertans hand the oilies their own birthright and it doesn’t work out, they blame Ottawa. Our Nazi media is so hungry for cash that they will say anything. None of this does our path strew with rose petals. Either we get blessed with a far seeing leader, maybe it is Trudeau??? Will he tell Kim Jong Trumpf to fuck off. Or if enough Canadians will research themselves up to speed on the net and get a fix on the ongoing takeover crisis. We might just make it to those sunny upland slope. A destination reserved for us, with only question being, if we have the balls to seize the moment. An educated, successful, majority electorate that still possesses the valid ballot is an unassailable obstacle to American subjugation. The key is to push higher education for all hard, but the Manning Centre for oilie domination, the Universities of Calgary and Carleton which indoctrinate our young in things Nietzsche and the Alberta private school system which teaches two tier citizenship should be put to death in a humane way. My suggestion. Sweep the Royal Canadian Harper Police, Revenue Canada and the CBC clear of Fascist sympathizers. Then go after Manning, Calgary / Carleton Universities and Alberta private schools for subversion and tax irregularities. The new, reconstituted RCMP and Rev. Can. could investigate anti democratic activities by pro American forces and the CBC could broadcast the cleanup. As it is now, THEY ALL CONTINUE TO DO THEIR DIRTY WORK AT THE BEHEST OF THE USA RIGHTPUBLICANAZIS. THUS CANADA REMAINS ENDANGERED. We must never surrender OUR vote, TO WHICH ALL CANADIANS ARE ENTITLED, IRRESPECTIVE OF ORIGIN, COLOUR OF SKIN OR ETHNICITY. No matter how hard Harper’s Fascists try to take the vote away from us. Harper, with the help of Godfrey / Post and Thomson / Globe tried their level best to make us as stupid as the Americans. Lyin Steve and his pet poodle, ” SPARKY ” Poilievre [ the lying son of a bitch ] were intent on making our ballot disappear with the help of their US Repub friends. Even in Canada to-day, as you read this post, AMERIGREED HAS DECLARED ITSELF THE WINNER. OUR RESIDENT TURNCOATS HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT CANADA IS SAFELY IN USA HANDS NOW. THAT IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF COUNTING DOWN TO 2019 WHEN IT WILL BE OFFICIAL. AND THAT IT IS JUST A MATTER OF TIDYING UP THE LOOSE ENDS. This can be easily be seen in the bot writings of those in the Post / Globe and comments on CTV / CBC. Even blunder after blunder in the Fascist campaign to discredit the Trudeau Government that have bombed [ ” Cash for influence, helicopter rides with Aga and an unhappy Brazil ” ] , that old rightie arrogance still shines through. Never back up, never admit a mistake, always lie, never let the facts get in the way and when patently wrong, just double down and hurl insults. In this Country rightie ranks are small in number, but they have grabbed all the megaphones [ buy buying up the Nazi media in Canada, as was done in the UK, as well as the USA ] and they continue to shout the loudest and shot off botgrams. When aggressors invade a nation, the first thing they do is seize the radio / TV stations and the newspapers, so that the population doesn’t know what is going on. Then the invaders ban congregations of more than six people to eliminate protests. Texas is now creating such a law. If 6 people get together on a Texas street, they can be arrested without charge and jailed. Their assets can be immediately seized [ house, car, business, bank account etc. ], with no hope of recovery. This is a move by the Texas rightpublicanazis, to provoke their opposition on the left to take violent measures. After which the heavily armed white supremacists will be set free to murder at will. Can gas chambers be far behind??? Time for a Canadian / USA divorce, and messy if necessary! The right here, wish for us the same treatment as the majority in Texas. Remember the Republicans in the States are a minority, it is just that they have seized the voting apparatus in the USA and THEY DECIDE WHO GETS TO VOTE. So the Canadian Fascists, who constitute a minority here, possibly 20%, must impress upon the citizenry how numerous they are. The major thrust in this area has been for the righties to enlist our Nazi media in toto, by handing them fat petro cheques. As well a small group of Canadian Baggers, reproduce so many anonymous bot comments on the net. One botscribe, working in his mothers basement or at the local library could register a hundred anti democratic comments in one day. And all the while Houston remains hidden in the shadows. Comments by anonymous should be banned by law. I am not interested in such warped individuals, who take money to overthrow the elected Government in this Country. I want the heads of the owners of the Nazi media outlets that print or broadcast this shit I mean Godfrey / Thomson etc. Real men put their names to their words. Little boys with no balls must of necessity remain banished to the closet. And robotic bots of course have no balls either. They are mere computer programs directed at the elimination of sovereign governments everywhere. The USA so dominates world trade, this by rigging the system for its’ self benefit. The World Trade Organization is used mostly by the USA to beat up on its’ trading partners. AMERIGREED complains against the actions of its’ trading partners who are only following the US lead. When others subsidize agriculture and manufacturing as well as dumping products in other lands at below market value, the Yankees howl like stuck pigs. Now the word pigs is appropriate in this case, the Americans are truly pigs at the trough. In California, much of the agriculture there is GOVERNED BY SUPPLY MANAGEMENT, I kid you not. OUR CANADIAN RIGHTIE TURNCOATS and the Post / Globe go all frothy at the mouth over supply management, which the US pays them to do. Yet Washington itself pays 50% of Calif. farmers their full rate, including any surplus. Then Washington dumps that surplus on some victim country in the world, while complaining loudly about their victim’s conduct. AMERIGREED wants the Canadian agricultural system ripped apart so that they can dump product here. When all Canadian farmer have been bankrupt by the US dumping, the US can then raise the prices of our food, control our food supply and ensure that our agricultural sector never get healthy again. As Harper and Mulroney did when they killed the Canadian Wheat Board and stole the Board’s assets. Every US import of ag products should be halted and a move made by Ottawa to support homegrown stuff. Canada could become the breadbasket of the world in its’ hour of need brought on by climate change. The USA will not help in this regard. The Repubs have refused to recognize Global Warming and the right works to prevent local governments from spending money on flooding, drought and dust bowls. We have throw off the Yankee yoke and pitch these assholes out. Assertiveness is the watchword. We should become very assertive, it would drive Paul Godfrey’s bots nuts. Canadians demanding their rights, holy cow! For a massive breakout of intelligence in this Nation to happen, the bots would be speechless. Houston has spent a lot of money on the Canadian takeover and is counting on our being stupid enough to buy in to slavedom . The bots are thus programed to communicate with a stupid population! Is that a fair description of who Canadians are, are we indeed stupid enough to swallow what Paul Godfrey feeds us??? We will shortly see if that is indeed true? 2019 is not that far off. The WTO to which Brazil has complained, is tuned to the rightpublicanazi frequency only. In 1950, Boeing was going broke. It had made big money selling war planes but had no post war products to sell. The US Government ordered a jet refueling tanker [ KC-135 ] to replace the old KC-97s, because the piston engine tankers were too slow. Fighter jets stalled out when trying to get a drink. All the Boeing KC-135 tanker JIGS [ maybe worth $ 150,000,000 ] were paid for by Washington, then used by the Company for {{ F R E E }}, to build the 707s, thereby undercutting the competition, Douglas and the DH Comet. A free market my ass!!! If that ain’t a subsidy MA, I don’t know what is? The Americans define the meaning of the word subsidy from time to time to suit their own purposes, and the WTO just goes along for the ride, the jury fix is in. Right now Brazil, backed by the ever silent USA [ which doesn’t like getting its’ hands dirty ], is threatening Canada / Bombardier over Trudeau Government loans. Brazil gives Embraer illegal loans, which have actually been declared illegal by the Courts. But by Brazil bringing false charges against Bombardier on behalf of the Yankees, AMERIGREED hopes to blacken our Prime Minister in front of Canadians and tarnish the Canadian Company’s name. And Godfrey’s Post prints all this nonsense and is paid to do so. I really wonder at the advertisers in the National Post. Do they have a death wish? 35 million American slaves in the great white north, won’t have money to buy their products. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Godfrey and the rest of our Nazi media has fallen right in line with the Houston botattacks, against Trudeau and Bombardier. Did you know that bots can’t connect the dots. Just read the National Post, it is quite evident. There could be a lifeless body lying on the ground spurting blood from a gash in the chest. Towering above, could be the killer brandishing a bloody knife. But a robotic writer would not / could not connect the two. So regularly, in the National Post there are very narrow bot stories that don’t connect to anything. So if you like to read about Jane having a green ball and Jerry’s red wagon, the Post is your oyster. If the truth be known and the truth is mighty scarce these days, the American oil monopoly out of Houston has been carrying the can for the States’ takeover of Canada since it gave Preston Manning a cash advance on the delivery of this Nation into their hands, in 1980. But in truth, the truth does not help the Yankee takeover cause, so it has been banished the truth from our Nazi media. If Paul Godfrey suddenly got religion and a sense of Canada, and began PRINTING THE TRUTH, he would never see another petro cheque. Houston bet on Manning in 1980s and later included Steve Harper in the deal, to do the oilie dirty work from within, a classic case of the Fifth Column. A role perfectly suited to the mentally unbalanced Harper. But of course we all know that Mad Steve failed in this regard on Oct. 19 /2015, a very fortunate thing for this Country. It must be remembered that the American right has spent a lot of money on the take-over-Canada project. The Yanks are not about to see their investment lost and in 2019 they will not let democracy keep their hard won expensive prize from them. But Herr Harper’s defeat is just round ONE and only provides us with some breathing space, giving us time to tighten our electoral defenses. Now the game has changed. Rather than have Harper and his Fascists destroy our democracy from within Parliament, there has been a switch. AMERIGREED, based out of Wall St., has now teamed up with the oilies, who have the nest chance of ensuring Canada becomes subservient, permanently. The oil monopoly has bought up the entire Canadian Nazi media to act as Her Majesty’s Disloyal Opposition. The media doesn’t even bother with what the Fascist MPs are saying. Their Leadership Race is treated like a joke and it is. Don’t any of these leadership candidates have a clue. Their usefulness has concluded. Harper controls the USA oil monopoly COUP FUND. Harper is funding Jason Kenney’s takeover of Petroleum Conservative Party. Then Harper and Kenney will put the blocks to Brian Jean. The Wildrosers are financed by the same oil monopoly. Houston will cut off Jean’s allowance and he is nowhere. The new Harper Fascist Party, funded by the oilies will
have two divisions, the Alberta Fascists with Kenney as Leader. And the Ottawa Fascists under the direction of one and only mad man, Steve Harper. There is every indication that if the right in Alberta unites under the monopoly / Harper banner, with Kenney as second toadie, Rachel Notley will be a one term Government. As far as Ottawa is concerned, it will be a two pronged assault till October 2019. I think the daily attacks on Justin Trudeau in the Nazi media will continue and intensify. The Monopoly / Harper will have to get some Canadians to hate Trudeau by use of False News / made up news / unsubstantiated charges. The other oilie angle is to steal the 2019 Election like the Fascists did in 2011. There are 100 rock solid Fascist ridings. Mostly in the West, where the Liberals and NDP will split the vote. Petrol dollars will be spend to ensure the Liberals and NDP beat each other up by use of Repub dirty trick. The Fascists were second behind the liberals in 110 ridings. Of that number the Liberals beat Harper by less than 200 votes in 5 ridings. So it really comes down to the American oil company concentrating funding, dirty trick, Robo Calls, Polling Place disruptions, interference with Ballots, bribes and so in 65 ridings. I’ll bet there is a whole war room in Houston with maps of every poll in every riding in Canada. Harper is still the Fascist leader. If his Party wins the 2019 election the present hierarchy will be pushed aside and Harper and his American aids will take their positions to facilitate the takeover. The rightpublicanazis have already picked out every Liberal weak spot and will focus in on each according to the local weaknesses. Remember, I worked for Harper, 2006 /07 in Belleville. I was a Pickering Councillor and the Township PC Rep in the Frost / Robarts / Davis Governments. I know how insiders operate. I will leave it to your imagination to think of all the ways the Americans can steal votes or prevent people from voting. I don’t think Elections Canada is up to the job if wholesale Fascist cheating takes place. Elections Canada manages the rules of Elections and how money is collected and distributed to the candidates. The USA oil monopoly and AMERIGREED don’t give a tinker’s damn for our Election Laws! If I had to guess, I’d say the Americans have already spent a hundred million dollars on the 2019 Fed. Election. I am sure all the arrangement are in place already and the ongoing, extreme Trudeau / Notley smear campaigns are merely counting down the clock. Another wrinkle would be to see the Trudeau Liberals fall to a Minority position in the Commons. The NDP dislike the Liberals so much that I can see them cooperating with the Fascists to defeat the Trudeau Government. If that were to happen Canada would be long gone Charlie, made a province of a Fascist America so fast it would make your head spin! Then in short order measures would be put in place like those coming to Texas, wherein protest and opposition gets snuffed out. Any opposition leadership in Canada to Yankee rule would find itself wearing concrete boots. So the well paid operatives at the Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC will continue administer the Chinese water torture. Namely, botattacks on a daily basis to undermine the confidence of Canadians in our Parliamentary system and steal our resolve. Godfrey and company keep saying, you are no good Canadians, you have no skills Canadians, you are not a talented people Canadians, just give in to the USA, Canadians. What Godfrey never says, we are being paid by the USA, Canadians! When President Obama WAS ELECTED TO THE PRESIDENCY, the rightpublicanazis told him straight out they would oppose every measure he brought forth. They made good their threat, the Repubs neutered the President of the USA and then with help of the American Nazi media blamed Obama for everything that went wrong. Although Harper is still hiding in the wings AMERIGREED and the oilies don’t need him right now. The entire Canadian Nazi media has become the Commons Opposition. Godfrey and Thomson, no longer await the pronouncements of Herr Harper, they just reprint botgrams from Houston. It is undeclared in this Country, but the same scheme holds true. The right stymied Obama for 8 years. All AMERIGREED and the American oil monopoly have to do is blacken PM Trudeau and stymie his Government for two more years. And they will spend whatever it takes on the employment of Canadian turncoats. Of course the way to stop this takeover by the USA is to stop buying the National Post papers, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s and stop watching CTV, Global and the CBC. As well you should boycott their advertisers. No business that wants to see Canada under American control should be allowed to operate in this Country. There are a lot of US branch plants here that wouldn’t mind just one big Country. These Yankee firms are complicit in the coup attempt. Drive them out buy boycotting them. Canada’s laws, unions, customs and the French language are a drag on the products of these foreigners. Another step you can take is to blackball the known turncoats, Andrew Coyne, John Ivison, Conrad Black, Terry Corcoran, Michael Bliss, John Ibbitson, Peter Foster, William Watson, Ezzy Le Rant, Tom Flanagan, Preston Manning, Jack Mintz, Brian Lee Crowley and the entire USA Fraser Institute gang of thugs. Think about it. If someone had you by the throat would you kiss them??? No, a Canuck would kick him in the nuts! So that’s not too difficult is it??? To save Canada, numbers count, now. Turn you back on the entire Canadian Nazi media, don’t give them a fucking dime or any of your time. Get YOUR Government news from the net, ignore the offerings of the foregoing Nazi media and hit the off button anytime a turncoat turns up. You’ll have to dig a bit for the truth but hey, Canada’s worth it, especially for your children and grand children. You should not let the Yankees steal our birthright from them. Note any of the Nazi media advertisers whom you frequent. Don’t go there. Make other arrangements. Take time to send an E-Mail to these traitorous businesses, saying sayonara, I won’t be back. We have a NEW CANADA TO BUILD, you and I. ALL THOSE ABOVE ARE TRYING TO BLOCK OUR PATH. IN THE USA THE PENALTY FOR TREASON IS DEATH. BUT THE AMERICANS SEE NOTHING WRONG WITH EMPLOYING THE SERVICES OF CANADIAN TRAITORS. I SEE NO REASON IN THE WORLD WHY WE SHOULD NOT DEMAND THE SAME PENALTY? FOR SAY, EZZIE LE RANT AS STARTERS??? String him up on the lawn of Parliament Hill and declare a National Holiday so all can watch him twitch.


ISIS STOLEN OIL / SUPPORT OUR FAVOURITE ISIS FIGHTER / ONTARIANS and QUEBECERS DO — The USA oil monopoly is now gorging on stolen ISIS oil, Washington / Congress know it too. So does the North American Nazi media. Some ISIS stolen oil even comes to Ontario and Quebec, from the USA in the form of gas and diesel. So 60% of Canadians are contributing to ISIS and world terrorism. If you live in the East, and you own a car, you are likely buying the ISIS bullets that are being used against your neighbour’s soldier son! Godfrey knows that but he ain’t saying. Reason? Regular petro cheques. The monopoly has lost its’ appetite for Alberta tar even though they get it for almost free. All this business about pipelines to tidewater is bullshit to keep Canadians occupied at each other throats. The Nazi media here is paid to keep the aformentioned battle going. Some yahoos in Alberta already operate as if their Province is being controlled from Pennsylvania Ave. The yahoos say, oh please come here Americans, and screw us some more. Their dewdication to right wing ideology transcends a comfortable home and hearth and even food. Thou can have no other god but our’s say the US rightpublicanazis! And some Albertans just eat it up. Worshiping a failed dogma so, denotes mental illness, as witnessed by Harper, Manning and Trumpf. After the Steve Harper failure, Amerigreed has stepped into the battle and joined with the oilies to carry forward the absorption of Canada. Wall St. is using the Houston, Canadian, Nazi media botgram list. In the recent, ” Riding with Aga “, phony media storm, I noted in my post the names of all those on the Houston bot list, those who were getting paid to sell Canada out, a sort of traitor’s list, if you will. On the newest tempest in a radar dome , ” Brazil complained to the WTO, about Bombardier getting loans from Ottawa and Quebec, oh really Brazil??? I wonder what the El Presdenti was promised by the Americans??? Trying to impose slavedom on this Country when it is economically strong and emotionally secure would b a difficult task. All those, who I identified as being on the Houston bot list for the Aga story, are doing a repeat performance on the net with the Brazil story. Same people and same tale, same bot, word for word and same petro cheques. Let’s face it folks, the Yanks do not want Canada to be leader in the aerospace industry either. Being prosperous and gaining world esteem by way of making unique aeroplanes is a long established tradition here. The US rightpublicanazis won’t stand for it. Diefenbaker killed the Arrow with much help from Washington. Mulroney also tried his best to kill the industry, totally, knifing De Havilland and Canadair in the doing. Lyin Brian, who was a lawyer and a crook in equal proportions, sold De Havs to Boeing. Boeing promised to keep production going and retain jobs. The Company did neither, Boeing proved it could tell lies almost as big as Mulroney could. Lyin Brian sold Canadair to Bombardier hoping the turmoil would undermine the Companies good name and sink it. Bombardier is still under attack at home, in the USA and in Brazil. De Havilland Can. was independent to some degree in the 1970s. Many of their early machines were certified in the UK, but eventually in Canada. Very few of the 3rd rate Canadian writers who cover aviation here, tell the real story. There is ready US cash for misinforming. They are being paid by the Yanks to actually rewrite Canadian history. Did you know that most of this rewrite activity takes place in the National Post back rooms. I mean Godfrey will do anything for money, even disappear our history on our way to slavedom. So at the same time we are losing our freedom, we will be losing our history. Although cloaked in a historical format, Post scribes seek to undermine the contribution this Country has made to world, especially in the flying game. The rightie aim for us, is no history, no prosperity, no health care, no schools, no welfare, under constant stress. anxious, concerned, frightened with no hope. This is what Godfrey and the Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV, Global and the CBC are paid to sell us. Doubts, doubts and more doubts. The DHC line included the Chipmunk [ a trainer to replace the Tiger Moth ], Beaver [ bushplane to replace the Fox Moth ], Otter [ King Beaver, with a big old radial engine soon to become an orphan ], Caribou [ good machine, just as radial engines were on their way out ], Buffalo [ good turbine STOL military aircraft, built to US Army specs but killed by Congress, US plane makers couldn’t compete but did not want US dollars going to Canada anyway, even for a superior product ]. To kill procurement from Canada, Congress took all of the Army’s aeroplanes away from them. Their fleet was given to the Airforce because the Airforce didn’t like DeHavs and it was rewarded by Congress. 122 DHC 5 Bufs were built and served world forces, Twin Otter [ bigger Otter with 2 turbines engines ], Dash 7 [ too much STOL and too many engines for commuter use ] and the Dash 8 [ just right, less STOL, only two engines, more feeder line friendly ]. They were all good machines, borne of the Canadian / Ontario experience which can’t be duplicated anywhere on the planet. If you design a car to always drive on pavement its’ use will be limited somewhat. If there is the necessity of some off road driving, that capability can be included right from the start and it will have very little affect on the cost. The USA can’t build off road aeroplanes. They don’t have the mindset. No, the Cessna Caravan is not a bush plane, it has a short, tapered wing. The C 208 looks pretty and no doubt pleases their sales department and the American flying public. But there is a loss of lift compared to the Beaver / CUB type wing, shaped like a chocolate bar. As well tapered wings are expensive to manufacture, lots of RH /LH parts. If you want a cheap aeroplane don’t give it a tapered wing. Both the Kodiak and the Found FBA-2 are cursed with tapered wings, therefore poor floatplanes. No, the CUB itself is not a real bushplane, it is a toy, it can’t carry anything, no space, no payload beyond gas. I was flying over Toronto at night in a Canuck, CF-DYX, while training for my Commercial License at Malton Airport. 2 years later I was piloting a Super Stinson 190 on EDO floats out of White River and Chapleau, across Northern Ontario. From one extreme to another, from the big city to the bush. This breadth of experience allowed De Havs to manufacture what amounts to flying Swiss Army Knives. Aeroplanes with such wide application that no other Countries were and are in the race. They can and do but merely copy De Havs. And good old Mulroney, true to his nature of being a US worshiper like Harper, was determined to kill off this Canadian aviation asset. Brian also helped Steve Harper kill the Canadian Wheat Board in 2012. From the Nazi media, this devaluing of Canada, NOTHING! Canada is very valuable for its’ resources and the potential of our 35 million educated people becoming slaves. The paid task for the US rightbulicanazi hired traitors here, is to turn over Canada’s valuables to the Americans and to prepare our the population for slavedom. Our Nazi media has assumed that role, Paul Godfrey being foremost. This Country is worth a lot of money to AMERIGREED, so they pay the Canadians turncoat scum big money, to do the dirty deeds. Just read over my Nazi media bot list, those who participated in the money for influence smear, the Aga helicopter ride smear and the recent Brazil complaint about the Bombardier loan. Do you really want to shelter people and companies who are taking money from AMERIGREED to kneecap the NEW CANADA??? Deport them! In terms of DH, the exceptional aeroplanes, the Beaver, Twin Otter and Dash 8 just refused to die, no matter how hard Hawker Siddeley, Brian Mulroney and Boeing tried. Boeing bought De Havs to curry favour with Ottawa on the Airbus deal. The Conservatives and Mulroney took under-the-table-money from Airbus [ surprise, surprise ]! Airbus got an order for 34 planes [ surprise, surprise ]! Boeing was mightily pissed. Boeing proceeded to dump De Havilland and destroyed all the jigs and tooling out of spite. This purchase by Boeing did not work in their favour monetarily but the Company probably scored points in Washington for trying to kill the Canadian aerospace industry Bombardier bought De Havs from Boeing in 1992 and carried on with the Dash 8, building 500 of the 1202 machine produced to date. Good Canadian jobs for which Godfrey and the righties, give the Company absolutely NO CREDIT! Bombardier put up $ 51 million, and Bob Rae’s NDP Government put up $ 49 million, not a bad use of taxpayer’s money I’d say. Just another Nazi media censored sucess story that you never heard about. But has Paul Godfrey ever agreed with Bob Rae or the NDP, NO! Paul would rather wound Canada on a daily basis, publishing his Houston bots and see unemployed Canadian serfs standing in line at a Food Bank? Godfrey has never ever created a single job in this Country. Paul is paid $ 1.5 million a year by AMERIGREED / oilies to destroy any initiatives which could create jobs. That is why I hesitate to set up to manufacture the new Jay family of lightplane trainers here. If everyone is going to be negative, as in the past, then screw them all. Let private flying here die? And let 3rd world country pilots fly our airliners. In terms of Godfrey, some Canadians actually buy the Post papers, huh??? Are they mindless? YES! Do I have to draw them a diagram??? YES!!! A miracle happened in 2005 when VikingAir bought the certificates for all DH machines, DHC 1 through DHC 7 from Bombardier. This repair / parts Company, based in BC was real gutsy, and I do mean gutsy! To me this is the kind of thing Canadians are good at, our talents would and should be made to blossom, if only Godfrey and his Fascist media friends were prevented from raining on our every parade by Ottawa. A good start would be to deport Paul to Wall St., a place he loves, and deport Conman Black to the UK where he is a star in his own mind? VikingAir had been making repair parts for veteran DH planes and decided to tackle a complete machine, the Twin Otter, DHC 6. The usual response took place, so common here in Canada, a chorus of turncoat naysayers, including our Nazi media, a group about the size of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sang one of this Country’s favourite anthems, ” IT WILL NEVER WORK, IT WILL NEVER WORK “! The aforementioned naysayers are either EXCESSIVELY stupid or they’re are on the AMERIGREED payroll? I’d say both. Imagine spending every waking hour ruining our economy, so that our children, families and neighbours never have decent work and are always cold and hungry. And Paul does this for pay??? My response to them is the middle finger, GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!! Much has been written in my posts, about Mad Harper’s wanting to cover up all of the EXIT signs. This to make sure we have no escape from the failed right wing ideology. Harper even poisoned many in the civil service, who take our tax money and work for the success of the USA domination. I see my job as installing as many EXIT signs, as fast as I can. Now maybe, like tomorrow maybe, we should form a cultural and trading block among all the victims of US aggression. England is now free by way of the BEXIT vote, which AMERIGREED WON’T ACCEPT. Tough shit you Yankee bastards! Into our trade / cultural union we could include the UK, British Commonwealth, Australia, New Zealand, Cuba and Central America. That covers about 2.2 billion people. Did that register? Two point two, BILLION PEOPLE!!! Europe has over 400 million population without the UK. Maybe individual EU countries would like to join our block, fair treatment and fair trade, no greed allowed. Goldman Sachs owns Brussels so the Yanks can keep it. I’d cancel the Detroit bridge, expropriate the US western grain businesses, upgrade and refine all of the Alberta / Saskatchewan tar in situ to supply Canada’s petroleum needs, ban exports of tar / Benzine, ban US shipments of ISIS gasoline, diesel and jet fuel into Canada, expropriate the TransCanada natural gas pipeline and start shipping gas to Ontario and Quebec from the West, ban fracked nat. gas from Pennsylvania, take all of BC’s lumber and built 125,000 new First Nations homes, ban all US dairy products and all meat imports from the States, gear up the prairies to supply food to the world by way of water conservation and irrigation, build new rail lines to ship agricultural products to Prince Rupert in BC, Churchill in Man. and St. John in NB, last but not least, impose tough restrictions on ANYONE COMING IN FROM THE USA, OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION GENERATED BY THE USA NAZI MEDIA, NAMELY AMERICAN FALSE NEWS BOTS. NO KKKLANSERS! NO TEA BAGGERS! FUCK TRUMPF AND HIS GANG OF THUGS TOO, THEY TEST MY INTELLIGENCE! TIME TO BREAK CAMP CANADA, PUT OUR CANOE IN THE WATER AND BEGIN OUR SOLITARY JOURNEY!!! TIME TO LEAVE MOM AND DAD’S BASEMENT!!! THERE IS SOME MONEY TO BE MADE AND SOME GOOD TIMES TO BE HAD! BUT YOU KNOW WHAT??? IT MAY BE POSSIBLE, THAT YOU CAN LEAD A CANADIAN TO PROSPERITY BUT YOU CAN’T MAKE HIM SEIZE IT??? IT MAY BE THAT TOO MANY IN THIS COUNTRY ARE CONSUMED BY THE NEED TO BOW TO THE YANKEE RIGHT WING IDEOLOGY, COME WHAT MAY??? eVEN THEIR OWN RUIN???


A MARKET WITH NO PRODUCTS, SOUND LIKE A WONDERFUL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY??? YES RIGHT UP CANADA’S ALLEY ? WE DON’T HAVE TO ASKS THE USA PERMISSION ON THIS ONE. BUT MAYBE OLD HABITS DIE HARD, AND WE WILL STILL WAIT FOR A YANKEE STAMP OF APPROVAL, BEFORE VENTURING OUT OF OUR CAVE??? — In 2017, there are no makers of full size, affordable, safe, crashworthy, fire proofed, reliable, repairable, ab initio FLIGHT trainers. The fact that ultralights are still flying at all gives aviation a black eye and tells you where things are at! The bottom of the barrel. With so many opportunities awaiting, we seem satisfy to eat dog biscuits? It is a time when aluminum tubing, pop rivets, chain saw motors and sail cloth are being combined to make very expensive coffins! In fact in some mishaps, the remains of the pilot can be scarped up and put right in burial Urn. This saves money not having to cremate the dearly departed birdman! The FAA, Light Sport Aircraft Category and corresponding inferior, matching, pilot’s license have lured the world’s small plane industry into a blind canyon. Someone with dare devil spirit, a little knowledge, no medical and 15 hours can go fly in everyone’s sky, unrestrained. On the other hands, a conscientious, aviation enthusiast can spend 50 hours in the air and go through intense training to fly in that same sky? Make any sense? NO! Reason, Government cost cutting here and in the USA. A good motto for this dangerous ultralight movement is, ” Come die with us “! Eventually the canyon wall shows up, as it does almost everyday. It is one of the few businesses I know where the name of the game is to kill off your customer base? Go on the net, dial in Homebuilt Aircraft Crashes, and watch the funereal fires of the foolhardy. In fact some of these knobs even film their own deaths. There is now crash every day or thereabouts. Sometimes more than one. The crashes into homes and apartment building are sometimes spectacular, it is like fireworks. In the USA these little killer aeroplanes have no insurance. If one little wirlygig kills a whole family, tough shit, that is what is like to live in America. This whole initiative is going to come crashing down. Put simply, the ultralight / LSAs are 500 lbs too light and underpowered to brave the angry skies. One can only kill so many people then the authorities will have to move in. In terms of the geriatric C 152s * $ 100 per hour / 172s * $ 150 per hour now being used as trainers, they are living on borrowed time. Right now, students with money or those who can borrow money are sought after by flying schools. Such students are assured that they will never be washed out as long as their dough holds out. For those natural born pilots, maybe 1/3rd of the student population, no moola, no interest on the part of schools. You are out on your ass. Colleges involved in flight training pursue the same course, money, money, money! All the school bean counting, language and behavioural training in the world doesn’t qualify a youngster to fly a plane. North Americans are going to find their airliners are being piloted by people from the third world, with dubious or bogus qualifications. Those responsible for this mess, have twisted themselves into pretzels trying to avoid facing the music [ FAA / DOT / politicians / flight schools / COPA / AOPA / EAA ]. All that has to happen is a couple of Cessna wing failures [ 2024 alum. will turn to dust if you leave it long enough ] and the whole fleet will be grounded. Go on the internet and get a gander at what the interior of a 40 year old Cessna / Beech looks like, yikes! If you see stuff like baby powder, it is aluminum dust, run like hell. Since the Chinese, who own Cessna, have been raising parts prices, to match Beech prices [ a Company which they also own ] , it will be impossible to relaunch the relic 152s / 172s when the falter. Then what??? ——————————— Right, it is just a blank space as to how flight training will continue? You can fill it in? World aviation authorities, by following the FAA have not only dropped the ball, but the ball is no longer within their reach. Only someone with an understanding of the entire field, has the wherewithall to identify the fix. I have done just that, and have the answer. Whether governments, the aviation establishment or anyone else wants to listen??? It has been my experience that those in charge don’t want to SEE the problems. It is like musical chairs. Those in officialdom hope the roof doesn’t fall in on their watch! If they are unlucky and people do get killed when they control the switch, the guilty just quit, collect their pensions and disappear into the mists of time. Those guilty of killing 47 innocent people at Megantic walked free, thanks to Harper / Marois. In pursuing the full size flight training machine idea, let’s go deeper into a new potential Jay bird facility and what is needed. If I was to build a plant / airport on the Madawaska River I would not be connecting it to Hydro One or Ontario Power Generation. Both criminal operations are run by the Liberals / nukie hoods / Americans, who should all be in jail with McGuinty. I am sure Dalt still gets his residual cheques for selling Ontario Hydro to the Americans behind our backs. Mike Harris tried to sell the same KW Agency to Wall St., but the Courts stopped him. McGuinty accomplished the same sale by stealth, assisted by John Honderich / Toronto Star and TVO’s Steve Paikin. I have been writing [ snail mail ] for 20 years about the fact that nuclear power has destroyed Ontario’s economy. Since 2009, this subject has been covered in many of my posts. On the establishment side, there has been absolutely no interest in MY CONCERNS, OPINIONS OR SUGGESTED FIXES. THERE IS BIG MONEY TO BE MADE IN SCREWING THE ONTARIO ELECTORATE, DALTON AND HIS LIBERALS, NOW LED BY KATHLEEN McGUINTY, ARE PRIME EXAMPLES OF HOW IT IS DONE! Say one thing to fool the people and then do the exact opposite. The sun, water and wind ALL belong to the people. The special interests can’t make any money from the sun, water and wind. So the said interests, pay the Nazi media to denigrate, no, let’s say attack sun, water and wind at every opportunity. This so Ontarians do not awaken to fact that they should be paying ten cents a KW. Paul Godfrey and David Thomson are paid to cloud the minds of Ontarians, in this regard. The Fascist Nat. Post and the Globe profit from you paying 25 cents per KW, when the costs should be ten cent per KW. This could be defined as modern slavery. The electricity user here is yoked to serve the LIBERAL INSIDER, THE ONE PERCENT AND THE NAZI MEDIA. The masses are working to keep the insiders, the McGuintys, assorted hangers on and the Nazi newspapers in lunch money. This continuing smear campaign against sun, water and wind has been very successful. The larger population has not been made aware that this Province has 27,000 MWs hydro power both installed and potential, waiting in the wings. We don’t need any nuclear, natural gas or coal plants, period. All these energy sources need a fuel. And the insiders are quite happy to sell it to Ontarians at usury prices. Of course McGuinty, the Ont. Liberals, John Honderich, Steve Paikin, Paul Godfrey, Dave Thomson et al, get their cut for selling YOU into modern slavery. Yes Virginia, there is a ten cent KW but you will never see it in this Province unless you get off your ass and take action. In the upcoming Provincial Election vote NDP. See what a breath of fresh air Rachel Notley has brought to Alberta. Those in control now, the Liberals as well as Dalt and his friends like 25 cent KWs. That price keeps you at the grindstone, with no energy to protest So as long as the public never finds out they are being taken to the cleaners, this outrageous price will remain in place or even escalate. Toronto Hydro just helped itself to another chunk of cash in bonuses and the OMB flacks meekly joined the conga line. This abuse will only end when YOU END IT??? At Xmas last, Kathleen McGinty gave 8500 deputy ministers, executives, managers and Liberal flakes a collective, $ 125 million raise. Liz Sandals, Treasury Board Prez, said you have got to pay to keep good people. What good people??? I agree, good people are worth their pay. But to pay bad people for bad results is even more of an outrage! Ontario, is in truth bankrupt, because the Liberal have given every Tom, Dick and Harry access to the Provincial treasury as long as they kick-back to Dalt and the Libs.. McGuinty got a house worth a million and a half, FREE, for doing his bit. I think that if we hired 8500 villages idiots they could not have created a bigger mess. As stated we have 27,000 MWs of hydro power installed or potential. That water behind a hydro dam is worth half a cent a KW. Nuclear power is 8.5 cents. Added to that of course would be a distribution fee. Nuclear, nat. gas and coal plants are major facilities from which the electricity must flow out from a central location to the market. Distribution is a big expense. In the old days, electricity was generated locally. Most towns from Barrie on up north, had hydro dams in their back yards and generated their own power. Smooth Rock Falls, Carelton Place, Bracebridge, Bancroft, Peterborough and a hundred others are capable of generating half cent KWs. All of these townsfolk now look out their front doors at the river and see the cheap power. Yet they too are paying McGuinty’s nukie friends 25 cents per KW. This is what getting screwedddddd feels like! As I write this, 13 o’clock, OPG is generating 10,500 MWs of power, day time output is now about 18,000 MWs. Back in 2000 the daily output was 25,000 MWs. That was before all the manufacturers, were driven out by Dalton, and his special, high priced McGuinty electricity. It is especially generated for suckers, of which there seem to be many in Ontario. The Dalt is now in hiding, like Mike Harris and Steve Harper. History will record that McGuinty created this nuclear economic meltdown. I wrote to McGuinty 3 times in early 2004, warning him of the nukie ticking time bomb. As a PC with some considerable knowledge of the Ontario Hydro problems, strange, I offered my services. McGuinty did not reply. My advice at the time was the same as I gave Mike Harris, fix the hydro or pay the price politically. Mike ducked out and ran for his life. Dalt did the same and ducked out, fleeing to the USA. But McGuint was in office long enough to kll economic activity in Ontario by at least one third. Way to go Liberals! This again shows what the right wing ideology can spawn, lack of insight, incompetence combined with greed can be ruinous. Yes the Ont. Liberals are closet righties. Of course this story of the fatal Harris / McGuinty years will be recorded some time in the future, but too late I fear, after Ontarians are well and truly in the poor house. What we see to-day in the Nazi media about nuclear is lies, misinformation, useless drivel, public relations and right wing propaganda. Back in the day when Dalt failed to respond to me I sent copies of my letters to the Toronto Star and John Honderich, John ignored me too, but then the nukies were placing big, fat, juicy ads in his Paper. If you are dishonest, it is not a good idea to print the truth because it might anger the nukie advertiser. The Star, since that time has ALWAYS toed the nukie line. Even to the point of featuring doctored pictures of the OPG, Pickering Nuclear Plant. These pics show families swimming on a non existent beach in front of the plant. Money does strange things to men’s minds. You have got to wonder about the minds at OPG who took a pic of a crowded beach and cropped it onto a shot of the Pickering Plant? But even worse, John Honderich took money to put those bogus pics in his Paper. I complained to Honderich, John ignored me and continued printing the phony nukie pictures. With Steve Paikin, he kept asking for program suggestions on his programs. I responded more than once. I enclosed material which I though Ontarians should be made aware of, that the nukies are evil and will only stop when Ontarian are flat broke . Paikin had a succession of nukie guests on who told fat lies and Steve made not a peep. Steve got paid to see you get screwed Try as they might, TVO / Paikin never could find time for me to strut my anti nuclear stuff.
Eventually McGuinty turned TVO into a Liberal propaganda station which promoted nuclear power, most of what was said was untrue. TVO, a major PC accomplishment was turned into a Nazi media outlet fully in keeping with those in the USA. Where false news and lies are the norm. And the dumb TVO supporters did and continue to donate money to fund Liberal / nukie propaganda outlet. Boy have they been fools. Ontarians, donating funds to a Liberal criminal organization which is dedicated to stealing what little money remains in the Provincial treasury. So all the TVO watchers and supporters have been kept in the dark by Steve. But don’t fret for Paikin, he got all his pay cheques. Imagine supposed honest, Government owned information station dealing in lies and misinformation? The result of this bribe taking by the media types now means economic ruin for the Province and 25 cent KWs. Even to-day the nukies, are still experimenting, trying to perfect nuclear power. After hundreds of our billions they have still not master the worlds most expensive way to boil water. But the nukies are stuck now. Dalt gave the nukies exclusivity. They are now the only game in town. Then as I predicted, McGuinty ran out on the nukies and left then at the church. Their plants have limited lives. Right now the internal tubes in the reactors are rotting out. Not something the Nazi media or the Star or TVO will tell you. When plant shut down begins in 5 years, then you will see KW prices really skyrocket, there could be brownouts and possibly blackouts. Then Ontarians will be forced to sit in the dark, wearing 2 sweaters and warming their hands over a candles. That is if they can afford candles. Even then the money drain will continue as the old plants will have to be mothballed, costing billion. As well the 25,000 concrete coffins containing nuclear waste, which should have gone back to Chalk River 40 years ago, will have to be repackaged, again costing billions of dollars. IT DOESN’T HAVE TO HAPPEN BUT IT PROBABLY WILL, IF THE PAST HISTORY OF ONTARIO IS TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT? A people who seem to relish being abused by those in authority. It paid the nukies to bribe McGuinty, the Liberals, John Honderich Steve Paikin and the rest of the Ontario press. It allowed the Nukies to continue to live their impossible dream, of finding nuclear power too cheap to meter. Even long after its’ illegitimate life CEASED, McGuinty kept the nukies in the game. FOR HIS CUT! It took a lot of YOUR MONEY to keep the nukie corpse alive, but in the end, IT WILL ONLY END WHEN YOUR MONEY RUNS OUT. In 1985, Ontario should have started to convert back to hydro electricity, to maintain our place as the economic engine of Canada. That conversion back water, including wind this time can still happen before the boat sinks. An hour from now?? To-day??? Tomorrow??? But alas the crossing of many hands with silver continues to send this Province on its’ present trajectory, on the way to total bankruptcy! As our economic activity continues to slow KW demand goes down? Daaaaaaaaaaaaaa. So Kathleen McGuinty, the Liberals, the nukies and the Ont. Energy Board [ composed of Government flacks ] , must charge fewer and fewer solvent customers, more and more money. I don’t know what it will take for Ontarians to react to this constant abuse??? As KW prices continue to increase here, all I see is the people of this Province just whimpering a bit, then opening their wallets and meekly anteing up. I am wondering if it is some kind of illness, wherein people allow themselves to act as punching bags for a Government, without protest? Back 25 years ago, electricity generation was split 3 ways, one third water [ with huge untapped hydro resources remaining ], one third coal and one third nuclear. McGuinty began claiming the nukes produced 40%, then 50% and to-day OPG claims 60%. This is a lie, IT IS JUST NOT TRUE. But lies are so common place to-day, what with Herr Harper, Kim Jong Trumpf, and Paul Godfrey etc following the Hitler lead. When the demand GOES DOWN, something has to be shut off. Coal plants are already being closed [ 3.5 cents per KW ]. So Dalt’s business partners, the nukies, turn off Niagara Falls etc, when demand drops. That half cent water power flows down to the sea and is wasted. We throw away the clean, cheap electricity so the nuke plants can keep humming away??? Of course nuclear [ 8.5 cents per KW ], will assume a greater percentage of the output if the water is turned off. Mcguinty lied continually and OPG keeps that lie alive. If a restaurant sells hot dogs / hamburgers, it would probably be 50% / 50%. If the owners stops selling burgers, then his business would be 100% hot dogs. Right??? As the KW demand drops and manufacturers bail, the nukies have killed cheap coal. McGuinty was praised by the Nazi media for cleaning up the air by banning coal, it didn’t happen. Natural gas generating plants produce CO2 just like coal, only less. Reviving our hydro electric resources in 1985 would have cleaned up the air but I aleady told you that sad story. While McGuinty went on and on about combating CO2, the City of Toronto was creating gridlock which produces CO2 plus Carbon Dioxide by the truck load. It is called the JANE JACOB’S CURSE, Jane’s American bandaids were applied to a problem that didn’t exist. Ontarians just get screwed over and over and Godfrey, Thomson amd Honderich say nothing. I always thought there was only one grade of shit, but the Liberals, our Nazi scribes and commentators on the electricity issue have outdone themselves. Their’s is shitier shit than I ever believed possible but by gar the people of this Province continue to swallow it. Why??? It is yet another case of the Liberal / nukie operators foolin all of the people, all of the time, with the help of the Nazi media. So with a potential new Jay trainer business I refuse to play-the-Liberal-pay-through-the-nose-game. Back during the Mike Harris years [ I worked for Mike until I realized HE WAS NOT IN CHARGE, I was dismayed to find that the USA rightpublicanazis were running the Ontario show! ]. The Harris Government was a complete failure, at least $ 3.5 billion in the hole, in secret. I was an insider and didn’t know about this debt till much later. But Mike sure lit my fire when he announced Ontario Hydro would be sold. I met with Janet Ecker, my MPP and urged the Government to back off on the sale of Hydro. I even wrote to Harris, who I had met, asking him to fix Hydro, not sell it. He persisted in selling thr utility. I met Ecker again and warned her, fix hydro and you will get a 3rd mandate. Sell it and you will be toast. A letter went to Mike with the same prediction. I got no response. The Courts step in and stopped the Harris, Hydro fire sale to the Americans. Mike did covered his financial ass to some degree, by illegally leasing Hwy # 407 to a bunch of Spanish bandits for 5% of its’ $ 100 billion value. Harris kept the # 407 agreement secret from the people, just because it was an illegal deal. It is still secret but no public outcry??? If that agreement was made public Ontarians could take back Hwy # 407. In my plan to solve Toronto Gridlock, look for an upcoming post, I propose returning # 407 to public ownership either by canceling the Harris agreement on legal grounds or expropriating the highway on health grounds. #401 is generating Carbon Monoxide through Toronto corridor in excess of the legal limit. 5000 people, die each year in the City from CO poisoning, especially the young and the old. The Toronto Medical Officer of Health knows all about this but does nothing. The City Council won’t let him, they created Gridlock purposely. Ontarians were and are kept in the dark by the Nazi media as regard this poisonous CO crisis. If the gas chambers were reserected, would Ontarians even know? The nukies staged a palace coup in the 1970s by seizing control of Ontario Hydro, its’ bank account and credit rating. They needed money to continue their nuclear experimentation. There has never been a successful nuke plant in Canada. So the nukies spent Ont. Hydro’s bank account, exhausted the agency’s credit, then turned to the Ontario legislature for a bail out and finally began scalping the ratepayers. Through this whole sordid episode Ontarians slept on? There are no true sentries to work for Ontarians. All the sentries we hire are bribed and work for the nukies. Ontario had the world’s most advanced hydro power engineering team in the world in 1975. Other countries looked to us for expertise and guidance in hydro generation. The nukies eliminated, killed might be a better word, the Hydraulic Division of Ontario Hydro, and laid off all the engineers. The nukies acted just like the mob, they did not want any competition from half cent KWs. The Water Division had the plan for BECK THREE on the Niagara River well along. NUMBER THREE would have produced more hydro power than BECKS ONE AND TWO. The Nukies killed BECK THREE but the Nazi media didn’t tell you about that. All that cheap, clean electricity never came to be. When AEC / nukies came calling on Ontario in the 1950s, with their nuclear proposal, Premier Frost’s people were concerned about the radioactive waste which would be produced. Atomic Energy Canada assured Ontario that the toxic waste would be remove and sent back to Chalk River within 180 days of production. Of course this was yet another nukie lie and the waste never left the sites. There are now more than 24,000 toxic waste coffins stored around Ontario with no home. At each nuclear plant, the waste is stored in concrete coffins 7′ by 7′ by 12′. The coffins are only good for 100 years, so Ontario will have to begin paying to repackage the waste in about 35 years. Of course the Nazi media never talks about this kind of stuff. Your role people is to stay in your cave, try to stay alive and pay and pay and pay and pay! There is one bright note in this particular story. Since the radioactive waste was to be removed by AEC, the responsibility for it was never accepted by Premier John Robarts. So all the waste kicking around in Ontario is the responsibility of Ottawa. I have a copy of that original agreement. So when the crunch comes the Courts will rule that the Province is off the hook on the waste issue, a small consolation? There is a whole nother world out there of which Ontarians do not have a clue about. The Nazi media has done its’ job well and has been and is still being well paid to publish and broadcast FALSE NEWS, including bots. Is it possible to be raped financially over and over, and not have an inkling as to who is doing the raping, and remain totally unconcerned??? Back in 2000, I picked up my ball and went home , never to work for the Ontario PCs again. In reality the Harris crowd, was a newly minted Fascist Party, forever at the beck and call of the Republicans and the Streeters, both Bay and Wall. At the last moment, in 2002, Harris realized his Government WAS TOAST, as I predicted. So being as yellow as Steve Harper, Mike went running off down the road, likety split, as fast as his little legs would carry him. Poor, hapless Ernie Eves was left holding the bag for the ever devious Mike Harris. The Ontario Fascist Party has never regained power since then. It is interesting how out of touch the Tea Baggers of our north are with the people, both Provincialy and Federally. They still don’t get it. They persist in trying to hand us to the Americans.


THE MIKE HARRIS YEARS — I began research on Ontario Hydro and electricity in this Province. In those days there was no internet. I used the Whitby Library and the Inter library Loan System. I got books from everywhere, from Bracebridge to the Commons’ Library. As I gathered info it became clear the the media was lying to Ontarians. I wrote to the Star and eventually to John Honderich and Rob Prichard [ many times, I still have copies ]. Prichard let his Bay St. friends get control of the U of T pension fund, and they cleaned it out. Boy did the Profs ever get reamed. Prichard went out on his ass from the U of T. Then, Rob arrived directly at the Toronto Star, and again proved his incompetence. The classic case of the Peter Principle Prichard quickly got Torstar Corp. $ 800 million into debt and was promptly canned. McGuinty then tagged Prichard to run Metrolinx, and you know what a cash cow that has been for McGuint, his friends, the Liberals and all the bribe takers. On Metrolinx, Ontarians have taken another big hit in the pocket book, but they are none the wiser. Goebbels would have been proud at the deceptive nature of the Canadian Nazi media! I would NOT TRUST either John Honderich or Rob Prichard to take my bike to the service station to put air in the tires. Both have made fat money selling out Ontario, but that is not what you are told by the media. The two of them actually speak out of both sides of their mouths. I was told back in 2009, that I should limit my posts to 300 words or nobody would read me. My posts sometimes run to 40,000 words and 200 tags. I ignored that advice. I have an advantage over Paul Godfrey, he lives in HARPERLAND and I live in TRUTHLAND. In all my 82 years, I have never been outside of TRUTHLAND, so in the present, I know how to maneuver around mother nature and human nature. On the other hand, Godfrey and his people have told so many lies over the years, they have cut themselves off from reality. That is a bad enough place for an individual to be, for a Country it is much worse. The earthen, Oroville Dam in California, has been heavily damaged by torrential rain. If it fails 200,000 people are at risk of drowning if they don’t get out in time. That part is in the news. But what the US Nazi media is not telling Americans is WHY the Dam is so endangered. The Oroville Dam had a twin dam that was never build. The Republicans would not spend the money. The two dam project was designed to handle hundred year floods, sort of two safety valves. There are picture on the net but no explanation, why tell the people anything??? The dam has been eroding for a dozen years. In 2005 Georgie Bush refuse to spend any money on repairs. So now the clock is ticking. It is not a matter of if the dam goes out, but when. When she does blow people will enquire, how could such a thing happen. My explanation would be that the US Nazi media did what it was paid to do, cover up Republican mistakes. And there are hundreds of media cover up all across the States. The Americans are going down a hell hole to top all hell holes not having a clue what is and what will befall them! I have had much interest in my work because of my synthesization of diverse areas of interest, I give thinking people a wider view of the world but they have to work at it. This particular post is about the failure of flight training industry in the present and my suggestions as to how pilot training can be much improved. Being both a pilot and mechanic, I have a unique insight into the question. I flew in the Bush and was a test pilot. I am an aeroplane mechanic with AME qualifications. So this has allowed me to keep switching hats. In fact now on the new Jay project, I wear two hats simutaneously. When I was running up an overhauled C-85 on the test rig at Leggats, I could imagine sitting behind that same engine in my Aeronca Champ. This view was expanded by the test flying of repaired aircraft, to flying my Super Stinson, to doing float checkouts, to EAA, to homebuilts, to assisting the DOT in formulating new Regs and so on. My posts sometimes run to 40,000 words or more, as this one does. But in the process I must bring you up to speed on all of those stories and info that the aviation press wouldn’t touch with a 12 ft pole. The AV press serves the interests of the advertisers, the same as the Nazi media. In Germany Hitler ruled the press by force. In North America and the UK the press is ruled by advertisers. There are reasons why aviation / humanity are now cursed with old certified dogs, ultralights and LSAs? Ultralight flying should have been killed off a long time ago. It is madness. Instead, ultralight are killing or maiming hundreds of people every year. Their pilots do not have enough training for safe operation of any flying machine. Go on the internet under crashes, nothing more needs be said There are reasons why the Light Sport
aircraft Category has failed so miserably? We do not allow cyclists on # 401. Why do we allow such light kites into the air? Little thingies, with little tapered wings are a handful for the most experienced pilots. For 75 year old rusty pilots with the veins full of banned drugs are no match for these little killers. There are reasons why flying schools are graduating fewer pilots, why their output lacks quality / competence and why the graduate numbers are dropping. And why older pilots and enthusiasts are being allow by governments, to kill themselves, students and passengers in twitchy little LSAs or short winged ultralight killers that are too hot to handle? For the old fliers is their reduced ability to react quickly due to old age. And too many banned hi blood pressure meds, which are going undeclared. Interestingly, the only way the authorities can determine if a 60 / 70 / 80 year old is on blood pressure meds is after he is dead. Gal pilots do not fall into this category, probably because they have more sense. I don’t care if some stupid old gaffer kills himself, but I draw the line at him taking his children, grandchildren and neighbours with him! Most of this crazy activity takes place in the USA with the FAA being totally responsible, irresponsible, always looking the other way and looking to duck their role in the increasing death toll. I don’t want to see this FAA poison spread globally any more than it already has. The way to stamp out these last-shoot-out senior adventures is a tough medical every year, having the full 50 hour Private Pilot Licence as the only one available, requiring biennial rechecks and mandatory ground school every 5 years. This doesn’t stop an oldy from getting a Student Pilots permit and flying with a check pilot, but no solo and no passengers. If someone is stupid enough to fly without a valid license or a C of A, then jail should be the answer. Everything that flies should be required to have insurance. The aviation press has so misled pilots and enthusiasts over the last 30 years, they have helped put us in this box.
But the time of reckoning is at hand. The number of homebuilt, ultralight and LSA crashes has been steadily increasing. 50% of the crashes involve fatalities, involving pilots, passengers and innocent people on the ground. Families are being burned to death in their own homes. One jogger on a beach was run over and killed by a little plane making an emergency landing. The pilot saw the jogger but was more interested in getting his machine down safely. So many oldies with or without licenses are killing themselves and others. Autopsies show many are on banned drugs and if they do hold licenses they have lied to the FAA. When the NTSB reports comes out, they usually say this guy was on drugs but we don’t know if it caused him to crash into that house and kill 2 kids? There are certainly too many drug related accidents, even if the NTSB wants to keep its’ head in the sand. Solution — Designated aviation medical examiners who know the kind of health needed to fly an aeroplanes. Look on the net, at some of the old crocks who are flying these miniature Spitfires. They should be in rocking chairs at Sunny Acres. The only connection FAA has with these menaces are pieces of paper with little boxes for their lying Xs. This is person freedom in the air taken to the same height as machine gun ownership. But then again it is so American isn’t it, lying, cheating and killing!!! These tragic tales play out daily on the evening TV news. As one might expect there is a public backlash ensuing against these little killers. And there is no quick fix. There are thousands of old timers out there who are well past their flying years who are beyond the control of the FAA. Policing is so lax, some in this crowd are not even bothering to obey what weak regulations that exist. One old farmer bought a hot 4 place homebuilt in pieces and finished it off. He did not register the machine with the FAA and did not have a pilot’s license. My guess is that he had a drinking party at his farm which included four 20 somethings. In the middle of the night, he decided to take them all flying, 5 people in a four place aircraft. He hit the wires at the end of the field and somersaulted into the bush. Fire consumed everything. But even with hundreds of horror stories like these, there on the TV / net, the aviation press is on the defensive, believing they are under unfair attack. Rather
than see the way forward, is a toughening of FAA regulations, the AV press is calling into question the motives of the USA national media. Boys, the battle is lost. The crashes will go on, they can’t be stopped. Eventually all such flying will be banned, the public is already demanding it. And the leadership of the private flying will have succeeded in killing off the goose that laid the golden egg by pushing for ever more lenient laws, without demanding a high standard of discipline among the senior pilot crowd. Homebuilts, ultralights and LSA were and are seen as personal toys over which the owners make up their own rules as they go along, irrespective of the FAA, which is now revealed to be impotent! The operators of these tiny winged things, some licensed, some not, are killing themselves, their families, their neighbours and innocent victims. Enough already!!!


SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SUN, WATER AND WIND ENERGY IS ACTUALLY CLEANER AND CHEAPER. BUT THE McGUINT TURNED GREEN POWER, INTO VERY EXPENSIVE POWER TO SCORE POLITICAL POINTS AND TO MAKE HIS LIBERAL FRIENDS RICH. AND THIS SWITCHEROO WAS DONE WITH THE AID OF THE WELL PAID NAZI MEDIA. — Some years back, after my Blue Jay years, the research into Ontario Hydro in the Harris years, extended beyond the expropriation of the Utility by the nukies and the abuse of ratepayers, to water and wind turbines. During this period water power had lost some of it’s luster, as Big Energy USA put on a determined effort to eliminate sun, water and wind as options. Corporations do not like partnering with the people in regards to electricity. Sun, water and wind if managed properly can provide unlimited, clean, cheap power. Cheap power is an anathema to politicians and big business these day. How do you tax or make money from a energy source controlled by the people? It has been the big question for politicians and insiders? Their solution has been a massive and ongoing misinformation campaign in the media, Green energy is expensive and dangerous. In truth sun, water and wind can provide wider energy freedom and lower costs for the citizenry. Freedom for the masses? Egads? People making informed choices for THEIR OWN BENEFIT? This gives the right wing nightmares. From 2000 onward, I wrote plenty of letters, mostly to the Toronto Star about their wholesale energy lies, misinformation and missing details, in both comments and articles. My concerns got no traction from Honderich. The lies and commercial propaganda continued unabated, especially from the Liberals, the nuclear industry, its’ many paid supporters and the Nazi media. It was clear back then, that huge sums were being spent to fool and mislead the public. That misinformation initiative continues to to-day, March 2017. Keeping Ontarians in the dark, as regards the price on KWs, is Kathleen McGuinty’s goal. An election will be coming up in a little over a year. All the reductions now being given by Kathleen will be taken back. The liberals are loaning taxpayer’s dollars to the nukies for a few short months, again to mislead the ratepayers. If reelected, the Liberals will raise KW rates once again and begin the expensive overhaul of some existing, clapped out nuclear facilities or the mothballing of others. This is another opportunity to go back to our roots and reactivate all of the hydro power that now lies inoperative on purpose. And the people respond as they have in the past, by acting like fools and allowing themselves to be completely taken in by McGuinty propaganda? Scientists have not been able to figure out why the lemmings throw themselves into the sea en mass. There must be a trigger in the brains of some species that causes them to self destruct? Some Ontarians and Canadians seem to have that same flaw. They willingly allow themselves to be misled by the American paid Nazi media. And in fact the pay to buy the National Post paper and the Globe. It is like paying for the poison that will kill them and their children??? The fact that Paul Godfrey and his merry bunch of USA scribes even exist, make my point. In an intelligent world there would be no Paul Godfreys. There was no money to be made being truthful with Ontarians. Play to their desires then screw them proper, is the Nazi media creed. The outcome of this being asleep at the switch, the ratepayers here, pay almost the highest price for electricity in the world. This when we have 27,000 MWs of clean, cheap hydro power, sitting at the ready, being hidden from public view. I warned John Honderich many years ago, if you help drive Ontario into the poor house, who will buy your papers??? My prediction has come true. The Toronto Star is on the edge of bankruptcy and will soon be no more! But to John Honderich in the early 2000s, those juicy nukie ads were too tempting so his lying continued. Now the Toronto Star is close to the end, and Honderich is in Ottawa looking for the taxpayers to bail him out. God, some people have nerve! For the McGuinty crowd [ past or present ], the nukies, the OEB, insiders, PR companies and the Nazi media these last 16 years have been very profitable, as they have all been given license to pick you pockets by the Liberals. THERE HAS BEEN AND IS NOBODY IN AUTHORITY IN THIS PROVINCE, TO CHAMPION THE PUBLIC INTEREST, SO, LIKE LITTLE LAMBS TO THE GAS CHAMBER YOU GO, KNOWING NOTHING TILL THE FINAL FEW SECONDS! Electricity and heat would be big considerations if I was to begin manufacturing new Jay trainers. Since the Bancroft Hydrogen Village Project was proposed by me in 2005, my studies have continued. I was following closely the work of the Wind Energy Institute of Canada. located in PEI, from 2000 on. WEI was producing Hydrogen using wind power, pretty standard stuff. What was exciting to me was the fact that WEI was supplying Hydrogen to Charlottetown to power 2 City buses. The Province has ample winds to turn the entire island into a Hydrogen island. That being successful was going to have huge repercussions for First Nations communities, small isolated places like Bancroft and remote areas of the North. As well this system would have worked well for islands in the Caribbean. The technology to make cheap, clean hydrogen could have exported to other countries by PEI. But it was not to be. Herr Harper came to majority Office by cheating during the Election of 2011 and having unlimited money to spend, petro dollars from the American oil monopoly. Lyin Steve cut the budget of WEI and put an end to their Hydrogen experiments. Steve stacked the WEI Board with Conservative flacks, most of them from the oil business in Alberta. Talk about putting the foxes in charge of the hen house??? Strangely, the CEO of the denutted WEI is still Scott Harper, who sat on his hands all during dismemberment of the Wind Institute. Scott will remember me. I wrote to him about some technical matters, he did not have the courtesy to respond to my letter. I think that getting back to me would have jeopardized Scott’s paycheque? Herr Harper threatened a lot of pay cheques during his time as supreme leader. There were a lot of Canadians who put job in front of Country. They were not wise enough to see, that throwing their lot with the Fascists was no guarantee of long term security. Hitler was supported in his climb to power by convicts, mental patients and just plan drunken thugs. Once in power this lot became a threat to the Fuhrer, they had guns and muscle, and were not afraid to use them. In the Summer of 1934, Hitler had 7000 high ranking Brownshirts killed. They had got him into power which he was not about to share. Harper’s Fascists operate the same way, once you have served as he desires, out on your ass you go. PEI still has wind and the technology to harness it to create Hydrogen / electricity still exists. The Province has the highest Electricity rates in Canada, Hydrogen would have changed that. But the USA oilies and the Fascists would not and will not allow Hydrogen to get a toe hold in Canada. Nova Scotia and Ontario are right up there with PEI. NS and PEI could change that equation in a blink. Here’s a deal for Preems, Wade MacLauchlan and Stephen McNeil, like the one I made to Ontario to take over as Electricity Czar. The two Provinces will join together and we will ask PM Trudeau to clean house at WEI Can, and toss all the Herr Harper flacks on the WEI Board out on their asses. Then we can bring WEI back to where it was before Harper and the Fascists stole power. Scott Harper should be dumped too. Then a wind power / Hydrogen system would be installed in both to supply
clean, cheap KWs to the people and industry and enhance the economic activity of the region. Why should a small number of insiders be able to control KW prices in our democracy??? The same goes for Ontario, where Kathleen McGuinty, Dalt’s friends, the Liberals, nukies, insiders and the Nazi media maintain artificial high electricity prices FOR THEIR OWN PERSONAL BENEFIT, MAYBE 3 OR 4 THOUSAND AT MOST! We now are 13.5 million Ontarians. I believe in majority rule, the will of the people. Rule by four thousand to 13.5 million doesn’t sound very democratic to me. Of interest, the two Provinces with the cheapest KWs, are Quebec and Manitoba, both powered by water. Of greater interest should be, Ontario has more water power, installed and potential, than Quebec and Manitoba put together. The reason this Province is not powered by water, is that the Liberals and nukies can’t make any money using YOUR WATER. So they pay Paul Godfrey, Dave Thomson and John Honderich to hide this valuable resource from you. Funnily enough, Ontarians actually buy these newspapers which contribute to their economic woes. If the planet survives, studies will be done on how Ontario turned an economic powerhouse into financial back water BEHIND THE BACKS OF THE PEOPLE??? EXPLANATION — The Government, friends of the two McGuintys, the nukies and the Nazi media, lied and lied and lied and lied and lied yet again. Ontarians went Daaa, Daaa, Daaa, Daaa, Daaa, Daaa, off into infinity. Thus ended Ontario!!! The people almost invite being fooled, yet are being unaware of Government moves means their pockets will be picked again and again.

THE ONTARIO LIBERALS HAVE PROVED OVER AND OVER THAT THEIR WORDS CANNOT BE TRUSTED ESPECIALLY WHERE ENERGY IS CONCERNED. WE LIVE HERE IN NUKIELAND, WHERE THERE SHALT BE NO OTHER GOD BUT THEY. FOR ELECTRICITY THE RATEPAYER HAS NO SAY, AND MUST PAY AND PAY AND PAY. FOR THIS, DALT’S FRIENDS EXPRESS A LOUD HOORAY! THAT SAID, THIS TRULY, IS THE RIGHTIE WAY??? — I would not work with the Kathleen McGuinty’s Liberals, Ontario Power Generation nor Hydro One. Setting up a new aeroplane manufacturing enterprise in this Province? I’d need my head read? If the Liberals are defeated, That would remove a major obstacle. The other major roadblock is the Federal Department of Transport. Our DOT has always followed the USA FAA slavishly. After the War, when civilian flying began to takeoff in Canada, I did not find fault with us copying FAA rules. Once the standards were set in place by the Americans there was no need duplicate the process. During my early years, Canada’s aviation community was governed under a mix of British / US rules. However in 1965 FAA began messing with certification, FAA / FAR 23, in which little planes were lumped in with larger commuter type aircraft. All of the earlier machines I flew and loved had been certified under CAR 3 [ C 150 and Piper Cherokee ]. Interestingly the aeroplanes certified under CAR 3, have stood the tests of time and been involved in fewer accidents than the newer craft under FAR 23. I think that the FAA went on a hoop creation process, requiring planemakers to spend more and more money, doing the same things as before with with many expensive wrinkles thrown in. Strange though, the FAA, in FAR 23, did not touch crashworthiness, fire in small machines or noise or accurate gas gauges. Small planes, like the C 152 / C 172 / Cherokee kept getting loaded up with more and more gadgetry, bells and whistles, this without factoring the extra weight in to takeoff performance. Plus the FAA went wild with STCs. They allowed various firms to offer modifications to certified aircraft, that while minor in origin, were not properly tested. It is like allowing people to mix up their own cancer drug and sell it on the corner. Where this FAA irresponsibility has shown up, is when an old machine has 20 STCs. There is no way of knowing how drooped leading edge cuffs and vortex generators promote safe flight or INTERACT? But in the end, when such modifications prove unsafe, we have the clear answer. The thing piles in, kills the occupants and sometimes innocent lives on the ground are taken. Certification is supposed to eliminate life taking but it has had the opposite effect. The veteran C 152s / C 172s / PA-28s numbers are slowly being whittled down, due to old pilots [ many ex military or airline ], who have not seen a lightplane in 20 years, student pilots with many hours who DON’T KNOW HOW TO FLY, VFR / IFR or rust and / or corrosion. The FAA could not stop the USA lawyer community from pouncing on Piper, Cessna and Beech. These ambulance chasers used American system which decreed that aeroplane makers must bear complete liability for major accidents or deaths. So a drunk without a license, could steal a 50 year old J-3 for the local field, crash it into a house, killing an entire family. The surviving family members and the wife of the drunk were then emboldened by lawyers to sue Piper. It was an automatic payoff. Thus lawyers used such cases to extort money from Piper, Cessna and Beech without trial. Of course the J-3 and all the Taylor / Piper family of machines were certified by the Government. Which, in such court cases should have scored point for Piper following the law. No! Strict liability is the law in the USA and the jury’s job is just deciding how much the aircraft manufacturer’s insurance will have to pay. In my imaginary story the drunk who stole the J-3 might have a retarded son. The jury would of course add in perpetual care for the kid. This system drove Piper, Cessna and Beech out of the little aeroplane business. By the way, a C 172 is not a little plane, neither is it a trainer. Anyone who claims the C 172 is a trainer, has been bought off, is stupid or a fool or all three. The new C 172s are expensive and loaded, at $400,000 only a select few can afford one. So the strict liability rule recently watered down by Congress to 19 years will have little affect on fat profit machine sold to the one percent. For the FAA, back in 2000, having to face the disappearing veterans, homebuilding which had veered into exotic little killers and an Ultralight Category which had grown from innocent hang gliding, to craft with chainsaw engine to full fledged flying machines which remind me of the Wright Flyer. Ultralight, now in their thousands have been put together in complete ignorance of proper aviation practices and procedures. This crowd have never heard of AN hardware [ bolts etc ], cotter pins and locking wire? Whenever an ultralight goes down, there is a fifty / fifty chance the occupants will die. Some ultralight are not cleared for carrying passengers. Of this fact the public is not aware. So I would suggest, that members of the public not climb aboard an ultralight. You are taking your life in your own hands, and at that very moment the FAA has already written you off! As has the aviation press. The little plane boosters with abandon your family as it seeks redress, you will join the silent army of people who have been affected by unnecessary deaths due to crashes. And find that those responsible for these tiny winged killer machines have declared bankruptcy, have moved on and opened up again under another name! Oh, the American way, it never changes, little people always get screwed, they are the LAST TO KNOW! So in 2000, the FAA, facing a myriad of problems, with old creaky machines expiring, homebuilts depleting the pilot population and ultralights depleting the NON PILOT POPULATION. I am sorry, someone with 20 hours in an ultralight, with two nights ground school is NOT A PILOT, no matter what the FAA, AOPA and EAA say. Its’ 2000, time for the FAA to clean house but what do they do??? Gather together all of the suits in small plane aviation and come up with a new Category, the LIGHT SPORT AIRCRAFT!!! This is a machine with a weight limit of 1320 lbs, a 61 mph stall and laugh of all laughs the FAA calls this monstrosity a TRAINER. As stated 1320 lbs of mini aeroplane should not to the sky take! It is like selling canoes to cross the Great lakes, Even the Edmund Fitzgerald, a lake freighter, 700 ft long, 74 ft wide and a draft of 25 ft, succumbed to a vicious Lake Superior storm. A canoe would not stand a chance even with a little swell. Homebuilts, Ultralights and LSA don’t survive gusty weather. Just go on the net and type in homebuilt, ultralight or LSA crashes and view the carnage. Everyone interested in private flying should visit these sites. None of these machines has to meet ANY FAA STANDARD OF CRASHWORTHINESS OR FIREPROOFING. The net pictures tell the whole story. OH yes, the Edmond Fitzgerld broke up on the surface DUE TO DEFECTIVE STEEL MADE FROM TACONITE. The USA was running out of good iron ore and turned to the use of TACONITE, A GARBAGE STEEL. Both the Fitzgerald and the Homer were built from TACONITE as a proof of concept. This weak steel was used in the hulls of both ships, which were welded rather then using rivets. Over the life of the Fitzgerald [ 1958 to 1975 ], the welds started to come unglued. This deterioration was well documented. Right after the sinking, the owner of the ship seized all information pertaining to the repairs that had been done by various firms, with or without permission. The ship’s owner had skimped on maintenance, with the result that the faulty welds and the poor steel caused the Fitzgerald to twist back and forth in high seas. On Nov.10 / 75, the Fitz cracked amidships, water pored into the ballast tanks and walkway on one side. This caused a list in the ship, thus lying on its’ side, it was exposed to the full force of the huge waves. The bow and the stern were worked back and forth until the Fitz snapped in half at the centre hold NO 2. The TACONITE cargo in the centre hold spilled out. The hold in the bow was almost full length, so the TACONITE LOAD WAS BALANCED FORE TO AFT. IT SETTLE UPRIGHT ON THE BOTTOM. The stern section was divided between rear hold and the empty engine room at the back, with the bridge above. So the WEIGHT OF THE TACONITE WAS AT THE FRONT OF THE STERN END. IT WENT DOWN PROPELLER UP, HIT THE BOTTOM AND THEN FLIPPED OVER, UPSIDE DOWN, 200 FT AWAY FROM THE BOW. The main problem faced by the US Coast Guard Investigations Branch, was to make a finding which exonerated the owner of the Fitz and the insurance company responsible. It was common practice for the USCG to let ship owners and insurance companies off the hook. You could almost bet on it? This limited the payout of damages to those who suffered most, THE LITTLE PEOPLE WHO COULD NOT FIGHT BACK. Having the inside track to the USCG, saved companies and insurance firms a lot of money, whenever a ship went down. I have got to think, bribes to the USCG helped greatly in making its’ rulings. Equally guilty of a bogus verdict on the Fitz, was the corrupt National Transportation Safety Board, whose members were equally rewarded. Of interest to me, is the fact that the NTSB, in cahoots with the FAA, another arm of the USA Government is covering up the death of people from homebuilts, ultralights and LSAs. The statistics on accidents and deaths is purposely being juggled by the authorities, so no sense can be made of the numbers. This allows the Aviation press to extract number which cover up the carnage. Also, little is said little about the law suits faced by various little plane manufacturers who in the main follow exactly the FAA rules. How can small plane makers face law suits when they adhere to the laws of the land??? If people are trapped and killed, or trapped and live, only to be torched due to lax regulation surely the FAA is responsible. Instead of seizing the moment and creating a new Certification process based on CAR 3, the FAA is back up to its’ old tricks. The FAA is starting to give various LSA makers weight exempts of up to 200 lbs so these little killers can carry MORE, and kill even MORE people. The agency is allowing the LSA firms to install oversize engines, made by the Chinese Company which was responsible for the 42,000 cylinders being recalled. The FAA has ruled that this engine from China can only be run at full bore on takeoff! Ya, right!!! A US Company run by a group of over the hill suits, has bought an electric, little wingie thingie of 30 ft wingspan, from European designer. Parts are going to be made in Europe and Asia [ guess where??? ]? The authorities responsible for private flying have decided that this will be the new American trainer. There is no input from the public allowed. It will be 1700 lbs gross weight and put all of the LSA makers out of business. The FAA has created special regulation to facilitate this new electric machine because the need now is so great. Therefore rules, especially made up for insiders will ensure no competition. This is in the land of free markets. The land where 90% of the population is NOT FREE. And the home of the brave, where those in power run away and hide every time they make a mistake or hear the sound of gunfire [ like Steve Harper ], if that doesn’t work they blame someone else, like TRUMPF does. There are are three problems with the FAA’s new trainer. Replacement batteries cost $ 80,000 which are good for 5 years, after a flying school has already paid $ 300,000 this electric toy. If the thing with little wings crashes, instead being trapped and burned you will be showered with battery acid. One to the big selling points according to the FAA is the electric will be quiet. But I have already accomplished the with the new Jay TRAINERS equipped with my jet silencer.


Early in the the 2000, I designed advanced water and wind turbines to generate electricity. World water power came under attack by Big Energy in the 1970 and wind power has always been under attack. This caused research and development on these clean, cheap energy sources to grind to a halt. Mind you, Dalt McGuinty, ever the shyster, turned cheap, Green wind into just another way for his friends to legally loot the Ontario treasury. Of course there was no interest on the part of officialdom in this regard. Any mention of sun, water and wind usage was immediately attacked by the Nazi media. And the public swallowed it whole. As the citizenry here has suffered financially over the past 16 years, mostly their own fault, the nukies never told them that relief, was but some water and wind away. Keeping CITIZENS in the dark and stupid is a VERY profitable business for the media. Early on, I followed the work of the Wind Energy Institute Canada. They were doing real good stuff until Harper came along. WEI had created a system of generating KWs with wind, then turning that electricity into hydrogen. This not a new idea but I was interested in the mechanics of their practical research. The hydrogen was to be used to power packs of internal combustion engines running two big generators. These Gen Packs could and can be used in remote areas, on islands, North West Territories and First Nations reserves. It is the perfect perpetual motion machine and scares Big Energy spitless. If the suckers are paying twelve dollars for a lousy hot dog, best not tell them there is a better hot dog around the corner for a buck and a half. This is in essence Paul Godfrey’s job. never tell you that there is such a thing as a $ 1.50 hot dog. In a Hydrogen Village, the wind blows, the blades turn, the resulting juice generated is fed into an electrolyser, the hydrogen comes out the other end, it is captured and put in a tank under pressure. When electricity is needed, the Gen Pack [ 85% efficient ] is fired up and voila KWs on demand. In downtown Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Halifax tanks of hydrogen and fuel cells in office towers could provide electricity in blackouts. The American oil monopoly is scared shitless of Hydrogen and pays big money to kill any type initiative via the media. So when the wind blows and the electricity is generated, it can be used right away or stored for later use. Hydrogen can also be used for heat, it burns just like natural gas. The Gen Pack is a bank of five internal combustion engines running on hydrogen and 15% diesel fuel is used for starting. The engines are geared together to run two generators. Four engines and one generator run at any one time. One engine and one generator can be serviced so that there is never a generator failure. If a new engine or generator is required, they can be exchanged easily. This is a terrific idea, water can be used also. Hydrogen has much wider application than covered here. But this whole has its’ achilles heel. Hydrogen power challenges the American oil monopoly, Harper’s employer. Like the nukies, the oilies would not and will not allow a competing energy source to see the light of day. They buy off the politicians, buy up the little alternative energy firms then kill them off, they destroy the reputations of whistle blower and pay the Nazi media to smear the proponents of clean, cheap energy. WEI was creating hydrogen by the use of wind, which was being supplied to Charlottetown PEI for their 2 experimental Hydrogen busses. I loved the idea. I communicated with the CEO of WEI, but Scott Harper never responded. Here was Government Agency, spending taxpayer’s money and refusing to respond to my technical questions. That is what such agencies are supposed to do. Develop technologies and assist businesses in bringing new products to market. I found out later why I got the cold shoulder for WEI. Steve Harper cut the WEI budget and put an end to their Hydrogen experiments. Charlottetown could no longer get Hydrogen, so it canned the clean bus project. All this was never made public, because the City Council was probably rewarded by Harper for keeping their mouths shut. The Nazi media was paid to stay quiet. In a similar case, Lyin Steve paid Pauline Marois off, so that no inquest would be called into the Megantic Holocaust. Which was caused by CP Rail. Harper got CP off the hook because he was and is an employee of the American oil monopoly, which operates out of Houston. One of CP’s jobs is to carry tar and Benzine. The Nazi media once again covered up! Added to my vertical wind turbine experiments was a by-pass water turbine based on the fan jet engine in a 747. But in Canada there seemed to be no possibility of any interest in new ideas to harness the wind or water in the face of the oil monopoly / Harper intransigence which still plagues Canada.. Any idea man or innovator is just crushed ed by the money and political power of the EXXON / Nazi media team! As regards energy, the citizenry in Canada is out of reach on the other side of a glass wall. They were and continue to be abused financially by Big Energy but are seemingly beyond help. Much of it their own fault for being so incurious! Canadians are victims of the American energy industry, not unlike the black slaves of 400 years ago in the USA. Every effort in made by said industry to ensure energy freedom is beyond our grasp. With the election of Steve Harper in 2006, I was very much interested, was the man fact or fiction? In a little over a year and a half working for him [ the fly on the wall ], I discovered Harper is no man at all, he has turned out to be mentally ill, a Fascist and a bully with NO BALLS [ closets are his thing ]. Stevie was afraid to ride a motorcycle and couldn’t even put a worm on his own hook, himself. What Canadians saw about Harper, was pure fiction dispensed by the Nazi media. Jason Kenney is being given the same royal treatment by the Nazi media now. Paul Godfrey not only tries to make you stupid, he thinks you are stupid to begin with? When Harper’s Fascist Government took Office in Jan. 2006, I didn’t believe ANYTHING the Nazi media was telling me, I already had a picture of this guy. By 2008 I was proved right. I had that sinking feeling Canadians were being had. And it turned out they were and still are. Mabs and I had purchased cottage property just south of Bancroft Ont., in the Riding of Prince Edward / Hastings, in 1999. In 2006 I was determined to worm my way into the Con. inner circle in the Riding. I spent more than a year and a half playing fly-on-the-wall, as Director of the local CPC Riding Association. My worst fears were confirmed. All of the major offices in our Association were held by Reformers. The bulk of the Riding members were PC. We PCs did all the work and contributed all the money, while the Alberta influenced Reform Tea Baggers ran the show. Directions from the PMO formalized how the electorate was to be fooled, victimized, indoctrinated, youth seduced and manipulated. All the while the Nazi media continued to pump out sanitized copy and rightie propaganda. I held my tongue. Gary Lunn, a BC MP, was Minster of Natural Resources, he announced various assistance programs which were directed at clean energy. As well, the National Research Council was supposedly making grants available for alternate energy ideas. At least that is what the publicity said. It was nothing but a Fascist charade. The NRC pitch was, ” Canadians do a great job generating fundamental knowledge anchored in basic research. But they do a very poor job converting those ideas into marketable products “. Truth is the oil monopoly kills every innovative idea that sticks its’ head out of the trench, with Godfrey’s help. At this point in time I still had confidence that saner Canadian heads could manage the excesses of Harper and his Fascists, who just had a minority in Parliament at that time. I thought Harper was a one term Government. But I didn’t know the extent of the American oil monopoly money in Canada. As well, I did not know that Harper had brought in a complete team of US rightpublicanazis to disrupt our elections and use dirty tricks. Back in the 1950s, I bought a lot on Baptiste Lake, just north of Bancroft and built a log cabin. That is where I kept my Aeronca 85 hp Champ on 1320 floats. I flew around the area and knew it well. When Mabs and I bought our place I was returning to the Bancroft area after 30 years. I was familiar with the two turbine hydro plant, hard by the bridge in downtown Bancroft. It powered Bancroft when it was completely isolated and just a lumber Town. In about 2004, an article appeared in the Bancroft Times, which explained that the Council was hard pressed to find the money to repave the tennis courts. The tennis club had more than 500 members, including 200 young people. With the skyrocketing Liberal / nukie electricity prices being charged, I could not understand why the Town could not come up with a few hundred bucks to fix the tennis courts. I calculated the flow of water on the York River which goes through the middle of Town. And worked it out to be a million dollars worth of KWs a year. Ontario Hydro had closed the little plant. Then the idea popped into my head, Bancroft would make the ideal Hydrogen village, the first in the world, actually. I wrote a Letter-to-the-Editor of the Bancroft Times about the Town’s hydro potential. Some months later, I got a call from the Mayor of one of the surrounding Townships. He wanted more information about my Hydrogen village initiative. Hydrogen at the time was being attacked on a weekly basis by the Nazi media, the lies and attacks were being paid for by Big Oil. Every time there was mention of Hydrogen power in any regard, even in Europe, an article would appear in PHONY PRAISE of this potential clean, cheap fuel. But these pieces always end the same way, same words right from Houston. Canadians had to be warned that Hydrogen was really dangerous and you remember the Hindenburg don’t you? AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN! The oilie smear campaign worked, don’t they always??? Houston has been able to scare enough slow witted people off Hydrogen to kill this alternate fuel. I began looking for a way around Big Energy. I thought that we could come at Hydrogen in a different way by involving Bancroft and area politically, sort of under the radar. This, without awakening the American oil monopoly which had strangled the hydrogen dream in the USA. I thought the Ontario Liberals would back the local munipalities, in this novel idea to create hydrogen and use it to generate electricity on demand, power vehicles, use it for heat and to incinerate garbage. I met with the Mayor in question a couple of times. I agreed to sketch out a hydrogen plan for the area. The route to go seemed obvious. The hydro plant on Main St., which had been closed by the nukies would be reopened using 2 of my new by-pass water turbines. The water behind the dam at Baptiste Lake would be harnessed to use 2 more by-pass turbines. On the rock heights to the north of Bancroft we would install vertical wind turbines to further augment electricity output. The Town would be supplied with electricity. During off hours, the surplus electricity would be converted into Hydrogen. So every bit of water that flowed from Baptiste and through Town WOULD BE USED TWICE and yield electricity either by the immediate KWs or from the stored Hydrogen. The wind turbines would increase the output of KWs. Vertical wind turbines are not a visual distraction like those on giant pylons. As well VWTs operate in any wind direction, also in disturbed winds. They are usually 3 bladed but there is a major flaw. This causes them to be less efficient when the actual wind power is considered. The rearward going blade is of course feeling the full force of the wind. The forward coming blade, also being struck by the wind, creates resistance, thereby cancelling out some of the power of the rearward going blade. The ideal would be to make the forward coming blade disappear for full power? That I have been able to do. All of the Bancroft Town / Township vehicles which stayed local [ trucks, school buses, tractors, etc ] would be converted to run on Hydrogen. We would build an incinerator system, powered by Hydrogen, big enough to take all of the garbage and sewage waste in Hastings County, north of Hwy # 7. Land fills situated in such rocky ground tend to cause major pollution problems for northern lakes. The hi heat incinerator, using Hydrogen as the fuel would have produced less air pollutants than a single 45 gal burning barrel in someone’s back yard. This incinerator, designed for medical waste and made in Europe, would have been the first application in north America. We intended to burn housing / demolition / forest waste as well as shit. This drum incinerator could handle septic tank waste and turn it into a find benign powder like saw dust. The ash could be used in road paving and as a filler for making cement. The drum tuned like a cement mixer on a tilt. As the waste moved along under intense heat it turned to dust and came out the other end. The small amount of heavy metals and toxic material [ 5% ] could be separated and dumped in an approved landfill site along with other such waste. This system if it was expanded to the entire County of Hastings would have reduced the need for landfill sites in the County by 95%. I even did a survey of the York River south of Bancoft and found another hydro site that would have given us 2 more turbines. Where on earth can you get a deal that allows you to use the same water over and over and over again for power and still have the water??? The Mayors formed a working group and we met regularly. I wasn’t being paid a single dime. I spoke with John Baird and Daryl Kramp, my MP about Bancroft becoming the world’s first hydrogen village. I communicated with Gary Lunn by letter as I did with Natural Resources and the Nat. Research Council. A rough proposal was put together for submission to the Liberal Government which controls the dealings of municipalities. Two of the Mayors were chosen to represent all of the Municipalities in the Bancroft Area and an appointment was made with the Minister responsible, at Queen’s Park. The Mayors treked 150 miles to Toronto and awaited the appointed hour. They just got seated and began to explain our proposal for the hydrogen village and the Minister cut them off and told them to leave. The were literally thrown out of her office. McGuinty ws determined to let Big Energy have a free hand to fleece you at will. I heard absolutely nothing from Baird, Kramp or Lunn. I did speak on the phone to a person at Natural Resources, she did not have a clue about water or wind. It was clear that the programs being touted by Harper’s Government did not exist, this was a fraudulent use of taxpayers money. I spoke at length on the phone, with a guy at NRC. He was not a technical person and had been hired to manage another phony PR campaign. There was no substance to the Harper programs, it was all spin to fool Canadians yet again and did. And the Nazi media played their part. Many people were indeed fooled and we damn near lost our Country as a result. Then Steve succeeded in stealing the 2011 Federal Election with the help of American money and the rightbulicanazis. The Hydrogen Village project for Bancoft evaporated. Killed by the McGuinty gang. I concluded, after my earlier experiences with Davis Peterson, Paul Martin and the Blue Jay, THAT CANADA IS INDEED THE PLACE WHERE IDEAS ARE BORN TO DIE!!!


MY BANCROFT HYDROGEN VILLAGE PROJECT — It sprang from the poor surface on the tennis court in the Town. The Town Council was desperately searching for some money to do the repaving. Failure would have meant 500 people losing their tennis club, including all of those young people. Better to have the youth of the Town playing tennis than hanging out and getting into trouble. It was obvious to me that a million dollar worth of hydro was just flowing by the residents, going down to the sea, wasted. But I was the only one who knew the situation. For me, there was a learning curve My appeals to the Ontario Government over the nukie seizure of Ont. Hydro, to Mike Harris and then to Dalton McGuinty, went unheeded. As my knowledge level grew, in term of the nukie control of Ont. Hydro, it was more and more evident that John Honderich / Star and Steve Paikin / TVO were lying to Ontarians. I sent both Honderich and Paikin, letters and information about the true story. My pleas for the truth were ignored. I complained to the Ontario press Council but they would not act to stop the lies. I complained to Advertising Standards Canada about the lies being told in Nuclear industry advertising in the Star. ASC would not raise a finger. It became clear to me the ASC was just a front for big business, and still is. My concerns and fears, of 12 years ago, have certainly come true. Just think where the Province would be now, if Honderich / Star and Paikin / TVO had not thrown in their lot with McGuinty and the nukies by continuing to print and broadcast nukie lies. I know for John, those fat Nuclear ads were just too tempting. I didn’t get and still don’t get Steve Paikin? What was his reward for helping to destroy Ontario economically??? JUST A PAY CHEQUE??? Is that the price of selling out the Province??? In Bancroft residents were being force by McGuinty to pay nuclear prices for KWs, when affordable KWs were right outside their door. It is like having an orchard full of luscious apples which THE FASCISTS will not allow you to touch. Then being forced by McGuinty to pay $ 100 for an apple pie. It is outrageous. My thought, how do I contribute a positive outcome to this negative Bancroft problem??? AND BEAT THE NUKIE CONTROLLED SYSTEM? It began to sink in that there was something bigger going on in terms of alternate energy options IN CANADA. I can look at a machine or process at tell you if it is going to work. Many new ideas have made the scene in Canada in the last dozen years, all to be shot down by the Nazi media. A petro paid Paul Godfrey and the Nazi media continuously chastised Canadians for not being innovative enough, yet every good idea which surfaced was / is attacked and / or belittled by the self same paid Nazi media. Even energy options being developed in Europe were and are being dismissed on the basis of lies, told by employees of Houston, like those on Paul Godfrey’s staff. One of the big failings of those on the left, is the fact that they have yet to develop a strategy to deal with doublespeak. The Fascists in Canada, USA and the UK, learned at the knee of Leo Strauss, the USA rightpublicanazi high priest of lies. From the time they enter the Manning Institute and the Universities of Calgary and Carleton, rightie recruits are taught that they are exceptional [ without any proof whatsoever ], that their’s is a sacred calling, to impose the right wing ideology on all, this to ensure that the ignorant masses do not ruin things for the exceptionals. This said Strauss, is a noble calling, and if to assure rightish supremacy lies are needed, then you of this chosen group can lie with a clear conscience and to your hearts content. No lie, however its’ dimensions, is off limits! This from German, who never lived in a democracy, worshiped Nietzsche and Leo never had a real job in his life! This sort of descibes Hayek too! Who better for the rightpublicanazis to worship??? The Republicans have had Nazi leanings from the 1930s. And we have through recent history seen many examples, Mulroney, Harris, McGuinty, Harper, Hudak and now Kathleen McGuinty. All known for their love of things American, especially US cash in brown envelopes. They say one thing and do something completely different. Churchill, in the early 1930s, figured out this was what Hitler was up to, lies, lies and more lies. It drove Hitler nuts, when his lies seduced so many others, but they did not fool Churchill. The dilemma for the left, made up of educated, thinking and level headed people is how to deal with these lying sons of bitches, like Trumpf. When the hired Canadian Nazi media, the only game in town now, treats the lies as if they bear the stamp of truth. There is no reasoning with serial liars as Obama attempted to do. And no apparent way for the left to fight fire with fire, playing dirty, because the righties played / play dirty, like Harper. And the right knows this. In fact the Fascists despise the left because they won’t come out and fight. But the Fascist fighters, more commonly know as blowhards, for all their bravado only succeed when they ambush people and get to play by THEIR OWN RULES! The Democrats in the USA failed to understand the aims and tactics of the hard right. The Left never gave up on the idea that the United States will return to normal, wherein their policies could be debated on merit, a contest they are still sure they win hands down. However, in the pay of the right, the USA Nazi media has destroyed normal, democracy has flown the coop and a pissing war has ensued between the various political groups. Even the Republicans have lost control, and are at pains to figure out what to do next. This has got to be the most disorganized civil war in history. There is no clear leadership and there are no clear goals. Every day is a new role of the dice, with destination unknown??? Well for Canada, the path ahead is obvious. Our economy is in the hands of AMERIGREED, which in every corner of the globe, including Canada, is doing what it does best, WEALTH STRIPPING. This Nation’s goodies are being carted off at a great rate by USA with narry a bleat from our politicians. For the Left here, quit wasting time trying to debate the Fascists, who’s interest is playing dirty pool with the backing of the Nazi media. We can see what is coming. The move to takeover Canada by the right started with Ron Reagan. Unfortunately, Canada at that time had Mulroney, a well known inveterate American lover. Lyin Brian could not refuse giving the States anything they wanted. NAFTA held up as a winning trade agreement for Canada was nothing of the sort. It just formalize the screwing process for the Yankees. Throughout all his life as a crooked dealer, Mulroney has never shaken his disease, that of needing a pat on the head by the Americans and doing everything possible to attain it. Even in 2012, Mulroney helped Steve Harper give away the Canadian Wheat Board to the USA grain industry. The States gained every advantage by signing the NAFTA deal. Now Trumpf wants more? What more can we give? He wants our very souls! I keep saying and will say again, decision time is upon us. We either chart a new course and head up the sunny slopes to where a NEW CANADA can be built. Or we line up along the 49th, bend over, down our trousers or up our skirts, so Trumpf can come have his way at will. There is no chance of doing the Canadian thing and sitting on the fence until things settle down. In is interesting that Paul Godfrey’s rightie scribe spent so much time rewriting the history of Canada, but never got around to covering the very successful 42 years of Progressive Conservative Government in Ontario. Those were the golden years for the Province, which was powered by cheap, clean hydro electricity and during a time when the PCs worked closely with businesses to see that the benefits of our environment, our natural resources and our educated population were fairly distributed amongst the people. Not all going Stateside. We had strong Ontario / Canadian businesses which produced quality products honestly. Under Frost, Robarts and Davis, Ontario was the economic engine of Canada. When Ottawa, AEC and nuclear energy arrived on the Provincial scene it signaled the end of prosperity here. It was not know at the time, but the nuclear cancer seeds had been planted. Ontario Hydro was owned by the people but it was a stand alone Crown Corporation. A very strong public institution but naive in regards to the ruthless ambitions of AMERIGREED . Ottawa after being involved with the Manhattan project and supplying the uranium for it, was looking for peaceful applications for nuclear power. Many of the leaders within Atomic Energy Canada had great hopes for nuclear fission. As a technical / mechanical person I can understand such optimism in the 1940s / 1950s. The USA was on the same trajectory. Nuclear power plants were going to deliver KWs too cheap to meter. The nukes would even be cheaper than water. Ottawa said us too. A lot of promises were made by the North American nuclear Industry to Canadian and American politicians. None of them, as in NONE OF THEM CAME TRUE. It was a case of a technology that was introduced before the process was fully proven. A half baked cake of sorts. After which it was always a matter of trying to catch up. One mistake was piled on another mistake. Goals were never reached, but no matter, new goals were set. Solutions were always right around the corner the nukies would say. Manana was always the reply. Ottawa and AEC needed a show case for their nuclear experiment with an eye on the world market, a guinea pig so to speak. Ontario was number one and Quebec second on the preferred list. Premier Frost was leery, as was the head of Ontario Hydro. Quebec was too. Certain demand were made by the Province, what was the price of KWs as compared to water KWs, of which Ontario had more than enough for future growth. There was also the question of the nuclear waste. And the Ontario Hydro head wanted to see a working plant before making a commitment. In terms of the price of KWs the nukies lied through their teeth. At that time, the proposed system for boiling water to generate electricity was just an experiment, in fact two experiments. AEC set up the first reactor NPD [ Nuclear Power Demonstration ], at Rolphton, on the Ottawa River. AEC, at the time, was only negotiating with the Province and Ontario Hydro on the possibility of setting up a plant. There was no frozen nuke reactor design at that point in time, so the KW pricing commitments made to Ontario by AEC were figures just taken out of thin air and history proves this point. History also proves that every price quoted by the nukies since that time, has been conjured out of thin air. The nukies lied to the people of Ontario in the beginning, the nukies have lied continually over the years and all during the reign of Dalton McGuinty, who formed a partnership with the nukies, they have lied together. Dalt did well from that partnership, he got a free house worth a million and a half. The McGuint is now in hiding, he should be found and jailed. But Kathleen McGuinty has now filled Dalt’s shoes and taken up with the nukies. She too is spouting nukie lies. As far as the nuclear waste is concerned, it did not go to Chalk River, it was never going to Chalk River. The nuclear waste was a problem that AEC had not yet solved in 1958, when they were talking to Frost and Ontario Hydro. So the nukies just made up something, we’ll just take it back to Chalk River within 180 days of its’ creation, pure fantasy. I am sure that AEC had the best of intentions when they swept the waste under the rug. But after that, AEC never did have the time nor the money to deal with a problem they could hide from the Legislature and the people. So in 2017, the waste is still stored in temporary sheds at various sites in temporary concrete coffins, 7′ by 7′ by 12′ with a hundred year lifespan, about 25,000 coffins. Oh, that’s right, you didn’t know about these temporary coffins. To-day the authorities don’t know what to do with this stuff. Robarts, in signing the eventual deal to accept nuclear plants, NEVER ASSUMED RESPONSIBILITY FOR THAT NUCLEAR WASTE BECAUSE AEC SAID IT WOULD ALL GO BACK TO CHALK RIVER. WASTE TRANSFER WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO ACCOMPLISH LOGISTICALLY. IT WAS ONE MORE NUKIE FLIM FLAM! When Ottawa, AEC and GE first approached the Province and Ontario Hydro there was no operating nuclear plant. So it was just a paper scheme. Ontario Hydro said build a plant, make it work and prove your calculations and we might be interested. Of course if you read the available history, written by the nukies themselves, Ontario Hydro was in right at the start, not true, another lie. So the little nuke NPD, at Rolphton was build and had serious problem, which were covered up for obvious reasons. The CANDU couldn’t! Rather than fix NPD at Rolphton, Ottawa funded the building of a new larger plant at Douglas Point, on Lake Huron. Problems started right from the beginning. There were two management teams at Rolphton and at Douglas Point. The people at Rolphton knew there were problems and thought they knew how to fix them. The new crew at Douglas Point were building new, from scratch and in their minds they had a blank canvas. The management at Atomic Energy Canada was made up of scientists, who were not businessmen. They were going from doing experiments with nuclear fission to turning the process into a commercial venture that had to compete with hydro power in Ontario and Quebec. Ottawa had made promises to Quebec too. The Douglas Point plant was in a sense a new approach. Yet another experiment. It was not a copy of NPD with upgrades, but an entirely new process, so AEC was right back to the beginning. Their scientist were fighting over turf while Ontario was being sold something that didn’t exist. When Douglas Point got lit up Rolphton / NPD was closed. The cooked history books say Ontario Hydro ran the Douglas plant, well not quite. The nukies had no experience with generators and Ontario Hydro had no experience with nuke power. So AEC boiled the water and Ontario Hydro used the steam to generate electricity. There were a myriad of problems and the Douglas reactor was out of commission 50% of the time. Mind you the nukies now say this plant was complete success, so the lying continued. Ontario Hydro engineers were not used to this, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Everywhere in the Province, the water flowed all the time, while the generators hummed as they had done for over 60 years. Of course this was a fiasco for AEC, they had to prove to Ontario that this scheme would work and it wasn’t. The Douglas plant was another disaster and really beyond recall. Ottawa and AEC came up with a new dodge. Douglas Point is really too small they said and that is what is causing the problems, we have to go bigger. Tell you what we are going to do said Ottawa and the nukies, let’s build Pickering, we will pay for the reactors and you pay for the generators. Pickering was built with the nukies knowing that the system still had many bugs. AEC promised a 40 year life span before repairs would be needed, Pickering pooped out at 25 years. Yet another lie. Ontario never did get the working nuclear plant they demanded. Ontario Hydro by law, was beyond the reach of Queen’s Park so the Government and all MPPs could only react to yearly reports or special reports when they were requested. Once construction of the Pickering plant started the nukies took control. What do hydraulic engineers know about nuclear. Ottawa began tiring of AEC failures to deliver and the constant demands for more money. AEC scientists were in over their head, nuke power was far more expensive than water and always would be. To them the perfect nuclear plant was still just around the corner, if only a little more time was spent, on a few more experiments and a little more money was found. When Pickering was completed, it was a white elephant and its’ problems seemed destined to kill the continuing nuclear experiments. Ottawa was moving towards cutting funding. AEC devised a two prong plan. Take control of Ontario Hydro from within, thereby gaining access to the Utility’s bank account, credit rating and good offices. This the nukies did. Ontario Hydro had Beck Three [ the third giant hydro plant on the Nigara River ] on the drawing board along with other water projects. The now nukie management cancelled all such initiatives. Like the mob always does kill off the competitions. The nukies gave no thought to powering Ontario and delivering clean, cheap KWs to the ratepayers. Their only concern was bringing in money for continued experimentation. The nukies were and are willing to ruin the Province financially to prove their theories right. The other angle, was to spend vast amounts of money on advertising with the media. John Honderich of the Star was not about to write truthfully about nukie failings or to publicize incidents or accidents. John got fat nuclear ads. Many of them I saved, especially the articles printed by Honderich, which were accompanied by OPG doctored picture. Families frolicking on the beach in front of the Pickering nuke, except there is no beach. One of Honderich’s favourites is the little sailboats in front of the non existent beach. The Star has used that one more than once. Says something about Honderich, he was and is prepared to take stolen nukie money to print phony pics So the press fell in line and took money to keep its’ collective mouth shut. The nukies spent all of Ontario Hydro’s cash, borrowed everything they could on the Utility’s credit card and then started going to Ottawa and Queen’s Park for additional handouts. Ratepayer rates were controlled but the nukies used every excuse they could to extract more money from users. The nuclear experimentation did not cease and continues to this day without a workable system that comes close to matching water. Gee whiz, you are not supposed to know that. Quebec threw the nukies out years ago and now have the cleanest, cheapest KWs in Canada. Paul Godfrey has never written about that. There is no money publicizing clean, cheap KWs. The money for Godfrey and friends is in NOT TELLING THE PUBLIC. All the nukes do is generate dirty, expensive KWs, and that will all end in less than 10 years, as the lifespan of the plants RUNS OUT. Then what??? Ontario fades to blackouts I’d guess, because the McGuinty Liberals are whistling past the graveyard and are in a state of denial . In any event the nukies continued their spend and cover ways throughout the 1980. I lie everyone else did not have a clue high priced nuke KWs, the toxic waste accumulation and the massive coverup campaign being paid for by Ontarians. Bill Davis 42retired, the US rightpublicanazis tried to install Frank Miller as Premier in 1985, itand didn’t work. Then there was the dynamic duo of David Peterson and Bob Rae, after which Dave went solo, then Bob went solo. Their 10 wasted years at the Ontario helm, provided no memorable results. Unknown to almost everyone, was the fact that the nukies were drilling holes in the bottom of Ontario’s boat as fast as they could. Thou shalt have no other god than nuclear power was the nukies creed, even if the Province as an economic force was destroyed. The nukies are in a sense parasitic. They will continue to feed off the host [ us ], until we die then they die. When Mike Harris arrived on the scene, I rejoined the PCs thinking they had learned a lesson after 10 years out of office. Not on your life. The Frost, Robarts and Davis style of Government was nowhere in sight.
42 years of success, which could have provided a formula for a new beginning in Ontario, was not on the US rightpublican chart. The Americans were in charge from 1995 to 2003, Mike ” The Yellow ” Harris was a mere puppet. During Mike’s reign the Nukie / Ontario Hydro thing boiled over. The nukies were deep in debt with no more money on the horizon.
The Yankees said good. Shift the $ 20 billion debt onto the backs of Ontarians, Mike. And we will then buy the Utility debt free, for a song, after which we can squeeze the electricity ratepayers until they squeak or squeal. The Harris Government could then claim powerlessness as the KW rate went through the roof, just another example of free market forces. Mike chunked Ontario Hydro into 5 parts, so that there would be more players at the trough. Many of the Harris inner circle joined the American Hydro suitors for big cash bonuses. We won a 2nd term, but support for the PCs was weakening. ALL THE WHILE YOUR HIDE WAS BEING MEASURED UP BY INSIDERS TO SEE WHO WOULD GET WHAT PART OF YOU??? In 2000, when I heard that Harris was going to sell Hydro I blew a fuse. How could he do this??? I met Janet Ecker my MPP and wrote to Mike don’t do it, fix Hydro I said! Harris persisted. It was fine for me to tell Mike to fix Hydro but I didn’t know how that could be done, kind of unfair? So I began my long years of research into the history of Ontario Hydro, its’ takeover by the nukies, the ruining of Ontario’s economy as a result of this nuclear cancer, the takeover of my PCs by the rightpublicanazis and even more disastrous reign of Dalton McGuinty. Once I got a peek at the nukie mess in the early 2000s, the picture became clearer. From 1960 to 1985 I was the unoffical PC rep in Pickering, I knew a lot of people. Most were opposed to the Hydro sale. When I joined Harris in 1995, he could not have cared less what the people in Pickering thought. He was surrounded by whiz kids, Americans and Bay / Wall St. types, who knew everything! And thus knew nothing! Harris continued to push his Hydro sale. I met Ecker again, even took her one of my Apple Baskets. MY PITCH TO HER WAS, SELL ONTARIO HYDRO AND THE PARTY IS TOAST! Fix hydro and we will win a third mandate. I wrote to Mike and said the same thing. The sale initiative was further pursued and I quit the PCs for good. The Courts stopped the sale of Ontario Hydro. Mike finally got the message that he was going to be defeated. Rather than contest the 2003 Election, Mike like Mulroney before him, ran away. Harper did likewise on Parliament Hill when the bullets began to fly, Steve found a vacant broom closet. With the Election of Dalton McGuinty in Oct. 2003, time was of the essence, I felt that Ontario Hydro urgently needed a repair job, and a return to water, LIKE NOW! Even though I was a PC, I wrote Preem McGuinty 3 times offering my services, in early 2004 In a couple of years of study, I had gathered a pretty good understanding of the nukies moves /lies and the Ont. Hydro situation. This without the aid of the Ontario press, who were paid nukie boosters. They continued to print nukie lies, misinformation and nuclear propaganda. You Ontarians just continued to doze. I felt the Premier should know what was going on. In my third letter to McGuinty, I suggested that the nukie / Ont. Hydro situation was so bad that his best move was to repair it, quickly, by bringing back water. As with Mike Harris, I told Dalton that if he did not overhaul Ont. Hydro and reduce KWs prices, this nukie mess would eat him alive, politically. As with Mike Harris, the McGuint is now toast and in hiding. However it became quite clear, when the Canadian Nuclear Association hurriedly vaulted Murray Elston, a Liberal insider and a know nothing nukie novice, into the President’s office of the CNA, in 2004, that the fix was obviously in. I followed Elston’s trail. Murray, no doubt became the nukie bag man, carrying cash to McGuinty’s office at Queen’s Park. Elston, immediately upon taking up his nukie mantle, began making speeches which just repeated nuclear propaganda, spread about over 20 years. In fact the same nukie propaganda and lies are still on the net in 2017. Hitler said it in Mein Kampf. If you tell a lie often and loud enough, the ignorant masses will believe it to be the truth. That is why the Harper Fascists, Paul Godfrey, the Toronto Star and the Can. Nuclear Association among others, tell so many lies. They all firmly believe Ontarians and Canadians are ignorant and so deserve to be lied to. I followed Elston’s speeches. He was like a fighter pilot who draws little aeroplanes on the side of his cockpit to denote kills. Murray gave talks at nukie meetings about his conquests. Every little newspaper that printed an anti nuclear article was attacked by Elston. He went after reporters and individuals who wrote the truth about the damage nuclear power had done to Ontario. And where the Liberal Government was concerned Elston made threats. Then the nukies gave McGuinty a free house worth a million and a half. The nukie modus operendi worked yet again. Spread a lot of ratepayers money around in the way of bribes The pitch was, we need the outrageous price Ontarians are being force to pay for electricity to cover our many mistakes and fund further experiments. This is what happens when competition is eliminated and the media is paid to ensure the competition is smeared out of contentions. When McGuinty was first elected, he and the Liberals were snared by the nukie, come on board Dalton and we will give you a cut of the take. If billions are spent on clapped out nuclear plants or new one are built, your cut will be even bigger. All during his time in Office Dalt, was a forever booster of nuclear and never stopped speaking nukiespeak. Some of McGuinty’s comments were so ridiculious, the question became was he that stupid? That vacant about real world facts? Or was Dalton on the take? The free nukie house answers that question. Dalt was rewarded for screwing Ontarians. Your reward was and is 25 cent KWs when the price should be no more than 10 cents. In fact if Hydrogen is factored in the KW price would be even lower. There is a silver lining! Although the Provincial ratepayers have been abused financially by the nukies for lo these 30 years our 27,000 MWs of water power is still in situ, just waiting to be reactivated. More than 100 Hydro plants were mothballed by Dalt / the nukies, 1/2 cent KWs still linger behind each dam. I have got to wonder how much undercover money Elston actually delivered to the Liberals and McGuinty during his term as President of CNA??? I mean Mulroney worked cheap, he only got $ 300,000 in cash while he was Prime Minister? I have got to think that the McGuint got millions, and is still getting cheques from the nukies. As are the Liberals. I mean at 25 cents per KW, there is so much cream there. Lots to spread around, John Honderich / Star and Steve Paikin at TVO, to name a couple. Maybe McGuinty is no longer actually getting cash or cheques, payment could be being made by direct deposits right into Dalt’s account. Would this be another case that Revenue Canada purposely missed???


FIFTEEN YEARS OF WATCHING THE NUKIES CONTROL THE MESSAGE LEFT ME IN AWE ABOUT WHAT MONEY WILL DO TO THE MINDS OF THE SENTERIES WHO ARE SWORN TO PROTECT US, WE THE PEOPLE — It follows that Big Energy, coal, natural gas and oil would follow the same course as Ont. nuclear, controlling the flow of information. Actually that is the main job of all the media in Canada these days, to tell the citizenry what the powerful wants them know. I think most of the public would be shocked at the real state of energy affairs here. Cheap energy sold at sky high prices. Somebody said, ” Let them eat cake “. When Dalt was first elected his quip was, ” let them eat breadcrumbs “. Now it is, ” Let them eat breadcrumb dust “. Soon there won’t even be dust!!! The nukies in close cooperation with the McGuinties, both Dalt and Kathleen, as well as the Nazi media, did not and do not want anyone else in the game. That is why I have drawn a blank for the last dozen years, although I have written many letter and posts. In fact, I once wrote that there were huge posters on the walls of the offices of the Toronto Star, which just said, ” WATER, IF YOU MENTION IT YOUR ARE FIRED “! If they had their way, the nukies will never let you find out that Ontario has more hydro power [ 27,000 MWs, both installed and potential ], than Manitoba and Quebec put together. Those two Provinces have the lowest electricity rates in Canada, 1/3rd of what Ontarians pay. Interestingly the nukies still use the word hydro, although Dalt said 60% of the Province’s electricity now comes from nuclear. The use of the word hydro is nukie doublespeak, meant to mislead, like the bogus pics of the non existent beach at the Pickering nuke. Little wonder that Big Energy, working with the McGuinty Liberals, ensures that you stay cold, remain in the poor house and dwell in the dark, both physically and informationally. What spurred me on even more to engineer the Bancroft Hydrogen Village Project, was the tale the Mayor’s told. Of a young mom, pushing a stroller to the Laundromat in the north end of Town, every few days, while her mother carried the washing. They couldn’t afford to use their own dryer, the Nukie KWs were just too expensive. Not nice in the winter! I had to find a way to harness the York River, create some revenue and improve the economic life of the Town! At first I did not grasp the level of Liberal / nukie greed that I and the the local politicians would be facing. This just confirm the fact that Ontarians were no longer a free people. Not when the population of Bancroft could / can dip their hands into water worth a million dollars a year, and yet a young mom could not afford to use her dryer and their tennis courts remained unpaved, all thanks to McGuinty / nukies. Just like with the Americans, democracy has vanished in Ontario. This was made clear when McGuinty closed the legislature illegally for 5 months, with the help of Lieutenant Gov, and dupe David Onley. Then runaway Dalt, handed control of Ontario to a dozen or so Liberal insiders. Based on what legal foundation? Democracy died in the Province, that day. The will of the people here was extinguished by the Liberals, I wrote about it but the Nazi media was paid to say zilch! To do otherwise would have risked losing those fat Liberal ads? We are now in a sort of twilight zone, in which the Ont. Liberals can slowly turn off the democracy tap, and make permanent McGuinty’s shuttering of Queens Park. After my Blue Jay fiasco at the hands of Dave Peterson and Paul Martin I decided to push my various energy ideas. Rather than write about the bouncing balls. To-day it is all Trumpf or Trudeau, tomorrow it will be about anything that offends AMERIGREED. The Nazi media here is paid, to give the Yankees all the say. I am not one to go quietly into the night. Although a Progressive Conservative, I opposed Diefenbaker and voted for Lester Pearson and Pierre Trudeau. Our entire PC Riding Association in Whitby sat on its’ hands to defeat Lyin Brian Mulroney. I refused to work for Frank Miller. I worked for Mike Harris and then turned against him over the sale of Ontario Hydro. I worked against the PCs under Ernie Eves. I worked against Dalton McGuinty from the beginning an voted NDP. I worked to see Tim Hudak defeated. I worked hard to get Lyin Steve Harper out of the tyrant’s office. But I have changed over the past 7 years since I started the Geeman’s Blog. I write less about pure politics now and much more about solving Canada’s problems from a mechanical standpoint. I thought I would write about my involvement with Canada’s mechanical, energy and technical difficulties and offer solutions. I am tired having the Nazi media constantly pushing the idea that Canada doesn’t innovate. AMERIGREED doesn’t want to see any innovation going on in this Country and that is what Paul Godfrey and Dave Thomson et al are paid to do. Any good ideas are to be smeared out of existence. An automatic washer handles a load in 45 min, a standard dryer take an hour and a half to dry that load. I designed a dryer that would do the job in 45 minute too. I fell on the ice twice back 12 years ago. I developed ice shoes with cleats made from industrial work shoes, I still have them and never fell again. About 2500 people fall on the ice each year in Toronto alone. The problem with my cleats is you can’t walk on certain kinds of floors, wood, vinyl, terrazzo etc. So based on my aviation experience I developed retractable cleats for men’s and women’s snow boots. Just a flick of a lever to the inside of each boot extends or retracts the cleats. Of interest is the fact that a close friend fell on the ice two weeks ago, only yesterday he was clear to put any weight on his ankle. The cost to our medical system from such falls across Canada, would be in the hundred of millions. I pushed both the dryer idea and my retractable ice boots. There was absolutely no interest. Likewise my plan to eliminate Gridlock in Toronto. How about an electric, elevated commuter train line that would encircle Toronto, London UK style, no interest. I designed the Twin Beaver Pipeline [ natural gas and crude oil ], which would transport crude oil from Alta., Sask. and Man. [ not tar and Benzine ], firstly to BC to be refined into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel for local use [ no more American import of same made from ISIS oil, stolen from the Iraqis ]. Crude oil would travel across the 50th parallel to Thompson Man., down to North Bay, to Toronto and then to Montreal to be refined locally into gas, diesel and jet fuel. These fuels would replace the gas, diesel and jet fuel now being imported from USA into Ontario and Quebec, again made from ISIS oil stolen from the Iraqis. ISIS buys a lot of bullets with this Canadian largesse. Service stations should have signage, ” Buy gas here and support ISIS “. The T B would pass through the eastern Townships into NB and NS and crude would be refined there into gas, diesel and jet fuel. My plan includes expropriating the Irving Refinery. The T B would be connected to Newfoundland so their oil could flow the other way [ west ] to ensure an adequate petroleum products supply for Canada as it grows. This would preclude the USA ever cutting off our fuel tap. As well, being self sufficient in gas, diesel and jet fuel which would cause the price to drop by one third, it would insulate this Nation from the Civil War now raging in the USA. The Twin Beaver crude oil pipeline would be twinned across the Country by a natural gas pipeline. Nat. gas would flow from Northern BC, both east and west. From Fort McMurray the Twin Beaver would carry nat. gas to the Northwest Territories and the Yukon and bring crude oil south. In Alt. and Sask., the natural gas fields would eventually be connected to the T B and bring Canadian nat. gas to Ont. and Que. This would eliminate the importation of Pennsylvania fracked nat. gas, which is worth peanuts but sold at Alberta prices by Enbridge and TransNotCanada. In the interim, I would expropriate the TransCanada nat. gas Mainline from Russ Girling. This would mean Alta. / Sask nat. gas could start flowing quickly to Ontario and Quebec, thereby saving the consumers in the East hundreds of million of dollars. Most importantly, this would immediately put cash into Alta. and Sask. At Thompson the Twin Beaver would have a spur going up to the deep water port at Churchill Man. for the export of LNG and crude oil. Our surplus would find a ready market in the UK and help the Brits who are also being abused by Big Energy. A market for same also exists in British Commonwealth. Canadians are not the only people feeling the lash of Big Energy greed, but we alone have the ability to ward off said abuse and help others in the doing. Fort MacMurry would be the petroleum centre for Canada and all the tar would be upgraded and refined right there, in situ. Tar would be banned form crossing Provincial borders. I would give the American oil monopoly 90 days to begin cleaning up the tailing ponds or risk having all of their assets in Canada expropriated. The Twin Beaver would be administered by the Canadian Provincial Energy Corp., made up of 10 Provinces and the 3 Territories. This idea is based on a brilliant initiative by the former Premier of Alberta, Alison Redford. If you remember, the Premier, duly elected by the people of the Province, was driven from Office by the American oil monopoly, headquartered in Houston. This shows how vulnerable Canadian democracy is when the rightpublicanazis can just dispense with a representative, of the people, for the people, by the people. And from our Nazi media not a bleep. There is much more to the Twin Beaver plan, which was circulated widely by me, a couple of years back. I never got a single reply, pro or con. Paul Godfrey and his pals just stayed silent. In terms of the First Nations 180 Boil Water Advisories, James [ my Son ] and I came up with a plan to provide clean drinking water to them, some of them have suffered for 20 years. This ain’t Canada. Again this plan was circulated, not a single response. Although the things I have mention have been packaged by me, the ideas have come from far and wide. I have just rejigged many of them for application to Canada’s needs. A lot of my Hydrogen infrastructure info came from the Shetland Islands, off the north coast of Scotland. It is like going shopping. We have a problem here, and I then ask, how is it being dealt with in the world??? I do not necessarily have to see the actual mechanics of an idea. In the case of me, contacting Scott Harper of the Steve ” bullet averse ” Harper, dwarfed WEI, I was looking for plumbing details of their wind to Hydrogen system. I can develop such ideas into systems to deal with the Canadian experience. My Dad and my Grandfather were machinists. Pushing my ideas relentlessly, has given me an opportunity to see how extensive the USA control of Canadian life really is. Like probing your enemies defenses. In all cases I just get no reply to my missives. It is interesting, that in the area of energy options, which would contribute to a fuller life for Canadians, a brighter future for the coming generations and more affordable costs, the American oil monopoly has been able to wipe the screen blank with the help of Paul Godfrey and such. But in some cases where I found articles or statements that were clear lies and hogwash, I copied written material, photos, maps and pictures as a way of combating the lies and misinformation, I sent the stuff off to the Post, Globe, Star and even the right wing CTV. Some postings cost me 25 bucks. They were not interested, they didn’t have to be interested. They all owned the stage and I was not allowed to go near it. There was a fire at Chalk River, which our Nazi media ignored. I think I got the story of hundreds of workers trapped in a lockdown from an American station. I wrote to John Honderich, no story and no reply. Dwight Duncan PURPOSELY caused a blackout in the Ottawa area, IN 2006. At the time McGuinty was proposing to spend 46 billion on two new nuclear plants. This was an attempt by the McGuint to stampede Ontarians into building the new Nukes. The people of Ottawa were put to the wall for political purposes by the Liberals. The Nazi media on that story was ZERO. I wrote letters to Dalt, Dwight, OPG and the papers in 2006. The story was not pursued. A wind turbine was installed in the Pickering Nuclear Plant parking lot which is down in a valley. Daaaaaaaaaaa. This installation was copied from various US nukes which used the same wind turbine ploy as public relations. When you drive along Hwy # 401 and look at the Pickering nuke, you see a wind turbine and think McGuinty Green. Dalt spent your money making a fool out of you, for there is nothing blowing in the wind, there is no wind at the bottom of a hill. Daaaaaaaaaaa NegativeGuinty and his Liberals, did this kind of thing because he judged you to be stupid. And time has proven his RIGHT! At the Nazi media, no one was home! McGuinty and OPG spent and continue to spend your money to fool you and apparently so far it has worked well. Years ago the Whitby Library had a section on Ontario Hydro. I learned there, that this Province had all tolled, 27,000 MWs of water, of which 20,000 MWs was unused and still not used to this day. In truth we never needed a single nuclear plant. I also read a piece by one of the Ont. Hydro hydraulic engineers, FIRED BY THE NUKIES. To the effect that the Utility had identified more than 2000 potential hydro sites in Ontario. Ladies and gentleman, we have water power coming out of our ears. It has been and is hidden from you. Yet we are forced to use dirty, toxic and expensive nuclear power by the Dalt! Sherlock Spratley began doing some digging to find out about the 2000 hydro sites? It would seem that the nukies could not destroy all of the files at the time. Times are different now, McGuinty shred all his files recently. Which probably showed how much Dalt was giving to Russ Girling??? I live in hopes we get something on Dalton, so outrageous, that the OPP will not be able to sweep it under the rug as usual. In any event the Nukies shipped the Ont. Hydro files to the Lands and Forests office in Peterborough, of all places. An insider who supported my cause, found the stuff in an old metal filing cabinet. He mailed me a series of 28 maps showing the locations of 600 of those potential hydro sites, in a plain brown envelope. If you remember, just like the ones in which Mulroney and McGuinty both got / get their cash. Oh? You didn’t know??? Mind John Honderich / Star did get paid NOT TO COVER STORIES LIKE THIS? When the Americans bought the National Post and installed Paul Godfrey as their living puppet in 2011, immediately his oilie paid energy propaganda started. I mean full page ads advertising I made a habit of copying some of my 500 posts and sending them directly to Paul Godfrey and his offending rightie scribes. I have never had a reply from Paul and still the lies, False News and energy propaganda have continued. These people, the McGuinty Government, past and present, Post, Globe, Star, Sun, Maclean’s, CTV and Global, think they are omnipotent, beyond the reach of the little people as Lady Black refers to us. The papers particularly have special status, something called freedom of the press, which was very important for this thriving democracy in earlier times. Under Ron Reagan, the man who knew as little about the Presidency as Kim Jong Trumpf, set the media owners free. Ron said go make money. They were indeed free to sell out to the highest bidders, Wall St, the banks, snake oil salesmen and the USA oil monopoly to name a few. The media owners to this day, claim innocently that they did not betrayed the American people. But that is exactly what they did and are still doing. And their constant misinformation and lying has scuttled democracy in Lotus Land to our south. The wreck of the failed right wing ideology is there for the whole world to see. Even now as I write, our Nazi media continues to try to scuttle Canada, even having the nerve to go to Parliament with a tin cup. The American Nazi media type have their hands full with Trumpf. I would guess money’s short, so Paul Godfrey and John Honderich are looking for tax dollars so that you can pay for the screwing you are getting from them. Yes screwing the people here proper, while all the while, wearing their halos. So the BIG QUESTION remains, how many people in this Nation believe the lies being printed in the National Post and the other newspapers are true??? Thereupon this Country’s fate hangs??? If the barf from Houston and Wall St., that is dutifully reproduced by the Post, Globe, Star and CTV, is swallowed by a majority of Canadians, then jeeez weeez sunk!!!


JUST AN ALL TIN SUPER CUB TRAINER??? MAYBE NOT??? — When I was building the BJ prototype, I got hold of an article about Princeton University doing crash tests on a J-3 fuselage. This was something surprising for Bill Piper to do. Most companies don’t even admit their planes crash, let alone do tests. If I wasn’t impressed with Piper before I was after this story. Piper was the low cost lightplane manufacturer from 1935 to the 1960s. When the Company finally decided to go all tin with the PA-28 Cherokee, this to compete with Cessna and Beech trainers, it was slow going at Vero Beach, with a whole new process. In 1952 the Piper Apache twin had been introduced, it was all metal but with a steel tube fuselage inside just like the CUB. In retrospect, Piper had stumbled on the secret sauce in my view, the ideal lightplane structure for the 2000s. But all aluminum small aeroplanes, held together with thousands of hard rivet, like the big guys Douglas and Boeing were using, was a call too strong for new engineers. The CUB family were deemed old fashioned by the insiders but only the fabric cover was. Cubs had all metal structures when Aeroncas, T-Carts and the machines of the time were still using wood spars. In fact when the CUBy was introduced it had an all wood wing including ribs. How times have changed, material and hardware are now cheap and LABOUR IS EXPENSIVE. Cherokees, 152s and 172s can simply not be built at a reasonable cost. Thus we see a new C-172 at near $ 400,000. Anyone who pays that much for that little, needs his head read. Of course the $ 400,000 price drives up the price of all that 40 year old iron. So flying schools are forced to buy and maintain this old iron because there is nothing else. In some cases, 40 year old wrecks are being repaired with parts [ with a fresh coat of paint ] from 40 year old wrecks, and the FAA looks the other way. One of these days, an old geezer will break up in the air, due to corrosion, the lives of 4 people will be snuffed out, a big lawsuit will ensue and the whole house of cards will come tumbling down. Just think, instead of trying to make the fuselage skin of a little machine bear all of the flight loads by using 2024 aluminum and hard rivets, 15,000 in a C 152 and 20,000 in a C 172, use 4130 steel tubing for an inner structure and cover it with 6061, using pop rivets??? This is not my idea. At Leggats, in the early 1950s we were installing metalizing kits [ Met-Co-Aire ], on Stinson 108s and Piper Pacers. Most of those that are still be flying, would have avoided 5 fabric recovery jobs worth probably $ 60,000 and the steel structures would be in better condition. Fabric is wrapped around longerons and it holds dirt and moisture. On the metalized Stinsons / Pacers we used standoff so the tube fuselage sort of hung there in mid air. Going back to the Pipers crash tests at Princeton U., I was inclined to use doublers in the front end of the BJ, a steel tube within a tube, rosette welded in place. By placement of a doubler one can determine where the tube structure will bend and where it will not. Normally on lightplanes, in a crash, the engine is driven back into the cockpit, killing the pilot and front seat passenger. Most of often the passengers in the back seats survive although in many instances they get burned alive or drown. Of course all this thinking ended when the team of David Peterson and Paul Marin killed the BJ project while playing politics. In 2016, I began reminiscing about my flying days as a bushpilot, testpilot, mechanic and homebuilt designer. Once we oldies have passed the 80 mark, WE ARE ALLOWED. What was new was the internet. My aviation library consisted of over 1 thousand AV book but they were of the past. So I began fishing on the net, figuring time would have passed me by with great strides in aviation. That proved to be so in most of aviation, airliners, jet engines, avionics, navigation aids and procedures. But in small aeroplanes, not only has there been no progress, but private flying and flight training have gone backwards in North America. In 1980, I figured my BJ kit [ an improved PA-18, would sell for less $50,000 without an engine / prop ]. The Super CUB was OUT OF PRODUCTION. I had no competition, there was the wooden CUBy and various PA-18 copies which replicated it, in its’ 1948 guise. So in 2016 I was surprised to see 50 year old Super CUBs listed for $ 125,000. No a little secret. Most of the writers in lightplane field to-day, don’t know their asses from a hole in the ground. The ones that are knowledgeable are old pilots. There are no aeroplane mechanics writing to-day. Modern copyists tell us that the original PA-18 fuselage was make using 4130 tubing. Not so. It is mostly made from 1025 steel. Some seaplane CUBs from the factory were treated with tube oil on the interior, but most were not. If I ventured a guess, half the Super CUBs flying have rusted away from the inside and are just waiting for a hard place to come down. Again the FAA is derelict. Lives and costs do not matter, however the system matters!!! I wrote about 150 technical columns for the COPA News [ 1970s /80s ], until I found out that the new editor,a 25 year old from the U of T, who had no flying experience, was censoring my stuff. She decided that my observations would drive away advertisers [ she said so ], so my material had to be cleansed of all offending ideas. Sounds like Nazi Germany. There was a difference. Hitler dominated the press by force. In North America, the rightpublicanazis dominate the media using money and advertising. In recent months I went looking for Super CUB crashes on the net. There are hundreds in picture form. My earlier study of Piper / Princeton / J3 tests gave me a clue as to how a steel tube fuselage would crumple? I wanted to know how PA-18s took a heavy landing. Not too bad actually, the cockpits provided some protection except in cases of steep dives. However some survivable crashes of Super CUBs involved fire, so the occupants were incinerated.
I then surveyed J-3 crashes, not good. There is less tubing in the front of a J-3 and it is all 1025 steel. Just so you know, 1025 is half the strength of 4130 for the same weight. 1025 steel rusts like hell. 4130 is very rust resistant. So the J-3 has a weaker front end and a nose tank. When the engine is driven back the tank gets ruptured and the occupants are drenched in gas. Just one spark and the whole thing goes boom.
I looked at the following crash images, Tri Pacer, Cherokee, Bonanza, C 140, C 152 C 172, Cirrus, Diamond, Lancair and various twins, among others. I looked at homebuilt crashes, Piets, Stits, Vans, Rans, Sonex / Soneri, Turner, Veri Eze, etc, etc. I looked at ultralight crashes as well as Light Sport aircraft. So with the realization that after 30 years my BJ homebuilt is still way ahead of anything presently available, it is interesting to consider bringing it back. Although, even this advanced BJ doesn’t meet to-day’s requirements of adding crashproofing, fireproofing, ease of egress in accident situations and noise suppression to good flight training characteristics. I realize that the political climate is even more volatile than it was 30 years ago. The Disunited States has gone to rack and ruin and the situation is made more peverse than needs be, by the presence of Trumpf. Who like Hitler stole power. As Steve Harper, who remains hidden in the wings, was also attempting to do. So it is obvious, if I was to revive an improved BJ, in metalized form, I would ignore the USA market and the FAA entirely. My other problem was and is, can I in good conscience sell aeroplanes which kill people unnecessarily. Flying is a dangerous game. I got home in my J-2 from a blown spark plug and a head gasket. I got down safely in my Super Stinson from a cracked cylinder and a cracked stabilizer spar, things which only a mechanic would notice. The owner left the dipstick loose when he checked the oil while I was loading. It popped off 30 minutes into a flight with a canoe on board, east from Chapleau. I climbed to 3500 ft, while I still had oil. I throttled back to where I had a gentle sink rate and waited to see if the oil temp would go up and the oil pressure down. I made it to my destination, not quite out of oil but much all over the windscreen. I had to fly the Stinson looking out the side window. All of these adventures could have been fatal had I not been a good pilot and as icing on the cake, a AV mechanic. Now if that wasn’t enough in the way of roadblocks to face. By necessity consideration had to be given to crashabilty as well as fire. What did the regs say about these problems??? What other hoops would I have to jump through beside Certification??? Well surprisingly, FAA / DOT had little or nothing to say about crashability and fires. If the wings come off a machine, oh dear. If people get crushed or incinerated, WHAT PROBLEM??? I have been in this game a long time and know weasel words when I see them. Government officials must show concern and convince the public that something is being done, when nothing is being done. For the DOT of Lyin Steve this was truly the case. Thus I would be required to prove to the DOT that the wings of a BJ would not fail in flight. Yet my Jays could kill people in crashes or fires and the DOT had / has little interest. In the absence of any Government guidance, on my own initiative, I investigated crash proofing as it pertains to the new, all aluminum Jay trainer family. That process has now been complete. I looked at fire too and decided to put tanks in the wings a half a bay out and no tubes or wires going through the tanks. The stainless steel gas line connections with the fuselage would have break away fittings with safety valves. The tanks would be pop UP AND OUT. Meaning, in a crash the unbreakable tanks would be thrown clear and remain intact. This means another problem, which the FAA / DOT found way too onerous to solve because the plane makers set up a howl, IS SOLVABLE. It is another case of officialdom putting money ahead of lives. Reading the DOT material on the net revealed that the Transportation Safety Board was concerned about the drownings of passengers trapped in floatplane crashes. The DOT under Steve Harper said ho hum. This is beyond our expertise and beside we don’t have the time. There is an old saying, ” In solving problems, leave no stone unturned “. In Harper’s Government that was changed to, ” If any of you see a stone run like hell “. If I was to proceed, some of the new Jays will be floatplanes. Since there are no regs because Harper’s DOT was sitting on its’ hands, I had to look to my own devices. The answers are affordable push-out windows, DONE. At Leggats we responded to FAA ADs, by installing push out windows on various craft in response accidents. Same old, same old, FAA, wait until people die then do something. It is 2017 and this approach ain’t good enough. A new type of life jacket to suit water based, damaged aircraft, is required. DONE. I flew a commercial floatplane and understand the mechanics of trying to spring passengers from a downed seaplane. In my day we did not carry lifejackets. Next was noise problem. Never covered in the USA. A bit of a stir in Canada, but a very big deal in the UK, France and Germany. So the aeroplanes most of the countries use are US made. An irresistible force meeting an increasingly immovable wall. The American won’t build quiet aeroplanes and the citizens of the UK, France and Germany want quiet planes. Foreign manufacturers, selling into the States are not required to meet noise standards, there are none, so they don’t bother. Just another way the Yankees impede lightplane progress. I developed a BJ muffler 30 years ago. I shopped the idea around and actually wrote to EAA about it, but there was no interest, OF COURSE! World flying is very much influenced by the US John Wayne’s of the air. They say, we have been doing it this way forever and we are not about to change now. These junior Johnny jet jockeys say, if we don’t like your Regulations FAA, we will just ignore them, so there. The Americans have held private flying back for 30 year. Canada has followed in the FAA wake for years, a sort of watered down version. We are a bit more regulatory but bow to the FAA, way too much to my liking. Especially on noise. The problem could have been dealt with 30 years ago. On the net, read about the UK, France and Germany, noise measures that are being put in place, as the public tide turns against noisy homebuilts and ultra lights. In Germany tests show 60 dBAs [ decibels ] cause health problems, with 55 dBAs doing the same damage at night. A Cessna 207 is 74.3 dABs, a C 172 in between and a Cirrus 22 73.6 dABs. LSAs are not permitted in most countries, they are seen for what they are, little noisy, wingy thingies, that kill fliers as well as people on the ground and light up the neighbourhoods with noise complaints. THIS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE!!! HOW GOD DAMN STUBBORN DO WE ALLOW OUR FRIENDS TO BE, BEFORE WE CUT THEM LOOSE??? The North American aviation press is very hostile towards those in the public who complain about noise. These neanderthals say, such people are just shit disturbers who should not have moved close to an airport. As well these complainers, run their lawnmowers at 7 in the am, so they have no right to complain. Ultralight operators [ they are not pilots ], have interpreted Canadian Air Regs in their own favour and the DOT says nothing. Over a built up areas any flying machine must be at 1000ft altitude, the rest of the time, the limit is 500 ft altitude, except for taking off and landing. But to ultralighters this 500 ft rule means horizontally. That means if a flying lawn chair is cruising along at 25 ft and encounters a house in a rural area, it is a matter of diverting around the house. If there are 2 houses then you do your best. When the engine fails and the thingie goes down in a back yard full of kids, it is on the evening news and on the net, pics in full technicolour. HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN SAY ALL? BECAUSE THE FAA AND THE DOT ARE NOT ENFORCING THE REGS. I would remind the pig headed aviators, get a new tune, people now use electric lawnmower. Why irritate your neighbours WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE TO??? THESE PILOTS ARE CLODS! They resist change with a passion. Punch in ULTRALIGHT CRASHES. Just see the carnage these clods are creating. In each 2nd picture the operator / illegal passenger died. In each picture the Emergency Measures people are attending. It probably costs the local taxpayer $ 25,000 a shot, to which must be added funerals, lawsuits, insurance payouts and broken hearts. The FAA / DOT / AV press have nothing to say and a few lunkheads just become more emboldened! This irresponsible lot push the ultralight culture to even bigger, stupider and worser things, like loops. Or how about the game of over or under the high tension wires. It is a matter of waiting till the last minute then deciding. So if your lights go out, there may be a fried ultralighter sitting in his aluminum cage, hung up on the wires 50 ft above the deck. I such cases, the loss to the community could be hundreds of thousands of dollars To me flying was a personal experience, all in my head, like making love. This ultralight crowd are thrill seekers who film themselves doing dumb things and bragging about being dumb. There are many videos on U Tube showing the breaking of Air Regs and the STARS INVOLVED. Some show the operators actually dying on camera! They don’t know the first thing about flying. The odd one buys an ultralight, then goes flying, WITH NO INSTRUCTION!!! It would easy for the FAA / DOT to seize this kind of footage and lay charges. Upon conviction, the operator would be banned from flying for life and the conviction could be used in a civil trial. If such a nut was found flying again, jail him! This would save lives and save society money and send a message to the brainless, who have taken over. U Tube shows how much flying skills have deteriorated in the US, I can’t get a fix on Canada. The stuff even licensed pilots are doing is hair raising, never mind the ultralight nonsense and killer LSAs. Imagine watching a guy who brings a crowd with him to the airport, to put on a private airshow. Our PEE-51 pilot, goes back and forth over the runway, roaring, at 50 ft. If you are arriving at the airport to land, what procedure do you use when this guy is doing stall turns on each approache. There are numerous midair collisions due to this criminal behaviour. AND WHAT DOES THE FAA DO??? NOTHING! In the last week on U Tube, there were two more shoot-em-up episodes, one in midwest USA and one in Australian. In the States, the homebuilt dropped a wing, spun in and did a cartwheel. The crowd rushed to this idiot’s aid. Luckily there was no fire, but this badly crushed piece of humanity was rushed to the hospital in serious condition. The end of that story we will never know, so absolutely nothing will be learned. But I bet the guy’s wife is as mad as hell! The family paycheque stops and the house goes for medical bills? In Aussie land, a guy built a miniature spitfire. What do you do with a Spit??? Of course he regularly
shot the airport up, and his video goes on and on. Hey look at-me-mom! How are we to react??? What are we to say??? WAY TO GO IDIOT!!! A week after this video was filmed, he lost his engine just over the trees. The little Spit went straight in, dug a big hole and fried our errant friend. So what did the Australian AV press have to say about this sad episode??? NOTHING about the stupidity of what our friend was doing??? Only what a wonderful guy he was and some called him a hero for his stunting. THIS IS NOT FLYING. THIS IS A MATTER OF DAREDEVILS, TAKING OVER THE SPORT AND USING FLYING MACHINES FOR THRILLS. And killing people themselves included. AND THE AUTHORITIES??? ONE BIG FAT YAWN??? It is time to enforce the Air Regs which are in place to protect lives, both of fliers and the public. I would stop the manufacturing of ultralights by people who are not pilots, who KNOW NOTHING and have no aviation mechanical experience. Such enterprises can put dangerous 2 seater junk into the air with not restrictions. While I am supposed to pay the DOT, $ 100,000 plus, to recertify a certified CUB type 2 seater, that has a 60 year favourable track record. Make sense to you??? Me neither??? I am just thinking. Before I approach the DOT with my ideas, I should send them a picture of a what a real aeroplane looks like, so they would know what I am talking about??? The COPA crowd doesn’t realize either, the world has no need for little aeroplanes or excuses for same masquerading as aeroplanes. The only small machines required now are initial trainers to get talented pilot candidates from zero to 150 hours. With my silencer this can now be done, as quiet as a churchmouse. This will be done, in special circumstances which require airport discipline. NO MORE COWBOYS! I am surprise at how many seasoned pilots run out of gas, never mind students. I have designed a new mechanical gas gauge, so that on the new Jays, the gas can be verified mechanically when a student does a walk-around. And then checked electrically. Can you believe? On light twins there is no instrument that indicates which engine is out, guess wrong and you are sure to be dead. FAA recommends using a weighted string like in the 1930s. Since I am considering raising the Piper Apache from the bone yard, this is one of the problems I tackled. I have designed an instrument which will identify the failed engine instantly. Right now, the pilots you see coming into the airlines are the finest money can buy. The big problem is that good pilots are born, not bought. In the crash of Colgan Air 3407 [ a rogue regional airline ] at Buffalo in 2009, the NTSB found a couple of tired, second string, low paid pilots mishandled a Dash 8 in severe icing conditions. They had never been instructed, although Bombardier had a stall warning system and a stick shaker to warn the pilot. These novices, products of an industry fixed on profits and a Congress / FAA bent to their cause. 49 people in that aircraft were killed and one man on the ground. There was a public outcry that reached Congress, oh oh! The FAA had to do something and do it quick. As per usual the FAA did what it normally does, make some cockamamie rule, which does not address the problem, but looks good on paper. In the pre Colgan days, young commercial pilots could accumulate a few hundred hours and then get an airline job flying the right hand seat to gain experience. The FAA increased that requirement to 1500 hours. For what reason??? What good does that do??? So Congress Reps have something to sell. So nobody important paid any kind of price for Buffalo! Except young struggling, budding pilots, whose tuition just went up $ 25,000 before they get any work. This 1500 hour bullshit has just caused a pilot shortage in the USA. The Buffalo crash was as a direct result of Colgan Air, which had had numerous infractions. But they were let off the hook by the FAA time and time again. I wonder what kind of money changed hands??? Did the Nazi media say anything? Usual answer? NO! The pilot of the doomed aeroplane failed numerous check rides but was allowed to keep on flying. And his incompetence and the failure of the FAA to recognize his incompetence amongst all their RULE MAKING cost 50 lives. The number of hours required by green Commercial license holders had / has nothing to do with the Buffalo crash. Young pilots just represented an easy target. Not unlike the resent past and to-day. Both Conrad Black and Paul Godfrey are in the same vein. When the going gets rough and profits get squeezed, as captains th question was, how many little people do we throw overboard to avoid sinking! So the FAA looked for the weakest link in the chain and punished those who have no money, no power and no Republican support in Congress. This is like having a domestic dispute at home, then going down the street and beating the shit out of a neighbour’s son??? Now for insiders the story was different, it always is in the USA. The hours to airline status was fixed by the FAA at half or 750 hrs, for military pilots of USAF and the USN. The FAA said this was because the pilots coming out of the military service were better trained, although time their time to a private license in the forces is only 50 hours. Back in the days of yore, when I was writing for the COPA News, I took issue with the fuss that was made over the number of STUDENT PILOTS STARTS. Marketing might get people in the door, but only an exceptional product, at an affordable price, backed by top notch service will get them to buy and keep on coming back! But the American way is to market the hell out of things even though you are selling shit. For this the AV press happily took money. So the corrupt US / Can. flight training systems are graduating poor, unsafe pilots in 100 hours. During the War, the RAF /RCAF washed out 40% of pilot candidates in 18 hours. Those who were successful were flying Spitfires. Lancasters and Mosquitos etc, in 300 hours. And now the FAA says a new civilian commercial pilot must have 1500 hours, to sit in the RH seat and watch, this for $ 25,000 a year. Flying in the USA is as fucked up as the whole Country! The FAA knows full well that the flying schools have failed in this regard but the Agency has taken no action. Again, Americans can not find it in their heart to admit failure, it is not the John Wayne thing to do. Einstein said it best. To keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different outcome is madness. The rightpublicanazi dogma petered out in 2000, by every measure this free market nonsense, imposed by a few on the many had run its’ course. However a tight grip on Washington by the right, the money of the one percent criminal element in the US and their ever greedy Nazi media, carried this bankrupt dogma forward to to-day, the banishing of democracy, never to be revived. The USA is now like a famous runner who has had his leg amputated. HE CAN NO LONGER RUN AND HAS NO HOPE OF EVER RUNNING AGAIN. The world must now adjust to this reality, the quicker the better! Selling hours, rather than teaching people to fly an aeroplane has produced thousands of pilots who CAN’T FLY. Have a gander on the net. Those who finally get their wings in the US, are the ones with money, rich parents or the ability to borrow money from the US Government, that runs this special give-away program for the privileged. I want a system which ferrets out the natural born pilots and gives them the wings to transport the world SAFELY! My proposed trainers seek that goal. Thus, ” Seek and ye shall find “, is my guiding light. Don’t seek and your reward will be a big fat zero, is something I reject!. Seekers are a rare breed in Canada, to-day because the Yankees don’t like us, and seek to eliminate us where possible. That is what David Peterson did to me. And if we reveal ourselves, chances are that the American oil monopoly or AMERIGREED will pay Paul Godfrey, Dave Thomson, John Honderich and CTV to deny us exposure and crush our ideas. IF THIS INDEED CONTINUES TO BE THE CASE THEN HAVE PITY FOR THIS NATION!!! A Nation that already is inclined to prefer domination over freedom??? Just look at Alberta? Many in that Province accept as master the American oil monopoly, like Steve Harper. Yet claim to be self made men. Claiming, you are something you are not, while hiding in your mom’s basement, is just another character flaw.


THE POTENTIAL OF THE MADAWASKA RIVER — Knowing what I know about water power, wind power, Hydrogen and GEO heating and cooling, there is not way I would build an aeroplane factory here and hand all my profits over to cover McGuinty Liberals bribes and nukie experimentation. I want a level playing field for all energy options. If Ontarians want to buy, water, wind, Hydrogen electricity and Geo, sobeit. McGuinty, his friends, the Liberals and the Toronto Star should stay out of the market. Struggling to pay 25 cents per KW, means most manufacturing companies have left Ontario. Dalt has cut a deal with others thereby shifting extra costs to Joe and Jane ratepayer. The firms that remain here, must cut corners, reduce wages and benefits, reduce quality and end R and D. No thanks Dalt! These aforementioned crooks have ELIMINATED every form of alternate energy in the Province, backed fully by the paid Nazi media, especially John Honderich / Star. 30 years ago the nukies began using the ratepayers money to cloud their minds. John Honderich and the Star went right along for the ride, garnering fat fees for publishing lies, misinformation and nukie propaganda. A dozen years ago Dalt McGuinty and the Liberals joined the beanfeast. If the Government succeeded in bamboozling Ontarians into erecting more nuclear plants to the tune of 40 billion dollars, the Preem, the Liberals and his sidekicks were in for a huge nukie payday with OUR MONEY. As I have said, many times in this space McGuinty has done very well and continues to do well, a mansion for starters. I wrote to John Honderich many times about his being in bed with the nukies, for money. Just like an old whore. More than once I observed, John if you continue to assist the nukies, in extinguishing Ontario’s economy [ which is now the case ], WHO WILL BUY YOUR PAPERS??? Star stock just a few years back, was $ 28, now it is just two dollars. Honderich, heads a family cartel which controls the Star. A while back, their stake was worth $ 250 million. It is worth $ 6 million to-day. This is what pooping in your own nest and suffering from greed can bring! My Bancroft Hydrogen Village Study showed the way to create an isolated, self contained clean, cheap energy island whether on an island or not. While McGuinty killed the Bancroft project, the technical expertise and basic plan and blueprints are still in hand. This approach looked at using local energy sources for the benefit of the local community. That is what the nukies don’t like, what they fear most, anyone in the Province getting electricity at a legitimate price. Actually, I can see various kinds of energy islands. This could mean, an elevated, electric commuter train system which will eventually ring Toronto and link Pearson, like London UK. A twenty minute ride to the airport from anywhere in the City for less than 5 bucks. Designated power would come for the water behind dams in Northern Ontario, it would go directly to the works yard in Scarborough. The juice would be used by the 3 car, 300 passenger trains, with the surplus being made into Hydrogen in the yard. This would mean every drop of water that passed though the by-pass water turbines in the north, night or day would yield cheap, clean KWs, now or later. Any surplus would be turned into Hydrogen up there or down here. EVER HEAR OF THIS SYSTEM??? FROM OUR NAZI MEDIA, YOU HAVE TO BE FUCKING KIDDING!!! Hydrogen can be thought of as a battery, that can be turned into KWs or burned like natural gas or used in an internal combustion engine or fuel cell, IN A BLINK. That means all the water that is allowed to go over Niagara Falls BY THE NUKIES, unused, represents thousands of KWs GONE or that which is being GIVEN to the USA for peanuts, would remain at home and reduce our rate to 10 cent KWs. I would ban OPG and Toronto Hydro from any involvement in Toronto Transit, in terms of electricity. Water built Ontario 100 years ago and that system is still in place waiting to be put to back to work. We can start, as soon as the Liberals are turfed, McGuinty jailed, nukies deported and the Toronto Star goes broke. I’d see a new Government formed, the head of the OPP would be fired, new leadership would be installed and Dalt, the Liberals and their nukie friends prosecuted to the limit of the law. Remember every country in the world is under the USA oil monopoly or Big Nuclear Energy thumb. Lowering the cost of clean, cheap KWs to ten cents per in Ontario would give this Province a tremendous competitive advantage. Free markets RIGHT DALT! The righties are always preaching free markets, well bring them on. Only the Yankees don’t have the ability or mindset to compete fairly. After having been in business for 50 years I see fair competition as being a good thing for society, the cream rises to the top. Not in America, the rightpublicanazis seek to eliminate all competition so the few prosper and the many suffer. They rig things and cheat and lie and are supported by the paid Nazi media, here, there and in the UK. Harper and McGuinty are disciples. Little men who put money over Country!!! Lack of competion has another affect, products get stale and research grows cold. The world has depended on the USA lightplane industry since the War. It has been stagnant for 30 years but the world has not had the capacity to take the place of the States and lead. This now has changed. Canada is poised to take the lead in the small aeroplane field. That is if our DOT stops following in the American wake and playing me-to. If Canada cut ties with the USA to-day, people here would see money in their wallets tomorrow. Every day AMERIGREED STRIPS THE WEALTH FROM THIS NATION, every day! Every day! Every day!!! I would buy property in the Madawaska valley, enough to builds a grass strip, 2000ft long. I would want access to the River to install my by-pass turbines and some high ground for vertical wind turbines. Hydro One and OPG would HAVE NO PRESENCE ON MY SITE. We would make hydrogen to power everything as has been described. This system would have application on First Nations reserves, isolated communities in the north which are going broke buying diesel fuel for KWs. It would work in the Caribbean, Central America, Fiji, Australia or Northern Scotland. Of course the local communities around such plant should benefit from such a Hydrogen facility. This was planned for Bancroft. When the Mayors’ committee visited Queen’s Park, my name was not attached to the project. There was much bad blood between McGuinty and me. Under the Liberals, giant wind turbine companies were able set up where they wish and screw the local residents. The Canada Wind Map shows that Ontario doesn’t have enough wind to warrant the big wind turbines. Did Honderich / Star say anything about this boondoggle??? NOPE! All that was required to get into Ontario’s jeans was and is a fat payoff to McGuinty, his Party and the American carpetbaggers hiding behind the curtain. Putting in a run-of-river hydro system on the Madawaska would take time and money. The best way the start would be to set up the vertical turbines which could be easily manufactured. Hydrogen could be produced immediately for KWs and heat. A Geo heating / cooling system could be installed, which would render an inside temperature range in any of buildings of 45 F to 75 F without heating or cooling, with the outside being from zero F to 90 F. I would build a Hydrogen fired incinerator big enough to take all the local garbage and sewage, as well as paying taxes to the local municipality, a community grant for extra services and most imortantly, providing good paying jobs, benefits and pensions. If the truth be known, the Energy-In-A-Box system, by-pass water turbines and / or vertical wind turbines, Hydrogen infrastructure and Geo cooling / heating kits is a potential business amounting to many billions of dollars. This business would dwarf Blue Jay Aircraft. I see Energy-In-A-Box systems being manufactured in Vancouver, central Canada [ possibly not in Ontario if the Fascist Liberals continue in power ] and in Halifax. Did you know that the nukies use your water for free. The water goes through a nuclear plant, cools the reactor and is then dumped into a lake or river. On its’ journey, toxic material is added to the water within the nuke plant, and it flows back into the lake or river. The area around the Pickering Nuke Plant is fish free, all of the fish have been killed. This is the same area where the people frolic on the beach and sail their little boats according to the doctored pictures in the Star. But the Nazi media would never tell YOU that nukes kill the marine life. By-pass water turbines can be stacked, in other word more than one to a penstock. I told Harper’s guy at NRC about my by-pass turbine and the stacking. But he had no mechanical training and didn’t understand what I was talking about? A perfect employee for our world famous National Research Council, someone who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground! My intention is to use the same water over and over again in some cases. So the half cent KW [ which now resides behind any hydro dam ] becomes a one quarter cent KW with two by-pass turbines or one eighth and so one. In the present McGuinty electrical world, if I installed a water by-pass turbine Dalt would make me pay a tax on the water, although I’d give it right back to him with no poisons. If I stacked 3 by-pass turbines, the McGuint Liberals would triple the water tax, even though I was returning it to the river in pure condition. This is McGuinty’s free market system. The nukies, who are poisoning the ground, air and water run around the track unimpeded. I on the other hand, generated clean, cheap KWs, at less than half price, and the McGuint makes me carry a 25 lb lead weight. This is as far as you can get from a free market system? The Dalt Liberals, true to Fascist form lie. They say one thing and do something entirely different! There is no way ONTARIANS are going to escape 35 cent KWs, then 45 cent KWs and on up the scale until the people revolt and act with force, the McGuinty Liberals and OPG being thrown out into the street. Would it not be better to say 25 cent are enough and begin the closure of the nukes at Federal expense because they are responsible for this mess. Canada used to be a leader in hydro electric power until the turbines were shut off by the nukies. China and Brazil now lead. Ontario did not vacate the hydro electrical field because of lack of water. Our hydro electric system was turned off BECAUSE THE NUKIES SAID WE HAD NO MORE WATER AND PAID JOHN HONDERICH / STAR TO SAY IT OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN IN RETURN FOR A CONSTANT FLOW OF RATEPAYER’S CASH. WE WERE MADE TO PAY FOR THE KILLING OF OUR OWN ECONOMY! On the matter of geo cooling and heating. Did you know that 18 ” down in the earth, the temperature is 60 deg F forever. If you put a piece of 1″ plywood or 2″ foam insulation just under the surface of the earth you can harvest an air flow of 60 deg F, via pipes, all year round. At our 850 sq ft cottage, I installed such a system, it cost less than a $ 1000. At 95 F outside, inside it was 75 F. At 32 F outside, inside it was 50 F. If I set up a company to make Geo kits, Big Energy would buy the firm and kill it or smear me out of business using the Nazi media. Ontarians are really energy slaves but they haven’t found out yet? I wonder when they will awaken, 35 cent KWs, 45 Cent KWs, maybe a buck a KW will do it??? I am a Canadian Brit, with English parents from London. I was born in Toronto and was always told we would never be slave. In fact, we have songs we sing to that effect. What gives here???


THE FORGOING IS A SORT OF STROLL DOWN MEMORY LANE, WITH A FEW ASIDES [ JOKE ] — I had the good fortune to live through 50 years of the GOLDEN YEARS OF PRIVATE FLYING in North America [ 1945 to 1995 ]. I took my first flight at Barker Field, Tor., in 1950, age 15. My Instructress was Marion Orr, member of Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame [ 1981 ] and Member of the Order of Canada [ 1993 ]. I served my 5 year AME apprenticeship under Jim Leggat, who holds many awards for his work in the aviation industry. I learned to fly in a Fleet 80 Canuck, mostly in CF-DYX. Of which more than one third of them are still flying. The Model 80 was only manufactured for only two years after the War, the Americans would not let this exceptional trainer into their Country, they hate other nations designing exceptional aeroplanes [ think Beaver ]! The fact that the Canuck spent most of its’ time pounding out pilots, is a tribute to this unique Canadian design [ some 80 airframes have over 20,000 hours and counting ] [ the Piper Tomahawk had throwaway wings, limited to 10,000 hrs ]. My experiences are my own and do not differ markedly from thousands of other Canadian pilots. We were good and contributed to to Canada’s well being. The present crop of pilots and ultralight operators, are in the main, a drag on this Country. Their failings can be laid at the directly at the doorstep of the DOT. This crop of aviators is poorly trained, their machines both the 50 year old veterans and the flying lawn chairs with snowmobile engines are well passed their-best-before-date. In terms of safety, it is the last thing on the minds of Harper’s DOT. Their abiding goal is to follow in every footstep of the FAA. Just as I began flying there was a glut of small aeroplanes / trainers on the market. By 1948 there were 35,000 lightplanes, available from war work industries looking for peacetime products. In 1946, both the Can. / US Governments duped 35,000 trainers on the same market [ Tigers, Cornells etc ]. You could buy a DH Tiger for 500 bucks when a Canuck was priced at $ 3995. In 1951 my J-2 cost $ 450. In 1955 I bough a new Ford Meteor for $ 2500, at the time a new PA-18 with a 108 Lyc. was $5200. There were lots of people flying, both the lowly and the high and mighty. There seemed to be a natural bond between pilots no matter status. With the Erks [ RAF ], or trainees of Erks, who did our repairs, it was a matter of being seen but not heard. I wore two hat and my piloting increased my status, my work went almost unnoticed. Flying during the 1950s, was crowded, exciting, cheap, maintenance schedules were adhered to, as were flight regulations and penalties were assessed for breaking the rules. There were very few accidents, very few structural problems and I learned early on that cowboys did no live long. We used to say, there were old pilots, and bold pilots, but no old, bold pilots. I soon learned to pick out the winners and losers. Problems with so many little aeroplanes, engines and airframes to-day, relate to poor maintenance and lack of new spares. If a veteran craft goes down to-day it is quickly gathered up and cannibalized for parts. For some of the old birds there are literally no new spares. A used RH hinged engine cowl for a Cherokee can go for $ 7000. There are people who steal on order. These folk visit small remote airports with pickups. Want a C 172 RH wing? The side of the machine is cut away with a welding torch. Or maybe an engine? The complete front end comes off! This does not work if log books are strictly kept by AMEs and proper FAA inspections are being done. Private flying changed in the 1970s. A more commercial atmosphere took over. Piper, Cessna and Beech were well in the hands of Wall St., people who knew nothing about planes and pilots. I sensed that the old Piper spirit was gone. It was a matter of milking the system as much as possible with little regard for the health of the sport. In 1979 more than 17,000 little aeroplanes were manufactured. In 1980 a recession struck with interest rates going to 22%. Private flying ground to a halt. Fortunately, in 1983 the PC Government of Bill Davis took an interest in my BLUE JAY, my work was supported so I was able to continue the prototype. In 1988, it was a different, David Peterson cancelled the development program I was involvement for crass political reasons. Dave didn’t want PC projects putting any points on the board. The BJ was still alive but wounded. I struggled financially thanks to Peterson, but survived. David’s gross mishandling of the Government so weakened Ontario economically that when the recession / depression arrive in 1990 we were not ready. Ontarians paid a hell of a price, having the incompetent Peterson at the helm when the storm struck. Fast forward to the election of the Federal Liberals in 1993, who were elected on the basis of Paul Martin’s pitch, ” CREATING OPPORTUNITY “. As Finance Minister he had the DOT KILL THE BJ, once and for all. Fighting two Governments, who were out to destroy me businesswise, was two too many. I got the message guys, you don’t want my business to exist, create jobs and wealth for Canada by exporting aeroplanes??? I walked away from the Blue Jay! Since that time I have had no contact with aviation, I have no pilot friends, do not go to the airport, I don’t buy AV mags and quit COPA and EAA. As stated, last year I picked up a few threads, I was interested in knowing what private flying looked like in 2016. Not a pretty picture, the sport has gone back in time, erasing the gains made by my generation. Interest in flying on the part of the young has been extinguished. It took 25 years of hard effort by those in charge to accomplish the deed, but do it they did, and it is dead as a doornail. The fleet of certified aircraft averaging 40 years, in North America can best be described as shabby in the extreme. Still used to train pilots, unbelievable, but so. CF-DYX, Marion’s Model 80, my trainer, was only 3 years old. Ultralights continue to kill people in far greater numbers than factory aircraft. It is all there on the net for all the world to see, officialdom can’t hide. Ultralights say to me, everything you learned about flying and were taught about fixing is not worth sweet bugger all! 100 years of aviation experience, finding out how navigating in the air and how to stay there, tossed overboard. For what pray tell, death and cremations??? Homebuilding is a dead end activity perfectly suited to older guys who never intent to get into the air again. The Light Sport Aircraft Category is a product looking for a non existent problem to solve. The LSA machines do not in any way address the present failings found in private flying. Full size successful machines, have been around for 60 years, CUB, Canuck and the Stinson – 108-3. The key is to copy them, copy a Continental 0-240, update them and do it at an affordable price??? Once I had surveyed the dismal passing parade, it was clear that the BJ is still ahead of anything in its’ class. But there were other problems to be addressed as the net shows all too clearly. Crashworthiness, fireproofing, ease of egress, drowning and noise. Back in 1999. I was writing to Mike Harris, urging him to fix Ontario Hydro, not sell it, this for the good of Ontario and for the good of our Party! Harris would not listen. Now Ontario’s gone, on the scrap heap, just like Mike Harris and my Progressive Conservatives. But when I was chasing Mike I felt my neck. I was asking him to fix Ontario Hydro when I did not know how to do it myself. That started my research on electricity in the Province, the takeover of Ontario Hydro by the nuclear industry and an ongoing study of all the the nukie maneuverings, as they rifled the Ont. till, with the help of Dalt McGuinty and John Honderich. After that, I have never urged a solution to a problem Like Toronto Gridlock, unless I had one myself. The difficulty to-day, is that the supreme beings will not give the people a LIST OF OPTIONS. The only option offered relating to each separate problem, by those in charge, is the one that makes the most money for those who rule, and their friends. Tor. Gridlock was purposely created by the City Council to use as a device to extract taxes, especially from the 70% of Torontonians who drive cars. Gridlock was solved 6 years ago, but the Nazi media are paid to keep such things under wraps. In the case of small aeroplane crashes, fires, drownings and noise, I now have the answers. As I close this post I am convinced that on these matter officialdom will not budge. Here are a couple of thoughts. If you lose a loved one to a plane crash, which involve fire or drowning, then because of my work, the way is open to sue the Canadian DOT for negligence or malicious behaviour. A Judge looking at a case, seeing that there is a solution, which would have prevented the death / deaths, would rule against the Government. Such judgments would force the Government to pass Legislation which would save lives. In the area of little aircraft noise, the same deal applies. The technology now exists to reduce small aeroplane engine exhaust noise. Each new machine made must be noise certified at time of manufacture like in Europe. Everything else that flies in Canada must undergo noise certification within a period of time. Anyone who takes to the air after that grace period without a noise certificate, would be charged, fined, license revoked and the offending machine confiscated and destroyed. CHEERS!!!

Catch you next time — Ken Laocoon

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